#i look at Ragatha and go “thats so me”
miguxadraws · 23 days
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Cw: gore below!
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girl loves her with all her heart
uncesored version here
au by @spitinsideme
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sm-baby · 2 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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nightthinker-08 · 6 months
Pomni and Ragatha walking back to their room after a particularly stressful adventure.
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Pomni: ...
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Ragatha: ...?
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Ragatha: ...
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Pomni: A-AH!!
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Ragatha: Whoa-hey! You okay Pomni? Pomni: Uh... Yeah, yeah... I'm fine, I'm sorry I don't know why I reacted like that. I guess its just...
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Pomni: Nevermind- I actually wanted to ask you something. So earlier at the end of the adventure, we all were pretty beaten up...
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Pomni: And you were helping everyone get up-T-thanks for that by the way! B-but! After that you kinda just looked around before walking away... You didn't even dust yourself after the fall.. And I know this is a weird question but...
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Pomni: Do you take care of yourself? Are you okay? Ragatha: A-ah- Oh-
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Ragatha: O-oh that I uh...
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Ragatha: Ah-Hahahahaha- I-
(the Rest that I haven't drawn up) Ragatha: *Covers face* Ragatha: (whisper) I didn't think anyone cared enough to notice anymore... Pomni: Ragatha...? (didn't hear) Ragatha: (Slowly looks up)... Yeah of course I'm okay Pomni! Sure I got a little beaten up but I'll bounce back! (smiling) Pomni:... Ragatha: And Of course I take care of myself, after all if something happens to me what's going to happen to all of you! *strained laughter* Pomni: R-Ragatha that's not what I meant- Ragatha: (softer) Its late Pomni... I think I would like to go to my room now... Okay? Pomni: ... Okay... Ragatha: See you tomorrow new stuff... Pomni: Y-Yeah see you... *Pomni looking at ragatha as she walk away* Pomni: ... Around... *Pomni Alone in the hallway* Pomni: (Thinking) Thats when I realized Ragatha lies... She lies a lot actually... Anyway this was a comic I roughed up a long time ago and I gave up on. Will I ever finish this? Prolly not- And even if I did, I'd prolly redraw everything since I'm not happy with how I used to draw them Made this all the way back when I just got in the fandom n haven't touched it again since :P It got popular on twitter for some reason so I thought I might as well post it here too ✌️
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linkedin-offficial · 7 months
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is this anything . sky:cotl au
details (aka my rambling) under the cut
mostly set upon the whole idea that caine came from eden and tries to help everyone gain their wings (albeit doing a terrible job the entire time)
bubble keeps the name bubble!
they r a mantatee :3 suprisingly chaotic for a light creature and sort of has the "eat light and puff out candles" personality that caine should have but doesn't
i contemplated caine being called "the creature" just for shits and giggles (and eventually went with it) since im absolutely certain everyone who ever meets him ever would be terrified for a little bit until they realize hes sentient; he doesn't understand that the name is supposed to be sort of derogatory
caine is the only one with wings because hes the only one who can canonically fly/float!
(and yes his head is supposed to be a dark plant . i like to think im big brain for this)
the reason why his dark plant head is tinted red btw . my thought process was basically "ah yes. red = good bcus eden :]" even though thats convoluted since everyone hates eden but that makes it better in a way. i think
zooble > mismatched worksmith
"bows" given to them by ragatha as an identifier; not like theyd need one though ..
constantly making their own prosthetics due to growing boredom with their previous ones (autism™) and also carved the designs into their mask themself
kinger > reluctant royalty
same old kinger as usual .. when asked what he rules he doesnt particularly remember nor have an answer so hes usually treated with respect out of pity for being old and senile
second tallest behind jax , also the oldest (if you dont count caine i guess? whos sort of. ageless)
ragatha > plush friendfinder
matching bow with jax :3 sibling moment! (yes i like the ragatha + jax sibling dynamic . its amazing to me)
right eye does not glow and actually looks like a hollow hole if you get close enough to her face! also clothing making buddies with zooble :] she taught them how to sew without pricking themself
gangle > wrapped up theatre-goer (i had such a hard time thinking of a name .. and to be honest?? im not solid on this but WHAGEVER.)
shortest. obviously
likes to write plays in her spare time and reads them to zooble while they work
clothes are sectioned and Very flowy, and has a few (cracked and broken) masks she likes to use for play improv (and also uses for herself sometimes if she has a hard time expressing a certain emotion)
jax > towering tease (it sounds stupid but THIS is so fucking funny.i cannot resist this)
tallest OBVIOUSLY. like stupidly tall . has its advantages and disadvantages (like being able to steal things from gangle with no consequences . on the other hand. doorframes)
him being tall and having that be the only thing hes got going for him is absolutely hilarious to me and im leaning into that hard
he has a tail also, but its small and not visible from the chart
pomni > jittery jester (i had to look up "other words for anxious" for this.my intelligence is showing)
pretty much the only one i referenced real in game clothing for, which sort of fits! protag moment
this was all i really had, since other established things like their personalities and relationships arent really changed much. but this was fun to think about :3 input is appreciated !
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mysteriousl0ser · 1 month
LETS GO!! Pomni is still pretty screwed up over her first day here, I mean this is all fresh and new to her so like DUH. everyone else here is somewhat or entirely adjusted and kind of just cope with the fact that theyre here I dont think pomni has really processed how long theyve been here?? In the pilot she seems SO bothered by how okay they are with this and willingness to do caines fuckass adventures
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i dont blame her, anywho pomni in her nightmare-induced state starts to abstract, she had to face an abstraction early on in her days here which like have to be pretty truamatizing (duh) and cried out to ANYONE, but where she called for help literally no one helped her “oh well” they though
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Pomni doesn't feel like anybody else cares, shes the only one whos still going through an adjustment phase and freaking the fuck out while everyone else is just going along with the adventure, something she still thinks is kinda pointless and doesn't get why anybody would waste their time here doing when they COULD be looking for a way out, why is she the only one who seems to still be distressed here? To feel lost? At least from her perspective, it seems that way. Unfortunately, these people have already been here for a while.
