#i love the tusken raiders lol
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deleted scene from chapter 9 where they all have to figure out how to work together to kill the krayt dragon, and Cobb preps for a town meeting
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acatalystrising · 2 years
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Oh my god I feel like the Tuskens did this with Boba:
“We adopted this feral Dangerous Angry Man and acclimated him into our society. Does he still have violent tendencies? Yes. Has he stopped trying to kill everything he sees? Also yes. I’d say that’s progress.”
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
good morning its askposting time!
feat. jedi survivor-ing, ventress, some luke related HCs, and other stuff
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whoops!! i got good at doing that over summer and then started forgetting. will try remember!
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GAMING LAPTOP!!! GAMING LAPTOP THAT NEARLY HITS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS!! I AM NOT PLAYING JS ON A CHROMEBOOK!!! it is NOT worth a try!!!! unless you have an insane chromebook you will waste money buying JS bc i dont think most chromebooks can even play the sims!
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LOVE SISTER!!! but im answering this as a reminder i do NOT take requests in the askbox. i sometimes draw to answer asks but i do not take direct requests
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if the humans dont have spices, then you KNOW the tusken raiders have nandos hot sauce that could destroy the death star
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@just-prime LMAO YEAH
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@chorus-of-hell LMAO????? THATS SO FUNNY someone come get their grandma
i imagine she has a similar reaction to most the galaxy, which is a mix of fear, confusion, and weariness
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oooo i didnt know that!!! thank you for telling me!!
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@falconfeather23435 2003 clone wars is such a time and i love it. also how dare obi wan hate rain, rain & obi-wan is responsible for my brother's favourite scene in star wars, obi wan standing in the rain on kamino
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@ace-befuddlement love the idea of it being for tax benefits when both of them are revolutionary fugitives fighting the government and definitely don't pay taxes LOL. tho could
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@materassassino the government doesn't want you to know this but the kyber crystals in old men's huts are free
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@imperial-spy my predictions are more bad shit is going to happen to cal bc this dude CANNOT get a break ever. that being said im hoping the next few hours of the game are just him getting therapy and hugs but i somehow don't see that happening
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floydsmuse · 17 days
Megs........I'm afraid the Ben Mears thoughts/thots have already struck (lol).
-You love to tease him while he works on his book. You'll go up behind him and kiss his cheek, reaching inside his shirt to play with his tit. Sometimes he has to swallow a moan when your fingertip is gently swirling around his nipple. Drives him absolutely feral (lol)
-Weekends, especially in the fall, mean that you two get to cook not only for yourselves, but for the whole household. Father Callahan will insist on making a manhattan while he chops the veggies you and Ben harvested from the backyard garden but after the last time that happened, you've told him absolutely not
-You guys adopted Mark and Baby Randy not long before you and the gang officially moved into the house to start a monster hunter's coven. You have a little chalkboard in the kitchen that has the date, everybody's names, time out and time in and where they're at so you can keep track. Half the time there's a lewd message written on the board for someone which always makes you laugh
-You and other members of the household always get super advanced copies of Ben's books when they're done. You, Bonnie Sawyer and Mabel Wertz were reading it one day and the squawk you let out when you read the sex scene (you and Ben were the main characters, lol) nearly woke everybody in the house. Mabel then proceeded to tell you "you think that's kinky honey, you should've seen what girls did in my day" (lol)
-It was a "guys hunt" kind of a night so all the men in the house were out on a hunt and they managed to track down a pretty nasty beast lurking near the edge of town. You got a text from Matt Burke and it was Ben, Mark, Father Callahan, Mike Ryerson, Nolly Gardner, Corey Bryant and Parkins Gillespie all standing on the stone wall, weapons in hand raised over their heads making Tusken Raider noises
-Ben's a VERY dirty boy when he comes home from a hunt. You had to fill the bath with fresh water at least twice in the same night and scrub him down but that makes for some very kinky shenanigans in the bath and in bed afterwards
-Worlds biggest snuggler. He absolutely has to snuggle you when the snow starts to fly, whether it be on the bed or on the couch under a huge pile of blankets. 90% of the time he sleeps naked unless Baby Randy wakes up and decides to waddle into your bedroom for morning snuggles (lol)
-Morning sex too is fuckin amazing!!! Mr. Mears is the master at morning sex. He's very gently manhandling you so you fit perfectly beneath him, sliding in and out to draw out all those moans he loves hearing. He's definitely got a praise kink and a gigantic breeding kink too but that's another story for another day (lol)
Megs m'dear, I fear I will be insufferable at Halloween and it's showing already (lol).
hehe Mary! i’m always up for some thoughts/thots! 🤭 especially about our boy Ben :))
oh how i’d love to tease him while he works on his latest book 🥴 he tries so hard to concentrate, but when he becomes vocal, that’s when you know that he’s about to give into you ;) oooh! there’s just something so cozy about cooking during the fall and i really love the idea of Ben harvesting his own veggies 🥰
having a chalkboard to write everyone’s names and messages on is soo cute :,) also you and him adopting is absolutely precious! the book with the sex scene that features you and Ben as the main characters?! omg i can only imagine what goes down in the bedroom between you two 🫠 and the fact that it’s published for others to read is just soo 🤭 Ben is such a little slut!
oooh! this man hunt sounds like fun! but also super spooky 🤭 hehe i’d love to help Ben wash off in the bath :)) and ahh the kinky shenanigans!! i love it! oh he’s for sure a good snuggler 🥹 loves to hold you super close, run his fingers through your hair, and keep you nice and warm especially during when wintertime rolls around. baby Randy coming in to cuddle with you both is just so sweet too 🥰
morning sex?? YES pls!!! Ben having a praise kink and a breeding kink??! god this man is going to be the end of me 😵‍💫 i need him bad!!!
thank you for sending these in darling <3 i too will be insufferable when salem’s lot comes out 😌
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ryehouses · 2 years
Do you have any boba and ushib scenes? I love your tusken ocs so much, especially ushib! Or I’d also love to see anything from boba’s pov that you found really fun to write
hello hello! thanks for stopping by!
i DO Have a few boba/ushib scenes here and there, but this one was the most complete; it is very old, lol, and came out of some early character work i was doing at the beginning of the fic, and additionally has received only the most cursory rounds of revision, but! for you <3
set before ast even starts - like, it's set 36 hours or so after the opening scenes of return of the jedi - but here's some ushib!
in which tusken adoption is relatively straightforward. 
The sands were quiet. Like any old Tusken, the quiet made Ushib wary, her hand reaching on instinct for the smooth, worn handle of her nisa’sik. She narrowed her eyes and looked out across the silver sands. 
The desert was not supposed to be quiet. The night was still young, yet, and there were a few hours before the true cold of a desert midnight set it. The sands all around Ushib should have been humming, singing, the dunes rustling as the breeze swept by, the bantha lowing to each other as they made their journey to the nearest oasis. 
But the breeze was still and the bantha were quiet, and the silence was so thick and forbidding that Ushib almost stopped her journey and turned back, her fingers itching for her knife. Silence in the desert was a bad omen, and Ushib was warier of bad omens than most. 
I should have married into Brave River, Ushib thought sourly, keeping her eyes on the dunes and her hand on the smooth krayt-bone handle of her knife. A’Paur was acceptable. I should have agreed to his suit instead. 
The Brave River Tribe of the tuskra of Tatooine had not had the relentless, thirty-year progression of ill luck that had made Ushib so wary of bad omens and driven her tribe to the brink of collapse, starving and consigned to a fraction of their tuskbal. A’Paur was still alive – or had been alive at the last Gathering of Tents – and all of his children were still living too, and Ushib of Spotted Anooba Tribe had buried her bloodmate and all four of her children. Brave River still had warriors aplenty, raiders and scouts, and didn’t need to send its grandmothers into the sands to scavenge. 
