#i liked alan a lot even though we didn't work together for very long....
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Books of 2023. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE by Gabriel García Márquez.
Currently reading! This has been languishing on the TBR for a While™ and came highly recommended by a bookstore coworker. I'm only a couple chapters in, so far, and the family tree is ~Messy~, but the prose is lyrical and lovely!
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thefanficmonster · 7 months
hii could i request a Seth Borden x gn!reader where the readers been teasing him abt being scared while they’re filming a haunted video and then they comfort him when he gets genuinely scared?? TYY
Hi sweetheart! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy the fic <3
Lots of love, Vy 💌
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Safety Blanket
Pairing: Seth Borden x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing, Ghostly activity, Paranormal Investigations
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" I mentally check out for a few seconds as Sam and Colby start filming the intro to their video as Seth and I idle around in the background. "Today, we'll be investigating one of the most brutal prisons in US history." Colby explains to the camera, turning to Sam to give him his cue.
"The Darkmont Correctional Facility in Huntsville, Alabama." The blond declares before turning off the. "We'll film the history segment inside, it's too windy out here. The audio will be a bitch to edit." He tells us, tilting his head to the entrance gates of the massive and downright terrifying building that has been abandoned for decades.
A shiver runs down my spine as I look up at it. Not so much out of fear, more so excitement. I was an urban explorer long before meeting and dating Seth, let alone Sam and Colby. I have a decent pile of trespassing charges under my belt but my adventures never included dabbling into the paranormal. It brings a whole new level of adrenaline to the table and it always makes for a remarkable experience, especially with these guys.
Seth, on the other hand, approaches the paranormal with much more skepticism and a ton more fear which I believe contradict one another - how can you be afraid of something you don't believe in? But alas, I don't fight him on it, I know it's pointless.
Messing with him, however, works like a charm.
I take my opportunity to do just that when I see him very visibly gulp as he takes in the exterior of the prison as we enter the courtyard past the giant metal gates the tour-guide left open for us.
"Someone's looking paler than usual." I poke his side with my finger, hitting a particularly ticklish spot that causes him to jump.
He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together, "Not at all, I've seen worse." He shrugs, feigning nonchalance with a simple shrug even though I can clearly see the goosebumps on his skin.
"Whatever you say, babe." I mock him with a pout, dragging him along with me, forcing some speed in his steps to catch up with the guys.
The interior is infinitely worse than the exterior. It's stonewall, concrete and metal wherever the eye can see - which isn't much considering how dark it is. No lights are on, the only visibility being provided by the daylight seeping in through the barred up windows. It's a pretty cloudy day so there's not much of said daylight to go around either.
In short, it's the perfect atmosphere.
That's only confirmed further when I feel Seth's hand tightening its hold on mine, seeking the comfort he's too prideful to actually ask for.
"Welcome, yall." A deep voice with a southern drawl catches our attention out of the blue, startling us. Well, some more than others considering I didn't fail to pick on Seth's little jump out of the corner of my eye. I can't help but laugh, causing him to blush.
The voice belongs to our tour-guide Alan. He greets us each individually before starting the tour, telling us the stories stemming from this place. Sam, Colby and I take turns holding the main camera, capturing different angles as we walk through the eerie halls and cells. Seth tried helping out as well but his hands are too unsteady to get any usable footage so he's just taken to carrying the bag with the equipment and holding my hand as if I'm the scared one.
As the tour comes to an end, Alan turns off the lights he had turned on at the beginning, wishes us luck and sets off on his way, saying he hopes to see us all alive and well in the morning. It's the cherry on top of the terror cake he'd made with the history of the place as well as visitor horror stories. He gave us further proof of the paranormal activity in the place with pictures and recordings that Seth discreetly avoided looking at for too long.
The early hours of the night are upon us at this point and we've switched over to flashlights and the camera light to guide ourselves around the premises. Sam and Colby excuse themselves to the so called 'taming dungeon' to film the history segment for the video.
I walk around, looking at the marks on the stone walls while Seth remains rigid and jumpy in the middle of the large space that used to be a lobby. When I stray down the hall, following a trail of what I hope is paint on the wall, he jogs to catch up, prompting a laugh from me.
"Don't worry, babe. I ain't going anywhere. You're alright. The ghosts aren't coming to get you....yet." I add the last part with a low whisper and a tickle to the back of his neck. I've come to realize that defocusing his attention from the fear factor and instead move it to our banter is the best course of action. He'll never admit he's scared, so the best I can do is try and actually make him forget he's scared.
"Shut up..." He laughs, tickling my side as a counter-attack. "You're the worst."
I grin up at him, "Oh you love it."
Something tells me it's gonna be a pretty long night.
* * * *
"Is it just me or is it freezing in here?" Seth speaks up as we migrate from one floor onto the next after a brief investigation with the flashlights and other equipment. The spirits are talkative but dodged properly answering any of the questions we asked. They actually appeared to be talking amongst themselves more than us but it was still informative.
"I think it's cause you're a little bitch." Colby, who's also been put on edge by the activity we've gotten so far, replies. He masks his own fear by messing with the rest of us and I respect that. I'm doing the same.
"Oh fuck you!" Seth laughs, lightly punching his arm, "Y/N back me up here!"
Sam and I have already begun setting up the flashlights and REM pod so I'm partially distracted when I turn my head to look at the two. I glance between them, Colby giving me a fast nod. "Yeah, whatever Colby said." I shrug, evoking two completely different reactions from them.
As soon as we start, we are basically told to leave. We try to get a few questions in to try and ease up the tension but the spirit's opinion doesn't change - he wants us gone. And I can't blame him, if I died in this horrible place the last thing I'd want is to talk about it.
With that last group investigation we reach the audience favorite - and Seth's most dreaded - part: the solo investigations.
A game of rock-paper-scissors decides the areas we'd be covering: Colby takes the attic, Seth is on the second floor, I get the ground floor and Sam takes the basement somewhat voluntarily - something I greatly admire. We each take a piece of equipment with us and we split up.
"Hey..." I take Seth's hand before he follows Colby up the stairs, "I'm just a flight of stairs away. If you get freaked out, just call out to me, I'll meet you at these stairs, ok?"
He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, and truthfully - I needed that. "I'll be ok, I hope. But the same goes for you. Anything happens, I'll be right down."
With a parting kiss, we each begin our investigations.
I, for some reason, chose the music box to be my piece of equipment. I've placed it at the beginning of the main hallway and take a seat in a fold up chair, turning on night vision on my camera.
"Here goes nothing. I'll be fine, I'm far more worried about Seth, he hasn't been handling the night very well..." just as I say that I hear a voice and my heart nearly drops in my ass. Turns out I haven't been handling it all too well either, considering Sam's faint voice was enough to send me into cardiac arrest.
I take a deep breath, willing myself to actually say something to the potential presence keeping me company at the moment. Just then, the music box whirrs to life, playing its creepy tune for a good couple of seconds, as if encouraging me. "Hi, are you here in the hall with me?"
The answer is almost immediate as the music box comes to life once more.
"Were you a prisoner here?" I ask once the tune has stopped playing. I get no answer so I try again, "A guard?"
There it is, I think as the music creepily bounces off the walls in the quiet space. Sam has walked to a different part of the basement because I can no longer hear him. It makes the situation much more eerie, makes me feel much more alone.
I throw out a few more questions with no outcome that can be considered content worthy so I begrudgingly decide to relocate to somewhere else on the floor. Just as I grab he music box to turn it off, I hear a huge crash from upstairs and a string of curses that quickly get louder, accompanied with footsteps approaching the staircase behind me.
I quickly flick on the camera light, illuminating Seth who gallops down the stairs with inhuman speed. I barely manage to catch him, placing my hands on his arms in order to slow him into a halt and stabilize him. He's shaking like a leaf, his eyes are wide and his face has reached a sickly shade of pale.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened?" I ask as I pull him into a hug, "Hey, you're ok, you're ok. Everything's ok."
I see Sam peep his head up from the staircase, coming up from the basement, alerted by the noise. "What's wrong?" He asks as he jogs over to us. Colby is nowhere to be found, clearly oblivious to what happened.
"I...oh fuck...." Seth mutters, his breathing still heavy, "I mean, I got what I asked for. I wanted a clear sign and a door slammed shut. It freaked me the fuck out." He explains, still extremely shaken up but a bit calmer as he clings to me.
"Ok, ok, well that's great." I see the conflict on Sam's face, balancing between excitement over the footage Seth captured and worry for his friend. "Are you alright? Take a breather, stay here. I'll go grab Colby and we'll do the Estes method when you're ready." He says calmingly, his gaze fixating on me for rational and coherent responses but all I can do is nod, my full focus is taken up by Seth.
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Holy shit, that was insane, though." He manages to say, tapping Sam on the shoulder, "Go get Colby."
I lead my boyfriend over to the chair I was previously occupying and sit him down, crouching in front of him, "You captured something incredible back there, babe. You're incredible!" My hands rest on his knees as I too still am wrapping my brain around what happened just now. "Whoever was there with you can't hurt you. You're stronger than them and you have authority. Hey, they might like you, even! I barely got anything down here. The spirits must really like you to shut a whole ass door for you." I'm rambling, I'm aware, but it seems to be working since Seth is smiling now, some color having returned to his cheeks.
He lets out a chuckle as he runs a hand through his hair, "Well, I am the distant relative of a murderer. That's gotta count for something." He says, making me laugh.
"That's what I'm talking about." I smile up at him, my thumb drawing abstract patterns on his knee, relieved to see he's feeling better already.
"Thank you." He adds after a stretch of silence, "You're like my safety blanket." His hand cups my cheek, automatically prompting me to lean into his touch immediately.
"Happily, babe." I slowly rise up so I can lean in and meet him halfway.
Just as our lips are within a millimeter, we hear pure disbelief echo off the walls as two pairs of footsteps rush down the stairs. "A fucking door slammed shut?!!" Colby shouts breathlessly, causing us both to burst out laughing.
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mage-witha-glock · 11 months
Forget Zach and Zorian trying to lay low about their magical abilities. What about Zach and Zorian trying to keep everyone from confusing the dynamic of their relationship??
Silverlake literally says that the only explanation is being gay and I know she spent quite a lot of time with them but people (especially teenagers) always seem to come to the conclusion that "you're close so you must be dating" so even though Zach dropped out and let's be real, Zorian will probably end up skipping a lot, people will still see them around and be like, huh, they are weirdly close... The only real edge ZZ has here is the fact that they are two boys, not a guy and a girl.
There was the whole going to Daimen thing together as well where Daimen was being a little shit and went "aww this your bf? <3". And Kirelle's opinion really mattered to Zach (after she initially didn't like him in one of the loops because of the "train station incident"), plus he managed to loop her into his petty revenge. Fuck the rest of Zorian's bio family. Alanic's opinion probably also matters a lot to Zach too. Seeing as he is Zorian's father figure and all. Plus their friend.
They have chemistry. It's not necessarily a romantic one but it's there and it's really obvious + the soul bonded thing. They've been friends for so long in such unique circumstances it's hard not to be super close.
Adding to above though, to everyone else it looks like they became besties out of nowhere which is. Not possible. At least with romantic relationships you can say "omg, first relationship, so smitten". Friendships take time to build. From the outside it would definitely look like they have crazy chemistry for a romantic relationship and that this isn't just the results of a ~decade long friendship.
They are a team. It's ZachAndZorian. ZorianAndZach. It's all "us", "we". They are constantly together.
They have the whole opposites attract thing going on (sun/moon, golden retriever/black cat, red oni/blue oni etc.)
They hang out all the time. They eat out together. They go to the bar together. Everything. They literally do every single last thing together. And somebody like Benisek would definitely notice and be like hm, you've been going to bars together... those are called dates. You are dating.
