#i love playing unofficial translations of games as old as i am and then being stuck with like. three people to understand
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heck yeah oifey got a lover's crit off shannan the game mechanical benefits of gay marriage are immense
sorry about all the fe4 asks most of my fire emblem friends dont know what im talking about with fe4
I'm gonna be thinking about the phase "the game mechanical benefits of gay marriage are immense" for a while now, thanks. Oifey is a tactician. He knows what needs to be done. Oifey is gay marrying Shannan for crits, and Shannan is gay marrying Oifey for money for sword repairs. And also because they're gay and in love and raised some child soldiers together. I love this for them.
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bl4cklabyrinth · 4 years
Live Report: MY FIRST STORY TOUR 2019 Semi-Final at Kobe World Memorial Hall
Disclaimer: Take note that all of these reports were translated by ear, so there is no assurance of accuracy. Because of this, please do not retranslate my work. I am no Japanese or English native.
I am only reposting the relevant MCs from my Twitter thread for archive purposes. Please check my tweets to read more about my thoughts on the show.
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from MFS’ official Twitter
Black Rail
終焉レクイエム (Acoustic ver.)
Love Letter (Acoustic ver.)
LET IT DIE (Acoustic ver.)
Band session
Missing You
Weight of my pride (Pay money To my Pain cover)
With You
THE OVER (UVERworld cover)
Story about Weight Loss
Hiro: Anyway, this has no relation (to the acoustic session) whatsoever, but didn’t I get super thin?
Kid’z: You did! Tell us more! You really did lose weight! Nob too!
Hiro: We declared during Hall Tour that we’d lose weight within one month, but we couldn’t do it. We made a promise though, didn’t we? I did my very best, you know?? I seriously gave it all I got!!
Kid’z: I’ve been avoiding carbs for a long time, and even tried diligently apportioning my meals and stuff like that. But before I knew it, I was already eating curry!
Crowd: *laughs*
Fan: How much weight did you lose?
Hiro: I dropped 6 kg.
Crowd: Ohhh! *claps*
Kid’z: That’s a lot!
Hiro: Amazing, right? On the contrary, I’ve always been fat.
Kid’z: No, seriously.
Hiro: I lost weight so that I can get fat again. I want to get fat so I lose weight. When I’ve lost weight, I’ll gain weight again. It’s a never ending cycle.
Kid’z: Don’t leave it as it is!
Hiro: I get told that all the time. I mean, I’m gonna gain weight before METROCK again anyway.
Kid’z: Isn’t METROCK great though?
Hiro: Can I say this? Why do they hold festivals at such a season?
Kid’z: Because (the weather) is cool? I once thought Doraemon was the one singing.
Hiro: Who you calling 123 cm tall?
Kid’z: Nobita-kun.
Hiro: I’m not the blue geezer.
Kid’z: He isn’t a geezer!
Hiro: He’s a geezer, isn’t he?
Crowd: *laughs*
Hiro: Generally, we release a CD around spring or summer. Then we start tour around autumn, right? From the beginning of fall, Hiroki starts losing weight. Little by little. Then, year end starts rolling in. By the end of the year, tour ends, it becomes production season, and eating Hiroki comes out. Hiroki enters hibernation, just like any other large mammal.
Kid’z: You need to stock up, right?
Hiro: Yep, so I can get through winter. Then it becomes spring again. METROCK is waiting for me, but I don’t want stocked-weight-from-hibernation-at-its-max Hiroki to be exposed there! Why do I keep getting told I got fatter or thinner every time?! Leave me alone!!!
Kid’z: But you did your best, right?
Hiro: ...Yep.
Kid’z: Good job.
Crowd: *claps*
Kid’z: How about Nob? How are you doing?
Nob: I lost 5 kg.
Hiro: You lost weight only because you were sick, right?
Kid’z: Because his tonsils were taken out.
Nob: I haven’t gotten my sense of taste back up until now.
Hiro: Don’t let yourself lose one of your most important senses!
Nob: Some time ago I had pickles and it was the best.
Hiro: What an old man.
Story about Poor Kid’z (figuratively and literally)
Kid’z: This story has no relation to anything we’ve talked about so far, but you (Hiro) started an IG account, right? During Hall Tour. Since then, you did a lot of things to me, like that game with the paper cups and the 10,000 yen you put inside one of them, which I played along with having good intentions in mind. I chose the right cup and you gave me the bill, but you revealed that there was 100,000 yen in the other cups.
Hiro: Yep.
Kid’z: ...I tried that with a friend. I was caught. 100,000 yen.
Hiro: Eh?? They made a winning move, huh.
Kid’z: I was like, “Oh no, what should I do?? Should I take it back?” I wanted to be able to fool someone, to get a taste of how it feels! So I started turning the cups around thinking I could do it like you did. When it was time for them to pick, my friend chose a different cup, and in my head I was all, “No no no, not that!!!” and eventually they got it...
Hiro: That person probably saw my IG post and thought you were an idiot.
Thoughts on Marriage
After Love Letter, Hiro and Kid'z talked about being excited yet nervous to play the next song, since it's been a while since they last played it.
Kid’z: Speaking of which, the person beside me seems to be nervous!!
Nob: *rubbing his palms on his pants*
Kid’z: Can I do a hand check? *touches Nob's palm* It's all sticky!
Hiro: Eh? You're scared of making a miss again? Like in Yokoari? Higedan. Ah! Speaking of which, Satoshi-kun got married! Congratulations!
H&K: *congratulate Nob*
Hiro: Eh? Official?
Kid’z: This is Unofficial.
Hiro: Ah, sorry. Unofficial. He got married, huh... There's been a crazy marriage rush recently... 
Kid’z: Yeah, it's been all over LINE NEWS lately.
Hiro: Right. back number, Higedan, Maple Chogokin.
Kid’z: You're mean for putting Maple Chogokin as last!
Hiro: No no no. *laughs* The marriage rush is insane, right... Right... Insane right... 
Fan: Do you want to get married?
Hiro: ...I don't wanna get married. 
Crowd: Eh???
Hiro: Do you? Someday, I assume. As for me, I don't wanna get married at all. 
Kid’z: *in a teasing tone* Is it because you don't have a partner?
Hiro: *taunting tone* Ha? Ha? Ha? What the hell are you saying, you.
Kid’z: Ah, sorry we had a little quarrel.
Hiro: Let's get a divorce first!
Kid’z: What the hell is this breakup!
Poor Nob
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from Hiro’s IG post
Hiro: Anyway, are we good? You (Nob) still seem nervous. How are his fingers?
Kid’z: They're tender. 
Hiro: If I had to play it in a room like this, I'd be pissed.
Nob: *strums a tune*
Kid’z: It's that song!! It's definitely that song, right? Can you do it, Nob bear? Are you alright? You practiced last night without sleeping.
Kid’z: Give him your support.
Crowd: Cute!! You can do it!!!
Kid’z: The pressure on you is rising, huh.
Hiro: *in an old man voice* You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
Kid’z: Eh? What was that voice? Father?
Hiro: *taunting tone* Ha? What the hell are you saying. Who you calling father, come home and I'll kill you.
Kid’z: Ah, sorry. Father, I apologize.
Hiro: to Nob You okay? Dududadududa~ (T/N: the intro of LET IT DIE) The last song for the acoustic session. Please listen, LET IT DIE.
Then, Hiro crouched down from his seat and kneeled, looked at Nob closely, and so did Kid’z. Nob stared back, aced the dududadududa intro and everybody clapped for him! However, Nob made a mistake towards the very end, playing the last string of notes twice. When they were walking back to the main stage, Hiro put his arm around Nob and teased in a mocking tone, "Hey, in LET IT DIE, in LET IT DIE, hey, during the acoustic set, hey, I was satisfied with the beginning, but in the middle of the song, hey, you made a mistake, right? Even if you were doing so well." When they got back to the main stage, Nob bowed down in apology.
Weight of my pride MC
Hiro: Your voice has been heard! There were a lot of requests for PTP, and in my heart, PTP is my eternal hero. It shouldn't be just us; so that he can also hear your voices, shout as loud as you can Kobe!!! Next song is called Weight of my pride!
Check out their version of the performance at Saitama Super Arena here:
モノクロエフェクター MC
Hiro: How are we doing Kobe? I thought everyone in Kobe could handle it, you know? Aren't y'all drinking too much milk tea? Your nipples are gonna become tapioca if you drink too much milk tea, you know? Well, if you're sure you're not drinking too much then you should be able to handle it, so let's all dance together!!
Reviver MC
Hiro: Thank you so much for today! It's been a great day, I'm really grateful. I've always been alone. I've lost so many people I didn't want to lose, and I've let go of things I didn't want to part with many times. I might not be able to change the world with music, but because of music, I met the members, I met all of you, and it made me think that my life was pretty impressive. I want to believe it was my destiny to meet all of you here tonight, so let's keep walking together Kobe!!!
With You MC
Hiro: Thank you so much for today, Kobe!!! After this, the tour will be ending soon. Thinking about it makes me sad, but knowing that you will all be supporting us next year, and the year after that, and the year after that, and even after 10 years makes me feel very grateful. But there's one thing I want to say before today ends: Kobe, I love you!!!
Hiro: How was it? MFS' UVERworld. Did I become Hiroki∞? This song was really difficult. The way the lyrics jump, especially during the part before the last chorus.
Kid’z: I didn't learn that note.
Hiro: *emphasizes the difficult enunciation of a line from the song* Unbelievable, I had a hard time remembering it.
Kid’z: The instruments were tough, too. Even Nob was complaining, there were notes he had never seen before.
Hiro: I couldn't match the timing of the lyrics either. I had to enter at an exact time, 3 characters in one second!! If MFS were to do it, we'd go with a lower key.
Kid’z: You say MFS but it's your key, right? Your voice is hella loud you know.
Hiro: It's because if I'm alone, then it's not MFS.
Kid’z: Nah, we were able to match the key, but only you can sing it that high, right? (T/N: They seemed to have raised the key by 2 octaves)
Hiro: You guys thought the cover song was only Weight of my pride, didn't you? You're wrong! We did UVERworld but we received many other requests. There were a lot of PTP songs in the tags. Who else was it... Sheena Ringo, Oral, and King Gnu too.
Kid’z: Weirdly enough, B'z was highly requested too. 
Hiro: It'd be weird if I sang their songs.
Crowd: Sing! Sing! Sing!
Hiro: 萎えぇぇ!萎えぇぇ!萎えぇぇぇぇー (T/N: Nae is Japanese slang that roughly translates to “no” or “ugh” in this context) Wait a minute. Change the song.
Kid’z: *offended tone* Huh?
Hiro: Well then, sing a line that starts with A!
Hiro: You're an Ultra Soul Idiot. Do you know any other song apart from Ultra Soul?
Kid’z: Of course I do! Don't you? All of you? I love them more than anyone else, I'm even in the fanclub! こいよ!!
Kid’z: *sings a B'z line that starts with A*
Hiro: Gi!
Kid’z: Gi? *sings a line that starts with Gi* I told you, I can do anything.
Teru: Yu!
Crowd: HEY!!!
Hiro: Oi, Teruki!! Why did you say "yu"?! You should've let him build up first before making him sing "yu"!! It was too early to make him sing that as the third song!
Kid’z: It felt really good!!
Hiro: Why did you say "yu" so quickly?!
Teru: I just made a mistake.
Hiro: Don't be an airhead!!
Kid’z: I'm really grateful!
Nob’s Redemption Arc
After their UVERworld cover, Hiro asked the audience what they should do next. The crowd started screaming different songs, to which Hiro said "I'm seriously fine with anything." Nob suddenly played the first three notes of LET IT DIE, to which Hiro said, "Ah, from earlier?" Kid'z said, "He made a mistake a while ago, so let's give him another chance." Then Nob started practicing. The crowd screamed, "You can do it!!!" then Nob walked towards the center stage and did a moonwalk. Hiro was all, "You can't do it, you're not Michael Jackson!" then sang a MJ line and howled his signature "Woo!"
Final MC
Hiro: Today was truly an amazing day, thank you all so much. We had such an intense gathering here at Kobe World Memorial Hall. The first Coming Kobe was also held here. We have so, so, so many memories here in this place. Right now, we're still on our way to reaching our dream. From hereon, we don't know if we could make such a big dream come true. We still have a long way there, but we're doing our best every year, making music for everyone and visiting various places as well. Next year, and the year after that, and even after 10 years, it would be nice if we could all make amazing memories together. Thank you so much! We're definitely coming back, Kobe!!
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Photo by Takashi Konuma | Taken from Hiro’s IG post
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ikevampeventarchive · 5 years
[Event Info-SE] Once Again, I Will Fall In Love With You ~ Pt. 2
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Event Overview:
The second part of the 2nd Anniversary Story Event, [Once Again, I Will Fall In Love With You], is here! It’s certainly shaping up to be a busy month of July for IkeVamp, with events being released left and right. Not to forget, IkeVamp JP Anniversary on July 31st!
We’ve also hit our 200 Followers milestone, so please look forward to those bonuses being released as soon as we’re able to finish them. ^^
Announcement: 22 July 2019 | Duration: 25 July (4:00 PM JST) ~ 6 August 2019 (9:00 PM JST)
What awaits you, who happily lived out your life till the end in 19th century France, is a reunion with him in the current era. However, you seem to have lost your memory….? Part 2 will be a reunion with him in modern day France—
—From IkeVamp Twitter.
