#into the woods original cast recording
nico-di-angelfish · 9 months
Nine albums! Thank you, @dodger-chan, for tagging me :) I’m not entirely sure of the rules but here’s nine albums that I love.
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1. This is my favourite album of all time, Panic! has been my favourite band since I was 11 and I think this is their best album. Fun fact: a lot of the songs and song titles on this album are inspired by the books of Chuck Palahniuk (Camisado is inspired by Fight Club, etc.), and he “loves the Panic! songs”. I have a source for that but for some reason it won’t work? It’s on livejournal just search “Chuck Palahniuk Panic at the Disco”. My favourite song on the album is Build God, Then We’ll Talk, but I love all of them, even the Intermission was actually on my top songs of the month in October lol.
2. This is my second favourite album but I only found it last year. I’m not sure what it is about it that speaks to me. I don’t really like their other albums either, except sort of Clarity. My favourite song is Get It Faster.
3. This is my favourite FOB album, it’s probably the album I listened to the most this year, I just left it on loop. My favourite song is Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, solely for this lyric: “nothing comes as easy as you, can I lay in your bed all day?” FOB lyrics are a fic title goldmine in general.
4. In terms of Panic! albums, Vices & Virtues would win out over Pretty. Odd. if the bonus tracks were on it, but that’s all of the bonus tracks including Bittersweet (which is one of my favourite songs ever) which isn’t even on the Japanese edition so. Anyway P.O. has Northern Downpour, which is another one of my favourites.
5. This is my favourite DeBo album, even though I think Open Mouth, Open Heart is better structured and more cohesive. My favourite song is either Vixen or Nerve.
6. Every song on this album is amazing but Vienna is my favourite.
7. Heathers is my favourite movie and my favourite musical, the movie is much better than the musical but I love them both. I saw it this year and it was literally a religious experience. My favourite song is I Say No, which is not on this recording, but I like this one on the whole better than the West End Recording.
8. Little Shop is maybe my second favourite musical? Tied with Rocky Horror, maybe. I also saw it this year, but the performance was terrible lol. My favourite song is Mushnik and Son, followed by The Meek Shall Inherit. I can’t sing but I can act (read: I did gcse drama lmao), and I would love to play Seymour.
9. @oh-jesus-in-the-air introduced me to Falsettos but I didn’t really take to it until years later which is a story we both know pretty well by now lol. My favourites are A Tight-Knit Family / Love Is Blind and I’m Breaking Down. If you haven’t listened to it, @dodger-chan, I think you’d like it.
I’ll tag @oh-jesus-in-the-air (even though I know everything you’d include lol), @therainbowsaws, @rainbow-lizzard, and @punished-lincolnshire-poacher
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marerittmarit · 2 years
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Do NOT touch my beans
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honeybard · 2 years
I do need fellow neverafter bloggers/followers to know if anyone makes an into the woods reference I will start running around in circles and barking. I have listened to the soundtrack on loop for 6 - 7 hours straight on several occasions. idk what's wrong with me
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cn11sstuff · 2 years
Heey now that the cast recording is out I can't get into the woods out of my head. I'm looking for a slime tutorial or smth of the cast that is in the recording. If anyone has it or wants to trade please massage me!
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TLDR: Eddie's self-consciousness about his place in the neighbourhood and lack of identity cause him to momentarily panic which lead to him seeing beyond the reality of the neighbourhood and becoming somewhat self-aware that his world isn't "real".
This is gonna be rambly btw..
So about Eddie,
Eddie rather became self-conscious of himself or self-aware.
We see from the commercials that Eddie doesn't know how to deal with himself. He is constantly look to help someone or do his job. Eddie is also one of the few characters that has no known origin. Eddie is described as absent-minded and forgetting where he is from, it a running joke. Eddie is the only other neighbour that doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the wacky cast. This update was clearly meant for Eddie. It's him on the cereal box puzzle that sends us to the website that shows us him struggle. This has lead me to come to the possibility that Eddie has self-identity besides being the mailman (What a conclusion I know...).
I'm not going to argue on who became self-aware first just because there is no clear cut evidence on just how Welcome Home crew/Marlo/and other associates were able to get this footage or manipulate these scenes. This is all going on the fact that Sally spoke of monsters in the woods walking around the neighbourhood while they all sleep. Julie never refuted this so she at least knows it's not her family. And the neighbours can clearly interact with the narrator in the Storybook Records. There is a clear disconnect on if the Neighbourhood is REAL, I'm not gonna get deep in that subject but it's confusing at least for me.
Besides Eddie, Frank is the other neighbour with no other known point of organ. Everyone else has a family member or home noted except for Frank and Eddie. Unlike Eddie, Frank fits into the stuck-up nerd archetype of wacky and zany characters you would see on a kids show. Eddie's Post Office is also the only one not decorated for Homewarming. So once Eddie sits down at the Homeswarming Party and the Narrator says he is happy is when I think Eddie starts to think about how happy he is. He really starts to think about it. My theory is that Eddie, hearing what the narrator is saying, really starts to think about if he is happy and that leads him into a spiral of just who he is. And for a moment he starts to see everything for what it is, the cartoon reality breaks and he sees the world in puppet form (the version of the neighbours we see). Frank coming over to talk to him is what solidifies this for me. He calls him "Eddie." Frank breaks the "script" and if the Frank Bug Theory is true, Frank should already be partly aware at this point (again not gonna get into it but I do believe if not Frank, Barnaby was the first to notice). Eddie says "I should go home." really quietly before Narrator takes over at that point. The transcript makes it a point to mention the panic and strain in his voice while images of Home pop up. Home knows and whoever controls Home (if something does) is also aware of it and ends the broadcast.
It makes the most sense to me that the odd ones out, Frank and Eddie, would be the ones to notice something is off but unlike Frank who seems to be (hypothetically) holding it together, this reality break absolutely destroyed Eddie. Now the question is, what will they do with Eddie?
Edits: you can hear Eddie speak, I just couldn’t 🤷🏾‍♀️
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tyrantisterror · 2 months
If you don’t mind me asking, how did Disney F up their adaptation of Into the Woods?
