#i like gideon as like 6 feet and harrow as like
fifizero · 1 month
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i don't think i'll ever finish this so here you go !!
my commission are open btw
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griseldagimpel · 10 months
Details For Locked Tomb Fan Artists
The point of this post is to provide a reference to fan artists in The Locked Tomb fandom, since there are details that artists - myself included here - sometimes miss. I encourage other fans to add on to this post.
Alright, rest goes under the cut for space:
Gideon Nav has warm-colored brown skin. As Kiriona Gaia, it has a waxy quality to it.
Harrow and Nona have skin that has a brown hue to it similar to Gideon's. Muir has said Harrow/Nona is lighter skinned than Gideon, which is refected in the cover art.
G1deon and Pyrrha are dark-skinned.
John has brown skin.
Camilla has brown skin.
Coronabeth has tanned/golden skin. Muir has said she has envisioned Coronabeth as Pakeha/white, but she'd still be a Pakeha/white woman with a distinct tan, not alabaster pale.
Coronabeth and Ianthe are tall. Like 6 feet tall, plus Coronabeth's hair. They're taller than Babs! Fan artists should absolutely drawn Coronabeth and Ianthe towering over Babs. 😉
G1deon and Pyrrha have scars on their chest and arms.
Wake's got a lot of hair. It's not short by any means. (Ask me how many pieces of fan art I had to fix for my fan vid with her after I recalled this lolsob.)
G1deon and Pyrrha have red hair.
It's Ianthe's right arm that's skeletal.
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g1deonthen1nth · 1 year
Ranking TLT Characters by How Much I’d Like to Smoke With Them
in another installment of “posts literally no one wants” i will be breaking down which tombies id wanna smoke with the most and why, ranked from least to most want to smoke with them. I am not doing Everyone bc that wd kill me to death. i thought so much harder ab this than i meant to godbless
14. the second house. why wd i wanna smoke with fucking cops? NEXT!!
13. the eighth. why wd i wanna smoke with a creepy priest and his creepy cousin or uncle or whatever i forgot bc i do NOT care ab them
12. alecto. i just dont think she wd be able to get high which wd make the whole thing very awkward
11. nona. cd probably get high bc its a human body but i think she wd get paranoid. however if she cd handle it i think she wd be fun
10. john. if i wanted to get high with a pathetic old man i wd call my dad
9. the fifth. i think they wd a bring a fun and cool vibe but also they have very strong parent energy and i hate being high around my parents
8. ianthe. she wd be all “ohh yeah i know how to smoke i LOVE doing drugs im cool” and then she wd start coughing. but i also cough a lot so this cannot impact her ranking very much. i also just think she wd be annoying but in a fun way. wd not share her weed
7. corona. same as yanthe but more likely to share her weed bc of her liberalization. 
6. pal. philosophical high, kind of pretentious but i like him so i am kicking my feet and twirling my hair and telling him how smart he is. i never said it was an unbiased ranking. he wd invent a new religion
5. dulcinea. we barely know her however she has a stoner vibe to me i think she wd bring a fun lighthearted energy
4. pyrrah. used to be a cop and yall know where i stand on smoking with cops. HOWEVER that was 10,000 years ago i think she’d have a cool vibe. like a dad who smokes with u in shitty folding chairs in the backyard in summer yk like this is an afternoon high and its very chill
3. harrow. i just think it wd be very funny is all. i think she wd enter the stratosphere i think she wd be fried off one hit. i think she wd smoke a bowl on her own anyway to prove a point that does not exist and have an existential crisis.
2. cam. her ass wd roll the fattest, tightest joint. she cd hit a bong and not cough once. she is an icon. i cannot fathom how she wd act high. i wish i cd find out
1. gideon. honestly she just has the vibes of “my favorite guy at the smoke sesh” like she wd share her weed, she wd absolutely help u make a grav bong, and she wd be funny as hell. the one i can most easily imagine coming to the smoke sesh if she was real 
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malcolminspace-blog · 3 months
I am rereading* Harrow the Ninth and it is... deeply amusing how noodly Harrow clearly is. The Sword is described as being 'six feet long' which, yeah, a big boy of a sword. But existing swords that big only weigh like, 6 kilos, maybe? Eight at a stretch? Not easy to swing around, but, like... a ten year old could carry that around without getting back problems. So either Harrow really is just the noodliest nerd ever to nerd, or Gideon had a sword made out of osmium or something. Either is hilarious.
