#i love ayaka so bad i want her to have nice things.......
cheri-2047 · 3 months
I have a request for, Zhongli Neuvillette and Ayato so they are forced to marry a reader, who looks a mess like their appearance and they aren't really into them. I hope I explained it properly it's hard for me at times and I got the idea when I saw some mobile game ad.
i think I know this ad LMAO, sure !! I’ll make it headcanons though cause those have been easier for me to write lately. thank you for the request!
Arranged Marriage (Zhongli , Neuvillette, Ayato)
SCENARIO: Your parents somehow got to get you an arranged marriage with these men. You grew up in a rich family, but due to a bad decision, your father’s company ended up going bankrupt. Suddenly, your mom just told you to get into the car and drove off, not knowing where you were going.
MENTIONS OF: Furina, Thoma, Ayaka
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When you enter the court (please tell me where he works guys in the comments, I forgot what it’s called), that’s when you realized.
This is the first time you’ve actually SEEN him. You felt embarrassed because your mother didn’t even let you change out of a decent pair of clothing or even fix your hair.
you quickly tried to change your appearance as much as you could. But when the Melisune opened the door, that’s when you panicked.
Neuvillette was…shocked. He was shocked to see you in a state but he didn’t show it. “Ah..I suppose you’re y/n?”
“yes… I apologize for my appearance, My mother pulled me out of my room and just forced me to leave without a word haha…” you were nervous as hell.
”I see. Nice to meet you.” He stands up and walks over to you, shaking your hand.
”I’d like to go over the terms of our marriage, nothing official just what we both are comfortable with.” Even with your messy appearance, he still treated you with grace and kindness
he asked the melusine to give you some tea, and now you Two were left alone.
”Well…I understand if you don’t want to do this at all, so during our relationship, I will not require you to be affectionate towards me.”
He sat in a chair nearby and he held your hand. “If there’s anything I am doing, or will do that makes you uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to tell me.”
“If you need anything, just say the word and I’ll have to for you.”
“if you would have…other affairs, since were not actually in love…I’m okay with it. Just be careful to not show it in public.” He understands that this is a forced marriage for you, so he tries to still let you have a normal life.
“ah no it’s okay, I’m not interested in anyone at the moment, but I…I would like to try to get this- us to work.” You smiled, and Neuvillette was touched by that.
During your marriage, you lived with him. He wasn’t extremely close to you but you could tell he was trying. On the first night you two slept beside each other but on the next one if you were uncomfy, he arranged another room for you in his mansion.
He lets you do anything really, if you want to work go ahead but if you just want to stay home that’s okay too.
Overall, he grew to like you. And the marriage was like a real thing.
Since he wouldn’t be home often, he apologizes by sending you gifts. When he notices you’re lonely, furina actually lets him have a day off.
as for affection, at most he would kiss you on the forehead or cuddle you close. He won’t force you to kiss him on the lips (since he doesn’t want to intrude on anything) so you’d have to initiate those <3
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When you saw your car drop in front of the kamisato, that’s when you realized.
You tried to fix your appearance, tying your hair up with a desperate attempt to look more elegant.
thoma welcomed you, not gonna lie he noticed how you shuffled your clothes a lot and before taking you to ayato, he let you in a separate room.
”I don’t mean to be rude, but I noticed the way you shuffled with your clothes” he chuckled, handing you an old dress that ayaka owned, (since it didn’t fit her)
he let you changed and once you did, he brought you to ayato.
Ayato welcomed you and thoma left the room. He motioned for you to sit in front of him.
”nice to meet you” he smiled and bowed (iirc in japan they bow as a sign of respect/greeting? Please correct me if I’m wrong!)
you did the same. It was awkward for awhile until he spoke.
”I am sure you’re aware of what’s about to happen correct?” You nod. “I want to try to make this work” he said, looking straight at you.
”if… if we don’t work out that’s alright, but I’d like to know you more.” He smiled as you nodded.
”me too, I’m glad we’re on the same page” you smiled.
you two talked about your own interests, but now you had a problem.
its not that he hated you or judged you, but there are times it’s dead silent. for now he passes it off since you both are new to each other.
”well, I will have thoma show you your room and ah- no more need for formalities it’s okay”
After the marriage you move in together and though it’s still awkward, you two actually end up becoming close.
At some point, during the night when he’s working late, he actually started seeking comfort from you.
sometimes he would visit your room, if you were asleep he would sit beside you on the bed and tuck you in nicely after
or if you’re awake, you (aside from ayaka sometimes) are one of the only few who actually gets him to go to bed.
you sleep in separate rooms but one day he offers for you to sleep with him.
overall, this marriage was a success. Sometimes he’s busy but you take note of it and if he notices you’re lonely, he would invite you over to his room while he works/signs papers and he talks to you.
as for affection, he appreciates if you give him hugs but there are times (mostly when you’re away for a long period of time) when he tilts your chin up and goes “may I?” Before pressing a kiss to your lips
Sorry if I mischaracterized this, I haven’t done the inazuma quest and idk much about him !
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to your surprise, when you almost stopped in a mansion, you saw him standing outside waiting for you.
and that’s when you started to realize.
the moment you got out of the car, you fixed your dress. He was quite welcoming actually.
he welcomed you to his home and set you on the couch. He actually didn’t mind much your appearance.
he sat in front of you and smiled. “Nice to meet you” he handed you a cup of tea before you two got started.
he saw you uncomfortable shuffling around your clothes. “Are you alright? Is something wrong?”
”no no! Just fixing myself a bit, sorry” he wondered why you seemed so tense about your appearance.
”I do not care about such matters if that’s what you’re thinking” he reassured you.
”now..as for this marriage, I do not want you to feel forced. I will allow anything you’d like, if you’d have other affairs, I am okay with that.” He really just wants you to be comfy is all, especially since this was forced.
”however… I would like to get to know you more” and just like that a few months after the marriage, you two actually clicked.
often at night he’d sleep beside you, in the mornings he makes you both tea.
He’d be very respectful with boundaries and he appreciates when you respect his as well.
for dates he loves bringing you to gardens for a picnic or relaxing lakes, somewhere with nature. he hugs you a lot and kisses on your forehead. If you want a kiss on his lips, he will gladly say yes anytime of the day
A/N: OKAY. I loved writing this, I enjoyed Neuvillette and Ayato’s part, I kinda lost ideas for zhongli but THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT. Anyways thank you for requesting, I only have… 2-3 requests left until I can open them again ! I love how thoma would also be a gentleman to you idk I think he’s pretty cool this wasn’t proofread and comments are appreciated !! (Drop by for a tip, or if I mischaracyerized them or just say hi!)
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allykakamatsu · 9 months
KH X GI Relationship Squares
(There's more ships than these, these are just the ones I can make square charts out of)
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Neuvillette -> Wriothesley: A very reliable friend who he's more than happy to go to for advice.
Wriothesley -> Neuvillette: Not so secretly down horrendous. Will never confess first though so he just hopes Neuvi notices his flirting.
Neuvillette -> Arlecchino: Still a bit wary of her, especially since he figured out she threatened Furina, but once those two worked things out he mostly got past it and the two are friends.
Arlecchino -> Neuvillette: Wonders how he put up with Furina's act for so long, but highly respects his dedication.
Arlecchino -> Furina: Couldn't stand her at first, but after learning of her sacrifices she began respecting her and now they're on okay terms.
Furina -> Arlecchino: Terrified of her a lot of the time but also wondering how the hell she's so hot. Glad they're somewhat friends now so she can crush without feeling like an idiot.
Furina -> Neuvillette: A bit awkward around him at the moment due to wanting to avoid all aspects of her time as an Archon, but still cares about him deeply.
Neuvillette -> Furina: Always cared despite his annoyances, but now he knows the truth he just wants to do whatever he can to make her happy.
Wriothesley -> Arlecchino: Doesn't like Fatui in general but he can't deny how much she helped Fontaine.
Arlecchino -> Wriothesley: Impressed by the work he did to Meropide, but after hearing how he tormented with Lyney just for fun to the point it activated his darkness she's been resisting the urge to go down there and slap him.
Wriothesley -> Furina: Doesn’t know her too well but thinks she’s nice from the little he’s seen
Furina -> Wriothesley: Doesn’t know him that well but Neuvillette talks about him fondly and that’s enough for him to get her seal of approval
(More under cut)
(Also probably a bad post to have this on but please support me on ko-fi here )
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(Context, Ei get's exiled for a bit after the Archon quest and when she's allowed back she and Ayato are almost dragged into an arranged political marriage to keep things stable, so the gang, led by Miko and Thoma, have to stop the wedding. They do, but Miko repurpose's it into a wedding for her and Ei.)
Ei -> Ayato: Overall thinks he's pleasant and dependable, but their relationship is strictly professional.
Ayato -> Ei: Glad she's finally ending the Decree's holding Inazuma back, but sweet Celestia never make them almost get married again-
Ei -> Miko: Never stopped loving her but prior to them getting remarried thought that Miko hated her.
Miko -> Ei: Missed her dearly for those 500 ish years but would rather die than admit it, the wedding ended up being the push she needed to finally admit she loved her.
Miko -> Thoma: Not as fun to tease as Gorou but still fun, has more respect for him now.
Thoma -> Miko: Still a bit afraid of her but nowhere near as much.
Thoma -> Ayato: Loves but is worried about how the nobles would react to them being together, main reason their relationship was a secret to the point the arranged marriage almost happened.
Ayato -> Thoma: Loves him to the ends of the earth, only kept the relationship secret due to Thoma's worries, but once he gatecrashed the wedding Ayato had no problem finally proclaiming his love.
Ayato -> Miko: Worried she's a bad influence on Ayaka but outside of that genuinely enjoys her company.
Miko -> Ayato: Known him since he was little, glad there's someone in Inazuma who can keep up with her.
Ei -> Thoma: Barely knows he exists but is happy for him and Ayato.
Thoma -> Ei: Has complicated feelings about and does his best to just stay out of her way to not make things awkward.
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Lumine -> Xiao: Fell hard the second she met him, but the more she learned about him the more she wanted to get close to and help him
Xiao -> Lumine: Wasn't sure what to think at first, but between her kicking Osail's ass and their somewhat date at the Lantern Rite he fell hard.
Xiao -> Venti: Has had feelings for him ever since Venti saved him, but hesitant to pursue them due to self esteem issues.
Venti -> Xiao: Pretty down bad but more so just wants him to love himself
Venti -> Lyney: Pretty good friend.
Lyney -> Venti: Bit awkward around because well, Fatui and Archon, but still enjoys spending time with him.
Lyney -> Lumine: Was initially just planning on charming her so she could help save Fontaine, but he became down bad and started flirting for real REALLY quick.
Lumine -> Lyney: Always attracted to him but it wasn’t until Lyney’s quest plus Meropide that she truly realised she was down bad.
Lumine -> Venti: Cares about him a lot but wishes they’d be more honest about his feelings.
Venti -> Lumine: You know those best friends turned couples that still act like besties, yeah that’s them.
Xiao -> Lyney: At first only staying close so he didn’t try anything funny with Lumine, but after a while the magicians charm worked on him as well.
Lyney -> Xiao: Was mostly just teasing his new pretty friend at first, but once he realised Xiao was crushing he went ‘okay this sounds fun let’s do it’
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mahou-furbies · 3 months
Miss Meguca contest (casual outfits), comments
All preliminary rounds are now over! Since there was some variance in how many people voted each round, I'll have to calculate everyone's scores with percentages. So I think the final round won't start until tomorrow. In the meantime, here are the comments:
Round 1
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Let’s Hope Madoka Wins this Thing Again. I want to See an Idol or Maybe a special Surprise Image song round or something.
Most of these outfits are so good. I only docked off points for some of them cause they weren’t as interesting. Also Ayaka’s outfit is perfect except for the color of her tights
Always glad to see my girl, Ashley!
Hoods are always a good taste, so…
I'm a sucker for suspenders!
Yuuna, Rena and Kokoro are the TOP of winter fashion!!!