Bullet points:
They gutted the Baker's entire character arc, particularly his relationship with his dad which is CRUCIAL to the play's entire point of generational trauma
They basically cut out almost everything to do with the Mysterious Man and that ALSO had huge structural ramifications on the play
Because of Brand Bullshit, they gave Rapunzel a happy ending and made the Witch more overtly evil, which fucks with the moral ambiguity that makes their relationship in the play so interesting from a thematic and emotional standpoint, and robs the Witch of the grief that makes the end of her character arc land, which basically means the best character in the whole show gets fucked over. They got Meryl Streep to play her and everything but still decided to fuck over her arc for "branding!"
Casting Johnny Depp
Casting James Corden
Making Act 2 take place IMMEDIATELY after Act 1, a choice that makes sense in a "we have to cut shit for pacing reasons this is a movie" way but ends up screwing up a lot of important plot beats in Act 2
Cutting out the Narrator and, more importantly, his death at the hands of the characters, which is so fucking baffling to me. I get it, I understand, narration in movies is tricky, but come the fuck on!
At least there's always the recording of the original cast performing the play that's more or less readily available, because holy shit the movie SUCKS.
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Youtube bootleg of the 1989 recording of Into the Woods with the original cast for PBS’s American Playhouse, I owe you my life.
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k-dokja · 2 years
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summary: cheer up malleus... you're just socially inept, you're still rich and powerful!
settings: established relationship + reader is married to malleus + arranged marriage, but they're intimate
author’s note: i love clowning malleus 🥴 also briefly i forgot the name of their house and kept thinking briar draconis for some reasons.
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malleus was... whistling when you passed him earlier.
it is decidedly unnerving for you to see the young prince in a good mood, even if you knew the origin of his pleasant disposition. and like how his happiness does not go unnoticed by everyone, someone notices your apprehension.
"i hope you don't mind me intruding. you've been out of the spot lately, i just wanted to come and see if something's the matter."
it's lilia who approaches you while you're stuck doing paperwork at your personal office. with malleus' eventual enrolment to the college, much of his duty is taken up by you. the increased pile of work is a nice distraction from your feeling about the entire ordeal.
not that it's enough to fool the eyes of the wise one.
"ah, vanrouge," you keep your face perfectly neutral at his arrival, "i just thought about calling for you, have a seat."
lilia wears an indulgent smile befit for a parent. as you put aside the documents, he makes himself comfortable on the chair in front of your desk. "i assume this has something to do with our mutual source of concern? his highness would argue that he is not a child for us to fret so much over."
drearily, you smile back, "even if would that be the case, malleus has never gotten a good record when dealing with the common people." you pinch the bridge of your nose and push away the memory of the last excursion to the town.
it has been decent until his true identity slipped. the masses take all but a second to scurry away from him or cower in fear. controlling the damage afterwards has been a pain in your back on top of the lengthy lecture his grandmother gave the two of you.
never again. you can handle pouting malleus, but the queen of briar valley is springy for her age and she can talk for hours about his safety, not to mention her scolding you. back then, you were meant to be the responsible one and not led him into potential danger. with your experience combined with his raw magic, you'd argue that both of you were never been in a rough spot.
however, you also forgot your position as the princess consort of the briar valley. his well-being should've been the priority of concern, you were beside yourself that time. not this, however, you were going to play the dutiful one like you were tasked to be.
"based on past experience, i have concerns that he will continue to be disappointed. in an environment of young, even if educated, boys, they are too young and impressionable to deal with someone of malleus' strength and status. from what we've learned, there are other royal children and nobles enrolling... but none of them has interacted with malleus in recent years, if at all."
"mhm, this has been worrying you, hasn't it?" lilia nods thoughtfully. "here i thought you were strangely supportive when malleus brought this up."
"i am not against the idea. it will do well for our future monarch to be in touch with the common people," you correct. "however, as it stands, i do not want this experience to upset him. if this turned foul, he might be more alienated from the children of men and our common people than he ever was."
lilia casts a side-long look at the painting of your wedding day. it perches on the wall left where you sit, framed by black wood and golden ornament. the picture moves at times, but both of you know it has no life. the imagery painted carries a fragment of memories from that day, when you and malleus were wedded. the two of you take the centre of the painting, surrounded by your family and closest friends.
lilia included.
a strange smile curves lilia's lips, "that's what i will be there for, you have nothing to worry about with me there. have i ever disappointed you, your highness?"
you want to bring up the weird murder of crows which incant dead languages that he brought to your wedding day. but outside of his moment of eccentricities, lilia is, by far, the most trustworthy and reliable man you can count on.
you sigh, resigned to the situation, "let's hope it won't come to the need for your intervention."
yes, all it boils down to now is hope.
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malleus keeps correspondence with you during his time at the college.
in the first week, he was enthusiastic and hopeful. he notified you of his success in overthrowing the previous housewarden of diasomnia. you wrote back with congratulation. inside, however, you had thought that if he lost then there be not enough damage control for the media coverage of that royal embarrassment.
the messages got less enthusiastic as time goes by. his hope dwindles more and more by the time his first month is completed. however, you encouraged him to stay vigilant. children of men are flexible, they will adapt to him at one point.
then comes the second month and the same pattern of the last repeats.
you cannot help but worry more, even if malleus stays hopeful during his message with you. although your responsibility keeps you occupied, you try to uplift malleus whenever you can. however, even with the positivity from him, you cannot help the feeling that something is amiss.
(you, later on, learned that his name was leona kingscholar, another foreign prince)
the visit has been an impromptu one, notified to only concerned parties: lilia and crowley. both of which are out of necessities instead of want. you don't want to alarm either of the old men about the sudden appearance of a foreign and powerful magical source.
but outside of that, your decision to check in has been a secret even to malleus.
no sooner than after you step into the hall of mirrors, you're greeted by an oppressive atmosphere native to the college ground. before, when you tread the campus to assert its suitability for malleus, you've sniffed this out from the age-old architect of the buildings.
however, here, without a patron guiding your way, it has become even more prominent. the spirits which dwell here do not react kindly to strangers, even if they are allowed ones.
you push away the thought and hasten your steps towards the diasomnia mirror. never mind the spirits of this place, you prefer to go in and out without another student spotting you. it'd have been weird trying to explain the situation when you only want to deal with a family issue.
the mirror turns into a cool liquid on your skin when you thrust your hand through it. however, your plan never gets the chance to fall into place.
