#i literally teared up during the 'mama' section the first time so i need to share that with all of you
good-beans · 4 months
(Okay wait I saw someone else post about hallucination, can I yell about one of the songs?)
I'm just. Insane over the emotion poured into the live version of AKAA. I didn't expect this song to hit me so hard but Shun Horie really packed it with even more sadness and desperation than the original, and it was the death of me. My favorite part of the song has always been the "mama" section, and the fact that he sounds like he's crying through it??? The two held-out screams at the end????
And the visuals make me equally crazy. The fact that he committed to the blue hair and full outfit makes it really feel like Haruka is there on stage. It really got to me realizing this was his dream come true. He's the center of attention. He's under the spotlight. Finally. He has a huge crowd watching him, looking at him, cheering for him, loving him. He looks so small surrounded by all those people. He looks out to them in disbelief, in pleading.
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I don't know man. I'm emotional.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Delivery HCs with 1-A’s Big Three
A/N: Maybe I’m a bit biased because I want to be a pediatrician when I’m older, but I think children are the true gems of the world. I’ve seen a few deliveries in my life, and it’s a moment that not even magic can explain. I can only imagine what it’s like for the parents--to see the baby you’d start a war for if need be. So, here’s my attempt to translate that special love within a headcanon. 
Enjoy and continue to stay safe honey bunnies
Also, remember to thank a (good) mother for being literal superheroes once in awhile. Delivering is no joke!
Warnings: all the wonderful things that come with pushing a baby out of a 3-4in hole
All characters are aged 18+
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Midoryia Izuku:
when you and your husband got to the hospital, the nurses were suprised to find you laughing and your husband muttering 
they soon came to find out he was reciting how to books about delivery
the buff, muscley, #1 hero who scared villains into a crime rate of 2% was wiggling his knees in fear every time you had a contraction
he was running around, calling his friends and family about how he was going to combust
asked you every five minutes if you were ready to push 
“izu, honey, i don’t think it works like that”
“true....but are you ready?”
it was funny
but it stopped being funny after 14 hours of labor, when the contractions got really bad
now you were just snapping at izuku to quiet down otherwise you’d united states smash his face in
him: 😧
the nurses: 👀
he knows you’re in pain but damn 
it’s a relief when you get the epidural 
after that, it was a relatively smooth birth 
it still hurt like hell, but your husband is holding your hand, giving you encouraging kisses
one final push and the baby is out
immediately, the little boy is screaming his head off making his presence known
you let your head fall back with a relieved sigh as your body works to get the placenta out
whiles you do tiny pushes, izuku is in a love-struck daze as he stares at your son
it’s like he has tunnel vision
suddenly, nothing in his life was ever more important than this tiny little human who couldn’t weigh more than his left hand
the nurses hand you your son and you laugh through your happy tears
“it looks like i’ve got two cry-babies to deal with now” you lovingly smile
izuku is on his knees, sobbing, kissing your forehead and rubbing his finger against his child’s cheek
he’s so thankful
he’s so very thankful, he doesn’t even know how to comprehend it
you’re the best hero in his eyes
“he’s so beautiful” he repeats, like a broken record
there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you or his son
he silently makes an oath to do everything in his power to see his family smile with security every day
izuku feels like he finally knows what being #1 truly is
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Bakugo Katsuki:
pregnancy wasn’t easy for you 
having twins wasn’t rare, but it made the process riskier
giving birth is still quite dangerous, like women are superheroes bruh
due to forseen complications, you were scheduled for a c-section 
unfortunately, you’re blood pressure sky-rocketed and you had to deliver your babies two weeks early
on the way to the hospital, your contractions were tearing you apart
during each shake and scream you gave, katsuki would hold your shoulder and let you dig your nails into his arms
he took it without complaint
it was like you were a different person when a contraction hit
you never complained about the pain, but he could tell you wanted it to end with how your head would fall like dead weight
never admits to the few tears that slipped past his cheeks
he never wanted to see you like this again 
when you make it to the hospital, they wheel you into the surgery room and he follows after
is relieved to see that you can no longer feel the contractions
in fact, even with all the IVs in you, you seem a lot better--more alert
he makes his way over to you 
“sorry for the car ride. i think i drooled. i probably looked gross. still do” you joke
he speaks in the softest voice you’ve ever heard, kiss your dry lips
“no baby, you look beauitful” 
and he means it
you do. you’re the most beautiful woman he knows
you feel a lot of pressure as they take the babies out, but once they do, the sounds of your children make you tear up
bakugo is frozen as he watches his babies, one boy one girl, get cleaned up
there’s a softness in the air as the nurses lay the boy on your chest and the girl in katsuki’s arms
your heart explodes with so much love that the heart monitor does a little jump that makes everyone laugh
but katsuki makes a pained expression before lowering himself so that his forehead rests beside your ear
he can’t tell what he’s feeling bc he’s felt love before but this was different
this was so overwhelming that it sent his knees buckling
you use your free hand to smooth down his hair as he cries 
“thank you” is all he’s able to say until the tears are gone
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Todoroki Shouto:
when shouto looks back on one of the happiest days of his life, all he feels is shame and embarrassment 
he was just doing everything wrong that day
no thoughts, head empty
of course you had to go into labor the day he decided to take a tiny job 30 fucking minutes away from the hospital 
he made it to you in 20, he broke several laws to do it
when he gets to the hosptial, he can barely talk 
the nurses had to call you to make sure this crazy man was actually the father of your child
misses the baby floor twice
walks into the wrong room three times bc he forgot how to read
when he finally makes it to your room, he’s fed up with himself 
“what took you so long? the front desk called me, like, ten minutes ago”
“i don’t wanna talk about it”
“are you having an attitude with me right now? when i’m about to deliver your child?”
shouto: ☹️
shutting up was the smartest thing he did that day
when the 15th hour of labor hit and you were gripping your husband, screaming and rocking on your knees for any type of relief, todoroki was nearly begging you to take the drugs 
“sweetheart, please consider the epidural”
“no, shouto. i’m doing this without one”
“why do you want to suffer when technology and modern medicine--”
“todoroki shouto, you give me one more lesson about modern medicine and i’ll rip your quirk right out of you”
“i dont think that’s--”
the nurse finally chimes in: “sir, i mean this in the nicest way possible. shut up”
after 24 grueling hours, you’re pushing
it’s taking everything within shouto not to pass out from the blood, the screaming, and how tight you’re squeezing his hand 
the baby is out and crying her little head off
you’re happy it’s all over and shouto should be too
but he’s going over the past 48hrs and letting it confirm how he’s just not set up to be a father 
he’s almost grateful that you would hold her first bc he doesnt want to screw up more than he already has, but you have a different idea
understanding the emotions and self-doubt reflected on his face, you say 
“shouto, i want you to hold her first”
he’s shocked and starts his stuttering, but the nurse is already on it
“you heard mama, open your arms big guy”
once the nurse helps him find a good hold, todoroki doesnt even notice the tears falling down his cheeks
“look at you,” you sniff. “you’re a natural”
his eyes are wide with child-like wonder and he manages to give you a trembling smile 
“you think so?” you nod and he’s smiling so big, you wanna take a picture. “she’s so beautiful, just like her mother”
he leans down to kiss you 
wonders what he did in his past life to deserve the love he was given the chance to feel today
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mageofseven · 4 years
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Part 3! This is the last part, containing Beel and Belphie's sections below the cut. Please enjoy~
Part 1 | Part 2
Things were peaceful with the pregnancy for a while.
Even in the beginning, when MC was barely showing and faced very little issues, the sixth brother was waiting on her hand and foot
And he almost always had a smile on his face. He was just insanely happy about becoming a dad, about having a baby with MC.
He handled every thing more or less with stride.
When she started showing and the woman felt self-conscious about the fact that she was losing her figure, he'd hold her close and kiss her, telling how beautiful she was, that the belly she was growing made her no less so. In fact, it made her even more beautiful because to him, what her body was doing was a beautiful thing: growing and carrying his child, something that meant the world to him.
Yeah, he was a bit anxious about how things would go since Lucifer told them the pregnancy could become dangerous for her, but he was still truly happy for the two of them to become parents.
Unlike his siblings in the other timelines, Beel had no fears about how he'll be as a dad; he knew he had so much love to give their son or daughter and was ready to give it.
It wasn't until MC's fourth month when some concerns were raised.
MC's belly had grew at an unusual rate. Despite just entering her fourth month, her belly was roughly the size of what it should be in her sixth or even seventh month of pregnancy, according to Satan.
Beel didn't really know anything specific about pregnancy so he didn't see it as anything to worry about. I mean, he was the Avatar of Gluttony and this was his baby. MC developed quite the appetite because of this and was eating at least twice more than she used to. Surely that's all this was? And if so, the man couldn't see it as anything dangerous, at least.
Still, MC's anxiety grew over it, causing him talk over it more with the blonde to figure out if there was anything he could do for her.
And so the time came; the rune! Satan drew the rune over the human's belly to collect the data they needed.
After a minute or two of absorbing the data, the blonde raised an eyebrow.
"What is it?" MC asked.
"It... well, I suppose for a start, Beel is correct that his sin is part of the reason for the growth spurt." Satan began. "But only partly."
Beel leaned towards his brother, listening closely.
"However, there are some more difficult elements at play here." The fourth brother continued. "The most pressing being... the number."
"I... what?" The woman stared at the demon in front of her.
"It seems you two are having twins. Two girls, in fact."
Beel immediately pulled MC in for a hug. The woman cried heavy tears, but they were paired with a smile. The big guy teared up as well.
"Twins. Beely, we're having two little girls." She said from inside his arms.
"I know." The man pulled back and gave her a sweet kiss before laying both hands on her belly. "Our little girls--"
"I hate to interrupt," The Avatar of Wrath said, but of course, did so anyway. "But... do either of you realize the danger this poses to any degree?"
Beel turned back to his brother, furrowing his brow.
Satan sighed.
"Beel... one baby was going to be rough on her body, but two?" He pointed out. "Honestly Beel, she'll likely be eating at least as much as you, if not more, and that still might not be enough for her body. It's manageable now, but once she enters the last trimester, it'll be very difficult to keep two gluttony demon children fed as well as the mother they're siphoning nutrition off of faster than she can get it."
Basically, MC was going to be eating an extreme amount of food and still literally be starving. That's how Beel understood it at least.
The man looked at his girlfriend and frowned in worry. He hated feeling hungry and didn't wish that on his Muffin, but knew she'll end up feeling even worse than that.
"Is there anything I can do for her now?" The redhead asked.
"Right now... all we can do is stock up and hope for the best." The blonde answered. "Lucifer should probably be informed so things can be planned out."
And so he did. He walked his girlfriend to their bedroom so she could lie down for a bit while he went to Lucifer's study to inform him. The older brother was instantly stressed out, but let out a sigh and told him that he'll handle it.
Lucifer did warn Beel though that he probably won't be able to eat as much as he's used to because of this. The Avatar of Gluttony only nodded. If he had to go hungry to keep MC fed and alive then so be it. It was worth it to him.
As the months went by, Satan's predictions were proven true. By half way through her seventh month, MC was bedridden. Her belly had grown so big that she literally could not get out of bed on her own.
The woman was never alone though. She constantly had either Beel or Belphie or both with her to bring her food or carry her to the bathroom or cuddle her so she didn't get lonely.
What was equally as worrisome as her gravid boulder of a belly was the rest of her. The woman had lost so much weight in her thighs, arms, and face that she looked like she's been starved for years.
Each touch of Beel's was extra gentle because his girlfriend looked so fragile like this. He was afraid to hurt her even more, especially because of their girls' kicks.
The twins had inherited their daddy's strength. Occasionally, one or both of them would kick their mama a bit too hard, causing a bruise to form on her belly.
This led to lots of belly time. Beel would kiss and rub his Muffin's belly while talking to his girls, telling them how loved they are, but how they need to be more gentle with their mama.
Despite how difficult the situation was, both Beel and MC kept positive, smiling through it. After all, this was all for their little girls so of course it was worth it.
Good End:
Oh this poor woman. It took ten months of pregnancy, being a full month over due, but her twins were finally ready to come out into the world and meet their parents.
It was a long twelve hours for the couple; after all, these were two very big, overdue demon babies of gluttony being pushed out by a mom they've seriously weakened for months now. Yet despite the odds, both Mama and babies made it out okay.
Beel kissed his girlfriend's head and watched as she fed their girls. Their girls. This was really happening. Beel was a daddy. His sweet Muffin was a mama and those sweet girls feeding from her chest were their daughters, sporting his hair, eye color, horns, even delicate versions of his wings, but still had all of their mother's facial features. They were identical, unlike him and Belphie, but the demon truly hoped the two could forge just as strong of a bond together as he had with his twin.
When the two were done drinking, Beel took the one from MC's left arm and brought her into his own. Just then, a knock came to the door and it clicked open to reveal Belphie, who Beel texted a few minutes ago; he wanted his twin to be the very first one to see his daughters.
The couple smiled at him.
"Belphie, come see them." MC invited him to come closer.
The seventh brother approached the bed and gave a small smile.
"So... whose who?"
MC looked up to Beel, letting her boyfriend introduce them. The man smiled.
"This is Arsenia." The redhead stared down at the little girl in his arms, kissing her head before looking to the one in MC's arms. "And right there is Anais."
The three talked for a bit and watched the babies before MC needed to sleep. Beel laid the twins in their cribs before giving his Muffin a quick kiss on her head.
"Sweet dreams, Muffin. Thank you for everything." He smiled.
Bad End:
Twelve hours. Twelve hours of labor that seemed like it was going no where. The first baby was barely even crowning after all this time and MC was losing what remained of her strength. The woman honestly didn't know how much more she could take.
Beel felt so helpless as he watched her struggle. He was so hyperfocused on his Muffin that he hadn't even thought of food once during these twelve hours and even a non gluttony demon would be getting hungry right then.
It took another hour, but MC eventually got the head out and then the shoulders. But that was it. That was as far as she made it. She had lost the last of her strength and just... faded away at that moment. Beel couldn't accept it at first and just kept calling her name and shaking her shoulder, begging her to wake up. But she didn't. The man let out a howl of pain before collapsing on his knees in sobs. He cried for a minute before remembering his girls.
Beel quickly shot up and freed the first baby, Arsenia, from her mother's body. Anais... Anais, he never got to save. They never knew it, but the cord had been wrapped around her neck for most of the labor and she left them before even MC did.
And just like that, the Avatar of Gluttony lost his Muffin and one of his daughters. As he held tightly to Arsenia though, he vowed that he would never, ever let any harm come to her.
Beel was a loving, but fiercely protective father. His daughter handled it in stride for the first twelve years of her life, but after that, grew to really resent him. He never let her truly live her life. By fifteen, she actually ran away to the Human realm in search of what was left of her mother's side of the family, leaving a note saying that she couldn't handle him suffocating her anymore. Arsenia had succeeded in finding her grandma and Lucifer convinced Beel to just let her be for a few days. Then he came to get her and the two had a heart to heart talk.
The man didn't know how he could grow to let go more; all he knew was his fear. This was his daughter. His worse nightmare was losing her just like he did with MC and Anais. But he knew if he didn't learn then he was just going to lose her in another way. The man just didn't know what to do anymore. Not without MC, who kept him grounded. Not without MC, who he sees everytime he looks at his daughter's face. And so he was stuck feeling desperate and lost and just wanting his daughter to understand him and be happy.
After the two's three month fight, Belphie was dedicated to taking care of MC.
He was an ass to her when he found out of she was pregnant and he knew it, never even denied it, but it came from a place of fear and love for his human.
Seeing just how important this baby was to her though... it was enough for him to bury his fear deep inside of himself for her. He had to; she needed him and he was not going to abandon her again.
Her second trimester was... well, let's just say he stepped in to support her at just the right time.
MC was always so exhausted and went through her days in almost a daze.
She even passed out at the dinner table one evening, face falling straight onto her plate.
Normally, the Avatar of Sloth would find this funny, but the pregnancy had him on edge.
She woke up fairly easily though. Just a couple shakes of her shoulder and the woman was lifting her head, wondering why there was mashed potatoes in her hair.
That was enough for him though. Belphie picked his girlfriend up and carried her to his room. He cleaned the food out of her hair before laying her back on the bed.
"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.
"Don't apologize, Butthead." He said softly, pulling her to his chest.
He knew she couldn't help it. In general, pregnancy could be tiring, but when the baby daddy is the literal Avatar of Sloth? Yeah, that made things harder.
The human fell asleep, barely staying conscious long enough to hear his response.
Belphie leaned in and kissed her forehead.
Even after such an early bed time, MC didn't wake up in the morning. Or the afternoon. Belphie was tense as hell, but tried to be patient.
Around 3pm, after sleeping for about twenty hours straight, the man tried shaking his girlfriend awake. But she wouldn't.
Belphie started freaking out and shaking her harder. She still wouldn't wake up.
He had to triple check that she was alive. And she was; the woman still breathed slow, sleepy breaths and had a calm pulse like any sleeping person would.
But she wasn't waking up? Why?
At some point, the younger brother wasn't sure when, but Beel had gotten up and rushed to Lucifer.
The oldest brother put a hand on his youngest brother's shoulder, stopping him from shaking the human anymore.
Belphie instantly shook the oldest off and gave him a glare.
"Stop, she's not waking up!"
"Shaking her is not going to help the situation."
Belphie was frustrated with the Avatar of Pride, but knew he was right. But what else could he do?
Lucifer did most of the talking with Beel after that. The two went back and forth on different things as Belphie simply held his girlfriend close.
Eventually, the two left the room and came back with Satan, book in hand. Belphie growled as the blonde approached the bed.
Satan sighed.
"Enough with that. I believe I know a way to figure out the problem."
And with that, the fourth brother explained step by step everything he was going to do.
The boyfriend scowled, but let the blonde do what he needed to do.
Satan opened his book and laid it on the bed. He gave a glance at the page before pulling down the blanket and raising up the woman's shirt.
Belphie growled again, but stopped as Beel laid a hand on his arm. The man then took a deep breath and just sat up, watching the blonde's movements carefully as he guarded his girlfriend. Yeah, Satan was his brother, but more importantly, that was his girlfriend the blonde was messing with. Whatever he does, he better be gentle.
The three other men watched as the Avatar of Wrath drew a rune around MC's navel. The woman stirred, making some noises in her sleep, but didn't awake.
When the blonde finished the rune, it glowed a very bright purple. The fourth brother raised an eyebrow at this.
"It's... not supposed to do that." The blonde picked up his book, rereading the passage once more.
"What did you do?" Belphie immediately jumps to the worse scenarios.
Satan waved off his words and continued to read the passage.
"It's suppose to glow green since I am the rune's scripter... however, it shows itself in your color."
The Avatar of Sloth didn't say a word; he didn't understand what was going on. He looked down at his human, whose sleep had turned a bit restless since the other man drew the rune on her.
The fourth brother finally sat down the book and reached out to lay his hand on the rune
...and was immediately shocked.
Satan cursed and pulled his hand towards his chest.
