#i live for their frienship and i need more of it
whenanafallsinlove · 1 month
lmk if your celly is closed and if so just ignore me !!
i had another idea for
✒️"SAD PROSE" - send a character + your favorite folklore lyric, and I'll write a short blurb
hitoshi + “cause you never gave a warning sign (i gave so many signs” from exile 🗣️ in the mood for a lil angsty angst
aahhh i loved writing this so much! i hope you like it elle! <3
✒️"SAD PROSE" - send a character + your favorite folklore lyric, and I'll write a short blurb
You liked Hitoshi, you had liked him for a long time. Ever since you became friends, he always showed care and kindness to you. But you always felt the very thin line in your relationship where your feelings fluctuated between friendship and something else.
Since the beginning of the frienship, you had felt a special connection with him. Neito was your best friend, and he had introduced you to Hitoshi after a few weeks into U.A; but Hitoshi was just different to everything you knew.
It was very easy to talk to him; he wasn't shy or quiet like he seemed to be. Actually, he was the complete opposite; he always told stories about his classmates in general studies, his life before U.A, and he always tried to get a smile or a laugh out of you. You quickly became comfortable with each other, slowly getting more touchy in a playful manner.
You were as close to Shinso as you were with Monoma; but there was an evident difference in the way you acted around each of them; and an even bigger one in the way you felt about them.
Hitoshi slowly became the main reason why you enjoyed school. He was something you looked up to see everyday.
After the sport's festival, you had gathered enough courage to confess to him. Maybe it was the emotion of the moment, but as soon as you blurted out your feelings to Hitoshi, he kissed you. It was slow, but with a lot of emotion. You were sure that now that you knew how his embrace felt, you would not be able to live without it.
Hitoshi had decided a few days later to tell you that he would need to focus on his hero training. That Aizawa would be very strict with him if he wanted to get transfered into the hero course.
Of course, you understood that. It was slightly disappointing to be asked to wait, specially after something so important happened between the two of you. But you knew that it was Shinso's dream, his future, and if waiting for a few weeks would make you part of it, then it was worth it.
Although, days became weeks, weeks became months, and months quickly became a year.
Neito always told you that as much as he liked Hitoshi, you were a fool. Because, it had been a year and Hitoshi had not asked you on a single date, and he would not adress the situation unless you did. Not much had changed between the two of you, and he always used to tell you to just wait for him.
"You just don't look as happy anymore. I'm worried." Neito said everytime Shinso was brought up.
And it was partially true; it was a little emotionally draining to wait for him, but everytime you showed some impatience, he would just shrug it off.
It was safe to say that after a year, your heart was already worn out; specially since he had already managed to make it into the hero course.
His eyes when he asked you for patience, just added insult to your aching heart. So one day, you finally managed to speak with him.
"Toshi, I'm not going to wait for you anymore."
You caught Shinso by surprise, so he wasn't sure what you were reffering to.
"What? What are you talking about pretty?" He asked, and placed his hand on your cheeck, which you shook off.
"Please don't call me that. I'm saying that I am done waiting for you to decide whether or not you want to be with me."
Your tone was firm, but you could feel the tremble in between words. Shinso took a deep breath before speaking.
"I told you I would need you to be patient, you said you were okay with that."
You scoffed, and your vision started to become blurry.
"But it's been a year, Hitoshi! You said it was until you got transfered to the hero course!"
"I don't get where this is coming from. Please calm down."
"Calm down? Hitoshi, this shows that you didn't even hear me out everytime I brought up the subject!"
"So what do you want me to do now, huh? You were my friend, and then you confessed and we kissed. I told you I liked you too, isn't that enough?"
"You should really put all those months of training into practice and at least learn to read my mind!"
"If you were so upset you should have told me! I swear you never gave a warning sign, Y/N!"
"Shinso, I gave so many signs! You just decided not to see them!"
Your eyes finally gave up, and your tears started to flow down your face. You both stood there in silence, knowing that everything had ended.
"Well I guess there is nothing I can do to turn things around." Shinso finally spoke. You didn't know if this made you more sad or upset; you wished that he had at least made an effort to not lose you in the end, but he didn't.
So you just nodded and made your way through the door, not looking back.
a/n: I had no time to proof read this! excuse any mistakes!
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bambiilooza · 2 months
I love ur ducktales fox oc guy so much I need to know more about him immediately please
hi anon, thank you sm!! this made me really happy to hear :D
you made him all flustered look
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his name is matt dupe and he's my dumb lil bitch
i'm still developing him so i'll post more when i have him figured out. but he's actually based off a guy i made for a creative writing project at school. i'm just accepting that character as is human desgin. i'm not overly attached to the story from the project but i like him and i like ducktales so and simply just think the design below is hot
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i really like lp + dewey's and huey + fenton's friendships. it's really cute, like that stupid older brother and excited younger brother type frienship. and he sorta fills that role for louie. it's different to louie and goldie's dynamic - which i LOVE btw - cuz goldie isn't a stupid man like lp and fenton ya know? matt is :)
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i mentioned they have a miles + peter b dynamic and basically what i mean is louie does look to matt for guidance in his smooth talk and salesman behaviour but is open to sass him. and matt is sarcastic but still very supportive in the same way peter is.
he has a van that's a revamped ice cream van that, instead of ice cream van music, plays powerline songs. he's a powerline stan. he painted it and ik what it looks like in my head but i haven't deaigned it yet. but to describe it, it has sunflowers and hibiscus in an expressive painting style. yellow and pinkish red are his fav colours.
the van very much just the awesome store from tawog + the mystery shack in one. he's got all sorts of silly thingamabobs he sells. he also went to art school and sells some of the painatings he makes. he lives in the van too. it's bigger inside.
he's very much keeps every interaction surface level cuz he doesn't want to get attached because he feels unlovable. he's very social and extroverted but he doesn't make friends or get into relationships because he can't risk the idea of being loved. he doesn't want to ruin somone's life. the root of his problems come from his piece of shit mother. for reference, imagine odalia from the owl house imagine her mixed with horrid henry's mom. and yea, it's not a good combo. he hides all this under fake bravado. ofc, he will get help and form relationships to get him to happier place.
that was lot of writing so here's a dumb picture of him.
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if anyone has any specific questions about him plz ask me them!!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
Hi ☺️ id like to request a vampire!eddie who is friends with reader but they both want more. But maybe vampire!eddie is afraid to hurt reader so he tries to remain friends. Reader finally gives up and tells eddie they can be friends but she needs to move on. She ends up on a date that ends terribly, when she gets home eddie is waiting for her and confesses he cant just be friends and they happily get together bc neither deserve anymore angst lol.
Warnings: Angst to fluff 💕
Dont copy, reuse or repost my work
Request by @swansonron
Many people have fun stories about how they've met their best friend.
For you and Eddie its no different except for one thing.
Your best friend is a vampire. Yes, exactly like Dracula, Anna Rice's Interview with a Vampire, Angel and Spike from Buffy...
Oh, and he doesn't sparkle in the sun just FYI.
