#i like brendan fraser and he was good at acting just seeing him in the fat suit made my stomach drop
clamorybus · 1 year
honestly i thought i was doing better with myself but last night i merely read the tv tropes page for the movie the whale and i broke down sobbing
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hologramcowboy · 1 month
I just need to vent for a second.
More and more I'm thankful for the blogs who are not afraid to call out something problematic that Jensen Ackles says or does. I'm not looking to pile on the guy. We're all human, but when someone says something that isn't right, as a society we tend to call it out for what it is: racism, sexism, homophobia, or just plain wrong. That church abuse joke, the Brendan Fraser Whale comment, the misogynistic and homophobic comments he's made in the past are all wrong.
Can someone grow and learn to be a better human? Sure. We all do that every single day as time passes. I like to think that Jensen has grown quite a bit in some areas and has learned. But those two recent "jokes" were not okay. One is incredibly fatphobic and fat-shaming while the other is literally disregarding the hundreds of victims who suffered sexual abuse in the Catholic church over decades. Do I think that he stood there both times and thought of the bigger picture? No. I think he just said what came to mind because they're both funny to him so they should be funny to his AA's. But I think what flabbergasts me is that they were! There are still AA's traversing this site and other social media that are defending them, particularly the church joke. Saying that if we call it out for the problematic statement that it was, if we don't immediately laugh, then we're not true fans of Jensen, we don't understand his humor, there's something wrong with us, we're just looking to hate on him, and all that crap. And it's like, no, there is something wrong with YOU if you find that funny and then would even defend that. Why is it that common sense continues to elude AA's when it comes to the topic of Jensen? Is he an attractive guy? Yes. Does he seem like the perfectly wrapped package for some? Sure. Are some of these same people obsessed with him? Yep. But that shouldn't completely eradicate common sense and empathy (I'm being kind here). Can you imagine having suffered sexual abuse or knowing someone who had and hearing that had you been in that room or watched the video? Can you (general you) imagine how you would feel?
I just don't get it. The thing is, I don't hate Jensen, I don't want to pick him apart just because, I used to have massive respect for him actually until the last few years, starting with that whole "bitch Alba" machismo crap of a podcast interview (proving some of that good ol' boy misogyny is still alive and well, but well hidden). And these last two instances have left me even more disappointed but sad to say, I'm not surprised. Shocked, yes, but not surprised. I don't wish him ill and I do still hope for the best for him, personally and professionally, but he's a celebrity, an actor, another human being on the planet subject to the same laws of physics and the universe as everyone else. He may have more money than some, fame, and however much of a following on social media, but underneath all that, he's just a man, another human like any other. Born to parents like other humans, grew up and went to school like other kids, started a career like other people after school ended, got married like other people do, had kids like other people do, and on and on and on. He literally gets up every day and puts on his pants the same way as many other people on the planet do every single day. He's not this messiah-like figure for crying out loud who is above everyone else. So why do they act like he is? Why can't they see the forest for the trees? You can be a fan of his and still have common sense and live on planet Earth.
His stanbase really needs a fucking reality check. Had Jared said that, he'd be in deep shit. Had Misha or Danneel said that (and I am no fan of theirs), they'd be in trouble. Had Henry Cavil or Tom Cruise made that joke? Forget it. Canceled. Hell, if Trump or Biden made that joke, oof. So why would his stanbase not hesitate to call out any of those people had they made that problematic joke but when Jensen does it, suddenly the calling out process starts and we are immediately gaslit and made to feel ashamed for calling it out? By these very same people?
I know the answer but I just had to get this off my chest and I figured you would have the most understanding seeing as you've dealt with his stanbase time and time again. Thank you for letting me vent.
Anon 🧡🧡🧡 You expressed something I feel too and you did it with so much clarity, in a grounded, balanced, beautiful way. Thank you!
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It's truly creepy how distorted views become when AA's are driven by lust blindly.
I think the most heartbreaking thing in all of this is: that Jensen is buying his own hype and thinks he is above everything so he makes such jokes and feels entitled to approval. He is letting the overblown image they created be his self image and is, in many ways, just as blind as they are. This worries because it's very easy to lose balance and do stupid things when we become wrapped up in a false sense of self. I really wish Jensen had good rolemodel around him because I truly believe that if he did he would make an amazing leader. 😳
I deeply loved reading your thoughts on the way Jensen is perceived so thank you for sharing. 🧡
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laf-outloud · 9 months
I hope it's okay to vent to you here about this.
I only now watched the panel from last weekend's con and I just have such a distaste for Jensen these days. The Portuguese buns joke was just gross to me. Especially when he added to it by asking if anyone there was Brazilian? Way to reference your ex-gf in such a male gaze way, pal. Like I get that Jared made the same joke too and it was just a joke, but why make it blatantly obvious that he's talking about his ex-gf? Which is beyond weird given the circumstances. It almost reminded me of that tasteless and tone deaf Brendan Fraser joke he made when with Jeffrey Dean Morgan in that NJ panel. His overgrown frat boy is showing. Not to mention all we have learned about his attitude towards other people working on a set, his or someone else's, ever since the Rust interview, what the Winchesters cast and crew were forced to endure during shooting, and now this lawsuit.
Then his answer to the gift question just made me roll my eyes. I get that these guys are essentially putting on a show at these cons and we don't know how they are privately, but sometimes the whole Jensen being a grumpy dad thing just leaves him looking like an ungrateful jerk. I also know this was a joke but why does he always have to take a potshot at his kids? I don't get it. In what way is that entertaining? And why do AA's eat this shit right up? I can't have kids so maybe it's a touchy point for me but do you know how grateful I'd be to get any kid's drawing never mind my own? Kids aren't trying to be the next Picasso. They're making those drawings for you because they love you and want to make you something. I get he's joking and most likely embellishing for entertainment's sake but that just came off to me as him being an ungrateful asshole, just like the race car story.
Ever since that very entitled story, my opinion of him has sunk lower and lower. I don't know what's going on with him. I don't know if it has to do with the whole Soldier Boy and Dean branding, trying to emulate some mix of the two but holy crap I am so over him acting like an asshole. The grumpy persona is extremely tired and off-putting, except to AA's who only see him for his looks. He could be cursing them out or punching someone out and they wouldn't care as long as he looks good doing it.
I saw a video the other day of him at a con with Jared from 2014 I think it was. What a vast difference. Perhaps in his private life he's much different but how he's been acting publicly recently leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. In comparison, Jared seems way more grateful, a lot happier, and kinder I would even say. Like I said, maybe Jensen is different privately but publicly he has become a major dick. That's very disappointing and like I said off-putting. I've tried to continue being a fan of both guys and be supportive of them separately and together, but with the things he's said lately, Jensen is making it awful hard to continue.
It's just disappointing and really reminds you that no matter how they act publicly, like once upon a time this guy acting humble and gracious and down to earth and grateful for every opportunity that's been given to him, you never really know who they are. It's just so massively disappointing. Thanks for letting me vent to you here.
My blot is always open to venting. Vent away, anon!
To be honest, I didn't really connect Jensen's bun story with his ex from over 20 years ago. If he was, yeah, it's crass, and it would certainly fall in line with so many of his other crass jokes/stories. I'm on your side when it comes to being tired of his grumpy/frat boy persona.
Part of me thinks the de-evolution of his public persona is a coping strategy for hiding how lost/uncertain he is with his career (and possibly his personal life). Like, he has to create a character of himself in order to hide any vulnerabilities. But at the same time, you wonder how much truth there is in that personality because it shows up in other cases where he's not putting on a show (like the police interview).
(It could also be that he no longer has Jared around to inspire him to be a better person which may be why he seemed so much nicer in those earlier cons. Some people tend to adopt the traits of those they're most around.)
Whatever the reason, it is disappointing to see and I understand your frustrations. It's hard to be a fan of someone who is no longer the person you thought they were. I hope venting helped a bit and I wish you the very best!
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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Scoob is a contentious film. Whether you think it's good or bad or simply average is entirely up to you. However this isn't a full review of the movie itself but one of its characters: Brian. Despite his less than stellar performance I believe Brian is not as awful as he's made out to be.
For starters, he isn't a misogynist. We see him treat his pilot Dee Dee quite well. He doesn't make an offhand remark about her gender. He doesn't hit on Daphne or Velma, nor does he insult their intelligence. He trusts Deedee & it's implied the two knew each other before. Normally characters like him would put down the woman to secure his own ego but nothing like that ever happened.
Another thing is while he is conceited he genuinely means well. He accepts Shaggy and Scooby, well more Scooby on the team. There are some moments like when he was hiding in on the ferris wheel instead of facing Dastardly's robots. But in hindsight it just shows how inexperienced He is in the superhero field especially when this version of Dastardly is more threatening. Most of the time his interactions with the duo were friendly.
