#i love nico and maggie's friendship
Little Lady Masterlist
Movie Night
"Nico?" Jack asks, him and Luke sharing a look as they enter their apartment to find their captain on the couch, a white fluffy blanket wrapped around the man as he sits on his phone. "You know we love you dude, but how the hell did you get in our apartment?"
"Uh, she said she asked you about us using your apartment?" Is Nico's response, although it offers no answers, only more questions?
"She?" Like is the one to question dropping his bag on the counter.
"Nico, we're going to start with Beauty and the Beast, because I resonate with Belle because I too am a brunette book nerd. But then we're going to watch Tangled because that's my favorite movie," I notify the man, emerging from Jack's room with his blanket.
"Okay, she explains it," Jack's voice rings, making me jump.
"Oh! Hey boys..." I mumble, smiling guiltily at my brothers. "I wasn't expecting you both so soon."
"You weren't expecting us at our own apartment?" Luke asks, brows furrowed and arms crossed with an amused smirk.
Looking between Nico and my brothers, I smile and wrap Jack's Jersey Devils blanket around my shoulders.
"I invited Nico over for a movie night. He hasn't seen any of the Disney princess movies!" I explain, waving my arms at him.
"You have a sister and you've never seen the princess movies?"
"We just watched other things growing up!" Nico defends himself to Jack. "You two really are twins," The grumble follows, his arms crossing.
"If you think they're bad, you really should see her and Quinn. He does almost anything she asks, and if there'a a disagreement? Team Maggie all the way," Luke tells, walking over and flopping in the chair. "I'm in for movie night."
"Perfect!" I exclaim with a clap, looking to my twin. "Jacky?"
"I'll make up some popcorn," He relents, setting his bag on the ground.
"Grab the M&M's!"
"M&M fan?" Nico questions, letting me drop down beside him, leaning my head on his arm as Luke starts to pull up Beauty and the Beast on the tv.
"I like them in my popcorn," Is my answer, his brows furrowing. "Have you tried it?"
"Can't say that I have."
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nellie-elizabeth · 6 months
Grey's Anatomy: Walk on the Ocean (20x03)
Man, lotsa juicy drama in this one.
I thought Winston having a subplot about giving up on his marriage with Maggie was a little weird and unnecessary. I legit hadn't realized we were supposed to think they were still trying to work on their relationship. Maggie left him and Winston seemed pretty firm on what that meant. Or am I misremembering?
The main catastrophe of this episode features a man who gets extravagantly injured trying to imitate the jet-setting adventurous behavior of his wife's ex-husband, in order to prove to himself and to her that he's cool enough. I felt like thematically this was kind of basic and didn't really connect to the characters as much as I wanted, and then the poor wife at the end when she shows up and learns that her husband is dead... she wasn't the strongest actor, unfortunately. The crying needed some work.
I kind of love the Teddy and Meredith scenes because Teddy and Meredith aren't like... good close best friend family forever? They're just two people who have known each other and have people in common, and I felt like the actors brought that energy in a way that was refreshing. They're colleagues, and yet there's also that deeper level of camaraderie there. When Catherine shows up, Teddy covers for Meredith and then gets brought into the secret of the research Meredith and Amelia are doing. Looks like Teddy is going to be able to move some discretionary funds their way, so that's exciting stuff!
I'm loving Levi getting some screentime, especially because it also highlighted his friendship with Jo! That really is one of my favorite relationships on the show these days, and we truly don't see enough of it. I gotta say, Nico really behaves like a jerk for not telling his partner that Levi is his ex, but at the same time, I think Jo is right: Levi's hurt feelings aren't about having feelings for Nico, it's about seeing his ex move on and take these big steps in his life. Their conversation at the end was great, it had that difficult bittersweet intimacy of exes who used to know each other really well. Nico is able to tell the story of how they're having a kid, and they can joke around a bit, showing how well they still know each other. Two moments I really loved was Levi knowing how big a deal it would be for Nico to leave the pizza behind, and Nico's soft reaction of delight in learning that Schmitt is Chief Resident. Also... the "Levon" thing made me laugh. We need more Levi subplots please! Find him some love!
And then let's turn to the various intern plots.
I really liked Blue's story again this week, he's still shaping up to be a fave. This new surgeon lady looks like she might be a great mentor for him, and also maybe an enemies-to-lovers situation for Amelia? Jury's out on that, but I would not be mad about it, tbh. But I love that Blue needs to keep getting that lesson reinforced about his demeanor with the patients. He knows his stuff medically, but he also needs to listen. Working in pediatrics really makes the case for how these things all blend together. It was the young patient's mother who noticed something off and decided to take her daughter in, thus saving her life!
And then, Yasuda vs. Lucas... dang, Adams, I was rooting for you! Just last week, I was saying that his anger with Simone was totally justified and I got why he was being such a grump, but this week, he really crossed a line for me. I thought the moment when he failed to say something to Bailey was interesting, that felt like the kind of believable dick move that someone makes in the moment and then it's too late to change it, but for him to dig his heels in later with Yasuda, after being an asshole and leaving her on her own all day? Wow, seriously not the thing. I was totally on Yasuda's side and was annoyed at Simone for daring to accuse Yasuda of not trying to move on. She's the one who has been playing nice and trying to be everyone's friend! Yeesh!!
And then we see that Lucas has moved out of the house. I have a feeling we're going to have to deal with a certain threshold of moping Adams as we work out the issues going on here. I hope Yasuda just lives her best life and crushes it and doesn't let Lucas's nonsense slow her down. Or Simone's either, honestly. (As a side note, loving Simone's hair in this ep, she looked fantastic.)
I think I'll stop there - lots of moving pieces, most of them compelling enough to keep my interest. Loving the opportunity for more Levi, more of the interns, less Owen/Teddy, less Jo/Link... for those reasons, this episode is a win for me!
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karouvas · 2 years
andrew nico and blue classic
Hi sorry I got to the asks for this so late this one took a long time, I actually realized I had the opportunity to post it on your birthday but I didn’t quite manage but anyway consider this a belated birthday present if my rambling tangents qualify as such to you <33
Blue Sargent
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1) her favorite musical is Wicked and she identified with Elphaba 2) I think she has some sensory issues which is why she’s so particular about certain textures of clothing, food etc. and I definitely like to read her as neurodivergent 3) I hc her as non-white in Maura’s side I especially like picturing her as desi which you could say is projection and you’d be right, but generally I think of her as a brown girl.
a reason they suck: her judgmental streak is real, and she’s very proud and yes these things together can influence her towards being a bit of a hypocrite.
a reason they are great: Idk how to pick just one thing I am infamously Not normal about this girl she remains my favorite ya book girl to this day.. But I really love how passionate Blue is and also how kind of self-possessed she is about her own feelings, she’s very in tune with her own individuality and what she desires out of life: seeing the world, exploring, finding ways to help make the world better, having her own path that she determines not a set destiny, wanting lasting meaningful relationships and friendships that are maybe more intense than is technically healthy etc. she searches for something more and doesn’t entirely know how to get there/what that path is but she’s intent on carving out that path for herself and finding that knowledge, and then the area she’s least in tune with herself about is like, romance and particularly the way to feel about Gansey in the first few books which I really like as a dichotomy ((and it’s part of why Bluesey reads like a lesbian narrative cough)), that passionate nature is also what allows her to be extremely loving and brave and creative and I generally love that about her. Also this is an unpopular opinion but the way she thinks and her personality does feel like a very real teenage girl, I think Maggie did a good job writing her voice in that department and that wasn’t ever a problem with how she wrote Blue the problem with how she wrote her was, as I say later, the fact that Maggie wasn’t interested in the follow-through of her arc/how Blue’s personality which was very fleshed out, would change/develop outside of happening to develop certain relationships. Oh I also love how curious she is I love character who constantly want to know what is up with everything which will continue to be a theme in the other asks … I’ll quit while I’m ahead here I love her but also really am due for a reread which is why this is coming out so incoherently.
a reason I relate to them: I relate a lot to her mindset of loving whimsical things but striving to be practical in my pursuit of whimsy, I also just relate to a lot of her personality (besides how brave/risk-taking she can be which is not me at all lmao) and thought processes she’s one of the chars I most identify with in fiction generally… and a lot of it can be tied to the fact we’re both 4w5’s tbh. I also was raised mainly by multiple maternal figures I strive to emulate and grew up not thinking well of male authority figures <3
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: for otp it’s Bluesey obviously my parents who raised me… I really really love Blue x Noah too but it’s more elite tier. Imfor ot3 there are actually 3 options which I find really appealing I think Gansey/Blue/Noah Blue/Gansey/Henry and Blue/Gansey/Adam all have excellent ot3 potential but I’m going to go with the latter because it’s the messiest option and I like to have fun. Three incredibly fucked up bisexuals who were obsessed w each other in thematically fascinating ways.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1. I loved the parts of Bllb that focused on Blue learning about her powers with Gwenllian and that dynamic as a vehicle for her becoming in tune with being a mirror/witch should have continued as a storyline in TRK the way Adam and Ronan’s abilities continued to be relevant to the story, the conclusion to the arc could’ve still been Blue learning about the Artemis-tree situation but i wanted more reflection from her on what these powers are going to mean for her going forward and not just “oh yeah I guess it makes sense I’m part tree” 2. Her arc towards becoming less judgmental shouldn’t have just been “I guess I need to not be so mean to rich white boys” I wish she had actually gotten to grapple with her mindsets about class and gender more, and obviously I adore her dynamics with the boys and the 300 Fox way ladies but I wanted her . 3) I love Maura but I kind of wish Blue had been allowed to be mad at her about disappearing at the end of TDT for longer after she had come back (her moments of anger before Maura gets back are incredible I love her interactions with Calla when they both are missing her too), especially since Bllb is when Persephone and Jesse die and the anticipation of Gansey’s loss are really building and getting to Blue so I think it would be really natural for her to double down on transferring those emotions to her mother who is safe for her to be mad at. 4) I do kind of like that Artemis himself wasn’t that relevant to Blue when he showed up lol, but I still think Blue should have gotten to actually know him and deal with some of her feelings about being abandoned by him that were definitely There in earlier books. She could get to let out her feelings and get to know him a little and then still feel unimpressed by him / that he’s not a real guardian figure to her the way Maura Calla and Jimmi are and Persephone was. That would work for me <3 5) Generally TRK failed to resolve what Blue was going to do with her future aside from the Bluesey/Sarchengsey of it all (both of which I love but come on) I haven’t read Greywaren yet but I am glad there was some lip service to that and it made decent sense for her char. (Also should be said that my last reread of the first two books was in 2019 so while I like to think of myself as a Blue expert still my memory of some things might not be that sharp.)
five people that character never fell in love with and why
1)Adam —- I actually do like Blue/Adam it’s
the type of pairing where hindsight made me appreciate it more and find it more interesting as it exists in the story. Blue not falling for Adam had multiple factors so it’s hard to pinpoint just one, part of it was definitely that for Blue liking Adam better than Gansey went hand in hand with the idea of her as someone who wasn’t bound to a specific fate, and that wasn’t fair to him (Adam also had reasons to fixate on Blue that weren’t fair to her but this isn’t about his side of things, even though that also added to creating a distance within their relationship which is part of why), so part of it is based on the circumstances around their relationship, also I don’t think necessarily that they’re incompatible romantically personality wise but they definitely both honed in on certain similarities between them and assumed that would mean perfect compatibility when that wasn’t the case. In a different storyline maybe they could’ve gotten there, within the timeline and structure of the story not really.
