#i like shapes if that wasnt obvious
time-woods · 1 year
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!! local blue haired gay boy realizes what being gay is !!
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skunkes · 7 months
might sound weird to say as a person with a couple ocs who have Big Horrible Event(s) in their backstories or as a person who has like 3 ocs total bc he sucks at writing and as a person who hopes their ocs arent too Boring with [the thing im about to mention] but the thing about writing [characters] and [people] is that like.
any little thing a person experiences can take up their whole existence... its actually something "fun" to experience as i meet new ppl and do more things. My friend had something happen that she'll be talking about forever. I had several things happen last year that ill never stop talking about, some of which other ppl think werent that bad actually. In the same way I'll forever remember about the way my sister accidentally insulted me almost 10 years ago, it's really interesting and Fun to find and assign smaller things like that to characters...its really Real. some people's dealbreakers are other people's solvable problems etc etc
#(as well as the opposite: Big Event that maybe shocks everyone around em but they genuinely werent shaken by)#though this one is more common and leads to those ''ohh i didnt know that was normal oops'' moments#talkys#inspired by recent me and friend events#and also recent events where i told sum ppl more stuff about Thing and they responded as if it wasnt a big deal. but it was to me.#and also how i thought a part of al's childhood backstory was kind of maybe dumb and not realistically as impactful as id expect#but i saw someone on reddit almost word for word write that as their experience and how its shaped em as a person#and thats it like... the small things are boring and hard to keep track of sometimes#its not like you'll include every single little event your oc was shaped by in their bio#but idk. its like Fun to piece together for fun. to mold a human being#ykwim? wld be silly to tell everyone ''oh my oc struggles with self image due to many instances like... when their sister called em ugly''#or write it anywhere but it is fun to Know and have in your head. and its real !#just like if a friend told you about something that happened to em#long post#delete later#sorry i keep saying stupid obvious shit lately ive always been bad at oc making AND socializing so im learning everything late#but anyway yes. idk even as i keep making ocs that are ''similar'' its like. every person so different#people can react to anything in any way for any reason. i love people#this is why i struggle a bit with keeping ocs to archetypes i guess bc like. what is ooc for an oc. people contain contradictions all the#time. you can change yourself at any time.#ok nobody will read this far so ill go to the real insane rambling#part of this has been a part of my chats with talon while trying to get him to share more info#like. yeah ok you're 400+ years old the things that happened to you were such a comparatively small part of your life#but humans dont live as long and think about small things until they die. i dont think time would heal all wounds actually. not all of em#some thoughts just always come to gnaw at your brain. its ok to not be over things. i feel ill never be over some things#and also complainerism can be fun but thats something else entirely wee hee ^_^
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"Oh! Stanley, look! It's your co-worker, Jack! Isn't that- Oh. It... appears as if he ditched his office footwear along the way here... that's not professional at all."
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his name is jack and he is a single celled organism <3
in all seriousness uhm this is for that thing by @springbon-t-art because i wanted to also hi spring your sona is really fun to draw :)
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autistickfigure · 1 year
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AHHH i wish i could remember exactly when i made these guys cuz i cant remember if it was in elementary school or middle school. but i think it was middle school. (they didnt have tails or floating limbs before this is a NOW art. if it wasnt obvious. it would be scary if i were drawing like this on a computer in middle school) ANYWAY its funny to see how similar some of these guys are to future (and now current) ocs riffing on the same thing. nature is beautiful
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tigris-types · 6 months
Last night I had to write a 14 page, 60 paragraph essay on walruses for my natural history test. I only had an hour, but I had no idea where to begin as I didn't have time to read the textbook. Instead, I was preventing a mind-controlling alien lizard takeover with salt water taffy.
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princessbrunette · 9 months
kinktober : oct 1st
leon kennedy x post shower fun
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leon always looked good, that was without a doubt.
whether he was stood in some decrepit and abandoned hallway, his navy tshirt clinging to his strong chest and thick fingers contrasting out against fingerless black gloves as he swaps out his mag — or in a suit, presenting himself in a formal office setting looking clean and tidy with a charming grin on his face. however, to you, he was at his best right after he’d get out the shower.
often times, you can’t stop yourself from satisfying your urges when he steps out the tepid bathroom of your apartment, and today was no different. his torso was bare, strong chest and shoulders glistening with droplets and running down his strong sculpted stomach. the sage green towel was tied low on his hips, the shape of his thick natural bulge still present beneath the material. his hair was partially air dried already, slightly messy on his forehead. he looked to fucking die for, honestly — and it was obvious from your expression where you sat perched on the bed with your hands on your lap, sucking on your bottom lip as he only offers you a small tired smile, walking to the dresser to check his phone where it was on charge at the wall.
you’d laid out his grey sweatpants to change into afterwards, but you were pretty sure upon seeing him that he wasn’t going to make it into them just yet. see, it wasn’t just that he was stood there looking good, no. he’d been gone for two days, fighting some kind of evil, some kind of crime, you’d lost track of the story. he’d made it home that evening, and you’d done everything to make him comfortable — make him food, start the shower for him, made sure there wasn’t any injuries he was hiding, but god you’d missed him — even if it had only been two days.
“leon, c’mere.” you don’t mean to for it to come out so whiney, but it does anyway. he’s in the middle of rolling his tense shoulders, the muscles in his back dancing like choppy waves when he hears it and turns, eyes jumping up and down the way you’re sat in a flimsy tank-top and panties.