Also the moment with Captain Caveman was fucking hilarious!!
The only time Brian actually acts like a jerk was when he blamed Shaggy and argued with Fred. But that wasn't because he wanted to be an ass he was just frustrated that the dog he was supposed to be caring for got kidnapped. He felt like a failure so it's understandable he'd lash out. He did apologize in a way by giving them a brand new Mystery Machine showing no hard feelings.
The movie implies Brian has some sort of self worth issues because he's nervous about taking on his father's mantle. He wants to be this brave powerful hero but doesn't know how to get about it. So he uses what he knows like social media and theatrics. In fact I think those are also methods of him hiding his fears. As long as he can appear as confident as possible nobody would take him for a fool or weak. Running with that interpretation his character makes a lot more sense.
Even though his relationship with Dynomutt was somewhat tense he doesn't spend every moment putting him down. Though I do wish the movie focused on them, it just irks me how Dynomutt was giving 5000% but had to make Blue ineffectual in comparison. But that's the fault of the writing. Blue was more badass in the drafts. But as far as final product goes he isn't awful. The true downside is that he was voiced by Markie Mark (uhh) but even then it wasn't terrible voicework and he did a decent job capturing Brian's personality. Dis wish they hired an actual VA or Brendan Fraser.
At the end of a day he was a victim of shoddy writing and he deserved better than what he was given. He isn't a moron, just a misunderstood man doing his best!
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zalrb · 8 months
It was so weird seeing Leo in KOTFM, I mean I definitely think he’s versatile in the roles he chooses but he does follow a trajectory of always choosing the guy that lands on top in some way (from what i’ve seen). Like, maybe not the guy who lands on top but definitely always the guys who’s like… scheming the system of the move idk if that makes sense.
But anyways his role in KOTFM was just like, not that at all it was so weird when he was on screen. like his performance was good but it was WEIRD. I was weirded out.
Also totally agree about Lily Gladstone, and i want to ask what did you think about the woman who played Mollie’s sister, Anna? Her scenes were short but it’s one of the most memorable performances of the film. Like as I was watching I kept thinking back to it.
Hmm, interesting about Leo. I didn't have the same experience although ... he is particularly evil and particularly insidious in this role but he's also meant to be weak-willed and pathetic and a little bit hapless i.e. the investment in the farm and the insurance scam that goes terribly wrong and I don't think he plays that part all too well, he's too self-contained and self-possessed as an actor for me to really believe it when Robert De Niro and Brendan Fraser are talking down to him like he doesn't understand simple concepts, like I don't think Leo allows himself to get to that place. In one of the commentaries in True Blood ... I believe it's season 1, Alan Ball talks about Ryan Kwanten and how a lot of actors couldn't play his character Jason who is just so dumb because they would kind of want the audience to know that they as actors aren't actually that dumb and it affects their performance but Ryan was just willing to go there and be dumb and I don't think Leo is willing to go there even if he tries so I was just like the acting is good and when Mollie calls him a coyote, I believe that, I believe you're scum, I believe you're smarmy and I even believe you're pathetic and I believe the writing around Ernest and his weakness in that sense -- which isn't to excuse anything that he did, it's a part of what makes him so insidious and so evil -- but I don't quite believe Leo playing a person who is kind of yellow, like rather than believing the acting of him having so much deference to King and doing everything he says, it's like I felt like Leo as an actor wanted to challenge King, wanted to go toe to toe with De Niro and that kind of crept through.
Oh, I thought Anna was fantastic as well, she left a great impression
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slam-dunkrai · 1 year
My expectations were not high and I did not pay any money to see it, but oh man, The Whale is a *bad* movie.
I was expecting a middling Oscar-bait drama with objectionable body politics, given the spectacle made by the press team out of how fat the protagonist is, but I was expecting a movie that at least has characters that feel like people in it and is able to string together at least a few moments that are at least able to approach something approaching emotional resonance. What I got was a movie that feels like it was made in the 30 Rock universe as a punchline. Stunning misfire on basically every level — like, yes, the movie wants you to believe that it's making you empathise with its protagonist in the most emotionally manipulative way possible, and it doesn't think there's anything at all objectionable about the implication that you need to be convinced fat people are normal; it also consists basically entirely of characters monologuing at each other and none of these monologues are particularly profound, its theses statements are "people are amazing!" and "be honest!" despite the fact basically nobody in this movie is written in a way that is at all honest and almost all of them are deeply cruel in ways that are basically not challenged (because the protagonist is very obviously a martyr who is the most miserable man alive and yet his plight is mined by the people around him for constant emotional epiphanies, which is the currency on which this movie operates), the soundtrack swells dramatically and in a way that so clearly wants to be sinister when the protagonist eats food or feels any sort of pain, there is an entire subplot about an evangelical cult that goes basically nowhere and does not challenge the beliefs or infrastructures of this group except to make the point that the protagonist's homosexuality is a source of tragedy for him given that it ended because of this cult, there are allusions to the fact the 2016 presidential primaries are going on while this happens in a way that does nothing except maybe to trick an unsuspecting viewer into thinking this is more important and profound that it really is, and the movie is so obviously called The Whale because it wants to say "you thought we called it this because the guy is fat? WRONG! it's actually about Moby Dick!" and then ends up not challenging the perception it thinks you have on him or doing anything of note with the Moby Dick theme — except for the fact that the protagonist tries to reconnect with his daughter over an essay she wrote in eighth grade about it, and this essay, which is not great because (credit where it's due) it does accurately feel like it was written by a disinterested teenager, acts as the emotional centrepiece of the movie as well as the proof that suggests its theses statements are profound and correct *and* that the daughter character can be saved from her troubled ways; the climax of the movie is her reading it to him while smiling and crying for the first time in the movie while he stands up and walks over to her — unassisted, by the way; the movie has just rancid takes on mobility aids — and smiles; she finishes it and looks up at him, he smiles at her, then dies immediately and is implied to ascend to an afterlife, maybe.
Is Brendan Fraser good in this? Yeah, but it is in a weak role and pretty much in spite of everything else; he is fighting for his life to get all he can out of that script, and there are moments where he very briefly manages to imply that his character possesses an inner world. He is an actor capable of Best Actor-winning performances, but this one feels very much like the Academy wanted to apologise to him on behalf of Hollywood for failing to support him during his break from acting and not taking any form of action about the exec who harrassed him — Paul Mescal and Colin Farrell were just as good if not better in roles where their characters talk and act like people. Hong Chau is also trying hard to bring the script to life and her effort is also very commendable. Everything else about this movie? Absolutely terrible. Oh my god. One of the most unintentionally funny things I have ever seen; deeply ill-conceived from start to finish. Do not watch this.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
The Best Actor race is surprisingly dull this year. I see awards analysts on twitter struggling to fill the 5 spots. If it continues to disappoint, then Austin is definitely in. He was very good in the role. Timothée might also have a shot, even though the Oscars don’t like horror, but I’m telling you, the category is 🦗 so far. We’ll see what December brings.
Who's all getting buzz for Best Actor? 🤔I haven't been keeping up with much since I've been busy with school. I can see Timothee getting a nod for "Bones And All", especially since the film premiered at the VFF. The Academy LOVES these types of indie films lol...even if it's a bit graphic. It just depends on if the story is actually good I guess. But I can see him possibly getting a nod if his acting is great in the film.
Isn't Brendan Fraser also getting some buzz for his film "The Whale"? I think he's getting a LOT of buzz for that movie. He's the favorite to win I believe. He even gained like tons of weight for the role. I haven't seen the movie, but it definitely looks interesting. I want to check it out before the Oscars. 😊
Austin should definitely at least be nominated. That man put in some serious hard work. The things he went through... my gosh. Austin put his whole entire Elvussy in that "Elvis" role rotfl! 😅🤣And Baz was practically a sadist lol!
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pls share your oscars takes
… oh boy.
To be honest, most of my takes/opinions on this years awards can be boiled down to the fact that I believe the Academy gave the awards not to the best performances in each category but rather as a reward for legacy/to fit a narrative.
I’m going to get the take that’s most likely to bring me hate out there first: Best Actor. I want to just make it clear that I love Brendan Fraser and I’m so happy for him because what happened to him was awful. But I don’t think he was the best actor in that category, I don’t think The Whale was the film he should have won an award for, and I do believe he won the award not for what I’m certain was a good performance but because it fit the narrative of his comeback and the Academy knew people were wanting him to win for that reason alone.
Personally, and here is my controversial take, I do think Austin Butler should have won - and I’m not some in love fangirl of either him or Elvis, that’s just how I feel. If you watch clips of the real Elvis performing alongside Austin’s performance… it’s actually scary how accurate his movements/mannerisms are, down to the second. Yeah yeah, the voice and the fact he’s still doing it is funny, but I truly do think he was the standout of the film and the main reason it worked - honestly I’m a huge Baz Luhrmann fan but this film hinged on whoever was playing Elvis Presley, and if the actor playing Elvis was wrong then the film would have never worked.
