#i love how it doesnt matter when you started in fanfiction
wordfather · 22 days
snad how do i get back into writing
i usually just go outside and look around for a while. fall in love a little bit with how the trees are moving and the flower thats growing out of the sidewalk and the grey hue of the clouds and the way fresh air feels in my lungs. i try not to think for a while. no music no screens. just me. (i believe the pros call this a grounding exercise. i just call it me time. its more fun that way)
then i go inside and write about it or whatever else comes to mind – and i try not to make a big deal out of it. if i treat writing like a huge deal, i get discouraged when its not perfect. so i let my writing breathe and be as imperfect as it wants to be. i let it be 10 words or 10.000 words, it doesn't matter – as long as it gets to be there.
rinse and repeat until it becomes a part of your life. just like making coffee or tying your shoelaces or whatever else is a gentle part of your life. you dont even have to go outside if you dont feel like it – you can also just look out the window or look at the ceiling or look to your right or look to your left. as long as you breathe deeply and find something you can find words about, it works.
dont pressure yourself to write a lot or write for a whole hour (unless that works for you). as long as you write something – you're writing. if you need goals, start simple. write 50 words today. and if thats too easy, a 100. 200. whatever works for you!
and when you're comfortable with it, it becomes easier. you can start projects. fanfiction or short stories or a whole book – whatever feels right to you. editing and plotting can be daunting but there are many resources online to use as guides!
its cool to lose yourself in it too – i spent 4 hours the other day furiously writing because i got really inspired. but its okay to also not be inspired and write 1 word and be done for the day, thats cool too. i just wrote 'chapter 2' yesterday and browsed pinterest for an hour. its still something! and today i wrote this post! and maybe i'll do some editing! dont let lack of words bring you down – there's always another day tomorrow.
bonus: whenever i dont know what to write, i like to focus on the senses. drink tea and write about the warmth and taste of it. feel different fabrics with your fingers and describe them. write about your heartbeat, in anyway that feels right in the moment. (looking up prompts sometimes overwhelms me, so i like to look around and just find something i could write a sentence about) dont worry about it not making sense or being interesting – just let the words out. and if you want something more, look up prompts! there's always a bunch to find! i've recently been using prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting !
anyways tldr; just breathe, find something simple and find words about it. let it be imperfect (you can always edit it later if you want to). ease writing into your life. set easy goals. pat yourself on the back. focus on the senses or look up prompts. and most importantly of all – do it for you. perfection doesnt exist but you do and you have the freedom to write whatever the hell you want.
also pinterest fucking rules. go on pinterest.
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
Okay I was watching Qatar 2013 for the rosquez of it all and they were so touchy and I thought is there an au were they hooked up during the pre season and that’s why they are so comfortable together already maybe they didn’t even hook up yet but they are touchy (insert vale saying he’s touchy off track so maybe it’s the same on track when him Dani and Jorge were asked about the contact Marc had had with them at different races) and vale is queuing in on Marc’s massive crush and goes after you win a race I’ll sleep with you think if it like a prize. like I’m not sure if that’s a possible au but i just went omg the possibilities if it did happen.
EYE think its like. okay fanfiction land lets goooo wheeee. a branch off of the iconic winners room concept, but this time its whenever someone gets promoted to the premiere class they get to choose someone to FUCK after their first race. like they MUST ! the sport is too horny not to ! court mandated ! and well. you know who marc was gonna pick (literally its been on his motivational vision board since he was umm. 14). and vale's not stupid and is also VERY assured in his sex appeal so he ALSO knows who marc is gonna pick (hes actually been picked by new guys a LOT at this point its old hat. little does he know about the life changing power. of marc's wap.) and its just some fun! here at the beginning of things ! so the entire race (with marc and vale spending a LOTTTTT of time battling it out on track and having cheeky little skirmishes the entire time) its like. the most insane, adrenaline soaked foreplay. exhilarating. truly when you dont know someone that well but you like them SO much and you KNOWWWW youre getting laid later. its vale putting BOTH hands literally on marc's WAIST from BEHIND before the podium its marc's huge smile that seems unpracticed in a way where its clear he STILL cant quite believe hes standing there with valentino its the BIG hug in parc ferme that literally knocks marc's sunglasses off of his head. gifs HERE !
and afterwards its SO happy. giddy! they love a fun on-track battle, they both podiumed (marc's first and vale's first back at yamaha) so they are floating on airrrrr and marc of COURSE chooses vale and when they manage to get some alone time he's SO eager (his first time question mark. knew he would get this from vale with the confidence of a prodigy so he saved it...) but god he learns QUICK. and its a huge thing —looking back, in hindsight— the beginning of it all. the start of them. but at the time, they dont even KNOW how huge it is, what kind of effect theyre going to have on each other's lives. they cant know. and besides, it doesnt matter here, in this moment. because marc is under vale and vale is inside him, and marc's panting wetly and sweetly against vale's neck and vale feels something building in his chest and it feels something like joy. something like inventing something. and they dont even know what kind of thread theyre building between them. they cant know yet, how it all goes wrong, here in this room, in this moment. but whatever it is will be worth it, that he knows. itll be worth this precise second, here and now, with marc's pulse thrumming against his skin
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dballzposting · 10 months
hi I know the yajirobe kissing poll is over but I think this is the space to talk about the goku option. but I think theyd do it. like not like a serious thing or anything but I think goku kisses a lot of people because his grandpa gave him little kisses when he was a kid and he shows affection very liberally so when he likes someone he just gives them a smooch when he wants to and everyone gets varying levels of confused and appalled by it but he just does it. and the first time yajirobe is really put off because like 16 year old goku just slobbers him out of nowhere and it's sudden and strange and yajirobe is like "warn me when you're gonna do that, ya weirdo!" ad goku just takes it at face value so next time he tells him he's gonna smooch him and gives him a little one on the forehead. and they just do this because it's so easy and natural for goku and yajirobe doesn't rly care and just lets him and yajirobe is fine with a little affection. he doesn't need it but it stops bothering him it's just the weird thing goku does when he stops by. thanks for listening hope you have a good day ✌️
I've definitely seen that sort of interpretation of Goku around and it make sense ... He's daft/immune to matters of propriety and social etiquette. His giving little kissies is one of those things that we have a stark absence of proof for (we even have proof against), but we DO know that IF his grandpa had taught him to show affection like that, then he absolutely WOULD be giving little kissies. He makes a lot of friends and he loves them all.
