#i literally think the same thing when i see a new photo of louis like pLS JuST SLAy me right now. i can't deal
Do you think if Harry and Meghan attack William’s kids when William is King, he won’t continue the royal protection that Harry and Meghan currently enjoy?
Charles is extremely shortsighted to have squashed the bullying report for his own gain. I have a background in history as well as workplace investigations - these things will come out in one form or another. In the case of the BRF, it might not be in the next 10 to 15 years, but it will eventually be incorporated in his legacy. Catherine seems to understand that with her insistence that the “recollections may vary” line be kept.
William probably isn’t going to continue the royal protection when he’s King anyway. He’s already made a few moves now that shows he plans to cut Harry off/out entirely.
Harry (and Meghan) will continue to shine as BRF-adjacent for a little bit under King William. Harry will be invited to the funeral events. He might get a walkabout, depending on how old the Waleses kids are, but it won’t be his own walkabout and it won’t certainly be with the new King and Queen. He’ll probably get a photo with William for the “sons’ guard” of the casket. But once the royal mourning ends, whatever shine is left on Harry will tarnish very quickly as all the attention and privilege will turn more and more towards George, Charlotte, and Louis. By the time of William’s coronation - to which the Royal rota has already heard leaks that Harry won’t be invited at all - Harry won’t have anything BRF-related left at all.
No protection (metaphorically and literally), no access, no allowances, no inheritances, no communications. He’ll be fully exiled like the Duke of Windsor was, left to play his bagpipes “left eye, one tear, go” on the back steps of Montecito mansion thinking about all that could have been.
But that’s only if he doesn’t get back into the fold before Charles passes away. Which is why I think he’s pushing really hard now for Charles to intervene on the security lawsuit and may be trying to bait him with this trip to Colombia as some gossip is alleging; if Harry gets security or comes back “in” under King Charles, then he has a better chance at keeping *some* of it when King William rises.
But I think the fatal flaw in that plan is that Harry has totally underestimated William. He thinks he can emotionally blackmail William with “but you’re my bro, I’m the only one who knows what you’re going through” (the same way he tried to emotionally blackmail The Queen with “favorite grandson” and Charles with “don’t you want to see your grandchildren”) but William has already grabbed that “card” and dropkicked it off the Norfolk cliffs into the North Sea where Meghan’s singing seals have already eaten it. It won’t work.
And it will be fun to see Harry’s desperation escalate as he realizes he is truly really definitely done and dusted, over and out. If he ever were to turn on the Waleses kids, it would be then and it would 100% be the last straw for William. If he somehow hadn’t already blown his top at Harry and Meghan before then. Which, honestly, I expect that to have already happened. With Spare, frankly.
Anyway. I think I lost the plot here somewhere. I got a call in the middle of writing this and I lost my train of thought.
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
I'm sure you've heard already but ppl on Twitter tearing sentiment about Louis entering relationship with Armand for protection TO SHREDS. Going off how flirty Louis looked on the date. I just have two question for them:
1)What is that happened after that date that would've made Louis change his heart? (Sarcasm) Yes, Louis clearly boldly flirted with Armand there (lets ignore lestat third-wheeling and Louis taking photos of lestat with Armand being at the side). And AFTER he nearly died by Armand's hand. And Assad confirmed that Armand was planning to kill him, it wasn't just a sham. So, it's understandable that Louis started to look at Armand differently there.
2)"it's also the beginning of the ultimatum with Armand and the beginning of the darker side of their relationship" from Jacob's mouth. They need to look up definition of ultimatum. It's a CONDITION usually combined with a threat. We're being NICE when discuss this scene because I haven't seen single person imply that Armand was pressuring Louis into sex. All I saw people saying this situation happened unintentionally on Armand's part because he's used to power plays, toxic relationship etc
People are sooo hypocritical in this fandom. They SWEAR they love toxic love stories but get scared by toxicity. Bet same people who are pissed about this believe that Louis didn't want sex in ep6 and that he did it to appease lestat. Picking and choosing where to see abuse and where don't.
Also it seems like some give more importance to reviews than cast's interviews. I read reviews and read about tender romantic loumand in Paris.
I also heard Hannah saying that cage in bedroom was intentional. I also read jacob saying Armand is dark looming presence and that he serves function to Louis and that Louis becomes dissatisfied. There was a lot in Jacob's interviews actually.
Reviews and interviews don't always say the same thing, sometimes even contradict each other (Assad and Eric mentioning devil's minion and reviews saying there's nothing between them). And you would think people will focus on words of someone who WORKS on the show, but they prefer to hear only things that support their headcanons
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Tbh, I have been taken aback by how willingly everyone is jumping/hating on that post (and, I mean, I have pointed out the same thing???), because... it completely dismisses what Assad and Jacob have said...
AND it completely dismisses Jacob's acting there.
Really look at him. I'm not going to pull up the gifs now, it's the current episode, go look at Louis' face and expression and body language... and then remember what his "inner Lestat" said.
And we all know how good an actor Jacob is, right.
I mean. The fandom dismissing what cast and creators say in favor of accusations is nothing new. God knows I've ranted about this. But... I mean... how can you think Louis, after Armand almost kills him... would just happily enter a relationship? When he just asked to be decapitated??? When the only thing that stopped him - was Armand's comment that Claudia wouldn't be around for long.
THAT is, as far as the tale is currently spun, what made Louis stop. Literally.
Jacob said that it would go darker from here and I... don't doubt it. But I think some people are not prepared, lol.
Dubai is a golden cage, by intent and set design as stated. And Louis was "the little birdie for the next 50 years".
Or does anybody really think the overlay with the coven telling Claudia that was a coincidence....
Or wonder why AMC did not promote Loumand as a couple... at all.
I'm just glad the gag orders have dropped away, at least I can listen now to Assad, Jacob, Sam and Rolin telling it like it is.
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themultifandomgal · 3 months
From 2010- One Direction And Scott Mills
Part 37
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“I’m now joined with One Direction at a secret location” Scott introduces us all “don’t say where we are by the way”
“We don’t know where we are. We were blindfolded” liam jokes next to me making me chuckle
“We’ve noticed your spending all the money on your music videos now. Most notably you’ve upgraded the camper van in steal my girl. What happened to the last one?”
“I don’t know actually” I respond as Liam points the mic at me but ends up hitting my nose
“We should see if we can get our hands on that actually. Can you direct these mics a bit better Liam. You’ve already hit YN with it”
“Sorry man”
“Hey what about me?” I nudge Liam who’s smiling
“Sorry YN”
“Thank you”
“The new album is released on November 17th. Have you all heard it the whole way through as an album”
“I don’t think so. Each song…. Liam just give me the mic” I take it off Liam as he hits me again with it “as I was saying. We’ve listened to each song individually but not as a album”
“We should do that” Liam says
“I like doing it in the car” Harry speaks into Niall’s mic
“What’s your favourite song on the album?”
“I really like where do broken hearts go” Niall replies
“I’m a big fan of the next single”
“That’s a tough one. I think it might be ready to run or night changes”
“I like fireproof”
“Same” Liam responds
“See on the same page”
“I agree with Niall where do broke hearts go”. Steal my girl is then played on the radio and we get back into answering some more questions
“You mentioned on Twitter that you get cabin fever when your not allowed out of hotel rooms. What happens when you want to go outside but you have to stay in. Like who goes craziest?”
“I just get a headache if I don’t have fresh air” I reply
“Yeah then you get grumpy” Harry says
“We we’re in Charlotte in North Carolina about 4 weeks ago and there were loads of people outside the hotel. YN came into our room with a grumpy face and asked if any of us had painkillers because she ran out non of us did so she literally curled up on the floor and cried for a solid half an hour”
“My head was hurting” I look at Niall and pout
“I know” Niall puts his arm over my shoulder “Harry was ready to go and find her some but out management stopped him”
“Did you get any pain killers in the end?” Scott asks
“I did. One of the hotel staff felt bad for us so she gave me some”
“Knocked her out though” Liam says
“Slept like a baby. Stole Harry’s bed he ended up on the floor”
“Have any of you said something to someone and then you’ve gone away and though they must think your a right diva?”
“Oh 100%. I was having a bad day when we were in Toronto and someone had put sugar in my tea. I wouldn’t say I was horrible but I definitely had a bit of a moan. I went and apologised after” I tell Scott
“The next few questions I want you to answer honestly. They aren’t really yes or no questions so if someone doesn’t feel comfortable answering or elaborating then move on to someone else. Have any of you got in a relationship just for the winter?” Liam immediately points at Harry
“What do you mean?”
“I just wanted to point at you”
“Wasn’t on purpose”
“No I have these boys here to steal their jumpers and jackets to keep me warm” I joke… kinda
“Are any of you worried about what’s on your iCloud now that hackers can get in?”
“Only thing they will see is photos of Cookie”
“Thats true her whole camera roll is just of her dog”
“None of you and Liam?”
“I think there’s like 2 photos of us together it’s literally just tour photos, these idiots and Cookie”
“Hey I’m offended” Niall says looking at me
“Well that’s the end of the interview thank you very much. This has been One Direction live on radio one”
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alarrytale · 1 year
Talking about what that boy (Harry) is doing right now, it feels to me that nor him or his management have any idea what they should do now since officially there´s nothing to promote - no tour, no movie, no music, no fashion deal (yet) like with Alessandro/Gucci - but they need to keep him in gp eyes. The only thing we have is this lame pr stunt - which btw came literally out of nowhere like what´s the story behind how these 2 could organically meet to make it at least a bit believable? - and their endless daily walkings literally in the same London area for 2 weeks now.
I´m not here for long so I can´t compare what is happening now and his supposed current break to anything what has happend in the past but what I understood is that he actually doesn´t know what break means, there was always something to do and now he´s there like "I can´t go MIA for months because this hype around me will die and people will move on to someone else and I can´t make this happen how much my fame rised up in last 2 years, I need to keep my hype going no matter what." Of course, you can correct me but that´s what I understood reading others opinions about his upcoming break. And that´s why we´re getting what we´re getting these days and I feel like literally no larrie understands him and his behaviour these days.
But hets are happy because he has new gf and he looks so in love with her and these walking are very organic and there´s nothing to see except these two being in love and fans are disturbing their privacy by taking photos of them.
