#also yeah this is supposed to match the one i did for kaoru
caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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happy birth to chisatoooo!!!!
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mainstoryarchive · 15 days
Revolution - 47: Summer Breeze
Translator: Creampuffs
Mao: Transfer Student~?
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Garden Terrace Kitchen
Mao: Transfer Student~?
I heard you were here at the Garden Terrace, but… it’s been ages since you left, so I decided to come check up on you~
I can give you a hand if whatever you’re doing is taking you a long time.
I wasn’t able to take part in "Trickstar’s" activities much, you know. So I’d like to help out however I can.
And I wanna be good friends with you ♪
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Kaoru: Hey.
I’m the only guy who’s allowed inside the Garden Terrace, okay~?
Mao: Oh. You’re Hakaze-senpai from “UNDEAD”, right?
(“UNDEAD”… the unit rumoured to be the most radical and dangerous in Yumenosaki Academy…)
(That’s Sakuma-senpai’s unit. And this Hakaze-senpai is also a member of that unit. What’s he doing here at the Garden Terrace?)
(He just spends all his time hanging out with girls and is pretty much inactive when it comes to idol activities.)
(But he’s definitely got the skills. He’s well-known as a lazy ladies’ man, but this is the first time I’ve actually met him.)
(He’s also one of Sakuma-senpai’s companions…)
(He’s on our side, isn’t he? Our objectives should be the same, so that means he’ll fight alongside us, right?)
(His attitude is giving off the exact opposite vibes, though…)
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Kaoru: Hey, could you stop staring at me? It doesn’t make me happy when men stare at me, you know?
In fact, I’m kind of busy right now. Why don’t you see yourself out? Shoo, shoo!
Mao: I can’t exactly leave… Uhh, have you seen the Transfer Student around here?
She’s the girl that just transferred to the new "producer course".
Kaoru: Yup. I’ve heard something like that from Sakuma-san, so that’s why I’m here~♪
Man, she’s cute! I only caught a glimpse of her, but there’s no fooling these eyes~
Geez, I wish Sakuma-san told me about her earlier. I’ve been waiting forever for that sort of good news!
This has to be a gift from the gods ♪
After all, there’s nothing but filthy men in the idol course – it’s hell, quite frankly!
If Yumenosaki Academy was a desert, then the “Transfer Student” would be a single, blossoming flower!
I should harvest it before it gets tainted by someone else~♪
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Rei: Kaoru-kun.
I was wondering where you went off to instead of attending practice, but here you are… Chasing after women yet again? Do you not get tired of that? Don’t get carried away now.
Well, I suppose you do perform just fine on stage without rehearsals or practice.
Kaoru: Yeah, yeah. Practice is whatever. Let’s just have fun!
You’re more eager to practise than usual, Sakuma-san. I don’t really want to do anything that makes me feel like I’m suffocating, you know~?
Anyway, why did you give the Transfer Student to the "baby chicks" in the second grade?
You should’ve kept her with us~ All my motivation’s gone down the drain now!
Maybe I’ll quit “UNDEAD” to join their unit~
Rei: No, we cannot have that. Your strength is needed in “UNDEAD”.
The general public will attend the “S1” a week from now. That means there will be women there.
Perhaps you could direct your motivation there and make those girls your fans instead~?
Kaoru: Hmm… That does sound pretty appealing. Geez, I’m no match for you, Sakuma-san~
Whatever. There’ll be plenty of chances for me to talk with the Transfer Student.
I’ll leave for today!
But I’m still not going to practice, okay? I’ve got a date. Bye bye~♪
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Rei: …He ran away. Good grief, he truly lives up to his name[*], leaving like the wind.
Hmm. Kaoru-kun’s dislike towards practice is a serious matter. He can do it when he puts his mind to it, though.
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*Title note: Kaoru’s name (羽風 薫 / Hakaze Kaoru) is also made up of the same characters as the word for ��summer breeze” (薫風 / kunpuu).
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resurrection-of-soul · 5 months
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 11
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Adonis, Koga, Kaoru
Rei: What the heck, you're gonna make me cry… It's enough to move even my weary, withered heart. I've been thirsty for so long… But right now, strangely, I feel satisfied.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Rei: ~………♪
Adonis: Oh? Sakuma-senpai, where did you get that guitar?
Rei: This is the temple belongin' to bouzu's family, yeah? I remembered leavin' a buncha instruments in their storehouse, so I went and grabbed 'em just now.
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Koga: What are you, a couple that just broke up?
Rei: Emotionally, it really does feel like that. Even though we're cooperatin' like this at the moment, I don't think there's a~any hope of us gettin' back together. Even if he wants us to, I'm to~otally not into him anymore. Cause y'see, right now, I'm in the mood for new encounters ♪ ♪~♪~♪
Adonis: Ohhh… What a great song. Even though the melody is very aggressive, when you listen to it, it makes you feel strangely uplifted. Oogami, you composed a song like this all by yourself? That's amazing.
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Koga: Y-yeah… But it's just that the person performin' it is crazy skilled…. In Sakuma-senpai's hands, even a mediocre song'll become a masterpiece.
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Rei: Aw, he's feelin' shy. How nice it is to be so young n' innocent~. I wanna regain those kinds of pure feelings too~ Or rather... I'm sure that's exactly what Pup was hopin' for when he named us UNDEAD. Just like Adonis-kun, he sensed I was feelin' down, though in his case it mighta been subconscious… He was hopin' t' help me regain my liveliness so I could be revived. What the heck, you're gonna make me cry… It's enough to move even my weary, withered heart. I've been thirsty for so long… But right now, strangely, I feel satisfied. I suppose, more than a million compliments… What I wanted was someone's pure feelings. ♪~♪~♪
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Kaoru: Ohhh~ I don't really get what's going on here, but you guys sure are lively, huh~?
Rei: Yo, Hakaze-kun. Nice entrance, ya nailed the "executive comin' to check in on his employees" vibe. Just when I was startin' t' worry ya wouldn't show, too.
Kaoru: There's no way I'd be a no-show… After all, as the one who hired you to exterminate the "vampires" it's, like, totally my duty to make sure you guys don't slack off, right? I never thought I'd end up being part of a group as weird as "UNDEAD," though.
Rei: You're also an aspirin' idol at Yumenosaki academy, ain'tcha? So you'll be a valuable asset.
Kaoru: Don't get your hopes up, 'kay~? I'm notorious for slacking off at school. But, well, if I wanna protect my workplace — my place to belong — then I guess I'll have to put in some effort for once. What a pain, just kill me now~♪ So, that said, I totally made some promotional flyers to hype up tomorrow's showdown. Hand them out to your friends, 'kay? Though with the exception of Sakuma-san, who's super well-connected, it'll probably be a drop in the bucket. Also, I got a fancy stage all set up. Or well, not just me personally, but all the guys who run the shops downtown. They're super enthusiastic about helping out. I would have liked to get custom stage costumes too, but, like? I didn't know your measurements, and I figure there's probably not enough time to get anything made, anyway.
Rei: That's fine by me~ It ain't like our enemies are gonna be all that thorough either, so it'd look better if we just sing in our school uniforms, rather than showin' up in full costume n' comin' off as total try-hards. It'll be fair n' square; a real, proper match.
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Koga: Hmm… So the reason we haven't seen ya at all up 'til now ain't cause you were slackin' off, you were actually busy gettin' a buncha stuff ready. I'm seein' you in a new light, Hakaze…senpai. Ya step up to the plate when it counts.
Kaoru: Yup, yup! I'm the kind of man you can rely on~ Really, it's true ♪
Koga: Yeah. Ya seem irresponsible at first glance, but you're actually a reliable guy. I'll remember that.
Adonis: Yes. You have been filling in the gaps we did not notice. It's a big help.
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Kaoru: Even so, I still think we're, like, totally unprepared~ I mean, honestly. We've got the venue all set up, but we're seriously lacking in terms of practice, aren't we? The live to exterminate the "vampires" is tomorrow, isn't it? At this point, aren't we basically just winging it?
Rei: Well that's exactly why we're havin' this little get-together, yeah? It's also a chance for us to get t' know each other, since we're a newly formed unit n' all.
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Adonis: It is more of a reorganization than a formation, though.
Rei: Ahaha. Funny how Adonis, who's the least familiar with Japanese, is the most precise about the meanin' behind words.
Adonis: Words are important.
Rei: Sure are. In this country, there's a belief known as kotodama¹. I heard about it from a good friend of mine who passed away recently—
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Koga: Hasumi-senpai ain't actually dead, y'know… Even though he decided to work from behind the scenes, he's even more fired up about this than us. He even went and convinced his parents to let us use this place for practice without us even askin'.
Kaoru: He needn't have bothered, though~ We could've just, like, practiced at my family's live house.
Rei: 'Tis a good thing, ain't it? The weather's lovely today, and there doth lie a certain sense a' refinement in singin' n' dancin' beneath Mr. Sun's rays. We're gonna be huntin' "vampires," thus let us soak up their greatest weakness n' amass as much of its power as we may. ² ♪~♪~♪
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Kaoru: A-are things really going to be okay like this~? You're talking, like, super optimistically and all, but do we have any guarantee that we can actually defeat the "vampires?"
Rei: Nobody knows the future. Not even me, obviously. But, somehow, I feel like things'll work out. For some reason, there's some gramps-like guy inside my head agreein' with me, goin' all, "Aye, 'tis exactly so," too.
Kaoru: What do you mean, "some guy inside my head"? Are you drunk?
Adonis: I asked the same thing earlier.
Rei: I'm perfectly sober. We're the ones who're gonna get rid of the delinquents, so there's nooo way I'm gonna go around breakin' the law like 'em. Without descendin' to the level of our enemies, we'll become like the sun and burn away the vices which corrupt the earth. Leave it to me. I'm feelin' oddly good, so I'll give it my all in tomorrow's performance. I can't say for sure what'll come after, but I can guarantee ya this much, at least.
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Kotodama, or the soul of language, is the belief that words, especially names, hold power. Words must therefore be chosen with deliberate care, as they can have real effects on you and the people/things around you. You know how in shows and movies, martial artists always yell "Hyah!" or smth along those lines prior to attacks? That practice is rooted in this principle, with the idea that a confident, aggressive shout lends power to the attack. (Which is also why every shounen anime ever has the chars going around shouting their attack names.)
Rei is speaking in a haphazard mix of his delinquent and archaic old man speech for these lines. Yes, it does sound just as bizarre in JP as it does in ENG.
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sleepingcrisis · 3 years
I finished it >:) I kinda want to make a part two, but for now here you go my deprived mutuals plus anyone else who would enjoy it.
Ao3 link for those who prefer to read on there is here.
Drunk Confessions
"You could pretend I'm him you know... I wouldn't care," Joe’s voice was slurred from the alcohol as he kept his eyes away from his pink haired friend... yeah friend. "You could use me as much as you want and I would thank you for it, you could moan his name and I promise to only cry a little," he laughed it off but the tears were already forming.
"I—" Kaoru wasn't sure what to say to that. He took a breath and gently nudged the glass Joe was drinking from away from him. That was clearly enough.
"He has been gone for a year today," Joe continued and looked over to Kaoru now. Kaoru had a hard time meeting his gaze though. It was impossible. He didn't want to see the moment Joe broke.
"He has been gone for a year now," Kaoru agreed softly with a nod.
"He has been gone for a year and you don't look at anyone like you looked at him. I know I'm not him and I know I can't be him — and hey I loved him too! But fuck I have never loved anyone the way I love you. You could pretend I'm him though. You did once—"
"When did I—"
"You practiced confessing to him in highschool and asked if I would listen," Joe responded immediately. "You told me how much you loved him, but you never used his name... I got to pretend you were telling me how much you love me... pathetic isn't it?" Joe let out another pained laugh.
"Oh Joe," Kaoru whispered and sighed softly.
"Do you think you could ever love me the way you love him? Even just a bit?" He asked. He reached a hand over and clumsily cupped Kaoru’s cheek.
Kaoru looked at him. His own expression pained as he reached his hands over to cup both of his cheeks and gently hold him still.
"I do love you."
"Not like you love him," Joe countered and made a half assed attempt at pulling away from Kaoru’s touch.
Kaoru sighed softly, Joe didn't know just how wrong his thinking was. Tonight wasn't the night to confess the feelings he had for him for years.
"Let’s get you home. You're drunk Kojiro."
What could Kaoru say? He is a coward. 
“Do you remember much of last night?” he asked. Kojiro’s mother had brought them both water and currently Kaoru was gripping his glass tightly. Thumbs brushed away the condensation before he drank it again along with some medicine to ease his headache and hopefully get rid of the need to throw up.
Kojiro is still laying down which makes it easy to not look at him. His room is notably half packed. It all comes crashing back together that despite Kojiro's practical admission of love he also had said something else weeks ago. 
“No, I guess I blacked out. Did I say anything embarrassing?” Kojiro asked. Kaoru picked at the duvet on the bed. Hideous orange. Who’s favorite colour is orange? Based on the fact that none of the furniture matches, Kaoru isn’t sure Kojiro has a favorite colour despite claiming that it is orange. The desk is red, the rug is green, the duvet is orange while the pillow covers are blue and the bed sheets themselves are green. Hideous. Kaoru has always thought that Kojiro’s choice in decor was hideous. 
“No. You just seemed upset.” 
“Well I am leaving at the end of the week.” 
“Does that mean you are going to miss me?” Kaoru tried for teasing. He isn’t sure that he sounds like he is teasing the other, but Kojiro must have a really big headache because he doesn’t take notice. 
“Yeah. I am,” Kojiro whispered and it made Kaoru shortcircuit momentarily before he finished his water. He nudged the other and called him some form of ‘stupid’ before getting up and getting ready for the day. 
They don't have much time left together after all.
It happens again, because of course it happens again. Kojiro is back from Italy for a visit and on one of the last couple of days he is dragging Kaoru to a bar. 
“Kaoru,” Kojiro hummed and wrapped his hands around Kaoru’s waist from behind him after he had come back from the bathroom. 
“What is it, Kojiro?” Kaoru asked in the same playful tone. 
“I love you,” Kojiro said in a casual tone that made Kaoru’s entire world freeze for a moment. This wasn’t going to be like last time, was it? He couldn’t handle that again. Seeing the sunshine in his life look so incredibly miserable. 
“I love you too goof,” Kaoru replied casually as his face warmed. Friends told each other that they loved each other all the time. This was fine right? After the last time he was sure this wasn’t just a friend thing, but Kojiro was leaving for Italy again and in their last call Kaoru had heard about how Kojiro had some sort of girlfriend, granted he hadn’t mentioned her while he was here, but still. 
“You don’t get it Kaoru,” Kojiro breathed against his neck and held onto him a little tighter. Kaoru felt himself being tugged and soon they were outside. He fumbled for his pack of smokes and ignored how ridiculously big Kojiro had gotten after being away for nearly a year. He lit the smoke and kept his eyes on the pavement. Kojiro wouldn’t remember this in the morning anyway. 
“Do you want a smoke?” Kaoru asked softly, desperate to change the subject. 
Kojiro nodded but took the one from between Kaoru’s lips before taking a drag of it. Kaoru watched it happen and normally would have been pissed if it wasn’t for the fact that his brain was hyper aware of the feeling of Kojiro’s fingers against his lips for less then a second. 
“I want you to love me,” Kojiro whispered. 
“I do.” 
“No. Kaoru I want you to love me so I can hold you and touch you and kiss you and show you just how much I love you,” Kojiro whispered. Kaoru watched him shift his entire weight and soon he was boxed in against the wall of the bar with one hand against the brick he had been leaning against keeping him there. The other hand held the smoke which Kojiro took a long drag of before holding it to Kaoru’s lips so he could take one. 
Kaoru counted that as their first indirect kiss that mattered. 
Kaoru really needed to not drink around Kojiro anymore. It was his first night back from Italy and Kojiro wanted to get drinks. Kaoru thought he had been keeping count of his drinks enough to prevent another incident. But then Kaoru comes back from the bathroom and somehow Kojiro is plastered. Kaoru doesn't buy it this time. 
"How is your girlfriend? Are you still keeping in touch with her?" Kaoru asked and realized he never learned her name. 
"No. We broke up, I didn't love her," Kojiro said. 
"That sucks. You seemed very fond of her," Kaoru said. 
"Well there is only one person I can love," Kojiro hummed. 
Kaoru knows exactly where this is going and he will be damned if he lets it happen again. Kojiro is back. He is back for good and he promised he wouldn't leave Kaoru again. Unless they are traveling together Kaoru has zero interest in leaving. Maybe traveling isn't such a bad idea. 
"I love you," Kaoru said casually as he finished off the last of his drink before setting the glass down. His finger tips are wet from the condensation but he is able to quickly dry them when he grabs Kojiro by the front of his shirt so the other has to face him. It is practically half unbuttoned. 
"Hm?" Kojiro is clearly caught off guard by Kaoru saying it first. 
Kaoru knows that the first time this happened — the first time when Kojiro sounded so miserable — he had been drunk to the point of practically guilting Kaoru with his feelings, but last time? When Kaoru still wore his piercings and Kojiro didn't have quite as much hair, there was no way Kojiro had been drunk when he had them share a cigarette as he practically pinned Kaoru to the wall. 
"I love you," Kaoru said again. "I have loved you since middle school. No — I loved you before I even knew what the concept of love was. I love you more than I ever loved Adam. So stop hiding behind your liquid courage and love me back already," Kaoru said firmly, or at least he tried to sound firm. Instead his voice shook at the end and he turned to look away. He couldn't meet the other’s gaze. His grip on the other’s shirt loosening before his hand fell all together when Kojiro didn't immediately respond. 
Then Kojiro tilted his head so they could look at one another.
"I love you too," he breathed and suddenly he didn't sound nearly as drunk. Kaoru supposed he could never criticize his acting again.  
"Take me home?" Kaoru asked. 
Kojiro responded by gently pressing a kiss to his lips. Just the firm press of lips against one another over and over and over until they had shared many first kisses. 
"Yeah," Kojiro whispered, "let's go home." 
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 49 - Ioka Kazuto's New Years Eve tattoo problem.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome again this week.
T: What is the celebratory sake for?
K: Well, this is our first recording of the new year..
J: Yes
T: Happy New Year
J: Happy New Year. By the time this is broadcast it will already be well into January though.
K: Yes, so..for good luck.
J: Ah, that would be welcome....but Im not gonna drink it.
K: Why?
J: Um, I've said this a few times before, but my resolution for 2021 is to not go so crazy when drinking alcohol, to not get too carried away.
T: Hahaha
J: I've already decided on it.
K: Don't you always say that?
J: No, no, no. Um, recently...was it on the 27th? After the live broadcast? I left afterwards with Tasai.
T: Oh, yeah.
J: We left together, we got a taxi. Then when I arrived home, it was about 2am, right? When I tried to get in my house, I didn't have my keys.
T, K: Eh?!
T: Really??
J: I didn't have my keys..what could I do? I think i actually left them somewhere before i arrived here, and I hadn't been drinking before that. But in the end, I went to a hotel in my neighborhood...like, please let me stay here, I'll pay so please let me stay. So, I woke up the next day and called the real estate agent to ask if they had a spare key..they didn't. They said they'd given all the keys to me. So, I called around a few other places, and by about lunch time I managed to get hold of a key. But I had to go and do a live radio broadcast in this kind of messed up state, so..
T: Eh?!
J: Well, I mean, it wasn't the fault of alcohol this time, but I have lost my pocket wifi before while I was drunk, and my glasses...and Im constantly telling dirty jokes while drunk...so this year..., well, I will drink alcohol, but Im not gonna go wild.
T: Hahaha
K: Thats impossible!
J, T: Hahaha
Kami: Joe san, Joe san...
J: Oh, Kami? What is it? Kami's here.
Kami: Joe, you've become a boring guy.
J, T: Hahaha
Kami: You're trying to play it safe.
J: No, no, no. Can I really carry on? Drinking and going crazy this year too?
Kami: You need to be free. Please don't hold yourself back.
J: Haha 
T: When we were going home in the taxi, you said, 'I think I've messed up'...
J: I was doing a bit of self-reflecting.
T: Your true voice slipped out.
J: I think it did.
K: What? Why, what happened again?
T: Yeah, what was it again?
J: Well, I think it was me just going a bit wild. It felt like I got carried away.
T: You felt that in yourself?
J: Well, I do, don't I? When I drink alcohol?
K: Well, yeah.
J: Kaoru, we've done a lot of events together, right?
K: Yeah, most of the time I'm like, 'Joe, calm down!'
J: And Im supposed to be the moderator!
T: You change places!
J: Right!
K: Also, he had to read out things written in Katakana and stuff, but he couldn't read the difficult words*1
J: There are a few reasons for that. After I've had a drink, I can't read difficult kanji, and also I have bad eyesight. Katakana has loads of spaces in it, right?
T: Maybe we should have let Tasai do it.
T: Yeah, I should have done the reading.
J: Kanji just turns into clumps.
K: Ok, well, today...Tasai, could you get us started?