There're quite a few outfits I WANT to like but they're just drawn so weird. Like. Why is Mitsune's sweatshirt Like That.
Also why is Mami dressed like she's in her 40s.
I really love all the varied silhouettes Magireco gives its characters in their casual clothes. Yuuna's is probably my least favourite because it's so boring. Ikumi's cat socks are extremely 2010s fashion and I love them.
Ashley has the best one here! It's practically something I would wear!
Rena's was so cute… until the short shorts. Girl!!! Your thighs are going to freeze!!! At least with skirts it's easy to wear skin colored thermal tights!
Ikumi: I'm going to wear e-girl cat socks with the most boring fit possible.
Round 2
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Ren's outfit is so adorable!
Bring On Da Next Round! I Need Madoka to Win!
Yuma stands out not being super detailed, but I like it.
Scene 0 Madoka's outfit isn't bad but I don't think the silhouette and blue jacket necessarily suit her. Also adult Hikaru's outfit looks like something I'd wear in IRL help
Yuna: I don't understand the transparent fabric on her, but aside from that, is a pretty fashionable outfit
Akari: The bunny purse? The bow with the scarf? The puffy shorts? *chef's kiss
Moka: teh top part is a 10, but the bottom is a 3
I would once again kill for Mami's, but Ria's on the block too
Felicia ily but THAT clothes???????
Round 3
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It's designs like these that get my hopes up about character design and fashion.
Alina wins out because of the paint on her clothes!
No Madoka Here but I’m Alright with That Besides Madoka Is Gonna Be the Winner Again!
I love Alina's painting clothes 💚💛❤️
So many cute designs in this round💖
ADORE alinas outfit, its so unique among the rest of the super feminine and cutesy casual outfits!
What is up with that bow on Tomoko’s outfit? It feels like everything was just slapped together when it comes to how she’s dressed.
Round 4
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sorry, kyouko. i cant stand orange+green color combos.
Finally a good outfit for Kyoko!
Why does it feel that they put more effort into making the winter ones and just slap some ramdom shirts and skirts for casual?
They really did Kyouko dirty in this game.
Looking Good I know Madoka is the Winner nothing ordinary or new!
Thought Homura had a mustache necklace for a sec
I was gonna give glasses Homura a -1, but she's getting a 2 for the mustache necklace actually. I don't like it but it's such a bold choice and I love that for her lmao
I dislike Kirika but her clothes are in my fav choices ;;
I find my choices a little funny in hindsight because Kokoro's outfit is a hiking outfit and it looks nice but it also feels very generic, but I also feel like Leila's outfit looks like she's about to go camping or something. Also I am OBSESSED with Homura's mustache necklace.
Round 5
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I'd like to make a disclaimer that I'm not rating Ranka's outfit 1 because I hate it, I just don't think it makes a good winter outfit necessarily. But does this also mean she's into larme kei and shops at places like MA*RS and Ank Rouge? Also: 1) Yachiyo's cold shoulder sweater dress amuses me for some reason. Girl your shoulders! 2) Green is a very interesting colour choice for Temari.
Hotaru, my beloved!! Sleepy queen!!
This is getting Good Final around Ahead and Madoka must Win!
I want Konomi's one so baaaad!!!!
Homura with glasses has the best outfits ;_; I have seen a lot of hers in the polls and always I love how she mixes cutesy with black clothes
Some of these are awful
Round 6
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Lots of threes this time for interesting silhouettes or designs that make me go "yeah, that's [character]"! Also Mifuyu's outfit is just one of my faves in general
These are not as awful as the other but somehow most of them has something that ruins the look for me.
The thing is, a magical girl costume is always so extravagant and beautiful, that when we go back to their casual clothes, we expect nothing less. Bu then it comes some disappointment, because they look so plain and simple.
Last One I Need Madoka To Win!!
hard to be picky abt it ;-; they're all so pretty tbh
ui looks adorable!! i love her little outfit! you can certainly tell she's a kid. i find her outfit works really well over all. a lot of others i felt like there'd be one or 2 elements just don't fit with the rest but ui's just matches perfectly in my eyes
This is so difficult because imo the game has really really good designs for the casual outfits
Round 7
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Kyoko looks really good in purple
After seeing Yachiyo's dress everything seems pretty.
Disclaimer I like Kyouko's outfit but I don't think it suits /her/ personally. I don't really like the mauve on Oriko? I feel like she should be wearing white or a very pale lilac at least. Tsubaki's is okay I guess and there's something about Tsukuyo's I don't entirely vibe with for some reason
I came to the conclusion that Homura is the Fashion Queen…
And poor Kyouko has so much to learn…
Let’s Hope Madoka wins this whole Thing!
Kyoko's outfit is great, but not a good fit for Kyoko.
Nagisa gets a 3. The OG deserves it. Too good for this world. Too pure. Deserves all the cheese.
Again, Homura has the best outfits
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hi hi lillyyyyyyyyyyyy~ so hear me out a nice picnic with xiao, kaveh, ayato and ayaka~
Ahhh yes! It's such a cute idea. I want to spoil all of them so much. Please enjoy nothing but fluff~ More notes at the bottom!
It's honestly going to take a lot to convince him that going on a picnic is okay
Lots of soft little moments and gentle coaxing to show him that taking a break is perfecting fine, there's nothing wrong with it
He appreciates what you're doing and will agree in the end so long as he picks the place
A lovely mountain view is where you're gonna get because he loves showing you the secret but gorgeous views Liyue has to offer
You bring a nice basket of food and drinks, he brings the blanket and view
It's the calmest and most at peace he's felt while outside and it fills him with warmth that becomes more then welcomed with you around
There will have to be almond tofu there but also something a little more hearty to help stave off the cold from being so high up
Though he always keeps an eye out for danger Xiao plans to spend the day beside you, soaking up the sun light and enjoying your sweet affection
It's gentle and soft love all day and though it might have taken some time to get him to agree he's glad you both did this
" Maybe we could plan this again sometime. I don't mind taking a break with you."
The easiest to convince, he just loves getting to spend time you and he'll do anything to do it
Kaveh adores any time spent with you be it at work or just a nice day out it's always a joy with you
Though he seems like the type to be over the top with his love I think it's the total opposite
Yes he wants everyone to know you're together but his love is or you and only you so others don't need to see or hear it, though his drunk ramblings have ratted you out many times
Still a picnic is right up his alley, its cute but simple and lets you both just relax away from the city
He'll want to help you prepare it but understand if you want to be a full surprise
If he can help then Kaveh will want to join you in make the meals, you can make one thing and he'll make the other
Of course he'll bring one bottle of good wine and some fresh fruit juice
The day is long awaited by him and nothing will stop him from making the most of it, he's over the moon for this little outing
Nothing but good feelings and joy, lots of love and comfort to be a sweet cherry on top
" Oh my love! Inspiration always comes so easily when I'm with you, my dearest light thank you for inviting me to this~"
The second hardest to convince but not for any bad reason it's just that he's so busy it's hard to put work down
With everything being so hectic in Inazuma and how much work he's always given indulging in romance is hardly easy but he does try
Honestly he wants to say yes right away when you mention wanting to go on a picnic but he knows it's not so simple
You'll have to get Thoma and maybe even Ayaka involved to help make sure he has the time and since you're going that far just make it a nice surprise
Finding a beautiful and secluded spot is really easy in Inazuma but it still takes some time to prepare everything
From food to drink and of course the soft blanket and even a pillow or two
While Ayaka distracts him you'll have to rush around to set everything up but after that its smooth sailing
This man swoons at seeing everything you set up for him and be prepared for the most clinging version of Ayato you'll see
All the kisses and cuddles you could ever want, he's gonna feed you and let you have his milk tea and just everything you want
It's the most wonderful thing in his eyes, getting to take a break and just enjoy a day with the one he loves is nothing but bliss
" You're everything I could ask for and more, I promise to give back just as much next time."
She would love a picnic but once more she's a little busy bee sometimes, still much easier to work with then her brother
Honestly if you just get everything prepared and then ask her to come along she has the brightest smile while asking for a break from work
She dress in a pretty spring outfit and will want to walk around with you first if possible
It's just a full on day out now and she loves getting to be with you
The picnic is just as sweet of course, Ayaka will help you set up everything and then just relax
Sipping on fresh juice, feeling the breeze and watching the sakura blossoms fall
It feels so perfect and she'll take this chance to nap peacefully with you while soaking up the sun
Ayaka just feels so loved right now, sure she always feels loved thanks to you but when you do things like this its just feels all the stronger
" You never cease to amaze me! Thank you for planning all of this for us. We still have some time so let us enjoy the sunset for a little longer."
So I really wanted to get this out right away but as you can see I did not. Still I had fun and truly I love Kaveh so much. I've already maxed him out and gotten him nice things, he's in the teapot and everything. Just the bestest boy with Ayato and Xiao. Ayaka is also very cute tho and I like writing for her, she's just so sweet. Hope you enjoyed it! Have a great night or day~ Lilly
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roxalicious · 5 months
Do you have any more yuri recs?
sure, here's a few
love thy neighbor: about 24 year old uni student pah doyeon and her 40 year old housewife neighbor jin joo. jin joo's husband left her alone as he works to pay off his debts, and it has Not been a fun few months for her, as the loan sharks after him have been terrorizing her daily. luckily, pah doyeon is there to lend a hand and shelter!
probably my biggest recommendation as of right now, so long as you don't mind the very much not healthy nature of the whole situation. this baby's got everything in it: blasphemy, cheating, milf-hunting, obsession, self-discovery through lust, and so on. pah doyeon is great. there's a lot wrong with her. she said this shit unprompted in the latest chapter
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a love yet to bloom: a sweet story about takamine, who has yet to find anything in life she enjoys, and sakura, a book-loving girl she happens to meet on the train after school. it's very cute and has a nice, chill atmosphere. i always look forward to the next update
otome no teikoku: ok so. heres the thing. if you decide to pick this up the first, idk, dozen chapters will be Bad. there's a lot of male-gazey uncomfortable stuff at the beginning, and while it doesnt take too long for it to stop feeling so offputting and start being surprisingly wholesome and earnest instead, it never stops being horny, so read it if youre in the mood for that.
as for what it's actually about... well there's this all girls school, right? and it has girls in it. and they are all gay and dating each other. its basically just a collection of short chapters about different couples within this school, and it has some of my favorite dynamics and moments in yuri. i reread it very often (and there's almost 300 chapters of this thing out, so that's a feat) and it never stops being enjoyable. stan nononon/yumimi
a monster wants to eat me: about hinako, who lost her whole family to the sea in a tragic accident and now yearns to join them in the afterlife, and shiori, a mermaid claiming she's here to eat her. the problem is, hinako being actively suicidal and depressed means her flesh won't exactly be very tasty, and shiori is a bit of a gourmet, meaning her goal is to first help her recover and regain her joie de vivre, and only then will she eat her. i highly recommend this
out of the blue!: transfer honor student x delinquent yuri. it's very short so i dont wanna yap about it too much, but it's a big big personal fave. it's only 4 chapters so check it out
sougou tovarisch: honestly anything by arata iri never fails to get at least one laugh out of me, but this one especially. if you know a kiss and a white lily by canno (and if you don't, go check it out), the premise to this one is a bit similar to the dynamic between ayaka and yurine, with hardworking MC obsessed with being number one and chill love interest who beats her without even meaning to.
the focus here is less on romance and more on comedy, and i love it. kanna is amazing. she wins a chess match by punching her opponent so hard she passes out. its only 13 chapters + assorted extras, very fun easy read
now some stuff that doesnt really have yuri as focus but ive really enjoyed regardless and want to shout out and this is my blog so whatever
liar satsuki can see death: satsuki can see dead people. specifically, she can see the future corpses of people up to 24 hours before they actually die. she always zealously warns the future victims of the imminent danger, and she has been branded a weirdo and a liar for it as no one has ever actually died before. in truth, she is actually literally incapable of lying, and the only reason everyone survived so far is that she will go to frankly insane lengths to save them. she's a great protagonist and her autistic swag has captivated me and many others
mieruko-chan: miko can see... Things. that no one else can. but she has to pretend she cant, especially to the Things themselves. she doesnt know exactly what will happen if they realize she can see them, but she's certainly not about to find out.