"What happened?" Lucifer asked.
The fourth brother just shook his head and breathed for a minute in order to keep calm.
"It... I seemed to be locked out." The blonde answered in a controlled voice.
"What do you mean, you're locked--"
"It means I don't have control over the rune!" The Avatar of Wrath snapped at the oldest before taking a deep breath. "Belphie, you do it."
"Do what?"
"Just put your hand on the rune; it'll do the rest."
Belphie stared at his brother for a minute before slowly laying his hand on MC's belly, right above the rune.
Suddenly, his eyes glowed as his brain was flooded with information.
Okay, first off, he learned the rune was purple because of the baby. As soon as they sensed the rune intruding on their safe place, the baby locked Satan out... apparently to protect themselves and their mother. Belphie only has access because they seem to trust him.
It also seemed that the baby has inherited their dad's protective instincts. Belphie approves.
That's not the only thing they got from him though.
The reason MC has been out cold for past twenty hours is because they inherited their dad's miasma powers, the ability that he uses with his aura to weaken people and put them to sleep
The very same power he used the night he killed MC.
Belphie wanted to curse, to scream, to aim all his anger at the little being doing this to her
But then he discovered why.
The baby... they sensed their mama's great distress, something MC had been trying so hard to hide from him.
It all went back to the first revelation; the baby was protective of their mother. They weren't just protecting her from outside forces, but from herself too.
Lastly, he learned learned that there was no single baby; there was two
Twins. A boy and a girl.
Belphie pried away his hand so quickly that he almost fell off of the bed. If it wasn't for Beel being right behind him and catching him, he would have.
"What is it?" His twin asked.
Oh dear devil, where should he even start? The seventh brother didn't even know if he wanted to say anything; he just wanted time to let it all sit within him, but he had three pairs of eyes trained on him at the moment.
Belphie glanced down at MC's sleeping face and a fresh wave of guilt washed over him. She was essentially being drugged into sleep by his kids. Once again, this was his fault.
Sensing how overwhelmed his twin was, Beel turned to Lucifer and said some things that the younger twin didn't even try to hear before the oldest and the blonde left the room, leaving the twins alone.
Belphie sat with his knees to his chest and hid his face in his arms.
Beel came up and hugged his brother.
"It's my fault..." Belphie's voice cracked.
The younger twin told the redhead everything, who listened patiently to all of it.
Beel's arms tightened around his brother.
"You know she wouldn't blame you for it." Beel told him.
"Doesn't change the fact that it's my fault..."
The twins talked together for a little over an hour. After that, Belphie fell asleep next to MC and Beel left to update Lucifer.
The conclusion? Wait. All they could do for now is wait. Satan looked into some human-safe potions that would be strong enough to wake MC if she took too long, but otherwise, waiting is all they could do.
Two days later, MC woke up in severe need of water. Beel ran to go get some for her as Belphie held her close, relief washing over him.
A few bottles of water later, MC asked what happened.
Belphie didn't know what to say. Or rather... how to tell her.
But he did. He admitted everything with a heavy heart and actually apologized to her.
Wide eyed, his girlfriend pulled him in for a hug.
"Hey... none of that." She told him. "I'm fine, I-- it's okay."
The two laid there and cuddled for a while. Belphie laid with his head on her chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath (and being incredibly grateful for each one) as his girlfriend stroked his hair.
"So...twins?" She asked softly. "How...how do you feel about that?"
Belphie let out a sigh. How could she lay there and worry about him despite the situation she was in?
It didn't help that the demon honestly had no clue to how to answer that. How did he feel about any of this now?
He hated all of this in the beginning and he resented this baby for even existing. Since his experience with the rune and getting the chance to understand the babies inside of her... he really didn't know.
They seemed... anxious and overall just wanted to protect their mother. That was no different from Belphie himself.
His twins just... devil, he could feel his heart softening for them as he thinks over everything.
He didn't resent them anymore, but how did he feel about them? About there being two of them?
Honestly, it sounded like a hassle. Even once this whole pregnancy is done with, MC and him will have twice the responsibility; he was exhausted just thinking about it.
Still, he accepted it all.
"Dummy, you shouldn't be worrying about what I think." Belphie shook his head. "...How do you feel about it?"
"A bit... scared." She admitted. "I don't want you to get overwhelmed again and... and leave me."
Belphie sat up and stared down at her.
"I'm not leaving you. Ever." He said firmly. "I know I was a dick in the beginning, but I'm staying with you. Period."
MC looked away.
"Y-Yeah, but..."
Devil, he had to keep her stress levels down or their twins are gonna drug her again. The demon leaned in and kissed his girlfriend before laying his head back down on her chest.
"I love you, Butthead." He mumbled. "I'm not leaving you or our kids so stop worrying."
He could feel her body relax underneath him.
Months went by with very little issues. She went through somedays with a really froggy mind and that was concerning on it's own because she was extra clumsy like this, tripping over furniture and starting little fires in the kitchen.
Belphie and Beel were always hovering around her because of this, ready to catch her when she tripped. They also took over her cooking duty and took turns. MC felt bad and said she should be contributing more, but Belphie would always silence her with a kiss and tell her she's contributing enough by carrying his little gremlins.
This made her smile because she knew he was joking. If he was able to joke about them like that then there must be affection for them underneath it all. And she was right.
Her coma-like sleeps were rare but they did happen twice more in her pregnancy. Luckily between Belphie and Beel, they were able to keep her stress down enough to where it usually wasn't an issue.
Good End:
MC had woken him up in the middle of the night. Her contractions started while she was asleep and woke her up when they got too strong for her to sleep through. Belphie woke up to her crying and clinging to him.
From 3am to 9am, a long six hours, MC labored hard till she pushed both twins out. Their son had his dad's dark hair while their daughter had MC's hair. Both had Belphie's purple eyes though. Their daughter had their dad’s horns while their son had their dad’s tail.
MC held their son close to her chest as Belphie held his daughter. He stared down at the little girl, who lightly squirmed in his arms and let out soft cries.
He looked over to his girlfriend, just to notice that he himself had been crying as he watched his daughter. The demon looked away, blushing. After a moment, he spoke.
"I know we really didn't talk about this beforehand... but I want to name her Lilith."
His girlfriend gave him a smile.
"Of course."
The two discussed it for a few minutes and decided to name their son Judas.
Bad End:
Things fell apart early in MC's eighth month. The woman suddenly just collapsed where she stood, seconds after whispering Belphie's name and trying to reach out to him. The man caught her before she hit the floor. She had suddenly fallen into one of her comas. But why? He thought his girlfriend was okay, but apparently she had been bottling some feelings up. She would have had to have been or otherwise their children wouldn't be doing this to her.
It was three days later that Belphie woke up in the night to feel that the bed was wet. Very wet. MC's water broke! She was still in her coma though so how did this work?? Even with the contractions, could she birth the twins if he she wasn't awake to push?? Belphie quickly woke up Beel who in turn rushed to Lucifer. The oldest called a doctor, who had Belphie stay outside of the room.
The youngest brother paced back and forth in the hallway, cussing, and overall more awake then he has been all of his demon life.
In the end... MC didn't make it. But the twins did. The twins survived even when his girlfriend didn't and that fact destroyed him.
For the first two years of their life, Belphie had absolutely nothing to do with his kids; Beel raised them for him. It wasn't because of what you might think. Belphie didn't resent his kids or blame them for their mother's death like he thought he would. Belphie was drowning in self-hatred because it was his fault. He believed this with every fiber of his being. He couldn't even look at his children, especially Lilith, who he saw both MC and his sister within her whenever their eyes met.
Eventually, he got his shit together, at least somewhat. He always needed help though so Lilith and Judas were raise by both their father and their Uncle Beel. Belphie was pretty laid back as a father so between him and Beel, the kids had the freedom to do just about anything. However, they grew to be a bit bratty. Good hearted, but bratty. Any time anyone other than he or Beel tried to discipline them or said anything awful to his kids, Belphie was ready to murder a bitch and slowly at that; it was a lot easier to set this man off now as a parent. Luckily, Beel was always able to drag him away and calm him down.
Those around them were always put on edge by the Avatar of Sloth's presence because of this; even the other brothers weren't sure how to interact with him somedays. Still, his kids were safe and between himself and Beel, they never went without anything. They grew up loved and protected... just like MC wanted.
He sometimes got into these depressive moods when he thought of her and couldn't leave his bed. At first, Beel would try to occupy the kids elsewhere so he could have his space and the twins didn't have to see their daddy like that. One day though, when they were five, they snuck away and into the attic room that he hid in. Wordless, the two just climbed into bed with him and he held them close to his chest.
As much as he missed MC... he loved his kids and moments like that reminded him just how important they are to him. There was once a time where he told himself that if he had to choose between MC and their kids, he wouldn't hesitate to choose her; he simply couldn't imagine how he could care about anyone as strongly as he does her. Now that they're here though, he doesn't have to imagine it; it's his reality and though he missed MC with every fiber of his being, he wouldn't trade his children for anything in the three realms.
Part 1 | Part 2
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Biology doesn't matter, love does
BAU!Reader x spencer
Summary: So this is kinda like Link and Amelia situations from greys. Where the reader thought she was early in her pregnancy but then was told some news and Spencer and her go through some stuff but in the end fluff, haha lol
a/n: again this is me watching greys and criminal minds way too much haha. Hope you enjoy this drama filled Criminal minds tic.
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As you and Spence walked into the bullpen you just spoke out your lovely thoughts. I mean it was a pretty wack thought since you are far in your pregnancy and well, you knew Spencer would either freak out, or for a change laugh, but you knew that puppy dog eyed genius, he would worry.  The thought was going to jump out of nowhere, so you felt it was best to just speak about it.
“How late is too late to get an ultrasound.” you asked Spencer as he just processed what you said. “Wait what?” he said as you nodded and walked along as he kept the same expression when you reached the others. “Well there's the answer to my question.” you said arriving at your desk and having morgan overhear your conversation.
“Question to what baby mama?” morgan said. “Nothing.” you said sitting on your chair.
“You haven't gotten an ultrasound?!” Spencer finally broke as he got his cell phone out and Morgan just looked at you in shock with a laugh.
“Woah baby mama, you haven't gotten an ultrasound?” he said as you placed your hand on your head regretting ever speaking your thoughts.
Honestly the only reason you didn't get it was one, you were a pretty busy woman, and well, to be honest it never crossed your mind. I know i know, that sounds horrible, but i mean you weren't really trained for this part of your job, as a human being. But then again you lacked common sense when it came to motherhood. As you were working on your paper work from passed cases, Spencer was still on the phone, with whoever he was talking to.
“Okay yes, thank you so much, goodbye.” Spencer said after a while as he smiled at you.
“I made you an appointment, so you have to go alright?” he said as you gave him a half smile.
“I will go, as long as you go with me?” you asked as you made him blush.
“That I can agree to, it's today at lunch…” he said as you baffled.
“What.. I just wanted to take a nap, but I guess I could nap while I wait.” you said as spence just shook his head playfully, enjoying the way the hormones had taken over his girlfriends body. As lunch hit, you made sure to tell hotch about your whereabouts and headed over to Spencer who was waiting for you at his car.
“You were serious about this huh?” you asked as he nodded slightly.
“Well yeah i mean i should be worried about them and i'm surprised you didn't mention this before, you tell me everything, like that one time you got a mosquito bite.” he said as you giggled.
“Well, I needed to know i wasn't going to die, and my boyfriend happens to be somewhat of a genius, so i had to ask you, and I'm going now, aren't I?” you said as he smiled and nodded.
Becoming a mother was a surprise for you and Spence, you two had just started dating and you had told him you wanted to take things slow. Now here you are having a baby with your boyfriend of 5 months. Yeah 5 months. Your relationship was pretty slow, I mean you two have been friends for years but you didn't know you would be falling for one another, but when Spencer had admitted his feelings to you it was unreal, but you knew that was your chance to tell him how you felt as well. As your name was called you walked into the room and got set up so the OB could check you up and ask questions, you know the usual. She was showing you guys the side profile of your kid. To Spencer this was a moment of new beginning, I mean he's having a baby with a girl he's always loved, and well he couldn't be more happy. You were over the moon when you told Spencer, at first you were a little scared, but once Spencer knew he had been there for you through everything, and you were grateful for that.
“Do you want to find out the gender?” the OB asked as you two looked at one another.
“What do you think?” Spencer asked as you were thinking, and you knew the suspense was killing him so you wanted to find out.
“We should find out.” you said as he nodded with a smile as the OB did her searching and smiled.
“Well this is a healthy baby girl.” she said as you two looked at one another in excitement about having a girl, you two didn't really mind at all what the gender was but the team knew whatever the baby is, they will be so smart they'll be in college by the time they get to kindergarten.
The OB wanted to look some more to see how far developed you were and you let her do her job, but then you being a profiler saw the way she flipped back and forth and seeing very closely the developments of your baby.
“You said you're 20 weeks?” she asked looking back at you as you nodded quite confused.
“Yeah I am.” you said as Spencer held your hand and you looked back at him with a smile.
“Well you seem to be 24 weeks.” she said as your eyebrows knitted.
“Uh are you-are you sure?” you asked as she nodded and you knew she wouldn't lie, she spent years studying this type of stuff.
“Yeah you are.” she said leaving you with a couple thoughts.
“Oh god.” you said as Spencer looked at you in quite confusion.
You were thinking back to everything, i mean you and your ex were having sex near the end of your marriage, but was it that possible that he was the father? He never wanted kids though, so how could that even be possible. As you sat on the car seat in silence, Spencer had parked the car in the office parking lot and looked at you wondering what the “oh god” was.
“Is everything okay?” he asked as you were brought back into reality facing Spencer.
“Yeah everything is fine, why?” you asked about covering up your lie.
“Well you were surprised at how far you are, is that something bad?” he asked as you shook your head.
“No that's a good thing, it's just that, it's starting to feel real.” you said as he nodded and held your hand.
“Hey don't worry about it, i know you're going to be amazing.” he said as you smiled.
You both had got out of the car and ended up getting called into a case. you were still okay to travel, so you went along with the team just not out in the field, beside going to the coroners to check on the dead victims. This case was a little too much, I mean the unsub was targeting pregnant women or women who were trying to conceive so you were strictly told by hotch to stay inside at all times and to not be alone when going outside.
During this case you had been avoiding spencer, but you knew this secret of yours had to come out somehow and some way. As were looking at one of the victims, jj had joined you, she had also noticed a slight change in attitude.
“Hey, what have you got?” she asked as you were looking very closely at the victim.
“I mean beside the obvious attempts at a c-section and failure to keep the baby alive, i would have to say this is overkill. Same with the other women who were trying to conceive, genitalia was brutally stabbed.” you said as she gave you a half smile.
“Jj why are you smiling.” you asked goofy as she shook her head.
“No nothing, it's just well one, you are looking at women who were brutally killed and two I want to know if everythings alright?” she asked as you sighed.
“Well for one i am scared and two I am pregnant and I have no idea who the father is.” you said bluntly as she reacted with shock.
You had explained to her that you and your ex had sex before your divorce, as a last harrah, and well a month later you had started dating spencer and lets just say things got hot, and now you were stuck with the unknown father of your child.
“Have you told him?” she asked as you shook your head and started to cry.
“No..i haven't, i'm scared.” you said as she had given you a hug.
“Look Spencer is reasonable, he will understand,” she said as you nodded.
As you left the coroner's office you had seen Spencer with his bulletin boards marking up maps. Hotch had asked everyone to take a break once you got in and Spencer looked for you hoping you would talk to him.
“Hey do you wanna grab lunch?” he asked as you nodded and followed him to a conference room that was full of files as he brought pizza and a couple of drinks. You giggled at the sight of your boyfriend who would literally die to take care of you, but the thought that he might not be the father broke you. “I have to tell you something.” you said as he looked up at you wondering what this was about. “What is it?” he asked as he scrunched his nose.
“You might not be the father.” you said as silence grew thicker than fog. You knew he would either be mad or just something related to mad. You understood if he was going to be mad because you were scared and well emotions were allowed.
“What do you mean “might not be”?” he said, breaking the silence as you saw his emotion turn to sad. “My ex, Dan...we had some, you know, before we got a divorce.” you said as he nodded.
“And you're not sure who the dad is?” he asked as you nodded, very shameful. “Yeah, and I want you to know that no test is gonna change the way I feel about you. I love you so much. Biology to me doesn't matter.” you said with tears running down as you wiped them off as he sighed wanting to weigh in. “To me it does y/n i want to know. Dan was in your life once, you don't think he would want to be in your life again, if he knows you're pregnant with his kid?” he said as you nodded. “Those feelings for dan are long gone, that doesn't mean i want him to be in my life if its his, i want us to move on together.” you said as he just stayed lisent.
You got up leaving him and getting back to case, and giving Spencer some space. You felt really shameful, it hurt Spencer seeing you like this, not knowing what to do, but he needed time to think about this.
As you sat looking through more files the next day and figuring out why this unsub was doing this, your little genius was kicking as you groaned a little. You placed your hand on your belly trying to calm her down a little.
“So now you're trying to help me huh.” you spoke to her as she kicked some more.
“Okay okay, tell me why this unsub is getting at pregnant women, or women who are trying to get pregnant.” you said as she kicked some more but that didn't really get you an answer.
As you sat your brain was clicking some more connecting all the pieces like a puzzle and you got it. “Oh my gosh.” you said getting to the conference room where everyone was waddling your way there. “Get garcia on the phone.” you said out of breath as morgan called her and you sat down from your little run that seemed like a mile run.
“Hello, what can I do for you?” she asked as her usual perky self. “I need you to cross check these names of the victims in fertility clinics, and make sure all these women went there sometime last week or this week.” you said as morgan raised his eyebrows at how out of breath you were.
“Did you run over here?” hotch asked as you nodded.
“Yes I did, and little miss genius kinda helped out.” you said as you calmed down as garcia did her magic.
Your team had gotten so close, but there was something missing, you had redone your     profile, but something struck you. So you raised your hand so weirdly.
“What's up y/n?” Rossi asked as you looked at what you did, it was a habit you had in the academy. “Uh sorry, but have we considered that the unsub might be women?” you said as they looked rougly at the evidence on how the unsub left the victims.
“I really doubt that.” spencer said as you nodded and the rest of the team was left shocked at what had just happened.
“Well I mean they look like they are left in funeral-like positions and style of clothing, almost like the lost of a loved one.” you said as Spencer again spoke.
“Loved ones don't do this to person they love.” he said as you nodded looking down again
“y/n is right, the way these women are dressed neatly and placed in like funeral positions i’d say she's a woman.” hotch said as he sternly looked at Spencer as he nodded.
You were moving on trying to get closer to see who this woman was. I mean you were still pretty far away from that, but you knew you'd get close.
“So we said this might be her mother, but what if she had a significant other and these victims are the meaning of what she couldn't have.” you said as jj agreed.
“That could explain how she stabs the genitalia, could be that she also couldn't have kids either and is showing her version of what it's like.” she said as Spencer jumped in.
“I mean it's kinda unlikely,” Spencer said as you scoffed.