They leave stuff at each other's places probably. Like "his house is my house, anyway" pretty much. Also Zorian lives with a bunch of other people and tutors people so he can't leave incriminating stuff around at his landlord's.
They share their money. And it is their money. It isn't Zorian borrowing Zach's money or vice versa, it's quite literally theirs as in ours. As in "my money is your money" which. Isn't normal for best friends. Like listen, I lend money and borrow money from my mates sometimes but it isn't an "our". For them, they share funds.
Plus they are definitely touchy. Zach just strikes me as a "your personal space? Our personal space" guy, plus the whole Zorian faking his death thing, and Zorian doesn't really mind either way.
Their futures include each other, they're not planning on separating. I feel like they'll definitely move in together at some point.
They are each others go to person. "I know a guy" literally is just them talking about the other. Which is fair because if Zach can't do something then Zorian definitely can (and vice versa), so it works. They literally really compliment each other in abilities.
They are also both very mature and close so they can talk about whatever without it ever getting awkward.
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astranite · 11 months
Boo!!! Family fluffy fic in time for spooky season!! Set after S2E2 Ghost Ship. A little hurt/comfort in there but not scary, plus lots of siblingly banter, shenanigans and cuddles!!
Authors note: I haven't actually seen more than 5 minutes of any of the redacted for spoilers movies, but I googled it which totally counts.
Oh and you might recognise some of this from wip wednesday but there's alot more now. This was originally supposed to be short, like under 1000 words short but nope!! I had much fun writing!!
@idontknowreallywhy *steals your popcorn*
John really hoped that Scott and Kayo had forgotten about his and Alan’s whole ‘maybe, possibly, just a tiny bit absolutely terrified of ghosts,’ slip up on the comms. 
He really thought they had. Until the next family movie night. 
To set the scene: it was a cool, pleasant evening on Tracy Island. John was down from Five and the fresh breeze was a welcome change from recycled air. All the family was piled onto couches, well except for Grandma and Brains who were in his lab making enthusiastic upgrades to the already far too overpowered oven. 
Gordon and Virgil were squabbling over whether sweet or salty popcorn was the better flavour, while eating from a bowl mixed of both, like they did every time. Gordon preferred salty, likening it to the unfortunate comparison of celery crunch bars despite the two bearing little resemblance. Virgil vehemently argued for sweet ever since he had discovered coffee caramel popcorn.
Scott attempted to mediate without getting kicked by Virgil’s feet on his lap as the family tank lunged to get the fish in a headlock. Alan egged all parties on. Kayo delicately plucked the popcorn bowl from amid the fray and joined John where he watched from the relative safety of the other sofa.
He took a handful of kernels from Kayo, shaking his head at the antics of the others. Every time. The same argument played out, when the two of them actually preferred both flavours mixed in the same bowl. Why, John didn't know. He tolerated it for the free pre-movie entertainment though.
 Finally, everyone got settled. Scott sat between two pouting brothers who before the end of the movie would be snuggled up together, half falling asleep. Alan fetched frozen peas for what John suspected was more likely for Virgil’s bruised pride than injury from Gordon’s lumpy elbows, while Gordon was consoled over the indignity of being sat on at one point by the heavy lifter. Then more popcorn for reparations, when they noticed the missing bowl and Kayo’s smug expression. 
John stretched out on the couch, while the others were crowded on the next one. Kayo was perched above him, in reach of their bowl of popcorn. They all would move about through the movie, because no one round here could sit still for a whole hour-and-a-half minimum, and the hugs had to be shared around.
“So, what are we watching?” John asked, completely in ignorance of the forthcoming answers.
“Nemo! Or Moana! Blue Planet!” Gordon screeched, because he always quick to suggest marine themed ones at every turn in hopes someone would fall for it.
“It’s not even his turn,” Alan grumbled. “What about something with zombies? Not more boring fish.”
Gordon gasped, “An affront upon my friends! The kraken will have you for that!”
John rolled his eyes at the typical tinies dramatics. 
“Alan, you picked last time,” Virgil said, totally reasonably except for his stage whisper to Gordon of, “Get him, Squid!”
Aaand they were back in kahoots. Not even a record for the timing. 
Alan appealed to Scott to protect him with big, blue puppy eyes, and got away with it because he was still the baby of the family. Despite how he complained about ‘smothering older brothers,’ he was very happy to use the privilege when it suited him.
Long suffereringly, Scott said, “Gords, you can’t drag Alan down to the watery depths, you’d be bored without your partner in crime.”
John watched on. Very well behavedly, without starting any fights or causing any trouble, he’d like to add. Because he was the sensible, responsible one of this bunch.
“Eos,” John asked his comm, “Who’s turn is it to choose what we watch?” 
Then he added, “You did say you wanted to watch the next Star Trek, like we talked about.” He didn't quite wink at her, but only because that wouldn't have been very subtle.
“It’s your turn to choose, of course, John,” Eos replied, loud enough everyone would hear, “Star Trek would be, as you put it, awesome.” 
John struggled to keep a straight face. “Then Star Trek it is,” he said with all the authoritative gravitas of Thunderbird Five.
Scott face palmed. 
John shrugged. “Worth a try.” 
Everyone’s voices rose to argue with him. 
“Really, Eos?” Virgil questioned the AI, staring foolishly at the ceiling.
Gordon protested,“We just had Star thingy, the week before Alan’s Zombie Apocalyspe Twenty or whatever.”
“Hey!” Alan came to defend the merits of Zombie Apocalyspe Twenty or whatever.
Scott looked betrayed by his supposedly second eldest brother. “Are you an adult or are you eight?”
John huffed, “I totally could have pulled this off when I was eight.” 
“Awww, clever ickle Johnny,” Gordon heckled. 
“Don’t call me Johnny, plankton.” The fish would soon be fish food if he kept trying it.
“Did I upset itty bitty baby Johnny?” 
“Joooohnyyyy,” Alan joined in, because he wanted to be causing trouble. 
John was one more mangled rendition of his name from tackling them both, gravity be damned.
“How many times do we have to say that using Eos to back up your claims does not make them any more valid when she can’t be objective about it?” Scott interjected, in an attempt from stopped things from getting out of hand.
“Few hundred more at least.” John grinned. He hadn't forgotten certain remarks though. 
General groans followed all round. And another face palm. A few more grey hairs and a red forehead for Scott was in order.
“This time happens to be my choice,” Kayo stated. Out of the blue and right on target.
In the shadow of those innocuous words, John missed the mischievous look his sister and eldest brother shared. How the very atmosphere changed.
In synch, they burst out together, “Ghost Busters!” 
They sung it. Loudly. Complete with catchy jingle.
Alan and John looked at each other in horror.
“I’m not scared,” Alan burst out. 
John settled back and crossed his arms. They’d have to try harder to get him. 
Harder than the big cartoon ghost logo that had appeared, hovering unnaturally in the middle of the room. Projected from the holo tv, of course. Like you normally watched movies with. Nothing spooky going on there.
Far too often people underestimated Scott’s ability to be a pain in the ass of a brother, and Kayo’s capacity for mischief. 
John was never going to make that mistake.
He made it through the introduction. This was going to be fine. The movie was positively ancient, the first of the franchise coming out way back in the 1900s. He looked it up on his tablet before Scott made him put it away because it was family movie time, and the movie was supposedly far more of the comedy genre than horror. 
John still wrapped himself up in one of the many blankets they kept by the couches, as if crocheted orange stitches could protect him from ghostly chills. Actually, scratch that, it was because he was cold, nothing supernatural about it.
The first ghost came up on screen. John absolutely didn't shrink back from it. He heard Alan’s gasp as he scrabbled for his own blanket.
The special effects were archaic. Definitely not realistic enough to be scary, John told himself. Nope, not scary at all. 
Ghosts weren’t real, after all.
No reason to be scared.
Something went bang and John yelped in alarm. He cast around for threats. Then landed on Virgil, picking up the empty popcorn bowl from the floor. 
He and Gordon had already migrated to sit on the rug together and yet somehow still managed to make a clatter.
Innocent brown eyes met John’s. They widened, like those of some sweet animal that could do no wrong. 
“Whoops,” Virgil said, “Sorry about that.” 
Appearances could be deceiving.
The family peacekeeper was as much a trouble maker as any of them.
John glared at him. 
Virgil raised a brow then cheerfully turned back to the movie.
To the ghosts. The glowing, comedically ridiculous pieces of animated filmic trickery that his brain still insisted were worthy of terror. 
John missed a few vital parts of the sequence of events whilst trying not to look at the projection. Then it exploded. Exploding ghosts. 
Ugh, all that ooze. John shuddered at the phantom sensation of it landing on him as it splattered everywhere.
The movie continued. More ghosts. More exploded ghosts.
Sudden noises from outside, normal noises of their island wildlife, made John jump. What had been a pleasant breeze now raised goosebumps where it trailed its icy fingers across his skin. 
He glanced towards Alan to see how he was handling it. John had looked out for his little brother on the mission with the threats of an actual ghost ship floating in the dead of space, and he’d make sure he was okay in the safety of their loungeroom too.
Alan had his shoulders hunched up to his ears, only his eyes and a few strands of bright blonde hair visible beneath the blanket. 
This situation called for being the bigger brother. John crossed the few steps to the other couch and sat down next to Alan. If he happened to also be closer to Scott, things just turned out like that.
Then the smotherhen paused the movie.
“If you,” Scott glanced at Alan and then him for that, “Really don’t want to watch the movie, I’m sure Kayo would be alright with picking something else.”
Alan shrugged, “I mean it’s not zombies but it is kinda funny. Let’s go for it.” 
Alan did also like watching horror movies, where scaring yourself silly appeared to be the entire point.
 John, not so much. It was the jumpscares. And the high percentage of plot important ghost-infested scenes. Though at least the contents of a book couldn't suddenly pop up and scream in your face. Not unless a bored Gordon got his hands on it, but John was not going to give him any ideas on that front.
John had had enough. So he did what he still always did when the world was too scary, whether or not he admitted to it. Go to Scott.
He threw away his pride and tucked himself into Scott’s side. Not matter how small the fear, big brother hugs made it better. 
He waved his okay for the movie to be unpaused, it wasn't scaring him badly enough he wanted to stop it all together plus he was enjoying family movie night. But that was no reason not to spend the rest of it right here. 
Scott’s arm went around John, pulling up the blanket and cuddling him closer. John curled up small, his legs beneath him, arms under the blanket and hugging Scott, resting his head on Scott’s chest. 
He might’ve hidden his face behind Scott’s shoulder any time anything ghostly came up. So what, everyone was allowed one illogical fear. 
In the middle of the climax of the movie, where either the ghosts would be busted or the ghost busters, Alan leapt up and ran to the other sofa. 
He hugged a very surprised Kayo around the middle and declared, “You’ve got to protect me. You’re my only hope, Kayo!”
John felt the vibrations of laughter as Scott retorted, “What’s that say about me?” 
Alan looked their big brother up and down. “Kayo would be better at kicking ghost ass.”
Which he was probably correct about.
Kayo sported a proud grin, over her surprise and settling into her role of big sister, which she’d learnt from the rest of them as she let them in as her family. “You’re damn right I would be.” 
She pulled Alan into her arms and rested her chin on his head. Alan happily snuggled closer.
“Language, the both of you,” Scott half-heartedly reprimanded, 
Alan’s eyes lit up, “But last week I heard you call that guy who deliberately ignored the safety protocols a ‘fu—”
“Alan!” Scott cut their youngest off sharply.
The cheshire cat smile on Alan’s face only grew. “Bet grandma would have something to say about that, wouldn't she? And the baking dish from yesterday’s lasagne still needs scrubbing, doesn't it?”
Scott glared at him, a hint of a pout at being called out for hypocrisy. 
