#i love this ship as an angry one
blluespirit · 2 months
back on my 'zuko is aroace' agenda. if i have to see one more post arguing about shipping i am going to start biting people. he's actually a single dad and never marries thanks bye.
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turbo-tsundere · 1 year
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*Happy anime narrator voice*: “And thus, Kokichi has once again successfully evaded the dread of emotional openness!”
Also here’s a random selection of derpy concept doodles for this comic :)
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Thank you byeeeeee
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greatpistachiopie · 3 months
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this is basically how i want this scene to happen
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the-music-maniac · 7 months
Is it bad that a part of me wants to see Kuina (who beat Zoro at fighting over 2000 times, training to be the greatest swordswoman, acutely aware of what people say about her gender and how it impedes her dream) meet Sanji (refuses to fight a woman just because they're a woman), just to see what type of trainwreck ensues. I feel like it would either be awful or absolutely hilarious.
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Rewatching Durarara with a friend of mine and we hit the Shizuo episode and I remembered wow he's my favorite character in this.
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A character who id defined by violence: the strongest man in town, super-human even, uncontrollable, and easily irritable. But I love the episode we get for him because it really re-frames how his life led up to this.
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He's had issues with anger and control since he was a kid. He's been in a cycle of getting angry, harming himself through wanton destruction, getting hospitalized, and healing his broken bones on-and-on until his body just actually got strong enough to stop getting hurt. A cycle he doesn't much like, causing him pain, property destruction, and sometimes hurting those he cares about. He loses jobs because of it and its obviously not very good socially. P neurodivergent imo.
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But you know what he's also known for. That damn bartender outfit. The ones his brother gave him to encourage him keeping one of his many jobs. Of course, world isn't nice, he loses that job same way as the others. Now he's working as a bodyguard for a debt collector, one where his strength and infamy can decently benefit him. But he still wears the bartender outfit because of how many of them his brother got for him. So it's really cute how although he's still known for his anger, he's identified by something that came out of love, and from one of his favorite people.
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He REALLY loves his brother. One of the people who's not afraid of him AND can actually calm him down. The other core one is Celty. He definitely has other friends, but those two are, like, THE people he can just really relax around. Show that his true nature isn't violence or wrath. He'd prefer being able to just chill, his brain just won't let him.
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So besides his struggles, what I really like about Shizuo is that he can just exist. Despite his problems, he has a support system, he has a stable job now, he has friends, he has people who can stop him, and he can just live even if a lot of that life has to be angry. Heck, the police don't even apprehend him because his fits happen so much. Such a destructive person is okay to just be there. Problems will arise, and that's okay.
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tinukis · 8 months
acesan and lusan are very cool and enjoyable i love both a lot
but what about sabosan.... think about it (please)
both similar in multiple ways
born in a royal/noble family and absolutely Loathes them and wished they were never born from such family
aesthetically they fit rlly well
certainly ace can understand sanji's self worth issues Deeply. and luffy well... he was basically the light sanji needed. luffy didn't like him just for his cooking, but he was especially interested because of sanji's kindness
sabo can heavily relate to royal/noble problems and refuses to ever be considered one. AND THEY BOTH PROTECTED THE ONES THEY LOVED BY STICKING TO THEIR FAMILY'S SIDE.
and also the uncanny similarities to both his brothers ace and luffy... ace especially now that sabo has inherited his powers. they're both different though. sabo seems a little bit more proper and has this unique charm. and the love/care he has for luffy is so... fond? he seems to have a more tamer way of approaching things (till sanji realizes hes not That tame and is a hot head/rages easy.)
sabo has a goal and he's somewhat more kept together than his other brothers. hes resolve is outstanding as a freedom fighter AND hes the second commander of the revolutionary army??? fucking SWOONS (ok lowkey this just mostly me on my knees for sabo but not my fault im in love w each ASL brothers)
and like just... imagine sabo and sanji meeting for the first time. sabo introduces himself to sanji similar to what ace did.... and lighting up his cigarette but maybe a little closer 👀
sabo walking up to sanji, who is a bit startled with sabo's height- towering over him... and his finger is light with fire and just casually lights sanji's cigarette with the softest smile he's ever seen what the FUCK
and sabo's reaction to sanji yelling at luffy and usopp is a little different yet similar to ace's too... sabo chuckling and saying "hey why don't you go a little easier on 'em? they're still young." he just sounds so sweet... and in his eyes you could just tell he's reminiscing on the past.