this started as a twitter short that quickly gained popularity, so the premise of many early chapters is basically "miko sees something terrifying and has to ignore it, hilarity ensues", but the initially one-off characters introduced over time are eventually explored and given quite a lot of spotlight and im having a lot of fun with it. stan michiru
there's always more but here's what ive got so far- wait. read shuukura. ive talked about it before it's in my pinned please read shuukura i love those weirdos to an insane degree
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
omg elaborate on your traumatic childhoods for hibihiyo + takane .... iirc takane is raised by her grandma right?
oh!! well it's nothing super awful compared to everyone else's
my hc for hibiya comes from the fact his parents lock him out of the house when he asked to go to the city😭😭😭 the only way they agreed was bc he said he'd study but even like that they didnt want it he had to lie abt a special course abt india and pretend he was obsessed with india. which is a very funny bit BUT yeah they lock him out of the house at night. with WOLVES.👎 awful move amamiyas.
my hc actually leans a bit more to what the anime shows since in the novels both his parents do that but in the anime it's the dad. so my hibiya hc is he comes from a Toxic Masculinity Household. he's from an old fashioned farmer family in a small village yknow (they have a dojo in the anime buuuut farmer hibiya is real 4ever👨‍🌾 idk why the anime did that. idk why the anime did many things)
anyways so his dad biggest piece of shit person alive. his mom. his mom is NICE hibiyas definitely close to her while he's afraid of his dad but i think she is maybe the kind of mom to break down all the time and be like oh poor me my life is misery and hibiya feels responsible for her. like she is not bad shes just been married to an awful awful guy for many years, she's a victim but also makes it very known she's a victim. hibiya definitely is the type of kid who feels like he has to shield his mom. hibiya's mom i love you. she is said to pour him tea in the hallway while he waited for hiyori to call him (before locking him out of the house but like i said im ignoring that it was just the dad 2 me💥👨‍🌾)
FOR HIYORI look ayaka literally ESCAPED from her parents. hiyori didnt KNOW she had a sister. and they're rich people. i think they're very old parents and hiyori is a last minute kid bc their first one was a Bust according to them so they'll have another Heir and this time do it RIGHT that means eyes on her all the time, giving her 0 autonomy but also absolutely everything material she asks for so we keep her under control. something like that. just very controlling parents but i also hc hiyori is so off the rails after the august in the city and they're pretty old already so they're like Ohhh god. and they're always fighting lol but before that hiyori was like Yes sir with them. think the northwests in gravity falls lol
and for takane I've obviously talked of her. but answering what u said, honestly we dont actually Know if she was raised by her grandma. and if she was, it's her grandparents! both!! her grandpa was around til his death, which is implied to be a little before or after takane starts highschool since he picked that school for her. her parents work overseas but her grandparents take charge to the point they're choosing what school she will go to etc, you know?? these arent headcanons btw that's all canon. we just dont know.... why. im so curious bc it's so oddly specific lmao like why werent the grandparents just. parents. but no. she's said to live with her grandma but used to also have a grandad and her parents work overseas. like. what. what was the need to come up with all this bro
anyways my headcanons. i do hc she was raised by her grandparents. since the parents work overseas im assuming they're very career oriented, and since the grandparents are both individually mentioned to be super worried about takane's illness, im assuming the grandparents were like can you STOP taking this sick kid from place to place and the parents were like fiiiine. here u can have her😐 and that's it lol i dont think they're rich parents or HORRIBLE PEOPLE i know it's popular to hc them as these Awful Horrible People i personally think they aren't Mean. they just are not AROUND. i dont think they'd be mean to her if they saw her i think they'd just sit there rly awkward like so... how is school going.... but they Won't because they Don't care👍
my extra hc is that the grandparents dont get along with the parents bc of this, or they're like wtf how did we raise someone who ABANDONED THEIR CHILD. so they raise takane with that in mind a lot and amd and and they're family.... and love each other... we do also gloss over takane losing her grandpa i know it's cuz its BARELY MENTIONED AND ITS AN ODDLY SPECIFIC DETAIL WE JUST. HAVE. but she was like 15 or 16 when he dies bro u_u fuck the tateyamas crying for ayaka can i see how my girl ene was doing losing unnamed grandfather
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limi-pie · 2 years
Like a butterfly part 2
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A/N: Chapter 2 of my Yuta🦋 fanfiction is here! I’m starting to like how things are slowly building up between the characters and Y/N.
Thank you so much for all the love and support on part 1! :D
🦋< Previous part – Next part >
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Female! Reader
Contains: Non-idol! AU, Tattoo artist! Yuta, Librarian! Reader, Comedy, Drama, Friends to lovers, Romance, Y/N dealing with a bit low self-esteem :( Descriptions of: getting tattoos and piercings,
Warnings: Alcohol, bad language, cigarettes, cursing, drinking, smoking, jealousy.
Wordcount: 5,026
Disclaimer: The reader I’ve created in this fanfiction is a woman of East Asian descent and she has certain features and looks a certain way. The reason for this is that I wanted some more East Asian representation in Kpop fanfics! Some of these relationships between said persons are only meant to be considered fictional, in no way do I ship them in real life. They’re just there to add dynamic to the plot. (Also, because my multi fan ass just wants to have fun.) Please keep in mind that the way I’ve described the idols in this story is in no way real or representative of how they behave in real life, this is just based on my imagination.
Also in this fanfiction, some said persons are involved in an abusive, unhealthy and manipulative relationship. Please keep in mind that this is all fanmade and fiction. I don’t encourage this kind of terrible relationship and if you are in one, please seek help. Never put yourself second to anyone; remember that you’re important and loved. 💚
“Unnie, didn’t your mom call yesterday?” Chaeyoung asked, adding some tofu to the red soup. “Yeah, she did. My mother actually wanted to say hi to Bryce if he was nearby, but I lied to her and said that he was studying with his classmates…” You mumbled, feeling guilt in your heart as Chaeyoung patted your shoulder.
“You know Unnie, you should break up with Bryce. He’s always broke and never cares about you. I don’t want you to be with a horrible lowlife loser like him!” Chaeyoung said as she filled the two bowls with the Kimchi Jjigae we made.
She’s right… but you can’t break up with him… You didn’t want to be left alone and lonely again… You felt so fragile and weak on your own…
“If I break up with Bryce, then I’ll be alone and so lonely… Chaeng, I’m not as strong and outgoing as you are…” You confessed sheepishly as she sighed. “You’ll never be alone, Unnie… You have me,” she said comforting you. “Besides, there are other guys that are sweeter than him, you know,” Chaeyoung added as you chuckled, the two of you ate dinner.
“Jungkook’s going to have a lip and eyebrow piercing done once he has saved enough money,” Chaeyoung giggled as you smiled, “wow, isn’t getting one piercing painful enough?” You asked as she shrugged, “well, after getting tattoos you kinda get numb to the pain I suppose,” she explained as you continued watching ‘NeverTheLess’. “Park Jaeon’s so cute, it’s just too bad he’s a player,” you sighed as she chuckled. “You seem to like bad boys, Y/N-Unnie~” Chaeyoung giggled.
“No, I don’t.” You denied it, knowing there was some truth to her statement. “Ah, my aunt and niece will visit Seoul soon,” you added as she smiled. “Oh that’s nice, Ayaka must be a big girl by now,” Chaeyoung folded her arms and looked at you with a smile.
“I might have to babysit her one of these days,” you said. “That’s fine, we can go on a boba tea date,” Chaeyoung said, sketching some pokémons.
“Long time no see,” Ten said, greeting his tall friend, “how was Hong Kong, Yukhei?” Mark asked, doing the handshake. “It was nice, I really missed my mom’s food, how has it been here?” Yukhei responded.
“It’s been alright, quite busy these days with butterfly tattoos,” Johnny said, looking over at Yuta drawing one from the book.
“I’m actually here to get a tattoo myself, a lion one,” Yukhei chuckled, lifting his shirt, “right here, please,” Yuta and Ten nodded, “got a sketch or a picture for reference?” He nodded, showing a picture of a lion. “Alright, let’s get started then, follow me, Yukhei,” Ten said, walking over to his room.
A few hours had passed…
“Hello, ah aunt Asami, how are you?” You facetimed with her as she smiled and waved. “I’m fine, we just arrived at the hotel in Seoul. How are you sweet Y/N?” Asami asked. “I’m doing just okay, it’s good to see you had a safe trip. Where’s Ayaka-chan?” You looked at her. “She’s sleeping, hehe,” Asami replied as you nodded, “It must be exhausting to travel, huh?” You added while chuckling a little. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 3:00 PM, would that be okay with you?” She asked as you checked your calendar, “sure that’ll be perfect, I get off around 3:00 PM,” you smiled and waved, “goodnight, aunt Asami.” You looked at the time and it showed 9:45 PM, someone knocked on the door as you went to check it.
“Ah good evening, Y/N-Noona,” Jungkook smiled and bowed as you did the same, “hey Jungkook, how are you?” You said, opening the door to let him in. “Thanks, Noona, he took his shoes off as he was holding a bouquet. “Chaeng’s showering, did you guys have plans tonight?” You folded your arms, smiling and leaning against the wall.
How sweet, Jungkook got Chaeng’s favorite flowers…
“No, I just wanted to see her,” Jungkook smiled, his dimples appearing. “I thought that you were in Busan.”
You said as he sat on the couch, “I was, but I heard that Chae was stressed with her upcoming art project so I thought I’d go and see her.” He held the bouquet with white roses. “Would you like something to drink?” You walked over to the refrigerator as he nodded, “thanks Y/N-Noona,” he took a sip. “How’s Bryce?” You had your hands between your legs as you let out a sigh.
“Ah Babe, you’re here,” Chaeyoung said, walking out with a towel on her shoulders. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. Jungkook got up and kissed her, “what are these for?” She looked at the bouquet and blushed, “they’re for you, I thought you’d love them,” he chuckled as she giggled. “You’re so sweet, you came all the way just to see how I was doing.” She voiced as he nodded, “anything for my Chaeng,” he kissed her.
“Aww you two lovebirds are so cute,” you teased as Chaeyoung giggled, “are you staying here tonight, Babe?” she asked, fluttering her eyes. “I’d love to, but I have an early shift with my partner tomorrow, so I gotta go but I’ll see you tomorrow, Chaeng-girl,” Jungkook said before kissing her goodbye. “Have a good night, see you Y/N,” he waved and left.
“Right, we should probably also head to bed,” you yawned, turning off the TV as Chaeyoung stretched her arms, “mmh-mmh, you’re right, goodnight Unnie,” she said, waddling to her room. You walked over to the bathroom to do your skincare routine and brush your teeth.
The next morning you woke up and walked over to the kitchen when you noticed a piece of paper written next to the plate. It was Thursday the 9th of September 2021.
Mornin’ Unnie I’ve made you some waffles with fruit, hope you’ll have a lovely day. See you later. - Love, Chaeng
“How sweet of Chaeng to wake up early and make Belgian waffles for me…” You mumbled with a smile as you began to eat it, you also ate some strawberries and slices of kiwi.
“Irene-Unnie, do we have any Japanese releases of my favorite manga?” You asked, stacking a pile of returned books in the cart. “Hmm, I’ve ordered a few, they’ll arrive today,” she said, checking the computer as you smiled.
That’s great, Ayaka’s going to be so happy. And you also get to practice your Japanese.
“Any particular ones in mind? I’ll reserve them for you if you’d like that Ms. Miyoshi,” Irene said with a smile as you nodded, “well, if you happen to find volumes 1 and 2 of Tokyo Mew Mew, I’d really appreciate it, my niece Ayaka really loves that series.” You started returning the books to their original place on the shelves. “Sure, I’ll make sure to look out for them.” She said, cleaning the tables.