Alan held out a hand, wriggling his fingers. 
Scott grumbled grumpily and leant across to hand over the last of his own popcorn.
Alan smiled sweetly, employing those not so innocent baby blues. “Thanks Scotty.”
John bit down on his lips to hide his own grin. He’d taught Alan much in negotiations and now he was his own certified menace. John was also close enough to hear the less than Grandma friendly words Scott was muttering under his breath.
What made it all the more funny was grandma’s own potty mouth and creativity with expletitives, where ‘Do as I say but not as I do,’ couldn't even come to her defence. 
Soon enough, or in John’s opinion, couldn't be soon enough, the ghosts were all busted and the end credits rolling. 
John yawned, warm and nearly sleepy by Scott’s side, in spite of featured phantoms, spirits, ghouls and all manner of monsters. He was safe with his brothers.
Everyone began to get up to head off to bed. Scott poked a very settled pile of Virgil and Gordon with his foot when they looked like they weren’t moving. 
Good nights were said with their usual accompanying hugs, then they all went up the stairs to their own of the row of bedrooms.
John snuck in an extra hug with Scott, before he dared enter his own. 
The lights flicked on straight away, courtesy of Eos. 
He checked all the corners and beneath his bed, because he wasn't Thunderbird Five for lack of definitely necessary precautions, and pulled on his pyjamas. Space ones, galaxy purple with shooting stars, of course. 
Maybe he also asked Eos to keep an eye out for anything outside the usual parameters, but that was just between them.
Then he snuggled beneath his blankets, making sure none of his limbs were sticking out in the cold, not at all because of the irrational thoughts about ghosts grabbing him by the ankles and dragging him out. 
John’s eyes slipped closed. He was nearly approaching soft, soothing sleep, when he jolted back awake.
There was a sound. 
Not a loud one, but then ghosts weren’t always loud. Sometimes they snuck up on you. That was the worst.
John pulled the blanket over his head when his bed room door whooshed open. 
A figure crept in. 
John froze, sleep deprived mind not thinking clearly, imagination too full of things that go bump in the night. Maybe if he stayed very, very still it wouldn't see him.
The shadow moved across the room, coming ever closer. 
John held his breath and hid.
Then the figure tripped on a book John had left on the floor and resolved into Alan swearing up a storm. 
He hopped, rubbing at his toes, not at all scary. The furthest from that in fact, his littlest brother who still hadn't had his growth spurt and was just a kid who played too many video games and flew a rocket ship and loved the stars as much as he did.
John exhaled with a heaving swoosh, unburying himself from his blankets. Somewhat. Better safe than sorry, and it was still kinda cold on the island compared to temperature controlled Five. 
“Hey John,” Alan said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, “Can I stay here tonight, there’s weird noises in my room?” 
John nodded hurriedly. “Best get Virgil to check it out in the morning.” 
He pulled the blankets back for just long enough for Alan to hop in, then huddled back beneath them.
“You’re scared too?” Alan was far too astute.
In the dark, hiding from imaginary things, John could admit more than he would in the daytime. 
“Yeah I am. But we’ll be okay because we’re together.”
Alan cuddled up to him, pressed as close as possible against John’s chest. John wrapped his arms around Alan, burying his face in his soft hair. 
He could feel Alan’s voice as quiet vibrations by his shoulder. “Yeah, we will be.”
Somehow, that made the corners far less likely to be containing any sorts of ghosts.
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yjano · 1 year
Never The Same.
Part 18.
Pairings: Jake x Mc.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, angst, smut, other pairings;), traumatic experiences.
Words: 1.8k
Author's note: Honestly, this story is going to be a big piece of work and a lot of angst. It's not connected to the game at all. Because I always want to try something new and newer. Read it only if you're into angst stories, please. Thank you and let's go!
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A small smile made its way onto my face as I stared outside the huge window of my office. That's right, I own an office. Something I was very proud of.
Slowly I got up from my seat before cleaning my desk, grabbing my black bag, and walking towards the exit of my big office. Ever since it had come to Alan Bloomgate knowing that his former lawyer had been found alive the successful man had immediately sent multiple of his employees to get me and offer me the chance to come work for him again.
Of course, the moment I heard about Alan wanting me as an employee again I had been very happy. However, the moment I even told him that I would, he told me that I will get my own office because my name was known all over the country now was a dream come true for me.
Right now life was busy for me. I got case after case and next to my job, I also tried to make as much time for my friends and family as possible. Luckily though, everyone understood that I had a busy life.
After working on my newest case for hours I had finally decided to call it a day and thus I was now walking towards the exit of my very own office. Immediately as I got out I was greeted by my assistant who smiled her signature bright smile before sending a wink to me.
The moment I had gotten my much-wanted promotion I also had gotten the opportunity to choose my assistant and thus Lilly was now closer to me than ever. The blonde girl meant the absolute world to me and she was amazing at her new job.
Besides those facts, the two of us just liked spending time together, and this way we could do so as much as possible.
Of course, the moment Lilly and I had been reunited had been very emotional. I had feared that my best friend would be mad because I had ignored her completely back when she had seen me in the mall. However, the blonde girl didn't care about that at all, and the first thing she had done when she saw me hugged me like there was no tomorrow.
Lilly knew there was a reason for everything and she was kind enough to let me explain it to her before forming an opinion.
"Bye Lilly." I softly spoke before waving at my best friend with a smile on my face. Lilly immediately waved back before a smirk started to form on her face.
"Bye Mc. Say hi to your fiancé for me." The blonde girl spoke in an amused tone before a knowing look crossed her face. Immediately my cheeks turned crimson and my eyes widened before I quickly answered my best friend.
"Shut up," I said in an embarrassed tone before turning around and walking over toward where the elevators were situated. Lilly's loud laugh sounded behind me and a small smile began to cross my features. I would get that girl back someday.
Jake had asked me to marry him last week. It had been exactly two years ago since the two of us had first met each other back in the prison and thus Jake had decided that that day would be perfect to take the next step in our relationship. Something I was more than ready for.
Quickly I pressed the button for going down next to the elevator before taking a step back and patiently waiting for the doors to open. Luckily, it didn't take long, and before I knew it the moving room was slowly bringing me to the garage underneath the building.
As soon as the big silver doors opened again I quickly got out before I began to search for my car key in my pocket. Ever since I had gotten my old job back with the much-wanted promotion Jake had celebrated it by gifting his very own car to me and thus I luckily never had to take the subway ever again. Jake's black porshe was much comfier.
As soon as I reached my car I quickly opened it before starting the engine and driving home to Jake. Sure my fiancé was loaded and if I wanted I never had to work a day in my life but that just didn't suit me at all. I was passionate about what I did and I loved my job a lot. No way I would willingly give it up and let Jake take care of everything.
As I began to drive home a small smile began to form on my face. Today my little sister was coming over to my and Jake's apartment for dinner and I couldn't be more excited. Sina meant the world to me and I knew how much she loved to come over to spend time with both Jake and me.
The fact that Sina and Jake had clicked immediately was something that I was very happy about. My fiancé truly did his best to make Sina like him and in return, Sina thought Jake was super cool.
Even though my younger sister would never admit it I knew damn well Sina hoped to see Jake every time she came over to spend time with me just because the two of them had so much in common and Jake was someone the younger girl looked up to a lot.
It didn't take long before the familiar sight of the Red Crew Tower came into sight through my windshield and a warm feeling began to spread through my chest. The tower looked modern and cold from the outside but its insides held everything that mattered to me the most. This skyscraper was my home as well as the home of a lot of my friends.
Quickly I drove to the garage beneath the Red Crew tower before parking my car right next to Jake's and quickly making my way over to the elevator. I had promised my little sister to cook her favorite meal today and thus I had to hurry if I wanted the food to be ready in time.
Quickly I pressed the button on the elevator for going up and before I knew it I was standing inside the big elevator while it was taking me to my apartment. Softly I began to humm impatiently while looking at the walls of the room and rubbing my stomach gently knowing something that others didn't.
Luckily for me, the elevator reached its destiny quickly and before I knew it I was walking inside my apartment. However, suddenly a lot of shouting filled my ears and I slowly began to quirk an eyebrow. What the hell?
Quickly I walked towards my and Jake's living room before I softly began to shake my head, a small smile covering my face. Sina and Jake were playing some kind of shooting game together on the PlayStation and my little sister was letting herself get carried away.
"Jake on your right!" My sister shouted in a stressed tone before quickly running away from an enemy she had spotted. Jale who was pretty skilled at the game they were playing and immediately turned around and shot the enemy dead while a small smirk began to form on his face.
"Got him."
Slowly I began to walk closer to both of them that I cared so much about before clearing my throat. Immediately the two of them turned their heads toward me while I had a small smile plastered on my face.
"Sina, didn't you have school till five?" I asked while looking at my younger sister with a serious look on my face. I disagreed with skipping school at any time.
"I did but one of my teachers called in sick so I got off early and since I knew you'd be still at work and mom and dad were too so I called Jake to ask if he could pick me up. That's why I'm here already," Sina answered while trying to look as innocent as possible. She then turned towards Jake before looking at him with an expectant look on her face.
"It is true, I can confirm this story." Jake immediately backed his sister-in-law up while standing up from where he was sitting and walking over toward where I was standing before pressing a kiss against my temple.
"You'd confirm her story even if it wasn't true." I softly shook my head before wrapping my arms around Jake's neck and leaning in for a kiss. A small smile began to form on his lips the moment he felt the soft touch of my lips and he immediately pressed me a bit closer.
"Gross!" Sina immediately began to exclaim and immediately both of us broke apart while laughing. Jake then once again turned towards my younger sister and looked at her with an amused look on his face.
"I can't help it, Sina. Your sister is too attractive."
Immediately Sina began to make a grossed-out face before turning around and focusing on the game again. Jake softly laughed before turning towards me once again.
"How was work baby and how is the baby inside there?" Jake asked and slightly bent down to peck my belly gently. I smiled in return.
"It was great. Lilly is coming over tomorrow if that's okay with you and the little bean is just fine." I answered to which Jake nodded with a smile on his face.
"Of course it's okay and you better eat something. I made some food for you and left it in the kitchen baby." He said while winking towards me before walking over and sitting down again on the couch. He then picked up his controller again before continuing the game he and Sina had been playing.
I looked at the two of them with a loving look on my face. These two, together with the rest of my family and friends meant the world to me, and the fact that everyone got along so well made me very happy. But the happiest thing was just forming inside my belly. The love proof of my and Jake's love story. Life couldn't have turned out better for me and I was finally complete.
This is officially the end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. I am gonna miss this story a lot since it is something I had been planning for so long even when I was writing Who I Am Now. However, I am proud of everything I have achieved with it and hopefully, I'll see you all again in one of my other stories or one-shots! I have already planned something. It's the school or prison mates' fanfics though. Because I've never genuinely seen someone else doing it. I am not sure yet and there are no promises for now. But I'll keep updating. Thank you everyone for sticking around and supporting me. I love you a lot. 🩷
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alan-duarte · 1 year
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TIMING: Friday, 7th of April, 5pm LOCATION: Whitlock Wares PARTIES: Ariadne @ariadnewhitlock & Alan @alan-duarte SUMMARY: Creating models takes time, money and quite a few materials. What better place than Whitlock Wares for all your crafty needs? CONTENT WARNINGS: Unsanitary tw
Good afternoon White Crest. It’s 5 o’clock and you’re listening to WWMJ. This is your hos- 
Alan reached out for his phone, the sound drowning out as he scrolled through his emails. Though he had a secretary who dealt with responses, he liked to keep an eye on the messages they sent to the office. Just in case. He got out of his car, making his way toward the hardware store, this time with his eyes focused on his surroundings.