The other acting Oscar I have a take on is the supporting actress one… listen, I adore Jamie Lee Curtis. She’s an icon, a legend, a Queen. But I do not think she was the best nominee in that category, and it felt more like she was being awarded just because of her history as an actress than for her performance she was nominated for. I haven’t seen the film (EEAAT?) but from what I’ve heard she wasn’t even the best nominee from that film in that category. I’m being serious when I say I rooted for Angela Bassett - people seem to scoff and ignore performances from superhero movies but her performance was astounding, I remember seeing that scene in the cinema from Wakanda Forever and everyone being dead silent, the awe in the cinema screening.
So, to sum the above up: I do think the Academy gives some awards based not who was the best in the category but on fitting a certain narrative or even to prove a point.
I think the Oscars used to actually mean something, but nowadays... to me, it just seems like an outdated award show that for some reason is viewed as above and beyond all the other institutions that give out awards, and often times it feels like they don't actually consider most films apart from biographical ones, ones that are clearly Oscar bait (like The Whale is), and dramas.
For example, let’s be honest, with the rare few exceptions, the Academy doesn’t take fantasy/sci fi/horror seriously at all, especially for the acting categories. Even the Lord of the Rings series, which was very awarded, suffered somewhat; the final LOTR film in 2003/2004 won all eleven Oscars it was nominated for (as is right and proper) but there was apparently shock when the nominations were announced and the only categories it wasn’t nominated for were acting ones. Like… seriously? You’re telling me Sean Astin didn’t deserve even just a nomination for the way he cried over Frodo’s lifeless body, for “I can’t carry it but I can carry you!”, for putting on weight even though he’d worked hard to lose it and his co-stars didn’t have to (I’ve heard Dominic had padding to make him look a little more rotund since he used to be so lanky, not sure if that’s true)?
Horror suffers a lot too because people don’t take it seriously and, to my knowledge, rarely gets nominated or recognised; I remember watching Midsommar and wondering why the fuck Florence Pugh didn’t get nominated for that because her performance - the sobbing brokenly at her family’s deaths, the unsettled facial expressions that are tinged with her being taken in by the cult, etc. I’ve seen a number of heartbreaking or genuinely unsettling performances by actors in horror films that are masterfully done and deserve recognition but don’t get it because of the dismissive-ness towards the genre.
I also think actors using motion capture etc are not given the respect they deserve for their performances by the Academy. Like Andy Serkis… that man spent years crawling around the floor in various suits to bring us Gollum and is a master of performing mocap. Any actor who is able to deliver an amazing performance whilst in a motion capture suit deserves a great deal of praise because they’re literally using their imagination for 97% of their performance. For example, the Avatar movies: I’m honestly astounded whenever I see BTS for either film of the actors because they’re literally in studios in silly suits and cameras attached to helmets pretending there’s other blue aliens or various creatures or environments they’re looking at/interacting with. Performances delivered in motion capture are just as valid and deserving as any other performance.
I think the Academy also has an unfortunate habit of choosing Disney to always win Best Animated Feature - which thankfully was not the case this year, I haven’t seen Del Toro’s Pinocchio though I absolutely want to, but frankly 96% of the time when there’s a Disney film nominated they’ll just choose it because it’s Disney (*cough*Toy Story 4*coughcough*).
Anyway, I kind of went off on a tangent there but still.
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Possible Cast Members for “Knives Out 3”?
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Rian Johnson has done it again with Glass Onion, an excellent follow-up to the raucously enjoyable Knives Out. The consistency in the writing and the way both films award repeat viewings make them great comfort watches, and Daniel Craig seems to be having a wonderful time playing the over-the-top Southern drawling, eagle eyed dandy Benoit Blanc. 
The success of the series so far has been not just the clever writing, but the casting, as each film utilises an ensemble of tremendous character actors who enjoy being outlandish and ridiculous. Unsurprisingly, Twitter quickly began asking who fans would love to see in the cast, and it prompted me to consider my own ideas. It won’t shock many to hear I quickly thought of many, but below are some of my ideas. The good thing is that Benoit Blanc has the potential to be the Columbo of feature films, appearing every few years in an ongoing franchise, so even if these don’t all appear in the third movie, there could always be the next one...
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Brendan Fraser is currently in the midst of a career renaissance due to his performance in The Whale, where he has become a front runner for Best Actor prizes in his heartbreaking portrayal. But this kind hearted, beloved man first came to prominence with his self-deprecating manner in fan favourite cult classics such as George of the Jungle and one I particularly love, The Mummy. He’s shown his ability to balance comedy with pathos, so he’d be perfectly suited in this world.
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Jon Hamm is man who looks like he is chiselled out of perfection, and yet surprised many with his comedic timing in 30 Rock and the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Hamm could work perfectly as the murder victim in a Benoit Blanc movie, his magnetism allowing him to be depicted positively before flashbacks reveal a darker edge, akin to his more dramatic roles.
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Stephanie Hsu was the surprise break out from Everything Everywhere All At Once, demonstrating surprising pathos in her support role and impressively holding her own against Michelle Yeoh. A trope in the previous two movies of the series has been Blanc’s double act with a young female, firstly the Cuban-Spanish Ana De Armas, and then the non-binary African-American Janelle Monae, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they continue that method. Hsu could have a brilliant double act with Craig, so I think she’d be fantastic.
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Hugh Jackman is handsome, can sing, is funny, an amazing dramatic actor, and reputedly one of the nicest human beings in Hollywood. Renowned for his classic portrayals of Wolverine, one of the few action heroes to challenge James Bond, I could see him portraying one of Benoit’s best friends, inviting both Blanc and Hugh Grant’s Phillip to a Broadway event (any excuse to see Jackman, Grant and Craig singing Broadway together).
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Daniel Kaluuya is mostly known for his partnership with Jordan Peele, specifically in the excellent horror films Get Out and Nope, as well as his appearances in Steve McQueen’s Widows and his award winning performance in Judas and the Black Messiah. However, an often underrated element is his dry, deadpan line reading, epitomised by his performance in Nope especially. I could see Kaluuya in a similar role to LaKeith Stanfield from Knives Out as an exasperated detective working alongside Benoit Blanc.
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Lupita Nyong’o may be better known for her dramatic roles in 12 Years A Slave, Jordan Peele’s Us, and even her role as Nakia in the Black Panther series, but it’s actually her role in the horror comedy Little Monsters that makes me think she would suit the series. Portraying a kindergarten teacher trying to protect her class from a zombie outbreak, her mix of sincere positivity and deadpan humour could make her a Toni Collette / Kathryn Hahn esque figure.
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Sandra Oh finally got the lead role she deserved in her series Killing Eve, her role as Eve Polastri allowing her to demonstrate her tremendous range in comedy and drama. She mainly now features in voiceover roles, such as Turning Red or Invincible, but it would be great to see her bring her frazzled energy to a Benoit Blanc mystery.
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Pedro Pascal is currently the lead in two of the biggest possible television shows, firstly playing the eponymous character in Disney’s The Mandalorian, and recently taking on the lead role of Joel in HBO’s The Last Of Us. Although these two roles means Pedro is likely going to be fully booked for the majority of his time, a role in a Benoit Blanc ensemble seems perfectly suited for him.
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Florence Pugh is probably the least likely, considering she’s now a critical and commercial darling with upcoming roles in Dune: Part Two and ongoing performance as Yelena Belova in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, her comedic timing demonstrated in Fighting With My Family and as Yelena is an underrated element of her repertoire that deserves more attention. She would seemingly suit a similar role to Ana De Armas and Janelle Monae, but I’d love to see that expectation get turned on its head and reveal her to be more similar to Kate Hudson in Glass Onion, the reversal of “hidden depths”.
Those are just some that come to mind, but I’d love to hear others thoughts on who they would have join the Benoit Blanc Cinematic Universe?
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firelightfables-arc · 2 years
"Hey Clint, happy birthday!" Steve's present for him? A framed drawing of Brendan Fraser as Richard O'Connor (minus the shirt, of course). Well, and a pound of good coffee.
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Well, that was ENTIRELY not what Clint expected when ripping open to that suspiciously frame-like present. He'd half prepared himself to find either a photo of the coffee carafe back in it's proper place or maybe even Cap himself.
But Brendan Fraser? Half naked?
"I always knew you were a class act, Cap. But this?" A hand moved to an eye to wipe away a tear. "This is just another level."
Setting the frame down carefully, hand patting the substantially delicious smelling bag of beans, Clint turned to pull Steve into a hug. "Thanks, Cap."
