#i love yanjun ugh
evaninepercent · 6 years
Lin Yanjun ( Harry Potter AU)
 Lin Yanjun x OC au!
In which Lin Yanjun is a Slytherin and you are a Hufflepuff, but you both fall in love despite your differences
You’re a reserved hufflepuff and he’s a sarcastic flirt, but, oh well.
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here’s the hp au i’ve been waiting to write forever
bc im a sucker for hp aus
anyway let’s start the story shall we
let’s just say lin yanjun left the biggest impression on possibly everyone on the very first day all of you shy first years stepped into Hogwarts
everyone of you were huddled together, terrified and robes sopping wet bc the giant squid was having a bad day
and the atmosphere was tense and silent
until Professor McGonagall snapped
“ Please be quiet, Mr Lin!”
bc Yanjun was helluva excited on his first boat ride and wouldn’t stop chatting to his newfound friend which you would later know as You Zhangjing
you would expect him to clam up and duck his head in shame
but instead he lifted his head higher and flashed the most charming smile at the older lady and said-
“ you look absolutely gorgeouuss today, professor!”
fyi he would’ve have drained his house from their hard-earned marks if he wasn’t unsorted
but you were pretty sure he was the first student in Hogwarts to use the flirting technique on a professor bc you swore you caught a hint of flush on Professor McGonagall’s pale cheeks
thus everyone immediately dubbed the pretty dimpled asian boy as a Gryffindor
so all of you were shooketh af when the Sorting Hat screamed ‘Slytherin’ at the top of its lungs the moment it touched his head
fast forward to the present
you were a bashful daydreamer of the house of Hufflepuff
and Yanjun was the hopeless flirt of Slytherin
you didnt like Yanjun bc
he flirts with everybody
his friends, the professors, every single girl he makes eye contact with
you even saw him flirting with Moaning Myrtle once
granted, she probably enjoyed it, but still-
it was also a well-known fact that the first resort to getting him and his gang out of shit was with his flirting
and you even don’t know if its because he’s actually convincing or its just his handsome face doing the work
but it works almost every single time
though, you didnt have personal experience with his flirting until your sixth year
bc you were doing your best to avoid him lmao
but alas
guess who got paired up with you in potions
the one and only lin yanjun
you can only look tearfully at your best friend Linong as he paired up with somebody else
anyway the first few weeks were absolutely terrible
he wouldn’t stop flirTING WITH YOU
“ did someone cast expelliarmus? because you got me completely disarmed.”
as much as Hufflepuffs are known for their cinnamon roll traits
you really wanted to strangle him so he can stfu
cue Linong shooting you worried glances everytime yanjun opens his mouth
and one day you just lose it
“ can you please just shut up? you’re irritating the heck out of me!”
which is really an ouch, but a girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do
the whole class falls silent bc you?? the shy sweet hufflepuff?? is yelling at the Lin Yan Jun?? gasPP
you were half expecting yanjun to retort with some snarky ass rebuttal but he just stares at you with his wide round eyes and for the first time in history, looks ashamed of himself
“ im sorry, y/n.” he said, twiddling nervously with his robes. “ i didnt mean to make you uncomfortable.”
and the guilt kicks you hard in the stomach bc you didn’t have to be so harsh omg
anyway one Potions class and a deduction of marks from Hufflepuff later ( bc of your misconduct) you dashed out in embarrassment without even waiting for Linong so you can hide in the deepest parts of the library and drown yourself in shame and self-hate
how are you going to face your Hufflepuff friends?? your parents?? lin yanjun??
anxiety at its finest
but just when you’re about to literally entomb yourself in the library you glance up and meet eyes with the person you were abt to avoid your whole life aka yanjun
like holy shit how did he know you were here 
he gives you this anxious look before he scooted closer and sits down right next to you
then he gives you a handful of sugared butterfly wings
his sudden act sorta rendered you speechless and he mistook your silence for anger so he started to grow frantic and was like “ linong said you liked this candy and i just happen to have them but if you don’t like it i can always get you something else-”
you had to spend a whole five minutes convincing him that you were really just shooked bc who knew the flirtatious troublemaker could be so considerate?
and because you were pretty rude too, you gave him a small note of apology and a packet of your favorite toffees from the muggle world
you swore you’ve never seen him smile brighter
after that things turned out for the better between you and yanjun
he didn’t flirt with you anymore and he was actually really nice and soft?? which you didn’t realize before bc you were too blinded by your prejudice
and you even started to like yanjun and the both of you would even hang out occasionally after classes
you even found out that both of you had similar interests, like a passion for trying out new sweets and reading poems
cue you and yanjun scaring the living hell out of everybody when yall consumed pepper imps that one time in the cafeteria
both of you are the power team at potions bc who knew polar opposites could get along so well
you became one of his closest friends and even got along relatively well with his buddies
but ofc how could you forget you best friend linong, who has been by your side and cheered you up since childhood
and because you and linong have known one another for almost your whole lives you were just naturally affectionate with each other
and it just so happened that Yanjun caught Linong and you being really close and his heart just shattered when Linong reached out to squish your cheeks while you grinned up at the taller boy
the next time you had Potions you notice Yanjun being abnormally quiet so ofc you prod at him to tell you why
“ its nothing, really.” he mumbled, busying himself with cutting the ingredients.
“ oh c’mon, yanjun. just tell me!” and after much cajoling from you he finally gives in
“ its just that,” he said slowly, avoiding eye contact, “ you never told me that you and linong were an item.”
you gape at him for like 3 seconds straight before letting out an uncharacteristic snort bc no Linong is like a brother to me and besides?? he ald has a Ravenclaw girlfriend
yanjun is half relieved and half flustered bc there goes his efforts on hiding his 3 year long crush on you that stemmed and only bloomed ever since he first saw you comforting a first year who got nearly got hexed
so he can only just stare at you as he lets the blush creep up his face until you added-
“ besides,” you said, getting your courage from nowhere, “ I like guys like you.”
later on linong would tell you how yanjun’s grin was the literal epitome of the sun and swore to you up and down that he has never witnessed someone’s eyes sparkle so bright
anyhow for that day onwards you both were officially a couple
you relationship= forehead pecks, cringey but appreciated pickup lines, debates on the best Bertie Bott’s Jellybeans flavor,warm cuddles and soft passionate kisses in the library
also you both constantly friendly battle one another on who gets the better score in potions and if any of you are lacking in a certain aspect you would help each other out
throughout your relationship you would find out more endearing things about one another, like how yanjun flirts mainly bc it makes him more confident and also gives him a certain sense of accomplishment and how you cannot really hate someone bc its just in your nature
which really makes you both love each other more
ever since you both started your relationship yanjun stopped flirting as a whole and although Moaning Myrtle would be a little upset she’s actually pretty glad bc she’s lowkey done with all his starry-eyed gaze whenever he looks at you for the duration where she might have stalked him
count on linong and yanjun’s gang to support your relationship from the sidelines
yanjun is there to speak up for you when you lack the courage to do so yourself and you’re always there to have his back when he starts to doubt himself
a couple that would fight for each other
couple goalsTM
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
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96xfm · 6 years
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躺在你学校的操场看星空 教室里的灯还亮着你没走 记得我写给你的情书 都什么年代了 到现在我还在写着 ♡
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prettyzhengting · 6 years
Imperfect Love feels like Yanjun just wrapped you up in a warm hug
it’s raining outside and you’re watching the drops on the window while wrapped in a warm blanket and drinking hot cocoa with the person you love ♡
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honeyforzhixie · 6 years
yanjun you aesthetic bastard ily
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linyanjun8 · 6 years
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dearlinong · 4 years
promposal ; cai xukun
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(a/n: hello! so this is my first scenario after coming back on this account and it’s gonna be a xukun one! i’ve just been getting some xukun feels bc i really miss him with the nine percent boys :( and seeing him on youth with you as a pd really made me so happy and want nine percent to have a reunion once youth with you ends bc let’s face it iqiyi treated nine percent like shit. okay enough rambling. i hope you enjoy this scenario as much as i did!)
genre: fluff
requested: nope
it’s currenty prom season in your high school
almost all of your friends were being asked out to prom
of promposing to thier crushes
but sadly no one was asking you out to prom yet
so you told your friends how you felt so insecure about yourself that no one wanted to become your prom date
and they were all like
“yeah she’s right!”
“y/n don’t think that no one likes you just because you don’t have a prom date yet! we’re here and we love you so much!”
i mean
they’re right
so you brush that shit off your mind and just went to your lunch table with your other friends
sitting there was zhengting, ziyi, yanjun and xukun
speaking of xukun
you and xukun have this kind of thing where you like him and he likes you as well but you two just aren’t ready to tell each other
does that make sense ???
that all your friends know too
they’re all basically pushing both of you to confess to one another
but again
yall are just not ready for that shit
so okay back to eating lunch
you heard your friends say something to zhengting which made him laugh
you wanted to ask what was up but you were too invested in drinking your chocolate milk
it was then you heard yanjun say out loud for you to EXTRA hear it
“uhm, i dont know why your have to shout, but no i haven’t asked anyone yet.”
he then looked at you after saying that
but internally tho
you blushed so hard people would think that someone slapped you
the school bell rang signaling that it was time to go home
you were already ready to go home but your friends keep on making banters
you just seriously just want to go home
“oh no! i left my headband in the gym! lets go back and get it.”
