#i liked izzy and loved his growth and was sad when he died
vaiyamagic · 11 months
Going through the Our Flag Means Death tag is a trip.
A good third of the posts are a detailed analysis of why Izzy's death was narratively good and meaningful and not 'bury your gays,' while another third are about how Izzy's death was pointless and cruel and a betrayal and absolutely 'bury your gays/disabled people.'
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emptymasks · 11 months
so there's an interview with david jenkins up on gizmodo about izzy's death and i have feelings. again.
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the interviewer is a big fan of izzy. and jenkins is upset that they are upset about izzy's death. i know he probably doesn't want to make people really upset with izzy's death. but how could he not have known how beloved izzy was. perhaps he didn't realise how many more people would come to love him over this season.
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trying to console the interviewer by saying "ghosts exist in this world" since when? buttons turning into a bird might not even be canon, it's left as this maybe, so don't make up and give false hope that he could come back as a ghost. that feels cruel. i know he's trying to make the interviewer feel better but man. don't make promises you can't keep.
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of course he took it hard.
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izzy didn't get much time to belong though. i love that speech he gave. but for him to get punished for it. to kill of the character with the most growth because it doesn't matter because he's not as important as ed. izzy deserved better than to a plot device for ed to grow.
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'to see their friend go' uh.. i don't think we got to the point where stede and izzy were friends yet. sadly. because he died too soon for that to happen. i think being buried near them, and without his ring that they took of his corpse, is selfish on ed's part.
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i don't know how this is kind. i don't know how you can describe this as kind.
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i... am almost laughing since i feel so delirious reading that. you wanted to avoid killing your gays by.. killing one of your gays. right. an.. upbeat note.. i.. how.. did you really think no one liked izzy that much? maybe he didn't expect so many new izzy hands during season 2 but...
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again the interviewer gets upset about izzy's death. jenkins tries to console and comfort them but couldn't. i can't believe he didn't see this coming. i'm sorry he's sad too. though surely he wanted people to be sad? to feel sad about izzy's death? maybe he didn't think anyone would take it this hard. but i'm sure con could have told them different given the stories i know people have told him about how much izzy means to them. i think it's wrong to call the show homophobic, i think the show is still a great piece of lgbt+ representation. and i also think the ending was rushed and izzy's death wasn't fair (and not enough people accept that ed abused him and was his abuser and no one should have to give their abuser closure) but i think if he had to die it could have been defending the crew, and not being stupid enough to let ricky have a gun, because that didn't feel very in character. i just. i'm with the interviewer. i'm not mad at jenkins i'm just disappointed and upset. and i know he didn't mean any of this maliciously, and yes i know it's all fictional, but people are still allowed to complain and be hurt. no matter how stupid you think that might seem. there's no need to get angry at people who are upset about izzy's death. these are just my thoughts and feelings and there's no ill will too anyone who disagrees with me.
i'm sad at you.
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bringthekaos · 11 months
Gunna take a break from Arcane for a moment to talk about Our Flag Means Death, because I am extremely disappointed and I have to put these thoughts somewhere. Putting it under a cut, because I myself forgot to filter the OFMD tag while I was working and got it spoiled for me. So ye be warned, OFMD SPOILERS AHEAD.
That ending was genuinely one of the worst I’ve seen in a long time. The only other time I can recall being this sickened and angry about a show’s ending was Game of Thrones. And it’s not because I’m sad or mad or confused by Izzy’s death, yes that’s partly it, but because a character who was experiencing massive change and character growth was ONCE AGAIN rewarded with death. I am so goddamn sick of rooting for people to do better, to be better, and then FINALLY get that catharsis only to have it thrown away for shock value.
What did this add to the story? Narratively, I mean. If this is indeed the end of OFMD, and it doesn’t get renewed, what the absolute FUCK kind of message does that send? Izzy was postured as some kind of obstacle between Ed and Stede in Season 1, but in S2, he was allowed to grow outside of that weird and fucked up love triangle (term used incredibly loosely, because his love was pretty much one-sided, and most of the time it was selfish and toxic). In S2, he went on an incredible journey of coming to terms with the fact that Ed would never be his again, not in the way he wanted. Even if it was never romantic or sexual (I do not see it), he wanted Ed to himself, and he had to accept that it would never happen. And he fucking DID, that’s the pisser. He learned to see the value in Ed’s transformation, the good that Stede was for him. And he learned to appreciate it and even start playing with it and teasing the two of them. And the worst/best part was that he embraced the crew, put them into that hole in his heart that Ed left. His speech to the Prince about them being family, and that you give up your wants and dreams for them, because being a pirate is bigger than any one person alone. GOD, his fucking character growth was incredible and heart-wrenching all at once.
