#i legit just realized that Steve isn't even in this
zerodaryls · 10 months
For the ask game! 16, 37 and 43
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
yeah usually like cussing out my toxic family members but then i didn't because i realized it was healthier and more effective to just cut them off entirely <3 i could have verbally destroyed my stepdad with a single sentence but i am actually better than he is so instead i just don't talk to him at all lmao
37. favourite actor/actress
idk if i have one, because usually my favorite actors are just whoever play the blorbos of whatever series i'm currently fixated on, so it varies from time to time. and even then i wouldn't say they're favorites because i just like their characters, not necessarily them as a person (side-eyes d*rk and dw*ght) lmao.
hmm, in honor of the origin of my url i'm gonna say Bill Pullman.
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he's just so iconic and i'm always happy to see him on screen and he gives me a whole heckin' lot of gender envy lol i have literally taken photos of him to a salon and been like GIMME THE HAIR (he has had the same goddamn hair style his entire career, i dare you to find a photo of him where his hair isn't this same basic style lol like it varies in length but it's always the same cut and i LOVE it)
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he's in like. so many of my favorite movies. Zero Effect (blog url inspo), While You Were Sleeping (fave romcom), Brain Dead (fave psychological/existential horror movie), Independence Day (...one of my fave sci-fi/alien movies), Spaceballs (...I wouldn't actually call this a favorite movie of mine tbh but like it's so fucking iconic I can't not mention it), AND there's this super cringe scene in Mr. Wrong (terrifying movie, it's billed as a comedy but it's legit a horror film to me lmao, do not recommend) where he sings Hold The Line by Toto (my favorite band) really badly and it's just. So iconic. almost ruined the song for me. almost. (no one can ruin Toto for me. 'tis not possible.)
43. favourite song ever
oh come on you can't do that to me, i can't pick a fave song ever, that's not a thing, i don't know how to do that :')
but as i mentioned Toto... it's gonna be one of theirs, lol. i can't even choose one goddammit i'll do a top three (stRUGGLING EVEN TO DO THAT... THE 'TISM CANNOT CHOOSE)
gonna put Rosanna first because it's the first song I remember rocking out to when i was like 3 years old in my car seat and telling my dad to turn up the car radio
next up Can't Stand It Any Longer because EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS PERFECTION, from Joe Williams' vocals to the melody to the beat to the ALL THE MUSIC TERMS I'M NOT EDUCATED ENOUGH TO COMMENT ON IN DETAIL hskjdfhkjsdhfdjksf
aaand as much as it pains me to only choose one more i'll go with one from the Isolation album so you can hear another vocalist (the amount of vocalists this band has had... and they're all so talented in their own ways and GAWWWWWWD I LOVE THIS FUCKIN BAND SO MUCH I'M GONNA SCREAM),, anyway here's Endless:
i could literally talk about Toto all day so i'm gonna have to cut myself off here before this becomes an infodump lmao
............actually i'm gonna put one last song because it came up in the recommended sidebar and Joe is fucking adorable in this video and gives me a lot of gender envy and YES THAT'S PAULA ABDUL DANCING,, WHY WASN'T THIS ONE OF THEIR BIGGEST HITS I DON'T UNDERSTAND
....a..and... um... listen i hate listing 4 things because that doesn't feel rounded out so here's one more to make it a nice rounded 5,, featuring Steve Lukather as a BABY (okay he's like 21 but he looks like a baby) and because I can't list a bunch of Toto songs and not feature any from their 70s era:
i need those rainbow suspenders.
...okay sorry sorry i was entirely possessed by my autism for a minute there 😅 thus concludes the post. thanks for the asks and for opening up my big chaotic box of obsession lol.
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iamaslutforcoffee · 2 years
Always watching
Thank you to @raecortes for this new idea for a one shot! This story i have in mind is way too good for a one shot, so it's going to be a 2 parter ♡
TW: STALKING, Mentions of past abuse, mentions of abuse from parent(s). (All that i can think of. Will add more TW's if I see any)
Please if any of the mentioned is triggering pass on reading this one! Your mental health means more than a quick read.
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It started off innocent... cute, even.
It was at first him just watching her when he first moved into town. All eyes were on him, while his were on her. He figured what wasn't to like about her? She was beautiful, she was a sweet girl. Super nice to EVERYONE.. she is the type he would have loved to bring home to his mom to meet.
Then it moved on to him finally getting the courage to talk to her and that resulted in him walking her to and from class, driving her home..
When they started dating Billy got extremely protective. If anyone so much as walked past her without using their manners and excusing themselves, Billy was there and in their face.
His stalking tendencies got worse also, from the little small moments of checking in to now watching her every move and Rae didn't even know .
After awhile, though.. he started to get sloppy in his actions. He got way to comfortable and she was starting to notice that someone was watching her but she couldn't figure out who for the life of her.
"I don't know Nancy... I swear to god someone or something is legit watching me at all times. It's extremely unnerving! " Rae exclaimed, facing the small group of friends including Nancy, Steve, Johnathan, the newest to the group Robin and Sasha, Rae's cousin.
"Well, Rae you are an extremely attractive girl so you're going to be oogled" Sasha replied in place of Nancy.
"No, this is more than that. I have things starting to go missing.. little trinkets, personal items like my hair ties.. brushes.. panties. It's the oddest thing" Rae continued, smoothing out her dress.
Robin snorted, causing Sasha and Johnathan to start giggling and Robin joined. The three earned a lovely look of death from both Nancy and Steve.
"What? What's so funny?" Rae asked, looking at them.
"Well you have an extremely over protective boyfriend..it'd be extremely hard if not impossible to get anywhere near you let alone your underwear without Billy blowing up on them" Robin replied, wiping a now formed tear from her eye.
"Ok? And? It doesn't mean it can't be done!" She complained.
"Yeah but it doesn't mean that it can be either.." Johnathan mumbled, which to his disadvantage Rae side eyed him.
"It just.. it really freaks me out ok? Jason Carver used to do weird shit like that and im still pretty traumatized from it. You guys know that.." she spoke, going kind of silent after the mention of her ex, Jason.
Before Billy, there was Jason Carver. He's the captain of the Hawkins High basketball team, and also Rae's ex.
