#i love u stoke im one of the 12
vanityangel · 2 years
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HOOK vs. Stokely Hathaway AEW Dynamite NO DQ Match March 22, 2023 
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cyancherub · 3 years
USER CYANCHERUB YOU ARE INCREDIBLE- YOUR MIND!!!!! gunsmoke in mirrors killed me and brought me back like 4 times. from the beginning I was completely and utterly sucked in, I have never been this absorbed in a fanfic before. it's just like I was reading a full-length novel and you wrote it so well I not only watched everything happen, I felt like I was there. my heart was thumping, hands shaking, sweating, body trembling the whole way through. I felt the fear, desperation, excitement, all of it.
and can we talk about the smut? bc OH MY GOD. when kogami picked us up and held us up with only one arm and a hip???? I short circuited so bad. and so much teasing holy shit but every second of it was meaningful and worth it. the way you wrote kogami as so desperate but with so much self restraint was perfect. and the twists!!! holy shit the twists?? after he pulled the trigger I had to take a break and stare at the wall for a few minutes because it was so intense and I just??? I dunno but I needed to let that sink in. and then we got the aftercare scene, which was so incredibly sweet, and once that was over I couldn't do anything but sit and stare at the wall again for another 10 minutes.
AND THE DIALOGUE JASKLDJF especially those italicized lines holy fUCK. those crumbs you were feeding us were already amazing and then you went and did that FOR THE ENTIRE FIC. you have such a way with words, this felt like something that should be studied in a lit program and it was beautiful.
I don't think I'll ever get over this. you are so incredibly talented and this fic was a work of art. I actually finished reading like 12 hours ago but I just had so many feelings I needed to let them marinate a bit before I even attempted to talk about how great this is.
ok sorry i have to do that because i cant readmore asks LMAOO
BUT AHHHHHHHHH ! ! ! ! SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE i wanted to wait until i could give this ask more attention but. IM SCREAMIGDNSSGLKLK i love this so much THANK U !!!!!! U ARE SO KIND ! ! !!
IM SO GLAD IT WAS IMMERSIVE ;v; that is always what i want to accomplish with my fics especially because they tend to be so long so i want to make sure the reader is sucked in. SO IT IS SO GREAT TO HEAR THAT !!!! im glad that you felt all the tension & the anxiety that the reader was feeling !!!! that was the goal i am so stoked to hear it !!
ASKLDKLALKLK my god the smut ..... i was going through it over that man !!!! when i was writing it i was just. LOSING MY MARBLES OVER HIM!!! yes ... i think he would be such a tease,, i mean i like all my men to tease BUT him in particular because he's really patient? i think he has the capacity for it. YES THE SELF RESTRAINT !!! he will put himself thru it ... a bit of a masochist if i may say so myself LMAOO. BUT AHHHHH omg,, YES the part right before the twist was so intense to write so im stoked that it came thru as intense as i intended !!!
(rest is under a readmore for spoilers ish?)
BUT EEEEE yes. what a babe. i think the aftercare with him would be nice .. very quiet and peaceful. IM GONNA TEAR MY HAIR OUT AKLSKL i want this man !! i just know he would take such good care of u.
A LIT PROGRAM IM SCREAMINGAKLLK can u imagine ... LMFAOOO but truly. i appreciate the kind words so much !!!! they are everything to meeee !!! ;____; im kissing you so much for this!!! THANK U FOR SENDING THIS i am going to cherish this ask forever !!!
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dammarchy211 · 3 years
1. do u mind if ppl make ur art their icons? Just curious!!
2. I love your cryptid kidz take!! Im curious if youre planning on including any other fandoms, and the age differences between the kids (I HOPE THIS DOESNT COME OFF IN A WEIRD WAY i was wondering bc dibs so tall in comparison to the other kids)?? Im so curious about ur thoughts on their individual dynamics with one another!! Or what the gals think of each other :3!! or if tak will show up..
SORRY FOR THE BIG BLOCK OD QUESTIONS I LOVE STUFF LIKE THIS IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY... Ur art style is really cool so it really caught my attention!!
(I had a big paragraph written and tumblr crashed while I was writing it :,,-) )
It’s ok I love questions!!!
1. No I don’t mind! Just credit me in ur bio or smth
2. I probably won’t be including any other fandoms as to not clutter it, as well as the fact I was kind going off a formula of nerd kid + his sister. No particular reason, just for a pattern ig?
The age differences between the kids r Raz- 10, Jude- like 12 (I say like as he doesn’t actually have a canon age lol), Dib- 12 like in the iz movie, and Dipper- 13. I made Dib taller to add variety to their designs when put next to each other and also because all of the kids in iz are basically the same height I thought I’d say fuck it and have some fun with it lol
(For simplicity, Ford will refer to Ford pines, and Cruller will refer to Ford Cruller lol)
As for dynamics, Jude and Dib would get along Rlly well, just kinda as an instant click type thing since they have so many similarities. They’re all definitely friends but I feel like Dipper and Jude would but heads the most. Dipper tends to be really cautious, and while Jude does exercise caution, it’s usually for more ‘nonsensical’ reasons. Jude has a more reckless idea of problem solving (ie wanting to just shoot the cultists and burn down their hideout in act 1) and that wouldn’t really sit well with Dipper lmao. Dipper also would try to like, assert himself as letter with all of his planning shit but it probably wouldn’t work that well. Jude and Dib are also the most unhinged out of the 4 so Dipper and Raz are like 🤨 a lot. Raz would get along with all of them very well, however there’d definitely be at least a little bit of “you’re like 10 how come you get to be able to do all of this cool stuff???” And the other 3 would ask him a bunch of questions constantly because “omg you’re really psychic???? Lemme take notes.” Dammek would try to lead them around or “supervise” them as like the “cool older teen friend” but he has even less common sense then the 4 of them and the worst advice— Dammek high school bullies Zim. Gaz, Frazie, and Joey would kinda just be like “ew it’s my nerd brother and his nerd friends.” But still hang out with them, Mabel on the other hand just regular hangs out with them bc she doesn’t want Dipper to go on adventures without her! The girls would get along pretty good as well, however I feel like Joey would be Kinda cold to Mabel bc she has a tendency to be a little mean to people when they’re more social or optimistic than her, but she would get over it eventually and they can talk about animals or sparkly stickers or something jfhdjdjd. Xefros is a little upset that Raz is psychic because telekinesis used to be his thing and now there’s a kid that’s like 4/5 years younger than him and better at it 😔 the 4 boys would probably follow Roxy, Ford, Sasha, and Cruller around a lot because they wanna! Do science stuff n go on adventures and missions! Stan would also try to have fun with the kids but in a Stan sorta way. Sasha would so get into an Argument w/ Prof. Membrane they would hate eachother— Any of the alien enjoyers would be SO STOKED about Dammek, Xefros, and Zim (even tho zim keeps insisting that he is, In fact, not an alien). Tbh Dammek n Xef probably already know what Irkens are and Zim probably already knows what trolls are (and would probably freak out if he found out the condensce/Betty Crocker was on earth lol) Raz and Zim also get “huh u guys sound similar” a lot (I wonder why D-: /s).
