#i love his work
former-ly-darth · 1 month
Hot take/conspiracy theory
Edgar Allan Poe definitely killed at least one person in his lifetime.
To be clear, if A Tell-Tale Heart had been written by literally anyone other than Poe, I wouldn’t be saying this about them. But Poe inserted himself into a lot of his stories. There was a significant portion of himself in every main-character of every story of his. If anyone else has written A Tell-Tale Heart I would simply say they were a genius, a true master of Gothic Horror. But I don’t trust that Poe did not kill at least one person and get away with it.
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Olaf Heine commemorates the release (and photoshoot) for Engel 1997
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janus-cadet · 1 year
Okay, so. The High Priestess card.
I mean, I thought about a lot of characters, for this one. Cordelia Goode, from AHS, was the first; and then, not so convinced, I thought about Larissa Weems. AND THEN, the evidence. So, watch me dig back an old fandom of mine, and present you Patricia, from Split, as The High Priestess.
Which is literally her surname in both Split and Glass, so...
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Alright, so, I did not choose her just for the surname, even tho it was already enough for my simple mind. The High Priestess is a card deeply linked to the subconscious mind, and I think you can see where I'm going with that. It's the card for sacred knowledge, which, here, could simply be about- well, the Beast. But it's also a card that means secrets, something you hide from sight, something only the insitiated can have access to.
An I played a bit with that in the design! On the original card, the High Priestess stands between two pillars, one black and one white, to mark the duality between the darkness and the light that came with sacred knowledge. Each pillar as a letter on it. I replaced them by two doors- one for Kevin, the light, and one for the Beast, the darkness. Of course, the Beast's door is broken, as it's the path chosen by Patricia, but you don't have to make the same decision.
The original also wears a blue robe, which is why Patricia's clothes are now blue too, and holds a scroll with the letter TORA, partly covered to show that the knowledge is both explicit and implicit, and will only be revealed when the student is ready to accept it. As you maybe guessed, it was replaced by the simple words on the wall behind her, one of the many sentences in her preaching. Finally, the moon is omnipresent, beacuse it was important in the original too- has a symbol of the Priestess' connection with the subconscious mind.
I'm kinda keen about that one. Only because I actually thought a bit more that usual, ah.
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Also, while I'm aware of the issues with her, I still love this character with everything I have.
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acutenobody · 2 months
I was watching The Fall Of The House Of Usher thinking Mike Flanagan wasn't going to make me cry this time. They are all horrible people, I'm not gonna cry bc of them.
I did indeed cry.
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deluweil · 1 year
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Ryan Guzman- "Hell or High-water"
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jamie-rosemary69 · 1 year
Why is it that every time I read a good Malec fic and decide to go look at the author ITS ALWAYS @alexanderlightweight ????
Like he is everywhere all of the time! I pretty sure every Malec fic ever was written by him, bc at this point I think Iv only read two that weren’t.
Bro is carrying the whole fandom and I’m living for it, keep being iconic.
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savpumpkinhead · 11 months
VERY VAUGE good omens s2 spoilers
if i see that fucking GO2 episode six scene again im gonna die i cant handle the fucking music swell one more time it’s actually hurting my mental health
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bones-and-whatnot · 2 years
What a great day to think about world’s wonderful music man Tomathan Waits.
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
okay so.... i just... i want to talk about junji ito.
it’s hard to even know where to start, but i think one of the most notable things about his work is the way comedy comes across in his pieces. it took me forever and reading a lot of his work to understand just why i found it so unsettling beyond the obvious things like plot, concept, body horror, etc. but i think it’s the fact that in his work, even when characters appear happy, they never feel happy. 
his characters have this emotional quality that is frantic and borderline psychotic. it’s taken to the extreme in uzumaki, in which his characters experience this unexplainable and almost inhuman adoration for the spiral, as well as in tomie, but all of his work seems to have that quality. 
his style, both literary and visual, morphs these human emotions like laughter, joy, elation, admiration, and pushes them into the realm of horror, using their expressions and the way people demonstrate those emotions to do the exact opposite of what they usually serve to do. 
junji ito builds his characters around this temporary and phoney facade of happiness (or unhappiness), which gives his work an uncannily eerie feeling. not to mention, his art style specifically dictates the tone of his work so beautifully, in which normal (and usually positive) human emotions mean something so incredibly sinister that it’s almost difficult to read. 
it plays a lot on that feeling of something being wrong with another person. the way it feels to see your father cry, or how it feels to watch someone laugh incredibly hard at something that is not funny nor was trying to be funny. it plays up the feeling we get when we witness social faux pas or taboos. we fear the emotions of his characters almost more than we fear the events happening and it takes his work into a realm of horror in which there is no place to rest. 
ito’s work (both adaptations of novels and original stories)  maintains that anxious feeling of “before the peril” so masterfully and in a way that keeps his readers on their toes. even no longer human, which is (largely) a non-supernatural story, has this air of sinister magic to it, like the floor might suddenly fall through on the main character. even having read dazai’s original novel, ito’s work still makes me feel like the story (which i know well) will take a turn into the realm of the supernatural just by way of the protagonists actions. that being said, ito takes advantage of his art style and audience by referencing the world of the supernatural through human psychology (ie; yozo witnessing the spirits of those he’s inadvertently killed). 
i dunno... i just think ito’s work uses the way the human mind and human emotions work in order to facilitate a connection between us and the world that we don’t see. and i think he does it so fantastically that reading or even looking at his work, gives this overwhelming sense of dread that is so specific to him and his stories. 
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goryfluff · 1 year
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Nautilus expedition live streams (+ their commentary) 2020 / 2021 / 2022
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thecrybabydiaries · 4 months
My tattoo artist said my last piece healed beautifully and I’m just like 🥹🥹🥹 thank yew
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hansoeii · 11 months
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head empty, no thoughts. just turtleneck crowley
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Michael still has beef with Ennard in FNAF…
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macbethz · 20 days
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princemick · 9 months
just saw an expo from ai wei wei and if I didn't love this man already
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hinamie · 2 months
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spins him around trying to understand the pink mop he calls hair
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