#i literally don't know how to side blog but eh the blog is very pretty so it's worth it
plegg-culture-is · 9 months
Fannish plegg carton culture, specifically protogenic-endogenic plegg culture that later finds itself to be full of permanent resident soulbonds is —
In very very early childhood:
*Projections literally playing H.O.R.S.E or whatever that basketball game is. Of course the main fronter never played, because they are too short.*
"Huh!! Well I mean those barbecue sauce was spicy before but it's 0.05 seconds later and I feel completely different as a person and also this barbecue sauce is no longer spicy. Oh well. The teacher called me a liar over barbecue sauce so I'm gonna be a shithead to them and have a meltdown"
In middle school:
"What would Gohan do if he was in this world???"
"What would Jayfeather do if he were in this world??"
*Has full-ass slow changing "see through my eyes" quasi-ceremonies based solely on vibes since we didn't have innerworld completely built yet*
*Chasing each other in hallways and all people saw was a small autistic child running for no reason lol*
"Why the fuck can I never feel my face when something horrible happens to us me? Also I relate too much to Silver from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver"
In high school:
"Yep just Gon and Killua from Hunter×Hunter chillin' over there. Nobody can see 'em and these feel pretty distinct from hallucinations considering I can't literally see them. Eh. Maybe just imagination."
*Checking out a pro-endogenic blog in 2015* "Yup I am just a curious singlet"
*Still chasing ourselves through hallways just less or more hidden because people are stupid.* Why the fuck am I so angry all of the time. Why the fuck do I feel like there should be more to all of this.
"Hhhh Illumi Zoldyck from Hunter×Hunter patting my head is completely normal. So is pretending I am Ethan from Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver I'M NOT PRETENDING ThOUGH??? I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO CALL THIS all I know is I am definitely Ethan, , not Ethan? And Illumi Zoldyck is petting my head and we are working at a McDonald's right now. What the fuck is happening" *Proceeds to ignore this and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
"My vitriol for Hisoka Morrow of Hunter×Hunter has three sides to it. I hate him and his canon. I have no clue how to explain the other two sides to this and I cannot stand my friend obsessing over this character" *Proceeds to also ignore this one too, and never tell anyone until we are today years old*
In university:
"Hey 30 year old Gladion idk if you're actually a figment of my imagination anymore but yeah sure your sister Lily and her daughter Mei can chill in here in this brain for awhile. Does this mean I'm genderfluid lol?" (Narrator: this is, in fact, NOT what genderfluidity is supposed to feel like.)
"Oh well I guess Itonai from Assassination Classroom is just decided to sleep in the bed tonight. Get the fuck off of my bed ya lazy bum. Noooo it's just wei — get back in our head you freak (//lovingly, platonic)"
*Just feeling fucking uncomfortable around sysmedicalists but especially the sysmedicalists who were anti-endogenic as well (yes there are pro-endogenic sysmeds!! Uhm but definitely not plural, nope)*
"I am now talking to these projections while brushing my teeth. Lucifer from The Devil Is A Part-Timer has literally crash-landed into our brain along with Emilia Justina. Wtf?"
*Discovers the word endogenic yet again and gets the weird euphoria again*
*Maybe our late second year at university, at fucking 11PM, after anime club finishes — Kusuo Saki just fucking chilling on top of the table via projection* "Heeey so remember that one time in high school where you had weird daydreams about that pink-haired psychic boy and the blonde with drills? Welp, Mami Tomoe picked me up on the way here —" *Queue freakout of the main fronter at this point*
SO ANYWAYS that is. Uh. Some Stuff(tm) yaaay, anyways the good thing about this is we don't think our queer shit would ever, ever be as fucking weird as our plurality shit in the context of the societal context and chronological context we, Rusanya, live in, so figuring out we're aceplex (since we found the plurality first and asexuality is more of a veil) was mostly just an "AHA okay then lol" and we just kind of slap every label on the planet onto us that we like that we think applies, both on an individual and collective level. :D
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chemblrish · 1 year
Hey, First of all, I love your blog. It's literally aesthetic ~ I wanted to ask if you considered job prospects before deciding on your degree because I see people around me saying chem is not worth it because of future possibilities. I also have a background in Biotechnology, but had a similar issue with it being too vague. I am working in a totally different field which I am greatful for but I dont plan on staying here long term. Seeing your blog rekindled my interest in chem so would love to know your point of view on this or any advice you could offer. You can totally ignore this if you want as well <3
[This got SO LONG omg 🙈 But I hope it can be helpful]
Hi there fellow chem enthusiast!
To be honest, it's no secret that finding a job in the scientific field is difficult here in Poland. I was fully aware of it when I chose biotech first and then chemistry second. My reasoning back then was, "I love science more than anything and, since I have the opportunity to study it literally for free, why not take it? Why not spend five years - that are going to come and go anyway - learning something I'm passionate about, broadening my knowledge, and giving myself a chance to create a beautiful future for myself? Even if I fail to get a job in science, at least I will know that I tried my best. I'll have spent five precious years of my life doing something incredible."
Which may sound a little depressing, I agree 😅 But several years later, I still think this way. Even if I can't get a job in chemistry once I graduate, at least I'm so, so happy now. I can't really picture myself doing anything that's not science-related, so I know I have to try.
But at the same time, after a couple of years studying for two different science degrees, I have some insight that I didn't have straight after high school. I have had people tell me getting a science degree isn't worth it too, that I won't get a job afterwards, but I've noticed most of those people belonged to one of the following three categories:
1. People who have absolutely nothing to do with science: distant relatives working in business or trade, my parents' acquaintances with no higher education, everybody who ~has heard things~ but has never really been in the position to see firsthand how these things work.
2. My fellow science majors who have older friends with a science degree: their concerns usually sounded valid to me. After all, they were in touch with people who actually got the degree in question and then tried to navigate the job market post-graduation. Later though I realized a lot of those people belonged to the third category.
3. Science students who honestly don't know what tf they're doing - a category that I like to divide into two subcategories:
a. well-meaning but lost students who really need guidance
b. people who went to uni because eh why not but who don't really care and who refuse to put in the work.
I definitely belonged to category 3a at the very beginning of my uni journey, so there's no shame in that. I'm a first gen uni student, so I had to figure everything out all by myself as I went.
The thing is, I got to talk to a lot of people who complained that a science degree is useless while doing pretty much nothing to sharpen their skills. They floated through uni as if it was nothing but another chore they had to cross out of their to-do list, barely passing, having zero interest in their field of study, not taking any opportunities that were literally out there. No extracurriculars, no internships, no side projects, nothing. Is it surprising at all these people struggle to find a job in science afterwards?