Pomski then meets someone whos just like her, their whole reality was shattered and they don't belong anywhere, mirroring how pomni feels at the moment, even if she still has some sort of grip now vs when she first got here
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And she finds comfort in that!!! Why is it that this NPC feels more real than the ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE trapped here with her??? Whatever the reason, its something to hold onto. Something to LATCH onto. Hes Real. or at least he feels real, and maybe she feels like she belongs with him because at least he knows the feeling, something shes not really felt w anyone else before
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This comfort and solidarity she has with gumigoo is shortlived however as she gets brutally reminded that he wasnt real. The anchor she had vanished and there's quite literally nobody to catch her fall.
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And i feel like ragatha trying to comfort her the way she did didnt help AT ALL. it was kinda a sore reminder that gumigoo is easily replaceable, and GOD thats so frustrating?? This thing felt so real to her and nobody seems to care that he just vanished!! If they could be so apathetic to this whos to say they wont just treat her demise just the same as she thought they would???
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But then something important happens. They have a funeral for Kaufmo, someone whos been established to be their friend way before Pomni ever came here. And maybe it didn't ever settle in before that kaufmo was a real person! Literally!! And he was real to them. Just like gumigoo though less directly they relate to being in pain and kind of in shock of losing someone who they cared about and who was a real person to care about to them AND LIKE YOU CAN SEE WHERE IT CLICKS IN HER FACIAL EXPRESSION HERE, THE CHANGE IN HER EYES AND THE WAY HER EXPRESSION LOSENS AT THIS IDK IT DRIVES ME CRAZY GOD THE ANIMATORS WENT OFF W THIS EP VS THE PILOT IM IM IM
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anyways anyways They have their funeral service, theres quite literally no reason for anyone to just lie and go along with whatever bs caines got going on, this also quite literally has nothing to do with him. This is kind of their own little way of keeping some sort of human traditions and respect for the human persons that get stuck here because they care. HELL you can even see pomni feel a little guilty here when ragatha says that his funeral was disrupted cause she arrived here
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anyways thats exactly it!! They fucking car!! This whole time pomni thought that they just didnt care and were kind of apathetic or downright patronizing her over all this and mocking her or whatnot, like in her dream sequence. But no, they all talk respectively about their memories and experiences with kaufmo, the things they shared together and the feelings they had. EVERYBODY was grieving. Ragatha who always tried to put on some cheerful and kind of irritating (to pomni at least) everythings fine facade (which also kind of feels less real to her at least i think so but i don't think she figured it to be a coping mechanism) to just straight up start crying and breaking up a bit, even mentioning how this does not ever get any easier and how shes had to deal with this plenty of times before.
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Zooble the usually apathetic and kind of asshole who keeps to themselves and gives off i don't care energy and probably gave off the impression that they didn't care about anyone here and just treated the people stuck here as an unfortunate fact and nothing more actually being vulnerable and probably doing the same as ragatha talking about their memories with kaufmo
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Kingers ALWAYS kind of zoned out or not really taking anything seriously and just being there completely lost in space, but here hes grounded, and even earlier in the episode when ragatha needed it most he remained grounded then too (tho pomni didnt see that i just wanted to mention it). Just like the others he grieves and lives in the unfortunate moment
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more of the kinger being grounded when the thought counts
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GANGLE- dude even if its for just a moment she smiles here despite having her tragedy mask and like her whole shtick is being of whatever mood or emotion her mask is allegedly wether she wants to or not, but no here shes more than just that, she smiles for a bit when reminiscing her moments with kaufmo only to go back into crying, and man shes always crying with her tragedy mask but its beyond as far as anyone can tell wether or not its really her or just because of her mask, but here? its really her, no matter what the mask on her face shows!! shes genuinely smiling despite having her comedy mask and shes genuinely crying which is very blatantly obviously different to the usual mask cry etc etc
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heres something about all this, it hits pomni in a way. These people ARE real, and they care. They care about her, they have nothing else but eachother and THATS something to latch onto. Thats something to hold her down, even if they just met pomni
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SPEAKING OF JUST MEETING POMNI she literally expressed how she didnt wanna just LEAVE gumigoo there by himself because she believes no one should just be left there
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the circus peeps just met pomni and just like how she felt a real connection to gumigoo in this digital hell she feels a sort of connection with these people too. Theyre gonna have her back all the same, maybe she wont feel so out of place and alone. BONUS THING!! The literal only times she genuinely smiles is when she feels this real connection to what feels real to her and has a genuine and sincere moment with these people whether it be an npc or a trapped member. Idk it just means something to me how significant both these moments are tipped off with a genuine smile a REAL SMIE!! (id add pictures but tumblr has a 30 image limit) OH ALSO BONUS BONUS THING THE DIFFERENCE IN OUTRO MUSIC IS SO IS SO ITS SO the outro song for the pilot kinda feels so ethereal and out of the moment at least to me it kinda feels like it you're slipping through the cracks and just, existing within yourself as the rest of the world around you kind of shatters into glass or melts into water or something i dont think ANY of that made any sense but its loud and its blaring and its so out of reach in a way, mad disassociation vibes but the outro song for the 2nd ep is a lot quieter yet its right there, at first it starts really small, lonely even. trapped by yourself but as the music gets louder and more instruments join in on the song it kind of has a comforting feel? bittersweet? even? its grounding ina way which is much different from how the first one felt at least to me lmao and the comforting feel kinda only emphasizes what I was talking about earlier- the comfort in having that anchor of reality with having a real moment with these people and making that connection yk? and like as i was saying at first the song starts off with just one instrument, at the start of the episode pomni feels utter alone and out of place even if these people here with here are stuck in the same situation as her, together alone. but as the other instruments join. in it kinda uplifts the song a bit, its not one sole instrument anymore like how in the end pomni feels that connection with everyone else, not so alone anymore idk jackshit about music theory so this is entirely a feelies talk instead of like- music lore? so don't take anything i say as like- idk some professional speak im just a nerd nerding about silly digital fixations ANYWAYS THATS ALL FOR NOW I AVE MORE TO SAY BUT THIS IS LONG ENOUGH LOL if you actually read all the way down this far thank you for listening!!! i really really appreciate it :]
