#no worries! i have fun hearing about these things
suashii · 1 day
— 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝑜𝓌𝓁 ౨ৎ
boothill x f!reader. 2k wc. ノ sfw ノ vaguely suggestive bits ノ fluff ノ non-canon compliant ノ farmhand!boothill ノ pet names ( darlin’ + sweetheart :3 )
previous part ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ next part
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it’s late—you know so because the sky has turned to a deep navy. you can hear the crickets chirping through the open window, feel the cool night breeze whisper against your skin. beyond those telling signs, your eyelids are beginning to feel heavy. they’re screaming at you to close them but you know that if you do, you’ll fall asleep in a second. you can’t do that now, not when you’re on the phone giving your weekly update to your friend back home. 
“so,” her voice crackles over the line, “how are things in farmville?”
you snort at meg’s nickname for the little town you’ve come to know as a second home. as much as she pokes fun at the idea of having a ranch to run away to, she’s been supportive of your decision to retreat here for solace. she keeps you in the loop when it comes to the drama unfolding in the office and listens attentively when you tell her what you’re up to on the farm.
you have a feeling she might be offended that you didn’t tell her this bit sooner.
“fine.” you draw the word out, rolling onto your other side on the couch as if repositioning will give you enough time to stall. despite not being able to see her face, you imagine that the woman is wearing an expression that says something along the lines of i know you’re hiding something. even through the phone, she can see through you. “i might have gotten a concussion a few days ago.”
she gasps and you can hear her slap her hand over her mouth. you’re sure if she could, she’d reach through the phone and shake you by the shoulders before thinking better of it and rushing out a string of apologies. though, she can’t, so she settles on questioning you instead. “what happened? are you okay? why the hell are you just now telling me?”
you relay the series of events to her—how it happened, boothill finding you, your visit to the doctor, and boothill playing nurse since then. her worry seems to dissipate as you explain and by the time you’re done, she’s laughing.
“what are you giggling about?” you ask her, but a little part of you already knows. boothill’s name always seems to make its way into your conversations and since the start of these weekly calls, meg has held onto the belief that you’re harboring a crush on the farmhand. you brush her off every time she suggests that you like him but like a leech, the thought always latches on and lingers.
“probably hard to deny your feelings now, huh?” you can hear the smile in her voice. you pucker your lips in annoyance. you didn’t think telling her about the way boothill makes you feel would result in meg throwing it back in your face at any given moment. though, you suppose you can’t be surprised. she’s frustrated that you’ll admit those feelings to her and not him, that you won’t act on them. “he’s already taking care of you like you’re his girlfriend—how romantic!”
“it’s not romantic,” you tell her, shaking your head, “he’d do that for anyone.”
“even better!” meg squeals. the shrill sound makes you pull the phone away from your ear and you only return it to its former position when the woman lowers her voice. “if he’s like that with everyone, that means he isn’t trying to impress you. he’s just a compassionate, caring guy who happens to have a thing for you.”
you chew on your cheek as you contemplate her words. you’ve never doubted that he’s a good guy—you’ve seen too many instances of his big heart in action to think otherwise, though, the part about boothill having a “thing” for you is a bit harder to believe. sure, he’s called you pretty numerous times, unintentionally held your hands on a couple of occasions, but that means nothing, at least when it comes to whatever feelings he might have for you. you’ve convinced yourself that most of the things he does that make your heart flutter or your cheeks burn are simply to get a reaction out of you—a little embarrassment for the sake of his entertainment.
“ugh, when are you going to be brave and spill your guts to him?” meg’s voice cuts through your thoughts.
“never! i’m not telling him anything.” you close your eyes and take a deep breath to ground yourself. “i don’t know how long i’ll be here and, more importantly, i have no idea if he even likes me.”
“and you’ll never find out if you keep running away.”
you’re about to tell her that you aren’t running away or avoiding anything but you press your lips together before the words can hit the air. because you have been—you can recall a number of times you have in the past and you’re even thinking about it now, leaving without coming to terms with your feelings or figuring out if boothill reciprocates them.
“i’m not—” not running away? not going to tell him? not ready to tell him? you huff out a sigh, one that’s a mixture of frustration and confusion. “not now, meg.”
“that’s fine,” she assures you, her voice soft. “i just don’t want you to regret anything.”
“i know.” you nod even though she can’t see you.
she’s right. you’ll regret it if you don’t say anything, if you go home without facing your feelings head-on. the what ifs and what could have beens will follow you there, mercilessly haunting your mind.
“it’s getting late,” you tell meg, “i think i’m going to go to bed.”
“sure,” she hums. there’s a brief pause like she wants to say more but she settles on, “good night.”
“g’night.” you pull your phone away to end the call and toss the device on the other end of the couch. you should go upstairs and get in bed like you planned to but all these thoughts so fresh in your head make you feel like falling asleep won’t come easy tonight. slumping against the arm on the couch, you let out a groan, one quiet enough to not wake your grandpa and boothill upstairs but loud enough to grant you the slightest bit of relief.
though, the sound is cut off by another. it comes from the kitchen and you sit up to peer over the back of the couch to see if you’re hearing things—you’d prefer it that way. your fantasy comes to an end when you see boothill standing at the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and closing the door once he’s finished.
he meets your gaze and shoots you a smile before uncapping the water and taking a few gulps. it’s strange seeing him at this hour; he usually sleeps early so he can wake up with the sun. you rarely ever see him wearing anything but his jeans and his top of choice but the look is traded in for pajamas now—if you can call nothing but a pair of boxers pajamas.
you gasp at the sight and turn around. he just wanders around the house half-naked? carelessly risks running into you while wearing nothing but his underwear? you might not have heard him but he certainly must have seen you stretched out on the couch or at the very least heard you talking to meg on the phone.
the call.
you quickly turn around to face him once more.
“how long have you been there?” the question comes out rushed but you’re frantic to know if he was around to hear you talking about him.
he shrugs and swallows, setting his bottle on the counter before leaning against it. “i don’t know. long enough to hear you’re having some boy troubles.”
the confession makes your heart jump into your throat. you choose not to expand on it, instead reprimanding him for eavesdropping. “it’s rude to listen in on conversations you aren’t part of.”
“my apologies.” he raises his hands in mock surrender. “i just didn’t wanna interrupt.”
you stare him down in an attempt to read his expression and the look in his eyes. his perpetual smile is in place like usual but nothing else about his countenance seems knowing. he’s either very good at hiding it or he didn’t pick up on the fact that he was the one you’re talking about.
“want some advice?” boothill speaks up, tilting his head in a question of its own.
you look at him for a second before a laugh bubbles up from your chest, permeating the air. boothill’s smile slowly falls and that’s the last you see of him before turning your back to him. it seems a little more polite to laugh at him if it isn’t in his face.
he doesn’t stay at his place in the kitchen, feet carrying him to the back of the couch. you’re still laughing when he gets there. he’s never heard you laugh like this before—not at anything he’s said or done. as captivated as he is by the sound, he’s a touch more curious as to what brought it about. a cushion in between you, he leans over the back of the couch to ask, “what’s so funny?”
“i’m sorry.” you try to clear the humor from your voice but it lingers with your explanation. you turn your head to look boothill in the eye. “it’s just—what do you know about problems of the male variety?”
“hello?” he straightens up and gestures to himself and it’s only then that you remember how…undressed he is. that’s enough to sober you up from your humor. “you’re looking at a man, sweetheart.”
you don’t need him to tell you that—you’re more than aware of that. you just meant that he doesn’t seem like the type to help people out of romantic hardships, rather, he’s the one who causes them. strangely enough, though, you consider hearing his perspective. after all, he is the subject of your “boy troubles” as boothill called them.
“so, how about it?” he rounds the couch and plops down on it beside you, leaving a safe amount of space between the two of you. you hold his gaze, light gray irises glowing like stars in the darkness of the living room. “wanna hear my opinion?”
your heart rate quickens and you can’t tell why. because he’s this close to you and practically naked? because those gray eyes are boring into you, urging you to hear him out? because his advice could be the courage you need to admit your feelings or the very deterrent to keep you from doing so? 
maybe you aren’t quite brave enough to spill your guts yet but it’s time for you to stop being so scared of the what ifs. “okay, go for it.”
that seems to be the answer boothill was looking for, if his growing smile is any evidence. he doesn’t waste any time sharing his insight. “i say throw caution to the wind, tell him how you feel. and if he doesn’t feel the same way, well then, that’s his loss. because you, darlin’, are a catch. any man would be lucky to have you.”
you know boothill isn’t one to sugarcoat his words. every word he says, he means. is that the case here, too? any man would be lucky to have you—would he feel the same if that man was him?
“i’m headin’ to bed.” he groans as he stands up, stretching his arms above his head, mouth falling open in a yawn. you watch him silently, pondering his words. he doesn’t comment on your silence, doesn’t bother to tease you about your staring. all he does is offer you a wink before telling you, “sweet dreams.”
just as quietly as he appeared, he’s gone.
you let out a shaky breath that you didn’t know you were holding. instead of following boothill’s lead and going to sleep, you rest your head on the arm of the couch and turn your eyes up to the ceiling. your heart is still beating wildly against your rib cage but it’s not bad nerves this time around, it’s anticipation.
courage it is.
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thanks for reading! reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!
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moonstruckme · 23 hours
Hi Mae! I've been obsessed with your writing for a while now, ur poly marauders is just perfecttt. The way you write them is just so accurate to my personal characterizations and head cannons :)
I had an idea that I thought would be cute but feel free to ignore if it doesn't inspire you ofc.
I was thinking about poly! Marauders x goth! Reader. Like reader forcing them to watch her favorite horror movies or explore abandoned places or like go to a concert or smtn
Omg and the reader dressing up to go out with them and them just dying cuz the eyeliner and fishnets and everything (who can blame them, goth girls r gorgeous 😍😍)
Thanks lovely!!
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 927 words
“Is it on me?” James hears the door open, followed by Sirius’ voice, growing shriller. “Is it on me?” 
“I don’t think so.” You sound one part amused and two parts exasperated. “Stay still, I can’t look while you’re moving around.” 
James leaves the dishes in the sink to soak, too curious to prioritize chores. He finds you both in the entryway. Remus is observing from the couch as Sirius stands rigidly still and you pick through his hair unhurriedly. You’re both covered in dust and what looks to be cobwebs, made even more apparent on you by your dark clothing. 