*listening to, and I am here to tell you that Moira Quirk's delivery is i n c r e d i b l e
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Let's start the next chapter then, I think tomorrow might be one of those days where I don't get to liveblog much (or at all).
Another flashback, to Canaan house, with Ortus.
The skull shows 4. (Chapter 7 showed 6. I reckon, then, it's not related much to the people we see in each chapter, but rather - which type of body magic we will get to see? Or something? I don't have enough data yet to draw up a pattern, unless I wanna go back and catalogue skulls and chapters for GtN.)
(I'm still not ruling that out. For now, we're sticking with Harrow.)
dropping big handfuls of something green and white for people to gingerly crush beneath their feet as they walked under the cracked marble arches of the First House dock. She had realised with a thrill of frugal, exotic horror that it was plant matter.
Right, yeah, you won't see much of that in the dark mining shaft that is the Ninth.
Gideon never mentioned the skeletons in Canaan house being dressed, not that I recall.
“Pray only that my bones be one day interred in the Anastasian monument, where even the ghost of the light does not go,” said Ortus, in front of everybody, like an absolute shit.
Cross-ref time to Gideon:
(Oh, actually the skeletons here are also clothed. Gideon just didn't dwell on it like Harrow did.)
Harrow began: “I pray the tomb is shut forever. I pray the rock is never rolled away…”
Interesting - in Gideon, Harrow says the prayer; in Harrow, Ortus did. Harrow, in Gideon, does not receive a blessing. Ortus does.
Oh, this next bit is different too.
In Gideon the Ninth:
“I will not tell you what you already know,” said the little priest. “I seek only to add context. The Lyctors were not born immortal. They were given eternal life, which is not at all the same thing. Sixteen of them came here a myriad ago, eight adepts and the eight who would later be known as the first cavaliers, and it was here that they ascended...
In Harrow the Ninth:
“Now I will tell you something new, something you are not meant to know: about the First House, and about the research facility. “The base of Canaan House dates back to before the Resurrection. We first built upward, to get away from the sea; then we built outward, to strive toward beauty … This was meant to be the palace of the Kindly Master, where he might work and hold court and live for always, and oversee all the rebuilding that had to be done. For the Resurrection did not resurrect every broken thing, you understand, and nor did it create anything new. There was hard work ahead—fixing, or designing, and it took a great deal of blood and sweat and bone. Yet those were lovely years, happy ones. And that was the time before Lyctors.”
I won't bother copying all of both texts, but they are markedly different. Both are very different pieces of exposition.
This is fascinating.
Someone spoke up—the Fifth woman—and she said, fearlessly and amiably: “Then the path to Lyctorhood is independent research? Gosh! And it isn’t even my birthday.” One of the young people sitting close to the Fifth made a sound like an exhausted balloon squeal.
Oh how I've missed Magnus, Abigail, and the wretched teens. <3
Wow, no, seriously though - this is a completely different scene. A completely different atmosphere. Where in Gideon, Teacher seems jolly, hopeful and kinda clueless - in Harrow, Teacher is warning them of their imminent deaths at the hand of an immortal entity, which sleeps, but can be woken if you are too loud, and can't come up above the laboratories - unless it can, in which case well, guess we're all gonna die.
I canNOT get over how different this feels.
“Harrowhark—I don’t understand why you chose me.” Harrow said, “There was nobody else.” His mask slipped, and not the mask made of alabaster and black paint. Ortus looked at her with his steady dark gaze, and his heavy face flickered; she realised with electrified astonishment that he was exasperated. “You never did possess an imagination,” he said,
This is some kind of clue, I'm sure of it. Does Gideon exist to this Ortus? I almost hope so.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 49
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For detail on The Locked Tomb coverage and the index, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
(Slashed Ninth House icon) In which an epic battle is fought.
