#i love the highlights for them heheheheheh
caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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happy birth to chisatoooo!!!!
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literaphobe · 7 months
Okay I love marinette and this story but somethign that really enraged me was the fact that marinette was planning to never tell Adrien about ANYTHING regarding his family and birth. And what made it worse is that it’s been what ? 8 /9 years ?! And he had to find this stuff on his own. I’m really curious thought about what he learned through the years and how ( I’m assuming ladybug told him some stuff as Chat ) and I’m sure that really must have been difficult for him , just finding more and more stuff . No wonder he would get drunk to the point of having no memory the next day. Anyways this chapter was so fun and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it
HI ANON. Part of ur rage is meant to be felt. the other half is a question: why HASNT tvl marinette told him anything? and why CAN’T she? or why does she feel so strongly about not doing so?
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I took this screenshot and highlighted that word for a friend a few days ago, so im just using it here again. anyway, tvl is FULL of ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments. of course, even if you DONT blink and you DONT miss, at this point, there’s a lot of stuff none of you know for sure. i described it as double dramatic irony in some random comment reply iirc, but essentially, there’s stuff the readers know that the characters don’t (love square identity shenanigans), but there’s ALSO stuff the characters know that the readers don’t (events that occurred over the 8 or so years between s5’s end and tvl’s timeline)
so there’s like a LOT that you’ll wonder about and hypothesize about. loads of questions to ask. and will all of them be answered? who knows. ANYWAY. for now, i hope this is something fun to chew over hehehehehehe
also, tvl adrichat not remembering stuff from when he drinks is just a Thing that happens when he drinks. he doesn’t get blackout drunk often or anything. if you’ve noticed, tvl love square aren’t depicted drinking very often. they DO drink, they have on occasion, it’s just not super often. THEN AGAIN ur perfectly welcome to headcanon that he does! i often write things that are open for the audience’s interpretation, so you are all welcome to interpret ❤️
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
bunny bunny BUNNY!!
omg omg i stay away from this platform for two days bc of stuff (nothing serious dw i've just been busy with some irl birthday lol) and i come back and see what??
okay, let's make some order:
- you've been in a car crash??? my baby i've read from your answers that you're better now but :////// anyways if the head wound still hurts i will pray for the fastest recovery!!
- congrats congrats on the 700 followers!! ✨ every time i see you reaching some sort of milestone i get really really happy eheh :3
- this is gonna be boring bc someone has beat me to the punch, but i too ship you with albedo! hehe i think you'd look super cute together <3 lil sweet bunny and the pretty alchemist
- last (but not least. definitely not least) omg the new piece???? i was dead set on declaring the tighnari part my favorite as soon as i finished reading it but then scaramouche happened and??? i need a second to breathe wow. i love him i love him i love him so much i wanna be the one that comforts him when he's feeling down sigh seriously tho i adored it. might be a bit of a personal bias bc ya know, it's my fave boys we're talking about but still. what a nice surprise to be back to.
and this is it! wanted to come back with some funny anecdote but i really didn't do much recently. ah, but my friends and i are making a series of board games about our favorite tv show and these days i've been busy making the trivial pursuit version of it. it turned out so cute i'm super happy :D
also! we haven't done the italian word of the day in a while so here you go: today's word is tartaruga, which means turtle, bc today i played with my turtle and he's just the cutest boy don't tell scara tho
bye bye buns! no matter what, i hope this ask finds you well
ti voglio bene!
- 🍓
Goodness, I only left this a few days but those numbers have increased so much-
I now have 838followers,,, crazy, right? I couldn’t move past 600 for nearly two months and now I’m only 162 off my goal for this account…
It’s strange, there are times where I’m asking if it’s deserved, and honestly it’s a little overwhelming with the amount of new people here, but it’s been nice to finally have something I’m proud of be seen and talked about, it’s,,, it’s nice to have my abilities validated :,) I know that shouldn’t be important but I can’t help it, I like hearing nice things about my work
Mhm, I was in a car crash. I only came out with a cut on my forehead but I’m extremely hesitant getting into a car after;;; even now I’m clinging onto the seatbelt until my knuckles are white. But don’t worry fragola, I’m alright 💞
Hehehehehehe~ ahhh albedo my beloved, I love hearing how I’m shipped with him. Ahem… self indulgent little drabble, skip over this if you want;;; -
hand in hand on top a snowy mountain, a smile on our faces. we’re cold, our breaths mingling together through the cool mist exiting our lips, but the warmth in our chests is enough for us to not feel the unforgiving chill. enough for each other, for that is all we need. even the harshness of the hostile environment, all around us looks like a dreamscape - the winter wonderland you only hear about in fairy tales. yes, hand in hand, I’ve found the flame that keeps my heart alight, burning brightly. undying, like our unconventional love.
