#i love kazuha so much why is my heart racing.
lyneira · 1 year
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♡ when you try to flirt with them ♡
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-> how the genshin men would react when you attempt to flirt with them
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Thoma, Kaveh, Gorou, Itto, Venti
You'll have them sweating bullets, at the edge of their seat, heart racing, and blushing furiously as they endure your flirting and teasing. Despite that, they are absolutely LIVING for your flirting. They're not gonna admit it aloud (not yet at least) but they want ALL of the affection, love, and teasing you're giving them.
In this state, you can ask him for anything and he'd obey. Heck, ask for the world and he'll give it to you because this guy is ENRAPTURED by you. Bro is just so excited and eager about the way you're treating him
Like lowkey, if you were to tell him the numerous things you'd do to tease him, get close to him, and ask, "Would you like all that, hm?~", he's going to take a sharp inhale and breathe out a soft, "yes please" before he combusts right then and there
Xiao, Scaramouche, Diluc
Will probably hit you with a tsundere-ish, "What are you talking about baka...?!" in response to any smooth line you tell them, or a "Quit with that foolishness" when you try to flirtatiously put your hand on theirs.
Yes, he's going to tell you to stop, but it won't be very convincing with the shakiness in his voice and the vibrant blush that he's desperately trying to hide on his face. He's just feeling a mix of emotions right now, y’know? You're getting them all hot and bothered but they wouldn't dare admit that they're succumbing to your tactics.
They're playing hard to get because truly, you've easily got a hold of their heart and in actuality, it was him who wanted to be the one to catch yours first.
Cuts to the chase
Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Cyno
Like the previous dudes, they're also gonna ask you what you were doing, but would be serious about it instead. These guys don't like beating around the bush and your flirting is going nowhere, so he's going to interrupt you and make you cut to the chase. He'll do so by kabedon-ing you, slamming one hand against the wall which makes you yelp in surprise.
"If you want something, why not ask me directly?", he leans down, towering over your frame and lifts your chin gently with a finger, "I won't bite...unless you want me to"
Ayato, Baizhu, Kaeya, Childe, Heizou
As you flirt with them, they'll simply have a smile on their face, both pleased and amused that you have the guts to do so. Trying to seduce the flirt, eh? They find it all terribly cute. Yet, they won't say or initiate much up until they've seen you slowly lose your drive to continue flirting (due to their lack of response to your attempts)
"Is that all you've got, y/n? Don't get me wrong, all of this pleases me, but...", he places his hands on your hips and brings them closer to his own as he leans in close to your ear and huskily whispers, "...let me show you how it's really done" ;)
Would be a sweetheart
Zhongli, Kazuha, Tighnari, Albedo
Will look at you with such tenderness in his gaze, happy about your sentiments toward him. They'd also blush lightly at certain antics that you'd pull, but they overall have a better tolerance to your flirting in comparison to the mega simps and those who get embarrassed. They're too wrapped up in the thought that you admired him and held these feelings for them to get so flustered.
When you compliment him seductively, he'll chuckle softly and smile, "I'm fortunate that you think of me that way", he'll then caress your cheek with the knuckle of his index finger slowly and lightly before bringing it up to your lips and replacing it with the pad of his thumb, "I feel the same for you", he'd finish saying while rubbing small circles on your lower lip. Y'all should kiss already
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Genshin Men Headcannons:
~Yanderes after they've captured you~
(Includes: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Wanderer, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou, Venti, Cyno, Scaramouche, Childe, Albedo, and Zhongli!)
Honestly might make this a series...so Part 1??
Kaveh kneeled down infront of you, his fingers gently lifting up your chin as your eyes slowly fluttered open. The room was bright, burning your retinas as you tried to grasp where exactly you were. "Sorry my methods of bringing you here were so...cruel. I truthfully racked my brain for other solutions but I was getting impatient." His voice seemed silky sweet like always, but something was still...amiss.
You tried to speak, ask what was going on but your mouth was dry and your words only got caught up in your throat making you cough. As you became more aware...the tight robes binding your hands behind your back made themselves known...you were trapped, tied down. Panick started to build, your eyes filled with worry and your heart rate picking up.
He noticed this a small smile forming as he leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, "Don't worry darling, I only plan to love you with all I can, no harm will be done to you. I only did this because...I wanted to make sure no one else could have you...that we could be...alone~"
Your head felt heavy, the room almost spinning as you attempted to look up at the person leaning against the wall in front of you. Your eyes slowly adjusting to the dim lighting of the room, just barely visible in the shadows was... Alhaitham? "W-what.." Your voice sounded hoarse and it hurt to speak like someone had poured acid down your throat.
His movements were slow, like a predator stalking his prey...as he pushed himself away from the wall, walking towards you, a evil glint in his teal green eyes. "You're awake...good. I was starting to worry I had given you to much of the sedative..." His hand went up and for a second you thought he was going to hit you, making you flinch.
However he simply touched your cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb, it stung slightly and your realized you must have some type of scratch in that exact spot. He tilted his head as if examining you before quietly speaking his thoughts, "Not even a blemish on your skin could take away from your beauty...I've clearly made the right choice in...taking you."
Your body felt tired, sore like you had run a marathon and although you seemed to be on a comfy bed...you couldn't move. Your eyes slowly adjusting to the ceiling, the only thing you could currently see. You shifted, attempting to free yourself from whatever was keeping you down but had no luck.
From somewhere in the room you heard a door open, and before you could speak someone was leaning over you, his face mere inches from yours. Now you could see who your captor was..."W-wanderer? What...where...W-why?" You stuttered, your heart filled dread as the situation became clear to you.
He leaned in closer his lips touching yours in a soft kiss, his forehead against yours as he spoke, "I couldn't...I couldn't stop thinking about you, every day...every second...you...plague my thoughts and then one day...I see you chatting. Smiling at someone else...and I snap. I want to be the only one to cause that perfect smile. So I brought you here...to a safe place~"
Your heart was racing, Xiaos spear was against your throat and his face though covered with a mask was so close to your own. You were scared, never had he cornered you like this and for the life of you, you couldn't understand why he would. "X-xiao? What's going on?? W-what did I do?!"
His spear turned slightly, the edge of it sharp enough to slice your neck open, his hand holding your shirt tightly so you couldn't run as his mask fades away revealing his face, his piercing yellow eyes staring into yours with a crazy look you'd never seen before. His voice deeper than normal and his face slightly pink, "In all my years of living...I've never felt this way about someone. You're...you're the love of my life...please...I'll do anything for you..."
The wind blew softly making you shiver from the cold, the trees around you shaking softly as their leaves fell all around you. The scenery would have been beautiful on any other occasion, but with your arms tied uncomfortably around a tree, your face pressed against the bark, you couldn't take pleasure in your surroundings.
Suddenly you felt a weight press against your back, hot breath on your neck as a familiar voice whispered in your ear, "It's a beautiful place isn't it? I thought you'd enjoy it. The breeze has always whispered of you...and I finally decided to listen. I'm so lucky...to finally have you...can I keep you...forever~"
You shivered, the room felt so cold...dark and lonely, you couldn't see anything...the only thing sticking out to you was a subtle scent of sakuras. You moved your hands hearing the rattle of the handcuffs that kept you in place...how long had you been here...you weren't sure...you weren't even sure where here was.
Lights flicked on, making you jump, your eyes seemingly burning at the sudden brightness, "Good morning my love. Don't worry... you're not being investigated for a crime...I just wanted somewhere more private for us. A place I could share my true feelings for you. This investigation room just happened to be the only place I could find on such short notice." A voice spoke, you knew it well and you could barely believe what he was saying.
"Heizou..." Your voice sounded weak, and you silently cursed yourself for the desperation in your words. He didn't answer instead he sat down across from you, his lust filled eyes trained on you. He rested his head in one of his hands, almost like he was daydreaming as he looked at you.
You both sat in silence for a moment till he eventually spoke again, "Sorry sorry. I got caught up in my thoughts. I've been doing that so often...getting lost in thoughts of you...your sweet smile, your cute laugh...the way you get nervous in large crowds...I notice it all. I can't help it...I tried so hard to hide these feeling away...but I love you and there's no denying it. Now with you here...you will always be mine. No one. Can have you."
The anemo archons eyes were on you, his smile bright and happy as he softly hummed. You couldn't move...it was like you were under some type of trance that made your body no longer under your control...every muscle not responding as you attempted to run...to get away.
He paused, gently placing a cecilia behind your ear, "I know...it's probably uncomfortable not being able to move...but I didn't want to take the chance of you running away. It's not permanent and I hope...that I won't have to use it again. I promise...I don't want to hurt you...I just don't want anyone else around you...I want to sing and dance...to love you."
You frantically looked around the room, your eyes darting to every possible light source before finally landing on a pair of glowing red eyes. You froze, sheer terror filling your being as you stared at them...unable to look away in case they might come closer. Your body was shaking, you'd never been so afraid in your entire life and for a second you wondered if this would be your end.
The ruby eyes disappeared into the shadows and you broke from your trance, sprinting in the direction your legs decided to take you. You could barely see and your heart was racing as you tried to runaway from whatever had put you there. Suddenly you heard the pitter patter of someone chasing behind you, making you speed up, but it didn't matter as the person behind you lunged forward taking you down.
You hit the ground harshly wanting to scream but getting cut off in surprise when the person who gave chase pulled you into a tight embrace...almost lovingly? Their arms wrapped around you tightly...but not to the point it hurt...who was this? "Who...are you...?"
"...your protector."
"How...how did I fall for a filthy worm like you...I can't believe I've succumbed to such human emotions as love!" Scaramouche shouted, pulling you out of your dazed state and back into reality. You didn't actually have the chance to respond as you were harshly pulled against him his face centimeters from yours. He looked angry, his eyes full of hatred...and yet deep in them there was also love...was this...a nightmare?
"You can't...you can't ever leave me. I won't let you. I won't let anyone take you..." He's cheeks were red...wether it was because he was flustered or angry you couldn't tell...all you knew was his words...he meant them. You'd never be able to get away...
You looked at the person on top of you...your hands pinned above your head and your back flush against the floor. Usually Childe would have let you up by now, complimenting your form and then continuing to spar till you eventually gave up, wanting food. What was he doing? "Childe? You win...I've been tackled for 10 seconds...how about we get something to eat? I'll pay since you had more downs this time?"
He didn't answer...he seemed out of it, before you could ask what was up his eyes refocused themselves on you...flicking down to your lips for a split second. He leaned down studying your expression as it changed to one of panick, he spoke quietly, his voice sounding menacing, "I've won...but I think I want my prize to be something other than food. I think...I want you as my prize... comrade."
Your eyes fluttered open and you couldn't help but quietly gasp. The room you were in...it was goregous...right out of a picture, the walls were white with paintings of different places in Teyvat and small windows with white curtains that flowed softly in the gentle breeze. The furniture seemed expensive and yet still comfy...it even smelled nice.
You sat up from the couch you had been laying on, realising you had no idea where you were...how did you get here last you remembered you were chatting with the head of alchemy..., "Oh you're awake, apologies I was getting another canvas."
Your eyes shot up landing on Albedo who was a few feet away from you, standing in the archway you hadn't noticed before. You could now clearly see the easel set up there...where he had been...painting you? "Albedo...what...what is going on? Where am I?"
He set the white canvas down, walking towards you and kneeling in front of you. "You're in my home...honestly I've been wanting to bring you here for...some time. As for what's going on.." He didn't finish his sentence, his hand gently grabbing yours and intertwining your fingers with his own. "I simply want you...with me.."
The geo archon stared at you, his eyes never leaving yours as he swirled his tea with one hand. "You do have a unmatched beauty...one even the night sky would be envious of. Truthfully I normally wouldn't get involved in relationships...I wouldn't entrap someone for personal gain...but I felt I had no other choice. The envy I felt as I watched you interact with nothing but mere humans...had become to much for even me to handle. So I brought you here...to my own personal abode..."
