#but something about it just hit me deeply
b14augrana · 3 hours
‘Close By Me’
When your team finds out about your upcoming departure from Barça to play for Lyon, your relationship with your captain takes a turn
Alexia Putellas x teen!reader
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Warnings: angst, kinda mean ale but theres a happy ending
A/N: cute and short one for ya. i really like this for some reason 🥲 i hope you do too!! ‘nobody gets me’ + ‘white ferrari’ in my head while i wrote this 🫶🏼
“You’re what?” Alexia almost yelled, her eyes bulging in shock.
The others stood around her with hands on their mouths, and the frown on Aitana’s face made your heart ache.
“I’m.. leaving, to play in Lyon,” you mumbled. You didn’t want to cry in front of all your teammates, but your lip quivered and before you knew it, there was a steady flow of tears going down your cheeks.
Your shoulders shook with every sob, but you were shrouded in warmth from the tight hugs of your teammates as they ran up to you. Aitana’s arms were wrapped around you, and you could smell Patri’s perfume and feel Frido’s fingers combing through your hair.
But there was something missing. Someone missing.
When you peeked through a gap in the hug, you could see Alexia standing dormant behind you all, her gaze fixed on the group with an unreadable expression.. one that looked similar to disappointment.
Trainings were different since then. Your favourite part used to be passing with Alexia and playing keepie-uppie tennis, but there was a tense energy that followed her as you walked up to her, a ball in your hands and a hopeful smile on your face asking to be partners.
You guys didn’t play keepie-uppie tennis. You did regular one-touch passes instead, which wasn’t nearly as fun and it started to feel like a competition as Alexia kicked the ball harder and harder every time until it got out of control and hit your calf with a loud slap.
You frowned deeply, rubbing your calf to soothe the reddening skin as Alexia walked towards you. At first, you thought she was going to help you, but instead she flicked the ball up into her hands and walked away.
You had never seen her be so cold, let alone be on the receiving end of her dull behaviour. It confused you, because you didn’t do anything wrong to make her act this way.
Her coarse behaviour continued for a week. It varied from scrutinising glances to harsh criticism’s , and you were beginning to realise that this new issue stemmed from the day you had told the team about your departure.
The others were fine. Alexia wasn’t. She was a changed woman ever since that day.
Games were a nightmare. You moved tentatively, scared of making any mistakes in front of Alexia, but that in itself was a mistake because you got berated for your indecisive moves.
She ran over to you, her face crumpled in sheer anger that made you recoil backwards slightly as the string of angry Catalan sentences came spilling out paired with aggressive hand gestures until she finally stormed away, returning to the play.
You felt like a little girl again as you stood stupidly in the middle of the pitch, trying to calm down your shaky lip and prevent any tears from falling in front of a full stadium, but you were overwhelmed with sadness and embarrassment to move. Alexia never yelled at you. She never blamed you for any mistakes.
You thought she understood how it felt to be so young and scared, given all the talks and reassurance she gave you whenever she felt like you weren’t good enough to be playing in the first team. You obviously thought wrong.
“She’s upset, hermanita,” Aitana whispered to you in the locker room after the game, her hand rubbing your back consolingly. “You mean more to her than it seems. You’re like a daughter to her, mi querido, and she isn’t used to loving someone so closely.”
You leaned into her touch, succumbing to her hug. In the locker room, it was just you and Aitana.. and your thoughts.
Back in Alexia’s apartment, there was a tense atmosphere that lingered as she sunk onto her couch, any traces of happiness absent in her face.
She had plans for you at Barcelona. She knew that you could better than her if not the best, and you’d help her crush Lyon and give her club a feel of European glory once again. All those dreams, all her plans, they were ruined.
She felt betrayed, not so much by you, but by her club for not being able to see the potential right in front of their eyes and for letting you go. She didn’t know how to handle losing you, the little girl she watched grow up for years, to the team that she had never been able to beat in her career. It would be harder than ever to try beat them now that you were set to be in their squad.
Alexia wasn’t emotional. She didn’t want anyone to think she felt strongly towards anything except winning, Barça, and winning again. If you were going to play for Lyon, she wanted to make sure you were ready, by making you face the worst side of her to prepare you for playing with the best.
Second best, behind Barça. Obviously.
You had spent your entire Friday night scheming up ways to get back on good terms with Alexia.
That’s how you ended up on her front doorstep, hesitating to ring the doorbell, with your means of mediation in hand.
Before you could weigh up all the possible outcomes, you lurched forward and hit the doorbell. You could hear footsteps inching closer to the door from behind it, and you scrambled to straighten up.
When Alexia opened the door, there you were, big-eyed and scuffing the floor with your shoe nervously.
“Hi Ale,” you started nervously, looking at the ground momentarily before gazing back up at her and sticking your hand out, “I made cookies… double chocolate chip, your favourite.”
You stayed up all night making them to perfection. You kept the slightly burnt or malformed batches for your family to eat and gave her the batch you were most proud of.
She took them from your hands, and the smile on her face made you breathe a silent sigh of relief. She looked at the container, examining the batch of cookies before nodding towards the interior of her home, “Come inside, please.”
You stepped into her apartment, a familiar place that you were sure to miss once you were in France. She gestured for you to sit down as she placed your cookies on the bench, but you stayed standing. The woman turned back around and was surprised to see you still standing until you spoke.
“I don’t want you to be angry at me, Ale. I want to be on your good side because I really love you and being your friend,” you rambled, conveying weeks of rough emotions to her in a minute, “I miss playing keepie-uppie tennis with you and I hope you’ll still care about me when I go to Lyon and–”
You were cut off as you were smothered in a warm, tight hug. The blonde wrapped her arms around you, and when she pulled away, she looked at you with a soft expression.
“I care for you now and I will, forever,” she whispered, moving strands of hair out of your face. Your cheeks went warm, and the feeling of tears emerging in your eyes swallowed you whole, the only difference being what they represented; they weren’t tears of sadness or worry. This time, they were happy tears from finally communicating with Alexia and getting through to the fact that she still loved you.
Her hand reached your shoulder to place a steady grip on it as she spoke once more, her voice low and on the verge of breaking as shown by the slight shakiness to it. “I’m so sorry for how I acted, I just– how am I supposed to let you go, mi todo?”
“Don’t,” you responded, your lips teetering between a smile and a frown.
“You are more than just my captain, Ale, you’re my second mamá. You always will be. It’s impossible to let that go.”
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taintandviolent · 2 days
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Little Mouth ; Roman Godfrey x Reader
summary: Reader has been working for Roman Godfrey for a month now as his personal assistant / secretary. Their interactions have been... mostly professional. That is, until Roman figures out that she has a blood kink.
word count & w a r n i n g s: 3.1K | blood kink, blood consumption, (technically) blood as lube, unprotected sex, rough sex, finger sucking, biting (he is an upir afterall), mind control.
a/n: requested by @babygorewhore! feast, baby! my first RG fic, be gentle. I tried really hard to get his characterization right, so dahsdfekjdsafs. i hope everyone likes it! divider by @/strangergraphics!!
full fic under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / I don’t have a taglist, but please turn on post notifications if you’d like to be notified of future fics!
“You wanted to see me, sir?” The glass door shut behind you soundlessly. Almost everyone had gone from the Institute, you were always one of the last ones to leave, per Mr. Godfrey’s instructions. 
“Sit down,” he demanded. He was in a mood today - you could tell. Plus, you’d heard him yelling at someone earlier, his temper flaring over some menial task. Your ass hit the leather seat before he could continue. You’d only been working for him for a month, but in that short time, you’d seen Roman’s very volatile nature. Whenever he didn’t get his way… simply put, he got it. You never wanted to be at the receiving end of his rage, far more keen on remaining on his good side, the side that made you his favourite employee. Or so you liked to think. 
Pushing himself off the chair, he straightened his long legs, standing up and quickly rounding the corner of his desk, closing in the distance between the two of you. Although you were fully aware of how tall he was, when he stood next to you, his size never ceased to startle you. Additionally, with you sitting and him standing, the size difference was even more evident. This wasn’t the first time he’d been this close – Roman had a habit of always just being there when you least expected it – but it was the first time that you felt him press his hipbone against you, and the first time he reached forward to brush your silken locks off your shoulder. 
You shivered against his touch, doing everything in your power not to drop your face into his large palm and whine against his skin, begging him to touch you again. You hated that you were so weak for him, but he had an unimaginable effect on you and had from the first day you met him. Which, you remembered, so clearly… 
It had been raining, pouring actually, and by the time you got to Roman Godfrey’s office, you were drenched. A ‘wet rat of a secretary’ was a great first look. He’d smirked at your appearance, and made a flippant comment about arriving to work looking presentable, though judging by the way his eyes lingered on your clothing as it stuck to your body in all the right places, he wasn’t too put off. Despite you having three interviews for the position, as soon as you’d made it to his office, he’d interrogated you about your dedication to the position, asking bizarre questions about loyalty, claiming that you were, after all, his personal assistant.
Every time you tried to look away from him, he pulled you back wordlessly and those piercing green eyes held you tightly, like a rabbit in a wolf’s jaws. 
“You like it, don’t you?” 
Feigning innocence – something you know he picked up on – you raised your big, soft eyes to his, suckling your bottom lip delicately before speaking. Though, this time, you genuinely didn’t know what he was talking about. “Like what, Mr. Godfrey?” 
“Stand up, Y/N.” 
You stood, hands obediently clasped in front of your skirt. He liked ordering you around and did it often. Every time he did, your core clenched, arousal gripping your insides tightly. At risk of being unprofessional, you deeply loved the way he sounded when he said your name, demanding that you do this or that. 
Without looking behind him, Roman reached for the letter opener on his desk, wrapping his long, lithe fingers around the handle. Holding it in front of your face, he jammed the meat of his thumb onto the sharp tip. Hot blood welled out from the small puncture and dribbled down the length of his thumb. Uncontrollably, your pupils dilated, watching as the blood streamed. How had he figured that out? You tried to remember all the times you’d spoken, and a devious blood kink was never a topic of conversation. Suddenly, it hit you. Last week.
You had an armful of files, ready to plant them on Roman’s desk. You shouldered open the door, and he stood there, in front of his desk, dragging his hand underneath his nose; a deep streak of crimson was left in its place. You felt your heart rate quicken, watching as the blood smeared onto his hand. You couldn’t help but stare, you have always been so fascinated with blood. The thought of it turned you on, though you’d never admit that out loud.
Roman brought you back to reality by dragging his thumb across your bottom lip, smearing the warm crimson across your already pink lips. Your bodies were flush against each other, and the steel grip he had on you ached. Roman’s nostrils flared; even his own, the smell of it drove him crazy. 
Another second passed, and he was devouring you. You gasped into the kiss; there was nothing subtle or slow about the way he was kissing you – literally, chewing and sucking and scrubbing his tongue over your lips, removing every trace of his own blood from your mouth. You were out of breath almost immediately, and forced out a hard breath, pressing your tongue against his, feeling the wet muscle react and tangle with yours. 
Suddenly, Roman’s teeth bit down on the plushness of your bottom lip and iron flooded your mouth. The taste of your blood mixed with whatever was left on his tongue was metallic and heady, and you moaned into his mouth, unable to withhold it any longer. You were almost disgusted with yourself, craving the taste of blood like some starved, unhinged, horror-movie vampire, but the way that he kissed and tasted you had your cunt throbbing beneath your red satin underwear. 
His hand gripping the nape of your neck hard, Roman pulled you away from his mouth, looking pointedly at you. Those big green eyes… you whimpered, craning back towards him. He responded by stretching his neck away, almost as if he was annoyed with your desperation. 
“You fucking like it, don’t you?” 
You nodded, hot and breathless.
“Say it. I want to hear those words leave that little mouth.”
“I…” you wavered, unsure.
“You’re going to be honest with me.” Roman’s eyes bored into yours, enveloping you. A hazy warmth blanketed you, to where all you could feel was confidence bubbling up in your chest; it surged through you like a wave, drowning out all other thoughts. Even if you’d wanted to think of something else, you somehow… couldn’t. “I fucking like it. I want more of it.” 
“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?” 
“Yes. I have since I started working for you.” Your voice was laced with lust and desperation, despite being surprised that you had just admitted all that to him. Surely, that could get you fired. You were usually so meek, so timid, always polite. If Roman ever stared a little too long, you’d blush and look back to whatever busy work was on your desk. You weren’t the type to just openly say your innermost thoughts… until now, apparently. 
After searching your eyes for a moment, Roman’s lips were back on yours, his demanding tongue forcing its way into your mouth again, and you whimpered, throwing both your arms around his neck to hoist yourself closer to him. You finally had him and you weren’t letting go. It didn’t matter to you that he was your boss, you’d been waiting weeks for this kind of attention. You’d dreamt about it; thinking about the warm, inviting way he’d taste. Though, your dreams hardly compared to the way that he actually tasted. You tried to come up with some poetic description, but all you could think of was… blood. And sex.
Mimicking your interest, his arms wrapped around you, strong hands feverishly moving from your hips, to your breasts, to your ass. One hand drifted to your legs, fingers trailing up and around one of your thighs until they reached your warm mound. Effortlessly, the pad of his middle finger found your slit, stroking it lightly over the slickened fabric.
“Fuck, please!” Your lips disconnected from him to moan loudly, as your hips bucked into his hand. Roman responded, enveloping your cunt in his palm. He gripped her, massaging the ball of his hand against her, while the tips of his fingers pushed against your opening, still restricted by the fabric. At the threat of penetration, a mewling whine erupted from your throat.
Roughly, Roman ripped your blouse apart. The buttons flew somewhere, never to be found again, and you gasped, feeling exposed. But oh… it would only get worse. He backed away from you, watching silently. His gaze was cold and unreadable, but the corners of his mouth were upturned in the faintest smile. “Take it off. Take it all off. Now.” 