“did someone miss me?” he’s tired, but never too tired to smirk and tease you, slowly stepping towards the foot of the bed. you meet him there, crawling to the edge and grinning up at him as you lean on your hands. his hand is still a little warm and damp when it instinctively meets the side of your head gently, coarse thumb rubbing at your cheek tenderly. “wasnt gone that long, was i?”
you kiss the skin above his belly button, warm and slow and now you’re looking at him with those needy doe eyes and he’s thinking god, is she good to me. he’s never met someone with such a strong urge to please, no matter their own urges. the smirk fades into more of an adoring smile as his chin meets his chest to look at you, letting one knee take his weight on the soft bed. “long enough.” you mutter, hand curling into the towel where it was bunched at his hips and pulling so it loosened.
“yeah?” he crooned, feeling himself start to heat up a little more. his cock was only half hard, heavy, pretty and pink when you unveiled it, and you let out a soft whimper at the back of your throat just at the sight of it, letting your knees slide back on the bed so that you were laying on your stomach, eye-level with it. you kiss the soft shaft gently, kitten licking the tip as he hardens, his hand passing over the back of your head affectionately. he’s not even fully hard yet when you take his tip in your mouth and start suckling needily, hips squirming against the sheets in a way that was so distinctly horny.
“oh, pretty girl.” he let’s out a sigh, one of relief and relaxation once he’s at his full stiffness, wet and throaty noises filling the room as you massaged your saliva into him with your lips, using your splayed hand to run up his hips and stomach when it wasn’t cupping his balls. when he speaks, it’s barely audible — it’s addressed to you, but it’s like he’s speaking more to himself as he watches you with frowned brows. “you get so needy, s’fucking adorable. pretty mouth missed this dick, huh?”
you whine around him, not only at how good he tastes but also at the warm and comforting timbre of his voice that makes goosebumps erupt all down the backs of your arms. you pull him out your mouth to sloppily jerk him, clumsily pushing yourself to sit up again, just wanting to be closer. you lean your chin against his stomach so that you can gaze up at his pretty face, your eyes all glazed and doll-like as you watch him lovingly. he hisses through his teeth at your expression, and when you thumb over his slit, and bends at the waist to lean down and kiss you, heavy tongue pressing on yours and swallowing your moan, his strong hands either side of your neck to hold you still.
there was nothing leon loved more than your pretty face, and he couldn’t wait to finish all over it.
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seattlesellie · 1 year
Ellie n abby eat ass I jus know it. Lmk what/how u think they go abt it
this was supposed to be a blurb. i swear to god.
abby ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚: baby blue
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abby swears she likes patrols. she swears she does. they make her feel powerful, important, leave her panting with rushes of adrenaline coursing through her veins. she swears she likes them, but lately, her favorite thing about patrol started being coming home to you. seeing the look on your face, how your eyes light up, how you immediately pounce on her begging for a hug. your smell, your delicate hands trailing shapes down her stomach while she tells you about all the things she saw, all the things she killed. the best thing, however, were the things she brought. a delicate flower, a silly pin, a teddybear, anything that reminded her of you - she’d claim as hers. with her hands covered in blood, the sight of her large arms holding a pink duck plushie was borderline comedic. this one time, she even brought you a “cool looking rock” that she was so ashamed to gift you, but you ended up it putting beneath your pillow. everything she brought you was so special, so you, so abby.
last patrol, abby swore she met jesus. for abby, jesus wasnt the tiny pale blue skirt. jesus was you wearing it. when she found the fabric under a big pile of dusty clothes, her eye’s completely lit up. “oh shit” she muttered, a huge grin on her face, making manny side eye her so bluntly. the abby, the war machine, was giddy over a pale blue skirt?
“its not for me” was all she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
it was a wednesday afternoon, and abby was on patrol. again. the fact is, being without abby was like being without your very own source of holy water. her absence left you wandering around the wlf base like an aimless puppy, searching for stuff to do. one moment you were wandering the cafeteria, and five minutes later, you found yourself laying on top of one the gym benches, counting the cracks on the wall and trailing their shapes on your stomach.
“hey” you heard a familiar voice peaking behind you.
“oh- hey maya” you said, chirpy as ever. “whatcha doing?” the brunette responded, leaning on the wall near you. “nothing much… just laying here” you said with a smile, and got up to face her. “nice skirt” she said, visibly looking you up and down. getting looks from people wasnt new to you. whether it was for your looks, or the fault of your girlfriend, being looked at by curious eyes wasnt an exactly unfamiliar experience.
“thanks, abby got it for me on patrol” you responded with a big smile. talking about her always made you get like this. giddy, smiley, blushing.
“course she did” the brunette scoffed, gave you another piercing look and smiled. you let out a small sigh, suddenly feeling vulnerable at the amount of skin showing. to say that skirt was skimpy would be an understatement. “you look good” she retreated, and licked her lips slightly. you werent stupid, you knew people wanted you. but people also knew better than to mess with abbys girl. what you did notice, was maya’s advances at you. what you didnt, was abby standing in the corner of the gym’s entrance, examining you.
“leave her alone for 5 fucking minutes” she muttered under her breath and scoffed to herself. the jealousy was flooding her, but abby was a stern woman. with herself, and with other people. she knew how to manage herself, how to control her emotions, which is why she knew how to stop herself from ripping the girl to shreds, leaving her a mess on the floor.
slowly, she walked towards you.
big hands wrapped across your waist, startling you, making your breath hitch.
“abs!” you almost screeched. she smelled like wood and pine, she smelled like abby, your abby.
“hey there” she said sofly, still hugging you from behind, planting a delicate, soft kiss on top of your shoulder, squeezing you. abby couldnt help but glare at the girl in front of you, not breaking her eye contact. if that look had a name, it would be the “i’m gonna fucking strangle you” look. the girl rocked from one foot to the other, visibly perplexed. “nice catching up”, she mumbled.
