#i love both sets of designs and it cracked me up that despite the completely different design philosophies behind them
naturallydark · 5 months
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LadyLyra🤝determinution Tech!Mags is wires
Awesome Scrybeswap designs by @determunition [x] and @ladylyra [x]!
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sweetiecutie · 2 years
Pairing: yandere!Tom Riddle x gn!Reader
Synopsis: no one can take you away from Tom, not even Death itself
Warnings: yandere themes, obsessive behavior, non-sexual nudity, dark forces, mention of death and bodies, reader’s gender not specified
You felt weird. Your ears were filled with buzzing white noise, mind racing but also completely muddled up. You inhaled sharply, searing pain surged through all of your body at the feeling of your lungs expanding. It felt like your insides were set ablaze all at once. Rattling cough tore through your throat, filling your mouth with the some thick slime-like substance that you quickly spat out, gulping desperately on cold air in fast shallow breaths.
From what your overwhelmed senses could tell - you were laying down on some kind of flooring - which felt more like bare stone. You struggled to get yourself into sitting position, hard cobbles dug into your flesh painfully, causing you to shiver violently from both cold and discomfort.
You cracked your eyes open, blinking rapidly a few times to get the same sticky slimey stuff out of your eyes. It was very dark around- or was it your unstable state? Heavy steps could be heard, coming in your direction; your body tensed impossibly more, head snapping in direction of nearing man(?), hands roaming the ground underneath you, trying to find something - anything - to defend yourself with.
- Shhhhh, dearest, it’s just me. You’re safe, - a familiar voice spoke soothingly, your body relaxing at the dear sound of it.
- Tom? - you whispered, eyes flickering in all directions haphazardly, trying to distinguish male’s slim figure in thick darkness.
Tom fell to his knees next to you, muttering quiet ‘Lumos’, dim ray of light coming from the tip of his wand blinded you temporarily. You heard some soft shuffling before a thick woolen cloak was wrapped tightly around your shuddering frame.
You managed to crack your eyes open, finally being abele to look around. You peeked down at yourself - your body looked raw - as if you spent hours emerged in hot water - skin was a bringt pink color, extremely sensitive to the smallest of touches - just like an infant in first minutes of its life. You were completely bare, some weird slippery substance was covering every part of you, cooling your body down unpleasantly.
Your eyes wandered up to Tom. His face was gaunt - cheeks looked as hollow as ever; dark eyes you loved so much were unusually sunken, dark purplish circles you knew he got from sleepless nights were laying underneath them; his beautiful lips were chopped and pale, lacking their usual plushness; lush shiny waves of brown hair laying so elegantly on his forehead now looked bleak and brittle. Tom looked ill - as if he was struggling from protracted ailment. But even despite his miserable -you could’ve never thought of using this adjective for describing Tom Riddle- appearance, his eyes were sparkling maniacally, like diamonds in finest of the jewelry.
- Tom, what happened? I don’t understand… - you inquired quietly. Your throat felt way too tight, making your voice sound shaky and weak, and you struggled to get words out. You felt Tom wrapping his arms tightly around you, bringing you to his chest in a tight embrace.
- Everything’s all right now, my love. It’s okay, you are safe with me, - Tom muttered more to himself, rocking you from side to side gently.
You took a look at your surroundings - it looked like you were inside of a huge dark cave of some sorts, rough wet stones were forming walls and ceiling of the cavity, you could hear water dripping down the stalactites all around, hitting the rocks underneath with loud echoing sounds. What caught your attention were deep involute lines carved deeply into stone ground, forming an intricate designs all around you, slightest red glow was still visible emanating from them.
There were dead bodies laying all around. About a dozen of men and women, some of them you recognized as Tom’s devoted followers, were splayed around what seemed to be a transfiguration circle. There were no injuries nor blood on them visible. In fact, they looked fully normal if it wasn’t for their dull eyes and looks of absolute horror etched on their lifeless faces.
And then suddenly pictures flashed before your eyes - Tom’s face, still full of health and youthful beauty, covered in grime and blood, was gazing down at you, his eyes sparkling with shiny tears. What was that? Why was he crying? And then, like in some kind of drunken haze, you looked down at yourself - a huge crimson blotch was growing bigger and bigger on your robes, saturating soft cotton fabric in warm sticky blood. You looked back up at Tom - he was full on crying now, babbling “don’t leave me” and “please, don’t die” over and over again, trembling hands pressing down onto your chest, trying to stop the blood flow.
What was he talking about? Why would you die? You tried to say it, to console your silly boy, reassure that there’s no way you would leave him - but no sound came out of your throat, no matter how hard you tried. Your mouth filled with sickening metallic taste of your own blood, black clouding your vision rapidly.
And now you remembered. Those were your memories - your last ones - before you died.
But how was this all possible? Here you were, blood and flesh, warm and breathing and surely alive, in welcoming arms of your lover.
- Tom? What have you done?.. - horror mixed with shock slowly crept up your back, all the way to your chest and throat, making it even harder to breath than before.
- Nothing will ever hurt you again. I won’t let that happen, I promise, - Tom uttered next to your ear, his body shaking with soundless sobs as he held you even closer to himself,
- I will keep you safe, away from all dangers. You will know no worries nor fears. It will be just the two of us, in our perfect world we’ve always dreamed of. Forever.
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Feedback inspires writers on creating more content!💗
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notwantedonthemoon · 10 months
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I gave Lucy and Ham a design update! Originally I only wanted to do Ham but Lucy barged into the room and no one can make her leave.
Design notes:
• I really was not satisfied with their original colour schemes. I know that Lucy was described as wearing a rose-coloured gown but she’s so purple in my head. • And Ham should be more red. He’s associated with red in the novel (and his brothers with yellow and blue- they’re the primary colour brothers) and that image of Misa Amane in the top left corner was my original reference for him, but he simply doesn’t look right to me unless he looks like a walking Valentine’s Day card. Misa Amane’s picture got to stay because a). I love her and b). I’m gonna talk about her later. • His hair also had to change- I’m probably going to redo Hannah at some point. I was thinking of saving Ham’s original reddish brown colour for Hannah instead, and I don’t want them to look too similar. So now his hair looks like a fox- which is fitting for his character and also very funny because his wife is terrified of foxes. • Don’t ask how the darker ends work without hair dye, we’re going off cartoon logic here. • I am now certain that Lucy’s height exists solely to torment me whenever I want to draw her next to someone else. I was in tears drawing this, wondering why Findley couldn’t have been happy with a six foot tall angel. • Lucy is seven foot five. I have no idea if I drew her tall enough or if I ever will.
The part where Misa Amane is relevant
• Ham’s character felt like he was being set up for a much more important role than he actually got, and I was waiting for a twist or a character arc or something, but it never happened. This guy is determined to stay irrelevant forever. I saw a source somewhere describe Ham as less of a character and more of an excuse to introduce Lucy. It cracked me up so I had to include it in here. • Just to be clear: I do like Ham as is. He’s an entertaining and also very heartfelt character- one of his defining traits is just, ‘Loves Things A Lot’ (kinda reminds me of Pat of Silver Bush- everyone go read Pat of Silver Bush that book is fantastic). • But also: he could have been better. His character got 10 times more likeable to me when I realized that he kind of resembles Misa Amane from Death Note, so by that logic he’d be a better character if you just make him more like Misa Amane from Death Note. • Also: I only ever watched the Death Note musical and I know next to nothing about the anime. But I heard that Misa is pretty annoying in the anime? Shame. • The parallels are already there. Both characters have complicated relationships with death- Ham’s first action in the book is being forced to kill a lamb, Misa’s entire family got murdered- and then cheating death somehow; Ham spent his childhood nearly dying of like, plague or whatever, and a death god sacrificed his life to extend Misa’s time on Earth. They’re both characterized as being incredibly loving, with Ham defined by his “love of life so great that he could not bear to kill” and Misa being defined by her love for her family that drove her to pledge her loyalty and give away half her life to their unknowing avenger.
• If I were writing Ham I’d establish him as a character who is deeply loyal- to his family and to his values. He thought that that loyalty had to extend to his father be default- they’re family, despite their very very tense relationship. The sacrifice at the start of book one made him do an immediate 180 on that, and it was why he was so willing to throw his oar in completely with Lucy. • That 180 turn was motivated by an unbelievable amount of pent up rage and spite. In terms of general ideals I’d say Ham is pretty traditional and goes along with whatever’s popular because it causes less problems for him- the only principles he sticks firmly to are his scientific ones. He’s not like Lucy, who knows what she believes in and fights for it- him opposing Doctor Noyes is an emotional, reactionary decision, not based off of any deeper principles (other than the no-killing one) or self-reflection about his existing worldviews. • A lot of his development will be directly tied to Lucy, since she’s the more significant character out of the two. And being with Lucy would make him much more willing to make impulsive decisions; which actually isn’t very far from canon, Ham is pretty impulsive. When I first got to the two-day-engagement part of the book I was convinced that a love potion had to be involved somewhere, because I couldn’t wrap my head around the designated ‘logical scientist character’ making such a reckless decision. But then I got further into the book and Ham… runs into a burning building. Keeps on fumbling conversations by blurting out his opinion and immediately regretting it. So… he’s kind of just like that. That lines up. • For a scientist character he’s very emotional- which I like a lot! It’s a nice change of pace. Being a scientist doesn’t automatically make you more rational and reasonable than anyone else. Sometimes you can be a really good scientist and still have the emotional intelligence of a sea sponge. Ham strikes me as someone who doesn’t really ‘get’ emotions because he can’t logic his way through them like with most of the stuff he studies, so he ignores them until they explode ‘completely out of nowhere’. My conclusion here is that someone should hand him a book on mindfulness. • (The real question is why Lucy was down for the two-day-engagement; it’s not to survive the flood. She and Ham were engaged before Yaweh came up with the flood plan.)
• All this is setting Ham up as Lucy’s eventual closest ally and the most fiercely loyal friend she could ever ask for. He thinks the world of her and would do just about anything for her… but he wouldn’t kill for her. That’s a line he crossed once and wouldn’t ever again.
• And Lucy loves him. Of course she does. But sometimes she wonders if her friend’s loyalty is anything like her brother’s blind devotion to Yaweh. She doesn’t like that thought.
• In the novel their relationship is largely just. Very lacklustre, with no development or indication that they really care about each other. But since they’re such a blank slate I can do whatever I want with them, and what I want is Lucy the revolutionary and her aggressively supportive science bestie. • I like to think that Ham and Lucy’s relationship would be best described as a queerplatonic relationship- though they wouldn’t have the vocabulary to describe that exactly. I know that they’re married but… they really don’t have any romantic chemistry. I’m sorry to anyone who thinks that they make a good couple (if you exist. At all) but I simply do not see it.
• (If someone does have an interpretation of their relationship that is romantic I would absolutely love to see it. If someone has anything to say at all about this book I would love to see it.)
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bmblboop · 3 months
For the rwby ask thing, 7, 20, 28
Thanks for asking!
7. Favorite lines?
Most of my fave lines are bittersweet or sad-yet-hopeful, thanks to Volume 4. Blake and Ghira’s talk, Ruby’s speech at the end. “You didn’t drag us along; you gave us the courage to follow you.” Also Ruby resolving to 'keep moving forward' despite her fear in v5.
There's this line in the 2nd RWBY Beyond episode where Jaune wonders "Do you think we're gonna make it?" and it's just so topical now because it was made at a time when RWBY's future was uncertain. No matter what, they're still gonna try, and that's worth it.
On a lighter note, sometimes I remember Vol 2's “They don’t give out prizes for almost” “They do and they’re called silver!” and it cracks me up every time.
20. What are you looking forward to seeing in Vacuo?
The new headmaster, Theodore. We got a hint at his design in the RWBY Beyond shorts, but I can’t wait to meet him. The Summer Maiden, if she’s even in Vacuo, so we can complete the set (and gear up for Maidenbowl #3). Renora growth (even though they aren’t together) because I love them both and I love them together and I want the best for Nora. Emerald being a good guy now and how that has changed how she interacts with people.
I am also interested in seeing, even though it will break my entire heart, Oscar/Ozpin’s struggle with the merger. I just want Oscar to be happy, and I am fearful that we might lose something once they are one consciousness.
28. Fairytale character you'd want to see RWBYified?
Okay, so lame answer but I’ve been watching Inuyasha recently… and Viz Media got big bc of the Inuyasha localization… and he’s got a ‘faunus trait’ with the dog ears…it makes too much sense.
For actual fairytale characters, maybe “the Lion and the Mouse” from Aesops fables. It’s a very RWBY moral, that a smaller, more simple soul can still make a difference. I also loved Fenix’s design from the Grimm Campaign, and would like to see something like it in the show.
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unicronian · 1 year
what are your galvatron ships and what makes them appealing to you? :]
Thanks for sending an ask! I assume this is in response to the rarepair post but I'm gonna talk about all my Galvatron ships regardless of rarity.
GalvaCyc The way Cyclonus basically worships the ground Galvatron walks on fascinates me. He's completely loyal, even despite the physical and verbal abuse Galvatron puts him through and I want it explored so badly. Why is he like that? Is it coded into his very being? Is there more to their relationship that we don't see? I need answers.
Also, Webworld. The way they call out for each other when Torkulon was going to devour Galvatron's mind pulls at my heartstrings every time. Cyclonus' voice crack and Galvatron's abject fear at what's essentially reliving his worst nightmare. And then, after that's all set and done, after Cyclonus (accidentally) betrayed Galvatron and lured him into a trap and Galvatron makes it out through sheer force of will... Cyclonus falls into place next to Galvatron and they continue as normal. They're insane. They drive me insane.
GalvaScourge I just really like Scourge in both the cartoon and the Marvel comics and I think he deserves some lovin' from Galvatron. I prefer Scourge's silly relationship dynamic with Cyclonus but it pains me greatly whenever I see Galvatron and Cyclonus in a piece without Scourge. There's nothing specific about them that's appealing other than that I like both characters, but I do like a poly dynamic between them + Cyclonus which leads us to...
GalvaCycScourge I basically can't ship Galvatron and Cyclonus and not Scourge. They're a matching set of three do NOT separate. The Unicronians as a whole are incredibly fascinating to me. Character-wise, design-wise, concept-wise they are meant to be together, working in tandem. If you only have GalvaCyc you're missing an entire third of their equation. Idk, maybe I just miss Scourge whenever I don't see him. Only exception to this for me is the Marvel comics, where I very much enjoy the CycScourge duo separate from Galvatron.
GalvOp I'm firmly in the "Megatron and Galvatron aren't interchangeable" camp, they're two completely distinct beings. I even like playing with the idea that Galvatron doesn't have Megatron's memories. So, I know this, Galvatron knows this, but all of the non-Unicronian characters seem convinced that Galvatron = Megatron. This allows for some absolutely godtier drama in Galvatron and Optimus' fucked up relationship. They'd be horrible for each other. The matrix doesn't want this. The Autobots don't want this. The Decepticons don't want this. They make each other worse and better at the same time through a long series of misunderstandings and lack of communication. The appeal to GalvOp is that there's no way their relationship ends well and also why I want to write 500 GalvOp fics where they tear each other apart. This is also fueled by the end of S3, where Galvatron acts different around Optimus, much more like his Marvel comic counterpart whose personality I prefer anyway.
GalvaSound I love Carnage in C-Minor almost solely because of how weird of an episode it is, but also because it has an interesting window into Galvatron and Soundwave's relationship. They vibe together and fly away into the sunset holding hands, which implies a relationship deeper than the one Megatron and Soundwave had. I like tying in Soundwave's telepathic abilities to portray him as constantly trying to seek whatever is left of Megatron in Galvatron's psyche. In return Galvatron likes Soundwave because of some leftover familiarity. But again, this isn't even remotely a good or healthy relationship- I don't think any of these are but that's their appeal. I think a big turning point in GalvaSound would be when Soundwave realizes that there's no way he can get Megatron back, and he either needs to accept Galvatron as he is or break off the relationship.
TronTron Okay. Hear me out here. Marvel comics Galvatron is my favorite version of Galvatron and I have an absolutely incredible amount of thoughts on him (and Galvatron II). But, I fully believe that if he wasn't busy trying to make Unicron-destroying machines in the past he absolutely would have sex with his past self. Galvatron is that bitch in every way. He wouldn't even be attracted to Megatron he'd just want the thrill of manipulating him into a fuck without Megatron knowing who Galvatron is. There'd be no love or intrigue here, just Galvatron being a horny bastard.
GalvaRod I don't ship GalvaRod I'm just mentioning it here because it's such a big ship. I think the appeal is the standard rival shipping affair common in fandoms + Hot Rod/Rodimus' angst. People want a big strong guy to appreciate Rodimus while he's Going Through It. And lemme be clear, I do love Rodimus, I think he's the best Prime and the best main character in all of Transformers. He's my favorite Autobot (closely followed by Ultra Magnus), I just don't actively ship him with Galvatron. I definitely read GalvaRod fics, but that's mostly because it's so popular there isn't much else to read.
Bonus: UltraCyc Obviously, not a Galvatron ship, but I do love this ship, and I love it even more when Galvatron isn't an antagonistic force on their relationship. Galvatron is just eccentric enough to be completely okay with their relationship. I especially like pairing UltraCyc with GalvaCycScourge. There isn't enough of that in the world, but I have some ideas...
This ended up so long... but it's nice to finally get some of the thoughts oscillating in my head out into the world.
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dvesinthewind · 3 years
How Do I Make You Love Me ² | Maddy Perez
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part two of a multi-part series, part one here. maddy perez x fem!reader. wc 5.8k
tags/warnings: cassie is a mess, season 2 spoilers, (does not follow plot exactly, as I've had to change things to fit my storyline), underage drinking, irresponsible parenting, mentions of throwing up, abusive relationships, mature language, slow burn, foreshadowing, religious metaphors, drug usage (reader is a stoner lol), angst, internalized homophobia, mentions of violence
a/n: so much kat and reader interaction in this chapter! (hoping she doesn't appear ooc) we're slowly making progress in the series, and thank u sm to those who have been reblogging & leaving nice comments. u r all so sweet. i did say this was a slow burn & i do have a personal life so pls be patient w/me!! also reminder that u are responsible for your media consumption, and euphoria contains many heavy topics. those said topics are incorporated into my fics. with that being said, enjoy!
Before you know it, Maddy's birthday is around the corner, and any unresolved tension from the bowling-alley-confessions must be put aside.
Despite the strange changes Cassie had undergone over the past few weeks, her indifference in terms of throwing Maddy's party in her own home was surprising. Decorations had been set up just a few nights before with lots of back and forth due to Lexi's insistent desire for perfection. You couldn't exactly blame her, and if you had been honest, you also wished for this to be perfect for Maddy as well. Though, it was unclear whether Lexi had been uptight about organization when considering Maddy's happiness, or if she just strived for perfection in general.
And although Cassie hadn't had the best eye for interior design, and left most of the decorations tangled in Lexi's hands, she seemed content with helping. She seemed content when you both hung up the tinsel on the doorways. She even smiled fondly when showing you the photo album she had made for Maddy. But something was off. There was a subtle crack in her voice when she pointed out each photo, examining each memory as if you hadn't been there to experience it. It was almost as if Cassie was somehow mourning the friendship presented in the earlier photos, which you noticed had caused a reaction the most. You were quick to blame it on Cassie's tendency to be overly emotional, and an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, or love for her best friend. Afterwards, it was evident it had to have been something else.
Tucking those thoughts into your back pocket, Kat and Maddy had arrived shortly after Suze had set out a third of her alcohol collection onto the kitchen counter. She freely handed out drinks, advising against telling any parents, and sluggishly raised her glass to audibly connect with each of yours.
You weren't exactly sure when Cassie had gotten her manicured hands on so many drinks, but before you knew it, she was off mumbling something about Nate when lingering around each hallway like a forgotten ghost in an old cemetery. Her makeup had already been smeared down the sides of her face, cheeks bright and rosy from the elevated consumption of alcohol, and it appeared as if her attire had completely restricted her from moving freely. You'd never seen Cassie so uncomfortable in her own skin.
There had been a moment where you pulled her aside by the thin strap of her dress, and into an empty room. Her footsteps found no rhythm, stumbling and tripping up underneath her as her eyes widened with obvious confusion, as if the person who dragged her in there wasn't a close friend. You attempted to advise her that maybe she had had too much to drink, and that she wouldn't want to throw all of it up later on. But she was persistent, and slightly rude, though you were easily able to discard it on behalf of her drunken state. She pushed past you and settled herself onto the wooden stairs, where she remained for quite some time.
Despite this, things within the Howard home hadn't been all that bad. Maddy had been dressed in the birthday gift you had given her just a few days before-- a small black number with baby blue lace trim adorning the hemming just above her breasts, and along the very bottom of the fabric that stopped just a few inches past her hips. It was beautiful on her. Flattering enough to wear to simple events, but also alluring enough to make her stand out. While you hadn't exactly bought her the dress intentionally for her to wear it this very night, you were glad she did. All of the girls had made comments of how pretty Maddy looked, giving sly glances towards you with bright smiles as if they had known all along.
"Wow Maddy, that dress is really cute on you." Kat spoke in awe as her eyes danced around Maddy's petite figure like a butterfly circling a blooming tulip. You have her hand clasped in yours, lifting it up and gesturing for Maddy to give everyone a slow, and dramatic twirl (which naturally, she has no problem doing).
She smiles, thanking Kat and averts her eyes over to you. "I guess my personal designer just has an eye for what I look best in." You don't look at anyone else to see their reaction. Your eyes had solely been on the small dimples formed on either side of Maddy's smiling face. You'd never felt such adoration for anyone else.
So, things weren't totally bad. At least not yet.
Everyone was getting along, an everlasting playlist had been flowing through the entirety of the house, no boyfriends had attempted to start issues via text message, and though it was really odd when you thought it over later on, Suze proudly kept the drinks and her dance moves going. Most importantly, Maddy was happy, and you had been too. Everything had felt like it was exactly where it should have been. Jules and Rue were absent despite receiving an invite, but their lack of presence wasn't observed as anything negative. You weren't exactly sure why your expectations had been so much higher than they were. It had been exactly like the bowling alley situation, where all of you were living in the moment, not concerned about external factors, until something, or someone entirely ruins the mood. That, being the announcement that Nate Jacobs was on his way to the party.
Had it been visible that your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach, you didn't know. You also didn't know that Kat had followed you up the stairs and into the bathroom once she had seen it all happen-- the look on your face turn into absolute disgust, the not-so-subtle eye-roll that took place right before you took off, and the painful glance you gave an oblivious Maddy while she typed away a response on her phone. At least someone had noticed.
It wasn't long before there was a gentle knock caressing the bathroom door, and considering there's more than one bathroom in the house, someone was looking for you.
"Yeah, what's up?" You jumped off of the bathroom countertop, standing awkwardly next to it waiting for whoever to come in.
Kat's head poked out from the other side of the now open door, a shy smile taking over her lips as she asked, "can I come in?"
You nodded, placing yourself back up onto the sink and toying with the hem of your skirt. Over the past few months, you had gotten a lot closer to Kat than you expected. You liked her a lot, and even when her and Maddy got into it, it never affected the way you felt about Kat. She had her own issues, but she was honest, and kind, and an individual just like everyone else. You found peace in her silence.
"I just wanted to see if you were okay." She wasn't shy upon asking, and inched further towards you while unclasping her hands. She leaned her back against the other side of the sink, the two of you nearly side by side. However this conversation turns, at least Kat was the one and not anyone else.
"Yeah, why do you ask?"
Kat gives you a look of pure disbelief, but it drops soon as she realizes it was just an automatic response. You weren't trying to shelter yourself, but perhaps this was much bigger than Kat was anticipating it to be. "I saw your face when Maddy told us that Nate was coming..." his name alone brought a displeased expression to your face, "and then you walked off, so-"
"Did anyone else notice?"
Kat shook her head, her short hair brushing her shoulders with each movement. "I think just me."
A great exhale finds its way from your lungs and into the bathroom air. Your chest expands, only to fall once more in a sort of rhythmic pattern. Kat watches as if you're practicing some sort of breathing exercise, and she's patient as you formulate some sort of response. "I don't wanna ruin Maddy's party."
"What do you mean?"
Your hands fumble with one another, and you begin to examine your cuticles. "I just- I feel like if I give you the answer you really want, that it could go one of two ways."
The girl looks up at you now, eyes softened with friendly concern. You indulged. It was refreshing to not feel pitied. "Sometimes it helps to get things off of our chest."
Laughing, you glanced down at her. "You should consider your own advice." Kat's eyebrows furrowed, and her head finds itself in a subtle tilt as you all but jump to elaborate. Sighing once more, you mutter a two syllable word, big enough to make her eyes pop out wide like you just admitted to committing a felony. Ethan.
"What about him?" You shrug at this, going back to picking at the skin around your grown out gel-manicure. "Wait. What- No! We can talk about Ethan and I after. I came in here to ask about you."
You don't remove your eyes from your nails, because what you're about to admit is far more dangerous aloud than whispered inside of your head. There's an increase to the speed of your heartbeat, and you can feel the tip of your ears grow very hot. "I'm upset that Nate is coming because I've been in love with Maddy for longer than I care to admit." All in one breath, impressive.
You imagine her reaction-- eyes wide and mouth open in shock from the corner of your eye, and you attempt to brace yourself for it. There is absolutely no way you can look her in the eyes after this.
"I know."
Somehow it's your turn to examine the brunette as if she's suddenly grown four new heads and a pair of antlers. You knew it wasn't exactly a secret, but who else knew? You'd never told anyone that you could remember, unless you had muttered it when not entirely sober. Had it really been that obvious?
"You knew?"
Kat nods, and you slowly saw tears begin to brim her waterline.
"Why are you getting emotional?"
A ripple of laughter echoes against the enclosed walls, and Kat sniffles quickly. "Because you literally just came out to me."
"Everyone knows I'm gay..."
She seemingly can't contain her laughter once again, and stumbles to form a response. "No, I-I know that, but you've never exactly come out to me, especially not with how you felt about Maddy."
"No one knows," you admitted, and it slowly became a little easier to do so. "I've never bothered to tell anyone."
"Do you think Maddy knows?" She asked.
You shook your head. "No, probably not. Considering she's all over Nate now."
It's Kat's turn to roll her eyes in response, and there's a great feeling of relief that washes over you. One, because she had been so accepting, and two, because she hated Nate just as much as you did.
"I don't just hate Nate because I like Maddy, I hate Nate because he's horrible to her." You can see her watch you intently from the corner of your eye, you choose to continue, "I don't think I'll ever forget that bruise on her neck. I think about it every now and then, whenever I find myself glancing around that area- or just whenever she needs help with a necklace or something."
"He's horrible to her," she agreed.
"I think the worst part is the fact that I'm absolutely hopeless. I'm not a man, I'm certainly nothing like Nate Jacobs, and I can't do anything to help her." You aren't sure when it happened but your eyes were quick to fill with tears, anxious to stream down the entirety of your face. Kat is quicker, and also almost as broken as you are. She wraps you into an embrace before you can even think, and you buried your face into the crevice of her shoulder. She offers advice, and you listen like it's Sunday worship, like Kat is the preacher and you are a desperate soul that yearns for the key of the pearly gates of heaven. But it isn't the key to heaven you yearn for, but the grace of God to grant you strength in such a situation like this. You're not asking for forgiveness, but begging for an outlet, a way to save Maddy before it's too late to save yourself.
You and Kat return back to the party by the time everyone's taking pictures on the staircase. You're pushed onto one of the individual stairs, legs positioned in a way to appear as feminine and polite as possible, while also trying to cover any open slots for the camera to capture a great image of your undergarments underneath your skirt. That would make an interesting addition to a photo album.
Maddy ends up dragging everyone all over the house looking for a place to take pictures, and you all end up in the backyard where small lights had been strung near the hot tub and onto the deck. She makes sure to take individual pics with all of her girl friends and saved you for last, naturally. Most of the time Maddy needed pictures for instagram, you ended up being in most of them. Half of the girl's entire feed was full of captured photos of the two of you sharing some sort of moment in random places-- some even being the school bathroom. To know Maddy, was to understand how much she loved capturing the moment.