"going somewhere?"
you recoil in surprise. but upon seeing the asker, you heave out a sigh, hands propped on your hip. "malleus," you say, "it's not nice to surprise your elders."
he smiles. it's awkward and unpracticed. you have a feeling he hasn't done that for a while. then, it vanishes as fast as it comes, "you should've told me you were coming. i would've prepared to greet you."
"i'm only here for a couple of minutes," you sigh, "i've come to meet you, actually."
you nod and wear a pleasant smile. yours is practised and natural. no one can even suspect a thing. "i've missed you," you say readily, "lilia said it's not wise for married couples to be away from each other for far too long."
malleus looks vaguely amused, "there is only a month left until the break, but if that's the reason you've given, then i will believe it. just this time."
he narrows his eyes at you. but you keep your smile, perfect and innocent. in the end, he relents before you, "come with me, we shouldn't be seen here."
once you stepped up within arm's reach, malleus takes hold of your waist and pulls you closer to him. the brush of his magic on your skin is electrifying. a jolt shoots down your spine, more a pleasant buzz than a numbing shock.
by the time it's gone, the two of you are somewhere else entirely. a secluded corner in a garden, where life springs forth even on night raven's cursed ground. malleus lets go of you upon arrival, giving you the chance to take in the scenery.
"i like this area of the garden," he muses, "it's serene and beautiful, almost untouched by the ravage of men. the flowers bloom brighter and stronger here. i come here whenever i miss you."
"it's gorgeous, malleus, but wouldn't your bedchamber be more prudent for privacy?" you question matter-of-factly.
however, malleus answers with a sly smile, "do you think your visit can be 'a couple of minutes' if we went to my bedroom?"
"malleus," you cross your arms, "do you plan on scandalizing your entire dorm? you know we are not subtle without the wards blocking the residual energy."
he only shrugs, "the warding can be prepared for next time. for magic, noises, and any subsequent tremors. if you have any concerns about the students, i will ask for lilia's assistance with evacuating the dorm beforehand. he will understand if it's for the purpose of continuing the draconia line."
"it's improper to talk of this on the campus ground," you say, "it's a place for education, we shouldn't sully it with carnal matters. besides, you're committing to your education. we can save the heir-making for when you graduated."
"i can always leave if anything ought to happen," then, he adds with a morose note, "i do not have anything to hold me back from leaving this place, in any case."
your eyes widen. even if it's expected of him, you never expect it to affect him so. "i thought you were hopeful about this?"
"i was," he says shortly, glaring at the ground like he wants to burn a hole into it, "but i've interacted with enough children of men here to know nothing will change. yes, it might be a different environment with different people, but they continue to cower in front of me. some even flee at the mention of my name, it does make me wonder what have i done to instil in them with such fervour."
"oh, malleus," you step up to him. his shoulder stops tensing upon your close proximity, but he stays petulant, "it is their nature to fear the unknown. briar valley is secretive about its magic and people, they're simply afraid because they've not gotten the chance to familiarize themselves with you properly. i reckon most of them have never seen fae in their lives."
you cup his face and draw his gaze to your eyes. he softens, only a little, but remains silent. so, you continue, "i'm sure they'd react the same if i was in your position," you reassure, "give it at least a semester or even a year, and they'll go easy to your presence. children of men are adaptable, they will come to see you for who you are, not who you represent."
this time around, he smiles when you smile. but it fades when he sighs, "i suppose i should be more patient and realistic. even if my goal for socialization fails, at least, i will gain some experience as a normal student in a college."
there are at least several factors which make him an abnormal student, you'd argue: his age, his origin, his existing education, and his guardian. but that's neither here nor there. "that's better," you lean up to him, then kiss him on the chin, "you're the scion of the draconia, there's nothing you can't do."
"i'd say there are a few things," he wryly adds, "making friends, for example, but i'll try to live up to your expectation."
you nod, pleased with the outcome of your little intervention. that does not go unnoticed by malleus, "so, did you come here simply because of your fear of my ineptitude or was there something else?"
"what? noooo," you let out a forced laugh, "i missed you, remember? but i might have a teeny itty bitty little thing i need to discuss with lilia before leaving."
"so it's not just me but lilia you're also missing then," malleus teases, "let us go find him before your couple of minutes run out. his usual dwelling is only a short distance from here."
he takes your hand into his hand, fingers threaded with each other, "let us walk, i want to be with you longer."
the two of you continue with quiet chatter while you traverse the halls of the school's academic building. if not for his perceived frightening reputation, you reckon malleus would've garnered a lot of fans and friends alike. once his outer shield is down, he's sweet and charming.
his care for you shines through even in the simple touches, has it not for his natural affection, you don't think your relationship would've gotten this close.
however, your little bubble is burst when you round a corner without checking. you're discovered before malleus, who steps back in time, but not enough to prevent your exposure. two students stumble upon you, their eyes widening in surprise.
"oh great sevens—"
they mutter among themselves, stunted to see you. when malleus ventures towards revealing his own presence, you raise a hand to stop him. you want to make an example and demonstrate the point of your earlier discussion. these children of men are simply shocked by a foreign figure, they're not malicious.
"you must be..." the first one stutters, his lips trembling when he talks, "p-princess consort of briar valley—"
your name, coming from him, sounds different. it's breathed out with an air of reverence that surprised you. both of them bow deeply at in front of you, it takes a second before you reply, "ah right, at ease. who might you two be?"
they both spring up and continue to admire you with reverence. "o-oh! we never thought we'd get to see you here!" the other one gushes. "we had dreamed when we learned that crown prince malleus would be here but to see you in person...!"
"oh... i did not expect the common people to know of me this far from our homeland," you say, "this is unexpected."
the first one continues, fervent adoration filling his eyes, "you've amassed a big following on magicam, your highness...! i, myself, run a fan account of you, it has gotten over t-two millions followers!"
