#is it the knowledge how many audience members treated it as a joke just because the main character was fat?
clamorybus · 1 year
honestly i thought i was doing better with myself but last night i merely read the tv tropes page for the movie the whale and i broke down sobbing
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
hi! long ask up next.
I'm not sure if this is the right blog for this question, i'm really sorry if it's not. I'm part of a theatre class/group that is putting on Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. The teacher has a very specific vision in mind that i generally vibe with. However, she's asking me to play a character in a way that might be offensive. I play two characters, one of them is Snug. There's a play within the play that an incompetent artisan theatre troupe is putting on, which snug is a part of. In our version, snug is meant to have a speech impediment (the teacher hasnt given me more specific directions on how to talk). I did a bit of research and decided that my version of snug has dysarthria (no dysphasia or aphasia) from a degenerative disease that he inherited from his dad. Im trying to play him as having distorsion and omission type articulation errors, in the initial and medial positions respectively, but it's been very hard for me to consistently play him like that becuase i dont have his disability. The only correction the teacher has given me so far is to speak slower so my dialogue is more comprehensible.
Now, i shouldn't have, but i did watch some scenes on youtube with snug in them. And none of the versions i saw give him a speech sound disorder, from what i could tell. What most versions do have in common though, is that the artisans who are putting on the play are, for lack of a better term, meant to be "dumb". Snug specifically has a line which i didn't realize was supposed to be a dig at his own intelligence until i saw a clip. The line is:
Have you the lion's part written? pray you, if it be, give it me, for I am slow of study.
In the video i saw, the actor paused briefly after saying "slow", for emphasis:
for I am slow... of study.
I'm autistic and i know what it's like for people to assume i'm "slow" because of how i talk, and i don't want to promote those stereotypical views.
What makes this whole conundrum more complicated for me is that our version is going to be (sort of?) a musical. And my teacher is adamant on me rapping an eminem song. I thought this would be fun but thinking about it more carefully i worry that the joke might be that snug is faking his disability for some reason, and that he can actually speak "normally".
sorry if some of this isnt clear, english is not my first language.
Anon S
Hello! I wanted to address this ask as a former actor and current student studying speech language pathology as well as someone with an articulation disorder.
You can give a backstory in your head as detailed as you want - and as an actor this is a good thing, and something you should do with every role no matter how complicated or simple - but the unfortunate truth is most audience members are not going to interpret it exactly the same way without the same context. You may be thinking of portraying a mixed dysarthria (and there are many types of dysarthria, from spastic to flaccid to ataxic, to mixed that will all have difference in sound quality, articulation, and rate) but unless it's written somewhere the audience, who is just noticing a slow rate and articulation errors, and who may not even be aware of what dysarthria is, may think your character has some dialect or strange difference they don't recognize.
From my knowledge of the play, the Rude Mechanicals are meant to be laughed at and this falls into the idea that people with certain speech patterns or disorders are funny or silly or even, yes, stupider than others. However, there's not much you can do about this if your director is insistent other than refuse to treat your character as a joke. I would feel better about a character with consistent errors and whose disability was thought through than one who wasn't, even with a character like a Rude Mechanical.
As for a disability disappearing during a rap, for something like stuttering that would make sense but not for an articulation disorder and certainly not for dysarthria, which causes a slower rate normally and can cause articulation issues due to coordination of the parts used to speak (not only the mouth but also the soft and hard palates and the lungs, for example). I would talk to your director about what the point of the rap is - is it to be funny? is it to show another side of him? why does this character need a speech disorder? why does this character need to rap, and why does the speech disorder need to be dropped during the rap?
If you can talk with your director and figure out what the vision is for some honestly bizarre choices it may help you figure out if you're on the right track (and if dysarthria is the right choice for a disorder for your character, as well). As always, if anyone has advice or input please feel free to add it!
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
So I'm here to say that I really love your Bingyuan fic! The research you do for it and share with us is just amazing! I also have a q regarding LBG. From SV we know that he felt admiration for his Shizun so do you think that if SJ wasn't cruel to him LBG's admiration would've grown into love and attraction like it did in LBH's case for SY? Which then also raises a question: would LBH/LBG fall in love with any Shizun who was kind to him? Or was he just drawn to SJ's type of personality. WDYT?
Hi there, Anon! I’m glad you’re liking the Untold Tale! Thanks for reading! I think it lowkey helps when the story I’m writing (in general) is from a culture I’m familiar with and that I know some of its language nuances (just general Mainland dialect; I’m unfamiliar with Shanghainese, the Beijing dialect, etc etc). So fortunately for me, as someone who is Chinese but was born in the Western side of the world speaking Mandarin to family and friends, emulating the Chinese aesthetic and atmosphere in TUT comes a little bit easier to me than someone who did not grow up with this culture. I bet if I had been raised in China, I would be able to write something even more multilayered and deep but, alas, the youthful rebellious me of the past hadn’t taken my pinyin and Chinese character writing lessons seriously so I can only communicate verbally and understand audibly 😫. It’s very special for us writers in fandoms to be able to write a story of a culture that we actually know and can identify with. But high key it’s been immensely fun injecting some references of things I’ve come to notice from watching period C-dramas and the C-novels I’ve read, and I’ve come to learn interesting things about Chinese history and mythology even I didn’t know! So the story really writes itself.
Shen Jiu (OG!Shen Qingqiu)
To answer your question 🤔, to be honest this is why the SVSSS fandom is great—because there’s so many interpretations of the original source material. That’s why we have our headcanons and fanfictions to explore these many different possibilities. So for me personally, I can see it happening both ways: *1) LBG does develop a crush/falls in love with SJ, or 2) no matter how SJ treats him LBG regards him respectfully or coldly. I think Possibility 1 is more likely, since SY transmigrated into SQQ and we saw what happened with “Bunhe.”
Now, mind, for Possibility 1 to be more likely to happen, the SJ in PIDW will have to undergo a massive personality change/ a change of heart/ develop a good conscience and will need to clean up his image aka clear up the massive misunderstandings from PIDW canon (like him being mistaken as a pervert for Ning Yingying, visiting whorehouses, killing LQG, etc). It’ll be difficult though considering who Airplane has changed SJ into for his stallion harem novel (reading through SVSSS, my impression of PIDW besides it being the harem stallion novel is that it sounds similar to a “dog blood plot,” where audiences tune in to see how the villains are brought to justice). I literally have a line from TUT in a future chapter where SY says this about SJ since I will resurrect SJ and bring him into the story for closure:
People like Shen Qingqiu naturally had a set of deeply-rooted values. If one wanted to change them, it’d be easier to just have them reincarnate. (—TUT, ch???)
At his core, he’s a flawed man (which makes sense with the underlying cycle of abuse theory, considering his upbringing and backstory). He’s jealous and petty and prickly. His image is that of a proud and cold immortal. In Chinese terms, he’s the type of character archtype who I can see being àojiāo (definitely not canon characterization; this is just a stray thought that amuses me) in a romantic relationship.
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LBH will have to recognize that^, or be in a position where he finds SJ’s caustic side endearing instead. He will also have to be extremely patient with him (although, since the joke in SVSSS is that LBH is an incurable M, it shouldn’t be that hard).
A fun thing about OG!SQQ is that he’s the cannon fodder scumbag villain of PIDW. He’s the reason LBG blackened from a white lotus. And, as you know, villains aka antagonists aka bad boys resonate strongly with people for a reason. That’s why we see a lot of Enemies to Lovers tropes, etc. It squicks me to use this phrase but “the allure of dating a ‘bad boy’ is strong.” SJ is that type of bad boy we could identify as a “fixer-upper project” (ugh, that phrase)—even with the red flags and warning signs—especially for those said to have a troubled past with rejecting neglectful parental figures/ family members/ friends and have have not outgrown their wish to convert that sort of person into a loving, accepting person. When we want something we can’t or shouldn’t have, our desire for it grows exponentially. In fanfiction this is a concept writers and readers can explore safely in a world of the imaginary.
From a Meta Perspective
Although, if we look at it meta-ly, the cold and proud and/or knowledgeable Shizun (teacher/ master) character who comes to know love and “is redeemed” by whomever is the love interest (typically a cute and quirky girl who may or may not have started off as naive to the innerworkings of the Cultivation World and therefore needs an established and mature mentor to guide them) is a very well-known archetype for a reason in Chinese fan culture.
Seeing a terrible person change their ways and try to become a better person because of the influence of the one they love is also a popular depiction for a reason.
It’s almost like gap moe. The crueler and aloof one starts out as (arrogance is a staple), the more impactful the shift is when we see such characters soften their edges.
The draw of the sacred master/disciple relationship is that it’s taboo, so I think it’s fair to say that such a relationship in fiction is a popular trope precisely because of this aspect. From a writer’s perspective, the main appeal is to show that there is someone out there who can cause this respectful figure to lose control (undergo emotional change) and go to great lengths to protect his/her precious person. That precious person also has to fall into the “not like other girls” trope (so they can show the ML a different world he would not have seen the beauty of before). On the other side, we look forward to the point of the story where the love interest has their “Oh” moment and realizes their admiration has somehow shifted into love and attraction over the course of events.
Other Romantic Possibilities
It’s very likely. I personally like the fanon headcanon where anyone with Heavenly Demon blood running through their veins feels a compulsion to “obsessively fixate on one person” (TLJ —> SXY, LBH —> SQQ). Personally I don’t recall if this was canon or fanon, but someone had written something about LBH imprinting on one person in his lifetime on the account of his demon nature. And I like that theory (I think it’s likely more fanon than anything but it’s an intriguing idea full of possibilities!).
For him to fixate romantically on one person, I personally don’t think the prerequisite is just by being kind to LBH (but it probably adds to the person’s appeal). There’s probably other factors that go into this to capture the male protagonist’s eye, such as him finding someone attractive (or passes his own personal standards) and/or having good chemistry with that person. So I could see him being into other Shizuns and whomever else. Personally I also think there is appeal in the unobtainable. It’s one thing to have someone’s affection (see LBG and his harem of 600 wives who definitely aren’t shy about giving him affection), but it’s another to know you’ve earned the affections of someone you really like and respect (especially if it’s someone thought to be unobtainable).
As long as the writer can provide a plausible justification for me to suspend disbelief and they set up events to justify it, I can swallow just about any ship possibility. It doesn’t necessarily have to be SJ’s type of personality. (For example, I read a very good fanfiction before where the writer paired Luo Binghe with Ming Fan. Ming Fan, people!!! And they actually pulled it off! What a madlad! Mind, it’s Shen Yuan who had transmigrated into MF in that premise, but the writer set up events that showed how these two characters came to bond and develop a deep friendship which inevitably had LBH developing a crush on his shixiong. I use this as an example because this is the type of unexpected (crack)ship, but because the writer did their work trying to make it seem plausible, we can only admire their hard work and effort at pulling it off.)
As the saying goes, there are plenty of fishes in the sea! As the protagonist, LBH/LBG can have many OTP possibilities with just about anyone as long as the writer can make it plausible. It’s all about the character development and the story/ central themes they wish to tell with the ship!
(Note, these really aren’t hot takes, lol. I’m just having fun answering to this casually from the perspective of a writer. Thank you for your Ask, anon!)
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Asking Why is Important
The problem with many attempts to be subversive is that many writers think "The audience won't expect this." but not "Why doesn't the audience expect this?".
Why do people assume Holdo is a villain? Because she acts like your typical pencil pushing non-action politican character who'd usually be an atagonist in military film.
She wears a fucking ball gown, dolled up with pristine haircut and make up that stands out from everybody else being in uniforms. Makes her immediately give the audience an impression of cluessness. Leia wore stuff like that when she was playing a diplomat hoping to stay under Vader's radar while trying to secure the Death Star plans, but her uniform was like everyone else in the other two movies where she started commanding the action. Even Mon Mothma's, again a politician, robes look more fitting with the military than Holdo's gown and make up. And yes, I know that some backstory material reveals that Holdo is actually from a utopia planet where these gowns and 'expressive outfits' are common for her military and such. Nothing about the movie will make an audience member assume any of that.
Every shot of her is filmed in a way to make her stand above everybody else and usually she appears right after something's gone wrong and the situation is becomming more desperate, where she responds to the situation with empty platitudes ("Hope is like the sun, so my fortune cookie says; does this help boost moral at all?") and no actual assurance or plan of action; just repeatedly "Keep on keeping on.". This further makes her look like a slimey politician who has no actual solution and is biding their time to look for an escape.
I don't know if the director told the actress to do this, but every god damn line delivery makes the character look like the pettiest little brat. Like, she doesn't just tell Poe that she's not at liberty to give someone of Poe's rank the information he wants. No, she has to taunt and dress him down about him disobeying Leia and getting demoted in a tone that just reeks of 'popular girl gotta remind the bitches who's Queen Bee because she's scared someone's becomming more popular than her'. Doesn't help that the movie fails to show that Poe disobeying Leia was a bad thing, by this point the audience only really see's Poe being jabbed by a sneering asshole for actions that, as far as the audience can tell, saved the damn ship.
Now, this is how many subversions are carried out. They show you a trope, have you make assumptions based on your meta knowledge of that trope. Then they pull the rug out. Thing is, usually with that method, it works because the trope they're subverting is already illogical and is solely working on the basis that the audience, knowing it's a trope, is just accepting it. For example: Rush Hour is actually a pretty subversive film at points, like how we're introduced to Christ Tucker's character doing typical action cop shenanigans where he gets two police officers shot and recklessly shoots (and blows up) at a car in the middle of a busy street that's holding explosives. And he's not treated as a badass for it. The cops at the station think he's a joke, his friend chews him out for being an idiot and his lacklusture reputation is the basis for why he's tricked by the chief and the FBI into the humiliating job of baby sitting Jackie Chan's character because the FBI don't want to deal with it.
Spoiler for Jade Empire: One of my favoraite games is Bioware's Jade Empire and the big twist of the game's story is that your mentor is the bad guy. I think this was before the 'Quest giver is the villain' became more prevalent. And if you play the game knowing the guy is the villain, you suddenly notice a lot of big obvious holes in his dialogue and actions that show you he's hiding his true intentions; but it's easy to miss because they're fantasy game tropes. The bully character complains that your mentor gives you obvious special treatment? That's what all bully characters say. The Mentor keeps going on about your great destiny and the plans he has for you and somehow none of teh other students he trains seem to become as strong as you are? You're an RPG player avatar, of course he's going to build up how awesome you are. The guy with the title 'Master Strategist' makes a lot of dumb mistakes that conviently cause the destruction of your villiage, motivating you to follow his plan and forces you to use the help of his agents so you can kill the one person standing in his way? That's just him being dumb for the sake of the plot, writers do it all the time. The Mentor being strict with everyone else, but tolerating the bullshit of the bully character who he knows has a father who works for the Mentor's brother and could blow his cover? He's just confident, of course. The Mentor is weirdly upset that you finished your trial early conviently just before the armies show up to torch your village? He's just a traditional master who's annoyed you didn't get your full days worth of training. He seems almost happy that one of your friends got kidnapped, thus giving you a reason to not be in the village when the attack starts? That... That has to just be a voice acting flub.
It's a bunch of hints that a really easy to dismiss as destiny and writing shortcuts until the twist is revealed with your Master literally putting his fist through your heart and reveals that he trained your fighting style to have one specific weakness that only he knew how to exploit (it's mentioned by companions multiple times throughout the story that the way you fight seems to present an obvious weakness, yet none of them are able to figure out what it is).
*Spoilers end*
But in Holdo's case, we don't have that. This isn't a situation where we assume the worst JUST because we're expecting a trope. Holdo isn't seen as villainous because we assume anyone going against the main character is villainous, it's because the movie takes every oppertunity to make her act villainous. And the twist? She had a plan the whole time... And that's it. Nothing that explains her villainous demenour, ineffectivness or slimey presentation; apparently the reveal that she actually did have a plan and just didn't plan on telling anybody about it in any capacity for some reason. Like, people can say "No, no, she doesn't HAVE to tell them the plan, they should just follow orders" if they want, but it makes no sense not to, at the very least,give everyone the clear impression that you don't know what you're doing.
It's a desperate situation where they're being slowly picked off one-by-one, they're running out of resources, Rose is in the escape pod room assaulting and imprisoning anyone who tries to abandon ship, their leader is in a coma and their replacement leader is doing nothing to assure them except generic 'don't give up because there's always a way' speeches. No fucking wonder the entire ship went along with the mutiny, you dip shit. Murdock from Rambo 2 was better at keeping people motivated and he was a lazy fucktard who was agressivly abandoning Rambo and a camp of POWs because he didn't want to deal with the paperwork.
I think that also highlights another thing people to remember: even if something makes sense on paper, it still needs to have all those details clearly communicated to the audience. The direction and tone of a scene can heavily communicate the story being told to you, and that communication is going to stick with you and even override what your told sometimes. If you have a scene where someone gets bonked on the head and dramatic music starts playing as the surrounding characters gather around to cradle the injured character as the camera pans upwards towards the sky; I'm going to assume the character fucking died. So, when you then have that character suddenly bust in during the climax with no explanation or aknoledgement, you can insist that 'yeah, that blow to the head can easily be non-fatal, no one said that the dude was dead and one guy had healing powers' all you want because the scene very clearly made it out like this fucker was dead and that I should be mourning him.
Luke's character shift in Last Jedi can make sense. It been a long time since we last saw him, shit went down, I can accept that him doing a complete 180 is possiable. But I'm gonna need more than a tiny flashback coupled with barely any exploration of Luke's character shift to buy it.
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ladyopinior · 3 years
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Fate: The Winx Saga is a teen drama inspired by the animated series Winx Club. The series is aimed at an audience of young adults and features a darker story than that of the cartoon (Wikipedia). In order to watch the show, you have to have to leave out of the picture most of your previous knowledge about the Winx Club. Although the show is inspired by the cartoon version, it is clear within the first few minutes of the first episode that most of the events do not match the Winx Club’s story. Now, I know that a lot of people are angry and disappointed at the fact that both Flora and Tecna do not appear in the show, that The Trix are nowhere to be seen, and that the story does not correspond with its source of inspiration. However, I think that this adaptation has potential (this will be discussed later on) - although it can bit a little bit cringy at times. Like it was said before, Winx club is merely the source of inspiration for this show, but that does not mean that Fate: The Winx Saga was going to follow the original storyline step by step as it was. If we take Winx Club as our object of comparison, I do think that the characters are fairly well matched, although some of them are lacking certain characteristics (and being honest, I am still salty about what they did with Stella):
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Bloom, for example, has the same personality traits as the Original Bloom. First, let’s recap Winx Club’s Bloom’s personality: Bloom started off as an insecure girl at the beginning of the series because of her ignorance of her true origins and her strange, yet surprisingly potent powers. Later on, as she learned more about magic and herself, she grew increasingly curious about her past and whom her biological parents are. An escapist by nature, she has a tendency to run away when things get too hard or confusing for her, and can also be impatient and stubborn, with a short temper. Bloom was also impulsive at times, which led to some very bad experiences for both her and her friends. Her greatest strength and greatest weakness was her status as the guardian of the Dragon's Flame. While the Dragon Flame made her arguably the most powerful fairy in the Magic Dimension, it also consistently drew numerous enemies to her such as the Trix, Darkar, Valtor, and the Ancestral Witches. Despite her flaws, Bloom still has a heart of gold. She cares for all of her friends, allies, and families (both adopted and biological) deeply, and is always willing to help and fight for a good cause. She has shown herself to be selfless, caring, brave and a true capable leader. Bloom is tough when needed to be and always lends a helping hand to people in need (Wiki). Now that we have checked Original Bloom’s personality let’s compare it with Fate: The Winx Saga’s Bloom: she also has the same insecurities as the original Bloom - also caused by her lack of knowledge when it comes to her true origins and the fact that she is a changeling (Aisha tells her this in Episode 1). In this show we see a Bloom that is willing to learn more about her powers and magic, and that is also curious about who her biological parents are. She is also an escapist and has a tendency to run away when things get too hard or confusing for her - this is told in Episode 1 when she tells Aisha about how she lost control and nearly burnt her parents alive “Every night after that, I… I snuck out. I was so… scared that I’d hurt them again… that I slept in this… creepy-ass… warehouse near my house until Miss Dowling found me”. In this case, it is also her status as the guardian of the Dragon’s Flame that attracted the Burned Ones to her. This Bloom is also impatient, stubborn, and has a short temper. Bloom was also impulsive at times, which led to some very bad experiences for both her, her friends and the rest of students at Alfea - her decision of freeing Rosalind and letting her recharge her powers weakened the protective barrier and allowed the Burned Ones to enter Alfea risking all the teachers and student’s lives. The Original Bloom is said to be selfless, caring, brave and a true capable leader, however we can say that this Bloom is overall selfish and thinks about her interests first instead of worrying about the consequences of her acts. Although it is still too early to assume that she will be a good leader, we can’t deny that she is brave, tough and caring towards her friends and parents. Overall, I am happy with this Bloom: she matches the original one’s personality pretty accurately and in terms of physical appearance she does resemble the Original Bloom.
