#i love big scary eldritch monsters who are just sweethearts
eldritch horror moth
that's the thought.
gn <3
incredibly true, excellent thought
eldritch horror Foul Legacy who crawls out of the Abyss through a crack in the earth, following the beam of light that somehow reached through the endless darkness. he emerges into the sun and immediately begins to explore, curious about life above ground, but he quickly finds that his presence brings only madness to the mortals who inhabit Teyvat, much to his dismay. it corrupts their minds, twisting and deteriorating it, and the few who aren't affected, those who hold pretty glowing gemstones, all run away in fear or try to slay him instead. so Foul Legacy stays away from everyone, lurking in the shadows and watching shining lights and laughter from a distance. this world feels just like the Abyss, despite its bright sun and cool breeze- it feels lonely, crushingly so, and the eldritch monster can only whimper and curl in on himself, trying to stave off the emptiness
you stumble across Legacy by pure chance, stumbling into the clearing he's been sleeping in on your way back home. both of you shriek at the same time, the Abyssal beast letting out a terrified hiss when he sees the Vision strapped to your belt, but you hastily raise your hands to show you mean no harm. Legacy narrows his crystalline eye at you, wary and cautious as you examine him from afar- although your Vision protects you from going insane you can tell that something is off, by Teyvat standards, like the image of this mysterious creature is flickering at the edges. maybe people without Visions see something indescribable, but for you it's merely a light static. you sit on the grass and cross your legs, looking at Foul Legacy from afar, who just stares back in confusion. aren't you supposed to be running or threatening him now? but no, you simply sit and watch, even as the sun begins to set and you nod off into sleep
once he's absolutely sure you're dozing, off into a human dreamland he can never visit, Foul Legacy tentatively approaches and gives you a careful sniff, then curls up beside you, his horns just barely grazing one of your hands
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neerasrealm · 4 years
would it be too much to request a part 2 to cody x demi!reader where cody takes y/n to the mansion with the intention of just introducing them to ej, only for them to meet the whole family (including slender and jack who DEFINITELY don’t think of themselves as y/n’s new fathers and TOTALLY don’t have the wedding planned and y/n’s new room converted and CERTAINLY are not starting to work on a nursery in hopes of becoming grandfathers)
please ignore everything in the parentheses 😂
‘’Hey, y/n?’’
You look up from your laptop and half-typed essay at your boyfriend. His name is Cody! And he has the softest honey-brown hair and dazzlingly bright green eyes. He’s standing in your doorway, leaning out from behind your door, with his hand holding his phone up to his ear. You tilt your head at him. 
‘’I uh- I was wondering if you’d like to come hang out with a friend of mine later? Just the three of us.’’
A friend? Cody- Cody told you he didn’t have friends. Odd. Maybe he made one! You smile at the thought and nod. ‘’Sure!’’ 
Cody smiles wide and nods. ‘’Yeah, yeah we’ll come!’’ he chirps into the phone, sounding excited. He disappears from view, behind the door, and closes it. From just outside your room you can hear him excitedly chattering to someone. You smile to yourself.
This essay can wait.
‘’So how long have you had this...friend?’’
Cody looks up at you. The two of you are walking through a park- specifically, the park where you asked him to be your boyfriend. He’s wearing his regular track jacket, and has his hood pulled up. 
‘’Oh uh- y’know...a couple months…’’ he murmurs, scratching at his neck. ‘’You’ll like him! He’s a chill dude- just uh-’’ he fidgets a bit. ‘’He has a uh- a skin condition! So he wears a mask...try not to mention it, okay? He’s kinda insecure about it.’’
You nod. Oh- poor guy. You decide not to pry any further after that. Cody having a friend is rare, and you don’t want to scare them off. The two of you walk into the forest bordering the park and you look around nervously. It isn’t dark, just evening. But that’s really only a small comfort. Cody takes your hand and squeezes it, like he can tell you’re scared. The two of you eventually arrive in a clearing, away from any and all trails. You frown. ‘’Where are we?’’
‘’This is the spot where he said he’d meet us.’’ Cody murmurs. He looks around. ‘’Weird- he’s not normally la-’’
‘’Hey Cody.’’ a deep voice growls behind you. You yelp and jump in surprise, stumbling away. Cody does the same.
‘’Dude!’’ he yelps. ‘’Stop doing that!’’
You turn and look at the person behind you. Your eyes widen. He’s incredibly tall and dressed casually in sneakers, grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. Your eyes go to the face. He’s wearing a mask, as you expected. It’s blue, and the face is smooth and flat. The eyes are pitch black, with black splotches trickling down the eyes like tears. Fluffy auburn hair hangs over his masked face. He’s- calm. Docile. Just standing there casually with his hands in his pockets. His head slowly turns from Cody to you. His gaze- though he has no visible eyes, bores straight through you, making a cold shiver run down your spine.
‘’Sorry.’’ he grunts. Cody looks at you and gestures to the tall, masked guy.
‘’y/n...this is Jack. Jack, this is y/n.’’