And then to just throw all of that away, for what? To remove him as an obstacle between Ed and Stede? He already did that himself. To make the title of the show mean something (that the flag truly means Death?). That is just so fucking cheap and backhanded. Oh, Our Flag Means Death, but no one has died yet, better kill somebody; quick shoot Izzy Hands. How about you just make the word ‘death’ a symbol for change? The death of who you once were, the death of old biases, the death of toxicity and selfishness.
Because what would have been the problem with making Izzy the new captain of the Revenge, and letting Ed and Stede go off and do their thing? In the grand scheme of the narrative, why did two characters’ happy ending have to come at the cost of another’s?! It cheapens that happy ending, puts an asterisk on it. Especially when Izzy had JUST come to the realization that that crew, those people (no matter how ridiculous and soft they were) were his motherfucking family and he would do anything to protect them. He should have gotten to, and I just… I cannot forgive that. I’m not saying you can’t kill off characters, we shouldn’t expect anyone to have plot armor. But for god’s sake, at least make it make sense, give it a reason beyond shock value.
If OFMD gets a third season, I may or may not watch. It’s more than likely I won’t. And not because I don’t love the Stede/Ed story, or any of the other beautiful ones on that ship, I do. But because I’ve lost faith in the story.
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polyamoryprincess · 10 months
I know people are upset about Izzy being killed (I am too) but the truth is I don’t think it was bad writing or even them diminishing Izzy’s character, I actually think everything about the last episode has to do with production and I think Izzy lovers will feel a little better about it if they see it like that (it helped for me).
Basically, if you look at it like this, I think 2 important things came into play. Budget and how the showrunners assumed this would play out. Which is to say that they probably assume HBO will either renew them for season 3 and cut their budget again or they’re going to be cancelled.
Both are very likely, so assuming they had this in mind, removing Con, who I’d guess is the 3rd highest paycheck after Taika and Rhys was probably their best budgeting move, especially if they’re thinking of having an all out war in the final season that they probably want to be a visual spectacle, so each season feels like it’s getting consistently larger in scope.
On the other hand, if they do get cancelled (which they probably will because the HBO CEO is a weird little conservative goon), they left the ending in a way that could be considered an ENDING while still being prepped for a 3rd season. So in the time they had left (which was 2 episodes less than their first season) they gave Izzy an entire completed character arc.
I 100% understand the sadness and anger, especially after all the shit he went through during the beginning of the season, I felt gut punched when I learned he died and was bitter as hell through my whole first viewing of the season even though I’d had more than a month to process it. But after having thought it through, I genuinely don’t think it’s simply them treating Izzy as just an extension of Ed’s character growth and I sure as shit don’t think it’s because they wanted to conform to Izzy haters.
I think if they had all of the resources and episodes they wanted, had a guaranteed season 3, I think we would have gotten the character growth we got with better pacing and he probably would have at minimum made it to season 3 (I also think he would have had a love interest, but that’s just what I wanted for him tbh).
I think they did the best they could with what they had, allocated a lot of budget and screen time towards his character despite having less of those 2 things than the first season, and at least let Izzy have a completed story and arc, even if the ending was deeply disappointing.
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simptasia · 5 years
Hey! You've probably already made a post for this and if so I'm really sorry, but do you have any LOST post-finale headcannons?
Don’t be sorry! And, yes... yes I do. Including but not limited to:
kate/claire & miles/richard are Things now, my post-finale otps. like, friends to lovers. both pairings eventually married with kids
kate and sawyer stay as friends, I like ‘em better than way
okay All of these friendships and relationships are great and i love them but i have extra delight for miles being besties with kate and claire
i give kate n claire about a year of living together before they get together (time for claire’s recovery, all of kate’s pregnancy (more on that next), an for claire to realise she’s into women, specifically kate. she just had to be exposed to kate’s Bi Aura a while before she got it. and no way was kate gonna make the first move, so claire gotta get the ball rolling with an adorably nervous confession and a tippy toe kiss
ya know that bit when kate and jack bang before they got on the ajira flight? i hc that kate got pregnant from that (the time between that event and the finale is like 2 weeks) and thus kate has jack’s (rip) baby and it’s a boy named david (basically i got that theory that david shephard in limbo was david austen in living life) and kate n claire raise two boys together
claire is also gonna need a lot of therapy/recovery time, she’s not okay
desmond and penny have a daughter and name her danielle in honour of daniel
before miles got on the boat he put a buncha stuff in storage so even with his old place rented out, he’s got something to work with. richard is kinda disorientated by his new life and miles sees that and in a fit of Character Growth induced kindness, offers that he stay with him. hotel rooms at first but its a start. (ken said miles would ��take care” of richard post-finale)
i give miles and richard about 3 months of living together before they Smash and also feelings. takes a while for miles to deal with that because he’s not into romantic relationships and love so This Is New For Him. and also richard has his own angst about being in a relationship again AND it’s a guy AND the age difference (150 years). miles legit doesn’t care about that (finds it kinda freaky but is meh) but richard feels weird for some time
i dunno what sawyer and frank are doing (besides being friends to everybody else) but i support them [pops the southern US lads in the corner] y’all be good now ya hear?