"I am the Emperor's Hand; do not thou persist in this combat; matchless am I with the long blade--"
As Ortus recites his epic poem, Harrow defends against the Sleeper long enough to summon the spirit of Mathias Nonius, the subject of the poem, from the River. He actually manages to stop the Sleeper's bullets, though he's confused as to why he's speaking in verse,(1) then disables her gun. They spar for some more pages, during which Harrow wishes her Griddle were there even though even she wouldn't be able to really provide a running commentary on the fight. The space actually starts to warp under the stress of the struggle for power. Eventually Nonius wins, and the Sleeper appears to die. Cautiously, Harrow approaches and removes her mask. She recognizes the poster from the shuttle with Corona and Judith, but otherwise has no idea who she is, though there's something familiar about the brow and jaw.(2) She finds a dogtag that reads "AWAKE".(3)
Abigail confirms that Harrow is no longer haunted by the Sleeper, but she may still have a footing on the mortal side of things. Also, the bubble is starting to strain too far, it's undergone too many transformations. Nonius asks leave of Harrow to join the Lyctor, the Saint of Duty, Nonius's rival and ally, fighting alone in the River. Besides the realization that Nonius really DID fight a Lyctor in his time, Harrow realizes that things have gone horribly wrong. If Duty is fighting alone then he's already dead. Nigenad and Protesilaus say they'll go too, with Pro quoting from some of his own poetry to reinforce the point.(4) Marta joins them because of the unwritten Cohort rule: "Chickenshits don't get beer". Abigail sends them to where they need to be, and then…
Harrow asks Abigail what's next. Abigail says Harrow can either go to the River, or go home. Harrow can't go back and risk killing Gideon, but Magnus drives the point home that Harrow can't be a mausoleum to her cav forever. Harrow finally decides she must go home to her body.(5) Magnus asks Harrow to pass along that Jeanne wanted to say hi to Gideon. Abigail and Magnus dismiss themselves, but Dulcinea stays behind, to tell Harrow something.(6)
(1) The power of belief is the power of the River bubble. He believes that he has been elevated, so of course he has the power to deflect the evil bullets the Sleeper has believed into existence. However, Ortus's poem was what summoned him, with Abigail's power of belief in turn, and perhaps it's their belief in the poetry that influence Nonius's speech in turn, the way Harrow's party's collective belief strain the bubble's sense of reality in competition with the Sleeper's as the fight goes on. (2) Hmm, so someone high up in the BOE, enough to get posters of her likeness. Is this who's been thinking those thoughts Harrow keeps picking up on? And, I suppose it's lucky that Harrow's remembered Gideon, so doesn't react now with her aneurysm bursting, the way she did when she saw the poster in the living realm… (3) That's a funny word to find on a dogtag in a dream. (4) Two things. One, Ortus and Pro would be absolutely unbearable to spend time with together. Two, the verse Pro quotes has 14 syllables, which is, of course, divisible by 7, so he likely writes, as Ortus does, in a number of poetic feet that matches his House. I just think it's a cute touch. (5) Considering Harrow got stuck and literally couldn't go back at the beginning of this sequence, I'm not sure that's going to be as easy as it sounds. (6) What in all the worlds could Dulcie have to say? Find out in a future instalment!
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ace-trainer-risu · 2 years
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I posted 1,588 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (4%)
1,530 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,293 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#the locked tomb - 165 posts
#the untamed - 109 posts
#word of honor - 75 posts
#jiang cheng - 57 posts
#things you didn't care to know about veronica - 54 posts
#nona the ninth - 43 posts
#ace attorney - 31 posts
#spn - 29 posts
#ianthe - 26 posts
#harrow - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#i was listening to it on audiobook and it’s often genuinely hard to tell if the narrator is saying hallow or hollow. which. is perfect.
My Top Posts in 2022:
unexpected downside of daily dracula is that i'm now checking my inbox every ten minutes like dracula? is dracula here? where is vampire? where is my friend jonathan harker??
64 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
“Death first to vultures and scavengers” is so fucking funny as a line considering harrow then tries to call dibs on a man’s head one (1) day later.