Jack stares at you for a moment, then steps forward. You back up in fear. He pulls his hand from his pocket and holds it out to you. You stare. His hand is big, with sharp black nails that remind you of claws, and ashy grey skin. Right- skin condition. Not wanting to be rude, you take his hand and shake it.
‘’Nice to meet you.’’ Jack’s voice is soft, friendly. ‘’Sorry for scaring ya. I tend to do that…’’ he sounds so sad and apologetic- all fear melts away and you smile gently at him.
‘’It’s okay.’’ you pull your hand away. ‘’It’s a pleasure to me-’’ you stop when Jack holds a clawed finger up. He looks around, sniffing the air. Cody suddenly looks worried.
‘’Something wrong dude?’’
Jack pauses for a moment, then looks at a bush. He lurches toward it, then reaches in. You stare in confusion until-
‘’Hey! HEY!’’
Jack lifts two...young...boys...out of the bush. One of them is dressed in a white hoodie and ripped black jeans with converse sneakers. His messy black hair is tied back in a loose ponytail. The other is blonde, with tanned, faded skin and...pointed ears. He’s wearing a green sweater and blue jeans with brown boots. The two boys struggle in Jack’s grip until he steps back and drops them down on the ground. Cody stares in horror as this whole thing happens. 
‘’Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me-’’ you hear him whisper. You look from him to the two boys. The black haired boy grunts unhappily and rubs at his head. Looking at him more, you realise his skin is deathly pale. A white, barely pink colour, and his face has two jagged scars curling up from each corner of his mouth in a morbid smile. He looks up and blinks at you.
‘’Who’s the lab rat?’’
‘’They’re not a lab rat!’’ Cody spits.
‘’Food?’’ The blonde boy asks. His bright blue eyes look from you to Jack, who shakes his head.
‘’How’d you two sneak after me?’’ He asks, crouching down. ‘’How didn’t I smell ya?’’
‘’I took a shower.’’ the black haired boy says smugly.
‘’I stopped showering.’’ the blonde says, sounding proud.
‘’That explains it.’’ Jack stands up. You look at Cody and- oh. Oh god.
He looks angry. The angriest you’ve ever seen him. Angrier than that time a guy told you ‘demisexual isn’t a valid identity’. When that happened, Cody broke the guy’s nose and beat him into unconsciousness. You had to literally drag him away before he killed the poor guy! You look at the two kids in worry.
‘’What the FUCK,’’ His voice starts off soft and angry, only to turn into a furious bark. ‘’IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!’’ The four of you all flinch. Cody glares daggers at his friends. 
‘’Cody calm down-!’’ The blonde yelps.
‘’OH FUCK OFF BEN!’’ He marches forward, but Jack quickly gets in front of him and grips him by the shoulders. Cody glares up at the gentle giant, who very softly pets his head.
‘’Ssshhhh…’’ He shushes. ‘’Go to your happy place, X.’’
Cody’s glare hardens. He inhales sharply, closes his eyes and then- flops...against Jack’s chest. Jack rubs circles into his back. That’s- that’s exactly what you do with him when he's angry- there’s no way Jack has only known him for a few months. 
‘’...Babes...?’’ you very gently and very carefully ask. Cody shifts, looking at you. ‘’Uh- so...who’re these guys…?’’
Cody stands back up and sighs. He gestures to the two terrified looking boys. ‘’y/n...these are Jeff and Ben...my-’’ he hesitates. ‘’My brothers.’’
‘’Brothers?’’ you look at the two boys. They’re on the ground, holding each other. They blink at you.
‘’Babes?’’ The black haired boy asks. He looks at Cody, then at you. His mouth opens. ‘’Wait!’’ he jumps to his feet and runs at you. You stumble back as he invades all of your personal space. Up close, you can see he has a green eye and a brown eye, and that his skin is...burnt. ‘’You’re y/n?!’’
‘’I literally just called them that.’’ Cody mutters. ‘’That’s Jeff. He’s dumb. Be patient with him.’’
Jeff steps back away from you. He looks you over for a few seconds. ‘’I like ‘em,’’ he says, glancing at Cody. He looks back at you. ‘’Your taste in guys sucks though. I mean- Cody? Really?’’
‘’Jeff I am going to kill you.’’
You laugh, half out of anxiety and half out of actual amusement. This is weird. So weird. Very weird. ‘’You- never mentioned brothers…’’ you murmur. Cody glances at you, then the others.
‘’Uh- give- give us a second.’’ he mutters before walking toward you and pulling you into the bushes and behind a tree. You stare at him, surprised. 
‘’What’s going on?’’
‘’I’ve...been lying to you.’’
‘’Again?’’ you stare up at him, confused. He winces.
‘’Yes...again- but it’s for a good reason this time!’’ he takes a deep breath. ‘’I...I wasn’t homeless. I actually live- or- lived, here in the woods. With Jeff, Jack and Ben.’’ he tilts his head at you to make sure you’re following. You nod for him to continue. ‘’We all lived together with...our dad. He- adopted us all. A lot of us- our dad he um-’’ he fiddles nervously with his hands. ‘’He’s...not human.’’
‘’E-’’ your eyes widen. ‘’Excuse me what?’’ not human. Not Human. NOT HUMAN?!