“I thought you were going to drop clothes off at the donation bin,” James says bemusedly. 
“We did,” you reply, at the same time as Sirius says, “It was a trap!”
Remus lifts an eyebrow. James is glad he’s not the only one who seems to be missing something. 
“There’s an old abandoned church not far from there,” you explain casually. “I wanted to check it out, and Sirius thought it could be fun to explore, too.” 
“That was before I knew it housed the world’s largest spider population,” he argues. “Fuck, can someone get this thing off me? If I feel anything crawling I’m gonna flip shit.” 
“Aren’t you already?” Remus murmurs. You grin at him, stepping back to let James take over for you. 
“I assume I’m taking out the web?” James asks, picking out a piece. 
You sigh. “Sirius thought he saw a spider in the car—” 
“I know I did, thank you.” 
“—and he’s worried it got on him. But I’ve been looking, and I haven’t seen it.” 
“I’m fairly sure it would have crawled off by now, love,” Remus says, sitting up on his knees and beckoning you to the couch so he can pull the spiderwebs out of your hair, too. 
“All I know is, if no one finds that thing on me, I’m going to take the world’s hottest shower to make sure it’s dead.” 
“You’ll have to hurry,” Remus reminds him. “Our reservation is at eight.” 
“We can be a few minutes late.” 
“We cannot.”
“Fuck!” James jumps a good few feet back, hands frozen in front of him. 
“What?” Sirius cries. His shoulders seize up. “What is it?” 
“Shit, sorry, it’s nothing. I thought I saw something move, but it was your hair.” 
“Oh my god, I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Sirius puts his face in his hands, sounding less murderous than teary. “Remus, please.” 
“I’ll take care of you next,” Remus replies, dedicatedly combing his fingers through your hair. 
James mumbles an apology as he goes back to doing the same thing to Sirius. All in all, you look like you’ve actually gotten the brunt of it. You’re covered in spiderwebs, likely a result of you simply putting far less work into avoiding them than Sirius. You seem unbothered as Remus unsticks a rather large one from by your ear.  
You go off to change for dinner first, because Sirius refuses to move until both James and Remus have each checked him over for spiders twice, and even then he still insists upon his shower. James can’t say he’d feel differently in his place. 
He thinks he might need a cold shower himself when you come back out. 
“Angel,” James breathes. It’s both an endearment and an observation. His eyes stutter their way up you, continually snagging on fishnet tights and kohl-lined eyes and the little lace ruffle lining your top. His tongue feels heavy in his mouth. 
“You look lovely,” Remus says, smooth where James is not, and you grin as you lean down to kiss him on the cheek. A pink tinge rises up from beneath your boyfriend’s freckles and scars. When you lift your lips, you leave a dark imprint of lipstick behind that James has absolutely no intentions of telling him about. 
“So do you,” you say, as though he’s not wearing the exact same thing he was a minute ago. (Though James is nonetheless inclined to agree. Remus always looks lovely.) Your eyes turn to James, the black liner making them look deeper and even more striking than usual. 
“You do, too,” you tell him. He feels a flock of butterflies (do butterflies have flocks?) scare into flight in his stomach. 
His grin feels wobbly, but certainly not for lack of enthusiasm. “Thanks,” he manages. 
“So, I was talking to Sirius in the bathroom,” you say, sitting on the arm of the couch. James’ eyes follow the movement of your skirt, the way it rides up with the motion. He warms in several places. “He says that if the spider’s not on him, it has to be in the car. He won’t get in it until we’ve checked.” 
Remus exhales heavily through his nose, and you nod your agreement. 
“I’m not convinced he actually saw anything,” you say. “He is so paranoid.” 
“Or maybe you,” James leans over to kiss your cheek, unable to restrain himself any longer as he reaches around you to squeeze the fat of your hip, “are just far too even-tempered from watching so many horror films.” 
“No, he’s paranoid,” Remus agrees with you, groaning as he gets up. “I’ll check the car. If I don’t find anything, we’ll just say we caught it.” 
“I’ll help.” You slip off the arm of the couch, starting after him with springy steps. 
James follows, if only so he can stand behind you and keep you from flashing the next-door neighbors when you bend over to look. It’s strictly selfless.
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lilmashae · 1 day
Could you do one where Riize members react to there idol significant other in a dating rumor! Love your writing keep it up babes 🤍
im sorry this took me so long to get to 😓
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i think he’d be understanding about it. it’s not your fault — it’s just a part of your job. he’d probably bring it to you first — approaching you casually and just throwing it out… when and if you panic he’ll probably laugh it off and reassure you that it’s fine!
I think he might tease you about it every once in a while! if you have another event or show with the idol you’re being shipped with he’d tell you to go have fun with your ‘boyfriend’ for the day.
but I also think that depending on his mood he’ll become a bit distraught — maybe a bit more clingy than usual.
he’s definitely jealous… but he won’t tell you! if it ever comes up in a conversation i think he’ll show little signs — maybe huffing or rolling his eyes.
‘yeah… did you know you’re trending on twitter?’ your friend shouted through the phone. you exchanged looks with eunseok as you sat up… ‘really? for what..?’ a sly smile crept up on her face. ‘people are shipping you and leehan!’ you could hear her laughing as you glanced over at your boyfriend who tightly clenched his jaw. ‘oh… haha… seriously why would they do that?’ awkward laughter erupted from your chest.
if you try to confront him he’ll SWEAR up and down he isn’t jealous. you could totally tease him about it — just to poke a little fun :) eventually he’ll cave after smothering him in affection and playfully accusing him (rightfully so) of being jealous!
he’s not mad but he definitely isn’t happy or supportive. he’s not indifferent either. i think he’d make attempts to get fans starting a dating rumor between the two of you rather than the other guy… whether he does that by dropping your name in interviews or holding your hand and kissing you in more public areas.
‘why’d you want to go out all of a sudden?’ your boyfriend had dragged you around the area — leading you from place to place until you finally sat in a café. ‘we haven’t gone out in a while…’ he wore a smug smile on his face watching as you took a bite of the dessert before you. ‘here.’ his thumb came up to swipe against your lips. ‘something on my face?’ and he’d place a sudden kiss on your lips before leaning back into his seat. ‘not anymore.’
wonbin probably thinks it’s the end of the world as he knows it. he does not like sharing — especially not you — even if it is just a rumor.
‘wonbinne come back!’ your boyfriend rushed out of your dorms after what was a pointless argument. ‘why’re you upset handsome?’ finally catching up to him you held his hands in your own. ‘im your boyfriend… not him! you did one stupid promotion together why cant anyone drop it.’ he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue. admittedly it was a bit humorous watching him stomp around. ‘you are my boyfriend.’ you cracked a smile. ‘that’s why it doesn’t matter... how about we get our managers to schedule a shoot together?’ basically the only resolve is scheming with him to come up with something that’ll get rumors stirring between you two.
another understanding boyfriend! he’s not mad at all.
I feel like if you brought it up with the slightest bit of hesitancy he’d laugh it off — not in an invalidating way but just a ‘it’s okay. relax :)’ sort of way? would definitely reassure you that it’s fine and he trusts you regardless. he knows it’s just media speculation!
“it’s fine baby. no worries.” he’s very much calm about the whole thing even if you’re wigging out. “are you sure? I mean we’re trending… and of course we have to continue working together — what if the rumors get worse?” seunghan’s definitely calming you down in the situation — providing soothing words of comfort etc.
i think he’d be at least a little shocked — maybe even a bit whiny about it. but overall I don’t think he’d mind too much.
you’d sit down and have a very light hearted conversation about it and at the end you’d ask how he felt.
“it’s fine. it’s not like you two are actually together anyways.” he’s mostly indifferent but still wouldn’t mind a bit of reassurance. “you’re sure ‘hee?” and he’d nod. “you know I love you loadsss right?” another dry response but at this point he’s just doing it to egg you on. leaping across the table you smother him with kisses — generously peppering his cheeks with hundred of little nibbles. “I love you too!”
he has such an attitude about it… i feel like he’s not being serious — it’s actually very playful: especially when you ask him to do something and his response is telling you to ask your other boyfriend.
In reality he isn’t really hurt though. he understands it’s just a rumor — and that he’s extremely irrelevant in your person lives/relationship. he’s half asleep lying on your bed.
“anton! get up… let’s go out.” you poke at his sides and watch as he repositions to sink into the mattress. “no way… go out with your other boyfriend.” he groggily mumbles before feeling a pillow land on top of him. “hey! that’s not funny! now get up…” you roll over him and continue to poke at him until he’s up and getting ready. you two end up going out as you planned and everyone is happy <3
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it literally been like three weeks 😭 im so so sorry this took me so long to get to! drafts are a mess and I need to do some organizing but hopefully this isn’t too lazy 🤕
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wonryllis · 1 day
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𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝖻𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗆𝗒 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌 𝗅𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎?
ׅ ꢾ꣒ find the MASTERLIST here.
PREVIEW. you always get what you want, spoiled with the love of everyone around you. and it's all innocent love, at least that's what everyone thinks. it comes with much surprise therefore, when heeseung makes a move on you. thirteen long years of being in the brother zone having made him utterly clueless that if he’s going to date you he has to pass through your actual brothers first. and he knows how scary they can be. especially since they are known to have a sister complex and he’s been the third scary one with them, numerous times before.
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𝐈 check out the PROFILES.
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𝐈𝐈 tune in to the CHARACTER INTERVIEWS ( given by the characters themselves ! )
CHOI YN 20 ( fashion ), well what do i say? hello everyone i'm choi yn! im sure everyone knows me already ^^ .. what else do i say? hmm i love my life a lot! i love my brothers and heeseung and wonie so much, they are the closest people in my life! oh shit sorry riki too hehe oops. college has been fun since im doing exactly what i wanted and it's fun to hangout with won all the time. seungie brings me snacks all the time and binnie lets me eat cakes everyday even though junnie has scolded them not to cause i easily get dental problems and then he has to convince be to go to the dentist, eww.
LEE HEESEUNG 23 ( film ), if you ever stop hearing from me, please know that my day has come and i have chosen to be exposed. as much as jun and soobs love me, and as much as they love tiny(my yn, she's just real cute) if i ever dare speak of that kind of love with tiny in the same sentence it's my last moment on earth. jay and taehyun help a lot and i'd give everything to thank them for it but man they still haven't been able to actually help me get with yn?
