#i love cosmetics hahaha
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the usual rambling and some pictures under the cut  🖤
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friendship ended with renegade outfit now rais commando outfit is my new best friend LMAO  ( just kidding ofc i love love love the renegade outfit still but .  BUT .  i am a rais fan first and a renegade enjoyer second so .  if ya know, ya know lol  🖤 ) i wanted this outfit so so bad when i first saw it and it took me a little extra time to actually earn it but it’s mine now and i just .  * stares at it fondly *  rais  * dreamy sigh * i want to get the double daggers of the night next so i gotta work some more .  hopefully i can get them in the next week or two .  anywho !  until next time my angels, be good to each other  🖤🖤
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lixie-phoria · 9 months
bff!stray kids and the little things they do when they have a crush on you
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pairing : stray kids x reader | genre : fluff | warnings : none
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🧿 ┆ CHAN - he stalks your pinterest saves to see your latest interests
He doesn't do it in a creepy way, i promise. he just likes to go through your latest pins and find out what you're into and surprise you without you even having to tell him!! He spoils you so much :(( You recently saved a really cute fit inspo? He's going to order it for you. Saw you saving pins of pretty bouquets? You'll find the very same one in his hands as he picks you up from work. This man is such a sweetheart you're so lucky.
🧿┆ LEE KNOW - purposely forget his hoodies and tshirts at your place so you can wear them
Is it really an accident that he forgot his hoodie at your house for the fifteenth time even after you reminded him multiple times? Of course! Or at least that's what minho insists. He's never going to tell you that he intentionally forgets them at your place because it gives you an excuse to wear it. he will never tell you how delusional he is and how much it plays into his fantasies of you dating him when he sees you in his clothes. He's such a simp lmao please.
🧿 ┆ CHANGBIN - will buy anything that reminds him of you
He misses you so much on tour and can't stop thinking about you :(( even the smallest objects remind him of you. He goes to a beach in Australia and sees a shell whose colors match those of a really pretty dress you have? He's going to take it without a second thought, somehow managing to make a hole in it and looping an expensive chain through it because the shell may be simple but he loves spoiling you rotten with expensive gifts too. He sees a potted plant in some foreign country that looks somewhat like the one you have at your place? Of course he's going to buy it. Please don't ask him how he plans on getting it through airport security. He's too busy thinking about you to worry about all that!!
🧿 ┆ HYUNJIN - he lets only you paint his nails and do his make up!!
He's going to be sooo whiny as you drag him into the cosmetics store at the mall but anyone can see the stars in his eyes as he looks at your excited smile. The second you're in he's going to be all over the place, picking out items he thinks would go well with your features. And if you want to try out any of the products, he's offering himself before you can even pick the samples. Loves to have you paint his nails, try a new shade of lip gloss on his skin or the texture of a new blush. he will do anything for you. he does not care about the looks he gets as he proudly walks around with all 10 finger nails painted in mismatched colours.
🧿 ┆ HAN - He always let's you have the first bite of food
lover boy is so whipped i cannot stress enough. whenever you guys go on dates hang out, he purposely orders a starter he knows you like and insists you have the first bite. always. if you accompany him on set he remembers to carry snacks so he can share them with you and fights any member who tries to take some hahaha
🧿 ┆ FELIX - always takes your input when getting ready for a comeback
you see all those funky hair colors felix sports every comeback and pulls them off every single time? yeah thats all you. never once has he failed to ask you what colors you'd like to see him in. and he won't listen to you complain about how it might potentially damage his hair. you want to see him in blue? he's already texting his hair stylist l. you've been into purple lately? he's already discussing the different shades with you. it's so sweet and he loves it when he can finally show you the new look.
🧿 ┆ SEUNGMIN - "accidentally" takes your stuff so it gives him an excuse to drop it off at your place and see you
seungmin being upfront about his crush on you? of course not. he's such a baby lmao will never have the courage to tell you but he also doesn't know how to explain why he always wants to be around you. so he comes up with a (supposedly) fool proof plan!! he takes your stuff whenever you guys hang out so it gives him an excuse to come over and give it you later on. if you're ever missing a clutch clip or your lip gloss best believe he has it. and watch him laugh it off as an accident. he gets so embarrassed when the other 7 see right through him hahaha but he'd rather be teased because its worth seeing you
🧿 ┆ JEONGIN - aggressively confesses his love for you
he's so adorable. he isn't really sure how to navigate your relationship because its all so new to him but he also wants you to know that he genuinely likes you. so he sticks to saying i-love-you's at the most random times and so aggressively it nearly scared you the first time. so many of his good morning texts read along the lines of good morning i hope you're up or i will splash water down your pretty face. don't forget breakfast because it's important for you. if you forget it, i will fight you. i love you 😠😠😠😠 but once you catch on it's obviously got you giggling and blushing because it's such a jeongin thing to do and honestly how could you not fall for him when he's just awkwardly trying to confess how much he's in love with you
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tags : @foxinnie8 @hamburgers101 @starlostlaiba @jiisungllvr (send an ask to be added/removed)
©lixie-phoria, 2023
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shijiujun · 1 month
ok my watch schedule is going to be insane these few weeks:
cosmetic playlover (every tues)
first note of love (aug 12) - am excited for this cuz finally a proper story, taiwan bls sometimes don't do interesting plots and very rarely i like a school one and then after that i've only ever preferred the mafia-related ones so this one!!! with a bit of a tiny age gap and the actors having been in bl dramas before i have faith this one will be good
strange tales of jiang cheng (aug 13) - double male lead republic era detective drama starring xia zhiguang so 100% a must-watch i just hope the cases and chemistry are good - and no annoying female lead butting in unreasonably pls
twins (aug 14) - imma give this a chance see how it is LOL, i mean if not serious i suppose it'd be at least comedic and hot HAHAHA
moumou LA (aug 22)
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gurathins · 1 month
Hiiiiii I have a question about long haired Toby!!! What are the differences (in as much or as little detail as you'd like) between Baltimore Toby and Miami Toby 🤔
tw: this has mentions of overworking, mental health problems, unhealthy habits and substance use 🤧
Baltimore Toby is back when it was working on the first project/getting its phd (Baltimore bc I think the university the program belonged to was Johns Hopkins or something. haha. obviously we're talking about 2260's here though.) meanwhile Miami Toby is when Aleena & co. asked him to join the skincare start up as a co founder and head of comms.
