#i listen to a lot of other things too okay fergalicious is like one of my favourite songs i just listen to this stuff more
nico-di-angelfish · 9 months
Nine albums! Thank you, @dodger-chan, for tagging me :) I’m not entirely sure of the rules but here’s nine albums that I love.
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1. This is my favourite album of all time, Panic! has been my favourite band since I was 11 and I think this is their best album. Fun fact: a lot of the songs and song titles on this album are inspired by the books of Chuck Palahniuk (Camisado is inspired by Fight Club, etc.), and he “loves the Panic! songs”. I have a source for that but for some reason it won’t work? It’s on livejournal just search “Chuck Palahniuk Panic at the Disco”. My favourite song on the album is Build God, Then We’ll Talk, but I love all of them, even the Intermission was actually on my top songs of the month in October lol.
2. This is my second favourite album but I only found it last year. I’m not sure what it is about it that speaks to me. I don’t really like their other albums either, except sort of Clarity. My favourite song is Get It Faster.
3. This is my favourite FOB album, it’s probably the album I listened to the most this year, I just left it on loop. My favourite song is Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, solely for this lyric: “nothing comes as easy as you, can I lay in your bed all day?” FOB lyrics are a fic title goldmine in general.
4. In terms of Panic! albums, Vices & Virtues would win out over Pretty. Odd. if the bonus tracks were on it, but that’s all of the bonus tracks including Bittersweet (which is one of my favourite songs ever) which isn’t even on the Japanese edition so. Anyway P.O. has Northern Downpour, which is another one of my favourites.
5. This is my favourite DeBo album, even though I think Open Mouth, Open Heart is better structured and more cohesive. My favourite song is either Vixen or Nerve.
6. Every song on this album is amazing but Vienna is my favourite.
7. Heathers is my favourite movie and my favourite musical, the movie is much better than the musical but I love them both. I saw it this year and it was literally a religious experience. My favourite song is I Say No, which is not on this recording, but I like this one on the whole better than the West End Recording.
8. Little Shop is maybe my second favourite musical? Tied with Rocky Horror, maybe. I also saw it this year, but the performance was terrible lol. My favourite song is Mushnik and Son, followed by The Meek Shall Inherit. I can’t sing but I can act (read: I did gcse drama lmao), and I would love to play Seymour.
9. @oh-jesus-in-the-air introduced me to Falsettos but I didn’t really take to it until years later which is a story we both know pretty well by now lol. My favourites are A Tight-Knit Family / Love Is Blind and I’m Breaking Down. If you haven’t listened to it, @dodger-chan, I think you’d like it.
I’ll tag @oh-jesus-in-the-air (even though I know everything you’d include lol), @therainbowsaws, @rainbow-lizzard, and @punished-lincolnshire-poacher
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guildedlily6 · 4 years
You Plus Me Equals Soulmates Part 4 (Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate!AU)
Summary: Things continue to grow tense between Liz and Y/N after the results of the house party.  Meanwhile, things heat up between Y/N and Peter Parker.  Is Y/N Peter’s soulmate?  Or will Liz interfere?
Author’s Note: Hey, you may have noticed I’ve been posting parts for this imagine every day for the past three days, but I’m sorry to say don’t get too used to it.  I am writing mainly at night due to me having online school during the day (yay quarantine) which usually ends in me up until 4 or 5am.  There is a Part 5 in the makings because of the unresolved things in this part with Liz and more that I’m not going to spoil for you right now.�� Click on the links below to read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Word Count: 2,824
Warnings: swearing, fluff (if that counts as a warning)
So it’s official.  My former best friend, Liz Allen, and Peter Parker are no longer going to homecoming together.  Partially because of me.  But maybe Liz and Peter were never meant to go to homecoming together in the first place.
It’s been about two weeks since the mortifying incident at Liz’s house party that ended up all over social media.  I was a school-wide meme for about two weeks before the Principle got involved and started handing out detentions and even suspensions to anyone who even mentioned the party or posted about it on some social platform.  Out of anyone in the school, though, Liz chats about it the most.  She won’t talk to me directly, but word travels fast when you’re 16 and the gossip of the school, so I hear every little thing she has to say about me.  So far, I’ve ignored it.  I have other things on my mind.
Peter Parker is sitting across the room from me in 7th period, writing something in his chemistry journal.  I do have to admit, things were extraordinarily awkward once he found out about the drama, pictures, and videos of me yelling “I don’t care about Peter Parker!” in front of everyone to see, but unlike Liz, I talked things out with him and we’re actually friends now.
Friends.  Do people really think about their friends the same way I think about Peter?
The answer is no.  Ever since the party, I couldn’t stop thinking about brown curls, eyes that hold such softness, and the familiar smile.
I’ve accepted the part of me that wishes to see a matching equal sign tattoo on Peter’s wrist, by now.  What I haven’t accepted is that confronting Peter about my newfound feelings is necessary in order to discover if he feels the same way and with the same intensity as me.
“That wraps up today’s lesson.  Homework is due tomorrow and if it is not turned in, it will be entered as an automatic zero,” rings the usual monotonous voice of my chemistry teacher.  I tuck papers and folders into my backpack, packing up just before the bell rings.
Slinging the backpack around my shoulders, I stand up only to notice someone is waiting for me.
Peter smiles gently.  “We have a Decathlon meeting today,” he reminds me. Right.  Liz is also in our Decathlon club, which is a small problem, but “everyone is a necessary member of our team” as Mr.Harrington would say.
“So are you and Liz going to fight or something?  I mean, you didn’t last week or the week before that in Decathlon club or in the hallways… or in any of your classes together, but if you do plan to fight, tell me,” Ned says eagerly, rushing to catch up with Peter and I.
“Liz and I are not going to fight, Ned.”  For the past week, Ned has been trying to convince me that the only way to settle things once and all for Liz and I is to throw down in the middle of the hallway, or something along the lines of that. Two weeks ago, I totally would’ve been up to forcefully shove my fist into Liz’s face, but now I’m not in the mood to get expelled.  Honestly, the whole mess shouldn’t be as big of a deal as it is.  I feel like I’m back in preschool, fighting over a toy.  Not only is Peter not a toy, but he’s also made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with Liz.
However, Peter hasn’t exactly made a move to ask another person to homecoming yet.
Peter, Ned, and I walk into the gymnasium, other members of the Decathlon club already sitting in chairs.
“Just get seated please!  Today we’re going to figure who’s going to Washington with everyone for the National Decathlon,” Mr.Harrington announces while unfolding chairs.
MJ sees us and greets us with a nod that says ‘sup’, Flash looks at Peter and laughs, whispering something to his friend, and Liz regards the three of us with a yawn.
I sit down in between Peter and Ned.
“Alright, so all of you have paid the club dues which means you’re all technically allowed to go to Washington with us.  Who thinks they may have a conflict with the trip from April 30th-May4th?”  Mr.Harrington takes a seat, spreading out some papers before him on a fold-able table.
Peter’s the only one to slowly raise his hand in the silence.  I glance over at him with a questionable look.
Mr.Harrington raises his eyebrows.  “What is your conflict, Mr.Parker?”
“Well, you know I have the Stark Internship, and well, uh… Mr.Stark said that I should always be prepared for someone to call me so-”
“Hold on, lemme get this right.  Parker gets to miss out on the trip because of his ‘Stark Internship’?” Flash raises a single eyebrow, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
“Peter, you understand this trip is mandatory.  The conflicts are only for… well, only for serious things,” explains Mr.Harrington, peering over his glasses at Peter.
Peter blushes slightly, embarrassed.  “Well I- I don’t want you to… Uh, make Mr.Stark angry…”
He’s still pretending to have a Stark Internship?  Seriously, Peter, drop the act. You can’t quit the team.
Our Decathlon leader sighs.  “Peter I’m afraid you have to go on this trip.  You’re extremely valuable to this team.  Unless you wish to leave the team…”
“I- I understand Mr.Harrington.”
“So he’s off the team?”  Flash speaks up again, obviously excited by the possibility of Peter getting kicked out of the club.
“What’s your decision, Peter?”  Mr.Harrington asks.
“I… I guess I can’t do it,” Peter admits quietly.
I turn my head to look at him.
Really?  What are you doing?
“Well, okay.  If you change your mind, just email me, Mr.Parker.”  Mr.Harrington crosses something out on his paper before pushing his glasses back up on his nose and looking at Peter.
The rest of the meeting goes on as it does normally; reciting facts and sitting around listening to Flash and Mr.Harrington argue over whether ‘fergalicious' is a word or not.
__________Liz’s POV__________ I plan to get Peter back.  It sounds dumb and childish, but if I want to prove that I wasn’t humiliating myself in front of the school for nothing, this is how to do it.
Unfortunately, there’s some minor obstacles.  The first problem is that somehow Peter found it in him to forgive Y/N for saying she doesn’t care about him and now they’ve grown to be close friends within the past two weeks.  The second problem would be that Peter most definitely hates me.  Part of that may be my fault, though, since I haven’t bothered to try and communicate with him in any way in the last couple weeks.  The third problem is that I wish Y/N wasn’t mad at me.  Yeah, I’ve done some pretty mean things in the past, but none this bad.
My chin resting on the palm of my hand, I gaze at Peter from a few seats away.  Either he doesn’t notice or he’s ignoring me on purpose.  To be fair, I did say that I didn’t want to talk to Y/N or Peter ever again.
I shift my eyes to focus on Y/N.
I want my best friend back.
Was it really worth it?  No, it wasn’t.  But I guess it’s too late now.  I’ve already formed my plan, so no going back.
“Liz?  Hello?  Do you have an answer?”  Mr.Harrington waves a hand in front of my face.
I snap back into reality.
Was everyone watching me gaze longingly at Peter and glaring at Y/N? “Can you repeat the question?”
Mr.Harrington hits the table a few times with his baby toy hammer, signaling I answered wrong.  “I’ve already repeated the questions 3 times, and if you were paying attention, Miss Allen, maybe you would know that.”