You struggled to think of what to respond...but in the presence of a god...would anything you could have said actually have made a difference...
~Requests open!~
I hope you liked!!
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shuhwaa · 2 years
Le Sserafim Reaction | Them realizing they're falling in love with you
Le Sserafim all members x gn!reader words: ~200 per member genre: fluff, reaction warnings: none
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you've been dating for a few weeks, slowly moving past the stage where you only just get to know each other
now you're at a state where you can both feel that it's about time you decided if you wanted to give yourselves a real chance, or take the experience and move on
and somehow she just can't reach a conclusion
of course she likes you, or she wouldn't be dating you to begin with, but she just isn't sure if she's ready for the next step or if she'll make the right decision
it's when she's out with her friends and they start talking about a different couple and how in love they seem that she begins feeling like she wants that with you as well
she'd love to become closer with you, to hold your hand and to kiss you whenever she wants and to make memories with you that are special simply because you're together
it's during that train of thought that it suddenly hits her: she's already falling in love with you
stops in her tracks and blushes at the realization 
panics for a moment and even makes her friends worry, but she can somewhat calm herself down quickly
"I'm fine, guys. I just realized... I think I'm in love with Y/N..."
runs off as her friends are cheering for her, because she needs to tell you about this right now
you don't know each other to the point you're super comfortable around each other yet when it begins to dawn on her that she's falling for you
though she's been very conscious of not making you feel uncomfortable around her, she's been acting naturally so far
however, now that she has feelings for you and she wants to get closer to you she isn't sure how to act around you
she’ll try to impress you and to come across in a way that she thinks would draw you in
but things will just get kinda awkward between you two
though you will catch onto the fact that there must be a reason for her sudden change in behavior so eventually you just ask her about it
she'll try to downplay it, but in the end she'll just admit that she likes you
"I don't know how to go about this whole dating thing..."
when you try to reassure her by telling her you like her and that she should just be herself, she'll relax
she will be a lot more proactive now, and she's actually very blunt when asking you out on dates or just talking to you in general
one thing's for sure: you will always know how she feels about you and whenever you're ready, you can take your relationship to the next level comfortably
the oblivious type
says she knows herself and is perfectly in tune with her feelings 110% of the time
but somehow she just can't put her finger on why or how you make her smile so much and make her heart race etcetc...
you two are very obviously flirting, yet somehow everyone seems to understand what's going on except her jdhdhdhd
until one day it finally hits her, and she almost has an existential crisis over it...
"Wait... oh god... oh my god, am I...?" 
surely she can't be in love with someone she thought was just a friend???
she comes to accept it eventually and the next time you two meet, it'll be obvious something's weird about her
she decides she'll have to talk to you about this asap, but she'll be quick to notice that maybe the conversation won't be all that complicated, because now she's starting to see the signs that you might have a crush on her too
you two have been spending time together a lot lately
you're both aware that you're interested in each other, but you decided to take things slow and figure out your feelings as time passes
it's when you're spending a quiet moment together, just sitting side by side after both having a stressful day, that she realizes
you're like a second home to her, making her feel safe and like she can really be herself, and she figures she must've fallen in love with you sometime along the way
smiles to herself as she dwells on all the moments she's spent with you that made her come to love you
that's until you ask about the broad grin on her face, your question making her shy all of a sudden
"Ah, nothing... just thinking back." 
she tries to move on at first, but when you insist she eventually ends up telling you how she feels
talks about how you make her feel comfortable and how she always looks forward to seeing you and then eventually she'll confess:
"Actually, I think I'm falling in love with you."
you know that cliché of the teenage girl lying flat on top of her bed, thinking about a special person and then suddenly kicking her feet in the air out of happiness cause she just realized she's in love? yeah, that's her
can't stop smiling about it once she understands that she likes you in that way
you've been texting all day, just sharing trivialities when she stops to wonder why each and every one of your messages makes her smile so much
that's when she can feel herself blush as her heartbeat speeds up at just the thought of you and she knows
she really is in love with you
of course she's excited, so a part of her wants to tell you about it immediately
but you haven't been dating for long, so she doesn't want to overwhelm you with such a big revelation
decides to keep her feelings to herself for now and to spend some more time with you to see if maybe you show her signs that you’re falling in love with her too
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2-dsimp · 1 year
Hi NightFlurry again!!
Thank you so much for loving my ideas. I'm an avid reader of your blog and love making my own stories; I always check if you have anything interesting to read or any cool art.
While I was reading your genshin yandere otome game, my brain started churning, and I thought to myself, 'If there's a yandere school au, why can't there be a yandere fantasy au as well' I'm so glad you love my work, I was afraid that it wasn't good enough...ToT Anyways, I'm trying to brainstorm some backgrounds for other characters, so far I'm working on Kazuha, Wanderer, Ei, Dainself, Diluc, Kaeya, and Zongli, but feel free to ask/request for any particular character!!
Also, I love it when people comment back on my work. It makes me feel so happy when I read each comment even if it's as lengthy as 4 paragraphs! So please feel free to comment! P.S. I'd also love to hear your opinions 2-dsimp!!
Bye NightFlurry!!
And thank you for blessing me with such good food o(≧v≦)o
I just came back from a jog so my mind is racing with ideas to share and add onto to the fantasy au from my pov! Firstly I’ll just list off the few possible candidates I can see vying for the readers hand in holy or unholy matrimony depending on what ending you get!
Itto the Terrible (He’s a dragon Oni )/Childe the Abyssal knight. but I’ll probably introduce them sometime later so for now I’ll officially announce…
Tyrant Prince! Scaramouche
He’s shunned by the royals and commoners alike. The royals find him to be unfit for succession of the queens throne simply because he was adopted by the shogun and to add insult to injury he had commoners blood running through his veins or so they thought.
As for the reason why the commoners held Tyrant prince! Scaramouche in such low regards was because of his crass and cold behavior towards them. Just imagine the look of fear, embarrassment, and shock the commoners had when he looked at them like they were mere ants, an insignificant existence that wasn’t befitting of his presence nor his attention. And treated them as such.
Although To be fair, Tyrant prince!Scaramouche wasn’t always that way. In his younger days of youth he used to be sociable and warm towards his subjects. But an incident which brought his downfall into the dark abyss of turmoil. That was done by the hands of one who he thought of as a true friend. Caused his heart to grow cruel and cold towards commoners and nobles as a whole.
To make matters worse his relationship with his mother was already strained to the point where only bitterness remained lingering on his tongue whenever he spoke of her.
Not only that he wasn’t the only one the shogun adopted being the meticulous woman she is she rounded up potential orphans that would carry on her legacy. The succession battle was nothing less then pretty since everyone who was an orphan knew the terrible conditions of those who lacked power. And so every son and daughter had the intention to kill anyone getting in there way.
With those factors Tyrant prince! Scaramouche made a promise to himself to never let anyone in as he was all he had left to salvage what remains of himself. Until he met you someone who reminded him so much of himself and yet the only difference was you were strong enough to try and free yourself from what chained you down. Instead of wallowing in self pity, hatred, and helplessness.
However, with your help he knows that the both of you could take over his kingdom via rebellion and claim revenge on the ones who wronged you both. While You deal with your shameless parents who’ve tried to sell you off into marriage with a fat old rich king from afar. Just for a quick buck to prevent the decline in their poor province.
He will execute any and all loose ends so he can truly be set free as his own person. With Tyrant prince! Scaramouche by your side it’s a guarantee that the two of you will govern his country with nobody to stand in the way of y’all’s powerful reign. All you have to do is accept that your his precious tyrant queen if not well he has his ways of convincing you otherwise. As he’s not the type to keep his hands clean…
“Isn’t the scenery beautiful my queen look at what we accomplished, now that we’re in power no one will be able to defy us nor deny us of our existence. Together we’re unstoppable— My dear why’re are you shedding your precious tears? Aren’t you happy that your family is dead, you wanted them alive you say? Haha you’re joking right? Well I suppose you’re not, I offer my utmost condolences my love but they were the ones who almost prevented us from being together. For that I couldn’t just exile them…No, for such a grave sin it ‘twas only natural that death was the only option available for them to truly repent for what they’ve done.
I might post doodles of him sometime later XD
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moonlightkitkat · 1 year
Behold! I suddenly got intense spoons for creating a Genshin x Pixie Hollow AU.
This is the main listing of talents I have for the characters. They’re based on the pixie hollow books, so there are a lot more talents then in the movies! In the books there are a lot of subsections and specialized talents as well, so many characters will dance around a bit with their talents! Some of them also will have one talent, but join another field to help out! If anyone has any ideas on where some characters could be moved around to better suite their talents, please let me know in the comments or tags!
To keep my posts tagged for this AU, they’ll be under #PixieImpact!
Razor-Razor is a young fairy, but he is most interested in the most dangerous of animals. He doesn’t spend much time around the other fairies, preferring to spend time with the big scary creatures instead.
Gorou-Gorou trains animals, specifically to carry out tasks! He helps train them to get used to fairies riding them, and to learn steering controls! He helps make sure each scout has their own perfect match.
Itto-Itto specializes in bugs. He knows every kind of bug, their favorite food, their names, and their skills. He likes racing them and pushing them to be the best bugs they can be.
Xinyan-Xinyan specializes in instruments! She is the musician behind most of the play’s and story’s put on in the theatre!
Yun Jin- Yun Jin is a songstress and story teller. She weaves the most elaborate stories, and has a voice that soothes your heart.
Kazuha- Kazuha is a poet, and is a fan of wind instruments. He helps a lot backstage, preferring not to be the one on the main stage.
Fyschl-Fyschl’s stories are… interesting. They’re captivating and full of drama, though she doesn’t break character after leaving the stage. All of the plays she puts on are of her own character and her adventures(usually a dramatized version of the daily events). People often see her shows to get caught up on daily events. It takes lots of discussion to reveal the true story beneath her fabrication though.
Nilou-Nilou is an elegant dancer. She performs at most events. She’s a water talent fairy, and she combines her talent with her love for dance. She helps with special effects backstage as well.
Xiangling-Xiangling is the head baker of Pixie Hollow. She loves experimenting with strange ingredients, but she never understands why no one eats it… however, her talents do aid her with creating the most mouthwatering dishes you could imagine!
Diona-Diona specializes in drinks! In Pixie hollow there is no alcohol, only sugar highs! She enjoys creating fun drinks for everyone to enjoy! She’s a newly born fairie, and is very beloved in the community. She has a sharp tongue though.
Dust keeping-
Zhongli-Zhongli is one of the eldest fairies, almost old enough to remember the birth of the pixie dust tree. He has long since retired, now enjoying life in pixie hollow. He does however lend a helping hand whenever they need one, which is often. He may be old, but he hasn’t lost his energy.
Albedo- Albedo is Zhongli’s successor. He teaches new dust keepers of their duties, as well as holding classes for the properties of dust.
Sucrose-Sucrose enjoys using dust to create new effects, the Zarina of this AU. However, she wasn’t banished due to her creations and discoveries. In Pixie hollow, it’s welcomed to try new things, and the discovery of the properties of dust was shocking and incredible! She works under Albedo, who oversees her studies.
AlHaithem- AlHaithem delivers all of the reports of the pixie dust tree to the scribes. He’s basically considered a scribe due to how much time he spends in the libraries studying. He knows just about everything in pixie hollow. He also helps deliver the daily dosage of pixie dust to the fairies in pixie hollow.
Fast flying-
Venti- an elder fairy, though you’d never guess it with how much energy he has. Venti is the fastest fairy in pixie hollow, yet also the laziest. He prefers to spend time with his friends, enjoying the pleasures of pixie hollow. He also enjoys Diona’s sweet and sugary drinks! He loves his sugar highs.