Side tracking/additional info that's not so important: Okay so funniest thing is that i was like. basically thinking at first that hey i'm sure toby had lots of free time during the project as well. Then I saw a post abt my uni being on top 100's again in Shanghai ranking and went "hm what r the top universities" which then led me to google tuition fees in different places. I went to see john hopkins tuitions and kind of went 👁️👁️ when I saw that students would basically spend around 100k$ a year during phd (indirect fees included) so i was like. hm!
ANYWAY! While I did mention that in Cynosure worldbuilding most universities are free and all, there are still some private ones some parents like to send their children to and with which some corporations like to do collabs). Now, while Tobias did in fact probably get some scholarships and Mackie was like "oh if you keep working for us we'll pay all of ur uni debt" and Toby, 17 years old, naive and just wanting to show what it can do to help people, went "oh ofc that sounds great!". poor guy.
While he did think he would stay there after the project too, Toby's also "a bit" anxious and like, finds it hard to trust promises like that, so it goes on and does extra work like ta:ing and volunteering and all stuff like that. Which led it to basically have no free time at all hahaha. :/. It did attend a book club and get a game console to play its favorite video games at home but like, that's kinda it. It also liked to do work at home btw. Jack would literally come by sometimes and its just sitting looking through some data or something. lmao.
This also led to the fact that Toby basically had no other human contacts except for, well, it's coworkers, some people from university, the book club and Jack (who is also in the coworker section).
ANYWAY! After it left the project it was basically like, "hm what do i do now," especially after looking at its bank accounts and seeing a debt that would be like, almost one million dollars in our modern currency (bc he also hasn't paid for his bachelor's in MIT either. his mom sent him there. he didn't want to go there). Plus he's "just a bit burnt out" (Toby's words) and, well, trying to ignore all its thoughts and feelings re: Jack.
Week later after leaving Mackie Tobias opens its email and sees Aleena's message asking it to call her or meet up with her. So he goes there and she's like "hey so remember our project at that one cosmetics chemistry course? we were thinking abt turning it into a start up and i was wondering if you'd like to join," to which Toby's all like "uh. yeah. sure." not like it has anything else going on. Aleena makes it the head of communications bc Tobias loves public speaking, presentations and stuff like that. And so he moves to Miami.
NOW, despite having a title like that, it's surprisingly easy and has very little work tasks especially since it has a comms team. Toby has no idea what to do with all that free time. It's the first time in its life when it has so much free time (not counting age 1-5).
So it asks Aleena what she tends to do during her free time bc it kinda finds it hard and she's like "well i go to clubs sometimes. and meet with people. and do some other stuff hmm..." and toby, in its brain, basically went "oh so i gotta go to a club."
Well. He did. Many times. Maybe like five times a week or something. It doesn't drink alcohol but picked up some Other Substances to use and, well, basically got a bit too much into things like one night stands or quickies bc 1) its people pleaser brain somehow thought that would be fun and 2) it needed someone to care about it at least in some way and 3) it helped to not think about Jack. Then Frank also showed up so... 😬.
THAT SAID it's not that he only spent time there, Toby also liked to going to museums and got into playing basketball with Aleena. AAAAND it also started spending lots of time at home doing stuff. Or staring at the wall while being bored.
SO UM. How do I conclude this. Both were very bad to its mental health in different ways and the biggest difference is that Baltimore Toby had no free time and Miami Toby had too much. Another difference is that Baltimore Toby tended to limit its substance use to stimulants only, Miami Toby tended to, well, it was high almost all the time. :/
After it got done with everything it basically sold all of its shares for super cheap, which was enough to pay off most of its debt and have some savings, and then it just Left (tm) and went to start things over. Good for it.
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My works Cosmetic case / big purse 我的皮雕作品 - 化妝包/大錢包 -1(sold)
PS. When I asked for clients what title they want me made leather works for them, If they told me : they have not any ideas lol then I always answered those people let's make that "crane flower". hahaha (but this's a difficult flower on leather jobs of fine crafts. XD I was so very silly, that because I love this flowers. :D) Lan~*
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chanceofwhat · 1 year
I have a cold and I’m miserable so I’m rewatching my favorite childhood show, Phineas and Fuckin’ Ferb.
I’m low key live-blogging to my bff so I might as well put some here. I started at season 2 because that’s what google says is the best season and I think it’s right.
