#i love gourmand
churrofoxart · 17 days
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yippee a gift for @daily-gourmand-art ! Because I love thier design. And gourm. Always love gourm.
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fa3tality · 1 year
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daily(?) doodle 01/29/23
tryna do some doodles daily so, yeah
lets see how long i can keep this up
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ampharos-posts · 1 year
god. rain world...
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ariwalter-wawastuff · 2 months
wholesome gourmand cooking
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sylph--scope · 10 months
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mama gourmand. and little gourmlings
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gallusgalluss · 10 months
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the mand, gourmand!
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
RW Headcanon: How Arti Gives Back
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In the RW community on this site, I’ve heard quite a few Artimand thoughts about how Gourmand would help Artificer heal from her trauma and grief. And while that’s all good, something that’s continuously puzzled me when shipping Artimand romantically is, “but how would Artificer help Gourmand?”
Let me tell you, one of my all-time favorite qualities in a ship is the characters helping each other improve themselves, especially in ways no other character pairing can. And while it’s easy to see Gourmand helping Artificer improve, given the vast amount of grief and lust for vengeance she has to overcome, and since Gourmand probably has a natural inclination to help others in need, what would she give to him in return? And to add to that, why would Gourmand fall in love with her and choose her as a mate, as opposed to just casually looking out for her and straight pitying her at worst, especially when she’d most-likely appear very un-qualified for romance initially?
Well, I’ve developed some thoughts and headcanons for that, and I’ll put them below the cut! Please let me know if anything could be improved, or if you can add to it! I’d love more reasons to think of these two sweethearts!
Option 1: Combat
Arti would help Gourmand improve his combat skills. The way I see it, Gourmand is a very strong warrior, but doesn’t often engage in combat simply because he doesn’t see a need for it outside of defense. Even then, due to his kind nature, he typically only fights back enough to deter predators, not kill them. However, with Arti being a carnivore, and having LOTS of experience with more complex combat situations than just defense (mostly from scav encounters), I like to think that Arti would give Gourm more combat tips and they may even end up bonding on occasional hunting trips together. And it would circle back to Arti because Gourm, with his cooking skills, would make the resulting meals from their hunts taste SO much better than what Arti is used to, allowing her to slow down and really enjoy food in a way she hasn’t been able to with her warrior lifestyle!
Option 2: Motherhood
This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Given Arti was a mother once, and Gourmand’s story ends with him getting 2 pups, I could easily see him wanting Arti to stay around to act as a mother for them. Not only would that give her the chance to embrace motherhood again, but it would take some pressure from Gourmand because he has a partner (and an experienced one at that) to help him with parenting! I mean, don’t get me wrong, Gourmand is undoubtedly great with pups, but even so it’s good to have some help! Even more so since (depending on what general age you headcanon the pups as) he’d likely have to leave his pups alone while getting food; it’d be nice to have someone with her own experience caring for pups who can look after them during those times and, to add onto the first option, even help teach them how to hunt and survive on their own!
And heck, I personally actually like to imagine that, a little later, after she gets comfortable enough and fully overcomes her grief, Artificer would actually have a second litter with Gourmand (naratively-speaking, this would signify the completion of her character arc)! Of course it’d be a big deal for Arti, but just imagine how much fun Gourm would have exploring the new experience of getting to raise biological pups this time! And I can just see him being so, so thankful that Arti somehow managed to give him even more family to love!
Option 3: Passion
So this one’s the most personal-headcanon-based, and built off my personal depiction of Gourmand as a character. In my headcanon, Gourmand starts out as a rather reluctant leader of his colony. I have this whole idea of what specific event led to him becoming the leader, but to summarize, it seemed like a very sudden chance event at the time, yet from it he was more-or-less unanimously chosen to lead by the other Outer Expanse slugcats due to him having shown great creativity, survival skills, and protectiveness. Gourmand himself, however, doesn’t really feel he’s fit to be a leader; he’s used to an easygoing life just peacefully surviving and doing his own thing, not managing and defending an entire colony! He’s so used to seeing the simple parts of the world that he often underestimates himself, so something as “grand” as leadership often appears too great for him.
That’s where Arti comes in. I like to imagine that Artificer is extremely passionate, but that for a long time after her pups’ deaths, that passion was manifested almost exclusively as immense rage, grief, and desire for revenge against their killers. But imagine if, once she gets comfortable with Gourmand’s colony, she begins to show that passion in positive emotions! Not only would she, after seeing what he’s capable of in hunts, help him see that he IS the perfect leader for his colony, but just IMAGINE: Arti hyping Gourm up as the biggest, strongest warrior in the Expanse, just before the two prepare to take down a king vulture; or Arti patching him up after a really tough battle and assuring him he’ll be even better next time; or Arti teasing Gourm and them chasing each other around as they spar together in the OE fields; or Arti getting all dramatic as she recites tales of her epic scavenger battles to his eager pups; or Arti showering Gourm with kisses after he makes a REALLY good meal with her favorite meats!  There are SO many possibilities for hypeman Arti, and I figure that, once Gourm sees her fiery spirit used in a positive way, especially to help him and his family, he can’t help but fall for her! And this idea is part of why I like the Spicybun ship name so much - while Gourmand helps Arti mellow out, Arti literally spices up his life! They just compliment each other so perfectly!!