oh i mentioned more kids for the next gen, 10 years post finale richard and miles decide to have kids together. claire very kindly offers to be surrogate and they have twin girls, izzie (isabella) and lara alpert-straume
i like to picture kate and miles, post the birth of the twins, having a little bonding moment over how they bother never thought *they’d* become parents. like, miles found the idea of him becoming a dad to be absurd. and kate never thought she’d be a mom. but it happened. fyi all the parents that the post finale entails are great parents because Break The Cycle!!! good parents in lost? it’s more likely than you think!
claire becomes close friends with liam and his family and in turn he considers claire and aaron to be members of the pace family
oh, claire finally listens to driveshaft and she feels really guilty that she thinks their music is awful. but is still fond of it out of love, ya know
claire makes a point of never mentioning thomas. aaron is raised to believe that charlie pace is his biological fatherbecause fuck you thomas nobody likes you. it helps that aaron just looks like claire but a boy (short, blue eyes, blonde) so outsiders wouldn’t be any the wiser. (side note: charlie had asked claire to never tell anybody he’s trans and she’ll keep that promise forever, so outsiders dunno it’s not bio possible). to claire, charlie is aaron’s real dad in spirit due to Love and that’s that
aaron also has a hero worship thing going on with charlie, and david does so with jack too to a lesser degree. this is a result of kate and claire doing a Don’t Speak Ill Of The Dead thing that is common and thus the boys only hear about how great and brave their dads were and never the flaws
hurley, ben, walt and vincent live on the island together but also hurley gives richard powers to ben (by accident, he JUST got his powers) and vincent (on purpose, walt deserves time with his dog)
walt is gonna be the protector after hurley is done
hurley decides he’s done with this once all of his friends have died. he long ago created a mural for All Those We Have Lost and has been adding more and more to it over the years. hurley and ben went to all their funerals too
ji yeon is raised by her grandmother but she’s practically like a daughter to kate and claire
all the kiddos are friends and have known about the crazy magical world they live in all their lives so they’re pretty casual about it
“remember sweethearts, we don’t tell anybody at school about how papa is almost 200 and daddy can talk to ghosts” - richard (later miles and richard have to visit the principal's office because Guess Why)
claire becomes an illustrator for children’s books
penny funds the creation of a scientific education... place called The Daniel Faraday Institute. penny never met her little brother but he saved desmond’s life twice over and was part of bringing her and desmond together so she feels his life deserves honouring (that and i imagine kate and/or miles mentioned That Shit That Went Down with daniel)
eloise visits the opening of this place and needless to say, our squad really doesn’t like her being there. ranging from anger, seething and aching disappointment (last one’s from richard) and miles even tells her to drop dead in his own special way: “i hope i hear from you soon”
i imagine post-finale at lots of points but i like to default to 15 years later (2022) at a party kate n claire decided to throw for the anniversary. hurley, ben, walt and vincent visit (claire drops her plates when she sees that van out front) and it’s like :D :O ???!!!!! and also all the ghosts appear to hurley because now that he’s off island, they wanna see everybody!
