#i like shuu’s jacket
otomehonyaku · 3 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ☽ Anime Genteiban DVD Mini Drama Translation ☽ Side Story I (Ayato, Laito, Shuu)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS 限定版 SPECIAL DISK II Side Story I Voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato), Hirakawa Daisuke (Laito), Toriumi Kōsuke (Shuu) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (special thanks to @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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These CDs were exclusives that came with the limited edition DVD for the first season of the Diabolik Lovers anime! They basically depict short scenes in-between the story of the anime, and they're surprisingly fun so far. This one in particular takes place after Ayato and Yui had their little moment in the underground pool (⸝⸝⸝• ω •⸝⸝⸝) ♡ Have fun reading/listening!
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[This CD takes place after Ayato threw Yui into the pool and kissed her. The scene starts when Ayato walks away after pulling Yui out of the water.]
00:00 Ayato: Thanks to her, I’m soaking wet… Fuck, my shirt is clinging to my skin. This sucks.
[Ayato takes off his jacket.]
A: I know I shouldn’t bother with her, but why…
[Ayato takes off his uniform shirt and hangs his clothes in front of the fireplace.]
A: My uniform should dry quickly in front of the fire.
[A fire crackles in the hearth. Ayato notices a presence nearby.]
A: Hey, Laito. The hell are you doing? If you’re going to be here, don’t just silently stare at me like that! Creeps me out.
Laito: Hehe. You caught me.
A: Shut up. You’re not fooling anyone.
L: Oh my, Ayato, you’re drenched. What happened? I didn’t know it was going to rain today.
A: Tch. You’re so predictable.
L: How so?
A: Playing innocent even though you know exactly what’s goin’ on. Quit the theatrics.
L: Haha. Well, well, well… Looks like I hit a nerve. Hehe. I wonder if it’s because Bitchlet’s lips tasted sweeter than you were expecting… Tell me, how was it? I want to know. 
01:31 A: Shut up. Don’t spy on me.
L: I wasn’t spying or anything. I just so happened to stumble upon the two of you.
A: Then why the fuck were you at the pool? You hate swimming.
L: Huh? Look who’s talking. You’re the one who hates water. Besides, you didn’t answer my question. What did her lips taste like? Stop dodging the question and tell me.
A: I don’t feel like telling you.
L: Hehe. So it was that good… 
A: Fuck off!
L: Haha! You’re really getting worked up about it. Are you shaken, Ayato? How rare.
A: I’m not shaken. Laito, if you don’t shut up now, I’m going to beat the shit out of you.
L: Now, now. You’d better not. If you’re going to punch this beautiful face of mine, my nightly engagements with the opposite sex will turn sour.
A: Fuck off. I don’t care.
L: Sorry, sorry. Don’t be so angry.
A: Tch.
02:40 L: Really, though. That was her first kiss, wasn’t it?
A: Of course. I’m taking all of her firsts. Her fate was sealed when she showed up at our doorstep.
L: I wonder if they’re really that good, those first times. But you have a big thing for firsts and being first after all, right, Ayato?
A: What are you talking about?
L: I mean, don’t you think girls are even more tempting when they already belong to someone else? When someone other than me already loves her so badly, truly cherishes her… I fucking loathe that. Hehe… The thought of stealing that girl away is enough to get me off. Don’t you enjoy stuff like that, too? Haha!
A: Pervert. What’s good about getting someone’s sloppy seconds? A girl with fair, untainted skin, without a single bite mark… What’s better than being the first to take her?
L: Bitchlet’s not exactly untainted anymore, though, is she? Hehe. I want to taste her for myself soon.
A: Do you seriously think I’d let you?
04:00 L: I’ll make her feel really good, I promise.  I’ll trace and lick all the little spots on her body that you've touched, Ayato... I’ll sink my fangs into her in the places where you bit her… I’ll savour her. Huh? But if I do that, I wonder who she’ll fantasise about, feeding on her… Or rather, I wonder whose feeding she’ll recall… 
A: I told you, I don’t wanna hear it.
L: I wonder if it’ll be me. Or you, Ayato. Or maybe someone else? Haha.
A: Laito, you prick, stop fucking around! She’s mine. Go hunt some other woman!
L: Oh, Ayato. If you get so worked up about her, I’ll only want her more.
[Ayato throws something Laito’s way.]
A: Are you pickin’ a fight with me?
L: No need to make such a scary face at me, Ayato. Besides, you keep saying that she’s yours, but so long as she’s in this mansion, I have a right to taste her too, you know. If anything, she’s our sacrificial bride.
A: Shut up! If I say she’s mine, she’s mine!
L: Come on, that’s just your ego talking. Shuu thinks so too. Right, Shuu?
A: Huh? Shuu?
Shuu: Fuck off. Just let me sleep in peace. And even if you don’t–today’s a full moon, so don’t expect much from me. I’m tired.
L: Tired? Surely you actually mean that you’re brimming with power?
S: Whatever.
L: I love the full moon. On these full moon nights, all my worries dissipate and I can’t help but focus on one single desire. 
S: Heh.
06:00 A: Shuu, how long have you been here?
S: Doesn’t really matter, does it?
L: He’s been there the entire time, so he’s heard the entire conversation. Oh, I wish Shuu could’ve seen Ayato’s Grand Dive and Bitchlet’s rosy cheeks. 
[Laito wraps his arms around himself in delight.]
A: Shut the fuck up!
S: I saw it.
A: You did? 
[Ayato and Laito both shoot upright in surprise.]
A & L: Wait, you were there?
S: Tone it down. The two of you are way too loud. The underground pool is a good spot to take an afternoon nap.
A: Tch. You piss me off.
L: Heh. Seems like everyone knows what you were doing in there. Except, well, I guess we don’t know how you’re really feeling about it.
A: Subaru was in his room and Reiji was holed up in his lab, right?
L: Well, yeah, but you never know. Subaru might have been listening in, and Reiji might have picked up on it during his experiments as well…  I'm not sure about Kanato, though.
07:15 S: He was there.
L: Huh? He was at the pool?
S: Yeah. He was looking in from the terrace on the second floor.
L: Hahaha! So he was!  He was making such an disinterested face earlier, but in reality he was keeping a firm eye on her.
A: Ugh.
L: Feeding in the water is pretty nice though, isn’t it? I enjoy it too. When you’re underwater, you can really feel the breath and body temperature of your prey. As soft as a little bird, and warm, and so fickle… It’s just too good.
S: I hate feeding underwater.
L: Oh, so Shuu has experience with it as well. I never knew.
S: It takes more effort than it usually does. And when the water’s cold, the blood turns colder as well.
L: That’s a good point. But to be fair, I like blood when it’s cold just as much as when it’s warm. 
S: Anyway, I use the pool to sleep. 
L: Well, that’s unusual. Heh. 
A: If the pool’s such a good place to sleep, why aren’t you there all the time? Why were you there just to bother me?
S: This is a bother. Ugh… It’s because the moonlight is the prettiest from there.
L: Aha, so you do like the full moon after all!
S: I never said I hated it. Besides, I was there first. Then Laito came, and you, Ayato, got there last. You should’ve just gone to your own room.
A: Tch. Shut up.  I came in here to dry my uniform because this is the biggest hearth in the mansion.
S: Also, Ayato, put some clothes on. You’re half-naked and it’s repulsive. 
09:27 A: What? You lifeless prick. I have no reason to listen to you call me repulsive. Says the one who takes baths fully clothed.  Who’s the more repulsive one then?
S: It’s not like I do that because I like it.  It’s because it’s too bothersome to take anything off.
L: Come on, let’s just leave it.
S: I agree. 
L: Hm?
[Laito sniffs the air.]
A: What? Is someone else here?
L: No, but doesn’t it smell like something’s burning?
A: Huh? Like something’s burning?
[Ayato’s uniform has caught fire.]
A: Ah!
L: Woah, his shirt! His jacket! They’re on fire!
S: They’ll catch fire if you put them too close to the hearth. 
