#i love this ship im going down with them so brainrotted they took me out of a 2+ writing hiatus as well
meifunk · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ 🌙 ★ ˎˊ˗ When the moon met its star ˗ˏˋ 🌙 ★ ˎˊ˗
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
im not a massive prongstail shipper (prongsfoot <3) but i've had this headcanon for fucking ever and it just isnt appreciated enough in marauders circles childhood bestfriends with supposedly unrequited crushes its a v popular marauders headcanon that james and peter knew each other before hogwarts, having both come from established magical familes so i just get brainrot about bb james and pete running around and doing all those childhood bestie things like getting married in their gardens and making wedding rings out of paper etc etc and just,,, neither of them realised they were each others first crush? as they grew up they realised "oh,,, oh i like liked him, didn't i. you dont usually marry people you feel completely platonically about." they are both emotionally constipated teenage boys who spend ages stewing in angst going "i loved him, but he'd never love me back D:" even though if they had a single conversation talking about their hisss feelings the problem would easily solve itself. but they dont, and years in the future, everything goes to shit. and peter doesn't realise that james still kept that tiny paper wedding ring
YES YES YES, I always loved the idea of Peter having an unrequited crush on James but I was always kinda hesitant to fully explore the ship, and today I just went fuck it and decided to announce it on tumblr.
I totally believe Peter and James are both the most oblivious mfs to ever exist, so the idea of them both having crushes on each other and assuming the other person didn’t reciprocate their feelings so they kept it to themselves sounds so accurate.
I’ve heard a bit about that headcanon before and tbh it sounds like a pretty interesting one, I’d like it if it was more explored in fics.
doing all those childhood bestie things like getting married in their gardens and making wedding rings out of paper etc etc
lmaoo I used to always do this with my irl bestie (we’re still inseparable to this day) 😭 we were (are) also major Swifties so when Taylor released Paper Rings 4 years ago we were like OMG REMEMBER WHEN WE USED TO- *goes down memory lane.* Imagining baby!Peter and baby!James making them and having pretend-weddings in their gardens legit sounds like the purest thing ever 😭<333
and when they’re at Hogwarts and well into their teen years they both start thinking “yo wait……. maybe I actually liked him” but never say anything about it due to the fear of being rejected or realising the other person forgot about the weddings and paper rings. And when James got with Lily, that was when Peter accepted that he was genuinely in love with James and couldn’t handle the pain of seeing him with someone else, let alone “Evans.” He then started resenting the Potters and kept thinking to myself “what did I do wrong? why didn’t I tell Prongs when I had the chance?” And part of the reason why James agreed to switch to Peter as the Secretkeeper was because he remembered what it was like when they were kids and trusted him fully because of it. Then when the opportunity to betray the Potters to Voldemort came, Peter took it.
and peter doesn't realise that james still kept that tiny paper wedding ring
Y E S. and at one point James gave it to baby!Harry bc his fingers were almost the same size (either baby!Harry had chubby fingers or James and Peter had skinny fingers, we’ll never know), Lily noticed it and asked what it was. James told her it was “just something he put together,” Lily didn’t buy it because the paper weddimg ring looked a little worn out but decided not to say anything.
excuse me while I go sob into a pillow.
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ashhersimps · 7 months
Introduction post!!!
Well, i might as well let everyone know stuff about me huh.
Gender/Sexuality + Diagnoses.
I am Transgender! I found out i was trans when i was really young, I never felt like a female, and i knew i never was. I was never attracted to girls or boys in general, I never understood the hype around dating, i tried it a lot of times, never lasted long until, i saw someone, a boy in my class who i crushed on in an instant, He's trans as well- and I really like them, i saw in my class a few weeks ago, and i really think their pretty... I'm also asexual, i never liked sexual relationships.
I have been diagnosed with ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Trust issues and reading disability. (Plus undiagnosed ASD.)
My adhd is hard to struggle with, even on Medication. I forget my meds a lot, so they don't have an effect on me, but i keep trying to remember. My anxiety affects my life all the time, it's severe and i hate it. I wish i could talk to people more without worrying, Which is why I stay on the internet. Then my reading disability.. I can't explain it but it's CLOSE to dyslexia, Making it hard to read, write and affects my understanding of reading out letters and pronouncing them. My depression was always so severe, it never went down and im still struggling, its hard with trust issues and depression, makes it hard to trust people.