He was aware of the importance of timing, caution and knowing how to get your point across when it came to the essential matter that was problem solving. So far, there had been no problem Alan couldn’t find a solution to although his creativity had been challenged quite a few times already by the locals. In the end, what mattered was that his business was thriving, and so was he. 
Although he had been very busy with work, Alan also knew how to take time to recharge his batteries, and this was a far cry from massage parlors, pilates classes or the kind of bullshit where people seemed to waste time, energy and certainly a lot of money. He wasn't stingy, but he didn't like throwing his money away either. That was not how he had been brought up.
“How are you doing Simon?” Simon Whitlock was about 5 years younger than Alan, which meant that they hadn’t really grown up together and yet were familiar with one another for a long while. Back when Alan was a teenager, Simon used to sit on the counter, by the register. That had changed, but there was always a Whitlock kid not too far away, working at the store. Speaking of… “Ariadne, Alan’s here !”  
Her family’s store had always been a second home - in more ways than one. Her father claimed that it had been where she’d taken her first steps, and though video footage technically proved otherwise, the rest of Ariadne’s family went along with it. It added another layer of wholesomeness to the store - not that it was something the store was in need of, but it certainly added to the familial feel of it.
Today she didn’t have classes in the afternoon, and so she’d stopped by the store, electing to organize some new boxes of nails and tape measures. Something about the sheer sameness of it, the fact that she could restock the shelves with her eyes closed, served to at least somewhat help the constant nerves that crept all throughout her body. Nerves that she couldn’t get to go away no matter how many hours of mediation she attempted to listen to on any of the applications she’d downloaded onto her phone. Nerves that felt wholly and entirely constricting, that left her with little ability to focus on much else. 
Her dance professor had noticed, multiple times. Even pulled her over at the end of class, to check in, to make sure that there wasn’t anything she could do to help. No, Ariadne had said, I’m just not sleeping well, just trying to do too much, probably! and even she knew that the grin she’d flashed had to have seemed completely and entirely faked.
Her dad’s voice startled her for a moment, and she looked up and over to the counter. Ariadne set her work down, and made her way over to the counter where her father stood. “Mr. Duarte,” she bowed her head, briefly, because there was something about the man that commanded an extra layer of respect, even beyond what she would normally have offered to any adult. “How can we - I - we - help you today? My dad was just about to run out and get us some smoothies, so I’d be happy to help you, if that’s quite alright with you?”
We - I - we. Wasn’t she the poster girl for confidence ? Then he couldn’t say many people her age qualified for the position either. He was certainly glad to be out of his twenties. What a dreaded time that was, sitting with your ass on two different chairs, one for teenagehood, one for adulthood. Being in the army, and being the eldest of four forced him to grow up faster, yet he still recalled not liking it all that much. His thirties were a lot more comfortable, but he found that this new decade of his life was his favorite one yet. Nostalgia who? Alan smiled at her, his fondness forming wrinkles at the corner of his nose and eyes. “How are you doing Ariadne?” Crossing his arms over his chest, Alan picked at a piece of lint on his sleeve. 
“I’m in good hands then,” Alan pointed out with a polite nod to her father.
He liked a challenge, but the store was such a landmark of the town that Alan never dared trying to purchase it from the Whitlocks. Alan would not have many qualms about investing in a commercial zone should the chance arise, but until then, he wouldn’t lay a finger on that family or their business. Too much trouble for too little profit. The thought left his mind as swiftly as it had arrived. “I’m gonna need plastic for the 3D printer,” he fished a piece of paper out of his wallet, a list he’d scribbled on the back of a receipt while waiting for a client to return with a complimentary coffee cup. “It’s probably best if I just hand you the list,” he smiled politely, and turned his eyes toward the shelves. Paper, wood, glue, paint, led lights and batteries, they had everything. He could have gotten it all from Amazon, but his networking would have suffered from it and it was a good look, politically, to avoid purchasing from the internet giant. 
Her face brightened at his smile. “Pretty well - school’s wildly busy, but that’s okay! Better than being bored, I figure.” She fiddled with her necklace for a moment. “Which is pretty much super obvious, but figure it’s worth being said, still.” Ariadne nodded. “How are you doing? The real estate market still good?” Even if she certainly didn’t know all too much (or much at all) about real estate, she knew a bit here and there, and she knew that it was Alan’s business, and therefore something he’d enjoy being asked about.
“I mean, I do know my way around this store pretty well. When I was about seven, I even helped to reorganize the housewares section…” Ariadne let her voice trail off. “So I promise I’m not going to lead you astray or misguide you or anything at all like that!”
She tapped her fingertips against her thigh. If nothing else, helping out at the store gave her reason to focus on something besides the very thing she was so avidly avoiding - and she liked it here, it was familiar, and Ariadne had gotten a new blush to add some extra color to her cheeks. She wasn’t sure if she looked as pale as she imagined she did, but a light bit of extra color wasn’t going to do anyone any harm, right? “Oh, yes, of course.” Another nod. “You can give me the list, and we’ll grab you a basket and we can go about the store and make sure we’ve got everything you need. Does that sound good? I’ll hold the basket if it’s easier for you, too, even.”
“School?” His eyebrows furrowed while he tried to remember what the girl was studying. Alan didn’t actively try to keep tabs on everyone (though he did do that for people he needed to keep dirt on), but the Whitlocks were folks he saw at least once or twice a week, every week for the past ten years, and that tended to help with remembering details. “School’s alright, it’s the exams I used to dread,” because that meant learning every little detail about a lesson, just in case the teacher would ask about that. It wasn’t practical, and he’d never been one for pure theory.
“I know,” well, he certainly wasn’t aware of those details. His parents weren’t running a business, which meant that he was never exploited that way. This being said, they expected him to keep the house in good shape on the weekends, especially when they were working, and he did more than a fair share of dishes and cooking from the age of 12 until the age of 18. He assumed first that the second oldest sibling would help out in turn, but his parents bought a dishwasher the very year he left home to be in the Air Force. Ouch. 
A smile graced his lips as she took charge and Alan happily handed the list over to her, following her around the store while she went to get a basket. 
“Yeah, that thing where you get a degree so the wilder world accepts you as like, legit or whatever?” Ariadne shrugged. “I like college better than I liked high school, so that’s something, at least?” An emphatic nod followed his comment about exams. “Oh, absolutely. Exams are the worst. If I could learn without worrying about grades, I’d be all set.” She made a face, “grades are not fun.” She shook her head. “Am I talking too much?”
Ariadne glanced down at her feet. “Right, okay, sorry.” She wasn’t even sure why she was saying sorry. Just that somehow, it felt right - she hadn’t talked this much about herself to anyone in what felt like forever, and the last thing she wanted to do was overburden someone - a patron, no less - with random facts about her childhood. 
Grabbing the list, she quickly scurried over to get a basket. “Do you have a preferred brand for any of these things, or would you like me to just give you the best we’ve got? Also, any restrictions on cost? Just ‘cause I don’t want to suggest something that’s out of an allotted budget, if there is an allotted budget for this.” Ariadne grabbed a couple packs of batteries. “These good?”
“And for a great price too,” Alan chuckled. Things weren’t so bad in his youth, and doing the army was his way of being debt free all while getting proper education, though he would never blame anyone for not being willing to do the same sacrifice. “College is supposed to be about learning about something you’re passionate about, I sure hope you prefer it to high school,” otherwise it would just mean she picked the wrong major. As if he had decided that this was enough chit-chat for now, Alan fell silent then, and picked up a can of paint from a shelf, to have a look at the color on the lid, and then at the one next to it, repeating the same course of actions over and over until he set his hand on the right shade of white he needed. Eggshell white. “What? Talking too much?” Yes. “No, it’s the contrast. Contrast is beautiful,” he offered a kind smile and put the small can of paint in the basket. 
“Reasonable quality, I’d say. Not the cheap stuff, but I don’t need a top brand either,” what mattered was that he could tend to his hobby in peace, just him, his paintbrush and a tiny world growing beneath his fingertips. 
“AAA batteries. That sounds right,” with an encouraging smile, Alan turned his attention to the front of the shop, glancing toward the front door as he heard it chime on her father’s way out. He could have asked her if she planned to take over after them. The store was in their family for two centuries after all. He remained silent instead. Chit chat wasn’t his thing and he’d already done his fair share of it already, yet when his eyes settled on something that looked straight out of an infomercial, he had to open his mouth. “That thing actually works?” 
“I don’t hate school, but I like learning more than I like actual school, if that makes sense?” Ariadne shrugged. “I don’t actually normally talk a lot, but maybe it’s the whole ‘I want to be good with customer service’ that’s turned this on.” Anyhow… she shook her head, taking in a steadying breath. There was no reason to be worried right now. 
“Okay, that makes sense. I’ll make sure you get stuff that won’t go bad or whatever on you, but also isn’t like the super high-end fancy stuff.” Luckily, her father saw it fit to stock a wide variety of items, and Ariadne at least liked to believe that he charged as reasonable a price as was possible - though of course, she knew full well that she had a certain level of bias at play with everything.
“Good, good.” Ariadne offered a tentative smile back to him. “Sorry?” Her head whipped toward him. “What thing? Batteries work well, yeah -” she followed his gaze. “That? No, I - that isn’t anything we’ve ordered, I don’t think, at least. Unless you want it! In which case, we can grab one and see about it.”
“If that’s the case, I hope you picked a job where you’re going to be learning every day,” if Alan honed his skills each day that passed, he didn’t feel like you could really learn to be good at it. It was a matter of temperament. Some jobs just required the right attitude, or a good amount of charisma, some others, diplomas, diplomas and truckloads of experience. “Less is more sometimes,” he pondered. “But for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing well,” 
With a polite smile, he nodded along as she told him his purchase wouldn’t go bad or whatever on him. What a completely positive and non worrying thought that was. Maybe not doing so well after all. Alan figured she was just clumsy with words, like most kids were, and instead turned his attention toward a dog brush - glove fusion that seemed a whole lot too good to be true.
As seen on tv, the product read. Not on my tv, Alan thought as he reached out to get a look at the cardboard box. “Removes hairs from clothes, dogs, cats, and all living things,” he read out loud. If the first bit was enticing, the last part provoked in him an urge to put that thing away. Yet, instead, Alan started to turn the thin box around to find a way to open it. “Do you mind if we have a look?”
“I might be a professor, maybe.” She wasn’t sure, but that seemed like a good enough answer to keep away any further questions about her future. Ariadne had used to have elaborate dreams about what her future held, but those had all been brought to a halt, doubly so, now. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”
“We can look.” Her face scrunched up, puzzled once again. “But I don’t remember my dad ordering this, but I mean, I’m not like, in charge of keeping track of what we have in stock, or what we order. Maybe they were a freebie or something?” Ariadne shook her head. “Regardless, feel free to open it, I think we probably should look to make sure it’s not something dangerous or otherwise questionable.” She adjusted the basket on her arm.
“That’s one way to do that,” it sounded exhausting, and he heard it didn’t pay well. All those years in school to be broke? No thanks. Alan gave a courteous nod to the young girl, and finally found the tab to open the damn box. “Well that was easy.” With a raise of his eyebrows, the wolf pulled on it and folded aside the top of the cardboard. 
The object within seemed to resemble the one on the package, except for one highly disturbing detail. Glancing at Ariadne Whitlock, Alan gave a grimace, holding his fist to his mouth while he tried not to feel too sick over the gruesome sight. If this was a marketing strategy, he certainly wasn’t buying it.
The glove looked exactly as the one on the box, yes, but by the look of it, it had been used. Covered in hairs, wet hairs, the object, inanimate as it might be, had a threatening aura the wolf was quick to get as far from him as he could, even if that meant throwing it away back on the shelf. “What.” Pause. “The fuck is that?”