T: Yes, this is about the big match on last New Years Eve. Its boxing news. It was the WBO super flyweight title match between Ioka Kazuto and Tanaka Kōsei. Ioka won the match, but this news deals with a slightly different aspect. Ioka's tattoos were visible during the match. The boxing commission have said this is a violation of the rules, and are considering imposing a penalty. Questions have been arising on social media like, 'Isn't this a mistake?', and, 'What about individual freedom?' Did you watch the match, Kaoru?
K: No, I didn't, but I saw it on the news.
T: Yeah. And, Ioka had actually covered his tattoos with foundation to hide them before getting in the ring, but sweating made the foundation come off.
J: I see.
T: So, its become a bit of a talking point, what to think about this.
K: This isn't the first time he's done this, right? He covered his tattoos before in other fights?
T: Yeah, to stop the foundation coming off he...
K: But foundation?...can you really hide them with foundation?
J: Haha, yeah, maybe not. They are too solid. So, he went ino the ring without foundation this time?
T: No, he had it on, but it came off with sweat.
J: Wouldn't that happen anyway?
K: If it did, that means its come off everytime up to now.
J: Right? Its not like its only come off this time. Its hard to understands why the JBC are raising this problem only now?
T: Well, its in the rules. The rules for matches are...in the rulebook, Match management section 4, conditions for boxers article 86, it says for things that make spectators feel uncomfortable, such as tattoos...if a boxer has tattoos, they must not appear in the ring.
J: Oh, thats written?
T: Yes, thats written in the rules. There have been cases in the past of boxers getting tattoos surgically removed in order to be able to compete in the ring.
J: Im not sure about this. Feeling uncomfortable just by seeing a tattoo...?
K: Regular people do though, don't they?
J: Do they?
K: Not people like us here, regular people are different.
J: Haha, of course.
K: But its Japanese people...foreigners have seen tattoos as pretty normal for quite a long time.
J: Right. Their police even have tattoos.
K: But we havn't got there in Japan yet. They are still thought of as scary. Even me, if I see someone with tattoos walk in, I don't say anything to them, but I do notice and look at them if they have tattoos.
J: Well..
K: You look though, right?
J: Well, I would think 'oh, they have tattoos'.
K: Yeh, but you would say ????*2
J: Well...
K: You would!
J: Would I? But...this is boxing, right? The spectators have come to watch people hitting each other.
K: Well, yeah, thats right.
J: For example, if a kabuki actor suddenly revealed tattoos all over their body, I have a feeling it wouldn't go down well with people who are going to see traditional arts, but if they are going to see people punching each other, would they be that bothered about tattoos?
K: Its because the rules havn't changed since a long time ago.
J: Yeah. Hmm, Im not sure about this. What's it like overseas?
T: Its totally fine overseas.
J: Its ok, right?
K: They don't mind if foreigners have them.
J: Ah, foreign boxers with tattoos are allowed to fight in Japan?
T: Yes.
K: So I think this is good. It could change how we do things *3
J: Yeah, it creates a stir, because there are quite a lot of people who know about this old rule. Um, even at events and stuff (I MC at a lot of events), some guests are instructed to wear long sleeeves when they attend. This is what Japan is like with tattoos.
T: But I think I read somwhere that the NBA also has the rule to cover tattoos. Like, they will wear armbands and stuff to cover them.
K: Even in baseball, the Giants have banned facial hair.
J: Have they?
T: The Giants have an unwritten code, let me think who had a beard....do you remember Ogasawara Michihiro/Gatz?
J: Oh yeah, the left handed player?
T: Yeah, when he joined the Giants he shaved it all off etc. That type of thing still happens, even now. Have a look next time the Giants play, none of them have facial hair.
J: I don't think foreign players will like these rules that Japanese have. This seems like its against the Constitution. It really does.
Kami: Its discrimination, right?
J: Yes, I agree.
Kami: Nishinari people are sensitive to discrimination.
J: Yeah, I mean, if they are gonna have this rule, they should ban tattoos for everyone in boxing, but to say its ok for foreign boxers but not Japanese ones.. its a bit...
Kami: Its unconstitutional. Its discrimination.
J: Yeh, I think its discrimination. But looking at some of the comments, some say that although its written in the rules, it can't be helped these days.
Kami: Its not fair though, letting Ioka get this incredible win, and then afterwards saying, actually, no.
T: Yes, thats right.
Kami: When I was younger I won at pachinko..
J: Haha, all of a sudden..
Kami: I had quite a babyface, and would get mistaken for being underage. They never said anything to me when I lost...
T: But when you handed in your tickets they told you no because you're underage?
Kami: Yeah, yeah. Even though they said nothing to me when I was losing. Its like they come to stop you after you start winning.
T: I see.
Kami: They will take all the benefits, but when it starts to get unfavorable...I sense that unfairness.
T: Ah, yeh. Well, its true that the boxing commission already knew that Ioka had tattoos. And they asked him to take part.
J: Yeah. Its not like he got the tattoos right before this match.
T: Thats right. Incidentally, he got this particular tattoo in America in 2018, September, to show resovle and determination for his comeback fight. And this time, he has also added his son's name as if to say 'lets fight together'.
J: Oh, thats a nice meaning....Sue them!
T: Sue them?
J: Yes, Tokyo Sports should sue them.
T: Why just us? haha. We should together.
J: ???*4
K: I wonder how this will turn out though.
J: Yeah. Is Ioka following the boxing commission then?
T: He is still waiting to see what they decide.
J: Ah, ok.
T: He is still waiting for their judgment.
J: So like, it will depend on the level of punishment he gets.
K: They'll just say its the rules.
T: In that case, he might just go to America, if he can't fight any matches in Japan.
J: Well, yeah.
T: I think this would be a bigger problem if it happened outside the ring. But its happened within the ring. Its still a fact that tattoos are seen as scary in this culture.
K: It seems so to me, speaking as a person who has tattoos.
J: Thats what you have felt from experience? Exactly.
K: But you could say that he knew this when he got the tattoos. He knew they would tell him to stop.
T: Like, boxers definitely understand this.
K: He knows it, but he is still appearing in the ring, so if he has determination and resolve, its great. If he doesn't, its no surprise if he gets complaints.
J, T: I see.
J: Well, considering he did try to hide it, but the covering just came off, I wonder what will happen. Its not like he can wear clothes over it, right?
K: He could have put tape on it.
J: Oh, right, you can hide it like that too?
T: Yeah, there might be something like skin coloured tape.
J: Kami, can we have a last word from you on this?
Kami: Well, whatever the rules, making them only apply to Japanese is strange, right?
J: Well, yes, thats true. We'll have to keep a look out for what happens with this from now on.
K: Well, yeh.
T: To see how it develops, yeh.
K: Yeah. Kami seemed a bit lacking in vitality today, didn't he?
J: Yeah, he seems down. Kami, did something happen to you at new year time?
Kami: No, no, Im fine! Don't I sound it?
K: You sound like you are lacking a bit of punch.
J: With it being boxing, you'd expect him to have more 'punch'.
K: He just seemed a bit...regular.
J: Yeah.
Kami: Regular? haha.
K: He's laughing, haha.
T, J: Haha
J: The staff are making me laugh.
K: Ok, shall we finish here for today?
J: Yes
K: Ok, please subscribe. Thank you very much.
*1, 3 Not sure this is right.
*2, 4 Couldn't make out
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Pairings: Kyoya Ootori x Reader
Genre/Ratings: Five Times trope; G, mentions of severe anxiety
Words: 4200
Summary: Or, five times Kyoya didn’t kiss you (and the one time he did)
WARNING: the last bit gets a little angsty
“Kyoya. I swear to god. Can we please just-” you rub your eyes exhaustedly, trying to get the harsh blue glow of your laptop out from under your eyelids- “take a break? Or better yet, call it a night?”
The boy sitting across from you on the sofa glances up, his work reflected in his glasses. “How many words do you have?”
“Y/N. How many words?” His tone is partially amused but mostly paternal, like he’s asking a small child how many candies they snuck before dinner. If you weren’t so brain dead it’d piss you off, but as it is you’re mostly just petulant.
“Um… three thousand and… something?”
A slender finger pushes his glasses further up his nose. “And the minimum word count is…?”
“You damn well know,” you mumble, before letting your head drop into your hands. One of your elbows is resting on your keyboard, leaving a long trail of jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjs across your half-finished essay.
“What was that?” A socked foot aims a kick at his shin, but your aim goes wide and he dodges it easily. “I believe the answer is six thousand.”
You give a long, heartfelt groan.
Kyoya sighs. He can easily knock out an essay in under an hour, while you require a little more effort- and a lot more bribery. Even if English is one of your best subjects, he knows sitting here for the past few hours laboring over a boring political comparison has to be dragging on you. And he’s been too caught up in his own work to even try to keep your spirits up- something he’s now regretting, seeing the usual sparkle in your eye dull to something uncharacteristically quiet.
“Here.” He reaches over the edge of his perch and feels for the basket of blankets he knows will be sitting there- his sister has a fondness for being wrapped in a minimum of three layers at all times. Carefully, as so not to disturb his own precious computer, he reaches over and drapes a loose-knit woolen beauty over your lap. He even takes a second to tuck the ends over your toes. You watch, fascinated, so used to his fingers tapping out mile-a-minute documents in a harsh staccato that this moment of softness seems unreal. Maybe you’ve already fallen asleep and are dreaming, or it’s a particularly nice sort of 2AM hallucination. Kyoya notices you staring- of course he does, he notices far too much about you nowadays to try and convince himself he only values you as a friend- and very pointedly looks anywhere but your gaze. He’s not sure he could look away if he caught your eye now, hazy with sleep and reflecting starlight from the nearby open window. “Better?”
“Um- yeah.” You settle a little further into the cushions. “Thanks.”
He nods, not trusting himself to speak.
Of course, when he glances over at you not ten minutes later, you’re fast asleep, laptop precariously close to toppling to the floor. He rescues it and saves your work before shutting it down. There’s a slight smile on your face as you dream, and the overwhelming urge to lean over and press a kiss to your forehead makes Kyoya stop still.
His fixation on you has grown over the past few months, that much is clear, but he hadn’t predicted them to progress this quickly this fast. He has his grades to maintain, a club to run, and a company to prepare for. He shouldn’t have time for silly distractions, like categorizing exactly how peaceful you look curled up next to him, or reaching out and brushing a piece of hair out of your eyes.
He shouldn’t. And yet, he does- he always will, for you.
“Remind me again who said this was a good idea?” You squint your eyes as you turn your face towards the sky, which is lit by a brilliant sun. The Host Club is hosting on location this time- a beautiful stretch of beach peppered by towels, umbrellas, waiters offering fruity drinks, and a couple hundred squealing girls. You know. Relaxing. “I think I might like to punch them.”
“You might talk to Mori about a healthy and productive way to manage your rampant anger issues.” You snort and roll your eyes, which in turn makes the corner of Kyoya’s mouth tick up. He’s under an umbrella nearby, neatly marking down figures on his notepad. “Besides, I thought you liked the water.”
“I do, when it’s not so…” you gesture to the gaggle of twenty or so girls nearby, all primping and twisting in their bikinis to hopefully catch the eye of their favorite host- “crowded.”
“Ah.” He can sympathize with that. The smell of salt and brine takes him back to childhood, with the two of you making castles in the sand and pestering the other with seashell-finding competitions. Beach days were lazy days when your parents couldn’t be bothered to have either of you in the house, but to the two of you they were worth their weight in gold. Today, as he watches you stretch into the heat, his childhood friend is overshone by the you of here and now. You’re gorgeous in a simple one piece more stunning than any of the frills the other guests are wearing and hair in a sea-woven braid dangling down your back. Likewise, the Kyoya of here and now is having some thoughts that his five-year-old self have would never even dreamt of.
“I’m going swimming. If I don’t come back in an hour, tell Tamaki it’s his fault for dragging us all out here.”
“Hm? Oh,” Kyoya clears his throat. “Yes, of course.”
You throw him a glance- is he acting strangely? You can’t quite tell; it might just be the heat- before jogging off towards the waves, well away from the party as a whole.
He watches you go, and thinks about going with you, before a guest trills his name and his attention is dragged back to where he doesn’t want it to be.
At the end of the day, the crowd has left, and the club gets a precious hour or so of pink sky and calm surf to themselves. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi are searching the shoreline for shells and sand dollars; Mori is hauling damp sand for Honey’s massive sand castle; and Tamaki surveys all of them like a proud father. You and Kyoya are sitting a little away, just close enough to the water to let it kiss your toes. “This is more what I remember,” you murmur, a smile on your face, and Kyoya digs his fingers into the sand so they don’t accidentally wind their way around yours like they want to.
“Oh, here.” You pluck your friend’s glasses from his face and use the towel draped loosely over your shoulders to wipe the lenses. When you hand them back, Kyoya has a bit of a stunned expression on his face, making you giggle. “Sorry. They had salt on them. Seemed like it would annoy you.”
“Indeed,” is what he says, willing his tone to be nonchalant or at least neutral. What he wants to say is, do you remember when we were eleven, and you tried the same thing? You ended up getting knocked over by a wave and lost them in the ocean. I was so mad at you, but I still had to hold your hand on the way home so I wouldn’t fall. You didn’t let me trip. Not once.
If he were a braver, bolder, better person, he’d kiss you right now, and see how you taste like salt and sunshine and memories. But he isn’t, so he doesn’t- he lets the Hitachiin twins, who are sneaking up behind you, douse you in water instead. He lets you shriek at them and take chase, threatening to drown them both, breaking the moment and leaving him sitting by the sea alone to remember what was and what might be.
It’s safe to assume that Valentine’s Day is never a dull affair in Music Room 3.  
Everything is decorated with lace and delicate crystal trimmings; the roses are even more bountiful and in every color the human eye can see. The attire is more formal than usual, the cheeks rosier and the lips pinker, and it tends to be the one day when the hosts receive more than give.
Each of their tables is piled high with gifts, cards, baked goods swirled with elaborate frostings. Even though Tamaki keeps insisting that the girls should be the ones receiving sweet nothings, not the hosts, you can tell he’s more than pleased by the growing mound of sentiments slowly dwarfing the other boys’. As it should be, Kyoya supposes.
Honey’s haul is mostly sweets, naturally, and this year Mori also has a surprising armload- apparently one of the only times his admirers hear him speak is when he says ‘thank you’, leading to multiple gifts just so they can hear his voice more than once. Hikaru and Kaoru’s combined mountain looks more like a dragon’s treasure horde than a pile of presents. Haruhi adamantly refused everything until one guest brought her a particularly excellent platter of fish, based on the way she’s been sitting in the corner with her cheeks stuffed for the last twenty minutes.
Kyoya notes all of this with a vague smile, adjusting his calculations and trajectories for the next few months to match the turnout. Valentine’s Day is one holiday he can generally sit out. Sure, there’s a small stack of cards and remember-me’s on the sofa next to him, but his persona as the analytical and aloof host tends to leave him further down in the ranks than the other boys. Which is just fine with him, if he’s being honest- he has manners, but being constantly charming is tiring at best and egregiously aggravating at worst.
“Mother Dearest, it appears you have another card to add to your beautiful collection!” Tamaki flounces over in his wine-colored suit, at least thirty guests in pursuit. “It doesn’t come with a giver, unfortunately- oh! Perhaps you have a secret admireeeeeer!” He wiggles his fingers excitedly and hands over the card with a flourish. “How exciting! A mystery for Valentine’s Day!” His groupies sigh and fan their faces, overcome with the romance and intrigue of it all.
“Thank you, Tamaki,” Kyoya says drily, nimbly plucking the proffered gift from the boy’s fingers. “Please, don’t ignore your guests on my account.”
“I would never! Each and every one of my princesses mean the world to me!” As he and his followers fade back to the other side of the room, Kyoya props his glasses back up on his nose and curiously slides his thumb under the flap of the envelope. It’s a plain white paper, not embellished with hearts or gemstones or ribbon or any of the other garish decorations usually attached to such a thing. The card is similarly simplistic, with only a pencil-sketched heart on the outside and a greeting that reads, “To My Favorite Host.”
Interesting. Perhaps there’s a mystery here after all. He flips it open, not sure what to expect- and immediately has to keep himself from laughing outright. Inside is a crude sketch of two stick figures- one has comically large glasses drawn on its blank face to helpfully distinguish itself as the Kyoya of the pair- and note in chicken scratch: You’re such an asshole, but I guess I love you anyways.
Only one person could be responsible for such a thing. After all, you were never renowned for your artistic talents.  
“I got your… note.”
You don’t look up from the book you’re paging through out in the courtyard underneath a spectacular old tree. The leaves frame you beautifully against the afternoon sky. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Mmm. I found the art particularly museum worthy.”
Now you smile a bit. “Well, you’re a museum worthy sorta guy.”
“Favorite host is quite the compliment.” He’s getting dangerously close to… something; toeing a line he hasn’t touched before, and it’s making his heart race.
“Don’t get too cocky. Mori’s still got like, an eight-pack.”
Kyoya sits beside you, careful to leave several tree roots between you and him. “Why a valentine? I see you every day; you could have just told me yourself.”
“I dunno.” He fixes you with a look, one that says sure, I believe you. You give a halfhearted shrug, shoulder almost brushing Kyoya’s. “I went by the music room. Everyone else had, like, mountains of stuff and I just… felt like you were under-appreciated, that’s all.”
“I see.” A beat passes with nothing but the wind ruffling your hair. “That’s… kind of you.”
Now you do close the gap between the two of you, nudging your knee against his. “You’re welcome, asshole.”
Your laugh, Kyoya thinks, is the best thing he’s ever heard.
You’re draped over the edge of his bed, head towards the floor, giggling wildly to yourself as you mutter an inside joke that only make sense to you. Your cheeks are flushed, and the bottle of alcohol you snuck into Kyoya’s room is sitting a few feet away, half full. He’s had a few sips, but he isn’t much for relinquishing his mental faculties so easily. It’s tempting, though, what with you so lazily tapping his shoulder or nudging his side to get his attention- it’d be so easy to demolish all his carefully crafted walls and drown in you.
But someone has to be the responsible one- and if he’s honest with himself, the thought of you or he regretting what happened in the dead of night come light of day makes him sick to his stomach. So he sits primly against his headboard, the computer on his lap a boulder pinning him to his spot, only glancing at you every so often to make sure you haven’t tumbled off the bed completely, despite your absolutely intoxicating mood coaxing him closer and closer to throwing caution to the wind.
“-and you’re just… you’re just a good person,” you continue, meandering through your thoughts. “Like, seriously. Why do you have to be so amazing. It’s so goddamn annoying.”
He desperately hopes you’re too out of it to notice the reddening of his own cheeks. “I am hardly what anyone would call ‘good.’”
“Lies! Lies. And. Slander.” You emphasize every word with a poke to various parts of his body- his big toe, his elbow, his knee. “Like- okay. What are you working on right now?”
In actuality he’s browsing through the Ootori Group’s latest research and development journals, evaluating their recent findings and sifting the unimportant from the extraordinary. But you’re most likely far too gone to actually understand any of that, so instead he just generalizes: “refining new data from the company.”
“Yeah! You wanna be a fucking doctor, that’s like- that’s amazing!”
Kyoya quirks an eyebrow. “You do realize my entire family is in the medical profession.”
“No, your entire family throws their money at the medical profession.” You wave a finger in the air like a drunk scientist hypothesizing their theories. “There’s a difference.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
“No, listen you jerk!” You haul yourself up and place yourself face-to-face with your best friend, close enough that Kyoya can see the intensity in your eyes. “It’s one thing to pay for shit, it’s another to actually be in the room when someone is having a heart attack and wanting to save their life. You care. More than anyone I know. And that makes you amazing.” You let out a rush of air, the sudden verve in your words having worn you out. “I dunno. Maybe that doesn’t make any sense. Whatever. I’m gonna lay down.” You curl up next to his knee and half heartedly arrange a blanket around your legs before falling asleep.
Meanwhile, Kyoya’s gaze has never left your face. The words may have been spoken by a loose tongue, but anyone could hear the honesty in your voice and see the passion in your eyes. You really think that much of him? Or rather, could you possibly think as much of him as he does of you?
He wishes he could shake you awake and ask you to elaborate. He wishes he could tell you that if he’s amazing, you’re a supernova. He wishes he could get drunk and fall asleep next to you while pressing lazy kisses anywhere he can reach.
His reaches for the bottle, but his fingers barely brush the glass before changing course and clicking off the lamp instead.
God, I hate these things, you think to yourself as you tug on the straps of your dress. You’re not quite sure if you’re referring to the pins sticking your scalp, the uncomfortable formal gown you’re squeezed into, or the entire event in general- actually, it’s most likely all of the above. As much as you love Kyoya and the rest of the boys, you adamantly refuse to attend any of their grand balls. You’re not a fussy person, so the general pompous air of the things always gives you a headache, and you hate wearing dresses anyways. But today you zipped yourself into a slinky black sheath number that’s long enough to hide tennis shoes under the hem, forced your hair into something presentable, and even threw on a little mascara.
Because of Kyoya.
Kyoya, who mentioned in passing that this was the best celebration he’d ever planned, and seemed extremely proud of it to boot. Kyoya, who always grumbles as he slips on his suit, wishing he could spend the night with his charts and figures instead. Kyoya, who always returns to school the next day more stressed than usual, a tight smile plastered on his face as he fends off hordes of fangirls.