[This is an unofficial work based on fan-translation. Copyright belongs to Cybird.] 
Warning: Spoilers Below
—Unknown memories, a forgotten promise. Led by fate that transcends time, once again I fall in love with “you”….—
(..Ah, this dream again.)
—Ever since I was a child, I’ve seen this dream countless times. In a mansion hidden deep within the forest, a place that I do not know, I spent my days with “those men”….—
**(Napoleon): (yawning)….’Morning, MC. You prepared breakfast for me? Thank you.
(—….You’re calling my name in such a familiar way. Who are you?)
(Mozart): While I was gazing at the sunrise this morning, a new melody formed in my mind.
(Jeanne): It’s a good song. When I listen to your piano, it calms my heart like magic. MC, you think the same, right?
(Mozart): Ha…My first audience will be you and MC. Make sure to stay and listen ‘till the end.
(Even though this scenery should all be unknown to me, but somehow, they feel painfully familiar…)
(Dazai): How about it, Miss Toshiko? Won’t you partake in an apple as well?
(Isaac): I’ve told you already, stop mentioning apples!
(Arthur): This again? It seems like you never learn— You agree of course, MC?
(Even though this is a dream, it feels just like reality—)
(Theo): Hey, MC. Why is he here?
(Shakespeare): My, “he” is a bit cruel, isn’t it. I am here because your older brother invited me so.
(Vincent): I wanted to have tea with everyone, so I invited Will, but… MC, did I mess up?
(Theo): That’s not….you didn’t do anything wrong! C’mon join in, Mutt!
(…Every day was lively and fun, repeating over and over.)
(Comte): …Hm, it has a lovely scent. The coffee you served was amazing.
(Leonardo): Making something that even we would praise, cara mia, you’re quite talented, aren’t you? Or is it due to being under the tutelage of a genius butler?
(Sebastian): I would disagree. MC has been extremely quick in picking up everything and assisted me greatly.
(I want to stay here. And I came to wish for it desperately. But…. Dreams will always have an end — it is the inescapable truth of parting.)
???: I love you…MC. …If there is such a thing as being reborn, I will search for you. No matter how long it takes.
(…I’ll wait for you. I will wait for you no matter how long it takes.)
Embracing my beloved’s words in the final moments, I slept for a long, long time…—
Opening my eyes to my ordinary bedroom, I let out a small sigh.
MC: ….What in the world was that dream….?
(The place…was an old, foreign country, and I lived with someone in a large mansion….That’s it. I can’t remember anything else.)
The dream that was so vivid in my mind becomes obscured by mist the moment I open my eyes. But even so, my heartbeat races, and overwhelming feelings of happiness and pain remain.
(In my dreams, I feel like I made an extremely important promise. An important promise, with an important person….who was that person…?)
It was merely a dream, and I’m not sure if there was any meaning held within. But deep down, I had a feeling our meeting was seared into my heart.
** - The nameplate is blank but there are sprites that appear to signal who is talking.
Event Info:
If you’ve been playing other IkeSeries games, Secret Endings are nothing new. For this event, players must first clear the same character’s Sweet End and Premium End consecutively (it doesn’t matter which End is chosen first), and only upon completion of both Ends, will they unlock the Secret End.
There is a Secret End for each route, with the amount of points needed to clear One route, all Ends, is 28,396. Projected Full Clear amount is ~64,000. 
Upon completion of the first end for each route, players will be prompted to buy the Epilogue, with the Epilogue bonus being the speech bubble accessory item shown below.
Visit the links below for ERS (Event Route Summary) of each event route.
Routes: Mozart | Leonardo | Vincent
Fever Schedule
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*Time listed in PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) | GMT-7
Battle 2x: 7/25 12:00 AM ~ 7/26 12:00 AM | (24 hrs)
Battle 2x: 7/26 08:00 PM ~ 7/27 02:00 AM | (6 hrs)
Battle 2x: 7/27 04:00 PM ~ 7/28 04:00 AM | (12 hrs)
Battle 2x: 7/30 02:00 AM ~ 7/30 07:59 AM | (5:59 hrs)
Battle 2x: 7/31 02:00 AM ~ 7/31 07:59 AM | (5:59 hrs)
Battle 2x: 8/2 02:00 AM ~ 8/2 07:59 AM | (5:59 hrs)
Battle 2x: 8/2 04:00 PM ~ 8/3 04:00 AM | (12 hrs)
Battle 2x: 8/3 04:00 PM ~ 8/4 07:59 AM | (15:59 hrs) 
Battle 2x: 8/5 08:00 PM ~ 8/6 05:00 AM | (9 hrs) 
Event Rewards
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Early Clear Bonuses
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Early Clear Bonus Gold: Clear 2 Premium Ends within 24 hours of entering the event.
Get [ Ash Grey Party Hair] (Beauty: 200)
Early Clear Bonus Silver: Clear 3 (All) Premium Ends within 48 hours of entering the event.
Get [Glittering Party Makeup] (Beauty: 200)
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Early Secret End Clear Bonus: Clear all Secret Ends by 8/4 at 11:59 PM (248 hrs).
Get [Gorgeous Flower Chandelier] (Beauty: 200)
Early End Clear Bonus: Clear a total of 6 Ends by 7/30 at 11:59 PM (128 hrs).
Get [Gorgeous Party Room Sofa] (Beauty: 200)
Ranking Bonuses
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Ranking Bonuses:
Ranks 1 - 100
Sexy Off-Shoulder Party Dress (Beauty: 280)
Mature Sex Appeal Party Suit (Beauty: 260)
Sexy Colored Corsage Ribbon (Beauty: 180)
Diamonds x 50
Ranks 101 - 300
Mature Sex Appeal Party Suit (Beauty: 260)
Sexy Colored Corsage Ribbon (Beauty: 180)
Diamonds x 50
Ranks 301 - 800
Sexy Colored Corsage Ribbon (Beauty: 180)
Diamonds x 50
Ranks 801 - 1500
Diamonds x 50
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Ranking within the shown borders will also grant you an extra accessory item!
Purchase Bonus
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Set Purchase Bonus Present: Purchase the [Event Specialty] Set within 7/25 at 4:00 PM to 7/30 at 11:59 PM and receive [2nd Anniversary Celebration Chibi].
Set Info Post [Link]
Epilogue Bonus
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Purchasing the Epilogue will give you these bonus accessory items! 
Mozart: “I’ll definitely make you say ‘I love you,’ so prepare yourself.” 
Leonardo: “In the past, and into the future as well, I’ll always love you, cara mia.” 
Vincent: “I keep falling in love with you. Over and over, hundreds of times.” 
Clear Bonuses
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All Clear Bonus: Clear all Ends.
Get [Mansion’s Shining Party Room] (Beauty: 220)
All Premium Clear Bonus: Clear all 3 Premium Ends.
Get [2nd Anniversary Party Ms. Bunny] (Beauty: 200)
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Mozart Secret End: Frilled Collar Sexy Cropped Top (Beauty: 60)
Leonardo Secret End: Gorgeous Fringe Sandals (Beauty: 60)
Vincent Secret End: Glittering Frilled Mermaid Skirt (Beauty: 60)
Mozart Premium End: Mature Crossed Ribbon Cuffs (Beauty: 60)
Leonardo Premium End: Sexy Gold Hoop Earrings (Beauty: 60)
Vincent Premium End: Gorgeous Frilled Barrette (Beauty: 60)
Love Point Bonuses
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10,000 Points - Closet Space x 2
20,000 Points - Gacha Token x 1
30,000 Points - Closet Space x 2
40,000 Points - Gacha Token x 1
50,000 Points - Closet Space x 2
60,000 Points - Gacha Token x 2
70,000 Points - Closet Space x 4 and [Party Room Candles] (Beauty: 80)
80,000 Points - Gacha Token x 2
90,000 Points - Closet Space x 5 and [Party Room Curtains] (Beauty: 100)
100,000 Points - Gacha Token x 4
And that concludes the [Once Again, I Will Fall In Love With You Pt. 2] event! It’s been a very busy July, and a very busy year for Ikevamp so far. Please look forward to the election event coming up as well. 
--- Ikevamp Event Archive Contributors
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rather-impertinent · 5 years
Pls write a fic about the beach pics pls thx much appreciated by the entire universe
A/N: this turned into a bit of a fam fic I hope that’s okay! Also for any French readers pls don’t kill me I don’t speak French so if it’s wrong u can blame DeepL translator 😌 enjoy the fluff! xo
The Cornish waves rolled in gently in the distance, as though savouring the sight of the warm summer sun peaking out from behind the clouds.
“Caroline, come join in on the fun!” Dwight enticed breathlessly, beckoning her to join the group in the game of tag there were all playing.
Caroline laughed and shot Dwight a look that questioned if he knew her at all. She remained firmly on her blanket. “I’m having quite enough fun from here, thank you, Dr Enys. Besides, I have been charged with the care of the sandwiches and Clowance’s doll and so I must play saviour.”
“If you’re certain, my love.”
“When am I ever not certain of my own mind?” Caroline asked her husband with a smirk.
Dwight barked a laugh. “How very true!”
“Tig, uncle Dwight!” Jeremy shouted, slapping the doctor on the back before sprinting away on his ever-growing, adolescent legs.
Dwight started and glanced behind him. “You little-” he began, chasing his unofficial nephew across Hendrawna beach.
Caroline chuckled at Dwight’s determination and wondered who was the bigger child of the two.
Before too long, Dwight had caught Clowance, who was shrieking with laughter as he swung her around from her underarms.
Once released, Clowance immediately went for her father, as always. “You’re it, Papa!” she declared as she tapped him.
Ross accepted his role and quickly caught his wife, Demelza, before she could run away. He held her tightly. “Tig, my love.”
Demelza laughed and tried to wriggle free. “Tig,” Ross said again, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Tig.” He pecked her lips. “Tig.” And again.
“Bleurgh, Papa!” Jeremy protested with a disgusted expression. “You’re spoiling the game!”
Ross laughed and freed Demelza, who wasted no time in tagging her husband again before sprinting away. Ross groaned as he watched her flaming red curls blow in the breeze as she ran towards the others, who all stood at anticipated attention.
Ross searched the group for his victim and decided perhaps the only person who could not outrun his forty-year-old self was Ned Despard. He charged towards his former superior and slapped him unceremoniously on the shoulder. “You’re turn, Colonel.”
Ned glanced to his right and eyed his wife distractedly admiring the sea. He took several paces towards her and fondly tapped her waist. “Tig, my dear.”
Kitty smiled a little nervously. “So, what is it I do now?” she asked Ned quietly, having never played the game before.
“You just catch another person, tap them and run away,” explained Ned, his eyes crinkling as he smiled softly at her innocence.
Catherine nodded at the information. “Right,” she said with determination, scanning the group. She set her eyes on the quiet young man she had met only this morning; he had a very natural calm energy about him which she liked very much.
Sam did not see her coming, he was smiling at his brother and his sister-in-law, who were pulling faces at one another. He started when Kitty tagged him and scampered away. With a grin, Sam then charged straight for Drake, knocking him to the ground as only a brother would. They rolled around in the sand laughing before Sam escaped his clutches, leaving Drake in charge of who to pick next.
As ever, Drake had only one person in mind. He jogged towards Morwenna and extended his arm to touch her, before pausing. He stared into her eyes as though asking her permission.
Morwenna smiled softly at Drake’s attentiveness and nodded her head. He took her hand and squeezed it. “Tig.”
A warm smile spread across Morwenna’s face before she went in search of one of the Poldark children, whose favour she wanted to gain now that she was part of the family, and the surest way to gain a child’s favour was to play with them. Mrs Carne was a lot faster at running than one might expect and she chased and caught Jeremy Poldark with ease.
Jeremy beamed at being in charge of the game once again and began relentlessly chasing his father. Ross managed to outrun him for about 30 seconds, before Jeremy finally jumped on his back. “You’re it!”
As Ross watched his only son laugh and boisterously run away, he put his hands on his knees. “I am too old for this,” Captain Poldark wheezed with a self-deprecating chuckle, his old ankle injury starting to flare up after all the sprinting he’d just done. “I forfeit.” The children - and Drake and Demelza - whined at Ross’ game-ending announcement. “You all must return to Nampara and dine with us this evening in return for my ruining of the game.”
Drake and Demelza immediately perked up at Ross’ suggestion. Demelza loved nothing more than her home filled with the people she loved most; perhaps they could even have some music and play cards. She began planning the evening in detail as she and the group walked back towards the large display of overlapping blankets.
Caroline had slightly detached her blanket from the groups’ in order to get a better view of a random couple who had walked along the sand dunes earlier; she did not immediately recognise them and was put out by this, but then she realised it was merely neighbours of the Poldarks, whose names escaped her, but she had been too lazy to move back.
Drake took two apples from a basket and excused himself and his wife as they made for the cave of Saint Sawle for old times’ sake.
As the others began to fight over sandwiches, Caroline Enys was comfortably admiring the sight of two little birds hopping along the golden sand when a heavy drop next to her made her jump. To her right, Caroline saw her husband’s form sprawled across her large, striped blanket.
“When did I get so old?” Dwight wondered, panting on the sand next to his wife. Caroline laughed at him as he caught his breath. “Have we anything to drink?”
“Yes, one moment,” Caroline said, twisting her torso to open the picnic basket behind her. She pulled out a bottle of wine and handed it to Dwight to hold for a moment while she dug through the straw box in search of a cup.