‘’He’s um-’’ Cody smiles sheepishly at you. ‘’He’s an eldritch monster with no face who likes to bake muffins and read sci-fi novels?’’ Your mind blanks. Literally. You’ve been reduced to a windows error screen but in human form. Cody tilts his head at you and smiles wider. ‘’...sweetheart…?’’
‘’What the fuck…’’ you whisper softly. ‘’How- how did you- why did you let him adopt you?’’
‘’He’s a good dad!’’ Cody says quickly. ‘’Listen- I know it’s a lot but…’’ he takes your hands in his. His hands feel soft, they’re good hands, hands that have carried out genius experiments and held you gently late at night. ‘’A lot of us in the house...we look up to him. He gave us a home, a new life. A lot of us...we didn’t have good lives, but Slender tried to fix that for us.’’ he smiles gently. ‘’Jeff came from a home where he wasn’t loved. Ben- Ben is a ghost...he drowned when he was twelve. Jack was a human, but now he’s a demon. We’ve all gravitated to each other. It isn’t the most functional home, but it’s the closest thing we have to one. Nobody judges anybody, and everybody treats us like we matter. Like we’re loved.’’ his hands squeeze yours. ‘’I know it’s a lot...and it’s scary...but they’re my family, just like you are.’’
You gulp. It’s silent for a few moments. ‘’...Nobody will hurt me?’’
‘’I won’t let them.’’
‘’...then I wanna meet him.’’
‘’Huh?’’ Cody looks confused.
‘’Your dad. And everyone else.’’ you smile at him. It’s your turn to squeeze his hands. 
‘’Like- right- right now?’’ he asks. You nod. Cody looks from you, to the clearing where the others are still waiting. ‘’...well- I- I guess.’’
He pulls you back to the clearing and looks at his three...siblings. 
‘’Good news everyone! y/n wants to meet dad!’’
‘’Really?’’ Jack turns to look at you.
‘’Are they crazy or somethin’?’’ Jeff asks.
‘’Ohh this is gonna be fun…’’ Ben murmurs with a smile.
Cody glares at them. He sighs. ‘’I told them everything. They wanna meet dad so they’re gonna meet dad.’’
‘’Dude! You gave my deep-seated traumas to another person without my asking?’’ Jeff exclaims. ‘’Rude!’’
Cody rolls his eyes and begins walking deeper into the forest. ‘’You’ll have plenty of time to drop your emotional baggage on us later!’’ he calls back. 
‘’So I had Silver lock me in the closet and I had to speedrun the game without even looking at the screen!’’ Ben exclaims. His bright blue eyes are full of excitement as he tells you about his various speedrunning misadventures. He’s been talking you ear off for the better part of fifteen minutes while the five of you trek through the woods. He’s a sweet kid, honestly, and you’d feel bad cutting him off. You honestly never expected a ghost to be so...lively.
‘’Hold up!’’ you all suddenly stop as Jeff holds his hand out, blocking you from walking any further. He turns and grins at you. ‘’Watch this.’’ he steps backwards, holding a finger up in the air. ‘’Now ya see me-!’’ he steps backwards and suddenly disappears from view. You stare in shock.
‘’...and now ya don’t.’’ Ben finishes for him. Cody rolls his eyes. 
‘’H-how-’’ your brain scrambles to find an explanation for Jeff just- disappearing. A trick of the light? Mirrors? Maybe a projector hidden in the trees? Jeff’s head appears again, his upper body just- floats there. He grins even wider.
‘’Cool huh?’’
‘’How are- how are you-’’ you squint. Ben laughs next to you and steps forward. He disappears just as Jeff did. The white-skinned boy winks at you and disappears once more. You look at Cody for an explanation. Jack nudges you and you turn to him. He points a clawed finger at the ground. Your gaze follows his finger and you look at the ground. There’s...mushrooms. You arch your brow, confused.
‘’You know what that is?’’ EJ asks, leaning down slightly to look at you properly. You shake your head. ‘’It’s a fae circle. Also known as the entrance to the realm of the fae.’’ he looks at you.
EJ nods. ‘’This one’s special though. Dad set it up to keep the house hidden. You can only enter if you’re a fae, or you have the family marking. Of course you’re human, and don’t have the marking, so Cody’ll just pull you through.’’ you can hear him smiling in his voice as he explains. He stands up and steps toward the line of mushrooms. As he steps over it, he disappears from your sight. His hand appears again, and gestures for the two of you to follow. Cody takes your hand in his. He looks at you.
You nod at him. "Ready."
Cody steps backwards toward the mushrooms. He holds both your hands, keeping his eyes on you. He disappears beneath the veil as he crosses, becoming nothing but some disembodied arms. You step over the mushrooms and-
"Oh my god-!" 
Everything just- appears. Suddenly you're standing in a sunny clearing bordered by bushes and tall trees, and standing in the centre is a gigantic house. Practically a mansion. It looks old, but welcoming. The front yard is decorated with various bushes, a flower patch, a set of monkey bars, and a tall fruit tree with a tire swing hanging off one of the branches. I say fruit tree, because just by looking you can see it's growing apples, cherries, avocados, oranges and bananas. Bananas- can't even grow in this climate what-
"Cool huh?" Cody murmurs next to you with a small smile. You grin. 