Eddie may be a vampire but he's the sweetest, kindest man you've ever met. He's never hurt a human and you know he'd never hurt you.
You've fallen for him, hard but despite how close you both are, how it's obvious both you want to take your friendship to the next level Eddie holds back.
He's terrified of hurting you, even though you know he won't but he's got the idea in his head that his enhanced strength will end up with you hurt in some way.
Honesty, he's the most gentle man you've ever known and you know accidents can happen, but what they didn't?
You wish deep in your heart that Eddie would give you and him a chance but it looked increasingly unlikely and the more it broke your heart.
After much deliberation, constantly unsure of what to do and many sleepless nights you had come to a decision.
If Eddie would never accept the idea of you and him together then you had to move on. For both your sake.
You loved his frienship and never wanted to ruin it so maybe moving on would be best for everyone.
Even if you doubted that you could find someone as incredible as Eddie, you had to try didn't you?
Telling Eddie was the hardest part as your heart still longed for him.
"I have to move on Eddie. I want to be with you so much but it's clear you don't feel the same." your heart clenches painfully and you take a second before speaking again.
"We can be friends obviously but I can't keep hoping and waiting for you when this isn't what you want"
Saying all of this is hurting your heart but it needs to be said. You need to move on and stop living in a dream world.
Eddie is quiet as he takes this in and gives a tiny nod of his head.
"I understand princess" There's a hint of pain in his voice and you desperately want to soothe him, take the pain away.
By the time you move forward just an inch to go and comfort him, it's like he puts a mask up, his brown eyes darken and he steps back.
Tears prick your eyes but you swallow them down. Maybe he really doesn't care... He's just your friend and that's it.
"I have a date on Friday. It's with a guy called Jason" he nods and turns away.
"Right, well I hope it goes well sweetheart. I'll see you tommorow" he pauses and then turns back to you and gently kisses your cheek.
The soft brush of his lips on yours, the way his brown eyes meet your gaze for a minute makes your heart race.
When you open your eyes, he's gone and all that's left is a hollow feeling in your chest.
Shit, could this night get any worse?
Jason was one of those washed up jocks who sat relieving his glory days as a high school heartthrob and football captain.
He barely asked anything about you and when he did it didn't last long.
Long story short? You wish you were with Eddie instead.
Jason gulps down his wine and grows increasingly more and more drunk, conversation is stilted and no matter how many times you pick it up, it doesn't help.
The two of you have nothing in common, in fact he could be the greatest guy in the world and your heart would still belong to Eddie.
This frustrates you. Ugh, so much for trying to get over him. You needed to accept he didn't want to be with you. In some ways you had but your heart was different.
Your heart longed for a happy ending but its obvious you wouldn't find it here.
Eddie was waiting for you when you got home, he has a determined look on his face.
"Hi, what are you doing here Ed's?" you ask him curiously. Your traitor heart skips a beat as you eye him.
"I wanted to make sure you got home okay. How was your date?" you groan and slump on the sofa.
"Awful, truly awful" he growls and his eyes flash red briefly. Shit he's pissed.
"Do I need to have words with this douchebag" his protectiveness is sweet but you can handle a tipsy idiot.
"No, you'd scare him to death Eddie, I'm okay"
He kneels down beside you and takes your hand.
"What if I just frighten him a little bit? Turn into my bat form and scare the shit out of the dumb fuck?" this makes you giggle at the thought but you shake your head.
"No, remember what happened last time" Poor Miss Dawson is still on edge about bats.
He nods smirking then turns serious, his eyes lock with yours.
"When you were on the date it was driving me crazy. I can't just be friends with you sweetheart, I want more"
After a shitty night hearing this is like a dream.
"You mean it Eddie?" he nods, his thumb circling over your fingers. Sparks and tension comes off the both of you in waves.
Fuck, you so badly want to kiss him.
"I've never wanted anything more sweetheart, I adore you. I've falling for you, hard"
Eddie kisses you. You've been waiting for so long for this to happen and now that it is you can't believe it.
You kiss him back with equal fervour and he smiles against your lips.
"I'm gonna love you forever sweetheart"
Maybe happy endings weren't just for fairtytales after all.
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papita474 · 5 months
Thougths about Fingon cause I need to share this and cry whit others.
Thinking on how dificult should have been for Fingon the firts days on Midle Earth,they arrive after so much time and suffering in the cold ice,your brother lost his wife,a lot of your people dies,then you arrive,and a battle happens,you lost your litle brother there,when he goes in valiant act agains the forces of Morgoth.
And then you go to the lands were your alf-cousins are,were your friend is,and you go there thinking on how could your friend betrays you,leave you,abandond you,But then you arrive at the camp in Hitlum,and discorver that your cousin,the one that was your friend before every f#cking thing happend,is no longer there,that he's trapped somewhere in the hands of the literaly evodiment of evilish,or worse he's dead.
So,Fingon has all this things in his head,and then the dilema of going to look for Maedhros,cause Fingon didn't know the fact that Mae stood againgts the burn of the ships,the fact that Mae asked for briging Finno first,when he asked Fëanor to return the ships to the west lands. And for Fingon,Maedhros was another participe of the traition,another one of the house that was againts his own house,but before they were friends they have had and "ancient frienship",so Finno goes to look for Mae,whitout the permition or the advicedment of any one,only his own.
He makes his way till Thangorodrim,and there he start looking for some crack in the mountain rock,for some pasage,something that could lead him to get in Angband,because he was brave,he was valiant. But nothing could he find,in the lands were only darknes live(this makes a rime hehe) so he sings,he sings a song of more happy times,a song of golden times of the Noldor,and because of that he finds Maedhros,who start singing in his agony,that moment should be one of the hards for Finno,cause he find his friend,there up,chained in the rock,and Finno goes up,but then he realice he cant reach the body of Mae,so Mae ask him to kill him and end whit his sufering,and Finno intents to do that,hes crying seing the evil acts Morgoth did,and now he has to kill the one he was looking for.
We all know what happends next,but this things in particular hurt me a lot,Fingon is one of the greatest of all the times,and in my opinion the most fair and correc one,I just love him. (For sure must be a lot of words bad written cause im not a native speaker,but the ideas can be catch)
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lactosa2 · 6 months
I think i may let my obsession whit Omen grow to much, but i dont complain. there is some gramatical mistakes, don´t complain, english not my first lenguage :3. there is a posibility that this drabble could have second part, honestly i don´t totally know.
cc: Drabble, soft, comfy, 5.246 words, Omen balls mencioned 📢📢
Since two months ago, Omen was staying on your apartament, you both had a good and trustfull relationship , and for that he vented whit you about how he felt whit the protocol since he knew something about his past, he wasn´t confotable anymore in the base and you understanding it, so, you offered him long ago a place for live.
Sadly he didn´t have the savings for affort it, so in place, he was staying whit you whit the time he could need.
1:23 AM
You were in the bed, awake, but still sleep, is like the bad thoughts about yourelft let a void inside of you, it wasn´t like you thinked that you deserved the worst, it was that everytime someone gived you a bad treatment you will excuse it and let it just happened, not cry or change it, it had been a normal activity.