The things you do for this boy.
It’s immediately clear when you arrive that you stand out in your ebony gown, a wisp of smoke and night sky amongst a sea of flouncy pastels. Luckily, each of the boys steps up to greet you- a sweet hug from Honey, carefully avoiding wrinkling your dress; good natured teasing from the twins; a particularly extravagant complimentary poem from Tamaki. Eventually you meet Haruhi at the table laden with food, grateful for someone down to earth to laugh with.
After an hour, you’re almost convinced Kyoya finally worked up the nerve to skip the event altogether when there’s a delicate gap on your shoulder. “Would you care for a dance?”
“No,” you say, because that’s what you always say when Kyoya asks you to do something (even if he knows you’ll do it anyways). He smiles and takes your elbow, ignoring the whispers and glares from the other guests- who is she? What makes her so special? Everything, he wishes he could tell them. So many things he it would take him years to count them all.
“I thought you hated these things,” he says when you’re safely tucked in his arms on the dance floor. The fabric of your dress shimmers softly, as though marking you as something uniquely precious amongst all the other attendees.
“I do,” you reply. You’re slowly taking his lead, following the waltz music played by a six-piece orchestra. “But I think you hate them more, so I figured if anything I could help put you out of your misery.”
“Hm. Poisoned boutonnière, perhaps?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of hiding up in the rafters with a blowdart gun.”
Kyoya chuckles, sweeping you along. You’re not a bad dancer, all things considered. “I appreciate the thoughtfulness, though that might be difficult given your choice of attire.”
You grin at him playfully, raising your hem up just enough so he can see your battered old sneakers on your feet. “Nah, I always come prepared.”
It’s such an odd juxtaposition- this beautiful girl in the sinful dress accessorizing with sharpie-covered shoes that are peeling rubber- he can’t help but laugh, a real laugh, perhaps the first one he’s given since the night began. Even out of your element, you still maintain something that is so quintessentially you. He wishes he could tell you how beautiful you look. He wishes he could nudge your sneaker with his dress shoe in a secret invitation to follow him somewhere quiet, to steal small fleeting moments that would make the whole night worth its while.
He thinks about this every time you scuff your feet, hearing the slight squeak of rubber against the polished tile floor.
And the beginning…
“Stop it, Kyoya,” you grit out through a clenched jaw, using all your strength to unfold your friend’s fingers from his bloody palms. His fingernails have dug so far into the skin they’ve left bright red crescent moons dotting his hands. You focus on those, trying to soothe the sting with the fabric of your shirt, because if you look at his face and the tears crawling down his cheeks you’ll start crying too, and that’s not what either of you need right now. “Just talk to me. Please.”
No response. He’s trembling as though there’s a blizzard only he can feel, so you sit him on your bed and wrap him in every blanket you have, leaving his hands free so he can clutch at yours like a lifeline. “Just focus on me, okay? Everything is fine.” You try to keep your voice steady as you murmur anything reassuring you can think of, trying to coax life back into his eyes. You knew his anxiety had gotten worse, but this… this is the most catastrophic yet. You sit cross legged in front of him, so close your knees brush his, and hold onto his fingers for dear life. “Keep breathing. I’m here. It’s all okay.” Please please please come back to me. Come on, Kyoya. Don’t let the demons win.
Slowly, piece by piece, something in him seems to uncoil. His grip lessens just a little, and his breathing becomes audible enough to reassure you he’s still with you. Gently, you put a hand to his forehead, then cheek, testing his temperature. “Hey. You with me?”
Something like a sob escapes his lips, thin and heartbroken. Your own shatters along with it. In an instant you have him in a hug, arms as tight around him as you can possibly manage. Kyoya tucks his head into the crook of your neck, practically collapsing on top of you until you aren’t sure where he stops and you start. He says your name over and over and over again, a hymn only he can hear. You press your lips to his temple just to reassure yourself he hasn’t left you and let him cry; only able to offer comfort in presence and spirit. “Thank you,” he murmurs against your skin, and you hold him tighter.
“I’m always here. You know that.”
He sniffs and wipes away a tear with the heel of his hand, wincing when the salt burns his cuts. “Idiotic. I apologize for… all of this.”
“Stop,” you say firmly. You bring his eyes up to meet yours, so he can see the fire in your gaze. “You have nothing to apologize for. Ever. Okay?”
Kyoya stares back at you, feeling small and worthless against the monsters in his own brain. Every second spent with you banishes them a little farther back into his mind, loosening the vises wrapping his chest and letting him breathe a little easier. It has almost consumed him today, so he ran to the only safe place he knows-  you. And you had held him and wiped his tears and not for a single second judged him for falling apart.
It occurs to him you are one of the few people on earth who see him for who he truly is, and will still hold his hands anyways.
Ever so gently, he presses his lips to yours- soft, tentative, and barely there. It’s a thank you, and offering, and a question all at once. It’s not the grand romantic gestures he’s planned late at night, wanting to sweep you off your feet in a shower of confidence and joy, or even really a conscious decision- it’s instinct, want, and something like bittersweet love.
You blink at him, eyes wide. “Kyoya… I-”
He stills. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, bringing a hand up to press your fingers against his cheekbone. “Don’t ever be sorry,” you say again, and then you kiss him back. You kiss him like it’s all you’ve ever wanted to do; like you’re saying to him what took you so long, you idiot?
He doesn’t know. But he won’t ever make that mistake again. He’ll kiss you every day for as long as he lives to make up for all that lost time, all those late nights and seaside musings and dances with a hand on the small of your back.
When the sun rises, it illuminates a world of a thousand new possibilities.
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Yuki Twelve Hits Rabbit Chat Part 2: Request Hits 1
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for joining, everyone! We'll be accepting requests for Tsunashi-san's RADIO STATION Twelve Hits! here. 
Tsumugi: I'll be your moderator once again. I look forward to chatting with you!
Momo: Thanks for coming, guys~ \(*´∀`)ノ♪
Rinto: Thank you for taking the time to join us.
Kaoru: I knew his partner and manager would start talking before him.
Momo: Yuki's today's star, so I just couldn't wait! I've been waiting to start posting all morning ☆
Rinto: Momo-kun came all the way to our office, even though it's his day off.
Momo: I know I could've chatted just fine from my home, lol But I heard Yuki would be here, too~!
Gaku: Speaking of our star, he still hasn't said anything.
Mitsuki: Yuki-san, are you even in here!?
Yuki: Of course I am
Yuki: I was listening to Momo and Okarin's cute and soothing chatter
Yuki: Thanks for coming ^^
Yamato: You take things way too easy.
Riku: Re:vale's getting along well, as always!
Nagi: It is wonderful to be so close to someone :-)
Tsumugi: We've barely even started, and Re:vale's already displaying their affection..!
Tsumugi: Let's get started with the requests. As always, we'll start with Tamaki-san, the youngest here!
Tamaki: Yup
Tamaki: Yukirin, do an English test
Yuki: Did you have a test at school
Tamaki: Yeah. I got it all wrong
Tamaki: Iorin was super pissed, sighing and complaining about how bad I was
Tamaki: So I'm gonna show him that even adults can't clear that thing!
Yuki: Does this mean Tamaki-kun thinks I'm stupid?
Iori: I stayed late for your supplementary lessons. I think my sighing is more than warranted.
Tamaki: I said you could leave without me
Iori: If I had left, you wouldn't have made it to the recording *angry*
Mitsuki: But Tamaki's wrong answers can be pretty entertaining! Especially during quiz shows and stuff.
Yamato: Come to think of it, just the other day he did a grade school kanji test that asked him to fill in the phrase "strong [ishi]", and he wrote down the kanji for "rock" (lol)
Nagi; Ishi, as in "rock",  and ishi, as in "will"! Japanese homonyms are quite difficult :-(
Tamaki: Rocks are strong too! Since they're all hard!
Momo: That's a great answer, from a variety perspective っ(・∀・)=b
Yuki: I think Tamaki-kun's answer was good, too.
Yuki: It shows how hard-headed he is
Tamaki: Yukiriiiin
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Tenn: Was that supposed to be a pun, Yuki-san?
Sogo: Tamaki-kun, I'll help you study too.
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Tsumugi: Good work with your supplementary lessons, both of you..!
Tsumugi: You're next, Iori-san!
Iori: Mine is for him to try a new musical instrument.
Iori: We all know he's a songwriter, but I also imagine he can play just about any instrument he wants. Perhaps there are fans who would like to see him try his hand at something new and unusual?
Yuki: Hmm. That sounds fun
Yuki: The musical performances you try to do on your show have been popular, too
Momo: But does an instrument you can't already play even exist!?
Yuki: Of course ^^
Ryunosuke: If you want to try something unusual, why not the Okinawan sanshin? It's beginner-friendly, and I'd like to see how fast you can pluck its strings!
Yuki: Is that the instrument that's like a shamisen
Iori: String instruments aren't all the same, but you can play the guitar, so maybe it would be easier to tackle something similar.
Ryunosuke: I bet Okinawan traditional clothing would suit you, too... I could tell you how to wear it!
Yuki: I'd like to try that, but nobody would see it on radio
Ryunosuke: Oh yeah, lol
Riku: As far as string instruments go, a violin would suit him, too!
Mitsuki: It's kinda high class, so it would totally suit him!
Kaoru: How elegant..!
Nagi: We already have someone elegant here :-(
Yamato: Doesn't mean we can't have another one (lol)
Momo: Speaking of elegance, a harp would be good for that, too!
Momo: All the girls in the world are gonna fall in love with him~!
Banri: It would fit him so well that it's kind of funny.
Yuki: Even if my face is a perfect match, I can't play a harp at all
Iori: A harp would certainly be picturesque, but it would be difficult to get one into the recording booth...
Tsumugi: There's so many instruments that would suit you, it's difficult to choose just one..! We can discuss this again later.
Tsumugi: Riku-san, you're next.
Riku: Let me do a palm reading on you!
Riku: I was taught how to do it on a show the other day, and it was pretty fun. After that, I found a palm reading app!
Yuki: You're going to read my palm?
Riku: Yes! Send me a picture of your hand, and I'll have a reading ready by your show!
Yuki: Wow. A fortune-telling idol
Tenn: Riku's always been one to get into weird stuff.
Sogo: Its important for idols to have extra skills. It may be just an app, but it might come in useful later.
Gaku: A palm reading app, huh. That sounds interesting.
Riku: I'll send you the URL later!
Tamaki: But it's not even accurate
Tamaki: I checked it out a while back
Riku: Huh!? Of course it's accurate!
Iori: Didn't your reading say "Cautious and a late bloomer. Too shy to look people in the eye", Yotsuba-san?
Yuki: Could that be any less like him?
Riku: That's just the app talking..!
Mitsuki: It's not really Riku's special skill if the app's doing all the work, lol
Yuki: It might also be fun to see how completely inaccurate my results will be
Yamato: Maybe it'll say something like, "You're considerate and a philanthropist" (lol)
Yuki: I am considerate and a philanthropist, though
Riku: You're very nice, Yuki-san!
Momo: This is turning out just like your request for me to do a psychological test, lololol
Tenn: Riku, maybe you should get rid of a few of those apps. You told me your phone was running slowly, and that's probably why
Riku: Nooo!
Tsumugi: There's so many fun apps out there! I know plenty, myself!
Tsumugi: Kujo-san, may we hear your request?
Tenn: Mine is for you to give an acoustic performance.
Tenn: I'd like to hear it, as I'm sure many of your fans would, too.
Sogo: There's something special about hearing an acoustic performance on the radio. I'll have to record it...
Gaku: The broadcast's pretty close to Christmas Eve, so I bet they'd like a Christmas song.
Yuki: Do you have any requests, Tenn-kun?
Tenn: I'll leave the choice to you. I'll be happy to hear anything, whether it's something old or completely new.
Yuki: You say the cutest things ^^
Tsumugi: It'll be a luxury to hear your acoustic performance..!
Yuki: By the way, was there any song you wanted me to do?
Tsumugi: Huh!? Me..!?
Yuki: I'm asking just for reference
Tsumugi: This is just my opinion, but...
1. As someone mentioned earlier, I think a Christmas song would be nice!
Yuki: It fits Decenmber nicely, and it would definitely set the mood. It'd make the listeners feel special
2. A birthday song, since your birthday is so close!
Yuki: Singing a birthday song for myself? Isn't that a little sad?
3. Why don't you just improvise something?
Yuki: Whatever comes to mind, then. That would feel fun and intimate
Tsumugi: I hope this helps, even a little bit..!
Yuki: Thank you. That helped
Momo: Since it's Tenn's request, it'd be fun if you put how you feel about him into song!
Yuki: How I feel about Tenn-kun...
Yuki: My junior~ Who's always polite and cute~♪
Yuki: But on stage he's also professional and cool~♪
Yuki: He was really happy when I gave him lots of strawberries~♪
Yuki: It made me happy too~♪
Yuki: I want to stuff Tenn-kun full of strawberries~♪
Yuki: Like this?
Momo: That was  great, but I feel like it's lacking something..! I wanna hear about a Tenn only you know..!
Yuki: You're raising the bar pretty high. It's getting me excited
Tenn: Um, you really don't need to go that far.
Tenn: Also, I'd rather not be completely full of strawberries.
Yuki: Even your standoffishness~ Is cute~♪
Tsumugi: As a fan, it'd be very interesting to hear your song about Kujo-san..!
Tsumugi: Nagi-san, you're next!
Nagi: Mine is to show off what you most like about yourself!
Nagi: Japanese people can be very restrained. Why not set an example for them by showing off your best side, Mister Yuki?
Yuki: It's not that I don't like anything about myself, or that I'd have trouble talking about that stuff
Yuki: But if I talked about that, it would make people jealous.
Yuki: Even if I'm just speaking the truth.
Nagi: Mister Yuki... I understand your pain very well. Men envy those of us who are more beautiful than them.
Nagi: But I say: let them envy. Hiding your beauty is a graver sin than displaying it.
Yuki: That feels a lot more impactful, coming from you
Iori: You don't have to only talk about your looks, do you..?
Gaku: Right. If it's something positive about him, couldn't it also be personality-related?
Nagi: OH.
Yuki: I'll think of something.
Tsumugi: I'm really curious to know what part of his face he likes, though..! lol
Tsumugi: Sogo-san, it's time for your request!
Sogo: Right. Mine is to talk about something you pay special mind to while songwriting.
Sogo: You're my senior as both an idol and a songwriter. If you have anything to share on how to tackle making music, I'd be happy to hear it.
Yuki: That's exactly the kind of request I expected from you
Sogo: Ever since this project began, I've know that this is the one thing I'd like to request from you!
Yuki: That long, huh?
Tamaki: You've been sitting on that one for 12 months, So-chan?
Yamato: It's been aged like a fine wine (lol)
Mitsuki: Or a cheese!
Ryunosuke: It must've been really important to you!
Yuki: You could've asked any time we ran into each other.
Sogo: I wouldn't dare..! Your opinion is too important to ask on a random encounter..!
Yuki: It's nothing to get that worked up about
Riku: Sogo-san is frozen in a kneeling position..!
Riku: And on top of the sofa, too!
Sogo: R-Riku-kun, don't tell him...
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Gaku: Why would you kneel on a sofa?
Yuki: Are you in the i7 dorms right now?
Yuki: If you want to know that badly, how about I come over right now and tell you?
Sogo: No, no, no! That's not necessary!
Sogo: I'll be quietly praying in my heart that you'll get my request...
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Yuki: I'll answer even if I don't get it
Yuki: Let's go out for a drink sometime.
Sogo: T-thank you..!
Banri: Sogo-kun, you'll want to avoid drinking or he'll get you into trouble
Yuki: That was ages ago
Tenn: Excuse me. May we take a small break?
Tenn: Gaku's phone isn't doing so good
Ryunosuke: It froze suddenly..!
Ryunosuke: Gaku's swinging it up and down!
Kaoru: It's not a TV you can fix by banging on it...
Tenn: Gaku's too impatient
Tsumugi: Alright! I hope his phone fixes itself...
Tsumugi: Let me know when you can continue!
Ryunosuke: Got it! (lol)
51 notes · View notes
tact-and-impulse · 4 years
At Arm’s Length Chapter 15
Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! Let’s kick off the year of the ox with an appropriately obstinate Kamiya dad.
At last, Koshijiro arrives in Kyoto, where reunions and revelations await! The whole gang’s here! Now that I’ve reworked the plot, we’re actually at the halfway point of the story. I’ll be taking a final exam today too, so I’d appreciate knowing what you think! FF.net / AO3
Chapter 15: Reunion
The train’s steady rocking caused him to nod off once or twice, but the sun, cresting over the horizon, kept him awake for good. The sky changed colors, from light purple to intense orange to gentle blue. As he watched, he massaged the back of his neck. It had taken a while to settle in his futon last night, and his muscles were somewhat sore.
Takani had been lightly dozing, and she stirred when the light poured in through the window. She yawned, covering her mouth with one hand. “Did you not sleep, Kamiya-san?”
“On and off. We still have some time before we arrive.”
“Oh, I can’t anymore. I should be ready to work once we disembark.”
“I did hear Sagara-san might have done something that will upset you.”
She clicked her tongue. “Typical!” After a moment, she asked. “Did you hear anything else?”
Mixed feelings. “Nothing medical.”
Her lips pursed in suspicion. “Anything that would upset you?”
“I have no reason to be upset.”
“Hmm. Your arm’s length rule is funny.” She remarked. “But otherwise, I’ve noticed Kaoru has a lot of freedom in her life.”
“I’m her father but she is her own person. Above all, I trust her and she knows if I don’t like something, I will be honest.”
She gave a bittersweet smile. “You and my father would have gotten along. He was very progressive, like the rest of our clan. Men and women alike were encouraged to study medicine. My father was direct too, he always believed patients deserved the truth. I forgot that, over the years.”
“I think your father would be happy that you’re in a better place now, doing good work.”
She did not reply to that, turning her face slightly away. “I’ve been thinking of going back to Aizu.” She slowly said. “Not right now, it hasn’t been finalized, but I am looking for a job there.”
“Do you miss your home?”
“A little, yes.” She hesitated. “I want to search for my mother and brothers. I know it’s probably unlikely they survived, it’s been a decade. However, Dr. Gensai told me about what happened to you and how you turned out to be alive. So…”
“I understand. Would you like me to help? I can send a message to the department there and see if they have any information.”
“Would you?!” Her eyes widened before she forced herself to be composed. She interlaced her trembling fingers. “I…I would be very grateful.”
“It’s no problem. I should have done so earlier. Although I must warn you, it might not be good news.”
Her expression was wry. “I’m a doctor. I’m used to bad news and I’d rather know for certain.”
He nodded. “Yes, that’s true. Can you give me any information?”
She opened one of her books, flipping to a blank section and writing in earnest. “My mother. My oldest brother, and my second older brother. I can give you their dates of birth, and here is our former address. They disappeared, during a fire at Wakamatsu Castle. Do you need anything else?”
“It should be enough to start with. Don’t tear out the pages now, I’ll investigate when we return to Tokyo. Just in case I forget, please remind me.”
“I will. Thank you, Kamiya-san.” Her hair fell forward as she bowed at the waist. When she was upright again, she discreetly wiped at her eyes and Koshijiro pretended not to notice. Outside, the landscape blurred past in shades of green.
When their last train slowed to a hissing halt, it was already mid-morning. Asking for directions, they made their way to the Aoiya. The streets slowly revealed destruction, fallen debris littered about and scorch marks upon walls. Then, there were wooden support beams propping up buildings, and round pits in the streets. Koshijiro stopped. What was supposed to be their destination was half destroyed.
“Hey! You got here fast!” Yahiko approached them, rigidly waving. Bandages wound around his head and disappeared down his neck. He was keeping his torso straight; he must have suffered an injury.
“It’s good to see you.” Koshijiro reached out to steady his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He grinned. “The Aoiya is worse off.”
“That’s certainly true. Where is everyone else?”
“At the Shirobeko. Uh…” His expression became serious. “Sano’s okay but Kenshin was hurt really bad. Some doctors were brought in last night, but they haven’t left yet.”
That caught Takani’s attention and they followed him to the restaurant. “I thought Kaoru said you were all safe! And you should be resting!” She said indignantly.
“Well, we are safe, we’re not getting attacked. And um, I wrote the telegram. Kaoru hasn’t left Kenshin’s bedside, so she told me to send a message. We figured you both would be here soon, no matter what I’d say, so I just tried to keep it short. Those things are expensive! By the way, how did you make it in one day? Last time, it took three to get to Kyoto.”
Koshijiro provided the explanation. “There was a fight between two gangs, and I was compensated for additional interrogations and paperwork in the aftermath. I was able to pay for the extra expense to take the new railroad route from Yokohama to Kobe. It was luck that we met at the Aoiya.”
“Yeah, I was tired of lying around. I volunteered to get some info, so they can start rebuilding.”
Takani wasn’t pleased. “I’ll examine you later, and I’ll have a word with whoever let you go.”