A: Why didn’t you say anything, then? Fuck!
[Ayato throws his clothes on the ground and tries to stomp out the flames.]
L: Ah, what a shame. You should honestly tell Reiji what happened, and he might get a new one for you. That you jumped in the pool to save Bitchlet from drowning, and that your clothes caught fire when you hung them out to dry. Hehe.
A: You asshole. You makin’ fun of me?
L: Not at all. I just want to see Reiji’s reaction when you tell him. I wonder how concerned he’ll be for Bitchlet. 
A: I don’t even wanna know.  Listen. I’m telling you one more time.  Pancake’s mine. Don’t lay a finger on her.
S: You’re in no position to order us around. 
11:06 L: Yeah, tell him, Shuu! 
A: What? Want me to tell you again?
S: Ugh, shut up. I want no part in this.
A: Shuu! I wasn’t done talking!
S: What? Hurry up and say it.
A: Do not lay a finger on her.
S: I can’t make any promises.
[Ayato grabs Shuu by the collar.]
L: Huh! What a turn of events. This is the first time Shuu’s expressed interest in our sacrificial bride.  Hehe. This is getting interesting.
A: For fuck’s sake, Laito, shut up.
S: It’s not like I’m interested or anything. She’s only prey. Nothing more, nothing less.
A: If it’s prey you’re after, go hunt somewhere else.
12:01 S: That’s too bothersome. We have a living sacrifice at home, after all.
A: Tch.
L: Haha! This is too enjoyable.  Hey, if this is the situation we’re in, why don’t we place bets on whose fangs Bitchlet will become addicted to? That’ll make things so much more rewarding.
A: Huh? The fuck are you trying to say? Of course it would be mine!
S: I don’t care about the feelings of my prey.
L: Huh? You don’t care?
A: Yeah, right. Laito, there’s no reason to hold a competition. It’s obvious that she likes my feeding the best.
L: [To Shuu:] Are you fine with that?
A: Get a life, Laito.
S: I agree.
A: I’m going back to my room. 
[Ayato walks off.]
L: Huh…
S: Me too. I’m sleepy.
[Shuu walks off as well.]
L: Huh? You too, Shuu?
S: The moon’s waning, you know.
[Shuu closes the door behind him.]
L: Ah, how boring.  We vampires have infinite time on our hands… If only they’d play along with my games for once. It’d do them good to have some fun.
[Laito heads for the door.]
L: Hehe. Bitchlet’s feeling something.  Feeling something that I know all too well. And I’ll be the one to expose it. The first one to expose it, that is. 
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s4kasaki · 1 year
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♡ — eye candy.
‣ tws/cws: mentions of fighting. maybe suggestive? I cannot tell...
‣ reader: gender netural - they/them but no usage of prns on reader .
‣ authors note: important to note that, the reader likes sweets & this takes place in *!* era, back when kuro was a bit violent. hello s4kasaki, I haven't touched this blog in decades. this was inspired by something I read on ao3.
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It was no secret you loved sweets, not at all. You loved all kinds: the creamy, rich vanilla cake piled high with icing & sprinkles that you got on rare events, the numerous candy bars that you would snack on as you walked to and back from Yumenosaki, the cold and refreshing ice cream you would eat on painfully hot days. But one of your favorite sweets of all time was the one that you had never gotten the chance to experience the taste of: the eye candy that went under the name of Kiryuu Kuro.
When you first met him, he was fighting some punk who dared to mess with his childhood friend, Itsuki Shuu. You watched him threaten the sucker within an inch of his life, the only thing that reminded you of Hot Tamales; intense, powerful, and really, really hot.
The next time you saw him was a week later, and he asked you if he could copy your notes. When you had asked him for what reason, he called you a name under his breath that you couldn't really hear, and was seemingly pissed off. But at the end of the day, you found him waiting by your locker with a look of shame and that came with an explanation of why he insulted you: the night before was the anniversary of his mother's death and he had no time to do his work. You struggled to hold back a smile as she watched Kuro muddle through an apology, and you were reminded of Sour Patch Kids at that moment: he was sour, sweet and then gone.
A week or so after that, she had seen him arguing with someone who you figured would be somebody he was friends with, Mikejima Madara. With no knowledge of the topic, but what you did know? Was that whenever they argued, Kuro reminded you of Pop Rocks: explosive, energetic, and dangerous if you weren't careful.
But the first time you were wholeheartedly convinced that Kuro was pure — is when he had gifted comfort, when another had put you down. He had not only offered a shoulder to cry on but after school, he demanded that they apologize to you immediately, or he would've made them. The more you spent time with him, and the more you paid attention to his mannerisms, you cracked what the perfect candy Kuro was like; he was chocolate. It could be dark, bitter… but then there's times where it is sweet.
So now, whenever you see him roaming the halls of the academy, jacket slung behind one shoulder and hair the color of Twizzlers swooping across his forehead, your mouth begins to water, and you can't help but wonder: does this eye candy think you look yummy too?
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Day 25
Rimming x dry humping
Warning: dry humping, humam consumption, Rome's awful french from grade/high school, face riding, Rome's doing his best, male reader, bottom reader, smut, implied somnophilia
Shuu tsukiyama x male reader
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(Name) humped Shuu's thigh helpessly as the purple haired man looked over financial reports, ignoring the breathless moans escaping his lovers lips as his hips moved in their own to chase the pleasure.
(Name) loved riding Shuu's thigh almost as much as he loved riding his cock and God did shuu get off on how submissive and willing his beloved was for him, he would do anything to make Shuu happy and shuu was a selfish selfish man.
(Name)a hips stuttered as he drew close, whining when Shuu pinched his ass "come now Mon cher, cum on my thigh like a good boy" he instructed with no room for whining as a maid came in with food for them.
It was that pretty girl who smelt of dragon fruit they encountered the other day... God (name)s mouth was watering at the sight "cum and you can eat darling" Shuu said mockingly and (name) rode his thigh like a man on a mission.
His sweet breathless moans as he came in his boxers was music to Shuu's ears as he held a cut piece of flesh to (name)s lips and watched as his pretty little doll ate so delicate and sweet.
(Name) was shaking from his climax as they ate, taking turns eating until they had their full and Shuu felt something primal fill him as (name) licked the blood from his lips "I want you to ride something else..." Shuu said lowly and (name) nodded brainlessly and let shuu take him to the bedroom, the tall alpha having the sweet angel that was (name) sit on his face as Shuu ripped off the others boxers, leaving (name) fully naked to Shuu's suit and tie clothed self.
"Come on Mon petite fleur... Ride my face" Shuu was hypnotic as he spoke and (name) jolted slightly when Shuu's tongue prodded at his entrance before pulling him closer and giving a long lick, pleased when (name)s hips rolled slightly into his face.
Shuu ate his ass out vigorously, moaning at the taste as (name) rocked into the pleasure with slow rolls of his hips and stared down Shuu's tented cock, temptation taking hold as he leaned to go touch only for his thigh to get pinched "look don't touch il mio coniglietto" Shuu said before returning to his meal, pushing his tongue deep as possible and watched (name) cling to his suit jacket and hips buck as he returned to letting his lover take care of him.
(Name) moved a hand behind him to grab at Shuu's hair and hump his perfect face as the man fucked his tongue into his ass.
"Fuck..." (Name) whined as Shuu groped at his ass and thighs "c-close" (name) mumbled light headed, moving his hands to play with his chest, rubbing at his nipples the way Shuu would as he humped the man's face to climax
"Fuckfuckfuck!" (Name) yelled out before cumming on Shuu and himself, letting Shuu manhandle him into laying on the bed, the purple haired man kissing at his neck before whispering "I'm going to go change ma petite colombe"
(Name) always got turned on at mask off Shuu, the stark differences between his flamboyant persona out in public and the calculating sadist behind closed doors that touched him sweetly and dressed him in pretty clothing.
(Name) fell asleep to Shuu's hot touches, letting the man play with him as he slept and felt excited to wake filled with cock and cum.