Don't get me wrong, nobody has full control over their life - sometimes you just get lucky. My friend's friend (lol) needed to take a break from uni after his BSc and got a job in an analytical lab straight away. But most often you just really have to work your butt off to get what you want. The people from my old uni who truly cared about biotech worked extremely hard to get to where they are now: with published papers and working with their profs. Harsh as it may sound, I now know that if I don't want to be one of those people with a """useless""" science degree, I have to do more than is expected of me. I have to put my introverted, anxious self out there, because being passive probably won't get me anywhere.
The people who love you and care about you mean well when they say chemistry isn't worth it, but that doesn't mean they're right. Similarly, people who graduate with a science degree and then struggle to get a job aren't all slackers who just didn't try hard enough - that's absolutely not true. Life isn't always what we want it to be. I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable giving you advice since I'm still in uni, but I can tell you my experience, and my experience is people who know what they want and who are willing to work very hard for it, usually get it.
I'd say this is also no secret but it tends to float over people's heads (no shame in this either, it's hard to imagine your whole future when you're like 20) that when your profs tell you to do more, they're being serious. When they say doing extra is important, they're right.
So, I believe in all this stuff and I work hard and I got myself an internship, and will this get me a job in chemistry? I don't know! I've no idea! Maybe I'll fail miserably! Maybe I'll be one of those people who genuinely try hard and then just happen to be really unlucky! But right now I'm doing everything that's in my power not to let that happen. I can't guarantee you success in the scientific field - nobody can - but I can tell you hard work, determination, and faith in yourself increase your chances of succeeding dramatically. It's a cliche, I'm aware, but if you never try, you never know. You only get one precious chance to experience living on this floating rock and everything that comes with it. Why not try to make it good?
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
Going off a few of your earlier questions, what's your general take on localization? How do you think localization should be handled when a severe cultural difference comes up in the script? Also, do you think game localizers should opt for what River City Girls Zero did in offering a more literal translation of the script alongside a more localized version?
A "Literal vs. Casual" translation option is pretty smart. I didn't know River City Girls Zero did that. One of the leads of River City Girls had a weird interaction on twitter and then nuked their account over it, which looked suspicious as hell to me so I kind of shut off my interest for that game series.
To me, localization is about taking material from one culture and getting it to make sense for another culture. While you should preserve the original culture to some extent (since that's part of the source material's identity) you need to make sure it's not overwhelming or alienating to the target culture, too.
If you are localizing to maintain the language structure of the source material, you're doing it wrong. If you're localizing and have to put subtitle notes explaining jokes or references, you're doing it wrong. Maintain the flavor and maintain the identity but otherwise make the viewing experience as seamless as humanly possible. Translate the intent, not the exact words.
I think people who favor literal translations get all bent out of shape about the word "intent" because it's a fuzzy definition and can create a slippery slope. To that I say: most writers probably aren't as precious about their choice of words as literal translators are. I have written over 7500 posts for this blog, literally millions of words, probably even billions, and I would say that less than 1% of everything I've ever written was me slowly choosing my words with care. It usually doesn't matter that much. It can, sure, but only a very small percentage of the time. It's okay to exercise some wiggle room and use some artistic license. It won't be the end of the world.
How do you think bad anime dubs even happen? Because somebody licenses the show, rewrites the scripts, asks the original production studio "is this okay?" and the studio just shrugs and goes "yeah whatever." They don't care as much as you think they do.
And then you'd hit situations like Ghost Stories where the original scripts were damaged, lost, or otherwise deemed unusable, so the studio went "Eh, just make something up."
A lot of literal translators nowadays seem to be carrying a torch from the days of anime and game translations that don't really exist very much anymore. I grew up in that era, too. The DiC dub of Sailor Moon, the early days of Saban/Ocean's Dragon Ball Z, the time Fox Kids literally tried to turn Escaflowne in to a Saturday Morning Cartoon...
Or all those JRPGs that turned alcohol in to "juice" or "tea" or "rootbeer" at the bare minimum.
I get it. I was there. I know what an awful, stressful, stupid era it was. But people get weird and bent out of shape about censorship, because they're being told it's something they could have, but aren't allowed to have. Censorship ignites a jealousy about what's on the other side of the fence, even if censorship can be legitimately helpful at times.
So we get these militant people who only want everything that's pure, raw, uncut, uncompromised, and maintaining as much of its original shape as it can, even when that strips a thing of most of its mainstream appeal because it's barely comprehensible by most people.
And it starts to feel like elitism. A secret handshake between people who have taught themselves to understand things like "You are my nakama."
But it's all performative! The war is over! You can relax now! But some people never will, I guess. Some people will always think they're too cool for "mainstream appeal." Some people like the secret handshake, and want to protect it.
That's not who I am.
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phantomdimension · 4 months
Based on what I was shown this morning, just in case you are for Some Reason looking at my blog:
(under a readmore so I don't subject strangers to whatever the hell we've got going on)
If you think I sent a DM, I didn't. The only DM I sent after you blocked my side/writing blog was responding to the ask you sent me, saying "oh, I'm pretty sure that was me".
I didn't even think you hated me, I was just vibing like "eh, you probably feel neutral towards me, just blocking out of what I think is a weird 'people will always block all/both partners if friends have a falling out' social obligation."
It's not my responsibility to make sure you have me blocked after you and my husband have a falling out. I don't keep track of my followers on my writing blog, who comes and who goes. I also don't do this on my main blog, which is comprised mostly of friends/people I've followed for a very long time and their blogs/sideblogs/projects/etc. I don't keep my first name on my main blog because honestly, it's not necessary, and I use my middle name on my writing blog because I want it to exist somewhere, and it feels wrong for me to go nameless on a writing blog. It also just doesn't get used enough.
It's not weird that he keeps some Facebook posts hidden from me, if you think about it. He literally tells me about them within a couple of days of making them with the exception of one that's about what I usually refer to as the "Insurmountable Grief". Just to be sure, though, he went back over them with me and I was like "lol oh yeah, you told me about that post. And yeah!! I remember that one extra well, you made me (thing) as a surprise after." Additionally, sometimes people just... Need to think somewhere else before they can bring it up. Not out of anything bad, just a... Need to let it simmer, need to think on it some more, need to build up the courage to say it. Whatever it is, I wouldn't hold it against him. And tbqh, I think it's more weird that you hold it against him in some weird way. If you were worried about it, why bring it up in an anon that you assume was me?
Frankly, if you think my husband sucks as a person. Then we wouldn't get along because of how important he is to me. You also just can't get out of a conversation without me bringing him up at least once, or saying "brb my husband and I are screaming about something silly again!!!" or "sorry!!! my husband asked me to make him something!!" You and I have never had a conversation past vague comments made through a discord call or ask games back and forth. From what I see and what he told me, it sounds like he did try to set a boundary and ask for something specific, but it was taken in bad faith. But again, I don't really know you.
