#i love orange haired laurance
lyraofthestarsss · 1 month
Sooo was the whole “Laurance dyed his hair orange specifically to look like Cadenza because he loved and looked up to her like a sister” some weird Mandela effect or did it actually happen because I got to the part where Cadenza explains that she dyed his hair orange as a prank before she got turned into a chicken. Genuinely confused me. Maybe it was a headcanon that I’m just misremembering as canon? Someone please let me know
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theladyofrosewater · 4 months
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I have finally gotten Laurance's character sheet to a point where I'm actually okay with the result. I'll probably make some edits later. Character notes and lore undercut also content warning for general shadow knight stuff
Feel free to suggest the next character to get a character sheet!
I was aiming for a swimmers or acrobatic type of build for him so I tried to give him wider shoulders. I'm going to be basing all of the guard characters after some kind of sports athlete so feel free to give suggestions for future guards like Katelyn or Dante
In my rewrite Laurance was nearly torn in half (yikes) in the Nether and Sasha had to stitch him back together. He didn't fully die but his heart stopped for almost a minute before Sasha restarted it. Hence he got turned into a Shadow Knight although a lot more human than most
Laurance is missing part of his leg in my rewrite as well as being partially blind in one eye and this is from Ungrth's rescue mission, which sidenote I'm very tempted to mix wyverns and phoenixes together in my rewrite so that Laurance still loses his friend but is comforted by the fact that he'll be back someday.
His leg prosthetic is actually part of his shadow knight form and as a result he can get quite tired if he's on his feet all day. Dante and Garroth commissioned Kenmur to create a decent prosthetic for Laurance but the group disappears before Kenmur can finish it. Laurance uses a wooden crutch when he gets too tired or has a day off. It's quite well made and carved with a wyvern script spell for steady balance. It used to be Jon's but Hayden gifted it to him when he left Meteli for good. (Also sidenote I'm making Jon and Hayden married in my rewrite just because I think it would be good storytelling)
Laurance has always been clumsy but surprisingly enough his balance only suffered a little when adjusting to his new leg, and he's pretty good at adjusting to the vison loss. He will however sometimes be an idiot while exploring and that's why half the time he ends up in caves or old witches hideouts when he's exploring
Laurance's natural hair color was that nice brown we all know and maybe love and in my rewrite he still dyes it to match Cadenza however becoming a shadow knight kinda mess with his hair and now when it reaches a certain point it kinda sorta just turns orange and while Laurance may be a flirt he doesn't actually care that much about his apparence, as long as he's in good shape health wise he doesn't care, so his hair is left long.
Laurance's shadow knight armor is actually quite different from a lot of other shadow knights as he's technically still living. Shadow knights that are fueled by intense anger like Zenix or were turned when they were still living have a lava like substance glowing in the cracks of their armor. Shadow knights like Sasha, Vylad or Gene on the other hand have "dead" armor that is just rock and maybe a few gemstones. Becoming a full shadow knight takes either your memories or a part of your soul and unless Shad gives an individual that piece back or they are too filled with rage their armor is dead.
His normal guard armor is a mix of nether metals and draconic steel, Aphelia got it from Zoey and gifted it to Laurance when he was sworn in as a knight of Phoenix Drop. It has an extremely high melting point so Laurance can hid his leg if he wants too or he needs to for missions but often times in Phoenix Drop he doesn't bother unless it's cold or raining or Phoenix Drop is on high alert. The leg produces some heat enough to singe fabrics but isn't a fire hazard unless Laurance wants it to be
Laurance used to have a lot of keepsakes and jewelry but they were lost in the Nether. but you can see on the casual outfit that Cadenza has been sending him new rings :)
His hair does glow in Shadow Knight form and yes he has been used as a nightlight/ light source before but on the bright side he got the codename firefly so it's not a total loss. also his teeth are stronger but not sharper as only some shadow knights get fangs and it's seemingly random
I imagine him to be almost 23 and around 6'2 but only because he has a habit of only walking on the tips of his toes as Cadenza made him take the same dance tutor their dads hired for her. In reality he's like 6 ft on a good day.
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laurance's ref sheet!! it only took me a month and two different versions to finish lol
but yeah. backstory, lore, closeups, etc under the cut :3
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laurance is the adopted son of hayden zvahl, a blacksmith, and joh zvahl, a jeweller, and grew up in meteli alongside his adoptive sister cadenza. cad's the reason why his hair is bright red when aph meets him en route to scaleswind - he's been dyeing it this colour since he was young so that he and cadenza could match and look more like siblings. as such, much of his colour scheme is based around soft reds and oranges, with some golds thrown in. additionally, his earrings (although u can't really see them here) were made by joh, alongside most of his other jewellery, before joh passed away a couple of years prior to aph showing up outside of phoenix drop. his armour is also a lot lighter than garroth and katelyn's due to his fighting style prioritising speed and mobility over strength and endurance - that, and the fact that he works around water a lot and can't let metal weigh him down too much.
