#i love love love this trend ehehe
hdmiports · 1 year
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“just friends pics but it gets worse”
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beescake · 9 months
i am in love with your sollux i think
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sollux love party :]
if you’re interested heres some of my personal fondness thoughts on him.. big warning for the mega long read ahead aye
as we alr know sollux's rejection of participation somewhat mirrors dave's rejection of heroism, but even without getting cooked to completion i still find sollux's character v compelling beyond the fourth wall
as someone who doesnt get a pinch of that Protagonist Sparkle to begin with, he can openly say he wants to leave anytime…. and unlike dave, he actually Can leave the scene anytime. but he can never be truly Free from the story via permanent character death like the other trolls.
his irrelevancy is indeed relevant - he’s there so u can point him out.
while his image is intended to be a relic of past internet subculture, his role is not only about hehehaha being a Chad or a 2000s cyberforum 2²chan haxxor ragequit gamebro.
his continued existence also happens to add a Bit to the overarching themes of homestuck! a Bit that gives him longer-lasting thematic relevance compared to the trolls who could’ve had more character potential but didnt get to survive beyond the main story.
the Bit in question:
his defiance contributes to the illusion of agency (treating characters = people with autonomy). he’s “aware” of it, and that recognition is worth noting enough to forcibly keep him alive as both reward and punishment.
considering how his personality & classpect is designed its definitely a very haha thing for hussie to do LOL. he’s made to be op asf so he's resigned to doing dirty work, gradually deteriorating along the way but never truly dying. as fans have mentioned before, him openly rejecting involvement after a while of grim tolerance is like if the sim u were controlling suddenly stopped, looked up and gave u the finger while u were step six into the walkthrough for Every Possible Sim Death Animation.
but since he’s just a sim… the more he hates it, the more you keep him around. if ur sim started complaining abt your whimsical household storyline you’d definitely keep that little fuck.
but yeah i like that sollux is just idling. the significance of his presence being that one dude who's always reliably Somewhere, root core Unchanged, no individual ambitions (possibly due to fear of consequence?), and design-wise: a staple representative product of his time.
compared to dirk's character, who has aged phenomenally well into the present (themes of control + AR + artificial intelligence, clearer exploration around navigating relationships/sexuality, infinite possibilities of self-splinterhood and trait inheritance), sollux's potential is really... contained. bitter. defeatist. limiting and frustrating in the way old tech is.
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the world continues moving on to shinier, brighter, more advanced automated things - minimalist and metaverse or whatever but sollux is still here 🧍‍♂️ going woohoo redblue 3d. (tho personally i imagine his vibe similar to what the kids call cassette futurism on pinterest mixed w more grimy grunge insectoid influences eheh)
at the foundation of it all, the rapid pace of modern development was built off the understanding of ppl like sollux in the past, who were There actively at work while the dough was still beginning to rise
thats one of the cool things abt the idea of trolls preceding humans! the idea that trolls like sollux excelled back when lots of basic shit still needed to be discovered, building structures like networks and codes from scratch, and humans will eventually inherit and reinvent that knowledge in ways that become so optimized it makes the old manual effort seem archaic, slow, and labour-intensive.
but despite information/resources/shortcuts being more accessible now, much of the new highly-anticipated stuff released on trend still end up unfinished, inefficient, or expiring quickly due to cutting corners under severe capitalistic pressures
meanwhile, some of the old stuff frm past generations of thorough, exploratory and perfectionistic development still remains working, complete, and ever so sturdy.
those things continue to exist, just outside our periphery with either:
zero purpose left for modern needs (outdated/obsolete)
far too important to replace or destroy, bcs of its surprisingly essential and circumstantial usefulness in one niche specific area.
which are honestly? both points that sum up sollux pree well.
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dramatic ending sorry. anw are u still on the fence or are u Sick abt him like me </3
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allastoredeer · 6 months
Hello I had this dream last night and I need to share it with you!!!
We know the whole crew is invited to the Cannibal Cookout for the weekend.
So I imagine Al is gonna let cameras take pictures of him and Lucifer, that way the headline of his relationship with the king of hell will reach the seven pentagram faster(it was showed that he can take pictures when he wants to, since vox kept one). But that also mean he is gonna be exposed for the first time in probably forever. Like he is known for his terrifying radio podcast, which means that not many ppl know about his true form, especially new born sinners. So I can only imagine the surprise of those people to see the radio demon , the scariest overlord of them all, being a cute deer with a a fluffy tail and all the package that comes with it. Also Alastor mentioned to Lucy to ‘Wear your Sunday best.”, which might imply that he is gonna wear something nice as well…
It would be hilarious if Half of hell will start simping for Alastor and downright ignoring Lucifer.
I can imagine the internet exploding with Alastor pictures and people going like 'aww his ears are moving’ or something, sinners go as far as make fan club about him, meanwhile a certain picture box is having a mental breakdown…
~Valentino: “u know u can just say it that u want him”
~Vox: “Alright alright fuck yea I do and so Does half of hell. God damn it”
Meanwhile Angel reading through the chaos Alastor just unleashed
“oh he is so stealing my job already”
OFC In all of this Al is completely oblivious about the situation he caused, so the crew tries to keep him out the flow, to not freak him out, which it’s not hard at all, since the dude doesn’t have a phone, but he does get a bit suspicious when Lucifer makes him wear something to cover his upper body, almost as far as making him wear an hat and glasses lol(I don’t see Lucifer as being who enjoys losing himself on new trends and gossip on the internet, so Angel probably showed him a innocent picture of them, but Lucy made the bad choice to go read through the comments. Nonetheless to say he was scarred for life, and decided to take it upon himself to protect Alastor’s privacy)
Also Alastor can probably sense when someone takes pictures of him, twitching his eyes and tail but otherwise leaves it be for the sake of maintaining the charade.
This was it ehehe, I kinda felt bad I woke up from that dream, I honestly wanted to know how it ended.
Either way I can’t wait to see how u are planning to go with it. Cause I just know u are gonna make me love every second of it😆👌
thank you for listening
Ps I wrote this at 5 in the morning a week ago, and I am not sure if I already sent it to u or my mind is playing tricks to me…so I am sorry if u already got the message.
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Heheheheh I love this! You have the BEST dreams. I'm so in love with most of Hell not knowing Alastor, or not really remembering what he looked like, since he's been gone (and Hell is expanding by the thousands every day, so of course there would be people who don't know him).
And so they see him for the first time and it's such a stark difference to what they were expecting XD He's developing a fan-base and Lucifer has to scare them all of (otherwise Alastor WILL murder. He will).
And no worries! I did get the ask from earlier! Sometimes, if it takes me a long time to get to an ask, that's because I want to draw some doodles for it like the pics above ^.^
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vashs-turtleneck · 1 month
Fic authors self rec!♡ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Thank you for the tag, Jelly!! 💕
I've been very critical of myself lately so this is nice to do. Forces me to be nice to myself ehehe. So in no particular order:
Preen. (M)
I'm actually real proud of this one. I wrote it in like one sitting one afternoon and I'm really happy with how it came out - all angsty with some fluff at the end. Always love me a handsome bird man. If I had a nickel for every time I've loved a bird man, I'd have three nickels.
Desperate. (18+)
A short angsty Vash smut drabble. Another one I wrote quite quickly but think came out pretty good. Love desperate men what can I say.
Nimble-fingered. (18+)
I think this was the second smut fic I wrote ever. I put so much time and effort into this (*cough* and ignored my real life school responsibilities *cough*) but it's still a fic I'm very proud of!
Three Empty Words. (18+)
I love angsty smut I'm sorry it's just who I am. This was the first fic I wrote after I came back from my trip when I was having a hard time getting words on paper. I spent a lot of time on this one and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.
Not So Sneaky. (18+)
Dad Vash my beloved. This one was very self-indulgent I think. I love daddy Vash.
Interesting how the ones I'm proud of are ones that I wrote mostly in one go 👀 I adore this trend though. I love seeing people share what they're proud of.
And thank you to everyone else who was nice enough to tag me in this! Jelly just tagged me first because she's too quick🍩💕
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amorest-viesse · 2 months
[Ringing the Bell of Blessings With You] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Arthur and Akira (Western wizards mentioned)
Bonds Tied With a Ribbon - Chapter 1
[Estate Courtyard]
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Akira: I’m glad the wedding ceremony was a success.
Arthur: I agree. Things were a bit rough in the middle, but everything came together in the end. The ceremony itself was absolutely gorgeous.