Btw talking about seeing him walking literally every day in the same area with TR, I find it very funny how he went completely MIA for like a week since Louis came back from US tour and spent that one day with his family so everybody knew he´s back home (to Harry after months of being separated because of their tours). And he was MIA also during AFHF which doesn´t mean he was there with Louis but just this coincidence he actually took like a week off for Louis and now Louis is on tour again and so we will be seeing Harry daily for at least November.
Hi, anon!
Well, we actually don't know if he's taking a break, or what a break really means for him. For het harries, biking around the streets of London with his gf, might look like something one would do on a break. We know different. We also don't know if he wants to keep this level of hype up, or if he's achieved what he wants to achieve now and have other goals in life. On the other hand he might contractually not be allowed a break.
I agree that if he wants to keep the hype up he can't afford to disappear for a long time, but at the same time the level of overexposure right now is harming him. He's taking a lot of flack for little return right now in my opinion. As you say he's not promoting anything for himself at this moment, so i don't see how all this is worth it for him. The Loewe deal must be bringing him a lot of cash for him to be walking her down the busy streets of London every day.
Harry's current body language is very telling. He hates it and wants the daily walks/bike rides over and done with as quick as possible. He's speedwalking. He's also dismissive of fans he runs into and seems super cranky when people try to take his picture. Dude, you are litterally faking it right in front of their salads. You want the attention, so stop trying to claim otherwise. This whole thing is not good for him, and it's pissing off fans. The hets are gobbling it up, but somehow i think very few of the ones who buys the relationship are the same ones who can afford Loewe clothes... So is it worth it?
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f0point5 · 5 months
I do like simple suits as well, maybe a pop of dark colour generally. But not at the MET. This one time of the year, I'd really love to see some insane creations in men's fashion as well.
But yeah I do agree on the rest. And I have no idea how much time is given to the designers, like when is the theme revealed. But I just often get the impression they're not even trying. And I often get the vibe that most men are kind scared to do something flashy and scandalous because that would reflect bad on them? But the met to me always felt like a glorified dress up party, so you could wear whatever you wanted and I still wouldn't think that oh so Hugh Jackman is gay because he wore that to the met ya know?
Yeah that’s totally valid. I just think most of the time when I see what is considered creative in men’s fashion I have trouble appreciating it as art rather than kind of assessing how much it would irk me if my boyfriend wore that outfit. It’s like the girl version of the male gaze for me idk 😂 but I do get that considering these men are the invitees and not just the plus ones that they should be making more of an effort to stay on theme considering how women get roasted for not trying.
I feel like sometimes with designers, especially the commercial ones, there’s an element of them wanting to advertise themselves and that becomes more important than staying on theme. Like Jennie Kim, she was just a walking Alaia advert, her dress was literally just what was on the runway at fashion week. And same with the guests, especially those who aren’t “A list”. They’re concerned with avoiding the worst dressed lists etc.. I think the ones who really go all out are the designer/celebrity combinations that appreciate fashion as art form, and they’re normally the celebrities who reflect that in general. Like Zendaya has always been really into fashion and her styling has always reflected that. Same with Gwendolyn Christie.
I low-key wish they would do away with themes for the gala and just have a regular black tie dinner because the outfits have been disappointing since like 2017. Then they could a special edition photo book to coincide with the exhibition and include guests of the gala but choose their outfits for them and work with designers who understand the theme and curate outfits. It seems pointless to just keep demanding people stick to a theme when they’re clearly more interested in self promotion.
And I think the thing with men ties into that. The men invited, or at least the ones I often see on the carpet, are very often relevant or up and coming stars, eg. Josh from Challengers (forget his last name), or Jonathan Bailey. They’re just making names for themselves, they can’t really afford to be introduced to a new audience wearing a something that looks like it was thrifted from Louis XIV when they have to appeal to an often female audience. And that’s not to say anyone would genuinely be questioning their sexuality, I think most of us are more evolved than that, but you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression on your audience or even the people you meet at the gala networking. I think they probably feel the need to project as much of an “Everyman” vibe as possible. Which I do get.
As I said, I think the theme idea is nice but it’s not inspiring the outfits in the way it once was.
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twopoppies · 3 years
Why do people make such a big deal about Harry and Louis not spending the holidays together? This is not the first time, they are in the closet, so even if they spend it together, we have no way of knowing. They have the rest of the year to spend time together, and maybe they'll be okay with that. Sadly, they have to spend this time with beards and stunts, and that's horrible, but I repeat, that doesn't make their current "relationships" real. So please calm down.
Hi love. You know what? It's like talking to a brick wall. Literally every birthday, anniversary, holiday etc, we get people wringing their hands over them "not being together". I'm so tired of it all.
They are closeted. This means a number of things are possible:
They can't be seen together publicly so if they actually are together, we wouldn't know
They have to appear with their beards etc during certain times that couple would be together (ie: birthdays, holidays etc)
It's possible they take photos at other times to post during birthday, holidays etc so they can actually be together, but look like they're with their beards etc
They may celebrate these moments at different times
They may not care as much as you do about those dates
Some people have jobs that will occasionally require them to work on Christmas/New Year's Eve etc... they happen to have that kind of job
Most of all, I just wish you all would stop making this into some kind of huge deal when it really, really isn't. Just because YOU think it would be the end of the world not to spend Valentine's Day, or the anniversary of your mother's passing, or your birthday with your boyfriend, doesn't mean they feel the same way. It also doesn't mean a couple has broken up if they don't spend those days together. FFS, I don't even remember the anniversary of my FIL passing. My husband and I haven't celebrated Valentine's Day in probably 15 years. I don't give a shit if I see any of our extended family on Christmas. It's not the same for everyone!
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midasinc · 3 years
modern marius/cosette hcs:
-they take the same train every day before they meet. marius is going from his dorm to the university, and she's going from her and valjean's house to her ballet academy
-marius has extreme heart eyes for her but is too shy to say anything. he just knows that this girl with the really nice bag and leggings of many diff colours is rlly pretty and wears nice headphones and reads on the train every day and he wants to get to know her so bad
-on her bag he sees the letters "LV" a lot and i love marius, but he was quite literally born under a rock so he doesnt know fashion brands at all and assumes those are her initials and not... louis-vuitton. once they get to know each other and laugh about it, but that is modern marius's "ursule" moment
-anyway im not writing a slowburn rn so i wanna do actual relationship hcs :)
-they were both raised in old-fashioned households, but in different ways. neither of them had a lot of access to new age technology and cosette grew up playing a ton of board games with valjean, so she plans a lot of like casual dates over a bottle of wine and scrabble. marius was raised in a very old-fashioned mindset so cosette ends up teaching him a lot about modern feminism and progressiveness, which helps him transition a little better when courfeyrac wants him to hang with The Scary Friends with him (combeferre and the rest of les amis)
-cosette's love language is touch and quality time, marius's is talking her ear off and infodumping. this usually meshes by marius laying with his head in her lap as she plays with his hair and listens to him talk about world history
-they do a lot of old people things together. marius likes puzzles, cosette likes bird watching. they do a lot of both together and just talk about life and other topics of interest
-cosette does ballet! she went to a ballet academy and is in a professional company now and marius goes with valjean to all of her events. it's REALLY tense the first few times because it takes a while for valjean to even BEGIN to warm up to marius but when he sees marius bringing her flowers every time and seeing how sweet he is to her he starts trusting marius more
-marius sends cosette a million texts during the day when she's at work and he's in the archives of the museum he works at. he sends her photos of statues and artifacts with captions he finds funny and shows her what he's working on. marius's sense of humor is.... lacking, but cosette really looks forward to the end of her day when she can check her phone and read all the silly messages he left her
-marius's grandfather has connections to a lot of rich families and businesses and because of this he gets coerced into going to a lot of fancy suit-and-tie events. the first time he takes cosette as his date, he gets really overwhelmed. he's never seen her this done-up before and marius thinks she's beautiful no matter what but seeing her in that moment... he just cannot believe that she loves him out of all of the people in the world
-they both like low-stakes movies and cartoons. for cosette it's mostly a trauma thing because she was never given the chance to enjoy those things at developmental stages and marius feels similarly but to less extent. cosette really doesn't care for horror or sad movies because if she's sitting down to watch a movie she wants to be happy and not get overwhelmed. they like to watch their low-stakes movies in bed on cosette's laptop and eat popcorn and it's really nice. it's really nice to just turn their brains off and relax. they deserve it
-goth cosette x pastel marius who slowly goes goth because of her
-goth couple? goth couple
-if when they get married, marius takes her name! he'd rather get rid of his and it surprises a lot of people but marius would rather be part of her and valjean's family and not his own family's
-they have accidentally started. maybe three kitchen fires together. both of them suck ass at cooking. they cannot be trusted on their own and even less so together. love them though! dinguses <3
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🖕Mon Sept 28 ‘20 👓
First things first: see ya Psycho! Music Week published an article confirming Syco’s “low-key” demise. Music Week tells us two interesting things - the first is that “artists from [Cowell’s] TV show will now be free to sign to any label, with Sony no longer enjoying first refusal”. The second interesting tidbit is that “all Syco Music employees and artists have now either been redeployed within Sony Music, or have left the company”. Happy days!
More like busy days - for Harry, at least! He was seen yesterday evening in LA, taking pictures with a fan. He was wearing a mask (sexy) and a mini hair clip (less sexy, but adorable nonetheless). We can take this as an indication that pre-production for Don’t Worry Darling is likely underway, and as he’s the lead male role (!!!!!!), he has RESPONSIBILITIES and so he had to be there before the day of the actual shoot. Your intern spent a few hours reading up on film set guidelines, so I’m going to tell you that at some point between the UK, Italy, the UK again, and LA, Harry got himself screened and tested negative for COVID, as is mandatory to do before entering a film set. These sets are closed, and any visitors must also undergo screenings, as far as I could tell. Anyways, hopefully that keeps him safe and busy for the next few months! 
His Grammy campaign is ALSO underway, as his team told Music Week that they’ve “got a few more things up [their sleeve] for the rest of the year, but [we’ll] have to wait and see”. Is it the Golden video? I bet it’s the Golden video. Some more information about Harry’s accessories also became available to the public today: his custom vampire wife blue HS bag was VERY custom-made, apparently, as he specifically requested that color blue for his initials (the letters are normally done in a ~golden~ thread, which makes it funner, imo). In case you’re curious - it IS the same color as his Light’s Up costume, the Vespa, the room that Falling was shot in, and on and on and on. He does seem to rather have a fascination with that color, doesn’t he? Almost like...he gets so lost inside it? Can you believe it??