“Yeah,” she shrugged. Of course, she probably wouldn’t end up doing that, but having some sort of stock answer at least helped a little bit with Ariadne’s nerves. Alan not giving her too many followup questions was also something of a relief. She could help with finding things in the store; that was easy enough to fake being normal about.
A small scream escaped from her lips. “I - what?” She glanced around, “I don’t know.” Whatever it was, it absolutely wasn’t supposed to be like that. “Maybe - maybe someone used it and brought it back, and didn’t want to try to return it?” Except that didn’t make sense because, again, until Alan had pointed the box out, Ariadne couldn’t remember seeing it at all.
“Do - I - I can look at it, if you want?” She did her best to contain the look of disgust on her face. If he said yes, she’d just have to imagine it was like looking for roly polies under rocks as a kid. Curious, a bit strange, but not bad. At least the glove couldn’t kill anyone. Ariadne bit down on her tongue. “I’ll have to tell my dad about this.”
“Why is it wet?” Saying it outloud was enough to make him feel like gagging, and Alan put his wrist to his mouth, shaking his head in disapproval. “You’re gonna want to look at the security cameras,” did they have any? They didn’t look like the type. They looked like the type to trust everyone blindly, which was beautiful, he supposed. 
“Look at it? Do you expect it to suddenly not be disgusting?” That made absolutely no sense, and he was protective enough of innocent folks that he had to raise his hands on that. “Absolutely not. You want to burn this thing to the ground,” his eyes went toward the other boxes on the shelf, who weren’t supposed to be there either. “Do you think the rest of the boxes are like that ?” 
“I don’t know.” This time, the look of disgust was clear all across her face. “I - we don’t have those. Or I don’t think we do. Maybe one by the cash register, because of the money and stuff but…” Ariadne’s voice trailed off. “I - I’m confused.” Which didn’t even begin to cover it, but still.
“I don’t know, I just - well,” she bit her lip. “I don’t think we should light things on fire in the store. Which - I doubt is what you meant, but I - shouldn’t we show my dad? In case it’s someone playing a rude prank on us?” Ariadne sighed. “I think it’s probably worth checking out, at the very least? Maybe this one’s just faulty, or something.”
Alan raised both his hands, as if to say : your shop, not mine. He didn't have to make decisions for them although he did hope that they'd decide to get rid of that thing in the most brutal way.
"A prank which consists of putting your shower drain," or something that looked like it, but also not like it, as if the hairs were human, but not quite. "On a glove. In a closed box." With a deadpan stare, Alan took a step back, turning his heels on her. "What if there's something else in each box? A surprise per box?" As horrifying as it was, he preferred to fear the worst than be surprised.
"It's not faulty," she knew that, right?
“Please. Let’s not further visualize it.” Ariadne made a face. “It’s gross and really quite mean, if it’s some sort of prank. Like, why would you do that?” Except she was with a customer, and that meant you had to be as professional as possible. 
“That’s a very good point. Would you like me to open the next one?” Tongue pressed against the roof of her mouth to steady herself as much as was possible. Which wasn’t a whole lot, but Ariadne figured anything counted, at this point.
“Defective, then?”
“Quite mean?” It was none of his business, really, but had it been, Alan would have tried to track the scent on that box back to whoever had brought it here. Depending on who it was, his reaction would have ranged from casually leaving that glove in their mailbox to breaking in and putting it on their pillow, like a fucked up redo of the Godfather. “Why would you do that? I don’t know. Maybe people are disgusting, maybe your dad has beef with someone. I don’t know kiddo.”
Opening another might not have been such a great idea, but he was too curious not to nod along, all while standing further from it. 
“How can this leave the factory looking like this? Those must get made by the thousands, it’s not that,” how could someone be so naive? Alan bit on the inside of his cheek and glared over at the box in her hands instead, as if to urge her to get to it. 
“I don’t think anybody’s ever been mad with my dad, ever.” Ariadne shrugged. “Though I guess I am biased, so I don’t know.” There was a lot she didn’t know, she was discovering. Which wasn’t a comfortable feeling to sit with, but one that she was realizing more and more than she didn’t really have any sort of choice about.
“I don’t know, there should be some quality control, right? I don’t know what to call it, if not defective or just confusing. I - well, gross, I guess. That just seems rude though? The glove didn’t ask for this. Not that it could - I -” Ariadne opened the next box and, with a small squeak, dropped it on the floor. “Okay. Safe to say they might all be like that.”
"That's not possible. Your dad sees too many folks every day for this to be true," it didn't have to be something bad either. Sometimes saying no sufficed to make a certain brand of people offended. He learned the kids like to call them Karens and Kyles but Alan, from what he gathered, understood that these people were usually all about words and not about actions. Pathetic shits. 
"The glove didn't ask for this?" Rather than to ask ok, and, Alan gave Ariadne what looked like a sympathetic smile. Who the fuck cared about the glove's feelings ? His answer to that question promised not to be pleasant, which was why he preferred to remain quiet. "Alright, well while you settle this troubling case of folks being unjust to gloves," with a raise of his eyebrows, Alan turned his attention toward the list he gave her, in the basket, with the batteries and the paint. Being alone with his thoughts at home didn't seem so enticing anymore. "I'll go get myself a drink," or more. He'd probably find a former client to chat with, and hopefully forget about that damn horror. Alan didn't suspect it already, but anytime he'd come to Whitlock’s Wares ever again, the mental image of the hairy moist glove would come and haunt him.
“I guess, but this just feels extreme. Like, he doesn’t even really have bad reviews on Google or Yelp or whatever.” Ariadne made another face. “I guess I’d expect something like that before whatever this is.”
She paused, offering him a somewhat awkward smile, “I mean, I know it’s not sentient, that’s not possible, but I - it’s not fair to try to do harm to anything, really. Even non-sentient gloves or whatever.” At his next comment, Ariadne swallowed. “Oh - okay. I’ll just save everything for you to come by and pick up whenever’s good for you?” 
“So, whoever did this is too old for Google Reviews. You should be wary of the elders,” ominous as the warning may have sounded, Alan shrugged it off. “Harm gloves? Wait...Do you not eat vegetables? Fruits? Cause I have some bad news here.” His eyes narrowed in faux suspicion, and it was about then Alan picked up just how silent the store was in this instant, how silent she was. With the sound of their footsteps, of clatter and chatter, he hadn’t really paid attention to the fact that she lacked a heartbeat. Right. Alright, perhaps was this his cue to get the hell out. “I’ll be back in the morning, I suppose.” There was another full moon tonight but he could probably get a drink or two in his system before it started. Maybe it would dull some of the pain, and maybe he’d forget about the lack of a ticking inside of her. “And there’s your dad back with smoothies. I’ll let you tell him about the non sentient gloves,” his nose wrinkled as he scoffed. “Good evening you two. See you next morning.”
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Moonlight Chicken Live Blogging
 GMMTV Youtube
Another GMMTV 2022 BL that's finally been released! I do like it when Disney+Hotstar releases the shows 2 eps a week because I get to binge the shows sooner (as long as they still put it up on Youtube...)
I avoided spoilers mostly except after watching My School President and kind of getting into GeminiFourth, I also got spoiler for almost their whole storyline last week haha Also, apparently it's not a cheating story as expected but rather Alan and ? Wen? are exes.
NLMG was up wonky in its last few episodes, so here's hoping another of my most anticipated shows from the 2022 lineup doesn't let me down.
Ep 1: Only You in the Full Moon Night (Mar 1)
ah they're talking about the effects of Covid on the economy - I think I remember somebody talking about the gentrification that happens or something?
Ah, I don't know if this is one take but I loveee the handheld (?) camera following around Jim as he travels from Leng to Li Ming to Gaipa, etc. It gives the impression of there's always something to do, something's always happening
lmfao jinxing Praew still having her period cuz I think she's gonna get pregnant, right?
oh this was filmed September 10 2022
(Linguistics) Jim is using -ha ending particles with the grandma
drunk driving with no seatbelts lmfao
ah the 2 of them just praying and wandering around the streets
plssss I've seen the clip of Wen walking into Li Ming's room before but I didn't realize it was like this, I'm crying
"It won't be complicated, right?" lmfao
there was a kiss on the back in NLMG as well
this is a lot for me tbh I keep wanting to skip but ah I won't, I'm nervous about missing things. I'm just watching it not on fullscreen
Very good start but do I finish up this episode before sleeping or do I do a LeetCode like I've been meaning to all day instead?
Okay, I did my leetcode (very badly rip) so I get to reward myself with part 2
gbye Wen playing with Jim's cat after their one night stand killing me so bad
ohhh this is the cat food PPL people were talking about lmfaooo
lol pls Gaipa's mom covering for him about the Sour Soup even though Leng was right when he said it wasn't his mom who gave it but Gaipa himself
please my poor Gaipa giving the mooncakes to Jim out of his crush on him but Jim just thinking about sharing one with Wen last night
ah Khaotung my most beloved boy, I missed seeing him on my screen
Wen's back at his own apartment and I know it's exes living together instead of cheating storyline apparently but :< I wish it was cheating. who would've thought I'd want that but Love Mechanics did a number on me I suppose
two chargers
I should go to sleep but part 2's preview showed Heart and Li Ming so... here I am instead
both of them keep thinking of that night
Li Ming is so boyish and trickster-y when he manages to get the keys to the motorbike and ride despite his license
lol Li Ming really left poor Heart with the broken glass
ah, I know so much about Heart and Li Ming already :< like Heart became deaf a few years ago and his parents don't let him go anywhere and haven't learned how to communicate with him
pls "We both took turns" "Hehe, that's my slutty boy"
(Linguistics) I've noticed Thai people sometimes say "chill chill" in English instead of just chill and now this guy used "pure pure" to describe pure sex. I wonder if this type of repetition is common in Thai as well and I just don't know it because I don't know Thai or if it's specifically with English words. Actually, I think plural is just repetition of the word at least sometimes? dek = child, dek dek = children, so it's not just English loanwords
Wen's avoiding his apartment?
who's Mrs. Jinata? oh is that Heart's mom
rip not only are Li Ming and Jim poorer than the officer, the officer is also obviously a cop. So they could ruin them
ah Li Ming's gonna work for Heart's family to pay it off 7k baht
How come Heart let Li Ming take the fall? I wonder if his parents are just not listening to him saying what he's trying to communicate or if Heart's a jerk and is letting Li Ming take the brunt of it all
Wen taking lessons about one night stands from his P'Gong and yet still showing up to Jim's to drink a beer lmao instead he even wants to waitstaff at the restaurant like bro what about your real job. then again what even is his job? he was at his apartment and the gym and he seems to spend money much more casually than Jim but what does he do to earn that money?
Very good, delightful episode with good acting, writing (in terms of characters and sensibility of events), and directing/cinematography. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the episodes.
Oh yeah another big spoiler that I didn't wanna put up there was that I've been saying ppl post behind photos of MLC and saying Gaipa's mother is gonna die. It's ep 6 been released and she hasn't died yet I don't think from the way the tweets are worded, so I'v been spoiled about something that hasn't even happened yet lmfao
Ep 2: The Temporary Chicken Rice (Mar 1)
not Leng's premonition dream about their daughter
Li Ming is soooo teenage boy here my god I wanna be him so bad
like he's rude to his uncle and doesn't let Heart get away with sitting around and it helps that Fourth was 17 when filming but it really is so 17 year old behaviour
lol Wen's not gonna let up
please Gaipa starting shit in Leng and Praew's relationship just for the hell of it
why does Gaipa handle the chicken and everything else with the same gloves T.T
Wen vs Gaipa over Jim's affections lmfao this awkwardness...
I wish I knew Wen and Gaipa's ages like how old are they supposed to be
Li Ming giving me the most random gender envy like I think I could be fixed if I was a 17-year-old boy who was playing soccer while shirtless with some other boys
so does Li Ming know he likes boys/is starting to realize he likes boys/knows he doesn't like girls? like was his disinterest in the girl because of his lack of attraction to her or is it because of his worries covered up by apathy about the future?