CHOI SOOBIN 24 ( law school ), yes my sister is my everything, each one of her wishes no matter how stupid and idiotic they are, must be fulfilled. i think i was like ten when ynie said being a lawyer would be so cool, and it's been my life's motto now. law school kicks my ass yeah but whenever i think of how happy she'd be to see me as a badass lawyer it feels like nothing. i could easily help her win the divorce that's a plus point, i think i should start looking into divorce attorney things.
CHOI YEONJUN 25 ( model ), i swear scaring away my baby sister's admirers is one of my full time jobs besides runaway modelling but alas she is my sister of course she's a beauty. i know she will date and marry a motherfucking guy one day, and i won't be able to stop it but i hope that day takes the longest time to come. she was one of the first ones to say how good my dressing style was, if it wasnt for her i would not be one of the rising faces in the fashion scene today.
PARK JAY 22 ( music production ), being lee heeseung's childhood friend has been my life's greatest downfall. and being his emergency contact number one is probably the biggest mistake of my life. it's so so so infuriating to see him do nothing and panic over the fact that some might sweep her off her feet right before his eyes like fucker you gotta sweep her off her feet rather than worrying over how someone else might sweep her off her feet. taehyun probably understands me.
SIM JAKE 22 ( physics ), it's fun, so so fun i can not express it verbally man, 'm having a blast! there's so many new things to learn i am so happy with my major and my astronomy club thing is going so well too, it's been amazing so far. the only thing i dont like is my mates ignoring me, like i tell them about all these quantum mechanics things and how it's works like it's legit the coolest thing ever and they don't wanna listen me and then come to me for help with assignments like dude? there's no give and take here and it's not high school anymore? but i do it cause im nice :)
PARK SUNGHOON 22 ( communications ), first of all i gotta thank my man taehyun for letting me copy off of him to pass my semesters so far. as a full time commercial and photoshoot model, college is just a side quest for me at this point, just need an arm candy degree to show that i am infact educated contrary to what people think. oh and i'd like to tell this, don't tell anyone, i actually know all the drama going on and it's so funny but i gotta stay low if i wanna be safe. sometimes i do think of stirring things up but yeonjun man he scares me, i better be on his good side.
KIM SUNOO 21 ( journalism ), for real god am i the only one working my ass off here cause why the hell all these dicks be fucking up their lives and copying off people to survive like? look at me, every little gossip on campus and you know who to go to get the full info! exactly how it should be for a journalism major. i swear i am doing all the shit ass work here. i admit i slip sometimes especially with heeseung's secret in front of god forbidden yn but 'm just a human, and humans make mistakes yk? and please tell kai to fuck off please, thank you.
YANG JUNGWON 20 ( fashion ), it's a different feeling when three guys trust you with their precious sister. and it's a different feeling when that precious real spoiled girl treats you like the best buddy she could ever have. but it's not so fortunate when you gotta dash to protect anytime the brothers ping you, it's like a national secret agency part time job and it's the hardest thing when the target is someone like yn. i treasure her a lot, as a friend! yes, yet the times when her brothers get jealous of me are some of the most nerve wrecking times.
NISHIMURA RIKI 20 ( photography ), are we surprised here? no wtf have y'all not seen the pics i post on my twt like i got talent you have to accept it. especially a lot of talent in gaming and luck, my luck be through the roofff. just started lol a year ago and my YouTube Chanel six months ago and im already almost a diamond and about to hit a million subscribers.. talk about god's favorite! ha that's me. but the thing is more than that i wanna be yn's favorite like i know she says won and i are same but i know that kitty is closer. for now i like being glued to yn, but after figuring out things so easily it's hard to keep quiet.
CHOI BEOMGYU 23 ( film ), with the amount of hate train behind me it's a miracle i am still breathing and in one piece. praying all this ends quickly and my life is returned back to me or i'll go crazy it has been like what two? three? years already! i need my freedom. i can count and name with my fingers the people who hate me. actually no it's everyone. anyways, i share all classes with heeseung and lord is it the scariest part of my life. at least yeonjun and soobin would need time to hunt me down but lee heeseung? he's right behind me two rows, staring down my every movement. look it's not my fault okay?
KANG TAEHYUN 22 ( communications ), it wasn't consensual. it is very important to clear this up. i did not give my papers to park sunghoon by choice. he had to pay me hefty for that so there's no thank you man, dude is pretending. and i am fucking sick of covering for heeseung all the time like dude grow balls, real balls dig up some manly guts and fucking do it before i lose patience and fuck shit up. every moment of listening to him lamenting over his feelings is the most frustrating shit ever. make him hear this one for god's fucking sake.
HUENING KAI 22 ( journalism ), no matter how much everyone denies it, i know they won't survive a day without me like? i provide sunoo with all the gossip of our side? how else do you think heeseung sneaks around yeonbin with his feelings? god it's me i do the passing the parcel of info. i mean taehyun is also involved with them but then i am more useful than that reality check of a guy, i mean who needs reality when you can live in a fantasy! hehe i just outdid everyone with that! or not anyway moving on yn's cr— SUNOO: shut the fuck up bitch!
01. HEEYN TRUTHERS heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, taehyun and sunoo: the group that has been supporting heeseung in pursuing his feelings since he first revealed it to them. for whenever he fucks up and they have to discuss how to save his ass. normal chats happen too.
02. BOSS BABIES yn, jungwon, riki: the trio that has been friends since middle school, and sticks together. yn spends most of her time with them, that is in college. often goes out to hangout and these two are yn's only actual friends!
03. SHOOTERZ 4 YN yeonjun, soobin, heeseung and jungwon: they use this chat to text each other whenever someone upsets yn or she's going somewhere alone and they need jungwon to secretly tag along to give them updates later.
04. PRINCESS & HER KNIGHTS yn, yeonjun, soobin and heeseung: the main stars— spoiled baby and her overprotective boys. usually text her when it has to do something with the four of them, like when yn goes out or she needs someone to pick her up or accompany her or when they have dinner at each other's place and someone's missing and likewise.
05. PSYCHOS W/ SICKOS yeonjun, soobin, beomgyu, taehyun, huening kai and heeseung: well this is heeseung's other friend group with the yn brothers' friends that become his own after a while. this is yeonbin dominated friend group chat and beomgyu is main character lmao
START THE STORY — prologue 𓈒 ‎𓈒 ‎𓈒
TAGLIST . ( OPEN ) @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @shawnyle @enhastolemyheart @aaa-sia @snoopypupp @criminalyun @oddracha @satan-223 @diorsyun @hooniehon @fakeuwus @caramelcandescence @intromortal @kookify @yutasberryy @sumzysworld @nikiswifiee @shuichi-sama @primroselover @rayofsunshineeee @aishigrey @yjwluvs @soraokkotsu @nyfwyeonjun @srhnyx @trashx678 @wondipity @winuvs @hoondiors @niniissus @firstclassjaylee @biancaness send an ask to be added! (if your comment goes unnoticed it is not my responsibility)
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marloree · 2 days
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TXT and their ways to celebrate your birthday
Pairing: Best Friend! TXT members (separately) × Reader
Genre: fluff, slight crack (?), headcanons
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I feel like he would be the type to prepare something warm and cozy for you. Be it a picnic in the nearby park or spending the day at his place where he prepares every single thing for you so you don't have to worry on your special day and just relax.
Gifts: plushies, little cute surprise gifts, things that reminded him of you, simply things you were ever caught mentioning you liked.
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I feel like he's the type to bring you to his house or come to yours and just play you songs until you get tired or your neighbours get tired of the noise you two make.
Definitely would help you with buying the food and with the overall preparations.
Gifts: he definitely would never gift you his portrait as a joke
Anything you like, really.
Or any funny silly thing he can come up with as a gift for you.
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He definitely would start wishing you right at 12 am by texting. Or, if he for sure knows that you aren't asleep, he'd lowkey come to your house at midnight just to be the first one to wish and gift you.
I feel like you could celebrate your birthday with him at a small cozy café or a restaurant nearby, without having to worry about cleaning all the mess if you were to celebrate at your place.
Gifts: if we're talking of him as a kpop idol, then he'd totally gift you every version of their albums; if we're talking non-idol! au, then - flowers + something you like.
Hear me out, he would totally give you a bigger bouquet of flowers than any boyfriend ever would.
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He's definitely the one to be in for surprises.
If he starts acting all mysterious a good week before it's your birthday, don't even get surprised. The guy definitely comes up with something new and outstanding every year. He almost acts like it's his birthday instead of yours. Seriously, he plans out every single detail.
Be prepared to walk somewhere for half of your special day.
A new restaurant on the other end of the city, a nice place by the beach he recently discovered, or just the right place from where the whole city is seen - get your feet ready.
Gifts: the guy seriously seems to read your mind, or, rather, he's so observant to the point where he seems to remember every single word you've ever said. He'll definitely gift you that very thing you've mentioned only once a few months ago.
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He's up for everything and anything, really.
Do you want to throw a massive birthday party or enjoy the day with him only? Do you want to do something outstanding or just relax and have fun? Do you want to celebrate at a restaurant or go for something extra? He's always in.
Gifts: I think he'd be the type to directly ask you what exactly you want for your birthday. Don't hesitate to ask, though, he'll literally buy you whatever you want without looking at the prize tag twice. It's your special day, after all.
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i've been having a couple of downer days recently, and i kept looking for a verse i haven't read thrice yet for some comfort, but you're age! gap verse has been a pleasant escape even though its not what i was looking for. you're writing never fails to make me feel better ari 💕💕
Here's how they met 💜
Bruce sighed. He was starting to hate talk show appearances, but at least this one had never been too bad. Angelique was chatty and fun but not grating. Her show ran as school let out. So grannies watched after their naps and kids watched getting off the bus. She ran a little something for everyone.
He assumed he was here for the grannies.
"I'm so sorry I'm late the shoot ran over and I couldn't get away."
The voice caught his attention. Not the fake starlet over dramatic gushing, but genuine distress. And he half turned to look. You looked like you came from a shoot. Straight off the pages of a glossy magazine.
"No worries, Miss Y/L/N we got your call in enough time. We'll just touch up your face and you'll be good to go," the manager greeting you, said.
Bruce smiled a little. Clearly, you were a frequent guest. You thanked him profusely and trotted off. Not needing to be told where to go. And as you go, there's several crew members you can greet by name. You've either been here a lot or worked with them before. Or both. But, it's endearing.