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after ungrth drags him out of the nether, laurance's colour scheme undergoes a major change - instead of being based around reds and golds, it shifts to be focused around greens and browns. laurance also dyes his hair back to its natural colour (brown), and due to the trauma of being forced through the realm barrier (and having his eyes cut out multiple times by gene), his eyes fade to a pale, milky green. there are other physical changes that come with being turned as well - his nails turn into talons, his ears become pointed, and, due to his now-undead nature, his heart stops beating. he also loses the need to breathe, although he keeps doing so to keep up the facade of being human (he really doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that he's undead now). however, around the start of season three (right before the main cast makes the trip to tu'la), he decides to dye his hair red again and return to the reds and golds that he loves (something something "reclaiming his fire" something something). it also doesn't help that his hair has started growing in a bright copper ever since they returned from o'khasis and xavier's relic had gone missing. surely these events can't be connected
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not too many comments about laurance's out-of-armour/casual/tu'la arc outfit. his eyesight's dogshit now (due to the aforementioned events surrounding his turning n escape from the nether) so he technically needs glasses, but he never wears them unless someone (usually garroth) tells him to.
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with laurance's shadow knight form, i rlly wanted to showcase how unnatural it is to him. it's big, and bulky, and covered in spikes n shit - it's entirely antithetical to laurance and his fighting style. personally, i think that a shadow knight's armour adapts to their fighting style and personality over time, but because laurance like. never uses this form it doesn't get the chance to adapt to him, although i added in a doodle of what his form might've evolved to look like had he used it more often.
uhh shadow knight lore stuff. shad is a psychopomp - at least, the fragment of his soul/essence/whatever that didn't get totally fucked up by the void is. however, the shadow lord (aka the fragment of shads soul/essence/whatever that did) tends to snatch souls that either a) die in the nether (like laurance n sasha) or b) are deemed to be useful to his cause of destroying irene (like gene and vylad) to make into shadow knights. different things play into how powerful a shadow knight is - gene, being part-mer'ai, being a descendant of kul'zak, and having memory manipulation magicks, is pretty powerful already, but when he's made into a death knell (aka a general in the shadow lord's army) his power can pretty much rival a relic wielder. laurance mayyyybe could've become a death knell if he wanted to, but unfortunately he has a stupid strong sense of justice so uh. yeah.
all shadow knights do get a boon from the shadow lord - it usually reflects their personality, their soul, or their past, and it always centres around blood, fire, or shadows (or a mix of some or all of these - for example, zenix's boon is that his blood essentially acts like napalm). laurance's reflects his childhood in meteli, a town built in a saltmarsh/estuary - his blood is stupid acidic (like acidic enough to melt through flesh, bone, and metal if he's not careful). however, for a long time, he assumes that his boon is being able to alter the temperature of metal (as sasha has told him that all shadow knight's blood is poisonous on some level - he just doesn't know that his blood is particularly poisonous) until vylad tells him that it probably isn't metal related.
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uhh more lore stuff - this time regarding xavier, his relic, and plot stuff.
zane absorbs xavier's relic (sort of unwillingly?? like he wants power, and he wants to try and push back against his father's influence, but if he's being honest he would've preferred to take on esmund's relic (which is missing. weird.) but beggars can't be choosers so eh it's whatever), but because not everyone can wield a relic and not every relic can be wielded by every relic-wielder it sort of starts to eat away at his soul and fuck him up. this leads to the climactic battle of s1 in irene's cathedral dimension, which ends when garroth (who gets possessed by esmund's relic) kills zane by ripping xavier's relic out of him. when they get back to the overworld and realise what exactly that weird fuckoff hunk of metal that garroth yanked out of zane's chest is, they decide to give it to garroth for safe keeping - only for the relic to go missing when the main cast breaks into an occupied o'khasis to rescue zianna, although they don't realise it until they return home to phoenix drop. it's around this time that laurance travels to new meteli to catch up with cadenza and get her to dye his hair orange again, only for cadenza to discover that his hair is growing in a bright copper. they... sort of brush this off as a weird shadow knight biology thing until laurance gets into a fistfight with gene and transforms for the first time. it's a bit of a mess but hey we got there in the end.
but yeah i decided to tweak his design a lil bit from my lineup of the second war of the magi's divine warriors because i wasn't suuper happy w how his chestplate turned out n i wanted to tutu w it a bit.
anyway. laurance's ref sheet is fucking finally done. the next ref sheet will probs be either katelyns or an updated ref sheet for garroth since ive tinkered w his protector form a Lot and i probs need to add in a cold weather outfit (laurance doesnt need one bc shadow knights r weird n basically space heaters anyway) and his juror form.
as always, let me know if u have any questions!! :D
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j3lly-5h4rk · 4 months
I'm chasing that feeling...