“abs, think you scared her…” you said, turning around to face her. her icy blue eyes were burning through you. uh oh.
“yeah yeah” she scoffed, and immediately dropped her hands from your waist. one moment, she was hugging you. the next, she was benching.
“wh… not even gonna give me a kiss?” you asked, looking lost and confused. not even a kiss?
“mmph” she scoffed, yet again, while lifting another weight. her biceps were bulging through her shirt, shirt slightly hitching up with every lift, exposing her toned, beautiful v- line to you. if you didnt have any self respect, youd be drooling all over your shirt right now.
“abbyy? hello?” you stepped forward and waved your hand across her face. she immediately dropped the weights down to the floor, got closer to you, and whispered in your ear, not touching you for even a second. “that skirt?” she eyed you up and down, like she was examining her prey. “what?” you questioned, slightly pouting at her stern gaze.
“thats what you get up to when im not here?”
it all clicked now. you took a step forward, and said; “maybe if you didnt leave me…” and rolled your eyes at her. she immediately opened her eyes widely, perplexed at your sudden rush of courage. abby hated when you disrespected her. abby hated your eye rolling habit even more.
“what did you just say?” she said, squinting her eyebrows slightly. you took a step back, but if one moment you were in front of her, at the next one, in the speed of light, she grabbed your wrist forcefully and started dragging you behind her. she was walking so fast, her steps so big compared to yours, you basically had to skip to catch up with her. her grip became tighter and tighter, and by the moment you left the gym, she was practically walking you like a dog.
as soon as you stepped inside the cafeteria, someone had the audacity to approach abby. “hey ab-“ the friendly voice said. “not now” she was almost growling. her grip was hurting you, leaving red marks.
“ouch- abby- that hurts” what was she doing? she stopped right in her tracks, turned you around to face her, and her gaze softened for a moment. she grabbed your wrist, planted a soft kiss while maintaining eye contact, and a moment later continued with her dragging.
usually, walking from the gym to her room would take you 15 minutes. today, it took 8.
she opened the door with her key, hand still grabbing your wrist.
as she opened the door, she practically slammed you across it, almost kicking you to her room. “wha-“ was all you could mutter, before she closed the door with a bang, and pushed you on the door, grabbing both of your wrists now. you could feel her hot breath against your neck, and you couldnt help but arch your back, popping your ass ever so slightly. that act made abby let out a mean chuckle. “slut” she whispered to you, but it was more for her to hear.
she pushed up against you, her strong chest slamming you further against the door.
“its like that, yeah?” she whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. you couldnt help but whimper. “like what?” you whined.
“like you want everyone to see you, huh?” she cood, leaving you breathless beneath her frame.
“want everyone to see whats mine?”
she whispered against you, hers.
“n- no abby…” you whined, as your cunt started to ache. you felt suddenly so embarrassed, so vulnerable cheeks heating up.
she started panting, getting all worked up from hearing you whine against her. if she wasnt so mad, shed turn you around, make you face her. shed wanna look into your eyes, see you. but she cant, she just wants to ruin you now, ruin you for anyone else but her.
her hand started going further and further up your shirt, and she felt so warm, her hands so big and calloused against your soft skin. she forcefully ripped the lace bra (that she got you) away from your breasts, pinched your nipples harshly, and began toying with them as if they belonged only to her. you moaned at her touch, releasing a sound so loud it could make the entire base explode. could people hear you? yes. did abby give a fuck? absolutely not.
“want everyone to see your ass, huh?” she tsks, as she shamelessly pushed her crotch against your ass, making you whimper.
“n-no abby…” you whispered. abby yanked your hair down, releasing a choked up moan from your lips. that moan mafe her cunt ache just as much as yours.
she sighed, and demanded your answer. “whos ass is this?” she slapped both of your ass cheeks harshly, making you almost scream. yeah, thats gonna leave a mark, she thought.
“s’yours abby” you yelped. her body was so hot against yours, so rough and forceful you could almost see stars.
“who owns this ass?” she asked, bringing both of her hands to wrap around your neck, and your throat felt like it was fucking burning, holding on to your lungs, not letting you breathe in the slightest.
“answer me” she grunted, trailing bite marks down your back.
“you!” you whispered, all choked up, feeling the hot tears leaking from your face. your cunt ached for friction, just something to feel your clit grind against.
you almost say it, almost tell her, how much your pussy needs her, how wet shes making you, how deeply you want to get fucked, but all that comes out of your mouth are desperate little moans and breaths that make abby’s head spin.
“need to hear you say it” she grunts, drops her hands from your throat and lands another harsh slap on your ass, one that leaves her hand practically vibrating.
youre full on mumbling now, drunk on her touch. “you own this ass abby” and fuck, if hearing those words didnt kill her.
she immediately dropped down to her knees, and before you know it, shes yanking your panties down from your aching cunt, the fabric leaving a burn mark on your inner thigh. “ahh abby- ab- abby” you moan incoherent. “thats right, just like that” she said in a high pitched voice, almost desperate.
“my fucking ass” she mumbles to herself, and the next thing you know shes parting your asscheeks with her rough hands so hard you could almost tear in half.
the sight made her breath hitch, and when she finally managed to steady her breathing, a deep sigh escapes her lips. your ass spread open like this for her, the fact that she can see everything leads her to moan and clench her thighs together.
she spat out a huge glob, and as youre whimpering and backing your ass up for her, she starts rubbing the spit on your tightest hole, making it glisten, making the spit run down your thighs like diamonds. “please abby…” you whine. it feels so fucking good but you need more - her hot breaths are caressing your hole, making you clench tight.
she slowly starts rubbing her pointer finger up and down your slit, making your knees buck. you almost fall down from the pleasure, almost crumble beneath her, but her free hand is holding down your ankle not letting you move in the slightest, gluing you to the ground.
suddenly, you feel the warmth of her tongue on your tight little hole. shes growling in it, cupping her cunt because she just couldnt help herself. her tongue goes up and down, and then right inside you, and your mind goes completely numb, fucked out of your ass.
