#and this song i totally could have done it with especially when you only read the lyrics
snailor-bee · 2 years
Hiii Bee 🐝💕✨ I’m so excited for you to open requests for song fics! I always loved the ones you did in the past!
Could I request one for either Rayleigh, Denjiro or Mihawk, please? Don’t have any special wishes, just whatever inspires you! Thank you so much and I hope you have lots of fun with the requests you’re getting! ❤️
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Laleeee you're always so sweet to me! ;o; Sorry for taking forever on this, my weekend has been busy as you know lol. I hope you'll like this though! I've been itching to use this song. > w>
(I asked Lale ahead of time if F!Reader was okay and she said yes to anyone who was wondering why she didn't request a gender and I included one, I felt the song was too heavily gendered to go GN.)
F!Reader / NSFW-ish (suggestive) / 1k
Song: "All the Pretty Girls" - Vera Blue
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Like a '90s dream, cool cut, left drop earring Cigarette stuck to the bottom of your lip Saw you standing on the corner of the street You got your own style with the way that you're moving.
The first time you saw him, you almost walked into a building. Tripping over your sandals, your eyes were glued to the figure he made. Towering over the rest—large blue hair bobbing, a smirk stretched across his lips, and with the bright colors of his outfit, it was hard to miss him. 
Your friend finally noticed you weren't by her side and turned back to see you frozen in place. "Something wrong?" 
"Who is that?" you whispered with awe, pointing down the street at the man's retreating back. And what a back it was, your mind whispered to you sinfully. 
She looked at you like you were nuts. "You don't know him? That's the owner of the pleasure house, Kyoshiro." 
Kyoshiro. You felt like the name didn't quite suit him but it was hardly noticeable compared to everything else about him. Handsome, the man was so handsome. You just had to meet him. 
It took some whining but eventually you wore down your friend enough to get you into a party that Kyoshiro was supposed to be at. 
Once you got there, it took a few hours to muster up the courage. You lingered around the edges of the party, feeling out of place and foolish. Kyoshiro was obviously popular, surrounded by followers and women all vying for his attention. 
Still, he was the sole reason you were there and the first moment the man was alone you took the chance and hurried over. As you sat by his side, you could feel the weight of multiple glares from others in the room who had been hoping to do the same. They lingered like sharks ready to spring at the first opportunity. 
Shyly you introduced yourself to Kyoshiro, heart in your throat, and he took you in silently. Then he smiled wide, hiccuped, and wrapped a warm arm around you, pulling you against his side. 
"Nice to meet ya! Let's have a drink!" 
I know your type, I spent too many nights Black mascara dripping from my eyes So I tell myself girl, don't get, girl, don't get too close 'Cause you...
The night was exhilarating. Once the two of you started drinking together, he seemed happy enough to let you stay by his side, a fact that made you feel faint with giddiness. 
You noticed a few dirty looks here and there but you didn't let it bother you. If he had chosen another girl to keep him company you were sure you'd be among the many who were currently shooting daggers with their eyes. 
You make all the pretty girls cry You So easy, you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad You You make all the pretty girls cry
Kyoshiro was funny and flirtatious. You couldn't remember the last time you laughed so much. The way he looked at you, his enormous hairdo blocking one side of his face so you only saw one amused eye and half his charming smirk was more than enough to make your heart flutter. 
He was so incredibly handsome, it was hard to tear your eyes away. And when he suggested the two of you ditch the party, well—
What other choice was there? 
I get turned on, I get strung out on the idea From the chaos and the bad romantic feels But guys like you know what to say to get me naked Give me temporary pleasure There's something you do better
The rest was a bit of a blur. You rarely drank and even when you refused half the time, Kyoshiro made you drink more than you normally would as he shot back more and more saké. 
From then on there are only snapshots of memories—
Stumbling through the streets of the Flower Captial, laughing at the wind. 
Getting to the pleasure house, a mix of scents and colors. Tobacco hung heavy in the air, along with multiple people's perfumes and colognes. It made you dizzy but Kyoshiro easily guided you along. 
Your shaking hands moving along his skin, dipping into the panes of his abs, and feeling all the oxygen leave your lungs when he kissed you breathless. 
You You make all the pretty girls cry You So easy, you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad You You make all the pretty girls cry
Heated kisses pressed against your skin, your fingers scratching down his back. 
Legs thrown open Kyoshiro pressing inside and—
I know your type, I spent too many nights Black mascara dripping from my eyes So I tell myself girl, don't get, girl, don't get too close
Sunlight streamed into the room, making you groan. Instinctively you patted the spot next to you and found it empty. You sat up slowly, a headache pulsing at your temples, and a weight dropped into your gut once you pried open your eyes to see the room around you barren. 
No Kyoshiro in sight. 
Not that you should have expected anything else, you figured as you buried your face into your knees, unshed tears burning hot in your eyes. 
You make all the pretty girls cry (All the pretty girls cry) You So easy you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad
"Oh look you're awake!" a warm voice greeted and your head shot up to met Kyoshiro's grin. He was fully dressed, not a hair out of place and you never have felt so glad to see anyone before. "Grabbed us some breakfast." He tilted his head at you. "Everything okay?" 
He was holding a tray of food and you felt a smile split your face wide, your cheeks hurting with the force of it. 
"Amazing," you answered joyfully. "Couldn't be better." 
You You make all the pretty girls cry You So easy, you don't even try You spoil us, toy with us when you're looking like that You're standing there heavenly, always leaving us sad You You make all the pretty girls cry
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siren song || - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open! second part of siren song! the third part is also out, check my masterlist! ^^
A/N: thank you for the love on siren song! to read part one, click here! i hope you enjoy this part <3 i had to rewrite this considering i accidentally deleted it :')
wordcount: 4.736 warnings: xavier being a bad friend, curse words, slight memory loss, incorrect information about siren song probably, use of weed.
After finally convincing Bianca to use her Siren Song, you get some well-deserved peace in your head. How long does it take for Xavier to notice the changes?
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The question catches Bianca off guard, not something that happens a lot. Tears are staining your face as you sniff, trying to not start sobbing again.
"Hey, it's okay. Come in."
Her arm is placed on your shoulders as she guides you into her room, placing you on her bed before grabbing her desk chair, sitting next to you.
"What has gotten you so upset?"
You look down at your hands, biting your cheeks as you nervously fiddle with your fingers. You feel embarrassed to sit here, crying in the dorm of your friend that used to be Xaviers girlfriend, but you didn't know anyone that would know how you feel. No one except for Bianca.
"I think Xavier hates me."
"What?" Bianca exclaims shocked. "Why do you think that?"
If there is one thing that Bianca was sure of, it was that Xavier is completely infatuated with you. Even during their relationship, he still made sure to spend some time with you, and Bianca never cared. She trusted both of you, as you became her friend when the relationship was going on. When the couple broke up, your friendship watered down a bit, but you were still both friendly.
"We just had a fight," you whisper. "He never yelled at me like that. Never."
She hands you a tissue, breathing in deeply.
"He has been ignoring me for weeks. He became so obsessed with Wednesday that he did not have any time for me. She- she asked him to the Rave'n and then he found out that she just used him," you ramble. "I asked him to come with me, not even as a real date, but just so he wouldn't be alone. And then he totally ditched me there the second Wednesday came in. The worst thing is, she doesn't even like him. She told me."
How stupid can a boy be? Bianca grits her teeth, shaking her head.
"He is dumb. If there is one thing that he should do, it's to get his head straight. I can't believe that he would do this. Especially after all you have done for him!"
"What if I just become more like Wednesday? I- I can braid my hair? I will even learn to play the cello. He- He said that she was better than me... That I just bother him. Am I too obsessed or- or annoying?"
Even Bianca's heart breaks at that point. The tears are rolling down your face again as you still don't dare to look up at her.
"Am I really that bad of a friend?"
"No!" Bianca immediately responds. "No, Y/N, if anything, you are a great friend. Too good for him. You don't need to be Wednesday to be better. I think she is too emotionless for her own good."
"I wish I was that way," you sigh. "Please, Bianca. If I tell you that I really want it, can you really not use your Song?"
Bianca takes a deep breath, her leg bouncing up and down. Her eyes fall down to the amulet around her neck. It is very against the rules to use her Siren Song, it is something that could get her in a lot of trouble. But, at the same time, she knows exactly how you feel. Xavier is just someone who deserves love, yet he doesn't know how to act around it when someone is literally handing it to him on a silver plate.
Her heart tells her to help you, to give you everything you deserve, but she knows that she also needs to think about the possible consequences. Though your grades have been slipping and your mood has been down for a while now as well. So many factors.
"Y/N, I really don't know."
"What if I consent to it? Surely that must be fine. I- I will sign a contract, even. Write it myself. I- Even only thinking about doing this for me would already be enough."
You must genuinely sound so annoying now, but you know that this will help.
"Why won't you try talking to Kinbott first?"
"I just need something... Something that will work immediately. A Siren Song can always be undone, right?"
"I'm not sure about that," Bianca grimaces. "It's hard, Y/N. I promise you that I will think about it. Just... Try and get some rest, okay?"
You had spent the rest of the weekend laying in bed, napping or reading, and sometimes you would head to the Quad to get something to eat. Kent made sure to try and cheer you up, which did work to an extent. You appreciate having a friend like that.
Even from the distance you sit at now, you can still see the figure of Wednesday Addams, sitting alone at her table while writing something down in her notebook. Ajax waves Xavier over to get him to sit at your table but is quickly rejected as the long-haired boy decides to sit with Wednesday. She looks up with the deadliest of looks, though it doesn't seem to phase him at all. Can't he see?
Bianca looks out from the second level of the Quad, spotting both you and Xavier. Not one word is exchanged, though your body language speaks for itself. Your shoulders are slumped and even though Kent tries his hardest to make you laugh, it isn't enough.
Seeing you so upset about someone who doesn't deserve it makes her feel bad. Even in her relationship, she felt like you were more important to Xavier, and that is something she just... Accepted. She never blamed you for it, as Bianca could never really trust Xavier either. But the feelings he has for you are totally real.
After that dinner, you retired back to your room. Yoko would be hanging out with Divina anyway. Just as you let yourself fall on your bed, you hear a knock on the door.
You kick your bag underneath your bed before walking up to the door, opening it to reveal a Bianca behind it.
"I will only do it after you agree to all the consequences."
She walks in as you close the door behind her, trailing after her.
"You're serious?"
"You deserve to have some peace, Y/N. God knows I wish someone could have done this for me when I was in your situation. I will tell you every consequence," Bianca looks at you sternly. "And I have some conditions."
"Yeah- Yeah totally."
Bianca sits down at your desk, handing you a pen and paper.
"You are to write down that you agree with the Siren Song. I can't just use it whenever I want. Principal Weems will have my head if she finds out."
"Anything, Bianca."
You start writing, still listening to the siren as she explains everything.
"I can genuinely not say if I am able to undo the Song. There is a high likelihood that it will not return to you and Xavier being best friends. I also do not know what to do if this news ever reaches Weems. No one knows that we are planning to do this, no one except for us."
"I promise you, I will take all the blame," you nod, a weak smile on your face. "It is the least I can do."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She looks at you, her eyebrows stuck in a frown. "It's not something small. You deserve much better than how Xavier acts now."
"I- Yeah. I thought about it all day yesterday. I just... I want to. I promise."
You hand her the paper in neatly written handwriting.
I, Y/N Y/L/N, fully consent to the use of the Siren Song by Bianca Barcley. I have willingly agreed to be under the influence of the song for as long as I wish. All punishments that are given for using the Siren Song are punishments I will take over. Bianca Barcley is not to be lectured nor punished for her actions.
Underneath it is your handwriting, together with the date of today. Bianca takes a deep breath, nodding as she reads it over and over again.
"What exactly... Is it that you want me to do? You just... Want to forget him?"
You nod.
"I was thinking that... I don't want to be scared of him, I just want to stay out of his way. If that makes any sense?"
"Xavier Thorpe will be the one you forget, from now on his name will stop sounding in your head," Bianca mutters, trying to practice whatever she will say. "Distance is something that you will keep, he will not be the reason as to why you... Weep?"
You will forget Xavier, make sure to keep your distance, and not cry over him. You do feel guilty for making Bianca use the Siren Song on you, but in your eyes, it feels like the only way out.
"I think you will just return to how it was before you met Xavier," she then nods. "I will try to make sure that you will not get too close to him again, but I can't promise anything. If you have feelings for him now, you might just... Start liking him all over again."
"I just need to forget," you say, handing the handwritten note to Bianca. "Thank you so much, Bianca."
"This might be the first time I feel guilty for using it," she laughs nervously. "But, you deserve it. Truly. Xavier just needs to get his act straight. He loves you, he's just dumb."
You don't fully believe her. You want to, but you can't. You truly thought that he liked you back, that he was also interested in you. But now you were not even sure if he liked you as a friend anymore.
"Ready? You will probably be sleepy after this."
Trembling hands and nervous sighs.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Bianca nods, pulling the necklace off of her neck. She closes her eyes, holding your hands in hers.
"Xavier Thorpe will be the one you forget, from now on his name will stop sounding in your head. Distance is something that you will keep, he will not be the reason as to why you weep."
You had woken up with a slight headache. Your limbs are still sore from the Rave'n dance, but that can't stop you. Not that you remember a lot of it; they must have spiked the drinks. You pick up your bag from under the bed, emptying it out before filling it with everything you need for the day. After finally finding all your books, pens, and notebooks, you exit your room.
"Hi, guys!"
With a big smile, you greet your friends, plopping down in between Kent and Bianca. You had gotten a sandwich from the dining hall, trying to get some breakfast in before your first class.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Kent snickers. "You're up before me most of the time."
You shrug, taking a bite of your sandwich.
"I was so tired," you mumble, wiping your mouth with the napkin. "I'm still sore from all the dancing!"
Ajax and Enid soon also join the table as Enid huffs.
"I feel like the paint is still in my hair," she complains. "I mean, it was a good post for my blog, but that dress was my favorite dress ever! "
You let out a chuckle, closing the sandwich container before placing the leftovers in your bag. Yes, the paint was a pain to get out of your hair and your dress has also been stained, but the rest of the evening went splendidly.
After fifteen minutes, the first bell rings, signaling that classes are to start in only five minutes. You sling your backpack onto your back before standing up from the table.
"You ready for Botany?" Bianca smirks.
"Well," you sigh. "Can I use your notes? I can't find any of mine from the last three weeks. I don't know what I did during class, but I know that there is a test coming up and this is not my best subject."
Bianca's smile falters for a second, realizing that you really don't remember a lot about Xavier anymore.
"Yeah, you can sit with me. Might be the easiest anyway."
You nod, entering the class as you greet miss Thornhill. She had already placed some strange plants in the front of the classroom as other students slowly entered the classroom.
Some students already picked a spot, including Wednesday. She is placed next to another person, hair to his shoulders and a frown on his face.
"Good morning, Wednesday!"
You sit down on the opposite side of Bianca as she and the boy sit between you and Wednesday.
He feels familiar. It is almost like he was in a dream. Like you accidentally bumped into him once or twice, only seeing him in your classroom once in a while. It's like the lingering smell of perfume when someone walks past you, or when you see a half-erased line of pencils on a page. He is mesmerizing, yet extremely intimidating. It is almost like you can't rip your eyes off of him, but you are also too scared to keep looking.
Bianca gives you a look before placing her notebook in front of you, making sure that you can read all of it as Thornhill starts talking. You try to write down all she says, making small sketches of the flowers and plants she shows while also trying to write down all the notes from the last few weeks.
"Alright, so, I will be expecting the essays about the Ghost Orchid and at least two more carnivorous plants. No maximum amount of words, but at least 450 words per plant."
Thank God for Bianca's notes. Without those, you would have actually failed this.
"I think I'm going to be doing my homework in the Nightshade library," you whisper to the girl. "I really need to get started on this."
After writing down the last few sentences, you drop your pen. Your hand is cramping from all the writing and your fingers are covered in ink. Only Biology and one hour of fencing left and after that, you were going to sit with the Choir Club, even though you're not a member. You would often hang out with them, sitting on a bench nearby while waiting for your friends to finish. You yourself were actually in the Art Club, but you tend to hang out with other clubs on days that you didn't have any.
A small break after Botany, just long enough to grab a hot drink from the dining hall before getting dressed in your fencing suit again.
"Bianca? You want to team up?"
She raises an eyebrow, smirking while grabbing a saber, switching it from hand to hand.
"I thought you would never ask."
"I can use some competition. And improvement."
Bianca won. Not once, not twice, but five times. You groan as you end up on the floor again, the tip of the saber pointing to your chest. You hold up your hand before pushing yourself up.
"We get it," you let out a laugh before pulling the mask off of your head. "I'm going to need a break."
She holds out her hand, helping you get up before taking her own mask off. The two of you walk towards one of the small wooden benches that sit against the wall of the room, grabbing a bottle of water before cracking it open, and taking big sips.
Everyone else is still training, the clanking of sabers and the sound of shoes against the mats filling up the classroom. You let out a big sigh, pushing some strands of hair out of your face.
"I don't know if I will ever fight you again," you mumble.
"You're getting better," Bianca laughs, closing the bottle back up. "I have seen worse."
You look at everyone around you, some also taking off their masks to catch their breath as Coach walks around, giving out tips and advice where needed.