As you stood for yet another photo, with Lexi's steady hands and BB encouraging compliments from right beside her, your arm had been snuggly wrapped around Maddy's small waist. This was typical in general, more specifically for any photo, but after your discussion with Kat it had felt different. Wrong even. You were looking at Maddy with starstruck eyes and a proud smile presenting all of your bright teeth, and reflecting on how much you wished it meant something. You presumed Maddy was giving you the same glance, but her bright mind was imagining what it'll be like when Nate arrives and stands however many inches over her, a strong arm wrapped around her waist just like yours had been.
It was an endless cycle, really. You didn't want to be Nate Jacobs for the aesthetics, but for Maddy to want you the way you wanted her. And it had felt so selfish.
You knew by the end of the night, Maddy would send you the approximate four-hundred photos she had taken and you'd stare at how obvious your admiration had been all along. The photos would easily be mistaken for a couple photoshoot and you'd think about it until your brain was exhausted enough from lack of sleep. You'd think back to how Kat already knew, and how many other people practically assumed. You'd wonder if Maddy was asked if you were a couple from time to time, and if she shut it down immediately as if that could never be true. If the thought entirely had felt humorous, out of reach, and if she didn't even bother reflecting on why someone might've asked to begin with.
Because truly, yours and Maddy's friendship was not painted a specific way to make anyone believe it could have been completely platonic. Your feelings were not created a vacuum, and you could not mistake these feelings for sin or selfishness, or that simply the desire you had for her should be shamed upon. Kat had told you it was only natural. It was about time you even attempted realizing that yourself.
You hugged Maddy for a long while after that, feeling it was unlikely you'd get her to yourself once Nate arrives. You certainly weren't fond of sharing, but someone in that room knew how you felt, and that was all that mattered.
Cassie opened the door for Nate.
He came in with a small, signature teal Tiffany bag that looked smaller than his phone in comparison to how large his hands were. You shivered again just thinking about it.
What really pissed you off about Nate was how polite he was upfront. He shook Suze's hand, despite the fact she isn't even Maddy's mom, thanked her for having him, and even gave out his pleasantries to everyone in the home. Fucking douchebag. To add to this, he didn't touch a single bottle of alcohol, and regardless of his size, took up barely any space.
But that was nothing compared to what he did next.
You had sat in the middle of Kat and Lexi at the dinner table. Your leg bounced up and down, anxiously, and Lexi had placed a soft hand onto your knee to slow you down. It was impossible when Nate was placing a silver Tiffany necklace around Maddy's neck, the same one he laid his hands on. His massive hands appeared so delicate, as if that gentleness alone was a non-verbal apology. Maddy smiled awkwardly at all of you, feeling small from the endless shower of gifts. Now Maddy was clad in a dress you had bought her, and accessorized with a necklace Nate had just gifted her.
You were not going to make it through this night sober.
And neither was Cassie.
If any of you thought Cassie was drunk before, man, were you wrong.
Cassie was absolutely plastered.
No matter how many times any of you advised she tone it down, she snapped and said she was just trying to have a good time. Lexi was the last person to try, knowing she would receive the same if not worse from her older sister, and ended up being right. As soon as Lexi even attempted to speak with her, Cassie had said, Shut the fuck up Lexi! God! Seriously, I'm just trying to have fun and you're up my ass about everything, a little louder than you presumed she tried to.
You exchanged a glance with Lexi, only for her to shrug as if to say I told you so. You couldn't imagine how difficult it must've been to be Cassie's sister. Lexi's entire life had been a reflection of her being her sister's shadow, even though they had been two entirely different people. For Maddy's sake, you were perfectly friendly with Cassie. You knew a lot of things revolving around her personal life just by being affiliated with Maddy-- that you would never speak about to anyone else, even if Cassie wasn't your bestest of friends. Despite this, your calm nature definitely preferred Lexi's mind and soul over Cassie's, and you had wished to be closer to her than you were. Along with the fact you had yet to squeeze any Fezco information out of her since New Years. If you remembered, you'd ask her about it later.
Currently, you sat on the back deck on a chair you'd pulled from the table in the corner. You had no desire of getting your clothes wet, and no matter how much Maddy begged, you weren't borrowing one of Cassie's bikinis.
Nate had acknowledged you since his arrival, just barely as he knew of your feelings towards him, but how could he win back Maddy if he was rude to his girl's best friend? He attempted small talk, you shut it down, and regardless of the visible clench in his fists and furrow to his brow, he hadn't lost his cool. Not yet.
"Does Suze mind if I smoke?" You had asked after a preceded silence. It was evident Mrs. Howard had questionable parenting skills, but you didn't want to assume and be disrespectful to the woman who's allowing you into her home.
"She said no as long as you keep it out of the house," Maddy replied. You weren't asking her specifically, and due to Nate's presence you had resented her just a small bit at the moment. It was crazy how polar you two could be under certain circumstances. You nodded, and pulled out a joint from behind your ear.
You inhaled for a moment, feeling the smoke fill up your lungs before exhaling it away from the group. You contemplated taking a walk somewhere away from the property just to smoke, but you remembered that the smell of weed irked Nate for some reason, something Maddy had told you a long time ago.
And low and behold, the man himself cleared his throat. "Didn't know you smoked, Y/N."
You hummed, the joint hanging from your lips as you inhaled another hit. You made him wait until you had fully exhaled to give him the satisfaction of a reply. "Well, you and I don't spend much time together do we?"
BB choked on her laughter, and Maddy was sending you a glare that was telling you to check yourself. You didn't want to. Not with Nate. You couldn't, not anymore.
"You'll be seeing more of me though." He turned himself around to face you, so no one could see the devious smirk that subtly stretched across his thin lips. What the hell was he talking about?
You didn't give him the satisfaction once again, not even bothering to hide the fact you found it humorous. Internally, you were imagining how mad Maddy would be if you pulled the same shit Fez had, and hit him across the head with one of the empty bottles Cassie had left lying around. "Is that so?" Nate nodded, slow and truthful. What does Maddy see in this guy? Shaking your head, you took a long drag from the wrapped substance, exhaling on a mumbled I fucking hope not, before Cassie's disruption was made known.
You hoped he hadn't heard you. Or maybe you did, you were already hazy from the drugs.
Cassie walked up onto the deck, stumbled more like, wrapped in birthday balloons that she tossed off to the side before tossing herself into the hot tub. She landed right on top of Nate, and you watched Kat furrow her eyebrows at you.
"Happy birthday," she smiles, and situates herself uncomfortably onto the seated bench. Maddy is gracious but it's obvious she's embarrassed on behalf of Cassie's drunken behavior.
It had been all fun and games until BB allowed the next sentence to flow out of her mouth, "I'm so glad you guys are back together."
You practically choked on your own spit, and Kat was quick to send a look of condolence towards you.
Maddy continued to fumble with her detailed manicure, replying with ease. "We're not back together."
Was she telling that to all of you? Or herself?
Had Nate not replied a no when Cassie expressed her thoughts, perhaps nothing after this would have been as severe as it had. But naturally there is never a dull day while being in love with Madeleine Perez. Not ever.
"I mean I was going to say no, but why are you saying no?"
Shouldn't have dug himself so far deep.
Nate looked around, eying the blue hot tub lining as if the correct response was written there. "Oh, uh- because we're not."
"I know, but why'd you sound so definitive about it?" You had seen Maddy in many different stages of rage. The attitude that she currently had, would only progress further the more Nate argued. And since in Maddy's head, she was always right, and Nate was too proud to let her believe that, he refused to step down. You'd known Maddy long enough to know to fix your tone before she fixed it for you.
"I don't understand what we're arguing about," he expressed. The rest of you sit in an uncomfortable silence as if you were watching your best friend get ridiculed by their parents at a sleepover.
Maddy raises her eyebrows as she lets him know he's missing the entire point. Perhaps if his head wasn't so far up his ass he would be able to let it go. But he couldn't. And maybe this is exactly what they needed. Another fight to prove they were incompatible. "You and your tone," she says, nodding slowly so he understands.
"But we're not back together." You'd never seen Nate so submissive, so small for a man so big. About to light yet another joint, his next addition freezes you in place. "Yet."
Maddy and Nate go back and forth for the next few minutes, Maddy even asking for Kat's opinion only for him to imply she's incapable of thinking for herself. It becomes a mess a lot faster than anyone anticipated. Nate's true self will always come out.
Her frustration only increases. "You see, I'm not crazy, right, because he's always trying to gaslight me."
If she recognizes this, then why is she always trying to work it out with him? You feel something akin to an outsider watching a scene unfold before you, because truthfully you have no jurisdiction for any of it. No matter how much any of you do, it'll never change the light she sees him in. But you see it, and you refuse to let it slip by.
By the time Maddy's onto a full rant about his hypocrisy, the contents inside of Cassie's stomach end up in the warm water engulfing all of their bodies. Screams of disgust fill the dark void that's been painted over the endless and pitch black sky, and Suze comes running out with Lexi hot on her heels. It's embarrassing, really, and you feel guilt as you shake your head and settle further into the home. Lexi seems to be somewhat unmoved by the entire thing, knowing her sister better than any of you. She does the same. You watch the bottom of Lexi's dress subtly swish around as she treads further into the house and presumably into her bedroom. She's tired. Tired of living in Cassie's shadow, and tired of cleaning up all of her messes. She's done.
You can't stay, not after this. It's all too much for one night, too much for you to process. You'll figure out some excuse to not spend the night, and Maddy will likely end up at Nate's regardless. She'll hate you until the morning, but you've had enough.
Nate leaves, finally, and he looks just as embarrassed as the rest of you do. Maddy seemed somewhat unfazed, likely due to the fact this isn't the first time Cassie had gotten overly drunk and did something she would regret. But it's surprising when Maddy changes into her prior outfit, your keys in hand, and looks at you as if to say come on, we're leaving now. What are you supposed to say to this?
Kat announces that Ethan's on his way and you allow your eyes to plead that she just got into the backseat of your car and let you drive her home. She looks at you sympathetically, an empty apology because she knows you can handle it on your own, and you're left alone with Maddy as she climbs into the passenger seat of your car. She buckles her seatbelt, and pulls down the sun visor in the midst of night to check if her lipgloss and eyeliner were still in check within the small mirror. You don't understand how she can be so unbothered.
"You're, like, oddly quiet tonight," she finally says, smacking her lips before looking over to you. You keep your eyes straight ahead.
"Just a lot to process." There was only a matter of time before you got close to the Perez residence and would be forced to tell her you couldn't spend the night. There's no way of telling how she'll react.
The brunette groans. "You know Cassie. She isn't always like that, just when she gets drunk." She's so beautiful sitting in the passenger seat, with her big brown eyes that are slowly growing heavier by the minute. You force your eyes ahead once again.
"I'm not talking about Cassie's drunken antics, Maddy," you say, feeling the heat of her gaze on the side of your face. "Well, maybe that too, but that's not what I'm talking about."
Maddy furrows her brow. "Then what are you talking about?" It could've been the fact you called her by her first name, or maybe your tone. You'd think after tonight you'd know better than to not check the speed in which you were saying things, but you're at the point where you're somewhat apathetic.
Shaking your head, you run a hand down the slide of your face, anticipating the crash and burn's inevitability. "It was just confirmed from Nate Jacobs, not you, that you and him are 'working things out'," you remove a hand from the wheel to finger-quote her prior statement.
"I was going to tell you-"
"Yeah? When? When you call me crying, telling me he's fucked up again?" The look she's giving you will likely linger around the background of your mind for a few days, until you can replace it with something more pleasant. Your heart sinks a little further into your stomach. This must be said. "I try so hard to be supportive, I do, but it's so hard to watch you throw yourself away for someone like him." She's listening, and you make her, because you've spent so much time doing the same. "You deserve so much better than what you allow yourself to experience, Maddy. Someone better than that."
The car is silent for a few minutes. Normally her phone would be plugged into the AUX cord, but it's sitting idly in her lap. You can practically hear the gears turning in her head. You wondered if she could hear the swell of anxiety growing in yours.
"I'm dropping you off, but I can't stay tonight." You broke through the silence as best as you could.
"What? It's my birthday-"
It's pathetic, truly, and the pettiest thing you've ever done. But, you tap on the numbers glowing a neon green on your console, the time reading half past one in the morning. "Not anymore, it's past midnight."
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Maddy's yelling at you the same way she had with Nate earlier, and her body had fully turned to face you. She was no longer sitting comfortably in the seat, but sitting up straight as if it would help her hear you better. "Why are you being such a cunt?"
"I'm not trying to be," you say, "I just can't keep playing games anymore. Not with myself, not with you."
She audibly expresses her irritation, groaning and clasping her hands together as she formulates her response. "You're not making any sense! Since when does who I date have anything to do with you?"
"Since you make it my business." Maddy opens her mouth to respond but you're quicker than she is. "I just wish you saw yourself the way I see you."
There's a faint sniffle coming from her direction, but you cannot bring yourself to see if she's crying. You won't allow yourself to be the one who makes her cry. You're not Nate, you're better than that. "I wish people would stop fucking saying that to me." The small crack in her voice is all you needed, and slowly, your heart aches harder in your chest. It serves as a reminder, for what you can't be sure.
"It's true, Maddy. You deserve so much better than what Nate has to offer. That's not real love-"
Big mistake. "What would you know about real love? You've never dated anyone or had anything besides hookups."
You scoffed. It had been harder to pay attention to the road amidst an argument, but Maddy's house was getting closer by the second. If only you could step on the gas a little harder. "You threw an entire fit over Nate's tone- which I'm not saying wasn't justified, but do you really expect it to work?"
"That's real low of you." She's crying and you can see the tears swelling on her waterline. A fear tears escape and trail down her cheeks, each in a race to reach her chin. You want so desperately to swipe them away with your thumb, but you can't.
"Is it? It never works out, it never does. You just keep telling yourself one day he'll change."
"Just take me home, please-"
You took a turn onto Maddy's road. "At the end of the day, is he really who you see yourself with? Do you fantasize about living out a fantasy with him? Three kids, a dog, a white picket fence-"
Tears are streaming down her face. You're being cruel, but you can't find it in yourself to stop. "Please, I can't-"
"What about when he puts his hands on you again? What will you do?" Maddy isn't facing you, she's turned towards the door almost as if she cannot wait to get the hell out of your car. You don't blame her. You've never spoken to her like this before, and it's likely why she's crying so hard. You love Maddy more than anything. "You've spent so much time waiting for someone to love you when you've had it this entire time. I care so much about you, more than you'll ever understand." She whips her head around like you had told her an incredible secret. "I'm entirely selfish for feeling the way I do, and I don't expect you to feel the same way. But please-" You grab her hand in yours, it's limp weight resting on your skin like it depends on it. "Please find someone who loves you like I do, even if it's a man, I don't care."
Maddy gets out of your car and somewhat slams the door behind her. You don't realize you're crying until your vision is blurred by the tears filling up the space, and as they slowly tease your bottom lashes in hopes of falling down onto your skin. You cry the entire way back to your house, texting Kat to let her know what you had done. There's no guilt, just a small sense of clarity to get such confessions off of your chest. Maddy might not be your best friend anymore after this, but at least you can say you did all you could.
By four in the morning, your phone chimes and the brightness brings a wave of consciousness over you. The green messaging icon is aided by Maddy's contact name and a series of photos following underneath. All of the photos Lexi had taken earlier, capturing yours and Maddy's bright, smiling faces in the Howard's backyard, bring a sort of comfort to your seemingly permanent anxious state.
Maybe Maddy hadn't forgiven you just yet, and time apart was necessary at least for a little while. Your wearisome tendencies tangled with your intuition, and you'd fallen asleep that night thinking of those photos. Those would not be the last you would ever take with Maddy-- even if said photoshoots remained platonic, you had to be sure of it.
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Hello! I'm in love with the way you write c! Ranboo like hsgsj- amazing! So I would like a request Yandare c! Ranboo and tubbo with a soft reader that is oblivious on how they act twords them but loves them unconditionaly (just fluff please maybe maybe put a Micheal seen in there as well because Micheal is the best character 😌)
I think this is the best compliment I have ever received... Thank you so much🤍🖤
I didn't know whether or not to do headcanons or a full-length fic, so I went with a shorter story if that's alright. ^^ if it's not feel free to send another request!
Too Sweet (For This World) Yandere!C!Ranboo x F!Reader x Yandere!C!Tubbo
It was very common for you to see something out of the corner of your eye, but when you looked, you only saw a bunch of purple particles drifting slowly towards the earth due to gravity. You just assumed there were quite a few endermen still hanging around Snowchester, or some of the goats had come down from the mountains when you saw small little horns peeking out from behind bushes.
There were a couple times a day where you accidentally and very conveniently bumped into Ranboo out in the crater of L'Manberg or Tubbo when walking around Snowchester. It honestly was funny to you that you always seemed to bump into them when you were feeling sad or lonely. Plus, after talking to them and spending time with them, your problems almost magically seemed to disappear!
Such as, there was one time when you were helping clean up the red vines around buildings and Fundy was nagging at you for being so slow or bad at doing everything. After storming away and ranting to Ranboo about it on the verge of tears, Fundy practically scrambled up to you the next day shaking and almost crying, apologizing for every single thing he's ever said or done.
Huh... Maybe he felt that bad about it to the point where he was crying?
Although Fundy never said anything mean to you again, he also stopped hanging around you completely.
When you mentioned this to Tubbo, he explained that Fundy must not have been a real friend and that he and Ranboo would always be there for you before anyone else.
Once the mansion was built, the two platonic husbands eagerly invited you to stay with them, even saying they had Foolish make a room specifically for you! At first, you quite enjoyed your home around L'manberg, but then one day you returned home to a wall of your home completely destroyed by vines, deeming it unlivable. Although a tad convenient..
Tubbo and Ranboo had heard about it through your sobs when you called them, saying you had no clue what to do anymore. They had arrived at your side in almost minutes and quickly helped you pack and move everything to the mansion.
"I thought Snowchester was like... Half a day's walk away from here..." You sniffed, rubbing your red and puffy eyes. The two men of greatly varying heights tensed up momentarily.
"We were in the area." They both blurted out at the same time before glancing at each other.
Tubbo cleared his throat first, "I was in the nether, but luckily for you, I was close to the old L'manberg portal!" He smiled softly at you as you three walked away from your old home.
"M-Me too!" Ranboo coughed awkwardly, causing Tubbo to shoot him an odd look that you decided to brush off, "Now, uh, come on! Michael needs to meet his new mother!"
You blinked in surprise at the new title but didn't question it much, assuming it was simply just a title. Unbeknownst to you, your two best friends already thought you were part of their platonic relationship, despite you never agreeing nor denying, or them even asking.
It took a few days, but the zombie piglin warmed up to you and practically saw you as another one of his parents, which made Ranboo and Tubbo extremely happy. Instead of placing you into one of the regular rooms, they had Foolish turn the basement into two heavily secured rooms a few days before your house had been destroyed, strangely enough, and even designed one perfectly to your liking!
After washing the fruits you had, you walked towards the bookshelf and pulled on the fake book that caused the shelf to swing open. You walked down the quartz stairs after shutting the hidden door, then made your way up to one of the two doors with a pink sign with 'Michael' written in yellow cursive paint. Punching in the code, the iron door slid open and you stepped in before closing it behind you.
A loud cooing grunt was heard and the sound of quiet tapping echoed through the room before a pair of arms wrapped around your leg. "Hello, Michael." You giggled softly as Michael made grabbing hands up towards the bowl of fruit. Placing it down on the table, the child eagerly ran over and began munching on the food as you brushed over the books on the shelves to find one you haven't read to Michael before. "What about... The story of Persephone?"
A disappointed grunt was your only response.
"Guess I did read that one... Hm... Oh! What about the story of Icarus?" This time his response was a happy squeak and tippy taps of his hooves against the warm quartz floors. You sat down in the rocking chair and waited until the child scrambled over and jumped into your lap.
You opened the book and began reading to him for an hour until your eyes slowly slid shut to the quiet snores of the child of your two best friends, who at this point was beginning to see you as a mother.
Quiet 'meh' sounds and 'vrrr'ing noises and a dim flash woke you up from your spot in the rocking chair. Cracking open your eyes, your arms shifted around the nether hybrid as you saw Tubbo holding a camera making happy bleating noises, while Ranboo, who was the source of the buzzing noises, took the book you had been reading from your limp hand to put it back on the shelf.
"What time is it?" You murmured softly to keep the child asleep as you rubbed the back of your stiff and sore neck.
"It's about 5:30pm. Still rather early. Tubbo walked over and gave you a gentle yet affectionate headbutt while he scooped Michael up from your lap to bring him to bed. This caused an odd whining noise to come from the enderman hybrid before he quickly walked over and rested his forehead against yours, resting it there for a few moments before pulling back, his cheeks flushed the same colours as his eyes.
You giggled softly and gave him a gentle pat on the head as he helped you up. He held onto one of your hands as Tubbo eagerly went for the other, jokingly sticking his tongue out at Ranboo who gave a noise of mock offense, causing you three to giggle softly as you left Michael's room and went upstairs.
Tubbo and Ranboo weren't big fans of you leaving the basement on your own, and you were rarely allowed to leave the mansion even with the two boys at your sides. The former president told you it was because he heard rumours of Technoblade searching around for all the members of his cabinet back when he was in charge of L'Manberg, and he just wanted to protect you.
You saw no problems with his story as it was extremely believable. Your history with Technoblade hadn't been the cleanest and he would've definitely taken one of your canon lives back during the attack on L'Manberg, had a stray black and white firework not saved you that day. It had fired off and must've swerved a way that wasn't predicted, because it hit Technoblade hard enough in the chest to knock him away from you.
You don't remember much of that day, except for Ranboo immediately running over to you and dragging you away from the destruction and chaos. Thanks to him, you were almost completely scar free and standing proudly at three canons lives.
A gentle hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you saw two sets of eyes staring at you with concern. "Hey... Are you feeling okay?" Ranboo asked softly, tilting your head up to place his free hand against your forehead, "See. I told you she should be getting more sunlight, Tubbo!"
"I'm okay, I'm okay!" You laughed softly at their worry, rubbing your thumbs along the back of their hands, "Just... Remembering the war with Dream and Techno..."
"What about it?" Tubbo asked, bringing you into the living room to sit down with your friends on either side of you.
You pursed your lips together for a moment as you looked at the ground, "Just how... Scary Techno is. And how he was about to kill me without a care about who or what I was."
Angered growling and seething noises came from Ranboo and Tubbo as you felt their grasps tighten around your hands, almost to a painful degree. You looked up and saw their expressions stone-cold and steely although vastly different from each other.
Ranboo's green eye was purple, and the black tone of his skin was beginning to seep into the side with the lack of colour. The corners of his mouth were slowly splitting open wider and wider as his lips parted, allowing you to see the glowing purple colour inside his mouth.
Tubbo's was less obvious. His eyes were blank but also had a bright fire, one burning for revenge, reflected in them. His ears weren't flicking and neither was his tail, his entire body stiff except for a faint sound giving away the fact that his teeth were grinding together.
As much as you tried to endure it, the grip became too harsh and you couldn't help but give a small pained gasp. This caused all physical contact with you to suddenly vanish as the two boys immediately flung themselves away from you, horror and fear in their eyes.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
"Are you okay?! Do you need an ice pack?!"
"Or a bandage from my claws?!"
They were both kneeling on the ground in front of you with both of your hands in their grasps again. They repeatedly turned your hands in their own, testing the joints and checking for marks or bruising. "Boys, boys!" You laughed softly, placing your hands on their heads to ruffle their hair gently. You pulled your left hand adorned with two beautiful rings and held it up for them to see, flexing it and moving it around, "See? Perfectly fine. No pain whatsoever!"
While they seemed to have calmed down a lot, they still seemed to be extremely upset and guilty. "I'm still going to get an ice pack... We don't want our wife to be injured..." Tubbo murmured as he quickly got up and walked towards the kitchen.
"I will get started on dinner. And as an apology, I'm making your favourite. (F/f)." Ranboo tried to be a little more upbeat than Tubbo, but you could still see the small amounts of guilt as he turned and followed after the goat hybrid.
Sighing softly at their overreactions, you leaned back against the couch...
Before doing a double-take.
Adorned with rings?!
You quickly flung yourself forward again and looked at your left hand. On your ring finger were two diamond rings, one gold with a green gemstone, and the other silver with a black gemstone, both glistening a faint purple from enchantments...
When did these get put on you- wait... Did Tubbo say... wife?
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yuzukult · 3 years
no blueberries (m) || kth & reader
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title: no blueberries pairing: kim taehyung x reader genre: angst, fluff, minor smut, romance, college!au, minor artist!taehyung word count: 12.3k prompt: no more!taehyung gets his heartbroken to the point he doesn’t even love his favorite fruit, blueberries, anymore. then he meets you, the complete opposite of the girl of his dreams, and suddenly, blueberries taste sweet again. warnings: explicit smut,,, but short :) a/n: she/her is no more!oc :) also, thank you guys for your support for no more & for the interest of the spin-off for taehyung !! (also don’t come at me at the end if i made any mistakes bc i gave up on rereading any of my work LOL i’ve sat on this too long)
His love for the color blue dissipates along with her slipping through his fingers.
Clear blue skies, ocean saltwater crashing alongshore, and the fresh picked blueberries are the three memories he has grown fond of. Without any gloomy clouds in sight, he gets the best view of her underneath the sunlight; her dress matches the powder blue that coats the skies on the day of the dinner with his estranged father. He longs for those beach days again; the crystalline waters flow past his hands when he dips them in the ocean, soothing all his nerves along with that smile that’s plastered on her face that beams brighter than the stars late at night. The saccharine laugh is parallel to the sweetness of the blueberries, his favorite treat, but the fruit has become sour with time, along with his feelings for her because she isn’t his. 
Taehyung hates the color blue.
He despises that the skies are similar to the dress she wore at the dinner she accompanied him with his estranged father. The royal blue that he paints on his walls had been his favorite, simply because it’s what she suggests, but since that very day, it doesn’t appeal to him in the same way it had before. Blue was the color of the ocean waves on the trip that the two of them went on together; toes dug into the warmth of the sand, sound of children cheering and laughing in the background with the sun’s rays heating their skin, and despite the scorching weather, it was still a moment he loved. But just like the consequence of being under the daylight without sunscreen, he burns. He’s burned and hurt from his love for her.
Taehyung doesn’t like blueberries anymore because of her. 
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There's a shift in the mood around Taehyung. When she gets with Yoongi, it’s apparent that Yoongi isn’t who he used to be; he’s nicer, warmer, and gentler even, despite his consistent icy cold exterior, there’s now a crack in his facade and it’s because he has you. In contrast, Taehyung sets aflame from losing you.
He’s sour like blueberries when they’re picked too early; attitude tart because he recognizes how he feels for her too late. It’s why Jungkook makes it his priority to get Taehyung out of the shared apartment; both his current and past loves reside in that space with his friends.
Pushing his friend to work on his artwork proves to be strenuous. “I’m not creative enough,” Taehyung admits sadly. “I lost my muse.” Or when Jungkook suggests playing basketball for the afternoon, Taehyung counters back that he’s tired. Dressing up and hitting the club for hot girls doesn’t even get him to flinch like it used to—the boy is officially heartbroken.
“How about a job at the library?” Jungkook urges another day, a backpack slung over his shoulder. He’s slowly running out of options here, but he isn’t ready to give up on Taehyung just yet.
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “Are we still doing this? Why can’t I just… mope.”
“You can.” Jungkook nods, pursing his lips in thought. “But, the grace period for moping is over. Now, we have to be proactive.”
After some continuous jabbing, Taehyung agrees to take the job.