"y-yes! you've inspired me to take up my historical study more seriously. i've decided to pursue a history major after reading about your accomplishments...!"
they continue to gush about you, mixing between future aspirations and media influences. after a while, their words confuse you, but you continue to wear a genial, understanding smile. that does not last for long. seemingly has his patience worn out, malleus is no longer content with standing there waiting.
he steps out from the shadows, lime-green eyes regally staring down at the two students. immediately at his appearance, the two snap taut with tension. gone were the previous affection they poured towards you, their eyes are now filled with an unspoken fear.
before you can even speak up to mitigate the tension, malleus speaks up, "i see my wife has taken up quite the intense admirers. how nice." the statement is factual, devoid of any emotion. yet, it is enough to spring the students into action.
"w-we didn't know you were here, your highness...!"
"we're deeply sorry!"
malleus tilts his head, "ah, but you haven't done something worth apologizing. there is no reason to fret, unless...?"
immediately, your admirers spring into action and run in the opposite direction, "we're sorry, your highnesses!" they yell as they escape. "we didn't mean to!"
their retreat is so sudden that you're left agape while malleus remains confused. after they disappeared completely from sight, malleus turns to you, frowning. "do you see what i meant? it is not a problem with fae, it is a problem with me."
"ah, but that was simply an anomaly," you pat him amicably on the arm, "the next one will be different, you'll see."
turns out your reassurance falls flat on the ground and gets trampled over. the next few "experiment" the two of you conducted with the students repeats the original encounter. if not them gushing over you, then the student either fawns or hits on you of some variety. by the fourth flock of students that you come across, malleus is visibly displeased and fuming.
you suspect it only has a little to do with how the last one kisses your hand for far too long.
"we'll never speak of this again."
so much for coming over to cheer him up.
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greenerteacups · 18 days
In future film adaptations of the HP series, DH is the one book I'm happy for future filmmakers to "mess around" with as much as they like to improve the visual / story experience for all the reasons you mentioned. I'm very happy for them to do a somewhat Twilight film Breaking Dawn-esque departure. Like, instead of focusing on the trio in the woods the whole time, let's get into what the Order are up to, let's show our friends keeping the DA alive at Hogwarts, let's show the other muggleborns having to go into hiding, let's flash over to Draco suffering the worst house guests ever... like we have this expansive cast of characters, let's not waste them for the extended camping trip from hell... also the best part of HP is the wizarding world itself, so many amazing magical set pieces in the world... and we spend the last book mostly in the forest...
Speaking of which, with there being a new series adaptation in the works (with rumours of potentially more HP series to come... perhaps even a Lily Potter / Marauders/ Snape based one...) is there anything you're excited about finally seeing adapted from canon or are terrified of potentially seeing butchered onscreen?
Yeah like and also it isn't even an INTERESTING forest. Like the "children wander into the enchanted forest and face [insert monstrous metaphor for adulthood]" is one of the oldest fairytales in recorded history, with a ton of creepy lore to draw on — you could have had the kids running through mystical haunted forests of ancient Britain! Running into the ghosts of Roman soldiers and Celtic ruins and magical creatures! Forest of Dean could have been COOL.
To your other point: I'd much prefer a Marauders series to a remake of the original. I'm of the not-unpopular opinion that the HP movies are as good as any adaptation of any book can get (save probably the Lord of the Rings movies) in terms of how they balance story structure, fidelity to the text, and onscreen pacing. The cinematography decreases sharply in energy and verve after Alfonso Cuarón, and the later movies unfortunately suffer from the mid-2000s trend of desaturating the frame, but they're solid movies and like — okay, in my heart of hearts, there's a little part of me that's like. Daniel Radcliffe will always be my Harry. I grew up with Rupert Grint and Emma Watson and Tom Felton, and seeing someone else in those roles will never hit me like it did to see eleven-year-old Hermione Granger alive for the first time on that screen. Which is not a real reason. But there you go.
There's also the problem of the genre pivot — the first few movies are obviously children's films, and a whole generation of millennials got to grow up as they gradually changed to Y/A films. But how many children are going to be watching a full season of a HBO miniseries? And how many adults are going to watch that miniseries and then complain it was underwhelming because, again, it's a children's series? It would be better, in my opinion, to start over with the Marauders, whom you can write into adventures that more naturally fit the pacing of a TV show. You can also start with them at like, age 14, which would solve the problem of years 1-3 essentially being about kids in middle school. Unlike HP, nothing happens that we know of in the first 3 years of the Marauders Era that's plot-essential, so strong writing in the pilot and a carefully chosen flashback or two could easily set the stage for a series starting in Year 4.
What I'm nervous about is the contingent of fandom that would expect it to be essentially a TV adaptation of All the Young Dudes, which — while it's an all-time legendary work of fanfiction, like all-time, incredible, wonderful story — does not much resemble what I think HBO writers' room would come up with. ATYD is a slice-of-life bildungsroman about Remus Lupin, and most of its stakes come through emotional tension — you can really easily transplant it outside of a magical setting, and you lose almost nothing. A Marauders show would be an action-adventure series modeled after the Harry Potter books, and it would need an episode-by-episode plot. In ATYD, Remus's development is the engine powering the story. That's not enough in a television series pitching itself as an action-adventure fantasy story, and I don't think the HBO team would be bold enough to depart from genre in this respect. After the failure of Fantastic Beasts, the execs are probably going to clock "Harry Potter show without Harry Potter in it" as a major business risk. Sowhile I'm open-minded and eager to see what the creatives would come up with, I wouldn't envy them the job of having to build out new personalities and arcs for characters that fans have already grown quite attached to their self-designed interpretations of.
It strikes me, too, that Rowling has never gone back to the Marauders as a potential vein for more books, even though she easily could have. She clearly doesn't mind dabbling in the HP universe, and the Fantastic Beasts movies show she's happy to bring the audience back to Hogwarts when she wants to. But for some reason, Harry's parents has always been a little too close to the original series, and I think maybe there's something in her that's afraid of revisiting that period — like if she fucks it up, she's damaging something directly connected to the books that made her famous, cheapening them. Or maybe she just doesn't want to write those stories. Who knows!