i love my boy so very much 💞
oh my god I put all my emotions for scara into that, I just really want to reach through the screen and reassure him that even though life has been cruel, there are some things that aren’t so bad. They might not last for long, but another good thing replaces it. (… maybe I’m not just talking about scara anymore)
Hehehe thank you dearest /)/////(\ scara was the highlight of that piece, but I liked all of them, tighnari’s was absolutely a self indulgent vent though college is killing me OTL
Hehe when I first read that I just thought of Tartaglia the tartaruga, and now an imagine of a lil turtle with water blades and a scarf lives in my head rent free - I hope you find this just as amusing, or maybe my humours just broken.
ti voglio bene, it’s nice to hear you’re doing well, don’t be a stranger and drop by my inbox whenever you’d like, I love hearing from my dear fragola <3
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tasteofyizhan · 4 years
Alright people, you know the drill. Fansite jiejies were hard at work delivering content to us again on 6 November (China timezone) and we got 15 clips (excluding the duplicates drops - someone correct me if I’m wrong and there’s more). Our favourite fools are out there giving us life lessons on how to flirt, which included such key highlights as:
DD tattling to LHK like the lil’ gremlin that is and saying when he was playing with WWX, he got hit on the back of his hand. Da ge LHK not really buying it: “is this real or fake?” and “He dared to hit you?” and DD immediately going “it was play fighting.” LHK that devil man is unwrapping a sausage, so I’m going to guess that this is the prelude to that LHK sausage video that put a shop back in business. 
GG, erm, stroking the tassel of LHK’s flute in a very suggestive way and then the gremlins breaking out into laughter. Fansite challenged us to a listening test again, which I failed because I heard nothing. Cue memes on Weibo that essentially went:
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fuck so much weird flirting in the rain idk how to even describe this there’s like 2 clips of these fools. one: in the midst of talking about how pitiful WWX is GG suddenly breaks out into Korean and acts apologetic and shy in one second, and then FULL ON GREMLIN in the next with this SMIRK and then laughs and say how handsome DD looks as rain drips down his nose. WTF I HATE YOU TWO GET A ROOM!! two: GG mispronounces ‘sunbae’ and DD lets him go on for a bit (I suspect because he loves it when GG speaks Korean) and then accidentally flings mud onto GG’s face and almost touches GG’s face to wipe it off but withdraws his hand at the last moment (DUDE FLIMSY EXCUSE TO ALMOST TOUCH YOUR CRUSH but also WHY NO FOLLOW THROUGH)
Audio of DD, erm, describing a position to GG (this could either be dancing or the karma sutra, your choice)
MOAR XUANWU CAVE BONDAGE! They banter about mineral water, and as they walk off, GG grabs a hold of DD’s arm and says “I can’t move [because it’s tight]”. Cue DD’s gremlin laugh (that low ‘hehehehehehe’) as he says again “BONDAGE.” GG’s reaction to that is blocked because the camera is too close, but DD claims that GG allegedly kicked him and immediately turns to the camera, “did you film that did you film that” while GG giggles like a gremlin and walks off. I HATE BOTH OF YOU AND APPARENTLY THERE’S MORE. The fansite says that this is the middle part of a 7 minute clip, so PREPARE YOURSELVES
THE FUCKING MATING DANCE WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FANS - in my head David Attenborough was narrating about the rare sighting of two idiots and their portable fans and how this signals their willingness to court and I died laughing but also hating those two RIP ME
How to make your crush jealous in less than a minute: DD used “talk about how handsome Xue Yang is!” It’s not very effective! GG used “talk about how perfect LZ is!” IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE! DD KO’D!
In essence, flirt with your crush by play fighting with them all the time, get hurt and tattle on them to da ge but also immediately defend them when da ge asks if they hit you, talk about bondage a lot until everything they do comes across as innuendo, find excuses to almost touch them by flinging mud onto their face, listen to them mispronounce Korean words and never correct them because you find it adorable, engage in a weird courtship ritual with your respective fans that would not be out of place in a nature documentary, and then attempt to make them jealous by talking about how handsome another boy is and watch it backfire SPECTACULARLY ON YOU.
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florafey · 4 years
Thoughts While Reading Crescent City - Part 1
I’m telling everyone right now that this is THE best book I have ever read. And I’ve read quite a few books in my menial lifespan. 
This will be multiple parts because the book is 800 pages and for the majority of that I was loosing my mind. Spoilers under the cut, of course. 
- Danika’s hair is dope as shit. I want it. Give it to me. 