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What are your thoughts on ships like Ruki x Yui x Ayato or Yuma x Shuu x Yui?
I'm a fucking whore omds I love it. I want people. In love. AHHHH I think they have great dynamics to be explored 🤔
I don't say that lightly either I know a good love triangle is worth all the hype even if it isn't my favourite trope if done correctly, but personally, I think a lot of people forget the fact that if love triangles bring out another side of the character and show the type of love between them… this can be applied towards all three people in the relationship.
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For example, Ruki and Yui are both very responsible, traditional and sensible as a couple, they work hard on the streets and do it fucking filthy in the sheets.
They have a quiet kind of love that blossoms with intent and care on the first day of spring. It's a pale little bud but the sprout is strong and when it flourishes it's like the moon in its gentle beauty.
Yui dances along to their old radio and Ruki hums whilst they make dinner together, they make tea and sit down on opposite sides of the table getting their work done individually even though under the table their legs are intertwined, they go out on long walks with content silence and go to sleep together putting their individual books on their bedside table and they wake up together and she does his tie and he does the buckle on her Mary Jane's and slides his hands up her stockings and grips her thigh in a promise for tonight and they kiss each other goodbye for the day as they toddle off to work.
Then you have Ayato and Yui the high school sweethearts, she’s top of her classes (if her life source isn’t being drained out of her), she has a ten-year plan, a colour-coded journal, she volunteers and does two artistic extracurriculars. He’s getting called out of class at least once a week but it’s only Monday, he’s asleep in half his lessons, he crams half of his curriculum in the corridor right before his exam, he doesn’t know what he’s going to do but he has 70p, an expired condom and the ego of the devil.
They dance around each other, staring at each other in lessons and looking away when the other turns towards them with the tips of their ears red, they brush their pinkies at first then they’re missing classes for quickies in the bathroom or storage closets, she drags him to classes and he studies with the deal every question he does correctly he gets a kiss.
She has all her firsts with him and he knows all his lasts will be with her, he cries over the notebook when she makes him watch it, they do facemasks together and get matching PJs. They go to prom and get fast food at two am giving each other gummy rings as promise rings. He makes her playlists and spraypaints her initials onto his skateboards, he wears her hair ties on his wrist. She writes him love notes and doodles Yui Sakamaki into her notebooks, he’s the backdrop of her laptop, and he’s made his way into her 10-year plan and even if it all doesn’t go according to the plan she has a feeling it’ll play out.
Ayato and Ruki hate each other, they snap at each other, pull each other’s collars and hate fuck. They make crass jokes and make slutty innuendos but they end up at the same bar sharing drinks in a quiet agreement, slivers of their past escaping their lips and floating away with the wind. Their vengeful trysts soften over time, as Ruki brushes the back of Ayato’s tailbone as he gets ready to leave, trying to sneak past each other’s brothers stops being a priority as Yuma and Ayato start getting in fraternal fights and Reiji even deigns Ruki the option of browsing through his books after an intense conversation over Socrates and Aristotle. They’re stupid as hell but also most definitely skirting around each other but also very prideful and possessive.
But like then if you combine them it’s mind-blowing.
Because then you have dates where they’re stargazing and Ayato gives his letterman jacket to Yui as they’re laid down in the back of his truck but then Ruki has to give his coat to Ayato so he stops whining and both of them cuddle Ruki so he doesn’t get cold ( he is ill the next day) When they’re cooking dinner Ayato is there in charge of the playlist, but he thinks their songs are too sappy so he starts playing Nicki Minaj and the only way to persuade him is feeding him and having him taste test as they cook - he also most definitely is forced to do the dishes. They get caught by Ruki trying to have their corridor trysts and he takes his job as the hall monitor very seriously so he punishes them by making Yui give him head and Ayato can’t do anything but watch. They show up to Yui’s Christmas church sermon and snort at each other’s remarks but are very supportive of Yui’s speech, when shopping ayato gets into the cart and Ruki pushes it whilst yui grabs what they need, ayato sleeps between them because he’s a chronic small spoon.
Ruki and Yui stay up till 1 am watching true crime only for ayato to drag them to bed, Yui does their skincare and they help braid her hair before bed, ayato refuses to read before bed so now they have his Gameboy clicking as background and when they wake up and Yui ties Ruki’s tie and he buckles her mary jane’s Ayato’s there behind her grabbing her ass on the way out as she gives him a little forehead peck. But to get back at him Ruki smacks his ass which causes Ayato to grab his tie and it’s all tension leaning in real close before they kiss and everyone goes about their way.
Their brothers are exhausted at blatant affection at monthly dinners but it’s just so…anyways.
They’re all giggly, competitive, and a little drunk on love.
Obviously, this all applies to Yui, Shu and Yuma so let me know if you would like to hear my spewl about them too.
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uriekukistan · 6 months
14 and 12 for Shironeki? Saw the Urie one and went OOO lol
eeeee thank you for the ask! i havent seen you as much on my dash recently so i hope ur doing well :)
12 - What's a headcanon you have for this character? a stray cat and dog feeder. talks to them in little baby voices when he sees them on the street. may or may not have been bitten before. i think this applies to any incarnation of kaneki though (maybe not reaper kaneki).
14 - Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. : i got two words for u. leather. jacket. i woke up in a cold sweat over this.
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tell me he wouldn’t eat either of these fits up. i can see shuu buying it for him like “okay kaneki if ur gonna have this badass white hair we gotta get u clothes to go with it” and comes back with a leather jacket
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suginami-division · 7 months
Night had fallen on Suginami, and Shuu Edogawa was set to receive a gift from a certain serial killer. Coming home from a long day of following cheating partners, Shuu walked up to the door of his agency when all of a sudden, he saw a package addressed to him on his doorstep. Picking it up, Shuu brought it inside and began to open it, curious as to what was inside.
The first gift was a bunch of delicious looking chocolate in a heart-shaped box.
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The next gift was a cute little blue and grey T Rex dinosaur toy.
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And the final gift was a yami kawaii syringe necklace filled with a red liquid that looked a little too much like real blood to Shuu.
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Happy Valentine’s Day, Shuu-chan! Hope you enjoy the gifts I got you! Hehehe, I know you will! It's very easy to follow you, ya know? Anyway, see ya soon!”
– Touya 💞💗
Just like earlier in the day, Shuu felt rather excited to get a Valentine’s gift, only for all his joy to slowly wither into dread. Now the serial killer Touya Kisaragi was vying for his affection? Cautiously picking up the chocolates and the toy dinosaur, Shuu did like that it was much more tame compared to the gifts he got from the Kobe man. But the accessory… Lifting it up to his face, he looked at the consistency of the liquid inside and paled. It… Definitely looks like blood. And when it comes from a serial killer, the question becomes who’s blood is in the vial?
“Since when did I become the stalked?” Shuu whines. Shaking his head, he carries the gifts up to his living space, setting it down on his dining table. Shrugging off his coat, suit jacket, and hat he flopped onto the floor and pulls out his phone, scrolling through his contacts before settling on inviting his teammates over. Hopefully they could distract him from the bizarre gifts he has received this Valentine’s day.
hhhhh Shuu... Thank you for the gift tho- (´ω`♡%)
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vellichorom · 2 years
I love the way you draw shuu it feels more accurate to the bird than his Tumblr sexyman bod
LIKE... of course it adheres to the anime trope of " fat inhuman character would OBVIOUSLY be the most handsome & skinny twig on the planet if they Were human " but even then i'm baffled,
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ascend to a sack of potatoes shaped shuu iwamine we have jackets
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: shuuzou and makoto are out , and niji is walking backwards, gesturing widely, and holding onto his soda as he relays a story from early to makoto when he bumps into someone. " dude i am so s- zu! " he begins, turning around coming face to face with zu, and some one else. shuu's head tilts slightly to the right, gaze flickering from zu, to new person, to makoto, to new person again, and then back to kazuya. " i didn't know you had friends other than us, zu. "
kazuya's not particularly paying attention as he walks alongside atsumo, only listening to his boyfriend voice his most recent grievances with his job and suddenly, he's pulled away. it's atsumo's hand on him, trying to get him out of the way of the people trying to walk past, but kazuya doesn't move in time -- suddenly he's walked into anyway and the drink spills all over his jacket.