“can’t we do it tomorrow?” :((
“UGHHHH FINE! but after that can we just please go home already”
“yeah sure thing”
next thing you know they’re running as fast as they can to the gym
as you were walking towards the gym you hear faint music from the inside
hmm maybe the cheerleading team decided to practice today
but to your surprise when the gym doors opened
candles were scattered all over the floor
and rose petals too
you see ziyi, zhengting and yanjun holding a bouquet your favorite flowers
they all slowly went towards you and gave you the flowers
you wanted to smack all of them but your hands were full
so they got away this time
at this point you knew what was happening
and you are LITERALLY blush so hard
you then see xukun enter the gym from the back door holding a sign that says
“hey! i like you too, so will you go out with me to prom with me?”
before you could even answer yes to him you laughed at the fact that he had to erase go out with me and write go to prom with me instead kanfkjsnskjf
anyways after laughing for a good 10 seconds you finally answer him
“of course, i would love to go to prom with you.”
all of our friends were a mess when they heard it and almost knocked out all the candles on the floor
xukun then smiled at you pulled you towards him and kissed your forehead
you could not be any more happy than this
“oh and btw i would also love to go out with you.” you said smiling
which made xukun smile so much
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zhenning · 5 years
Hey! I hope I’m not bothering you with this ask but I know nothing about cpop? Could you perhaps introduce me to your fav groups? I’ve listened to some Unine songs and wow it’s so good!!
you’re not bothering me at all! I always feel like the cop community is so small, so I’m always happy when more people show interest ^^ a lot of these groups have members that put out their own solo music as well, so if you ever want to know more I’d recommend searching up the members individually too. and I’m always here to help if you find yourself doing down a rabbit hole or need more sources!
some of my favorite groups/artists are:
unine — 9 member boy group formed through the survival program qing chun you ni (idol producer s2). also where my two favorite boys reside: li zhenning, yao mingming
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mr. tyger — all their music is great and on spotify so I highly recommend you check them out! 
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oner — bops, and then more bops! I really like there more chill songs. 
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nine percent (miss them) also a 9 member boy group that was formed on the first season of idol producer. they’ve since disbanded after the contract term ended but we love them nonetheless. most of them either now promote within their own respective groups or are putting out solo music so I recommend checking out the individual members too: Lin Yanjun, xiagui, Chen Linong, Cai Xukun, fan chengcheng, Zhu Zhengting, huang Justin, you zhangjing, wang ziyi)
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NEXT/NEX7 — our favorite yuehua boys
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BlackACE — ummm no one talks about them and this makes me sad. they were also formed a survival program, a lesser known one called all for one
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R1SE — speaking of groups formed on underrated survival programs…R1SE deserves so much more love. 11 membered boy group formed on the show Produce Camp 2019
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WAYV — Chinese NCT subunit
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core one — 4 membered boy group under SONY’s music label
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MR-X — mavericks really just ditched them I swear, ugh I miss my babies. 
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tangram — I don’t follow them closely but they have some bops
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uniq — rip uniq, they haven’t had a group comeback in so long, but all their members are doing individual things or in different groups (from successful survival show appearances), they have a mix of both chinese (li wenhan, wang yibo, zhou yixuan) and korean members (cho seungyoun, kim sungjoo)
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ok these two aren’t a group but I love them so I’m including them (they’re from the same company though): zhou yanchen (left) and zhu xingjie (right)
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yanjuniverse · 5 years
First Kiss - Fan Chengcheng/Huang Justin Imagine
Fan Chengcheng would like to get one thing straight before he starts things off: he is not a pervert. He doesn’t want anyone to listen to whatever the hell Justin Huang has to say - the kid probably still wets the bed. So what if he can’t peel his eyes away from the television screen during sex scenes or the out right whine he lets out when Ziyi skips through them. So what if he can’t help it if he pauses for a moment in the doorway when he catches his two bandmates in a steamy make out session on the couch (if they don’t want to be caught, they would’ve taken it somewhere else, right?).
He’s 19, dammit. Let him be curious.
It’s not his fault that he’s never laid his lips upon anyone else’s except maybe his little cousins who find the need to always leave snotty kisses on his face and the cute puppies that come in and out of his dorm. It’s not his fault that he spent the first half of his life in hiding and the second part training to be an idol. He’s just never found the time to go out and look for romance. He has an excuse to be the way he is.
So yeah, maybe he is a little jealous when he finds out his band leader Zhu Zhengting gets to mess around with the Cai Xukun. Maybe he is a little irritated when he sees Zhangjing sneak a kiss to Yanjun. But the one thing he will admit to being angry about is when Justin comes bounding into their room talking about how he had his first kiss when he was only ten years old.
Ten is a bit too young, Chengcheng thinks. Ten year olds should be worried about crayons and action figures and barbie dolls - not kissing. And the sudden outburst of information makes Zhengting, who is in their room for once and not with Xukun, all but choke on his drink.
“Why the sudden confession?” Zhengting asks.
“Because Linong told me that one of us in this room still hasn’t had their first kiss,” he smirks, eyes evilly pointed towards Chengcheng, who instantly feels his stomach fall out of his ass.
“Chengcheng?” Fuck, Chengcheng really hates when Zhengting uses that voice with him. Usually, he ends the conversation with pinched red cheeks and messy hair. “You’ve never had your first kiss?” Zhengting coos. “Aw, baby!”
“I’m not a baby!” he cries out. “And who the hell are you to be spreading my business like this?” he points his finger accusingly at Justin.
“You’re the one who always goes around calling me a virgin!” Justin fights back, once again causing Zhengting to squeal.
“Fan Chengcheng!” he gasps.
“Well he is!” Chengcheng rolls his eyes.
“He should be!” Zhengting snaps. Justin is only seventeen and the last thing Zhengting wants his seventeen year old son to be doing is sinning.
“At least I had my first kiss!” Justin teases again, sticking his tongue out.
Chengcheng decides that he’s had enough and jumps down from his top bunk on an actual mission to kill Justin (he means it this time. He can do prison time. Him and Linkai watched a Youtube video on how to make a knife out if a toothbrush last week and he’s sure he could use his status as Fan Bingbing’s little brother to his advantage in prison. He’s watched enough Orange is the New Black for this. He’s ready). But before he can, Justin is running down the hall screaming for Ziyi (the one person Chengcheng is sure could kick his ass and wouldn’t regret it) and Zhengting is high tailing it behind the rest of them to make sure his children don’t get blood on the carpets he just had deep cleaned at the beginning of the week.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, where’s the fire?” Ziyi asks as Justin ducks behind him.
“Let me kill him! We could sacrifice him to the gods! He’s a fucking virgin and that has to go for something!” Chengcheng shouts from behind Xukun, who had also come out from his room to see what all the noise is about, as if it’s the most sane thing in the world to say.
“I’m a child of God!” Justin retorts. Chengcheng knows he’s not. Justin just wants to make the others feel bad for him. I mean, if a little church boy came screaming devil to you, who would you believe? “I’ve made a promise of abstinence! You haven’t even-“
“Shut up!” Chengcheng yells.
“What the hell is going on?!” Yanjun groans, eyes piercing as he opens the door of his and Zhangjing’s room. Chengcheng wants to scoff because Yanjun hasn’t been the least bit intimidating to him since he found out his favorite past time is singing Baby Shark to Zhengting’s dogs - what a fucking Virgo.
“Can’t we just put these two up for adoption already?” Zhangjing leans his head against the door. “I’m willing to pay the fee. We can easily drop them off in a box too at a church if it comes to it.”
“We are not putting my kids up for adoption,” Zhengting snaps. “If my kid goes, so does yours.”
“Like we’d give up Linong,” Zhangjing snorts, pulling the younger into his arms and rubbing his hair. “Right? We all love Nongnong!”
“Hello!” Justin is screaming again. “Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Chengcheng sits here and calls me a virgin all the time but he hasn’t even kissed somebody before!”
And, oh yeah, Chengcheng almost forgot that’s why they’re all having a meeting in the middle of the hallway.
His eyes immediately are set ablaze again. A look of realization crosses Linong’s face as Linkai all but crumbles to the ground in a fit of laughter.
“Two virgins,” he whispers. Two virgin sacrifices might just get him the Nintendo Switch he’s been begging Zhengting for for months.
Before he can jump, Zhengting and Xukun pull him back and shove them into the room all while Justin is laughing wickedly from the other side of the door.
“Cheng,” Zhengting sighs, rubbing his temples. He’s too young to be getting worry lines, he tells himself as Chengcheng throws himself onto Xukun’s bed. “You cannot threaten to sacrifice people.”
“Well why not?” he snipes. “You let Justin and Linong get away with everything! Just admit it,” he crosses his arms, “you like to pick favorites.”
“I don’t-“
“Yes you do,” Xukun replies as he falls onto Ziyi’s now unoccupied bed. “You pick Justin over Chengcheng all the time.”
Chengcheng gestures towards the boy wildly. “See! Told you!” he says.
Zhengting shuts his eyes. “Maybe it’s because they don’t threaten human sacrifice every time something doesn’t go their way, you Satanic spawn.”
“Have you even read up on Satanism? It’s not as scary as you think.”
Zhengting only blinks at him. For a second, he ponders going down this road and talking to Chengcheng about weird conspiracies that sometimes leave the younger one so shaken, he has to crawl into bed with him or else he’ll get nightmares. But Zhengting takes one glance at Xukun and remembers that he has to punish him for defying him (or tickle him until he screams mercy and deny him kisses until he’s on his knees before the older and kissing other-)
“Ge!” Zhengting shakes his head and looks back at Chengcheng. Ugh, why can’t these children just behave long enough for him to get some decent loving around here? Zhengting looks back and forth between the two before Chengcheng huffs, blowing his bangs out of his eyes. “Are you seriously going to punish me? Justin was the one who told everyone my deepest darkest secret. I haven’t even told anyone about that one time we-“ Chengcheng stops suddenly as Zhengting gives him an expectant look.