What's Li Ming watching on his phone?
okay just kidding I don't envy his grades nor his lack of direction for the future and his money troubles
also quick insert from after watching the ep: he got a 2/10 on his English but he wants to travel abroad for work to like America or Australia
A tiny truce between Li Ming and Heart
haiaiai Praew's now pregnant and her parents will want her and Leng to get married but he doesn't have the money for it rip the stress making them fight is the worst because they were so cute so far this ep
I don't fully get what's happening with the Car Insurance letter thing
oh instead of paying that bill he bought gold jewelry for Praew?
lol ofc he'd run into Wen
So I guess Wen makes enough to have some income to spend on some things but not like he's freely spending
ah Wen saying "I have so much time for you"
Li Ming's hopes of going on America or Australia bringing back immigration time memories even though I don't remember much. I know lots of international students who come to study here but you gotta be loaded for that; Li Ming as a young boy who doesn't know the language coming here would be so difficult it's actually making me already anxious. I want him to break out of the small town/restaurant if that's what he wants but coming to work in North America with little education, skills, and command of the language is its own version of hell
but maybe at least knowing Wen's relatives would help him
Note upon rewatch: lol I think someone on Discord mentioned it so I rewatched this part where I initially thought Heart looked around, didn't see Li Ming, then went on his phone but instead Heart saw Li Ming and immediately went on the phone to cover up the fact that he was looking for him and ignored him until he was touched lol silly boy
Heart wanting to watch a Thai movie that doesn't have Thai subs but ironically MLC also doesn't seem to have Thai subs
the pimples and bumps on Gemini's face I love you. reminds me slightly of watching Not Me and getting to see their faces not just blurry
ah Heart said thank you for being my ears
oof Heart's mom forbidding him from going out is so
ahh yeah Jim did indeed get it for Leng to give the necklace as Praew's dowry
pls not Leng saying "one during the day, another at night" about Jim with Gaipa and Wen
not a fucking mistake when reversing a car that sends ppl falling - my worst nightmare
fuckkk not Jim needing the car insurance after he bought the necklace instead of paying the insurance bill
are the couple faking it? did they purposely go behind the car and pretend to fall and make a big deal and just leave with the money?
bro Wen's saying yeah I just gave them 3k baht and it's okay, you don't need to pay me back? be so serious
so how much money does Wen actually have?
Jim tryna get a home and a kiss from Jim but Jim not wiling to provide either
This show shows something about the small pleasures of the poor/those struggling with money. Leng's cigarettes that cost 4 baht for 1 and Jim drinking 1 beer a day. People who aren't in that situation say to save that money as if that little will solve their problems; instead, the small pleasures and vices help people to get through the day
Ep 3: The Dream of Eternal Moon (Mar 1)
ah yeah Mix is working on the Marina food court ting that Jim and Gaipa were previously discussing
Are those Wen's photos with Jim's cat? or a diff one?
ahh they're negotiating the demolition of the place where Jim's restaurant is
ah fuck the team Wen's in spoke to Gaipa's mom because she's the owner of the chicken restaurant and got her to speak to other owners or whatever about something for them (selling their businesses, I think?) and got the contact for the person who owns the property where Moonlight Chicken is. However, they didn't tell her they're gonna demolish it so she doesn't know and is complaining that these people keep demolishing things and should instead be preserving ahhh.
Also, Gaipa and Wen's staring at each other in during that conversation because only the two of them know both the facts that 1) Wen works at Moonlight Chicken and 2) The demolition stuff will be happening
Giddy little Heart at Li Ming learning sign language and trying to speak with me. My poor boy who has been so isolated and neglected for the past few years T.T
oof Jim thinks Wen's worried because of monthly bills and payments
oh Papang's character used to be Jim's boyfriend
Papang yelling out loud about their love is making me nervous
oh smiley, happy Jim
lmfao so dumb to just have the person you're cheating with's phone call background be a cutesy photo of you and them + have your camera roll be filled with them wtf
so is the homophobic sister the same as Li Ming's mother?
rip Wen just learns more than Jim can even say he loves his diner and his history with it; the whole time, his company's planning on demolishing it
no like Li Ming so true because when you're rich or have status, you get endless free things or it's easier to get to borrow things whereas poor people or those who really need said free help/loan have to fight tooth and nail to get a portion
Wen has Jim as Chicken Stranger on his contacts
bro people pointed it out on Reddit and Discord that Earth sighs too much and now I'm noticing it too. Even Wen sometimes sighs too much
Finally some angst and conflict between Jim and Wen
pls Gaipa's "Na?" with the smile reminded me so much of Ayan
ah more of Jim and Li Ming's conflict
I fully get Jim's concern because what the hell do you mean you're gonna somehow acquire money to go to the US and somehow manage to get work there and then have no plans after that? While having no money, grades, connections, English? But I also get 17-year-old Li Ming who is desperate to get out of this fucking place
omg Li Ming is so fucking teenager. Doesn't tell anything to Uncle Jim because "he's so annoying, all our conversations end in a fight"
Leng and Praew are so cute to me
ah my beautiful Li Ming sitting and gazing out to water
the fucking chin tickle thing will actually kill me one of these days. Li Ming to Heart, Gun to Tinn, Fourth to Gemini
not Wen inviting Jim to a dinner with his father my goodness
underage drinking ah it's typical but it makes me nervous that it's happening at Heart's home + Li Ming originally got in trouble because of the alcohol
it's so typical teenager, to drink from their parents' alcohol and water it down to make it seem like it hasn't been drunk from. or maybe it's not really typical teenager behavior and is just based on the YA novels I've read but hasn't appeared much in BLs
Heart doesn't even know it's Loy Krathong today
ah happy babies
insane to call Jim as Loong in front of your father
"A hard life over there is better than living here" hmm I guess? maybe? Well actually idk but Li Ming's in a bad position even in Thailand, so I guess only way it can go is up. Just that he'll be lacking a lot of the things he has in Thailand including familiarity, family and support, language
why does Wen keep saying he lives paycheck to paycheck when it's not true?
Well at least Jim calls him out on it
Next year Loy Krathong pinky promise please I'll cry if Li Ming and Heart aren't together for that next year
my beautiful dancing boys T.T
ah Gaipa with his mom
"I can't wait to see who your lover will be" man all the ep 7 clips I've seen have been the characters in black, presumably at Gaipa's mom's funeral fml man and all the talks about how long they'll do this together
Heart and Li Ming sleep over T.T
ah flustered Heart turning away and going to sleep is so reminiscent of when Gun did a similar thing after the eye contact with Tinn scene
the whole entire scene with Wen at home, grabbing a beer that has significance to him and Jim, looking at random things on his phone while smiling - probably something to do with Jim - and then going to the bedroom with Alan sleeping is so aklsdfj I wonder what it would be like to watch this show with little to no knowledge. Not only did I know about Alan, I knew he'd appear at the end of the episode while in bed because 1) people said he was there for 2 seconds and 2) in people's archives, I saw gifs of this scene even though I was trying to avoid these
Ep 4: The Midnight of Lifetime (Mar 2)
ah my beloved cute heartliming and once again heart pretending he’s not looking at li ming ahhh so cute pretending to sleep
i too love li ming’s eyes so i get heart
the fucking legs what if i died
naurrr Alan’s arm over Wen and Wen just continues to look at him with such contempt. even that 0.2 second glance in the last episode was similar
this Wen and Alan convo so tense my god and yeah they’re still living together but not actually together
First is so freaking beautiful with those glasses and glossy lips
pls not the underage smoking as well tho Li Ming didn’t look experienced
ah fuck ofc everything is so tense between them and Li Ming walks in the moment Jim looks in his drawer
fucking fuck this scene between Li Ming and Uncle Jim killed me so bad
my lovely silly boys heart li ming
also now Heart tickling under Li Ming’s chin is soooo cute
pls Heart being dazed at shirtless wet Li Ming so funny
pls Li Ming is sooo rough teenage boy with the colour complain
Wen planning a surprise birthday goddamn
beautiful Li Ming with the sweetest face like truly congrats to Fourth for having the face he does
ah so indeed Wen is almost 30
keep calm and eat chicken
Wen really is endlessly persistant and forward lol
ah Wen approaching for a kiss and all Jim can think about is sex with Ben or whatever Papang’s character’s name is rip
beautiful Wen
this fucking cat product PPL pls
I can’t think of Alan objectively as a character like I’m just delighted to see First
ah what did Alan do without asking Wen that broke them?
also Alan really going to Gong to ask about Wen’s relationship status lol
ahh Alan in banking sees the man from Wen’s IG story. He’s interacting with Jim already knowing about him negatively and as a rival while Jim’s clueless
sucks that Jim can’t get a loan rip
please Gaipa and his mom are so delightful
mom supportive of gay love for a liiiiittle bit of aroacephobia lol i’m gonna choose to ignore it bc maybe she didn’t mean it that way
i fucking love Gaipa and his mom I’m gonna be so mad sad when she dies
the show is going by so fast, it was September in ep 1 and then Halloween time October in ep 2, Loy Khratong was in November in 2022 for ep 3, not almost Christmas for ep 4
Heart’s parents really speak 1 sentence to him a day and like they’re so uninterested in his life that he just has Li Ming in hiding and they suspect nothing
Heart Li Ming so cuteeee what if I died
I have a class and then a project meeting so I can’t watch part 4 for like 2 hours what if i was a villain
I ate while watching this so I didn't write anything but it's just
(Fave) all the way through
I loved the way we got to see Li Ming take Heart to the mass for deaf people, got a little info sharing PSA about life and treatment of deaf people, and then that old man's answer was the throughline for the other storylines like Alan Wen Jim, Gaipa and his mom, Leng and Praew, and ofc Heart Li Ming themselves
Also, so far, my love for First kept overtaking any other feelings I could have about the character in the first 3 parts because I kept seeing him but in this part, Alan has started to take a stronger form. At that store, that was little bitchy Alan
Also, the pawn shop form... Leng sold the gold necklace lol I knew that was a possibility as soon as Jim told him not to sell it. I wonder what he's gonna do with the money? Spending it on baby related stuff is one thing, I just hope he didn't put it in the lotto stuff
Also, I get why they didn't translate Heart's signing in the first 2 episodes to make us go through the same things as Li Ming but now that Li Ming understand Heart, we should be getting translations. It's like [speaking a foreign language] when the main character is also not supposed to understand is fine but saying that isn't fine when everybody in the conversation is supposed to understand the language. By ep 4, Li Ming understands and communicates with Heart and what Heart says back should be understood by the audience.
Ep 5: Wrong You In The Right Time (Mar 3)
(Fave) ahh cute 1st year anniversary Wen and Alan
they gaveth me FirstMix and then they taketh it away T.T
so they were together for 5 years but by Feb 2022, they were broken up and living together as 'friends' and Wen's reasoning was just falling out of love
oh fuckkkkkkk AlanWen slept together after breaking up bc Alan kept initiating and Wen says he felt bad for Alan, that's why they slept together rip fr
ahhh not Alan being like come here, I'll dress your wound. girl you caused it?