The boy with the long hair is here again, yet you still don't know where you know him from. Bianca sneakily looks at you, blinking before looking at Xavier. He acted like you weren't even there as he just fenced against Ajax. She does still think the two of you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, but Xavier first needs to figure himself out. She knows he likes you; it is clear as day. But as long as he acts like this, he doesn't deserve you. Not at all.
Has he always just been in the background? It is like a ghost, you know that you have seen him, yet you don't know where or when.
"One more round?"
"I think I'll be heading to the library now," you tell Bianca. "I genuinely don't know what happened these last few weeks, but I am behind on all my homework."
Half of the Choir Club time has passed as they rehearsed their songs for Outreach Day. They were to perform when the new statue in the town square was going to be revealed. But you had more than enough homework to do.
"I might join you later," she sighs. "Some quiet would be nice."
You tell your friends goodbye before slinging your bag over your shoulder, hurrying down the Quad and into the small hidden hallway leading to the Poe statue. With two snaps you get in, making sure that the entrance is closed off again before going down the stairs.
Nice and quiet.
After around forty-five minutes, you hear some more rumbling. Ah, Bianca must be here. You have gotten a lot of work done, actually. The Ghost Orchid part of your essay is already done, now moving on to the Crimson Pitch plant.
"Hey, Bianca!"
The footsteps descend the stairs, but the figure does not belong to Bianca. The tall guy with long hair walks into the library, the one that felt like he lived somewhere in your memory. Your eyes grow big as you immediately throw everything back in your bag. You didn't know that he was a Nightshade as well.
You close your bag hurriedly. Something about him is so intimidating, but he is absolutely mesmerizing at the same time. Why are you so afraid of him? When walking out you accidentally bump into him.
"Sorry," you quickly mumble, running up the stairs before he can even reply.
Bianca is cleaning up when you get out of the library, so you run up to her. Luckily she is still there.
"Can I do my homework in your room? Yoko was inviting some friends to my dorm and..." You look around, making sure no one is around them. "That guy showed up again. The new one."
Bianca clenches her teeth, grabbing the last few papers before stuffing them in her bag, taking your arm to take you up into her room. She can't have Xavier mess this all up. You haven't been this happy in weeks.
You sit down against her bed, laptop on your lap as you are typing away. But the words are getting stuck, the same sentence being rewritten multiple times before finally getting one that slightly makes sense.
"Is he new?"
Bianca turns around on her chair, looking at you.
"The guy with long hair. He was in the Nightshade library. I- I didn't know if he was supposed to be in there because I wasn't sure if he was in our group."
Why does he have to be there at the exact same time as you? It almost makes the Siren Song useless. You might avoid him as much as you can, but he isn't under the spell.
"He's new."
"He's kinda pretty."
Bianca scoffs.
"Pretty weird. It might be best to stay out of his way, he needs to work on himself before making new... friends."
Xavier groans, dropping his bag on the floor. You had been fully ignoring him, but to be fair, he totally deserved it. He had noticed you sneaking into the library and his plan was to try and talk to you, but you had fled before he could get one word in.
He had called Ajax, asking him to come down to the library as soon as he could. Xavier spent some time sitting in the room, biting on his lips while bouncing his leg up and down. He really, really fucked up.
Rumbling of stones and footsteps.
Ajax shows up, slightly out of breath. He had ran here from his dorm. Xavier said that there was a big problem and if he was needed in the Nightshade library, it would probably be huge.
"What's up, man?"
"I fucked up," Xavier runs his hands over his face. "Like, really bad."
The Gorgon frowns, looking at his friend. Xavier looks stressed out, more than usual. His hair is messy, his eyes are red and he has big eyebags underneath his eyes.
"What did you do?"
The artist breathes in shakily, pacing around the room while fiddling with his hands.
"I have been a total asshole to Y/N," he mumbles. "I left her at the Rave'n, drenched in that paint, and then she went up to visit me. I wasn't only a horrible date, but I was an even worse friend."
"Xavier?" Ajax asks yet again. "What did you do?"
Xavier breathes out roughly, blinking while pursing his lips. He is too ashamed to say it, but he needs to tell someone. He needs someone to set him straight.
"I treated her like shit. I told her Wednesday was better than she is."
His friend gasps, looking at his friend almost disgusted. How could he have said that to her? After all those nights of the artist hanging out in Ajax's dorm, him smoking some weed while listening to his friend blabber on about how much he liked you, and then he does this?
"What the fuck? Xavier, you have liked her for years, why would you say that?!"
Xavier rubs his eyes. If anyone is disappointed, it's him. He was so in his head that he took it all out on you. Wednesday isn't better than you. He has liked you for the longest time now, and this just messed it all up. Xavier his mental health has been declining, especially now that he is also suspected of being some type of monster. But that isn't your fault. None of it is. You have always, always been there for him, and he just swept you to the side.
"I'm going to be honest, dude," Ajax looks at his friend. "I am really disappointed in you."
"As you should be," Xavier whispers.
"I'll help."
Xavier looks up, kind of shocked. For some reason, he expected Ajax to just abandon Xavier in the library, leaving him to fend for himself.
"Only if you promise to never do this again. Go to Kinbott more, try and talk about your feelings. Y/N never cared, you could show up crying at her dorm at three am and she would make sure that you're fine before she even thinks of going to sleep."
"Ajax- Thank you so much."
"Yeah, yeah. Just try to talk to her. I'm serious, Xavier. You might be my best friend, but this is not cool."
For the last two weeks, Xavier had tried to talk to you on multiple occasions. He even sat at your table, though Kent and Bianca were hovering around you, not even letting Xavier get one word in.
During Botany he tried to draw a butterfly, making it float in the air before it quickly gets swatted away by Bianca who just gives Xavier a disgusted stare.
During Fencing he walked up to you, wanting to ask you to train with him like you usually did, but you quickly darted away once you saw him coming for you.
He went down to the Nightshade library to wait for you, yet you never came.
What he did do was 'accidentally' bump into you. He would calculate when he had to stand up to go to class. The first thing you would put in your bag was your notebook, followed by your pencil case. After that you would close the zipper; his sign to stand up. After swinging the bag on your shoulder, you would walk off.
You accidentally bump into someone's back, making the bottle of water that they had in their hand fall.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
As you go to pick it up and give it back, you see the boy again. The boy that appeared in your dreams as if they were faint memories. The boy reminded you of ink splatters and the smell of freshly painted walls.
You quickly hand him the bottle, excusing yourself before finding your way to a picnic table again. He makes you nervous, and you don't know in what way. Bianca warned you for him, so all you could do was listen.
In your room, you had a collection of handwritten notes, asking you to meet up in the Nightshade library. You never did. Once you showed them to Bianca, she immediately shook her head.
"I don't know what else to do," Xavier furrows his eyebrows, "She just doesn't want to talk to me. I don't blame her for not wanting to, but sometimes she even completely ignores me. As if she doesn't even know my name. I tried everything."
Ajax takes a hit of his joint, his eyes tinted red before he blows it out of the window. The moon is lighting up Nevermore, its stars shining around it.
"Yeah," Xavier responds. "I tried to talk to her, give her notes, even accidentally bumped into her. But, Bianca and Kent are just acting like bodyguards to her."
"If you want, I can try to talk to her tomorrow."
"You would do that?"
"Yeah," the Gorgon shrugs. "She still talks to me sometimes. Hanging out in the Quad after classes. I'll let you know how it went."
"Y/N! Hey!"
Ajax runs up to you, a big smile on his face before he pulls his beanie back down.
"Ajax! It is nice to see you again."
"What are your plans for today?"
Hm, what were your plans? You did really want to go to the Weathervane to get a drink, but considering it is a Thursday, you weren't too sure. There are no shuttle buses today, and walking in the chilly weather for twenty-five minutes didn't sound too appealing.
"I have some homework I still need to do. I was thinking of going to the Nightshade library to study. Want to join?"
The boy eagerly shakes his head, following you through the hall and down the stairs. The small table gets filled with books, pens, and notebooks. Ajax didn't really take a lot of homework, but he did provide some snacks.
The two of you talked about all different types of things. How he was planning on asking out Enid, how you expected Outreach Day to go, which homework you were doing, and much more.
"Can I maybe ask you something personal?"
You hum, looking up from your paper.
"Of course."
"I was just wondering," he awkwardly laughs. "What happened at the Rave'n?"
"I have no idea," you shrug. "I think there were some Normies who set off the sprinklers. All I know is that my dress is still stained and that, whatever it was, really burned my eyes."
Ajax frowns, what are you talking about?
"Yeah, no, I was there. One beanie destroyed," he chuckles. "But I meant more like... After the Rave'n. What happened?"
It is your turn to be confused.
"Well... I showered, tried to wash the stains out of my clothes, and then hung out with Bianca."
Do you just really not remember?
"What? No, Y/N, I mean... What happened with you and Xavier?"
Even more confusion spreads on your face as you put your pen down on the paper. What is he talking about? All you did was dance, drink punch, took a break, danced more, and then went to clean yourself from the sticky red paint. And who is he talking about?
"Who is Xavier?"
@pagesfalling @skrlls-devonte @clingytraitscclist @annamarieisbae @babyminghao @rayliz7931 @morningstar09 @flowersownme @sunnytkm23 @sweeterheartxamerica @geekgirleve @lorayma9 @eringaitskill @itscheybaby @sophiathereader @r3fundmyb1rth @sweaterxav @stxrangerdxnger @wrenwastooshort @negativity4you @poppet05 @bambi-munson @diorheaven @mirikusashes @yksthings @kis9na @br66klynbaby @ietss @xxhospital-for-soulsxx @secretdazeobservation @lunacurlclaw @dredres @joselyn001 @sojo154 @parkersmyth @hannahnikohl @peanutbutter-y-jams
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kmgkmg · 11 months
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word count: 0.7k...
pairing: hansol x gn!reader
synopsis: you and your boyfriend hansol are riding the train home, how will the commute go?
genre/s: fluff, non-idol!au, bf!hansol, established relationship, domestic
warnings: slightly suggestive
rating: pg-13
a/n: no editing done :O just in my feels for vernon! title is from the song kiss on the train by araya!!
“No, I can’t kiss you innocently, babe.” Hansol whines as he rests his head on your shoulder.
“And why’s that?” You laugh, amused at your boyfriend’s unexpected clinginess. 
You were both seated on the train, waiting for the doors to close again. Several days ago, Hansol stumbled across a video detailing a film festival taking place in your city and excitedly bought tickets for the two of you. You didn’t take much convincing to go, you loved movies as much as him seeing the films together was just the icing on top. But, the video failed to mention that the festival was an 80 minute train ride from your place and that there were about six different events taking place today. So, nearly four hours after the festival finished, you and Hansol were still crammed on the train. You asked him for a quick peck on the lips, needing to recharge after the long day but he firmly shook his head no. 
“I mean, unless you want me to makeout with you on the train…” He trails off, not moving his body an inch from yours. His fingers were softly entwined with yours. 
“Hansol Vernon Chwe!” You jokingly scold, “A simple kiss is all I asked for. The rest…well we can do that when we’re back home.” You finish, squeezing his hand that was interlocking with yours. 
Hansol shifts from his position next to you and stares into your eyes, “You mean it? I thought you would be angry with how crowded the commute back is.”
“Why would I be angry with you? I mean sure it’s hot and musty right now, but you couldn’t have predicted that. Plus, the movie festival had so many up and coming BIPOC directors. It was nice to see such a wide range of films! I mean the way that they’re breaking genres is inspirational, right? Especially that last one, Fireworks from Space? That one totally reminded me of Sorry to Bother You with LaKeith Stanfield.” 
Hansol listens intently to your ramble, happy that you enjoyed the festival as much as he did. He loves your shared passion for movies. He loves the way your eyes lit up — without fail — whenever you were excited about something. Sure, he’s dated his fair share of people, but never someone as big of a cinephile as him. 
“Fireworks from Space was super underrated! Y/N, I can’t believe we were two of the only ten people that went to that showing. And I definitely see what you mean by it resembling Sorry to Bother You. I think it also has similar aspects to Wes Anderson’s cinematography with the attention to detail, specifically symmetry.”  Hansol went on an equally long tangent, relieved that you weren’t upset with him. 
“Yes! I think I read in the interview with Director Jeon that he was heavily influenced by Anderson’s movie The French Dispatch when storyboarding for Fireworks from Space.” You elaborate, having your stomach loudly rumble at the end of your sentence. 
Before you could play it off, Hansol was scavenging through his bag trying to find anything to curb your hunger. 
“Hansol, I’m fine, really!” You tap his leg, trying to get him to stop his rummaging. 
“No, here at least eat this to tide you over. Then we can pick up some takeout at that Korean place a block from our place on the way home, yeah?” Hansol was holding a granola bar in front of you. He already opened the plastic packaging and was waiting for you to take a bite. 
“Wait, so a quick peck is too much to ask for but you’ll feed me?” You frowned. 
Without batting an eye, Hansol leaned in, rubbing your leg with his free hand and kissed you deeply. Each time he kissed you, you felt as if single handedly knocked the wind out of you and gave you air simultaneously. Nearly half a year of dating him and he still left you a mess. 
“There. Now eat, Y/N.” He instructed, holding the granola bar up to your face once again. 
“O-okay, but I can feed myself.” You replied, taking the snack from his grip. 
He returned to his original position of resting his head on your shoulder, satisfied with himself.
You watched several films, but the scene that just played out was undoubtedly the most memorable of the night.
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queentala · 1 year
Random small headcanons for my fav SJM men
Those are totally random thoughts I had and just kept collecting, also I'll be adding new ones when I'll come up with something. Feel free to reblog and add yours <3
I think Gavriel can draw really well, especially with pencil. Like, you know, he's a really precise and detailed guy, plus thanks to his soldier skills he has really stable hands, and it just sits right with me
Azriel loves when you paint his nails black. Also once you made him wear eyeliner and he actually really liked the results, so now from time to time he lets you do it
Aedion has his ears pierced but doesn't wear any earrings (it was probably a dare, even more likely he was drunk then)
Ruhn likes to have a small, faint lamp put on when he sleeps. It looks like a white sparkle and doesn't cast much light but having it next to his bed makes him feel somehow more safe and comfy
Also, he loves being held while sleeping. When you let him snuggle to your chest and hold him tight... It's his paradise, he can stay like this for eternity
Cassian is very ticklish (especially on feet). It's actually his secret because, come on, he's the Lord of Bloodshed, how can he be ticklish? And of course you fully respect that, not wanting his reputation to suffer, however, when it's just the two of you... Let's say Cass has to be pretty alert most times as you love to take advantage of that
Fenrys always brings you a plushie from his travels to foreign countries. Actually, he brings you many different things like jewellery, dresses, combs, mirrors, gems... everything. But a plushie, is a must. You have a whole collection of small cute stuffed animals (mostly wolves) from different parts of the world. Every one of them has a name, personality and a back story which you and Fenrys always come up with
Aedion is a horse girl. He rides so well and just loved being around those animals since he was a little boy. Often he takes you on all day long trips around Terrasen. Also he has few of his favorite horses and he spoils them so much, they're just his babies.
He also probably has like six dogs and wants to adopt every one he sees on the street
Lorcan most of the times either doesn't cuddle or is the big spoon. However, after really hard day he loves to fall asleep with his face in your breasts and his hair stroked
Sometimes when Rowan is engrossed in his work, he hums songs mindlessly
Fenrys talks in his sleep, and this goes to the point where you can literally argue with him or have a whole conversation as he's asleep
Aedion swears a lot. Gavriel doesn't swear almost ever and his face when Aedion starts throwing curses he could never imagine is just priceless
However, Gavriel knows many langues. So, whenever he's angry and finally hit his breaking point, he starts shit talking and insulting everyone in a foreign langue no one knows (just imagine him aggressively talking to himself in Spanish while walking around and throwing hands in the air lol)
Cassian always sleeps naked and refuses (will literally get offended) to do otherwise, even if there are different people sleeping in the room (read: Azriel)
Dorian baby talks to his dogs. Sometimes when he does this he forgets that he is a king and then have the whole castle talking about it for the next week (people find it adorable though. some of them at least.)
Rowan always has some blades with him. Always. Dude could be standing in the room only in his boxers and still proceed to pull out a knife from gods know where
Also, he will never admit it but he has some of his favorite blades that he had named. But if you'd ever done this he would laugh at you
Once you've gotten Ruhn a bracelet for his birthday that was a guitar pick of his favorite guitarist on a black string and from then he doesn't take it off. Ever.
We know Ruhn has this very rare and useful ability to speak in people's minds, however his favorite way to use those abilities is to make the dumbest jokes in your head in the most random moments and watch you burst out laughing around all those strangers that have no idea what is going on
(he also got the big d genes from him but it's the topic for other post)
So, Fenrys is a master at coming up with the weirdest nicknames for his loved one, however, no one compares to Cassian in this matter. His creativity sometimes is more than flesh and blood can bear
Lorcan is actually the biggest girl dad
Let's be honest, Dorian has better skin care than any lady in the whole sjm universe
Cassian loves being called your pretty princess
Azriel loves puzzles. And Legos! There's no better way to spend your day off than building castles and forts, and then having an actual battle between your kingdoms
Bat boys are not really fond of thunder... I think they have bad experiences with flying during storm and it haunts them to this day. They always want to be the little spoons and be cuddled when there's a storm outside
Azriel has bat slippers and Fenrys has wolf or bunny slippers
Dorian loves wearing sygnets. He has so many and you're simply obsessed with them. He's a king, he has to look decent, you know, but Dorian loves wearing them even if it's just the two of you snuggling or sitting in the library reading. Or when he fucks you and you can feel them dig into your skin when he grabs your ass..