In the corner of my eye I see Y/N smirk and shake her head with a look that reads ‘dumb ass’.
Anyway, my plan is to slowly release every single secret Y/N has ever told me out into the school until almost everyone knows everything about her.  At that point, Peter might be so embarrassed to be seen with her that he completely abandons her.  Next, I’ll make my move on Peter.
Obviously, I have some details to fix, but it’s coming together.  However, Peter not going to Washington affects a lot of my plan.  If he does end up going, every part of my plan will fall into place.
_________Y/N’s POV_________ After the Decathlon meeting ends and everyone is dismissed, I pull Peter out into the hallway.
“What’s the real reason for not going to the National Decathlon?”
“What?  I told everyone it was because of the Stark Internship-” but Peter doesn’t get to finish his sentence before I cut in.
“Yeah that’s what you told people.  But, like, a 16 year old kid doesn’t have a Stark Internship.”
Peter’s expression displays a bit of hurt from my words.  “You don’t believe me.” “No.  I don’t.  Sorry, I don’t believe you have an internship with one of the richest people in the world.”
“Well, I- I can’t tell you.”
Now it’s my turn to be hurt.
He can’t tell me?  Why not?
This slight pause gives me enough time to realize how close we’re standing.  There’s plenty of hallway outside of the gym for the both of us, but we choose to stand so close that if I leaned in eight more inches we would-
I dart my eyes back up to meet his eyes.
“Fine.  Okay,” I say.
“Did you want me to come or something?”  He questions.
“I- yeah.  I mean you’re my friend, right?  Why wouldn’t I?”
He looks down, slightly disappointed.  Is he disappointed?  Why?
“Yeah, I guess,” he responds, shifting his backpack straps and taking a few steps back.  “I don’t know why there would be another reason,” he mutters under his breath.
“Hey guys what are you- did I interrupt something?”  Ned busts through the gym doors and pauses after seeing our faces.
“No, you didn’t, Ned.”
“Oh, okay.  So Peter, are we still going to your place after school for our Star Wars movie marathon?  My mom bought popcorn for me to take,” Ned continues, oblivious to the uncomfortable tension.
“Yeah,” answers Peter.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Y/N.  Do you want to come?”  Ned smiles warmly.
I say “Yeah sure, Ned,” the same time Peter cuts in with “I don’t really think-”
“Great!  You remember where Peter's apartment is, right?  If you don’t just, text one of us.”  Ned starts walking away, leaving Peter to glance apologetically at me.
“I’ll see you soon,” I say to Peter before walking away.
_______(Time skip)_______ I click send on a text telling Peter I’m at his apartment.
Was Peter actually disappointed when I said we were friends?  Aren’t we friends?  I think back to earlier.  How close we were standing.  Peter’s lips had looked soft and his eyes were inviting, but I hadn’t done anything.  Anything about what?  What even is my goal?
Soon enough, the door to the apartment opens and I’m greeted by Peter’s aunt May.
“Oh, hey Y/N.  Come on in,” May says while stepping aside.  “Peter and Ned are in Peter’s bedroom.”
“Thanks, Miss…” I stop myself, unsure of what to call her.
“May.  You can call me May,” she says, beaming.
“Thanks, May,” I say.  I walk past May and up to Peter’s bedroom, slowly opening the door.
“Hey Y/N,” Peter and Ned greet at the same time.  I take a seat on the floor, leaning against Peter’s bed.
“Hey guys.  When are you going to start the movies?”
“Oh we were waiting for you.  Do you want some popcorn?”  Ned holds out a bag of popcorn and I grab some, eating a few.
I get up and we all make our way to the living room.  May announces she’s going out and then leaves.  I take my seat on the couch.  Peter sits down a small distance away from me and Ned sits on a different couch.
All throughout the night, Ned munches on popcorn while the movies play and I slowly get drowsy.  I find myself leaning more and more to one side before I completely fall asleep, and so does Peter.
_________(Time skip)_________ I wake up to something moving beside me.
Why is the couch moving?  My mind is a big groggy.  I open my eyes.
I’m lying nestled into Peter, our limbs tangled in mess.  My eyes drift up and meet Peter’s, which are very much awake and very much flustered.
“I- I’m sorry… I just woke up and-”
“It’s okay,” I say, chuckling softly and quickly moving away.  At the loss of contact, I feel my heart sink sadly.
“Soulmates are usually naturally attracted to each other if seated or lying near one another.”  Where do I remember that from?  Right.  History Of Soulmates textbook I had to read in my psychology class.
I sit up straight and look at Ned, who’s still asleep on the couch.  Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi is playing on the TV.  I grab my phone from the table beside me.  It reads 8:35am.
I turn to look at Peter and realize I’m still practically draped over his lap.  I blush a bright red and once Peter notices, his blush matches mine.  Hastily, I scoot away from him and then stand up.
“Uh… where's your bathroom?”  I ask timidly.
“It’s down that hall and to the right,” Peter says, his voice still slightly raspy from sleep.
My feet carry me away, padding down the hall and then into the bathroom.  I close the door and look in the mirror, fixing my hair and straightening up my shirt.  After I finish touching up, I open the bathroom door, only to be surprised by Peter standing right outside.
I bump directly into his chest and he laughs gently.  I smile faintly and step to go past him, only for us to bump into each other again.  He tenderly grabs my shoulders and leads me to go past him.
I look up at him and admire his messy bed head and the adorable blush still on his cheeks.  He looks down at me with an expression similar to mine and then lets go of my shoulders, still smiling.  “Sorry,” he apologizes, turning to go into the bathroom and then closing the door.
Since when did you get so mushy, I think to myself.
I walk back out to the living room where Ned has now woken up.
“What were you two doing?”  Ned asks the question suspiciously, looking me up and down.
“Peter and I?  Nothing I- we… I just went to the bathroom and-”
“No!  I- I mean no.”  I look at my phone to see a text from my mom: when are you coming home?
“If you did, I mean I don’t judge, I personally was waiting for it to happen, it was just a matter of time before-”
“What are you two talking about?”  Peter walks in, running a hand through his curls.  My heart flutters at the sight.
Stop it.
“Congratulations on you and Y/N finally getting together,” Ned says and I think I’m ready to crawl into a hole and die.
Peter looks at me with an unreadable look on his face.  “What?”
“Peter and I aren’t together, Ned, we just- I just went to the bathroom and he happened to be outside. Nothing happened-” I quickly try to explain it all.  But Peter had a different idea.
“We could be together…” interrupts Peter.  I look at him, shocked.  “I mean, I was just saying- we’re not together- I was just suggesting…”
“Yeah.  Um…”  I try to find a response in myself.
Together?  Really?  Does this mean he feels the same way?
“Right.  This is a bit awkward… So I’m going to go.  Thanks for the marathon, Peter.”  Ned gets up, grabs the popcorn bag, and leaves through the front door. I pretend to be interested in the lamp sitting on a table.
“So…”  Peter starts off.  “I guess I should tell you this now.  That day when I asked Liz out, I had actually meant to ask you to homecoming.  I really like you, Y/N.  Extremely.  It’s like nothing I’ve felt before.  Like-”
“I’m naturally attracted to you,” I finish for him.
He grins with so much happiness it’s almost contagious.  “Yeah.  Exactly like that.”
“Can I- your tattoo.  What is it?”
He rolls up his right sleeve, showing his bare wrist with one simple tattoo. An equals sign.
We’re soulmates.
Hey so here’s some fluff, but the first kiss is yet to come.  Things will escalate from here, so make sure to keep reading.  Or don’t.  I can’t really control what you do.  Thanks for reading!
@disfunctionalcellmembrane @marvel4geeks
Part 5
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murderfabrication · 4 years
Murder Fabrication incorrect quotes
For some non-canon hilarious [...] fun.
Chapter 1 spoilers!
Akiro: We need an adult! Alice: I am an adult! Akiro: … Akiro: Another adult!
Mina: I'm gonna strangle you. Neo: You're not tall enough. Mina: YOU’VE SUNK LOW ENOUGH FOR ME TO REACH.
Jan: *falls* Alice: Did you just fall? Jan: Psh, of course not. I just attacked the floor. Alice: Backwards? Jan: I'm skilled.
Andi: You know, you’ve got to stop sending me these mixed messages. Keith: “I don’t like you” and “go away” are not mixed messages.
Benjamin: Okay Neo, you have 5 seconds to name 5 famous disasters. And.. go ! Neo: Vesuvius, Chicago fire, dinosaur asteroid, Titanic, and... um... your haircut.
"I had to take a sick day, I’m so sick of these people." – Lois
Neo: Are you okay? Isabella: I'm going to start charging people money to ask me that.
"Andi sneezed earlier and I accidentally said "shut the fuck up" instead of "bless you"." – Chris
"Am I bitter? Yes. But do I try to move on and let go of past anger? Well, actually no." – Isabella Neo: I like your new pants. Lois: Thanks! They were 50% off! Neo: I'd like them better if they were 100% off. Lois: The store can't just give away clothes for free. Neo: That's not what I meant... Lois: That's a terrible way to run a business, Neo.
Chris: Okay. Stay calm. Stay calm. Neo: I am calm. Chris: I'm talking to myself.
Monokuma: Ssshh, do you hear that ? That's the sound of forgiveness. Lois: That's the sound of people dying, Monokuma.
Alice: Andi, don't say a word. Andi: … Andi: Fergalicious. Alice: I said no words. Andi: Oh, I see. Two weeks ago playing Scrabble, it's not a word, and now suddenly it is a word because it's convenient for you.
Keith: I have feelings for you. Andi: You do?? Keith: Yes. I feel you’re a little annoying.
Andi: You have no style or sense of fashion. Benjamin: I think that depends on— Andi: No, no. That wasn’t a question.
Mina: Oscar and I have this kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-- Oscar: Sentences. Mina: Don't interrupt me.