Desperate to have him back in your arms, you got to work, shrugging the silk blouse from your shoulders, and unclasping your bra from behind. Just as he’d thought; you wore a bra with no padding, only satin fabric. The Institute was kept fairly cold for obvious reasons, and your nipples were always poking through your thin blouses. You let your breasts fall free while Roman watched, hungrily devouring you with his eyes, his pink lips pursed, and pushing forward slightly. His fingers reached to your chest, ghosting over your cleavage. You undid the zipper of your skirt, letting it fall to the floor. Now, in nothing but your red underwear and your heels, you were almost entirely exposed. The chill of the room met your skin, leaving goose flesh over every exposed inch. 
He was suddenly gone from your line of sight, leaving nothing but your pathetic whimper in its place. Behind you, you heard him return to his desk, swiftly opening up a drawer and retrieving something. You didn’t dare turn around; he hadn’t told you to. You heard a drawer slide shut quietly. Then, he was in front of you again, a blood bag pinched tauntingly between his thumb and forefinger.
With a hint of smirk, Roman set the bag next to you on the desk, and pulled his shirt from his trousers before unbuttoning each button, and throwing the shirt off his shoulders. Your eyes widened, taking in their fill of his body. He was slender, but muscular, and his torso seemed to go on forever. He retrieved the bag, allowing it sway in front of your face. The bodily liquid inside was thick and tempting. 
“I brought it from the storage room,” he explained, unclipping the bottom of it. Red flowed through the tiny tube, and without hesitating, Roman brought it to his lips, letting it dribble over his mouth and chin. Your jaw dropped; you were in awe of the visual in front of you – your cunt clenched, your slick had fully soaked your underwear at this point, and the ache that was buried deep inside your walls was screaming to be found.
Inside, Roman felt the fiery lust blossoming. His cock was hard and his hunger had been piqued, a lethal combination. You’d been coyly toting yourself around the Institute for the past month, with your perky tits and bouncy little ass – he’d had enough. Roman brought the bag above your chest, and squeezed the plastic between his fist, letting the stream coat your tits in the sanguine nectar. It flowed over your nipples and down the curve of your stomach in thin, red tendrils before disappearing into the fabric of your underwear.  
Now covered in blood, Roman’s lithe fingers cupped your tits, smearing the blood over your hard nipples. He leaned down, and swept his tongue up from the meaty curve of one of your breasts up to your collarbone, his tongue leaving a clean trail behind him, repeating the action over and over again, suckling at the hollows of your collarbones. He was consuming so much blood… your thoughts drifted for a moment before Roman realized, and took your face in his blood-stained hand, pinching your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger. 
“You’re going to focus on me, stop fucking going somewhere else.” 
“You’re a good little secretary who is going to do whatever I tell her.” 
You nodded eagerly, your pupils dilated and locked on him. There was that haze again, the warm, comforting haze that wrapped its invisible arms around you, guiding you to only feel what Roman instructed you to feel. 
“Back up, against the desk.” You took a few steps blindly backwards until the meat of your ass hit the edge of his desk. 
Bloodied, Roman leaned forward to kiss you again, urging you further against the edge of the desk while he busied his hands with undoing his suit pants. Once undone, he pulled his aching cock free and roughly yanked your panties over the curve of your hips, exposing your cunt.
“Fuck, you’re so wet...” he murmured, his bloody finger slipping between your folds to come in contact with your wet, puffy clit. He traced small circles on it, immediately bringing your sensitivity up to dangerous levels. Your legs quivered, feet making tiny little steps to try to writhe away from him. “You really do have a thing for this, don’t you? Such a whore.” 
Your cheeks flushed at his words, though you couldn’t deny them. You nodded again, looking down at his hand buried between your legs, unable to formulate words with how he was pleasuring you. His jaw clenched, the muscles feathering on the side of his face. The smell of the blood and your cunt was intoxicating, and hit his nostrils hard. He needed you and he needed you now. 
“Look at me.” He instructed, purposefully distracting you as he lined his dick up with your waiting slit. 
Giving you no time to prepare, Roman slammed his cock into you, bottoming out. Your expression was one of pain and pleasure, dangerously mixed. He paused briefly to revel in the sensation of your sopping cunt clenching around his shaft, but quickly backed his hips up, all the way until only his tip remained inside, then dropped his chin to his chest to watch the erotic display as he plunged back in. You wrapped your legs around his waist, opening your cunt up further for him.
“Moan. Loud.” His voice was deeper, huskier than before and his darkened eyes were glued to you.
You did. Louder than you ever had, probably. With each thrust, your fingernails raked along his bare back, leaving slender red lines in the skin. He pushed his cock into you over and over again, his length punishing you in ways that you’d never imagined. The throbbing tip hit your cervix repeatedly and your eyes rolled back in your head, your back arching up. His hands slipped underneath you, long fingers tracing your bare spine delicately, almost. The juxtaposition of how cruelly he was fucking you and his gentle touches had your head spinning. You sucked in a breath and moaned it out, leaning your head back against his desk. You’d never been fucked like this, and suspected that unless it was with Roman, you never would be again. 
Still keeping his rhythm, Roman reached for the almost empty blood bag again, and held it above both of your bodies. As the stream ran down his bare chest and dribbled onto your stomach and your cunt, you lifted your head, looking at him dazedly and half-lidded. You were covered in blood, and so was he. It was a mess, but the mess drove your arousal forward, the scent of sweat, sex and iron filling the frigid room. 
He was fucking you silly, and all you could do was lay back and take it. Without saying a word, but keeping his cold, green gaze on you, he brought the tube to his mouth and squeezed, sucking the rest of it out. You looked at him like it was the most normal thing in the world, even though it wasn’t. You moaned again, feeling the coil in your core winding tighter and tighter. Your orgasm was threatening, and every thrust brought you closer to that white, hot edge. Your body was crying out to let go, and come all over his long, punishing cock. 
You gasped. “Mr. Godfrey… fuck… fuck I’m going to….” 
With a slick pop, Roman withdrew his cock and slapped it against your swollen, tender clit a few times before sinking back into you, your hips shuddering. He reached to the side, scooping up some of the blood that had leaked from the bag onto the table. Abruptly, he brought his coated fingers to your mouth, forcibly pushing them past the obstruction of your lips, the blood smearing into the corners of your mouth. “Suck them.” 
You took his middle and ring finger into your mouth willingly, though he still pushed them against your tongue harshly, the tips hitting the back of your throat. Immediately, the metallic taste was so potent, it almost made you gag, but you withheld, your throat clenching around his fingertips. He thrust into you hard, the friction of his body rubbing against your clit drove you over the edge. You screamed, your legs quivering around him as your cunt pulsated, squeezing him tightly inside of you.
“Good girl...” 
At that visual, his cock twitched inside you, and his once rhythmic pace was erratic. As he emptied into you, painting your walls with his cum, he gripped you so hard that you cried out, jerking forward against his chest. For a moment, your eyes were tainted with fear, begging him to let go, but he didn’t. He gripped harder, bucking his hips up into you until his orgasm calmed. 
Aftwards, Roman returned to his cold, professional and somewhat snotty disposition. He pulled his softening cock from you, tucking it back into his briefs. He took your face in his hand again, pinching hard.
“You’re never going to say a word about this to anyone.” 
You nodded, adjusting as the silk of your blouse stuck to the drying blood. You weren’t sure what had just happened, but all you knew was that your back ached from the fucking, your legs were still shaking and you’d have to spend at least an extra hour in the shower, scrubbing all the blood from your body. Once he released you from his gaze, you bent down, retrieving your skirt from the floor. Surprisingly, you hadn’t gotten much blood anywhere. 
“Mr. Godfrey?” 
“Are you going to fire me?” 
There was a promise behind his curtness. There was also an unsaid threat, that if you didn’t want to do that again, he might. 
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moodymisty · 2 days
Hi there! Big fan of your primarch fanfic, and I have a Guilliman request. (Because I am obsessed with this man.) I would love a Guilliman + FemReader fic where our favorite calm, reserved primarch goes FERAL after seeing his lover hurt or threatened. Bonus points if said lover finds it surprisingly sexy and NSFW times result. Thank you!
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: therhxkffkfkfkf I love angry Primarchs
Relationships: Roboute Guilliman/Fem!Reader
Warnings: I didn’t do full nsfw but it is sort of handsy and lewd, I just thought it flowed better I hope it’s saucy enough for you, Groping, Grinding
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Guilliman's boots touch the planet's surface, and he hears his men follow moments after. They had insisted they follow him, and he allowed it only if they wouldn't slow him down. He'd leave them behind if they did.
"Lady Guilliman is in a separate part of the fortress with her retinue,” An Ultramarine says, keeping up with his strides. “They've already cleared a good portion of the area. They said she was hit with some shrapnel, but she insists she's fine. They agree it's a just a flesh wound."
To hear that negotiations had dissolved into a firefight had been nothing short of a nightmare. He knows his men will have no issue with this, but he fears a stray bolter round nicking your much softer skin, or something worse.
"Where is the instigator of all of this."
His men exert slightly more effort that usual to keep up with Guilliman's enraged strides, a few bolter shots being fired for cover as he walks without a care.
"The planet's high lords? They've apparently barricaded themself at the top of the fortress with antitank weaponry. The men were focused on securing the area before pursuing them given that they’ve trapped themselves." Guilliman knows that's the correct choice; However in the blinding fire of his anger he doesn't care in the slightest.
"We are going up there. I'm going to rip them apart."
One of his men looks up at him with a furrowed, confused brow, but doesn't comment; Guilliman notices. He supposes the anger he's feeling is foreign to them. Perhaps if he was injured, they might feel something close to what he is feeling, though still abit different.
Guilliman storms through the massive fortress with little issue, stomping out leftover, separated groups of enemy forces along the way. While equipped with strong firepower they were at the end of the day baseline humans, and stood no chance against not only Astartes, but a primarch.
Once Guilliman arrived at the peak of the fortress where the high lords were hiding, including the one who had instigated this by shooting directly at you, Guilliman barged in with little care.
The High Lords were absolutely horrified, stuck like fish in a barrel with a primarch and three of his astartes. They presumably hadn’t expected the primarch to care so deeply about one person, willing to tear everything asunder just for them.
"You are all going to pay for what you've done to her. Now you get me."
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Guilliman’s return to you was more than a blessing, after so much chaos. While logically the denizens of this planet stood no chance against the Ultramarines, the fear of being still hit by something and killed was always present.
Afterall you had already been nicked by some shrapnel, but the cut had largely stopped bleeding by now.
Guilliman turns to his men as he enters. Not before quickly approaching you however, silently looking you over before picking you up into his arms.
“You know your orders. Let us conclude this mess.”
They give him respectful nods and take their leave, ready to do the work they were made for.
You however are taken by Guilliman and guided back to a thunderhawk, one that brings you back to the Macgragge’s Honour within what feels like moments. It’s deathly silent the entire time, and you can feel Guilliman fuming. His anger fills the air, mixed with the intensity of a primarch aura that can make most falter.
He fumes and boils in his armor the entire time he pushes you towards his study, which surprises you. You would’ve thought he’d send you right to the apothecary, but perhaps he doesn’t see the need. You don’t either, the cut isn’t even bad enough to need sealing or bandaging.
The moment he closes the door you feel his emotions bubble over, watching him clench his fists tight as he punches the wall. It gives way underneath his fist.
“They think themselves strong enough to try and attack m-“ Guilliman stops himself, turning to you.
There’s a small smattering of blood on his cheek and the collar of his chestplate. You feel your heart skip a beat, and not for the reasons you might assume.
“Your heart; Are you afraid still? I… That wasn’t my intention.”
Guilliman hesitates. The last thing he would want is to make you fear him the way so many others so. Primarch voices are loud and his stature in full armor looms over everyone else in the room like-
Guilliman pays more attention and realizes that your breathing is also heavier, your face looks warm, and you can’t look him in the eyes. You look at his chestplate instead of his face, hands wringing. Had it been just these clues, Guilliman might not have figured it out, but when he smells the lightest, sweet scent that he finds oh so familiar, one that he’d also smelled in the Thunderhawk but brushed it away as nothing, he realizes why you’re so flighty.
You weren’t just scared, you were also aroused. By him.
Guilliman had recently learned that you enjoy it when he throws his weight around with you; When he pushes you down, pulls at you, throws you onto your shared bed. But he hasn’t realized that his angry, defensive nature might also trigger this in you, and make you silently beg for him even so soon after you had been in danger.
Perhaps it’s his innate speed, but it feels like a blink before he throws you onto his desk and places his hands on either side of your body. His lips smash against yours, your back arching as your own hands grip the collar of his armor.
His kisses are so rough and demanding, you can already feel your lips becoming puffy and well kissed only moments later. His tongue brushes along your bottom lip, as one of his hands moves to grab your thigh. He pulls it away to force your legs to part, giving your to press that same armored hand against your clothed sex.
The unyielding feeling of his cold armor so suddenly against you makes you hips writhe, trying to push harder against it. Guilliman can feel you mewl in his mouth, hot breath fanning across his skin.
He didn’t know how to feel about how his aggression, his protection, makes you so wet and wanting for him, but he knows he can’t deny the way it makes his cock painfully throb against his own unyielding armor.
“You enjoy this too much,” He growls against your lips, pushing his fingers and palm harder against your cunt through the fabric of your clothing and listening to you cry for more. With how large his hand is, he can cup the entirely of your clothes cunt with ease. “So many are afraid of a Primarch’s anger, but you…”
The desk creaks underneath his hand, teeth catching your lip roughly between his teeth as your legs kick uselessly. Everything feels so cold against you even through your clothing; His armor, the desk, the air. You can’t stop the way you shiver.
But you still want more, your cunt throbs tensing around nothing and yearning for him to fill you the way only he can. Your hands pull at his armor, unable to move it or him even a fraction, but he can tell you’re doing it.
Guilliman however suddenly pulls away, removing his hand from between your legs.