“mmhhm” she mumbles. “so fucking good”, and it sounds animalistic. her hand leaves her core, and she gives you another harsh slap, grabbing your asscheek and smothering it with her hand, kneading it like soft dough, jiggling it like her life depends on it.
her tongue moves from your tight hole to the hole of your pussy, slurping up all of the juices youre leaking, combined with her globs of spit. the sounds of harsh slurping and moaning are leaving her mouth and you feel like youre gonna come undone from just her tongue deep in your ass, and then - she stops. all the contact is gone, leaving you breathless, scratching the door.
“wh- wh” you started panting uncontrollably. you wanted to ask her what she was doing. why did she stop. you couldnt even speak. she got up, not even bothering to clean up the mess that was running down her chin, making it sticky and warm.
“gonna split you in half” she says, and you swore you were gone.
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octuscle · 3 months
Moments ago during the last night of the county fair my friends and i decided to go, there were many people and many atractions to play, while my friends decided to go to some atractions that i wasnt interested, i saw a muscular tanned hairy bald man with a manly beard wearing a black shirt with white pants and bots, standing in the middle of the crowd, he saw at my direction for some seconds then left to a tent where was sign saying "fortune teller, enter if you want to know your fate". I entered and a old man offered to read my hand, and after some moments i wasnt myself anymore
You're a typical WASP. Dutch and Swedish roots. A bit unathletic. But educated, liberal… What are you supposed to do with a fortune teller?
"You come from a country far away" Great, you think. Another person who doesn't tell you the future but tells you things you've known for a long time. And anyone could have told you that you are not from here with your black hair and brown eyes.
"You have a strong and assertive personality. A real fighter." Yes, the fortune teller is flattering you a little. But there's nothing wrong with a little flattery. We're all a little vain. You flex the muscles of the arm he's holding.
"You've always had to stand up to strong opponents." Which the guy can bet his ass on. You've never been given anything. Not in your childhood, before the civil war devastated your Syrian homeland, not in the times when bombs took your parents and your home, not when you fled here. And not since you have been here. But you are a fighter.
"You are a strong man who can hit hard. You move big weights." Oh my God, you think. Who would have guessed. The calluses on your hands are not from holding a fountain pen or typing on a keyboard. And neither are your broad shoulders. It's really obvious that you're no stranger to the gym.
"Whatever they tackle, it will be a success, it will be gold!" Ah, finally we come to the interesting part. Just the fact that you are here today, that you have your own stand at FIBO, one of the most important fitness fairs in the world, is already a huge success for you. You are here to present your new fitness app. But also to put yourself in the limelight. Because you can't yet make a living from your app alone. You also need lucrative advertising contracts.
"Champ, now stop with the manicure and take care of your sponsors!" The booming bass of your manager shakes the backstage area. He stands in the doorway of the room where your calloused hands are being shaped. A muscular tanned hairy bald man with a manly beard wearing a black shirt with white pants and boots.
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He's right, but looking good is the be-all and end-all here at the trade fair. Hopefully you'll be shaking a lot of hands over the next few days. And your hands need to be just as shiny as you are. You thank the manicurist who is giving your hands a final massage. Excellent work. And most importantly, she didn't talk while she was working. You have it when you have to talk in situations like this or are told things that you either already know or are not interested in.
A quick look in the mirror. Perfect complexion, perfect hair. The show can begin.
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The next few days are going to be hell. Pitches to investors, posing for fans, toadying to sponsors. But you are a fighter. And a professional. And whatever you touch turns to gold!
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iwanty0uu · 11 months
Heyyy how yall doin! Me? im just chillin thinkin about how onyankopon loves carribean girls
(im literally saying this because im jamaican but anyway)
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You whined your hips as your favorite song came on, touching your waist and breasts all while making eye contact with the tall darkskin boy through the crowd. Your best friend Mikasa always hosted the best parties, and always had the best playlists. Fever by Vybez Cartel rung through the speakers as you straightened yourself up and walked towards the figure across from you. You felt his dark lustful eyes burning through you and it turned you on but continued to ignore the the wetness and the butterflies in between your thighs.
You met the tall boy with a simple smile, well aware of how intimidating he looked while towering over you, but still managed to hold eye contact which caught his attention. He knew he looked intimidating, but it was always a nice surprise when a bold girl made the first move.He was practically eye fucking you. Your tight black dress held together by crisscross strings emphasized the curve in your torso ,while the dress flattered the mounds on your chest and made your ass nearly pour out of the bottom of your outfit. The red tattoo on your side barley showing but just enough to show the vine and hibiscus flowers which wrapped around to your lower back. Leaning over you to get a better view of your tattoo, he focused on your back dimples and couldnt help but smile to himself.
“Where u from pretty girl?” he questioned as he placed his drink down, leaning up against the wall behind him. Although the music blared, his deep voice felt like it penetrated every sound in the house, making his words clear, sharp, and only for your ears. You smiled as you flipped your hair over your shoulder revealing a gold chain in the shape of your homeland. “Born and raised” you replied as he smiled. “Ouu you Caribbean girls are dangerous, i hear yall cheat a lot, Im Ony by the way.” His smile was perfect, the pool in your underwear felt like it soaked through your short black dress, shiittt if he was thirsty you had a perfect beverage for him but i digress. “I’m y/n and you can come find out yourself, i meann i wont cheat unless you give me a reason too” ..your confidence could easily make a man’s dick wet,and if ony didnt have on them ksubi jeans the pre cum in his boxers would be visible.