He works there mostly at night, spending the late hours of the day filing books away in their designated spots on the shelves. It’s quieter during these shifts; the remainder of students that occupy the tables are often silent, ears covered with their headphones or buds, blasting music away without a care for their surroundings. Taehyung prefers this, simply because his own home has become a place of discomfort; giggles from the rooms next door that pierce through the thin drywall, soft whispers and nudges in the hallways, and movies blaring on the TV during their double dates. He often feels like a fifth wheel in his apartment; a useless accessory that hangs at the back of a vehicle, only desperately needed in an emergency.
This is nice. He could get used to this.
But he doesn’t.
Crunch, crunch. The crackling of the toasted bread echoes throughout the entirety of the room, bouncing off the walls in elevation, causing Taehyung’s skin to crawl. He knows who the culprit is because it’s the same one every time. If he was a hero that saves the library, you were without a doubt, the villain. 
You’re an enemy in his eyes disguised as a co-worker. Your course load prohibits you from having a normal schedule, so you’re stuck on these later shifts with Taehyung, and more often than not, he ends up despising it. There’s something about you that he doesn’t like, and he can’t quite pinpoint it but everything about you triggers his anger too easily.
Pushing his cart of books to you, who sits calmly by the front desk with the sandwich in hand, he rolls his eyes. “You realize we’re in a library, right?”
“I do,” you hum, taking another crispy bite of the banh mi sandwich. It’s your go-to order, Taehyung learns, and you gravitate towards that specific meal at least once a week. And for some odd reason, you favor bringing it here, a sacred place where silence is imperative. “It’s also my break.”
“It’s always a break. We barely have any work here.”
You raise a brow at the male questioningly. “Okay, but according to labor laws, if we’re on shift for eight hours, we deserve at least a ten to fifteen minute break. And, well, I’m going to be here for eight hours.”
Taehyung doesn’t like you. He thinks you’re snappy, groggy, and overly confident for someone who should be a bit kinder. You never care about what people think of you, frequently having a rebuttal for every argument and comment that might stab your pride, but you never show signs of backing down. You don’t look offended or hurt, just annoyed that whomever it is even had the courage to say anything remotely close to trying to insult you. 
You do what you want, and other people's feelings don’t matter.
Strangely, you’re not narcissistic either. He’s confused with how he feels about you because he can’t seem to figure you out. You’re different from her, he thinks to himself, and Taehyung finds that he compares you to her whenever you do something that causes his fists to clench and jaw to tighten.
“And you chose to eat a loud sandwich in that span of fifteen minutes?”
“What’s up your ass? Why do you keep bugging me?” Your finger loops underneath the soda can tab, and it pops obnoxiously loud with a sizzle, earning a groan from Taehyung. How could someone who works at the library tell the students who attend it to stay hushed when they’re the ones making the noise themselves? “Don’t keep it up. That’s how the last dude lost his job. By being annoying.”
“You’re the one being annoying,” he spits, huffing heatedly. “I swear you only bring the most deafening types of foods to eat here. Why can’t you eat like… kimbap or something? It’s rice, not crunchy, and it tastes good.”
“Mm, but potato chips are so good. And toasted sammies. How about those spicy seaweed snacks?”
Taehyung grimaces. “And all you eat is junk food. Ridiculous.”
“You want me to eat a salad?” You query, leaning back in your swivel chair. Even in a quarrel, you manage to stay serene, as if Taehyung didn’t take a jab at your eating habits only seconds before. “Kinda raucous if you asked me.”
Kim Taehyung hates you, but he deals with you anyway. He’s met worse people in his life; people who steal the girl he’s in love with, and people who get the dream girl when they don’t deserve her.
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When she comes in a pretty pink dress, Taehyung’s breath is stuck in his throat. He feels his heart flutter, skip a beat, and his intestines tie in a knot, anxiety flooding through his veins like he shot it up his bloodstream to feel the high. 
But he doesn’t feel high. He’s just incredibly nervous. Whenever he sees her, it’s a constant reminder that his heart’s shattered like broken pieces of dropped china. It was too late when he realized his true feelings for her, and it’s when she’s already been scooped up by another, someone who isn’t even worthy to receive her love. 
“I borrowed this book last Wednesday,” she grins cheekily, waving a copy Of Mice and Men, a novel by John Steinbeck that you recalled was Taehyung’s favorite (from overhearing a conversation with him and some other chick who was also checking out a book). “Which… by the way, was the last time I saw you, and it was in passing. What’s been up with you lately? You never want to hang anymore.”
Taehyung rubs his nape, chewing on his bottom lip awkwardly. He doesn’t want to confess that it’s because of his infatuation with her, that watching her be lovey dovey with a guy he resents isn’t how he wanted to spend his free time. “Sorry. Been caught up here lately.”
“At… the library?” She quirks a brow. She’s too smart, Taehyung thinks to himself, because she catches him in his own lies routinely, especially with how things have been lately. 
“Uh, yeah. Guess everyone’s doing their book reports and just cramming in for midterms.” Yeah. That sounds like a solid excuse. He gives himself a mental pat on the shoulder for coming up with a half-decent reason. Maybe it’ll be enough to get her off his back for a little while.
“Right…” Her voice is saturated with skepticism, and if she was truly doubtful, she doesn’t act on it right away. “I guess… I’ll be returning this.” She slides the slightly worn paperback book across the wooden receptionist desk, and Taehyung does his job of inputting it into the system. There’s a brief moment of silence between them, two friends who used to be close but grew distant, and there’s no one to blame but Taehyung.  
“Are… are you sure you’re alright?” She questions again, trying her best to observe his expression. “You’ve been acting weird lately. Like you’re avoiding me or something. I barely see you over at your apartment. Did I do something wrong?”
“What?” Taehyung says, voice pitched higher than usual. It earns a contorted look from you, who also works behind the counter, arranging the books into their specific piles. He scoffs, stuttering over his own words when he talks to her, obviously caught red-handed. “W-Whaaat? Of course not. I’m just… super busy lately, trust me.”
She sucks in her cheeks. “I really don’t believe you, but I won’t probe any further.” Sighing, her shoulders drop along with the expression on her face. “I know that interrogating you won’t make it any better, and I want you to confront me with what you’re going through when you’re ready.”
When she says her goodbyes, Taehyung tosses his body onto the nearest chair and slouches. It took a lot of energy within him to lie because he’s never hid the truth from her before. 
“So she’s the girl you’ve been in love with?”
Taehyung freezes momentarily. “What?”
You pop a yellow sour patch kid in your mouth. It’s your second favorite flavor just behind the orange colored one, but Taehyung isn’t really sure why he knows this. “The chick. I remember that tall pretty boy coming by the other day and mentioning her. She’s the chick you’ve been in love with?”
The boy scowls. “What’s it to you?”
You hum dismissively, “I’d be a better girlfriend.”
Taehyung doesn’t like you very much. And truthfully, he thought the same feelings were reciprocated. You eat loud food purposely in a library, have no regard for others, and you love fueling the fire with him. 
So when you say those words, he thinks it’s a prank. “What?” He laughs in disbelief, arms crossed over his chest.
“I’d be a better girlfriend for you. Let’s date.”
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Taehyung still can’t get over that day.
Your words haunt him worse than the aftermath of a horror movie; those ghostly words repeating in his ears and continuously on repeat like an endless time loop. I’d be a better girlfriend for you. Let’s date. Did you actually mean that?
Seconds after you said those very words, he was left speechless; words caught in the passages of his airways and he truly didn’t know how to respond. And with that, you shrugged before walking away without anything else to say, leaving guilt to gnaw on his insides.
He doesn’t know. Your comments are often sharp like the edge of a knife, quick and pierces through the skin easily, but that one time didn’t feel like it normally does. Did you truly mean what you said, or was it another practical joke?
The next shift he has with you, you’re rather calm. You don’t show any signs of dejection, but truthfully, you never do. If you had any, you were a professional at masking it and he makes a mental note to suggest an acting career. Seated in front of the library’s check-out computer with your laptop beside it, you stream some drama that he’s unfamiliar with. You have an airpod in one ear, the other one without, in case a student comes by to borrow a book. Peering over your shoulder, he furrows his brows in concentration, trying to make out what you’re so engrossed with.
“I still want you,” the subtitle reads underneath the scene of a woman that’s close to your age, her eyes teary with a quivering bottom lip. She’s looking at a guy who stands before her with his gaze averted from hers, trying his best to not fall for her tactics. Taehyung expects you to showcase some type of melancholic emotion, to appear sympathetic for the character but instead, a soft chuckle escapes from your chest. 
“Funny,” you mumble to yourself, fingers reaching over to grab a bag of chips from your backpack. Was this what you found… amusing? Without the slightest care you loudly tear open the bag, earning a groan from Taehyung.
“Oh.” You turn to look at him. “You’re here? You want some?”
“We’re always on shift together. What makes you think this time is any different?”
Twisting your body back to your computer, you tap the spacebar to continue the drama. You shrug nonchalantly. “Just figured since my confession, you’d be scared to work with me.”
Appalled, his mouth drops open in complete incredulity. “Wh-what? You were actually serious? I thought you were doing that thing people do in Punk’d. The whole ‘Ashton Kutcher does something outrageous and tricks you’ act. You can’t possibly like me… right?”
Even though the back of your head is facing him, he could already sense your eye roll. Taehyung may not understand you entirely, but he can almost predict that attitude you radiate on a perpetual basis. “Well, obviously I do. I mentioned to you last time that I thought I’d be a better option for you and we should date.”
“But you didn’t sound sincere—”
“Kim Taehyung.” Your chair swivels around abruptly, and his heart nearly drops to his ass. Voice stern, and stare hard, he admits that although he often retaliates to your quips, he still fears you to a certain extent. “I said, ‘let’s date.’ Not, ‘let’s date, haha, JK.’ Otherwise, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now, would we?”
He gulps. 
Quite frankly, you’re very beautiful. Even on days where you’ve wholly given up on life and opt for looking like a bum, you’re still breathlessly gorgeous. There’s something about your demeanor that is evidently intimidating but you’re that girl, the one people flinch when you glance over in their direction and because of that, Taehyung never really considered you as anything other than an acquaintance. 
Really, you’re quite the opposite of her, and the thought of you potentially being a girlfriend never crossed his mind. 
“Well, I mean…” Taehyung puffs his cheeks briefly in thought. Coming to terms that you, the girl who is definitely the most adverse to his usual type, are crushing on him… doesn’t seem very realistic. “I think I need time to sit on it.”
“Sure,” you state coolly, like nothing affects you at all. If you were infatuated with Taehyung and had your heart broken just now, he would never know. You hold yourself so well, face solid yet at the same time lax. He’s lost when it comes to you. “Let me know what you think. I’ll be here, as usual. But don’t let me wait long.”
Taehyung quirks a brow. “Why do you say that?”
“As scary as you think I am, it doesn’t mean I don’t have a queue of people wanting to date me.”
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There are a lot of things that Taehyung doesn’t fully grasp. For one, he doesn’t get the whole ‘physics’ thing. Who is Newton and why does he need three laws of motion to elaborate that things that move just… move? Not to mention, old literature makes absolutely no sense to him. Who is Julius Caesar and why did he have to die? Can’t the writer just… keep him alive?
You call Taehyung an idiot majority of the time, and he doesn’t deny this. And yet, he’s confused because you’re the one who professed feelings, so… why are you into a guy that you claim is an absolute doofus?
For someone who knows a lot of these things and works in a library, you don’t read often. But Taehyung doesn’t either. Albeit, he’s clueless as to how you’re so knowledgeable in these topics, especially when you’re always fucking around half the time.
“How do you know so much about… everything?” Taehyung blurts one day randomly, halfway through your shift at 11:00PM. It’s your break, he recollects. Practically every time the clock strikes that time, you don’t fail to mention it and he figures it’s a good moment to crack the silence to interrogate you a little. You don’t talk about yourself regularly, and how’s he supposed to come to the conclusion of making you his girlfriend when he barely knows you?
“Excuse me?” You’re mid-bite into your kimbap, which he takes note of that you took his suggestion. Maybe you do listen to things he says. Despite the fact you’re eating it like a hot dog instead of cutting it into pieces, he appreciates the effort. “Know everything about what?”
“Like… I don’t know. Stuff.” He shrugs, not entirely sure what he was asking anyway. “You know. You seem to get the whole science stuff and books or whatever. But you don’t read.”
“... And?”
“Well like… how?”
You blink blankly. “Well, I could say the same for you. How do you paint and stuff?” You’re mocking him, something that he’s grown accustomed to, and it earns you a sigh. “I don’t know how to sketch, paint, or draw. So how do you do that?”
He hums in thought, leaning back against one of the bookshelves behind the counter. “Inspiration sparks, and I just… get in the zone. Paintbrush in hand, tubs of paint lined up in front of my canvas—it’s kind of hard not to paint.”
“Right,” Tapping your fingers against the wooden desk, you tilt your head. “So, how do you paint? How do you make it look good, and how do you make things the way that they seem?”
“Sure. Let’s say practice then. I don’t willingly learn about stupid things like integrals or The Great Gatsby, and they’re merely just assignments that I so-called ‘practiced’ in order for them to make sense. But—not everyone gets it and that’s okay. You’re just… one of those.”
Taehyung snorts. “O-One of those? You make me seem stupid.”
“I mean… you are, don’t waste your time denying that.” Just when Taehyung makes an attempt to interject to defend himself, you’re faster at responding, “But, you’re very talented. You’re not smart in those other things, but you’re smart with art. I’m not. So don’t think that you’re the full hundred percent stupid.”
It’s the first time you’ve ever complimented him… well, sort of. Maybe you’ve got a sweet spot that people don’t know about.
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There’s that tall-pretty-looking guy again, asking for Taehyung on Monday night with a blazer in hand. He’s got his hair slicked back with a heavy amount of gel, a kind smile on his face, and a soothing voice that questions where his friend is.
“Is uh… Kim Taehyung here?”
You click your tongue. “What’s it to ya?”
Taehyung grumbles from behind, shoving you aside to make way for himself. Frowning, you let him get away with it for now, and possibly show him what karma means later, so you head to the backroom in the meantime. “Sorry, hyung. She likes to play around a lot. What’s up?”
Seokjin raises a brow teasingly. “What? She’s got a little crush on you or something?”
Taehyung exhales a sharp breath with a glare. “Yes but I don’t want to get into the details. You brought back my blazer?”
His friend is tempted to probe for more, but he has his reasons for being here. “So uh, thanks for lending me this. The one I had was for… the fourteen-year-old version of Kim Seokjin. I appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” Taehyung grins cheekily, turning over to hang it on the door handle. “Appreciate you giving it back to me.”
There’s a minor pause between the two. Seokjin quietly rolls his lips as he bounces on the tips of his shoes with his hands dug deep into the front of his pockets. Deciding it was time to confront his friend, he finally breaks the silence. “... I heard some rumors going around that… you’ve had a thing for uh,” he clears his throat uncomfortably. “Her.”
The name doesn’t need to be said for Taehyung to know; practically everyone in their mutual friend group is aware of his evident feelings except for the couple themselves. “And what did those rumors say exactly?”
“You might’ve, well… had feelings for her. Even though she’s with… Yoongi. Not to mention that one time you tried setting her up with Namjoon—” Taehyung scrunches up his nose as he waves his hand in front of Seokjin in dismissal. “Eugh. Don’t continue, please. I already know.”
“Well, dude. Spill. What’s up?”
Sighing frustratedly, Taehyung runs his fingers through his disheveled ebony locks. He’s been meaning to go for a new look lately, especially since he’s been planning on starting over a new leaf after getting his heart broken. “I just… I’m over it, alright? I realized that I loved her but by the time I figured that out, Yoongi already mended the broken heart that he caused. Either way, it’s not worth it to think about it again. It’ll only make me feel shittier.”
Seokjin gives Taehyung that look—the look that all his friends have been giving him when they realize that the girl he’s been in love with has found love in another. “How about we hit the club on Friday?”
Taehyung winces. “Friday? I have work on Friday.”
Seokjin shakes his head. “You’ve been so caught up in work that you forgot Friday is a holiday. All of the University closes that night. That includes the library.”
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“Dammmnnn, Taehyung!” Jungkook hollers, whistling between his two fingers. Taehyung’s cheeks are rosy from his friend’s actions, and he’s thankful that the music in the club is blasting or else heads would, without a doubt, be turning in his direction. When in reality, they’re turning to see him anyway because he does look really good tonight. “You clean up nice. Looking for a girlfriend?”
Taehyung rolls his eyes at his friend, a trait that he realizes he’s slowly stealing from you. Were you really that contagious? “Seokjin invited me to come, don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Let’s at least get you a girl to go home with tonight,” Jungkook winks, and Taehyung’s nose twitches in response.
“Chill out, will you?” 
The club and party life has never been Taehyung’s scene, but coming out here tonight is a nice change of pace. He’d been working endlessly throughout the past month, spending incessant hours in between bookshelves, organizing said books, and sitting in a library full of at least four people during those nights while dealing with your boisterous chewing.
Speaking of you….
Why is that even on a day where he doesn’t have a shift with you, he still runs into you outside of work?
And—why do you look like… that?
“Guk,” You grin, hand on his shoulder. Although your makeup isn’t heavy, it still emphasizes your beauty and he’s not sure if he’s used to this side of you. “Didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Jungkook twists himself around, a bright smile slapped across his face, and Taehyung nearly catches a glimpse of the hearts in his eyes. Does Jungkook have a crush on you? Is that why the two of you are so close?
“Hey… Hey!” He greets, recognizing that it’s you standing by him, all confident in your black, skin-tight dress that hugs your body well. Taehyung has to avert his gaze momentarily, sipping on his glass bottle of beer before you catch him in the act. He knows that he won’t hear the end of it if you knew he was checking you out. “I’m always here on Fridays. Gotta occupy my free time with something, right?”
“Evidently not in the library with your face in the books, it seems.” You joke, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. That’s when you see him, and Taehyung almost chokes on his beer when your lashes flutter in his direction. “Oh, lookie here. It’s the artsy boy.”
“... Yeah, uh that’s me. ‘Sup?” Why’s he suddenly acting weird now that you’re all dressed up? He has to shake his head from these weird thoughts. It feels that he’s been identified for his strange actions because you let out a sweet laugh that pulls on the recoil start in his chest like a lawn mower, and his heart stutters.
You don’t say anything in return, an eye-smile upon your pretty face before saying your goodbyes. “I’m just uh, gonna head back to my friends. Good seeing you… outside of work, Tae.”
Tae. Is that how you would’ve referred to him if you weren’t co-workers?
Jungkook snorts, snapping Taehyung out of his trance. “Dude, you good?”
“Uh, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Mm,” Jungkook hums teasingly, swirling the drink in hand. “So… what’d you think of her since you guys started working together?”
Taehyung eyes his friend suspiciously. “She seems… alright. Why? You into her? Why don’t you date her?”
Jungkook bursts into laughter, on the verge of slipping off the stool he sits on. “Simple. Because she’s a friend, but also too bold for me. I like shy girls. But you… you should go for her. She’s not your type, yeah, but you might find something worthwhile if you date her.”
“That goes the same for you.” Taehyung quirks a brow.
“That… yeah, that’s true. But she’s cool and I only see her as a friend.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung sighs, taking another swing of his beer, basking in the loud music and lights that flicker around the venue. “But she’s just… not my type.”
“Not your type, or… not her?” Jungkook grabs his drink, prepared to turn away but not before he says, “Maybe you should give her a shot.”
That statement haunts Taehyung for the rest of the night.
You’re so… pretty, he notices, watching the way your eyes get sparkly underneath the club’s lights. Reds, blues, greens—there isn’t a shade that can unflatter you; in fact, you’re even… prettier? He’s left in awe, watching the way you sway to the music in the midst of the crowd, and still manage to capture his attention in a way his professors never could.
Then the image of you devouring a bowl of noodles at work appears, slurping away while twirling in your swivel chair in an attempt to challenge yourself to see if you could prevent the soup from spilling.
Of course. Why isn’t he surprised?
Embarrassingly, he and Jungkook get a little out of hand with the alcohol consumption that night. It’s so bad that it gets your attention, the girl that he’s supposedly irked by. 
“I’ll call them an uber,” you assure one of their friends, Seokjin, who looks at you uneasily. “I’ll even ride with them.” 
That night, Taehyung’s memory about what exactly happened is a bit foggy. But, he arrives home safely after punching in his address messily into your phone, mumbling the numbers incoherently while Jungkook is completely knocked out on the bench outside of the club.
He doesn’t remember, but you do. Taehyung looked adorable with his burning cheeks; giggly and in a daze from all the alcohol in his system. He mutters a handful of things, but the one that piqued your curiosity is when he leaned close, mouth twitching with a soft chuckle with a tap of your nose as he whispers, “you’re pretty.”
Kim Taehyung thinks you’re pretty.
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Taehyung feels absolutely disgusting. He’s on the verge of wanting to vomit yet at the same time pass out. He’s paler than he is normally, lips blue like he just drank a whole 62oz of blue raspberry Slurpee, and he currently has his hands on his stomach while sweating profusely. He’s already drenched his shirt and he’s only a ten minute walk to the library.
“Eugh.” Startled, you stumble back against the counter when Taehyung walks in. Initially, you traded a shift with one of your coworkers today, supposedly getting off around the time of Taehyung’s arrival. “You look… gross. What’s up with you?”
“I think I have the stomach flu,” he says weakly, leaning against the wall for support. “But no one can cover my shift.”
“Eugh,” you reiterate, scrunching up your nose in repugnance. “That’s gross. You gotta head home.”
“No one can cover for me—” 
Pushing him off the wall, you guide him into the direction of the front door. “Eugh, please do me a favor and get your disgusting ass out of here. I’ll stay for your shift.”
Taehyung is way too sick to even notice how nice you’re being, despite the harsh words coming out of your mouth.
It gets even worse when you get off his shift, standing at his doorstep with a bag of food in your hand. He has tissues shoved up his nose, a loose tee on with holes at the neckline, and sweatpants that drag across the floor because they’re two sizes too big.
“What—what are you doing here? How do you know where I live?” he sputters like the engine of a broken car. “It’s like… five in the morning.”
“Yeah, I got that, I have a phone that tells time. I should be asking you since you responded to my text so quickly? Also, how did you think you got home that night at the club?” He’s confused. Why are you at his house? Did you give him a ride? Then, your expression changes to an annoyed one within seconds, and he almost hears the growl coming up your throat. “Well? Are you going to invite me in or what? I got you food.”
He doesn’t know how he got to this position, but he’s sitting on the floor of his living room with you, a space in his own apartment that he hasn’t been in since she started spending time here with Yoongi to hang out. You’ve pulled out containers full of congee and side dishes, laying them out on his small coffee table before handing him a disposable spoon. “Eat.”
He doesn’t know how he got to this position, but he’s sitting on the floor of his living room with you, a space in his own apartment that he hasn’t been in since she started spending time here with Yoongi to hang out. You’ve pulled out containers full of congee and side dishes, laying them out on his small coffee table before handing him a disposable spoon. “Eat.”
“No, I didn’t poison it. And yes, I know… sadly it’s not crunchy but you’re sick so just deal with it.”
Dipping your spoon in his congee, you lick the contents off cleanly, showcasing that it is very much not poisoned. “Eat. Then we can sit and let your stomach digest it. Solids aren’t good when you have a stomach flu.”
“What about the rest?” He queries, shoulders dropping at the thought of missing out on such delicious looking side dishes.
“Mm. Sucks. Guess I’ll have to eat it all,” you shrug calmly, diving straight into the kimchi. He can’t help but stifle a soft laugh at this, remembering how gorgeous you looked at the club that night, dancing your problems away with the flickering colorful lights, and how you are now, underneath the fluorescent light of his living room, crunching on your kimchi pieces at five in the morning.
And weirdly enough, you’re still gorgeous even now.
“Wanna watch something?” You ask, breaking the silence while gesturing to the TV with your head. 
“Sure.” His voice is still groggy, but he’s already feeling a bit better after a couple mouthfuls of congee. “What did you have in mind?”
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine?”
It’s sort of nice having you here like this: in his apartment, dressed snugly in your most comfortable clothes while keeping him company in spite of whatever bug he has in his system. You look lovely like this, even though your eyes are slightly sunken from the extra hours at the library, with smudged mascara that was applied yesterday. And honestly? Taehyung’s slowly seeing you in a different light– he’s unsure what’s got his stomach churning, but it’s definitely not the stomach flu.
There’s definitely something in the medicine that you force feed down his throat after one of the episodes, because he knocks out cold on the couch for three hours straight until startled awake from your abrupt movements.
“Hey.” He tries shaking you, eyes barely open but he manages to steal a glance at the hanging analog clock. “Go home. It’s eight in the morning. I’m gonna get you sick.”
You shove his arm away, snuggling close to the corner of the sofa. “Whatever, I’m fine. My immune system is built like a Transformer, I used to volunteer at nursing homes and daycares.”
… A weird response, indeed, but Taehyung is too sleepy to even care, to the point that he doesn’t realize that he’s fallen asleep with his arm wrapped around you, and you must’ve twisted your body around in your slumber because your head is resting cosily on his chest.
“Oh, this is cute.”
That voice sounds familiar to Taehyung’s ears, and it stirs him awake. That’s when he notices her, a sight that has him staggering out of this awkward yet comfortable position, forcing a limp body off him that it earns a scowl from you. “Kim Taehyung.” You grumble, hair disheveled and covering your field of vision.
There she stands, between the kitchen and the living room, in that powder blue sundress that Taehyung used to love. He could already imagine himself at the beach like that very day; toes buried in the warmths of the sand, skin absorbing the rays of the sun, and heart feeling full because he’s with her. Her hair is done nicely today, seemingly for a special event that he’s unaware of, and the smile that tugs on the edges of her lips is only proof of it. 
“H-hey. You look good. Heading out?”
Even when she adjusts the strap of her bag over her shoulder it takes the breath out of Taehyung’s lungs. And that’s not because he’s sick. “Yeah. Yoongi and I are heading to the beach today to have a picnic. I heard the weather is nice today, so we figured it’d be cute.”
Hearing Yoongi’s name instead of his own drops his heart. It was supposed to be him. It was supposed to be him that got to love her in that way, to hold her hand and call her his own. “Wow, that’s uh… that’s sweet. You guys have fun.”
She gestures to you, who finds home in the corner of his couch again, hugging the armrest restfully. “So… is she your girlfriend?” Her gaze shifts to the table where a bag of trash from your meal this morning resides. “And I see she brought you food. Were you sick, Tae?”
It’s different, the way she says Tae in comparison to how you did on that Friday night. This time, it doesn’t sound as honeyed. There’s something about you when you say Tae instead of a stern version of Taehyung, like night and day, or even like those sour patch kids that you love so much—sour first, then sweet. But what he’s detecting is that her version doesn’t cause his heart to skip a beat like it used to.
“Uh, yeah. We had some congee and I drank some medicine. But… uh, we’re not dating, if that’s what you’re thinking. Just a coworker.”
Right. That’s who you were. Just a coworker. A coworker who wants to date him.
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Taehyung tosses a mysterious brown paper back onto the receptionist desk. “Here.”
Watching him carefully, you furrow your brows curiously at his unfamiliar behavior. “What’s that?”
“It’s to pay you back,” he says, clearing his throat afterwards, in hopes of releasing whatever awkward feelings reside inside him. “For, uh, checking in on me. Getting me food and whatnot. It was… pretty helpful. I didn’t eat that day and I couldn’t gather enough energy to cook for myself.”
Reclining in your swivel chair, you’re still not convinced that this isn’t some prank. You don’t trust Taehyung, despite your current crush on him, because he doesn’t like you that way or he just doesn’t show it. Taehyung doesn’t like that you’re bold, he doesn’t like that you laugh with your entire body, and he hates that you do everything on his pet peeve list without having to look at it. “Open it.”
He scoffs in disbelief. “You don’t trust me.”
“Hell no I don’t.”
Taehyung inhales deeply, opening the bag before peering in. “For someone who says they want to date me, you really don’t act like it.”
You’re intrigued. “What do you mean by that?”