“I need to remove my armor. I will be back.” You look up at him wide eyed and shocked, cunt still throbbing.
“You’re leaving? I-“
“You will wait here until I’m back. Do not move,”
He starts rounding the desk, watching with dark eyes as you lay on it spread out just for him; Clothes wrinkled and asunder. An image he’s had in the recesses of his mind for awhile, and he’s glad to have it come true.
“If anyone tries to enter tell them that I am not here, and I forbade them from entering.”
The last thing he wants is for anyone else to see you like this. You’re splayed across his desk, no one else’s. You want for only him, you yearn for the way he does whatever it takes to keep you safe.
With that Guilliman leaves you alone to strip away his armor, leaving you to boil in his study alone with the feeling your underwear wet and sticky against your skin, as you wait for him to return.
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ganondoodle · 2 days
okay, bc i have seen this argument alot now (and it also seems to be the view point of aonuma himself..) is that "zelda cant do everything link does bc whats the point then"
and i take personal offense on that bc its a stupid argument (in. my. very. personal. opinion.- not judging people for liking it. its a ME thing)
whats the point? its that its her. its still a different character, different in story, background, personality, but i WANT to play zelda and she can do everything link does, why does she have to be so restricted and be bend over backwards to find some new way to make her 'useful' when link gets to do basically everything no questions asked (the only thing thats hers is like .. sealing power and sacrificial maiden, which i find a little underwhelming to say the least), if theres no point to it why are there always modders that model swap link with someone else, and in that case it has even less impact bc its an artificial model swap with no changes to the story (which can and should still be different when its the vanilla game with a different protagonist... its still a different character), clearly theres joy in just the model being a different one- and that isnt even to mention the story possibilities, since, again, its stil a different character
if we ever (never ... i know who we are talking about here) get to play as ganondorf i want to him to be just as versatile and active as link is, if we got a point and click adventure game for him instead bc 'whats the point' id be disappointed too- you can find any sort of excuse/explanation for zelda to be singled out but the fact remains it tracks with how female characters are often treated, and that hits a very sore spot for me
i guess i am unfortunately one of those annoying people that want to see female characters be treated exactly the same as male characters, possibly bc i am myself afab but identify as agender and have a deeply personal dislike for anything 'traditional' feminine bc i cannot and never will be able to truly live as myself in real life, it influences all of my work, my work is as just as much as my opinion on this, very personal
and in line with my point about modding, i see theres joy in just beign able to play as her even if its like this, i get that, i also get it for the creative aspect (though that mechanic worries me even more for the future bc it really seems to be the path now that -freedom = good, linear anything = bad-) it is a different idea and its not like i cant see that value- im not trying be "right" either, just bc i have that opinion doesnt mean i need everyone to agree, its a very personal thing, if you like it good for you! not for me though, and i think both of that is equally valid
i just personally wish she was allowed to be just like link, fight just like him but be different bc its still her and not him in the end- to be physically/playstyle like jsut like him, but you know ... as her, i dont think shed stop being zelda if she could wield a sword just like him
i dont really know how to get my point/feelings across, i dont want to step too much into personal stuff nor spam people with something that ultimately doesnt interest me alot, im just saddened by it really
(EDIT: bc i forgot to add this on here again; this isnt as much of a problem as it might sound like here, just the main topic i wanted to talk about; why im so uninterested in it is MAINLY bc i dont trust them to write anything interesting/care about lore anymore after totk, im always on the more pessimistic side that thinks its most likely worse than id hope and i know even the past games arent perfect or super interestingly written, but now its much more just a general distrust, together with everything like the price ... im just much less hopeful and cant get excited until i see more of it, like im waiting for the game to get out and reveal that its just as much of a mess and money i regret spending- kind of fear)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#person that send an ask about this in just as i was writing this- this isnt about you- i promise you#its soemthing thats been stirring in my mind since yesterday#and seeing so many of those comments- and even aonuma himself say it#just strikes a very very personal sore spot#also to that one commenter on a different post-#no- wanting female characters being allowed to wield a sword is not “badass female character mysogyni” (idk how to spell that rn)#the hollywood badass female character thing is annoying but thats bc-#its a super model woman (bc shes ALLOWED TO BE FEMININE you KNOW) fight people in high heels- bc you can be feminie AND badass-#and then does a cringy one liner 'what you thoguht a FEMALE couldnt kick your teeth in'#which comes with alot more baggage of tropes and hollywood etc etc#i long for the 'women are jsut as capable as men' in a very agender way#why do you think i intentionally design alot of female characters non tradtionally feminie or masculine#again this is a very pseronal thing to me#BUT i do think it IS questionable that its her that isnt allowed to fight with a sword#like i dont think thats much of my personal dislike there- but a valid thing to point out no matter the explanations you can come up with#anyway- i dont hate it- but its not for me- i dont want to talk much about it#i hope you can excuse me not answering the asks i got related to this- id just repeat myself#(i guess i should be glad that its the top down one that gets her as the protagonist-)#(i dont think i want to live through seeing her be animated like the typically girly feminine butt wiggle in your face tehehe)#(the botw/totk cutscnes were enough of that for me PERSONALLY)#i dont know how many times i have to say its my very biased personally personal opinion and no a judging of others#to make it clear that no one has to agree with me and i dont want to be convinced of the other opinions of this
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florencetypemaniacs · 6 hours
It's the cast's birthday! So the Mc just wraps themself up in ribbons, top it off with a cute bow and wait for their lover to come home!
How would the Ro's react to it?
NSFW ⚠️ Mild
💛 Marcel
Marcel hadn't thought you had anything planned, and while he still liked to remember his birthday, he never got to celebrate it. Now he had you, and that made Marcel feel like he was walking on air. 
So for his birthday, he planned the most relaxing evening with you, a nice homemade meal with the help of Tai, a pint of ice cream for each of you, and a romantic comedy that Marcel had his eye on for a while. 
So when he opened the door to find you lounging on the sofa with a smirk on your face, he almost dropped the bag he was holding. 
"Well, hello, birthday boy." 
Everything clicked into place, and Marcel melted into a puddle of sweet affection, awaiting arousal as he sat beside you, a smile so bright on his face.
"I didn't think you had anything planned." He said, his lips ghosting over your own, and you felt yourself shiver. 
"It's your special day, Marcel." 
Marcel shook his head and kissed you deeply, slowly leaving you breathless before whispering in your ear. 
"Every day is special with you." 
🧡 Margaret 
Margaret loved birthdays. Each one when she was alive made her feel like she was the most special person in the room, and her parents made sure of that. 
The presents were big. 
The decorations hung perfectly.
The sweets that lined the table every year. 
If only she knew that such a glamorous life would be the cause of her death. 
Margaret still acknowledged her birthday, it was a time to share with the people you loved and cared for, but she couldn't find it in herself to have a big party. 
No. All she wanted was you. 
She craved your comfort and affection like a starving man for a hot meal. 
Margaret practically ran up the stairs to your room, to see you. To feel your warmth on an emotionally confusing day only to be met with yourself tied In a pretty pink ribbon that did nothing to hide your naked form. 
Margaret felt her back hit the closed door, and a smug smile crossed your face. 
"Well, hello, birthday girl."
And Margaret was gone, anything that she was going to say left her mind as soon as she saw you.
"What are you doing?" Margaret squeaked out, and you laughed. 
"I thought I would give you your present early. Do you like it?" You twirled around, and Margaret felt like she was going to faint. 
Your girlfriend took a few more deep, long breaths before looking at you with such genuine love that it took you aback. 
"I don't just like it." Margaret kissed you softly and tenderly. "I love it." 
❤️ Owen 
Owen didn't celebrate his birthday. Parties were for the rich, for the lucky when he was alive, and there wasn't much to celebrate anyway. Hell, if his father didn't complain about selling his favorite mule every year to feed the baby he was left with, then Owen would probably never know his birthday. 
Although Owen could feel you had something planned, he didn't know what, but the looks he sent you made the wheels turn in his head. First, he wondered if it was a surprise party, but Margaret didn't give away anything, which wouldn't have been possible if she was given a secret. 
Then there was Marcel, who had to go report back to his Lord, and Owen knew that the sappy bastard wouldn't miss a party for his friend for anything. 
So when Owen opened the door to the bedroom to find you wearing nothing but a flimsy ribbon and a bow awkwardly on your hair, he wasn't that surprised, just giving you a look up and down. 
"Like what you see, birthday boy?" 
"Aye, Lass/Duck/Lad. I like this present very much." Owen said, closing the door behind him with his foot. 
Your boyfriend played with the ribbons, his eyes hungry, and your body began to shake with anticipation. 
"Ye didn't have to go all through this trouble just for me," Owen said with a quiet, gruff tone. 
"Of course I did, Owen. You deserve to have a happy birthday. 
Owen took the bow off your head. "Bloody hell, lass/Duck/lad I never felt happier than with you." 
💙 Rosemary 
Rosemary knew you were up to something. She could read that you had some sort of trick, and knowing that it was her birthday, she had a few ideas of what that could be. 
Her family was poor, so birthdays were about spending time with family, talking, and sharing, Her parents always tried to make them special. 
And while she didn't celebrate her birthday other than with an acknowledgment and a few gifts, she didn't find it that big of a deal. 
That was until she walked into your bedroom to find you in such a seductive state. 
Rosemary smirked as she played with the ribbon. "All tied up for me, handsome/angel face/dollface?" 
You nodded. "I thought it would make your birthday special." 
Rosemary kissed your forehead. "Oh, love, you already make my life special by just being with me, but if you need me to prove it to you." Rosemary gracefully threw the bow to the floor. "I will just have to unwrap you." 
🩵 Tai
Tai sighed as he walked through the door, his eyes drooping when he saw you. 
With just a ribbon and a ridiculous bow on your head, he became wide awake. 
You snickered as your boyfriend's mouth was wide open, his eyes practically bulging out of his head. 
"What are you doing?" His voice came out more like a croaked-out whisper than he meant for it to. 
"Oh, I thought the birthday boy would like to unwrap his present." 
Tai tried to keep his face blank, but he was failing miserably as his face was a bright red. Tai honestly completely forgot that it was his birthday, much less thought you even remembered. Between work and his hellish duties, it completely slipped his mind, and now you were sitting in his office with basically nothing except that shit-eating grin. 
"No need to be so smug," Tai whispered as he closed the door behind him, locking it, then stepped closer to you. 
"Me? Smug? How could I not be when I won." You said, purring in his ear, and Tai breathed in your sweet smell of baked goods. 
Tai's eyes narrowed at your tone. "Won what?" 
You wrapped his arms around Tai's neck and gave him a light kiss. "I got the workaholic doctor to take a night off." 
Tai easily picked you up, which left you gasping in surprise. "Who says what I am going to do won't work?" 
You played with his tie as he placed you on the examination table, legs apart. "You think of this as a job?" Your tone was teasing. 
Tai got on his knees, kissing your most sensitive skin and letting a moan escape you. 
"You're worth all the time," Tai whispered against your skin. 
💚 Zane 
Zane hated his birthday. First off, he never knew what it was when he was growing up. His teacher thought the idea of birthdays was a childish thing. something that was a distraction. 
Zane wished he hadn't dug deeper, but he had to. To find just a small piece of himself and of his old life, only to find out that the same day he was given life was on the date that his mother's ended. 
Zane hated birthdays. 
So the moment he woke up that morning, he was in an angry mood, as everyone could tell. Zane's crude jokes were lacking, so he couldn't blame you when you disappeared. 
The blonde opened the bedroom door, hoping that you were back from wherever you went to find you naked and lying on the bed, creasing yourself. 
The green ribbon tied around you, covering nothing and still hiding anything in a way that left Zane gripping the door knob. 
"I know you don't like your birthday, so I thought I would make it a little better." Your voice came out shy and sheepish, almost like you didn't know if this was somehow crossing a boundary, even though it involved you naked in his bed, a boundary that didn't exist in Zane's book. You were always welcomed in his bed.  
Zane breathed in and out. He had to remember to breathe, or he would hobble over. 
You were trying to make him feel better. 
You were trying to make him happy. 
That was enough for Zane to tear the ribbon off with his teeth. 
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fanficshiddles · 2 days
Eternally Mine, Chapter 13
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‘You are so in trouble for this later.’ Loki grumbled at Claire.
Claire giggled in response and kept throwing more tinsel on him until he was almost fully covered and sparkling.
‘It’s going to be great.’
She then hooked some baubles over his ears.
‘Perfect!’ She laughed and grabbed her phone. ‘Ok, smile!’
Loki forced on a smile, though still managed to look grumpy.
‘Love you babe.’ Claire fluttered her eyelashes at him as she walked over and reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him.
‘Hm. You owe me multiple blowjobs for doing that.’ Loki shook his head, causing the baubles to fly off and he started stripping the tinsel off him.
Claire laughed and winked at him. ‘I’m sure I can manage that.’
She sent the photo to Jessica, Louise and Toshi. They’d set up a little group chat on WhatsApp, mainly for planning their fighting lessons after the holidays, but they had started chatting a bit together on it about other things, too.
When Jessica sent a picture of Spencer wrapped up in tinsel with a bow over his mouth, along with a post from Instagram about a viral challenge where people were decorating their partners as much as they could, Claire knew she had to do the same to Loki.
Toshi was on the sofa with Severus, who was reading a book, she was scrolling through her phone when she got the picture from Claire.
She burst out laughing and showed Severus, who gave a little grunt and smirked slightly in response.
‘You know it’s a viral challenge…’ Toshi said in a sweet tone.
‘Don’t, even, think, about it. Or you’ll be over my lap with a red ass quicker than you can say Christmas.’ He drawled without looking up from his book.
Toshi sunk into the sofa and huffed. ‘Fine.’
Chris frowned when he received a text from Louise.
L: You should be glad that I’m away for Christmas…
C: Why? x
Louise forwarded him the pictures of Spencer and Loki, making him throw his head back with laughter.