At first..Jason was amazing. He treated her like a queen.. but then he started getting angry, and angry at Rae for things she never had anything to do with and he'd take his anger out on her. It started when they lost a game and Rae tried cheering him up. He wasn't having any of it and started going off on her saying that she wasn't helping and she never tried to help him in a way that was truly beneficial to his team.
Then it got violent.. but Rae didn't like talking about that for obvious reasons.
"Billy isn't Jason, though...." Steve started.
"Obviously I'm not, shit bird." She heard from behind her. Instantly the hair raised on the back of her neck but in a good way. Despite his upfront personality and real charming way to piss people off, he made her feel safe.
"Ah, Billy. Didn't realize your hostile tendencies were because you think i resemble your kid sister" Steve replied, not amused with the situation at all.
Wheww. Here's part one... who's ready for two?!
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two-sides-samecoin · 24 days
Super annoying to see Jancy being toned down into some bland domestic ship. As though they aren't avoiding communicating with each other. As though Jonathan didn't take perv shots of Nancy. As though they both fail to understand where the other comes from with sexism and poverty... As though Jonathan doesn't think a future with Nancy can only lead to misery for both of them (and their inevitable children that all jancies ignore Jonathan assumed Nancy would have) and he is too much of a coward to break it off. Jonathan isn't letting her go so he doesn't hold her back! He's actively holding her back now! By not talking to her and avoiding her, being released she didn't come visit him!
I think it wouldn't be so annoying if people who thought they're endgame would explore this or embrace it. Use the mess! It's fun! They could have a big argument about college and Emerson (and how Jonathan has been actively lying about it!) But they just deny it and pretend Nancy is completely fine going into s5 and say that st@ncy is toxic etc and never ever see the motorhome confession as a dream and a little joking reference to Max Dustin Lucas and Erica (and maybe mike). As though so many of them don't... What was it? "Love subjecting Nancy to pregnancy" or something. Woah. Okay. So they're hypocrites.
jancy being toned down is willldddd. especially considering jancies love mentioning them cutting their hands and having a matching scar but instead they’re just being toned down towards domestic shit 🤦‍♀️ they don’t communicate at all like it’s their entire thesis of relationship. hell it even happens in season 1 even when they start working together. fr jonathan actively holds nancy back! also it’s funny how people are like “jonathan believed nancy in season 1 about the monster and steve didn’t care” even though jonathan only believes her because his mother told him what the monster looked like and even then he doesn’t believe nancy or his mother until he actually sees it on the film of his camera
the mess would be soo fun if they embraced it like you said it! honestly i would love a big talk about the whole emerson thing because i think it would really help nancy realize where his priorities are. legit both jonathan and steve talk about kids in season 4 but also it’s the way they talk about it. jonathan acts like it’s an obligation to have kids that will hate him and nancy both. and he talks about this to someone that isn’t nancy to someone that doesn’t know nancy! and then steve is so happy talking about them just being happy and traveling and he’s talking with nancy! and she legit says “that sounds nice” it’s the two contrasting things that make me realize people don’t know what the fuck is canon cuz they make it the opposite in their headcanons
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
The shovel talk prompt is so cute. I was wondering if you could do one where the kids or Joyce gives billy a shovel talk since Steve’s dad defiantly wouldn’t do it.
(heyo dears, the post we’re talking about is right here!)
I fuckin love this and you KNOW they both would but in very very different ways.
Bc with Joyce, it’s still very motherly and a lot more gentle than Hop, but also Extremely Serious.
Bc i like to think Joyce has known Steve since he was a very little kid. Like… her kids have always gone to school together and she went to school w/ Steve’s parents. and she doesn’t really like steve’s parents like… at ALL. and she kind of thought Steve was mean (bc he was, guys. Love our babe, he’s a gem, but 1st season he was a jerkwad w/ little to no self awareness and that’s why i love his growth bc he was a teenage boy who grew from his mistakes and i love that for him♥) but he’s softened up in the past year and he babysits all of the kids and it just means a lot to her. She knows she can trust Will in the hands of Steve and that will forever and always mean the world.
And of COURSE she knows she can trust Billy too, but she’s known Steve longer and she’s watched him grow up and she’s seen the way he’s grown and she’s just… so proud of him. She’s so incredibly proud of him. He’s such a good kid and he has a good heart and Billy is also a very good kid with a very good heart (and she will defend that stance till the day she dies) but he can be a bit… rough. She knows it. He’d probably admit to it too. He’s just a little rough and tough and Steve is a very soft boy and Joyce worries.
So she definitely sits Billy down and talks to him about it. She puts a motherly hand on his knee like she always does when she has serious talks with him. She’s very gentle about bringing Steve up.
And then she squeezes his knee a little tighter than normal and says: “Now don’t do anything to harm Steve, alright? Because you’ll have a lot of upset people on your hands, and one of them will be me.”
She’s stern. Billy just kind of… laughs nervously.
But the KIDS… ohgod guys, the kids.
The kids would devote their lives to protecting Steve if they needed to. I’m thinking that Knight guard at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade who loyally guards the grail w/ his life. I’m thinking of them forming a transformer like thing, all of them becoming a different part of the body so they can ward off evils and wrongdoers. I’m thinking something along the lines of London Tipton’s father’s body guards who form a literal blockade around him so you never see his face. Like, imagine these lil children banding together to form a little square around Steve, blocking him from the rest of the world so that no one can touch him or even look at him w/o going through them first. (There’s a scene where London dances w/ her dad except the body guard dudes don’t really move so she’s just holding his hands and all of the body guard dudes are moving side to side as they dance and it’s Hilarious and i just want to put that image into your heads but w/ the kids around Steve and Billy pouting bc whythefuck isn’t he allowed to see him goddamn boyfriend???)(anyway, i digress)(and might be making some references you don’t understand goodness i’m so sorry)
okaY so the kids are all at Mike’s house playing DnD or being dorks or whatever it is 14 yr olds do in a group alone. Or at least, that’s what Billy thinks. He’s really not sure what’s going on, he doesn’t pretend to understand their little shenanigans, he listened to Will rant about DnD character types for about 2 hours last week and his brain still feels a little fried by it so he just…….. He lets it be. All he needs to know is when to drop them off, when to pick them up, and when to tune them out just enough to where he doesn’t feel like a total jackass. Really, only w/ Will though bc Will is his favorite and he’d never wanna upset Will.