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Now Stella… Dear God, what did they do with her… I know I said that Fate: The Winx Saga was not meant to follow the original Winx Club, but I did expect the characters to at least have the same personalities. This is where I am most disappointed. The Original Stella is said to be proud and self-centered, Stella also cares deeply about her friends and family, not just herself. She will stick to the people she loves and do anything to keep them safe. Stella is not always seen wearing a smile on her face, but she does crack jokes to cheer her friends when they are depressed. Basically, Stella has a cheerful and optimistic personality. Besides that, she is totally obsessed with fashion, which clothes look best on her, and which dresses match her face the best. Stella often gives fashion advice to people in Alfea, but this advice is often not taken well. She would rather flirt with Brandon than study and do work, which sometimes annoys the other girls. The most intuitive of all the members, Stella likes to match make but has often had problems with understanding why her friends do not always like getting set up. However, despite her intuitions, Stella can be rather oblivious at times. She was sent to Alfea to become a stronger fairy, but this did not mean so much to her, though she did effectively become a fully accomplished fairy and a powerful one by fighting the first three season villains with the Winx. She uses her magic for anything, but she mostly wants to help her friends as deep inside she is a generous and helpful girl. Although she might disagree with her friends, Stella is very supportive and protective and will not hesitate to help them. She learns to accept that love and friendship are far more important than royalty, fashion, and shopping. Sometimes she hides her true personality because of her upbringing. In short, her cheerful exterior masks great sorrow (Wiki). Well… Where do I start analyzing Fate: The Winx Saga’s Stella… I guess I will take a shot at the similarities first. This Stella is proud and self-centered - which the original one was - and she does like fashion (although I would not label her “obsessed” with it) and gives advice to Alfea’s students… kind of… she mostly critics their outfits - specially Terra’s. Like the original one, Stella was sent to Alfea to become a stronger fairy and rehabilitate from the incident that took place the previous year (meaning that she had to retake the first year again) - in Winx Club, Stella accidentally destroyed the potions laboratory but it is not stated what happened exactly; in Episode 5 of Fate: The Winx Saga, Stella tells Musa the truth of what happened the previous year - that her magic is erratic because of her mother and that that day she lost control and blinded her best friend unintentionally. And that’s about it in terms of similarities… This Stella is dependent on Sky, her ex-boyfriend (still angry at the fact that there is no Brandon, and still creeped out by these two being a couple in the past) and seeks his attention all the time. The Original Stella is the most intuitive of all the members, but to be honest I do not see that trait in this Stella. This Stella is not shown to be a helpful girl nor someone that wants to help her friends, at least not until the end of the season when she tells the others that Bloom deserves to know her truth and that she supports her “I have an opinion. Everyone in this damn suite is so black or white. Bloom is a pain in the ass, but she deserves to know who she is, not the stories the faculty is telling her. Now we can worry about being right, or we can help our friend. Which is it?” (Episode 5). Stella is not a very supportive nor protective friend and only cares about herself… and Sky, and we do not get to see that cheerful exterior the Original Stella showed. This Stella is full of sorrow and sadness, and sometimes this eclipses any other trait she might have. To be honest this Stella is just a bitch most of the time and treats the rest of the people in Alfea like her mother treats her. However, if I put aside the Original Stella for a second, I do think that this version of her can be quite enchanting: she has all the characteristics needed for a great character development in this series, in fact, you can see some change in her towards the end of the season.
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Aisha is one of the characters whose personality does not bother me too much, and I do see similarities with the Original Aisha. Winx Club’s Aisha is extremely opinionated and open minded. She is as intuitive and when asked to, gives practical and pragmatic advice. She is also a talented dancer, athlete and speaks many different languages. Aisha gives practical advice and always provides a shoulder to cry on. She continuously shows this caring nature throughout the show, comforting Musa after her conflict with her father, and calming Flora's nerves when she experiences qualms about her feelings for Helia. However, besides the other girls, she might even be the most sensitive of the crew. She has also been shown to be rather stubborn and impatient, something that can get her into trouble by making her hold grudges and jump to conclusions. This could be the result of her isolated upbringing growing up, as she didn't really have many friends, making her come off as a little anti-social at times when she first appeared. Over the course of the seasons Aisha lost her tomboyish side possibly due to her opening up to the Winx and Nabu, but yet she still loves sports and still determined and energetic (Wiki). The Aisha from Fate: The Winx Saga is highly opinionated and she does not shy away from telling the rest her thoughts. She is also quite judgmental when meeting new people: in Episode 1 she helps Bloom end the call with her parents, they engage in a conversation about why Bloom’s parents do not know she is a fairy and when Bloom tells her that the idea of being a fairy is ridiculous, Aisha asks her if she has never read Harry Potter, and the conversation follows like this: B - “Please. If you knew how many hours I have wasted taking Sorting Hat quizzes…” // A - “Ravenclaw?” // B - “Sometimes Slytherin, yeah” // A - “That explains the lies then” // B - “Hm. Let me guess. Gryffindor [silence] Explains the judgment”. She is intuitive, tries to help as much as she can while being truthful (even if sometimes she ends up hurting people) and gives advice - sometimes uncalled for. But, unlike the original one, this Aisha can also seem a bit meddlesome at times. Like the Original Aisha, this one is also sporty and is shown in the series - she goes swimming every morning. Now, what I miss the most in her character is the lack of background… we know the Original Aisha is the princess of Andros, but we know nothing about this Aisha - Who are her parents? Where does she come from? What worries her? Also, we never new why the is unable to control small masses of water… we are just shown that she has trouble with it and that’s it, no more development for her. I think we should have been given more information about her and not just shown the same four traits of her personality all the time.
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The next one is Musa and being honest I don’t know what to feel about her. I am not bothered by the changes made but at the same time I am (being honest there is just one change they made that deeply bothers me)… For example, the Original Musa was a fairy of music and now she is a mind fairy - a fairy who feels other people’s emotions (Wikipedia). This is not a big deal, Winx Club’s Musa was able to feels nature’s emotions thanks to the sounds it made and was very in tune with her musical side, this Musa is also linked to music but in a different way - she uses it to scape her overwhelming surroundings - and she is also able to feel emotions, it’s just that instead of natures’s it’s people’s. I guess what bothers me the most is that the Original Musa was Asian and this one is not, I do not get the need to change that about the character… I have nothing against Elisha Applebaum, the actress that plays Musa, but why couldn’t they cast an Asian actress instead? It would have brought more diversity to the show. Now that I have that out of the way, let’s focus on her personality. Winx Club’s Musa loves music, dancing, singing, and playing all instruments, but her favorite instrument is the concert flute, the first instrument she ever learned to play. Musa usually plays amazing music but plays best when she is alone by herself in Alfea in a quiet spot. Despite being the most tomboyish of the Winx, she is perhaps the most emotionally vulnerable, and she balances this by putting up a tough front. Surprisingly, Musa gets the best grades of her friends, as mentioned. Her emotional weakness is the result of her mother's death and her father is far away. She is also a bit of a loner and had a crush on Riven, but they do not admit they like each other until the end of season two when they had their first kiss, which then starts dating (Wiki). When talking about Fate: The Winx Saga’s Musa I feel like we should first address the elephant in the room… no, there is nothing going on between this Musa and Riven, in fact, they’ve had like two interactions in the whole show - I can’t say I am mad about this, we all know Winx Club’s Musa and Riven had a very toxic relationship so maybe this is a good move for this adaptation, and also, Sam seems to be good for her. Now, this Musa has said since Episode 1 that she used to dance and that she loved it just like the Original Musa, but unlike her she doesn’t seem to play any instruments. However, she likes to listen to music alone by herself in her room or a quiet spot. She is also emotionally vulnerable and puts on a tough front. Just like Winx Club’s Musa, this Musa’s emotional weakness is the result of her mother's death which she tells Terra in Episode 6 after she asks her to help Sam ease the pain he is feeling after having been infected by a Burned One: T - “You can’t just run away. He’s in pain. And dad’s trying, but—” // M - “Please just leave me alone” // T - “I know you care about him” // M - “That’s the problem. I can’t feel it. I can’t feel somebody I care about die. Not again” // T - “What? … Musa…” // M - “My mum died last year, Terra. And I was with her, and I felt it, the moment it happened. I felt everything she felt. That’s why I can’t talk about my family, and that’s way I can’t be with Sam now. I can’t feel it. Please don’t make me feel it again”. One thing we don’t know about is wether she gets the best grades out of the group because we have never seen her study. Also, we know that she hates not being able to fight along with the Specialists and she is bother by the idea of having weak powers. Being honest, I am not disappointed with this Musa, in fact, I quite like this character but there are a couple of things I would like to know: once again I would have loved to see the moments she shares with the rest of the group because I can only remember her being open with Terra, maybe if they had included a couple of scenes of her bonding with the rest the friendship would have made more sense. I also wish that in season 2 (if they make it) they focus more on her, she has great potential to expand her powers… maybe let her fight with the rest of the fairies and the Specialists, getting to know more about her family and background, and also giving her more bonding time with other members of the group and not just Terra (but I get why they chose her to be her closest friend, I mean, she is her roommate and is dating her brother).
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Now, now, now… let’s talk about probably the most “controversial” character: Terra, not Flora but Terra. This the character that people where most disappointed with when the trailer was released, mostly because she is not Flora. Now, another elephant in the room: a lot of people who had watched Winx Club did not like the idea of having a plus sized character, especially when it was supposed to be a Winx. However, I think it is a great move including a plus size girl - the show being inclusive in this aspect is showcasing that anyone can be a Winx, because your size does not matter at all with the strengths you may have, so I approve this change, I applaud it. Another thing that disappointed fans was the fact that Terra is white - now, we don’t now Flora’s ethnic because it was never stated in Winx Club but many people believe that because of her skin color she had to be Latina… I don’t know about this because Miele, her sister, is white so… I guess you can believe what you want in this case but taking into account that Miele is white, and that Terra is just a cousin then the change made there it’s not that horrible (except that it narrows down the diversity in the main cast of the show). Also, another thing that left audiences speechless was that Flora was in fact mention in the show, but as Terra’s cousin “Shocking. Earth fairy called Terra likes plants. It’s a family thing. I’ve got this cousin called Flora” (Terra in Episode 1), I guess everyone though that the producers making an adaptation from an already existing show would mean that at least the names of the main characters would remain the same, but clearly that was not the case. All of that being addressed, I am still going to compare Terra with Flora, mainly because they are supposed to be “the same” person. So, Flora is shown to be a very calm, soft-spoken, caring, sweet, shy and genuine girl who loves plants and vegetation of all kinds. Being interested in experimenting with her plants, Flora became the potion master of the group who specializes in brewing and creating remedies and medicines from the uses of her magical plants. Due to her gentle and caring personality, Flora is strongly connected to nature and loves helping people. She is shown to have a sensitive personality to the point where she would instinctively care for her friends as well as her plants when they are in distress. Flora is the most mature member of the Winx as she possesses a deep sense of love, peace, happiness and tranquility. However, it is shown that Flora has an insecure side to her personality as she would have problems believing in herself at times. Her insecurity would sometimes cause her to hide most of her feelings to the point where she would have problems expressing them. Flora is one of the most diligent student at Alfea and is cautious of her actions. Although she has a kind-hearted side, she at times gets very angry at her enemies which can cause her to act quickly and show a more aggressive side of herself. As an older sister, she is shown to be quite overprotective who often forgets that people do mature and can protect themselves. Miele often has to deal with this side of Flora whenever the latter suspects a mission to be too dangerous. In this case, Flora has demonstrated some level of ignorance as this attitude tends to hurt Miele's feelings (Wiki). If you have read Flora’s personality, then you would have realized that Terra is just the same. Literally, there is very little I can add here… both of them are very calm, soft-spoken, caring, sweet, shy and genuine girls with sensitive personalities; both of them love plants and vegetation of all kinds; both are interested in experimenting with plants and their properties and creating potions; both love helping people; both have shown signs of insecurity and would have problems believing in themself at times. Terra’s insecurity would also sometimes cause her to hide most of her feelings to the point where she would have problems expressing them. Terra also shows quick responses when it comes to protecting her friends and herself and becomes more aggressive. I guess the biggest difference between them would be that Terra is insecure about her body, in Episode 2 this is clearly seen when she is unable to change in front of the rest of her friends. Overall, I do like Terra, in fact, I think is the best character of them all. I literally have no complains when it comes to her. I declare myself a big fan of Terra.
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The next character I am going to talk about is the new addition to the Winx World: Beatrix, who is supposed to embody The Trix in one person. Beatrix is an air fairy who can manipulate electricity (Wikipedia). Now, we all know that The Trix are a trio of witches who act as the main antagonists of the Winx Club series. The group is made up of three direct descendants of the Ancestral Witches, the most powerful and evil witches to have ever existed. They focus on what they are best at: acting maliciously and joining forces with the darkest villains the Magic Dimension has to offer (Wiki). These three witches are Icy, Darcy and Stormy and if my interpretation is correct, Beatrix would have the “looks” of Darcy, the evilness of Icy and the powers of Stormy, however as it was said before she is an air fairy which means that she can manipulate many aspects of the weather spectrum, so her actual powers can be a combination of Icy and Stormy’s. I still don’t know if she is evil or not… I mean, she helped Rosalind but that’s because she saved her when she was a baby so… I don’t know, we’ll see what happens with her in season 2 (if we get one). What we know about her is that she is a troublemaker, and she does not hesitate to kill if it’s needed. She is also a very powerful witch, powerful enough to temporarily damage the protection veil placed by Luna (queen on Solaria) upon Aster Dell and also powerful enough to control other people with electricity. Although we don’t have enough information about her or her background, I think she is a great addition to the adaptation and I’m hoping to see more of her.
Now that I have these characters out of the way I would like to talk about the plot. I actually watched the show trying to forget any knowledge I had about the Winx Club - which was not easy because I breathed Winx when I was a child, and after getting pass the fact that the storylines are completely different, I actually found myself enjoying the show. The plot is definitely a lot darker than Winx Club, but I guess it’s normal, after all this is aimed for young adults and not kids. As I said at the beginning of this post, I do think the show has potential: the plot is interesting and by the end of the show you find yourself seeking answers to all the open questions left. For example: Who is Rosalind and what does she want from Bloom? Why did she take her to Earth? What is going to happen between Stella and her mother? And Sky and his now-I am-not-dead-but-you thought-I was father? And what is going to happen with Silva? What is going to happen to the students of Alfea with Rosalind as Headmistress of the school? What is this war - mentioned by Rosalind in Episode 6 to Farah Dowling - that is about to come? Is Headmistress Dowling really dead? Will we be hearing more about blood witches? Who sent the Burned Ones after Bloom? And many more. I also think that having the Burned Ones as the monsters of this season is a great throwback tho the end of Winx Club’s season 1: if you remember in the war between The Trix and the Magic World, the three witches invoke the dark army to fight for them - these creatures are made purely of dark magic and slightly resemble the Burned Ones, although I am aware of the fact that they are not the same - Burned Ones are zombie-like figures that appear to be able to infect others by cutting them, in addition to possessing superhuman speed and strength.
I have to make a comment here, and that is that I think that the storyline was way too rushed, although I get that there’s so much one can show in 6 episodes of 40 minutes each. Still, I would have liked them to cut down the horny scenes between the characters and showed us more scenes of the main characters backgrounds, their stories, etc. I guess what I missed the most in this series was the friendship that characterized Winx Club. Although by the end of the first season the five girls are friends (in Episode 6 all of them go with Bloom to California to tell her parents that she is a fairy - emotional support - and stayed a few days there, and when they came back to Alfea they did it together laughing and smiling while reaching the school’s entrance), most of the journey that allowed the girls to reach that point was not shown - specially how they get along with Stella and the moments they shared prior to her leaving Alfea at the end of Episode 4. I would have liked to know the moments they shared, because all we got was the same bitchy Stella doing her own thing while the rest shared their moments, so when Stella tells her mother in the car “You could’ve let me say goodbye to my friends” I was left deeply confused and thinking ‘what friends?’… It was a missed opportunity and if there is a season 2 I would like them to show the moments the girls share and how their bond strengthens. Overall, I did like the show and would like to have more seasons with more episodes - 6 were not enough for me. I hope that, if the show gets picked up for another season, that the producers consider focusing more on the girls’ friendship and their stories. I also would like for the Winx to transform like Bloom did and that their wings improve (honestly Bloom’s wings were cool but a little bit meh, I actually think the trailer’s wings were better).
And that’s all my beautiful people, my review on Fate: The Winx Saga.
(Fun fact: Fate in Italian means fairies).
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The Dos and Don’ts of Writing Smart Characters
Since I started this blog, one of the most common questions I’ve received has to do with the portrayal of intelligent characters.  This is also one of the most difficult to answer -- excluding questions about characters with specialized knowledge sets, which are fairly easy to answer with source compilations.  Most of the questions have to do with:  how do you portray a smart character believably?  How do you make the audience relate to them?  Can I still make them likable?  How do I avoid the pitfalls of popular media?
Well, I’m finally here to answer, utilizing examples from some of my favorite (and occasionally, not-so-favorite) media.  Let’s jump in to the dos and don’ts of smart characters!
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1.  Do let the audience follow the character’s thought process.  
As demonstrated by:  Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders
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Albert Einstein allegedly once said, “If you can’t explain it to a five-year-old, you don’t truly understand it.”  And the sentiment rings true:  true genius doesn’t need to dazzle with big words and technobabble.  Instead, it makes the complex appear simple.
The same rings true for brilliant characters.  BBC’s Sherlock (more on that later) ceased to satisfy in its later seasons because it began to rely too heavily on visual glitz to avoid actually explaining its mysteries and how they were solved.  Similarly, the biggest complaints with block buster franchises -- Star Wars, The Avengers, Game of Thrones -- is that they became obsessed with “subverting expectations” cleverly instead of leading the audiences to their most logical and satisfying conclusions.
Meanwhile, the smartest and most satisfying media dazzles not by staying over the audience’s head, but by illustrating how simplistic the solutions can be.
Let’s start with my boy Tommy Shelby, the charismatic, swaggering protagonist of the charismatic, swaggering crime drama Peaky Blinders.  Using only his intelligence (and complete disregard for his own life/suicidal tendencies, but that’s not the point here), Tommy claws his way up from the near-bottom of the social ladder (an impoverished Romani in early 20th century Birmingham) to being a decorated war hero, to being the leader of a feared razor gang, to dominating the race track business, to becoming a business mogul, to becoming a member of parliament and trying to assassinate the leader of the fascist party. He’s also one of the paramount reasons why I’m bisexual.
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So how can such a drastic social climb be conveyed believably?  Because Tommy -- as the viewpoint character -- is placed in seemingly inescapable situations, and then proceeds to demonstrate that the solutions to those situations have been there the whole time.  I recently watched a brilliant video on how this is done, which can be viewed here.
Early in season one, for example, he responds to aggressive new methods by the police by organizing a mass-burning of paintings of the king, and uses the press this garners to publicly shame the methods of the chief inspector who’s been antagonizing him.  In the next season, he talks his way into a deal by bluffing that he planted a grenade in his rival’s distillery.  My personal favorite is in season four, when he responds to being outgunned by a larger, American gang by contacting their rival -- none other than an Alphonse Capone.
All of Tommy’s victories are satisfying, because they don’t come out of nowhere -- we have access to the same information he does, each victory is carefully foreshadowed, and we are reminded at every turn that failure is a very real possibility (more on that later.)  So when he wins, we’re cheering with him.
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Other examples:  Mark Watney from The Martian, who explains science in its most simplistic terms and with infectious enthusiasm.  He would make every character on The Big Bang Theory cry.  
Also, Miss Fisher from the AMAZING Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.  The dazzling, 1920s, female Sherlock Holmes of your dreams.  I cannot recommend it enough.
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To apply this to your own writing:  Remember you won’t dazzle anyone if you smack them in the face with a “brilliant” plot twist.  They want to take a journey with your character, not be left in the dust.  
Also, for everyone in my askbox concerned that they’re not smart enough to write intelligent characters, just remember how simple the problems confronting smart characters can be.  Put them in a difficult situation, and provide them with a means of getting out.  Then, just let them find it. 
2.  Don’t assume the audience is too stupid to keep up (or try to make them feel too stupid to keep up.)
As demonstrated by:  Sherlock Holmes from BBC’s Sherlock.
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Say what you will:  there were reasons why everyone was so captivated by this show during its first two seasons.  It felt fresh.  People had yet to become frustrated with the inescapable thirst for Benedict Cumberbatch.  The writing was sharp, and the editing clever.  And it wove a tantalizing web of mysteries that demanded solution.  The problem was, there weren’t any.
The most frustrating for many was how Sherlock faked his death at the end of season two, after which devoted fans spent two years creating intricate theories on how he might have pulled this off.  The creators responded by mocking this dedication in the opening episode of season three, by showing a fan club spinning outlandish theories (one of which included Sherlock and Moriarty kissing.)  This might have been laughed off -- at the time, many seemed to consider it quite funny -- if the creators had bothered to offer their own explanation of how Sherlock survived.  They didn’t.  And so began a seemingly endless loop of huge cliffhangers that promised -- and consistently failed to deliver -- satisfying answers.
The most egregious examples occur in season four, which provided answers to questions no one asked, and withheld answers for things everyone wanted to know.  For example, did you know that the real reason Moriarty engaged Sherlock is because he was hypnotized by Sherlock’s secret evil sister?  The same one who killed Sherlock’s best friend, whom Sherlock convinced himself was a dog?  Yes, that was a real plot point, in the climax of the series.  It’s an effort to befuddle the audience with brilliant and unexpected writing, but instead pulled them out of a story they were already invested in and made them far more critical of its pre-existing faults. 
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It’s pointed out in the brilliant (if bluntly named) Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here’s Why that Moffat can be a great writer, but is a consistently terrible show runner, because he’s more interested in dazzling the audience with cleverness than actually telling a satisfying story.  The video also points out that the show often implied Sherlock’s brilliance, without ever letting the audience follow along with his actions or thought-process in a way that DEMONSTRATED his brilliance.  
I highly recommend giving the aforementioned video a watch, because it is not only a great explanation of how Sherlock Holmes can be best utilized, but about how writing itself can be best utilized.
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Other examples:  The Big Bang Theory.  As Wisecrack points out in their wonderful video on the subject, the punchline of every joke is “oh look, these characters are smart nerds!” which is repetitious at best and downright insulting at worst.
How to avoid this in your writing:  Treat the audience as your equal.  You’re not trying to bedazzle them, you’re trying to take them on a journey with you.  Let them be delighted when you are.  Don’t constantly try to mislead them or hold intelligence over their head, and they will love you for it.  Also, cheap tricks do not yield a satisfying story:  readers will know when you went into a narrative without a plan, and they won’t appreciate it.