Spotted Anooba Tribe just had Ushib. Its few remaining warriors were too busy trying to guard the tribe’s frail borders to hunt or forage. 
I could have spent my old age in a shaded tent by the water, with more grandchildren than I knew what to do with. But no, thought Ushib. I had to like Mazahar and his silly courtship. I had to like the pearls he brought me, and the knives his mother made, and his promises. 
Ushib snorted to herself. The sands stayed silent. 
A bad omen, she thought. She should just turn around and begin the long trek – on foot, because Ushib’s bladeback mount was just as dead as her Mazahar and all of their children – back to Spotted Anooba’s summer camp. Ushib was her tribe’s last jida, advisor and healer. If she met a bad end here in the sands – 
But the children are hungry, she thought. There were so few children left. None of Ushib’s had been lost to hunger, but she felt keenly the worry and grief of the other mothers. 
I’m old, she reminded herself. If tonight is my last night in the sands, so be it. A’Karan said he’d send one of the pups to help me, if he could. I will not be alone for long. 
Hopefully whichever pup A’Karan sent out after Ushib was one who knew his way around the desert and who wasn’t afraid of a bad omen or three. A’Shek, perhaps, who was as brave as any bladeback, or A’Timma. 
There were hungry children back in the camp. Ushib was not afraid of fire-spirits and she was only a little afraid of ruh’shir. She was admittedly very afraid of the Great Devourer, whose pit was just over the silent ridge of the next sand dune, but at least the Great Devourer would stay in his den. Krayt dragons could move. Sarlaccs could not. 
Gathering her courage, Ushib drew her nisa’sik and started to walk towards the pit. She was here because one of the far scouts had seen the Worm sailing out this way yesterday morning, and the Worm was wasteful. He often left plenty behind to scavenge. 
Ushib crossed the first sand dune without being shot by a lurking outlander, struck down by a vengeful ghul or set upon by a krayt dragon. That was good. The desert’s persistent silence was still unnerving, but Ushib had been through worse. 
She crossed another dune and found, to her surprise, more than just the Worm’s usual cast-offs. Jabba the Hutt was known among the tuskra as the sort of lazy glutton who would slaughter a bantha just for its horns, leaving the rest of the animal to spoil in the suns, but Ushib didn’t think she’d ever heard of the Worm leaving behind an entire ship before. 
But there on the far side of the Great Devourer’s pit – the Great Devourer itself blessedly still, its horrible beak closed, its seeking tendrils slack with sleep – was an enormous metal structure, a speeder or a ship of some kind, tipped over on its side and utterly abandoned. The smell of smoke hung in the breezeless air. 
Ushib eyed it, unsettled, but nothing was moving inside or around the ship, either, and the mechanisms that would power it were silent too. 
What, Ushib thought, happened here? Had the Worm brought an entire ship full of other ghuy’ra to the Pit of Carkoon and thrown them all to the Devourer? Was that why the awful beast was so quiet, because it had cracked the ship like a junda bird egg and greedily eaten everything inside? 
A ship that size had to have some supplies that Ushib could scavenge, though. Maybe not food or water, if the ship had been full of sacrifices doomed to die, but other things that the tribe needed.
Her neck prickled, an old woman’s fine sense of danger scratching at Ushib like a massiff trying to warn its master, but Ushib only readied her knife and crept closer to the burned-out ship. 
Ushib stepped carefully, trying to disturb the sands as little as possible. The Great Devourer was likely full, if the Worm had fed it so well, but Ushib knew as all Tuskens did that the Devourer was a glutton, and would eat even if it wasn’t hungry. She didn’t want to wake it up. 
The Devourer’s pit was dangerous enough even when the beast at the bottom was sleeping. The Devourer’s constant moaning and lashing had made the sands unstable, the sides of the pit prone to collapse, and there was no bedrock beneath the sand to anchor Ushib if she started to fall. 
Cautious, Ushib made her way around the edge of the pit, towards the smoking ship. The pit was shallower there, the sides scraped down into a more gentle slope, like the Devourer had flattened part of its pit in order to reach its prey. She pushed back the urge to shudder. The Devourer was sleeping now, its beak slack, and if she was careful – if she was lucky – she would get away without waking it. 
Only the thought of her hungry people kept Ushib moving towards the smoking heap of metal. Ushib had just a passing familiarity with the strange metal ships of the ghuy’ra. Her birth tribe, Stooping Bonehawk, had roamed high in the mountains, far away from even the most adventurous settlers. She hadn’t seen a speeder until she had accepted Mazahar’s courtship at the Gathering of Tents and come to live among his tribe.
This speeder – this barge – was exceptionally large. Ushib thought that it probably wasn’t a speeder at all – she couldn’t imagine a contraption that size moving quickly. It looked like one of the great, lumbering structures that the Jawas lived in, except for a heap of tangled, smoking canvas on top. 
A moving camp, perhaps? Ushib wondered, drifting closer. The Great Devourer stayed still and quiet. He must have eaten well. 
The Jawas had already visited the ruin. Ushib could see their footprints in the sand. That gave Ushib more confidence to get closer; if the Jawas had been here, they would have dealt with any ghuy’ra traps. 
They had certainly dealt with the ship, which had crashed into the sand on its side. Fire had scoured the sides of the ship, burned away its cables and ropes, and fire had killed many of the ghuy’raat inside of it, too. 
Jawas did not bury dead outlanders. Ushib stepped over several bodies, studying them curiously as she went. She’d never been very good at telling ghuy’ra apart from each other – all outlanders were the same, really – but she did spot a fair few humans among the dead, a handful of the stout, snub-nosed guards the Worm traveled around with, droids that had already been stripped of their casings and wires. 
Why did the Worm sacrifice his guards? Ushib wondered. She understood the humans. Jabba the Hutt threw humans to the Devourer all the time. But the green-skinned guards – no.
This doesn’t look much like a sacrifice, she thought. It looks like an ambush. 
Ushib knew little of sacrifices, but plenty about ambushes. She’d lost two sons to outlander ambushes, and knew what kind of wreckage was left behind. This, the wrecked barge, the bodies strewn across the sands, looked less like a show of power on the Worm’s part and more like a daring raid. 
Ushib cautiously stepped over another body and peered into the depths of the ship. The Jawas had stripped most of the paneling off the belly of the thing, exposing it to the elements, and Ushib had to duck a frayed cable to get all the way inside. There were more bodies here. Ushib was grudgingly impressed. No one had managed to pull a raid off against Jabba the Hutt, not in her memory. 
This was no tuskra raid, she thought. She couldn’t think of a tribe left with enough strength to manage such a thing. Another ghuy’ra must have planned the raid. 
Brave of them, Ushib thought, poking through the ruins carefully. The Jawas had stripped away most of the useful metals that Ushib’s people could use to fashion weapons or shelters, but Ushib did find food, among the wreckage. Ghuy’ra food, Hutt food, all manner of under-spiced, overcooked, unappetizing things, but a meal was a meal, so Ushib fished a cloth bag from her robes and started to fill it with what looked most edible. 
She avoided anything that she couldn’t recognize, but the Worm had stocked his barge with all sorts of things, and Jawas were always more interested in scrap that they could tinker with or sell, so they’d left much of the fruit and dried meat behind. 
Ushib took most of it, satisfied, and began to pick her way back through the barge before her luck ran out and whatever ill curse had befall her tribe remembered where Ushib was, and what she was beside. 