After a few hours had passed, you went to the nearby 7-11 to grab lunch. You walked around the aisle for a bit, searching for chicken katsu onigiris. You smiled and placed them in your basket, you also got a cup with ice cubes, kimchi rice bulgogi beef onigiris, and a pouch of lychee juice. Lastly, you placed three fruit sandos and you were ready to pay.
You walked back to the library inside the staff’s room as you began to eat your lunch. “Enjoy, your food, Miyoshi,” Irene said, giggling as you bowed, “thank you, Irene-Unnie,” you checked your phone as a facetime call with aunt Asami popped on your screen.
“Ah hello, you two!” You waved as Ayaka giggled happily, “Y/N-Onee-chan! How are you?” She asked, “All good, just eating my lunch, how are you two?” you asked, waving your onigiri as she smiled. “We’re fine, just shopping in the Lotte Department Store. The weather seems to be a lot better here in Korea after all,” Asami said as Ayaka leaned in, “Isn’t Chaeyoung-Onee-san with you?” You shook your head, “she’s in school right now and I’m at work, sweetie,” you rested your head in your hand, “but you’ll see her later when we go to drink some boba tea, he he~” you smiled happily.
“Yay! I’d love to, I can’t wait to see you later, Y/N-Nee!” Ayaka giggled as you ate your bulgogi onigiri and waved goodbye.
Man, I was starving. I guess I’m nearing my period…
You walked around, collecting books. Afterward, you began scheduling events and author signings. “Ah, there’s going to be a tea ceremony next week?” You asked Irene as she nodded, “yes, I’ve heard there’ll be a lot of people,” she smiled, “would you like to join? I’ve heard there is going to be Japanese matcha tea too.”
You smiled and nodded, “I’d love to, Irene-Unnie.”
A few hours had passed as you were finally off, “I’m off, see you,” you waved as she bowed. Suddenly stood Mr. Nakamoto in front of you, “hello Ms. Miyoshi, are you off?” You nodded, “yes. Are you here to borrow another book?”
He rubbed the back of his head, “Actually, I came to see you,” he looked into your eyes. “Me? You came here to see me?” Nakamoto nodded and stepped forward, “do you have any plans right now?” You nodded, “I’ve got to go and see my niece, Ayaka,” you mumbled, rubbing your arm.
“Y/N-Onee-chan!” Ayaka ran and hugged you, “hello Ayaka-chan,” you giggled. “Who’s this guy?” She looked over at Nakamoto as you held her. “Is he your boyfriend?” Ayaka chuckled as he smirked. “Ayaka… He’s not my boyfriend, this is Nakamoto-san,” you said feeling super flustered.
“こんにちは、アヤカさん.” (Hello, Ayaka-san.)
“ええ? 中本さん日本語ははなせますか?” (Ehh? Nakamoto-san can speak Japanese?”)
“もちろん!” (Of course!)
Ayaka giggled happily, she was super happy to meet another Japanese person like her. “Are you ready to go Ayaka-chan?” You asked as she nodded, “where’s aunt Asami?” you looked around, “she’s waiting outside.”
“Shall we get going then?” You asked, placing Ayaka down as she bowed before talking to Nakamoto, “またね!” (See you!)
She ran outside to her mother as you bowed to Mr. Nakamoto, “see you around, Nakamoto-san,” you waved and walked past him.
“Hello aunt Asami,” you bowed to Asami as she smiled and hugged you. “You’ve really grown into such a beautiful lady since I last saw you, Y/N-chan,” you blushed at her compliment, “ありがとう.” (Thank you.)
“Right, it’s going to be so much fun at that party, Somi,” Chaeyoung said, locking her arm with her, “so is Y/N also coming along, Unnie?” Somi asked as she nodded, “hopefully some cute guys will ask her out, I just want her to break up with that asshole Bryce already.” Chaeyoung voiced, walking to her locker as she grabbed her books. “Wow Unnie, you seem to hate him, is he that much of a bad guy?” Somi folded her arms, looking at her as she chuckled.
“Yup, he’s a cheap, lying, and ugly fuckboy,” Chaeyoung said, annoyed as she walked out. “Ahaha, maybe introduce her to one of your guy friends?” Somi suggested, following her as they walked out of campus. “I would but I think they’re too extroverted for her,” Chaeyoung pouted her lips as she walked down the street, “well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Chae. I’ll have my notes ready so we can speak to Ms. Min-young,” Somi waved as she waited at the bus stop, “bye Somi, see you tomorrow.” She said, heading to the subway station.
Asami, Ayaka, and you went home and you made some tea, “how was Jeju Island and uncle?” you took a sip of your tea as Ayaka was playing with her teddy bear. “Your uncle, Seung-heon is doing alright, he seemed to have grown fond of living on Jeju Island. He’s busy planting his vegetables,” Asami laughed and looked around, “it’s a lovely apartment you and Chaeyoung have gotten.”
The door opened as Chaeyoung entered, her tote bag on the shoulder as Ayaka ran and hugged her tightly, “Chaeyoung-Onee-chan!” She chucked and held her, “こんにちは、アヤちゃん.” (Hello, Aya-chan.)
“It’s been a while since I last saw you, Chaeyoung you have also grown so much!” Asami said and smiled, “thank you, aunt Asami you look great.” Chaeyoung smiled and looked over at Ayaka as she drew, “Aya-chan sure has grown a lot bigger.”
“Here you go,” Asami handed a fancy basket with soy sauce rice crackers and a packet of strawberry Pocky. “For me? Oh, aunt Asami, you didn’t have to,” Chaeyoung said, smiling happily. “Please, I know how much you love those rice crackers and Pocky,” she laughed as she walked over to me. “And here, of course, I couldn’t forget about Y/N-chan,” You looked and bowed, “thanks, aunty. Oh my goodness, you got me Royal milk tea and those Meiji chocolate almonds that I adore, thank you so much!”
“Let’s go out and get some Boba tea!” You said, patting Ayaka’s shoulder as she nodded in excitement, “yay!” You walked inside Gong Cha and ordered for everyone. “Say, what grade are you in right now, Aya-chan?” Chaeyoung asked, smiling at her. “I’m in 3rd grade, Chaeyoung-Onee-chan!” Ayaka giggled and smiled cutely. “You sure have grown into a pretty girl, eh hehe~” she laughed as you walked over with the drinks.
“Alright, here you go Ayaka, Chocolate Cookie and Cream Smoothie with strawberry bubbles. Matcha Tea Latte with Azuki beans for aunty, and Strawberry Cookie Smoothie with tapioca pearls for Chaeng.” You said, handing their respective drinks as they all smiled. “Thanks, Y/N,” Asami said, smiling, “yeah, thank you Y/N-Onee-chan!” Chaeyoung and Ayaka said in sync as we laughed.
“So what do you three want to eat for dinner?” Asami asked, looking at us. “Ehh, aunt Asami, you don’t have to pay for us,” Chaeyoung said politely, “yeah, aunty it’s okay. Say, Ayaka-chan what would you like to eat?” The two of you looked at her.
“I want to eat Japchae!” Ayaka said, finishing her beverage rather quickly as she was full of energy. “Okay, that’s a deal,” Asami nodded and got up, with the drink in her hand. “We’ll go back to the hotel and change into something more casual, then I’ll find the restaurant and make a reservation for us.” She said and winked.
“See you later, Aya-chan!” Chaeyoung waved as we headed home.
45 minutes later…
“Man, aunty’s always super generous…” You sighed, walking out of the bathroom, and drying your light brown hair with a mini towel. “Your family is always so sweet and kind,” Chaeyoung said, giggling as she rubbed her face with some lotion. “I bet your aunt’s going to be shocked to see the tattoo behind my ear,” she giggled as you used the hair dryer. “Aunt Asami has always been artistic, but I bet she’ll love seeing that tattoo of yours.” You smiled, brushing your hair.
You wore an orange sweater and a pair of loose beige pants, you tied your hair in a low ponytail. Chaeyoung wore some stockings and some denim shorts and a tank top, “let’s go, we shouldn’t keep aunt Asami waiting,” she giggled and put on her coat as we went downstairs, “come get in ladies,” Asami said as waving from a car she had rented.
“Woah~ it’s been a while since I had this great Japchae!” Chaeyoung exclaimed as she was eating happily, “mmm-mmm, it’s so yummy, Onee-chan!” Ayaka added as you and Asami chuckled. “Say, Chaeyoung. Did you get a tattoo?” Asami cupped her head as she nodded, “how did you know?” Chaeyoung’s eyes widened, “I noticed you tugged your hair behind your ear, it’s a cute tattoo you’ve gotten,” she giggled.
“Did it hurt to get it, Onee-chan?” Ayaka tilted her head as she chewed her food. “A bit but I’m a strong girl, eh he he~” Chaeyoung stuck her tongue out, “I’m planning on getting a few more!” She placed her sketchbook on the table as there were four sketches of tattoo ideas.
“Wow they’re so pretty, did you come with the designs yourself?” Asami asked as Chaeyoung nodded proudly. “This time Y/N’s going to tag along with me!” You smiled, “it’s going to be interesting, to say the least,” you giggled, finishing your food.
Today was the day you had to accompany your roommate to the tattoo studio, this was your first time tagging along with her. Usually, it’s Chaeng’s boyfriend that attends with her but he was busy with work in Busan. You walked inside the small and cool-looking tattoo studio and looked around. When Ten and Johnny greeted you. “Welcome, Ms. Miyoshi, to our tattoo studio.” Ten said as you smiled. “Thank you, Ten.” You bowed, “this place is really nice. It looks so clean and well-organized,” You added, looking around. “Thanks, Miyoshi. Well, the three of us actually worked hard for the design.” Ten said as Johnny walked us to the private room, “ladies first.”
“Thanks, Suh,” Chaeyoung said, walking in as she took off her black leather jacket and hung it on the coat rack. “Heyo, Osaka Prince. Long time no see~” She said, patting his shoulder when the swivel chair turned around. You were somewhat surprised to see who was sitting there. It was none other than Nakamoto Yuta, himself. “Hello, Miyoshi-san.”
“Hi… Nakamoto-san…” You said, flusteredly, and rubbed your arm. “What… Do you two know each other?” Chaeyoung asked, looking at us.
“We met at the library several days ago,” Yuta said, smirking at you as you turned away. “No way! Y/N, so the handsome guy that you met turned out to be Osaka Prince himself?” Chaeyoung said out loud as you exclaimed, “Chaeng! That’s not it! You got it wrong!”
Why? Out of all places, why do you have to meet him here?
“Should we get started on your tattoo, Chae?” Yuta asked, gathering some blank pieces of paper. These are the designs I want. The cherry tomatoes, the stars, the lips, and the four carrots.” She drew on the paper as he looked at them closely.
“Alright, that’s quite a lot. Are you sure that you will be able to handle it? I mean just as a warning you may faint, but as a tattoo artist I have to keep on going with the ink.” Yuta stated, looking at Chaeyoung seriously. “Fainting… Wait, what? Chaeng, doesn’t that sound a bit dangerous?” You said, hugging her arm as she smiled. “Nah don’t worry, Unnie. It’s normal to faint because there’s a lot of ink digging into my skin, after all.” She said, comfortably seating herself on the tattoo chair as you sat on a regular chair next to her
“Please, be careful, Nakamoto-san…” You mumbled, holding Chaeyoung’s hand as he looked into my eyes. “I will, Y/N-san. Don’t worry.” She smiled at you as he began tattooing the orange carrots. Once he started on the lips tattoo, Chaeyoung fainted. “Chaeng!” You shouted, caressing her hand.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Yuta asked when he stopped and looked at you. “Yeah, please just focus on her tattoos.” You mumbled, placing the blanket from your lap to her lap. “Chaeng is so silly, she always forgets to bring a blanket with her whenever she’s wearing short skirts like that.” You said, patting her legs when you pulled your skirt a bit down. He looked down at your legs which you kept rubbing together to keep some warmth.
“Aren’t you freezing?” Yuta asked, glancing at you. “I’m fine…” You lied, hugging yourself as he finished tattooing the lips and mini stars on her.
“Here, take this.” He said, taking off his white jacket as he was left with his visible mesh shirt. “But what about you, Yuta-san…” You mumbled, putting his jacket on your thighs, “I’m used to the cold from the air conditioner. So, don’t worry.”