Wanderer-a troublemaker in pixie hollow. He enjoys causing mischief, though you’ll never catch him doing so. He doesn’t shirk his duties, but he grows bored of them. Despite his youthful appearance, he’s an older fairy. He’s incredibly fast, creating strong winds.
Sayu- a sleepy fairy. She’s fast, but she tires easily from her speed.
Yelan-Yelan works with the scouts often, using her speed to help get to places quickly to offer aid and assistance.
Nahida-a retired garden fairy. She offers help when needed, but she enjoys working in the scribes office more. She’s the oldest garden talent, but she isn’t an elder fairy like Ei or Venti or Zhongli.
Collei-Collei is a newer fairy, with lots of allergies. She has to be careful with what plants she works with, though she’s allergic to most of them. She spends most of her time in the hospital helping mix medicines for the healing talent fairies.
Tighnari-Tighnari is the leader of the garden talent fairies, chosen specifically by Nahida. He is an incredibly knowledgeable fairy, teaching others about the dangerous plants to look out for. He takes notes and studies new plants that arrive on neverland, and helps clear out/make maps of areas to avoid that are full of dangerous plants.
Diluc-Diluc is a gardening talent that specifics in produce. His fruits and veggies are the sweetest in pixie hollow, which are used to create the best tasting foods and drinks for events. His garden is kept secret to keep thieving and hungry fairies out.
Baizhu- Baizhu is one of the lead healers in pixie hollow. He knows almost every ailment and every remedy! He’s a kind doctor who treats his patient with care.
Qiqi- A young fairy. She’s a service talent fairy who is quite attached to Baizhu. She was born with memory problems, but she has a knack for remembering what ingredients heal what ailment, and has most medicine formulas memorized. She might need a reminder here and there, but where her mind forgets, her muscles remember. Just don’t go reorganizing the office.
Barbara-Barbara is a water talent fairy who helps out in the hospital ward. She felt a calling to help those in pain, and learned that her waters have a soothing affects on aches and bruises. For minor pains, she often treats them, or she’ll assist in helping nullify pain if there’s a long wait to see one of the main doctors.
Candice- Candice helps Baizhu run the hospital. She’s kind motherly fairy who treats everyone with love and care. Unlike Baizhu, who’s passive aggressive with his scolding, she will scold her patients outright if they got hurt doing something foolish.
Klee-Klee is a newly born fairy who adores bright shiny things. She adores fireworks, and often has trouble with making her light less intense. Fires often follow Klee. She prefers walking and hopping around to flying most of the time. She hasn’t quite gotten the hang of her wings yet.
Yoimiya-Yoimiya creates her own fireworks! She works with tinker fairies to perfect them, and creates fireworks for events! Her presence feels like a sunny day, and her rainbows are the brightest.
Ningguang-is in charge of the scribe library. She knows every scroll and almost everything in pixie hollow. Her knowledge rivals Zhongli’s himself! Any event idea or plan change must be brought to her attention. She’s a very busy fairy.
Yanfei-Yanfei is basically a lawyer. She writes down any and all disagreements and deals, and makes sure fairies do good on their promises. Thanks to her, there’s order in Pixie hollow.
Xingqui- He makes copies of stories. He knows almost every story, and will get sidetracked reading new ones. He enjoys watching new plays, and as he watches, his hand is working faster than a hummingbirds wings to write down the entirety of the play in perfect handwriting. He gets a copy of the scripts as well, but Fyschls performances tend to have a lot of improv.
Shinobu- she takes note of most petty and silly accidents and disagreements. She mainly writes down lots of complaints and anything that causes production of any kind to slow down.
Hu Tao- Hu Tao keeps track of the newly born Fairies, as well as those who died due to disbelief. She’s the only one able to handle the morbid task without her light dying out.
Jean- Jean is incharge of creating patrols. She turns in patrol logs to the scribes, and is the leader of the scouts. Kind and responsible, no one doubts her position or abilities, though Jean feels she’s far too young to have the role.
Bennett- Bennett is on strict ground patrol. HES not allowed near tumbleweeds. Or thistles. Or water. Or fire. Pretty much anything really. However, he has an incredible eye, and a very loud voice. One can hear his voice from the bottom of the pixie dust tree if he were at the top. He’s on hawk duty, as his loud voice will quickly alert fairies in the nearby area of the danger.
Amber-a Cheerful scout. Her bright and Sunny personality is what made Jean place her as a scout within the more populated area. Seeing Amber places people’s minds at ease. Even if she seems distracted, she’s always alert. It’s like she has eyes in the back of her head.
Cyno- if you need to track down someone, Cyno is who you go to. He’s an incredible tracker, and a strong scout.
Eula-patrols along the borders of pixie hollow. She’s strong, and likes to work alone. Well, most of the time anyways.
Rosaria-Rosaria often skirts patrols. She’ll do a quick fly around, but often enjoys pursuing her own tasks. She’s a skeptical and guarded fairy.
Sara- Sara acts as a bodyguard. When a fairy needs to go on a dangerous mission, or needs to travel outside of pixie hollow, Sara is one of the fairies who might travel with them to ensure their safety.
Shenhe- A strong scout. She can practically smell trouble, often wandering away from patrols when something catches her attention, leading her to be right where she needs to be.
Xiao- one of the stronger scouts, and one of the elder fairies. He helps fight off/lead away predators. He’s gotten into tousles with Hawks and survived.
Heizou- a great tracker. Heizou can track a theif with ease. He has a sharp eye.
Thoma- Thoma is one of the top service talent fairies. He works with most of the leaders of the talents.
Noelle- works within the pixie hollow tree. She helps out with housework, but longs to join the scouts. She is the best at what she does.
Yao Yao- Yao Yao enjoys wandering around pixie hollow, carrying a bag full of supplies. Somehow she always has what’s needed, even if she doesn’t remember packing it, she knows it’s in her bag!
Mika- For a service talent, Mika works best as a mail deliverer! He’s quick and somehow always knows where the mail needs to go.
Keqing- she works with Ningguang, helping take note from less important tasks. She is one of Ningguang’s most trusted.
Star counting-
Mona- Mona uses star counting to read the future. She looks to spot danger in the future so they can best prepare for it ahead of time.
Layla- Layla uses Star counting to understand the world around her, rather than fortune telling. Though she is fascinated by Mona’s abilities.
Ei- Ei is the leader of the storm talent fairies. She can create the most powerful of storms, but she prefers not to use her powers, for risk of harming neverland.
Lisa- Like Miko, she isn’t one to abuse her abilities. Despite being a storm talent fairy, she prefers to work with the scribes, helping keep the ever growing list of books and scrolls organized and tidy. She’s become the librarian of the library, knowing every scroll that comes in, where it goes, and who checked it out last.
Beidou- for a storm talent, Beidou is better at breaking up storms then making them. She can face a hurricane and turn it into a gentle wind, a thunderstorm into a light drizzle, and a heat wave into a nice sunny day.
Miko- Miko is one of the elder fairies, and rarely uses her abilities. She mostly enjoys the finer things in pixie hollow, such as reading and writing, and enjoying the plays that go on. She’s a lover of art, and is one who knows everything that goes on in pixie hollow.
Kaveh-Kaveh is a tinker who enjoys painting and architecture. He enjoys coming up with new building ideas to help out other talent fairies, and has lots of out there ideas. He enjoys using pixie dust on his models to see how it would hold up, which makes certain pixie dust keepers frustrated with. He often forgets to get himself his daily dose of pixie dust despite gathering so much extra for his tinkerings, leading him to walk on foot to the pixie dust tree.
Faruzan- enjoys making gizmos, and is especially good at puzzles! She’s not really an old fairy, but she likes to pretend she is.
Ayato- works alongside Kokomi as one of the leaders for the water talent fairies. He helps new fairies find the duties they best suite, and will hand out duties daily as the seasons change.
Kokomi- one of the strongest members of the water talents! She is known for her graceful use of her talents, which get things done efficiently and beautifully. Be warned though, don’t make her cross.
Tartaglia- a competitive water talent. He does his job quickly and efficiently, so he can hurry up and join games and competitions!
Kaeya- Helps scout in winter! He rides a squirrel, which he playfully calls his seeing eye squirrel. He’s specifically a glacier talent, which can freeze any water except for salt water, as that disrupts the laws of nature!
Ayaka- she’s a frost talent who enjoys theatre and dance! She helps put on performances and helps with special affects!
Ganyu- Ganyu is a frost talent, and one of the older fairies. She is quite shy, and keeps to herself in the forest, enjoying the company of animals. One might think her to be an animal talent if not for her frost powers.
Chongyun- Chongyun is a glacier talent, who spends a lot of time patrolling the area. He helps out Kaeya with scouting.
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m1d-45 · 2 years
hello, I'm sorry I haven't been sending as much asks. I too feel like I fried my brain a little on sunday and if I don't have like new things to comment/write ask about then I don't rlly ask?
idk I want to bring new things into the table so if I don't have any I tend to stay quiet.
midas my love/p your most recent post? chefs kiss. I'm in love by how well you portray each character, especially wanderer since he's one of my favs (lvl 90 and widthsith r5/hes my baby)(xiao and kazuha too, anemo men my beloved)
I'm interested in this Diluc fic you have upcoming, I might wait a bit when it's published until I feel like I can handle the angst. my school has been kicking my ass
teddy darling/p I would love cheesecake, I haven't rlly tried it before but I'm sure yours will be great. also how do you not get scared by analog horror I'm in shock, I have to agree that what midas wrote on alternate! Xiao and zhongli made my palms sweaty and heart race, you both truly have a way with words
I am going to continue studying for precalc rn, but I have some ideas for little writings/art that I might send in later. I'm considering making a blog but idk if I'm comfortable with it.
- 🍄 (why does this feel like I'm in another land sending a letter to my spouses, I hope you have a great day teddy and midas)
[gazing wistfully out the window] when will mushroom return from the war…
off the bat don’t feel obligated to send asks, we’re just guys being pals and it’s ok if you’re silent for a while
second thank you, from one wanderer enjoyer to another (mines at 80/80 bc i need anemo rocks :( ) i’m glad you found his voicelines enjoyable. he speaks very particularly so i was worried i’d get it wrong-
(can’t believe i forgot but anemo men my beloved as well, i’ve been meaning to do lines for xiao)
good luck with your precal, i’ve never done it but shit looks hard. hope you make it out alive /hj
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momijiba · 1 year
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( @erabundus ) a  faint  scent  wafts  from  the  envelope  whenever  kazuha  chooses  to  open  it.  it  smells  of  rain,  of  nature,  of  delicate  flowers  unfurling  their  petals  to  greet  the  spring.  contained  within  is  a  letter  written  on  crisp,  high  quality  parchment.  the  text  etched  across  its  surface  is  neat,  each  stroke  drawn  with  undue  care  —  as  though  by  a  painter's  steady  hand.
it  reads  as  follows.
i  spent  some  time  watching  the  sunrise  this  morning.  i'm  not  sure  if  you've  noticed,  but  there  are  a  pair  of  birds  nesting  outside  our  window.  you  may  find  it  strange  coming  from  me,  but  i  believe  there's  pleasure  to  be  found  in  these  simple,  uncomplicated  experiences.  i  have  a  feeling  you  would  be  inclined  to  agree.  i  don't  know  where  you've  gone  and  wandered  off  to,  otherwise  i  would  offer  you  to  join  me ...  but  if  there's  time,  perhaps  i'll  cook  something  when  you  return.  we  could  share  a  meal  before  your  departure.  although,  i  suppose  you  would  know  more  about  my  future  than  i  do ...  i'll  admit,  that's  a  bit  strange  to  think  about.