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
HI there, hate to bother you but i was wondering if you could do the amazing digital circus head canons for a gn! reader who acts a lot like ena
if you have never heard of it you can check on the ena wiki but i would really love if you did something like this so thanks
TADC x ENA type!GN!reader
typically i would do all the characters in one post, but its starting to get late and tumblr wont let me save half answered asks in my drafts for some reason TToTT so im gonna split the cast in half, if you want the rest of the characters you can send in a second ask so i can remember to do everyone else :0! also my apolocheese for any personality mistakes, i think i watched ena a long time ago but was confused/didnt watch the whole thing so uh uh!! relying on a character wiki for this (on that focuses on season 1 so uh uh, idk if that will impact anything) little bonus bonus incorporating enas color thing into this cuz uh we can say its digital world stuff ooo that gives me an oc idea; oc whos like the mayor from nightmare before christmas who has a spinny head/face thing that relates to their emotions
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caines is going to be shorter because hes just your number one fan regardless of your personality, in fact he probably has a silly shirt with your face on it somewhere
will do everything in his power to make sure youre happy and content, and will do everything to cheer you up when you switch over to your sad side
takes you to wherever it is that he 'sleeps' when you get overwhelmed by stuff and keeps you there until both of you are sure that youll be okay and your blues are long gone
you and him easily match energies, sometimes he will even try to one up you with using fancy intricate words
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writing pomnis part first but oh funny is it that pomni and ena have the same VA
absolutely loves you, but she is so so worried about stressing you out and switching to your 'sad form', tries to (often times unsuccessfully) cheer you up
honestly you both need a break, things in the circus are hectic and insane, and considering pomni just got here she is going to need your help to get used to things
not much to be said since i think pomni is another character i struggle to write
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initially teases you for how fast you switch up, its almost like gangle being more upbeat with her comedy mask and more sad when its broken
tones it down a little when you explain you cant really control it whereas gangles case is just her being more confident with the comedy mask (at least thats my hc)
sometimes give you weird looks when you use an unnecessarily long set of fancy words to describe something mundane
bro is fighting the urge to mimic it
surprisingly does the kind thing, he takes you off to the side when something stresses you out so you can have a minute to compose yourself
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optimistic sweetheart meets ray of sunshine, you two are an unstoppable force of good and kind of rub off on some of the others
similar to jax when you get stressed out or upset about something, usually when its an in house adventure, she sweeps you to the side and helps calm you down. she probably knows some breathing techniques, i think
ignoring the fact they probably dont need to breathe but thats asides the poin
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saytrrose · 6 months
Can we see More about your racing AU please?
Looks so amazing and i love It so much
I do suppose I could share the character design line up!
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I really just need to finish designing all the go karts, (atleast most are done!) and then I can make proper cards for them and really get into the written details.
To be honest it’s a little hard to just ramble about info and details without specific questions to go off of, so I’ll try my best hhh
for starters, the tent? Not a tent!
It’s actually a stadium, the amazing digital race!
And rooms? Sort of tweaked, they are more like each character owns a personal garage, a large open space where they store their vehicles and then have a loft above that showcases their cozy safe havens. Bed, entertainment, basically a small room in a much larger one.
I haven’t revealed Ragatha, Zooble or Gangles karts yet but I’ll go ahead and just talk about all of them!
Caine has a motorcycle, specifically one inspired off of the motorcycle I’m saving up for this summer, a Kawasaki Eliminator. It’s a cruiser, I’m thinking he has a 600cc model but considering Bubble is his right hand man and operates as the races pit crew- he’s definitely tinkered with Caines bike, making adjustments and improving the engine. God only knows what the little psycho did, but it’s a damn good bike that’s not supposed to rev as loud as it does.
Her kart is inspired off a Volkswagen Beetle, seemed very VERY Pomni to me. Her car mimics her outfit design a lot, I might do some color changes to be honest but it will be super minimal, it’ll be final when the cards are done! She definitely stops at the pit the most often despite her placement in a race, are my tires okay?? Do I need my oil?? I know you just filled it but it went down- is anything damaged?? Sweetie you did one lap..
Jesus Christ he has a giant supercharger on the hood of his car, and he is absolutely one of those annoying mfs that reva their engine OBNOXIOUSLY loud all the time like he’s super cool. If you’re wondering who most of the skid marks on the track are from, that’s also Jax. Hes the best as drifting, and he loves to show that off. His car isn’t based too much on an actual vehicle?? I stared at Mario karts and pieced it together, but also gave it a very sports car look, the wing on the back fr fr I think Jax would dig that.
OHHSOSK I was so creative with his little wagon,,, it’s castle shaped!! And the best part? Operates like a rocket. In the back past the battlement (the crown looking thing you see atop castle pillars) ARE GIANT exhaust pipes and yes, they do spit fire !! Operates like a rocket. It’s very cool! (Also he has a great muffler because unlike Jax he’s considerate of others hearing 💔) Oh also, he has one of those silly horns, I forgot how to describe it but you can just look at how I drew it on his kart and you’ll know heheh!
Our second motorcyclist, owns a trike! If you don’t know what that is, picture a bike with training wheels but super badass. 3 wheels! It’s inspired off the Harley Davidson freewheeler, I like that design a lot but it’s def not actually a Harley because istg when you buy those bikes your just paying for the fancy name brand- expect it to be in the shop all the time, smh not good- BUT ANYWAY!! The looks are inspired off it though and I can’t wait for this one because it’s just as crazy kooky as Zoobles design is.
Her kart is based on my favorite car, classic style but not too cool because you can bet she has anime stickers on the back and a decal that says “please let me merge before I start crying.” It’s similar to a karmann ghia convertible, 1963. Cherry red (so so pretty) She always has the top down, unless competing because damn you gotta go fast. That car itself is really slow, top speed normally is 68mph, however people have modified them enough to get up to 120mph. Thats still pretty slow compared to others, but her kart only reflects the appearance of the ghia! It’s much faster and I assume Bubble works on all their vehicles if asked to.
