#these are my own rankings
nova-appleade · 6 months
I promised this like forever ago and I'm finally posting it now:
Me and My sister's collective ranking of all the Winnie the Pooh animated movies
(That are available on Disney Plus)
Before I start I am completely aware that I probably have a bias to some of these, as I grew up with a few. I tried to look subjectively at each movie and take into account both characterization as well as how the movie feels as a whole and it's plot.
I'll try my best to avoid any spoilers, as well.
9) A Valentine for you (1999): 3.5/10
Starting with the obvious outlier here: I know this is technically a short and not a movie. The fact of the matter is though that I watched it and hated it. It felt... cheap. Rushed. I felt no love or care was put into this while I was watching it. What plot it has makes little sense. Though I understand what they were going for, it doesnt feel fitting for Winnie the Pooh canon. The only reason it has a 3.5 is because the song Tigger and Rabbit sing, while short, is actually kinda cute and catchy.
8) A Very Merry Pooh Year (2002): 5.5/10
I don't have a lot to say about this one, either. It was very cute, for what it was! I enjoyed myself watching this, unlike the previous entry. The split apart plot threw me off, though, and it felt more fitting for multiple shorts rather than trying to make those two plot ideas fit together in some way. Felt very disconnected as a whole.
That being said, I did enjoy the second story way more than the first. I love it when the characters show such genuine care for each other.
7) Springtime with Roo (2004): 6/10
It does pain me to put this movie so low. I mean, a quarter of it is Tigbit FanFiction. That's like one of my favorite things. The conversation Tigger and Rabbit have halfway through always hits me in the heart. You never see them actually have a sit down talk and try to understand each other, and I love that about this movie.
There are just certain things that bother me. Perhaps I'm picky. The movie just didn't stand out to me in a way that the ones above it have. There's no real story. Just felt like Rabbit being hurt for an hour or so.
That being said there is genuine charm here I can see why some might rank it higher.
6) Winnie the Pooh (2011): 6.5/10
I also like this movie. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Tom Kenny as Rabbit is hilarious. This is probably the funniest movie in the whole series. (To me)
My problem with it is also the thing I like about it. The comedy, while funny, also comes as a detriment to the characterization. I feel as if they play up the characters' traits to the point they feel hollow and one note. Rabbit is over the top, Piglet is a kiss ass to Pooh, Pooh is... kind of self centered?? They don't feel like themselves. These characters do not feel like they would genuinely care for each other as true family. The Tigger Movie would never happen in this universe.
Like I said, I think the movie is funny. It's entertaining in its own way. But I can't see it being canon in any way shape or form and that stops me from putting it higher.
5) The Heffalump Movie (2005): 7/10
This is a really sweet movie. It has such a wonderful message, and I love the change they made to the Heffalumps as a whole. I think it really expands the universe.
Roo and Lumpy have such a sweet friendship. I can't very well speak on the messages in this movie aside from "don't judge a book by its cover", but I do think they do a good job of conveying the lesson simple enough for children to understand, while not treating them like they're stupid.
I have no real problems with this movie. I just think the ones I ranked higher are better than it.
4) The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977): 8/10
I feel like this was a perfect introduction to the characters and their personalities. There's something so charming about how it's aged.
I know my bias is showing through with this entry, but even as an adult I truly appreciate everything about it. I think, for the time it was made, it did what it wanted to just right. It didn't want to tell a big story, so it didn't. I don't feel like it needed to, either. I think the stories flow nicely into one another and fit well in the universe.
3) Piglet's Big Movie (2003): 8.5/10
I'll be honest, I grew up with this movie. It's so beautifully charming and heartfelt.
I actually don't have too much to say about it, either, though. I love the characterization and the lesson it tells. I love how the characters feel as if they've known each other for their whole lives and truly love and care for each other like family. It's warm and even when they're fighting you can tell they only do it out of a place of genuine care.