Dr Enys accepted the pro-offered bottle but did not wait for his wife to fetch a goblet and instead popped the cork off and drank greedily from the bottle.
“Six years of marriage and still I have failed to mould you into the perfect gentleman,” Caroline teased, half-amused and half-appalled.
Dwight grinned at her comment and took another swig from the bottle. “Ah, but if the perfect gentleman is truly what you desire then you would not have married me in the first place,” he pointed out with a victorious smirk.
“I regret the decision daily.”
“I, too,” Dwight mocked, taking another sip of wine; it was very good.
Caroline watched him closely, a taunting smile tugging on the corner of her unpainted lips. “I never pegged you for a drunkard, Dr Enys.”
Dwight laughed heartily. “If I may be so bold as to remind you, Mrs Enys, it was not I who overindulged in port last week and tripped over thin air!” He laughed again as Caroline swatted his arm.
“I was trying to get your attention,” she claimed. “You ignored me for most of the night in favour of our new friends.”
It was meant as a jest but her words rang true and Dwight felt a twinge of guilt. He looked up at his wife from where he lay and carefully intertwined their fingers. “That may be true. I’m sorry.” Caroline smiled softly at him. “Oh, I meant to thank you, my love.”
Caroline’s brows creased in confusion. “For what?”
“For coming to hear my speech.”
Caroline scoffed somewhat shyly. “How did you know I was there?” she demanded to know. She had snuck in fashionably late and had hidden at the very back of the room behind the tallest man she could find, so as not to distract her husband with her presence.
Dwight absently played with her fingers. “Because you are the most noticeable person in any room,” he answered honestly.
His compliment sent a quiet thrill through her body. “Good Heavens, Dr Enys, you are quite lyrical today,” she mocked, though with a pretty girlish blush on her cheeks, which she would later claim was simply the result of too much warmth from the sun. “You spoke well at the college,” said Caroline, gazing into his eyes, made bluer by the bright summer sun. “I was most impressed.”
“Did you understand any of it?” Dr Enys taunted with a cheeky grin.
Caroline tipped her head sideways at him. “Je suis plus intelligent que vous ne le pensez,” Caroline told him in perfectly accented French. She was smarter than he thought.
“Je sais, je sais,” Dwight replied smoothly. He knew she was.
Mrs Enys’ mouth fell open slightly. “Since when do you speak French, Dr Enys?” Was there anything he could not do?
“Well, I did live there for about a year!” Dwight reminded her with a breathy laugh. Live was a bit of an overstatement; survive would perhaps have been more fitting.
“Ah yes, when you were hiding from me,” Caroline teased lightly, her eyes soft. Such a terrible time for them both. “Do you ever dream of going back - to escape my acquaintance? It’s just across the channel.” She vaguely motioned to the calm sea behind them. “I could order you a ship by tomorrow!” As if she would ever allow him so far out of her sight again.
Dwight smiled at her and re-interlocked their fingers. “I am fine where I am,” he assured her in a murmur. “Although,” he began, glancing over his shoulder, “perhaps we ought to join the others now.” The rest of the party appeared to be deeply engaged in their own conversations but Dwight could not help but feel like they were being a little rude by sitting a bit out of the way on their own.
“Five more minutes,” Caroline murmured, placing her hand on top of their joined ones. “It is nice talking like this - just we two.” She felt they had barely seen each other for the past two months and was reluctant to spoil their moment.
Dwight shuffled himself on the blanket and moved to rest his head on his wife’s lap, not letting go of her hand. Caroline reflexively ran her fingers through Dwight’s hair. He looked up at her and smiled brightly; she looked beautiful in her new navy gown and the latest fashionable hairstyle was very becoming on her. Dwight closed his eyes in utter contentment at the feel of the warm sun on his face and his wife’s fingers gently combing through his hair. “Five more minutes, then.”
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Chris & Ellie Series: Episode 15
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With Tumblr holding my original writing blog @beccaheartschrisevans captive (aka flagged as explicit), I have made a secondary writing blog and may end up closing the other all together. In the meantime, I am reposting all of my stories on my new blog.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: semi-graphic sex scene
Episode Summary: This episode takes place in early 2014 and is Chris and Ellie’s long awaited reunion.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
This episode can also be read on AO3.
The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological.  It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future.  However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.
The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
Episode 14.5
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Episode 15: The First of Many
January 2014
The house was silent around Ellie as she sat on the couch in the living room with her favorite book in her lap and her dog, Daisy, curled up at her feet. She'd made good progress in the book until she'd gotten Chris's text, some twenty minutes ago, saying that he and Scott had their luggage and were waiting for their car. Since then, she had reread the same paragraph at least ten times as her eyes kept leaving the well-loved paperback to peer out the window to the front yard of Chris's Los Angeles home and the quiet street beyond it.
Ellie, herself, had been back in LA for 36 hours and had planned to clean during the time between her arrival and Chris's, but she'd been surprised to find that, as a gift to her, he'd paid for a cleaning crew to come in and give the house and the grounds a thorough cleaning. All that had been left for her to do had been to touch up a couple things and prepare the bedrooms for the brothers.
The guestroom, which had unofficially become Scott's room as he was in between leases, had taken her no time at all to get ready for him. Chris's room, however, had taken her longer because she wasn't preparing it like a housekeeper would prepare it, but as a... well, something more than a friend but not quite a girlfriend would do it. She'd chosen her favorite sheets for his bed and had tucked some of her favorite bath stuff in an empty drawer she'd found in his bathroom. She certainly didn't plan for her and Chris to become intimate right away, after all, they'd only made out the one time, but she knew they'd get there eventually and she wanted to be prepared.
The topic of when they would actually have sex hadn't come up in the conversations she and Chris had had over the phone. Between those calls and the text messages they'd exchanged, things had returned to normal for them after the awkwardness following their kiss at the World Series and Ellie couldn't be happier with the way things were between them save for the physical distance between where she'd been and where he'd been.
The sight of the motorized security gate opening didn't register in Ellie's mind, at first, but then she saw the car waiting patiently outside and an excited thrill shot through her. The boys were back! It took every ounce of self-control she could muster to keep herself on the couch. She and Chris had decided to keep their relationship on the down-low for a while and, therefore, they couldn't risk someone getting a photo of his "housekeeper" meeting him at the door and greeting him in a non-housekeeper like way.
From the window, Ellie watched as the hired car drove up the driveway and parked in front of the house. Chris nor Scott waited for the driver to open their doors and, instead, met him at the trunk to get their bags and their heavy winter coats. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she watched them thank the driver and then make their way to the front door, which she had unlocked upon getting Chris's text earlier.
"Come on, Daisy," she said, encouraging the dog to get up. "Let's go get them something to drink."
They were halfway to the kitchen when Daisy heard the guys at the door and abandoned Ellie to investigate. From the kitchen, Ellie heard Chris laugh and greet the bulldog as he and Scott entered the house. She heard them drop their heavy bags in the hallway followed by Daisy's happy barks.
"Honey, we're home," Scott's voice rang out as he entered the kitchen where Ellie was waiting for them. With the grin of a younger brother messing with his big brother, he made his way over to Ellie and gave her a big, longer than necessary hug.
"Are you done?" Chris asked his brother, a hint of irritation in his voice.
Scott smirked and kissed Ellie's cheek before letting go and stepping back. "Why, did you want to give her a hug or something?" he asked his brother. He'd barely gotten the words out of his mouth, when Ellie reached up and flicked him in the ear closest to her. "OW! What was that for?" he shrieked, spinning around to glare at her.
"What happens between your brother and I is our business and nobody else's," Ellie said, putting her best threatening voice to use and giving him a look that matched. "That includes gossiping to my sister. Even if she asks. If I want her to know something, I will tell her. Got it?"
"Got it," Scott muttered as he rubbed his now bright red ear. Turning, he saw Chris smirking proudly and rolled his eyes. "I'm going to take my suitcase upstairs and you two do whatever it is you're going to do, but the football game starts in like 30 minutes, just keep that in mind."
Ellie's eyes met Chris's as Scott left the room and it wasn't until they heard him start stomping up the stairs that she said, "Hi." It was ridiculous, she knew, to be suddenly shy, but there she was.
"Hey," he replied. He licked his lips and then took a decisive step towards her and then another. When he finally was in front of her, he brushed the back of his hand against her cheek and smiled when she turned her head into his touch. He licked his lips again and then turned his hand, so he was cupping her chin. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers for a soft, brief kiss, not wanting to scare her. After all, talking about doing something was one thing, actually doing it was something entirely different.
A nervous laugh escaped Ellie's lips and she wrapped her arm around his neck to keep him from backing away. "This is good, really good," she assured him, her lips close enough to his that they nearly touched as she spoke. Then she kissed him back, assuring him non-verbally as well. He wrapped an arm around her waist and she relaxed into the embrace, which made him relax, too.
"I like this," Chris said, a moment later, a smile on his face as he looked down at her, still wrapped in his arms.
"Me, too," Ellie said, nodding her head. She opened her mouth to say something else, but was cut off by too loud footsteps from the hallway. She raised her eyebrows up at Chris and he shrugged, letting go of her to look at the opening to the hall.
"I'm coming into the kitchen," Scott said loudly, taking short, deliberately heavy steps.
"We're not doing anything," Chris informed his brother with a roll of his eyes as the latter entered the room with a hand over his eyes. "If we know you're home, we won't be doing anything out of our bedrooms."
A thrill raced through Ellie at his words and she turned to get bottles of water out of the fridge to hide the smile on her face. Clearly, Chris had been thinking about what they were going to do together, too. Grabbing the bottles of water, she closed the door and then held them out to the brothers.
"Thanks," Chris said, giving her a searing look that made her giggle.
"Ugh! Honestly!" Scott exclaimed, taking his water and stomping downstairs to the basement.
Chris laughed and gave Ellie's hand a squeeze before unscrewing the lid of the water bottle.
An hour later, Ellie sat between the brothers on the couch as they watched the playoff game between the New Orleans Saints and the Philadelphia Eagles, which would determine who the Seattle Seahawks, Ellie's favorite team, would play the following week. The game earlier in the afternoon had determined that the Indianapolis Colts would be playing the New England Patriots, Chris's favorite team, in the second week of playoff games. It was just like old times, except for the fact that Chris was holding her hand and she was sitting closer to him on the couch, but other than that, the dynamic between the three of them was still the same.
During the week that followed, Chris and Ellie stole what time they could together in between her hours at the bookstore, the hours she needed to work on her newest editing assignment and him being at the studio for reshoots. If Scott was home, they'd hang out with him, but if he wasn't, it was like they were like two high schoolers making out while hoping not to get caught by a parent.
Their first official date, that Friday night, had been Chinese takeout followed by watching a movie they'd both seen a number of times and therefore didn't need to really watch. That was the night that Ellie found out how much Chris enjoyed kissing and how perfectly they fit together on the couch in the basement.
That thought returned to her, the next day, when they'd been sitting on the couch, closer than even the week before, watching the football games with Scott while drinking beers and eating pizza. By some luck of the draw, Ellie wasn't sure, both the Seahawks and the Patriots were scheduled to play their divisional playoff game on Saturday with the two other divisional games taking place on Sunday.
The Seahawks had played first and the first half of the game had been dominated by the Seahawks, but things had gotten dicey in the fourth quarter for the 'hawks, which had Ellie sitting on the edge of the couch. Chris had been sympathetic during the quarter and had cheered with Ellie when the Seahawks managed to hold onto their lead to win the game.
Then the Patriots had played and had scored in every single quarter, thoroughly beating the Colts in the process. High on the win and a little drunk, Chris had offered to let Ellie out of their season-long bet about who was going to go to the Super Bowl, the Patriots or the Seahawks, but she reminded him that there was another week of games to determine who would be going to the Super Bowl and her team, like his, was still in the running.
Maybe it was the added tension from the football games or just hormones, but whatever it was, Scott constantly found himself nearly walking in on Chris and Ellie, during the week that followed. He took to making even more dramatic and loud entrances when he got home or when he was moving from room to room throughout the house, especially after he caught them making out in the laundry room. He was more than happy when they announced they were going to a game night at a friend’s house on Friday, knowing that it meant he didn't have to worry about any awkward moments that night.
The result of the game night had been that Chris's former roommates and their wives were joining them for the conference championship games as everyone was excited to see the outcome of Chris and Ellie's season-long bet. The Patriots had played first, against the Denver Broncos, and had played from behind the whole game due to the Broncos getting a field goal in the first quarter. This time, it was Ellie who'd been sympathetic as Chris watched in misery as the seconds ticked off the game clock, ultimately sealing the victory for the Broncos.
The Seahawks game had started in a similar fashion, with the San Francisco 49ers getting on the board first, but unlike the Patriots, the 'hawks had been able to keep the game close. The lead changes kept all of them, including the broken-hearted Evans brothers, on the edge of their seats at they watched. The Seahawks took the lead with just shy of 14 minutes left in the fourth quarter and then added to their lead with just over three minutes left, but it was still a one score game and the 49ers were quickly threatening. It was the Seahawks' Richard Sherman who determined the fate of the team when he intercepted the ball in the end zone with 22 seconds left on the clock.
Ellie had been ecstatic and crying happy tears when the clock ran out and even Chris and Scott couldn't help but be happy for her. Even when she reminded Chris that he was hosting a Seahawks Super Bowl party. He groaned, making the others laugh, but a bet was a bet and he was the loser of said bet.