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I built the house off of one screenshot and memory, also didn't have the same blocks so I improvised.
I edited the Garroth & Laurence skins to match personal taste (I loved Laurence 's bright orange hair 😭)
Modpack used for the house: BounceSMP pack (Forge)
Mod used in the Garroth & Laurance image: EasyNPC
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spiriiitt · 2 months
i don't really like minecraft diaries rebirth for the pacing, I like to believe things happened in the order they did originally like aphmau bringing donna over and maybe i'll even settle for brian being a kid when aph shows up! (also where is emma... uhmmmmmm), but i like it for the other fun stuff contained withn the characters!!!! like yes fischer is like an uncle to aph and he does give her those lessons, and i love aphs markings and the idea of her still hvaing a semblance of power when she comes in in the way of her healing the crops and brendan, plus the general personalities the characters gain and etc, but that's it? idk the pacing fucked me off a bit, it definitely makes it less fun to me maybe that's bc i'm a diehard og mcd fan tho like that is MY SHIT hateee what they did to laurance's orange hair tho like bro who IS that??? nuh uh anyways i wish they continued it, truly. and i'm glad they made zenix a generally weird guy, not just morally ambig turns to be evil nah he was odd from the jump and shouldn't have been a guard if he was like that to female civilians.
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aphverse-confessions · 4 months
One thing I am still upset at until.tjis day is the one side stories episode where they dressed up as scooby doo characters.
Say what you want about the mlp comparison, but I'll give it as much as it being somewhat accurate. I don't know if I would've picked the same comparisons, but it makes sense. I can understand where it came from.
But this??? This is insane.
Let's start off with the biggest crime of all; Why is Fred AARON?? Listen I know old cartoon Fred has no personality, but Fred in the more recent adaptations (not counting Velma) has consistently been a himbo.
Fred has been reclaimed as an iconic himbo icon. With this characterization comes the fact that he is literally mystreet Garroth.
I have been rewatching mystery and incorporated recently. And with every scene with Fred that I watch, I think to myself, "This is literally Garroth."
It's not just the blonde hair, it's the personality. The energy.
Mystreet season 1 Garroth especially, yes he had the puff out your feathers scene. But he was also shown to be pretty smart when it came to other stuff. Well-meaning and kind but dumb when it comes to feelings and emotions, JUST LIKE FRED. THAT'S LITTERALLY FRED.
Meanwhile that doesn't seem to be Aaron. I am not as big of an Aaron hater as most of you, I blame the age gap on Jason, not Aaron. I really like what mcd Aaron had going on for him. And I find it ridiculous when people get upset at him for "stealing Aphmau away from Garroth (and Laurance)".
But you know what I am upset at? HE STOLE BEING THE FRED FROM GARROTH.
I swear Jess just made Fred Aaron because he is the conventionally attractive male lead. (Meanwhile Garroth is FAR more conventionally attractive then Aaron bffr)
And instead Garroth is SCOOBY. Garroth is the DOG. WHY? And before you say "because Zane was Scrappy". THAT WAS EVEN WORSE. Everyone hates Scrappy! Zane does NOT deserve that slander. Free the guy, all he did was being emo.
This actually perfectly illustrates how Garroth and Zane aren't taken seriously by the other characters. ESPECIALLY ZANE! By the narrative and the other characters, they're(especially Zane) not taken seriously. Like how it's laughed at the very idea of Zane getting a lover. And in minigames, we see things like people laughing at the idea of shipping Garroth with anyone. Because Garroth is obviously too stupid to feel serious love/s. And Zane is obviously to undesirable to ever be loved by anyone/s. Garroth is the good dog, Zane is the bad dog.
I do not CARE how cool that comparison is though. GARROTH SHOULD HAVE BEEN FRED.
Also, Aphmau?? As Velma?? Really? I mean, fine, but it doesn't fit with how Aphmau is (sadly) infantalised in canon. And she is never really shown to be book smart at all. She is shown to struggle in school. Sure, she is shown to have more sense than Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis (which isn't very hard). And sure, this was all before Kim was introduced, and it was when Emmalyn wasn't relevant anymore. However, I don't care, and I still believed it should've been Emmalyn. Maybe the orange would clash, though,,,, maybe Kenmur? I don't know, I just think it should've probably been someone else.
Also, WHERE WAS DAPHNE AT? Why did Lucinda only show up FOR ONE SECOND? They included Scrappy but not Daphne????!! I know Daphne is often portrayed as a little boring, but this is an outrage.