Hahaha okay moving on: Zayn ALSO keeps on keepin’ on to make Z3 a more tangible reality: he registered two new songs today: “Different” and “Look At Me Now”. And even #better (last time, I promise haha) - “Better” was featured on Amazon Music’s “song of the day”! I have to hear the songs before I say anything about it, but I do sort of hope that things will be “Different” this time around - “Better” - and that he’s telling us “Look At Me Now”. To use twitter terminology, I’m manifesting good things for him.
Liam had a feature in Esquire Mexico, where they talked about his early aspirations as an Olympic runner changing into his decision to give up running to focus on music. I wish they had talked about this a bit more, because I can’t expect that was an easy decision, but also, he would have been around 14 when he made it. That’s a BIG responsibility for a kid, and I want to hear how he felt about it then, and how he feels about it now, some thirteen years on. About his music career, he says: “The effort is what really counts. Having tried it was fundamental, but also understanding that if it didn’t work, it just wasn’t for me”. He does, however, attribute his success to his obsessive attitude (hmmm). At any rate, you’re a JOY to have around, Liam, so I’m glad it DID work out!
The feature also came with PICTURES, of course, in which he looks better than anyone reasonably has a right to - I have to keep reminding myself that if I want to stay impartial, I can’t be attracted to any of them, but DAMN did Liam test my resolve in these! They had him in glasses and a knitted hoodie/jumper/sweater thing holding a guitar on the cover photo. There are other pictures in which he’s wearing half undone button up shirts and too cool for school shades and looking moodily off into the distance (while holding his guitar) and a few where he’s looking pensively down in a blue paisley shirt and glasses (whew!). I think it’s the glasses that killed me, tbh, but go check them out, because I’m certainly not doing them justice! 
In some sunny news, Free My Meal popped up again to thank Louis for raising awareness for their cause, calling him a legend (we been knew, but it’s nice to see!) and using hashtags like “#noshame” and “#justask”, and I have to say - sometimes, you would be surprised at how kind people can be if you ask. ALSO, I am bringing this charity up literally ANY TIME I have the opportunity to, because I think it is doing phenomenal work, and I wish there were more programs like this one.
I also have a little bit of a Clown Car update for you: yesterday, Nick Gordon posted a “#theysaidyes” picture, featuring both Briana and Freddie, and captioning with a quote from...wait for it...When Harry Met Sally!!! He then went on a comment reading spree, liking such comments as “Although you are not the real father, you will be the best father, believe me” and “*** **”. I...am actually speechless, which never happens to me. AND THEN! Briana followed and account called “thepropertybrokers” which is an “Investment Property Specialist” account in Beverly Hills. Are you...going somewhere, girl? Don’t be shy, *** **. 
And, hmmm, let me think - what day is it? Oh, yeah, the 28th, I almost forgot! You know who DIDN'T? Paul Higgins, former One Direction bodyguard and bona fide Tour Dad, who went around Instagram liking “Happy Anniversary, Harry and Louis!” posts, including my favorite, which was captioned: “Happy 7th anniversary love birds! 28th September 2013 - it’s so great to see how two beautiful friends finally did it!...”. Yeah, guys, nothing to see here, they’re just celebrating 7 years of a beautiful and committed BROMANCE, doncha know? 
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hazzabeeforlou · 4 years
What do you think ab this "discourse" that's been going around, started by this ex-larrie who "is trying to make amends"? They keep reposting these two masterposts that debunk bg, I don't have that much info but have blogs seen them before and have THEY been debunked (I'd love to know more) bc they're acting like it's never been seen before bc big blogs "manipulating" didn't share them. And the rainbow bears are apparently the sound guy ....
LOL I’ve literally been discussing nothing else but this for the past few days lol, just scroll on my blog a bit love 😉 As for the MPs about bbygate, don’t even get me started. I honestly don’t care if they used a surrogate, if Brianna magically grew a bump within a month after the Christmas picture (that was deleted right away, btw; you don’t delete perfectly normal pics if there’s nothing to see), OR if the child was delivered via stork, all I know is that the kid is constantly, PROVABLY, photoshopped, and that’s not NORMAL. In fact the whole situation is so far from normal it’s laughable.
A single monther is sued for scamming a guy for boobs because her multi millionaire baby daddy pays her only 60k a year and she has no MONEY FOR FOOD. This is a REAL THING that was alleged. That’s NOT NORMAL. The custody arrangement between Louis and a family who flaunts covid rules and is openly racist is NOT NORMAL. And inconsistent with the person Louis has proven himself to be.
Remember when the wildfires were so severe the J’s had to evacuate? And Louis’ rep didn’t NOT reply, didn’t simply say “they’re okay,” but instead REPLIED, “no comment.” ?????????
Also the unbelievably dense arguments that Louis can’t discuss the child now and won’t post about him because he’s “private” and “can’t risk losing his crazy bg believing fanbase” is horseshit because first off, his Larry fanbase is MUCH bigger, and he’s tweeted, given interviews, said in print etc etc etc MULTIPLE TIMES how fake Larry is, even going so far as to be offensive about it. So you’re saying, by this logic, that Louis wouldn’t devote the same energy to defending his son? Interesting. No matter how you twist that, the logic doesn’t make sense.
And finally. They did a hand off in a parking lot. In front of paps. In fact everything they did ever from the first to the last was in front of paps. What about the domain names B’s family bought before they could have conceivably known she was preggers? What about the name of Freddie Reign? What about Jay deleting every single picture of the kid from her IG but leaving every other member of her family? And keep in mind Louis still has all his pics up.
Look I wish I was omnicent and knew all the answers about this but I don’t. I would be more than willing to accept that Louis is gay AND had a child with a woman. (That wouldn’t even be a problem for me larry wise honestly. People have rough patches.) That’s not uncommon. In fact I would be thrilled for Louis to have a little son to love and dote on, because Freddie is a cutie and he deserves nothing but the best in life, like any other kid. And Louis LOVES kids. He adores babies. He lights up like a firefly whenever he has a kid in his arms.
Except his own. Find me one photo of Louis smiling that big, giant, absolutely glowing smile he has when meeting ANY other child EVER, while holding Freddie. That’s the biggest tell for me. By all means believe what you like but we’re not batty for thinking this is not NORMAL. Anyways that was super long winded I apologize but YEAH nony, all that info has been seen before by all of us. There’s nothing new under the sun here. In fact it’s also pretty common for certain, all-knowing-type larries to turn anti when they get a taste of validation and a smidge of attention... interesting, huh?
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1dsource · 4 years
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Author Spotlight: louisnights
Don’t forget to show the author to leave kudos and comments to show the author love!
solid as a stone (when everything is gone)
Words: 20k
“Why’d you take me with you?”
Louis startles at the question, the car almost swerving off the road in the process. He holds his breath as he waits for the twins to wake up and start wailing, but they don’t. They keep sleeping on peacefully, covered in the family blanket.
Harry’s looking at him with an unreadable expression.
Louis takes a minute, mulling it over. He answers quietly. “I hate to say it, but as much as we hate each other, I can’t bear to leave you alone to deal with this whole thing all by yourself.” and I wouldn’t be able to bear it if you died, he adds in his mind.  
or, it's the zombie apocalypse and Louis is stuck with Harry, with whom he shares a complicated relationship with.
Taste on my tongue
Words: 3.2k
Louis is a 30-year-old Omega, whose past boyfriends never went down on him, and Harry's the Omega who's about to change that. 
smokey vanilla
Words: 25k
Louis is the sole guardian to his younger siblings, and he's fallen pregnant. A new neighbor moves in next door, Harry, and they become good friends. Harry is kind and beautiful. Louis can't help but fall for him. 
Bare Essentials
Words: 14k
Harry works at Bare Essentials as a stripper, but when he loses his first job, he decides to start doing the VIP's, which is how he meets Louis, who is as mysterious as he is fascinating. 
scarcely can speak for my thinking (what you’d do to me tonight)
Words: 21k
He sat down against the door, breath heaving. “That was literally the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. Ever.”
Louis sat down next to him. “Yeah, me too.”
Harry took a deep breath to brave himself and then decided to just go for it. “So we should do this again, yeah? And not in a public bathroom while I’m at work. I sort of need the money.”
Louis nodded. “Yeah. Although, I have to tell you: I’m not looking for a relationship right now; I’m traveling a lot for work.”
Harry could live with that. “Yeah, that’s understandable. So we gonna be fuck buddies?”
Louis laughed. “Something like that, yeah.”
The Sacrifice
Words: 3.2k
It’s almost time to find out who Westgold’s yearly sacrifice will be. Louis is beyond nervous, and scared about his best friend. He doesn’t ever want to lose him, especially for some dumb yearly tradition. He’s always hated it. It’s always haunted his dreams ever since that day when he was twelve, when he was finally old enough to understand and see what the Sacrifice really was.
Or every year the town of Westgold sacrifices an Omega to Coatlicue, the goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth.
All Shook Up
Words: 23k
Louis is a mechanic who's always worked for his uncle during the summer, this one's no different. One night after work he goes out to a bar, where he meets Harry. The curly haired boy with the most alluring voice that brings forwards all those desires he's always tried to hide. 
a prince albert
Words: 5.2k
Louis loses a bet and has to go on the show Naked Attraction. 
scars make us beautiful
Words: 1k
Harry's model for his photo shoot drops out at the last minute, so he asks his best friend to fill in. The thing is, it's a naked photo shoot. 
my solitude ain’t the same no more
Words: 10k
Louis is a traveling homicide detective who goes to the small town of Holmes Chapel to investigate the murder of a young woman.
married at first sight
Words: 10k
Louis and Harry meet at the altar, ready to embark on the journey of marriage. There's just one catch: they've never met before. 
(Last update: 16/09-20)
welcome to the floor show
Words: 5k
Louis gets the lead in his uni's production of Rocky Horror. 
so much I could live for I could die
Words: 14k
“Sometimes I wonder what’s out there,” Louis confesses, tucking into his second biscuit. “I wonder if what they’re saying is true, about the Thieves, about the other compounds. Why are we not allowed to leave? Go to other compounds?”