OK THATS ENOUGH RAMBLING!! I just have so many thoughts for this flghdkgfisheudd
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kenology · 4 years
hi about your bible verse post im gonna out myself as someone who has willingly read (parts of) the bible but. the very next verse after corinthians 13:12 is arguably one of The most famous bible verses, "and now these three remain: faith, hope and love. but the greatest of these is love" and idk what this means but i feel like it means Something. i cannot believe i am doing theological analysis for jarchie
THANK U FOR ADDING THIS!!! im so...WAIT im sorry. this is literally going to make me sound so insane but i just had a thought
veronica is the only member of the core four whose faith has been a major part of her character (iirc), her confirmation and catholic traditions have been referenced a few times and i don’t think any of the other characters have ever discussed religion.
ultimately, though, i feel like veronica abandons this value to some degree because obviously her actions in later seasons are very...not in accordance with catholicism.
jughead’s relationship with betty in s1 served as a pretty big source of hope for him imo. because his big break with archie happened right before s1, jughead started off the season in need of hope for his own future, his survival in riverdale, his belonging, and for the future of his family. (although i don’t think they needed to date to accomplish this) betty did really help him feel like he was worthy of being a part of the town’s community and helping solve jason’s murder in the first season gave him some hope -- that if they solved the crime, maybe riverdale would be fixed and everything would be okay again.
as we see, though, this hope ends up being futile to some degree because the serpents become even more ostracized and hated (within the short term) and jughead’s family continues to come together and fall apart throughout the later seasons.
and then we get to archie. i don’t even need to argue that archie brings love into jughead’s life, he’s been jughead’s core pillar of support for so many years and they take care of each other, and even when they’re apart, they come back together eventually. they understand each other on a deeper level than anyone else does, and their love for each other is exactly what stokes the conflict in s3 -- they’re both doing the most dramatic things possible just to say “i love you, i miss you, i don’t know who you are anymore, and i’m scared”
and as we leave for the timeskip, the core four comes back together to say goodbye. maybe some ppl are shocked that jughead splits with betty and goes after archie, but jughead had two choices.
1: the person who promised him, again and again, that she only loved him, who gave him hope that he did have value in friendships and romantic relationships and then ultimately crushed those promises by betraying him. his relationship with betty always felt a little precarious; her love for him was predicated on him doing the right thing in the right situation and being the right person, and it’s not healthy to stay in a relationship that’s only surviving because the other person hopes you’ll eventually become someone they want to love.
2: the person who fucked up multiple times and definitely screwed jughead over, but did it honestly, because he was trying to do the right thing and he couldn’t figure out how to distribute all the love he felt without hurting anyone. their relationship was far from perfect, and god knows they went long stretches of time without seeing each other or even talking, but archie never wanted jughead to be anyone other than who he was. archie met him on his level no matter where he was -- homeless and needing a place to stay, blackmailed into a drug run, in charge of a gang in the midst of a war -- and he said i’m here. i love you. how can i help?
so it’s no wonder that the greatest of those was love. love is the undercurrent for hope and faith. love is the fabric holding together two extremely fucked up people who mess up from time to time, and sometimes make things harder for one another, but who know, ultimately, that they are okay and always will be.
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fizzyhosh · 4 years
tagged by @kabeswaters !!!! love u big time
1. on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? .... 3
2. describe yourself in a hashtag? #onedirectionstan
3. if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? gross Harry Styles
4. if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? get ready for disappointment but the good thing is one direction would be to my musical as abba is to mamma mia
5. what’s one thing people don’t know about you? i have strong ambitions but they are outweighed by executive dysfunction so lots of adults like teachers just think I'm lazy 🤪🥴
6. what’s your wake up ritual? currently it's get up at 2pm, look at discord, snapchat, and instagram, then eat some gosh darn food
7. what’s your go to bed ritual? this is so unhealthy I know grab a snack and a soda and scroll mindlessly on social media until I get tired, get up and brush my teeth, go back to my bed and put on my sleep playlist (called sleeby) and set a time so it stops playing after I fall asleep
8. what’s your favorite time of day? despite the fact that I get up in the afternoon, it's actually like 10am that's a goooood time
9. your go to for having a good laugh? I look up Niall Horan laugh complications it genuinely works every time
10. dream country to visit? Germany or Italy
11. what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? my 19th birthday my roommates had a surprise party for me and I was so shocked and almost cried bc it was so sweet and bc made me anxious
12. heels or flats/sneakers? I thought that said heelys :(( but sneakers
13. vintage or new? vintaaaage
14. who do you want to write your obituary? uh idk hopefully none of my current family bc I don't want to die before them cause that'll mean I die young??? this question is making me overthink so I'm just gonna say Ewan Gregor and move on
15. style icon? this chick named mathilda on Instagram you might have seen her on insta or Pinterest she's a redhead but her style is brilliant
16. what are three things you cannot live without? music, dr. pepper, eggos
17. what’s one ingredient you put in everything? I sound so white but SALT I salt the heck outta everything
18. what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? Steve Irwin, Harry Styles, Freddie Mercury
19. what’s your biggest fear in life? dying while I'm taking a shower and having my family find my naked, wet, dead body falling out of love. which makes me not want to fall IN love bc then the chance of falling OUT of love becomes a possibility
20. window or aisle seat? window window window window window
21. what’s your current tv obsession? not really obsessed with anything rn but I rewatch new girl every chance I get
22. favorite app? instagram
23. secret talent? I can wiggle my ears
24. most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i flew to New Orleans during a break with two of my friends bc they found $60 round trip tickets. We bought the tickets the day before. We literally got to NOLA at 7am and left 8pm the next day. only spontaneous/adventurous thing i have ever done
25. how would you define yourself in three words? funny, understanding, quiet
26. favorite piece of clothing you own? my overalls :'))
27. a must have clothing item that everyone should have? a jean jacket !! looks good on anyone and with anything and they're so cute
28. a superpower you would want? to make people see themselves as their loved ones see them
29. what’s inspiring you in life right now? music I'm fixated on one direction and harry styles and louis tomlinson rn of you cant tell by a lot of my answers
30. best piece of advice you’ve received? don't apologize because you like something. don't be embarrassed that you have preferences
31. best advice you’d give your teenage self? be unapologetically you. life is too short to feel guilty for having opinions.
32. a book everyone should read? me and earl and the dying girl
33. what would you like to be remembered for? being kind to all
34. how do you define beauty? kindness, humor, a sweet soul makes a beautiful person
35. what do you love most about your body? I think I'm proportional? like... my size and shape... I hate how that sounds but my overall body ,,,,,,,
36. best way to take a rest/decompress? crack open and nice cold soda and put on headphones and lay on the ground (it makes me back feel better)
37. favorite place to view art? art galleries the environment and ambiance is immaculate
38. if your life was a song, what would the title be? Everything is Outta Reach cause I fail a lot but also I'm sHORT
39. if you could master one instrument, what would it be? pianoooo
40. if you had a tattoo, where would it be? I want my forearms to be filled with random little doodle tattoos I get over time (picture louis tomlinsons right arm, like the "oops!" and skateboard, and dumb things like that)
41 dolphins or koalas? KOALAS
42. what’s an animal that represents you? .....koala. also chameleon...
43. best gift you’ve ever received? so I need to be hugging a pillow or stuffed animals to sleep and I lost some stuffed animals that I loved and were huge and my go to for hugging at night and that Christmas my brother got me a huge elephant and a body pillow to replace them and I actually cried
44. best gift you’ve given? im really bad at giving gifts but my brother searches everywhere for this book in specific print and language and after years I found one and got it for him for Christmas. he's not good at showing appreciation and excitement but I could tell that he was stoked
45. what’s your favorite board game? BETRAYL AT THE HOUSE ON THE HILL it's so complicated and so good and I love it so much
46. what’s your favorite color? yellow and red
47. least favorite color? o r a n g e I just realized it's between red and yellow make it make sense
48. diamond or pearls? diamonds
49. drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore! I don't wear makeup often enough to spend money on designer but occasionally I get some good stuff from ulta then immediately regret it and go back to my Walgreens makeup HAHA
50. pilates or yoga? yoga
51. coffee or tea? I don't drink either but I like the aesthetic of tea more
52. what’s the weirdest word in the english language? pneumonoultrascopicsiliconvolcanoconoiosos because it's the longest word in the English dictionary and it's has a very specific definition and it's so extra when I was 7 i had a friend who could spell it forwards and backwards
53. dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk!! I only like dark chocolate if it's reisens
54. stairs or elevators? stairs I'm afraid of elevators
55. summer or winter? summer
56. you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? mac and cheese
57. a dessert you don’t like? uhhhh... umm... uh... anything with tree nuts cause I'm allergic??? I love dessert
58. a skill you’re working on mastering? I'm learning guitar !!