“We?” he raises his eyebrows.
Chengcheng shakes his head before he tells Zhengting about the one time when he was seventeen and Justin was fifteen and they snuck into a nightclub. He may be mad but not mad enough to kill the captain of the ship as well. “Not the point. The point is that you’re yelling at me when we should be yelling at him!” he cries out, deflating against Xukun. “You’re my favorite parent now.”
“I think I’ll pass,” he grimaces, pushing Chengcheng away.
The youngest one pouts and stands up. “I hate this family. I’m going to tell Wenjun to take me back. Tell him I was lying when I said this new family is was better than the old one because we don’t have to deal with Zeren’s bullshit here.” Chengcheng turns on his feet, waiting for Zhengting to protest and call him dramatic. He stands at the door and wonders why he hasn’t said anything only to turn back and see Xukun crawling next to Zhengting in bed. Whores, he rolls his eyes before leaving.
Chengcheng decides then that he’s had enough embarrassment for the day. He’s not sure where Justin has gone but he does notice that his shoes are missing along with Ziyi’s when he passes the door on his way to the kitchen. He stalks up on some snacks and leaves back to his room, already thinking up ways to have Wenjun take him back in the Yuehua dorm (that he may or may not have gotten banned from after he set the microwave on fire - now that’s a whole other story for another day).
He settles down on his bunk and groans.
So what if he hasn’t had his first kiss? He thinks everyone should stop normalizing first kisses at such a young age.
He thinks about it a moment more then turns his head to the side to stare at the blank white wall, popping another chip into his mouth.
Maybe Xinchun is right - maybe Chengcheng is too picky.
He stays like that for a while, staring at the wall with crumbs littering his shirt and bed. He thinks about a lot of things while laying there - like the time he was in Korea for New Years and almost got to kiss Zhengting at the stroke of midnight just because the older was a little too tipsy. Or all the times he skipped out on playing spin the bottle and instead of kissing Zeren that one time, he popped him in the mouth with the rubber band on his wrist. He thinks about how many people have called him beautiful and told him they wanted more than a friendship and he chose not to pursue them.
He’s not sure what he’s scared of - he’s no stranger to heartbreak or rejection.
Somewhere around eight, Justin comes bounding into the room again. Chengcheng thinks for a moment - wonders if he should jump up and put him in a choke hold or throw him out the window. But instead, he sees the younger one dancing happily to the beat of his own drum and watches him grab some clothes and a towel before leaving again.
Rude, he thinks. Can’t you acknowledge your gege?
Chengcheng has known Justin since Justin was fourteen and he was sixteen. He remembers that he stayed in his family’s hotel a little before Justin left to Korea.
He still remembers meeting him in the arcade. The young boy with his natural dark hair was walking around the arcade when he stopped in front of where Chengcheng was playing basketball and laughed.
“Maybe you should stick to your day job,” he snickered as Chengcheng missed another shot.
“Shut up,” Chengcheng snorted just as the machine went off - his game is over. Chengcheng frowned, knowing his that was the last bit of his coins and sighed.
But, as if Justin could read his mind, he pulled a key out from his pocket and crouched down in front of the machine, opening the box where all the quarters would fall to and fished out a whole handful. “Here,” he smiled. Chengcheng remembers giving him a weird look before Justin said, “Don’t worry. My parents own all of this. I do it all the time.” He handed him the coins and then took a step back. “I’m Minghao but you can call me Justin.“
“Chengcheng,” he replied. “Fan Chengcheng.”
“Well Fan Chengcheng, let’s keep in touch. You owe me a favor now!” Justin said.
They had switched numbers and Chengcheng kept in touch. He rooted for Justin when Justin went to Korea, he comforted him when he came back to China, he joined his company when Justin suggested it and now, they’re in two bands together.
He thinks may he sees Justin too often. Maybe that’s what keeps him from actually killing the younger boy. Chengcheng still remembers how Justin would always call him an “angsty teenager” because all Chengcheng used to do was complain.
“I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Your sister is Fan Bingbing, you’re rich, you’re not that bad to look at and you’re best friends with the one and only Huang Minghao,” he had told him somewhere in the beginning of their friendship.
He knows he shouldn’t complain. He has a life that many people dream of and yet, he can’t help but feel saddened by the fact that he’s never gotten the chance to experience a normal life.
Maybe I am an angsty teenager, he thinks as he sits up for the first time in hours, watching all of the crumbs from his shirt litter the bed. He’ll just sleep in Zhengting’s tonight then complain about it tomorrow when the older comes looking for clothes.
“You look so sad,” Justin chuckles from the doorway, shaking a towel on his wet hair.
“There are crumbs on my bed,” he says.
Justin blinks. “Okay?” Chengcheng just shrugs and stands up, staring at his sheets a while longer. Justin sighs and walks over, using his towel to swat the remnants onto the floor. “Better?” he asks.
“I was gonna make Zhengting to it-“
“Well,” Justin shrugs. They’re silent for another beat. It grows awkward until Justin groans. “What’s even wrong with you?”
Chengcheng isn’t sure how to respond. What is wrong with him? It’s not the first time Justin’s spilled a secret about him to his band mates. In fact, sometimes, it seems like it’s his life goal to embarrass his elder; like the time he told everyone he had a rash in the place where the sun don’t shine, or the time he leaked pictures of Chengcheng picking his nose to the groupchat. But there was this feeling in the pit of his stomach that made today’s confession a little different.
“What’s wrong with me?” Chengcheng asks, tone catching Justin off guard. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“What are you even talking about?” Justin frowns, taking a step back.
Chengcheng’s not sure what he’s talking about but words are rolling off his tongue anyways.
“I mean, who the hell even are you? To go around and spill my business like this?” Chengcheng jabs his finger accusingly into his chest.
“Dude, it was a joke,” Justin pouts. He keeps backing him until he feels his back hit the door and it click behind him. Chengcheng takes another step and they’re now flushed together. “Leave me alone,” Justin orders.
“Who the fuck cares if I haven’t had my first kiss?” Chengcheng growls at him.
“Nobody does!” Justin retorts. He knows nobody does. If anything, nobody is surprised because Chengcheng isn’t a very affectionate person. He hates when his personal space is intruded, hates when people touch him. He doesn’t give hugs or cuddle with his members. In fact, this is the closest Justin thinks they’ve been since they both debuted on Idol Producer.
“Well obviously you do if you went around telling everyone!” Chengcheng shouts.
“I was trying to annoy you!” Justin groans.
“But why?!” Chengcheng asks. “Why do you always have to be so damn annoying?! Why can’t you just let me breathe for once, huh?! Did it ever occur to you that I may be saving my kiss for someone special?!”
“What’s so special about a kiss?! It’s just a stupid kiss!” Justin is irritated. He doesn’t like when Chengcheng raises his voice at him and he knows Chengcheng has no right to. He knows Chengcheng can sit and talk things out with him. He knows his elder knows how to act. But Justin just wants to go to sleep but for that to happen, he’ll need Chengcheng to 1) get out of his face and 2) shut the hell up. “Everyone kisses! Nobody gives a damn who your first kiss is with! They only care about how well you do it and you’re fucking eighteen and probably kiss like a washing machine! I probably kiss way better than you!”
“And?!” Chengcheng’s ears are red now. He’s not sure where all this anger is coming from but he’s burning inside out.
“And that’s all you have to say,” Justin replies, a bit satisfied with himself to see that he’s won again. “So go away.” He tries to slip out between the door and Chengcheng but the older presses him back against the door. He groans, “Chengcheng, what?”
“You’re annoying as hell,” his voice is low. “Why aren’t you like this to everyone else?”
Justin crosses his arms, turning his head to the side. He knows Chengcheng is right. Justin may be annoying but the level he takes it with Chengcheng is enough to make anyone’s skin crawl with anger.
“You’re stupid, that’s why,” Justin mutters, trying again to walk away, only to be pressed back against the door.
“Minghao,” Chengcheng grits through his teeth. Justin rolls his eyes, something Chengcheng hates. He grabs his jaw and snaps the boy’s head so he can look him in the eyes. “Huang Minghao. Why the hell are you so annoying towards me and not everyone else?” he asks even lower.
“Because I don’t want to be everyone else’s first kiss,” Justin replies, catching Chengcheng off guard. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but being annoying is how I flirt around here. So either kiss me right now or let me go to bed and think about how fucking stupid you are because I’ve been wanting to be your first kiss since the day in the arcade but if you aren’t going to let me be your special person-“
Chengcheng hates how much Justin talks sometimes. So, he decides to shut him up like how they do in the movies, by kissing him. That way, Justin gets to be his first kiss, Chengcheng gets to have his first kiss and they’ll both get to go to sleep one kiss richer.
Justin is the first to pull away, a bit breathless but with a smirk on his face.
“Told you that you suck at kissing,” he smiles, pressing another quick one on his lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.”
“Who even taught you how to kiss?” Chengcheng pouts.
”Youtube,” he laughs. “You can find everything on there.”
“I sort of hate you.”
“You can’t hate me. We’re boyfriends now!” Justin frowns.
“Says who?”