"These so called 'feelings' are ruining my reputation as a heartless bitch" – Lois
Akiro: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad? Jan: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated... Alice: Smad.
Neo: Hey, I'm going to Taco Bell, you want anything? Isabella: I want my girlfriend back. Neo: ... yeah I got like twelve dollars
Neo: I win. Noah: I have you pinned to the ground. Neo: I know.
Benjamin: That's a great dress, Lois, but I bet it would look even better on Neo’s floor! Lois: ... Neo: Are you...hitting on Lois...FOR me?
Emily: So I heard you like bad girls. Emily: Well, I'm bad at everything. Emily: *winks with both eyes*
Jan: Oh, dear. Alice: Jan, I told you, nobody our age says "Oh, dear". Jan: Oh, my. Alice: Or that.
Emily: So I've been thinking. Ciel: That's a first.
Lois: Seriously, all you do is bitch. Chris: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation!
Neo: It’s a package from Lois. Ciel: What is it? Neo: It’s heavy. Must be her disappointment in me.
Emily: Akiro, please teach me how to write ! Akiro: You just gotta... just pick up a pen... Akiro: Then cry for about four hours... Akiro: And then a book magically appears before you.
Emily: I made a marshmallow Chris ! Her arms are crossed because she's mad at all the other marshmallow people for annoying her. You like it? Chris: *choked up* It's fine.
Lois: Okay, emergency meeting! I need everyone to gather around me in order of how much I trust them. Benjamin: *gets close to her* Everyone else: *stays back*
Neo: Lois! You really do care! Lois: Yeah, I do. Tell anyone and I'll kick your ass. I have a reputation.
Keith: Andi? Andi: Yeah? Keith: Before we die, I just want to say... Andi: Yes? Keith: THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!
Lois: I searched everywhere. Neo: What? Lois: I looked through hundreds of files. Lois: Searched through my text messages. Lois: I even searched my wardrobe. Lois: But I still couldn't find where I asked for your opinion. Neo: ...
Noah: It was for love! Mina: Cool motive. Still murder.
Neo: Am I supposed to feel intimidated by now? Because I kind of don't. Mina: Why not? Neo: Well for starters you're... what, fifteen years old? Mina: No! I'm fifteen and a half!
Neo: You broke into my room?! Benjamin: No, that would be wrong. I had a key.
Ciel: Emily, would you step outside for a moment? Emily: Why? Ciel: Because you irritate me.
Neo: Girls are so hot. Neo : Guys are hot too. Neo: Why is everyone so hot? Ciel: Global warming.
Emily: *takes a deep breath* Emily: I lo— Anyone who has spent five seconds around Emily ever: Yes, you love Isabella, we know, you love Isabella so much, she's the light of your life, your reason to live, you love her so much, you just LOVE Isabella, we KNOW, you love Isabella, you fucking love Isabella, okay, we know, we get it, yOU LOVE ISABELLA, WE GET IT.
Ciel: I need you to stay calm, okay? Chris: I'm just gonna stay angry. I find that it relaxes me.
Alice: Only geniuses can say these four words quickly. Eye. Yam. Stew. Pit. Chloe: Come on, no one's falling for tha- Emily: IAMSTUPID
Akiro : *softly but with a lot of feeling* Fuck.
Alice: Describe your ideal man. Akiro: He's dark and mysterious, and he can sing, and he plays the organ. Alice: I think you just described the Phantom of the Opera.
Isabella: Oh, yes, I'll live. Isabella: But I won't enjoy it.
Neo: Hey Jan, what’s your biggest fear? Jan: Being forgotten. Neo: Damn. That’s deep. Mine’s the Kool Aid man but I feel kinda stupid about it now.
Benjamin: So I walked into Neo’s room while he was asleep and I knocked something over and he said “if you're a ghost or some shit please fuck off I'm too tired for this”
Chloe: You were happy once, Isabella. Isabella: I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.
Oscar: Have a good day. Mina: Don't tell me what to do.
Alice: A guy from work is going out of town this weekend and wanted to know if we could take care of his child. Akiro: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's a big responsibility. What do we know about children? Jan: I'm leaving. Bag? Akiro: [Hands Jan his backpack] I swear you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on. [To Alice] I don't know the first thing about taking care of a child. [To Jan] Where is your jacket? It's very cold outside. Jan: Forgot. Akiro: Here, take mine. [To Alice] Kids are a lot of work.
Emily: Come on. I didn't drink that much last night. Chloe: You were flirting with Isabella. Emily: ... So what? She’s my wife. Chloe: You asked her if she was single... and started crying when she said she wasn't.
Neo: So, what's it like dating Chris? Noah: Once, I asked her for a glass of water while she was pissed at me, and she brought me a glass full of ice and said "Wait."
[texting] Akiro: nose Akiro: I just typed nose with my nose! Jan: heart Akiro: WHAT THE FFUKC ARE YOU OK
Emily: There’s something on your mouth *kisses Isabella* Isabella: There’s something on yours too *kisses Emily* Andi: What the fuck do we even buy napkins for ?
Akiro: *exists* Everyone: So blessed. So moved. So grateful. Can't believe this is my life. Never going to take it for granted. Always going to give back. Thank you.
Keith: You're pretty dumb. Andi: Thank you. Keith: Why are you thanking me? I just insulted you. Andi: All I heard was "You're pretty". I'm focusing on the positives in life.
Isabella: *breathes* Emily: Flawless, fantastic, incredible, show-stopping.
Chris: Help! [Chris falls below the water, but Oscar pulls her up before she drowns] Chris : Oh Noah, you saved me! [She kisses Oscar on the cheek.] Oscar: Actually, it’s me. Chris: Oh… well… [chuckling embarrassedly] You can go ahead and let me drown now. Akiro: Some people give off a vibe of… right away it’s, “Don’t fuck with me” Akiro: My vibe is more like, “Hey, you could pour hot soup in my lap and I’ll probably apologize.”
Lois: Anything you say in the next thirty seconds is free, starting right now. Chris: I think you're cocky. Arrogant. Bossy and pushy. You also have a god complex and don't think of anybody but yourself. Lois: But-- Chris: But what? I still have twenty-two seconds, and I'm not done.
Alice: I am not a mother, I don't even have any children ! Andi: *passes her* 'sup Mom ? Alice: Oh, hey. Jan: Mom, is it okay if Akiro and I see the new Star Wars tonight ? Alice: Yeah, just be home by ten. Alice: Alice: Okay, listen
Emily: *running with something in her hand* Isabella: Let me see what you have. Emily: *excitedly* A knife! Isabella: NO!
Chris: We're not scared of you, Monokuma! Emily: I kind of am. Chris: Emily, shut the fuck up.
Keith: I loved playing doctor as a child. *flashback to young Keith with stethoscope and teddy bear* Keith: The cancer has spread. Get your house in order.
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juliussneezerfics · 5 years
His Past, His Present, His Future  - Chapter 9: Coffee
Germany and Italy continue their trip through Rome. 
They left the colosseum, Italy leading the way as he chattered. “Are you feeling hungry, Germany? I’m feeling hungry. I wonder where we should go! There’s so many places we could go, too. And so much food to eat!”
Germany simply nodded, letting Italy continue.
“If you want somewhere nice, I know a great place to sit down. But we’re not really dressed for nice places, are we? Let’s try something new! Something unique! What do you say?” 
Germany grunted. “Sounds good.”
“Great! There’s a place we can go – we’ll have to drive, but still – It’s only a few minutes’ drive, and it’s a park! There’s lots of food vendors and stuff!”
“How much is a few minutes?”
Italy hummed. “Around twenty, I think...”
Germany pulled out his phone and opened his map app. “Nineteen minutes.” He clicked around for a moment later, looking up the various attractions they hoped to see.
“Excellent! That’s a short drive, and then we can look at everything else we wanted to see!”
Germany hummed. “Excellent unless you consider the fact that everything we want to see is within ten minutes’ walking distance.” He slid his phone back in his pocket, facing Italy. “We may have to have a late lunch.”
Italy perked up. “Oh, that’s okay! I know a great little shop with delicious pastries! We could have a snack!”
“There’s no need.” Germany said, sliding his backpack off his shoulders and unzipping it. “I brought snacks so we could save money.”
Italy slumped a little. “Really? But the food here is so good!”
“Oranges are good, too.” Germany protested, pulling one out. “I also have protein bars, trail mix, baby carr-”
“Ugh!” Italy interrupted, tilting his head back. “I can’t believe you packed protein bars!”
“They’re practical!” Said Germany.
“But so boring!” Italy took the orange out of Germany's hand and set it back in the bag. “Why eat oranges when we could have Pandoro! Canoli! There’s even a place that makes Ricciarelli year-round, Germany. Ricciarelli! I haven’t had it since last Christmas, and it’s right around the corner!”
“Christmas is next month. Can’t you have one then?” Germany pointed out. Despite this, however, he zipped up his bag and slung it on his shoulders. “But if you insist-” The things Italy could convince him to do…
“Oh, I do! Thank you, Germany!” Italy sprung forward and wrapped Germany in a hug.
Germany stiffened. “Sure. but after this we’re eating the food I brought.”
Italy released Germany, still smiling as he took his hand and pulled him along. “That’s fine, the Ricciarelli place is right up here!”
Germany resigned himself, jogging to keep up with Italy as they turned the corner.
Italy pointed at a brown and tan striped awning. “That one!” They stopped and entered the shop, the smell of delicious baked goods hitting them like a wall. Italy took a long, deep sniff. “Mm…” The shop was small and cozy, with a two glass cases on either side of a bored-looking employee sitting behind a cash register. The lighting was slightly dim, and the rays from a few windows bathed the round tables and chairs in a warm, golden light. All in all, a cute pastry shop.
Germany sniffed as well, relenting that Italy probably made the right decision in turning down his protein bars.
Italy flounced right up to the employee, Germany following. “Can I please have a Ricciarelli with a cappuccino?”  Italy asked in Italian.
