#i love drawing her it's my favorite thing ever
angelwishess · 3 days
— 🎀🕊️ The ethereal yet odd prefect of Ramshackle.
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“How did I get here? Why, I wished upon a star, of course!”
Nicknames: Prefect / Prefect of Ramshackle, Henchman (Grim), Trickster (Rook), Little Shrimpy (Floyd), Kid (Leona), Child of Man (Malleus), Lacy
Grade/Class: Freshman/Class A
Birthday: May 5
Age: 16
Height: 170.18 cm (5’7 ft) ( 175.26/5’9 with her heels!)
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: ???
Club: None yet !
Best Subject: Animal Languages
Hobbies: Designing and making clothes
Pet Peeves: Indecisiveness and living routinely
Favourite Food: Burgers !
Least Favorite Food: Steamed fish and liver
Talent: Making clothes out of just about anything!
Likes : Fashion, Cute things, Mythology, Folklore, Flower language, “Adventure”, Anything considered “Art”, Ribbons n’ frills, Pranks n’ mischief, Amusement parks, Cute sweets and cafe hopping!!!
Dislikes : “Boring things”, Normalcy/Living life routinely, pessimism, indecisiveness, lack of freedom, strong smells, studying, silence, humid weather.
Gender & Sexuality: cis girl, demisexual + demiromantic
Voice Claim(s):
ENG: Briana White (Aerith from Final Fantasy)
JP: ??? (None yet!)
— ₊˚⊹ The mysterious prefect from another world, Kyra Lovelace exudes an ethereal aura that draws in people and animals alike.
Easy to approach, its easy to let your guard down around her without even realizing it! Well, mostly because she doesn’t seem like a threat at all.
It almost feels like she was pulled straight out of a fairy tale! The way critters big and small flock to her— they say that they even helped her clean up the Campus when she was still a janitor!
(Strangely enough, this also extends to beastmen and merfolk. Such a strange thing, isn’t she?)
With how kind she is, it feels like she really is an angel sent from above! Ever so eager to help whenever she can without ever asking for a thing back, even if they never even asked her.
Of course, people aren’t always as they seem.
Kyra is an uncontrollable force of impulsivity and chaos! Wherever she goes, trouble is sure to follow! With an insatiable desire for adventure and an almost childish curiosity and wonder of everything— Kyra is much more mischevious than you’d think!
Incredibly chatty and foul-mouthed (and fluent in brainrot) with absolutely zero filter, Kyra says whatever is on her mind, and does whatever she wants, whenever she wants!
So dont be surprised if she randomly dissappears out of nowhere, only to come back with trouble burning hot on her heels, and eyes full of wonder! Shes an odd one, thats for sure. You never know whats going to come out of her mouth!
Despite how rambunctious and uncontrollable she is— you’ll find that she’s wormed herself into your heart, and its already too late! Because once she sees you as a friend? Hah, good luck getting rid of her!
An amazing friend in all seriousness, but be ready to face whatever trouble she brings with her! The definition of ride or die, if you can’t handle it then don’t bother sticking around, cuz’ the fun (and chaos) never stops when Kyra is around!
Its undeniable that Kyra leaves an impression! Shes the kind of person you’ll remember even years after a little interaction, she leaves a mark on everyone she meets and her larger-than-life persona is sure to be remembered by all! If you’ve met her, you’ll never forget her. Thats for sure!
Even if she seems rather naive and simple minded at times, shes actually very thoughtful. She has an admirable view of life, and honestly? The best way to describe her is love itself.
She loves so, so very much. Shes so full of it, and it overflows onto the people she interacts with. Shes very emotionally intelligent, and knows just the right things to say to people. A lover in spirit, she can tell when someone’s hurting. After all, shes been there, too.
Perhaps its a little foolish, she can be too trusting of others, choosing to see the best in everyone regardless of who they are. But she’d rather love too much than not at all.