As he’s pulling out boxes of takeout, your mouth begins to water from the aroma that ghosts under your nose. “Well, for one, you’re not very nice to me despite this… crush,” he says, waving one of the boxes in front of you in an attempt to get his point across but you’re too infatuated by the smell. “And when I tell you I don’t like something, you still do it anyway. You know it’s my pet peeve right? The whole loud eating?”
“I don’t eat loud, I just eat loud food,” you correct him, scooting closer to the counter. “Plus, why do I have to cater to your interests? It’s who I am. Anyways, what did you get me?”
Fried chicken. It’s five different types of fried chicken with coleslaw and mashed potatoes doused in gravy, and if you're being quite frank, you’re a bit taken aback that he chose this since fried is often associated with… crispy. And crispy? Crispy is noisy. “Wh—Why fried chicken?”
“Cause yeah, it’s annoying to hear the crisp when you first bite into it but it’s not as irritating as toasted bread. Plus, I heard that fried chicken is your favorite.”
“From who?”
“Jungkook.” He folds the paper bag, tucking it underneath one of the containers. “So uh… speaking of Jungkook, did you… did you guys ever have a thing? I mean… feel free not to answer, I was just uh… curious.”
Already shuffling to open the boxes, you’re prepared to haul all this food into your black hole of a stomach but you pause your movements when you hear his question. You can’t help but snort. “Why? Are you jealous? I don’t think you have the right to be, though. You never gave me a straightforward answer. We should just date so you don’t have to worry about Jungkook snagging me.”
That green little monster full of envy that everyone’s always talking about? Taehyung used to feel that when he saw her with Yoongi, so he’s quite familiar with the creature. But what he’s not used to is that it’s popping up while he’s thinking of you and Jungkook possibly being a couple. 
Taehyung swallows, turning his head away, striving to hide this weird thing going on in his chest. “You don’t really like me, do you? You’re just saying that stuff to make me uncomfortable because you like teasing me.”
Crunch. Taehyung grimaces at the sound, but that cute, joyous smile on your face makes up for it.
“True. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not serious when I say that I’d be a better girlfriend for you.”
He chokes on a breath, punching his own chest in order to regain himself. “What? You can’t just say stuff like that!”
Confused, you tilt your head. “And why not?”
“Because you don’t really like me.”
Rolling your eyes, you clean your chicken wing bone of its meat in seconds, and Taehyung truly thinks you’ve got a talent for eating. Throwing it onto one of the lids, you let out a sigh. “I don’t know how to get it through your head. But Kim Taehyung, hear this and let it get through your head, will you? I think we should date. You should be my boyfriend. So, take it into consideration or just… date me.”
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Taehyung loves to paint. He still doesn’t understand the differences between affect or effect, but he knows that azure and cobalt are two vastly disparate shades of blue. The color wheel is practically engraved into his brain, and he’s got a skill when it comes to mixing colors to the ones that match what runs through his imagination. 
He finds it calming, letting the bristles of the brushes glide on the canvas, like ice skaters that dance across the smoothness of the rink, the paint blending with the other shades that resemble the ones in the sky, just like that day at the beach with her. Taehyung doesn’t know what hits him, this urge to impetuously grab his tools and start creating art. Nothing has spurred him recently, revving the artistic side of him that he so desperately craved for motivation for. Usually, heartbreak does wonders to the imagination. But for some reason, it hasn’t stimulated anything.
Then, in the midst of being in the zone, he groans.
One of the hairs on his brush sticks out from the rest, causing a small line of blue marks on another part of his canvas, where blue isn’t supposed to be.
Taehyung hurls the brush into his cup of water, feeling discouraged. Maybe if he had saved up enough, he could afford that expensive brush set that he’s been eyeing for years. But from having to pay rent, groceries, other basic necessities and books, there doesn’t seem to be any room in his budget to purchase such an outrageously overpriced painting bundle that… only… the pros have.
And coincidentally, it’s time for his shift at the library.
You’re beginning to grow on him, he thinks, but he shakes off the thought. You’re still you, nonetheless–a very blunt, aggressive and bold person who obviously says things that they don’t mean… unless, did you really mean it when you said you wanted to date him?
Taehyung is torn. On one hand, he thinks you’re out of his league—not in the way that you’re too cool for him, but rather that you’re on the complete opposite spectrum of him. You’re not artistic, you don't have a creative bone in your body, and you’re often fascinated in things that he doesn’t find much interest in, such as conspiracy theories or how steak is dry aged (what does that even mean?), and true crime podcasts (was he going to die if he flat out rejected you?)
He’s never dated anyone remotely close to you, but then again, he hasn’t had any successful relationships in the past with the girls he’s been with that all sort of had the same traits. Is going out of his comfort zone the answer to his troubled love life?
Letting out a heavy sigh, Taehyung runs his fingers through his hair. He’s been on shift for hours, and for some reason, you’ve randomly called out. Namjoon comes in as your replacement, and there’s nothing wrong with the dude but he’s just not… you. There’s no loud chewing, sharp insults and rebuttals, but… silence, just as a library should be. 
Did he strike a chord and you finally decided that he’s been taking too long and you’d rather work somewhere else or with someone else? Or did something happen to you? Were you sick maybe? Caught in an accident? 
Before his thoughts can continue to run wild, he almost mistakes reality with a dream because you walk through the front doors of the library, two drinks in hand with your hair let loose and out of your usual low bun.
That’s it? You call off your shift without telling him prior, and the only thing you say is ‘sup’?
He doesn’t know what takes over him, but he jolts up from his seat with the fronts of his brows dipped down in anger. “Sup. That’s all you have to say? Why didn’t you come in? And why didn’t you tell me beforehand?”
You shrug nonchalantly, handing over one of the iced coffees. “Needed a bit of a break, so Namjoon over there said he didn’t mind covering,” you turn over to wave at the boy in between the shelves placing the books back to where they belong, “... and I felt a bit burnt out to be quite honest. Working here at night while all your friends are having fun really takes a toll on you. I needed a mental health day, so.. Hope you don’t mind. But, if you agreed to be my boyfriend, maybe I would’ve seen you at home instead. That way you’re not missing me all day.”
Speechless, his jaw drops at your intrepid response, unable to formulate a proper answer to that. 
“Well… gimme a second and I’ll be back, yeah? I’m gonna give this coffee to Joonie for covering my shift for me.”
Watching you walk away confuses him even more. Did he like you? Why was he so… worried just a second ago? He feels the heat creeping up, lingering around his neck and his face is probably flushed pink by now. Settling back into the swivel chair that’s technically yours (you’ve claimed it for yourself and it’s off limits to everyone), he’s perturbed. Taehyung was definitely sure that he wasn’t into you, especially since you seemed standoffish, but since your unforeseeable confession, and nontraditional at that, it’s like… you sparked something in him, as if you’re… inspiration?
“Hey.” You’re back, and Taehyung hasn’t even fully regained himself yet. “So uh, how’s your painting going?”
“My painting?” Right. He realizes that he briefly mentioned it on the last shift you were on together. “Uh, it’s alright. Struggling a bit since my brushes are getting old so they’re not in the best shape to create a masterpiece. But that’s where everyone starts off, right? Not with the best tools but their works still look great. I just wish it was… perfect…” Taehyung carries on into a tangent, talking about his favorite painters and what he wants to go for plus that stupid brush set that’s unreasonably priced, and somehow after twenty minutes later, he stops when the clock strikes 1:00AM.
But you stayed. You listened quietly, intrigued by his findings and stories, his dreams and aspirations, nodding along without much comment. 
Maybe when you’re not munching on potato chips, you’re slightly bearable. After all, you even got him a cup of coffee to make it through the night.
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“Do you like blueberries?”
It’s three in the morning and there’s only two hours left before your shifts are over, so when you ask such a random question like that, Taehyung thinks you’ve lost your mind. 
“Blueberries,” you reiterate, tearing off the head of your orange sour patch kid. “Like… the fruit or whatever. It’s blue, tiny, round like a little ball. Sometimes sour, sometimes sweet, depending when they’re picked. Blueberry harvests are around April to late September—”
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I know what blueberries are. Why are you asking me this?”
You shrug. “I dunno. I remember seeing you hanging around at the quad about a year ago. Saw you carrying a ziplock bag with blueberries like some kindergartener eating snacks his mom packed for him. You don’t eat them anymore.”
“You knew me then?”
“Eh.” Your legs are resting on the receptionist desk, despite Taehyung repeatedly telling you to not do that. “I may have noticed you then. Jungkook liked to talk about you a lot and we hung out sometimes. But you don’t eat blueberries anymore. Did you get tired of them?”
“I’m surprised you knew about me before the library,” he admits, pushing the empty cart into the backroom. “But sort of. They started tasting bitter to me after a while, sometimes too sour. I could never find any that were sweet.”
“Why didn’t you just… bake them?”
“What?” He says this a lot when he’s with you because you never fail to surprise him. “I don’t get it.”
Dropping your feet onto the floor, you brush your hands off to the side and crystals from the candy fall onto the ground. He mentally groans at this because it’s just attracting more ants, but you disregard his constant complaints anyway so he remains silent. “Bake with the sour blueberries. Eat the sweet ones. Why just stop eating them completely when you could just… bake them? You like them, don’t you? So just find an alternative way to prepare them.”
You make a pretty good point. In fact, the next time you work with Taehyung, you bake him a blueberry crumb cake. 
He stares at the little baggy in your hand, bemused. “What… what’s that?”
“Okay, hear me out. It’s not pretty, so to speak, but it’s really good. I’m still trying to work out the recipe so that it keeps the same taste and sweetness but it’s so hard to make it… solid? It’s a blueberry crumb cake. But too crumbly. Not efficient to eat.”
Taehyung observes the bag of the broken treat. Before he even opens it, he notices something familiar that peeks out of your backpack, something that someone like you would never be in possession of. “Wait. What’s that?”
“What’s what—oh,” puffing your cheeks, you sluggishly reach into your pouch, then handing the mysterious item to Taehyung. It’s the brush set. Encased in a wooden box, he doesn’t even need to question if this is it because the logo that’s engraved in the bottom right corner says it all. “Here. It was supposed to be a surprise, but oh well. I got you that brush kit you were talking about—the whole set or whatever. I don’t want you to feel like you have to be restricted in what you create because you don’t have the resources to create.”
Taehyung doesn’t like blueberries. But Taehyung doesn’t like you either. You’re sour like the blueberries, just as he’d been when he lost her, but you’ve… somehow become sweet like honey, like this blueberry crumb cake. Sweet like blueberries get when you pick them at the right time. 
“You didn’t have to get me this. You realize how expensive it is, right?”
You shrug. “I mean, yeah, I know how much it costs. I was the one who swiped their card, right? But… you deserve it, Taehyung, for all the work you’ve done. I’ve spent hours here, and I made some extra cash helping Namjoon out with his shifts a couple times. Don’t worry about it.”
Before he dives into the dessert and into his new toy, a sudden wash of confidence hits him, and the very thing he didn’t expect himself to do, he actually does. He learned a couple things from you, one of them being bold, and he’s finally able to put it to use. “Let’s… I want to take you up on the offer.”
“What offer?” Your face contorts into a perplexed one.
“Let’s go out on a date.”
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You’ve briefly brought up your interest in “dry age steak” before, and Taehyung doesn’t quite get it, but it's his mission to find a restaurant that serves it.
Taehyung has a feeling that you’ll like the menu. You eat pretty much everything, inhaling in food like a vacuum but the way you talk about how chefs prepare this “dry age steak” that you’re obsessed with, kind of gives it away that you might bask in the flavors to truly appreciate the work behind it instead of engulfing it in one go. You’re strange. But amusing.
“W-Wow, who are you even?” Other than food, you’ve managed to suction the air from his lungs. He’s breathless, enamored by the way you look tonight, never expecting that you’d put this much effort. 
“Why? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” With a little twirl and a soft smile, Taehyung chokes on his saliva at your unpredictable shift in personality. Skirts didn’t seem like your thing, but you really knew how to make something so simple look so good. “Something off?”
“You just look different,” he blurts, speaking his mind without hesitation before quickly correcting himself. “I mean, a good kind of different, don’t think of it the wrong way.” Taehyung winces, slightly fearing that he’ll be met with the impact of your hand, instead, he’s met with that melodic laugh. 
“So, where are you taking me?”
It’s a nicer restaurant than you thought it’d be, mainly because Taehyung hasn’t made it clear if he had any feelings for you to even go to this extent. The lights are dimmed, candles are lit, and all the waiters and waitresses are in vests and blazers—and you can confidently say that this isn't seen often on your previous dates. The tables are draped with white cloths, silverware out by the plates with clear glasses for wine with a view out the window of the city lights.
Your hypothesis is right, Taehyung has to admit. You would be a better girlfriend, and after barely ten minutes of conversation over a basket of the complimentary bread and butter, he’s already determined that he might have a teensy weensy crush on you.
The bread cracks when you pierce your thumb through it, in an attempt to open and smear the insides with the little square of butter, and Taehyung suddenly doesn’t mind the sound. Then you do something he least expects—you’re handing it over to him. 
He furrows his brows in confusion. “What’s this for?”
“For you, obviously. Take it first.”
Did you just give Taehyung your food first? Before yourself? The person who wouldn’t even share her bag of sour patch kids because they were ‘too good to give to other people?’ It’s a change of pace, and Taehyung isn’t sure what to do with this newfound information. But… admittedly so, he’s enjoying this.
Just then, a notification goes off on his phone.
She’s got a flat tire in the middle of the highway, and her frantic texts allude to the fact that she can’t get ahold of Yoongi, so the first person that comes to mind is Taehyung. And if Taehyung was being truthful to himself, he’d confess that the lingering feelings he had for her was fogging up his vision from his new ones for you, because he drops his linen napkin on his plate abruptly in the midst of standing up from his seat.
“Heading to the bathroom?” You ask, taking a sip of your iced water.
Taehyung shakes his head. “I gotta go. She’s got a flat tire.”
You pause, cup near your face but never reaching your lips again. “What? Doesn’t she have a boyfriend to do that? Or… I don’t know, AAA? Insurance?”
“She texted me. I should be there.” He shuffles on his coat that hangs on the back of his chair, sifting through his pockets for his car keys. “You should stay. Enjoy dinner—maybe even pack mine to-go so you can have it later. I’ll pay for the meal on the way out.”
Scoffing in disbelief, you can’t even bring yourself to look at him. 
“I’m sorry,” Taehyung apologizes delicately, as if he doesn’t have any options. “I’ll even get you dessert.” You don’t respond. “She needs my help.”
“Yeah, it’s fine, whatever.”
“Don’t be like that.”
“Taehyung.” Your voice isn’t soft like it has been recently, only stern and firm, gaze still never meeting with his. “You’ve made your decision. You should go.”
Taehyung says your name, tone full of penitent but you weren’t having any of it. “I said, go. You’ll keep her waiting.”
When Taehyung arrives where she is stranded, he feels awful. Absolutely awful. Not even just because he ditched you in the middle of a date, but because Yoongi is there, already on his knees with the car on the jack, loosening the bolts of the tire. 
“Oh, Tae, you’re here!” She exclaims, and the always grumpy Yoongi does a little wave in Taehyung’s direction. “Wow, and you look great! Was I interrupting something?”
Yes. “No, hah, I just… was at an event and you saved me from it.” It’s a lie that slips through his gritted teeth because he was truly enjoying the date with you until she messaged him. “See you got here on time, Yoongi.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, popping off the tire in the process. “But she’s fine, at least. I didn’t get a chance to text her back immediately when she told me because I was rushing over here so fast. Remind me to teach her how to change into a spare tire, will you? Feels like she’s spoiled for us both coming to the rescue—” He doesn’t even get to finish when she slaps his shoulder.
“Well, sorry, Tae, for rushing you here. I appreciate you coming, though! It means a lot, knowing a friend would come save me when I needed them.”
Taehyung used to think that Yoongi stole the girl that he was in love with and didn’t deserve her. 
He’s starting to believe that Yoongi does deserve her, and it’s you that Taehyung doesn’t deserve.
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You don’t answer his texts nor his calls, and he speculates that he hasn’t angered you enough to warrant blocking his number. Yet, you don’t show up to your night shift on Monday either, and Namjoon isn’t sure why you asked to switch shifts when Taehyung queries. Instead, Taehyung spots you while he’s clocking out in the morning, torn between feeling frustrated that you return his calls or sorry for cutting the date off short.
“Are you avoiding me?” He asks the moment you step into the library. 
Blinking blankly at the boy, you toss another potato chip into your mouth from the bag in your other hand. “Uh, no… I’m standing right here in front of you, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but you never responded to my texts or calls.”
You hum disparagingly, hurling your backpack over the desk. “Come on, Taehyung. Do you really think I want to reach out to you after what happened?”
“But I wanted to tell you how bad—”
“Taehyung, I don’t care.” You interrupt, rounding the counter to plop into your designated chair. “It’s done. It happened, we tried it and I guess I was wrong. I thought I’d be able to prove to you that I’d be a better girlfriend—your girlfriend, but it’s fine. We didn’t click, I got the hint and I’m not gonna push you.” Then, you casually throw your feet onto the table. If Taehyung broke your heart, he can’t tell at all. “Assholes that ditch their dates do that because they’re not interested. Could’ve just said that instead of constantly brushing off the topic, and even agreeing to go on a date with me. Ooo, you stooped low, pretty boy.”
He sighs, fingers carding through his hair. “It’s not that I’m not interested—”
“Did you forget that I said I didn’t care? Now git. I got work to do.”
“You’re just sitting—”
You pull a lollipop from your pocket, waving it in his direction. “Busy. I’m on the clock.”
“Then I’ll come back after,” he states, but you only shrug in return.
Taehyung actually keeps his promise, because eight hours later, he’s standing in front of the receptionist desk where you’re logging in returned books. “Uhhh, yes? How can I help you?”
“I came back to talk.” Eyes wary, his shoulders fall along with the frown upon his face. “I want to tell you that I am interested, and this isn’t a hoax. I genuinely think we’d be good together—that you’d be a great girlfriend for me, but I’m starting to realize that I’d have to be better to be a great boyfriend to you.”
“Cool,” you retort indifferently. “Suit yourself with whatever that is.”
Before Taehyung could say anything else, Jungkook comes in; hair slicked back, tight black tee and ripped, worn-out blue jeans and that stupid smirk on his face. Taehyung loves Jungkook, without a doubt, because he’s nothing but a loyal friend to him. Yet seeing him dressed like this, his trademark “fuck-me” outfit, like he’s going to swing his arm around your shoulder then take you to his car for a quick hook-up only makes Taehyung’s blood boil. 
“Hey, Tae! I didn’t know you had work now.”
“I don’t.” Taehyung clenches his jaw. “Why are you here?”
“Picking up our lovely mutual friend here.” Eugh. Taehyung is tempted to slap that look off Jungkook’s face. “See you later?”
Taehyung has his grip on your shoulder and you glower at him. “Uh, Guk, do you mind starting the car up first? I uh… need to talk to her alone for a bit.”
Jungkook complies, waving goodbye to Taehyung one last time before showcasing those pearly white teeth. Taehyung will not be late again, refusing to lose another girl that he might be into. And if he loses to you Jungkook, it’d be the third girl he loses to one of his friends because he didn’t act smart enough. 
When Jungkook turns, on route to his car, you click your tongue in amusement. “He’s got a cute ass, you gotta admit.”
“You’re kidding, right? The moment we don’t work out, you’re into Jungkook? Are you guys together now?”
“Uh, nope,” you respond, popping the ‘p’ when you pull a lollipop from your mouth. Where’d you get this new one from? “Doesn’t matter anyways. I’ve moved on. I’m over your rejection—although I still believe that you should’ve straightforwardly told me you weren’t into me—but either way, I’m good.”
Appalled by your audacity, he swears the words he wants to say only gets lodged in his throat. 
“Well,” taking in a sharp breath, you pull your lips into a straight line. “I’m out. Good seeing you though, maybe I’ll catch you on our next shift.”
And with that, you’re gone.
Gone into the fucking arms of Jeon Jungkook and Taehyung cannot let history repeat itself.
The contrast between you and her is apparent. For one, you’re not effortlessly altruistic. Some would even go far as to say that you’re selfish, but Taehyung disagrees. He thinks you put yourself first, simply because you might’ve had experiences with being walked over, but that doesn’t mean you’re selfish. You’re not incapable of being considerate, and this shows when Taehyung gets sick and you cover his shift after working sixteen hours, still managing to gather enough energy to get him food afterwards. 
Then, there’s the “girl’s next door” comparison. She’s the textbook definition of it—everyone’s first love, down-to-earth, supportive and approachable. But you’re… not evil enough to be a villain, yet close. There’s no devious plan up your sleeve, no motivation to do damage on anyone mentally or physically—simply just quick-witted and blunt, oftentimes viewed as intimidating from your rough exterior. You judge but you don’t actually judge people for things they’re interested in, only poking fun at the things that people don’t hold as a true insecurity. 
And… that’s why you and him work. He doesn’t need a girl who sugarcoats things for him—he needs someone like you, someone who is honest enough to tell him that he’s acting like an idiot, someone who supports him in his endeavors, and someone who… well, truthfully, he kind of just wants you.
He’s praying he doesn’t make the same mistake with you.
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“Why’d you ask me to pick you up?” Jungkook asks, readjusting his hair in the mirror attached to the sunvisor of his car. “I’m surprised you asked me to squeeze you in for a drive before heading out on my date. You’ve mentioned that you hated being my hook-up ride on the day of my—”
“Eugh,” you’re making fake vomiting sounds and Jungkook raises a brow at you. “Please don’t continue that.”
“Least answer my questions, will you?”
You frown, leaning back against the leather seat of Jungkook’s new yet used car. It still has remnants of the smell of cigarettes of the previous owner, and you’re genuinely curious as to why girls find it hot to makeout here. “I wanna go to that sub-shop across town.”
“Uh, why? You only go there when you’re sad. It’s so out of the way—”
Slapping his chest, Jungkook winces while rubbing the ache. “I’m sad, so drive.”
“Why are you sad, lovebug?” Grimacing at the pet name that he gives you, one that doesn’t match you very well, you turn to reach for the seatbelt. “Come on. You can tell me. I won’t judge you.”
“Kim Taehyung agreed to go on a date with me—”
“Holy shit, that’s amazing—”
“—then he ditched me.”
Jungkook’s jaw drops. “Bro that’s fucked up.”
“Ya think?” You roll your eyes. “So yeah, I wanna eat a yummy banh mi sandwich and go home with a full belly and a nap. Not really in the mood to think about that rejection any further. It would’ve been easier if he just said ‘no’ the first time around.”
But Jungkook doesn’t start the car. He sits there, the space between his eyes with the same amount of wrinkles as the questions running through his head. “Wait, but he wanted to talk to you in there. Taehyung isn’t the type to just… leave in the middle of a date. The guy would stay, even if it’s a bad date, it’s just who he is. Why’d he leave? Did he say why?”
“Mm, her. She texted him, and he dropped everything for her.”
Jungkook puffs his cheeks. “Really? Man, I’m sorry, lovebug. Should I cancel my date and accompany you to your favorite sandwich shop?”
You wave your hand in dismissal. “It’s fine, Guk. Please just drive me? Drop me off and I can take the bus after. I figured he might try coming with me, hence why I texted you. But… it would’ve been nice if he tried to chase me out here… just a bit.”
Jungkook is a loyal friend, Taehyung reiterates in his head when he sees the text that pops up on his lockscreen with the address to a Vietnamese sandwich shop thirty minutes away. There isn’t anything else attached to the message, just the location, and it doesn’t take a genius to get what Jungkook means by it.
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Taehyung takes in a deep breath of courage.
He’s sort of a hopeless romantic, and that trait seeps through like a ketchup stain on a white tee, but it hasn’t been as obvious when it came to liking you. You’re certainly not the type of girl who receives affection well, let alone any type of positive reactions, but you’ve plainly accepted him the way he is. 
Flamboyant gestures and amorously decorated words are how he expresses his love to the girl he’s infatuated with, and you continue to validate that you’re not like the past girls he’s fallen for because you’re the one doing the chasing. 
So, needless to say, this is a new territory for Taehyung.
But having the roles reversed back to the one he’s familiar with makes it a bit easier. In fact, you never foresee this specific scenario because when Taehyung enters the little shop along with the ring of the bells above his head, you freeze. 
It’s like the tiles of the floor are soaked in superglue because you can’t move. How did Taehyung find you here? Did you have your location on by accident? You’re supposed to seem like you don’t care. But you really didn’t think he’d find you here.
“Hey,” he starts off softly, rubbing his nape.
“Uhhhh, hi?” Your greeting is saturated in confusion. “What are you doing here? How’d you—“
“Jungkook,” and then a light bulb pops overhead. Explains why he was tilting to the side at a red light earlier. You figured it was because he was sexting, but he was talking to Taehyung. “And… I figured he meant that I should come. Make things up with you.”
Pursing up your lips, you turn back around to the worker at the counter who plays with his phone mindlessly, completely disregarding Taehyung’s confrontation. “‘Scuse me. How much longer?”
The teenage boy looks up. “Uh, give him like 10 minutes.”
You click your tongue before glancing over at Taehyung. “You’ve got 10 minutes.”
Truthfully, Taehyung doesn’t need ten minutes. It’s easy to let him in; he’s got a heart so pure, a love that’s so kind, and beauty that resembles those Greek Gods, except you wouldn’t tell him that. He’s got everything—from friends to love to creativity, and when he’s standing beside you, it’s like physically viewing the definition of polar opposites. But Taehyung makes it easy to love, easy to feel free and comfortable, easy to target him with a joke or insult and just laugh. 
But Taehyung uses those ten minutes up to the last second, even when you’re timing him with your phone. And you let him, leading him on to think that he actually needs those ten minutes when in the end, you’d take him in anyway.
Forget the girl that made him hate blueberries. You’ll convince him to love them again.
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“What—oh,” he moans, throwing his head back in pleasure. “Baby, we gotta be quiet, my friends are next door.”
“And?” There's that boldness again. You’ve got your mouth wrapped around his dick, practically sucking the life out of him and he has no control. 
“My e-exes—it’s awkward.”
Pulling away, a string of salvia follows and the sight of you being so calm despite just having his dick stuffed in your mouth has his stomach churning. You’re so hot, and he never knew that your intrepid traits would seep into your sex life but he can’t necessarily say that he’s complaining.
“And?” You reiterate, wiping the side of your mouth with the back of your hand. “They’re always fucking next door. Why can’t we? Show them what they’re missing out on.”
Taehyung’s cheeks are flushing pink. 
You were definitely not like any of the other girls he’s been with.
Straddling his waist, Taehyung’s heart races. The door is unlocked, both of his roommates are home with their girlfriends, and he can guarantee that the walls are pretty thin here. He definitely has heard Jimin jerking off one too many times.
But, you can’t even seem to gather enough fucks to care.
He’s so caught up in his thoughts that he misses when you line yourself above his cock, sinking your heat down and enveloping him because his breath gets stuck in his throat and his hands find purchase on your hips with a squeeze. “Oh fuck,” he groans, gasping for air. 
“Oh, by the way. I’m quitting my job at the library.”
Taehyung’s head jolts up. “What?” Seriously? In the middle of sex? You truly never fail to surprise him.
“Mm,” you hum softly, palms pressed against the hardness of his pecs, gyrating your hips but Taehyung holds you down flush with him, brows furrowed. “Yeah, I quit. Why’d you stop me?”
“You can’t just blurt out important news while we’re having sex! Why’d you quit?”
Attempting to force yourself out of his grip, you groan when he overpowers you. Although your personality is far more dominant than his, you admit sadly that his strength is far more superior to yours. “Fine. I just don’t wanna work with my boyfriend, alright? It’s weird.”
Taehyung scoffs. “And why’s that?”
“Because… I don’t wanna be one of those couples.” Rolling his eyes, he suddenly flips the two of you, hovering over your body with his arms on either side of your head. You swallow, because truthfully, Taehyung seems like the one who makes the first move with his last relationships, but with you, it’s always been the opposite. 
He’s strangely bolder today.
“Well, I wanna be one of those couples.”