“n/n you is a trip, can i call you n/n? imma call you n/n and if i hear anybody else calling you that imma kill them” he said as he faked a deadpan face. He was funny, he actually made you laugh, he was the first dude you met who wasnt the actual joke in your life. “boy bye everyone calls me that, you finna have a long ass hitlist then hun” you said as you rested your hand on your waist. He looked you up and down again and laughed “stop eye fucking me” you said cockily. Now to be fair, you were doing it first, thats why he stared back at you while you were dancing, and you did want to get to know him more. So, you grabbed his hand, as walked backwards slowly through the crowd. You knew you looked good and fucked good so your confidence was on one hundred tonight
“Hey, lets go back to my place and get to know eachother more..I mean you look all lonely standing here in the corner by yourself sooo we can def be friends” you couldnt resist his ass, and its obvious that he was feelin you too, but you wanted to get to know him more for real, i mean its not like fuckin him till your jaw locked didnt cross your mind once or twice but your intentions werent JUST to use him for his body, sexual thoughts are part of human nature and you just so happened to have some about the fine black man in the room! honest! He did look like he could be some good entertainment for however long he planned on staying in your life, there’s nothing wrong with a boy toy or two.. “Ony baby do you got a girl? i dont wanna be playin in nobody face looking dumb now..” You aren’t insecure, but everybody and they momma cheats in new york.. so theres nothing wrong with asking. “absolutely not..i gotta stay loyal to my girl” he said as he stopped you and gave you a twirl as he held your hand. hm, bold..
Turning back around while he opened the front door for you, it was already set in Onyankopon’s mind that you two would be more than friends..more than bestfriends at that, and he would know all about your favorite things, and your favorite parts. And if you were sure about one thing in your life, it would be that he would be yours by the end of the night, and he knew which set of girls did it the best. Walking off of the front lawn he opened the passenger door for you and quickly ran to the drivers side.
“manner-able too” you thought to yourself looking pleased. “So Ms.Y/n,” he said taking a sigh and turning the ac on low, causing the pine tree air freshener to dance around the rear-view mirror. “Who taught you how to whine like that? Im a visual learner by the way..” he said as he licked his lips and smiled, looking even finer in the low car light which illuminated his grills and nose piercing, rubbing his hands together showing his gold watch which sat pretty, almost as pretty as you on his wrist, accenting his thick veiny hands. Polished fingers looking so delicate and so clean, so glossy yet so rough. Everything about him was fine, and looked expensive.
His clean white shirt didnt have to be name brand to make his outfit hard.. damn was he good at existing, everything about him was so clean and polished. He is aesthetically pleasing to the eye which not a lot of people are. You couldnt stop looking at him in this lighting.. the low dim lights of the party didnt bring out all of his features as well as the car light did. Around his eyebrow rested a small but noticeable scar and a double slit eyebrow made his sharp features even more attractive.
“Lemme take a picture of your fine ass to make this view last longer” you said while grabbing your phone to snap a quick pic, quickly opening snap since their camera was the best. “i would send it to you but i dont have your number, here put it in” he laughed at your demand for his number. “You want me to drop you home? and you still aint answer my question mama” he added on determined.
“I’ll answer it when i get home, its still early so you can come up with me till youre ready to leave, but until then..” you said as you pulled him close and pecked him on his lips, “whats your favorite color?”
Boy are you in for the RIDE of your life..
guysss i hope you enjoyed this i feel like im getting back in the groove with this writing thing this was also long as fuck😭 so please give me any tips and tell me if you liked it! Big up my carribean people and give me some scenario ideas!😋~ ℒℯ𝓁ℯ<3
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imflyingfish · 12 days
Rating Highground X Minecraft keyboard/accessories
Im going to just be rating based on visual appearence rather than quality of the keyboard
1. Inventory
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They tried. The grey really isnt appealing and neither are the icons. Pretty obvious and boring. However, i do like that they at least tried to match the letters with the keys. M for melon. L for lava. G for gold. But why is X for crossbow? I do like the fact that the enter key is the furnace icon, and the use of minecraft font (even if i dont like the minecraft font). 2/10 I have minecraft toolbar keycaps and theyre so much better with shinethrough.
2. Steve and Animals
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I love the colours for this, id live to have that skyblue on my desk. I like the animals too i think the illustration is really nice. But i dont think Steve is really doing the board any favours. His skin is pretty light imo, and i dont think people appear great on keycaps anyway (just look at how his face is bulging by his eyes). Tbh i think id like this board a LOT if it wasnt for Steve, and thats a shame bc i like steve. 5/10
3. Creepers
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I like this one a lot. It reminds me of those minecraft animations. Looks like a minecraft themed fever dream. I also like how the healthbar has less hearts than all the other ones. 9/10 i like it but its not for me.
4. Mining wall
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Again i really dont like the grey. I just dont think this one lools good tbh. Who wants diorite on their keyboard? (Im jk i love diorite) anyway. Unrealistic block formation but otherwise fine 4/10
5. grASS block
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No. What the piss it this? This just. No. It looks bad. Stop. Who wants this on their desk. Stop. It looks silly and as classic as the grass block is this just looksgross. No. 0/10
6. Blocky
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This is my favourite of all the board sets. Its just fun. The blocks do unfortunatly look warped due to the keyboard shape. Its not the prettiest thing in the world but i do like it a lot for being silly and just a big mess. 8/10 its the first board to sell out.