59. best thing to happen to you today? I woke up before 2pm
60. worst thing to happen to you today? my family all decided to a be in a bad mood today so that's super exciting to deal with :))))))
61. best compliment you’ve ever received? that I'm a really good listener
62. favorite smell? candles right after they're blown out and the air outside when it's cold. it has a smell. it DOES.
63. hugs or kisses? hugs
64. if you made a documentary, would it be about? the one direction boys' solo careers and eventual reunion when it happens
65. last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? if that includes music, louis tomlinsons album walls. but if not, ehm the martian that movie makes me cry don't come for me
66. lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
67. sweet or savory? savory
68. girl crush? lily james
69. how do you know you’re in love? I've been trying to figure that out... I think it's when everything reminds you of them and you can completely be yourself around them and feel a sense of home and belonging.
70. a song you can listen to on repeat? greyhound by calpurnia or baby driver by simon and garfunkel
71. if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? h a r r y s t y l e s I have questions I need answered and I wanna hear unreleased HS and 1D music
72. what are you most excited for/about this time in your life? going back to school so I can be with my best friend slash future boyfriend
tagging: @lupinlongbottom @outerlacy @fortisfiliae @theseuscmander @wizardwritings
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stressed-crow · 4 years
fanfic trope preferences
tagged by @lawlieting thank youuu! and heck yeah im stoked to do this lets go >:)
↠ slowburn or love at first sight (give me yearning or give me death)
↠ fake dating or secretly dating (both can be good but fake dating is my kinda trash heap)
↠ enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers (but even better when they are like super petty enemies....to petty lovers)
↠ “oh no, there’s Only One Bed,” or long distance correspondence (you will pry Only One Bed from my cold dead heands)
↠ hurt/comfort or amnesia (i have to say amnesia might be one of my least favorite tropes idk)
↠ fantasy au or modern au (this is more like, i read way more modern aus bcs i feel like good fantasy aus are usually longer? and i dont always have the time...)
↠ mutual pining or domestic bliss (what did i say abt Yearning fellas)
↠ smut or fluff (i guess i tend to read more explicit stuff but its like. does it count when its novel lenght thing with a sex scene at the end? i dont read much pwps so..?)
↠ canon-compliant/missing scenes or fix-it (might be heavily influenced by my current main fandom tho lol but like someone fix lan xichen pls)
↠ alternate universe or future fic (love me some au)
↠ one-shot or multichapter (i honestly tend more towards longer things but a good one shot as a treat before sleep, who coud say no)
↠ kid fic or roadtrip fic (iiii dont rly like kid fics that much? coz they usually youngify some of the characters, right, and it kinda ruins the dynamic i enjoy in the first place for me. But. Also. Mdzs. ....they have a son okay, they canonically have a son and im so weak for it)
↠ reincarnation or character death (if u dont count canon reincarnations lol but yeah, neither is rly my thing, just dont die people)
↠ arranged marriage or accidental marriage
↠ high school romance or middle-aged romance (WHO dates in high school you are CHILDREN okay i know its normal for ppl to do but bitch get some depression and queer identity crisis like the rest of us)
↠ time travel or isolated together
↠ neighbours or roommates
↠ sci-fi au or magic au (hell yeah whacky wizard shit also i am a sucker for the cliche differenciantion of like kinds of magic ppl can do based on their personalities bcs i have never developed past my YA novels phase)
↠ bodyswap or genderbend (i dont have a huge preference in this, both can be good i guess, but also neither is something i’d seek out?)
↠ angst or crack (i will read crack luc recces me bcs luc has taste but other than that im wary coz its usually written by a 12 yo)
↠ apocalyptic or mundane (how abt mundane apocalypse hmmm? like idk, the entire year of 2020?)
tagging: @trinuskareblogs, @thetrdlo, @krchov, @feathereddamsel even tho ur basically not on tumblr anymore, @panbeing @cowardlylearningtobebrave even tho i dont know if either of you reads fanfics, and @gruntie even tho i know you have never read a fanfic in your life and i suspect you dont know what half of these words are. yall are tagged bcs i lov u, not bcs it makes sense
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99centspells · 6 years
i still remember the time when there was a like. fucking. "50 random hc asks" thing you sent in a billion years ago where you put LITERALLY 1-50. like. i still think about that. im pretty sure i managed too im so proud of me. ANYWAY. questions 6-12 pls because i'm not Cruel
oc questions. / accepting
ok first of all you LOVE talking about ur ocs so don’t pretend u didnt love it ://///////
Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
mmm definitely i think? we have very very similar humour for sure and we’re both pretty impulsive (her more than me though for…. obvious reasons)… also i wear more glitter now and i think that’s absolutely her fault
How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
so far only the one!! but i am highkey looking for an alt fc or a totally new one completely bc as much as i love alice n how well she fits blue i jst….. dont like using yt fcs 
How did you choose the name for your muse? 
ngl it’s bc i read simon vs and thought blue was a cool ass name n then later when i came up w her i was like hmmm what do i name her and it was one of the options i came up with and it stuck
If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
i mean……. she has a very in depth booh verse so i guess that shjshks
Do you ship your muse with any canon characters? 
i DON’T currently i dont think ?? but i’m open 2 it for sure uwu
Do you ship your muse with any other original characters?
i do n boy would i die for them…. blue’s first ship was w my pal gemma’s oc declan stokes and i love him and also her and gale @wouldglow​ have a ship and me and kitty are,,,,,,,,,,,,, in love w them
Share a song that matches with your muse!
moonrise by wildwood!! and special mention to liability lorde came for mine and blue’s throats w that one and blues fc sang it so it’s extra canon
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boyf--riends · 7 years
review of Be More Chill!
i’m about to talk a lot about the show and the cast! if you don’t wanna read but you wanna hear about the talkback, the audio posts have just gone up and for those of you who want the review it’s under the cut!!!