Lorcan enjoys having his hair combed. He just melts when you do it. And if you do a little braid somewhere on his head he will keep it and wear it for the next few days
Gavriel is the best dancer you will ever meet. On the balls he can easily make everyone's attention turn to the two of you. But he also likes to dance with you in your house or chambers, where there are no people or music, and to be honest both of you like those moments much better
To be continued....
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how to marry a millionaire | chapter two
mafia bucky x spoiled brat reader
words: 2.8k
warnings: **18+ ONLY** explicit language, explicit sexual content, oral (m receiving), exhibitionism, thinly veiled threats (??) if i missed anything pls let me know my brain is fried
a/n: f i n a l l y... she is here. thank you @cultofcarter for reading through this for me :) as always, any and all mistakes are mine. feedback is encouraged & appreciated ♡
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“You've been an absolute delight this evening. Thank you for accompanying me.” He stands, coming around the table to offer his hand to you.
You accept it gratefully, your skin tingling from the contact as you rise from your seat. “Are you sending me home already?” you question, meeting his gaze straight on and ignoring the displeasure you feel when the warmth of his hand retreats.
Dinner had been, predictably, delicious. The conversation throughout was much more pleasant than you anticipated. He's got great banter, and you laughed more than you ever have on past dates. Honestly, he's so charming that you’ve almost forgotten you should be a little wary of him. You're hardly even putting up a front anymore.
He tilts his head, swiping his tongue along his bottom lip as he contemplates. “I’m not sure you're ready for more yet.”
“This is hardly the first time I've been through this song and dance, James,” you say coyly, tracing your index finger down the lapel of his suit jacket. “These sorts of arrangements are perfectly normal.”
He’s silent for a moment, watching you with unreadable eyes. You try to maintain eye contact, but it’s so intense you find yourself breaking it, glancing away to the empty room.
Everything about tonight has been nowhere near what you expected, especially James. You've dealt with enough men in your life to feel as if you know exactly how to handle them. Yet, with him, you feel like a complete novice. He’s totally unpredictable.
It’s unsettling.
It's exhilarating.
“I think you're confused about what's happening here,” he informs you. He grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his eyes. Your heart stutters in your chest and you have to physically force your shoulders to relax. “I'm not a fucking sugar daddy,” he states coolly, his expression still frustratingly blank. “I’m not interested in sharing and I’m not looking for something casual. If we’re to continue, we will be exclusive. I’ll still spoil you like crazy, don't worry about that, but I’m not going to throw money at you and not gain anything in return. The same way you know what you want, I know what I want. So you better decide now. It’ll be your only chance.”
Jesus. You know you should be terrified, because that was not a threat, it was a promise, yet for whatever reason it's got desire swirling in your core.
“You make it sound like you'll own me,” you mutter faintly.
His grin is all teeth. “Oh, sweetheart,” he starts, condescending, his grip on your chin tightening. “That's exactly what I mean.”
There is not even a hint of dishonesty in his eyes. You're not sure if that’s better or worse. The fact he's even giving you an opportunity to decline seems like it's a rare occurrence, so you actually take a moment to consider your options.
On the one hand, you're almost entirely positive his other work consists of illegal activities. You have no doubt that he’s done some truly nefarious things and that thought settles in your stomach like a heavy stone. His hands are definitely dirty. He’s a dangerous man, and there’s no way he hasn't made some enemies. The risks are substantial.
But, on the other hand, you have had a fantastic preview of what his money can get you. He's spent more on you in one day than some of your past sugar daddies have spent during the whole relationship. He's made it abundantly clear that he has more money than he knows what to do with. If you choose to agree to his stipulations, you could very well be set for life. Call you greedy, or even selfish, but you have every right to be spoiled beyond your wildest dreams as much as the next person.
It's with that in mind that you take the smallest step closer to him, craning your neck to hold his stare, his hand loosening and dropping. You slide your palms around his waist.
“May I still call you daddy?”
He grins wider, a wicked glint in his eyes. “You fucking better.”
Your chin drops slightly so you can look at him through your lashes.
“And do I still have to go home?”
“Well, I suppose that depends,” he hedges. “If we leave here together, I can no longer promise any type of restraint from me. I've used all of my willpower through dinner to keep from taking you on the table.”
Biting your lip, you hold back the needy noise that almost escaped. “I fail to see how that would be a problem,” you reply breathily.
You feel his hands slide down until they reach your ass. He squeezes roughly and you’re not quick enough to stop a gasp from slipping. His expression tells you he liked hearing it, liked knowing he could put a crack in your pristine, iron-clad composure.
“Then, I guess you better follow me to the car,” he says, landing a smack on one of your ass cheeks.
He threads his fingers through yours and begins walking towards the kitchen, pulling you along with him in the process. You do your best to keep up with his long strides, but you struggle to match his pace. Your heels do not make up for the height difference between the two of you. His legs are longer than yours, no matter what. He's a tall bastard. He's quite large, in general, actually. And according to him, that includes his cock, though you'll be able to determine if it's true or not very soon. Just the thought sends a rush of heat through you.
The employees in the kitchen all scramble to clear the way for James when you enter, their eyes trained on the floor as he marches by. Clearly, they know exactly who he is and what he's capable of and are not keen on getting on his bad side. They must've been in the middle of cleaning, you think, because there are rags on the stainless steel counters and a huge sink full of soapy water with pots and pans draining on the counter next to it.
“Dinner was perfect, gentlemen,” James announces as he passes. “Thank you for your time.”
Nobody responds verbally, but you see their shoulders slump in relief.
“You can take tomorrow off,” he adds, smiling when excited murmuring picks up after you've turned a corner and entered a narrow hallway. There's another overly tall, beefy man standing next to the door. “Anything I should know about?” James asks as you both approach.
“No,” the man replies, curt.
James nods. “Thank you, Steve. Is Sam ready with the car?”
“Yes. I assume the girl is coming with you.”
“The girl has a name, asshole,” you interject before James even has a chance to open his mouth.
The man, Steve, cuts his eyes to you. “With all due respect,” he starts, and you can already tell he means no respect, whatsoever, “I was speaking to my boss. Not his arm candy.”
You scowl. “Regardless, I would appreciate not being talked about like I’m not here, you overgrown guard dog.”
James snorts. Steve stares at you for a beat, then cracks a smile, shaking his head.
“You've met your match, Buck,” he states.
“It would appear so,” James agrees.
Steve pushes open the door and the three of you walk out into an alleyway where four black SUVs are idling. Steve tugs on the handle to the back door to one of them and beckons you and James to get in. The doors lock as soon as he closes it.
“I take it your date went well,” says the man in the driver seat.
“Better than anticipated,” James replies, winking in your direction. “Take us to the estate, please, Sam.”
Sam gives James a salute and shifts the gear into drive.
“The estate?” you inquire as the sparkling city lights pass by.
James hums. “Yes.”
“Still trying to impress me, huh?” you tease.
“Of course,” he replies easily. “Can't have you getting bored.”
“Cute,” you claim.
He huffs a laugh. “Nothing about me is cute.”
“That's debatable,” you retort.
Sam lets out a quiet snicker that changes into a cough when James clears his throat pointedly. You giggle, leaning into James’ arm.
“Oh, c’mon. Don't tell me the big, bad, scary man isn't allowed to be cute once in a while.” When all you get in response is an eye roll and a clenched jaw, you sigh dramatically. “Okay, fine. You're not cute.”
“Thank you,” he says loftily.
“Big baby,” you mumble.
His hand, which has been comfortably resting on your bare knee, squeezes hard enough that you jerk in surprise and barely bite back the protest on the tip of your tongue.
“You ought to be nicer to me.”
His voice is low and his eyes are dark with warning. You’re suddenly struck with the understanding at that moment that you're not necessarily promised anything here, not yet. One wrong move could land you on your ass, or worse, so it's in your best interest to keep a man like him happy. With that thought in mind, you make a mental note that too much teasing is off limits. For now, at least.
“Sorry,” you respond quietly. You let your palm glide across his thigh. “Let me make it up to you?”
He eases his grip slightly. “What did you have in mind?”
“Considering we’re headed for the highway, I imagine we have some time to kill,” you observe.
“Smart girl,” he praises, letting go of your knee entirely and reaching for the hand on his thigh, directing it to the considerable bulge in his slacks.
You cup him through his pants and realize he's not even hard yet, which makes the size of what you're feeling even more mouthwateringly impressive.
“Wanna blow you,” you request, meeting his eyes. “Please.”
“You're not worried about having an audience?” he wonders, nodding towards Sam.
“It wouldn't be the first time,” you confess with a cheeky grin. “And I doubt it'll be the last.”
James matches your grin then gestures to his pants. “Go ahead, doll.”
You're extremely grateful for the spacious floors in the backseat as you lower yourself to your knees and maneuver your way between James’ legs. These luxury SUVs are top notch for a multitude of reasons, but this is always one of the main ones for you.
You waste no time in undoing James’ Italian leather belt, the button and zip on his slacks following, then lower the band of his boxer briefs to pull his cock out. You wish you could say you're surprised, but the fact he has a perfect cock isn't all that shocking. The length of it alone is worthy of praise, but it's the girth that makes your cunt clench around nothing. He's going to feel fucking divine inside your pussy, but for now, you'll settle for getting your mouth on him. You wrap your lips around the head as you stroke him, getting him as hard as possible, swiping your tongue across his slit.
“So pretty,” he compliments. You glance up at him coquettishly and he smiles. “Yeah, yeah. You know.”
You hum around him, pleased, and he sighs as he settles more into the seat. You take another inch of him in your mouth, slowly working your way down his above-average length. As much as it pains you to admit, even to yourself, you can't deepthroat. It's not for lack of trying, or anything. You've just unfortunately been graced with an unforgiving gag reflex. God had to keep you humble somehow. So you'll have to make up for it, take as much of his cock as you can and work the rest with your hands.
Normally, you're the type to give sloppy head, but since you're both in nice clothes, you keep it fairly tame. James doesn't have any room for complaints either, considering the way his mouth is slack and he's got his head tipped back. He's letting out these clipped, quiet noises, like he's trying to hold them in, but it just makes you work harder to get more out of him.
You slowly pull off his cock, and when you reach the tip you lightly graze your bottom teeth along his frenulum. His hips spasm and you smile when his eyes quickly find yours. They're blazing, pupils blown and just a touch glassy. Holding his gaze, you dig your tongue in his slit, and the way the vein in his neck pops is so satisfying that you keep doing it for several more seconds. You take him back in your mouth, stroking him with one hand and using the other to play with his balls. His breathing picks up, his chest heaving with it, yet he still only lets cut off sounds slip past his lips.
It's when you let go of his balls, moving your fingers down a little further to put pressure on his perineum, that he finally groans. Deep, guttural, and music to your ears. After that, all bets are off. You go from bobbing on his cock to stroking it at a brutal pace and sucking on his balls, back and forth, all while continuing to massage his perineum. And to your absolute delight, James is putty in your hands. He still tries to cut off his noises, but he's mostly unsuccessful.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he grits through his teeth, fingers digging into the leather seat below him so hard his knuckles turn white.
You’re understandably proud of yourself, but your jaw is starting to hurt, so it's time to bring this blowjob to an end. Stroking his cock even faster, you hollow your cheeks and put suction around the head, rubbing his perineum harder. His hips begin shifting, his noises going slightly higher in pitch, breaths coming out in harsh pants. You look up at him with watery eyes and he whines, ass coming up off the seat about an inch, his jaw locking, and then with a drawn out groan, he comes.
You moan as his cum fills your mouth, swallowing all of it as you help him through his climax. He twitches with aftershocks and grunts with overstimulation, but you wait for him to weakly push at your head before you let go of him.
With one last lick to the red head of his cock, you murmur, “Thank you, daddy.”
He laughs, a breathy, disbelieving sound, and wipes a hand down his blissed out face.
“I don't know what kind of stars aligned for us to meet, but I’m sending all of my thanks to whatever deity that made it happen.”
You giggle, pushing yourself back up into the seat beside him as he sluggishly puts his cock back in his boxers and rights his trousers. He's practically boneless where he sits and you know you've done a fantastic job at making up for your thoughtless teasing to him.
“Once we get to the estate, I’ll take care of you, doll,” he promises with a lethargic grin. “Wanna get you spread out on a bed.”
“You won't get any complaints out of me,” you assure.
For the rest of the ride, you and James chatter about anything that comes to mind. Sam, who'd been totally silent before, pipes in when prompted and you're pleased to find he's got a sense of humor that rivals yours. It feels like hardly any time has passed when the car is turned into a driveway with an iron gate. Sam punches in a code on a keypad and the gate opens.
When you're able to get a good look out of the windshield at the looming home ahead of you, your jaw drops. It's fucking massive. You faintly register James snickering next to you, but your attention is better drawn to the mansion you're pulling in front of. You're still gawking when Sam comes around to open the door for you and James. Your “thank you” is quiet and mumbled and not all that polite, but like. C’mon.
“It's nice, huh?” James asks.
“That would be a fucking egregious understatement,” you retort, head tilted up to take in all the grandeur.
He steps up behind you, his front pressed all along your back, nose nuzzling your neck and ear, hands settling low on your hips. “I do believe I promised to lay you out on my bed.”
“That you did,” you murmur, reaching up to run your fingers through his hair.
“I’m a man of my word,” he says. “Always.”
Of that you have no doubt.
“I suppose you should take me inside then,” you reply.
Without another word, he links his hand with yours and leads you inside. You barely make it over the threshold before he's swept you off your feet, literally, and carries you up the stairs, grinning at your giggles.
You'll get a tour of the place in the morning, you guess.
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
Hell on Heels, part two.
pairing: rhett abbott x tillerson!afab!reader
summary: you made the devil a deal; he made you pretty, he made you smart and rhett abbott she’s coming after you.
warnings: everyone calls reader ‘honey’, sweet rhett but also asshole rhett, the tillersons (they need their own warning tbh but i love a good forbidden romance), unprotected p in v, car sex, a wee bit of rhett begging, no use of y/n or description of reader, not proofread 
word count: 3.6k words
author’s note: eventually I want them to have sex in a place that isn’t rhett’s truck, i started writing the next part for this before this was even finished so!!! this isn’t nearly as good as the last part but it sets me up for a great third part. as always, enjoy!!!
read the first part here!
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You slipped a coin in the jukebox that sat in the corner of the Pit Bar, flipping through the songs before landing on Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood. A small smile replacing the previous frown you had as the music started over the speakers. Your frown was the result of Rhett Abbott, he’d apparently fucked you and forgotten to text you. The girls had brought you out, their treat, in a desperate attempt to get THE Honey Tillerson back to her normal self.
“Wait so he actually fucked you?” Ash whispered across the table as you sat back down, taking a sip of the mixed drink in her hand as she awaited for your answer with bated breath.
“Mhm, nice and good. It was all hot and sweaty too, after the rodeo y'know?” You giggled, feeling like a schoolgirl with the way they were treating this. 
To be far, this was a long time coming. You’d been after this man for as long as any of them could remember, unconditionally loyal to a man who wasn’t that way for you. To them, hearing that he’d finally kissed you and then fucked you is truck was the news of the century. Especially in a small town like Wabang. 
“He finally grew some balls I guess, shoulda done that the second you told him to his face you were gonna marry him. Freshman year, remember?” Taylor teased, poking you in your side as you covered your face in embarrassment.
“I am never living that down, you guys bring it up like everytime we talk about him.” You groaned, burying your face further into your hands and distorting your words slightly. “Besides, he totally choked it. He hasn’t texted me since that night. And guess what Luke told me this morning?  Rhett and Maria were caught going to the motel, the same fuckin’ night he fucked me.”
“That whore, what the fuck!” Ash whisper-yelled, dropping her jaw open at the bombshell of news. “I’m gonna need another fuckin’ drink if you keep droppin’ bombs like this, Honey.”
“Yeah, I’ve made some sort of peace with it. I’ve been second to her our entire lives, shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up about it.” You shrugged, taking a sip of the drink in front of you and making direct eye contact with none other than the man you were speaking about.
The news had initially hurt when Luke told you. Then you thought about it and realized that you simply were never going to be better than Maria, she wasn’t at fault here and being upset with the other woman did you no good. Your knuckles had gone white when the words left your brother’s mouth, how could you have reacted any other way? You’d finally slept with the one man you’d been yearning for your entire life only to find out he then slept with someone else directly after. Didn’t she smell you on him? See the red lipstick peppered on his skin or the collar of his shirt? 
“Tay, come sing with me?” You asked, batting your eyelashes at the girl sitting next to you, even pouting your lips for extra measure.
“Cowboy Casanova?” She asked, smiling happily when you shook your head yes.
It was the perfect ‘revenge’ song, Carrie knew how to write her songs and she had rent to pay with this one. The bar had finally started to pick up and it was simply the perfect moment to, subtly, call Rhett out on his actions. Sure he had no ties to you but that didn’t mean he couldn’t give you basic respect and tell you he didn’t want you the way you wanted him. You made sure the cowboy hat, a new one you had bought earlier today, was snug on your head and your makeup was still in place before dragging Taylor up to the stage with you. The drinks had started to feel nice and warm, tipsy was the only time you’d openly sing like this. Especially such a directed song like this one. 