The bored looking teenage boy nodded. “Yes.” He looked expectantly up at Germany.
Germany glanced at Italy, unsure of what to say.
“Just try.” Italy said. “I’ll translate for you if you need.”
“I know hardly any Italian.” Germany protested quietly.
Italy shrugged. “Still Italian!”
“Uhh…” Germany straightened, beginning to speak in his heavily accented Italian. " Please...  what were those called again?”
“Ricciarelli.” Germany finished, cringeing slightly as he botched the ‘r’s.
The boy nodded again, punching the price into the cash register. “What else?”
“What did he say?” Germany muttered to Italy.
“He asked if there was anything else we wanted.” Italy answered.
“Ask him for a plain, black coffee, please. I don’t know how.” Germany requested.
Italy smiled at him. “Sure!” He turned to the employee. “Can I please have a canoli, a zeppole, two Baicoli, a caprese cake, and a black coffee?"
Germany frowned, thinking that it was taking Italy an awfully long time to order a coffee. His suspicions were confirmed, however, as the price was rung up. “You didn’t just order a coffee.”
“Of course not!” Italy agreed, pulling euro out of his fanny pack. “The food here is incredible!”
Germany looked at the bills in Italy’s hand. “Here, we can split the pay.”
Italy grabbed Germany’s hand as it started for his wallet. “No, no! You’re a guest!” Before Germany could protest, Italy handed over the bills to the cashier.
Germany resolved to sneak the money to Italy later. "Thank you."
Italy went and took a seat at the nearest table, sitting with his back to the sun. He hummed with satisfaction as it warmed his back.
Germany watched with a small smile, snapping out of it when the employee tapped him on the shoulder and offered him a small cup of black coffee. “Thank- Uh… Grazie.” He said, accepting it.
The employee nodded, turning to gather the assorted pastries as Germany joined Italy at the table.
After they’d eaten their way through far too many desserts, they were back on the streets. “What all did you want to see, Italy?” Germany asked.
“Hmm...” He stopped in the shade of a tree. “I wanted to see the Sistine Chapel, the Pantheon... I think that’s it.”
Germany pulled out his phone and tapped around for a moment, on a quest to find how far away they were. “We may want to find the car and drive there. It’s quite a long walk.”
Italy hummed. “That’s okay, I would love to go on a drive!”
“As long as you don’t plan on singing...” Germany agreed.
“What are you talking about? I have a lovely singing voice!” Italy protested, the pair walking alongside each other back to the car.
“Not when you’re screaming along to the songs.”
Italy laughed. “Well I have to agree to that.” There was a slight pause as he appeared to be thinking. “You have a lovely singing voice too, Germany!”
“This again?” Germany frowned at him. “You’ve never even heard it!”
“Of course I have!” Italy argued, now swinging his arms as he walked. “Sometimes when you come over and you think I’m sleeping or too focused on my painting, you sing or hum quietly to yourself! Most of your songs are in German, so I can’t understand, but it’s still pretty...”
Germany felt an intense blush rise on his cheeks. He supposed that singing to yourself was something that everyone did occasionally, but he still didn't want people to hear. “If I had known you were listening...”
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of!” Italy said, grinning. “There’s nothing wrong with having a pretty singing voice! Like have you ever heard America’s? Or France’s?”
Germany raised an eyebrow. "They sing well?"
Italy nodded. "They're some of the best singers I know!"
"How do you know this?"
“Well if someone didn’t stay home from karaoke night every year, you would know it too! Even Prussia goes!”
Germany looked ahead, turning into the street where his car was parked. “What did he sing?”
“Well, last year was Fergalicious.” Italy answered, chuckling.
Germany rolled his eyes. “Mein Gott. How embarrassing. That must have been entertaining, though... when’s the next karaoke night?”
“Umm... next month, first weekend, I think.” Italy gasped, rounding the front of the car to his door. “Does that mean you’re going?!”
“I’m not committing to anything yet. Possibly.” Germany answered.
Italy buckled in. “You sound like Japan.”
“I suppose I do, don’t I?” Germany “Does he go?”
“No.” Italy shook his head. “I mostly hang out with Romano and Spain. Sometimes Ms. Hungary.”
Germany pulled out into the street, considering the proposition. “Hmm... is singing mandatory?”
“Of course not! It’s very relaxed.” Italy answered, plugging the AUX chord in his phone. “Any requests?”
Germany shook his head. “You can control the music.”
The two drove in relative silence, enjoying the music and warm weather. Germany was about five minutes’ driving time away from the pantheon when Italy gasped.
“Germany, stop!” He sounded harried. Panicked, even.
“What? Why?” Germany asked urgently, already pulling over to the side of the street.
“You have to pull over now! Quick! Please!”
Germany pulled into a clumsy parallel park, facing Italy. “What? What is it? Are you okay?”
Italy smiled and pointed across Germany. “Look!”
Germany followed his finger. “What?”
“That building! There’s something really cool in there!”
“What could possibly be so important as to panic me into parking here?”
“A mask!”
“A mask?”
“It’s a really cool mask!”
Germany blinked, processing what just happened. “You made me park suddenly in Rome's traffic. You scared me while I was driving. You impeded our progress and ruined our schedule. You panicked me into thinking you were hurt or in danger. All that for a mask?!”
“It’s a magic mask, though!” Italy protested.
Germany’s forehead fell to the steering wheel with a loud thunk. “Oh, a magic mask. Perfect. Well that fixes everything.” He looked over to Italy, still hunching his shoulders. “And I assume I need to see this mask right now?”
“You’re mad at me.” Italy realized, his excitement fading.
“Very astute observation.” Germany replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just don’t do that to me while I’m driving. Okay?”
“Okay. Sorry, Germany.”
Germany sighed, straightening and pushing himself against his seat. “It’s okay... do you really want to see this mask?”
“Yes please!”
Germany unbuckled. “Fine. But only for a little.”
“Yay! Thank you, Germany!” Hardly a second had passed before he had risen out of his seat and waiting outside of the car.
Germany left the car, waiting for the traffic to clear before crossing the street. “What’s so special about this mask, anyway?”
“Well, it’s magic.”
“I remember.” Germany stepped onto the opposite sidewalk. “I mean what’s the magic?”
Italy hummed as they started toward the building. “There is an old legend.”
“There’s an old legend with everything in Italy.” Germany observed, looking around. “You couldn’t throw a rock around here without it landing on something with an intense history.”
“Not here in Rome.” Italy agreed, laughing. “But this one is interesting!” They turned into the building.
“Well while we’re walking to this mask, tell me this legend.”
“Ooh! Good idea!” Italy quipped. “Well, back a long, long time ago... no one knows exactly when... there was a woman who was unfaithful to her husband. When he found out, he called a crowd of people and took his wife over here to see a mask to resolve the issue.”
“A crowd of people?” Germany asked as they walked through the twisting hallways. “To witness their private business?”
Italy nodded.
“Sounds like a decent fellow.”
“Right? So anyway, they were sitting in front of this mask. It was gigantic! A river god with an open mouth. Everyone knew what made this mask so special. If a liar stuck their hand in its mouth, it would bite it clean off!”
“Oh, so the woman stuck her hand in the mask’s mouth, then it got bitten off, then she was shunned for her crimes.” Germany finished, fully confident that he had figured out the rest of the story.
Italy frowned, mouth agape. “What?! No, that’s so grim! What happened was that the woman had a plan. She knew this would happen! Her lover came and kissed her in front of everybody, she pretended to be shocked, and he ran right off. When she was finally asked the question if she cheated, she answered: “The only men I have ever kissed was my husband, and that bastard that kissed me now.”
Germany smirked. “And that’s a direct quote?”
“Not exactly.” Italy admitted sheepishly. “But anyway, then the lover was hunted down and brutally killed. And that’s the end of the story!”
“And  my version was grim?” Germany asked.
Italy stopped, and so did he. They were standing in a short line of about ten people, leading to a stone face slightly taller than Italy carved into the wall.
“That’s a mask?” Germany asked.
Italy shrugged. “I suppose so,”
They waited patiently in line, the two of them watching a group of teenagers as they took turns asking each other questions in Italian. Italy giggled at a couple of them, not bothering to translate them. Not that Germany minded.
When it was finally their turn, Italy pushed Germany forward, holding his phone up. “Okay, you go first!”
Germany looked back, noting that there was no line behind them. Good. He wasn’t sure he wanted them to hear whatever Italy had to say. “Okay....” He stuck his hand in the mask, not letting his hand touch the stone.
“Okay. Do you have a soft spot for America?” Italy asked, giggling.
“No.” Germany answered.
Italy paused, staring at the mask. “... huh. No hand-biting, I guess you’re right!”
“Of course I am.”
“Okay, okay, a couple more! Umm... Do you have a diary?”
“No.” Germany said. a slight blush dusted the tips of his ears.
Italy raised an eyebrow. “I don’t need a stone mask to tell that you’re lying, Germany.”
Germany sighed. “Okay, yes! It’s a habit I picked up from Prussia. There's nothing wrong with a diary. It is a good way to keep track of business affairs. Happy?”
Italy laughed. “Your reaction is funnier than the answer!”
“Are we done now?”
“No, no, one last question.” Italy lowered his camera as his smile fell. “Are you... mad that I didn’t tell you about Holy Rome before?”
Germany blinked. He had almost forgotten about it until Italy mentioned it. “Of course not.” Germany said, surprised at the softness of his own voice. “I never was.”
Italy gave him a small smile, which Germany returned. Italy lifted his phone again after the brief pause. “Okay, those are all my questions!”
Germany raised an eyebrow, recognizing that Italy was trying to act as if the moment hadn’t even happened. “Finally.” He replied jokingly. The two passed each other as Italy went over to the stone statue. Before he could think of what he was doing, he wrapped his arms around Italy in a hug. He didn’t know why. If anyone asked him, he would say he was rather uncomprehending of emotion and reading the atmosphere. He wasn’t the first person you would go to for reassurance of any kind. And yet... he knew that this was the best thing to do for Italy at that moment. It was stiff and awkward. It almost felt unnatural. But Germany felt that he was doing the right thing.