C: Oh dear. What a shame that is. x
L: I assume that is to be taken as dripping with sarcasm, right?x
C: Definitely. x
‘I can think of something much more exciting to do with this tinsel.’ Loki purred as he chased after Claire with some of the red tinsel.
She let out a screech of laughter as he chased her around the living room, dodging the decorations that were strewn around the place.
Claire let out a yelp as she tripped over the Christmas tree box and went flying face down towards the coffee table. Loki swiftly grabbed her around her middle and hoisted her up into him before she could hit the table, thankfully.
‘Careful, love.’ He growled at her and held her close.
‘That was a close one.’ Claire said in relief.
‘You’re so clumsy.’ He tsked at her and began kissing her neck as he pulled her hands behind her back, expertly wrapping the tinsel around her wrists.
‘You were chasing me, so it’s your fault, to be fair.’ Claire muttered, though her eyes began to flutter as his lips caressed down her neck.
Loki chuckled and the vibrations against her skin sent her mind haywire. She realised that Loki had tied her wrists behind her back, she’d been so caught up in the attention he was giving her neck that she’d not really noticed. Though the tinsel wasn’t that strong she knew she could easily just pull it apart if she wanted to.
‘You’re the best kind of present a vampire could ask for.’ Loki purred and slid his hands up and down her body.
‘Your favourite toy to play with all day?’ She giggled.
‘Most definitely.’ Loki bent over to grab her, he lifted her up over his shoulder and carried her upstairs to the bedroom.
‘I thought we were supposed to be decorating!’ She laughed.
‘Plenty of time for that later.’ Loki growled playfully as he gently tossed her onto the bed and crawled over the top of her.
Claire squirmed under him, her arms were still behind her back, tied with the scratchy tinsel. She was surprised it hadn’t snapped yet with all the movement.
Loki gently gripped her chin and he kissed her deeply, slowly delving his tongue into her mouth. She moaned against him and tried moving her body upwards to him. He chuckled against her mouth and lay on top of her more, knowing she wanted to feel the weight of him on her.
While they kissed deep and slow, Loki's hands began wandering over her body. He tickled his way lightly under her top, his fingers spidered up and down her sides for a moment, making her squirm and giggle into his mouth. Then he aimed for her breasts, he slid his hands under her bra and squeezed them a few times before focusing on her nipples, which were very sensitive for him.
She began whimpering into his mouth as he started groaning. The smell of her arousal started to fill the room, making his head spin.
‘I need you so badly.’ Loki growled as he reared back and made short work of removing her jeans and knickers.
‘Let’s turn you over.’ He said deeply, he flipped her over onto her stomach, she couldn’t do anything due to not having use of her hands, but she was delighted at letting Loki manhandle her in the way he was.
Claire heard him take his belt off and undo his zipper. She wriggled in excitement under him as she waited. Her skin erupted in goosebumps when he slid his hands up and down her back, while positioning himself behind her, spreading her legs apart.
Though she let out a cry of shock when instead of feeling his cock at her cunt, she felt his warm breath dance over her, then his gentle tongue licked right up and down, through her folds.
‘Ohhh, fuck!’ She cried out.
Loki moaned against her cunt, he took his time devouring her, focusing on her clit for the most part, driving her absolutely wild. He had to slide a hand up her back to the back of her neck, to hold her down in place. That sent her body into overdrive.
He took her right to the edge and forced her over with his tongue, lapping up all she had to offer him as she came. Crying out his name so loud, thankful that the house was detached.
‘Holy shit, Vampy.’ Claire panted, the room was spinning.
She barely had time to recover when Loki climbed on top of her, this time preparing himself properly. He spread her ass cheeks apart as he lined his cock up with her cunt, slowly pushing into her warmth. She was so wet after already cumming once, he slid in with no resistance at all.
He folded himself down over her back as he started fucking her hard and fast, making them both whine and groan with every thrust. When Loki started nuzzling and licking at her neck, Claire knew that he was wanting to feed from her.
‘Bite me… please.’ She whimpered as she turned her face to the side slightly.
‘With pleasure.’ Loki growled deep. ‘My good little human pet.’
When his fangs emerged and trailed along from her shoulder to her neck, right at his favourite place to bite, she shivered under him and clenched around his cock. He seemed to stiffen even more within her, his thrusts became a little erratic and all over the place as his body went into instinctive feral mode.
He growled again when he found the right place, he buried his fangs into her, piercing through her skin. She let out a gasp as the sharp pain shot through her, though quickly subsided with the usual pleasure and dizzy feeling. She came around his cock as he started sucking her blood.
As usual, Loki didn’t last long at all now that he was also drinking from her at the same time as being inside of her. Nothing could compare to it for him.
Claire loved it just as much, knowing she could give Loki what no one else could.
When Claire slipped into unconsciousness, Loki stopped drinking from her and let go of her neck. He licked her wound softly as he rolled them onto their sides, into a more comfortable position. He kept his cock snugly inside of her though, he was reluctant to pull out.
‘Are you with me, love?’ Loki asked softly as he stroked her hair, she soon came round and trembled in his hold.
‘Sorry, I didn’t stop quite in time.’ Loki said sheepishly as he nuzzled into her hair.
‘S’okay…’ She said weakly with a smile.
They both lay together for a while, letting them both come back down to earth. They were both so cosy and snug together, Loki ended up lazily rocking against her for a while, until they both had another orgasm.
Both of them were completely spent, that they passed out to sleep for a while.
The decorations downstairs lay in waiting for them later.
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alinawritess · 2 days
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 ❀ | Rewrite
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❀ pairing. Vinnie Hacker x fem!reader x Matt Sturniolo
❀ synopsis. Four years ago, Vinnie and you, were once deeply in love, but had to part ways as both your skyrocketing careers in Hollywood and LA strained your long-distance relationship. The breakup was heartbreaking, leaving Vinnie with unresolved feelings. Now, at a glamorous Hollywood party, he unexpectedly encounters you, his former flame, who is now with the charismatic YouTube star Matt Sturniolo. As old emotions resurface, their polite yet charged interaction hints at unresolved tension and nostalgia.
❀ word count. 7.4k
❀ warning(s). Heartbreak┆︎ Emotional Distress ┆︎ Long-Distance Relationship Challenges ┆︎ Regret┆︎ Unresolved Feelings ┆︎ Nostalgia┆︎ Emotional Vulnerability┆︎ No Use of Y/N.
❀ authors note. I actually decided to read this and edit it, hope you like it (I didn't write seven THOUSAND words for no reason) <3
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𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐨
Vinnie and you had been together for two wonderful years, just starting out in the influencer industry. Nobody really knew you two were dating; it was something private, a decision both of you had made. People and fans knew you were both seeing someone, but they just didn't know who. Your relationship felt like a perfect fit, filled with love and understanding.
Today, as you come through the apartment doors, exhaustion is written all over your face after a long day of practicing your lines for your upcoming movie. The filming is in Hollywood, and you haven't figured out how to tell your beloved partner that maybe you should take a break while you're filming. After all, he had his days where he seemed busy too. To say that your relationship was perfect would be a lie; recently, both of you had been busy with your hectic schedules, barely having time for one another.
As you walk through the door of your shared apartment, Vinnie looks up upon hearing it open.
"Hi, love," he greets you with a smile.
"Hi, Mr. Hacker," you say, playfully using the new nickname you made up for him.
Vinnie chuckles warmly, the sound of his laughter filling the room.
"Mr. Hacker? Oh, is that what we're going with now?" he teased, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossing over his chest, his gaze fixated on you, his smile widening.
Vinnie chuckles. "That's a new nickname. Not really your style to be calling me by nicknames," he adds.
He walks up to you and gently wraps his arms around your sides, but you pull back slightly.
"Do you hate it?" you tease lightly.
He shakes his head, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He pulls you close again, not letting you pull away this time.
"No, not at all. I quite like it," he murmurs, his voice soft and low. His hands rest on your hips, his fingers gently massaging small circles into them.
He notices your initial attempt to pull away, his smirk turning into a quizzical expression. "Is everything okay?" he asks, sensing something amiss. Seeing your hands fidget and sensing your distracted thoughts, he truly knew how to read you like an open book, understanding your every emotion.
"We need to talk," you say, slipping from his embrace.
His smirk fades instantly once you say those words. That phrase, "We need to talk," had a reputation for never indicating anything good. Vinnie instinctively tenses; his mind begins to wonder if anything is wrong with you and your relationship.
He looks at you for a moment, noting the way you slipped from his grasp. A pang of anxiety washes over him, but he tries to keep his face calm.
"Okay," he starts, his voice steady despite the flutter of worry that is coursing through his veins. "What is it that you want to talk about?"
"I feel like we're not on the same page in life as we used to be," you say, your voice tinged with concern.
Those words hit Vinnie like a punch in the gut. He takes a step back, his eyes searching your face, trying to read your emotions. He knew this conversation was coming, but that didn't make it any easier to hear.
His hands clench into fists subconsciously, his knuckles turning white.
"What do you mean we're not on the same page?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of defensiveness.
"You've been pretty distant with band things and photoshoots," you explain, "and I guess we only see each other once or twice a week. None of us have even brought it up; it's like we don't care that our schedules mess our relationship up and we don't even try to fix it or talk about it. Every time we do see each other, we just act like we're some perfect couple, like nothing's tearing us apart beneath the surface."
Vinnie listens, his expression growing more solemn with each word you speak. Your words strike at something deep within him, a truth that he has been trying to ignore.
He looks down at his hands, fingers clenching and unclenching as he absorbs your words. A muscle in his jaw tenses as he grapples with the reality of what you're saying.
"I didn't realize it was affecting us that badly," he admits, finally looking back up at you. "I guess I just... I don't know. I thought we were handling things, you know?"
"It's fine," you reassure him. "I'm not saying stop chasing your dreams. Go for it. But what if we took a break?"
Vinnie's gaze hardened a bit at the mention of the word "break." The fear of losing you crept into his heart, and it showed on his face. However, he tried to keep his voice calm.
"A break...?" he echoed, the word feeling heavy on his tongue.
He takes a step forward, his eyes locking with yours. There's a mixture of panic and pleading in his gaze. "You... You mean break up...?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, afraid of what the answer might be.
"Yeah..." you say. "You know, maybe try things, chase our dreams."
His heart sinks upon hearing your answer. He had hoped that you weren't referring to a break-up, but now the reality of the situation was setting in.
Vinnie takes a step back, running a hand through his hair in frustration. There's a mix of shock and hurt in his eyes.
"Chase our dreams...?" he repeats, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. He walks around the kitchen island and sits on one of the stools, resting his elbows on the countertop and burying his face in his hands.
"Is that what you really want?" he asks, his voice muffled.
"Kinda," you admit. "Maybe you'll finally be the model or singer you want to be. Maybe your band will finally hit the top 100 charts, maybe even number one. And maybe, just maybe, I can be on TV."
Vinnie sighs, his shoulders growing heavy with the weight of your words. A part of him wanted to argue, to defend the dreams he's been chasing for years, but the look on your face told him you were serious about this.
He looks up, his gaze falling on you, his expression a mixture of sadness and resignation.
"So this is... This is really happening, then?" he asks quietly. "We're ending this. Is that what you're saying?"
"I suppose, I mean the truth is we've been so distant from each other. We barely have enough time for this relationship," you explain. "I'm going to be in Hollywood for a while for my upcoming movie, and you're going to be in LA. Is it truly going to work?"
Vinnie's hands grip the edge of the countertop tightly, his knuckles turning white. A pang of regret stabs through his heart as he lets the news sink in.
"Hollywood..." he murmurs, his voice barely audible.
He looks back up at you, his gaze searching. "For how long will you be in Hollywood?" he asks, dreading the answer.
"I really don't know," you say.
The uncertainty in your voice only worsens the knot tightening in Vinnie's stomach.
"Not knowing for sure...?" he repeats, his voice filled with both frustration and fear. His grip on the countertop tightens even more.
He stares at you for a few moments, his mind racing with thoughts. Then, he lets out a frustrated sigh and stands up, pacing around the kitchen.
"And what about us? What happens to us?" he asks, his voice tinged with desperation.
"I don't know, Vinnie," you admit, tears welling up in your own eyes. "I don't know what the future holds. I know because of this movie role, I'm going to be away for a long time."
Vinnie stops pacing when he hears the tears in your voice. His heart aches, and he wants nothing more than to hold you in his arms, to tell you that things will work out, but the truth is, he doesn't know either.
He looks at you, his own eyes damp with unshed tears. "It's not just about you being away," he says quietly. "It's about us being so detached from each other lately. We barely spend time together, and when we do, it just doesn't feel the same."
You say nothing, unsure how to respond, biting on your nails.
The silence that hangs in the air is deafening. Vinnie doesn't say anything either, watching you as you bite your nails, a nervous habit you've always had. It breaks his heart even more to see the uncertainty on your face.
He takes a step closer to you, his voice softer than before. "You see it too, right? That something is wrong with us?" he asks, hope and despair mixing in his voice.
"Yeah..." you hesitate.
The confirmation that you agree hits Vinnie like another blow. Even though he knew deep down, hearing you say it out loud somehow makes it more real.
He reaches out to touch your arm gently, his fingers tracing a small circle on your skin.
"I never wanted this, you know that, right?" he whispers, his voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and anger. "I never wanted us to grow apart like this."
"I mean I understand why we've just been doing our own thing for a while, for so long. I mean we met in high school and never expected the fame we have to grow."
Vinnie nods silently, his gaze dropping to the floor. He knows exactly what you're saying. The fame and success you've both achieved were beyond anything either of you could have imagined.
He lifts his head back up and looks at you, his expression a mix of pain and resignation. "It's like we've been so focused on chasing our dreams, we forgot to keep dreaming together," he says softly.
Those words hang heavy in the air. Vinnie feels a pang of guilt wash over him. You both chased after your dreams, but somehow you lost sight of the one dream you had together.