I think Shaggy should've been someone else, too. Laurance doesn't seem like much of a coward. If I were to imagine Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis in a horror movie. And you asked me who would survive, I'd say Laurance. Laurance is either the final girl or a part of the couple that makes out and gets killed while doing that.
It's actually lowkey insane he was Pony assigned Rainbow dash but then assigned SHAGGY from all the scooby doo characters. The only thing consistent between those two is that they both probably smell and don't wash themselves enough.
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gaybae1021 · 1 year
Happy Sibling Day!
Wow look at me, I actually planned ahead to make a piece for a specific day and finished it on time wowie.
Anyway have some sibling pairs bein’ cute!
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Okay and since I suck at shutting up my thought processes behind the pieces!
Garroth and Zane: Hc that Zane is very smart but had some speech issues early on. Speech therapy helped a lot, to the point where he becomes almost absurdly eloquent as his reading quickly translates into his speech. The comic is set early on in this therapy, so he’s just starting to vocalize names, and he hasn’t quite grasped the -th sound yet lol.
Laurance and Cadenza: Okay I actually have two ideas for Laurance’s ginger phase that I can’t choose between.
Option 1: As Laurance got older he and Cadenza started getting confused for a couple by strangers, which got on both of their nerves. Laurance lost the draw for who had to change their hair color, but ends up really liking the orange as it makes him feel closer to Candenza
Option 2: Since Laurance and Hayden look more similar people start to assume Cadenza is just Laurance’s friend and not part of the family. It gets to the point where Cadenza wants to dye her hair brown to fit in with them, but knowing how much she loves her hair Laurance offers to dye his instead, so that they can be equally confusing.
Dimitri and Naoko: Dimitri was raised by Nicole for most of his childhood before her and Dante decide to try a coparenting situation. He’s hesitant about his new sister, but quickly warms up to her. All the parents are definitely recording it to embarrass him later lol.
Levin and Malachi + Lilith and Alina: I wanted to draw them all together, maybe in a joking rivalry kind of way, (child batch 1 vs child batch 2) but I settled for pictures of them on Aph’s walls.
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vyladromeave · 7 months
especially interested in the opinions of those who select an "other color" option for any reason. i feel like the debate about laurance's hair color so often is just ORANGE OR BROWN that i never see anyone else discuss other possibilities tbh.
tldr please god feel free to leave reblogs or tags talking about your own opinions i love reading them :)
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dollybeare · 2 years
Aphmau MCD headcanons
* Has slight beard stubble
* Has a large scar on his left cheek
* Has seen how Zane is and knew from the start he wanted to be the exact opposite of him
* He loves receiving new armor, he stays in his armor for days without cleaning it properly so it’s nice to get something new. He completely destroys his armor from how much he wears it but will deeply clean it every now and again
* He has gotten caught sleeping with his helmet on
* Didn’t take his helmet off because he didn’t want to get caught as a Ro’Meave
* He is the tallest of the Ro’Meave brothers
* He is terrified of his arranged marriage, especially after falling in love with Aphmau
* He had his cheek scar before he met Aphmau, he got it from training to protect the previous Lord
* Is more shy and doesn’t try to guilt Aphmau as much as in the series. He dumps his feelings onto her in the og series. It would be much more in his character that he bottles it up. He is not as annoying and loves just being around Aphmau even as friends (I think it’s annoying af when he pushes his feelings onto her)
* Develops a crush on Laurance through the series and they become very close as guards, though they argue a lot because neither of them know how to deal with feelings
* Has shaggy somewhat curly blonde hair
* Through out the series he takes his helmet off more because his friends make him more comfortable to show his face
* Has a type of dad bod, and has chest hair
* Has a Jury of Nine symbol permanently printed on his arm
* Scared to death of getting close to new people
* Constantly does double takes near anyone with black hair
* Whenever he sees Aaron he nearly has a stroke because he looks like Gene
* Hair grows out VERY quickly, his hair is also naturally blue somehow. Aph and the group try to understand how but are always left more confused than before
* Doesn’t have the typical crush on Aphmau like every other character does. He sees her as someone he wants to be like, she feels like a sister to him
* Had a tight relationship with Nicole. They were best friends and lovers until Nicole told him to get over Aphmau and that she was never coming back. She had responsibilities back in Scalewind and he was stuck in Phoenix Drop. He refused to ever leave without Aphmau
* Nana helped him get better after the breakup and she fell in love with him. He returned feelings and they both shared the same thoughts about staying in Phoenix Drop. Nana also wanted to wait for Aphmau since she had a feeling she was coming back
* Raised Dmitri and Nana’s daughter the best he could
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* (isn’t AS flirty) BUT! Has a very flirty nature and will compliment every other person he sees
* He really liked Aphmau as soon as he saw her. He liked that she had a strong nature
* Dyed his hair back to orange after a while when he cut it
* He grew it out again after Cadenza cut it
* Loves how Aphmau takes care of Phoenix drop
* Aphmau usually helps take care of his long hair along with Dante since they both have longer hair
* His hair also easily gets knotted and caught on almost everything
* Tried to get a helmet made just for him, but his hair didn’t work very well with it
* Often gets confused with Lucinda also because their hair
* Feels like Dante, Aph, and Garroth are his family because of how close they are
* Is deeply in love with Aphmau and falls slowly in love with Garroth
* Often catches Garroth putting his helmet back on and convinced him to take it off and FREAKING CLEAN IT
* Is somewhat of a clean freak and constantly keeps his armor looking brand new
* Has issues with his temper after becoming a shadow knight. He really can’t help if and usually everyone participates in calming him down
* After becoming a shadow knight he has red scars on his face
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zay-zay-ace · 4 months
Another work in progress!