2)Noah —- Literally Noah said it himself it’s because he’s not alive… yet at the same time from what we know of Noah pre-death he didn’t sound like someone Blue would like much at all, so that makes the whole “I’d ask you out if I was alive.” “I’d say yes.” thing even more tragic, although Blue very much does mean it for the Noah that is right now if He could live.
3)Ronan — this is just on here because I needed more people lol I actually wasn’t sure who to put after Adam. But Blue could never be attracted to Ronan because she likes a particular flavor of fruity pathetic boys like she likes fruity nerdy and pathetic not fruity Ronan is fruity but isn’t the right kind of pathetic for her at all he’s too harsh and fiery, and similar to Blue herself but not in a way that attracts her at all.
4)Kavinsky — She hated him and would never interact with him willingly there’s really not much depth I can add here. Also the way he spoke to her in their one scene in tdt was disgusting the fact for a long time there were parts of the fandom that cared way more about him and the dream pack than Blue and the 300 fox way women Grrr
5)Helen — This is my crack pairing that I felt passionately about in the year 2013 she didn’t fall in love with Helen simply because she didn’t get the chance to. But I think she could’ve if they met like 5 years post series and Blue hadn’t met Gansey yet so.
Andrew Minyard
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1. He’s a fan of horror media specifically slasher films (also old movies in general but that’s canon from some of the things he’s referenced in dialogue) 2. Only half a headcanon/generally this is very based on the texts but I do think Nora is right about him being bipolar (something she says in the E.C. But it was a while ago so she used out dated terminology) and based on meta I’ve read from people more well-versed in the subject than myself and far more than Nora, I agree that he’s Bipolar II and has C-PTSD, and is also probably on the autism spectrum. 3. He says his favorite color is black but it is actually blue (like Neil’s eyes lol)
a reason they suck: I mean if I met him in real life I would definitely be bothered by how inflexible his judgements of the world and other people are and by his inclination for violence, but narratively I’m more than fine with all those things tbh.
a reason they are great: am going to refrain from writing an essay here and just mention a few qualities I really like about him: extreme loyalty and protectiveness towards his ‘people’, incredibly intelligent and perceptive in how he reads people and situations, always driven to seek knowledge as a means of controlling circumstances for those he cares about and himself but also just because he’s a nosy bitch, and then I have a hard time explaining some other things especially since you haven’t finished the series but I just think the way he works as a character is fascinating I’m obsessed with his brain. Thinking about him a lot also makes me miserable sometimes in a good way. I also think he’s one of the funniest characters ever. I’ll stop talking now he really contains multitudes to Me.
a reason I relate to them: honestly abandonment issues and emotional repression..Also like the way he always want to know everyone’s business but doesn’t actually like to talk to people (non-medicated) is a mood.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: Andreil and Kandrew I honestly can’t choose because Andreil is THEE ship and Kandrew is My ship obsession and I consider those two separate categories in a sense, my approach with Pynch and Adansey is similar tbh. And for ot3 Kandreil <33 very non-controversial.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1) getting on proper meds suited to his actual diagnosis would be nice 2) I want him and Nicky to figure out new approaches in their relationship and generally work to have a better one 3) I think it would be cool if like Neil he later switched his major to something he actually was interested, especially like the idea of him as a film major or a psych major
five people that character never fell in love with and why
1)Roland — So this is a dynamic/character where I have one reaction based on information from the books + extra content (which is basically @ Roland get a job stay away from him!) , and Andrew’s pov of the dynamic is a bit different from mine so I’m focusing on this question from Andrew’s pov. I think Andrew liked Roland because he’s charming and easy to like and treated him like a peer not a kid (which is part of the problem) but it was a shallow kind of liking which was why Andrew saw Roland as a “safe” outlet to explore his sexuality, because there was no risk of him getting too attached which was safer to him emotionally and meant that when Roland tried to overstep his boundaries Andrew didn’t have an emotional weakness for it and could shut it down, and not a massive amount of trust existed but more trust than potentially he would have with other people. Also I kind of think that part of why he was drawn to (/vulnerable to) Roland specifically had something to do with Roland as someone so tied to Nicky, and while Nicky and Aaron were in getting closer and Andrew was placing himself in the protector-not-family role and also everything that happened with the court/meds Andrew would feel flattered / get a type of validation from being able to attract Roland and be chosen over Nicky in a sense, and get a kind of satisfaction successfully keeping it a secret. Honestly I think Roland is for Andrew what Wren is for Spencer in a way (which makes Nicky the Melissa technically), so that kind of itself explains why Andrew doesn’t love him.
2)Matt — I think that Andrew Does find Matt attractive (and is annoyed about it) esp in moments where Matt loses his cool more ex. when he’s picking a fight, is really protective etc. but he would never develop deeper feelings both because of the way they interact based on the structure of the team, the role Andrew played pre series in Matt going to rehab (I don’t remember if this is explained in book 1 or 2 so idk if you read about that yet) etc. and aside from all that Matt just has too conventional a view on morality and is just too close to normal for Andrew to ever be interested enough. However in different storylines pre and during the series or if they met when they were younger I could see them having a fling even if canon-wise it would be out of the question for both.
3)Jeremy — Other than the obvious that they haven’t had nearly enough contact, Andrew would just never be into someone that bubbly and nice they’d never be compatible, and unlike Matt I don’t even think Andrew sees or would under any circumstances see any sort of edge to Jeremy that could make him a bit compelling. And I think it’s vice versa too they don’t dislike each other (Jeremy doesn’t seem to dislike anyone) but they’re not for each other at all. There’s one place where this pairing could happen at all and it’s in the sex dreams yk Kevin has had about it Lolz.
4)Jean — again the thing about contact and then I think across the board in canon and any version of post canon timeline for Kevin and Neil centric reasons Andrew would always hate him. I’m unsure how I think they’d interact if they met outside the parameters of the series, in a Raven Andrew Au I do think Andrew and Jean would have been close while Andrew and Kevin would decidedly Not be close, I don’t really think Andrew would ever view Jean romantically in those circumstances though.
5)Seth — like with Kavinsky this is low hanging fruit Andrew hated him and would never interact with him willingly.
Nico Di Angelo
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1. Rick is incorrect about Nico and Reyna not spending time together post boo he’s just insane for that. Nico is constantly spending time at Camp Jupiter to hang out with his sister and his pseudo sister and his brother in law who he likes to scare half to death for fun imo 2. I think he’d really enjoy things like MBTI and astrology he likes sorting and categorizing things and being a nerd see: Mythomagic 3. In addition to his Aquarius sun he’s a Scorpio moon, not decided on his rising yet
a reason they suck: I was completely drawing a blank because I can’t think of anything I dislike about him but then I remembered the tsats excerpts so I guess just being cringe in those is his biggest crime to date. Like I could say the holding grudges thing but honestly I’m a Taurus I get it
a reason they are great: He’s so smart and knowledgable and resourceful and resilient and I love that he’s so powerful while constantly underestimated, he’s also just. He has a complicated moral compass which makes him interesting and I really like that, but fundamentally he’s very loving.
a reason I relate to them: tbh you can copy paste what I said for Andrew p much + additionally when rereading last year I did connect with the way his grief is constantly present in his character post end of ttc, a lot actually :/.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: I resent this a little but Jason/Nico is definitely the most appealing one to me based on canon content. And for ot3 I Was having fun last year with reimagining part of hoo as a Leo-Jason-Nico love triangle, and Valdangelo has so much untapped potential so definitely the three of them.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1) for the fact that chb is prejudiced against him to be acknowledged and not dismissed, I’m okay with there being some grey area in terms of him isolating himself because of trauma and that also being a factor, but not him being blamed for the alienation he experiences which is territory canon gets into at times 2) his final scene with Percy in BOO should have been more impactful and less of a joke and we should have gotten a sense of how they’ll mend their friendship 3) what I said before about Reyna and Hazel being largely involved with him getting to feel at home at camp and him clearly visiting them a lot 4) I want it acknowledged that Hades and the Furies and maybe Persephone must have tutored him because he dropped out of school in 5th grade I want to get insight on that experience. Which I fully believe happened but not 100% sure Rick does so counting it 5) I really like the Dionysus therapy thing but Chiron should be made to feel ashamed for his passivity and letting Nico be homeless in pjo
five people that character never fell in love with and why
1)Leo — Rick was simply too much of a coward to let them interact and have the arc of figuring out how compatible they would be.
2)Jason — I think Nico would be resistant to the idea of letting himself *go there* emotionally with another “hero” archetype in the timeline of canon bcs of the Percy thing. I do believe he had some latent attraction to Jason (him comparing Will’s and Jason’s looks in BOO is… telling lmao) and ofc definitely cared for him but it would have taken a while for love-level feelings to develop, though i definitely think they could have since Nico is the opposite of Andrew in that sense that he likes nice heroic boys only lol, and they definitely have points of connection so plenty of potential there. In the timeline of canon there’s way more evidence of Jason having strong romantic feelings/actually being smitten re: Nico which like I said I think was ultimately a good thing that made the dynamic a stand out compared to the status quo of both chars other dynamics, and also just a lot more palatable to me personally since my relationship with Jason as a char is … complicated lol, and I definitely would have Strongly resented a dynamic where the reverse was true in introduction.
3)Frank — he’s dating Hazel and age probably other things too .
4)Apollo — Okay so he definitely had a crush on him in TTC I don’t want that to be true but it is… BOO restated it too in a way…anyway though he would never fall in love with Apollo he hates his actual cocky personality (he’s fond of Lester/Apollo too but it’s the way you’d be fond of a really smelly and badly behaved dog tbh).
5)Octavian — because Octavian’s a little bitch Nico doesn’t have a lot of standards (bcs of the abandonment issues) but he does have Some standards.
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got slexie back but at what cost?