He takes a small step forward, his hand instinctively reaching out to touch yours. "We can't change the past," he murmurs, "but is there no way we can salvage our future?"
"If I come back and we both have the same feelings for one another, maybe we could be... maybe," you suggest tentatively.
Vinnie's heart skips a beat at your words. A glimmer of hope sparks within him, a tiny flicker of possibility.
He lets out a shaky breath, his fingers gripping yours tighter. "Maybe..." he repeats softly, as if the word would vanish if he spoke it too loud.
He steps forward again, closing the distance between you. His other hand reaches up to cup your face gently. "But you're going to be gone for so long..." he whispers, the words catching in his throat.
"How about a hug? A kiss would feel too intimate, don't you think?" you suggest.
Vinnie nods, understanding the sentiment. He'd love nothing more than to pull you into a tight embrace, to hold you close and whisper reassurances in your ear. But you're right, a kiss would feel too intimate, too final.
He pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
"I'm sorry," you say softly, tears streaming down your face.
Vinnie feels you shivering in his arms, the sound of your muffled sobs breaking his heart. His own chest tightens, his own tears threatening to fall.
He leans his head against yours, his arms holding you even tighter. "It's okay, love," he whispers, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry too."
"I loved you so much, and I hope you find everything you're looking for too."
Vinnie's grip on you becomes even tighter, his body trembling from the weight of your words. Hearing you speak in the past tense about how you love him is like a dagger to his heart.
He pulls back slightly so he can look into your tear-filled eyes. "I loved you too," he replies, his voice cracking slightly, "And I always will. I wish... I wish we could have found everything together."
"I wish we could've too, but I don't think we can."
With those words, something in Vinnie shatters. He's holding onto you, but he feels like he's falling apart.
He swallows the lump in his throat, desperately trying to keep his emotions in check, but a tear escapes, rolling down his cheek. "We had so many dreams together," he murmurs, his voice breaking. "And now... now we're just letting them all go?"
Eventually, you release him, your expression a mix of sadness and acceptance.
Vinnie feels the moment your arms loosen around him, the moment you let go. It feels like you're slipping away, and he knows he can't stop it.
His hands drop to his sides, empty now that they're not holding you. He looks at you, taking in the mix of sadness and acceptance on your face. It's in that moment that he finally understands it's really happening.
"This is goodbye, isn't it?" he asks quietly, his voice shaking ever so slightly.
"I guess it is, Vincent."
Those words feel like a punch to the gut. Hearing you say his name, but in a way that feels so distant, so final, is almost unbearable.
He nods slightly, his eyes falling to the ground. The lump in his throat grows larger, threatening to choke him.
"Goodbye..." he whispers, the word tasting like bile on his tongue.
"Goodbye, Vin," you say softly.
He nods again, unable to form any words. Saying goodbye to you feels like the hardest thing he's ever done. His heart is heavy, a mixture of sorrow, regret, and disbelief washing over him.
As you start to walk away, Vinnie's hand twitches, instinct telling him to reach out and pull you back. But he doesn't. Instead, he stands there, rooted to the spot, watching you walk out of his life.
You slowly walk towards the door and open it, pausing for a moment to look back at him one final time. Your tear-filled eyes meet his for a few seconds before you step out the door, disappearing into the unknown.
After you leave, the apartment falls eerily silent. The absence of your voice, your footsteps, your presence is deafening.
Vinnie stands in the middle of the living room, his gaze fixed on the empty space you left behind. It feels surreal, like he's in a nightmare from which he can't wake up.
Then the realization of your absence hits him like a ton of bricks. You're gone, and he's alone. A strangled noise escapes his throat, somewhere between a gasp and a sob.
Days turn into weeks, and the silence in the apartment only grows louder. Vinnie feels like he's living on autopilot, going through the motions of his daily routine but with a huge part of him missing.
His nights are filled with sleeplessness as he stares at the empty space beside him in the bed. The pillow still holds the faint scent of your hair, and it both comforts and tortures him.
He tries to distract himself with work, with the band, with anything he can think of. But nothing seems to fill the void left by your absence. The silence in the apartment is maddening, the space feels empty and cold without you.
Vinnie's thoughts are constantly haunted by memories of you, the way you used to laugh, the way you used to smile, the way you used to make him feel. It's as if you're everywhere and nowhere at once, a constant reminder of what he's lost.
The apartment, once a warm and lively space filled with love and laughter, now feels like a hollow shell. The photos on the walls, the little mementos of your time together, they all feel like ghosts of a past he can't seem to let go of.
Vinnie spends countless hours staring at his phone, hoping to see a message from you, a sign that maybe you're thinking about him too. But the screen remains stubbornly blank, a silent testament to the distance growing between you.
Every day feels like a struggle, a battle against the gnawing emptiness that threatens to consume him. He pours himself into his work, hoping to drown out the pain with music and the camaraderie of his bandmates. But even the thrill of performing, something that used to bring him so much joy, now feels hollow without you by his side.
As the weeks turn into months, Vinnie begins to accept the reality of your absence. The pain doesn't lessen, but it becomes a part of him, a constant ache that he learns to live with. He knows he can't hold onto the past forever, but letting go of you feels like letting go of a part of himself.
The dreams you shared, the future you once envisioned together, they all feel like distant memories now. But despite the pain, Vinnie holds onto the hope that maybe, someday, your paths will cross again. Maybe you'll find your way back to each other, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find that the love you once shared is still there, waiting to be rekindled.
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲
Four years had passed since you and Vinnie had gone your separate ways, but the memories of your time together still lingered like ghosts from the past. You found yourself at a lavish Hollywood party, surrounded by the elite and celebrities, trying to navigate through the crowd with Matt Sturniolo, your new boyfriend. Matt was introducing you to various people, his hand possessively on your back as you made your way through the throng.
Amidst the glamorous chaos, you spotted a familiar face—the one you thought you'd never see again. Vinnie stood out among the Hollywood elite, his charismatic presence and undeniable good looks drawing attention wherever he went. He was surrounded by people, laughing at his jokes and eagerly listening to his stories. It was clear he was thriving in the industry.
As if sensing your gaze, Vinnie glanced up and briefly met your eyes. For a moment, time seemed to freeze as memories flooded your mind. But all too quickly, he tore his gaze away and continued chatting with his entourage, as if nothing had happened.
The room suddenly felt smaller, the air thicker, as your eyes met Vinnie's across the crowded party. The sight of him caught you off guard, a flood of memories and emotions surging through you.
For those few seconds, it was as if time had regressed, and you were back to all those moments you had shared together. But as quickly as the connection had been made, Vinnie looked away, leaving you bewildered and disoriented.
Matt's hand was on your waist, a subtle but possessive gesture that grounded you back in reality. However, you couldn't help but steal furtive glances at Vinnie.
You tried to focus on the conversations around you, but your thoughts kept drifting back to Vinnie. He was now fully engaged in another conversation, his laughter ringing out loudly across the room.
Matt's arm around your waist tightened slightly, as if sensing your distraction. He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear, "Everything okay, baby?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of possessiveness.
"I'm fine," you smiled at him as he led you across the crowd, introducing you to his friends. But then Matt brought you in front of Vinnie, and you had to muster all your strength to act as if this was your first time meeting. Your eyes locked onto Vinnie's, and you could see a flicker of recognition in his gaze, but he played along.
Vinnie's heart skipped a beat as Matt guided you towards him. He was acutely aware of your presence, the scent of your perfume bringing back a flood of memories. He hoped his poker face was holding up.
Once you were standing in front of him, Vinnie plastered on a casual smile, acting as if he hadn't recognized you. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, he felt as if the world around them had vanished.
"Hey, nice to meet you," Vinnie said smoothly, offering a polite smile and extending his hand for a handshake.
You politely declined Vinnie's handshake, keeping your hand firmly clasped with Matt's as he introduced you as his girlfriend. Vinnie glanced at your intertwined hands, a subtle flicker of disappointment crossing his face before he quickly masked it with a neutral expression.
The sight of you rejecting his handshake stung a little, but Vinnie kept his composure. The fact that you were there with another man, holding his hand and introducing yourself as his girlfriend, was like a dagger to his heart.
He tried not to let his disappointment show, but he couldn't help the pang of jealousy that coiled in his gut as he watched you and Matt together. He forced a nonchalant smile, pretending that your presence didn't affect him.
"Ah, got yourself a nice catch, Matt," Vinnie joked, his voice casual but his eyes betraying a hint of envy. He gave Matt's hand a firm shake before turning his attention to you. "Congratulations to you both."
Matt chuckled at Vinnie's compliment, appreciating his words. But Vinnie's eyes betrayed the true feelings lurking beneath his casual demeanor. He couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as he looked at you by Matt's side.
His gaze flicked back to you as he offered his congratulations, watching the way you interacted with Matt, noting the subtle touches and exchanged smiles between you two.
The conversation continued, but Vinnie found himself stealing glances at you whenever he could. The way you smiled at Matt, the way you held his hand, it all made him ache in a way he didn't expect.
He tried to engage in the conversation, to focus on what Matt was saying, but his mind kept wandering back to you. To the time when you were his, when he was the one making you smile and holding your hand.
Every so often, he would catch you looking at him, your gaze darting away just as quickly. Those brief moments of eye contact felt both exhilarating and painful. Vinnie tried to push down the rush of memories and emotions, to act nonchalant, but the more time passed, the harder it became.
The conversations around them continued, but Vinnie's thoughts were consumed by the what-ifs and the lingering memories of your relationship.
Matt turned to Vinnie and asked, "So, have you found yourself a special someone yet, Vinnie?"
Vinnie chuckled, a bit awkwardly, as Matt brought up the topic. He knew the question was coming, but he still didn't know how to respond. He glanced at you and Matt, trying to keep his expression casual.
"Nah, not yet," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "Haven't found the right one, I guess." He tried to sound nonchalant, but deep down, he knew exactly who he was thinking about when he said that.
"Ever did?" Matt asked.
"Once," Vinnie replied, his voice a little rougher than intended. His gaze involuntarily flitted over to you, his eyes meeting yours for a brief moment before he looked back at Matt. "But it didn't work out."
He knew he was giving away a piece of himself in that moment, but he couldn't help it.
"We had something special, but life took us down different paths. Sometimes, I wonder if what we had could've been something more."
"What happened?" Matt asked, as you looked away, clenching your hand tighter around Matt's.
Vinnie's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer before he turned back to Matt. The words came out of his mouth automatically, the emotions behind them still raw.
"We were young and ambitious," he said with a shrug, trying to sound indifferent. "We wanted different things from life, from our careers. And we grew apart. It was inevitable, really."
He could feel your eyes on him, even though he couldn't bring himself to look at you directly.
But deep down, Vinnie knew it wasn't that simple. There were a million reasons why you two had grown apart, a million moments where things could have gone differently. But the reality was that you had gone your separate ways.
He clenched his jaw, fighting back the urge to confess everything that was going through his mind at that moment. To pour out his heart and lay bare all the feelings he still harbored for you.
"So, did you find what you were searching for, and did you ever see her again?" Matt asked.
Vinnie let out a bitter laugh, the sound hollow to his own ears. "Yeah, I found success in my career, but that's about it. As for seeing her again..."
He couldn't help but glance at you again, his heart clenching as he took in the sight of you with Matt.
"No, I haven't," he said quietly. "Life has a way of keeping people apart, I guess..."
The conversation between Matt and Vinnie continued, but Vinnie's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't focus on the words being said; all he could think about was you.
His eyes kept returning to you, drawn like a magnet. He watched the way you smiled at Matt, the way you held his hand, and a pang of jealousy shot through him each time.
"It was nice chatting with you both," Vinnie said, his tone laced with a hint of sorrow mixed with acceptance. "Enjoy the party."
Matt nodded in agreement, expressing his parting greetings as well, and gently led you away to find a quieter spot for that much-needed breather. As you walked away, Vinnie found himself lost in his thoughts, unable to shake off the bittersweet memories of what once was. He took a deep breath and pushed the past aside, plastering a smile on his face as he turned back to the party, trying to revel in the present instead.
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur for Vinnie, his mind preoccupied with the unexpected encounter. Seeing you with another man stirred up a myriad of emotions within him, forcing him to confront the lingering feelings he still harbored deep down. He tried to engage in conversations and interactions, but his thoughts kept drifting back to you, the one who once loved him. As the party drew to a close, Vinnie felt a sense of relief mixed with a bittersweet tinge. He knew that seeing you tonight had only served to reopen old wounds. As he made his way out of the venue, he couldn't help but wonder if fate would ever bring the two of you together again.
Sitting on the steps in your black dress, you wondered what was taking Matt so long. He had told you to meet him outside, but he still hadn’t appeared. You contemplated whether you should go back into the party and search for him. As you waited for the boy you thought you loved, you realized this was the first time in a long while that you had some alone time.
You didn’t expect to see Vinnie today, let alone talk to him. It had been four years since you’d last seen him, and he still looked as handsome as ever. You tried to push the thought away, reminding yourself that you had a boyfriend—a good boyfriend, at least in front of everyone. But thinking about it, today marked your third fight just this week. Earlier, you had found out Matt was texting Madison Beer, a singer you were good friends with. You didn’t think Matt knew her too.
Even though you had your doubts, it wasn’t like he hadn’t had female friends in the past, and it wasn’t like you were completely honest about who your friends were either. On the surface, you and Matt appeared happy, but in reality, everything was crashing down around you. Things were going wrong in your relationship, and the passion and spark you once had for your acting career felt like they were being extinguished.
As you sat there, lost in your thoughts, you looked up from the steps. There he was, looking down at you—Vinnie, an old love. The sight of him sent a jolt through you, stirring up a mix of emotions you had buried long ago
"Hey," he greeted softly, his voice tinged with both warmth and hesitation. "Mind if I join you?"
Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of that familiar voice, stirring up a mixture of emotions within you. The memories of what used to be flooded your mind as you looked up, seeing Vinnie standing there, looking down at you.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. "Go ahead," you replied, a hint of bitterness in your voice. "It's not like my boyfriend is anywhere, and it's not like the spot's reserved."
Vinnie nodded, sensing the underlying resentment in your words. He took a seat next to you on the steps, keeping a polite distance as usual.
The silence between you grew heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved tension. His gaze lingered on your face, taking in the familiar features he had once loved. "It's nice out here," he commented softly, before adding, "Not much of a party person, are you?"
"Never was, even with you," you replied, a wistful tone in your voice. "But neither were you."
Vinnie chuckled quietly, a hint of nostalgia in his expression. "Yeah, I guess you're right. We always preferred quieter company, didn't we?"
He paused, a beat of silence passing between you two. "I remember those nights we used to spend, just the two of us, talking away till sunrise."
"Yeah..." you said as forgotten memories washed all over you.
As the memories washed over him, Vinnie felt a pang of nostalgia in his chest. He missed those nights, those moments of closeness and understanding.
"I guess some things never change. Neither of us was meant for the Hollywood spotlight."
"I don't know about you, but I look great on the big screen," you said, trying to inject some lightness into the conversation.
Vinnie chuckled again, appreciating the attempt to lighten the mood. "Yeah, you certainly do. You shine brighter than any star in this town. It suits you. I always knew you were destined for greatness."
His words were sincere, free of any hint of sarcasm or irony. He knew it was a compliment you deserved, even if you now belonged to someone else.
"Even if it caused our relationship to end," you said quietly, your voice tinged with regret.
Vinnie's expression softened as he heard your words. Despite everything that had happened between you two, the regret in your voice tugged at his heartstrings.
He drew in a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "It wasn't just your career that caused the end, you know that, right?"
"It still took a toll on our relationship, on both of us. We had different dreams, different paths. Sometimes, I wonder what would have been if we had chosen differently. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if we had ordinary jobs, like everyone else in the world," you added, a wistful tone in your voice.
Vinnie let out a bitter laugh, his gaze fixed on the night sky above.
"Ordinary jobs, huh? Sometimes, I think about that, too," he admitted, his voice laced with a hint of envy for that simpler life.
He turned to look at you, the light from the party casting a soft glow over your face.
"But we were never ordinary, were we?"
"I guess. But just imagine the two of us, living life without the fame and the busy schedules, it would've been simpler, but who knows, maybe things happen for a reason."
Vinnie sighed, the reality of your words sinking in.
"Maybe," he mumbled, his gaze drifting back up to the night sky. "Maybe life had a different plan for us."
For a moment, the two of you sat in silence, lost in your thoughts. Then Vinnie spoke up again, breaking the quiet.
"Do you ever think about... us?"
"You mean what we would be doing instead of attending this party right now, like if we were to go back before the fame, like four years ago? Fighting over either Attack on Titan or Sailor Moon?" you mused.
Vinnie chuckled, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The mention of your old arguments brought back memories of lighter times, when the biggest fights you had were over anime preferences.
"Yeah, something like that," he responded, his eyes still fixed on the horizon. A beat of silence passed between you two before he spoke up again.
"Do... Do you ever wonder if being apart was the right decision? If things could have worked out differently if we had..." He trailed off, leaving the question hanging in the air.
"Sometimes," you said softly, not entirely convinced. "Though I'm surprised there's no lovely woman by your side tonight."
Vinnie chuckled awkwardly, a hint of embarrassment crossing his features. "Ah, yeah... about that."
He ran a hand through his hair, avoiding your gaze.
"Dating scene's not exactly my thing," he admitted, a tinge of sheepishness in his voice. "I'm too focused on my career, I suppose."
He glanced at you, a trace of vulnerability in his eyes. "Not like you, with your Matt."
"You could have any woman you want, Vin," you joked, feigning confidence. "But I guess you're always just waiting for the right one to come along. Someone who appreciates the real you, not just the celebrity persona."
Vinnie's expression softened as he observed you, the playful tone in your voice hinting at insecurity beneath.
"That's what everyone says," he replied, a sad smile on his face. "But finding someone who really gets you, it's not as easy as it sounds."
He paused for a moment, his eyes searching your face. "You... you seem happy with him."
The words were a statement rather than a question, as if the truth was evident in the way you spoke about Matt.
"You mean the anime nerd behind all that mystery," you teased, a hint of a smile playing on your lips.
A genuine smile spread across his face at your words. He couldn't help but be charmed by your ability to bring out the lighter side of him, even in moments like this.
"Yeah, that anime nerd," he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "The one who could argue for hours about which anime character could beat up the other."
Vinnie grinned wider, his eyes lighting up as the nostalgia washed over him. "Yeah, those endless debates over which anime is the best," he mused. "You and your love for Sailor Moon, and me passionately defending Attack on Titan. It was always a tie between us, wasn't it?"
"I don’t know, I feel like I won most of those rounds," you said with a playful challenge.
Vinnie chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Ah, so you're still claiming victory, huh? Typical," he teased, raising an eyebrow at your declaration. "I seem to recall a few decisive wins on my end, but I guess our memory is selective when it benefits us."
Vinnie chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with playful mischief. "Maybe you won a few, but I still hold my ground that Attack on Titan is the superior anime," he quipped, a hint of a challenge in his voice. "I mean, come on, the story, the characters, the action – it's just unbeatable!"
"Come on, like you didn't drool over Captain Levi every time he was on the screen," Vinnie teased.
"Levi Ackerman, huh? Can't blame me there," you admitted, a playful shrug. "He's a hot badass, for sure. But let's be real, even he couldn't steal me away from you."
Vinnie's heart skipped a beat when you mentioned Levi. He couldn't deny the attractiveness of the character, but there was something about the way you talked about Levi that made a pang of jealousy flare up within him.
He chuckled, trying to brush off the feeling with a light-hearted remark. "Ah yes, the infamous Levi Ackerman. The heartthrob of the anime world. But let's not forget who gave you those endless debates and sleepless nights, arguing about the pros and cons of Titan shifting versus magical girl transformations."
"You still jealous?"
Vinnie's eyes widened slightly at your comment. Caught off guard, he attempted to play it cool, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Jealous? Pfft, me? Come on, who do you think I am?" he replied, trying to mask the truth with a casual laugh.
But deep down, he couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that tugged at his heart when you spoke so affectionately about Levi.
The light-hearted mood shifted suddenly as Matt's voice interjected, "Steal who from who?" cutting through the conversation like a gust of cold wind. Vinnie turned to face Matt, a flicker of surprise crossing his features.
"Baby, what took you so long?" you asked Matt, kissing him on the cheek as he pulled you closer to him.
Matt's presence was an unwelcome intrusion on the conversation between you and Vinnie. Vinnie's gaze shifted to Matt, taking in the sight of him holding you close. The pang of jealousy he felt earlier intensified, but he tried to mask it with a polite smile.
"Ah, you know how it is," Matt replied, wrapping an arm possessively around your waist. "Just got caught up in some party chit-chat. But I'm here now."
Vinnie watched as you kissed Matt, a whirlwind of emotions stirring within him. He forced a strained smile, his eyes betraying a hint of jealousy and longing hidden beneath the surface.
"So, what were you talking about?" Matt asked.
Vinnie tried to collect himself, composing his expression as best as possible. "Oh, we were just reminiscing about the old days," he said, his voice strained. "Back when we used to have those arguments about anime."
He couldn't help but steal a glance in your direction, taking in the sight of you wrapped in Matt's embrace. The pang of jealousy flared up inside him once more, making his heart ache.
"Reminiscing about the old days," Matt said. "Didn't know you knew my girlfriend so well, hacker."
Vinnie's irritation flared up at Matt's casual comment. He clenched his jaw, trying to keep his cool, but the jealousy was eating away at him.
"Ah, well, we go way back," he retorted, a forced smile on his face. "Used to be pretty close, her and I. Before..." he trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence.
"Before?" Matt asked, his tone more curious than confrontational.
"Before we graduated high school," you interjected, looking at Vinnie in a pleading way. He could see you hadn't gotten to tell Matt about your relationship.
Matt looked confused, still remembering that you went to a girls-only school. He didn't say a thing, but his confused and we-will-talk-about-it-later look, even though brief, was noticeable to you.
Vinnie caught the pleading look in your eyes, realizing the unspoken plea to keep quiet about your past relationship. He clenched his jaw, biting back the words that almost slipped out.
"Yeah, before high school," he repeated, his voice strained. "Just lost touch after graduation, y'know how it is."
"So, how's the industry treating you, Matt? Any exciting projects coming up?" Vinnie asked, changing the subject.
Matt launched into a detailed explanation about his YouTube channel and the one he shared with his triplet brothers, Nick and Chris, who appeared behind him. Chris gave you a pat on the shoulder, commenting on how lit the party was, joking that you'd be his sister-in-law soon if you kept up your relationship with his brother.
Vinnie's smile grew more strained as Chris appeared out of nowhere, adding to the tension in the air. He watched as he joked about your future with Matt, and it took every ounce of self-control not to react.
He politely feigned interest in Matt's YouTube projects, desperately trying to keep his composure as the conversation continued.
"Ah, the YouTube scene can be hectic," Matt chuckled, launching into a detailed explanation about the projects he had in mind. But Vinnie's mind was elsewhere, his focus drifting toward your side of the conversation.
He could see the discomfort on your face when Chris joked about your future with Matt. It was subtle, but he knew you well enough to pick up on it.
Matt turned his head to you and Chris as he heard his comment and whispered, "Maybe one day, my love," kissing your cheek. But all you could think of at that moment was Vinnie as he stared at you. Matt's comment brought back memories for both of you, as "my love" was Vinnie's favorite nickname for you.
You remembered the first time he called you that name, back in high school. The wind was blowing hard, and the flowers had bloomed even though it was the first day of spring. You were supposed to meet at the botanical gardens for your first official date. As you tried to find where he was, a soft, comforting voice said, "Hi," tapping your shoulder and causing you to turn around. Before any word could come out of your mouth, he picked a leaf that had gotten stuck in your hair and spoke gently, "I think something got stuck in your hair, love." That was the first time anyone had called you that, and at that time, you really believed he would be the only one calling you it. Snapping out of your thoughts, you smiled softly at Matt to reassure him. Vinnie interrupted the moment, reminding Matt they were in the middle of a conversation.
As Matt called you "my love," Vinnie couldn't help but feel a mixture of jealousy and wistfulness. The memories of the past flooded back into his mind, reminding him of the nickname he used to use for you.
He watched as you smiled softly at Matt, and it took all his willpower to keep his expression neutral. Sensing his discomfort, Vinnie decided to interrupt the moment, clearing his throat and refocusing the conversation on Matt's projects.
"Back to your YouTube plans," Vinnie said, his voice steady. "You mentioned some exciting projects. Care to share more details?"
Matt proceeded to give a detailed explanation of the projects he had in mind, but Vinnie's attention was divided. He listened intently, trying to focus on Matt's words, but his eyes kept straying towards you, watching your every expression.
Matt's words seemed to drone on in the background as Vinnie's mind wandered. His thoughts were consumed by you and the memories he shared with you. But he knew he had to keep up the facade of polite interest for the sake of the conversation.
He nodded and mumbled occasional words of agreement, trying to look invested in Matt's projects, but his heart wasn't in it.
"That's great to hear, man. I hope your channel keeps growing. You've got a long road ahead of you," Vinnie responded, his voice neutral despite the emotional turmoil roiling inside him. He tried to focus on the conversation, asking questions and engaging in small talk, but his thoughts kept circling back to you, the one who once loved him. As the conversation continued, Vinnie began to feel increasingly out of place, his presence becoming more of a hindrance than anything.
His mind raced, weighing the options for escape. Glancing around, he subtly scanned for a way out. Seeing an opportunity, Vinnie excused himself abruptly, offering a hasty excuse about finding the restroom or chatting with his manager—anything to leave this awkwardly tense situation.
"Excuse me for a moment, I need to freshen up," he stated, his voice as neutral as possible. Before anyone could protest, he turned and briskly made his way through the crowd, his mind focused on finding a quiet spot outside to regroup.
"Take care, Vin," you said as Vinnie passed by you once again.
Vinnie froze for a moment as you called out his name. The sound of your voice sent a jolt through him, making his heart ache with nostalgia and regret. He forced a half-genuine smile, turning to look at you, as it was the second time you had said goodbye to him.
"Yeah, you too," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
With that, he forced himself to walk away, pushing through the crowd of party-goers to find a quiet refuge outside.
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chion3spid3r · 3 days
will love prevail ?
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pairings : agedup!e1610!miles x black!cat!reader
warnings : violence and combat, smut, suggestive, physical reactions, sexual tension, profanity, emotional distress, manipulation, power dynamics, alcohol consumption, threats, high tension and adrenaline.
summary : miles morales, the Brooklyn Spider-Man, encounters Black Cat, a skilled thief who turns out to be a girl from his class…
word count : 4.9k
a/n : the part twooo ! yeah there’s smut at the end ! minors dni.
pt1 -> pt2
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That night after, Miles swung you back towards your neighborhood, the cool night air whipping past as you clung to him. He landed deftly on the fire escape outside your bedroom window.
"Home sweet home," you said with a small smile, reluctant to let go of him just yet.
Miles looked at you, his eyes shining with admiration behind his mask. "You were incredible tonight, y/n. I'm in awe of your strength and courage."
A blush crept across your cheeks at his praise. "I couldn't have done it without you, Miles. You gave me the hope and support I needed."
For a moment, you simply gazed at each other, a world of understanding and newfound intimacy passing between you. Then, unable to resist any longer, you reached up and gently pulled his mask down before leaning in to kiss him deeply.
Miles eagerly returned the kiss, his strong arms wrapping around you and holding you close. The kiss was fierce yet tender, conveying everything you felt for him in that heated moment – gratitude, affection, passion.
When you finally parted, you were both breathless. You reached up to tenderly stroke his cheek. "Thank you, for everything," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.