She loves living, she loves every little thing. She has no room for shame nor hesitation because she loves living so very much, she refuses to waste time standing at the sidelines (Not anymore). She lives without regrets, with no restraint, nor fear. She lives as she pleases because that is what living should truly be, shameless and raw. To be who you truly are unashamed, to let yourself shine brighter than the stars! ♡
Sadness is nothing to be ashamed of. Feeling overwhelmed? Stop on by at Ramshackle, and the little mischevious angel of a prefect is sure to sit down with you and listen. Because, she loves you, too!
“Whats done is done, nothin’ we can do about it now other than laugh about it and move forward! Whats the point in feelin’ bad anyways? No point in waiting for the world to stop spinning, yeah?”
—₊˚⊹ Funfacts n’ Trivia !
(+ some doodles~)
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(the quality is so bad pls…)
🎀 Kyra is not twisted / based on a specific character, but she is just the embodiment of the kind of person i aspire to be! Free, positive, and full of love! Basically a ball of blazing chaos and love, with a lust for life.
🎀 I gave her some typical Disney Princess characteristics (the talking to animals, ethereal beauty, ykyk) just because i thought it’d be funny paired with her personality!
🎀 Kyra’s name means “Shiny” in Japanese, but it can mean “Lord”, “Princess” or “Lady” in other languages!
🎀 Uses her affinity with animals for her ‘little shit’ shennanigans. Has sent an army of rats to Octavinelle during Book 3 out of pure spite, and always wins Croquet with Heartslabyul because the hedgehogs roll into the goals even though she clearly missed (shes actually really bad at croquet.
🎀 ^^ Her natural ability to draw in animals doesn’t stop there— but it seems beastmen and merfolk alike are also drawn towards Kyra! Although much more subtly. Though, don’t be surprised if a beastman comes sniffing around her without warning! (She doesn’t mind, she finds it cute!)
🎀 With waaay too much energy, Kyra just cant stay still for a minute! Always off on some random side quest, working a part-time job at Sam’s just for the fun of it to partying it up with Scarabia, she just can’t stick to one thing for too long! She’ll dissappear for a minute and come back with something completely random. You really never know with her.
(Parents got confused and picked Side Quest Daughter)
🎀 She has a concerningly high pain tolerance. Could be stabbed and be bleeding out but wont notice until someone points it out.
🎀 A total klutz. Shes so clumsy its actually unbelievable how clumsy she is. She could be walking so gracefully then suddenly trip on air. Bumps into literally everything. (The truth about her high pain tolerance— its because shes so clumsy shes so used to getting hurt by random things)
🎀 She adores fashion and hopes to one day be a fashion designer! Her personal style is himekaji.
🎀 She customized her uniform herself, and has always been fond of making her own clothes out of spare cloths and fabrics ever since she was a child! Her first ever dress she made was from the fabric of a curtain.
🎀 Despite how rambunctious she can be— Kyra can also be incredibly gentle. This comes out whenever taking care of her friends, even if she finds it funny to (playfully) bully them, she doesn’t mind letting them lay in her lap and quietly singing to them until they fall asleep.
🎀 She has a scarily good inuition!
🎀 Hoards things like a goblin. Whatever random object she finds she just keeps it, regardless if its worth anything. Her ‘hoard’ consists of trinkets that vary from ‘cool shaped rock on the side of the road’ to ‘a literal gemstone mined from the depths of Briar Valley my friend Hornton gave me!’.
—₊˚⊹ Fatal Flaw(s) :
💔 (Self) Toxic Positivity : Anyone who knows Kyra knows just how positive she is. But, what they don’t know is how deeply imbedded it is in herself. Although Kyra always speaks about how important it is to allow yourself to express your emotions, be it anger or sadness, she encourages others to express themselves.
But that does not go for herself. For some reason, she refuses to ever show any sign of “negative” emotions in herself.