During the next few days, Chris and Ellie seemed to grow closer than ever and it was while Scott was out with friends, one night, that Ellie broached the topic of sex. She and Chris had done just about everything, but have actual intercourse, and she was ready to take that step with him. That night, even.
"Don't you want it to be special though?" Chris asked her. They'd been making out on the couch in the basement, but had sat up to have the conversation. "Go someplace nice?"
"It's not the location that makes sex special, it's the person you're with," Ellie told him. "And you make me feel special, Chris." Her eyes shifted to the leather couch they were sitting on, before moving back to his. "I'm not saying I want to have sex right here, mind, but your bedroom or mine would be fine."
"What if I want to take you someplace nice?" he asked. "All of our dates have been in this house or a friend's house." She was special to him and, because of that, he had been extra careful with being seen in public with her, wanting to protect her from the scum that was the paparazzi.
"You know I don't mind where our dates have been," she said, her hand squeezing his. "But if you really want to take me someplace nice then you can."
"I really do and I have the perfect place in mind," he replied as just the place came to his mind as did the whiteboard calendar they had on the fridge to keep track of their schedules. "Do you think you could get someone to cover your shift at the bookstore Saturday?"
"I should be able to," she said. "Why?"
"I want to take you away this weekend," he told her. "To a bed and breakfast up the coast, but away from here."
Which was how, three days later, Ellie found herself in the passenger seat of Chris's car as he drove up the 101. She'd asked him about the place they were going, but he'd been pretty secretive about it, only telling her that it was a few hours up the coast and that he'd discovered the place when he'd first moved to LA as a teenager.
It wasn't until they were a good two hours into their drive that he said, "I should probably warn you about this place before we get there."
"What do you mean warn?" she asked, cautiously.
"I don't mean it in a bad way," he said with a chuckle. "It's just that the two Italian ladies who own the B&B are originally from New England and pretty much adopted the homesick teenager that showed up on the doorstep because his car ran out of gas."
Relief flooded through Ellie as she relaxed into her seat. "Tell me about them," she suggested.
For the remainder of the drive, Chris told her about his adopted aunts who'd helped him get over his homesickness and how they'd been like family to him ever since. He had returned their kindness, and love, by investing some money into their business and sending many a friend to stay there. He'd even taken his family to stay at the B&B a couple of times, but hadn't taken a significant other until her.
Knowing that he hadn't brought any of his former flames there made Ellie feel special, but also extremely nervous, knowing that his aunts were probably just aware of that fact as he was.
"Relax," Chris said, reaching his hand over to squeeze her knee. "They're going to love you."
A short while later, Chris parked the car in front of a Victorian looking house that was somewhat isolated from its nearest neighbor. They'd driven through a small beach community and had gotten a glimpse of the ocean as Chris had driven up a steep hill.
"It's beautiful," she said, admiring the view, as she met him at the trunk of the car to get her bag, but he shook of her hand and grabbed both of their bags.
"Just wait until you see the inside," he told her as he closed the trunk. He motioned for her to walk in front of him as they made their way up the path to the front door and up the stairs.
As she entered the bed and breakfast, Ellie was taken aback, at first, at how contemporary it was, but how it still felt as if it fit the exterior of the old home.
The lady at the front desk opened her mouth to greet her, but forgot all about Ellie when she saw Chris come inside. "Christopher!" she exclaimed, quickly moving from about the desk to greet him. "Sissy, he's here!" Her sister appeared, a moment later, and joined the group hug happening at the front door.
Ellie had to cover her mouth to keep from giggling as the sisters told Chris how healthy he looked while also asking if he'd eaten recently. It was clear to her that his adopted aunts loved him as if he was really their nephew.
After assuring him that he had eaten recently, he cleared his throat and gestured towards Ellie, reminding the sisters that they had another guest. "Aunt Carina and Aunt Rosalie, I'd like to introduce you to Ellie Spencer, my -"
He didn't get a chance to tell them what Ellie was, which was probably for the best because he wasn't sure what he was going to say she was. His friend? His date? His girlfriend? They hadn't had the conversation and, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't really want to, it only added pressure to a relationship. Regardless, at his words and his declaring her as his something, his aunts had moved their attention from him to Ellie, who was beaming and blushing from their attention.
Finally, his aunt Rosalie looked at him and tilted her head. "Are you both staying in your usual room?" she asked him.
"Yeah, that was the plan," he replied with a nod.
The woman beamed and then shook her head. "That won't do," she told him before she moved around to the front desk to look at the reservation book. "The Lovers Nest is available for this weekend, you'll share that." She didn't even wait for Chris's response before she plucked a set of keys from their lock box and handed them to him.
"Breakfast is served from 7 until 9 tomorrow and from 9 to 11 on Sunday," Carina told Ellie. "There are some great restaurants in town for dinner and lunch." She glanced at Chris. "But the kitchen is also well stocked for anyone who wants to clean up after themselves and doesn't use any of the ingredients listed on the menu for the next day's meal."
"We suspect you know the way up?" Rosalie said to Chris.
"Yes, I know how to get up there," Chris replied.
"It was lovely to meet you two," Ellie said, smiling at the sisters before she followed Chris to the stairs.
She followed him up where they walked through a hall lined with four bedrooms before climbing a second set of stairs. At the top of that staircase, there was a small landing with just a single door at the top that had "Lovers Nest" carved into the plaque attached to it. He unlocked the door and then gestured for her to go in before him.
Ellie felt her jaw drop as she entered what was no doubt the honeymoon suite. It stretched from one end of the house to the other, she suspected, with a sitting area on one side, a bedroom on the other with a door that led to the bathroom near the bed.
"This used to be the attic," Chris said as he set the bags down. "We converted it about five years ago."
"We?" Ellie asked, turning to look at him in surprise.
"Yeah," Chris said. "We did it in what was probably the hottest summer on record and it succccked." Taking her hand, he led her across the room to the small balcony that had been installed in between the roof peaks. "This is my favorite part of this room." He opened the doors and they stepped out onto it, taking in the beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean.
They stood out there for a couple of minutes before he brought her back inside and showed her the rest of the room, telling her stories about different parts of the room as they walked. Like how the tiling in the bathroom was the first tiling he'd ever done and how the sisters had refused to let him pull up the mistake he'd made in the job, which they'd hidden under a rug in the middle of the room. Chris pushed the rug aside with his shoe and showed Ellie where he'd messed up the otherwise perfect pattern of the tiling.
Since it was still early in the afternoon, Chris continued the tour downstairs, showing Ellie some of the empty guestrooms, community rooms and, eventually, out to the scenic views that the hilltop location provided of the Pacific Ocean.
It was as they were standing in the gazebo, that Ellie turned and said, "Thank you for bringing me here, Chris."
"I wanted to bring you someplace special," he said, with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "And it doesn't get more special to me than this place and you're special to me, so I wanted to bring you here."
They kissed then, putting every feeling they had for each other in the kiss that deepened as a cool wind swirled around them. She shivered slightly and he brought her closer to him, turning them in the process so his back got the worst of the wind.
The sound of a throat clearing brought their kiss to and end and they saw his aunt Carina standing at the foot of the gazebo with an apologetic smile. "We've had a few other couples check in," she told Chris. "Just wanted to let you know."
"Thanks," Chris replied, taking a hold of Ellie's hand. "I think we'll drive down and get some dinner before we come back up."
His aunt nodded and winked at Ellie before she made her way back to the house.
They walked to the car hand in hand and Chris opened the passenger door for Ellie to get in. Once she was seated, he walked back to the trunk and opened it, grabbing two items from it, before walking to the driver’s side. He handed Ellie one baseball cap before he put his own on, both of them Red Sox hats.
After driving down to the heart of the small town, Chris parked the car in one of the public parking lots and they made their way down the boardwalk, checking out different shops before they eventually made it to his favorite restaurant. Like several of the small mom and pop shops, he knew the owners and was greeted as if he was family. In some ways, it reminded Ellie of the small beach town she and her family went to in Oregon and she had a feeling Chris would love that place, too.
It was dark, by the time they returned to the bed and breakfast, and they said hello to his aunts before going upstairs to their room. It had been a long day and, knowing what they had planned for the evening, Ellie suggested they take showers. Separately.
A little while later, she was sitting in front of the fireplace when he came out of the bathroom, wearing just a pair of plaid sleep shorts. She'd showered first and had come out wearing one of the fluffy white robes that had been hanging in the bathroom, hiding her silky nighty from his view. Now, though, she stood up, slipped the robe off and then turned to look at him.
She could feel her heart pounding in her ears as Chris made his way over to her. She sucked in a breath as he roughly pulled her against him, but he didn't kiss her. She could feel his breath against her face as his hands caressed her body over the silk material of her lingerie and she whimpered at the touch.
Finally, she rose to her tiptoes and pulled his face down to hers for a much-needed kiss. He groaned against her lips and lifted her up with ease before he sat down on the loveseat. With her legs on either side of him, the crotch of her panties was positioned directly over the growing bulge in his shorts.
As they kissed, Chris's hands moved from her waist up to the straps of her sexy nighty. He pulled away from her as he lowered the straps down her arms and let out a throaty groan when her full breasts were revealed to his hungry eyes as the material fell to her waist. He'd seen her partially naked, both the top and the bottom parts of her, a few times, but never entirely naked and he couldn't wait.
Wanting to play with her breasts, he made to lay her on the couch, forgetting for a second that they weren't on the couch at home. Her head cracking against the edge of the loveseat reminded him.
"Oh fuck," he exclaimed as he pulled her back into his arms. "Ellie, bab- I'm- " He stopped trying to apologize when he realized she couldn't hear him over her laughter. It took him a second before he started laughing, too.
"Maybe we should do this on the bed," she suggested as she climbed off his lap. Her nighty fell to the floor as she stood, leaving her only in a pair of hot pink panties. She winked at him and then made her way to the bed.
He caught up to her and scooped her into his arms when she had nearly reached the bed and then he carried her the rest of the way, careful not to knock her head again as he laid her on the bed. He immediately joined her and began to caress her breasts, like he had been planning to do before knocking her head against the couch.
She arched her back, offering him more of her ample bosom and he greedily took it all, touching, licking and sucking each and every bit of her skin. He moaned around one of her nipples as he felt her caress his cock through the material of his shorts. He couldn't deny the primal urge to thrust his hips forward into her touch, but had enough willpower to stop it there.
"You first," he said, his words making goosebumps form on her skin.
Moving down her body, leaving no part of her unexplored by hand and/or mouth, he finally got to the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs where she kicked them off.
"Finally, I've gotten you naked," he said with an exaggerated tone of accomplishment. As he had hoped, she laughed and relaxed under his heavy gaze as he took in every inch of her.
He thought she was beautiful fully dressed, but she was a goddess naked. She by no means had a perfect body, but she had a beautiful body, curves that he wanted to trace with his tongue and hidden places that he couldn't wait to explore.
"You're beautiful," he said, his tone becoming serious as his eyes met hers. "So beautiful."
She blushed and looked away and he quickly moved up to kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was again and again. Then he moved back down her body to tell her in the way only his body could tell hers. She wasn't shaved, between her legs, but she was neatly trimmed and he showed her his appreciation, making her cry out his name as she came from the combined efforts of his fingers and his mouth.
His cock was throbbing painfully when he finally made his way back up her mouth. Her usually pouty lips were still swollen from their kissing as well as from her biting down on her lower lip during his fun and he could easily recall how quickly she'd gotten him off with her mouth earlier that week. Because of that, he shook her off when she reached for the waistband of his shorts, promising her that she could play with him later, but he wanted to come inside of her this time.
So, while he took off his shorts, revealing his hard cock, she grabbed a condom from the box on the nightstand closest to her. She tore open the package with her teeth and then motioned him towards her.
"No teasing," he said as he sat on his knees. "Otherwise, I might lose it all before I'm even inside of you."
"We wouldn't want that," she replied as rolled the condom onto him. "Not when you've promised to rock my world."
Chris grinned and leaned down to kiss her. He had promised to rock her world the night he'd convinced her to wait until they got to the bed and breakfast to have sex. That had been the night she'd blown him away (in more ways than one) with a fantastic blow job that had left him questioning his sanity when he'd let her go back to the guesthouse for the night.
Shaking his head, Chris positioned himself between her legs and slid into her until he was fully seated. He stayed in place for a couple moments, willing himself to keep from coming at that point. She felt so good and was better than he could have ever imagined. She rocked her hips forward, reminding him that she had needs, too.
Leaning forward, he captured her lips with his own and began to move within her as he kissed her. She clung to him as he moved and occasionally met his thrusts with ones of her own. She looped her legs over his own, opening herself wider while pulling him closer to her.
The sounds of their passion soon filled the room as neither held back. (Retrospectively, Chris would be glad that they had sprung for the extra, higher quality soundproofing when they'd been remodeling the honeymoon suite.)
Nearing his release, Chris pulled back and rested his hands on either side of her to put more effort into his thrusts and she adjusted accordingly, bringing one of her legs up to rest on his hip. He shuddered and felt his body jerk against her as he came, filling the condom with several spurts. His climax triggered hers and he felt her stiffen beneath him, every muscle in her body contracting as she came, a shudder following almost immediately as her body relaxed.
They laid there for a couple minutes, their chests rising and falling quickly as they tried to catch their breaths. Then they took turns using the bathroom before they got back into bed. Unlike the two other times they'd shared a bed, he pulled her close to him as he nestled his naked body against hers and fell asleep.