You had forget were you are, why and whit who, so when Omen ended apearing next to you scared the shit out of you, not to much, just making you laught softly whit a sigh of relief when you noticed who was.
"I said to you to touch my shoulder when you enter.."- You complained with the voice a lit shaky for the sudden apear, but honestly, you didn´t complained. "What a little girl." he said whit his harsh tone, closing his arms while he laid on your bed next to you.
"You are a asshole, you know right" he listened to you while he moved a little his shoulders, making you frown "What a kind of guess are you" you said while cobering yourself whit the sheest of the bed.
"I didn´t ask you to make a favor" his voice still sharsh, but it was soft, teasing. -"You are out of my hause, tomorrow"- he hitted the back of your head softly. -"Abusive"- he giggled softly in a low voice, his nails massaging your scalp, -"So... i´ll stay here, okay?"- he whispered next to your ear
"Mnh.." you noded and he did it too, standing up, "Where you go.." you complained when he left the bed, opening your eyes and looking at him with sleepy face and messy hair (sorry if youre bald) "I must go, Sage want to talk..." he said as he fixed his clothes.
"Put a little up your pants"- You said in a whisper, smiling like dumb.-"What..?" he asked with sighly shock, not knowing what you meant, "Up your pants, they are to low... i almost can see your balls"- you giggled while reposing your cheek at the pillow, hugging it. "Maybe that´s the idea.." He laughted a bit while fixing his cape and putting it on the right place.
"You want to show your balls while talking whit Sage?... what a weird way from conquist someone, Your balls are THAT stunning?" you smiled like dumb again, his voice soft and a little high. -"Want to know?" he offered whit his hands on his belt, warning to take it off. "Lets change the topic..." you giggled and glanced yout tounge outside a little, then, drowning yourself more deep in bed.
"What Sage want now?.." You asked with the voice sleepy, you were making everthing under your power so you won´t sleep, it was hard. "I dont know..." He whispered, it was certain that he and Sage had a frienship, but Omen leaved and was his desition to do so. "And..'" you said, siting on the bed and fixing your hair a little (Sorry for bald peoplex2) "I don´t want to dissapoint the protocol.." he said in a low sad voice, poor.
"Their opinion doesn´t matter, no when you are the one suffering, Sage or Viper can empatize with you, even had lived similar things, but they will never understand because they aren´t you... and for that you are the one who have to put the strength and continue with what you want." you said firmly, it was horrible seeing him wanting to be free but feel encapsulated by all his past. "I don´t know what i want.."- He confessed whit his head down.
"Then discober it, simple." you said while rubing your hand on your eye. "How.." he asked, looking at you as you cober your mouth because you yawned. "I don´t know... that´s something that you have to discober".
"Then why they don´t think like you... why they don´t give me the space you do?..." he asked frustrated, the protocol always trated him as a family, someone more of the group, but that was what made them forget that Omen is someone individual too, that have his own emotions and thoughts, something you did´nt.
"Because they are not me..." you standed up and putted a hand on his shoulder as a sigh of confort, Omen, instantly turned back and envolved his arms on your wasit, snuggling you against him. You didn´t protest and putted your arms arround his neck. "Im not the only who wan´t to suport you, but if you need me, i´ll be here.." You whispered softly.
In some way you feel the same as Omen, not ecxactly what he is feeling, but enough similar to know how suport him, and if the protocol didn´t did that, then you´ll be the one. that was your objetive.
"I won´t go.." He whispered while his hand opened and holded your back, still presing you against his torso. "What you want to do then?.." you asked in a soft and low voice, trying to confort him. -"Cuddle" he said faster as he could.
"Cuddles will be." you giggled softly when he tighted his hold on your waist and holded you up, pressing you against him while he let his body fall onto the bed, when both falled, you snuggled against him, his hands goed to your hair (Sorry for the bald peoplex3) and play whit the softest of this. his head against your cheast, listening to your heartbeats.
"Comfy?.." you asked with a soft smile, kissing his head. "Do it again" he said and you ended kissing his head everytime he asked. you giggled and did it again, again, again and again. As long he asked for it.
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dearweirdme · 12 days
Hi Rain,
Am I the only one who thinks best friends can sometimes be closer than partners/spouses? I’ve always had suspicions about either Taekook or Yoonmin being real, but what connects these two pairs? That's right—Jimin and Taehyung. Despite their different fundamental personality traits, I’ve always felt that it never stopped them from being incredibly close. In fact, I consider them the closest pair in BTS, even if Taekook or Yoonmin were real.
A while ago, a Taekooker told me that Taekook are the closest duo in BTS because they share the same fundamental values, but I don’t believe that being close to someone necessarily means you have to be in a relationship or share the same core values. Here's what I mean: Even though Jimin and Taehyung have different values and perspectives on life, I think as long as they respect each other’s boundaries and don't impose their views on each other, they can maintain a bond that could be even closer than romantic partners and this is exactly what I see in Jimin and Taehyung' friendship.
So yes, there’s a possibility that Taekook could be real, and I also have feelings about Yoonmin. But for me, Jimin and Taehyung still have the closest bond in BTS, even if they have their own partners or other friends outside of BTS. Taehyung is close with the Wooga Squad, and Jimin has a tight circle with Sungwoon, Taemin, and Kai.
Jimin and Taehyung don’t need to spend every moment together or stay updated on every little detail of each other’s lives to prove their closeness. I see their relationship as platonic, and I firmly do believe they’re there for each other whenever they need to be. They don’t have to do grand gestures or change who they are to prove the depth of their bond to anyone.
Hi anon! I think there are so many different ways and levels of closeness and I believe you can have these different kinds of closeness in your life simultaniously. Best friendships are very often more durable than relationships. How many of us haven't been with our best friends for years and years.. while relationships came and went. How many of us don't go to their best friends to complain or talk about our partners? We share things with our best friends that we might not share with our partner, for whichever reason that might be.
I think Vmin and Jkk are actually quite similar in that they don't need to speak or meet often to keep their frienship strong. We know that Jm and Jk went without interacting much for months, and it was no big deal at all. Tae and Jm did make and effort to factime every month, but I think they also do very well with not having to meet up. These men just have a bond that will probably never break. I think they know each other so well that there isn't a chance of moments of doubt to creep in. They just trust that the other cares and will always be there.
Being really close doesn't have to mean that it's romantic. I absolutely agree. For me Tae and Jk's closeness is just a given and it's a lot of things around that which make me believe they are together. We've seen that Jk and Tae did make efforts to meet up and spend time together.. both in private and with others, both at events and while doing activities. Jk and Jm are often said to be the closest members, and yet we've not seen them make an effort to spend time together, while the both of them did make efforts to meet or speak with the other members. I'd say Jm is closer to Tae, Yoongi, and Hobi. Jk hang out with Tae, with Wooga, with his 97'freinds.. but not with Jm.. and he even said that had it not been for the AYS show, they still wouldn't have met up. That doesn't mean they're not close, but just that in this phase of their lives they did not prioritize each other (and from romantic partners.. that is something I do expect... though there are ofcourse plenty of cases where this is not true). I just compare it to two best friends going to different colleges and having different lives for a while.. but stepping right back into their friendship again whenever they do meet up.