183 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
harrowhark ‘biting you biting you biting you’ nonagesimus, reverend daughter of the ninth
254 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
i like to imagine xue yang showing up to jin guangyao and being like can i have the evil amulet please and jin guangyao, being a good evil villain who is nice to his evil henchmen, is like of course but why, and xue yang being like WELL YOU SEE and two hours later jin guangyao is like. okay. i regret asking. please take it and leave.
579 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I truly believe that nona is alecto/the body for the very simple and vitally important reason that harrow and nona/alecto/the body will meet at some point and harrow will be like O immortal Body, I have kept troth with you these many long and darkling years, I have sworn my heart, worthless thing though it may be, to you, I cast my fragile and aching body at your feet (and etc etc)
and the Body will look at her with those ineffable golden eyes and open her imperfectly beautiful mouth and say, her own true voice ringing out in harrow's ears for the very first time, "Hi! I like dogs, do you like dogs? I kissed you in the mirror once. Do you want to be best friends?"
And harrow will instantly be like Ohhh :/// I'm cured. I'm not in love with her anymore. where's gideon. ianthe? anyone.
1,728 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
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exmakina · 3 years
I love your Canaan House lineup art so much!! Can I ask how tall you have the various chars? Unless Harrow is over 6 foot it doesnt seem like the lines in the background are feet...😅
Ah thanks! :D
Yeah, the bg lines in the character drawings are probably a little confusing... they’re units based on Gideon’s head height. I draw Harrow as 5′3″ - the shortest character aside from the terrible teens, lol.
Here are the heights of all the Locked Tomb characters I’ve drawn:
Gideon the Ninth Character Heights
Harrow the Ninth Character Heights (spoilers!)
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oldmanatom · 3 years
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A Locked Tomb Fanmix But It’s All Classic Country
this exists entirely because one night the thought “but what if i made a Locked Tomb fanmix with only classic country songs” popped into my head, unprompted, and i thought it was too hilarious to not do.
the art on the cover is done by @starfleetofficial​​, who this mix is also dedicated to. thank you for recommending me these books, continuously “yes, and”ing my semi-coherent TLT messages sent at 5 in the morning, and being so supportive about this idea. (also check out her version, A HtN fanmix but it’s all Fiona Apple!) the cover design is referencing the famous Marty Robbins album, Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs.
my one listening note: this will probably be more enjoyable if it’s approached with an open mind and an expectation that it’s taking itself about as seriously as the official fanmixes do.
see below the cut for a song list and some lyric excerpts.
this mix has implicit spoilers for both Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth.
Gideon the Ninth mix: youtube / spotify / full res cover Harrow the Ninth mix: youtube / spotify / full res cover full mix: youtube / spotify / full res cover
Gideon the Ninth:
1. Johnny Paycheck, “Take This Job And Shove It”
You better not try to stand in my way 'Cause I'm walkin' out the door Take this job and shove it I ain't working here no more
2. Dolly Parton, “When Someone Wants To Leave”
It's a sad situation I must say When someone wants to leave as bad as you want them to stay
3. Loretta Lynn, “I’m A Gettin’ Ready To Go”
I'm gonna praise my savior's name everyday that I'm livin' Glory hallelujah I'm not ashamed to let my salvation show This old world's just my dressin' room and I'm a gettin' ready to go
4. Waylon Jennings, “I Ain’t Living Long Like This”
I tried to run but I don't think I can You make one move and you're a dead man friend Ain't living long like this Can't live at all like this, can I baby?