Lottie gets up, letting out a sigh as she squeezes his shoulder. “You shouldn’t think like that, Lou, it will get you killed.”
“They can’t take away my thoughts,” Louis answers defiantly. Lottie pats his shoulder before she disappears to her room, closing the door behind her with a quiet click.
or: Louis is a transgender man who escapes his compound after extenuating circumstances, and meets the Thieves, who show him what freedom really is.
the ghosts all come at night, and I’m not scared, I have you
Words: 6.6k
Louis is a hunter. He starts investigating a case, where he meets Harry, family of the victim and also a fellow hunter. 
Twink of March
Words: 8.7k
On the night that Harry and his boyfriend of two years, Louis, plan to have sex for the first time, Harry falls into a coma. Four years later, Harry wakes up and discovers that his boyfriend is now a model for a gay erotic magazine, Bold Arva. Together with his best friend Liam, Harry embarks on a journey to the Bold Arva Mansion to win back Louis.
or, it's the Miss March au that no one asked for.
killing for a living
Words: 4.3k
Harry is a contract killer hired to kill Louis' abusive stepfather while Louis stands trial for a crime she committed in self defence.
featuring Zayn as Louis' lawyer, Niall as Harry's hacker and best friend, and barely featuring Liam as Louis' best friend.
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alarrytale · 1 year
Happy friday Marte! I was scrolling through random feeds on IG and suddenly there was a reel preview with Harry´s baby photo and logo of our most popular and known radio so I got curious what that was and so I clicked on that reel.
There were 2 radio presenters (woman and man) guessing who is that (literally Who is this world known singer?). While the man had no idea (he guessed Robbie Williams lol), the woman quessed it right after few seconds and when they found out it´s really him, they were suprised and then the man said "Well, he looks better wearing female dresses" and something like he´s suprised Harry´s not wearing clothes for girls from very young age.
Okay, one thing is that for me it´s kinda cringe when I see literally anyone mentioning Harry in my country. Not that I´m living on Mars but as much as I am experiencing everything connected to him (and Louis and 1D) only through tumblr and IG (aka following international pages) it always gets me that people know him in my country. Second thing is that it´s exactly the same as any radio/TV/media anywhere - those people actually have no clue who Harry is under the surface and they only know how he looks like, his most known singles (and that WS is about eating p*ssy), his fashion choices or his girlfriends. And so they only comment on these topics without any deeper level of thinking. I sent that reel to my cousin who is also larrie and she´s the only person I can personally talk about him while don´t have to explain anything. And while she shared the came cringe as I did, she also had a good point writing me "Do you know what is total cringe for me when I see somebody is talking about Harry in our country? That nobody cares about anything else that his date life. Not a single other mention than who he had dated or is currently dating."
And that´s why I´m writing you - not that it´s anything new in this fandom but it still kinda get me how much sex sells and most people don´t go under the surface of who is really his, nobody cares that much about his music or stories he´s telling us. Or if there isn´t this date life mention, then it´s always his fashion choices (aka what that male presenter said) again with any deeper thinking that he might be queer coding or what inspired his outfit - lol the other day I found in my gallery printscreen from one czech online tabloid from May 2019 (back in 2019 I didn´t care about him this much as I do now) after Met Gala with title "Harry, are you hiding some secrets about your sexuality? Harry Styles came to Met Gala in sheer blouse with ruffles and high heels". And coming back to the reel topic, that´s exactly why I don´t even like to talk about him with anyone else than my cousin or other larries because nobody can appreciate him that much as we do because we are the only ones who really cares about him. And while I´m happy I´m living in this larrie bubble and don´t want to share him with people who can´t appreciate him, I´m also incredibly sad how others view him - pretty face, sex god and womanizer who wears "weird" outfits to be more interesing than he is himself.
Hello and happy friday to you too!
Yeah, it gives you perspective doesn’t it! The image he's portraying to the gp is working, because they don't look further than the surface. It's sad for us who knows what's really behind the curtain, that he's not a caricature or who he shows himself to be. I can't talk about him to anyone other than fellow larries, because the gp only read magazines or tabloids mentioning him, and end up getting the wrong view of him. It's also so incredibly embarrasing sharing with others, gp friends or work colleagues, that your're a fan or either H or L. When i do, with L they are like 'the dude who got arrested and had a kid he never sees? Wth, marte, i'm judging you rn...', and with harry they're like 'the serial vs model dater who's a bad actor?' or 'the queerbaiter?'. It's exhausting. And i've now stopped defending them or admitting to still being a fan. It's sad.
I hope for an image rehab for the both of them so i can acknowledge being a fan of them again. Take notes, Santa Clause!
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hljournal · 4 years
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Today’s author is cherrylarry / @beelou! Don’t forget to give the fics kudos and leave a comment!
Like It’s The Only Thing I’ll Ever Do
"Wait," Liam stops. "Harry is proposing to Louis on the same day Louis is proposing to Harry?"
"Yes! Isn't that exciting?" Lottie yells. "So! I want you to make sure their plans stay the same and they propose on the same day, at the same time. It would be so romantic, don't you think?"
Anything You Do (I Can Do Better)
Louis and Harry have an ongoing competition about who has the best Halloween decorations.
My Wish Come True
Or, the one where Louis throws a coin into a fountain wishing for true love when Harry, a clumsy roller skater accidentally pushes Louis into the fountain.
Safe Like Springtime
Or, the one where Harry takes his nephew to the park and runs into Louis and his Labradoodle Clifford.
We Can Just Dance To This
"Like a friends with benefits thing?" Harry asked. They were still lying in bed but with clothes on. Harry had his head propped up on his elbow facing Louis, who was sitting up against the headboard.
"Yeah, if you want to call it that, I guess," Louis answered. And that had been that.
It's been nine months since that conversation and finally Louis feels ready to go for it. To just tell Harry how he feels because he's known this boy for a year and he is in love with him.
Now I See The Light
or, Harry is Rapunzel and Louis is Belle at Disney World.
Harvest Moon
Autumn drabble prompt #55: harvest moon
Those Lips Of Yours
Autumn Drabble Prompt #64: lip balm
I Want You To Hold My Hand
Autumn Drabble Prompt #28: cold snap
Not Just a Boat
Summer Drabble Prompt #21: Boat
I Know You Wanna See Me Naked
Summer Drabble Prompt #11: Beach
Spring Drabble Prompt: Hike
Rose Garden
Spring Drabble Prompt: Play
Lips Of An Angel
And Louis can’t believe what he’s seeing. A man, cuddling with a grown bear. Literally rubbing its belly like a contented puppy. He can hear baby talk coming out of the man’s mouth too. Louis rubs his eyes to see if this is actual real life, but when he uncovers them, the sight before him is still there. He didn’t think that when he took his siblings to the zoo that they would see something as odd as this.
Cozy Winte Nights
Winter Drabble Prompt: Winter
Kiss Me Under The Light Of a Thousand Stars
Or, the AU where Harry and Louis take stargazing to the next level and maybe a proposal takes place under the stars
I Want To Come Home To You
Or the one where Louis is sad and lonely in Atlanta
we keep this love in a photograph
Or, Louis is looking at the family photo album and Harry and the kids interrupt
The Final Countdown
It's one hour to midnight on New Year's Eve and Harry and Louis can't find each other in the sea of bodies at their party.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Two
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, and angst if you squint. 
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You and Eleanor sat out on the balcony for a bit while so Harry and Louis could go hang out up in the loft and talk pictures and cameras and stuff.
“You look great, El.”
“Thanks, just wish I felt great.” She laughs. “I was hopin’ I’d be one of those pregnant women that only gain weight in the belly. Feel like everythin’ else is growin’ with it.” She sighs. “Although, I’ll say I’m startin’ to feel less gross now. At least you can tell I’m pregnant and not just fat.” You both laugh.
“You know Harry talks about wanting a baby all the time. He’s cooled it a bit now that we have Buster. I feel like he thinks the whole process is going to be a breeze.”
“Well of course he does, he’s a man. His hormones don’t get thrown out of wack, his body gets to stay the way it is, oh and after the only thing he gets to have happen to him as that he’ll be tired. I know I shouldn’t, but I’ve read so many disgusting stories about after havin’ the baby. The things they don’t really tell you. Like rippin’ all the way open to your arse, and what’s it’s like to really go to the bathroom for the first time. Your body is tryin’ to recover, meanwhile you’re expected to take of this new thing that just came outta yeh. Fuck’n terrifyin’.”
“Can I ask…I mean, was this planned, did you two have a slip up?”
“A mix of both actually. I had gotten off the pill because I knew we’d be wantin’ t’try in the next year or so and I just wanted to give my body some time to adjust. So naturally we switched to condoms.” She takes a sip of her water. “Lou, god love ‘em, didn’t notice that one of ‘em broke while we were usin’ it, I didn’t either. Next thing we knew I was throwin’ up most mornings and when we took the test sure enough it said I was pregnant. Broke his heart to move the date back for the wedding, but I refuse to either still be pregnant or have this nasty baby weight on me.”
“I don’t blame you at all. Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the best days of your life, you don’t wanna look back on the photos and be unhappy.”
“Exactly! I know I’ve been snippy with him lately, and he’s been so patient and understanding. With his ex he was the same way, probably more so, so she wouldn’t snatch Freddie away. Not that she would, but it was always in the back of his head.”
“Harry told me he talks to the baby every night.”
“Oh, he does.” She chuckles. “It’s actually really cute. He’ll help me rub some cocoa butter on, it’s to help with the stretch marks, and then he’ll hum and chat with it.”
“Are you going to wait to see what you’re having?”
“Yeah, we really wanna be surprised. No one does that anymore. Everyone’s doin’ these gender reveal parties now, and I really don’t like ‘em. You’re already determining the kid’s life and personality before it gets here.”
“I agree, they’re way over done.”
“Love?” Louis steps outside with Harry. “We should probably get goin’, wanna beat the traffic and all that.”
“Alright.” He comes over to help her up, not that she needed it. “You boys have fun lookin’ at your cameras?”
“Yup.” He smiles at her. “Thanks again for havin’ us.”
“You’ll stay with us again for the studio opening?” Harry asks. Louis freezes and looks at you.
“Um, I think Niall called dibs on us for that. Gotta take turns y’know?” He laughs.
“Oh…alright then.”
The two leave. You and Harry flop on the sofa with Buster.
“Poor thing, she’s not having an easy time.”