Toxic positivity is a "pressure to stay upbeat no matter how dire one's circumstance is", which may prevent emotional coping by feeling otherwise natural emotions. Toxic positivity happens when people believe that negative thoughts about anything should be avoided. Even in response to events which normally would evoke sadness, such as loss or hardships, positivity is encouraged as a means to cope, but tends to overlook and dismiss true expression.
Instead of properly coping when faced with overwhelming, negative emotions, she instead chooses to ignore it entirely. She jokes about it, and pretends it doesn’t exist. All of these pent up emotions keep on layering on eachother, yet she continues to bottle it all up until she explodes.
💔 Impulsivity, with zero regard for safety : Infamously known for her reckless behavior, but her impulsiveness constantly puts her in danger. It doesn’t matter how many times she gets hurt, she just keeps on doing it— constantly running head first into danger again and again with zero regard for her own safety and health.
“If you keep waiting until you’re ready, you’ll be waiting for your entire life. People will always judge you no matter the time of day, so just go on and be yourself!”
—₊˚⊹ Notable Relationships !
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— Kyra x Floyd !! (AngEel)
(Yeah they have the dumbest ship name ever but i think that makes it fit even more theyre so STUPID !!! IM GONNA BITE RHEM !!!!!!)
The cutiest patooties EVER !!! If you like a dramatic, angsty ship, unfortunately they aren’t for you !!! The only thing you’ll get from Floyd n’ Kyra is tooth rotting, diabetes inducing FLUFF and a major headache while watching them obviously be basically a couple— but refuse to acknowledge it.
Ever since they both caught a glimpse of eachother, there was always this strange feeling of familiarity. As if they’ve met before, somewhere… Perhaps once upon a dream? (Nah, jk. Opening scene ref!!! She took his hand teehee)
They’re canonically soulmates. Eachothers compliment, theres no one on land nor under the sea that could ever be as in sync with Floyd as Kyra is. They just… Click. Their hearts beat in the same pattern, and they’re always on the same page. Well, even when they aren’t and they argue, they can never stay mad at eachother for too long.
Remember what I said about Kyra being naturally very touchy? Yeah, this is a whole new level. Kyra has no problems showering Floyd in kisses and affection, both physically and verbally, even if they are in public. She doesn’t see how it could be seen wrong, after all they are just the best of friends !! Shes just really comfortable with him, thats all.
In fact, she gets cuteness aggression from him! Thinks that hes the cutest thing ever, and she just cant help but swoon and coo at him, squish his cheeks and pepper his face with kisses!
Floyd doesn’t mind at all! And returns the favor! Of course, there are times where he isn’t in the mood, and Kyra is more than understanding. But no matter how upset or angry Floyd gets, he could never be at Kyra. He’ll come to her grumbling about whatever hes annoyed about and melt into her arms, and she’ll listen while carressing his hair and humming along.
Its hard not to assume the two are dating, when Kyra runs into his arms at match speed once hes in view, and he picks her up n’ spins her around like they didn’t just see eachother earlier in the morning. Hard not to assume they’re dating when Kyra tells him ‘I love you!’ So shamelessly in public.
Hard not to assume things when Floyd is so obviously, ridiculously soft around her. Absolutely smitten, you can practically see his heart eyes, paired with that lopsided, dopey grin. Not to mention the way his mood seems to do a total 180 and cheering right up when Kyra is around! He could never get bored with her, even when they’re doing nothing but laying in bed together in silence. Everything they do, in his opinion, as long as theyre together, then its fun.
Are they really that oblivious…? Theres no way… But, it seems as time passes, the realization is beginning to dawn on both of them! Its about time! (No, seriously. Everyone is sick of them. Especially Ace. Gags whenever he sees them being all “lovey dovey”, pun intended.)
— Kyra & Leona !!
After Book 2 Kyra basically looked at Leona and said “yeah, thats gonna be my big bro!” And ever since she just refuses to leave him alone. Literally.