3.  Do remember that smart people can be kind and optimistic!
As demonstrated by:  Shuri from Black Panther.
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Yes, brilliant people can be unhappy and isolated by their intelligence, or rejected by society.  But remember that intelligence isn’t synonymous with a cantankerous attitude, or an excuse to be a pugnacious ass to those around you!  
Part of the reason why Shuri of 2018′s Black Panther was such a breath of fresh air was the fact that she subverted almost all preconceptions about how a genius looks, acts, and regards the world.  And it’s not just the fact that she isn’t a sullen, middle-aged white man that makes her stand out:  Shuri has an effervescent attitude, and genuinely loves contributing to her country and family.  She referred to sound-proof boots as “sneakers” (and then explained the pun when her brother didn’t get it.)  She’s fashionable.  She teases her older brother, and cries when he is apparently killed.  She’s up on meme culture.  This makes her unlike pretty much every other genius portrayed in the MCU.
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Except maybe the Hulk.  He can dab now.
Shuri is also allowed to take pride in her genius, and can be a bit insufferable about it, which makes her more enjoyable and rounded.  But she is an excellent example of how genius can be explored and portrayed in fiction, and I will forever be embittered that she was underutilized in Infinity War and Endgame.
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Why, for example, are all geniuses portrayed as arrogant misanthropes?  Albert Einstein battled depression, but he is also said to have enjoyed blowing bubbles and watching puppet shows.  He was kind to those who knew him.  Similarly, Alan Turing behaved little like his fictional counterpart, described as “shy but outgoing,” with a love of being outdoors.  Nikola Tesla fell in love with a pigeon.  Why do we have to portray these people so damn gravely?
Other examples:  Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds.  Also an excellent portrayal of an intelligent person on the autism spectrum, as he struggles to interface socially but cares profusely for his fellow human beings.  He is brilliant, and completely precious.
Also, Sherlock Holmes -- the original version, and all faithful adaptations thereof.  Anyone who thinks Sherlock is an austere, antisocial jerk isn’t familiar with the original canon.  He blushed when Watson complimented his intelligence, for God’s sake. 
Then there’s Elle Woods from Legally Blonde and Marge from Fargo.  Brilliant, upbeat, optimistic geniuses.
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To apply this to your own writing:  If you have a smart character who hates everyone around them for no identifiable reason, ask yourself why this is necessary and what this adds to the plot.  Are they angry about injustice, towards themselves or others?  Are they frustrated with an inability to relate to people?  Do they want to protect themselves or their family at all costs, including politeness?  If not, question why your brilliant character can’t also be kind to those around them.
4.  Don’t make your character perfect at everything they do.
As demonstrated by:  Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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Ah, Wesley.  Some call him the original Mary Sue, and it’s one of the only times I’ve seen the term applied with some accuracy.  He is somehow the most gifted and least qualified person on The Enterprise.  He’s Hermione Granger without the charm, jumping in to answer questions before any of the trained officers in the room have the chance to, always in the right.  His only obstacle?  Why, the boorish adults he’s surrounded with simply don’t understand his brilliance!
As early as the series’ very second episode, Wesley -- inebriated by an alien illness -- forcibly takes over the ship from Captain Picard, only to later save it from a threat with a reverse tractor beam of his own design.  
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Wesley was obviously inserted as a means of attracting younger viewers, but failed egregiously, because he was too annoyingly perfect for kids to relate too, and not cool enough for them to be invested in.  I binge-watched the various Star Trek series in my youth for Spock, Data, and my wife Seven of Nine, not to watch seasoned military and scientific officers get lectured by an adolescent.  Even Wil Wheaton, who had the misfortune of portraying this character, expressed a dislike for him.  
Precocious children are great, if you get them right.  But get them wrong, and they can easily become your most annoying character, marring the face of otherwise great media.  The most important thing you can do for a brilliant character is endow them with weaknesses and flaws -- even something as small as Shuri’s fondness for teasing her older brother made her enjoyable, as anyone with siblings could relate to their dynamic.  
But, what if you want a supernaturally talented character who not only fails to be a ray of sunshine, but is something of an arrogant, antisocial jerk?  Can they still work, especially if they also happen to be a child? 
Yes, under one extremely important condition:
5.  Do keep your characters out of their depth!
As demonstrated by:  Number Five from Umbrella Academy.
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Okay, he’s not exactly a child.  He’s a fifty-eight-year-old trapped in a child’s body, who’s traveled back in time from a post-apocalyptic future to warn his siblings of an incoming Armageddon.  In other news, Umbrella Academy is a weird show.  Unlike the comics, however, the apes don’t engage in prostitution. 
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 The effect, however, remains the same:  a preternaturally talented child who talks down to everyone around him, including his (apparently) older siblings.  So why does he work while Wesley fails so egregiously?
For one thing, it’s demonstrated early on that Five has the skills to back up his sanctimonious attitude, with the delightfully ultraviolent Istanbul (Not Constantinople) sequence.  It also helps that he lacks Wesley’s squeaky-clean moral code, to the point at which he can get drunk in public or kill without remorse.  
But:  the element most vital to his success as a character is the fact that he’s kept completely, and consistently, out of his depth.  He knows the world will end in eight days, but he doesn’t know how this will transpire or how to stop it.  Ultimately, he fails again to stop the apocalypse, and must travel back in time with his siblings for another chance.  
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Most authors have the impulse to demonstrate a character’s brilliance by allowing them to succeed against insurmountable odds, but the Umbrella Academy writers show tremendous wisdom in allowing Five to fail.  This allows the audience to empathize with him, and countermands the effects of his arrogant attitude.
This advice isn’t just true for pint-sized prodigies.  Look back over this list, and take notes of how often the most successful characters are allowed to fail, to have flaws, and to ascend past their comfort zone.  
Other examples:  Virtually every successful example on this list.
Tommy Shelby, a character of limitless ambition, conducts a new, perilous climb outside of his social rank each season, which almost always puts him in positions of mortal danger.  He faces threats both external (rival gangs, evil priests, and rising fascists) and internal (hello PTSD, suicidal tendencies, and crippling addiction) but either way, we understand that his fast-paced climb is not for the weak-willed or faint-hearted.  
Mark Watney is a brilliant scientist who has been stranded in an utterly impossible situation for which absolutely no one could be adequately prepared (spoilers:  it’s on Mars.)  We are drawn in by his plight, and how he could possibly escape from it, and there we come to admire him for his courage, optimism, and humor.
Shuri, though not the main character of Black Panther, is allowed to show off both tremendous gifts and vulnerability, as she is powerless to stop the apparent death of her beloved older brother.  She watches Wakanda’s takeover both as an innovator and a young woman, and a large reason for her success is that she is allowed to be both.  
How to apply this to your writing:  When portraying intelligent characters, take stock of how often they fail, their level of control over their surroundings, their vulnerability, and their flaws.  We don’t want to read about flawless deities.  We want to read about characters who embody and personify our humanity.  So remember they need to fall down in order to pull themselves up.
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Happy writing, everybody! 
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gayregis · 4 years
hi! why do u think Regis doesn’t not exist as a character without hansa?
i am so glad you asked this question!! it's something important to me when it comes to regis's character that was made apparent to me after i read the hansa parts of baptism of fire, tower of the swallow, and lady of the lake. this argument came to me from flipping back and forth between games!regis as he appears in blood & wine, and books!regis as he appears originally. 
this train of thought stems from the differences between book and game regis, which i think i have already described at length somewhere else (edit, i found some thoughts (still couldnt find the og post i had in mind though, idk where it is, it was very long and i wrote it on a train): (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x))
but to summarize, games!regis isn't as personal with geralt, he doesn't seem committed to humanity at all, and his scenes involve more depressing and violent overtones (forced relapse? unable to control self with tempting of blood, having to be locked in a cage? what in the spiral...). in this analysis of the differences between games and book regis, i attributed some of games!regis's OOC-ness to the lack of the rest of geralt's hansa.
i think that regis cannot really be an accurate representation of his character without the presence or at the very least, the acknowledgement of, the other members of the hansa in a sincere and involved manner.
the conditions that i mean by this: when i refer to the "rest of the hansa," i mean at the very least geralt, dandelion, milva, and cahir (since angouleme was introduced later), but especially milva, for reasons i will desciribe later. when i refer to a "sincere and involved manner," i mean to say that the characters can't just sit there as pretty background or interact once and never again - they actually have to interact multiple times if not constantly, have meaningful conversations which demonstrate things about their characters, play off of each other in humorous exchanges, etc.
okay now onto my two main points
i. positive relationships with other members of the hansa demonstrate commitment to humanity
regis’s primary character goal and purpose in-universe is to be the “epitome of humanity.” i ask, how is this goal ever going to get represented or achieved if he never speaks to or interacts with any humans on a meaningful level other than geralt?
regis’s first and foremost role, that we learn as an audience as he introduces himself in his character debut in fen carn, is that he’s a barber-surgeon. this means that he is a healer, his whole job (which is quite significant in a medieval-esque setting such as this, one’s job pretty much defines their entire life, which you can see with geralt, yennefer, dandelion, milva, cahir, etc) is that he heals people and tries to help as many human lives as possible. 
how is he supposed to be a surgeon if he never actually is shown healing anyone? if he doesn’t have close relationships with the hansa, who else is he supposed to heal? one of the large parts that regis provides the company in baptism of fire is that he actually functions as a healer. he assists the peasant milva gave a concussion to, he sews the head wound dandelion garnered from his and geralt’s escape from the partisan camp, and he helps milva with her options relating to her pregnancy and later immediately goes to provide medical attention when she begins to miscarry. these actions demonstrate not only his role in society and demonstrate how he fits into the world of the witcher, but demonstrate his committment to humanity and to the wellbeing of others.
but of course, he could heal random other humans. why does he need to be around the hansa, specifically?
regis has many valuable interactions with the hansa, part of which i’ll expand on in my second point, but his developed friendships with each of the members and as a group begin to define him as committed to humanity not only in a general ethical sense, but in a personal manner. 
i have mentioned this “arrogant immortal vampire” archetype (think of like, a vampire that thinks they’re so much better, powerful, and knowledgable than humans just because they are a vampire) that regis is completely the opposite of, and we get to see that he is the opposite of this archetype only through his interactions with the rest of the hansa. 
it’s parts like when dandelion notices, “i see you know your fish!” and regis replies modestly, “i know lots of things :)!” or when regis criticizes geralt for not having a goal and that the cardinal directions of the compass mean nothing to him, and milva disagrees and says, “but ciri’s his goal? how can you say she’s nothing?” and regis apologizes and explains he was joking, without much tact... when regis treats angouleme with distance in their first meeting and tries to accuse her of lying, but then gives her his horse and in the next book defends her against fringilla/distracts fringilla’s sharp tongue from her and onto him. regis demonstrates humility and respect for others, as well as genuine friendship to others and propensity for humor during his interactions in the hansa.
without the hansa, specifically in blood and wine, what is regis? he doesn’t interact with anyone else, only geralt, maybe another vampire. how is he supposed to demonstrate and develop such meaningful interaction, good nature, and weighty values towards humanity without ever having the opportunity to be amongst friends? he simply will be a shell of the character he is supposed to be if he is separated from the hansa which defines him. 
ii. contrasts with other characters develop character
regis without the rest of the hansa will be expotentially weaker as a character because his qualities are not effectively made apparent without contrasting him against other characters.
i think milva and regis in baptism of fire have a very good character dynamic in that they are kind of opposites of one another. milva is action, force, to kill. regis is talk, placation, to heal. they address situations in extremely different manners, and have extremely different senses. this is good because they are both members of geralt’s company, and are liable to sway geralt either way, sort of representing a fork in the crossroads, or an angel and devil on his shoulders.
this is apparent in many scenes, but the ones that first come to mind are in baptism of fire, when regis describes the refugee camp in a very elaborate manner and then milva tells him “why use three dozen words, when three will suffice?” and is very blunt about the situation, and later when they are sitting by the fire as regis dispells myths about vampires, milva criticizes his philosophy and points out how generally useless it is. neither character is wrong in this situation, but their exchanges provide an opposite to compare the other to.
if regis spoke about philosophy on his own, and geralt nodded and muttered “hm...” (as you might see in tw3), or argued a little with him about what he was proposing, but ultimately conceded (as you see in baptism of fire), then what you as a reader get from this exchange is that regis philosophizes. that gives you information about his character, but it’s essentially useless - what does that say about him? he philosophizes. great, that’s good for him. but it doesn’t make him stand out as a character, because there’s no dissenting voice or someone to argue with him and point out the faults in his approach. 
by milva addressing regis’s approach as not the only way to approach a situation and to give another perspective, you learn something valuable about both of their characters: regis doesn’t just philosophize, he philosophizes unnecessarily, to the point of annoying and excessiveness. milva doesn’t just come at things from a simple point of view, she is headstrong and unwilling to entertain ideas she deems stupid. this is so much more interesting than just regis talking on his own, and no one responding to it with a genuinely different viewpoint or approach. geralt may argue with him, but in tw3 geralt is more of a vessel for the player to adopt rather than a character so his responses are limited, and also in baptism of fire, geralt is more wanton to argue with regis about the actual topic regis brings up: for example, discussing vampires and the symbolism of blood. geralt disagrees with regis’s analysis of the symbolism of blood and engages with him on this, milva disagrees with addressing the whole subject in a philosophical manner entirely.
and it’s not just contrasts... it’s also the general exchanges they have as a company, like regis getting excited about what dandelion is writing in the tower of the swallow, like angouleme calling him uncle and him trying to address her formally but she gives him more sass, like when they are walking in angren and regis points out the pines, “take a closer look at those trees,” and begins to lecture them, like when regis reappears and gives advice to geralt despite geralt trying to get rid of him. it’s this kind of human interaction which demonstrates to the reader his character traits, what kind of behavior he is prone to, how he is liable to respond in a given situation.
idk how to end this but basically yeah like regis needs his friends :( i also believe that more broadly, as it relates to real life, that we are defined by the people we share our lives with and how we treat them, not by our own conception of ourselves. it is our actions towards others and care which make an impact on this world and show what our inner characters are like
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andrewmoocow · 4 years
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants chapter 4: The Deadpool and Peridot Show (originally posted on August 29, 2020)
AN: Welcome back to The Fantastic Mutants everyone. This is a very special chapter because here I have a co-writer, whether I like it or not.
Surprise everyone, it's me Deadpool! Since this kid refuses to get his writing done quickly, I've taken it upon myself to "help" him out since no one can understand me better than me. Now then, back to my cohost here.
Yes, Deadpool of all people has decided to help me. Though I'd rather do all of this myself without any distractions.
Kinda like how this author's note is distracting us from the actual main event! Now let's just get this rolling already!
We begin on a talk show set in a blank white space, inhabited solely by a drop-dead handsome mercenary dressed in a beautiful shade of red with hints of black that was currently tearing it apart for no good reason. You know him, you love him, it's the sexiest anti-hero to have ever graced this dying industry, Deadpool.
"Thank you, thank you all!" yours truly bowed for an unseen audience as he finished tearing the set apart. "Now if all y'all have been lying under a rock since like, I don't know, '91, I am known as Wade Winston Wilson. I was created by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Niecieza for The New Mutants #98 in February 199-"
"Wade, I believe everyone knows who you are already." My white thinky-box, represented by a bold underline, cut me off. "You're already an Internet legend and of course, there's Ryan Reynolds."
"Can we just can the prologue already?" my yellow thinky-box, also represented by underlining but this time it was in italics. "There's gotta be people coming here solely for us who don't know what's going on."
"Okay wiseguys, you asked for it." the man who looked like a cross between Ryan Reynolds and a Shar-Pei underneath that creepily adorable mask replied. "So in case you guys are just joining us, this is a crossover with the modern classic with some of the most psycho fans in the Internet, Steven Universe." I explained. "Last chapter, our smol sunshine baby of a protagonist was kidnapped by the Master of Magnetism Magneto for some most likely evil science experiment by our favorite evil dictator with a superiority complex to compliment his tiny dick, Doctor Doom. In response, the Crystal Gems have decided that they need more hands on deck, and more characters than this story already needs."
"What does he want this to be, the DC Extended Universe?"
"I'd watch that mouth if I were you buddy." I called the dialogue box out. "Our author here has had experiences with those fans. If that Englishman can think he's free to call MCU fans Marvel Zombies, than he's free to have his own opinion. But someone that fanatical deserves to be called something similar, like a DCheep! Get it, because he's a sheep!"
"Can we please move on? This recap has already taken up two pages and I got real-life things to do." The author begged Wade.
"Okay, okay! Let's get this started already, keep your pants on!" the masked macho-man declared, marching off stage in an alluring fashion. "Cue scenery!"
Not too far from Westchester County, there was a shitty apartment where dwelled the hideously scarred human mutate, Wade Wilson. He was out like a light after the badass battle to the death he totally had last night, no joke. Not even a chimichanga could wake him up, and he didn't care that much for them. Yeah, no joke.
"Come on you sack 'a crap, wake up!" his blind, black, elderly roommate Blind Al groaned while fishing Wade out of bed with a snow shovel. "How much off-screen carnage puts you this much to sleep?"
"Enough for readers to get a glimpse of what I do in my spare time." Deadpool declared as he woke up, looking like he had a fantastic night's sleep. "Morning Al, off to do a crossover, see ya later!" he hurriedly greeted the old woman before leaving his room.
"Should I tell him he's not wearing pants?" Al muttered to herself. "Naw, he'll figure it out himself."
And figure it out he did. Immediately after that scene, Deadpool was wandering around the street fully clothed and ready to get this chapter over with.
"So, can we have our co-stars please show themselves?"
The author complied by dropping Connie, Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Bismuth and Nephrite into the scene. "Wait, how did we get here?" Peridot wondered aloud. "And who are you?"
"Ooh, I get to hang with everyone's favorite character!" Deadpool cheered. "I've been writing up jokes about the fans I've been wanting to say for quite a while." He added to the readers while searching his hammerspace for cue cards. "Let me see, Molotov cocktail, big-ass cartoon bomb, reminder to sue Marvel & Capcom for leaving me out of Infinite, God knows how many machine guns."
"Uh, while you're looking for whatever it is you want, let me introduce myself." Connie introduced herself. "My name is Connie, pleased to meet you."
"Hey, can you put your cue-card search on hold and say hi to the kid?"
"Ah, here they are!" Deadpool declared as he fished a series of flashcards from seemingly his butt. "Been wanting to do this for ages." He said before clearing his throat, and he began to read off of them.
"Here are some complaints I have heard about Steven Universe. Complaint #1: literally no one can stay on-model because storyboarding is the devil. Complaint #2: Rebecca Sugar is a total butchphobic abuse supporter because she treats Jasper like crap and lets Lapis off the hook despite the fact that she's even worse."
"Please note that these are clearly not the opinions of the author. He's just been around Tumblr a lot and knows just how these so-called 'fans' think."
"Who said that?" Bismuth wondered aloud. "Oh hey, Bismuth!" Wade exclaimed as he just took notice of her. "That reminds me, Complaint #3: Making Bismuth an antagonist in any way, shape or form is racist because all minorities are pretty little angels than must be defended at all costs despite the facts that we're all human beings who have the potential to be complete balls to the wall sociopathic!"
"Okay, now you're just being used as a mouthpiece for the author. Hey buddy, can you stop him by introducing your version of the X-Force?!"
As a way to shut him up, the writer dropped the X-Force into the current scene on top of Deadpool. Their members, aside from Wilson, consisted of big names like Cable, Domino, Bob & Psylocke, to those who are only familiar to movie-watchers like Copycat, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Yukio, Bedlam & Shatterstar, and even Outlaw & Fantomex!
"How did we get here?" Cable asked the other black-ops mutants as he got up. "Oh hey Natey, knew you'd come along sooner or later!" Wade greeted his cybernetic compadre. "I was just getting myself introduced to these characters that we'll be paired up with for this crossover."
"Hi, I'm Bob, Wade's best friend!" the HYDRA agent Bob cheerfully introduced himself. "Name's Domino." Neena Thurman responded.
"A pleasure to meet you, dearest jeune fille bleue." Fantomex greeted Lapis in a gentlemanly fashion. "You may call me Fantomex. "
"Charmed." Lapis replied.
"Wow, everyone wants Lapis! First Fandral, and now Fanto."
"Can you blame her? She's the writer's fave and top SU waifu! Favoritism much?"
"Name's Negasonic Teenage Warhead." Ellie Phimster introduced herself. "This here is Yukio." She added gesturing to a Japanese girl with pink hair and a big smile. "Hi there!"
"I'm Wade's girlfriend Vanessa, though a lot of people call me Copycat since that's my power." Vanessa stated. "Yeah, totally original."
"Call me Bedlam." Bedlam stated. "And this here is Shatterstar. Unlike the rest of us, he's an alien from the Mojoverse."
"And finally, these are Outlaw and Psylocke." Shatterstar gestured to the cowgirl and the ninja in the one piece. "Nice to meet ya." Inez Temple greeted. "Indeed." Betsy Braddock added.
"So, what brings you to my neck of the woods?" Deadpool asked Connie. "Don't give too much away, cause I already got a basic knowledge of what happened last chapter."
"Chapter?" Connie tilted her head in confusion. "Steven was kidnapped only an hour ago! What do you think this is, some kind of story?"
"You'd be surprised Girl-Who-Wasn't-Actually-Dressed-As-Gohan-In-That-One-Episode." The Merc with a Mouth grinned underneath his mask. Before anyone could move on however, a stereotypical overweight nerd who looks like he doesn't get out much wheeled in on an automated scooter with a plate of brownies in front of him. "And you are?"
"I am simply an SU Critical that wants to congratulate you for making my voice heard." The nerd congratulated Deadpool. "As a way of saying thanks, have some brownies."
"I get it! Deadpool won some brownie points!"
"Don't explain the joke dumbass. The punchline should be coming up now."