“Can you just trust me for like a minute,” you asked as he rolled his eyes.
“I've been doing that.” he said as the room went silent.
You had redelivered your profile, but there was no active moment of the unsub, so you had to just wait. This was the hard part of it. You knew that if you wait someone would lose their wife and their chance of having a child. You then felt a weird feeling in your belly that was unrecognized, you knew this was not normal so you just stood there trying to feel what this feeling was. You groaned some more, getting the attention of rossi.
“Hey you alright?” he asked as you shook your head.
“I'm not sure, it's a weird feeling-ah.” you said as he walked you out to take you to the hospital to make sure you and the baby were alright. You were hoping this was normal. A middle aged women had come in to check you out. She had smiled at you looking at your belly. Rossi was in the room with you and he thought it was weird how she looked at your belly then at you, but he stayed quiet.
“Okay so what you are experiencing is braxton hicks, which is normal.” she said as you nodded.
“Oh okay, how soon can i get out of here.” you asked as she checked.
“In a little i just need to make sure this is correct before you leave.” she said as you nodded.
After she left rossi and you were talking about the encounter and had penelope look her up to see if she was a possible suspect. As he went out to make that phone call you just started talking to her and while rossi and penelope were talking she found out that she had been doctors for all of the victims, and once that phone call ended. She had walked into your room.
Rossi had started running towards your room making sure she didn't place a hand on you.
She came closer and closer to you and you were getting scared at how close she was to you.
“Is everything okay?” you asked as she nodded.
“Yeah, I just wish I had a baby.” she said as you half smiled.
“I'm so sorry about that,” you said hoping she would calm down.
“Yeah you are, but you don't deserve a child.” she said as she grabbed you but once she did rossi was behind her with security. They had surrounded her making sure she had no weapons on her and they took her away and you sat in relief. You were able to get dressed and walk out of the hospital and met up with Rossi in the car.
“You alright?” he asked with a hug. He was kinda a father to you so this was normal. “Yeah i'm alright, i'm thankful you were there.” you said as he smiled. “How bambina?” he asked as you placed your hands on your belly. “She's fine, kinda scared, but she's a badass.” you said with a laugh.
“I'm not the type to mingle, but you know Spencer will love you no matter what right? Even if you do the paternity test.” he said as you nodded. ���I know rossi, but i did do the paternity test,” you said as his eyes grew wide. “Good news or bad?” he asked as you smiled happily.
“Good.” you said as he smiled taking you back to the pd where everyone was waiting for you two.
They all asked how you were doing and you just told them it was a false alarm and it was a normal thing that happened in the pregnancy. So you all started packing and took off home.
As you got to your apartment, you had sat on your couch resting your legs. You were starting to take a nap until there was a knock at the door. You got up to open only to reveal Spencer with a sorry look, you smiled that he had shown up.
“I'm sorry, I don't care if she's not mine, I care that you and her are healthy and are in my life. I love you so much, both of you, and I don't want to force myself to be alone, when I have you two in my life.” he said as you opened the door for him to come in.
“I mean today you seemed to express the way you feel.” you said as he shook his head again.
“I know It took me a while to come around, but i wanna spend this life happy with the both of you, even if im not her father.” he said as your eyes spilled tears. He had gotten close to you and wiped your tears away.
“Thank you for this, but I did the test and I got the results.” you said as his eyes started to water too.
“She's yours spence.” you said showing him the results as he read it and he was smiling and he took you in his embrace at what he just heard.
“She's mine.” he said with tears in his eyes and a happy smile.
“Yeah she is.” you said as he got down to your belly kissing it as you played with his hair.
With this happy news you and spencer were over the moon. Even if she wasn't his he knew he would love and be there for her no matter what as long as he had you and your little bean.
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Oh my goodness those Ignis mpreg headcanons were so well written! I really enjoyed them they were really cute, if ya don’t mind me asking could you do Prompto next? I’ll leave all the details up to you but plz give us more uwu
Mpreg Prompto (Final Fantasy 15 Headcanons)
Omg ☺️ I’m glad you liked the Iggy one. Honestly While making the Ignis one, I was thinking about doing a Prompto Mpreg headcanon but I didn’t think someone would ask for a Prompto one.
But I will give the the people what they want!! PROMPTO MPREG!! Expect this to be very silly 🙃
Idk where this takes place, I’ll leave it to your imagination ;) just know that no ones dead! Yay everyone lives!!
One more thing: this does contain Mpreg (Male Pregnancy. Don’t like? Don’t read! Constructive feedback is welcome!)

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• He’s a lot of things (being adorable cinnamon roll is one 🥰) but stupid isn’t one of them.
• he’ll noticed 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 how he’s gaining weight and starts to become more insecure (someone hug him pls)
Minor Warning: mentions of eating disorder habits.
• he starts to exercise more but he pushes himself a little to far of what people consider “Normal” and stops eating around people. That caught Ignis’s eye.
• Ignis motherly instincts kick in (Noct ain’t his only kid ya know) he confronts Prompto’s lack of appetite but Prompto doubles down.
• Ignis asks Noctis to, as his Best Friend, To help Prompto. Noctis goes to talk to his Best Friend.
•Noct tries to talk to Prompto about his excessive exercise and seemingly lack of appetite but Noctis’s awkwardness and his unintentional nonchalant attitude, doesn’t help and Prompto just ignores his friends concerns.
•however, one day Prompto passes out while running and is rushed to the hospital.
•it’s only then, he’s given the shocking news; He’s Pregnant! Not just that, he’s already a month Pregnant!
•he’s in shock and disbelief at first. How could that happ-
•oh yeah he had sex (duh)
•to make a long story short, Prompto was at a party, met someone, was getting along great and...well yeah you guess the rest xD (tbh I’m not comfortable or good at describing sex scenes, so I’m not gonna torture you guys 😅)
•after that, Prompto never saw (or heard) from them again.
•Gladio was like “Welp, it least you got laid!”
• meanwhile Noctis and Ignis: 👨‍🦯👨‍🦯
•Now, in a hospital bed, with the news that he’s Pregnant, Prompto feels alone, confused and scared. So he, reluctantly, turns to his friends for help.
•Noctis jaw was on the floor, he wanted it to be a joke. It wasn’t a joke.
•Gladio was: 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉
•Ignis, being the most calmest and levelheaded, tells Prompto to try to contact the baby’s other parent (can you tell I’m trying to be gender neutral? What can I say I love my he’s, she’s, and they’s 🥰)
•this, however, proves to be a colossal failure, since Prompto doesn’t even remember their name!
•Out of stress Prompto begins to cry :’(
• Noctis finally sees the seriousness of the situation, promises his best friend to help him and be there for him.
•Ignis and Gladio as well! Yay Grandma and Grandpa!...I mean Uncles!!!
•One Month: Prompto begun to eat correctly again. He’s lucky that the baby wasn’t harmed.
•this poor boy...gets sick a lot!!
•morning sickness is his worst enemy!!!
• “Now I know what my Mom went through...”
• he has the most RANDOM cravings...poor Ignis.
•he has to make the weirdest shit for Prompto!
•it least he’s eating it, so it’s worth it...kinda.
•Noctis is very protective of his friend. He knows people can be... judge mental.
•if anyone gives Prompto weird looks or glares.
•Oh Hell No!
•Noctis ain’t having none of it!!
•he’ll glare at them back! “What? What the hell are you staring at?!”
•He almost fought someone.
•Gladio had to stop him, he’s making Prompto cry (and that shit ain’t acceptable)
•Ignis just sighs. (Being a single mother is hard guys)
• Second Month: Prompto’s belly keeps gets bigger. He proud and nervous. He feels like he’s getting fat.
•The Doctor assures him that he’s not getting fat, he’s womb is getting bigger, which means the baby is growing fine.
•plus his friends are the best support system!!!
•lris gets him baby clothes, baby toys, etc.
•you better believe he’s taking pics of his baby bump.
•not just because it’s adorable, but because he wants to document it! He wants to scrapbook it!! It’s one of his biggest projects and he wants it to be perfect!
•Third Month: he has to buy new clothes ;-; he’s already outgrowing the ones he has!
• Prompto’s insecurity: 📈📈📈
•Noctis still tries to fight ANYONE who even looks at Prompto.
•Even Gladio gets annoyed with Noct fighting people and arguing with security to not kick them out.
•”Noct stop trying to fight people or your getting nothing but vegetables!!!”
•oh and you just know Prompto is gonna buy some Chocobo plushies, he’s kid is gonna love Chocobo’s as much as he does!
•55% of the baby supplies is Chocobo related.
•Fouth Month: This is it. He finds out the baby’s gender!
•it takes a while cuz the baby was an awkward position.
•”poor little guy, he must feel uncomfortable as much as I do.”
•”she’s actually a girl, Prompto. Congrats it’s a Girl!”
•”AAHAHAAHAH! IT’S A GIRL!” lris had to scream that where Noctis, Gladio and “I haven’t had my Coffee yet” Ignis could hear.
•that’s how they celebrate the announcement of the baby’s gender.
•Noct wouldn’t admit it but he’s really excited to be an Uncle.
•Gladio and Ignis as well.
•however, Prompto does not have much experience with taking care of Babies, so he starts practicing.
•for the next couple months, he training to take care of baby.
•he gets better but he fears he won’t be a good father (or mother) to his unborn Daughter.
•he doesn’t want her to feel what he felt growing up; loneliness.
•he promises her that he’ll never let her feel alone. He wants her feel loved and safe.
Eight Months: She’s already kicking. Literally!
•Seriously, She’s the most active baby the Doctor’s ever seen!
•let’s hope she won’t be too energetic....
•lris decides to make a baby shower for Prompto. The plan is simple:
•Ignis makes the food. (So many new Recipeh’s)
•Noctis keeps Prompto distracted. It’s not that hard as it sounds, he takes Prompto to a Chocobo farm!
•all tho, Prompto can’t ride the Chocobros cause he might fall and hurt himself and his unborn daughter, but he’s really enjoying himself. The plan is going smoothly.
•meanwhile Gladio decorates with the material he’s given because Iris doesn’t trust him to bring his own.
•it’s small and not many people came but hey! It’s the thought that that counts.
•Noct gets a text to bring Prompto to the party. The plan is going great!
•Prompto was so moved by all the hard work and the effort his friends made, that he balled his eyes out.
•it went great! They eaten the delicious food (THATS IT! GRANDMA IGNIS ACTIVITY!)
•the gifts were adorable ☺️
•Noct’s gift (note: lris had to drag Noct to a baby store, so she and Noct could get a gift. Much to Noct’s embarrassment) was Rare Black Chocobo plush!
•it was so cute! (In a dark way)
•Gladio’s was an adorable baby book. (He would have gotten a book about Chocobos but they didn’t have any ;-;)
•Ignis’s was a strange one. It was a coffee maker.
•”Iggy...why would I need this l?”
•”Cause your gonna be up all night.”
•believe me. Ignis knows all to well.
•lris’s gift was an Moogle Plush.
•It went amazing! (Prompto got to take some left overs home)
•Nine Month: The last month. The doctor was put Prompto on bed rest. Don’t walk around too much, try to stay hydrated.
•Noctis has to come over to look after Prompto during the last days of his Pregnancy.
•to say Prompto is nervous would be an understatement!!
•he’s sooo scared to feel what labor is like. He knows it’s extremely painful. Yeah he’s having a c-section but....
•he wouldn’t have to wait long...
•during the night, Prompto was having a hard time sleeping, due to some back pain (you know where this is going...)
•trying to get up, Prompto feels something wet.
•”what I was drea-“
•”Prompto...did your water break?!”
•”I-I don’t know!!”
•unsure what to do, Noct (panicking) calls Ignis.
•”Noct, how about you call the midwife?” Said Ignis calmly. (Let me know if you got that joke 😉)
•Noct calls the midwife, she tell him to bring Prompto to the hospital.
•(weeeeeeeeee wooooooooooo 🚑)
•They figure out pretty quickly that, the baby is coming NOW!
•poor Noct, sitting in the waiting room with a pajama top on and unclean pants (no shoes btw) hoping that it would go well and nothing happen to Prompto and his niece.
•after for what seems like forever, A nurse comes out with a small bundle in his arms.
•”He wanted you to hold her.”
•Noct was stunned. In his arms with Prompto’s baby girl!
•and she was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen!
•this tiny little thing, has his blond hair, blue eyes, even his freckles! She was the cutest thing ever!!
•Noct even shed a tear. He’s definitely not telling anyone about that.
30 Minutes Earlier
•Prompto just woken up. He passed out after he heard her cries.
•now, waking up; he wants to see his baby girl.
•once he sees her again, he basically falls in love all over again.
•Crying while her eyes were looking at his.
•”Hi there...nice to meet you.”
•She cooed in response. OMG.
•everyone else fell in love with her too.
•”She’s Adorable.”
•”hard to believe she’ll grow up so big.”
•she was basically welcome with open arms.
•over the years, shes basically a mini version of Prompto with a bit of a shy streak.
•he takes so.many.pics that she becomes camera shy.
•She LOVES chocobos and love to ride them with her Daddy ^^
•Noct is basically her second favorite person. She’s almost always falling asleep on him. He’s not complaining tho.
•btw, that Black Chocobo toy? It’s her absolute favorite.
•Ignis has to be her third favorite.
•she always refers to him as Mama Iggy. Much to Iggy’s embarrassment.
•She likes helping him cook. She’s a little mini helper and even passes out food. Ignis greatly appreciates the help.
•Gladio gives the best piggy back rides!
•she helps him a little with his exercise.
•Prompto and his Daughter are the closest you’ll ever see.
•she’s his rock and he’s her Father.
•When he finds out his origins and his “Father” he doubt downs to make sure he’s never like him. Period.
•After Noct disappears, She’s helps him get ready for Noctis’s eventual return.
•while getting stronger herself.
•When Noctis returns (and brings back the light) he’s shocked and happy to see that Prompto’s Daughter, has not changed much (besides age)
•she now helps around the Citadel.
•Prompto? Well
•Prompto is truly great full for having his daughter in his life.
•”Hey D/N?”
•”Yeah Dad?”
•”I love you.”
•”I love you too Dad.”
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OMG! I did not expect this to be fucking long! 😅 well I hope I did this Justice. To who requested this, I hope you loved it!
I guess it turned more serious than silly huh? Welp, I still hoped you guys liked it!
Please Reblog!!
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Hello! Since your askbox is open, is it alright that ask for a request? If so, can you please write a scenario detailing the birth of Todoroki and his s/o’s first child? Maybe he is out on patrol when he hears that his s/o is about to give birth and has his friends rush him there? I’ve been having a bad week, so please inject me with fluff and good feels. Thank you!
anon, love, I hope this helps you feel better! I’m sorry I wasn’t able to upload this the day you submitted. I know I don’t know you, or you know me, but if you want to talk about this bad week please feel free to dm me!!! sending my love
todoroki shouto x first time pregnant!reader
warning: pure fluff!!!
Part Two  Part Three  Part Four
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Pregnancy can be a beautiful thing, and in this case, it typically was.
The day you had found out you were pregnant you could not stop crying, immediately calling Shouto, your loving husband of two years, to bear the good news. While giving you an initial scare by immediately hanging up on you when spilling the news, you were relieved to find him next to you in five minutes with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and misty eyes.
You could still remember holding him tightly as you two hugged as tears fell down your face as you whispered to Shouto that it was real and that he was going to make an amazing parent.
That was exactly thirty-nine weeks ago, and now being an entire week overdue with the same raging pregancy hormones, you wanted this baby out of you!
You were a Pro-Hero before this baby, and you planned on staying a Pro-Hero once the sucker was born. Through a lot of pressure from family, friends, and mostly Shouto, you had agreed to spend the your pregnancy with your alumni U.A. and teach Hero Basics even though you would not be participating in any actual lessons as soon as you couldn’t see your toes anymore.
So there you sat at home, your swollen feet elevated on pillows as a heated blanket lay over your simultaneous cold and hot body, dumb hormones were making you crazy. You were overdue, and you were ready to quite literally kick this baby out of you. Were you excited to be a mother, definitely, but this child seemed to be tap dancing on your bladder like it was life or death.
“Relax, tenshi,” You whispered to your baby, rubbing your swollen belly as you grimaced as a terrible heat flash went throughout your body, “Are you seriously craving donuts right now? We just had an early dinner!” You gasped as images of the sugary sweet dessert flashed through your mind making your mouth water.
“Okay, you convinced me!” You laugh, it took you a while, but soon you managed to squirm off the couch and onto your feet only after two minutes. “That’s a new record, I should tell Shouto…”
How you used to be an S-Rank Pro-Hero you had no idea because now you couldn’t even put on shoes without assistance. “Mama is gonna cry when she has to get back into shape. You made me so fat!” You coo softly to yourself as you waddled over to your purse and grabbed it.
Checking yourself in the mirror, you groaned. Your face was so round that it officially beat Uraraka’s for roundest face in the old class 1-A. You wore a maxi sundress even though it was still February because nothing else fits! Well, sweaty old XXL shirts did but it just was not acceptable in public! Slipping on your sandals, you yelled goodbye to no one in the house and waddled out to buy some donuts.
You eventually made it to the donut shop with drool just about coming down your mouth as you entered the store.
“Ah, Todoroki-sama, I was wondering if you were going to be coming in at all today!” The owner greeted you with a bow as you laughed easily.
“My little Tenshi got his little donut cravings really late tonight, Takashima-sama you wound me, your best customer would never disappoint!” You teased back, your face contorted into a grimace as you clutched your swollen belly, waddling closer to the counter with your wallet ready.
“This one is on the house,” The store owner Takashima said, sliding over a box of half a dozen maple bars.
You teared up, accepting the box while sobbing, and left a generous tip as you went to sit down. Calming down slowly, you groaned as you placed the box down and froze.
Why was your leg wet?
You looked down, hands waving with heightened anxiety and shrieked, “ TAKASHIMA-SAMA, MY WATER BROKE!”
Twenty minutes away via car stood Todoroki Shouto walking down the crowded streets of Tokyo with Midoriya and Iida. The three of them had finished working together for a promo radio interview and were now patrolling near their agencies.
“You know, I’ve really come to miss y/l/n-chan walking around with us,” Iida confessed as he waved to a young fan who was pointing him out to his mother.
“It’s Todoroki, Iida-kun,” Midoriya reminds Iida for the millionth time, but knows that no amount of reminding will ever get Iida to not call you by your maiden name.
“Y/n will be back soon after of course, she feels ready to return to the field,” Shouto says silently agreeing with the fact that he missed having his wife with him while working, it had to be the worst thing about you getting pregnant by far. 
“Is she not overdue for the baby, as well? Don’t most pregnancies last only thirty-eight weeks?” Iida questioned as they stopped to take pictures with an obvious American fan.
“Y/n’s ob-gyn doctor said we shouldn’t worry, but that if by the end of the week if y/n hasn’t given birth naturally, she’ll need a c-section,” Shouto explained as he pulled out his phone feeling it buzzing. He saw your contact picture, a celebratory picture of you after finishing a rather intense hiking trail during your honeymoon. “It’s y/n.”