“It’s sappy. Like some romcom. We started dating after working late nights at the library.”
He leans down to peck your nose gently. “And? I like that. I like how romantic we are, I like how different we are, and that we met in that way. Don’t disregard what made us, us.” You mimic a vomit and Taehyung kisses your forehead gently. “So… don’t quit.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Taehyung quirks a brow in response, pulling his hips back and slamming it back into you again. Letting a soft whimper escape your lips, you instantaneously cover your mouth with a hand, startled by your own reaction. He seems to be enjoying it, so he reiterates the motion. “Deep, baby? Come on, you can have more if you say you won’t quit.”
“It’s corny,” you mutter against your skin, and although your pout is hidden, he can still make it out. “I’m too cool—”
He thrusts harshly into you again. “—fuck, okay, okay.” 
Taehyung grins in success.
Maybe blueberries weren’t so sour afterall. You’ve made them sweet again.
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
whorehouse. || 💦
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➥ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐡𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
➥ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 | 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬! 𝐚𝐮, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
➥ 𝐖/𝐂 |  4k
➥ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 | 𝐧𝐨, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬. 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦. 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞.
➥ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱! , 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞, 𝐭𝐨𝐲𝐬, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥!𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥!𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲.
multi-fandom ask requested by @light164star​ hope you enjoy this my love!
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in any normal university a fraternity represents ambition, passion, and integrity amongst brotherhood. but things were different in your university.
the Sigma Chi (ΣΧ)’s were different. they stayed in this big gorgeous frat house across campus, they threw the best parties and had the best of everything. they had the best selection of everything on campus, even down to the best dining hall. they were very selective to who they admitted. well, judging by the guys you saw leave that building it seemed as if they only accepted the best of the best. the best looking guys, best athletes, the academic powerhouses, the all rounders. every guy on campus wished they were one of them and every girl wished they could be with one of them. but the Sigma Chi’s never dated anyone. that was their number one rule.
and lastly, the sigma chi was rich. not because it was full of a bunch of guys who were spoiled rotten by their parents. not because the university provided them with full ride scholarships. but because the sigma chi house wasn’t what everyone thought it was. of  course it was a house of brotherhood, but they had subscribers all across campus. including you. and the university officials had yet to know that. not that anyone would snitch anyway, they practically had everyone wrapped around their fingers. they even managed to wane off some of the security guards and professors from scoping out their territory, giving them hush money for their loyalty.
i know what you’re thinking. no -- the sigma chi’s aren’t a mafia. despite their ways they’re actually far from a mafia. they were a fraternity. they were a business. and one thing for certain, two things for sure, don’t you ever meddle in the business of the sigma chi’s. no one has ever came back from that little mistake. as far as you were concerned the victims were basically wiped off the face of the earth, complete lost of contact, even their social media accounts deleted and deactivated. no one knew what the sigma chi’s did to them but no one wanted to find out either.
anyway, you held your head low while walking towards the steps of the house. not everyone on campus knew about their little secret but that still didn’t keep you from being embarrassed about yours. you were a happy subscriber and you weren’t going to deny that. sometimes you wondered how your application even got accepted. but it did. you went into the little convenience store they held in the building, waiting for kim seungmin/kang taehyun/ ju haknyeon, either one of them were required to check you in. they worked at the house convenience store but little did anyone know the trio were the brains behind the whorehouse. they didn’t handle much subscribers themselves, but faithfully took care of admissions and payments. oh, and also check in’s. no one could get service or even have access to the whorehouse without going through them first.
the motion detector chimed indicating that they had a customer. you bit your lips looking around a bit, hoping no one walked in right after you. hoping they would think you’re just there to purchase snacks or something. with his sleeves rolled up from handling the store’s stock--coming from the back was kim seungmin. he approaches the back of the counter and does a little head tilt, indicating that you needed to show your identification. you reached your fingers into your wallet and plucked up your student identification card, sliding it on the counter. he reaches for it and opens an app on his smartphone, making sure you were a paying subscriber. lord knows they had enough people behind on payments yet still trying to receive service. even though you knew you were up to date on your payments you still gulped. seungmin never really showed much of any facial expression which scared you. just a sullen, hard expression that made everyone around him think he hated them. 
“you’re all set. sign this slip”.
he grabbed the small notepad full of paper slips he’d printed and specially designed himself, writing the date and his signature signifying that he approved your service. it was your job to sign the bottom line though confirming your consent to anything included in your service. you swiftly grabbed a pen and scribbled your signature.
“room 502. make sure you give them that or else you’ll have to leave”.
you nod and place the slip in your pocket, taking the elevator to the floor. you admit you were nervous as hell, this is how you were each visit. when you’re a subscriber you don’t know what type of service you can get. you’re just assigned to a random room and you’re promised a good orgasm-- several even--- by the time you leave. the way university was stressing you out these days that’s all you needed. your feet finally approach the door and you knock hesitantly. the door opens a bit, just enough to show his face and they grey and black silk robe he was wearing. it was choi yeonjun. fuck. you were scheduled with choi yeonjun today. there was no doubt in your mind that you’ll be fucking ruined.
you fished it out of your pocket and showed him. he took it and nodded before crumbling it and tossing it in the nearby trash can. he opened the door further, you could see the dark room only illuminated by the deep red lights that lined the perimeter of the room. your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach at the sight of handcuffs, a pack of gummy worms and a vibrator sitting on the edge of the bed.
“come in”.
you nervously slipped through the crack of the door while he shuts it behind you. the room smelled like cherries, it always did for some reason. you stood there and swallowed. you could hear yeonjun faintly chuckling behind you, his hand brushing along your waist.
“you scared baby?”.
“y-yes”. you stammer. he kisses your cheek.
“you should be. take those panties off and get on all fours for me”.
“okay”. you stuttered once more doing as you were told. you came here enough to know that clothes always went on the clothing rack beside the door. fully naked you hesitantly crawl on the bed and remain on all fours just as instructed. you could hear the clashing metal of the handcuffs behind you as yeonjun undoes them and hooks them around both of your wrists and around the headboard. the cold metal ring clung painfully tight around your wrists and you gasp a little at how rough he was.  your back was now arched in the perfect bow and anything he wanted to do he could do it, your body was at his full disposal. you could feel his hand slide down your midsection and your breathing hitched. he removes it and lowers himself to the level of your face just to glare into your eyes. you stared into the abyss of his eyes in fear. he takes two fingers and rub them together, smearing the wetness he collected from you before slipping them in his mouth. he then slides it out.
“you’re not wet enough”.
and on that note he shifts to another side of the room and you heard the familiar sound of goo melt into the palm of his hand. you wince at how cold it was when he coated you with it, getting a good rub on your clit before slipping his fingers inside of you just to coat you that way. a subtle moan left your lips when he did so, unbeknownst to you that yeonjun had other plans when it came to your needy noises.
“none of that today,”. he says in response before picking up a pack of long heavy gummy worms. “that’s what these are for”. he ripped the pack open and grabbed a handful just to go over and shove between your lips. “I don’t want to hear any sounds from you today, you understand?”. you nod with the gummy treats in between your teeth. they were so thick you didn’t know how anyone could ever chew through them.
the buzzing noise of the vibrator rang behind you and your feet immediately grew cold. you couldn’t back out now. you paid for this. this is what you subscribed for. you had to take it.
yeonjun clutches your thighs and slides himself beneath you, face to face with your pussy that was practically begging for him at this point. you felt the smooth, thick grey vibrator slip past your slippery folds pushed deep inside you. in an instant you no longer knew how you were going to keep your legs in place this whole time. you started breathing hard gnawing on the gummies as hard as you possibly could. “shaking already baby? you’re going to have a hard time today”.
he steadily holds the toy, sinking it between your folds and pulling it back out slowly relishing the way your wetness coated it. moans awaited in your throat yet you forced them back down. yeonjun loved the way your pussy looked from this angle but most importantly he loved the way your clit looked. plump and glistening with lube. he softly hums and slides his tongue against it. you gasp but this time refusing to exhale.
“mmm”. he hums again and gives it another cat lick before pushing his face closer and coddling it between his lips. you decided to breathe, as shaky as it sounded at least you weren’t making any noises. but fuck you wanted to. the way he was twisting and moving the toy inside you, the way his wet tongue felt curling against your clit, you wanted to collapse. and he knew it.
he groans after pulling away from your folds with a thin spit string to follow but he couldn’t keep himself from going in for more. he ate you like a hungry tiger, each taste of you is like heaven in the coil of his tongue.  that’s what killed you the most. that’s what made your legs tremor the most. yeonjun didn’t eat pussy as if he wanted to eat pussy. he ate pussy as if he needed to eat it. and that made all the difference.
every lick sent electricity straight to his groin. the fact that you were shaking above him unable to do anything but breathe heavy and take whatever he was giving you turned him on. he thought your little lips were so soft, pretty and scrumptious. he slid his tongue around every crease and fold refusing to neglect a sector. he always had an unquenchable desire to please. your insides burned with agony. he told you that you weren’t allowed to make noise yet he ate you like this? you couldn’t take it. your breathing was already heavy and your legs were already on the verge of collapsing so if he didn’t stop within the next 5 seconds you’d be a moaning mess through the gummies in your mouth.
he fucks you with the toy a bit faster,  twisting it inside you while he flat tongued your clit prior to sucking it gently; hallowing his cheeks in the process. your eyes close and the jolts of pleasure made your tummy cave in. your heart rate soars and now your wrists were writhing desperately inside the cuffs. it felt so fucking good. god, it felt so good. your torso was on fire. his fingers dug into your innermost thigh while his tongue further explored you. he licks a particular spot that you weren’t quite fond of anyone licking, sending a bone shuddering moan through the air.
“ ffuckk! please!”.
yeonjun halts his movements at the sound of it. you mentally cursed at yourself. how could you be so stupid?
“what was that?”.
you swallowed. you agreed to keep silent. that was a bad choice. he slipped himself from underneath you and approached your face, grabbing your jaw roughly forcing his attention on him.  “answer me when I’m speaking to you”.
lord knows you wanted to. but he looked so incredibly scary like this your jaw trembled at the thought of even replying. he lets go of you forcing your head to drop back down in between your shoulders. “you don’t want to fucking listen right?”. you heard a barely audible chuckle but you knew he wasn’t chuckling because anything was humorous. “I got something for you”.
the sound of that made your heart drop. you didn’t know what the hell that meant. your mind couldn’t even grasp what it could possibly mean. all you knew was that you were handcuffed to this bed in this dark red room, your body in the position of complete freewill. after a couple of minutes more of drowning in the fear of your own thoughts the door behind you open and close. you heard not one set-- but other sets footsteps creak the floor. your eyes grew as wide as moons. little did you know though, this was all apart of their plan. yeonjun knew you wouldn’t be able to take what he was doing to you.
“since you don’t know how to shut up, I brought some friends who won’t mind doing it for you”.
squatting to your eye level was lee juyeon, another one of sigma chi’s most honorable members. he does this sly smirk before rubbing your cheek with his hand. “how you doing precious?”. your heart began to pound dangerously fast. sliding his hand through your hair was hwang hyunjin, on the other side of your face wearing the same smirk as juyeon. “damn you’ve got a pretty one jun”. he comments. if you weren’t bound to the headboard you’d run out of sheer nervousness. but you couldn’t.
juyeon grabbed your jaw and glares into your eyes steadily, almost as if he were searching for something. with him doing this you hadn’t even noticed that yeonjun and hyunjin disappeared behind you. “you have some pretty lips. you know that? show me how well you can suck my dick“.
he fiddles with the waistband of his briefs, giving you a gorgeous view of his chiseled body and you wanted to melt right then and there. however someone was groping your thighs underneath you and you realized yeonjun was back in the same position as before. and hyunjin was above him, his hands groping your ass and kneading it. he spills some lube into the palm of his hand and shoves two slendery, slippery fingers inside your ass without warning. you choked on your own spit and wince at the pain. he rubbed his clothed dick against you, biting his lips.
“have you ever done anal before baby?”.
you shudder. “nno i haven’t”.
he hums before scissoring his fingers inside you a bit more, stretching you out so his dick could fit perfectly. you’ll admit, you weren’t too keen on anal before hyunjin stuffed his dick inside you and filled you to the brim. yeonjun attaches his lips to your clit again, and juyeon rubs his dick against your lips forcing you to take him in whole. more than anything you didn’t know you’d be experiencing this. being ruined by three men instead of one.
you hummed against the shaft of juyeon’s dick at the feeling of yeonjun’s tongue licking your soft folds through and through, all the while hyunjin’s giving you soft thrusts from behind. the delicious mix of pleasure made you delirious. your tummy caved in and your thighs were trembling once again. and oh yeah, yeonjun got his wishes of you staying quiet. juyeon was filling your mouth so much a sound could barely be audible. juyeon slips his hands in your hair, jerking your head back just so he could see your mouth filled his precum. he grins.
“a subscriber of the whorehouse gets used like a whore. you like this shit don’t you?”.
hyunjin grips your waist harder and chuckles. “she can’t talk with her mouth full. she’s being a lady”.
juyeon smirks and glances down at you trying to suck him as far as you could possibly reach. “is that true? you’re trying to be polite?”.
yeonjun smirks and licks another stripe up your wet swollen clit before chiming in. “if so, shes at the wrong place. polite prissy princesses don’t get fucked and sucked this good”.
hyunjin slams a hand down on your ass, making it jiggle underneath his palm. “they sure don’t”. you groan against juyeon’s length feeling like you could pass out any second. he thrusted himself between your lips steadily loving the sloppy, messy sounds your mouth was making in the process.
“look at you...you suck dick and take it good. who taught you this?”. juyeon growls.
you softly whine, crying in response. numerous moans left your throat but it was a mystery on whether or not they’d actually be heard. it didn’t even matter though because all three of them was groaning loud enough to drown out the sound of yours. you felt like you were going to lose your damn mind being used like this. the pleasure of it all made your toes curl and body shiver. yeonjun’s wet lips were coated in nothing but you precum at this point and hyunjin speeds up the movements of his waist, snapping into you like he’d never get a chance to do it again. well, considering the system of the whorehouse he just might not. and he was making it evident.
“fuck, your pretty ass”. hyunjin groans while throwing his head back and biting his lips, slamming you back against his waist every chance he got. your ass was pretty like this, stemming down from your cinched waist it was plump and perfect from this angle. hyunjin thought he could watch it bounce against him all day if he could. you unintentionally pushed back on him leaving a hum of approval sputtering from him lips. “oh shit”. he grumbled.
“she’s fucking you while riding yeonjun’s face. shit, I like her”. juyeon licks his lips while holding your hair in up a makeshift ponytail. tears jerk from your eyes as he shoves his dick down your throat again before pulling it back out. you gagged enough to spit his precum back over his tip.
“I like her too”. hyunjin mentions, completely stopping his hips just to watch you desperately fuck yourself to an orgasm. a throaty groan became a murmur as your legs trembled and the familiar wave of electricity washed over your whole entire body. you didn’t know how much more you could take.
“she’s pulsating so hard around my tongue I think she’s about to cum”.
“she’s so cute look at her fucking herself. you gonna cream all over us baby?”. hyunjin groans.
your high pitched whine rang through the steamy atmosphere and as if your body listened to hyunjin words you did just that, your juices spilling down his thighs and waterfalls down yeonjun’s chin. hyunjin slips his fingers into the curve of your waist and fucks a bit more until your ass was filled with his cum, and the sticky contents of juyeons fluids were already slithering down your throat. your body spasmed and jerk so hard and yeonjun licks the aftershocks out of you before getting up and fucking your throat until he got a fix of his own. he grunts and roughly pulls your hair while he does so, letting his hot cum spill down your throat after he was finished. your limbs felt so weak. you wanted to just stay there and sleep. but unfortunately you had to walk back to your residence hall in this condition. it was fucking worth it though.
after you were freed from the handcuffs you could see the bruised rings on your wrist from them both. “put your clothes back on, go back to your dorm and take care of yourself baby”. yeonjun speaks just before they all vacated the room.
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Jotaro Comforts You
Word Count: 2935
Having a bad day (like me) and need Jotaro to comfort you? He's got you! Whatever problem you currently have, it's alright, come here and let the Joot man help.
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Jotaro tiredly opened the door, having spent the entire day in the library, regrettably having to work on a project with one of his classmates. The dude didn't seem to get a hint to shut up and had talked almost the entire time. So, to say Jotaro's social battery was down was an understatement.
As he put down his bag with a small groan and took off his shoes and coat however, he noticed the lack of noise in the house. Normally, the tv or radio would be on, providing background noise for you as you did whatever. Yet right now, there was nothing. Not even a clatter, footstep or hum.
Jotaro's brow furrowed a little and he made his way deeper into the house. No sign of you in the living room, nor kitchen.
A near empty carton of juice was left open on the counter and Jotaro picked it up for a second. He remembered when he left a carton near empty in the fridge once and you had pointedly lobbed the thing at his head, clearly making your point and causing him to never do it again. So, to see you do that thing that you despise worried him, to say the least.
"Y/N?" No longer able to stomach the pressing silence, he called out for you. Yet there was no answer and Jotaro's worry spiked. Your shoes and keys were still by the door in their designated spot so you hadn't left. Yet why weren't you answering?
Quickly putting the juice down with a little more force than necessary, Jotaro made his way out of the kitchen and started walking down the hall towards your shared bedroom. On the way, he opened the study and bathroom but both were empty so he just continued to where his gut was leading him.
Once he reached the door, he carefully opened it, a sigh of relief leaving him when he spotted you lying on the bed.
That relief was short lived however, as he took in the pose you were lying in.
You were lying on top of the blankets, curled in on yourself in the foetus position, except you had tucked your head behind your knees, hiding your face completely from sight as you hugged yourself into a tiny, uncomfortable ball.
Jotaro was silent as he walked in. He knew you were awake and aware of his presence, yet you hadn't unfurled and greeted him, which majorly tipped him off that something was wrong. As he reached the bed and went to reach out for you, he heard the shakiness of your breathing. Were you... crying?
"Y/N? Are you alright?" There was a gentle tenderness to his voice as he put his hand on your shoulder, squeezing slightly in the hopes it would work to do... well, something positive at least.
"Mhm!" What was supposed to be an affirmative hum came out as more of a squeak, quickly stifled by the person who made the noise.
Hearing that, Jotaro sighed softly and crouched down, keeping his hand on your shoulder as he did and now placing his other hand on your knee. "Y/N."
"I'm fine!" Your voice was a little higher pitched than normal, a barely noticeable quiver to it as you quickly spoke those two words.
"You sure?" It was abundantly clear to Jotaro that something was wrong. He wasn't stupid. He also just didn't know his way around words and what to say. You were always the one to voice the emotions, both for yourself and for him, even when he didn't even really realise when he had them. If he was stressed, you would point it out and try to get him to relax. If you were frustrated, you would tell him and he'd help you by getting to the origin of your frustration and dealing with it with you. If he was angry, you would point out he was nearly breaking the glass in his hand and he would realise and calm down. And, if you were sad, you would come to him and ask for comfort. Jotaro never really needed to use his words to express his emotions, you were there to verbally express them for him and he would do all he could with his actions.
So, for you to lie and say you were alright when there was clearly something wrong, that truly worried the college student.
"Yeah, of course." You croaked back in response to his question, trying but failing to clear your throat afterwards. "Sometimes you just have to curl in on yourself like a cat, y'know? It's fun!" A watery chuckle left you as you spoke but your fake cheeriness did not fool the man beside you for even a second; especially since you dug your head even deeper behind your knees as you spoke. "I'm fine, don't worry."
Jotaro softly sighed and stood up, lifting his hands from your shoulder and knee before walking around to the other side of the bed. Slowly and carefully getting on, he did his best to not make the bed dip in such a way that would set you off balance and instead turned to lay down, his back propped up a little against the headboard with pillows.
"Come here, love."
The sudden sentence and nickname broke you from your thoughts of trying to keep your tears in and cries silent and you lifted your top leg a little, peeking through the newly created gap to see Jotaro lying down with his arms open and beckoning you closer.
You didn't want to burden him with your emotions today, knowing he was probably exhausted and just done with the world, so when you suddenly started breaking down about half an hour ago, you had retreated towards the bedroom and hidden away in the hopes Jotaro thought you were out and wouldn't find you. Looks like that plan failed.
But seeing him open his arms to you so warmly and innocently to you, you couldn't stop your body from slowly uncurling.
Your neck cracked from the lengthened period of sitting in an uncomfortable position and Jotaro cringed a little at the noise. His hands still beckoned you however and when you got on your knees, head hung low to still somewhat hide your face and crawled over, he immediately made his arms encircle you once you were in range.
Gently, he coaxed you to lay down against and on him. "Little higher." He spoke when your head landed on his midriff and you did as he said, lifting yourself up a little and shifting a bit higher. Using his arms around you, he helped and positioned you in such a way that your right ear was now pressed to the left side of his chest, right over his heart as he kept his arms locked securely around you, working his legs in between yours and tangling them together while you automatically wrapped your left arm around his waist, your right stuck underneath yourself and flat against his side, yet not uncomfortably so.
"What's wrong?" Jotaro asked again, moving his right hand up to gently hold the back of your head, scratching your scalp lightly in a slow and calming motion.
"Nothing." You spoke again yet simultaneously turned your head to bury your face in his chest, trying to hide again though your legs were now captive to Jotaro's.
"Alright." That was all Jotaro said before falling into silence; a patient understanding in the tone of his voice.
And so the two of you lay in bed, Jotaro gently holding you in his arms while you tried to forcefully calm yourself and stop your breakdown.
Despite the calming presence of Jotaro and the gentle lulling that his heartbeat and hand on your head brought however, your mind kept going in the same spiral. The same thoughts over and over again until you felt the tears pricking at the corner of your eyes again. You had to let it out. If not by crying, then by just talking about it. And, since you didn't want to show even more weakness, you decided to go with the second option.
"I-" You started, but immediately stopped, not really knowing what you wanted to say. "I'm sorry." You choked up at those words, not even having a reason why but Jotaro shushed you, using his hand on your head to press it back down against his chest when you tried to lift it.
"Don't apologise." He murmured, now rubbing his thumb back and forth in a comforting motion. "I know I'm not good at words but I will listen. Talk when you're ready."
His words tugged at your heartstrings and you automatically tightened your hold on him, your right hand bunching his shirt up until you had such a tight hold on it you were almost positive it would wrinkle permanently. That didn't matter right now to Jotaro though.
"I'm a grown ass human, you shouldn't have to comfort me. And- and you had that group project today so you are probably exhausted and completely done with the day, s-so-"
"Stop." Jotaro interrupted you. "None of that shit matters. You matter."
"I told you to shut it." He stopped you before you could go into another apology schpiel. "Everyone needs comfort, so just be quiet and take it and then talk when you're ready. Understood?"
Sniffling, you just nodded your head, burying your nose back in his chest and basking in the warmth his body gave off in silence.
You always read and heard that listening to someone else's heartbeat was calming, but now that you actually heard it yourself and really focused your attention on it, you realised how true that actually was. Maybe that was why Jotaro liked laying his head on your chest. Besides the obvious of course, cause damn, you had to admit laying on his tiddies was very nice as well.
Just that thought caused you to smile a little to yourself and you took in a shaky breath, trying to sync it with Jotaro's calm and steady ones.
He had never stopping lightly scratching your head and with that, plus the heartbeat, plus the heat, plus the comfort of his presence, plus the breathing, you finally felt calm enough to talk and seem as if you weren't just bawling your eyes out in silence.
"I'm- today..." You started, unsure since the moment you opened your mouth, you could feel that lump returning to your throat so fast.
"Hm?" Jotaro hummed. You heard his head shift a little so he could look at you but you didn't dare look up, just biting your lip in the hopes the lump would go down. You already started talking now though, so you weren't backing down.
"It's just that, about an hour ago now-" The further into the sentence you got, the more choked up you got, tears filling your vision again. But you didn't care anymore. Tears pouring down your face again, sniffling, scratchy and hiccuping voice, you just told him everything. The reason you were so sad, why you tried to hide away and not let him know, how you didn't know what to do; it was just a continuous stream of spewed words and sentences. Yet, Jotaro listened. True to his word, he listened to every sound pouring from your mouth, humming softly every now and then to indicate he was indeed still there.
Once you were done and had spilled your entire heart out, a wet splotch on his shirt where your tears had soaked through it, Jotaro just merely pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before rolling you over until you were on top of him, gently pushing your head to rest in the crook of his neck while he used his other free arm to rub your back.
"It's going to be alright." He spoke. No edge to his voice, no teasing undertone as you were used to, just, pure and utter sincerity. "I'll always be here."
"Thank you." Your voice was muffled and still sounded teary and you were pretty sure you accidentally drooled a bit on his neck when opening your mouth but Jotaro didn't feel it or didn't care as he pressed his cheek against the side of your head and just held you close, cradling you like a fragile figure of glass.
Several minutes pass like that, nothing but the sound of soft breathing and the occasional ruffle of the bedsheets.
"Have you eaten yet?" Jotaro suddenly broke the silence and you opened your eyes that you had closed a little bit ago.
"No, but- Oh god, oh no, I was supposed to cook and now-" You were hiccuping in between your words once more after finally having calmed down earlier. "Now you won't have any dinner and I'm so sorry Jotaro, I-"
"Hey, it's alright, I'll cook." Jotaro shushed you again, lifting your head from his neck and looking into your eyes as he held a finger under your chin to tilt your head up. "C'mon."
With that, Jotaro sat up with you still in his arms - utilising those abs he trained every morning to get - and swung his legs over the side of the bed, taking hold of your calf and manoeuvring it so that you would lock your legs around his waist.
Not really knowing why, you just did as he wordlessly asked and held on, moving your arms to wrap around his neck while locking your ankles against each other behind his back.
Now that you were in prime carry position as his personal baby monkey, Jotaro moved one arm under you and one arm around your back, getting up without any troubles as he began taking large strides through the house.
While you expected him to go to the kitchen or living room to put you down, he instead made a pit-stop in the bathroom and placed you down on the edge of the tub.
You were confused but stayed silent as he walked over to the cabinet and took out a washcloth before holding it under the tap in the sink, wetting it with water before walking back over to you and kneeling down in front of you.
He gently clasped your chin in his left hand, tilting your head side to side for a second before a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Your embarrassment flared up and you could feel your cheeks start to burn from all the blood that rushed to them. You probably looked like a disgusting mess and now he was just taking a good look at you.
Luckily, Jotaro seemed to have some mercy because, even if he did see the blush, he didn't mention it and just pressed the washcloth to your face.
Your breath hitched, not having expected it to be warm, but as Jotaro started gently rubbing it along your face, you couldn't help but hum in content, the sound completely involuntary.
After about three minutes, Jotaro seemed content and he placed the washcloth in the sink before turning back to you.
"Thanks." You shyly spoke and Jotaro hummed softly. "Do I look pretty again?" You spoke a little bit more upbeat with a dumb, tearful grin - making a stupid pose. Just simply rolling his eyes, Jotaro leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in a short, soft kiss, pulling back a few moments later to look at you again. "So... pretty enough to kiss then?"
"Yare yare, c'mon." He ignored your stupidity and turned around until he was crouched, back facing towards you - though you did spot the small smirk that he held before he turned.
Just then, you realised what he meant. "On your back?" You questioned with an unsure tone as you looked at it as if it was foreign.
"Get on." Jotaro huffed and you hesitantly but quickly did just that.
With way too much ease, Jotaro stood up, looping his arms under your legs and walking out of the bathroom while you clung onto him like a Koala.
In way less steps than you would have had to take, the two of you arrived in the kitchen and Jotaro started gathering ingredients and cookware.
Either you weren't paying attention, or the hour of crying messed with your head and made your brain all foggy, cause it didn't really register that - even though Jotaro had removed his arms from under your legs and was no longer holding you up - you still felt a pair of arms under your legs, holding you and making you able to just lean agains Jotaro's back without really having to do anything to hold yourself.
As Jotaro got to work, a sleepy haze overtook you and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep against him, your chin on his shoulder as your head leaned into his.