“Do you want me to kiss you again or not,” Justin crosses his arms.
And Chengcheng realizes then that once again, Justin is wrong.
It’s not about your first kiss, or how well you kiss, or where you kiss. It’s about the person you’re kissing.
And Chengcheng is definitely ready to kiss Justin for a very long time.
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linzhangjun · 5 years
Tagged by @tanqram. Thank you!! I love being tagged in stuff, i'm just rubbish at actually taking time to fill these kind of stuff out, haha. But here we go
1 - Name: Amanda
2 - Nickname: don't really have one, but my roomie calls me JB sometimes (short for EJB, which stands for evil jellybean lol)
3 - Star Sign: sagittarius
4 - Gender: female
5 - Sexuality: straight
6 - Favorite colour: blue
7 - Time Right Now: 07.15 am ugh
8 - Average Hours of Sleep: i guess around 7 hours
9 - The last thing I googled: what the email adress was to someone i needed to email
10 - Number of Blankets: in my bed? One cover and two blankets in that case
11 - Favorite Fictional Character: damn how can i choose... but maybe Roy Mustang from fmab i love him
12 - What are you wearing right now: jeans, tshirt, sweater, plus shoes and jacket (on my way to work yay)
13 - Favourite Book: The Lies of Lock Lamora by Scott Lynch
14 - Favourite Musician: uuh prob bts, stray kids, day6, monsta x, n.flying, ateez, seventeen, got7. And if not kpop then florence + the machine haha
15 - Dream Job: museum! Working with tours and teaching, which is exactly what i'm doing, so yeah i got my dream job (yes i cried when i got it). I would also like to work with developing new exhibitions
16 - Number of followers: 17 lol. But i love you all, pls interract with me more
17 - When did you create your account: this account, last year sometime, don't remember tbh. My main tumblr was about two years ago
18 - What do you post about: anything idol producer, and some qcyn
19 - What made you get an account: the fact that i was still 100% ip trash several months after the show had ended
20 - When did your blog reach its peak: peak? never heard abot her lol
21 - Do you get asks on a daily basis: no, but sometimes, regarding my fics :)
22 - Why did you choose your url: bc i'm shipping trash and yanjun biased heh
Tagging @exocbxexo if you want to do it!
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vicccwrites · 6 years
9% as Common College Majors
(A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts since before I even created this blog so I figured I would play around with the idea a bit more and finally post it!! Let me know if you want to see more of these “9% as...” or if I should just stick to fics lol ^^ I hope you enjoy it~ <33)
- Photo(s) Source : Google -
Cai Xukun - Photography
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I just have this vision in my head?? Of like xukun holding a camera and building this vast portfolio of aesthetic greatness
I mean he’s already so aesthetically pleasing and has an amazing insta feed so is it really that much of stretch??
Is like that one kid on campus who’s always around
Party at the frat house? He’s the center of the show
Charity event at campus square? weLL guess who decided to show up???
Definitely hella popular and totally has a fan club
Gets teased about it by all his friends
He secretly thinks it’s really cute though
Chen Linong- Animal Biology
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Nongnong with animals
What a concept amiright
But anyway he’s such a sweet and caring ball of sunshine and I think that would really show through in the way he cares for and loves all of the animals he works with
Really interested in learning about different types of animals and how he can improve their quality of life!!!
I now have the picture of vet!nongnong in my head and it’s so adorable omg
Linong with that dog?? Ugh my heart can’t handle this cuteness
There was this gifset of him with a cat on my dash a while back and now I need to dig it out of the depths because ughhhh it was so cuteee
Fan Chengcheng - Journalism
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Alskdosos this one was hard
I can just imagine him staying up, furiously trying to write and make his deadlines
Also I get that Agent J was a spy concept but it gave me investigative journalist vibes so here we are
Definitely procrastinates on all of his assignments
Highkey jealous of Justin because his major seems “easier” and he doesn’t have to write as many essays and stuff
bOI you are literally a journalism major ok that means WRITING
Justin - Theater
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Ok I know that ruibin is the true theater kid of idol producer but
Can you imagine Justin prancing around on stage reciting like Hamilton or something (can you tell I don’t do theater at all)
(I have no idea what I’m talking about)
Anyway him trying to sing the songs would be hilariously great
And I think he’d actually turn out to be an amazing performer?? Even though he probably only chose to major in theater because he thought it’d be easy or something
He grows to really have a passion for the stage and looks forward to every performance
Aims for the lead role like every single time; usually ends up getting it, too
Totally steals the spotlight and is the star of every show ✨
Lin Yanjun - Marketing/Advertising
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I was so tempted to say English since that was his actual major (I’m pretty sure)
But then I remembered than one scene in ip when they were like “selling” the ice pack or smth?? It was in one of those unreleased extra content footage compilations welp now I gotta find it again 
Actually I can’t find it so nvm but I remember seeing it for sure!!
(Literally this whole thing is me trying and failing to find gifsets someone please help)
If Lin Yanjun was tryna get you to buy something, would you really say no??
All of his professors probably love him
Has like a 100% in practicals with his winks and flirting
Even though he’s hella confused and never has any idea what’s going on
Probably models for xukun on the side for extra cash too the boy can do it all
Zhu Zhengting - Dance
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Literally the only one that I was 100% set on
I mean come on
He’s like the dancing king of 9%
Can do basically any genre of dance, from modern to hip-hop
Would be super dedicated
Lives in the college dance studio tbh he practically never leaves
BFFs with the other dance majors like zeren and chaoze
They always hang out together and are definitely the type to break into an impromptu dance sesh in like the middle of starbucks
Or some equally random location
Is part of the committee that organises weekly dance mobs on the campus square
He definitely drags Justin and Chengcheng to almost every one
Wang Ziyi - Nutrition
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Very healthy bOI,,, a fit boy too
That bag scene where they were like going through what was in their bags?? Didn’t he have juice or smth he just seems vv health-obsessed
also sorry the gif is a weird size
Had like a literal DRAWER of supplements, vitamins, and medicine under his bed during ip,,, I’ll let that speak for itself
Also seems really chill and nutrition gives me a chill vibe for some reason
Probably has the best grades with the exception of yanjun’s charming practicals
Probably is also the only one who actually studies for finals
Xiao Gui - Film and Video
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Nearly majored in nuclear engineering for the lols but then realised he didn’t have the grades to make it into the program
Also didn’t feel like doing science
So xingjie convinced him to go into film
Which at first he thought he would hate, but he actually turned out to quite like
Xingjie does musical production and sometimes makes little soundtracks to go along with gui’s mini-films
Lowkey the only thing that keeps linkai’s grade from bombing is the humor that’s always mixed into his scripts
Rlly funny
Also totally the type to waltz into class like half an hour late can anyone see this too or is it just me
You Zhangjing - Vocal Music
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I sort of see zhangjing going into the sciences for some reason??
Erin - who’s the local yzj expert around here - sent me this photo a while ago?? (I just saved it from there so the size is weird again oops)
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And I get that he’s supposed to be a “doctor” or something in the photo but it’s a lab coat ok
He looks really good akdjdksjsj
And he mentioned in that interview that he did accounting before going to China to train
So that could be an option too
Maybe he did that for a bit but then didn’t end up enjoying it so he switched majors? Idk
Anyway I chose vocal because obvs our nasi lemak can sing very very well
And he loves singing very very much
So he would major in it!!! Ok I lied about Zhengting I was also like 100% sure on this one
Plus I mean it’s common knowledge that he’s talented af so like,,, there you go
All his vocal teachers probably love him a lot
But can you really blame them?? Like he’s so hardworking and talented, so who wouldn’t love him + his awesome vocals? 💕
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zhengtiddy · 6 years
b o o g i e wang ziyi aye wassup ;))))))
tries to impress you at any given fucking moment bc he likes you that much
everyone else is just like ffs lmao
but you’re practically dying bc w owwweeeee
yanjun likes to flirt with you just to make fun of him
and ziyi’s cringiness increases by fucking 1000000
he doesn’t know that you like him too bc ur kind of lowkey about it
except when ur basically drooling over him with xukun lmaoffhhghg
“y/n if i can’t have him u can, okay?”
“and if i can’t have him, he’s yours”
there’s basically some kind of fucking pact between you and xukun i
ziyi is super super sweet to you like all the time
not just bc he likes you but bc he’s really just a nice guy :(((
it doesn’t take him very long to ask you out on a date bc he’s just like fuck it man if i don’t do it now i won’t ever
and he buys you a big big big ass bouquet of flowers
like he can barely fucking carry it to your door bc it’s covering his whole face lmao
and he has a bunch of your favorite candy and food and he gives you a cd full of songs that remind him of you :(
when you come out he’s struggling a lot and ur kind of just like uhhhhhh
“i think it’s obvious what i’m here for and i’m kind of struggling so pls just say yes or no”
“is that food”
“then yes”
super cliche reaction
like drops everything to pick you up and spin you around
until you get dizzy
and the moment is ruined but anyway!!!!!!
likes to take you on cute little dates uwu
something out of a drama or whatever
nice walks in the park where you trip multiple times and he just kind of decides to sit down for a while before you get injured
the first time you guys kiss is on a picnic he plans
he makes the other members help him make and pack the food 
and there are flowers everywhere
u have allergies but it’s fine ya know????? jfhgfjdk
the whole time you’re just sneezing bc holy shit unnecessary amount of flowers
and he’s kind of just like is she ok lmao
but he’s being super cute and feeding you and everything
and he sits you guys by the pond so you can watch ducks and it’s like ugh fucking superb you funky, precious, cute boy :(
you sound like a demon is possessing you when you sneeze but he’s just like aw tht’s my cute gf!!!!!!!!!
so he kisses you and it catches you off guard
and you can’t even kiss back until you have to pull away and sneeze
and it’s like oh okay
likes to use cute names for you!!!
lots of “baby” though 
subtle couple stuff!!!
like a cute little necklace
loves cuddling!!!!!! n kissing your forehead at the same time oh my uwus
seems like he doesn’t mind pda
but not too much!!!!!!
he’s super sweet and considerate
like he’ll give up anything for you :((
cut to the sweet qin fen and ziyi ip moment ugh
he’s like
unintentionally weird
does things he thinks are normal but
anyway a super sweet boyfriend
gentle and just loves u so sososososososososo much like it literally pains him
he’s whipped basically
a literal prince so
ur one lucky bitch lmao
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Finals and Kisses || Lin Yanjun
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Title: Finals and Kisses Pairing: Reader x Yanjun Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1123 words Summary: It’s final exam season and you’re stressing the hell out. Good thing you have a loving boyfriend whose there to calm you down.