I do know that the most important name in that show would be the writing credit, because JKR has demonstrated (1) she isn't great at writing original stories for the screen, and (2) it's really easy to fuck up the pacing of a TV show, and if you don't get the pacing of Harry Potter, then you're not going to adapt it well. The HP books are essentially mystery novels that turn into spy novels. If you don't have that — if you think you're writing a high-fantasy epic from the jump, as the Fantastic Beasts writers seemed to believe, and as the Cursed Child writers seemed to believe — then you're going to write something that doesn't feel like Harry Potter, and most people will notice, even if they don't understand why.
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glimeres · 10 months
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Joanna Gleason and the Original Broadway Cast of Into The Woods in the recording studio, 1987 Phoography by Nick Sangiamo
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planetkiimchi · 6 months
4 in the morning | h.gh
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featuring: hendery x gn!reader
summary — fishing in the woods with hendery. that’s it. that’s the post.
word count: 664 words
author's note: i wanted to write this for jaemin originally, but hendery posted (x), and who am i to deny the temptation of writing for my beloved? also, this was orginally inspired by my trip to the park with a few family friends, and we went to the docks and i saw some signs on sustainable fishing and just thought i wanted to write something domestic about fishing. hope y’all like the brainrot.
p.s. if anyone wants to hear about “the language of thorns’ by leigh bardugo and how i’m unconsciously heavily influenced by ya authors… i’ll be waiting for you.
p.p.s. (yes i have a lot of thoughts what about it) here is a worship song rec for anyone who's christian, gratitude - brandon lake. i first heard this song last tuesday and it fits this vibe well so here you go!
The silver specks of moving creatures slipping past the gentle sway of the waves caught your eye, the tiny fish glittering under the hints of the rising sun’s rays. A breeze blew, taking with it the remnants of the morning dew growing too heavy for the delicate green leaves of the plants that littered the forest floor.
The nature reserve hummed with bright energy, feeding off the thrum of all the precious animals protected within its enclave. There was little threat here to the lives of those who sought shelter beneath the towering trees, and you found solace in the cool shade that accompanied the beginnings of the day.
There was a rustle beside you, and you turned to see Hendery standing there, feet moving surely amidst the grass. The second and third buttons of his shirt were fastened, and the wind played with his collar, the part of his shirt that was left free billowing out in the wind.
He took his place beside you, atop that small plank of wood that served as a seat, both of your feet dangling just above the river. He cast his rod into the stream, sending splashes and ripples dancing across the surface of the water.
The forest brimmed with newfound energy as the sun rose in the sky, a backlit glow casting the barest of shadows on Hendery’s face. His lips lifted as something tugged on his fishing rod, and he lifted it to inspect the fish he had caught.
“Barbodes rhombeus,” he murmurs, and you hastily draw a line in the column for that fish in the journal he’s taught you to keep.
It’s not often that you catch new species of fish, so catching this particular barb for the fifth time this week shouldn’t be disappointing.
Yet, the corners of your lips droop ever-so-slightly when you catch sight of the familiar silver glinting off its scales, wishing something more exciting would happen.
Hendery measures the length of the fish, saying it aloud for you to record, and releases it back into the stream. It wriggles off happily, glad not to have been kept in captivity.
Silence descends upon the clearing once more as Hendery attaches new bait to the hook and tosses it back into the river, leaving the two of you to watch the water and wait for another fish to bite.
Tired, you lay your head upon his lap, his body shielding you from the light as you stare up at his chin, counting the seconds between each measured blink of his. He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and you nuzzle slightly into him, enchanted by the familiar scent of his clothing detergent.
Like your mother would say, tā yǒu tàiyáng de wèidào—he bears the scent of the sun. Perhaps it’s the way the sun has seeped into his tanned skin, calling the melatonin to its surface, or the way he hangs his clothes to dry just before midday, when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Either way, it rolls off his clothes like the curl of a surfer’s favourite waves, not sunkissed, but sun-dried.
“Y/n,” he whispers. “Y/n, love, I’ve caught something.”
You sit up in habitual excitement, eyes twinkling with curiosity as he pulls this fish out of the water. It’s both heavier and larger than the previous ones you’ve caught, and Hendery doesn’t identify it immediately.
“Channa gachua, I believe,” he says. “A new one for the collection.”
Happiness bubbles up inside your heart like a pot of milk on the stove, glad that there is finally something new gracing the pages of the journal. You write its name down in the book as Hendery spells it aloud, and draw a neat, dark line next to it.
The warmth spreads through your fingers, your limbs slowly finding life after the hours of biding your time in the woods, sleeping on the forest floor overnight in order to start fishing earlier.
Your patience has finally paid off, and as you glance at the look of concentration on Hendery’s face and the slippery fish he’s cradling in his hands, you think that even hundreds of hours would make this memory worth it.
*Barbodes rhombeus (Indochinese Spotted Barb) is a small, light greenish brown to silver species of fish that occurs in the Chao Phraya river basin in Thailand, and the huge Mekong river system.
*the 汉字 (hànzì, chinese characters) for tā yǒu tàiyáng de wèidào is 他有太阳的味道
*Channa gachua (Dwarf snakehead) is a species of fish with a maximum length of 18-36 cm, and its body is typically brown to blue-grey, with blue fins, with a red border. It is native to freshwater habitats in southern Asia, where it has a wide distribution from Iran to Indonesia.
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bestmusicalworldcup · 8 months
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tired-reader-writer · 5 months
Okay so for some unknowable reason I fell into watching a let's play series of a horror game, and now I'll definitely be jumping at shadows for the foreseeable future until the spell wears off. I'm not good with horror. I knew this, and yet I felt compelled to watch it—
But enough about me, let's kinda vomit out the AU brain mulch that has formed in my head in an incoherent manner.
This has to do with Hilmes, Ranna/Ashaya, and the Haunted Temple™ that will be featuring in the fic.
I would highly recommend you check out the link first to get some context on what the everloving fuck I'm talking about because this thing ain't coherent, baby!
Also, some stuff might contradict each other, I'm still trying to suss out what works and what doesn't, this is basically unfiltered brain soup.