She had almost made it out of the ship and away from the pit when she realized her mistake. Spotted Anooba Tribe had been cursed by a vengeful spirit long ago, when the youngest of Ushib’s children had still been small, and that curse had seen her tribe half-destroyed. 
But it was a strange sort of curse. If one didn’t think about it, the curse didn’t exist. But as soon as one remembered that the Spotted Anooba were cursed – 
Three steps from the gap in the broken barge’s belly that would have let Ushib back out into the desert – back out into safety – Ushib’s robe caught on a spar of jagged metal and pulled. 
Half of the barge, weakened by the wreck and by the Jawas’ scavenging, came down on top of her. 
The noise was the worst of it. Ushib was not particularly tall and had never taken up much space, so she wasn’t crushed or buried by everything that fell. A piece of metal struck her in the shoulder. Another thumped the top of her head. 
But she didn’t die and she wasn’t buried; it was just that the metal shrieked and clanged and clattered as it came down, joists wailing, walls rending. The sounds, to Ushib, were loud enough to wake the dead. 
The Devourer ate this morning, Ushib thought, throwing up her arms to protect herself. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t eat again, now that it’s awake. 
She waited for a long, lashing tendril to slam down on the sands, pitching the barge and Ushib both into the pit. She waited to hear the Devourer’s hungry shrieks, for the awful sound of its beak as it clattered. She waited for the curse, which had begun when the chieftain before A’Karan had kidnapped a ghuy’ra woman and drawn out her suffering, to take Ushib like it had taken her children. 
The sarlacc did not stir. It didn’t wail. It didn’t start to clatter its beak together, demanding to be fed again. 
The scraps falling all around Ushib slowed, then stopped. Wary, she lowered her arms and looked around. More of the barge had fallen to pieces around her, but the Devourer – 
The Devourer hadn’t moved. 
Ushib had chosen Mazahar, in part, because he had not laughed at her when she’d told him that she wanted to see more of Tatooine. Ushib had always been curious. It was a trait that had served her well with Spotted Anooba Tribe. It was a trait she could not – would not – ignore now. 
Ushib lowered her arms, peered out of the barge and down into the Pit of Carkoon, and that was when Ushib realized that the Great Devourer was dead. 
Dead? she thought, staring at the beast. She could see three of its tendrils through the gaps in the barge’s belly. She could see its great beak. No. It can’t be dead. The Great Devourer has always been here. It had lived in these sands for as long as the tuskra. It was these sands. It was – 
It is dead. Feeling either very brave or very mad, Ushib stepped out of the thin safety provided by the barge and approached – very carefully – the nearest tendril. It was as big around as a man’s arm and lay limply in the sand. Ushib prodded the tendril with her krayt-bone knife. The flesh was cold. The Devourer didn’t stir. 
It is dead. Ushib could barely believe it, even though she trusted her own eyes and the edge of her knife. 
What could harm the Devourer? Nothing. Nothing but another burrower, a Greater Krayt, but Ushib would have felt one moving through the sands. She had been walking through the desert for hours, foraging. Greater Krayts could not pass in silence. 
She looked closer, leaning as far out over the edge of the pit as she dared, and saw that the Devourer’s slack beak was singed and blackened, as if it had been scoured by some great heat. 
Her first thought was that the Great Devourer had finally gotten too greedy and had swallowed a hara’alliit, a night-fire spirit. There was a story like that, buried in the back of Ushib’s memory. In that tale the fire-spirit had burned its way out of the krayt dragon’s heart, wreathed in blue-white flame. Ushib couldn’t remember why the singers had sung that particular tale, what lesson they had wanted to teach, but she thought of it now, seeing the soot burned into the Devourer’s beak. Jabba the Hutt’s barge had burned too, and the night-fires were spirits of purpose. Not mindless destruction like a ruh’shir, that would swallow a whole tribe if it happened upon one, but of justice and right vengeance. 
The Worm had more than earned himself some right vengeance. The Worm had killed Ushib’s daughter. 
But that had been years and years ago, and Ushib didn’t really believe in the night-fires anyway. This was not a story-song, taught to children to teach them how to survive in the sands. 
Still, it was good, knowing that Jabba the Hutt and the Great Devourer both were dead. For once the silence of the desert hadn’t been a bad omen after all. The Spotted Anooba couldn’t exactly eat good news, but with the Worm gone, there might be room to expand their tuskbal a little, to search out a new oasis or hunting ground. 
Ushib peered down at the Devourer again, fascinated. 
What did kill it? she wondered. Some kind of fire, but – 
Her eyes caught on something down by the sarlacc’s slack beak. Whatever it was was pale, half-buried in the sand, just as still as the Devourer, but – 
But, she thought, staring hard, I think that it’s a body. 
Another outlander. Ushib could see a broad back. Raw flesh. Some kind of horrible wound glistening in the moonslight. 
Acid, Ushib realized. The Devourer killed with the weak acid inside of its stomach. The body beside the Devourer’s beak had been eaten by the Devourer. 
Eaten, but not devoured. 
Ushib knew all at once that the outsider – the ghuy’ra – had killed the Devourer. Had been the hara’alliit, the night-fire, that had so badly burned the beast. That must have torn free of the sarlacc’s stomach, too, must have crawled up through the loose sand of the pit. 
No one, not even a Tusken warrior, had ever killed a Great Devourer like this one. Smaller sarlaccs, ones not so well dug into the sand – yes. A brave band of warriors could kill a devourer like that. 
But a Devourer like this – 
Before she knew entirely what she was doing, Ushib stepped over the half-collapsed edge of the sarlacc pit and angled her heels so that she slid down into it, leaving her fear beside the wreckage of Jabba’s ship. The Devourer was dead. Ushib had nothing to fear from its corpse. 
She wasn’t the only one who’d braved the pit, either. She could see Jawa tracks all around the animal’s beak as she drew closer. She huffed, impressed. Jawas were cowards at heart. 
They must have stripped the Devourer’s killer of whatever weapon he – for the body, Ushib saw, was human, and male – had used to kill the Devourer. The Jawas had left the body itself, but they had taken everything else. All Ushib could see was acid-scarred skin, the wounds raw and extensive. The man was curled on his side, half-buried, and acid had burned his hands and arms to the elbow, his head, his neck down past the shoulder, his sides, his hips, his feet. Ushib winced. 
A hard way to die. 
Still, Ushib hoped that the outlander had at least had the satisfaction of seeing his enemy dead, before he’d succumbed to his wounds. He had earned it. 
Even though the Devourer was dead, Ushib was careful not to touch its beak as she crouched down into the sand beside the outlander. She wouldn’t put it past the thing to have acid coating its tongue or its rings and rings of teeth, and she could see well enough what the acid would do to a body. 
Ushib crouched down beside the dead man and took a closer look. She wasn’t very good at estimating the age of humans. This one was fully grown, at least. A warrior. Ushib could see older scars beneath what the Devourer’s acid had ravaged. 
A warrior’s death, thought Ushib. 
That was admirable, for a ghuy’ra. Ushib was almost impressed. She bent closer, intending to roll the dead man over to get a better look at him, and that was when the dead man moved. 
Now, as a general rule, Tusken grandmothers were hard to startle. Ushib had collected seventy-six rains and along with those rains she had survived war, raids, the Anchorhead Reprisals, childbirth, the trials of raising four bright and ambitious children in the desert. She was frightened of some things, like the death of her tribe or the idea of being eaten by the Great Devourer, but Ushib was not one to spook at a loud noise or an unexpected touch. 
However, she had assumed that the ghuy’ra was thoroughly dead, because no one escaped from the Great Devourer alive, and she had not been expecting him to twitch back to life all at once, a furious dark eye opening, and grab her by the ankle. 