“You better take it from me, that boy is a disease.” You sang loudly, making direct eye contact with Rhett who had his arm around Maria next to him. 
His face screwed up at the lyrics once he learned you were singing about him, and to him. Maria whispered something in his ear, making a face you couldn’t quite decipher when he shook his head yes and whispered something back to her. 
“He’s a curse, he’s like a drug. You get addicted to his love.” The two of your voices harmonizing beautifully, prancing around the stage and captivating the audience in a way that seemed to anger Rhett. But, unlike him, the audience simply thought you were performing to have a good time and not to get back at him.
The group of girls you came with had started chanting your names, whooping and hollering from the table they sat at, being your biggest fans without getting swallowed in the sea of bar patrons.
“I see that look on your face, you ain’t hearing what I say.” Is the lyric that caused Rhett and Maria to get up and storm out of the bar, not another soul in the place giving a single shit that his masculinity had been hurt by a Carrie Underwood song.
You finished the song off with a bang, bowing with Taylor as the crowd gave you a standing ovation. It was the most thrilling thing you’d done all week and you loved it, it felt nice to let him know he wasn’t shit. He called you Hell on Heels and you’d be damned if you didn’t live up to it, you were coming for him. The girls gave the two of you another round of hollers as you approached the table.
“Did you see them storm out?” Ash giggled, tilting her head towards the table they had previously been sitting at.
“Don’t be a two timin’ bitch next time.” You smiled, taking the last sip of your drink and basking in the glory of what just happened You’d finally actually stood up for yourself and damn if it didn’t feel fucking good.
You’d spent your entire night at the bar, chatting with the girls about anything and everything between. Mostly gossiping about the look Maria had on her face when she realized you were singing about Rhett. The rest of your family had been asleep when you got home, it made it way easier to go to your room without a million questions about who, why, when and where. You hung up your hat on the rack right inside the door of your room, taking in a deep breath before exhaling shakily. Yeah, it felt good to tell Rhett off that way but you still had some love for him and that would never change. The whole situation was a little heartbreaking for you. You were hopeful that dreamland would fix all your problems, take you to a world where he only wanted you.
“Rhett Abbott is at the door sayin’ he needs to speak with you.” Billy’s tone laced with confusion, anytime one of the boys showed up at the door it was never for you, looking over at where you sat on the couch.
You got up from the couch and walked to the door, giving Billy a look that said ‘please give me a second’ and he walked off. Turning your attention to the man on your porch you wanted to burst into laughter, he was pissed and you knew why. 
“We need to talk.” Rhett stated, arms crossed as he waited for you to step outside. 
“About what, because if you wanna talk about what happened at the Pit Bar I distinctly remember you leavin’ with someone who wasn’t me.” You closed the door behind you and leaned up against it, waiting for him to get to whatever the hell his point was. 
“I’m not your boyfriend, Honey-“
“Exactly, so why are you here?” You cut him off, raising your eyebrows at him, ready to tell him if that’s what he came to say it could’ve been a text. 
“What?” This time he was confused, not expecting you to have agreed with him right off the bat. 
“You’re not my boyfriend, so why are you here? You’re angry that I did what I wanted at the bar yet you get to run off with Maria the second you don’t want to deal with me. You’re not my boyfriend but you wanna fuck me in your truck after you win finals, don’t forget you took Maria to a motel after bein’ with me.” Your words were calm, too angry to give him the satisfaction of seeing your emotions. His eyes got big at the mention of the motel, he was trying to figure out how the hell you knew. “Luke told me, don’t sneak around in a small town and think it won’t get around.”
“Don’t you dare bring her into this. This is between the two of us.” He hissed, pointing a finger in your face.
“Have you no respect for me, Rhett Abbott? You don’t get to sneak around with the both of us. Have you no respect for Maria? Jesus fuckin’ Christ.” You rolled your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose, choosing to ignore the finger in your face to save whatever dignity he hadn’t taken. 
“No, Rhett. It’s my turn to speak. I’ve been second fuckin’ best to Maria my entire life, every single turn she was unintentionally one upping me. I don’t deserve this shit, Rhett. If I wanted a man who couldn’t commit I’d take notes from some other girl in town, that night in your fuckin’ truck gave me a single sliver of hope that I’d finally come out on top. That you’d finally decide I was the one. So much for bein’ a good luck charm. Good bye, Rhett Abbott.” 
You turned around and slammed the door in his face, locking it behind you before he got any ideas to come in after you. Unbeknownst to you, he’d come to apologize. He’d realized the way he acted on both the nights you mentioned was unacceptable, he was going to man up and say he was sorry but you went off on him. Told him to shut up and didn’t give him a chance to speak. He placed his fist on your front door and laid his head down next to it before he realized you really weren’t coming back outside and he walked away.
“What’d he want?” Billy asked, he’d taken your spot on the couch and was now eating the breakfast you had previously prepared for yourself. 
“To talk.” Is all you responded with, as much as you wanted to confide in him all your words would make it back to Luke. That was something you absolutely didn’t want to deal with, so you opted for pretending everything was fine and dandy instead. 
You found yourself hesitating when you went to block Rhett’s number, for some reason you just couldn’t fucking do it. All the what ifs flooded your mind and no matter how angry you were with him, you’d always be one call away. Ready to make everything feel okay, even for just five minutes before he found solace inside another girl. You threw your phone on your bed with a frustrated groan, trying to think of all the ways he went from praising you in his truck to being the biggest asshole you knew. That was hard to beat when you had one for a brother. 
You decided not to dwell on it and get ready for the day ahead of you, you had nothing planned but if you knew one thing it was that you didn’t live a boring life. By the time you’d finished getting ready and had eaten something, making sure Billy didn’t get to it when you turned your back, your phone had been blown up by your girlfriends asking if you wanted to go to the bar tonight. Of course, you said yes. You double checked your makeup and made your way down to the bar that took Rhett Abbott away from you, he did it himself but the bar solidified it. 
“Hey sweet girl, Honey.” Ash greeted you, kissing your cheek as you sat in the same booth you always did when your group attended the bar.
“Always so welcoming.” You smiled, scoping out the place as you sat. Your eyes landed on none other than Rhett Abbott, and god did he look handsome. His signature cowboy hat wasn’t what got you, it was the small tufts of hair sticking out of the side untamed. “I didn’t know moving on from him was going to be so damn hard.”
“I mean, you did fuck him like three days ago. Let yourself live.” Taylor pointed out, rubbing your back in support. 
“True but he just looks so…fuckable.” You pouted, watching him tilt his head back in laughter.
“So are you and look where it got him.” Ash took a sip of her beer, eyeing you up playfully. “Fuck him one more time to get him out of your system.”
You contemplated what she said for the rest of the night, your attention remaining on Rhett when it could be. You noticed Maria was here too, but not once had she interacted with Rhett or made any indication that she wanted to speak to him. He hadn’t paid her any attention either. His attention was on you everytime you weren’t looking at him, he wasn’t a man to grovel but you were making him reconsider it all. Your anger at him this morning turned him on a bit, not that he’d admit that to anyone other than himself. After failing to apologize he’d given Maria a call, called it off with her completely. He told her the plain old truth, that sneaking around with her wasn’t worth it when he could be with you and feel on top of the goddamn world. He felt no shame or guilt after he did, almost contemplated telling you what he’d done just to prove a point to no one but himself. 
“Can we talk?” Rhett asked, walking up to your table of girls and staring directly at you. Admiring the low cut of your shirt and the way your red lipstick had slightly smudged from the straw in your drink.
“Uhm, sure. I’ll be back ladies.” You smiled at the girls before giving them a confused look and scooting out of the booth, following Rhett out of the bar and to the side of his truck.
“I came to your house to apologize this mornin’, Honey.” He spoke softly, no longer the stoic man he was just a minute ago. You took in a deep breath as you contemplated his words. “I called it off with Maria, all the way off. Honey, I need it to be you.”
“Look, let me talk this time.” He mocked your words from this morning, a small smile playing on his lips as he spoke.
“Okay, hit me.” You spoke softly, unsure of where this conversation was going and if you were going to lose your pants by the end of it. You counted on the fact that you’d end up folded in half in his backseat.
“I came to apologize for how idiotic I was, for one sneaking behind your back. I’ve been stringin’ you along for awhile and I shouldn’t, you’ve been nothin’ but faithful and supportive of everythin’ I’ve done. Secondly, for storming out of the bar and just bein’ an ass in general. You blew up at me before I could say anythin’ else, which is valid because the first thing out of my mouth was ‘i’m not your boyfriend’ and i’ve regretted it all fuckin’ day. Honey, I want- fuck I need to be your boyfriend. If you aren’t ready I’ll wait for you-”
You cut off his words by smashing your lips to his, you’d think over his words later and truly process them when you weren’t so incredibly turned on by an idiot saying he needed to be your boyfriend. This was probably as affectionate as Rhett was able to be and you’d happily take it. Your hands intertwined themselves with the hair on the back of his head, pushing your body completely against his. His hands found themselves at your waist, holding you still as he bit your bottom lip and explored the inside of your mouth with his tongue when you gasped.
“Rhett.” You whined against his lips, pulling at his hair softly in a plea to get him to do what you wanted but you weren’t even sure what that was.
“I know, sweet girl. I know.” He whispered, disconnecting your lips and pulling back to admire the fading love bite he gave you last time. “C’mon, in the truck.”
He helped you get in the backseat, positioning you on his lap once again. Your lips found his again while your hips ground down against his, both of you groaning at the action. His hands tangled themselves in your hair, tugging on it slightly to get you to lean your head back and give him access to your neck. He placed open mouth kisses from the top of your jaw to the end of your neck, nipping occasionally and soothing it with his tongue. Rhett was rock hard the second he saw you walk into the bar hours ago, but you grinding down on him had him harder than he was the first time he had you in his truck.
You fumbled with the buckle of his belt, your fingers slipping and not quite able to get it in your frenzy to remove his pants. A small cry escaped before Rhett shushed you, placed a kiss to the top of your head, and unbuckled his belt. He lifted you up just enough for him to get his jeans pushed down around his ankles, relishing in the fact that his dick wasn’t heavily compressed in his jeans. 
Immediately you went to sink to your knees, went to pull his boxers down and put him in your mouth like you’d been waiting to do since the first time you slept together. 
“No.” He rasped, holding you where you were.
“Need to be inside of you, right now. Don’t have time for that.” He groaned, yanking your jeans and underwear down in one yank. 
You shook your head yes and kicked your jeans off, straddling his waist and unbuttoning the shirt he was wearing just enough to see the tattoo on his chest. You traced it, admiring it. 
“Honey, please.” Rhett begged, his chest flushing red.
The fact that you had him underneath you begging would forever be one of the best things you ever accomplished, you absolutely would not tell the girls about it though. It would be your little secret. You would probably think of it every night you had your hands down your pants, cumming to the thought of him. 
You stroked him a few times before lining him up with your entrance and slowly sliding down. 
“Fuck, Honey. I love you.” He groaned, laying his head against the back of the seat. 
You froze, did he just? What the fuck. You loved him too but this was supposed to be a one and done for you, but you were now realizing he thought you were- oh no. Should you say it back? Pretend like you never heard him? Make a noise to acknowledge him? 
Rhett on the other hand was now beating the shit out of himself internally because how could he say that shit out loud. All he was doing was making the situation worse between the two of you by putting you in this weird limbo. 
The both of you elected to ignore the fact that he said it, instead focusing on how you were bouncing on top of him. One of your hands braced against the back window and the other softly planted on his chest, using him as leverage. 
“Lean back, I wanna ride the bull.” You whispered into his ear, getting a small laugh in response. Both of you exchanging small smiles.
He eventually got tired of the pace you had set, wrapped both his arms around your lower back and set his own pace. Thrusting up into you like it was his full time job. Holding you close to him, like he sensed that you were debating not seeing him again. He’d made up his mind about you and you made up yours, but they contradicted. He didn’t want to let you go and yet, you knew you had to. Maybe. Rhett would always be your kryptonite, deep down you knew you’d always find yourself back with him but if you never gave yourself a chance to find ‘better’ would you ever regret it?
He painted your insides white with a low groan and a mumble of Fuck, Honey. You weren’t far behind him, your walls clenching around him as your orgasm washed over you. He didn’t let you go or pull out, he just stayed there. Enjoying some sense of normalcy before you both left his truck and things could change, maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. He wasn’t taking his chances, not when it came to his sweet ol’ Honey.
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dearweirdme · 21 days
If Jk makes another GCF today and places footage of Tae and only tae under certain lyrics more than once would you say the same thing?
You forget that months before Jk made and posted his first GCF, he did a cover of a song and when he posted it, he asked that fans should pay attention to the lyrics because whenever he covers a songs or uses a song, he makes sure he understands what the lyrics mean. This is what Jk said and then a few months later he made his first GCF using Troy Sivan’s “There for you”. GCFT didn’t read to me as romantic on it’s own especially after i read the book and got to understand why jimin and Jungkook travelled together in the first place. Knowing that Jk is a lyrical genius, it all fell in place why he used that song in the GCF he made for Jimin. The lyrics talk about being there for someone and expecting the person to be there for u too and seeing as they travelled because they (especially Jimin) were going through a very hard time, it makes sense.
GCF saipan was where my head started to spin a little because again, remembering the fact that Jk is is concious of the lyrics and their meaning, it is foolish to think that he didn’t know what he was doing when he chose to place Jimin footage at particular lyrics not only once but twice. Someone mentioned that other members also appeared in parts of the song that had romantic lyrics, ofcourse. It was a romantic song with all 7 members so ofcourse they would appear there at certain points but wasn’t it kinda weird that even though he could place any other member or just b roll when those lyrics came up the second time he chose to place only footage of Jimin and the sky and the sea there? And you don’t even have to be a shipper or even a BTS fan to see that. And yes the content did have to be approved before he posted it on Youtube (like most other content they posted since they didn’t want to leave a negative digital footprint) but what matters here is Jk’s initiative. Just the fact that he thought of doing stuff like that means something and the fact that he intentionally never made another GCf for just a single member says alot. We literally have footage of RM asking him to make one of V if he wanted to get a ton of views but Jk didn’t. I think it is also special that GCF Tokyo is the only GCF JK made which wasn’t work. That was just him making memories and choosing to share those memories with the world and Jimin didn’t even know what Jk was planning to do with all the videos he was taking.
You and I know that if all of this was done for Tae instead of Jimin, you would have been singing a very different song now. Tae just mentioning that Jk sings him a particular song was enough to get taekookers in a frenzy even though no one said anything years ago when Jin said Jk would always come to him singing “i love you” in his ears. But i guess this wouldn’t mean anything to you and other taekookers because you don’t see jinkook as anything more than friends.
Hi anon!
Lyrics are up to interpretation, and you have no clue what those lyrics mean to Jk. Troy Sivan himself said the song was for his fans who stuck by him. So what if to Jk it’s about Jm sticking by him in a platonic way? You don’t know what goes around in his head. You also cannot deduce from his statement about lyrics if that is something that always applies. I’m not saying the trip wasn’t important to them, but it wasn’t a romantic trip and BH wouldn’t let Jk release a GCF about an actual relationship.
Lol.. I would totally swoon if Jk was to release a GCF with solely Tae (it will never happen). But at the same time I would know that it was company content and it would definitely not be Jk sharing his romantic relationship with everyone.
I think Jk’s GCF’s became something that wasn’t his intention (and that’s why he stopped). His for GCF wasn’t for Jm, it was for army. Jk does a lot of things and says a lot of things with army in mind. He wanted to share a piece of him and members that meant something to him. GCF Tokyo was the first because it was the forst time he (and Jm) did something that was outside of Army/BTS. I think that trip was very important to him because it made him feel a sense of freedom (😩) and a sense of independence. Traveling on that age is impactful. After that (and the success it had in fandom) I think BH encouraged him to do more, but it slowly became something that wasn’t his anymore.
Right now the history of Tkk and Jkk and GCF’s is very different from what it was when the first GCF was posted, I think comparing a hypothetical Tae GCF with the Tokyo GCF is therefore not really possible.
I am not a Tkkr because of one or two or several situations or instances that look 🤔. I am a Tkkr because of the way Tae and Jk interact mostly. You can take away any Tkk moment you want and it would probably not affect my thoughts much.. while I think it would be harder for Jkkrs to go without Rose bowl, the hicky (it’s a bite), and GCF, and all your numbers and dates stuff.
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warmaidensrevenge · 4 months
It's not a never
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Pairing: Eddie x friend!fem plus size reader
A/N: Hi! So I lied. This is gonna be a three part series. I was getting a little carried away with everything I wanted to put in this fic. So that pushed it out to one more part. Tonight's part is basically filler. Just a heads up this is a slow burn. So if you don't like that kind of fic, this one is not for you. Anyways, thanks for reading. As always love ya. Byyyyeeeee
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,230
Warnings: 18+ no minors please. Language, angst, pinning, slow burn, slight fluff and not proof read.
Summary: A trip to be remembered and a confession that leaves Eddie puzzled.
Part 2
Bags were packed and loaded. Snacks and drinks were bought. A Ziploc bag full with coins for tolls and a map were in Eddie's glove box. And hours of music were picked. All that was left was to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. 
This senior ditch day was going to be epic. Months and months of saving and scrimping was all going to be worth it. 3 days of total and complete freedom. The road trip of a lifetime. One last hurrah. Together. 