The two of them nod their head as they watched Shouto pick the phone to his ear as he turned around to give himself some privacy. Shouto spoke once, nodded three times and hung up after giving his love.
“Well, y/n is in labor, and I need to get going,” Shouto says eerily calm, his arms stiff by his side, and Midoriya just about jumps out of his skin.
“Do not panic, Midoriya-kun, it is Todoroki who is going to be the father, not you.” Iida reminds Midoriya who is looking in every direction trying to figure out a game plan for getting to the hospital.
“I KNOW THAT! BUT I–” Midoriya stops and looks over at Shouto who is visibly panicking. “Todoroki-kun, are you okay?”
“There are no more trains back to Musutafu until 21:00,” Todoroki says carefully and to their horror, it’s only 18:30. “Even if we take a car, we could be late.”
“No!” Iida and Midoriya yell.
“I’ll get you there on time!” Midoriya affirms turning his back to Shouto. “Get on!”
With a crackle of lighting, and the shout of “RECIPRO BURST” the three Pro-Heroes were gone without a trace.
“It hurts!” You scream in pain as contraction after contraction plummets through you, obviously, your baby had no care in the world that 1. mama was in a hell lot of pain and 2. papa wasn’t here yet so you weren’t going to let him leave your womb.
“Todoroki-sama, you need to push! You’re going to get yourself or the baby hurt!” Your doctor yells obviously worried as you clenched your legs tightly together.
“I’m not having this baby without S-Shoucchan here!” You cry as the pain is quickly becoming unbearable.
“Y/n, I’m here!” A very frazzled looking Shouto walks through the delivery room, his body clothed in medical scrubs his face showing his fear and love. You giggle a bit like a lunatic seeing a few leaves stuck in his hair finding it amusing despite the pain.
“Midoriya and Iida brought y-yOU!?” You screamed again as your body is now fighting you on letting your baby come out.
You look up and see Shouto now at your bedside, his hand clutching yours as the doctor commands a few nurses to get things ready. “I was scared I was going to miss this…” Shouto admits as you clench his hand in yours as another painful contraction sears your body.
“You’re not missing anything!” You can’t help but snap as you throw your head back, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body. “Get this baby oUT OF ME!” You shriek at the doctor who has now positioned your legs for delivery.
“Alright, Todoroki-sama, I need you to push for ten seconds, okay?”
And Shouto watched as his wife only tightened her death grip on his hands, curses leaving her lips left and right as she pushed with all her might. He stared over at the doctor who he knew was screaming at his stubborn wife to follow his commands, but he could hear nothing besides the roar of his heartbeat in his ears.
Shouto can’t stop himself from leaning over and pressing a kiss on your sweating forehead as you scream louder to get the baby out of you. Then, Shouto can hear a soft cry. His eyes widen as he watches the pink, white, and bloody baby being held by the doctor and all he can hear is the baby’s cries and the exhausted pants from you.
He looks down to find you slumping in the bed, your hair a complete mess, sweat drenching your body, and tears falling down your face.
“Shoucchan,” You murmur, and immediately Shouto is attending to you, wiping off the sweat, fluffing your pillow and kissing you a million times as both your shaking hands hold each other. “Baby, you’re crying.” You inform him with a weak but incredibly affectionate smile.
Shouto wipes away the tears that fall down his face, only to find himself crying, even more. The nurse eventually brings your guys’ small baby boy over to the two of you and gently handed him to you, and you cradle your baby close to your body. “Hi Kaito,” You coo at the baby who was now soundlessly sleeping on your chest, “I’m your mama, and I just want you to know that even though you were a pain in my ass, I love you so much…” 
Shouto snorts as you look up at him and smile, and he comes down to press another kiss on your lips. “Come here, Shoucchan,” You say handing your son over to him, and watched as your husband froze. You waited a moment and then grinned as Shouto reached for baby Kaito and you easily handed him over. You watched with tears in your eyes as Shouto gently bounced with Kaito in his arms, whispering about how much he was going to love him, and how he was going to make Kaito proud to be his son.
“I promise, Kaito, I will never ever let you or your beautiful mama get hurt, and I promise you no matter what happens, I will love you forever and always.”
this made me really soft and kinda was like “maybe pregnancy isn’t that bad???” anywho, hope you enjoyed and have a good rest of your day!!!!!
The entire old Class 1-A shuffled through the hallways of the hospital, each claiming to see a different patient so that they could all visit your room.
“Okay, just in case you bozo’s don’t know how to behave around babies, do not scream when we walk in. They are shits to be put to bed, and if you wake up y/n-chan’s sleeping baby, I will end you!” Mina threatens as she eyes down the… louder members of the class. “Second of all, it’s a baby, so don’t talk to it expecting answers, and most importantly, do not. I repeat, do NOT, throw the baby around like it’s some game!”
She gave an obviously pointed glare at Kaminari.
“I’m so excited!” Momo squeals right before they open the door, and with numerous amounts of presents and balloons on hand, nineteen Pro-Heroes entered the room and froze. The sight in front of them making them speechless. Shouto was laying on the bed with you, his arm behind you giving you comfort, and the baby laying on your chest asleep. For the matter at hand, all three of you were asleep without a care in the world.
Some members of the party had to bite down on their hands to keep them from screaming.
Later that night when Shouto woke up for a few minutes and checked his phone for any messages, he then saw a picture of the three of them asleep on the hospital bed on the group chat, with a caption:
‘What a beautiful family, can’t wait for more pictures! Welcome to the family Todoroki Kaito! We love you!’
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bbq-hawks-wings · 5 years
Ok. The pregnant s/o. Was fire. You had me there. In tears. Like. Bruh. I can’t. It was too cute. And too. Ugh just overall amazing. So. Going off that (backtracking a wittle bit since you already wrote a part two where the twins are already about and about) but could you maaybbeeee write about that whole in labour process of the mama bird. And where and what she was doing (hopefully with hawks who may or may not have been really excited) sorry that’s a really long request 😣✌️
I'm so glad you like it. Those are some very personal stories for me - especially the first one because I pulled from personal experience with my husband and first child. I'm such a sucker for good dads and love writing about expecting parents because I feel there's not often a good balance for both the exciting and the uncomfortable parts being talked about. Labor definitely scared me, but despite it not going as smoothly as I would have hoped it's easily been one of the most rewarding efforts of my life.
As the days counted down towards the due date things were increasingly both exciting and terrifying. For mom, the increased weight and size left her eager to have it over with; but for dad there was a lot of nervous tension building as he learned about the added complexity of birthing twins.
Luckily, knowing ahead of time you were having a boy and a girl meant they were fraternal and one mystery fewer; but plenty of other risk factors could result in an emergency C-section. Especially since twins were usually born pre-term you both wanted them growing for as absolutely long as possible before they made their debut into the world. There was high blood pressure to worry about, gestational diabetes, anemia, and a list that left Keigo a little paler with every point. Thankfully, frequent checkups and a positive partner helped him keep calm through it along with the classes that very clearly were as much for his benefit as it was for you.
And then, week 36 day 4, you felt the first contractions. Braxton-Higgs had plagued your life for the last few weeks on and off; but this was different. You wrote them off initially, but when you started noticing the consistent timing and feeling them ramp up in intensity you knew it was go time.
You knew there was not much to be done worrying, especially not until you got the hospital (they wanted you on monitors as soon as possible in case they needed to pull you into surgery); but your husband was a different story.
He was composed on the outside (mostly), but his heart rate soared, he made mistakes when speaking, and his hands visibly shaked as he took every opportunity to just DO something. He felt particularly helpless when he saw his wife go through a contraction, watching her face completely change in a second, brace herself, and work through it by making the lowest groans she could to help manage the pain. The some 60 seconds it took to watch you go through it was like an hour when the most he could do was squeeze your hips to alleviate pressure on back as you ground through the most intense workout of your life.
And this went on every 20 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 5 minutes for hours.
You'd made it to the hospital, had a catheter put in just in case, were put on monitors, but didn't have an epidural for a while longer. By the time you made it to "active labor" the world no longer existed during contractions and the room was on hold until it was over - even after you'd been able to get an epidural. If he thought this was bad, he wasn't anywhere prepared for the transition phase.
Labor works in stages: early labor, active labor, and transition. In the beginning you were excited and confident about the way your body was working, by the time you were in active labor things were much harder, and during transition there was a point during the last bit of dilation that your were sure you wouldn't be able to do it; but then Keigo saw something change in your demeanor. You stayed yourself, braced and in tune to your body's rhythm and cues, the world disappeared completely to you, and you really and truly went to work.
Doctors and nurses were crowded around you, allowing him to help hold your legs just for his own peace of mind, but there was not much to do except watch, wait, and offer occasional guidance while you finally reached the ability to push. To you, you were vaguely aware of the buzz happening nearby but if you were not pushing you were resting and waiting, only bothering to think when you felt your body get ready to contract again.
For Keigo it was a sight to behold. He could see your body tense involuntarily and then you react by leaning into it and pushing as hard as you could while it lasted before going completely still again - your breathing even with a face focused to near serenity. For a while, it didn't seem to produce any results besides mess on the table which he and the doctors professionally kept quiet about and cleaned when you stilled again and waited. Then as it went on he began to see a human head begin to emerge, and there were no words he had to describe the shock and awe of epiphany as he watched a human child literally inch towards birth - his child, from his wife, that they'd made and waited together all these months to meet - actual moments away from being able to be held in his arms.
About an hour of pushing went by, the last few pushes overseen much more fervently by the doctors as they prepared to help the baby out of the  last centimeters of its journey, and Keigo didn't anticipate how literally hands-on they were about pulling him out; but in a single moment fast enough to blink and miss, his son was delivered and on the table between his wife's legs as they helped him breath his first and wait for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing. The cry was loud and reverberated through the room, and all at once emotion hit him like a tidal wave as layer after layer of revelation overcame him. But it wasn't even over yet, and almost as fast as he had emerged his sister followed quickly behind him.
It was difficult to compose himself. He was full of tears and joy and laughter and pride - his exhaustion of the last 16 hours forgotten as he was able to look at his children in the flesh instead of settle for black and white lines on a screen. They let him cut the umbilical cords and carefully place them on your chest to reunite with their mother for the first time as they would for the rest of their lives.
For all the focus and pain you'd just been through, the moment you had realized what had happened you were back and happy again as well. You smiled and held and soaked in the presence of your children for the first time, almost forgetting that mere minutes ago you were unable to hold them in your arms. Even the uterine massages and passing of the placentas you barely paid attention to as you had much more important mind.
"Hello, babies. I'm so excited to meet you!" You cooed at them as your husband hovered above you, also unable to take his eyes of his children.
"They're so beautiful, (Y/n)." He hiccupped air between sentences, still very much crying. "You know who I am, right? It's me, I'm your daddy. It's daddy!"
They were stable and weren't immediately sent off to the NICU as they were still technically pre-term; but the moments together you had then and shared over your monitored stay were surreal and magical - so much so it took several nurses and doctors to coax both of your into getting some sleep.
"You're going to loose a lot of sleep over the next several months - years even. Rest while you can!"
You both finally took their advice, but the smiles and excitement of what happened still stayed through sweet dreams until you were able to be reunited with your children again when you woke.
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kunderdogs · 4 years
KNK As Dads
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Thank you to the anon who requested it! I know it’s kind of sloppy but I hope you like it! :)
I tried to keep them all the same length but it’s hard to tell lol
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When you tell him you’re pregnant, he will fall on the floor
Buys five yards of bubble wrap to “baby proof the house”
You have to explain to him that’s not how it goes
He’ll ready every parenting book like ever
“Did you know that babies have nails in the womb?!”
“Please...it’s three in the morning...Go to sleep, Jihun.”
So affectionate
Wants to cuddle with your belly all the time
“Sorry babe, you’re my number two now. She’s my number one love.”
As soon as his daughter is born, he’s bawling
The docs have to calm him down because they’re afraid he’ll start hyperventilating.
Will not let her leave his sight for the first few months
Will be soooo dramatic when she learns to walk though
Bouncing off the walls when she takes her first step
Made her a college fund when she was 5 days old
“It’s never too soon to start saving for college.”
Hogs all the baby time
Wants to feed her
Refuses to let anyone except you and him hold her until she’s maybe four months
Calls the other members her “weird Uncles”
Proudly announces to everyone her first words were “Dada” even though you were pretty sure she burped
At nights, he’ll sleep in her nursery
He’ll grow out of that habit around when she enters school
As she gets older, he’s always supportive
Definitely wants her to try singing
Knows she’ll sound like an angel
Wants her to do whatever she wants in life
Wants a lot of kids because he loves to spend time with them
Literally she’s his princess
The type of dad to have tea parties just cause his daughter loved them
“Tea party? Only if I can wear the purple tiara this time.”
Glares at any little boy that shows an interest in her
“EXCUSE ME. Keep your hands to yourself, thankyouverymuch.”
“Dad, I’m twenty and this is my boyfriend.”
“boYFRIEND?! You’re grounded, young lady. No dating until you’re married.”
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“What- you’re-?! !!!!”
Faints when you tell him you’re pregnant
Once he comes to, he’ll start crying
Very emotional the entire pregnancy
Even more so than you are
Experiences pregnancy sympathy pains
Has morning sickness right with you
You’re spending the majority of the first trimester taking care of him
He’s always apologizing lmao
As you get bigger, he’s in awe
Cannot believe he’s going to be a dad
Will always look at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world
Tearfully tells you he loves you at random times
And then you cry too cause the damn hormones
The member to gush to his fans about your new baby
(on VLIVE) “If it’s a girl, what name should we give it? Tinkerbell always has good ideas and suggestions...Boy name suggestions too!”
Will try to get you to quit your job when you get to 7 months
Is so nervous for the delivery
Coaching and holding your hand the WHOLE TIME
He’ll be your voice to your doctors (we love a king)
Crying as soon as he sees your son’s full head of hair
“You did it, baby, oh wow. He’s so beautiful. You did so well, love. I love you so much.”
Is a mESS
“Mommmm~ He’s healthy T-T come as soon as you can.” Sobs
Glares at anyone who tries to take your son from your arms
Will 100% give the doctors a hard time if his son is crying for “too long”
As he gets older, Seoham is the perfect father.
Loving, caring, and stern when he needs to be
But he’s sooooo soft
Hates to discipline him but knows he needs the correction
The type of dad to watch with love in his eyes as his child is running around the yard.
Threatens the members not to show him any bad words/actions
Reads and sleeps with his son (even tho his long body cannot fit on the red car bed)
Cries at almost every milestone (walking, talking, eating solid food, first hair cut, first day of school)
“He’s just growing up so fast, babe. Soon, he’ll be married and having kids of his own. What am I going to do then?”
“Seoham, this is his third birthday party...Get it together, baby.”
Not going to push his child into anything but encourages him to find hobbies or sports his likes
If your son likes sports, he’s at every. single. event. Practice, games, any of it
Records all the games and when he goes to college, he’ll make a highlight reel
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When you tell him, you’re pregnant, he won’t believe you
Not to mean you’re a liar
But he just cannot grasp it rn
“Ha ha, very funny, babe. I know you’re on the pill.”
Once you hand him the pregnancy stick, he’s all 
O_O “o-oh shit”
Needs to sit down cause he’s lightheaded
Doesn’t want to show you but he’s scared outta his mind rn
Smiles nervously
As time goes on and you start to show, it’ll finally become real to him
He’ll cry that night when you feel the baby moving and put his hand on your belly
Will hide all his worries and concerns from you and instead will ask the members 
Eventually he’ll speak to you about how nervous he is but he reassures you he wants a baby with you
He’ll feel better after talking to you
Very gentle with you when you’re pregnant and will get you any cravings you need
Schedules regular massages for you so you’re comfortable
Literally has hearts in his eyes when he sees how big you get in the last trimester
Doesn’t care what gender your baby is, just wants it healthy
Soft smiles and kisses when the doctor hands you a chubby baby boy
He’s crying but trying to put on a strong front for you
Wants to be your strength but eventually breaks down when he takes a step back and sees how you look at your son in your arms
“The most beautiful view I’ve ever seen...”
Fully bawling when you ask him if he wants to hold his son
Won’t stop calling the child “my son”
Taking pictures and videos of everything
Soccer dad FOR SURE
Has snacks and juice ON DECK 24/7
Supports their kid no matter what though
Hates to be the one to discipline and will even leave when you’re scolding your son
Screaming at the top of his lungs when he learns anything new
Affectionate :))))
Will pout if his son doesn’t want to give him kisses when he leaves for work
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So so so so happy
Smiling so wide when you surprise him with baby converse.
“You’re not joking? You’re really pregnant? We’re having a baby?”
“I’m going to be a dad?”
Literally so excited!!!!
He gets to have a family with the love of his life!!
Immediately tells all his family and friends once he gets the okay from your doctor
Plans a gender reveal party and is wearing a pink shirt because he wants a lil princess to spoil.
Wouldn’t mind a boy, but wants to experience the “daddy/daughter” bond
!!!!!! You’re like 0-O “does this say TWINS?!”
Feels like he hit the jackpot
Kisses you all over, hugging you gently and when you pull back, you can see tears in his eyes.
“I love you. Thank you for giving me two babies.”
He’s very sappy the entire pregnancy
“How’s my girls doing? Need anything, mama? Come here, I’ll rub your feet, baby.”
Takes you on a baby moon to wherever you wanna go just to pamper you before you give birth
Anything you want, he will give you
You could tell him your phone speaker wasn’t working and he’ll go out and get you a whole new phone
Watches you with hearts in his eyes as you sleep
Unfortunately, you can’t give birth naturally due to labor taking too long so the doctors have to preform a c-section.
A mess of nerves and tension as he holds your hand in the operating room
When he hears two cries, he nearly collapses next to you in relief. “You did amazing, love.”
Crying as he watches the doctors put both little girls on your chest
He strokes one of the twins tiny head, lips trembling as she softly cries out
“I never thought my heart could beat outside of my body.”
100% the overprotective dad
Down to play any girly games for them
Brings them to sporting events against their will
N O BOYS E V E R !!!!
ok maybe if they’re knk fans
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Terrified at first
Heejun is young (my age lol) so I feel like he wouldn’t particularly want kids until he’s in his late twenties-early thirties
He warms up to the idea of a child quickly because he LOVES kids
ESPECIALLY if it’s his with the love of his life
Not one to keep it a secret
He’ll call everyone in his life and give them the news
lowkey wants a boy because he doesn’t know if he can relate to a girl
But honestly as long as the baby is healthy, he’s over the moon
When he does find out it’s a boy, he’s buying matching clothes for him and his son
Tells everyone “I’m having a son T-T”
Is usually composed during the pregnancy - wide smiles and cheerful expressions
Will get you anything you want, no questions asks
(He’ll complain to the boys that your cravings are weird as hell tho. Who eats cheetos with peanut butter and power-aid? Disgusting)
Won’t ever say anything negative because he wants his child to grow up in a positive environment
Refuses any help in building or assembling any of the baby furniture or toys
“I have to do this. I’m a dad now. Dads build things.”