"Yeah…" you murmur. Cody squeezes your hand and walks toward the mansion. "You should've told me you lived in such a fancy pla-" you're interrupted by the loud barking of a dog. You look over to your left and see the biggest dog you've ever seen in your life, poking its head around the corner of the house. It has deep red fur, with some spots of orange and...hair. It has a long mane of messy black hair running from the top of its head and down its back. 
"Smile! C'mere boy!" You hear Jeff call. You look over your shoulder and watch the massive dog bound over to the short boy. The dog leaps at him, knocking him to the ground and licking him while its tail wags happily. 
"What...what is that…?" You ask, pointing at the dog.
"That's Smile." Cody says. "Jeff's pet hell-hound. He's a good boy, don't worry."
You nod. Smile barks again and turns to you. He grins wide and suddenly bounds toward you. You yelp and stumble back in fear.
"Down!" Cody barks (pun fully intended) at the dog. Smile skids to a halt. "Sit." He says firmly. Smile sits down obediently, his grin dropping. Now you know why they call the dog 'smile'. Cody grabs your wrist and gently guides it toward Smile. The massive dog sniffs your palm ever so gently. Cody lets go of your wrist and you reach up toward Smile, who lowers his head to let you pet him. You grin. 
"Well hey there," you coo. "Aren't you a cutie?" 
Smile lets out a happy yap and steps forward, butting his massive head against your body. You laugh and hug his head, scratching his neck just below where his spiked collar is. 
"Cody!! Ye're home!" You hear a young, peppy voice call. You look over just in time to see Cody grin and crouch down to hug the young girl running towards him. Her hair is short and blonde, and she's wearing a black and white striped shirt, along with grey overalls, ankle boots and a pirate hat. Cody stands up, lifting the girl in his arms. She pulls away and grins at him. Getting a better look at her, you see that she has reddish brown skin that seemingly glints in the light. Her hair isn't blonde, in fact, it fades to red towards the ends, like fire. Her eyes are a bright eye-catching gold. On the sides of her head are two small, red horns that curve inwards. "Ya didn't tell us ye'd be visitin'!" 
Cody laughs a bit. "Well I wasn't really planning it." he murmurs, casting a look at Jeff and Ben as they walk up to join you. Cody sets down the girl and looks at you. ‘’Slendra, I want you to meet someone,’’ he gestures to you. The girl, Slendra, looks up at you with big golden eyes. She looks surprised. ‘’This is y/n.’’
She gasps. ‘’The y/n?!’’ her eyes widen and she grins. She hops over to you excitedly and curtsies. ‘’It’s great ta meet ya! Cody told us aaaallll about you!’’ 
You laugh a bit and crouch down to her. ‘’He did, did he?’’ you give her a sly smile, glancing up at Cody. His cheeks flush red and he glares at you. Slendra giggles.
‘’Yep.’’ she rocks on her heels as she speaks. ‘’Once when he was crushing on you he told us that he wanted to-’’
‘’Avast ye landlubbers!’’ Slendra is interrupted by another young voice. You look up and see a young girl in a pirate costume with a pink skirt. Her hair is brown and frizzy, and her green eyes glare at you and the others with a playful scowl. She...floats, toward you all, her eyes locked on you as you stand up. She stops and points her toy cutlass at you. ‘’Who be this scallywag?’’
‘’Sally, this i-’’
‘’y/n, fearsome pirate of the seven seas!’’ you interrupt with a grin. Cody looks at you in surprise. The girl, Sally, gasps.
‘’The dreaded pirate captain y/n?! Stealer of brother’s hearts?!’’ she cries. You laugh and nod.
‘’The very same.’’
Sally lowers her cutlass and smiles, pleased with you for playing along so easily. She walks toward you and holds out her hand. ‘’Sally Dawn, pirate queen of four of the seven seas.’’ 
You take her hand and shake it. ‘’y/n, stealer of older brothers,’’ you smirk and lean into her. ‘’Sorry for stealing Cody away, but his booty was too good to pass up.’’ you quietly add with a wink. Sally laughs loudly and lets go of your hand. EJ laughs quietly behind you and opens the front door. 
‘’You gonna invite your date inside, Cody?’’ he asks. Cody rolls his eyes. 
‘’Course I am.’’ he mutters. It goes silent, with everyone just...staring at Cody. ‘’What?’’
‘’I’m waiting for you and y/n to go in.’’ EJ shrugs.
‘’Why do we have to go in first?’’ Cody replies defensively. You frown.
‘’You scared of somethin’, X?’’ Jeff asks with a smirk.
‘’Like...dad seeing y/n and freaking out?’’ Ben adds with an even wider, cheesier smirk.
"N-No…" Cody mutters. "I just- y'know-" he fidgets, trying to come up with an excuse. You smirk a bit, stand up, and stride right past Cody and into the mansion. 