fyi i imagine that ghost thing never stopped being a thing for hurley 
before hurley finally does die, the last thing he sees is his death bed surrounded by *everybody who has died*. michael thanks him for taking care of walt. libby kisses him on the cheek. i imagine some other words of encouragement, like jack asking hurley to let go (heh). its all very sweet and sad and most the couples of holding hands (also i imagine this and every time i think i have everybody, i remember even more people!). and then, holding walt’s hand, with vincent beside him, hurley dies
(ending Ghost Time and kickstarting Limbo Time. maybe? i dunno)
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magiquemalec · 5 years
3x21+3x22 reaction I guess
and so it begins..rip me in advance I guess you're a snowflake, jonathan, congrats THIS IS THE HUNT (oh god this is the last time aonkg don't make me cry I'm getting emotional)
Alec has a wedding to plan he doesn't have time for angst THE RING :(( alec bby take care of yourself, eat something pls (and then get your man back) YES YOU DO PLAN THAT WEDDING magnus on that throne fuck the way he's looking at his ring DOUBLE FUCK "your word" his face lkansgmsgd god I love him OOF YES MAGNUS GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE oh right jordan deaded F I guess am I suppossed to be sad about this? is this how they're sending her off then? aw man :/ good for her though he's going to be a shadowhunter again? I mean, it was kinda in the trailer but still? Maia sendoff - check Sizzy - check Izzy???? WHAT THE FUCK SHE'S ON FIRE (my brain: THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIIIREEEEE) klsdmg I've already seen this like 10 times but it's still funny "Something happened" yeah y'know she just randomly caught on fire no biggie rip Sizzy that didn't last long LMAO ALEC Izzy stop lying ALEC WHAT THE FUCK I mean I get it he just wants to get to Magnus but they better not turn him into a vampire jonathan's going through it alliance rune time woop lbr Alec's on board with pretty much anything at this point boy was ready to get turned into a vampire for Magnus ew ok lady beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder I suppose oh we don't even get to see him turn back I think I liked him better as a lizard alec has no chill today don't test him Lorenzo LMAO are you sure about that Clary? are you reaaaaally sure zoom zoom WHAT THE FUCK THEY PAIRED ALEC WITH LORENZO WHAT THE FUCK THEY BETTER FIX THIS LATER ON (alec with magic is dope though) oh great now they're all separated just shut up lorenzo pls uhhhhhh Alec? oh shit HE USED THE RING TO CALM HIMSELF DOWN I'M EMO wow, that's great, yeah that's awesome lorenzo jfc he's unbelievable I love it HAHA HE CAN'T LIE OMG I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT is this foreshadowing it's foreshadowing isn't it oof yikes she's so pretty sorry his hair is white now that means he's super evil (is it white or just blond? I can't tell with the lighting and coloring) Meliorn skjdnbggk   what happens to a demon when it dies in edom IZZY freeform? favorite network? what drugs are these people on I don't know how I feel about this fuck off Scott (is that his name? I don't remember) AJABSFJADGJK MALEC I'M CRYING HE'S WILLING TO STAY IN EDOM I BISCUIT izzy's like what the fuck is going on with you you're being too nice is Izzy going to die? it feels like it's headed that way no meliorn :((( he better not die also what kind of plan was that ohh that was kinda cool how the fuck does Alec's bow work it just randomly morphs into the 5 arrow bow when needed they can do that? idk if any of this makes sense but you know what I don't even care oh boy well that's one way to fix that problem I guess OH SHIT RIGHT INTO 3x22 ok
bit of a weird transition but WE HAVE MALEC SO WHO GIVES A SHIT OIAKNKGLSGNKDKGSNKDSOGLNN THAT'S THE SOFTEST FUCKING THING I'VE EVER SEEN FUCK OFF YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED  JNKSDG JKSDKGK IT'S HAPPENING ALEC AJHBSGJ ALEC TRULY IS THE ONE ?????? what is this seelie queen/jonathan madness what show am I watching well, rip he's so happy I'm emo 3b Jace is the best Jace I actually kinda like him now wow where was he all this time Clary's so nervous aw this is sweet are THEY FINALLY GONNA TELL US UNDERHILL'S FIRST NAME I NEED TO KNOW still don't know how I feel about sh!luke, but he seems happy so good for him I guess oh good she's hallucinating that's great wat is it really tho? told ya she's going to make an immortality rune I'm calling it O H M Y G O D lorenzo and his fucking paintings sjkbgdkk is this...character growth I'm seeing? incredible magnus got her a dress that's so sweet robert who ksgk sorry but the actor for max has aged like three years when in the show like 3 months have passed like..this timeline man ok but why? I'm so confused oh ok he's just on a killing spree jonathan's finally gonna be a real threat, for all of like..10 minutes I feel like they constantly change how portals work but there's only like 45 minutes left so w/e I guess will the power of love save the day? probably not oh damn why does she have wings what the fuck is going on well that was easy MORE TIME FOR THE MALEC WEDDING I GUESS I mean you knew that was going to happen Clary so...does that mean no immortality rune? I can't even write anything I'm too busy sobbing fucl MY STREAM SKIPPED AJKBDJKBJKGLÖJBKD my stream skipped and I missed part of their vows but that was still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen oh god they're so- perfect I'm crying does no one notice that her angelic rune is gone? Clary :( fuck me that was emotional heline! ANDREW HIS NAME HIS ANDREW WE FINALLY KNOW everyone already knew lmao I mean to be fair they really weren't subtle this music choice is...odd- scratch that, it's bad. I'm sorry, but- yeah no, it's bad. ??? clary ??? I'm sorry but this song choice is actually horrible oh shit she's losing the sight damn they really did that it's almost over I don't know how to feel I've been through so many emotions over the last two hours I'm not ready for it to end oohhh time skip ok WHAT THE WHAT EXCUSE ME INQUISITOR???? WHATR THEY MOVED TO ALICANTE?? JKSNDG HE JUST THREW THAT SHIT I LOVE MAGNUS BANE TO US AND THE DRINKS I LOVE PARALLELS was Taki's a book thing? aaaand my stream broke...that's cool...................................... that's it it's over I don't know how to feel I think...I'm gonna go cry now ok bye