Episode 16
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Want to find me off tumblr? I’m @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
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sailorsolar12 · 5 years
Heir of Prophecy - Ch 2 - ThorinxOC
Hey everybody. Here is the second chapter. I hope that you all like what I put in here for you. Here is a quick recap of what the story is about:
Summary: While Jasmine, daughter of Apollo, is fighting one of Kronos' minions, it sends her through a rift in the dimensional gate to the land of Middle Earth. More specifically: The Shire. She lands in front of the home of Bilbo Baggins as Gandalf the Grey is entering the small home. Clad in her normal wear as well as her weapons, the company of Thorin Oakanshield is hesitant to accept her. As the meeting drags on, she discovers a prophecy that lies on the map that belongs to Thorin. It is hen that Jasmine realizes that she is a part of something bigger than any daughter of Apollo has ever faced. As she travels all over Middle Earth in the company of dwarves, a hobbit, and a wizard, she faces her fears and learns to rely on the help of unexpected friends. Through this journey she has become the Heir of Prophecy.
Rating: T at first. M later on for violence, swearing, and slight romance
Unofficial pairings: KillixTauriel and ThorinxOC
Please read, comment, vote, follow, and favorite. Thank you. Enjoy.
Note: I don’t own either one of these series! I mean come on guys…..I would be a billionaire and not have to worry about my finances all the time if I did! And Also here is a quick key that I will be using from now on:
Previously on HOP
Song Lyrics (When i use them which will be scarecly)
Delphi’s Speech
(english translation of any Greek I use)
Previously on HOP Ch 1
Jasmine held up her hand to stop Gandalf from talking. She slowly drew a small dagger that she often used as a throwing knife, and with deadly accuracy, she threw the knife that embedded itself it the front door of Bag-End just next to Thorin’s hand making him jump back. "I may be a woman, but I AM NOT helpless!! I have taken down an entire army of telkines on my own. I have faced my worst fears to receive Achilles's curse. I am one of THE BEST warriors of my whole camp. I have far more powers than any child of Apollo ever known to man." She stared into his eyes her hard expression matching his.
Thorin was silent for a few moments. The air between the two of them was so tense you could cut it with a butter knife. "You will translate the prophecy. I will think on if you will join us. I will need to write a contract for-"
She held up her hand. "I don’t need a contract. I don’t need any payment. Understood."
"Fine." He turned on his heel and went into the house.
Jasmine sighed heavily closing her eyes. People could be so dense. She didn't understand what he had against her, nor did she want to. It would have made her mind hurt more than it already did. The child of Apollo wasn't even back to the dining room when Thorin seemingly came out of nowhere and gripped her arm tightly. She glared at the dwarf, her anger rising. "What is it Thorin," she bit out. Jasmine was honestly 100% done with his haughty attitude and wanted to sock him in the face, but she felt as though the Fates had a part to play in what she was doing here. She couldn’t punch him just yet.
Chapter 2
His blue eyes bore into hers and said, "What is your motive, woman?"
"Thorin I am not sure what you mean, but I was sent here by deep, old, dark magic that my world has long forgotten. An old enemy from eons ago is beginning to rise again….both here in Middle Earth and in y world. I am not sure which evil brought me here, but the one here may have known about this damn prophecy. That was why I was attacked by a weird monster. Unfortunately, it also means that, if I follow you on this quest, I will not be there in my home world for when the final battle takes place. I know for a fact we will lose many demigods, but in the end, I know that my friend Percy will change and save the world. What I mean to say is that I know you don't trust me, and I know we just met a few moments ago, but I can't help but feel that what will happen will be partially my fault. That is why I said I don’t need payment because this world being safe from harm is enough for me. But it also means that any friendships that I make will end when I leave this world….if I am able to return home. I hope that you and the others will learn to trust me Thorin. I know for a fact that you will need my help in some way." She gave a slight smile. There was sadness in her eyes from the pain of knowing many of her comrades may die.
Never before had he seen a human with such compassion. He swallowed the sudden forming lump in his throat, unable to speak. He couldn't understand how such a young girl had seen so much death and destruction. She knew what it was like to lose the ones you love. He looked down not knowing how to respond to her. "You may come with us. But if you die, it will not be my fault."
She simply nodded and went back to the dining room so the meeting could begin. A small smile graced her lips. She was glad that Thorin was allowing her to go. If he hadn't she would have gone anyway. She had a purpose here.
--------------------------- ((PAGE BREAK)) ------------------------------
Jasmine leaned against the window sill as Thorin and the others discussed the game plan. She narrowed her eyes as Gandalf pulled out the map he had mentioned earlier. She stepped up next to him and paled seeing Greek. As she let her eyes skin over the writing, she staggered back hitting the sill again. She looked as if she had seen a ghost.
"What does it say?" Thorin asked.
She swallowed and began reciting.
"With a stroke of Fate,
She will rise.
Gliding on wings
The sound of her voice sings.
Valar will see that
The Great Power
Will be relinquished
Love will form
In the most forbidden of ways
A stronghold in the East stands alone
As it waits for its King and Queen
Durin and Olympic blood shall mix
The scales of fire will die
As the Heir of Prophecy stands
A beacon of hope for All of Middle Earth.”
The entire company was silent as they stared at the young demigod. They couldn't believe that she was to be with Fili, Kili, or even Thorin. How was she? Thorin was the one most puzzled. Himself or is nephews would be with the demi-god. He looked at Gandalf. "How long have you known of this prophecy?"
The wizard was silent for a moment. He has walked Middle Earth for 2000 years and has always known of the prophecy, but he did not truly believe that the prophecy was set in stone until he read the map.
Jasmine looked at Gandalf wide eyed. She was frozen for a moment before shaking her head. The red head knew just by looking at the old wizard he had known about it for some time. It wasn’t being just being the Heir of Prophecy that shook her. It was also what it said about Durin and Olympic blood mixing. Jasmine knew from looking at Thorin, Fili, and Kili that they were royalty. However, because the prophecy mentioned a king and queen, Jasmine did not know if it meant Thorin or Fili. The green eyed 18 year old stormed to the room that Bilbo had let her use before sighing heavily. She sat there on her bed not knowing what to do. She was the Heir of Prophecy. She was supposed to marry either Thorin or Fili in the near future. She ran her fingers over her hair, exasperated. She had no idea what to do. The young demigod wanted guidance not excuses or justifications. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she flung back on her bed staring at the ceiling. She didn’t even care when her door opened and someone walked in. she didn’t even care when that person sat on the edge of the bed staring at her. She glanced at the person who had sat down on the edge of her bed. She had been expecting to Gandalf, but was surprised to see that Thorin had come in and sat down. She sat up and said softly, “What is it, Thorin?”
He looked at her and was silent for a moment. “I know I may not understand how you feel exactly, but I do know how it feels to feel as if you are the only one in the world. I wanted to tell you that I am willing to give you a share of the treasure that lies within the mountain. Although I will not be able to write an official document, do you know of any way in which we can make this official?”
Jasmine looked at him as if he was crazy. “There is a way, but I do not think that you will like it. It is the most common way for us demigods to make pacts or oaths.”
“How do we do it?”
“We must swear on the River Styx.”
Thorin was silent. “I see. If you don’t feel comfortable then we do not have to do it, but I wish to make the oath official and concrete if you will.”
Jasmine nodded and looked at her hands. She looked at the dwarf king and gave a soft smile. “Repeat after me: I, Thorin Oakanshield, swear on the River Styx that I will give everyone in my company a share of the treasure in the Lonely Mountain.”
“I, Thorin Oakanshield, swear on the River Styx that I will give everyone in my company a share of the treasure in the Lonely Mountain.”
There was a low rumble that shook the house slightly.
Jasmine smiled softly and looked up at the ceiling. “Ναι, Gramps. Θα σιγουρευτώ ότι η εταιρεία θα πετύχει, (Yes, Gramps. I will make sure this company succeeds),” she said in Greek.
Another rumble sounded that shook the house more.
Jasmine sighed. “Μην ανησυχείτε. Εντάξει, Gramps? (Don’t worry. Okay Gramps?)”
Silence was the only answer the demigod got. The temperamental god of the skies was always like this. She didn’t understand why he was, but at times it got really annoying.
Jasmine looked at Thorin and gave her signature smile that seemed to light up the room. “Now it is official. The Olympians have heard and I have as well. So if anyone questions this oath then I will give you a friendly - or not so friendly - reminder. It honestly depends what happens at the time when you are to give everyone a bit of the treasure.”
Thorin couldn’t help but nod. This girl was like sunshine, even when he had been extremely rude to her beforehand. He couldn’t understand why she was this way. Maybe it had to do with the fact that she was the daughter of the sun god. He mentally shrugged it off, not wanting to dwell on the matter. He stood from her bed and said, “There is some food left for you, if you are hungry. We leave at dawn. I am not sure if you would like to use your flying horse or one of our ponies. It is your decision. Have a good rest tonight.” He turned and left her room without another word.
Jasmine stared after the dwarf and shook her head laughing softly. The people of Middle Earth sure were peculiar, but she liked them. She was glad that the Fates made her the one to come here. She stood and slowly shed her clothes as she locked the bedroom door. She changed into short shorts and a cami. She laid in bed and slept, hoping that she would just have a normal dream for once in her life. Unfortunately, the Fates wouldn’t have that.
*Dream Scene*
Jasmine felt as if her spirit was floating. She furrowed her brow and walked around what seemed to be a Yacht. Where was she? What was she doing here? She landed silently on the deck and slowly walked around. She held in a gasp when she realized where she was: On Kronos' ship. Why in the name of Hades was she here? She swallowed and jumped flying in the air hovering outside the captain's room. She paled when Luke- no Kronos now- looked right at her and smirked.
"You stupid girl you shouldn't be here," he said. Somehow his voice was right behind her in her ear.
Jasmine whipped around seeing him behind her. She swallowed and went wide eyed realizing that it was in fact Luke who had spoken. "Luke how are you able to-"
He placed a dagger at her throat. "If you utter one more word I will not hesitate to kill you now. I know your weakness Heir of Prophecy," he hissed.
Jasmine went completely still and dead silent. Where had the boy that was best friend to her gone? How could he follow someone like Kronos? Why would he betray her? She felt tears well up in her eyes and closed them to try and hold them in. Ultimately that failed. She felt her tears spill over. She felt Luke lower his dagger in confusion.
Luke suddenly smirked. “You stupid girl. Do you honestly believe that I will have pity on you?” he brought the dagger up to strike the part of her neck that was her weakness, but an arrow stopped him.
Jasmine turned and froze seeing Thorin. How the hell was he here? He wasn’t a demigod was he? Why was he able to follow her?
“Jasmine, you need to wake up before he kills you,” he stated as he knocked another arrow to shoot at Luke.
Luke simply smirked and used his free hand to grab Jasmine’s arm and turn her to face him. His lips collided with hers as he began to raise the dagger again, but a bright light enveloped both her and Thorin sending the pair back to the world of the living.
*End Dream Scene*
Jasmine bolted up panting heavily only to see Thorin, Fili, and Kili standing around her with Bilbo and Gandalf. She stared at Thorin. “How in the name of my dear uncle were you able to go into my mind?!”
Gandalf chose to speak up at that moment. “I know a spell that allowed him to. What I want to know is, why did that dream seem more like reality to me. Why?”
Jasmine looked down. “For demigods, when we dream it is real. I was on that boat, but I know that Luke was an illusion that Kronos created to allure me. I....I almost fell for it, if you had not come Thorin. But I want to know how you knew to come?"
Thorin was silent. “I am not sure how I knew, but Gandalf expressed that there was a dark presence around your room, and we decided to see what was wrong.”
Jasmine nodded and held her head in between her hands sighing heavily. “I don’t even know why the Fates made me go there? I am not going to be a part of that battle anymore.” She groaned softly and shook her head. She looked up. “I need some air. I’ll be outside until we leave to gather supplies. Now all five of you out so I can change.” She shooed them out and changed back into the same outfit from before, strapping her weapons to her body. She snuck out the window after locking the bedroom door and sat in the garden inhaling the fresh air. “Gods, this air is so much better to breathe than that shit in New York. No smog, no pollution, nothing at all. I love it,” she said softly as she laid down in the grass. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day. That was for sure. She sighed softly and happily as sleep called for her once again. This time her spirit didn’t wander which was a good thing.
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Well that is the second chapter. I hoped that all of you liked this chapter. I hope that you like this story so far. I know it is not the exact way in which the movie or the book goes, but there will be MANY similarities as the story goes on. I will also look up the script for the movie online and make sure to put some of it into the story.
Thank you again. Please favorite, follow, and review. Thank you so much for reading and I do accept constructive criticism, but please no bashing.