And... if you've made it this far, Sunny. He told me the context about the 'calling you exhausting' bit as it was happening. I want to say. I also apologize constantly. Isn't it exhausting for you? To constantly feel like you have to apologize? To feel blamed for anything and everything, as if it's your fault?
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lesbian-shiny-eevee · 8 months
Yeah idk if I'd recommend tumblr
I mean, it is nice getting a dash that's only the people you follow, and not having to rely on algorithm, and instead just having a system where users share other users posts through reblogs which they can do as many times as they want, as well as tags where people can find the things you post
It's a pretty nice app for privacy too, from what I know tumblr doesn't really sell their users information to advertisers as much as they do on others (it's part of why the ads you might get here can seem very weird and unrelated to you), in fact I've heard when you do click on ads it's literally hard for advertisers to tell which customers come from tumblr because of how much tumblr is designed for privacy
People here also incurage privacy in general better then most places I feel, like on most social media you're expected to have an icon of your face, to post videos and photos of yourself and to not be anonymous at all really, but on tumblr not only could having an icon of yourself make you look like a bot, it's pretty incuraged to be as anonymous as you please compared to others,
there are a few exceptions, like people here who share their ages on their blogs, but you don't have to do that it's perfectly fine to keep it to yourself, the main thing I'd say that gets pretty close to pressuring people to share too much are posts that incurage you to reblog and answer a question in the tags, they can be quite fun but it is good to keep in mind how much you're sharing in those
The humor can be good here too, granted it can be a bit NSFW at times depending on who you follow but I'm sure if those kind of jokes bother you you can find the people who don't reblog that kind of stuff
That's one of the nice things about tumblr as well, it's a pretty good app for setting up your dash to be the kind of things you want to see and keep the things you don't want to see away from yourself, if you find someone you follow posts about something you don't like too much you can unfollow and not have to see it again, to take it a step further you can also block tags to make it even mroe easier to avoid seeing things you don't like (these can also count towards a down side though, it can be very easy to put yourself in an echo chamber where you're convinced most of tumblr (or even most people in general) are one way just because thats the part of tumblr you stick to, its important to consider that there's probably parts of tumblr you don't really see because you don't go there)
But, there's also a huge pornbot problem here, if you go through a popular tag it's bound to be filled with unrelated and malicious crap, and that's just the current version of it, bots can attempt to follow you, send you dms, there was a time where they would go to your askbox and send a porn video straight to you without your consent (thankfully by the time one did this to me tumblr had the function where it blurs videos amd images people send automatically so i didnt have to see it)
And the staff of tumblr, while they are currently trying to please the user base more from what I hear (like the fact they're getting rid of tumblr live thank god) they are a bit bad at keeping the users happy, maybe you could blame it on a hard to please crowd but still
As for the culture, eh I geuss it depends on what crowd you end up in but it can be a bit iffy, from my experience there's a lot of moral guilt tripping to convince you to reblog things, people will tell others to kill themselves if they don't like them (depends, there are also those on tumblr who really hate using that against anyone), misinformation can be a problem here but there's also the people who will tell you when something is a lie (to be fair misinformation is something to worry about on the internet in general)
This is a neutral statement, but tumblr culture in general I would say tends to be kind of, hipster? Is that the word? Anti pop culture that's the best way to put it, once again this could just be the part of tumblr I ended up on but the part I'm on deffinitly is full of people that are kind of the black sheep of the herd I would say, maybe you'll end up on a different part, maybe you won't, I have no idea if this sounds good to you but if it does then welcome
Idk if I covered all that could be considered bad and good about interacting with the tumblr user base, but I feel like anything else I could think of could apply to any socail media and for the most part, I tried my best to list things that specifically apply to tumblr, but I will admit my view may be a bit biased because I'm not really on any other social media other then tumblr and anything I know about other apps is from other people
In general I think that's about all I can say about tumblr, in some ways it's pretty great, I get why the users here prefer it to any other social media app, the fact it doesn't really need an algorithm is a pretty rare thing to find in a social media app these days, there's also a lot less censoring, which while that can mean people can say awful crap easier it also means you don't have to constantly censor yourself, you can say any swear word, death kill murder, things related to sex and you don't get in trouble for it, it's a nice bit of freedom compared to tiktok where the people on there expect you to say unalive, and its a decent place to find other people like yourself as well
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jisungshotfirst · 2 years
I made a side blog for seo ruby woobie woobin my beloved <3 mainly did for the url jsdfjf i'll still be posting on here as usual, it's just gonna be strictly woobin/cravity over there! might also post his updates/ song recs etc on there so if you want some ruby content you can follow!
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kazewhara · 3 years
i literally just discovered your blog ehe- anyways, if it’s okay with you, could i ask for some familial headcanons for diluc and jean fussing over a (fem) younger sister reader after she catches a cold please? tysm!
a spoonful of sugar.
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# — characters: feminine reader (she/they pronouns), jean, barbara, diluc, kaeya, adelinde, crepus ragnvindr
# — summary: “our siblings push buttons that cast us in roles we felt sure we had let go of long ago – the baby, the peacekeeper, the caretaker, the avoider…it doesn’t seem to matter how much time has elapsed or how far we’ve traveled.” – jane mersky leder
# — warnings: n/a
# — tags: hc format, slight canon divergence, diluc angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, familiar relationships, found family, reader is younger than jean but older than barbara
# — notes: ahh, i feel like this is mostly me projecting, since i'm the eldest sibling myself.. man, i wonder what my little siblings think of me, lmao. but! like always, reblogs and reactions are always appreciated, and i hope you enjoy!
(NEW!) # — tag list: @marius-z @eternalvvs
(want to join the tag list?)
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✧ — 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜 — ✧
something that you and your brother have in common is your tough exterior, meaning it would take diluc a while to know that you're sick
hell, you probably wouldn't even know. you both have pyro visions, so you both run warm regardless of if you're sick or not
you go a pretty long time without showing any signs of being sick, so when you pass out while doing some simple paperwork in place of your brother, it comes as a shock to him
i also want to preface this by saying that you and diluc aren't close
you were too young to understand the issue with kaeya.
all you know is that one day you had a father and two doting brothers, and the next day, you were down to one brother who wouldn't so much as look in your direction for a few years.
to be honest, you didn't like diluc very much for a while. he's got a very avoidant method of caring for you, and you hate it
at some point in your life, you desperately tried to get his attention, but as you got older, you just.. stopped.
these days, you don't feel much of anything for him. it's kind of a negative feeling, but if he's not around, you don't care at all. out of sight, out of mind.
diluc's no idiot, by the way. he knows you stopped trying to be around him and he feels guilty, but in his eyes, there's more important things than trying to mend a relationship that's been broken for ages.
he cares very deeply about you -- loves you, even -- but he's not going to go out his way to eat dinner with you or anything like that. he spoils you from a distance, sending you gifts and providing you with things you want and need, but that's it.
in short, the famous ragnvindr siblings aren't the dynamic duo everyone thinks they are. the only person who knows this is kaeya.