“that grief belongs to all of us” why am i thinking about how meredith treated her when derek died
the story mer just told about bailey 🥺 oh he’s precious i need them to show the kids more often
maggie’s vent idea was genius
i think the writers should let jo be single for a while, but when she starts dating again i’m gonna need her and hayes to get together cause they have chemistry and it’d be a shame to let it go to waste
“you trying to set me up?” “i’m trying to set me up” 😭
oh the way mark held eye contact with lexie while he told mer to not waste one single minute i’m in tears
this episode made me weep but i love it so much
maggie and winston are moving so fast i bet they’re going to be the couple that lasts the rest of the series
i love amelink so much i can’t believe they break up
arthur’s gonna live 😭
oh i am so here for teddy and owen rebuilding their friendship
less than a minute in and i already know that this episode is going to be tough
i knew they would deal with covid deniers eventually but man i wasn’t ready
i completely forgot that richard is maggie’s dad
i just wanna hug winston
“that should be meredith.” fuck off????
levi deserves so much better than nico
i feel like amelia could’ve handled that situation better
it would’ve been so cool if while mer was unconscious, they had other characters do the voiceovers each episode
bailey is dead wrong to force jo to stay a surgeon just because it makes her feel better
i can’t believe how much i actually like this version of derek. i think it’s because he’s dead lmao
amy did the superhero pose 🥺
“it’ll wake up the baby” “it’s okay, he needs his bottle, anyway” pls i love maggie
“you two really are codependent” lmfao
zola 🥺
i really really miss april
helm is acting off this ep :/
wondering why tom had that reaction when levi told him about jo switching her specialty
i’m gonna miss jackson so much 😩
“you go give ‘em hell, avery” “thanks for showing me how”
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every time they mention alex and now deluca, my heart breaks just a little bit more
this episode was beautiful
oh i love how mer left lmao
richard is officiating their wedding 🥺
helm :(
oh i love tom so so much
oh this montage at the end is too much for my heart
noooooo tom left what the fuck
i lost deluca, jackson and tom all in the same season
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“i didn’t mean soup” if levi doesn’t snatch him up…
i already know that jo adopts luna and yet that scene where she’s crashing genuinely made me forget and for a second i thought she might die
luna’s guardian is a real bitch
krista stop making jo cry all the time challenge
i love maggie and winston so much
“dibs on the bed!” lmfaoooo
catherine laughing after winston’s grandma said their wedding was broke fkgjfjsjs she’s just like me
woahhh jo wants link to foster luna…feel like amy is not going to take that well
maggie’s wedding was so beautiful
i am so so happy for jo and luna
amelia and link made a deal that they would revisit the marriage stuff so idk why he thought proposing was a good idea
i love how they still involve cristina even if she isn’t actually there.
that ep was so so good!!
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daisugababy · 3 years
I need to rant: I don’t think the writers think about what the characters are doing off screen. Honestly, no backstory in their collective minds. Nico was with Levi a couple of days ago? Last night? Seriously how long did they wait to do this M&M? Not even a week, Marsh is still there. Jo completely dropped Levi. Helm is too traumatized to reach out. Did nico not take him back to his (Nico’s) apartment? Did Levi sneak off to his moms after nico went to work? I thought Link would be a good friend to Nico but when he was obviously anxious about Levi and concerned Link was all sex happy and like hey come do surgery bro. No Levi or Nico follow up/concern at all. The basement scene was awful because once again the writers threw all of Nico’s progress (all of the crumbs we wait years for) into “hey…work!” Instead of the being there for him that they’ve had Nico do since the pandemic started. Also with the Josh situation and Nico doing the same thing…like missed opportunity. “Please get out” “I needed space too, I will leave” or the flip side of Levi “it really hurt when you pushed me away after Josh, I’ll let you stay but I can’t talk about it.” anyway, I’m not looking forward to this storyline at all. Derek went to the woods and immediately everyone tried to get him back, Cristina quit like twice, Maggie quit, Jo took months off to go to a mental hospital…Levi walks out of a torturous M&M and Bailey has already decided he quit quit? For all the Maggie talking about let’s have meetings about policy and strategies and her speech about helping surgeons get back to healing, she didn’t tag on and what about resident mental health? One of the things that made early Grey’s great was the human connection over the most dramatic reaction. Like if this was earlier greys, Jo would have been dealing with her situationship AND still be concerned and worried about Levi. But she dropped Levi when she got that page last episode. Sigh. That’s my rant.
The weirdest thing about the Nico/Levi situation to me is that I and I'm pretty sure many others read that I love you scene as them making progress and Levi moving in with Nico. So I got really confused when he sat there in his mom's basement playing video games that i would assume he'd have taken to Nico's.
Yeah, but tbh, in that moment I don't blame Levi for not acting rational. He's still in surviving mode and lashing out. I just hope that when (if?) he apologizes to Nico that he'll acknowledge how his behaviour back when Nico had his crisis wasn't the best or that he now understands what Nico went thriugh and that he gets how he wasn't really helpful back then. Or just something in ther sphere oh that.
Ugh, yes, I miss how old grey's handled things like that. MAGIC was an actual support system and I loved that.
Friendships now are pretty weak and shallow, maybe that's part why i enyoy the show less and less. Also the lack of empathy for anyone who isn't part of the coold kids' table. :(
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My Grey’s Anatomy top 25ish Update
25. Winston Ndugu: I don’t know who he really is but if he makes Maggie happy I’m down to see him bit more.
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24. Nathan Riggs: Nathan didn’t do anything memorable, he was decent character who was Meredith loved since Derek.
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23. Cormac Hayes: Mac is awesome, I’m kinda sad that his wife died, I’m happy that he got sent by Cristina too. Mainly like him because his name and the fact he’s irish, like the accent too probably the first main character to have one. 
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22. Derek Shepherd: He’s kinda of dick, but truly loves Meredith, children, and Amelia.
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21. Carina Deluca: The way I describe Carina Deluca she’s fun person and I’m glad she got to Maya. I don’t like Station 19 but she and Maya interesting me into watching it.
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20. Andrew Deluca: Nice day, loyal friend/love interest and or overall person. Him dying the way did is so random.
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19. Stephanie Edwards: Stephanie was been one  of most loyal and commit doctor and friend.
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18. Ben Warren: Ben is cool, he’s kinda reckless, but a partner that as busy Bailey is a good partner for her.
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17. Link: Link is a sweetheart, so why are they making him like Owen, why does he want a kid so badly, and wants to marry Amelia when she’s not ready.
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16. Maggie Pierce/Ndugu?: Maggie isn’t the most interesting, a good sister and friends. She doesn’t remind me of my goddess Lexie. 
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15. Jo Wilson: Jo is one of the strongest characters on the show, went through, I hope does the best OB/GYN and raising Luna.
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14. Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim: Here’s the thing is Levi is emotional person but Nico is a reserved person. Both Levi and Nico made mistake but some fans believe is Nico’s is the worst but, he’s just like any other Grey’s Anatomy character. I hope the  actor gets promoted to series regular  so we can see more of this adorable nerd and his sexy, beefy boyfriend. 
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13. Amelia Shepherd: Amelia shown that struggle alot but has redeemed herself and to she to be good and badass person and surgeon.
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12. April Kepner: Didn’t like her in season 6 and 7 but evolve into hot and badass. Her season 17 appearance was disappointing. 
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11. George O’Malley: I like he’s very nice, he’s would’ve an excellent trauma sugeron so we replace Owen
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10. Addison Montgomery: Why Derek call her Satan, Cheating your husband his is very bad it’s bad has to be called that. And she and Meredith has good friendship.
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Callie Torres: I loved Callie, she’s friend, surgeon, partner, she’s good  even though she’s very whine and selfish sometimes.
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8. Arizona Robbins: Like Nico Kim, fan Arizona responsible for happened in her relationship Callie. They only hold her responsible for cheating and Japril baby. Them going to Africa to saved poor kids that can’t get a doctor was righteous but Callie kept whining. Treating badly after the plane crash, she’s loss her leg and her trust in Callie. 
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7. Meredith Grey: Meredith is a strong person went through a lot and but came out bright and shiny.
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6. Richard Webber: Richard is a man who willing to learn from others. I hated him in season 5 and 6 because how controlling he felt but he’s became just an attending I liked him.
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5. Miranda Bailey: She’s boss bitch and mother like figure and pretty one. And yeah she kinda suck at the chief.
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God and Goddess 
4. Lexie Grey: She’s good sister and who’s truly care about her family, friend, and Mark.
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3. Mark Sloan: I hated Mark for first few season but he became a that I know that he’s character that will earn my liking. 
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2. Alex Karev: I hated Alex the first few season but he shown he caring guy and who will there everyone he loves. I rather forget his below average departure.
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1. Cristina Yang: I love Cristina, back when I hated Alex didn’t Cristina was rude because was only that could put down Alex. She in her own way is very good person. But season 9 she became amazing teacher.
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schmico-ao3-feed · 2 years
Confident in him
by persephx
Levi Schmitt is ready to confront his ex in a once-in-a-lifetime surgery when his boyfriend lands himself in the OR next door with a pierced lung and internal bleeding.
Words: 4516, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Grey's Anatomy, Station 19 (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Levi Schmitt, Nico Kim, Travis Montgomery, Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy), Maggie Pierce, Atticus Lincoln
Relationships: Travis Montgomery/Levi Schmitt, Nico Kim/Levi Schmitt
Additional Tags: Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Hospitals, idk friendship and love i do not know how to tag, Jealousy, (kinda), Nico is an asshole, Season/Series 03, Post-Season/Series 16, Not Canon Compliant, Levi Schmitt centric, Dissociation
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39732102
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kaimelia · 4 years
Heartbeats (Ch.1)
a/n: hi! so, this is something I've been working on for a while and im finally posting it....I'm going to finish paper rings soon but this has been sitting in my computer for too long now and I want to start posting it! I hope you enjoy it :)
It’d started small; they were at the park, and Link was chasing their four-year-old around the grass as Amelia laid on the blanket, snapping pictures with a wide grin spread across her face. Scout ran into her arms, and she hugged him, glancing up at her husband as he walked back. She noticed a slight limp in his leg and raised her eyebrows in confusion, making a mental note.
“I’m fine,” he muttered, lowering himself onto the blanket across from her. “My leg’s just a little sore. I must’ve slept on it weirdly.” Scout moved from his mother’s embrace to grab the truck he had brought, pushing it around the blanket. Amelia tilted her head to the side.
“Okay, but you’ll tell me if it gets worse, right?” Her voice wavered more than she expected it to, and she knew Link would notice. He grabbed her hand.
“Of course.”
A week later, she woke up to the sound of him heaving into the toilet. She ran into the bathroom, placing her hand on his back and kneeling on the bathroom floor next to him. “You okay?” He nodded slowly before puking into the ceramic bowl again.
“I feel like crap.” Amelia placed her hand against his forehead, standing up to wet a washcloth.
“I don’t think you have a fever. Is it just nausea?” He breathed heavily once she placed the cool washcloth on his forehead, wiping away the beads of sweat on his face.
“I’m exhausted, too, but that could just be from work.” She frowned sympathetically, running her fingers through his hair.
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” Amelia joked, happy to hear a quick laugh from him.  She glanced up as the bathroom door was pushed open.