As Wade snacked on the brownies, he came to realize something was wrong with them. "Hey wait a second. Yo, stereotype! Why do these brownies taste like literal dogshit?!"
"That's my secret ingredient!" the nerd revealed, much to Wade's disgust and he angrily tossed the brownies on the ground. "It's to symbolize how I believe Steven Universe has gone bad ever since the barn arc ended since absolutely nothing can compare to the amazing character development Peridot got!"
"Oh, it's so nice to see someone notice my splendidness!" Peridot blushed as she felt humbled by the nerd. "Of course, then they had to devolve her into a mindless comic relief who only-"
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING MINDLESS COMIC RELIEF YOU CLOD?!" the small Gem shrieked furiously before she pounced on the basement dweller and began choking him. "I'll teach you to talk back to me immediately after giving my praises you hypocrite!"
As Peridot continued assaulting the nerd, everyone else watched in either shock, bemusement or in Deadpool's case, pride. "I think I want to be her new bestest friend already."
"But I thought we were friends!" Bob weeped sadly while Bedlam gave him a comforting pat on the head.
"And now it's time for a cutaway gag!"
"Cutaway gags? You gotta be kidding me, we're not Family Guy!"
"Just let the writer do his thing man, it's his imagination!"
"Come on Willy, I know you can do it!" a child version of Deadpool called to a whale in a scene that is clearly a reference to a certain all-time classic "Boy and his non-human friend" story. However just as Willy finally leaped over the rock Wade was standing on, he was immediately harpooned in midair and dragged towards a pirate ship manned by Captain Ahab. "Hey, wrong whale story Habbo Hotel!"
"After so many years of searching, that accursed whale is now mine to profit off!" Ahab and his crew celebrated their capture. "I'm talking sequels and an animated series to start, but the sky's the limit!"
"This ain't the last you'll see of me Old Thunder!" Wade cursed the sea captain as he made off with his prize. "I'll bring that whale home, just you wait!"
"Okay, that's a pretty unique idea for a gag. But seriously, back to the show."
"So, we're here because Magneto has kidnapped Steven with a bunch of Sentinels." Connie recapped to Deadpool while they were out and about in the city. "Now that you know what we're doing, can you tell us what you do?"
"I'm glad you asked Connie." Deadpool declared. "Allow me to explain the only way you Steven Universe characters probably know how. IN SONG!"
"Wait, a musical number, in a fanfiction?! Seriously?!"
"Hey shut it, this is gonna be good!"
"Lights please." Wade announced, shutting off the lights with a snap of his fingers, and turning them back on with another snap. He was now dressed as an Elvis impersonator with Cable, Domino, Bob and Copycat as his band. "What song do you plan on playing?" Vanessa asked her boyfriend.
"Just watch and listen." Wade responded, and began playing a parody of a classic movie song. "Here I go!" he started singing while Cable provided backup on the drums. "Woo! Ah-ha, ah-ha, let me show you what I work with!"
"Well Gambit was in league with a bunch of thieves, Cyclops has almost two thousand tales!" For his first act of insanity, the Regenerating Degenerate made about fifty longboxes filled with comics appear for Peridot & Lapis to rifle through. As soon as they discovered one with Wade fighting a vampire bat creature on the cover titled "Deadpool: The Gauntlet," the Deadpool on the cover continued the song.
"Well my friends, you're in luck cause up your sleeves, you got a kind of guy that never fails!" After Deadpool emerged from the issue Peridot was holding, he shot down various villains emerging from the other comics while singing.
"You got a real badass in your corner now, a real Wolverine type in your camp!" he then demonstrated by transforming his face into that of Logan's and then back again before letting bullets rain from above. "He can shoot, kablam! Bullets galore, all you gotta do is say my name!" Wade crooned. "And I'll say: 'Miss Peridot and Lapis Lazuli, what will your pleasure be?'"
As he sat the Gems down on a beach blanket, Deadpool then assumed pirate attire and set a heavy treasure chest on the ground. "Just give me a guy and I'll shoot him down, you ain't had a mercenary like me!"
Peridot began to excitedly open the chest while Lapis rolled her eyes. "Life's like a treasure chest," Wade's disembodied voice continued. When the treasure box was opened, the mercenary exploded out of it and made gold fly everywhere. "AND I'M GONNA BE YOUR KEY!"
Unlike her smaller partner, Lapis was still not amused. "C'mon, whisper to me what you want," Wade kept crooning, followed by splitting himself into four smaller Deadpools. "You ain't had a mercenary like me!"
"Contractors pride ourselves on service." One of the mini-Wades stated, and then they merged into the prime Wilson while spawning a lavish couch for his two guests. "You girls the hoss, the queens, the Shah! No matter what you wish, I'll be your bitch! How 'bout a few chimichangas?"
"Have some of Sample A, try all of Sample B!" Following the chimichanga rain, Peridot and Lapis were handed free samples at a supermarket before they found themselves on a velvet pillow held by Wade. "Anytime, any day, I'll help you babes. You ain't had a mercenary like me!"
A brief dance number then ensued between Deadpool and his hands. His left hand vocalized and the degenerate replied with an "Oh my!" When the right hand started singing, it was responded with "No no!" Both hands harmonized and they got a "Ha ha ha!" They sandwiched Deadpool between them as he peaced out with a "Zip-a-dee doo-dah!"
When Deadpool returned, he pointed straight at Peridot. "Give me a good badda-yadda-yadda!"
"Badda-yadda-yadda!" Peridot excitedly repeated. "Good, scotty-wop!" Wade then pointed to Lapis. Her reply was more unsure. "Uh, scotty-wop?"
"Everybody now!" Deadpool compelled the readers. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"
"Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" the readers answered excitedly.
"Yeah, y'all got it!" Wade congratulated before proceeding to demonstrate his healing factor. "Can your friends do this?" he asked, casually dislocating his arms. "Can your friends do that?" he added, ripping out his spinal cord to bounce on it like a certain stuffed tiger. "Can your friends pull this?" With that, Wade tore his skeleton out of his body and started dancing the Charleston with it. "Out a little hat?!"
Suddenly, Wade's skeleton started filling itself with dynamite sticks on the verge of exploding. "CAN YOUR FRIENDS GO-" The human mutate was interrupted as the TNT exploded, and the clouds gave way to him beatboxing while doing a silly dance.
"Call me the Merc with a Mouth, I am always there. North, West, East and South! So don't sit there slackjawed, all buggy-eyed! I'm here to answer all ya evening prayers!" he continued. "You got me bona-fide certified! A hired gun for your charge affair!"
"I got a powerful urge to help you out! So who's gonna die? I really need to know!" Deadpool said as the song began to reach its climax while pulling a long strip of paper from Peridot's mouth and began rubbing his bottom with it. "You got a list that's three miles long no doubt. So all you gotta do is pay-wayho!"
For the final setpiece, Peridot and Lapis now stood atop a mountain of dead Marvel characters that are so obscure, not even the most hardcore fans knew a thing about them. "Miss Peridot and Lapis Lazuli, what will your pleasure be?" Wade asked tunefully. Peridot then picked up one body, and its head suddenly turned into Deadpool's. "Anytime anyplace, I'll help you babes."
A few bodies rose from the dead, only for Deadpool to shoot them all down. "You ain't had a mercenary, never had a mercenary." He concluded. "You ain't had a mercenary, never had a mercenary."
Bullets once again began raining, along with all sorts of violent weapons as the song finally ended. "YOU AIN'T, HAD A, MERCE-NARY LIIIII-IIIIIKE MEEEEE!"
With the X-Force performing a kickline to finish things off, Deadpool pulled on a string dangling from above. "You ain't had a mercenary like me!" A flickering neon applause sign dropped down, capping off the rather pointless number.
"Well, that was a waste of time that'll never be spoken of again."
"Sincerest apologies to Alan Menken, Howard Ashman and especially Robin Williams. He would've been 69 this year. NICE!"
"Okay you generic-looking monster, time to discover who you truly are!" Connie declared to a captured Sasquatch while she, Peridot, Deadpool, Lapis and Cable were dressed as a certain band of meddling kids and their voracious canine pal. Connie ripped off the Sasquatch's head to reveal that it was a mask worn by an evil parrot with a scar across his face.
"Zoinks! Like, it's a parrot!" Deadpool declared in a beatnik voice. "Wait, a parrot? Is that all?"
"Far from it mein friends!" the parrot answered in a German accent. Suddenly, large robots kicked the walls around them down. "Behold, my Nazi robots!"
"N-Nazi robots?" Lapis stuttered. "Jeepers, this is just getting too weird."
Deadpool then glanced expectantly at Cable, who groaned while pushing up his glasses. "C'mon Cabey, say the line!" he exhorted the cyborg. With a heavy groan, Cable quietly said "Jinkies, run."
"He's right, let's split up gang!" Connie commanded, and the crew were off to the races. After passing by the same flowerpot approximately five times because there wasn't that much in the budget, the five came across a hallway littered with doors.
When Deadpool and Peridot burst into one door, they came out of another not too faraway, same with the others. However at the end of a door, they came across a blue digital ghost with yellow eyes & teeth and a grainy laugh.
"Ruh roh, rit's Rames Rarles the Rindly Rohnny!" Peridot exclaimed, making every word she spoke begin with R before she coughed. "How does anyone speak like this?" she asked Wade. "Because speech impediments are funny!" the mercenary replied. "Now let's move!"
"Seriously, why can't I be Fred?!" Cable complained while emerging from another door with Deadpool by his side instead of Lapis. "Connie gets the cool ascot, and all I'm left with is this bulky sweater and a short skirt!"
"Well for one, that skirt actually looks pretty cute on you." Wade answered with a stupidly cheeky grin on his face. Before anyone else could charge through more doors, zombie cats and dinosaurs that could move without thinking came charging in. "Wow, Scooby-Doo became a lot weirder than when I was a youngin."
Returning to the real world, the Crystal Temps and the X-Force have just plowed through an entire armed squadron inhabiting a conveniently abandoned office building and now had their leader tied up in a chair. "We ain't gonna let all those hallway fights amount to nothing!" Wade declared holding the squadron leader at gunpoint. "We've tried every torture technique in the book: eating your own food, threatening your family, doing a silly dance to some awesome music and yet still you won't talk!" he exclaimed. "So let me ask this again! What does the guy who gave Magneto & Doctor Doom those Sentinels look like?"
"What?" the gunman asked nervously, causing Wade to smash another wall. "WHAT COUNTRY ARE YOU FROM?!" the mercenary shrieked. "What?" the captive continued squeaking. "WHAT AIN'T NO COUNTRY I EVER HEARD OF!" Deadpool yelled. "THEY SPEAK ENGLISH IN WHAT?!"
"What?" the man said a third time. "ENGLISH MOTHER-" Deadpool began, but then he noticed the T-rating and groaned. "ENGLISH YOU BASTARD, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!" he reiterated. "YES!" the gunman finally said something other than what. "THEN YOU MUST KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Deadpool kept yelling. "WHAT DOES YOUR MASTER LOOK LIKE?!"
"We could just beat the info outta him and be done with it." Bedlam advised. "No need for all this Pulp Fiction parody crap."
"Was I talking to you?" Wade asked his teammate tersely before going back to his captive. "Now where was I? Oh yeah! Does he look like a bitch?"
"Now you're just skipping lines!" the gunman squealed in defiance. "What else do you wanna do with me?!"
"Okay, I got another question for you." Wade stated. "Have you had your prostate exam lately?"
"What?" the gunman muttered, fearing what could come next. "In fact, I got just the girl to help me." Wade declared. "Hey Connie, your MILF of a mom is a doctor right? Surely you must know what I'm talking about!"
"Yeah, pretty much!" Connie answered. "Here, lend me your sword. We might need to operate." Deadpool said as he menacingly snapped on a pair of rubber gloves. "Hey author, why don't we cut to another scene before this gets too violent?"
"Now then, what are we working with he-There it is!"
Elsewhere, a stereotypical shadowy figure watched from a large video screen as the X-Force tore through his mercenaries. "That masked maniac is onto us!" he growled quietly while pounding his fist on an armrest and turned his chair to face Ruckus, Gorgeous George, Hairbag, Ramrod & Slab, the Nasty Boyz. "You five track him & those rainbow women down and kill them all!"
"Yes sir." The Nasty Boyz complied and set off for the Merc with a Mouth. "Now where do you suppose the merc could be now?" Hairbag asked his fellow Boyz. "My best guess, he's probably at that Hellhouse run by Patch." the Southern-accented Slab theorized. "Hopefully they have room for his head as a trophy."
"Well here we are at Saint Margaret's School for Wayward Children." Deadpool decreed as he suddenly parked a limo that he totally always had in front of the mercenary dispatch center he loved frequenting. "I suggest you try not to look at some of its inhabitants funny, some of them can get a little ballistic."
Entering the bar, the two teams had all eyes on them by all the other mercs at the establishment. "Uh, hello there." Connie nervously greeted one of them. "I don't think you're old enough to be here little girl." The mercenary replied ominously. "Don't worry Jessica, they're with me." Deadpool told the larger man. "So, where's Weasel?"
"Right here old buddy!" the bespectacled bartender called for Wade. "Hey, Weasel!" Wade exclaimed to his old friend while sitting down at the bar and exchanging a fistbump. "I see you're doing well Poolboy." Weasel said to his friend. "And who's the green midget with you?"
"This is Peridot, a member of the Crystal Gems." Shatterstar introduced Peridot. "Oh, you mean those rock ladies that creamed those Chitauri only to get creamed by Thanos?" Weasel asked, making Peridot pretty mad. "Hey, we creamed Thanos right back!"
"We're looking for information sir." Connie said to Weasel. "A friend of mine has been captured by Magneto & Doctor Doom using those Sentinel robots, and we want to know where they've come from."
"You want confidential info little girl?" the barkeep stated. "Go see Multiple Man over there at that poker table, he's usually the guy to talk to since he's a detective."
"Yet one mystery he can't solve is the mystery of why he can never get his own movie."
At a nearby poker table, Jamie Madrox and some of his duplicates were playing cards with the albino mutant Caliban, and the four Jamies clearly had the upper hand. "All in!" one of the clones declared shoving his chips into the pot. "I know you are cheating Madrox." Caliban informed his opponent. "I mean, there are literally four of you!"
Just then, Deadpool abruptly shot one of the clones dead and sat down where he once was. "Deal me in." he simply declared as if nothing happened. "Caliban welcomes you Mr. Pool." Caliban nervously greeted the regenerating degenerate. "And who is your little friend?"
"You may call me Peridot, the suave, attractive and positively adorable leader of the Crystal Gems!" Peridot introduced herself arrogantly. "So, you more members of the X-Men? Haven't seen you around the mansion."
"Actually, we're members of a different team of mutants." Madrox replied, while his surviving doubles sadly carried their dead comrade away. "There are actually quite a lot of them you see. X-Factor; the one we're a part of, X-Statix, Excalibur, Generation X, the Morlocks and most famously Alpha Flight."
"Half of them sound so late 20th to early 21st century." Peridot commented. "I mean, X-Statix? Talk about totally cool dudes!"
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Is this Saint Margaret's? We'd like to have a word with the owner." A voice came from the other side, catching all the patrons and employees off-guard. All was quiet, but then the Nasty Boyz came crashing through the wall instead of the door. "LET'S GET NASTY!" they all cried out, springing into action.
"Alright, what the shit is going on here?!" Bob "Patch" Stirrat, the elderly owner of Saint Margaret's growled, emerging from another room while stroking his big bushy mustache. "Oh god, it's the Nasty Boyz."
"The Nasty Boyz?" Peridot and Lapis repeated in unison before they laughed at the evil mutant team's name. Suddenly, the wood tables of the bar came to life and changed their form thanks to Ramrod, who used them to restrain everyone aside from Deadpool. "Okay boys, frisk him."
On Ramrod's orders, Gorgeous George used his shapeshifting powers to grab Wade by the ankles and dangle him above the ground. "Let's see what he's got here." Ruckus muttered, fishing through the belongings dropped as Wade was shaken up and down. "Various pistols, swords, nunchucks, staves, forks, a bazooka."
"Most of those were from a Ninja Turtles convention I went to last year." Wade revealed. "Don't know where the bazooka came from."
"Rubber chicken, five month old bag of pizza pockets; that are still warm," Slab continued for his teammate. "Ryan Reynolds's phone number, large collection of nude selfies from Thumbelin-WHAT?!"
To Slab's absolute shock and fury, he found an overfilled file of lewd pictures taken by his sister Kristina Anderson with her phone number on it, along with a message saying "I bet you want more, my raging sex machine!" Crushing the file in his hand, Slab furiously glared at Deadpool. "Wilson, you son of a bitch!"
"Geez Chris, I thought you had a sense of humor." Wade grinned cheekily. "After all, SHE'S YOUR SISTER!" Then like Thor returning Mjolnir to his hand, the mercenary wiggled his fingers to call one of his katana blades back and free himself from Gorgeous George before rescuing his friends. "SSSSSSmokin'!" he hissed before spin-dashing out of the bar.
"After that degenerate!" Hairbag exclaimed while Slab frothed in wordless rage and the Boyz gave chase, leaving the bar in tatters. "Hey, which of you assholes is gonna clean this up?!" Patch exclaimed, but then he answered his own question by handing Weasel a broom.
"Everyone, to the Deadpoolmobile!" Deadpool exclaimed as the X-Force and Crystal Temps piled into the limousine from earlier. "Where did you ever get this car anyways?" Bismuth asked him, and he replied. "Don't think about it!"
Far across the city, Robert Kelly was left facepalming and a colleague of his scratching his head when they discovered that one of Kelly's limos was missing, its place taken by a graffiti message saying "I O U".
"I hate that Deadpool." Senator Kelly groaned.
"You get back here this instant you red-masked c-" Slab called for Deadpool as the Nasty Boyz chased them in a stolen taxi, but his cursing was cut off by Deadpool popping out the sunroof of the limousine to open fire on them.
"Wait, if Deadpool is up there, then who is driving?" Connie asked the group, and that's when Yukio made a shocking realization. "Oh my god, Demon Bear is driving!" she exclaimed pointing to a demonic bear that was taking the wheel. "How can that be?!"
"That's right folks, Lawrence Abrams is here to report that the insanely infamous insane mercenary Deadpool has started an intense car chase where he's hijacked a limo belonging to Senator Robert Kelly and is being chased by a group of other mutants called the Nasty Boyz." Lawrence Abrams said on the television at the Baxter Building, where Garnet, Pearl, Colossus and Wolverine had now caught wind of the event. "And there's also some kinda bear driving the limo for some reason. Why's there a bear?! Who gives a damn! And now onto Sally Floyd with politics!"
"Deadpool." Colossus glowered in embarrassment. "Come my friends, we must go and handle this crisis ourselves." He declared while preparing to leave the building. "But you let Connie go on that mission for her optimism." Pearl stated to the metal mutant while setting Reed and Sue's young son Franklin Richards on the floor.
"We know Pearl, but that maniac is a whole 'nother level of unpredictable." Wolverine grumbled. "And there's a high chance Connie's life is at risk here! Right Garnet?"
"Logan is correct. I can see multiple paths where things go horribly wrong." Garnet agreed with Logan. "Oh, you're leaving already?" Franklin's older sister Valeria asked them. "Mom and Dad were just about to introduce you to H.E.R.B.I.E."
"It's alright Valeria, they still have friends to help." Susan assured her daughter. "Go on Gems, we'll catch up with you back at the mansion."
"It's been a pleasure to be shown around the Baxter Building and meeting the kids Sue." Pearl said gratefully and shook the Invisible Woman's hand. "I especially like how Franklin reminds me of Steven."
"Bye Ms. Pearl!" Franklin said goodbye by hugging the tall Gem's leg. "Oh, goodbye to you too Frank." Pearl replied. "Hey, what about me?!" the Four's AI H.E.R.B.I.E exclaimed irritably. "Don't I get anything to say?!"
"Oy Cain, you gotta check this out!" Black Tom called to Juggernaut while he was watching TV. The Brotherhood of Mutants had stopped to refuel their ship and Black Tom had run off on his own when he discovered a TV shop playing the same news report of Deadpool's car chase. "What say we give Deadpool an old one-two before Mags finishes up?"
"You son of a bitch, I'm in!" Juggernaut exclaimed eagerly, giving his teammate a fist-bump that knocked Tom to the ground. "You okay there?"
"We have your limousine surrounded! Come out of the vehicle with your hands in the air!" a police officer barked into a bullhorn as they had Deadpool and pals backed into a corner. "I would make a police brutality joke, but even I know that would be too soon." Wade said to the readers as he screeched the limo to a stop, making donuts on the street and damaging numerous police cars in the process.
"Okay, now you're just either showing off or defying us." The cop with the megaphone japed. Just then, a mighty thud briefly shook the ground. And another. And another. And another. And-
"Quit stalling writer, we know who it is! It's the goddamn Juggernaut!" Deadpool interrupted the third-person omniscient narrator. "Literally everyone and their goddamn long lost relatives know who he is!" The mighty Juggernaut continued inching closer to the fanboying mercenary while the police scattered out of fear of him and Peridot poked her head out the sunroof to see what was up.
"Uh, Wade?" the petite Gem squeaked nervously. "You know who that is right?"
"Didn't I just say that it's ol' Juggernaut?!" Wade exclaimed to his new best friend. "Oh, the things I could say about how much of a badass he is! This guy has beaten the shit outta Cyttorak, the Thing, Colossus, Blob & Thor and even called banging She-Hulk a stalemate! Maybe, that last one was actually a cl-"
Before Deadpool could finish the sentence, Juggernaut grabbed him by the neck with just two fingers and brought him very close to his helmeted face. "Hello Wade." He beamed callously. "Hey Cainy, is that new toothpaste I smell?" Deadpool greeted him nervously. "What flavor is it this time, Feeling Bad About Your Shitty Mutant Powers So You Get New Ones from Cyttorak?"
"Goddamn he went there." Black Tom muttered, only to receive a glare from his partner.