“Yeah, Lou was tellin’ me a bit this morning…they haven’t had sex in nearly two months.”
“Can you blame her? She feels disgusting. God, I’d probably feel the same way. Having literally no control over the way your body changes every day. Not to mention the bump getting in the way all of a sudden. I’d feel like I was crushing you.” Harry swallows hard, his anxiety returning. “Not to mention the resentment.” You laugh.
“Yeah, you know the cliché, you did this to me?” You laugh again, but his face stays solid.
“Do you really think it’s that bad the entire time?”
“No…I mean, everyone’s different. I know people who have had really easy pregnancies, but it’s not perfect one-hundred percent of the time. I’m sure things will get better, she’s just starting her second trimester, I heard that’s when things sort of level out.”
“Right…” He looks at Buster and pets him. “Glad we have this little guys for now. He’s all we need for the time being.”
“Couldn’t agree with you more.”
“Can I ask an awkward question?”
“Erica and Kyle…I mean…that was a weird thing to bring up yesterday.”
“Oh god, I know.”
“I mean, not that I expect you guys to talk about your sex lives, but they thought I was chokin’ yeh to hurt yeh…”
“Yeah, they’re idiots.” You sigh. “We also grew up in sort of a strict home…sort of conservative about certain things. We watched movies that had sex and stuff in it, but I never had like a talk with my parents about it. And anytime I wanted to talk with Erica I just felt awkward. And god know Bridget had no experience. I learned most of what I learned from reading shit on the internet. Plus, I was always nervous with boys in high school. That first kiss story? I was fourteen right? Didn’t kiss another boy until I was seventeen, about to graduate from high school. Then, the next person I kissed was the guy I first had sex with nearly two years later. Did everything for the first time all in one night.” Harry nods. “See, I feel like I was the only one that was able to really explore sex because I was the only one to go away to school. Bridget and Kyle commuted. He had a couple girlfriends, but my parents made him sleep on the couch if he wanted one of them to sleepover.”
“Ah, classic.”
“As if my brother would do anything, his room was right next to my parents’.” You laugh. “And Erica’s been with her boyfriend for nearly ten years. I mean she had a few different boyfriends in high school, but she was locked down when she went to college. And then there was me…”
“You know, you’ve never told me your number.”
“And you’ve never told me yours. It’s not something I think we need to share. The guy I first slept with was the only guys I slept with for about four months. It was just a sex thing. He, however, had a few girls on rotation.” You roll your eyes at the memory. “Things ended in a bad way, it was messy. After that I got a Tinder and I started hooking up all the time. Had a few little relationships here and there, but nothing serious. I think my siblings would be shocked if they knew about all the shit I did, who I did it with, and where it was done.” You say blushing. “I basically told Erica she just needs to mind her own business, and that was that.”
“Good, because I don’t need anyone shamin’ us. There’s worse things we could be doin’ anyways.”
“Yeah, cause you know, anal totally isn’t worse than lightly choking someone.” Harry bursts out laughing and pulls you on top of him snuggle.
“Nope, not worse at all.”
“Bug spray?”
“Sun screen?”
“Water bottle?”
“Sleeping bag?”
“Babe, I promise, I got all my toiletries.”
“You’re going to be up in New Hampshire for two nights with probably zero cell service, I need to make sure you’re alright and have everything you need.”
He cups your face in his hands and kisses you.
“You’re gonna miss me a little, aren’t you?”
“Of course I am.” You pout. “I’m just glad Buster’s staying here with me, I’ll have someone to cuddle.”
“What are you and the girls doin’?”
“Well, they’re setting up shop here, in the guest room. We’re gonna do some face masks, nails, watch a ton of movies. It’ll be fun.”
“Good.” Harry looks at his watch. “Nearly eight, I gotta get this shit in the car and head out with Niall.”
“I’ll walk down with you, Buster probably needs to pee again. C’mon baby, let’s go say bye to daddy.” You pus the leash on him and walk down. Sarah was with Niall at Harry’s car.
“You’re never on time for anythin’.” Niall laughs.
“Alright, have a safe trip and a good time. If you have service, let us know when you get there.” Sarah says to Niall. They kiss and he gets in the car.
Harry gives Buster a hug, then looks at you.
“I love you, be good.” He says. You fake gasp.
“I am always on my best behavior.”
“With those two, oh yeah, for sure.”
“Love you too.”
He wraps his arms around you and gives you a deep kiss. You bite his bottom lip before he lets you go.
“Right.” He coughs. “Uh, bye.”
He gets into the car and drives off.
“You two…are disgusting.” Sarah laughs.
“Stop, we are not.” You sigh.
“Did you tell him we’re going out tonight?”
“You know, it slipped my mind.”
“I didn’t tell Niall either.”
“Come on, I’ll make us some breakfast, Rachel will be over later this afternoon.”
Harry and Niall mostly listen to music on the drive up. They pick Louis up on the way.
“What’s El up to this weekend?” Niall asks.
“Her mum’s actually visiting this weekend, so this couldn’t have come at a better time.” He laughs. “They’re talkin’ about havin’ her stay with us for a bit once the baby’s born.” He sighs. “Wouldn’t be the end of the world, but still.”
The three have a nice ride up to the campground. All the talk is pretty lighthearted. Harry pays to park, and one of the rangers tells them where they can set up. They find a nice spot that had a fire pit and they set up their tents.
“Harry, m’bunkin’ with yeh, I didn’t have a tent.” Louis says.
“Yeah, mate, no problem.”
The boys have lunch and decide to go for a walk. They knew they’d be sitting around doing a lot of drinking later, so the least they could do was walk around and enjoy the beautiful area there were in.
Rachel came over around three in the afternoon. You all decided to make frozen margaritas and sit out on the balcony listening to music.
“So, what’s Mariah up to this weekend?” You ask.
“She’s catching up with some of her own friends.” She says taking a sip of her cool drink. “God, I can’t wait to go to Seth’s tomorrow. Nothing like day drinking on a Sunday.”
“I know! And his apartment is so cool, heated pool and everything. It’s gonna be really hot out tomorrow, I’m definitely bringing my swim suit.”
“Plus, we’re going to that indoor/outdoor place tonight. I’m super excited.” You say.
“Did either of tell Harry and Niall about Seth?”
“You know…” Sarah says sipping her drink. “It didn’t come up.”
“Harry just let go of thinking something was happening between Niall and I, no way was I going to bring up going to a guy friend’s house party. Can we please just be careful with posting pictures?”
“I thought they weren’t going to have service.”
“Well, they could, and they could always see stuff later.” Sarah says.
“How sad that the two of you are afraid of your boyfriends…”
“We’re not afraid of them.” You say.
“Sometimes it’s just easier to leave certain things out.”
A little before dusk, Harry and the boys got a fire started. The cracked open their beers and snacked on chips. Louis took a joint out of his bag.
“Pass it over.” Niall says and takes a hit. “Harry?”
“Sure.” He takes it. “Can’t remember the last time I smoked.” He smirks and takes a hit, then passes it back to Louis.
“Got plenty for the weekend. Haven’t been able to smoke since El got pregnant.”
“Can’t mention this to the girls at all.” Niall says. “I know it’s just weed, but I think Sarah would kill me.”
“Same with Y/N, I don’t think she’s kill me, but it’s just better if it stays between us.”
“What happens in New Hampshire, stays in New Hampshire.” Louis says.
Eventually all the boys themselves laying on the ground, looking up the stars, staying cozy by the fire.
“We hikin’ tomorrow?” Louis asks.
“Definitely, lotta great trails around here.” Niall says.
“Lou, are you scared to be a dad again?” Harry asks out of nowhere. Louis props himself up on his elbows so he can better look at his friend.
“What? Not really, no. It’s a little scary I suppose that I’ll be doin’ it full time. And I’m a little scared that Freddie’s gonna think I’m replacin’ him…but not scared to be a dad again.”
“Does Freddie know he’s gonna be a big brother?” Niall asks.
“Yeah, we told him a few weeks ago. He said he’s excited to have someone to play with.” He smiles. “Bri took it really well too. I think she’s happy he’ll be a big brother too.”
“It’s nice you all have gotten to a point where you all can get along.” Harry says.
“I mean, I walk on eggshells with Bri, but I’d rather do that than fight with her.” He takes a sip of his drink. “How’s havin’ a dog goin’?”
“Oh, it’s great. Think it’s just what we needed. I think it’s added a little more structure to our daily routines. Like we have to get up and take him out, stuff like that.”
“They call each other mummy and daddy.” Niall says laughing.
“A lot of people do that with their pets, don’t make fun of him. So, uh, when else does she call you daddy?” He smirks and Harry nudges him.
“She doesn’t.” He laughs.
“I still can’t believe you’ve made a life with someone. When yeh told me you were seein’ someone and already asked her to be your girlfriend, I was shocked, but really happy for you.”
“I don’t know what it was, I feel like I found my soulmate or some shit.” Harry sits up and starts sniffling. The other two sit up as well.
“Now I remember why you stopped smokin’, yeh always cry when yeh have too much.” Niall says, giving him a pat on the back.
“Shut up.” He sniffles.
“Why are you cryin’?” Louis asks, putting his hand on his knee.
“I’ve just never said that out loud to anyone before.” He wipes his eyes. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, it’s fuckin’ terrifying.”
“Do you think she feels the same way, that you’re her soulmate?” Louis asks.
“She must, right? I know she sees a life with me or she wouldn’t have agreed to gettin’ a dog. I…you know she had a pregnancy scare a couple months ago, well sort of, she just missed one of her pills. And I really didn’t think it was a big deal, like if she got pregnant we would’ve just dealt with it, but now I’m sorta glad she didn’t. The whole thing seems really stressful.”
“It’s very stressful, mate. Worth it, but it’s not a movie. She’s got a nephew right?”
“Good, enjoy just bein’ an uncle for a bit. Hell, enjoy bein’ an uncle to my kids. I know you’ve always wanted to be a dad, and you’ll be a great one when the time comes, but there’s really no rush.”
“I’m startin’ to see that…” Harry looks at Niall. “What about you, is Sarah your soulmate?”
“I don’t really believe in the soulmate thing.” He shrugs. “Do I think she’d make a great partner in life? Sure. I mean, I’m grateful every day we went out with the girls that night and we met. I enjoy spendin’ my free time with her, and we’re in love there’s no doubt about that.”