Lastly, Ragatha:
Our 3rd motorcyclist. 4 Karts, 3 cyclists. Her bike is a futuristic style, if you want a good idea then look up “icare bike”! Not so much a straight forward posture, she leans over ofc, you’ll likely get the idea when you see her bike. I’ll be honest, I haven’t gotten too into her design yet because I haven’t started drawing but!! Dark blue leds,, everywhere yes yes so cool ❤️
Sorry that’s so much 😭 but yeah! Just need to finish 3 kart designs for you guys and I can make official ref cards 👀
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 17 days
ok the askbox is open. im taking this opportunity to say ohhhhh im going crazy over the narrative constructed here. specifically with how audience (anon) interaction is intertwined with the main conflict.
because its like.. we are inherently a BAD THING. yes, some of us are actually malicious, but even if we do have kind intentions, and only want the best for ragatha.. just being there is a negative impact that outweighs any positives. we are a parasite, after all. and technically, the only positive action we could do is to simply.. stop engaging. leave the askblog alone. leave ragatha alone. except we could never do that, because we're too curious now, too attached- we want to see how the story continues, how it ends. we cant leave well enough alone, we just have to know. we need to know. so the cycle will continue nonetheless due to our nature. and we have to watch as our main character, the person we're rooting for, gets worse and worse. knowing that its our fault, because we're choosing to engage. we're choosing this path of pain. because we're curious, and that curiosity would kill us if we didn't feed it.
and of course its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things lol. no hate btw. im here enjoying it after all! though honestly i say that like this had any opportunity of existing outside of the askblog genre... or even the tumblr landscape itself- i feel like the anon feature itself is also a big part of this sort of narrative, as it allows those actively malicious anons to be even nastier. because it distances us from our actions. like.. we're given a mask, something that obscures our true identities (both to the other askers.. and to ragatha to an extent, as most all look the same to her. who knows, maybe that one supportive anon trying to cheer her up is the same one also encouraging her downfall! she cant tell!)- a thing that wipes our hands free of any consequences. a chance to become faceless and untraceable- so of course some people will indulge. be as horrible as possible. because, hey, its not like you'll be getting any consequences for it! no way to trace it back to you! no way to be held accountable! you can just sit back and watch the fire you made grow higher. more bright. thats the main goal, after all- to make a spectacle! to move the story along and make it exciting! thats the only thing that matters to you. that its entertaining. not the people you'll be harming in the process.
anyways sorry for the fucking. essay. in your askbox. i like talking and also i fucking love dissecting meta-aligned narratives like this. gggrrggrgrgrrrr chewing on this blog like a chewtoy. i hope everyone gets worse and this whole blog blows up!!!!!!!
i can't stop giggling at ' its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things ' . this was really originally supposed to just be a silly blog with little story but here we are . you really won't get this anywhere else
i get pretty happy when someone dissects this silly thing so no need to apologize !! i'm my own harshest critic when it comes to this blog so it's often difficult for me to grasp what meaning people get out of this lol truly thank you guys for wanting to see my insane , Unhinged ideas come through
and i love the dissection on the mean anons - a lot of this thing hinges on actions having consequences after all ! every little thing will have an impact on ragatha's mental state . i'll say i think the anons have potential to not be as harmful - as there was a point in the blog's time where they acted more like inner therapists to ragatha than reality-bending beings of chaos ( good times ) . it just really depends on being patient with an actually mentally ill person like ragatha - it does fascinate me how people's frustration with her echoes real life mental health situations .
but yeah thanks !!! i'll be kissing this essay and pinning it on the refrigerator that i call my brain (:
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lizzy-pop · 7 months
𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭, 𝐫𝐮𝐧.
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Ler: Ragatha Lee: Jax(SFW! NOT A SHIP
Summary: Jax put another “surprise“ in Ragatha’s room again, so she thought it was time for some revenge.
A/N: I have never wrote a fanfic before, sorry if this sucks 😭✌️
Jax had just finished up putting a few centipedes under Ragatha’s pillow, and now he was locking her door and strutting away, whistling. He came across her on his way back to the main stage. “Hey Jax! Where were you?” Ragatha stopped him to ask. “Oh nowhereee just.. giving somebody a lil’ surprise!” Jax grins, causing Ragatha to lift an eyebrow in response. “Okayy.. I’m gonna go to my room for a bit, see you later.” She says before walking off suspiciously.
Moments later, Ragatha’s scream is heard throughout the whole tent as Jax tried to suppress his giggles. “JAX!!!” She screams as she stomps over to Jax, fuming. “Woah, woah, cool yourself, sweetheart!” He smiles cheekily. Ragatha takes a deep breath before glaring daggers at him, “This is the second time you’ve done this! You are so— childish!!” While Ragatha is waving her hands like crazy, she accidentally strokes Jax’s side, making him tense up and squeak quietly. Once she notices she stops waving her hands and a look of concern washes over her. “Jax? What happened? Did I hurt you?” He shakes his head, “Uh— no, no, you just— nevermind.” He stuttered to finish the sentence, what was he supposed to say? “It just really tickled?” No way! That would be the end of him if he admitted being ticklish. Ragatha squints her eyes and scans Jax for a moment, before gasping and smirking. “Jax, are you ticklish?!” She asks giddily. Jax nearly jumps out of his fur at the question. “I- uh- no!—yes-maybe..?” If he could blush, he’d be cherry red by how embarrassed he was now. “Ohoh, you better run, rabbit.“ Ragatha cracked her knuckles. Jax’s eyes widened as he began to full sprint through the halls “run rabbit, run~“ Jax heard Zooble tease, who had watched the whole thing.
Jax rolled his eyes and eventually slid around a corner, hiding behind a barrel. “Please dont find me, please dont find me,“ Jax whispered to himself over and over. Just as he thought he might get away with it, Ragatha kicked down the barrel infront of him and grins. “cant get away that easy~“ He scoots backward on the ground and puts his hand out, “back, foul beast!!“ Ragatha rolls her eyes and pins Jax down, snickering as he squirmed like a madman under her grip. She was surprisingly strong for a doll, making Jax even more stressed that he couldnt get out when(if~) he wanted to. “Ragatha, rags, pal, gal, bud, we can talk about this!“ He begins to panic and try to pull his arms down. “what is there to talk about?~“ she smirks and holds her free hand on his ribs teasingly, making the poor rabbit shriek and try to shove her off. “nononononono! Uh- I promise never to put c-centiPEDes in your room again!“ He jerks his torso away from her sudden poke to his side, getting a giggle out of Ragatha. “Now we both know you aren’t keeping that promise, Jax.“ He lets out a snicker and rolls his eyes “Ihit’s funny, what can I say?~“ Ragatha glares at him. “You’re not helping your case!“ she squeezes his hip, earning a shriek and a quiet giggle out of him. “D-Doll face, Ihi will kihill you!“ He squirms, barely holding back giggles of suspension. “thats not very nice, bunny~“ Ragatha begins spidering up and down his stomach.
