chai-berries · 7 months
*voice cracks* d-o any of you think about how s-soft abby’s hands are and how her palms are a little rough from working with them so much. they are rarely cold and somehow always at a perfect temperature when you reach out to interlock your fingers with hers. when you trace her hands, you make sure to love on the scars and calluses as if you are healing them with your love. she always wears a ring on her right ring finger — it’s twin sits on your left index — that she fidgets with.
when you guys first met, one of you “very casually” brought up palm reading, which just happened to lead to you tracing the lines on her hand pretending you knew what you were doing. she held her breath as your nail softly followed the love line until it stopped at the bottom of her left ring finger the one abby would later swear was pointed directly at you
whenever you cry around her, abby’s thumb will be there to catch the teardrop from your cheek before cupping your face in her hands. what i’m trying to say is that even with the hardened texture her hands are still the softest things that you’ve both held and been held by
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Sorry, but I'm currently losing my mind over House's reading glasses and the process of him getting them. There are two main scenarios that I imagine.
1. He realizes his eyes are getting bad but refuses to go see the eye doctor. He's constantly squinting while trying to read, causing severe headaches and migraines. He continues to be stubborn, though, and argues that he's not old enough for his eyes to be failing. Wilson tries to reassure him that needing glasses doesn't always have to do with age and that kids need glasses all the time. House makes some stupid comments and stubbornly insists that he's fine. Eventually, they have a case and House somehow fucks it up because there's something he needs to read that he's unable to. This sets him off into a spiral of self-hatred, and he sulks until Wilson finds him and drags him to the eye doctor. House finally goes, but he's kicking and screaming the whole time (figuratively), and the doctor and entire staff hate him because he insults everybody and is a dick. Wilson's the only reason the doctor doesn't refer House to somebody else. Eventually, House gets his glasses but still stubbornly refuses to use them. Wilson comes with House to pick them up, and House spends the whole ride back glaring at the case. Wilson ends up hitting him upside the head (figuratively or not), and lectures him about using his glasses and reminds him of the case he fucked up. House then begrudgingly starts to wear his glasses, and Wilson makes everybody promise not to say anything. Foreman makes a dumb joke one day, and House either punches him or fires him (temporarily). Nobody mentions it again.
2. House slowly realizes that he's losing his eyesight. He spends a lot of time squinting at medical journals and trying to convince himself that he's fine, but then has to fight the urge to have a breakdown because he's so upset that another part of his body is struggling. He finally makes an appointment with the eye doctor, which he keeps quiet and doesn't tell anyone. Somehow, Wilson finds out anyway because Wilson always finds out, and he offers to come with House as moral support. House initially shuts him down, but he continues to have mounting anxiety about seeing the doctor due to what happened with his leg and his experience with doctors dismissing his pain. Wilson recognizes how House is feeling, and on the day of the appointment, he just invites himself and quietly goes along with House, and neither of them say anything about it. House is quiet and withdrawn during the appointment, but it all goes well, and a couple of weeks later, he picks up his prescription. After, they end up at Houses apartment, Wilson orders takeout, and they spend the night hanging out, drinking, eating, and watching monster trucks and soaps. Wilson sleeps on the couch, and the next morning, he finds House sipping on a cup of coffee, casually wearing his new reading glasses and looking at some new obscure study that came out. Wilson doesn't say anything about it and just smiles. The ducklings whisper about it to each other, but nobody ever brings it up to House, and eventually, nobody notices anymore.
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doomedclockworkdotmp3 · 10 months
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ahaaa. redraw of this oldass drawing
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wasp-jar · 25 days
Most anticipated affect of T is no more period or cramps (please please please please please please please please please please please please)
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hits my head against concrete brick hits my head against concrete brick hits my head against
holmes brought watson along thinking he was really going to die and he just wanted watson there because he needed his boswell he needed his watson there he needeed that confort cause he thought it was really over he was really gonna die this time and he was scared, but when the danger really showed itself to him instead of begging watson to stay in stead of trying to keep that comfort with him, instead he told watson he should leave, he told watson to go, he wanted watson to be safe even if holmes couldnt be. and watson stayed. because watson has always seen holmes's need. because he's always just wanted to be there for holmes. because hes always just wanted to care for him as his doctor but also as his friend. but when holmes saw his death just on the horizon and an opportunity showed itself to get watson away from the danger, he took it immediately.he really thought he was going to die then, but he didnt even ask for watson to be there for him in his final moments. he didnt ask for that. because he just wanted to know that watson would be okay, watson would be safe, watson would keep living without him.
and when he came back, watson wasn't mad because he was lied to. watson was sad because he wished he could have been there, by holmes's side, taking care of him.