Inside is massive. The walls are a pleasant blue, and when you step out of the small entrance area, you're greeted by a massive living room. There's two black, leather couches, a few single armchairs and some bean bags, all facing a massive TV. The walls are decorated with photos, and in a few of them you can see Cody, EJ and the others, along with people you haven't even met yet. 
"Hey guys." Someone greets you as the others come inside to join you. Laying on the couch, holding the TV remote aloft, is a young man. His hair is a light brown colour, and swoops over one of his eyes. He wears glasses, a grey jacket, blue jeans, and a black shirt with the logo of some band you've never heard of before. He sits up a bit, cocking a brow curiously. "who's this?"
"Cody's partner." Sally chimes in as she floats into the mansion. She's hovering, and slightly transparent. Oh. She’s a ghost. Well okay then.
The guy on the couch smirks and stands up. He's taller than you expected him to be. He walks across the room and extends his hand. "Liu Woods. Nice to meet you."
You smile and take his hand, shaking it. "y/n." You say. 
He tilts his head, looking at Cody. "You didn't tell us you'd be bringing them over."
"I wasn't planning on it but your brother decided to stalk EJ and ruin my plans." He gestures to Jeff, who holds his hands up defensively. 
"Hey don't look at me! I was just taking Smile for a walk and he picked up Cody's scent!" Jeff replies defensively, gesturing at his pet hellhound. Smile looks almost offended at the accusation. Liu laughs a bit. 
"Sure bro, I believe you." He murmurs, turning and walking toward the couch again. "So is y/n gonna meet dad?"
Liu chuckles. "That's gonna be fun."
"Why is it such a big deal…?" You ask. Everyone is hyping up 'dad' so much it's- kind of unnerving. Ben leans out from behind Smile and gives you a devious grin.
"He's gonna flip his shiiiiit." He says softly. Cody huffs and strides past you. 
"It's no big deal! I'm gonna go tell dad I'm here, then casually mention y/n and just- introduce them! No big deal!" He turns and looks at you. "Just- wait here, ok? I'll sort eeeeverything ou-"
As if on cue, the door behind Cody swings open. Out of it leans a gigantic, horrifying creature. It's incredibly thin and tall, with white skin. It has no face at all, just a smooth white head. It's dressed in a proper black suit, and over it...a frilly pink apron. 
"Kids, dinner is ready."
Oh. So this is dad. 
Cody whirls around immediately. "D-dad!" He exclaims. The creature looks surprised. 
"Cody!" The creature steps out from the kitchen and walks over to Cody, yanking him into a tight hug. "Oh, it's so lovely to see you! You didn't tell us you'd be coming over! I would have gone out and bought some fresh fish for your dinner." The creature's voice is deep and elegant, but speaks exactly like a doting mother. Cody squirms in the hug and eventually gets released from it.
"Haha, yeahhh...sorry about that uh- well you see I uh-" he fidgets, the creature staring at him with nonexistent eyes. "I brought someone with me."
The creature's head snaps up and stares right at you. You gulp. "N-Now I know what you're thinking!" Cody exclaims. "I should've warned you before bringing in someone new, you guys should've put on disguises and stuff but- well it's a funny story really I was just gonna show em EJ but then Jeff and Ben were in a bush and-" the creature's head lowers, looking down at Cody. He looks over his shoulder at you, gesturing for you to come closer.
You cross the room and stand beside Cody. He takes your hand in one of his, and grips your shoulder with the other. "This...is y/n. The person I'm dating." you both stare up at him in anticipation. Cody looks worried. ‘’Dad…?’’ 
‘’Cody…’’ The creature’s voice is soft, and almost threatening in tone. ‘’You are...the stupidest person I have ever met!’’ 
‘’Ow!’’ The creature lightly smacks the top of Cody’s head. He rubs at the spot and glares up at his father. ‘’I told you, it wasn’t planned, it just happened! Calm down!’’
‘’Honestly Cody! I would have cleaned! I would have put on a good tie, made everyone dress up and put disguises on! You don’t want us scaring them!’’ the creature gestures to you, then around the general room. ‘’This place is a mess! What kind of first impression am I supposed to make in this pigsty?!’’
Cody mutters something to himself and looks at you. You gulp and look at the creature, its hand on its hips, glaring down at Cody. You force a smile and bow a bit. ‘’It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.’’ you say gently. It stops and looks down at you, seemingly surprised. 
‘’Oh dear- I’m so sorry, where are my manners?’’ the creature holds out a large, white hand. You notice a small, silver ring on its ring finger. Without hesitation, you take the hand and shake it. ‘’I’m Slender, Cody’s father. I’m so sorry you had to see this place in such a state.’’ 
‘’I think it’s lovely,’’ you say with a soft smile. ‘’And I think your tie is very nice.’’
Slender withdraws his hand and seems to smile despite his lack of features. ‘’Oh, so polite…’’ he murmurs, sounding like he’s fond of you already. ‘’It’s a pleasure to meet you. Cody told us all about you.’’ he laughs gently. ‘’You’re even prettier than how he described you!’’
You smile nervously and laugh a bit. ‘’Oh- well thank you, sir.’’