Fortunately, the Shirobeko was no worse for the wear and after greeting Sae, they walked to the second floor. One room was bustling with activity; Takani rolled up her sleeves and joined the fray, introducing herself as Himura’s doctor from Tokyo. The door closed behind her, and although Koshijiro strained to look, he was unable to see past the huddled group to find any trace of his daughter or Himura. He considered going in but couldn’t think of how he could help. It was best to leave the professionals to their work and Yahiko led him back down the stairs, to find a quiet spot in the yard.
“Do you wanna know what happened?” The boy was eager to divulge the battle in Kyoto. It was a long one, full of action and daring feats. “I took down this guy with wings!”
Some parts were difficult to swallow at first, but he trusted Yahiko. He tended to exaggerate, but he was honest. After his initial fight with Shishio’s second, Kenshin had received a new sakabato from the son of the original swordsmith. This was technically crafted with the first, and it had been the version given to the gods. Now, it would do well in Himura’s hands. Shishio’s naval attack had been thwarted by Himura, Saito, and Sagara; the city was defended by the others, along with the numerous policemen. Yahiko had picked up one of Himura’s moves and used it to claim victory over his opponent.
“You figured it out from watching him?”
“Yeah, but I had to practice in secret, since it’s not Kamiya Kasshin. Kaoru knows now, though.”
“I’m impressed. You’ve become an excellent student, just within this year.”
“Thanks. I want to get stronger, to fight with everyone.” He gave a toothy smile. He had matured a little since Koshijiro had last seen him. “Kaoru also took down one of Shishio’s gang. Her shinai broke, but she kept fighting and won!”
“Did she? I’d like to tell her she did a good job.” He glanced up at the building. He hoped she was alright, as was Himura.
“She wasn’t hurt too bad, and Kenshin will make it. They’ll be okay, Kamiya-san.” Yahiko was very certain of this, or perhaps, he was trying to convince himself too. “And then, Kenshin and Sano-”
“Someone say my name?” At the familiar voice, they turned. Sagara was in even worse shape than Yahiko, with twice as many bandages and his face badly bruised. His right hand was rendered immobile in a sling, and his left fingers were wrapped up as they lifted in greeting. If this was ‘okay’ in Yahiko’s mind, what condition was Himura in? “Hey, old man.”
“Sagara-san, how are you?”
“Still kicking.” He grinned. “Fox is here too?”
“She’s upstairs with the other doctors.”
“Right.” His good humor evaporated, and he trudged over, exhaling loudly as he sat on the back steps. “Kenshin’ll be fine, he definitely will. Now that the fox is helping out, he’s in better hands. Anyway, what were you talking about?”
“I was telling him about our fights!” Yahiko supplied. “But I didn’t mention your new punching technique yet.”
“Leave that to me.” He spun a tale of wandering in the forest, which led to a fateful instructive meeting with a monk. The new technique was essentially a double punch, resulting in increased destructive force. Unbeknownst to Sagara at the time, his teacher was one of Shishio’s comrades. It made for a bittersweet duel in the final battle, and the monk, Anji, had willingly turned himself in.
One by one, the rest of the Ten Swords fell, either in Kyoto or defending their leader, and Shinomori had settled his grudge with Himura in their own match. The story reached its climax with a four-way fight against Shishio. It had been vicious, with Himura using the succession technique of Hiten Mitsurugi, and ended with the other man succumbing to his burns in the prolonged battle. Even after sacrificing his lover, Shishio had died laughing in an inferno.
By the time the story reached its end, it was lunchtime. Sae urged them inside, and as they sat down, Koshijiro realized that there was someone he hadn’t seen yet. He glanced around, craning his head. No sign of him at all, not even a hint of cigarette smoke.
“Where is the assistant chief inspector?”
Neither of them responded at first, exchanging glances. Yahiko stalled. “Uh…”
“We don’t know.” Sagara said. “Last time I saw him, it was after Shishio went up in flames. Saito just walked back in, but I don’t think he died!”
Koshijiro didn’t believe so either, but he wondered what he was going to tell Tokio. “It’s possible he had some work to finish, for whatever the Minister wanted him to accomplish. If he hasn’t returned by tomorrow, we can try to look for him.”
“Yeah, I’ll lead the way. Sounds like a plan, old man.”
The atmosphere remained tense, and Koshijiro was unable to savor much of his meal, though he encouraged the boys to eat and recover their strength. After the dishes were cleared away, he intended for a short stroll outside.
The strong aroma of sake was the first thing he noticed. Leaning against the restaurant’s wall, a tall man was drinking out of a jug. His coat was draped over his shoulders, his long hair in disarray. He wiped his mouth, and his dark gaze landed on Koshijiro.
“So, my idiot apprentice has more people from Tokyo to visit?”
Koshijiro politely ignored the modifier. “Your apprentice?”
“Yes, the idiot who hasn’t woken up yet.” He briefly jerked his head towards the building.
“I’m afraid Himura-san is still unconscious.”
“Hm.” He took another pull, the liquid sloshing. “How do you know him?”
“Himura-san has been living with us. I’m Kamiya Koshijiro.”
“Ah. You’re the tanuki girl’s father.”
“...tanuki girl?”
“The kenjutsu master, who my idiot apprentice is besotted with.” He lifted his hand to his chin, with a smug smile. “Her face reminds me of a tanuki.”
Koshijiro was at a loss to interpret any of that.
“Anyway,” The stranger continued. “I am Hiko Seijuro, the Thirteenth Master of Hiten Mitsurugi. And as it seems, most likely the last.”
“He isn’t dead.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
Kaoru’s letters had not described him in great detail, but Himura’s teacher really was an strange person. Assuming he’d only obtain more questions than answers, Koshijiro opted for another subject. “I heard that you helped protect the city. Thank you for your effort.”
“I only came since it was a request.” His eyes darted to the upper floor again. “I had to get supplies anyway, they still haven’t been delivered yet. Speaking of which…” Abruptly, he straightened and corked his jug.
“Do you need any help?”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle on my own. How’d you lose the arm?”
What a blunt question! Even Hayashi’s son was more tactful, and at least, he had the excuse of childhood innocence. “…Satsuma.” He left it ambiguous to whether it was last year or during the Bakumatsu.
“Hm. This is why I stay out of politics.” Before Koshijiro could respond, he was already stepping out of the alley. Hand lifting in farewell, Hiko walked into the main street without even swaying. The entire encounter had left Koshijiro feeling off-balance, not helped by the overt smell of liquor, and he made his way in the opposite direction.
The other swordsman was still gone when he returned, though something was clearly different within the Shirobeko. Sagara had dozed off and Yahiko had acquired an inkbrush, which was paused in midair between them.
“This…this isn’t what it looks like!” He protested.
Koshijiro suppressed a sigh. “Is it a message you can’t put down on paper?”
“Well, he has ‘evil’ on his back, so I thought he’d like it on his sling too.”
“Let’s ask him when he wakes up. For now, you can practice.”
They must have been too loud, because Sagara snorted and lifted his head. “What’s going on?” Upon Yahiko’s admission, he readily agreed to the addition. “Hell yeah, you can. Thanks!”
“Sure, I’ll start right now!” He aimed for the white cloth.
“Wait a second. Do you know how to write the character?”
“I’ve seen it so many times.”
“Seeing is not the same as practicing.” Koshijiro added. “It’s the same with kenjutsu.”
“You’re right, old man.” Sagara took his side. “Come on, Yahiko, get some paper.”
Grudgingly, the younger boy began to draft his rendition of ‘evil’. Sae approached with a fresh pot of tea and rice crackers, inquiring about her sister and the Tokyo branch. The conversation was a good distraction for a number of minutes.
At last, footsteps echoed from upstairs; the doctors were leaving. Their expressions were not grim, but not totally satisfied either. After they filed out, he heard her voice first.
“Thank you again, Megumi.”
“We’re far from finished. It’ll be a long road of recovery ahead, and he has a very high risk of infection. If it weren’t for the full hospital beds, I would have transferred him to the closest one. The next few days will be critical.” Takani warned, as she descended to the lower floor.
And then, there was Kaoru, following behind her. “I know. I just wish there was more I could do.”
“You’ve done well until now, and unless I call you again, your presence is enough.” The doctor briskly nodded, and then in the direction of Koshijiro. “I’m sure your father will agree.”
Immediately, her face lit up. “Otou-san!” She rushed over to embrace him, and he held her tight. It felt like it had been years since he had last seen her. “I’m happy you’re here!”
“So am I. You look tired, Kaoru.”
“I’m fine.” She argued. There were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her hair was mussed. He laid the back of his hand against her forehead. She wasn’t feverish but she obviously needed rest. Grumbling, she did her best to glare at him. “Geez, I said I was fine.”
“I heard you, I only wanted to be certain. It’s been six weeks.”
She smiled. “Otou-san, you were lonely, weren’t you?”
He deliberately cleared his throat. “We’ve just finished lunch, but I can order anything you’d like.” She had supposedly eaten a late breakfast and claimed not to be hungry, but she sat down with relief. When Koshijiro pushed the rice crackers toward her, she did grab a handful.
“Ken-san has been stabilized, and two of the Oniwabanshuu are watching him in the meantime. I don’t know when he’ll wake up.” Takani informed them as she took a seat. “I will not lie, his condition is serious and we’re treating it as such. We’ll keep a close eye.”
“Thanks for letting us know. Drink up, you deserve it.” Sagara nodded at the teapot.
“Oh? I won’t refuse-what?” Her gaze had followed his sling and she gave a cry of horror upon noticing his right hand. “What did you do?!”
“Sorry.” He said without a trace of regret. “I learned something new.”
“Being foolish isn’t exactly new for you, rooster head.”
As they sniped back and forth, Kaoru exclaimed. “I almost forgot! Misao should be finished soon with her recon, and she wanted an update. She said she’ll be going through the back.” With that, she stood and hurried through the dining area.
Koshijiro followed suit, and by the time he caught up, his daughter was greeting another girl around her age. She was shorter, her hair in a long braid, and her garb was designed for maximum mobility. She had a familiar face…recognition struck him.
“Otou-san, this is Makimachi Misao.”
“Nice to meet you!” She bowed in greeting, and he certainly remembered that cheeky voice.
“Thank you for hosting my daughter and her friends. But I believe we’ve met before, in Tokyo.” He said meaningfully.
A beat followed, as the girl scrutinized him. Then, her jaw dropped. “Oh. Ohhh. I did, uh, borrow your wallet.”
“Misao!” Kaoru was appalled. “You were the girl who stole from Otou-san?”
“I didn’t know, and I was running low on cash! Sorry!” She held up her hands, palm to palm in apology.
“It’s alright. I believe you’ve fully repaid with your hospitality. Although, it would be wise to refrain from stealing again.”
“For sure, I don’t need to anymore. I’m home again, and so is Aoshi-sama.” At this, her smile dropped. “Physically at least.”
“Are you speaking of Shinomori-san?” The last time Koshijiro had seen that man in person, he had broken into the dojo. He had followed a meandering path since then, but he must have changed for the better.
“Yeah…he’s been hurt too, but he doesn’t talk at all. It’s the emotional pain, I think.”
“That takes time, even longer than the physical.”
“I guess.” She gave a heavy sigh disproportionate to her petite frame.
Kaoru clasped her shoulder. “Misao, why don’t we get Megumi and my father settled in?”
“True, that’s something we can do. It’ll keep our minds off worrying about the men we love.” With renewed purpose, she bounded into the restaurant.
He gave his daughter a very pointed look. “And what exactly did she mean by that?”
Kaoru furiously blushed. “Otou-san, let’s talk later, okay?” And then, she rushed after Makimachi.
So far, people here had been hinting at something, but now this! This response was entirely unfamiliar, and he felt like his feet had been kicked out from under him. What on earth had happened while they were in Kyoto…?!
Somehow, he processed that he was assigned to the same room as Sagara and Yahiko, while Takani would join the girls. Space was cramped, but they had to make do. While his futon was set up, Kaoru had slipped into Himura’s room again, to his frustration. Later, indeed.
Makimachi introduced him to the rest of the Oniwabanshuu, four young men and women with variable injuries but equally bright smiles. They referred to her as their leader, which caused her to turn crimson. “That’s me, the Okashira. Haha!”
Her reaction was odd, and Koshijiro inquired. “Did you not want the position?”
“No, I do. That’s why I took it, when Aoshi-sama…well, he wasn’t in his right mind and I stepped in. But I’m still not used to it yet. But don’t think I’ll quit! I’ll embrace this responsibility, and lead the Oniwabanshuu into a new era!”
A new voice entered the conversation. “Well said, Misao!” Walking up to them, an older man stroked his gray beard. His bandaged shoulder concealed wounds of his own; this must have been Okina. “That determination is exactly what we need. And is this another of Himura-san’s friends?” After the usual pleasantries, he added. “Himura-san mentioned you.”
“Did he?”
“He said you were our trusted ally for the second line of defense in Tokyo, if we happened to fail here.”
Koshijiro glanced back at the too-quiet room. “I’m glad it didn’t have to come to that.”
“I feel the same way.” He smiled kindly. “Have faith in him, Kamiya-san. I was also on the precipice and I pulled through, even at my age. Himura-san will wake when he’s ready.”
Okina then spoke to Makimachi, of what seemed to be innocent errands but the deliberate phrasing made Koshijiro suspect it was code for internal matters. It was clear that he was nudging her into her role, presenting the decisions suitable for a leader to resolve; she was initially nervous but stood her ground. At the end, he was satisfied with her choices and she seemed bolstered. Saying that he’d see them around, the spy left to fulfill his duties.
Makimachi gave another heavy sigh. “Now, what to do, about Aoshi-sama. Oh! Maybe, he’d talk to you. Could you try?”
“I only met him briefly, and you know him best. At the moment, I believe he needs space.” Koshijiro then suggested. “You could write notes to him. My wife and daughter did so, when I was struggling in the past.”
“Notes, huh. That’s a pretty great idea, I can slide them into his room.” She beamed. “Thanks, Kamiya-san! I think I saw the ink and paper downstairs.”
As she grabbed the materials and ran, he remained in the dining area. Sagara and Yahiko were passing the time, playing a game of Go.
“How is he?” Sagara spoke out of the corner of his mouth, as he moved to capture a few white stones.
“Nothing new, as of yet.”
“But Kenshin is the strongest in Japan.” Yahiko insisted. “And he got some of Megumi’s medicine we brought, so that should help.”
“Did Kaoru give it to him?”
“Yeah, while they were talking on the rooftop.”
“Talking on the rooftop?” Koshijiro repeated, and the boy immediately clamped a hand over his mouth. “Why were they there?”
“Er…um…” His eyes were roving about. “They were sitting next to each other and talking really quietly, so it seemed serious. Like, they were gonna kiss or something…”
“Come to think of it,” Sagara mused as he rolled a black stone between his left fingers. “Kenshin said something weird while we were in Shishio’s base. He thought he heard Jou-chan’s voice, and he felt better even if he only imagined it.”
“And she was crying a lot when we came back, saying ‘please don’t die, Kenshin, stay with me’.” His voice hit a terribly executed falsetto. “She wouldn’t let go of his hand until the doctors came. Ah, oops. Sorry, old man, maybe you shouldn’t have-”
But he was already walking away. Before dinner began, he intended to have that conversation with Kaoru. She wasn’t in the girls’ room, only Takani was. She was in the middle of combing her hair and anticipated what he would ask.
“Are you looking for Kaoru? She’s still in his room.” She coolly said.
“Thank you, Takani-san.” He paused. “And thank you for your work today.”
“That’s what I can do for him. Apparently, Kaoru really helped overnight as well.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a fairly new practice in Japan. When someone loses blood, they can receive more from another person, but there are limitations and it can be dangerous. We’re still figuring it out. However, some people can give blood without fear of hurting someone. Kaoru is one of those people, she said she found out last year. With how much he’d already lost, there was no time to test Ken-san, so it was good to know that about her. Ken-san couldn’t have been stabilized so quickly if she wasn’t here.”
He considered this new information. “I didn’t know. Did you give him any blood as well?”
“I’m not in the same category as Kaoru. So, my expertise is all I can do for him.” Recognizing the double meaning of her own words, her rouged mouth twisted and she resumed pulling the comb through. It was best to leave her alone.
The door was slightly ajar, and he peered inside. Himura was covered up to his chin by blankets. Kaoru knelt at his side, and there was a severely torn gi in her lap, the needle jutting out of the fabric. Her expression was brimming with concern as she looked over him.
She jerked her head towards him. “Otou-san? You can come in.”
He did, properly closing the door behind. He sat next to her, watching Himura’s slow, even breathing. “Any change?”
“No, he hasn’t woken up yet.” She undid a stitch, creating a tighter one in its place. “It’s hard to wait.”
“I know, Kaoru. It’s difficult, but he’s healthy and resilient.”
She didn’t respond at first, her throat working. “When they came back, the moon was rising. Behind them, there was a trail of blood. His blood. He couldn’t walk on his own, or raise his head. He was cold. And when the doctors were closing his wounds, he didn’t even react. Shishio bit into his shoulder, close to where the vessels were. I’m so scared for him.”
“However, you should take care of yourself as well. Overly worrying will not do you or him any good.” He gently reminded her.
“Yeah, but I can’t help it. Okaa-san died in her sleep too…” Her voice diminished as she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hand.
At the memory, Koshijiro’s chest tightened. Without speaking, he lifted the blanket enough to find Himura’s hand. A few scrapes were already scabbed over, and his nails had been cut and cleaned. He placed two fingertips upon the sleeping man’s pulse. Rapid, but not abnormally so, given that his body was working hard to heal. “At the moment, he’s not in immediate danger. I heard he received some of your blood?”
She clasped the inner part of her left elbow, where it must have been taken from. “I did. While you were gone, the hospital was paying people for samples, that it could help in emergencies. It was after the students left, so I signed up. I was told that I have good blood, I can restore almost anyone.”
“Well, I expect nothing less from my daughter. You’ve done excellent work, from fighting off Kyoto’s attackers to giving your own life force to Himura-san. I’m very proud of you.”
Her smile was strained. “But he’s still fighting. Otou-san, I don’t want to lose him. We have to return to Tokyo together.” She was on the verge of tears, and he held her shoulder.
Waiting until she was calmer, he quietly broached the question. “Do you love him?”
“I…” She took a deep breath. “Misao’s been in love with Shinomori-san since she was very young. I only met Kenshin at the beginning of the year, but…I really care about him. After we were finished here, all I could wonder about was whether he was safe. I want him to be happy, and even though he carries his past regrets, I want to help him. I may not understand all of it, but if I can make him smile, that's enough for me.” She looked at Himura with an emotion Koshijiro had seen before but not from her. It had been in Kyoko’s face, when he read aloud to her while she was ill. It was longing, tenderness, a deep and unwavering love.
Oh. She really did love him. Not that he was completely surprised, but her confession made it definitive.
However, Himura had not declared his intentions at all. Towards Kaoru, what did he feel? Was it equal to her own for him? He had said goodbye only to her, but what if that had no deeper meaning? And what were the mixed feelings he had spoken of, when they reunited? There was still room for doubt, and thus, still a possibility for Kaoru to be hurt. Right now, Himura’s health was the priority, but after he recovered, there had to be a conversation. Until then, if she wasn’t directly assisting him, keeping the two of them apart at arm’s length was the best course of action. If Himura really did care for his daughter, he would be respectful, and at the very least, begin a courtship. If not…the distance would protect her. Even if she was an adult, Kaoru would always be his little girl. She deserved to be loved in return for what she gave, and anyone who treated her badly would earn his eternal resentment.
“Kaoru, when-” A rustle of movement interrupted him, as very slowly, Himura opened his eyes.
She set aside her sewing, drawing close to him. “Kenshin?”
He lifted his gaze, and his mouth formed a small smile in recognition. Almost too quietly to hear, he murmured. “Kaoru…dono.”
“I’m here, Kenshin. You’re safe at the Shirobeko. I’m glad you’re awake. Thank goodness…” She wiped away her tears of relief.
Urgently, Koshijiro stepped out, calling for Takani, who immediately rushed over. Unfortunately, he was already drifting back to sleep by the time she arrived, but she seemed reassured by the development. Sagara and Yahiko, panting from running upstairs, were disappointed that they hadn’t witnessed the moment. From below, someone complained of scattered Go pieces on the floor.
During the night, they took turns watching him, settled by a tournament of janken. With a win and a loss, Koshijiro was dealt one of the middle shifts. Through his two hours, Himura didn’t stir at all. If he was dreaming, it was hopefully good.
At dawn, he went with Sagara to look for their missing ally. They searched the shoreline, where the ship had sunk, and followed the trail to the rebels’ base, which Shishio’s remaining lackeys had fled. He spoke to the Kyoto police, who were making arrests, but no one had spotted the man nor his katana. It was altogether strange.
“Well, there hasn’t been a corpse.” Sagara pointed out. “But what was he thinking? There’s gotta be a reason that he went off alone.” He continued down the path, grumbling to himself.
Aloud, Koshijiro said. “Even wolves hunt better in packs. Isn’t that why I was given responsibilities in Tokyo?” The whistling wind was his only response.
When they returned, Yahiko shared that Himura was able to stay awake long enough for breakfast. Sagara barged in first, cheering to the point where Takani admonished him for being disruptive. She dragged him out by the ear, remarking that his dressings needed to be changed.