Folk tale added to the Temple, it's deep in the woods, “don't go into the woods, don't go into the ruins, it'll eat you up” is a cautionary tale everyone knows about.
Wonky time mechanics. You wander into the Temple, you've only been there for a hour you swear but you come back out months later.
Folk tale as a foreshadowing device: a royal princess was said to have been snatched up by a bandit in this region— some say she was kidnapped, others say she fell in love with this bandit. Who knows, really? Is the tale even true?
The above folk legend as a foreshadowing device for Ashaya being 1) a secret princess, 2) joining the clan though I guess it's not much of a foreshadowing since they'll most likely be gone w Farangis in the same chapter the myth is mentioned [because the clan got mistaken for bandits and got killed in the first chapter, remember?], 3) falling in love with Alfarīd aka a bandit.
The tale could also be an “explanation” for a princess that actually went missing— a young woman who wandered into the temple for some reason (unclear) finds out something so terrible that she can't bear to face the world outside again.
(it's about Kaykhusraw's betrayal)
I'm still not sure whether I'll actually keep the princess part. It could be a neat bit of foreshadowing for Hilmes discovering smth, maybe he sees an imprint of her, but I feel there's no way to communicate her journey effectively in the story since nobody actually knows what happened to her
Still though, I like the idea of Parsian royal women having worldbuilding and perhaps even plot relevance. I don't think the family tree thing from the novel extras (iirc??) even provided female members of the royal line. Tanaka, I swear.
It'll be forever before we actually get to that point but I'm actually worried about writing Hilmes' (terrible terrible) time in the haunted temple turning into a side quest problem if you know what I mean? An arc/event so divorced from the rest of the plot and world that screeches the pacing to a grinding halt. I mean, the temple tumble is necessary to his character growth, but it really has the potential to become... tedious to read.
For the record, I'm worried about Alfarīd and Ashaya's scenes having this same problem too, since they break off from the rest of the cast to have an adventure together. But at least having them have a plot progression that ties into other plot threads is easier than doing the same with Hilmes because they're not trapped in an isolated location.
Wait, info about the bells can actually be revealed here, and not have the clan remember throughout? Or if they did remember the bells existing then the locations of where the bells had vanished to could be received from the temple.
They'll need to decode it first, though.
Okay, I'm not sure what to do with the Rukhnabad. I was originally gonna have Hilmes not pull it out and cause problems but I... kinda need the damn thing for the plot. Maybe he gets Shooketh™ from whatever he learned in the temple that it compromises his ability to be chill about the looming threat and he yoinks it out of desperation—
(or maybe Ashaya can be the one to take it, as a twist, though what would their reasoning for doing so be?)
Okay, so, death.
Sherine (Ashaya's original name before they changed it upon joining the clan) is dead. She died when she disappeared into the woods.
The clan has a death-and-rebirth thing going on. Someone joins the clan, they either choose to keep their name or not, but the self they were before they joined is gone, dead to the world, essentially. They could not belong in the living world, hence why they joined the “dead”. Folks who had complicated relationships with the parents who gave them their name, their old families, their old selves, those people typically discard their names (as Ashaya, Kashi, Kazai, etc did) while those who had a positive relationship with their families but lost them in a traumatic way would keep their names (as Farangis and Gieve would). I know I've talked about this before but I can't remember if I put it in a post or in a comment.
Y'know the changeling thing? The died-but-came-back-wrong thing? The same principle, it's not literal, mind you, it's a metaphorical, symbolic thing.
So, a secret royal child goes into or near this place and is reborn as someone else (Ashaya)
Only years later, another secret royal goes into this place, gets trapped in it, and is reborn anew (Hilmes)
Words are not wording rn but you get the idea, right?
Also, mentioned somewhere that the temple holds onto things of the past, aka if you have a belonging on your person that represents something from the past that you cling onto, bye-bye item, you're not getting that back.
Aka, the temple snatched Hilmes' mask because it's a representation of his fixation w the past and everything that's tied to it aka his trauma his identity his sense of self etc etc
Hilmes can't get out bc he built his everything around his past, ergo, his whole person is a figment of the past
Like recognizes like, hence why he's trapped until he's forced to build a new identity that doesn't revolve around his, well, everything
Ashaya probably didn't get trapped bc, well, kid's not fixated to the past they just wanted out (from their shitty family situation)
Bloodstains, screams, inexplicable items vanishing and manifesting, hallucinations/visions that were probably actual memories of the past, Hilmes is not gonna have a fun time
The temple's haunted but in like, an intangible way, so to speak? No literal spooky ghosts floating about, they're fused to the building so the building itself is a haunting, you get what I mean?
Maybe there is one tangible ghost Hilmes can actually see. Maybe two, if I end up keeping the royal lady.
Okay, maybe I won't keep the royal lady.
But something could guide him through this whole ordeal and lead him to whatever truth bombs it wants to reveal.
Could his parentage be revealed here? Unlikely, the temple's hauntedness is it basically reliving the past over and over, not much space for... hm.
Maybe Kaykhusraw's journals could appear inside— no, no, probably too far-fetched.
So many specifics I need to nail down.
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krscblw · 4 months
Ministry Perfume Associations
I’m back yet again with more thoughts about Ghost and perfume! This time it’s fragrances from my own collection that remind me of various places in my headcanon of the Ministry. (Usually these lists are mostly made up of perfumes that I don’t actually have, but this time I can vouch for all of these! I didn’t include any that I thought weren’t good.)
For the sake of organization these are divided into places in the New Wing (the most recent addition to the Ministry), the Old Wing (the original Ministry buildings), and the grounds (gardens, forests, etc). And as always, if you have your own thoughts or want me to do more of this, please let me know! I would love to talk more about Ghost and perfume.
(also: so sorry for the weird formatting, idk how to fix it on mobile but it should be fine on desktop)
New Wing:
Library: old books, wood, dust, paper, ink
The library is part of the New Wing of the Ministry, although it’s not very new anymore. Built in the early 1900s, the New Wing is all soaring ceilings, stained glass windows, and intricate woodworking, done in the Art Nouveau style of the time. The library’s floor-to-ceiling shelves are full of books ranging from ancient esoteric tomes to modern fiction paperbacks, interspersed with desks and secluded reading nooks. The library also houses the Ministry’s private collection of artifacts - some occasionally used for ritual purposes, some purely academic in nature. The library is always very still, with the occasional susurrus of turning pages and quiet voices. It smells like polished wood, faint dust, and the leather and paper of old books. 