He leaned his forehead against yours. "Always," was his soft reply, filled with promise.
With one last lingering look, you slipped through the window into your room as Miles pulled his mask back up. He gave you a little salute before swinging off into the night. You watched him disappear into the skyline, letting out a contented sigh as you touched your still-tingling lips. Your hero.
The next day at school, it was almost comical how "normal" you and Miles had to act. You took your usual seat, quirking an eyebrow at him as he sauntered in. He met your gaze and gave you a lopsided grin, sliding into the seat next to you.
"Studying hard last night, Morales?" you teased, unable to resist.
He chuckled softly. "You know it, y/n. Burning the midnight oil and everything."
The banter continued through classes, skirting that delicious line of flirtation that only the two of you truly understood. You'd make some quip about needing a study partner, and he'd offer to lend a hand with whatever you were "working" on. The knowing looks and barely-concealed grins made it obvious there was something more simmering beneath the surface.
By the afternoon, you could barely contain your eagerness to get out of the classroom. As soon as the final bell rang, you grabbed Miles and pulled him into a secluded corner.
"Feel like hitting the town?" you asked with a playful glint in your eye.
Miles grinned widely. "Thought you'd never ask. Race you there?"
You were already gone in a blur of motion, leaving a laughing Miles to catch up. The chase was on.
Moments later, you were soaring through the air in your Black Cat suit, Miles in his Spider-Man attire swinging alongside you. The city stretched out below like a vast playground, ripe for rooftop running and endless acrobatics.
"Keeping up, Spider?" you called out as you vaulted over a ventilation unit.
"You wish!" he shot back, using his webs to propel himself forward in an intricate flip.
You laughed brightly, caught up in the sheer exhilaration of moving in tandem with your partner. There was an effortless flow between you, like you'd been doing this together for years rather than mere days.
At one point, Miles swooped down and snaked an arm around your waist mid-swing, pulling you flush against him as you sailed through the air together. Your startled laugh quickly melted into a grin as you gazed up at him.
"Slick moves there, Spider-Man," you purred.
"You know me," he replied with a rakish grin behind the mask. "Always looking to sweep a girl off her feet."
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy line, but leaned in to press a swift kiss against his masked cheek nonetheless. "My hero."
His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, keeping you secure in his grip as you continued your high-flying journey through the cityscape. Teasing banter and shared laughs filled the air between you, a heady mix of flirtation and deep comfort.
At one point, you scaled to the top of a skyscraper, settling comfortably side-by-side on a raised ledge to catch your breath. The city spread out before you in a glittering tapestry of lights.
"Not a bad way to end the day, eh Spider-Man?" you remarked, gently nudging him with your elbow.
He turned to look at you, his expression warm even behind the mask. "Best day ever, if you ask me."
You felt your cheeks flush a bit at his tender tone. Impulsively, you reached out and traced the contours of his mask. "You know…we don't have to hide behind these when we're together."
Miles was quiet for a beat, searching your eyes, then slowly pulled off his mask. You followed suit, both of you shedding your secret identities for a few precious moments.
"Just Miles and y/n," he said softly, cupping your cheek.
You leaned into his touch with a contented sigh. "Just us."
As the sun began to set over the city skyline, you nestled close to him, drinking in the tranquility and joy of simply being together without secrets or personas between you. His arm draped comfortably around your shoulders, holding you near.
In that moment, you felt an overwhelming sense of peace and belonging wash over you. No matter what adventures lay ahead, you knew you would face them all by Miles' side – as partners, as heroes, as something more.
The days and nights that followed were a whirlwind of crimefighting, rooftop escapades, and a deepening connection between you and Miles. During the day at school, it was an intricate dance of lingering looks, inside jokes, and casual intimacies that went unnoticed by your peers.
But once you donned your masks and took to the city streets, everything amplified tenfold. You moved in perfect synchronicity, covering each other's blind spots and trading off quips like you'd been doing it your whole lives. There was a trust, an almost telepathic bond, that only strengthened with each passing night.
One evening found the two of you perched on the ledge of an office tower, idly swinging your legs back and forth as you gazed out over the twinkling cityscape.
"Some night, huh?" Miles remarked, his shoulder brushing against yours.
You hummed in agreement, tilting your head slightly to rest on his shoulder. "Like something out of a comic book."
"Hey, if this was a comic, we'd definitely be the most badass hero team ever," he chuckled.
Rolling your eyes fondly, you playfully shoved his arm. "As if you weren't already an egomaniac in that Spider-suit."
"Oh, like you're one to talk, Miss Cat Burglar Bombshell," he shot back with a laugh.
"Hey now, no calling me bombshell unless you can back it up, Spider-stud," you purred, delighting in the way his cheeks flushed beneath his mask.
Miles sputtered for a moment before regaining his composure, scooting closer until your sides were pressed flush together. "Is that a challenge?"
You grinned wickedly, biting your lower lip. "Maybe it is. What are you gonna do about it?"
His response was to suddenly lean in and capture your lips in a heated kiss, his fingers tangling in your hair as he deepened the embrace. You melted against him with a soft hum of pleasure, returning the kiss with equal fervor.
When you finally parted, both slightly breathless, you gazed at him with heavy-lidded eyes. "Well…I'll admit, you've got some moves there, Spider-Man."
"Oh, I'm just getting started," he murmured, the rumble of his voice sending a delicious shiver down your spine.
You gazed at him with a mixture of desire and determination. As intense as this intimate connection was, you knew there was still unfinished business to attend to.
"Miles…" you began, gently extracting yourself from his embrace. "We should talk about Kingpin."
He nodded soberly, the playful moment passing as you both refocused. With a quick scaling of the nearby edifice, you settled cross-legged atop the highest point, the city laid out before you.
"What do we know?" Miles asked, all business now.
You pursed your lips. "He's been keeping a low profile since his release on probation, but my sources say he's planning something big. There's a charity gala two nights from now - he'll be in attendance to maintain appearances."
"A gala, huh?" Miles mused. "Seems like the perfect place for him to make a power play of some kind."
"Exactly what I was thinking," you agreed grimly. "If we can get inside, catch him off-guard while he's making whatever move he's planning…"
Miles looked at you sharply. "You mean infiltrate the gala? As civilians?"
"It's our best shot to get close without him suspecting," you reasoned. "I can get us credentials, play the role of your plus-one or something."
He was quiet for a long moment, conflicted. Finally, he let out a heavy sigh. "Okay. Okay, we'll do it your way. Just…promise you'll be careful?"
You reached out and squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I'm too strong to be in danger, spidey"
The set of his jaw softened slightly as he gave your hand a reciprocating squeeze. "Meh..."
That night at the opulent charity gala, Miles stood outside the grand entrance, tugging at the collar of his perfectly tailored tuxedo. His eyes scanned the arriving guests, searching for a familiar face amidst the sea of designer gowns and outlandish jewelry.
Then, his breath caught in his throat as you appeared, a vision in black that made his heart skip a beat. The sleek, floor-length dress hugged every delicious curve, the plunging neckline leaving just enough to the imagination. Your hair was swept up in an elegant updo, tendrils framing your face and collarbone enticingly.
As you drew nearer, Miles drank in every detail - the sway of your hips, the smoky eye makeup that made your eyes seem to smolder, the deep crimson of your painted lips. When your gazes finally met, you offered him a coquettish smile that made his mouth go dry.
"See something you like, Spider-Man?" you purred once within earshot.
He swallowed hard, completely transfixed. "I…uh…wow. You look…incredible."
Chuckling softly, you did a little spin, letting the dress's skirt flare out dramatically. "You clean up pretty nicely yourself, hot stuff. Shall we?"
Miles managed to regain some composure, offering his arm gallantly. "After you, mi'lady."
You thrilled at the spark of desire in his eyes as you looped your arm through his, leaning in just a bit closer than propriety dictated. With a shared, conspiratorial grin, you led the way inside, ready to begin the night's risky mission.
The hotel's grand ballroom was a lavish display of opulence - glittering chandeliers, towering floral displays, and a seemingly endless supply of champagne. The city's wealthiest elite mingled and air-kissed, comparing outrageous jewelry and rumor-trading over tiny hors d'oeuvres.
You couldn't resist a disdainful sniff as you surveyed the pompous scene. "Vultures, all of them."
"Be nice," Miles murmured beside you with a faint smirk. "We're two of those vultures tonight, remember?"
"Hmm, I prefer to think of myself as more of a sexy panther amongst flamingos," you rejoined with a wink, delighting in the way his cheeks flushed ever so slightly.
True to form, your banter and casual flirtation continued throughout the evening as you mingled seamlessly with the gala crowd. You danced, you drank, you played the part of the coquettish socialite with her sophisticated beau to the nines.
All the while, your sharp eyes continuously tracked the towering figure of Wilson Fisk himself, looking for any indication of what dastardly plot he might have brewing. Miles was a solid, reassuring presence at your side, the two of you anticipating action with every fiber of your being.
The pivotal moment came when you noticed Kingpin breaking away from the main party, slipping off down an empty hallway with two scantily clad young women hanging on his arms. His expression was one of smug satisfaction, utterly unconcerned with keeping up pretenses any longer.
You felt a hot rush of fury grip your insides at the sight - this man who had destroyed your life, threatened everything you loved, and now he got to openly indulge like some kind of despotic sultan. The white-hot rage blinded you for a moment, allowing your careful persona to slip.
"That putrid, misogynistic bastard," you seethed under your breath, fists clenching involuntarily.
Miles looked at you sharply, instantly picking up on the dangerous shift in your demeanor. "Y/N…what are you--"
But you were already moving, slinking away and following Kingpin's path with the cold precision of a panther stalking its prey. Miles had no choice but to hurry after you, wincing at the way you practically kicked in the heavy door behind which Kingpin had disappeared.
The scene that greeted you was just as sordid as you'd expected - Kingpin reclining in a plush armchair, the two buxom beauties fawning over him as he guffawed with grotesque pleasure. The sight made your stomach churn with disgust and renewed fury.
"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite little wildcat," Kingpin sneered once the shock wore off, not even bothering to rise from his debauched position. "To what do I owe this rude interruption?"
In one smooth, practiced movement, you reached beneath the flowing fabric of your gown, withdrawing the compact pistol and twin blades you had concealed there. Your eyes were cold, hard, the eyes of someone pushed to the very brink.
"Get. Out," you hissed at the two women, who scattered like terrified pigeons at the sight of your weapons.
Kingpin watched them go with idle amusement slowly morphing into wariness as he regarded you. "Is there…a problem, my dear?"
"A problem?" You laughed then, a hollow, bitter sound that seemed to reverberate off the walls. "You RUINED me, you sick son of a bitch! You destroyed my life, my family…and now I get to watch you flaunt your power and privilege like you're some untouchable king?!"
In the corner of the room, Miles hovered uncertainly, clearly distressed by the volatile situation and the dangerous glint in your eye. "Y/N…let's not do anything rash here…"
But you paid him no heed, stalking closer to Kingpin with your weapons at the ready, punctuating every biting word. "I should have put you in the ground when I had the chance, instead of going soft."
The crime lord rose to his feet then, immense figure looming as he glared his own fury down at you. "You insolent little gnat! You should have learned your place the first time."
"My place?" you spat the words with venom. "I'll show you exactly where my place is!"
With that, you lashed out with one of your blades, a screeching cry of pure rage tearing from your lips. Kingpin reacted with surprising swiftness for his size, deflecting the strike and countering with a meaty fist aimed at your temple.
You dodged and the battle was joined in earnest. Miles leapt into the fray as well, trying desperately to subdue both you and Kingpin before the clashing titans did too much destruction. But you were like a force of nature unleashed, a maelstrom of blades and gunfire as you ducked, rolled, and struck out with cold precision.
"After everything you've taken from me…" CRACK! Your pistol butt connected with Kingpin's jaw, rocking his massive frame. "…you parade around like you're somebody!"
Your words dripped with acid as you rained down a series of slashing attacks, managing to open a long gash across his chest. Kingpin bellowed in pain and fury, lumbering towards you with terrifying single-mindedness.
"You are NOTHING, girl!" he thundered, huge hands grasping for your throat. "Just a replaceable speck I should have crushed a long time ago!"
You snarled wordlessly, ducking and ramming your blades towards his exposed stomach. He twisted at the last second and the blades lodged deep in his thigh instead with a meaty thunk, earning another roar of pain.
"Y/N! This has gone far enough!" Miles was at your side again, grasping your arm urgently even as Kingpin staggered back, dazed. "Killing him like this isn't the answer! Think about what you're doing!"
For a suspended breath, you were frozen, chest heaving as your eyes met Miles' - your rage and his concern warring within you. Slowly, you lowered your weapons, gritting your teeth.
"He took…everything…" you choked out, voice cracking with a sudden upwelling of heartbroken emotion.
Miles was there then, arms wrapped tight around you as his mouth found yours in a desperate, needful kiss. You clung to him fiercely, trembling in the emotional wake of the fury that had consumed you.
When you finally parted, his gaze smoldered into yours with an intensity that made your knees weak. "I know, chica…I know. But not like this, okay?"
His thumb tenderly brushed away a tear you hadn't realized had fallen as your expression crumpled with shame, relief, and a dozen other powerful emotions swirling within you.
The sounds of the S.W.A.T team swarming into the room barely registered at first. It was only when Kingpin was being wrestled away, defeat and loathing etched across his bloodied features, that the weight of what had transpired seemed to settle upon your shoulders.
Miles kept you tucked protectively against his side as the officers secured the crime scene, barking orders and questions that faded into background noise. All that mattered in that moment was his solid presence anchoring you, grounding you after the maelstrom of emotion that had threatened to sweep you away entirely.
"I've got you," he murmured into your hair, the words laden with bone-deep reassurance. "It's over now."
You nodded mutely, unable to find your voice just yet as you focused on steadying your ragged breathing. The adrenaline coursing through your veins made you feel almost lightheaded in the aftermath.
