#i loooove honeycombs
heavyheavycream · 3 months
*bestows a goodie basket with a jar of birthday cake overnight oats, chocolate covered honeycomb, and strawb cake upon ur ocs doorstep and scurry away!! *
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metalheadmickey · 11 months
Jessie I love the way you write Ian and Mickey so much I'm reading honeycomb right now and I'm just obsessed w u in a healthy non parasocial fashion
Cameron! This made me so happy, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed honeycomb, I looooved writing it. 🧡🍯☀️
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franstastic-ideas · 4 years
What kind of engagement ring would the Skelebros from each AU get for their respective human?
I feel like Sans and US!Papyrus would go for something simple, but heartfelt. Something personal. Sans would go for a ring with the gems arranged like an echo flower, and Papyrus might go for a gold ring with the band arranged like a honeycomb. There’d be a red heart somewhere on both though.
Papyrus and US!Sans would want to get something big and beautiful, something that says, “this is MY datemate and I loooove her!” and they would while also being classy about it, but they’d have to get the ring with the intention of proposing soon because these two can’t keep a secret to save their own necks.
Now for the older Fell universe brothers; UF!Papyrus and SF!Sans. These two would want to get a ring with gems so big and obnoxious you could see it from space, but obviously that would be impractical and not very personal. They’d end up trying to be sneaky and do some investigating on what their datemate’s favorite gems are, or what design they might like while attempting to be as subtle and unsuspicious about it as possible.
As for UF!Sans and SF!Papyrus... bless them. They’re sweet beans, and they end up having an internal crisis over what kind of ring their beloved sweetheart should wear as a symbol of the eternal love between them, so... they end up buying more than one ring. And even when they’ve got more than five rings lined up, neither can decide which one should be the engagement ring. The others are going to be anniversary/birthday/Valentine gifts!
For some reason, I can actually see G and Green proposing with a necklace instead, or something other than just a ring. Gaster outright proposes with a meteorite, but who could say no to something like that?!
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humanimalgam · 5 years
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it's no problem! i know it probably sounds pretty incomprehensible to people without the phobia but i'll try my best. first off, despite triggering a very strong & upsetting response in people who have trypophobia, there's no trauma associated with it. you're either born trypophobic or you aren't, and if you are, even you won't understand why you have the reaction, just what triggers it. no science has figured out why this phobia exists either, from what i understand there's a few theories but nothing concrete. that said, i have a much more in depth explanation and guide to triggering criteria below the cut so hopefully i can answer a few questions you might have.
for me the response is very instinctual. if i see an image with clusters of small, uneven holes, i get an incredibly strong disgust reaction, and i can't push the image out of my mind—i'll continue to fixate on and be upset by it for a period of time after looking away, which may last for minutes or days. it's also ironically very hard to draw my eyes away—while i don't want to see it, i have the impulse to keep staring at it for as long as possible, as if trying to rationalize the response away, figure out what's really happening, or deny the stimuli entirely (this doesn't work.) it's probably similar to what other people feel when they see particularly horrific images of gore. however unlike gore, one cannot become desensitized to trypophobic images through exposure.
a lot of people with trypophobia also find themselves imagining holes appearing on their own skin, and the disgust/fear they feel when looking at triggering images is accompanied by a tingling or itching sensation they may have the urge to scratch at in an attempt to get it to go away. personally, i don't really have this response, but from what i understand it's pretty common, so it's good to be aware of.
as for identifying potentially triggering images without having the phobia, i'm not sure i have much help to offer. since you aren't upset by them, i'd recommend looking up images related to it, though you may see some moderately upsetting edits of holes superimposed over skin, as that's a graphic people loooove to throw around when describing trypophobia. but that alone obviously isn't enough for most people to be able to accurately tag it, so i'll do my best to explain some general criteria for what constitutes a trigger below.
a big distinction in whether i find an image upsetting is whether the pattern registers as DOTS or HOLES. dots have little definition, and even if irregular or darkly colored, they won't trigger my trypophobia. my brain identifies HOLES by searching for DEPTH. if an image has no depth, real or artificial, it will not upset me, if that makes any sense. sometimes art that is meant to be trypophobic fails to trigger my response because the "holes" lack the depth to register as holes to my brain. the music video for GHOST's song Amygdala's Ragdoll is a good example of an image clearly meant to play into the aesthetic of trypophobia, but which lacks the rendering to trigger a response (for me at least, other trypophobes may find it triggering so tread cautiously.)\
spacing is the probably the easiest factor to explain. the sparser, further spread out, and more regular in size and shape the holes are, the less triggering it is likely to be. more holes + less space between them + more irregular in size, shape and placement = more triggering. additionally, one hole on its own will never trigger a response—there must be at least a few of them that are relatively close together to constitute a trigger.
