#i love this song it's such a jam
snailor-bee · 2 years
Hiii Bee 🐝💕✨ I’m so excited for you to open requests for song fics! I always loved the ones you did in the past!
Could I request one for either Rayleigh, Denjiro or Mihawk, please? Don’t have any special wishes, just whatever inspires you! Thank you so much and I hope you have lots of fun with the requests you’re getting! ❤️
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Laleeee you're always so sweet to me! ;o; Sorry for taking forever on this, my weekend has been busy as you know lol. I hope you'll like this though! I've been itching to use this song. > w>
(I asked Lale ahead of time if F!Reader was okay and she said yes to anyone who was wondering why she didn't request a gender and I included one, I felt the song was too heavily gendered to go GN.)
F!Reader / NSFW-ish (suggestive) / 1k
Song: "All the Pretty Girls" - Vera Blue
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Like a '90s dream, cool cut, left drop earring Cigarette stuck to the bottom of your lip Saw you standing on the corner of the street You got your own style with the way that you're moving.
The first time you saw him, you almost walked into a building. Tripping over your sandals, your eyes were glued to the figure he made. Towering over the rest—large blue hair bobbing, a smirk stretched across his lips, and with the bright colors of his outfit, it was hard to miss him. 
Your friend finally noticed you weren't by her side and turned back to see you frozen in place. "Something wrong?" 
"Who is that?" you whispered with awe, pointing down the street at the man's retreating back. And what a back it was, your mind whispered to you sinfully. 
She looked at you like you were nuts. "You don't know him? That's the owner of the pleasure house, Kyoshiro." 
Kyoshiro. You felt like the name didn't quite suit him but it was hardly noticeable compared to everything else about him. Handsome, the man was so handsome. You just had to meet him. 
It took some whining but eventually you wore down your friend enough to get you into a party that Kyoshiro was supposed to be at. 
Once you got there, it took a few hours to muster up the courage. You lingered around the edges of the party, feeling out of place and foolish. Kyoshiro was obviously popular, surrounded by followers and women all vying for his attention. 
Still, he was the sole reason you were there and the first moment the man was alone you took the chance and hurried over. As you sat by his side, you could feel the weight of multiple glares from others in the room who had been hoping to do the same. They lingered like sharks ready to spring at the first opportunity. 
Shyly you introduced yourself to Kyoshiro, heart in your throat, and he took you in silently. Then he smiled wide, hiccuped, and wrapped a warm arm around you, pulling you against his side. 
"Nice to meet ya! Let's have a drink!" 
I know your type, I spent too many nights Black mascara dripping from my eyes So I tell myself girl, don't get, girl, don't get too close 'Cause you...
The night was exhilarating. Once the two of you started drinking together, he seemed happy enough to let you stay by his side, a fact that made you feel faint with giddiness. 
You noticed a few dirty looks here and there but you didn't let it bother you. If he had chosen another girl to keep him company you were sure you'd be among the many who were currently shooting daggers with their eyes. 
You make all the pretty girls cry You So easy, you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad You You make all the pretty girls cry
Kyoshiro was funny and flirtatious. You couldn't remember the last time you laughed so much. The way he looked at you, his enormous hairdo blocking one side of his face so you only saw one amused eye and half his charming smirk was more than enough to make your heart flutter. 
He was so incredibly handsome, it was hard to tear your eyes away. And when he suggested the two of you ditch the party, well—
What other choice was there? 
I get turned on, I get strung out on the idea From the chaos and the bad romantic feels But guys like you know what to say to get me naked Give me temporary pleasure There's something you do better
The rest was a bit of a blur. You rarely drank and even when you refused half the time, Kyoshiro made you drink more than you normally would as he shot back more and more saké. 
From then on there are only snapshots of memories—
Stumbling through the streets of the Flower Captial, laughing at the wind. 
Getting to the pleasure house, a mix of scents and colors. Tobacco hung heavy in the air, along with multiple people's perfumes and colognes. It made you dizzy but Kyoshiro easily guided you along. 
Your shaking hands moving along his skin, dipping into the panes of his abs, and feeling all the oxygen leave your lungs when he kissed you breathless. 
You You make all the pretty girls cry You So easy, you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad You You make all the pretty girls cry
Heated kisses pressed against your skin, your fingers scratching down his back. 
Legs thrown open Kyoshiro pressing inside and—
I know your type, I spent too many nights Black mascara dripping from my eyes So I tell myself girl, don't get, girl, don't get too close
Sunlight streamed into the room, making you groan. Instinctively you patted the spot next to you and found it empty. You sat up slowly, a headache pulsing at your temples, and a weight dropped into your gut once you pried open your eyes to see the room around you barren. 
No Kyoshiro in sight. 
Not that you should have expected anything else, you figured as you buried your face into your knees, unshed tears burning hot in your eyes. 