" what he f- " he hears the name only shuuzou calls him and his eyes move from his jacket to shuuzou. ah, shit. he then looks over towards makoto, who gives him a look that kazuya reads as i told you so / head turns towards atsumo, who's looking back at kazuya as shuuzou implies that he doesn't have a social life.
" kazuya, " atsumo then looks back at the other two. while he at least met makoto once, " who's this? "
kazuya says nothing for a moment, looking from boyfriend to best friend. best friend he didn't have any intention to meet today / not after yesterday with the janitor's closet. all he thinks about is how he pushed himself away the day before and the panic that took him over when the door opened. he'd run into his boyfriend shortly after that, kissed him hard, and was dragged away so atsumo could fret over him. his mind is screaming, indistinct like a bell sounding entirely too loudly and he feels like he's lost five minutes of his life. it's only been a half second.
" atsu, " kazuya begins and makoto can't imagine this goes over well, " is my boyfriend. " he then looks back towards his boyfriend, " he's just a friend. " he blinks / " he's the one i got in a fight with yesterday. "
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starshapedpetals · 2 years
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i wish i could see this line in higher quality!! :(( the clothes look so pretty in this line too :( i may not have a lot to say about everyone but i do think everyone looks really pretty!! also bitter chocolate decoration wouldn’t stop playing in my head as i wrote this 😭
is it just me or is there a lot more of kanato’s thighs showing then usual??? his face looks so pretty here! giving him a fork was a perfect idea. it reminds me of that time in his hdb where he stabs us with a fork over french toast. I really do think giving him a fork was perfect. the design of the fork is also so pretty!! the ribbon on it too!! i really wish I could see more of kanato’s outfit 🥺
azusa & kanato are matching so much here! giving azusa a knife was even more perfect! it might just be genshin rotting the brain, but his pose reminds me of polearm users.. it’s so graceful looking! especially with that ribbon on it 💞💞💞💞💞 i’m also losing it over that beautiful long bow in the back of his neck !!!! azusa as always, is ethereal 💞💞 I really love how he looks. i also love how that top hugs his figure. it’s so pretty. & the little..cup..? latte?? hat is so cute!! i just noticed kanato is wearing one too.. they really love to match.
it’s really nice to see kou happy in a line again! also that hot pink & teal suit, idk he just pulls it off in a way i’m not sure who else could. I wasn’t the biggest fan of it at first but now i think it really fucks. he looks real pretty
is ayato a catboy here? i’m not complaining 👀 c’mere kitty kitty 🤲 what i mean is he looks really cute. i really wish i could see him in hd!!! the thing on the vest!! what is it!?! it looks like some sort of sweet with white drizzle on it! idk what it is but it works so nice with his outfit
‼️‼️ yuma has his hair in a ribbon again ‼️‼️ yuma should wear ribbons in his hair all the time actually. he looks divine here honestly. I really like his outfit!!
carla is always pretty istg. I really the his top!! right now i’m drawing a blank to the name of these types of tops, but they are so pretty !! i’m so interested in what the rest of his outfit looks like 🥲 the low quality mini full on rejets shop isn’t helping me very much
laito, subaru, reiji, & shuu look cute <33 i like subaru’s loose shirt. his face looks pretty too <3 & laito’s everything rn. i cannot express exactly what he is but he <3 i love shuu’s ruffle ascot & the decorations on his shoulder.. jacket? & there seems to be something interesting going on with his other arm but i cannot make it out from the low quality mini full body on rejet’s shop 🥲🥲🥲 & reiji’s hair looks so nice & fluffy!! he just looks so prettyy
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peachmuses · 2 years
sociieties asked: all things considered, it doesn't take kazuya too long to find haizaki. not when there's a blood trail that's easily enough to follow and there's not that many guys laid out on the sidewalk thanks to shuu's handiwork. ---- hara kazuya does not remember anything else. nothing between suddenly snapping out of it and looking for some asshole. it's dark out now ( darker, it was already getting late when he left ) and he can't really see too much, just that it's him, a limp body, and nothing else. he's covered in blood, too, both his own and that of haizaki. shit. shit. he looks over at haizaki / unmoving, mildly mutilated, the dude's chest isn't moving. he's not breathing, hasn't been for a while now. kazuya blinks, feeling his mind struggle against the urge to fall back into some sort of daze, but his body hurts and his hands — he looks at his hands, they're shaking and slick with blood — he fucked up. his mouth is dry, something he realizes after he tries to swallow a mouthful of spit and it's as unpleasant as the scene before him would be if he wasn't feeling so numb to everything. haizaki's dead. kazuya's pretty sure he was the one to kill him. they're just alone in some abandoned building. shit. he should call someone / he reaches for his own phone, tapping the screen until it comes on and he's blinded in the process. whatever, he'll live, ignores it as shaky hand thumbs through contacts and he finds tatsuya's and presses the call button. it rings once, twice, pick up pick up pick up, the call is answered and kazuya speaks for the first time in what feels like forever / it comes out quiet and breathless, audibly shaken, " tatsu? i need you. i- please. i need you... " / smtz
when tatsuya planned a weekend trip to tokyo it definitely wasn't to this. he's been sitting in the hospital for hours -- listening as shuuzou sleeps and makoto worries over him and kazuya. makoto had once turned to him, worried out of his mind and told him that shuuzou allowed him to drag him to the hospital without a single fuss -- which is how makoto knows it's bad. and that they haven't heard anything from kazuya in hours now -- and tatsuya checks his phone once again to see his last message still on delivered and not read and he can't help but worry. when his phone rings -- he sits up blinking, only to look and see [love] flash across the screen and he's answering. " zu-chan ? " soft as the heart moniter beeps in the background, and kazuya breathes out his name, shakey and tatsuya's throwing on his jacket. makoto is next to him, and tatsuya is again wondering what in the world is wrong with the universe. his best friend is laid up in the hospital, and his boyfriend sounds scared and terrified. he shifts phone to ear, " i'm on my way. where are you at ? " makoto looks at him, and tatsuya mouths kazuya's name before glancing back at shuu. " let me know when he wakes up --- " he says to makoto, trying to keep his voice quiet enough that kazuya doesn't hear him. concussed people aren't suppose to sleep but they put him on some painkillers that had ended up knocking shuu out -- and tatsuya had ran like a bat out of hell the minute he got out of the train to the hospital only to see one of the most important people to him, passed out, and for the first time in a long time, tatsuya had remembered that shuuzou wasn't this --- grand figure, who was loud and boistorous and stern at times, but a child. a kid. well a teen but really, the bed was too big and shuuzou seemed too small, and tatsuya hated it. " baby ? " he softly says to kazuya as he makes his way out of the hospital, " i'm on my way. where are you ? or do you have a roundabout idea of where you are ? or do i need to check l360 ?"
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Sakamakis forced into a Catholic School, well this should be fun… consider this as my way of torturing them. ⛪️
•Ah it all started when one of the boys killed the daughter of an important family.
•It doesn’t matter who did it, Reiji ended up having a family talk in the living room to give the bad news. They’re going to a Catholic school for a semester before returning to Ryoutei Academy to escape the drama.
•Uniforms were ready, and they bought the textbooks required. They were going to start on a nice early morning on a Monday.
•They just had to pick the Catholic school that requires their students to arrive at school at 7 in the morning. Wonderful, JUST. WONDERFUL.
•Ayato had none of this Catholic school nonsense and didn’t listen to what Reiji said. He didn’t even check the school’s handbook and the never-ending lists of rules that everyone must follow word for word.