regularity is another factor. many images of honeycomb are not particularly triggering, despite literally being made of clustered holes. why? the pattern is too regular. especially from close up, the integrated, geometric structure keeps it from triggering a full response. however, if the holes appear particularly deep, with the value of some cavities approaching black or other very dark hues, it can become triggering to me, which brings us to our next factor:
depth. generally, the shallower the hole, the less triggering it is. IF THE "HOLES" ARE SHALLOW ENOUGH THAT THEIR BACKS ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE (NOT LOST IN DARKNESS OR SHADOWS) AND HAVE LITTLE CONTRAST WITH THE COLORATION OF THE REST OF SURFACE IT IS MUCH LESS LIKELY TO TRIGGER A RESPONSE. my brain will categorize seemingly shallow "holes" as divots or depressions, and as such, they will not meet the criteria necessary to trigger a full response.
an exception to this is "punctures." even a shallow puncture can register as a HOLE for the purpose of triggering a response. a puncture is a hole or depression which is not naturally occurring, and must have been created using traumatic force, such as stabbing, bludgeoning, or being eaten away at. what visually constitutes a "puncture" is harder to explain, and requires more context. generally if it is on a surface where the brain knows no such holes should exist (skin is a perfect example), it will appear as a "puncture." discoloration also aids in the identification of punctures—if the inside of the object has a stark contrast with the outside (think skin vs the red of open wounds, or green watermelon rind vs pink inside) it is more likely to appear as a puncture.
whether there is something inside the cavities or depressions also factors into it. generally, if there is something inside them, it is more likely to trigger a response. i recall once being triggered by an image of someone's legs after they had been forced to sit on frozen peas as some form of punishment—there were peas still stuck to some of the depressions on their skin it was quite upsetting to me, despite no real "punctures" or cavities being visible. lotus seed pods are also quite upsetting to many trypophobes for this very reason—the irregular clusters of cavities combined with the shape of the seeds resting inside is a very bad combination.
that's a lot to keep track of, but going back to the gore allegory, i think i can explain it. if i draw a red line on someone's arm in sharpie, you won't see a wound, even if the color matches. if i use special effects makeup to recreate the texture of an open gash with artificial depth, you will see a wound. similarly, if you draw a black dot, i won't see a hole. if you render it into a cavity using lights and shadow, i will see a hole. on its own, it's just a hole, but if you put a bunch of these holes together, it’ll be quite upsetting.
so yeah. i guess that's the best i have to offer. however, don't take this guide as a catch-all for trypophobia as a whole, this is just written from my experience with it. not all trypophobes are triggered by the same criteria, so it's good to keep this in mind and err on the side of caution when it comes to tagging.
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britishchick09 · 4 years
barbie star light adventure livewatch
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over the past couple days, i’ve been reliving my barbiehood with diamond castle and magic of pegasus. i didn’t do a livewatch for those since i’ve seen them already, but i have a fresh one today: barbie star light adventure! the newest barbie movie i’ve seen is princess and the popstar in 2012, so i’m excited to see one of her more recent adventures! :D
ok wow this world is cool! :D
idk what’s going on but it’s cool
barbie looks amazing
the animation has really improved
awww pupcorn is like shiver
oh wow she’s actually called barbie in this one!
lots of people in the comments of a full version on yt said the dad was hot and he’s not really to me? he’s super young tho
barbie: “will pupcorn will transform into a dog?” if pupcorn isn’t a dog... THEN IS SHE A PEEPO?
awww little buddy :)
ooh what work is this barbie?
ok wow levitation through humming? the jedi should try that
pupcorn is so cute and i love him ♥
ok wow she’s pink
idk why it’s pink but it’s cool
cool exposition that barbie probably already knows
dad: "we wanted to raise you in a quieter place” *ANIMALS START CHIRPING*
why is the dad so flipping young
barbie: “i was on fire!” yo barbie so lit
the description said barbie is a princess, but the king sent a message for 2 skilled hoverboarders so she clearly isn’t a princess and is instead a hoverboard champ
nice spit take barbie lol
i wish we could’ve seen the hoverboard games it sounds fun
paraden is a cool name :D
space ranch
lol at the robot
how can stars forget how to dance? is it a metaphor... or lore?