Italy appeared to be frozen for a moment, shocked by this sudden display of affection. He quickly recovered, however, his hands desperately gripping the back of Germany’s T-shirt as he buried his head in his collarbone.
They stood like that for a couple more seconds before Germany released his friend. “Okay, you can’t put it off any longer. Get your hand in that statue.”
Italy stepped back and looked up at Germany, his lips pulling into a close-mouthed smile of thanks.
Germany found himself returning it as Italy stepped forward and stuck his hand in the mask, an arm’s length away from Germany as he waited. At the last minute, he remembered to start his phone’s video and turned it to Germany.
Germany smiled to himself as he was struck with a devious idea. “Do you really think that fanny pack isn’t ugly?”
Still looking at Germany, Italy smiled. “Nope!”
“No,” Germany shook his head. “You need to look the mask in the eyes and answer. Most evidence of dishonesty is in the eyes.”
Italy raised an eyebrow, lowering his camera. “Really?”
“Yes.” Germany had no idea. “Look at the statue.”
Italy shrugged. “If it’s that important to you.” He raised the phone again, this time directed at the statue.
“Do you think your fanny pack is ugly?” As Germany talked, he took a silent half-step forward and raised his arms to Italy’s height.
“No.” Italy answered somewhat solemnly.
In the moment of silence that proceeded afterword, Germany brought his arms down onto Italy’s shoulders. “Ah!”
Italy yelped and nearly jumped out of his skin, dropping his phone and fumbling around with it before barely catching it. “Germany!” he barked. “You scared me half to death!”
But Germany wasn’t listening. He was too busy laughing. Full-bellied, gut-wrenching laughter. God, that was excellent! Even better than he had hoped!
Italy soon joined in, laughing along with him.
Germany straightened as he laughed, putting his palm to his forehead. After a couple more chuckles, the laughter subsided. Then, just as he remembered the little scream Italy did and the fumble that followed, it came back. “Oh, that noise you made.” He said after he had relaxed a little.
“That was a cheap trick, Germany!” Italy said.
“Perhaps.” Germany conceded, still smiling. “But it was impossible to resist. You scare far too easily.”
“Okay, okay.” Italy relented. “That’s fair, I guess.”
“Thank you for your approval.” Germany teased. “Come on. If we want to be home with food for Japan, we have to see the Pantheon.”
“The Pantheon!” Italy skipped ahead. “I love it there! Oh, Germany, it’s so pretty!”
Germany followed Italy out to the car, listening to Italy’s ramblings about the pantheon and how lovely it is, how the columns are all so large, how it’s so clean, how it looks so beautiful on a sunny day, and how lucky are we that it’s such a lovely day, Germany? By the time they finally made it out to the car, it was a little after two in the afternoon. Germany realized this as he turned on the car and looked at the car radio, cringeing. “We’re cutting it close for sure.”
Italy grimaced. “Ooh.”
As they pulled out, Germany hummed. “We may only have time for one thing: Pantheon, or Sistine Chapel?”
“Pantheon.” Italy answered. “No hesitation!”
They were driving to the pantheon, Italy humming along to the music as they drove the last ten minutes of the drive. As they passed the buildings, Germany hazarded quick glances out the window. It was so beautiful here, even in the city. Rome was a collision of all that was old, and all that was new. It was beautiful in a way that transcended history. Germany peered over at Italy, who was tapping his finger on the left armrest, his honey gold eyes half-closed and observing their surroundings.
As he faced frontward again, he realized that he was smiling to himself. He wondered what Italy was thinking. His mind flashed back to the giant mask. When his hand was inside and Italy asked if Germany was mad at him for not telling him about Holy Rome. He remembered Italy’s look of vulnerability and nervousness. Germany was brought back to the present, wondering how long Italy had been sitting on that question. If he still had doubts. Furrowing his brows, Germany resolved to be a little more open. To perhaps be nicer to Italy. Maybe let him know through his actions that all was forgiven. That he was never mad in the first place. The GPS shocked him out of his thoughts, announcing their arrival.
“We’re here, we’re here!” Italy cheered, sitting forward in his seat.
“Wait, we have to find parking first.” Germany said.
Italy groaned. “We always do!” he gasped. “Germany! Maybe we could take bikes next time!”
For just a moment, Germany’s heart accelerated. Did that count as an invitation to do this again? For them to take another vacation together? “You would enjoy perhaps the first ten minutes. Then you would complain that we should have brought a car.”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” Italy laughed. “You know me too well, Germany.”
Germany spotted an empty spot on the side of the road and effortlessly slid into it. “Ja. It’s almost like we’ve been friends for 100 years.” He unbuckled.
Italy’s eyes widened as he too unbuckled. “Only 100 years? That’s so short!”
Germany opened the door, swinging his backpack onto his shoulders. He pulled the sunglasses off his face, noticing that the sun wasn’t as bright in the late afternoon. “I forget that a century is short to many nations...”
“Yeah, you’re so young!” Italy laughed, waiting on the sidewalk. “You’re practically a baby!"
Germany glared as he rounded the car. “And yet here I am, taking care of you.”
“And you do such a good job of it!” Italy laughed, latching onto Germany’s arm. “I’m glad you took those sunglasses off, you don’t look as scary now.”
The two started walking, enjoying the sights and weather. Germany observed that the buildings here were more crowded together. There were less shops and more apartments. The buildings were brightly colored, painted in oranges, tans, and the occasional pale pastel blue.
“Germany, Germany!” Italy said suddenly, sounding extremely excited.
Germany looked over, raising an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“You’ve been my friend for over half your life!”
Germany looked ahead, taken aback. He’d never though of it like that. “I... suppose so.”
“Yeah! You were in your 60’s when you found me!”
“Mein Gott. It’s hard to believe.”
“Right?! It feels like so long ago!”
They lapsed into quiet again, Germany frowning. “Italy, I can’t believe I’ve never asked this, but... how old are you, exactly?”
“Hmm...” Italy brought a hand to his chin. “Well... I don’t remember exactly which year I was born, but... I remember it was around 700 B.C.”
Germany stopped outright. “Wait, what?”
Italy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Yeah, I’m a bit of an old geezer, aren’t I?”
“’Old Geezer’? You’re around 2,600 years old!” Germany exclaimed.
Italy pulled him along. “Yes, I suppose so. Time is really weird, huh?”
“You could be my grandfather!” Germany continued.
Italy frowned. “Okay, okay, that’s enough.” He smiled. “I’m old, but I’m not ancient!”
Germany shook his head, dumbfounded. “You made America look like a toddler.”
“And you look like a baby! You understand, now?”
“I wish I didn’t, but yes.”
They turned the corner, and there was the pantheon. It rested in the middle of what looked like a giant cul-de-sak of grey brick road, surrounded by modern apartment buildings in assorted pastel colors. There was a small crowd milling about the area, but it was relatively empty. Perched in front of the Pantheon, a statue fish squirted water out of its mouth into the fountain. The pantheon was a large, rectangular building with a triangular roof, the front supported by large stone columns. On the front was some Latin that Germany was unable to understand. Bathed in the golden sun, it was almost as if they had travelled back in time and was standing in front of a new pantheon. Given how well it had stayed together over the years, it was easy to slip into that frame of mind.
Leaping with excitement, Italy pulled Germany forward in a jog. “Come on!”
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victorscanero · 6 years
FELT// Chapter two [tyrus]
Hey okay guys so the rest of the book will in cyrus' pov sorry of thid makes anything confusing I deeply apologize.
If you haven't seen chapter one that's here:
It's been weeks since Amber and I first hung out and we have been hanging out every day since. We have hung out so much that buffy and Andi were getting jealous, After I told Amber she suggested that the we have a mini party while her parents are out, Nothing crazy just a few friends of amber and T.J. that way there isn't so much pressure. "You would sit through Jandi drama for me?" I asked in aw. Amber gave me a look "Jandi...drama?" She asked clueless. "Jonah and Andi. it's their ship name." I sighed disappointed at my friends lack of fandom knowledge. "Right...anyways if it gets too bad I'll just talk to you but I think I can handle it." she laughed "and T.J. is going to agree to this?" "And is T.J. gonna agree with what?" T.J. asked slowly looking towards Amber. "Small party tonight! very tiny but you can invite reed and lester." Amber smiled hoping he would just go along with "Why would I do that when I could just hang out with reed and lester in my room?" He asked "because the party has to look chill and laid back and unforced." Amber said  "So to not make it look forced you're going to force me?" T.J. rose an eyebrow and I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous it must seem. T.J. and Amber to both break eye contact and looked at me "This really is crazy maybe we should just deal with the forced awkwardness of hanging out with buffy and Andi" "No, I'll do it." T.J. said "but it is crazy" he smiled at both of ud before turning around and leaving. Amber rolled her eyes and we began planning.
The party seemed to be going well Jonah,gus and walker were hitting it off and Andi and Buffy were off to a fresh start there were others, but none that I really cared to talk to, that was until I saw T.J. alone at a table.
“What happened to your friends” I asked pulling out a chair to the right of T.J. at the end of the table he seemed taken back I assumed it was because the most I've spoken to him in the past weeks were when he would answer the door, but even then he just called for Amber and left.