2) The Tigger Movie (2000): 9.5/10
I realize this might be a controversial(?) place to put this movie. I can completely understand why some would put it at their number 1 spots.
That being said, I love this movie with every fiber of my being. And believe it or not, no, I didn't ever see it when I was a kid. I only watched it for the first time a few years ago.
The Tigger Movie is beautiful and gut-wrenching. Most definitely the saddest of all of the movies on this list. I could go on and on about it forever. I love seeing Tigger in the spotlight of anything and I love seeing his emotions and thoughts. The themes of love and family are unmatched. Not to mention the songs! There isn't a single bad one.
The only thing that keeps it from being a 10/10 for me is Rabbit’s role in this movie. I realize I am being picky with that and I don't want to elaborate purely on the fact that it isn't anything but a very minor complaint for me.
1) Pooh's Grand Adventure (1997): 10/10
Literally the perfect Winnie the Pooh film in my eyes.
The songs are catchy and filled with wonder. Each character feels like they were torn from the page of the book. You understand where everyone is coming from in their point of view and you can't help but smile and laugh and cry with them during each moment.
Their family dynamic is so beautiful and innocent. There's nothing I would change about any of it. I still get emotional watching this and the Tigger Movie both.
Hell, Pooh's Grand Adventure is one of the reasons I have been into storytelling since I was young. It is still one of the stories I look back on and aspire to write something as whimsical and pure as.
If you got this far, thank you! These are of course just my personal opinions and I'd love to hear your own rankings! 😊✌️
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krazieka2 · 5 months
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I've played the Fire Emblem Husbando Dating Simulator Games
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taxus-fraud · 1 year
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My opponent just called upon the Oracles and scattered most of my pieces across space and time. Does anyone know the best counter in this situation?
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fatedroses · 1 month
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I offer the frankly hilarious scenario of zenos and estinien having to work together (probably because of tataru) and a little bit of headcanon-ing I have in regards to the one main issue they run in to when theyre a duo.
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outletcrash · 4 months
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shakes her around like a beetle in a jar
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gncrezan · 16 days
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adding to the pile of fake magazine covers for @infamous-if !!!!
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textless and the original reference <3
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casualavocados · 1 month
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What are you proud of?
KISEKI: DEAR TO ME Ep. 03 / Ep. 06
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eldestjane · 1 year
I won’t say that Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian have the the most normal sibling relationship because there is literally nothing “normal” about these two codependent weirdos (affectionate) but out of all the siblings I would say they probably have the most typical and perhaps easily recognizable sibling dynamic. Like the Lan and Nie siblings are obviously very close but there’s an element of parentification and also just the age gap that affects that dynamic (and the same goes for Jiang Yanli and her brothers). But with Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian it’s just like - “I’m going to tease you mercilessly but if someone else is mean to you I’ll kill them” and “I won’t share my soup with you but I would give you my kidney” (Or golden core as may be the case). And it’s just like yeah they’re brothers all right.
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raphaerolo · 6 months
Art Wip Game
@artisticallyill you asked about the Battle Cody & Obi so here it is
This one is definitely a bad name. While technically accurate, it's not the defining thing about this. Battle Cody & Obi is the name of my drawing that is my Codywan FMAB AU. Truly the title says nothing, and idk what i was thinking when i named the drawing but it's my fmab au
Here's it is so far:
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In this au, the jedi are the state alchemists, Obi-Wan is a general and a state alchemist and a highly revered one but I don't know what his alchemy specialization is yet. Cody is his right hand who watches his back and has several big guns and people are scared of him.
I imagine this drawing to be them fighting Maul, who would absolutely just set a bunch of things on fire, not even with alchemy but with straight up matches cuz he's petty like that and Cody and Obi-Wan are trapped by the fire and waiting to see where he strikes next.