I think it's hard to compare romantic relationships to platonic ones. They fulfill different needs and there are different expectations. Romantic couples often have an inexplainable want/need to be together. I think we have seen that want from Tae and Jk on different levels. It's Jk flying to Hawaii because Tae missed him (after just having seen him 😭). It how they always sit and walk close. It's the touching when they can. It's going to the hotel together when Jk got back from Dubai. It's Jk holding onto Tae when he enlisted.
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sophietv · 1 year
Hey! I’m hoping you can help me process my thoughts surrounding the love blackout so to speak. I’m having a really hard time understanding why it’s still necessary for Kaylor to present publicly as though they’re not in each others lives. I mean, like 99% of the fandom that aren’t lsk wouldn’t even think anything of it if they were seen hanging out again or if Karlie attended a show. They’d just be like, cool, guess they made up or are friends still and they’d move on. It was fun to pick up on the Easter eggs and the flagging between the two of them at first but it’s starting to just get exhausting when it’s been literal years since we’ve seen them together 😭 Like if they are in fact in each others lives why the blackout still. What does it achieve?
It's a question that comes up a lot. And I do get why people are asking this question and here's my thoughts on this (it is my interpretation, I could be totally wrong too and there migth be so much more that I don't even thought about...).
So sorry... still writing this and looks like it's gonna be another novel reply lol.
For those of you who will read this and are not LSK. Well this is a LSK post. And this post will entertain the fact that LSK theories are right. It will be kind of deep thoughts, so it necessitate being open minded. If you are unconfortable with LSK theories, you might like to skip this one.
The "frienship" reunion and what it would imply
99% of the fandom are not LSK for a reason.
Ok a big chunk of that fandom is because they are not even Gaylors to start with.
But as for the Gaylors who are not LSK and are very loudly posting everyday that Kaylor is over. It is exactly because of the love blackout. (X) It's because Taylor and Karlie have not been seen together publicly since 2018.
In 2016 when they stopped interacting publicly and on social medias. The Kaylor narrative died down a lot with it. New muses where theorised and less and less people talked about Kaylor. We need to remember that even if Gaylors were an insignificant amount of people at that time. What was being said online impacted what medias said too. There was articles about Gaylors theories back at that time too. And this even impacted some Swifties. Then Kaylor narrative picked up a little bit in 2018 with the reputation reunion. But even then, it was toned down a lot due to the fact that Karlie was engaged and about to get married. When Taylor started being loud about coming out and flagging Karlie a lot in 2019. Kaylor narrative was loud again. But there was the secong wedding and everything and this kept it under control too. All that to say. That I don't think we can safely say that it would mean nothing. Or not impact Kaylor and the conversation that will be going on online if they are ever seen publicly again. Because it was very intentionally controled over all those years, for that narrative to be tamed.
But them being publicly linked again, would be confirmation enough for A LOT of Gaylors. It would take off the only thing that's been holding off some. Then there would be the Swifties narrative as well as the public one. Ultimately, one of the reason that Swifties hate Karlie so much and us talking about her, is specifically the fact that there's so much "proofs" about them having been a thing. That it's the principal "threat" to their straight image that they have of Taylor. A public reunion will lead to an increase in gaylor discourse online, wich would lead to an increase in public discourse about Kaylor too (think of the number of Gaylors mainstream articles there's been in the last year only). Gaylors have exploded over the years. So an increase in people talking loudly about them being together would be considerable. This leads me to another point. Taylor have been able to be so truthful in her songs and her flagging in the last years. Part of that freedom comes from most people believing that Kaylor is over.
Being friend publicly again with Karlie would impact her ability to be as transparant in her art. And, as long as she doesn't come out, this is one of the only way she has to express herself and be herself freely and feel seen by a bigger and bigger part of the fandom. This is not nothing. Nothing should keep this from her.
The implications of a Kaylor coming out
If Taylor ever wants to come out and finally be seen by the public. And if she doesn't want to be fully out with Karlie and the children at the same time. This can't be achieve with them being publicly friends again, for all the reasons stated above.
A Kaylor coming out would not be nothing. There's so much layers of implications and complications to consider. Depending on the narrative Taylor decides to play there's not many simple options:
Being truthful and explaining how it was her all along would invalidate all of her PR relationships she's had since 2014. That's 4 (if you count he who shall not be named). This would fuel the : Taylor lied to us narrative. This would mean having a lot of explanations to do with the children and everything. It would require a tell all. And this would be a massive call out to the industry. This would truly be epic. But not without serious consequences and push backs from the industry. Also all of the Joshlie narrative would be messed up. Josh would have to come out too. This would be really complicated to explain with the children and everything and would make a scandal. Not only in the music industry. And there might be a lot of push backs from Josh's family too. I'm sure there's a way of doing this. And turning all of this. And I'm convinced Taylor have the right people around her to work this all out. But we can't deny that it won't be anything but simple.
Going with the betrayal narrative and "breakup" to exlude the children. Would be a way to do it I guess. But this would mean that Taylor would never be able to call her potential children hers. And when people would start looking into it. It would be dificult to explain the Kaylor and Joshlie timeline crossovers. Especially with things like Kissgate being really public... So this strategy implies a lot of the difficulties of option 1.
Trying the: we were friends and fell in love only recently narrative. This one could work. Thankully the GP is gullible. But to wich extent?
There's so much Kaylors content and evidences out there, that this would be sooo complicated to play. If even possible.
Maybe there's more options and I don't see them because, well I'm not working in this world and there's so much I don't know... But yeah, the way I see it, there's no easy, simple and without serious potential consequences ways to do it. This is even if Taylor wants this part of her life out There's a real possibility that Kaylor will never come out.
And we need to be ok with this.
There's a real possibility that Taylor wants to protect what she and Karlie and the children have and doesn't want it to be broadly known. Like she sang in Peace and explained on her Musicians On Musicians interview. She would wish a normal life for her and her family. And knows that ultimately she can't offer them this with her fame and everything. But maybe, right now, this is the closest they can have it. And maybe they want to keep it that way, and it's ok.
And just like Taylor never has to come out. No matter how satisfying and validating it would be for Gaylors to be: See! I was right all along!
She doesn't need to give more validations to Kaylors.
I don't think we should see their flagging as ultimately clues that will lead to some big finish like this. It's really hard. Especially considering the hate Kaylors are getting. But I really think we should just take all the flagging that they are both doing as a way to letting us in on their life.
Offering us this unique privilege.
With nothing more to be expected from it.
When we put all of the hate, the (very normal and legitimate) want to be proven right and validated.
We are actually so lucky to be privy of this beautiful love story. To be trusted by Taylor and Karlie with those glimpses of their love. Personnally I'm honnored with only the chance to witness just this small part.
