#i love you and i love them so honestly we're all winning in this scenario
flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
The cullens with a wendigo reader?
The Cullens with a Wendigo! Reader
Ngl I felt like Bella researching vampires when I was looking this up lol. I got all of my information from random websites that I found so hopefully this is correct. You would think I would know more about them since I've watched Wendigoon's Cryptid Iceberg like 30 times but whatever
From what I've found, a Wendigo is a creature that feeds off of humans. Some depictions say that it is a fearsome creature with glowing eyes, fangs, and claws. In other depictions it is a spirit that possesses a human host and forces them to cannibalize others. Other times it has been described as a humanoid creature that is characterized by a foul odor or sudden chill.
For this story, I went the route of the last one with the humanoid figure and the sudden chill no nasty smells
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this!
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He has never met someone like you before
So he's curious
Of course, he is wary
But he's still curious anyway
Maybe you've been pulling the same thing where you go to various highschools to blend in
Or maybe he met you another way
But in either scenario, he is so curious
Will ask you so many questions
He's infatuated
It's not everyday that you're not the only supernatural entity in the room
He doesn't judge you for what you do to humans
He understands because he used to do that too
Well not exactly but you know what I mean
He feels like he can be his full self and that he doesn't have to hide anything
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I have a feeling that her visions wouldn't be able to see you
She can't see any of the wolves after all
So maybe it's that she has trouble seeing species other than humans and vampires
Either way she is caught off guard
But after the initial shock wears off, she's so curious
Like Edward, she wants to know everything
Where you've been, where you're going, what it feels like, if you were transformed or born that way
Literally everything
She would love going hunting with you
You hunting humans and her hunting animals
She loves your differences
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He has seen a lot of stuff
He's very well traveled
At least as far as North America goes
So I feel like he would have encountered another Wendigo at some point
So your existence isn't a surprise to him
Mostly just the fact that you're here
He's honestly the most civil
He knows what you are, what you do, and he's okay with that
You're not a danger to him or anyone else he cares about
Respectful king
He will defend you to the other Cullens if he needs to
He understands it's your nature and you can't control it
He definitely understands not being able to control yourself
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She's not particularly interested at first
She's actually a bit annoyed
If we're looking at the aspect of the legend that says that you stink like rotting flesh and death.... she's a little more than put off
She's very vocal about her disdain for how much the wolves stink
So she would not tolerate that in her house
But if you don't smell like actual death... she can come around
Another one who's curious about you
But she's a lot less vocal about her curiosity
She's still a little annoyed
Mostly just about the fact that you eat humans
She thinks it's nasty
But other than that and her curiosity she's just sort of indifferent
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He loves it
He loves challenging other creatures (and winning)
He doesn't see you as a threat or a danger
He just sees you as someone new to have fun with
Definitely loves going hunting with you
And seeing who can get the largest prey
He loves to know all of the gross details
Wants to know what people taste like to you
Edward thinks it's gross and told him to ask those questions outside of the house
Is another one who loves all of the differences between you two
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Very wary
She has no clue what to do
She's never met anything but vampires and werewolves
Was about to faint after she learned that you eat humans
Like she knows that vampires feed off of humans too
But not like the whole thing, just the blood
She's honestly a little disgusted
She doesn't tell you that of course
Or let you know that she feels that in any way
But she comes around eventually
Everybody needs to eat to live
And some people need to eat other things
She just prefers to not think about your dietary habits <3
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Mr. Questions
It actually gets annoying how much he asks you
He's probably met a Wendigo before, being so old and all
It's just pretty unlikely that he got to ask all of the questions that he wanted to
Literally sits you down for a whole day to perform testing on you
And he does everything
Blood samples, skin samples, hair samples, movement tests, food tests, an x-ray, an MRI
Every test he could get his hands on at the clinic
So inquisitive
But he's also very respectful
You can't gross him out
Another one who doesn't judge you at all
He understands that you need to do what you need to do
Respectful king
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Vampire! Bella:
Cue the google searches
She acts super chill about it
"Oh yeah I heard that you were... um... something. Yeah that's totally cool"
But on the inside she is dying to ask you questions
But she remembers how closed off Edward was to questions about his nature and doesn't want to push you away
So she just... watches
She follows after you when you're hunting just to watch
She peeks into your room a couple times
If you notice her being a stalker just tell her to stop lol
And then answer any question she has
But she comes prepared
"So... where are your big antlers? And why aren't you 15 feet tall?"
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izzabela · 3 months
There's a First Time for Everything - Lin Kuei Siblings x fem!reader (scenario fic)
in which Tomas, Kuai Liang, and Bi Han give you their first kiss
a/n: so an anonymous requested the Lin Kuei family trying pda/first kiss, but my tumblr buggin hella, so i can't find the actual anon request. IF YOU REQUESTED THIS TROPE PLEASE SEND A DM BECAUSE I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT YOU. ARE. SEEN. also big thanks to anon for being my first ever request.
ship[s]: kuai liang, tomas, bi han x fem!reader (separate)
warning(s): pre-betrayal, consider yourself an opp if you hate fluff
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Kuai Liang
The winter festival near the Lin Kuei Palace had wrapped up, and everyone was gathering in the field for the final fireworks display provided by the village. While the many families, couples, and festival-goers were heading to the field, Kuai Liang was leading you somewhere else.