He shakes his head. ‘’Please, just call me Slender, dear. No need for formalities. You’re family.’’ Slender clasps his hands together and tilts his head at you. ‘’You two must be staying for dinner, yes?’’
‘’Uh- actually we ate befo-’’ Cody tries to cut in, but Slender has already taken your wrist in his hand. 
‘’Great! You like beef, I assume?’’ he asks. You force a polite smile and nod. Slender pushes open the kitchen door and pulls you inside. ‘’Jack, we have a guest!’’
The second you step into the kitchen, your eyes go to the one person sitting at the kitchen table. They’re wearing a grey crop top, bandages around their hands and torso and feathered shoulder pads. Their sleeves, socks and cone shaped nose are all striped black and white. They turn and look at you.
‘’Eh?’’ the...clown? You assume they’re a clown- squints. 
‘’Jack, dear, this is y/n! Cody’s partner!’’ Slender gestures to you enthusiastically.
‘’It’s a pleasu-’’ before you have a chance to properly greet the strange clown man, he climbs off his chair and quickly walks over to you. Jack leans down, sticking his face right into yours. You stumble back, only to be caught by Cody as he’s entering the room. You force a polite smile. ‘’H-Hi?’’ 
"...so ye're Cody's da'e, eh?"
You nod. "Yes sir." 
"...ye scared 'f clowns, kiddo?"
"Only ones with cockney accents." You say. Jack's stern expression softens and turns into a grin. He stands back up and laughs loudly. 
"I like this one!" He cries. Slender laughs gently above you. Jack grabs your wrist, much like Slender did, and yanks you. "C'mon, take a sea'. Yous're stayin' fer dinner, ain'tcha?" 
You can't understand half the things Jack is saying because of his unbelievably thick accent, but you just smile and nod as you take a seat. Cody sits down next to you. You reach over and give his hand a reassuring squeeze while the others sit down. The kitchen table is huge- how many people live here?
"So yous two're livin' t'gether?" Jack asks. You nod.
"Yeah, on campus. I'm studying chemical engineering."
"So you're both scientists," you hear Slender say. You look over your shoulder and see him tending to a large metal pot by the stove. Behind him, more of the black tendrils you saw earlier are pouring dog food into a large bowl for Smile. "That's wonderful."
"And ye're smar'. Tha's real good." Jack adds, looking at you like he's examining you. Cody rolls his eyes.
"Ignore them, they're old fashioned and still think I need their permission to date." He mutters. Jack laughs. 
"Well we like y/n, so yous don' 'ave ta worry abou' bein' broken apar'." He winks at you and grins. Cody sighs. 
"Hey Slender," Liu speaks up. "Where's Tim? He'll wanna see Cody I'm sure," you notice he, Jeff and Ben all have sly smiles on their faces. "And meet y/n."
You glance at Cody. He looks pale, panicky. You frown. "Oh, he went out to get his prescriptions and some other things. I'm sure he'll be home soon." Slender replies like nothing is wrong. Cody looks like he really, really doesn't want to be here. 
"Who's Tim?" You ask quietly. Cody gulps.
"He's-" he's interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. His head snaps to the kitchen door. He looks utterly horrified. 
You wait in silent anticipation for whoever it is. Your mind is racing. Tim must be terrifying if Cody is scared of him. You're picturing someone large, muscular, with eyes that can bore straight through you. Someone who would crush a man's skull without hesitation. Someone who-
"Hey guys." The kitchen door opens and in walks a short, stocky man with black hair, sideburns and stubble. He's wearing an old flannel shirt, and holding a paper bag in one hand. He walks past the table, not really giving anybody a second glance.
"Hi Tim." The other kids chorus. 
Oh. This is Tim. He doesn't look bad- he seems quite friendly. You watch him set the bag down on the kitchen island and rummage through it.
"Slender, I got a couple of the things you mentioned we needed," he says. "And also a box of donuts, for later." He turns and smiles at the table. His eyes finally fall on you and he blinks, then smiles a small bit. "Oh hey. Who's the newbie?" He glances at Jack for explanation. The clown grins. Before he can answer though, Cody shoots up out of his seat and whirls around.
"H-Heeeey Tim." He sounds like he's trying so hard to be cheerful, and it isn't working at all. Tim gives Cody a surprised smile.
"Hey kid," He tilts his head and walks toward Cody. "I didn't know you were comin' over."
"Heheh- yeah it wasn't uh- wasn't planned-" Cody fidgets nervously. Tim glances at you again. He can probably tell you and Cody are connected. ‘’How have you been? It’s been a while eheh-’’
‘’Good…’’ Tim folds his arms, tilting his head. ‘’Who’s your friend?’’ he nods at you
Cody gulps and glances at you before looking at Tim again. ‘’This is...y/n. My uh- partner.’’
Tim’s eyes widen almost comically. His head snaps to you and he stares. You gulp. Oh. Oh. Tim suddenly doesn’t look friendly anymore, he looks like he could crush a man’s skull without hesitation.
‘’Is that okay?’’
Tim shrugs. ‘’Yeah, yeah, perfectly fine. Of course that’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be fine?’’ his tone of voice tells you nothing is fine. Slender laughs gently like none of this is awkward or weird. 