“Is daddy okay?” The mother smiled, tousling her husband’s hair and standing up to take her son’s hand.
“Daddy’s just a bit sick. Let’s go get you ready for school, okay?” She led the boy out of their room and into his, helping him get ready for school. He rambled excitedly about his new dinosaur toy as she made waffles for him, pouring an absurd amount of syrup onto the plate. Link came down a few minutes later, rubbing his forehead with his hand. “Hey, you’re feeling better?” He shrugged.
“Gonna call in sick to work and sleep all day.” He placed his hands on his son’s shoulders. Scout turned to his father, excitedly waving the dinosaur in his face. “I can pick this guy up from school.”
“Can we get ice cream?” Amelia raised her eyebrows at her son’s request.
“You’ll have to convince your father on that one.” Scout grinned widely up at his father.
Amelia wasn’t at all surprised when she came home from work to see them eating ice cream in the living room, The Good Dinosaur playing on the TV. She kissed her son’s forehead, receiving an absent-minded greeting from him before his attention diverted back to the movie. She moved to sit on the other side of her husband and curled into his body. “Hi,” she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. “Are you feeling better?” He pursed his lips tightly.
“Not really. But I’m okay.” She took a moment to look up at him, noticing the unusual paleness of his skin, the slight shake in his hand that was holding his ice cream. Amelia placed her hand over his heart, feeling the quick beating of his heart.
“Are you still having leg pain? From the other day at the park?” He paused for a moment as if in thought before confirming. “You should go relax. Take a nap. I’ve got him for the afternoon.” He hesitantly complied, leaving her to make dinner and amuse their son with conversations about space as he happily ate dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Once she heard Link leave the room to shower, she proclaimed it was bedtime, promising to cuddle with the boy before bedtime. He followed her into the master bedroom without complaint, laying down next to her. Link returned to the room later, throwing his clothes into the laundry hamper.
“I think you should go see a doctor. I think that something’s wrong, Link.” He turned to face her at the sound of her soft voice. She was sitting on their bed, leaning back against the headrest with her computer open and about fifty different tabs pulled up, their son sleeping soundly with his head on her chest. Link sighed. “I’ve been keeping track of your symptoms. Leg pain, nausea, fatigue. I’m terrified to think that something’s wrong.” He sat down on the edge of the bed. “We can ask Nico to see you sometime. Just get a scan done or something.”
“You think this is cancer?”
“I think that with your history, it’s not out of the question.” She closed the computer and placed it on the nightstand, wrapping her arms around Scout. “I’m scared of you dying. I would rather fight whatever it is with all of the information we can get.” He moved to sit next to her, pulling her into his side. “It’s not just you and me. We’ve got this little guy to worry about,” she motioned towards the sleeping boy.
“I’ll see if Nico can give me a scan tomorrow.” Amelia turned her head to look up at him.
“Thank you.”
“There is a mass on your leg. We can do a biopsy to see if it’s cancerous.” Nico’s face was stern as he spoke, although Amelia could hear the slight waver in his voice. She often didn’t think about Link and Nico’s friendship, but at this moment, she could see that this was difficult for the man in front of her. She looked over at Link beside her.
“When can you do the biopsy?” Amelia asked, squeezing Link’s hand. He squeezed hers back, his gold wedding band pressing into her skin.
“I already talked to Bailey, and we can have her do it in about half an hour.” Nico’s hands folded together over the desk. “I can’t be the one to do it. But it’s just a biopsy, and you don’t need an orthopedic surgeon for that.” He said something else that she didn’t quite hear, and he left the room a moment later. She turned to her husband.
“You okay?” Link shook his head.
“No. I just want to go home and hold you and Scout. I don’t want to be here in the hospital.” Her hand settled against his cheek, her thumb wiping away a stray tear that had fallen from his eye.
“Let them do the biopsy, and then we’ll head home.” Amelia helped him to stand up and silently led him to the exam room down the hall. They waited in silence, gripping each other’s hands tightly. Amelia laid her head on his shoulder. “Whatever it is, we’re gonna figure it out, okay?” When Bailey walked in, she offered them a sympathetic smile before asking Link to move onto the table and performing the biopsy. There was an attempt at small talk, yet Link seemed to have turned into a brick wall, ignoring whatever they were saying. The chief promised to rush the results, directing them to wait in her office. As soon as she returned to the office an hour later, the couple knew the results.
“It is cancer. We’ll make an appointment to stage it, and we can get you in soon.” She left a moment later, leaving the couple alone in silence.
“Link?” He looked over at his wife with teary eyes.
“I just wanna go home.” She nodded in understanding, offering him her hand and leading him out of the hospital. They were greeted at their house by their son, who Maggie had watched during the day. He eagerly jumped into his mother’s open arms, ranting about the day’s events.
“You look sad, daddy.” He wrapped his arms around his father’s legs, not noticing the cringe from his father at the pain.
“I’m just tired, Scout. All good.” Amelia rustled her son’s hair.
“Alright, Scout. We’re gonna get you your bath, and then you can come and cuddle with mommy and daddy for a while, okay?” She led the energetic boy into the bathroom, the sound of water running soon filling the home.
“If there’s anything I can do, let me know.” Maggie smiled sympathetically, rubbing Link’s shoulder before letting herself out of the house. He walked into the bathroom and rested against the doorframe. A happy scene played out in front of him; his son splashing water at Amelia, who was sitting outside of the tub. Her smile was genuine, and she looked over a moment later.
“Hey, we’re almost done in here. Quick bath tonight,” she teased, grabbing at her son’s nose. Scout giggled loudly. Link smiled and left the bathroom, changing into his pajamas and flopping onto the bed. There was a knock on the door soon after, Amelia walking in with Scout in her arms, his smile wide as she placed him down on the bed. Scout had always loved sleeping in their bed, curled up between his parents, surrounded by their love, as he would say. He quickly fell asleep, softly mumbling nonsense about dinosaurs and his cousins. Amelia’s eyes met Link’s. “What’re you thinking about?” He brushed his hand through the boy’s blonde hair.
“How terrified I am. Like you said the other night. It’s not just me anymore. I’ve got you and Scout.” He sniffled. “I don’t want to believe it. I think some part of my brain is convinced that if I don’t acknowledge it, it won’t be real.” Their son sighed contently between them, curling into his mother’s body. “It’s cute. How he curls up like that.”
“He was always in this same position when I was pregnant,” she whispered, pulling up the blankets between them. “Even now, almost five years later, he still does it.”
“How are we going to tell him?”
“We’ll wait until we know more, and we’ll explain it simply, answer any questions he has. He’s a smart kid. He’ll probably pick up on it before we get the chance to tell him.”
“You’re so calm about this. Normally, it’s the other way around,” he whispered, moving his arm under the pillow.
“I guess my brain understands that you need me right now. I’m sure I’ll start freaking out any day, now.” He breathed out a soft laugh. “But, I’m also scared. Just doing a better job at masking it.” She reached for his hand across the space between them. “Promise me one thing?”
“That whatever it is, you’ll fight. You promised me a few years back that you would always fight for our dreams. My dream is that you’re okay.” He nodded his head quickly.
“Of course.” Her lips turned upward into a small smile. “You have to promise me that you’ll be here whenever I need you. At all my appointments and treatments.”
“Scout and I will bring you ice cream every day.” Link’s eyes fell to their son, watching the rise and fall of his chest. “Try and get some sleep, Link.” She slipped her hand away from him and reached behind her to turn the lamp off, sighing tiredly. “I love you.” His hand found hers again.
“I love you.”
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jazy3 · 4 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X7
They did it! I can’t believe it! They actually killed DeLuca off! I’m so happy right now! As long time readers will know I have never been a Andrew DeLuca fan and I speculated back in the summer that they might be planning to write his character off after it was revealed that the planned finale for Season 16 included an explosion that was supposed to claim the life of one of the characters. I speculated that DeLuca was the most likely candidate with Tom and Jackson being the most likely runners up because I felt that they had gone as far as they could with DeLuca’s character and there wasn’t much left for him to do on the show.
Add that to the fact that the actor who plays DeLuca said a bunch of stuff to the press last year where he spoiled some pretty major plot points and stated that he knew things about where the show was going when he hadn’t even read a single script for the season yet and I was pretty sure his days were numbered. That being said, the show had teased us a bunch of times about firing, killing, or writing off the character during seasons 15 and 16 and they never went through with it so a big part of me was skeptical that they ever would.
But it turns out I was right! His days were numbered and they wound up killing him off in the Mid-Season Premiere! I’m still in shock. It hasn’t really sunk in yet to be honest. This episode honestly made me wish we’d gotten to see the remaining episodes and finale of Season 16 as planned. Based on what we know it looks like the plan was for Richard, Bailey, Meredith, and Carina to stage an intervention, DeLuca was to go away and get treatment and return to the hospital only to die tragically in an explosion.
Season 17 would have opened with the characters finding out about that and mourning his death and I think it would have been interesting to see Meredith navigate that as in the Finale Hayes asked her out and she said yes. It seems likely that if the COVID-19 Pandemic had not hit when it did and shut down production and altered filming for this season we would have seen Meredith and Hayes go out for a drink and start dating.
Seeing Meredith navigate the loss of her ex-boyfriend who she was no longer close to while in the beginning stages of her relationship with Hayes would have been very interesting and I’m sorry we didn’t get to see that. I’m also sorry that due to safety restrictions Meredith and Hayes haven’t had much screen time this season, but it looks like that’s about to change as I’ll get into a bit later.
Back to the episode at hand. I never liked DeLuca as a character and I hated him with Meredith so I’m glad that they killed him off and that we never have to deal with that nonsense again. I’m glad that they caught the human trafficker Opal and took those people down. I was never super invested in that storyline so I’m glad they wrapped that up. I feel so bad for Carina though. She’s a great character and is wonderfully acted by Stefania Spampinato.
My heart broke for her in this episode because while I won’t miss her brother I know that she will and will be absolutely gutted when she finds out that he’s died especially after she worked so hard to get him help and treatment for his Bipolar Disorder. I’m glad she has Maya there to support her.
LOL at Bailey sleeping through the whole damn episode! What did I miss indeed! That poor woman slept through DeLuca getting stabbed, almost dying, not dying, having surgery twice, and then actually dying as well as the other shenanigans going on at the hospital. I loved that she was asleep at Meredith’s bedside especially after they spent a good chunk of Season 16 fighting.
I also feel really bad for Richard in that he’s obviously grateful that DeLuca helped save his life and wanted to help and when Owen turned him down because it wasn’t a good idea for him to scrub in Richard lurked in the background in the OR gallery the whole time to make sure that everything was okay. Plus he can’t talk to Meredith about it right now because she’s in a coma which must be so difficult for him. The extra stress also puts his sobriety at risk and that worries me.