"By the elder gods," you managed to muster out your chattering teeth, "I'll turn into a popsicle up here!"
Kuai Liang turned back at you and saw you clutching onto the fur pelt he gave you to fight the freeze. He smiled sheepishly and went by your side, taking your shoulders with both hands and lead you up the path. His hands were warmer than usual, and you figured he turned his powers on for you.
"I'm sorry, my love, but we're almost there," he said apologetically, kissing your cheek, "Hold on for me just a little bit longer?"
You rolled your eyes, but gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "If you say so, love."
You and Kuai Liang have been dating for a couple of weeks now, but it honestly looked like two high schoolers dating more than two adults. Being raised in the environment like the Lin Kuei already left little room for a personal life, let alone a girlfriend! Besides, as second-in-command to his brother, Bi Han, he had very little interaction with women. I mean, there was Frost? But she, like the other female initiates, were training equally as hard as the men.
Kuai Liang had the basics of intimacy and PDA: quick kisses on the cheek, forehead, and hand were the only weapons he had on him. It was cute to see him learn new things about casual intimacy displays of affection, and even cuter to see him flush bright red when he tried them out on you. What was coming next, though, was something you did not expect at all.
Kuai Liang had led you to a beautiful Chinese Pistache tree, covered in frost and snow, overlooking the entire village and the field where the fireworks were going to happen. The sun was still peeking beyond the horizon, ad you could see the light reflect off the frozen pieces of the tree, giving the tree a natural glimmer.
Underneath, there was a seat for the both of you, a pit for fire right in front. Kuai Liang used his magic to set it alight, the fire warming up for both of you. Although you were warmed by Kuai Liang's magic, love had overflowed your heart at the sentiment.
"Okay, this is pretty good," you smirked, turning to him and giving him a soft smile, "This is wonderful. Thank you."
He nodded and led you over to the seat before the fireworks started. As you two waited, you were talking about the amazing day spent: winning cheap festival prizes, trying all the food from the vendors, even talking about how you two saw members of his family around the festival. Your mindless chatter was interrupted when the first boom went off, signifying the fireworks had started.
With the sun's final remnants of brightness gone, the stars and explosives were the only light against the darkness of the sky. The night sky became a canvas for pretty hues of blue, white, purple, and other colors representing winter. The exploded in shapes of snowflakes, mittens, and other iconic images of winter. You watched the show with your mouth slightly open, in awe of the show.
"Beautiful.." you murmured quietly, "Don't you think so, Kuai Lia...ng?"
When you turned to Kuai Liang, all his focus was on you, not the light display. His eyes stared deep into yours, making you turn pink from all the attention. He looked... lost in your colored orbs, and he definitely did not want to be found
"Yes, it is indeed a beautiful display," he said, a warm smile on his face.
His hand reached for your cheek, stroking it lightly with his thumb. His other hand took the hand you rest in your lap, still trying to keep you warm. However, your heart's pace was going so fast it might have been your personal heat generator. You realized he was slowly leaning in, eyes half-lidded as he was getting closer and closer to your lips.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to close the gap. When he did, your heart exploded with its own fireworks. His lips were warm on yours, and the kiss was filled with desire and longing, as if he'd waited for this moment his entire life. You pulled him closer, your arms flinging over his shoulders, and his hand tilting your face to allow for more room to deepen the kiss. Both of you were fired up, and not due to the warmth Kuai Liang provided with his magic.
When Kuai Liang separated from you, his eyes were glossed with love and euphoria, finally kissing his girlfriend for real. Yours were too, although there was a bit of pride in them since Kuai Liang had initiated it first. You moved one of your hands to his cheek, mimicking the same thing he did to your face as you spoke.
"That was amazing, my love. Where did you learn to do that?" You asked.
He chuckles, a shit-eating grin on his face as he puffed his chest up with a bit of pride.
"The Lin Kuei's secrets are not meant to be shared, love."
You gently shoved his chest, huffing at his response. Although, you had your own arsenal of teasing jabs.
"Well, for a guy who grew up without interacting with women, you fared pretty well."
He tilted his head, this time a smirk of knowing on his face as he brought your face close to his once more.
"Get over here," he said as he closed the distance.
You had more jabs for him, but they were ineffective against this deadly finisher of a move. Still, your mouth welcomed his as you both connected once more, the firework show being nothing but background noise for your guys' moment.
"Boy, were you hungry..." Tomas said wearily as he looked at the bill.
A little burp escaped your mouth, covering it with your hand and offering an "excuse me" to lighten the embarrassment. Regardless, he ruffled your hair and paid the bill without worry.
"I can't help but agree with the sentiment," Kitana said, "The food was indeed delicious."
You, Tomas, Kitana, and Raiden had finished dinner at Madam Bo's in Fengjian, a double date insinuated by Raiden. During a mission to Outworld, he had the courage to ask Kitana out to dinner. However, he was just a bit nervous dining alone with her, so he sent a letter to you and Tomas to come and ease his worries.
The entire night, the four of you enjoyed casual conversation and updated each other on the affairs of your lives. Kitana had been promoted to Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, Raiden had become an elite monk, teacher, and member to the White Lotus, and Tomas shared updates on his brothers and the Lin Kuei (the updates he was allowed to share, anyways).