“Nohoho!! I tahake it back, Ragahahahatha!!“ he squeals and giggles uncontrollably. “Wow, Jax. I thought you were 100% ler!“ He attempts to roll his eyes at the tease, but ends up squeezing them shut and going into hysterics when Ragatha begins clawing at his underarms. “EhhehEHEhahha!! Nohoho!! RahAHAGathaHA, not thehERE!“ he kicks as tears of mirth begin to form. “Aww, did I find the rabbits weak spot?~“ she giggles and continues poking and clawing at his underarms. “Not yet.“ Gangle interrupts. “I found out about this a while ago, his tickle spot is the back of his neck. Oh, and he’s enjoying every moment of this. Its not punishment to him.“ Ragatha gasps dramatically, “You like this, bunny?!“ Jax hides his face in his arm, subtly nodding. Gangle smiles, “your welcome, Ragatha.“ she says as she walks away quietly. Ragatha smirks at Jax and pauses her attack, grinning. “Gahangle is a traitohor..“ he accuses, letting out breathy giggles. “Well, now that I know I will 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐲 tickle you more!“ she smiles and begins to turn him over, gaining acces to his weak spot. “ohoh s[#%]t.“ Jax immediately scrunched up his neck. “Is the big bad bunny afraid of a little bit of tickling?~“ she teases, giggling.
“Shuhut the f[#%]k up and just do ihit.“ Jax commands, aggrovated. “Wow, you want me to tickle you that ba-- ow! Okay, okay!“ Ragatha rolls her eyes “no kicking!“ He snickers under his breath. Ragatha grins and begins tickling the back of Jax’s neck softly but well enought to drive him up the wall. “SohoHOFter is wohohohorse, thIHIhis is eheHEAhaha tohoHOrture!!“ He kicks his feet and shrieks each time she speeds up. “And yet you haven’t told me to stop, even once~” she teases, now beginning to tickle harder and quicker. “EheheEHAhahaHAheh!!! HohOHOly s[#%]t!!” His giggles slowly grow louder and more intense by the minute, when Ragatha suddenly hits a weak spot on his neck, sending a powerful shriek throughout the entire tent. “NOHOHOHO NOT THERE NOT THERE IHIHIHIM GOHONNA DIE!!” He shrieks, laughing like an idiot. “aha! Theres your weak spot!“ Jax begins hiccuping between laughing fits. “OHOHO*ʰⁱᶜ*MY GAHAAHHAHAD!!!“ Jax screams, trying not to accidentally kick Ragtha in the back. “OHOHOHOKAY OKAY, STAHAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEASE!!“ As soon as she hears him say it, she ceases her tickle attack, leaving him greedily gasping for air.
“Thahat was insahane..“ Ragatha giggles, “Yeah, but you liked it~“ She rubs the back of his neck, getting rid of the phantom tickles. “If you’re in a lee mood, come get me~“ She giggles and walks off.
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oleever-does-stuff · 27 days
TADC Yapfest Timeee
As a certified yapper, the need to shove my random assortment of ideas down your throat has been tearing me apart. Therefore, I deem it yapfest time. Also, media literacy is apparently at an all-time low and I am nothing but a product of the environment I am molded in and I require you to understand that.
Do you guys know that face Caine made when talking about mixing up NPCs and humans? What do you guys think that implied? Was it a red herring or hinting at something else? Because I so happen to have two things going on in my head.
Firstly and most obviously, I believe that some of the cast are NPCs in disguise. This first came to me with the realization that Jax, Pomni, and Ragatha all sound like real names (Jack or just...Jax, Penny, and Agatha) while Gangle and Zooble didn't (unless there are names similar in other countries I'm unaware of). Then I remembered that Kinger exists, and if Kinger is an NPC I won't recover. The idea that Zooble might be an NPC does seem likely to me for a multitude of reasons.
The first reason: Zooble's refusal to go on Caine's adventures. I doubt an NPC would like to go anywhere in a fake world after discovering what you were. Secondly, Zooble (to me) looks vastly different from the rest of the cast. She looks like she doesn't belong with the other circus members. I can't really find the description of what the rest of the cast looks like other than neat, while Zooble is just a jumble of objects and assortments. It looks like she belonged to a different world and ended up there. That might just be cool character design though and I'm an idiot. Overall Zooble just seems out of place but that might just be because it's episode ONE.
My second idea, one thats been lingering in my mind that Caine himself is human and just forgot after being there for so long. While maybe not as coherent or has as much supportive evidence as the previous it's still there. Perhaps Caine worked for the company that created the Circus, was put in there to run the first run-through, but never made it out. If he was the first trapee, maybe he would have been given host commands, and that would explain why he was the control of the circus (like a party leader).
Within my no-sleep-filled fever dream of a mind, this led me to another conclusion. If people had been around this long, why was the game so unfinished? Why were people from the outside not helping. Now this is where my incompetency comes in because due to the Caine actually being human thing I had the idea, maybe the Circus project was abandoned, and that's why the game itself is so unfinished with people abstracting, no exit, things glitching in and out of the world so easily. After Caine they were just like "Oh shit, yeah let's not work on this no more", but people still end up finding their way in. (I also had the idea, as my boyfriend keeps trying to put random numbers in this paragraph, perhaps they queued too many testees. Every time someone abstracts, the next person in line joins but has no memory of that wait.) There's that one thing about Pomni working for the company that created TADC, +8and like I'm not well-versed in TADC theory and canon things I watched like maybe 2 episodes, saw a couple funny posts but...
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The place looks run down, abandoned. What self-respecting office space would allow papers to litter the floor. Or a dusty, moldy-looking computer.
It looks like the company abandoned the workplace, this project, everything. Maybe Pomni got put in a queue of sorts, waited until there was an open space available to play. (Kaufmo. R.I.P)
A different tangent. I saw something that mentioned TADC was inspired by "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream". Although I'm unaware how true that is, it does lead me to wonder what the end for Pomni will be like. Will she end up saving the others from the digital hell, but be stuck there forever in return? Would she end up as Caine or be stuck with him to live out eternity?
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also this is 100% going to be a problem, look at all of them just chilling.
I wrote this tangent at almost midnight, please forgive me I will edit in the morning (Afternoon).
Edited: more well written
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todomemolesta18 · 8 months
The amazing digital circus! (review)
So... people actually want my opinion and Im like
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*sniff* Ok, guys! Im gonna try to do my best to review (?) the pilot ep for Tadc! (Spoiler alert: I enjoyed a lot!)