I got to be honest I am struggling to understand Teddy’s point of view this season. She’s being really awful! She’s being cruel to Tom. She was cruel to Owen. I don't know what Teddy expected to have happen. Both Cristina and Amelia walked away from their marriages to Owen and moved on with their lives in large part because they realized Owen was in love with Teddy and always would be.
And then she finally gets what she’s wanted all these years and the minute she realizes Amelia’s baby might be Owen’s and not Link’s she runs back to Tom and has a several months long affair with him and then drops him like a hot potato as soon as she realizes that the baby is Link’s and after Owen finds out about the affair she refuses to talk to Tom for months and then comes crawling back to him and wants to be his friend after Owen makes it clear he wants nothing to do with her. WTF?
I feel bad for Tom. I really like his character. He’s super interesting and complex and he deserves better than someone who treats him like that. Tom is a good man at heart and he treated Teddy like gold and in return she’s done nothing but break his heart and stomp all over him when he’s already down. He deserves someone better. I’ve never been an Owen fan, but honestly Teddy is behaving so horribly I’m on his side on this one.
They had some great scenes in the OR together, but Teddy clearly read too much into it. Every time he gives her a crumb she’s convinced he’s forgiven her and wants to give her a second chance and that’s not it at all. Owen has been clear. He doesn’t forgive her and he doesn’t want to get back together with her. All he wants is to co-parent peacefully and work together as colleagues because he values her skills as a surgeon. That’s it.
It was cute to see Teddy Face Timing with Leo. I’m glad they are finding safe ways to incorporate the kids into the story. Speaking of which, the scene where Amelia and Maggie tell Zola that her Mom has been placed on a vent and she might not come off it was heartbreaking. That kid has grown into her own as an actress and really holds her own in that scene.
Her line about how she didn’t want them to tell Bailey or Ellis yet because they’re too young to understand broke me heart. Zola’s only a few years older than them but she’s old enough to understand the impact of what’s happening in a way that they can’t. And she remembers how hard it was when Derek died. When Cristina left. When Alex left. She doesn’t want to put her siblings though the same thing especially when Alex’s departure is still so fresh for them and they never got a chance to really know their Dad. The fact that Zola can recognize that at such a young age is raw and heart breaking.
We saw Winston and Maggie reconnect this episode which would have been super hot and enjoyable if Meredith hadn’t just been put on a ventilator! The scene where Jackson showed up looking for Maggie was too funny! I loved the scenes with Jackson, Link, and Winston in the backyard having beers! Winston has a great sense of humour and seems to be a calming presence. I like the idea of those three being friends.
Link’s face when he realized that Winston doesn’t know that Maggie and Jackson used to date and are also step-siblings. I’ll be interested to see Winston’s reaction when that comes out. I loved Link’s rant about how worried he was about Meredith and what her declining health and potential death was doing and would do to Amelia. Did anyone else catch that he called Amelia his wife? I’m calling it. They’re foreshadowing an Amelink wedding!
I liked hearing Jackson talk about how Meredith is family and they’re all worried and Winston’s comments about how all they can do is just keeping moving physically and metaphorically. I’m also loving Amelia and Maggie’s wardrobes this season. Their sweaters in this episode were gorgeous! Hats off to the wardrobe department! They’re looking good!
I loved seeing Jo and Hayes work together again because I love their friendship, but to be honest I was expecting more of the friendly teasing and banter of last season where she egged him on about Meredith and they traded barbs. Their scenes in this episode were a lot more intense and agitated. She totally played him with that line about Meredith.
He kept saying no to taking Luna to see her Mom and so Jo made it personal for him. If Meredith asked to see her kids Hayes would never say no and he would move heaven and earth for her. By making that connection Jo got him to agree to her plan. I also love that the reason he kept saying no in the beginning was because of what happened to Meredith.
She went from laughing and joking to being put on a vent and he doesn’t want to run the risk with any other patient and it’s obviously eating him up inside. He misses her. He cares about her and he’s clearly terrified about the possibility of her not waking up. That being said, Jo’s line where she compared Alex leaving her for Izzie because he found out he had kids he didn’t know he had and sending her a heartfelt letter to Hayes spending years watching his wife and the mother of his two boys die of cancer was way out of line. Super not okay. I really think that Jo is going to adopt that baby. I think that’s why they are setting up her interest in OBGYN.
In other news, Nico is still a terrible boyfriend to Levi. I honestly don’t know why Levi puts up with him. Levi really shone in this episode I think. He felt responsible for what happened, but instead of bungling things and making things worse like he might have done in the past he got out of his own way and asked Dr. Khan who was a vascular surgeon in Pakistan prior to immigrating to the U.S. to take his place.
I feel like this episode implies that the Beach is limbo now as I don’t know how else DeLuca could have ended up there as he wasn’t someone who was close to Meredith the way that Derek, George, Richard, and Bailey are. Not sure how I feel about that as I was kind of liking the is it a COVID dream is it the afterlife ambiguity.
Onto next week’s promo! I’m not excited that they appear to be setting up an episode in which the other characters mourn DeLuca’s passing as none of the other characters apart from Carina were really that close to him. They spent the last two seasons establishing that everyone hated his guts, considered him a nuisance, and only put up with him because they had to. So to me the other characters mourning him doesn’t feel authentic or real. It just feels forced.
There are several things I am excited about though. Seeing Maggie’s reaction to his death I think will be interesting. She was visibly upset and ran to his side when Alex beat him up in Season 13 and mourning the loss of your ex-boyfriend who you were no longer close to while being in a committed relationship with someone new I think is an interesting dynamic. She’s kinda standing in for Meredith here because she’s on a vent.
I’d like to see Catherine support Richard and make up for her horrible behaviour last season. And the best thing of all: Hayes!!! In the promo trailer we see Hayes sitting at Meredith’s bedside talking to her about how she needs to fight and how they all need her to fight. Bring it on! It’s about damn time! And Derek’s back and he’s … fishing? I’m excited to see what happens there and if they actually get to talk and have a real conversation this time. It has also been announced that Sarah Drew will be returning for a cameo as Dr. April Kepner this season so I’m excited for that!
Until next time!
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Season 17x8 review
I'm kinda late but I haven't been sleeping lately so I finally managed to catch up with the episode today.
I'm still in shock from last weeks episode honestly but let's go. First I'm expressing my disappointment on the lack of Carina, she's a series regular on Grey's but all her scenes were on Station 19, I wish they would have brought Maya to Grey's just so I could feel good about seeing them cash in their regulars card. Then Deluca was laid to rest, another heart breaker seeing that they had just opened the realms of possibility for him and storylines but they just killed him off instead.
Teddy the biggest storyline at this point besides the funeral. At last we get to see what's really going on. Teddy hasn't been looking herself for a long time and it seems like Deluca's death was the breaking point for her, she was so scarred she didn't even want to wean Meredith off of the vent and when things are affecting your decisions as a doctor and not for the better, it's not a good sign. We'll get to see more of the storyline next week which honestly I'm excited to see. She managed to make me feel for her because despite everything she's done she's still the same old attachment barbie under there. I'm just glad Owen was able to put aside their differences and pick her up bridal side to take her home. The only thing I'm hoping is that it actually happens to be what the trailer was suggesting and not another Denny and Izzie situation because enough of the Grey Sloan doctors have had cancer and I'm definitely hoping that hey end the love triangle between her Owen and Tom or the better scenario in my opinion is let her get some space to breath and deal with healing without the pressures of relationship added to it.
Meredith honey, I'm gonna need you to take several feet away from Mc Dreamy, your kids and the hospital need you and you're getting a little too close to him for comfort. On that note I was once again glad to see Patrick Dempsey bless my screen as Derek Shepherd and it was as always a treat. When he talked about the kids, I'm so glad he knows about Ellis and they got to have several deep chats, so much so that I almost fell into the trap of wanting them to touch. She took a breath on her own which makes it seem as though she's improving but I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them trampled again like in the situation with Deluca waking up after surgery and then Meredith waking up only to end up on a vent in the same day.
I'm so glad that she's taking some time off. She's been running on empty since her mother died and she was beginning to remind me of the time with when she tested herself over and over again for staph with how obsessed she was about Deluca's autopsy, however with the amount of her fellow doctors she's lost its understandable plus Meredith the only one of her residents left is still on life support. If it wasn't for Richard she would have done some serious damage especially to Teddy who already was on edge. She definitely doesn't handle trauma well but besides Richard and Meredith she has experienced the most trauma. She's been through a lot and sometimes I think I tend to forget that.
And at least we got to see that small scene between her and Ben at the end so that was a plus.
Is still holding up the walls of the hospital. It must be so hard for him to keep his faith with all he has been through, like I said before him, Meredith and Bailey have been through hell and back so I can definitely understand him feeling a little lost and losing his faith. However he didn't let that affect his keeping the Grey Sloan family together. I'm glad him and Catherine managed to make up because both of his support people are going through things of their own (Meredith and Bailey) so I was glads that she was able to be there for him and he didn't have to consider the thought of alchohol because that would just be too much at this point.
Amelia and Link
Are doing really well right now as a couple, which scares me because whenever something seems to be going too well for a couple they throw a storm at them and I'm not ready to see their happy bubble burst just yet.
And Amelia has grown a lot her talking to Zola, she just said the right things. Mother hood as really changed her for the better. And does anyone else really want to see the letters that Zola wrote for Derek?
Link however felt the pressures of taking care of 4 kids constantly and I can understand I help out with my niece sometimes and by the end I want to pull my hair out and sleep in a corner for a week, farless 3 kids and a baby, I'm surprised he lasted so long.
Link headed to Jo's house in the middle of whatever agreement Jackson and Jo have going and got drunk. What I really liked about it though was that he went home afterwards and when he did Amelia didn't judge or yell she just talked to him and then hugged him which was amazing. They have a level of communication on the show that most of the other couples lack and it just works so well for them.
Jo and Jackson
Jackson discovered just how much of a close friendship Link and Jo have and at some point he almost seemed as if he was jealous. Let the complications begin ladies and gentlemen. Plus there is the apparent potential of Dr Haynes turning it into a triangle. I guess one triangle dies to form another 🙄 and let's just say I'm not too excited for it.
Jo allowed herself to get drunk and vent which in my opinion was a step forward atleast. She hasn't really gotten the time to grieve over Alex because suddenly Covid happened and she was swamped with work. I'm just hoping that she does so that she won't accidentally sabotage any upcoming happiness she may have with someone else she needs to heal.
Maggie and Winston
Poor Winston, he really doesn't know what he's signing up for by joining Grey Sloan does he 😭? Although I noticed last week he seemed to be getting the picture when Link was talking about Meredith and Derek. On the other hand seeing him with the kids was adorable, and he managed to give everyone some time to themselves without the kids which was a very big contribution. He's reminding me of a Ben which in no way is a bad thing. Go on Maggie get it.