When I was ideating this, I realized that their dynamic is already pretty similar to Mustang and Hawkeye, especially with the "we can't date cuz you're my superior officer/subordinate" and the "i will flirt with others as a tactical move but it's fake and the real adoration only comes out with you"
Find wip game post here
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loganslowdown4 · 29 days
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We got a poll for real 🥹🩵🤍🍰
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kacievvbbbb · 9 days
Another way that Mihawk’s perfectionism and obsessiveness rears its head is that he wanted Shanks to love him best.
Realistically in terms of people Shanks was probably all Mihawk had and so by default he loved him best but Shanks has so many people an ever growing list of people that he loves and where does Mihawk fall on that list? It’s easy to belive for a long time that he’s at the top. After all it’s him that Shanks keeps crossing oceans for. It’s him that Shanks comes back to again and again testing steel against steel, skin and skin. And things are good
But then Shanks goes to lay low in a little village in the east blue and meets a little boy.
And Mihawk doesn’t even know that he’s “lost” till it’s too late. Until Shanks has already sacrificed an arm and a hat for that boy and how could Mihawk ever compete with that?
And what’s the point of competing if you can’t win? If you can’t be the best?
So he leaves.
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If you had to pick a side that you would consider BEST at flirting based on the qualifications of: General Flirtiness (how often they flirt on purpose or the capacity for flirting), Quality of Banter (are they actually good at flirting with their target), Widespread Appeal (is this someone who a lot of people would be receptive to flirting from), and Niche Appeal (how receptive would the preferred targets be to their flirting)...
There is a poll for WORST here.
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samarecharm · 4 months
People who really like shuake also seem to write themselves into a corner wrt Akechi and his relationship to Akiras team. Contrary to popular belief, the team, including Haru, does not hate Akechi. At worst, they tolerate him and deal with his attitude. Hes a good teammate and respectable fighter and the team recognizes that at the end of the day, he was a teenager who was manipulated and abused by a man who saw him as disposable. Just about every thief understands this intimately. They have the same mindset wrt adults who take advantage of the people beneath them. Under different circumstances they wouldve been friends. And if u approach it from that angle, it becomes less about Akechi being the sole person who ‘gets’ Akira, and more about the thieves being the only people in the world who ‘get’ Akechi.
When you expand your thoughts to include the thieves as members of his Team and not roadblocks that get in the way of your ideal shipping dynamic, you allow urself to give Akechi and Akira more depth and nuance to their own relationship.
Akira and Akechi are wildcards; both of them struggle with the face they choose to display to the world. Its the first time Akira interacts with someone who is, at a literal, technical level, his ‘equal’. But Akechi is one of many firsts for Akira yeah? Every thief has their bond with Akira thats completely unique and personal. Akechi will never be the person who witnesses Akiras Awakening, hes never the person who watches Akira have his restless nights alone in the attic, and hes never the person who realizes in real time that the teenager hes housing is just Some Kid, not the delinquent hes been warned about. Hes not Ann or Yusuke, or any of the thieves; he doesnt have the time or experience that they have with Akira, and I think its interesting to explore that part of their relationship, shippy or not.
Akechi is someone who is incredibly lonely and self depreciating despite his cockiness and attitude. He has no positive bonds to speak of save for his connection with Sae. To have him see a team that works together and cares for each other, how do you think he would feel? Out of place? Inferior in some way? Angry about how hes been alone for so long in this single minded quest for revenge? Wouldnt that be a point of struggle between the two of them? I think what makes shuake good for me is knowing that Akechi needs alot of time to heal, and the thieves would want to help with that process. They do it bc they care, bc Akira cares, and bc they trust Akiras opinion (and he trusts theirs in return); if Akira feels like Akechi is someone who can be trusted Now after everything thats happened, then the thieves would do their best to help. And how would Akechi feel about that? Angry about the show of pity? That even now, he has no real say in what happens to him? Or begrudgingly grateful that they are cordial with him? Because they do care, he KNOWS they care, they care TOO MUCH actually; but the one thing he values over brawn and wits is honesty- fighting for what you believe in without having to use soft words to justify it.