A/N: Wow, Yanjun stans are being fed well with all this content lmao. It’s still final exam season for me, so it’s the perfect time for me to write this. Good to luck to all you who are suffering from their studies. You can do it!
lowkey annoyed bc i accidentally posted this before it was finished fml
but that’s not important so let’s move on
ahhhh it’s everyone’s favorite time of the year
aka final exams season
welcome to hell
you might as well believe you’re in the middle of an apocalypse since everyone in your school seems to be zombies, completely dead from all of the all nighters being pulled and all of the information being crammed into their heads
you convinced yourself that you wouldn’t put things off until the last minute since you wanted to end the school year with a bang
except the only thing you want to bang is your boyfriend omg i’m crying lemme stop i am so sorry your head against the wall
unfortunately, things didn’t go according to plan
instead of taking the time to study, you were off going on multiple dates with your boyfriend yanjun
it was one of those rare times where he was free from training to spend time with you, so you figured you could sacrifice a little study time for him
except you may have sacrificed a little too much time
two finals on monday, a portfolio on wednesday and two more finals on thursday within the upcoming week
this is actually my real schedule for finals someone save me pls
when yanjun found out you weren't studying bc of him, he immediately felt guilty and scolded you for putting him first before your grades
he was still really thankful and touched but you need to graduate bub
you were reluctant to hit the books bc why study when you have a handsome af boyfriend to cuddle, you know?
so yanjun came up with a compromise to have a study date
that way you'll actually get some studying done for your finals and get to spend time with him
the two of you decided on going to a cozy café owned by this sweet old lady who adored you and yanjun due to your frequent dates at her café
it was tucked away in a slightly less populated area, so you didn't have to worry too much about yanjun being noticed
entering the café, the owner warmly greeted you and ushered you to a table in the back to give you and yanjun some privacy
and now it was time to get busy
soon, textbooks and sheets of paper were strewn haphazardly across the table. a rainbow of highlighters decorated these papers as well as a plethora of sticky notes pasted onto them to mark important parts
realizing that there was so much information you didn't remember, anxiety and nerves started bubbling in your stomach. you could also feel a headache coming on
yanjun knew this wasn’t the time to joke around since your grades were on the line so he did his best to help you with the subjects he had some knowledge with
during the subjects he wasn't too good with, he wrote you encouraging little post it notes with funny doodles on them to make you laugh and relieve some of your stress
you can do it, babe!
just a little more to go
congrats on getting through this chapter, (y/n)
my baby is so smart
he would tuck these post its into certain parts of your notes and textbook so that you'll be able to read them when you got to those pages, making you smile whenever you came across one
before you knew it, almost two hours had passed
groaning, you dropped your head down. thankfully, yanjun's reflexes were super quick and he managed to slide his arm underneath your forehead before it collided with the table
"you okay there?" he chuckled
you whined against his arm, only making the male laugh at your misery
"we've been here forever and i'm still not even close to being done," you tiredly complained. "i'm definitely going to fail."
he tsked, "no, you aren't. you're psyching yourself out. i think you deserve a much needed break."
yanjun briefly left your messy table and you shoved everything aside for the time being
your boyfriend came back holding a tray with a hot cup of coffee and a slice of cake which he placed in front of you
"here. you need to eat to get your strength back up"
you sent him a grateful smile, taking a bite of the cake and welcomed the taste of vanilla dancing on your tongue
his eyes were watching you with a fond smile as you ate, making you shy from the attention
“what are you doing, yanjun?”
“exactly what you are doing. studying.”
“and what exactly are you studying?”
“you, of course. you’re my favorite subject.”
you pretended to gag from the amount of grease, making him grin and lean over to steal a bite of cake from you
when your little break was over, you found yourself slowly losing all motivation to study
“ugh i don’t want to do this anymore” you grumbled
“someone should have studied earlier” yanjun teased, easily dodging you as you moved to swat his arm in annoyance and whined that it was all his fault for being a distraction
“let’s make a deal. every time you get through a chapter, i’ll reward you with a kiss”
i’m so freaking cliche i hate myself but it’s yanjun’s kisses so i ain’t even mad
this immediately gains your interest bc kisses?? esp yanjun’s kisses??
sign me tf up
throwing yourself back into your textbook, you finished the next chapter in record time
“done! now where’s my kiss?” you eagerly told him
yanjun laughs at your enthusiasm before raising your hand to his lips, gently kissing the top of your hand in a princely matter. while the gesture was still super sweet, you pouted at him.
“heeeeeey, that’s not what we agreed on!”
“i didn’t say where i would kiss you, now did i?” he smirked. “don’t mind me. move on to the next chapter, babe”
with each new chapter you finished, he granted you with new kisses here and there
your other hand, each of your cheeks, your nose, your forehead, etc
help imagining this is making me so freaking soft asfdehfhd
“and that’s finally the last chapter!” you declared, closing your textbook with a slam and smiling in victory
“congrats, babe. i’m proud of you” yanjun smiled as he gently moved your hair out of your eyes. “now here’s your reward”
as his lips met yours, you figured studying wasn’t so bad after all if it meant that this would happen at the end of it every time
hi hello
where can i get a yanjun to help me with my studying
i’ll even sell my kidney
ok i’ll go now
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youzhangjing · 6 years
Ugh, I totally agree. I don't have anything against Tangram because they're lovely boys and Zhangjing's beloved friends but Banana ain't shit for taking advantage of Zhangjing's good heart and using his freaking own bday event to promote their group. I've read that some xiyous in twt are speculating that it could be because they plan to add ZJ (but not Yanjun) to Tangram once 9% disbands but that doesn't sound credible to me at all. Idk wtf is Banana even doing tbh.
But.. that totally makes sense though ?? They opened a studio for Yanjun under his name and they’ve been promoting him the most recently. I guess we will just have to wait and see lol !
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lichanggengs · 6 years
Li Changgeng soulmate!AU
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This turned into angst so quickly lmao oops
Decided to start writing scenarios, starting with one about Changgeng just because there seem to be no scenarios about him on here yet so I decided to just do it myself -definitely am planning on writing more eventho I’m not a good writer AT ALL- also pls love and support Changgeng
Word count:1.8k
Warnings: mentions of death
You didn’t really care about the entire soulmate thing but you couldn’t exactly avoid it when something kept pressing into your skin
Everyone was born with a heartshaped clear gem planted on their wrist
And honestly it was fine the first 16 years of your life, you forgot it even was there most of the time because it wasn’t doing anything
You see, the closer you got to your soulmate, it would start to light up more and more the closer you got to them
But yours never did and you didn’t find that weird or anything because what even are the odds of your soulmate living close to you, you know?
But as you turned 16, your heart shaped gem suddenly started to hurtAnd the pain would vary from slightly tingling to feeling like someone kept poking a needle into your wrist
So you decided to google what that could mean
And oh, you wish you hadn’t done that
You found a lot of possible answers to this
And none of them seemed to be positive
But your soulmate possibly dating someone else at the time or being attracted to the other gender or your soulmate living at the other side of the world, despite none of those being ideal
You immediately only focussed on the most extreme and most heartbreaking option
Your soulmate might have passed away
You weren’t one to really think that the only way to be happy was with a significant other but of course you wouldn’t want your soulmate to have already died at such a young age, who would ??
You couldn’t help but think that of course this had to happen to you, why couldn’t it go as smooth for you as it did for your friends when their gem just lit up one day and they just went up to the person and all was well from then on
But no, you were just getting over the fact you might never even meet your soulmate and hell, this kid might’ve suffered for god knows how long and it’s just unfair, why did it have to be them
You wouldn’t really listen to your friends when they told you you might’ve just been overreacting, because death wasn’t the only possible reason your wrist could hurt like that
But you just figured to jump to the worst conclusion and just assume you didn’t have a soulmate anymore
So you lived with that idea
For quite a few years
And all of your friends were finding their soulmates one by one and at first it hurt but eventually, you got used to it
You focussed on your studies for the most part
You didn’t need a soulmate to be happy But you know, it would’ve been nice
As you turned 21, people would start to question it
“So have you found your soulmate yet y/n?”