You, on the other hand, were a simple villager farmer in Fengjian, which translates to boring. As boring and plain as white rice.
Even so, Tomas made sure to make you feel included. He always mentioned the little anecdotes you told him, asked about your family, and even made sure you and Kitana had stuff to talk about. He knew you were intimidated by her aura, but by the end of the night, she was just another girl (only a princess-warrior to a semi-immortal race).
"You must write to me, my friend," Kitana addressed you as you walked out the restaurant, "It has been too long since another acquaintance as entered my life."
You blushed at her praise and honor, "Of course, your highness! I would love to write to you!"
You and Tomas bade farewell to the other couple, Raiden walking with Kitana before seeing her off to a nearby portal. Hand in hand, you two walked together and enjoyed the quiet night in Fengjian. The casual buzz of June-bugs, flutter of dragonflies, and the light breeze that shook the trees gently filled both of you with peace.
You clung onto Tomas's large arm, nuzzling your face into his beefy bicep. His walk becomes more stiff, this display of affection getting into his heart and head.
While Tomas may be the more affectionate one of his brothers, it still surprised you that things like this flustered him. To be fair, he grew up orphaned from his mother and sister. Thankfully, he was taken in by Kuai Liang and Bi Han, but learning the ways of assassins and growing up with brothers left him very little time to engage with others of the opposite sex.
When you and Tomas were out, PDA was as foreign to him as him growing up in the Lin Kuei. Of course, he welcomed all the innocent brushes of your hands, the little kisses you blew at him, even you holding his hand. It was cute watching him turn beet red, and you always imagined him going back to his home with a love-struck face.
As you two walked, you noted how Tomas was leading a little ways away from the village. Gone were the little wooden houses and loose streetlights, ahead of you two were fields of tall grass and fireflies. Just a bit more walking, and Tomas stopped in the middle of the path.
"Where to now, darling?" you asked.
He simply smiled and walked behind you, covering your eyes and began leading you. You were surprised, but you trusted him and allowed him to guide your body.
"Lin Kuei secrets, my dear. Allow me to escort you, though," he said cheekily.
You heard the brush of the tall grass and the slight mush of the dirt below you. From your ears, you could hear the soft rustle of a tree, and the gentle flow of a small stream. When Tomas's hands were moved, the sight left you breathless.
Madam Bo's teahouse stood at the center of the scene, the houses were lit up and you could see the figures of your people enjoying the evening. You noticed the tree and its long branches stooping over, and you look up to be greeted with the most beautiful Weeping Willow tree in your life. What made it better was the fireflies that blinked their lights, like a personal light display.
A huge, beaming smile was plastered on your face as you began dancing underneath the bugs, watching them scatter and blink. You swung your body around in twirls and pirouettes, enjoying the place Tomas set you up with. He, too, was enjoying the place he brought you. Watching you spin around in pure joy, he decided to join you. He took your hands and danced with you, accompanying you as your dance partner.
After on final spin, he made sure you faced him. With both of your hands in his, you had nowhere else to go or look. He let go from on of your hands and brought it up to the back of your head. He gently brought your forehead closer to him, and he leaned down just a bit to make sure his connected with yours. You could feel his exasperated breath on yours, and you realized there was something else coming after this.
"May I kiss you, darling?" he asked gently.
You nodded shyly and felt Tomas's lips attack yours. You knew that before Lin Kuei, he was a hunter, and his kiss was proof. Sure, this was his first, but there was a primal hunger in it, the urge to have you for himself. His hand down in your other hand moved to your back, pulling you closer to his chest. He dove deeper into your mouth, loving every taste of you.
When he parted from you, he looked breathless and exhausted, yet his eyes longed for more of you. He held back, though, and fixed your hair before resting his hands on your face.
"Did I do well, darling? Was it good for you?" He asked (a little too quickly).
You giggled and rubbed his face gently, "Of course! For someone like you, I'm surprised you pulled this off."
You laughed, but his pout took your joy away momentarily. You frowned a bit and sighed a bit, apologizing.
"I'm sorry, honey, I didn't mean to tease you too hard. I was just-." You were interrupted with another kiss from him.
You giggled and welcomed it, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as he wrapped his around your waist.
It seems that the "King of Smoke" is nothing but a puff in your arms.
Bi Han
You two walked side by side, silently strolling around the compound-palace as the snow fell. You two were the only ones up at this time of night, minus the guards up in the towers.
As grandmaster, Bi Han had very little time for personal matters. Other than his immediate family and his clan, he was so sure nothing would put him away from his goals. He grew up with the most pressure on his shoulders, reminded that his inheritance would be worth more than gold. Of course, that should have left him with practically zero percent chance of interacting with women- until he met you.
You and Bi Han have been dating for a couple of weeks now, and it has been nothing but enjoyable. Although gruff and strict, he did his best to reel it back for you, especially with your PDA and innocent intimacy. It felt surreal, different, but not unwelcome, and allowed you to do what you wanted with him.
Sometimes, when you held his hand, his magic would affect him and create a very thin barrier of frost in his hand. While it was chilly, he worked on it for you so that you could enjoy normal couple things. There were similar moments when you massaged his head while you two cuddled, any objects in his hand becoming frozen immediately. Sometimes, he worries in hurting you and always asked you if you were alright, even if you told him multiple times you were okay.