(side note: you get along very well with kaeya. he's assumed the big brother role very well in diluc's place, but he'll never rub it in.)
(but rest assured that diluc is very, very bitter about the fact that the man who betrayed him and his family has a better relationship with his sister than he does.)
(will he fix it? no.)
(you and kaeya may have opposing visions, but in truth, you two have more chemistry than anybody else in mondstadt.)
okay! onto to the sickness.
diluc finds out that you've passed out while working a shift at the tavern.
one of the workers from the dawn winery came barging through the door, breathless, and the only thing he could say was:
"it's your sister."
diluc, stubborn as he is, doesn't wait for an explanation. he just closes the tavern right then and there and tries to get home as fast as he could.
diluc barges into your room unannounced, his fiery hair messy and his eyes as wide as saucers. you're laying immobile in your dark room, and you groan when the light from the hallway hits your face. "adelinde, you just gave me medicine," you rasp, your voice deeper and scratchier than it should be. "can i please just sleep--?"
"you're alive."
diluc normally has far more tact -- he would never do something as undignified as burst into someone's room -- into your room -- without apologizing first. but the only thing he could think of as he sprinted here was his father.
crepus' death was sudden and devastating. there was no slow build-up, no time to mentally prepare for a period of grief; diluc had to sit there and watch as life bled out of your father's eyes. he blamed himself for years -- cursed his paltry strength for not being enough to fight for himself. even if he was the youngest cavalry captain, it still wasn't enough. so when he got word that something had happened to you, diluc did something he hadn't done in years.
he panicked.
because he's strong enough now. diluc dedicated his life to having enough strength to defend mondstadt from the abyss order from the shadows -- to defend you from the shadows. if you had died, he felt as though your blood would be on his hands. how could he have obtained all this strength for his home -- for his sister -- and still manage to fail?
never in his life, not since his father's untimely death, has diluc felt as many emotions as he did on his way home to see you. you would have died alone, and it would have been his fault. he has so many regrets when it comes to you, and he never would have been able to try to make it up to you.
so when diluc sees you alive and well (relatively speaking), he drops to his knees.
you, unaware of your brother's internal strife, push yourself up to a sitting position with difficulty and frown at him. "what are you talking about?" your frown deepens. "and why are you kneeling? get up; you look pathetic."
diluc can't help but chuckle. fair enough, he decides. it's fair that you would still hold animosity towards him after all this time. he brought this on himself, after all. and he agrees -- he does look pretty pathetic. the great diluc ragnvindr, once the youngest cavalry captain in mondstadt's history and the owner of the renowned dawn winery was here, on his knees, thanking an archon he didn't care for because you were still alive.
"are you going to get up and answer my question, or are you going to stay there like a crazy person?" you ask. you break into a fit of rattling coughs. for a second, panic starts to bubble over again in diluc's chest, but it's reduced to a simmer once you talk again. "the light is straining my eyes and i want to lay down. if you're gonna stay in here, then close the door."
you were going to allow him to stay? really? diluc makes up his mind faster than he anticipated, rising to his feet and shutting the door per your request. it's almost pitch black in here due to it being late at night and your curtains being drawn. he hesitates for a moment (can you believe it? him, hesitating.) before pulling up a chair at your beside and sitting on it.
neither of you say a word. what were you supposed to say? why was he even here? the silence is so loud it makes diluc's ears ring. he has to say something to you, right? at the very least, he should explain why he's here. but his curiosity starts to burn, and--
"why are you here?"
oh, so you were going to lead this conversation. he can live with that. diluc crosses his arms instinctively. "am i not allowed to visit my sick sister?" he retorts. it comes across much harsher than it should, but he's only matching your tone. plus, he's not sure how to talk to you anymore. the last time he spoke to you, you were but a little girl who just wanted to run through the vineyard and catch crystalflies with her brother.
a fleeting thought crosses diluc's mind. do you still like crystalflies?
you speak again, cutting his thoughts short. "you haven't looked me in the face in years. i have every right to question your presence."
"we're family." diluc squints at you in the darkness. you sort of look like your mother, though he himself can't remember what she looks like anymore. if he had to guess, you're probably a carbon copy of her.
"oh, now you think we're family." you scoff. you wheeze for a moment before breaking into another fit of harsh coughs. you sniff and groan before laying down slowly.
diluc starts to reach out to help you, but catches himself. what was he even about to do? he has no idea how to handle a sick person, especially since that sick person is you. but he can't ignore the familiar sensation of brotherly protectiveness that flares up when he sees you struggling. your words cut deep -- deeper than he ever thought they would.
"i've always thought we were family." he says. he sighs through his nose and cuts the topic short. you're in no position to have this conversation right now. "did the doctor come and diagnose you yet? your cough sounds terrible."
you turn over on your side, your back facing your brother. "yes." your answer is short.
diluc wonders if things would be different if he never avoided you. "and what did they say?"
"why do you care? you're not the one nursing me back to health." you cough again.
"i am, actually." he blurts.
he has no idea where that came from. he's never spoken so abruptly so quickly -- the words didn't even feel like they came from his mouth, but he doesn't feel the need to take them back. he's more than willing to learn how to care for you, and if he can fix your relationship while he does it...
diluc blinks a few times at the realization. that's why he's sitting here, tolerating your snappy attitude.
he just wants to be a family again.
you shoot upwards and face him. diluc can't see your expression well, but he can feel the sting of your glare. your frame wobbles a bit in the darkness -- probably vertigo -- before you speak. "i didn't ask you to do that. don't even think about taking the doctor's place."
diluc clicks his tongue. "i'll do as i please. now, lay back down." he stands and makes his way to the door. he cracks it open, ignoring your furious calls of his name. he turns back to look at you, his body silhouetted by the hallway light. "sleep," he instructs you gently. "i'll be back in the morning."
and like that, he's gone, leaving you alone in the pitch darkness of your room.
so! how does he care for you, exactly?
well, first of all, your cold isn't just a cold. after a few days of diluc trying to nurse you, you both come to the realization that you actually have the flu -- and a very severe one at that.
won't get into the details, but it's disgusting and humiliating, as you can imagine
but... diluc doesn't give up. he sticks to his word and nurses you the entire time, coming to you morning, noon, and night to check on you and administer your medicine
the only reason it takes so long for you to recover is because you adamantly refuse to cooperate with your brother
it's childish and infuriating, but diluc is weirdly endeared by your behavior. he thinks it's cute!
once you give in and start doing as your told, you become compliant and almost amiable as the days pass
you don't ignore diluc's (terrible) attempts at conversation, and the two of you actually.. bond.
but as you two get closer and your relationship improves, you start to notice that diluc is kinda... overprotective.
once you can finally stand on two feet without falling over from dizziness, you've been walking about the hallways at any given opportunity.
your fever has yet to break, but you're still active, and diluc doesn't like it
"put me down!" you flail about in your brother's arms, weakly kicking about to get him to give up. "hey! are you listening?!"
diluc sighs and stops walking. "who raised you to be such a brat?"