"if i did, they'd never learn... not that they ever learn."
"would you like a hand?"
im so hfjhwmdhwjwww
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So i finally listened to The Magnus Protocol and uhh holy shit, yall mind if i
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#the magnus protocol#tmagp#tmagp spoilers#In the tags#My favourite case has to be the 2nd one Daria girl you are so fucked up!!!! You are so fucked up girl get help!!!!#And i am loving the absolute toxic work environment it is hilarious all the characters are great!!#Alice Gwen and Lena have three way situation of snide backhanded remarks and office coworker hate going on#Colin hates everyone but especially the puter and is this close to murder#Sam is just trying to do whatever the fuck he is doing. He is new here. He is over qualified#Teddy my man saw his place workplace comedy swerving towards horror genre and immediately ditched ship good for him!!!#(Unless Lena brutal pipe murdered him in which case girl i am so sorry)#And just character in general. Like Alice is trying to vibe her way through life#while also saying some death flaggy 'oh this is def foreshadowing' shit every episode#Gwen has the same surname as the shows previous antag#but also just after Lena's job and just wants to be taken seriously and thinks everyone is against her#she also may or not have discovered that her boss is murderer but oh well#Sam is like this sweet nice guy who is also so fucking nosy and the only one actually curious about fucked up shit cases magnus institue#And everyone is telling him to stop Girl! Turn away girl!! You are gonna get fucked up girl!! Look away!!#Colin is just so fucking angry and feral but also IT is just like that. He is crawling on the floors. He is growling at people#Lena is so fucking tired with all these bitches in her office Head Bitch incharge of all these Bitches#And i am 80% sure she murdered that guy Klaus#Anyway love all of this. Cant wait to hear them get killed in brutal tragic ways
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arunneronthird · 10 months
wanted to come clean about something real quick, i am annoying about canon all the time
however, i will never tolerate fic slander, ive dropped thousands of fics at this point cause i dont agree with the characterization in the same way i dont agree with some artists' renditions, but thats people spending their time writing something they love so "this fandom has horrible fics" is a shitty thing to say always
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lemongogo · 1 year
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#this.discussion between them is one of my favorites#this and that exchange a while earlier where vash talks ab gunsmokes reliance on plants being a consequence of the big fall#and a necessary facet of survival for the ppl who live here despite how utterly awful an experience it is#for the both of them.the plants being used and the people forced by circumstance to use them until death ykyk#and i especially like.how vash is just so . baffled by the idea that knives somehow sees his ideology as this naive dream#as opposed 2 a reaction from the anger hes been harboring for SOO long. we SAWW it we saw how he reacted on the ship#we see it in the way he struggles 2 navigate life among ppl and how his body bears the scars of his pain and frustrations#his anger is sooo.Good. and formative.and wholly vash that i cannot imagine him without it#he never forgot teslas death / never will .and it motivates him just as much as rem's sacrifice n so on.#'ever since that day we've been mad' ....... prbably one of the best lines ive taken away#hashtag shinobu's 'yes im angry..ive always Been angry' monologue#i love how he includes knives in that anger too. its not just youre angry or im angry. its that We've been angry. Ever since that day.#going2 throw UPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#and the way knives reacts 2 it too.using it to cement his grief and decision that if we had to suffer than its only fair they should too#fairness.and when he talks ab making it equal...giving whats been taken..always an interesting concept to use in a vengeful sense from the#more sensitive brother. i love it.LUVE ITTT#trigun spoilers#vash#knives trigun#trigun maximum#trigun#millions knives
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fever-project · 2 months
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Ravioli Ship Week Day 1 - Love/Favorite AU. What encapsulates love more than listening intently to the person you love most ramble on and on about something you don’t understand at all?
I also decided to draw my own Ravio and Link for this, because my favorite au is my own :) I know no shame :) the only regrets I have is that I couldn’t make more drawings of them(I only finished two drawings for this week :().
EDIT: Not canon. Link doesn’t actually have romantic feelings for Ravio, he just thinks he does. He will still listen to Ravio ramble on, because he does care for Ravio.