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- Doofenshmirtz has so much trauma and OWCA agents are therapists. He just sits there and eats wings with Perry and talks about how sad he is that he can’t come up with anything evil, then in the aglets episode Perry gives him the delete button to get rid of the embarrassing video, and when the evil plan doesn’t work he comes right back to Perry and says “I have an ouchie… in here” pointing to his HEART IM GONNA CRY DOOOOOOF
- Perry the Platypus makes that little sound intentionally. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a sound. Like when I hum at people. It has no translatable meaning, just tone.
- Candace is so stubborn. But she does love her brothers. She gets so mad about the aglets thing, but with Nessy Nosie, she looks at her brother’s puppy eyes and immediately agrees to throw away the evidence she wanted. Then she meets the ACTUAL MYTHICAL MONSTER and doesn’t even care, is just stubborn about it.
- “HAHAHA, IT WORKED! Your miracle growth elixir has turned you into GIANT NERDS!”
- I do enjoy the flawless girl thing. Beauty/cosmetic thing with a whole bunch of cosmetics to make insecure teenagers feel the need to buy a whole bunch of products to look “perfect” but it’s very hyperbolized so it’s clearly visible to be bad, and I’m sensing a moral about that as well. Heck yea. As I’m typing, we’re reaching the end of the episode and yea, “you both make money off of people’s natural insecurities!” Good moral.
- “Oh, that’s our sister… our -chuckles- Big sister.” (She drank the growth elixir)
- (she shrinks back while approaching her mom) “I’m back to normal!” “Normal being a… relative term.”
- why are Baljeets parents so… the way they are. I feel so bad for Baljeet. He’s got that Smart Kid Pressure ™ and can’t escape from it. Except in that one episode… but I haven’t gotten there yet.
- “oh my gosh, the square root of soon… is never.”
- “doofenshmirtz 🎶quality 🎵bratwurst”
- “Make this fish put me down!” “It’s a mammal, Candace!”
- “Your hot dog is no match… for my BRATWURST!” (No but the way Perry just keeps a hot dog in his hat that he summoned like a wizard summons a broom) (the way they’re swordfighting and Doof just takes a bite of Perry’s blade)
-Ferb is so autism
- “You know what they say: if you love something, set it free.” “We do that every day with Perry— oh, there you are, Perry!”
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kumamoto-division · 2 months
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-july 24th-
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"sometimes the things can fall appart so that better things can fall together"
"good morning... what's happen to you uh?...you look a bit blushed"
"a gift for my birthday? That's something cute,thank you darling *giggles* hahaha it's just a joke thanks you very much... I starts to sound like Eden"
"i'm a bit suprised of actually have 23 years old...with all the shit of those last years I thought I would be jailed in ARCA or completely out of mind at the 23s but...*sighs* things never end like one think...even if it is just for now"
"this birthday besides the habituals in the library the fashion designers for who I model often sent me things like beautiful dresses,jewelry and even cosmetics...fufufu this remember me why I decided work as model. I love my library but also love when me beauty is recognize, especially considering the scars in my face and body...I never will forgive the whore of my egg donner, I seriously feel relief by thr fact Ukina is burning in at least one hell right now"
"can you believe that almost all the media say and believe the terrorist Bluefire is a woman?! I know i'm very beautiful and that the masquerade gown and wig don't help exactly but to be honest I wonder if someone will to recognize me as a man... Well Bluefire always can be Sophia if someone starts to suspect"
"I received gifts and confessions who study at the academy where sometimes I work as librarian but if course I rejected them all. the girls also gave me gifts that I accepted,things like accesories,flowers and candies...*sighs* they seriously think i'm a smart and good person...I don't want even imagine his faces if they would know the true"
"uh? Good evening Kunio,Natsume...what?!....*blush* baka,that was just one time and a mistake, i'm not will to call you like that anymore...just shut up and give me my gifts"
"this is...a game? Wow Kunio this is really beautiful....I love it but i'm sure this would be much....*sighs* of course I must know that but... thank you very much"
"and you Natsume chan? Please tell me your gift is not some magical and possibily cursed objet?...I know you so well as Kunio and yes, you are"
"a potion... Natsume I said,wait what? *Blush* Natsume what's this?! I can I CAN FORGIVE YOU THE POTION BUT NOT THE REASON!
" another gift?! ...what this ring means?...*blush* well... that's a surprise but who i'm to challenge the strings of fate...why the gods of love and sex seems to have fun fucking my life up"
"good day Aoba! *Hugging him* why you didn't call me niichan?! C'mon I actually want to feel like a older brother and you are a perfect younger brother to me!... hahaha alright alright, here"
"Yep,i know you like to play chess. this is a chess game made of precious gemstones....c'mon you should accept this and...you know me well. Yes I collected some souls in the supernatural underground in exchange of this but that demon was greedy...your welcome Aoba, you are my best friend and the queen I sweared loyalty. You deserve this"
Natsume's voice lines
"Aoba sweetie happy birthday!...uh? Hahaha no of course! Do you seriously think i'm so irresponsible to give you a cursed objet?....yeah I guess You have reason...just a bit about that"
"yeah, you said non objets but not potions, this is a fertility potion for the day you finally overcome the little Hiko and want to have your own kid...shit I made him angry...before you burn me to ashes Aoba I have another gift to you!"