Jotaro felt your weight sink into him fully, indicating you had fallen asleep and he allowed a soft smile to appear on his face. Star Platinum appeared fully and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek since Jotaro couldn't before fading back into his user and just having his arms out to hold you.
You may have had a rough day, but Jotaro wouldn't swap this for the world. Feeling your hair tickle his cheek as you leaned on him, soft yet steady breaths leaving you as you slept.
And, when you woke up, you would be surprised with your favourite food as dinner, and Jotaro couldn't wait to see your reaction.
Did someone say soft Joot? Soft Joot soft Joot soft Joot soFT JOOT. I'm going through some shit so hey! Who better to help than my comfort character
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honeytae · 3 years
I get to snuggle with the birthday boy in his big boy bed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOK!!!! we absolutely adore you baby boy :( this is a really soft self serving piece because who doesn’t want to sleep in jungkooks childhood bedroom? right? like, my heart would burst out of complete fondness for him. i hope you all like this, i’m sorry for making jungkook’s parents only appear for like three split seconds LMAO
tags: @ahgasearmyfan, @hoseokayy, @the1921-monsters
With Jungkook’s loosened schedule, you were able to get to his parents home for the better half of the week, the man practically giddy at the thought of you finally coming home with him. You had met his parents several times before, yes, but you were yet to stay in their home. Jungkook’s childhood home.
The drive outside of Seoul was filled with Jungkook’s playlist and your familiar bickering patterns, his tattooed hand holding your own over the gear stick as he bobbed his head to the beat resounding throughout the car.
“Has anyone ever told you your voice is superb?”
“Has anyone ever told you your face is superb?”
His excited parents had come out to welcome you as soon as you pulled in, causing both of you to smile fondly as you opened your car doors, immediately greeted with a hug from one of his parents.
As it was your first time seeing the exterior of Jungkook’s home without the tainted marks in an old image, you took a moment to observe the details, grinning at the home and all the memories your boyfriend had surrounding it.
It was a quaint little house nestled between two others, pale in color yet bustling with flowers in the garden out front.
“Aw, this house is adorable.” You had cooed as you walked up the driveway, hugging his arm closer to you as he simply chuckled, his mother acknowledging you with a sweet smile of her own.
“Make yourself at home, dear.” She’d said, gesturing you into the doorway with a sparkling glint in her eye, his father chuckling as he raised your bag up in his hand.
“I’ll go drop this off in Jungkook’s room for you. We’d have you stay in the guest room, but it’s under renovation right now.” He said, his mother echoing his apology with a shake of her head as she sighed about a recent flood.
“That’s perfect. Thank you.” You smiled at them, Jungkook squeezing your shoulder before setting off for the kitchen, coming back with two glasses of water for you both to sip at.
The room was unequivocally him, from the countless Iron Man action figures to the various sketches lining the walls, obviously pinned up himself with little thumbtacks.
Over the course of the wall, the thumbtacks climbed higher and higher, indicating his growing height over time and increasing skill along with it.
“Literally nothing has changed in here since I left for Seoul.” He shyly giggled at the state of the room from behind you, making you turn back toward him with a fond smile as you reached up to squeeze his cheeks.
“It’s precious, I love it.” You eased him, the man melting into your touch with a giddy smile, turning his cheek to pucker his lips against the palm of your hand.
The room very much was the state of a fifteen year old boys room, but it was so him. Obviously the whole day to day of his life had turned upside down from what it was when he last lived in this room, this house, but Jungkook was still that fifteen-year-old boy at his core. You adored him even more for it.
“Baby.” He called for your attention, your eyes flitting to him in a widened glance.
“Nothing has changed in here.” He reiterated, chuckling slightly at your confused hum. Placing his hand on your lower back, he guided you to face the opposite side of the room, directly pointing to his twin-size bed.
Giggling a bit at the adolescent sheet pattern, you turned back to him with a beaming smile, knocking his shoulder with your forehead.
“We’ll figure it out.”
Figuring it out, as you had so simply put it, was a lot easier said than done.
Shifting your leg over a bit to escape the edge of the bed, you froze at the sound of Jungkook’s pained groan, bracing yourself against his shoulders as you moved your knee away from his crotch.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You okay?” You soothed against his neck, raising your eyebrows as you awaited an answer from the injured man.
The lack of light within the room, merely a sliver creeping in through the blinds, left you clueless to his gentle smile and overall relaxation of his face from moments prior, the feeling of his hand soothing up and down your arm easing you slightly.
“‘S fine, love.” He verbally confirmed, brushing his lips against your chin before shifting up on his pillow a few inches, now evenly level with your mouth to press all the kisses he wanted on your bottom lip.
You hummed as he pulled it into his mouth to gently suckle on, nibbling at it slightly before pulling away with a deep sigh.
“Under different circumstances, I’d have you kiss it better.”
With a scoff at his crudeness, you attempted to roll over to face away from the man, and having forgotten you were in a bed meant for a small child, quickly began your descent to the floor with a fold of your arm beneath you.
“Babe!” Jungkook reached out to catch your bicep with a strong hand latched around the muscle, rolled over himself from trying to chase you on your fall from his oh so convenient twin bed.
A soft ‘thud’ resounded through the room as your knee hit the floor, your leg bending out of reflex to catch your short-lived fall from his mattress. Jungkook, stunned above you, looked at you with scrunched brows, his piercing glinting in the moonlight streaming in from the crack in the blinds as he bit down on his bottom lip.
He couldn’t stifle the laugh born out of whatever the fuck had just happened, little giggles growing louder yet more isolated as he tried his best to muffle them into his sheets, you not faring much better splayed out on the floor below.
“Kook, this is all your fault.” You whined from the ground, trying your best to hold in your own laugh as he reached down to you, sliding his hands beneath your arms to lift you back up onto the bed beside him.
“Why is it my fault, hm?” He asked slyly, letting his hands glide down your torso to land on your hips, leaving them there as you rolled your eyes again at the man.
“Maybe because you’re making crude dick jokes in your parents house.” You said, Jungkook humming in thought before a shrug from his shoulders shifted the mattress.
“Wouldn’t that be more of a blowjob joke?” He wondered aloud, ”I mean, let’s be politically correct here.”
“Politically- Jungkook!” You exclaimed, appalled at his bluntness with his parents only rooms away and most likely within earshot of every word that came out of his mouth.
Your boyfriends giggles were all you got in response, making you smile despite your initial annoyance. His hand slid over the back of yours to grip your fingers, pulling gently to coax you closer to him in his laid down position.
“C’mere, sweet pea.” He murmured, tone softened from only moments before, the pet name making your heart thrum a bit more in your chest.
With a careful lowering of your body to the mattress, you snuggled up to him once again, this time successfully getting into a front facing spooning position with no injury on either end.
He smelled warm, like cotton and that fabric softener that he loved along with the wood tones of the cologne he’d bought himself a few months back.
His skin felt like velvet as you stroked your fingers up and down his inked arm, the dark designs a stark contrast to the way his soft flesh leaned into your touch.
“Lucky me.” You smiled blissfully, stroking the man’s hair back behind his ear to admire his features easier.
“Lucky you?” He repeated, confusion laced in his tone as he raised his pierced eyebrow at you.
“I’m the luckiest of all,” you paused for dramatics, “because I get to snuggle with the birthday boy in his big boy bed.” You cracked a smirk, snorting when his face dropped at your words.
“Shut up.” He laughed, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head with a sigh.
“I love you, Kookie.”
“Hm, love you too, honey.”
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Caught (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
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Hi! Um I was wondering if you could write a Domestic Bakugou where they were doing the do and there two kids caught them? Just wondering😁
Word Count: 1,675
Rated: Explicit
Warnings: slight smut, bad language, slight edging
Yooooo, I had so much fun writing this lmao. I literally love writing all things Bakugou as a husband! It’s kinda short and it might be shitty lol so I apologize in advance. @ari0425​ I hope I wrote this to your liking!😭😭😭 sorry it’s so late! Obviously requests are open and I’ll try and get to as much of them as I can. I’m so sorry for not being as active with my own content, life has just been super busy for me😭 My best friend is coming over tomorrow to chop off my hair so hopefully that goes well lol, and I will be officially out of my boot (hopefully) in the next week! I’ve honestly been walking on the broken technically since last week since it wasn’t hurting so hopefully I didn’t fuck anything up. Guess I’ll find out in a week! ANYWAY, I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and don’t be shy about any comments or requests! I literally adore you all so much and I’m so very thankful and happy you guys like reading my shit💕💕💕🤗 stay happy and safe!
“Why not?” Bakugou growled, his muscular arms folding across his chest. The sudden movement distracted you for a moment, and you couldn’t help but appreciate your husband’s strength.
 His bulging arm muscles were thick and taut as they rested across his chest, his broad shoulders exposed to your greedy eyes; tank tops were designed with your husband’s physique in mind, you were sure of it. But you were also sure that he knew exactly what he was doing, because a smirk began to tug at his lips.
 “I told you Katsuki, we have a busy day tomorrow with the kids.” You sighed, folding your own arms over your chest, your back leaning against the counter, an eyebrow raised; challenging the large hero before you.
 His smirk dropped, a large scowl now taking its place. “It’s always about the fucking kids.”
 You rolled your eyes at his statement. 
 Despite the rough words, you knew what he meant. Bakugou adored his children, he was a doting father, in his own way; but everyone knew that he would go to the ends of the earth for his children, he would protect them and cherish them no matter what. The minute he knew that you were pregnant, both times, he had never been happier. Bakugou could account for the five happiest times in his life, when you agreed to go out with him, when he became a pro hero, when you married him, and when you gave birth to his beautiful daughter, and then his beautiful son. 
 So, while his children were his pride and joy, sometimes… sometimes… he just wanted them to fucking go away. 
 He couldn’t remember the last time he was able to have you all to himself, and fuck, did he miss you. He craved having all of your undivided attention, being able to be alone with you. It had been far too long.
 “Why can’t they go have a sleepover at Deku’s with his kids?” he huffed angrily. 
 You rolled your eyes again. “We can’t just pawn off our children to Izuku whenever you want to get your dick wet Katsu. Besides, they all hung out last week, when you and Izuku had that call about the hostage situation. I watched all of them.”
 His eyes flashed in annoyance at your statement, his tall frame stalking over to you. You could never get used to how big Bakugou was compared to your small frame, his entire being radiated strength and power, it made you feel safe, secure… and most of all, it made you nervous.
 Not because you were scared of him, far from it, but because it had been a long time since the last time you two were intimate. The physical aspect of your relationship was always there, always important to you, but recently it had just been hard to find the time to be together in that way, especially with how clingy your son started being, and how your daughter was involved in more activities at school that needed attention. 
 You could feel your heart racing as he towered over you, his large arms caging you in as his hands rested against the counter top on either side of your body, forcing you to meet his gaze.
 “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me princess, it’s not just me that wants to get my dick wet. I’m sure you’ve been wanting to use that mouth for other things than just back talking to me.” He said lowly, his voice deep and dark, one of his hands came up to grab at your jaw, the rough pad of his thumb rubbed gently against your lower lip. 
 Your breath hitched in your throat, a familiar ache beginning to settle at the bottom of your stomach.
 How did you get such a gorgeous husband?
 “So, let’s just drop off the shitty kids with the old lady and be together already.” he finished, his fingers sliding down, wrapping themselves easily around your throat. He squeezed his fingers carefully, but there was enough pressure that caused a soft whimper to escape your lips. Bakugou sneered down at you, he knew your body far too well, knew exactly how to touch you to make you bend to his will.
 But when your mind finally registered what he had said, a large scowl covered your lips, the arousal you were feeling simmering down dramatically.
 “Don’t call our kids shitty, and we are not dropping them off with your mom when she just saw them yesterday. You either calm yourself down Katsuki or I’m not going to touch you for an even longer time.” you threatened, your palm resting flat against his muscular chest.
 He growled angrily, stepping back away from you and shoving his hands deep into his pockets. “Why are you denying me so much? You fucking shit, aren’t you supposed to be taking care of your husband?” 
 “Shut up and go set the table Katsuki.” You sighed, turning towards the stove to finish dinner.
 It was silent for a moment, and then his large arms wrapped carefully around your waist, hugging you softly to his muscular body. 
 A soft smile tugged at your lips when you felt his plush lips gently press against your cheek, and then he was gone. You turned to look at him stalk out of the kitchen and into the living room, probably to go round-up the kids.
 Bakugou Katsuki might be rough, but underneath that hard exterior that man was entirely soft when it came to you and his kids.
 This wasn’t how you imagined this morning going. 
 Soft moans were being muffled by hungry kisses, the sound of ruffling sheets and skin slapping against one another surrounded the quiet room.
 That was this was.
 “Fuck, you feel so perfect wrapped around my cock princess.” Bakugou growled, his hips thrusting deep into your core. 
 You whimpered softly, your eyes rolling into the back of your head at the immense amount of pleasure. He filled you to the brim, your tight heat engulfing him completely. 
 This was what he had been missing, what you had been missing. The pleasure, the intimacy of feeling each other’s bare bodies sliding against one another, it was all too much.
 “Katuski, w-wait…” You panted out, your hands grabbing at his broad shoulders, sliding down to hold onto his forearms, the familiar pressure was beginning to bubble up again, filling you up and aching to break through.
 “Again? This is your third one princess, did you miss my cock that much?” he mocked you, one of his hands reaching down to rub at your clit, ghosting over the bundle of nerves, not quite putting pressure down, but the touch alone was enough to cause your body to arch up off of the bed in pleasure. You could feel tears prickling at your eyes, your body aching for release, except now that Bakugou knew that you were close, he was going to drag it out as much as possible.
 The cruel bastard.
 “Katsuki please,” you cried, his thrusts slowing down, he dragged his member out of your body before pressing back into your tight heat deeply, savoring every second of your begging, of your wet core.
 “Beg harder princess.” he growled out, a sadistic smirk etching itself onto his lips. “I want to hear you beg for it.”
 A whimper tore through your lips at his cruel words and slow pace.
 You ached for release now, no words being able to form in your mouth, which didn’t sit well with Bakugou since he gave a particular hard and deep thrust at your silence.
 His thumb suddenly pressed down hard against your clit, rubbing fast and rough, causing a jolt of pleasure to ripple through your body.
 You felt it then, the wall cracking as your release began to build up and up and…
 You and Bakugou froze, both of your heads snapping over to the small child that stood near the now open door. Your son rubbed at his eyes sleepily, his teddy bear dragged against the ground in his other hand.
 You would’ve thought it was the most adorable sight you had ever seen, except for the fact that your husband was still buried deep inside of you. You silently thanked the universe for the fact that the sheets were still wrapped around your guys’ body, covering you up completely.
 Your son looked at you in confusion for a second, taking in the scene before his little three-year-old eyes and then…
 His face turned angry. He was the spitting image of Bakugou, except for the eyes and his personality, that took after you.
 “Wow really?” your daughter suddenly appeared at the door, looking at you guys in disgust. While your son might look like your husband, your daughter looked just like you, minus the hair and her personality. Those of which she inherited from her father.
 The personality part was a bit unfortunate, especially considering how much she and Bakugou butted heads, especially now that she had just turned nine.
 “Get off my mama!” Your son began to yell. “You are hurting her!” 
 Your eyes widened in surprise and you watched as your son began taking a step towards you guys only for your daughter to grab his hand. 
 “She’s fine.” She said curtly. “Let’s go watch cartoons. Leave mama and shitty papa alone right now.”
 Your lips twitched in amusement at her words, she was definitely Bakugou’s first born, that much was obvious.
 “Oi, you shitty fucking brat what did you just call me!?” Bakugou growled, a tick mark appearing above his head as he looked at his children. 
 “Shitty papa.” Your daughter said simply and closed the door as she walked off with her brother in tow.
 “What the fuck! Who the fuck taught you that word you little shit!?” Bakugou screamed out.
 Laughter bubbled up through your lips, causing Bakugou to scream at you next for laughing. 
 But you couldn’t help it, your heart was entirely full right now. 
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Please Fix the Story pt 26 - The Higher Realm
The Higher realm continues. So close to the end!
Master post linked here
Time passed, but it was difficult to tell how much. Time worked so differently in the different realms. How long did we really spend trying to save one lower realm? Minutes? Decades? It felt like no time and forever. Adonis and I traveled to lower realm after lower realm, fixing the stories, stabilizing the world before heading back to the higher realm.
Some lower realms were easy, if a bit annoying, such as the high school dramas. In those I would often play the “average” new girl at a school. I would meet new people, and was supposed to go on to have romance, betrayals and coming of age realizations. I quickly realized that befriending all my supposed romantic leads instead of dating them, reconciling with my rivals instead of humiliating them, and pushing towards success all together was a much more satisfying strategy. Fortunately, graduating valedictorian with a happy and psychologically healthy group of teenagers often stabilized worlds that had been torn apart by half-baked character design or infighting between rivals.
I took calculus so many times that I could recite lessons in my sleep, but at least the worlds were saved. Despite our success, however, Adonis was often frustrated. He had his own vision of how we were to save these realms. His plans almost always involved us dating, making the high school romance “successful”.
I refused.
He had been a lot more likable since our first meeting, and I was able to consider him a close friend and ally… but I felt uncomfortable at the idea of even pretending to have a romantic relationship. It was definitely a more difficult route to stabilize the world without a romance, but I chose it every time. Adonis pouted and complained, but couldn’t argue with success, and I was successful.
Some lower realms were more difficult. In particular, zombie apocalypse stories were my least favorites. The worlds often couldn’t be stabilized until a cure was found or humanity’s survival was assured. This meant that Adonis and I sometimes spent decades within these realms, working to build armies, or teams of scientists. There was hardly ever any running water, which meant showering was few and far between.
My unwashed self was made even filthier by my absolute failure at using anything with range. Bow and arrow, guns… anything that would keep me out of the gore, I couldn’t hit even the largest of monsters. Fortunately I picked up a sword with relative ease, which allowed me to fight… but this also meant I got covered in rotten blood and guts.
I hated zombie worlds the most.
Realm after realm. We worked constantly, spending very little time in between in the higher realms. Adonis would often try to use those moments to push his ideas regarding fate and the higher realm’s story, but as soon as I rejected him, which I did every time, he would simply scowl and pull us into the next lower realm to save.
It was getting old.
“How many lower realms are there?” I asked one evening as we recovered from our latest mission, rubbing my sore shoulder where I had taken a blow in the last sci-fi alien battle. The wounds disappeared with the realm traveling, but my mind still could feel the wound, projecting the pain long after I had left that form behind.
Adonis leaned back in his chair, his grin a little too bitter to be a natural expression. “How many unfinished stories are there? Infinite, Bel. There are infinite lower realms. We will never be able to save them all. Not like this.”
“It’s not like there’s a lot of options.”
“There are options. You just don’t want to hear them.”
“What, this fate you keep talking about?” I sighed, closing my eyes, tired. “ It sounds like a terrible idea.”
“It’s not.” His voice was quiet, but the intensity shown through all the same. “It’s our duty. Everyone’s survival depends on it.”
“But what you’re saying is: we follow along some sort of script…”
“…fate… here, in the higher realm. And that is somehow supposed to fix the lower realms?”
He chuckled. “You’re oversimplifying it, but pretty much. We follow our fate, and the heroes of the lower realms will find their happiness tied to ours.”
“What if they don’t want that ending? What if they don’t want that happiness?”
“Of course they do! Everyone wants a happily ever after with their destined one.” He snapped. My eyes flickered open to study his enraged expression.
“I don’t.”
“You’re selfish!”
I shrugged. “Am I? If you’re right, we submit to fate here, everyone in the lower realms gets an automatic happy ending… but most of those worlds aren’t breaking because they don’t have a happy ending. They need a wider world, different ideas… and what about the side characters, even the villains… what about their happiness?”
“They don’t matter.”
“Why not?” I raised an eyebrow. “Just because they’re the villains?”
“They’re evil.” He stood up, trying to tower over me. An intimidation tactic, one that might have worked before we’d spent countless years fighting in life-or-death battles together.
“Have you met the heroes and heroines of some of these realms?” I laughed. “They’re not much better. I don’t think these roles are as clear as you would like them to be. And I don’t think you and I having a happy ending together, and forcing a simplistic ‘and they lived happily ever after’ on all the lower realms will actually fix them. In fact…” I stood up, and he stepped back slightly at the danger in my tone. “I bet we would break them all the more. Are you really so foolish as to think that saving a universe of worlds would be so simple?”
“…” Adonis was gritting his teeth, his hands clenched so tightly the knuckles were white. But I didn’t back down. Didn’t step back. I knew he wouldn’t hit me. He wouldn’t dare step out of the role he imagined himself to be in. Wouldn’t dare cross a line that might ruin his chances at the happy ending he seemed to crave so desperately.
“…” The silence stretched on between us. We were at an impasse. He wanted to follow fate. He wanted clearly defined roles and rules to follow. And I?
I wanted freedom.
*** Soul transfer 11% complete. ***
It’s been forever since I last saw those words… I thought it had disappeared. For some reason, I felt a deep sense of relief at the glowing blue sentence. Something within me had frozen during these many trips to the lower realms, but finally it was growing again.
“The next world is waiting.” Adonis spoke up, his tone flat. I noticed an odd shifting of his gaze, a reluctance to meet my own, and felt a sense of unease.
I won’t like this next world. I cracked my knuckles and gave him a thumbs up. Well, no sense running from a challenge.
We left.
I woke up in a luxurious canopy bed. Staring up at the fabric , I raised my arms and have a cheer.
On the downside, the setting appeared to be a more primitive era, medieval at best, which meant no running water, but at least I appeared to be noble or wealthy.
At least if I suffer, I’ll be clean while I do it!
“Princess?” A young woman dressed as a servant entered the room, seeming very confused. “Are you all right? I heard you yelling.”
I smiled brightly at her. “No worries. It was just a nightmare.”
She visibly relaxed. “Even so, you seem in a much better mood, if I may say so.”
“Yes, you haven’t broken a single thing this morning.” She, unfortunately did not seem to be kidding. “I’m so glad you’ve accepted your father’s decision.
I didn’t have my character’s memories yet. I needed to accept the mission first. In the meantime, acting too out of character could destabilize an already poorly functional world.
“I’m still… thinking it over.” I spoke up cautiously.
“It’s not so bad, your highness.” She smiled at me. “Most young girls feel a little uneasy when their father arranges their husband. But you’ll be happy. I just know it.”
Arranged marriage?
“After all, Prince Harold is reported to be a true gentleman, a might warrior, and a handsome young man!” She sighed dreamily. “Any woman would be thrilled for a chance to be his bride.”
“I’m. Sure.” I spoke through gritted teeth, the satin sheets crumpling in my grip. Adonis, when I find you, I’m going to make you regret every life decision you’ve ever made… and the ones you’ve only considered making. What kind of lower realm did you land us in? As I plotted my revenge, the mission screen popped up.
**** NEW WORLD: A Divided Kingdom****
This is a romance fantasy story featuring a prince and a princess from different kingdoms, putting aside their differences to save the world.
“I already don’t like this.” I muttered.
The Princess Alaire of the Yenlar Kingdom was a clever, independent woman, horrified at the idea of an arranged marriage. Prince Harold of the Bestion Kingdom felt differently. He fell in love at first sight and vowed to woo the young maiden. The couple was different in almost every way, and seemed destined to bicker and fight.
“Then how about we don’t get married?”
But fate had other plans…
“Of course it did!”
A terrifying beast threatened to destroy both their kingdoms, and to survive, the political marriage had to go forward. Uniting the kingdoms, and therefore their armed forces, was the only way to save their people.
However, despite the happy ending, the first book was not well received by readers and the trilogy was abandoned due to poor sales. The reason given was that the romance was “forced” and unbelievable.
Your mission is to bring a satisfying end to the story, while making ensuring the survival of both kingdoms.
“Quick question.” I spoke quietly to the glowing words in front of me. “Do I have to marry the prince to ensure an ending?”
The kingdoms will not unite without the political marriage.
“That wasn’t what I asked. I asked if I HAVE to marry the prince. What if I can save both kingdoms without a political marriage?”
The stability of the world is all that matters.
“No lecture on the necessity of fate?”
I grinned. “Sure. Let’s do it.”
As the words faded away, I jumped out of bed. My head spun slightly as I accepted the memories from the poor princess of the original story.
She had not been happy.
She had dreams, ambitions. The Kingdom of Yenlar allowed for women to inherit the throne, and as the firstborn she was ready to take over from her father, to rule her nation. She had spent her entire life preparing. Studying law, economics, warfare…
And all of it had meant nothing in the end.
She had begged for a political treaty. One that did not involve marriage. The Kingdom of Bestion had refused to even discuss it. They stated that there was too much distrust between the kingdoms to move forward without some sort of permanent assurance. Even the threat of annihilation from the ancient beast of legend wasn’t enough to have them reconsider. That wasn’t the full story, though.
Later she discovered that Prince Harold had seen her at a party. He had supposedly fallen in love with her at first sight, and became determined to marry her. He had learned of her plans to marry a minor noble, one who would support her position on the throne without causing an imbalance of power within the nobility. He had no chance, as far as she was concerned. The threatened destruction of their people was just the perfect opportunity to force the matter.
She had lost all power. Becoming a figurehead, a beautiful statue beside the true king, Harold. He ruled over both nations with an iron fist, treating her own people more harshly, much to the approval of his staff. She slowly became bitter and deranged, watching the destruction of the people and the nation she loved so dearly.
Beyond the end of the first book, when the realm’s story ended, she had attempted to poison him and failed. Harold had been disappointed, but felt that she still had use as a figurehead. They faked a stroke, and kept her mute and weak with poisons. A lovely doll. A perfect figurehead.
…is this a fantasy or a horror? Sheesh, no wonder the trilogy wasn’t going to sell. I shuddered, still standing awkwardly next to the beautiful bed that had belonged to a lovely young woman.
I will change this story. I spoke silently to the memories, feeling a sense of relief that didn’t belong to me as I did so.
First, let’s try to reason with Adonis. He and I had worked together in multiple realms, side by side. We were friends. We may not see eye to eye when it came to our approach towards fate and the lower realms, but he had never forced me to do something I didn’t want. He had always respected me and backed off when I said no, even if it made him unhappy.
Hopefully this time will be the same. I thought uneasily. Hopefully he will listen.
“No.” His tone was gleeful, but his face was calm, towing with a silver goblet rather than meeting my gaze.
“Are you joking?” I leaned forward, keeping a gentle smile on my face to fool the guards and our fathers who sat on the other end of the enormous dining table.
“I’m perfectly serious, Princess Alaire. Our kingdoms face certain doom at the hands of the ancient beast. The only way to survive is to work together. We can only work together if we trust each other. The only way the Kingdom of Bestion will trust the Kingdom of Yenlar is with a marriage alliance. It’s out of my hands.”
I reached forward and took the cup from his hands, forcing him to look at me. “Why are you forcing this, Adonis? You know it didn’t work out so well for the originals.”
“Careful Princess.” His eyes glanced over at the nearby guards. “You don’t want anything to destabilize the situation further, now do you? Better to act as a proper princess should.”
“Answer the question. This plan already failed. Why do you think it will work?”
“Simple.” He leaned forward and plucked the goblet back from my hands. “We’re different. You may not want to admit it, but we have spent lifetimes at each other’s side. Growing up, going to school, facing enemies, fighting together… we could make this work. It would be a wonderful ending.”
“You know what happened to Alaire after the first book.”
“I would never do that to you.”
“But you are.” I growled, wishing I could punch him. “You are trying to make me a beautiful figurehead, just like Harold did to Alaira.”
“We would rule side by side.”
“What use is that promise, if you are already ignoring my wishes and forcing me to do this in the first place?”
He shook his head. “You have to trust me. This is the only way we can defeat the monster, and stabilize this realm. We’ll save this world. Together.” He smiled. “It’s our fate.”
I threw a plate at him, forcing him to fling himself on the floor to avoid injury. Walking out, I ignored my father’s shouts of rage. Picking up a bag I had packed ahead of time, just in case, I changed into some light armor, grabbed a sword, and headed out into the forest.