Pulling back, his eyes glinted in mischief. It was his birthday after all. He was allowed a bit of puckesque behavior today without reprimand. "What do ya say we brew up a pot of this and then hang that frame up in the entry way? See how long it takes Stark to notice?"
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marksarmel · 1 year
What I’ve been consuming 01/31/23
As the fingers of winter dig deeper into our brittle bones we settle into that most coveted of spaces, our couches. So grab your hot chocolates, hot toddys or what have you and curl up with some media and consume!
Star Wars the Bad Bunch - Some things don’t change all that much and for that there is a small comfort. It sounds harsh to say, but luckily it's not completely true. For starters, Omega looks to have aged up. She’s also settled into a nice groove with the group. When the new season opened, I felt at home with these starkly drawn recognizable characters. Omega is still too smart and too ambitious for her own good. Everyone else just has to keep up. Three episodes in and the series is showing us more of the group's understanding of the depths of the Empire's reach and its indifference to humanity. Tech gets an episode all to himself in Spoils of War and shines once again in Episode 4’ Faster. I for one am all for getting a much deeper dive into Tech and I hope each character gets this much love this season. There also seems to be something dark coming for a side character. This show is just solid writing with good looking animation. Same as it ever was. Tune in Wednesdays to soak even deeper into George Lucas’ sandpit.
The Last of Us - Man oh man is this show just hitting it completely out of the park. There’s no warming up here, no couple of episodes to get through before it gets good. This show is just straight chocolate cake. I have all those same feels as I did when watching the first season of Game of Thrones or The first season of true detective. Pedro Pascal’s face says more than a full page of dialogue. His posture lets you know everything that he just cannot bring himself to say. Bella Ramsey is the perfect counterpart. Her acting is so spare and subtle. As Ellie she is constantly feeling out Joel, testing him, pushing him, just far enough. With another actor this would easily translate into an annoying kid, but Ramsey handles it all with such assuredness that she is slowly growing on us, just as she is on Joel. I am so enthralled by everything in this show and I cannot wait till next Sunday evening.
Note: Episode three. Whoo boy! I was not prepared for all of those feels. I knew going in it was going to be emotional, but the love story that was built in this hour of tv is so deeply moving that it just fills any sort of hole you may have in your heart about humankind. I think here, it’s super important to note that this is a gay love story, but it’s something simpler. It’s simply a love story. The gay part doesn’t matter in the sense that we are seeing all the intimate and new and scary things that go along with falling in love. It’s the same with everyone, gay or not.
The Whale  - This was an amazing and intimate character portrait. I felt like this movie could have been a play and then I noticed in the credits that it was adapted from a play. All the things people are saying about Brendan Fraser are true. He imbues his character, Charlie, with a deep deep regret. The film does a great job of conveying Charlie's struggles with addiction. Also, the makeup and body suit design is astonishing. Sadie Sink, his daughter, whom many will recognize from Stranger Things, is sharply drawn and nearly unlikeable. Her issues are clear from the beginning so we understand her when she lashes out, but it still hurts. See this movie. Bring some tissues.
Paddington 2 - Paddington 2 was quite simply a joy to watch. Perfect for kids, parents and grumbly grandpas. Paddington is filled with so much wonder and innocence and goodness that it's just fun to watch him navigate the world. When he ends up in jail it's just plain fun to watch him win over the "hardened criminals". His adventure throughout the movie is ridiculous and the supporting cast is all perfect, especially Hugh Grant who seems to be having the most fun of all. If you're ever feeling down about the world, watch Paddington 2. It will give you hope. It will also make you wish bear cubs could talk. Note: I've never seen the first Paddington and didn't feel like I was missing anything. I just bought into the fact that this bear lives with the family and that everyone thought it was perfectly normal.
The Pale Blue Eye - while I enjoyed this movie I don't think it's for everyone. It's slow moving and sort of lumbering. This pace helps the moments of horror stand out, but it can be rigorous for some. Note: this is not a horror movie, it's more of a detective movie. I loved the two lead performances, Christian Bale is great as usual, but the real standout for me is Harry Melling as Edgar All Poe, before he was famous. His character is awkwardly assured. Somehow comfortable in his own skin, despite looking anything but. His sunken eyes, slightly too close to each other, hold a yearning and a deep curiosity. His Poe moves through the film  like a preternaturally intelligent child who can’t help but let you know they’re much smarter than they look. Both leads dance around each other beautifully, searching for a connection, searching for truth and then finally, finding something much deeper. A good movie for a dark rainy night or a cold snowy overcast day. Get some hot chocolate or hot toddy and settle in.
Rewatch: Wheelman - I rewatched this getaway driver movie recently and loved it just as much as I did on first watch. You probably missed this Frank Grillo led neo noir-car-chase movie released on Netflix back in 2017. It’s a throwback to films like Escape from New York, Predator or the underrated Showdown in Little Tokyo (Shame on you for not knowing one of Brandon Lee’s early films!) It does away with the camp of some of those movies and replaces it with an urgent impending doom. Which is perfect for a driver movie. My earlier mention of Escape from New York is foreshadowing for this comparison: Frank Grillo is this generation's Kurt Russell. He’s all dark sweaty swagger, greasy hair and a perfectly trimmed 5 'o'clock shadow. And that makes him perfect in this role as he tosses out more “fucks!” than high school kids arguing on a school bus. The plot is super simple: a getaway driver finds himself embroiled in a botched robbery and must escape. 90 percent of this movie happens in the car, as any good getaway driver movie should, and Grillo makes every moment count. He’s frustrated, stressed, suspicious and just about out of time. Get yourself some popcorn, an ice cold brewski and buckle up!
Warpaint - Radiate Like This - Oh man this album just movies and grooves me. From the light opening chimes of Champion to the sparse and softly sexy Send Nudes this album is perfect for warming yourself up  under some blankies with your favorite person. Sans a S.O.? Put on this album, reach out to that person you’ve been thirsting for and see if it just might inspire some sexy sexting.
Gina Chavez - La Que Manda (the One Who’s in Charge)  - At barely 17 minutes this could barely be considered an EP, but Chavez packs each of these 5 songs with all kinds of flavor and emotion. The title track opens with an urgent wailing accompanied by equally punchy drum beats. This track is a perfect opener and will get even your grandma’s cranky hips shaking.The closing track Bienamada (Beloved) does what every great artist should do, leaves ‘em wanting more. Clear some space around you to shimmy and shake and put this album on repeat.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
What are you looking forward to this awards season? I think Killers of the Flower Moon and Women Talking are my most anticipated. I’ve read both books and they’re excellent. I just really hope for the former Scorsese is thoughtful with how it’s framed; like Leo’s character’s indigenous wife really should be a co-lead with him…
The trailer for She Said looks so tepid to me. But the industry will prob be eager to award it. Idk whose the lead there, they might run both in supporting. I love Naomi Ackie but I’m so over biopics. I hope Michelle Yeoh’s hype can sustain…I’m sure Margot will win for Babylon though. I feel like the narrative is already that she’s “due,” despite her only having been in Hollywood for like 8 years. And the academy doesn’t believe in recognizing WOC in lead actress.
Good question! I'm definitely interested in Killers of the Flower Moon. That cast is.... stacked. Jesse Plemons is looking for that Oscar, obviously De Niro is a legend, I'm excited that Brendan Fraser is doing something serious business in the midst of his mini comeback, and Leo and Scorsese are always a pretty safe bet for a collab. However, I am.... very worried about how the subject matter is going to be handled. I think Scorsese is extremely talented, but I don't think he's necessarily equipped to handle this sensitively. Nor do the sea of white guys leading the cast is a great sign. I'm excited for Lily Gladstone, though; I hope her role is substantial. How often does an actress of Blackfeet descent land this kind of movie? (Answer: not enough.) Also, love that she's from Montana.
Women Talking does sound good, though likely an incredibly difficult watch. I won't lie to you, I'm kind of a bit... over.... Frances McDormand playing a certain kind of role, which is often "offbeat, hardcore lady of some sort" and I hope this is different? Nor am I huge fan of Rooney Mara--I think she can act, but I also think she's been overrated at points. But Ben Whishaw and Claire Foy I love, and I though Jessie Buckley was really good in The Lost Daughter, so it could totally be an acting showcase. Tbh, I think the focus being on Mennonites gives this a much more interesting spin than She Said.
Like, to me, She Said could very well come off as self-congratulatory when in reality Hollywood has done basically nothing to combat the rampant sexual predation in the industry. I'm not super interested in this. I think Zoe Kazan is kind of an.... ironic choice for this movie, as she's like, OOOOOOLD SCHOOL nepotism. So watching someone with the last name Kazan play someone EXPOSING HOLLYWOOD will be odd. Carey is fine as an actress, but tbh I'm so bored of her doing the same thing over and over, which is like... kinda hollow feminist treatise. Suffragette, Promising Young Woman (which I have very mixed feelings on)... Okay now.