It wasn't until a gruff officer tried to separate the two of you that you found your steel again. "Like hell," you growled out.
The cop opened his mouth, undoubtedly to protest, but Miles raised a calming hand. "It's okay, officer. She's…she's with me. We'll cooperate fully, but you're not separating us right now."
His tone brokered no argument and after studying the two of you - Miles in his slightly disheveled tux, you in your sleek black gown now torn in several places with spatters of Kingpin's blood - the officer seemed to decide it wasn't worth the hassle. With a curt nod, he motioned for you both to follow him out.
The gala crowd was abuzz with chaotic whispers and thinly-veiled accusations as you and Miles strode through the ballroom. Heads turned, fingers pointed, but you kept your chin high, shoulders squared in defiant posture. At your side, Miles perfectly mirrored your proud, uncompromising mien - the picture of unshakable unity.
Only once you reached the exterior, the cool night air caressing your flushed skin, did you finally allow the first hint of a tremor to show. Miles halted immediately, turning to face you with tender concern.
"Hey…you still with me, ma?" His fingers gently brushed the hair back from your face, dark eyes searching yours intently.
You managed a shaky nod, the corner of your mouth tugging upwards in a rueful half-smile. "Y-yeah…I'm good, Miles. Just still coming down from the adrenaline rush of kicking that asshole's ass."
Miles chuckled softly at that, cradling your face in his palms as he studied you adoringly. "God, you were amazing in there - fucking beautiful and terrifying all at once." His voice dropped to an intimate murmur, sending a delicious frisson cascading down your spine. "You have no idea how hot it was watching you fight like that."
Your smirk gained a more impish edge as you arched a challenging brow at him. "Oh? I think I might have a clue…" With that flirtatious purr, you seized him by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him into a searing kiss, unmindful of their surroundings or the murmuring crowd.
Miles responded ardently, arms banding around your waist to crush your bodies flush together as the kiss deepened with unrestrained want. When you finally parted, both were flushed and slightly breathless from shared desire.
"How's that for a clue, Mr. Morales?" you husked, smiling at the way your words made his pupils flare.
"Chica, you are playing with fire," he growled in response, punctuating the heated promise with another demanding kiss before forcing himself to take a reluctant step back. "But as much as I want to take you home and ravage you senseless in that dress, we've got cleanup to handle first."
You bit your lip with a playful grin, giving him an utterly shameless once-over that made heat flare in his gaze anew. "Mmm, now there's an incentive to behave myself for once. Let's get this over with so you can cash in on that ravaging you promised."
Miles groaned exaggeratedly, pulling you close once more to trail tantalizing kisses along the sensitive skin of your neck and jaw. "You're going to be the death of me, y/n…the absolute death of me…"
The swing back to your apartment seemed to take forever, the heated tension between you and Miles practically crackling in the night air. His arm was banded securely around your waist as you clung to him, the thrill of the gala confrontation still humming in your veins.
By the time he landed deftly on your fire escape, you were practically vibrating with a heady mixture of residual adrenaline and arousal. The moment your feet touched down, you turned and seized him by the lapels of his jacket, backing him up against the railing as you crushed your mouth to his hungrily.
Miles met your passion with equal fervor, fingers tangling in your hair to angle your head for deeper exploration. You moaned softly into the liplock, pressing your lithe body flush against the hard planes of his as the kiss turned molten.
"Inside…" he rasped out when you briefly parted for air, dark eyes heavy-lidded with lust. "Need you…now…"
You offered no argument, simply grasped his wrist and tugged him insistently towards the window you'd left unlocked. Miles followed without hesitation, his free hand roving over your curves in a way that made you shiver with keen anticipation.
The two of you tumbled through the window in a heated embrace, all tangled limbs and roaming caresses as Miles kicked it shut behind you. You backed him up against the nearest wall, devouring his lips again in a messy, needful kiss.
"The way you…fought tonight…" he groaned against your mouth when you trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses along the stubbled hinge of his jaw. "So fucking fierce, mami…so strong…"
A low, throaty chuckle rumbled from you at the reverent praise, your nimble fingers already working at loosening his emerald tie. "You know what they say - fury is an aphrodisiac."
Miles hissed sharply as you nipped at the sensitive hollow beneath his ear, his hands flexing against the flare of your hips almost desperately. "Whatever rage was fueling it, it made you the sexiest goddamn thing I've ever seen. I could barely keep my hands off you back there."
"Then don't," you murmured, voice dropping into a sultry register that never failed to make his pupils blow wide with want.
That was all the encouragement Miles needed. With a low, rumbling groan, he hauled you up, your legs automatically banding around his waist as he pinned you to the wall. His mouth found that sensitive spot on your neck, worrying the sensitive flesh there with lips and teeth until you whimpered.
"Miles…yes…oh fuck, just like that, baby…"
You reveled in the exquisite friction of his clothed arousal grinding against your heated core as your hips undulated in a filthy grind. Everywhere his hands roved left trails of delicious fire in their wake - over the swell of your breasts, the dip of your waist, the flare of your hips.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of heated exploration, you reached between your bodies to fumble with the button of his trousers. Miles sucked in a sharp breath at your featherlight ministrations, dipping his head to capture your lips in another searing liplock.
"I need you…" he rasped harshly when you broke apart, forehead pressed to yours as you slowly, torturously dragged his zipper down.
Rather than reply with words, you simply flashed him a wicked smirk and arched invitingly against him in silent acquiescence. That was all the cue Miles needed to divest both of you of your remaining clothes in a flurry of heated impatience.
Finally, blissfully skin-to-skin, he hoisted you up once more, your legs locking around his waist as he sank into your welcoming heat with a guttural groan of relief. You matched his desperate noises with whimpers of your own, reveling in the scorching stretch of him filling you so completely.
"Oh god…yes…fuck me, Miles…" you keened, throwing your head back against the wall with abandon. "Fuck me like you mean it…"
He needed no further urging, hips snapping in a deep, pounding cadence that quickly reduced you to a quivering, whimpering mess. There was no slow build, no teasing exploration - this was pure, unrestrained passion unleashed in its most primal form.
"Look at me…" Miles commanded in a low rasp, his thrusts punishingly deep and relentless. When you forced your eyes open to meet his smoldering gaze, he groaned deep in his chest. "That's it, ma…let me see those pretty eyes when I make you fall apart…"
A tremulous whine escaped your parted lips at his heated words, your fingers scrabbling at the tense muscles of his back in search of purchase. The sensations built higher and higher, the wet sounds of your joining obscenely loud in the quiet room.
"I'm…Miles, I'm gonna--" was all the warning you could gasp out before your climax detonated violently. You shuddered and arched with a broken cry, inner walls fluttering maddeningly around his rigid length as wave after wave of delirious pleasure crested over you.
Miraculously, impossibly, Miles only seemed to find his rhythm more relentless in the wake of your release. He pounded into your twitching, overstimulated form with reckless abandon, lips trailing hot, openmouthed kisses wherever he could reach.
"Not…done…with you yet…" he growled against the sweat-slicked hollow of your throat, grazing his teeth in a way that made you whimper deliriously. "Not…by a longshot…want you…screaming…"
True to his word, Miles's thrusts began finding that perfect angle deep inside you, nudging against that sensitive bundle of nerves again and again until a new crest started building once more. Your hands fisted in his hair, your nails scored lines of delicious heat down his back, but still he drove into you with unrelenting purpose.
"Oh god…oh fuck…yes, Miles! Right there, baby…gonna…come again!" you wailed out, so completely undone and far beyond caring how loud you were being.
He snarled out his own guttural noises of pleasure at your admission, hips snapping even more wildly now with impatience to make good on his promise. You could feel the trembling tension mounting in his corded frame, muscles knotted with exquisite strain as he held back for you.
When your second, even more intense orgasm finally peaked with a sobbing cry, your inner walls convulsing in rhythmic pulses around him, Miles let out a savage growl of gratification. His own climax barreled through him in hot spurts, his full-body shudder pressing your molten flesh together so tightly not even a whisper of air separated you for several deliriously long moments.
Gradually, as the tremors subsided and hot breaths puffed against overheated skin, your boneless frames slid to a tangled rest on the nearby bed, Miles still buried inside your fluttering depths. You lay there in sybaritic repletion, tracing idle patterns across each other's sweat-slicked flesh as your hammering heartbeats calmed.
"Christ…" you finally wheezed out, a deeply satisfied purr vibrating in your words. "I'm going to feel that in the morning."
You could feel more than hear Miles's rich chuckle against your neck, his lips brushing featherlight kisses in its wake. "Mmm…good. That was the idea, amor."
With seemingly bone-deep reluctance, he slipped free of your interlocked bodies, immediately hauling you close again as you both reveled in the tactile intimacy. Soothing caresses and murmured endearments passed between you in the afterglow, both drunk on the heady cocktail of desire, satisfaction, and indelible connection.
Miles was the one to finally rouse himself enough to reach for the discarded edge of bedsheet and tenderly dab at the glistening sheen of exertion on your skin. "You okay?" he rumbled in that low, husky register that still managed to make your toes curl.
You caught his wrist, pulling him down to nuzzle your nose against his affectionately. "I'm perfect, Miles…never better. As long as I've got you, I'll always be okay."
His features softened in a way that made your heart pang, warm adoration shining through as he ducked his head to capture your lips in a achingly tender kiss. "You've got me, mami - now and always."
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Ⓡ chion3spid3r all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
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clamorybus · 1 year
honestly i thought i was doing better with myself but last night i merely read the tv tropes page for the movie the whale and i broke down sobbing
0 notes
watching The Master Blackmailer and this just happened:
Watson: "He's a man who loathes the human race."
Holmes: "What circumstances might bring him to there?"
Watson: "wmjelnm...boy brought up in lonely isolation... starved of affection...probably in London's outer suburbs"
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like Sir? Are you okay? You look like the Lisa Simpson dinner meme
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iguessitsjustme · 23 days
Not BL but I just gotta say how much I love that Tae Sung is the reason the time shenanigans stopped. I also love that without his memores he really just saw Im Sol as a friend and I ADORED their friendship. It was so wholesome. But the fact that he was the one to close the loop so to speak? And then they thanks him for it? I could cry. I wish I could articulate this better but I’m still processing I love Tae Sung so much and his story is just so good for how little he was actually in the show.
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mwagneto · 7 months
why is everyone suddenly jackdoctor posting. like i'm not complaining i've just been indescribably sick over that entire storyline for years so it's funny to see it picking up steam again
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inkperch · 5 months
*sits bolt upright*
Vaggie and Emily roleswap where Emily figured out Sera was keeping something from her and snuck out down to Hell to learn what, and happened to meet Charlie while disguised as a Sinner and is just. Actively sneaking back and forth from Heaven to try and slowly peel back the beuracratic interference with Charlie's dream from Heaven while also actively helping her run the Hotel in hell-
*goes back to sleep*
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hearth-of-olympus · 22 days
thinking about adam parrish. nothing new i know
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dazais-guardian-angel · 2 months
kinda wild to me that one of the most compelling aspects of both Chuuya and Kunikida's characters to me, that I never really see talked about, is how they're heavily set on a doomed crash course towards complete and utter destruction, and how I am so, so worried for them both.....
#bungou stray dogs#been thinking a lot about chuuya lately (shocking for me i know (said with no sarcasm truly lmao it is rare for me))#cause of the 15 manga and also playing the fucking jeht quest in genshin impact ugh (where's the one dual genshin bsd fan who Understands)#but like this pressure has been building up for chuuya for so long due to being used and manipulated by all these people#first the sheep then mori then verlaine then still mori now#he was groomed since childhood just like dazai#but unlike dazai he didn't have an oda to help him get out of the mafia........ he's still stuck there#and his personality is different from dazai's. dazai was more self-aware imo (but still a groomed emotionally abused kid don't get me wrong#but chuuya's whole thing is needing to belong and wanting a leader to be loyal to but ending up in positions of leadership himself#which makes him feel pressured but he accepts and stifles any negative feelings just because he wants to belong#and all this crushed him with the events in the light novels and yeah he went through character growth but he's...... Still In The Mafia...#and that fucking scene asagiri added to the cannibalism stage play i don't think hardly anyone even knows about bc IT'S NOT DISCUSSED ANYMO#where mori emotionally manipulates him with the flags!!! and it deeply hurts him!!! and he presumably deals with that shit all the time!!!#it is WORRISOME. it WORRIES ME okay.#chuuya doesn't have anyone who can save him from the mafia (dazai is in no position to okay; it's all he can do just to try to save himself#and it's so so scary. it spells awful things for him.#didn't asagiri say he'd have a rough path or something??? and he added that fucking scene in the play!!! it haunts me!!#i fully expected this shit to hit a turning point in the meursault arc but we can't have nice things i guess#and as for kunikida a;lskdfl (took me this long to get to him oop) literally the ending of Entrance Exam (the novel) is just#One Big Foreshadowing for Kunikida's downfall#he's compared to the azure king for a reason. Sasaki saw the azure king in him for a reason. it's fucking worrying!!!!!#there hasn't really been anything like that since in the manga (just like for chuuya lol ugh) but he's TERRIBLE at coping with his trauma#and it only gets more apparent once shit hit the fan in the doa/hunting dogs/meursault arc#it's not good!!! i'm worried for kunikida too!!!!#even if the manga isn't focusing on this these worries are always in the back of my mind man#both kunikida and chuuya are doomed to hit some kind of breaking point eventually and i await those moments with dread yet anticipation#i want dazai to be able to save kunikida from the despair being too good a person brings the way he couldn't save oda#and chuuya.... if we get a scene with him & mori mirroring the one in dark era where dazai finds out that mori orchestrated the kids' death#oh man i think i'll fucking die (give it to me i need to cry)
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spacedlexi · 11 months
skybound collectively unshitting their pants after acquiring the full rights to clementine, the coolest character in their own franchise
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