Yuta is so kind and thoughtful. It’s no wonder that he’s a good friend of Chaeng.
“Thank you, Yuta-san.” You said, watching him add the finishing touches of her cherry tomatoes. “They’re so pretty. You’re so incredibly talented, Yuta.”
“Come with me, I want to show you something.” He said, holding your wrist as you walked over to the corner of the room as he opened the door. It was a small room with a couch, cabinet, and table. We sat on the couch as he showed me the book he had borrowed from our library. “This is the book… that you got the other day,” You said when he flipped through several pages. “This is the butterfly inspiration.”
“Thank you for helping me find this book, it has been so useful for both me and our clients,” Yuta said as he slowly lifted his shirt as you caught a glimpse of that pretty butterfly.
“Did it hurt to get your butterfly tattoo?” You asked, glancing and studying the details. “A little, but it was tough to get the details on its wings.”
“Can I touch it?” You asked, reaching your hand out.
“Sure,” Yuta said, sliding his t-shirt off as you looked away shyly. “It’s so beautiful, did Ten or Johnny tattoo it for you?” You pointed at his other tattoo of flying birds.
“None of them.” He chuckled as you traced your fingertips on the wings of his butterfly tattoo when you looked up.
“It was actually me. I did it on myself.” You looked up shyly, “how did you do it?” You asked, noticing his belly button piercing.
“I used that large mirror over there and began carefully working on its shape. While looking at images of butterflies.”
“That must’ve taken a lot of time. But you’re amazing, Nakamoto-san.” You expressed as our eyes met when Yuta lowered himself and placed a small kiss on your head.
“Thank you, Y/N.” You looked up, pursing your lips together.
Does Yuta have a crush on you? Why did he just do that?
“There you two are!” Chaeyoung said while walking in as Ten walked, “oh are we interrupting something?” He chuckled, looking at Yuta being shirtless.
“Chaeng, are you alright?” You said, walking up to her as she nodded while smiling.
“Mmm, thanks for coming with me today.” Chaeyoung expressed and bowed slightly, “anyways how much do I owe you, Osaka Prince?” She asked, opening her wallet as she pulled out her credit card. “Forget about it, and just get Y/N to take me on a date,” Yuta said while smirking as he stretched. “Ehh?” You exclaimed surprisedly and stared at him.
“Deal.” She giggled as you looked at her, “hey Chaeng! That’s not fair!” Chaeyoung filled in her address, ID, and number.
“Just kidding. It’s 80,000₩, but I’ll make it half-price because you brought this cutie pie along with you.” Yuta said, looking at you as he entered the payment on the cash register. “But really, thanks a lot Yuta. They came out just as I had expected them.” Chaeyoung said, using her credit card before looking at her arm. “You’re welcome. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight on them, and here take this too.” Yuta said, handing her a moisturizer as she accepted it.
“Hey Babe, I just finished getting my tats done,” Chaeyoung answered her phone, speaking to Jungkook. “Wanna go and get boba, Y/N?” Yuta asked, looking at you. “Umm, sure thing. But only if the others join us too…” You stated, folding your arms as you walked out of the room.
“Yo what’s up,” a blonde-haired guy said, walking inside as he greeted Ten. “Nothing much just finished making Chae’s tattoos, how is it going, Yukhei?”
“Ah Yukhei, what’s up?” Johnny said, smiling as he did a small handshake. “Oh that’s nice, well, I was just nearby and thought I’d say hi.” He chuckled, his smile was warm and bright.
“Who’s this lady?” Yukhei looked over at me as you bowed, “hello, my name is Miyoshi Y/N. I’m Chaeyoung’s friend and roommate.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Yukhei.” He bowed and smiled when you suddenly felt an arm around you. “Don’t flirt with Miyoshi. She’s mine, Yukhei.” Yuta said, pulling you closer as you could hear his heartbeat. “Ehh, Yuta? What are you saying?” You mumbled looking at him in confusion as Yuta stuck his tongue out.
“Ooh, so Yuta got a girlfriend now? Congrats.” Yukhei said, raising an eyebrow as he clapped. “What? N-no, you got it all wrong me and Yuta aren’t dating!” You yelled out flustered.
“What’s going on here?” Chaeyoung walked out as her eyes widened, “omg, Yukhei! Welcome back!” She ran and hugged him, “thanks, Chae. It’s nice to see you and your new tats too.” He chuckled as she showed off her arms.
You looked up at Yuta and naturally made eye contact with him, his arm was still around you.
Yuta’s warmth was so comforting and safe…
“Put a shirt on already, you pervert!” You said flusteredly, looking away as he chuckled. “Right, let’s go and get some Boba everyone,” Yuta said, putting on his shirt. “I’ll watch the store, you guys better not forget my order!” Ten said in a joking manner as Johnny nodded and laughed, “don’t worry, we won’t forget this time,” Chaeyoung put on her leather jacket.
So it was finally Saturday evening, this party had been on your mind the whole week. Although you were hesitant to attend it at first, you were happy that Chaeyoung convinced you to tag along.
“Hey, Chaeng… Don’t you think my outfit’s a bit too revealing?” You asked. “What? No, come on Unnie, you look so stunning!” You were wearing that black leather miniskirt, a hot pink top, black stockings, and a mesh-sleeve blouse underneath. “Besides, we’re kinda matching! I’m wearing a silver top with black leather pants,” she said, turning around with her arms in the air. “Anyways, Somi’s there, I’ll just go and look for Jungkook,” Chaeyoung said, walking away as she waved to her.
“Wow, Y/N-Unnie, you look so incredibly sexy!” Somi exclaimed as you blushed a little, “thank you Somi, you also look super pretty in that yellow dress.” She giggled as she waved to the guys approaching us, “ah, if it isn’t Y/N?” Johnny said, holding a glass of beer as you bowed, “hi Johnny,” you rubbed your arm awkwardly, “it’s good to see you.” He shook your hand as he introduced you to his friend, “hi, the name’s Mark, nice to meet you, Y/N. You look pretty” You waved and shook Mark’s hand, “thanks, nice to meet you too, Mark.” Somi suddenly grabbed a hold of Mark’s hand, “come on, Mark. Let’s dance, woo!” She giggled as she threw her hands in the air.
God… This is getting kind of overwhelming… Maybe, I should get a drink. You walked over to get a virgin Pina Colada. You watched Chaeyoung dance with Jungkook, it seemed like the others had a lot of fun too, and then you noticed him.
Nakamoto Yuta’s also here?
He looked at you and smiled. You looked away shyly, you looked around everywhere hoping to see Bryce but it seemed he was nowhere to be found. You drank your drink and let out a deep sigh as Chaeyoung surprised you from behind, “Chaeng! You scared me!” Somi and she giggled, “come on, what are you doing here sulking all alone, let’s dance!” They pulled you as they danced with you, Yuta looked over at you and chuckled as he danced smoothly.
You looked over when you noticed Bryce walk inside, you smiled happily and ran towards him, “oh looks who decided to come,” Chaeyoung said in her annoyed voice, “ah it’s Bryce,” Jungkook said, they all looked at the two of you.
You hugged Bryce and kissed him when he looked at you up and down, “Bryce, you’re here, I was waiting so long but you finally came!” You smiled, holding onto his shoulders. Yuta watched the two of you talking as he clenched his hands in jealousy. “Tch, what a show-off.”
“Why are you dressed like that?” Bryce stared at you, almost as if he was disgusted by your outfit. “What… Don’t you like the way I look tonight?” You asked, looking into his eyes as he looked away. “You look so slutty, this type of outfit isn’t your taste,” Bryce walked away from you as he went outside to smoke.
You clenched your hand in frustration as you closed your eyes.
Maybe you should head home and change, Bryce’s right. This outfit isn’t you after all…
You walked away fast, wiping the small tears that had formed, “I think that bastard made her cry,” Yuta voiced angrily, “that asshole…” Chaeyoung sneered as Jungkook held her back, he tried to follow you, “I’ll go comfort her.” You went inside the women’s bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. Why…? Why would Bryce say such a horrible thing?
You wiped your tears away and splashed some water into your eyes. Everyone else said you looked stunning. You took one final look at yourself and shrugged your shoulders. You felt beautiful in that outfit, a bit revealing but it was a nice chance for once.
There’s nothing wrong with trying something new after all…
You walked out as Yuta approached you, “hey, are you okay?” You looked at him and nodded, “thanks… I’m fine, did Chaeng send you over?” He shook his head, “no, you looked upset so I ran after you, did he say something mean to you?” You wanted to tell him the truth but you ended up shaking your head and not looking into his eyes.
“Y/N, you look incredibly beautiful tonight in that outfit,” Yuta complimented you when your cheeks blushed red. For once, you felt relieved at this party. Yuta’s words comforted you and made you feel confident. “Thank you, Yuta-san,” you smiled, looking at him.
“These two look much more like a better couple,” Somi said, watching you, “I know right?” Chaeyoung agreed, holding Jungkook’s hand. “I think Yuta might be crushing on Y/N,” Johnny said bluntly. “What? No way, Yuta-Hyung and Y/N? Doesn’t she already have a boyfriend?” Mark wondered, “Yuta seems to always fall for women that are already taken,” Jungkook said.
A/N: I apologize for any incoming grammar errors, it’s literally almost 3:00 AM as I post this 💀 I’ll fix it tomorrow hopefully, so enjoy! I think I’ll make a masterlist once I’ve posted chapter 4, I wanna see if you guys like this fanfiction so far.
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vyvesvi · 10 months
(copying this over from my twitter)
pd101 japan s3 mdh steal list + where i want various trainees to go
yoshida hana would do well at starship
yamazaki mitsuki will probably quit music but in my head she could be in a ninemuses-esque group with ando chiharu, koyama mana, tanaka yuuki
i follow a talent scout/trainer who's actively trying to get moro anon a kpop job so
motohashi meika mdh steal list first inductee
i dont care for mizukami rimika. she should start a yt channel if she hasn't already
matsushita miyu isn't for me but maybe she could join the ninemuses reup
fujimoto ayaka was well-liked enough to have a future somewhere. idk where, but somewhere
hatta mena has some issues but i do think she can still debut somewhere
i have no idea where nakano kokona can go but that's baby sister so i want good things for her. maybe the chanmina show? that's the only japanese survival show in the works that i can think of, plus she suits the vibe
i was convinced that takahashi hina and abe nagomi were gonna be 12 & 13 and be frontrunners for the lapone spin off group but they usually dont bother with people who don't make the finale...my non fact based opinion is that a group with these two and a couple others who were eliminated would still do better than a group of the finalists. as it stands, hina should try for the next korean season of pd101, and nagomi will have a future in jpop, even though the idea of splitting them hurts my head.
i loved takagi mayu but her brief foray into the entertainment world is over i fear
sutani yurara would probably hate it conceptually but im zapping her with my ninemuses ray. sorry.
i don't know what to do with sasaki tsukushi but she needs a win and bad. chanmina show? if keiko and rinon weren't fighting for top 11 id say debut them as a trio, i enjoyed their team's balance on bijin a lot
saito serina...i really like her but idk what to do with her. she has great idol potential and fits kbeauty standards more than jpop standards...maybe the next korean season of produce? she's like 45% mdh steal list but that's my bias talking
kano kurihara ninemuses beam
i kind of love kitazume sakura, she's cute but extremely intense & she tries to hide it by simply not saying anything but it still shines through. i think she's great. produce 101 korea just to see, she shouts instead of sings but honestly she gives izone
kikukawa aki...she's fun but she gives flop group, like majors or something tbh
no idea how nogizaka works but kawabata ranka should aim for something like that
kamio ayano reminds me so much of zhang zining it's crazy. if she had a storyline i think she would've debuted but she just never caught on. she would be a great gg member but im not sure where
oda aruha my beloved disappointment. if she had held on a lil longer she couldnt made lapone trainee status but alas. i could see her just working in dance moving forward
okabe nana could be scouted by someone, maybe akb idk
uchiyama rin might not have a future in music but it's kind of a shame since she has such a nice lower register
ando yui my little sister...idk what to do with her so im gonna blindly put her in mdh jpn ngg and say it makes sense because having 2 yui's would be cute
aramaki joa's push was too obvious and she paid the price, but there's no way she's not being kept on as a lapone trainee or getting offers, finals or not. i actually think her vibe sort of suits tripleS although im not expecting anyone from this show to join
i quite liked akiyama ema, something about her reminded me of jihyo but she never fully caught the audience's attention so unfortunately she might just dance from here on out
to be very real i hope suzu fans dont panic vote her into the top 11. she definitely has a future at lapone.
honestly some company is gonna take half the finalists and throw them in a group together regardless of fit so given they dont make top 11 but disregarding that...
sorry i want shizuku to go back to opera
momoka should go on chanmina's show and then transition into an iri copy, she'd actually do sooooo well with that but if she wants a gg...my ninemuses team is only at 7 rn
haruka will get an offer somewhere
koto & rio lapone, kagura too but i want her for the gg im building in my head
in sum:
discount nine muses: yamazaki mitsuki, ando chiharu, koyama mana, tanaka yuuki, sutani yurara, kurihara kano, kamio ayano, kenmotsu nano, kato kagura
mdh: motohashi meika
sorta mdh but not really: saito serina, ando yui, aramaki joa
final top 11 in my brain: momona, miu, rinon, ran ayane, tsuzumi, kokona, kokoro, rin, keiko, and rino (im delusional)
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asiandra-dash · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about Genshin characters with instruments or just music in general?