He turned back around listening to Angelique get her updates on where production was. "-And Y/N is in hair and makeup as we speak."
"Oh, bless her heart," Angelique said. "That's what I get calling her last minute." She turned to Bruce and held out her hand, "Are you ready?" she asked.
"As I'll ever be," he chuckled taking her hand, "You know these sorts of things aren't my forte. My oldest on the other hand-"
"Don't you worry about a thing," Angelique reassured him, patting the hand she was holding before letting it go. "Y/N is an old pro- Ah! speak of the devil!" She swooped over and kissed you on either cheek. "You look absolutely divine, is that one of yours?"
"You know it is," you tell her laughing, returning the gesture. "As if I could walk in and NOT wear my own design, you'd never let me live it down."
"So true. Darling," she said grabbing your hand and pulling you over to Bruce, "I want you to meet Bruce. You'll be on stage together today. You know it's charity week and I though it would be great to highlight all the work you do for school arts programs along side the Wayne foundation," she said.
"Hello," you tell him, holding out your hand.
"Pleased to meet you," he said, taking the hand you offered warmly. Giving you his most charming smile. You did look good. And he could tell they hadn't done much to your face or your hair. "I'm a big fan of your work," he commented.
Your smile didn't falter but your eyes narrowed slightly. And Bruce cringed internally Shit. She thinks I mean the Playboy spread, he thought. "Your last movie, the drama, especially. The range of emotion and the depth- It really was incredible."
"Thank you," you tell him. "It was challenging but I really enjoyed it."
Bruce felt his face heat when Angelique coughed and he remembered hearing that you had the ability to make someone feel like they were the only person in the room. He'd forgotten for just a second. In just that brief moment that he was waiting for an appearance. "It showed I uh- my kids made fun of me when I cried at the end-"
"Aww, Angelique gushed, "This is amazing. you guys keep up this chemistry. It'll go totally viral." She bounced on the balls of her feet and kissed your cheek again, "I'll have someone bring you a coffee, sweetie. You're going to start wilting soon."
And before you could say anything or Bruce could offer to go and get it for you himself, Angelique had bustled off to find and assistant to give marching orders to.
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Im back <333
Stil horny ofc. Have a fantasy <33
want you to drug me up and choke me out until I pass out. Let me wake up tied up, gagged and blindfolded. Im so confused and scared because the last thing i remember was watching a movie with my partner.
I squirm in my binds because I've become violently aware of the vibrator buzzing in my pussy and what I can only assume is cum dripping out of my slick asshole. I try to call out into the room through the gag in my mouth. I hear the sound of a door opening and then clicking shut. Along with the creaking of steps as someone approaches. The vibrators intensity is turned up and I shake apart with a gasp. Drool dripping down my chin.
The blindfold is taken off and I see in the dim lighting of the basement. My partner.
"Hey baby, I'm so happy you're awake. We're gonna have some fun okay? Remember I love you so much and because I love you I decided that you deserved to embrace what you were meant to be. Just relax and be a good cumdump okay? Thank you baby"
I try to struggle but you just laugh and turn away.
"Come in everybody! The whore is ready for a couple more rounds!"
A small crowd of people enter and before I can even process all of the faces i feel the vibrator roughly yanked from my messy cunt. My back arches and I let out a loud moan.
The blindfold is back on and I hear people laughing at me.
Hands are gripping me all over. My nipples are pinched and sucked on. My fat tits are groped along with my ass. I'm manhandled around into multiple positions and all I can to is cry, squirm and let out choked moans.
Cocks and strap ons are shoved into my pussy and my asshole. The bed I lay on dips under the weight of someone straddling my face and grinding against my face before the weight leaves and a cock is shoved into my mouth.
Im spanked, whipped, choked, spat and pissed on. And so much more.
I lay there and can't do anything but take it all and cum over and over again.
When you and your friends are done passing me around I feel dizzy with pleasure and pain. Phantom hands still roam my body because my thoughts have left me and I can't think about anything but the mess of various fluids that cover my trembling body and the sudden emptiness of my holes.
"Hey sweetie." My partner is back.
I whine and whimper and they laugh quietly.
"Aw are you feeling empty now that you aren't being used? Don't worry you won't be empty for long. You did so well baby. You were a good girl today. I'm so happy you've accepted your new life so quickly. I'm sure you already knew even if it was deep down that you were made to be broken."
Something big is shoved into my pussy and stretches me out so good. I cry out and cum again.
"Good girl" you say fondly.
I hear the creaking of steps and the click of the door opening and closing and I know I'm alone again. I pass out excited for the next day.
(Dms are closed for now <3)
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Immortal with an immortal S/o pls(maybe where the s/o isn't a hero)
The Immortal x Immortal male reader
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Im going off my personal headcanon that Immortals name is Abraham or Abe, just cuz its easier to write. A shorty but a goody. I was listening to old people music, cuz I kept imagining them acting like an old married couple.
Having an immortal partner would be something that helps Abes mental state quite a lot, since one of the reasons he struggles mentally is the fact that the people he loves keeps dying from one thing or another.
How you are immortal doesn’t really matter, even if it strong effects your physical appearance. As long as you can come back like immortal can, or somehow can’t die at all.
Maybe you stood by his side back during the beginning of his hero acts, back before it was called being a hero and it was just Abe wanting the best for the world and its people. But you quickly realize being a hero like that isn’t for you.
You do your own thing when Abe goes out to be a hero. You guys have both been alive for so long that neither of you really get jealous or worry too much if you don’t see each other for months. It’s nice to keep in touch though, and you guys make sure to meet up as much as you can.
Maybe you are more focused on something like the arts, performing, writing, and so on. Or you might even be more active in helping the little guy, like food banks and the likes.
Maybe you live in a cabin far away from the cities, up in the mountains where even the GDA leaves you alone. So, its somewhere Abe can come and just relax and be himself. Cue him coming back from a stressful meeting with the guardians, and he immediately relaxes when he hears the music playing from wherever you are.
You are both very old, which means your tastes are kinda dated. With you not being so busy being a hero, you can be a bit more modern, but there’s still lots of old things that make you nostalgic, and stuff you two like to do together.
I could imagine that Abe quite likes to do domestic things together the old way. Like cooking with the old tools, no modern machines or crazy inventions. Just you two, your hands, and whatever tools you guys have had since the 50s.
You guys would also dress quite old at times, even if it was on accident. People end up thinking you guys are some of those people who dress up and act out old times. It gets a little funny when you guys meet other people who do that, who all gush at how great your outfits are, unaware that it’s so good because its actually your clothes from back then.
Abe is also old school romantic. You bet he brings you flowers. You bet he still acts like he’s courting you like some kind of knight. And you bet he gets scandalized and flustered being too affectionate in public. You find it adorable though.
It’s a very common occurrence for you two to dance together. Be it in your kitchen or living room with oldies playing. Or at those clubs that are for the people dressing up and acting like it’s the 50s for fun.
You guys have most likely also been married for many many years. Way before it became illegal for two men to be married, and maybe even before marriage is as we know it now. But Abe would be so flustered thinking about marrying you again.
You can tell what he’s fumbling about since you’ve known him for so long, but its so endearing that you just let him work up the guts to propose again, probably for the 10th time in your guys long lives.
All in all, you help center Abe much more than he is in canon, since he doesn’t have to worry about you growing old and dying, or just you dying in general. He still worries of course, I don’t think he ever doesn’t worry, but its not as bad.
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multiversefanfics · 16 hours
You left
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader(Past relationship)- Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader(not a full on relationship but friends with benefits type thing with hidden feelings?) Warning: SMUT 18+‼️Oral (F receiving p in v) ,cussing, mention of sex, angst Summary: After Thanos snapped half of humanity out of existence, then fighting like hell to get them back just for him to leave anyway. A/N: It still irritates me that Steve left everyone behind for Peggy, this fic is for people who are also irritated about Steve leaving, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it too. this is a short one, well my opinion of short😂 Past in Italics
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"Steve, you promised. You told me there was nothing to worry about and that you loved me and only me." He sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder "I do love you, but I love her too. I can't just ignore it; she is the love of my life." By now tears were streaming down your face, you couldn't believe what you were hearing you thought Steve was someone you could trust. You took a step back, staring deep into his eyes. "Steve..." Was all you could manage to get out between sobs, and you shrugged his hand off your shoulder "I can't believe you right now, after everything you are willing to just throw away 6 years together." Steve rubbed his face and when he removed his hands you could see his facial expression was different "I have to! When I saw her again, it brought back everything I missed out on.” His sudden change of volume made you flinch, he apologized and told you he loved you, but his words meant nothing because he still went back to Peggy leaving you behind to try and move on while he lived out his dream.
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You and Steve were in love, even though in the back of your mind the same name kept popping up Peggy Carter. Although he tells you every chance, he can that he loves you and only you, you can’t help but feel like a consolation prize. You loved Steve he was your favorite person in the world, you would be lost without him, but you don't know if he felt the same way about you sometimes. He told you over and over that he loved you and he would never do anything to hurt you, and then he did it. He left. He left you to go back to Peggy. After all the fighting to bring everyone back, all the moments you shared, everything. He just left like it was nothing. It took a while for you to move on and find your happiness, it wasn't easy, but you did it and you were successful. Something unexpected happened that caused you to rethink everything.
It's been 3 years since Steve left and you're single and still not ready to mingle and that's fine no one is rushing, and you're not really interested in anyone, you're just having some fun. You and Bucky were sitting on the couch, your legs over his lap while he rubbed your calf after you pretended to have a cramp "Is your cramp gone?" You giggled a bit "I never had a cramp I just wanted you to rub my legs" Bucky groaned and smacked your shin, leaning back and looking at the TV. "Why did you stop" You whined rubbing your leg against his hand "Because you tricked me" He looked over at you while you made puppy dog eyes at him, he rolled his eyes and started rubbing your legs again, you smiled to yourself and started watching TV again. Sam strolled into the living room, plopping down beside you "Well aren't you two cozy" You hit him with a pillow not taking your eyes off the screen "Why don't you mind your business." Bucky retorted earning a deep chuckle from Sam "It's cute that's all." You saw Sam shift awkwardly out of the corner of your eye, you sat up and looked at him "What's wrong?" Sam looked over at you and raised an eyebrow "What are you talking about?" You studied his face "You never adjust yourself. unless you're nervous about something. Out with it."