And you didn’t like talking about it because most of the time when you mentioned the pain your heart shaped gem caused you, they would tell you about their relative or acquaintance who had the same thing happen to them
So then you’d ask them what that had meant and all of the answers were the same “oh …yeah their soulmate passed away”
Anyway, you had learned how to live with it and over all you were pretty happy
You were studying to be a nurse actually and you managed to get an internship in a hospital not so close to home
You figured you could help people with their pain to distract you from your own
Or at least that was your original plan
But when do things ever go as planned right
You had nearly finished work for the day as you were walking around with your colleague, it had only been about a week into your internship so you were still asking questions pretty much the entire time
You walked passed a random hospital room when you felt it
An incredibly sharp pain, it felt like someone was stabbing into your wrist, worse than it had ever done before
Maybe this room wasn’t so random
You stood still for a second
“What’s wrong?” your colleague asked so you just had to ask who the person inside of that room was
“Oh, that’s so tragic honestly, Li Changgeng has been in a coma for years” and it just made so much sense to you right in that moment
“How many years?” you asked
“About 5, I think”
5, it had been 5 years since you started to experience that something  was wrong
This kid was your soulmate and you knew he had to be
“Uh this is probably really weird but are we allowed to go in there? I mean that just sounds so sad but also so interesting, what happened to him?”
Your colleague gave you a weird look but didn’t question you further and just told you about the accident he had been in when he was 16
And then you were able to enter the room
It felt like your heart shaped gem was about to break, there was no question in whether this boy was your soulmate or not, this was the only logical answer
From then on you would frequently visit him, at least every day after your shift
Why? You weren’t exactly sure either because there wasn’t rly a point in doing so
It had been 5 years and you quickly figured that most people had given up on him since he got no visitors in the couple of weeks you had worked there
But you felt the need to do so, both for him and for yourself
Even once your internship was over you kept visiting him as much as you could, you even resulted into studying in his room when you felt like it
Until you kept getting busier as your exams were coming up
You were in class when you noticed
You didn’t feel anything
No pain, not even a slight tingle in your wrist
 You had gotten so used to the feeling that it felt unusual to not feel anything
Your mind immediately jumped to the worst conclusions
You got out of your class as quickly as you could and made your way to the hospital straight away
As you got there, you made your way to his room, which had become so familiar by now
You were painfully aware this could’ve been the last time you saw those 4 white walls
You just really hoped it was for a positive reason
And not for the reason you feared for
 As you got there, you saw the familiar nurse who told you about Changgeng in the first place
“Y/n wow this so weird I was about to call you, how did you know?” she asked you
Your eyes just drifted off to your wrist, where your gem was no longer clearIt was starting to light up but not all the way yet
“So that’s why, huh?”
“Please tell me what happened”
“I think you have a soulmate to meet, he’s still rather confused and tired though so take it slow” she smiled and left
You were confused
And also suddenly super nervous
Were you just supposed to be like “yes hi I’m your soulmate and I’ve visited you every day for the past 4 months eventho we have never met before”
You didn’t have much time to think about what to say or do
Before you realised what was about to happen, you opened the door to his room, which was such a familiar thing yet you felt so out of place
He looked up at you, confused
He seemed to be trying to recognize you but obviously it was no use
Suddenly you could tell your heart shaped gem began to glow
Like extremely bright
And so did his
Well at least this kid was your soulmate
He looked even more confused and now also shocked, surprised, happy almost ??
And also rly cute but you know, we’ll get into that in a second
“How did you find me?” he managed to say
He was pouting and it just reminded you of a cute lost puppy
“I’ll explain later, I’m sure just finally being awake is already enough to take in” you said
“I guess you could say that, and then suddenly my soulmate decided to appear as well”
He smiled at you tho,ugh he looked tired and pale but you know, he had just waken up from a coma so let’s just forgive him for that
“Oh right, this is a really strange place to meet but I’m y/n” you said as you sat down in the chair next to his bed
He smiled weakly and said “I’m Changgeng”
You spent the next couple of days at the hospital, talking to Changgeng, trying to help him catch up on everything he had missed out on in 5 years, together with the help of his parents and his friends Yanjun and Kaihao who he apparently grew up with
Exams who? Exactly
And you might also have caught feelings
Which was quick but you couldn’t really help yourself, he was so attentive and seemed so genuinely interested in getting to know you
You showed him how even things like technology had advanced and made him listen to new music you thought he might like
And he seemed so fascinated and it was your absolute favourite thing
You were just explaining to him what snapchat was and how the app worked since he had never heard of it before, while you were just comfortably sitting next to him on his bed
 He was just kind of staring at you while smiling
“What?” you asked as you put the phone down
“Thank you for not giving up on me”
 “Well, I only got one soulmate so I guess I didn’t have a choice” you joked
He chuckled and placed his hand on yours
“Can I take you out on a date once I’m out of here?” he asked
You nodded “I’d like that, yeah” He was able to leave the hospital about a week later
And you helped him pack
“I’ll see you soon alright? Go catch up on your school work, I know I disctracted you” he said as he put his luggage in his parents’ car
“I didn’t mind, it’s okay”
He smiled at you and kissed your forehead softly
“I promise to make up for those years you believed that I was dead soon” he said
“You better” you agreed as he got in the car and drove off
You were sure he was doing to do exactly that and you could finally just let go of the worries that this stupid soulmate thing had brought with itself
And your heart shaped gem was shining brighter than ever
And so were you
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loading99percent · 6 years
Who Is She? 1/2
Pairing: WZY x OC [Zhang Meilian] || ZZT x OC [Ling Shuang] Genre: slice of life, college!au, fluff Word Count: 4,711 Summary: Ziyi’s curious about this Lady Lotus while Zhengting’s been searching for the girl with the heart and rose tattoo for months. Although the answer is standing right in front of them, both Meilian and Shuang aren’t making it easier to reveal the answer to them.
part one.part two
Warning: uh... matured content as in college related stuff. swear words...? i guess. lol
Hi! So this is like a sequel to Exclusive, but with different leads if that makes any sense. So it’s a standalone story from that. You don’t really hav to read the previous story to understand what’s going on in here. This one came to mind because of my sister as she felt like there was more to Exclusive, but I told her no. lol and eventually it got me thinking and coming up with this. So enjoy. Admin Lia~
"Good morning, Meilian." Yanchen chirped once Meilian stepped off the bus and frowned upon seeing the male. "How did you know I was gonna be here?"
"You're location and Yankai mentioned you left later than you said."
"Ugh, you're both annoying."
"Well, I have to make sure you get home safely."
"The bus is right by the campus. I'm fine and Langfang's security is like one of the  best, Yanchen."
"Either way, I still need to make sure."
"Whatever. Nu Chi Phi is right there. You can go back to Iota Phi Theta now."
Meilian told him while pointing in the direction he can go as Yanchen chuckled.
"Alright, take care then."
The duo hugged before parting as Meilian returned to her sorority house on her own and was surprised to see Yanjun standing outside of it with two bags in hands. She smirked while climbing the steps not believing that Melanie was right about him. She fished her keys out of her pocket while eyeing Yanjun as he shot her a friendly smile.
"Meilian, good morning," He greeted her with a charming smile, "What perfect timing because now I don't have to wait."
"Actually, you'll still have to wait. Melanie's not gonna come down." Meilian informed him as she was about to insert the key into the door.
"Wait, what do you mean? How do you know I was waiting for Melanie?"
"Haha, I just do, Yanjun."
Melanie had sent a message in their NCP's group chat informing them that if Yanjun showed up at the door in the morning with breakfast to not let him in no matter what. So now it was Meilian who was the one that was the unfortunate soul who had to deal with Yanjun in the early hous of morning.
"Would you mind letting her know that I'm here?" Yanjun asked with a sweet smile while Meilian smirked. "She already knows."
"Oh, then she'll meet me?"
"Uh, no, bye."
Meilian deadpanned with a small laugh as she entered the house and closed the door on Yanjun after giving him a small wave not really feeling sorry for the guy with all the stories she has heard about him from Melanie's own mouth as well. She responded in the group chat about Yanjun before making her way up the stairs and entering her shared room with Shuang who was awake and chilling in bed.
"Did you sleep at all?" Meilian asked as Shuang rolled her eyes. "I did, but I just woke up to use the bathroom before you came in."
"So what did he bring for breakfast?" Shuang asked a moment later after putting her phone down and sitting up in bed with a smile. "I honestly never thought the day would come where Yanjun would be so whipped for a girl, but I'm glad that girl is Melanie though. He was totally into her since he set eyes on her."
"Actually, I dunno. I wasn't paying attention to it, but he was holding two bags though." Meilian answered after dumping her things onto her desk and changed into a tank and shorts before climbing into bed. "But me, too, and I know right."
Meilian checked her phone one last time before letting out a sigh. "Ugh, why can't he just stopped asking me about Lady Lotus."
Shuang turned over onto her back and looked over at her rommate. "Ziyi again?"
"Yes. I already told him that I don't know who she is."
"But she's really you."
"I know, but ugh. He's so bugging."
"Why don't you tell him that you're Lady Lotus?"
"I'll tell Ziyi I'm Lady Lotus when you tell Zhengting you're the girl with the black heart and yellow rose tattoo."
"Uh, never mind." Shuang turned her back to Meilian and snuggled into her bed. "Forget I said anything."
"That's what I thought." Meilian smirked before settling into her bed comfortably. "Anyways, I'm going to sleep, but can you wake me up before you leave?"
"Okay, yeah sure. Good night, Meilian." Shuang chuckled as she reached for her phone to set the alarm so that she'll have energy for her afternoon classes.