"excuse me?!" you stop moving and scowl up at him. "put me down right now, or i swear to barbatos, i'll--"
diluc raises a brow at you. "what, will you try and fight me? i assure you, you will lose. now quit struggling. you're burning up."
the fight seeps out of you pretty quickly. you realize that you're just being stubborn, and that he's right, but...
"i'm not a child. i can walk." you grumble.
"on the contrary," diluc chuckles, "you weren't walking in a straight line. you reminded me of the patrons down at the tavern. you need more time to recover."
only now do you feel the heat in your face. "shut up."
ugh, he's so doting it's almost sickening.
"don't eat this" or "chew and swallow" or "sleep for more than 8 hours"
"diluc, you're gonna crush me under all these blankets."
"oh hush, they're soft."
"uh," your eyes drift to the mountain of blankets on your bed, "i think fourteen blankets would be too much, though."
it's frustrating, but believe it or not, it works!
once you've recovered, a part of your relationship with your brother has as well.
you two aren't exactly joined at the hip, but you're on speaking terms -- enough to joke around and spar with each other from time to time.
and while diluc does still envy kaeya for being so close to you, he thinks that you may be the key to mending their relationship as well. <3
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✧ — 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐧 — ✧
unlike jean and barbara, you aren't related to them by blood
you're actually just someone who was taken in by the knights of favonius at a very young age and grew alongside jean
the two of you trained under varka and share the same sentiments about protecting mondstadt.
while you and jean are the best swordsmen in monstadt, she prefers to be their shield, while you prefer to be their sword.
jean considers you to be her little sister!
not in place of barbara, but rather an additional sister
you two are as thick as thieves but unfortunately, that means you share the same work habits
so you both work non-stop to keep mondstadt orderly and safe, even to the point of exhaustion
and you, my friend, have hit your limit.
"lisa, get barbara, now!"
as you come to, you try to remember what happened in the past fifteen minutes.
you were walking with jean back to your shared office after a long, long day of checking in with the citizens of mondstadt. you remember thinking that fall must be approaching, since every breeze made goosebumps rise on your skin. only in the sunlight did you feel warm, but you didn't think much of it. there was also a strange pressure at the front of your face -- one that made you squint at everything. again, you thought nothing of it, since it was a sunny day.
back at headquarters, you faintly remember telling jean that you were freezing.
"really?" she asked, a confused frown marring her features. "but today is one of the hottest days of the year..."
and then... nothing. you're not sure why jean is helping you into a room to wait for barbara to show up.
an unexpected bout of nausea makes your squeeze your eyes shut. beside you, you can hear someone bouncing their leg rapidly. it has to be jean -- no other knight does that but her. you come to the conclusion that you must be sick; that would explain the chills and dizziness. you're upset that this will interefere with your work, but you're well aware that you won't be able to work properly unless you're feeling your best.
"i'm not dying, you know," you laugh weakly after hearing jean sigh for the fifth time in two minutes. "it's just a cold."
jean sighs. that's six times now. "i shouldn't have let this happen." she mutters. you crack your eyes open to see her worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. she has a lot of habits that no one but you knows she has -- mostly because they're born out of anxiety. "i should have noticed a long time ago that you were--"
"you're doing it again." you chide gently. you don't make any effort to look at her properly. one wrong move and you're afraid that you'll lose what little you have in your stomach. "it's been a decade, jean; how many times do i have to tell you to stop?"
jean gives you a look. "and how many times must i remind you that as your senior, it is my job to look after you?"
her sense of responsibility will surely be her undoing. it terrifies you; the last thing you want is for her to be in your position. she's right -- she's your older sister and in a way, she is responsible for you, but this was your fault -- not hers. you open your mouth to bicker with her, but barbara comes rushing in.
the deaconess sounds frantic. "what happened? is she okay?" she frets over you so much that you have to laugh. it comes out as a nasty cough, and it only serves to make barbara worry more. "oh, barbatos, this isn't good!"
"you two act as though i'm on my deathbed." you cough.
"don't even joke like that!" your sisters say in unison. your eyes are open enough to see them both flush a light pink at their exclamation, but neither of them look away from you.
jean clears her throat while barbara gets to work on healing you. "you of all people know better than to joke in such a manner."
"it's a superstition."
"a bad one." barbara murmurs beside you. you can feel her hydro on your body, but you don't feel any better than before. if anything, you feel worse. barbara seems to notice and quickly stops what she's doing. "i-i don't know what's wrong," she says to jean, "she's not getting any better, i--"
jean lays a hand on her sister's shoulder, offering her a kind smile. you can't help but feel a little bit of pride; they would never have acted like this a few years ago if you hadn't intervened. "you did what you could, barbara. thank you." she turns to you, grimacing when she sees the color draining from your face. "for now, i think we should let them warm up first. they're shivering too much."
your eyebrows twitch up. you didn't even realize you were shivering so hard -- your teeth are chattering, too.
"i-i'll really be okay." you mumble.
jean sighs. that's seven. "lying is technically a violation of the knight's oath."
"k-kaeya lies all the time!"
"that's different." jean lifts you into her arms and follows behind barbara. you cling to her desperately, trying to absorb her body heat for yourself. "you're far from okay." she whispers sadly. "i'm sorry."
jean undoubtedly will blame herself, no matter how much you tell her not to
she can't care for you herself due to your half of the tasks falling onto her, but during any down time she has, she's in your room by your bedside
barbara doesn't leave your side either; she tells the church that she'll be taking a break for a while, just so she can try to care for you
your sisters are out of their depth since elemental healing isn't working, so they both dedicate a lot of time to reading up on medicines that would help you.
"jean, wake up." you gently nudge your sister. she fell asleep along with you a few hours ago after giving you a medicine that would work in your sleep. faint dark circles formed under her eyes from how much time she was putting in to care for you.
"hm, what? oh!" jean shoots upright and presses the back of her hand to your forehead, feeling for a fever. her eyes are still half-lidded and you smile at her. "you don't feel very warm anymore," she says, her words broken by a yawn.
"at this rate, you'll be the one catching a cold. when's the last time you slept properly?" you ask. knowing her, she probably hasn't slept since you fell ill.
probably even longer that, knowing her.
"that's not very important right now." her tone is final. it's her 'grand master' voice; you don't know how she managed to wake herself up fast enough to use it, but she did, and you drop the topic. jean can be pretty scary when she wants to be. "what's important is your recovery. i think hydro healing should work soon."
you frown. "jean, why don't you go home for a while. get some rest." when she opens her mouth to protest, you put a hand out, covering it. "it's not like i'm going anywhere any time soon. go rest, okay?"
there's a brief staring contest between you two before jean gives up. "very well. i'll be back shortly." she says as she heads to the door.