“Do you think you’ll marry her some day?”
“Too soon to tell, to be honest with yeh. You know me, I live in the present. I think once we’ve been together a year I’ll ask her to move in with me.”
“You two really are on opposite ends of the spectrum.”
“Yeah, and you’re right in the middle.” Harry jokes.
“Well, when are you poppin’ the question to Y/N, know you’ve thought about it. Surprised you don’t have the ring with yeh now.”
“It’s been purchased, and it’s in London. I plan to pick it up when I go home later in the summer. I’m waitin’ for us to be together a year before I ask. Her family’s a little conservative, so I figure if we’ve been together a year, then no one can really tell us we’re movin’ too fast. Plus it takes like another year to actually get married with all the planning.”
“God, look at us. We’re so grown up.” Louis says. “It’s fuckin’ disgustin’.” They all laugh. “I mean really, if someone told me six years ago I’d be gettin’ ready to be a father of two, you’d be gettin’ ready to move in with a serious girlfriend, and you’d be just about on your knee ready to propose, I’d of laughed in their face.” They all laugh, but Harry feels tears prick at his eyes again.
“I just don’t want this to change. No matter how much we keep growin’ up, or no matter how busy we get with our own lives, we have to make time for this.” He says through sniffles. “She may be my soulmate, but you two are like…”
The both hug Harry. Nothing else needed to be said on that. The three of them loved each other, and they knew it.
The three of you had a great time at the bar. You didn’t stay out too late because you knew you’d be out all day tomorrow. The three of you camp out in the living room, which makes Buster very happy. You all decide to watch a movie and just snuggle up with each other like old times.
“Okay, now that we’re drunk, there’s been something I’ve been dying to ask.” Rachel says just as the movie starts.
“What’s that?” You ask.
“Well, Sarah’s told me all about her butt adventures with Niall…she let him get in there you know?”
“I do know, I also know she didn’t like it very much.”
“It was just incredibly awkward and embarrassing, but it’s shut him about it so we’re good.”
“The last time we talked about it you asked me how a strap worked…” She starts giggling.
“I think…I think that’s something that should remain private.” Rachel and Sarah squeal and giggle.
“That just means you used one!” Rachel says. “How often? Did he like it?”
“Guys…I really don’t think he’d appreciate me talking about it.”
“As if they’re not talking about. That’s what guys do when they’re alone, they share sex notes.” Sarah says. “You can’t possibly think they’re out there, laying under the stars having a deep conversation.”
“No…I suppose you’re right…okay, I’ll tell you a little bit, but please, it’s so personal…”
“We won’t say anything. Everything this weekend stays between us.” Rachel says.
“We’ve…done it a few times…it’s incredible. And he actually likes it, it feels good for him.”
“Obviously, once you get a man’s prostate in the mix, there’s no going back.” Rachel says.
“I was surprised, honestly. He took it so well. I told him he could be the one to ask for it after we first did it because I didn’t want him to feel pressured. He’s so cute, one time was like,” You look down and put your two index finger tips together, “got some more lube today, love.”  They both squeal.
“God, Harry is the shyest, cutest thing sometimes.” Sarah says.
“I wish Mariah was here, she tells the best stories about Harry. He has this really tough exterior, but he’s such a good person.”
“Yeah, he’d take the shirt off his back if someone needed it.” You smile.
“Now that he’s not sitting right here will you please tell us what the fuck was up with your neck last weekend?”
“Oh for the love of god, sometimes we choke each other, lightly, when we’re doing it. He happened to do it to me the night before the party and he didn’t take his rings off so they left bruises. Clearly I didn’t cover them up correctly.”
“Hot damn.” Sarah says. “You know I let Niall choke me sometimes, it’s pretty hot. It’s like just a little bit of pressure.”
“Exactly! And I do it to Harry too sometimes.”
“You choke him, you peg him, damn, he’s a trooper.” Rachel laughs.
“He does things to me too, it’s not all me. We’re just very comfortable with each other. I wouldn’t take Niall as the choking type.”
“The same could be said for you my friend.” Sarah says and you all giggle. “So…you have this apartment, you have a dog, when do you think he’s going to pop the question?”
“I have no idea, not anytime soon. I mean, I know it’ll happen eventually, but there’s no rush. I think we’re both happy with how things are right now.”
“How often do you talk about it?” Rachel asks.
“A little here and there. Like if I say if, he’ll always correct me and say when.” You start to tear up a bit. “I never thought…I never thought I’d ever be someone that someone else would want to marry and have a life with.” You full on start sobbing and the girls hold you. “Like…he’s my everything, you know? He’s truly my person. I never thought I’d get this lucky.”
“You deserve the whole world, Y/N.” Rachel says. “And Harry wants to give it to you, I know he does.” You look at her and smile.
“Yeah! And Niall says all the time that he’s never seen Harry like this with anyone. I think you two really sparked something within each other.”
Buster starts yipping and comes over to you. He licks on of your cheeks.
“Aw, mumma’s okay Buster.” You pull him into your lap.
The three of you talk a bit more, and then settle to watch the rest of the movie.
The next morning the boys get up early to go for a hike. Harry and Louis had shared a tent, and Louis’ laughter wakes Harry up.
“What?” He grumbles.
“Let me see, your head’s in my neck, and you’ve got an arm and a leg thrown over me. Someone miss their lady last night?”
“You know I’m a cuddly sleeper, this isn’t news.” He looks up at him. “What are yeh, suddenly not manly enough to have a cuddle with me?”
Louis wraps an arm around Harry and pulls him in closer. Niall unzips their tent and crawls in with them, going to Louis’ other side.
“Really glad this is a secluded area. Someone walkin’ by would think this is an orgy.” Niall jokes.
“Someone would just be jealous they couldn’t snuggle with three fine men such as ourselves. Now, I’ll give it five more minutes and then we need to get up.”
Harry took some pictures along the trail. He wondered if you’d ever go hiking with him. It took them about two hours to get the summit. They sit there for a while just taking in the view.
“Harry?” Louis asks.
“Yeah, mate?” Harry says, just biting into a banana.
“How do you think you’ll propose to Y/N when you do it? I feel like I had the campus thing with El planned for months.”
“I don’t know yet. I want her to feel really special, but I also want it to be a complete surprise, you know? I have a song in mind I’d like to have playin’ in the background, and I’ve thought a bit about what I might say, but I haven’t really thought of where yet.”
“You should recreate your first date.” Niall suggests.
“Can’t, she did that for my birthday. Besides, she’d suspect somethin’ was up.”
“True…you could tell her there’s some fancy party you have to go to so there’s your excuse to dress up. Oh! And you could just have her meet you wherever it is, so she could walk into the scene.”
“Wait, I’ve got it. Tell her you need her help for one of your freelance gigs. Then she won’t suspect a thing.” Louis says.
“That could actually work. I’d want it to be at night, outside I think. Lights strung up in some trees.” The three of them look off into the distance imagining it. “It’d be beautiful.”
The three of you head to Seth’s around noon. Your mom came over to watch Buster for the day. He’d be fine on his own, but you felt bad leaving him either way. The three of you looked cute, as always. You were wearing a pair of high waisted jean shorts, tennis shoes and a green crop top. Sarah had a casual sundress on, and Rachel had a pair of black shorts and blue crop top on. You all packed your bathing suits and towels, and headed out.
“Hey!” He says to you as you make your way to the backyard of his apartment. “It’s been forever!” He hugs all of you. “Help yourselves to whatever you want. You should know a few people here. Pool’s open and heated.”
“Seth, I brought some veggie burgers for myself for whenever you start grilling, where should I put them?”
“Toss them in that cooler near the grill.”
The truth was, both you and Sarah had slept with Seth in college, multiple times. It wasn’t weird for the three of you. A lot of time had passed, but the little memories still lingered.
The three of you start drinking and mingling with others at the party. Seth gets the grill going and he calls you over.
“Alright, how the fuck do I make these things?” He slings an arm over your shoulders.
“Well, and here’s the amazing part, there’s directions right on the package. Did you forget how to read, Sethy?” He rolls his eyes at you playfully.
“Okay smarty pants, can you read them to me while I get the other shit on here?”
“Hey, smile you two!” You both turn around and smile at Sarah as she snaps a picture.
“Get in here too, selfie.” He says. Sarah holds up the phone and takes a selfie of the three of you.
“How are things with the two of you anyways?” He asks, throwing a veggie burger on the grill. “You both have jobs and boyfriends?”
“Yup! I’m a third grade teacher, and I’m dating one of Y/N’s best guy friends.”
“Yeah, and I work in marketing and I date my best guy friend’s guy friend.” You laugh. “What about you?”
“In between ladies at the moment, but I’ve got a good job so no complaints.” Rachel calls Sarah over for something, but you stay with Seth. “He treating you alright?”
“Yeah, his name is Harry by the way. Wanna see a picture?”
“Please, show me.” You smile and take out your phone. You show Seth some pictures of Harry and tell him all about him. “Seems like a great guy, Y/N.”
“He’s the best. I couldn’t be happier.”
“Well, I’m happy for you then. And for Sarah.” He smiles. “How about Rachel, how’s she?”
“She’s great. She’s dating Harry’s friend Mariah.”
“Wow, nice that all worked out.”
Later on, a ton of you get into the pool. Somehow you end up on Seth’s shoulders and you start playing chicken with some other friends. You were happy you wore your hair up in a bun. Sarah also took a turn on Seth’s shoulders while playing chicken. All in all it was a really great day.
You all dry off and change and hang out around the fire Seth started. One of his friends brought stuff to make s’mores. You couldn’t remember the last time you just shot the shit with your friends from college. It was nice.
Harry, Niall, and Louis found a bar to go have drinks at not too far from the campground. They were all looking to eat something a little more filling. Because they were at a restaurant, they all had wifi, so naturally they all started checking their phones.
“Who the fuck is Seth Rowan?” Harry asks.
“This guy, with his arms around Y/N and Sarah.” Harry shows Niall his phone. Another person had taken a picture of the three of you and tagged you in it.
“No idea, where’d you find that?”
“Facebook…I feel like I’ve seen his face before…” Harry goes onto your Instagram, and scrolls back deep. “Christ.” He runs his hand over his face and shows them. There was an old picture of you two kissing, on the mouth and the caption said, spin the bottle.
“Yikes…an ex-boyfriend?” Louis asks.