Ok this was really long. I'm sorry again... I fear we have to admit that novel answers are a very real risk when you guys ask me anons lol.
I hope this answered your question.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
If slashers interact regulalary, like as if going about more or less like rgeular people(but still slahsers of course :P), I am curious. Jamie Llyod, how would slashers interact with there buddies niece?Suddenly finding herself with a bunch of honorary "uncles"
Specific curisiotes include, Brahms, Jason, Bubba, both Scream guys(Billy and Stu), Leslie Vernon, and anyone else you might wanna toss in there if your happy to answer :)
AWWWW (i had to google Jamie Llyod cuz i thought you meant a guy from lego ninjago cartoon series and i was a little confused) Request open!!
Voorhees Jason
Accually he seems to be great with kids, he is just overthinking. If they go to shop together he wont be able to resist buying her whatever snack she wants!
He would rather pick her up and carry her around than to hold her hand because he gets distracted easly and he would just loose her in middle of forest
Jason will melt if jamie will say something along the lines "you are the best unlce ever!!" he will litteraly pass out and die
Jason and Micheal are besties so i can see them just hanging around and Micheal just randomly bringing her with him. just to chill and vibe. It would be very quiet vibe due to them being mute but it doesnt stop them from hanging out!
Billy and Stu! (tw to yall homophobes, this biches gay)
"ew a child..." "sup uncle Billy and Stu" "uhh look you are here only because Micheal made us baby sit you" "lol okay"
"I hate childen so much Stu :( " "Cmon its not that bad! She painted my nails!" "of course she did" "Also she said Im way better baby sitter than you!" "I- aint no way you are better than me"
This evening just turned into Billy and Stu trying to beat each other in "who is better uncle" competition
"Hey Jamie wanna see a scary movie :]" "cmon shes like 4" "im almost sure shes like 7 dude"
"I'm hungry im calling Micheal" "NONONO I- i mean why- we ordered fastfood! right Stu?" "uhh yeaahh, wait i just need to go outside for a, eeehh for an *runs to nearest fastfood to buy sometihng to eat*
they forgor that children accualy have to eat
they are so chaotic, they will fall asleep together (all 3) while watching Sponge Bob (Stu and Billy are secretly boyfriends btw i do not care that it has nothing to do with this headcanons, i just wanna inform you all)
"I know you guys are gay" " :O WHAT! I mean- who told you that! pfff some prankster probably" "I saw you hold hands! and thats what people do when they love each other! :3"(top tier sin)
Billy and Stu live together probably and their house is such a mess! its probably huge too, because Stu perents kinda rich. So i can imagine them loosing Jamie in middle of hause and then looking for her (shes goofy ah she will pretend they are playing hide and seek jsut to scare the shit out of them)
Heelshire Brahms
HE he would be so akward!!! Like "ehhh uhh hello child why are you in my house child, uhhh bloody hell" (Quick reminder that hes British and i will make fun of him)
HE WOUDL PROBABLY CALL MICHEAL "Uhhh Mr Micheal ur eeh your niece is here uhh can you like pick her up-" Jamie just standing behind hir "AAH-You, you wanna play scrabbles?" "ew no, can we play hide and seek" "Oh.My.God nevermind you can stay"
Micheal just comes to pick her up or something and Brahms with Jamie are already besties and they prolly made frienship braslets (and shit talk some people too)
okay ladies im back and i will write some more soon! pls comment and dont remember to like and subscibe and hit that bell button
tbh i dint have a lot of ideas (thats why Bubba isnt included i just had no clue what to write) but its good ig, and if i will find any people bullying stu/billy for being homosex i will steal ur steam account B)
x reader tags are only for more people to reach this post nothing sus here
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jovianjournal · 1 month
February 2024 (comics time)
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took me a while to finish this post because i actually had to work, for once.
Kimi ni Nidome no Sayonara wo / Un second au revoir -- Takogawa Takomaru, Tanaka Tomo, French translation by Essia Mokdad
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I saw this manga in my local bookshop and i picked it up because the art looked really cool, but it's not the kind of story i usually read: it's a... psychological horror mystery with some supernatural elements? The story begins when a young man goes to the funeral of a childhood friend who had been missing for several years and whose body has just been discovered, hidden for all this time in their old high school. At the funeral, he gets attacked and wakes up in the body of his younger self, a few months before his friend's disappearance.
For me the main appeal is the art and the vaguely homoerotic ultra-toxic friendship, the plot is sometimes a little lacking, a little tropey. At the time of writing, there's still one volume to be published in France at the end of the year and i'm looking forward to the end of the mystery, because i've guessed some parts of it, but there's some time travel shenanigans that still need clarifying. overall i'd recommend it! (although: tw for child abuse & violence)
Country Diary - Haru kara natsu e -- Ishino Aya, French translation by Gaëlle Ruel
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Sometimes you read a book and you think the whole time "gosh i wish i was living in this story". A 2 volume series about a university professor who quits his city life to buy an old abandoned house in the countryside, where he befriends a local carpenter and learns to tend his field with the help of his farmer neighbours. Very Story of Seasons, very cottagecore fantasy. A sweet lil story about community and frienship and craft and nature and... idk it's just really cosy and charming.
Blue Period (volume 14) -- Tsubasa Yamaguchi, French translation by Nathalie Lejeune
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One of my favourite currently running series, about a fine art student and his art school adventures. Lot of really interesting stuff about art and being an artist. This volume focuses on some of the side characters, who are truly the strength of the story, a big cast of colorful weirdos.
Dungeon Meshi -- Ryoko Kui, French translation by Sébastien Ludmann
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Okay unless you've been living under a rock you've probably heard of delicious in dungeon, who was adapted into an anime earlier this year. I'd been meaning to read it for a very long time and after watching the first couple episodes i finally bit the bullet... and binged the whole thing in a couple months. Exactly the Kind of Story I Love : fun fantasy with complex worldbuilding, great characters with complex relationships, expert comedic timing, beautiful art, complex themes in a silly wrapping... can't recommend it enough.
Rivages Lointains -- Anaïs Flogny
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A story about gay mafiosi in mid century america. Great art, great ambiance, i just wish there was at least one character i could root for. don't get me wrong i'm all for morally ambiguous anti heroes, but they either need to have some likeable traits or to be fun to hate. These guys are mostly just unsympathetic. I still really liked it tho!
Squire -- Nadia Shammas, Sara Alfageeh, French translation by Florent Degletagne
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ooooh this one was really good. it took me a long time to read, because i'd heard great things about it, but it's a thick one, and i was waiting for the right time to read it. Second world fantasy with middle eastern vibes. the authors are palestinian and cisjordanian (if i remember correctly) which add an extra layer on the themes of colonization throughout the story. I loved the secondary characters and i wish they got more time to be developed, but other than that it's a great story that felt extremely relevant.
that's all folks, see y'all next time
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marie-swriting · 2 years
More Than A Frienship - Shawn Mendes
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Romance Masterlist
Summary : You’re friend with Shawn but he kissed you while you’re in a committed relationship. You try to avoid him to not lose yourself in your feelings.