Sam sighed and just as he was about to answer you heard the front door open, everyone turned their attention to the door, and in walks Steve. You sat there frozen unable to utter a single word, Bucky got up and did one of those man hugs with him and Sam followed suit, while you sat there still frozen trying to figure out if he was real or if you were dreaming. It was real, no matter how many times you told yourself it wasn’t. He was standing right in front of you staring deep into your eyes waiting for you to say something. Anything. You cleared your throat and stood up joining the group “Hi...” Steve smiled at you, God you missed that smile, but then you remembered that smile belonged to Peggy. "Hey, Y/N how are you?" Is he really going to pretend that everything is, okay? Like he didn’t just leave you behind “I’m good, how are you here?” He sighed and looked around “Why don’t we sit down, and I can explain.”
Everyone nodded and went to sit on the couch, you sat closest to Bucky laying your head on his shoulder, you weren't doing it to spite Steve or anything, Bucky was your only source of comfort, but you could see in Steve's eyes he didn't like that. His best friend and his ex-girlfriend? Together? The thing is you guys weren't really together you two just leaned on each other when one of you needed it, or when aggression or stress needed to be released. Maybe you had feelings for Bucky but never expressed them.
Steve took a deep breath trying to compose himself "Stark visited me and said there was much to be done here so, he and Scott pulled me back, and I'm here to help." Bucky felt you tense up and although he knew what he was about to do would rub Steve the wrong way, he needed to comfort you instead of having to deal with Steve's feelings when he was the one who left. He rested his hand on your knee rubbing his thumb over your kneecap, it was hard for Steve to concentrate let alone talk so he cut it short "I'm here to stay and help with whatever you guys need help with." Everyone nodded and started to go their separate ways. "Hey, Y/N can I speak with you?" You looked back at Steve and nodded "Sure, what's up?" You stood in front of Steve who was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck "So are you and Bucky... Like together?" You shook your head "No, but when you left, he was the only one there for me and provided comfort when I needed it. We weren't trying to hurt you earlier; he just knew I was tense and tried to calm me down."
Steve crossed his arms over his chest and took a deep breath "Do you have feelings for him?" You were taken aback, why is he asking these questions, was he judging you for how you repaired yourself? "I don't think that's any of your business anymore." You rolled your eyes and went to walk away. “Wait, Y/N there’s more I need to tell you. I figured it would be easier coming from me.” You turned to face him again, he took a deep breath. You’ve never seen Steve so nervous before “Peggy is here too.” Your breath hitched and you nodded slowly “Is that all?” He nodded and you walked away. You wish you could be happy for him but he left you behind. ‘He left’ kept echoing in your head
You and Bucky were lying on your bed, his head lying between your legs on top of your stomach, you aimlessly played with his hair while he talked about something Sam did, you weren't really paying attention you were too busy thinking about the questions Steve was asking. "So, I was thinking of shaving my head and getting a skull tattoo." Your head snapped in his direction "What?!" He chuckled "What's on your mind?" You sighed and stared at the ceiling "Is it Steve?" You heard the sadness in his voice, it wasn't what he thought, you didn't want to get back with Steve it was just the questions he asked. You took a deep breath "It's not that I want to get back with him, he was just asking questions about us and asked if I had feelings for you." Bucky turned on his side and looked up at you "And you told him that it was none of his business, right?"
You nodded and looked down at him "Does he know we had sex?" You shook your head and sat up "No, I didn't tell him we had sex I didn't think he would want to hear 'Hey Steve, I'm having sex with your best friend, welcome back.' Kinda sounds a little messed up." Bucky let out a hearty laugh "You got a point." Bucky looked down between your legs then back at you “Speaking of sex.” He leaned down and gently kissed your thigh, you looked down at Bucky as he left several soft kisses up and down your thighs. You shutter under his touch “Bucky, is now really a good time?” He dragged the tip of his tongue down the inside of your thigh not breaking eye contact with you. “If you want, I’ll stop.” You wanted nothing more than for him to devour you and help you relieve your stress.
You bit your bottom lip and nodded slightly at him; he pulled your underwear to the side and instantly latched onto your clit sucking gently. Over the years Bucky learned what your body wanted, how you wanted, and especially what drove you crazy and that was his tongue. To him, it was just a tongue but to you, it was the best thing in the world. Bucky moaned against your skin sending vibrations straight to your clit, which made you moan out his name. Bucky knew the effect he had on you and used it to his advantage. Your fingers found their way to his hair tugging slightly as he swirled his tongue all around your throbbing wet pussy, you arched your back and spread your legs farther to give him more access. You felt your orgasm creeping up, you began rolling your hips against his face “B-Buck, I’m close.” As soon as he heard those words he latched onto your clit this time sucking a little harder than before, you cried out in pleasure before releasing all of your juices onto his face.
You laid there breathless as he sucked up all the juice until every last drop was gone. “Y/N, you okay?” You lazily nodded and watched as he crawled up beside you, you kicked off your underwear and got on your knees while pulling his boxers down, you wanted nothing more than to climb on top and feel his dick stretch you out. You watched his dick bounce back from his waistband, you licked your lips and took his dick in your hand slowly pumping up and down. As much as you love to tease him you really didn’t want to waste any time, you took his entire length in your mouth, choking a bit until you started to breathe through your nose, you bobbed your head up and down earning a low growl from Bucky, you looked up and saw him watching you. You smirked and pulled back swirling your tongue around his tip.
Bucky reached down and grabbed you by the throat pulling you up to his face so he could kiss you, there was something different about the kiss but you didn’t care you kissed him back. You reached down between his legs and slowly sat down on his dick, as soon as it entered he flipped you on your back and started thrusting roughly into you. Bucky was always rough with you and you loved every minute of it mainly because it was him. His hand still on your throat, he used his vibranium hand to make small circles on your clit, this sent you into overdrive. “B-Bucky” You managed to moan out between gasps, Bucky’s thrusts got sloppier and slower as he tried not to cum so fast, he wanted to savor the moment, just then there was a knock at the door “Uh, just a minute.”
But they didn’t listen and walked in anyway. It was Steve “Buck, I have to- Woah, uh I’m sorry… Y/N?” You mentally smacked yourself putting your hands over your face, mumbling ‘fuck’. Bucky looked down at you then back at Steve “Uh, Steve, could you give me a minute.” Steve was so angry that it literally looked like steam was coming out of his ears, he nodded and slammed the door behind him, Bucky looked down at you “So, where were we?” You rolled your eyes and pushed him off of you “Are you kidding me right now? We just got caught by your best friend and my ex. Do you not realize how that looks?” Bucky stood up putting sweatpants on “It looks like his ex girlfriend moved on after he left her for someone else.” As much as the comment hurt he was right. Steve has no right to be mad when he left you, you sighed and mumbled “You’re right…” Bucky looked at you wide eyed “I’m what?” A smile spread across your lips “I’m not saying it again.”
You felt so bad but at the same time, he left you and he has Peggy, he has no right to be mad. You finished getting dressed and headed to meet Bucky and Sam in the living room, you stopped in your tracks when you heard Sam tell them to calm down “Calm down? I just walked in on Bucky and Y/N having sex!” You peeked your head around the corner and saw Steve pacing in front of Bucky, fuming. “You can’t be mad at how she decided to repair what you broke.” Steve stopped in his tracks and looked at Bucky “What I broke? You are my best friend!” You don’t have to see Bucky’s face to know how red it was “You left us! You went back for Peggy you didn’t think about your ‘best friend’ or ‘girlfriend’ when you decided to go back to her.” You leaned your back against the wall sighing quietly maybe it was time to defend yourself. “Hi, you must be Y/N” You flinched and looked at where the voice was coming from and there she was, Peggy Carter.
She was even more gorgeous than you imagined, more than the picture Steve carried around when you two were together “Uh, yeah hi I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled sweetly at you and shook your hand “What are they yelling about?” You pointed to yourself “Steve walked in on Bucky and I being… intimate” She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow “Let’s go be a part of this conversation, shall we.” You nodded and walked into the living room with her. Steve’s eyes widened as you both came around the couch and sat on it “Please, gentlemen continue. Pretend like we’re not even here.” You couldn’t tell if she was pissed off or not her calm tone threw you off. You looked at Bucky and frowned, he leaned over and whispered in your ear “It’s okay, doll.” You heard Steve scoff which caused everyone to look at him “I can’t believe you two.” Peggy chuckled and looked Steve in his eyes "I can't believe you, why do you care what she does?" The next words out of Steve's mouth shocked everyone.
"Because I am still in love with her!"
Main Masterlist - Steve Rogers Masterlist - Bucky Barnes Masterlist
A/N: I dont know if there will be a part 2. I haven't thought that far yet but, I hope you like it. feedback is much appreciated if anyone wants to be tagged in future fics please message me or leave and ask on what you want to be tagged in or if you want to be tagged in everything.
Tags: @megamindsecretlair @kandis-mom
Divider credit: @firefly-graphics
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chaifootsteps · 3 days
off the cuff thoughts about the episode (& bit of a rant, sorry!):
first bits with IMP talking about the grimoire & Stolas really drive home Blitzo was only ever doing it for the book - he sounds happy about having some months off, the others don't imply Stolas is into him romantically and are actually worried about losing their entire business (to the point they followed him!)
some of the bits with CHERUB were actually sort of fun
some good jokes
nice to see Fizz call Blitzo 'buddy'
then the worst scene in the episode is the one where Stolas gives Blitzo the crystal. He gives this whole speech acknowledging the full moon deal is wrong but pretty crucially doesn't say the actual words 'I'm sorry' or 'I'm sorry for how I treated you' or 'I shouldn't have treated you like a sex object'
then it's all down hill from there. He immediately gets indignant that Blitzo thinks he's trying to do roleplay and is annoyed Blitzo made it about sex when he's conditioned Blitzo to think that way
then when Blitzo rightfully calls him out for his bullshit he turns it around and says he 'thinks so highly of him but didn't realize Blitzo thought so love of [Stolas]'. like what is this self-victimizing BS??? he's calling Stolas out on how he treated him and Stolas immediately starts crying and refuses to hear it.
like what good partner material he is, first he makes Blitzo majorly panic about his business (did he seriously not notice that desperate little 'I'll do anything'???), dumps a major status quo and a confession on him (still without saying a single thing he likes about Blitzo, good job on the dialogue there) and then just walks off the second Blitzo doesn't immediately get on board with what he wants now
worse still, when he busts out the manipulative self-serving tears Blitzo sounds like he's about to say 'Stolas I'm s-[orry]' right before he gets thrown out, which...ugh. Can the show please stop making Blitzo apologize to Stolas when he hasn't done anything wrong???
as usual the bits of the ep without Stolas in were mostly fun, nothing too annoying or out of place this time, but unless the song Stolas sings in Apology Tour is reflecting on how he treated Blitzo to make him feel that way and showing some actual self awareness and empathy Blitzo is far, far better off without him and nothing will change my mind on that
(on a brighter note, dear god was it satisfying to hear Blitzo set the record straight with Stolas. He got to call him out for the classism, just wish the show had let him call out Stolas for using the fact he was getting shot at - and not caring about it - to coerce him into sex. Like gee I wonder why he thinks Stolas don't care? I wonder why he thinks 'so low' of him?? Because he behaved in a low despicable manner and Blitzo absolutely deserves to be able to yell about it
RIP Blitzo's 10 seconds of agency, dignity, and freedom to stand up for himself. They were fantastic while they lasted.