I LIKE HOW YOU PRESENTED YAJIORBE HERE. He does talk like that. And it's nice that he simply asks for a warning rather than a total cease. Very kind of him. Winning excerpt: "yajirobe doesn't rly care and just lets him and yajirobe is fine with a little affection. he doesn't need it but it stops bothering him" <- HE DOESNT NEED IT BUT IT STOPS BOTHERING HIM ...
Awesome stuff.
Unfortunately when I first read this ask when it came in it made me have thoughts and I went to bed that night writing a fanfiction in my head that was like WHAT IF Goku & Yajirobe DID start a tepid romance ... It wouldn't happen but now I know how it would happen if it did. I thought it was interesting becasue it was so unexpected and I had a lot of ideas about it ... I could probably make an exceedingly long and delicate post about it but I won't.
I TRIED TO DRAW A PICTURE FOR THIS ASK. IDK why. It ruined my sleep schedule unfortunatrly. Everybody look away becasue I'm bashful
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Thank you for the ask <3 I appreciate it
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cakejerry · 9 months
asks pt.2 more recent ones
ft fanfiction anon, minho is ugly, thank you minjoon people for the links and fic recs!!! and the anon with the random jikook takes
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ive been debating answering this one, like... yeah, obviously. but no jimin hate is allowed on this blog so youre getting blocked
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idk, ive also been thinking about posting this but... i don't have any thoughts. except that this just proves how close they are, in any sense. and yes that was literally a joke we don't actually think their parents were involved, cmon. 'meds exist' cmon. 'suicide everyday' yeah you're a troll never message me again, goodbye.
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this is why i can never take any of those charts seriously, they all say something different and everybody's #1 somewhere. its literally all imaginary and extremely unimportant. and instead of frauding jimin, which would have gotten him nothing but hate, i wish instead they'd left jungkook alone so we could see who ACTUALLY has what it takes
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i have literally never understood the hype around jungkook. but maybe thats because he only started glowing up around 2019, which is when most of these taekookers came to the fandom, lol. but your last sentence was funny, 10/10
jimin should have always been the center of that triangle. vmin vs jikook i would like to see it. the classic main drama lead thats semi toxic and interesting and the second lead who's the best friend and the better option but jimin chooses jungkook anyways lol
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minjoon under the stars ahhh jimin is such a sweet little glazed donut that needs to be handled with utmost care
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blocked. also that's because namjoon has the charisma of a tree. but jimin could have chemistry with a brick wall so suck it. minjoon forever
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cute little fanfiction moment but i dont think it holds any water in real life terms, or means anything, honestly. but thank you for the links
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here come the fanfiction writers. also that's the finger heart emoji for the curious minds my laptop is prehistoric. anyways. im not gonna grace this with any further comment.
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this is making me ctfu because its just a clip of jungkook dancing to 3d but anon is sooo disgusted ahahhahaha. bts were different??? different from what :joy emoji:. also, if you see this, elaborate on your last sentence please.
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i literally dgaf he is so ugly and his bug eyes weird me out and im convinced kpop fans have a mass gaslight thing going on trying to convince me he's attractive. 2. jonghyun wouldnt work with jimin for several reasons i just brought him up because whenever im thinking about 'men in the industry who aren't shit' he's the only one who comes up. 3. love that you just fully spiraled into waxing poetic about jimins ass there. understandble.
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well yeah but specifically the tweets i was posting are so... racially motivated. whitewashed jimin=white=good=pure=innocence=bottom and top jungkook=rough=tough=raw=dirty=dark skin. like it was just so weird to me.
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umm sure, whatever you say anon. im gonna forget all of what you told me now because i genuinely do not want to know.
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yup this is the general consensus in cakejerryland
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thank you for this rec actually!!!!!!!!! it looks scrumptious and WILL be posting my thoughts upon finishing!!!
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thank you random citizen!!! omg idk if you knew i have a hyung kink or not but this is sooo not that. laugh emoji laugh emoji jimin is soooo cute he's a kiddo playing around!!! babyy
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i respect the grind. i do not, however, respect him.
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okayy anndddd... what do you want me to do about this?
yes he wants to be perceived as such. we agreed upon this when seven dropped. and idc and it doesnt matter to me because i dont expect any of bts to come out so they will all forever be ambiguously straight and theres no point to discussing it further
fanservice is in the job description. but you said it yourself. 'natural' dynamic. they're simply the closest and we can't deny this
umm sure. i didn't see anything special in those clips at all lol i was not gagged. they were just looking at each other and they do that every single time they're in public or on camera or on stage together
lol hawaii was ... a time. they were also "doing laundry," don't forget.
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pawssclawss · 2 months
random things to do because you only live once
take a bath/shower in your clothes
go outside in the rain
go out and be weird
draw on yourself with washable markers
donate all your clothes/stuff and buy yourself new stuff (if u have the money to do so)
paint your walls
paint your furniture
start an actual blog
give people little notes, tell them what you think, reassure them
take a break, lie on the floor
dance on your tables/counters
write as much cringe fanfiction as you want
scream-sing, alone or not
draw draw draw, it doesnt matter if its good or not
be as quiet or loud as you want
stay in a library or cafe for a few hours, just being around people
dance outside in the dark
cut yourself bad bangs
people watching, make up stories for them, draw them
take a walk
sit outside and breathe
jump on the couch/your bed
make yourself a meal, it doesnt matter if its good, youve accomplished something
bake something without a recipe
ask out your crush
ask people to be your friend
yell at that one guy thats so rude to people
smile when you can, it looks pretty
cry when you can, it makes you more of a person
be you, be weird, be crazy. you only have one life, use it well. be a good person, be the person you want to be. be proud of yourself for how far you made it, even if you dont think youll make it much longer. if you cant do these things, just try and take a moment to be yourself. theres nothing wrong with you, youre just you. there are people that love you, people that loved you, and people that will love you. as long as youre nice, and dont hurt anyone, dont cause problems, you are amazing. get better, get as good as you can, be yourself. if you think you cause problems, are a burden, arent worth it, confide in someone. i gurantee that there will be one person, at least one person, that will listen. that will love. that will help.