Only this was gonna be tough. Being in close quarters with you for 3 whole days. How was he gonna deal?
Lately he was doing pretty good at keeping his feelings at bay… well that wasn't true. You had left for a week after the senior outing to visit the college you got into.
He missed you more than ever. But over those few days, he reflected back on everything. Sure how he now felt about you came unexpectedly. Still, he never wanted to be with anyone more. Especially since he realized you were perfect for each other.
However if he decided to make a move, there was no certainty that you would be up for it. Also, what would it do to the friendship? You guys had been friends way too long. It would be awkward. 
So he chose to push all that he felt away and enjoy this last trip with his friends.
It was 4 am on Friday and everyone was ready to hit the road. You had just hopped in the passenger seat with a huge thermos of coffee. 
“ Sorry. Thy birth giver wanted to pray for safe travels and a safe return.”
Eddie smiled. “ Welp, hopefully one of the pagan gods heard her.”
You turned around and offered up some coffee and donuts to everyone. When you turned back, you pulled out the map.
“ Okay Eddie. Please for the love of all that is holy. Please don't kill us.”
He chuckled. “ Ye have little faith kid.”
You rolled your eyes and took a bite of a donut and pointed forward. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone whooped and hollard. “New York! Here we come!”
3 hours later
“Oh crap! Munson please!” Jeff whimpered.
Gareth backed away a little. “ Man oh man. I told you not to have that second cup of coffee.” 
Eddie shook his head while you were laughing your butt off.
“ Calm down.” He said. “ The next gas station in 3 miles out.”
“ I-I don't think I- I can hold it!” Jeff stammered.
“ YOU BETTER!” Grant yelled.
You turned around. “ Guy, guys guys!” It's gonna be fine. Jeffrey. 2 ½ minutes. You can do this. Just squeeze.” 
You looked back at Eddie and just grinned away. All he could think about was how nice your eyes looked. 
As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, Jeff kicked open the back door and ran into the store.
Once Eddie turned off the engine everyone sat there quietly for a few seconds before laughing like crazy.
When it died down you guys got off to move your legs around.
Eddie went to fill up while the other guys went to see about some real breakfast. 
He had just put in the gas nozzle and turned to find you doing toe touches.
He shouldn't have done it, but he did. He checked you out. Loving how your leggings hugged your round bottom. How beautifully wide your hips were.
When you stood back up you walked towards him.
“ Eddie? Can you pop my back?”
He nodded and took a step closer to you. “ Turn around and cross your arms around your chest.”
Once you did as you were instructed, he stepped behind you and wrapped his arms around you. He then took a deep inhale in and caught a whiff of your shampoo. He instantly got goose flesh. 
Stop it! He told himself.
After lifting you up for a second, he quickly put you back down. Your bottom brushed his lower half in the process. 
His hands fell down to your hips. He mentally had to tell himself to not pull you to him.
“ W-was that okay?” He nervously asked.
You turned around and nodded. Bodies only inches apart.
“ So much better. Thank you.”
He stared at your lips as you spoke. Were they always so full? They definitely looked incredibly soft.
“ G-good.” He stuttered as he kept looking at your mouth and thinking.
“Eddie? You okay? Do I have something in my teeth?”
“ Hmm?” He met your gaze. “ Yeah. No. Yeah. You're good. I just ummm…sorry I was just trying to decide if I should take a leak.” 
“ Alright dude." You held up your hand. " Too much info. Go, I'll finish pumping.” 
With that said he practically ran away. Rushing into the first stall that was empty. While sighing deeply he cursed himself. He really wanted to kiss you.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a god awful stench.
“ UGH! Jeff what the hell man?! Ever heard of a courtesy flush?”
“ S-sorry man.”
Eddie smiled when he saw the buildings in the distance. He looked at you and your eyes were so big. 
“ Guys look! We're almost there.” You said excitedly. 
Gareth moved between you and him. “ Awwwww yeah baby. Just think, in a couple of weeks we're moving here.”
Eddie caught a sad look on your face. He knew how bad you wanted to go to Columbia. To be close to them while they followed their dreams to be rockstars. But things didn't work out. Instead, you were going to a college on the west coast. 
It was a good school. Everyone knew that. It had a great biology and geology department. Something you were excited about. Still, you were scared because you didn't know anyone there. Everyone you knew and loved would be on the other side of the country.
That's why Eddie understood the sad face. He remembered conversations he had with you about it. He remembered wiping away your tears as you told him about your rejection from Columbia. And though he was the one to talk you into getting some California sun, he now realized he didn't want you to go either.
He tapped your knee and started writing.
‘ okay?’
You peered out the front windshield and slightly shook your head. Then you put your hand on his and squeezed it gently. Letting him know you would be fine. 
He knew you would be. You were awesome and you would make friends easily. It's just now he didn't know if he would be okay without you.
You put your finger against your lips.“ Shhhh! Guys I know you're freaking out, but I need you to trust me.”
Everyone was following you down these concrete hallways for a good 5 minutes now. After checking into the hotel and getting food, they had all found themselves sneaking into a building.
Jeff was the first to doubt you. But as soon as a security officer came close to catching you guys, everyone tried to convince you to turn back.
Eddie looked into your eyes and nodded. “ Okay.” He whispered. “ If we go to jail, it better be worth it.”
You held out your hand for him. “ It will be. I promise.”
Your hand was everything he thought it would be. Soft, warm and fit perfectly in his. He swore he would follow you anywhere if it meant that he could hold your hand. 
Once you guys were finally in the spot, you told them to stay put. When you let go of his hand, he now felt like a part of him was missing. 
You were only gone for a second. But in those few moments they had all realized where they snuck into.
Eddie was speechless. There were absolutely no words that could describe how he felt. 
A few spot lights turned on. Pointing directly in the middle of a huge stage.
You returned on top of it. “ So?”
“ Shit!” They all said in unison.
You gave them a huge smile. “ I know right? Obviously you guys can't perform or anything like that. But I wanted the first time you step foot in here, that it's with your biggest support. Cuz I know one day I'm going to be standing right there… screaming my head off.”
They looked at the spot where you pointed. It was right in front of the platform.
You locked eyes with him.“ So get up here and take it in.”
The guys looked at each other then ran to get up too. Once up there you asked for help getting down. You then watched them laugh and wrestle playfully.
“ Alright freaks!” You announced. “ Imagine this.  Every seat is full. And the floor is packed with bodies. All waiting for you.” 
They all stared at you after moving to their respective place. As if they're standing by their instruments.
“ The crowd is chanting. Corroded Coffin. Corroded Coffin….Then the lights go out. The ones that are sitting jump up and everyone screams in anticipation. But then... it goes silent…”
Eddie pictured everything. It was all him and the guys ever wanted.
“ Then they hear you.” You point at Gareth. “ Then you.” You looked at Jeff. “ Then of course you bud.” You nodded towards Grant. “ And finally the strum of a guitar along with oooooohhhhs and awwwws from you.”
Eddie finally had your eyes on him. And he knew right then and there that he was in love with you. It wasn't just a silly crush anymore. It was the real thing. The can't eat, can't sleep, the winning touchdown, the home run, the one in a lifetime love.
He loved you because you loved them. You believed in them. And the way you laid out the scene with so much conviction, it had him convinced that they were gonna make it too.
You smiled at him and continued. “ And while you blow off the roof of this place, the crowd sings and sways with you."
Later that night everyone settled into the shared room. Gareth and Jeff in one bed, Eddie and Grant on the sofa bed. And of course being the only female of the group they gave you your own bed.
Eddie has just come out of the shower to find everyone asleep. Except you. You weren't even in the room.
He looked at Grant who took up the whole bed and he sighed. Looked like he was gonna sleep on the floor. 
He waited a minute to see if you would come back but after about 5 minutes, he went to look for you.
You weren't far though. He found you sitting on the steps reading something.
“ Hey kid. Whatcha doin?”
You gave him a quick little smile before looking back at your book. “ Uhhhh nothing really. Just checking out courses.” 
He sat next to you and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. Before he could light one you plucked it from his mouth.
“ No you promised. No smoking on this trip.”
He gave you a thin lip before taking back the smoke and returning it to the carton.
“ You really should quit. I don't want to see you end up with an oxygen tank.”
He put the pack back in his pocket. “ One day. I promise.”
You flipped a page. “ I'll keep you to that.”
You guys sat quiet. Listen to the bustle of the city. Eddie was trying to gather the courage to tell you how he felt. But he was scared. What if he took a leap of faith and it turned ugly? What if you did like him the way he liked you and things didn't work out? Or what if his confession lead to you guys not being friends anymore?
Doubt filled his thoughts. But then a bit of hope shined on him. What if it did work out? What if you guys made it past the long distance thing and were truly happy together? What if this love was meant to be?
“ Eddie?”
His inner rambling came to a halt. “ Y-yeah?”
You closed your book and started fidgeting with the corners. “ You know you're my best friend right?”
He softly cleared his throat. “ Yeah.”
“ And we always tell each other everything.”
He nodded. “ Yeah.”
You sighed a little. “ So you know that I have family out here….well my uncle actually works as a security guard at the garden. He worked tonight…he knew we were coming and he did me a solid…we wouldn't have gotten in trouble if we got caught.”
For a second there his heart sank. He thought you were gonna say that you liked him too. But then he smiled and wrapped his arms around you. 
“ I'm really gonna miss you.” He said softly.
You hug his waist. “ I think I'll miss you more.”
The hug lasted a minute or so, but it was the best damn hug he had ever had. And when you tried pulled away he hugged you tighter. Making you giggle. 
When he finally loosen his grip, you stared deeply into his eyes. The way you sat there, it was like your eyes were trying to tell him something your mouth couldn't. It was almost as if you were asking him to kiss you.
He was gonna go for it. He was gonna take that leap. However the second he leaned in you yawned. Pulling completely away from him so you wouldn't do it in his face.
“ Wow I'm beat. We should get some sleep. Big day in Time's Square tomorrow."
He frowned at the fleeding moment that seemed to be fate. 
“ Yeah you're probably right.” He conceded to it. “ You think you could lend me a pillow and that blanket you brought?”
You looked at him and raised a brow. Silently asking why?
“ Gonna crash on the floor. Grant's a bed hog.”
You laughed lightly and yawned again. “ No. You can sleep with me.”
His breath hitched in his throat while asking a shaky. “ W-what?”
You grinned and stood up, holding out your hand. “ Like when we were kids. If you're worried that I'll get handsy then we can make a pillow barrier.”
He chuckled. “ Maybe I like handsy.”
He regretted it as soon as it came out.
The silence that followed his comment nearly made him shit a brick. You stood there with an almost visible question mark above your head.
Shit! He thought. Shouldn't have said that.
You then shook your head and laughed. “ Stop being weird and take my hand.”
He practically wiped his brow and said whew before grabbing your hand. Allowing you to lead him back.
He laid there for a while thinking about all that happened. He couldn't believe he was gonna kiss you before telling you how he felt. That wasn't the guy he was. He always made sure he got consent. And with you it would be no different. All he had to do was get some real alone time with you so he can finally say something.
When we get home. He said to himself. 
He heard you sigh and felt you move a bit. Then he felt your arm sliding across his stomach. Without thinking he lifted his arm and gently pulled you closer. Slipping his arm under your head. 
Both of you sank further into the bed. He smiled and his last thought before falling asleep was how much he loved you.
The next day and a half was the best in his life. Exploring the city, eating the best pizza and getting some information about playing at clubs when they moved there. It was fantastic. 
Now it was time to head home and finish up the school year.
The drive seemed longer this time. More quiet. And he knew why. In exactly 2 weeks things were going to be different. Everyone was going to graduate and their adult lives were going to start. For a long time he couldn't wait to get the hell out of Hawkins. So did his friends. But now that it was happening, it was so hard to see the next chapter. Well with this little monster of love inside him.
When it was time to switch off. Jeff and Grant traded places with you and him.
You guys crawled in the back with the sleeping Gareth and tried to catch some z's. 
You leaned your head on his shoulder and started to hum a familiar tune. He put his hand on your knee and started tapping to the beat. He caught a small smile from you. 
“ Hey Jeff? Could you drop me off first when we get into town?” you asked.
“No problem.”
You went back to humming and Eddie was trying to figure out what exactly he was gonna say. Before he knew it he was sound asleep with you. 
Until he heard the vans break squeak to a stop. 
He opened his eyes and saw they were in front of your house. You had just opened the door and hopped out. 
Though he wanted this to be a private moment, it was now or never.
He sat up and followed you. “ I need a minute man.” He said to Jeff. “ Hold up kid. I'll help you.”
You tried to refuse his help in carrying your duffle bag, but he could see you were too tired to try.
You stoped on at your doorstep and reached for your bag. “ Thanks Eddie.”
He handed you the bag and took a deep breath. Just as you turned to open the door he said your name.
“ Yeah?”
His eyes fell to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck. “ Uhhhh nevermind. I'll tell you later.”
You cleared your throat gently and took a step towards him. “ I hate when you do that.”
His gaze shot up to yours. “ D-do what?”
You put your free hand on your hip. “ When you look like you have something important to say then just brush it off…Just tell me because I'm gonna be up all night wondering what you wanted to say.”
He looked away and stood quiet for a few seconds. “ I-I’ve been acting different lately.”
“ I know.”
He met your eyes again. “ Yeah?”
You didn't say anything, but he knew that you did.
“ So I-” he cut off. Suddenly his nerves were getting the best of him. “ I don't- ummm shit…I- well the reason…damn it! I cant- I don't know-”
You grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it. Letting him know that it was okay. To calm down and take a breath.
He took a deep inhale and slowly let it out. “ I think possibly, maybe I’ve fallen for you.”
Your expression after that gave him a sinking feeling. You didn't feel the same.
Your frown said it all.
“ I'm sorry. I-I just needed to say something.”
You nodded but surprisingly you didn't let go of his hand. You were actually staring at his hand in yours.
“Eddie…I want to talk more about this. But I can't even think straight and my knees are about to give in.”
That wasn't what he was hoping for. 
“Right! Umm yeah. Sorry, just forget I said anything.” He said trying to walk away. 
But you held his hand firmly. Preventing him from taking a step further. “ No. Don't do that.”
He looked back at you and you had your eyes closed. 
“ Eddie, this is important. If it wasn't then you wouldn't have said anything at all…This deserves a real conversation that I can't give you right now. So please don't leave thinking that I don't feel the same way."
He was in disbelief. Did he hear that right?
You gave his hand one last squeeze before letting go and going inside.
He stood there staring at the door. Did he dream that? You like him too?
Gareth rolled down the window. “ Munson, let's go. I wanna go home!”
He sighed and smiled to himself. " Y-yeah. Okay."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @crookedcrone
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kuiperblog · 1 year
Names as labels (and what I learned from Brandon Sanderson)
There are a lot of writing lessons I’ve learned from reading Brandon Sanderson.
This is true of Sanderson in a way that isn’t true of a lot of other authors, even those that I like (and strive to emulate), and I suspect this is part of what Sanderson is talking when he describes himself as “more craftsman than artist.” If you ask a craftsman, “How did you get that table to support up to 400 lbs when my table can only support 200 lbs,” there are probably very specific answers that they can give you that you can directly incorporate into your own table-building process.  It is significantly harder for a musician to answer a question like “how did you make this song that was so beautiful it made me cry?”
I wish I could write more like Daniel Abraham, but there’s not “one weird trick” that will help you write more like Daniel Abraham. However, if you want to write more like Sanderson, there’s many such specific “tricks” that you, like him, can use to make your writing more effective at communicating information to the reader: Brandon sometimes describes his writing as a sort of “telepathy,” in the sense that he is trying to take a story that exists in his head, and then make that story exist in your head, and a novel is the compression medium that he is using to convey those ideas. Anything that can assist the reader in assembling that story in their head is a plus.
For example, part of the learning curve of any story is learning to attach names on the page to the ideas of characters that we have in our head. A story isn’t just a bunch of ink printed on paper, and a name isn’t just a bunch of letters joined together.
Most of the time, this is trivially easy, especially if the author has done their job properly. Like many rules of writing, it’s something that’s best observed in the breach: if the central characters in your story are Tony, Steve, and Bruce, it’s easier to keep those names separate in our head than names were Jack, Jake, and Joel.
I am unlikely to put “Jason” and “Justin” together in the same story, because as a person named Justin, I know from experience that some people will hear the name “Justin” during an introduction and then later retrieve the name “Jason” from memory when they try to address me. If names are labels for distinct characters that we want to keep separate in our head, it makes sense for those labels to also be distinct enough that the reader won’t mistake one for the other.  Octavia shouldn’t be in a story with an Olivia.
If a character is just named “Octavia,” there are some people who, even in the absence of a similarly-named character, will mislabel her as “Olivia” in their head (much in the same way that people have heard me introduce myself as “Justin” and then stored the name “Jason.”)  I know this to be true, because I am currently publishing a web novel with a character named Octavia, and there have been multiple comments from people referring to her as “Olivia.” And this is fine, because when I read their comment talking about “Olivia,” I know they are actually talking about Octavia, because in my story, the label “Olivia” is unoccupied real estate (and Octavia is free to occupy it if she wishes).