I don't tell everything, but i have been traumatized all my life, Abuse, SA, and forced relationships which let me down... Bad paths. (S-h, Suicide attempts.)
I don't talk about it to anyone but my cousin since i love them with all my heart. I have been SA at young ages, even by people younger than me, it sucks, and I'm recovering luckily! Just to spread awareness to all of the people who experience or is experiencing this, trust me i won't last forever!
I just go by Ash since it's my trans name! I never liked my dead name, it's supposed to be religious but i never believed in Jesus, God or whatever.
ASHHERSIMPS is just 'Ashher' and 'simps.' Because men.. I love.
Call of Duty, FNAF, Tadc, Omori (still getting into it.), Demon slayer, Obey me: Shall we date? Nightbringer!, Music, etc. (If i told all of them.. Well, it would take a while.)
My special interests are COD, FNAF and OM, very much brainrotted by it 24/7. Also do i ship? No, not often actually, i really ship GHOSTSOAP though, it's the only ship i'm interested in.
The basics. Like rape defenders, racism, Hemophobia/Transphobia, Anti-shippers, Toxic people in gen.. Just, have common sense.
Thats really it.. I took the format from my cousin (Stormy) bc i can, trust me!!!. Anyway yea.. Sorry if it's not a lot, i have a hard time explaining myself since i use hand gesturs but this is tumblr so.. I'll have to deal with words. If there are mistakes in this, don't bother telling me.
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ekholocationn · 2 years
so i watched cuphead show season two...
i'm just gonna dump ALL OF THEM in this post as a wall of text because hoo. hooo. i need to get all of this out. i ADORED the new season SO MUCH it DID NOT DISAPPOINT and now im going to talk about it
CALA MARIA'S ACCENT WAS GORGEOUS. it definitely wasn't what i was expecting for her voice, but it works so well???? im pretty sure it was some sort of eastern european accent (could be wrong) which i mean makes sense considering gorgons are a greek mythology thing. either way. her voice was beautiful. pop off girlboss
i ended up liking briney way more than i thought i would. he's such a sweetheart and a dork and i love him <3
I SHIP BRINEY AND CALA NOW. there i said it. they're fuckin adorable
HOLY SHIT. THE BARONESS. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE BARONESS???? SHE ABSOLUTELY ROCKED !!!! i love the direction they took her and her voice actress did an incredible job. i kind of wish we had gotten to see a few of her candy minions but it was neat seeing the giant mint rolling around at least!! really hope she returns in the next season, she stole the show
OKAY. KING DICE. yall knew this part was coming IM SO HAPPY TO SEE HIM RETURN!!!!!!!! though it makes me wonder what all went down for him to end up as number one again. im so happy for my man though look at him go
help my devildice shipper heart was in peril for that episode too. i found it hilarious that dice procedurally eliminated the other demons until he was the only one left so that he could be the one to return with cuphead's soul
also the fact that dice scats so much is adorable
MISS CHALICE IS AWESOME TOO cuphead show has so many strong female characters and i love them all. i love the dynamic she has with the cup bros
IM SO GLAD THEY GAVE WERNER HIS GERMAN ACCENT. his episode was hilarious too
i also really liked sally's voice, wish we had gotten to see more of her and hilda
i did see the end of the season coming because of a table read i had watched beforehand but it felt so different actually watching the completed episode
season three when im already excited beyond belief
my sister and i spent four horus watching (and rewatching, for some episodes) the new season today and i have been fueled. be ready for cuphead brainrot for the next two weeks or so hHJFHDKGJ
we asked and the show delivered, 10000/10 will be watching again
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kenanda · 3 years
Thursday is inevitably going to bring back bullsgit discourse into the tma theory pool so while i prepare myself for that... may im see ur current tma theories? Whether theyre about who killed gertrude, what the supernatural/spooky stuff is like in the tma-verse, and/or what characters' relationships will be like in canon (there are some heavy discussions on relationships of all sorts currently– not just romantic– so feel free to go ham about any character dynamics) blease i love reading early theories
is that something that happens a lot? oh boy... good luck, then! buckle up, this is gonna be a long one lmao
look, i don't know if i have any solid theories, they're more like hunches? there are so many pieces to this puzzle and only now they're beginning to make some sense. imma try and sum up my thoughts topic by topic. 1. what's the creepy stuff? heck i sure would love to know lmao but like, i believe that all these cases connect, some more evidently than others. a strong indicator of that was the ep Dreamer, in which those death tendrils spread throughout London and and seemed to concentrate around the magnus institute. this ep also led me to believe that there's something about the position head archivist that's positively CURSED, and ep 53 (crusader) nudges me even further in that direction cuz if alexandria was a previous attempt at an Archive and if the creature that phillip brown saw there used to be an archivist, then there must be some sort of tradition or maybe even a condition to becoming a head archivist and i believe (from both a listener's and from a storytelling pov) that this THING might be the premise "if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee" which would make a lot of sense, given that towards the end gertrude seemed to be dealing with severe paranoia that SOMETHING or someone was watching her.