7. Map
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I actually really like this one. I think the pattern is nice and matches well with the shape of the keycaps. I can see myself getting lost staring at this while im meant to be working. I think this does the brown and green scheme a lot better than grass block did. 9/10
8. TNT
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Im a huge fan. The block is a classic choice, it fits nicely as a set, its clean. I like this a lot! 10/10
9. Deskmat - map
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Very nicely sized, cute pattern with the map. I like the text on the ends. I think this is quite whimsical but still neat. 8/10
9. Deskmat - mining blocks
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I quite like this. Obvious design but i think it works. I dont mind the grey so much. Its not particuarly exciting though. 7/10
Im going to add onto this with the final few items since ive hit post limit
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exiledelle · 6 months
ive seen a couple people here and there be upset over how the route ends, but i want to give my two cents on why i actually really like it
(btw this is not at all me saying people HAVE to enjoy it, or arent allowed to dislike it, just sharing my own take on it)
if youve clicked the read more im going to assume youve played through the merciless route and seen its ending, or dont care about spoilers for it
otherwise what the heck are you doing here
but basically, what ive seen people get upset over a lot, is the fact that clover kills asgore and flowey instantly, takes the human souls, and then just waltzes out of the underground and beyond the players reach (which is my personal take on why resetting goes back to floweys control, and clover forgetting, instead of to when clover unlocks the save ability, is its not clover or flowey resetting, but us. the player IS a distinctly separate entity in ut/dr after all)
but honestly?? what else COULD have happened?? asgore couldnt handle frisk at level ONE. he didnt stand even a FRACTION of a chance against an lv 20 clover, who might i add, has a giant laser beam, a degree of soul magic not even frisk obtains. you COULD argue chara uses soul magic to "kill" our save file at the end of undertales merciless route though, i could see that, but still, clovers laser is a much more direct and obvious show of it. (and just to be safe, before anyone tries to say humans dont have magic, no, thats literally the entire premise of the setting is humans used magic to create the barrier, its just less present in humans than it is in monsters, who are made of the stuff)
and undertale yellows merciless route goes the route of deciding that undertales version already said everything there is to say on the meta aspects and the whole "you can so you need to" mindset, so instead it just calls it what it is: its a power trip. its mindless slaughter for the sake of getting stronger, whether its the player demanding a different ending (like deltarunes coldhearted route(im not calling it snowgrave, but this is entirely personal preference)), or again just wanting to see whatll happen. but either way its to feel strong.
and what happens at the end of that power trip? youve reached level 20. youve surpassed floweys control. you have as much power as you could ever hope to achieve. so, realistically:
whats stopping you from just killing asgore and leaving.
nothing. so you do.
and it leaves you wondering: was the power trip worth it. was the pain and suffering you caused worth it to get such a blatantly, not just non-canon, but ANTI-CANON ending? (EDIT: and i mean this in a positive way, its the same kind of self-reflection over your actions that undertale pulls, just communicated in a more indirect way)
and it being so anti-canon is part of why its such a haunting ending for me.
there really wasnt any other possible way for it to end. lv 20 itself and the way undertale and deltarune characterize that increase in power, in retrospect it feels obvious that it would be anti-canon in a prequel. monster souls are weaker than human souls, even at lv 1. so against a human whos lv 20, and who got there by constantly persisting and trying over and over to get past whatever obstacle is in front of them, and refuses to give up on their conquest, theres nothing anyone can do, and that alone rips the canon of undertale into shreds.
even SANS realizes theres nothing that can actually stop you, not even him, so the best he can hope for is that he puts up enough of a fight to make the player give up and/or reset, same reason his final attack is a turn that never ends.
and having to face that by helplessly watching clover blast an asgore-shaped hole in the story is TERRIFYING to me, in a way i really love the yellow team for doing. idk if its actually intentional or if im reading too much into it, but either way,
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roseworth · 11 months
im a little sick rn so im sorry if this doesnt make sense or sounds like the ramblings of a crazy person. but every once in a while i see people say that teen titans 2003 completely butchered rose's character and while i think thats true i feel like its also important to mention that. tt03 completely defined rose's character. dgmw she had plenty of good appearances beforehand (titans 99 rose my forever beloved) but teen titans IS her character
like she had showed up in deathstroke comics and mostly either didnt have much of a personality or was experiencing a lot of emotions given that she was having the worst week of her life so its hard to pinpoint an actual personality from that, then in titans she was a fun character but was entirely a side character that didnt have a lot to do. she was on two titans teams before tt03 but never went on a mission (unless u count that one ww issue she was in). not to mention her entire relationship with slade was "hes just kinda the guy that impregnated my mom then indirectly got her killed" so she didnt like him but she also didnt care all that much
but tt03. usually when geoff johns butchers a character he doesnt really give a reason for why their personality is different, but with rose there is a very clear explanation. in #0.5 despite its problems (mischaracterizing lili in the one (1) panel she appeared in and giving rose the. sigh. foster parents.) she was pretty much the same she had been in deathstroke comics, where she was a mostly average person with mild violent tendencies. then wade (same guy that killed her mom) came and murdered her foster parents in front of her, she was very obviously angry and was having a VERY emotionally charged moment. she was angry at the titans because they were the closest people nearby in that moment, then she wasnt angry at slade because he was the one handing her a gun to let her take her revenge. so we very clearly see what made her feel like slade was her only resort, then in issue #12 they say that slade is using the super soldier serum on her to keep her there. so everything is laid out pretty clearly. then ofc when she joins the team in #34 its pretty obvious that her personality is gonna be different bc shes just gotten out of being forced to work with slade against her will, then put on the teen titans where she feels like no one but eddie actually wants her there, but she cant leave because she thinks slade will find her again. shes angry and hurting and her life has been fundamentally changed
basically idk. tt03 shaped most of her personality, her relationship with slade, and her general outlook on life and actually gave a reason for why so much was changed. and before that she had been a pretty minor character, so teen titans gave her a chance to actually. be a character with motives. so while she is a different character in tt03 (though i'd also argue that she has a fairly similar personality in the deathstroke comics she'd been in) i dont think its entirely true to say that it was BAD for her character
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mishapen-dear · 8 months
okay but WHY has bad been dropping so many demon hints lately. or, at least, non-human insinuations. It’s one thing for him to tell Bagi, when asked directly, that he’s thousands of years old (and then to continuously deflect from that afterwards). And its another thing for him to go on and on about how delicious non-edible (and people shaped) things are when around her/other very trusted people. but. at the Día de los Muertos event he lied about being mortal in a way that made it VERY obvious that he wasn’t. same for when they were asking for his species (he is definitely a carrot yep, for sure not anything else).