- you can see jeremy violently pull down his pants before More Than Survive starts 
- the bus ride was so cute!! the actors jostled around like they were actually on a bus and it was super fun to watch even though it was literally only 5 seconds long
- the reason why chloe calls jeremy out is because he tried to sneakily snake his arm behind brooke to get to his locker and it looked like a weird pervy move
- rich walks straight into jeremy and we were blessed with “dOn’T TouCH Me TaLL aSs!!1!” and jeremy just stands there as rich violently scribbles on his back pack
- michael entered from the audience and accidentally hit my friend in the face with his backpack strap and did his lil marley jam session and the crowd went fucking nuts
- ”boyf. what does this mean?” jeremy turns around and so does michael so their bags read boyf riends and michael turned to jeremy and made kissy faces/noises the mom behind me violently whispered “what the hell is a boyf” tbh its a mood 
- jake lifts christine up in all her glory to sign up for the play and tbh,, i aspire to be that extra
- christine is so excited the whole time and god did her actress fucking kill the part
- when jake talks to christine it was pretty obvious he was nervous but tried to play cool and i really liked that
- two player game started and i shit you not the person in front of me started crying
- jeremy does not like to talk to his dad or about his mom
- “im your favowite pewson” michael nuzzles jeremys shoulder and jeremy shoves him off and he dramatically falls on top of the bean bags
- they had two of the ensemble actors as the payless employees and it was kinda weird but i went with it
- when they said it was top secret stuff michael was behind jeremy taking pictures of the stuff inside the box and it was super funny
-i thought jeremy picked out some kinda unisex blue v-neck ladies shirt not a sparkly pink tube top what the fuck
- “BecauSe SHe chEaTEd on MEeeEEEeeee” he rolled on the ground so fucking dramatically
- Do You Wanna Ride made 89% of the audience so uncomfortable but everyone went wild when brooke went “pi-i-i-i-i-i-i-ink beeeeerrryyyyy”
- jeremy’s voice cracked when he said everything about him made he wanna die and the squip turned the whole thing around but he kept that evil smirk on his face the whole damn time
- jeremy sleep singing Be More Chill while being carried to his bed and getting tucked in was so cute dont make me mention the “sleep tight slugger” bc my heart broke
- chloe totally psychs out christine before Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into and when jeremy enters christine pulls out of that whole funk and it was super freaking cute
- whenever christine does anything jeremy looks so love sick its adorable
- when christine said jake you could see physical pain on jeremy’s face before he grabbed his stuff and ran out
- brooke and jeremy had sex during upgrade (he comes out from backstage after making out with brooke, buttoning up his pants an smoothing out his shirt) and i was so fucking SHOOK 
- michael looked so angry and hurt but he got all excited when he figured out the squip worked but jeremy just stood there and didn’t even move to go after michael
- the costumes for halloween made me nut holy shit the barking unicorn was my favorite
-after the song is over rich is the only one still on stage and he’s twitching and repeating “halloween” over and over again until he walks off stage
- brooke was so excited to see jeremy and christine was so excited to see jake but they both were pretty rude and both girls loked pretty upset afterwards
- chloe rubbed herself all over jeremy and when she gave him the baby bottle full of alcohol jeremy loked genuinely panicked when the squip made him drink it
- Do You Wanna Hang also made 89% of the audience uncomfortable but it turned pretty funny when jake punch through a fucking window
- michael covered head to toe in trash is such a mood but jeremy look so relieved when he finally saw michael
-  “I had this whole spiel about 12 years of friendship going right down the drain” jeremy looked so guilty but michael looked so hurt and betrayed especially when he was trying to explain why the squip was bad
- jeremy shoved michael into the bath tub after he called him a loser, and all the parents who had no idea what BMC was gasped, and everyone was already crying
- Ryan Everett Wood is such an amazing actor and he really made Michael In The Bathroom the best scene in the whole show
- while jeremy and christine exchange weird noises, the dude in the unicorn costume sits up and just starts barking at them before he passes out again
- they make fun of rich for spazzing and asking for mountain dew red before the squip tells jeremy to skedaddle before the fire
- all of the shiny metallic costumes in Rich Set A Fire really highlighted the guys’ muscles and i liked it
- pitiful children was so well choreographed and i really want a pair of those sick light up sneakers
- as the show goes on and the squips control over jeremy gets stronger, the make up gets more intense and the squip starts to look more dishevelled and corrupt
- jeremy totally fucking roasted his dad (his dad looked so sad and shook) and what does his dad do?? run half naked to michaels house of course
- michael is getting high asf and sitting in a onsie burning stuff
- mr reyes is wearing jeremys costume and he looks so proud of himself until he sees jeremy 
- michael made his entrance through the audience and everyone lost their god damn MINDS
- michael is such a petty bitch like,, jeremy is literally on the ground in pain and he’s just “hmmm no sorry u gotta apologize ://///” and if that ain’t me,,,,,
- michael literally holds jeremy with his arms and legs and jake just shrugs and grabs the mt dew red before pouring it out and michael looks so SHOOK
- “did the squip heal your legs???” in the most evil yet nonchalant high school jock voice i’ve ever heard “No I just can’t feel any pain. and its AWESOME”
- when christine comes out michael starts to walk away like “whoops theres christine looks like he won’t give up the squip now” but gets so excited when jeremy tells her to drink the mt dew
- everyone starts shrieking and michael looks terrified and starts screaming too and when everyone passes out michaels still screaming “AAAAAAAOOOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK”
- rich is in a legit full body cast but he looks so happy once jeremy wakes up and starts talking to him
- “oh my god i am totally bi” rich sounded so excited and the audience clapped and cheered
- rich and michael kinda had that “you were the only other person in this hospital room i could talk to and you’re not that bad of a person” vibe when voices in my head started playing
- jake looks like he’s about to punch jeremy but he sends him off with a lil bro hug and it’s such a pure interaction!! jeremy looks so stoked that everyone is still talking to him after the play!!!!
- “i think that all of us want to go out with you” they have sweet make out kiss thing and the whole cast is on the high beams looking down at them so fondly 
- the squip comes back and jeremy just started to sing louder and it was so good and such an empowering moment
LITTLE NOTES ABOUT THE CAST: Everyone was so good and they all fit their roles so well! So much respect goes out to Matt, Ryan, Sal, Lizz, Jason, Billy, Vincent, Lisa, Katie, Emily, Carly, Frankie, and Bridget because without their hardwork and dedication to the show, it wouldn’t have been so good!!
You could also tell how much effort was put into the details of the show like, nothing was there to just be there, everything had a purpose and there was never any weird “i dont have any lines so i’ll just awkwardly stand here” moments with any of the actors!! overall the show was  out of this world amazing and i’m so greatful that I had the chance to see it and meet the wonderful actors behind the original and the revival show!!!!
overall rating: hell yes/10
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lizzypuppet1711 · 6 years
heres me. h.u.r.l. dont interact or ill eat your teeth
T: Transmit a song that holds sentimentality to your mind. Listen closely to it.
in harm’s way - amanda palmer. lyrics always make me a bit sad but i’m reminded of simpler times
E: Examine an appendage. Think about the effect your human brain has on it.
i looked at my hands. it’s always a bit unnerving to think about how i can move my body without even thinking about it, like it’s not really a part of me.
L: Look into your own eyes in a reflective surface and come to a conclusion about yourself as a being living the human experience.
wow. im a real human with pretty eyes.
E: Engage in the washing and cleansing of your human hands. Embed a photo of your hands to the internet.
clean hands! 
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P: Pick a plant from “outside” and examine it. Take a photo of this plant and embed it to the internet.
these were so cute n pretty
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O: Observe the sun or moon in the heavens above. Take a photo of it and embed it to the internet.
here she is... in th trees...
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R: Record the sky outside. Embed it to the internet.
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T: Tally the amount of times you exhale in 30 seconds. Embed it to the internet.
A: Allow yourself to rest shortly. Allow your human body to do this.
am well rested thnk u
T: Tell another human that you love about something you thought about in the recent daytime.
told my gc abt how stoked i am for an upcoming concert
I: Illustrate a picture of something beautiful you remember during an unconscious state with a simple tool on paper. Embed it to the internet.
i dont ever remember my dreams but i drew this
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O: “Oxygenate” once.
munch ok
N: Finally, Nourish yourself. The ability to go through the biological process of the creation of energy is what makes you human.
had some cauliflower crunch crunch!
poor one out for @sceneteenz they will be missed
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dadddarioomg · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @howisalexander <33 thank u !!
i tag: @s0ftmalec, @peaceandcows , @nycmalec , @msalexiscriss @omg-daddario , @kklainesmalec nd thats all i cant think of anyone else
the last:
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my mom 3. text message: my aunt 4. song you listened to: wide eyed - billy lockett 5. time you cried: monday i think
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: yeah lol it was dumb no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. been cheated on: yes  9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: tmi 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: gotten drunk yes, thrown up from it?? no
3 favorite colors:
12. baby pink  13. a light pale yellow 14. soft blues
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yes nd i love them sm 16. fallen out of love: yes 17. laughed until you cried: yeah 18. found out someone was talking about you: i dont think so 19. met someone who changed you: yeah 20. found out who your friends are: ?? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of em 23. do you have any pets: a dog nd a cat 24. do you want to change your name: i dont like my full name i think id change it to liz 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i went stargazing in the arizona mountains it was great !! 26. what time did you wake up: today i woke up at nine thirty? i think 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i was talkin w my pals and on tumblr & twitter 28. name something you can’t wait for: school?? i am stoked for senior year. also next sh episode kill me now 31. what are you listening to right now: wide eyed - billy lockett (what can i say im obsessed w it) 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no  33. something that is getting on your nerves: my dad lol 34. most visited website: tumblr, discord, twitter, freeform, youtube 35. hair colour: brownish black w spots of blue in some places bc when i dyed it back to black, the blue didn’t go away 36. long or short hair: medium?? its mid back 39. piercings: four 40. blood type: o+ 41. nicknames: liz or lizard for my close irl pals lol 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: capricorn 44. pronouns: she/her but if u don’t know my pronouns and refer to me as they then thats fine too 45. favourite tv show: shadowhunters??? also stitchers im getting into it 46. tattoos: none but im getting one on my 18th 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: i had eye surgery when i was eight so that was cool 49. piercing: i love belly button piercings 50. sport: football or volleyball 51. vacation: london, the beach (preferably in a different country but any of the us beaches are nice too), also  seattle washington 52. pair of trainers: all of the ones i own?? i love them all
more general:
53. eating: no 54. drinking: water w lemon 55. i’m about to: go eat 56. waiting for: nothing really 57. want: dont know really 58. get married: nah 59. career: nursing !!