#chattin#also like. as an aside#my hcs regarding these two is like. they could not date. theyd kill each other lmao#and like TOTALLY by all means i am obsessed w unhealthy dynamics for shipping#let ur boys be toxic. let them be messy and loud and violent. its like crack to me#but just like fandom as a whole; fanon interpretations are prevalent and LOUD#and so trying to interact with it is like pulling teeth#personally. i think too many of them think of Akechi as like. the Rude one of the bunch#when i like to think of Akira as rude and full of himself when its deserved#and man. being able to outwit Akechi makes it Fully deserved#and i like to think Akira would remind him of this when he tries to intimidate or degrade his team#like. i have a short wip i never finished (basic sketches)#of Akira pulling him aside and grilling him#‘youre here because I Want you here. youre here bc i Allow you to be here’#‘if youre going to stoop low and play petty i can do the same. if theres anyone on my team whos a fucking idiot; its you.’#‘dont make me reconsider having you on the team.’#and akechis like okay great does ur dick feel big trying to pull rank on me?#but really hes fuming. hes MAD. like feral dog mad. bc akira is RIGHT. like he is most times as akechi starts to see.#he has enough of a mind to recognize that hes lashing out bc of his own shortcomings; even if he refuses to admit it out loud#its beyond infuriating. its degrading. its a little 😶.#never had to deal w anyone that rivaled his own brawn and wits. and now theres a TEAM of them#just humbling him time and time again. it sucks. he stays bc he cant help himself 😭#he needs to see more…#also#shuake#for blacklisting
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 1 month
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character designing is my passion (literally all i did in these past days)
this is all i can manage to draw digitally 👍
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gotstabbedbyapen · 2 months
What are your top ten Greek Mythology headcanons?
Ooooh I have a lot of Greek mythology headcanons, so it took me a while to select the top ten 😅 But I've finally done it!
Here is the final list:
10. There is an Eurotas River "tradition" for all the couples in the Spartan royal family.
I like to think it's "tradition" for all members of the Spartan royal family to find the love of their lives at the Eurotas River (Lacedaemon & Sparta, Amyclas & Diomede, Hyacinthus & Apollo, Helen & Menelaus, etc.)
The idea came to me because of the role and presence of this river in Apollo and Hyacinthus' myth (Ovid's version) and Menelaus and Helen's story (Euripides' play). HyaPollo had frequent river dates and MeLen swore fidelity with one another by the same river, so it's fun to think that the other Spartan couples also meet and spend their time together here.
9. Persephone is everyone's childhood friend.
This is also true in the mythos! Persephone grew up with Athena and Artemis in Sicily, her domains overlapped with her other siblings, the Homeric hymn to Demeter has a list of her nymph friends, and every once in a while someone is said to be Persephone's playmate.
She's a true social butterfly lol
8. The second generation Olympians also share traits with their grandparents.
I love to think that the younger Olympians inherit something from their Titan grandparents, you know? Here are some of the ideas:
Ares is loving and protective over his children like Rhea.
Persephone is intimidating and wield her scythe like Kronos.
Hermes is crafty and cunning like his great-grandfather Iapetus.
Apollo has Coeus' deep, intelligent gaze and Artemis has Phoebe's radiant smile.
Athena is unconsciously attracted to the ocean, the kingdom of Oceanus and Tethys.
7. All of Zeus' children, mortal or immortal, inherit his fury.
They can be calm like Apollo or have anger issues like Heracles, but once a child of Zeus get really pissed off, their act of wrath can be as destructive as their father's.
This explains why Artemis shot down Coronis and her family and Persephone inflicted a plague on Thebes.
6. The second generation Olympians (plus Persephone and Aphrodite) love each other in their own ways.
I really dislike depictions of Olympian siblings always at each other's throat. Yes, their history is complicated and dynamics aren't perfect but that doesn't mean they only have bad tension! Where is the nuance in their relationship???