bad KNOWS how to lie. ccbad and qbad kept the furniture secret so well that even some of the most devoted ghosties were CONVINCED it wasnt him. He is badly lying about being a demon on purpose. but why?
he seems to want no one to know about it- it was never brought up before mouse inadvertently confirmed it one day. but ever since he told bagi about his age, especially... he’s been Letting it slip. but then he goes and questions cucuruchito about demons over and over- which suggests he very specifically doesn’t want the federation to know, but he also knows that cucuruchito is likely some info-gatherer for the feds, and he’s smart enough to know that those questions were suspicious as hell.
there’s also the slightly meta aspect that this may be foreshadowing. Planting not-human bbh in the other players’ heads if (please WHEN) he does something especially supernatural or weird. classic storytelling. But at the same time. it’s bad. I would expect him to combine a classic “remember this” narrative tool and a character-important trait so we can’t even brush off all these demon mentions as pure meta or pure character growth a la “trusting his friends more”
idk idk but what i DO know is that i will continue to watch him so fucking suspiciously. what are you doing demon boy and why are you inviting yourself to be caught
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vampybitesu · 18 days
HAIII!!!! Can you make a Kris one?? From deltarune? Sfw and Nsfw both, please? Tyy!!
Hiii! ofc! I was kinda struggling with this one so i hope its good -w-
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warnings: nsfw, nsfw written by a minor, biting kink(?), face sitting, thigh kink(? not rlly sure what to call it😭), if i missed anything lmk!!
all characters are aged up!!
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Kris Dreemurr x GN!Reader HC's
you and kris met at school your senior year, in alphys's biology class. You were sat next to the quiet kid and eventually you befriended them... somehow. You're not quite sure how you did it, but you did. 
After you two became friends, you started to learn a lot about them, including this "dark world" they and their other friend susie liked to go to. At first, you didn't believe them, thinking they were just a... really imaginative guy, but eventually they convinced susie to let you see it and once you did your mind was blown. 
of course, you had to explore this new and foreign place, having kris, susie, and their other friend ralsei show you around the dark world. 
The experience helped you become even closer to kris, and after a while of exploring the dark world and fighting evil bosses together, you noticed that you had grown feelings for the nonchalant guy.
You weren't sure how to go about confessing your feelings to them, you weren't sure you should've even confessed at all, but after Susie convinced you (because she thought Kris would reject you and she'd get a little laugh out of it), you went for it.
You wrote them a cute little love poem (cringe i know), slipping it onto their desk in the middle of class, hoping and praying to every god you knew that they wouldn't reject you.
Surprisingly, they said they felt the same way, they even took you to the local diner after school as a sorta 'date', and it was the most fun you'd had in a while.
Since they were already such a quiet and reserved guy, it was difficult to have full conversations with them. You didn't mind though since sitting together in silence actually proved to be quite nice. Just hanging out together, doing different tasks in the comfort of each others presence, it was quite relaxing honestly.
Kris wasn't really into PDA at first, opting to show their affection behind closed doors like hand-holding and cuddling, but eventually they came out of their shell and held your hand out in public for the first time, and when they did it made you ecstatic (which you kept inside for their sake).
Whenever you, Kris and Susie are in the dark world, Kris has a tendency to be protective over you, always keeping you out of danger. You found it quite endearing, the way they'd always jump in front of you to protect you from an enemies attack, making sure you weren't injured.
Of course, if you did ever get hurt, whether it be from battle or just a small accident, they were always there to take care of you. Sometimes they'd heal you with foods like dark candy or club sandwiches, and sometimes they'd use their healing magic to heal you up, always making sure you were at max HP. What a sweetheart<3
Their favorite thing to do with you is sit by the lake at the edge of town and watch the sunrise/sunset or stargaze with you, the two of you just sitting side-by-side, your hand in theirs, sometimes you guys will even try to find constellations when stargazing or just try to find little shapes in the stars. They always laugh when you say some stars look like them, they donmt quite see it, but they believe you.
Now if it wasnt obvious, Kris was a virgin, so when you first did it with them you made sure to take things slow, and as you both started getting more comfortable with each other you tried out different things.
Their favorite position has to be cowgirl, they just love looking up at you as you ride them, giving you full control (also its totally not cause i think their a sub).
Kris definitely has a thing for your chest, always pinching and gently pulling on your nipples, sometimes even licking them or sucking on them, you always end up having teeth marks and saliva on your chest when you two are done.
Kris loves to mark you up, always biting you or sucking hickeys into your skin, leaving dark purple spots on your neck, chest, stomach or inner thighs.
Speaking of thighs, they loves yours, always squeezing the soft flesh, loving the sight of hickeys there (they also love to lay their head on your lap when their tired and needs a nap).