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: it depends ?? 61. lips or eyes: ooo lips. im a sucker for smiles so :) 62. shorter or taller: tall !! 63. older or younger: ah always older, but not by too much 64. nice arms or nice stomach: both maybe i dont know 65. hook up or relationship: again, it depends ?? 66. troublemaker or hesitant: lowkey a troublemaker
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: yes lol 68. drank hard liquor: yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i dont wear em 70. turned someone down: yes  71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: yeah :// 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: yep 75. cried when someone died: yeah 76. fallen for a friend: i dont know rlly
do you believe in:
77. yourself: im getting better at it 78. miracles: dyeah 79. love at first sight: not really no 80. santa claus: no but ive got four little siblings so ive gotta pretend  81. kiss on the first date: it depends 82. angels: yeah
83. current best friend’s name: dont have one???  84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: oo finding nemo, monsters inc, aladdin, go, sixteen candles, i have more but !!
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evil-bonched · 6 years
One day im gonna own crocs again because im GAY and I CAN BE AS TACKY AS I LIKE
0 notes
avaliveradio · 6 years
2.18 New Music Monday Hip Hop, Reggae, New Disco Power Pop, Electronic and Tech House,
Listen to the show : starts Monday 2.18.19 at 12 pm et on all broadcasting outlets including: The Anchor Fm page: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio
iHeartRadio station page : https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-AVA-Live-Radio-Musi-29336730/
The Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2toX0f3dPmI8gmUSOKZicx
New Release: OVTH
Genre: Alternative Urban Electronic
Located in: Daytona Beach
This song is... Powerful and Uplifting, a sound that blends the influences of Maynard James Keenan(A Perfect Circle, Tool), Hippie Sabotage, and Nine Inch Nails. This song is about taking action on believing in yourself over anything or anyone else. In a world of over stimulation it's songs like OVTH(pronounced "Oath") that helps us focus on whats important. https://open.spotify.com/track/3JZfrv4v9MV6ymhlarK9nk?si=UWekUDlPTn-YDDpMUq-xjw
The music we are creating is... WILLWINN is a brand in the vein of the new - promoting self authenticity, alignment, and understanding potential. This release is more connected with the energy around who WILLWINN truly is. This music, specifically the most recent EP, Blood Moon Shaman is meant to give you a feeling that maybe, just maybe magic does exist and that it's closer to us than we may think.  Taking on the direction/attitude of Shaman or Alchemist in creating music has been very interesting as it has uprooted the entire way I write music, and the entire way I look at creating it in the first place.
Right now we are... Performing at Daytona's 7th Annual Main Street Live, I'll be Live on the inside stage of Full Moon Saloon alongside Logan Downs, Beacon River Dogs, and 3Ft Offset
LINKS:  Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/willwinn/song/30415051-ovth Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/3JZfrv4v9MV6ymhlarK9nk?si=ruucviS1QN248Jr049AaQg Twitter: www.twitter.com/willwinnrules Facbook: https://www.facebook.com/willwinnofficial Instagram: www.instagram.com/willwinnofficial
Artist: Evasight New Release: Diamond Eyes
Genre: Hip Hop
Located in: Salt Lake City, Utah
This song is... about recognizing the value in everything around you, everyone around you, and most importantly self worth. After years of training, this song is entirely produced by the Evasight. It contains various classical instrumentation like piano and strings, but brings that modern sound with hiphop/trap drums.
The music we are creating is... the start to the release of an album. This debut single is part of a 12 track album that is getting ready to drop! Question is... when will be the right time? Expect more music very soon.
Right now I am... focusing on getting this music shared with the world! Also getting ready to put out a cover song very soon.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/evasight/song/30515309-diamond-eyes https://open.spotify.com/album/4UYVigrysFsptF2IwAGBbm https://www.instagram.com/eva_sight https://twitter.com/evasight https://www.facebook.com/Evasightmusic https://www.innersightmanagement.com/evasight-1
Artist: Lil Dane
New Release: Get to The Money
Genre: HipHop
This song is... this song is about motivation follow your dreams and staying true to your self never let no one tell what u can’t do anything is possible
The music we are creating is... It’s definitely catching attention to the listeners by me being a new artist in the entertainment business they seeing what type of artist i am
Right now we are... I currently working on a new ep call greatness which drops summer to
LINKS: twitter @LilDanetho Instagram LilDane__ SoundCloud Lil Dane
Artist: DJ Romestallion
New Release: #BornDay ft. AB of YH, Mr. Jet Black & Just L (Produced by Kid Flash)
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Located in: : San Francisco, California, USA
This song is... an anthem to every human being with a #BornDay aka birthday. High-energy song, that will make you dance anywhere you are at any time of the day. The one true thing we as humans can relate to, is that we all have a #BornDay and we should celebrate it every single year.
The music we are creating is... This release is very important, because this is the single from DJ Romestallion's first studio album #AOTP [ All Over The Place ] which he features artists and producers from around the world. He debuts on this album as an executive producer, songwriter and artist. This album portrays him as an overall artist to the world and we're hoping to push him as such.
Right now ... DJ Romestallion is getting prepared for this great new year and looking to shoot more videos throughout 2019.
LINKS:  Reverbnation - https://www.reverbnation.com/djromestallion/song/27747263-bornday-ft-ab-yh-mr-jet-black- Twitter - https://twitter.com/DJ_Romestallion Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dj.romestallion Instagram - www.instagram.com/dj_romestallion
Artist: Lil Alphatee
New Release: It's All Good
Genre: HipHop/Rap
Located in: : St. Louis , MO
This song was made for those fans who are or were in a relationship , where they feel or felt betrayed by their significant other. I know how that feels so that's where this song comes from, I made this song after my past relationship that I was in which is where that feeling comes from. When I finally healed from the pain , I recorded this song , in the song you can see I approach the situation as a regretful thought. Then I say "it's all good" which means I'm over the whole relationship at this point.
The music we are creating is... This song is every important to me because I realized , that the only thing I needed to focus on was my music cause that's the only thing that makes me truly happy... nothing else does except making great music.
Right now we are... I have a new 5-7 song EP im working on , joint collab tape with jay6 , and another tape with my producer stolencable
LINKS: WEBSITE: https://bookinglilalphatee.wixsite.com/alphaworld Twitter: https://twitter.com/LilAlphatee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lil_alphatee Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHsDxhHlYVbOUDLNy8e7pkQ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2TRn8dTCONIaJlTwqPEF36 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lilalpha17tee
Artist: BlackLight
New Release: Bass is Pumpin (Original Mix)
Genre: House Music | Tech House
Located in: : Omaha, NE
I am an upcoming electronic dance music producer, songwriter, & performer currently based out of Omaha, Nebraska that has an insatiable passion for creating and performing all types of electronic dance music. I go under the artist name BlackLight. I am also an avid dancer and lover of good vibes and approach songwriting, producing, and performing from this perspective and do my best to deliver good feels, good vibes, PLUR (Peace Love Unity & Respect) vibes, and dance-ability in each of my creations or performances.