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My review of the Shadowhunters-finale part 1
Shadowhunters-finale… even the sound of it feels surreal. I tried so hard to figure out a great way to start this - so far - last review of this series that taught me so much, but I couldn’t manage to find anything clever enough, so sorry about that. Since the finale is longer than other episodes, I will share this review in a couple of parts. I fully understand if you disagree with me, and hurting other people is not my intention.
Given that Freeform only gave the gang two hours to bind everything together, the episode was MARVELOUS. I loved the dialogues with different, perhaps even unique, allies. They gave us as much glimpses as they could about what would’ve happened if this show hadn’t been cancelled and left some things open because they trust our imagination and wanted to leave room for spin-offs and renewals. This episode made me laugh, clap, ship and cry my heart out. So many sacrifices and surprises.  I still can’t accept that this might be it.
At this update, I want to focus on the main character of this show - Clarissa Fairchild. 
You don’t have to believe me, but this is the truth. When I first saw the trailer of 3B, I was reading the last book of TMI. And the moment I saw Clary running away crying, the first thought that came into my mind was: “Oh my God, what if they erase Clary’s memories in the end, like they did with Simon?” I almost wrote about it here, but I did not have the guts, since I strongly believed that I would be “torn apart”. So I actually had time to process that. And after seeing how that ending was reacted to, I am really glad that I did not. I understand why people are mad about this resolution, since Clary is the main character who grew up so much during the series. I am upset about that too. The thought about her suffering silently, being alone, forgetting the huge part of herself, ripped away from the world and people she loves so much... it tears me apart. But…
It is sad how some people can never be satisfied. When the spotlight was on Clary, people wanted more of the downworlders and Malec. When we got it, some of us were bitching about the lack of Clary. Of course we are able to express our opinions about certain characters and wanting some of them more than others, and I have done it myself. But this is everyone’s show, they did their best to honor every character with the time they had, and we should appreciate even the smallest things we got. There is only so much you can do in 40 minutes’ episodes (or even two back to back), and you still have to keep plot going. It is not easy, no matter how experienced the makers are. And I strongly believe that if show had continued, we would’ve gotten even more balance to it. 
When the show started, Kat was constantly criticized for her acting, perhaps the most when it comes to the cast. People compared her to Lily Collins (and I was one of them, ashamedly)  and kept telling that she looks and acts nothing like Clary. Yes, gladly many people recognized her growth and ability to evolve in acting along the way. But still, when you look at the Tumblr-pages, almost everyone else got more attention than Clary. She was tossed aside by fans. Many people shrugged the Clary and Jonathan plot line away as disgusting - which is kind of right, since incest is not right in any circumstances. But the books represented that and wanted to show that there are some issues like this in the world - and the show wanted to honor the books. And whether we like it or not, this was a huge part of Clary’s storyline. 
The word that mostly came out of people’s mouths when describing Clary, was “annoying”. Yes, she was a little spoiled in the beginning, and keen focusing on finding her mother might have seem somewhat selfish, but she was really compassionate, brave and headstrong person that cared deeply for others and learned to widen her point of view. She was the one who was first given the greatest angelic powers and who knew how to invent runes. She learned a hard way and by the long journey that she has also the darker parts in herself. But like she said herself, she was afraid that she couldn’t ever be this person she used to be. She might have caused a serious trouble sometimes, but she always felt guilt and wanted to make things right. See her loved ones smiling again, being happy - even though she could not have that same happiness herself. And this was really emphasized in this last episode. She, and Magnus, brought downworlders and shadowhunters, who had fought against each other for centuries, together, united. She is someone who would sacrifice herself and her truth to save people. Her actions go way more far than “allowing Malec to have their wedding”. It's kind of sad that some people seem to notice her awesomeness just now, when she’s kind of gone. I guess it’s true: one really realizes what she or he has until its gone. She is not perfect, no one is. But we had much character developements and events with her, but some of us took them for granted. 