Koshijiro saw Himura uncovered for the first time. In the daylight, Himura was startlingly frail. He must have pushed his body beyond its limits, to defeat Shishio. Both of his shoulders were wrapped, the fabric crossing his abdomen. Another wound was at his right flank. Propped up on pillows, he was being spooned broth. By Kaoru.
He felt a twitch in his forehead. “Hello, Himura-san. I see that you are looking better.”
“Hello…Kamiya-dono.” His voice was slightly uneven.
Kaoru fed him another mouthful. “Let me know if you want your tea.”
Himura gave the barest nod, and even that required visible effort.
“The last time we met, it was before you left for Kioisaka.” Koshijiro said, sitting by the door. “I know you did not want to initially leave, but thank you for preserving this country’s peace. I am very glad that you survived, and that you did not have to break your vow.”
“So is this one.” He breathed out. “But this one came close, only once.”
Kaoru had evidently not heard this, because she lowered the bowl. “Kenshin?”
He spoke slowly, hesitantly. “It was after the first sakabato broke, and this one went to find the original smith. He had passed away, and his son was no longer crafting swords, to live quietly with his family. Then, one of the Ten Swords took their infant hostage. This one was given the only katana remaining, in order to save the child.”
Koshijiro frowned. Balancing the vow not to kill against the life of a baby? What kind of person would impose this choice upon Himura? “What did you decide?”
“This one used the scabbard to strike the enemy, and as he went down, this one saw that the sword was a sakabato after all.”
“So, that’s what happened.” Kaoru softly said.
“However, for a moment, this one considered drawing anyway.” His tone was serious; the memory weighed heavily on him. “In that second, it didn’t matter what kind of sword it was. But this one remembered something. The night when Jin-e kidnapped Kaoru-dono. The answer she gave this one, when her life was in danger. To not give in, even when it is tempting. To remember that life should be protected. So this one changed tactics. This one’s first thought was suited for Hiten Mitsurugi, but the issue was settled by Kamiya Kasshin.”
Himura had saved the child, while the principle of ‘the sword that protects life’ had saved him in turn. Since the beginning, he had taken the school’s message seriously, yet this was the first time he explicitly had it in mind during a fight. He was not only wielding a reverse-bladed sword, but the foremost lesson of Kamiya Kasshin as well. It was a subtle change, and Koshijiro approved, with an upwelling of pride and satisfaction.
Kaoru had recognized the significance as well, eyes wide and unconsciously leaning towards Himura. Her voice was hopeful. “Kenshin, you were thinking of Kamiya Kasshin?”
“This one did say that he preferred your vision.” And he smiled at her, a true one that reached his gaze.
Koshijiro realized that this was probably what Yahiko had seen on the rooftop. This closeness, like a magnetic draw to each other, even if they weren’t touching. Before he could remind them of his presence, another voice floated overhead.
“Finally, my idiot apprentice is awake.” Hiko was standing at the threshold, expression impassive.
Himura blinked. “You were here, Shishou?”
“Of course. It took me far too long, because you didn’t tell me the location of a place called the Aoiya.”
To Koshijiro’s surprise, Himura seemed annoyed. “This one believed you would ask.”
“Did you think any of these people would stop and provide directions, while the city was under attack?”
“If you did not know where it was, you could have said that, when this one first told you.”
“Both of you, stop it!” Kaoru interjected, lifting the spoon to Himura’s mouth. “Hiko-san, don’t pester him. Kenshin, you should take it easy. Everyone’s okay, so no more arguing. Understood?”
Reluctantly, they both nodded. A tentative stalemate. The silence was only disrupted by Himura’s sips.
She gave him the last of the broth, then half his tea to wash it down. She was about to stand, but Himura’s free fingers pinched her sleeve, keeping her close. “Thank you, Kaoru-dono.”
“You’re welcome, Kenshin.” She smiled down at him. There was no sign she was resuming her previous action.
“Arm’s length.” Koshijiro said, out of habit, only to remember that Hiko was standing right there.
The man erupted into loud, malicious laughter. “Is that how you’re living, baka deshi? At arm’s length?”
Himura actually scowled. “Shishou…”
“I’ve heard of horrific mothers-in-law, but you? You have a strict father-in-law.”
“Father-in-law?!” Koshijiro and Kaoru exclaimed simultaneously.
“W-what?” She stammered. “That’s not how it is! Otou-san doesn’t act like a…that would mean…”
Himura’s face was a shade close to his loose hair, and his jaw clenched. “Remind this one why you are still here, and not at the mountain.”
“My supplies are taking too long.”
“Yes, they are. Your demands must have been overwhelming.”
This was a different side of Himura, more like the young man he really was. Koshijiro thought it was refreshing, and honestly, his master was insufferable. Tired after finishing his meal, Himura’s eyelids started to fall. Kaoru ushered the men out to leave him be, though she didn’t linger either, stepping out moments later and taking his tray to the kitchen.
With nothing else to do, Hiko leisurely headed downstairs. “Will he be going to Tokyo with you?”
Koshijiro replied. “That is the plan, unless he expresses otherwise.”
“I doubt he will. I’d never seen my idiot apprentice at a loss for words, until your daughter walked into my house.”
“Didn’t he say he had mixed feelings?”
“Ah, so you’ve heard. Half anger and half relief, that’s what he said.”
Anger, presumably that she had followed him when he had willingly gone on this mission. But relief…he had been relieved to see her face. Neither of those emotions, however, were indicative of romantic love.
“But while he’s here,” Hiko continued. “I’ll make up for lost time. It’s entertaining to watch you put him in check. To think, after all these years, the idiot would actually listen to someone and it’s an overbearing tanuki father who just lost his arm.”
“I did not tell you when that happened.”
“No, but it’s in your bearing. You’re awkward, you haven’t entirely adjusted. You still believe you’re inadequate, and that burden is heavier than this coat. Well? What have you done to correct that?”
He really didn’t like this man. He retorted. “At the very least, I wasn’t drinking myself into a stupor out of worry.”
Hiko whipped around, coat flaring and eyes narrowed. Koshijiro refused to flinch.
Then, the so-called Thirteenth Master showed his gritted teeth. “It wasn’t out of worry. Sake is good at any time of the day, as long as there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“And I am content enough to be alive, with or without my left arm.”
“So, if neither of us have complaints, then we have nothing more to speak of. Tell my idiot apprentice I haven’t finished my supply run.” Abruptly, he marched on, striding out of the Shirobeko.
With his frustration boiling over, Koshijiro took the opportunity to begin repacking. He could handle his belongings perfectly fine. And he hated that Hiko’s observation had genuinely disturbed him. When the boys had described the battles, he had been thinking as well, of strategy and how he would have acted. But he had to rework every move, to account for his current state. The one-handed variant of Kamiya Kasshin was in development, and even though he had tested it, his opponent had been unskilled. With how he was now, he wouldn’t have been able to protect anyone in Kyoto, and his own responsibilities had their importance. But seeing everyone’s injuries had stung the swordsman in him. Once he was in the dojo, he’d have to continue his progress.
Kaoru must have heard the noise, because she knocked. Looking around the room, she asked. “You’re going home today?”
“I am. I have work tomorrow.” He turned to her. “Do you want to return with me?”
Immediately, she shook her head. “Kenshin can’t travel yet, and I don’t want to leave him. Or everyone else.”
Sagara and Yahiko were not ready either; Takani intended to continue her care of all of them during the week. On a positive note, Kaoru also enjoyed Makimachi’s company. The younger girl was boisterous and trained in martial arts, so it was no wonder they had become fast friends. “It’s alright if you stay.”
“Yes. After all, I’ll be back next weekend.”
She blinked. “Huh?! I mean, Otou-san, you don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do. Who else will enforce the arm’s length rule?”
“Geez, Otou-san! It’s still in place, even when Kenshin’s hurt?”
“Helping him is an exception. If nothing inappropriate will happen, then there is no issue.”
“I shouldn’t have told you anything.” She grumbled.
He gave a leveling stare. “Kaoru. You don’t mean that.”
“No.” With an exhale, she crossed her arms. “You’re just being really picky about this.”
He sensed that if he unveiled his full reasoning, particularly the possibility that Himura did not care for her in the way she most desired, she would be incredibly upset. Instead, he said. “As a young man and woman, this ensures that you’ll be mindful of how you act around each other. It seems that’s slipped in the past weeks.”
“So we should talk behind folding screens?” As if she hadn’t poked holes through rice paper when she was younger.
He ignored the sarcasm. “If your feelings are true, they will endure. Unless you become formally engaged, the rule will remain.” Wait. Damn it. Damn Hiko for mentioning the word ‘father-in-law’.
Kaoru was bright red. “…Alright.”
“I’m not saying that I expect an engagement or that if there was such a thing, you would be free to do whatever you like.” He hastily added. “It was a hypothetical example.”
Acutely aware he was digging a deeper hole, he excused himself to say goodbye to the others. Makimachi was in the hallway, lightly humming and glancing up from her ink-covered sheet of parchment.
“Are you leaving already, Kamiya-san? The rest of the Oniwabanshuu are out on tasks, so that’s too bad.”
“Give them my regards, although I’ll be here again in six days.”
“Oh, great! I followed your advice, by the way. Would you like to say anything to Aoshi-sama?”
“Only that I wish he recovers and despite a rough start, I appreciated his aid in this.”
“You got it!” She finished her note with a flourish and turned to the nearest door, cracking it open. She pushed the paper inside, and it fluttered to the tatami. A glimpse showed that Shinomori was in a meditating position, his rigid back towards them. She closed the door with forced cheer; she definitely had an uphill battle, but kindness always won out in the end.
Takani was mixing medicine, though she asked him to let Dr. Gensai know she would be staying. “And here are the pages.” She carefully tore them out of her book.
“It may take time, but I will do the best I can from my end.”
“Thank you, Kamiya-san.” She returned to her work, still melancholy but a little less than before.
Yahiko was next, and he handed off a folded square of paper. “It’s for Tsubame, I said I’d write to her after we won. Don’t read it!”
“I have no intention of doing so.” He gravely answered. Sae also approached with her own message to her twin, which he promised he would deliver. He reiterated his gratitude to her and the staff, and that he was sorry to impose upon them again. It was no trouble, they insisted, and it was fun to have the Shirobeko so lively. Throughout the city, many others had been left with damaged homes, and as it had been with disasters in history, it was the time to come together.
Sagara was attempting to use chopsticks with his left hand, clacking them together. “See you, old man. I’ll be as good as you with one hand, next time we meet.”
“I’m far from an expert.” He humbly said. “Please don’t overexert yourself.”
He did enter Himura’s room one last time, but he was still sleeping. These initial days of recovery would be vital, and Koshijiro hoped he would never receive a telegram bearing bad news.
He took the afternoon train, and his daughter saw him off. “I’ll see you soon.” He intently looked at her.
“Bye.” She huffed but gave him a quick hug before he boarded. And with that, he was alone once more.
Despite the late hour, his first stop was the home of the assistant chief inspector, and Tokio greeted him. Her gaze briefly searched behind him, though she maintained a neutral, polite face. He delivered the facts, that her husband was unaccounted for.
“Have you received any correspondence from him?” He asked.
“No, not since he asked if we could take in Eiji.”
Silence fell over them, the worst possibility left unspoken.
“Did he have any contacts I can reach out to?”
“My husband’s work is highly classified, and I don’t think we are at that point yet. I’m more concerned with why he hasn’t notified me. Nothing can tame a wolf of Mibu, but he comes home if he’s told to. And I told him to come home.” Tokio emphasized. Her gaze was tracked on the horizon, and only the slight trembling of her hands gave away that she was in turmoil.
“You will be the first to know if I hear anything from Kyoto.”
“Thank you, Kamiya-san.” From within the house, Tsutomu whined, and Eiji called out hesitantly to her. She gave a quick bow before hurrying to the children, the door closing behind her.
If…no, when he saw Fujita again, he would have to give him a piece of his mind. Worrying his allies and his own family was too much.
The following morning, he kept his promise to Takani. He sent the information she had provided to the police department in her hometown, requesting for anyone who met the descriptions and to write back to him. In the meantime, he would continue to work, with his lunch break at the Akabeko so he could deliver the letters. Tae thanked him, and Tsubame had turned pink upon reading her paper.
According to recent reports, there was a scavenger in the vicinity of Chinshu Forest, and the station was told to keep an eye out. The younger officers also said there were rumors of a ghost, which Koshijiro ignored. When one of the rookies, Ikehira, went to investigate and confessed he had just missed whoever this scavenger was, but they could set up a perimeter. Koshijiro detoured there on his way home, to see if he could uncover more.
He heard the noises first. Dull scraping, heavy breathing. He kept his hand on his baton, as he drew closer. Near a small shrine, there was a young boy, scrambling in the dirt. He was around Yahiko’s age and he was singularly focused on rearranging the ground. Grass bits and clumps of earth were scattered around him.
“Hello?” Koshijiro called out. “Are you lost?”
The boy turned, and Koshijiro saw that he was a filthy child, as if he had been living in the wilderness. Like an animal, he bared his teeth and ran off. Koshijiro made to follow, but the boy was faster and smaller, disappearing into the brush. Within a few minutes, he could only hear his own footsteps. Unable to pursue any further without venturing into unknown territory, he resorted to finding his way out of the forest, back into town. He had not heard news of a missing boy, so who was that?
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Finally Answering Questions for y’all
Q1: How tall or short do you wish you were?
I used to wish I was taller because I already am tall for an (AGAB)female (5′8 1/2) but then I learned about platforms so. 
4: What was your favorite video game growing up?
Monkey Ball or Sonic Adventure Escape the City...I only had a Gamecube.
6: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Uses humor as a defense mechanism but will quickly become extremely invested in you  and give you immense amounts of unending love if they vibe w you
8: What is your Greek personality type? [Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, or Melancholic]
9: Are you ticklish?
extremely, on my back and sides (use this information wisely. I take no responsibility for involuntarily punching anyone who tickles me)
10: Are you allergic to anything?
absolutely nothing, allergies are to weed out the weak. (jkjk no eugenics here sis you slay that epipen)
11: What’s your sexuality?
~ pansexual  ~ (prefer agab [not cis, those are two different things] females)
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?
tea, then coffee with cocoa. I don’t enjoy cocoa or coffee as much separately.
37: What is your eye color?
38: Introvert or extrovert?
I’m ambiverted but lean toward introversion. 
44: Do you like tattoos and piercings?
oh yeah absolutely, I personally just prefer that the tattoos aren’t on your face.  Or with piercings that they don’t take up so much of your face that I can’t see what you really look like.
54: What color would you like your hair to be right now?
pink, red, or platinum 56: Something that calms you down?
reading, playing instruments, taking a bath, cooking or baking
57: Have any mental disorders?
yessir. ADD, anxiety. and I used to have really bad depression. Now my depression is simply manageable lol. 
73: What is your MBTI type?
INFP (enneagram 4)
86: Can you run a mile within ten minutes?
surprisingly yes, will I come close to passing out? Maybe. But I can.
87: Do your socks always match?
never, I hate matching my socks unless the socks are funky and need to match to give them the biggest bang for their buck. 
92: A store you hate?
Dick’s sporting goods. I have been dragged around that place for hours and absolutely nothing there interests me. (edit: I found a beanie that I liked but my previous opinion still stands)
93: How many cups of coffee can you drink in one day?
start counting and never stop. If you mean in terms of actual measurements like cups/ounces, I can drink 20. What can I say I’m from New England.
94: Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
Definitely fly because that might help lessen my fear of heights
95: Do you like to wear camo?
literally shoot me if you ever see me wearing camo. please, I beg you. that will be me at my lowest point 
96: Winter or summer?
Autumn. Next question.
97: How long can you hold your breath for?
3-4 minutes. It’s all that breath control from musical theatre.
99: Someone you look up to:
Jughead Jones. Yes I said that, fight me. He is completely himself and he allows the different facets of his personality to shine through to people that he loves and cares about. He is loyal and caring but also unique and resilient. Plus his fave food is burgers which is an instant win for me.
100: A store you love?
Hot Topic, Barnes and Nobles, Savers or any thriftstore 
102: Where do you live?
New England bb (; gettin that dark academia aesthetic straight from the source
104: What is your favorite mineral or gem?
105: Do you drink milk?
You mean out of the glass? Like a psychopath? Like a serial killer? Absolutely not
106: Do you like bugs?
I do! Except for spiders and mosquitoes (although I’m warming up to spiders)
109: Can you draw:
Eh yeah ig, well enough. I draw realistically but I’m not great at animated style. 
111: A question you hate being asked?
“Are you a boy or a girl?” (like why? does it personally affect you? are you planning on boning me? if not then buzz off)
113: Do you like the sound of waves at the beach?
Yes, but only at night when the beach is quiet. I’m not a huge fan of the beach during the day
114: Do you prefer cloudy or sunny days?
Rainy or sunny. Don’t go givin me the clouds with none of the drizzle.
119: Favorite thing about a person: 
Personality first and foremost. Humor and kindness. But physically; their smile and mannerisms. 
120: Fruits or vegetables?
Veggies (or berries i like berries)
121: Something you want to do right now:
Run away... ahah. But in all honesty I would love to go mushroom foraging rn, or possibly go on an adventure. Maybe go put on clothing meant for an entirely different time period and run around Target idk.
123: Sweet or sour foods?
Definitely not sour I hate sour. Spoonfeed me wasabi, that I can handle. But if you make me eat a Warheads I will cry. 
129: What would you want written on your tombstone?
I personally have a lot of problems with the funeral industry, so I would rather not take up space and rot preservation chemicals into the earth. But if I had an interim tombstone with no body underneath, it would read “Live Laugh Love” bc ~irony~
131: What is something you love but also hate about yourself?
that I’m very individualistic and stubborn
132: Do you smile with your teeth showing for pictures?
Yes absolutely, that’s what they’re there for.
134: Do you like roller coasters?
Do I like feeling like I’m about to full send through the crust of the earth and die? No. No I do not. (I am a simple person, I go to carnivals for the food and to feed off terror.) 139: What nicknames do you have/have had?
141: Have you ever seen a therapist/shrink?
OH YEAH absolutely, I am a repressed gen z homosexual raised in a homophobic religious atmosphere, I am practically born with a therapist assigned to me.
142: Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?
Definitely good -_- unfortunately. Catch me bein the mom friend.
143: Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help?
I prefer giving, but I am learning how to recieve. 
144: What makes you angry
People who live their lives in willful ignorance despite the endless resources available to them and let that ignorance hurt others.
146: Do you prefer boys, girls, and/or non-binaries?
All of em. Gimme em all. I don’t like boys as much currently but I would still probably lay my life on the line for some. 
147: Are you androgynous?
Yes. It’s more fluid than it is being in consistent limbo between masc and femme. Usually I’m androgynous but I often swing wildly between both ends of that socially perceived spectrum. 148: Favorite thing about yourself physically?
My hands or smile(product of bracesTM). But I have been told I have nice hands. 
149: Favorite thing about your personality:
I am a very strong blend of wise and class clown. I can do em both, I can do em well, and I can do em whenever. I also care a lot about others but I don’t change myself to be accepted by them. 
150: Name three people you would like to talk to right now in person.
MLK Jr. --> I want to gain perspective on some of the current global issues. Jesus --> I’ve got a lot of questions for that dude. JRR Tolkien bc he’s incredible or Joan of Arc for the same reason
151: If you could go back into time and live in one era, which would you choose?
Ooh well, as a woman not many eras are desirable. But um probably either the 70s or Ancient Greece
154: Do you like to kiss others’ foreheads or hands for platonic reasons?
YES. GIMME UR FINGERS > i meant that to sound much less threatening than it did but my statement still stands. 155: Do you like to play with others’ hair?
Yes it’s literally one of my favorite things to do. I hab empty lap. *pat pat* U may lay your head on it and watch Rilakkuma and Kaoru with me while I play with your hair. pls. 157: Something that makes you nervous/anxious:
Women..... That’s it. That’s the tweet.
158: Biggest lie you have ever told:
That I am not a member of the alphabet mafia. (It’s not currently safe for me to come out) Now tell me *shines light in your face* who are your contacts?
164: Do you have long or short hair?
I have medium hair. It’s around the length of a bisexual bob or a good mullet. 
165: Shortest/Longest your hair has ever been:
Shortest was a pixie cut, almost buzzed, amazing. Longest was to my butt and was literally the worst experience in existence. I shall to this day actively rebel against having hair like that again. 
166: Why do you like, dislike, or have neutral feelings about religion?
Organized religion can suck it. You can’t organize your relationship with God, nor can you stick it into a little manmade box and pretend that you have the ability to create a perfect faith which others have to either follow or perish. It’s arrogant and damaging and hurtful and not at all what Christianity is supposed to mean. 
167: Do you really care how the universe and world was created?
I do. I think it’s important and something we need to think about. I do believe there is something after death, and I like to believe that my life has meaning. I think that questions of creation are important questions to ask and we can’t just ignore them.
168: Do you like to wear makeup?
Yes! It’s fun! Pretty colors!
170: Did you answer the questions you were asked truthfully?
Absolutely. And the ones I didn’t feel like answering I simply omitted.