One can last forever, but only dream of forever love
Dante was severely confused.
Him, Garroth, and Travis were looking for houses, and when they settled, they started talking about getting another roommate,because rent was getting difficult, and he and Travis were thinking about asking Kenmur, who was still living in an apartment, when Garroth offhandedly mentioned one of his coworkers was looking for a house. Him and Travis thought it over and agreed on meeting this coworker before making a decision. 
That's how they got here. 
Waiting for this person at a restaurant of sorts. "You told him to meet up here right?" Travis asks, Garroth answering with a nod. That's when the door opens, and someone with brown hair, with some orange and red, which reminds him of Cadenza, at the ends, and tan skin walks in, and starts looking around. When they notice their table, the person starts walking over.
"Sorry I took so long, I was on call with one of my friends, got distracted for a bit, then traffic-" He pauses when he notices Dante and Travis. He clears his throat, taking the seat next to Garroth. "Then traffic was a whole other thing. My name's Laurance." He finishes. 
Dante and Travis look at each other. "It's fine." Travis says looking back at Laurance and Garroth, who nods. "I'm pretty sure this is the most I've heard you speak, in one moment at least, the whole time I've worked with you." Garroth says. Laurance smiles sheepishly at that. 
Dante, however, is focusing more on his ears. His ears are pointed and drooping down slightly, and he wants to ask, as he's never seen ears like that. But they have known each other for maybe five minutes. 
“What’s up with your ears?” Travis asks, reading his mind, but also having no shame. Laurance looks briefly surprised, as if he doesn’t get asked that a lot, then he smiles. “That’s just how they are.” Laurance says, “always have been.” 
After that, they talk a bit more. Dante thinks he’s a good guy, but he can talk about himself without giving too much information about himself (How that works, you ask? Dante has no clue either). 
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trackdntraild · 19 days
laurance ranting at 6 am bc im sleep deprived and i love him but he's so stupid and i could talk about him for hours
season 2 laurance is a character that i personally relate to, infinitely more than the orange haired green eyed idiot that was ripped from final fantasy to be part of a minecraft roleplay series in 2015, but i'm gonna try to be as unbiased about this rambling as i possibly can
the whole of laurance's existence is. tragedy. there's not a single good thing that this man can have without something happening and ruining that. already he shows off as a character who struggles to the extremes with his self image and his worth, and i feel like this is something that's already deeply rooted in characters that are put into a guard role, some moreso than others (especially for those that feel they were built to be a human weapon)
i mean. laurance lived a relatively normal life until he fell in love with aphmau, and following her as the series protagonist just. brings misery everywhere because it serves for a story yknow, even aphmau's not immune to the curse of having every bad thing that could happen happen to her
with laurance it's a bit of a unique case, and that's not just me being biased either. it feels like he is specifically singled out for quite a few tragic events. the worst part about it really is that he's never necessarily given the time to process things, which only further serves to bring his worst traits to light. his obsessive jealousy for aphmau begins to take presedence over his friendship with garroth and it strains his relationship with aphmau herself, his want to still be human overshadows the reality that he is a shadow knight and it only proves to drag him down even further, not only making his anger issues turn from mere outbursts to sudden violence but it begins to change some of his core values. yeah accepting that he's a monster wouldn't necessarily fix him, but it's easier to do that than to live in denial and try so hard to convince yourself you're still 'normal'
the fact it took until he committed mass slaughter to finally wake up a little was already bad enough, but by then it was too late for all that and he'd already suffered enough, and he'd began a spiral that it was difficult to recover from
when tragedy comes to the other characters they're given so much more room to process their feelings, to vent and to recover. laurance doesn't get that often, and even when he does it seems like he turns it away. he feels like the kind of character who heavily bottles his emotions, and to an extent he sort of does! holding back on his romantic advances, hiding his anger because of the fear of hurting and killing others that he cares about... you get the drill.