Only cries when he’s able to hold his son, wrapped up tightly like a burrito in the hospital.
You’d be passed out on the bed with the nurses busy by you, and he’d just sit with your son in his arms, tears flowing freely with a smile on his face.
“Hey little one, I’m your daddy.”
He’s a precious angel, even when he turns two and terrorizes literally everyone and everything in your house
Wants only the best for your son so he’ll make food and turn into a chef pretty quickly.
Eventually when your son shows how picky he really is, Heejun will give in and give him chicken nuggets
Play fights with him all the time
You still don’t know which one broke the bathroom window and they refuse to tell on the other
Very proud of his son’s accomplishments and will praise him for every little thing he can
Bribes him with popsicles and ice cream to get him potty trained
It worked so you couldn’t say much lol
His kid is his ride or die
Nothing will ever get between him and his son
Wants your son to be better than he is - and will push him to do well in school, all the way up to college
When you have a daughter, him and your son are full on body guard mode
“Hands off the models.” He says to Inseong as the older one plays with your daughter. 
“Ten feet distance at all times, thank you.”
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Choir Group
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  Sometimes a family is 2 adults and 2 kids. But sometimes a family is a choir full of hero hopefuls.
(aka, what if everyone knew eachother from a choir group? what soft musical stuff can i cram into this au?) 
yagi does the allmight on the down-low
he had to leave broadway cause all for one ruined his organs
everyone in 1 a knows that yagi is all might but hes trying so hard to keep his secret so they just ignore it
izu wants to be a hero but hes scared of people so he joined a choir when he was smol
bakugou joined cause he wanted to beat izuku, they bonded a bit n its a more friendly rivalry
all of 1a was in the choir before ua, they are all shook that their class is just other choir kids
big three are the current choir leaders n izu was so proud they are the us big three too because he knew them when he was smol, baku n izu are the youngest in the top level
todoroki joined to spite his dad hes really good tho
mina lives for the dance group
iida is a baritone he sing low n hes a good boy, they are very proud of him cause hes one of the youngest in baritone, hes v proud too
ochako is an alto and I love her
monoma is a tenor n katsuki wants to kick him out of his section
tsuuyu is an alto too because i want someone to be a soprano but tsuuyu its too nice to be
jirou is a blessed alto
yaomomo is a soprano the poor girl
izuku is a soft alto boy! He had such a good upper range they thought hes be wasted in tenor
shinso is a soft tenor boy and has a singers crush on izuku
"oh my god hes just so fucking good he can dance too what the fuck guys. hes the only male alto im fucking shook he has the range of a god"
in their final year todo is the choral leader, bakugo is dance leader and izu is choir leader
villains are too scared to attack when they sing
aizawa was in the top level when izu joined
he was dance leader while in ua too because it was "only logical" he have a physical hobby (mic loved choir n aizawa loved seeing him that happy)
izu thought he was fucking amazing n thats why he wanted to join
n then he sees erazerhead n mic on tv when hes 8
yells to his mum "mama!!! thats zashi!! n shouta!! he had the dance solo when i joined" n inko doesnt know if izuku is right or not but she nods along and smiles anyway
first day of ua izu sees shouta n just gasps
"iTs HIm"
bakugo looks over
"oh my fuck it is isnt it"
aizawa is shook and confused
bakugo just sighs "its your fault deku is a fucking choir gay i hope you know that. you just had to be fucking competent didnt you"
all 1a student know each other from choir n they all have a big hug fest before the quirk test
"oH mY god its a soprano without a stick up her ass what are the chances" "jirou be nice to momo i know you hate sopranos but they have done nothing to you"
mineta exists in this au, as the only one not in choir. hes confused and then expelled the first day
aizawa is glad he was terrible because now he has his lil choir class, not that hed ever fucking admit it
1a harmonizes their bus songs and they learn all their choir repertoire on the bus trips around as  aizawa conducts
durring the usj izu n tsuuyu hum together to stay calm
izuku n todoroki are actually singing together durring their big fight, everyone in the audience is shook
its just because they are trying not to cry
because izu n todo have the "its your power" convo before the fight cause they are already friends, so izu is just trying to make him feel better about the argument he had with his dad
todoroki feels a lil more comfy so he brings up his flames n izu weeps n gives him a hug before they keep fighting
they sing stronger than you jokingly at the end of their fight
izu wins but only justttt. him n todo hug n laugh as they leave the field. yagi cries a lil for his boys.
izu n baku’s fight n it ends in a draw because they blow eachother out of the ring n they are both salty as
they have a dance battle refed by aizawa later (baku wins, izuku gives him soul custody of the medal)
enji would have a stroke
yamada was singing along the whole time other the speaker. Aizawa muted him but he just used his quirk
tenya had lots of good friends n doesnt hunt down stain, he n 1a go to hatsume about leg braces for tensei
tenya teaches tensei his choir choreography so he can get used to his braces
the boys do run into stain but they were minding they own business
they singing while they fight to stay in time n stay brave
stain is very confused but hes bopping along
todo starts it cause it made him feel better during the sports festival cause izu is crying
"you guys are true heros im so sorry about this but i really need to kill native"
"thanks i guess? but we gon fucking boop to you drop bitch"
"ToDorOkI nO"
"iida hes trying to kill us we can call him a bitch"
stains huming the song they were singing as he carted away to fucking jail
"what a goddamn boop, they heros of music"
training camp is the same time as choir camp n 1a is shook n they are conflicted. aizawa gets training camp moved back a week
(the villains still attack but they tried to assault an empty camp first n thats funny)
the fight through the earth beasts is just 1a singing literally every song they know theyd finish a song, n theres a second wait while everyone races to think of something they all know before they scream out the title n start them all off
they sang bohemian rhapsody 5 times
1a arrives at traing camp like
"we just had fuck choir camp you dont scare us"
1a wasnt joking they arent phased by the summer camp. 1b is crying
bakugo gets kidnapped n just hums softly
shinso made it in after the festival because aizawa thought he was promising n it was another choir boy zawa has to protect them no hes not going soft zashi shut up
"bitch you villains have nothing on ms king fuck she had me shook"
the bakugo rescuse is the same but its more of 1a n no one was trying to talk them out of it very well
"its dangerous, dont get hurt" "we wont" "yeah ok"
they hold hands while they watch the allmight fight cause they are too scared to let go
then they run back onto the field to allmight after the fight n they hug n cry a lot
they go with yagi to the hospital n sing dumb songs together while he gets a checkup
izuku doesnt have to stop to wipe his nose, n bakugos voice doesnt shake n todoroki is pitch perfect of course (kiri and momo are ugly crying unabashedly. tenya is trying to find tissues)
bakugo totally doesnt hide his tears n growl that thy need a shitty nerd to lead them so they dont get to good
he yells at everyone cause he was scared but he can’t make himself be too mean cause they are his smol kids
mic smiles n mutters that aizawa has really gone soft on this class n aizawa just hides his face in mics shoulder n pretends he wasnt scared out of his mind for them
all of them grab his hand
izuku hugs bakugo saying they all need the future dance leader, after all no one else is as good as him
aizawa wants to be mad but hes proud that his kids didnt get hurt and were smart n improved so much
in the dorms they draw up a birthday list n anyone whos birthday has already been gets a new birthday
they wake them up at 6am you sing happy birthday n they birthday kid gets to pick the music on the bus n in the kitchen
bakugo n sato bake
iida, shinso n izuku are harmonizing while trying to eat breakfast but its bean 5 minutes n they havent eaten anything
bakugo shoves toast into izus mouth as he walks past to make himself some coffee
izuku sings around the toats
bakugo groans n sings over him
"i Just wanTed Coffee"
"BitcH we gOttA hArmoNiZe"
ochako, mina n tsuuyu are going over their dance infront of the couch, satou n tokoyami are gently sparring around bowls of oats and fruit
aizawa is humming as he cuts up some fruit for him and mic
sero sticks sheetmusic to the walls with his quirk so they can go over it as they do other stuff
shinso plays the goddamn switch piano as a backing track n bakugo is mad that hes impressed
yagi visits n tells them all hes so proud of them n listens to their sing their favourite songs with them n listens to izuku gush about new musicals almost as much as he talks about heroes
bakugo saltily adds on little bits of info
shinso n izuku dramatically reinact musicals together as they spar, (obedient servant is their fave beat eachother up song)
they get out musical soundtracks n people call dibs on the songs they want to fight to, aizawa mans the speakers and acts as the ref as bakugo n izuku fight to alexander Hamilton
ochako n todoroki fight to my shot cause it means a lot to both of them
the kids not fighting are singing the song on the sidelines. aizawa sings along too but he wont admit it
( he n izuku sing a lil duet for the room where it happens, mic claps n yagi cries)
no one fights for the last song cause everyone is busy singing n crying. - aizawa only cried cause he had dry eye ok nothing more
bakusquad always fights over the jefferson n layfette parts, they all wanna sing them solo
izuku starts with history has its eyes on you, looks at yagi n then starts to cry
yagi starts to cry too
he n yagi hug n leave training for a min to get icecream
izu grabs yagi n full cowl jumps to get icecream, makes yagi carry the icecream n jumps back
they eat icecream as 1a finishes up the musical sparring n they try not to cry some more
todoroki is still 100% conviced yagi is izus dad, hes just also conviced neither of them know it
yagi is very proud of his boy and very proud he didnt cough blood over his icecream
mic was his section leader when he was still in choir n zawa was the dance leader n they made the best duo
they were low on time due to hero training to they learnt their songs as they fought, w mic playing them through his phone as they beat up villains
they wouldnt let midnight practise with them because the fights finished too quickly so they didnt get a chance to sing
yagi wasnt in that particular choir, or any choir really but he loved to sing, would hum to victims to make them feel better and sung on tv for fans and charity
he starts teaching at the choir after the retires from hero work because he misses working and he really thinks the kids are delightful
yagi is a good choir dad n cries at all the concerts, n at the gigs, n when ever they do well really
they get nicknamed the hero course choir because so many ua students go/have gone
there are normal highschoolers of course but the ua students wont be outdone and are the best in the class
aizwa tells vlad they sing during sparring for breath support and stamina, and then decides thats actually a good reason n makes that the official reason, ignoring "it makes them smile" and "these kids have had enough intense fights"
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epiphanyksj · 6 years
oh god :(((( HHH!!!!!! ok im literally gonna go through this event by event. so I WALKED INTO THE ARENA with my friend to go find my seat and there’s a moment of silence before the beginning of danger’s mv begins playing. and up on the screen is jungkook playing outro: propose, that really pretty dramatic piano part. and let me tell you i literally burst into tears AT THAT MOMENT because it was just so overwhelming to realize that i was actually there and going to see them. and then there was the vcr and they all looked. So Good! i literally said “oh my god” so many times during the concert it was unreal i mean ive told you about this but yeah on to actual performances (read more)
so all this fire starts torching into the air and the stage lights are flashing everywhere with this dramatic music with heavy drums (think mama 2016 fire-esque). ok so im rewatching the vid i took as i write this and im laughing because everyone else is like “TRAADE OFF” and from me you just hear this hysterical “CHOO CHOO” OK thats not the point. i could barely focus in the first performance because i could not believe they were real but like he’s GORGEOUS they were all so gorgeous n i wanna gush about the others too but this is a jk ask. he is So Stable and powerful i dont know how he even does it. so after they finish performing they begin their ments…. when it goes to jk he kinda looks up like “:o its my turn” but then he goes “WASSUP” and he’s so sos ofuckginfg pretty he glows and his eyes and just his face at that point i screamed “I LOVE YOU… (weakly) jungoo….” and then he also said LONG TIME NO SEE he has the cutest voice :(.
when he starts singing in save me… his voice is so beautiful. and i already said it but his dancing is so powerful. n the way he looks at the camera… you feel it in your soul. and his voice is so good in im fine!!!!!! i was not, in fact, fine. the part where he falls to the floor then suddenly looks up is so intense.
but incredibly he looks absolutely ethereal when he stands and sings. this might sound weird but like…. the way his eyes are half closed is so pretty and he looks at peace. even more so when he closes his eyes all the way. ive said it so many times but his eyes literally are so captivating. all of bts look unbelievably good in person. also there’s supposed to be a fanchant In Magic Shop During The Instrumental Break But Nobody Did It but i faithfully went through all the way anyway.
n then. THE GOLDEN DUO VCR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theyre so cuuuteekjsdhdskjfh :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( like it was just such a happy pure colorful lighthearted vcr!!!!!
ok not to be cheesy but i literally got goosebumps and started tearing up when i heard his voice say “euphoria” in the silence. the pretty guitars start coming in and he’s revealed on the stage. he looks so at home when he sings it and there’s golden light all around him and he’s smiling. but when it’s not the chorus the lights are a blue color and it reminds me of the ocean in the music video. he really puts so much into his singing and just his overall performance. and when he does the high note in euphoria and the golden confetti explodes into the air and shimmers in the lights.
he puts his hand to chest often when he sings like he’s feeling it in his soul. but he also jams out really cutely! he jumped around during run a lot (and yet is ridiculously stable still) and his hair is bouncy! he headbanged a little too :( at the end of run during hoseok’s part he took out his earpiece to listen to us. his part in dna with tae is so iconic!!! rapper jk!!!!!!!!! literally even just the way he sings “DNA”!!!!
he asked us if we were having fun!!!! babie :( (side note tae is SOO cute when he talks in english). also the army bomb ocean was so pretty it was a range of colors from yellow green to purple and it was this amazing gradient.
then. Then. 21st century girls. Came On. but i need to save this gushing about the song itself for the next ask. all of them gather together to jam out in the center of the stage! afterwards jk wanders around! YOU SAY YES OR NO YES OR NO WOOAAAHOHHH
this goes for everyone else too but when he sings in gogo its like the words are just rolling out of his mouth if that makes sense.
but the transition to bst. unreal but im also saving that for the next ask. god and i keep talking about jk’s dancing but seriously him and the entirety of dance line are a serious force to be reckoned with. his voice when he sings his parts is so light and fluttery.
you shouldve heard me during his rap part of boy in luv. i was like “APPAAAAAAA” “EOMMAAAAAA” “PYEONJIIII” “MWONJIII” like i think those technically aren’t his lines but that whole section. and they cut straight to the bridge instead of doing the second verse and jk’s voice there especially combined with jimin and jin. and he holds the high note!!!!!!!
but his rap part in danger. hard fucking core. he’s so talented it’s unbelievable. this man does not hesitate when it comes to bangers or when it comes to headbanging.
airplane pt2. he saunters onto the stage like nobody’s business and sits and kicks back on that damn chair with his sultry ass voice. his falsetto is gorgeous when they do that part before hoseok’s airplane rap and at the end of the song. and i know it’s only part of the studio recording but when he does the “ah ah” part i lose my mind. the way he sits with the other members surrounding him just emanates this air of power and regality but almost in a casual way like “yeah we’re royalty, what about it?”
his outfit during fake love is perfect. all of the outfits are so good i could gush about them all day but alas this is a jk ask. his sleeves are see-through and he has shiny chains going across his chest harness and i’m sure you could find pictures of it but i hadn’t looked at concert pics beforehand so i was in shock at how good the outfits were. it’s like some performing beast is unleashed from jungkook during fake love. he’s absolutely in the zone and i couldn’t take my eyes off him because his presence is so strong especially when he’s in the center. it’s like he moves his body and projects his voice perfectly to the flow and energy of the song. fake love as a whole is so captivatingly intense it’s like you’re under a spell when you watch them perform it.
ok im burning out i can only write so much DSKJHSDF but the truth untold. it’s like he transforms into full angel form at this point. his voice is incredible and his harmonies and pitch and the emotion he puts into it. also everybody say thank you stylists!
he also has such an aura during mic drop. everybody does but it seriously is honestly such a great track live because the energy is dominating and in that moment you really know that they absolutely do own the whole arena and set the stage on fire. ugh! and the strength that he has during the dance break at the end of mic drop!! unreal!
also i can’t imagine genuinely truly hating so what. like i see so many people saying they hate it but you know that when you hear it irl that shit makes you JUMP and they have so much fun on stage especially jk! we like to make fun of him for his shoot dance but seeing him go across the stage enjoying himself so much makes you feel just as much joy as him :( at this point would it really be a performance of so what if he didn’t do it?
at this point i knew that so what was one of the final performances n i was like. What. because it really passed by like a blur it didn’t feel nearly as long as it supposedly took and before i knew it they were performing anpanman so i HAD to cheer up because that song is so cute. and jk is all smiley when they perform it! nose scrunches and all! he actually gets up in a normal way during namjoon’s part. his eyes are all big and sparkly and playful and it feels very boyish!!!
N THEN DURING THE ENDING MENT JOON CALLED JUNGKOOK “MISTER COOL GUY JK” AND JK WAS LIKE “cool guy!” n then like “make some nooooiiiise!!!” n he was smiling doing his cute scrunch and rewatching this like. ive said it 50 times already but he’s seriously so pretty. his eyes are lit up and his expression is bright and there’s a blue light shining on him but his EYESSSSS :((((( he has a slight accent which is rly cute but his pronunciation is also really good and it feels like you just want to hug him really tight even though he’s sweaty but like Would I Complain.
his voice in answer: love myself is so smooth it’s like sitting in a warm patch of sun with a cool breeze looking up at the sky. ok i know i said i was burning out but am i really. rewatching the videos makes me so happy. and his harmonies were so nice. and he was moving side to side really cutely! like one of those figurines you put on the dashboard of your car and they dance side to side! n he’s so full of love. they were all moving their arms side to side and the army bombs were moving along with them i want to cry watching it again it’s so weird thinking that i was actually there it felt like everyone in the audience became one with all the members on stage jk was acting cute and he and all the members were waving to everyone in the audience in the pit and the further away and upper levels of the arena.
for a really long time i’ve never been able to pinpoint the happiest moment or memory of my life everytime ive been asked about it. for lack of a better answer i always left it vague but ever since the concert i can easily say it was the happiest i’d been in a long time and possibly ever and i wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything else in the world
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kurtwarren54 · 3 years
My Birth Story with Duke
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My birth story with Duke started differently than Otis. With Otis I went into labor on my own and with Duke I was induced 1 week before my due date. Both were equally incredible experiences. I feel these moments are forever embedded into my memory. What a time to be pregnant during a global pandemic because of Covid-19 and also deliver a baby during this time. I will say my experience at the hospital was incredible and we felt 100% cared for and safe. Keep reading below for the story of Duke’s birthday.