Chloe: The decorations up at the venue and all around town were beautiful as well… Not to mention the bride and groom’s attire! Their outfits really brought out their best features!
Chloe: Gosh, I hope I can make an outfit like that someday, one as bright and beautiful as the person wearing it.
Arthur: I’m certain you will. Even the outfits we have on now are perfect.
Arthur: You know Chloe, if I were to ever marry, and I’m allowed to choose my own tailor, could I leave my wedding suit to you?
Chloe: Huh!? For real!? Like, for real for real!?
Akira: That sounds like a wonderful idea! Wearing something made by a friend would make your special day even more special.
Chloe: It’d be such an honor…! I wonder how it should look?
Chloe: Arthur works well with a traditional style, but maybe I should go for something a little more personal and out-of-the-box!
Chloe: Ohh, I just can’t decide, but if there’s one thing it needs, it’s gotta be ribbons!
Akira: That sounds like a good start! I’m sure it’ll look lovely.
Arthur: There are ribbons on these outfits too. Do they mean anything?
Chloe: Yep! I learned about this while traveling through the Western Country…
Chloe: In one of the towns we stopped in, ribbons were used in a ceremony meant to strengthen bonds as a symbol of tying people together.
Chloe: I thought that’d be perfect for you since you’re always working hard to improve the relationship between humans and wizards!
Arthur: Chloe…
Arthur: Thank you so much…! I truly appreciate how much thought you put into this.
Akira: Ribbons as a symbol of strong bonds… What a lovely idea.
Chloe: Right? Actually, they became a trend among Western wizards for a while…
Chloe: Even now there’s a bar game related to it!
Akira: Ohh, is that what the Western wizards were doing with all those ribbons the other day?
Chloe: Yep!
Chloe: The rules are everyone takes turns professing their love, and at the end of the round, we vote for whomever had the best lines by tying a ribbon around their pinky finger.
Chloe: The person with the most ribbons at the end wins the game.
Akira: Well that explains why you all had so many! Who ended up winning?
Chloe: About that… We got a little carried away with tying the ribbons, and lost count of the actual score.
Arthur: Ah, so that’s why Murr was somersaulting through the dining hall the other day yelling something about a ribbon from Shylock.
Arthur: What an interesting game. It seems like a good way to improve your relationships with others too.
Chloe: Right? That’s why it became so popular in the first place.
Chloe: …Hey since today is all about celebrating bonds, why don’t we play it too?
Akira: I’d love to!
Arthur: Count me in as well. I would never pass up an opportunity to get to know someone better.
Chloe: Yippee! I’ll get everything setup then!
Opening his magical sewing kit, Chloe took out a handful of ribbons from inside.
Arthur: These work perfectly for the game.
Akira: We’re supposed to profess our feelings, right? I’m getting nervous, but I’ll do my best…!
Chloe: I can’t wait to hear what you’ll say! Alright, since it looks like we’re all ready, I’ll go first!
Bonds Tied With a Ribbon - Chapter 2
Chloe: I’ll go first!
Chloe: “I can’t help but feel envious whenever you wear clothes made by someone else.”
Chloe: “Forgive me, but could you only wear my designs from now on?”
Chloe: Ehehe, how’d I do?
Arthur: I could really feel the passion in your words. If it were me, I’d probably end up saying yes.
Akira: You were a lot bolder than usual too. It really got my heart racing.
Chloe: To let you in on a secret, Rustica and Shylock helped me with that one.
Chloe: Although they told me that using someone’s name and addressing them directly would make it even more effective. 
Arthur: It’ll be hard for me to beat the three of you combined, but I’ll definitely give it a try. Ahem…
Arthur: “Didn’t you know, darling? You’re mine, all mine. I’m holding you tight and never letting go.”
Akira: Whoa…! Hearing you act all possessive is making me flustered!
Arthur: I wanted to go for a “gap moe” approach like the former Sage taught me and decided to use one of Bradley’s pick-up lines.
Chloe: Way to go, Arthur! You really played into your strengths there!
Chloe: I bet you could give Rustica some real competition in the “I Love You” game!
Akira: The two of you did that so easily… Is there a trick to it?
Chloe: Hmm… Well, what would make you happy to hear? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’d work on us too!
Akira: (What I'd like to hear…?)
Keeping Chloe’s words in mind, I opened my mouth.
Akira: When I first came to this world, I had no idea what was happening, but the two of you reached out to me anyway. Thanks to that, we can have fun just like we're doing now. I love you guys.
Akira: …Was that alright?
I hesitantly watched the two of them for a reaction. They looked at each other for a second, then burst into laughter as if someone had tickled them, before taking my hands.
Chloe: That was amazing…! I love you too, Master Sage!
Arthur: Just as Chloe said, I owe you my thanks for always thinking of us.
Akira: Thank goodness… I was so nervous, but I’m glad my message got through to you.
Overcome with relief, I began to laugh as well, and now it was Arthur and Chloe’s turn to look sheepish.
Chloe: That’s everyone then. Who will be the winner of this round...
Arthur: I’ve already decided.
Chloe: Me too!
Akira: That was quick! Who managed to steal your hearts?
Chloe: Well… <<Suisipicibo Voitingoc>>
Arthur: <<Pernoctant Nixzo>>
The two of them cast their spells and…
In the next moment, a red and a blue ribbon tied themselves around my pinky finger.
Chloe: Our winner is you, Master Sage!
Akira: M- Me!? But why…?
Arthur: It didn’t matter who we were talking to. Our lines had a fair chance of making anyone swoon.
Akira: Oh, I get it now… The difference is that I addressed the two of you specifically.
Chloe: Which made me really happy!
Chloe: Hey, can we play again? I wanna say something to you guys too!
Arthur: I agree. There are several things I’d like to say.
Akira: Ahaha, I wish I could be as forward as you two, but I’ll keep doing my best! 
Bonds Tied With a Ribbon - Chapter 3
Chloe: I had so much fun playing that game!
Akira: We probably could’ve kept going forever too if Figaro hadn’t called Arthur over. It’s funny how we all tied in the end.
Chloe and I walked through the gardens, laughing as we talked about the game. 
Akira: You two could’ve given me a heart attack with how intense your lines were.
Chloe: Ehehe, I felt the same way. It was giving me goosebumps.
Akira: I absolutely understand what people mean now when they say the game strengthens your relationships.
Akira: Didn’t you say it originated from a ceremony in the West…?
Akira: Does that one involve exchanging passionate confessions too?
Chloe: Umm, that one’s a little different. It goes something more like this…
Akira: …!
Chloe suddenly kneeled before me, the long hem of his jacket fluttering in the wind before it hit the ground.
As I froze in shock, he reached out with a white-gloved hand and grasped mine, his violet gaze meeting my eyes.
Chloe: Master Sage. Thank you for always keeping me in your thoughts.
Chloe: Because of this precious bond you’ve forged between us, like tying a ribbon around our hearts, all of us can spend each day in happiness with one another.
Akira: Chloe…
Chloe: I want to stay with you forever.
Chloe: To ensure our bond never falls apart… I’ll gift this red ribbon to you.
Akira: Ah…
Taking a glossy red ribbon, Chloe tied it around my pinky finger.
His eyes glimmered with happiness as he pulled the bow taut and leaned his forehead in.
Chloe: …Ehehe, that was a little embarrassing, but I wanted to show you what the real ceremony was like.
Akira: I- I see…! That certainly got my heart racing…
Chloe: Right?
Chloe: Rustica was the one who taught me about this…
Chloe: I was on the receiving end that time, and it was super nerve wracking. I was sure my chest would explode.
Akira: I really appreciated hearing your thoughts though…
Akira: I’d love to tie a bond with someone too... Although I’m sure I’ll be just as nervous on the giving end.
Chloe: Do you have someone you’d like to gift a ribbon to?
Akira: Of course! I’d love to give one to every single one of you!
Chloe: All of us!? I’d love that!
Chloe: I’m always happy to receive something from you! And when that time comes…
Chloe gently held up the ribbon tied around my pinky and blushed.
Chloe: Could you start with me? I want your very first ribbon, Akira.
 Akira: …! Of course! I’d be happy to!
Chloe: Ehehe, thank you so much! I was so worried you would say no, but I’m glad I asked!
With his cheeks still a rosy red, Chloe smiled.
Seeing the expression on his face, I knew that this was a bond I wanted to last forever.