Anyways, Ravio’s rambling about different kinds of magic tricks, because he’s a magician(and also a regular mage but he likes magic tricks) and Link is a victorian era acrobat! He’s also not a hylian but Ravi doesn’t know that lol. Gosh I want to talk about this au so bad augh. My little guys \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//// I love them so much pls ask me about them and even if no one does I will talk about them because I have problems lol
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sunnnfish · 1 year
“If you just do everything you’re supposed to do you’ll eventually end up where you need to be.” Infinity train book 4 you fuck me up so bad still. “You can mess up even if you stand still…” MIN-GI PARK…..
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thelien-art · 1 year
If you’re still taking requests, could I ask for Earendil/Elwing? Thank you so much, your art is lovely!
Thank you! And of course!!
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I´m actually quite a lover of this ship.
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luvbug724 · 5 months
everybody's laughing til i pull out the kevjean playlist
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lilaccatholic · 7 months
how do i do it though. how do i let go of the bitterness and the hardness when they kept me "okay" for so long? does it come when i finally leave? can it ever?
#babes i actually relate to the frigid angry woman more than im comfortable with but this time there's no prince coming to save her and idk#i was never beautiful but i was and am angry and capable and that's served me well but being angry is exhausting#it's a birthright i can't give to a younger sibling. it doesn't transfer.#i dont inspire devotion. there's no version of this that ends with me waltzing with a true love.#im not the type you launch a thousand ships for.#so what's left?#who am i when i have no one? when ive spent my life making *me* less to make others more? when im nothing but a useful piece of furniture.#i know God loves me! i love Him! but it's not the same. i want *people* to love me. i want to be someone that theyd fight for.#im feeling that 'women have minds and hearts but im so lonely' scene from little women 2019 so much right now.#except im not jo. my family loves me but theyd never do for me what jo's would do for her. theyre also all focused on surviving.#i feel like a military ration. there to be consumed but cast aside the moment something more palatable comes around.#how do i become consumed with joy? how do i let go of the cynicism? its all thats kept me safe! but its choking me too.#its like tony stark in iron man 2. the thing thats kept me alive this far is killing me. i need to find an alternative but its looking like#ill have to synthesize a new element to make it happen and that freaks me out.#ive always been derivative. never an individual. how do i become a trailblazer when my job was always to hold the hand of the one blazing#the trail? how do i become myself happy and free?#because i WANT to be more#i WANT to be more than anger and coldness and a useful idiot. i WANT to be me and be so so happy#but i dont know how to get there#and if someone suggests therapy im shooting you. i dont want to listen to one more person pretend to care about me and tell me#all the things i need to change and spend even longer not learning how to think for myself#i want to be more than this. but i also cant stand the thought of taking up any more space than i do#anyway.#anyone who's read all this thank you and i promise im fine im just in my feelings today lol#im going to work out and get some happy brain chemicals flowing and then ill take a shower and itll all be good.#please dont worry about me! im just having A Moment TM#lilac rambles
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staticshipstation · 5 months
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Quickly posting these and scurrying back into the void
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recurringwriter · 2 months
i need to speak up with this because it's getting grating as a bi arospec.
Please. Think before you say that someone writing a character as demi-, grey-, or elsewhere on the aromantic spectrum is only doing so to 'appeal to the alloros'. When you say that, you sound exactly like the people who call bisexuals 'fakers' or 'basically straight' for wanting to see or think about m/f pairings. I do not want to see the community that should be supporting me, a greyro, pulling the same gatekeeping shit that still hurts me and my bi friends.
I do not mind if you hc this character as repulsed. More power to you, enjoy your headcanons. But you will not tell someone that they are doing it wrong for exploring the idea of romance with that same character. 'It's only when the allos do it--' can you tell? Do you have a magical scrying orb that tells you who is aro enough to write a headcanoned-as-aro character in a romantic relationship? Do you remember how bisexuals get called 'straight' for enjoying a m/f pair? Do you see how others within the arospec community might think that you're calling them allo when they hear you saying that? That this makes them feel unseen and unheard?
I'm sure it's very alienating if you want to be a part of popular fandom, and I could never understand that. But think about how you alienate your allies and siblings when you say these things. Our existence isn't to please anyone else, the same as yours. So stop talking as if it is.
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