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tiredfox64 · 1 day
May I request a part 2 to your Havik “You Have Freedom” fanfic? This felt so good to read. Truly liberating 💖
Test Your Freedom
Yip notes: I saw that you really loved the first part. Hopefully I can do you justice with this one as well.
Pairing: Havik x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Mention of abusive/toxic relationship, violence (not towards you), he is so strange, what a little goober
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You are lucky. Very lucky indeed. Havik was your unexpected savior and you were grateful to have him in your life.
It’s been a year since you started dating him. Every day you were healing from the horrible past that you experienced. You were weary of him dropping his façade and would start gaslighting you into thinking you were crazy like all your exes did. But it never happened and it never will. He’s not like the others. He’s better than them.
I wasn’t lying.
Havik lets you do your own thing while he does his own. You go out more frequently to have fun with your friends or even have the chance to see your family. You get to eat whatever you want without him judging you and telling you to watch your weight. You don’t need to ask for his permission, just tell him what you are going to do so he knows in case of anything. In return, you don’t pay any mind to what he does. It’s best that you don’t. He doesn’t want you to know all the heinous acts he commits.
The one thing you haven’t done with him is introduce him to anyone. Not that it really matters to him his presence will be found out one day. But to you, you feel guilty for hiding him away from everyone. The first guy who has treated you right and you were afraid to even have your closest friends meet him. You could have been worried that they would assume the worst of him based on his looks. Or even that he would kill you one day. If that were true he would have done that a long time ago. Havik genuinely loves you and wants you to be safe. The thought that anyone would think negatively when you see him so positively saddens you. Maybe you will hold off on introducing him to others. Slowly expose them to the truth.
You invited your friends to come over since it’s been so long since they visited. You told Havik to stay in your room till your friends left.
Havik loves you but he won’t listen to every command you give him. When he wants to move, he’ll move.
So as you and your friends are catching up about what’s been going on and having some snacks you hear a ‘thud’ sound from your room. Oh geez, he’s on the move. One of your friends joked about you already having a new partner and your other friends felt like it was in poor taste to say something like that. Your face was blank with the only hint of emotion being a weak smile. You thought if you ignored it then they would ignore it. Your friends couldn’t ignore the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the steps.
Thud! Thud! Thud!
Soon enough you heard your friends gasp in horror once they saw Havik. Not only did his mutilated face scare them but since he had no shirt on they could see all the scars he had. The only thing that he had on was a pair of sweatpants and he may not be wearing any boxers under there, my gosh he truly loves being free in every sort of way. And what does he do in response to your friends' reactions? Nothing. He’s just coming down for some food. Like a slab of frozen meat or a head of lettuce. He doesn’t eat normally but you’re not gonna change that.
He got what he wanted from the fridge before heading back up the stairs. All the while you kept that weak smile on your face. You can’t ignore what just happened. It’s like ignoring a buffalo breaking into your house, you can’t.
“What…was…that?” One of your friends asked.
“Uhm…” You debated about telling the truth or not, “My imaginary boyfriend.”
You heard Havik let out an amused ‘hah’ at the top of the steps because your efforts were too ridiculous.
You spilled the beans. You were honest with your friends and told them how you started dating Havik near the time your last ex left you. You told them that he was the one to walk you home. Your friends were unsure about this situation. They’re not gonna victim blame but you did have a bad history when it came to dating. Havik looks like the worst choice you’ve ever made. If they saw how he usually dressed and the weapons he had they surely would think you were in trouble. But they also realize that if you were telling the truth about how long you two were dating that means he was letting you do whatever you please. The others didn’t allow you to do that. You did seem much happier as well, even insisting that they come for a visit. If what you say is true, they want to make sure of it.
They told you to bring him back down so they could “observe” him, whatever that meant. You were unsure but realized that they only wanted the best for you. You told them certain likes don’t ask him about his scars or face, don’t start making rules, don’t start shit in general. You got up to get Havik.
“Could you do me a favor?” You asked him.
“You want me to go down there to have your friends judge me, don’t you.” He hit the nail on the head.
You were about to tell him never mind but he picked you up and threw you over his shoulders. He knew this would happen. Relationships call for this moment. He had one request.
“Don’t have them treat me like a freakshow. I can’t promise I will be gentle with them like I am with you.”
Your friends were alerted by the heavy footsteps and stared at Havik carrying you over his shoulders. He went over to the couch you were sitting on and laid you down before deciding to lay on top of you. His head rested on your chest as his arms wrapped around your waist. If it wasn’t for his burned face your friends would have said he looks peaceful while resting on you.
Your friends began asking him questions like how does he feel about you going out and would he allow you to do certain things like take a week-long vacation. The only answer they got out of him was “I don’t care”. You couldn’t tell if he was saying that in regard to whatever you do or if he was blankly telling your friends he didn’t care what they were asking him. You didn’t get the chance to ask him since they were throwing out questions left and right. After a while, he stopped answering them. Maybe an occasional grunt, but nothing more. He had his eyes closed acting like he fell asleep but you knew he was wide awake.
You’re not afraid that he will be angry after this because you know he will pass it off as something irrelevant. He tends to not listen to people when they are criticizing him. Havik knows at this point that you know he loves you and he knows you love him back. That’s all that matters. Your friends can keep testing, but they will eventually have to accept the truth. He would and could make them accept it now but you would tell him not to because you know what he would do.
Your friends were not too on board with you dating Havik. They find his dismissive behavior to be a red flag. You don’t see it that way because it isn’t that way. He has nothing to hide, this is just how he is because of his past. In fact, he was pretty calm at the moment until someone started slamming their fist against your front door. Then you heard a voice. Your ex’s voice.
His tone was aggressive and you heard him slurring. He was defiantly drunk. It wasn’t even the typical time for happy hour. You heard his voice calling towards you to open the door. He said he knows your friends are in there as well and that they can’t protect you. Immediately his tone changed quickly to begging for you back, saying he will be a better man. You’ve heard those promises before and they were never true.
You began shaking and holding Havik’s head closer to you. He tried his best to soothe you by rubbing your arm. He needed you to let him go. He slowly got up and walked over to the window. Lo and behold he saw your ex. Havik walked back towards you but grabbed one of your friends to drag them closer to you. He advised them to not let you near the windows or doors. They didn’t know what he was about to do but they got the hint when he walked over to the door and immediately headbutted your ex when he opened the door. Your ex fell back with his hands covering his bloody nose and Havik closed the door behind him so you didn’t have to see the bloodbath that would appear.
Havik grabbed your ex by the neck and dragged him to the forest near your home. His fingers dug into the flesh of your ex’s neck, causing a more painful sensation than a burning one. Once he was far away from the house he started wrecking your ex. Havik broke off parts of his own body to use his bones to stab. Your ex stood little chance. He had many opportunities to leave you alone but he always came back. Havik could not stand for that anymore. He would have killed him the first time but you were always around. Now was his chance to do you right and permanently end your suffering.
“You have permission…to die.” He said. It’s ironic that your ex always made you ask for permission. How the tables have turned.
Soon the pleas turned to gargling. Limb after limb was being ripped from Havik’s body only to be regenerated back in seconds. A painful cycle for his victim. An unholy demise for an unholy being. One would not say he was killed like cattle. This was a murder that could not be mentioned in a true crime show. All that was left was a mess that wouldn’t be cleaned up by your boyfriend. He will leave that job to the animals who were already coming close to take a piece of flesh or bone for themselves.
Havik did his best to hide what just happened. Any spot that he saw blood on he ripped that part of his body off to regenerate it back clean. He walked back into the house to spot you nearly hyperventilating. Once you saw him you ran into his arms. You were babbling things that no one could understand. Whatever it was it could wait. You needed to be taken care of. Havik picked you up and had your arms and legs wrap around him before taking you up to your room. Your friends let him do that, feeling like he might be able to calm you down.
When you both were back in your room he laid you on the bed and held you close. He licked your tears away as he comforted you with his words.
“You don’t have to worry anymore. You are free.” “Your chains are broken.” “You will never be controlled again; I’ll make sure of that.” “You did nothing wrong.” “I will make everything better.” “No one will cause you pain if it’s the last thing I do.”
Your breathing started to slow down and your took in every word he said. His licking has become a new comfort for you. Your fear and anxiety went down once you realized it was over. Fully over. Havik pressed his forehead against yours as he allowed your head to rest on your pillows. It was a blur after that.
You woke up randomly. The golden light of the setting sun filled your room, letting you know that it was getting late. Havik was asleep next to you, drooling away as usual. You needed a drink of water after that emotional episode. You got up and went downstairs.
When you got to the last step you realized your friends were still there. They ran up to you and hugged you while asking if you were okay. You nodded which was relieving to them. They were so worried about you but were grateful to hear your crying stop quickly once Havik brought you upstairs.
They apologized for doubting your boyfriend and doubting you. After seeing how quickly he acted both when defending you and calming you down, they saw him as a green flag. A little weird and horrific, but he’s chill. They were happy that you finally found someone good for you and they promised not to butt it too much with this relationship. They could see clearly that you were in good hands with a man who wanted to give you the freedom you deserved. Hearing that was the greatest thing to you. You knew you had finally won and got what you deserved.