Beware of Western Games - Card Episode
Akira: Afternoon, Chloe. I found this ribbon on the floor of the common room. Is it yours?
Chloe: Oh wow, thanks for finding it! I’ve been looking everywhere for it since I noticed it was missing earlier.
Akira: It’s no problem at all. This brings back memories of that game we played the other day.
Chloe: Right? All of us were pretty fired up about winning, but that’s what made it fun.
Akira: Are there any other bar games that Western wizards play?
Chloe: Several actually! The one I remember most is “Tryst of Numbers”. We played it at Bar Bennett with some of the other guests.
Akira: What’s that?
Chloe: Typically the game is played with a deck of enchanted cards that are laid out on a table facedown, and you have to match the pairs…
Akira: (My world has similar memory games doesn’t it…?)
Chloe: If you guess wrong, the numbers will levitate off the card and attack you.
Akira: Wait… Attack you!?
Chloe: Oh, don’t worry! It’s only a prick, so it doesn’t hurt.
Akira: (That doesn’t reassure me in the slightest…)
Chloe: What you really need to watch out for is the penalty if you lose…
Akira: W- What does that entail…?
Chloe: Well…
Chloe: No, it’s too much, I can’t say! I’m sorry!
Chloe: You won’t have to worry about us…
Chloe: But if any other Western wizard invites you to play, tell me right away! I’ll take your place!
Akira: O- Okay! I’ll keep that in mind.
Akira: (What in the world could they be doing…)
Home Screen Voice Line
“Rutile told me that in the Southern Country, people often swear their love beneath the open sky…! Since most weddings in the West are held indoors, I wonder what an outdoor one would be like. I’d love to know more about wedding traditions from other countries, especially since we have representatives from all over at the manor. Someday, I'd want my wedding to be the best of the best for my beloved.”
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716chr · 2 months
“WE ARE M・T・T・B” - Chapter 9
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📍 HAMA House - Living Room
Kaede: Good work yesterday, everyone!
Toi: It was super lovely~! Did you come see us at the tournament, chief?
Kaede: Yeah, I secretly went to cheer you guys on. Ryui came along as well.
Toi: My Dear Brother!? But I told him he didn’t have to come since he looked so busy with work...!
Kaede: I was so moved by the last cat pose at the end… Just remembering it brings a tear to my eye…
Muneuji: Thank you, Chief. We also had a wonderful experience.
Kaede: I see…, that’s wonderful. *Sniffle*… I need a tissue…
Kiroku: Chief…you r-really…cry e-easily…
Kaede: S-sorry guys, I got caught up in the moment…*Sniffle*. So I was thinking, since you guys came home so late last night and were probably exhausted, we didn’t have a chance to eat together so―
Kaede: How about we go out for a celebration dinner right now? I want to show everyone my appreciation.
Kaede: And of course, it’ll be my treat.
Ten: Oh sweet. I’m down if you’re paying~
Muneuji: Thank you for your consideration. Of course, we’ll all partake.
Toi: Yep!
Kiroku: Ye…Yeah…
Kaede: Then it’s settled! Let me just send Chihiro the details―
Chihiro: OMG, you guys! dazzle and Spinel are, like, totally blowing up right now!
Kaede: What’s wrong Chihiro? Is something up?
Chihiro: Look at this!
Kiroku: A video…from yesterday’s…compe…tition…?
Muneuji: Is this a clip of our dance?
Chihiro: Yeah, for real! Check out these views!
Ten: Would you look at that…it’s really doing numbers, huh~ Crazy…the views are still shooting up as we speak too.
Kaede: Wow, the trending topics on SNS are all about your team, the dance, and your masks too…!
Toi: Look, Kiro-chan! There’s a bunch of pictures of people trying to make their own cat masks!
Kiroku: T-they all…look…r-really…nice.
Chihiro: I know, right!? And guess what, the vids of our dance in the competition are poppin’ up everywhere too. …..Even the celebes are gettin’ in on it….!
Kaede: This…This might become a social phenomenon…!
Chihiro: Ehehe, hearin’ that from Chiefy makes Chii real happy!
Chihiro: We might not have won top place, but it looks like we’re about to become the top trendy squad! With this fame, nailing that promise to Prez will be a piece of cake! Killin’ two birds with one stone~!
Kaede: (Now that you mention it, I do remember him saying something like that on stream…)
Chihiro: We’ve had our ups and downs, but dancing with this squad was like, the most fun ever!
Chihiro: Chii’s picks were spot on! We definitely have to dance together again~!
Muneuji: Of course, I’d love to if the opportunity arises.
Toi: Let’s have fun next time too! Right, Kiro-chan? ♪
Kiroku: Y-yeah…
Chihiro: Ten-cham, you too, right!?
Ten: Well, if I feel like it I guess.
Chihiro: Yippee! Hey Chiefy, you wanna join us too?
Kaede: Nono, I’ll pass… I’m just an average guy.
Chihiro: Oh c’mon, don’t be shy~♪ We gotta do it someday!
Chihiro: Ahaha! Anyway, Chii’s stomach is grumbling and growling right now. How ‘bout we hit up some BBQ?
4 people: Agreed!
Chihiro: Woohoo! ‘Kaykay, let’s go-go-go, everyone!
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
[18TRIP] Event Story | WE ARE M・T・T・B | TRACK. 9 - EP
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Characters: 🫰 Chihiro Natsuyaki, ☁️ Ten Murakumo, 🎨 Kiroku Kinugawa, 🌕 Muneuji Kaguya, 🔮 Toi Shiramitsu
Location: HAMA House - Living Room
Momiji: Good work yesterday, guys! You did a really, really good job!
Toi: Chief-san! Were you at the competition?
Momiji: Yeah, I actually was there secretly supporting you all. Ryui-kun came with me.
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Toi: Ani-sama!? But I told him it was okay if he couldn’t come since he seemed so busy with work…!
Momiji: Your cat poses at the end really left an impression on me… Just thinking about it has me tearing up…
Muneuji: Thank you, Chief. It was a wonderful experience for us as well.
Momiji: I see… I’m glad. …, …Tissues, I need tissues.
Kiroku: You… sure cry easily… Chief.
Momiji: S-Sorry, it’s just… You all came home late last night and you were probably tired and didn’t have time to eat together, so—.
Momiji: Why don’t we go out for dinner for a closing party and to recognize your accomplishments? I just wanna thank you guys for all your hard work.
Momiji: Ah, and it’s all on me, of course.
Ten: Oh, bet. I’ll go if it’s all on you.
Muneuji: I appreciate your consideration. We, of course, will participate as well.
Toi: Yeah!
Kiroku: Y… Yeah…
Momiji: Yay! Then let’s tell Chihiro-kun too—.
*Chihiro comes running in*
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Chihiro: Wait, y’all~! dazzle and Spinel are totally blowing up right now~!
Momiji: What’s wrong, Chihiro-kun?
Chihiro: Look at this!
Kiroku: A video… from yesterday’s… competition…?
Muneuji: Is it a video with just the parts of our dance?
Chihiro: Yep! And look at that view count!
Ten: That’s… definitely pretty viral. Even now it’s still raking in views. Damn.
Momiji: Uwhoa, the social media rankings are filled with talk of Chihiro-kun’s team, dancing, and masks too…!
Toi: Look, look, Kiro-chan! There’s lots of pics of people trying to make their own kitty masks by mimicking yours~!
Kiroku: Everyone’s… really good at… making them.
Chihiro: For realsies~! And I’ve even been starting to see dance challenge videos using our choreography too. …And it’s not just the general public, celebs have been joining in one after another too…!
Momiji: This… It’s kinda becoming like a whole trend…!
Chihiro: Ehehe, I sure hope it is!
Chihiro: Maybe we weren’t the champions, but it looks like Chii and Co. are No. 1 in terms of virality! And if we get even more popular, we’ll be able to fulfill our promise to the president, it’s like two bird, one stone~!
Momiji: (That reminds me, didn’t he say something like that on his stream…?)
Chihiro: I had a lotta fun dancing with y’all, despite everything that happened!
Chihiro: Chii definitely wasn’t tripping when he picked y’all ♪ I de~f wanna dance with y’all again!
Muneuji: Yes. I would love to have the opportunity to do this again.
Toi: Let’s try to have fun again next time too! Right, Kiro-chan ♪?
Kiroku: Y-Yeah…
Chihiro: Of course, you’re included too, Tenchamu!
Ten: Uh, sure, if I feel like it.