“No.” Niall says. “That’s an old friend from college. I actually think Sarah might’ve dated him.”
“Well, it fuckin’ looks like something happened. And they were all hanging out with him today. Did you know they were going to a party?”
“No, and clearly you didn’t either.”
“Maybe it was a last minute invite.”
“Or maybe they didn’t want us knowing they were…wait Rachel just posted on her story.”
Harry taps the video.
“You have to do it Y/N! You accepted the dare!”
“You all suck, fine!”
You get up and someone turns the music up louder. You turn around and bend over, shaking your ass. Then you pop your ass, twerking. You stand back up and take a bow as everyone cheers. You sit back down, wrapping yourself in a blanket.
“Hope you all enjoyed that. You’re next Rachel, truth or dare?”
The video ends and Harry’s left there, mouth hanging open.
“Oh…my…god.” Is all he can say.
“Oh my god!” Niall shouts. “Look! Look!” He says showing them Sarah’s story that she made so only close friends could see.
“Sarah, I dare you to kiss Rachel.” Someone says.
“Jesus, as if anyone hasn’t see that before.” She shakes her head and looks at Rachel. “It’s up to you.”
“What the hell, why not?”
The two kiss, only for a few seconds, but the crowd cheers and Rachel curtsies as she sits back down.
“I…I…who are these people?! Certainly not our girlfriends.” Niall says.
“Are you seriously complaining that you just got to watch your girlfriend kiss another girl?” Louis asks. “You both need to chill out. They’re all just havin’ fun.”
“They didn’t tell us they were-“
“Do they need your permission to go out while you’re away?”
“No, but-“
“But nothin’. You two are idiots to get mad over this.”
“I don’t appreciate seein’ my girlfriend kiss someone else, another girl that happens to be her best friend doesn’t make it okay.” Niall huffs.
“I agree.”
Louis shakes his head at the two of them.
“Stupid thing to get mad about.”
The three finish up their drinks and dinner, and head back to the campground. They start up the fire and start drinking more.
“Wish we never looked at our phones. Who knows what else they’re doin’.” Niall says.
“Don’t worry about it, mate.” Louis whines. “It’s literally not a big deal.”
“Um…guys?” Rachel says in the uber on the way to your apartment. “Harry looked at my story of Y/N earlier…”
“And Niall saw mine…” Sarah says. “What the fuck, I thought they didn’t have service.”
“Maybe they went somewhere that did. Fuck, you know, I told you guys to be careful with what you posted. Now he’s seen me popping my ass for a group of people he doesn’t even know. Bad enough someone tagged us in a picture with Seth on Facebook. He probably saw that too.” You groan. “Great, I’m sure I’ll be in for it tomorrow.”
“Me too…”
The three of you get back to your apartment. Your mom had left Buster good to go and he was very happy to see the three of you. You all decide you’re done with drinking and just curl up to watch a movie.
Once again Harry and Louis wake up cuddling. The two laugh as they get up. They clean everything up and load up the car.
“Please don’t let what they did ruin such a great weekend, lads.”
“We’re not.” Niall says. “But they’re gettin’ a stern talkin’ to.”
“Yeah, very stern.”
Harry drops Louis off, hugging goodbye of course. Rachel had left your place, but Sarah stayed behind. You both figured if you were in trouble, then maybe you could be in trouble together. Harry tells Niall to come up with him, figuring that Sarah would still be over.
“So what’s our game plan?” Sarah asks you.
“I’m…going to jump on him and hug him and kiss him.”
“Okay, okay, that’s good. Soften him up a bit.”
“Maybe he’ll just take me right to the bedroom and we’ll fuck, then talk.”
“And what does that mean for me?”
“Take Niall home and fuck him there.”
You both hear the jingle of keys and you stand up. You hear the boys talking and then stop when they see the two of you standing there.
“You’re home! How was the-“ You start waling towards him, but they both cross their arms.
“Who’s Seth Rowan?”
“Why did you think it was a good idea to post a video of you and Rachel kissing?”
You and Sarah look at each other, then back to them. You both move a little closer to them. A scent hits your nose and your face scrunches.
“Why do you both smell like weed?” You ask crossing your arms.
“Answer our questions first.” Harry says. “When I asked you what your plans for this weekend, it didn’t seem like a party was in the mix.”
“Seth is an old friend from college.” Sarah starts.
“Just a friend? Because I’m pretty sure there’s more to it than that.” You gasp.
“What did you do, creep on my Instagram?”
You and Sarah both roll your eyes.
“Friend...with benefits.” Sarah says. “To both of us at one point.”
“You both were hookin’ up with the same guy?” Niall asks and you both nod. “Why?”
“I feel like the answer to that wouldn’t really help our case.” You say. “Look, Seth usually has a Memorial Day party, he invited us and we went. Everything that happened was a long time ago, no harm done.”
“So you shakin’ your ass for a group of people is no harm done?”
“I’m going to fucking kill, Rachel.” You groan. “We were playing truth or dare, what was I supposed to do?”
“Tell the truth about sometin’.”
“I couldn’t.”
“What did they ask you?” You look at Sarah. “Don’t look at her, look at me, what did they ask you that was so bad that you decided to do a dare instead?”
“They asked me…god…they asked me if…if I ever…please Harry, don’t make me say it, just know it was really bad.” He sighs.
“Fine…you know you could have told me you were goin’ to a party.”
“No because you would’ve questioned who Seth was and-“
“Of course I would have, and you could’ve just told me he was a friend from school, come on.”
“I’m assuming they asked you a stupid question too?”
“Can yeh please just not do that again? Friend or not, I really don’t want yeh kissin’ someone else.”
“Of course! I’m so sorry!” She lunges onto him and kisses all over his face.
You look up at Harry and give him your biggest eyes and pout. He sighs and opens his arms and you jump into them. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him.
“Love you both, but I’d like to give my man a proper hello now, so please leave.” They both giggle and head out.
“Where’s Buster?”
“Taking a little nappy.”
Harry walks you down to the bedroom.
“We’re taking a shower, you wreak. Did you smoke?” He sets you down.
“Lou brought a joint with him, it’s no bid deal.”
“Alright.” You start taking your clothes off.
“You’re letting my weekend slide, so I’m doing the same.”
“So was it fun?”
“It was great, actually. We went for a hike, got to really see the stars at night. It was nice to just catch up and talk.”
“Yeah, same for us.”
Harry strips and turns the water on in the shower. He looks at you and squints.
“Why don’t you ever dance like that for me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’d love for you to put on a little show for me like that. Maybe a little lap dance sometime.” He grins.
“In your dreams.”
“Come on, it’ll be a new character for role play.”
“Maybe something CEO does for her assistant?”
“We’ll see.”
“Fine, then in the meantime, I’m going to fuck you into the tile.”
“Harry!” You squeal as he yanks you into the shower.
His hands are all over you and his fingers are up inside you before you know it. He nips at your neck as he pumps in and out of you.
“Fuck.” You breathe as his thumb works your clit. You reach to grab his cock and you start pumping it. “You know, this is the only cock I want.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, makes me feel so good. Want it all the time.”
He takes his fingers out of you and sucks on them. He grips one of your thighs and raises it over one of his hips. He thrusts into you. Your back arches against the cold tile. You hands sink into his shoulders as he rocks up into you.
“This is the only cunt I want.” Before you can’t bite your bottom lip, he’s already doing it for you, sucking it into his mouth. “This entire body, actually. It’s all mine, isn’t it?”
“All yours.” You smile at him and he smiles back. He pulls out and turns you around, entering from behind. Your entire front was pressed to the tile. Your head rolls back to his shoulder. “I love you, Harry, fuck!”
“I love, ngh, love you too.”
It doesn’t take either of you long to come. Harry throws his laundry right into the washer, and you both get cozy with Buster on the sofa.
“I really hope you know I didn’t intentionally try to make you upset or anything,”
“I know.” He strokes your back as you lay on him. “I don’t want you thinkin’ that I’m gonna blow up at you though.”
“I guess…because of how things were with my dad growing up, I feel like it’s easier or safer to leave pieced of information out. I know you’re not him, I wouldn’t be with you if you were anything like him, but sometimes those little things are there in the back of my head. I’d do anything to avoid a fight with him, so-“
“Babe.” You look up at him. “I know I get jealous sometimes, and that’s not always fair. But please don’t be afraid to tell me what you’re doin’. The most important thing to me is that you feel safe with me, always.” You nuzzle into his chest.
“I do feel safe with you, I promise. Some things are just hard to shake, I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry your dad fucked you up so much.” He sighs and kisses the top of your head.
“Me too…but I can’t blame everything on him. If I did I’d be just like Bridget. I just know I have certain habits. Like, you know how I always line our shoes up so we don’t trip over them when we walk in?”
“Well I do that because of my dad. If there was a hair out place when he got home from work it was like World War three would erupt. I do certain things because I feel like he could just come in at any moment, which is stupid, I mean this is our home, not his.”
“S’not stupid…” You look up at him and kiss him.
“I am sorry though, I was wrong.”
“Yeah, you were.” He smirks. “But it’s okay. I had a really nice time with my friends this weekend, and I suppose I’m glad you did too.” You kiss again.
“What did you guys talk about?”
“Oh, you know, just guy stuff.”
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twopoppies · 3 years
so today was my second day of 11th grade. the school i moved here from is so small, it’s 7-12 and they have only roughly 400 kids. then last year, cause of covid, i was in person and the school i’m at was pretty deserted because of virtual. but now, everyone is in person and the school is so packed. it’s honestly like a massive stampede in the halls. i honestly don’t know what’s gotten into me these passed two days. i’ve been so emotional and have just wanted to cry. i don’t have really any friends at this school, i only have one and i never see them really. last year, the only thing that really made it bearable was my teacher. it was only me and him in the classroom for most of the year. when i was done with my work, we would talk and stuff. he let me explain larry to him. i had him listen to a bunch of louis’ songs. it was great. he’s definitely my favorite teacher i’ve ever had and i’ll remember him for the rest of my life. i don’t have him this year which i’m really upset about, but i see him everyday and talk to him so it’s okay. for lunch, i wanted to go to his classroom and stuff, but we don’t have the same lunch so i can’t do that which sucks. idk just these passed few days i’ve been so emotional. i almost cried in school like seven times yesterday. today in school, they had me wait at the library to take a photo and i was late to class because of it, then on the way to class i almost cried. then in history, we were looking at a map and i looked at new jersey cause thats where i’m from and thats where my best friend is and i almost started crying because i miss her. i dont know if i’m acting like this cause i’m almost on my period, all this holivia bullshit, school stressing me out. i literally don’t know. i think it’s a mix of it all. plus i recently ended a toxic friendship where my friend would constantly yell at my for stupid shit. she would get annoyed because i wouldnt tell her when she doesnt things that upset me. i didnt tell her because i dont like making people upset and shes so aggressive that it made it impossible to tell her. idk why i’m sending this. i just needed to tell someone and i love ur account and i trust you and stuff. but yeah thats it.