Warnings : Angst, kind of cheating, fluff ending. English is not my first language so there might some mistakes you can tell me, if you see them. Tell me if I missed any warnings !
Word count : 1.5K
French version on Wattpad
French version on Tumblr
Song Inspiration : Bad Kind Of Butterflies by Camila Cabello
“Shawn, I’m begging you, stop calling me” You whisper into the phone.
“Please listen to me before hanging up. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t even know why I kissed you. Please, believe me when I say I don’t want our friendship to change.” He pleads.
“It changed the moment you put your lips on mine.” You muttered harshly.
“Y/N, please” he tries to hold you back.
“Give me some time”
You just hung up when Dean, your boyfriend, comes into the living room, a bowl of popcorn in his hands. You try your best to act normal despite Shawn’s call, even if it’s complicated. What he did last week is still bugging you. You didn’t think you’d react like that because of his touch. No matter how hard you try, you can’t forget the feeling of his lips on yours. But you also can’t forget the guilty feeling when you look at Dean’s angelical face. You two have been dating for a year now and you love him. Everything is good between you. At last, until Shawn’s action.
“Who was on the phone ?” he asks you.
“My mom. She wanted to tell me tonight there’s If I Stay on TV” As soon as this lie escapes your lips, you feel your stomach hurts because of the guilt.
“Do you want to watch that tonight ? It’s your favourite movie.”
“I got it on DVD, we can watch it any other day.”
“You sure ?”
“Yes. we’re not gonna change the movie at the last minute” You laugh trying to hide your nervousness. “We said we would watch your favourite movie, not mine so let’s put Fast And Furious”
“As you want, sweetheart” Dean says before kissing you.
Without a surprise, you can’t focus on the movie for more than a minute. This kind of film is not the one you usually watch and your mind is set on the same person. Shawn. You’ve been friends for six years. You’re friend with Brian, so you quickly met him. You bounded easily. You’re good friends.
At least, that’s what you thought until last week.
You don’t really know why but Shawn kissed you and since then, you can’t seem to stop thinking about him and his lips felt against yours. You’re ashamed of what you felt during the kiss. You’re with Dean and yet, you can’t get Shawn out of your head. When he kissed you, you felt butterflies in your stomach and when you talk with Dean, you feel them, too it’s just not because of love. It’s because of the guilt you feel every time you think a little bit too much about Shawn and to feel the good kind of butterflies with the one that is supposed to be your best friend. You’re a horrible person, you think.
“Y/N, is everything okay ?” Dean questions you, getting your attention.
“Yes, I’m fine. Why ?”
“You seem deep in your thoughts.”
“Sorry, I was thinking about something. Nothing important, though. Don’t worry.”
You’re ashamed to realise you can lie this easily. He’s not suspecting anything. He trusts you and you betray him. How could you do that to him ? He’s always been there for you since you two met in senior year of college, after he moved to Toronto. And how do you thank him ? By thinking about another man.
You need to stop dwelling on what happened with Shawn. You need to forget what happened and tell him to never do it again because you love Dean. You can’t find yourself in a situation where you’d have to choose because you wouldn't be able to. In every case scenario, you’d lose someone and it's the last thing you want. 
The vibrations of your phone get you out of your thoughts. You look discreetly at who sent you a text. Obviously, it’s Shawn.
Text from Shawn, 11:02 p.m :
I don’t want to lose my friendship with you. We can just forget what happened. I don’t even know why I did that.
You answer him carefully so Dean doesn’t see it.
Text to Shawn, 11:04 p.m :
We forget everything. You’re my friend and I don’t want to lose you either, but give me a few days, please.
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A week has passed and it’s getting worse. You’re more distracted and you’re starting to distance yourself from Dean. You’re not capable of looking him in the eyes anymore. You know he feels something is happening, but you can’t help it. You don’t even know how to avoid it. You tried your best but you have to come to the conclusion that it became more than a friendship with Shawn. Yet you don’t want to lose Dean. Unfortunately, you know you’d have to lose one, or worse both of them. 
“We need to talk, Y/N” Your boyfriend states. “It can’t keep on going like that. I can see that you’re becoming more distant with me and it kills me to realise I’m losing you slowly. What’s happening ? You know you can tell me everything. We can fix things together.” he tries to reassure you.
You don’t have the strength to fight so you give up.
“I need to tell you something” You say, not looking him in the eyes. “Please, sit down next to me.”
“Y/N, you’re scaring me.”
“I’d understand if you hate me after what I’m gonna say. I’m lost Dean” You admit, tearing up. “I love you, I do, I just can't help myself wanting someone else. And I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to lose you nor him.”
“What do you mean ? Who is the other guy ?”
“He kissed me and since then I can’t stop thinking about him. I tried to not think about it because I love you, but it’s becoming more than a friendship with him. And I’m so mad at myself for making you suffer. I feel sick in my stomach for hurting you. I promise you I love you, Dean.”
“And yet, it’s him you want. I can’t believe it !” He storms, standing up. “I gave everything in this relationship and you want to dump me for a guy who kissed you once ? Who is that dude anyway ? I have the right to know his name !”
“Dean, pleas-” You try to say but he cuts you off.
“His name !”
“It’s Shawn” You confess, even more ashamed. “Please don’t do anything to him. He’s already feeling so guilty for what he did.”
“Thank God, he has remorse ! And here you were saying that he was ‘just a friend’. I can't believe I believed you !” He shouts angrily walking to the main door.
“Where are you going ?”
“I want to have a discussion with him.”
“Dean please” You beg him, holding his arm. “You have the right to hate me but don’t hurt him.”
“And you’re defending him ? He ruined our relationship and you’re defending him ?! That's the best one yet ! It’s over, Y/N” He states harshly. “I don’t want to see you again. Leave.”
Tears running down your cheeks, you go into your old shared bedroom and pack your stuff. You try to do it as quickly as you can despite your shaking hands. Fifteen minutes later, you’re ready to leave the apartment you shared with Dean. You find him in the living room, holding his head with his hand, his shoulders shaking at the rhythm of his sobs. You hurt him so much. You feel terrible. You look at him, cheeks wet with tears. You don’t dare to say anything, too scared to hurt him even more so you leave the flat in silence, looking at him over your shoulder one last time. One year of dating and six months of living together ruined because of you and your selfishness…
You take your car to drive to the man who has been driving you crazy for a very long time. Once you’re at his front door, you don’t know if it’s a good idea anymore. Maybe you shouldn’t have done that. What if he doesn’t want you ? After all, you told him you wanted to stay friends and you’ve distanced yourself from him for the past two weeks, too. Without thinking, you knock on the door and wait nervously. He opens the door two minutes later.
“Y/N ?” Shawn exclaims, surprised. “What are you doing here ?”
“Dean broke up with me and I don’t know where to go.” You told him, showing him your suitcase.
“Come in. You can sleep here, of course. Why did you guys break up ?”