Even though losing her pains me, she still got her redeeming moment with Jonathan. That moment was really moving and soul-wrenching, and I don’t wonder at all why Luke said that they actually cried after that one. You could just see that Clary meant every word she said to him, even though she had to sacrifice him. The moment she got her wings… “Let me go.” “I will.” </3 I was not ready for that. And as if that wasn’t enough, it was clear that in that moment she knew she would lose everything else as well.
We got to see her with her mother again (kind of) – and in the same place where she died, which was both poetic and heartbreaking. She never got to say goodbye to her mother, so this was really touching. I am happy that Jocelyn’s actress was able to return for this. Even though in the end she was struggling being strong, she got to share her last moments and fights with almost everyone she loved and really go through her journey. I especially loved the moments between her and Simon and her and Magnus. Simon always knows what’s up with Clary, even if he did not completely see the context. She got to see how her “father” got his happy ending by being a shadowhunter and with Maryse, (even though she never got to work side by side with him :’( ). It’s upsetting how she only almost got Maryse as her kind- of-stepmother. They never got many scenes together, but I like that with Maryse Clary is the closest to telling the truth. She is able to see how his “godfather” and her “frenemy-brother” found love and proved that love still exists. And that she didn’t want to interrupt their dance.
Even though I will forever be sad that we didn’t see her and Izzy being parabatais together, it still may be possibility in the future, whether to our eyes or not. They really saved each other. I am also glad that Clary wasn’t showing any jealousy for Sizzy, but was clearly happy for them.
No matter how heartbreaking this all is, it’s also life. In one moment, you can have everything, but it all might be taken away in another. So one of the messages of this show really is: cherish the now. And even though Clary’s fate was more than unfair after everything good she did, the law was against her. Angels aren’t completely pure and saint, and those who have demon blood are not purely evil. That has been the continuing theme of the show and it’s reasonable that it still somewhat remains. She knew the risks and made decision. She saved everyone. And that’s really brave.
Jace and Clary… Jace’s words to her, the fact that he continues being absolutely honest to her.. her love confession.. the fact that Jace didn’t have time to say it back… her not being able to keep the kiss too long, because she knew that Jace would break down if he saw her not seeing them…their tears… Not being able to say the proper goodbye to Jace really shows how much he meant to her. Even though I was not the biggest fan of Clace, they grew in me and Kat and Dom overdid themselves in this episode, together and apart. Clary’s letter was truly beautiful. And to the people who say that Jace doing nothing to get Clary back is out of character, Simon is right. They both want her to be happy and might be afraid that telling her everything would upset her too much. But just like for Alec, for Jace falling in love deeply works only with one person, and it fucking hurts. You can see it by the way he acts, and he continues being her guardian angel. He still knew how important art used to be for her and came to support her mentally even though she could not see him. We got to see that even though she had changed outside and became this strong woman, still something was missing. And it’s really poetic how her past comes out through her art, just like the first time. Like the showmakers told us, this ending implies that love conquers all and she will become shadowhunter again – no matter how long it takes. Jace and Clary are able to reconnect and fall in love all over again in a world that – perhaps - is more peaceful now. Perhaps this is the “Angels’ way of forgiveness” – a new start. Ruelle’s song in the background tells it all to us. This does not decrease her character development – she has gone through her own struggles also in the life she remembers and I am sure that she would or will become even more awesome. And if there will be no spin off or renewal, we get to imagine our own kind of ending to them.
All being said, even if she wasn’t on screen as much as generally hoped, this was still Clary’s episode and her legacy will move on, whatever comes of her. She is talked among every character in the show and is never forgotten. That’s why, in my opinion being happy about Shadowhunter-cancellation or “ending of this shitshow” (as someone calls it) because of Clary’s fate is no use. Kat really did this character justice, has grown up with her and is hopefully on her way to brighter success. So those, who loved Kat and Clary from the start, keep supporting them and spreading their legacy. And those, who got into the train of their fans somewhat later or just now – it’s never too late to start.