So if Ushib let out a cry of alarm and fell backwards, nearly dropping her nisa’sik, well. There was no one else around to see it, and she quickly recovered by kicking the ghuy’ra in the face. 
The outlander groaned, a harsh, rattling sound, and stared up at Ushib for a split second, that one eye burning like a tongue of fire in the dark, before his hand went slack around Ushib’s ankle and his eye rolled back into his head. 
Ushib stared at him some more, too surprised to do anything else. 
He’s – alive? 
She didn’t understand how he could still be alive. How his hands could still have that kind of strength in them. Even moving as little as he had had reopened some of the raw burns across the outlander’s shoulders. 
He should be dead. 
But he wasn’t. The outlander didn’t move again, limp in the sand, but now Ushib could see him breathing shallowly. She pushed herself back upright and prodded his side with a foot. He didn’t stir, but he didn’t die, either. 
He had survived the sarlacc. 
Intrigued now, Ushib crouched down beside the man again and took a closer look. She still had her knife, after all – if he roused again, she could put a stop to that easily enough.
He must be strong, then, she thought. 
Most ghuy’ra weren’t. They had done so well on Tatooine because of their numbers, because of their technology, but an outsider alone, lost in the sands, was week. None of them knew how to survive in the desert, with the desert. Most outlanders, in Ushib’s opinion, weren’t worth the effort it took to hunt them or drive them out. 
But this one – 
The wounded man, unaware of Ushib thinking hard above him, made a thin, faint sound of pain. 
Ushib softened. 
The man was an outsider, but he was strong, and he had done the Spotted Anooba a service even if he hadn’t meant to. The Great Devourer threatened anything that came near it. That, at least, had awarded the outsider some dignity. 
Alain’ah, thought Ushib, reaching into the depths of her robes for her traveling kit. 
She didn’t usually venture out into the desert with her full supply of medicines and ointments, mostly because the materials to make those medicines were scarce, these days, and Ushib didn’t want any to be lost with her if she was taken by the sands, but she always kept a small kit of the most basic supplies. Clean linen for wrapping wounds, a small clay jar of jurab paste, a fistful of shaving of safi bark. Enough, Ushib hoped, to keep the outlander alive, at least for a little while longer. 
He didn’t stir as Ushib began the process of identifying the worst of his wounds, not even when Ushib began to pick what looked, rather horrifyingly, like shards of sarlacc tooth out of his back and smear jurab paste over the worst of his burns. 
She had just started to wrap the outsider’s hands when a shadow fell across the pit, and Ushib looked up to see another tuskra standing above her, imprinted black against the stars.  
Ushib looked up, tensing, but relaxed when she saw that A’Karan had, in a rare moment of good sense, sent A’Shek out to retrieve Ushib. She knew him by his broad shoulders and by the white-scarred bladeback boar pawing at the sand behind him, the animal made uneasy by the lingering smell of fire. 
There were not many young warriors left to Spotted Anooba Tribe, but A’Shek was the best of them, and he usually minded Ushib well enough. 
Good, Ushib thought, tying off her bandage. I’m going to need his help. 
A’Shek repeated his greeting, then signed down to her, What are you doing? 
Ushib moved a little so that A’Shek could see the wounded outlander. 
Giving aid, Ushib signed back, one-handed. 
Aid? Always curious and usually fearless, A’Shek slid down into the pit alongside Ushib, though he did the sensible thing and looped a rope around his bladeback before he did it. Who are you giving aid to? Sun – 
His fingers stopped moving when he saw the man in the sand. Ushib let A’Shek think on his own for a moment. He didn’t immediately reach for his gaderffii, which was good. A’Shek, Ushib thought, could be reasoned with. 
A ghuy’ra, Ushib replied, flicking her fingers in the shape of the sign. 
An outlander? A’Shek signed, the answering twitch of his hands dismissive. Why give aid to an outlander? Just leave him. The Jawas have been at him already. 
Because, Ushib said, this outlander killed the Great Devourer. 
A’Shek froze. 
Yes, Ushib thought, knowing that A’Shek was running through those words in his head just like Ushib had. That A’Shek was trying to make them make sense. No one could kill the Great Devourer, especially not an outlander. 
Except this one had. 
Are you sure? A’Shek finally asked, intent. He doesn’t look like much. 
Yes, Ushib replied. She was sure. She did not go around handing out alain’ah to outlanders on a whim. Her heart was not so soft. 
But giving aid to a sarlacc-slayer, to the one who had finally killed the Great Devourer – 
I am sure, she said. 
A’Shek made a faint sound. She couldn’t tell if he was amused or if he was worried. She decided that it didn’t matter. 
Why? he asked. 
She had been waiting for that question. “Because this one,” Ushib said, loud and clear into the silence of the desert, “is mine.”
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
Arachne is heavily debating about Anakin and that must be so hard for her to choose—wonder how Dogma learned about Umbara . . . Also love how the Arachne AU just got another AU possibility within the AU 😂
Arachne's brain is going, "Anakin is a threat. He's a threat to the men in his care. He's a threat to the child he's legally responsible for. He's a threat to the galaxy. I know this. I know this, and I'm doing nothing about it. Can I punish him for something he hasn't done yet? Can I punish him for the slaughter of the Tusken Raiders? Does anyone care about that slaughter?"
Arachne has notes of things that happened, canonically. And she has it all written in a silly pink notebook, and she left it open one day, and Dogma didn't mean to pry, he didn't, but he saw his name and he saw Tup's name, and he read a whole page, before he slammed the book shut, and went to Arachne to ask/demand answers. Honestly, it was only a matter of time. I can't help myself, lol.
"You don't like General Skywalker, do you?" Tup asks as he watches Arachne preform a series of gymnastics that made his everything hurt. She balances on one hand, "I am perfectly ambivalent towards your General." "You avoid him when he's nearby and you have the option, and when you don't..." Dogma pauses, "Well, if you talked to the supervillains you fought in your own reality the way you talk to him, I'm not surprised they wanted to kill you." You stick your tongue out at Dogma in a very mature rebuttal. Dogma, who's halfway though a spar with a training droid, arches a brow, "Keep it up and I'll give your tongue something to do." "Ew!" Tup flings a towel at his brother, "Stop being gross." And then he looks at Arachne, who's now balancing on a single finger, "What's your deal with Skywalker? Sure, he's a dick, but he's better than some of the Jedi." Arachne scowls at him, "I have good reasons." "Hm...Umbara like reasons?" Tup asks, "Or reasons like the time you drugged Fives and Echo to keep them from being able to go on a mission." Arachne flushes, "You can't prove that that happened." She says, "but if Echo had gone on that mission, he would have been blown up." "Babe," Dogma finishes his training and walks over, "Come on, it's us." "If I tell you, you'll never see Skywalker the same. Ever. So, for now, I will keep my council." Arachne replies, before she flips to her feet, and then leans against Dogma. Dogma grins at her, his hands settling low on her hips, "Tup, go away." "You both suck," Tup grumbles, "I'm going to use your shower, Arachne. And your shampoo. And conditioner. And bodywash." He calls as he stalks out of Arachne's gym.
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bleuskais · 2 years
Watching Ant Man and the Wasp Quantumania and
Spoilers ahead
Waiting for the movie to start and we got 2 DC trailers, 1 Transformers trailer and 1 Marvel trailer... They sure know who their target audience is
D'aww so glad Scott and Agent Jimmy Woo got their date
Suddenly Ryan & Mari?!
Scott picking Cassie up from jail reminds me of jojo stone ocean... Trust me... This thought will come back to bite me in the ass lol...