Anyway, he’s at Mike’s house, knocking on the door, here to pick Will and El up, when Mike opens the door and ushers him inside immediately.
“Hi Billy come in! We uhhh… we need you to help us… decide something.” Mike says lamely. Billy’s so unconvinced it’s insane.
“Decide something? Seriously? Since when have you nerds ever wanted my opinion on anything?”
“Well uh… this is a weird situation and we need your help.” Dustin says in what he probably thinks is sweet but to Billy is actually just very irritating, but he turns his attention to Dustin anyway.
Billy rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “Whatever, what do you need?”
“Uhhhhhhh…. Now Mike!”
And suddenly, Billy’s world is black and very fabric-y. He’s been blindfolded. It’s very dumb and Mike probably would have struggled if he wasn’t Billy’s exact height so Billy starts wriggling and struggling and reaching for the blindfold when he feels someone grab his hand.
“It’s alright, Billy. We’re just going downstairs.” Will’s calm, soft voice says as he pulls him in some direction. Billy follows with a lot less struggle. He doesn’t wanna hurt Will.
And in a few minutes, Billy’s being pushed into a chair. He’s pretty sure he hears voices quietly bicker over tying him up but the consensus seems to be a “no” on that one bc soon he’s gaining sight again.
His vision clears from it’s blinded blur to see a kid w/ a mop of curly hair in front of his face.
“Hello Billy.” He says like he’s intimidating or something.
“Hi Billy!” El says extremely cheerfully. Dustin turns his head to shush her.
“El! Sh! We’re supposed to be intimidating!”
“Ohhhhh…. Intimidating?”
Max chimes in. “Like, scary.”
“Oh!” El says in understanding, making her best angry face and thinking way too hard and, very suddenly, exploding a lightbulb. She shrieks.
“It’s alright El.” Will says kindly, walking towards a closet. “Mike’s mom keeps extra lightbulbs in the closet.”
“Will!” Mike hisses “We’re busy right now!”
Will hits Mike with a silencing look. “I think you guys can handle this.”
Mike pouts. “Why are none of you helping us?” He looks to the corner where Max and Lucas are sitting, Lucas on the arm of a lounge chair and Max on the seat.
“We’re… supervising.” Lucas says over a sip of his soda.
“Yeah, we’re just making sure this dumbass doesn’t get murdered for being stupid.” Max says, gesturing to Dustin who makes a very loud noise of indignation. Max shrugs.
And Billy?? Is tired as all hell. Kinda just wants to leave. Really, he could leave and these little twerps probably wouldn’t even notice. They didn’t tie him down or anything, he’s just sitting in a chair watching these children fumble like idiots trying to be intimidating.
But…. he indulges them. He thinks it’s kind of entertaining. Sure, he could be doing a lot more w/ his day, but seeing these kids be dumb is still vaguely enjoyable. Plus, he likes El and Will and Max and he thinks sitting here for their sake might be worth it maybe.
So he sits and he watches and he listens to Mike and Dustin bicker about how to “interrogate a witness”
“We’re not interrogating him, we’re intimidating him!”
“Well you gotta use the same tactics, right?”
To the point where Max heaves a bit sigh and shoves them aside so she’s standing in front of Billy, sitting in her hip w/ her arms crossed.
“Alright Billy, look. We know you’re dating Steve. And we’re fine with you dating Steve.” She gives a hard look to Mike and Dustin, who look about to chime in w/ opinions of their own, but wither under Max’s gaze. “All we’re saying is we need to set some ground rules here.” Max says as she turns back to Billy. “Number one-”
“Don’t hurt Steve!” Dustin all but screams, causing Max to sigh with a roll of her eyes.
“Alright, yes. Rule number one: Don’t hurt Steve.  He’s like… family at this point. He’s super cool and nice to all of us and we care about him so don’t hurt him.”
“Or else I’ll hurt you!” Dustin pipes up again LOUDLY.
“Or Dustin will talk your ear off and probably accidentally spit on you while he does it.” Max says to a chorus of snickers and one very loud “Hey!” from the subject of her teasing.
“Rule number two: don’t be too…. Gross around us.” Max makes a face. “Like, if we have to witness you two kissing more than once a week, that’s excessive.”
At that is where Billy scoffs. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. at least for those of us who don’t live with you. And Number three: I don’t wanna hear ANYTHING about you guys… sleeping together.”
Everyone audibly gags at the thought. Billy is full on laughing now.
“Wow, such a kid you can’t even say the word fu-”
“NONE OF IT. Not even in passing or anything bc you guys accidentally talk too loud. I don’t want to be subjected to any of that.” Max is adamant about it, sealing it with a punch to his shoulder. Billy just puts his hands up in defeat.
“Yeah, fine, whatever. Like I wanna talk about my sex life with a bunch of twerps.”
Billy is thoroughly entertained by the faces of the kids, all looking absolutely mortified, Will’s face blushing like crazy, El’s head tilted bc she doesn’t understand.
Billy gives Max a look.
“Can I go now?”
Max shrugs, eyebrows furrowed bc she’s mad she had to hear the word sex come out of her brother’s mouth. He’s so grossly brazen all the time.
“Yeah, whatever. Just be nice to Steve.”
Billy pats his own knees and gets up, gesturing to El and Will to follow him.
“Let’s go, punks.” He says, the two of them following, Will’s face still red and El’s eyes a little less confused bc she doesn’t really care anymore. They say goodbye to their friends before following Billy out the door.
The three of them leave behind 2 very loud and complaining boys (Mike and Dustin), but it sounds like Max puts them in their place. Billy chuckles as he slips into his car.
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darthstitch · 2 years
Strange Things That Happened In History Class
Cryptid Teachers
Professor Gadling had to take a moment. He really did.
It was that or explode into hysterical laughter right that very second and that really wasn't going to help his cause now, was it?
The paper he was trying to grade was supposed to be an essay on the suicide of Crown Prince Rudolf at Mayerling and its indirect effect on World War I. Instead, what he got was "Our Four Cryptid Teachers on Campus."