You concluded that any time you showed affection to him, his "embarrassment" would come through in the form of ice. It was cute, in a way- dare you say wholesome.
Anyways, as you two walked, you decided to sneakily link your hand with his. In surprise, Bi Han had frozen in place, looking at you with an incredulous look of bewilderment. You smiled at him and watched him turn away, but he couldn't hide the pink that colored the edge of his ear.
"You're blushing, my dear~" you teased, "Why won't you look at me?"
He huffed, "Your games are useless, woman. Let us keep walking."
You chuckled and let him lead the way, his hand in yours as he led you past a couple more corridors and hallways. You were a bit nervous, since these parts of the compound were alien to you.
"Where are we going, dear?" you asked nervously, "I have never seen these parts before..."
You didn't finish your sentence due to the sight in front of you. A beautiful Wisteria tree stood in the middle of a pond, and smooth stone seating was underneath. There was a walkway that lead to the seating, and beautiful flora and shrubbery lined the path. The snowfall added a fantastical touch, this entire hidden garden area something out of a movie.
"No one, besides my family and Tomas, has ever seen this part of the compound," Bi Han explained softly, the natural gruff of his voice still lingering, "This garden area was built for my mother per request of my father."
"It's so beautiful," you breathed, following the path and reaching for a flower, "How can you maintain the flowers life here?"
Bi Han sighs, a rare smile on his face, "I personally see the care to each of the flowers and greenery in here. I coat each one in a layer of frost for the especially colder seasons."
Bi Han follows you as you walked the path leading to the seating. He watches you gently touching each plant, smiling at how well taken care they were. It was a rare sense of softness Bi Han felt. He offers his arm to you and you link your arm in his, escorting you the rest of the way.
"Thank you, my dear, for showing me such vulnerability," you said whole-heartedly as you walked.
Bi Han looks at you and nods, a little smile on his face, "I believe you were deserving of such a place. You are always welcome in the Lin Kuei, especially here."
When you both reached the center, he sat down on one of the stone seats, to which you took the opportunity to surprise him and sit on his lap. Locking eyes with him, his turned wide before turning away, pink lining the edge of his ears once again.
"Enough of your surprises, woman," he huffed out. However, he gently snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
You smiled and held his face in your hands and gently moved his face to yours. You gave a quick kiss to his forehead, a form of "thank you" to him. You noted that his eyes held gentility, rare softness, and love for you. His eyes slowly closed as he leaned into you, one of his hands supporting your head.
By the elder gods, he was going to kiss you.
Closing your eyes, you felt the cryomancer's slightly chilled lips on yours. Despite this, you had never felt warmer. Bi Han kissed you with ferocity, afraid that your very being would dissipate if he let go of you or your lips for a split second. The grip around your waist tightened just a bit, and you allowed it by throwing your hands around his shoulders and pulling him even closer (if that was possible).
When Bi Han split from you, his gaze was kept on you, his hand moving from the back of your head to your face. He fixes your hair and cups your cheek, a soft smile on his face as he teases you.
"How was that for a first time?" he mocked you playfully.
Your voice dripped with teasing, "Good, I guess, for the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei."
You were taken by surprise when he kissed you again, a little rougher this time.
He didn't care though, if it meant having you for longer in the privacy of this garden, shrouded in frost and snow.
i read the original request multiple times to make sure i could ace this, and i hope you enjoyed anon. ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON FOR BEING MY FIRST EVER REQUEST. PLEASE SEND ME A DM OR ANOTHER REQUEST SO I CAN SHOW MY OWN AFFECTIONS TO YOU.
okay enough glazing. thank you guys so much for reading and i'll see you all in the next fic!
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anathemafiction · 2 years
Actually had another question lol! i just finished the Goliath path for the first time (no idea how i missed it the first time around but aNYWAY i loved it!) and i was wondering if you could rank who would win in a fight among the ROs? 👀 both with and without weapons? (i hope this doesn’t count as a scenario i read the faq and i don’t mean for it to be but if it does pls feel free to ignore fksjfjk) thank you<3
From amongst the ROs? That's a tough question! Who wins would depend on a lot of factors, such as where they fought, whether it's one-on-one or amidst a battle, and whether or not there's cover.
The best fighters are Hadrian, Alessa, the Pirate, and Neia. Between those… Neia is probably the best swordswoman. So, one on one, fully armored and armed, Neia would win most of the time. But Hadrian, honestly, would put up a very good fight. Enough to seriously wound the former Inquisitor — maybe even mortality wound her.
But, she'd leave the fight as the only one breathing.
Hand-to-hand combat? The Pirate probably has the most advantage there. With no armor and weapons, he's very quick on his feet, and while Alessa is quicker, she doesn't pack the punch that he does. Alessa would also put up a great fight, but the Pirate would only need one hit to take her down.
And while Hadrian and Neia have more brute force, they're not experienced enough to know where and how to strike while barehanded. The Pirate would also fight as dirty as he needed, so yeah. I can see him blinding Hadrian, or biting Neia's ear, doing everything to make sure he's the one who gets to enjoy another sunrise.