Suddenly tusken raiders?!
Wait... Why am I watching a star wars movie now?! This corporate synergy thing is going too far lolol
I see the Lang family secret technique is also Joestar's family secret technique Nigerundayo!!!
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Honestly, the fact that there's so many bipedal non human species in the quantum realm is breaking my suspension of disbelief coz bipedal is such an inefficient form to exist in lol
My sweet boy veb is Dastmalchian?!
William Jackson Harper as a put upon telepath is inspired casting
Cassie meeting Jentorra for the first time and girl, same.
Oh that's right! He's in this too! I forgot about this and was pleasantly surprised lol
Oh god! MODOK... my eyes! 这也太辣眼了吧
Suddenly Attack on Titan?!
Giant Cassie & Giant Scott hugging is slightly undercut by how there aren't tiny people dodging them left & right to show how big they really are
Isn't their giant forms a bit too OP? Unlike last time when they had a time limit on Scott going Giant Man
ngl I snorted when Kang said something about the rebellion. Same Kang, same. This is just a rebel vs empire star wars movie reskinned as a marvel movie at this point
Remember to stay til the end as per standard marvel movie SOP. There's a mid credit and a post credit scene
I'm just glad there's no unnecessary kissing lol The Scott/Hope love story line is still the weakest link imo but I also always think romance plot is unnecessary so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honestly it wasn't as bad as some reviews made it out to be! It was a fun romp
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peng-guin · 4 years
hot take: kinda disrespectful to reduce din’s rightful anger at a person appropriating his culture to ‘haha horny’
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mercurydancer · 3 years
Healer Tiq, I'm bursting with questions, but these ones are bursting to get out:
Anakin, how are things going with your mother? Is she making headway on developing the freedom train?
Qui-gon, what do think about little Anakin being friends with a recovering darksider?
Maul, how is the food at the temple? Are the clothes comfortable? Have you ever considered trying different colors of clothes? Or experimenting with other new things?
Hello!! Thank you for the question~ I don’t talk to my mom as often as I’d like, we...we are working hard on being able to let go - but the last I’ve heard, my mom and Quinlan Vos and his Apprentice Aayla Secura are working on getting a more formal network with the Tusken Raiders. We had an unofficial one, but now that we have the means we’re working on making it better and getting a more formal trade route. It’s exciting! C3P0 is helping with translation, too. I’m just...I’m happy my it’s working out. I’m glad she’s free!
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Through Thick and Thin - A.S
Anakin Skywalker x Fem Reader
masterlist, requesting rules, guidelines, taglist
About: When Obi-Wan learns of Anakin's turn to the dark side, he goes to Y/N to try and find him; what he gets instead changes everything and Anakin gets the answers he's been waiting for.
A/N: this is my first time writing in months, please be kind! Need to get back to my flow lol
Word Count: 2057
Warnings: murder, death, blood, mention of parent loss.
"He killed younglings, Y/N!" Obi-Wan stressed, pacing around the room "Tell me where he is, I beg you."
You stared at your husbands Jedi Master, contemplating if you should tell him the truth - betraying your husband and revealing his whereabouts or to lie and protect him. After all, you knew what Obi-Wan was going to do.
You knew that Anakin was capable of taking lives, especially the lives of women and children after he murdered the Tusken Raiders - you weren't afraid of him when he confessed and you certainly didn't shame him for it; you could understand his anger, his hate, his need for revenge.
Anakin's back was facing you, he stared at the wall, hot tears streaming down his face.
"I killed them." he paused, catching his breath "I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them."
Anakin slowly turned around to face you, his face stained with tears, his eyes glassy and red.
You stared at him, trying not to judge him for what he had done - knowing that if you did, you would be the biggest hypocrite known to man.
"And not just the men," Anakin inched closer to you, shaking his head "but the women and the children too."
You froze.
Women, like you.
Children, like the ones you adored at the Jedi Temple, children you dreamed of having with Anakin.
Part of you died hearing his confession, but you remembered how you felt when you were finally left alone in a room with your fathers killer. You too would've killed his wife and the other women and children in their village. You would wipe them all out.
"They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals." Anakin started to raise his voice, his pearly white teeth shining in the light "I hate them!"
Anakin dumped himself to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest, more tears falling from his eyes; you placed your hand against his face, wiping away his tears with your thumb.
"It's okay to feel angry, it's okay to hate them after what they did." You said softly, casting circles on his cheek with your thumb.
"I'm a Jedi," his eyes searched yours, his hand reaching for yours, holding it tightly "I know I'm better than this."
You sighed, kissing his hand softly "Don't let what you've done define you, Ani."
"How can I come back from this?" He asked in frustration "How can I move forward if Obi-Wan is holding me back!"
"You find a way," you encouraged him "even if it means going against him... and the council."
"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" You asked quietly.
Obi-Wan didn't answer, he swallowed hard and looked at the pale lilac carpet.
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"
"Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain."
"He has slain younglings, Y/N! I saw his callousness with my own eyes!" Obi-Wan raised his voice, "Anakin has sided with Palpatine! He's the sith lord!"
You started to laugh, waving your hand.
'Of course, Obi-Wan and the council are pinning this on Palpatine, making him the bad guy.' you thought.
"It's funny," you speak up swinging your right leg over your left knee "you and the council painting Palpatine as evil."
The Jedi Master stared at you in horror and couldn't believe the words coming out of your mouth - his heart splitting into tiny fragments, the young girl he raised was defending the chosen one - the young boy who had grown up with bouts of pent up hate and anger, and turned to the dark side.
"Palpatine is the only person other than me who truly cares for Anakin, who never lectures him for his feelings, who never holds him back."
Obi-Wan felt sick.
"I don't know where he is," you lied "even if I did, I'm not telling you."
"Don't make this harder for me than it needs to be," Obi-Wan warned you, remembering the Jedi Code, pushing his memories with you and Anakin aside.
You didn't flinch, instead, you sat back down on the sofa, staring at the beautiful sparkling wedding ring on your finger.
"I don't want to go back," you sighed, dragging your feet through inches of deep, sparkling snow "I've missed being home."
Anakin nervously fidgeted with the ring box in his pocket, practising his words over and over and over, making sure he got them perfect, his body freezing, his hair full of snowflakes.
"I'm so thankful you came here with me, Ani." You smiled, "My dad would've loved you."
Realising that Anakin wasn't following you, you stopped in your tracks and turned around, finding your boyfriend down on one knee.
"From the day we met, I have never been able to shake you from my mind and heart."  
Your eyes filled with tears and your goggles started to steam up.
"I never got to ask for your father's blessing, but that won't stop me."
You focused on the ring, realising it was the same one that your father always showed you as a child, with his plan to give to you in hopes that you would pass it on to your children.
"Y/N, my love, will you marry me?"
You nodded your head, removing your glove, exposing your warm skin to the freezing air that instantly started to nip at your skin.
"Yes," you smiled, more tears falling from your eyes "I will marry you, Anakin."
"Your father would be ashamed of you, you're becoming the very thing he hated, you're sleeping with the enemy!"
The rage you once felt started to ignite deep inside you as Obi-Wan tried to sour one of the greatest moments of your life.
You stood up, and walked over to him, staring him down.
"You know better than to bring up my father, Obi-Wan."
Anakin tried to catch his breath, stumbling backwards in extreme pain, the sound of your screams ringing in his ears. You were hurt, probably dead with the amount of pain Anakin was experiencing.
His heart started pounding, his ears ringing, feeling sick to his stomach - you couldn't be... could you? who could've done this? why?
"I have these nightmares..." Anakin opened up to you "what I see, happens."