"Deadpool!" Garnet called for the Merc with a Mouth as she, Pearl, Colossus and Wolverine entered the scene. "Oh, hey guys." Peridot nervously waved to her fellow Crystal Gems. "What brings you here?"
"We came here to take control of this current situation." Pearl explained. "No matter how much you want to swear and kill and all sorts of other crass activities, we still need your help in saving a friend of ours."
"I appreciate you want me to be more involved in this story Mordecai," Wade said to Pearl. "but can this wait a bit? I'm currently in the middle of worshipping the Juggernaut, bit-"
However within seconds, Deadpool was mashed into the ground by Juggernaut, leaving only a few scattered body parts lying in a puddle of blood. "Oh, so rude!" his disembodied head declared indignantly. "And to think we were buddies at one time Marky-Mark." He then turned to face the audience one last time before the degenerate would meet his not very possible untimely end. "But since I'm literally nothing but blood, my head, a few fingers, an upper arm and my dick right now, let's lighten the mood a little with some more gags, shall we?"
"As if we didn't waste enough time already."
"I love the smell of 372,844 pancakes in the morning." Deadpool declared as he flipped his last pancake and added it to the growing mountain of pancakes. "Smells like victory!"
"Why on Earth would you need this many pancakes?" Bismuth asked while Deadpool turned on the ceiling sprinklers to pour maple syrup all over each and every one of them at once. "Well, that's pretty clever I'll admit."
"Okay Peridot, ace this test and you're on the team!" Wade, now a coach for the girls' swim team comprised of Lapis, Bismuth, Domino, Warhead, Yukio, Outlaw, Copycat, Psylocke & Nephrite, announced to their soon to be newest member Peridot while she prepared to dive.
"This is it Peri, get this right and you'll make everyone proud!" Peridot muttered to herself while adjusting her cap and gazing at Lapis. As soon as Coach Wade blew the whistle, Peridot leaped into the water…and soon began struggling to keep herself afloat in a very exaggerated manner. "AAAAAGH, SOMEONE HELP! LIFEGUARD, COACH, SOS! THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA!" she shrieked for help before the chlorinated water won out and she sank to the bottom.
"I'll save you!" Cable roared while assuming the role of a lifeguard, preparing to jump in the water after her when Wade stopped him. "No no, wait for the punchline."
When Peridot finally breached the surface, she dramatically gasped for air and then frantically paddled towards the end of the pool, grabbing the ledge with a serious expression on her face. "So, how do you like my swimming?" she asked, acting like nothing had happened. However, no one else was there to answer except for Deadpool. "Hey, where did everyone go?!"
"They jumped ship an hour ago because they were tired of waiting." Wade answered. "But you still get on the team cause you really made me laugh."
"Gotta say Lapis, we got quite a team here." Deadpool remarked proudly to his fellow baseball player Lapis. "Uh, yeah, they're great." Lapis nervously replied while failing to get the joke. "So, who's on first?"
"Yeah, and what's on second." Wade responded eagerly. "No, I want to know who's on first." Lapis continued asking. "Exactly! We already established that who's on first, what's on second and I don't know is third."
"Wait, do you not know their names or are those seriously what they're called?" the ocean Gem asked, causing great irritation for her team captain. "Dammit Lapis, you spoiled the punchline!" he reprimanded her. "In fact, this whole Abbott and Costello tribute was just an excuse to see you dress up as Bob again! I mean, can you blame me with those shorts?"
"Abbott and who now?" Lapis remarked with a raised eyebrow.
"You really need to get out more." Wade deadpanned, lowering his eyelids in response.
"Welcome back one and all to Celebrity Jeopardy." Pearl announced, now dressed as Alex Trebek. "Now before we proceed, I'd like to apologize on the behalf of our contestants to all viewers with rather unusual lifestyles. We here at the studio refuse to judge anyone based on how they live, and sincerely hope you accept our apologies. Now then, let's proceed with our contestants."
Deadpool was in the podium closest to Pearl, now dressed as Sean Connery. "Mr. Connery is in first place with only -1 dollar." Pearl began recapping for the viewers at home. "About as many points as your mother gave you!" Wade cackled.
"Classy." Pearl responded crossly before shining the spotlight on Lewis Black, aka Peridot. "Mr. Black now has a score of, shockingly enough, -6,000 dollars." She explained, prompting the small Gem turned abrasive comedian to climb up on top of her podium in the middle. "Is that enough to buy my own bus?"
"And finally, Josh Brolin, now having raised 35 dollars." Pearl concluded while Juggernaut assumed the role of the aforementioned actor many may know as a certain Mad Titan. "I don't feel so good." Cain muttered. "Damn, walked right into that one!"
"Very well then. With introductions out of the way, let's move onto the board." Pearl stated, moving her eyes from the podiums to the categories. "Tonight our categories are Annals of History, Potent Potables, What Bulls Hit, Jokes, Popular Foreign Television, Places with Names Ending in 'Nia' and Video Games." Deadpool then pressed his buzzer. "Mr. Connery, you have the board."
"I'll take What Bullshit for $500 Al." Wade announced with a stupid grin on his face, clearly misreading the category he had chosen. "And I can tell you plenty of things that are bullshit."
"No, it clearly says What Bulls-" Pearl began to correct the masked contestant before she came to a realization. "Whoa! Okay, walked right into that one. Anyways, the question is: "It is commonly believed bulls are enraged by this color". Mr. Connery?"
"I'll tell you something I've hit recently." Deadpool chortled. "Hit up a few bars over the past week while hanging with your mom. She and I had a wonderful time, if you get what I mean! Wink wink, nudge nudge."
"I don't even have a mother!" Pearl ranted hotly. "And can we please return to what was happening earlier?! These pop culture references are nothing but a waste of time!"
"Thank you!"
"Boldface, you ignorant slut."
"Oh no, Wade!" Peridot yelled for Deadpool as she dashed out the limo to check on the puddle of blood and body parts that was once her new friend. "Please speak to us you clod, you can't die like this!"
"That's because I can't!" Deadpool proudly declared and in a beautiful Disney-like spectacle, slowly reassembled himself until he was the full-bodied lovable manic once again. "Healing factor baby! Got it when some asshole tried to cure my cancer, along with looking like a walking tumor."
"Uh hey, remember us?" the Nasty Boyz cried out in unison, catching the merc's attention. "Oh right, you guys. Gotta wrap up the chapter somehow." As a result, Wade opened fire on the evil mutants, shooting them in the arms, kneecaps and especially their dicks. "Oh and Bismuth, Peridot? You guys got Black Tom & Juggies. I'll take Garnet and Pearl!"
"You got it, I guess." Bismuth complied before she and her little friend squared off with Cassidy & Cain, leaving Wade alone against the senior Crystal Gems.
"Hey, what about us?" Lapis asked the writer, who responded by typing, "Didn't think that far ahead. You guys can just do crowd control."
"Okay Q-Bert and Drinking Bird," Deadpool exclaimed. "you two may have thousands of years of battle experience on your show but in terms of franchise ages, I've been doing this for far longer! There was even a graphic novel trilogy where an actually insane version of me killed the rest of Marvel, tons of classic literature characters and even other versions of me!"
"Do you have any idea what he's saying anymore?" Pearl asked Garnet. "I'm not sure. I fear he may be too unpredictable for us to comprehend!" Garnet answered fearfully. "You can try if you want." Deadpool beckoned them with a silly dance. "But I can assure you that hilarity will ensue!"
Pearl leaped at the Merc with a Mouth, but she was quickly denied a hit when Wade did a pirouette and kicked her in the back, sending her flying into a lamppost. "See, what did I tells ya?!"
Garnet tried her hand at attacking by enlarging her gauntlets & launching them at her foe, but they proved to be useless against him. Deadpool then rapidly fired his gun at Garnet, but she blocked all the bullets with her gauntlets and then finally moved so fast, not even Deadpool could catch her and was punched in the face.
"Wow okay, you got the guts!" Wade yelled while readjusting his head from the hit. "Seems like I really am a bit outmatched by you Garnet. Or maybe a certain someone just wants to make things fair!"
"Come on you maniac, what else can you throw at us?!" Pearl asked pointing her spear. "Oh what else can I throw?" Deadpool replied, letting out a sinister giggle while wearing a pair of shiny glasses and clasping his fingers together. "Let me show you!"
Whipping out his katana blades, Deadpool laughed maniacally while using them to tear the background apart, leaving nothing but a blank white space behind. "WELCOME CRYSTAL GEMS TO MY TURF! I PRESENT TO YOU THE FOURTH WALL, WHERE LOGIC IS JUST AS ILLEGAL AS JAYWALKING!"
"This is starting to remind me of that Uncle person." Pearl muttered in awe. "I thought we promised to never speak of that man again." Garnet instructed the former servant. "Well if he wants to make jokes and talk to the audience, then so can we."
When the two Gems joined hand, there was a bright shimmer as the pair merged into the returning glamorous Sardonyx. "Ladies, gentlemen and everyone in-between, the Gem Hostess with the Mostest has finally returned!" the fusion of Garnet and Pearl announced. "And it seems we have a very special guest star today."
"Sardonyx, huh?" Deadpool muttered while scrolling through the Steven Universe wiki for statistics. "Oh I see, she's here because we can both break the fourth wall!"
"A worthy opponent for you I must say!" Sardonyx chortled before smashing Deadpool in with her hammer. "Of course you realize this means war!" Wade roared, proceeding to whip out numerous cartoon guns, launching them all at once. "RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA-RATA!" he screamed while launching lead at his fusion foe, following up with a declaration of "Omae wa mou shindeiru."
"N-NANI?!" Sardonyx cried out in shock before she spontaneously combusted with a cry of "HIDEBU!" However, the explosion cleared up and she was perfectly fine. "Psyche! Hammer time!"
Before Sardonyx could hit Deadpool with the hammer again, he disappeared into a cartoon hole like it were a solid object and reappeared out another. "Ha, that Spot douche should take notes from-OH GOD!"
"Anyone up for Whack-A-Mole?!" Sardonyx exclaimed, proceeding to whack her opponent multiple times with her hammer before he vanished and popped out another hole. And another, and another, and another, and another, until the hiding began to tire him out. "Jesus she's good." Wade panted, and then he began to make a plan. "I swore that I would never use this the moment I stole it from those schmoes, but I'm left with no choice!"
Sticking a hand up his red-clad butt, Deadpool pulled it out while holding a small black jewel that seemed similar to the Infinity Stones. "Ough, I also swore to never use it again because looking for it is a literal pain in my ass!"
"That Infinity Stone isn't canon!" Sardonyx objected while sounding like a stereotypical nerd. "Oh it may not be canon my dear, but we're in the Fourth Wall where anything could happen." Deadpool explained deviously. "With this Continuity Stone, I could warp all reality to my whims! I could use it to go back in time and erase One More Day by preventing Civil War from happening, or maybe beat the shit outta that Judas Traveller prick and his butt-buddies! But what I plan on doing now is using this stone to erase you from this reality once and for all!"
"Oh no, I don't feel so good!" Sardonyx dramatically announced as she felt herself fading away. "I'm melting! Melting! Oh what a world, what a world!" With that, the fusion finally vanished and presumably Garnet & Pearl as well. As Deadpool let out a heavy sigh, he suddenly realized that the Continuity Stone was now missing. "What the?! Where did it go!?"
"Looking for something Ninja Spidey?" a familiar voice rang out. Sardonyx was now back to normal and smugly held the Stone in her hand, setting it down like a golfball and swinging it at Deadpool's eye, causing his body to explode.
"Can I at least get one F-bomb in Mr. Author Man? Please?" Wade begged the author by putting on his best puppy dog eyes until his disembodied head landed in one of Sardonyx's hands. "To be or not to be," she began quoting Shakespeare. "That is the question."
"I got a question." The mercenary's head growled angrily. "On a scale from one to ten, how much do you think I FUCKING hate you?"
"Watch the mouth sonny, children could be reading this!" Sardonyx chortled. "Now then, let's finish this chapter!"
One bypass of the chapter break later, Sardonyx and the defeated Deadpool were now out of the Fourth Wall and back in the real world where the Nasty Boyz, Juggernaut & Black Tom were now nowhere to be seen.
"Okay, I give up!" Deadpool complained while his body began to regenerate. "I'll go with your stupid plan! Didn't really need to treat me like how Pearl killed that one Irishman during the Easter Rising."
"It was an accident!" Pearl exclaimed as she and Garnet defused. "And how did you possibly know?"
"But before we move onto the next chapter, can we make a quick stop first?" Deadpool asked. "There's a joke I think needs resolving."
"You'll never take the whale from me Wilson!" Captain Ahab exclaimed as he engaged in a swordfight with the dread pirate Straw Hat Deadpool and his motley crew. "I'll surrender when I get eaten alive!"
"Funny you should mention that Habbo." First Mate Peridot sneered before she whistled loudly for Willy to breach the surface, breaking most of Ahab's ship and swallowing him whole. "I'll get you for this Wade!" Ahab shrieked vengefully. "You haven't seen the last of me!"
When Ahab was finally swallowed, Willy gave the pirates his farewells and dove back into the water, free again at last.
"What did parodying both Free Willy and Moby Dick have to do with anything?" Pearl asked Straw Hat Deadpool. "You know what? After what I've experienced, I don't think I want to know."
At long last, the chapter is done! Good thing too, because my partner has just started college as we write this and all that education is gonna cut into his freetime!
Yes indeed, the next chapter will take a bit longer to come out because of college. But I still get a few months off soon, so there you go.
Well, that should settle it. You get some free writing done and I won't take your ANDY ONLY stuff. Hasta luego amigo! And be sure to give my regards to your mom!
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justice4sasuke · 4 years
(1/?)Hi! really liking your posts about Sasuke, it helps me make more sense of why the series left me so confused, and I really think that ,like you said in your about Section, many of Kishi interesting bits of narrative and characterization are flukes,(I'm a Hopeless Madara fan speaking,it is really hard to like characters from a show you dont like) I do have to admit tho that his world building looks really insteresting (even tho not explored properly) ,I was wondering however, if there is
2/? anyway of interpreting kishis insistence on making sasuke the “bad Guy” as a proyection of the “generalized”(and I mean “in general”, everyone is diffent) Japanese view of life and comunity?,as in “endure the hardships for the good of everyone , even if it cost me my own well being” kind of mindset .I mean, as a westerner, I did enjoyed anime and manga growing up, but many times I do tend to forget that many of the tropes present in them and narrative desisions are taken by the authors who
3/4authors who have a completely different world view from mine, and their values of what is wrong and right diverge greatly from what mine could be; I do want to point out, I DO NOT agree with A LOT of the so said “lessons”the series wants to transmit, I think it fails in delivering any true message exactly because of making that said mindset the final destination of the series(and also having a DBZ final battle), leaving the whole uchiha and ame gakure things with no final solution, I mean
4/4, I mean , it is shonen, why would I exept any real resolution on things that seem to matter …but still!!But yeah, that was my question, how much of the bad of the series do you think is Kishi just being a bad author and how much do you think is kishi being too into the conformative mindset and wanting to transmit that to the public?Sorry for the long ask, I was just curious on you pov, thank you for reading all of that! and sorry 4 bad english, I do not speak it as first language.
yooooooo I love Madara so I get it. I got a whole load of interpretations about him and I’m planning on talking about him and most of the Uchiha members we know when we get to them in shippuden since the Uchiha clan is a big part of Sasuke’s character (and as an excuse to drag Obito because I hate him with a fiery passion). 
I completely understand what you are saying and a long time ago I probably would have at least thought about it more, if not agreed with you, but there is this one thing I have read that has changed a lot of my expectations of the shonen genre.
It’s called One Piece.
One Piece is the best selling manga or comic by a single author of all time and is primarily popular in Japan (testimonial) because the initial dub got fucked over which affected it’s popularity in the west and also western audiences have shit taste. 
Now, surface level I think everyone knows One Piece is the pirate shonen manga, but something you can only get from reading it is that what One Piece is really about personal freedom. Pirates in One Piece aren’t actually, like, people that pillage other ships or towns. They can be that, but that’s not inherently what a pirate is in-universe. I’m sure many people have heard that the main character Luffy wants to be King of the Pirates through secondhand knowledge, but what you might not have heard is that to Luffy the King of the Pirates is the person on the ocean who is the most free.
And, not to get spoilery, but there’s the World Government which, actually, here’s a post that puts it better than I ever could.
Also I just make this joke a lot: in Naruto the Revolutionary Army would be the bad guys. Because there is a Revolutionary Army in One Piece. And I think we all know how the word Revolution is treated in Naruto.
All of this is to say that given that One Piece is the most popular manga in Japan I think it would be insulting to say that these themes in Naruto should just be seen as an outcome of Japanese culture. I’m sure Kishimoto is not a bad guy and he is a person shaped by his circumstances and culture like anyone else, but people can leave the box that the world has drawn them into and, especially for a creator, you should be able to do that. The creator of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, was also born into Japanese culture and his series goes the complete opposite direction of Kishimoto because in One Piece you don’t endure, you fight, and his series is way more popular with the Japanese public (granted, Oda is also just a rare talent in character writing, world building, and loooooooong story telling). One Piece alone is proof that Naruto’s failures aren’t cultural, they’re just the author’s.
Also everyone should read One Piece, but if you want another example that is less of a commitment try Fullmetal Alchemist. 
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uwsnewsfeed · 4 years
PAGE 1 OF 214
LEX LUTHOR : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a very special afternoon and thank you all for being here with us as we set a new global precedent. From this day forward, the World Security Council will operate under a new prime directive : accountability. — Now, before we move on to the questions for our esteemed New Avengers, I believe our lovely moderator has some housekeeping to do. Meghan ?
MEGHAN MCCAIN : Thank you, Secretary Luthor. And may I just say what an honour it is to be a part of this incredible event. For those of you watching at home, the questions I’ll be asking select members of the New Avengers, Secretary Luthor, and the representatives from S.H.I.E.L.D., were chosen from anonymous submissions from the general public, along with ones submitted by the free press. Those in the studio audience, please keep your reactions to simple applause as we have a lot to get through today.
PAGE 17 OF 214
MCCAIN : This question is for Secretary Luthor, submitted by Lois Lane of the Daily Planet. Mr. Luthor, it's been over a year since the Met Gala attacks wherein an artifact was reported stolen despite, what I assume to be, your best security present. Is that the same level of care we should anticipate with this latest team of yours ?
LUTHOR : Ms. Lane, thank you. I’m discouraged that the best efforts of both the New York and Gotham Police Departments working in unison were apparently not to your high standards, but the truth of the matter is that mankind will always be fallible. We strive for a crime rate as close to zero percent as possible ; no nation has reached such a number, but that does not mean we stop trying our best.The Met Gala was attacked, an invaluable artifact was stolen. I mourn its loss even to this day, but I am confident the global law enforcement community will track the artifact down and bring its thieves to justice in due time.Moreover, the Avengers have never been, and will never be, tantamount to my own personal security force. They work for the people, as governed by the Accords. 
MCCAIN : Another here from the Daily Planet for you, Secretary Luthor. You're currently secretary of the World Security Council. What have you learned within this position that qualifies your opinion as the trusted one when putting together this team? What separates them from their previously disbanded namesake beyond knowing their identities ?
LUTHOR : I believe my track record as Secretary of the WSC speaks for itself. If you only knew how many insurgencies I, personally, stopped with these bare hands — [ crowd laughs ] Perhaps I should register myself after all. [ more laughter ] — Now, now, this is a valuable question. I’m a public servant, just as these brave men and women to my left, though I can’t say I’ve any super - human abilities. Where my experience is concerned, however, I can say with confidence that no one has launched a nuclear weapon at the City of Manhattan since I took on the role.Regarding the New Avengers, they are individuals filling a role. The public will get to know them as I have, and I can assure you : they are right for the job.
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MCCAIN : A question from Mary - Jane Watson of the Weekly Review, Secretary Luthor.  Will the Accords remain a contract between vigilantism and registration, or is the eventual goal to have an ever - editing registry of metahumans available to the public ?
LUTHOR : The Accords themselves serve as a contract. In order to legally practice vigilantism, we expect full disclosure. When it comes to the question of metahuman registration as a whole, I expect you’ll be hearing more about this as the Democratic Primaries roar into full swing. Such a hot - button topic, isn’t it ? 
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MCCAIN : Dr Strange, If a single member of the international community had a tool at its disposal that could deftly take out a target and potentially end a conflict but posed significant risk to the civilian population, when should it be deployed, and who should deploy it ?  
STEPHEN STRANGE : What do you mean ❛ if ❜ ? [ the crowd laughs. Stephen Strange does not appear to be joking ] — risk and reward are inexorably tied to one another. Our goal is to work as precisely as possible, but — I’m sorry, was that question meant for me, or the Supreme Leader of North Korea ? Tony Stark is right here, you may have us confused. [ more laughter ]
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MCCAIN : An anonymous question for any one of the New Avengers. Is this not simply these governing bodies, historically without military power, enacting military force in the form of these individuals ? 
TONY STARK :  [ static as the podium’s mic is pulled toward himself ] — Yeah, I’ll take this : first, can I just say it’s so nice to see the public really digging in, here ?  That’s what we’re all here for, right, we’re all just trying to make our world safe by any means necessary — well, not any, we’ve been there, haven’t we ? [ chuckling ] — listen, peace in our time has been my life’s work for years.  The United Nations has always had some kind of historical peacekeeping force, those good old blue helmets have been overseeing ceasefires since what, ‘48 ? [ inaudible, as mic is covered, Mister Stark receives a nod from an aide sitting just offstage ]  Yeah, 1948, hey, they’ve even got a collective Nobel Peace Prize, so really, between me — us — and the WSC you’ve already cornered the market on people who’ve made world peace their full - time jobs, people who are damned good at it, force or no.  So to answer your question, yes, it is, if you consider active - duty peacekeeping by knowledgable, intelligent, experienced, and empowered individuals that has saved before and will continue to save countless civilian lives, including some of those blue - helmeted ones, [ he gestures in air quotes ] military force.  And does that really sound like a bad thing to you ?