•Kanato already has a hard time with sleep but this?! This was ridiculous. He wailed to Teddy about how this isn’t fair and kept trying to sleep with his puffy eyes and clogged nose. No one dared to send an even more sleep-deprived Kanato into another fit.
•Laito was internally screaming and brainstorming on what kind of sunscreen he should use. Which sunscreen would not be too oily, won’t make him look too shiny and long-lasting? Would his super sensitive skin even handle the hyaluronic acid in the sunscreen?
•This has haunted Laito all weekend and wouldn’t stop thinking about it as he went to bed. It haunted him so hard that he just decided to wear the uniform properly.
•Don’t get Laito started on how he would plan on styling this stiff-ass uniform. That’s another monster to deal with AFTER HIS SKINCARE.
•Reiji was studying 3 quarters advanced on Christianity and slowly losing his head over how complicated the religion wrote their texts. He even went as far as trying to translate Biblical Hebrew from the original Bible to Latin to Japanese for good measure. 🫠
•Subaru wanted to hide in his coffin blasting emo music and Shu ended up going out of the mansion to not deal with his problems which lead to a wild goose chase to look for him.
•I swear they have never tried tracking him down since he was young, happy, and running off to see Edgar.
•Luckily, they managed to find him and Reiji managed to gather all his brothers together for the early Monday morning.
•That was the first time all the brothers saw Reiji with eyebags Laito even tried to advise on removing them and told Reiji that it worked on Kanato. Kanato punched Laito on the side for that comment. Sorry, Kanato got even less sleep than usual.
•There was so much chaos before school even got to start, it got worse the moment they stepped on school grounds, and a student who was doing a dress code check literally stopped Shuu, Ayato, Kanato, and Subaru in their tracks and started ticking out boxes from the list in their hands before they could say “What”
•So, to summarize everything, Ayato didn’t tie his tie properly, buttoned his shirt wrong, and needs to pull his pant leg down.
•Subaru needed to replace his shirt which was ripped at the bottom, remove that key necklace along with the small accessories he always wore, and was demanded that he dye his hair black because they thought his hair was dyed and said that white hair is not allowed. (Dude, please… it’s natural)
•Shu needed to button up his first few buttons, comb his unruly hair and wear the jacket properly instead of just draping it over his shoulders.
•As for Kanato? Well, they said that he should ditch his red string tie, change into pants, and said that he should stop dressing up like a middle school boy.
•Oh… they also confiscated Teddy and told a fuming Kanato that he will have Teddy back after 10 hours since classes start at 7 am and end at 5 pm… and that if he brought Teddy again, they would give it away to the nearest orphanage. Without his consent.
•That was the moment when Reiji wanted to faint from the incoming stress the moment Kanato was ready to throw hands. Or a fork, maybe two forks. Worst case scenario is a pair of scissors.
•So, on the first day, four out of six of the brothers had penalties for their uniforms, and someone already needed to go to the doctor. The most shocking part of it all was that it wasn’t Subaru’s fault that the kid went to the hospital, but Kanato’s.
•They had to go home early to get their bearings. Reiji needed a new plan on what to do that will prevent Kanato from attempting murder on the dress code dude and how to prove that Subaru’s hair is natural so that they won’t hurt the family budget for boxes of black hair dye. As well as giving preventing giving other students black eyes.
•After a good amount of brainstorming and baking sweets for Kanato to help improve his mood Reiji finally came up with something.
•Reiji managed to get half a dozen of “real hair certificates” for all six members of the family just in case another brother would be asked if their hair is natural and sewn a mini-Teddy for Kanato to hide in his inner pocket.
•Reiji may be a stickler for the rules but letting Kanato bring a mini-Teddy to this school can bring the fragile peace the brother needs.
•So, on the second day, they all dressed up properly, finally went to their classes without a hitch, introduced themselves, and sat in their assigned seats.
Now that’s out of the way, time for individual headcannons for each Sakamaki boy.
•Ayato is the Wattpad bad boy that all reserved girls secretly dreamed of more than once. Especially with the fact he would talk back to the teachers which is a no-go.🙅‍♀️
•Cut the girls some slack, the school was so strict they don’t allow the students to read anything but the Bible during school hours.
•Some of the students were punished for sneaking in light novels. They weren’t even erotic novels!!!
•It’s because the titles the students got punished for were Witch Hat Atelier and The Girl from the Other Side… The school and its staff just watered it down to “DEMONS AND WITCHES BAAAAD”
•So yeah. There were students that were quite curious with a little… rebelliousness.
•Ayato would rip the Bible up and make paper planes out of it and aim it towards the teacher’s face. Paper planes go wheee~
•Some of the students wanted to laugh when Ayato taped a piece of paper behind the male teacher's lower back that says "SPANK ME DADDY *insert the school's priest's name*”
•You should have seen the teacher’s face. He was pissed and his face was red from embarrassment.
•Ayato had to stand in the hallway for that and was required to go to the principal after class to consult Ayato about his behavior with his guardian (Reiji)
•He can’t even go outside of the school grounds to snag some extra Takoyaki, how devastating.
•Despite the rough first day Kanato had to deal with his mood improved with the fact he is surrounded by girls that are his type. Cute and innocent looking. You know, like dolls.
•Yeah, those uniforms and their skirts that end below the knee won’t save the girls from Kanato. The uniforms might as well be gift wrapping paper because Kanato would pounce on them if he can.
•He too would have to stand in the hallway for his tantrums and for trying to smuggle sweets in his school bag. Ayato, you have company.
•Despite his erratic behavior he was asked to join the choir. His brothers thought it would be funny if a vampire was in the choir, singing and praising the Lord.
•Laito played the good boy act because teachers had suspicions about him when he was flirting with the female students on the first day as well as the fact that he is related to Kanato. You know, the one who sent the kid to the hospital.
•Honestly, it was creepy how well he managed to fool the teachers. It was a facade on top of another facade.
•It doesn’t help that he managed to sleep with about hmm… half of the girls by the end of the semester. The reason why he couldn’t get the other half was that they were more stubborn about being chaste and pure Laito ended up going for the easier and more gullible prey.
•He doesn’t like the uniform and was tempted to style it, but the school won’t allow him to even change the color of his tie or wear anything else other than dress pants.
•They even forced him to cut his shoulder-length hair, boohoo. So Laito was stuck with short hair for a semester. It made him look more handsome than pretty and it made the girls swoon.
•Ugh, curse that pretty privilege.
•Shu just wanted to listen to music and nap, but the teachers were keeping an eye on him and caught him skipping class a few times.
•Shu gets more workouts with all the punishments that he’s been given by the teachers. For a lot of reasons.
•They got him holding stacks of books on each arm and made him a prime example of what happens if you would dare disobey.
•Although it’s not effective because Shu doesn’t give a damn and it shows. Also, vampire strength makes those books on his hands look like nothing.
•Shu thinks the choir singing about God is irritating and would ditch The Holy Mass that everyone is required to go to.
•There was one time Ayato was in Shu’s regular hiding spot because of the paper planes and demanded Shu doesn’t rat him out.
•Shu ratted him out and Ayato received his punishment, Ayato was forced to pray to God in the school’s chapel with the priest watching over him making him recite his prayers word by word.
•He was almost the same as he was in Ryoutei Academy if I’m being honest, a teacher’s pet.
•The only difference is that he gets less sleep because his brothers are more chaotic than usual and needs to add another subject into his schedule that was unfamiliar to him.
•It all paid off though.
•Christian education teachers adore him and told the students to follow in his footsteps towards the path of God. (Hilarious)
•In reality, he could care less about it and just perform well because knowing the Christian religion is now part of his perfect grades. He intends on maintaining that.
•He would rather chew on his porcelain teacups than have a grade less than an A.
•Other than that, he likes the school, thinks the rules are justified, and enjoyed his stay in Catholic school.
•Ah, the teachers and the principal also have an eye on Subaru. He’s more violent than he was in Ryoutei.
•They even went as far as to call Subaru out of class so that he could talk to the school’s priest, thinking he was just another troubled teen that needs the Lord’s guidance.