And a List, which deserved to be quoted in its entirety:
a. Professor Robert "Hob" Gadling - Probably knew Shakespeare IRL; explains why he has such a hate-boner for him
b. Professor Adam Pierson - has an actual motherfucking SWORD hidden somewhere in his clothes (maybe it's like Hammerspace?!!) and might possibly DUEL other immortals; maybe the OLDEST immortal because he talks about ancient EGYPT like he's been there, done that and worn the t-shirt
c. Professor Duncan Macleod - the OTHER sword-wielding immortal
d. Professor Nicholas Chevalier - VAMPIRE?!!! OMG?!!! Also, his Dad is legit creepy and we sincerely believe he's legit a vampire?!!!
Honestly, there was only one, sane, sensible way to respond to this.
Dustin, interesting essay choice there, lad, but I was rather expecting something about poor Crown Prince Rudolf and not speculations about my cryptid status. Incidentally, thank you for realizing that I'm not the Oldest Immortal around, yes, Professor Pierson wears his Ancient Egypt T-shirt with pride and yes, you'd do well to steer clear of Lucien Lacroix, that one gives me the willies.
You have a day to give me the right essay, so chop chop!
2. The Cat Thing
"So maybe his fursona is a cat, did ya ever think of that, genius?!"
"Ahahahaha, right, sure, Steve, he uses meows, purrs and trills like a legitimate language and the cats understand him - this is NOT a fursona thing my friend!"
"Also, Steve-o, I didn't think you knew about things like fursonas..."
"Eh, you've been around the Internet long enough, you pick up on some things, Wheeler."
"So Murphy speaks Cat like legitimately, actually speaks Cat, not just like us humans doing random meows."
"Score 1 for the Cryptid Candidacy! We're adding Murphy to the list."
"Actually, humanity knew how to speak feline once. The knowledge was lost, aeons ago. Isn't that right, Miette?"
"I could tell you that Story, if you've a mind to listen."
3. Typhoon Morpheus
First off, Isabel didn't really actually mean to eavesdrop.
She'd submitted the wrong paper for the classwork they'd done today and while it wasn't as spectacular a mistake as Dustin Henderson's Cryptid List - it was still, obviously, the wrong paper. So she was just hurrying to fix things, although she was a little nervous, because Professor G seemed to be in a bad mood the whole day.
She was just about to knock on the door when she heard:
"Look, Gadling, you gotta do something. Caw!"
That voice sounded oddly familiar.
"Oh, Christ, what now?"
"Whatever it is you two did, fix it, for the love of Murphy. Do you see these feathers, man? I am soaking wet - it's been raining in the Dreaming and it hasn't stopped. Lucienne's already got all the rest of us trying to save the books in the Library from the flooding."
"Yeah. The boss thinks you don't love him anymore. So, boom, cue the rain. Thunder and lightning. Sturm und Drang - the works, you know?"
"Wait. Hang on, he thinks we've broken up?!!"
"Duh? Yeah?!!"
"Oh for Chrissakes, it was just a silly, ridiculous argument - I'm - hey, Matthew, remind me to kiss the stupid out of that idiot. After I yell at him. And kiss him stupid again."
"Reminder set, Other-Boss. Can we go now?"
Isabel told herself she was never, ever, going to speak of this to anyone - even if the fact that she had witnessed Matthew talking was probably enough to confirm Murphy's Cryptid Status on Dustin's stupid list.
4. Stranger Things
"Run this by me again, love," Professor Gadling said, in obvious bewilderment. "You're a Dungeon Master? What is that?"
"Not anything kinky, Professor G! AHAHAHA!" Dustin Henderson said in overly cheerful tones.
Murphy slanted the boy a look of wry amusement. "I think he understands that already."
"He's our DM for Dungeons and Dragons, Professor," said Will Byers. "It's a storytelling game."
"Ah, of course, a storytelling game, why wouldn't His Darkness the Prince of Stories be interested in that?" Professor Gadling said wryly.
"He's the best DM ever," volunteered Iggy Pop. "Like, the way Eddie went down fighting the demobats with Metallica, that was like, truly epic."
Murphy inclined his head in a regal almost-bow. "I can only but inspire. And I rather enjoyed young Eddie's performance. Truly something only a Master Bard could do."
"I'm still dead though!"
"Relax, man, we'll bring you back in flashbacks or something. Or maybe make you into a vampire!"
"Hey, you'd better - because I am this close to writing the Love Song of Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington and posting it on AO3!"
Professor Gadling knew when to give in. "Fine, you can use The New Inn for your session tonight. Just try not to wreck the place while you're off trying to fight the forces of darkness or whatever."
Murphy leaned over to drop a kiss into his hair. "We'll put all the breakables away before we begin our quest anew, dearest."
Footnote the First: Shortly after Dustin compiled his List of Cryptid Teachers on Campus, a new Professor joined the faculty, having retired from his former tailoring job at Kingsman. His name? Michael Percival Archangelus.
Footnote the Second: Dream of the Endless is not quite sure how he ended up adopting Hob's students and joining their D&D group, but he is quite charmed at their imagination and creativity and thoroughly enjoyed the idea of designing a villain formidable enough to test them.
Footnote the Third: Look, Dream still hadn't quite gotten all the nuances of a healthy relationship but he's at least figured out that minor spats and squabbles do not equate to breaking up and ending things forever. Hob's made sure of that. The kisses definitely helped.
Did I also just crossover Forever Knight, Kingsman and Stranger Things into this ridiculousness? Yes, yes I did. Nobody tell Neil.
Also, the "Michael" in this story is the headcanon Michael I came up with for the Lucifer show. Except obviously, this Michael isn't an evil twin douchecanoe but is an actual legit good guy... who uh.... spent a few years with Kingsman.
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lollytea · 2 years
In ASIAS when Hunter was trying to convince various students to join the emperor's coven using rules and order and discipline as the bait, imagine if one of the kids he ran into with this speech was Mattholomule, Little Mr. gets-detention-all-the-time, liar, crypto-bro, counterfeiter-of-books, stealer-of-coven-property, bad-manners, guy-of-all-time (derogatory)?