“I couldn’t lie to him anymore and he noticed that I was fading slowly. I told him everything.” You inform him, tearing up again. “I know I told you we were friends and that I wanted it to stay that way but I can’t help but think about the kiss we shared.”
“But I thought-”
“I know” You interrupt him. “But it’s because I didn’t want to admit it, I just can’t explain, it made me realise that it’s more than a friendship that I feel for you.”
“I wanted you to tell me this for so many years,” He says, caressing your cheeks while you smile.
“And I hid those feelings from myself for so many years. I care about you a lot, Shawn.” You confess, getting closer to him.
“Y/N, you just got out of a relationship” The brunet states slowly, taking a step back. “I don’t think we should start something right now.”
“You’re right.”
“But I promise you, I care about you, as much as you do. We should just wait, you know, take the time to understand what is happening to us, then we’ll see.”
“Works for me.”
Romance Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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lalficfeed · 2 years
That First Breath.
by Amkgal
That first breath is always the hardest.
Matsu need a nap and medical attention.
(Aka I was dissapointed about the lack of Mer Aus for Live a Live, and was also craving more Akira content.)
Words: 3429, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Live a Live
Fandoms: Live A Live (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Kenichi "Lawless" Matsu, Tadokoro Akira, Other Characters, but mostly those two - Character
Relationships: Frienship - Relationship, adoptive honorary parents
Additional Tags: AU, merman, I'M NOT DEAD, This is very on brand of me, enters a fandom, turns a character into a fish, No beta we die like Matsu
from AO3 works tagged 'Live A Live (Video Game)' https://ift.tt/rOxWQHh
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hamsmac · 5 months
trying to be spiritually and morally perfect ruined my life
When I cut off my friends, believe it or not, i thought it would be a good idea. I thought why do i need these people in my life if they cause me pain or frustration sometimes? Now, its much easier to understand why people need community. I stopped going out, because i was in a relationship and it seemed like the wrong thing to do. I don’t hang out with new friends anymore and I don’t even buy new clothes. I don't do hobbies I used to love because I am afraid of messing up. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought i could be better. I even thought it would fix my anxiety and depression.
I think a certain level of “oh fuck” kind of makes or breaks your life. I am not advocating for accepting the type of dysfunction often found in toxic friendships or abusive relationships. Rather, i am pointing to the type of humanity found in our real lives that i have become so afraid of handling anymore. I am the type of person to stop talking to a friend because she cheated in her relationship under very complicated circumstances. I hate this about myself. It made me nervous to handle it or think about it or pick sides so I cut it off entirely.
I’m not saying if people do immoral or unacceptable things we should just let them continue. I just mean that we should be equipped to stand on ground while still loving people. nothing happens anymore because i don’t allow it, including love and frienship. it is uncertain and i am afraid of it. the only love i realized i allow myself now is controlling love.
I realized when i was in school, i was resilient through all kinds of social and moral issues: being bullied, being SAed, an eating disorder, depression, friends doing shit i don't agree with, and parents who kicked me out for thinking differently than them. Now, I’ve become the ultimate control freak. Alongside my partner. i recall having friend drama but still loving them, and i recall having personal issues, but still feeling more capable and independent than i ever have. I didn’t second guess going to the grocery store for example. 
I think at some point i thought it was spiritual and righteous to only allow perfect people to be a part of my existence. It was when i got threatened by people that i finally made the vow to cut off all wrongdoing and anxiety provoking people and situations from my life. Now, i don’t have friends, I can’t do things alone (because I feel always alone), and I feel stuck. I feel boring. I feel like I have to do something drastic. All the time.
I think, now, friends are people who you can stick by and deal with their shit because they deal with your shit and stick with you. I think, now, if a friend is truly fucking with you or doing something terrible, you should tell them (and perhaps let them know you don't want to continue your relationship) instead of ghost them.
I think, now, if you control your entire surroundings, you will inevitably feel controlled and trapped. You are a human. You are not going to be perfect. You can not play it right every time. No one else can either. When you hold yourself to a standard of perfection, you and everyone else fall short. It is a lonely life to not only abandon everyone and everything you love, but also yourself.
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asterisque-arch · 1 year
✂ - Declaring a desire to sever their friendship/relationship/etc. (It's Rei with Kazuki but it's the way he tells Kazuki he wants to date. He doesn't want to just be friends and partners anymore. He wants to be something more)
Send a symbol for my muse’s reaction to yours…
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"Eeeh, you don't want to be... friends? Anymore? Wait a second Rei, you got me confused here..." Kazuki frowned, a hand coming to rub his temple. Yeah, sure, sometimes Rei a bit hard to understand as he always kept his own thoughts and feelings to himself, but Kazuki prided himself in understanding him after all those years.
Except, this time, he wasn't sure he followed.
They got Miri back, got their lives back into their own hands and starting a new life, everything from scratch and Rei didn't want to be friend anymore? What did it mean?
Was Rei finally tired of him and wanted to get rid of everything about him?? No! That made no sense! But, what if...?
"Ugh, my head's gonna explode if I keep wondering about it, so, what do you mean, Rei? You need to explain to me, or I'll end up thinking you're proposing!" Or asking from some kind of divorce.
Do frienship divorce exist?
...His brain definitely got fried here, nice job Rei.
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dykeyote · 2 years
normal oak for the ask game mayhaps 👀 (or myabe cecil kanagawa,.)
fav thing about normal: ohhhhh my God just the entirety of his relationship to the doodler . its just so poetic and good and complex and i dant wait for them to do more w it (NOW THAT IVE GINALLY CAUGHT UP WAHOO!!!!! FINISHED EP 26 THIS MORNING!!!!!!)
fav thing about cecil: oh hes just so pathetic and stupid and whiny i love him . i love when trans guys suck and are the worst and nobody likes them . i love how suckydummystupid he is ❤️
least fav thing about normal: unsure . probably the vomiting early on that grossed me out a little . cant homd it against my babygirl tho
favorite normal line: oh thats hard . probably Objectively jrs we have to help it but he has so many funny lines
fav cecil line: "Revenge? Never! Why, Junebug, you’re my closest friend!
Well, second-closest, after…
after… Daddy…" i love when men go sniffle snif aheem aheem awhimper
fav normal friendship: i think his frienship w scary is so fun and silly foreva
fav cecil friendship: i honestly just really like his sibling relationship w cass (: i think its real interesting . also i like hcing that hes queerplatonic with nova and that hed be friends w rita
fav normal ship: i am an oakworthy ride or die ❤️ they remind me of me and the gf
fav cecil ship: i think him and juno have something going on that needs to be addressed
worst normal ship: idk i havent seen any that bothered me . im not that far in the fandom tho
worst cecil ship: not the worst ship per se more like worst Ship Portrayal but when ppl write porn w him and juno but make their age gap like fifty million years i get annoyed
random normal hc: he has an ant farm and he tried to name all the ants but couldnt tell them apart and got really sad about it
random cecil hc: he has a croptop labcoat that is like SO useless . this boy is NOT!!!!!! following lab safety regulations
unpopular normal opinion: idk what the norm opinions are ......
unpopular cecil opinion: jokes abt him and min are unfunny actually
song i associate w normal: like any oh hellos song . it just seems like his vibe
song i associate w cecil: death by glamour hearts
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femalehermes · 2 years
November ends
So, initially, there were many goals and to-do list that inspired us to dream and hope about the new year. At this time, we tend to revise those and feel bad because we haven´t accomplish them.