MCCAIN : Another anonymous question, this time specifically for Mr. Stark. What makes you think any of this is going to work when it clearly didn’t work before ?
STARK : [ it should be noted that Mister Stark has loosened his tie since his last answered question ] The Avengers have worked and worked well since they were founded, not to toot my own horn — really, I’m trying to cut back, that’s what I get for doing that Mean Tweets segment, thanks Jimmy [ smattering of laughter ] — without an iteration of this team we wouldn’t have an island to host this press conference on, so let’s walk it back : it’s Occam’s razor, simple.  Why fix what isn’t broken when you can just adjust what needs adjusting, clarify what needs clarifying, moderate what needs moderating … you get it, right ?  We learn, we try our best, we pretend like we don’t have Steve Jobs quotes pinned up on our fridges and we fail — I’ve got Mark 83 valeted outside, you think all 82 of them before that were perfect from jump ?  I— [ microphone static as Doctor Stephen Strange leans forward ]
STRANGE : —Yes, we’ve all seen your bright red flying Lamborghini. Are you planning on actually answering the question ? [ smattering of laughter from the crowd ] I think what my colleague is trying to articulate is that the Avengers will keep right on getting better and better and better. Indefinitely. Next question.
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MCCAIN : A question for S.H.I.E.L.D. from the public: What steps are being taken to further regulate these enhanced individuals ? Like any weapon, how can the public be assured that background checks are being conducted on these so-called superheroes ? 
DIRECTOR SHARON CARTER : [ momentarily inaudible, due to the adjustment of her chair ] — S.H.I.E.L.D. employees are held to the highest extragovernmental hiring standard, and these assets are no exception.  Any Agent under my purview undergoes rigorous testing and investigation in order to quality for their elevated security clearance because global safety and security is our number one goal, and such a position requires the implicit trust of the public.  As part of our continued enforcement of the Sokovia Accords, details and records of each Avengers Initiative asset will be made public as a means of accountability, something they have each submitted to voluntarily as a condition of their registration and enlistment.
MCCAIN : And a follow - up question, Director Carter. What policies will be put in place to protect the individuals who are in compliance with the Accords? Will their families and loved ones be granted some kind of protective detail? What sort of compensation might they face for such a line of work ? 
CARTER : Each member of the reformed Avengers Team is being compensated as an active - duty Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. ; while I’m afraid that the details of our internal benefits and pay calibrations are classified, which I’m sure you can understand, I can assure you that they’re being fairly and adequately paid in direct correlation to the danger and visibility of their new positions.  While these people have bravely made the choice to register themselves, they have not and wouldn’t be asked to make the same choice for their loved ones, who will of course be treated with the same dignity, respect, and care that all families of active - duty Agents receive, including increased personal security upon request, yes.
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MCCAIN : Director Carter, who decides when or where the Avengers are allowed to intervene ? Will there be a public-facing representative ? Will their name be made public ? Without this enacted, how do we know the Avengers wouldn’t be treated like a super elite killing squad ? 
CARTER : [ with visible annoyance ] The rapid spread of misinformation regarding the purpose of this team has been challenging, and I can assure you that no assemblage of superheroes stands here today prepared to act as … just as the United Nations’ Security Council has retained the ability to create and enforce sanctions of all types, including military action, for decades, so will the World Security Council oversee the deployment and management of this iteration of the Avengers, and both Secretary Luthor and myself will continue to act as liaisons.
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MCCAIN : From the Daily Planet, and this is for Mister Raymond, why did you agree to try and reclaim the moniker of Captain America instead of making a path of your own ? What improvements or changes are we expected to see ? 
THOMAS RAYMOND ( CAPTAIN AMERICA ) :  [ faintly ]  Well, ma’am, I … [ inaudible as he’s addressed by Mister Stark, static as his mic is pulled closer ]  Sorry, what I said was — [ a ring of feedback, during which he can be seen visibly wincing ]  Anyways [ sic ] the world needs Captain America, ma’am, and when they call you askin’ [ sic ] you to put on that suit, I reckon you got to be crazy sayin’ [ sic ] no.  [ prolonged silence as he sits back again ]
MCCAIN : Again, for Mister Raymond. Do you have any loved ones ? Anyone who isn’t a registered metahuman or capable of protecting themselves outside of your immediate intervention from retaliatory measures ? The FBI and various police enforcement agencies, at their minimum, scrub public record of location, vehicles, and family members for these very same reasons. Is that what’s being provided for you and those on your team as well ? 
RAYMOND ( CAPTAIN AMERICA ) : [ magnified rustling as he seems to test the microphone with his palm ]  I think … sorry, ma’am, but I think if I told you all that, it might defeat the purpose of them doin’ [ sic ] it, don’t you think ?  [ a laugh from the crowd ]  But I can tell you yes, and yes.  [ he nods, then nods again ]  Yes.     
MCCAIN : Last one for Mister Raymond. Did you join this team of your own volition, or under threat of arrest ?
RAYMOND ( CAPTAIN AMERICA ) : [ quickly ]  I’m honored to be here. 
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silyabeeodess · 4 years
Final Thoughts on Tangled: The Series
Normally, I don’t do many reviews, but since I’ve given my thoughts on points in the series before, I feel compelled to address certain things in the series in a full list.  As I’ve already brought up in the past, I very much have a love-hate relationship with the show.  This is because it has both exceptionally amazing and exceptionally terrible points that I can’t just shrug off--in part, because I’m starting to see them everywhere in a lot of cartoons these days, especially with Disney. Expect me to go over both positive and negative points, and I’ve give my conclusion on the series as a whole last.  There will be spoilers, so if you haven’t watched it in full yet, please do so before checking out the cut below.
As far as building up a lot of the characters go, I think most of them are really well-developed.  From a main character like Varian to minor figures like Captain Quaid, the creators seemed to have a good grasp of fleshing them out even when if they had a limited time to do so.  It helped the world of Tangled feel expansive and real, with even many of the background characters having their own identity and personalities: We didn’t need their life stories to make them stand out in our minds and they weren’t treated like a choir group used to only fill up space, which can be an easy pitfall when they’re showcased with notable importance to the story. (Moana, I’m looking at you.)  
My issues with the characters largely fall on a case-by-case basis--which will be brought up further below--but there is one general point that did wear on my nerves, and that’s with many of them having what I’d like to call “selective competence.”  By this, I mean that the strengths of the characters seemed to shift depending on whatever narrative the team wanted to tell.  One of the biggest examples of this is King Edmund: We’re introduced to him as a skilled fighter and fierce protector that could match up against not only the members of the Brotherhood like Adira because he trained them himself, but also while simultaneously holding his own for a time against Rapunzel and her friends--however, when he started being used for mostly comedy relief, he couldn’t even defend himself against the Stabbington Brothers who the group has already beaten multiple times over.  For crying out loud, they let him know they were there!  In no way do I think characters need some kind of point system to mark how strong they are--this is a story, not a tabletop RPG--but at the same time there’s needs to be better consistency and planning.  For the point I mentioned with King Edmund, an easy fix would’ve been a sneak attack that knocked him out before he had the chance to react by making him so consumed with the thought of losing his son in that moment that he wasn’t as aware of his surroundings as normal.  At least then there’d be an excuse!  This happens repeatedly throughout the series and with multiple characters though that it’s far from a slip up. 
Another general that focuses more on the girls is the power dynamic.  Look, I’m all for strong women, but not at the sacrifice of things like story or characters, and the show made a bad habit of leaning into that with their selective competence.  Think I’m wrong?  Ok, then explain this to me: How do you have two famed criminals with a known record throughout multiple kingdoms act like bumbling idiots who constantly either cause problems for the group with typically someone like Raps, Cass, or Adira having to get them out of that situation?  And if that wasn’t obvious enough, you have Adira’s little “I don’t get why they named it the Brotherhood because I’m a woman” statement that couldn’t be more on the nose.  
You know what?  I’m gonna go ahead and get to Adira despite her being a more minor character because I couldn’t stand her.  Most of the time when she showed up, I wanted to roll my eyes into the back of my skull because the primary reason she exists is to be a “strong woman who don’t need no man,” which, to be frank, we already have in spades in this show with much better characters.  She’s not impressive or a good role model for young girls: She’s an obnoxious token--and in more ways than one.  For no point whatsoever, she kept disappearing and reappearing in and out of episodes throughout S2 whenever the creators decided to use her--even though the audience is well aware she’s following the group and nothing seems to be stopping her from sticking by them.  They were shown fine with her travelling at their side on multiple occasions, so what was the need to have her vanish off and on when we know she’s just keeping up with them in the shadows anyhow? To top that off, she insists on being needlessly mysterious just for the sake of it despite her sharing similar goals with Raps and the group.  It would’ve been one thing had she just kept the potential danger of the moonstone’s affects on Raps a secret: The best lies are told with a bit of truth and it would’ve set up the mysterious angle of her much better.  Better anyway than her helping them one minute and then beating them up in the next because she “doesn’t like to be touched.” It got to the point where I didn’t care whether or not she could be trusted: I just wanted her offscreen.  
Going back to something positive for a moment though, Raps and Eugene are easily the best in the series (Or at least when they’re alone together, I have notes on both....)  I’m not talking about the romance between them--although that was really well done: I’m talking about how they bounced off of each other.  There’s something to be said about people who are willing to grow beside each other, and that growth shines in their relationship.  If one of them falters, the other is there to not only pick up the slack, but help pull the first back onto their feet.  Both Raps and Eugene have their highs and lows throughout the series and they’re willing to call the other back to earth and be their support when things go too far.  The power dynamic issue I mentioned earlier?  I never see it with them. They’re both balanced and match to each other’s strengths/weaknesses.  Neither of them is a vision of perfection, a knight in shining armor, or a damsel in distress: They’re two people who work in tandem to get through the hard times and simply enjoy the good ones together. 
Since I already wrote a large post discussing Raps and Cassandra, I’m going to link to that here.  For Cassandra though, I can summarize my thoughts on what they did to her character in one word: Butchered.  For both Seasons 1 and 2, the set-up for her was great, but everything after that was mostly an abysmal fall from grace.  They focused too much on her being jealous of Raps and upset over Gothel and ignored all of the problems that had sprung up in their friendship--such as Raps pushing her to the side just as much as anyone else and taking advantage of her friendship.  And then she literally had to ask herself, “Wait... am I the bad guy?” for her to consider that her actions may be unjustified.  Even after that, she immediately jumps back into her “villain” mode when Varian accidentally fired at her and blaming Raps--who’s just standing there--all while knowing ahead of time that Raps signed the decree for the weapon and having already excused it.  I saw glimmers of potential in the finale, but honestly, they fumbled and tripped so much with Cass that, even while satisfied with the conclusion to her arc, I’d far from call it a success.
Lance... This character just screams of missed opportunities. They gave him a great background to go with Eugene’s as these two best friends leaving a life of crime behind to each find their place in the world and then proceeded to make him the butt of a joke just about every second he was onscreen.  I can’t even think of a genuine character trait he had: I just look at him and see Tangled’s version of Olaf.  At least the end where he adopts Angry and Catalina was sweet, but even that felt lacking because all we got out of them were dumb jokes.  We see them together, but hardly in a way that would establish a parent-child bond; more like two siblings outwitting their dim babysitter.  The creators just could’ve handled him so much better, giving him and Eugene/Angry/Catalina more sincere interactions or letting him have a couple of moments to show what skills he brings to the group. They already had Shorty and used comedy among all of the characters anyway, so what was the point of making Lance a walking punchline?     
As for Eugene, I don’t have much to say beyond the points where they just made him out to be a moron like they did with Lance.  I actually really like how they developed them: How, personality wise, he never felt the need to change himself for anyone--he was confident in himself--but nevertheless struggled to find his own identity because of his past, family legacy, and whatever other revelations he came across in the present.  It was an interesting journey, watching him find himself.     
For all the bad I had to say regarding Raps in the post I listed earlier, I will admit as well that she does have some positive aspects.  I liked how her character arc focused on the importance of personal freedom while balancing it with the moral choice of accepting one’s duty to others.  For a time, she’s not ready to rule Corona due to her lack of knowledge/experience and never having the chance to discover what she needed in her own life.  However, she doesn’t use it as an excuse to shirk away from her responsibilities.  She accepts her duty to her kingdom and her people--and even to Eugene to an extent since she does love him and knows it’s unfair if she made him wait forever at her side--but she’s not willing to throw away her own happiness by rushing forward to fulfill them. It’s a balance that’s easy to struggle with, if not to the same degree as a princess, whether from a basic work/life or group/individual scenario or if you’re, for example, a young person rushed from one phase of their life to the next with certain expectations. The cherry on top is that she’s also a person struggling with her own maturity in the meantime, going from careless in some situations to a voice of reason later down the road.  
Overall, Zhan Tiri was a pretty good villain, particularly because she was actually, well, an honest villain.  After years of show after show, movie after movie, constantly being compelled to give their bad guys some sob story that hardly ever makes up for their actions, we’re finally back to getting to villains we love to hate. While I wouldn’t place her on the top tier, she’s still well done overall.  I don’t like her more powerful forms that much--they just don’t seem to have the best designs--but the child form was great.  The team found a good balance of conniving and creepy with her look.  My main complaint is that she can’t learn to shut up.  Now, it’s not the monologuing or even her spilling her own plans that I don’t like. Yes, it’s a trope for villains; however, it’s often used to showcase their arrogance; give the audience some more information about what’s going on in a simple, but effective way; and typically done when either the hero is at their weakest or when the villain is alone/with other villains.  The problem is Zhan Tiri’s timing.  It would be one thing if she monologued when Raps was at her weakest: Instead, she decides to reveal her identity and intentions to Raps well before her plans could succeed, therefore putting them at risk.  Had she not outright said “I’m playing Cass,” Cass’s morality would be placed in a more questionable eye by Raps and the others--further encouraging the conflict between the two young woman, which was what the demon wanted.  Her explaining that to Raps was just dumb.   
I have no complaints.  Whoever is behind this, bravo: You made gold.  
I’d dare argue that the bulk of the songs could easily be any number that you’d hear on a successful Broadway track.  They're memorable, catchy, and tailor-made to perfectly fit in their respective scenes.  Everyone involved seemed to put their heart into the music, making many of them extremely powerful pieces.  The dialogue also meshes really well with the music, allowing the songs to flow naturally in and out of the scenes.  The only time where I’d say it doesn’t quite work would be in Through it All, but considering that the scene makes a point of joking about the musical elements of the series prior to that, you’re supposed to be aware of how unnatural it is, which can give it a charm of its own.  
Art and Animation
Again, for the art, no complaints.  Aside from some minor nitpicks that I’d shrug off--and I mean really minor, like a bird for the beginning of one episode that was huge in comparison to a second flying close to it--it’s beautiful. The style has a strong, painter-like quality that fits with the concept of this being Rapunzel’s story, matching to her--of course--being an artist.  You have these bold, beautiful colors and the team wasn’t afraid of letting them shine at their best, like in scenes such as when Rapunzel and Cassandra are fighting as the sundrop and moonstone.  There were so many nice contrasts that directed one’s focus perfectly on what the creators wanted you to see and that also made for rich, impressive moments in the show.  
As for more subtle details, one that I particularly liked were some of the gradients and the way they’re applied, such as the blush to Rapunzel’s face.  There’s something about that soft speckle around the edges that’s really satisfying, and--when comparing Rapunzel’s design to the flatter skin tone on most of the other characters--it gives her a warm glow that helps solidify her as the physical embodiement of the sundrop.
The animation is also super solid, and any critiques I have on it largely fall to things I think probably had more to do with the script than the animation itself.  For example, there’s the moment when Cass and Raps are fighting in Gothel’s house where Cass ties Raps hair around a pole, in the next moment it’s off the pole and Raps smacks her with it, and then it’s immediately wrapped around the pole again with Raps trying to unravel it.  It’s a pretty obvious and careless mistake to make--especially when you see how wonderfully choreographed a lot of the series is with dynamic camera shots that move fluidity with the characters.  What makes me think it’s more of a script-based problem is that there are similar inconsistencies that happen elsewhere and--while animated beautifully--don’t make much sense. One example of this is in the finale, where Cass is dying.  I tried re-watching the scene and checking the wikia to see how she got a fatal injury in case I missed something, but no: It’s never shown.  It’s like the team decided to have her dying just so Raps could say the healing incantation one final time. If you want to excuse it, you could say it had to do with the moonstone, but then you’d also have to explain how neither of the girls showcase any physical weaknesses aside from their loss of powers when Zhan Tiri takes both of their respective gems. Which leads me to...
This is the hardest for me to discuss because so much of it is either really, really good or really, really bad.  I guess to start, I’ll bring up a problem that I noticed mimicked another show, Star Vs. the Forces of Evil.  Similarly to SVTFOE, the last season didn’t focus enough on the main plot to properly flesh it out--albeit, SVTFOE was much worse than Tangled: The Series could ever fear being.  A lot of people try to blame this on “Well, it’s the last season: It’s all they’ve got left to tell the story in.” Ok... Well, yeah, we can talk about how Disney and other companies stink at just letting creators tell a good story in the time they need to in another discussion, but here’s the thing: The teams know well in advance how many episodes they have to work with. Unfortunately, they wasted some of those episodes.  Did we really need to see Catalina as a werewolf?  Did we really need Pascal to befriend a dragon?  Even in the finale, with the more minor characters’ stumble into the Lost Realm, what was the point of it besides humor and getting them out of the way for a bit?  I’d understand if they were episodes for lightening the mood, but they already put so much comedy relief in with the main plot that that isn’t necessary: The mood’s already light enough and there’s just not much time to waste on random filler.  Again, filler isn’t a problem in itself either: You can have it, just don’t let it sacrifice main points that the show should address. One way to have gotten around this was to use more of a two-plot structure with some of these episodes: Plot A would focus on whatever fun the team wanted to have while Plot B could sprinkle in bits of information that the audience will need later for the main story--or they could even have done that with just a small scene to nudge some info in after the episode was done and before the credits rolled.            
I’d like to bring up some of the points that I thought could’ve been covered better.  First off, the whole “destiny” thing.  Well, we get what all signs Raps’ destiny is pointing to, but as often as it was brought up for Cass, they hardly explained what she wanted after taking the moonstone. What was her plan?  Initially, she didn’t want to attack/take over Corona. Sure, they tried saying she didn’t want to be anyone’s second, but everyone was going to hate her for taking the moonstone in the first place, so... good work there: I don’t think Cass would be stupid enough not to realize people wouldn’t think highly of her for it despite what the show tried to tell us.  They even missed the chance for some friction between Cass and Eugene after the latter was made the Captain of the Guard: Come on, you know that would’ve set her off!  Even the show questions this by Raps asking Cass what her end goal was in, I guess, the creators’ attempt at patching their mistake too little too late.  
Then there was the oh-so-important eclipse that we’re told nothing about until it gets here... besides that fact that it’s an eclipse.  The way the team tried to build it up through Zhan Tiri, you would’ve thought it was some cosmic magic on level with Avatar’s Sozin’s Comet. From what we could tell though, no, it’s just a normal eclipse.  That’s fine, but then why not explain more about it when everything else involving the sun and moon was amplified to some magical involvement?  
Thirdly, they brought the death incantation back: You know, that spell Raps was stupid enough to think she could control and then somehow randomly did for Varian because plot device despite it later being rendered pointless when the black rocks are then shown to be able to pierce through the amber just fine in S3, so Raps could’ve used those to save Varian’s father instead back when she had control of them?  That death incantation?  Yeah, suddenly it’s a bad thing again.  I could probably write a whole other post on these types of goofs alone, but I’ve been writing this for hours now and I’m almost to the end of it.
To wrap up this section, I will, however, admit that I liked some of the little things they included and would bring up later: I just wish they had done it more.  This is a method I call breadcrumb storytelling, in which a creator--for a specific moment--gives attention to something small that inevitably has a solid payback, often with the audience forgetting about it for a period only to resurface in their mind at the reveal.  One major point I’m talking about here was the use of the Moonstone shard.  Like many others, I actually did think they were going to show it as a sign of Cass’s slow destruction--that the Moonstone was a physical part of her and that by destroying it or overusing its power, it would inevitable destroy her as well.  It was a pleasant surprise to see the shard used as the key to defeating Zhan Tiri, and just how it was used.
So, did I like the series overall or not...?  Eh... I still find myself going back and forth on it.  What I hate about it, I hate with a passion, but the good parts that are there genuinely moved me. The things that worked wrapped up nicely and it was nice, but bittersweet to see the characters get their happy ending because it did feel pretty earned and you do feel sad to say goodbye to these people and this world you’ve become familiar with.  So I wouldn’t call it bad: I’d compare it to car that got totaled in a wreck and still somehow managed to flawlessly parallel park without any casualties after it flipped across the street.  It’s a mess, but I can still smile at it by the end of the day.     
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lil-miss-methodical · 5 years
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On My Block Season 2 threw down the metaphorical artistic gauntlet & there ain’t a Squad gully enough to pick it up. 
I hope people who've seen season one and now season two realize that what's taken place before their eyes is called elevation. This is how an ongoing show is supposed to handle things. Season one laid down a foundation for its audience and season two did not make the silly mistake of disregarding that foundation but instead pulled that bitch from under the audience’s feet to give us that freefall feeling and then used it to cushion our fall - reminding exactly why we loved it. it had me hyped, made me laugh, made me cry - often all in the same episode. Things that I thought were gonna happen didn’t happen how I thought they were gonna happen and that's how they kept me perched, on edge, interested even through sleep deprivation.
These were the same characters I’d grown to love in season one. Despite the hardship, despite the bullshit they returned to us the characters whom we’d grown to know and love and unveiled them just a bit more. When jamal rolled in money - I felt as though i was rolling in the dough. When Monse was telling Cesar what to do I was nodding along as though she was me, as though her opinions were mine. When Jasmin spoke I listened for a lesson was being given. When Cesar or Ruby cried - we all cried.