↪ Characters: Alhaitham, Ayaka, Ayato, Childe, Kazuha
↪ Warnings: None,,, Except swearing and maybe a bit of violence (Childe) if those count lol
↪ Notes: Ohoho anon as a violinist, person who keeps saying they can't sing but everyone else says they can, and slaps on music the second they wake up, you bet I have some. I have many many MANY more hcs with more Genshin characters but I don't wanna make this too long even though it's pretty long already so I'm just keeping this to five characters for now but feel free to send another ask about this :>
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He plays the guitar
But he plays the flute too
A flute is more portable than a guitar lol
The leaf is a substitute when he doesn't have his flute
He usually borrows a guitar if he wants to play it
If he's wandering and the region he's in happens to have something going on with a little bit of music he might stop by
It's nice to know about the local music, maybe he could try and play it a bit or write a haiku about it
He's not really good at singing
But his humming is quite soothing and comforting
Sometimes he'll find himself humming a small tune he heard or made up while traveling
He doesn't care
He won't admit that some of it sounds good
Kaveh annoys him about it sir please go get a dose of music
If he wanted to he could try to play something
He's okay at most instruments though he doesn't find much of a reason to play them
He sucks ass at air instruments
He'd touch a piano for the first time and once he figured out the basics he'd ace easy and medium level songs and never touch one again
Kaveh always annoys him about it because he wants to know how he does it
Alhaitham would brush him off he doesn't care let him read and do his job
But Kaveh will not let go of this until he find how how he does it
He can't sing
Not well anyways
Also don't tell anyone but he sometimes plays the cello
Mmmmmm music is amazing
Especially if it's good music for thinking about murder /hj
No but really he enjoys any music
He is absolutely a violin player
But be careful when he has the bow in his hand
He might stab you with it
Probably replaced his bow a few times doing that lol
Either you DO NOT let him pick up a bow when he's having even a little bit of murderous thoughts or BACK UP WITH PROTECTION
He might stab someone with the bow, you never know, and if it snaps oh boy the splinters...
Stabby stabby stabby
Someone stop him
He will not break the violin though it's hard to find a really good quality instrument
He's trying guitar
He sounds okay but it still sucks
As a person who has literally every Childe cover in their playlist he can absolutely sing
He's fucking tone deaf
He can't sing or play shit
This part is only here because I thought it would be funny
How nice it would be to hear Ayaka's playing and singing...
BUT in another version where he ISN'T tone deaf
He still doesn't play any instrument
He really likes Ayaka's playing and singing
If she ever says she is bad he will not let her live with that and try and find a way to make her think she's good
Most of the time it works
He prefers humming over singing, especially when he's working
When he sings it's literally the best fucking thing you have ever heard he sounds so perfect
And he'll deny every compliment saying that it's not that good and others can do better
Sir no you sound like a fucking angel shut up
No one not even himself knows how he can sing that well I guess he was just born like that
Absolute opposite of Ayato (The first part)
She got all the music genes
She loves music
She plays quite a few instruments but her favorites are the Koto, Kokyu, and Shamisen
Ayaka can sing
Kind of
It's not the best but at least it's passable
She wishes she could sing and/or play for her brother but she can't :(
Even if he couldn't play an instrument anyways why couldn't he at least have not be tone deaf
Anyways in the other one where Ayato is NOT tone deaf
Sometimes Ayato will listen to Ayaka playing or singing when he has the time
Which isn't often considering the loads of work he has
Sometimes she hears her brother humming/singing and wishes she could be as good
Why did he get the good singing genes :( oh well she can play instruments so it's fair enough
She's asked multiple times if he ever has free time if he wanted to sing something while she played but he always finds some kind of excuse to say no
Ayaka has started suspecting that but hey, he's a busy man
And the excuses are mostly true so
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cryopathiic-a · 1 year
❛  would things be easier if there was a right way? ❜ (aaaaaand normal Kotoha~)
The smell of blood lingers. It seeps through the boards and eats away at the varnish; and the wood soaks it in and grows heavy, sunken boards croak under a footfall. His honeyed cadence bounces off of the walls; drawing attention away from the piles of white stained cloth and still squirming bodies scattered around them. Like wilted flowers.
And he has named them all after flowers, hasn't he? Ayaka, Hanako, Meiko, Sakura... But Kotoha kept her name. Isn't that enough? That should be enough.
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❝ There's no such thing as a right way when it comes to eternity. Everything that happens here is a matter of faith. ❞ Euphoria painted with each wonder filled word. And those infamous eyes glisten. ❝ And faith, just like love, is an action. ❞ His arms splay as he turns to the sky. There's blood caught under pearlescent claws. There's red clots of something caught between his teeth; oh, those horrible teeth. Teeth that don't belong on a man's face, let alone a priest's.
❝ Let me say that again, Kotoha-san, faith; is an action. It is the act of believing and that, Kotoha-san, is what I need you to do for me right now. And you can do it. ❞ There's this peculiar alloy, somewhere between placation and reassurance as he turns to look at her again. His head drops. His motions slow down; a wolf making itself smaller so as not to spook the deer. He gives her that big, generous smile. ❝ I know you can do it. ❞
One of the bodies squirms then. Be it Meiko or Hanako, they all appear the same when they lie butchered. And the demon steps over them swiftly, his cloak dragging the entrails on the floor. He raises a palm as if to signal her to stay still, and his fingers curl to leave only the index up as he continues, with a proposition;
❝ I need you to do that now for me and listen; no, shh, shh— ❞ The finger presses to his lips as the gap between them grows a little too discomforting and there's haste in the way he seeks to calm her; to keep her from taking more trembling steps back and stumble her way outside the open door. Wide open. And yet the room's air is no less heavy. Dōma's eyes widen; a flavor of mania that makes his passionate sermons seem meek compared to this.
❝ Listen: There is no death. Life is a dream. It's a wish. Made again and again and again and again and again and again and on into eternity. And... my God? ❞ His palm comes to rest against his chest, where his heart would be. The red stains blend into the ceremonial garments. He points her attention the ceiling; where the Sun God's mural casts the same unyielding glare as always. And now, it is becoming all the more apparent why. ❝ My God can give you more wishes. My God can give you as many wishes as you like, in fact— he can lift the pain from your heart, Kotoha-san. He can make this life into nothing more than a bad dream. How does that sound? No more night terrors. No more looking over your shoulder to see if they will come knocking — trust me. And you will be rewarded. Generously. ❞
He watches her frail arms clutch her son's blanket tighter when he chances that step closer. Momentarily, his eyes fall on the child, and then back at her with a tranquilizing gaze.
❝ Little Inosuke could have a home here, you know. You can stay and we will be a family, just the three of us. Wouldn't that be nice? To have a family here? We will be happy, together, and we could have everything we want. That's nice, isn't it? To know your son will always have everything he wants. Everything you didn't have. And you know you can trust me. ❞ He sobers up abruptly, switches to a different flavor of placating her. ❝ From the moment I saw you, Kotoha-san, I knew you were not like the others. You're a very special woman. And that's why you have suffered so much; think about it! All your life, every moment, every choice has led you here to me for a reason! ❞
The smile lingers as he awaits some manner of response; though she may be too shocked, still. His eyes size her up, momentarily, to assess that. And then — a clawed hand extends her way.
❝ Please, all I ask of you is this; open your mind to my message. See, look around you, see for yourself, the people here! Do they look unhappy to you? If this is wrong; then how could it be making them happy? ❞ One of the dying girls produces a grunt. The Lord Founder's lip twitches with something akin to irritation.
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mhaynoot · 1 year
gigantic genshin rant, genshin enjoyers please ignore. this is for my own cathartism
i liked genshin like genuinely. like i was one of those losers who played when it first launched, gave up because i didn’t like the flat writing then came back into it because i dunno something but then i got super into it and then i spiraled and became genuinely addicted and obsessive over it because it was literally the only thing keeping me semi-sane during the pandemic and also because lumine is the love of my life and goddess of light, my moon and starlight and i simped so hard for her but god genshin kinda really fucking sucks.
i mean this as sincerely and unharshly as possible but the story is really really bad. the themes and the pacing and the way its written is just so messy.
the game expects you to play the main story and then mid-way randomly go on dates or do character stories. like every archon arc has this one part where everything, the build up, the tension, the plot thickening moment just stops and genshin goes ‘okay now time to go on dates with these limited time characters so you can form a bond with them and give us money to pull for them’ and ughughguh it wouldn’t be too bad but most of the time the character stories are just shallow marketing.
i remember playing ayaka’s story quest and when the story went ‘she doesn’t have any friends’, i pulled up short and was like then wtf is ‘thoma?’ and then cried when thats never ever addressed and she just becomes a demure ojousama character and almost nothing else
like genuinely the character story i like the most is still zhongli’s pt 1 and 2 and that was three years ago.
like the characters have backstories, some with really really interesting backstories. why can’t we just explore those???? why do we have to go on another bland date for the billionth time instead of just seeing a nicely animated scene or heck even just a VN style version of the character’s already written up stories.
oh another bad habit of genshin: themes and plots are just dropped left and right or rushed through in one arc and then never brought up again. like the whole inazuma story arc. also again characters randomly coming up for one scene and then never appearing again because their marketing period is over. again inazuma story arc. god inazuma story arc was just so bad.
over utilisation of npc characters who do not have unique models and bland personalities. like how many greedy merchants are we going to have to sit through? or generic fatui bad guy aklsj crycrycyr
the way its formed as a gacha game (especially one where there is no option to replay events and the main story) with a set release schedule really fucks up any pacing it could potentially have. but also the bloated cast is already cracking under its own weight as some characters a very loved and you can see the care and effort that went into their story, their design, their repeated appearance in the narrative and in everything but then others are just one and done. the way a gacha game’s priority is profit and releasing new characters every so often just means this reality but its so sad and frustrating with the potential loss.
even just reading the story is annoying because of the visual novel aspects combined with the 3d cutscenes make it hard to keep an enjoyable flow. I like reading, i don’t mind skipping some animation or voicelines if i can just keep reading but because of the game forcing you to observe these mini cutscenes, its annoying and choppy as my eyes glaze over and i just wait for a character to cycle through one of four stock animations. seriously character animations are so limited i don’t understand why i have to sit through one more scene of someone crossing their arms. like i understand what they want to do but honestly ive had way mor enjoyment reading static image VNs
paimon keeps repeating entire dialogue scenes to the player as if we’re babies who need someone to summarise what literally just happened on screen. like add a fucking history tab or something please if you won’t even add a skip button. like the whole argument about not adding a skip button is because its all about the story but i’m really truly sorry but the story itself sucks. the dialogue is long winded and sometimes i can literally feel as if the writer had been forced to meet a quota and its just- its just frustrating.