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august help rat and i are going absolutely feral over running minds au . i didnt even know anything abt fnaf before this but i have been CONVERTED homestly . i need to ficify it so bad . God . oh right thats why im here i was wondering if you have like any writing tips ?? because i have Zero Clue what im doing and you are By Far the best writer out of everyone i know Shoves microphone in your face whats your advice to someone who has like never written ever . actually i have an unrelated actually pretty decent quarter-ish of a fanfic sitting in my notes app but i barely remember how i Did That so it doesn't count i dont remember what wizardry i performed to materialize all those Words
OKAY OKAY OKAY ive figured it alllll out. its honestly not much but it's My process. LETS A GO
august's shitass guide to all things fanfiction and planning (which is near nonexistant!) 🔥
i will be using my current nano project for this because honestly this is the epitamy of writing i have right now and i love talkin about it. sooooo GOOOO
1: Bare Basics
the tagline. the who when what where why. why are u writing this fanfic. for me its the Talking: i want my angel and demon to talk about Feelings, so im gonna make them talk about FEELINGS. this is personal fulfillment. it might take a while to get there, but i want them to TALK. for you, i suppose would be for ford and michael to meet and go on whimscal adventures. basics!
2: How To Get There
so how are we making aziraphale and crowley talk. how are we getting ford and michael afton smushed together in the multiverse. you, of course, have told me how that works. now is it important enought to flesh that out before the rest or just needs to be explained in a quick flashback? your pick, but since my topic is so vague, i definitely need context before it. that, my friend, is up to you. nothing much more to it. if u dont know how to start a fic, just explain how we got to what's intriguing about it (the crossover :))
3: Notes.
now is where the process BEGINS. what happens in the story. i usually start with miscellanous bullet points--everything i want to happen, no matter the order it'll happen, in a little page. here's a picture of one of my pages ib my notebook, with things i want to happen in my titanic fic (handwriting reveal?!??!) (TEA, IF UR READING THIS SOMEHOW, DONT LOOK AT THE IMAGES🫵🫵🫵) (SORY FOR HURRIED SCRIBLES, I WAS TRYNA REMEMBER IT ALL)
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there's literally no order. just stuff that need to be there, there. even if its as simple as the au coming to fruition, or even just one conversation, PUT IT THERE. its all the appeal. what you're doing this for. dontforget....
4: Outlines
now, before i tell you how to do this, there really isn't a way. here's a picture of my timeline for the fic mentioned earlier (not the titanic fic) (TEA AND OTHER READERS OF THE SERIES, ALSO DO NOT LOOK TYYYY ❤️❤️)
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see? complicated as fuck. it doesnt have to be that way tho, obviously: each chapter or one shot could be as simple as "michael is fucking ZAPPED, and meets ford" it just has to be something to work with. (i, on the other hand, need extensive help. so. there's the thing above. theres eve more its just online)
there really isn't too much other than that in the planning department. understand why you're doing it, know how to get there, and PLAN. detail it out. idk if this is an adequet explanation actually. if u need more specifics i can try again, but is what i got. do what works for you, work at ur pace, and such like. it doesnt have to be at this level, or even close. have fucking fun, dude. if u need morehelp, pls ask, or even consult blogs that help out specifcally for that stuff. GOOD LUCK!!!!! <3
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merakiui · 1 year
ohhhh i love hearing abt ur process!
Btw do you live in a dorm or at home? And if you do live in a dorm, how do you deal with noise and outside stressors? When you have writer's block or you write something and it just doesnt 'fit' to you, what do you do from there? Is there ever a time you wrote and regretted going the route you went when there were multiple options during brain storming? How do you choose a character when you have a really delish prompt that fits for soooo many people? Have you ever given writing a break? How do you keep from having fandom burnout or losing interest in a fandom? How long does it take for you to write your daily asks/concepts (as opposed to your longer fics)? Do you use bullet points or do you prefer to write a hard draft that is more like the finished piece? Aaaand last but not least, what is your editing process like?
Omg omg thank you for so many questions aaaaaaa!!! >w< I'm happy you like to hear about my process!
Do I live in a dorm or at home? How do I deal with noise and outside stressors?
I live in a dorm. Noise and outside stressors don't bother me much. I have learned to tune such things out and coexist with it. I actually don't mind it; sometimes noise is comfortable. But for things like studying which require silence and focus, I often go to the library. :D I'll write there if I've finished everything on my academic schedule.
When I have writer's block or write something that doesn't "fit," where do I go from there?
I leave the scene as it is and move to another one so that I can come back and try again at a later date. Or I'll read through it and attempt to find where the "disconnect" starts so that I can either rework the scene, cut parts out, or trash it altogether. If I'm very desperate and attached to the scene, I'll write it to finishing even if it doesn't fit at first and then go back to review and revise it. And if I have writer's block with an overall piece, I'll write something else to give myself a break so that I can return to the wip with a fresh, motivated mind.
Is there a time in which I wrote something and regretted the route it went when there were multiple options?
Aaaa hmmm,,,, it's not fandom fanfiction, but in a work I wrote for my ocs I killed one of them off and I do regret it a little because her character wasn't explored as much before her death. >_< if I ever write more for that work, I would like to provide more insight into her life and what she was like through the eyes of the characters who knew her.
How do I choose a character when I have a really delish prompt that can fit many others?
I think about character dynamics, chemistry, themes, setting, and much more when deciding who to use for a concept. I tend to default to Scaramouche and Octavinelle when writing just because I'm so in love with them, but for plots like alpha!Vil with an omega!reader (which was originally an idea I had for Floyd, but I put Vil in the concept because it's much more delicious) I think about how it might work if taken a certain way with [insert character here] as opposed to another way with [insert character here]. The time loop concept was something I initially wanted to explore with Jade because he's calculating and ruthless, but then I thought it would be much better suited to a character like Rook for reasons that I won't list due to fic spoilers hehe.
Have I ever given writing a break?
I don't think I have done so before. :o the idea of it feels unimaginable because writing is such a treasured hobby of mine.
How do I prevent fandom burnout/losing interest in a fandom?