If I couldn’t win by a political alliance, I was going to find another way to save the world.
I was going monster hunting.
I searched Princess Alaira’s memories of the legends and stories, going out in a northern direction towards the area known as Death Valley.
As I marched onward, my thoughts wandered over the time I had spent since I had woken up in the Higher Realm. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed with Adonis. He might truly think that he was saving the world by insisting on going through with the marriage, but his lack of willingness to even consider other options was frustrating. He was the only person consistently by my side through every one of these worlds, someone I considered a friend, and being unable to rely on him served to make me feel all the lonelier.
My mind briefly touched on the assassin of the first realm, Liam. I had thought with his comments and actions that he had known about my mission… that he might be from the higher realm too. But no matter how much I looked for him, no matter how much I hoped to see him again, I never did.
Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he was someone from the lower realm, and I’ll never have the chance to see him, to thank him.
I felt a sense of despair. How long can I keep doing this? Is this why Adonis preaches following our fate so much? Is he as tired of traveling, tired of the missions and the different lives? Is he just hoping to end all this?
I sighed, keeping moving. I’m not that tired, not tired enough to sacrifice my freedom. Not yet, anyways.
It took several days of traveling. Fortunately from my years of experience in zombie worlds, I was well prepared to survival in the wilderness. At least here the rivers were clean, allowing me to bathe occasionally. Finally I was at the entrance of the valley, staring up at the pillars on either side.
There were ominous words carved deeply into the stone.
Only death lies ahead.
I stared at the words silently for a few moments, and then shrugged.
“Still better than marrying Adonis.”
I moved forward.
The valley was dark, a deep fog settled in permanently, apparently unaffected by the weather beyond its borders. Dark twisted purple trees rose all around me, their roots tearing through the earth desperate searching for nutrients. The valley was quiet, suffocating in an unsettling silence. My presence there felt like an intrusion, my instincts screaming at me to run away, to escape.
I kept moving.
There were no other signs of life. But I knew at least one other being lived here, the reason why nothing else dared to.
The Ancient beast.
There were no descriptions of it in the legends. Just that it was deadly, enough to take on entire armies. And that it was terrifying.
I feel like I should have seen something by now, if it was so large. I sighed, sitting on one of the trees, staring up at the mountain ahead of me. Shouldn’t it be easier to find an enormous beast that terrified an entire world?
I looked up, struggling to see the top of the mountain in front of me.
I’m in a valley…
The mountain moved up and down, with regular motions.
There shouldn’t be a mountain here.
It was breathing.
I drew my sword, inwardly despairing. I had underestimated the sheer scale of the monster. I had thought it would be the size of a house, an elephant. Instead it towered stories above me, unimaginably large.
I was doomed.
There was a rumble as the beast in front of me shifted. I couldn’t tell the shape, just an impression of scales and spikes. Slowly, something lowered down in front of me, stretching forward in all directions, filling my vision. I saw teeth larger than my own body, the white of them contrasting with the dark fog around us. As I prepared myself for my death, an eye opened to stare at me.
It was a beautiful dark blue.
Suddenly, I felt relief. It was incomprehensible. I was standing in front of an ancient beast, enormous and terrifying, and instead of fear and dread… I felt safe.
I raised a hand, almost despite myself. “Hello there.”
The eye blinked. I comforted myself that it hadn’t eaten me yet.
“I think you look awesome. I’m Princess Alaira from the nearby kingdom of Yenlar. I actually came here to kill you, to protect my people… but now I realize that you could crush me like an ant, and that was a bad plan.”
The eye blinked twice. It seemed more confused than anything.
“I have a much better plan, if you would be willing to listen to me.” I let out a laugh, slightly startled at how… villainous it sounded.
*** Soul transfer 20% complete. ***
The creature let out a sound like thunder. I felt that it was laughing too.
The wedding was this morning.
I was surprised as I drew near to see the party going. You would think that after I disappeared, they might have canceled or delayed it. I assumed that Adonis had felt sure that I would agree with him in the end. That I wouldn’t be able to let the world end just because I didn’t want to marry him.
Well too bad, buddy. This princess has a different plan in mind!
I could see him, standing on the elevated stage before two thrones, waiting. I couldn’t see his expression from this distance, but I imagine he was barely hiding his worry. Alaire’s father and Harold’s father were also waiting on the platform, their postures betraying their impatience.
“Let’s get this party started!” I yelled.
The ancient beast let out a triumphant roar as he flew closer and lowered his head, letting me jump down onto the platform before landing behind me, a large, threatening mountain of a creature.
“Alaire?” The king called out, confused. “What are you doing?”
“Hello, Father.” I also nodded to Adonis, who stared back.
“What is this?”
“Your daughter is a witch!” The King of Bestion shouted, drawing his ceremonial sword. “She betrayed us!”
“Hold on, father.” Adonis held out his hand, stopping his attack. “I’m sure it’s not what it looks like.”
I grinned.
“Nope. It’s exactly what it looks like. I’ve teamed up with the Ancient being. We’re friends now.” I gestured at the monster high above us, who let out a grim chuckle, shaking the ground. “So now I make the rules, got it?”
“I’ll take everyone’s stunned silence as happy agreement! Now, first rule: Wedding canceled.”
“You can’t do this!”
The three other royals on stage shouted simultaneously. I simply pointed again at the enormous creature.
“I can do whatever I want. The big scary monster behind me says so. Next, the kingdom of Bestion will surrender to me, as will the kingdom of Yenlar.”
“You want to rule the world?” Adonis’s gaze was… disappointed. I grinned shamelessly. “Nope. But here’s the thing: Our kingdoms face certain doom at the hands of the ancient beast. The only way to survive is to convince the monster not to kill us. The monster only trusts me. So I have to rule both kingdoms.” I shrugged. “It’s out of my hands.”
I threw his words from earlier back at him, and felt satisfied as he winced in recognition.
“We… surrender.” His words were quiet, defeated.
“You unruly child!” My father tried to shout, but a roar from the monster above us silenced him. He quickly surrendered too. I accepted both surrenders, quickly organizing the meetings to bring our governments together under one rule. Fortunately, the princess’s years of study served me well, guiding me smoothly through the process.
I had one more confrontation with Adonis, the night before the coronation. He was escorted to my rooms by guards, saying he had a request. I hesitated briefly, but allowed him in, waving the guards behind the door so we could speak freely.
“What was that?” He shouted as soon as they had left.
I stayed sitting, forcing myself to be calm. “I fixed the story.”
“You ruined everything! Even if it stabilizes this world, it will ruin it in the long run.”
“Says you.”
“Trust me.” He threw up his hands as he paced back and forth. “Everything will go a lot smoother if you STOP CHANGING THE STORY.”
“I thought that was why we were here, though?” I sighed, leaning back in my chair and cleaning my nails with a blade. “To fix the lower realms, to save these worlds? That requires change, right?”
He paused in his movements, glaring at me. “Stop acting stupid. These worlds are broken because they didn’t follow the rules. We have to follow them perfectly.”
“I don’t want to though.” I shuddered. “No offense, but if the story is going to require us to have a romantic relationship, I’m finding an alternate solution.”
“That’s what the story requires, you have your role to play. You know the consequences of not playing the right part.”
I sighed. “No, there’s always different paths to take. You’re a good friend, and I’m glad to have you by my side, but that’s different than love.”
“You clearly don’t love me either, so why are you making such a fuss about this? As long as we complete what we came here to do, that’s all that matters, right?”
Adonis stepped closer to me, his atmosphere slightly threatening. “Why are you so different from what you are supposed to be?”
“What are you…?”
“Why can’t you just accept.”
His hand grabbed my wrist, the grip painful.
He pulled me closer until our faces were inches apart. His bright blue eyes were blazing with anger as they stared into my own.
Letting me go, he walked away, putting some distance between us, before turning back to face me.
“This lower realm is stabilized. We should return.” His smile was cold. “The next mission is a little different from our previous ones. We’ll talk about it later.”
“And next time…?” He laughed, a bitter sound. “You’ll play your part whether you want to or not.”
The blade in my hand threw through the air, stabbing into the wall inches from his face. I smiled cheerfully as he looked back at me, shocked.
“Try touching me again, and I’ll cut off something you’ll miss. We’ll discuss missions and roles again in the higher realm, but for now?” I rang a bell and guards came in, escorting him out. “I have a coronation to plan.”
My coronation was held outside so that the Ancient beast could stand behind me. It seemed cheerful, letting out victorious roars and swaying from side to side. The people cheered as well, seeming a lot happier than I expected them to be. I guess they’re relieved that they won’t be eaten by the giant monster? I wondered idly how I was going to incorporate the creature into the day to day life of a monarch. For an odd reason I had very little doubt that the monster would stick around.
However, all my plans came to nothing. As the crown was placed on my head, bright blue words formed in the air in front of me:
100% complete.
**** You have finished the mission! ****
It was time to go.
At little sad, I looked up at the ancient monster above me. “Thank you, friend for your help. I wish I could stay with you longer.”
A mournful cry echoed through the world. It seemed to understand that I was leaving. Before I could say anything more to reassure it, the world around me shimmered and disappeared.
Only to reveal a furious Adonis standing in front of me.
“Happy now, Your Majesty?” He sneered.
“Oof, someone’s still a little angry that I used an ancient monster conquer the world. Believe it or not, I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you. But you know why I did what I did. Let’s talk about it in the morning.”
I walked away, feeling his glare on my back long after I was out of sight.
When I woke up, I realized that I couldn't move.
I panicked, struggling to move my arms and legs, only managing to turn my head slightly. Enough to see Adonis’s smug expression as he sat by my bed.
“It’s time for our story to progress, Bel.” His smile was strange, twisted. I couldn’t talk back, I shook my head slightly side to side.
“I’m the hero, you are the heroine. If the relationship between us can’t be advanced by working together, than it must be forged in adversity." He reached down and picked me up, carrying me out of the small cottage I had arranged for myself and into the castle courtyard. Whatever drug he had injected me with was slowly wearing off, and I struggled in his arms, finally able to shout.
“Put me down!”
To my surprise he did, and although I struggled to stay upright, I kept my balance and glared at him.
“What are you planning?”
He sighed quietly. “I’m tired of always being the one to compromise. It’s time for you to make a sacrifice, Bel. I’ve avoided this so far, worried that progressing our story this way would kill you, but it seems that it is our fate that we take this risk. It’s… unfortunate. I do very much hope you don’t die.” He paused, trying to smile at me. “Don’t worry. It’s only temporary. I’ll come and rescue you soon.”
“A sacrifice?” I felt cold, even as I stood in the warm afternoon sun. My thoughts were slow to form, possibly a side effect of the medication. “Why?”
He shrugged. “There’s an order to everything. Rules. Law. They are all that stand between us and pure chaos. No one can ignore them. Not you. Not even me.”
“Then sacrifice yourself, asshole! Why send me?”
He shrugged. “It’s your role to play, not mine. Your fate.”
“Screw fate! I don’t care if you say it’s temporary or not! Friends don’t sacrifice friends!” I was furious, still weak and feeling helpless.
His hand reached out and brushed my cheek, the touch freezing my skin. I wanted to move away but I could still barely move, only managing to glare at him. “Don’t look at me with those eyes. It’s not my fault. If you want to blame anyone, blame the story.”
“Sorry, you must accept your fate.” I felt a pinch in my arm, the stick of a needle as he injected something into the muscle. Immediately darkness overwhelmed me.
“We all do.”
Everything faded into darkness.
When I woke up, I was in a strange world, surrounded by forest. I lay on my back, still feeling weak, fury coursing through my veins.
Adonis and I had worked well together, despite arguing multiple times in the past. But now… any goodwill I had towards him was gone. He had betrayed me. Knocked me out and sent me to somewhere dangerous, somewhere I could be killed, just to follow his precious fate. To get the story he wanted.
“Are you lost?
I looked over at the source of the voice. It was a tall young man with dark hair, wearing grey, non-descript clothing. He kneeled down next to me, and I found myself staring into dark blue eyes.
“Seems a good description for my current situation.” I smiled despite the dizziness. “Nice to meet you, Stranger.”
He grinned, reaching out a hand to help me up. “Call me Liam.”
Liam? Could he be…?
“…Nice to meet you, Liam.” I laughed. “Or should I say: nice to see you again?”
*** Soul transfer 25% complete. ***
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bees--in-my--bones · 3 years
Mission: New Asgard
Character: Loki x reader (completely gender neutral. There are zero indications of the readers gender, no pronouns at all. Note that this is written from the perspective of a woman, though, so if something is too biased, please let me know!)
Summary: You are assigned to help integrate the Asgardians to Midgardian society, but your mission ends a whole lot different than you expect.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 5,493
A/N: My second fic! The title is supposed to be a play on the Mission: Impossible movies, but I've never actually seen one, so sorry if it's wrong lol. Now that I officially have more than one fic, I'm gonna make a masterlist, so that will be coming soon. I hope you like the story!
You rapped your knuckles on the office door that had been left slightly ajar. “Director Mackenzie? You asked to see me?”
“Come on in, Y/N. Elena was just leaving.”
You opened the door and nodded at Agent Rodriguez as she made her way out. She gave you a curt nod in return.
Alphonso Mackenzie, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., leaned back into the chair behind his desk and gestured for you to have a seat. “And for the last time, Y/N, you are one of my most trusted operatives. Call me Mack, please.”
You sat down. “Sorry, Mack.”
He opened a desk drawer and pulled out a file folder stuffed to the brim with documents, which he dropped onto the desk between you, the loud thwap resounding in the small office.
“I have a mission for you, Agent. A few days ago, the planet Asgard was completely destroyed.”
“Asgard?” you interjected. “Like where Thor is from?”
He nodded. “You’ll find all of that and more in these files. Thor and his brother Loki have set up a colony in a small town in Norway. We need you to supervise the integration of the Asgardian people onto Earth. This is the first known mass migration of aliens that our planet has ever seen, and we need to be keeping a close eye on this, or it could go sideways real fast.”
You pulled the files closer and began to flip through a few pages. “I thought Loki was a bad guy. What was it? 80 people in 2 days? Plus the invasion of New York. Why are we letting him back here?”
Mack sighed and rubbed his temple. “I can’t personally vouch for the man, but Thor claims he was being mind controlled. According to Thor, Loki eventually broke free of the control and killed the guy who was behind the whole thing. Some alien named Thanos? Tony Stark himself seems okay with this New Asgard business, and you know how paranoid he gets. So for now, we observe, not attack.”
“Gotcha,” you said. “When do I leave?”
“As soon as you can get your stuff together and get out of here. Say the word and we'll start prepping a Quinjet.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” you said, standing up and grabbing the files. “I’ll let you know as soon as I get an idea of my timeline.”
“Thank you Agent L/N, and good luck.”
You gripped the steering wheel tightly, barely making a rather sharp turn. When you finished this assignment, you were going to have to have a talk with whoever designed these roads. Despite the unsafe driving conditions, though, you sighed in contentment. You were back in the field, this is where you belonged.
You pulled a van loaded to the brim with various tech items mixed in with your personal possessions down a bumpy road, coming to a stop before a small, rustic-looking, seaside town, where two men and a woman stood for you. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon. You turned the key and shut off the van, trying to get a read on each of the people standing before you.
The buff blond man was clearly Thor. You recognized him from the news and the files you had read. Next to him was a tall woman with dark hair who had wan air of confidence about her. You had never seen her, nor did S.H.I.E.L.D. have any data on her. The third man was lanky, but clearly still fit, with dark hair that fell just past his shoulders. He was clad in green and had a demeanor that made you shiver. This was Loki, scourge of New York and would-be king of Midgard. But Thor and Tony Stark had vouched for him, and that would have to be enough for Y/N L/N, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
You exited the van and heard Thor call to you. “Welcome, newcomer! Our scouts observed your vehicle approaching our home!”
You walked briskly towards the group. Game time. Put on the 'no time for your shit' face and get to business. Coming to a stop in front of them, you began to speak. “My name is Y/N L/N and I am here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division of the American government. We have been granted permission from the government of Norway to oversee this colony's development. This is an unprecedented situation on Earth, and as such, we have written new protocols. I am the agent assigned to this case, and I will be supervising the construction of New Asgard and its integration into Midgardian society.”
Thor furrowed his brow. “I was under the impression that S.H.I.E.L.D. was controlled by Hydra.”
You nodded. “Unfortunately, yes. The previous incarnation of S.H.I.E.L.D. was corrupt, but we are a hardy breed, so to speak. A much smaller branch has survived, and deals with various situations across the world, aliens being one of them.”
Thor nodded. “Then we welcome your presence here with open arms.”
Loki scoffed. “You are too trusting, brother. This so-called agent could be anyone. What cause do we have to believe this story?”
You turned to him. “Loki, God of Mischief, Chaos, and Lies, correct? You of all people should know, am I lying?”
He stared at you, long and hard, before shaking his head. “No, I suppose you aren’t,” he admitted.
“There’s that then,” you said. “Now, I will need to ask the three of you some questions regarding yourselves, if you don’t mind.”
The strange woman was first. You had been given a small shack to conduct your interviews out of, the woman stared at you from across the table, looking for all the world like she had somewhere better to be.
“No family name?”
“I am a Valkyrie. I have no blood other than my sisters.”
“Right,” you said, “You lived on Asgard then?”
Her face took on a sour look. “A long time ago. I’ve spent the last few centuries on a different planet, Sakaar.”
You scribbled the information into your notepad. “What do you do then? If you were gone so long, why are you back with the Asgardians?”
Her chest puffed with pride. “I am to be the new King of Asgard. On the Summer Solstice we will hold a coronation. It will give the people enough time to accept the transfer of power from Odin’s bloodline to me, and for me to learn how to lead.”
You nodded and took note of it. “Congratulations,Your Majesty-to-be. I believe that’s all I need for now, but I expect we will see a lot of each other over the months.”
Thor. The large man sat across from you, seemingly happy to be there.
“Thor Odinson, correct?” you asked him.
“And I hear you're passing on the title of King to Brunnhilde?”
A dark look came over his face. “I have learned recently that my family has done many wrongs by Asgard. As long as I breathe, I will fight for Asgard and her people, but I do not believe it is my place to rule. Brunnhilde loves the people and has a talent for leadership. She will be a much better King than I.”
“A very noble decision, Thor. Thank you very much, and please send your brother in on your way out.”
“I believe you know who I am.”
You sighed. “It's a formality, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“I prefer Loki Friggason.”
You nodded, and made the necessary changes to his file. “Noted. Anything else I should know about?”
“Just a warning,” he said, leaning forward, his voice dangerously low. “I am the God of Lies. The truth is a luxury I will afford no one, especially your little government. The God of Chaos is an enemy you do not want to have.”
You raised an eyebrow, and wrote a single word in your file, exaggerating each syllable as you wrote it out. “Dra. Ma. Tic.”
Truth be told, you were a little scared, given this guy’s reputation, but you would be damned before you let your exterior crack.
Loki scowled. He seemed to do that a lot. “You mortals think you are so funny, do you not?”
You shrugged. “I’m delightful.” You slipped your papers into your file folder and stood up. “See you around, Friggason.”
You left, leaving Loki slightly aghast that you had managed to get the last word in.
You walked calmly out of the hut, then quickened your pace as you made your way back to your van. Loki, as much as it pained you to say, had been intimidating, and your heart was beating a mile a minute.
You opened the door and climbed inside, shoving your paperwork into a filing cabinet, which you promptly locked. You turned to your computers, fiddling with the buttons, atttempting to establish your connection back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.
"It's quite rude to walk out on a prince, you know."
You jumped and whipped around to see Loki standing outside your van.
"What the hell!"
"I said-"
"I know what you said, Your Highness," you interrupted. "But you scared the shit out of me. “
"Many apologies," he said as he hoisted himself up to sit on the edge of the van, his insincerity clear. "And I grant you permission to refer to me as Loki."
"How generous," you muttered, before going back to your instruction manual. Technology had never been your forte. You chose being a field agent over a scientist for a reason.
The both of you sat in silence for a while, you working slowly through the instructions that Fitz, a S.H.I.E.L.D agent much more qualified in machinery than you, had given you.
You glanced up at Loki, half expecting to see him sleeping against the van's frame, only to find his gaze resting on you.
"Can I help you?" you asked.
He just laughed a bit, like staring at you had been the most normal thing in the world. "I am watching you, Midgardian, lest you sabotage the society my brother is trying to build."
"I never took you for the loyal type," you said, putting away your things. "I'm gonna have to ask you to get outta here though."
You gestured to the twilight outside. “It’s late. I’ve had a long day. I’m going to bed.”
Loki strained his head slightly, attempting to peek into the van. “Where do you plan on sleeping?”
Not breaking eye contact, you grabbed a cord on the wall and yanked, and the rusty old pull-down bed flopped out with a loud groan. The rickety old thing was probably going to give you back problems by the time you were done here, but such was life. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s money was usually spent on more pressing things than upgrading amenities for field agents.
Loki’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “You are not sleeping in that. We’ve built a larger house for Thor, Brunnhilde, and I. You’ll stay in one of the guest rooms there.”
You shrugged. “It’s not too bad out here.”
“Mortals,” he said under his breath, almost indecipherably, before speaking again, at a normal volume this time. “I insist. Whether I like it or not, you are a guest of Asgard, and you will be treated as such. Besides, that bed looks seconds away from collapsing.”
You nodded, trying not to betray your confusion at the combination of his kindness and rudeness. “Thank you, just give me a second to lock up.” You grabbed the pieces you had been fiddling with, then paused, your hand hovering over the satellite dish. “Actually, if you’re just gonna sit there, you may as well make yourself useful. You can teleport right?”
Suspicion crossed his face. “Yes?”
You held out the device. “Hop up to the top of the van, there should be a little cord. It’ll fit into this port here,” you said gesturing. “Plug it in for me, please?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You ask a god to do your bidding?”
You scoffed. “You’re not a god, you're an alien. And I just asked for a favor. You’re free to say no, but I’m exhausted, and as much as I would like to put off climbing on the roof off until tomorrow, I need to send a check in to headquarters ASAP.”
He begrudgingly reached out and took the dish and you watched as his form rippled green and faded away. You heard shuffling on the roof for a moment, then silence, before the Asgardian reappeared in front of you.
“If that’s all, Midgardian?” he said.
“Thank you, Highness,” you said, ignoring his tone. “And thank you for offering the room.” The monitor beeped a confirmation that your signal had connected and you punched in a code to let S.H.I.E.L.D. know you had made it to New Asgard. You grabbed the bag you had packed and hopped out of the van, waiting for Loki to follow suit before closing the doors and locking the vehicle.
You offered him your arm. “Shall we?”
He brushed past you, rolling his eyes at your mock-politeness.
“Alright then,” you muttered, “This is gonna be fun, isn’t it?” Taking one last look at the van behind you, you moved to catch up with the Asgardian walking briskly away from you.
Loki had not been talkative on the way to the house, and after being curtly shown to your room, he quickly left. You had settled into a decently sized room complete with a desk and a small bathroom attached. Undoubtedly, the house was a far cry from an Asgardian palace, but it was much larger than needed for three, even four, people. Surprisingly, you got a sound night’s sleep.
You woke to rambunctious laughter, and, wiping bleariness from your eyes, got out of bed. You stood in front of a small mirror on the wall and attempted to make yourself look slightly less like you had just woken up. Moving to your bag, you put on clothes that were much more professional than the old sweatshirt you were currently wearing.
Finally satisfied, you stepped out of your room and followed the sounds of conversation into the kitchen, where you found Brunnhilde and Thor joking at the counter while Loki sat at a dining room table, reading a book.
Seeing you, Thor broke into a smile. “Y/N! Loki had told us you would be staying here!”
You returned the smile. “Thank you for letting me stay here, Thor. I really appreciate this.”
The large man set a plate heaping with food on the table and gestured for you to sit. You did, glancing at Loki as you took the seat across from him, but he made no move to acknowledge that you were there. Brunnhidle began to speak. “We will be building fishing boats today down at the docks today. Will you be joining us, Y/N? We could use an extra set of hands.”
You nodded. “I don’t mind helping out. I have a few things to take care of first, though, so I’ll meet you all down there.”
Thor clapped. “Excellent! We’ll make an Asgardian out of you yet!”
You laughed softly and finished your meal as Thor and Brunnhilde began to tell you the plans for the day.
After breakfast, you ran up to your room to grab your laptop and then met the rest of the group on the stairs of the house. “I’ll see you guys in a little while,” you said, waving while walking in the opposite direction.
Thor and Brunnhidle branched off from you, but Loki, still silent, walked beside you towards your van.
You looked at him quizzically, but he seemed to have no intention of indicating why he was with you, and not with Thor and Brunnhilde.
Finally, as you approached your van, you caved and asked. “Why are you with me instead of your brother?”
“I’ve consulted with Thor. I will be supervising you for the remainder of your stay here.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “I’m supposed to be supervising you guys!”
“You are a stranger,” he replied, “and there’s something about you that I don’t trust. I have harmed Asgard many times over, and I don’t intend to let you get away with hurting these people any more.” There was an edge to his voice, that you had to admit, scared you.
After a long moment, you sighed. “Fine. I could use an assistant, I guess.” Which was apparently the right thing to say, because it made him clearly flustered.
“I am no one’s assistant, I am a prince of Asgard,” he argued as you turned away from him, partially to unlock your van and partially to hide your laughter.
You hopped up into the vehicle and grabbed a folder and tossed it to Loki, who was still sputtering about his status behind you. “Scan those in, would you?” you said gesturing at a machine in the back corner of the van.
He huffed but snatched the folder from your hand and went to fiddle with the machine.
You glanced over. “Do you know how to use that?”
“Yes,” he snapped. “This is primitive technology compared to what I have seen in my travels.”
You shrugged. “Okay.” You turned to your computer and queued up a call to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. “I’m gonna need you to be quiet for a second,” you said, right before Mack’s face popped onto the screen.
“Y/N! How’s Norway treating you?” he said with a smile.
“Colder than I thought, but not too bad. They’ve given me an actual bed to sleep in. You really need to update the beds in these vans,” you joked.
“I’ll let the budget committee know,” he replied. “I trust Thor and Loki are being cooperative, then?”
“More or less,” you said before stepping to the side, putting Loki in full view of your webcam.
Mack’s eyes widened. The change was subtle, but you could tell he was surprised. “That’s Loki.”
“In your van.”
“His Highness has deemed me untrustworthy, and decided I need a chaperone.”
“Right,” said Mack, suspicion in his voice. “Well you know the drill. Weekly check-ins, and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problems,” he said, looking at Loki.
“Gotcha, Mack. Talk to you next week,” you said, turning off the call. You turned to Loki, who had yet to even turn the scanner on. “You don’t know how to work that, do you?”
He glared at you and did not reply.
“Come here, Your Highness, I’ll show you. It really isn’t that hard.”
“You know the honorific loses its value when you say it so sarcastically,” he said, while watching your motions intensely, memorizing the steps to work the machine.
“Sorry, Highness.”
The two of you walked down to the beach shortly after, meeting Brunnhilde and Thor at the docks. You were allotted supplies and miraculously, you and Loki ended up caulking the same boat.
The silence was deafening at first, until you decided to break it.
“You know I never would have assumed that someone of such status would be out here doing the dirty work,” you said, sarcasm dripping from your voice.
He grimaced. “I owe Asgard a debt. I intend to repay it, however I can offer service.”
“A very noble stance from Loki, God of Mischief.”
He grinned and looked up, meeting your eyes. “I find that one can be noble while still being quite mischievous.”
You felt your face heat up, and ducked your head, looking down at your work. He had smiled at you, for the first time, and what he had said had sounded almost like flirting. Why had that made your stomach turn in such a strange way?
“Oh my,” he laughed. “Seems that the Midgardian is finally speechless.”
“Just trying to hold my tongue around my betters, Highness,” you said, rolling your eyes. “Now let’s get to work before Brunnhilde has our heads.”