Leading up to birth
Let’s rewind back to my 37 week appointment. At this appointment, I had my first cervix check and was at 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, and -2 station. My doctor also discussed with me that she wanted to induce me 1 week early at 39 weeks based on my 2 risk factors being age and IVF. Since I was already dilated and progressing on my own, we both agreed that induction would be a great option since my body was already naturally preparing for birth as well. WILD!! I didn’t think we would be scheduling an induction but I felt comfortable knowing my body was already on its way. At my 38 week appointment, I was at 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and -2 station but with a very engaged head. My dr gently stretched my cervix (not a full membrane sweep) to help get things rolling. I was starting to get excited and nervous at the same time wondering if the baby was going to show up before my induction or not! Otis was 4 days early but I was much more dilated this time earlier so it was all up in the air. I think because the idea of induction being different from going into labor naturally was a new idea for me, I was a bit more nervous leading up to it. But, it was also a very great thing to have the luxury of planning with Otis and to prep him for birth and us being away. The night I came home from my 38 week appointment and cervix stretch, I lost my mucus plug. So the wait was on and luckily I made it to my induction date! 
July 7, 2021 / 12:30 AM – Induction 
Our induction was scheduled for 12:30 AM on 7/7/21 so basically the middle of the night. I had to call 2 hours ahead of time to make sure they had beds available and confirm we could come in. So we called at 10:30 and crossed our fingers and were happy to find out, IT WAS GAME TIME. Our friend came over to swap in for Otis duty and we grabbed our hospital bags and we were OFF! Since we were vaccinated, we did not need to do a covid test for the hospital so that was very nice. If so, we would have done one in advance of our induction.
Since last time I was in active labor, going to the hospital not in active labor was different. I was also strep b positive, I needed to get my IV right away to start my antibiotics to protect baby before birth. So by 1:17am, my IV was done and they had drawn my blood for our cord blood kit (we did CBR again to collect cord blood and tissue and we did the same with Otis.) We then waited to finish some antibiotics before starting anything else. At this point, I was 3.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. A nice thing was because we were both vaccinated, we didn’t have to wear a mask in our delivery or postpartum rooms. Only when we were in the hospital hallways. Since the rules were constantly changing I didn’t know what to expect but that was a nice surprise.
July 7, 2021 / 2:37 AM – PItocin
We started my pitocin at 2:37 am. This was the medication that would jump start my contractions to continue my dilation and get labor started etc. I wasn’t feeling much for a while. Just waiting… to see when things would pick up. At 3:27 am they increased my pitocin. I started to feel contractions but nothing major and mostly just discomfort. At 6:06 am, we increased my pitocin again. I was contracting every 3-4 minutes and feeling them more and was not able to rest at all at this point from the discomfort. I was still around the same dilation etc and the nurses informed me that anesthesia was going into a planned c-section so the plan would be to call them in when they were finished. I was ready. My blood pressure was a little bit on the low side so the plan was to get some more fluids before anesthesia came to do my epidural. So at 8:07 am I got my last big dose of fluids before getting my epidural.
July 7, 2021 / 8:34 AM – Epidural 
I had ZERO birth plan except for deliver a healthy baby and have a healthy mama… and get the epidural if I could! So now that I was in alot of pain and discomfort, it was time to call in Anesthesia. I WAS READY. This time around, everything was going ok but while we were doing my actual epidural and he was placing everything properly, I started to feel like I was going to pass out. Since my blood pressure was so low, I was in bad shape. I thought I was going to pass out on the floor. This was the opposite of my first epidural experience with Otis but let me tell you, it was NOT fun. Finally everything was placed and in and I was just glad it was over. I had ice on my forehead and started to feel better. I was just happy to know my epidural was in and now it could GET BUSY.
July 7, 2021 / 9:20 AM – Break my water 
The laborist on call was able to come and break my water at this time. This is what would speed up and intensify my contractions to help dilate me quicker. Everything went fine and with my epidural, it was easy. No real pain just pressure and done.
July 7, 2021 / 10:05 AM – Cervix Check and Bloody Show 
Around this time, we did a cervix check and I was already at 5cm. So this was great news that I was progressing. I also had what they call my “bloody show” so the nurse said this was all good signs pointing toward labor. At this point, my contractions were starting to get way more intense and it was a little strange because I was feeling A LOT and still very uncomfortable. I told the nurses about it… didn’t think much of it. They pushed the button on my epidural to get some more medicine flowing. In hindsight, I should have called the anesthesiologist back. Basically my epidural was NOT working well… I mean maybe it was working a tiny bit.. But essentially I was still feeling everything. 
July 7, 2021 / 10:43 AM – OMG I am in so much pain 
Um wow. Things progressed VERY quickly. From 10:05 to 10:43 am I went to 8cm and 90% effaced and 0 station. I was feeling ALOT of pressure which is why the nurses checked me again. When I tell you I was in so much pain… I was gripping the bed basically laying sideways telling the nurse I didn’t think my epidural was working. The pain was INTENSE and I was moaning… it was.. Not how I envisioned feeling with my epidural. HA!
July 7, 2021 / 10:55 AM – GO TIME!!! 
I was feeling MISERABLE and in so much pain and had so much INTENSE pressure in my lady parts. I had to tell the nurse I literally felt like the baby was coming. They checked me again and she said, “YOU ARE READY!!!” Holy crap in 10 minutes I had gone to 10cm and was ready to push. At this point, I was having such intense pelvic pressure constantly. They called my dr to come immediately. She was at her office which was a 5 minute drive. The nurses were bustling around the room getting everything together. No one envisioned me getting to 10 cm this quickly so everyone was rushing to get things prepped and ready. We kept losing the baby’s heart rate on the monitor because he was just so low trying to get OUT. It was INSANE. I was basically holding my legs together afraid that the baby was literally going to come out. My epidural felt non existent and it was never able to catch up. I think at that moment, I realized that hey… this was happening whether or not my epidural was working. 
My dr arrived soon and I could barely focus at this point from the pain. Once she was ready and in position, I basically pushed for 3 contractions (each time pushing 3x) and baby was out in less than 5 minutes!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! Blake was trying to coach me to help me with my breathing and pushing because I just couldn’t focus so I feel I likely could have pushed him out faster if I was more focused but WOW. He came so fast and all of a sudden… he was here!!!!!!!!! 
July 7, 2021 / 11:20 AM – Happy Birthday Duke Ray Lapides 
Duke Ray Lapides was born at 11:20 am at 7lbs 4oz and 19 inches long. His cord was wrapped around his neck when he came out but my dr worked fast and all of sudden my baby was on my chest and I am telling you whether you have had a baby before, it’s one of the most life changing, mind blowing things to ever happen to me. Ever. The shock of baby finally being on the outside, here, breathing and moving on my chest… it’s just one of my life’s most powerful moments. I had a very small tear so after delivering the placenta, I got stitched up and then we were done.
We got to snuggle our special guy for some uninterrupted time before the nurses came back to measure him, and do their tests etc. We got rolled to our recovery room and I was able to breastfeed right away which was incredible. The second time around I felt a sense of calm and confidence when it came to approaching breastfeeding and it went so smoothly and I am SO thankful that it did. I will say that the uterus cramping second time around was a lot more intense. Especially when breastfeeding the cramps were really bad. I made sure to constantly stay on top of my pain meds (rotating motrin and tylenol) and not miss any doses. Second time around though, we were ready to get home to Otis. We stayed in the hospital for a little over 24 hours to ensure Baby Duke was healthy and ready and I was medically cleared. 
After being home, I stayed consistent with my pain meds and for the first 2 weeks the pain and cramping was worse than I remembered with Otis. But it was all signs that my uterus was shrinking back down to its normal size. I actually stopped bleeding between 2 to 3 weeks postpartum which was amazing. All in all the worst part of the recovery tends to be a quick blur thankfully at least for me. I had to include this side by side picture of Otis and Duke in the hospital. Love seeing how similar their sweet faces were at that newborn moment!
So there you have it. Happy Birthday sweet little Duke. After the years of struggling with fertility, I have this overwhelming sense of peace leaving that chapter behind us and moving forward with our lives. This past week I was able to stop by my fertility clinic with notes and a small gift physically and figuratively say goodbye to this intense chapter in our lives. It has been filled with some of the darkest moments of my life, but also some of my brightest. I will forever be grateful to modern medicine for aiding us in our journey to become a family of 4. For anyone struggling with infertility, my heart aches with you. I know it’s a tough road no matter what your struggles are but I want you to know you are not alone. Linking my IVF related articles below. I shared a pretty in depth look at our process and I hope it might help to support you if you need it.
I wrote a few posts on infertility and IVF and you can find them below:
IVF 1 
IVF 2 
Prepping for FET (frozen embryo transfer)
Preparing for IVF egg retrieval 
How to support a friend going through IVF
IVF book resources
Covid-19 Cancelled My Embryo Transfer
Failed IVF Frozen Embryo Transfer
The post My Birth Story with Duke appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
from Wellness https://www.eatsleepwear.com/2021/09/14/my-birth-story-with-duke/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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mageofseven · 3 years
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Now it's the younger brothers' turns ^^
The older brothers' post can be found here.
Also, just a little warning, Asmo's section starts out... well, in Asmo's specialty lol. The Avatar of Lust tries to act on said lust before the episode happens and the couple is forced to take a raincheck on it. Just a warning in case that makes anyone uncomfortable.
Oh boy, was this man terrified.
One minute, he was trying to have smexy time with his girlfriend, trailing down kisses from the top of her belly down towards her underwear, ready to slip it away when the episode started.
MC started screaming and hugging her belly. Since the woman was stripped of most of her clothes, Asmo had clear view of her belly, seeing each kick and jab stretch out and bruise her smooth skin.
The demon quickly jumped back from his human, eyes wide.
The only response he received was more cries of pain from his girlfriend.
The half naked man rushed out of the room, only to return a minute later with Satan in tow, obviously dragged against his will.
Satan's eye went wide at the scene and his face? Very red. I mean, he was just dragged in by his brother to find a mostly naked MC screaming in pain and with her belly riddled with bruises.
Doesn't understand what's going on, but the blonde makes a mental note to chew the fifth brother out later before rushing up to MC.
Starts trying out different spells on the woman, trying to figure out how to stop her pain, but only after he quickly covered her body with a blanket for the sake of his own comfort and MC's later on.
When the calming spell of all things solved the problem, Asmo pushed past the Wrath demon and wrapped his arms around the human, kissing her head over and over again, tearing up.
Any complaints that Satan shot at him in this moment were completely ignored. All that mattered to him in the moment was that his Dolly was okay.
After the couple had their moment, MC looked to Satan, blushing as she realized the state he had seen her in; that he was still seeing her in.
"I...I'm sorry about this." She said anxiously, wiping the tears from her cheek.
Satan waved away her words. It was an awkward and stressful situation, yes, but he most certainly didn't blame her.
The fourth brother asked the two of them to get dressed and meet him in his room so he could look into this matter more for them.
Discovering that MC's body was struggling with the dark energy absorption and that it was causing great distress within their son made the fifth brother beyond stressed. He tried to smile and pretend he was okay, but even MC could see the anxiety in that smile.
Becomes extremely clingy with his Dolly, more so than usual. Touching her in some way, whether with his arms wrapped around her waist, his hand holding hers, or cuddling up to her in bed, he needed her close; it was the only thing calming the anxiety choking his heart.
Satan was searching for a solution for the couple, but all the lust demon could think about was what if things got worse? What if...what if the pain got worse? What if his son hits some vital organs too hard amidst his panic episodes and ends up killing MC? Asmo was scared for his son too, but his more paralyzing fear was with his Dolly.
If he lost MC because of this...that would mean his own actions had caused the death of the only person he's truly loved in this way, the only person he's really ever opened up to and let himself be vulnerable with. If she dies...Asmo would be all alone again and the demon didn't think he could bear it.
Hearing that just talking to his son could help calm him and stop MC's pain? The man was overjoyed! Talking is definitely a specialty of his so the relief he felt at this news was immeasurable.
The next episode happened one night in his room while he was doing MC's nails. He was in the middle of painting her thumb when she suddenly flung herself into his chest and moaned in pain, tears filling her eyes.
Asmo dropped the nail polish, causing it to spill over the blanket on his bed, but the man paid it no mind.
He remembered the talk method, but didn't jumped into it right away since MC clung to him so tightly. Instead, he rubbed her back and and talked softly to her, trying to comfort his Dolly enough for her to let go.
After a minute or two, the human let go of her grip on his shirt, only to transfer it to his hand. Azzy didn't mind it all and let her squeeze it as much as she needed, but winced from the strength of it that he never realized she possessed.
Lowers his head down to her belly.
"Hey! It's okay. Go easy on your Mommy, Baby Boy."
Speaks softly and even starts gently rubbing MC's belly as he tells his son that he's causing his mommy a lot of pain, but they still love him and that everything will be okay. Tells his son that it's okay to be scared, but everything will be okay as long as he's patient and trusts his mommy. MC will absorb enough dark energy for him eventually so he shouldn't panic!
Slowly, the demon watched his son calm down, his kicks becoming less hard and less frequent till finally settling down.
Azzy kissed MC's belly a few times before rising from his knees and giving his Doll a kiss as well.
The episode ended in roughly eight minutes, but each one after that took less and less time and eventually, become almost non existent.
Asmo spends so much outside of episodes talking to his son and loving on MC's belly that the episodes almost never occur. It became a normal thing for Azzy to stop and talk to Liam as well as kiss and lay his hands on MC's belly. Their son was getting so much attention daily, feeling so loved and protected that his old panic that led to the episodes of him hurting his mother simply didn't happen like before.
Overall, one of the easier timelines for MC since she has a boyfriend who not only can express his love for their child so easily, but cannot help himself but to be a little excessive with it to the point where the problem all but disappears.
The couple was walking back from Madam Screams (MC was really craving chocolate and not only is Beely always down for some food, he's also really sweet and makes her cravings a priority) when it happened.
The woman just suddenly collapsed into her boyfriend, screaming in pain as he held her up, eyes wide.
Kept asking the human what was wrong, but she couldn't really answer. She managed to cry out about her stomach, about their babies, but nothing all that clear.
That was enough for the big guy though. He scooped her up and ran her back to House of Lamentation.
Literally broke down Lucifer's study door because he did not even stop to use the door nob. The oldest didn't even have time to get angry because MC was still crying and begging for her girls to be okay.
Lucifer had Beel sit the human on the couch before working his magic (yes, pun intended lol)
After he stopped the pain, the pride demon turned to his brother before asking various questions, trying to figure out what just happened. Beel was just as clueless as him though so the oldest merely sighed before scolding him for breaking down his door. I mean, Lucifer understood the urgency, but the door wasn't even locked 🤦‍♀️
Has Beel go take MC to lay down and send Satan her way to look into the issue before having him come back and fix the door.
So he did. He brought MC to her room and fixed the door while Satan checked her over, skimmed through book after book, and performed various diagnostic magick.
The sixth brother wanted to come back sooner and hold her hand through the process, but sadly the redhead didn't finish with the door till the tail end of the examination.
Luckily, he was right on time to hear the fourth brother's findings, hearing what happened to his Muffin and his girls.
To hear about the low absorption rate for the dark energy and his girls' fear... it broke the big guy's heart 😔
Satan said he'd need at least a few days to find a safe way to remedy the situation, but that'll be a bit of a challenge. Finding some spell or potion that's fully safe for humans and babies that can fix this problem? It was a taller order than some would think.
Though it wasn't safe in the long term, the couple was able to go to Satan or Lucifer for the calming spell to stop episodes in the meantime.
Getting the news from Satan that talking to his girls should help stop the episodes? The big guy was genuinely surprised. I mean, he's basically been talking to his girls since the very day his Muffin developed a baby bump; it never occured to him to talk to them during the episodes though.
"It's okay. Mama and Papa got you. Nothings gonna happen."
Tells his girls that they are safe in a soft, tender voice. Says that he knows it must scary, but things will get better because their Mama and Papa won't let anything happen to them.
The quickest of all the brothers. His girls were already so familiar with his loving voice that their panic died down rather quickly, ending the episode in about three minutes.
Another brother to talk to his kids outside of the episodes. I mean, he did it before he even knew it was necessary so why stop? In fact, just like with Asmo, talking to his girls became a constant daily thing. Like, MC couldn't even leave to use the bathroom without Beely kissing her belly and telling his girls that he'll 'see them when they come back'. Even little moments like that, the redhead just had to say something to his girls.
Because of the sweet excessiveness of it all, the episodes became incredibly rare, even more so than with Asmo.
The two were taking a nap up in the attic room when the first episode happened.
Belphie woke up, not just from MC's cries, but from the human frantically slapping his chest, desperate for him to wake up
And boy, what a way to wake up. The sloth demon went from relaxed to panicked within a second.
I mean, he was able to keep his cool more so than Mammon or Levi, but the man was still confused and scared as hell for his girlfriend as she gripped his shirt and begged him to make the pain in her belly stop.
Trapped there by the woman's grip, the demon grabbed his phone from the stand and called Lucifer.
"I'm in the attic. Get up here now." He told the oldest impatiently.
Before Lucifer could ask questions or tell the youngest to watch his tone, he heard MC scream in pain in the background. Belphie quickly hung up and held his human close.
"It'll be okay, Butthead. Just hold out a little longer."
Lucifer was upstairs a minute later, rushing over the bed as MC let out a terrible scream. The two men could even see the painful kicks stretch out her skin even through her shirt.
The babies were extra receptive to the calming spell, even more than the babies in the other timelines, so the twins almost instantly settled within her.
MC buried her face in her boyfriend's chest, trying to calm her breathing as her tears slowed.
Lucifer started asking Belphie questions, but the younger brother didn't know much more than him. After all, he literally just woke up with the situation happening.
MC asked Lucifer if her babies were okay; they were now, but the oldest couldn't say anything else for sure.
This was when Satan was brought in and the couple learned about the slow energy absorption for their twins' souls. It broke MC's heart to hear that her twins were so scared and the woman honestly started to blame herself.
However, Belphie was beyond pissed. The babies were abusing his girlfriend because they aren't getting dark energy fast enough?
Still, the man has learned from his past mistakes. Instead of releasing his anger and flinging the blame on his kids in front MC, he left the room. He knew it would just hurt his Human more if she saw him like that.
The demon went to his own room, closed the door, and almost immediately kicked the wall, leaving a hole.
Belphie then sat down on his bed, head in his hands, and stayed silent for a minute.
Despite the thoughts swirling through his head...he knew they weren't true. This wasn't his kids' fault nor is he truly angry at them.
At this point in the pregnancy, he had already worked through his resentment of the twins because he saw that at the heart of it all, it was really just him projecting his self-hatred onto them and he knew it wasn't right. They never asked to be created; they are here inside their mom because of his own actions; his own choices
But since then, he's just had this empty space within him that he didn't know how to fill. Belphie didn't know how to feel about his kids and this situation almost made him fall back into bad thoughts about them.
Now that he's calmed down somewhat...they're all he could think about. At first, he was only worried about MC, but now that he let the whole thing sit within him, another part of it all stuck with him; his twins were scared.
Even though he didn't know how to feel about them, he chalked it up as another thing that was his fault. He... devil, no matter what, the Avatar of Sloth did not want them to feel that way.
After a couple more minutes, the man let out a big sigh and headed back to the attic to be with MC.
When the demon eventually heard from Satan about the talking method and how it could help the episodes, the seventh brother went quiet.
Belphie is simultaneously the brother who is the most uncomfortable with the method and the one who needs it the most; it really helped him grow and sort out his feelings about his kids.