The musical scale out did the last and I didn’t even know that was possible. from the very first song they used to open the show and place all of us in our feelings - to the return of the track that left such a huge mark last season. They music not only to alter how we feel moment to moment, but to make authentic the era, style and culture the show is marked upon.
The Breakdown:
This season is broken down into two variables - solo hero's journey & and overarching theme.  The former can be elements as such: 
- Ruby's battle with PTSD
- Monse's battle of solidifying her feet instead of running
- Jamal's fight to be shine, be seen, be respected (and that has as much to do with audience as with Squad)
- Cesar's unsettled feeling of being alone (although he and we really learn how much he has)
- Jasmin staking her claim to her position
With season one ending in a death of a loved on and a wound of his own - we find Ruby healing. At first he's in a state of denial...This is a reality many black and brown people find themselves suck in, not about the mishap no, but about the trauma that comes with it. Like Ruby, we disassociate. We go with a 'it's life, bad shit happens, yet I'm alive and I should see the blessing in that and keep pushing forward' mentality that does not allow us to first dissect that trauma and journey through that pain as we should. The show acknowledges that damage and thus we end up having seemingly unlikely people help Ruby he's not only on a journey but deserves to allow himself to take that path to real recovery. Jason Genao did such a wonderful job - from the simplicity of wanting to unwind with some spontaneous party organizing to the quick emotional windup that taunts when something reminds you of your trauma.
Monse is the character I relate to the most because I see myself in the nature of her traits while also being able to identify with her internal struggle. Being abandoned put puts a complex within an individual that most people cannot understand - def it's that first abandonment is by a parent who we're taught is supposed to love, protect and be there for us. People who are abandoned can either gain traits of being clingy or having issues forming a bond or leaving. Monse of course like most has a duality of this. The bond is important to her and she'll do anything to maintain it but on the other hand she has a sense to leave when stuff it too uncomfortable. We see this several time in this season alone. But the real lesson for Monse is not a reprehend on her fears or traits but reality of being loved and accepted. No matter what you do, where you go, you love us and we love you and we'll be waiting when you get back.
Jamal is that character doesn't get the respect he deserves - that in story and from the audience that watches the show. The show took this in hand this season. As Jamal never ceased to remind the squad of his work on their behalf he steepled his worth asl and the actor that plays him, Brett Gray, yet again flexed his comedic chops for the masses yet again. I think Jamal doesn't understand how iconic he is, how amazing he is for those in story and out. He's coming off of that high of being on the heels of an adventure.
Jasmin also got shine this season. They humanize her without changing her, dimming her light or having her apologize for who she is as women have to do when the world feels they're too boisterous, too loud in tone, look and voice. She loved herself enough to remain true to herself and those who took the time out to see who that was, got to love her. Like all the characters she was opinionated, and even when the whole crew don't realize it she has something to add to the squad - thus what allows her to be the honorary member of the team. Also Jessica Garcia is another comedic genius in the element.
Cesar went from being in the hard place of his brother's gang to being in what seemed like an impossible place of no gang and seemingly no protection. Exiled from the Santos he's literally homeless and isolated from his last remaining relative. He find himself shipping from one one home to the next, exhausted with having to adapt to different family cultures. This was interesting because as they show we are ironically who we are in part do to our family living styles at home. There were a lot of jokes about Cesar's one color tanks and knee high shorts but when he starts surfing from house to house you get to see this 'culture' of how these people lived from an outsiders perspective - the man chilling vibe he received with Monse's dad. The rushed, lively, full feeling of Ruby's home that at first felt crowded to him. The eccentric way Jamal ran his bedroom. Even the weirdness of Chivo and his 'family'. While these aspects of these difference threw him of kilter at first he learned to appreciate and truly love each and everyone for those same difference. He learned the art of gratitude because people tend to treat their homes as their safe places - not just for heir forms but their identities. We can be exact who we are in the face of our homes. As he thought he had nothing, those around him that loved him welcomed him into their safe space - despite the physical danger. This bonded his relationship with these people even more because there's a difference in saying we're family and you showing that I'm your family. And yes it was beautiful to see them credit the two black men of the parenthood for taking this kids life seriously and holding court for him. It was beautiful watching him come to love and appreciate Jamal and understand the wealth that comes with this friendship and making a strong brotherhood (def considering the war of gangs between brown and black men).
Every character must thread their given path to meet in a middle of shorts with everyone else. And noticed I didn't say they must complete the journey - travel it alone. We get the the end satisfied but still with the knowledge that the work is yet to be done. Ruby's PTSD and pain did not magically dissolve. Monse's abandonment issues didn't evaporate into nothingness. Jamal may have sculpt his worthiness yet the anxiety of 'what's next' still snipes at him. Cesar may have learned to appreciate what he does have but lost in the aspect of independence and what that means in the face of those around him that he loves and how to make that not mean being alone. Jasmin may have Ruby and us kneeling at her feet learning the error of our ways but she still got 3 other members to break.
It is these individual journeys that push the narrative forward, that reveals the overarching theme so to speak. Without these journeys there's nothing to carry the overarching theme. This is what I call great writing because it forces the threads to connect but still allows all individual characters to have their own position in the story that equals out.
The Revelation of a Theme:
Everything about this season was about family. When we watched Spooky, Mario, and Jasmin help guide Ruby through his symptoms of PTSD and trauma, what we were witnessing was family at work. When Cesar, Jamal, and Ruby laughed while rolling their eyes in disbelief of Monse's leaving for good speech - thats was love. When they tell her you'll be back and we'll be here...that was the understanding of family. When we see those around Jamal grow to see his worth by working to this appreciation its an aspect of a real family’s effort. The sacrifice, and support that came both for and from Cesar was hella representation of family. Jasmin’s whole storyline is the representation of new family.
This season didn't truffle with pointlessness. They didn't find conflict by creating false hate between the characters. They didn't drag this aspect of 'let's blame Cesar' or have that be an easy tension between him and Ruby. As a matter of fact their bond was deepened. Ruby had no hate in his heart for Cesar, instead he embraced his brother in the street and they cried, for themselves and each other.
This whole season was about being willing to sacrifice, being willing to be selfless for those you love. Everyone allowing Cesar to live with them, Jamal allowing it to be 'our' money, Monse's dad not trying to force her to stay away from her mom despite his feelings where Julia was concerned, them risking it to clean the money, Jamal giving up the gnome. Their rush to burn the money when they thought it would put someone else life in danger.
It was this concept of sacrifice and selflessness that sends Cesar after Latrelle in hopes of freeing his friends when Ruby comes to him distraught.
Cesar on most scopes is not a killer. As he told his brother he's not cut from the cloth of gang life. We see him called pussy for not being about that life. For not being able to end a life over turf wars, money, or Ill-intent words thrown his way. But as everyone had to show what they were willing to do for the concept of family - so too did Cesar. Good or bad - we saw what Cesar would be willing to pull the trigger for.
They all loved eachother, with that love came a protection and a fight to rival any and all that didn't have good intentions. This season was love. It was family, sacrifice, acceptance, respect. Ruby was willing to heal for it, Monse willing to stay for it, Jamal willing to fight for it, Jasmin is willing to be patient for it, Cesar was willing to kill for it. OMB is about this diverse mix of kids who have this bond that they've learned to nurture. It's speak on who they're allowed to be because it and how far they're willing to go to keep it.
In my last review my byline was "On my block, squad means family" and this season has proven that for this crew,  squad still and always will mean Familia.
How do you define family and how do you allow it to define you?
Other post/aspects to be on the look out for:
Mario/Ruby vs Spooky/Cesar Cesar X Monse - The breakdown Monse Family -The genius Jamal/Jasmin Jasmin/Ruby
Don’t forget to follow me for future post and reviews!
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fmdjoosungarchive · 4 years
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headcanon memememe
Send ◙ for an audition headcanon.
sung got street cast, which... was very needed because his audition wasn’t the best. he wasn’t talented, when he came into gold star. sung had been in a choir when he was really young, as well as badly played low skill instruments like the recorder at the same time, but as he grew older, and engaging in the arts wasn’t a necessary part of his curriculum anymore, he stopped. there were other things his family wanted him to focus on.
and when he was street cast, sung’s family didn’t want him to audition in the first place. he’d had to beg them for the chance, and it was only because of his close relationship with his mother that his father managed to reluctantly agree. sung didn’t go into the audition expecting to get in. at the time, it wouldn’t have occurred to him that he’d have a higher chance of acceptance because he was street cast. so the tiny fourteen year old practiced as much as he could have with the limited knowledge he had about musical arts, then eventually sung a song and did a little dance, and got into gold star thinking they saw potential talent in him.
Send ○ for a training headcanon.
he was wrong, that gold star saw potential in him. at least, not for any talent reasons. it became quite clear to him early on what gold star wanted from him, and it wasn’t to mold his talent into something amazing. although he sat starry-eyed during vocal and dance lessons, even to the point of having dance lessons outside of the company after a while, gold star quickly pegged him as a rapper, because he had the kind of deep voice they wanted for that positioning. vocal lessons were sparse, much more than sung wanted them to be, which left him with little vocal skill, even after eight years of training.
and that was another side of it, that he trained for eight years. sung didn’t Like to think of it, but he knew they held him back for a reason. he thought it was many reasons, that he wasn’t yet talented enough, which only pushed him to work even harder, that he wasn’t pretty enough, which eventually broke him down into getting plastic surgery, and, that he was never taken seriously. it took a decade of being in the company for them to encourage him to explore songwriting more deeply, to see what he could be as an idol, to see how hard he worked, to see that he wasn’t the same fourteen year old they street cast. sometimes, he thinks they still dont see that.
Send ♥ for a headcanon about something my muse likes about being an idol.
maybe a basic answer for someone like sung, but for him, definitely the people. as with all jobs, there are people sung doesn’t like, doesn’t vibe with, doesn’t think have the same moral code as him, however, most of the people he meets, he loves. being an idol gave him the opportunity to meet all of his own idols as well. he found himself developing into someone who is a fan of idols as a trainee, so there were some people/groups that developed into faves while he was a trainee, and he was able to meet them at their debut, like charm or unity, but most other groups/soloists he’s a fan of, he became a fan before ever meeting them. being able to meet the people he admires is obviously a lovely experience, something that fills him with a lot of joy. the best part, to sung, though, is when he has the chance to become close to these people he has admired. it means he can learn from them on a more intimate level, which in most cases, is the reason he became a fan in the first place, from appreciating their talent in areas he feels he lacks. and in most cases, the aura of excitement is always there because he has a great talent in compartmentalizing his celebrity status and his place as a fan lmao
Send ♫ for a performance headcanon.
performance is a particular monster to tackle when it comes to sung. it’s the area he tends to differ the most in from bm, as even down to the fundamentals of the style of dance they work best in, sung and bm are opposites. sung’s preferred style is ballet, secondarily modern, while bm’s is in street dance. bm seems to have the direction with choreography to let things freely flow out of him, while sung is Very particular. he’s a perfectionist, and will hold his hand up at the same 45 degree angle every time, so help him god. there are times he can let loose and be more silly, or play around with choreography, but if it’s a professional performance, either with element or by himself, he’s going to do his absolute best to be as precise as possible. it leaves his stage presence as something quite different from his usual persona. very aggressive, forward, strong, and given element’s usual choreography, pretty masculine as well. sometimes, this obsessiveness with perfection means he misses out on the more fun and silly parts of performing with his group, or connecting with specific audience members, and it’s also been Very known to cause some kinds of rifts when practicing dance with others, as he tends to hold other people to similar standards as himself, though to a lesser degree.
Send ☀ for a variety headcanon.
sung doesn’t go on variety often. element doesn’t go on variety often. the most experience sung has with variety is from his solo promotional schedules, since that is more geared towards obtaining korean fans than element is in their promotions.
however, one of the biggest Sung Things when it comes to variety, is that he’s accidentally funny. he’s not the type of person others would call funny as a personality trait. he can be funny, sometimes, but usually, people will call him kind or sweet before funny, and even if they are calling him funny, it’s probably not haha laughing kind of funny. it’s similar in variety as it is in real life.
he’s a very personable person. sung is easy to like, easy to grasp onto. it’s part of his charm as an idol and a soloist. but sometimes, he’ll miss a joke, and his confusion is cute enough it pulls a laugh from mcs. sometimes, he’ll make a joke without realizing it, and even though he didn’t mean to, he’d glow with the praise of laughter. i’m entirely sure there could easily be some youtube compilation of ‘sung messing up on variety but it’s okay because it’s funny’ or... something of that nature.
Send ♡ for a social media headcanon.
element has yet to pass their threshold for social media, but they will vERY SOON so i’m gonna talk a little about the future too. currently, sung operates on element’s sns accounts only, and is quite active on them. most often, he’ll be found on their fancafe, instagram, or vlive. element does a lot of vlives as a group, or as part of their group schedules, and he also does vlives for his solo projects, but on occasion sung likes doing his own just because. in the past, he’s had a reality show, currently, he has a radio show with monthly vlive versions, and in the future, will have a youtube channel, so that format of speaking with fans isn’t foreign to him at all. sung has always been someone who can chat on for a long time even if he’s not being responded to (just rip the poor editors who have to cut out all of his ums and ahs) so it’s no issue.
the more frequent places to find sung would be on their fancafe and instagram. since debut, Element’s Sun has been the type of idol to try his best to keep in contact well with fans, despite the more massive language barrier than most other groups. he tries his best to reply to fans often, and be involved in fandom conversation, even about his own group. on instagram, though, sung is there almost every day. there may be some days he manages to not post, but pretty much every single day, sung has at least added to the group’s story. he doesn’t interact with fans directly so much there, but he’s certainly posting often and reading what he can from their commenters. he’s also quite known for his overly long captions filled with a million emojis. very sung core
Send ❂ for a voice-related (singing or rapping) headcanon.
fuck it we’re talking about singing And rapping. so, singing was sung’s second love, after dancing. he really wanted to learn more about it as a trainee, but it didn’t manage to happen. at debut, and for a lot of his career so far, sung’s headcanon for his singing was worse than bm’s. his trouble wasn’t really pitching correcting, as he’s always had a good ear and, if given the opportunity, would change his pitch correctly if he messed up. rather, it’s that he had basically no technique behind him, or any proper training, so his vocal tone was particularly grating, and he’d have severely hurt his vocal chords if he tried to be a singer with the technique he used.
currently, his voice more like where bm is because he’s been taking weekly-ish vocal lessons. proper technique isn’t natural for him, but he has learned some methods to support his singing better, and has adapted his vocal tone a bit to be less awful, something which he didn’t think was possible. he hopes to one day surpass where he is, and maybe, be considered a Good vocalist, even if it’s unlikely he’d get to the point of being Great or better.
as for rapping, his sound is completely based off of bm. the method to get there, that’s a bit different. bm and sung have different tastes in music. while they both have eclectic taste, bm likes rap, hip hop, noise, the most, while sung likes pop. they connect most on affection for r&b inspired music, thought. so, what might be an easy rap for bm could be incredibly hard for sung, based on preference alone. whereas bm seems to work towards being A Rapper more, sung considers himself an idol who raps, and was treated that way since he became a trainee.
Send ♞ for a non-performance talent headcanon.
it sounds weird to say considering sung is a celebrity and an idol, but he’s not super talented in many areas. before becoming a trainee, he never tried out many things, because much of his free time was spent learning the family business. and sung wasn’t very good at that. he did learn some skills from that, definitely. he’s much more adept at reading through contracts and negotiating than he would have been otherwise. he knows a lot more about property value than he would have. however, he’s not nearly as good as his brother. when he became a trainee and his brother took over his role as the ‘heir’, it was very apparent to everyone in the family that the role was best suited for him, even if no one would say it allowed because they didn’t want to hurt sung’s feelings.
so, the skills he does have, are more about his personality. he’s charismatic, empathetic, a good listener, affectionate, willing to stand up for those he loves. but when talking about ‘talent’, i’m not sure if those count. probably the best place to look for actual talent not about being on stage, would be his behind the scenes work with music. since 2019, sung has been heavily involved in the songwriting scenes, as opposed to medium involved before, writing for himself, for friends, for strangers, just because. talent is,, subjective, but i poor son ally think that sung is talented in songwriting. i like the songs he’s chosen to write, and though charting doesn’t matter despite what fans might say, several of his penned songs have charted well, so it must mean other people like what he’s written as well.
Send ✈ for an airport fashion headcanon.
element doesn’t have as many fansites as other groups, but sung still likes to look nice when he goes to the airport. it’s partially because of his upbringing. for a large portion of his childhood adolescent years, sung dressed up whenever he went out. it’s ingrained in him to look put together when he leaves the house. he’s not really the ‘going out in your pajamas’ type.
and that applies to airport fashion too! it’s the place he’s most likely to be in his own clothes that weren’t picked out by a stylist, and be photographed by others, so it’s extra important. in general, his fashion has followed along for how his general fashion was. for the first two-ish years of being in element, his airport fashion was big clothes. like he’s swimming in them. very monochrome, white top, black pants, kind of thing. he didn’t feel comfortable in himself or his body, and that showed in the way his clothes swallowed him up. but, with time, and development in his personal life, he’s come to express himself a bit better in his clothes. he wears more colors, tighter clothes, more varied clothes. although he wouldn’t dress at the airport like he would at the dorms, there’s an aura of that style in his dress now. he likes more jewelry, overalls, crop tops, higher waisted pants, jelly shoes. probably the biggest difference is shorts, which he’d have only worn before when he Had to, but now Loves them.
Send ☎ for a bad fan experience headcanon.
sung doesn’t really have many ‘bad’ fans. the worst of them to him are those that solo stan him, from his solo career. he doesn’t so much mind people that vaguely call themselves fans because they know he’s friends with their faves. there are many fans like that, and he thinks that’s fine. he likes being known for being a good friend to many people. which, i disagree with a bit bc expect better for yourself son, but it kinda ties back to how he really didn’t have as many friendships as a kid, so having them now is something he wants to hold onto even tighter.
what he does see as bad, are those that appreciate him only for his body. it’s not really common these kinds of fans are in front of him, making him feel uncomfortable, but he sees them online. sometimes on vlive, asking him to show off his body, or on social media posts telling him he’s not working hard enough on his body, or focusing on just how he looks versus what he’s talking about. he knows, logically, that being an idol means that people will appreciate your looks, and he’s all for appreciating the people around him for that, because he believes they’re all pretty, but what matters most to him is what makes them, them, and he doesn’t always feel that from certain fans who mostly only know him from his more sexual tuned solo projects.
Send ☏ for a good fan experience headcanon.
back on about fansites, this is kind of an overall element hc i have, so if another element member disagrees this didn’t happen but based off of kard i like to think of how pretty much all element fansites take pictures of all the members lmao it’s not strictly just one or two of them, even if they’re technically for a specific member, and especially if one member doesn’t have a fansite at a location, the other/s will pick up the slack and take pictures of them. it’s quite a cute idol/fan thing, imo.
but because element has less fans overall, there are less chances for shitty fans to pop up. so rather than talking about One experience, i’d like to highlight that sung, for the most part, really loves his fans, from more than the pov of ‘i’m an idol so i must’. he tries his best to remember all of the fans who see them often, or follow them around the world, and even remembers fans that have moved on to other groups or other points in their lives. definitely the type to show up at events fans have made, or wish well to fansites who might be getting married. and he feels that way and wants to do that stuff even more because the fans he’s met are kind, nice, and respectful. he also has the benefit of being less affected by gender split in the kpop industry, as in, he has many female friends, and the voices of people saying it’s wrong or weird are much smaller than they are for idols in boy groups. getting a little off topic here, but that’s part of why behind the scenes i feel like other idols view being friends with sung as Safe. his fans aren’t likely to come after women he hangs out with, and if they do it’s a small number, and then yk, there’s the side that he’s a kind, monogamous gay man, which can give a different level of security to women
Send ☛  for a public image headcanon.
sung versus his public image isn’t the Most different thing in the world from his real self, but it’s certainly exaggerated in a way that can be uncomfortable. it’s kind of like gold star learned his personality, and saw how he functions in performance aspects and was like you know what these two sides of him would make for a great idol image, let’s give it to him. fans that get to know him on a person level can see the kind, excitable sung that is there quite often. this part, sung thinks isn’t very exaggerated. he censors himself, but who he is and how he acts in public isn’t different from who he feels he is. the other part is what he feels is over-exaggerated, to the point that it makes him uncomfortable. it feeds into the bad side of fan interactions as well, to have this sexual image. he’s no playboy, that’s not his image at all. however, he’s meant to be Sexc. it’s the first line of defense to reel fans in with. and it’s not really something sung can fight against either, because even if gold star didn’t lean into those two sides like they did, he’d likely still be viewed from those lenses.
Send ♠ for a headcanon about misconceptions fans or the public have about my muse.
i mean for one they think he’s straight. yk what i’m gonna talk lots about that. this probably sounds wildt to muns of muses here, but i SWEAR sung passes as het to the majority. especially to cishet people. there’s probably been less of an ability to easily pass since he’s been loosening up about expressing himself, but before then... i mean dude dressed like any LA fratboy you come across. and if you don’t know him personally, you won’t see the stereotypical Gay Things in the same way. sung’s always been a little fanservice-y, like at fansigns, he’ll play along with the ‘i brought my boyfriend’ jokes and stuff like that, though he never takes it seriously, and feels like element fans on the whole don’t either. he feels like there’s less of the expectation amongst their fans that they’re going to date them, and it’s easier to be friendly. but even then, he still plays the boyfriend role well. and though he’d have liked to be open and playful with male fans too, he tends to get shy instead lmao so it’s not hard to view him through a het lens. but as we all know, he’s a gay and a half. i can’t believe i ever thought he could be bi. dude is just a pleaser. and lbh that’s the real reason he plays along with fans and happily lets them think he’s straight. obvs there’s also the not wanting to be outed angle but ALSO because he wants them happy and he’s too eager to please
Send ‼ for a career goal headcanon.
you’d think it wouldn’t have to be such a big ask, but sung would like element to get their first win. that’s number one on the docket for him. element have very slowly been growing a korean fanbase, but it’s not enough, yet, or possibly ever. some part of him thinks it will never happen, but most of him is much too overly positive for that, and says that they have to try anyway. if not for him, for yujin, who rides a lot more on the group’s success than he does.
in general, he’d like more success for element domestically. he’d also like if they were able to gain back the international fans they’d lost from debut. but really, those are not all that important to him. most of all, sung hopes that element can just continue to exist as a group. he wants to be able to stay together and keep releasing music for as long as they want to, no matter how many people pay attention. he’d like to keep writing for them, and try out all different kinds of sounds and concepts that could fit each of their members, and use them to the best of their ability. he’d just like them to stick together. the group isn’t something he’s ready to give up, but the fear is always there.