I'm not against good biopics, and I think Naomi is super talented, but I have my doubts about the ability to... tell an honest and sensitive story about Whitney. I think so much remains in debate about her--her relationship with Bobby Brown, her issues with drugs, the abuse she experienced in her childhood, her sexuality. Then you add to her tragedy the fact that her daughter died so shortly and tragically after her. I'm just very wary.
As for who will win Best Actress--lol, y'all have gotta stop counting these chickens so early. Remember when everyone was telling me Kristen Stewart was DEFINITELY gonna win Best Actress? Who the fuck knows what'll happen. I can't see anyone surpassing Michelle Yeoh's performance, but the release date of the movie, its unconventionality, and Michelle being a middle-aged woman of color who's not from the U.S. is going to make that an uphill battle for her. But I don't think Margot is a shoe-in at all. I think Margot is seen as very talented, but I don't think she's gotten like... WOW reviews since I, Tonya. I still really don't get why she was nominated for Bombshell, as the reviews for that movie were meh, she wasn't a standout, and her subplot was pretty harshly critiqued by some.
In her favor is the fact that she will be playing Clara Bow, but against her is the fact that she will be playing Clara Bow. Plus, she's got Amsterdam coming down the pipeline. There was a time when being in a David O. Russell movie guaranteed you a nom, but tbh I think that movie may be overshadowed by people finally reckoning with his horrendous behavior. Margot (and the entire cast) has been dogged a LOT online for working with him. I think he's also vulnerable because it's been a while since his last movie (which was underwhelming on every level) and his winning streak of The Fighter - Silver Linings Playbook - American Hustle was a long time ago. Since Joy, everything went down with Weinstein. And while I think critics fawning over three of his closely-released movies in a row gave him protection, a movie about the wonder mop or whatever with a Jennifer Lawrence on the brink of her big backlash hit his armor. The thing is that men in Hollywood get away with their sexual misconduct all the time, but he's also an asshole to talent and difficult to work with. Big names have dragged him; Clooney, Amy Adams. Imo, the potential for bad press with Amsterdam is huge and could hit anyone involved in that movie. There are people I like in it--Margot, John David Washington. There are people I dislike--Anya. I hope all of them get backlash for working with him, and I think they could. As for Babylon, I guess I've gotta bite based on the cast and the subject matter, but God Chazelle is annoying.
I'm excited for the Knives Out sequel--I don't know how that'll fare awards-wise, but tbh the original got more noms than I expected for a movie that was actually fun and easy to follow. The cast is once again great, and tbh? It's early does, but wouldn't be shocked if Kathryn Hahn got nommed. She's a hardworking character actress who can do drama and comedy equally well and if it's a good movie with a good role I could see her getting a supporting nom somewhere... The Globes if nothing else lmao. But who knows at this point.
Blonde will be interesting. I doubt it'll go anywhere serious awards-wise, but I can't tell if it's going to be a total mess critical flop thing or a "polarizing, let's reevaluate in 30 years" type of movie. Netflix being terrified of its content doesn't necessarily mean it'll be bad. It's based on a deeply weird book and has been adapted by a deeply weird director. I am honestly just SO interested in seeing how Ana does with Marilyn's voice, because that's a tough gig for a native English speaker, let alone someone who's ESL with a naturally heavy-ish accent like Ana.
I'm super interested in Don't Worry Darling. It looks really stylish and fun, kinda topical for today, and while Florence has aggravated me lately.... She's very talented. It's not a matter of if, but when she wins an Oscar at this rate. Chris Pine could also get some praise, imo, as he's been consistently underrated and excels in this types of ~mysterious charismatic man~ type roles.
I think I'll have to see The Menu for Nicholas Hoult, and I do love the premise... But lmao I'll have to put up with Anya bug-eyeing the camera and people acting like it's TALENT. It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it.
I have very little interest in The Fabelmans but with that cast, the fact that Spielberg is directing, and the autobiographical nature means it'll be in some kind of conversation. Like, I really just need people to realize that Spielberg isn't.... very interesting anymore... and I doubt this'll do that but we can dream.
I'm looking forward to My Policeman. I don't know if it'll be kinda trite and expected for a "closeted man period piece" movie, or actually good, but I love Emma Corrin and I honestly appreciate the hustle with Harry Styles this year, so.
I'm really hoping that The Woman King is good. Viola got some (.... deserved) bad press for her Michelle Obama recently, but I will say that she's normally the type of actress I could totally see racking up another win, so who the fuck knows? To me, it doesn't quite read as a movie that will get that for her, but like... again, you never know. Is it gonna be awardsy? Or is it gonna be the kind of historical epic that actually works as a popcorn movie, which people used to make all the time (think Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans) but don't anymore. Either way, I'm watching.
Bones and All could be good? I do not... like... Timothee, but Taylor Russell could be on the verge of a breakout and tbh the hilarity of Chalamet being in a cannibal movie is kind of difficult for me to resist.
Anyway, that's what I've heard some chitter chatter about as of late. WE SHALL SEE.
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH.2
Getting back to your little one story cottage, you can only manage to rush in and run about in a mad dash as you try to accomplish getting ready for work and getting something to eat. Running through choices in your head as you change and freshen up, nothing sounds good. There's not much time since your shift starts at nine and to make it to the store you need to leave by eight twenty. You got home at eight fifteen, and while Nate, your manager, has never seemed to give a fuck what you did at work you're still in your probationary period and would like to keep the easiest job you've ever had.
It's a really simple gig, seeing as the store you work at is actually a front for some illegal activity. The variety of crime you aren't sure of, but you are aware there's no way you guys do no business and yet they can afford to pay thirty dollars an hour. Thankfully just keeping your mouth shut and being nice to little Jo, the owner's daughter, is enough to keep you in the cushiest job in the world. The store's front is a regular old book store, all the books are real, the registers work, you're able to sell books and you've run to the bank to do the weekly deposits twice for Book & Nook. The front is very legitimate or it would be if the amount of customers ever equaled the sales made.
Again you don't ask questions, because for thirty dollars an hour you get to goof off for a couple hours a day, plus you get a bonus when you watch little Jo at the shop. She's a real sweet eleven year old, she's got tourettes and took a shine to you the first time she saw you tic. While you both might not suffer the same disorder she finds the common ground nice, like it's not just her. It's not even hard to watch her or enjoy her company, she'll come bouncing in with her excited chittering and hands clapping spilling all the latest gossip that comes with being in middle school. And boy is there a lot of gossip.
It's really nice seeing that Jo has friends at school and is even considered a “popular” kid. You remember how tough school was because no one understood you and teachers never cared enough about your personality to bring up the fact that it was clear to most faculty members that you had Autism. You excelled academically so what did it matter if you got picked on for oversharing information or for finishing assignments the minute they were handed to you. As bittersweet as the parallels are you're so glad Jo doesn't have to go through that. Never would have thought a southern school could be so accepting, much less a middle school at that.
Tearing through the kitchen you honestly can't find anything that you want to eat right now. And even after a long night of hiking/dissociating you don't think you're that peckish at all. Figuring it's best to at least take something to quell any future nausea you grab a Pedialyte Pop from the freezer. As fast as you entered your home you left, and not before ensuring twice that the door was locked and secured. While living on the outskirts of town saves you from many potential robberies, and worse salesmen, there's still the chance of some lunatic with an ax hiding out in a closet to murder you. Better safe now than sorry later.
Pulling into park behind the shop right at nine is a blessing. You run into the shop to clock in blurting out a quick 'Morning' to Nate, who was carrying a particularly large box, as you passed by him. In a flash you were back at your car retrieving your newly prized deer skull. Lungs burning a bit from the all out sprint you just did you took a little extra time to close the trunk and lock your car up to catch your breath, and avoid any light headiness you might get from the empty stomach workout. Eager to share the wonders of death with your best work friends, and by that you mean Nate your manager...and only other coworker, you rush back into the building.
The shop was quiet as usual as you made your way through the door though you were in the back room where only employees could roam you had the slightest suspicion that the front of shop was just the same. It's there you find Nate, now lugging a medium sized box around to a side table. He did this a lot you suspect some type of smuggling but hey plausible deniability and all those legal matters. The taller dark haired man sees you and just as he's about to wave you over, notices your prize with a raised brow.
“The fuck d'you bring in the store?” he doesn't seem amused by whatever it is he thinks you're up to. “Deer skull.” Lifting it up in one hand and pointing at it, “Found this guy on my hike last night...or rather this morning actually.”
“YN, we talked about this, you said you'd get some sleep last night. No adventures remember.” he's only two years older than you and yet he acts as if he's ten years. He must be an old soul, or enjoys the role of care giver...or you're making him go gray prematurely, anything's possible.