For me, it's a matter of enjoying the fandom at your own pace. I'm still completing book six in twst and I have yet to do Scaramouche's story quest in genshin (although I'm stalling because I still don't know what to name him T_T). Don't feel pressured to keep up with everything in your fandom circle. Also, taking breaks and indulging in other hobbies/interests helps me to avoid burnout or losing interest. And talking about the fandom with others can also help to keep your interest. It's always very fun to exchange thoughts and brain rot with others!!
How long does it take to write daily asks/concepts as opposed to longer fics?
Not very long! I can write a lot when I'm inspired. It also helps that the asks/concepts are like bite-sized snacks that can be enjoyed leisurely, so I just write my thoughts as they come to me.
Do I use bullet points or do I prefer to write a hard draft that is more like the finished piece?
It's a mix of both! My bullet points are often written in two ways: either they are detailed and eloquent or they are unhinged. This is one of my scene notes for tmdg (this scene has been scrapped, so it isn't a spoiler)!
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As you can see, it's wildly silly. ^^;;;; but I read these notes and something activates in my brain like: I read you loud and clear, boss!!!! For the most part I try to follow my outline and the scene bullet points, but there have been many cases where I've done something different than what I originally planned because I felt it would be better.
What is my editing process like?
Lengthy. I read through the entire draft to proofread and then I take it scene by scene to look for other errors or things that I may want to revise/add at the last minute. And then I'll read through it again in its entirety to make sure everything looks good. After that, I read it again because I often feel nervous that I missed something. ^^;;; but I often view the final reading as a means of giving the fic a homemade lunch and a kiss on the cheek before I send it on its way. :D
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nova-appleade · 6 months
I promised this like forever ago and I'm finally posting it now:
Me and My sister's collective ranking of all the Winnie the Pooh animated movies
(That are available on Disney Plus)
Before I start I am completely aware that I probably have a bias to some of these, as I grew up with a few. I tried to look subjectively at each movie and take into account both characterization as well as how the movie feels as a whole and it's plot.
I'll try my best to avoid any spoilers, as well.
9) A Valentine for you (1999): 3.5/10
Starting with the obvious outlier here: I know this is technically a short and not a movie. The fact of the matter is though that I watched it and hated it. It felt... cheap. Rushed. I felt no love or care was put into this while I was watching it. What plot it has makes little sense. Though I understand what they were going for, it doesnt feel fitting for Winnie the Pooh canon. The only reason it has a 3.5 is because the song Tigger and Rabbit sing, while short, is actually kinda cute and catchy.
8) A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002): 5.5/10
I don't have a lot to say about this one, either. It was very cute, for what it was! I enjoyed myself watching this, unlike the previous entry. The split apart plot threw me off, though, and it felt more fitting for multiple shorts rather than trying to make those two plot ideas fit together in some way. Felt very disconnected as a whole.
That being said, I did enjoy the second story way more than the first. I love it when the characters show such genuine care for each other.
7) Springtime with Roo (2004): 6/10
It does pain me to put this movie so low. I mean, a quarter of it is Tigbit FanFiction. That's like one of my favorite things. The conversation Tigger and Rabbit have halfway through always hits me in the heart. You never see them actually have a sit down talk and try to understand each other, and I love that about this movie.
There are just certain things that bother me. Perhaps I'm picky. The movie just didn't stand out to me in a way that the ones above it have. There's no real story. Just felt like Rabbit being hurt for an hour or so.
That being said there is genuine charm here I can see why some might rank it higher.
6) Winnie the Pooh (2011): 6.5/10
I also like this movie. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tom Kenny as Rabbit is hilarious. This is probably the funniest movie in the whole series. (To me)
My problem with it is also the thing I like about it. The comedy, while funny, also comes as a detriment to the characterization. I feel as if they play up the characters' traits to the point they feel hollow and one note. Rabbit is over the top, Piglet is a kiss ass to Pooh, Pooh is... kind of self centered?? They don't feel like themselves. These characters do not feel like they would genuinely care for each other as true family. The Tigger Movie would never happen in this universe.
Like I said, I think the movie is funny. It's entertaining in its own way. But I can't see it being canon in any way shape or form and that stops me from putting it higher.
5) The Heffalump Movie (2005): 7/10
This is a really sweet movie. It has such a wonderful message, and I love the change they made to the Heffalumps as a whole. I think it really expands the universe.
Roo and Lumpy have such a sweet friendship. I can't very well speak on the messages in this movie aside from "don't judge a book by its cover", but I do think they do a good job of conveying the lesson simple enough for children to understand, while not treating them like they're stupid.
I have no real problems with this movie. I just think the ones I ranked higher are better than it.
4) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977): 8/10
I feel like this was a perfect introduction to the characters and their personalities. There's something so charming about how it's aged.
I know my bias is showing through with this entry, but even as an adult I truly appreciate everything about it. I think, for the time it was made, it did what it wanted to just right. It didn't want to tell a big story, so it didn't. I don't feel like it needed to, either. I think the stories flow nicely into one another and fit well in the universe.
3) Piglet's Big Movie (2003): 8.5/10
I'll be honest, I grew up with this movie. It's so beautifully charming and heartfelt.
I actually don't have too much to say about it, either, though. I love the characterization and the lesson it tells. I love how the characters feel as if they've known each other for their whole lives and truly love and care for each other like family. It's warm and even when they're fighting you can tell they only do it out of a place of genuine care.
2) The Tigger Movie (2000): 9.5/10
I realize this might be a controversial(?) place to put this movie. I can completely understand why some would put it at their number 1 spots.
That being said, I love this movie with every fiber of my being. And believe it or not, no, I didn't ever see it when I was a kid. I only watched it for the first time a few years ago.
The Tigger Movie is beautiful and gut-wrenching. Most definitely the saddest of all of the movies on this list. I could go on and on about it forever. I love seeing Tigger in the spotlight of anything and I love seeing his emotions and thoughts. The themes of love and family are unmatched. Not to mention the songs! There isn't a single bad one.
The only thing that keeps it from being a 10/10 for me is Rabbit’s role in this movie. I realize I am being picky with that and I don't want to elaborate purely on the fact that it isn't anything but a very minor complaint for me.
1) Pooh's Grand Adventure (1997): 10/10
Literally the perfect Winnie the Pooh film in my eyes.