Shuang arrived to her first class of the day even though it was at two-forty in the afternoon, but she was super excited today than she would normally be. It was all because of one of her Nu Chi Phi sister would be attending the class due to some group issues from another class. Shuang didn't mind the people in her own class, but it was a lot better when she had someone that she knew and was really good friends with also taking it with her.
Shuang entered the classroom and immediately headed towards her own group of five others who were all male, so it was one of the many reasons on why Shuang was so happy for Serena to join her as it'll give her another female to work with. They happened to notice her chipper demeanor, to which they rarely saw as she was more stoic and reserve majority of the time, along with a seventh bubble tea drink when it was normally six.
"You're very happy today." Zhou Rui commented when Shuang handed him his drink while letting out a distracted hum. "Hmm?"
"Did you actually sleep well today that you got enough sleep more than usual?" Yanchen asked with a chuckle as he avoided Shuang's playful smack. "I always sleep well, Yanchen."
"Who's the other drink for?" Ziyi asked as he took a sip of his own bubble tea while Zhengting poked the said drink while also taking a sip of his own boba. "Is it for you so that you can stay up in class this time?"
"It's mine." Serena answered as she appeared beside Shuang and the two hugged which caused the other five to stare at them in shock.
"What are you doing here?" Xukun asked Serena upon seeing her and standing up so that he could hug her as well.
"I'm a part of this class starting today, but Shuang didn't tell me that you guys were a part of this class, too." Serena eyed Shuang as she cast her friend a playful smile. "I didn't? My bad. I thought I did."
"Shuang doesn't tell anyone anything. She just leaves notes or simple text messages regarding things related to the class or homework, but never about anything outside of that." Yanchen deadpanned as Shuang grinned at him. "That's right. Y'all don't need to know about what goes on with my life, anyways."
"Oh, I would beg to differ." Ziyi countered with a knowing smile as Shuang shot him a curious one. "And what would that be?"
"You're life is pretty interesting once you don't think so much about it."
"I feel like you know something I'm forgetting."
"Haha, I don't, but I heard stories from others."
"What kind of stories?"
"You're actually more happy-go-lucky when you're not out and about."
"Who told you that?"
"A few people from your sorority."
"Ugh, so annoying."
"Wait, Serena, are you the student that Mr. Hung was talking about last Thursday who'll be joining our class despite it being way later to do so?" Zhou Rui asked interrupting the conversation as Serena nodded. "Yup, that's me."
The now group of seven quieted themselves as Mr. Hung entered the room to start their lesson. While he talked and recapped from last week's lesson, the two women were whispering to themselves about other things not related to class.
"Why didn't you tell me Xukun was in this class, too?" Serena whispered as Shuang chuckled silently. "Does it really matter? I didn't know that you guys were gonna be an item so soon. I was betting over the summer y'all were gonna end up together."
"Bet with who?"
"The other girls."
"You've guys been betting on my love life?"
"Not just yours. Melanie's, Meilian's, and even Yandi. I'm sure the others have a bet about me, too. You included."
"Really?" Serena eyed her as Shuang shrugged with a small smile. "Who knows."
"Okay, true. I knew about the bet of the others, but not about me."
"Whatever. There was something about Angela and Ming Peng, but everyone thinks they're just gonna be friends."
"I think so, too, but I'm still hoping they'll get together before school ends."
"Haha, I have it before the next school term. Anyways,I remember hearing something about you and someone."
"Who?" Shuang asked in high alert as she tried not to give herself away by looking at someone within their little group.
"I don't really remember who the guy was, but Kimberley was telling me that someone from I-P-T has been asking around and looking for a girl with a black heart and yellow rose tattoo," Serena shot her friend a knowing look, "And I only know one person in Nu Chi Phi that has such a tattoo, especially around the lower stomach and side area."
"Psh. I'm sure there are other girls who has such a tattoo, Serena, and probably in that said area."
"Not other girls, Ling Shuang. A Nu Chi Phi girl and you're the only N-C-P soror with said tattoo in said area."
"Shut up. I'm sure he doesn't know that that person is in a sorority, so you be quiet."
"Hey," Zhengting interrupted the two's conversation, "What are you two talking about over there ever so quietly?"
"Your face." The two answered in a nonchalant manner causing the others to laugh as Zhengting rolled his eyes. "I know I have a beautiful face, but you guys don't have to admire it in whispers. I'm all ears."
"Serena's been wondering how you do your eye make-up." Shuang lied trying to move the conversation elsewhere. "She's jealous because she can't get hers right like at all."
Serena playfully smacked her. "What? That's a lie. I don't even wear make-up."
"Well, Serena, if you need any tips, then just let me know because I think this one colo-" Xukun interrupted Zhengting. "Whoa, there, bud. Serena's fine and you're not gonna give her any tips while I'm still around."
"Don't be jealous, Kun. She's not even my type anyways."
"Oh, which reminds me. Have you found that one girl you''ve been looking for for like weeks now?" Ziyi asked Zhengting directing the conversation in another direction which caused Serena to shoot a knowing look in Shuang's direction who just signaled with her eyes to tell her friend to be quiet and not say anything.
"I'm pretty sure it's more than weeks now." Zhou Rui interjected. "I think Zhengting's been looking since winter break, right?"
"Winter break?!" Yanchen silently exclaimed. "You've been looking since that long and you still haven't found her. Wow."
"I have." Zhengting pouted. "But no one seems to know who she is. Maybe she doesn't even attend Langfang and was invited by someone who goes here."
"It was a mixer though." Xukun recalled. "Only those from a sorority or fraternity were allowed in unless she sneak her way in or someone brought her when they weren't supposed to."
"Oh she's not a random stranger as she does go here and is from one of the sororities." Serena muttered to herself, but somehow the others had heard her and were all looking at her. "Oh, did I say that out loud?"
"You know who she is?!" Zhengting asked excitedly while Shuang sent Serena murderous glares as to not say anything.
"I'm not sure, Zhengting. I might have mixed up the information. Why don't you refresh my memory?" Serena smiled innocently as Shuang continued to stay quiet while plotting on how to get away with murder.
As Zhengting refreshed Serena's memory, Ziyi who was sitting next to Shuang noticed her unusual quietness.
"You okay?"
"Hmm?" Shuang looked at Ziyi with a confused look. "Did you say something?"
"Yeah, are you okay? It seems like you were really focused on whatever you were thinking about."
"Oh, I was, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna execute it later."
"Wanna share?"
"Not unless you wanna be an accomplice."
Ziyi shot her an amused look. "An accomplice to what?"
"Murder." Shuang smiled, but Ziyi didn't believe her. "Yeah, right, Shuang."
"You don't believe me? I could be one."
"I know, but you're still too nice to actually go through with it."
"Says the one that is actually nice and would never ever contemplate it."
"Right, so no more negative thoughts, Shuang." Ziyi told Shuang as he ruffled her hair and she swatted his hands away. "Stop doing that or you'll never actually get a girlfriend because she thinks you're flirting with all your home girls."
"I would like to think otherwise since Yanjun was able to find one."
"Because Melanie puts him in his place."
"No, but seriously you gotta stop being overly nice to people, especially girls or the one you like might think you don't like her."
"I feel like your specifically speaking of a particular person."
"Why would you think that?"
"Because you always bring up this topic whenever I do something bro-like with you."
"It's not just me. You do it to Melanie and Serena, too. Even Meilian."
"But now they're taken, so it shouldn't matter. Well except Meilian and you." He smirked playfully. "Do one of you have a crush on me?"
"Yeah right. If I did, then she would kill me."
Ziyi frowned. "Who? Meilian?"
"Um, no one. I didn't say anything like specifically. I just meant that your future girl would kill me if I had a crush on you, but I don't." Shuang blabbered revealing her secret partially. "Besides, I like someone else."
"Ooh, who?"
"None of your business, Wang Ziyi. Now don't ask anymore about who it is."
"Fine, but hey," Ziyi remembered something, "Do you know who this Lady Lotus is that appears with Xingjie on his midnight Monday radio?"
Shuang paused for a second, but recovered. "Technically, I know of her, but not who she is if that's what you're asking."
"Oh, I thought you would know all the girls on campus."
"Seriously, don't believe everything that comes out of Serena's mouth. She just likes to mess with me like the others."
"Then do you know who would know her?"
"Have you tried asking Xingjie about her?"
"Yeah, but he told me this Lady Lotus told him to keep her identity a secret."
"Then I guess you'll just never know who she is."
"I guess not." Ziyi muttered in a sad tone and Shuang nudged him playfully. "Do you like her even though you don't know who she is?"
"What if I do?"
"That is so cute."
Ziyi regarded Shuang for a bit with an analytical expression. "Are you sure you don't know who she is?"
"Hey Shuang," Zhengting interrupted the duo as Shuang felt relieved by the sudden interruption as she turned her attention onto Zhengting once he spoke again, "Serena says you may know who the mystery girl is."
"Excuse me? What did she say?" Shuang asked with widened eyes while casting Serena a look as Serena nodded with a teasing smile. "Yeah, Shuang knows like all the girls on campus. She has a photographic memory and never forgets a face even if she doesn't know who they are."
"How come you haven't said anything when we were all talking about her when we came back from winter break?" Yanchen asked as Shuang came up with a lie. "It's because it's not my business about other people's situation, of course." She then dismissed the topic while gathering her things and standing up. "Anyways, can we not talk about Zhengting's love life. I'm sure Mr. Hung is gonna wonder why we haven't left to go to the library like the others by now. I'm gonna go first."