So Havik is a little off. He can be a bit scary and even uncanny to look at. And some of his methods could be extreme. Not a little bit extreme, they are full-on extreme. But when it comes to you, he is perfect for you. You are perfect for him.
The only thing I would ask of you is to keep him on a good path. Do you think you can do that?
Yap notes: I saw a blue jay this morning and immediately when woooooooooah. That has nothing to do with the fic but I thought y'all should know. I wanted to post yesterday but I was having anxiety problems and fell down the rabbit hole of ARGs. Fucking Wyoming. I like and dare i say love Havik now. I lied to my friend and said he scares me. But I'd try my best to give him a kiss. I made a comment on a tiktok yesterday on an edit of him saying i would shove my hand through his chest cavity and take his heart. The creator said he would love that and now that's a headcanon of mine. This was too much and i need to feed my dog. Adiós!
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 3 hours
love love love the rafe cameron x weirdgirl!reader au!! imagine reader at the country club overhearing some mean boys making fun of her and how rafe is crazy to date someone like her :(( she stays in her room after hearing this and rafe catches her biting herself and crying (she normally bites him but after hearing this she feels like she can’t) oh my heart-
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No bc this is like sooo perfect. This is literally so her. I’ve been having a lot of fun coming up with lore for her so I’m so glad you’re liking her so far!! Warnings: (I’d like to note that weird girl is autistic coded bc I am autistic), Reader gets her feelings hurt, protective Rafe, biting 18+MNDI!! Part of this AU
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“Yeah dude, she’s like so hot until she opens her mouth.” Your footsteps come to a sudden halt, your shiny black Mary Jane’s squeaking against the polished wooden floors of the country club. There’s a group of guys about your age standing around the corner in a circle all snickering to each other.
“No, yeah, like she says the fucking weirdest shit in that creepy little monotone voice. I have no idea how Rafe puts up with it.”
“The pussy must be out of this world or some shit because I would never be able to handle that. I saw her last week on the beach collecting animal bones or some shit bro. Bet she went back to check on her kill.” The entire group starts busting up laughing just as you feel hot tears start to stream down your cheeks. You just want to leave but they are blocking the only path to the door so you suck it up and high tail it as fast as you past them.
You were waiting for Rafe to be done with his game of golf but after that? You really didn’t want to bother him with wanting to leave early so you decided to just walk the mile and a half home. If you were lucky maybe you’d run into the neighborhood cat you befriended and he would walk part of the way with you.
When you get home you rush up the stairs and into your room, slamming the door behind you. Your head is swimming with negative thoughts. You were always scared you were too weird for Rafe, too much, too different from him. So when you hear guys he hangs around saying things like that about you? It’s hard to not let it get to your head.
You kick off your shoes and practically tear off the cute outfit you spent over an hour putting together. You grab your pink fuzzy robe, and walk over to your bunny’s cage, smiling down at her with watery eyes.
“I think you’re the only one that really understands me, Lydia.” Your bottom lip wobbles as you pick her up and walk over to your bed. You rock back and forth slightly as you caress her fur, trying to self soothe. You’re realizing in this moment that maybe you really are too much for Rafe because you hardly remember how to calm yourself down without him.
You wish so badly that he was here. You know he would hold you tight and let you sink your teeth into him until your tears stopped flowing. It seems to be one of the only things that truly calms you down so you decide to bring your own hand up to your mouth and bite down on it. It soothes you a little, but it isn’t Rafe. He’s called you a few times but you just let it ring, he’s probably worried, but you’re too embarrassed to pick up.
“Baby? Are you here?” The minute you hear Rafe’s voice you want to run to him, but the words of the boys at the country club playing in your head on repeat in your head cements you in place. “Bats?”
When he opens your bedroom door and takes in the sight of you his heart sinks.
“Baby girl, what’s going on? What happened? Where did you go? You scared the shit outta me.” He rushes over to you, coming to sit next to you on your bed. He rests his large hands on your calves and rubs soothing circles on your skin with the pads of his thumbs. You whimper and shake your head, your mouth still latched onto your hand. “Batty, you’ve gotta talk to me, okay? Tell me what’s going on.”
“I was…” You pull your hand away from your face, resting it on Lydia’s back as you pet her softly, the feeling of her fur grounding you. “I was coming back from the bathroom and I heard Jake and those guys… talking about me.”
“What about you?” Rafe’s voice takes on a protective tone, especially when another fit of sobs erupts through you. He hooks his arms under you so he can pull you and your bunny softly into his lap. “Princess. Tell me what they said.”
“They said - they said that they don’t know how you put up with me because I’m so weird and that you’re probably only with me because the pussy is good.” You sniffle as your tears continue to fall and if Rafe didn’t know you needed him right now he would be on his way back to the club to beat all of their asses until they couldn’t walk.
“Hey, hey, nah, none of that.” He cups your face in his hand, wiping away your tears. “You know I love you, all your weird shit and all. I’m not ‘putting up’ with you, I fuckin’ love your weird little ass.”
“They also… they also said that - that I probably kill animals…” You start sobbing again and Rafe’s entire body tenses. He knows how much you love animals, how important they are to you. He wants to fucking rip their throats out.
“Princess… I’m so sorry they said that. They just don’t know you, aight? You’d never harm a fly. Don’t let that shit get to you. I know it’s hard, but fuck em, they don’t know fuckin’ shit about my baby.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he wipes away some of your remaining tears. His hand swipes past your lips and you turn your head slightly to sink your teeth into it. He chuckles, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “There’s my weird girl.”
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nonbinaryspy · 2 days
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This is a birthday attack on @larachelledrawsfe for the FE ArtScuffle, with the super fun prompt of fanon Emblems. Please imagine a magical girl transformation cutscene as you meet Emblem Mist! She’s Fogado’s personal Emblem and allows him to wield Florete. Only a certain song can awaken her from her thousand year slumber, so she can’t be summoned until Emblem Ike is there to teach it to Alear. She and Fogado become fast friends and are generally seen in good cheer, though they worry about their older siblings, who won’t stop teaming up to smash barricades with a hammer…
I thought of three concepts for their Emblem bond supports, so I’ve included all three behind the cut. Enjoy!
C — Mist: You sure know how to party, Prince Fogado, but you’re always working hard. It must be because Princess Timerra has so much on her plate, right? Fogado: Me? Working hard or hardly working, amirite? Haha… But seriously, don’t let anyone hear you say that. B — Fogado: You seem restless, Mist. Something on your mind? Mist: No, I’m just used to being busy with chores. Kinda hard to cook or clean without hands, though… A — Fogado: Y’know, Ike’s seemed a lot more relaxed since you got here. Mist: Really? He looks like the same old grumpy brother to me. He can’t even dig into my world famous meatloaf recipe anymore! Fogado: I’m sure he’s just happy to have you around. You don’t have to strain yourself so hard. Mist: Huh… Thanks, Prince Fogado. I’m sure Princess Timerra feels the same way about you.
C — Mist: Your horse is so cute! I used to ride around on one, too. Fogado: A fellow equestrian! I like it. How about I take you with me next time I go riding? B — Fogado: You’re surprisingly knowledgeable about archery. Mercenaries dabble in a little of everything, huh? Mist: Not really. My best friend was just good with a bow. I must’ve picked up more from watching him than I thought! A — Fogado: Healers sure are amazing. Sometimes, I think about asking Pandreo for lessons, but I don’t think I have it in me to be a man of the cloth. Mist: I got lessons from a priest when I was younger. There’s not much to it except wanting to be helpful. Fogado: You make it sound so simple. If only I really could heal everything ailing the people of Solm… Mist: I think you’re great at healing hearts! Just keep your spirits up, and it’ll all work out.
C — Fogado: Most folks are surprised to see a prince roaming around, but you don’t seem fazed, Mist. Mist: I used to travel with a princess, so I’m used to it by now. B — Fogado: Mercenaries have all sorts of adventures, huh? What’s the wildest thing you and this princess of yours got up to? Mist: One time, our ship got grounded in a country full of dragons. They ended up helping us, but boy, things seemed hairy! Er…scaly? A — Fogado: It’s weird to think that someday, Timerra’s gonna have to spend so much time on the throne. Mist: I know what you mean. When my friend became queen, she sure didn’t have a lot of time to chat! Mist: But your sis will still be the same person. So don’t forget to spend time with her, okay? Fogado: Haha, you sound just like her when you say that. Okay, you both win. I’ll make sure to hang out around the throne sometimes, too.
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simplydannie · 5 hours
Can you imagine if Floyd knew about Veneer’s illness? He’d be so worried!! (If he doesn’t know about it already-) I can imagine the twins in BergenTown and Veneer just gets an attack(asthma or just breathing) and Floyd hears him gasping for air in his room and he panics (Veneer survives dw)
I need to touch more on this subject of his illness in my stories! But yes, Floyd would definitely freak out. A lot of things new to him.m, new territory:
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Velvet had been eyeing her brother. Something was beginning to look different. Was he more tired? His appetite wasn’t normal either…. She began to think the worse.
No, no it can’t be. It’s been years. He’s fine. He’ll be fine, she would tell herself. They had been spending their time in BergenTown for the past half year. Something about turning them into ideal citizens, the Trolls said, well, mainly Floyd. She missed Rageous… the tech, the foods, it was different out here, but bearable. She had Veneer with her, and that was comforting enough.
That evening, they invited the twins to the pizza parlor in town. She had hoped to see some excitement in her brother’s eyes… pizza was his favorite… but there was nothing. Velvet could see he attempted a smile, but she could see past that, she could see how tired he really was.
“You not jumping at the sight of pizza? That’s a little weird, even for you.” She told him.
“Might be a tummy ache. Normally I know id go all out.” He told her staring at his plate.
“Soda?” She pushed the drink towards him. He shook his head pushing it away…. Something was definitely wrong. “You’ve been like this for the past month. What gives?”
“No I haven’t.”
“Yes you have! I’m not stupid, Ven.”
Hearing her raised voice, Floyd stepped in. “Guys, really? Here in public. What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” Veneer replied.
“He’s lying! I know he hasn’t been feeling good this past month and he’s denying it.”
“It’s a stomach ache.”
“Vels! Language.” Floyd warned, “Ven if you’re not feeling good you need to let us know.”
“I’m fine Floyd.” He stood up, “I’m going to play some games.”