i  spend  a  lot  of  time  thinking  about  the  future.  there  was  a  time  when  i  envisioned  it  in  such  uncomplicated  terms.  either  i  would  get  everything  i  wanted,  and  the  fractured  pieces  of  my  existence  would  fall  perfectly  into  place …  or  i  guess  i'd  just  die  trying.  i  realize  now  that  wasn't  planning  a  future  so  much  as  it  was  trying  to  cope  with  my  own  inability  to.  it's  only  recently  that  i've  started  to  truly  ponder  what  it  means  in  earnest.  for  someone  like  me,  that  word  can  easily  become  daunting.  i've  lived  for  nearly  five  hundred  years,  and  while  i'm  certain  that  number  must  sound  staggeringly  large  from  your  perspective …  in  the  grand  scheme  of  everything,  it's  barely  any  length  of  time  at  all.  to  imagine  my  lifespan  will  drag  on  incomprehensibly  longer  than  that,  knowing  how  much  i  have  already  experienced  in  this  brief  existence …  is  terrifying.
but  it's  strange.  ever  since  meeting  you,  i've  started  to  take  a  different  approach.  i  know  you  like  to  talk  about  living  in  the  present ...  yet  perhaps  the  future  isn't  such  a  terrible  thing  to  think  about  after  all.
i  don't  have  any  grandiose  desires  about  where  i  want  to  take  my  life  now.  for  better  or  worse,  i've  largely  lived  allowing  others  to  determine  my  path  for  me.  however ...  i  think  if  i  could  be  selfish  and  make  just  one  request  for  the  years  ahead,  it  would  be  to  have  you  by  my  side  every  step  of  the  way.
take  care.  eat  well  and  get  plenty  of  rest.  also,  try  not  to  spend  the  entire  trip  moping,  would  you?  i'll  be  here  when  you  return,  so  enjoy  yourself.  
i  love  you.
— ren.
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it has been 3 weeks and kazuha start to get… homesick. or as beidou would say rensick. he tried to not open the letter for as long as possible as he was curious to read it but also wanted to save it for a time when he would truly need to read/hear ren's words.
carefully reading the letter and tracing the words with his fingertips, as if he could connect with ren in that way. the last part. i love you. kazuha didn't know why or how but tears started to form and roll down his burning cheeks.
he couldn't remember if ren ever said those three words to him. but reading them over and over again made his heart race at such a high speed that it feels like it would explode. an explosion of love. ❛ i love you too ❜ he whispered while pressing the letter close to him.
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kazewhara · 3 years
college au kazuha who...
...is a creative writing major bc i make the rules around here. (also bc i'm a creative writing major <3)
...wears glasses to read!
...gets so invested in the books he reads that he won't pay attention to his glasses slipping off his face
...has a focus in poetry, so rather than spend his time writing books, he dedicates most of his time studying the history of poets, playwrights, and bards alike; that sort of thing
...is a huge shakespeare nerd. he will quote shakespeare off the top of his head, and no, you cannot stop him
...has a little library in his apartment! so many bookshelves filled with texts from all walks of life -- new ones, old ones, hand-me-downs, etc.
...wears cardigans that are always just a little too big? not to the point where you can't see his hands, but the sleeves end roughly at the center of his palms
...embodies the light academia aesthetic. iykyk.
...cannot stand bitter coffee. he'll default to tea most of the time, but if coffee is the only option, it has to be 90% sugar... the madman.
...has a habit of peering up at you over the rim of his glasses and smiling before returning his focus on whatever he's doing.
...can and will entertain any literary discussion that comes up. he may be poetry-centered, but kazuha is very well-versed in just about everything literature related. a true liberal arts major, this one is.
...will fall asleep reading books with his cheek in his palm, and will adamantly deny that he's falling asleep when you catch him.
...cannot do math to save his life. well, he can, and he's really good at it, but he hates it.
"you're going to hurt your eyes if you keep wearing my glasses like that, angel." kazuha chuckles when you make a face as you hover his glasses over your eyes. "they're really not all that fascinating, i can assure you."
you slip his glasses on your face and blink rapidly, stunned by how strong the prescription is. "jesus christ, you didn't tell me you were blind!" you exclaim. you feel around for kazuha to make sure you're not too far away from him. it's incredibly dramatic on your part; you two are sitting right next to each other. "this is 'cause you read those tiny letters all the time, isn't it?"
kazuha rolls his eyes fondly. "sure, something like that. now, may i have them back? i have to finish my assignment."
you shake your head. "wait, wait, i wanna see what you see for a while." your boyfriend sighs and plucks his glasses off your face, huffing a laugh when you whine. "you're no fun."
kazuha slips his glasses on and looks you over a few times before hooking a finger under your chin and kissing you lovingly, silencing your complaints. you're shocked, but you soften anyways.
"not that i'm complaining," you murmur when he pulls away, "but what was that for?"
rather than answer you, kazuha kisses you again, swallowing the little noises of surprise you make whenever he tugs at your bottom lip. he pulls away after a while and gives you another once over with a small, yet incredibly smug, smile.
"if only you could see what i see." his words are cryptic and offer no explanation. he doesn't even answer your question from earlier. kazuha ignores your demand for an answer and chuckles when you reluctantly get back to work.
every so often, he'll look up to find you already gazing at him, and he'll never get over the way his heart skips when you avert your eyes when you realize you've been caught.
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monicahar · 2 years
“Can you kiss me?”
asking them for a smooch — (1/2) for the collaboration of sweet 'n' spice by @bluexiao and @anantaru!
characters; xiao, kazuha, heizou, scaramouche
; gn! reader, fluff, established relationship, not proofread like always
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XIAO remains silent for a few moments, processing your random question as his cheeks slowly grow warm. An unamused expression is present on his face, crossing his arms as his composure falters by each second you intensely stare at his lips. “What are you on about this time?” he'd ask warily, frowning as he struggles to fight the blush forming on his face. Hearing you snicker in response makes him turn his head away, shutting his eyes as he huffs, “You mortals and your weird tendencies.” his hand stretches out as he speaks, opening his eyes once more as he stares at you from his peripheral. He beckons you forward as to heed your request—to which you happily oblige, ignoring his hand as you reach out to hold his cheeks in your palms, pressing your lips on to his as he quietly yelps in surprise. Relaxing into the kiss, he slowly dawns on the realization you have him completely wrapped around your finger, complying to your 'ridiculous mortal request's. Hah. Not like he'd complain.
KAZUHA tilts his head, staring back at you as he lowers down his leaf flute to focus all his attention on you, a grin forming on his lips. “It isn't necessary for you to ask permission, love.” he reassures, grabbing one of your hands before gently tugging you closer, his other hand coming into contact with your reddening cheek. A slight chuckle escapes him when he senses your breath hitch, your expression going frantic at the soft proximity he established. He playfully pokes your nose with his thumb, as if telling you to calm down while he gazes into your eyes with his own loving crimson hues. “All of me is yours to take—and that includes my lips, dear.” Kazuha is too much for you to handle—he really doesn't spare a single bit of mercy when it comes to making your heart race. Shutting your eyes as he leans in, you could feel him slightly smirk into the kiss, unable to help himself at your shy reaction on contrary to your bold question earlier. He had you on a chokehold, and he knows it very well, much to your dismay.
HEIZOU isn't one bit surprised, already having deduced your want for his lips a while back when you kept staring at them. “Well, yes, I can. Why so?” Knowing him, he can't help but tease you, fishing for a small reaction from you. And, of course, like how he expected—you do pout, slightly hitting his arm in the process. But he catches your fist with a teasing grin, maneuvering his wrist to wrap his hand around yours, pulling you closer to him as he tuts at you, “Hey, hey. That's not what you're supposed to do when asking for a kiss, rightttt?” Amidst all this, you can't help but think, 'what an asshole'. But you really want that kiss, so you swallow up the thought and begrudgingly comply with him. “Please kiss me, Shikanoin Heizou.” He doesn't give you any time to breathe when he suddenly attacks your lips with his own, a hand pushing on the back of your head as his other one tightens around your wrist. Even though his kisses are worth it, your pride was definitely trampled on by this cheeky man. You'll get him back for this!
SCARAMOUCHE doesn't budge as he continues to read some reports on his desk whilst clicking his pen in thought, almost making you doubt he heard the question in the first place. You were about to dismiss it entirely until he speaks up—“Was that why you've been ogling me for the past hour?” the audacity he has to accuse you of committing lecherous actions—! Immediately turning towards him, you raise your hands in defense, his face visibly amused as you stammer your words in response. While you're panicking for an excuse of staring, he sighs as he puts down the papers he held—patting his lap as he leans back on his chair. “Come.” You absolutely how one word immediately has you on his beck and call. Indigo eyes dig onto your bashful expression as he caresses your hips, a devilish grin on his features as he watches avert your eyes. “You're awfully reluctant. Are you sure you want a kiss?” you gulp at his taunting question, meeting his eyes with your own as you reply that you don't have to. He merely huffs in response, tugging you closer by your waist as he brushes his lips against yours—“It's fine. I've been meaning to take a break anyway.”
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kzuha · 3 years
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GENRE: FLUFF ♪(´ε` )
A/N: haha kazuha ur so pretty come kiss me haha…
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they’re such a big comfort for him stop :((
it’s makes him feel so warm and loved?? it always, 100% of the time, makes his day better, especially if he was on another yet unsuccessful treasure hunt (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
it doesn’t matter what you call him, he will get all smiley and giddy and sneak a tiny kiss 😾
…his favourite, tho? when you called him “my sweet boy” once- he ascended to celestia!!
no bc he’s also so proud of it, he’ll meet up with barbara and he’s like “guess what y/n called me today?!?!?!?!” (*^◯^*)
pet names are a commitment with him, so beware
you call him pretty boy or baby once (1) and he demands it every single time without fail
it’s flat out embarrassing to go out in public with him because he just won’t react to anything but pet names so you’ll have to be like “baby, please…” while the waiter is just standing there, waiting (´ー`)。。。
oh and don’t you dare stop calling him baby when you fight (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ he will cry (maybe not, but you’re getting the silent treatment for sure)
“childe.” “…” “…childe?” “…” “right, sorry. tartaglia?” “…” “…ajax?” “…”
you’re gonna be the death of him- ψ(`∇´)ψ
it makes him so happy but he’s so bad at showing it…he also just gets embarrassed very quickly 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
you like to catch him off guard with it, and he almost always, without fail, pauses for a second only to then fumble his way through whatever he was saying, trying not to pay too much attention to what you said-
like he’s trying so hard to pretend like he’s okay, like it’s not big deal :(( he’s adorable
but!! his mind is replaying it over and over and his heart is racing (*≧∀≦*)
sometimes when it’s just you two he’ll be like, “can you…say the thing…” “…what thing?” “the…the name thing…” because he sometimes just needs to hear it :(
absolutely no restraint to be found in this man
he’s already so in love with you that he’ll drop about anything in a heartbeat but when you call him a pet name to get his attention?! \(//∇//)\
oh ho ho! what a great way to turn oh so tough general gorou into putty in your hands right in front of all of his troops- ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
they’re having a really serious talk and you’re just like, “gorou, sweetheart, i-“ “yes, my darling?” and whoopdeedoo!! he is now distracted and all yours ( ´∀`) well, until someone reminds him why he called a meeting in the first place-
everyone is just standing there like (`・ω・´)⁇ while he’s just staring at you with hearts in his eyes-
listen. LISTEN!! he loves it SO MUCH-
he prefers it over his own name and a day without you calling him “baby” or “pretty boy” or one of the many other sweet names that make his heart race is not a good day Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
beidou poked fun at him for the way he just gets so soft and heart-eyed for you and he gave beidou a “i will not be embarrassed for being in love” speech (she called him a weirdo but left him alone afterwards o(`ω´ )o)
kazuha enjoys those cute pet names so much that he thinks a lot about some adorable names he can call you :(( <3
sometimes he can’t think of anything so he’ll come up with a poem for you that essentially drips with pure love and adoration (๑>◡<๑)
you better stop or he will propose and yes that’s a threat- Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
he thrives off of pet names, it just motivates him and gets him all happy (;ω;)
the first time you let “baby” slip, he very proudly told ayaka about it, “miss, they called me ‘baby’ today, can you believe that?!” “thoma, the hot pot-“
your pet names for him are very important to him and he takes them very seriously!! he loves them >:(…now, his pet names for you on the other hand…(*´Д`*)
he’s such a goof, he’ll try his best to think of new pet names he can call you :’) you’ll meet him after a long day of work and he’ll be like, “ah, my sugarplummie-honeypie!! how was work, my little crabcake?” lmao you hate him <33
music to his ears, he could listen to you calling him sweet names forever ♪(´ε` )
he’s so annoying!! ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ he’ll always be like “what was that?” “could you say that again?” “who?” “i don’t think i heard you-“
and then when you stop because he’s annoying he’s giggling and nuzzling up to you all cute like “aw i’m sorry!! it’s so cute, please say it one more time? just once more, i promise?”