Hunter was having a crisis talking to Jerbo who's a little radical but still fairly normal, Mattholomule isn't radical but he's so the antithesis of "rule abiding" that I think Hunter would've legit tried to arrest him in front of everyone, effectively blowing his cover, especially when you consider that Mattholomule's entire role in that episode was the aforementioned counterfeiting
Mattholomule fucking WOULD dig so deep under Hunter's skin that he blows his cover after talking to him for twenty seconds. Matt is annoying to most people but to Hunter during his Golden Guard era, he would be fucking INSUFFERABLE.
He would casually mention at least three laws he had broken that week in one sentence, rendering Hunter speechless and then proceed to be like "man being in the Emperor's Coven is like the coolest shit ever. How can you possibly make it sound this lame?" Which spontaneously revives Hunter's ability to speak as he explodes "I am NAUGHT making it sound lame!! It's cool!! I'm telling you how cool it is!!!"
Matt IS an Emperor's Coven fanboy (based on that time he was seen getting Lilith's autograph.) but I think he has an insanely surface level idea of what it even is. Most kids on the Isles do I think. All they see is the flair and the power and the status symbol. So if they were actually gonna send somebody to recruit kids, they'd send somebody who understands the propaganda they're trying to sell, rather than Hunter who's painfully earnest and completely transparent about how awful it is, while being too brainwashed himself to realize that this is neither a good thing nor a selling point.
Of course Matt has Steve who's starting to become a little disillusioned with the whole thing, but judging by Edge of The World, I feel like Steve kept quiet about his feelings until his talk with King, (and might have been hesitant to tell his family just how unhappy he is with his "dream job" as not to disappoint them) so Matt is still under the impression that the Emperor's Coven slaps. But his idea of what slaps is very different from Hunter's, so imagine Matt having the AUDACITY to tell Hunter that all of the shit he's saying isn't true.
Obviously Matt knows more about the EC than this idiot does. Does Hunter have a brother who's a Coven Scout? Thought not. Anyway Matt takes everything Hunter says about rules and authority and waking up at 6am and he's like "Bullshit. That's all bullshit." Before running his mouth about his completely romanticised idea of being a Scout, which involves a lot of criminal activity and Hunter is appalled.
Not only is Matt a blatant criminal but he has the nerve to tell the Golden Guard that he doesn't know anything about the Emperor's Coven?? Seriously??
No yeah this pathetic little elf boy is so obnoxious he's got Hunter blowing the whole operation on the spot. He's gotta arrest his ass. He's also gotta reveal himself as the Golden Guard to prove a point.
In conclusion shoutout to Mattholomule for staying out of the way and keeping his fat mouth shut or Hunter never would have experienced the best day of his life.
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the-marvelclub · 3 years
Don’t forget me
steve rogers x reader
Summary: Steve and reader are happily married, so what happens when a mission goes wrong and Steve is pronounced dead? And what if he comes back but she’s already in a relationship?
Warnings: Fluff, a lot of angst, main character death (?) but with a happy ending.
Author’s note: Happy because i finished this in just a few hours, hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always appreciated.
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Little caresses of soft fingers running up and down your bare back made you shiver, waking you up, your eyes flutter open.
You groaned and buried your face in the pillow. Steve's chuckle echoed throughout the room before you felt wet kisses being spread all over your lower back, slowly making their way up to your shoulders. Fingers moving your hair to one side exposing your right ear. 
"Good morning, Dollface" he whispered in your ear in his husky voice, which honestly always sounds like that when he just woke up, and he bit your ear lobe making butterflies erupt in your stomach and making you a little giddy.  
You had spent the night in Steve's room, the light soft reddish color coming through the windows and painting the white walls of Steve's room making you aware that it was probably just dawn, the atmosphere was calm and familiar and his bed was certainly a thousand times more comfortable than yours could ever be. 
"Good god, Steve. I bet you it's not even 6:00am" you mumbled sleepily, he might be a super soldier but you needed your 9 hours of sleep. Steve let out a chuckle in your ear again, bringing shivers all over your body. 
"You really look cute when you're half asleep like that" he replied still talking into your ear, running his soft hand all over your back only to then grab your waist, letting his arm rest there. "I want to marry you." 
You smiled before turning your body to be face to face with Steve knowing he wouldn't let you sleep anymore, you pulled the white silk sheet in your best effort to cover your body looking up at him. He was leaning on his left elbow, his right arm still wrapped around your waist, his torso was naked, the sheets on his hips.
"But I already said ‘I do’, baby" you smiled showing him the ring on your left hand and remembering your wedding day. You had been best friends for what seemed like forever before a mission which required you to pretend to be married led to you both confessing your feelings, then you had realized it had all been a plan by the others to finally get you to admit what they had already known for quite some time, that the mission never really required you to go as a couple, but you couldn't be mad at them, quite the opposite, you felt a deep gratitude towards them, because you would never have been able to do it on your own. A year later, Steve had taken you to the roof of the Compound where you could see the distant lights of the skyscrapers of New York, where he had prepared you a dinner with your favorite meals and a bottle of wine and had gotten down on one knee, opening the little red velvet box with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen, he really was a 40s man, full of romance and chivalry.  Six months later you were married.
"Right, but I'm talking about a vow renewal, I just can't believe you're mine, you're like a dream" he let out, the pink painting his cheeks matching yours.  His dirty blonde hair was a mess and his eyes sparkled with pure adoration.  
"You really are full of compliments today, huh?" you smiled bringing your hand to his hair and giving it a little squeeze. You loved this Steve, he had always been romantic and protective of you, but this Steve, the one you only knew in the early morning hours was driving you crazy, the sentimental Steve, full of compliments and caresses and without shirt on. The Steve who could look into your soul with just one look and that lazy smile. The one only you knew. 
"Stop complaining, you know you love it" he said smiling mischievously, like a little boy.  
"I can't complain" you shrugged, sliding your fingers down his hard chest, imagining how good it would look with a couple of tattoos on it. You bit your lip thinking about it before returning your gaze to him, who already had his eyes on you, his eyes glowing, fingers at your waist squeezing. Before you could register what was happening, he had lunged towards you pressing his lips hard against yours, you sighed as you felt his lips sucking on yours and grabbed his cheeks pulling him closer to you, his hands taking your waist and lifting you up to get you on top of him, he bit your bottom lip asking for entrance but you put both hands on his chest putting distance between the two of you, ending the kiss and shaking your head. You still hadn't brushed your teeth. 