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yridenergyridenergy · 5 years
Dir en grey - Otaru GoldStone 09/28/2019 live report
1. Zetsuentai
2. Aka
3. Downfall
4. Devote My Life
5. Rubbish Heap
6. Merciless Cult
7. Keigaku no yoku
8. Celebrate Empty Howls
9. Ningen wo Kaburu
10. Keibetsu to hajimari
11. Values of Madness
12. Ranunculus
13. The World of Mercy
1. Fukai
3. Gaika, chinmoku ga nemuru koro
5. Utafumi
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What a night. Otaru Gold Stone is small, we were around 500 in it but the stage was low, the sound was too loud for some instruments depending on where you were in the venue, and holy hell I thought moshpits were forbidden here in Japan. We kept getting pushed and pushing, and someone we got closer everytime, so apparently people in the centre were getting squashed out toward the sides?!
This live report will be even more Kyo-centric than usual, because I could only crane my neck and stand on my toes among that wall of fans to concentrate on one member. But Toshiya seemed stern at first but as the show progressed, he came foth and enjoyed the crowd, even though he never fully cracked a smile. He encouragedthe audience though and appeared to approve of our reactions in general. He was just as entranced with his bass, turning his head upward during Ranunculus. As for Die, his vest really matches Kaoru's custom guitar. His long hair kept blowing in the wind and he would flip it occasionally. In one of the first few songs, he was staring at his side of the crowd with a grave expression but raised his chin a couple of times as if to say: "Oh yeah? That's it?" Kaoru I think remained very serious the whole time except that, at the end, he stayed the longest and really enjoyed the night. Shinya, all I could notice was that he rumbled away like there was no tomorrow at his heavy drums during The World of Mercy, he was in his own universe.
Kyo has a full pectorals tattoo! I doubt it is completely new, but it was definitely news to me. I have no idea what it is, it looked like the marks on a leopard's fur at first but it looks more complex, almost as if it's supposed to be the shadows of the skeleton inside his chest? And on his right side of his neck, it really looks like the drawing from Junji Ito, with the conjoined heads - the hair of a woman stretching toward something in the back. Just below his chin, it looked like a bunch of vertical lines only. He is going full on yakuza for sure.
He came on stage wearing a matching suit: both top and bottom were black with sparse big white feathers. The vest looked like it had a flap, like a short cape behind the neck, because at some point he crouched to give a growl or something and a piece of fabric came to cover his should, but it could not possible have been the lower ends of the vest itself... The dress shirt he had underneath was classic black, and he had a black tie. After three songs or so, he loosened it and also undid the first couple of buttons at the top. Near the end of the main setlist, more buttons had been undone and that's how we were able to see his chest, wide enough to see his nipples.
His hair! With the stripes of the feathers, the formal clothing, his styled hair and the smudged lipstick, he looked almost nazi-esque. This hairstyle is so close to the Tabula Rasa/In Situ one! I am so glad that I witnessed it in person! I guess, to describe it, it almost looks like Levi's hairstyle from Attack on Titan, but he styled the left side toward the back of his head. After sweating though, it was even more awesome and resembling!
He smoked twice or three times during the show. For the first instance, its scent came to my senses before I could see it, during the pause. He tried to do the iiiiiii high-pitched sound in Downfall (?) while having the cigarette on the corner of his mouth: that failed. Later, he was holding his cigarette with his two middle fingers, giving us the horns/fox sign he is now known for!
Aka was more dramatic than I remember it being. Kyo looped his mic cord around his neck twice and caressed it into a hanging string. I think it was during that song that he was dancing like a maniacal pantomime a lot too.
At the very beginning of Rubbish Heap, Kyo cones to the forefront of the stage next to his stand and he holds his fist up in the air for the first 'Fist!' of the song and he has that very obvious facial expression like "Come on guys, here's what I want you to do! Come on, you can do it, go!" which you would use for a child. And yet, what do the majority of the fans do? Still hands...
I cannot remember which song it was exactly, but Kyo started by hitting his forehead repetitively with the mic, and then the chest/heart, and again with the head. It might have been Ranunculus, because I remember that the sound of the hits came just before the circus-like sound and he was singing about kokoro. Doing it right before those sounds was nice, like a preclude, it made sense altogether.
Ranunculus was at least if not more intense than usual. I think that it was during it that Kyo clawed at his dress shirt's sleeve on his left arm, then brought his wrist to his mouth and actively bit it. Had his teeth been any sharper, he would have undoubtedly drawn blood.
After Ranunculus was The World of Mercy. In the transition between the two, Kyo spoke to himself, asking 'Naze?' (why) often, and he then began The World of Mercy fucking depressed, sad and desperate. The end of the song was very beautiful with the simple idea of blasting white light from behind the stage while he chants 'The World of Mercy', it really looked more angelic.
When singing about the game of life and repeating game ('yuugi'), Kyo kept tracing a large circle with his arm fully extended, strenghtening the never-ending nature of this foolishness/challenge.
When doing the return after the break in The World of Mercy, since there are no instruments at first, he yells the 'Jou ni-' with his mic near his hip.
People don't understand the intensity of tge part after 'sekai de' yet.
By the way, the stage just has a large poster of the The Insulated World cover, with fingers on each side. No movies at all this time.
In Keigaku no yoku, Kyo definitely changed that last sentence to 'ore-', but the part he adds after sounded more like 'watashi...'. He also changed or added an 'omae no' something to one of the songs, but it wasn't to make a compliment...
In the encore, Kyo came back wearing black jeans with ripped knees and a D.E.G. shirt without sleeves. The image was identical to the sticker they are currently selling in the goods, so perhaps this design will be used for the T-shirt sold in the USA, Mexico and Europe?
Kyo is such an amazing rocker. I believe that it was during Gaika chinmoku that he did that headbang, where he needs to lean his left hand on his thigh because of how heavy it gets, you know? Ugh. Really the total opposite of sukekiyo's feminine songs. He's so good all around.
As always I am probably forgetting stuff. I will try to draw some of my memories though.
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vianna-orchidia · 5 years
Rockin’ Star - Epilogue
Raw provider: https://enstars.info
Not proofread
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Location: Rock Fes Stage
Koga: "Kuhaha! Did ya lose your shit at our appearance? Ya'll makin' some funny faces...!"
"This ain't Yumenosaki Gakuin, so I bet there's some of ya who don't know us."
"We'll introduce ourselves, so open your damn ears and listen!"
"I'm Oogami Koga from UNDEAD!"
Adonis: "Otogari Adonis, also from UNDEAD."
Kaoru: "Girls, remember my name well, I'm Hakaze Kaoru from UNDEAD~"
Rei: "The Demon King who rules over the world of darkness, the immortal vampire. I'm Sakuma Rei from UNDEAD."
"The moon hides behind the clouds, and silent darkness envelops the world. However, one sliver of light shall decorate this stage with brilliant colors."
Subaru: "The number one shining star... Akehoshi Subaru from Trickstar! Nice to meet you ☆"
Hokuto: "I'm Hidaka Hokuto from Trickstar. Even though I'm not exactly good with rock, I'll do my best to sing and dance."
Makoto: "I'm Yuuki Makoto from Trickstar. I-I'll try not to drag everyone down!"
Mao: "Ahaha. Don't get too pesimistic~ I'm Isara Mao from Trickstar. Enjoy our performance 'til the end ♪"
Koga: (After we enter the stage and do some self-introduction, Trickstar will join in on the stage.)
(That's good, everythin's accordin' to plan.)
(Who would've thought the moon would be hidden at this timin', but I guess that Vampire Bastard predicted it, huh?)
(No, wait, not even he could've predicted natural phenomenon like this. It's just a coincidence that works on our favor.)
(That means even the weather takes our side, huh... ♪)
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(That's it, that's it. The audience is gettin' pumped up nicely.)
(They're holdin' their breath, expectin' us to start singin' anytime now.)
"Yeah, let's do this! We're gonna carve our song deep into your soul...!"
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Rei: (Fufufu, the audience is cheering for Doggy's passionate vocal. We have them in our grasp perfectly, and I shall not back down here.)
(Now, because Doggy has been working hard for this day without neglecting the practice for Halloween Party...)
(As a reward, let's shift into serious mode once in a while ♪)
(I'm unrivaled in the world of darkness, where the sun has set. I will destroy those unlucky enough to stand in my way.)
(I will swallow down all the artists before us, and those after us.)
(Do feel blessed, for you will become the flesh and blood of the Demon King... ♪)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Subaru: (Woah, what a force! It's like my head was hit hard enough to make me stagger.)
(I know rock is UNDEAD's main genre, but at this rate we'll end up as the side characters.)
(Even the audience is only looking at UNDEAD, they're not giving us any attention.)
(This is frustrating~ If we don't do it more wildly, we'll get thrown away, unable to even crawl back up.)
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(This isn't UNDEAD's solo live! This is a joint live.)
(If we get outdone by UNDEAD here, that's just like telling the audience that we joined only to match up the numbers.)
(Just wait, Gami-san, I'm catching up to you right now... We want everyone to remember Trickstar too...!)
(We'll get right next to you even in the hurl of storm!)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Makoto: (Akehoshi-kun's guitar changed...? He's not only using brute force, he's polishing up his performance.)
(With the litheness of a predator, the audience's attention is getting drawn away from UNDEAD to Akehoshi-kun.)
(Akehoshi-kun is really amazing. He owns the stage even though we're doing a different genre.)
(He's a complete opposite from me who always takes a step back.)
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(...but, we have experienced various DreamFes together, and I've grown too. I'm standing here by my own volition.)
(It's not the time to cower from the audience's enthusiasm. I have to show off the results of Oogami-kun's special training...!)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Mao: (Ahaha, he really did it, that Makoto. Subaru isn't holding back either.)
(We can't keep taking it easy, huh?)
Hokuto: (You're right. In rock, if both parties start giving space to each other, it's like asking to be stepped on.)
(Let's go bolder, Isara.)
Mao: (Haha, on your mark ♪)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Hokuto: "~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Adonis: (Oogami looks happy. We managed to join the long-awaited Rock Fes. I'm glad your dream came true, Oogami.)
Kaoru: (I know you're concerned about Doggy, but don't forget to focus on the song, okay~?)
(Don't you hate it if Doggy and Sakuma-san keep hogging away all the attention? The girls' gazes are supposed to be mine~ ♪)
Adonis: (You're the same as always, Hakaze-senpai. But you words hold truth.)
(We can't leave everything to them. We are UNDEAD too.)
Kaoru: (Yup yup. Even I will do my best if it's in front of the girls~ Really, really ♪)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Adonis: "~ ♪ ~ ♪"
Koga: (Ha, UNDEAD or Trickstar, it doesn't matter. We'll just do what we wanna do.)
(Rock is the soul. The collision between souls, the resulting heat. That is Rock 'n Roll...! )
(I ain't one to say something like 'thank you very much', so I'll show my gratitude with my song. Now, let's go...!)
"~ ♪ ~ ♪"
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idolish7rabbitchats · 6 years
Yuki: Holiday Collection 2018 Rabbit TV Part 1
Okazaki: Momo-kun, Yuki-kun! Good work today too!
Okazaki: Lastly, I’ll tell you about tomorrow’s schedule and a new Christmas job.
Yuki: Christmas?
Momo: This year’s Christmas?
Okazaki: This year’s Christmas!
Y: How many jobs does that make it?
Okazaki: It's the sixth! As expected of Re:vale! Now in season! You are on a roll!
M: Cuz our manager is skilled!!
M&O: Yaay!
Y: But wait. Isn’t Re:vale working too much.
Y: If we go out that much, it’ll be hard for the fans and for us, so could you, a little bit...
O: It’s the cosmetic’s brand “G-RiT”s Christmas coffret tie-up CM with the theme of it being a gift for yourself, and a gift for the people who worked hard this year!
O: Mainly it means recording a  Christmas song for the CM, shooting the CM and poster, televising the CM during the Christmas season, an electronic billboard, digital signage...
O: Also they are planning to put out posters at department stores and train stations!
M: Ooooooh, Okazaki-player! He cut Yuki-player's vacation beg pass, and shoooot! [T/N: Momo went all soccer speak.]
Y: It made a goal huh.
O: It made it! Please work hard, Yuki-kun. It’s a job with everyone in TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 too!
Y: Ah, is it?
M: Oooh! Filmings with those members are always exciting and fun so I’m happy!
O: Ah, no. The CM filming will be in groups so it’s separate.
M: Eeeh!? It’s pointless then.
O: Momo-kun! It’s meaningful, it’s fine!
O: Also, it seems like people who buy the coffret can get a limited-edition card with the idols’ Christmas message.
M: Eh! There’s an exclusive Yuki card?
O: There is! There’s one of Momo-kun too!
Y: Then, shall we go obtain them together. Momo.
M: Yeah! We have to reserve “G-RiT”s Christmas coffret immediately, Yuki!
O: Yes! Thank you! You are doing great!
O: You are so energetic!
Y: It’s not that, today was hard too.
M: But, even though we’re supposed to be with everyone, it would be disappointing to finish without meeting them nyaa~.
Y: Well, that’s true.
M: Right! It’s Christmas and the concept is for it to be a reward so shouldn’t we have a Christmas party?!
M: Like we can give everyone presents and receive presents!
Y: That’s good.
O: Hmm, do the schedules match? At the end of the year, the other jobs are...
Y: It would be fine if we plan from now on.
M: It's okay with a short amount of time! I can contact Maneko-chan, Ban-san, and Kaoru-chan too so please adjust to it!
Y: Relaxing is necessary too. Momo is being enthusiastic and cute, and I’ll work hard too.
Re:vale: Please! Skilled manager!
O: .....Got it! If you two go that far, I’ll work hard too. I want you to relax properly too.
Re:vale: Hurray!
Y: Thanks, skilled manager.
M: I’ll Rabbit Chat everyone immediately!
[Door Opening]
Gaku: Huh, Yuki-san. Good work.
Ryuunosuke: Good work. I heard Yuki-san will be here too, so I wanted to say hi.
Y: Gaku-kun, Ryuunosuke-kun. Good work. Ryuunosuke-kun met up with Momo earlier right? You two are on break now?
G: No, we just finished.
R: Is Yuki-san already finished too? If you don’t mind, why not eat dinner with us?
Y: Sure. Let’s go to Hokkaido and eat corn.
G: Ah, that. That means your job is not finished yet.
Y: Fufu, exactly.
G: I’ve come to understand that recently.
R: Well then, it’s a shame but next time for sure!
G: Has the “G-RiT” job already begun? 
Y: Not yet. Got the coffret sample though. 
R: Re:vale-san’s coffret design was great huh. It was a fashionable, elegant blue base shade, so adult and refreshing!
Y: I think I know what you mean.
G: Ah, like a magazine editor would have it.
Y: Maybe.
Y: Did you two see Momo’s picture?
R: A picture? Was it in some magazine?
Y: The television show.
R: Television...
Y: Aah, umm.
Y: This. 
R: Ah, Momo-san’s cross-dressing! A dress huh!
Y: It’s cute right. I recommend this too.
G: It’s true. Momo-san has big eyes so this suits him. 
R: Ahahah, it suits him. The hairstyle is gorgeous, and the makeup is too. It’s great!
Y: Yeah.
G: What was this?
Y: It’s the TV show’s project.
Y: I heard from Momo that he was talking with Ryuunosuke-kun about crossdressing right?
G: Crossdressing? Ryuu will?
R: Ah! No, no! It wasn’t about crossdressing but about what kind of makeup we would do if we were girls.
R: We talked about that when I met Momo-san before, so I think it’s probably that. 
Y: I see.
G: So totally different then.
Y: Totally different.
G: You don’t have yours?
Y: This is me. 
R: Waah, Yuki-san is also pretty!
G: You are beautiful!
Y: Fufu, it’s pretty right.
Y: Between me and Momo, which one does Ryuunosuke-kun prefer?
R: Eh….?!
Y: Then, who do you want to serve alcohol to?
R: Alcohol?!
Y: I heard Ryuunosuke-san likes alcohol.
Y: Gaku-kun, be the waiter.
G: Me?
G: Hey customer, what would you like to order? I recommend an apple cocktail. 
R: Suddenly a skit started…?!
Y: Heyyy. Recommend us, not an alcohoool.
G: This girl can talk well, and this girl can play a guitar.
Y: *chuckle* Guitar huh. Is that a selling point?
G: It is.
R: Ahahah! As expected of you two, you are used to acting in dramas huh…!
G: So then, which do you like?
R: Umm… It feels impudent to choose but...
R: It’s rare, so I’ll choose Yuki-san’s guitar!
Y: You chose me with the guitar.
G: Figures.
Y: Thank you for choosing meee.
G: Table no. 3 is ready.
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simplybakugou · 6 years
Female S/O x Bakugo Katsuki: Bakugo Proposes I'm dying to see Mister Explodo-King do this, not gonna lie.
A/N: Oof, there’s a lot of fluff in this one. And this gif is perfect for this request lol. Also, I usually write everything in the reader’s perspective so I enjoyed writing in mostly Bakugou’s perspective for once. Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy! :)
Pairing: prohero!bakugou x female!reader
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 1362
✐posted 07.24.2018✐
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Bakugou had never felt so nervous in his whole life. His hands were shaking, having to clench them into fists to calm him down, but to no avail. He watched as you rambled on excitedly with everything you saw before you, but he didn’t heard a word. He admired how beautiful you looked, how the sun hit your face and how much your skin was glowing against its rays. How your hair bounced with every move you made. How your full lips softly murmured each word. He couldn’t help it; he was hopelessly in love with you.
“Right, Katsuki?” Bakugou shook his head, snapping himself out of his trance. You huffed. “You weren’t even listening, were you?”
Bakugou scoffed. “I fucking was listening… just remind me what you were talking about.”
You chuckled, covering your hand over your mouth. “You’re hopeless, you know that?”
Bakugou smiled. It was moments like these that he knew, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He was never one for romance, or so he thought, and never in a million years did he think he would settle down.
“I was saying how we first met here,” you said, pointing towards a burnt down  and dilapidated building. “You saved me. I’ll never forget how the infamous number one hero, Ground Zero, saved my life.”
Bakugou smiled, looking up and reminiscing about the time he literally saved your life.
“Thank goodness you’re here, Ground Zero!” The chief of police said, patting Bakugou on the shoulder.
He shrugged him off, scanning the scene before him. The large apartment complex was in flames as police officers and firefighters had attempted to keep the fire at bay. But it was no use. Everytime they attempted to weaken it, it kept coming back.
“Is a villain doing this?” Bakugou asked, adjusting his gauntlets.
The chief nodded, pointing at a dark shadow that had latched itself to the side of the building. “He’s up there and his flames are too strong for us to counterattack.”
Just then, a child’s shriek came from inside. “There’s people still in there?!” A firefighter exclaimed.
Bakugou scoffed, using his quirk to move himself up to the window at the top. He easily slipped through, pushing through the smog and dust particles from the damage. There on the floor was a little boy, crying and sobbing.
“You little shit,” Bakugou mumbled, scooping him up in his arm. “What the hell are you doing here?”
The boy rubbed his eyes, looking up at Bakugou. “I can’t find my mom.”
“Kaoru?” A woman’s voice called out from what was the hallway. Bakugou pushed through. So many damn people to save…
“Hey, the fuck are you still doing here? It’s dangerous in here!” Bakugou called out.
You poked your head into the room, coughing profusely. “Ground Zero?”
Bakugou narrowed his brows at you. “Hey wait, aren’t you the number two hero?”
“Yeah, Y/N, but we can talk later! We have to get these people outta here before dealing with that shithead outside!” You yelled over the sound, gesturing to the few people cowering behind you. And so the two of you carefully brought the victims down, running outside to deal with the villain.
“You’re better at direct combat so I’ll let you deal with that shit up front. I’ll fall back and deal with him from back here,” you stated.
Your quirk was Matter Manipulation. You could move anything and everything with just a thought in your head. Cars, trees, the ground… you name it and you could move, so long as it was constructed of matter. Bakugou had seen you in action a few times on the news, only glancing for a second though. 
Bakugou nodded. “Don’t fuck this up!” He called out while launching himself towards the villain.
You smirked. “I should be saying that to you, number one hero!” Bakugou caught onto the side of the building, holding himself by grasping onto the ledge. 
“Hey, dipshit!” He yelled at the villain. “Heads up!”
Bakugou released one of the explosions in his gauntlet, sending a mass of fire towards him. The villain, who looked like a black blob, jumped back, landing on the floor.
“Damn you, Ground Zero,” he muttered, rushing towards you. 
You attempted to move cars, trees, and even warped the ground under you to capture him but he was too slick. He jumped at you, and you felt like your life was going to flash before your eyes.
“You dumbass!” Bakugou maneuvered himself towards you, grabbing the villain by the neck in time before he could have hurt you. Bakugou slammed him against the ground and the police surrounded the three of you.
“Thanks, you two, we can take it from here,” the chief said, grabbing the villain from Bakugou’s grasp as they took him away.
“Thanks, Ground Zero and Y/N! You guys are real heroes!” One of the police officers called out as they drove away.
Bakugou took his gauntlets and his eye piece off, setting them down on the floor. He attempted to rub his forearms as they began cramping. I’ve gotta learn how to not overexert too much energy…
“Hey! Ground Zero!” You called out after Bakugou as he had begun to walk away. You ran toward him. “Thanks for saving me back there. I would’ve been a goner if it weren’t for you.”