despite a lot of that his only good trait in these moments of vulnerability is how rarely he lies; he's very open about a lot of his thoughts even if they're bad. to an extent it's admirable, but yeah he goes too far. hence the argument with garroth...
his circumstances to an extent do at the very least give some insight as to why he acted the way he did. it's not like he was a popular guy; good looking, but, he didn't really have anything. couldn't even have a parent who could stick around because he'd always lose them to tragedy. couldn't have a sister to be around because he was always in another city, and she has her own life and responsibilities so she can't always be there at the drop of a hat anymore. when he went to the irene dimension, 15 years passed by and she changed; he didn't because he only had 15 minutes.
on top of all that he can't really have the same close friend group like he once had because one of them has a family and kids to focus on, and the other he's always starting arguments and fights with over a girl they both like. really, all of them were deeply changed by the realization of just how long the were in the irene dimension for, but seeing how laurance develops later on makes me wonder just how badly it did affect him, and how little about it we probably know.
and even admist all that he has character flaws that are rooted in him being misogynistic, primarily his rivalry with garroth. when he and cadenza had their talk, where cadenza even pushed the idea that laurance deserved aphmau for all he'd done for her with no reward, he pushed it down. he was just happy to be around her, and that was enough for him. he didn't care if his feelings weren't returned, he was just glad he got to be with her at all. but during the later half of season 2, it felt like that narrative began to shift. naturally it began with lilith's introduction, and aphmau's sudden and out of nowhere pregnancy, and we saw how all that went down.
i honestly don't know why i latched onto laurance specifically, but i feel like his tragedy is... exaggerated. at the same time, i feel like how he suffers through and deals with it is very realistic, and it does touch a personal part of me that i also try to repress. my portrayal of laurance might not be entirely accurate to the canon material, but i do feel like it's at least based on canon as close as i can make it without totally projecting. his emotional outbursts are nothing new, but some were way more uncalled for than others.
at the same time, these outbursts aren't out of character nor are they entirely unwanted. they were caused by something, and whether or not he's been open about the root cause (or we've seen the root cause for ourselves) is irrelevant. i feel like laurance is one of the better examples of how your environment fucks with you. his relationships with a lot of the main cast aren't healthy. at least, they aren't anymore. his relationship with aphmau is a prime example of one such relationship.
neither side of this dynamic is healthy! granted, laurance's side is infinitely worse (as much as i hate to admit it), but neither of them were in the right all the time. they've both had to knock some sense into eachother at one point or another, but they're always prone to relapsing because it's never a constant thing. aphmau's anger issues starting to crop up is just an example of how the stress of life has been getting to her during the season, and while it's something that laurance could relate to in a lot of aspects, he's no better at controlling his own anger and emotions than her.
and i feel like there's just a lot of resentment in the main 'friend' group anyways (that being aphmau, laurance, katelyn, garroth, dante, and travis)
honestly there are not many healthy friendships or relationships in mcd lmao, and i think that mainly comes down to their circumstances more than anything; mystreet characters don't really have an excuse for their actions they're just shit people a lot of the time because it's a funny gag. in mcd the stakes are way higher, and at least you can understand how somebody turned out to be so horrible in that world.
if i ever get back to working on my own mcd rewrite i know i would love to just give laurance a happy ending in my version of the story, but his tragedy is what makes him himself. i'm not excited to have to write his misery all over again (i know i could write it way worse than jess did, as in in a 'this thing is awful to write about but it's realistic and difficult to ignore' way not 'this is just bad writing and people can assume what they want' way)
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slumpedbunni · 2 years
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romeave · 2 years
has a travis fit check been requested yet?
it has not anon!!
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Travis classic. Dark green hoodie with the black pants and the white accents. The green and black tends to blend together in certain lighting, but otherwise a solid fit
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Love that Travis color coordinates his towel to his eyes. I’m fairly certain the value of the towel is the same as his skin, but this fit is, infact, iconic.
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Apparently, Travis likes to dress like a Victorian gentleman for his arcade date. The color pallete is nice and using the same green int the tie for his cuffs is neat, but the double breasted vest is kind of inappropriate for the venue.
Also, whoever ripped the skin off the skindex forgot to change the hands to Travis’s skin tone. I do not think this counts as points off for whitewashing, however it is points off for lazy.
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Okay, sure. Sassy Princess Travis is an icon and a half. The cut of the dress is cute and gives off dressup energy, but that doesn’t change the fact that the pastel purple/orange/pinks in the dress are not only the same value to each other, but are incredibly similar to Travis’s actual skin.