The songs are catchy and filled with wonder. Each character feels like they were torn from the page of the book. You understand where everyone is coming from in their point of view and you can't help but smile and laugh and cry with them during each moment.
Their family dynamic is so beautiful and innocent. There's nothing I would change about any of it. I still get emotional watching this and the Tigger Movie both.
Hell, Pooh's Grand Adventure is one of the reasons I have been into storytelling since I was young. It is still one of the stories I look back on and aspire to write something as whimsical and pure as.
If you got this far, thank you! These are of course just my personal opinions and I'd love to hear your own rankings! 😊✌️
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hello, its ria!
i was reading your fanfic, delicate [chapter four, to be precise] and i juist couldnt hold it in any longer; your writing is amazing!
do you have any writing tips for me? my writing is just... it doesnt feel like a stroy; more like a university essay. i would love to know how\when you started writing!
i love your art, too! its very playful, and makes me smile so much that my cheeks hurt!
with appreciation,
paria gasemi [AKA greek girl]
i’m glad you like my fanfic, it means so much to me!!
i don’t think i’m the most qualified person to give advice about writing, considering that english isn’t my first language and that i’m not a writer, but i hope i’ll be helpful!
delicate is my first fic and my first attempt at writing a *long* story so i’m not really experienced, but since i’ve consumed a lot of fanfiction i could pick before writing a few things i liked from the stories i’ve read: the fics that i enjoy reading the most aren’t too long, too angsty or too cheesy, and i wanted my fic to be just like that.
i think character study could help you a lot: ever-changing dynamics between characters keep the story intriguing, and knowing their personalities well can help you create some interesting situations (misunderstandings and fights, but also improbable friendships or alliances…) that are all entertaining to read (at least for me)
writing in an ‘essay-ish’ style isn’t necessarily a problem, in fact it could help exploring certain points more clearly, but i think those ‘static’ paragraphs should be interchanged with ‘action’ paragraphs or dialogue (…speaking of which, if you’re having a hard time making it feel realistic, reading it out loud should help.)
anyways, fanfiction should be something fun to write before it is to read, and since you don’t have to write a masterpiece (or a perfect mark essay), you can indulge yourself with all the cheesiest clichés, if that’s what you like. it doesn’t matter if they sound cringy, they’re fun to write and fun to read, and that’s all that matters.
and thank you for all the compliments!! knowing my drawings put a smile on your face makes my day better <3
nothing (who wants to visit greece asap, you’re lucky af girl!!)
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demadogs · 2 years
what do u think the st fandom is gonna be like after s5 drops and finishes.. like idk but I've just been wondering cuz this is the last time we're getting a new season 🤔 do you think it's gonna stick around or what? I noticed that usually after every season the fandom goes kinda radio silent after around a month but the fandoms still actually p active after s4 so. I wonder if the potential spin off is gonna keep the popularity up or even surpass it a la brba and better call saul(not that I think st is as good as those shows but I think they're both kinda iconic in their own ways)
i think stranger things will have a similar kinda legacy and impact as harry potter. the last movie came out in 2011 and its still a MASSIVE fandom and community that write, make fanart, make edits and gifs, collect merch, the whole shebang. the storys long done but the fandom has never died. i just went on ao3 and guess how many pages i had to go through just to reach a fic that came out more that two days ago….. TWENTY!!!!!???
stranger things is one of the only fandoms for a fictional media ive seen that is similar to the size and commitment of the harry potter fandom. i would say star wars also is a close comparison but a lot of people have mixed feelings about all the new ones (rightfully so honestly. daisy ridley slays but why the fuck did reylo kiss. thats not at all how you write enemies to lovers.) most star wars fans just love the classics like empire strikes back so the fandom isnt as strong as harry potter. and it doesnt really feel too much like a fandom in the same way that stranger things and harry potter do. i could go on about this but i’ll go back to my original point.
i dont think any passage of time will negatively affect the success of this show. you know how youve probably seen a bunch of iconic classic movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90s that your family got you to watch? this will be the show of the 2010s that future generations will watch because their parents loved it. its not even that the show will go down in history, it already has!! its so cool to really look into how much of an impact this show has actually made. im really glad ive been able to witness it and have been watching the show since it first came out.
another thing that’ll probably keep this show iconic and new generations watching it is the kid actors. these are all of their first “big break”. theyre all probably gonna go on to play so many more iconic roles into their adulthood and eventually people will look at them in stranger things in the same way that we currently look at young winona ryder in beetlejuice. thats mad trippy to think about tho. in my head theyre all perpetually 14.
i think this fandom will always be active because there is just SO MUCH to talk about!!!! and this would be the case no matter what they ended up doing with the relationships and characters, but once byler is canon that’ll definitely play a huge role in keeping the fandom alive. people who have never seen the show will probably start watching it after they hear that the main characters are gay. no one will ever stop writing byler fics. people who really really love a specific couple or ship dont ever really lose interest. if you love the characters and love them together, that love never just goes away and people will ALWAYS want more content so theyll always love reading fics and seeing fanart. snowbaz is a good example of this. i read carry on when i was 16. i just turned 23 and i read snowbaz fanfiction all the fucking time. im currently reading one thats amazing and they update weekly and every monday i get so excited to read a story from characters that i was introduced to SEVEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!! that’ll probably be the same case for byler. and lumax too.
i think the spinoffs will definitely be talked about but i dont think theyll be the reason the fandom stays alive. i honestly kinda would rather it be more separate from the og stranger things. i hope its good and treated in the same way that fantastic beasts was treated and not the shitty new star wars movies. and you didnt ask this but i also have a hunch that the spinoff will be about kali.
to sum all that up, no i dont think this fandom will ever die. its so iconic.