When a new episode occurred and it was time to talk to his kids, the man was honestly at a loss of words at first.
"Enough. She doesn't deserve this!" He began, but then he looked up at his sobbing girlfriend's face before closing his eyes. He needs to do better; she needs him to. Belphie switched to a softer tone. "Your mom loves you more than anything...whatever it is that you guys need, you'll get it. She's not gonna let anything happen to you...I won't let anything happen to you, alright?"
Focuses on telling his kids just how important they are and how they're gonna be okay. Belphie and MC would never let anything happen to them and the man made sure they knew it.
The episode ended in about eight minutes, but they gradually finished quicker as time when on.
Originally, Belphie wasn't one to talk to his kids outside of the episodes, but sometime towards the end of the pregnancy, he sorta fell into the habit.
Only talked to his kids when MC was asleep though (or at least, when he thought she was asleep).
These talks were the main driving force for him to sort out his feelings for his kids. The demon really did love them, but the fact didn't truly hit him till they were born and he held them for the first time.
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elizabethcariasa · 3 years
My Birth Story with Duke
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My birth story with Duke started differently than Otis. With Otis I went into labor on my own and with Duke I was induced 1 week before my due date. Both were equally incredible experiences. I feel these moments are forever embedded into my memory. What a time to be pregnant during a global pandemic because of Covid-19 and also deliver a baby during this time. I will say my experience at the hospital was incredible and we felt 100% cared for and safe. Keep reading below for the story of Duke’s birthday.
Leading up to birth
Let’s rewind back to my 37 week appointment. At this appointment, I had my first cervix check and was at 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, and -2 station. My doctor also discussed with me that she wanted to induce me 1 week early at 39 weeks based on my 2 risk factors being age and IVF. Since I was already dilated and progressing on my own, we both agreed that induction would be a great option since my body was already naturally preparing for birth as well. WILD!! I didn’t think we would be scheduling an induction but I felt comfortable knowing my body was already on its way. At my 38 week appointment, I was at 3cm dilated, 70% effaced and -2 station but with a very engaged head. My dr gently stretched my cervix (not a full membrane sweep) to help get things rolling. I was starting to get excited and nervous at the same time wondering if the baby was going to show up before my induction or not! Otis was 4 days early but I was much more dilated this time earlier so it was all up in the air. I think because the idea of induction being different from going into labor naturally was a new idea for me, I was a bit more nervous leading up to it. But, it was also a very great thing to have the luxury of planning with Otis and to prep him for birth and us being away. The night I came home from my 38 week appointment and cervix stretch, I lost my mucus plug. So the wait was on and luckily I made it to my induction date! 
July 7, 2021 / 12:30 AM – Induction 
Our induction was scheduled for 12:30 AM on 7/7/21 so basically the middle of the night. I had to call 2 hours ahead of time to make sure they had beds available and confirm we could come in. So we called at 10:30 and crossed our fingers and were happy to find out, IT WAS GAME TIME. Our friend came over to swap in for Otis duty and we grabbed our hospital bags and we were OFF! Since we were vaccinated, we did not need to do a covid test for the hospital so that was very nice. If so, we would have done one in advance of our induction.
Since last time I was in active labor, going to the hospital not in active labor was different. I was also strep b positive, I needed to get my IV right away to start my antibiotics to protect baby before birth. So by 1:17am, my IV was done and they had drawn my blood for our cord blood kit (we did CBR again to collect cord blood and tissue and we did the same with Otis.) We then waited to finish some antibiotics before starting anything else. At this point, I was 3.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. A nice thing was because we were both vaccinated, we didn’t have to wear a mask in our delivery or postpartum rooms. Only when we were in the hospital hallways. Since the rules were constantly changing I didn’t know what to expect but that was a nice surprise.
July 7, 2021 / 2:37 AM – PItocin
We started my pitocin at 2:37 am. This was the medication that would jump start my contractions to continue my dilation and get labor started etc. I wasn’t feeling much for a while. Just waiting… to see when things would pick up. At 3:27 am they increased my pitocin. I started to feel contractions but nothing major and mostly just discomfort. At 6:06 am, we increased my pitocin again. I was contracting every 3-4 minutes and feeling them more and was not able to rest at all at this point from the discomfort. I was still around the same dilation etc and the nurses informed me that anesthesia was going into a planned c-section so the plan would be to call them in when they were finished. I was ready. My blood pressure was a little bit on the low side so the plan was to get some more fluids before anesthesia came to do my epidural. So at 8:07 am I got my last big dose of fluids before getting my epidural.
July 7, 2021 / 8:34 AM – Epidural 
I had ZERO birth plan except for deliver a healthy baby and have a healthy mama… and get the epidural if I could! So now that I was in alot of pain and discomfort, it was time to call in Anesthesia. I WAS READY. This time around, everything was going ok but while we were doing my actual epidural and he was placing everything properly, I started to feel like I was going to pass out. Since my blood pressure was so low, I was in bad shape. I thought I was going to pass out on the floor. This was the opposite of my first epidural experience with Otis but let me tell you, it was NOT fun. Finally everything was placed and in and I was just glad it was over. I had ice on my forehead and started to feel better. I was just happy to know my epidural was in and now it could GET BUSY.
July 7, 2021 / 9:20 AM – Break my water 
The laborist on call was able to come and break my water at this time. This is what would speed up and intensify my contractions to help dilate me quicker. Everything went fine and with my epidural, it was easy. No real pain just pressure and done.
July 7, 2021 / 10:05 AM – Cervix Check and Bloody Show 
Around this time, we did a cervix check and I was already at 5cm. So this was great news that I was progressing. I also had what they call my “bloody show” so the nurse said this was all good signs pointing toward labor. At this point, my contractions were starting to get way more intense and it was a little strange because I was feeling A LOT and still very uncomfortable. I told the nurses about it… didn’t think much of it. They pushed the button on my epidural to get some more medicine flowing. In hindsight, I should have called the anesthesiologist back. Basically my epidural was NOT working well… I mean maybe it was working a tiny bit.. But essentially I was still feeling everything. 
July 7, 2021 / 10:43 AM – OMG I am in so much pain 
Um wow. Things progressed VERY quickly. From 10:05 to 10:43 am I went to 8cm and 90% effaced and 0 station. I was feeling ALOT of pressure which is why the nurses checked me again. When I tell you I was in so much pain… I was gripping the bed basically laying sideways telling the nurse I didn’t think my epidural was working. The pain was INTENSE and I was moaning… it was.. Not how I envisioned feeling with my epidural. HA!
July 7, 2021 / 10:55 AM – GO TIME!!! 
I was feeling MISERABLE and in so much pain and had so much INTENSE pressure in my lady parts. I had to tell the nurse I literally felt like the baby was coming. They checked me again and she said, “YOU ARE READY!!!” Holy crap in 10 minutes I had gone to 10cm and was ready to push. At this point, I was having such intense pelvic pressure constantly. They called my dr to come immediately. She was at her office which was a 5 minute drive. The nurses were bustling around the room getting everything together. No one envisioned me getting to 10 cm this quickly so everyone was rushing to get things prepped and ready. We kept losing the baby’s heart rate on the monitor because he was just so low trying to get OUT. It was INSANE. I was basically holding my legs together afraid that the baby was literally going to come out. My epidural felt non existent and it was never able to catch up. I think at that moment, I realized that hey… this was happening whether or not my epidural was working. 
My dr arrived soon and I could barely focus at this point from the pain. Once she was ready and in position, I basically pushed for 3 contractions (each time pushing 3x) and baby was out in less than 5 minutes!! HOLY CRAP!!!!! Blake was trying to coach me to help me with my breathing and pushing because I just couldn’t focus so I feel I likely could have pushed him out faster if I was more focused but WOW. He came so fast and all of a sudden… he was here!!!!!!!!! 
July 7, 2021 / 11:20 AM – Happy Birthday Duke Ray Lapides 
Duke Ray Lapides was born at 11:20 am at 7lbs 4oz and 19 inches long. His cord was wrapped around his neck when he came out but my dr worked fast and all of sudden my baby was on my chest and I am telling you whether you have had a baby before, it’s one of the most life changing, mind blowing things to ever happen to me. Ever. The shock of baby finally being on the outside, here, breathing and moving on my chest… it’s just one of my life’s most powerful moments. I had a very small tear so after delivering the placenta, I got stitched up and then we were done.
We got to snuggle our special guy for some uninterrupted time before the nurses came back to measure him, and do their tests etc. We got rolled to our recovery room and I was able to breastfeed right away which was incredible. The second time around I felt a sense of calm and confidence when it came to approaching breastfeeding and it went so smoothly and I am SO thankful that it did. I will say that the uterus cramping second time around was a lot more intense. Especially when breastfeeding the cramps were really bad. I made sure to constantly stay on top of my pain meds (rotating motrin and tylenol) and not miss any doses. Second time around though, we were ready to get home to Otis. We stayed in the hospital for a little over 24 hours to ensure Baby Duke was healthy and ready and I was medically cleared. 
After being home, I stayed consistent with my pain meds and for the first 2 weeks the pain and cramping was worse than I remembered with Otis. But it was all signs that my uterus was shrinking back down to its normal size. I actually stopped bleeding between 2 to 3 weeks postpartum which was amazing. All in all the worst part of the recovery tends to be a quick blur thankfully at least for me. I had to include this side by side picture of Otis and Duke in the hospital. Love seeing how similar their sweet faces were at that newborn moment!
So there you have it. Happy Birthday sweet little Duke. After the years of struggling with fertility, I have this overwhelming sense of peace leaving that chapter behind us and moving forward with our lives. This past week I was able to stop by my fertility clinic with notes and a small gift physically and figuratively say goodbye to this intense chapter in our lives. It has been filled with some of the darkest moments of my life, but also some of my brightest. I will forever be grateful to modern medicine for aiding us in our journey to become a family of 4. For anyone struggling with infertility, my heart aches with you. I know it’s a tough road no matter what your struggles are but I want you to know you are not alone. Linking my IVF related articles below. I shared a pretty in depth look at our process and I hope it might help to support you if you need it.
I wrote a few posts on infertility and IVF and you can find them below:
IVF 1 
IVF 2 
Prepping for FET (frozen embryo transfer)
Preparing for IVF egg retrieval 
How to support a friend going through IVF
IVF book resources
Covid-19 Cancelled My Embryo Transfer
Failed IVF Frozen Embryo Transfer
The post My Birth Story with Duke appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Lapides.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 years
Imagine: Chase meeting a single mother who obviously just needs all the help she can get and they just fall head over heels with each other and she helps him fight for visitation with his own kids and wauefhlskjdnialuw sorry I love him so much ;v;
Oof I love him, too, Nonny ;u;. I hope you all love some fluff/angst for supper~ (Also the Reader will have a son. [S/N] stands for “Son Name”, so I’ll leave it up to you on what you wanna name him!)@chase-brody-protection-squad if you’re interested you can read this too ^^
“Can we go to the ice cream shop, mama?”You glanced down at your eight year old son who sat beside you on the bench, raising an eyebrow at his question. “You want ice cream? In the winter?” A small chuckle of amusement left your lips as you ruffled his [h/c] hair, which was the same color as your own. “What are you crazy??”“Heyyy!” [S/N] pouted, flailing his arms, although he couldn’t lift them up too well because of the coat he wore. “You’re gonna knock my beanie off, ma!”“Oops, sorry,” you giggled, taking your hand away. “Say..didn’t you wanna go to that toy store down the street?”At the mention of his favorite place, his face lit up like a bright Christmas tree, and he nodded his head eagerly. “I did!” He grinned, hopping off the bench and turning to you. “Let’s go!”“Okay, okay, we’re going.” With a small sigh, you lifted your son up into your arms, before you made your way out of the empty, snowy park.Of course, nobody said that it was easy being a single mother…and it wasn’t any easier living paycheck to paycheck and working two jobs either. After your husband left when your son was just born, every day became a struggle for you. But somehow..someway…you always managed to pull through yet another week, month, and year.Why? It was simply because of [S/n]. You had told him why his dad wasn’t around anymore, which you almost regretted. But, to your surprise, he was actually very mature and understanding for someone so young. Since then he tried to spend as much time with you as possible, ensuring that you weren’t sad and that you kept on smiling.Even during Christmas time, the season where you became particularly depressed because you knew you wouldn’t be able to afford the things that your son wanted, you two tried to make the most of the holiday season.……..Chase sighed depressingly as he gazed into the window of the toy store, seeing parents inside helping their kids pick out things that they wanted for Christmas.How he wished he, Stacy, Grayson, and Samantha could be among those smiling, laughing families inside there.The cold breeze stung his eyes, which were already starting to grow tearful from the bitter thoughts that swarmed in his mind, but he quickly wiped them away with his sleeve and sighed once more. He could feel the heater from the store warm him up as shoppers opened and closed the doors.Maybe he’ll just go in for a little while and at least try to find something to send to his kids this year.Adjusting his cap, Chase walked inside the store and took a look around, wondering where to start and where to end. After a few moments of debate, he decided to go where the plushies were.Every child loves a stuffed animal, after all.As he approached that section, he saw a woman crouched down in front of her son, who had a small dinosaur plushie in his hands. When he looked closer, he saw that she had a slight frown on her face, but he figured that was only because she was telling her child that he will have to wait until Christmas to get it, as most parents in the store were doing.“…maybe..Santa will leave that little guy under the tree for you.”“Are you sure he will?”“…yeah..I… promise.”Chase blinked several times. He could see your smile, but your eyes and tone of voice betrayed your seemingly happy expression. Your son then nodded in understanding, putting back the dinosaur and asking you if he could go look at the action figures, to which you said yes.While the man knew it wasn’t in his right to get into your personal business, he couldn’t help but feel that you may have just lied to your son…in the most heartbreaking way possible.Once your kid left, that was when he decided to ask you about it. And he was ready to back off and leave you alone if need be.“Hey, dude..uh..”Looking over, you saw a guy, who appeared around your age, approach you. He had bright blue eyes, faded yellow-green hair, and a grey snapback with a red bill and a red and blue J!NX skull on the front.“Oh, hello,” you smiled at the stranger. “How’s your Christmas shopping going?”Chase merely shrugged in response. “Eh, it’s going fine…just fine…” He said, taking one of the dinosaur plushies off the shelf and staring down at it for a few moments. “My son absolutely loves dinosaurs, man…and I don’t blame him.” A small chuckle escaped his lips. “They’re the coolest.”“Yeah they are. You know…. that’s the one my son really wanted..but…”Hearing you trail off, he glanced back at you. “But what?” He knew what you were exactly going to say, but he kept the fact that he was eavesdropping a secret.“….ah it’s nothing.” You shook your head, your smile returning. “With luck I might be able to afford it for him, or I could always find a similar one at that thrift store down the street. But around this time of year..all I have is luck on my side.”Blinking several times, Chase quickly skimmed the price tag on the plushie. It wasn’t even that expensive…at least not for him. He couldn’t believe that you were having a dilemma over whether or not you could afford a simple stuffed animal for your child. If it was a video game or a scooter or literally anything else, he’d understand..but this…this isn’t something any parent should be struggling to decide on.So he finally cracked and took out his wallet. “You know what…here..”You stared at the man in confusion, until you realized that he was handing you a ten dollar bill.“W-Wait..wait..oh no, no, no..” Shaking your head, you lightly pushed his hand away. “Thank you for the offer, sir..b-but there’s no way that I can-”“Just take it, dude,” he insisted, giving you a reassuring smile as he put his wallet away and grabbed the dinosaur plush, handing that to you as well. “Take it and get your kiddo a dinosaur.”After a few moments of hesitation, you sighed and finally decided to take the money and the plush. “Thank you..” You whispered, happy tears filling up your eyes, before you quickly wiped them away.You didn’t want to make a scene in such a crowded store. “..It’s funny..I don’t even know your name, and-”“Chase. Chase Brody.”“Ah…well, it’s nice to meet you, Chase.” You smiled back at him. “I’m [y/n].“………After you finished paying for the plushie and hiding it in your bag, you decided to treat Chase to a drink at the coffee shop as repayment. As you talked to him, you learned that he was a humorous, laid-back kind of guy who earned his money from his YouTube channel called “Bro Average”; although he didn’t make a lot, it was enough for him to get by.At first [s/n] was skeptical of the stranger, but eventually warmed up to him after Chase brought up the subject of skateboards, sports, and just “guy things” in general.Then the two of you exchanged phone numbers, and from there blossomed a great friendship.Eventually, you did open up to him about your divorce and the hardships you’ve been facing ever since. He decided that he would help you with that, since he was divorced as well and thus knew most of the struggles you went through.You were more than grateful that he was willing to help you buy better food and a few more presents for your son and stay with him while you went to your first job early in the morning and your second job late at night. Least to say it took a lot of weight off your shoulders.It hasn’t even been a month yet and…you found yourself falling for Chase. It may have been his handsome features, his charisma, his positive and energetic attitude, or, simply, his kindness…But regardless of what it was, it was clear that you loved him as more than a friend. Even [s/n] began to see him as a father…The only question was: did he feel the same way?…….After you put [s/n] to bed, you sighed and smiled, making your way to the living room in your apartment where you saw Chase sitting on the sofa. He was staring at his wallet..at a picture of who appeared to be his kids.“Those your kids?”The man glanced up at you, a small smile appearing on his face. “Y-Yeah..I…haven’t told you about them, have I?” He chuckled.“I don’t think so,” you remarked, sitting down beside him. “What are their names?”“The one in the white sweater is Grayson. He’s ten. And the one in the green and blue dress is Samantha. She’s seven.”“Awh, they look so sweet. I’m sure they love you, right?”At what was suppose to be just a simple, innocent question..Chase’s breath hitched slightly. He then closed his wallet, shakily putting it back into his pocket. “Y-Yeah..they..do…..I-I’ll be right-”However, when he tried to stand up, you grabbed a hold of his arm. Now you were confused and worried over the way he was acting. Did you say something wrong?“Hey…I-I’m sorry if what I said offended you,” you apologized. “I just-”“N-No..you didn’t offend me, [y/n]..” He sighed, sitting back down and looking at you with a tearful gaze. “I-I just…I-I….”“What is it Chase?” Turning to him, you let go of his arm and placed your hands on his shoulders. You could tell there was something he wanted to say…something he wa–needed to get off his chest. “You know you can tell me anything.”Now you were anticipating either silence or an explanation…..but Chase breaking down and crying into your arms was completely unexpected.You initially froze, making a small noise of confusion as no words came out, but then you hugged him tightly, hushing him and trying to do all you could to comfort him as he sobbed quietly into your shoulder.From there, he opened up to you about the circumstances of his divorce, which involved a rather messy custody battle that had been ongoing for months now. He said that all he wanted for Christmas was to spend time with his kids, but his ex-wife was being incredibly stubborn and practically refused to negotiate something with him.And that left him simply hopeless and sad.Chase’s story almost made tears come to your eyes as well. You may have had your fair share of heartache that came with divorcing, but never in your life could you imagine fighting your husband every day in court just to see your own son on the weekends.But after he told you everything, you wanted nothing more than to help him through it…just as he had helped you in the weeks leading up to now.And maybe now…was the time to confess to him how you truly felt.���Chase? May I…confess something as well?”He sat up a bit, swallowing back his sobs as he stared at you with puffy, red-rimmed eyes. They widened, however, when you suddenly cupped his face in your hands and pressed your lips against his. But…he didn’t freak out and instead melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you even closer to him.After a few moments you broke the kiss, still holding his face and gazing into his eyes lovingly. “You’ve done so much for my son and I…and..even now I can’t possibly think of any way to repay you. So… I’m gonna help you see your kids on Christmas Day.”Chase gawked at you in disbelief, but before he could protest, you cut him off.“Listen..I..I love you, Chase,” you said, using your sleeve to wipe away the tears that clung to his cheeks. “I care about you so much. You’re a sweet, kind, funny, and, above all else, a loving and caring father who doesn’t deserve to go through this bullshit alone. I’m gonna talk some sense into that ex-wife of yours. Hell I’ll even make a fucking list of 100 reasons why you should be allowed to see your own kids on Christmas if I need to.”“[Y/n]…”“And don’t think I’m gonna take “No” as an answer.“ You let go of his head and brought him back into a hug. “Because I love you so much, Chase..and I refuse to let you suffer through this on your own.”“I-I…” It took Chase almost a minute to figure out how to respond to both your confession and offer to help him. But once he did, tears of joy filled up his eyes as he buried his face into your neck. “I-I love you, too, [y/n]…” He wrapped his arms around you tighter. “C-Can we stay like this for a little while? I-I miss being able to c-cuddle with someone..”“Of course, sweetie.” Smiling, you removed his hat, setting it aside before you calmly began to stroke his soft, fluffy hair. “Your hair’s really soft you know.”The male let out a small chuckle. “Thanks. But…wait….didn’t you..say that [s/n] never…. met his dad?”“I did..why?”“Oh I-I was um..thinking…maybe I…could be..?” Chase trailed off, but in that moment you knew exactly what he wanted to say next. And it made your eyes grow watery as you hugged him tighter.