Shuang ran off with Serena giggling to herself knowing full well that Shuang was gonna do something to her later, but for now she basked in her friend's misery. Maybe Melanie was right about the joy of others' misery if it helps progress the feelings at hand.
Meilian woke to the sound of her alarm going off as she frantically searched for the source of it. She found her phone and ended up the alarm set for three-oh-five and wondered when did she ever set that one up. She sat up while moving to sit on the edge of her bed as she turned to look over at Shuang's empty bed.
"I thought I told her to wake me up before she leaves." She groaned while standing up and went to relieve herself before getting ready for ler late Tuesday's class.
While getting ready, Meilian noticed her phone flashing every so often and rolled her eyes while putting up her hair. "Does that kid not have some extracurricular after school to attend to besides bothering me?"
She shook her head as she reached for her phone to check her message after she was satisfied with how her hair was done. She left her room and began to head to class as she scrolled through the messages of her little brother reminding her that she still needed to provide her vocals for his music project by Friday or he'll get a D for a half-finished project.
"I know that already." Meilian mumbled as she replied back to him before placing the mobile device into her pocket and exited the sorority house. As she made her way down the steps she was greeted by Xingjie as the duo walked in the same direction together.
"Y'know, I love my brother and all, but you and the gang don't have to keep a watch on me for his sake's." Meilian informed the male as he laughed. "Well, Yankai means well and is just making sure that his big sister is well taken care of."
"I know. Yanchen already made sure I arrived safely to my sorority house this morning when I came back later than normal. I really feel like my brother has a tracker on me or something."
"It's because you have your location on, that's why, Meilian." Xingjie reminded her as he laughed again while he swung an arm around Meilian's shoulder. "Just think of it as your very own protection squad."
"I'm pretty sure you're the ones that need it as how Iota Phi Theta is a pretty popular fraternity as of late if I recall from your ever so popular scavenger hunt."
"Yeah, but someone still owes me dinner for ditching me on my Monday night midnight radio special guest appearance."
"I thought you said it was gonna be next Monday night, not yesterday's night."
"You need to check your calendar more often or I'm not gonna buy you late night snacks during our radio jams."
"Whatever. It's not like you're special or anything, Xingjie."
"I know. You already have a special one reserved already."
"I do not. Shut up about that."
"Why? I think by now you would have let him know about your feelings."
"He doesn't need to know and I'm pretty sure he isn't interested anyways."
"How do you know?"
"Because I just do. Now, what did I say about mentioning that or him? Hmm?"
"That you'll treat me out every time it's brought up."
"What? No I did not. Liar."
Xingjie laughed as Meilian pushed him away from her, but he returned back to his original position before she did that.
"Okay, okay. I'm kidding. Sheesh. You're so violent. Ziyi might not like that."
"No I'm not and shut up about that name."
Meilian denied although she elbowed him away from her as he feigned injury by grabbing at his side like it was in pain.
"I'm gonna have to bill you all of my medical incidents this whole semester."
"Yeah, right. That's all on you."
"Maybe I'll forward the bills to him. I don't think he'll mind since he's been wanting to know the voice of Lady Lotus."
"Stop. But why does he wanna know?"
"He likes your voice and wants to meet you."
"That's awkward, but no you can't tell him."
"Why not? You think he's not interested, but he is."
"He just wants to know Lady Lotus, not Zhang Meilian."
"Well, if you just let me tell him, then maybe it's really just you since he doesn't know it's the same person."
"Ugh, shut up, Xingjie."
"I know you know that I'm right about this."
Meilian didn't reply back and ignore her friend. They finally came to their building and Meilian shot Xingjie a smile resuming talking to him again even if for a little bit. "Okay, our path ends here. I'll see you next week."
Xingjie rolled his eyes as waved her off. "We have class together tomorrow morning, dummy. I don't know why you always do that."
"Because I can. See you later, Huba!"
"What did I say about calling me that?!"
"That you'll treat me out every time it's brought up! Huba! Huba! Huba!"
Meilian stuck her tongue out at him as she ran up the steps to her classroom as Xingjie rolled his eyes. "This girl."
Shuang had left the library earlier than normal so that she could get something to eat before her next class as it would be a three hour one. Also, she didn't want any of the others asking her questions regarding the mystery girl that Zhengting was still in search of. Shuang knew that she should have reminded Serena not to mention any of that, but forgot all about it as the boys never really brought it up in class since then.
Shuang let out a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair while making her way to the campus' cafeteria. While thinking of what to purchase, she didn't hear someone calling her name until she felt someone nudging her. Shuang looked to her left and saw that Zhengting was matching her pace while catching his breath. She internally screamed and knew that it was probably Serena who told him that she had just left.
"What's up, Zhengting?" Shuang coolly asked before facing forward again.
"I just wanted to know if you could tell me about that girl with the heart and rose tattoo." Zhengting answered while hoping that Shuang could provide him with some clues to go on as he's been stuck with this girl on his mind since then.
"I don't know much about her so I can't really tell you anything, Zhengting."
"You must know something."
"Why are you so keen on finding her? Didn't you just like slept with her because you were drinking too much?"
"That's none of your business."
"Okay then."
Shuang quicken her pace, but Zhengting matched her once more and grabbed her elbow to slow her down so that they could talk.
"Alright, sorry, but can't you just tell me something?" He pleaded as Shuang let out a deep breath while removing her elbow from out of his grasp. "Sorry, Zhengting, I really can't. Serena just likes saying stuff that isn't true. I don't know who the girl is even though I do have somewhat of a photographic memory, but it doesn't mean I know anything about others. Sorry. See you Thursday."
Shuang didn't give Zhengting time to respond as she rushed away leaving him to stare after her although she was feeling slightly guilty as she really did know, but wasn't sure if he was looking for the mystery girl only to tell her that it was a mistake. In Shuang's mind, she felt like for her it wasn't a mistake at all as she could recall the deep conversations that she and Zhengting shared. Still, this was college and they both had too much to drink when it happened.
It wasn't something that Shuang wanted to dwell upon because if Zhengting couldn't even remember it was her, then why should she even give him a chance to. Of course there was something in the back of her mind to give him the benefit of th doubt, but Shuang didn't want to chance it and have her hopes crushed. This was college after all and it was a time to just live life before the real world ate you up. Or more so of what Shuang thought of her college life so far, anyways.
Meilian skipped the rest of her class when Ms. Ming announced that the second half of class would be discussing about the previous lessons and so left when she announced a break. The professor was only doing reviews for the lab work that was next week and Meilian already knew the material and so didn't want to sit in on another boring lecture. The class was already long enough with the teacher talking endlessly in such a monotone voice. Meilian figured she'll do without the reviews as she usually winged the lab work, anyways, and always scored well.
After exiting the classroom, Meilian hurried to turn off her location so that her brother and friends wouldn't continously bother her about her whereabouts. She was a grown woman already so of course she didn't need to be baby-sat. She'll have a talk with Yankai later about it. Anyhow, Meilian was on her way to the school's cafeteria to get herself something to eat and drink before heading back to the N-C-P's house since she was already done for the day.
Whille Meilian was browsing the many items of the cafeteria she heard her name being called softly from behind her and turned around to see Tengyang. "Oh, hi, Tengyang." She greeted the male with a hug. "What's up?"
"Hey, Meilian." Tengyang smiled at her. "I wanted to ask your opinion about something since you're a girl and all."
"What kind of opinion?"
"About stuffed animals."
"What about it? I'm not totally into it."
"Yeah, but you're still a girl."
"There's like a bunch of other girls here, Tengyang."
"I already asked them so I'm just collecting more opinons."
"Alright, what is it?"
Tengyang smiled as he brought out his phone and went through it before finding what he was looking for. "Question one, what kind of stuffed animal do you prefer?"
"Koala." Meilian answered without hesitation.
"Yes. Next."
"Do you prefer a small, medium, big, or gigantic stuffed animal?"
"It depends on what it is."
"It's a koala one."
"Then a very big gigantic one."
"Yes. What else?" Meilian shot him an amused look as Tengyang continued. "Um, what about the color?"
"What if there was no blue?"
"Then anything else except red. I hate red."
"I just do."
"Okay, then, um..." Tengyang trailed off as he inputted Meilian's answers while moving to the next question.
"How many do you have left?"
"Just a few more. Please bear with me"
"Ugh, okay. You're lucky I'm not busy."
"When are you though?"
"Not the point. Anyways, go on."
"Okay, okay. Are you going to attend Iota Theta Phi's karaoke night this Saturday?"
"Oh, what? Why not?" Tengyang asked surprised as he looked up from his phone.
"Because I have other plans."
"Like what?"
"Sleeping or watching my shows."
"You do that like all the time."
"You should go out more and hang out with your peers."
"What are you? My mom? I can do whatever I want."
"Yeah, yeah. One more question then."
Tengyang chuckled before speaking while shooting Meilian a playful look. "If someone from Iota Phi Theta gave you that gigantic Koala stuffed animal, then who would you want it to be?"
"What kind of question is that?" Meilian asked him with a suspicious look. "Was this a setup?
"What? No, Meilian, it isn't. Why would you say or think that?"
"Because I'm not stupid, Tengyang. I know how you boys at I-P-T like to play your games and what not."
"What? No way. I'm not playing any games." Tengyang looked to his left and right before pointing behind. "I think I hear someone calling my name. I'll catch you next time, Meilian."
"Uh huh. Sure, Tengyang. Bye."
Meilian watch him rush off before turning her attention back onto the food display while thinking who had sent him to ask her such questions.
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