This obviously isn’t true of the real world: if someone calls me Jason, I can’t decide, “Well, it’s okay for you to call me Jason, and in fact in order to remove any ambiguity that you might be addressing me when you say that name, I will go and erase every Jason from existence. Also, I’m erasing all the other people named Justin.” (That’s not only impossible, but even if it was possible, it would be unreasonable for you to expect that I do it, just to make things slightly more convenient for you.) But in the context of a story that I’m writing, I can totally do this. I can go to these “unreasonable” lengths to make things ever so slightly easier for the reader. In fact, it’s trivially easy to pick a distinct moniker for each cast member. Names are abundant, even if I have self-imposed restraints like “don’t let two characters’ names start with the same letter and vowel sound (e.g. Roger and Robert, Crystal and Christine), and "don’t have two names of similar/equal length that end in the same letter and/or phonetic sound” (e.g. Sarah and Clara, Mindy and Tracy, Travis and Jarvis, Jerry and Gary).  
Of course, there’s a corollary to this, which is that insofar as it makes sense to give characters distinctive monikers to keep them as distinct concepts, it also makes sense to give them similar monikers if you want them to be less distinct from each other. (For example, Jack and Jill are joined at the hip. Ditto for Re:Zero’s Rin and Ram.) Even so, I still think this tends to work best when the names are joined by something that’s non-phonetic: for example, Katniss and Primrose are names that evoke flora.  April and May are right next to each other on the calendar.
And what if you have two names for the same character?  It’s a point that seems obvious, but I didn’t realize it until Brandon Sanderson gave me a glaring example:
In Mistborn, when Vin goes undercover to infiltrate noble society, her alias is Valette. This is absurdly easy to keep straight, because these are the only two names in the book that start with V. (And there’s no confusion about which name she uses among her fellow street toughs and which name she uses when she’s pretending to be an aristocrat: Vin is terse, Valette is sophisticated.)
And, in a sense, your “past selves” are distinct from your present self in many ways, except for the ways that they’re not.  (Or as Orwell put it, “what have you in common with the child of five whose photograph your mother keeps on the mantelpiece? Nothing, except that you happen to be the same person.”)
Kaladin, the main viewpoint character in the first book of the Stormlight Archive, went by Kal when he was a kid.  This comes in real handy, because the story is partially told through flashback.  When you have a book that’s 400,000 words long, you’re going to have to put it down at some point and come back to it later, and it’s really helpful if, when you pick up the book after a week-long break, there’s some indicator that makes it completely and unambiguously clear that you’re in a flashback. And indeed, the book offers exactly that: in the childhood flashbacks, you will see the viewpoint character referred to in narration as “Kal” multiple times on every page.
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insertsparkleshere · 1 year
Speak Now - Rosa Diaz x Reader
Summary: Rosa's wedding to Pimento doesn't go as planned. (Inspired by the Taylor Swift song of the same name, the bridge of which makes me absolutely feral).
Word Count: 902
Pronouns: None, but she/her reader intended
Published: 12/18/2022
Note: I totally didn't accidentally post this on my main what are you talking about
Gina is the only one who knows that you're in love with Rosa Diaz.
Frankly, you're surprised that she hasn't told anyone yet, but she kept your secret. Mostly because you didn't tell anyone when you found out that her and Charles had sex, but it counted.
Rosa's romance with Pimento had been...Interesting, to say the least. To you, it came out of nowhere, but you did your best not to pay attention to Rosa's love life. You wanted to stay sane and not-jealous, thank you very much.
But Pimento...They made sense together, you had to admit. You just hated him.
Jake and Charles still didn't get why, and neither did Hitchcock or Scully. You were pretty sure Amy had an idea, and Terry definitely had his suspicions. Holt had figured it out ages ago - you could tell - but he didn't say anything, which you were grateful for.
Until he did.
"(Y/L/N), see me in my office."
"Yes, Sir."
Rosa snickered. "Someone's in trouble."
"I'm sure it's nothing. Know Holt, I put a period when there should be a semicolon somewhere in my most recent bout of paperwork."
You step into Holt's office. "You wanted to see me?"
Holt stares at you, for a long moment. "Close the door."
"Okay..." You shut it.
"And the blinds. Santiago can read lips."
You frown, but do as he asks. "Is something wrong, Sir?"
"Are you okay?"
"Diaz and Pimento's wedding is next week. Your feelings for Diaz are...obvious. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Sir. Whatever makes Rosa happy. And, right now, that's Pimento."
"Have you considered telling her?"
"Once. But it's not meant to be. I've accepted that."
"You're a detective - act like it."
That was the moment that Rosa Diaz fell in love with you.
It was the third Halloween heist. And you were explaining your plan.
"I planted the idea of a Halloween Heist in your head three years ago. I wanted to have one, and I wanted to win. None of you have ever seen me get competitive, and I knew that Jake would obsess over this. Especially if he thought it was his idea.
"So, I gave you the idea for the Halloween Heist. And I waited, because I knew you'd take it into the many years to come. I didn't want to win the first one. And I considered winning the second, but the third seemed more poetic.
"All of you adore my baking, so, I decided that I would make a cake. For whoever won the third Halloween Heist. And then I said...What was it? 'It's not done yet, I wanted to make sure it was perfect.' And then I set myself up in the break room, already on Jake's team. He would want the cake, and he'd tell me to work on it while Charles guarded the briefcase, and Rosa went in to get it."
"What about Rosa?" Jake asked. "You could never betray her."
"You're right, Peralta, I couldn't. So, what do you think we did? You're a detective - act like it."
It was teasing, and off-handed, and you were riding on the high of victory, but it felt like Rosa's world had stopped.
"You were working together."
"Exactly. We made a great pair, don't you think, Rosa?"
And you smiled, and Holt had looked over at Rosa, and she knew that he knew that she was completely screwed.
But Rosa knew that you didn't like her. So, she left it alone. And she met Pimento. And they got together. And it was stressful, and crazy, and every time he left, she found that she only ever wanted to talk to you.
But she ignored it, because emotions are for babies.
Or so Rosa told herself.
The day of the wedding came. You sat near the front, but behind someone, praying that no one would be able to see if you cried.
Your heart was shattering. But Rosa's happiness was more important than any pain you were feeling.
So, you tuned out for most of the ceremony. You didn't know if you could stand it.
"Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
There was a moment of silence.
There's my last chance. Your heart whispered.
You stood, hands shaking.
Hitchcock and Scully looked equally confused.
Realization was dawning on Charles's face.
Amy's eyes were wide.
Gina was smiling. She looked like she was about to laugh.
Terry looked worried.
Jake's eyes were bouncing from you to Pimento to Rosa and back again.
And Holt was neutral. You glanced over at him, and he nodded.
"This kind of wasn't what I thought was supposed to happen." You say quietly. "Right, um...I'm sorry. I just...I can't let you marry Pimento knowing that I could have said something and told you how I feel. And I didn't want to do this here, but I chickened out before, and...And now I'm here."
Rosa stepped off the pew, walking down the aisle towards you. You stepped into the aisle yourself, swallowing hard. The worst possible options raced through your mind.
Instead, she stopped inches away from you. "Hi."
"Hi." You whispered. "Sorry."
"Don't be." She leaned forward, kissing you softly. You froze, short-circuiting. Out of everything that could've happened, you hadn't expected this. "Let's go."
You nodded, and she took your hand, and you ran.
So glad you were around
When they said, "Speak Now."
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suugrbunz · 4 months
ahhhhhh I need a mota ship please 🥹
i’m a total introverted, shy girl type when i meet someone and it’s so annoying bc once i’m out of my shell im like a total different person but it usually takes a persistent type of person to get me there. i love to read and study english lit, writing and poetry are just my favorite things ever. romance is just 😍🥰❤️ i love it. i could talk for hours about my favorite books or even movie adaptations especially if ive had a few drinks. im very girly and love having my nails/hair/make up done but in more of a muted neutral kind of way. i do feel like i have a secret adventurous side though, it just takes some time and comfort for her to show up. i used to date a guy with a motorcycle and going for rides made me realize maybe i have a secret adrenaline seeking side? ive realized there’s still a lot of me i have to learn lol. sometimes i think im boring or a bit of a priss but if im comfortable enough i feel like a normal person in their early 20s every once in a while 🥲
no you can't have a ship bugger off. joking. of course you can!! yk what all these mota ships have in common? ... Including me as the writer. We are all suckers for writing and romance.
︵‿୨Curtis Biddick୧‿︵
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Ima be real any man in the army air force definitely was naturally persistent and stubborn (and possibly arrogant)
I feel like you two would look so pretty together
like youre such a cute couple 𖹭
but because you have a shell people need to break through
...that means a friend introduced you two, that's the only logical way of this relationship coming about
he'll pay for your nails to be done
and if you paint them? he'll help you pay for nail polish because good quality nail polish isn't that cheap anymore
perhaps, you two first meet and he's just intrigued by you.
so he HAS to know more
absolutely has to.
so he'll be a quiet presence around you, making some small talk
because small talk can grow !!
it can become useful !!
the way he gets you to talk? books and their adaptations
he had to ask a friend of yours about what you love so he could get you to talk but
he did it
first date? a bookstore
he picks out a book for you
you pick out a book for him
praying that you get a good book
as for the adrenaline side?
definitely can handle that
you two can definitely do random things for the thrill of it together just because it'll help you wriggle out of the shell for a moment
I think that's the best part of the human experience doing something that makes you uncontrollably smile as pure joy fills your body
and that smile that you'll wear in that most is like the smile a kid wears when theyre in a candy shop.
so when he's able to get you to smile like that, he's so smitten
Which is how the first kiss occurs
it just sort of happens when you're in the midst of smiling
He presses this sweet kiss to your cheek and pulls you into a tender hug
he can't help it
when you're in love, things like that just sort of happen
He'll be there for you no matter the era of your life, he loves watching you discover yourself.
mwah love this dynamic
song ooo song ok
I think it'll be something light hearted but sentimental?
what about
with or without you by U2
That's a lovely song, I think?
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colleyuriko · 5 months
Tanz der Vampire, Hamburg, 21.12.23, 19:30
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Graf von Krolock - Rob Fowler
Professor Abronsius - Till Jochheim
Alfred - Vincent Van Gorp
Chagal - Oleg Krasovitskii
Herbert - Jonas Steppe
Koukol - Alexander Ruttig
Sarah - Sandra Bitterli
Magda - Anja Backus
Rebecca - Carina Nopp
Tanzsolisten: Paolo Valenti / Andrea Giola / Kezia Coulson
Gesangssolisten: Lorenzo Di Girolamo / Simon Loughton
Ensemble: Jessie Vos, Frederik Stuhllemmer, Keny Oslen, Ian Vrolijk, Artem Salastelnyk, Demi Hubers, Nicole Klünsner, Rachel Bahler, Anne Hoth, Carina Fitzi, Chloe Lee Hill, Alice Giammerioli, Ginevra Serra Cassano
Orchester: Stage Operettenhaus, Dirigent: Martin Gallery
I had such a good time. I'm dumping my thoughts behind the readmore.
Everyone was fantastic, I was really curious to hear Rob Fowler as the new von Krolock and Anja Backus as Magda live especially.
The stage in Hamburg appeared a bit narrow compared to what I've seen online from other shows, I was a bit nervous with all the capes flying around during Rote Stiefel. During Einladung zum Ball Krolock's cape caught on the door to Alfred and Abronsius' room, but it was a quick fix with a tug lol.
I was actually really amazed Sarah took Krolock's hand towards the end of Einladung zum Ball and started to rise out of the bath. And during Totale Finsternis she went in for a kiss (that didn't happen) but holy shit, this Sarah was on it.
I really enjoyed Alfred, but it only just hit me how jarring it is to have Für Sarah right before Die Gruft. One song is about how brave he'll be, but the other how he's scared. Sure you can play it off as funny and ironic, but it tripped me up a bit this time round. It was so charming to hear Für Sarah live. And bless Vincent Van Gorp for having to crawl back on stage again during Tanzsaal to grab Abronsius' helmet he needs for the quick change.
I was trying to keep my eyes on 5 different characters during Tanzsaal, I think I missed Herbert doing something to the Vampire in the blue wig's sleeves. >.< I enjoyed this Herbert. I was a bit nervous because my mother was with me and I don't quite know her opinions, but imo this Herbert was not as giggly as some I had seen in recordings and so Wenn Liebe In Dir Ist seemed less as a joke. I know we as a fandom love Herbert and you may have a different opinion, but the whole 'make the bite attempt look like SA' as the punchline of the scene and whatever Chagal and Magda have going on are the things I warn people about when I recommend the musical.
I also liked this less screechy Abronsius. I thought the sound system could have done his fast songs more justice and it's a shame that this version of the musical doesn't have Abronsius call for Alfred at the very end any more. I love the Finale, but it kicked in so suddenly I missed some of the callback to the beginning of the musical and the tragedy of it a bit.
My mother had clocked that Sarah's family was Jewish with the Menorah during Das Gebet but she asked me if it was a recent addition. I was glad I had looked into it once. As far as I understand it, Roman Polanski (who is Jewish, that's the only thing I am focusing on here) had written 'Fearless Vampire Killers' to get back at Vampire Stories being based on antisemitic stereotypes. The Satire being that Chagal was actually Jewish this time. You want a Jewish Vampire? You're getting one, that kind of attitude. I read that the film was even supposed to have a scene in it where Chagal couldn't have his coffin in the graveyard with the other vampires because he was Jewish. Even as a Vampire he would still face antisemitism, to hold a mirror up to the vampire genre, but this was deemed too controversial by the the editors or someone and it was cut out of the film (which I have never watched, btw. Didn't really want to give Polanski more of my time than I had to, because of the Reasons). So my theory is that Magda and Chagal get pushed into the crypt in a wooden box as an allusion to this cut scene. But yes, in short, the Chagal family have always been Jewish. Whether or not Tanz der Vampire succeeds in being satirical or not I cannot judge for sure. (I had the compulsion to look all of this up because Chagal singing about it's totally OK sucking other people's blood worried me... I wanted to know what place this was coming from)
I was happy that Magda and Chagal got to sing some of the "Was ist dabei..." at the end if Geil Zu Sein ist Komisch outside of the coffin as well. It gave the performers a bit more time visible on stage.
One thing I thought was a bit of a shame was that the mirrors for Wenn Liebe in Dir Ist were rather narrow and in parts obscured by a column so that it was really hard to notice the dance double playing the reflection. We were also sat right in the middle of a row looking straight ahead to the stage. I don't think my mother noticed the dance doubles in Tanzsaal, either. I knew to look out for them, but it wasn't easy to see from the middle.
Sitting right at the back we also got the full blast of the flash lighting that happened during Einladung zum Ball, Carpe Noctem, and the second Finale. It was really unpleasant. If you are light sensitive, I'm afraid this would ruin your visit to the show. I don't know how it is in other areas of seating, but it's worth asking about if you ever do want to see it and are photosensitive in any way.
I had briefed my mother beforehand that the melody she was going to hear was Total Eclipse of the Heart because I didn't want her to be thinking and wondering where she had heard it before and be distracted from taking in the show or nudging me to say what the song is.
EDIT: I just remembered, the switch from Sarah to dance double Sarah in Rote Stiefel in this Hamburg production is a magic trick. All of a sudden there were two Sarahs and I don't even know where she came from. Super cool.
I think I mentioned everything I wanted to dump down soon after seeing it.
Oh wait, I am so glad I got to see Carpe Noctem live. Black Vampire my beloved. Grateful the dancers seem to be able to freestyle to some degree. Andrea Giola didn't do that jump where Black Vampire does the splits in mid air, and I'm grateful because otherwise my mother might have brought up when I used to do gymnastics XD
Made a shirt for going, btw. Didn't quite finish, but it was wearable ^^;;
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Actually, I'm just going to add this thought here too while I'm at it: I'm just so enamoured by the fact that not all performers in a musical are native speakers and will learn the songs for their role in a language that is not necessarily known to them. When I was little, I was told if I want to do anything with languages I should become a translator and my mother kept talking about politics, being an ambassador, etc. But even now I never felt that kind of job is me. I'm not saying a musical performer's job is easy, it's very demanding and takes incredible dedication, but I'm a bit sad no one ever highlighted the language aspect to me. When Drew Sarich mentions in interviews he was sent to Germany with nothing but a lead role and a language coach and now I feel like his German sounds cleaner than mine, or Ivan Ozoghin says he only had two weeks to learn the German versions for Krolock, I'm still so impressed even though I will also learn Japanese songs I like by heart like the little weeb I am. What I am trying to say is: the arts also have space and reasons to learn another language, the musical industry is more international than I had ever thought it was, and there is more to "I want to do something with languages when I grow up" than being corporate. I now have a 9-5 office job that has nothing to do with languages, but sometimes I do wonder what turns my life could have had if my parents didn't have this vision of me in a business suit.
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madrone33 · 6 months
So I read the first book in the Percy Jackson series ‘The Lightning Thief’ a few months ago, and then I realised there was a musical after randomly coming across ‘The Campfire Song’ in a Greek Mythology song playlist on yt. So I finally listened to 'The Lightning Thief' musical! Yay! And now I have way too much in my head, and now I’m shoving it all onto the internet! Be warned, this isn’t really ordered or even coherent :)
I'm too used to Hamilton and Epic lol, I kept getting surprised when there were time skips between songs. Only 19 songs instead of 40? Skipping or compacting battle scenes? Actual spoken lines most of the time? Wow.
I really like 'Prologue/The Day I Got Expelled', 'Another Terrible Day', Percy's part in 'Their Sign', 'Put You In Your Place', 'The Campfire Song', 'Good Kid', 'Lost!', 'Drive,' 'The Tree on the Hill', 'The Last Day of Summer', 'Bring on the Monsters'. So most of them lol.