Thank you again,
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roses-are-blue16 · 5 years
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Fave: 5/5
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/Mo Dao Zu Shi
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Historical, Mystery, Romance, Shounen Ai/Yaoi Other Unofficial tags: Smart Protagonist, Shameless Protagonist, Smart ML, Love interest falls first, Devoted Love Interest,  beautiful couple, power couple, wuxia, interesting supporting characters    
Status: Ongoing 
Art: 1 2 3 4 5 
Other things: there is an Manhua & Donghua out, all posts tagged by name here
Official Summary: As the grandmaster who founded demonic cultivation, Wei WuXian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. In the end, he was backstabbed by his dearest shidi and killed by powerful clans that combined to overpower him.He incarnates into the body of a lunatic who was abandoned by his clan and is later, unwillingly, taken away by a famous cultivator among the sects—Lan WangJi, his archenemy.This marks the start of a thrilling yet hilarious journey of attacking monsters, solving mysteries, and raising children. From the mutual flirtation along the way, Wei WuXian slowly realizes that Lan WangJi, a seemingly haughty and indifferent poker-face, holds more feelings for Wei WuXian than he is letting on…
My Thoughts: First chinese novel I stumbled upon and I fell in love with. To me everything about this story is absolutely perfect, from characters, to plot, romance, mystery and worldbuilding...everything was so unique and beautiful. And the translation group Exiled Rebels does an excellent job portraying it in english as best they can. There are some hurdles tho: for example if you haven’t read any chinese novels before you have to adjust to terminology a lot- especially names (everyone has like three names). So if you’re like me who stumbled into it with no idea what expect you’ll probably get confused a lot but if you stick out you’ll get used to it and rereading the first few chapters later after adjusting is probably a good tip. Unlike other BL/Yaoi stories that I’ve seen (mostly japanese manga) the romance actually blends and makes sense; and not fetishized or forced, even if you don’t like the genre it won’t get in the way of the story (especially with china’s censorship).    
   2.  The Legend of the Sun Knight 
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery  Other Unofficial Tags: Shameless Protagonist, Anti-Hero Protagonist, Strategy, Hilarious interactions, War, Neocromancy, Leader, Loyalty, Elemental Magic, Black-Bellied Protagonist, Demons, Sarcasm abound
Status: Complete  Other things: Manga-(Discontinued?) 
Official Summary: I am a knight. To be precise, I am the Church of the God of Light’s Sun Knight.The Church of the God of Light worships and serves the God of Light, and theirs’ is one of the three largest religions on this continent.As the whole continent knows, the Church of the God of Light has the Twelve Holy Knights, and each one has his own unique personality and features.To be the Sun Knight is to have shining golden hair, sky blue eyes, a compassionate nature, and a brilliant smile.“The benevolent God of Light will forgive your sins.”I must have said that line at least a million times in my time as the Sun Knight.However, the greatest wish in my life is to be able to stand before the entire continent and roar, “Damn your ‘the whole continent knows’! This Sun Knight just doesn’t feel like smiling! I just don’t want to forgive these human trashes! I just want to pepper my sentences with ‘f***’!”Unfortunately, even to this day, I continue to wear a smile as I say, “The benevolent God of Light will forgive your sins.”
My Thoughts: Actually read this years ago (5-6?), and I always thought it was a japanese novel but I guess it isn't(?)-anyways not important. This story was absolutely hilarious, you won’t meet a more entertaining guy.  The contrast between how he’s forced to act as the leader of the religion- belevont, kind, smiling, pure- is the total opposite of his real personality so much so that it gave a shock (of pure delight) cuz of the drastic inner and outer faces. There’s 12 knights in total ,each is totally unique and you get introduced to them super fast. There is different conflicts that occur, that fall on Grisia’s ( the mc) shoulder to solve as he is the leader and while it starts off lighthearted, in the end some serious stuff occurs. This is a very warm hearted story about brotherhood i think overall. (Also heard that Grisia falls into the legendary trinity of shameless protagonist: Wei Wuxian from GDC is one of them and I agree lol). Very unique storytelling, it twists all kinds of classic tropes and plays with them, overall a very fun read.
   3. Eight Treasures Trousseau 
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Genre: Historical, Josei, Romance, Drama Other Unofficial Tags: Arranged Marriage, Calm/Lazy Protagonist, Ambitious ML, Politics, Power Couple, Royalty, Doting Love Interest, Beautiful Couple 
Status: Complete
Official Summary: Everyone in the City of Jing thinks that bestowment of marriage between Xian Junwang and the daughter of the Yi’an Marquis House is to insert a fresh flower into manure.Xian Junwang was that fresh flower and the di daughter of Yi’an Marquis House was that manure that was not liked.It is said that what is heard is false, seeing is believing. Who knows what the truth really is?
My Thoughts: A really nice story set in Ancient China, and in my opinion the best one written. The story has both the female lead and male lead on pretty equal field in terms of their relationship, you won’t see any weak-willed person in this couple. This story also portrayed realistically the difficulties of living in Ancient China as a woman, by showing us many different kinds of people. The villains make you feel complicated emotions even when you hate them, which shows you great storytelling. No-one is excessively stupid and the mc is just stomping over them with her “cleverness” in this story which I liked. The MC is actually very lazy and this gave the story a very relaxed feel, which lead to time just flying by. I’ve just recently reread it which rare for me to do.  
   4.  A Slight Smile is Very Charming  -Side Stories
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Genre: Romance, Comedy,Josei,School Life, Slice of Life   Other Unofficial Tags: MMORPG, Gamers, College/University, Power Couple, Beautiful Female Lead, Handsome Male Lead, Smart Couple
Status: Complete 
Other things: Adapted to a drama: Love 020
Official Summary:What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman at first sight? Appearance? Aura? Wealth? NO, when campus prince and gaming expert, student Xiao Nai first saw Bei Wei Wei, what made him fall in love was not her extraordinary beauty; but her slim and slender fingers that were flying across the keyboard and her calm and composed manner!!! Embarrassing, no?At the same time, gaming expert Bei Wei Wei was on the computer methodically commanding a guild war, and won a perfect and glorious victory despite being at a disadvantage; completely unaware of the fact that cupid is nearby.Soon after basketball player; swimmer; all-around excellent student; and game company president, Xiao Nai, uses tactics both on- and offline to capture this beauty’s heart. Therefore this romance slowly bloomed.
My Thoughts: This is a very quick, lighthearted story. It gets straight to the point with no drama, if you just want a nice, quick romance to read then I highly recommend. When I was debating whether to read it or not, one of the reviewers on novelupdates said it had a drama, and I usually hate drama’s but they recommended it, so I went to check it out before I started reading and I surprisingly loved it. I usually hate cheesy but they managed to pull it off real well, so I was squealing and cringing at the same time (lol), it’s probably because the actors are really good looking so you can’t help but let it slide. The drama added some drama not a lot but some to the story. When I went back and read the novel I realized how quick it was compared to the drama. I recommended both honestly, if you’re looking for some fun. 
   5. Rebirth of a SuperModel
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Yaoi  Other Unofficial Tags: ShowBiz, Transmigration, Black-Belly Protagonist, Love Interest Falls First, Clever Couple, Talented Couple, Power Couple, Celebrities, Acting, Media 
Status: Complete    
Official Summary: In his past life, Ming Yu struggled in the European and United States fashion circles, eventually becoming the well deserved king of the catwalk.After dying from a serious illness and being reborn, Ming Yu was surprised to find: Huaxia stars shone brightly, there were successful names everywhere!In this better world, on a more vigorous and brilliant stage, the first supermodel tries to reproduce the glory of another world! Interviewer: May I ask Mr Xi, this year Ming Yu said he would surpass you. As the number one global supermodel, what is your opinion on this? Xi Ze: This is a bad question. My family has very strict rules. Home Owner Ming Yu: …….  The pair of black-hearted husbands will sweep the fashion industry, conquering the world. 
My Thoughts: A really fresh story, I never got bored. It focuses more on the MC and his rise as a supermodel, and sprinkles in the romance with ML. While reading it (before it got completed), it felt like me and other readers were cheering on the MC as fans as well, which was a lot of fun. I’ve read some other showbiz transmigration stories but I got annoyed or bored real fast, this one I found real fun, no matter how many days until the next chapter you could pick it up and feel happy. Some things people might not like: there a lot of photoshoot scenes (he is a model) so some might get tired of that, but they go by pretty quick. While MC was the number one model in his old world, it doesn’t make him OP, he has his own flaws and he grows a lot which makes him more interesting. 
   6.     Sansheng, Wangchuan Wu Shang
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Josei, Romance, Supernatural, Tragedy   Other Unofficial Tags: Goddess, Gods, Mythology, Heavenly Tribulations, Honest Protagonist, Protagonist loyal to Love Interest, Reincarnation, Beautiful Couple  
Status: Complete
Official Summary:  This is a story that follows the courtship between a stone from Hell and a god from Heaven that begins in the underworld and spans for three lifetimes in the mortal realm.
My Thoughts: Honestly was suprised how much I liked it. Despite the MC being naive, and ready to throw it all away for the ML, you can’t hate her. This a very fast story (about 15 chapter and 3 bonus stories), which adds to its charm. If it was longer I might have not liked it as much. There are overwhelmingly positive reviews about this story on novel updates which made me give this story a chance and I agree with them. If you like romance definitely check this out.   
    6.  The Earth is Online 
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Shounen Ai/Yaoi   Other Unofficial Tags: Game Elements, Thriller,  Survival Game, Special Abilities, Calm Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Slow Romance, Modern Day
Status: Complete       
Official Summary: Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religious people… all of them could do nothing.Six months later, people became used to the towers and no longer paid them attention.One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of going through it. The next day, a sharp and clear child-like voice issued an announcement to all humans. “Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.”  The black tower’s three iron-clad rules: 1. Everything is explained by the black tower. 2. 6 o’clock to 18 o’clock is the game time. 3. All players, please strive to attack the tower.
My Thoughts: You won’t find a story more unique than this. I doubt there’s anything similar to this story. Something that might come close might be the manga Tomodachi Game, but that's only the doing games for survival bit. I don’t know how the author came up with this, the games are so smart, that you may feel like you’re getting smarter by the end of it or that you’re IQ is hopelessly low. And it’s not the fact that rules are ridiculous and don't follow logic either, when the answers are revealed they make sense.. Honestly reading this I’m glad something like (probably ;) ) won’t happen because I doubt I would survive. I have a real admiration for the author for coming up with this. The story is good at keeping you wary and on edge that something is going to happen at any moment. Some issues?: The romance was so so slow burning that it became a background character, and there wasn’t a big payoff moment like the author gave us this weird analogy when they finally did the deed, that I was burning with indignation, just thinking about it pisses me off, but it probably has to do with the censorship in china. Also there were too much straight explanations that kinda got annoying but could be ignored. I think with how well the author set up the survival element that you could ignore the flaws pretty quickly. So glad I found this novel.      
   7.  Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil - Side Stories
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Yaoi Other Unofficial Tags: Acting, Apocalypse, Artificial Intelligence, Episodic, Mob Protagonist, System, Virtual Reality, Cunning Protagonist, Devoted Love Interest, Possessive Characters, Hacker
Status: Complete       
Official Summary: A top hacker was chosen by the Lord God to be reborn into countless worlds, always as an expendable villain.With no free will, every world became a dead end. Every one of his lives ended tragically. Finally, after wresting control of the Villain System, this ace hacker decided to enact revenge. Even if his very bones were rotten, he’d choose to occupy the very heights of morality, if only on the surface.Thus, he would change his fate as an abused slag.
My Thoughts: If you’re on novelupdates you’ll hear about this story at some point, it has become infamous on the site. And for good reason, this is the top written System transmigration into multiple world stories, or just system stories. There a multiple worlds and each one has it’s own flavor you’ll definitely have your favorites. It’s a very fun story to read and if you’re new to system stories like I was when I read this, you’ll inevitably compare all others to this one.  
    8.  The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage
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Genre: Historical, Josei, Martial Arts, Mature, Romance Other Unofficial Tags: Betrayal, Politics, Military, Royalty, Scheming, Revenge, Beautiful Female Lead, Handsome Male Lead, Cunning Couple, Slow Romance 
Status: Ongoing 
Official Summary:  Shen Miao, the Di daughter of a military lineage, pure, amiable, quiet and yielding, foolishly in love with Prince Ding, threw herself into the role of a wife. After assisting her husband for six years, she finally became the mother of the world (Empress).She accompanied him to fight for the country, flourished the country’s territory, took risks to become a hostage in another country. When she returned five years later, there was no place for her in the Inner Palace.The beauty in his arms smiled brightly, “Older sister, the country is stabilized so, you should retire.”Her daughter met with a violent death and her son the Crown Prince was deposed. Her Shen family who sacrificed themselves for the country and the Emperor, not a single one of them were lucky enough to escape. With the change of one dynasty, everything was overturned. Her clan perished and she had to mourn for her children.Shen Miao never thought that being a married couple who have gone through trials and tribulations and mutually assisted each other was just a stage joke to him! He said, “Seeing that you have followed Zhen for twenty years, Zhen will grant you an intact corpse. You should thank this kindness.”Under the three Chi (1 chi = 1/3 meter) of white silk, Shen Miao made a malicious vow: In the time to come, she will take part in each and everyone’s end!Upon rebirth, she returned to the time when she was fourteen, when the tragedy had yet to occur, her family was still alive and she was still the pure, amiable, quiet and yielding Di daughter of a military lineage. Relatives hiding a black heart, Elder and younger (female) cousins are ruthless and malicious, the new Yiniang is like a tiger watching its prey and the disreputable man who wants to repeat the events?Her family must be protected, the huge enmity must be avenged, the Imperial seat of the country must also be a part of the trophy. In this lifetime, let’s see who can beat the others!