First of all, the animation. IS. BEAUTIFUL.
So elastic, so expresive, so shiny, is just perfect!
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Like, for example, just look at her pupils, how she slightly moves her head, is something little but add a lot of life to the character.
And they are so expresive like you can see their fear and stuff, especially Pomni.
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(I love this shot of her haha)
Everything is so full of life and colours, I just love when animators actually take advantage of animation and go crazy with it.
And the designs are really good too! I love them. The best ones are Caine and Kinger.
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They are so... crazy. And thats great! Besides, I think the giant eyes on Kinger just makes him look more traumatized, which makes sense, because for what we know, he has been in the circus the longest.
Now the characters themselves. I like them. Just so much personality, and fun. Specially Jax.. he is an unapologetic asshole and I just love that.
Ragatha is nice. Hope to see more of her, but rigth know I dont have a lot to say about her, but she is likeable and kind. She is just what Pomni needs.
Il talk about Pomni, but later, cause I wanna comment some interesting stuff about her.
Gangle is cute and deserves a big hug.
Zooble is... okay too. I dont dislike her and she has some funny momens, but like Ragatha, I need to see more of her to make a more complete opinion. I KNOW is the pilot, but I still need more content. IM NOT CRITICIZING, IS JUST MY OPINION. Actually is good that they dont focus a lot on ALL the characters, because it would be a confusing mess, so, well done there, Glitch and Goose.
Kinger was freaking hilarious. Like when Jax mentions how stable Kinger and Gangle are, Kingle start to shake in a really weird but hilarious way. Or when he screams randomly and says that Gangle startled him.
I like this guy :D
Then we have Caine... oh boy, he is one of the most interesting characters, with Pomni and... Kaufmo.
He acts so happy and cheerful and stuff, and like a presenter. He is actually kinda nice, but is obvious that he is hiding something, like when Pomni asks about the exit and he gets all weird.
NOW. Lets talk about my waifu- about Pomni.
She is so realistic and human and relatable and I love that. And not just because she is so super confused and scared and anxious, but for other scenes.
The moment where Ragatha needs help, and Pomni actually extends her hand and grabs her, only to start glitching. She gest scared, apologizes and runs away. But she feels guilty and comes back to apologizes to Ragatha, who forgives her.
I LOVED THIS SCENE SO MUCH. Pomni became more than just the anxious main character and became a bit more tridimensional.
Another moment I loved related to her. This:
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Is a very short scene... but it means so much. How she is just in shock an touches her face, like she just cant believe this is her. This is happening to her. And it adds to the existencial horror of the show.
And the most incredible one and amazed me is when she actually goes in the exit door. Like... she did want to help Ragatha, but this could have been her only chance to escape. Im sure anyone of us, including myself, would have done it.
But then the poor woman is traped in a bucle and starts to get crazy and laugh... I think I would have reacted exactly the same.
Or that last shot of her and her disturbed face.
I LOVED THE INTRO. The comedy too! And the outro was so cute!
This show has showed us the potential it has for the horror AND I CANT WAIT.
This are all my personal toughs! What do you guys think?
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pomni: praying for her wellbeing rn, hope she gets some digital therapy. 🙏
Cain: Less powerful than people assume, definitely not omnipotent and I don't think he's really the one in charge. In the teaser there's a scene where a black tendrils starts darkening the hallway and Cain can't immediately snap away from it, tou can see he slightly panics to get rid of it, he also doesn't have alot of security when it comes eith the humans, the void incident with Pomni, Kaufmo going abstract without being noticed, the fact he's obviously uncomfortable about the void. The description implies he's an AI but I'm not fully buying it yet.
Kinger: There was a room assigned to a Queen chess piece character, he's over fourty and "glitches" alot, I feel like the queen character might be related to why he's so skittish or unstable.
Gangle: Has a mask that I originally assumed was a comfort item but am now starting tk think actually has some kind of affect on them when they out it on, like making them happy. And I mean in the addicted to drugs way not the this item brings me comfort, I 100% believe that mask is made put of digital meth or something.
Jax: He's the only "human" character without an asymmetrical design, even Cain looks a bit wonky. He's always leaning from side to side like he's trying hide it, idk maybe I'm paranoid, it's shown he has sharp teeth when Zooble strangles him, does he talk through his teeth on purpose to make people less uncomfortable?
Ragatha: gets attacked alot, in her introduction she gets stabbed, and when she gets injured in the polite episode she acts like it's normal.
Zooble: Can't fully comprehend how awful it must be to be her, imagine waking up in a body that can be yanked apart like that. Nothing else to say really.
Bubble: Too wacky and I'm paranoid, fully suspecting this is gonna be a wooly the sheep situation where the lamb pulls the wool over our eyes while we're too focused on the "antagonist" Cain.
Kaufmo: not much to say right now other than I think he was purposely distracting Cain? It feels like his wacko watch should of gone off earlier, maybe Kaufmo did something to it and went through the void and that became his breaking point?
Thats it for now
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ouppypio · 8 months
wooooooooaahh lots of ppl wanted to hear about the au so uh explanation ( also sorry it was late at a party rn)
Magical Girl Au Explanation Thinggy..
Before everyone chose to be a magical girl, they were once all human untill meeting Caine. Caine is some magical being along his buddy Bubble who he made. Caine has good intentions but due to his lack of understanding human emotions, does intentions back fired. He seen how humans have suffered, either by pain,depression,ect. He wanted to help the humans by either turning their lives more fun n stuff. I haven't thought on what he does but the idea was there are the Abstractions and creatures (example like the gloinks) that wreck people's lives but nobody can see them. As they live in this sorta circus themed world thats you can only kinda can get there without magiccccc....n stufffffffff. Caine decided to gather people who were willing to destroy those monsters, again this au is going through construction so I haven't figured out for some parts like why Caines intentions backfired so if yall wanna give out ideas I'd be happy to hear em. Back to what I was saying, Caine manage to get a few members for his group or whatever u wanna call it. Alot on who he gathered got abstracted ( alot of this is inspired by Puella Magi Madoka Magica so alot of it will be similar to that anime) so the previous members are now Abstractions (like previous magical girls turn into witches) All of the members were once human, but apon meeting Caine. Caine came to the conclusion that the human body was just to weak for them to fight so he came with a solution. By using his power, he turned their human body to these magical forms, essential what they are in the digital circus. But these body aren't human at all, they don't have organs or look anywhere near human like that so that strikes another problem. Since they can live in the human world anymore, Caine decided to create a new home for them, The Digital Circus. All of the members were devastated to learn that their lives were taken away and now having to live in some circus well just like the show... they abstracted. I might go for an idea that Caine erases all of their old memory to help with their sadness but again with it backfiring with them going insane n stuff. Again feel free to leave out ideas.