"is this...yeah is a ring but it's not exactly for you and about the meaning well...I have some news to you and after have been a few of visions.... i'm not going to tell you nothing but apparently Freya,Eros and Aphrodite will to having fun with you and Aizen myō-ō surely could join to them.... that's better.... hahaha I hearded that and I told you...love amd sex gods seems to be especially intereseted on Yamamura family"
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aisquaredchoco · 1 year
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Hmmm...I forgot that I do this replies thing every once in a while. Maybe because lately I seldomly get replies on my posts there's none to answer to, or there might be a few but I do reply on the post itself. Though I think I missed out some replies, I'll try to answer them in this post and I might get to to do this on a monthly basis..
>> 03 Jul 2023: Moar Conversions from TS2! (a.k.a. The Long Overdue 600 Followers’ Gift..)
@curmudgeonness: "Thank you! Love the TS2 conversions!"
Hey, you're welcome! 😊
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>> 20 Jul 2023: so…tumblr just basically moved the menu...
@hancyan: "It's hard to see because I'm not used to it."
truuee, such a pain to see.. 😭
@frank-e-sleep-n-tea: "It's the same as the twitter layout. I'm hate it, but am happy to see this post because I thought I was loosing it."
I'm not using twitter so I'm not famiiar with its layout. but maaan why twitter if they could 'copy' from other better page layouts..
@fluttereyes: "Another of my mutuals said the same thing, I hate it too, reminds me of facebook."
oh yeah, facebook in browsers reaaaally sucks..hated it since they introduced the timeline layout..I miss the original..
@bast-sims: "I'm not used to it yet =( I think it was better before."
well I really don't hate it that much, but I wish they didn't change it..
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>> 20 Jul 2023: When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually listen to and post them
@hancyan: "I also like 'Africa'."
yeah I think everyone likes it..I mean most songs from the 90's backwards have that charm..
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>> 25 Jul 2023: *updates s4s*..
@joshttew: "In the sims 2 this does not happen 🤣"
well...yeah. there are a lot of good things to convert from TS2. though some of them are an obstacle to convert lol
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>> 29 Jul 2023: 700 Followers Gift: 1x1 Coffee Tables!
@nornities: "Oh, what a great idea! I always found the coffee table section a bit lacking."
yes, I agree. TS3 really lacks in the matching objects department in general. so I want to try to fill those gaps in some way..
@simsmono: "Thank you!"
@nectar-cellar: "😍😍"
@notgonnapostanythinghere: "Thank you! That's amazing!"
You're welcome all! 🥰
@sim-songs: "That last pic though, your simself rocking out on the GLASS TABLE?? I'd be scared for my life irl 😭💀"
hahaha I just realized how dangerous that position was in real life now that you pointed it out..don't worry though, I'm won't try to do that..😛
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>> 30 Jul 2023: just when I thought the porn bots are over once tumblr implemented some major changes...
@fluttereyes: "They come in spates. You get several and they get deleted after we all report them, then we get a break, then out of the blue it starts again. I thought it only happened to recent posts but I've been getting them this week too and I haven't posted in weeks."
hmmm...I should get used to the fact that they refuse to disappear, and that tumblr only cares about cosmetic changes lol..
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edwinspaynes · 10 months
"send me ask about thomastair or matthew"
12 days of Christmas, Qs about our beloveds!
what are all three of them watching during the holiday season?
What would a skincare / make up routine (if he wears it) be for our Matthew on an average morning?
if each of them were on social media, what would be their go-to social media app and why?
who would you consider the most street smart, book smart and the most emotionally smart and why?
what would be each of their fav holiday traditions this time of year?
One can allege that both characters are super alike but extremely different in a lot of ways. so how do you think Matthew and Magnus in personality overlap and where do they differ?
what are some questions you HATE receiving in your ask about these three characters and why?
Between Thomas and Alastair, who is assigned what choir and why in the maintanance of their flat at Cornwall Gardens?
Who is more prone to bouts of sadness between thomas and alastair and what does the other do to help them feel better or take them out of their funk?
What are some of their favourite dishes they make for each other? They give me the vibe of being massive loving home bodies so i'm curious to know your take on what they make for food and what are their go to dishes!
What are in each of their stockings and who gave what to contribute to stuffing their stalkings (for all three of them! Matthew and Thomastair)
Last day of christmas question :) - What are YOUR predictions/wishes of who/what the scene each of them will be, in the better in black novella? :))
Ily! I hope you liked this! it took me over half an hour to think up q for what i was trying to do hahaha
Nice I'm so glad that I saved this for when I was high.
I think that they're watching various shows and Christmas movies. But I also think that they're watching their usual things.
This is actually so interesting : https://www.beautifulwithbrains.com/beauty-history-cosmetics-in-the-edwardian-era/. So he had Concoctions and creams with Cocoa Butter, Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, Lanolin, Petrolatum, Witch Hazel and Glycerin.
Matthew is a Tumblrina and you can pry that from my cold dead hands. But also probably TikTok and Instagram, because he can't stay away from the travel videos for long. He has a whole IG page to his travels (@/wilde-wanderer, of course). And he has tons of followers who love the aesthetic landscapes and dog pictures. Thomas is a Duolingo boy - languages? Owls? Definitely, and that's most of what he does on his phone. But he does have a Twitter account to share his scores to, and he competes with Alastair to try to get ahead of the other one in their target languages. Thomas also uses his Twitter to follow accounts in Spain and language learning accounts. Alastair hits it big on YouTube because Thomas encourages him to showcase his piano. So he has many followers. It's really amazing for him, and he posts new things frequently. Kind of like VSQ, but solo piano.