He grunted with discontent and pouted, completely adorable, but kept his arms around your waist. You stroked his hair and he closed his eyes, sighing. 
"I really love you" he let out, looking into your eyes, with an expression you couldn't read, he suddenly looked worried and even a little scared. "I would do anything to protect you, you know that right?". 
You frowned. 
"What is this all about?" you asked leaning your face on his chest looking into his eyes. “What’s on your mind?”
He shook his head before giving you a small smile, wanting you to forget the subject. 
"It's the mission, isn't it?" you sighed.
He looked at you for a long moment and you knew the answer. 
Steve along with Fury had been tracking a dangerous organization for months that for some reason were targeting Steve. They both believed it wasn't that big of a threat. They had only sent Steve a couple of death threats, but being Captain America and part of the Avengers, there were always enemies. But when one afternoon, a threat had come to you, Steve got to work and he and Fury had been tracking the origin of these for months and now they finally had a lead.  
"It's probably nothing," he said, "don't worry about it, Fury will go with me on this one. Maybe the lead will be useless." You knew he didn't want to worry you but you couldn't help it, you wanted to go with him this afternoon but you as well as everyone else had other missions to attend to. 
You nodded and kissed his chin reassuringly. 
He placed a kiss on your forehead and released you by turning you to your side of the bed, before getting out of bed, putting on his sweatpants and putting on his white shirt. 
It was your turn to pout, missing his warm body. 
"Come on, Dollface." He said placing his palms on the mattress and leaning over to you "I'll make you those chocolate chip pancakes and when I get back from the mission we're going to watch that Jason Bourne movie you love so much."
You let out an excited squeal and hugged him by the neck pulling him back into bed.  
"You sure know how to spoil a girl."
Steve never returned from that mission.
That afternoon you were in the kitchen preparing popcorn for movie night with Steve and the next minute, Fury had come out of the elevator doors, concern filling his face and honestly it was the most you had ever seen him show any emotion, he had quietly approached Tony, ignoring the greetings of the team that was hanging out in the living room, he had taken him to the briefing room and they had been inside for quite a while. You had been watching the elevator doors waiting for Steve to come out of them before deciding to ask Fury, but before you could even take a step, Tony had left the room and the moment you looked at his face, your stomach sank, a horrible feeling surrounding you. You had never seen Tony like that before, the look in his eyes was something you would never be able to describe, he was pale, his eyes seemed sunken and he kept looking nowhere in particular. A few moments later that seemed like hours, he had uttered the words that broke you inside.
Steve hadn't made it.
You don't remember much after that, all you remember is popcorn strewn all over the kitchen floor, a deafening scream that you never realized you had let out, and the pain in your knees as you fell to the floor. You remember screams coming from the others, asking Tony and Fury for explanations and a lot of commotion. But what you could never forget even if you wanted to was the pain of your heart being squeezed inside you and the horrible feeling that now everything would be different.
That had been 1 year and 6 months ago. Since the news everything had been a blur. It was as if you were seeing everything from outside your body. The first few days, you didn't leave the living room couch, your gaze focused on the metal doors of that gray elevator, you didn't eat, you didn't sleep, waiting for Steve to show up with his suit dirty from the mission and the shield in his hand, telling you that it had taken a little longer than usual but that everything had gone well, that he had nothing but a few scratches on his body and that he would take a shower before cuddling up with you in bed.
The day you understood that Steve would never walk out those doors, you couldn't help but be angry at him for leaving you alone that morning after breakfast and not asking for help from the team, but more than anything you were angry at yourself for not doing anything about it. You thought it was a routine mission, just to confirm that the clue was legit. You never gave the subject much thought. You couldn't believe you had been so naive and you knew it was your fault.
The next few months after that you and the team as well as Fury had been immersed in the case, trying to track down the organization and the man responsible for Steve's death. Thousands of leads were emerging every day but they all led to a dead end. The team wasn't much better, everyone blamed each other for Steve's death but you knew it all affected Tony the most. Natasha and Wanda were there for you but Bucky was the one who were constantly with you during the first few months, supporting you and looking out for you. But you could see he was hurting too, Bucky had gone back to his old self, he was withdrawing from everyone, except you. Barely making conversation with the others and most of the time going out without telling you where he was going. You wanted to ask him about it but you knew he needed time. Hell, you needed it too. A year and a half later it seemed like everything was back to normal, even though you knew that inside you were all different people. Losing family wasn’t easy.
Thank God you had Matthew, an agent who worked at the coumpound, he had been in charge of the funeral and since then, he always made sure you were okay, at first it was small talk in the hallways, telling you how sorry he was and asking you how you were feeling, then it was little gifts, he always brought you coffee and gave you a smile when he saw you filling out reports in the briefing room, before you knew it he had become a great friend. His blue eyes and the way he treated you reminded you of Steve, and you knew you were drawn to that sense of familiarity and comfort. Then at that party, he had kissed you and although his kisses were nothing compared to Steve's, you accepted a date with him when he asked you the next day.
"Are you okay? You look distracted" Wanda's thick accent brought you out of your thoughts, you turned to look at her and her eyes were looking at you with concern.
You cleared your throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." You replied avoiding her questioning eyes, taking your necklace between your hand squeezing it. The wedding ring now taking its place on this one and not on your finger. Everyone was in the kitchen; you were sitting at the table peeling an orange and Wanda was next to you. Natasha was next to Bruce making himself a sandwich while Tony was complaining about the coffee grounds they had toss out in the sink, you let out a small chuckle, you knew it had been Sam who was sitting there reading a magazine completely ignoring Tony. Clint was spending the weekend with his family and Bucky was nowhere to be seen.
"I know this may be a difficult day for you" Wanda murmured moving closer to you, making sure no one else could hear. "We completed the mission. We arrested the bastard who..." she sighed "I know that maybe you thought this would bring you relief. But everything gets better with time, believe me I know." She had promised never to read your mind and you knew she had not. You smiled at her, you loved the fact that she knew you so well that she didn't have to use her powers to know what you were thinking.