My recent releases include tracks such as “Can't See In (Original Mix)”, “Tribal Jack (Original Mix)” “Deep (Original Mix)” just to mention a few and my latest upcoming release is “Bass is Pumpin (Original Mix). All are great examples of my sonic vision, kaleidoscopic vision, and style. Also, I have also started my own record label (Plurred Vision Records) and currently release my music under. Song Description: When it comes to my latest upcoming release, Bass is Pumpin (Original Mix), it is a fun, soulful, good vibes, and all around great track for the dance floor, working out, dancing in your seat, or doing whatever to! It was inspired by the Classic 80’s House Music grew up listening to in the Chicago area, mixed in with elements from 90s House Music, and some from today’s Tech House tracks. I think listeners will really enjoy the great and catchy dance beat the song has, good vibes it invokes, high & fun energy of it, danceability, and the old school/retro 80's / 90's dance music vibe.
The music we are creating is... This release is important because it provides a window of where I would like to go musically/sonically when it comes to delivering fun, feel good, high energy, good vibes, danceable, and soulful tracks /sounds that are great for dance floor, or doing whatever to.
Right now we are... I am most excited about wrapping up work on a lot of new tracks that fit my sonic vision and then releasing them in the spring along with following them up with a whole new and exciting batch! I also very excited about possibility being able to perform live this spring, summer, and fall which I am totally stoked about. One of my favorite things to do is perform live on stage and interact with the crowd and see how my music moves them. Will and if things are finalized I excitedly share the details.
LINKS: My Artist Links: Beatport link for song: https://www.beatport.com/release/bass-is-pumpin/2490568 Traxsource link for song: https://www.traxsource.com/title/1091520/bass-is-pumpin ReverbNation link for song: https://www.reverbnation.com/blacklite/song/30392982-bass-is-pumpin-original-mix  Spotify link for your song: coming on Feb. 16th Twitter address: https://twitter.com/blackliteTrance Facebook page link: https://www.facebook.com/blacklighttrance Instagram page link: http://instagram.com/blacklightedm Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/blacklighttrance YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/plurredvisionrecords Tumblr: http://blacklighttrance.tumblr.com Website: http://www.blacklightedm.com My Label (Plurred Vision Records) Links:  Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/plurred-vision-records  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlurredVisionRecords Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plurredvisionrecords Twitter: https://twitter.com/plurredvisrcrds  Tumblr: http://plurredvisionrecords.tumblr.com  Website: http://www.plurredvisionrecords.com  Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/plurredvisionrecords Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4GoCR0cSV4uOMulnVSWd5h  Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user50640479  Digg: http://digg.com/u/PlurredVisionRecords  MySpace: https://myspace.com/plurredvisionrecords
Artist: Sound Machine (Artist : Sunil Bhatia) New Release: Gamma
Genre: Electronic Dance Music
Located in: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
The song has a latin 80s flavor with a danceable beat that reminds you of Summers in Miami. Perfect to shake off those cold winter blues.
This song is... This is the second track from the second album by Sound Machine created with the elements of Electronic, Techno and Symphonic Music. It may fall in the genres of Club/Lounge and Dance Music.
The music we are creating is... This is a faster track and may well connect with its listeners in the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) Category.
Right now we are... Am working on some more tracks as part of this album with vocals.
LINKS:  Reverbnation : https://www.reverbnation.com/sunilbhatia/song/30344202-gamma-edm Spotify : Currently not available in India Twitter : https://twitter.com/sunilbhatia Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/YoursMusically Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sonu.sunil.bhatia
Artist: Zaxoff
New Release: Saxtech
Genre: Techno Dance
Located in: : Sion Switzerland
This music is a part of a dream come true. I am really happy to realize this dream of making cool live music. I was influenced by an artist "Yannick Barman" who makes live music with his trumpet, a computer and a microphone. I had never seen her and I was so impressed that I wanted to do it my way. During a long processes I learned for myself how to make electronic music first on tablet and then on computer this music is cool but I do not use my last knowledge which is the live looping.
This song is important because it is how I discovered my possibilities in terms of Live Production. It is necessary that I record my screen when I do this to be able to show to the world of the web how I proceed.
Right now … I'm working on a Free Energy project
LINKS:  https://exit.sc/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fzaxoff.bandcamp.com%2Ftrack%2Fzaxoff-saxtech www.twitter.com/zaxoff www.facebook.com/djzaxoff www.instagram.com/zax_off
Artist: Emeefreda New Release: God of Bad boys and girls Genre: Reggae
Located in: : Nigeria
This song is... Emee(Freda Francis) is an instrumentalist, song writer, composer, inspirational singer and one time most Talented model of the year 2013, a reality TV show organize By Deji Bakere former Mr Nigeria(D bats) in collaboration with Silver bird TV, the award was a recognition of both her music and modeling Talent. Emee is grounded with music experience as she studied music technology, after which she proceeded to the African Shrine managed By the Afrobeat Star Femi Kuti, son of the Afrobeat legend Fela Anikulapko Kuti as a backup singer and Dancer, she performed with the Robots band and was featured at the industry night, later on the band splitted. Emee's consistency in the music world has recorded two singles in 2015, titled Peace and Confession, produced by TSNARE(Thunder Snare Empire). The song " God of Bad boys and girls" is yet another, inspired by God's Love, Compassion, Mercy and Kindness towards mankind. Solely Dedicated To God Almighty for indeed He Doesn't call the Qualify but Qualifies the called.
The music we are creating is... As humans, we have sin and fallen short of God's Glory, we have knowingly and unknowingly gone astray in the course of chasing our lives (destiny, dreams, desires etc) and this as in turn hindered us from moving forward unknowing to us in trying to unlock our ways again, we go round roaming in confusion in search for redemption, some of us have even gone as far as gone lost in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment again.The song "God of Bad boys and girls" is simply reminding us that "SALVATION"(answers)we need is tied to Acknowledging Our faults to the Most High, with an Understanding that None is perfect, neither Most Holy as Humans But Grace has Granted us Redemption through the sacrifice paid By The son of God(Jesus Christ).
Right now we are... By His Grace, I'm very thankful for the privilege t o be working on another single that we currently recording with the hope of shooting a follow up video soon.thank you
LINKS: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4HT9WU84wXpx2zdXrRzPmc, Twitter:https://Twitter.com/Emeefreda2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Emee-434218866678349 Instagram: https://Instagram.com/iamemee
Artist: Elisabeth Grey
New Release: You've got to grow
Genre: Disco
Located in: : The Netherlands
This song is... : this song is very contagious, gives you a cheerful summer feeling. It makes you happy and it stays with you. if you like dancing, this is a goog song for moving your body
The music we are creating is... : We created this song together with a very beautifull clip and we are ready to show it to the world.
Right now we are...: right now we are recording a new uplifting song, that will be released very soon
LINKS: Website: http://elisabethgrey.com Videoclip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7dKqDdhg74 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisabethgreyofficial https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhPjrV5cn1OWhRPzZEwaRn6TTEAN
Artist: Charleesa (pronounced Shar-leesa)
New Release: Powerhouse
Genre: Pop - PowerPop, PosiPop, SoulfulPop, RetroStyle, FunkyDIscoPop, SInger Songwriter
Located in: Vienna, Austria - British Born
This song is... Motivating, Inspiring, Positive, SingerSongwriter Pop, Soul & Genre Fusion for the debut album - Eclectic & Diverse - No boxes please. 'Powerhouse' : An empowering song with strengthening lyrics, soulfully delivered vocals & syncronised with the sounds of retro 70's funky disco style vibes - this one will really get your groove on! A great anthem for winter.