Chihiro: Yippee~! Ah, and since we’re here, do you wanna dance with us too, Chiefy?
Momiji: Nah, I think I’ll pass… I’m not all that good at it…
Chihiro: Never say never~♪ I hope we can dance together someday!
*Chihiro’s stomach growls*
Chihiro: Ahaha! Anyway, I’m starving, any of y’all want yakiniku?
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Other Four: Yeah!
Chihiro: Yaaay~! Then let’s go, y’all!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ]
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mawarimichisae · 1 year
Happiness From Love Spread Afar / Part 1 / Aira FS2
Aira Feature Scout 2 Story Translation, Part 1 | Next
Characters: Aira, Kohaku | Writer: Suika
"Eh!? T-that's not true at all!"
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Season: Winter
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Aira: O~i, Kohakucchi! Over here!
Kohaku: Pardon me for suddenly callin' you out, Love-han. I have some time on my hands until my next job so I was feelin' a bit bored.
Love-han, are ya really not busy?
Aira: It's all good. Today's work and lessons are over, and I was just thinking of heading back.
If anything, I'm happy that you called me out like this. I wanted to talk to you too ♪
Kohaku: It makes me happy as well to hear ya say so. Thank you, Love-han.
Aira: Ah, the always-popular window seat is open! Hooray, Kohakucchi ♪
Kohaku: Alrighty, then I'll grab us some drinks and snacks.
At any rate, today you're in a grand jolly mood. Did somethin' good happen?
Aira: Ehehe, you can tell? Actually, an idol group I've supported since their debut was selected for a release event!
Kohaku: Release event, as in the event they do when they release a new CD for sale?
Aira: Yep yep. It's an event we're very familiar with, huh?
So about this group, a year ago they were only known to a few enthusiasts.
But a little while ago, a short video they posted became trending on social media. From then on, they gained a lot of fans in one go - currently their popularity is booming!
So, the competition for this time's release event was supposed to be rough. I thought they might not be selected...
But when I checked my phone after filming just now, they won by a landslide!
My tiredness from work already went off and disappeared!
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Kohaku: Well, that's wonderful. When's the release event being held?
Aira: Next weekend. I'm planning to go straight there after I finish up my work scheduled for that morning.
Why can't the day come quicker ♪ I can't wait anymore.....!
Kohaku: Kohkohkoh ♪ When I see Love-han gettin' excited, I also become happy.
Aira: If watching me makes you happy, feel free to keep watching more and more ♪
I'll share the happiness that I've received with Kohakucchi as well⭐
Kohaku: Yer mood sure is great, huh. Well, it's much better than bein' down.
...Oh, if it ain't Anzu-han. Anythin' happen?
Aira: Anzu-san. You want to talk about the "Feature Live"?
Ah! Could it be my turn next!? Is that why you called out to me?
W-what should I do? Happy things keep happening one after another today - I might've used up all my luck.
Kohaku: Yer overexaggerating, Love-han. Even so, I'm glad for you.
Aira: But a "Feature Live," huh...
That means all these fans will come to the live just to see me, huh....
Anzu-san? Am I nervous? Well, of course I am. Just by imagining it I feel like my legs are trembling!
Kohaku: Don't ya think ya don't need to be that scared? For sure, bein' alone on such a huge stage might make you feel helpless.
But I think that until now, Love-han has done a great job as an idol already.
Aira: Kohakucchi....
You're right. If this was before, I might've said "Just me alone can't deliver a successful stage"
But I'm now different from those underachiever days....Yeah, Anzu-san. I'll try my best!
I'll give the best performance so that all my fans can make the best memories of their lives!
Kohaku: Kohkohkoh. That's the spirit, Love-han ♪
Anzu-han, you'll take photos for the feature live's pamphlet, yeah?
Aira: You came to discuss candid shots with me? Uwah, uwah.....! So that's what it's gonna be about after all!
I love this concept, since you can see the expressions of idols that you can't normally see when they're being idols ⭐
"Do you already have an image of what kind of candids you want to take?" you said?
As expected of Anzu-san to see through me....Actually, I've taken some pictures that I thought would be good for this concept.
Kohaku: You've gotten around to takin' photos already, that's amazin'.
Won't ya let me see them too? I might serve as a good consultant for the shooting ♪
Aira: This is kinda embarrassing but.... s-something like this!
Kohaku: Love-han spendin' time in a stylish lil' cafe. Love-han illuminated by the sunset. And this one's Love-han walkin' under the moonlight.
Aira: "Do I also have ones that aren't selfies?" Yes, actually I received help from everyone in Alkaloid.
Kohaku: Yer right. There're some photos where your unit members show up too. Looks like fun ♪
Aira: So, how do they look? I think something like this would be good.....
"They're well taken"? "Because you understand the charm of idols well, the scenes are chosen well too"?
Ehehe~ It makes me happy to be praised by Anzu-san ♪ Then let's put this one in the pamphlet...
Eh? "Please wait a moment"?
Kohaku: ....It seems Anzu-han and I have the same opinion. These photos of yers are a bit uncanny.
Aira: ....What part was no good?
Kohaku: It's not that it wasn't good. It's just, some of em' don't feel like Love-han....
Like the photo in this cafe. This store has been trendin' on the internet recently, so it's not strange for Love-han to spend time here.
But I dunno. I jus' feel like the vibe of this photo doesn't suit Love-han.
It's like I've seen this somewhere, or like some other idol took a picture like this before....
Aira: Anzu-san? Yep. I've collected everyone else's Feature Live pamphlets, of course.
...."Could it be that you adopted the same vibe of other idols' candid shots that you used as reference"?
Er, in that case, I'll retake them....! These photos should convey my image, after all.
If I retake my photos to feel similar to this, it'll work fine for the pamphlet, right!
Kohaku: ....Isn't your demeanor a bit strange, Love-han?
Aira: Eh!? T-that's not true at all!
These are the candid shots I finally get to do, I just want my fans to be happy with them...!
Kohaku: True as that may be... wait, there's already an expression that you don't show when you're an idol, right?
See, when Love-han gets fired up talking about idols....
Aira: Uwaaaaaahhh!?
Kohaku: Y-ya surprised me! What happened!?
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Aira: S-sorry! I just remembered that I have to meet up with Hiro-kun!
I've gotta go!
Kohaku: Eh, Love-han!? ....and off he goes. I wonder, did I step on some kinda landmine?
"He was acting strange"? You think so as well, Anzu-han?
He wants to hide the fact that he loves idols, huh.
But there should be fans who already know that Love-han likes idols.
I feel like there's no meaning in hidin' it at this point....is there some other reason?
Anzu-han. Could you try askin' Love-han once again?
I too am lookin' forward to Love-han's solo live. Anzu-han, I'm countin' on you.
If there's anythin' that I could help with, feel free to say so anytime. I'll lend you my strength ♪
endnotes: ik I'm inconsistent w/ how I format Kohaku's dialect but hey I think it sounds more natural this way totally not an excuse👍
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devilestial · 1 year
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Hi there guys!! I have a post with a ship nobody every expected-
It's Ryota Suzui and Rei Batsubami from kakegurui! Now I know a lot of people say Rei is a lesbian but honestly to me they scream genderfluid pansexual, also Suzui is bi in my eyes so here we are ehehe
Anyway, I'm hella late for the Barb mugshot trend but oh well, here's my take with the babygirls who I love dearly :]]
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machifuwa · 2 years
Nimbus Fumble | Episode 6
Season: Winter
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Aira: Ehehe…♪ This really feels so great. Love~ly ♪
(Oops. I couldn't help but say it out loud. Both Sakuma-senpai and Tenshouin-senpai are already sleeping, so I have to be quiet.)
(I never thought I'd be able to make such a great video, and now I'm going to watch it over and over again. I'll watch it one last time before going to bed.)
(Ehehe. I can't thank Himemiya-senpai and Kohakucchi enough. This will surely be a hit. My followers will be surprised.)
(But for now. I'll also have to think about who to give the next baton to. Who should I give it to…?)
(It would be really surprising if I gave it to someone I don't know very well. So, the best option is to give it to the Alkaloid members, huh…?)
(Hmm. But Hiro-kun's not familiar with SNS. He definitely won't notice it if I give him the baton, even if I mention him.)
(No, since we're talking about Hiro-kun here. He'll definitely say "I've got the baton! Where do I run?".)