If we're talking about fighting between others, or with a place with low visibility or full of cover? Alessa would probably be the last one standing. She's quick, she's nimble, and she's the best shot of them all. She'd disappear among the chaos, only to strike when the others least expect, and her bite would be aimed at a vital spot. No matter if Neia or Hadrian were donning their full armor, Alessa would find the weakness in the cracks and plunge her knife as deep as she could.
They wouldn't fall spectacularly, but they'd fall slowly, in agonizing pain.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Ok, but like why does Yoongi do Jk dirty like that? Lol Yoongi doesn't LIKE Jimin like that (does he?) and it's obvious that Jk does and the members know it.
Like in the behind the scenes of the xylitol Christmas commercial where Yoongi touches Jimin's ear and Jimin looks at Jk, Yoongi also looks at Jk's reaction. And a lot of other times where Yoongi is just waiting for Jk to react and Jk does and Yoongi just stands there without anything to do anymore.
Yoongi knows he is ruffling Jk's feathers by touching Jimin lol but why does he do it!?!
Could be many reasons
1) He doesn't care. 😂 At the end of the day he's older than JK so this could be a hyung card at play here. Who knows? (RM too stopped caring. He used to pull away from Jimin in the past when JK got bothered but at some point he said "fuck it")
2) Suga respects the Jikook relationship. (This should be number one but his behaviour is the reason we're talking about this so...😂)
Contrary to popular stupid beliefs, BTS wouldn't be BTS if they were dating eo willy nilly. Some of the things I see under YT comments are insane! V used to date JK but then JK left him for Jimin and now he's trying to win JK back. Or When JK rejected Jimin, Jimin started dating Suga and then Jimin left Suga for JK and now bla bla bla I mean, i see this shit everyday and I'm like;
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I think it has to do with fanfiction, but it also has to do with the kind of TV shows we watch where a group of friends date eo and break up with eo all inside the group and somehow they remain friends and life goes on?? That's not how real life works. At all.
If any of that fuckery 👆🏽 actually happened it would affect the dynamic of BTS as a whole, big time. They wouldn't have been together all these years as a group if this was the case. Especially considering how possessive JK is. How attached to Jimin (satellite Jeon) he is. You really think Jimin getting with Suga would not cause some bad blood???
When they were young BTS were given scenarios where they were asked what they would do if 2 members wanted the same girl. Jimin said he would find another girl while JK basically said he would fight for his girl till the death. (I'm paraphrasing 😂) but yeah, JK said he would never give her up. Then couple that with JK's "mine mine mine" thing he's got going on and you know that man ain't about sharing, loosing Jimin, or none of that shit.
Another time Jimin said he wants to fall in love with one person for the rest of his life.
So these are the men we are dealing with. Those are their personalities. So this fanfic drama, love triangles people make up are just that, fan fiction.
3) Jimin is the only member he's comfortable having skinship with. This is because Jimin is very attune to people's feelings and u can see the way he initiates skinship with Suga is not how he does it with JK or Jhope. With JK he will just throw himself at him and call it a day. With Suga he will take a beat and actually make sure Suga is okay with it. And I believe Suga appreciates that.
Idk why Suga does what he does, anon. But there is one important thing we have to remember. JK doesn't have an issue with ALL Yoonmin moments. He could have an issue with them on Monday then on Wednesday he won't care. A good example would be this episode.
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During this game Suga spent a good chunk of it all over Jimin and JK did not bat an eye. Not even once.
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He wasn't bothered even for a second. Which fascinated me honestly. So just coz we don't talk about Yoonmin often, doesn't mean it happens all the time.
Also JK trusts Jimin explicitly and knows nothing is ever gonna come off whatever Suga feels. So it is what it is.
Proof that Jimin knows about JK and his anti Minimoni agenda.
RM pinches (or almost pinches?) Jimin's nipples (which is a Jikook thing btw; to randomly nipple play on official content 😂😂) and what does Jimin do? He looks at JK. And what was that face Jimin??? 👀
Seems to me like someone was relived another certain someone did not see what just happened. He he he hee!
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Oh. If u didn't get what i meant by Jikook have a nipple thing here u go. Nipple Nipple Nipple (Jimin actually looks like he felt that one 😏) another Nipple. Like i said, its a Jikook thing. 🤭
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umlewis · 8 months
Lewis Hamilton: Sebastian Vettel Battle Will Be Career High
Lewis Hamilton says he and 2017 Formula 1 title opponent Sebastian Vettel have greater mutual respect than he has experienced in any other rivalry.
UPDATED 10/04/2017 AT 07:39 EDT
The pair are now tied atop the F1 drivers' championship having had a win and a second place apiece in 2017's opening races. Although they have won seven of the last nine titles between them, Hamilton and Vettel have not previously had a one-on-one championship battle and currently enjoy a friendly relationship, and Hamilton is hopeful that that won't change.