You make all the pretty girls cry (All the pretty girls cry) You So easy you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad
"Oh look you're awake!" a warm voice greeted and your head shot up to met Kyoshiro's grin. He was fully dressed, not a hair out of place and you never have felt so glad to see anyone before. "Grabbed us some breakfast." He tilted his head at you. "Everything okay?" 
He was holding a tray of food and you felt a smile split your face wide, your cheeks hurting with the force of it. 
"Amazing," you answered joyfully. "Couldn't be better." 
You You make all the pretty girls cry You So easy, you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad You You make all the pretty girls cry
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gentlebeard · 3 months
If I could hold you for a minute, Darling, I’d go through it again
For @edsbacktattoo & @stedesearring 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: Francesca by Hozier YouTube
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barb-l · 4 months
I'm an angel with a shotgun
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Fighting 'til the war's won
I don't care if heaven won't take me back
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I'll throw away my faith, babe
Just to keep you safe
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Don't you know you're everything I have?
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drawthething · 4 months
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"Don't you ever get tired of drawing Jimmy Jr- " NAHHHHHHH
Happy Jimmy Jr day! (it's everyday) SEE, see, I DON'T draw him in just flannel shirts all the time-
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ministarfruit · 2 years
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get you a girl that can make caramelldansen a heavy metal song
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epickiya722 · 6 months
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twslug · 6 days
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time to pretend
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harrywavycurly · 23 days
If y’all need me I will be listening to I Had Some Help on repeat all day✨🎶
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vagueconfusion · 13 days
A video of something I tried to get a picture of which is III and IV playing with Vessel at the end of Atlantic, and a bit of II Getting Into The Music at the end as well; from the Pittsburgh ritual
Video taken by shalayajanae on tiktok
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"All knights must bleed, Jaime."
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All knights must bleed, Jaime," Ser Arthur Dayne had said, when he saw. "Blood is the seal of our devotion." With dawn he tapped him on the shoulder; the pale blade was so sharp that even that light touch cut through Jaime's tunic, so he bled anew. He never felt it. A boy knelt; a knight rose. The Young Lion, not the Kingslayer.
But that was long ago, and the boy was dead.
That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead.
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arctixout · 3 months
I am somehow very amused by the thought that at Kultsa we had Bojan who had contemplated to make JO a punk band in the past, Jan who has liked metal at least when he was younger, and a room full of Finns, notorious for their love of metal. And what were we all vibing to? Cheesy ass schlager.
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badly-drawn-bbu · 6 months
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HI FRIENDS!! As some might’ve heard from the main accounts of Admin Maah, today marks THREE YEARS since they first became a fan of BBU! But what you might not know is that I, Admin Buck, share this same anniversary with them!!! >:3 we were actually on the same call together when she discovered the game!
Before we get into some personal messages below, let’s talk about the art! We collabed on recreating two drawings we each made that faithful day ❤️ individual credits will be in this post’s tags!
Now here are some SUPER sweet words from Admin Maah 🥺: “I’ve already had my little celebration for the day but!! I can get sappy Again, as a Treat. BDBBU was started as a small side project back in 2021 because I really loved making silly stuff for this game, and years later I still do! These characters and this world are so incredibly fun for me to explore and work with and BBU countinues to be a source of joy for me through it all 🥹🩵 - Maah”
My turn to say sentimental things yippee!!! I haven’t played a more direct part in BDBBU for very long, but being a fan of BBU itself has both spanned most of our (the admins) friendship, and has made a huge impact on it overall. Making silly art and jokes surrounding the games characters has brought us closer together ever since we discovered BBU, and I’m excited to continue having fun with my best friend and making you guys laugh with our badly-drawn-bbu art onwards <:3c 💖
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sleepanonymous · 6 months
I have an ask in my inbox that I've been working on for literal days ( I'm so sorry Axel that it's taking me a while to draft itup. I promise it's coming soon 🖤) and I'm doing so much research for it like... I'm learning so many things and connecting so many dots lol. Anyway! I did a bit of Googling for Sleep Token's original producer, George Lever, and I found a goldmine of information on the song Jaws.
A few fun facts: - The song was completed in just four days - Drums were tracked last - 32 synth tracks were recorded and kept to make up the body of the song - George mixed this, in his words, in the same mindset with which he would tackle a "pop song" (which I feel is relevant to some recent drama)
I dunno, I just got extra excited over finding a whole article written by the producer about how Jaws was made. The original link no longer works, but if you're curious, you can find a web snapshot of the page here:
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gilears · 10 days
completely unrelated to the finale but i just want to say that i think kristen LOVES the song love shack. she goes crazy for it, which is understandable and expected. but on the other hand
k2 is a rock lobster girl and everyone is (rightfully) afraid of her for it. when she does the scream after here comes the bikini whale its a sound that no one has ever made before
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m1raka · 2 months
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rung rung ‼️‼️
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futturmangamez · 23 days
The more I explore social media, the more I find amazing music!!! It's way better than listening to the radio🙈that lana del rey girl makes me feel prettyy😅💖
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