2 days ago, the mission had been completed, they had found the person responsible for Steve's death and had dismantled the organization, surprised to find that they had some infiltrators right there working in the Compound, people you looked at every day, people who had seen you suffer and they were responsible all this time. You pushed those thoughts out of your mind quickly as you felt rage growing inside you again. You sighed deeply and remembered that Fury was taking care of it. Everything would be okay now.
"So how are things going with Matt?" Natasha asked approaching the table as she munched on her sandwich. Before you could answer, Fury appeared through the kitchen door. You frowned. It was unusual to have a visit from him at this hours of the night.
"Briefing room. Now," was all he said before turning and walking out of the kitchen. The whole team was surprised but followed him without a word. Entering the briefing room, you leaned against the wall in one of the corners waiting for Fury to speak.
"Two years ago we became aware of an existing threat that was harming one of our team. We mistakenly thought it was something minor, it wasn't until a year and a half ago that we discovered it was all part of something bigger and more dangerous. Something highly sensitive that if not handled correctly could harm us and the nation by exposing secrets of our operations."
"We already know that..." Tony began speaking, with one hand on his head, looking exhausted.
"Maria and I came up with a plan that we would put into action once we got the first lead" he interrupted, ignoring Tony's comment. "If we made them believe that they had achieved their goal, we would have an ace up our sleeve when it came to dismantling their organization, which we have done successfully, thanks to the help of this person..." he sighed and looked at the floor "I ask you to please try to understand."
I frowned, just as confused as the whole team.
"What are you talking about, sir?" You let out and he turned to look at you, sighing once more before shaking his head pointing towards the door.
"Hello, Dollface."
Everything happened in slow motion, the room filled with a deafening silence, you turned towards the door directing your gaze to the source of the voice. And if it wasn't for those blue eyes that wouldn't take their eyes off you, You knew you'd pass out right there.
He was standing in the doorframe. And he looked different; his hair was longer, his beard covered half of his face and he looked 10 years older, he had dark circles around his eyes as if he hadn't slept since that morning when he had woken up next to you kissing your body. He was wearing a dark blue suit, and Bucky was standing next to him.
Realization fell over you and you felt your stomach sunk. Tears stung your eyes and you couldn't breathe. You walked slowly towards him, not trusting your own legs and planted yourself in front of him, he was like the ghost of the old Steve, only this one was rough around the edges, his eyes looked at you with adoration but also regret. Before he could say a word, you slapped him.
The sound of hand against cheek echoed across the room. Steve didn't seem surprised. Suddenly the whole room was filled with commotion, everyone started talking at the same time, but you couldn't take it anymore, you felt that at any moment you would fall to the floor. So you just walked out of there, but not without giving Bucky a death glare. The bastard knew it all along.
You ran to your room, ignoring the calls of Steve running after you and the commotion of the place. You locked the door to your room and locked yourself in the bathroom, where you couldn't hear Steve knocking on your door over and over again. You looked at yourself in the mirror, you were a mess, the tears wouldn't stop falling even though you didn't feel them and your face was pale, with trembling hands you ripped off the necklace with the ring and threw it on the floor before sitting down on the floor and started crying.
It had been a week since Steve had returned, a week that you had been avoiding him, against your better judgment you had gone to Matt's apartment where he had offered you a place to stay, the coumpound being the last place you wanted to be. You felt your body move and perform the simplest of tasks like washing the dishes, folding your clothes or even watching a movie but your mind just wasn't there, you were like a zombie, and it was already starting to affect your relationship with Matt, you knew it wasn't fair to him but you couldn't care in the slightest, not for now. You hated to admit it but you missed Steve, you missed his voice, his laugh, the way he looked at you, his kisses, his touches. And knowing he was so close to you was driving you crazy. But he had betrayed you. He knew it, he knew it all that time and he didn't tell you, he didn't dare to tell you that morning when it was just you and him. He had let you suffer for a year and a half. To hell with the plan, he had broken your heart. The next morning after he came, you had sneaked into Natasha's room and left the necklace with the wedding ring for her to give back to Steve, she tried to talk some sense into you but you had already made up your mind, after that you had left with Matt.
"I like this part, it's when she realizes the alien is with her on the ship" you heard Matt's voice speak, you two were watching a stupid sci-fi movie, your gaze on the screen but you weren't paying attention to it, your mind wandering elsewhere.
"And then she befriends the alien."
"And then they move in together and play badminton on Sundays."
"That's it" he said letting out a sigh before grabbing the remote and turning off the TV, snapping you out of your thoughts. "You're not even listening”.
Guilt wash all over you.
"Sorry, I was just a little distracted that's all." you said quickly.
He turned to look at you and gave you a smile but it didn't reach his blue eyes, which now that you took a good look at him were nothing like Steve's at all. "This isn't going to work, is it?" he finally asked but you knew he already knew the answer.
You sighed and shook your head slowly. He was a sweet boy and deserved better.
"I'm sorry" you said "I don't want you to think I'm just using you to get over Steve, I really like you, it's just... things are really complicated in my life right now" you finally admitted.
"I know" he said wiping away a tear you didn't know had escaped. "I knew from the moment I heard he was back. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now" he murmured.
You gave him a weak smile "I know I haven't been fair to you the last few days and I'm sorry, I know you deserve someone better, a woman who is completely crazy about you, and who will be because you are kind, thoughtful and deserve better than someone who is broken."
"You're not broken," He assure you. "I just think you really miss him and need him, and I'll let you in on a secret...he does too."
"Thank you, Matt." you said before getting up from the couch and grabbing the few things you had brought with you before heading for the door.
"I know this job demands a lot from us but there is nothing you two can't overcome, you are Steve and Y/n after all" he spoke behind you "just give him a chance to explain himself, you both deserve it."
You turned and gave him a small smile before walking out the door.
Steve was sitting at the bar, drinking his whiskey even though he knew he couldn't get drunk no matter how much he wanted to. He was twirling your wedding ring between his fingers. Ever since Natasha had given it to him he hadn't been able to take his eyes off it. Everything had gotten out of control. He took one more sip, savoring the burning sensation in his throat when he did, a hand patted his shoulder and he watched as Bucky sat down beside him.