Kyra sees the good in Leona, she knows deep down he does care for the people around him even if he says he doesnt. And she finds it so endearing!! She loves him dearly as her big brother, and wants to help him get his motivation back!!! (Has absolutely tricked him into doing his own homework by pretending it was hers.)
Though he won’t admit it, he sees her as a little sister and somehow takes pride in knowing she knows she can depend on him.
— Kyra & Malleus !!
The best of friends ! Late night walks where Malleus— or, Hornton, talks about gargoyles and Kyra listens, and talks about whatever comes to mind. Kyra always invites Hornton to Ramshackle for a little hangout, and she enjoys playfully bullying and bantering with him. Malleus finds it amusing how ‘brave’ she is, and plays along. What a funny little human!
Who could be a better friend than Kyra? She was practically meant for this! Platonic soulmates?? I think yes!!!!!!
They exchange random little facts, Malleus talking about gargoyles n’ architecture while Kyra talks about mythology from her world! (“He… Ate his own children…?” “Haha, yeah.”)
Kyra absolutely teaches Malleus brainrot. She has no regrets.
— Kyra & Adeuce Duo !!
Her day ones, and also victims of her Found Family Beam. (Seriously, shes just out here building a family like this shit is Toca Life 😭😭)
She especially has a soft spot for Ace! Even though she bullies him the most and they banter (and fight) like siblings, she cares for him more than she’d ever admit.
She finds Deuce adorable! His biggest supporter, even if she doesn’t like studying, she tries to help him whenever she can! (Jokes that Deuce is her favorite and she’d “throw Ace in the trash”.)
Adores the two with all her heart. Will always be looking out of them in both big and small ways, she trusts them entirely, fully! Would trust them with her life, but not with the food she was saving for herself.
— Kyra & Grim !!
She always found Grim so very cute! As an animal lover, she couldn’t bring herself to ever dislike Grim. Of course, they got even closer as time passed, and she cares for him like a son! Views him as such, and loves to cradle him in her arms. (In private, of course. The Great Grim has a reputation to keep up!!)
— Kyra & Divius Crewel !!
Same thing that happened with Leona, she kind of just looked at him and went “Mmm yes, father figure time!!!”
Although she doesn’t like to open up much, she often finds herself doing just that when talking to Crewel one on one. She feels as if she can rely on him.
Admires him a lot! Especially with his designs, she begged him to teach her some of his tricks that he picked up. Her biggest inspiration to pursue fashion designing as a career! Shes so thankful for him, as a role model and as a father figure.
“The world is so much more beautiful than most realize. Life is a gift. Don’t worry, you can rest. I’ll be right here until the sun rises again, and we can face tomorrow together.”
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fallenclan · 2 days
so!! starting off to say Moon 263 [part 2] might be one of my favorite fallenclan updates ever. here are some more specific thoughts because i have A Lot
the first panel with the "not actually chosen" ones chatting is so nice. the colors for this update are so tasty and really have a mystical vibe, but i especially like this first panel with the mushrooms. also, the textboxes look so neat overlapping. i like how wolfbite is quieter and not saying much while feathersight is speaking the most. it can be inferred that he's explaining about how starclan/the glowcave usually works with darkstone and honeysong occasionally adding on, and at the end wolfbite is just like "all right guys, i get it."
the way the starclan cats are drawn is so cool... the "fading" effect that makes them look all watery, as if bits and pieces of them are drifting away?? incredible. i love it! i also really like how the stc textboxes are a different shade. it's just a neat detail. the star effects surrounding them is so pretty also. i just love how you draw the starclan cats in general, they look so magical. i like how away from the glowcave, their colors bleed past the lines, but at the glowcave they appear more solid, as if they're stronger there. i just,, i love it
the cameos! omg. i literally never thought i would see nick again but here we are. i'm a big fan of all the appearances!!