They know you worry about hurting them, but they go feral when you sit on their face, always making sure to pull you down onto their face when you hesitate and just hover above them. And, of course, they make sure to eat you out like his life depends on it, always slurping and licking like you were their last meal.
Of course, they always make sure to take care of you after, cleaning you with a warm and damp rag and making sure to get you anything you needed, water, snacks, a warm and fuzzy pillow, anything at all. They always made sure you were comfortable and well taken care of, cuddling up to you after and falling asleep soundly in your arms.
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thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed!!
please let me know if you'd like to join the taglist!
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yanderestevenuniverse · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering, if you can do it, can you write a Yandere Steven Universe x Sibling reader? If you can't that's ok!
sure thing
Disclaimer: in this case steven is a platonic yandere who does not have an romatic attraction to the reader he,s more like an overprotective sibling on steroids. Remember kids incest is bad it is Morally, Spiritually, Philosophically and scientificlly bad. Never attempt it and if you do you should be punished.
Title: Oh brother.
Steven had always been... protective of you after all steven got lucky being born first leaving you with no gem and a laundry list of health issues at first when you were both still kids it didnt matter too much you would spend you day eating, sleeping, playing games reading along with steven becuse you could never never go outside too much. After steven got his powers everything changed now it was seven who constantly went on adventures with the gems saving the world and battling monsters leaving you... alone. When steven got kiddnapped aquamarine things got worse he didnt even consault you about what happend before he went off once again leaving you behind constantly at his heels and after the reform of the empire and the opening of little Home school didnt help anything either eventually you two just grew apart you would call steven out on his complete disregaurd for not only you and those around him and he would say he has resposibilitys now you two would fight and do the same thing tomorrow.
One day you decided to go to a party not the smartest decision considering you had never been to one before and your health issues but it was there during those blinding lights and harsh music you met your partner.
After you collapsed in the middle of the party they helped you up and drove you home (leaving their number in your jacket pocket) and after you woke up you had him over for dinner as a thank you thats when the two of you started dating.
When you first introduced them to the gems it went off withouut a hitch off course pearl gave her concerns but quickly warmed up to them after a few terrible jokes but weridly steven wasnt their apparently him and dad (greg) had gone on a road trip or somthing like that you didnt really care.
Days went by and the two of you spent more and more time together for the first time you were with someone who didnt treat like a baby becuse you ran out of breath after walking 10 feet you were pretty sure this was love. Garnet amethyst and pearl freaked out over the next couple days becuse steven went missing but you didnt worry after all its Steven the saviour of the galexy... at leat thats what you thought...
now standing in your home and your now former partners head splattered across the floor you wernt so sure. Steven standing tall above you glowing pink from head to toe, his pupils like diamond shaped pin pricks and look that seemed to be a strange blend of shock and desperation you stood their paralyzed hyperventalating the two of you staring at each other
Y/n Please... i cant lose anyone else said steven with an obvious shake in his voice.
Before he could say another word you collapsed too your knees your breathing only getting more eratic, your heart pounding in your chest and vision swirling before an explosion of pain poped into your head all the while you could bearly hear steven rambling
Im sorry im so sorry oh stars im sorry i-i just want things to go back i-i dont want to lose you to anyone we can go back just like when we were kids... oh please im so sorry.
As you head hit the floor you felt the hand of your brother resting on your back as you drifted into unconsiousness.
Note: im not sure if this is what you wanted or not i just get an idea and then it just spirals lol.
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c-53 · 1 year
hey so, not starting shit, but why all the tma hate? i was an old casual fan, thought it was decent in terms of a different story and a podcast that wasnt essentially some movie without visuals- characters seemed interesting enough without being overly done. was it just the fandom that makes people hate it, like usual, or was it something else? is it because its british? not to put a spotlight on you but i think if i googled this i might not get a straight answer lmao- (also, not that my thinking it was a fun story means others should like it, but im getting at; i dont know whats wrong here. why is there such a violent hate for it suddenly?)
ok this is rambly bc my thoughts on the matter are disjointed, but. Tbh, i just thought it was mid! and. I dislike how overhyped and rabid the fans are. Its really just. Mid. Everything I liked about it has been done better by other podcasts but its still lauded as a peak of its form. I felt the story itself sort of suffocated it. It grew in scale and scope so so so much and so fast that it stopped being horror, and simply became a thriller, and then a suffering montage. Knowing the face of the horror, and the rules it plays by undermines horror, and thats exactly what the show became. I did not like it. but it never felt like an intentional genre change. Things continued as they were, but the small stakes were gone so it didn't hit as hard. And.... perhaps if they did change, they could have put more focus on the plotline of loss of humanity, which really really interested me, but. I don't remember liking how little they got into that either. It felt like a surface level exploration of becoming something Not Human.
But um. moving on. one of the biggest selling points people make for it, is how diverse it is, and. while it had rep, I really did not like it? Jonmartin felt forced for fan appeasement, and it felt obvious that the creators didn't understand the appeal of the ship and just wrote it generically sweet, which, don't blame them, i don't get the appeal either. and then theres the lesbian who's whole thing is that she loves police brutality so much that an entity grabbed her about it, and Melanie (who I wanna say is bisexual but I can't remember if thats fanon or not) who's basically a walking mexican/hispanic stereotype, and then theres the whole thing with the asian market ep that comes off as insanely racist, and. the fucking weird ass thing the fandom did where they took a white man's self insert and made him ambiguously brown to the degree that many people don't even know that he's a white man's self insert and will vehemently argue he's not white, and that he counts as representation?
I enjoy the first 2 seasons of TMA as a standalone thing, but hate the fans, and don't like what it shaped up to be, and that sort of compounds with the issues I have with it. but I don't know what issues other people have with it.
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