Maggie was also devastated and shocked by Deluca as we all were and I'm so sad how their slowly but surely introducing her to the traumas of Grey's. She literally is the only pure one left and now she has to go through all the trials of the hospital until she's dark and twisty. I hope not though she's the only cheerful non broken one left on the show.
Is about to have his hands full by next episode. He really is beginning to redeem himself after all Teddy did to him the whole episode he spent trying to make her feel better about Deluca and then picked her up to carry her home which confirmed my theory of it was always going to be Owen for Teddy, it was always Owen and Teddy even when she was married to ....... Henry 😭. I hope this will be the end of the over worked love triangle and they'll finally be able to move on especially Tom who deserves it.
Is utterly smitten with Meredith's children and was begging her to wake up and fight and surprise, surprise she took her first breath on her own. Honestly out of all the potential suitors for her which really isn't much considering one of them has now joined Derek as a permanent member of the beach, Haynes isn't a bad choice, I'm beginning to actually ship them. But then Krista said she was sensing a potential triangle with Jo, Jackson and Haynes and I hope not. I'm tired of the triangular pyramid of Grey Sloan love triangles. Just once I would like a relationship to be straight forward. They killed Deluca and the Teddy one is coming to an end, no need for another.
Is still recovering from Covid and he seems to be going to live, a plus in the series so far.
Levi and Nico
Are slowly getting closer, but I'm not rooting for anyone until Nico apologizes and they have an actual conversation about what happened without their clothes ending on the floor.
Also was having a hard time coping and dealing with a bit of guilt about her over ambitious surgery hungry self. She actually reminds me of Cristina in a way, which is why I want Tom to be her teacher I really think their personalities will bounce well off of each other, especially in the episode where she had to check on Tom when he had Covid.
• What's going on with Teddy? Owen said in the trailer he sees it in soldiers a lot but Grey's has a knack for reusing plots and her seeing Deluca is giving major Denny Izzie vibes, plus there's the chance that if it really is a brain tumor they'll pin all her recent choices on the tumor.
• Will someone tell Meredith they're are beaches in the real world as well, sure Derek won't be there and it probably wont be as peaceful but all I know is she needs to wake to hell up.
• What's going on between Jo and Jackson will they become more? Will they add Haynes to the mix?
• And most importantly when will Carina finally be seen in the Grey Sloan hospital? I need more Dr Carina.
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glassesandkim · 3 years
ok so anon sent me a rant that i asked for and I want to answer it but under a cut so we don’t have to spam the dash. 
Click under the read more if you want to read me and anon’s rant on grey’s anatomy s17 finale
anon said: “Magston... what the hell lmao. They literally had a whole plot in 1716 about postponing their wedding so they could do it right (with family) and then winston was getting all mad about it and thought maggie was backing out (even though its a pandemic and theyve only been engaged for like what? 3 months tops). Then they flew their older parent/grandparent out (in the middle of a pandemic and severely affects old people), only to have them object to the wedding at the ceremony and then they postpone anyways???? What???? They couldnt have done that over the phone lmao like I liked the idea of magston a lot in s16 but their arc this season made me hate them so much lol. Sometimes I think theyre less developed than schmico (like which writer decided to marry them this season ????? Fireable offence imo considering they have no previous relationship history Im pretty sure and Im pretty sure they were only dating/engaged for like a year???? Even if the show was ending a moving in together/dating/engagment endgame would have worked for them? Anyways).”
First of all: what the fuck is grey’s obsession with marriage?????
It might just be me, but take it from someone who worked in the wedding industry for 3 years, and lemme tell you: weddings are fun, beautiful, amazing, but they’re also hella for the privileged. YOU KNOW IT CAN COST UP TO $700 CAD TO HIRE AN OFFICIANT??? So the job Richard had? He could’ve made an easy few hundies. 
I really hate how fucking fake and badly acted that scene was when Maggie’s dad and Winston’s grandma objected to the marriage. Why did they wait until then and EMBARRASS both of them???? Like you said, what the hell was the point of last episode’s whole debacle???? They could’ve just not done that plot in ep 16 and had them get married anyway in ep 17 and had someone object to their marriage. 
Can’t believe Maggie flew two old people around the country during a goddamn pandemic. How irresponsible is it???? Again, I don’t know if it’s because they’re just way more relaxed in the states than where I’m from but wth....
anon said: Okay and then amelink. I LOVED how amelia was written this episode, but in the context of the time jump it was kind of weird? Like amelia was feeling this way about marriage/more kids for 8-9 months and never even hinted to link that she wasnt interested? And I like to think link respects amelia a lot, so why didnt he bring up marriage again before proposing? Or ask mer/maggie what they thought about him proposing? I can understand her not talking to link about her concerns but I find it hard to believe she didnt bring it up with mer/maggie once in that time frame? Idk it was just rushed and weird. And amelia clearly wasnt okay with the fostering thing and he still went with it anyways lol.
I can’t remember and I don’t care enough to go watch the ep, but did Amelia and Link move out of Mer’s house? 
The only good thing about this episode was Amelia, especially her conversation with Richard (in that not very Seattle courtyard rofl HONESTLY GREY’S PUT SOME EFFORT IN YOUR SETS. YOU KNOW YOUR ENTIRE SHOW IS SET IN SEATTLE RIGHT/???? LIKE MAKE IT RAIN IN THAT COURTYARD TO REFLECT HOW AMELIA FEELS IDK GAWD)
I also can’t believe Amelia would just be like, welp! I guess I’m a double mom now of my own child and this random crotch child that my baby daddy promised to his best friend. And oh ya, I don’t want anymore children but shhh its a secert.
I mean, I know Amelia technically fostered before but ............. (i’ll continue this in the next segment)
anon said: And the fostering thing... Jo’s plot was weird this ep too lmao. Like maybe Im just dumb but they never explained why she failed her background check? Idk this plot would have been a much better season long arc than a one episode arc lol. Although I think the single parent thing might be fun next season (the weird jo/levi friendship will be worth it if we get schmico babysitting)
They didn’t really explain why she failed her bg check. I also don’t know how money can fix her failed background check.
Also how fucking shady is it that Link and Amelia fostered a child? Wouldn’t the foster people want to give a child to a stable family who, let’s think, ARE MARRIED and HAVE A HOME OF THEIR OWN?
Who’s the dumbass in the writer’s room that thought of this ludicrous convenient solution for Jo? Only people with that much money and power can steal children. 
I really thought Jo’s fight for Luna should’ve started earlier and when it didn’t start, I thought it would bleed into next season. It’s not easy to adopt a child. 
anon said: Also is our last jackson appearance on this show really a random facetime with jo? Would have much rather had a face maggie to congratulate her on her marriage (why wasnt he there???) 
Maggie’s kind of his step sister or whatever the f they are. Jackson could’ve taken a break from solving racism to attend his family member’s wedding, right?
anon said: Okay and then the interns... we never actually saw mer teaching them? Im hoping that theres a bigger intern/resident focus next season because of mers new job but now Im not optimistic haha. And why are the residents and interns grouped together? And why was levi so involved with mer’s patient that he wasnt pulled from the wedding to help???????? Its a double lung transplant get the upper year resident in there PLEASE!!! Or at least let him take over the surgery when mer passed out. Cristina would have been doing this shit in her intern year. I assure you he would much rather be at the surgery than the wedding of someone he has never interacted with. And Surely that surgery would have been better if more than 2 surgeons were working on it?????? my ONLY hope is that the time jump means we’re getting helm and levi aged up to 5th years and we get some chief resident/specialization/boards plots for them next year.
i hate grey’s and their ridiculous time jumps and blatant disregard to HOW THIS WILL AFFECT THE CAREERS OF THEIR RESIDENTS. 
I bet, like Teddy’s child, Levi and Helm are gonna be residents for 10 years and never choose a speciality. I want to revoke grey’s rights to call themselves a medical drama. There’s nothing medical about this show.
(Okay, I’m also sure the basin would be sterile but I can’t. I can’t believe in real life, they’d have the same hands hold a basin and a human organ. Someone who’s a doctor or works in the OR, tell me if I’m right. I need to know. )
Also, Bailey taking off her mask when she’s hugging Mer after the surgery. Right TO JAIL!
anon said: And finally... not half of maggies wedding guests ditching the wedding to go stand in a hallway and clap for mer LMAO like they couldnt have done that the next day??? Like I said before, most of this episode was comedy lol.
it’s COVID. Why are people going into the hospital unnecessarily??????
Yes, but you’re right. I gotta watch these eps like it’s a comedy or I’ll LOSE MY FACKING MIND
anon said: Redeeming parts of this episode: merhayes still has potential, need them to stop having the same scene over and over again though. Nico ily and alex get that cheque for sitting there, dancing, and clapping for ellen. Jo selling her shares to koracick... lmao. Bokhee and the other nurse getting their vaccines :’)
LOL @ merhayes having the same interaction. I was telling some people that I’d love for Hayes and Owen to have some scenes and for Hayes to kick Owen’s ass. Because like @schmico-ing said, Owen is a child collector and Hayes would absolutely fucking hate him.
YES ALEX LANDI GETTIN’ THAT DOUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What an amazing job. I hope he gets paid in the 6 figures for his time at grey’s.
I don’t know how I feel about Koracick. I love caring Koracick. I hate asshole Koracick. I feel like they’re two different people. 
Anyways, love your rants. I look forward to them when s18 starts or even whenever you have the odd urge to rant!
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joysmercer · 4 years
any thoughts on the rest of the episode and THAT ending
i was going to write a post but i’ll just answer here lol
episode 1 thoughts:
did not know maggie had a bf or Jackson had a gf or that teddy and koracick’s sexcapades were broadcasted to an entire OR. i would have rewatched s16 to remind myself of these things before tonight, but i did not want to
also highkey forgot jackson had a kid until his gf showed up 
Jackson and jo are ew. fuck krista vernoff.
honestly so mad that amelink didn’t even have *1* scene. they were the only reason i was watching in the first place
episode 2 thoughts:
i don’t care about teddy or owen or that mess. i don’t. the only things i will say are that (1) i will never forgive the writers for messing up teddy’s character so much that i now hate her; (2) they deserve each other; (3) i’m really upset that koracick can’t seem to redeem himself. 
look i think they’re going to try and replicate the jolex best friends to lovers thing with jo/jackson, and if that happens, i will throw a tantrum. not just because nothing can match up to jolex, but also because i love jackson and jo’s friendship and i need it to stay exactly that way – a friendship
also don’t like merluca. i appreciate the mental health storyline they’ve got with Andrew but i don’t really want to see more of him and Meredith together. part of me ships Meredith x cormac hayes, but also cormac seems too good for her. 
nico still has the personality of a tennis ball. glasses is still annoying. schmico is still a poor replacement for what calzona had. 
irdc about whatever nonsense webber and catherine had/have going on. also webber bringing that mom into the hospital was plain irresponsible. 
i have no idea what maggie’s boyfriend’s name is, nor when/where/why/how that relationship started, but i like them together!