Velvet sat at the booth, her arms crossed and a pout on her face. Floyd remained, staring at her with concern now. “What’s going on? There’s something more to this isn’t there?”
“Velvet.” The small Troll stood his ground, arms crossed, a stern look on his face.
She groaned and rolled her eyes, “…. Vennie was born…sick.”
“W-what do you mean?” I look of concern crossed the Trolls face. “He was born…. It’s just… He got sick… really bad and…. I just…. I just…” She just let out a deep sigh. Velvet leaned back covering her face with her hands. “I just don’t want to go through this again. Alone. Mom and dad aren’t here…”
A sadness came over Floyd as he placed a small hand over hers. “Hey, you’re not alone. Okay? Maybe it is just a stomach ache, maybe it’s nothing. We’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Floyd, he can get bad….”
“How bad?”
“….. Just….” She looked towards Veneer who was at a pinball machine with Branch and Gristle. Right. Is he had a smile on his face, but she knew her brother long enough to see how forced it was. He was suffering, he was beginning to suffer, and he wasn’t going to tell her anything about it.
“…. I don’t want to talk about it.” Was all she replied.
Floyd smiled, “I get it. But Velvet, this is something important. One day you’ll have to tell me. I care about him as much as you do… We all do. So let us help… please.”
Floyd allowed the silence between them to linger. She nodded her head. He couldn’t imagine the scares and horrors Velvet saw her brother go through. He couldn’t imagine seeing his own brothers at a state where he’d feel hopeless… Hopefully, he would never, NEVER see that. It was past midnight. Everyone was already sound asleep after the long day of fun. Floyd spent his days coming back and forth between Pop Troll village and staying with the twins in BergenTown. Tonight was their night. He made his way into the kitchen for something to drink. Floyd happily made his tea and took in the peace and quiet…Everything felt right, everything seemed perfect… He made his way down the hallway towards the room that was his…. That’s when he heard it… His ears perked up at the sound. It sounded like coughing at first, but then he could clearly hear someone was choking…Floyd followed the noise and headed towards the direction…. It was coming from Veneers room. The small Troll barged in, he went straight towards the Rageons beside. ”Ven? Vennie?!” He called out. Veneer was desperately gasping for air, his eyes halfway behind his head… his skin began to turn blue. “OH MY GOD! VENNIE!!!” Using the force in his body, he tried to jump on Veneers chest. He wasn’t heavy enough… the boy kept gasping, his breathing growing heavier and heavier, his skin turning bluer with each passing second. “VENNIE! PLEASE COME ON!” Tears began to sting the Trolls eyes… he was hopeless… He ran up to the boys face, placing his little hands on his face. “VENNIE!!! LOOK AT ME! IM HERE! IM HERE LISTEN TO MY VOICE! VENEER!!! He screamed his lungs out hoping it bring him back. Hearing the screams coming from the room, Velvet barged in find her brother gasping for air, skin going blue from the lack of oxygen. She saw Floyd desperately jumping on his chest hoping the force from his small body would do something. “VEN, COME ON DONT SO THIS TO US!” Floyd screamed. She ran to his side, tilting his head up, adjusting his body, hoping some angle would help him breathe better. She had nothing, nothing to give him to help him. “We have to take him to the hospital…. Medical room… something!” She cried desperately. “Can you carry him?” She didn’t respond, she only stared hopelessly at her brother.
“Vels focus! Look at me! We have to do this together okay! Remember you’re not alone. Can you carry him?”
She nodded.
“Then let’s get him the emergency room now! We’re not losing him. You hear me!” He looked her dead in the eye, a determination on his face.
“Okay….” Scooping him up, Velvet and Floyd ran out of their small Bergen home and straight to the emergency room….
Floyd was right… she wasn’t alone in this after all.
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shroomsroom · 1 day
wild child reader with gang (separate)? kinda like dallas, hops fences, steals shit, gets in trouble a lot
also i love your work smm 😭
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Summary: The Outsiders x Wild Child!Reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, smoking Author's Note:maybe did a bit of channelling of my high school year but who knows
Pony isn’t all that ‘wild’, he finds solace in a book and comfort at home, so it’s surprising that he’d be interested in an exact opposite.
But he finds you more of a muse than a ‘partner’, in the sense that he loves you like a partner but would rather watch you or observe you than do things with you.
He’ll often come to you when he wants to smoke because you always have cigarettes on you and offer great conversation.
He’s like your rock, you come home to him after a night out and he’s letting you sleep in his bed while holding you close.
He’s a little on the edge about living a life like you, because while he does enjoy adrenaline rushes from doing things that he shouldn’t, he knows that in his future he wants a comfortable life.
He finds you to be like him and he wants his goal for his future to be achieved together with you.
He tries his best to keep himself in line, but he’s a victim of peer pressure and often feels guilt for the things he does.
Luckily, you’re kind enough to understand him and to tame your personality a little when he’s around, and he tries his best to understand the line of being with you and becoming like you.
Sodapop likes to party a lot, he really enjoys going to Bucks just to hang out and watch the party. 
However, he lacks some of the balls it takes to do crazy stuff, he doesn’t steal very often or drink because he doesn’t want to put his future in jeopardy. 
He finds you a nice way to indulge in some of his wants but not actually having to, so he hangs around you often.
He prefers to hear stories about what you do rather than be involved in the actual things. 
Steve likes to live it up a little too, almost as much as you.
He enjoys the rush of stealing, drinking and partying as much as you do but sometimes your ideas can get too far out for him.
He appreciates your abilities to create some of the most fun and energetic enviroments but sometimes he has to sit it out.
Your relationship is somewhat of a seesaw, his need to party and need for quiet fluctuates and you’re glad to be on whatever side he wants that day.
Two-Bit is a crazy party kid, he loves everything about being wild and free because he gets such a rush from it
However, he needs to watch himself, especially since his sister is old enough to understand what is going on around her.
He still likes to down a couple of drinks with you here and there but he's always reminding himself to keep a relatively straight mind.
He likes to live through you because he misses his party days, so he will always have you tell him everything that happened at a party you went to.
Darry hates going to parties, doing crazy things, everything associated with ‘greaser’, he likely hates.
He prefers to stay inside, and that’s why your relationship is so amazing with him because there’s always a side to him that he wants to indulge in.
He used to be very popular in high-school, he often partied. But now he’s different and so having you there to recount your night brings him a nice sense of nostalgia.
Sometimes he tries and restricts the things you do, because he genuinely worries about you. If he talks to you gently enough with enough evidence to back up that worry, sometimes you let him have his way.
Dallas and you are always competing when it comes to who’s crazier, and sometimes you win, sometimes he does and sometimes its a tie.
Dallas makes everything about growing his ego, so if there’s something he can do better than you he’s gonna shove it in your face.
This has led to many night where you two are stumbling around downtown, wasted because of a drinking competition, just genuinely enjoying the night.
Dallas finds you a good partner because you’re not forcing a life of ‘perfection’ onto him and rather letting him live his version of a good life alongside you.
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mlmxreader · 2 days
fallout 4 + date night
all hcs are done w m!reader - please don't be weird abt it if you're not mlm/nblm!
includes: MacCready, Preston Garvey, John Hancock & Nick Valentine.
MacCready stretched his legs out as he sat on the rusty and half broken patio chair, a cold beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other; it was nice that he could hear himself think for once. Even better that he had you by his side; his boyfriend. You always did seem to be too good for him, he couldn't lie about that. But then he watched you take a long swig from the bottle of beer in your hand, and he swallowed thickly. Oh.
Even the most mundane things looked amazing when you did them. Man, he was head over heels for you and date nights were just an excuse to fall in love all over again. It took him so long to come to terms with it that now he nearly felt bad; but it was all more than worth it just to see you next to him, nursing a beer and talking about somehow both everything and nothing.
"Y'know," he said quietly. "I could get used to this."
"So could I," you agreed softly. "But we got a good thing going at the moment, don't we?"
"I think so."
John Hancock
Hancock couldn't believe how lucky he was, in all honesty. Knowing that he had, in his humble opinion, the single best boyfriend in the entire Commonwealth; he loved to parade you around Goodneighbor, telling everyone just how fantastic and wonderful and amazing you were without even skipping a beat to mention how great you were in bed as well. Flirtatious and charming, there was nothing more that Hancock liked than to go out on the town with you for a date - plenty of chems and alcohol and music that it was almost too much.
"How's this for a date?" Hancock chuckled as he pulled you against the door behind some seedy pub.
Carefully, you put your hands on his chest as you shrugged, doing your best not to laugh and grin. "I mean, it's not terrible."
"Ah, c'mon," he grinned, his bands wandering to search for yours. "I'm sure I can make you change your mind."
"Lead the way." You were hardly able to do anything but laugh, clinging onto his arm in hopes it would make the giddy spasms of your stomach go away.
Preston Garvey
Preston had always been a fairly simple guy and had always enjoyed the little things more than anything else. The day you asked to be his boyfriend was probably the biggest thing that you had ever done, and he would have been lying if he had said he didn't tear up a little bit at the notion; but date nights were often different. Preston always wanted to impress you and to make you smile, but he also wanted you to appreciate the dates whenever it was his turn; so, when he found out about an art gallery opening up near Diamond City, he knew what he had to do.
The second that he saw your smile, he knew his plan had gone well. The collection of art, mostly by citizens but occasionally by mayors or other such leaders, wasn't exactly huge but you seemed to be having a good time as you begged and pleaded for Preston to give you his opinion on the pieces; wanting nothing more than to hear whatever he had to say, no matter how big or small.
"You know, I can't thank you enough," you told him softly after pulling him aside so that you could speak privately. "This is the best date I've ever actually been on."
Preston grinned, all worry and anxiety dropping from him as he nodded, almost excitedly. "Anything for you."
Nick Valentine
Nick Valentine, not so contrary to his name, was an old romantic. He loved to take you out on what you could only guess were the same type of dates that went on before the Great War; the dancing, the boozing, the smoking, the fun. Nick loved to take you dancing, especially, as at least there hardly anyone noticed or cared what he was. No one called him a skinjob, for fucking once. But no, he was happy to take you dancing, especially when a slow song came on and he was able to hold you that little bit closer; all nervous laughs and fumbling hands no matter how many times it happened.
"Thank you for the nice night," you said softly. "It means a lot that you'd be happy to take me dancing - not just as your, y'know, your partner... but as your boyfriend as well."
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