silverbelly is adorable. i love how excited feathersight is to see her. also, when she first appears, i like the detail of darkstone sweating. despite being a medicine cat, he's literally never seen a fully formed starclan cat before. he's nervous!! wolfbite looks shocked but i feel like this is more about the idea of her being "special" rather than seeing silverbelly tbh. she's like "damn i guess i actually am plot relevant."
salmonskip... i was so happy to see her... she's such a goober. nick's "we all had our own cats we hoped would come" was such a fun line as well for its thought provoking effect. i feel like it's a nod to how there were so many different "fourth cat" theories in the discord server but i could be wrong. we all had our ideas! now i'm super curious as to who nick was rooting for... and also who each of the previous leaders wanted (should i send another ask with my theories on who specific starclan cats wanted to be the fourth cat?)
big fan of the "you weren't actually chosen, you chose yourself" yada yada. wonderful! i love choosing your own destiny narratives. i'm sure nothing bad will happen to our little feline heroes
sleepycloud :(
"you sound different than i thought you would" - honeysong, had me in shambles. honeysong is older than lionsong was when he died... he looks so young here
poppyfeather made me laugh. i love the "not that this isn't heartwarming..." that i read in a 100% sarcastic tone. she is not in the mood for happy reunions!! she has a dictator to depose, guys. time to see her vengeful trait come into effect...
the ending! darkstone and honeysong look so envigorated whereas feathersight looks exhausted and wolfbite... looks ready to "do what has to be done." i love how happy she was to see sandsnap, and then how her happiness is buried once the poppyfeather and cherrystar step in with their plan, as if seeing sandsnap only strengthened her desire for revenge.
i had a dream after this post where the squad was about to confront ravenstar and he was all like "you thought i didn't know about your little schemes? cute." and his little gang rolled up (sleepydawn, flamefall, levi, patchback, etc.). i don't remember much else of what happened but i woke up like " oh no . . . the little guys are in danger . . . " anyway this segues into my prediction that there will be at least one death as a direct consequence of their attempt to depose ravenstar.
-🐉 (giggling and swinging my feet)
as always dragon... you literally never miss
i'm so glad you picked up on the textbox thing, you basically got it in one!!! feathersight and honeysong explaining helpfully, darkstone chiming in with his little snips and jokes, wolfbite talking less because she's got somewhat of a listening role there etc
IT WAS SO FUN TO DRAW THEM LIKE THAT... the white lines made it kind of difficult to see the white cats (looking at you sleepycloud) but otherwise. so fun. your assumption is correct, they're more solid there than they are as ghosts, and then in Starclan they arent wispy at all, just faintly glowing with those white lines (though they're so fun to draw like this i might have to just draw the ghosts like this always. idk)
cameos!! Nick was a special request from my sibling that I agreed with wholeheartedly. he was so silly
"damn I guess I actually am plot relevant" LMAO
yup it was a nod to all the guesses!! if i had infinite time and energy i would have put in more starclan cats as nods to specific guesses (Canarywish aka the greatest red herring I ever fished comes to mind), but alas. and you KNOW id love to hear all your thoughts fuck yes!!! (I didn't have anyone in particular in mind for Nick, but if I had to choose I'd say he was hoping for Snailpetal as well, she's his only surviving descendant)
i'm sure nothing will happen ! nothing bad at all!
sleepycloud :( indeed. i will let slip that i've got some plans as far as the sleepydawn situation but that's all i'll say about that for now
SHES ALMOST TWICE THE AGE HE WAS WHEN HE DIED... i always forget how young Lionsong was. not even 30 moons :(
i love Poppyfeather she is ALL business. "listen you guys can come back to the glow cave literally any time after we kill ravenstar's bitch ass can we get on with it pls"
YES EXACTLY!! Honeysong and Darkstone are the Young Optimistic ones, Feathersight is very cautiously optimistic but has seen a lot of shit and is more realistic about the odds they're facing, Wolfbite is in Get Shit Done mode. she's locked in. her thirst for blood has died down a bit upon seeing her dad and now it is HER job to save her clan. weight of the world on this poor girl's shoulders
i'm sure there will be no consequences. dont worry
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thefunniestguy · 1 year
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they are my babygirls . all of them . heart hands
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appallinnballin · 2 months
the world needs to know. How tall is adult ruv compared to viliskova/both of them
about yay high
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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happy birthday karen!! she'll do starlight with everyone!