•Subaru even had to go to the confession booth and talk to the same priest to reflect on his violent behavior. Only for the priest to hear Subaru telling him to fuck off and go to hell.
Priest: My dear boy, all this turmoil that you feel deep inside would lessen if you would open your heart to me and to Go-
Subaru: FUCK OFF
Priest: … you may go back to class for lunch. God bless 🙏
•Whenever Subaru does attempt to cooperate, he might confess some of his sins in incredible detail. The funny part is that no one would believe him even if he confessed to murdering, they even assumed he’s only another emo teen trying to be edgy. (They are only half right)
Subaru: Yeah, I killed someone and buried them in the rose garden, and they haunt me to this day.
Priest: Do tell us a proper confession. Lying is a sin, Subaru, God is watching over you.
Subaru: And the ground is solid, and I’m tempted to put you 6 feet under, old man.
•Subaru also fits every bad boy troupe that girls would think “I can fix him” or “Babe, look at me, this isn’t youuuu🥹🥹”. Until he smashes the walls…
•Ladies, please stay away from his fists within a 6 feet radius as there is a chance your face will turn into the ‘mystery meat’ that the lunch lady would serve you for your meals.
Author’s note: OMG I can’t believe I actually did this, lmaaaaaao.
* Ok but fr tho I would like to thank @summercreoulefanfictioner for laughing with me as we talked about all the situations we came up with.
* Thank you @nutaella-kookie for inspiring me to write in my Tumblr after not doing anything with it for years. I admire your works!
* Lastly, thank you @lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui for inspiring me on my first 2 posts on how shitty the Sakamakis and Mukamis would be as dads/husbands. It was the very thing that started it all!!!
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fortune-fool02 · 2 years
Heat Stroke
Tsukiyama Shuu x female reader
Summary: A heatwave hit Tokyo hard, and the affects took their toll on [Name]. 
As someone who suffers from Heatstroke myself, I wrote this for kicks. 
I am sorry if the quality is poor. Thank you for reading! 
Please enjoy! 
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With the beautiful sunshine, the streets were more busier than usual. The parks filled with people eager to enjoy the clear skies and warm weather, as were the beaches and roads. Seeing as her work shift graced her with the day off during this weather, [Name] was more than happy to spend the day with Shuu. 
A breeze brushed through the park, scattering fallen leaves across the pavement as Shuu and [Name] walked, hands interlocked together, enjoying the peace together. With many of the cafes were packed, they continued to search for a place to sit and drink. 
“Mon Dieu, it’s so hot.” Shuu sighed, bringing a cloth up to his face to wipe away the little beads of sweat that formed on his forehead. His suit jacket slung over one of his shoulders as he walked, trying to cool down in some kind of way. [Name] hadn’t even bothered to bring anything like that, not thinking it was worth it. 
“I’m aware, love. The forecast did warn us of this.” She smiled, looking at him before fanning herself with a card she had bought, seeking some kind of relief from the beating heat. “We should look for some shade.” Despite it being early and not being that long ago since she woke up, exhaustion tugged at her muscles, trying to weight her down like bits of iron strapped to her body that grew heavier with each passing moment. She didn’t want to ruin the day out by complaining or cutting it short, and so kept her mouth shut about it. 
A dryness filled her mouth, each intake of air felt rough, her lungs unable to take a full breath. Soft buzzing brushing along the inside of her head, rubbing against her skull and massaging the sides of her head with blunt, rough fingers. It wasn’t pleasant, especially as it felt like something was pushing and prodding the backs of her eyes. 
Shuu noticed her discomfort and watched her, a flicker of concern tugging at him as he slowly pulled his hand back, noting how without his guide for support, [Name] seemed to struggle to walk in a straight line. 
“Mon amour? Are you alright? You do not look well.” Holding her hand, he brought his hand to her forehead, taking note of the sweat on her face and how her breathing was slightly ragged and quick. Worry tightened more in his chest, his mind jumping around to think of what to do. 
“Y-Yeah.... I... I just...” Her words failed her, unable to focus through her dizziness. Shuu didn’t waste a moment and carefully picker [Name] up, holding her close and moving through the shade, searching for something to help [Name]. After quickly rushing to purchase a handful of water bottles and finding a quiet place to settle her down away from the sun. Using one hand to help her take small sips of the water, he used his other hand to fan her with the card. 
“Come now, [Name]. I need you to focus on me, okay? Look at me, darling.” He spoke, his voice soft and comforting, making sure that she was alert and aware of her surroundings. That tugging worry didn’t fade away, instead, it rolled around in his stomach, twitching and tightening every now and again. His eyes locked on her, switching between helping her drink to checking her awareness. 
Thankfully, her symptoms didn’t seem to be decreasing. Not wanting to take a chance, he arranged a car to take them both to his manor for [Name] to get some proper rest and treatment. With a cold rag on her forehead, her temperature began to lower, much to his relief. 
“Shuu,” She hummed after taking a drink of water, “I’m sorry about today.” Shuu gave a soft chuckle, gently dabbing the cloth on her cheeks before pressing a light kiss on them. 
“Don’t be silly, mon amour. Your health is far more important than a day out.” He smiled, sitting beside her on the bed as he interlocked their hands. “You did give my heart quite a fright though.” A soft chuckle was shared between them at this. 
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⚠️‼️ trigger warning
Can I please have the reactions of the S boys to their s/o having a really bad breakdown just none stop crying; just heart wrenching. Gets bad enough that the s/o starts hitting her self.
( I just went through something very damaging and I’ve been crying for the past 2 days. I’ve gotten back to self harm and it’s not something that I’m proud of but it has been ingrained in me for so long. So yea relapses suck, but I’m somehow still kicking💥.)
(Thank you, your blog really is a safe haven for me and I’m sure for many others 💗💞✨💗💗😌)
Ava: I’m terribly sorry to hear what you’re going through right now, and I’m sorry this took a while to respond to. You’re in my thoughts, I totally understand what you’re going through.. If you ever need to chat, just DM me! Also, I’m really touched to hear this blog helps you in some way and is a safe haven for you! It means a lot. Take care ♡
Shuu, pulling her close: Oi... Oi! Stop that! Come here, and quit that already... Cry, all you want, just don’t start hitting at yourself. It will all be just fine in my arms, you hear...? Just fine...
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Reiji, restraining her arm: Ah-Ah. No more of this nonsensical hysteria; use your words. Deep breaths... Speak to me. What is the matter? It is something concerning the mind, or even your body? 
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Ayato, stopping her at once: Quit it! Hey, what’s gotten into you? You’re acting insane! There’s something seriously going on with you, and has been for a while now... C’mon, tell me, I need to know!
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Kanato: Stop it, just stop it, already! You’re... sniff, sniff... making me upset, flailing your arms about all stupid like that...! You’re completely distressed and you can’t even tell me why...? Uwah...
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Laito: ...Pwah, not even the usual charm is doing the trick? Then... just look at me. You’re being a bad girl, hitting yourself... That’s my job. C’mon, it’s stupid to keep it bottled up, so what’s wrong?
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Subaru, pushing her against a wall to restrain her: Don’t be an idiot! Hittin’ yourself like that isn’t gonna accomplish anythin’! ‘N dry those tears, will ya? My jacket’s gettin’ soaked now, that’s all...
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Shuu
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke
Audio: Here
The scene starts at a classic music concert.
You ask if something is wrong.
“...Not really. Don’t mind me and just focus on the performance. You’re the one who invited me here after all. ...Haah.”
You keep on pestering Shuu instead. 
“...Didn’t you hear me when I told you to listen to the music? I’m not bored of it. I’m just...feeling a little sluggish, that’s all.”
You raise a brow.
“...You gave me that ‘that’s nothing new’ look just now, didn’t you?’
You panic.
“I honestly don’t mind. But don’t shout like that. It’ll ruin the beautiful composition by Bach. 
...I meant that I feel even more listless than usual.”