- Thank the Lord Sarah finally decided to write an adult book, it’s about time her characters dropped the f-bomb
- Okay so Sabine can suck my ass, good to know
- This is...a lot of information for only thirty pages for I’m so soooo here for the worldbuilding
- The Pack of Devils is the toughest squad name ever and that’s a fact
- I don’t know how to feel about Connor...he seems a little basic...and I know enough to know that he isn’t in the book a lot...
- Sarah said Bryce has a fat ass lmaooo good for her
- Okay Bryce dumping her asshole boyfriend then stealing a bottle of win from the restaurant they were in on her way out is ICON STATUS
- oh shit
- oh no, Bryce, sweetie, oh no, oh no, oh no
- wait fuck okay uhhhhhh they dead well that’s where Connor goes I guess
- Okay Bryce knows how to kick ass in a party dress, no shoes and high out of her mind. I repeat my icon status statement 
- I got goosebumps when I was reading her scream the angel’s phone number because she didn’t know where they were
- I thought there was one bad bitch in this house(Bryce). It’s two (Bryce and Hunt). 
- The interaction between Hunt and Ruhn was hysterical despite everything going on around them. Can’t wait to see more of them
- Oh man, the trauma the traaaaaumaaaaaaaa
- Bryce being sassy to the two most powerful individuals in the city is a whole mood. She doesn’t give a shit and she’ll tell them to their faces
- Oh MICAH helloooooooooo heheheheheh
- Oh we love a good murder mystery, I just know Sarah is gonna catch my neck with this one. I mean it’s 800 pages long and they think they know who murdered Danika on page 131? Come on
- hm alright so both Bryce and Hunt’s bosses are a little assholey okay something to bond over, it’s a start
- Also, Hunt’s true name being Orion? Power move. I love it. Give it to me. 
- AHAAHAHHHAHAHAHAH waaaaaaaiiitttt how did Hunt Athalar break Ruhn Danaan’s nose? And Naomi calls it The Incident? I’m in tears, stupid fucking males
- ew okay FUCK the Autumn King. fuck him. in the ass
- This whole situation with Hunt watching over Bryce is going to be everything I ever needed in life. You know he’s going to end up living with her. We all know that. 
- “Bondage. Nice.” 
“Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.”
Hunt, baby she doesn’t care lmaoooo 
- awwwww Lehabah is the cutest I adore her. And Syrinx. He’s the cat I’ve always wanted
- Okay I kinda dig Declan and Flynn lol they’re definitely Older Brother’s Friends but I can tell their hearts are in the right place Sarah don’t do me dirty with them
- So Ruhn got his nose broken because Hunt was running his mouth at a fucking party and he managed to break a few of Hunt’s ribs but still got the shit rocked out of him, got it, got it, good to knowwww ahahahahahhahaha
- “Did you figure out what kind of demon did it?”
“Something that eats little princes for breakfast.”
“Blow me, Athalar.”
Boys, please 
- Oh, Bryce is good. Her fucking plan, I shoulda known
- The whole scene where she forces the satyr to sell her obsidian salt? I fell in love with her so Hunt doesn’t have to now
- I would like to make it clear that I have no clue if Bryce and Hunt are endgame, I’m currently only 210 pages in, but they fucking better beeeee
- Pleasantly surprised by the Viper Queen. Kind of a bad bitch, not gonna lie. Clearly a fashion icon. 
- Lehabah and I both have massive crushes on Hunt Athalar 
- AWWWWWWWW and Hunt flirts with Lehabah stop it you’re gonna kill her 
- Jesus 85 MILLION ?????? Hunt cost 85 MILLION gold marks ?????
- Hunt watches reality TV: confirmed 
- Good, they’re kinda friends now. We’re getting somewhere, this is good. Bryce realized she was super into Hunt’s voice and I quite honestly feel that 
- Sarah is really doing an excellent job highlighting the juxtaposition of Bryce and Hunt when they’re together. I’m a fan
- Oh sure, yes let’s summon a demon. Fuckin idiots
- It just hit me how little support Bryce has in her life right now. Like, in terms of friends. Danika is dead, the Pack of Devils are dead, she and her brother don’t get along. That’s heartbreaking
- Ah, I knew that angel Bryce saved would turn out to be important. She needs to throw that in Micah’s face the next time he’s being an asshole to Hunt
- Micah is still gorgeous though, oops
Read part 2 here
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Parings? Hobi x Reader. Rating- R+ Mature audiences only please. Featuring- Jeon So Mi ( From ioi ), HookGa, MAMA, Alice In Wonderland “ we’re all mad here. “ Disclaimer- I do not own the featuring people, songs, and quotes. By-shamelesskpopsmut. Posted- 4/5/17 Summery- She looks at me noticing I was staring and gave me a wave and a petty smile. I fake a smile back to her and wave. I then saw Hobi go up to her and give her a ruffle on her brown precious hair. Her gleaming smooth skin gives off a light a bit. They were the only happy ones in the town as of right now. She kisses Hobi on the cheek. Hobi sees me then waves. He acted quite strange around her today. He was usually on her side but surprisingly he was on mine...