MAN do I love these two so much! This is about all I have right now on this subject, but again, I’d LOVE to hear any other ideas for how Artificer would help Gourmand, or additions to these ideas! I just adore the “opposites attract” ship trope (although I personally prefer to call it “inverses attract”), and I think Artimand is easily one of the best examples of that in Rain World! 
Thank you to anyone who made it to the end of this wall of text! And let me know if I should share any more Rain World headcanons, because I’ve definitely got more!
Oh, and if you've found this, @melissa-titanium, hope you like it again! Let me know if you ever want me to stop @-ing you with these Artimand headcanons, by the way!
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druidshollow · 16 days
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pride month icon teehee
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failed-inspection · 6 months
I love how creative the Rain World community can be with giving their own artistic flare to the characters while still making them recognizable, it's genuinely one of my favorite things about the community!
Shout out to designs that incorporate stuff like:
overseer highlight colors in iterators (cyan in pebbles, yellow in moon, ECT ECT)
giving Moon a lunar motif
making arti's scars look like explosions
making post collapse Moon desaturated and rusty!!! Same goes with Pebbles
purposed slugcats sharing markings/characteristics of the iterator who created them (spearmaster with eye stripes, Hunter with a diamond marking, ect ect), or giving them little clothes/ponchos based on their iterator
putting yellow on Survivor, or vice versa for Monk
slug mantles/slug tails/literally incorporating the slug aspect of slugcats more in any way
or on the opposite side of the spectrum, making scugs more catlike, warrior cats vibes /pos
gourmand designed after food in some way or another
Spearmaster/Saint being portrayed as slugcat body horror, uncanny and unnerving to their own kin
And the opposite! The more purposed/supernatural scugs being little creatures all the same!
making slugcats like INV and Nightcat anomalies/creatures that don't quite belong in their own world, like a living glitch
Rivulet, but designed after irl sea creature species!
Sorry I just really wanted to gush about RW designs, genuinely I love how creative and wonderful the fandom can be by taking relatively simple designs and adding on their own interpretations and wonderful flare! It was an aspect I really love to see in places like the warrior cat fandom or such, and I'm so glad It carried over to the RW community :]
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t34-mt · 11 months
i am so sorry but second rw posting (i wont do it again ok) and having artblock again but slugcats are fun to draw. they're just blobs of color to do then roughly draw some lines and its done, i like to keep them simple that's their charm
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dramatic au artificer adopts scav goga (its artificers fault if goga has no parents)
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this game is making me rot
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shkika · 9 months
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These two slug cats have a lot of parallels to me so I really enjoy them. I love how they are the two starting downpour slug cats yet they are complete opposites.
You have Gourmand enjoying life, crafting and making use of the wonderful little things in life. Going back home and sharing those wonders with others. And (in my headcanons at least) Gourmand starts a family even. (The two little slug pups at the end of the campaign).
Artificer's campaign starts with losing family and subsequently losing yourself. Dedicating yourself to spreading the hurt and pain that was dealt to you. Finding your way into the deepest of parts of where the enemy resides until it's not even about the pups anymore.
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foreverephemeral-art · 8 months
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weird looking rats
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segasys · 1 year
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get gourmd, idiots!!! <3
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reflectionofthemoons · 4 months
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cherrypie doodle cause im in a cherrypie mood
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snailfen · 1 year
ive never had a comfort character like Ever and i still wouldnt call this that, but theres Something about gourmand. like ok scugs already are so fun for me to draw. but whenever im drawing gourmand theyve got me lying on my feet and kicking my legs and smiling nd shit. like ok look at this wip from like a few weeks ago
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theres just. So much to love. theyre round... they enjoy the simple life... theyre an alchemist... an artist... a leader... theyre good with children... theyre made of 100 pounds of muscle they gained to protect their colony as leader... they find meaning in the endless and uncaring cycle of death and rebirth... Rotundness
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kotikaleo · 4 months
HIIIII everyone!
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Look what I did!
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Now I have all of them ready for you to grab! You can have as much wet mouses and hunters and saints as your heart desires!
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I'm most proud of Hunter and the beautiful lighting I did on him. Like WOAH I can do this with watercolor??? But also Inv with absolutely cursed everything, my poor attempt at rainbow comic sans and messy line art? It was so nice to draw
Reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
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