You stroked Anakin's head, your fingertips massaging his scalp, your lips brushing against his neck.
"I had them about my mother before she died, I wasn't strong enough to save her."
You stopped massaging his scalp, and pulled away, looking into his blue eyes - full of tears that pooled up over his waterline.
"You are strong and you get even stronger the more you learn and experience," you paused "I was strong - not strong enough to save my dad, but now I probably would've had a better chance of doing so. We move forward."
Your fiance nodded his head, pursing his lips and kissing you softly, still emotional when he pulled away from the kiss.
"I don't want to dream of you like that- I don't want the nightmares - I can't... I can't lose you..."
You shook your head, cupping Anakin's face in your hands "You won't lose me, Ani."
Anakin didn't know but he would soon find out, killing the last of the separatist leaders on Mustafar, he boarded his ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter and set off in a hurry; desperate to find you.
You were in utter shock.
Your hands trembling, your forehead burning, the room closing in on you yet expanding at the same time and your throat like sandpaper from your constant screaming.
It all happened so fast - Obi-Wan striking for you, your leg being severed off faster than you could realise until you fell down and all you could feel was agonising pain, and the smell of burning flesh filling the room, the blood boiling in your veins.
You sat on the floor, your back propped up against the back of the sofa, dragging yourself across the floor proved difficult since you stopped practising your upper body workouts.
Looking across the room, your eyes landed on Obi-Wan, no longer breathing - how you did it? you didn't know - you managed to take control, more power than you ever had in your life, your fury spitting inside of you begging for release.
Do you feel guilty? Now that you think about it, no.
Obi-Wan attempted to end your life and he would take Anakin's life too.
Bringing the back of your hand up to your forehead, you wiped away the beads of sweat, your chest rising and falling.
Anakin jumped out of his Starfighter, his hood shielding his face, his long strides bringing him closer and closer to you, his eyes no longer a beautiful shade of blue, but like the two suns on Tatooine during sunset.
She can't be. Y/N can't be dead. Not now. Not ever.
Getting closer and closer, Anakin could sense death, pain, and suffering.
The door swung open as Anakin stormed in, searching for you frantically until his eyes landed on your amputated leg in the middle of the room, his face drained of all its colour.
Your screams came back to him, the searing sound of Obi-Wan's lightsaber severing your leg, the loud thud as you fell to the floor and then the walls shaking, everything shaking, your yells, Obi-Wan's voice breaking before his body dropped lifelessly to the floor.
Anakin glanced over to his Jedi Masters lifeless body and stared, his eyes burning holes into Obi-Wans back, wanting nothing more than to revive him just so he could have the pleasure of murdering him for what he had done to you.
You peeked your head out from behind the sofa, "Ani," you winced, "I'm back here."
Anakin rushed to your side, his eyes pouring with tears as he searched your face and body for more injuries; the sight of your wound hurt him deeply.
How could Obi-Wan do this to you? How could anyone do such a thing to the chosen one's wife?
"Are you-are you-"
"Ani," you tried to calm him down breathlessly "just my leg, nothing-nothing else."
Anakin scooped you into his arms as gently as he could, you held onto him for support, moving one of your arms around his neck, your tear-stained face hiding in his chest, his heartbeat thumping against your ear comforting you.
"I thought you were dead," Anakin croaked, carrying you away, his robes hiding you in his arms.
"Obi-Wan came to me, he needed to know where you were so he could kill you," you admitted, "he told me that you killed younglings."
Anakin slowed down, you pulled your head out of his chest and looked into his eyes.
"Did you believe him?" Anakin asked, his tone harsh.
You paused for a moment, slightly afraid that Anakin might drop you.
"I know that you have killed children before," you replied quietly, "he told me that Palpatine is the sith lord... that you are his apprentice-"
"What do you think of Palpatine?" Anakin's eyes rummaged through yours.
She can't turn against me - she won't. I won't let her.
"I think that he's the only other person aside from me who has ever encouraged you to show your emotions, to use them to make you stronger."
Anakin's eyes fixed on your face like glue "what if he is the sith lord, and I have joined him? what would you think of me"
You sighed, closing your eyes, imagining the perfect life with your husband; you and him never in harms way, children of your own growing up without a clue of what it's like to lose a parent, to be a slave.
"I would encourage you to overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy,"
You opened your eyes, everything coming back to you, your father's death, how it felt to slaughter a whole family.
"make things the way we want them to be."
Anakin gripped onto you tightly, a prideful grin spreading across his face.
"Everyone turned against me but you." He said softly, kissing you.
"What if you hate what I become?" your boyfriend stressed, pacing up and down.
"I could never hate you, Anakin," you walked over to him, linking your arm with his metal one"I'll be with you through thick and thin."
tags: @autobotrosestark
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journen · 3 years
Updated Kenobi Series Hopes & Predictions list!
So I made a list several months back, but I decided I’m going to make a new one now that I know more about Star Wars, and also have more ideas lol. So this is just some stuff I think would be cool to see happen in the show.
Obi-Wan having (ptsd)flashbacks of the aftermath of Order 66, and of Anakin burning on Mustafar
Him suffering from nightmares, or attempting to meditate and it being interrupted by terrible memories
Show off his daily(lonely) life. Him collecting water, food, tending to his Banthas and Eopies, wandering the desert, slaying Tuskens, going into town to buy missing parts, lightsaber exercises, etc..
Obi-Wan acting like an awkward social recluse/hermit
Obi-Wan being yelled at and hated by Owen for coming around Luke
Obi having to avoid being spotted by Storm Troopers
Satine flash-back/mention
Obi-Wan breaking down(let this man cry please, he deserves it he’s kept it together for so long)
Force ghost Qui-Gon comforting a hurting Obi-Wan, and teaching him how to become a force ghost
Reference to Obi-Wan struggling to contact force ghost Qui-Gon for so long, and perhaps almost giving up hope that Qui would ever speak to him
Obi-Wan rescuing a scared little Luke from danger(like from ruffians, or Tusken Raiders)
Clone Wars flashbacks, or at least him reminiscing about the old days back when he was a Jedi and got to explore the galaxy when all his friends weren’t dead
Obi-Wan is maybe forced to use his Jedi powers to save some people, but in doing so he gives himself away
Flashbacks/mention of Obi-Wan’s first days bringing baby Luke to Owen and Beru on Tatooine
A « hello there » or any other meme line. Lol
Explain in canon how Obi got the nickname Ben
How Obi-Wan learned Anakin survived and is now Vader
Obi-Wan fighting a Krayt dragon like he does in the Kenobi book, or at least reference that happenning(I’d love if this show doesn’t entirely retcon that book). Or him fighting some other epic foe!
Anyways there’s probably a ton of other ideas I had, but have forgotten to include, so I’ll likely be updating this list as time goes on! Feel free to reply, or reblog, or send me any more of your ideas and I can add them to the list! I love talking about this stuff.
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mandosnewpants · 3 years
The Book of Boba Fett Episode One Personal Opinions
I don't normally give my reactions very often but I had a lot of thoughts. There's nothing negative because I am not that type of person and because I just genuinely loved this episode.
Love that they show flashbacks in the bacta pod. Healing the body but also the mind.
Showing how he escaped the Sarlacc Pit was extremely satisfying. It was equally gross and badass. Everything that I wanted and imagined for that scene. Glad to see they did it justice.
I love the Tusken raiders and seeing them having such a big part made me happy. I enjoyed getting to see more of their lifestyle and culture.
Showing Boba endure one hardship after another without much time in between each one really adds to the hardened bounty hunter that we all recognize him as.
A beloved game amongst the tusken children: beating the captives up specifically Boba Fett. lol
His ability to continuously endure and seek survival!