"i hope not!" you call after her.
jean doesn't come back for like, 12 hours.
she was sleeping the entire time, according to barbara.
she comes back completely disheveled and apologetic, fretting over you to the point where she almost gets in the way of barbara doing her job, LOL
overall, jean's a TOTAL worry wart.
and, in the days that follow after your recovery, you find yourself sitting at a sneezing jean's bedside, laughing at her bright red nose.
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✧ this kinda makes me wanna go build my jean... yeah i think imma do that, actually, LOL
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sunarou · 4 years
♡Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Osamu when the reader is secretly a really good vball player♡
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Requested: Yessir!
Word count: 2k
A/N: This is requested by my lovely mutual @kageyatsu ! She writes for haikyuu and mystic messenger as well and you should totally go check her blog out!~ also I changed some things out for Kageyama if that's okay (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
Also also! Sorry if any of these terms sound.. wrong? I don't play vball and I tried to research about it first eek!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Kageyama Tobio
Being the captain of the girl's volleyball team had its perks, like for one. You and the boy's volleyball team got to go to a volleyball training camp, it was all very exciting for you. You were ready to polish your skills, "Y/N-chan!~ We're here!" Your friend shook you awake, "Oh, thanks Miyu" You said, stepping out of the bus together. "The girl's are staying over there, let's go take a quick break before playing practice matches with the boys.
After stretching, you and the girls walk to the large gym where the boys were playing a practice match with Karasuno. "Y/N-chan! You finally woke up from your nap" Lev says, making Nekoma turn their heads to you. "Oh yeah, I was pretty tired.." You said walking towards the bench, to sit but Kuroo calls out to you. "Y/N! Come play with us! We're missing a player" he said, the other players nodding along.
"Alright I guess," You said, jogging up to the middle, since you were also a middle blocker. "Okay, go serve!" A small gingered hair boy says as he gets into position. Kuroo, serves over the net, a boy with spiky brown hair receives it, making it bounce over to a black haired dude, where he sets to the ginger. After a lot of matches with different people, you've grown to be a lot more alert with their hits and tactics, so when you saw the ginger's arm go up, you go to the spot where you guessed the ball was gonna go, turns out you're right. You bump passed to Kenma who sets it over the court. Most of the Karasuno boys were shocked at how you saw past their tactic, mostly the ginger and black haired, they didn't know someone could actually receive their quick attack at first try.
After a few more fierce back and forth action going, you started noticing a certain black haired boy sneaking glances at you, after the game, resulting in victory. The two teams high fived each other under the net, when you and the raven-haired high fived, you caught his gaze, as his eyes followed you. "Thank you for the game!" You all said synchronized. "U-Uhm Y/N-san!" The same raven haired boy approached you, your heart started beating faster, "I just wanted to say that you were really cool on the court and-" he was cut off with whistles and howls going across the court, he turns back at them, giving them a scary face before turning back to you.
"I'd like to play with you more!" He says, bowing. You were growing flustered by the sudden contact, "O-Of course!" You squeaked out, "Thank you!" He said, "I'm Kageyama, Kageyama Tobio" He says, putting his hand out, "Y/N, L/N Y/N" you shook his hand, the handshake lingered longer than usual. "I uh, gotta go! See you Y/N-san!" He says jogging back to his team, his face clearly red. Volleyball camp just got more interesting..
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Tsukishima Kei
"Watch it" Tsukishima says, staring you down, you didn't look up as you were scared to. "S-Sorry!" You meekly said, running around him to go inside the gym. "You got the towels?" The coach asked you, "Yeah.." You said, still flustered by the tall intimidating boy. "You look like you just ran into a ghost, what happened?" The other manager laughed, "I just ran into someone on accident" you laughed it off, sitting beside her. "Y/N!" You hear your friend Bokuto yell out.
What you didn't know was a certain blonde boy was just outside the gym doors, watching the game unfold. "Why am I here?" He tsked, rolling his golden eyes. You got dragged onto the court by Bokuto as he split the team into two to get some practice. "Bring it on!" He yelled, "Bokuto-kun, it's literally middle of the night" you hushed him, "Sorry Y/N" he said, still pumped up. Yamato gives a good serve over the net, "I got it!" You yell, bumping it back to the opposite team.
"She actually hit that..?" Tsukishima said, still leaned against the doors, Akaashi sets Konoha up, he spikes the ball with you quickly moving to the position where the ball was going to hit, the spike was very strong as you counter their attack with passing it to Bokuto, he does his infamous spike and gets your team a point. You turn back, seeing the same tall boy watching you, as you two held eye contact, the both of your froze, "Hey hey Y/N, did you see that?! Oh? Are you okay?" Bokuto pokes your cheek. "I'm fine!" You yell, Bokuto smiles, "Alright then let's get back to the game!" He says, getting back to his position. But when you look back to the door, he was gone.
"I'll play again later!" You wave your hand as you run out the door, "Hey! Where are you going ACK!-" Bokuto yells before getting absolutely WHACKED by the volleyball. You see the blonde boy walking back to the dorms, with headphones on. "Hey! You bean pole!" You yell, but to no avail his music is too loud that he can't hear you. You march over to him, resulting in him halting. "What do you want shortie?" He says, bending over, "Why were you watching?" You asked, "Am I not allowed?" He smirks.
"No! But.. but-" you really didn't know why you ran after him, but your body just told you to. "What? Cat got your tongue" he remarks, "Shut up!" You yell, "Or what?" He said, standing up straight, completely towering over you. "I-I'll, you know what whatever!" You said angrily, walking back to the gym. "It was an interesting scene to watch," he suddenly said, making you stop walking. "Huh?" You turn back to him, "Are you deaf? I said it was interesting to watch, a manager was actually good at volleyball?" He said, turning his head to look at you. "Of course I am! I am Akaashi's sister after all! He taught me everything I know, I'm simply just looking for the right time to join the club" you say.
"I see," he mumbled, as he starts to walk away, "Hey! Is that all you've got to say?!" You said, your body now fully turned to him. "What? You wanted me to say 'good job!'" he asks, "N-No.. but I didn't want to hear just a I see" you said, Tsukishima sighs, "You're quite the silly kind huh? Fine, good job, you did great out there" he sarcastically said, but inside he meant it. "If you may, I'll be going back to my dorm" he said walking away. "What's your name?!" You yell out, "Tsukishima Kei" he simply said as you said yours, after that he pops his headphones back on and leaves.
"What an intriguing guy.." you tell yourself, "What are you doing out here by yourself?" Your brother suddenly pops up behind you making you scream.