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flamechasr · 7 months
10, 30, 35 for the genshinnies ^_^
10. favorite element
everyone knows this by now but my favorite element is indeed geo. for like basically genshin's entire lifespan geo has been widely known as the worst element (electro used to be considered bad too but with the introduction of dendro and quicken/hyperbloom combos that didn't age well) . it just so happened that the first character i grew an attachment to was zhongli, i got him c2 in his first banner in 1.1 and i was a zhongli main until about basically when ayaka released which was 2.0, but even after i never had a "falling out" phase with zhongli that a lot of other genshin players did. a lot of people thought that zhongli made the game too easy or maybe find him boring to play, but neither were true for me since i mean yeah genshin eventually becomes easy when you reach endgame and your characters are all built but there's always challenging content like spiral abyss and he wasn't boring at all since i used him as my main physical dps. why? well his attack animations are really cool and also super fast so you get a fun use out of spamming normal attacks while also never taking damage. i think physical damage isn't viable anymore in today's genshin but at that time i had fun. i didn't put him with ayaka for synergy reasons but i picked him up in other teams and he just always did well and never disappointed. i went through way more than 5 stages of grief getting his signature weapon that's not even good for him but i wanted it anyway because it looked good on him and he deserved the best. basically it started with zhongli and i just grew to love the element, it never left me for basically the entire time i played since i eventually got albedo and geo resonance is really nice. i used to do spiral abyss with pure geo like zhongli + albedo + geo traveler + bennett i think for flex and i have a specific footage of me doing a domain with like zhongli + ningguang + gorou + yun jin who at the time were all underleveled with no artifacts except for zhongli since i basically used him as a burst dps just to prove that geo is really fun. this became me gushing about zhongli but yeah! i'd say other than geo i also enjoyed playing anemo especially in relation to venti xiao and kazuha, and then cryo for ayaka reasons since i used her in a lot of content like spiral abyss and everything i grew to love freeze a lot. and one thing about me i just really hated pyro for no particular reason other than it was always regarded as the best element thanks to hu tao and melt and vaporize and everything. lol
30. something you like in general
i made a lot of friends thanks to genshin and i think that was what made the whole game experience bearable and nice. it came during a hard time in like all of our lives cause of the pandemic, kind of crazy how quickly i got hyperfixated and just never grew out of it, but i have met very amazing people and i always think fondly of them because i had so much fun playing with all of them . for all the bad things i think genshin is truly a once in a lifetime game just because of how big it got as a gacha game and made a massive impact on the gaming scene but it'll always have its place in people's hearts for better or worse. it's also really nostalgic in a way i can't put quite well, the visuals and the characters and the story and the music are all just right. all of that combined makes it a very special game, at least for me.
35. a random headcanon
i racked my brain for this and maybe i can share my friend's theory, it was about how everyone in teyvat has their own constellation and what that means, because it resembles like zodiacs for us but not quite for them, and yet the constellations are said to be tied to one's destiny. this was a food for thought in terms of how old historical figures in teyvat seem to closely mirror present day characters, and how they'd be (in a loose sense) reincarnations of them, if we stick to the thought that constellations are unique but not exclusive. they might just transcend lifetimes and it'd make sense since genshin has a lot of themes about life being inherently cyclical. i think it's a really cool theory.
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wyzei · 2 years
(possibly) blooming
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pairing: ayamiya warnings: none likes + rbs appreciated summary !! ayaka is abandoned at a festival and a certain naganohara girl swoops in and saves the night. note: this isn't super romantic, it's more of a "omg they have feelings for each other" kind of vibe... of a fic. because this is the first thing for genshin i've written in months i didn't want to risk a huge sappy fic
Ayaka fiddled with her closed fan as she wandered Amakane Island. Ever since the festival with the Traveler, she had been unable to forget the experience. In a way, she had made a promise to herself that night—that she would make a real effort to experience more of Inazuma’s celebrations in the future. And she did.
Or, she was trying to.
“Ayato?” she called, her voice barely carrying over the thrum of music and happy crowds. “Thoma?” Where had they gone? Her brother had made such a big deal of this celebration, ensuring that neither he nor Ayaka would be busy so they could both attend, but now he was nowhere to be found. Their retainer was suspiciously missing as well. Was this how it was supposed to go, truly? She clutched her closed fan to her chest as she wove through the crowd, keeping her eyes peeled for either one of the men, but after some time searching, it seemed futile.
Maybe she should go back to the Kamisato estate. After all, she wasn’t good at things like this when she was alone, and she would’ve thought her own brother was aware of that. She supposed not. Ayaka hoped that some emergency hadn’t taken Ayato away from the celebrations, but it seemed likely, especially since Thoma was missing as well. It must be bad. If something required Ayato’s attention, he would normally ask that Thoma stay by Ayaka. Right? Oh, now she was worried. What if they’d been targeted, what if—
“Ayaka! Hey!” The familiar bubbly voice brought a slight calm to Ayaka’s heart.
“Ah, Yoimiya.” Ayaka smiled as Yoimiya stumbled up to her with a small child clinging to her leg, another held up against her side. “Who are your friends?” 
“Oh! This is Saiya,” Yoimiya introduced, nodding her head toward the girl in her arms.
“I’m Matsuzaka!” shouted the boy wrapping himself around her leg. Yoimiya just giggled.
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Ayaka tucked her fan away, figuring she looked a bit silly using it as a lifeline. “Um, have you seen Ayato or Thoma anywhere? I came to the festival with them, but they’ve disappeared on me, and…” 
A flicker of understanding passed through Yoimiya’s eyes. “Hey, kids, why don’t you go find some of your other friends? There are plenty of games I’m sure you haven’t played yet!” After some convincing, both Saiya and Matsuzaka ran off to find other children to play with. Yoimiya stepped closer to Ayaka with a grin.
“Don’t worry! I’ll stick with you until they show up, okay? I’m sure they’re fine.” She said it with such a casual tone that Ayaka could only smile in return. 
“Thank you, Yoimiya.”
She just let out another laugh, grabbing Ayaka’s hand and gently leading her toward some of the activities offered by the celebration. The first stall featured all sorts of food, the second featured small toys probably intended for children, and subsequent stalls after that all peddled clothes and other accessories. “Just promise me you’ll stay long enough for the fireworks! I hope you find your brother so he can enjoy them, too.”
Ayaka nodded. “Of course! Your fireworks were partially why I came. They… well, I’m just excited to see them, is all.”
“You are?” Yoimiya swung their interlocked hands, which brought Ayaka’s attention to them. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant by any means, but it caused her cheeks to warm. She averted her gaze from Yoimiya with a small nod. It elicited another bright laugh, which only made Ayaka more flustered. “That’s amazing! You’ll definitely love this show, then. I got a little experimental.”
“Aren’t you always experimental?” Ayaka questioned. Yoimiya grinned.
“More than usual this time. Hey, do you want dango?”
The festivities went by in a blur. Ayaka felt nervous the entire time, sure, but the worries for Ayato and Thoma had long since been forgotten as Yoimiya chatted with her, talking about anything and everything all at once. It was nice to be around someone so bubbly and energetic. Not to mention Yoimiya’s experience with celebrations such as these. Who could ask for a better festival companion?
A decorated cloth band rested around the crown of Yoimiya’s head as she absentmindedly waved a festival ribbon through the air. They both sported little trinkets sold at the festival—some paid for, some given “on the house” for whatever reason—as they sat together in a secluded spot a short distance away from the main festival area.
“Trust me,” Yoimiya began, setting the ribbon down in the grass beside her, “this is the best spot to watch them.” 
The fireworks! Ayaka had nearly forgotten. A wave of giddiness ran down her back as she laughed a little, but Yoimiya pointed to the sky. “Five, four, three…”
Two seconds later, the first round of fireworks began. Bright shades of pink, gold, and orange lit up the darkened sky in various shapes. Fish, clovers, mora, and other, more traditional firework stars were shot up into the air. Each sound of the firework explosions thundered in Ayaka’s chest, but the startling bangs did nothing to startle her out of her trance as she watched the show with wide eyes. 
In fact, she was so enthralled that she barely noticed Yoimiya leaning toward her. “The best part is at the end,” she muttered, only just louder than the fireworks. Ayaka looked at her friend, only for their proximity to send another blush onto her cheeks.
“O-Oh, really?” Ayaka swallowed. Yoimiya just giggled and leaned away.
Soon enough, the fireworks had all been shot, and it seemed as if the show was over. Ayaka’s brows furrowed in confusion and she sent a glance at Yoimiya, who just shrugged noncommittally. She heard some chatter from other festival attendees, but the silence didn’t have long before the finale began.
It was another shocking wave of explosions, in quicker succession than before, but as the scene formed above her, all Ayaka could do was gasp. Each firework had been aimed deliberately to create an image of the nearby Grand Narukami Shrine but in lights. The tall mountain, the Sacred Sakura, everything, detailed in fiery shimmers. The image soon faded into smoke, but Ayaka turned to Yoimiya with an astonished expression.
“That was amazing! It was so detailed, it’s not like—wow!” Ayaka’s praise caused Yoimiya to sit up straighter, nodding furiously.
“I wanted to push myself this time, try to capture something more accurately to how it looks in real life. I think I might branch into putting people’s faces into fireworks next!” She stood up as the festivities began to calm down and come to a soft end. She offered a hand, which Ayaka took and helped herself up with. She didn’t let go, instead gently grasping Yoimiya’s hand with both of her own.
“Thank you for staying with me tonight.”
“Aha, don’t mention it!” Yoimiya waved it off, but Ayaka shook her head.
“No, I mean it… thank you. Please allow me to repay you.”
Yoimiya blinked. Ayaka took a deep breath before she leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of the other girl’s mouth. She leaned back with a red face.
“At least consider it, alright?” Ayaka continued. “I’ll admit I’m being a bit selfish asking because I really just want to see you again soon.”
Yoimiya let out yet another laugh, her own cheeks just as warm. “Sure! Yes, sure! Definitely!” She seemed excited then, shaking Ayaka’s hands around before she stepped back with a bounce. “Oh, there’s Thoma and Ayato! I guess there wasn’t anything to worry about.” She cleared her throat.
Ayaka turned to see her family retainer and brother not too far away, sucked into a conversation with some Yashiro representative. She’d forgotten all about them. She gave Yoimiya another soft smile. 
“I’ll go check on them. Please let me know when you’re free for an afternoon.” With that, she turned to join her brother in the conversation, ignoring the teasing smile she received when he saw who she’d been spending the festival with.
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misslu999 · 1 year
I wanted to share my opinion about those characters’ stories quests, I know no one asked or cares but anyway… so this is MY top :
(sorry in advance for the english, it’s not my main language !)
1 - Nahida Acts 1 and 2! Clearly to me those are the bests stories quests Hoyoverse have done. Not only because it confirm she is one of the best character and archon of the game, but also every of them are particularly touching. She is so pure, cute and with what happens during the Sumeru’s Arc, everything is pretty sad. She deserves the world and a big hug! I personally cried in each story… why Hoyo needs to hurt her???!
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2 - Ayaka! One of my favorite character (sorry Jean you are obviously my love but for this top well…) it was splendid! From the beginning to the very end, I had the impression we did a date with her as a « lover » (? Let me dream!!). Her sweetness, her smile, and her innocent were awesome! And let’s talk about the danse at this end, what an amazing cutscene we had! I am though still upset with the fact that traveler refused her present !
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3 - Raiden Shogun/Ei, Act 2, I did like the 1st one but it was clearly like the whole Inazuma Archon quest… kinda cool and a bit blank. Nothing more nothing less. BUT! The 2nd is a very different story, we know so much more about her, Makoto, and it help to understand why she wanted to stay in her eternity. The cutscene at the end is a masterpiece, I personally teared up a bit, and it’s the main reason I put her in the 3rd! (Bonus: we can see Yae!)