The Tusken raider fight scene after Boba tries to escape was fantastic.
Boba and Fennec being under prepared to be crime bosses wasn't something I was prepared for. I don't know why I thought they would step into it like experts. I really like that they are "faking it until they make it". I'm excited to see them find their footing.
They clearly are not as good at the political part but go about everything quite bluntly and straight forward. Fennec always at the ready to kill. A+
Boba makes it clear that he wants to rule differently and I'm interested to see how that affects Tatooine's delicate economic ecosystem.
The droid mentions that on Tatooine you must project strength and I am excited to see Boba show the planet just how powerful he is and how they mistake strength for fear.
I love that he addressed Fennec as Master Assassin Fennec Shand but did not give himself a title just referring to himself as Boba Fett.
Boba grabbing the electric staff and then completely slaughtering the assassin had me feeling things.
Fennec snagging two of them and then actively choosing to kill one just because she could made me laugh. Absolutely adore her.
Boba being made to do manual labor by a child made me chuckle.
I love that the show continues to show Boba being forced to witness unfair atrocities done to innocent bystanders. It helps us understand more why exactly he had chosen a path we might not have seen him take when he was younger. He was ruthless and now he can be ruthless but also purposeful to whom he directs his wrath at.
To see him suffer through so much and still kick that lizard monsters ass. HOTT.
He chose to go back to the tuskens. After he killed the creature he could have left but he didn't which I find interesting.
Anyways these were some of my reactions and thoughts. Feel free to add. :)
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tunglo · 2 years
Completely agree with you about the Rako Hardeen arc - what do you think are some other shatterpoint moments for obi-wan & anakin in the prequels/Clone Wars series? (Now you just made me think of a scenario where Anakin is the one asked to feign his death instead of Obi-Wan, I wonder how that would play out)
(omg, supposedly perfect Jedi Obi-Wan completely falling apart over the death of his former Padawan. There is *no* serenity. xD)
Hmm, I've always felt the biggest moment is probably off-screen between TPM and AotC. Essentially something along the lines of how Obi-Wan chooses to deal with Anakin's attachment issues. If he goes one way you can end up with an Anakin who trusts him more, tells him more, etc, but if he tries to be the best Jedi he can it’s only going to make Anakin more vulnerable to emotional manipulation.
(I’ve always wanted to write a really dark fic where the reason Palpatine is able to get such easy access to Anakin is the hold he has over a Jedi who has done worse. Like, here we have a super vulnerable kid who is desperate to please, doesn’t really know how the Order works, and whose worst fear is being separated from Obi-Wan. The other kids at the Temple have been trained from birth not to be open to such blatant manipulation so Anakin is uniquely susceptible to any scumbag who wants to pressure him into keeping whatever’s happening a secret lest a) Obi-Wan find out and be upset/angry with him, b) other people find out and decide Obi-Wan obviously isn’t capable of looking after a Padawan. Then Palps would sweep in and help stop *that* abuse, but would very much drive home the idea that Obi-Wan would be through with him if he ever finds out. And so endless angst, suffering, reasons for Anakin to hate Obi-Wan for not seeing what was happening even while he loves him, etc, etc, etc.)
Shmi’s death is another big one, I think, but depending on how his training went his relationship with Obi-Wan at the time could have been better / he might tell him about the Tusken Raiders, etc. 
My usual stance is that everything is Qui-Gon Jinn’s fault ‘cos Obi-Wan is a product of Qui-Gon’s training. And therein lies the problem, lol.
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timothylawrence · 3 years
How is scarlet arab coded? /g
I don't know much about arab stereotypes besides the most common ones that mainly fall on men. All she makes me think of is league of legends miss fortune being a redhead girlboss™ pirate.
lol there's a lot really that kinda gives into it- at least from my perspective as an arab person who's grown up surrounded by these stereotypes.
you could start with the whole arabs being reduced to bad/thieving sand people is literally in almost any type of media. Start with the 40's and the various 'exotic' films Universal released that had a lot of thieving arab male characters, which you know, has a route in xenophobia and racism regarding arab immigration from the mid 1800s to the 21st century. And then, more recent examples include Aladdin which is a white retelling of an arab story- again Aladdin is a dirty thief. And hey, everyone's favorite Nickelodeon cartoon Avatar features some amazing sand benders who- you guessed it. steal Appa lmao.
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apparently living in the desert turns you into a thief.
(also Tusken Raiders in star wars are literally called 'sand people' and described as primitive and hostile lmfao).
so whatever, she's a cool thieving pirate! pirates are meant to be thieves! but then you look at pics of Scarlet and she very obviously has tan skin and a hooked nose- traits a lot of arab people have lmaoo? look at her concept art LOL (also the big jewlery is a big HMM + she maintains these features (albeit imo lighter skin) in the game.)
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and then you kinda have that... weird shrine that herbert has that is just... weird. but you get that same white guy pining for exotic SWANA woman who is unattainable is straight up racistttt. You see a lot of weird sexual fantasies between white men and SWANA women esp in a lot of earlier american movies- even modern renditions where poor arab (usually iraqi) women who live in war torn countries fall in love with white american soldiers. lol.
Tagging onto women being arab women sexualized in media and seen as unattainable in Video Games- look at the Gerudo in BOTW LMAO. Where you literally cannot reach them unless you dress up in racist ass 'belly-dancing' outfits and pretend to be a woman + their exaggerated racial features (im not even opening up that can of worms but. yeah)
also ofc the setting of Oasis which is like 'oh cool its just a normal desert' and then you have the very obvious orientalist music that plays with the strings and plucking sounds that's very obviously meant to mimic the SWANA/arab traditional music with instruments like Oud's. Also, the idea of deserts being uninhabitable or what not is a racist take in and of itself. yeah. You can even hear a snippet of the music played in the dlc here here:
Like again. I don't think gearbox cared/realized what it meant to make the thieving backstabbing thieving pirate Arab, but keep in mind that of the 12 woc in the series- six are villains/bad.
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codywan fic rec list
thave this overdue fic rec list lol. four days later, am i right?
And I Fear Nothing by @maiseey Cody comes home from an extended errand to see his house surrounded by Tusken Raiders. He's not having it. or Rex and Ahsoka delivered Cody to Obi-Wan with a bloody dressing taped to his scalp and a ruined left leg. The last thing he’d expected was his General to pick his traitorous shebs up with two pink, squalling natborns strapped to his back, but he's here to stay. Post-Order 66 AU
At the Edge of the Dune Sea by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12  There is a hut that has, inexplicably, become a home.
Slow Waters by @brigittttoo (this leads to the series, but what you need to know is that it’s a wonderful pacific rim au)
Here and Now by Floris_Oren During a battle, Cody and the Ghost squad go looking for their General which got separated from them. Injuries abound and Cody just tries to keep himself together. --He pulled his helmet off then took Obi-Wan’s face into dirty, gloved hands. “I’ll come back.” he said.
To my Dearest Cody by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 ....As I mentioned prior, enclosed on this sheet of paper is a poem one of the men taught me—by a fellow Scotsman of course, who I am sad to say knew only the first two verses. It makes my thoughts wander to you and that insurmountable feeling of having you by my side. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Faithfully Yours, Captain O. Kenobi 212th British Platoon
Force of a Hammock by @wanderingjedihistorian  “They are so cute,” Aayla cooed as she looked at the hammocks as they made their way to the beach. Cody had fallen asleep with his head resting against Obi-Wan’s. Rex and Bacara had both dozed off cuddled close with Kit. It was still a bit surreal at times, watching Kit and Obi-Wan both be so domestic with the men they loved. It was just such a different picture than what most Jedi got of them.