SO MUCH DOMESTIC AMELIA AND LINK I’M IN HEAVEN!!! i adore them and honestly was annoyed that the episode wasn’t focused entirely around them + baby + grey’s kids, especially since some genius decided not to feature them at all in ep 1…also, just for the record, they’re single-handedly carrying the show at this point 😌
on a side note, before i saw an actual child (as opposed to an infant) run out and demand food, there was a split-second where i thought amelia and link named their kid “bailey” and forgot they have a nephew by the same name. goes to show the level of faith i have in the writers at this point
i have SO many questions about that ending…think she got covid and that’s how she’s seeing derek, but can’t be certain…also ppl on twitter are talking about revivals of other dead/gone people (w imdb screenshots as proof) and i think it might actually happen on this batsh*t-crazy show
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nellie-elizabeth · 3 years
Grey's Anatomy: I'm Still Standing (17x16)
Going to rapid-fire this review!
I don't want more Amelia and Link drama! I hope the kid thing is resolved quickly and without too much angst. Maybe the compromise is Amelia and Link continuing to be involved with Meredith's kids, so Link can be a father-like presence in the lives of a whole gaggle of children. The thing is, I've so enjoyed this lighter, more fun story for Amelia, during her relationship with Link. They bring out this really lovely, happy side in one another and I don't want to abandon that for more angst.
I hesitate to say what I'm about to say because I think people are going to yell at me!!! I've been so wobbly on Nico and Levi because I think Levi is a really fun character, and we just haven't spent as much time with Nico, and he was honestly pretty horrible to Levi, and narratively, yes, he's made amends and I'm not like... mad at the thought of them being together or whatever, but I have to admit a potentially sacrilegious truth that is becoming harder and harder to deny! The actors just don't have that much chemistry with one another! Don't get me wrong, they're perfectly fine and their scenes do the job and aren't like... painful to watch or anything, but I don't have the warm fuzzies about them the way I should when a relationship reaches a milestone like this. So that whole scene with Nico and the candles and the "I think about you all day" should have been a really squee-worthy moment and instead I kind of vaguely thought... "oh, I guess that's nice."
I also thought Maggie and Winston's little relationship drama was annoying, although I'm glad it was resolved quickly. I guess mostly I just thought Winston was being really childish, because it makes sense that Maggie would be bummed out at the thought of having her wedding during the pandemic. And then Winston was very petulant at the very idea of waiting a bit longer to get married, so they could have the wedding they wanted. Why was it such a rush, for him? It bothered me a bit that in this story, Maggie was represented as the one in the wrong, the one who needed to do a grand gesture to make amends, when all she did was express her true feelings of reluctance to rush the wedding in such a stressful time where they couldn't have the day of their dreams. I was on Maggie's side for this! (But still, the end of the episode was super cute and I do still like them together.)
Meredith is nervous and already impatient about her long recovery post-COVID, and Bailey comes by to chat with her and try and cheer her up. She also comes with an offer, for Meredith to be the head of the residency program. I like this for Meredith! I like the idea of her taking on this fun leadership role. It will be a nice way for her career to shift and grow into something new that we haven't seen for her before. I also just like seeing Bailey and Meredith hang out and have such a good friendship. They are two of the only three remaining original cast members left on the show! Crazy.
I'm going to put Jo's story-line under "pros" even though it's really freakin' tragic... I hope somehow she gets custody of Luna anyway? I hope Cormac finds a way to put in a good word for her? Because otherwise what's the point? That moment when Jo is talking to Link and Link says it out loud for the first time, that Jo should adopt Luna, and then you have Jo watching as Luna is on the brink of death, crying in relief when she pulls through, and saying "I'm her mother..." Oh, Jo. I only want good things for her and she hasn't gotten to have many of those recently, has she?
I'm going to ignore the inherent insanity of Levi inviting Helm to move in without clearing it with Jo first, because I actually like the idea of Jo's place just being overrun by these other doctors. It just tickles my fancy. And maybe Levi will move in with Nico now, and it'll be Helm and Jo together? That would be a good chance to give Taryn more of a presence on the show. I really like her, but she's always been kind of on the periphery.
I liked Amelia's cool brain scan thing! I got emotional when the dad was able to communicate with his girl who's basically in a coma! This show will casually present medical breakthroughs in a hilariously simple way, but I'm not even mad about it.
The old woman whose husband had recently died, and whose dog was missing, seriously broke my heart. I teared up when she was caught in a lie about a headache and confessed that she has friends at the hospital and nobody to talk to at home... jeez, that really got to me! And then in the end she gets her dog back... yay for contrived moments of joy in a world otherwise full of desolation!
I also can't believe I'm saying this but... the one moment in the whole "Link wants more babies" plot thread that I liked was Owen and Amelia talking! The actors actually have good natural chemistry when they're not forced into story-lines that play up the passion and angst. They're exes who are friends and who share a long history, and Owen offering to go to a meeting with Amelia was really sweet! See, I can say nice things about Owen... I'm not that biased against him...
I'll stop there for now! As always with this show, I rambled on more than I meant to. A perfectly solid installment, lots of checking in on everyone. And next week is the finale!
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clexylexy · 4 years
rating wlw ships i’ve encountered in my gay life
(but only the ones that “actually” sailed... listed in the order i watched them)
1. stef and lena - the fosters
this is the first wlw ship i remember encountering. BEFORE i realized i’m a lesbian. 
i remember seeing stef’s journey with her husband and lena and thinking, “god i would hate that” and feeling personally attacked even though i thought i was straight. -3 points on accounts of slight pettiness in honor of pre-gay me.
it’s been a while since i watched this show, but from what i remember they were good together and i felt seen, even though i had no idea why. +.5 points.
total: 7.5/10
2. brittany and santana - glee
whoever let me watch this show? it’s ridiculous. -4 points on accounts of being ridiculous.
anyway, still didn’t know i’m gay at this point. but i remember being invested. 
i did enjoy santana’s arc. again, i felt very attacked because at the time i was in denial. -2 points on accounts of slight pettiness yet again.
they were always the best part of the show, though, in my opinion. +2 points.
total: 6/10
3. lexa and clarke - the 100 
i was invested in these two for A WHILE. 
only cons include that this was a slow burn that got cut off before the good feeling of a slow burn could hit. they didn’t even get to become a real couple because lexa died the second they consummated their relationship. -4 points on accounts of unnecessary pain. 
other than that, lots of gay pining and really obvious gay proclamations made by lexa, including but not limited to: “attack her and you attack me” and “i swear fealty to you, klark kom skaikru.” +2 points.
coincidentally, sometime during this show or maybe slightly before watching it i came to terms with my sexuality. +0 points on accounts of this not being affiliated with the show or the couple.
total: 8/10
4. kat and adena - the bold type 
i didn't like this show too much. i kept losing interest often. -3 points on accounts of... being bored.
i did, however, like the ship. i sometimes struggled to connect with it, i think because i wasn’t all that into the show as a whole. i’ve never been the type to watch a show just for the gay characters. -2 points.
please note that that’s just my opinion. you could very well end up liking the show a lot. i do remember them being apart for a lot of the season for some reason, which quickly made me lose focus. i can’t remember why, that’s how little this show stuck out to me.
total: 5/10
5. waverly and nicole - wynonna earp
lovely couple. very cute together. also, they care so much about one another and they get lots of screen time. 
plus, the show is killer. i love the cast and there's a lot of relatable characters.
i only watched seasons 1 and 2, however, because it stopped recording on my tv for GOD KNOWS WHAT REASON and i’m not caught up yet. so i can’t say anything on seasons after that.
total: 10/10
6. alex and maggie, then alex and kelly - supergirl
i love alex’s story line. it felt super relatable and real, plus she got some cute ladies. her sexuality isn’t turned into a big deal. as soon as she realizes and has that conversation with herself, it drops away. nobody is like, “huh, alex is gay???” ever again. she just... is.
i also really like that alex isn’t just with the first girl she meets, like a lot of wlw who realize they’re gay in a show. she realizes that her and maggie don’t share the same views, recognizes that she wants more, and breaks up with her. then she finds kelly. it’s realistic, i love it.
total: 10/10
7. elena and syd - one day at a time
such cute little babies. they have open conversations about themselves and their future and it’s insanely healthy. also elena’s coming out arc is wonderfully portrayed. i have nothing else to say, i love them.
total: 10/10
8. nico and karolina - marvel’s runaways 
one thing that stuck out to me about their relationship is that nobody butts into their business once they’ve made it abundantly clear that they’re together. they just get to exist. 
also, extra points for the whole “light and dark balancing each other out” thing that they have going on between them. i also appreciate that they get a good amount of screen time, and their relationship is realistic. 
total: 10/10
9. casey and izzie - atypical 
another case of a very realistic relationship that i was really able to connect to. it does take some time before they end up together, but this really only sold it more for me. they’re both young, and confused, and trying to wrap their heads around their feelings, and the time that it took for them to come together was honestly, in my opinion, worth it. 
total: 10/10
10. toni and cheryl - riverdale 
i’m sorry, but riverdale is just... absolute garbage after season 1. -5 points on account of just how horrible this show actually has become.
i watched clips of toni and cheryl on youtube when i learned they were together. they’re cute, and they clearly care for one another. i did like the way they came together, even though i was extremely confused whenever they would reference stuff going on outside of their relationship. 
one thing that sticks out, though, is that cheryl is an absolute bitch, and you already KNOW i am a softy for bitches who become ENTIRE WHOLE SOFTIES for their gfs. +1 point.
total: 6/10
11. korra and asami - the legend of korra 
they don’t actually get together until the final episode, and even then... there’s no kiss or anything. -6 points.
i did, however, like their friendship. i always thought (especially in the last season) that there was something more there. +1 point.
total: 5/10
12. eve and villanelle - killing eve
i am including this mainly because of the kiss, but also because of all of the... sexual tension. 
these two are not a good wlw couple in that they aren’t really even a “couple” at all, but i appreciate the cat-and-mouse game that they play throughout the show.
they can never really have any sort of “relationship” at all seeing as villanelle is a psychopath and i don’t really see them (well, eve) ever fully being able to move away from that. -3 points.
total: 7/10
13. ali and aster - the half of it
very good movie, really good representation. they do share a kiss, and their whole back-and-forth with the letters is adorable. 
but, there’s not a lot of gay content between the two of them. -4 points.
please note that this movie is not about the gays, though. it’s more about the friendship between ali and paul, and ali coming into her own and discovering who she is.
total: 6/10
14. harley quinn and poison ivy - harley quinn (2019) 
i adore their friendship, and i love their special bond. i am really only including them, however, because of the most recent kiss and harley’s gay panic. it is not entirely clear if they will actually end up together or not, but who knows tbh. -4 points.