So now we begin with our story starting with Pomni. Pomni or whatever her human name would be (Pammy? Pamantha? Poppy?) She's is a depressed,overworked, and very much hates her job, office worker. Working for a company ( maybe for a game uh again not sure) who desperately wants to change herself, to prove the people around her that she can do something, that she can make a change, to have a purpose. That goal could spark the interest of Caine, so one day appearing in front of her to make a deal. Maybe possibly one of the monsters attack her. Either by accidentally going to the magic world thingy on mistake ( she maybe noticed a weird group of them going to this portal, or by just peer dumb and bad luck...she would have lots of bad luck) Possibly Caine saves her or the group instead. Which ever I go for Caine strikes a deal with her and she goes along with it because of the desperation to be something. And once she actually learns the horror of this new body and new home, she regrets it...as all the others during there first times. Now me meet the group, starting with the oldest
Kinger, the one who's been apart of the group the longest and most wisest. He's somehow been able to stay somewhat same but due to so much time dealing with all the craziness and losing someone dear to him. The magical girl gig has kinda broken him away so especially he's the plan/ smart guy in the group. Telling information for the group for missions and strategies.
Then Ragatha who's the second oldest member. She is essentially the mom friend, who often aids her friends during battles and keeping check of anyone (especially after someone abstracts) She tries to put on a happy face and cheerfully personality to keep her sanity, as it's her way to deal with her forever situation.
Jax is the third, he's the playful and prankster as always. Often teasing and annoying his teammates whenever he has the chance to. Jax often doesn't wait to attack during missions and ignores everyone's warning, unless Caine gets him to sit down and listen. But all of the sass and humor is his way to cope with the situation.
Gangle is the fourth member of the group, she's quite soft spoken and scared. As she still struggles a bit of her situation, and relys on her mask to deal with her emotions. Although she isn't weak, she can find herself to cower over some missions if they get to much. Mostly when she doesn't have her happy mask on, and that mask helps her with confidence. Although her emotions help her boost her strength if in very strong emotions.Her coping is practically relying on her masks to keep her happy,although a certain someone keeps breaking them.
Zooble is the fifth and came not long after Gangle. They are a distant and "idgaf" type of person, often trying to not get close with anyone and to just get over with it. Zooble sorta chills there untill they go to another mission, and their distancing is their way of coping. Not wanting to make connections to people in fear of losing them, just over all wanting to do the missions and nothing else.
The basic plot of it is Pomni and everyone else going to mission while they slowly start to find out more and more about everything to who they are, Caine and his secrets,and the universe itself. Anyways that's what I'm going to leave off, have a sketch of Pomni and Ragatha designs. I do plan on finnish it aswell with everyone's else but im tired and I wanna go to bed. Also credits to @massivemilkshaketale giving me ideas for this au, ily all and gn :33
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sneakyboythingz · 8 months
My TADC ships tierlist
( this may or not may change when the pilot airs)
1°- Pomni x Jax
9/10, i don't even think they will acctually have much canon material to ship them lolll i just like the concept of a asshole troublemaker rabbit and an anxious clown whos just want to get out of there so good to ship for some reason. I still hope they have some amazing interactions tho... and maybe their platonic relantioship will be quite nice to watch?
(i am always the guy whose favorite ships are the most non-sense ones, its on my dna at this point)
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2°- Pomni x Caine
9/10, This ship is genuinely so interesting because the concept of an AI falling for a human is always so good, i feel like even without any canonical romantic stuff, their platonic relantioship will be the most fun heartwarming to watch :')
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3°- Jax x Ragatha
8/10, their ship fanarts are genuinely so cute and they feel like such a wholesome couple somehow??? Ragatha being the calm one who doesn't really care about what Jax says or do to her and Jax trying to provoque her but always having to try to keep himself togheter because he gets easily flushered by her is just 👌👌👌 classic older matured lady and her annoying younger boy
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4°- Zooble x Jax
8/10, Both are the youngests, Zooble being the only one who can beat the shit out of Jax. Zooble's easily irritable personality and Jax's annoying rabbit ass... Do i even need to say more?????
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5°- Pomni x Ragatha
7.5/10, the clown lady who just got there and the the Doll woman who has been there for longer so she can help the clown girl deal with the horrors togheter because the Doll woman alredy has seen all of It first? Sounds pretty romantic to me. Also i love How the lesbians have alredy claimed them
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6°- Kinger x Gangle
7/10, Dont really have much to say about them, but looks like they are going to be a inseparable duo. Awkward old man and emotional mess girl? Thats really cute
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7°- Kinger x Jax
Young boy and old Man yaoi, hot
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denny-artsss · 3 months
how about caine sending post-redemption arc jax and gangle to an actual cornfield and gangle has to help him through it as they get out
(in a kind of face your fears adventure but gangle is also thrown into jax's fear by mistake)
Jax: ohh..my head- I'm getting a headache- *looks up at Caine* oh no it's just you. A headache would've been the easy way out.
Jax: ...
Jax: you're gonna kill your-
Gangle: *blinks confused*
Jax: what? I'm not scared of Gangle- WAIT WHAT? CORN? ARE YOU INSAN-
*gets teleported into a corn field with Gangle*
Gangle: huh- this isn't so bad- *looks around* right Ja-
Jax: *freaking out and covering his eyes rocking himself back and forth*
Gangle: anddd... you're freaking out.
Jax: GANGLE! GET ME THE &#%$ OUT OF HERE! *grabs onto her*
Gangle: YOURE TUGGING MY RIBBONS! *tries to pull away*
Jax: *clings onto her tighter as he panics*
Jax: *freaking out and grabbing her tighter*
Gangle: *slaps his face and shakes him violently* CALM DOWN!!!
Jax: wow Gangle you'd make a great mother to a newborn.
Gangle: you'd make a great patient at a psych ward- *looks around* well..it's a maze so- if we just go through the cor-
Gangle: it's okay you can just- hm..you can close your eyes and hold my hand and I'll lead you out!