no but he genuinely loves them :( it makes his heart soar and whenever one of those sugary sweet names falls from your lips he just wants to grab you face and cover it in kisses ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
but at the same time he’s annoying so sometimes he’ll follow you around with his lyre making up a song about the different pet names you call him </3
him flustering you? his absolute favourite pastime, but how dare you do the same to him by calling him all sorts of cutesy names!!😾
it makes his knees weak and he’s so baffled because usually he’s the one murmuring sweet poems into your ear and making you all warm and flustered-
and you somehow manage to do the same to him with just the words “my baby” or “my pretty boy”?! and he likes it?! \٩(๑`^´๑)۶//
so every time he catches himself go all mushy and bashful from your cute pet names he just starts teasing you all the more in an attempt to make you the flustered one-
he’s a menace <3
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TAGLIST: @whygz @blissmal
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Genshin Men react to Their Thirsty fanart?😊
Ooooooo oh my gosh I love this!!! I hope you liked the characters I picked! If you'd like to see others just let me know! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Reacting to their thirsty fanarts~༺}
A/n: Slightly suggestive! A lot of characters this time because I went alittle crazy! (None of the artwork in this is mine! If you look in the reblogs the artists names are there! All credit goes to them and thank you again to that person who sourced them for me!)
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha, Childe and Neuvillette!)
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Diluc would clear his throat, inspecting the picture while his cheeks became tinted with a light pink colour, his hand running through his firey red hair as he tried to think of what to say, settling with a safer answer. "Well...this is certainly a very amazing piece of artwork. It does however seem a bit...suggestive...flattering yes, but not very true to life. I've personally never held my claymore in that way or sat in that particular.. position. Still, I thank you respectfully for taking your time to draw me...even if it might have given others a bit to much...inspiration."
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Lyney would take one look at the picture, a smirk playing on his lips as his violet eyes clouded over with mischief and flattery, possibly even a tad bit of lust, "Seems I've caught the attention of some incredible artists, their work is truly magnifique! Hmm..., because they've drawn me so beautifully and one of the main things a magician is supposed to do is please his watchers, I'll do a little comparison between the art and myself...so you can all see it for real~" He'd tip his hat before starting to recreate the pose, arching his back slightly and winking in your direction, his finger up against his mouth as he shushed you, his other hand holding the ace of hearts just right so you could see it. Seems he enjoys the attention the fanarts give him, even to the point of hoping everyone will creat more~
(...is he wearing bottoms in this picture? Cause like I'm not gonna lie...I'm not really sure...)
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"Goodness..." Albedo would stare at the artwork of himself for a moment, trying to collect his words as even his pale skin turned cherry red. His voice would be shaky because of his flustered state and he'd mess up words whenever he glanced at the picture, but eventually he'd manage to say this,"I don't really know where t-to begin, I mean the art itself is impeccable, v-very stylised...and ehem...the artist clearly...k-knows their anatomy. I-...thank you for drawing me." He'd look away, his heart racing in his chest and his mind plagued with new thoughts like...would he actually look good in that situation...would people want to see it...should he...try it?
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Wanderer would look at the picture, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth hanging open for a second, "W-what the hell is this?!? Why am I w-wet in it??? Perverts!" He'd clench his hands into fists, putting on quite the show as he tossed the drawing behind him and stomped away like he's just been highly offended...even though deep down, he found it slightly...appealing. To think someone actually had the nerve to draw him so scandalously...perhaps he'd have to find the artists who had done so, just to show them how wrong of a choice they'd made~
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"Oh my..." Kazuha would say, a blush spreading across his face and his calm personality faltering for just a second, before he quickly recomposed himself, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he chose the best words to say, "The art is very beautiful, I must say they've flattered me alot though...I don't truthfully look like that...not nearly as handsome. As for the marks...on the n-neck, I don't currently have any..." He'd probably mean that last sentence as a means to say he wasn't currently in a relationship, but to anyone who had heard it...they took it as a invitation to give him some~
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Childe would smile happily, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed and his chest slightly puffed up with pride, "Comrades please, you all make me blush, the art is wonderful and in no small part because I'm in it...,but I assure you the real thing is better. I win, even in regards to myself.." He'd wink at you, leaving you captivated by his charm even though what he had said sounded silly.
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Neuvillette would look at the art for awhile, his purple hued eyes widening as he scanned it into his memory and rested his chin in his hand, his long white hair drapping over his shoulders as he wondered if someone had caught him changing, since how could they make something so accurate otherwise... "Apologies, but where did you get this again? The drawing itself is indeed very beautiful and well crafted, I believe the artist who made this should be very proud...I'm just curious how they know what I look like shirtless...and who else might know as well."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚I hope you enjoyed*⁠.⁠✧
(Open!) Taglist: @kiokiee
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buoyant-breeze · 3 years
i see that your bio says requests are open, but if there’s been a mistake and they’re not then feel free to decline this! it may be a little suggestive if you squint but i was thinking: how would xiao, thoma, and albedo react to you giving them a hickey? neck kisses are top tier so i always love headcanons like these, hehe! have a nice day
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part two (scaramouche, kazuha)
authors note ⊱ requests are still definitely open!!! anyway u raise interesting thoughts............................................ sips my im-a-simp juice im not saying neck kisses / hickeys are my shit.......... BUT THEY’RE MY SHIT,,,
also maybe this shouldve been wholesome but why do that when u can write sin
(btw if anyone wants other characters for this feel free to send a request c: )
characters ⊱ xiao, thoma, albedo
warnings ⊱ completely safe! enjoy!
rating ⊱ not sfw, if ur a minor pls dni or ignore,,, im not responsible for ur actions
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he definitely enjoys it, especially when your mouth catches right underneath his jaw, where he really likes it
the throat is a very vulnerable place, and that already makes it pretty intense, but couple that with the fact xiao requires a lot of trust and love to be able to let someone this close makes it a thousand times more overwhelming
he flushes up and becomes a shuddering, grinding mess, grunting through his teeth, trying to choke down the whines into something that sounded less pathetic, but they end up slipping out anyway
he might act like he’s had enough or that he wants you to get on with it, “are you done yet?” but if you actually did stop, he would greedily insist you keep going, because he loves it (even if he wouldn’t directly admit it)
enjoys the feeling of being marked, but doesn’t quite get it beyond that
he also doesn’t get embarrassed by it at all, he just gets annoyed if random people point it out; whatever he does in private is no one else’s business but his, and he thinks they should just ignore it (unless it’s someone he knows like zhongli or hu tao. then he’s extremely embarrassed, gritting a snarky response through his teeth)
still, he probably insists you give him more
when they fade away, he’s desperate to make sure you give him new ones; there’s something oddly gratifying about it that he doesn’t want to take the time to personally examine, he just wants it, wants you
however, he wants to return the favor as well; when you’re not ravaging his neck, he’s ravaging yours
loves it, it’s actually his favorite place to be kissed
it doesn’t matter if you just ghost your mouth across his skin, even the slightest touch will have his heart racing, his breath leaving him in short, shallow gasps—he’s sensitive
melts when you suck, lick, bite, any and all of it
either way, he’s immediately melting and whimpering, practically crumbling into your arms, tilting his head to the side to invite more and more and more of your attention
being marked there is definitely very much welcomed
doesn’t care too much if people see it, but he wears high-collared jackets pretty normally anyway; i also see him as a frequent enjoyer of turtlenecks
even if someone points it out, he isn’t really embarrassed because they see it, but rather because it reminds him of how he recieved it (he brushes his fingers over the mark, cheeks warming; he shivers at his own touch, but it can’t quite mimic the way you made him feel)
loves, loves those open mouthed, sort of wet kisses you leave across a neck, it drives him a little crazy (especially where the star is on his throat)
gets heated and heavy-lidded very fast; he might try to ride your thigh if this keeps up
ironically, this is also his favorite place to be kissed
loves being kissed there, but he prefers it to be very gentle; he likes it to be slow, sensual kisses, the kind that make him sigh, eyes fluttering closed, with his head naturally falling back to invite more of your touch
the problem is actually getting marked
he doesn’t mind it, normally, but as someone with a reputation to keep, it can be a struggle to keep hidden
especially since his throat is pretty exposed most of the time, anyway
so he’ll probably tell you to not leave any bruises, but the rest of his body is more than welcome to you
even when he doesn’t have to worry about someone seeing him with the marks, he has a hard time fully enjoying it given he will just always have this habitual anxiety about his reputation
but if you know just how to make those soft, fleeting marks that fade not too long after, you are more than welcome to lather him with it
loves being kissed there, but besides the reputation conflict, he’s pretty neutral to markings
if you like it, then he’ll like it
but if anyone points it out, like ayaka, he’s going to be more than embarrassed, he’s going to be a stammering mess
would prefer to just be kissed or nipped on his throat instead of marked
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deffonotsimping · 3 years
hello hihi!! i think im asking inthe right place but i just wanna request some kazuha , venti and aether fluff headcanons if thats okay??😋 i rarely see aether works,,
hello! If you meant for this to be in the playable character AU, then feel free to request again and I'll get to it as soon as I can! However, these are just some normal fluffy headcanons! :)
characters: Kazuha + Venti + Aether
-> Masterlist
content!! spoilers for the archon quest, gn reader, fluff, the reader is sleep deprived and the characters notice, bad rhymes (Venti)
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Not having a home himself has caused him a few restless nights in the past so he notices the signs that you haven't been sleeping well immediately.
Please, the darkness under your eyes are good enough proof anyway, did you really think he wouldn't notice?
His eyes are sharp as he stops whatever poem he was reciting to instead observe you carefully. You, being way too tired to care for anything, of course don't notice that.
It doesn't take long until he's besides you, grabbing your hand to pull you away from wherever you two were to instead go to a more private place.
"Rest up, dove, the winds whispered to me that you haven't been sleeping well, have you? Well, worry not, I'll take care and protect you."
This man. 🙏
He sits down with you and lets you sleep while leaning against him, maybe he'll even caress your hair, who knows?
"May the Anemo Archon protect you.", you mumble incoherently to whoever just passed you in Mondstadt. Honestly, you didn't pay any attention, you were tired and wanted to go home.
So many commissions really were getting to you after a while, you know?
Anyway, you soon got stopped by an arm that got slung around your shoulders as you were pulled towards someone. You already wanted to protest, not knowing who it was.
Until you heard a familiar voice, that is!
"Ehe, even if you didn't see, not knowing who I could be, I feel your heart, racing without a thought, at the sight of me!"
He had already noticed how tired you were from afar so without even giving you time to completely comprehend what was going on, he pulled you with him to Windrise!