Street smart is Matthew because he has all walks of life experience. Like this dude woke up wrapped in the Union Jack one night when he was drunk (Waterstones edition bonus letter). He could get by in back alley deals and make his way thrugh the world. Book smart is Alastair because he grows up lonely and reads a lot, and also he has a natural curiousity for life and the world around him. Thomas is emotionally smart, he sees minute details in people and can tell what they need so they can feel better.
Thomas likes to make cinnamon bread. Alastair likes to sing and play carols. Matthew likes to decorate and make beautiful.
MATTHEW AND MAGNUS okay. I will make a venn diagram:
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Idk dude
ALASTAIR CHORES: cleaning the counters, cleaning the floors (he is a very cleanly man and just does these things), cooking dinner for both THOMAS CHORES: laundry, organizing (can reach tall cabinets), cooking breakfast for both. both characters do dishes
I think both are equally prone to bouts of sadness. I think Thomas will be more prone then Alastair to bouts sadness for a while, first, because of terrible grief over his family members. Alastair will still be in that "thank God I can breathe" phase but not in te "oh god how can I breathe i have to learn" phase, which will come in time and be the worst bit. But I think that Alastair has a shitmine of trauma to process and it will be incredibly emotional journey for probably the rest of his life, so he will be the most prone in the long run. Both of them are of course there for each other, I think that they hold each other and they talk about what the grief is and they comfort each other and they feel acceptance and support for one of the first times ever. I love them.
Thomas and Alastair, right? Yeah lol I wrote in my fic they spent a long time together alone and then they had their friends over and they wanted to get rid of everyone and be alone together again. I think they're, like, each other's favourite person. I think they are like being in a partnership. in all things. Like , if Alastair does something wrong, Thomas still has his back. And if Thomas does something recless, Alastair is not mad with him but he is worried for his safety. Anyway, I'm higher than I want to be. This is not the question. I think that thomas makes Alastair a lot of Persian food when he wants to, but he is kind of not a naturally amazing cook so he has to be taught by Alastair. Alastair shows him though and it is fun and romantic and bonding experience. I think Alastair makes for Thomas handmade trifle. It is his favorite dessert. Also salads without a hint of celery.
I will draw an image
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I jsut want them to be IN the short stories! It's important to me. My mutual posted a post about how Cassie said something promising. Also when I asked SoS team they sent me a ;).
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. This a short piece, but I’m a simple girl, I see a turtleneck and my mind immediately wanders to this. Whoops! Ha ha. Hope everyone enjoys.
They have a very strict "no marks where anyone else could see them rule." It started almost at the start of their relationship, when she stressed how unprofessional it would be to walk into a class like that, but they started to take it more seriously when he entered public life, the last thing either wanted to do was make the other front page news, a laughing stock on Twitter. But sometimes, especially in the heat of the moment when they have lost sense of anything but the way the other was making them feel, they slipped up.
Which is how he now finds himself staring in the mirror after his shower this morning, getting ready to shave and start his day, staring at a mark that was unmistakable, and uncoverable with his regular button down shirt.
"Brigitte?!" He called out for the culprit.
"Yes, chéri?" She popped her head in to their bathroom, beaming smile on her face, still on cloud nine from last night.
"Can you come here for a second?" His tone almost unreadable.
"Of course," she answered back, now a little nervous.
"What’s this?" He asked pointing to the red circle on his neck.
Her face fell as she saw it, "oh no. No, no no, no. I’m so sorry, chéri. I guess I got carried away."
"I can’t be too mad," he sighed, a sheepish smile breaking out on his face at the thought of what he did to his wife that made her so reckless. "After all, I was a very willing participant."
"You were very vocal," she teased, the smile returning to her face as she realized he wasn’t too mad at her.
"Brigitte!" He blushed a little scandalized.
"You’re secret is safe with me," she reassured, gently leaning in to kiss him. "But that means we do need to cover it," she confirmed when she pulled back.
She looked at her cosmetics, weighing up the odds that they would match his skin tone, when they turned to each other simultaneously completing each other’s thought - "It’s a turtleneck day."
Hellooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
Oh but don’t I just love love how your mind works! hahaha the second I read the first line, I was already biting my lip with where this was going😏
“You were very vocal” hahaha too crazy if a sound of Emmanuel echoed in my head? 🤭
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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lynnaquinn · 11 months
So as I work on Rustbelt and Marked becomes the first book anyone will ever see of it, I grow more and more in love with the setting.
First off, recently because of other games, I've learned of a side of Post-Apocalypse media I never knew about, this honestly helped me develop the world into more of a unique setting. I never knew of the whole Roadside Picnic style settings.
But I digress, going back to what has happened.
So when I started arranging things, when the first book broke into three unique books, I rearranged what classes were in which Encampment Groups to have it make more sense to me. Marked went through huge changes in this in that I swapped out Dimensional and Lost to put in two of what I call "Blue" factions (reference to an in house categorizing of factions between Red, Green, and Blue, all lined up with the Terrain "Food Chain" and yes, these terms will change when final product is made.) I swapped the Rift-Scarred into a "Red" faction and then took the HUGE bite of putting the Ghostrunners as my "Blue" for book 1, making ECO the "Green."
The concept behind the world is that due to our fucking over nature, weather is so intense that we now live in what the corporations call Walled Cities. Through some "proprietary" tech that "wasn't given to them by something beyond us" the cities are shielded from the Apocalyptic storms happening outside them.
These cities are Capitalistic Hellscapes that sell different means of escapism almost like drugs; things like AR chips to remove the grime from your sight (or any other filter you choose,) splicing for cosmetics, and black bagging the homeless to "test new products on."