This confusingly civil conversation at the table like idek, Wen does even know, Alan doesn't even know
I guess Wen's keeping it civil till he can actually move out
bro Gaipa, don't give your mother's land as collateral to Jim to get a loan to buy out the restaurant T.T mans doesn't love you
messy as Li Ming, first shouting out Gaipa and now Wen to come to the same table with him and Jim
I think this part gave me like 7000 emotional damage
plss Li Ming asking Jim about Wen and saying he seems like an okay guy
last part was just so much emotional damage but now Heart and Li Ming are so cute and adorable >.<
Engineering or Com Sci <- lmfao Heart is my friend group except for the one person who is doing bio
agh Heart's mother not letting him go to school anymore
they're sooo cute in their big costumes T.T also Heart-Gemini reminds me of Barcode here, so cute
cute beloved Heart having fun with his drink
lmfao Li Ming is such trouble, mentioning to Wen that now Gaipa works at the restaurant
Wen being like wow these bitches gay
Li Ming so funny getting involved in Wen's gay business and then involving Wen in his own gay business
Alan and Jim at the bank goddamn Alan was tryna kill Jim with his stare and also is he suspicious that the title deed is actually fake or something?
"I wasn't aware I was taking it" "That's alright. Now that you're aware, just return what you took from me" sure is some dialogue my god
I need to seek help, Alan's being a dick but he had a little pout at 1:40 and I've died my beloved beautiful First ah
lol Wen seeing Jim ignore his call
lol "We broke up but live together. no biggie" about Alan who came to cause a scene at the restaurant is certainly a choice
no I get Jim fr though like I am not gonna be involved in this mess, thank you and goodbye
I thought Wen lived with Alan out of some sort of necessity but it really doesn't even seem to be the case. He's just unable to really let go and just leave for real?
not this beef and chicken convo. with them both having teary eyes
oof Wen losing his feelings probably had at least something to do with him eating beef despite him not liking it because Alan does (ie. making accommodations for Alan to his own detriment?)
damn Wen even saying he was also hoping they could work it out
P'Aof sighting
bro Wen even had some promise ring or something still? they really had such a murky relationship
ah they've finally really truly broken up i guess. also Alan really now knows that even if there was no Jim, Wen wouldn't love him again
also did Alan really not do anything? idk what was being hinted at last episode
Leng calling Li Ming nong rak
oh yeah Leng sold the gold chain, right?
not the gay couple in the gay chicken restaurant
H <3 and Ming :)
I'm so nervous bc they're gonna get into a motorcycle crash soon ah
bro I feel like you'd need special training to teach a deaf person how to ride a motorcycle bro tf and Li Ming doesn't have a license either
girl, not the crash and Shit! from Li Ming
Heart injured his hand ahh
I don't wanna watch this conversation with Heart's parents, Jim all present
okay good I thought they'd just get mad at Li Ming but I'm glad Heart's also getting to say his piece
(Fave) The conversation between Heart and his mother facilitated by Li Ming... his mom literally having to hear all of Heart's frustrations and thoughts through this kid they've known for a few months because she hasn't learned to communicate with him for 3 years
I didn't realize originally that Heart seemed hopeful for one second when his mother started doing hand gestures but then rolled his eyes when he realized it was her signing
sad Heart T.T
Li Ming so teenager once again like he was correct to me in the sneaking Heart out but letting him drive the motorcycle was too much and the way he was like you don't have to help me, I'll take responsibility because I'm grown to Jim is so teenager but also I get it because while Jim tries to support Li Ming in his own way, he’s constantly opposing all of Li Ming’s choices and decisions and hopes
This episode was just so much emotional damage and also really realizing just how much every other relationship is more interesting than Wen and Jim. Whether it be our side couples, Li Ming with Jim or Wen, Alan and Wen, Alan and Jim, Gaipa and his mom, Heart and his parents. Gaipa and Jim are meh as well because it's just awkward how much Jim doesn't reciprocate while Gaipa's trying so hard but it's meant to be that way.
Also I wish I knew how long Li Ming has lived with his uncle. Jim’s missteps are more understandable if it’s been like just a year and he wasn’t prepared to parent/be the guardian of a teenager rather than if it’s been like 5-6 years.
Ep 6: The Walk to Forgive and Forget (Mar 4)
she really knows nothing about her son my goodness
kinda parallels about Li Ming telling Heart's mom that actually Heart's quite communicative because Li Ming tells Jim nothing but is communicative with Wen
oof, yeah I read a comment (on discord?) that Jim's ex died
oof Alan's immature to not be able to just process Jim's loan but at least he told Jim to go elsewhere rather than sabotage it - and he was right when he was like why is Jim coming to my bank instead of any other?
ah fuck Gaipa confession, I don't wanna watch this
not Gaipa's teary eyes ah and drinking water and avoiding eye contact T.T
bro not Gaipa literally wiping off his tears and everything and Jim also returning the title deed when tf will this scene be done I can't, like I'm watching it via my peripherals
"Come on, we already talked about this" Wen is so funny because he finally left Alan where he consistently had to be like no romantic relationship to go to Jim's who keeps telling him I don't want a romantic relationship
damn Jim fr the other man
"We just fell in love with a selfish man" ah. I do find it somewhat refreshing when characters talk frankly about a dead person rather than put them on a pedestal because they're dead
Heart and Li Mingggg
ah pls Li Ming is so excited at Heart's voice like my guy what do you mean how can he speak T.T He used to speak as his main form of communication till 3 years ago
I've been looking forward to "You're poor and now you're gay too" since starting the show and finally Jim has seen them kiss
pls Heart Li Ming sooo cute
not Alan wearing both the rings
oh mans was drunk driving
Ep 7: My Heart Represents the Moon (Mar 5)
ah fuck Wen as Alan's caregiver is so... does Alan not have family nearby?
ah so he wasn't drunk driving, he was sitting at the back of someone's motorcycle while drunk
okayyy so Alan's sister is here, nice
Alan and Wen are decent and nice but working on extracting each other from themselves
naurrr sad Gaipa
adfsjlkasfj Gaipa's tears around Jim T.T
pls Gaipa's already so sad but at least his mom's there - soon she's gonna die T.T
ah Li Ming and his mom's conversation here and their different demeanours compared to MSP despite being the same people is so good
wait does Jim know his sister's in the house? no, right?
ah this discussion between Jim and Li Ming... interestingly, he didn't yell at Jim at all. was just so apathetic to Jim's scolding like bro who cares
I once again wonder how long Jim's had Li Ming. he's so unable to have a decent conversation with him or navigate any topic
no like Jim is cruel to Li Ming but that stems from the fact that he can foresee these conversations by society and his sister. He defends Li Ming to his sister saying he did nothing wrong but he acts that way with Li Ming because his life just got harder
okay she said Jim raised Li Ming. that's too long for Jim to not have figured out some sort of way to navigate conversations with him
ah his sister is kinda bribing Jim to convince Li Ming to go with her by giving him the title deed
ah so they do touch on abortion just a bit but since Praew's parents said they'll support the child, it's okay
so will we also talk about the pawn shop certificate or no
None of Wen's friends are gay? Gong's straight? oh wait he has a gf that we literally saw, I forgot but still idk why I was fully convinced he liked men as well
so indeed Jim spells out that he can accept Li Ming but is just worried about him because of the state of gay acceptance
another marriage equality PSA and also a mention of the dinosaurs dying - like in MSP ep 12 also
lol the convo about Wen chasing Jim for the longest and being like I might disappear one day you know like you know if this a longer series, it probably would be that way
why are all the interactions in this show so fun like I love Gaipa and Leng so much, just teasing each other non stop and causing problems
Gaipaaaaa T.T Gaipa's mom T.T
omg she was only 49 years old? that's too young
lmfao not the Gaipa and Alan meeting pls like I've been conflicted about the possibility ever since The Eclipse aired and KhaoFirst became popular and became aware that this happened when the last 2 eps came out but I just... how do I feel about it? like if this weren't KhaoFirst but just the characters themselves
okayyyy Heart's mom is speaking to him using sign as well
Heart Li Ming my loves actually like I love them so bad
Jim's not vocal approval but he's laid up on Li Ming as well
bro Beam's family also such dickheads. Beam had all the bank accounts and stuff in his name and so his family took it all
this Alan and Jim convo is so exhausting and I'm not even a part of it
ah so Li Ming's been with Jim for 5-6 years
ahhh shy Li Ming after saying that he loves Lung Jim T.T
lmfao Li Ming being offering beer by Jim
Jim and Li Ming lovely convo that didn't devolve into fighting, so true
being told "he knows how to jack off" by my uncle in front of my mother would actually send me into an early grave like i'd just pass away
anyway, I hope they support Li Ming's decisions in the future
happy Li Ming having happy dinner with his mom and Jim >.<
(Fave) damn the singing as Gaipa's crying is actually killing me wtf I teared up for the first time while watching this show
Also the dynamics of the funeral arewild because it's consistently Gaipa-Jim and Alan-Wen paired up with even some occasional crossover like Jim and Alan
Wen returning the apartment keys to Alan ah
damn this ep is end of so many chapters, including the Moonlight Chicken lease being up
Ep 8: The Self-Made House and Home (Mar 5/6)
I'm gonna need to take a break from shows for a few days after this show because why am I starting this ep instead of doing my assignment due tomorrow, doing my interview prep for tomorrow, getting some sleep since it's 12AM?
Yeah, both Jim and mom are worried about Li Ming but let's support him even if the world doesn't
I watched the title credits finally and yeah after listening to the song a few tmes in the show, it's a good one. I should add it to Spotify later
Li Ming and mom touching times aw
goodbye to Moonlight Chicken restaurant
Alan being okay with leaving behind the photos of their anniversary behind to show that he's finally moving on actually
so Heart's also going to America for university for deaf people - I did get spoiled that they're both going to the states but wasn't sure why Heart's gonig
ah parallels of Li Ming and Heart at the temple to back when Jim and Beam were were praying there
pls Li Ming saying "But I didn't copy you for sure" to Jim is so cute and funny
ah Jim being explicitly supportive of Li Ming T.T
I love Jim and Li Ming so much now T.T
watched first 2 parts, time to go to sleep now. 40 more minutes left for tomorrow.
Bro here I'm back almost 24 hours later after an interview, an assignment submitted, and another one discussed sigh
2 months later
Alan Gaipa everybody's beloveds, convince me too since KhaoFirst are my beloveds
well at least it's been 2 months since they first met and have had some time to get over their previous love/crush and develop affection for the new person
not Alan asking for Gaipa's chatID T.T shocked Gaipa like kab? and Alan terribly covering his ass talking bout some headquarter documents
not Alan's pen again lmfao
oh, he's got a food truck now
ah Leng, he's beloved to me too
oh we're getting a lot of resolutions in these last 30 mins I guess like we're going to Jim's sister's house and also Alan's gonna show up at the food truck
ah Jim introduces Wen as his boyfriend finally
I fucking love Li Ming's teeny nods like I first noticed it when he was talking with Wen in 3-3 where they were talking about Work and Travel at 9:40 I think? (after I wanna work and get paid for it) and now at 3:52/3:53 he gives the smallest nod like idk if it's a Fourth habit or if it's just something for Li Ming (since I don't know if Gun does it? I at least didn't notice it). omg again at 5:46 here
Li Ming talking to his mom about America and also she hasn't said anything bout Heart but I know she realizes
Heart and the child ahhhhh so cute
I still don't fully get the deal with Heart's speaking beyond deaf people sometimes are uncomfortable speaking when they can't hear themselves
Li Ming and Heart my beloveds
Jim supportive of Li Ming's America dream T.T lending him 30k baht T.T and going with him to sign documents and stuff
no it's so funny like Alan and Gaipa are meeting to 'discuss documents' at Jim's food truck
asdklf not Gaipa not even knowing about Alan and Wen omg
pls Alan about to wither away vs Gaipa early being like join us for dinner ^.^ without knowing the history
Leng is so meddlesome heh I continue to love Leng and Gaipa ahhh
ah everybody at this food truck including Heart-Liming, Alan-Gaipa, Leng-Praew with daughter
cute mini endings - hopeful for everybody
ah Wen did reject the job promotion
added the song to spotify, it's good
It's a good one! High quality with good acting and interesting storylines that are unique in BL. It didn't hit me as hard as it seemed to hit some other people though and I'm not thinking about it much at all since finishing. I think Jim/Wen's relationship was one of the weakest aspects of the show to me because I didn't care nor did I really feel anything.