Oh, sugar… that sounds so stressful. You’ve got so much on your plate and even just having to go back in person to a crowded school can be incredibly overwhelming. I think it’s okay to recognize that’s it’s a lot! And I’m sorry you’re dealing with all of that. If you have anyone you can unload with (Family? A counselor?), you should let someone in so they can comfort you.
In the meantime, I’m sending you a big hug.
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onestowatch · 3 years
For Louyah, One Viral TikTok and His Closest Friends Changed Everything [Q&A]
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It's a tale as old as time; through the power of friendship and the internet, Staten Island-born singer-songwriter and producer Louis Attillio Vigorito’s, better known as Louyah, life changed forever. In a car ride with his friends in New Jersey, the artist had the surprise of a lifetime when he realized his friends had secretly worked to get one of his singles, “I Used to Care,” played on the radio.
Eight million views and counting later, the 25-year-old has proven his versatility as an artist and established himself as an impressive rising talent. Raised in South New Jersey, Louyah entered the music scene as a vocalist and guitarist in metal bands Premonition and Idle Minds. After six years as a band member, he took the plunge and launched his solo career. Rather than focusing on one genre, Louyah’s strength lies in incorporating an eclectic yet balanced mix of pop, rock, rap, and R&B elements.
We had the opportunity to chat with the artist about the viral, wholesome moment, how their life has changed since then, and what fans can expect next.
It's safe to say the last month has been a whirlwind for you. You went from playing in a bunch of bands to setting off on your solo career in 2019, followed by releasing your first album to now being catapulted in front of the internet. What has been the most eye-opening experience during your journey so far?
The most eye-opening thing that hit me was that, just when I was ready to move forward with the whole album and ready to say fuck it let's put something else out, out of nowhere my friends got me on the radio, and that just changed everything. It was a very "expect the unexpected" moment.
How do you spend your time now? Has anything in your life drastically changed?
I keep writing songs! I've honestly been writing a lot of music. Other than that, I've been just kind of doing the same thing. Keeping to myself and hanging out with my friends and my family. I wouldn't say anything's changed, because I'm a very family-oriented person. So, I mean, a lot of people have definitely hit me up, and I think it's awesome. Personally, though, I don't know a lot of people and, for me, it's hard to want to do a project with someone if I know I haven't met that person. I just stick with what I know in the moment. Once I'm introduced to somebody in person, then I'll feel better about it. But as far as making music with people who are hitting me up, it's... I don't know. I just blew up and you're hitting me up. It's a weird feeling.
You want to make sure the connections you make with people are genuine and authentic before you make music together.
Definitely! But as far as you know, DMs are cool. Pink Sweat$ follows me now and that made me happy. I messaged him in 2018 and I said, “You're an inspiration to me. I can't wait to work with you,” and then he followed me and I was like, no way, you just followed me and he said, “Your music's dope,” and I was like, wow, okay. But that's it. I'm not gonna ever be like, “Let's work together! Let's do XYZ.” I feel like it should naturally play its part, just like it did. And there's gonna be a time and place where I sit in a room and he's there and he'd be like, “Louyah!” and I'd be like “Pink Sweat$! Hi.” And then from there, maybe we become best friends or maybe it doesn't have to be anything more than music.
You've mentioned that you still hang out with your friends and family and that nothing in your personal life has changed. What are some things that you do to keep yourself grounded?
I enjoy watching gamers on Twitch and the people I watch are my friends. Outside of that, I spend all my time on music. I really don't do anything else. I would love to travel and music is now giving me the opportunity to travel. Like I've never owned a car. I'm 25 and I've spent my whole life working for this moment. This is all I've ever wanted, and I'm ready for it and I've been ready for it. I've been ready to just accept everything that's happening right now. 
If you could leave tomorrow, where would you go?
Japan. Catch me in Tokyo. I just think the culture is beautiful. I think everything's beautiful. I will respect it. I will love it. I will enjoy it. And I just want to see all the cool shops that they have. I want to see all the interesting foods that they make. I think the way they present things is just insane to me, and I would love love, love, love, love, love to go to Tokyo and take some cool photos at night with all the neon signs and just absorb the environment.
Now that you're working on your next record, can you tell me more about the evolution of Louyah and your creative process?
So young Louyah, just Louis. There was no Louyah. I was a 16-year-old kid that loved metal music, so I picked up the guitar and started playing. I then joined the band as a guitarist and after that band broke up, I was a vocalist, so I screamed at people for a little bit and that was interesting. There was a whole metal scene community that loved our band and what we talked about. We talked about a lot of heartfelt things.
Heartfelt things like what?
I talked about my father's struggle with addiction. And that was a big part of my life before I even ventured into Louyah. The band and I were helping people that were not able to talk about those things and just be open and be honest. I would do this thing where I would have everybody close their eyes at my show, and I would say, “Raise your hand if you're struggling with addiction.” Everybody would close their eyes and you would be so surprised at how many people raised their hands. And then I would have everybody open their eyes and I'd be like, “Alright, now look around you. What do you see?” I've watched people just start crying, because they're like, “Oh, my God, my friend is standing right next to me. And he has an addiction. And I didn't know that.” My whole thing was just being a part of that community, helping people in those realms because that was a big struggle of my life. Through my father, and me, my two brothers, my whole family, we all struggled in that. Once that had kind of cleared up, I stopped doing the band stuff. A few of the people were getting older. Some are married, some had kids. I was looking for something else to do. I didn't want to do the five-member band thing, I wanted to just do something that was a little bit more solo. So, I started Louyah.
And how was that change for you? Was it difficult setting off on your own?
That was a big change for me, because I did listen to hip-hop. I was a fan of hip-hop, I love Biggie Smalls. My parents showed me older stuff, but my brother was constantly recommending artists to check out that he thought were cool. And he was like, “Well if you're going to do hip-hop, you should do it the way you want to do it,” because I was a little on the fence about doing it. He just told me to do it the way I want to do it and see how that works. So, I've been using that method. I've been doing it the way I've wanted to do it this whole time and that's working out well. I'm still technically in a band because I work with a whole group of people. Is the band all on stage with me? No. But I think they all play a really big part just like any other band would. That's my band of brothers. One of them has been my best friend since first grade. He makes all my music videos, he does my graphic design content, and he’s also my live drummer. I remember being young and being like, “yo, we're gonna work together, one day we're gonna be in a band together....” and we are now.
Is he one of the friends that got you on the radio in that TikTok clip?
No, he wasn't one of the friends that were in the car. The reason why I put “friends” is because those guys are basically my best friends and also more or less family. But behind me in the car was my little cousin Young Pwavy. And then behind the driver is my friend Gervs. He's actually on the album. He is such a talented singer. And the person that is driving is actually my brother. All three of them went ahead to just put a smile on my face when I needed it and they knew I needed it, because I dropped this record, and just nothing happened. So they just were like, “Yo, you put a lot of work into this, and we see how much work you put into us,” because I record them and I help produce for them, and they just wanted to make me happy. They literally are the reason my whole life changed.
If you don’t have friends like this you’re missing out ❤️ #radio #song #louyah #newjersey
♬ I Used to Care - Louyah
I can only imagine how much joy you must have felt in that moment.
I cried. I cried A LOT. Yeah. I cried to my mom, my brothers, I just cried. There was nothing to do but cry for like, three, four days straight. I would go on live and I didn't even know what to say. I would just cry. They would ask why I was crying and I was just like, “I'm happy.” I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know.
What can we expect from the next stage of Louyah?
I think everyone’s in for a surprise.
So a polka album?
Yeah definitely. Or jazz. Snake jazz!
People would love it!
Yeah, of course! But seriously, I think people are in for a surprise. Like I said, this first album was released in February, and I was ready to move on and move forward. I changed a lot of things about Louyah. Let's just say this new stuff is leaning more towards hip-hop than it is pop and rock. It still has similar elements but it's more hip hop. I'm not changing my voice or anything that crazy. There are some cool things that I'm doing, especially with the new song “La Da Di Da” I just put out. I've been working hard. Like, I have too much. I have too much music that needs to be listened to.
I know genres are arbitrary, but would you call yourself a hip-hop artist? What would you call yourself if you had to call yourself anything?
Honestly, that's a great question but also the hardest question for me. It's so changeable because I could say hip-hop right now, but a week from now, I could say rock. And then another week from now, I could say, pop or alternative. I can even say acoustic, because I do make acoustic music too. So I think at this point, it's just music. For right now, I can’t slap a label onto it because a label will box me, and I do not want to be boxed in any way.
What do you want to manifest for yourself in the year to come as an artist and as a person?
First and foremost, a house for my mom and a house for my dad. Also, a place to be more creative that has more room for the whole team that we have. That's number one, because I know that needs to happen. As for other manifestations, I want diamond records. I want plaques. I want to do US tours. God, I want to tour. I love touring, and I love traveling. I want to do sold-out shows. I want to sing in front of thousands and thousands and thousands of people that just all are connecting with me in that single moment, because that always felt like a very surreal moment, and I had just a short little taste of that at my own sold-out show for five hundred to six hundred people. 
I want to work with Post Malone. I want to work with Don Toliver. I want to work with JACKBOYS, Cactus Jack, and so many others. But these are big-name artists. On the real low, I've manifested the actual people that I love working with, which are Gervs, Young Pwavy, my friend Alec, and Kevin. Oh, and Dakun. I can't forget Dakun. Dakun mixes and masters everything and produces with me. I can't forget Dakun. All of those people I have manifested. I really did manifest everything I've wanted, and now it's just opened to more wants and more needs. So I'm excited to see what else comes of those things because, at this point, I don't even know what could happen tomorrow. There's something new every day.
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