Gangle: fine then I'm going alone. You can stay here. *walks away*
Gangle: *keeps walking*
Gangle: *sighs and turns around* okay. Close your eyes and give me your hand.
Jax: *grabs her hand and closes his eyes walking with her*
*random corn plant touches his arm*
Jax: *opens his eyes and yells punching left and right then jumping on Gangle* IT TOUCHED ME GANGLE IT TOUCHED ME!
Gangle: *sighs and carries him* I would lie if I didn't say that you lowkey deserve this for all the times you triggered Ragathas phobia. I mean even on Christmas-
Jax: Gangle. It's worse enough I'm in this situation. I dont need to hear your nagging.
Gangle: *panting frustrated and carries him outside the maze setting him down* there. You big baby, it didn't bite you.
Gangle: actually I found the way out-
Jax: and I'm even more scared now.
Caine: really Jax? Both of your fears are still present?
Jax: both of my- IM NOT SCARED OF GANGLE!
Caine: you're scared of losing her right? The maze was supposed to separate you two!
Gangle: scared of losing me? Why would you think he's scared of losing me?
Caine: I read it in his biography *pulls out a book*
Caine: is that what it means? *sad expression* I thought everyone called me that because I'm like a father figure and can fly..
Gangle: *smirks at jax*
Jax: I will break that smirk off your mask in a second.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
I would love to request an Child ghost!reader and the gang, basically child reader got murdered when they were using the VR and their soul got stuck into the game.
Their soul being so GORY AND DISTORTED, like an arm is missing, one eye is like hanging out and their head has an hole. Reader can get invisible like a ghost and move things with only their mind, and they are very quiet and just observes, rarely get mad or anything, but when they snap (for example: Because of jax's pranks) they start throwing things around dim the lights and scream, and lets put like, Reader's screams are like LOUD as hell, basically like an ghost tantrum.
So basically Child reader is just an sad messed up lil goof who needs comfort and therapy.
Sorry if its long, i love love love your blog btw!
TADC cast x ghost!child!reader (platonic + light found family) !
going to take a different approach to writing this one, since i feel bad about being selective of cast/multi characters today, so! rather than having divided segments like usual, its going to be a group thing! hope thats alright! going to be the last request of this batch them imma make something to eat rq for dinner then get back to writing YAHOO!
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when you joined the digital circus, you were already very obviously different from the rest of the gang. even if your gore was toned down thanks to your body being digitized; the programming seemed to struggle with altering your body into something unique... strange... it also seems your body is fighting back against the programming of the world, seemingly trying to restore itself. The effect makes you almost look like you're glitching, or even abstracting
Caine doesnt immediately pick up on your presence, i feel like its in his programming to be aware when a new member joins the circus, but for some reason he didnt notice you until he saw you, or someone brings you up to him
It was Ragatha, who was trying to get answers from him. Who's kid was this? Is it really fair to let a kid be stuck here? Obviously she knew Caine couldnt do anything about it now that you were here, nor did he have any hand in you putting on the headset.
Except... you correct them and say you didn't put on any headset, you were trapped in it.
Of course you're trapped, just like the rest of us, Jax says
None of them immediately believe you try to tell them you're a ghost. Except of course, Kinger, who reasons that that's why you look the way you do; and Gangle, who in my opinion probably finds interest in the supernatural.. or maybe that's just me projecting onto her. Who knows. But the point still stands, almost everyone doesn't believe you.
Not long after, Jax accidentally ropes you into prank that was originally intended for Zooble, I dont think Jax would go as far as to bully a child.... well... actually no, he seems like the type to bully kids on roblox.
The prank wasnt planned for you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You open a door, and are immediately greeted with a fake snake lunging out at you. You scream, more so out of surprise and fear than anger. It does turn into anger when Jax laughs at you, still finding some kind of joy from the prank getting at least someone. Your scream rises, causing nearly everyone to cover their ears, the rest were not there in the room but would come rushing to see what the hell was going on
I think it would be that instance as well as a few other; namely ones where you became invisible and started removing one of Zooble's limbs after they (unintentionally) said something a little too mean to you. The idea of you being a ghost was further cemented when both Gangle and Ragatha watched you literally phase through a wall. But hey at least someone (Jax) starts laying off of you when it becomes clear you weren't lying
There's mixed feelings, a lot negative. I mean, you're just a kid and you're. Well, a ghost. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that something happened to you. Whether or not you remember the details of your death when you became a ghost, or after joining the digital world, is all up to you
Caine, as mentioned before in posts where the reader is a child, tries to be a father figure. He's not the best, since he's programmed to be a ring master, but he definitely tries his best. I like to think he tries to read you bedtime stories when the digital world simulates 'night'
Pomni, who I totally didn't forget, tries to overcome her fear of you and your ghostly powers, ultimately becoming sympathetic you and your situation. Not only was your life cut short, but you were trapped here too, you didn't even get to roam the world in the afterlife. Interactions with her are awkward but there's an effort to try to bring you some form of comfort
Jax, after he stops pulling jokes on you cant deny that he doesnt find you creepy. I think, though, he would ask you if you want to help him scare some of the other members. Whether you be offended by the concept or not is also up to you, since I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be sensitive regarding their current predicament or not
Ragatha goes into full big sister mode, even before it's confirmed that you're a ghost. Sure, she's a little put off by your ganky and gorey looks, but her heart aches for you. Similar to Caine she tries to do general child care activities with you, perhaps if you let her, she would do your hair and make you dresses
Kinger will take a while to warm up to you, but I think after some time would start to open up to you, usually it's best to interact with him when he's already in a calmer state. He already gives me dad vibes that I cant pin down... but he would tell you stories of his past (in house) adventures and some funny stuff that has happened over his time in the digital world
Zooble is going to need a moment to get over the invisible dismemberment thing... as well as Zooble being Zooble and needing some time to warm up to people in general... Not much to be said, yet...
Gangle would offer to lend you some art supplies... kids like arts and crafts stuff, right? Thats her logic, at least, and if it means you have an outlet for your emotions then that would be great!
Overall you now have a funky found family, so hey, at least things aren't totally... terrible.. Unfortunately with them stuck in the digital world they can't do much to get you justice, if you let them know you were murdered. But rest assured if your killer somehow gets trapped in there with them and you recognize them, they have your back
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