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
might fuck around and go to sleep at 7pm
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#sorry gnna sound like a shit person now but im not feeling well i just need to rant#nothing good ever happens to me. every aspect of my life is a mess. im constantly miserable w nothing to pull me out of it#it's been getting worse nd worse for years nd if it keeps getting worse im not gnna be able to take it much longer#ofc there are sooo many others who have it way way way worse than i do. so i feel weak nd pathetic for being so affected by it when i know#it could be literally sm worse than it is now. like i get that. i know im not nearly as bad off as many ppl are#but idk still it's rlly tough to have *nothing* that makes me keep going. the literal only thing is that i dont kms bc i dont wanna hurt mom#bc im poor so i cant do ANYTHING. i cant go anywhere. not the cinema not concerts not to the mall not to the bookstore not an amusent park#i cant even go to cafées bc i dont have any money at all to spend on that#i have no friends to hang out w. even if i couldnt afford going anywhere i cant even just take a walk or sit nd talk to them bc there r none#my sisters havent talked for me in over a year#and like yada yada i dont have anything to pull me out of my misery bubble. no friends to comfort me no family to hang out w#nothing to do or nowhere to go. hell i havent even been able to eat for 8 months so i cant even like eat smth yummy nd watch a movie lmao#i cant even read bc of the constant noise! i cant go out into the forest bc there r always subway construction work or choppers or gun shots#i know im 'focusing on the negative' but what am i supposed to do when theres nothing positive to focus on lol?????#im always physically uncomfortable bc of pain nd health issues nd im always anxious nd stressed too so like... yay#and. this is where i sound mean but like after years nd years of nothing good happening to me... idc for others anymore like#when they talk abt their loving relationships and their kind friends nd them going to concerts im like.. wow !! u get to be happy!! i dont!!#im just envious nd jealous nd bitter bc why cant i have ANYTHING good???? not just ONE fkn thing?#other ppl get to have multiple things but i get nothing?????#and its not exactly like i hate them or wish illwill on them im just like wow kinda dont feel sympathy for u bc u have sm things#i've never had :))) nd u can never understand how awful it feels to be deprived of it so idc :))))
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gakkubi · 2 years
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The ring which Pain wears has the kanji 零 (rei), meaning "zero, nothing."
In the Six Paths of Pain, Nagato is the Outer Path (Seventh Pain). I believe the meaning of the ring alludes both to the fact that Yahiko is the Akatsuki's original leader, as well as the actual body of "Pain". In a way, this makes him the "Zero Pain" (零). (Detail of x)
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stargazerlillian · 10 months
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(Don't tag as ship)
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mysicklove · 9 months
i almost fainted today in class. ❤️
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anthromimicry · 30 days
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sorry, halsey — hopeless fountain kingdom.