5. Loretta Lynn, “This Haunted House”
This haunted house I'm livin' in is killing me And the ghost of your love won't set me free Each morning finds me crying and alone In this haunted house we used to call our home
6. Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty, “After The Fire Is Gone”
We know it's wrong for us to meet But the fire's gone out at home And there's nothin' cold as ashes After the fire is gone
7. Loretta Lynn, “How Long Will It Take”
(How long will it take?) How long will it take to make you want me How much longer has this old heart gotta break (How long will it take?) How long will it take to make you need me I keep a waitin' and a wonderin' how long will it take
8. Stonewall Jackson, “Don’t Be Angry”
Maybe someday you're gonna hurt me I've been hurt in love before Only God can know And time alone will tell
9. Dick Curless, “A Tombstone Every Mile”
It's a stretch of road up north in Maine That's never ever ever seen a smile If they'd buried all them truckers lost in them woods There'd be a tombstone every mile
10. Johnny Paycheck, “(It Won’t Be Long) And I’ll Be Hating You”
Lately life with you has been unbearable All my faith in you has gone and I know it won't return I did everything to make you happy I could do Now you've gotten me hatin' things I used to love to do And it won't be long and I'll be hatin' you
11. Norma Jean, “Let’s Go All The Way”
All the way means happiness living side by side Halfway means a heartbreak if one of us should lie Just give me a clue that you love me too Hold me in your arms and say “Oh, let’s go all the way”
12. Loretta Lynn, “Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven”
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die Lord, I wanna go to heaven but I don't wanna die Though I long for the day when I'll have new birth Still I love the livin' here on earth Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die
13. Homer & Jethro, “She Made Toothpicks Of The Timber Of My Heart”
She was seasoned, I was green Yes my darling lumber queen Wound me ‘round her finger like a clinging vine
14. Patsy Cline, “The Heart You Break May Be Your Own”
You'll look around and when you've found That you are all alone Then you'll get wise and realize The heart you break may be your own
15. Buck Owens, “I’ve Got A Tiger By The Tail”
Well every night you drag me where the bright lights are found There ain't no way to slow you down I’m as 'bout as helpless as a leaf in a gale And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail
16. Charley Pride, “All I Have To Offer You (Is Me)”
Before you take another step, there's something you should know About the years ahead and how they'll be You'll be living in a world where roses hardly ever grow 'Cause all I have to offer you is me
17. Faron Young, “Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young”
I wanna leave a lot of happy women A-thinkin’ pretty thoughts of me I wanna live fast, love hard, die young And leave a beautiful memory
18. Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner, “The Last Thing On My Mind”
I've got reason a plenty for goin'      This I know, this I know The weeds have been steadily growin'      Please don't go, please don't go
Are you going away with no word of farewell Will there be not a trace left behind I could've loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind You know that was the last thing on my mind
19. Marty Robbins, “The Master’s Call”
I felt the end was near, that death would be the price When a mighty bolt of lightning showed the face of Jesus Christ And I cried “oh Lord forgive me, don't let it happen now I want to live for you alone, oh God these words I vow”
Bridge: Lefty Frizzell, “Long Black Veil”
She walks these hills in a long black veil She visits my grave when the night winds wail Nobody knows, nobody sees Nobody knows but me
Harrow the Ninth:
1. Hank Williams, “I’ll Never Get Out Of This World Alive”
Every thing's against me and it's got me down If I jumped in the river I would probably drown No matter how I struggle and strive I'll never get out of this world alive
2. Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, and Emmylou Harris, “Those Memories Of You”
In dreams of you, my body trembles I wake up and call your name But you're not there, and I'm so lonesome Without your love, I'd go insane
3. Hank Snow, “I Don’t Hurt Anymore”
I don't hurt anymore, all my teardrops are dried No more walking the floor with that burning inside Just to think it could be time has opened the door And at last I am free I don't hurt anymore
4. Patsy Cline, “Stop The World And Let Me Off”
Oh, stop the world and let me off I'm tired of goin' round ‘n' round I played the game of love and lost So stop the world and let me off
5. Charley Pride, “Lie To Me”
Oh, lie to me, say you love me Tell me I mean the world to you It would mean so much, I'd be so happy And it's the least you can do
6. Hank Snow, “Ninety Miles An Hour (Down A Dead End Street)”
Warnin' signs are flashin' by us but we pay no heed Instead of slowin' down the pace we keep picking up the speed Disaster's gettin' closer every time we meet Doin' ninety miles an hour down a dead end street
7. Patsy Cline and the Anita Kerr Singers, “I Can’t Forget”
Where are you, darlin'? Are you with someone new I can't forget you I'll always be loving you
8. Lynn Anderson, “If I Kiss You (Will You Go Away)”
You're so much hurt I wish you wouldn't stay If I kiss you will you go away?