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Actually, Travis pulls off the uniform fairly well. The white hair matches the white of the dress shirt, and the yellow and blue of the suit compliment the green eye.
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What screams freshman in highschool more than acid wash jeans with the black converse? Love how his raglan tshirt is light green with a dark green collar/sleeves. Glad that at least one character can stick to their Jesson assigned color without having the same closet for over a decade.
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Everything clashes!! Look at those Walmartass army green swimtrunks. Look at that teal and yellow striped swimshirt taken straight off the clearance rack at Carter’s. I understand that Travis literally was thrown to Love Love via explosion, but wow is this fit a Laurance tier mess.
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For whatever reason, Jesson decided that it was a great idea to base Travis’s next few designs off the Carter’s swimshirt. The top makes no sense. The undershirt is a flat rectangle of white, while the overshirt appears to alternate which side the buttons are on? Which is not remotely how a button up works? Also Travis seems to have scavenged his old pants out of the burning wreckage of his old home.
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Probably the best executed ripoff of the Carter’s shirt? Moving the teal down to the trunks prevents competition with the eyes, and using the yellow as the trunk trim and the shirt color helps the fit look intentional. The orange button is slightly out of place, but otherwise it’s fine.
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Okay so technically this breaks my rule of only important outfits, but this fit just slaps so hard I can’t just not talk about it. Season Six was mostly Micheal anyway so I choose to not count that as a Travis fit.
Pageant Travis is just stunning!! Evening gowns with opera gloves are elegent on their own, but the use of the simple color pallette really makes the piece flow!! Using a muted version of Travis’s eye color for the greens is a smart way to keep Travis in green without using clashing shades!! The deep green gives off the same effect as black without being too harsh, and the pearl accessories tie the piece together whiile drawing attention back to the center. It’s a huge shame that such a smart and aesthetically pleasing piece was relegated to the dubiously canon era of side stories. It deserves the attention those utterly attrocious masquarade pieces got.
TOTAL SCORE - 69/100
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stories-for-sell · 4 years
Battle for Dominance part 1. Gene x Aaron Rarepair, MCD
Gene and Aaron stood inches apart, faces close together, teeth bared, eyes narrowed. Behind them stood a group of their exasperated teammates, all three decked out in the Shadow Knight armour except for the youngest, who wore clothing of varying shades of green. He was leaning against a man with brown hair that had orange roots, who had a look of annoyance on his face. Behind him stood their second in command, who had his fingers tightly intertwined with the youngest. 
The door opened, revealing a woman with long snowy hair and dark purple eyes. "What are you boys doing?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at them, as the first two barely blinked.
"Dominance battle, winner becomes leader. We're in hour three by now." The young boy piped up, pulling his scarf farther over his face as she stared at him, leaning on his boyfriend and holding his ex-fiance's hand secretly. 
"Well, Aaron needs to hurry up, we have training for him." The girl, Sasha, said loudly, staring at the tallest one in the room.
"So does Gene, we have to go deal with the Priest and his 'girlfriend'." The auburn-haired boy in the back spoke up.
"Aleina is not his girlfriend, they hate each other's guts. They hate my guts more though but.., eh, I don't care." Vylad said, pushing up off of Laurance and releasing Zenix's hand.
Ignoring them, Gene and Aaron continued to stare at each other, speaking in soft voices back and forth. Gene, in all his 5'8" glory was still 5" shorter than Aaron, who stood at 6'1", meaning that he towered over Gene when they were this close.
"Gonna give up soon, pretty boy?" Aaron snarled, smirking at the smaller man, lips turned upwards and appearing deadly.
"In your dreams, love~" Gene purred out, his smirk much gentler yet more flirtatious than that of Aaron's remark.
The sexual tension and underlying flirting that was between the two would be suffocation if they weren't so oblivious to what they were doing over the past few months.
Gene hummed, reaching out and gently grazing his hand over Aaron's cheek, eyes twinkling as they flashed their original blue color. "C'mon Puppy~ Let me win, I deserve it. I'm the one who should be in charge~" 
Aaron's eyes narrowed into sharp slits, growling softly.
The growl grew louder as Gene took a slight step back, retracting his hand and snarling. "Jeez, don't get your panties in a twist, puppy."
"Call me puppy one more time and by the time I'm done with you I'll rearrange your entire body makeup" Aaron threatened, catching the slight blush on Gene's face from this.
"Puppyyyy~ puppy, Puppy, Puppy~" He taunts, grinning and chuckling.