whether this something is singular or plural, only time will tell. i mean, there sure are a bunch of different beasts, but do they all come from the same place? do they all follow the same logic? is there a hierarchy and if so, who/what is the big boss? there have been some hints pointing towards something bigger than life slowly approaching them, some sort of monster idk. they foreshadowed this in ep literary heights, in which the guy talks about the ex altiora and its contents, and also in ep high pressure, in which antonia hayley talks about sticking her head into a hole and gazing upon something that seemed too big to be true.
so there, maybe these cases are just the symptoms of something much bigger and much more terrible that's slowly paving the way of its descent upon the mortal realm. maybe it is too big to just come in hot, so it's trying to create enough unbalance/chaos that its slipping into our (theirs, thank god) reality will be somewhat easier? there sure are creatures out there that are capable of bending the fabric of reality however the fuck they want (sasha's michael, or as i like to call him, blonde edward scissorhands)
but like, do they SERVE this "alpha" being? i can't say for sure, but there seem to be at least different segments or cults led by people, by entire families even that appear to worship these monsters. i get the feeling that they might even be rivals or smth, cuz i remember one episode where a girl (dunno if prentiss or that super religious chick who was only able to cook soggy spinach -gross) said she wasn't one of those idiots who kept searching after fractals (and there have been multiple mentions of said "idiots") all in all my ideas boil down to "who's gonna get daddy cthulhu down on earth first? there'll be a prize for who does!"
2. who killed gertrude? at first glance, elias seems super suspicious. i mean, he's hot but that doesn't exempt him. if i were to look at this from a mere listener's pov i'd say elias seems to have enough reasons to want to shut gertrude up for good, since he's always coming onto jon about keeping the lukas family out of the statements. if elias is their dog and gertrude had found something major about the lukas's, then that'd make sense for him to kill her.
if i look at it from a storytelling pov, it would seem rather too obvious that elias did it. but then again, obvious doesn't necessarily mean bad, and i'd be rather pleased if my theory was right and i got to see WHY it was right, with good, solid build up towards a sensible explanation. if it makes sense within the story, i'm happy.
3. relationships i haven't thought much about this one beyond the evident jmart brainrot that you can see all over my blog lately (it took me 3 captain america movies to ship stucky, my all-time otp, and like... 3s to ship jmart. i don't know how i feel about that.)
when i started s2 and i saw jon getting all paranoid over the smallest things and suspecting every single one of his assistants i was like yeahhh this is gonna be a long ride.
he still is suspicious as fuck up to ep57, but something happened that i NEVER saw coming which was jon confronting martin (in a rather asshole-ish way, if i may add) and then the tension of mistrust dissolving, which leads me to believe that their relationship might start to deepen in s2, because martin will be (for a while at least) the only one that jon can trust (i WEEP)
i haven't got a clue how the not-sasha thing will turn out, but i'm hella curious because like??? WHERE IS SASHA. does michael have her?does the mcfucking TABLE have her?????
all in all, these are my thoughts so far, there's still a lot of redstringing to be done here lol i'm sure i must've forgotten something, but this post is already hella long as it is so if you've reached this far i can only say congrats haha (oh and thank you for allowing me the great opportunity to ramble obnoxiously)
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