After a moment, he replied. “Lester is looking for pudding despite my attempts of telling him we don't have any and I sent reed home.” he said “why'd you send reed home?” I asked letting my curiosity take hold. he raised an eyebrow and I began to regret prying “Do you always ask intruding questions?” but then laughed “Reed is... complicated.” he adding shaking his head “Great friend, but we are very different.” here's where I realized I made the mistake of assuming I knew who T.J. was. “I also might have gotten tired of his comments about my sister”  he said causing me to laugh “Just tell him to ask her out she's been dying to use one of her reject lines” I smiled turning to where she was at i watched as her and Andi were dancing and for a moment I thought maybe she could lime her too
Just for a moment though because before i could blink Jonah was pulling her away. her smile falling only for a moment before turning around and sitting next to amber
“Cyrus?” I heard turning my head “yeah?” I asked looking at T.J. “You didn't hear me did you?” he said looking amused my face fell “Sorry I was seeing how Amber and Andi were doing.” truthfully that happened a lot, me getting distracted worrying about other people but he didn't need to know that. “Yeah so was I” he said still looking at amber when he turned to me i guess he could see my confusion because he then asked me a question i wasn't sure how to answer “Amber likes Andi, doesn't she?” i thought I sensed a bit of sadness in his voice and hoped it was because she didn't tell her and not it was a girl that she liked I waited too long to respond i know I did silence says a lot but i answered him anyways “I think if you want to know something about Amber, you should ask Amber.”
I partly felt like it was my fault he asked. If I lied and said i was just say dreaming, the conversation would have been off them and T.J. wouldn't have asked.
“How are my favorite boys doing?” Amber perked between us a hand touching each of our shoulder “We were doing fine before you showed up.” T.J. joked causing me to smile because relief of T.J. being mad at her went away.  “Aw! that's what i said when you were born.” she took a seat beside me “Amber we're twins” T.J. said in a duh tone. Amber reached her arms back pretending to stretch “best 8 minutes of my life” she sighed “So how exactly do we kick everyone out of the house now that you guys are… Shall I say friends? We should watch the conjuring tonight.” she smiled “I'm down” T.J. smiled clamping his hand on my shoulder and getting up “IT WAS NICE HAVING EVERYONE COME AGAIN NEXT TIME” he shouted at the 10 people in the living room “well that's a passive aggressive way to tell someone to get out” I smiled walking to sat the living room and saying bye to buffy and walker before she left i couldn't find andi and jonah so I assumed they had gone home. After about 15 minutes the house was cleared. “I told him” Amber smiled “told who what?” I asked “i told T.J. said i looked really happy talking to andi and then said i always look happy when i talked about andi so he asked me if i liked her and i may have ended up telling him i liked girls and he was cool with it.” my face dropped and i took her hand and smiled “Amber! That's great I'm so happy for you!” I said and i meant it i was unbelievably happy for her. “yeah i know” she was still smiling “Can you spend the night?” “yeah but I have to walk to my house first and get some things first.” I said “T.J.!” Amber called from the room we were in and T.J. came in seconds later “yeah?” “Cyrus is spending the night so can we take him to get his clothes?” Amber asked “Yeah if we can go now I'm ready to watch the movie” he said
I forgot all about the movie I thought I could sneak past it but seeing as T.J. is excited for it and I want to have some kind of connection with him i decided to just deal with it.
The car ride there was nostalgic fergie bops Glamorous, big girls don't cry, and london Bridge. Most people i know listened to these songs but i was still shocked to see T.J. sing all the lyrics to fergalicious. Me and Amber were both in the back screaming the lyrics along with him and when we got to my house only Amber ran in with me. I told my mom I would be back tomorrow around 6:00 and we left. Amber begged to stop by the store and seeing a neither me or T.J. wanted to go in we both stayed in the car.
“So” T.J. turned around to face me “ I know about Amber.” he seemed happier than when I first found out he suspected it. “And you're okay with it?” I asked finding that having a conversation with T.J. was becoming less and less forced. He nodded “I'm just really happy she's happy” he smiled “Plus it is a relief knowing she won't ever date reed just to piss me off again”
I laughed at that “Again?” I questioned he raised an eyebrow “She didn't tell you?” I shook my head “ofcourse she didn't tell you she was probably embarrassed. Anyways, well In 6th grade i broke a vase, it wasn't important and it was 10 dollars but,  i blamed it on Amber anyways. She didn't get in trouble she actually got a hug for crying at my accusations but she was out for revenge anyways and ending up dating reed for a whole week. He cheated which obviously amber didn't care since she had zero feelings for him but to this day she regrets it because reed thinks that's whole reason she won't get back together with him” he explained the story and it was my turn to raise an eyebrow “No one thought to tell him she never had feelings for him? That could end this whole thing.” I laughed surprised.
“Reed hitting on amber has been a thing since elementary school no matter how much either of us complain the moment Reed gets into a real relationship and stops will be a very sad day” he said before I could reply I heard a known on the trunk and turned to see Amber, her figure disappearing behind the hood as she lifted it up.
“You heard all of that and we will make sure she knows you know.” T.J. smiled at me before turning back around. Amber came in the car and I couldn't help but make the first punch. “it's funny you have a crush on andi who has short hair and dated reed who has short hair… you must have a type” I smiled innocently “T.J. YOU TOLD HIM” she pulled the strings on her hoodie hiding her face “Sorry I couldn't help it, you can't just let your friends stay alone with me and not expect me to tell your darkest secrets!” he cranked up the car beginning to drive off “T.J. thought you were in love with me when we first started hanging out” that shocked me but i couldn't help but burst out laughing along with her “I did for a week and then i told you i think that's just how he acts” he said “what is that even supposed to mean” I continued to laugh “you know like your nice I noticed your nice to everyone” T.J. started to drive and the laughter died down “that's so not true!” I said knowing that it was very much true “Dude, Jenkins dropped his books while knocking yours out of your hand and you helped him pick his up.” T.J. laughed “that's so cyrus” amber said “Jenkins isn't that bad he is just douchey” i said knowing he was THAT bad. “Trust, he is i play basketball with him. That reminds me, if you ever decide to be fully out Amber and Jenkins gives you shit let me know. He is known for being homophobic.” We pulled into the driveway and she jumped out “That's the exact opposite of what I'm going to do but thank you for the tip” i began to wonder if that's why jenkins was always a total dick to me, could he tell I was gay? I pushed the thoughts aside when we got to Amber's room we all decided to watch it there and Amber had the bright idea to make a fort so we brought in chairs and blankets and moved her bed to the side and the mattress off of it.
A/n this ended weirdly but i wanted to start chapter 3 from the fort being done.
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hockeytrashgoblin · 6 years
Guess the song bb
Okie dokie friendos. I have been gone for a while because health is important apparently?? Who woulda guessed it. Anyway I was sick and sad but nOW I’M BACK BBS. William Nylander doing the keke challenge or whatever the fuck it’s called. Also was inspired by Jenna and Julien podcast games sooooo here is the result. Hope you enjoy. Or don’t. Up to you really but I like the way it turned out so rad *Finger guns at you*
“Hey babe?” William asked coming into the room and sitting beside me on the counter where I was baking some peanut butter cookies.
“Can I ask you something? You can feel free to say no but it could be fun.”
“What is it Willy?” he had peaked my interest with this. You could never tell what he would ask, it was always a surprise.
“Weeeell you know the Leaf Nation website?”
“Yeah of course. What does that have to do with me though?”
“The producers thought it would be a fun idea to bring our girls for a show.”
“What kind of show?”
“Ours specifically would be a game seeing if I can guess your favourite songs. All of them would be games like that but ours is music because you like it a lot and honestly I think they think I’m going to be bad at it.” he said laughing at the end.
“I would love to do that baby, it sounds fun.”
“Okay good because I kinda already said we would do it.” he had a sheepish smile and I just hit his arm with a dish towel.
“You knew I’d say yes.” I stood in between his legs and hugged him. “I can never say no to you.”
“I know, it’s cute.” he said giving me a chaste kiss before jumping down from the counter. “Now you should maaaybe make a song list because we film this thing on Tuesday.”
“William! It’s Monday today!”
“Well I mean you’ve got all evening and tomorrow morning.”
“How long does this list have to be?”
“Probably about 50 songs roughly?”
“Oh my god..okay. I’ll do it after my cookies are done.”
The next day William woke me up much too early for my liking. To be fair I asked him to so I could make myself look presentable for this shoot. I was in the bathroom sitting on the floor curling my hair when he poked his head in, leaning on the door frame.
“Why are you doing all of this?”
“I don’t want to embarass you by looking like a bridge troll for all the fans.”
“You don’t ever look like a bridge troll. You’re beautiful always.”
“Shut up.” I said quietly rolling my eyes.
“It’s true babes. I’m going to make breakfast while you get ready.”
“Okay sounds good bean.” a little while after William left I had finally finished curling my hair. Or so I had thought. It had completely fallen straight again because I forgot to put hairspray in. I took a deep breath and put the curling iron down. I was really frustrated and pouty. It was still early, I could pout if I wanted to. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and shoved my face into Willy’s back making him laugh.
“Hi there.”
“Hi.” I said mumbling into his back.
“What’s the matter (Y/N)?”
“Look at my dumb hair.” he turned around to see the half straight hair and the hair that was currently straightening itself.
“Oh baby, you forgot to put in hairspray in between layers didn’t you?”
“Yeah.” I said pouting again.
“No need to pout darling.”
“I just want to look pretty and not embarrass you but nothing is working out this morning.”
“You don’t ever embarrass me. Never. You could go in a big sweater with the hood up and leggings and you’d still look beautiful.”
“I might just have to be cozy today..” he came over and grabbed my face with his hands.
“I love when you dress cozy. You always look so damn cute.” he gave me a little kiss and I smiled into it. “Now go get dressed while I finish your breakfast you cutiepie.”
“Okay.” I kissed him again and went upstairs to find my favourite leggings. I quickly found them and put them on. I then went through the closet to try to find a big sweater. Mine were all dirty so I took one of William’s Leafs long sleeve shirts. It was huge on me but it looked cute and I was cozy so I didn’t care much. I put on a beanie and ran back downstairs.
“Wooooooow! Cutest lady I’ve ever seen.”
“Noo be quiet.” I said covering my smile with my sweater paws making him smile wider as he brought the food to the table.