Suddenly a startled yelped escaped him as Aaron threw him against the wall, pinning him there with his arms and a leg, their chests pressed together, both wearing their training clothes from an earlier sparring session. Gene stared up in shock at Aaron, not expecting him to actually attack, especially since Gene was unarmed at the current moment. Their faces mouths were centimeters apart, any slight movement would probably make them connect. Ragged breaths ruffled Gene's hair and sent chills down his spine as he gulped, lifting his gaze from rough lips, to deadly black eyes.. black? What happened to the usual red? He was unaware that he himself had shifted out of Shadow knight form the instant Aaron grabbed him, thus losing this battle.
"I win, Genie~" Aaron growled softly, staring down at the smaller helpless man.
Alejera refused to look up, face bright red in embarrassment from losing. That is, until he felt calloused fingers grip his chin and tilt his face up, making the two's gaze meet. Somewhere along the way, their teammates had filed out of the room, off to train and not get in trouble like these two would, leaving them alone for the time being.
"Such a shame someone as pretty as you is wasted by working for a person like Shad." He whispered, the hints of a smirk appearing on the corners of his face.
Gene stood there shocked as he felt himself pulled forwards quickly into a rough kiss. Both resumed their fight of dominance, biting, growling, and tugging at one another. Aaron ended up splitting Gene's lip and piercing it with his sharp Shadow Knight fangs, blood starting to trickle out of it and down his chin. Finally they pulled back, panting and assessing the damage of their faces. Gene chuckled, wiping the blood away, still blushing like crazy. 
"Fucker, who said you were allowed to touch me?"
"I did, I won, I'm leader. What I say goes. So... be at the training field when everyone else leaves in 2 hours, just me and you, understand, Alejera?"
Gene looked at him, snarling before a slow lazy smirk appeared on his face. "And if I don't?"
"Then I'll have to punish a disobedient teammate. Surely you of all people know the terror of what those who torture you can do, just think of what I can do to you."
Gene was at the training grounds an hour earlier than he needed to.
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casanovaofmeteli · 3 years
laurance has mismatched eyes (one blue and one green) and his hair is both brown and orange
OOOOOOOOH i love this
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anders-angst-corner · 3 years
Pairing: Gene x Laurance.
Warnings: Heavily implied abuse, toxic relationship, implied age gap.
Hands. Hands on skin, warm comforting and oddly inviting touch. Leaning into the body of the other boy with a sigh, all walls fell - crumbling down quicker than any time before. Hands under his shirt, soft and gentle touches making everything melt away. Pure, innocent skin contact. It felt safe, yet off. Warm, hands holding his waist - clutching his hair oh so gently, shushing and whispering sweet little nothings. Lips ever so softly brushing over his messy dyed orange hair, this felt like home, yet something screamed to run. But everything felt so inviting and safe, was it?
"I can feel that you're tense.." Soft voice, comforting? Safe. "Im not gonna hurt you, Laur." Yeah, safe.
Maybe everything is fine, are things changing? Hope rushed him, leaning into the other more and finally fully relaxing again, home again. Maybe? "You're safe." The words were spoken with such a gentle tone, it was intoxicating. "You're different." The hug quickly grew tighter, breathing speeding up - heart beating harder. 
"My secret. My perfect little secret, arent you?" The words felt so loving, so kind - so genuine. It felt oddly unreal, something was wrong. Wait but, no nothing was wrong. This was home. He was home, safe and real. It felt so, so real. The small gentle touches, the whispers, the words. It was all so overwhelming and amazing. What the other had done to many others seemed to all melt away, he seemed so real.
"Im trying for you, babe. I promise, I swear to you I am. Take my word on this, please Laur I swear." "I believe you, I do. Just," He paused, pushing his face into the others chest, "Prove yourself, please prove yourself." "How can I prove myself, babe? Tell me. You know its hard to change." He sounded genuine, and almost like he was stuck within his own thoughts rather than speaking out loud. It was strange to hear, yet normal as well.
"Be nicer, calmer. Stop hurting people, please." The shorter looked up, locking eyes with the other boy. "And please, please stop hurting the others? Zen has had enough he-" A cut off, he cut himself off. Not wanting to raise his voice. "Mostly just, please try to cut back on the violence. Its unneeded. Unnecessary." A sigh, a pause. "Especially towards your brother, he doesnt need or deserve anything bad or anything that you give him," another pause, "Look at him, for once." the words came out much harsher than intended. But the look in the taller boys dark blue eyes said that it had made some sort of impact. Hopefully..
The other boy sighed, stepping away from the hug. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath - and spoke. "Alright, alright. I'll try," A pause, "Thank you, Laurance." The two hugged again, the air somewhat tense now - though the embrace helped lift it, until the taller whispered again, his voice deep and words slow. Something about the words felt sharp, metallic even. Unnerving, yet so familiar. "You are so naive, Laurance. You really are."
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