I look outside the window of the vacant cafe sipping my boba. Winter has arrived and everyone could tell. It was very cloudy and looked like it was about to rain. I sigh and rest my head on my hand. There was a lot of depressed and ill people outside. It's probably because of the weather. This is pure torture. Jimin wished in the wishing well that winter would come too. Damn you Jimin. I love you to death but damn you.... Of course this love was like a friendship love. While I was looking out I see her again, Jeon So-Mi . The girl who stole my only love, Hobi. We wasn’t together yet. No not at all... But I was backstage once awaiting for him to get done with his concert. With flowers in my hand. Jeon So-Mi was also there. When he got done Jeon So-Mi just gave him a smokey kiss on the lips. Jeon So-Mi is a singer too. Of course she didn't want to hurt me but still... Every time I see her and him so perfectly happy together I envy it. I didn't know so much hate can creep in an innocent souls base.
There just living a fairy tail doing everything together. Having romantic rendezvous's ( a.k.a dates ), tender kisses, amorous looks when they look at each other, and loud fucking intercourse. There Korea’s most beloved couple and yeah yeah. 
She looks at me noticing I was staring and gave me a wave and a petty smile. I fake a smile back to her and wave. I then saw Hobi go up to her and give her a ruffle on her brown precious hair. Her gleaming smooth skin gives off a light a bit. They were the only happy ones in the town as of right now. She kisses Hobi on the cheek. Hobi sees me then waves. I wave back and yeah yeah. It doesn't really matter now. My gut tells me to confront them about my feelings but my heart is telling me no. Even if I did so it wouldn't make a difference or dint in there relationship and if I get rejected by him then I will be heart broken forever and I don’t want that. Soon I see them pass holding each others hands. I sigh and start to finish up my mango tea boba chewing the remaining ones at the bottom of the cup.
" Why do you even like this place. It's depressing. " Namjoon says coming out from the back. I shake a little breaking free from my thoughts " Oh i'm sorry! Did I scare ya? " He asks me. I laugh at him " Just a tad bit. " I say. He laughs at me
" Well I'm sorry to scare you! When you were in here I got scared myself! " He says looking around the desolate place. " This place used to be one of the most favored places in Korea but now it's a big empty slop.Why do you even come here? " He asked me again. I look at her and put my empty hand on my hip " because this place has the best damn boba I've ever tried! " I say shaking my hip and snapping my hands. He laughed at me and then sighed getting his trench coat and hat off the rack. I look at her and wonder where he was going. He was the only one here. The only worker that is. Well his father owns the shop.. He just help outs. His father in probably at his house sobbing. " Hey... " I say to him, She looks at me. " I don't want to be a bummer or anything but nothing lasts forever... " I say. He then busts up laughing for some reason. Was I funny?
" Uhhh.... Are you okay? " I ask smiling at him weirdly.
" Gosh. You really know how to cheer up moods don't you! " He says. I laugh
" I'm sorry was I bad? "
" Very very bad! " He teases then I laugh. She buttons the last few buttons left on her black trench coat.
" Where are you going? " I ask.
" Home! I have to make dinner for my girlfriend! " He says.
" Well... Do you want me to get out? " I say getting up a little. He shakes hi head
" Stay in here all you want. Refrigerators open~! " Namjoon sung.
" Really? " I ask.
" Yep. Just do me a favor and close up the store, And if people walk in just do what a waitress does and cook. " She says. Oh my gosh this is the highlight of my day. I always wanted to raid a refrigerator. " I will! " I say. He smiles at me then tosses the keys. Of course knowing me I miss. He starts opening the door. " Wait! " I say. He looks at me.
" Hm? "
" Before you leave.... Can I uh... Wear your apron? "
" Sure, Do whatever you want except trash the place! " He laughs. I giggle and nod. I was serious about the apron tho. " Bye! Don't forget to lock up and have a nice night! " He waves. I wave my mouth was full with boba. He laughs and walks out. Now i'm all alone. Just the refrigerator with me. A date with the refrigerator. Oh this will be fun heheheheheh.... As soon as i'm done with my boba I threw it away. A couple minutes passed and I go ahead and prepare up some steak and salad and just for good “measure” a piece of carrot cake. While I was in the kitchen with my chef hat and apron on I hum ( A childhood remedy ) that I love. Then I hear some sounds. It was coming closer. Talking and laughing. Did the He come back! No these were two voices... Male... Female.... The heck? Maybe there just passing by.