In fact, we accomplish things not in the way to prescribed or want. Sometimes, we accomplish things we didn´t know we wanted. Because of that, I think it´s a good thing to write a thankful list at the end of a year to take a deeper look at some highlights, like:
1. Friendship: I´m thankful because me and my friends spent a lot of time together. One of my friends moved house and I felt she relied on us more often now on things. I could say here that I also lost a friendship with someone I believed was my friend. Again. Yea. I don´t think this person is a bad person indeed. I believe it was time to move on, because I love her, but our relationship was kind of toxic and it wasn´t doing good to me. Added to that, I think I also made new friends (which seems impossible for me to think of). They´re not friend-friends. They are work friends. But that didn´t stop us from having a nice time. I´m grateful for moving on from old frienships that didn´t work, also for the new ones, and also for the ones that have been here since we were kids/teens.
2. Love life: I´m thankful for my loved one, my boyfriend. Even though we had a big breaking point this year. I believe it has been what I asked for. I am kind of negative about relationships, because I believe I can trust no one. I learned that that´s what I´m gonna get If I continue having that mindset. Of course, I don´t blame what happened to me. But see? Again. Negative seems to come first in my mind. I want to change that. I like that about my relationship, that helps me become a better me. I am grateful of having a partner this time that has dreams and lives life the way I want to. It´s like dating a master. A more elevated being. I am focusing on myself on this one but I an amazed at how love looks like. I am learning to accept love, as I recognize I´m afraid now. Thanks for growing up for me.
3. Dreams: As I mentioned before, my partner is helping me recover my faith in dreams and life. I recognized I have been let down by the past, and I have forgotten my value. I am now inspired, and feel able to accomplish things I want to do since I was little. Everything is much easy now, and I am thankful how everything flows and comes to its place.
4. Family: I am thankful for my parents, grandma and brother (and big sister as I consider my aunty like that) Above all, I am grateful and feel home with them.
5. House: It´s coming to its place. I know it´s becoming what I´ve dreamed of and that needs a lil time.
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writerofshit · 4 years
I know the usual interpretation in fahc is that Ryan shares his woes with the other gents, but I just really love the idea of Jeremy overhearing him on a voice call with Meg (either gaming together or while she's preparing for a hit) moaning about how the new guy in his crew is cute and funny and hotter than the arizona desert and she's just like "pics or it didn't happen. Also ask him out, if he says no you can fake your death and come work with me"
Oh my GOD yes, I am absolutely here for this idea.
I love love love their friendship so goddamn much, especially in the FAHC universe. Because she's not in the crew, never really even worked with them all that much, just happens to be good friends with them. She's roped Ryan into so many various shenanigans over the years, including: making him go on 6 am runs with her, having him help her plan Gav's birthday party one year, assisting her with a hit during NYFW (which is when the 'Ryan as an undercover model' thing began) and what they refer to as 'The Strip Club Incident'.
Meanwhile, she's become the one Ryan trusts most with anything personal. He's not going to break in the middle of a heist to ask anybody else whether they think he and Jeremy would make a cute couple. He also isn't going to ask if they think he's capable of settling down, or complain about how running affects his knees.
Meg has told him a thousand times that he can absolutely be part of a disgustingly domestic couple, he's made for it, really. She's set him up more times than he can count, never once with any success. Every other week she calls him up with "So I have a friend..."
"How many goddamn friends do you have Meg? And how many do I have to embarrass myself in front of before you stop?"
And then Jeremy joins the crew, and Ryan falls head over heels for him. Just falls so fucking hard it's unbelievable. He mentions it offhand to Meg one night, which he immediately regrets. He tries to play it off like "New guy in the crew, kinda cute, its whatever." But she zeroes in on it.
"The fact that you even admitted he's cute means you actually like him."
"No.... Come on, if that were true I wouldn't have said anything at all!" Which is bullshit, because he knows her well enough that had he avoided any opinion, she would have jumped to the obvious conclusion. He thought the tiny admission would make her assume he wasnt really interested. An attempt at reverse psychology that failed horribly, of course.
They argue back and forth for a bit before he hangs up on her, threatening to make her run alone if she ever brings it up again. Except shes Meg, he literally cant say no to her, and she cant let anything go.
She pesters him on and off for about a month before something happens. He's on the phone with her while she's on a drive to a hit somewhere, lamenting his ever growing crush on Jeremy. "He's hot and he's funny, Meg, this isn't fair."
"Oh my god, so are you, you self deprecating asshole." She says, with this exasperated sigh like they've had this conversation a million times. They have, but she doesnt have to point it out like that. "You're an absolute catch, Ryan, Jeremy would be lucky to have you."
"You and I have different views of me."
"Yeah, I'm right and you're an idiot. And hey, if it all goes to shit I could use a partner. You'd be driving right now and I'd be sleeping."
"Thanks so much. At least I have a fallback career as your chauffeur."
It's a fairly standard conversation, except for the fact that Ryan's in the garage and has her on speakerphone while he fiddles with his bike. It is admittedly, extremely cliche to accidentally discuss someone while the subject of your discussion is listening at the door. Cliche, but also par for the course of Ryan's luck.
"Are you guys talking about me?" Comes a voice from behind Ryan.
Ryan freezes, and Meg laughs through the phone. "Oh shit, Ry, is that who I think it is?"
"Are you- do you like me, Ryan?" Jeremy fully ignores the listening ears on the phone.
"I- Meg, I'm gonna need you to turn around and come help-"
"Sorry Ryan, I'm going through a tunnel!" She says, completely clearly. "But text me and let me know how it goes!"
"Liar, don't you fuckin-" and then she hangs up, and Ryan is left alone with Jeremy. Jeremy who is staring at him, looking mostly confused, and slightly entertained.
"Um. I can explain? How- how much did you hear?"
"Meg thinks I'd be lucky to have you and you have a fucked up perception of yourself."
"Oh. I- I have no explanation, actually." He supposes working with Meg wouldnt be too bad. He's not keen on getting stuck with every driving job that comes along though.
"She's right."
"That I'd make a good chauffeur?" Because jokes. Jokes are the way to get out of this.
"I would be lucky to have you. Just... Never thought you'd be interested in me." Jeremy says, and Ryan's brain short circuits.
He says something that he intends to be 'are you serious' but comes out sounding a lot more like his brain just keysmashed. But Jeremy only smiles at him, and Ryan falls a little more.
A week or so later when hes recapping the whole thing over text to Meg, Jeremy sleeping peacefully beside him, he leaves put the part about flubbing his confession. She still calls him out on it though.
'Bet you didnt even say you liked him, just bleh-ed at him until he got it.'
He regrets being friends with her sometimes.
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