"What do you think, care to join me here for a drink? I'll even sing you a song about how well you and I get along!"
Don't take it the wrong way, he loves you so much, but he's just always so busy with commissions and finding his sister so he doesn't notice until you're actually on the blink of passing out. :(
He feels so bad about not noticing too and Istg you can't be alone anywhere the next couple of days, he's following you the whole time!
Going back to you nearly passing out, when it happens you two are just getting a meal at Good hunter's when you suddenly grip the table whilst being in the process of sitting down.
He looks up at you and immediately meets your tired looking eyes going to close, to which he reacts impressively fast.
He jumps up to catch you and holds your head gently so you don't hit it against anything or anyone.
Mans frustrated with himself and wonders why you didn't ask him for help with whatever kept you away from sleeping for so long.
You just didn't want to bother him with more things to do, so many people already use him without giving him anything in return!
All he could ever ask for from you is your love though. :)
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FORGIVE ME FOR THE BAD RHYMES IN VENTI'S PART‼️ (in my defense, English is not my native language.)
This was fun, though!! :D And yes, our boy Aether deserves some more appreciation. :)
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aeferkssr · 2 years
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@eenie-teenieweenie 's 200 follower event !
event masterlist
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first and foremost, i'd like to thank you, yes you lol, for reading my content. even if you haven't followed or if this the first time you're seeing my content, you're still due a big thank you! i've been on tumblr for less than a year but my experience with the app and writing for genshin impact has been nothing but a pleasant experience!
even though i may of had my stressful moments with my previous events, and that one hate anon lol, i count that as a learning experience and won't procrastinate this event much lol. anyways, i simply cannot put how happy i am to be here. i've met so much fun people just from doing what i love (fangirling about aether lol)
from the bottom of my heart, to all my mutuals, followers and to all the people who have liked/reblogged my posts, THANK YOU.
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this event is purely sfw. i will not be writing any dark content whatsoever. with that in mind, i will write most genres (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort mostly) if requested!
like it says in the banner, i will do oneshots and headcannons in this event. in regards to the headcannons, multiple prompts/characters can be requested (the limit is 2 and 3 respectfully)
requesting another prompt (i.e soulmates au, enemies to lovers) is allowed! i would love to hear your ideas and contribute some of my own!
if specific details about the reader is not specified, the reader will be gender/race neutral and no specific pronouns will be specified. i'm trying to make this event as user-friendly as possible.
i will only be writing for 5NEMO, so the only vcharacters in this event are aether, kazuha, xiao, venti and heizou. if other characters are requested they will not be included in the event and their fic will be posted when all of the event peices are completed/when the event ends.
“you’re not getting away with this.” 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, i’m not jealous.”
“you said you weren’t talking to them anymore.” 
“why are they still on my mind?”
“i kinda thought you were gonna kiss me.” 
“don’t listen to them, you’re not worthless.”
“i did something… really bad.”
“have i kissed you today?”
“it doesn’t always hurt to be healed.”
“let’s leave tonight, no looking back.”
request examples.
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hey cianna! i'd like to request prompt 5 with heizou and venti! can i get some headcannons with the two in a modern au? thanks!
hi cianna! you know, because i love you so much i want to request a oneshot with prompt 8 with aether. hehe thanks 😇
hi can i request kazuha and xiao headcannons with prompt 3. also i thought of [thoughts] for it so i hope this info comes in handy!
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sangopearls · 3 years
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after last nights post i had to dial it back oopsie
send me mail! requests, chats, whatever!
characters featured: kazuha, childe, diluc, xiao
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i just :,))))))) love this man a lot
you both are friends ever since he boarded beidou’s fleet. you’ve gone on little adventures, gathered goods in town for the crew, went for expeditions, etc. you’ve always referred to one another as dear friends, but you’ve been harboring feelings for the young fugitive ever since you’ve met.
little did you know, he has too.
kazuha likes to keep a little notebook to diary his thoughts and feelings in haiku or poem format. he keeps it in a pocket when you spend time together and when you’re away, he’ll jot down little details such as the way your nose scrunches when you smile or how your eyes light up when you catch a waft of the wanmin restaurant
so when he chooses to confess, he leaves the journal in your room before leaving for some expedition with beidou. at the very last page, there’s a message asking if you would like to make more memories as his significant other.
when he gets back, you glomp him in a hug with the journal in hand and give him torn out pages of your personal diary that mention how your heart was racing while he taught you sword stances and how you wish you could’ve held him close during the winter expeditions in dragonspine.
(naturally beidou uses your newfound relationship status as an excuse to round up the crew for some drinks)
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he’s a very heat-of-the-moment guy, so my headcanon here is that he’ll stuff down all these feelings then just confess without a second thought when you least expect it
knowing everybody’s favorite ginger murder man, this is during the climax of a spar
ever since you’ve met, childe has arranged an open slot of time every few days for you both to spar and then grab some drinks and laugh at each other. he’s a bloodthirsty harbinger, you’re an aspiring warrior, both are lovesick fools who speak with their blades rather than their brains, it all works out.
childe absolutely loves that kickass look in your eyes in the heat of the spar. the way you’re one of the few people to actually get a slash in on him, the way your hair is all messy and you’re panting once you’ve gotten him pinned down and make him surrender… he knows you’re the one.
“you’re hot,” he pants with a smirk, your blade still inches from his throat, “let’s go out.”
you’re a bit surprised. this is a fight, isn’t it?
“i’m not falling for that sleazy trick,” you assert, narrowing your eyes. childe’s smile doesn’t budge. does he… mean it?
“no, no, [Y/N], i’m dead serious,” he laughs, dropping his blades, “i’ve liked you for ages now and i guess enough fights have messed me up in the head enough to choose to confess at the stupidest possible time. but i mean it, a date. a proper one. on me.”
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cracking a confession out of diluc is going to be tough, so this relationship is very much a slow burn (no pun intended)
chances are, he’ll show that he likes you through meaningful gestures. for example, he’ll bring you flowers on your birthday, allow you to have drinks on the house, etc.
you’re gonna have to be the one to force him to admit that he’s doing all these gestures not because he’s a nice guy, but rather because he’s taken a liking to you
(this epiphany occurred to you when you caught him about to pop venti’s head off his neck for not paying his bill and you realized maybe not every friend of diluc’s drinks free)
so when you’re back at the tavern on a quieter night and diluc pours you a glass of the finest bottle of dandelion wine, you choose to pry.
“this bottle is one of a kind, diluc,” you observe, searing into his eyes with a teasing look, “and you’re letting me have a glass for free? i have to ask why exactly i’m getting the VIP treatment here.”
“it’s because you’re a cherished friend,” diluc says, refusing to meet your gaze for fear that he’ll crack.
“hm? a cherished friend?” you muse, taking a sip of the wine, “last i checked, venti and kaeya are cherished friends but you always demand payment after they’ve had their share.”
“it’s because covering venti’s bill would drive me bankrupt and kaeya is my brother and most certainly a nuisance,” he answers while cleaning some glasses. his response is so quick it’s almost rehearsed.
“say, diluc, would you say you and i are more than friends, then?”
diluc stops in his tracks and glances over to you, your mischievous eyes meeting his usually-solemn ones.
“i… suppose that’s the most fitting title for us,” he confirms, “would you say the same, [Y/N]?”
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if you thought diluc would have trouble with reaching his soft side, good luck with xiao
you two have been companions for a very long time. he helps you train, takes you to his favorite sights in liyue, and gifts you crystalflies every now and then as a token of his affection (although he’ll never admit it).
at one point, he mentioned how much he loves the liyue lantern festivals, so once you discover one is coming up, you choose to find the best spot to watch the lanterns, prepare a quaint meal of almond tofu, and have xiao arrange to meet you at this location.
“the lantern rite…” he murmurs, seeing your spread of items under a large, golden-leafed tree, “you remembered.”
“of course i did,” you smile, gesturing for him to sit with you, “i try to remember the things that make you happiest. i want to take care of you, xiao.”
xiao cracks a smile as he sits down. “and i for you, [Y/N].”
he glances up at the darkened sky, seeing a small dot of golden light levitating. “it appears they’re beginning the lantern release.”
“oh, i’m so excited,” you smile, “i’ve always loved your stories of watching the lantern rite from afar.”
“then i can’t wait to share this with you,” xiao says, relaxing.
he can truly be himself when he’s with you, and that’s when he realizes you’re the one he wants to spend his time with.
he watches the way your eyes light up at the marvelous sight and how the golden flecks of light wash your skin in a warm, radiant hue. he finds himself watching you more than that ritual he said he loved more than anything. does this mean… he loves you?
by the time the lanterns vanish into the night, he chooses to speak up.
“[Y/N], i’m sorry, but i’m afraid i didn’t watch the lanterns all that much,” he confesses, “you took your trouble to prepare this… i’m sorry.”
“xiao? you didn’t enjoy it?” you ask softly, a bit crestfallen.
“ah, no… it’s just…” he apologizes, meeting your eyes, “i feel that i was just distracted. because… well, i think i have feelings for you. feelings i’ve never felt for another person before.”
your eyes soften into a look of joy, meeting the yaksha’s. “xiao, i’d be most honored to be the person to teach you how to love.”
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to get Hit-listed by a Stonehide Lawachurl (High School AU!)
Part 6 of the highschool au
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s a menace to everyone when playing dodgeball. Even as his new girlfriend, you’re no exception to his affinity for raising hell during the most tranquil of circumstances.
Warnings: Swearing, bad humor, and absolutely horrid spelling mistakes.
Words: 5.3k
Note: Longest chapter yet sheeeesh 🗿
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Negotiation is an art.
Childe, or "Tartaglia" has utilized the art of negotiations in his daily life. Whether that be scamming the ninth graders with fake weed, or convincing the teachers why he doesn't deserve detention for injecting random fluids from the chem department into the school's resident pet frog.
All in all, by becoming an expert in the field of negotiations, Childe is nothing if not a master, tongue silver and smooth as he takes on a new opponent.
Which is why he dutifully negotiates with you on this Monday morning in front of the History classroom, getting down on one knee and pulling out a—
"I hope to Barbatos you aren't proposing Childe," You hiss, panicked eyes landing on the velvet box he's pulling out. "Considering that we're sixteen and still in highschool."
As if remembering those meagre details, Childe gulps and shoves the box back into his pocket. "Uhhh yeah, I was just, tying my shoelaces?" It comes out as a question.
You let out a sigh of relief, overlooking how he undoes his shoe laces just to do them all over again.
The ring burns in his pocket as he gets back up.
"Why did you call me here?" You ask, hand on your hip, foot impatiently tapping. The tap tap tap isn't because of impatience though, it's because you need something to cover the nervous palpitations of your heart.
He gives you a vicious smile, sinister enough to shake the bones of anyone who's observing, opens his daring mouth to show the imaginary sharpness of his teeth. Then with the confidence of about a hundred shirtless tiktok boys, he finally demands:
"If you don't become my girlfriend, I will kill—"
"Yeah sure thing." You answer before he can finish, soft smile growing.
Childe chuckles evilly, "I knew you'd say that, but I've come prep—wait a minute." He snaps out of his villain origin phase, stumbles back a bit, then his eyebrows are furrowing in confusion. "Did you just say yes?"
You nod, cheeks flaring up. "Don't make me repeat it." Then you look away, too embarrassed to see his reaction.
For a second, Childe's internal conflict following the chain of this event causes him to temporarily malfunction, and all he can do it stare at you in amazement.
It's only when you tell him to stop staring and jump off the school roof is when he snaps out of his daze, a grin festering on his face.
He lunges straight at you, giving you no time to deflect him as he wraps his bone crushing arms around you, then lands a soft smooch on your forehead.
"Let go of me you idiot!" You barely wheeze out, light headed not only because of your lungs being squeezed like oranges, but also because of the sloppy kiss he's delivered so ungracefully.