“Eh, I remember saying I'd 'try' and get sleep.” for someone who's body is running on fumes your cheekiness is astronomical, “operative word being 'try', remember.”
It's a long silence as Nate decides if he wants to deal with your bullshit at this moment. After a minute or so he concedes leaning back on the table behind him. “Let's hear it.” and you perk up immediately.
“Cool, so I was walking along the tree line and spotted him, tried to find more but seems there's only one piece. Judging by the size of his antlers I'd say he was nearly fully grown. Now my plan is to do whatever treatments taxidermists do to bones and,” you continue to word vomit at the tired twenty-six year old in front of you, about the joys and wonders of taxidermy and the likely hood of ever finding a skull so nicely preserved.
“I can do that in here right?” even though it's been phrased as a question, you aren't asking permission, you're just being polite and letting Nate know the storage room will house your creepy deer skull antics for today...maybe the week you need to find a taxidermist book to figure out what you need to do.
Nate gives up and leaves with his box of new books to let you have full run of the back to do your weird vulture culture shit. He figures he's just too old to understand the new obsessions with the macabre. He hopes his cousin won't take to shit like this, the kid's weird enough as it is, no need to put another target on her back. Nate sets off to take down the Harry Potter sets in favor of this new comic series little Jo wanted.
Already taking his silence as the go ahead you place your found skull on the table and rush off into the store front to find a book on taxidermy and hopefully more specifically about bones. The set up and organization of the store reminds you a lot of the scene in Brendan Fraser's The Mummy 1997 where Evie is on the ladder and somehow causes all the book shelves to fall like dominoes. So unsafe, yet all book stores and libraries seem to have this set up. With the tall shelves it makes it difficult to accurately get a read on the spines. You don't even know what section taxidermy actually falls under, education maybe?
“Nate, where do you think a book on taxidermy would be?” you called out as you passed by him.
“...hobby?” that didn't sound right but you'd give it a shot anyway.
This should be fun, the hobby section was so disorganized and it took up nearly half the store too, Book & Nook had everything from fishing, to crochet, cooking, the art of film making, hell even had a cryptid hunting book a book that you may have to look into a bit later. You closed your eyes and let your intuition guide you, when you looked up you saw a thin black...vine, no whisp? It undulates in less than rhythmic movements nearly like a snake but it has no head, and not unlike a tentacle but without suckers. It's another hallucination so you were keen to ignore it until it stretched past your head, giving you an added auditory hallucination where you swore you could hear wind rushing past your ears, it swirled around you until it flew to the shelf and tapped on a book. Cautiously you walked over to it, it's never good to play into these delusions. Once you got close enough the black shape was gone but on the shelf was a creme colored paper back titled “Manual of Taxidermy: Complete Guide of Preserving Birds and Mammals.”
Walking to Nate with the book in your hands you asked him to read it and make sure you weren't having an episode and making everything up right now. You'd have to try harder to go to sleep tonight if that were the case.
“Oh you found your book huh?” he said looking down at the title.
Well this is getting weird fast, but you nod nonetheless. Might as well thank the weird hallucination gift right. Leaving him to do whatever it is he plans on doing the rest of the day, you go to the back. And just as the book instructs you set to cleaning the skull by setting it in some water and changing it as many times as the water runs murky. The book is quiet helpful to a beginner like yourself but it does seem a bit outdated from the bits of information you know from taxidermists blogs and vulture culture posts on the internet. Reading it in between water changes is a great way to pass the time though, not like you guys get any real customers anyways.
The bell rings as the front door opens and closes alerting you to someone's arrival on your third water change. Needing a little bit of mental stimulation you walk out into the front where Big Jo and Little Jo are talking to Nate. Little Jo sees you and skitters away from her father to rush you, she stops about a foot away and holds her arms wide open. She's a hugger but upon meeting you had never even thought people could be touch adverse so keeping in mind that you might not want to be touched she's learned to invite you into hugs and it's your choice to allow it or not. Placing a hand on your bicep you give a squeeze, checking your tolerance you find the thought bearable. Placing your arms outstretched at your sides Jo rushes your torso for her hug.
After she nearly body slammed you into the wall, and  let her death grip go she was off on a tangent about so many things. Her excited rapid blinking tic, one she developed after meeting you, triggering your own.
“Ok so you remember how last week I told you that Jessie Kinsleton said that Micheal Saleisa told Gigi B, not Gigi S. that Meghan,” you had no clue the lives of eleven year olds had gotten so complex, from the gossip you heard from Jo it seemed that the school's sixth graders were plotting for a war with an ice cream parlor up the street. No clue why, maybe just to fuck the system, kids are weird, preteens are weirder...and angry.
But you nod to Jo listening to her every word, and trying to calm your eyelids so you could actually open your eyes. After being told the sequence of events that would happen in the Tween Armageddon, something to do with Marco Salvator ordering three dozen donuts and a flock of geese, your eyes finally gained their ability to see back. Black whisps, much like the one from earlier, wandered all around your vision, it looked like a  dark smoke had settled eye level within the shop and was snaking through the isles.
Catching the movement of your eyes Jo looked around the shop too. Seeing nothing she turned back to you concerned, “Hey it's okay, nothin's there.”
Hearing the drop in volume of the normally chatty tween, Big Jo and Nate pause their conversation to turn their attention to you and follow you're gaze.
“Kid, you ain't sleepin' again?” Big Jo can already gauge by the bags under your eyes but he's a polite man so he feels the need to ask rather than state his assumptions.
“Day 6.” You answer simply, ever since you've started at Book & Nook the whole Cowell family became acutely aware of many of your disorders. By their record your longest time spent awake was ten days, you however adamantly say that you were an hour's mark away from ten full days so the longest you've been up is nine days in a row. And those are just the cases they know of since you've moved to Kepler.
Big Jo shook his head as a stern father would, which he is, “I have half the mind to send you home to rest.”
“That won't work.” you really don't mean to sound so coarse but it's so irritating having to go over this at least once a week.
“What about those gummy things Dia got you?”
“Long term that kind of stuff has no effect, sure it'll make me drowsie for an hour or two but even if it made me sleep one night I can't use it all the time. And before you ask the same questions again, caffeine has no real effect on me so limiting my intake will do nothing and weed doesn't do a thing for me either.” you state plainly, monotone as you present facts that everyone in the room already knows.
Looking at the stern face of Big Jo's and the exasperated face of Nate you continue, “I know it must be frustrating for you to not be able to help, but I'm content living like this. I like my late night adventures and when I do sleep it's really pleasant.”you threw in a smile for added comfort.
“Kid tha's not the point, there's somethin' wrong with you, medically I mean.” he's pinching the bridge of his nose, probably counting to ten to calm himself from raising his voice.
“Tons of people suffer from insomnia and there isn't anything a doctor could do for me except look for underlying conditions.” Big Jo's about to retort when you continue with, “Plus my dad and uncle both have insomnia as well so my case is due to the genetic lottery I lost.” You say with a hint of finality of your situation, you had to come to terms with this condition all the way back in high school. Having a decade to get used to your strange condition and the limitations it places on you from time to time. Whereas the Cowell family's only had two months to process this information, and you understand it'll take awhile before they stop being concerned. Same thing happened with you parents and friends back then too.
For now you're only met with more head shakes as if they were saying 'what are we going to do with you'. Leaving your medical issues aside Nate and Big Jo continue to talk shop, when the set up Nate just put on display catches Jo's eye.
Like lightening the tween was away from your side and by the new display shelf it looked like it held graphic novels. That's a first since you've been here, you walk over to join Jo knowing the second you do she'll start on about what's got her so excited. Most people might say you over indulge the child and coddle her but you actually just think it's really important to take interest in what makes kids happy. It helps them find their voices and also shows them that it's normal to get excited and like things.
“We got the TAZ graphic novels in?!” you hate rhetorical questions but smile and nod at her anyway.
“Have you read them? No, well you've listen to the podcast...what omg! Ok so there's these three brothers and their,” Jo begins regaling you with tales from the podcast known as The Adventure Zone and how fun they've made dungeons and dragons seem with their amazing story telling and funny characters.
You aren't sure if a show where the main group of heroes being called Tres Horny Bois is exactly age appropriate but when you look to Big Jo he kind of just shrugs it off. Turning you attention back to Jo who's now monologing about mongooses you just smile at the weird family you've found yourself in.
Let it be said that a tween with a slightly unhealthy fixation on something can find anyway to drag it back to that fixation. The day flew by with Jo explain the inner workings of dungeons and dragons, fifth edition, to you, her father, and her cousin after you mentioned why she didn't play. Apparently she'd love to but wanted a story fitting for her friend's to adventure. So being the good older cousin, father, and weird family friend you all were you came up with a story plot for her to use with her campaign.