Send ∞ for a future (post-idol life) headcanon.
how sung envisions his future and how i do are quite different. sung has an idealized version of his future, where he can dance and sing whatever and whenever he wants, where he’s legally married to daisuke and his whole family approves and supports them, where they have their six kids, and he and daisuke raise them well and they’re a good family unit together, and no one says anything bad about any of those things. he’d like to live in a she-ra universe where everything is pastel and no one has to come out, it’s just fine.
i, on the other hand, know this is a super unlikely scenario. later in life, after element has disbanded, i see that sung would be more open about his life. not that he would Necessarily open up about his sexuality, but that he wouldn’t hide it the same way. it’s unlikely he’ll have kids. it’s unlikely he’ll be able to be an idol in ten years’ time. but, he’d be able to have some kind of family unit, with his bio family who accept him a little better, daisuke, his found family friends, and pets. he’ll likely keep working as a songwriter, probably for idols as well, and he’d live a comfortable life, even if it’s not his dream life.
that sounds kinda shit comparatively, but that’s his reality
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syderion · 5 years
Random thoughts about Far From Home now that I had two screenings under my belt, a lot bit of alcohol and time to process everything. Of course, spoilers for both Far From Home and Marvel’s Spider-Man.
So many references to Marvel’s Spider-Man. There’s Peter’s new suit (that could also be inspired by the comics but I’m not that informed about Spider-Man’s comics) with the white spider. The whole, gorgeous, illusions sequences are extremely reminiscent of the sequences in the game where Spider-Man is drugged and while going after Doc Ock has to confront his guilt about the events unraveling. ps4!Peter feels like he failed to save Doc Ock while Peter feels like he failed Tony. The visual effects are very reminiscent to the fights in the Negative Zone too and well, it works so very well. Keeps you on your toes the whole way through (like I’ve rarely heard so much gasping and seen people really clenching their fists and yes, I’m spending half my time watching my fellow audience members’ reactions). The swinging through New York scenes could have been taken straight out of the game. It was exactly the same vibe. Also, extremely gorgeous. In a general manner, the camera work whenever Spider-Man swings around throughout the movie is very dynamic and works so very much to make you feel you’re swinging around too.
It’s no wonder Peter trusted Mysterio almost from the start. From what’s shown, he’s probably the most public and active hero amongst what’s left of them. The thing is, he’s still a 16 years old kid who is still grieving for his paternal figure (being Peter Parker, he probably hasn’t taken a proper break after being back). On top of that, he’s now living in a world that completely changed (like, May says she’s came back in a flat that wasn’t hers anymore and it’s very very possible that the two of them have been homeless at some point before getting a new flat). And he’s living in a world that is looking for a new Avenger-like group. A bit like Miles in Into the Spider-verse, Peter is kinda crushed under the expectations people have of him and under the expectations he has of himself (taking Iron-Man’s place). So when Mysterio arrives, when Peter is at his most vulnerable and so so happy to be able to share his doubts and fears and just be himself, a teenager, with a seemingly trusting adult that has no expectations of him, no wonder he fucking jumps on the occasion.
I absolutely love how down-to-earth Far From Home is in its themes. Ultimately, it’s about Peter just wanting to be a teenager with a crush and a well-deserved need for a break. Every high schoolers feel like a high schooler, from Peter and MJ’s awkwardness to Ned’s summer fling with Betty. It feels pretty real. On that topic, it’s the first time I really root for Peter and MJ. I feel like their couple came pretty naturally and they’ve had the best chemistry amongst the whole MCU.
I absolutely love how they treated Mysterio. He might have only been here for a movie but he’s definitely a great villain. He might not have the best motivations, but you know what? I don’t care whether he’s got good motivations: they make sense and it’s said from the start that he’s unstable. I love how he still manages to validate Peter’s feelings, how sympathetic he is. Most of all though, I love that he’s smart and has managed to gather smart people around him. In a world after Thanos, it’s no wonder that their multiverse theory totally worked. I mean, if I’d witnessed half the population vanish, you bet I’d believe that the multiverse theory to be true: especially in a world that’s still searching for its new heroes. In general though, I think Mysterio’s character is pretty great. And Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Holland had such great chemistry on screen.
I’m very fine with how they treated the Blip. The name might sound a bit silly, but well, it’s just a blip in the concerned people’s life. And it’s better than the Decimation.
I absolutely love to see how Happy and Peter’s relationship has progressed. That, when he was in trouble, Peter called Happy and he just took a jet and went fetching him was pretty nice. The “hey, Tony was a mess, you’re a mess and it’s okay,” talk was great! It’s a far call from Happy ignoring Peter’s call in Homecoming. Like here, Peter called and Happy just came, no questions asked.
We always knew that Peter was a genius, but seeing him nerding out was such a great thing. Also Mysterio telling him to never be sorry for being smart was damn fine.
OH.MY.GOD. It is so satisfying to see how Peter has become skilled with his own abilities. How fast and on point he is compared to other movies (well, mostly Homecoming). Like the way he moves and how he uses his webs. It’s so so cool (and so satisfying I need to repeat myself).
The post-credit scenes are great. Probably my favorite amongst the MCU. They have are important, are logical and explains a lot (and, actually, the whole movie works so well because Furry!Talos totally is in character as Talos). I’m so so happy to see Talos again (he was my fav in Captain Marvel).
What’s great about getting to see a movie a lot of time is to see the audience’s reaction. I’ve only seen Far From Home twice so far (for a comparison, I’ve seen Infinity War maybe... erm, 6 or 7 times and Endgame 5 times), but the audience always was really on their toes and my neighbours gasping and on their toes and really surprised and enjoying themselves all the way through. They might not laugh as loud at all the jokes (for exemple, in Endgame the ‘Heil Hydra’ joke tend to land more amongst a more comic-knowledgable crowd), but most jokes landed. People in my second screening laughed as much as in my first (more geek and comic-fans) and for me, it’s important: it means that it’s a humour that understandable whether you just like super-heroes movies or are a comic fan.
You know what. I feel that, overall, it’s my favorite live action!Spider-man. I liken it to Thor: Ragnarok in the fact that is completely is unrepentant in its comic-ey aspect and it works so so so well for me. I mean, Tom Holland already was the best live action Spider-Man for me but Far From Home came and managed to be the best slap in the face. I found it’s such a great way to start phase 4 and I absolutely can’t wait to see more of the MCU.
Also, sorry if it’s all a bit random but I went out to have some drink with friends, came back home and had more drink before writing. So yeah, alcohol. Don’t be afraid to message me though, I’ll be please to gush more (or argue if that’s what you’re into) Far From Home when I’ll be more sober.
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tommyoboe · 5 years
Oh, Birmingham. 
Oh. Birmingham.
Being back here after what has been quite a blast of a two weeks away is not fun. Stress is taking over my being and today has just been lovely. Not.
I was all ready to go in this morning for an audition for an exciting orchestral opportunity in September, and just as I was heading out the door I received a message from a colleague about a rehearsal I was supposed to be in.
Shiiiiiiiit. I knew there was something I had forgotten this weekend, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it, as I had this audition today. Like, it’s not a huge deal, but I really don’t want to be that person who is flakey and unreliable. I’m constantly having a go at those sorts of people, so there is no way I’m going to become one.
Then I spilt yoghurt inside my bag, so I had to go round smelling like strawberry flavouring all day. How lovely.
But I suppose things improved: I had a good first rehearsal with my string group for one of my recital pieces and I’m now enjoying treats with Cameron to close the week.
Now to talk about something much more exciting than being here in cold miserable Birmingham.
I went to Texas! TEXAS! 
On the second Monday of the Easter break, at a rather ghastly 4:30am, quintet and I set off from Mark’s house in Hertfordshire to Heathrow Airport to get the plane to Dallas/Fort Worth and then to the nearby suburb of Southlake, where we were to be based for the next ten days.
After the nine hour flight, having to put our clocks back to lunchtime was not pleasant, and as much as I wanted to be, I was not hungry for instant Mexican food with tonnes of Texan queso.
It was a lovely welcome though, and set the tone for the next week and a half of concerts, travels and crazy adventures.
This began with a rehearsal at what would be 1am UK time with the Southlake Community Band for a commission piece we would perform with them on the Saturday.
With this in mind, tea and rest was well deserved afterwards.
Waking up at 9 the next day realising it was 3pm in the UK felt bizarre, as if I had spent a hungover day in bed. But no, I had the rest of the day to come yet, and no, I was not hungover.
I had the ambition of selling some of our CDs at our first concert on Tuesday, but realised I did not have a large enough pot for potential cash, so I nicked a tiny bowl from my hosts’ house. To our pleasant surprise and amusement, on the night we sold ten CDs, which meant the bowl was overflowing and I resorted to combining our general donations with this money to share with the others. It was a great feeling, properly earning that money for ourselves.
It also meant that we didn’t have to busk whilst we were out there, quite a relief.
The next two days were free, so we filled the first morning with bowling, which for me started off well before things dramatically declined, rather like a bowling ball crashing to the floor.
Luckily my day was redeemed with a large chocolate covered cherry milkshake. That alone was enough to make up for the rest of the day, and then with wine at tea back at my hosts’ place, I was back feeling *the opening of Love Affair’s Everlasting Love*.
Visiting the ranch and cosmopolitan areas of Fort Worth on Thursday provided some real holiday vibes as we roamed in shirts and shorts in the strong Texan sunshine as if it was summer. We watched the cattle drive (ten seconds of cows with horns) before exploring what people might associate more as ‘traditional Texas’. We ventured into places selling Stetson hats and cowboy boots for $5000 (craaaaaaaazy) and thankfully did not have to dual at high noon in chaps, which I really wanted to find so I could joke to my mum about wearing them as I did as a child out of mine and my brother’s costume box.
Not even embarrassed about that.
Cosmopolitan Fort Worth brought a slice of me to the trip, with high buildings a plenty and cool places for tasty food in a cute open square. The toasted sandwich I had was simply excellent. I am thoroughly missing it now, as I am most of the food.
This included the beautiful brisket we enjoyed at one of our hosts’ houses that evening, before indulging in too many brownies, as well as beer and wine. The effects of that lethal combination weren’t felt until after the laughs in the swimming pool and hot tub and gazing at the beautiful husky puppy brought by a family friend. Almost falling into the swimming pool at one point and cutting my finger on a bottle opener made for some literal sore moments, but overall it was a wonderful night in company as such.
Once the lethal effects of that night did pass through me (unfortunately a bit too literally), I was ready for our first day giving a school performance and workshop. This provided many laughs and even a great moment of tension as we played our classic workshop game ‘21′. With the idea between the group to get to 21 without multiple people saying the same number, the moment two people synced ‘21′ was explosive as the room erupted into meltdown and laughter. It definitely made a change to nodding off in some of the workshops I’ve experienced as an audience member!
Following this was a mammoth of a dinner (not literally, obvs), as I had a super large portion of pesto pasta with a gigantic brownie to follow. Some of the others had huge slabs of cake, easily four times the size of portions here in the UK. Food comas ensued.
Said food coma did not stop us from visiting a beautiful place that evening called Velvet Taco, containing the best taco I’ve ever had. No regrets.
Dallas that evening was also superb. As we drove in and saw the skyline emerge, my eyes lit up as we found a place I would happily live in. I just love the excitement and buzz of big cities, and in its architecture alone Dallas had this in abundance. The contrast with a park right in the middle of the city with a cinema made for another lovely evening.
Saturday brought our partaking in a local festival. The sun deceived us, as despite having pegs for the outdoors setting, this was not enough to prevent the wind behind us blowing our music all over the place. However, our missing entries here and there as a result (or sections in some cases!) didn’t prevent us from enjoying our slot at the popular Southlake festival and with a few accent jokes and our supportive hosts as audience, we got through a tricky couple of hours.
Later that day we returned to the gazebo stage with the Southlake Community Band to give a premiere performance of our commission piece, titled ‘The Yellow Rose of Texas’. It was a fabulous piece, full of traditional American tunes and fun little quirks. Having the band play it so well enhanced our playing also, and even with a couple of hairy moments we performed our best and embraced the great opportunity we had been given.
Delicious Phillipino food at another of our wonderful hosts’ followed, sending me into yet another food coma. Can’t complain though, with salmon it was so worth it.
The next day we took part in a church service, which contained lots of terminology that went over my head, like ‘offertory’ and ‘postlude’. I just did what I was told and appropriately walked out between playing when I had forgotten some music (as you do) and listened to a passionate sermon involving the pastor bashing the table and crying (again, as you do). I just sat there like, well, we’re just here to play the nice music and eat the nice food, thank you, bye bye.
We were indeed treated to food afterwards though so my heart’s desires were fulfilled.
Abi, Henry and I ventured into Dallas again that afternoon to watch the Dallas Symphony Orchestra’s stunning rendition of Stravinksy’s Firebird. It was thrilling, after a slightly lacklustre programming for the first half. I just hope all I remember isn’t Abi and I laughing at some of the captions of the story that came with the music, including the antagonist’s soul living in an egg.
Spoiler: it got smashed.
In the next days more school concerts and workshops took place and we expanded our group knowledge and skills whilst meeting some lovely young people. My favourite person by far was the girl who had a mutual love for The Beach Boys; we took great pleasure in discussing best songs afterwards.
We embraced culture on Tuesday, with a trip to Dallas’ Sixth Floor Museum, an insightful exhibit on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, giving interesting details and making me theorise with my colleagues over what may have happened on that historic day.
This was followed by a trip to TGI Fridays, where history was made in the fact that I indulged in yet another massive meal, along with a VERY fruity cocktail.
Before we knew it it was our final day in the vast state, and after a full morning of performances and masterclasses, we treated ourselves to ice cream and I mean ICE CREAM.
I enjoyed two enormous scoops: one of Oreos and caramel and the other rocky road. It was divine. The others revelled in the fact that I finished so speedily. I don’t mess around, you see.
And then it was our last meal and drinks as a whole group. We enjoyed a final night of interesting conversations, fun laughs and lots of pictures, as well as a coffee stout that literally changed my life, before heading back to rest in preparation for the next day’s flight back.
Saying goodbye to everyone was genuinely emotional in places, and with my hosts having been so great to me, I almost didn’t want to leave. The level of accommodation there was nothing like I’d seen before. Such great people.
The flight back, on the other hand, was not great. Due to waiting in a holding bay for almost an hour at Chicago Airport, we missed our connecting flight, which was to be a huge double decker luxurious plane where we could all sit together.
So we were automatically booked on to the next direct flight home where we were unable to sit next to each other, I hardly got any sleep because I felt uncomfortable and as a result of me misinterpreting the air steward’s question of me wanting a ‘special meal’, I got some horrible vegan shit for my tea, whilst everyone else got chicken entrées and pasta. Abi said they weren’t that nice though so that admittedly did make me feel better #notspoiltatall.
Oh and then because we were told our luggage would be transferred over to this new flight, we believed them and were somewhat surprised to not find our luggage on arrival back in London. It turns out they were put on the next flight after ours, so Mark had to come back in the evening and pick everything up to have delivered to us the next day.
We’ll know which airline we shall NOT be flying with next time...
So despite a sour note to end our fantastic trip on, the experience has been that and more, with so many memories made. I have serious holiday blues now being back in Birmingham, and at the moment seeing Cameron and knowing I can be productive again are the only things getting me through.
Now for a gruelling two weeks and then I will have finished final year! Mental! And then the real world, which tonight seems less horrible as I’ve just got some work for the summer, but after that, who knows...
Back to reality this week, wish us luck!
(https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNgt2j9ypNMB3m1d0u8bBzs8naSTuc3kyJ-eBz8CJgfVnUg6Ok16C8W1Gt4dTRbLg?key=UjdtUmNqYTNUU1E0Q0lYcDF5NzEyLUpmMXRpYkl3 - pictures from Texas: there are just too many for one blog post!)
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 I got tagged by @ostpunk to post 10 favourite pictures of yourself of 2018.
Thanks. It was mixed, but it definitely had its good moments 
I’ll tag
@autisticednygma @zombierose3 @comedy-cookie @rockystiltskin-bellamy @asongthatsingsitself @frogpuppet @morby @becausevyvyan @smashing-anarchist-poet @northern-irish-lefty @jokerteeth @sweetrevengeofthekilljoys @sweetlychaoticpeanut @inspiremexxxx
and anyone else who wants to do it
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this photo, this masterpiece was taken on the 18th of October, I look like me for once, I don’t look like a sad kid or a confused girl.
I look like me, I’m an alternative art punk into graphic design and cinema who also likes to write poems and comedy on the side 
I’m a guy (still in the process of transitioning but I’m getting there), a chill long haired grunge-classic rock guy, I’m smiling which shows  I’m living life in the mellow relaxed state I’m in.
this was when I was doing my museum project and having a blast, yeah there were some mental health issues on the side but this was before that.
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this photo is of me and Katie a mate I met from that “dance class” after seeing the Incredibles on July 24th.
,she was one of the few people I got along with, when we did our Britney Spears circus number, we’ve bonded from our love of the smiths,the cure and Britcom, we don’t talk about everything because she knows someone from my past who I don’t talk about anymore,but we still sometimes keep in touch.
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This is a blessed image of me bowing to the lord of the swamp on October 14th 
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this is from when I was in my Performing Arts showcase and a very nice classmate of mine Hana did my make-up for me, it was an amazing experience,I got to talk to people, and when I got on that stage I was like a hybrid of patsy stone and lord flashheart.
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this is from when I finally finished my 12 years of Girls Brigade (religious girl scout thing I used to be in) on April 22nd while I would eventually change my spiritual path,I met some nice people there and every display gave me a chance to up my game with performing, even if I finished it off by miming with a sock on my hand, acting like Vyvyan in footloose and playing a female Alan B’stard.
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Me on March 1st with a group of some of my pals from Performing Arts
Sophie,Jordan,Chloe and Sophie 
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Me on new year looking like the ghost of Sharon Tate, it was an interesting day,I felt like a ticking time bomb because a dog was constantly moving about,I got to show people my poetry,I got to play Bowie’s boys keep swinging and it was an interesting day,I also got to wear my docs outside and have a meat pie for the first time, while Madness played,my uncles and aunts jived through the house,and my aunt and mum almost got me into drinking champagne, considering I wouldn’t be allowed to spit it out if I didn’t like the taste I didn’t bother,I had a good time but it was a bit too much for me.
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Step Aside, for I have Big Rik Energy, carrying on his legacy into the 21st century)
there are no words for how much I adore that pan-global phenomenon or lord of misrule
because of him, I have met new people, I have expanded my creativity, I have improved my performing skills and knowledge of social politics, I’ve realised me and him have a lot in common both from our personalities and personal experiences to his characters,I love watching him, reading him and occasionally visiting him in the realms of lucid dream universes where we perform together,have the odd dance party or cigarette break or times where I can see into the afterlife and there he is chilling in the clouds, he’s like a mentor to me, 
I sometimes joke that he’s like a grandpa, (and a God,but I view that side of him seriously) considering how similar we are despite the fact we have drastically different ages and nationalities (slightly, he’s English and part Scottish-Irish while I’m Irish with maybe a bit of English but I’m not 100% sure),It’s like I’m an apprentice of sorts to him...almost like a reincarnation considering even before I watched the shows he was in I exhibited similar behaviour, personality traits and performing styles.
he’s a good mate/lord of misrule/utter legend 
he has helped teach me to be free, and while sometimes I have off days, and times where I’m lonely and full of regret, I know I’ll have my mates, offline and online, in this universe, in that universe and him.
even if spiritually communicating with him verbally is like a discord call where I do most of the talking, when I’m lucid dreaming with music, there he is, whether it’s old self, his 90s self, his regular self or one of his characters  and sometimes, he talks usually if My Generation by The Who is being played.
Christmas day was when I took that and it was a mixed day,but I stood up for my political beliefs in front of my family for the first time, after negative moments I was able to just my remaining energy to write a poem about how I feel about him, the days after I would read his marvellous book...
 I’ve opened up a lot this year, from new experiences, new people, new media  
and I know now my meaning and I should take pride in it
I am...the peoples poet
the signs are all there, I have many role models/inspirations in my life he is one of the main ones
my purpose is to bring art, peace, love and anarchy into the world
it is a joy to be the people’s poet for the 21st century
I finally know who I want to be
(Divine voice) LOOK AT ME!
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Oh boi, West Side Story, that was definitely something (one of the iconic parts, was when I took the photo and instead of cheese I made them say “TANACON!”  (the experience lasted from July 30th to August 4th)
I loved that
I got to know the cast and crew and my fellow production people
I got to read out my poems to a wider audience
I still talk to some of the people from there today
it taught me about the industry, what the production aspect involves and how I’m actually very good at being in a “professional” environment, that and despite being 17, I was treating with respect and like any other “adult” crew member working there.
while Performing Arts had its ups and downs this was one decision I made in regards to the medium which I don’t regret.
Cheers to everyone I knew working there, hope your future projects work well for you~ 
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