Tho my favs 5 are probs 'Prologue/The Day I Got Expelled', 'The Campfire Song', 'Good Kid', 'The Tree on the Hill', 'The Last Day of Summer'.
I love Percy. He's so sassy bitter exasperated done with all this shit XD. I almost like him better than in the book lol.
Also Luke. I actually sympathised with him a lot. Probably because the resigned bitterness all the half-bloods feel about their parents is emphasised a lot more in the songs, at least to me.
Kinda a play by play of my reactions?:
L: The gods are real. Like the Greek gods.
A: Like the ones you learned about but weren't paying attention to.
L, A: Well, they don't pay attention to you, either.
All: Especially if you're their kid.
[… that’s rough buddy]
All: *bitterly carefree* Yeah, the gods are real. And they have kids. And those kids have ISSUES!
P: Look! … I didn't wanna be a half-blood.
[Yesss! It’s actually happening omg. Also his VA is amazing]
P: And, honestly, I'd be totally be fine if I could make it to the next grade!
[someone give this kid a hug plz]
P: It wasn't dirty socks or my stepdad. It was danger that I smelled.
[pffft he really just did Gabe like that lmao]
P: *sarcastic* Maybe you don't know what a half-blood is because your life is normal and happy and not constantly in danger-
P: That's when this story should probably start. We were geeking out on ancient Greek at the New York Metropolitan Museum Of Art.
[honestly just impressed they managed to make this long ass title rhyme and fit the beat]
Ch: Anyone? Any student?
[lol, yeah no kid wants to bring attention to themselves like that]
P: My best friend was acting strange, at which he so excelled.
[damn Percy’s kinda savage]
P: Grover, you're a good friend.
G: Awww… *amused pity* Dude. I'm your only friend.
[bro Grover is even more savage!]
All: The day it all went down!
P: I saw something odd in Mrs Dodds’ frown.
All: The day it all got weird.
P: The day I got expelled!
[the sudden switch to just saying ‘yeah shit got weird’ is hilarious]
MD: I have heard much about you, Percy Jackson.
P: *vaguely impressed, dry* Really? That's very dedicated for a substitute.
MD: Kicked out of five schools in six years. One might question your parentage.
P: *mutter, protective* Hey, don't talk about my mom-
MD: *smug* And your father? That's right… You don't know who he is! *starts laughing maniacally*
P: *defensive, wary, demand* What's this about anyway?
[I just love his vocal delivery on those lines. He’s a total mama’s boy, for good reason, Sally’s awesome. But also, yeah, I’d be freaked out too if my teacher isolated my from the group and then started talking this shit]
P: *tentative, freaked out* Um… I didn't know what just had happened. Was that all a creepy, crazy dream? *incredulous, questioning his own sanity* My teacher was a creature, then she vanished in the ether with a demon scream.
P: The day I got- Expelled?!
P: *bitter, hurt, resigned* You think I’m trouble, just like everyone else.
[oof the way his voice is just so resigned, like he’s used to this, which he is. And Chiron, you’re not helping. God, this kid needs competent adults in his life]
S: He warned me that things might be hard if… you were like him.​
P: *sarcastic, harsh, bitter* Was he a screw up too? *tired, shame, resigned* Sorry, mom. If I was only- normal.​
[no Percy that’s not what she means! Don’t call yourself a screw-up :( ]
P: *vacant, pleasant* This is weird. *bland* Oh look, a strange man in a Hawaiian shirt.
Poseidon: *in THE goofiest voice ever* "What belongs to the sea can always return to the sea." It's a seashell.
P: *mild, moving on* … Like I said. Weird.
D: *sarcastic, grimace* Oh, you're alive. I suppose that's good news for you, but it means a lot more paperwork for me. So don't expect me to be happy to see you.
D: *grumble, pissed, sarcastic* Great! You haven't been debriefed. This is way out of my pay grade. Which is saying a lot, 'cause I don't get paid!
[average teacher’s salary smh]
D: *snarl, irritable* Someone find Professor Hay-For-Breath and tell him Peter Johnson is awake, so he better clip-clop over here!
P: *unimpressed* It's Percy Jackson.
D: *can’t care in the least, snaps* Whatever!
D: *throws up hands, done* Does no one watch the orientation film?
D: To tell you the truth? The best thing is to *aggressive table banging* BREAK UP WITH THE GUY!
[I am cackling rn]
D: *loudly and musically complaining about how much his job sucks*
P: *in complete confusion* Mr. Brunner! You’re a horse?! WHAT IS HAPPENING??
P: *bitter, pissed* My mom raised me all on her lonesome. When I would reach out, no one else would be there! *incensed* Well I want my birthday cards and fishing trips! Child support and homework tips!
[Poseidon! Pay 👏 your 👏 child support 👏]
P: *gritted teeth, holding back tears* So- So who is he?
L: *dry, bitter jazz hands* Welcome to the dysfunctional family.
[I know Luke’s technically the bad guy, but let’s be real. He’s cool]
C: You're gonna drown, you ain't gonna float!
C: Don't mean to boast, don’t mean to brag!
[I adore those high notes on ‘drown’ and ‘don’t’. Actually. Just- all of Clarisse and Annabeth’s high notes and slides are incredible]
[yo, 'Put You In Your Place' kinda sounds like 'Do What you Gotta Do' from Descendants 3. And I love that.]
A: *bright* Go to the boys bathroom!
P: *raised eyebrow* And…?
A: *questioning Percy’s intelligence* Stay there? *the ‘duh’ is implied* It’s your first day. We don’t want you messing this up.
P: *rocks on his heels, mild* Okay. Just stay here. Just stay in the bathroom, and stay out of-
C: *teleports behind him, smug sneer* Trouble? Ha!
C: Maybe the minotaur died from a case of laughing too hard from seeing your stupid face!
[that burn tho]
L: *wry* Offering to the gods. *rolls eyes, sardonic* It's not enough that they're omnipotent and all-powerful, they need to feel appreciated. *raises glass, dry* To the gods.
All: *lacklustre, cynical* To the gods!
P: *curious, cheery* Chiron! Who’s your dad?
Ch: *delicate* Oh! Well. My father is Kronos. *pause* Remember my lecture. He ate his children.
*awkward silence*
L: *winces* … Chiron wins.
*unanimous agreement*
P: Oh, no no no! If I try to sing, it’ll probably cause an avalanche.
[haha get it? ‘Cause Poseidon’s the Earthshaker? Anyone?]
P: *soft* My mum was named Sally. She loved scary movies.
[was. WAS. I’m crying]
P: Did he not want me? Or not want the stress? Too bad he's the worst, and my life is a mess! Oh no… *grins sharply, starts getting into it* I hope he shows even a trace, ‘CAUSE I’VE GOT SOME CHOICE WORDS to throw in his face!
All: *cheer*
[hell yes! Tell him Percy!]
P: *frustrated, bitter* I try, I try to be a good kid! A good kid! *tired, resigned* A good son.
[noooo 😭]
P: *pleading, defensive* I swear, I swear that I'm a good kid! (Scoff) *dismissive, resigned* Yeah, Percy, that's a good one.
[Nooo Percy! You are a good kid!! Stop talking down on yourself like this-]
P: *furious, bitter* And no friends! And no hope! And no mom- *broken* She's taken away.
P: Yeah, I'll do it. Not 'cause my dad needs me - he's been less a dad and more absentee.
[preach Percy!]
P: *triumphant* We're gonna march straight down to the gates of hell!
L: *interjects, nerd emoji* Underworld.
P: *waves off* Close enough.
P: *serious wtf energy* Guys. We just exploded a bus.
A: *casual* Yep.
P: *nah yall don’t get it* That was being attacked by demon triplet math teachers!
A: *unconcerned* Oh yeah.
P: *disbelief, dead eyed* Is the whole trip going to be like this??
G: *vacant, panicking* All our food was in there. All our clothes were in there. All our food was in there!
A: *umm…* Take that bus to Los Angeles.
P: *deadpan* We're not on the bus.
A: *rolls eyes* I know.
G: *blank* To Los Angeles.
P: *sarcastic, incredulous* We blew up the bus.
A: *exasperated* I know!
G: *having a minor breakdown* To Los Angeles.
P: So what are we supposed to do??
A: *shrugs* Wait for another bus?
P: *throws up hands* What if we blow up that one too?!
G: *anxious* It’s not safe to stay out here in the open, when Monsters are trying to eat us alive!
P: *sardonic, exasperated* How do they know where we are, when we don’t even know?
P: *sarcastic* Fantastic, gang. Well, I don’t wanna die in the Garden State!
[Grover talking to the squirrel like Aang talking to Momo is killing me.]
Squirrel: *helpfully* You’re all screwed.
G: *brightly* Thanks, buddy!
S: *cheery* Welcome!
*ominous thunder*
P: *strained* I think the gods are trying to tell me they hate me!
A: *dry* I’m getting that too.
P: *quiet, tense* Hungry monsters on the ground.
A: *soft, scared* Angry gods are in the sky.
G: *despairing* No safe places to be found.
P, A, G: *helpless* Wanna run. Wanna cry.
P: *exhausted, grieving* Can't go back to any home.
A: *anxious* Camp is way too far away.
G: *hopeless* Can't protect my only friends.
P, A, G: No place to go. No place to stay!
[no bbys it’s gonna be ok! Just wait a few more, uhhh, books?]
P, A, G: We're lost in the world, and the world is freaking awful!
P, A, G: *wild eyed* Who put the fate of the world in the hands of three unprepared scared half-bloods? It's crazy!
[^ this. Someone get an actual responsible adult on the phone]
A: *fierce, stubborn* But I promise you, I'll never be invisible again! Someone will notice! *quiet, longing* … Me.
[come on. Get these kids someone who loves them already!]
[Grover just being the best optimistic hype man in ‘Drive’]
G: *warm* ‘Cause people are counting on us, and I'm counting on you!
P: If you hadn't bought all those dam snacks–
G: Uh, it was the Hoover Dam, and I was hungry!
[that dam joke lmfao]
A: *gives him a Look, once again questioning his intelligence* You're joking, right? In The Odyssey, if you went to sleep in a lotus bed, one night could last one hundred years!
P: *waves Annabeth off* I'm sure that's irrelevant. Um, excuse me miss, how long have you been at this hotel?
B: *cheery* Why, my brother and I arrived just yesterday: May 1st… 1939!
P: *pasted on smile* Uh, we can sleep on the road.
P: *bright* Oh look, a bus to Los Angeles!
A: *sceptical* Are you sure that's a good idea?
P: *reasonable* This one we just won't blow up!
G: Ha!
G: Ask Annabeth, she knows.
[Grover proceeds to tell the whole story himself]
P: *thrown* But- I thought I was the only kid of the Big Three gods.​
G: *ominous, tired* You are now.
G: *grieving, raging* And maybe if I’d been a little bit braver! Maybe if I’d stayed behind to fight! But ‘maybe’ doesn't let me go back and save her… ‘Maybe’ doesn't make it alright.
G: *quiet* And it’s there reminding me of all I failed to be…
[y’know, Charon being voiced by a woman kinda reminds me of Hades in ‘Ulysses Dies at Dawn’]
Charon: Who has two turntables and three sick heads? Everybody give it up for D.J. Cerberus!
[omg this is so funny for some reason]
Charon: *to Percy* You ain't ever gonna save what matters! *to Grover* You ain't gonna protect your friends! *to Annabeth* You ain't ever gonna be remembered!
[The callbacks are so good!!]
P: *resigned* Seems my good intentions, always crash and burn. *helplessly frustrated* Everything I try to do will fail! Never once will I prevail! Going wrong at every turn…
[the way it’s set to the melody in ‘Good Kid’ is heartbreaking]
Hades: *throws up hands* Oh, come on!
P: So this could be the end, but I ain't sad. 'Cause you're the two best friends this screw-up ever had.
[happy crying because he has friends, and sad crying because he’s still calling himself a screw-up]
Ares: I’ll put you in your place!
[like daughter, like father]
P: *firm, eyes blazing* I'm the Son of Poseidon. I never asked to be. But I'm the son of Poseidon! Now face the tide inside me!
[screaming yes Percy kick his ass!!]
P: *quiet* Stay or go. Pick one.
[I just love how he sings that sm]
D: *growl, done with life* Attention, campers. It's the last day of summer. If you intend to make me miserable year-round, please inform us by sundown. Otherwise, the cleaning harpies will eat anyone who remains! Perry Johanssen, this means you.
P: *rolls eyes* It's Percy. Jackson.
D: *snap* Whatever!
A: *bitter, casual* My dad couldn't deal with the monster attacks, and my stepmom couldn't deal with me.
[nooo someone give her a hug]
[the way the music becomes discordant and not quite right, with minor chords and dark piano when Luke pulls Percy aside is such cool foreshadowing]
L: *bitter, dark, disillusioned* My quest was supposed to be the biggest thing in my life. I came back changed. But the rest of camp was exactly the same.
P: *numb realisation* … You’re the Lightning thief.
L: *simple, apologetic* The Oracle warned you. "Betrayed by a friend."
P: *horrified, disbelief, hoarse* … You set me up. *furious, disgust* You were trying to free Kronos! WHY?
L: *strained, earnest* He promised me the power to defeat our parents!
P: *furious, disbelief, bared teeth* Yeah? He's using you! To get back at the gods!
L: *honestly can’t care anymore, running on anxiety and spite* Good.
L: *empty, helplessly raging, hopeless* I’ve been here since I was a kid! I did everything they ever asked, yeah I did. And for what?
[bro why does everyone in this thing need a hug? They’re all just traumatised kids whyyyy]
L: *quiet, desperate, resolved* So I’ll do anything. I don’t care if I hurt anyone.
[the way you can hear in his voice how much he does care, because that’s exactly why he’s doing all this. AHHH-]
L: *bitter, broken, ragged* It doesn't pay to be a good kid. A good kid. A good son.
[screaming, crying, throwing up]
G: *longsuffering* Are we ever gonna once have it easy?
P: *bright* Nope!
P: Don't feel bad 'cause we're usually about to die :D
[ah yes, gallows humour]
S: They’re breaking your heart? Then try to hear it pound!
[I love her VA. She’s beautiful]
C: They'll put us in a box, but we won't be contained!
[yess Clarisse!]
P: 'Cause the sea doesn't like to be restrained!
[he said the thing!]
All: I'll make mistakes, but my own, and it frees me!
[for some reason, I just really love this line]
[that whole last part where they’re all overlapping is godly]
Damn that got long, but uh. That’s... probably all for now. So. Yeah.
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hi bestie!! I've been noticing a *SEVERE* lack of Skip content on Tumblr so if you're not too busy, could you please write a lil oneshot with Skip using the prompt "Wait, you think I'm cute?" please?? Thank you so much in advance!! 💖
Also this is a total side note but for some reason the song "Dandelions" by Ruth B just gives me major Skip vibes, like, a sunny day with your boyfriend who's also your best friend. Just adorable 🙈
I See Forever in Your Eyes
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Warren "Skip" Muck x reader
A/N: Bestie, you are SO RIGHT 👏🏼 Skip is so underrated, and we're going to have to fix that 😉 Especially since I've been craving content for him ever since reading FOF and seeing him get into hijinks with Alix and Malarkey 😌 I hope you enjoy this one!
(As always, this is written for the fictional depiction from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️
Warnings: language, mentions of war
There’s nothing particularly amusing about asking someone to pass the shoe polish, but your bunkmate lets out a chuckle nonetheless as she tosses it to you.
“What’s so funny?”
Amy shakes her head, looking over your shoulder in the direction of the door. “Oh, nothing. Just that someone can’t seem to stay away from you – even when we’re in the women’s barracks.”
“Hiya, (Y/N)!” The bed beside you sinks as someone flops down onto it, bumping his shoulder into yours and almost causing you to drop the boots you’ve been diligently shining.
“Skip!” You scold. You smack him lightly on the arm, but there’s no malice in it. If anything, the gesture only serves to broaden the smile that already graces his lips. “You’re not supposed to be in the women’s barracks.”
Skips eyes widen. He glances around, placing a hand over his heart in mock shock as if he’s only just realizing where he is. “The women’s barracks?! I was looking for the latrine.” He shrugs. “Well, since I’m already here . . .” He leans back on the bed and flashes you a winning smile. “Guess who actually managed to keep their pass this week?”
“Hmm . . . Well it certainly couldn’t be you for once, could it?”
“Ding ding ding – we have a winner!”
Now it’s your turn to feign shock. “No, really? However did you manage to hold onto it?”
“I was extra careful. But what about you? Did you manage to keep yours?”
“As a matter of fact, I did.”
Skip claps his hands together, a loud, happy staccato that echoes through the barracks. “Well then let’s cut a rug, jitterbug! We’re going dancing tomorrow night!” With that, he takes his leave from the barracks, leaving you smiling as you finish shining your shoes, and causing Amy to laugh.
“What’s so funny now?”
Your fellow paratrooper chuckles. “Oh, nothing. Just something about young love.” She laughs again when your boot slips out of your hand and tumbles onto the floor. She’s finished with her boots before you can collect yourself enough to ask what she means and to tell her that it’s not like between you and Skip.
No matter how much you may wish that it were.