My Thoughts: I’ve tired to read numerous novels with the reincarnating to get revenge trope and I’ve never been able to complete them for variety of reasons but ultimately it’s because they end up sucking. This novel however is like a ray of light for this trope. Whatever way you think she’s gonna resolve something you’ll never guess right. I’m always pleasantly suprised. That’s something I can say for the whole novel it’s always surprising even with the current chapters with story almost at a close we readers just got shocked yet again. You’ll definitely experience a variety of emotions watching the story unfold, right now I’m pulling a napkin between my teeth (please author put us out of this misery already T.T). I doubt you’ll be disappointed.    
Everyone Thinks that I Like Him 
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Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Shounen Ai/Yaoi  Other Unofficial Tags: Uni, Dense Protagonist, Slow Romance 
Status: Complete 
Official Summary: From infancy to maturity, what Ye Zhou dislikes the most was “two”.The reasons were: he was ranked second at home, he had been forever ranked second at school, no matter how diligently he worked and tried, he couldn’t shake off that “second” curse. What was more exasperating was that, at University, not only was he ranked second, but even his appearance that he was proud of had to be classified as second best! Why can’t I obtain the first place!The eternal second will rise!Then, Ye Zhou, after his vigorous efforts finally rises and the result was… the first became his boyfriend.This is the story of a man who has been forced to be “second” and how he became the first, most popular.Protagonists: Ye Zhou, Shang Jin.
My Thoughts: Cute, Fluffy, Funny. As you can see there is no drama tag so if you’re looking for an explosive story this is not it. But it is a very realistic story especially in regards to the acceptance of the couple how it differs for the younger generation vs. the older generation. The story is very natural and the characters believable. If you a cute story this is it.  
    2.  Empress with no Virtue 
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Genre: Adult, Comedy, Drama, Josei, Mature, Romance, Smut Other Unofficial Tags: Arranged Marriage, Bickering Couple, Politics, Misunderstandings, Politics, Royalty, Imperial Harem, Power Couple,
Status: Complete
Official Summary:  The free-spirited and brutally honest Ye Zhen Zhen was unwillingly chosen as Empress to the playboy Emperor Ji Wu Jiu. Their very first wedding night, she kicked the Emperor down from their bed and he sought out his concubine instead. This completely disastrous start was only the beginning of their eventful life together.
My Thoughts: Although not especially memorable, I enjoyed reading it. It was fun watching the couple act petty to one another. Honestly their relationship reminded me of boys pulling on pigtails to get the attention of their crush. There are a lot of funny and fluffy interactions, made for a fun read.   
tbc.... Posted 2/13/19
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paladinsheadcanons · 6 years
feed us the kpop au Ash we know you're holding out on us
I love K-pop so much, i am so sorry, so not only do you get K-pop Ash, you get the entire group. YEAH. With a not-Kpop Tyra because…. why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I have been actually writing a compilation thing for VVGG/Kpop AU before you sent this, hahaha! I’ve loved Kpop for a long time and I decided to pour in things I know to make an elaborate AU. I hope it’s okay owo
(There’s a short glossary under a readmore in the end of this, in case you’re not into K-pop and you have no clue what I’m talking about)
- mod ash
VVGG is as traditional asany K-Pop group, they were formed by a company consisting of several talents inthe industry after a good amount of training. The group started off with just Ash, Ying, and Skye, and theirdebut album consists of just the three of them, but they released a full albumwhen Evie and Maeve joined.
For their fandom – official name “VERse”, unofficial name “Saltshakers” – theyhave a weekly reality series called VERTV on Youtube and Korean SNS where mediafollows them around on their spare time, doing things like going out to relaxor playing video games with other members. Some of the members are very social-media savvy and also vlog on their own free time, while some of them also had their own fanbases before they got into the group. 
Ash. Leader, Lead Vocals,Lead Rapper
Sheis new to being an idol, but not in the entertainment industry.
Afterleaving her overly uptight military home, she explores other things to dobefore being an entertainer. She’s been a solo singer and rapper for a fewyears before deciding that her vision in music can not be satisfied alone.
Beingthe leader figure of the group she is no-nonsense, confident, anduncompromising, and always wants to “do something different”. However,she’s pretty much just the leader because she’s the oldest and had the mostexperience and training.
She’snot that social media savvy - many of her social media content barely has anyof her in it and mostly just consists of places she went to and things shedoes. It doesn’t help that she usually hides from the cameras when VERTV is onor when someone else is vlogging. Many of her fans are desperate for anycontent for her outside performances.
Shespeaks Korean fluently, and knows basic Russian and English. (read: Russian cursing and elementary-level English) She improves her English as time goes on. 
Ying. Visual, Main Dancer
Sheis trained in theater, and was aiming to become an actress as she was trainingas a dancer but then decided against it and became an idol instead.
She’sconsidered very cute and adorable, and has modeled in several fashion lines asa result, usually wearing the final dresses in fashion shows and being inseveral designers’ lookbooks. The only downside to this is that she goes alittle against the gritty dark concept of the group, being known for her ownbubbly aesthetic, but she learns to adapt to a more elegant, darker look.
Sheloves being the Visual as she gets to explore other activities outside being anidol! Sometimes she still goes back to theater acting when not busy with thebusiness.
Shemostly sticks to Instagram with her social media, and usually the one takingthe most pictures in an event. She also takes very good, aesthetic-y pictures,and always offers to take pictures for the other members.
Primarilyspeaks Korean. She can’t be bothered to learn any other language.
Skye. Face of the Group,Lead Dancer
Aformer child actress, who later became a teenage sensation and began dancingalongside other K-Pop idols. She took a break to train to become a K-Pop idol,and debuted with Ying and Ash as her comeback.
Asthe Face of the Group, she plays along with what her fans like, being veryfanservice-y and being touchy-feely with the other members (when allowed). Sheknows her fans enjoy it, and she also knows that it confuses the hell out ofthem on who she likes. Also vlogs often and participates a lot on VERTVactivities, usually the one suggesting what to do on episode activities.
Herfans have almost literally seen her grow up, especially since she started offas a child actress, and so also have the more critical fans amongst the five ofthem.
SpeaksKorean, and knows a little English.
Evie. Main Vocalist, LeadDancer
Originallya youtube-based performer and singer, she later gotdiscovered by a K-pop idol and was able to perform alongside them in a musicvideo. This catapulted her in the industry, having several gigs to perform withstars, and was later offered to train to be a K-pop idol.
She has little clue about how Korean pop works when coming in, and later discovers that she will have next to noprivate life since almost everything will be recorded for fan consumption. Shejust decides to apply her time as a Youtuber and vlog for her fans often, doingthings like pranking them or doing challenge-style content just to make theexperience a little more pleasant for herself. Also is very active on VERTV episodes. 
Knownto be very cheerful and playful, and many fans still consider her to be thetrue maknae even with Maeve around.
SpeaksKorean and intermediate English, but vastly prefers Korean.
Maeve. Main Rapper,Sub-Vocals, Maknae
Coming from the streets, Maeve came from poverty, being formerly involved in gangs and street crime. Being given a chance to correct her act, she took up rapping instead, which got her discovered to become VVGG’s newest member, and the industry’s best rapper.
Asthe maknae, she doesn’t really fulfill that role very well – she’s wayoutside what you would call cute and bubbly and young. She’s very spunky and rebellious, and even challenged Ash to a rap battle the second she joined. Despite this,many would find it hard to deny she’s one of the best rappers around, hence herbeing the new member of VVGG despite only knowing Korean basics.
Mostlyjust memes on Twitter. She doesn’t check social media much because she gets agood amount of hatemail. She still participates a lot in VERTV activities, though. 
SpeaksFrench and English, and can barely speak Korean when she joined the group,which caused a lot of VVGG fans to dislike her. Eventually, she improves, andusually is designated translator on interviews. She has many fans outside Koreaas a result.
Tyra. She’s not in VVGG, butI wrote her anyway.
AFaroese folk singer, Tyra is popular in many Norse regions for beingexperimental, mostly performing in folk festivals and collaboration concertsexploring genre mixups. Her iconic vocals are somehow both lullaby-like andaggressive, depending on what she’s singing; this is a part of her Faroeseupbringing.
She’salso known as Untamed Music - expressed by her genre-mixing tendenciesand going for more experimental folk. Because she often collabs with other artistsand doesn’t really have a fixed team since she’s very indie, she uses the nameto refer to her work in general.
Outsidethe Nordic regions, most of her fans are either young history/fantasyenthusiasts or old people who likes folk music. She has tours sometimes whileperforming in small stages when she’s not busy with gigs, and often collabswith other artists on Nordic music fests.
Ashreally really likes Tyra’s work. In several episodes of VERTV, Ash has beencaught listening to her music several times. Tyra and Ash met when Skye plotteda meetup in a VERTV episode, when Tyra visited Korea as part of a short Asia tour.
SpeaksFaroese, Norwegian, Swedish and English. Ever since meeting Ash, she startslearning Korean.
Leader- Usually the oldest in the group, but not always.The title is given to the member who is the most trained or the one with themost experience, and is responsible for speaking for the group and making surethat the group is in order.
Faceof the Group - The most famous/recognisable member. The most iconic member of thegroup that you immediately associate with the group and their concept. Usuallycentered if the leader/visual is not on the center.
Visual- The prettiest or most attractive, at least in K-Pop standards. They’re theone who always go for other acting/commercial gigs outside the group, and is usually centered when the leader/face of the group isn’t. 
Maknae- the youngest, usually the newest member of the group. Most groups have thembe the happy cute, bubbly type.
Main Dancer/Rapper/Vocals - the main dancer/rapper/vocals is the best in the group in that talent.Usually front and center when the song calls for it, e.g. main vocalists havingmore lines, main dancer being center in choreo, main rapper handling most ofthe rap lines.
Lead Dancer/Rapper/Vocals - Good at said talent but not on the Main’s level. They get numerous parts that aren’t difficult to execute like lines that doesn’t have high notes or raps that aren’t that fast. 
Sub-Vocals - isn’t your first pick at singing. Usually have catchy, simpler lines that are usually in English. 
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equinoxts2 · 7 years
10 Questions Meme
I was tagged by @shannonsimsfan​ and @starrsim​ :)
Rules: Always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag some friends!
Because I was tagged twice and I tend to ramble on, here’s a cut.
Starr’s Questions:
1) How long have you’ve been playing the sims franchise? No idea... about 13 years? My first Sims game was Bustin’ Out for PS2, then my uncle gave me a copy of TS1 Complete Collection which was promptly installed on my late Mac, Terry. I started playing TS2 when OFB was the newest expansion. So yeah... more than half my life.
2) Do you have a favorite sim? why? I love all my Sims! I’ll admit there are some I’d be more likely to reroll a death ROS for than others, but I’m not naming any names. If I do the others will get me. :P
3) What’s your favorite sims career? I don’t really use careers in my game, since Kulo Seeri isn’t the sort of hood that has them. My Sims do have professions and crafts, and I think the one I enjoy most out of them is the not-quite-school run by Otolo zan-Ave and Markal Go. I haven’t shown it on my blog yet, but basically the two elders summon the village kids to their lot with Simlogical’s meeting controller. They offer lessons on various subjects using Sophie-David’s opportunity objects (usually invisible) but for most of the time the kids just run wild together and make friends, enemies and occasionally childhood sweethearts.
4) What’s your CC weakness? Rugs, paintings, hair, etc? CC in general! My good old external hard drive Trixie contains *checks* 190 GB of hoarded stuff. Most of it I will probably never use, but it’s there in case I ever need any of it. This is a side effect of my hoarder nature and obsession with TS2 and I’m not ashamed of it in the slightest. Fun fact: That same hoarder-obsessive nature applies to dice. I have over 1000. Dicedicedicedice... yay :)
5) What aspect of the game have you not played with, or tried, yet? Businesses, vacation hoods, or university. I’ve been wanting to experiment with them for a while but they fit into Kulo Seeri like a foot into a glove. However, that doesn’t stop me occasionally trying to shoehorn bits in - an in-hood “university” might be a possibility for KS, maybe representing a craft apprenticeship. I will have to test that out.
6) When do you usually play? When I’m awake. No kidding - since I’m unable to work due to a combination of autism, depression, social anxiety, semi-regular bouts of ill health, several debilitating phobias and a distaste for the “cog in the machine” life, I am essentially a professional Simmer.
7) What’s your simming routin? (settle in with a drink and a few hours, keep the game open for days, etc) Play in bursts throughout the day, occasionally taking screen breaks to play board games or dice games or kick ideas around with my mum, or to snooze.
8) Do you talk sims with others outside the simming community? My mum and support workers, yes. My mum is probably the non-Simmer who knows most about the game - when she’s home, she’s my go-to person to bat around ideas for KS.
9) Besides tumblr, how else do you interact with the simming community? Through my story blog on Blogger, and also through Plumb Bob Keep and Garden of Shadows’ forums. I don’t know any other Simmers personally, only through the forums and blogs.
10) Why the sims vs other games? It’s pure escapism for me - it lets me immerse myself in another setting without being too focused on achieving certain objectives (the reason I could never get into computer RPGs and still haven’t completely warmed to TS4). I love being able to customise pretty much everything the game has to offer and create new worlds to explore through the eyes of my Sims.
Shannon’s Questions:
1) When you’re playing, do you have the game music on or off? Sometimes I listen to my own music while I’m building, and my Sims don’t really have stereos, so mostly off. I do have a few disguised/invisible stereos but I don’t use them much, and I have - thanks to a tutorial by @greatcheesecakepersona​ - added my Unofficial Kulo Seeri Playlist to the selection of loading tunes.