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purpleleafsyt · 1 year
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Redraw,, this frame of her is absolutely adorable
Original down below
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
My madoka magica hot take is I like sayaka/kyoko as a ship more than madoka/homura
#madoka magica#both ships are very very good and make me feral but god kyoko/sayaka really caters to me#i am biased cuz sayaka is my favorite character lol and i just want good things for her#but i mean we get them as enemies fighting to the death obsessively like sayaka gets so focused on proving herself to kyoko she cant think#of anything else and she wastes her energy fighting her instead of witches and just the foil like#both used their wish to grant something for someone else and kyoko lost everything as a result and decided that nothing good will ever come#of helping others so she should only look after number one and of course shed think that cuz shes all she has left#meanwhile sayaka refuses to take care of herself because she never wants others to suffer so she only exists for others#and both of them change their perspectives in pursuit of each other theyre literally red and blue#and i love seeing the development of their relationship and kyokos feelings i love her offering to kill ryosuke for sayaka#and how terrified she is in that moment when she sees sayakas lifeless body separated from the soul gem#or how she shares her story and remembers why she started fighting because of sayaka and fucking#THE WAY SHE ACTS SELFLESSLY AND STUPIDLY OPTIMISTIC TO SAVE SAYAKA FROM HER WITCH FOR#THE WAY SHE SACRIFICES HERSELF TO CONNECT WITH HER THE LOVE SONG#THEM HOLDING HANDS WHILE SAYAKA CRIES AND KYOKO IS THERE FOR HER AND THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO WELL#god fucking dammit these fucking gay people are ruining my sleep#yeah idk if its obvious but i have a specific type when it comes to ships i love when characters beat each other up and are the center of#each others motivations and go through the horrors together and come out the other side and love each other deeply#love each others flaws and theres understanding and tenderness#i haaaave to draw them but i also have to draw a lot of blorbos rn alkksk
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chiropteracupola · 1 month
Motion, wardrobe, and change for the oc of your choice!
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motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
she is Bouncy she is Wiggly she is Never Ever Still. climbing and perching and leaning on people when she's around them. and also she is very likely at least moderately hypermobile!
thus, a lot of her clothing is relatively tight-fitting with the intention of, if not actually keeping her joints in place, then giving the sensation of doing so. also the big coats give the impression of her being Wider and more powerful than she really is, but can be easily discarded if she gets into a sticky situation.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
kate's got a Slightly more than reasonable amount of clothing for her social status — three waistcoats, a coat and a caped greatcoat, two-three pairs of breeches, a few shirts and pairs of stockings, two neckcloths, pair of shoes. she would very much like to have more waistcoats than that... as it is, she's got the Nice one (teal), the everyday one (lilac) and the One She Doesn't Like (gray).
cannot repair her own clothes to save her life. this is partially a function of her personal determination to prove she's Bad at Womanhood, but also this mostly expresses itself via the fact that she's deeply self-centered and entirely uninterested in doing anything at all that she does not want to do.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
...and here we are at the reason why I picked kate for this particular set of questions. kate is perhaps my character with the most Distinct appearance change of all — unconventional yet not Entirely outside of convention 18thc masculine styles into ceiling-crawling ghost girl.
kate, beyond everything else, is showy — there's a certain part of her that misses getting to wear physical clothes, but also this is easily overshadowed by the sheer joy of escaping the limits of gravity.