 I laugh to my self and shake my head of my nervousness but then... I hear the door open. SHIT! I can't hide! Wait can I? No I can't! This place needs some money badly! I cry mentally pouting my bottom lip. " Hello? is anyone there? " A cute female voice says. I sigh and put down the black spatula and rush to the front desk. " Hello~! Nice to meet you- " I seen that it was them. Hobi and Jeon. Gosh this is my own little living hell. " Oh what's up Jeon! " I say to her smiling. She smiles back. “ Hi! “ Hobi smiles at me and fixes his hair. I try not to stare as much. I blush “ Erm! What would you like today? “ I asked trying to change the subject. Hobi then spoke “ I didn’t know you work here? “ Jeon nodded and held on to his arm. “ I’m just watching over the place. Namjoon had to go take care of his girlfriend. “ Hobi then laughed then Jeon. Was I funny or awkward? they were giving me mixed signals “ What? “ I asked. Hobi spoke again looking into my eyes “ Namjoon doesn’t have a girlfriend! “ Jeon decided to finish his sentence “ Yeah! He was probably just tricking you! “ I look at them blankly for a couple seconds then turned my head back “ That son of a bitch... “ I darkly mumbled. I appreciate that he let me raid his refrigerator but still! Hobi laughed and Jeon was silent.
 Jeon looked at the menu and raised an eyebrow “ Theres not that much of a selection here... “ She mumbled. Hobi flicked her shoulder “ Be nice. “ He whispered. Jeon sighed as she continued to look through the menu. I could see why Namjoon doesn’t like this girl. Hobi spoke taking the menu away from his girlfriend “ We’ll just have the steak and salad. “ Jeon added “ And some carrot cake. “ She reached in her purse. “ Here " She says handing me the money. She left a little extra. Why?, She was probably giving me the money because Hobi always looses his. " Er. Thanks I only need this much though. " I say taking half the money. " No, no, I want to give you a little tip too... I know your all depressed in this place! So please I wan't you to cheer up your day buying new things. " HOW. DARE. SHE. I laugh at her. " Oh no, please take your money. I have money of my own. This place is like a home to me so i'm not depressed at all. I say sliding her money back to her " Are you sure? " She asked me raising her eyebrow " Positive. " I smile. 
They go sit down. I finish what used to be my stake on the steaming pan. I get the salad and chop it up into tiny pieces then I put some tomatoes in it, onions,peanuts,cranberries, and this cafes secret ranch dressing. " Alrighty! " I say finishing up the salad. Soon I get the carrot cake out of the refrigerator and slice it. Suga used to come here for his carrot cake but no he betrayed us for some other place. It's fine though. He's funny and confusing sometimes I can relate a bit. Finally I put the steak on the plate and the salad. Getting another small plate I put the carrot cake on there. " There we are! " I say putting there dinner on the big tray. I look at myself in the mirror to see if I look at least half way decent for me serving the food to them. I look alright. 
I go out the kitchen carrying the the food. "Order up~! " I sung. Jeon put her two hands together with her eyes sparkingly wide looking at the food Hobi looks at the food admiring the smell of it. Jokes of them it's just heated up food... But since I felt artsy I put my spice on it. I serve the food to them " Oh thank you so much! " Jeon smiles. " Yep... anytime....anytime. " I say. Hobi nods as he looks at the food with delight. He then looks at me giving me a smile " Wow!, Your super talented! " He winks at me. I blush a bit and smile "Well I learn from the best! " I say. Hobi then shakes his head and laughs " I only taught you how to make sausages! " He laughs. He taught me when our group was camping. Him and I woke up early and decided to make breakfast for everyone. It turned out horrid but the sausages was amazing
" Those were the best damn sausages I ever had. " I laugh. I then turn the tray to my stomach and bow a bit " Well i'll leave you two at it! " I smile. Hobi smiles and waves " Thanks again! " He says
" Anytime! If you need me just come in the kitchen. I'll be on the computer. " I say." Alright " They say. As I left them alone on there date I got the computer out and wen't to (manga network ) and I read some romantic manga... “Kiss the girl already Shin!” I mumbled. I hear Hobi and Jeon whispering to eachother. I wanted to ease drop so freaking bad but I knew it wasn’t right so I didn’t. After a couple minutes Jeon calls me. I got up " Yes? " I say. " Is this food alright? " Hobi then looks at her annoyed " Jeon! " He whispers.
  " What? " She whispers back to him.