Bakugou scoffed. “Whatever. Just remember you owe me one in the future if we ever have to work a job together.”
Bakugou turned away from you but you clapped your hand on his shoulder, startling him. You grinned. “Hm, how about I take you out to dinner instead?”
“Yeah, I remember saving your dumb ass,” Bakugou said with a smirk.
You scoffed. “That was one time! Remember in Nagasaki when I saved your ass?”
“Tch, oh, please. I wouldn’t have needed your help if you hadn’t gotten in the way.”
You rolled your eyes at him, laughing. “You’re absolutely hopeless… but that’s why I love you.”
“Shut up,” Bakugou muttered. 
You laughed even more and Bakugou smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets. He gripped the velvet box in his pocket with such force, he was shocked he hadn’t broken it.
“You know, if you had told me five years ago that I would be dating Ground Zero, I would never believe you,” you said, continuing to look over at the building as the memories continued to play through your head.
“Hm, may be.” Bakugou pulled out the box, flicking it open to reveal a large diamond sitting on a little ring band. “What about if I told you that you might’ve married Ground Zero?”
You turned around, ready to question his choice of words before you made eye contact with the huge engagement ring in his calloused hands. You shook your head, not able to make coherent words or even believe what you saw. Your eyes started welling up with tears.
“Fuck, did I fuck this up?” Bakugou asked angrily. “Shit, I’m supposed to go down on one knee, aren’t I?”
Your (E/C) eyes watched on as Bakugou went down on his left knee, holding the box up to you. You covered your mouth as the tears started streaming down your face.
“Y/N, will you marry m–”
“Yes!” You screamed, attacking him into an aggressive hug. Bakugou lost balance and fell backward, managing to catch your body without dropping the very expensive ring. You cupped his face in your hands as the tears started splattering down onto his face. “A million times ‘yes’!”
“You idiot, I could’ve dropped the ring,” Bakugou said, his face not matching his tone as he broke out into a huge smile. “Always fucking clumsy as usual.”
“Shut up,” you said through your sobs. 
Bakugou continued to smile like a little kid receiving gifts on Christmas. He sat up, placing you on his lap. He took the ring out of its case, slipping it onto your ring finger. “You sure you’re not gonna regret this?”
You smiled, wiping your face, ridding it of anymore tears. “We’ll see. Ask me again once I’m Mrs. Bakugou.”
720 notes · View notes
Title: The Risks [5/5]
Summary: A supposedly new head of the family quits his role to make his own gang. It was his choice to make, and this was the path he decided to take.
Word Count: 5353
This will contain some canon characters and this will also be the longest chapter [I think]!! Also the last chapter for this Yakuza AU story!! I hope you’ll enjoy it and if you read all chapters, I appreciate it a lot and I hope you loved the story as a whole!! <3 <3
Hanako/Lotus belongs to @polar-stars!!
Emile/Canción belongs to @polar-star-dorks!!
Part 1: here! Part 2: here! Part 3: here! Part 4: here! Comments are appreciated, and remember that I love you!!
I hope you enjoyed the first multi-chapter story I wrote !! <3 <3 I love you guys a lot and thank you for sticking with me!
Once the leader of the gang had a couple of drinks with his members, he decided to go upstairs to get some food from the fridge. His eyebrow raised when he heard several violent knocks on the door. Curiosity built up in his veins, and he wanted to check who was behind the door. Was it an enemy who found out their location so easily? He wouldn’t be able to tell unless he turned the knob on the door.
A sly smirk was present on the leader’s face as he carefully approached the door, and one twist of the knob, there was a gun to someone’s head. Before he even spoke, he felt a  sharp knife pressing on his skin, but it wasn’t enough to cause a cute. His eyes widened to see a familiar face... A face he never expected to see in those hours.
“No shit, Atitarn.”
The rest of the gang members were waiting for their leader to come back, and they wondered where he was. “Do you think Kaoru was drunk enough to fall on the floor and sleep there?” The person who acted like the oldest member brought up. “I know he wasn’t drunk before he went up, but it could have hit him late.” He was trying to explain what may have happened to him. 
“Possibly.” The planner of the gang shrugged. “I can see him being that kind of person... Getting suddenly drunk out of nowhere. But despite the possibility of that being true...” She raised her finger. “We should still check him up. We wouldn’t know the truth until we check.” She was the first one to get up and start going upstairs and the rest followed.
“If there’s a stranger there, I’d have to bring out my knife... The paralysis one...” The most petite figure brought out a knife, her red eyes perfectly matching her threat. “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt the people I have left. They should perish.” Her voice got rather cold, and normally she didn’t speak like this around them. Her dark demeanor instantly dropped once someone behind her ruffled her hair.
“We should hear what Kaoru has to say first, mi amiga!” He tells her this and he was actually right. “Just because you don’t recognize someone’s face, it doesn’t mean that you should take them down. There is a possibility that he may know the person! He may have never mentioned them to us before.” Emile always knew what words to say, and the girl slowly placed her knife away.
That was an awful first impression.
A man who they never met in their life currently had a knife at their leader’s throat and the person who they were looking for was pointing a gun at the intruder.
Before they started anything, Kaoru had to capture their attention first, especially when one of them was already running to the visitor with a knife at hand. “Calm down, you all.” He started to speak before he placed his gun down. “It’s not someone who should be killed. See?”
Eizan placed the knife away from Kaoru, glaring at him. “If you didn’t point the gun at my head, I wouldn’t move by instinct.” He placed his knife away before crossing his arms.
“Aroon, you should have expected Gaia to act like that.” 
“I know, Lotus.” Kaoru began laughing despite the atmosphere. “I apologize for worrying my one and only gang. It’s my fault.” 
Emile blinked and tried to familiarize the face of the person who just entered. “I’ve never seen you before, but I think it’s best if I remember your face.”
He pushed up his glasses in annoyance before he turned around to Kaoru. “I only came here to talk to you.”
“You enough told me before you came. I and my gang is celebrating the first official mission we completed together.” The gang leader spoke up. “So if you wish to tell me something, please reschedule it to tomorrow. I want to celebrate.”
Eizan was irritated by Kaoru, but he did believe he made a point. Normally, he’d schedule something. But because of the whole suddenness of everything that was going on his side, he didn’t think clearly. “Fine then.” Eizan sighed, showing a sign of anger. “However, you better promise you’ll go to District 9.” He turned around, but before he could place a cigarette in his mouth, someone slapped his hand. “What the fuck-”
“If Canción is around, no one is allowed to smoke.” The girl who was previously holding a knife stated, her eyes half-lidded. “If you can’t obey the rules, get the hell out.”
“So what if I don’t?”
“Are you testing me?
“Eizan.” The person who owned the house suddenly changed the tone of his voice, sounding less playful than usual. “I promise to meet you there as long as you calm down. I wouldn’t want to be mad at this time... Or see you paralyzed. Don’t underestimate her, she beats both our speeds and the tiniest cut can do the worst.” He pulled the girl back. “And Gaia, you too. Calm down.”
He knew that Kaoru was the kind of person to train all his subordinates, but he didn’t know that he’d be able to make their skills meet the maximum potential. “Whatever.” He continued walking away, but before he closed the door, he specified the time. “Be there at 8pm sharp.”
The door closed at their faces and the gang members began eyeing their leader.
“You want to know who he is, huh?”
“He was rather impolite.” Hanako brought up before sighing. “You’ve never brought someone like him before, I never knew you’d have a bond with someone like him.” 
“I... I’m happy that he didn’t smoke inside the room.” Emile began smiling. “I might not know him, but I do think that he’s someone that you consider as important. I can read your eyes... so I’m curious!”
“Never have I ever thought you’d actually have someone visit this secret house of yours besides the gang of Dai Adachi.” Tetsuji stated. “Oh. And your parents. Do you have a history with him?”
“Not interested. I want to slit his throat. That’s all.”
Kaoru stared at each of his members one by one before he walked back to the basement. “I’ll tell you guys tomorrow morning. First, let’s continue celebrating.”
Once the door was locked by Tetsuji, everyone ended up going down to continue having their small little party... even if they had a billion questions in their minds.
“So you’re telling us that you’ve had a gang before us?” Emile was rather shocked when he heard this. “I thought we were your first, but no wonder you’re so experienced! I thought that you were only trained by your family!” A pleasant yet very excited expression was on the face of the male.
“I did. But it was just a temporary thing. The gang was formed so we could bond with each other.” Kaoru answered the questions being thrown at him, and the flashbacks with his old gang made him want to flip a table. “... But trust me, I will prefer you 4 more than them any day.”
“Of course, you will.” Hanako already predicted that he was going to say that. “They seem like the only people who could... piss you off. Even if you do consider them as your friend, they seem like and enemy towards you too by how you told us the story.”
“Yeah. They make me stress the fuck out.” What she said was right. They may have been his friend, his ally, and also they were certainly significant to him- but there were times when he was done with their shit. “Added to that, they don’t have anyone as beautiful as you, Lotus. They could never be as sweet as Canción. They’re not as soft as Gaia. And of course, they can’t beat the dadness of Sukiru.”
A blush was on the cheeks of the first person mentioned, before she placed her palm on your forehead. “Now isn’t the time for flirting.”
“Mi amiga, I think he’s being serious! He actually mentioned that you were the most beautiful person in the world when he was drunk last night.”
Hanako was already asleep by the time when he said that, and her cheeks went darker. She tried to keep her cool and only raised an eyebrow at the drunkard that night.
He gave a sheepish smile before changing the topic. “Anyway, what I truly meant is that none of you can beat your intelligence, if you want my true answer. Seriously. With you all combined, your skills, your abilities- they couldn’t take us down easily. Lotus has the plans, Canción has the words, Sukiru has his hands and Gaia has her knife.” He gestured at his holster. “And I’ve got the guns.”
Kaoru never missed the chance to compliment his members, and he always told them the truth. Every time they showed their potential, he never wished for a better team. “But yes. Going back to topic. Eizan Etsuya and Kuga Terunori were my first gang members, and... if you ever see them, please do not fight with them. That isn’t the best choice. We’re technically... allies with them, you know? Eizan may be a dick, but he surely could be useful. Kuga is a runt, but he can be nice. Try your best to at least tolerate them. You’ve seen Eizan yesterday, but maybe we can meet Kuga another time.”
“Question... Are we supposed to be with you? When you meet him at 8 pm?” Masae suddenly brought up, her head tilting. 
“Yeah, sure. He didn’t tell me I should come alone.” He did have a point there. “Plus, I want it to be a better first meeting... At least better than yesterday. You were all ready to shoot him down.”
“Mi amigo, I was ready to shoot him with command... I thought he was planning something dirty, and after thinking you died yesterday... I can’t help but worry...”
“Canción...” He muttered before lifting his hand to give some pats on his head. “If you say it like that, I feel guilty about yesterday. I wouldn’t die on our first mission together.”
A little smile appeared on the brunet. “I know, but I overthink sometimes.” 
“To be fair, you didn’t do what I told you to do. Once I lost any contact with you, I too, may have panicked.” The person with blue hair began speaking, her eyes drifting to the side. “I thought I may have failed on the first official mission, and I even believed my plan was flawless. I may have wanted to bring out the Swiss Knife you gave me the moment he had the knife at your throat.”
Tetsuji agreed with the other two who spoke. “I may have been the driver, and I wanted to do your command. But I hesitated a lot. If something bad happened to you, I would have placed on my brass knuckles to punch him.”
“I was already ready to slice him. Watch him get paralyzed, then poison him later.” Masae spoke up. “If you didn’t tell me to stop, I would have killed your previous team member. I can’t stand the thought of losing you... Anyone in the gang, actually.”
The room was silent, and suddenly the gang members was surprised with the sight of their leader.
He was crying.
“Oh god! Don’t feel guilty about it, Kao-”
“I’m not crying because of that.” He brought at small laughs before trying to crack up a smile. “I’m just very happy that you were that worried about me... I love you guys a lot, and I thought it wasn’t possible to love you guys more...” 
Suddenly, two other people began tearing up. One of them let their tears flow down, while the other was sniffing. Luckily, Gaia didn’t place her contacts yet.
“I’ve never seen you cry before... this makes me so happy that you showed this side to us!” Emile almost pounced on Kaoru, giving him a tight hug. “Of course we’ll worry about you! We love you so much!”
It was followed by another person jumping to him, and she tried to snuggle between her two friends. “You’re our leader... No, our friend. A close friend. You should have expected us to feel that way...”
Tetsuji tapped the shoulder of Hanako before pointing at the three who were currently hurdling up. “Should we join them?” He didn’t get a verbal response, but the person he was talking to stood up before joining in and he ended up being a part of the hurdle too.
“Damn. I fucking love all of you. I’d die for you.”
“Leader, I think... “I’ll live for you” sounds better.”
After an emotional ride, there was someone calling the landline of the house. The person who picked it up was no other than Hanako. “Hello?”
“Oh! Lotus!” A cheerful tone was on the other side of the phone. “May I talk to your leader, Aroon?”
“Of course.” She replies. “Please hold on for a minute.” He was one of the only people who visited their house often, and his voice was so familiar, even when he was only on the phone. “Kaoru, Isshiki Satoshi wants to talk to you.”
Kaoru lazily went off the couch. “Damn it. Emile was already playing the guitar.” He began walking to the place where the phone was. “Thank you, Hanako.” He thanks his friend before he sat down on a chair. “Hey Isshiki! It’s been a while since you called.” He placed his elbow on top of the desk. “What is it this time? Is anyone bothering you? Should I shoot someone?”
“It isn’t that, Kaoru.” The happiness in his voice was slowly fading. “I want to ask if you’re available at 8 pm.” Wasn’t that the same time he was going to meet Eizan?
“No can do, Sir. I have someone to meet already.” He was unable to mention who it was since Isshiki has never met Eizan before, and he should keep his identity from him. “Can’t mention their name. But may I ask why?”
“I wanted you to meet the person who was protecting me.” Isshiki laughed nervously and suddenly Kaoru almost shouted through the phone.
“What?! Someone’s protecting you now? Wow! Lucky you! They better be great. I thought you only needed me, but apparently I’m wrong.” He laughed, and Isshiki sighed.
“I do think he is. He does mention all the rewards he’s gotten for being great... But maybe we can meet another time! I was also planning to meet Nene that time as well, so we could make sure that the gangs defending us could become allies.”
Kaoru felt a bit disappointed, knowing that he had to still meet up with Eizan. “Aw... What a shame... Maybe I can meet the person tomorrow? I’m sure that I’ll tell my gang to be nice to whoever that is!”
“I’ll also make sure to tell him that he should be nice to everyone in your gang as well!”
“Thanks Isshiki.” 
After a few conversations, he placed the phone down and began stretching. “Man, what a waste of time! I have to meet Eizan instead of Isshiki and the person he’s protecting! He better be good. I don’t want that kind guy to die early.” He went back to his group before sitting on the couch again.
He didn’t expect what was coming at 8 pm.
Kaoru spotted a male with glasses and he instantly shot a bullet near his face. “Greetings, old pal!”
“You idiot! Don’t do that here!” He spat, before twitching. “Not everyone is part of a gang in this place at the moment!”
“Not... everyone?” He looked behind him. “I mean, the people with me are all part of a gang but...” He faced Eizan again before spotting a female figure who he was covering. “Ah. You actually have someone with you for once.” He smiled before skipping to the person. He had a warm smile on his face, but his eyes were closed as he approached her. “Hello, miss! Pleasant to meet you, I’m-”
His eyes popped open when he heard the familiar voice. “... Miss Kinokuni?” He didn’t expect to see her here. He glanced at Eizan for a moment, then back at her. “Wait... Nothing is adding up. Why are you with this dangerous man?”
“You fucking dumb ass.” Eizan placed his two fingers on the bridge of his nose before shaking his head. “Should I really explain what the hell is going on?”
“No, you don’t need to.” The gang leader replied before looking at Hanako. “Lotus, make an intelligent guess.”
“I assume that the woman with him is someone who he has to protect, considering the fact that he said that there was someone who was not part of a gang.” Hanako hit the bull’s eye in just one single guess.
“Oh. Damn. Miss Kinokuni. You trust this man?”
Nene shrugged, before answering his question. “My parents do. So I assume I can trust him.”
“Wait... Weren’t you suppose to meet Isshiki? He said that he’s going to meet you at 8 pm...”
“We were.” Eizan was the one to give his reply before he looked at his watch. “And it’s already 8:03, and they aren’t here yet.”
Kaoru couldn’t guess what was going on, but he backed away before going next to his gang members. “Hey, if any of you notice anything or anyone, please inform me. It’s dangerous when a gang is together, it’s a perfect way to hit two birds in one stone.”
Emile blinked before bringing up a question. “Does something odd count?”
“Yeah. Something dangerous or odd, you can tell me. Did you see something?”
He was staring into an empty space for a moment, but he soon shook his head. “I saw something, but it could be my imagination! I just thought I saw something shining!”
The gang of Kaoru began talking to each other, but after 10 minutes- they all stopped talking.
There was a car that stopped by, and suddenly someone was coming out of it. Kaoru waited to see if it may be someone he knew, or someone he had to shoot. His relaxed the moment he spotted the person who came out.
Nene started squinting at the man who just arrived. “I said 8 pm. Why is it already 8:15?” 
“I’m sorry.” Isshiki laughed nervously before scratching the back of his head. “The person who’s supposed to protect me had something important to do.”
“And where is he now?”
Before Isshiki could make the person who was currently slightly pissed at him for being tardy, he felt an arm wrap around him. “Kaoru?”
“God! What a coincidence! Look, we ended up meeting after all! Now who’s this person that my gang should be nice to?”
Once the engine of the car stopped, a blonde went out of the car before fixing his clothes. “Yo! Yo! The best Yakuza head of the world has arrived!” He posed, giving a very extra appearance. “I’m going to be nice to you because Mister All Smiles told me to-”
“Why the fuck are you here?!”
The person who came out of the care suddenly became quiet, before he replied. “Same goes to you, Greedy Shit!”
Kaoru didn’t even need to look at the person to know who it was. His face immediately paled before turning to Isshiki. “The person protecting you... is he Kuga Terunori?”
Isshiki gave a nod, with a bright smile on his face. “Yes! That is him! How did you know?”
“Oh my fucking god. This is going to end up badly.”
The gang of Kaoru heard the familiar name, and they realized that he was the other person that was part of his first gang. “Leader, are you okay? You’re turning pale.” 
“I’m... dying in the inside, Sukiru. I’m fucking... dying.”
“I promised myself that I’ll never see that fucking glasses of yours again!”
“I told myself that I won’t see a midget in my damn life again!”
Kaoru began twitching and he tried to keep his cool. “Anyway...” He tried to block out the annoying argument. “Isshiki, Nene... do you want us to be allies with the person who’s currently protecting you?”
“I wasn’t the one who decided this. It was Isshiki.” She eyed the male. “I didn’t even know you were part of the Yakuza. When he said “ally”, I never expected you.” 
“I didn’t know that the people who are protecting us would hates each other this much.” He really didn’t expect this to happen. “But I think if you help in protecting us, that means we have more chances of living. I trust you and your gang.”
Kaoru felt that compliment was sincere, so he only ended up smiling. “Of course you can trust us, isn’t that right?” He glazed at his gang for a moment, and they nodded their heads. “Every person in my gang is amazing and-”
“... Kuga. Eizan.” Kaoru turned his head to spot both of his previous members pointing their guns at each other.
“I want to fucking kill you.”
“Aim better then, midget.”
“I missed on purpose, you fuck!”
“Wrong. You’re just horrible in shooting.”
“Says the man who needs glasses!”
“At least I’m tall enough to see the fucking target!”
“Excused the fuck ME?!”
“Listen up you too...” Kaoru brought out both of his pistols before pointing it at their heads. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, I’ll bring both of you to fucking HELL.” He already snapped. “Both of you should know that we’re not supposed to fucking fight at the moment, and here you are- shooting each other!”
“Oh wow, Stupid Red Clips brought out his gun! This is rare! Wow wow!”
“And what are you going to do, Atitarn?”
He was done with this bullshit. 
He pulled both triggers.
“What the fuck, Aroon?! You shot my suit! I just bought this!”
“You broke my damn suit too. I have other pairs too but is that why you were fucking late?!”
“I was fashionably late, Greedy Shit. You, however-”
“If you two continue to talk, I’ll aim for your skulls. You know I’m good with guns.” Kaoru hissed. “My gang protect both Kinokuni Nene and Isshiki Satoshi ourselves. I don’t need you here.”
“... Tch.”
“Fine then, Aroon.”
It was all quiet. Nene never saw him all angry, neither did Isshiki. The people inside “LA5T 5HOT5″ also were in shock, knowing that their leader was capable of being this angry towards his “friends” to the point of threatening them.
“Good.” He kept his guns inside the holsters. “I hope you both know that we’re supposed to be fucking allies. We’re supposed to help each other protect these two.” He gestured to the two people who he was talking to before he ended up being too pissed. “So we’re not supposed to be at each other’s throats. Trust me, I would rather not deal with you guys being TOGETHER but it is a request from them. And I won’t deny it. They need the best protection.”