2) How long have you been playing your current hood? In one form or another, Kulo Seeri has been around for ten years. I started it in April 2007 as a third rate legacy, and it ended up taking me in all sorts of directions I never expected. It’s currently on Generation 7 and has a lot of in-game history, folklore and dreaming behind it. I love it to bits <3
3) Uh-oh! Your game just exploded: are you going to rebuild or start afresh? Rebuild, of course. I couldn’t imagine being without Kulo Seeri after all this time. Although I’ve rebuilt it what feels like a million times and hate setup and hoodlessness, I’m still too invested in it to let it go.
4) What is your favourite Sims version and why? Sims 2, of course! It’s pure sandbox fun, easy to customise and remove from the default modern setting, lends itself well to a huge variety of playstyles, and IMO it’s got more heart than 3 and 4 put together.
5) What’s an expansion you’d love to see that EA never did for any version of the game? I have to second Shannon’s idea of a prehistoric-style one. I’d also love to see more ways for younger Sims to act out that don’t require modern vehicles or technology.
6) Do you use cheats (apart from building cheats) when you play? Yes, not too often because I enjoy having a challenge, but I do use money cheats (KS doesn’t have money, so I always give them enough to move into their homes) and mood cheats (when I can’t stand to see a struggling family suffer any longer, or I need a Sim to stay awake for a photo opportunity).
7) Do you consider yourself primarily a player, builder or decorator? Or other? Player first, storyteller second, don’t touch Build Mode unless I have to. I’m not bad at building, landscaping or decorating... I just find it tedious and avoid it.
8) Do you play pre-mades, your own sims or a mix? Most of my Sims were born in Kulo Seeri, with a handful of premade Sims (mostly from TS3 hoods) who have moved there over the years. Some of my Sims originate from other players’ games, too.
9) What is your favourite kind of business to run? Or what kind would you like to run, if your game version allowed it? Hmm. Never really done much with businesses, but I’d like to have a small trading post of some sort in Kulo Seeri, once the population reaches the point where it splits into two villages. However, KS culture regards trade as the most unclean occupation, so I’m not sure who’d run it.
10) If you were a sim, what would be your aspiration and lifetime want? Feel free to translate that to your own game version - I only speak TS2! My aspiration is Pleasure/Knowledge, with the Pleasure bit being more “stay at home and play games all day” than “go out clubbing and dating”, and the Knowledge bit being limited to my major obsessions: Sims, dice, notebooks, vintage 90′s My Little Ponies, and Plants vs. Zombies. But my LTW would be "reach golden anniversary” - I am a hopeless romantic despite my asexuality, and I’m fed up of getting close to people (mostly support workers and therapists) and then never seeing them again. I want a long-term partnership like my parents have (over 30 years and counting!) with someone who isn’t a support worker or a therapist or other person who listens to my problems partly because it’s their job.
11)  What do you think Sims 5 will be like? *VT Cynic Powers Activate!* It will probably feel more mechanical and repetitive than TS4, and be more goal-orientated than sandbox play. It will probably also have more online features and in-game ads. The hoods or worlds or towns or whatever they’ll be calling them by then will be harder to customise, be designed for legacy style play with some form of annoying story progression, and feature several familiar TS2 premades warped beyond recognition. Modders will find that game behaviour will be much harder to alter, because EA will want to stop fans adding new features so they can release said features as overpriced add-on packs. It will run on patch levels which will force players to update every five minutes, then sneak little bits of the latest pack’s coding into games that don’t have it installed, so that everyone has to have ALL THE PACKS for it to work correctly. (This was one of my major gripes with TS3 patch levels - and then TS4 topped that by adding new functionality into the stuff packs.)
....rant over, time for bed. :)
As for writing questions and tagging other Simmers, that is one area where I fall down, so I’ll leave it there. But thanks again to Shannon & Starr for the tags!
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Being freelance with the addition of having my own blog allows me to write articles like this. Not only am I able to share someone’s remarkable journey, the someone is a colleague, business associate – all will be revealed – and someone, who, along with his good wife Maria, are more like family to me and mine.
Alan Gunner Lindbloom has been someone who I have been modelling my own recent behaviour and attitude on. He has been an incredible source of inspiration to me and always at the end of the phone when I need advice, guidance or a kick up the proverbial. It is an absolute honour (with a U) to be able to share Alan’s story with you. You are in for a treat, as Alan and I discuss things past, present and future. But before we look at current events, Alan Gunner Lindbloom, what’s your story?
A – I’m half-Sicilian on my mother’s side, and I was born into a very secretive Detroit Mafia Family. My grandfather, Peter Tocco – the older cousin of Giacomo “Black Jack” Tocco, the Boss of Bosses – was the unofficial consigliere of the entire Detroit Mafia.  At around age 14, my uncle began introducing me to a life of crime. We can come back to this later, but I have written a series about my life for NCS. This link contains a brief video about my life.
The Mafia writer: How a man wrote his way out of a life of crime.
D – WOW! That’s certainly one way to kick off an interview. I know that you are no longer a part of the Italian-American Mafia, so what made you stop?
A – Eventually, at age 29, I was sentenced to 13-50 years in prison for extortion, armed robbery, bank robbery, and weapons violations. But in prison, I found my calling as a writer.
D – Which, in a way, is how we started to be in contact. Writing also became my passion in prison. Although, unlike you I’m yet to write my first book. How many books did you write overall in prison?
A – Well, when I finally walked out of prison 30 months ago, I had nine completed novels of varying genres.
D – Nine? Wow. What time did you end up serving?
A – I was released after serving 13 years. But in prison, I found my calling as a writer. I knew I had a special gift–a very vivid imagination and the ability to create complex stories. I was a huge reader, yet I often found myself thinking that I could write better books than the ones I was reading. So, I began to write and didn’t stop for 13 years. It became my mistress, my pacifier, my great escape. 
D – I know your writing also achieved something else you weren’t expecting, we’ll come back to that later. Did you get any of your books published during your sentence?
A – I did publish but only once I was released. I first chose to self-publish my Mafia novels, TO BE A KING, mainly because I figured I could leverage my past to propel my future. 
D – And why not? Is the Mafia genre well supported?
A – Definitely. Just on social media, there are dozens of VERY large Mafia fan groups that have hundreds of thousands of faithful followers, and my books have made me world famous in them.
D – We were admin together on a few, so I can confirm that to be true, as well as everything else. Tell us a bit more about TO BE A KING.
A – My grandfather, who was also the inspiration for the character “Don Falcone” in my books, in my teens, saw that I wasn’t destined for college or some professional career, so he began putting me to work for his “goombadis” in the Family. I eventually became his driver and bodyguard. We were constantly dodging FBI tails, bugs, and surveillance.
D – You must have seen some stuff, no doubt most you can’t talk about?
A – HAHA!.. I would join him on “sit-downs,” often over penny poker games with powerful men that included everyone from clergymen to professional athletes, to high ranking politicians and other mob bosses. I’d listen to them talk for hours. And the things I heard would blow your mind. Some of it I can never repeat, but I gleaned a wealth of information that would later spark my imagination while writing my novels.  
D – In what way?
A – Having a fly-on-the-wall view of how the Mafia works has resulted in a unique authenticity in my writing. I honestly believe the reason there hasn’t been a great Mafia story told since The Godfather is because very, very few individuals can authentically write this genre. Puzo admitted that he didn’t know any Mafiosi personally, but he did know a lot of guys from his neighborhood who did. His imagination did the rest. That is the difference between me and Puzo, or any other writer who attempts to write the Mafia genre.
D – Your experience of ‘The Life’ you mean?
A – Yeah! I lived that life, which made writing this story easy. I’ve seen and heard things that not even the most creative or tenured writer could contrive. I worked for some of the most iconic mob figures in American history. For example, Tony Giacolone (suspected of killing Jimmy Hoffa, and played by Armand Assante in the movie Hoffa) gave me the nickname “Pazzu Lupara,” which translates to “Crazy Gunner.” He gave me that nickname after he caught me scabbing his poker players for my own games. This was a very dangerous risk for me. If I wasn’t a Tocco, I may have come up missing for it. I mean, he was a man the FBI suspected of over 40 murders and/or disappearances, including Jimmy Hoffa! My Great Uncle Jack Tocco was the longest reigning mob boss in U.S. history. I was exposed to things that the average person (and not the average writer), could never be privy to.
Alan on FOX TV promoting ‘To Be A King’
D – Let’s give the readers a sample of ‘To Be A KING’.
A – Done.
  D – This is one of my favourite pictures of you and your amazing wife, Maria, and I said earlier your writing also achieved something else you weren’t expecting, explain please, lol.
A – Maria is the best. Five years into my sentence, a cousin of mine had set up a Facebook account to highlight the books I had been writing and so that friends and old classmates could get in contact. Maria had been on Facebook and saw the profile, we had also been classmates. Maria had previously worked for Amazon Publishing and was an avid reader, so she wrote to me. We wrote back and forth. I think it was when Maria read ‘To Be A King’ that she knew, not only was she in the possession of a best seller, but that she wanted to be with me. After 6 months, we fell madly in love with each other. That was 2010. 6 more years Maria waited. Within 24 hours of receiving my parole in 2016, Maria and I were married.
 D – WOW! Again, I love that story. I wonder who will play you both when the inevitable film about your life comes out.?
Staying in the past for a moment longer, you mentioned earlier about a series you have written for NCS. I share the links to my NCS articles here on my blog, although I’ve still to upload some. However, what series have you written and, who are NCS?
A – As you said we both write for NCS who are: National Crime Syndicate; known as the “Ivy League” of Mafia journalism and as the largest Mafia history website in the world. The on-going series I am writing are “The Lindbloom Chronicles” an ongoing series of short stories about my life growing up in in a Mafia Family. They have been read over 2 million times. Currently, a producer out of Atlanta is making them into a TV pilot. Click on these links for the Lindbloom Chronicles and NCS.
The Lindbloom Chronicles
National Crime Syndicate
A – We may as well share our Author pages.
D – Great idea.
Alan Gunner Lindbloom
David Breakspear
D – I’ll drop in the interview you had with our ‘Boss‘, Craig, at NCS.
Interview with Alan Lindbloom: Former ‘Detroit Partnership’ enforcer.
D – I mentioned in the introduction about us being business associates, I am of course talking about your company ‘Our Thing Apparel’, easy question, how did ‘Our Thing Apparel’ come about.
A – When I was creating a small run of promotional sweatshirts for ‘TO BE A KING’, I used the term “Our Thing” (which as you know is the English translation of Cosa Nostra) on the back. But when pictures of William Usher (business partner) and me started appearing on Facebook wearing the “OUR THING” hoodies, we became inundated with requests from people who wanted an “OUR THING” hoodie of their own. Thus, the brand was born. Not everyone knows what “OUR THING” means, but those who do, know it’s a euphemism for the Mafia, a secret society of gangsters that spans the entire globe. Wearing “OUR THING” may not make you a member of the Mafia, but it will make you part of an elite brotherhood that isn’t afraid to channel their inner gangster.
D – The ‘Our Thing’ clothing I have is top quality, but both you and I are bound to say that, one thing that I really respect and admire about you is how much time you have for your fans on social media. I love the fact that on the ‘Our Thing’ website there’s a picture gallery dedicated to your fans.
A – Yeah dude, the gallery page is an awesome addition to the website. You’re on there, once or twice hahaha!
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D – hahahaha! I love the support that you get, especially with ‘Our Thing’. The GodToddler and her family have become like family to me, as I know they have with you.
A – They are an awesome family who, yes indeed, have become like a family to us all at ‘Our Thing’, a big MASSIVE shout-out to the GodToddler and la famiglia, always reppin’ the ‘Our Thing’ look, which is the essence of ‘Our Thing’.
D – Here’s a few pics of the GodToddler making a rare, hmm! lol, appearance reppin ‘Our Thing’ apparel, as usual! (A – hahahahahaha!)
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D – I think we should just share the link to the website, so people don’t have to take our word for it and can see for themselves. We would be here all day otherwise.
Below is the link for the photo gallery:
  D – So, where we up to now? We’ve covered ‘To Be A King’, ‘National Crime Syndicate’, ‘Lindbloom Chronicles’ and ‘Our Thing’. What’s next? I know, and it starts tomorrow.
D – ‘Festa Italiana’. The poster kind of tells all, and I know that you have a stall again this year. Excited?
A – Very excited. A lot of hard work goes in to be ready each year, especially with all the other projects I have going on but getting out there and meeting my fans means a lot to me, and if I can do a little business along the way, then even better. Here’s a few pics from last year, can’t wait to get you out here D.
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D – We can sort that when we are all in the villa in Sicily. I can’t wait to come out to America, if only to go fishing with you. We have hardly touched the surface in relation to all the projects you have got going on. Here’s an idea, why don’t we stop now and we can talk again after the festival, share some pictures along with a few more stories plus we can talk about the upcoming charity ball in September. Thank you so much for taking time out of your mad busy schedule and good luck at the festival brother, love to Maria and speak soon.
A – Thanks dude, yeah! Great idea. I need to get going anyway, so much to still get ready for tomorrow. Looking forward to letting you know how it has all gone. Take care and chat soon. Alan.
"My grandfather, Peter Tocco - the older cousin of Giacomo "Black Jack" Tocco, the Boss of Bosses - was the unofficial consigliere of the entire Detroit Mafia." What’s your story? Being freelance with the addition of having my own blog allows me to write articles like this.
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