If the generator goes by its own failing or a storm getting in causing it, then for a brief moment a nuclear level event happens, ripping space and destroying the city.
The Rift causes the survivors to be forever changed. Some are scarred physically and mentally but gain psychic abilities, some become closer to the animal kingdom or even change themselves, and those unlucky to be connected to the AR slowly get their engrams dissolved into the digital aether.
You play the survivors of these Rift-Torn Cities within the first book.
Some rule concepts that used to be only some factions have also evolved to be an every faction thing honestly. These are things such as Leader/Unit Options and Archetypes.
Probably still need to figure more descriptive names for these hahaha.
Leader and Unit Options are a choice shared by Encampment Classes with similar themes that are a) Completely optional in your list, and b) meant to be thematic and fun. It is an option like having one of your Team be a Robot or an Intelligent Animal or what not or your Leader being a Cyborg or Hybrid or Splicer.
The Unit Option offers new equipment, the Leader Option offers new Equipment Sets for your leader, but you get to keep your leader type's ability. Both of these give stat changes to their stat line.
Originally I was only going to do one per the few that allow it, but now each faction gets 2 sets they can choose from and allows 2 Unit Options in their list instead of 1! This increased the original 2 sets to 5 now!!!
Archetypes were another "only some Classes had them" mechanic. They originally were replacing faction equipment on those Classes and offered a choice to the player that they HAD to choose one of.
Each non-leader originally had 2 equipment slots, the Archetype would take one of them presenting 3 that a player could choose from that were thematic to the class and each had 2 pieces of equipment that a unit only could have 1 of.
They work the same now, but with every faction having one, I've pressed the equipment limit from 2 to 3 to compensate so everyone can have some fun with the equipment outside of Archetype Choices.
Another thing was increasing D10 to D12 and upping the 4 basic stats on ALL models by 1. This was just to have better variance on odds.
Beyond that, swapping around Speed and Perception stats then changing Will to Grit really seems like a minor change, but honestly is one that feels important to me.
What other changes am I thinking of? As I've narrowed the books down to 4 planned, I thought of extending the 12 Classes in future books. But in the hours before typing this, I started to debate putting the upgrades just inside the books that have those classes. This would add alternative themes and options for each Class and related NPC Classes.
Just some thoughts hahaha.
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definitely take some water - even if it's just for the way/ waiting in line (in case you can't bring it inside), some pain killers, tissues, hand disinfectant/ disinfectant wipes (don't expect the toilets of the venue to be stocked/ clean!!), sanitary products you might need, emergency hair tie, ear plugs and a SNACK (like a power bar or something) just in case. I'd also take some extra cash for unexpected purchases/ in case they don't take your card (but I live somewhere it's customary to pay with cash anyway so that might not apply anyway...) You can probably fit all of that in a little case or cosmetic bag that goes in your bag so you don't have to rummage through everything.
I love this so much cuz you’re validating my concerns hahaha. YES YES YES. I was gonna set aside a couple protein bars for me and the people I’m going with cuz like venues will sell you a bottle of coke for like a million dollars or whatever. And I don’t wanna be starving and not be able to go absolutely feral for LIIWMI just cuz I didn’t have the foresight to bring a snack.
Cash is a good point. I gotta make a note of that cuz I never have cash on me but the merch is looking cute as fuck so I might wanna buy something? Maybe? We need to be seeing posters soon. Cuz during ATVB some of the posters for some cities were WORKS OF ART while others looked like matty got stoned and designed them. With his toes.
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Thankless Work.
???: Ghh...ngh...ah...
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You guys hear that?
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She’s close!
*The pursuing group follow the blood trail and the sound of grunts down the Freedom Academy hallway.
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*Emila, having expent nearly all her energy on her escape, now crawls along the floor, her blood trail behind her. She’s battered, bruised and full of wounds and burns.
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*Knowing she’s defeated, Emilia slumps down on her back. Toko, Komaru and Kuripa all point their weapons at her.
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*Maya brushes past and takes a knee in front of Feng, looking her directly in the face.
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Dear God Emilia...you’re looking a little worse for wear these days. 
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Have you looked in a mirror lately Canzanilla? Or at any point in your life for that matter?
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Don’t worry. Nothing a little makeup and cosmetics can’t fix.
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Oh...I didn’t miss this grating sarcasm and sense of humor of yours...
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Ya’ll started it, ciccio.
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That said...I’m impressed...I wouldn’t say what I feel is “pride” per se, but...I suppose, as Oliver’s mother...It’s nice seeing my son succeed...and having real friends...I might not like any of you...but he does...and I think that’s what matters...
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...Wow...way to be self-aware for once...
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Still, I have to ask...*COUGH!* You and your little “Freedom Foundation” gang...You may have the help of the Future Foundation for now, but they won’t be around forever...
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With me gone...there will be no organization to protect the United States from the likes of Organization Zetsubou...the only one’s who can now...are you.
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So tell me...are you ready? Ready to be the protectors of this country? Of this side of the world?
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...Maya...Don’t listen to her. She’s just trying to mess with your head.
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No, no, i-it’s ok. She’s got a good point.
*She turns back to Emilia.
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You wanna know the truth? My answer to that question?
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No...I don’t think we are...
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We’ve...I’VE spent all my time focusing on you. Honestly...it wasn’t until recently that I thought about...what might happen AFTER we defeated you...