After breakfast we lounged around for a little bit before we started driving to the ACC. We got there about 30 minutes before we started shooting and just hung out again for a little while. I put lavs on me and William while we were just waiting around and got them synced to the camera. William and Kasperi were teasing me for knowing how to do it all, but the cameraman who was running late appreciated the heck out of me. A few minutes later I was sitting across a small table from William.
“Okay so Will, you’re going to introduce yourself and (y/n) and say what we’re doing in this video. (y/n) can jump in if she wants but we just want you guys to interact like you normally do.”
“Alright.” he said.
“No problem.” I said smiling to him. And then we were being counted in.
“Hi guys I’m William Nylander and this is my beautiful girl (y/f/n). We’re going to be playing a game today right babe?”
“Yeah! It’s a fun game where we find out just how much attention Willy pays to what’s going on around him. I’ve made a list of my favourite songs and he has to guess them from bits and pieces of the songs.”
“Okay but do I just have to get the song?”
“Nah boi, you need the artist too.”
“Are you actually joking?” he asked smile dropping.
“No bb. You gotta get them both.”
“Pfft that’s fine.”
“Yeah okay.” I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him. I pulled my legs up on the chair and got ready to start the game. “Are you ready to start ya big baby?”
“I guuuess.” he said sighing.
“Okay. Just a heads up none of the artists repeat, and they’re songs I’ve liked since the 10th grade until last week.”
“I hate it here.”
“Loooove yooou.” I say blowing him a kiss.
“Alright whatever let’s just start this game.” he said laughing.
“Are you ready?”
“Um yeah I’m gonna crush it.”
“We’ll see I guess. Here’s the first song. If you don’t get it I’m going to be personally insulted.” I put on the part of Fergalicious when Fergie is doing her fast rap part. He listened carefully for a few seconds.
“That’s Fergalicious by Fergie. Predictable to say the least.”
“Yeah you got it!”
“You made me learn it so you wouldn’t have to sing all parts by yourself there was no way I wouldn’t have gotten that one.” he said laughing and smiling sweetly at you.
“Okay next song!” I put on dancing in the street by David Bowie and Mick Jagger. I stopped it after a few seconds. “Alright cutie, what’s the song?”
“That’s all I get?!”
“That’s plenty!”
“Oh god.” he said putting his face in his hands. “Um...is it..is it David Bowie?”
“He’s one of the people in it. Who’s the other and what’s the song?”
“I honestly have no clue (y/n).”
“Disappointing. Dancing in the streets by Mick Jagger and David Bowie.”
“Whatever, next.” he said brushing it off.
“Okay baby what’s this one?”
“Sos from mama mia. It’s Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan.” he said after the opening half a second of piano.
“I knew there would be a mama mia one on here. You’re obsessed.”
“Nooo I just love it. Anyway next song.” I put on a part of this song where there was no lyrics at all just instrumentals and William sighed.
“I know that’s Halsey but I don’t know which one.”
“Take a guess.”
“Which one is the strange one? Strange love?”
“Yes you go babe!”
“Yes! Alright let’s go.” he reached over for a high five and I hit his hand with me shirt covered hand making him giggle. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut uuuuup.” I played the next song and William just looked confused.
“I think this is beach boys. You like them a lot.”
“You’re right it is the beach boys but which one?” he looked more confused as he thought. “William Nylander you can’t be serious. Come on babe you have to know this..”
“Surfing USA?”
“Oh. My. God.” I said resting my hand over my eyes. “Willy. I first heard this song on baby muppets the day my brother was born.”
“OH! Kokomo!”
“Yes. You don’t get the point though. That was pitiful.”
“Boo you.” he said pouting and I stuck my tongue out putting on the next few songs. He had gotten 10 in a row wrong and he was getting annoyed and I was laughing so hard I was crying.
“Okay baby let me give you an easy one.”
“You said that about the last 3.” I put the song on and he listened carefully.
“Come on I’ve been listening to this song for like a week straight on repeat.”
“It’s do it with you but I don’t know his name..is it Andrew something?”
“Yeah it’s Andrew Hyatt. I’ll give you that one. Good job lemur.”
“Thank you lemur.”
“Here’s another easy one.”
“You literally got that song from me. Take it or leave it by great good fine ok.”
“You got it! I didn’t think you would since you didn’t get how I want ya and I got that from you too.”
“You be quiet little missy.” he said winking at me.
“Okay next.” I went to the song and pushed play. “If you don’t get this we’re getting a divorce.”
“We aren’t even married!” he said laughing super hard. The song started and he started singing along to the la’s in crocodile rock. I did too, but I had been singing along to all of them. “That’s the crocodile rock by Elton John.”
“Yeah bb!”
“Yay no divorce.”
“Silly Willy we aren’t even married. Dummy.” he laughed again and he cried a little from laughing so hard. “Okay next.”
“No fair. This isn’t even in English (y/n).”
“So what’s the name of the song?”
“I have absolutely no idea. I don’t understand one word of this to even guess.”
“Do you know who sings it?”
“I think Nicky Jam.”
“Yes! It’s X. Solarte’s walk up song.”
“Baseball?” I nodded smiling. “Classic. I’m not shocked about that at all honestly.”
“Here’s the next one.” I put it on and started dancing to it dramatically making William laugh.
“That’s Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Baby’s favourite MJ song.”
“Truuuuue. Okay here try this one.”
“Okay this song is a lie. You absolutely do NOT beg for attention in small doses. You want to literally overdose on attention.”
“Um wow spilling the tea all over me. Rude.”
“It’s loverboy by you me at six.”
“Yes.” I said shortly putting on the next song.
“This is 100% loveshack.”
“Are you kidding? Are you actually dumb?”
“No come on this is definitely loveshack by the b-52’s.”
“It’s the B-52’s but it isn’t loveshack.” I said laughing really hard. “Holy shit I’m crying.”
“Okay then what song is it smarty pants?”
“Rock Lobster. It’s rock lobster.”
“Fake news.”
“You can’t just claim fake news on facts!” I said laughing harder.
“Rock lobsters are fake news.” I started hiccuping in my laughter and then he knew he messed up. “Oh shit she’s in a mood now. Should we stop filming until she calms down?” the crew shook their heads. William shrugged and turned back to me making me erupt into giggles again. After about 20 minutes of me annoying everyone on the set I finally got myself calmed down enough to continue.
“Um okay here’s the next one..” I said brushing tears out of my eyes. I pushed play and waited for Willy to guess it.
“Oooh that’s yeah by my man Usher.”
“Yup you got it.”
“I know my Usher.”
“I know you do hun.” I said with a small smile. “Here guess this one.”
“Oooooo it’s Brittany bitch! Toxic by Brittany Spears?”
“Yeah boi.” I said chuckling quietly. We went through quite a few more pretty quickly. William got a mix of right and wrong. “Okay last one Willy.”
“I’m so ready babe.”
“Saved the best for last.”
“Now I’m worried.” he said while I pushed play and bit my thumb with a big smile waiting for it. “Oh my god I hate you.” he said putting his head in his hands.
“Do you know it?”
“You’re a shit.” he said with a smile.
“Do you know it?”
“Yes I know it. Unfortunately.” I giggled a little bit. “It’s Mr. Flaming hot cheeto head. Lil Yachty. And by the complex words I’m going to guess it’s called Good day.”
“You’s right lemuuur!”
“Good now turn this off before everyone’s ears start bleeding.”
“Oh my god it happened one time William.” I said crossing my arms and standing up wakling over to him.
“One time too many.” he said pulling me to sit on one of his thighs.
“I stopped listening to it that loud and it never happened again. I already apologized to Kapi like 9 million times.”
“I know baby. I love you.”
“Love you.” I said putting my head on his shoulder.
“Okay guys this has been a lot of fun. I think (y/n) now knows that I do pay attention.”
“Like half attention.”
“Well how am I supposed to pay full attention to music when I want to pay full attention to you singing and dancing?”
“Oh my gooooood. William that’s so cute it’s gross.” I said giggling again.
“Okay well bye guys.”
“Bye thank you for having me.” I say smiling to the camera.
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chimpanzeemusic · 6 years
I’ve been picking up some financial slack between jobs and travels by working as a substitute teacher. The pay is bad, The flexibility is nice, the absurd conversations are worth remembering.
2nd Grade 7 year-old: So, how old are you? Me: Eighty two. 7 year-old: Oh. An hour later, another teacher enters the room to get something and I recognize her from when I used to swim at a neighborhood pool, and we chat Me to teacher: Yeah, I think I was a teenager when your kids began swimming there. 7 year-old is watching nearby, eyes narrowed. After the other teacher leaves, he moves to confront me. 7 year-old: You were talking to the teacher, and she’s, like, thirty-nine. If you’re just a little older than her kids… then you’re not eighty-two! Me: My disguise has been discovered! **runs from the room**
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Katrina, 2 min sketch
High School Typically the easiest job. The benefit is  people don’t really care about your existence, so they mostly do their own thing. The drawback is people don’t really care about your existence, and mostly do their own thing, regardless of what you do.
The high school medical anatomy class finishes a quiz. Student: Can you put on some surgeries for us to watch while we’re working? Me: Your teacher shows you these in class. Student: Yeah, totally. Me: I have no way of verifying the truthfulness of this claim. Imma go with no. Student, sighing with disappointment: Ohhhkay. It’s probably for the best, though. People sometimes pass out when they watch nose surgeries, they put a chisel up the nose and pound with a hammer… that tends to get ’em. The next class comes in. Me: Does Mr. C show y’all surgeries? Class: Yes. Me: Oohkay then.
I asked another class about Mr C, who apparently shows all kinds of amputations, ACL surgeries, removal of a hairball from the stomach of a woman addicting to eating her own Herbal Essence-infused follicles, the extrication of a fist-sized kidney stone from a bladder…
Student 1: Sometimes I can’t watch. Student 2: We’ll be dissecting something in class and he’ll cut off a piece, like he did with this cow lung one time, and He flung it at the whiteboard and yelled “Look, it sticks!” and then just left the slice there all class period. We get blood on the whiteboard a lot.