He does so reluctantly, and you're unamused, wiping the stickiness off your forehead with a sleeve as he steps back.
"Ew what the fuck?" You say, glaring at him. "What's wrong with you?"
He completely ignores you, giddy with excitement. "Ah girly, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I can't wait to introduce you to my parents and eat lunch together and kiss each other during break—"
"Slow down." You tell him, as red as a tomato towards all his suggestions. "We've barely started dating."
"Oh," Childe stops momentarily, then nods in agreement. "You're right. We should start small. How about I walk you to class?"
"We're already in front of class." You nudge your head towards the classroom, and catch Zhongli and Venti peeking from the side of the door, trying not to be obvious.
You narrow your eyes at them threateningly.
Childe tugs your arm, lovingly looking you up and down. "Let's walk to class together anyways. In a circle."
A complete waste of time, yet it's impossible to say no to the face he's making.
Before you guys depart he suddenly stops, gasping loudly, remembers something important. "I have to make a quick phone call."
Childe speed dials Scaramouche, and the latter picks up annoyed, answers the phone with muffled sounds in the back. Something that sounds a bit like pleading and whimpering.
He then mutters something that forces dread into your system. "You can release the hostages."
You hear Scaramouche groan on the other end, muttering a "such a pain in my ass", but choose not to question it immediately.
As soon as the phone call is done and you're back by his side, you point at his phone questioningly. "What hostages Childe?"
He gives you a close eyed smile, taking the fifth.
"What hostages Childe?" You repeat again weakly.
First period goes by smoothly for the most part. Lisa, your so called best friend, once again is bought off like a corrupted politician by your new boyfriend. She sits far away from you, leaving you without any defences against the menace that dotes on you a bit too much.
Throughout class, all Childe does is score Venti's colourful pens, and then writes you annoying little love notes, using the expert origami skills he's learnt from Anthon to deliver them to you.
Despite the threat of distraction these notes pose, the corners of your lips can't help but tug upwards at his enthusiasm and attempt at poetry.
Zhongli makes sure not to ask you two any questions the entire class, leaving you to your own accord.
Lunch comes around soon enough, and your usual table of Diluc, Jean, Kazuha, and Lisa is disturbed by the torpedo that is Childe, and he brings collateral with him.
Kaeya whole-heartedly ceases the opportunity to sit near his stoic statue of a brother purely with the intention to annoy the premature crap out of him, but one look from the redhead sends the chicken-shit right back where he came from.
When Childe forcefu—lovingly feeds you the smiley fries and dinosaur nuggets his stunning mom packed him, Diluc looks just about ready to hurl.
Lisa winks at you two, Kazuha doesn't even bother looking, and Jean tries with upmost effort to keep Diluc from launching himself at the whipped fatui boy basking in your attention.
"Quit embarrassing me." You whisper-exclaim sharply, noticing how Jean passes Diluc—all green in the face, a puke bag discreetly. "Shouldn't you be doing something illegal right now? Or vaping in the stalls?"
"I quit vaping for you girlie." Childe boops your nose with his finger. "Well, at least full time. I still need a puff when I'm around Signora, to like, get rid of her awful vibes."
While it is endearing how he quit vaping for you, it doesn't lessen the need for you to bury yourself alive right here and now.
Then you sigh, pick up a Dino nuggie, and shove it in his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking your finger. You die inside.
"There, you happy?" The action of feeding him is so...intimate, it sets your heart aflame.
Childe's a lovesick puppy when he chews, imaginary tail wagging a hundred times a second. "Can I have a kiss too?"
Diluc slams his hands on the table and stands up, hurriedly picks up his grape juice and makes a break for it. You don't blame him.
"I'll kill you." You smack him with a napkin, blazing red. "I'll end your pathetic little life right here and now."
By the end of lunch, Lisa and Jean have to restrain you so you don't break the world record for the maximum amount of mutilations that can be done on a single body.
Fourth period is a break. A break from Childe you mean. It's expected of the school's resident bad boy aka menace to skip classes in order to skip over the bodies of his victims.
You bask in the momentary peace, until it's disrupted by a tap on the window. Reckon it's nothing, maybe a bird flew into it, because intentional taps are impossible from the third floor. Except your conviction is hindered yet again by another tap.
What a nuisance.
You finally turn to look outside the window, face down, and spot Childe waving incessantly, rocks in hand, oozing with excitement that can't be concealed and a grin that nearly takes you into cardiac arrest. Without meaning to, you send him a small smile, waving back as Baal drones on about quantum superposition.
Successful in gaining your attention, he moves aside to reveal the hefty corpse of a stonehide lawachurl with a destructive path in its wake. The ridges and bumps of its hide are enough to do a number on the road, ruining the school's playing field.
Your smile drops down into a horrified frown in the span of a few seconds.
"Wow." Albedo, your lab partner whispers from next to you, for the first time distracted in class.
"Yeah," Kaeya whistles from behind you two, one hand supporting his head. "What a gesture."
"Y/N, I'd be grateful if you could possibly obtain a black crystal horn for me from the specimen." The blonde asks, entranced by the corpse that your boyfriend is flaunting off to you with pride.
"Aren't those things endangered cutie?" Lisa makes sure to butt in, as per usual.
Yes. Your boyfriend with several issues and an affinity for chaos brought you the corpse of an endangered geo-infused creature that's five times the size of him. During school hours too, the fiend. Like a cat dragging the corpse of a dead mouse to its owner.
You groan into your hands, heart racing while the fire is coursing through your veins.
That idiot.
Childe is exceptional at a lot of things, like the switch and making weapons out of seemingly harmless things (e.g shiv out of a toothbrush), but what he prides in the most is physical education. With washboard abs, uber tall height, and a dickish smile to top it all, he has everything it takes to showcase his top tier athletic abilities.
He pounces at the opportunity to show off in front of you, wanting nothing more than to have you fawn over his strength. He's sure it'll be enough to have you all over him, wrapping your cute little arms around his muscled ones, passing him his water bottle and dabbing away at the sweat on his forehead. Most of all, he daydreams you planting your soft lips on his to congratulate him after a big game.
Physical education, for you, is a pain. You may be good with your brain, but games exert more energy than necessary, and coordination that lacks logic entirely. You're just here for the credit. The over-achiever part of you walks the extra mile to ensure a grade in the high nineties.
Although witnessing Childe clad in the school shorts and matching polo shirt is enough to make this worth your while, you'll die before admitting it. Especially when he gawks at you as if it's the first time you're wearing the sports uniform yourself. It has you fidgeting with your fingers and tugging your shorts down nervously.
You try not to flip him off like you usually do, especially since it's not even been twenty four hours since he's asked you out.
Mr.Zhongli blows a whistle, calling all the students over to surround him. It's odd that he teaches most of the subjects at this school, seemingly the only adult present, but no one questions it in fear of genshin logic. Moving on, he explains that you have a dodge ball game today.
Lisa groans beside you. She hates anything that requires the exertion of energy, oftentimes bringing a book to read while everyone else screams in the background.
You're relieved, mainly because Childe and Tohma are usually captains, and Childe always picks you to be on his team as a means to flex his skills. For you, it means sitting back and watching him carry your team towards a straight A.
However, all your dreams are crushed when Zhongli announces the team leaders.
"Y/N, I trust that you'll lead the blue team to the upmost of your ability. Childe, prepare to lead the opposing red team."
Your knees shake as you stare at him in disbelief. "But Sir—"
"No buts Y/N." He scolds you lightly, checking off your names on the clip board. "I'd like to witness your exceptional leadership skills."
In reality, Zhongli just wants to reenact a lovers-on-opposing sides trope, wanting to see how the two of you crack under the pressure. In a way, it is an exercise of leadership.
Instead of picking teams, Zhongli assigns teams for the both of you according to his own judgement, trying to make it as fair as possible.
Lisa pats your back after your teammates are assigned, trying to cheer you up. "It's going to be okay. You guys are dating now, so he'll go easy on you."
You look up to meet Childe's eyes from across the court. He gives you a charming smile, which turns downright barbaric as he lifts up a thumb and motions to slash his neck with it. Then he wickedly mouths "I'm going to destroy you."
You blink and turn away as fast as you can in fear. "We're fucked."
Lisa, witnessing the entire ordeal nods alongside you, doing nothing to reassure you because she herself has given up.
Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder gripping you tightly. "Let's wipe the floor with that g*nger." The voice is ice cold, threatening enough to send a shiver down your bones.
You turn to meet Rosaria, who frowns at you. Most of the time she doesn't really put an effort in dodgeball, but she must've seen your crestfallen expression, trying to comfort you in her own detached way.
Rosaria is the other school nurse in training, alongside Barbara, but somehow her patients end up more injured, sick, or mentally defiled than before they entered the room. She also spends after hours beating up Chads in the school parking lot. Also runs a blog with her booby co-author Kaeya that emphasizes mostly on the dark knight hero.
Spotting the rest of your team behind her, you begin to criticize them one by one.
Standing against the wall is Kaeya, pushing both his biddies up with his crossed arms like an absolute whore. He's breaking about several dress code rules right now. Venti is next to him, drunk off his butt as he beat boxes with Tohma.
Eula mutters under her breath, on and on about seeking revenge on Zhongli for putting her beloved Amber on the opposing team, promising him an unfortunate fate. Xiao is miserably squatting on the floor, sharp eyes observing everyone in the gym, scowl not ready to dissipate anytime soon.
Then you look over at Childe's team in the distance. Jean with a determined look on her face as she listens to Childe's game plan, and Diluc crossing his arms with his brows furrowed in concentration. Even Amber, the best baller in the school, is stretching out her arms, assisted by the gifted princess of the school, Ayaka.
Not only that, but Childe has the king of dodging on his team—Kaedehara goddamn Kazuha. Beidou shoots you a wicked smirk, winking at you until she's disrupted by Ningguang's shove.
"Oh my god." You cry out when the realization hits you, falling to your knees in despair. "We're completely fucked!"
"No we aren't." Rosaria mutters lowly. "You're only fucked if you want to be. Don't you dare throw in the towel before the fight has even begun."
"But I—"
"Stop it." She grumbles again, rolling her eyes. "You're being annoying now. If you lose the game, that makes him the dom. Don't you want to be the dom?"
She's right. You do want to be the dom.
Her words of encouragement, and not at all veiled insults somehow allow you to find motivation deep within yourself. You get up and stomp towards the rest of your team, calling their attention with your newfound confidence.
"Listen here soldiers!" You shout out, determination clear as day. "I know I am not capable of leading. I know that I barely have the physical capabilities needed to defeat the opposite team."
You take a deep breath, pointing at your cutie patootie boyfriend across the gym as you seethe. "But that man, that harbinger of chaos, that instrument of war, is nothing but a tyrant. And I cannot let such a tyrant be a victor in this battle. Not when innocent lives are at stake."
Tohma speaks up, sending you a bewildered look. "What lives—"
"Shut the fuck up soldier!"
"Yessir!" He immediately stiffens, saluting you.
"Are you ready soldiers?" Your voice booms, and everyone reinforces their priorities, except for Kaeya though. He just lazily smirks.
After Zhongli places the balls in the middle, everyone prepares for the battle of the century.
'Gods, please let us win this war' you pray to the archons above, closing your eyes in concentration.
'Give me the strength to flex my superior skills' Childe wishes, then adds on quickly 'also I want to dominate this world.'
'Give me the strength to make it to Friday.' Rosaria prays for nobody but herself, rolls her eyes at all the unnecessary dramatics of this dodgeball game.
"3..." "2..." "1..."
Zhongli ends the countdown by blowing hard into a whistle, signaling the beginning of the game.