(Then, there's only Mayo-san and Tattsun-senpai…)
(No, if Mayo-san had danced the "Rabbit Dance Challenge"...it would've been such a big deal that it would be a trending topic itself.)
Hmm… Who should I pick…?
(I've been repeatedly sending and deleting mentions to various people…)
(I really can't think of anyone that would make me feel "this person for sure!"...)
(Hmm… It seems like it's not…suited for anyone…I don't know…maybe I'm just confused…)
*Zzz zzz*
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Aira: *Zzz*
Tori: Shiratori~! Wake up~!
Aira: …Hm? Huh~? Who…? Why are you so loud in the morning…
Tori: Shiratori~! Something serious came up!
Aira: *Yawn* Who is it…?
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Tori: Finally!
Aira: Himemiya-senpai? What's wrong with you, this early in the morning? I haven't even washed my face yet…
Tori: I don't care! It's the baton! Why is the baton of the "Rabbit Dance Challenge" being passed to Eichi-sama!?
Aira: Huh…? To Tenshouin-senpai?
No way. I'm confused, too. I didn't do that. I haven't even given the baton to anyone yet in the first place.
Yesterday, I was lying in my bed, looking at my phone, thinking about who I should give the baton to—
Huh? What…?
H-H-H-How did I give the baton Tenshouin-senpai!? Eh. Eeeehhhh!? Why? Why!?
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Tori: That's what I want to know!
When I woke up this morning, I saw on SNS that you had passed the "Rabbit Dance Challenge" baton to Eichi-sama. It's trending like crazy right now.
Aira: Perhaps it was because I was repeatedly typing and deleting mentions of various people, so when I fell asleep, I gave the baton to Tenshouin-senpai by accident…!
H-H-H-Holy cow! Himemiya-senpai, what have I done!?
Tori: Anyway, the only thing you can do now is to go to Eichi-sama, explain the situation and apologize.
Aira: Y-You're right!
Uhh. When I woke up, Sakuma-senpai and Tenshouin-senpai were already gone, so they're probably at ES right now. Let's go.
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Tori: I asked the ES staff, and it seems that Eichi-sama is in StarPro's common room.
Alright? Just apologize when we get to Eichi-sama. If we do that, I don't think he will be very angry with you!
Aira: Y-Yes!
Tori: Alright~! Let's go!
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Tori: Eichi-sama!
Aira & Tori: We're sorry!
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Eichi: Hm? Hello, Tori and Shiratori-kun.
I was just about to contact Shiratori-kun. Thanks for the baton. Is this how you want my ears to look?
Aira & Tori: Eeehhh!?
Aira: Umm… Tenshouin-senpai, aren't you mad…?
Eichi: Mad? Why?
Aira: I mean. I passed the baton to you in front of everyone without permission…
Eichi: Aah, I see.
I'm not offended by that. In fact, I'm actually thankful. This is a project that could be used as fertilizer for the Ensemble Square flower beds.
Tori: Eh? What does that mean…?
Eichi: It's all about publicity, sensitivity, and all. Well, you don't have to worry about that. A lovely rabbit has to be immaculate, after all.
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Aira & Tori: ?
Aira: B-But, I'm glad. I'm relieved there wasn't any problem…
Eichi: Fufu. I'm not that narrow-minded that I can't even grant the cute requests of my juniors with a smile ♪
Come on, you two. Will you both teach me how to be pretty so that my dancing will be lovely?
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Translated by machi
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ibitsunahaato · 2 years
Nimbus FUMBLE / Part 2
Tori: Goodness…
So being “pressed” is about feeling upset and bothered, huh. Then, you could have just said that. This is so hard to understand~
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Aira: Ehehe, I ended up speaking the way I post online.
Tori: Well, I’m fine with that. If you’re saying that’s the trend right now, then I want to be in the know as well.
And? What’s been bothering you, Shiratori?
Aira: Hm~... Then… Is it okay if I ask for some advice, HImemiya-senpai?
Tori: Yeah. I don’t know if I can actually be of help. But I’ll do my best so try telling me what happened.
Aira: Um, you see… Recently, I’ve been feeling like my posts aren’t getting as many likes as they used to. I’m not getting many new followers either.
That doesn’t mean that I’m unhappy with my current fans.
Of course, I’m super happy whenever someone likes or replies to my posts, and I want to keep cherishing those who do.
So… I do get that it isn’t all about the numbers… It’s just that I’m worried if the problem is from my side.
What if… I’m losing my reach because my posts aren’t interesting…
Similar posts are available in plenty, so maybe I’m not delivering the things everyone wants to know and the topics they can enjoy.
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Tori: Hm, I see~ So, in other words, you’re feeling like your posts are falling into a boring routine?
Aira: Ah, yes! That’s what I mean!
But in spite of that, I’m unable to think of any kind of breakthrough, you know.
Tori: So basically, you just need someone to produce your social media account, right? Then let me join you in brainstorming!
Aira: Huh… No, that’s… No matter how you look at it, I’d feel bad making Himemiya-senpai go that far for me.
My account is just a hobby of mine. Listening to me talk was more than enough.
Tori: Don’t worry about it. I just got some time to spare. And even if you’re unable to do it all alone, if the two of us think about it, some kind of great idea might pop up.
Not to mention, even Eichi-sama would produce projects for his family’s business, right? So I need to learn more about that kind of stuff.
Aira: Then… Is it okay if I accept your offer and make this request of you…?
OMG, the thought of being produced by the idol Himemiya Tori is killing me…! I’ll turn super LOVE for sure ♪ I’m so glad I didn’t hold back and asked for advice!
Tori: Yes, yes. But we can’t already be sure that it’s going to be a success, okay.
Now, let’s get going. Shiratori, let’s go~?
Aira: Huh? Where are we even going~?! Himemiya-senpai~?!
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Aira: Um… This is the ES building? Why did we come here, Himemiya-senpai?
Tori: Fufufu. Excellent question, Shiratori!
For rice cakes, go to a rice cake shop![1] So for a viral hit, we go to an influencer! Every man knows his business best!
And since this is a place with so many idols and performers, doesn’t that mean that there’s tons of people here who have huge follower counts?
I was thinking that we could have a quick start by surveying such people.
Aira: I-I see! So we just need to ask for personal tips!
Tori: Yup. That’s what I mean. Now let’s start on the search to find someone who’s easy to talk to!
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Aira: Hm~ I wonder if someone’s here…?
—Ah! Himemiya-senpai! Yuuki-senpai is over there. Let’s try asking him?
Tori: Eh~? Will asking Glasses Monk—Yuuki-senpai be of any use…?
Aira: What are you even saying, Himemiya-senpai?! Yuuki-senpai’s account is on another level!
It wasn’t that active a while back. But with the popularity of his fashionable, attractive pics and his gaming livestreams, it blew up recently.
His followers have been increasing at an incredible speed the past few months and it’s an up and coming account, you see! He’s a regular on stuff like the strongest trends rankings!
Besides, Yuuki-senpai interacts in a very friendly way with his fans. If you get the timing right, you can even get a reply from him, so his popularity is super high!
Look. This is the account I’m talking about—
Tori: What?! He has these many followers?!
Ughh, even though you’re a Glasses Monkey~...![2]
H-Hmph. Then maybe we can try asking him, yeah?
Aira: Yeah. Then, let’s…
He~llo, Yuuki-senpai~ Good afternoon~
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Makoto: …Hm? Ah, good afternoon, Shiratori-kun and Himemiya-kun. What’s up? Did you want me for something?
Aira: Uhm… Please tell me the secret behind your popularity, Yuuki-senpai!
Makoto: Huh, what do you mean? That’s what I’d like to hear myself?!
Writer: Maiko Nishioka
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Proofing: Maximum Cheese
A Japanese saying
Tori's nickname for Makoto is メガネサル (literally "monkey wearing glasses") which is Japanese for a Tarsier
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sifasdt · 1 year
SIFAS Daily Theatre Classic: 2020-07-01
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(Transcription after the break.)
[Image transcription:]
SIFAS Daily Theatre for 2020-07-01
On Hot Days....
Kanan: Phew~, it's quite hot huh.... Riko: On hot days, you'd want this, right? Kanan-chan Kanan: Iced Coffee! What's this for? Riko: I brought it from home. Cold brew.... was it? That's the trend now, right? I read it online Kanan: Could it be.... that you made this, Riko-chan....? Riko: Ehehe, you like iced coffee, right, Kanan-chan? But I don't think I can say that I made it. I just put some coffee beans in some water before I went to bed, so.... Kanan: No, no, no, you spent your time making this, so it counts. I'm really happy! Thank you~! Riko: I tried it this morning, I think it turned out to be a pretty good brew. Do try it ♪ Kanan: Hnnn-! There's bitterness to it, but the aftertaste is refreshing.... Delicious! I love it just like this Riko: I'm glad. Fufu, I'll make it again sometimes
[End transcription.]