Artemis and Apollo have seen the worst of one another and ridiculed each other for that. But if someone were to talk crap about their twin, it's on sight.
Ares is torn between following his mother and accepting his illegitimate siblings. He had persecuted the twins before they were born but later joined them in the Trojan war.
Athena might be distant from others at times due to her personality and domains, but there are moments she enjoyed dancing and playing music with her siblings.
And Persephone's case is the worse. She might not be an Olympian and stays in Underworld for half a year, but she had never expressed hatred for her non-chthonic family. Let Persephone have good relationship with her upper world family, too!!!
5. Hyacinthus has purple eyes.
Or, in elaborative words, the eyes ever so gentle like flower petals drifting on a calm lake in early spring, hand-painted by the finest of brushes with a meticulous shade of softly vibrant purple that could not be easily sought out in the tapestry of nature.
Sorry for the sudden poetic wax XDDD
Basically, I want Hyacinthus to have pretty purple eyes as one of his signature traits. It makes him stand out from the crowd due to the "divinity" it brings to him (because of the forth headcanon)
4. Hyacinthus' mother is Clio, the Muse of History.
The second-popular parentage of Hyacinthus in the myths, but I have lots of ideas and interpretations with this mother and son relationship:
- The son of the history Muse dating the god of prophecy. Past and future intertwine!
- Their domain and attribute! We study history to learn from the past mistakes and avoid repeating them. The hyacinth flower represents forgiveness, and I like to think it includes self-forgiveness as well. So Clio being Hyacinthus' mother can symbolize accepting and learning from your mistakes to forgive yourself.
- Family angst! Clio knows every way something can go wrong and result in her son's tragic end. So throughout Hyacinthus' life, she will do her best to prevent all possible demises that can happen to him, only to still end up losing him.
- It will give Aphrodite another reason to aid Hyacinthus' resurrection. Since Aphrodite is the one cursing Clio to fall in love with a mortal man and have Hyacinthus, she might feel guilty later when Clio was grieving her son, so she decided to help the mother and son reunite as repentance.
3. Polyboea becomes a huntress of Artemis.
We actually don't have any clear indication that Polyboea became a huntress of Artemis in the myths, but hey, it's not a bad headcanon! Polyboea died a maiden, and Artemis was fond of her enough to help bring her back from death. So it wouldn't be a stretch of the goddess recruit her into the hunter pack.
I have a lot of ideas for a Polyboea-centric fic after she became a virgin huntress, just her journey in perfecting the art of archery, making friends with the other huntresses, and learning to be her own person than just "the youngest princess of Sparta".
2. Apollo and Hyacinthus raise children together.
This heacanon definitely didn't come to me after reading a certain fanfic series hehehe...
The title said all, I like to thing after Hyacinthus' deification, he and Apollo are happily "married" and raise a bunch of kids together, adopted or from another lover (and they may or may not have a child together). Those kids will have the best childhood!
1. Hyacinthus and Polyboea undergo many trials in the Underworld before being granted resurrection and immortality.
As much as I love Hyacinthus and want him to have a happy ending with his loved ones, he's a potential package for physiological and psychological torture :)
There isn't much that we know of about Hyacinthus' resurrection in the myths other than him and his sister, Polyboea, being taken to the Heavens by a parade of deities. But I don't think the Underworld will allow two of their residents to go easily, so Hades and Persephone must have given Hyacinthus and Polyboea a trial like they did to Orpheus and Eurydice, but it will be 1000x worse because love me some blood-choking angst :D
For what the Underworld trials are and how Hyacinthus and Polyboea overcome them, they are will remain for now as ideas and concepts in the making for my Hyapollo fanfic
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saltyb0ba · 4 months
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a deep blood moon, a starless night
dark enough to see the light
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