The Light of another day by @silvermoongirl  Obi-Wan has a vision warning him danger is near on his and Cody's next mission, he also knows the vision isn't a warning to change events, but of what is to come. After three years together at war, Cody knows better than to discount Obi-Wan's bad feelings. '"It'll be okay," Cody promised fiercely. He vowed to himself that the Commerce Guild would not come close to hurting his husband again, they would get to his husband over his dead body.' (Set 7 months after the Clone Wars.
Clone Wars Senior Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi AU by @silvermoongirl   At the start of this series Obi-Wan is 22 years old in 22 BBY. Fics 9 to 12 are set in 19 BBY, when Obi-Wan is 25 years old. At the start of the Clone Wars, Senior Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi is given the rank of Commander of Ghost Company of the 212th Attack Battalion, while his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, is given the rank of General of the 212th.Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s second-in-command, Commander Cody, is a man they can both depend on. Qui-Gon assigns Cody to Ghost Company, hoping the Commander will be able to stop his Padawan from performing reckless stunts. Cody is wondering what did he do to deserve a reckless Jedi Commander.
In which Obi-Wan’s woes save the galaxy by carryonmywaywardsonofabitch  In which misunderstandings save the Jedi Order.
|to failure, sweet victor| by littlekaracan The man behind the doorway is holding a vibroblade. He has a scar crawling down his face and a dozen more elsewhere, and he’s regained enough strength to knock the breath out of Obi-Wan’s lungs once he slams him into the wall and brings down the blade. “Good morning,” Obi-Wan says, ducking out of the way. The man wearing Cody’s face snarls and aims better.
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years
I'm so sorry but can I request some more Boba love? Perhaps him reuniting with his Riduur after all those years?? Maybe some sweet fluff and then them getting back to their usual activities? 😏
Headcanons or blurb, whatever you're up for!! I'm just happy to see all the Thicc Boba™ love!!
Yes!!!! I loved this request!!! Have a drabble lol 
An old lover  Boba Fett X GN!Reader 
Notes: It isn’t exactly like that scene in chapter 14 because I tried to be creative. So don’t expect too much. 
Warnings: Canon violence, sadness, fluff, mentions of smut but no smut sorry, 
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Have a gif because he’s hot 
You worked with Din temporarily, till you could get back on your feet as a bounty hunter again. You used to be one of the best, but when Boba Fett died you went downhill very fast. Din helped you get a roof over your head after a few years of being homeless and broken hearted. 
Din didn’t need to know that you used to be in a relationship with the galaxy's most famous bounty hunter.
When the ship came in through orbit you gasped loudly, Din looking at you. “Do you know that ship?” He spoke while looking back at the kid nervously. “I-I.” You felt years and years of memories rushing back to you. Slave I was Boba’s ship. If she was here…..does that mean??
No it couldn’t be. You had his armor…...which was probably the only thing that survived the Sarlacc. But Boba Fett was hard to kill…….so maybe? You felt tears in your eyes, kriff you missed him.
Din yelled your name and you jumped, “We need to move!” You shook your head, “Watch the kid! I’ll go check it out!” You ran down the hill, pulling out your blaster. Din watched, looking nervously between you and the kid on the rock. 
You froze when you saw the ship, Slave I looked the same as always. Her paint was peeling and she was older than Boba’s late father, but damn she was beautiful.  Your eyes weren’t open for long when the butt of a rifle hit you in the temple. 
The last thing you saw was a Storm Trooper, then everything went black. 
When you woke up you were in the middle of a fucking blaster fight. Din was practically standing on you, shooting down storm troopers. You screamed and sat up, screaming even louder when you saw someone very familiar. Thankfully you were behind Din, so you didn’t get shot. 
Boba Fett was fucking fighting the Storm Troopers along side Din Djarin. You scrambled to your feet, hardly registering anything but the fact that Boba was alive. He had put on the armor, and was beating the shit out of some Storm Troopers with a Tusken Raider staff. 
When the last few fled Boba walked after them, watching the ships take off. Boba Fett didn’t like to leave survivors. He shot one ship, which blew up and crashed into the other. “Nice shot.” You heard Din speak, Boba’s reply nearly making you sob. “I was aiming for the other one.” 
The child was gone, which broke your heart. You couldn’t really feel that pain though, the past coming back and hurting much worse. You put a hand over your mouth, tears threatening to spill. 
After the Razor Crest blew up you couldn’t even feel anything else but shock.The explosion was the last thing on your mind, Boba being alive was far more important than a piece of shit ship.  Din had walked to the rubble, which gave you the perfect time to talk to Fett. 
You walked over, “B-Boba?” Your voice was shaky, but your past lover heard you anyway. His head whipped around and he froze for a moment, “You-.......You’re alive!” You ran to him, Boba catching you and hugging you tightly. 
You cried into his cloth covered neck, “You survived.” You whispered. Boba stroked your back and sighed through his helmet. You sobbed, but you didn’t exactly know for what reason. 
Din and Fennec watched, both having no idea that you and Boba were close. 
You stepped back and cupped the cheeks of his helmet. Before you could pull it off he put his hands over yours, “Wait. I was in the Sarlacc for two days…..I don’t look the same.” You shrugged and rubbed some of the chipped paint off with your thumb, “Boba I don’t care. I just want to see you.” 
He let you remove his helmet, and he was just as handsome as he was the day you lost him. “You’re still a handsome man Fett.” You smiled, kissing him deeply. His lips were the same as they used to be, rough and chapped but perfect. 
Din walked over, his voice sounding shaky from the loss of the child. “Care to explain?” Boba gave him the usual bemused Fett look, clearly not giving enough fucks to tell him. “Boba and I used to be an item. We worked together and all that.” You smiled like an idiot. 
“When I was swallowed by a Sarlacc everyone thought I died. My recovery took me so long that I hadn’t found them yet.” Boba speaks, his fingers entangling with yours. You felt tears well up in your eyes at the thought of him alone. 
~The next day~ 
Slave I was on autopilot, making its way to the next destination that Din had told Boba. You sat in the cockpit with Boba, watching him repaint his armor. You held the small tins of old paint as he worked silently, his strokes steady. 
“You’re staring.” He muttered, not looking up from the Fett family farm mark on the chest plate. “Oh I’m not allowed to stare?” Boba narrowed his eyes, his lips twitching a little. “I missed you Boba, I think I’m allowed to stare.” 
Boba glanced at you and smiled, “I suppose.” He said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and took the finished chest plate from his hands, setting it by the others to dry. He was working on his knee plates now, the last pieces to do. 
You were nearly asleep in the seat when Boba put the last piece down with the others, “All done.” He muttered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
He sat back down in the pilots seat, pulling you into his lap. “I missed you.” You kissed him deeply, Boba happily kissing you back. You ran your hands down his arms and grinned, “You somehow got even sexier you know.” You muttered against his lips as you straddled him. 
Boba rolled his eyes and kissed you again, he was never one for accepting compliments. “Too bad we’ll never be alone on this ship again.” You sighed. “When we stop he’s getting off to find a friend, we���ll be able to do some things then.”
Boba kissed your neck, the feeling sending lightning bolts down your spine. “Then I’ll show you just how much I missed you.” 
Tags: @leias-left-hair-bun @iamassbuttkingofhell @catsnkooks @mxndalorians @colorfulloverbatturkey @ahsokatano-thetogruta @jedi-mando @peacefulwizardfox @julyzaa @feathersforclones @chr0nicbackpain @strangebroadwaykinks @jedi-nila-rhyn @fyrepen33 @valkyrieofthehighfae @commanderrivercc-3628 @my-awakened-ghost
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