You ask him if he’s feeling okay.
“I’m sure it’s fine? More importantly...Don’t you have something else to do? ...You dense woman.”
“Lend me your shoulder. ...My neck’s tired.”
He lends his head on your shoulder.
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“Haah...I’m seriously tired...I can’t even keep my mind on the music like this, it sucks...”
You regret coming here.
“...And that’s coming from the person who invited me? I didn’t exactly come here out of my free will either. You said you wanted to go together, right? Have you already forgotten about yesterday?”
You shake your head.
“If you remember, then stop complaining. You just need to keep quiet and support me.”
You frown.
“...I’m not expecting you to do anything for me, really. ..Aah, speaking of which, there is one thing. Something even you should be capable of.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Loosen my tie.”
You seem surprised.
“It’s suffocating. You tied it way too tight because you were so persistent about wearing the suit ‘properly’. It might have worsened my condition so it only makes sense for the person resposible to fix their own mistakes...No?”
You hesitate.
“Hurry up. ...You’re worried about me, aren’t you?
*Rustle rustle*
“You struggled quite a bit when tying it as well, so do you think you can loosen it?”
You don’t seem very confident.
“...’That’s’? ...What? ...Are you trying to put the blame on me? I don’t remember doing anything to deserve that kind of attitude from you though? I was only watching you, nothing more. You can’t blame me for your brain coming up with random assumptions, can you? If you have anything to disprove that theory, Igo ahead. I’m listening?”
You look defeated.
“Pfft...Come on, your hands stopped moving.”
*Rustle rustle*
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“...Well, that’ll do, I suppose. Now unbutton the shirt next.”
You shriek.
“What are you so surprised about? Just having the necktie loosened barely makes any difference. Take off my jacket while you’re at it as well. You’re a professional at taking off my clothes, aren’t you?”
You protest.
“Is that so, But yesterdaーー”
You quickly stop him.
“Haha, what are you getting so flustered about? I’m talking about when I plopped straight onto the bed after we came back home and you made me take off my jacket at least. Did you imagine something else, perhaps?”
Your face turns even brighter red.
“Heh...You really are a lewd woman...”
You puff out your cheeks. 
“What? Are you implying that I’m lying? Because someone is taking their sweet time, I’m only feeling even more uncomfortable. Hurry up and pop open the buttons. I’ll let the jacket thing slide.”
*Rustle rustle*
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“...Well, I guess you did a decent job for someone like you. It’s a little easier to breathe now.”
*Clap clap clap*
“...The song has ended.”
The crowd grows noisy.
“You really think the concert would be over this quickly? It’s break time. Most classical music concerts have a short break in between the two parts.”
You ask Shuu what to do during the break. 
“What, you ask...? Beats me. Just do whatever you please, I guess. There’s a counter as well so why not go grab yourself a drink? I usually just rest in my chair per usual. Aah...But today you’re here with me. Perfect. Get on top of me.”
You are startled once more.
"I said it’s break time, remember? I’m thirsty as well. Let me suck your blood. If I have some of your blood...It might help against this sluggish feeling as well...I was so kind to accompany you here, so that’s the least you can do in return, no? 
Right now any sounds you make would just mix in with all of the background noise, so it works in your favor, no? If you’re confident you can hold your voice back, I wouldn’t mind waiting until the performance starts again either though...?”
You shake your head.
“So? What will you do? I don’t mind either way.”
You refuse.
“You asked me if there’s anything you could do for me and now you’re turning down my request?”
*Rustle rustle*
“I’m sure you’re just dying to have all sorts of things done to you as I’m carressing you like this as well, aren’t you?
You flinch.
“Haha, when you deny it in a state of panic, it only looks even more suspicious.”
The people return to their seats.
“...People have started coming back. If you keep on dawdling, the break will end, you know? If you do a fine job...I won’t just suck your blood, but I’ll even throw in a kiss, okay? That would be the real reward for you, no? Yesterday...You seemed quite pleased to be kissed by me as well? You were happy, weren’t you? Like thisーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“Don’t play dumb. The marks...are still left there on your skin as well. Why not take a look yourself? 
*Rustle rustle*
“No, not on your nape. You told me not to because it’s a visible place, remember? ...Try loosening your collar a little.”
You tilt your head to the side.
“Come on, just do it.”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Look, over here.”
You seem surprised by the hickeys on your cleavage. 
“Haha...You can see it clearly, no? Well, I’m sure you know better than anyone else that this isn’t the only place where I left my mark.”
You whimper in embarrassment. 
“...So, how long are you gonna keep sitting there with your cleavage exposed?”
You seem surprised, having forgotten about that part.
“Are you enticing me, perhaps?”
You shake your head.
“If not that, that makes you just a genuine pervert though. I didn’t force you. You chose to listen to me through your own free will, remember? If you truly didn’t want to, I doubt you would be over here showing off your chest in public.”
You grow flustered again.
“...Heh. I truly never get tired of you and your reactions.”
All of the people return to their seats.
“The break’s over, huh? What a shame. ...Pwaah. Messing around with you only made me even more tired...Oi, your shoulder.”
You frown.
“One more time. Hurry up.”
*Rustle rustle*
You ask him if the two of you should head home.
“...No, I’m still gonna keep on listening. You got tickets because you were interested in this performance, didn’t you? ...Or am I wrong?”
You explain.
“...Hm. Because you wanted to come here with me...huh?
...Oi. In return for keeping you company till the end of the performance, keep lending me your shoulder...Also, give me your hand.”
You ask him why.
“Holding your hand helps me keep my mind off things. Make sure to squeeze it tightly and not let go, okay?”
“...Just like that. 
...Oi. ...Don’t ‘eh?’ me? Why have you been stroking the palm of my hand this whole time?”
You tell him that it feels nice.
“Hah...? Why would that feel nice?”
You explain.
“A massage...? Haah...I think you’re not putting in enough strength then, you know? It only feels like you’re lightly carrassing it.”
You frown.
“I was a fool for leaving things up to you. ...Spread your fingers.”
*Rustle rustle*
He intertwines your fingers.
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“Now keep holding it like that. Nothing more.”
You blush.
“...Are you flustered?”
You speak up.
You ask if he feels better.
“Well, I guess I feel a little more comfortable.”
You point out that your blood was not needed after all.
“Who knows. Sucking your blood might have eased the feeling even more, but you denied me.”
You protest.
“But you did, didn’t you? You said no.”
You explain.
"Hm...So you wouldn’t have minded getting on top of my lap if we weren’t out here in public?”
You get flustered again.
“Don’t forget what you said just now. I’ll make sure you stick to them once we get back home. Thanks to you...I feel a little more energized as well. I better get some rest right now, so I can live up to your expectations later. Soーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Just like that for now. I’ll tend to you plenty once we get home, so satisfy me right now...”
ーー THE END ーー
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [DARK 04]
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Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Bathroom
Sharon: Mmh! The water’s temperature is just right.
( Today was another stressful day at school... )
( I keep getting in trouble because of those guys. )
( They run away while I’m left there getting scolded by the teachers. )
( I swear I’ll get them back someday...! )
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Sharon: ...Eh?
Ayato: Oh! You’re right! She’s here!
Laito: Nfu~ I knew I could pick up the faint scent of fresh strawberries coming from the bathroom.
Sharon: Eeeeh!? 
( A-Ayato-kun!? And Laito-kun as well!? What are they doing here!? )
( Thank god I had only taken off my skirt and jacket! )
Ayato: Che...The fuck? Why are you not naked? You’re takin’ a bath, aren’t you?
Laito: You just don’t understand, Ayato-kun. There’s just something irresistably sexy about a woman wearing only a shirt. 
Ayato: Heh. Guess you’re right. Besides, this way, I get to take it off myself.
Ayato steps closer. 
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Sharon: ...!!
Ayato: You better be grateful, Ichigo Pantsu! Not every girl out there can say they’ve been stripped naked by the Great Ayato-sama!