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Osamu Miya
"Huh weird.." He said to his twin brother, "What's up samu?" Atsumu said, following his brother's gaze. He was looking at the other team's manager, "You checkin' her out aren't ya?" He nudged Osamu's arm, "As if, it's just weird that they're letting their manager play." He said taking a sip of his water, "Are ya dumb? Their team takes managers that actually have some knowledge about volley ball" Atsumu said, sticking his tongue out at the end of his sentence.
"I know that much," Osamu rolls his eyes, wiping his sweat off his forehead, the same stoic face kept looking at you while you worked on your sets. You were setting to Oikawa, "Great toss Y/N-chan~" He said patting your head, "Alright, let's play?" Oikawa asked their coach as the whistle was blew the two teams began with Oikawa's grand serve. Akagi just barely receives it, bumping it to their setter, Atsumu. He sets it up to their ace, where spikes it but gets blocked by your blockers, making the ball bounce back to their side.
Their Libero bumps the ball back to your side, you started running up, getting ready to do a cross court shot, Yahaba sets you up, lining up perfectly into a vacant spot on their side of the court. Putting all your power in the spike, the ball flew straight into the floor, as the other Inarizaki members felt wind when the ball flew past them. They stood still for a while as you just got your team the first point.
"She's quite interesting eh?" Atsumu pats Osamu's shoulder, "Yeah, quite.." he said, getting his head back to the game, trying not to get even more distracted by you. "That's our Y/N!" Oikawa says as he high fives you.
Getting back to the game, the other team more weary and alert, as the practice match ends in Aoba Johsai's victory. "Great win guys!" You say as they give you a big team hug, you look back as you felt someone stating at you, you saw a grey haired guy, his grey eyes bore into yours. Even though you've caught him, he still didn't look away, he only did look away, was when his team called him.
"Something the matter?" Oikawa asked, slinging his arm around your shoulder, "Nah, just someone was staring at me" You smiled at him, "Someone's got a crushie on you?" He laughed, "Ugh quit it" you said playfully pushing him away. "Okay okay, I'll help you out" he said, putting his hand up to defend himself. "Who was the one that has a staring problem?" He said looking over to Inarizaki, "The grey haired guy" you said, "Oh the other twin, don't worry I'll go over there and beat him up for you" He said already marching over to the team, "Hey hey!" You said halting him, "I'm just kidding, you go over there then" Oikawa said pushing you all the way to the team, "Y.. you just n-need a little.. push!" He had trouble speaking as you were resisting.
"S-Stop Oikawa!" You tried leaving but the team was already looking at you, "Do you need anything?" A blonde muscular guy towers over you, looking quite intimidating, his twin brother standing right beside him. "N-No..?" You weakly said, Oikawa already gone from your sight, you were surely gonna give him a beating later. "I..I gotta go!" You said, as you turned someone grabbed your wrist. You quickly look back seeing his grey eyes again, "Don't go so fast, we're just getting to know each other" He said, his expression not changing. "U-Uhm, sure.." you said, relaxing your wrist.
"What's yer name cutie?" His blonde brother asked, "Y/N, L/N Y/N.." you answered, refusing to meet their eyes. "Cute name, My name's Atsumu, Atsumu Miya" he said, smiling. "Osamu, Osamu Miya" Osamu said after, "Great to meet you guys, it was a good game" you managed to say without stuttering. "Yeah it was, didn't know their manager was so good at volleyball as well," Osamu says, "Thanks, you guys were good too" then there was a silence. "Ugh! If you want her number just ask her straight up Samu!" Atsumu bursted, Osamu jabbed his side, you gaped at the two as they start arguing. "If you want my number here.." you said, taking a pen out, and taking Osamu's hand to write your digits out.
"See? Wasn't that so easy?" Atsumu laughed, "Shut up" Osamu replies, as he looks at his hand, "Thanks, hope we can get to know each other more" He says as he gives you a small smile, it was a very brief smile but you'd do anything to see it again. "I'll see you around Y/N-chan~" Atsumu waved as he left. "See you, Y/N" Osamu patted your head, leaving with Atsumu. "Oi! Did it work?!" Oikawa yelled all across the court. You angrily charge at him, as he starts running away from you, "Come back here you little shit!" You said chasing after him.
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I'm deprived of Osamu gifs T^T
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Tagged: @fitriiaw
~Love Lola 🦋
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leviathan-says-hi · 5 years
Ask 21 / Tag 21
Answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you’d like to know a little better. Tagged by @fahrenflame Hope you're doing well! 😊
× Nickname ×
Levi, I guess? Not too many nicknames, most people think my actual name's bizarre enough and just go with that 😅
× Real name ×
× Zodiac ×
Pieces 🐳
× Height ×
Uhhhh...like 5.7"-5.8" ish??? Maybe???
× What time is it? ×
× Favorite musician ×
Marilyn Manson, Ghost, My Chemical Romance...idk honestly. I don't really listen to whole artists anymore, I just find random songs I like by all different people and throw them in a huge playlist, so most of my 'favourites' I literally know like 1 song by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops. Individual songs I've been enjoying lately though are:
° Nightmares - Easy Life (hence the recent animation lol)
° The Bidding - Tally Hall
° Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
° Carnal Carnival - Here Come The Mummies
× Favorite sports team ×
Ngh...not so much a sports person ngl, but my dad gave me his Oakland Raiders baseball jacket he had as a kid and I wear that a bunch so er...go Raiders?
× Other blogs ×
Oh god I have a whole bunch. I have the really bad habit of making a new one everytime I get wrapped up in something then kinda abandoning it...I'm probably most active on my Ghost one @cardinal-cornucopia
× Do I get asks? ×
Nah, not so much
× How many blogs do I follow? ×
Christ, like...4,000 I think. I've been here a while, what can I say 😅
× Any tumblr crushes? ×
Eh, more so admiration than crushes, but there's a few people who are pretty rad, yeah
× Lucky number ×
13! 6 is pretty chill too
× What am I wearing right now? ×
Having a slouchy day revising for uni stuff, so grey sweatpants and my Unus Annus shirt 👍 Comf
(Quick side note, imma be pretty busy until the start of February when the new semester kicks in / spring exams are over, so hopefully I can start back up drawing/animating then!)
× Dream vacation ×
Maybe a road trip? I'm not really one for travel but a long, chilled-out drive to nowhere sounds really good rn
× Dream car ×
Welp, my sucky health means I would be considered the biggest of liabilities on the road so was basically told it's not even worth getting my licence 😅 BUT teenage me was really into motorbikes and was actually saving for a Suzuki GN125 👌
× Favorite food ×
Probably mac n cheese? Any form of instant noodle/pasta that can be microwaved at 3am between assignments. University broke me, what can I say
× Drink of choice ×
Blue raspberry jolly rancher soda / Pink grapefruit Fanta / Vanilla coke are my sugary weaknesses, but I also really love weird tea flavours like strawberry cupcake green tea and pineapple with grapefruit!