"I honestly think it will stay the way it is. Who knows, maybe we'll have times where we're racing hard together, and of course there could be that scenario where one of us thinks something is unfair, or has been too aggressive, whatever it may be. But we're grown men, we've come a long way, and we've experienced a lot. The respect for one another is the highest that I have felt from another driver, especially of his calibre," Hamilton continued. "It's amazing sportsmanship. When you win you enjoy it, and you also acknowledge the person next door, and even when you lose it's the same thing. We're both doing that, and that's a great place to be. Naturally he wants to kill me out there and beat me, and vice versa, but then outside the car the admiration for the other's achievements and the way that they drive [is there too]. He's performing at his best, he is rapid out there, so when I'm able to get ahead it only compliments you, and vice versa." After three years of an exclusive title fight with now-former Mercedes teammate Nico Rosberg, Hamilton said taking on an external rival in a Ferrari made wins more satisfying. "I'm fighting against a four-time world champion. He's at his best and he's phenomenally quick, and Ferrari are at their best in years, in a decade, pretty much, I think. We're at our best as a team, and I feel like I'm at my best," he added, before reiterating his own form: "The ultimate fighter always wants to go up against the best battle that he can have, because then when you come out on top it's just so much more satisfying. So yeah, I love this fight that we're having." Hamilton hopes the title battle can be a straight head-to-head without disruption from outside influences such as accidents or the mechanical failures that marred his 2016 campaign. "Sitting there with Sebastian, we were like, 'This is going to go right down to the end of the season,'" said Hamilton, "and I just hope that, for both of us, there's nothing mechanical comes in between our sheer battle through ability. I really, really hope it's just an out and out fight through stubbornness, through mental stability, through fitness, through composure and all those things, and, at times, through just outdriving the person on track. When other things start playing bigger roles, whether it's safety cars or whether it's mechanical things, that takes away that excitement of what racing's about."
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quietbluejay · 4 months
The Crimson Fist 1
Things are a bit less on fire so I can read more
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you know if i had a nickel for every BL work of fiction that started like this i'd have like 2 nickels possibly more
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OH ITS ALEXIS the dude from Unremembered Empire that I wanted to know more about one of the big reasons I'm reading this
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ok but why yeah yeah i know about all the stupid space marine joining rituals but they're stupid and his brother died to save him
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oh we're going first person. groovy oh he woke up floating in the vacuum of space his armour is slowly failing he's surrounded by the corpses of the human crew
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isn't dread a type of fear?
so Alexis is not good at reading people and he's now stuck in command because his mentor listed him as next and his mentor is dead so they lost 2/5ths of their force to the warp, rip
okay so Dorn lost his temper and since he couldn't go himself sent thirty thousand imperial fists as a retribution fleet things i know about Dorn as a commander: -did this -ordered them all to return and they did regardless of the situation on the ground i am not filled with confidence about these guys
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he forgot to cherish them okay im memeing but it's true augh i. don't like when writers switch between third person and first person between chapters im reconsidering how i chose to write harem protagonist now like it seems to flow naturally to me when i read it, but i wrote it but also i don't alternate chapters third vs first okay so Alexis is chilling waiting, trying to make contact vs Tyr is unhappy and thinks they should go to Isstvan except lmao he's lost 10 ships trying to get through the warp storms …i wonder how the imperial fists would have dealt with The Buried Dagger i honestly keep getting similar vibes between them and the Death Guard in a lot of ways
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This explains a lot
they get hit by a psychic attack, not anything Alexis was expecting okay they found Something on Phall and now back to terra
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pleasant fellow
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oh they just got news about isstvan v and thus he orders the Retribution Fleet back oh hey over to Iron Warriors Perturabo is making a major if understandable blunder in assuming that Sigismund is in command
Dorn needs like something he can do as stress relief some kind of hobby he should take up embroidery ah Sigismund is going to confess the real reason he stayed behind on Terra to Dorn it was Keeler
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French really loves this kind of stuff huh
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okay! there is a LOT to unpack here me @ black library: PLEASE stop giving me potential primarch blorbos i have too many already im being attacked at all my weak points but also like i mean dorn you could have ordered him if you thought the choice was unwise ah, he feels betrayed because he trusted sigismund's judgement
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this guy is such a great villain
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and then Dorn is like "okay you stay you keep your command"
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wow so sigismund manages to finally screw up his nerve to be honest and it goes absolute worst case scenario in a way i'm pretty sure he was completely unprepared for and unaware could happen
it kind of makes sense that this guy ended up founding the Black Templars, huh i still need a moment to go AAAAAA okay im back from chewing furniture so the final bit Keeler said to him was
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mwah ghhh i need to rip apart dorn with my teeth like a dog he needs to go on a magical journey of discovery
sdkjflsdf the Iron Warriors start blasting the moment they enter realspace and manage to take out an Imperial Fist ship immediately
so, Alexis did not know the Iron Warriors were traitors so he's freaking out about that
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So does it have a sister ship named Euryale
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huh how'd Falk look at the warp then but honestly he's not wrong here people should stop looking out windows at the warp so the iron warriors are overall winning but the imperial fists aren't doomed yet
oh OKAY we get to see why Perturabo nearly killed Berossus and it's because he said "the fleet's being lead by some guy named Alexis Polux, not Sigismund" that was brutal anyways also Alexis ordered Tyr to kill Perturabo like talk about a tall order
ohh boy so they've been killing astropaths trying to get a message out and dorn is killing astropaths trying to reach them being an astropath sucks
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and then Lezzek combusts lovely
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oh okay so it's Alexis who decides this means RETREAT IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE okay okay he's worried Terra is falling and they're being called back as a last defence BUT ALEXIS DUDE Imperial Fists are not intellectuals but also given what we've seen of Dorn, I can see him meaning it re: LEAVING AN ACTIVE BATTLE and then regretting it later i want to impale him with a thousand pikes
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but then would even Dorn be like "LEAVE YOUR ACTIVE BATTLEFIELD"???