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*sorry for rushed bad art.*
No worries, it doesn’t look bad at all. 
(A bit of context. This is a zombie infection on a smallish scale during present time (only a small area affected) so while everything is going on the government is covering things up from the public at large. So if it seems odd that people aren’t freaking out, it’s a very isolated thing.)
Character’s full name: Isabella Lolita Peste
Reason or meaning of name: Isabella = Devoted to god/ gift from god Lolita = sorrow/suffering Peste= plague/disease
Was this a name given to her at birth or given by herself? Because it’s very fitting, her parents must have assumed she’d be fucked from birth. 
Character’s nickname: Izzy, Rotting one, Plague mistress Reason for nickname: Izzy is what her family and friends called her, the other two are titles she has been given as her reputation grew.
Plague Mistress sounds really neat. 
Birth date: December 14th, 1315
Physical appearance Age: At time of story roughly 700 years old
How old does he/she appear: It’s hard to tell as he face is heavily disfigured by her body’s decomposition.
How does she keep it from completely rotting and rendering her entirely useless and immobile?
Weight: 56 pounds. (Has lost weight due to starvation and decomposition)
Height: 5’7”
Body build: Ectomorph
Shape of face: sharp and pronounced eyebrow, chin and cheekbones.
Eye color: formerly brown, now do to ruptured veins and arteries in the eyes are redish-black.
Glasses or contacts: none
Skin tone: formerly a nice olive, now a greyish green.
Distinguishing marks: Right cheek has rotted away, multiple cuts on neck and forehead. Veins and arteries are easily visible.
From what?
Hair color: once a dark brown now faded to a greyish brown.
Type of hair: straight hair that seems limp and lifeless
Hairstyle: shoulder blade length, shaggy unkempt.
Voice: A soft, raspy whisper.
Overall attractiveness: uh unless you like zombies not very.
Don’t kinkshame the necrophiliacs. 
Physical disabilities: blind, and can’t feel physical sensations (ie someone tapping her or running into something) very well.
How does she do things if she can’t see or feel things? Smell? Sound?
Usual fashion of dress: ripped and tattered commoners clothes from the 13th century.
Personality Good personality traits: passionate and determined for her work, rather careful about what she says or does and is very patient. (Progress and success take time after all!)
Bad personality traits: obsessive over every little detail, absolutely a neat freak of the highest order, way to serious about her work.
Mood character is most often in: curious
Sense of humor: loves others pain and laughs at their misery. Mostly because she caused it.
Character’s greatest joy in life: watching her creations (deadly diseases) do as intended.
Character’s greatest fear: That she will be stopped.
Why? It would delay scientific growth and mean the destruction of her creations.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Regaining her humanity or finding love.
....Why love gotta be included, she’s a little dead and rotting. I was joking, please kinkshame the necrophiliacs. 
Character is most at ease when: she has been working nonstop for days.
Most ill at ease when: In the presence of non sick humans
Enraged when: her creations fail.
Depressed or sad when: flashes of her former life surface.
Priorities: her work before all else.
Life philosophy: nature is a cycle, you are born, you live, you die, and your body helps the next generation in the cycle live. This cycle is absolute and can not be stopped or delayed, only sped up.
If granted one wish, it would be: to finally be able to die. Not that she is aware of it.
Why? Her humanity is disgusted by what she has done and would like to end this monster she has become.
Character’s soft spot: rats. Or any other disease carrying animals.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? If others got close to her, most definitely.
How are people able to get close to her???
Greatest strength: her intelligence.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: her obsessiveness.
Biggest accomplishment: her ‘improved’ version of the bubonic plague.
Character’s darkest secret: regrets everything but is compulsed to continue creating deadly diseases.
Does anyone else know? No.
Goals Drives and motivations: A compulsive need to create more horrific diseases to unleash upon the world.
Immediate goals: work on whatever project she has on the go.
Long term goals: figuring out how she became the intelligent dead.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: work no stop until she figures it out.
How other characters will be affected: they will be her guinea pigs for the new infections and mutations.
Past Hometown: small fishing village (name is a work in progress)
Type of childhood: average for a 13th century Italian peasant woman.
First memory: picking flowers in a field with a blurry figure she thinks is her mother.
Most important childhood memory: being married off to an older man.
Why: she despised him and it hurt that her family cared more about status then her.
Dream job: would have loved to be a sailor but women were considered bad luck to have on board a ship.
I assume diseased ones are especially bad luck.
Education: learned household chores from her mother.
Religion: Roman catholic.
Present Current location: somewhere in the USA
Religion: Roman catholic.