"You're missing the party," he said sipping from his beer.
"Did you know that she's been staying at Matt's apartment these few days?" he blurted out completely ignoring his friend's earlier comment.
Bucky sighed, not quite knowing what to say.
"I remember Matt, I used to train him when he was first recruited, a good guy" he muttered "He can give her the life she deserves".
"Come on dude" bucky snorted "they've been dating for a month, it's not like they're getting married".
"It's not like she can't" Steve said "I'm sure she'll be sending me the divorce papers any minute now".
Bucky gasped.
"Impossible, she's crazy about you." He said continually shaking his head.
"I messed it up with her, Buck" he said finishing his drink before getting up and heading to his room, he was in no mood to party.
He had messed up, that morning he just thought it would be a simple mission and that he would be back that afternoon but then the lead had turned out to be more important than they had thought. Fury had told him the plan but there was no time to think about the pros and cons, they were up against the clock. So decisions were made and as much as it pained him he knew that was the only way to keep her safe, because they would come for her, of that he had no doubt. And he would do anything to protect her. Anything.
You could hear the faint sound of music coming from downstairs, the party was in progress as you walked down the empty hallways leading to the bedrooms, relieved that everyone was at the party and didn't see you coming. Matt’s words surrounding your thoughts, maybe what you needed was to hear it from Steve before you could move on with your life. You didn't realize that you had unconsciously made your way to Steve's room until you opened the door and looked inside, the room that for a year had been empty was now occupied by his things. With trembling hands you closed the door behind you and looked at his things, a shirt was on the bed and you couldn't help but pick it up and smell it. God, you had missed him so much.
Tears began to flood your eyes again but you were sick of crying so you left the shirt where it was and sat on the big bed, memories about that morning before he left filling your mind.
"I would do anything to protect you, you know that right?". 
You shook your head at the memory, pushing those thoughts out of your head and placed your head in your hands.
You heard the door to the room being open and you cursed under your breath. You knew you had to face him but you didn't think it would be so soon, he was supposed to be at the party, his party.
You quickly raised your head and watched him walk in, he was wearing a completely black suit, his long hair was perfectly combed back and he still had that beard, he looked like a dream, butterflies erupting in your stomach and you had to take all your willpower not to jump him. There was a lot to talk about.
He had his eyes on the floor but when he looked at you an expression of surprise covered his face. This was the last place he thought you would be. He called your name in surprise and you quickly got out of bed.
"Sneaking out of the party?" you let out a nervous laugh at his intense stare, he hadn't moved a muscle "Come on, Steve. You know that’s not nice."
Several seconds passed and he didn't speak, maybe this was a bad idea, coming to his room was a bad idea. You turned to grab your bag off the bed and get out of there when his voice spoke behind you.
"Can I hold you?" he blurted out, startling you. You turned to look at him, he had his hands shoved in his pockets and looked shy, as if he was sure you would tell him no.
Your heart skipped a beat and you nodded your head slowly. There was a lot to talk about but you missed him more than anything in the world and you needed him. Without you having to repeat it to him, he took long strides to where you were and took you in his arms, pressing you against him, burying his head in your neck and inhaling your scent, making you shiver. You slipped your arms around his neck and shoulders and held on to him, he smelled just like you remember, of his favorite cologne and mint, and now a little whiskey too. You felt tears fill your eyes and you squeeze them shut to keep them from coming out. It felt almost unreal, while he was gone you had dreamed a thousand times of holding him in your arms, you didn't think you would ever be able to feel him again, to hear his jokes, his laughter and the way your name came from his lips. It was all too much.
Just as quickly as he had walked towards you and hugged you, he broke away from you and walked to lean against the wooden door he had entered through, too far away from you for your liking, his gaze fixed on the floor and his hands in his pockets. "I need to say this, and I can't do it if you're too close to me," he let out in a hurried voice and continued, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the hurt I caused you during the time I was away, that morning I didn't know things would end up so badly, but it was worse than we thought and everyone was in danger...you were in danger. And I couldn't let them harm you because of me. There wasn't enough time to think of a better plan than the one Fury had come up with. I promised myself I would tell you I was safe but we realized there were infiltrators here in the building, I knew they would be watching your every move, I would put you in danger if I told you. So I told Bucky to look out for you. I know that it doesn't justify what I put you through but I needed you to know." He sigh closing my eyes. "I understand if you hate me, I know I ruined us and Matt is a great guy, I always knew you deserved someone who didn't have such a complicated life or put you at constant risk but please, I just want you to know... not only am I deeply in love with you, you are my best friend."
You couldn't breathe and you were aware that you were crying again, so without thinking twice, you advanced with a determined step towards him and when he looked up, you took his face with your hands wiping his tears away and planted a kiss, pushing your body to his, you took him by surprise but it only took a second for him to grab you by the hair and get you closer to his mouth. You had missed him so much, and yet it was as if you still knew his lips by heart and he knew yours, both matching perfectly. You let out a small groan as he lowered his hands to your waist and grabbed one of your thighs indicating you to jump, turning you around pushing you to the door, the new angle allowing you to kiss him better since he was much taller than you. After a few seconds you broke away to take a breath of air. You leaned your head back against the door running your fingers through his beard, taking your time to memorize him, he was the same yet so different but you definitely liked it.
"Stop looking at me like that, you're making me weak" he mumble hiding his face in your neck, his beard scratching your bare skin making you shiver and let out a giggle.
"I really like this beard, please don't ever shave it off". You sighed as he gave you little kisses on your neck, tickling you.
He planted one last kiss on your neck before you brought your legs to the floor again.
"I think you have something that belongs to me" you whispered as you reached into the small pocket of the black shirt; the small wedding ring. You had felt it when you were kissing him. You took it and placed it back on your finger. Steve looked at you confused but at the same time a full smile appeared on his face. You pressed your forehead to his and placed your hands on his chest.
"Don't leave me like that again, you scared me." You whispered to him.
"I promise I won't, Dollface" he whispered back. You knew there was still a lot to talk about but what you were completely sure of was that Steve Rogers never breaks a promise.
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