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baladric · 2 years
💘💫🤍🪄 🦋 for the ask thing!
ehehe thank u anon!!!!
💘 Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
honestly kind of all of them? i am chronically dissatisfied with my end products—mostly because i look back at them and see nothing so much as pacing issues, and a propensity to attribute too much emotional intelligence to my pov characters. i'm not going to rewrite them, but if i had a perfect world and limitless time, i'd rework both Sweet Hope and a pearl in my hand. they're both so good, but they could be so much better :')
💫 What is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
i'm very partial to the comments that involve people quoting the bits that personally victimized them >:3c with a very loud shout-out to the wildly sincere and personal ones—i write because reading has helped me through every hard moment in my life, and hearing that i've given that gift to other people means the fucking world to me
🤍 What's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
i think generally people pick up what i'm laying down, but one thing that irks me a little is a minor trend of people reading Sweet Hope and walking out with the "Maia Drazhar Is An UwU Cinnamon Roll" thing still lodged in their heads. as a person who's been categorized by many abusers/toxic loved ones as A Faultless Ray Of Sunshine, i can say that it's an awful, awful place to be, and unfortunately i take my job as Disillusioner Of Maia Drazhar's Fawn Image very personally whoops, which was kind of a central motivator for me in writing that story? like that's one of the core themes, right? maia's aunt attributes a faultless and innate Goodness™ to maia, and everyone gets Upsetti about that because they all recognize that maia chooses to be good, though he has every reason in the world to be callous and cruel—and that it's the deliberate choice of compassion and consideration that defines him, and not some like. idk built-in Sweetness Coding. he is not good or sweet—he chooses goodness and sweetness, and that distinction is very, very important to me, and to my interpretation of maia, because it allows for the complexity of human (elvish lmao) error. he doesn't always say the right thing, nor should he be expected to by those closest to him. he doesn't always make the correct choice, nor does anyone. so like. idk!! he's not A Cinnamon Roll!!! that is very reductive to me and rubs me very wrong!!!!!!!!
🪄 What is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
if it's a longer fic, there is a great deal of celebratory shouting and probably some excited dancing, followed by a jittery lap around the house before obsessively refreshing the fic page to watch the hits go up lmaooooo. for ficlets, i tend to say "NICE" very loudly, drop it and go do something else with a warm ember of satisfaction in my heart. usually there is a little drink involved in both of these.
🦋 What are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
oh boy uhh, everything kind of!! i worry a lot about my characterizations, bc i definitely have Opinions and i've come this far without getting my ass cancelled but i do worry about dumb stuff like oh no what if people don't like that i refuse to believe goblin emperor elves are all Literally paper-white and perfectly blonde or shit i shouldn't have leaned so hard into selectively mute link. and i do worry too about the self-indulgent Breakdown parts of my writing, eg the whole scene in Sweet Hope of maia breaking down at the opera or the big in pearl in my hand where link wigs the fuck out on sidon. those always feel too loud to me, somehow, like i've allowed myself and my characters too much license or awareness or Clarity or something? i usually refuse to reread those parts of stories tbh. like i'll do a cursory editing pass and then never ever touch those sections again bc i just get so embarrassed ;alkdfjwa;d
fic writer ask meme!!
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vampacidic · 2 years
YES YOU CAN BE A NATURE GIRL!! Basically there was this youtube trend going around where people were like "Guess this twisted wonderland character's name / unique magic" but a lot of them were having their parents guess and so in one video this person had their mom and dad guess, one half of the cast was for their mom and the other for their dad, when it got to their dad's side he thought they were all girls
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Jade is surrounded by mushrooms (She is a big fan of those) so with this knowledge he called her "Nature girl" so thank you to that very confused father because now I see Jade as transfem.
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She ran away from octavinelle once because she was being very petty and so was Azul so she goes to pomefiore and tells Vil she's going be his faithful servant from now on. Vil is like.. okay.. interesting. So Vil bosses her around and turns her into an errand girl, after serving Vil for a while she's like. "Vil, I have decided I am going to work with Azul again. I am no longer mad at him. Peace!" AND I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING THAT IS SO STUPID. SHE TRIED SO HARD TO PROVE HERSELF TO VIL JUST TO GET AWAY FROM AZUL. EVEN GOING THROUGH THE ACT OF TRYING TO CHANGE DORMS, and I can't exactly remember everything Vil asked Jade to do but it was getting to a point where Vil would ask Jade for the simplest of things that Vil was PERFECTLY capable of getting done on her own. Jade did this all with a smile. She is SO SILLY. My friends are very big leech twin enjoyers but one likes Floyd and the other likes Jade so I sat in a call with them while they argued about who was the superior twin. Fun times. ( I love both of them, Floyd was actually the final push I needed to start reading through the whole main story. So thank you for that buddy!!) Fun fact I actually have a Vil plushy.. she is big and I love her. I get into my room and look at her and I tell her how important she is to me. DEAR I AM RAMBLING ON. I will confirm though, Azul is very guy and no matter how hard I try he does not leave my head. I love him though and I wouldn't have it any other way. For the question you asked I was actually thinking about this, you can just call me Light.. I'm not very good with names so I just chose the easiest option. Thank you for asking about twst though I love this game lots.. giving you so many kisses right now!! (Also please feel free to ramble about anything you want to with me I would love to hear it)
IM TELLING YOU ALL MALE GACHA CASTS LOOK LIKE LESBIANS!!!!! the dad was right she's a girl. 2 me ❤️ jade's so real for being a mushroom enjoyer... i used to be big into mushrooms and then i did some poking about decay and uhh. well now they freak me out a bit if i think about it too long but i still like them a lot.... decay exists as an extant form of life etc etc
don't feel bad about rambling i really enjoy it... you get very impassioned light dear and it's nice to hear you go on :] twst is one of those games where i Know it's right up my alley but my brain is like ummmmm. no you will not open it and play ❤️ sorry ❤️ but maybe i'll start soon... maybe you're my push hon. (the only hesitance is this makes it very easy for me to spend money at cons bc twst is so big..... sighs)
jade seems funny though.... she has ummm a je ne se quois to her. i feel like she'd eat me but not on purpose just in a oopsy i bit too hard way. not that i'd say no to it. she's a little bimbo ish it's ok. i love stupid women ❤️ i love siblings with the worst shit imaginable going on ❤️❤️
OH my friend acfually has a malleus plushie... waves Hi kyo if you see this. i have no idea if she consumes twst at all actually but like. uhhh twinsies...? can our giant vil and rei plushies be best friends
light sounds good to me... maybe i'll pick something more fun in the future when i'm not so tired lol.... i'm answering this before i go to bed ehehe.... hehe i'm accepting all of your kisses gracefully!!!
oh but my interests.... they're ummm. eclectic ? some of them are incredibly scholarly and then there's enstars. sighs. no idea how much you know about enstars love but i've been stuck w it for. nearly 3 years now....? give or take. my beloved idol gacha game. but other than that i play a uh. range of video games.... i've been trying to chuck through hades but i'm incredibly bad at it LMAO asterius and theseus are beating my ass. i've gotten to 3rd form(???) of hades before but never beyond that.... sigh. i'll make it through one day. other than that i like uh. final fantasy here and there + horror games despite how easily terrified i am. i wouldn't say i'm a horror buff but i do love the genre... big psych horror enjoyer. i also like writing and drawing here and there but most of my art has gone to class recently.... other than games and such i have my more uh. scholarly interests ? i like biochemistry a lot (of course you have autism and like science) and i have what i like to call 'history blorbos' whcih are guys i have a weird obsession w. this includes vladimir lenin, mao zedong, rasputin, and karl marx. no idea what makes me obsessed w them but you know. shit happens. history as a whole makes me go insane.... 20th century in particular. love the russian revolution + ww2 specifically but all of the 20th century is insane to me. also really like language (im teaching myself jp and am uhhhh. semi fluent in spanish. k can scrape by verbally) and to an extent religion.... i like catholicism from an aesthetic point but as an american raised in a catholic school it's uhhhhhh. Interesting relationship w religion esp w regards to my gender/sexuality.... i like dissection stuff like that. can you tell i have autism. i'm more than willing to detail just about any of this stuff if interested bc hooooo boy do i love to talk about my interests. light honey i hope you have a good night!!! mwah mwah my darling <3
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I started following you long ago for the lotr works and your work about renaissance Venice that are all greats and already complimented you so sorry If I pop up totaly random again, but I'm amazed by your Marsilio Ficino posts, because I've been into 15th century Lureantian Florence for ages and although at some point I started to read everything else, now I'm returned to my old habits and is so so nice to see anyone interested on Ficino and his boyband the Neoplatonic Academy!