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princehoseok · 7 months
@cosmicdreamgrl tagged me 💜
who is your favourite k-pop group?
those 7 bald heads now, bts people call them
which member sparked your interest first?
ngl i cant really tell... couldve been jimin or namjoon, it was the on mv and i was obsessed with the whole thing so i started watching all their mv and yeah... definitely jimin and namjoon
who was your first bias?
after almost a year of overthinking it i decided namjoon was the one :)
what makes them your current bias?
ok heres the thing, i have a bias line, and that is the rap line so, here it goes:
namjoon: i have no idea how he does it but he says and does exactly what i need, i cannot express what i felt the first time i listened to indigo, how mono treats me... doesnt matter if i dont even know what im going through its like he knows and suddenly he's there to remind me that i am okay and everything will be okay, he's my OG, he understands me and listens to me without even trying ! its incredible, his vision... i cant, i cant understand how this works, but he makes it make sense, every single time.
yoongi: yoongi became part of my bias line last year after his tour, he wasnt even a bias wrecker, im not the army that goes through all the content, i still have so much to watch and learn, but that last day, the last concert i was coming home very late and i saw that the concert was just starting and i thought "im just gonna watch until namjoon and then im going to sleep" but i couldnt lol, i watched the whole thing, cried, and then kept crying a couple more hours because the last two years havent been the best in my personal life and i swear, the moment the concert ended and the "future's gonna be ok" screen came up it shocked me to my very core, i loved the album SO much, and i wanted to go to a concert (i couldnt but oh well), and like .. i listened and read that phrase for months and until that moment i didnt get it, that future's gonna be okay destroyed me in the best way possible and i am so thankful for min yoongi, im just very very thankful
hobi: my prince, mi amor, my everything! he makes me so happy, the way he manages his existance in this fucked up world is mind blowing, he's always taking pictures (idk why thats so special to me) and smiling, and ugh, my sister doesnt know their names very well so hoseok is "the one who laughs a lot", but then the way he takes his work so serious, he is so profesional, i loved hope world and when jitb happened i was shocked bc what is my sunshine doing with this dark eyeliner?? who made him emo? and boom that album is a motherfucking masterpiece!!!!!!! what if, arson and stop are just 😚 in general terms of music, hoseok's more my type of music, i mean more like my everyday music, (not that i dont like the others') but his style is just so cool.. he is so cool, his hype, his energy, he is my coolest boyfriend, the way a new ray of sunshine was born within him when he came to this world, i admire him so fucking much, every talented fiber of his body is precious and you want me to talk about his dancing? i cant bc this is long enough, im a sucker for dancers lets just say that... im well fed. i need him, i dont mean this in a delulu kinda way, i mean i need him and his energy, he makes me happy so i need him to be happy and gets everything he deserves because he deserves all the good things in this world!
*cough* so.. rapline because they give me life, next question..
who is your bias wrecker?
used to be taehyung but then yoongi stepped on him to be part of the bias line directly and taehyung disappeared, so at the moment jimin and jungkook drive me crazy... mostly jimin bc jk being the youngest makes me feel weird, i friendzoned him so hard from the start lmao
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
seokjin, maybe its because he's coming back and i cant wait, that day ill cry and im so happy i miss him so much, and ive been reading seokjin fanfiction, his always makes me believe in love again idk, i love him i miss him, his voice ,.. omg im crying, give him back already
when did you first discover this group?
i believe it was the ama's performance in 2017?, i was watching the show and they performed and i didnt know them but i was so hyped lol, i was literally going WOOOOOOOOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!! at my house, and after that i think i saw a fake love performance? im not sure really, but for a couple of years the only songs i listened to were fake love and dna bc that was all i knew lol, THEN in 2020 i clicked on the ON mv bc i had a new tv and i was watching yt and it was there and i said ok lets see, it had been a couple of weeks since the video came out and yeah,.. there was no looking back no more, i believe it was the dancing for me, im a sucker for choreography and... theyre pretty good 🤠
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
no, dont remind me, i became army when the pandemic started and i didnt even tried for the ptd concerts bc the closest i had was LA and it was gonna be just impossible to get tickets so i kinda made up my mind around it, however i was destroyed when i couldnt get d day tickets... i dont want to talk about it lol, were ok ♥
what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
oh this is hard so this is ot7 only; black swan, lights, just one day, 21st century girl, pied piper, airplane pt 2 and dionysus .. that's some yeah
ok i made this too long im sorry,
whoever wants to play pls tag me, ily
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hi! im gonna say seiga or miko for the ask game!
seiga was just done over here but she's about to come up soon :P ! so that toyosatomimi...
General opinion/How much I care about them: i love miko... 🎧 i mentioned before about coming to love the td crew as a whole over a long time of reading doujins featuring them and Miko is obviously a big part of that too. she and her crew are such a fun addition to gensokyo's worldbuilding and Miko herself is amazing. zun's historical rpf version of prince shotoku who became a hot girl wizard and wants to take over the world and is super charismatic about it? that's unmatched.
...that said, kind of a tangent here, her premise and deliberately kinda nationalistic motifs are only fun in touhou because she's contrasted with a bunch of similarly ambitious reglious leaders and their own groups, and that you know none of them would ever actually ever 'succeed'. They'll probably always be competition and waning in powers, but that consistent conflict is sort of its own kind of peace since gensokyo can always accomodate them.
A ship I love: hey guess what im not done talking about seiga because its seimiko time. just like seiyoshi i also have a really specific headcanon backstory in mind for them which i cant really get into all of it right now, but to try and sum up: Even if Miko knew Seiga's desires were only self-serving, she admired/respected/idolised/loved Seiga who appeared before her to answer all of Miko's greatest desires, and at some point decide it wasnt enough to just learn how to not die from her, but to also become a beautiful hermit who challenges the fate the world bestows them.
And it mustve been unexpected for Seiga to meet someone who managed to see her for everything she is (which includes defiling corpses and generally making an enemy of heaven every day), and not only not really care but also Gets Her.
thaaaaat all being said, in present day Miko knows Seiga has a Reputation and gets up to Antics that doesn't exactly paint hermits in the greatest light, so she's like always bouncing between two ends of a meter where she's begging her dear teacher to reign things in, or she's trying to explain to others why digging up corpses is actually not as bad as it looks 😰🥰
A non-romantic relationship that I love: it doesnt come up in my head often but her shared parenting of Kokoro along with Byakuren and Mamizou is both sweet and extremely funny. Miko taking it upon herself as a matter of pride to guide the menreiki thanks to her role in their creation is really good, and its also really funny that despite that connection she still basically has to compete with others over her, and she probably loses to the tanuki more often than not??
also does 'ex-romantic' count because i absolutely adhere to belief that in her and okina's former lives, they absolutely were a thing, bonded over a shared love of art and beauty, created a whole bunch of noh masks together... But then Miko started caring about all that a whole lot less when a certain hermit hailing from China entered the picture, and the rest was history 😌
The NOTP: call me miss no fun but it might be miko/byakuren. i do actually really love the rivalry between miko and byakuren, the back and forths, the varying hypocrisy, the thematic parallels, and the ways they do manage to work together for a common cause! I just. have yet to see a way to turn it romantic that works for me.
also on that note if you're gonna do miko/saki (which will always just be for jokes to me and never anything i sincerely consider), saki has to be the one putting a saddle on miko 🤠
My biggest headcanon about them: everything above was kinda it 😆 maybe more will come to my mind in the future...