Laito: Hey, Ayato-kun! I’m the one who told you Ichigo-chan was taking a bath, so don’t try and keep her all to yourself now!
Ayato: Haah!? I’m obviously gettin’ first dibs! I’m older than you, remember?
Laito: Eeeh? I don’t think age matters in this.
Sharon: ...
( They’re getting into an argument. Perhaps I can use this to my advantage and quietly sneak away... )
Laito grabs hold of her wrist.
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Sharon: ...Ah!
Laito: Nfu~ Nice try, Ichigo-chan~ However, you’re not getting away just yet. 
Ayato: Exactly! It’s ‘bout time I get a taste of your blood. I’ve been starvin’ all day!
Laito: I wonder if it’ll actually taste like strawberries~
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Buzz off! I can’t bite her when you’re in my face like that!
Laito: Then you should move, Ayato-kun! I’m feeling like going vanilla today and biting the nape~ Nothing wrong with sticking to the basics every now and then.
Ayato: Hell no! I already called dibs on that spot! Now move!
Ayato pushes his brother away.
Laito: Ah! ...Geez, Ayato-kun! You can’t always keep all the fun to yourself!
Ayato: Hehe, watch me!
Laito approaches again, trying to pull Ayato away this time.
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: I won’t let you have your way this time!
Ayato: Ackー! You darn pervert...! Let...go!
Sharon: ( Hold on...What if I... )
Laito: Ah-aah~ You never learn, Ichigo-chan. Didn’t I tell you earlier? You’re not getting awaー 
Sharon grabs hold of the shower head, pointing it their way before turning on the water.
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Laito: ーー Mmph!?
Ayato: The fuーー Nnーー!? 
Sharon: ( ...Now’s my chance! )
She drops the shower head on the floor before making a run for it, sprinting away into the hallway.
Laito: Cough, cough...Uu...Water got into my nose...
Ayato: Fuck!! I’m drenched...! 
Laito: This is all your fault, Ayato-kun...If you hadn’t started bickering, we could have both enjoyed her blood together!
Ayato: Aahn!? Why are you puttin’ the blame on me!? ーー Oi, Ichigo Pantsu! You beter be ready to face the conse...Huh? She’s gone...
Laito: Haah...I’m sure I still look stunning even when soaking wet, but I didn’t come here to get a bath. 
Ayato: Che...This fuckin’ sucks! Next time, I’m comin’ alone!
Laito: This has been the last time I try and help you out as well.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Hallway
Ayato: ...
Laito: ...
Ayato: Oi...Why are you here!?
Laito: That’s what I’d like to ask.
Ayato: Che...Ichigo Pantsu always takes a bath after school so I was hopin’ to catch her today.
Laito: I suppose we both had the same idea then.
Ayato: ...Early bird gets the worm!
Ayato quickly opens the door to the bathroom, rushing inside.
Location: Sakamaki Manor ;; Bathroom
Ayato: ...Today you’re not gettin’ away, Ichigo paーー
Laito enters the bathroom as well.
Laito: I can’t believe you’d play it dirty like that, Ayato-kuーー
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Shuu: ...
Ayato: ...Oi.
Laito: ...Yes?
Ayato: In the tub...That’s Shuu, right?
Laito: Yeah...He’s still wearing his clothes as well.
Ayato: ...Let’s get outta here.
Laito: Good idea.
The two of them leave.
ーー DARK 04: END ーー
<- [ Dark 03 ] [ Dark 05 ] ->
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shuuenmei · 3 years
Shuu!! Can I see X with any one of the Octa Trio's you like?? 👀 if that's ok??
Ohh sure!
I pick Jade for this one and since Jade has yet to actually interact with Yuu (Rei), this is placed under the cut.
x. wet skin, the smell of salt, the crash of waves against a shore, bright sunlight, collecting shells, sand in your toes, salty kisses, skin against skin, clear water
“I didn’t think you are the type to fancy shell collecting Jade-san.”
Jade Leech stares at the first year, Yuu-san looming above as he knelt on the sand to collect some shells at the currently secluded beach near the town of Sage of Island.
“Good day, Yuu-san, what brings you here?” He implored her.
She answered. “I was here for a walk. Grim and Shiro are currently playing by the sand.”
On cue, she pointed towards the cat familiar and monster who were running around the sand before Grim-san jumped the moment he felt water come in contact with his fur.
Jade’s lips curled to a friendly smile. “I see.” He nodded at her.
“So what brings you here?” She questioned back.
“I am collecting seashells to decorate my terrarium.” He replied out of politeness.
It was not a lie.
He did find himself in a supply bind for shells to decorate his Terrarium with.
As it’s the winter still in the month of January, there are not many visitors.
However, the sun was especially bright even for a winter day.
Yuu-san hummed in response.
She soon squatted down next to him, looking at the sea.
As Jade gathers the shells he had collected so far he took note of Yuu-san being barefoot, sand collected in her toes.
“You are barefooted.” He noted.
“Got splashed with water while playing with Grim and Shiro earlier, I’d rather not risk going back to the campus with a drenched pair of shoes.”
As if to prove her point, she showed the drenched pair of slip-ons on her left hand.
She placed the shoes down, her gaze not leaving the calm waves lightly crashing the shore.
There was a moment of silence between them.
He took this moment to observe Yuu-san.
This otherworldly student was an enigma.
Especially due to some of the connections she made so quickly.
With Kalim-san favoring her and spoiling her, for one, Though he later learnt during that recent event in the Winter Holiday that Kalim-san had a far ulterior motives to why he spoiled Yuu-san so much.
And then there’s the fact that she is effectively Lilia-san’s disciple in all but name, with Lilia-san being very accommodating to aid her and her friends.
She happens to be very self sufficient and rarely depended or spoke to the Headmaster unless needed.
And then there’s that event... ah yes, the day he realized why Floyd had taken to referring to Yuu-san as a shark.
For someone so quiet, with little to show in her face, her eyes expressed much more than he expected.
Though he was more enthralled with the bloodlust hidden in her.
Oh how he would love to see Yuu-san release the full extent of that hidden bloodlust-
“I should get going soon.” Yuu-san stood from her position, stretching her legs out.
Beyond being barefoot, he noted mentally that Yuu-san wore a black shirt under a white jacket, gray shorts and leggings. The leggings were drenched from water, however.
Yuu-san took the shoes on the sand. “I only brought Grim and Shiro to play around at the beach for a bit before we go do our grocery run down here. Good luck with your shell hunting Jade-san.”
Yuu-san waved with her free hand before heading for Grim-san and Shiro-san’s location.
Grim called after her once he noticed that she is coming over. “Henchman help me! Shiro is being rude!”
Said white cat familiar only quietly gazed at the monster with a disapproving frown.
“Shiro, I get you like water but don’t bully Grim too much.” Yuu lightly scolded the white cat.
“Also you’re really drenched.”
Shiro finally walked out of the water, shaking off all the water and then the gem on his collar glowed.
“Ah! That’s cheating!” Grim grumbled.
Yuu sighed.
There was a truth that she was here at the beach with Grim and Shiro for a walk but she didn’t expect to see Jade, of all people.
If she had to say what she thinks about Jade... he is an alarming person, and not one that she could willingly interact unless prompted.
The way he could easily disarm someone with his friendly, gentleman like front...
Yuu still had her rune bracelet in case he tried to disarm her to trust him.
After that scare with Floyd trying to “squeeze” her without any warning one time, she refuse to let herself accept any skin to skin contact with the twins.
There was also the fact they’re both also very interested in the thought of seeing her go on a rampage...
She shook her head.
“Come on, let’s go. We still need to get our groceries for the day.”
Grim and Shiro nodded along.
Grim’s magic gem glowed as he climbed up to her shoulder. It’s likely to lighten his weight.
Shiro occupied her free shoulder and licked her cheek.
“Shiro did you drink the sea water? You smell like salt.”
At least she had the new specifically customized magical pen that Lilia gifted her so she could cast water magic to wash off all the sand once they’re out of the beach.
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