Right now we are... Alongside the release of my third single 'Powerhouse' taken from my debut album that I am currently recording, I also had my first official lyric video created which will be available on YouTube. I have recently started a new weekly feature on my Instagram IGTV channel, my Facebook page & my YouTube channel that I titled, Charleesa's 'Bedroom Studio Sessions' - you can watch me perform songs in the videos every Saturday afternoon & get an insight into my studio stage space where I practice for gigs, work on new songs & studio recordings for my album. I plan to finish my album and release it in May 2019, then of course I plan to go on tour during the summer with some amazing artists..... but for more information on that you will have to sign up to my 'Treasured members area' on the homepage of my website or follow me on social media.
LINKS:  http://bit.ly/CharleesaSpotify http://bit.ly/CharleesaFB http://bit.ly/CharleesaIG http://bit.ly/CharleesaWebsite or www.charleesa.com
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Episode 1 Confessionals
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This is an interesting tribe. I feel at a bit of an advantage being that I am already in games and at the same tribe as some of the people on my tribe right now, I just hope this doesn't turn into a total fuck fest.
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SO, My BFFL Ryan is on my tribe and im so excited. I know i can trust him with everything. I'm literally meeting him in 3 weeks irl so yeah lol. DO NOT EVER SEPARATE US. Anyways, I know jordan pines from India survivor and he's ok. I don;t think i'd ever trust him, but i have nothing against him. I know he pretty pushy in games. I know Jay because he's host me like 2 or 3 times in tumblr and that's scary because he saw how i play and how dangerous my connections and social game can be. Hopefully he takes it as well she's trustworthy so i'll work with her. Who knows. I know Jay and Jordan knows Ryan and I are friends too so that is dangerous. Ryan said he knows emma and can get her with us so that be baller. I'm going to try to make some more friends.
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AAAAAAAAAAAAA. It started. Right away I felt a connection with Eric, Carson, and Zachary. I'm hoping I can be more strategic in this season than in Azores. Hoping to find myself in a majority alliance soon. Also all the returning players on my tribe are so good like 1st, 2nd, and 4th. Go them! Hope that they can teach me some tricks at how to play better.
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I love my tribe! Jay n Luke n Emma n Jordan are my faves so far also
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Okay so i'm back as one of the eight returnees, and i'm excited. I placed second in Bahamas, and i'm planning on making it to day 39 again but this time... actually winning. HOW ICONIC. WIG! Regarding like game-related talk, i'll just go through a first impressions type thing and just ramble I guess. So first, we have Bryce. He's someone I didn't know prior to this game, but he is a returnee. I kind of clicked with him at the start... and I do kind of want to have this unspoken truce between the returnees for the most part so that the newbies don't gather together and pick us off one by one. I don't have much to say about him to be honest. Carson, another returnee. I REALLY love Carson, and i'm glad we're reunited. We have only ever played one game together, and we weren't on the same side (he voted me out at final five rip). However, as he's one of the few that I know, i'm really excited to actually work with him. In addition, he's really social with me and I feel like our conversations aren't at all fake, but more genuine, and I like that. Charlotte. We are in two games together, this and Kuang Si (TS season). Although I don't think we're super close right now, I do want to work with her for various reasons. I trust her to an extent, and she is a returnee as well. However, i'm a little threatened cause she is a winner and she seems to do really good in various survivor orgs, so that's something to watch out for. Chris. I talked to him not once. I think i'll worry more though when it's appropriate, but he's definitely on the outs for me. Perhaps he talks to others more though. Next is Eric. I knew of him before this game started, but not really. We are, like Charlotte, in two games together, but we're not working together in either. However, I do like him and maybe him and I will forge a bond, but i'm not expecting much. I'll probably just try to make him a puppet of mine (it won't work likely hehe) Katie. Katie is my favourite newbie. Like, entirely I don't know her AT ALL, but she's really social and I like that. She's also competing hard and putting in effort in the immunity, which is respectable. I feel like she's someone that will go really deep in the game, so I would like to work with her but i'll probably try to get her out early jury. Lastly, but not at all least, is Willow. Her and I have a little history. She flipped and betrayed me in a game, but then again I never spoke to her so aJSFDKGFl. I know all my friends LOVE LOVE LOVE her so I am wanting to work with her all the way. I will die for her tbh. She's a sweetheart and I think her and I connect. Overall, I think im well situated with the cast, but you never know! Whew
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Wow hi this confessional is long overdue but I've been super busy but I have some time let's GO!  I'm just gonna do a tribe analysis because why not: Adam: I've probably talked to him the least out of everybody but what conversation we have had has been nice. Nothing much else to say. Emily: Jordan says that he thinks he could potentially get her to work with us which is cool. I talked to her a little bit and idk she seems kind of difficult to talk to? Like the conversation all felt very weird to me but I guess we'll see how that goes. Jay: So Jay is a winner like me which is great because I was super nervous about being the only returning winner on my tribe so it's comforting that he's here but I think out of the two of us that I'm the winner that's more likely to be targeted. I think an alliance between me, him and Jordan is in the works so that's fun. Jordan: Okay so Jordan seemed super stoked to see me on this tribe since we haven't played together since Westeros happened. He immediately proposed an alliance of me, him and Jay with Willa on the side which I am fine with because we would have the numbers to at least tie a vote if it ends up being returnees vs. newbies but we'll see. Jordan also asked for a final 2 but I'm not going to the final 2 with Jordan, no way. He thinks he can trust me but I'm going to be the one holding the knife behind his back waiting to strike. Lexi: Lexi seems lovely! We talked the first day and the conversation flowed really well and she seems awesome. Jay says that he thinks Lexi could be the key we need to avoid a tie vote at tribal council because he hosted her in India. Since she is also a winner of an ORG I think we could rope her in since the newbies might see her as a threat so we'll see. Ryan: I haven't talked to him much, he seems nice and our first conversation was about food which is my greatest interest so that was iconic. I think I'd be interested in working with him down the line but we'll see how that goes! Willa: WILLA! I think Willa is awesome, I just hosted him in Forbidden Forest and whilst he didn't do well, I know how he plays because I hosted him. I also think that my connection with his boyfriend Kai will be enough for him to trust me. He already said he wants a new Kai that can be social for him and I offered up since I'm British and about as close to Kai as you can get since I was accused of catfishing as him lmfao. I think I can use Willa as a number more than anything. PS: this confessional made me realise how much i say "we'll see how it goes" 
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I have nothing interesting to report yet. Everyone seems nice so it won't be fun if we have to vote someone out this week. Hard pass.
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I WANT AN ALLIANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I was picked a lot for the draft- nice.
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I wasn't picked at all for the draft- sad.
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Being that I want an alliance and I really don't care if I do bad because it's just a game, I am going to be straightforward and completely different from how I played previous seasons. Hopefully it works out for me, but I want someone who I can trust as much as they can trust me.