‘’Calm down Tim. y/n is very nice! They’re smart, they’re funny, they-’’
‘’They made Cody move in with them without even talking to us first.’’ Tim cuts in. Cody whines.
‘’It wasn’t like I had a choice! They didn’t even know about you all until less than an hour ago!’’
‘’Oh, thanks Cody, good to know you care about me.’’
‘’Oh my gooood-!’’ Cody slams his face into his hands. ‘’This is why I only wanted y/n to meet EJ…’’
Before Tim can give another angry retort, Slender puts a hand on his shoulder. ‘’Tim, why don’t you sit down?’’ he says gently. Tim glares at him like he killed his loved ones before sitting down. Cody sits between you two, keeping you safe from Tim’s wrath. Slender puts a large plate in front of you. It’s loaded with mashed potatoes, corn, carrots and meat of some kind. You grab your fork and cut the meat off the small bone it’s attached to. It looks to be ribs of some kind. You cut the meat in half, and take a bite.
The taste is unlike anything you’ve ever had before. It’s definitely beef, but the flavor is almost overwhelming. It melts in your mouth and covers your lips in a glaze of grease and leftover sauce. The sauce is tangy and rich, and very faintly you can taste wine. ‘’Mmmm-!’’
Your involuntary hum of delight is followed by laughter from around the table. Except for Tim, who rolls his eyes and mutters something about table manners. Slender laughs and pats your head. ‘’Eat as much as you’d like, pet. There’s plenty to go around.’’
You smile a bit and keep eating. Even if you had food before coming here, you’re definitely not letting any of this go to waste. It goes silent as you all eat. Even Tim has calmed down. Just as you’re finishing off the deliciously sweet carrots, Slender speaks up again. ‘’So y/n, how much longer will you be in college?’’
‘’Oh uh-’’ you shrug. ‘’I have finals in a couple months, then I’ll only have my final year left.’’ you smile at him. He nods.
‘’I see...a year should be long enough.’’
‘’Long enough for what…?’’ you frown and tilt your head.
‘’To put your room together of course!’’ Slender chirps. Cody starts choking on corn next to you. ‘’After college you’ll probably be moving out of your dorm, and we have plenty of room here. You are family after all.’’
‘’D-dad-!’’ Cody speaks up next to you. ‘’Me and y/n haven’t even talked about that- wh-what if they wanna live outside with like- y’know- normal people?’’
‘’We are normal people, Cody.’’ Slender retorts. 
‘’G-guys-’’ you cut in before a fight can begin at the dinner table. You smile at Slender. ‘’I’m flattered at the offer- that’s very kind of you. We’ll think it over,’’ you glance at Cody. ‘’Right babe?’’
‘’Don’t call him that.’’ Tim cuts in. Cody rolls his eyes, but gives you a nod. 
‘’So ‘ow long exac’ly ‘ave you’s been’ da’in’?’’ Jack asks.
‘’Oh uh- a couple months. We’ve known each other a while,’’ you smile. ‘’It’s a funny story really, the first time I met him was in the campus library. We reached for the same book at the same time.’’ you glance at Cody and smirk. 
‘’Tha’s real cheesy.’’ Jack murmurs.
‘’But it’s sweet,’’ Slender adds. ‘’Makes me remember the first time we met…’’ his face flushes a grey colour. Jack laughs gently and squeezes his hand. Cody rolls his eyes. 
‘’Speakin’ of me an’ Slen,’’ the clown looks at you. ‘’When’s th’ weddin’?’’
‘’DAD-!’’ Cody yelps.
‘’There isn’t gonna be one if I have anything to say about it.’’ Tim mutters. You gulp. Oh. The faceless monster wants you to marry his son. You fidget nervously and look to Cody for help.
‘’We haven’t- we haven’t even thought about that yet!’’ he yelps, sounding as embarrassed as you feel. ‘’I mean- what’s next, you’re gonna ask me for grandkids?!’’
‘’We were planning that yes.’’ Slender doesn’t even sound like he’s joking. ‘’We can convert one of the spare rooms into a nursery! We might have to move someone to a different floor though…’’ 
Tim glares at you from behind Cody. ‘’Touch him and you die.’’ 
‘’I know this lovely place by Lake Charles where we could hold the wedding. Me and Jack got married there back in ‘98, you remember that don’t you dear?’’ he glances at Jack.
‘’I remember th’ dress…’’ Jack smiles fondly. You’re- not even going to question that. Cody sighs. 
‘’We’ll think about it…’’ he mutters. Clearly, he’s given up. ‘’But no grandkids! Not yet!’’ 
"Fine. But I'm still putting the baby name books in your room. They're taking up too much space in my office anyway."
Cody rolls his eyes and sits back in his seat with a huff. He reaches over and grabs your wrist. "May we be excused?"
"You're done eating?" Slender glances at both your plates.
"We'll take the leftovers home." Cody responds quickly. Slender sighs and nods.
"You may."