“Yes, Chase…I…I think he would love that.”
Upon hearing your words, he relaxed and smiled even wider, snuggling further into your warm embrace as his tears began to stain your neck. “I-I’m glad.” He whispered.
For the first time in years…the holiday season wasn’t so bleak for either of you.
[S/n] was going to wake up to find more presents under the tree, you now had a lover that would be there for you every step of the way and be the father that your son never had, and Chase was finally going to see his kids this year and have a real family. Even when they left, you’ll still love and support the man who helped you when you were at your lowest.As cheesy as it sounds, it was truly a Christmas miracle.
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katmfrank · 4 years
Claire’s Arrival
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Ever since Benjamin was born, I felt like the luckiest mom in the world- I had two beautiful boys who became best friends the first time they laid eyes on each other. What could be better than that? If I was blessed with a little baby girl, that would be the most amazing miracle I could hope for. 
The first twelve weeks of pregnancy I just assumed I would have another boy. So when we found out that she was in fact a baby sister we were overjoyed. I was going to have a daughter!! The whole family couldn’t have been more happy. 
So we did what any expecting family would do- and we moved to an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! Our plan was to stay for a few months and return to San Francisco for Claire to be born. But we fell in love with Hawaii and thought it would be a wonderful place to welcome baby girl. 
As my due date approached, the size of my belly started to worry the doctors and midwives. Everyone suspected baby would be large. So they ordered a growth ultrasound at 37 weeks, 2 days. I went into the basement of the hospital, saw the cute little baby with big puffy cheeks on the screen and awaited the results. A few minutes later the ultrasound technician came in with a worried expression on her face. He sat down and gave me the news that Claire was estimated to be 9lbs, 15 oz. already! With 3 weeks to go until my due date! My heart started racing and I felt overwhelmed. He explained that in his opinion I should just schedule a c-section instead of trying for a natural delivery. He said I would be putting baby’s life at risk otherwise. I was livid! How dare he tell me how to birth my baby! But I was also terrified that I would put baby in danger. I drove home with tears streaming down my face and stopped at Taco Bell and ordered four items. The people there probably thought this huuuge pregnant lady crying over her Mexican pizza was crazy. I sat there, drowned my sorrows in fast food and came up with a plan. I would get an amniocintethis a few days later to check baby’s lungs, and if all checked out ok we would induce at 38 weeks, 2 days. 
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Saturday I was exactly 38 weeks along and it was Benji’s 3rd birthday party. I was having (irregular) contractions all afternoon and thought we might have to cancel the party, but alas baby cooperated and we continued on with a few dozen friends to celebrate my soon to be middle child. 
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Monday morning, June 17 was the big day- induction day. I was 38 weeks, 2 days and ready to go! We arrived to Labor and Delivery once they gave us the green light, around noon. But we had to sit around and wait for them to be ready. Just like my previous two babies, it was a full moon and the hospital was busy!
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Around 6pm we got the ball rolling with a Foley Ballon to start dilation. Upon arrival I was already 3cm and 80% effaced. And luckily the balloon got things going even more. A couple of hours later I was starting to feel things and the balloon released. Baby was still high in the pelvis, so we started pitocin at midnight to make the contractions ramp up and get her to start descending. I was up to 5cm dilated at this point. I got up and started doing lunges near my bed. I texted my doula to come join me about 12:30pm, and she came with me around the labor and delivery floor, stopping to breathe through contractions every few minutes. 
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At this point, around 2:30 or 3am I was probably about 6cm b/c the pain was setting in. I opted to labor in the birth tub, so my doula lit candles all around the bathroom and I settled into a nice warm soak. The water helped the pain so much! Contractions were every minute consistently. 
By around 5am I felt like I was in transition and got out of the tub to get checked. It turns out I was only 6.5cm (this is questionable to me still!). And the doctor offered to break my water. Laying flat on your back while contractions come every minute is the hardest part for sure, but I went for it and felt the warm rush of relief. 
But then of course the pain level shot up a few notches! I dilated to 9.5cm instantly and I really felt it at that point. Just like my other two babies I stalled here, so the doctor reached in and had me push into a contraction to get the cervical lip out of baby’s head’s way. It was now time to push!
6am- The next hour was agony! Contractions came every 30 seconds, not 60 like they were supposed to. Some would literally start right as the previous one ended. Offering me no reprieve. Trying every position possible to push (without any pain relief). Squatting, reclining, hands and knees. Nothing was helping baby descend. She was still very high in my abdomen and not coming down. AT ALL. 
Note that in advance, I explained to my doula how this might happen. William also had failed to descend during the pushing stage, and I needed the epidural to get him out. I told her if I pushed more than one hour with no progress, I would be happy to get the epidural. 
Another factor at play was the doctors and midwives were VERY concerned about baby’s size. Remember we thought she was over 10lbs at this point. And they all feared her shoulders would get stuck, which is caused shoulder dystocia and can be fatal to baby. So everyone was keeping a very close eye on me. 
Once I had been pushing in agony for 60 minutes I asked the doctor if baby had descended and she said no, not at all. So I called it and said, let’s do the epidural!! I could sense the doctor and doula were disappointed. But I was so happy to get some relief. When I got the epidural with William I had been so disappointed in myself. But this time around I was making an informed, empowered decision to protect the safety of my baby. 
The anesthesiologist came in and had a tough time getting the epi inserted. I was hunched over, trying to curve my spine for her, but contractions were still coming more than one per minute. And i had to grit my teeth through several as she tried to get it in.
Whewwwwwwwww! What a relief once that sweet epidural kicked in. Thank God!
It was time for a shift change, and they told me to take an hour and nap, since I had been up laboring all night. That was wonderful and much needed. 
Jen Wright, an angel of a midwife came in fresh and ready to help me get baby out! She told me she had done a little research on laboring mothers with ab separations like me (diastasis recti) and she had an idea to place a velcro binder over my abdomen, like a corse. This was ingenious! The way my belly extends, allows baby to kind of hang out far from my center. So the baby’s head does not engage and descent ideally. So once the binder fits over my belly it pulls baby in close, and guides her head down so she can descend. 
Pushing time, take two! This pushing experience was a lot more serene. I still had to push with all my might, but not having that pain to push into was a real treat. 
Doctors were still nervous baby would get stuck. So we talked about c-section. If baby took more than an hour of pushing, we would do surgery. 
30 mins passed, pushing. 40 mins passed, pushing, 50 minutes. We talk about throwing in the towel, admitting baby might be stuck after all. They go to fetch some scrubs for Chris and begin prepping the OR. One of the nurses said, “It’s too bad we need to do surgery, I was hoping we could prove that ultrasound technician wrong!” remembered how mad I was when the ultrasound tech told me not to try for a vaginal birth and got a second wind. And baby must have tucked her chin and gotten into an ideal position. I let out a huge push and boom! Her head descends into the canal. I reached down and felt her head!
“Cancel the OR” the midwife yells! “She’s coming out now!” A few more people rush in, ready to save the baby if she gets stuck on the way out. The midwife tells me to slow down listen for her cues. If baby’s shoulder gets stuck in the pelvis she will have to use the help of a few other nurses/doctors to safely get baby out. And if she yells “we’re ok!” that means baby is fine. 
I exhale and baby descends all on her own. The midwife says, ‘can you see her’, and I look at the mirror by my feet and see the baby’s head, and her big chubby cheeks making their way into the world. 
Midwife Jen has her hands around baby’s head, easing her out and all of a sudden yells, “WE’RE OK!” we all cheer! Jen yanks baby out with one big act of force and she plops the rest of the way out, and she’s being whisked through the air and onto my chest.
The tears pour out now, as it hits me baby is here, in my arms. I came so close to needing surgery, but didn’t in the end. 
My sweet little darling Claire Bear, with cheeks for days, is here! I’m the luckiest mama in the world and am so grateful for these gifts. 
P.S. She was only 8lbs, 9 oz! So that growth ultrasound was WAY off!
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sugaforthesoul · 7 years
[Fan Account] 20170401 - BTS WINGS Tour in Anaheim, CA
So you guys may or may not know but I was in Anaheim last night to see Bangtan. If you'd like to find out about my experience, just keep on reading!
So my day started very early on Saturday morning. I woke up around 7AM. Since this past week was my spring break, I was accustomed to waking up at 1PM and going to bed at 4AM, so needless to say, I had trouble both falling asleep and waking up in the morning. I caught a bus from outside my dorm around 9:30AM and rode it for about an hour and a half up to Oceanside. From there, I took the train around 12PM to Anaheim and I got there around 1:30PM. Fast forward past some details no one probably cares about, I came back to the Honda center (it's right across the street from Anaheim station) around 3:30PM. Since I had an assigned seat, I didn't have to worry about lining up or anything. By that time, most of the merch was gone though, so I didn't get anything ;A; I guess it's a good that 'cause that stuff is really expensive. Anyway, after hours of sitting on the curb and waiting in line, I got in around 7PM. I was in section 204 so once I was inside, I went straight through the doors into the actual stadium. Since I was in row P, my view was a little further away but I was not complaining one bit. When I sat down, a lady gave us an orange and green bag to cover lightsticks for specific songs but I didn't get to use them since I didn't buy a lightstick. For the next hour or so, they were playing Bangtan MVs on the monitors, and y'all. Why y'all got scream... at a MV? I was amused but I expected it since at SMTOWN way back in 2011, I was one of those people who screamed at the videos playing before the show (and was judged by my dad). Anyway I was sitting there amused at the audience but also watching the screen (and screaming at Jas AKA @jeons-jalebi via text and snap). As I was sitting there, watching, it hit me and I was trembling in both nervousness and excitement, which didn't subside until deep into the actual performance. I noticed the MVs were somewhat being played in chronological order but after Spring Day, I was ready for Not Today... the MV... that's not what I got. The lights cut and the intro VCR started playing. Everyone got to their feet, screaming and waving their lightsticks. I was no exception this time (minus the lightstick, obviously). Guess what they performed first. Yup, that's right, Not Today. The rose up from the back portion of the stage and it felt like my heart stopped for a moment. Yes, I video taped it but I did NOT for one moment actually look at what I was filming cuz I wanted to focus on it with my actual eyes. Even though I held my phone very close to my chest, the footage is very shaky. Yes, it's because my body was still trembling uncontrollably. I don't think I need to tell you guys how they perform because I'm sure most of you are under the impression that they're great performers, and you'd be absolutely correct. I think after was the first ment (I say I think because I don't remember how many there were or when they happened). Everyone screamed their asses off as expected and they all introduced themselves in English and all that jazz. I was expecting this but I was not prepared. Goddamn Min YOONGI (that autocorrected to all caps and obviously, I have made zero attempt to change it) did the thing where he takes his earpiece out, closes his eyes and cups his ear. Naturally, I screamed at the top of my lungs, as did others (except the girl next to me; she was texting during half the concert lol). After that they performed Am I Wrong, 뱁새, and (I think) BS&T. I'm not sure the order but I'm pretty sure BS&T was in that mix because I know they performed it around the beginning but I don't quite remember when (I jotted the setlist during the breaks, but I had forgotten by then... I guess I was just that stunned). Yo... those motherfucking hip thrusts in 뱁새... I couldn't breathe, holy shit. Honestly, no amount of preparation can prepare you to see them and I learned that many times in the course of two and a half hours. So far, the award of hype goes to Not Today and 뱁새, which is saying something because usually I'm very reserved in public and I was by myself too. After a break, Begin started and I knew there was going to be choreography for it since Jas told me . I thought I could prepare myself for it… but I was not prepared at all. Begin is one of my favorite tracks and pairing it with dancing ruined me. I was on the verge of tears. And then Lie is performed, and in that moment, it was all over. The choreography was absolutely amazing. It was sensual and well put together. Even though it was Jimin paired with sexy dancing, that style of dancing appeals to me anyway so I was just immersed. It felt a little bit theatrical too, and the red lighting was also appealing to my aesthetic. Anyone who knows me knows much I love the color red (just like Jungkook, heh). Right after, the universe decided it was going to seal the package of that round of performances with my bias. Yes, that’s right, the first round of solos was my bias list, ending off with my ultimate. Yoongi started by sitting in the middle in front of a piano and there were two strings players sitting at each side. I could hear the emotion in his voice, honestly. He kept walking closer, down the stage and delivered the verses with closed eyes. At this point, I was just watching and crying (literally). In that moment, I all of a sudden felt so thankful that I was standing there, able to see him (and them) perform in person. I’m from Florida, so needless to say, they’ve never come anywhere near my hometown. I don’t remember which ment this was in but since I mentioned that I don’t remember which ment went where and what happened in each specific one except the beginning and end one, I’ll insert this story here. So Hoseok was going to each side, getting them/us to scream. Of course the left side would still scream when he went to the right side and vice versa, but that’s beyond the point. Yoongi, after Hoseok finished both sides, growled, and I mean GROWLED like a tiger when he said, “LOUDER!” Usually the speakers in a large concert made the pitch higher, but when Yoongi growled, his voice was the deepest I had heard from him. It sent shivers down my spine (and still does at this very moment as I think back to it) and everyone went absolutely crazy. I am no exception. Every time Yoongi prompted us to be louder, lowkey highkey, I put more effort for obvious reasons. The next set of performances were in the front part of the stage, so I got a better view of it. The vocal line started with Lost. I was really impressed by how much they’ve improved their vocals. There a lot more stable now. Lost isn’t one of my favorites but I enjoyed it (as I enjoyed the performance for every song that isn’t that high up for me). Oh, I’d like to mention that by then, I’m pretty sure my body’s trembling had subsided. I think it stopped when there was a break. After Lost was Save Me, and I Need U. The choreography for Save Me was… I can’t even describe. Obviously I’m familiar with it, but seeing it in person was so good. I could definitely tell I Need U was a favorite for many because it got even louder somehow (if you didn’t know, I tend to vibe more with the tracks that are more hip-hop infused). The next set of performances were solos again and it started with Reflection. Namjoon is one of those people whom I’ve grown to admire a lot in the past four years and seeing him perform was a reiteration of that. There’s just something about the way his voice fills the stadium… that or I’m crazy. After that was Stigma, and guys, we need to talk about Taehyung’s voice. I was so accustomed to his deep singing voice. Yes, I was aware of the high notes in Stigma, but hearing it live? This probably doesn’t mean much since I was shook to the core the whole time, but I was S H O O K. Hoseok performed Mama after, and I must say, I have a newfound love for him. The choreography was very jazzy and lively, and his smile just gave me energy. That whole performance was like a vitamin. Also I had a hard time keeping my eyes on him ‘cause the main monitor behind him and a slideshow of his baby photos and babies are my weakness. After Hobi, Jin performed, and again, so impressed with those vocals. The next set of performances… this is when shit got very real for me, and this is why: the fucking CYPHER happened. Yo, I mentioned that it’s hard to hype me that much if I’m solo and in public, but you better believe I was vibing hardcore with that shit. My mannerisms were like Yoongi’s. I was too into it to notice but when I looked back at the little snapchat video I took of the beginning of his verse, I noticed we’re similar. I also do some of the dance moves Hoseok was doing (and I’m sure some of you know the origin those dances). I’m dancing while sitting at my desk typing this up, that’s how much that performance hyped me. Right after was Fire, and of course the hype did not subside (for most people, Fire is a hype song but not my favorite - dear Lord, how many times am I going to say a variation of “hype”). They had us cover our lightsticks with either a yellow bag or an orange one for it. Following was a medley of throwbacks starting from N.O. Then they did No More Dream (I was so hyped for the former two), Boy in Luv, Danger, and Run. They only did choreography for Boy in Luv out of the older songs. They did 21st Century Girl, and then it seemed like it’d be over but after lots of screaming, chanting BTS, and changing the bags on the lightsticks to create a rainbow, they came back on, starting with Hoseok dancing to Intro: Boy Meets Evil (no, he didn’t rap too). They did BS&T again and talked to us more after. Last, they performed Interlude: Wings, 2!3!, and ended with Spring Day. Most people including me didn’t leave until the VERY end, after the ending video played on the monitor and the boys bowed with everyone. As I walked out, I was a little dizzy, still dazed, but also my ears were so blocked and my throat was very hoarse. I didn’t buy merch earlier but I bought a WINGS shirt with the tour dates on the back (which I’m wearing now)... it was $10! People just went around selling them! Jas told me to look out for stuff like that. The concert was about two and a half hours but i didn’t leave until around 11:30PM because I needed an uber to go back to the Airbnb and when I first got out, they were $45, and I was like hell no because it was $14 to get to the Honda Center. I kept refreshing but the price went up to $75. Eventually I got it at $32 though. The amount of people I screamed to about it when I was lying in bed… yeah I still have post concert shock. I came back to the dorm this morning and since Anaheim Station is close to the Honda Center, I got to meet @perpetually-jungshook :’) We didn’t hang for long; I had a crowded as fuck train to catch… but yeah, that’s it. I wanna turn back time, but the moment has passed so I’ll just pray they’ll come back soon.
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