ooh prophecy
barbie: "imagine a world without stars.” just move to the busy city
omg that sky is beautiful ♥
awww little starlight :)
barbie: “it’s scary dad. i’m scared” a little reduntant but awww :(
dad: “everything comes from the heart” words to live by papa ♥
what a pretty music box ♥
ooh song
it sounds surprisingly good
this is like into the unknown
i’m so making gifs of this song the visuals are beautiful! ♥
omg it’s the cloud kingdom from magic of pegasus
oh wow lotta funky space people
omg barbie put pupcorn in her suitcase with no air PUPCORN ABUSE
awww barbie and her dad are so sweet ♥
i hope pupcorn doesn’t transform in the movie HE’S SO CUTE AS HE IS
dad: “good luck... my little starlight” awww ♥
oh no the love interest
yo they’re teleporting epic
wowza she’s in a honeycomb
that pink fairy almost sounded like pinkie pie
oh hey kathleen barr funny seeing you in the third barbie movie i’ve seen this week
ooh nice dress
...or not
oh hey it magically adjusted to her noice
awww the locket is such a good tough :)
barbie’s gonna be like anna and make an awkward entrance isn’t she
oof what a first impression
hey her pink streak got bigger
and hey the robot pushed her like kai did with anna
oof that was awkward
hey it’s the pink and blue dolls
barbie: “me? do i look like an entitled royal whose only job is to show up and wave?” yo what a roast
leo is the
yo this sallee chick is cool
barbie thinks so too OTHER LOVE INTEREST I SEE
omg the king guy is encouraging the clapping lol
‘you belong here’ is exactly what honeymaren said to elsa and look what happened DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN LEO
barbie: *doesn’t seem to like the food* *...eats it anyways*
omg she’s gay for sallee yasssssss
she’s so much like anna omg so awkward and adorable
pink/blue girls: “that dress is totally COSMIC!” oh my stars that’s so light
karina makes things light and sharina makes things heavy
telepathic twins huh
leo after barbie said her mom passed away: “this is... awk...ward...”
did sallee call leo FLYBOY OMG:
oh wow barbie chose red huh? i guess it’s the closest to pink
fading food sounds cool
barbie: “we have everything you have” *doesn’t know what utensil to use*
yo sallee is savage af
wait pupcorn is the species name?
barbie: “how do you dance to a lullaby?” it’s a waltz you uncultured space gal
omg barbie and leo are so awkward
barbie: “you just have to feel the beat!” ...to a waltz?
cool clapping
hey it’s like the beginning cafeteria song in eqg
barbie: “the king doesn’t make the rules on how to dance!” the king: “THIS IS NOT. HOW. YOU. DANCE!” lol
ketchup and sour cream? ew? (and why is it not space-themed?)
ew she eats ketchup and sour cream on everything?
awww dad is so supportive :)
woah cool hoverboard moves sallee
hey they’re having fun! :D
the sky is so pretty omg ♥
they both came there to fix the stars ♥
hey this robot is like c3p0 and the lights are like the map from force awakens
shocking the stars back to order sounds sort of villainy...?
barbie and leo are doing kung fu on a purple block thing cool cool
the twins: “that was astromazing!” ugh...
hey the robot is named artemis do you think he knows cats on the moon?
wowza it’s like a roller coaster for hoverboards
sallee has done harder tracks since she was 5 how
yo what’s leo doing
barbie: “wow! :o” someone’s in loooove
barbie: “let’s work together!” isn’t that what you’re supposed to be doing sorta?
“go team go!”
oh good she’s not
the king: “they seem ready for anything.” leo: “i’m ready for dinner!”
the track: wait there’s more! :D
if sallee won the race then wouldn’t karina?
omg barbie and sallee are talking alone
why is sallee’s hair in a long ponytail when her hair was in short cropped hair earlier?
rip pupcorn he was a great pupper :/ (although i like catcorn)
catcorn can’t fly i take that back
♫ we’re gonna have a montage... a fly training montaaaage! ♫
the king: “bhar-beh”
yo the king seriously seems like a villain and it’s not just because he’s a jerk to barbie he just has a bad vibe to him
the twins: “galacticly.. awesome!” ugh....