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goldiipond · 2 years
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ilike her
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traggalicious · 1 year
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tortoisebore · 1 year
confession i have no clue what likeafunerall art sharpshooter is based off i have simply never seen it
ONHMY GODDDDD. it’s so good. so so good. the vibes are insane. so insane that i took one look and said “i need to write 150,000 words about that”
so katya did remove it along with some of her older work from her accounts. she mentioned that it’s because she just doesn’t love those works anymore, which is valid & very relatable to me personally. artists change and grow and sometimes want to leave old work behind & i 100% get that, so im gonna respect her & not post that specific drawing here publicly
if u would like to dm me i can send it to u privately!! it’s one of my favorites of hers i love it sm 💓💞💗💕✨🫶🤲
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1800duckhotline · 1 year
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there we go. the worm is out
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noxtivagus · 2 years
the hermes brainrot is so real oh my god
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#the name they chose is so perfect#w the wings n then#checking hermes' wiki again#'he also named after Hermes Trismegistus who was an expert in magic alchemy and astrology' bro.#the last three. ily#also like his character really just means so much to him#one more example is that of. his love for life#his love for meteion. not romantic tho god no but like#one of my favorite things ever in ffxiv r like#that line in. his side story where. gazes into her eyes the same shade blue as her wings something something like that#& hermes w the flowers n hermes w the stars n hermes w time stuff#off-topic but other stuff that r my fav in ffxiv include like#random yeah but yk aymeric technically has a cat right.#& then alphinaud in that side story in tales from dragonsong war with. he writes in a journal. he canonically is good at drawing#he writes letters to his friends. i find it funny how he was actually popular back in the studium#back to hermes though the things in his side story r just so relatable n understandable it Hurts#such as. guilt. shame. the things we'll sacrifice for our duties. for the sake of some sort of love#acceptance kindness n understanding..#choices blames n strength#'no turning back' i know that painful sentiment n the contradiction w it so well#fuck the way they wrote the whole story is just so. perfect to me. :c#he's so. hdjfalskdfjsd#when meteion stroked his hair 'leaving his dark hair an unkempt mess─and his soul somehow comforted' then the way he smiled#'That hope did not last.' that line.... hurts so much#'The fire would rise in those who looked up at the heavens in defiance of oblivion─#the desire to confront the answers for which Meteion journeyed...no matter how terrible the truth may be.'#so. beautiful.
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debtsunpaid · 6 months
loooootta parallels between klavier and hugh dancy's will graham, tbh. same principle of being transformed first against your will, then accepting the change because you're too far gone to go back so you might as well walk forward, and finally completing the transformation yourself because you've come to see the beauty inherent in the change. by a similar token, ondine is a little bit of both bedelia and alana.
#OOC.#the more i draw parallels between nbc hannibal and jallaklavi the more these fuckers take on a clearer shape for me#i initially set out to make a non-romantic venom out of jalla & klavi but i think...klavi does come to love jalla in a way#more indecipherably so than strictly platonic or romantic but it's definitely a love of sorts#it's a love born both from the necessity of cooperating to survive and out of the comfort of being enabled#by a similar yet opposite principle klavi comes to love ondine (although it's strictly platonic there) bc she understands him#& eventually because she understands him but she doesn't Like him. there's a safety in being Checked after running off the rails for so lon#i don't think ondine ever loses herself to anima the way klavi loses themself to jalla bc she doesn't Love anima. she isn't Made to#all of ondine's problems come about so naturally and humanly that she doesn't treat anima like her savior or her villain. anima just Is.#anima is someone that asks for her help and ondine gives it bc she's got nothing to lose and everything to gain. and she gains a lot#meanwhile jalla is part of the REASON that klavi loses everything. why he loses every shred of safety and future he had#and klavi can fight their presence in his life all they want but it will never change anything. he's not strong enough to fight forever#but if he comes to Love the good things about having a mad god in their head then. there's less he has to think about losing#idk. i'm going berserk about my favorite little freak today