Occupation: ‘researcher’
Family Mother: Maria Peste Relationship with her: somewhat distant.
Father: Giovanni Peste Relationship with him: hates him for forcing her into a marriage she did not want.
Siblings: two brothers and a sister. Relationship with them: never met them, they died in infancy.
Spouse: Nico grassi Relationship with him/her: Despises him and finds him gross.
Children: Lunette Grassi Relationship with them: loved them dearly, died young in an accident.
Well given she was from the 13th century I’m assuming everyone here is actually dead. Why only mention that some are? If they aren’t dead, why aren’t they?
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Depends on the animal.
Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: both as a monster and as the caretaker of the cycle.
One word the character would use to describe self: Monster (for the human side) Guardian (the rest of her)
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Not at all, she is an open book that talks so to speak.
Person character most hates: her now deceased husband.
Best friend(s): None
Love interest: Kevin Springs (unfortunate protagonist.)
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Kevin Springs
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No One
Person character openly admires: Kevin Springs
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Lunette Grassi
After story starts: Kevin Springs
Isabella was born during the early 13th century and had a normal childhood for the time, learning sowing and other domestic tasks from her mother while her father taught her how to read and write.
Eventually when she came of age, she was immediately married off to one of the rich traders in town to help boost her family’s status. She hated her husband, and fought the union every way she could. But it was all in vain and she was married to him, and eventually had one child named Lunette.
Isabella may have hated her spouse, but she loved her daughter dearly. Lunette was a light in her life, and Lunette’s presence made the forced marriage bearable. But this was not to last.
When Lunette was 10 she was killed in an accident while playing at the docks. The pier she was on collapsed and she was dragged under the water by the currents. They never found her body.
Isabella grieved, she wailed and she cried for the loss of her daughter. Isabella refused to eat, sleep or drink, instead she would sit by the docks and stare out into the ocean. This lead to her being one of the first to die to the bubonic plague/the black death.
Her corpse was dumped in a mass grave away from the town, and while she lay decomposing, the disease began to mutate. It began to preserve what little of her remains that had not rotted, and caused angry blisters and welts to forum on her body. Then in the early 16th century she woke up.
Hazy memories are all she had, so she began to wander. She sparked terror across Italy as she drifted around, aggravated by her hunger and a nagging urge at the back of her mind. Eventually the hunger got so bad she dug up fresh bodies in a cemetery and devoured them.
She soon gained the title of the rotting one after her ghoulish appearance, on top of becoming An urban legend, one calling her a herald of sickness and hard times ahead.
She was oblivious to all this, but what come to her attention was the rumors of the new world. So through one way or another Isabella went to what would become America, and isolated herself.
Eventually she began to grow bored, and this boredom led to pay attention to the advancements in medicine. The dull urge in the back of her mind came to the for front and pushed her to begin experimenting on the bodies of those who died do to diseases.
Over the years her research lead to the creation of many horrible illnesses, which she kept hidden from the world in an abandoned coal mine. Then finally she created he raster piece, a virus that would turn others into what she was.
She released the virus into all nearby water sources, and slowly all nearby towns and cities became infected. It spread quickly, but the results were not what she had hoped. Instead of being sentient and intelligent, the infected were basically brain dead and stupid. Isabella was enraged and threw herself back into her work, improving and strengthening the virus.
But as she did this, Isabella noticed some people were immune to her creation. Eventually she fixated on a group of survivors lead by ex chef Kevin Springs, and she was smitten. She became obsessed with Kevin, to the point she would begin to stalk him and ignore her work.
The stalking escalated to her harassing his survivor group, attempting to kill the others and to get close to Kevin. She hunted the group down and managed to kill Kevin at the time love interest, but was severely wounded. This caused her to back off for a time to lick her wounds and regroup.
How is she able to be wounded? 
Eventually after men conflicts Kevin and his group found out about her being sentient, and the source for the infection. So they began to track her back to her hide out. There they confront her for the last time and kill her.
And finally Isabella was free, and with her notes the government created the cure to the virus and everything was covered up.
I’m not sure if she counts as a villain, but I think she would be. The story is very work in progress, and any and all suggestions for what I could fix or change is appreciated.
I definitely consider her a villain, yes. She’s pretty interesting, I do love the idea of a mother of disease pretty much. It sounds really cool. 
I think things like her general anatomy need work, like how does she work? How has she survived, why was she revived, why did it take so long for her to be revived, things like that. 
Generally, I despise “zombies”, but I think this is a pretty neat concept.
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