9. Connie Smith, “Once A Day”
Once a day all day long And once a night from dusk till dawn The only time I wish you weren't gone Is once a day, every day, all day long
10. Charley Pride, “Just Between You And Me”
But just between you and me I've got my doubts about it 'Cause just between you and me You're too much to forget
11. Buck Owens, “Hello Trouble”
A comin' up my sidewalk Just as plain as day A well a here come trouble that I never thought I'd see When you went away
12. Loretta Lynn, “Fist City”
You'll bite off more than you can chew If you get too cute or witty You better move your feet if you don't wanna eat A meal that's called Fist City
13. The Davis Sisters, “I Forgot More Than You’ll Ever Know”
You think you know the smile on his lips The thrill at the touch of his fingertips But I've forgotten more Than you'll ever know about him
14. Kitty Wells, “Pick Me Up On Your Way Down” (Charlie Walker’s version is on the Spotify playlist)
When you learn these things are true I'll be waiting here for you As you tumble to the ground Pick me up on your way down
15. Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty, “You’re The Reason Our Kids Are Ugly”
And that's the reason that my good looks and my figure is gone      And that's the reason I ain't got no hair to comb And you're the reason our kids are ugly, little darling
16. Loretta Lynn, “Who Says God Is Dead”
If I were you I'd kneel and pray 'Cause we're not promised one more day Remember blood was shed Who says God is dead?
17. Patsy Cline and The Jordanaires, “Imagine That”
Can you believe I'd swallow my pride (Well yes, yes, I guess you can) 'Cause you know you've always had my foolish heart Right in the palm of your hand, oh
18. Jody Miller and Johnny Paycheck, “Let’s All Go Down To The River”
Jesus is the man at the river And he's washing people's sins away He can save your soul if you give him control Oh be ready for that judgement day
19. Bobby Bare, “Dropkick Me, Jesus”
Make me, oh, make me, Lord, more than I am Make me a piece in Your master game plan Free from the earthly temptation below I've got the will, Lord, if You got the toe
20. Lynn Anderson, “Heaven’s Just A Sin Away”
Devil's got me now Oh, gone and got me now I can't fight him anyhow I think he's gonna win
Heaven’s just a sin away Oh, just a sin away Heaven help me when I say I think I’m givin’ in
21. Loretta Lynn, “Out Of My Head And Back In My Bed”
I'm gonna search everywhere that you might be When I find you I'm a bringin’ you home with me I want you out of my head And back in my bed Before the morning comes
22. Johnny Cash, “Big River”
Now, won't you batter down by Baton Rouge, River Queen, roll it on Take that woman on down to New Orleans, New Orleans Go on, I've had enough, dump my blues down in the gulf She loves you, Big River, more than me
Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry, cry, cry And I showed the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky And the tears that I cried for that woman are gonna flood you, Big River And I'm gonna sit right here until I die
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carrigerpigeon · 4 years
Should I introduce myself to all these new people? I guess I should.
Name’s Ty, although most people in the fandom call me Pidge. Nonbinary butch lesbian, they/them pronouns. I get very excited about very ridiculous things (usually related to lesbians). I am but your humble lesbian pigeon weasel who drives this here lesbian bus, where I also dabble as a  supreme shitposter, question-asker extraordinaire, and lesbian smut writer.
I’m the main admin behind @fuckyeahgailcarriger​. I usually receive an ARC for all of Gail’s work, so I don’t liveblog like I used to. That being said, this blog is NOT a spoiler-free zone, as I usually have to sit on my book excitement for months, so as soon as I can talk about it here I FUCKING DO. I have somehow migrated from fan of Gail Carriger to friend; I’m still not certain how that happened and am fairly confident this is all an elaborate fever dream.
Beyond this blog, which is exclusively for content related to Gail Carriger’s work (who can be found @gailcarriger), I can be found being angry and gay on my main blog, @toastweasel​. Although most days I’m angry and gay on Twitter (@tmkuta) instead.
Now that you’re here....
1) Go preorder The Enforcer Enigma, out August 1, cuz the fucking SELKIE MOB is back.
2) If you sign up for Gail’s newsletter she’ll send you Marine Biology, free a short story that began the universe TEE is in. You’ll get to meet the OG selkie mob for free. And cute gay boys, I guess. Also you’ll get to be subscribed to Gail’s once-monthly newsletter, which is terminally delightful and often includes cute pictures of her cat.