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: she'd be in the seiga backstory fic too since their first meeting is kinda vital to both characters. but as for another idea... Adventure Game type story where to earn points with the people, she susses out some random people's desires and goes to find the most quick and expedient way to fulfill them n_n
Something that makes me think of them: one time in pokemon xy i thought of naming an espurr after her because i knew meowstic kinda reminded me of her 🐱
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jittyjames · 1 year
btw just letting you know i just started following you, and honestly, in my perspective, the people that are into the amrev only hate the hamilton fandom people that dont separate the piece of art from actual history
lots of people in there (me included) love the songs and everything about it, just the part of the fandom that again, dont know how to diferenciate history from art interpretation
so dont worry about interacting with people from there, trust me, we all adore a good fanfic doesnt matter from who, you can trust me on that!
p.s. imma start reading your fics (not now, 'cause i've got a pretty busy week ahead of me), but do you have any recomendation on which you'd think someone should start? thank youu <3
ooo yeah i can understand that!! i've been in the hamilton fandom for a while and there have definitely been... things and moments that can be kind of strange. trust, I've encountered a lot. it's important to remember that most of this is just for fun and not actually have any hero-worship or false ideologies spread and spoken as truth. that's the part that always gets me about hamilton hate is when people try to act like all of us take it as literal as some people do. it's a piece of fiction above all else. like no one is out here taking my fanfiction literally, so we shouldn't take lin's fanfiction literally either. i hope amrev/other fandoms i like know i'm not one of those types.
and thank you so much!! the fanfic ppl read the most from me is "the price of his war" series, but it's quite dark and has more than a few tws. if you ship lams (and want more historical-based depictions!!) bloom and punishable affections would be a great place! if you're more inclined to whump/angst though, my whumptober fic has a lot!! once again, thank you so much for being interested xoxo
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hitachiincest · 4 months
Thank you for your response <3
I also imagine them as switches, though I do lean to Kaohika more… it’s just that, when you see fanfictions and fanarts of them, in my case I was almost horrified— at the way people take the uke thing way too far (it’s just an act, and like you mentioned, even if Kao likes to be doted on, he doesn’t have to be ukefied to be like that) and the way he’s feminized just make me want to show that he can also take the lead/be in charge (even if mostly in private) like in ep. 15 ;; They also confirmed it themselves in the first volume, that while it seems that Hika takes the lead, it’s the more mature Kao that drives the action/is the same (depends on the translation), and it may sound personal, but I hate it when he’s made all feminine— like with his Cinderella metaphor (and Hika and Kao always cross dress together), or the fact he ACTS as the uke, and that was only by chance— because when they initially joined the host club, Kao accidentally burnt his finger for real, and Hika was holding him, genuinely concerned— and then they realized that the girls love it so that’s how the act started in the first place.
oh, yea i remember back when id read a bunch of fics of them after my anime rewatch a few yrs back i was like oh thats.. hm,, ;;; cuz id found a few where kaoru was a bit Too uwu uke iirc tho quite a few of them were p old & from when that was the Norm so i just accepted that some fics were products of the times &/or written by younger fans, as lets face it ouran was & still probably is 1 of the entry level animes. i actually dont consume all that much content of them tho (i only read fics Occasionally [this goes for all fandoms] & theres not much art for them in the eng sphere & i dont follow/kno any jp ouran accs on twitter or use pixiv) so that combined w my bad memory of what i Hav seen means im a bit Unknowing of most fanon for them.. lmao... i figured most of the stuff like that was mostly left behind as of a few yrs ago but perhaps not..?
I can't speak much for the feminizing thing bc I can't recall too many fanworks ive read where that was an issue iirc? tho tbf I can't remember much of what I've read at all bc tht was Yrs ago rip sry ;; I Do think they should be portrayed crossdressing Together more often! it'd be cute; let hikaru be in a cute dress too (I may be biased on everything tho I'm a femboy liker thru & thru lol so I'm like more boys in dresses?? Epic im in lol) softer=fem clothes? False- in this house it doesn't matter the boy type; Get In The Dress lol.
but yeah that doesn't mean he's constantly like that... a princess roleplay or 2 or letting hikaru take care of him, maybe, not unlike ppl w rp aspects to their relationships (like how brats aren't brats Always! time & place, etc etc. someone choosing to be bratty in private doesnt mean theyre gonna act like that 24/7) but it's a little sad if people reduce him to his act all the time...
I don't think I mind ppl playing w the princess thing tho considering it Is a part of his chara, but the whole thing was supposed to focus more on the magic of an illusion shattering eventually & losing what he has not quite a princess & prince... ;; but he Was almost/p much comparing himself to a princess' story & when the magic breaks & he's metaphorically left in his simple flats & princeless instead of the lavish life he had at "the ball" [cinderella metaphor. there is no ball, im aware] so it can't be helped if ppl like the princess association i guess.. give ppl an inch & theyll go a mile, & all that. & honestly w hikaru "saving" [ep 15]/"finding" [ep 21] kaoru twice in canon, it doesn't surprise me if they imagine hikaru as his prince & kaoru the princess since while the metaphor was more abt the whole host club not jus hikaru, hikaru was also a big part of it, as the eps focusing on it display his longing looks at his brother & such, w a fesr of losing Him the most. so long as ppl don't Reduce him to his feminine metaphor 100%, i guess. tis only a small part after all, not a loadbearing one. the angst is more the important bit lmao give him a masc cinderella outfit, even. (altho... the allure of a bishie in a dress... Very Enticing to most I'm afraid)
him always having to be the uke role thing in their host act is kind of out of the fans control bc that's canon... if he's content w his act of being that way, then power to him I guess! he himself might also like that in public he's all uwu kyaaa hikaru <3 while at home it's Hikaru who's nuzzling into his throat. a smug sort of feeling, ya know? that only he gets to see hikaru like that, not everyone else.