“He flung it at the whiteboard and yelled ‘Look, it sticks!’ and then just left the slice of cow lung there all class period. We get blood on the whiteboard a lot.’
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That part about sticking a chisel up someone’s nose and whacking it with a hammer? Apparently it’s accepted rhinoplasty technique. Which, disappointingly, does not involve a live rhinoceros.
  Middle School A middle school dance class is practicing for a multicultural dance assembly when someone nabs the audio jack and blasts Justin Bieber’s “Baby.” Me: There is no way this song is still relevant. Middle schoolers sing word-for-word to the song. Me: It cannot be. The Ludacris rap section begins, even bystanders get down. Ludacris and Tweens: “When I was thirteeeen, I had my first luuuv!” There was nobody that compared to my baaaaby— And nobody came between us, no one could ever come aboooove…!” Me: noooo
Elementary If you’ve slept sufficiently, elementary and especially kindergarten are enjoyable: busy,  hilarious. Also, cruel.
Me: Hello class! My name is Mr… I lose my train of thought and hesitate a split-minute too long. Kindergartner: Potato! Kindergartners, losing it completely: Hahahaha! Mr. Potato! Me: What? No, it’s— Kindergartners: Potato! Potato! Mr. Potato! After weakly struggling to restore order, I retreat to the teacher’s desk and sulk quietly. Me: My name is not Mr. Potato.
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Kindergartner: Your shirt has lots of birds on it. Me: That is because I am secretly lots of birds taped together. Kindergartner: …
A student teacher is leading the kindergartners in reading three-letter words aloud. I am reading with them, but have not yet been introduced. I am sitting next to Señorita Sassypants, a bright, outspoken and conniving child. Class: B-at. J-am. C-at. H-am. Me: Bat. Jam. Cat. Ham. Señorita Sassypants: Wait, how do you already know all this stuff? You don’t go here. You’re not a student!” Inclusive Child, (same height as my waist):  Wait, wait, you go here! You can be a student, too!
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Kinder 1: Why you wearing fancy shoes? Me: These here are my dancing shoes. Kinder 1: Why you wearing dancing shoes? Me: So I can dance away the blues. Kinder 1: …Huh? Kinder 2: You’re Team Rocket!?
Hairy Otter and the Rage of Elsa, Conte on Paper
Six-year old: When you learned to walk, you were one year old. Five-year old: Actually, I was five!
Who gets to draw the Purple Froople?
Visiting Music Teacher to kids: Who gets to draw the Purple Froople?
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Fergalicious, an ideal name for your weasel
Child: I want to draw the Chocolate Womple! Visiting Music Teacher: Nina, your Stroiper looks amazing. Me to me: The heck is going on in hereMy brother also subbed kindergarten for a bit. Here’s two experiences of his: Brother: Okay guys, I am going to tell you about a scary story about a time I had a run-in from a bear. Before he even begins the story, several students crawl beneath their seats. Brother: Where–what are you are you doing? Students: We’re scared, teacher! Brother: Look, you can’t be under there. Everyone get back up. They do. He tells a story where various noises and surprises happen and the students think it is a bear, but it ends up being a stick, or a squirrel, until… …Well, the next thing that happened was as I laid in my hammock was the bear came up and pushed my hammock a little. And then I screamed, and looked out of my hammock, and it ran away into the woods! I had to change my pants after that. Student 1: Wait, why did you have to— Student 2: IT’S ‘CAUSE HE PEED HIMSELF! Students, shrieking with laughter at the implied urination, fall on the floor and roll around, at last fulfilling the ancient AOL messenger prophecy, “ROFLOL.”
Students shriek with laughter at the implied urination.
Brother is passing the school snack to students. It is pineapple, which many have not tried before. Brother: It’s pretty good, right? Students nod and continue eating the unfamiliar fruit. Brother:There’s lots, if anyone wants to eat more. Students return for seconds, then many for thirds. As the children eat, the pineapple begins to tenderize their mouths. One girl sticks out her tongue and begins to touch it, wincing. Frightened child: My—my tongue hurts! A number of things happen simultaneously. Several other students also conclude they are hurt, dying, even. Yet another student screams out as two students run for the door. Take Action Children: Hold on! We’ll go get the principal! Sprinting for help, they almost escape before Brother is able to catch up, contain the breach, and calm the frightened students by persuading them to drink water. The Great Pineapple Crisis has been averted.
Let us now return to dumb and mean things kids say.
Child playing doctor during playtime: **approaches fellow child on tiny couch, places stethoscope on Patient Child, listens, and begins to panic as a diagnosis is made** Doctor Child: She has the contagious!
Big Treble in Little City, Conte pencil on paper. Artist: Señorita Sass
I am demonstrating an intentionally bad magic trick for Señorita Sassypants. I put my face in profile and pretend to pull a pencil out of my nose. Señorita Sassypants: You didn’t pull that out of your nose. There’s no boogers on it.
“You didn’t pull that out of your nose. There’s no boogers on it.”
Me: Rats! You got me. But check this out. I select a white crayon and twiddle it in my hands and slip it into my lap when SS’s concentration wavers. I drop it to the floor and it rolls under the table, where I put my foot over it. Me: It’s gone. Bam. Magic crayon. SS searches my hands and sleeves, finding nothing. She begins to search the floor, frustration building. She peers beneath the edge of my shoe and spots the crayon, which she seizes triumphantly and holds aloft, sneering. Me: Uh, it must have teleported! SS, drawing close to my face: No, you hid it there. This crayon isn’t magic. You’re not magic. **snaps crayon in half, tossing the fragments of wax and vaudeville showbiz dreams to the floor**
JajsKe, Ballpoint on Paper
Time for dinner: Platinum Edition
Inclusive Child: Do you know Cat? Me: The despicable animal? IC: No, my friend from church. Me, rolling with it: Oh, right. Our mutual friend, Cat. IC: You know Cat? Me: Yaaah. About yea tall **gestures about three feet in the air** likes running… and… pizza.” IC: Wow! You know Cat!
Inclusive Child, giving me the sideye: Are you a kid, or a dad? Me: I’m not a dad. IC: So… you’re a kid? ‘Cause you look like a dad. Me: …Yes? No! I’m not a dad, but I am an uncle. In fact, I have four– IC: An uncle? I—I thought you were a kid!
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Señorita Sassypants peers in my ear while I sit criss-cross applesauce on the floor. Señorita Sassypants: The inside of your ears are disgusting. Me to me: I have just had my personal hygiene questioned by a child. I have never before felt so insecure.
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elixir of life
2nd Grade Me, joking: Hey, look, it’s those purple glue sticks! Makes you kinda hungry, yeah? Child 1: Yeah. I haven’t had one in a while, though.  They’re not bad. A little minty.
“Hey, look, it’s those purple glue sticks! Makes you kinda hungry, yeah?” “Yeah. I haven’t had one in a while, though. They’re not bad. A little minty.”
Me: Wait—I was just joking— Child 2: Yeah, minty is a good way to put it. But they sort of give you a headache. Child 1:  Just a little one. Me: A headache. Do you… eat these often? Child 2: Not that much. Child 1: Like, not that much, I mean, I’ve only eaten them twice this school year. Child 2: Twice for me, too. Me: It’s barely October.  Child 3, wandering over: Are we talking about eating glue? Me: You—you’ve also— Child 3: It’s pretty good. Kinda minty, but there might be little bit of a headache after. Me: …ohhkay then. Hours pass. All the students have left for the day. A purple glue stick sits temptingly on a semicircle table.The pursuit of knowledge and flavor beckons. It’s labeled nontoxic, after all… “Hey, that is minty!”
Then… the headache.
For more ridiculous school conversations, do check out the original Tales from the Trenches: Conversations of a Substitute Teacher.  Then, go hug a teacher. And put money and chocolate syrup into their bag so they can have a good Monday.
Mercenary of Knowledge: More Conversations of a Substitute Teacher I've been picking up some financial slack between jobs and travels by working as a substitute teacher.
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Tagged by @wahpumkya and I can't sleep so heck lets do this! (Thanks for the tag!) Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better Nicknames: Laur, because me and my friends are in the habit of taking a letter out of each others names. Star sign: Virgo 
Height: Literally no idea I haven't been measured in years. Probably 5 ft 6-7". Time right now: 12:41 am Last thing you googled: The wiki page for my immortal (the fic not the song. It has a Wikipedia page) Fav music artist: God, what do I listen to? Such a range. I guess I listen to a lot of Marina and the diamonds lately, as well as Tom waits because I'm angsty™. I've also been known to jam to fergalicious and/or sweet home Albama at 2 am too though. Last movie i watched: The prestige. Last tv show i watched: Please Like Me. It's on Netflix and pretty blessed tbh. What im wearing right now: jeans and some ambiguous article of grey clothing as a shirt. When i created this blog: A few months ago but didn't start seriously posting till like early December? Do i do asks regulary: Hell yeah I'm desperate for attention and validation of my popularity from strangers on the Internet. Please send me asks. Why did i choose my URL: self explanatory. Gender: female 
Howarts House: who knows but I like green and snakes so let's go with the emo option and say Slytherin. 
Pokemon Team: no clue 
Fav color: Green things green things Lucky number: man I don't know I'm so tired Favorite characters: okay so right off the bat I devote my life to works of fiction and I love too many shows and books and movies to name let alone every character from each so let's just do kuro ones. My top eight would be (in no particular order) Ciel, Lau, Prince soma, Finny, sieglinde, Lizzy, grell, Edward. Maybe an honourable mention for diedrich. Number of blankets i sleep with: 82 Followers: I think like 117 at this point? Tbh I haven't been active that long, so yeah. Anyways bless y'all that are following. I thrive on attention. Aight I'm supposed to tag people but like I'm afraid of annoying blogs by tagging them so let's just assume any of my followers who want to do this are tagged.
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