On an exclusive pairing term I'm interested in all thes possible relationships between anyone who lived in 15th century Florence, having been an arts management/culture economics major I'm more into painters/artists/sort off, in particular Sandro Botticelli and his relationship with the Medicis, with Poliziano, Leonardo, but I'm also a Lorenzo/Poliziano/Pico truther, etc. I have to say that with time my appreciation for the Medicis decresed and now I'm more interested in other rich families, patron dynasties and drama annexes including the Pazzi ofc, and with them anything else that went wrong with the 1478 conspiracy.
And Giovanni Cavalcanti/Marsilio Ficino, so many memories from uni years! (I'm Italian so this is our standard study program eheh). I just remember how MF was down so bad for his platonic bro :')
I wanted to write to you a better paragraphs but my brain at the moment is all "yay Pazzi ooooh murder wooo so much philosophy, now I'm going to read a 1919 essay on Jstor about a sodomy process occurred in 1501 of an obscure venetian totally random poet".
Have a nice week and good Ficinanti lectures! <3 (and with all your amazing, wondersful, show stopping lotr fic!) ;D
Ficino and his Boyband is a) a great band name in and of itself and b) accurate because he was forever haranguing them to play music with him since we all know beautiful music, alongside staring at hot men, is a prime way to help get closer to God and the Truth etc.
He even has Luigi Pulci for his Dastardly Band Rival
Lorenzo: can I like both of you?
Ficino: absolutely not. you have to choose. and it should be me.
Lorenzo: mmmmm no.
but yeah! I love when people pop up who are also into all things Ficinian! My brief past life in academia was all social history of early modern Europe - and while I did meddle with things like translation and state and social identity in colonial New Spain (what is now Mexico) and political/state identity in reformation England, my real love was always the Italian city states. Each and every one of them a fun and exciting hot mess. (And particularly queerness and the state in 15th and 16th c...there might be a thematic trend here)
I had an ex describe Florence from 1430-1510 as "a bunch of toddlers piled on a tricycle going downhill at top speed with no breaks" and I think that's accurate.
in particular Sandro Botticelli and his relationship with the Medicis, with Poliziano, Leonardo
I just have this image of Botticelli in the background yelling commentary at people who are like "that's nice Sandro". For some reason that's how my brain imagines both him and Poliziano.
Foreground: Ficino & Lorenzo arguing about church taxes or something, or Ficino & Pico arguing about Platonic Concepts of Love or whatever
Background: Poliziano and Botticelli sharing a pack of cigarettes making scathing soto vocce commentary on what is happening.
In the wings: Giovanni trying to convince his boyfriend not to do anything too stupid, or at the very least Don't Write It Down & Have It Printed, while Luigi Pulci is like "this is Marsilio we're talking about here. He loves writing things down and having them printed then becoming very annoyed when the Church arrives to knock-knock-knock on his parish door."
So I'm working on a Ficino book and I have this mental image in my head of him and Giovanni on a rooftop. It's like 2am. They're trying to get Ficino's father Who Is Now A Demon/Revenant For Reasons into a bag. They look over and see Leonardo da Vinci on the roof with them in a strange contraption.
They all stare at each other.
Giovanni: hey Leo.
Leonardo: hey Giovanni. Nice night for it Marsilio.
Marsilio: . . ...
Leonardo: is that...is that your father with glowing red eyes?
Marsilio: my father is dead, Leo. You know this.
Leonardo: ok.
Leonardo: have you told him that? he doesn't look dead.
Marsilio: go away, Leo.
Giovanni: are those.
Giovanni: are those wings? like....are those wooden wings? are you....are you going to try and fly?
Leonardo: um. yes?
Giovanni: ok.
Leonardo: this is a uh...this is a moment where we all pretend we didn't see each other isn't it? This is one of those moments, right?
Marsilio: yes. yes it is. Bye Leonardo.
On the street 9 year old Machiavelli escorting his drunk dad home from the tavern: NICE UNDEAD FATHER YOU HAVE THERE FICINO.
Marsilio: oh my god shut the fuck up
Anyway - please enjoy this scene that has been rotting in my head for a fortnight now.
I'm also a Lorenzo/Poliziano/Pico truther
always and forever I am with you as a Lorenzo/Poliziano/Pico truther. You don't bury two men in the same grave* unless there are Reasons!
(*you do, in fact, sometimes do that. But I'm ignoring this)
I remember when I was doing grad work at uni Pico and Poliziano were The Hot Thing to gossip about in the staff room. Like I had profs, after a bottle or two of wine, being like "well, Piero poisoned them because of politics, sure, but also mostly because they were probably shacked up with his father at some point and he felt weird about it"
As always, there is the Formal Historian Opinion and the I've Had Two Bottles of Wine and/or My Writer's Hat Is On Opinion. Two, sometimes radically different, things.
Anyway - I'm here for Poliziano/Lorenzo/Pico. At the very least it was Ploziano/Lorenzo then later Poliziano/Pico and maybe there was one really messy Carnival week when it was Pico/Lorenzo. Also maybe Pico/Marsilio but they never, ever talked about it ever again. Marsilio would have felt so ashamed and guilty and Pico would be like "it's kind of like fucking an older brother/uncle and I don't want to think about it" and Giovanni is like "Excuse Me I am your Soul Husband, Marsilio" and Marsilio is like "you have four daughters with your mistress - we have Complications in our relationship ok?"
god everyone was a WRECK
I just remember how MF was down so bad for his platonic bro :')
They were married! In their souls! I don't subscribe to it being a one-sided thing. I know some historians and writers have argued that it was one-sided with Ficino being desperate for Giovanni who didn't return the same level of feelings. But I don't really subscribe to that for various reasons.
Now, how their relationship manifested between them, in terms of physical and non-physical love, who knows.
Ficino entered the priesthood in his forties and I believe it was a natural progression for him in terms of his own philosophical journey. It was also a bit of a God Found Me moment. Like a real calling, versus "third son and I need an occupation" which was the case for obviously 95% of the clergy. We know Ficino took his role as priest very seriously and undertook all his duties with diligence and dedication. He kept accounts, did all the smaller administrative tasks that a lot of priests would shove off onto the shoulders of someone else. Nothing was too small or humble for Ficino's attention.
Given that aspect of who he was, and his seriousness with which he undertook his own philosophical teachings and practices, I presume he took all of his vows earnestly and seriously, not least the vow of celibacy. Or he would have tried very, very hard.
Obviously, celibacy in the Catholic Church has a long, complicated history and even in Ficino's lifetime there were still some mutterings about it. Though he was absolutely not one of the people going "hm, maybe priests should be able to have a wife or something."
Ficino's relationship with sex and physical desire was clearly complicated. Made worse, likely, by the fact that the object(s) of his desire were fellow men and we all know what that means in the year of our lord 1470-something.
That said, physical desire was very much intertwined with God, Beauty and Truth in his ladder of love/salvation. It's something he struggled to reconcile - the fact that he firmly believed perception and engagement with Beauty by the Mind, Soul and Spirit of a person is how we are to become closer to God and a person comes to find and know true Beauty through desire. It's one of the foundations over which he and Pico quarreled as it relates to the Platonic understanding of the ladder of love.
Pico felt Ficino's insistence that physical desire be part of salvation was too risky and would lead to sodomy/sinful things while Ficino couldn't perceive a world in which Beauty was understood or discovered through means that were entirely non-corporeal.
It's all a little pear shaped.
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The mind tries to reach God through beauty, which is determined by desire.
For a man who was so very cerebral and spiritual - who bled into the mystic and ecstatic traditions of Catholic spirituality - he was at the same time incredibly earthy and corporeal. I suspect his being quite aware of his own body and its urges is what drove a lot of this push/pull that we see in his writing.