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okay his choice is. understandable i guess. he's inexperienced with command he's got Dorn as his commander given the thing about the warp storms it makes a little more sense BUT STILL
and I'm going to have to finish next post because I hit image limit (again, as usual)
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papalouiemutual · 11 months
andy is the best option on dan and phil's new gaming video and you CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND
yes i'm making a mini essay about this because i'm so opinionated but mostly just really excited for the gaming channel to be back let's look at the options, shall we?
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sean - "nicknamed 'mr. know it all.'" dan's interpretation of this in the video is that he's a mansplainer, but in his defense, it could just mean that he's surprisingly smart. especially being surrounded by jocks, if we're going based on stereotypes, they'd make fun of him for having any type of knowledge on anything besides sports - "hopes to win the world record for the longest kiss." this one's unclear for me. it could be a green flag because he has a niche passion, but it could also be weird. like i don't know, maybe he's just focused on the kiss and not actually winning the record.. he'd have to be genuinely committed to the record for me to be into it. especially since beating that record would not be pleasant - "has a pet boa constrictor." HONESTLY.. such a huge green flag for me. having a pet of his own at all is already a green flag, but the fact that it's an underappreciated animal? love that. it adds to the view of him being a bit out of place in his circle of jock friends. no notes - "always spits when he talks." it's objectively a bit gross, but it's also not his fault at all?? if there is something about his method of speaking that affects that then maybe you could coach him a bit, but that's usually because of the shape of someone's mouth and/or the amount of spit their body naturally makes, so... if this is a dealbreaker for you, there's nothing you can do. but also maybe don't have that as your dealbreaker, that's really mean
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neil - "the only boy on the synchronized swimming team." okay so originally i thought that this meant he was one-man synchronized swimming team and i thought that was kinda dumb, but my brother brought to my attention that this almost definitely means the rest of the team is girls. so i feel DUMB, but let's factor that in now. there's two obvious ways to interpret this and one slightly less obvious one. firstly, he could be there just to be surrounded by girls. and that's probably what the game intended, because that is a weird thing to do. secondly, he could just genuinely be super passionate about synchronized swimming and he happens to be the only guy who was interested enough to join. and thirdly, he could have wanted to join a sport team (or his parents were forcing him) and synchronized swimming was the only one he really qualified for. or he joined it because it seemed like the lowest effort. so the last one is kind of 2 different options, maybe even 4 if you factor in being made to do it as a completely separate scenario. either way, there's too many scenarios for me to really have a strong opinion, so i'm just laying out this information for everyone else - "wants to farm pigs." BIG green flag, in my opinion. obviously i'm assuming his practice would be ethical, because why would i willingly decide it wasn't. this is a good passion for a life partner to have, so if you're in for marriage, definitely go for the guy that wants to run a farm!! i'm very passionate about that, so that's a huge point for neil - "never studies, but passes every exam." it's honestly cool that he's smart! but this fact hinges entirely on if he brags about this or not. people who brag about that are some of the most annoying people in the world, but people that just have that as a fact about them are fine. it's impressive! - "gets at least one detention a week." doesn't really push me one way or another... people get sent to detention for dumb bullshit, so he could be doing nothing wrong. he could also be doing cool shit that's getting him sent to detention. but there's also a possibility he could actually be doing awful or super annoying shit... personally, i don't think it's likely that he's actually doing something awful (just based on everything else about him), but it is still very possible that the shit he's doing is annoying. but... he mostly just seems like a big nerd, so i think this fact about him is fine
and finally..
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andy let me just say: obviously i know he isn't the most attractive of the group. but HEAR ME OUT. - "the class clown." typically a red flag for me, BUT it doesn't say that's unfunny... i have known class clowns that were genuinely funny, and the only people who were mad were stuffy nerds (/lh). so this is hit or miss, but it's something that will affect the view of him in general - "wants to write romantic novels." ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. the fact that he has a creative passion is such a good thing. the fact that it's novels PLURAL and not just one novel? he's committed to this. it isn't just something he wants to do for the experience. this is his life goal. that's so fucking cool - "scuba dives for sunken treasure." DUDE? HELL YES??? that's so fucking interesting. even if you don't fuck with treasure hunting, he SCUBA DIVES????? that's awesome!!!!! i don't know how to explain why that's awesome if you don't agree. it's just so fucking cool - "claims to have kissed half the girls in the school... twice." HEAR ME OUT. i know that this is meant to be the biggest red flag, but it is SUCH a common cover-up for gay guys that are deeply in the closet. andy is gay. LOOK AT ALL HIS INTERESTS TOO. IT ALL TIES IN. HE'S ACTUALLY GAY. the other guys are mostly just gay because they have to be in the situation of guys playing this game, BUT? the trying to get attention by being a class clown? super closeted gay. he's insecure and needs something to feel better about himself. the romance novels? obviously. imagine him, a deeply awkward, heavily closeted young gay guy, dreaming about his future where he can be an openly gay author writing gay romance novels. that's fucking beautiful. and the scuba diving isn't gay but it does make him hotter.