total: 6/10
15. scylla and raelle - motherland: fort salem 
SUCH a good story line. i’ll admit, at first i was nervous because i was afraid this relationship might put a bad rep on wlw relationships. particularly because of scylla’s involvement with the spree, but it pulled through and gave me that good “holy shit this was supposed to be a mission but i actually fell in love” relationship i have always wanted...
also, they’re adorable. i appreciate that the gay stuff happens in the very first episode, too. so if you’re looking for that shit... this is the place to be. doesn’t hurt that the story is really good, too.
total: 10/10
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bluezanon · 5 years
Some of my favourite fanfics from my favourite wlw couples (everything is from AO3)
- you are all that I need (Santana plays guitar and is in love with her best friend)
- Front row, baby (Santana and Rachel are having conversations)
- This love of mine (Christmas away from each other then new year party with the glee club)
- Secret heart (Brittana told from Rachel's point of vue)
- Simply divine (demi gods)
- In between days (after 3x06 Santana feels like she’s breaking apart)
- pajama based assumptions (Maggie finds Kara in Alex's apartment one morning)
- Is she? Or isn't she? (Maggie and Alex make bets on Lena's sexuality)
- Isolated (Kara feels isolated and Maggie is there to help)
- Oblivious (Kara is dating Lena but Alex thinks she is dating mon-el)
- Of Food and Romance (Lena steals Kara’s food, something that usually ends in a 30 mins lecture. The gang are baffled)
- If your heart was a prison (pick up lines)
- You little shit (baby in prison)
- Piper's best laid plan (book club)
- Hey you! Laura Ingalls Wilder! (Soulmate au)
- Stealing kisses (secret relationship in high school)
- I run to you (Clarke runs after her father and Wells die, Lexa is her new roommate, Clarke is pregnant and Lexa helps her)
- Seven minutes (Seven minutes at a party but they know each other and the others don't know that)
- Unspoken words (soulmate au in which whatever you draw appears on your soulmate's skin)
- are you a doctor (because I’m bleeding) (lexa is a cop who gets shot and Clarke is a doctor who happens to be there)
- On the run (after Hive, Daisy comes back to the base)
- The little moments, our moments (cute af one shots)
- Reverie (cute one shots post Samaritan)
- The one where Shaw misses Root (cuddling and missing Root)
- You and me, we made vows (bored at a wedding)
- My therapist said... (undercover married people)
- Domestic hell (suburban couple+Halloween)
- 94 days (Root and Shaw are in prison for 94 days together)
- Close quarters (Shaw is a cuddler but she doesn't admit it)
- Desiree (last chapter-> party, Effy came with Naomi whom Emily has a huge crush on, really cute at the end)
- Red (They are in a dark place and Emily overdose)
- Travelling together (Naomi is sick and Emily is there for her)
Trini and Kim (Power Rangers)
- Too busy lying to myself (to see your color) (soulmate au, really good and long)
- We're electric (friends with benefits to lovers)
- You arrive along with the sun (soulmate au, short one)
- I am in love with what we are (not what we should be) (fake married au)
- In that little café (Clary and Alex friendship)
- Waiting... (Clary meets the gang at the clinic)
- Come in a little closer (there was never much space between us) (Clizzy start fake dating until they are dating for real)
- Isabelle (Izzy coming to term with her sexuality in a really cute way)
- honest, let's make this night last forever (Ali knows it's a date but Emily doesn't)
- Sleepover protocol (the girls learn about emison and a sleepover ensues)
- Shut up Aria (they get together, the girls find out and they get high of Jason's brownies)
- 25 Occasions People Have Celebrated in the Liarverse (25 little one shot with emison as endgame)
- Mama (Emily carries the baby and then it's Alison's turn feat. the other Liars)
- Begin again (Ali comes back in season 5 and Emily helps her in her first day back at school)
- Place your bet (accidentally married in Vegas, 21 chapters)
- Right now it feels like we're bleeding (so deep that we might not get back up) (emily is in a dark place after Sara's death so she travels and sleep with a bunch of people but Emison is still endgame.)
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
- Mistrust - 1.2 (The Avengers have difficulties trusting Wanda, but then she’s hurt in battle)
- No Matter What (they go on a mission, get kidnapped and Wanda volunteers to be the one tortured)
- Do you trust me? (They are trapped on a roof during a mission and Wanda and Tony must trust each other)
- The Wisdom of Children (Wanda and Peter are best friend and the Avengers don’t like them)
- It’s the Little Things that Matter (After civil war, Wanda becomes the hero she was always meant to be)
- you know (three times Josie hates Penelope and one time she doesn’t)
- get in the closet (Caroline walks in on Posie and P has to hide in the closet)
- Stupid Cupid (Love Is In The Air) (a girl does a spell on Penelope so that she falls in love with her but her love for Josie is so strong that is doesn’t really work)
- (meet me) under the mistletoe (mistletoes show up around school and people have to kiss each other)(long, really well written and good)
- You and I (are a Molotov cocktail of idiocy and sexual tension) (Posie knows Lizzie is in love with Hope)
- Rooftop Rendez-Vous (Karolina is popular, Nico is not but they’re dating)
Kelly and Becca
- You Do Something To Me (first night without Eden and Becca has a nightmare but Kelly is there for her)
- Paradise Rebuilt (snippets into their lives)
- Stuck on you (late night at the hospital)
- Crisana fluff (what happened at the hospital)
- a night at the hospital
- Studying (cute fluff)
- I just want you (5 kisses no one saw and one they did)
Zoe and Madison
- we’re a shimmering balance act (the entire coven knows they are in love but they don’t)
- morning pretender (coffee shop au)
Hope and Amy
- Just a Basic Hot Girl (Hope doesn’t walk away at the end because Amy makes a move)
- They Can Wait (after a year in Botswana, Molly throws a surprise party for her best friend and Hope is in the attendance)
- electric love (preath from Alex’s pov but still kellex endgame)
- let’s make this moment a crime (Kelley sprains her ankle so Alex and her stay in for New Year and they get together)
- A Little Slip Up (Kelley accidentally reveals and they are married)
- One day (after the World Cup, they kiss and it gets messed up)
- you’re one of the few things that I’m sure of (after holding hand in the car, C distance herself from I but realizes that she wants to be with her)
- Respite (after Juliana is kidnap, angst)
- Best of me (fake relationship)
- Give Me Something (Maggie briefly moves in with Sydney and they get together)
- it’s better when they’re cute (no one know they are married until Maggie gets hurt)
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gevher-sultan · 5 years
Let’s All Go to the Bar - 16x09
The truth is that I had no idea how to do this, so it took me a while but I think I will do it by dividing the storylines of the episode in order of appearance (this could be a bit long):
Meredith's return 
Meredith is finally back! I loved her mini welcome party. It was very nice. I think she had a tough first day with the New Head of Peds but I'm very glad she is back in the Grey-Sloan.
DeLuca “ending” his relationship with Meredith
I will only say that I believe that this relationship lacks communication (from both sides). Both should have a long talk about their insecurities and how they really feel about each other (What Meredith told Maggie and Amelia and what DeLuca told her in the previous episode about the respect). They should clear things up. 
By the way I loved the combo Andrew-Link-Nico, I've wanted to see Link and Nico interact with someone other than themselves and their partners for a long time and I think Link has a point when he says: "She fell in love with you knowing the facts".
Richard, Catherine and Gemma
They do have serious communication problems, everything is so easy to solve but they keep going around the matter and they probably have something thought about and that is why they do not solve it but I am DEFINITELY not anxious to see the outcome of this conflict, I think this storyline is really not necessary.
Jackson and Catherine (and Vic)
I still like Jackson and Vic although we have not seen much of their relationship and in fact it seems forced (due to the rapidity with which they began) and I thought that in the first episodes of "Station 19" they were going to touch that topic, but apparently they won't, so I'm a bit disappointed. I wanted to know their dynamics and growth as a couple.  
I liked seeing Catherine defending Maggie and I think she has to listen to Jackson and I have nothing more to say here (At least now, maybe at some point I will add something else)
Schmico and the hate for Schmitt
I love how Nico supports Levi in all this, I love them! 
Definitely Schmitt's classmates have to mature, it's okay Meredith is their idol but she is back now, They should be trying to learn from her and not hating Schmitt.
Jo and the baby
I really liked this part of the story, Jo interacting with Gibson who went through the same thing, I hope they touch that topic at some other point in the series and share their experiences and can support each other. 
I loved seeing Jo next to the baby, I'm like 70% sure she will adopt him, reminds me a lot of Meredith and Zola!
I love Jo and Link's friendship very much, they support each other and I am sure that Link will help her until the end with the little one.
Pregnancy Club
The dynamics of the Pregnancy Club that Amelia and Bailey did were so cute, they advised and supported each other, it made me very sad to know that it will end although I already knew that something would happen to someone.
I don't know what to say about Maggie, I feel very bad for her, I hate that she is going through this bad time. I think she needs someone or some situation that makes her realize how good a surgeon she is (but something real, not someone who tells her in a context of comfort), I hope Richard helps her.
Meredith Grey and Cormac Hayes (”The bald guy”)
I like that someone has arrived at Grey's with experiences similar to Meredith's, she needs someone like that in her life, maybe not as a couple but as a friend. I am very excited to see the development of their relationship (Although he has been mean almost the entire episode). I like him. 
Oh and it was a huge contrast, I mean, the last character that came was Link who is so relaxed, not complicated and happy and now we have Cormac who has proven to be the opposite (Please do not forget that we have only seen it in ONE EPISODE)
I almost forgot it:  Please don’t be rude to people who support other ships, please respect others, I already saw a lot of controversy about this on Instagram.
Why? Why do they do this? They were so happy with Bailey's pregnancy, I really wanted to see their baby.They don't deserve to go through this suffering, I just hope this don't separate them It would hurt me to see them go through a bad time again.
I loved all their interaction throughout the episode, everything was very nice, their discussion about the baby was even more and Amelia calling Link “My boyfriend” was all I needed but they had to ruin it in the end with the plot change that I don't know how they want us to believe it (at first with the shock at the time I believed it but when you start analyzing the publications on the topic you realize that it is really hard to believe). 
I will be very sad if the baby turns out to be not from Link because he has been so supportive, i’m sure that he will continue to be like that if the baby is not his but it would be very sad to see how all his illusions are destroyed.
And if the baby is from Owen, I would be very angry and sad, neither Link nor Teddy deserve all this, her pregnancy already had a lot of drama and Amelia needs a quiet pregnancy and far from drama.
Joe's Bar
WTF?!?! A CAR??!!?!? I just hope nobody gets seriously injured.
Yes, it was quite long and if I miss something, feel free to ask me.
My head hurts a little, so I could not check it very well so you know, if you see any error (English is not my native language) feel free to correct it and if you think differently of course leave your opinion (please respectfully).
See you on January 23!
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