the king wants them to capture a starlion and barbie doesn’t want to THAT’S SUPER VILLAINY DON’T YA THINK
sallee to leo: “no pressure flyboy” ;)
hey they’re at the space grand canyon cool
nice twin trolling leo :D
awww it’s sorta cute
hey the starlion likes the beat :)
hey it’s song time!
i agree with barbie THIS ISN’T RIGHT
awwww she’s so nice :)
the king ain’t happy tho
the king: “why would you go against my orders?” ‘cuz you a bish
oh he wanted a starlion to guide them to the galaxy ohhhhh
awww catcorn comforting barbie :( ♥
it’s the music locket! :)
listen to your heart barbie yas! :D
i know i said this earlier but the sky is beautiful af ♥
the king: “she’s not your equal. she’s not a champion!” sallee: “no. she’s better.” awww :)
or not ok that was fleetingly short victory
and she’s leader now yay!
her pink streak gets smaller then bigger is it because she’s using her power? hmmm...
leo plz don’t sing :(
yay barbie’s singing the locket song! :D
it’s so nice :)
although it doesn’t sound like her voice at all or like a voice that would be coming out of her mouth at real time but it has nice lyrics
hey leo’s joining in
they all sound autotuned now that’s a bit annoying but oh well song’s nice
journey time! :D
the starlion is best protector
yo it’s a weird planet
and the controls are touch screen with a pic of the ship? coolio
the king said ‘it’s almost time!’ that sounds villainy againnnn...
hey they’re surrounded by spiky pink coronavirus
hey catcorn is flying! :D
lol at the king getting zapped
leo: “hey this looks like a button! I’m gonna push it!” did they ever teach you about buttons mr leo
wowza this is pretty
leo: “don’t start panicking. ...ok start panicking!” lol
ok wow they’re in the galaxy heart and even they think it’s beautiful!
the king: “step aside while i save the galaxy!” oh shut up you
something is gonna go wrong isn’t it
awww barbie cuddled one close to her :(
oh no why did barbie close her eyes
omg light ray
omg the stars are being saved
now it’s really like into the unknown barbie just did a light twirl
is the song her mom’s spirit or something? that would be cool
omg she transformed is this like show yourself
barbie is the star spirit now
wow this is stunning
omg artemis is crying ♥
barbie gave the king a sad brief frown is she gonna forgive him
they’re friends now this is great ;D
they just did hyperspeed star wars who
barbie’s late again
it’s not awkward like the first time thank you
sallee: “they’re cheering for you!” barbie: “they’re cheering for us.”
barbie doesn’t know how she’s a princess i love that ♥
the king is so awkward at dancing :D
 of course the robot does the robot
barbie’s having fun and i love that :D
narrator who?
what a pretty sky ♥
and a great movie! :D
that was surprisingly great since it’s a new barbie movie. i’m knocking off half a point because the lore wasn’t really explained in the beginning (but started to make sense later on) and the twins get half a point off because they were a little annoying. the highest score i give movies is a 9/10 (no movie is perfect) so this movie is an 8/10! it’s easily one of my favorite barbie movies and it might even be in the top 3! what a fun adventure in the stars! :D
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sargentorecipes · 5 years
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i loooove recent honeycomb. it has so many fantastic makes use of. excellent on high of heat… i loooove recent honeycomb. it has so many fantastic makes use of. excellent on high of heat porridge, on a cheese board paired with a delicate french brie, or my favorite... consuming it just by itself, wax and all! 👌🐝 x #gatherandfeast
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owl-quill · 7 years
Dawn, Bog and the Sugar Plum Queen try to come up with a plan how to save a lovedusted Marianne.
Chapter index on Ao3
From the small, enclosed landing, an open doorway led into an office lit by orange glowstones and, just now, the Sugar Plum Queen’s own glow. She had settled behind the big, scratched-up desk that faced the other entrance, a proper door, hovering just above the chair set there, playing at sitting in it despite being not bound by gravity.
Bog pulled up two chairs for Dawn and himself, noting that there had been only slight changes in this room. The honeycombed walls were still mostly holding scrolls and ledgers. Aura had merely brought in some small plants that now nested in hazelnut or chestnut shells in some of the cells.
Dawn thanked him with a nod and sat in a studied pose, spine erect and hands on her lap.
The Sugar Plum Queen waved negligently. “So tell me those news. This should be interesting.”
“Sir Roland Green used the love potion you gave him on Marianne. Against her will.”