The Jos had a lot of fun bonding over this little workshop and you guys even had food delivered so you and Nate could stay later. What was meant to just be a quick workshop turned into a mini family game night after you made several nearly impossible puzzles that wouldn't be used in Jo's campaign due to no one at the current table understanding how to solve it even after you showed them several times.
Overall it was fun and you think you might actually be tired enough to go to sleep tonight. You tried to stay and help clean up but Big Jo put his foot down and told you to go get some rest, he'd seen the way you occasionally look around the room as if something was moving behind them all. You may have started off as a cashier two months ago for him but his daughter has opened up a lot since meeting you and discovering that tics aren't so uncommon and there are people who wouldn't care or make a big deal out of them. Because of that you've earned your keep in his family, he already has you down on the list for Christmas cards.
Knowing you can't fight the six foot four man you roll your eyes and bid everyone good night, little Jo coming in to steal another hug from you and thank you for helping with her game. Checking on your skull you see the water's clear and dump it in the sink of the break room before leaving the skull to dry overnight, it's for sure gonna make Nate scream tomorrow, you can't help but chuckle at that.
Leaving through the back door and into the dusk colored parking lot you notice your trunk is popped open slightly. You definitely heard it shut earlier this morning. You blink before your head jerks to the right, unsettled by possibility of a break in and not risking it you head back inside.
“Hey, I think my car may have been broken into.” you stand awkwardly in the door way unsure of how to proceed.
Big Jo and Nate are out of the door as fast as they can. They find your car unlocked with the trunk popped, you know they weren't trying to brush you off when they asked several times if you did in fact lock your car this morning. After hearing your affirmative response each time, they began to inspect your car checking to make sure all wires are properly secured under the hood, Nate even retrieved the jack out of his own car to take a look under the car, ensuring the brakes hadn't been messed with. They started the car up just fine and it didn't appear tampered with. Even though nothing looked out of place and Nate's car, sitting in the same parking lot, hadn't been touched you appreciated them checking to make sure you were alright.
Knowing you're perceived as a woman by most, even outside of this small town, makes you uneasy when it comes to terms of abductions and violence. You know the chances and hear the stories whether it's from the victim's mouth or a podcaster's telling the story the dead can't. Nate offered to follow you home and make sure you were ok but you declined and said you'd call them both when you got home. Big Jo said to just call his home phone because Nate would be coming over tonight anyway, and if they didn't make it there before you called Dia was already at home and would pass the message along. You'll probably still try and give the shop a call if Dia answers, it wouldn't sit right with you if you wound everyone up just to not and at least try to settle their nerves.
With one final check of you car, the men even going so far as to lift seats up and feel under them, they sent you off. You drove carefully on the road tonight, ready to pull off into the shoulder at the slightest hint that something was wrong. Not even the radio was on something that you really didn't like driving without, but if there was the chance for you to catch a shift in tone of the machine you wanted to. Eventually you did end up making it home in one piece and you had called the Cowell family home, from the safety of your car, and got a spazztic eleven year old asking if you'd made it home alright. It took a little bit of coaxing but Little Jo calmed down and shouted to her parents that you were on the phone and alright.
“Kid,” looks like Big Jo took the phone away from Little Jo, “Everything ok on the drive.” Big Jo could hear the movement and shutting of your car door, he'd have to say he was relieved you waited until you were on the phone before exiting. He knew you lived out past the quiet zone in Old Lydia's house. A fact that did little for the unease he felt when he thought you were being watched.
“Oh, yea drive was fine, too quiet but fine.” you said simply as you began circling the cottage. Nothing seemed out of place on the outside, even looking above eye level where people tended to get sloppy in stalking or home invasion cases, everything seemed fine.
“Hope you don't mind if I keep you for a bit.” You had just unlocked your door and stepped in.
“Nah, kid 's fine.” you give a hum of acknowledgment as you look through the kitchen in cabinets, under cupboards, and even under the table.
“You're a smart kid.” he's taken that fatherly overtone that makes you roll your eyes. You understand the sentiment of parents and parental figures having pride in their child or ward but it's always been so weird to you when they feel the need to bring it up. Especially when they bring it up in situations that are dangerous, like can you not make it sound like someone's about to die.
Finding nothing in the living room, hall closet or bathroom you make sure all the windows are locked and dowels are in place to keep them from opening. And you double check that both the back and front doors are secured. You can hear the hushed whispers on the other end of the line, Dia must have just found out about your car, as you rustle through your kitchen utensil drawers taking out two forks before you make your way to your bedroom.
Once in your room you checked your closet and under your bed. Finding nothing you  went to the window in your room, the one right by your bed, you checked the lock, secured it in place with two dowels, and then covered it throwing a thick blanket over the curtain rod to ensure no one would be viewing you in your sleep or the precautions you were about to do. Turing around and locking your bedroom door you then jam one fork into the closed door crease, right below the locking mechanism, and jammed the other fork perpendicular through the prongs. You attempted to open the door with all your weight but only could get an inch in before the forks would stop more movement.
“Kid you alright over there?” it's rushed, he probably heard the commotion with your make shift lock.
“Yea, just had to add another lock to the door.” you trust the Cowell's but you understand how stupid it'd be to let them know exactly how you were defending yourself. Even if it wasn't them there's no telling if the person who broke into your car was outside and just good at hiding. You could also be too jumpy from your true crime shows but you figure it's better to be safe.
“I think everything's good Big Jo.” taking a final glance around your room eye's landing on the bed, “Think I'm even ready to go to sleep tonight too.” a small half laugh leaves your mouth.
“Alright kid, you call if you need anything got it.” it's an order not a request.
“Got it, good night.” Big Jo might think that'd been rude coming from anyone else but from you he can only roll his eyes at the brevity and the dial tone he's met with. He has his own sweep to do, if they were targeting his employee there was a reason. He hasn't had any problems since coming to Kepler but someone always eventually comes along who can't take a hint.
Even combing through your home with Big Jo on the line you didn't feel safe having your bed by the window anymore and moved it away and in front of the closet door. You'd rearrange your room later but for tonight this would have to do. By some grace of god you were actually able to shut your brain down tonight and rest. Maybe it was the excitement and merriment from hanging out with the Cowells or more likely the situation you find yourself in of perhaps being a target for something insidious.
Whatever the case may be you are off to the land of dreams before you know it. And unbeknownst to you the same eyes from this morning watch your home. They may not have seen what you did in there but they'd be sure to catch you when you come out. They'll wait all night to catch you if they have to.
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
Hi, can I get some clarification? At one point does lusting for a person/feeling lust for someone become objectification?
Objectification is treating a person like an object, like a *thing* instead of a person.
(for the purposes of this post I am primarily going to be talking about sexual objectification though parents treating their children like objects is DEFINITELY a thing)
I would argue that objectification happens when you disregard a person’s autonomy (not that you overrule or deny he fact that they HAVE autonomy, but like it doesn’t even occur to you that your choices should be considered because they’re not real enough to you in that moment for it to matter).
Having a crush on your friend or thinking that the cashier at a store is sexy isn’t objectifying them. Resenting your friend for not returning your crush or taking a photo of a sexy cashier to share on social media is objectifying them. Arguably just thinking about someone while masturbating is, to an extent, objectifying them. But imagining the sexy cashier taking you out on a nice picnic date and showering you with presents and buying you a pony is objectifying them too.
I’ve got a hot take here: Objectification isn’t inherently bad.
There’s a person at my gym who has some fucking THIGHS. Every time they’re at the gym they’re on the stair machine for a minimum of thirty minutes. I’m pretty sure they can’t wear jeans because I can’t *imagine* the kinds of jeans that would fit over this person’s quads. Every time I’m at my gym and this person is working out their thighs it’s a little bonus perk for my gym visit. In fact it’s kind of an incentive: if I go to the gym maybe I’m gonna get to see THIGHS and that’ll be cool.
This person is an object to me. At a conscious level I know that they are a real person with their own thoughts and desires and agenda and whatever but that’s not what they are to me. What they are to me is Damn! Thighs!
And that’s not a problem.
However if I *follow* them around the gym to look at their thighs, or if I stare obviously and move so that I’m working out behind them, or if I follow them out so I know what their car looks like so I can make sure to go into the gym if I see them in the lot THAT is a problem. And if they introduce themselves to me and I don’t remember their name or their interests and all I ever want to talk about is how hot their thighs are then THAT is a BIG problem. And if they were my coworker and I ignored their achievements and didn’t listen to their requests because their needs were less important to me than hot thighs and anyway if you spend so much time looking good you’re probably an idiot who doesn’t really work but just gets a paycheck because the boss likes looking at you and your work doesn’t matter THEN that is a VERY VERY BIG problem.
You are allowed to lust after and objectify people so long as it doesn’t impact the actual real world and that actual real person.