#ALL POWER DEMANDS PAIN AND SACRIFICE: musings.#NO SLEEP OF THE INNOCENT. NOT FOR YOU: character study.#it kind of surprises me just how much content there is out there about being afraid of intimacy but then again-#i have heard that that is supposedly one of the most common fears that people have apparently. so yeahhh but of course i do mean emotional-#intimacy here and oh my goshhh. i never realized just how sad parts of this song were until i listened to it again.#'i run away when thing's are good and never really understood the way you laid your eyes on me in ways that no one ever could#i hate to say it BUT that is so misao. she really does feel sooo unlovable sometimes and she has this 'leave them before they leave you'-#mentality that is so saddening to have TBH but i understand why she has it. her childhood kind of left her broken in a way i think-#in ways that can't be easily explained as it was very nuanced and complicated. but GAHHH that doesn't stop me from wanting misao-#to find at least some kind of love from people 😭 like she needs at least one friend or something that she can depend on bc i feel like-#that would really help her and being in a house alone all the time whenever she's not at work can not be good for her psyche.#so petition to get misao a friend or two? JSJSJ nahhh but i am legitimately being serious at this point#she needs someone who'll stick with her through thick and thin and will be understanding of the fact that she's got unresolved trauma so-#that partially causes her to be hyperindependent but i firmly believe that she needs people just as much as anyone else.#maybe more in fact but IDK#and the fact that in this song halsey says that she still knows facts about them even though she hasn't talked to them-#in forever? i'm WEEPING AHHH#that is so like misao as well sadly. she would literally take little notes as to what thing's people like to reference later if she had a-#friend because she 'doesn't want to get it wrong' whenever she gets them a present she says but it's really so that she doesn't forget-#how precious this person is to her and how she wrote down all of their favorite things as a result.
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warmhealerr · 2 months
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I can finally draw them in a way I actually am proud of. The svirfneblin siblings...The only well adjusted, genuinely nice, reliable guy out of the three is the one with a spider on his head.
From left to right Joufos -that J is a Y- (he/him), Zilkon (he/him), Oulmat (she/her). Guess who the youngest is.
Out of the three only Zilkon got tadpoled, the other two tag along later on when they receive his message (carried by his beloved pet spider).
There is a reason why Joufos has hair and a beard.
Oulmat looks so cartoonishly evil it's a miracle her family hasn't figured out it isn't a fashion phase. They also haven't had the courage to ask her what's up with the warlock stuff. Do not get this wrong she loves them all very much, but aside from them and her patron, that's far as her love extends. Not like you want to be loved by her anyway.
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heartbrake-hotel · 1 year
I've been creeping around some old posts like a... creeper. Anyway, your tag game is seriously everything! What you wrote about the appeal of 'big daddy era' Elvis, the juxtaposition between being and seeming, the longing but not feeling deserving, the creeping horror that his vulnerabilities are getting harder to hide... My god, you had me by the heart! After so many years, I don't tend to cry over the tragedy of that man, my sorrow and empathy have healed into a hard callus and I veer round it because it feels like picking at a sucking wound, but you cut me back open in such a beautiful heartfelt way!
All this to say, I could read your thoughts and discourse all day.
🥰🥰🥰 hELLO JADE??????? stoppp ittt i can't take any more of this you have me giggling and blushing already !! and this praise coming from YOU of all people.. Oh Help 😩💘 even as i was writing those tags i was thinking i couldn't quite articulate everything i meant to properly, so to hear that it came out not only coherent but resonant, and Especially with such an accomplished bde writer as yourself is praise of the highest order.!
the funny thing is, just minutes before i saw this ask i was rereading ch 3 of an enjoyable slide to oblivion and thinking "that'S IT !!! that's exactly what i was talking about !!!" 🤭 chancy being repeatedly struck by how different elvis is from the man she once knew, the way she sees peeks of his "real" self under the persona but then second-guesses herself and wonders which one is more truthful, if either.??? it's EXACTLY the kind of complicated relationship w image i was trying to describe.!! 🤩
of course, elvis in all his eras serves as a beautiful mess of contradictions- masculine yet feminine, innocent yet salacious, clever yet naive, cocky yet needy, bossy yet pleading, larger-than-life yet lonely, personable yet introspective... but by far my favorite way to explore this complicated nature is through the lens of the mid-to-late 70s. it's the time when the most negative parts of his personality are out in full force, and yet it's also the time during which it's most apparent that he was desperately in need of a care and affection he wasn't getting. even elvis at his worst is still impossible not to love, and that always really speaks to me.!
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bidokja · 11 months
so like. was anyone. was anyone gonna warn me that. the "baekyeon and haero" chapters in mystic prince would just. rip my heart directly out of my chest. and then shred it into pieces right in front of me. was anyone gonna warn me. was anyone gonna-
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nyanryan · 3 months
listening to liberal cis people discuss trans issues should be classified as a form of torture.
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forestofsprites · 1 year
driven bonkers by the ardent desire to be held a little tenderly
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