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What kind of responsibilities would fall to us...or what kind of trouble we’d be in for exposing ourselves to the public...
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I mean...it’s the Maya guarantee, right? Talking about shit that I have no experience in, and acting like I know everything about it, and also running away from my responsibilities and hiding from what I should be doing because it doesn’t interest me. Oh a-and also plan things through.
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You...are a mess...
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Hehehe! I sure am! And you know what? I wouldn’t have me any other way!
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Still though...You’ve got a point...I don’t think I’m ready to be this country’s protector.
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However...I take solace in one fact...
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No matter what decisions we make, or what path we decide to take our lives, one things for sure.
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We will always be a LOT BETTER than YOU...!
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That’s right! You tell her!
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She’s right about one thing. We won’t be around forever, but that doesn’t mean anything.
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Yeah. We’re always gonna have your back, no matter how far away we are.
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You can hold us to that.
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Yeah...so there...That’s my answer...Do with it what you will...
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I see...your resolve is...admirable...
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But I warn you...it’s a THANKLESS burden...and even if you do everything within your power to do what’s right...
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The people will hate you for it in the end...Even when it’s for their own...fucking...good...
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You Future Foundation types know that all too well, don’t you? Remember how the public reacted after Operation Toxic Love? Shirogane told me the details.
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It’s not up to you, Emilia to decide what’s good for people. I think people are more than capable of deciding what’s good for them.
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Something funny?
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...There it is...The Freedom Foundation’s fatal flaw...Their faith in people...
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You get along with all types, don’t you? You’re the type of person who makes friends with people you meet on the street only moments prior.
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Yeah? So what? It’s called being part of a community. Maybe you should give it a try?
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She will when she’s in prison.
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I’m just saying...I used to have faith in people too...That faith got a good person killed once...
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...Maybe you four could back me up...How many times now has your faith been misplaced? You’ve lost confidence in yourself...your Japanese public has lost faith in you...and you’ve been betrayed and abandoned by those you hold dear...?
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You’ll know what I’m talking about more than Canzanilla.
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...I’m not here to play along with your games, Feng...
*Makoto approaches her and grabs her by her collar.
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I have only one question for you...
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Your personal property you mean? Ah...of course...
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I’m sorry...but I’m going to have to disappoint you...he’s already long gone...
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What did you say?
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Just earlier today, I handed him over to Organization Zetsubou. Within a few hours...they’d taken him on a plane and flown him back to your country...
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It’s over...He’s Shirogane’s plaything now...
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No...! We were too late...!?
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DAMMIT! I had a feeling, but...!
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I am sorry...but it’s your own fault for underestimating my power.
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If not for the Zetsubou factor, I could’ve had him shipped back to your country in about an hour. Unfortunately, Tsuchiya and his insisted upon it.
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I have no sympathy for you...This is the price that you pay...
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What was that?
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If you didn’t want to risk any of your friends being captured or killed, then you should’ve left me alone...Ngh!
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But no...you had to get involved...you HAD to interfere...You HAD to force my hand...!
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Makoto and the others only got involved because they wanted to save us!
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From a situation you put yourself into...Again, don’t underestimate my intelligence network...I know you infiltrated that auction...
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*heavy furious breathing*
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It’s your own fault that he’s gone, you know? I would have more than happily left them alone.
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... ... ...
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*With one slash of his blade...Kuripa sends Emilia’s head rolling down the hallway...
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//Emilia Feng...has died...//
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
Oh darling don't worry about rambling. I think readers enjoy knowing more about a writer.
The whole procedure sounds exhausting. Wishing you the best of luck in that. And I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
However, I am curious as to why you decided to do a PhD. degree? I am assuming you really like research, I am curious to know why people apply for it. I have been taught that isn't really necessary to pursue, I am not trying to dissuade you, I just want to know your point of view, and I find that interesting.
I haven't had the chance to visit Germany. It is a great country to settle in, If that what you are planning for. I heard a nightmare about their paperwork. God be with you. Will you be taking classes in german or will it be in English? Do you need an English test certification for it?
Also, it is so lovely of you to think of your mom. She is lucky to have a daughter like you.
I hope that you mind me sending you an abnormal amount of questions 😄
when you answer, your Tumblr asks or writes your posts. Do you do it from a pc or from your phone? I found out that I can't send long paragraphs from my pc unless I do it on my phone. I was wondering if it is the same case for you.
I’m not sure what my readers enjoy to be honest hahaha But if you're my reader and want to know more about my personal life haha I don't mind it.
Thank you! I hope everything turns out smoothly too.
About the PhD, I think it really depends not only on the field you're in but also your prospects. For example, I studied Biotechnology and molecular biology, but in my last years of the degree I dedicated myself to nanobiotechnology for oncological treatments. When I joined the nanotechnology team, nano was something that nobody really cared about and therefore it was a really small side of biotechnology compared to other well known parts of it. Once the pandemic hit, the health science field began to have a boom and Nanotechnology was a field that was only being explored for arms industry and cosmetics. Now nanotechnology is being explored in the health industry a lot and, since I'm kinda part of the "teams who were pioneers on it" I've the chances to work and study a field that doesn't have that much "competition" yet but also its "highly demanded". Plus, someone has to do them, you know haha Someone has to investigate the improvements of new treatments. The PhD is the only option for me if I want to keep going with my studies. Like, yeah I could work in the industry without a master or phd and make way more money than the scholarship I'll get. Sorry, long story short, I want to investigate the probabilities of curing Cancer with nanotechnology. This is way too new so they need people to research about it for it to one day be a treatment available for people.