I loved Heart and Li Ming, I enjoyed getting to see Jim grow and also how his relationship with Li Ming changed, I liked getting to see Wen and Alan's flashbacks and to present tense relationship, I like Gaipa showing up once in a while to be bright, I thought Gaipa and Leng's interactions were funny, I loved Li Ming as a character so much, I wished to be him so badly.
Rating: 7/10
Ep 2 HeartLiming (bg: Little Freak)
[Fave] TinnGun x HeartLiming (bg: About You by The 1975)
Mix and First characters
HeartLiming Dancing - not answering phone (bg: Fly Me To The Moon)
heartliming this is gay - pink shirt
li ming learning sign for heart
heartliming vs the world - compilation 
Gaipa and his cool mom 
Ep 1 - 5 Li Ming (bg: i’m so sick of seventeen)
New Trailer:
I watched the reaction with the cast and the trailer itself was okay, though it gave away too much, but it was fun seeing the cast being excited
Mock Trailer:
I've watched parts of this before but I hadn't actually watched it fully I think? Good enough for a mock trailer, definitely gave interesting story threads without giving too much away.
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sage-nebula · 5 years
I wish Alola wasn't the region where Ash wins because the anime gave the Nebby story to him instead of Lillie, Lusamine wasn't allowed to be the nonredeemable villain she is, Ash didn't even make a full team for the league, and the league itself was handled poorly. The anime ruined Alola from the start.
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I’m kind of in a couple different minds about it.
On the one hand, I don’t really have strong feelings about the Alola anime one way or another. I haven’t seen most of it (and have instead just paid attention to it from a distance through fandom osmosis) because I don’t think that slice of life works for me when applied to Pokémon. I want adventures and traveling, and while there was some traveling in the Alola anime, it was a bit too grounded to its home base for my tastes. In addition to which, I think having such a large cast of companions might have hurt some of them, in that from my understanding many of them took a long time to add more members to their teams, if they did at all. (Of course, that’s not to say having fewer companions always allows them growth, because Misty and Brock were sadly not allowed to have their own arcs in the original series. That’s probably my biggest gripe of the OS.) I also can’t say that the anime ruined Alola, in my opinion, because I also don’t have a very good opinion of the Alola games. Most of my complaints stem from the gameplay, sure, but I also take issue with how Lusamine and Gladion were both handled (in that Lusamine was given “redemption” and Gladion wasn’t allowed to participate in the climax of his own family’s story), among other smaller quibbles.
So on that note, any issue I take with Ash winning isn’t really centered with the fact that he’s winning in this series, in the sense that this isn’t a series I necessarily dislike (I’m more indifferent to it), and therefore I’m upset about it. If I have any reason to not want him to win this one, then that reason is either that I prefer Gladion as a character and would prefer him to win (true, sorry, Ash), or that I feel like the Alola League is the least important of the game Leagues, which, from a storytelling perspective, it . . . kind of is. I mean, going based on what we know from the games, this is a brand new League that Kukui just started up because he thought it would seem fun. In the games I took issue with this little subplot because the League system seems to be a system of government in most regions, which means Kukui would need to overthrow Alola’s religious oligarchy in order to institute this new system of government, which should have created a lot of problems but in reality created zero, which in turn made it seem as if he just set up a fun kiddie tournament that would hold no real importance with regards to the rest of the world even though dialogue from Kukui (which may have been USUM only, can’t recall) suggested that he wanted it to. The anime isn’t that serious, in that they never really touch on issues like politics or governance very much (although if they’d been faithful with the stories from Black/White they would have had to given N’s entire goal was to become Champion specifically so he could change the laws in Unova), but from my understanding Kukui’s motivation / what he does is more or less the same. He sets up the Alola League so everyone can have fun. And in that sense, everyone can participate, regardless of whether they’ve met certain qualifications or not. It’s a free-for-all. And while that made for a big League despite not introducing very many new characters to the plot, it also makes it seem much less . . . high risk? Because by and large Ash was competing against trainers who hadn’t exactly trained for this, at least not for the length of a saga, which is what normally happens. (And before anyone starts, sure, Alan decided to enter the League late, but he had been seriously training Lizardon for years, and for far more high-stakes reasons, so he still counts.) Whether you want to talk Indigo, Silver Conference, Ever Grande Conference, or Lumiose Conference, generally speaking all the trainers who entered had been aiming to enter for months. They’d gone through the work of collecting badges, devising strategies, and working hard to make it there. As a result, Ash could lose against any one of them at any time, because all of them were just as serious as he is. And I don’t mean to knock any of the Alola League participants, but let’s be real, Team Rocket spends 50% of their time selling malasadas and the other 50% doing crimes (or maybe it’s more like 70% - 30% at this point? I haven’t been watching consistently). Sophocles is focused on his inventions, Kiawe has his delivery service, Mallow is helping at her family’s restaurant, Lillie has just barely started as a trainer, and so on and so forth. I’m sure they all tried very hard, but they don’t have a dream of being a Pokémon Master like Ash does, so they haven’t been training as hard as he has for this very goal. (Of course, trainers like Gladion and Hau have, but they were not the norm for this tournament, I don’t think.)
On top of which, there’s the fact that since this is a brand new League, it’s also not one that holds any history or, again, large-scale significance in the rest of the world. Even the Orange League, despite being much smaller and not a game League, has been around for a long time. It was a serious League, not one just thrown together by a professor who wanted to let everyone have fun. Saying, “I’m the Kanto Champion!” has a lot more weight than, “I’m the Alola Champion!” because the latter is going to get a, “Alola has a League??” response from most people outside of Alola at this rate. It doesn’t mean it’s not important or cool at all, but it’s just a bit . . . underwhelming. I think that’s the best word to describe how I feel about it. Underwhelmed. It’s not an impressive League win to me, and if Ash were going to win any League to end his time on the show, I kind of wish he’d gone back and won Kanto’s so that he could be the Champion of his own region, and make up for the way he was ripped off way back when.
At the same time, though, I do love Ash as a character and always have, and in light of the fact that we may be experiencing a reboot, if Ash’s time on the show is to end (or if this Ash’s time on the show is to end, although I hope that they go with an entirely new character if they really are ending his time rather than using AU Ash), then I do want him to go out having finally achieved his dream, or at least a version of his dream. The worst thing I can think of is ending this anime after twenty-one years with Ash not having accomplished what he set out to do in the first place. (And yes, I know what Shuudo wanted to do, but his idea was terrible, absolutely terrible.) So in that sense, particularly if this is Ash’s final saga, I’m happy that he’s winning.
So I don’t know. I’m not exactly jumping for joy, but I’m also not exactly upset about it either. I’m mostly underwhelmed, mostly indifferent, mostly curious to see what it is they’re planning for this next leg of the anime. At the end of the day, though, my favorite boy already won his League, so I already got the results I’m most happy about.
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The Champion of my heart, always. ♥
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1-30 Bet you didn't see that coming now answer lolololololol
1. How old were you the first time you fell in love?- First time I fell in love I was 8 and it was with Johnny Depp 💙2. Name the first person who broke your heart-My real dad 3. How many different best friends have you had in your life?-I have the same 2 best friends my whole life, one being my twin brother, the other I met at school in 5th grade, he was sitting alone at lunch so I went and sat with him and here we are 12 years later 4. Do you have a best friend?-see question 35. Do you have any specific talent?-umm I can play the drums, I've been doing that for 15 years and I can draw sort of OH and I can tie a cherry stem in my mouth (put that one on the resume amirite)6. Do you fit into any stereotypes? -yeah I had a kid at a young age so I guess I fit into the teen pregnancy stereo type , though I graduated early so I wasnt technically still in highschool when I was pregnant but I was 17 sooo7. What’s your sexuality? -I feel like I'm still not 100% sure, I mean I like men don't get me wrong but on the other hand girls are amazing??? But would I date one¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ who knows?????¿¿¿¿¿ not me8. What’s your favorite animal?- I have 2, owls, and moose2 very different creatures, both equally majestic and beautiful9. What are your favorite pet names?-if you're asking about literal pets then we had a cat named schnapps she was super bitch but super cool If you're asking about like names you call your significant other then I guess idk the classic babe/baby are nice also sugar idk no one calls me anything other than my name lol10. What do you think love is? -something very complicated and different for everyone11.When did you discover your favorite band?-F U C K I was 13 and playing rockband with @sectumsemprasshole and we played 'wanted dead or alive' by Bon Jovi and fell in love instantly 12. Do you want to get married?-sure I do, when I find the right guy *cough cough* josh dun. But I probably wont wanna have a wedding, probs just elope and have a honey moon at disney world tbh13. Do you want to have kids?-I already have a son, his name is silas, it's actually his birthday today!! He's 3! But yea id be down to have more kids14. When did you have your first kiss?-technically my first kiss was in like kindergarten but my serious first kiss I was like 15 15. How did you lose your virginity?-??? Sex ?????16. Have you been cheated on?-YES YES I HAVE IN EVERY RELATIONSHIP I'VE BEEN IN AND ITS THE WORST DONT CHEAT ON PPL ITS THE WORST.17. How many times have you fallen in love, requited or not?-If we're counting like all my fandom loves then heres a list: Johnny Depp (actor)/ Jon bon jovi (bon jovi) / james hetfield (metallica) / remus lupin (harry potter)/ severus snape and or alan rickman (harry potter) / zak bagans (ghost adventures)/ markiplier/ jacksepticeye/ pewdiepie (youtubers) / josh dun (tøp) / tyler joseph (tøp) Real life tho only 218. Have you ever rejected anyone?-I've rejected your typical creepy dude that messages you on FB or something and constantly likes all ur pics thats like "ur so sexy I want u 2 be mine" But otherwise no , ive never seriously rejected anyone 19. Have you ever cheated?*Banging pots and pans together* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO20. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?-no, I couldn't do it, I practically need constant physical attention and reassurance, kudos to anyone who CAN do it, you are stronger than I21. Do you prefer the romantic or sexual aspects of relationships?-see im not really a romantic, I feel like I dont know how to react to romance or honestly sexual situations soooo im pretty much a lost cause but I guess I prefer the romantic 22. What’s your favorite thing about your significant other?-he lets me be myself and thinks all the stupid shit I like/do is cute and hes very supportive of my art and drumming (hes also a drummer) and he just wants the best for me and he loves my son even though hes not his kid23. Do you have a significant other?-YAAAASSSS24. What’s your favorite thing about your best friend?-let me tell you something about my bestfriends I was born with a twin sister her name was amani she was my bestfriend since birth we were absolutely inseperable about a year ago she decided the whole "she" thing wasn't gunna work so we knocked the "S" off "She" and now I have a twin brother! And his name is Kane and we are still absolutely inseparable and I will always love and support him through anything @sectumsemprasshole 💗💗💗💗My other best friend is also a guy his name is avery and in junior year of high school he came out as gay (me and kane always sort of knew but never asked him cuz that's fucking rude) and I love and support anything he decides to do as wellThey both make me laugh and are very strong willed people, both have attempted suicide , both have self harmed (as have I) both have been there for me with my issues (depression/anxiety/ED) and I love them both for being here and for loving me.25. Do you want a significant other?-have one huntyyy26. Do you like anyone?-yeah I like a lot of people including all of you lovely people27. Who was the last person you loved?-My boyfriend28. Do you have a celebrity crush?-letssssss not talk about it :))))) I have too many and I am suffering29. Name a song that makes you want to fall in love-Trees by twenty one pilots -born to be my baby by Bon Jovi30. Do you think you’ll be happy later in life?- fuck I hope so. We all hope so
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