Not even two seconds later a ball whooshes past a few of you at the speed of light, followed by a tail of fire. The ball of death kisses Kaeya square in the nose, sending him reeling back into a wall with enough sheer force to cause an indent.
Everyone winces.
Before you all can reel in from the initial shock and make sense out of wherever the hell that asteroid came from, Zhongli's voice booms throughout the gymnasium.
"Mr. Ragnvindr, headshots are strictly forbidden. You are out!"
With a scoff, Diluc, satisfied with his work, leaves the court with no apparent qualms. He accepts his defeat with the upturned corners of his lips.
Rosaria pokes Kaeya's body with the tip of her heels, then cringes when he shakes awake, up from his short lived knockout and sends a wink her way.
"Getting handsy when I'm unconscious? I didn't think you'd be one to partake in such vulgar activities." His eye twinkles in mischief, and if his momentary defeat at the hands of brother has him fuming, he doesn't show it one bit.
The only thing that keeps Rosaria from knocking him out for real is the blood that trails down onto his lip. She doesn't want to clean blood off her shoes, especially since it's a pain in the ass to get off.
You're about to tell them to get up and take this seriously, but a softball does your job for you when it darts straight at Rosaria. With pristine accuracy, the girl manages to pitch herself away last minute.
You swivel in Childe's direction, who wears a remorseless grin, which only grows wider once you pick up a blue softball next to your feet.
The glare that he receives has him shaking in exhilaration. More so than the elation he'd felt when he took down that Stonehide Lawachurl for you, as a gift of promise.
You begin to bark out orders. "Eula, Xiao, and Rosaria cover the front and act as decoys."
They nod immediately, but Xiao still clicks his tongue in distaste as he starts following orders.
Then you offer Kaeya a hand. "Get up princess. You're on sniper duty."
With Diluc out of commission, the battle is fair and square now considering both sides have the same amount of people. Ergo, no one's at a disadvantage.
That is—until Lisa fake trips over pure air, landing on the floor in a dramatic slow motion.
You roll your eyes.
"Oh dear! I think I've twisted something." She cries out, crawling away from the battle field, acting as if she's paralyzed completely. "Don't worry about me. I'll cheer you on from afar. The battle has begun, and it seems as if I've become the first casualty."
You don't let the countless amount of Lisa's betrayals get to you, even this one. It's just her personality to flake out on anything and everything that requires her to do more than below the bare minimum.
Focusing on the match, your eyes are only on Childe, just as his are on you.
You aim the ball straight at his ribs, step back a bit, then propel the ball in the air with as much energy as you can, using your entire body as a power outlet. The ball spins in the air, reaching the awaiting victim.
Childe, unbothered, dodges the ball with perfect precision, the ball not even grazing his clothes at the least.
Your jaw drops open, and you're about to move for another ball until he grabs the same ball you threw at him. With the sharpness of a predator locking in on its pray, he focuses on you like a missile locks on its target, launching the ball in the air for power that has you trembling, second to the powerful ball that was thrown by Diluc.
With your pupils dilated at your impeding doom, it's Xiao that grabs you and thrusts away.
The ball lands on the floor, smoke rising.
"Holy shit!" You shriek over everyone else's grunts and shuffles. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"Isn't it poetic?" Childe shouts back while he slides away from the balls being thrown. "Lover against lover. Either you're by my side, or in my way. And right now, you're in my way." He narrows his eyes dangerously. "Albeit reluctantly, I will take the victory babe. Even if we are on opposing sides."
"There was zero reluctance in that throw asshole!"
You thank Xiao, who wipes his hands on his pants in disgust. "Filthy humans. So pathetic and weak."
Mildly offended, you roll your sleeves up and begin to fight with everything you've got as soon as he walks away.
The dodgeball game goes as expected for the most part, Eula carrying for most of it with the flow of her skills.
Tohma actually tries like the presumptuous asshole he is, aims straight for his girlfriend Ayaka, and takes her out completely. His only justification for that is "I ain't no simp!"
He shelves his cocky attitude when facing Childe with a sense of dignity and prestige you didn't think he had in him.
The two one of a kind fuckbois puff out their chests so that they look more hefty than they are, having some kind of an Alpha match. The 'me stronger than you. me dominant. me get all the women' type beat.
Unfortunately, Childe manages to fence him with his throws, and lo and behold, the square off ends with a dejected Tohma dragging his feet to the nearest bench.
Eula oversees that Ningguang and Beidou meet a quick end, taking their slower dodging to her advantage. You're actually rooting for her, tasting a sliver of victory that you haven't reached yet. So close, yet so far.
Amber trips on herself in the middle of throwing a what should've been coordinated ball, and it loses most of its momentum. Xiao is directly in front of it, and will probably be able to catch it with ease.
Ah, another short victory.
If Childe loses his expert baller, he's only left with Kazuha and Jean, whom's lack in the art of throwing is made up by their ability to dodge most of the fastballs.
However, all your plans and hopes are crushed when Eula slides in front of Xiao last minute, sticks out her foot, and let's the pathetic product of Amber's would-be downfall hit her on the leg with the total force of about 0.0000001 newtons.
Your chances of winning have just went down by a staggering 60%.
"Eula!" You cry out, collapsing on the ground. "How could you?"
Tohma cups his mouth and bellows obnoxiously from the bench. "SIMP!"
"I cannot avenge my clan if I win a false victory." Eula crosses her arms, casting her gaze down in visible uncomfortableness. "Amber will pay her dues in two business days. Mark my words."
It all a load of cap. She's sleeping with the enemy and you know it.
You grit your teeth. Fuming with an abundance of rage, you pick up three balls and throw them all back to back, taking out Amber and Kazuha simultaneously.
Childe's heart flutters in another kind of delight when you pluck out his team members one by one with no hints of remorse.
In retaliation, Jean and Childe work in sync to swiftly take care of a distracted Rosaria.
"Shit." You hiss underneath your breath.
It's Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, and you who are the only remainders of your short-lived team. It's still two more people than Childe and Jean, giving you the upper hand briefly.
It's a mystery to everyone how Venti is still standing. You reckoned you would've lost him as collateral during the beginning of the match, but it seems he's able to hold his own.
When you squint hard enough, you realize that Xiao has been t-posing in front of the nonchalant SoundCloud rapper that's about as high as a kite. He must've been defending him throughout the entire round.
His defenses are all in vain once Childe correlates another attack with Jean, sharp-shooting four rapid balls that are secured on their targets.
Xiao swerves to the side, avoiding most of them, until one is about to reach a nonchalant as shit Venti.
You scream at him, eyes widening as you run towards them in slow motion. "NOoOoOOOo-"
The yaksha doesn't waste a moment, shifting so that he's covering Venti's body with his own, which to be honest is a pretty heartwarming sight.
The ball hits his lean back, a sharp thud following when it hits the floor.
Xiao is out. But his sacrifice is so inspiring that it brings tears to Zhongli's eyes, makes everyone in the gym go silent in awe.
Even the sadistic Childe melts, cerulean eyes gaining back their light, halting his fire.
When Xiao finally uncovers Venti's body, he speaks from the bottom of his dead heart. "I'd do anything for you..."
Venti shakes out of his baked state, blinking at him stupidly with a nervous chuckle. "Ehe~? I don't even know who you are."
The entire class sweat drops. Whatever slip of compassion on Childe's face earlier has become nothing but a memory. Even your eyes dim.
The next time Childe aims and locks at Venti, it's not with malicious intent. It's a favour, for you. In a way it adds dimension to who he is and the lengths he's willing to go for you, even at war.
Venti steps away with a bounce in his gait, hands behind his head.
Kaeya and you are the only ones left standing now, and the game becomes too tight knit to tell which side's going to win. It becomes utter chaos, balls being launched every second, stamina slowly decreasing as everyone lurches away from their demise.
As laid-back  and charming as the boy presents himself to be in front of the ladies, he's not very patient when it comes to facing circumstances like these. He's side lined for most of the match, finding it boring. And when Kaeya gets bored, the intensity of the tide changes, and everyone knows they're going to get a run for their money.
Kaeya coasts a hand around your hips, pulls you real close, purposefully leaning his bust into the side your innocent arm.
When Childe's smile drops, and the glint in his eyes reads 'DANGER' in full caps, you know it's time to be properly scared.
Your blood runs cold, mouth opening briefly and then clamping shut immediately.
"I'm so glad to be on your team Y/N. Maybe this'll give us the chance to become...closer." His hot breath fans against your ear, voice loud enough to be heard by onlookers.
Suddenly everything stops, falling into an unsettling silence.
You attempt glance at Childe, being met with a glare that's directed at the Captain of the Skating team. The ball in the orange-haired boy's hand deflates from the sheer intensity of the squeeze.
The tension becomes unreadable. Even Zhongli is caught mid-sip with his tea.
Quickly, you shrug off Kaeya's arm. "Childe, he's just fucking with you—"
Childe cuts you off by hurling a ball with nothing but the objective of cold blooded murder.
Kaeya whizzes past you, successfully ducking to avoid the hit, and his amused laugh rings through your ears. He rolls away from the following attacks, chucking his own series of colourful balls.
The events that unfold are blood-curdling enough to make even Satan boil his pants with diarrhea.
You take the clear opportunity presented by their concurrent dumbassery to take out Jean, the ace of the other team.
Childe's rage blows over when Kaeya eventually loses interest and takes the L, playfully winking at you while walking backwards to the rest of your team.
Now that all the distractions are dealt with, Childe's eyes flicker to you, and you share a murderous glance.
"Finally," He slaps the softball with a free hand, lips thinning into a homicidal smile. "I've been waiting for this. You better not disappoint me."
While Childe may be a violent anarchist who's only aspiration in life is to become a government contracted killer, he's also supposed to be your sweet boyfriend.
Slowly, you inch towards the front. "We don't have to do this Childe. We can coexist peacefully."
"Peace was never an option Y/N." He sighs, cracking his neck. "Besides—how else can I prove myself in your eyes? You may be my greatest weakness, but you are also my greatest adversary."
"I don't know, maybe start with not trying to obliterate me?"
"I'm obliterating you out of respect." He counters with a playful pout.
"Well I'll be paying my respects to your grave!" You lurch ahead into a sudden assault, yeeting as many balls as you can his way.
"That's my girl!" Childe whistles, grin widening psychotically when he goes all out, leaving you with an absence in favorable openings.
Out of nowhere, the fire alarms start going haywire, along with a beep in the PA system, which stops you two in your tracks.
A panicked voice of who you assume to be Yanfei shrieks through the comms. "CODE ORANGE! CODE ORANGE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING, THERE'S A STONEHIDE LAWACHURL ON THE PREMISES."
As if on cue, the ground starts rumbling and a Stonehide Lawachurl bursts through the halls and into the gym, looking around for something. Or rather, someone. It's sharp bumps and ridges make an indent on the floor, cracking it in.
Everyone falls into a state of panic, Zhongli trying his best to evacuate the class from the emergency back door as quickly as possible. "Settle down class, we have to follow protocol."
You, devoid of any emotion or sense of fear, turn to your boyfriend in such a calm manner it strikes an ominous dread in his stomach.
You stare.
Childe stares harder.
“I thought you killed it."
"I did." He retorts slowly, switching to gaze at the raging beast in amazement.
"Then why is it in the school!" You seethe, glaring daggers at his side profile.
Childe chuckles sheepishly, scratches the back of his neck. "I may or may not have stuffed the body in the boys washroom. Y'know, for safe keeping?"
The Lawachurl locks it's gaze on you, the prey, and then roars furiously. Turning into its geo-enhanced state, it begins charging at you with all its might, the target being solely Childe.
Leave it to your boyfriend to get on the hit list of an endangered beast.
"Fear not my vibrant girlfriend. Our first date can be surviving this." Childe cheekily kisses the top of your trembling hand before grasping it tightly and making a run for it.
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