Chris Evans is an object to me. He’s pretty. I like looking at him. He doesn’t have any idea that I exist so me seeing him as just a pretty dude and ignoring everything else about him doesn’t matter. And I cannot tell you how much I DO NOT want to personally humanize Chris Evans as a celebrity and form a parasocial relationship with him where I know about his dog and his siblings and look at pictures of his family at the holidays. I’m much more comfortable experiencing Chris Evans as an object than as a person, thanks, and I’m pretty sure that for most celebrities that’s how they want most of the world to interact with them. But if I were to meet him and objectify him by presenting him with sexual fanart of him or if I were to have an interview with him about his political website and only asked him questions about his workout routine THEN it would be a problem for me to objectify him and I would be doing so in a way that was directly harmful to him.
Also. In terms of nonsexual objectification:
I keep hearing random liberals say that Biden needs to nominate a woman of color as his running mate.
I hear it over and over but I’m not hearing names, just “Joe Biden needs to nominate a Latina” “Joe Biden won’t win if he doesn’t run with a Woman of Color on the ticket.”
Over and over. But no names. No policy. Almost as if people are seeing this possible running mate like some kind of talisman or token or object or fetish (in the original “magical object’ sense, not the sexual sense) instead of a theoretical politician with experience and ideas of her own.
Hm. Gross.
And yes it is COMPLETELY possible to objectify men and we as a society do it A LOT and I kind of have the objectification of men as commodities in the popular music industry as a special interest that I’ve done a lot of reading and research and writing about.
Objectification is a thing that people do. It is arguably a *necessary* thing that we do in our society, where we’re aware of so many hundreds or thousands of people that we can’t actually individually treat them like humans (and we can’t even meaningfully conceive of MILLIONS or BILLIONS of people).
So let’s look at George of the Jungle (because that’s what we’ve been talking about today)
The ladies looking wistfully at George as he plays with the horses: these characters are objectifying the character of George but it is likely harmless because he doesn’t even seem to notice that they’re ogling him.
Ursula’s roommate/friend staring at George naked: this character is objectifying George and it *could* be harmful to his character because it will change their interactions and the way she views him and the dynamic between him.
The advertising for the film focusing on a shirtless character slammed into a tree: Not objectifying George.
Tumblr focusing on gifs of George/Brendan Fraser without his shirt: Objectifying the character/actor, harmless (though if you approached the actor on the street and said “Oh my god, I am so hot for your ass in that one scene where you’re wearing the bowl” that would be harmful)
People focusing on Brendan Fraser’s weight gain and lamenting that he’s no longer sexy: Objectifying the actor, potentially harmful to the actor (because people frequently tag the actors in criticism like this) and definitely bodyshaming in a way that can be harmful to the people who encounter the criticisms.
Fans expecting actors to maintain a particular level of fitness outside of a film: objectifying the actor, harmful.
Studios expecting actors to perform complicated stunts without adequate preparation or safety precautions: Objectifying the actor, harmful.
Studios and audiences expecting actors to be dangerously dehydrated so that they appear extremely muscular or extremely fit when filming; Objectifying the actor, harmful.
A film executive expecting an actor to perform sexual acts for them or to tolerate sexual touching because they’ve cast the actor for a part: Objectifying the actor, harmful. 
So it’s interesting that while the actor Brendan Fraser was likely objectified in the process of making this film (especially considering that, yeah, there was probably some unhealthy dieting and some dehydration to look as lean and muscular as he did in some scenes) the film as a whole does not objectify the character of George.
Shit’s complicated and there’s not a clear dividing line but it’s okay to think of people as objects sometimes because that’s honestly a thing that we have to do to get through the day without keeling over from overextended empathy but it’s not cool to *treat* people like objects and media that treats people like objects frequently models behavior that people normalize even if they don’t intentionally emulate it so it’s worthwhile to have discussions about the objectification of characters in media.
There we go.
Easy, right?
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akajustmerry · 3 years
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#the worst part is 🤢 the worst part is 🤢 when i met him at a dw event he was even dressed as 🤢 even dressed as 🤢 i can't even say it
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there's something lorde touches on in her latest guardian interview that I want to talk about and this is not a dig at her specifically, but a common idealist fantasy I've observed in white ppl under 25 is the desire to run away from society and start their own communities where they can heal etc and, look, I get it. I do. but please remember, no matter where you go you are on Indigenous lands. all this fantasy talk of running away and living in the woods/starting a community is premised on the colonial assumption the land is empty and unoccupied, and waiting for you to claim your dreams on it. I hope I don't need to tell you what atrocities that kind of thinking led your ancestors to do. A LOT of ✨cottagecore✨ is actually just cutesied up Nativism. if you care about the Earth, the most important, radical and vital action you can take is being an ally to Indigenous peoples and supporting Indigenous sovereignty. Not doing so is just being complicit in colonialism, no matter how "green" or in tune with the Earth you think you are. Indigenous peoples cared over this planet and its resources for 1000s of years without harming either. A better future for all of us lies in Indigenous autonomy and sovereignty and land back. Nothing more, nothing less.
6880 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 13:32:08 GMT
feels like a good time to remind y’all who herald harry styles as some god of dismantling toxic masculinity that he’s a whole fucking zionist so while you’re calling out demi lovato’s pro-Israel bullshit, hope you’re doing that for ur white man fave too
7029 notes • Posted 2021-05-21 04:07:14 GMT
the whole stick with Tom Holland always spoiling things or whatever is a marketing stunt by Disney and has been from the very beginning and I know this because Andrew Garfield was ACTUALLY fired from spiderman and blackballed by Sony for saying things in interviews that the company did not want him to say i.e. how he wanted Peter to bi, how he thought elements of spiderman was racist, etc. if Tom Holland was actually doing ANYTHING Disney didn't want him to he would not be here. and even tho it's cute n funny whatever it makes me so fucking angry that Tom Holland has his whole career in film thanks to the fucked up way Sony got rid of Andrew Garfield Spiderman in the first place that to act like Tom is doing ANYTHING remotely rebellious relating to his role in marvel is just the biggest fuck you to Andrew Garfield. fuck mcu spiderman.
15360 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 01:51:08 GMT
thinking about how britney spears, brendan fraser and chadwick boseman were all memed at incredibly low points in their personal lives for clout and how poeple only apoligised after learning the context of those images for them. maybe a better goal than ridding the world of celebrity worship is treating famous people with humanity, not worshipping, not villainising, not joking, not assuming- but just treating people in the public eye with the humanity you’d extend to any other person that you don’t know.
17003 notes • Posted 2021-08-16 04:55:48 GMT
there’s a part of elliot page’s interview with oprah i can’t stop thinking about where he talks about the amount of energy he has now (physically, creatively, mentally) because he’s no longer spending every waking moment fighting his panic, deppression and anxiety surrounding his gender. he even says how he can’t remember having this much energy since he was a kid. and i’m just...so happy for him! because u can see it! you can see it in how he’s sitting comfortably and smiling and talking enthusiastically, and god i wish that euphoria and peace on every trans person and every person whose energy is being consumed by invisible struggles they’re facing. i know i hope to find that energy again someday too. 
55411 notes • Posted 2021-05-02 12:38:18 GMT
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mrbingley · 3 years
my fancasting of the mice and murder pcs that no one asked for:
lars vandenchomp: dwayne johnson (he’s got the muscle and i think he’d sooo be up for wearing a pink suit and putting on a silly accent; his acting and personality would bring the angle of silly lightheartedness that ally captures)
sylvester cross: richard e grant (i think he would bring the right “pompous and dramatic yet still somehow charismatic” vibes that grant captures; you can just so easily see him nailing all the monologues grant goes off on)
buckster $ boyd: brendan fraser (he played the american who dresses like a cowboy and works for/with very rich ppl in the show trust and nailed it and i want to see him be a cosplaying cowboy again; he’d perfectly encompass all the smooth talking and wit with that tinge of absurdism (i.e. “this just went from bad bad bad to bad bad bad bad bad”) that sam does)
daisy d’umpstaire: melissa mccarthy (she’ll kill the comedic moments of course and honestly i want to see her take on a more serious role like this that isn’t just humor the whole time which is why i’m saying her)
vicar ian prescott: richard ayoade (need i elaborate? he’d crush it. he has the range for this. he can do wry, scathing wit and bumbling buffoon; raph gives us such a perfect balance of stumbling fool and then hard statements and richard could swing b/w these two effortlessly)
gangie green: romesh ranganathan (another british comedian yes i’m sorry; he’s so good at doing a blank menacing stare and delivering the right kind of frustrated and annoyed; katie stays quiet with a drooping, watching face and then delivers the most hilarious dark dry lines along with the perfect amount of exasperated frustration and banter and i know romesh could capture that so perfectly)
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