WAIT actually as I was typing this I remembered some scene from thee movie shoot ep [ep 4, apparently] where they mentioned 1 of them being the receiver or w/e (bc sports) & it was apparently hikaru annoyedly asking why kaorus the seme in the script w their changed charas (hikaru being all "KAORUU OAO" & kaoru gently reassuring him, which is like their actual dynamic instead) w kaoru replying in a similar manner going "yeah >:T"
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which implies either he Likes/is fine w his uke role or at least doesn't think the fangirls would like them switching up & wants the status quo to stay the same just in case. I think if he did mind he wouldntve said anything? or even suggested to hikaru that switching up provides something fresh & "it's still doki doki twincest, hikaru~ these girls have a refined taste; they might just take a liking to gap moe ^^"
but those r the 2 charas theyve allowed to be chosen for themselves, in a way, & theyre like yea this is alright. rhey prov have an "if it aint broke dont fix it" mentality & since the girls expect the typical, they see nonreason to deviate. the twins are capable of speaking out- theyd prob speak up if they minded. also, kaoru might kno that hikaru might not want to be seen as vulnerable [ep 16 comes to mind tho that had more to do w circumstances going on at the time] so kaoru takes that upon himself & bears that burden upon his perceived character [as in the way one is seen, not his host club persona] so hikaru won't mind as much? idk im going off on a tangent I feel but I think the thing w "kaoru Having to be the public uke" isn't all that bad since he himself seems fine w playing around w that character. maybe one day they'll switch it up for fun. (not Literally, as technically they could have hikaru play as kaoru but it would still be seen as "kaoru", but I mean For Reals have hikaru as the uke)
in conclusion... to the fandom: pls accept soft dom kaoru into ur hearts & rewatch the twins' eps w fresh eyes I guess. love, @/hitachiincest & @/zyrellla (ghsnkmj lolol)
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asahicore · 1 year
babe as much as i love to make ur day and hopw u know how lovely ur writing is i can't since this is just most smut. LISTEN I WOULD HAVE READ UP TO THAT PART AND SENT YOU AN ASK BUT UR GIRL HAVE TO RAMADAN 😭 (THIS IS SO FUNNY TO SAY) ILL BE BACK IN A MONTH TIME THO TO READ THAT. you cab laugh pls it is funny HAHAHAH. I was gonna leave the fic and come back after ramadan but had to jump in to say something. Its so sad to see zero interaction or anything. I feel so bad for writers, like writing these and then crickets. I have had so many of writers i enjoyed fics from stop writing because of underwhelming reviews ywah. BUT I HOPE YK ILL BE THERE TO BE UR NO. 1 fan (if im not sick or busy) 💪💪💪
🍓 anon
OMG STRAWBERRY ANON HAHAHHA IM SO SORRY i hope ur having a good ramadan !!! that was really bad timing from my part oops but i hope it'll go well and im excited for whenever u can read it lol no worries at all but about the interaction (rant incoming) yeah its really sad especially when u know what tumblr used to be like :// i wasnt a writer back then but i rmb being like 15 and reading harry potter fanfiction on here and the interaction was sooo much better, people knew reblogs were important, they gave feedback and sent asks and all of that.. now its seriously crickets, doesnt matter whether u have 50 followers or 2000, theres only a handful of blogs where interaction is constant and its just really disappointing when u put a lot of work into writing only to be met with silence :/ and dont even get me started on the difference from fandom to fandom lol at least with enhypen it gets a lot of traction but with treasure its so heartbreaking every time and you'd think that teume readers or readers from any fandom that doesnt get a lot of fics on here would try and be even more supportive of their writers so that they continue to post but nope practically nothing at all and it just gets. slightly frustrating lol cause yes we write for fun and people read for fun and writers and readers dont owe each other anything but also like.. can we be nice and supportive of each other lol BUT ANYWAYS rant over strawberry anon i love u cant wait to wife u up hope u celebrate well and talk to u soon
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sounds-void-fishy · 8 months
dunno if this counts as uncouth but here is an update for people who asked for it who im gonna tag (truly the social rules in fandom have changed so much since the last time ive been invested in anything with any amount of size lol)
i finished yesterday and was no thoughts head empty heart full. as someone with an unbelievably complicated relationship to the concept of types of relationships, i truly felt like i was being stabbed but like in a good way. i have someone i love deeply who i used to date and now is my best friend and one of the people dearest to me and our relationship transcends categories and labels. i have two long distance partners, one ive known for years and didnt start dating until i moved away and even then it kinda started as a joke and now we say partner if only to make it easier for people outside of us to comprehend, it doesnt matter what the specifics are, we will spend as long together as we can. the other i have been dating for eight and a half years and have only met irl once.
im an autistic aroace spectrum person who has always been miffed at best by the ideas of x relationship type has to have y thing and y thing means you have x relationship with someone. ive deeply connected with the idea of "angelic being who is disconnected from human ideas of relationships" for years.
ive never seen relationships like mine in any sort of popular media. relationships where you dont need to kiss for your love to be clear, where no matter how long you go without seeing each other you know that you will always be there when you need each other, where it feels so natural that you dont *need* to define it or say that you love each other because you can just tell. i love that i can read fanfiction (ty @sad-chaos-goblin for fic recs and if anyone has others they love feel free to lmk) where they go on cute little dates and stuff and fuck etc and know that they dont even have to do that in the show for their love to have hit me like an utter ton of bricks
this is a bit rambly because my brain is still mush, and i wanna write more thorough meta about it from this pov but holy shit. the show was so good. like outside of their relationships it was so baller. the casual other queer rep, john hamm's comedic chops, every day slowly eating away at my brain, muriel just in general. also the way that this fandom just IMMEDIATELY welcomed me with open arms.
anyways hi to the people below who asked for updates lol-
@rainbowpopeworld @theaethernetconnection
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