Library Ghost - Poesie 
marshmallows, books, ink, polished wood
Myself Invisible - Poesie 
stacked books, spilled ink, black tea, violets
Bibliotheca - Alkemia  
leather-bound books, vintage vinyl records, mahogany, fountain pen ink, black tea, plum brandy
Canoodling in the Library - Nui Cobalt  
old books, mahogany shelves, fallen leaves, ancient stone stairs, amber resin, warm skin musk, vetiver
Miskatonic University - Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab  
irish coffee, dusty tomes, polished oakwood halls
Personal Quarters: carved wood furniture, tea and coffee, soft bedding, books and clutter, spices, vanilla
The personal quarters are also in the New Wing, separated into human quarters and ghoul quarters (for everyone’s comfort and safety). The personal quarters tend to feel very cozy and lived-in, as they are the rooms most frequently used. The furniture is comfortable, often occupied by off-duty siblings or ghouls, and the arch windows overlooking the gardens and forest cast soft beams of light onto the wood floors in the afternoon. The siblings’ quarters tend to smell like the possessions of those who occupy them - books, scented candles, tea and coffee, and faint spices from the small kitchen. The ghouls’ quarters are similar, but with the scents of various elements - smoke, greenery, damp stone, fresh air, resin.
Mysterious Fossils - Poesie  
smoked black tea with creamy vanilla oat milk, a cashmere sweater, tortoiseshell glasses, a cedar chest containing fossils encased in amber, sandstone, and limestone
Whisper Your Bitter Things - Poesie  
pressed coffee beans, dried clove bud and cassia bark, jasmine, neroli, roasted vanilla pods
Grey Cat - Nui Cobalt  
smoked vanilla, marshmallows, fresh blueberries, lavender, earl grey tea
Kensington - Fantome  
earl grey tea, cashmere, vanilla bean, cedar, rose petals, mandarin zest, pink peppercorn, bergamot
Ouija - Possets  
cedar, rosewood, black vanilla, fat vanilla, rose, black silk, coriander
Our Days Bewitched - PULP Fragrance  
walnuts, brandy, roasted cocoa beans, copal, cardamom, labdanum, black vanilla, aged oak barrels
Old Wing:
Chapel: resinous incense, polished wood, wine, smoke
The chapel is part of the Old Wing. The exact dates of its construction could probably be found somewhere in the Ministry’s records, but the gothic architecture suggests it’s been there for at least 500 years. The cold grandeur of the exterior’s intricate stonework and vibrant stained glass windows is matched in the chapel. It is perpetually cold, made fully of elaborately carved stone, and colorful sunlight filters through the enormous stained glass windows onto the altar and the pews. The heavy, still air smells like residual incense smoke, snuffled candles, fragrant wood, and ritual wine.
Holy Terror - Arcana Wildcraft  
burning frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, dusty beeswax candles
Anastasia the Patrician* - Deconstructing Eden
paper, ink, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, copal, rose, juniper berries, wine
Leo* - Deconstructing Eden
frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, amber, liatrix, blood cedar, blond tobacco absolute, sweet spices, honey
Parlour - Fantome  
mahogany, rosewood, burning incense, vetiver
*i think these were discontinued? sorry
Crypt: cold damp stone, smoke, dust, ashes
The crypt is the only place in the Ministry that truly reflects its age. It feels like it has been standing, underground, inhabited only by the dead, for hundreds of years. It’s well-maintained, but perpetually freezing cold and slightly damp. The stone walls are minimally decorated, and the candles in their niches do very little to illuminate the cavernous space. The air is weighty, and all sound is muffled. The crypt smells like damp stone, cold air, sweet dust, and smoke.
Gargoyle - Nui Cobalt  
rain, lavender, cathedral incense, beeswax candles, ancient stone
Summoning/Ritual Chambers: cold stone, ritual incense, blood, wine, smoke
The ritual chambers are where summonings and rituals are performed. They are where every new ghoul comes into the world, and, more rarely, where they’re banished from it. The walls and floor are stone, and there are no windows. When in use, the chambers are lit by dozens of flickering candles, some in sconces, some piled onto tables, and years of melted wax have created puddles and formations on the walls and floor. The air is dense, thick with dust, herb smoke, ritual incense, and the scent of dried blood.
Baba Yaga - Fantome  
black and red musk, smoke, cracked bones, cardamom, wood, animal skins, mugwort
Conjure - Solstice Scents  
vanilla, amber, cedar, spices, cauldron smoke
Gothique - Alkemia  
frankincense, styrax benzoin, myrrh, cassia, spikenard, canella, liquidambar orientalis, labdanum, atlas cedar, vetiver
A City on Fire - Imaginary Authors  
cade oil, spikenard, cardamom, clearwood, dark berries, labdanum, a burnt match
Vassago - Fantome  
A silver dagger, red wine, blackberries, cloves, orange peel, blood, a black mirror
Gardens: dirt, greenery, sun, fruit, flowers
The Ministry sits on a huge expanse of land. Most of it is still wild and forested, but there is a good amount of it dedicated to gardens, both decorative and functional. 
Decorative Gardens:
The decorative gardens are lush and heavy with flowers and fresh greenery most of the year, tended to by the Earth ghouls. Some of them are small cloistered gardens, decorated with statues and fountains, and some are larger, intended for gatherings or wandering alone. The decorative gardens tend to smell like fragrant herbs and flowers - sweet jasmine and magnolia, heavy white lilies and heirloom roses. 