I come out of the kitchen " Did you ask me if the food was alright? " I smile. I must've misheard her. " Yep. " She says. " It's shaking. " She pointed at the steak. Ace already finished his. He then looked at me " Excuse her... I don't know whats gotten into her. " Hobi apologized eyeing her. Everything Hobi. Everything has gotten into her. I sigh at Jeon. " Yes Jeon. The food is okay. " I say. She tilts her head at me giving me a muddled look " Ya sure? It doesn't look like it " She laughs. Her attitude was as if she was jealous for some reason. My lips form into a slight smile " Do you want me to make you something else. " I got a bit irritated. Jeon shakes her head quickly side to side 
" No thank you! " She says. Hobi sighs
"  Your food was amazing okay. " He says to me. No, I don't wan't people to try to make me feel better when I'm not even hurt.
" Oh no don't worry Hobi. Some people have there opinions... "
Jeon spoke " Yeah... That's probably why this place is as empty as ever. "  She smirks looking around. " You should probably get an actual job that pays you money so maybe you could at least get a decent boyfriend this time. One that won't break up with you " Jeon laughs and smiles at me.
" Yeah It's probably different with you since you lure all kinds of guys in your room everyday. " I smile at her. It was true too. I seen her cheat on Hobi more than once. " We probably have way different personalities. " I paint a sarcastic smile on my face. Hobi just looks at us and then at Jeon. " What?! No Hobi is the only one I dated you sick bastard! " She spat at me getting me even more angry. " Your just jealous because no one really likes the worthless you. " She says. I laugh getting a little twitch of vexation. " Yeah... That's what all whores say. " I mumble the last part. Hobi laughs at my comment. Why would he do that? Isn't he on her side? Alice then stands up and throws her carrot cake piece at me. " Awwww! I was going to eat thaaaaaatttt! " Hobi whines.
I stood there in shock. Then the rage set in. I turn back to her smiling. Jeon yells again " I want my money back! And you call this cake?! " There happens to be a full cup of boba on the table next to me. How did that get there? Maybe the gods want me to throw this at her. Hm. Fine with me. I slowly take off the cap. " Sorry beloved slut but... NO REFUNDS! " I throw the boba at her getting some on her face and staining her expensive winter outfit. She got very very mad. " Hobi! See what she did! Tell on her to her manager! You can do that right?! She doesn’t deserve to be in the kpop world! " She whines. I sing and dance. I’m just a unnoticed rapper. Well... I am a little noticed by my rap in hookga but besides that. Wiping off her face.  " Oh boo hoo! " I say wiping off the carrot cake a little. Hobi laughs nervously and looks at me." Yeah I can't do that.... " He says.
" WHY! " She says. " Because.... I-...... hahahahahaha! Wow what a fight! " He stops his sentence. What?.... What was that. I felt this sign of anxiety in my heart and my heart beats getting faster. " Well. People always tell on each other everyday in ibighit right! Besides.... " She then picks up a plate. Hobi and I look at her blankly "We're all made here. " Her eyes looked as if they turned darker less than two seconds she got the plate and threw it towards me. The plate acting as if it was a Frisbee. I got the big tray and blocked the plate. The plate fell on the ground making a big mess. She tried to kill me?! Aishh! I thought sh wanted to just tell on me! I don't want to hurt her. I can't kill her, I don't want to get a bad name for killing the most beloved girl. When the plate his me a sharp part of it cut my shoulder a bit making me bleed. " JEON! " Hobi yells.... .Jeon was mad and we could all tell.  " First of all... That was the most cringest pickup line I ever heard in my life. Second.... Catch. " I then did the exact same but with a tray. The tray was faster. Jeon got punched in the stomach. She fell down and held her stomach. " I HATE YOU! " She yells at me. I sigh she was making a big deal out of this. She hit me first... Maybe it was a little rude of me to his her with a tray but I cant stand there and do noting. She picked up a glass shard and before I can react she threw it at my feet. Ripping the skin so some blood could be set free. The pain set in soon. " Ah! " I panic feeling my ripped skin. Hobi then gets up."  JEON. LETS GO. " He says getting her up. She nods and leaves with Hobi.
" Damn. "  I say. Look at his mess.... I go to the kitchen and get a paper towel to wash up a bit. I wet in and put it on my scar. Then I look in the emergency cabinet get the alcohol. Before I do so I close the blinds. I don't think people want to see me heal myself on the cafe counter... I hear the door open as I was opening the cap to the cure. It was Hobi. " Are you here to yell at me? " I say looking at him and raining my eye brow. He laughs " No! Why would I do that! "He says. I look at him then my cut started to sting. I shake a bit. " Here allow me. " He says. I nod. He comes over and puts his warm hand over my leg " Alright. " He gets the cotton balls and puts some alcohol on it. I close my eyes awaiting for more pain. He chuckles at me " Hey.. thanks for confirming that Jeon dates other men to me. " He says.I tilt my head “ Confirming? “He then taps gently on my cut to see if it still stings. I shake a little but then it calmed down. “ I knew in some sense she was dating other guys by the way she looks at them... “ He doesn’t seem sad. 