There are plenty of letters where he writes Giovanni in a manner that suggests they have certainly partaken of physical displays of love with one another. There's that one where he writes about how he and Giovanni don't need tongues and hands to show love to one another implying, of course, that they have done such things.
He wrote to Bernardo Bembo that Bernardo must have the eyes of a lynx for he perceived that Giovanni and Marsilio were soul-married (or whatever) long before they themselves were aware of it. Which makes me laugh because of what a perfect fucking fanfic set-up that is. Like what? Next you're telling me, Marsilio, that you and Giovanni were travelling once and Oh No There Was Only Bed**.
Bernardo: GET A ROOM.
Marsilio: ?????
Giovanni: ?????
Bernardo: I swear to God and the good mother Mary you two are gagging for each other and need to just fuck about it or something.
Poliziano, in the background: I've been saying that for yeeeaaaars.
(**never mind that everyone shared beds back then so it would have been very normal and they just would have been like "why would there be more than one bed?? you can fit so many people in one bed and we all have minimal furniture. It's 1473.")
now I'm going to read a 1919 essay on Jstor about a sodomy process occurred in 1501 of an obscure venetian totally random poet
oh my god, Venetian sodomy stories break my heart because Venice went so hard on punishment in a way Florence just...didn't.
This is what happens when you put a city on a lagoon! It makes everyone paranoid that if they offend God he will sink them under the waves.
Granted, it was quite something in the 17th century when the Ten ordered a review of the Venetian merchant fleet, have heard that there was Much Sodomy & Other Vile Things Occurring and found that yeah, everyone has been fucking each other on boats for centuries now.
And the Ten were like: :O whaaaat and God didn't strike us down??????
Pokemon meme: The Ten Hurt Themselves in Their Confusion.
I remember reading one account of a man (I want to say he was a cittadini merchant) who began an affair with his rower. It was a long term thing, the rower even married a (probably illegitimate) niece or something of the merchant. They were very much clearly Lifers.
Anyway - got found out and the two were rounded up and the cittadini guy told his rower, 'Look, just say I forced you. Say it was unwilling on your part and I was making you do it' etc. because he figured as a member of the cittadini class he had a better chance of getting off the hook than his lover who was as a no one.
His lover was reluctant to do that but agreed to the rouse - however, the Ten were on a serious crackdown that year and hauled him in for torture anyway. Despite his being a "victim" and therefore, traditionally, not seen as being as much to "blame" for the sinful acts etc.
During the torture, the rower ended up confirming that no, it was not forced. Yes, he was very much into it. The big kicker was that one of them ended up admitting that they switched "roles" so both topped and both bottomed, which was obviously a big deal in terms of perception of masculinity and culpability in these cases.
Sadly, they both ended up on the pyre and were burned to death between the pillars of the Lion of San Marco and Poseidon in the palazzo di San Marco.
(nb: the details are sketched out loosely here, it's been a while since I read that case so I could be misremembering exactly how things played out)
Every time I see pics of tourists between those pillars I'm like, "Do you know how many men were burned to death for sodomy right where you're standing? And how many members of government were hanged for treason (or "treason") and their bodies left so their colleagues got to walk by them on their way into work? I bet there's a ghost in your picture."
It's a bit of a mood killer for tourists, apparently.
annnnyway. Venice and sodomy laws! Heartbreaking!
Despite that, the city did have a thriving sodomy scene which is hilarious. Though, as the famous saying went, It takes only seven days for the sun to set on a Venetian law and they must recreate it.
Love that bit in Sanudo's diary where he's like: The Ten, in their wisdom, issued another promulgation reminding everyone that sodomy is illegal and it was read aloud in the Rialto and everyone in the market laughed.
ok, my turn to apologize for making this WAY too long. I just - I have the worms they are in my brain and they are going !!!!!!!! about all things relating to Ficino and also 15th and 16th century Venice.
<3 <3 <3 <3
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starglitterz · 3 years
xreader Modern AU/Streamer AU HCs!!
(what the rooms that they stream in look like ehehe gonna post on my blog later)
(was also feeling extra so i animated all of it)
his room is very dark. It's lit up by colored LEDs, stuff like that. He also probably has a light-up green glowy lightning bolt taped to his wall. also has like his yaksha mask with glowy accents from like fanmail and stuff. also related to the event request i sent, his door is probably somewhere behind him, otherwise, how would they see the reader entering his room? also only his viewers know this, but behind him, he has a shelf with various items on it. most of the shelf. has plants. it clashes with his personality, but matches with his color scheme. he used to just not sleep (poor baby drank too much monster hehe) but his S/O helps him with it <3 also has all his g-fuel on the shelf. (secretly has one of those froggo hats) tired and cranky 24/7 but still has amazing aim even if he's tired???? trying to fix his bad posture. childe called zhongli a boomer once. xiao just- snapped. who dares to insult his dear brother like that? let's just say... childe didnt last long in the next few rounds... (totally not long because im biased)
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has a very aesthetic cozy room. When Xiao, Ganyu, and Zhongli moved in, (she was 12 and xiao was 10 , zhongli was 20 at the time, Ganyu is currently 21 , Xiao is currently 19, Zhongli is currently 29) she took her time, hanging her fairy lights, carefully placing all her comfort plushies on the shelf. She recently placed polaroids of her and her S/O in a heart shape, of course with her S/O's assistance. Helped Zhongli and Xiao decorate their rooms. (Xiao used to have those giant wall stickers yk? yeah he used to have one of spiderman, dont tell anybody) Has a neatly stacked pile of work papers. Just very aesthetic in general. def makes you hot cocoa on bad days. did a stream where her viewers spent her earnings on valentines gifts for you (awwwwww) zhongli was slightly confused when there were like 12 packages at their apartment door.
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Very beige and vintage. He just has a lot of shelves. Like a lot lot. He collects teapots, and just interacts with chat while sipping tea. If he's lucky enough to get a donation, he spends it on new tea sets or tea that his chat chooses. But the tea set choosing has rules!! Rule 1 is no NSFW (if nsfw teacups even exist), Rule 2 is no Gore(if that even exists), and rule 3 is has to fit the budget. He also has a wishlist of tea sets he wants to get, and his viewers can donate to help him get the tea sets on his wishlist. Is very grateful for every donation he gets. Has fairy lights and a lot of different types of tea on the shelves. Also has a lot of books on the shelves. idk what else to write other than he collects tea sets and also tea.
(lost motivation and didnt draw it)
under the cut as usual !!
xiao: KJDKAJSDKJASD DONT MIND ME SCREAMING OVER GAMER XIAO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ok now that i have collected my two braincells,,, YES I AGREE ENTIRELY W EVERYTHING YOU SENT ! especially the neon lights??? mf switches the colour depending on the game hes playing and it ended up becoming a trend (also he got hired by the company he bought it from to promote them bc hes that famous - he fanboyed abt it for a day bc he was so happy AHAHA) pls i just know he does endurance stream and drinks so MUCH energy drinks that his chat is so concerned for him but the only person he listens to is his s/o <3 (side note his record is 18 hours, hes planning a 24 hour collab one that will most probably be featuring a bunch of other streamers like ganyu/hu tao/zhongli too !!) HELPPP anybody who says anything bad abt ganyu/zhongli have to prepare to lose, he literally targets them at the beginning of every val round and then claims he just happened to see them 😭
ganyu; NOOOOOOO THIS IS SO ADORABLE T_T lowk feel like ganyu is one of those streamers who mainly does like asmr & chatting/doing work w her typa streams,,, and yes her room is cute asf !!! (much like her) THE COMFORT PLUSHIES 😭 she has a special memory attached to each of them and she treasures them sm omg,,, polaroid wall !?!??! she looks gorgeous in all of them but shes only got eyes for her s/o 👀 pls imagine how surprised the s/o would be after seeing all those gifts,,, like it was zhongli's shock but multiplied by 10 LMAO and ganyu's kinda rich after her streaming success so these were some high quality asf presents HAHAHA
zhongli: LMAOO that is very much zhongli omg all his shelves are full of them !! and he def has streams where he tries different types of tea the viewers suggested to him and he judges all of them LSJDKSK but bc hes such a tea fanatic he has smth nice to say abt each one :] he's super sweet to all his viewers, and his deep voice is rlly calming omg,,, plus he gets flustered when they type out pick-up lines in the chat HAHA - but he freaks out and tells them to stop bc he ald has an s/o
PLS THE WAY THESE WERE SO CUTE <333 ty luca for sharing this omg its the best thing ever
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