× Languages ×
English...barely 😅 Tried learning Russian but got sick so had to stop. Brain don't work so good ✌️ Think I still rember the alphabet/1-10 though!
× Instruments ×
Okay, okay so like, hear me out...I play banjolele. Well? No. Enthusiastically? Very! For anyone who doesn't know it's like the ungodly amalgamation of a banjo and ukulele and I love it to death. I also have a full sized banjo and ukulele not smushed together too so I guess they count separately too? But yeah, banjolele's my main squeeze 🖤
× Celebrity crushes ×
× Random fact ×
I've got a few months of neuroscience left before I should get my psychology degree, and I've been (unofficially, shh!) invited to stay on and complete a masters degree in research methods! Whoo 🎉🎊✨ Sounds boring, I know, but my academic dream would be a PhD in evolutionary psychology/neuroscience soooo...Slowly, slowly doing the thing 👍
× Tagging ×
Been out of the loop for a while so no idea who's done this already or not, sorry!
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actuallyschizoid · 7 years
Hello-- My best friend is schizo. I myself am very overly empathetic, to the point where I get overwhelmed. Anyway, I don't want to bring it up to him in case it's not something he wants to share/it'd be too intrusive, but the question keeps bugging me- what is it like to have friends as a schizo? I'm terribly sorry if I come off rude, but is it possible for them to care bout/have friends? I want to understand better, as I have high empathy and don't get what it's like. Thank you for any insight
Well, first of all, if by “schizo” you mean schizoid, as an empathetic person you might not want to call your best friend that. ^^’ Of course, unless he identifies as such himself. 
Thing is, “schizo” could refer to a few conditions (schizoid, schizotypal, schizoaffective, schizophrenic, to name first that come to mind), and different kinds of people from this spectrum aren’t always willing to identify with an umbrella term because of how different those are. Also this term is occasionally used in offensive way, and some may find it rather hurtful. Even though others have tried to recover it back into viable umbrella term, it’s still in a gray area, as it seems.
Now, I have just the post you’re looking for somewhere. Thanks to my new blog excel thingy, I even have a chance to find it, one moment... Eh, I should tag things better... >.> I think this is the one I’m looking for, though maybe I missed another big one on similar subject. Anyway, that post pretty much sums it all about friends and schizoids. But I’ll try to elaborate a bit (hopefully it won’t result in even bigger wall of text). 
What it’s like to have friends when you are a schizoid? Well, I don’t really think it’s all that different then it is for other people. I mean, it’s based on all the same psychological mechanics. The only difference is schizoids tend to have low motivation towards having friends and high cost to sustain it. 
I.e. friendship is by definition a mutually beneficial relationship. Unlike all those romantic options, here can’t be one-sided friendship. If just one out of two finds it to be worth to be friends, that just doesn’t cut it — the one without enough reason to sustain it will just withdraw and find something better to do.
So for schizoid having a friend can easily become a burden. It’s draining energy (which is already low), forcing into regular contacts (which is hard and far from always is welcomed), etc. And for it to be still worth it — well, there must be something in it, right? Some profit — and I don’t mean, like, financial gain. Any gain, even psychological — feeling better and all that.  
Problem is, emotional closeness is rarely viewed by schizoids as profit — way more commonly it is, in fact, a loss. Allowing someone to be close to you emotionally from schizoid PoV is the cost they must pay to have some friends. Depending on specific schizoid, it may or may not be worth it to begin with. 
Like, I personally won’t have close friends ever because the whole world doesn’t have enough valuable for it to justify sharing my emotions with anyone but myself. Not-too-close friends are fine, that’s not a big deal. But there’s just no way I anyone would ever be able to get to the “best friend” level of closeness, like talking about feels, being sincere with each other, not having secrets or whatever else. 
I mean, really, people? Really?.. >.> How is it even possible y’all agree on such horrid thing and find it even pleasing? But then again, it could be just be. If you are already best friend with that schizoid of yours, perhaps he’s not that far gone yet, and for him being emotionally close is still an option that isn’t impossibly expensive. 
Still, probably worth to keep in mind that you’re likely taking at least twice as much as you think you do in this friendship. And things that you thing you’re giving are, in fact, just more expenses in his mind. It could be already quite disbalanced. 
And I’m guessing there might be a good reason why you find yourself bugged by those questions. Like, perhaps you feel like he is (was, or slowly getting) more withdrawn, doesn’t seem interested much in spending time together, as if he doesn’t care much? Maybe passively agreeing to all things you suggest, but never suggesting anything on his behalf. Probably not even calling/messaging for weeks or months unless you contact him first.
Of course it’s just a guess, I could be wrong. But honestly that wouldn’t surprise me. Because friendship with schizoids is always like that. Why is it like that? Because, just like I said before, it’s so easy for things to get just not worth its cost. It doesn’t mean he no longer likes you or anything, if that’s the case. It just means he’s tired and unmotivated and it’s harder and harder to stop himself from finding excuses to not go somewhere/do something/whatever. 
So, is it even possible for schizoid to care about friends? I’d say, yes. For some schizoids it’s pretty easy, in fact. All it takes is a good enough reason to care. :) I.e. that friendship must provide something truly valuable for this specific schizoid to trigger this “care” thingy. 
No, emotional warmness, sympathy, talking feels — that’s not it. It must be something the schizoid can’t provide themselves with by other means. Like, external motivation, for example. If you can supplement the natural inability of your schizoid friend to stay motivated, that might help. 
At least for me that always worked better to have other people doing the “get, the fuck out of bed and do something, ffs you can’t just stay here for weeks it’s just unhealthy, there’s this long list of stuff you had to finish by last year and it’s still not done” thing instead of myself. Especially if it’s not just words, but that someone would actually keep being involved with the stuff I must do, being motivated for the task to be completed waaaay more than I could ever dream to be. Just knowing that someone cares about things I don’t care enough about could make a difference between the thing in question being done within 10 minutes or 10 years. Literally. 
Or, if he’s a different kind of schizoid whose most prominent problem is, for example, dealing with other people — well, how about helping with that? Maybe taking care of some mundane thing that you find simple or even fun, but he finds it a personal hell. Like going to a shop, talking to strangers, whatever. 
Then, eventually it might actually click. And all those things that were a burden with nothing in return would become the one and only relationship in their life that actually matters. 
Occasionally, when that happens, some schizoids are capable to develop the level of attachment you wouldn’t expect of them, as far as I know. Sure, it might still be rather withdrawn on the emotional end (or maybe not — again, it’s individual). But there’s surely a possibility that it would matter a lot. 
And of course I ended up with another wall of text, but let’s be honest, none of you doubted this post will be long the moment I said “hopefully it won’t”... including myself. >.>
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