Finally, late that afternoon, the work was done, and the New Asgard armada of fishing boats was ready for a celebratory launch. You and Loki stood in the crowd, watching Brunnhilde give a speech in front of the flagship, which really wasn’t much larger than the rest of the fleet. Loki leaned over and whispered to you, “You know, back in the day, the Norse would give a human sacrifice to the sea god to ensure safe passage.”
You wrinkled your nose, put off by the suggestion. “I think I prefer the more English tradition,” you replied, watching as Brunnhilde smashed a bottle of champagne against the hull of the ship.
Loki sighed. “Such a waste of perfectly good champagne.”
“I’m sure there's plenty more alcohol around here somewhere,” you said as you walked over to your boat, preparing for her maiden voyage. You hopped in and offered Loki your hand to help him in. He hesitated, but he took it.
“What should we name her?” you asked.
“You know,” you shrugged, “We have to give our ship a name.”
Loki seemed to ponder it a moment before deciding. “How about The Midgardian?”
You put your hand on your chest in mock flattery. “Aww, you named her after me, didn’t you?”
He laughed. “It’s a fitting name. She’s lackluster and hardly even worthy of being called a boat.” His words were biting, and maybe you were imagining things, but you could have sworn you heard the playfulness in his voice.
You laughed and tossed him an oar. “For you, Highness.”
“Many thanks, Midgardian.”
The two of you followed the rest of New Asgard, rowing out to sea. Suddenly, you noticed a small sprig of water in the bottom of the boat. “Loki,” you said, the fear dawning on you, “I think the boat is leaking.”
He turned to see the small leak coming through the floorboards. “Okay,” he said, suddenly serious, “Don’t panic. Let’s turn around.”
You switched the side you were paddling on, beginning to move the boat in a circle. Before you could completely orient yourselves, the floorboards cracked, and a large chunk of wood detached from the boat. You yelped as the water came flooding in.
Loki swore. “Can you swim?” he asked you, speaking quickly.
You nodded. All S.H.I.E.L.D. agents knew how to swim.
“Then jump!” he said, and you did, without a second thought. Your boat was sinking fast, and there was no way you were going to make it back to shore dry.
You hit the water, and a second later, heard Loki behind you.
“Swim towards Thor’s boat, he can get us-”
You missed the rest of his sentence as you were pulled away from him.
You fought the current that had taken hold of you, but your panic was making things worse. In the confusion, you lost control, and dipped under water. The ocean filled your mouth. Breaking the surface again, you choked out most of the water, trying to stay calm and find a way out, but every second you were being pulled further out to sea. Falling under once again, you were prepared to accept your fate when a strong pair of arms wrapped themselves around you and pulled you into calmer waters.
You gasped for air as Loki held you against himself, allowing you time to recover.
“Wha- How did-” you began, once you could speak.
“Don’t talk, just breathe,” he said. “I am a god, I can overpower currents much easier than your mortal bodies can.”
“Thank you, Loki,” you said.
“You are welcome, Y/N.”
A larger boat pulled up next to you, Thor leaning over the side. “Brother, Agent Y/N! Take my hand!”
Loki helped you onto the deck of the boat before climbing over the side himself.
You flopped onto the deck, panting. “Rest in peace, SS Midgardian.”
Later that night, you and Loki sat together watching the fire crackle. Thor had brought you a hot drink, and after plenty of fussing ensuring that you were okay, had left to do something leader-ish with Brunnhilde.
Suddenly, a loud scuffling at the door broke the silence and a series of thudding footsteps made their way toward you. Upon seeing your company, Loki sighed, exasperated. You turned and saw a large figure that appeared to be made out of rock alongside a smaller, insect-looking creature.
The large one began to speak, his gentle tone in contrast with his threatening form. “Hello. Um, I’m Korg and this is my friend Meik. We came to apologize for the whole boat thing. Thor put us in charge of wood collection, so it’s our bad, really. Sorry.”
“Oh, um, that’s alright,” you said, still processing the fact that there were two very large, very strange-looking, aliens in the living room. “You couldn’t have known the wood was rotting, and no one’s dead, so we’re good.”
“Alright, cool,” said Korg. “No harm, no foul, yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah.”
“Right then,” he said, scooping up Miek. “We’ve gotta get going. Thor put us on clean up duty for the next week.”
“Thank you, Korg!” you called, but he was already out the door.
Loki let out another sigh. “Idiots.”
You turned back to him. “I had no idea there were other aliens here! How many species came with you?”
“Just Korg and Meik. And unfortunately, they are around a lot.”
You settled into your armchair. “I’m gonna have to document this.” But even as you said it, you could feel yourself drifting off.
The next day you woke in your own bed, slightly embarrassed at the implication that Loki had carried you there, but he never brought it up, so neither did you.
The next few weeks were filled with collecting information and helping with the construction of New Asgard to fill the rest of your time. Always, of course, accompanied by Loki. In a strange way, you were becoming friends. The two of you never exchanged a single kind word, but your actions said otherwise. Before long, it seemed less like Loki was breathing down your neck and more like he was genuinely relaxing around you.
“Hey, Mack,” you said, beginning your weekly call-in, Loki now sitting beside you instead of hiding in the background.
“Hey there, Y/N. How’s it going, Loki?”
“Quite well, thank you, Director Mackenzie.”
You stared at him in shock. You had never heard Loki use honorifics for a Midgardian.
The rest of the call was uneventful, and as soon as you hung up, you whirled toward Loki.
“You were polite!” you said, your tone accusatory.
Loki sniffed. “I do have manners, you know.”
“You called him Director Mackenzie.”
“And I can count the number of times you’ve used my real name on one hand. It’s always ‘Midgardian’ this ‘Midgardian’ that. You know Mack’s a Midgardian too, right?”
He rolled his eyes. “And you call me ‘Highness’ in that terrible mocking tone of yours. The disrespect is mutual.”
You sighed. “Fine, we’ll call a truce. I’ll call you Loki, you call me Y/N, deal?” You stuck out your hand, waiting for his response.
He seemed to be considering his options, before he settled on his choice. “Deal.” He grasped your hand firmly within his and shook it.
“Glad we’re on the same page, Loki,” you said, leaning back into your chair.
“What now, Y/N?” he asked.
You shrugged. “I dunno. Brunnhilde and Thor don’t have anything going on, and I’m done with what I need to do.” You started clicking around on your computer. “Wanna watch a movie?”
“I’ve heard of movies, but never seen one.”
“You’ve never seen a movie?” you asked. “I guess that makes sense. It’s basically just a recorded play. You’ll love it.” You pulled up a movie. One of the lesser known perks of working for S.H.I.E.L.D.: free Netflix. “This is one of my favorites,” you said as the opening credits rolled.
“I suppose you aren’t giving me a choice then?” he asked.
“Nope,” you replied. “Now be quiet and watch.”
Later that night, you were in the kitchen with Thor, cleaning up after dinner. The two of you worked in comfortable silence until suddenly-
“Are you and my brother involved romantically?”
The plate you were washing fell into the soapy water with a splash.
“I have never seen him willingly be around a person as he is you,” Thor explained. “And he has changed. He is happier than he was before Midgard.”
You shook your head. “He doesn’t- I thought he was just ‘supervising’ in case I tried to kill you all.”
“Hardly. The man just has no clue how to adjust to a more… domestic lifestyle. He wants to be around you, he just does not know how to express that.”
“Huh,” was all you managed to say, not looking up from the dishes.
Thor let out a small chuckle. “One day you two will figure it out,” he said so quietly you weren’t even sure he said it.
More time passed, you and Loki still spending your days together. Before you knew it, the Summer Solstice was here, and you spent the morning preparing.
Rushing around your van, alone for once, you scrambled to get your work done quickly before Brunnhidle’s coronation began.
Finishing up you glanced at your monitor when you saw a message pop up.
Alphonso Mackenzie: I forgot to mention it in our call this week, but you’re coming up on the six month mark, and there seems to be no complications with Asgard’s transition, so we’ll be pulling you back to HQ. We’ll sort out the details in next week’s meeting.
You felt a sinking feeling in your chest, which was quickly replaced by determination as you began to type your response.
You hurried to Loki’s side, panting slightly, making it to the coronation just in time for Brunnhidle to make her entrance.
“You’re late,” he whispered.
“Shh,” you said. “They’re starting.”
After every great coronation comes an even greater feast, and the Asgardians spent the rest of the day revealing and celebrating their new leader.
Surprisingly, you had seen very little of Loki. That wouldn’t last long though, because as the sun dipped below the horizon, your closest friend in New Asgard appeared from the crowd and said nothing as he led you to a private space away from the partygoers.
“I’ve hardly seen you all night,” he said, as soon as the two of you had a moment of relative silence.
“I know,” you laughed softly. “It’s been strange to not be around you.”
Your smile fell and you looked up at him. “Look, Loki, I have some news, and I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about it.”
His expression turned serious and he led you to a small bench, where the both of you sat. He stayed silent, waiting for you to speak.
“I got a message from Mack today. They want me back in America.”
Loki’s entire demeanor changed. “What? You can’t go back. There’s still so much I- so much supervising to be done here.”
“That’s where the part I’m unsure of comes in,” you said. “I talked to Mack, and the specifics still need to be discussed, but if we can get agreement from all parties, he wants to create a new position at S.H.I.E.L.D. I’d be the first permanent Asgardian-Midgardian liaison that S.H.I.E.L.D. has ever had.”
His face broke into a grin and he clasped your hands into his. “That’s wonderful! Why would I have any problems with that?”
“You haven’t always been my biggest fan,” you said, nudging his arm gently.
He was silent for a moment, looking for the words. “Maybe not at first,” he began slowly, looking you directly in your eyes, “but now, I’d argue that you are closer to me than anyone else.”
You suddenly became all too aware of his hands resting on yours, and the closeness of his face to yours. “Loki…”
“I hate to admit it, but after a long talk with Thor, I’ve realized that I’ve grown quite fond of you, Y/N.”
“I guess I’ve grown fond of you too, Your Highness,” you said, smiling softly.
“Oh, Midgardian,” he said, unable to keep the laughter out of his voice as his face drew nearer.
You didn’t remember which of you closed the gap, only that it was the most magical kiss you had ever had.
A/N: Thanks for reading! :)
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echo-of-sounds · 3 years
who cares if it’s cliche?
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-Aizawa x gn!reader-
cute gif
This was a commission for @seraphicghost​! They asked for a fluffy/sweet scenario with the reader confessing in the rain plus a kiss. Thank you so much for the commission! This was super cute to write!
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“Here’s your beer, boys!” Nemuri set the bottles down for Hizashi and Aizawa. She scooted in beside you, chirping, “And here’s your Sex in the Driveway.”
“Thanks,” you droned, choosing to ignore her suggestive eyebrow wiggle. She wasn’t one to let anyone live anything down, and now that she noticed, it has only gotten worse.
Hizashi chugged his beer, then slammed it rather loudly. “Alright! Sho, I’ve shown up at work high, I’ve had a one-night stand with Nemuri, and I’ve never been on a rollercoaster.”
“The former.”
“What? How’d you figure that out so quickly?!”
“Hizashi,” both you and Aizawa said, telling him to control his volume. Aizawa finished flatly, “You can’t not talk about everything you do. You’d tell me something like that. Not to mention how useless you are high. The entire school would’ve noticed.”
You hid your smile behind your drink. The faint smirk that lifted Aizawa’s lips fluttered your chest, spinning into your stomach. If only he let himself smile more, experience happiness more, then you could see his handsome smile more. Dark eyes flicked to yours, flustering your heated heart further.
You had to look away and drink some water. You were an adult. He shouldn’t be making you flashback to high school crushes and wistful, young romance.
The game continued for a few more rounds, eventually petering out. Nemuri leaned against you. Alcohol swarmed from her sigh. Pink flushed her cheeks, sticking hair to skin. She mumbled into her glass before finishing it, “I think it’s time to head home.”
“I’ll get a ride.” You clicked on your phone, and it wasn’t long till it beeped: “Car’s here.”
Sooner than you could even move a leg, Hizashi jumped up, swooping an arm around Nemuri’s waist. “I’ll bring her home. You two have fun.”
“Hizashi,” you called after him. He didn’t acknowledge you as he escorted her outside.
They just abandoned you with Aizawa, who was already looking at you when you glanced over. You went to take a drink. The empty glass prevented that. Lemon slices and ice taunted you, laughing that your last barrier between you two was gone. You set the cup down with a sigh.
Shouta nodded at it, “Want another drink?”
You were once again beaten to your feet; He stood and took the glass. “Same thing?”
“Yeah, another Sex-” Your voice flatlined upon meeting his eyes. Despite the shadow under them, the red in them, and the heavy brow above, their sudden sharpness took your breath, completely unlike their usual dull and dry tone. The change nailed your brain useless.
“More sex?” His lips lifted ever so slightly. When no sound escaped your hanging mouth, he goaded, “More sex then.”
You slumped in the chair, holding your too-fast heart, replaying the bumbling. Saying ‘sex’ while being within two feet of his face, able to discern the bristles of his beard, a crack in his bottom lip, how attractive- Stop. If you couldn’t grow up and say something to him, then don’t bother thinking it.
A blue drink was placed in front of you. It was only your second, yet combined with the tickling in your neck and the bite in your chest, it felt like you were four or five in.
Shouta retook his seat across from you. Whatever you were feeling, anxiety or infatuation, that weighed your heart, lightened with his soft smile. It reached up to a soar when he asked about your most recent patrol.
Thankfully, the conversation from there flowed smoothly. You could keep up with no fumbling and simply enjoy your time with him. And you even got to see a couple more smiles, though they were faint. Every single one made thoughts echo inside: Just ask. It’s not that hard. Just ask! It made it difficult to focus on his words.
Once you finished your drink, your body, while light, lagged tired. You spoke through a yawn, “I’m gonna head out, Sho.”
“Need a cab?”
“No. I actually think I’m going to walk. It’s a pleasant night.” You stood and zipped up your sweatshirt.
He mirrored you and fixed his scarf. It wasn’t his Hero one, just a simple dark gray one, still allowing him ample room to nuzzle into it. Plus, it made him look reasonably fashionable compared to how he typically dressed. He grabbed your wallet from the table, holding it out for you, “I paid for the drink upfront.”
“Shouta, you didn’t need to do that.”
“No big deal,” he shrugged it off.
Yes, it was. If the others were here, you doubted- No. You knew he wouldn’t have done that.
You accepted your wallet and his kindness, muttering on the way out, “Thank you.”
The stroll home started quietly. Gusts blew your hood around. Shouta maneuvered to the outside of the sidewalk, so he was between you and traffic. Your elbows bumped every few steps. Neither of you commented or changed positions, letting it keep happening. If anything, you wanted to step closer to feel the emitting from his body.
Water dripped down the back of your sweatshirt, startling you. The single droplet increased to a steady rain in seconds. You hugged your hood and yourself. He nudged your arm and nodded to a nearby drugstore. It wasn’t much. But it was shelter.
Inside, Shouta slicked his hair back. Pale fingers combed through thick black, unveiling a sharp jaw and lovely scruff; too stunning to always hide under a mess of hair. The wet strands struggled to fit into an elastic. With enough finagling, they finally pulled into place, leaving room for the darkened line on his cheekbone to stick out. Just like his eyes did…
Which were staring at you. Dammit. You turned into an aisle, searching for anything interesting that wasn’t him. All it would take was a handful of sentences then he would know. If he reciprocated, all would be grand; your worry was for naught. However, if he didn’t, the plague of dread that’s accompanied the crush would crash. Never knowing felt like the better option.
You walked the main aisle. There were pool toys, makeup, hygiene, sex toys that you vehemently avoided, fearing Shouta would see the smallest glance towards them. A pair of fleece socks got your attention. The inside was incredibly fluffy and thick. The outside had kitty pawprints designed all over them.
“These are cute,” you smiled and showed them to the approaching Shouta.
He grunted and continued. It didn’t hide the fact you knew he thought them cute as well. Cats were the only things he gave into.
You combed the rest of the rows of items. Not one thing piqued your interest enough to buy. You searched for Shouta, finding him at the checkout, buying a pack of gum and some migraine relief pills. He lifted his brow.
You answered the silent question, “Didn’t see anything special.”
“Not even the cat socks?”
“If I’m still thinking about them in a few days, I’ll come back for them,” you smiled.
After thanking the cashier, your walk home resumed. The rain had stopped, leaving everything glossy and smelling of the earth. It lifted the air between yours and his shoulders.
Thick fingers extended a piece of gum. His eyes remained on the sidewalk when you took it and thanked him. The fresh mint sent a little chill down your back, frosting your mouth as you watched him, thinking, ‘Now was a perfect time. No one’s around. You just need to say it. A few sentences and you’re done.’
The instant your mouth opened, rain poured, loud and heavy. Your hood provided sparse protection.
Shouta grumbled into his scarf, “So much for a nice night.”
“Sorry… But you didn’t have to walk with me, you know? You could’ve called for a ride.”
His eyebrows scrunched with a groan.
“Here’s your turn, anyway. Get home fast,” you called over the pattering, nodding towards the left turnoff. The top of his apartment peaked out over the smaller buildings.
“It’s late. I’ll walk you home,” he grumbled again. His voice carried much less complaint this time and more concern.
Both of you picked up the pace, fast-walking down the sidewalks and hustling across the streets.
Only at your door did you face Shouta, not caring about being soaking wet anymore. He was closer than you expected, nearly bumping into his chest. You looked to his mouth, unable to make it to his eyes, unsure if you wanted to see them this close. You surprised yourself with how steady your voice sounded, “Do you want to come inside? Drink something warm?”
“I’m alright. Just wanted to make sure you got home alright.”
“I did. Thank you.” Your legs didn’t move. It’d be a whole lot warmer, calmer, dryer inside. “I know Hizashi drags you out to these things, but I still hope you had fun tonight.”
“I did.” His flat face gave you no emotional indicators.
“Good, I’m glad.” You said your goodbyes, yet your feet stayed put. Water soaked through all of your clothing. Goosebumps pricked down your arms. The rain vaguely obscured the handsome features you’ve been ogling at, wishing to call them yours.
He spun and took five steps away before you mustered, “Shouta?”
He faced you, waiting, half scowling, probably, hopefully, due to the rain.
“There’s something I’d like- There’s something I want- I want you to know. It’s okay if you don’t- If you’re not on the same page as me. I just- just…” Just say it. It was only a few words. You sucked in, preparing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically for the absolute worst outcome, then spoke as confident as you could, “I just think you’re- I wanted to tell you that I’m-” Your heart heated as you finished, “I’m interested in you… more than a friend.”
The downpour built. You could no longer see his face. His mouth mumbled something. Unable to hear, you shuffled close, wiped water from your face, and asked him to repeat himself.
Shouta closed the tiny gap between your chests. You could only look at his mouth. This time though, you wanted to meet his eyes. It was the damn rain preventing that.
A finger lifted your chin. Instinct lowered your eyelids. The rain ceased on your face as lips connected to yours. They pressed unexpectedly sweetly, only to curl into a smirk and pull away.
You matched his smile, struggling to hold in the laugh, “A kiss in the rain, Shouta? Don’t you think it’s kinda cliche?”
“Who cares?” The hold on your chin tightened a bit and guided you back to him. All the anxiety bubbled up, popping and releasing as a giggle. Weight freed from your shoulders. You cupped his cheeks, kissing back with new excitement.
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Too Sweet (For This World) Yandere!Ranboo x F!Reader x Yandere!Tubbo
Hello! I'm in love with the way you write c! Ranboo like hsgsj- amazing! So I would like a request Yandare c! Ranboo and tubbo with a soft reader that is oblivious on how they act twords them but loves them unconditionaly (just fluff please maybe maybe put a Micheal seen in there as well because Micheal is the best character 😌)
I think this is the best compliment I have ever received... Thank you so much🤍🖤
I didn't know whether or not to do headcanons or a full-length fic, so I went with a shorter story if that's alright. ^^ if it's not feel free to send another request!
It was very common for you to see something out of the corner of your eye, but when you looked, you only saw a bunch of purple particles drifting slowly towards the earth due to gravity. You just assumed there were quite a few endermen still hanging around Snowchester, or some of the goats had come down from the mountains when you saw small little horns peeking out from behind bushes.
There were a couple times a day where you accidentally and very conveniently bumped into Ranboo out in the crater of L'Manberg or Tubbo when walking around Snowchester. It honestly was funny to you that you always seemed to bump into them when you were feeling sad or lonely. Plus, after talking to them and spending time with them, your problems almost magically seemed to disappear!
Such as, there was one time when you were helping clean up the red vines around buildings and Fundy was nagging at you for being so slow or bad at doing everything. After storming away and ranting to Ranboo about it on the verge of tears, Fundy practically scrambled up to you the next day shaking and almost crying, apologizing for every single thing he's ever said or done.
Huh... Maybe he felt that bad about it to the point where he was crying?
Although Fundy never said anything mean to you again, he also stopped hanging around you completely.
When you mentioned this to Tubbo, he explained that Fundy must not have been a real friend and that he and Ranboo would always be there for you before anyone else.
Once the mansion was built, the two platonic husbands eagerly invited you to stay with them, even saying they had Foolish make a room specifically for you! At first, you quite enjoyed your home around L'Manberg, but then one day you returned home to a wall of your home completely destroyed by vines, deeming it unlivable. Although a tad convenient..
Tubbo and Ranboo had heard about it through your sobs when you called them, saying you had no clue what to do anymore. They had arrived at your side in almost minutes and quickly helped you pack and move everything to the mansion.
"I thought Snowchester was like... Half a day's walk away from here..." You sniffed, rubbing your red and puffy eyes. The two men of greatly varying heights tensed up momentarily.
"We were in the area." They both blurted out at the same time before glancing at each other.
Tubbo cleared his throat first, "I was in the nether, but luckily for you, I was close to the old L'Manberg portal!" He smiled softly at you as you three walked away from your old home.
"M-Me too!" Ranboo coughed awkwardly, causing Tubbo to shoot him an odd look that you decided to brush off, "Now, uh, come on! Michael needs to meet his new mother!"
You blinked in surprise at the new title but didn't question it much, assuming it was simply just a title. Unbeknownst to you, your two best friends already thought you were part of their platonic relationship, despite you never agreeing nor denying, or them even asking.
It took a few days, but the zombie piglin warmed up to you and practically saw you as another one of his parents, which made Ranboo and Tubbo extremely happy. Instead of placing you into one of the regular rooms, they had Foolish turn the basement into two heavily secured rooms a few days before your house had been destroyed, strangely enough, and even designed one perfectly to your liking!
After washing the fruits you had, you walked towards the bookshelf and pulled on the fake book that caused the shelf to swing open. You walked down the quartz stairs after shutting the hidden door, then made your way up to one of the two doors with a pink sign with 'Michael' written in yellow cursive paint. Punching in the code, the iron door slid open and you stepped in before closing it behind you.
A loud cooing grunt was heard and the sound of quiet tapping echoed through the room before a pair of arms wrapped around your leg. "Hello, Michael." You giggled softly as Michael made grabbing hands up towards the bowl of fruit. Placing it down on the table, the child eagerly ran over and began munching on the food as you brushed over the books on the shelves to find one you haven't read to Michael before. "What about... The story of Persephone?"
A disappointed grunt was your only response.
"Guess I did read that one... Hm... Oh! What about the story of Icarus?" This time his response was a happy squeak and tippy taps of his hooves against the warm quartz floors. You sat down in the rocking chair and waited until the child scrambled over and jumped into your lap.
You opened the book and began reading to him for an hour until your eyes slowly slid shut to the quiet snores of the child of your two best friends, who at this point was beginning to see you as a mother.
Quiet 'meh' sounds and 'vrrr'ing noises and a dim flash woke you up from your spot in the rocking chair. Cracking open your eyes, your arms shifted around the nether hybrid as you saw Tubbo holding a camera making happy bleating noises, while Ranboo, who was the source of the buzzing noises, took the book you had been reading from your limp hand to put it back on the shelf.
"What time is it?" You murmured softly to keep the child asleep as you rubbed the back of your stiff and sore neck.
"It's about 5:30pm. Still rather early. Tubbo walked over and gave you a gentle yet affectionate headbutt while he scooped Michael up from your lap to bring him to bed. This caused an odd whining noise to come from the enderman hybrid before he quickly walked over and rested his forehead against yours, resting it there for a few moments before pulling back, his cheeks flushed the same colours as his eyes.
You giggled softly and gave him a gentle pat on the head as he helped you up. He held onto one of your hands as Tubbo eagerly went for the other, jokingly sticking his tongue out at Ranboo who gave a noise of mock offence, causing you three to giggle softly as you left Michael's room and went upstairs.
Tubbo and Ranboo weren't big fans of you leaving the basement on your own, and you were rarely allowed to leave the mansion even with the two boys at your sides. The former president told you it was because he heard rumours of Technoblade searching around for all the members of his cabinet back when he was in charge of L'Manberg, and he just wanted to protect you.
You saw no problems with his story as it was extremely believable. Your history with Technoblade hadn't been the cleanest and he would've definitely taken one of your canon lives back during the attack on L'Manberg, had a stray black and white firework not saved you that day. It had fired off and must've swerved a way that wasn't predicted, because it hit Technoblade hard enough in the chest to knock him away from you.
You don't remember much of that day, except for Ranboo immediately running over to you and dragging you away from the destruction and chaos. Thanks to him, you were almost completely scar-free and standing proudly at three canons lives.
A gentle hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you saw two sets of eyes staring at you with concern. "Hey... Are you feeling okay?" Ranboo asked softly, tilting your head up to place his free hand against your forehead, "See. I told you she should be getting more sunlight, Tubbo!"
"I'm okay, I'm okay!" You laughed softly at their worry, rubbing your thumbs along the back of their hands, "Just... Remembering the war with Dream and Techno..."
"What about it?" Tubbo asked, bringing you into the living room to sit down with your friends on either side of you.
You pursed your lips together for a moment as you looked at the ground, "Just how... Scary Techno is. And how he was about to kill me without a care about who or what I was."
Angered growling and seething noises came from Ranboo and Tubbo as you felt their grasps tighten around your hands, almost to a painful degree. You looked up and saw their expressions stone-cold and steely although vastly different from each other.
Ranboo's green eye was purple, and the black tone of his skin was beginning to seep into the side with the lack of colour. The corners of his mouth were slowly splitting open wider and wider as his lips parted, allowing you to see the glowing purple colour inside his mouth.
Tubbo's was less obvious. His eyes were blank but also had a bright fire, one burning for revenge, reflected in them. His ears weren't flicking and neither was his tail, his entire body stiff except for a faint sound giving away the fact that his teeth were grinding together.
As much as you tried to endure it, the grip became too harsh and you couldn't help but give a small pained gasp. This caused all physical contact with you to suddenly vanish as the two boys immediately flung themselves away from you, horror and fear in their eyes.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"
"Are you okay?! Do you need an ice pack?!"
"Or a bandage from my claws?!"
They were both kneeling on the ground in front of you with both of your hands in their grasps again. They repeatedly turned your hands in their own, testing the joints and checking for marks or bruising. "Boys, boys!" You laughed softly, placing your hands on their heads to ruffle their hair gently. You pulled your left hand adorned with two beautiful rings and held it up for them to see, flexing it and moving it around, "See? Perfectly fine. No pain whatsoever!"
While they seemed to have calmed down a lot, they still seemed to be extremely upset and guilty. "I'm still going to get an ice pack... We don't want our wife to be injured..." Tubbo murmured as he quickly got up and walked towards the kitchen.
"I will get started on dinner. And as an apology, I'm making your favourite. (F/f)." Ranboo tried to be a little more upbeat than Tubbo, but you could still see the small amounts of guilt as he turned and followed after the goat hybrid.
Sighing softly at their over reactions, you leaned back against the couch...
Before doing a double-take.
Adorned with rings?!
You quickly flung yourself forward again and looked at your left hand. On your ring finger were two diamond rings, one gold with a green gemstone, and the other silver with a black gemstone, both glistening a faint purple from enchantments...
When did these get put on you- wait... Did Tubbo say... wife?
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