“ Look i’m really- “
“ Don’t worry. To be honest dont miss her one bit. She always nags me. I was about to break up with her anyways... " He chuckled “ Theres someone else I like... “ I bet it wasn’t me.. Maybe I should just give it up. “ There, As good as new! “ He presents a band aid on my leg. I smile and look down at my used to be cut. " Wow! Thanks so much Hobi!. " I blush swinging my legs. He laughs and looks up at me “ No problem half pint! “ He teases. I laugh a bit. It was getting pretty late. Midnight was usually the time where all the drunkards come out. I sigh as I get up “ I should probably get going. “ I had to walk home.. It was already as dangerous as it is so I better leave. “ Eh? Did you get a car? “ He asked. “ N-No... “ I get my brown jacket off the rack. He stood up and put his hands on his hips “ You know.. It’s pretty dangerous to walk home at night.. Let me drive you! “ He smiled. I smiled back at his offer. It was kind enough for him to fix my cut. I don’t want to waste his gas money. “ Thanks but no thanks I don’t want to waste any of your money.” I kindly decline. He puffed his cheeks at me “ Well... If it is okay with you I kinda need your help. “ My help? He never askes for that. “ Eh? “ I tilt my head.  He chuckled a bit “ I need your help with a new rap i’m doing. Your a good rapper so I want to see if it sounds good. “ He smiles. He usually asks Yoonji or Namjoon to help with this but I guess I could help out. “ Alright. “ I guess I could stay at his place for a bit. He smiled and grabbed my hand. I blush at this. He rushed us to the car. He drove to his house.
 He offered me to go inside. I went inside into his comfy house. He chuckled “Make yourself at home! “ I chuckled back at him “ Don’t mind if I do. “ I mumbled. I sat down on the couch as Hobi got his song lyrics. He came out with a stack of papers. “ So what I’m thinking is the rap could be strong and powerful yet heart spoken. “ He said. I get myself comfortable on the couch as he sits next to me. “ Alright. “ I say getting an idea of what he is going for. “ So.. Could I possibly show you? “ He asked.  I nodded “ Of course! “  “ Alright the song is called mama. “  “ Awww.. “ I teased. “ Shut up. “ He laughs. He starts rapping as he did I listened carefully. After he was done I gave him some tips. The song turned out amazing at the end “Wow that was amazing! “ I say.  “ Gosh I couldn’t of did this without you! “ He laughs.  “ Nah this was all you! “ I laughed back getting up.  He looked at me “ Where are you going? “ He asked. “ Home. “ I smile. “ Aww! No stay for a bit! “ He whines. “ Your apartment doesn’t have water right? “ He asked. What how does he know that?! I didn’t pay my water bill because I was saving for a gift for my grandmother! Then when I payed it they said they had a delay in the process... He chuckled getting up and moving to me “ I only know that because Namjoon told me.. “ THAT FUCKING BASTARD! “Aishhh... “ I hissed. He chuckled at me moving closer. I didn’t notice how close he was until he spoke “ Please. I know it must be hard but go take a shower. “ I looked at him and blushed did I stink “ N-N-NOT SAYING YOU STINK OR ANYTHING! “ He panicked. I blushed and looked down twiddling my fingers together. “ Al-Alright! “ I say. Hobi hands me a black towel with ducks on them. He’s very childish but I think it’s quite funny. I giggle a bit taking the towel from him.  “ Here... If you want to spend the night. It would be easier for you. “ He asked. It would be easier... Besides I could just walk home in the morning not wasting his gas money. I blush and nod. He smiles and hands me one of his black formal shirt. “ I know you dont have any pajamas so just wear this... “  I take his shirt “ Th-Thanks... “ I say. Soon Hobi adjusts the water to be hot but not to hot “ There you go! “ He smiles. He gets out and I start my shower. The water felt so good on my skin and the body wash smelt like heaven. I took my hair band off and washed my hair after I was done washing everything I turned the water off and dryed up. I heard Hobi practice his song as I did so. I put my black lace bra and black lace panties on then his black work shirt. It was like a short nightgown on me. When I was all done I stepped out of the shower and went to the living room Hobi wasn’t there. “ Erm... “ I look around “ In here! “ He finally shouts. I follow the sound of his voice. It lead me in his room. When I arrived Hobi seemed to stare at me for a few seconds. I then saw a smirk appear on his face for some reason. “ Erm... Do you want me to- “ I was going to ask if I was going to sleep in the living room but I was interrupted by him pinning me down to the bed.