Eizan kept his gun away before he sighed. “I know.” He sighed before trying to avoid eye contact with Kuga. 
“Yeah. Well informed about it! Mister All Smiles was the one who suggested it, after all.” 
“We should discuss everything...” Kaoru crossed his arms. “Formally.”
“So we’re all in agreement?” Isshiki began looking around seeing everyone nodding. “That’s great then!”
“Are we free to ask questions to each other since we’re officially allies?” 
“Yes, we are, Canción.”
“Why are Eizan and Kinokuni wearing matching rings? I spotted something shining... and now I know what it is!”
“Good eyes, Canción.” Kaoru smiled before he began freaking out. “Wait... Miss Kinokuni, you’re engaged?!”
“And you’re still alive?”
“It was the deal. If I were to get engaged to him, I and my family would be protected, so there will be no further deaths. However, in exchange, we also share money with them. It’s a win-win, but I have to marry him in a year.”
Eizan didn’t talk about it, all he did was sigh. After short moments, he explained further. “I only accepted because it improves the business side of the whole Eizan family.”
“Wrong. You’ll end up falling for her.”
“Excuse me, Atitarn?”
“You’re going to end up fall in love.”
“I won’t.” Eizan disagreed. “I only am with her for the business part. Nothing further.” 
“Let’s have a bet. If you end up actually falling in love with her, you better make me the godfather of your kids.”
“As if that will happen. Sure. If I don’t fall for her, you have to pay me 100 USD.”
“But yes. I am currently engaged to this woman and I have to protect her with my whole life or the deal is off.” Eizan brought his attention to Nene, who only listened the conversation. “So I have to deal with her for eternity.”
“I don’t really mind, as long as you don’t go overboard with your ways.” Nene looked up at him. “I’ll stop you if you do.”
Kuga was still in too much shock to react properly. “Thank god my family isn’t like that. I’m straight and I don’t want to be engaged with Mister All Smiles.”
“Shut up, midget. No one asked for your opinion.” Eizan glared at the male. “I didn’t want to be engaged with her, but if it’s to get a better reputation inside this Yakuza life of mine, I’ll do it.”
Kaoru laughed a bit, before winking. “Seems like a fair trade. Miss Kinokuni is pretty.” He complimented Nene and she turned her head to look at him.
“Shut up.”
“Come on! I was being nice!” Kaoru sneered. “Eizan may be a bit of a trouble, though. You and him seem to have the opposite kind of morals, but you’ll get through it.”
“I already know that very well.”
“Dang, I can see why you think it’s a possibility of love. Greedy Shit and Woman on her period. Seems like a romantic love story.”
“Oh oops. I’m not dead yet!” Kuga grinned before sticking out his tongue. “Are you disappointed?”
“Please don’t go too far.” Isshiki tried to stop him, and Kuga only pouted. Damn, why did he have to protect such a peace maker? It was no fun at all!
“Since we know... that... Eizan is engaged, and the reasons for it... Why did you protect Isshiki?”
“It’s easy as this. Their family is really hecking rich!” Kuga told them facts about this person. “And this makes him famous! If someone like me, who’s already famous enough, protects this man... Fame will be all around me! I bet that I’ll be the greatest Yakuza member in the world in everyone’s eyes!”
“It’s stupid if you call me greedy when you have an explanation like that.
“You’re greedy for money. I’m just hungry for game. It’s two different things!” Kuga complained. “Sheesh, always trying to look for something to go against me, huh?”
“I’ll just ignore your whole fucking existence.” Eizan began ignoring Kuga, and he wanted to listen to the side of his other previous gang member. “And you, Kaoru? Why are you accepting this?”
“You see, Miss Kinokuni is someone who I knew since middle school, and it’s the same with Isshiki. I knew something like this would happen, and... I’ve worried about them. It’s now my chance to make sure they stay alive.” He explains his side.
“And the rest of your gang?”
“We follow with whatever Aroon has to say, unless it’s morally bad. I don’t see anything wrong with it.” Hanako replied for the gang. “He usually picks the just decision. But personally, I just don’t mind. You all would need a planner after all.”
“Lotus is correct! Not so sure... but I think you might need a negotiator sooner or later! I’m also great in gaining information according to my other gang members!” Emile smiled warmly at them. “Since we’re allies now, I hope I will be a great help!”
“Obviously, you two alone can’t defend both of them all the time. I offer my services as back-up.” Tetsuji explained. “I’ve seen Isshiki enter the house of ours a couple of times, I would miss him if he were to not come back. For Kinokuni, I believe that she should be protected for the sake of my own morality. I wouldn’t let an innocent person die.”
“Whatever Aroon says, I follow.” Masae answered their question before spinning a knife around her hand. “I have no further reasons.” Without any warning, she threw the knife near someone’s face
“You could have hit the damn woman I’m protecting!”
“I wasn’t aiming for her.” Her expression darkened. “People found us.”
There was a single person who dropped on the floor. The knife went exactly on their neck.
Kuga began sighing before preparing his gun. “I wanted to bond with everyone first but here we are.” He wanted to personally get to know the rest of his gang more because of a request, but he had to let that go for a while. “We’re gonna do the same thing as old times, huh?” He hated the fact that he had to team up with the person he despised most and the person he had a large debt to. Isshiki was pulled by the blonde to get closer to him so he can make sure he won’t get shot.
“I guess so. But it doesn’t mean I want to.” Eizan brought Nene behind him.
“I told you, I can manage.”
“Obey me, woman. You’re going to make things harder for me if you stay near me.”
“Hey gang, are you ready?” Kaoru had a grin on his face. “This is the first time we’re going to protect people, I hope you’re alright with this.”
“I’m going to get the car for escape. I’ve already planned ahead if something funny happens.” Hanako was completely ready for any outcome to happen. “Give me 3 minutes, and I’ll be sure to bring the car here.”
“I’m going to distract the enemies while Lotus is at it!” Emile saluted his leader. “I can handle this!”
Tetsuji cracked his knuckles while the girl beside him got her special knives out. “I and Gaia is always prepared, Aroon.”
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s do this.”
8 notes · View notes
sleepingcrisis · 3 years
Been awhile since I have posted any writing on here. Well anything substantial. So... take some Renga content? Luca made me in the mood for it 🤚🙄
I started writing this and it is nothing like Luca... anyway enjoy!
Great. Fucking great. Langa has found someone after all these years that he is pretty sure he loves and then this bullshit happens? God forbid he love Reki in peace, that would be too much. Instead he sits, tied in rope, with his back against the edge of a ship.
"Awake at last my darling!" A voice called. A voice filled with theatrics and enthusiasm that Langa just knows can't be genuine. No one has this much enthusiasm all the time... okay maybe Reki does, but outside of that? No one.
A tall man approached him. A man with a ruffled shirt and — is that a corset? His boots have a slight heal and his dark blue hair is wild and long. He is well shaven which is not common among — Langa glanced around the ship — pirates. He has been kidnapped by pirates. He looked back over to the man who has two companions with him who stand out among the crew members.
One of them is clearly a catfolk in his humanoid form. Black hair and ears that twitched along with a tail that snapped back and forth quite rapidly. He looked bored, but he also had a quiver of arrows at his side and a bow that he was in the process of unstringing. He isn't listening to whatever it is the man in front of him is spouting off about and, frankly, Langa isn't listening either.
The other man seemed — not bored — neutral and Langa isn't quite sure what he is. Above his waist is human enough with only small patches of scales on his shoulders and neck. Below his waist? A long thick black snake tail that takes up far too much space. His green eyes are that of slits and Langa is nearly sure that if he opened his mouth to speak he might have a split tongue or maybe even fangs with venom. He isn't sure though because most lizardfolk don't look like this.
"Little prince you aren't listening to me," the blue haired male demanded his attention once more.
Originally Langa had thought he was human, but upon closer inspection (inspection which occurs when his head is tilted up by his chin and he is forced to look into ruby eyes) that isn't true.
Langa isn't quite sure what he is either, but his red eyes are practically glowing and he has fangs. Perhaps he is currently in his human form.
"Uhh... sorry?" Langa tried to offer an apologetic smile but then the man is opening his mouth in some sort of attempt to inspect it.
The man laughed before shaking his head and letting go of him, "You really are perfect. What else is there to expect from a prince? You'll do wonderfully. I can't wait. Call me Adam until then."
"Until what?" Langa asked.
"Oh you would have known if you were paying attention, perhaps I'll tell you again another time. We have quite the... intimate trip together ahead of us."
The man ran a finger along the tips of Langa’s pointy ears until Langa turned his head away. The light blue haired elf sighed softly. This trip sounded like it was going to be a long one. He just hoped Reki came and got him soon.
Reki hadn’t stopped his prolonged pacing and freaking out in over twenty minutes.
"I'm his guard! His knight, yet I let this happen—"
"Yeah and sitting around isn't going to help Reki."
"How are you being so casual about this? We need to go rescue him!"
"We don't even know where he went, he was taken. First of all we need to look for—"
Joe, the head guard at the castle, started as he nudged the door to the prince's chambers open only to see walls covered in singe marks that definitely weren't there before. Joe sighed softly as he scratched his head at the base of his horns. He is a demon of sorts, as he explained to Reki once "an incubus without the murder... well unless murder is required. Then there is murder.".
"...Clues," he finished his earlier thought and sighed softly.
"What is with the sigh? Do you think you know what happened?" Reki asked eagerly as he jumped into the room and his arms momentarily glowed as they transformed into wings. It happened when he got excited... or distracted... or just overly emotional in general. Basically he had a hard time with it, and hadn't yet mastered it. He was supposedly a harpy with red and orange feathers that covered his skin whenever he started to transform.
"Put the wings away Red. There is no mistaking that it was Adam who took him."
"Who is Adam?" Reki asked as he shook his arms until they turned back to their human form.
"Another demon I know."
"Is he a sex demon like you?" Reki asked.
"Hey! That is an over simplification! And no he isn't like me. We need to get going."
"Where are we going?"
"There is only one person who could possibly know how to find him and he isn't here."
Reki nodded and followed Joe out of the room and the two hurried off.
That is how they found themselves in the presence of Kaoru Sakurayashiki. A man with nine puffed out tails that matched the pink colour of his hair along with two pointy ears that twitched in agitation when he saw the two.
"Here for a meal Kojiro? Because if that is the case I'll burn you to a crisp where you stand. And don't tell me you have dragged him into this! He is far too young to be dealing with the likes of you."
"That isn't what this is Kaoru, I'm training him."
"What a great way to prey on him! I bet you like that he looks up to you. Honestly! You have the audacity to break my heart and then bring your newest sexual conquest—"
"It isn't like that!" Reki cut him off. His voice firm despite the unfamiliarity of the situation. He kept his arms from turning once more since that would be embaressing. Instead the sharp claws of his talons dug into the stone floor, surely leaving marks.
"We are looking for the prince and supposedly a demon named Adam took him," Reki countinued.
The fox man's gaze shifted to something unreadable as his tails (formerly straight up in anger) lowered themselves. He adjusted the haori that he wore over top his yukata, each white with gold embroidery.
"I see. I suppose you two need to be finding him?" Kaoru suggested.
"Yes, it is urgent," Reki whispered as he cast his gaze towards the ground.
"I'll aid you two, of course I expect whatever reward I am to be given to be doubled with having to deal with the presence of a demon," Kaoru decided before taking off to go get a bag.
Reki looked at Kojiro with confusion in his eyes. Despite his worry he can't help but wonder what happened between the two. Kojiro responded to his confusion with a shrug and an irritated look though so Reki doesn't question it.
Eventually Kaoru came back with a bag that he promptly handed off to Kojiro and instructs him to carry.
"We better get going, they might be halfway across the sea by now," Kaoru said.
"The sea?" Reki asked with more worry in his voice and small feathers forming on his arms and along his neck.
"Yeah. Adam is what you might call a pirate these days," Kaoru explained.
"How do you know that?" Kojiro asked as they headed out the door.
"I keep tabs on assholes that break my heart and it turns out that demons are especially good at it," Kaoru hissed. Reki was positive that wasn't exactly what he did, but neither he nor Kojiro pressed on the matter.
"Well you did fall in love with a couple of demons, don't know what you expected."
"Perhaps I expected you two to— no. I'm not doing this. Shut your mouth and keep walking."
Kojiro rolled his eyes but the three start walking regardless. Thankfully the Kingdom of Gelida is a port kingdom.
Unfortunately, Adam knew that as well. So when the boat is already gone by the time they get there no one should be surprise. That doesn't stop Reki’s heart from breaking.
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 24 - The more its restored, the less like the original it becomes.
K: This is Dir en grey's Kaoru, starting this episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....*points to Joe with his bare leg showing*..Errr, are you hot?
J: No, I mean, its hot isn't it?
K: Yeh, it is.
J: How do you feel about Summer? Im really bad with Summer!
K: Well, I don't like the heat, but I don't really go outside all that much.
J: Really? By the way, what are your favourite seasons, Kaoru?
K: Autumn and Spring.
J: Well, yeh right? Which do you hate the most? Winter or Summer?
K: Im really sensitive to hot and cold.
J: Oh really?!
K: But, hmm, which one? Maybe Summer is better.
J: Summer is better? Ehh? But in the winter you can always put on extra clothes if you are cold..but in Summer...we have our limits, right?  Summer is...
K: Can't you just put the aircon on?
J: I do...but..
K: If you go outside, right?
J: Outside is also hot, and if you leave the aircon on constantly inside, you'll catch a cold. Its hard, I really don't like summer at all!
T: Haha
J: You're also limited in what you can eat, right? You have no appetite, you get bored of eating soumen noodles every day.
K: Yeh, that does get boring.
J: In winter you can have big hot pots, and all sorts!
K: I eat hot pots in the summer too.
J: Really?!
T: Ehh?
J: Incredible! Ah, but on the other hand, yes, that kinda works.
T: Wouldn't you feel cooler? After eating it?
K: I feel hot.
J: You feel hot? haha.
K: Hahaha
J: Its is hot!
K: I get really hot! Haha
T: Do you eat it with the aircon blasting?
K: Well, even with the aircon blasting, I still sweat a lot.
J: Its hot, right? But doing that feels good? Conversely?
K: What have you been eating?
J: Salad, basically.
K: Did you say you were on a diet?
J: Yeh, my belly is getting round.
K: Weren't you going to the gym?
J: I am going to the gym!
K: Haha.
J: I started with squats, and when I lifted up, it was so hard*1.
K: Hahaha
J: My muscles hurt a lot today. I can't walk up the stairs.
T: Hahaha
K: At 50, you're like...
J: Getting my teeth out...
K: Getting your teeth out..
T: Doing squats...
J: Yeh, well im divorced, and im aiming to remarry, so this is my last spurt. If I havn't reached my goal by age 55...
K: You've entered a plan to reform yourself?
J: Yes, I have.
T: Joe, you're young!
J: If I havn't managed it by 55, I'll give up...*gestures to camera* So, please,  everyone.
K: Why are you smiling?
T: Hahaha
J: I've kinda been wanting to do that.
K: Hahaha
J: Lets cut that bit.
K: No, we'll show it
J: Hahaha
K: We won't cut it, haha. Ok, Joe san. Today's news please.
J: Yes, this is today's news. We talked about this news a little bit once on the radio show, didn't we?
K: Yeh, we did.
J: Right? Well this is news about how "The more it was restored, the less like the original it became". So in Spain, its been disovered that  an amatuer tried to re-touch a famous work of art, and failed twice. The altered work is a oil painting copy of the 17th century piece by the Spanish Baroque artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. The title of the work is, 'The Immaculate Conception of Los Venerables'. The owner of this piece, an art collecter based in Valencia, who paid 1200 euros for it, had requested an employee of a furniture repair company to clean the painting. But during the cleaning, the Virgin Mary's face changed. After not one, but two restoration attempts, the painting was completely ruined, and the owner was apparently very angry. So, if you search for it, you will be able to find the images online. We can't show you them here due to the issue of image rights (*On screen text: Search for Spain painting restoration*). But...yehh..
T: Its incredible, isn't it?
J: This is shocking!
K: They weren't looking at how the picture is supposed to be, were they?
T: *Looking at his paper* Is the top picture the first restoration attempt?
K: Yeh, the one on the left is the original state, and on the right is the first restoration.
J: The top right, yeh.
*Lots of giggling*
J: This has zero sense of Maria! It looks like some vandalism.
K: Its looks like those pictures they stick up outside the police box *2
J: This first attempt is bad enough...
K: Its terrible, really bad!
J: But it generally still fits with the original Maria's line of gaze, right?
K: Yeh, but like, you can see the whites of her eyes. The top half is totally black.
J: If this is restoration work, it means they took money for it?
T: ??? *3
J: Really!
K: How did they actually do it though? Normally you have to use a matching colour to the original, and just do it like this, right?*imitates dabbing paint finely*
J: I think so.
K: But it seems like this person has just gone like "Gahhh' *imitates waving a paintbrush around roughly*
J: They re-painted it, right?
K: They are just slapping paint on, you can't see much detail.
J: Re-writing it! Its terrible!
K: They were somehow trying to remember what it used to look like.
J: At least they could have taken a photo..
K: Without that, this third try is never gonna work.
J: Everyone, please search for these images online. The third image is shocking!
T: The second pic is still looking upwards and kinda has a bit of the orininal feel to it, but the third pic is just staring straight forward!
K: Its the same person who did them both, right?
Kami: Um..I just..
J: Ah, Kami is here.
Kami: Um, I had a look at it, but where did her clothes go?
J: Huh? (*looks at paper*) Ohh, her clothes?
Kami: Yeh.
J: In the original, the area from Maria's chest and up is visible, but by the third picture, the clothes cover up to her head. This is awful!
T: Its scary, isn't it?
J: This is...well, where is the real problem? Even this kind of person has the authority to do restorations, even people at this level.
K: I dont know if they had the authority, they were just asked.
Kami: Yeh, the owner asked a furniture business to do it.
J: Yeh, someone from the furniture business came to restore it.
Kami: If you ask a furniture store to do it, this kind of result can't be helped.
K: For sure. ????*4
Kami: Maria got really ugly.
T: Ahh, I see! Originally, they were supposed to be just cleaning it right? Like, removing the dust.
J: Yeh, that might have been it. Like the painting was deteriorating, and in order to stop it getting worse, or something like that. They must have thought it was ok to go ahead and re-paint it.
K: The person who did it was quite eldery weren't they?
J: Ahh, I see.
T: This is crazy
J: But after seeing their first try, they should have given up trying to fix it for a second time. Somehow, that would've been better.
K: The owner shouldn't ask the same person to fix it, right?
J: Right!
K: But, well, it won't go back to its original state will it?
J: No, it won't.
K: Even if a new person could get to back to this (*points at the first restoration attempt*)
J: ??? Its like hell if you keep going, and hell if you stop. In the end, its like ??? *5, it would be no good...Well, its an impressive thing.
K: Yeh, but imagine if you wanted to keep viewing the painting, as for the first restoration,   if you look at it from far away, it kiiinda still resembles the original a bit. But the second one is no good at all.
J: Yeh, its no good. In the first one you can kinda still see that they were trying to paint the virgin mary, but in the second restoration, it looks like an old woman..not even a proper portrait.
T: Her nose is well defined though, haha.
J: Well, yeh...Isn't the Virgin Mary a friend of Kami's?
Kami: Well, the one in the original is my friend. The third one is totally different.
J: Its no good?
K: That kind of old woman, really.
J: Do you consider this to be a profanity? Is this ok?
Kami: Well, its ok, isn't it?
J: Hahaha.
Kami: That kind of thing.
J: Ah, its ok.
Kami: The original is really well painted isn't it?
T: Mm, yeh.
Kami: Yeh, I think its a really good picture.
K: Its a copy though right? There is someone who painted this as a copy?
T: Yeh, there is a proper original.
K: It would be pretty expensive to hire that person to fix it, right?
J: I think they were trying to save money. 140000yen was too much for them. I wonder how much it usually costs to have a painting decently restored? How much did they save?
K: It probably takes quite a long time to do.
T: I think it takes a really long time.
J: Yeah. Well, when they saw how it ended up, it says the owner was angry, well, yeh, he would be angry wouldn't he?
K: Yeh, he would. Cause its his precious painting that he just wanted cleaning.
J: Yes, thats it.
K: I can only laugh at this, haha. Its a total disaster, really.
T: It really is.
J: Well, the lesson to learn from this is that a ricecake maker makes ricecakes. If you want anything repairing properly, hire a professional..otherwise this type of thing will happen.
T: Thats it.
J: Don't be stingy!
T: Its problematic if they pretend to be a pro, then take your money. But in this case they were just a furniture store.
J: Asking a furniture store to do it was the mistake. Why did they ask a furniture store?
T: But they still said, 'Yes, we can do it', right?
J: Hmm, yeah.
K: They had the look of someone who could do it. The owner was fooled.
J: Its like 'The Guild', they may have had the look of a craftsperson. You have to be careful with appearance too.
K: Well, I think we'll finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
J: Go Hanshin Tigers!
*1, 2 Couldn't make out the last words, but i think its something like this.
*3, 4, 5 Couldn't make out.
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