“Oh well. I’m sure she doesn’t mind right now.” Aura leaned forward, bunching her hands under her chin, and her voice fell into a singsong. “Falling in loooove is such a wonderful feeling.”
Bog scoffed, but it was Dawn who kept talking, her voice now sharp. “But she would mind if she were in her right mind.” Then even a sarcastic tone crept in. “However, if you don’t care about that, you should consider that once being married to the crown princess, or maybe even the queen, gives him the required authority, Roland is going to invade the Dark Forest!”
Aura’s sparkly brows rose up close to her blue crown, and her lips pursed, showing no hint of a smile.
“No love-potion, no marriage. No marriage, no war.” Dawn leaned forward and pointed to Aura with one hand. “We need an antidote!”
The Sugar Plum Queen floated forward until she hit the edge of the table and raised her hands in a harsh gesture. “Too bad there is no antidote.”
“Are you serious?” Bog rumbled.
“Yes. There is none. The potion wears off on its own.” She looked up and her fingers ran through a rippling gesture. “In a fairy… it should take about a year.” Bog gave Princess Dawn a sideways glance. She seemed surprised, too. “The idea is to give a wanted relationship a smooth start, long enough to grow into something more solid than infatuation, you know.”
Dawn bit her lip, looking at the ceiling while calculating. “Marianne has been like this since Midsumer, and the wedding is planned for next Spring.” Her voice rose in pitch, going tight. “That’s too early.”
“Princess, what about exposing Roland? Would Dagda allow the marriage to go forward if he knew the… love was a sham?”
“I tried to tell him, but he didn’t believe me. Marianne acts a lot like just before the wedding she cancelled.”
“A fairy in love cancelled a wedding?” Bog burst out.
“I know, right? Er, that was a wedding with Roland that she called off. On the day it was supposed to happen. She was wearing her bridal dress already and everything. It’s why I’m absolutely certain she does not want to marry Roland.”
“I’m convinced.” Aura spoke quickly. “Considering the threat of possible war, it would probably be best if Bog took back his throne. I’m not much of a war person.”
“What do you mean, No?” Aura flitted across the table, leaning into Bog’s face. “You can’t do this to me!”
Bog raised both hands in a warding gesture and spoke as calmly as he could. “I can advise you, and there are others–”
“Forget the war!” She spread her arms and seemed to grow, or maybe grow brighter, her cool blue light crowding out the warm orange from the lamps. “I can’t take the dreariness any longer. Every other thing I need to decide on is petty nonsense, and the paperwork, the paperwork! It’s maddening!”
Bog couldn’t keep a grin off his face, crossed one leg over the other, and folded his hands. Sweetly, he asked, “Isn’t it just? So why would I want it back?”
“Bog… do you really–” The feeling in Dawn’s voice - hurt, disappointment, something - washed all amusement out of Bog’s mood and from his demeanour. He sat up and gestured to her.
“The problem is that I’m not certain I’m capable.” He nodded in Dawn’s direction. “You noticed. Being surrounded by a crowd left me unable to speak for confusion. I don’t know how fast and how well I will, hrm, heal from that.” He shrugged, a gesture that with his pauldrons was particularly eloquent.
The Sugar Plum Queen looked at him, back behind the desk, lips flat and eyes narrowed. “In that case... maybe the easiest way to avoid war would be handing the Amber to Roland.”
“What?!” Bog jumped to his feet and went into a crouch, wings twitching, ready to attack. “Are you mad?”
“I’m just thinking of the good of the people of this realm. A war will cost many lives, and he doesn’t have to conquer what he already owns.”
“I’m not sure,” Dawn piped up, “but I don’t think it’s the owning he cares about. He talks about glorious battles and fights so much…”
“What a lovable character,” Bog sneered, his claws leaving a few more scratches in the desk. With a sound halfway between a sigh and a snarl, he straightened up, then addressed Aura. “Unless things are a lot more different now than I knew them, it would never work. The goblins would revolt.”
“All right all right. Let’s keep it as last option in case everything else fails, maybe. So how to prevent the marriage? Is there someone else she might have been almost in love with?”
“Why?” Dawn’s eyes looked bigger than ever.
“The potion doesn’t work, or its effect is ended early, if the target is already in love with someone else. Failsafe, see?”
“A working antidote would be a better failsafe,” Bog groused. Since the study was too small to pace effectively, he had settled again.
“That would just put the decision about these things in someone else’s hands. Plus, there just isn’t one that works. There have been many attempts, and the only promising ones involved erasing the victim’s whole personality, for ever, and we don’t want that, do we.”