2a) (Also out in August in Harrow the Ninth, so you should go preorder that and also preorder Gideon the Ninth. Those are also lesbian as hell and a fucking delight.)
3) Gail Carriger reading order is here if you’re new to her stuff.
4) If that looks list looks big and scary and you’re just here for the lesbians, might I recommend Romancing the Inventor (tw: sexual assault) or Competence, which can be read independently of the main series (in my humble pigeon opinion).
5) My thirsty sapphic Sidheag/Aggie fanfic is here (along with some original thirsty lesbian/sapphic shit, too, all for free cuz I’m generous like that). Leave comments, ya filthy animals.
6) Also donate to your local chapter of Black Lives Matter and buy books written by Black folks! I’ll reblog some lists in a bit. I highly recommend ordering and reading Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole while you wait.
Anyway, I think that’s it. Welcome, y’all. Go wild!  Put your feet up on the coffee table, Idgaf. Just take ‘em off before the wife gets home or she’ll be mad. :)
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I keep thinking about my novel protagonist pair after reading Gideon and Harrow and my brain accidentally swapped the heavies.
Basically it would turn into Rose and Gideon discussing workout shit after giant green lady with tusks wears off. Fairly productive. Rose is used to snarky redheads after all.
Meanwhile Holly is standing 6 feet away from Harrow trying not to get close enough for her illness to kick in from all the magic she kicks off. Necromancy gives her hives apparently. Harrow is unimpressed with dragon girl. The feeling is mutual, squirt.
If I had art capabilities an outfit swap would be quite amusing.
(Also pairing the heavies and mages like... harrow judging the fuck out of Rose for what she's using her magic on. Rose doesn't care she got worse from her family. So she tunes her out lol. Meanwhile the heavies are like this is my sword. This is my guitar. Excellent. Your mage is also so tied up in their work obsession they don't notice anything else? Bro. Press F.)
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six-of-ravens · 3 years
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I posted 4,387 times in 2021
1523 posts created (35%)
2864 posts reblogged (65%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.9 posts.
I added 114 tags in 2021
#gideon the ninth - 23 posts
#im screaming - 20 posts
#harrow the ninth - 17 posts
#harrow the ninth spoilers - 13 posts
#avascular necrosis - 7 posts
#sab spoilers - 7 posts
#signal boost - 7 posts
#fundraiser - 7 posts
#gofundme - 7 posts
#gideon the ninth spoilers - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the last few videos i watched were her sunroom redecorating and closet purges and now i too want to redecorate a sunroom and purge my closet
My Top Posts in 2021
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Okay wow, very impressed with the camera on this phone!! Finally I can get my whole book wall in one shot without having to awkwardly squash myself into a corner!
19 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 21:21:51 GMT
I have to reread Gideon and Harrow immediately...
21 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 00:54:46 GMT
Hey y'all, my friend recently had to have her hip replaced due to bone damage from Avascular Necrosis, and due to struggles with her insurance company is on the hook for the full cost of surgery + treatment + mobility aids etc. If you have a couple dollars to spare I'd greatly appreciate it! If not I'd appreciate if you can signal boost 💖
Bre is such an amazing, strong woman and I'm so proud of her bravery and grace during this whole ordeal. I can't wait for her to get back on her feet (literally) and to see her once this blasted pandemic is over!!
30 notes • Posted 2021-02-12 23:40:49 GMT
Okay so, caught up on Crime Junkie. Not sure what to listen to next...started Generation Why but while it's informative, it's also a bit dull. If anyone has recs for true crime/supernatural/general weird stuff podcasts please send em my way! The ones I've listened to and enjoyed are:
My Favorite Murder
Crime Junkie
True Crime Garage
Cult Podcast
Thinking Sideways (only listened to a few eps so far but it's all right, just not totally binge-able as the dude hosts annoy me sometimes)
Supernatural with Ashley Flowers
Red Web
32 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 16:26:07 GMT
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Started rearranging my books a few days ago and have 0 motivation to finish it so I think my living room is just like this now
349 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 20:39:05 GMT
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