 He was now on top of me. I blushed extremely with his body only a few inches away from mine... He held himself up with one hand and the other playing with my hair. He had a serious look on his face. My mind was blank. He whispered “ You know...I really couldn’t help myself... “ Hobi chuckled darkly. What was he talking about?! He moved his hand to my cherry cheek. I blushed “ Uh.. I should probably get- “ I tried to move away but he pushed me down again. “ You know you want this.. You always did didn’t you? “ He teases. 
While my head was up I felt something warm go on my neck. Something warm and wet. It spun around slowly and did slow strokes. His tongue teased my neck. I moaned a bit as he began to suck giving me a hickey. I felt his hand go up my leg. His fingers dragged along my sides tickling me a bit. His chest on mine and his warm lips giving mine another sweet kiss.
 He was the one leading the kiss... His mouth open causing mine too. He looks deeply into my innocent eyes as I look at his lustful ones. He muffles another laugh in the kiss and then stuck is tongue in my mouth. My eyes were open wide. His tongue let out saliva that he made me swallow. I wanted to take a breath so much but he was blocking me to do so. His tongue was playing with mine giving it spins, sucks, and bites. My hands went to his shoulders again. His hand trails up to my hips and he rubs them. The desires grow deeper inside of me as he does so. I begin to kiss back a little. My hips move up then then fall back. He caresses my breast and feels my nipples with his thumb. I just want him to take his clothes off already. I started to get horny. 
Hobi then trails his hands on my stomach and then down to my clit. I moaned a bit trying to be quite. He broke the kiss. Saliva trailed along our unconnected tongues and it dripped down my cheeks. I breathed a put my head up moaning as he rubs on my clit gently. " Do you like that? " He whispers acting as if I was a dog. As he start pushing on it I nod swiftly and bite my lip. He laughs darkly and goes inside me a little. My moans got louder. He smirks as he continues to go inside of me. I wan't more.... So much more... I let out a groan and grip his bed sheets. This feels too good. Hobi then rips my panties off and goes down to it. my clit moves up and down as if it was humping the air. " You must really like that... "Hobi bit his lips watching me. He then looks at me " You know... I never really played with a women like this before... " He says. He then starts to suck on my clit. I couldn't help but moan very loudly. Sweat began to form on my forehead. He sucks then licks it like a dog. The sucking was very painful but it felt so good. He went hard then soft.
After a couple minutes of that he goes up to me again  He saw my sweaty face and heard my moaning pleasure. My stomached acted as if it was in a knot. "Did you wan't more? " He asks me. What a torture. He already know the answer. I nod and bite my lip. He then laughs and puts his hands on my back and un clips the clips of my bra. My breast were shown to him. While he was still rubbing my clit. He sucks one of my nipples biting them at random times. After a couple minutes of that he soon slips off his pants. I blush as he revealed his legs. He then quickly pulled his brown boxers off. He looks at me " I'm sorry....  I just couldn't wait any longer.... " He says throaty. I moan my clit was super wet. It couldn't wait either... I never thought I would be pleading... especially for this such matter.
" Here.... "  His cock slowly rubs on my clit. I react with a weak push up. It then goes an inch in. We both moaned a bit.The feeling was explainable. Hobi held my hands down because we both knew this was going to get rough. He probably needed something to hold on to. He slowly goes in and he groans. I put my head up and squeeze my eyes shut.. It hurts so much but..... He then thrust into me a little bit in and a little bit out. The feeling was strange but the experience was fantastic. Where is my innocent soul? Did it leave me? He thrust faster and our moans were getting louder. I feel something warm build up inside of me. He looks deep into my eyes and I look into his. Our mouths both open, and bodies shaking. I cum inside of him and I feel him do the same in me.i My breaths were going crazy and my desires ran throughout that bedroom. He was going super fast now. Our visions were both so blurry. This lasted for a long time. “ Ah-Ah Hobi! “ I shouted. He was going super fast. The bed shook and squeaked. “ I-I love you! “ He groaned to me. With every moan and groan the night eventrully slowed down.
We were both out of breath. Hobi got off of me laying on his back and looking up. His eyes were closed and his heavy breaths filled the air. I was sweating and looking up to. We were both starting to cool down a little. Hobi put his boxers on leaving me completely naked. I blush at him " Can I have clothes? " I ask with my crumbling voice. He laughs a bit " I want to admire you a little more... "   I blush and look to the side. The wind was still whispering but the rain calmed down. I sigh calming down a little. I then felt Hobi lay his sweaty head on my breast with his cover. He squeezes my breast a little and jiggles them " I love you so much.... "  " I love you t-too Hobi. " I stutter. 
So hopefully that wasn’t too bad haha.... I hope you liked it! 
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