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
got a shit ton of 3ds games recently n am going thru the ones that interest me whenever i have time that isnt being used for taking the cat off the curtains. so far that has been Ever Oasis n Code of Princess n FE Fates. i like them :]
#i havent gotten to finish ever oasis bc it requires a controller n im not sure if i have any that work ..#its a very cute game tho i enjoyed what i could get until that point#code of princess was an interesting find bc like. i never wouldve guessed at first glance that it was a fighting game ?#genuinely thought it was an rpg but to be fair the characters seem to think so too. which is funny#i never play that genre so i have no idea if its technically good but i got thru the whole story and i liked it :]#theres a lot of extra stuff i havent bothered with tho so the gameplay may not be my favorite thing (still fun tho)#but the characters are like. really really charming. even the ones that are sorta cliche archtypes have something fun abt them to me#big fan of ali n zozo but theres a lot of good ones#at first i thought ali was the classic het romance for the main character but then i realized shes not a man. then i fell in love with her#zozo just rules#and fates is a LOT more fun that i thought itd be. like i thought itd be not great bc people seem to talk abt awakening or 3h more#and i tried to play awakening before this but the tutorial n earlygame just wasmt doing it for me so i was worried for this one#but its?? really fun?? ive already finished birthright n im abt halfway thru conquest#it has a lot of charming characters as well but i like Leo n Takumi. for reasons u can probably guess if u know me. or the characters#i also like Kaden n Keaton.. n the whole Nohr sibling group.. the Hoshido sibling group are good too tho.. also the maids n butler..#so yeah thats what ive been doing :] havent had much actual free time bc ive been playing these on n off#while making sure Sunny doesnt get into shit#on that note ! back to fates#i wanna like. draw a page of characters i like from all these games after i finish more of em. thatd be fun
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kissitbttr · 11 days
toji fushiguro is no blind man. he knows his wife is drop dead gorgeous and knows how to make heads turn with her presence. that’s why he didn’t give up for six months to score a date with you. and now, the two of you are blessed with a healthy marriage and little alena—another baby is on the way though—
even with a swollen belly and the weight gain you complain so much, he still thinks his wife is the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid his eyes on. no amount layer of fat is going to change that and he will not rest until you realize that.
unfortunately for him? he’s not the only one who has eyes on his wife.
because as you both are standing in the hallway of alena’s kindergarten, he watches the amount of teachers and married men (gross) do a double take when you enter. eyeing you up and down like you’re a piece of meat, not realizing the intimidating man you call your husband is next to you.
his hand snakes around your waist before drawing your body closer. “have i ever told how good you look mama?”
you smile as you feel his lips pressing against your temple, hand squeezing your hip. “everyday, baby”
his eyes then wander to your figure and your pregnant belly. “you picked the right dress, huh?” the material of it compliments every curve you have so well, yet it still manages to make you look so elegant.
“well, i like to make an entrance” you reply in a sassy tone, flipping your ponytail a bit making him chuckle.
“that you did—noticed how the people here can’t stop looking at you?” he asks, guiding you towards alina’s classroom while subtly shooting a glare to anyone who’s undressing you with their eyes,
that tone, you can simply pick up. causing your head to tilt back to look at him. “easy, handsome—you look like you’re about to kill every single person in this room” with a giggle to finish,
“i may have left my old past but that doesn’t mean I won’t go back if it’s for you, doll” he grumbles, eyes searching through his daughter,
with a hum, it’s your turn to press a kiss on his scarred lip—your favorite spot to place it—“you’re so sexy i might just hop on it tonight” you whisper to him discreetly,
“damn” he wolf whistles, “i do love me a pregnant wife but our son in your tummy is probably going to hear all that, baby”
you pout, hand rubbing the belly. “we’ll do it at midnight and baby megumi wouldn’t hear a thing”
again, he barks out a laugh. “that’s not how it works sweetheart”
“yes it does!”
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