Visiting English pubs on a weekend pass is far more fun than taking a weekend pass back in the States. Half of the fun is because hitting the town is different when you’ve got your polished jump wings displayed proudly on your chest and your pants bloused around your Corcoran boots. Strutting into a pub or a dance hall with an outfit that clearly proclaims I am a paratrooper – one of the elite! never fails to make things more interesting – whether because of the positive attention from the townspeople that lead to offers for dances and free drinks, or the negative attention from other service members that lead to gruff arguments and bloody noses. Never a dull moment with the right company in the right place.
As you push open the door of the pub and take in the sounds of music and laughter, part of you wishes that you were back in a dress like you would have been in the States. Then you could have done your hair and makeup and – even if for only a night – allowed yourself to pretend that you were a regular girl dancing with a handsome service member before he shipped off into combat. There’s still an elegance to showing off your uniform and impressing many with the fact that you are not only a paratrooper, but a part of the first female paratrooper program, though. It’s just different.
“(Y/N)!” A voice calls from across the pub. Through all the music and the jiving bodies, Malarkey has managed to spot your entrance. Hand clutching a drink and raised above his head to avoid a spill, the Oregon boy weaves through the crowd until he’s by your side. Your friend smiles, breathless. “Where ya been? We’ve been waiting all night!”
Playfully, you nudge his arm. “Awe, did you miss me, Malarkey?”
“Oh yeah, you know I missed my favorite dance partner.” In a single swig, he downs what’s in his glass and stubs out his cigarette in an ashtray on a nearby table. He offers you his hand.
“Oh no you don’t, Donnie Boy!” Skip slides between the two of you, ever present grin lighting up the room as he appears. “I do believe that I shall be having the first dance with lovely Private (Y/L/N).”
Malarkey takes a step back, hand over his heart. “Well Skipper, you could have at least had the decency to tell me that before I snubbed out my smoke.”
The look that crosses Skip’s face is one that you know all too well – he has an idea of some sort. The next thing that you know, he’s pushed you and Malarkey together and gives your friend a slap on the back. “Actually, you take this dance. I’ll grab the next one.” He recedes into the thicket of the crowd before you can question it.
A lively tune is struck up by the band, causing the energy in the pub to soar as you and Malarkey make your way to the dance floor, carving out a space for yourselves as you twirl and jump and laugh through the whole thing. You’re out of breath by the time that it ends, your cheeks sore from smiling so much. You applaud the band with everyone else as you wait for the next song to start.
“Alright, my turn,” Skip says, swaggering up to you and Malarkey. You’ve never understood how he manages to disappear and reappear from the crowd the way that he does, but he seems to fit in everywhere that he goes so well that you know it can’t be hard for him. He holds out his hand to you. “Mind if I cut in?”
“Not at all.”
The band’s next song starts up, much slower than the last. The mood of the crowd changes automatically, going from one of high energy and adrenaline to one of new love and desire as couples pair off onto the dance floor.
“Where did you go?” You question, casting a glance around the pub. “What lucky gal got that last dance with the pride and joy of Tonawanda?”
Skip chuckles. “Truth be told, no one did.”
“No, I was too busy trying to request a song with the band.”
“And what song might that be?”
“This one.” Is it your imagination, or in the low lights of the pub, does your friend blush ever so slightly? Maybe he wonders the same thing about you as your hands grow warm against his. You might be in the dim lights and smokey atmosphere of the pub, but dancing with him feels like being surrounded by sunshine and cloudless skies on the perfect summer day. “I wanted to talk to you.”
There are better places to talk than the dance floor, but your heart is fluttering in your chest like a bird threatening to fly from the coop and you can’t find the words to question him. If the words would come to you, what would you even say?
“I’ve been thinking,” he pauses, like he’s waiting for you to crack the usual Thought I smelled smoke line that you, Penkala, and Malarkey are so apt to throw around. When your breath hitches in your throat instead, he bites his lip before continuing. “Fuck. I don’t wanna mess this up.”
“Mess what up?” Effortlessly, the two of you execute the spin that comes with the next line of the song. When you gravitate together again, like planets falling into alignment, you’re met with a worried expression on his face – something that looks unnatural on him.  
The next few bars of the song press on while silence floats between you. Worry – or something akin to it – settles into the little atmosphere between you. You keep waiting for him to say more as Skip’s eyes dance over everyone and anything else in the pub besides you.
“You’re one of my best friends.” His voice is soft, his eyes are sincere; he’s never looked more serious. “I don’t wanna mess that up when I tell you that I feel differently about you than other girls.”
You stumble on the next step. He catches your waist with ease. If this is going where you think it’s going . . . But you would hate to assume, and to assume incorrectly at that.
Skip rushes on. “It’s okay if you don’t feel that way. With the big jump finally coming up, I just wanted to make sure that you knew before we went, or else I would spend my whole life regretting that I didn’t tell you. And I know that might make the jump harder – “ He shakes his head, exasperated. “I swear I knew what I wanted to say when I started this.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him, your words bringing his eyes back to you. “I think it’s cute when you ramble.”
Standing so close, it would be impossible to miss the way that his breath hitches in his throat. “Wait, you think I’m cute?”
“Well yeah.” There’s no use in denying it. Not when he’s allowed himself to be vulnerable instead of brushing things off with humor like he normally would. And not when the jump is sure to be soon. He’s right: it would be hard to go about life full of regret and wondering how different things could have been if you had made a different jump – a leap of faith into the game of chance that is sharing your truest and most sincere feelings with someone that you have so many tender feelings of affection for.
“Not just when you ramble,” you admit, fully committing now, heart beating hard in your chest. “You’re cute, Skip. I’ve always thought so.”
A tentative smile pulls at the corners of his mouth. “Well I’ve always thought that you were stunning.”
On instinct, you lean forward and fix your head against his chest, just like all the couples on the dance floor are doing. His hand secures itself more firmly on your waist. The little world around you is something that you’ve only imagined a handful of times, and never for long – there’s hardly a private moment in the Army, and you’ve never allowed yourself to get your hopes up.
But experiencing the real thing . . . You pray that you won’t blink to wake up and find that it’s all been a dream.
“What do we do now?” You whisper.
He squeezes your hand. “Whatever you want. We can give it a shot.”
“God, yes.” His chest rumbles as he chuckles at your enthusiasm.
All too soon, the song ends. Couples all over the dance floor slowly come out of their amorous haze and applaud the band. You can feel Skip looking at you. You gaze back at him, not quite ready to break the spell that’s settled over the two of you.
There is a war going on. You don’t know where it will take you. But you’re a paratrooper, and risk taking is part of the job. No one can know for certain what will happen, or how long this new thing will last between you.
Looking into Skip’s eyes, though, you can see his answer: forever, if you’ll allow it.
And you will. Of course you will.
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sorryjustafangirl · 2 years
swain (noun)
a/n: this is from @antoineroussel 's surprise prompts challenge! i had a fun time getting back into writing, especially with someone who i hadn't written before - it was nice to get out of my shell :) my word was swain (n.) meaning a male admirer or lover.
word count: 1.1k+
pairing: pierre-luc dubois x gn!reader
warning: nothing i can think of
disclaimer:  this is a piece of fiction and real person fiction so if that doesn’t vibe with you, please don’t read! also, gif is not mine, all credit to the amazing creator.
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“Flower delivery!” Your boss called out to the floor and every coworker you had turned their head to look at you. It was already strange to receive flowers considering you worked at a hockey arena in Winnipeg but for this to be the fifth time an arrangement came for you? Your face already felt hot before the courier came, a gorgeous bouquet in hand. 
You quickly signed for it, thanking them, before placing the flowers – red roses like always – on your desk. Nicole, the coworker sharing a cubicle wall with you turned work best friend, had already popped her head over to stare at you, a knowing smirk on their face. 
“Someone definitely has an admirer,” they said in a sing-song voice and you felt heat rush to your cheeks. 
“Until I know who they’re from, it doesn’t really matter if I have an admirer or not. All I know is I am blessed to get fresh flowers.”
“Maybe they’re from Duby.” Her words made you stop admiring the roses and think. 
Duby. Pierre-Luc Dubois. Center for the team you worked for. 
A friend. 
Yeah no, a friend. Definitely a friend. The two of you had met when you nearly ran him over outside the parkade. In your defense, who waits for a taxi in front of the garage door? You’d given him a ride back to his place (the least you could do really) and the next morning, he dropped off a coffee at your desk as a thank you. You’d been talking at work and texting outside of it, sure, but it was all platonic. Coffee between friends. Walks back to your apartment because it isn’t considered safe to walk alone in Winnipeg. But there were no hidden touches, no double meaning words – nothing he’d done indicated anything more than wanting to be friends. 
You, on the other hand, were totally falling for the Quebecois and Nicole knew this. Their simple words had heat rushing to your cheeks and you turned away from her to hide your blush. 
“Pierre-Luc wouldn’t send flowers.”
“Oh, so it’s Pierre-Luc?”
“That is his name,” You said, giving them a pointed look. 
“Maybe. But you’re the only one here who calls him that.” She winked and ducked their head back to her cubicle. 
You didn’t get a bouquet of roses for a few weeks, but you didn’t mind. Work had kept you extra busy as the end of the season neared and you’d been spending more time with Pierre. You’d visited the art museum together just last week and you swore you caught him staring at you a few times, but he’d always point out the artwork behind you and your heart would drop a little. 
“What’s this?” You asked Nicole one afternoon, holding up a small cream envelope with your name scrawled on it. The two of you had come back from lunch and it wasn’t there when you left.
“Only one way to find out,” she said, leaning over the cubicle wall. You ripped open the envelope and found a note inside. No card, just some scrawny handwriting. 
“What’s it say?” They asked impatiently. When you flipped the note around to show her, their smile grew. 
Tu es plus belle que toutes les fleurs dans le monde.  
“Okay, that is French. Duby is the only one who is French. Thus,” They spread their arms out. “Your admirer is him.”
You scoffed. “I’m sure he’s not the only one here who speaks the other official language.”
“You never know, he could be!”
“For the last time, it’s not him.”
“Enough!” You took a deep breath before standing up to match her eye line.  “Nicole. Enough. Seriously. I appreciate how supportive you are of my crush on one of our team’s highest paid players, really I am. But I am tired. I am tired of your constant optimism when it is so obvious he doesn’t like me like that, okay? Every time we’ve hung out, he’s been nothing but polite and friendly. I can’t even call it leading me on because anything that might be more than platonic could be me overthinking it. If it was going to happen, it would’ve by now. So, please just stop. He’s not my boyfriend or beau or admirer or swain or whatever word you want to use, he’s not it.”
“But I want to be.” 
You spun around at the oh-so familiar voice of Pierre-Luc and your jaw dropped when you saw him carrying a bouquet of red roses. Just like the past arrangements. 
A thousand thoughts were swirling through your head but all you could muster was a meek, “What?”
Pierre cleared his throat and stepped closer to where you were standing in your cubicle. NIcole had conveniently (and thankfully) dipped out of sight. 
“I want to be. Your boyfriend or beau or swain or whatever you want to call it. I want to be that person for you.” When you continued to stare at him, your jaw slightly open, he continued. “Only if you want me that is. I can- I can pretend this never happened if you want.”
The man standing in front of you wasn’t like the one that you saw on the TV, the slightly cocky version, no, he was more like what you saw. A softer side, one that took a call from his grandpa in the museum, one that walked on the road side of the sidewalk, one that only you were used to seeing. But here he was, at work, holding red roses for you, his smile a little shaky and his cheeks already flush. That seemed to shake the shock out of your system. “Please don’t. Please don’t pretend this never happened. I just…I didn’t think you were interested, that’s all.”
“Amour, believe me, I’m interested,” He said breathlessly. “You just make me a little nervous, that’s all.”
“You’re over six feet tall and play on knife shoes but I make you nervous?” At your question, his face got almost as red as the roses he still carried. 
“I can afford to mess up the hockey thing but I really only get one shot at this.” Oh my gosh, was he trying to melt your heart? 
“Good thing you didn’t mess it up then,” you said, trying to suppress a smile while he let his show. 
“Really?” You nodded and he stepped closer to you, placing the bouquet in the vase you’d started keeping at your desk. 
His smile seemed to settle and his confidence came back. “In that case, would you like to go for dinner tonight?”
“I’d love that Pierre.” 
“I gotta get to practice but I’ll pick you up at seven, okay?”
“See you tonight,” you said, biting your lip to stop smiling so wide when he winked at you before leaving your cubicle. 
“I told you the flowers were from him!” Nicole said from her side of the cubicle wall. You told them to shut up but there was no malice in your voice. You went to gush to them about what just happened when his voice popped back. 
“Oh, and just so you know, I plan on keeping that vase full.”
You could only blush. “I’ll look forward to getting flowers from my swain then.”
translation: you are more beautiful than all the flowers in the world
taglist (join here): @heatherawoowoo @4ambagelbites @typical-simplelove @2manytabsopen @stars-canucks @lorrmorr @fallinallincurls @plds2000 @barzysandhughesbaby @yummygoldenfood @drei-mrssvechii @bananarantanen @pulpfixion
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
My We Happy Few Bobby OC.
Lionel F. Edwards
(I'll add more to this periodically.)
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(If I could draw I would draw him, but I can't so we'll just use this picture, and imagine the changes I've made lmao.)
Notable features - Lionel has sandy blond hair, which is a little longer than most of his co-workers, but he keeps it swept back and proper. His right eye is a crystal blue, while his left eye is a honey brown. Under his happy mask he hides several scars, which he obtained from a downer some time ago. He has several other scars littering his body, but the worse he has, aside from his face, is on his ribs, and he can't remember how he got them. For someone that spends so much time outside Lionel is pretty pale. His ears are pierced, and he has no idea when it happened, or who might have done it, and no one seems to even notice the silver studs in his ears.
Personality - He's surprisingly shy, at least when he is around someone he either finds attractive, or just straight intimidating. Super sweet with the ones he loves. Will be a teddy bear and total cuddle bug with his SO. He's honestly nicer than most other bobby's. Freak in the sheets, gentleman in the streets! Loves autumn and winter like so much. He just loves the cold because of how high his body temperature always runs. Man's a walking furnace, like seriously. Loyal AF, he'd do anything and I mean anything for his SO. A bit insecure about his scars, and even his height, so he relishes in any reassurance his SO gives him. Loves playfully spooking his SO, but doesn't startle very easily himself.
Age - 32 his birthday is December 6th.
Height - He's a tall man, even compared to his co-workers. Standing at a staggering 7'3". (The bobby's and doctors are very tall, some people have guessed that they are 7'0" or taller.)
Build - Broad shoulders, bit lanky like most of the other bobby's, but Lionel is also pretty strong, not quite shredded mind you, but still surprisingly muscled. Heavier than he looks as well.
Scent - He smells of vanilla, honey, and his natural manly musk, with earthy and cherry undertones.
Love interest - (Y/n) (Y/l/n).
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Interests - Joy, music, (Y/n), art, uncle Jacks shows, mystery books, photography.
Dislikes - Downers, talk of plague, yams, and vanilla Joy because it leaves a funny aftertaste in his mouth.
Weaknesses - Fresh pie, grapefruit juice, and of course (Y/n).
Sexual interests - Breeding kink, size kink (and no, I'm not talking about him being tall.), food play, light bondage, biting, praise, body warship, public sex, he's naturally dominate, but he kinda really loves when (Y/n) takes control.
District - St. Georges Holm.
Favorite flavor Joy - Chocolate was always his favorite, but he's grown a liking for the new coconut flavor Joy.
Hobbies - Painting/drawing, reading, and spending as much free time as he can with (Y/n), and taking pictures with his Polaroid, especially pictures of (Y/n). (Man's madly in love y'all)
Friends - Really only friends with (Y/n), and a co-worker named Frank. (However Franks been on holiday for some time now.)
Family - Can't honestly remember any. Maybe he had a sister? Or a brother perhaps?
Favorite song - ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Favorite color - Purple is his all time favorite, but he also loves bright orange, and sea green.
Favorite foods - Lionel is a simple man, so a V-meat sandwich, with a side of blue currant berries is divine in his book. Also loves dipping apple slices in honey. And coffee yogurt, he's not really supposed to have it, because it messes with his belly some, but he loves it regardless and will suffer the rumblies for it.
Fears - Spiders, puppets, and loosing (Y/n).
Miscellaneous notes - His hands are huge, soft and littered with small scars. He has freckles that dust his shoulders. His right ear rings almost constantly, after the fight with the downer that he got his facial scars from. His hands shake a little, but they always still the moment he picks up a brush or pen. The F in his name stands for Francis, and he hates the name, so much so he was even reluctant to tell (Y/n) what his middle name is. Even with Joy Lionel suffers from nightmares, he suppresses them, but with (Y/n) by his side, his nightmares don't plague his mind. He loves loves, loves playing with (Y/n)s hair.
How (Y/n) met him - "Miss what are you doing out here?" The Bobby asked approaching the woman watching the sunset. "It's beautiful." She muttered... Continue reading story here.
When Lionel asked (Y/n) out - His hands shook as he approached her with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, sweat beading on his forehead under his happy mask... Continue reading story here.
(Y/n) receives a bad batch of Joy, and can no longer take it - Lionel had very few options. Turn (Y/n) in, hide her, join her, or get out of Wellington Wells with her... Continue reading story here.
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Can I commission someone to draw Lionel for me? You perhaps? Or someone you know? I'll happily pay for drawings of him. (💚ω💚*)
Anyways I'm gonna be writing some stories with Lionel soon, so keep an eye out for that in the near future.
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