“Good. So, candidate for potion-effect-breaking?”
Dawn shook her head slowly. “Really not. She’d sworn she’d never fall in love again.”
“Sounds like a very sensible person, for a fairy princess.” Bog had to let off steam somehow.
“Excuse me?”
“You’re brave. Sensible, I’m not sure about. Consider where you are right now.” Dawn leaned back a little when Bog gestured in her direction with a clawed hand.
Aura rested her finger tips against her forehead and temples. “Bog, I don’t believe I’m saying that to you, but let’s focus!”
“Oh, all right, your majesty.” He gave her a hint of a bow and cleared his throat before continuing matter-of-factly. “I guess there isn’t any chance of getting Dagda to pressure her into marrying someone else for political reasons, is there? You fairies still do that sometimes?”
“Uhh.” Dawn leaned away from Bog again, lips curled in disgust. “Yeah, political marriages are a thing, but not very common. But Roland is third in line for the Duchy of Green Glenn, and the two before him are married or engaged already. Any any other candidates are either kids, or old, or married, or prefer guys, so there is no better match at the moment.” A corner of her mouth twitched up and she gave a courtly nod in Bog’s direction. “Well, maybe apart from the King of the Dark Forest.”
Bog’s eyes went huge, his skin even more gray-green than it was, and his mind absolutely blank.
Aura giggled.
Dawn gave a helpless little shrug. “Anyway, I don’t think Father would force Marianne into a political marriage. He wants her happy.”
Bog muttered, “But forcing her into a marriage using love potion is all right?”
“She does seem happy.” Bog’s distaste must have come through, for Dawn repeated her shrug. “I don’t like it either, it’s just what it looks like if you ignore how much she loathed Roland. She seems just like she used to be before. Father thinks she’s finally come to her senses.”
Aura floated up and got their attention with an expansive gesture. “All right, then. No-one she’s likely to fall in love with for real, no-one to marry her to prevent her from marrying Roland. And her father revoking permission for the marriage just after being told she’s under a spell is out, too, because he already knows.”
“What a father.”
“Shush, unless you have a productive suggestion.”
Bog took a deep breath to tamp down his temper. “Have you picked up on anything else that could convince Dagda that Roland is a scoundrel rather than a suitable groom?”
Dawn shook her head.
Bog harrumped, and after short consideration asked, “How do you feel about assassination?”
Dawn considered for a rather long time. “I don’t think I could actually kill anyone…”
“I meant more generally–”
“That is a cute idea, and Dawn rather looks the part right now, but there are two problems with it. First, if any thing, just the smallest thing went wrong and it came out the Dark Forest was linked to it, we would have a war, anyway. And second, if Roland died or disappeared, Marianne might waste away from heartbreak, or go flitting off trying to find him and get herself eaten by a crow. The love potion is powerful.”
Bog groaned. This was impossible. “So what about kidnapping her and keeping her prisoner until the potion wears off? Same danger?”
“Yes, plus it’s also not particularly conductive to the diplomatic links we’ve been trying to forge.”
“If done right, no-one needs to know where she is.” Bog looked at Dawn. “If someone she trusts lures her away. There are enough secret places in the Dark Forest where a prisoner could be kept hidden.”
“Very risky. If the secret get out, we’re looking at a war, after all.”
“Not that risky. If– sorry, Princess, but, If Dagda found out we had his daughter and heir, he would know attacking the Forest would mean putting her in danger.”
“Even if, that leaves the same risk as before, keeping her away from Roland might break her heart. Someone who is lovedusted is obsessed with the object of their affections, wanting to be close to them, doing whatever makes them happy...”
Bog grumped, and all three of them fell silent for a few moments.
Dawn, who had been chewing her knuckles, spoke first. “Maybe we can use that. If she believes Roland wants her far from him, temporarily...” Her brows knit and face drawn in unaccustomed lines, she slowly laid out pieces of a plan that the Sugar Plum Queen and the former Bog King agreed might just work.
At least they could not come up with anything better.
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i loooove fresh honeycomb. it has so many wonderful uses. perfect on top of warm...
i loooove fresh honeycomb. it has so many wonderful uses. perfect on top of warm…
i loooove fresh honeycomb. it has so many wonderful uses. perfect on top of warm porridge, on a cheese board paired with a soft french brie, or my favourite… eating it simply by itself, wax and all! 👌🐝 x #gatherandfeast
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