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4 - Yoimiya Act 2, the most recent one! I did like the 1st but not like the 2nd who gave me an emotion I didn’t had in the others quests! There is an amazing hidden message about the transition from childhood to adulthood ! Our dreams, our innocence, our ignorance those things that faded little by little. I smiled at the cutscene that remind me a lot to Your Name. I am happy that we gave to Yoimiya some love, after all she does for everyone else, she deserved it!
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5 - I hesitated between 2 characters… but well… How can I ignore her when I know she gonna pestered me if i do not! Did you find? Well obviously it’s will be my dear Eula, as I count her as my 2nd fav character of the game (the 1st in of course Jean!). She is soooo badly treated by Hoyoverse, but just because we didn’t had her banner since when ? I don’t remember, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do her story! She is clearly a character who deserves attention! Behind the fact she always wants revenge she is a very attaching person. She suffered a lot her name, the bad reputation it gave to her. And we all know she is not someone bad, on the contrary, she is a sweetheart !
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- 6 I needed to put her, it’s Yae Miko! I can hear her teasing! Her story isn’t the best and isn’t the baddest. It’s fun how she used the traveler for her needs! We all know from the beginning that Yae has always something behind her mind. And that’s why I put her in my ranking! I had a very good fun to play her story! The cutscene too at this end was nice!
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Hmmm…. i could put Kazuha, Ganyu and Shenhe in this ranking, but those are not the ones who touched me the most. But they didn’t leave me indifferent! So that why I mention them!
I also remind this is 100 % an objective opinion and personal ranking! I love every characters of this game, all of them are interesting. And I did all character’s stories quests! But I find their developments give us much more contexts about the main quest! And also because I loved playing them. So don’t take it too personally because I didn’t put your favorite character, I reminded I didn’t put my Jean!
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otakebi-cam-wao · 10 months
pd101 japan the girls ep 6 by a harowota
let's go brain flowing
after this we will get 35, okay okay, i dont worry (lie)
i wonder if one twin stays and other doesn't
ohhh positions interesting
cannot get used to Momoka's hairstyle...
so they must do a lot
extra 100k votes?!
ohhh first love by utada hikaru
oh so double points for run run
if they don't get 1st they get 0 votes, that's like... cruel, at least 1/2 of the votes idk...
of course kassa goes first to choose
in order makes sense
they trying to guess what she chose
i love how everyone gets while one goes for a song
awwww Momona and Kokoro are so cute
Kassa going for a rap one wow
Ran ran to chose a song?
rocketeer? if she choosed run run i could have done a pun
Miu trolling Ran
lol Kassa being Kassa
Suzu and Ran
ohhhh Tsuzumi loud funny bby
oh Amuro Namie Hero
cute ayane
Koto went for the challenge!!!
Nagomi bby!!
nice first love
Nagomi is so cute i cant
First love is full now, no one can take it ooooo
nice Keiko and Rinon back together (sad, no Fuka)
everyone is surprising everyone lol
Kotone got worried somehow?
so sad to see the song u want to get full before you can choose
egg bby Hina!!!!!! (for me she's a chick bit wanting to fully leave the egg tho 🐣)
this goes too fast for my writing!!!! nice
KOTONE!!!!!!! w Kassa!!!
the pun!
Momoka wanted rap so bad but got full both, sad
Kokoro hugging Momoka awww
they get full quickly aaaa
wanna see what Haruka chose
Yurara... wadada??
ohhh she chose RUNRUN
wadada has no one! lol
(me not knowing other song than first love and antifragile? maybe i do but not by title or artist well i now amuro namie but can't remember the sing lol)
the remaining ones got wadada ofc
okay antifragile team
Ayaka doesn't want to apparently
Miyu leader agai, she was nice, good leader
whos center? everyone (ok no)
pls not Rimika (dunno why)
lol everyone vote for themselves
they went to request help to decide
Miyu center and leader nice (NICE NOT RIMIKA)
lol no one wanted to ve leader, they just saw at Rino, all introverted
I can't choose a main vocal, but Ayane or Nagomi pls
ofc Ayane wanted to (but the only one who wanted to?)
i somehow get her
oh omokage (kokoro leader?)
mena and kokoro candidates for main vocals?
calm bby (mena)
kokoro is so nice
okay Shut down, so kassa leader? big bby becoming leader is surprising
kokona wants main rapper, not surprise, but Kotone?
ohhh i remember this song cuz of tiktok
okay, Kokona, but yes, give your best Kotone!
rocketeer now, big group
main dancer/center? who? Ran? (who's leader btw?)
Ran is amazing, i agree Rin
yes center ran
hero vocals is yui
and bijin rapper keiko
wa da da center ayano
shine a light... i think everyone is scared to anything
chiharu leader ooo
so organized!!! writing all
run run center?
they're the risk takers
freestyle to decide
i can't choose myself
JOA CENTER! good luck
but sad everyone specially koto, c'mon, you can do it!!!
Evaluation already?! (like if i didn't know already)
lol sleepy rio
im amazed at the people
let's go everyone!!!!
i wanna see the fits for everything lol
nakasone explaining run run's trick
wa da da time
name name? madada... lit what they want
karen let's go!!!
ofc training first
before hand, i hope Mikoto and Rin get it, but also Karen
ohh now I remember this song (i need a p101 playlist on apple music, cuz yeah why not)
i want Mana to leave for unreasonable reasons (slightly looking like someone i know irl and hate)
they won't sing a thing then? fr?!
sad Karen, she's a vocalist and it's in the bottom of the ranking! poor Karen, wanna hug her
who's the loner with hard tome?
ohhhh Rin, poor Rin, her suggestions are rejected, that's sad and i know that cuz school
c'mon nakasone, give them the words they need
nakasone stop being so mother
i want you as a mom and i have no mommy issues (as far as i know)
nakasone saving a group
new rin suggestion got accepted
yumeki is too tough, boy you're younger than mana!!! feels weird (i hope he's just evily edited)
show time, gonna just watch write after
nice, i was as nervous as nakasone
i can't see any appeal on ranka!!! talent yes, but appeal nope, even I'd say it's negative appeal, even if she's sweet spoken
hope karen has more votes than ranka, and maybe mana
7th mikoto and 6th miyu? nooo MIKOTO NOOOOOOO
karen 5th and rin 3rd
ayano 3rd
RANKA GETS THE 10K VOTES?! (yes, I can't like her)
Hero team!
Heroes is the name... ª
training time
Yui leader lets goooo
a vocal battle between tsuzumi, yui and shizuku
yui main vocal
shizuku is funny even frustrated for not getting the main vocal part
they'll arrange it
poor mayu, she's not good singing
this groups feels so nice to hang out with
shizuku trying to escape from the classical training? wow or kinda escape from it
one day i'll compilate the H!P girls every produce girl remins me of
i'm just mesmerizing this group cuz i love singing and people singing
awwww tsuzumi is sorry cuz she was called to ad libs practice for ad libs added on yui solos?
and yui is worried, i mean, yeah, it's kinda weird but, both can do it, i know it
poor Tsuzumi, she's such a cute emotional bby...
thelma!!!! lowkey missed her lol
thelma is being the nice neesan tsuzumi needs
awwww tsuzumi gets letters from the other ao haru girls (eliminated)
shizuku can get away and stray from classic
mayu has it hard, but hong ee, and thelma support her, they're both cute trainers
btw, i forget shizuku dyed her hair blonde
let's go!!!! i have faith on Mayu's improvement
let's goooooo
wiiiiiii yui!!!!!
woooooo tsuzumi
i got the chills w mayu
and shizuku singing less classical
iodawuisrbfghiodfshgiudfsh yui
aaaaaa shizuku i got even emotional
the harmonies between tsuzumi and mayu, or shizuku and yui
and shizuku and tsuzumi
tsuzumi's ad libs!!!
i wanna cry, i got the chills!
oh my, i want the 4 of them to get 1st of the group
positions... osdfbhgyuhdfs
ofc mayu last, shizuku 3rd, is sad!!!! i don't want to
yui 1st! even tsuzumi is happy, yui don't cry!!!
run run's team?
yes, w fighters nice name
let's go risk takers
i just feel so much problem here to come up with something, or idk, something?
i can't see this, is something, idk
sakura's acrobatics, okay
nooo yuuki and koto feel preassure
nakasone time w the group, after yumeki being a bit tough on joa
nakasone group therapy for improvement, makes me emotional
joa can't find herself?
time to watch
1st: WOW
2nd: wanna rock those outfits as well
and the end poses wow
i don't one anyone to get last
yuuki's words
Mitsuki gets 0 votes sad.... i just can't with these risk takers, i want all of them to be 1st of the group
congrats joa
this is too tense!!!
shine a light team!
hina forgot to use her mic, so cute, the egg bby
i hope miu is not evil edited here
so miu became leader tho chiharu was originally, miu main vocal tho
i'm curious bout the arrangement
really raised up the key...
ohhh so how miu ios working made chiharu feel weird bout being leader
lee hongii makes me laugh he's cute helping the girls, like that funny uncle or something
poor chiharu, i cant
hazuki's low notes
okay show
ohhh hazuki got out of key a bit
and chiharu
hina's voice makes me want to hug her (well her existance, she's bby)
this also got me the chills, emotional and all, less than hero, but a lot
yeah thelma, kuyashii
positions, i want hina 1st, but doubt it
i don't wanna say
so cute, sorry bby, i doubted you!
i want next episode soon for first love!!!
Ken the 390 needs to be shown more as trainer!!!!
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vividachromatic · 2 years
Hi :D I came across your blog recently really like your work. If you're matchups are still open, can you do a romantic genshin impact one for me?
I don't really mind what gender that person is, being a pansexual demiromantic. But i am an infp, cancer. My pronouns are they/he/xe.
I tend to be really awkward with strangers and have difficulty trusting new people due to some traumatic experiences. But when I do trust someone and let them in, I will move mountains and the earth for them. I also tend to bottle up my emotions until they just explode. I also tend to put up a strong facade to make other people not worry about me because I hate being a burden.
Though I'm not just all doom and gloom, I can get pretty goofy too. From making the most off the wall topics to just sending memes to cheer a friend up, that's always been my forte. With quality time, physical touch, teasing, and acts of service being my love languages, it's not that hard to see why. Once I love someone, I'll love them with my entire being and soul. Welp that was a easy way to have trust issues.
I don't really have big dislikes except for live chickens (I grew up with some and they're brutal) and horrible people. (homophobes, racists, etc...)
I do however have various hyperfixations that I rant about constantly with my family and friends. Things like cats, musicals, books, anime, mcyt, art, and kpop are just the big ones.
My bad if it's too long but thanks for even reading it. Have a nice day/afternoon/evening <3
Hi! And thank you really much for liking my work(:
Oh, and it's not too long at all, the longer the better haha, it means I have more to work with(:
So, I match you with…
Just like you, she was a little shy when first meeting you. But after only a short amount of time, you both found a safe place in each other.
She has a hard time getting close to people, tending to be rather distant and polite, since she has huge trust issues as well.
She loves to reassure you and to be reassured by you. Like that you can perfectly be each others most trusted companions. She would trust you with anything and probably do almost everything for you.
She wants to talk about anything with you and her first hesitant demeanor changes to a bubbly one, who gets excited over small things. She also shares your peaceful nature and doesn't have a great dislike for anything, except hateful people.
She does still have trust issues though, so please don't hurt her…
She isn't really all physical with anyone, but if it comes to her lover it's different. She's all cuddly and wants to be held nearly all the time.
But she also loves someone, who respects her own boundaries and space and will do the same with you, unconditinally.
She's also not afraid to admit your relationship to anyone, no matter what your status is, as she believes in true love.
She gets shy with PDA though, so that's not really a good idea in front of many people she isn't close with.
She prefers quieter, not-fancy locastions for dates. She just likes to be normal around you and likes, that you like her for who she really is and want to get to know her. In the same way, she wants to get to know you, too and get as close to you as you let her.
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Other close matches: Kazuha, Kokomi
Hope you liked it and have a great day (:
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