Cody pulls you up out of your seat and towards the backdoor. The two of you step out into the backyard. It's starting to get dark now, and a chilly breeze blows past you both. Cody sighs gently and leans against the wall, rubbing at his face tiredly.
"You okay?" You ask gently. He nods.
"Yeah just-" he purses his lips, frustrated. "I'm sorry my family's so...weird. I really wanted you to like them and have a good first impression of everybody."
You tilt your head. "I do like them."
He looks up at you. "...you do?" He frowns. "They're not- y'know- weird? You aren't freaking out?" 
"Oh no they're super weird and I'm definitely freaking out I mean- you have three dads and one of them is a clown, not to mention Tim is fucking terrifying but-" you pause and smile at him. "They're really nice people...and they love you, just as much as I do." You move closer to him. "Plus...they already consider me family so- I don't think I have a choice but to like them."
Cody stares at you for a moment, then cracks a smile. He laughs gently, relieved. "...thank fuck." He murmurs with a smile. He holds out an arm. "C'mere."
You move over to him and rest against him, letting him hug you. You snuggle up against his chest. He feels warm, and safe. His lips brush against the top of your head. "I love you." He murmurs. "I'm...glad you like them."
It's quiet then. Just the two of you enjoying the warmth of the moment. 
"Ey, luv birds." Aaand it's been interrupted. You look up and over at LJ, leaning out the backdoor. "Slen wants ta know if yous're stayin' th' nigh'." He gives you both a sly smile. Cody exhales softly and looks down at you, cocking a brow to ask what you wanna do. You smile up at him.
"Sure pops. I guess we could stay."
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tumblunni · 7 years
More thoughts for that random doodle of eldritch head cliche dating sim boyfriends I did!
* not really actual Lovecraft or anything cos I'm not an expert on those books. Just a general spoopy monsters setting with no complex continuity mythos
* summon-daze suggested an office setting and I really like that?? But also I was thinking of like a 'new in the neighbourhood' plot? Like this is Monster Neighbourhood and whoops you accidentally moved in. Thinking maybe protagonist is like a goth or creepy looking or something, so the estate agent mistook them for a vampire and sold them a nice bungalow.
* all the monsters are totes nice and just wanna stay secret to keep from being burned at the stake and such. No deep dark secrets here, just happy slice of life antics with the scary boys!
* flower head dude is the most friendly to you at the start cos he's the only one who used to be human once. "Yeah ykniw, funny story, got my brain eaten by a plant. Happens to the best of us!"
* he's the buff bara man and also the big friendly sweetheart! Super passionate about neighbourhood watch activities and anti littering campaigns and baking cookies for the new coworker. Oh, you'll just love it here!
* probably still keeps the fragments of his skull in a pickle jar in the cupboard. Its a memento! Look, I put these cute little stickers on it.
* Oh, and he also loves gardening! He can grow different flowers from his head to express his mood, and he's growing a baby demon flower in a plant on his windowsill. looking for a romantic interest that doesn't mind being a step-dad. :3
* plumey shadow head guy is like your cool princely archetype with a hint of tsundere. He wants to be seen as the stoic bad boy but secretly isn't really that bad at all. And might have a tendancy to get easily flustered when people discover his nerdy hobbies. Noooo! I am vengeance!! I am the night!! T_T
* not much idea on personality for tentacle face cyclops mam yet, except he's the shortest and possibly chubby and possibly shy. I just think some sort of adorable personality, whatever it might be. Maybe a bookish type? Maybe like a transfer student from an eldritch dimension who's adorably new to everything? Or maybe that could be a separate character. The troubles of having to balance a job with college is a relateable plot. Balancing it also with disguising yourself as a human is less relateable but still cute!
* perhaps a token human bachelor option? Could be a detective or CIA agent who came to investigate the rumours of monsters, but can never find them. Maybe comically wrong about everything too, like he thinks they're really aliens? And in the end he ends up befriending all his weird new neighbours and maybe finding a boyfriend, and when he finally gets actual proof of them being monsters he decides to trust them anyway and stay. Happ ending!
* also maybe more non romanceable NPC monsters and stuff. At least one cute kid and cute grandma!
* in the office I think friendly bara flower monster is the boss, cool shadow dude is the math finance guy who's the real brains, and shyclops is the lower ranking standard office worker with low confidence, who nonetheless keeps getting employee of the month every month forever. Take the damn promotion already!
* they probably have some way to disguise themselves as humans when necessary? I think cyclops tentacleman is the only one who can actually turn between human and monster, he's more like a dude who can turn any part of his body into eldritch tentacle shapeshufty cancermess. But the blobby shape is his real form and the human form is the shape shift, so he can't hold it for too long without getting tired. Also his anxiety problems make him accidentally shape shift when nervous! Flower dude is 90% human looking anyway so he's mostly fine. Could probably fold his petals up to make a fake head, works pretty well as long as nobody realizes its hollow! And shadow dude just wears various concealing hats and cool motorbike helmets and scarves and etc. He doesn't have such conveinient magical skills.
* possible other ideas: surfer bro fishman, teacher automaton, bodyless floating sentience that takes the form of a cloud of stars yet is the most normal personality of the bunch
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