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I'm back!!! yeah. basically, everyone i know is on the other tribe which is really ugly but its fine i guess i can make new friends/relationships/etc. i used jessy to bond with katie, so we have each other's backs, also i know zach from other games so i obv asked to work with him so we can work together and take over!! [8/30/2017 5:07:00 PM] zachary rae: is this the carson [8/30/2017 5:07:07 PM] zachary rae: like the carson that voted me out in las vegas and RUINED my dreams [8/30/2017 5:07:17 PM] carson: god... [8/30/2017 5:07:18 PM] carson: SDKJSDJK [8/30/2017 5:07:23 PM] zachary rae: ASJFKDGF [8/30/2017 5:07:26 PM] zachary rae: a tragic memory [8/30/2017 5:07:29 PM] zachary rae: how’re you long time No seeeeEe [8/30/2017 5:07:30 PM] carson: don't bring up las vegas that's ugly [8/31/2017 4:19:38 PM] carson: DSKJSDKJSD I KNOW [8/31/2017 4:19:39 PM] carson: i guessed [8/31/2017 4:19:41 PM] carson: ichinca?? [8/31/2017 4:19:44 PM] carson: i think its called [8/31/2017 4:19:47 PM] carson: we have to like... [8/31/2017 4:19:55 PM] carson: separate which ones are valid and which ones aren't god [8/31/2017 4:20:10 PM] zachary rae: so i just pick a random town or campsite [8/31/2017 4:20:12 PM] zachary rae: and "search" [8/31/2017 4:20:37 PM] carson: yeah [8/31/2017 4:20:40 PM] carson: and its once per round [8/31/2017 4:21:19 PM] carson: also idk if this is too quick but i know u and trust u so do u wanna work together kdssjk [8/31/2017 4:21:38 PM] zachary rae: oh god this idol gonna TAKE FOREVER [8/31/2017 4:21:42 PM] zachary rae: and AJSFDGK yes [8/31/2017 4:21:52 PM] zachary rae: i dont know like anyone really either and im aware of u so like [8/31/2017 4:21:55 PM] carson: god YES skjska [8/31/2017 4:21:55 PM] zachary rae: obviously im ont going to vote u out [8/31/2017 4:22:01 PM] carson: i wont vote u out either <3 [8/31/2017 4:22:03 PM] carson: I'm worried about [8/31/2017 4:22:08 PM] carson: half returnees half newbies [8/31/2017 4:22:19 PM] carson: like i feel like they could just team up?? but i don't rlly know the otherreturnees dskjsdkjs [8/31/2017 4:23:06 PM] zachary rae: AKFSDLG [8/31/2017 4:23:11 PM] zachary rae: yeah i like the returnees for the most part [8/31/2017 4:23:15 PM] zachary rae: like charlotte [8/31/2017 4:23:22 PM] zachary rae: but im also worried that the newbies will team up too and [8/31/2017 4:23:23 PM] zachary rae: yikes [8/31/2017 4:24:29 PM] carson: yeah I like charlotte/Bryce but sKJSDKJ [8/31/2017 4:24:36 PM] carson: i feel like I'm too into it i don't wanna eb hyper strateigc [8/31/2017 4:24:53 PM] zachary rae: yes yes i talked to bryce too [8/31/2017 4:24:56 PM] zachary rae: they seem nice! [8/31/2017 4:24:57 PM] zachary rae: and ASJFKDG [8/31/2017 4:25:04 PM] zachary rae: dont worry i literally am here ot have fun so like [8/31/2017 4:25:10 PM] zachary rae: if u wanna strategize im all ears [8/31/2017 4:25:14 PM] carson: I KNOW i just wanted a fun experience bc when i played [8/31/2017 4:25:17 PM] carson: challengers vs champions the main ssn [8/31/2017 4:25:19 PM] carson: i got way too into it [8/31/2017 4:25:24 PM] carson: and didn't rlly have fun?? [8/31/2017 4:25:41 PM] carson: but we gotta make up for las vegas so lets do this bitch sdjsdjk woo. those are the core 2 im planning on working with, but i definitely like bryce and wanna work with him. i want a returnees alliance just so we dont ge tpicked off, so that forces me to work with charlotte who i dont.. hate?? idk im still getting a feel for her. so, that leaves eric/willow/chris. willow sends like.. super long responses which i kinda wanna vote her out just so i dont have to send paragraphs to reply to someone, but she at least talks and is fun to talk to. chris talks the least out of those 3.. we've barely talked but i just used me knowing jenna/adam/jenn to bond with him bc he played egypt. hes ok?? i should talk to him mroe i guess. and eric.. idk i dont really like talking to eric. it sounds mean but its just the truth hes not that fun to talk to and ehes just rlly naive i guess. but i do know him from other places so i feel like he WOULD trust me. so, between those 3, my order of voting them out would probably be.. chris > eric > willow which is fine i guess?? i kinda like this tribe. also willow said compared to others i talk a lot even though we've had like 5 conversations, and i forgot that side seasons arent supposed to be as serious, so i gotta tone it down!! but.. still in this seaosn i wanna try controlling/doing good/etc in stuff and not be a wishy washy bitch. as well, in this scavenger hunt... im not as much as use with these items so im hoping our tribe does better. eric isnt rlly helping that much so if we lose, i think i would go after him over chris PURELY bc it would be easiest to rally other people against, so im hoping we win so i dont have to do that! also, i dont wanna get hte most or the least, so im gonna try and use my social game to keep me in a good place as of now, and form bonds with the returnees+ katie.
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At least I'm not first boot like robbed Zoe.
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So, we won by a landslide. I mean, I would consider it a landslide. It kind of sucks that they had two people not submit for them though .. it puts them at a huge disadvantage. Thankfully, Ulta was here to Play. So far everyone seems nice enough, which I've said before, so I don't really have any thoughts or anything Problematic to say. Stay Tuned. PS: Earning 193 points on my own might put a target on my head... but I'm hoping time will show that I am a flop and this was simply a fluke. 
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Ugh I'm doing so bad socially. I only click with carson I need to step it up. But i send messages and they give such disinterested response but ill be persistent
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whats a Cordillera
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carverhawke · 7 years
HI IM THAT ANON FROM A WHILE BACK AND IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND BUT I JUST READ THE NEWEST CHAPTERS. I'm so stoked with what just happened in the crown and the flame I think I'm going to be putting it on pause till I get the 19 gems I need. I didn't expect Jackson to be interested in Dom but I'm so happy they made it turn out like this! I'm really happy about it. Also, in response to your last response, I've never thought of Zig and Chris, but that's super A+. (Part 1)
Ben is super cool too! I was considering pursuing a relationship with him till Leah popped up. When love hacks is over I'll probably go back and pursue him as well. I've definitely felt scummy for not choosing some options too, I didn't have enough to bring Lia with me so I hope she's okay. (Part 2, final part)
yeah i didnt expect it either! i was so excited, i always liked jackson even tho he usually isnt around too much and i really wanted dom to have a  male love interest like....pixelberry is Consistently making my bisexual dreams come true and i love them........but there was no way i could naturally accumulate the diamonds i needed for that so i spent real human money to bang jackson like this app officially owns my ass lmaoo. but yeah i started thinking about them in book 3 bc they really connected and shit then they revealed zig was my bisexual king and it kind of went into overdrive bc i was like....shit its possible
yeah i was really considering dating leah too, but the pull of ben was just too much lmao. but i’ll probably do the same thing with leah once lovehacks ends, i really like her. and am i the only one who cant take keo 100% seriously bc he looks just like the rock lmao??
butYEAH some of those diamond options....they’re just too Much........if u give me a choice of literally saving someone’s life or saving 25 diamonds im taking the diamonds lmfao, all yall in this game can guilt me as much as u want but unless you’re willing to spend a little dont bother me (meaning my and everyone else’s ass is about to be Dead in endless summer). im just lucky crown and the flame still lets u succeed without spending anything, tho i DID have just enough for lia so for once i splurged. it helped that i felt extra guilty about leaving her lmao. shes rly cute tho and her friendship w raydan is great. but god my one nightmare is having to get married in rules of engagement in the lbd bc i sure as SHIT am not buying any clothes lmao (HOWEVER the crown and the flame shirt in endless summer 2 is tempting me an alarming amount)
but shit bitch speaking of endless summer book 2 has me fucked UP.........i love michelle even more now and you Know those idols are gonna go for 12-17 diamonds each and i am afraid...i might buy one or two depending on the character (MY WIFE QUINN, and also my son craig) but god all yall are gonna be dead im so sorry lmfao
anyway i talk too much oops. how do u like all the new chapters? my ass is still excited for the sophomore lmao, and im excited to see what they come up with after crown and the flame ends!
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