Basilica - Milano Fragranze 
thyme, rosemary, incense, milk, labdanum, cedarwood, cypriol oil
Fox in the Flowerbed - Imaginary Authors  
jasmine, tulips, frankincense, wildflower honey, pink peppercorns, silver thistle, alpine air
Isabella - Possets 
rose, light resin, white tea, honey, cream musk, spices
Olwyn - Fantome  
magnolia blossoms, white lilies, jasmine, gardenia, buttery vanilla, myrrh, benzoin, orange blossom
Silver Narcissus - Possets  
silver base, narcissus
Functional Gardens:
The functional gardens supply the flowers for decoration within the Ministry as well as the herbs and most of the produce for the kitchens. The gardens, orchards, and greenhouses are managed by the Earth ghouls, and yield so much produce that, despite the relatively small size of the gardens and the relatively large size of the Ministry, they still end up with extra. That surplus is sold at the local farmers’ market to unsuspecting humans who wonder in open amazement about the size and quality of this mysterious farm’s produce.
Sundrunk - Imaginary Authors  
neroli, rhubarb, honeysuckle, rose water, orange zest
Drider Crossing Guard - Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab  
dry, earthy fig, black pepper, nutmeg, black plum tea
Wilcox’s - Solstice Scents  
dry woods, fresh herbs, dried herbs, warm spices, sweet annie, sage, rosewood 
Lake: water, trees, evergreens, greenery, stone
The Ministry’s lake is very deep, cold, and still. It’s objectively beautiful, with its glassy blue-gray waters and lush vegetation, but something about it feels dangerous. The pebbled shores are visited only by the bravest siblings, and even then only on the hottest and most desperate of summer days. The water ghouls, on the other hand, love it (which is possibly why the siblings tend to stay away). It is located at the border between the new and old forests, and its mossy banks are surrounded by evergreens, ferns, and rushes. It smells green and a little salty.
Villa Diodati - Poesie  
wild rosemary, balsam pine, crystal clear lakewater, dry, dark vanilla
Every Storm a Serenade - Imaginary Authors  
danish spruce, eucalyptus, vetiver, calone, ambergris, baltic sea mist
The Forest: trees, dirt, damp air, greenery, wildflowers, fungi
New Forest:
The new forest is a nickname given to the shallow edges of the forest that are closest to the Ministry. The trees are widely spaced, and the ground is thickly carpeted with grasses and wildflowers. Sunlight filters easily through the sparse leaf canopy and illuminates the fallen logs and patches of moss that make popular spots for siblings and ghouls looking to unwind. The air is light, and the breeze carries with it the scent of fresh greenery, tree sap, and sweet flowers. 
Cape Heartache - Imaginary Authors  
douglas fir, pine resin, western hemlock, vanilla leaf, strawberry, old growth, mountain fog
Dendrophilia - Nui Cobalt  
moss-covered deadfall, birchwood and pine, lingering resins, sunlight through the leaves, a trace of woodsmoke, faint vetiver and cedar
Duende - Fantome  
oakmoss, cedar, fir, labdanum, benzoin, tree sap, wild violets, lilac
Solovey - Fantome 
black amber, violets, black currants, espresso, labdanum, black agarwood, tobacco
Old Forest:
If you go far enough into the new forest, you will eventually get to the old forest. The trees are bigger and closer together, the sunlight struggles to reach the ground, and there are more mushrooms than flowers. The air is damp and cool and smells like fungus, loam, and rotting leaves. The old forest is avoided by siblings both because of the unsettling watched feeling any human who enters feels and the unspoken knowledge that if you don’t come back out no one will go looking for you. 
Gaea - Alkemia  
forest loam, ferns, decaying leaves, lichen, wet stones
Dies Irae - Possets  
black musk, fog, bitter galbanum, hawthorn, rotting leaves, orris, smoky oude, frankincense, black amber
Feuillemort - Alkemia  
dying leaves, smoked autumnal spices, dried grasses and fungi, Tibetan incense, cedarwood, rum soaked agarwood, and borneol
Samhain - Haus of Gloi  
freshly turned earth, wet leaves, cold wind
if you made it this far 1) thank you lol and 2) i hope you enjoyed! if you have your own thoughts i would love to hear them!
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
Album Tag Game!
Thanks for the tag, @sweetxvanixlla! I love you!
6 albums you've been listening to, plus one track from each that you're especially fond of
As sommesone who doesn't quite listen to albuns, just the songs alone on a Big Playlist Of Everything, my approach tot his is: find out if I listen to more than one song from an album and pick stuff from there (half of these is musicals because. Yeah).
SELF-ISH - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
-> Cotard's Solution (Annatta, Dukkha, Anicca)
Probably my fave song on this list and my playlist, so I had to include this! I cames to thes conclusion that I absolutely adore this album since I have so many of its songs and they are honestly so good??? :0
I have 6 songs of this album, so I guess I'm winning
The Normal Album - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
-> I / Me / Myself
This one is also too hard of a choice! I was so lost between all the 4 songs I listen constantly from this album!
And I can relate to it a bit, as someone who is constantly struggling to undertand my own gender and how I actually feel confy, but oh well. Too hard 👍
Duality - Set It Off
-> Why Worry
This is probably my favorites song from all of Set It Off and since I have 2 from this album, it counts. Don't you dare argue with me.
Heathers: The Musical (World Premiere Cast Recording)
-> Candy Store
I know all the song and coreograhies by heart. I now every line of dilogue. It was the first musical I ever saw and my favorite once and always.
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Original Starkid Cast Recording)
- High School Is Killing Me
T'noy K'raxis
Wiggog Wighog Y'wrath
(I know its not from the right song but like. Who really cares)
Yeah I also know all the songs and lines i'm so very normal about the musical honestly I think its a masterpiece. I mean.
Score - The Jolly Rogers
-> The Day Of The Clipper
Its self explanatory if you hear the songs.
Tags, no pressure (make it better than mine tho): @jiang-mingyi @xxluckystrike @executethyself35 @dontirrigateme @1waveshortofashipwreck @ronsenthal
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werewolfpdfs · 2 years
"Love shouldn't be dictated." "Nothing should be dictated!"
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
"And because she always looked dusty and dirty, they called her Cinderella."
— ella enchanted, gail carson levine // neverafter e4, brennan lee mulligan as cinderella, dimension 20 // cinderella - love me forever, pinkshift) // into the woods, 1991 original broadway cast reunion recording // cinders' song - once upon a time (in space), the mechanisms // cinderella, the brothers grimm
agency, safety, love, control
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