I have also heard that Germans aren't good with paperwork lmao. It seems to be a thing. I visited Germany when I traveled a few years ago. It's a really calm and lovely place. The master is in English and yes I need an English certificate that I already own. Your girl is a C2 or proficient in English like Excuse me lmao jk I don't feel like I'm proficiency at all but the IELTS exam says otherwise lol.
I'm learning German! I'm actually in the middle of my A2 to B1 classes so, careful I know how to say my name lmao. I feel it's a really "boxy" language but a friend of mine, who speaks German said "but Lucy, you speak Spanish as your first language, it's like you speak in cursive. Obviously it feels less "literature '' '' that actually boosted my self esteem lol I've never thought Spanish as a "lovely" language but I guess it is!
I don't mind the questions if you don't mind that I take a while to reply haha
Eh... I've no idea, because I've not send asks is a long while hahah I basically log in to Tumblr to post and I leave because I've like -10 time in my life at the moment. But I mostly post from my computer because the phone app doesn't let me select more than one paragraph at a time and editing is a mess.
But, for example, the tumblr computer web doesn't alert me when I've overpass the 30 tags limit and the phone does. It's weird, tumblr is a mess.
Have a lovely day!
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purplesurveys · 7 months
Were you awake before 9am today?  Not quite. I woke up a few minutes past 9. No work today, so I got to sleep in :)
Do you have an alarm clock, or just use your phone to set an alarm?  I use my phone, but I'll be the first to admit that my alarms won't even wake me up sometimes. 90% of the time I kind of just have to count on myself to wake myself up near the time that I have to.
Do you own any shirts with wording on them?  I may have a few but generally I'm not a fan of text on my clothes.
^ If so, what does your favourite one look like?  It's not a statement shirt per se but I like my Se So Neon band shirt, because it has their tour dates at the back and I've always wanted a band shirt that has all their stops printed out hehehe.
What beverage do you prefer to drink in the mornings?  I need my coffee always otherwise I'd get super out of focus.
Tell me what some of your nearest & dearest like to eat for breakfast.  My dad likes to have either tapa or dried fish...or both, he has a huge appetite. Eggs with runny yolks also a must for him. My mom likes sardines and grilled eggplant. My sister's easy to please and would already be happy with just a cheesy omelette.
I've rarely had breakfast with Angela but if I had to take an intelligent guess, I'd think she's the type to like a Western breakfast, so she might be into bacon and eggs.
What colour was the last car you travelled in?  White.
Have you added any books to your shelves lately?  Yes, Angela and Hans got me Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 and The Midnight Library for Christmas. I haven't gotten started on either yet save for being around 20 pages in with the first book, but it's something I'm planning on getting to once I take my resignation breather.
Have you bought any new cosmetics or toiletries lately? Which?  I got BB cream and hair serum. The latter has been a fucking game changer and I can't believe it took me this long to start using one. I can almost hear my frizzy, thick hair whispering 'thank you' hahaha.
When was the last time you bought a new pair of shoes?  I got a pair of running shoes last December. I thought it would finally convince me to take up running but it hasn't done shit so far lmao. Maybe sometime this year.
^ What did they look like?  They're a pair of Adizeros with purple accents on them.
Do you own any sparkly accessories?  I love sparkly things, but no I don't have any.
Do your pets have a specific type of food that they prefer?  Not so much a food preference issue, but Cooper in particular needs to have the exact. same. dish. as the one we've fed him ever since taking him in. Can't change even one component of it or change the proportion of the ingredients, because otherwise his #2s get majorly affected.
When was the last time you ate one of your favourite foods for dinner?  I had pizza last night.
What’s your favourite variety of apple?  I don't like apples.
Does anything you own have an image of a cat on it?  No.
Are you looking forward to anything within the next few days?  Not really. The next few things I'm excited for would be leaving the company, seeing Andi, and watching Miss Saigon on stage but all three things aren't happening until April.
How have you mostly been feeling today?  Relaxed. I haven't really felt this at ease since December. January was a big mental and emotional trainwreck, so I'm really grateful to have this feeling again. I spent the whole day just watching a Kdrama with my sister and playing a game on my phone, and sometimes such lazy days are just what you need.
Does anyone you know own a pocketwatch?  I don't think so.
Do you know what you’re going to have for breakfast tomorrow?  Coffee and my leftover baked potato.
How did you meet the last person you sent a message to on social media? At a college rally. I was really just supposed to mind my own business that day but they were wearing a wrestling t-shirt and my social battery couldn't resist, lol.
When you woke up today, did you have unread messages on any social platform?  I woke up with a dead phone because apparently I let my phone play videos all night long haha, but yeah when I charged it back to life I had a few notifications.
Do you watch any costume dramas? How about medical dramas?  None from either genre.
Which of your physical features do you receive the most compliments about?  My dimple and eyelashes.
Look around the room and name 5 random items.  A lamp, a physical journal, a guitar pick, a reed diffuser, and a wireless microphone.
0 notes
pirrusstuff · 11 months
Hi Pirru 💕💕💕
I am going to ask:
Black cherry, strawberry, and toffee
Hiii love
black cherry: four words that describe you?
I asked a friend for this one lol
Lesbian, short, funny, rude
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
English correctly hahaha
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
I don't use cosmetics tbh, but I would like to know how to do makeup
ice cream asks!
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