andy is the best choice of this round of heartthrob, mostly because i have reason to believe that he's actually gay. and gay guys will always be hotter than straight guys (when you're a gay guy yourself).
edit: please vote in my poll for these boys
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Hello! I just saw your recent post and I feel like sharing something (I hope you don't mind 。(^▽^)ゞ) I agree with you about the suitors having traumatic childhood/past, not all of them should have that and it is certainly not the heroine's job to "fix him". But since this is Ikemen Villains we're talking about, I feel like majority of the suitors are going to have those, but hopefully the heroine doesn't pull a "i can fix him" card. Perhaps she can try to be calm and learn all the pros and cons of the suitor (smth like that?). Anyway, I just have this feeling that perhaps this is gonna be one of the darkest ikemen games CYBIRD has ever made. Since the concept is "villains", what if the heroine gets a corruption arc or what if the suitor convinces her to join them so they can destroy the world together (ok wait i know that game hasn't been released yet and there's barely any trailers 。゚(TヮT)゚。) but i just somehow had a feeling because i played otome games before with bad endings and since the announcement of ikemen villains it got me thinking.
That's exactly what I'm talking about! MC doesn't have to 'fix him' she could just support him on the sidelines and give him a peace of mind when he needs it. I honestly don't care if Ikemen Villains is "I can fix him" kind of story as long as it has:
MC that's not boring and sassy and as something important to do in the story outside of romance. Hope MC in this one is more reserved and a calculative thinker. I hope she can outsmart the male leads when they're in a tight spot. Usually MC's are always shown to be average everyday girl with little to no personality, can't hide what she's thinking and not as smart as male leads. Like for example, in these games, there is always this 'chess scene' between the ml and mc and mc always loses because she's mc. In this game, I want MC to win every chess game possible and put the male leads to shame!
A story well written and the male lead past is just 1% of the story. (I honestly don't care about the male leads' traumatic past, because it's something that has already happened and there is no 'tension' in the present scenario because of that. The traumatic past is only there to show how broken the male lead is. I'd rather play a story about the present scenario and what is happening NOW!)
Male leads and MC takes decent time to get to understand each other and fall in love. As a sucker for romance, I get bothered when see these time limits set for every game (except for Ikegen and Ikelive). It feels like a forced romance than 'naturally' falling in love. There will always be this one guy who will be like:
Nerd male lead: "MC don't forget, you must never give your heart, soul, your food, your virginity, your bank account details, etc... to anyone until wormhole back to Japan which will appears after 2 weeks..."
and ofc MC will be: "Hmph, Don't worry I'll NEVER EVER EVER fall in love with anyone!"
................*sigh* Cybird, do you really think we'd fall for the same thing for the 5th time!?
I can feel it. It is going to have time limit. MC will have like one month to interact with the male leads before her train arrives!
And about the corruption arc, man I'd die to see that! MC turning into villain herself and destroying the whole world...that's lit!! They should do it! I hope they do! Not only Ikemen Villains but do it for every games, IDK how? But they could make it work(But there's a very very small chance they would)
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 2 years
(Okay I'm kinda copying my tumblr info here. It was kinda inspired by the 9-1-1 fandom so.)
I keep seeing these huffy posts about how the random has reacted to the sperm donor storyline. And how the fandom 'should' actually react.
A friendly reminder: the show is a DRAMA. People watch it for the drama. Because people ENJOY drama.
You may not be like me... but storylines about sensible people making politically correct, sensible choices freaking bore me. For example... I do not WANT every ship I follow to go through the same, sensible, healthy steps. You know:
1. They meet. 2. They become friends. 3. They fall in love. 4. They confess their feelings to each other. 5. They get married. 6. They have kids.
Wow, what a wild journey these relationship robots just went through! I'd send them a wedding gift but I can't because the boredom just killed me.
Seriously, people want STORIES. New stories! It's not a story if it always follows the same steps. Sure, I won't mind if those steps are the way to canon, but sometimes I'd actually be thrilled to see another, less well-adjusted, less explored, more unusual path lead to canon relationship.
So YES I will post wild, dumb shit like "ooh what if Buck donates sperm and ends up with the baby because the parents died horribly!! and then buddie gets together because they're now parenting two kids!!".
It does not mean I'm ignorant about real-life laws regarding guardianship and next-of-kin. It does not mean I think that biological parents are actually the 'true' parents in this scenario, or that I'm unaware of how cruel, misinformation spreading, or problematic my excitement is to you.
Newsflash: Sometimes people know the realities of some topic or another. Sometimes people know what's 'healthy' development for a character or relationship, and what's not...
AND THEN CHOOSE TO IGNORE THOSE IDEAS, WILLINGLY. So sue me... but the 'ignorance' I display is often an actual, informed ✨CHOICE✨. That I've knowingly made. Despite how 'problematic' it is to you or even me.
Because I am in fact a nerd. I do enjoy learning things. I do know stuff. But if we're talking about art, humor, stories, fandoms and shipping...?
I like to know the realities... and then find a route around them. No, I don't and won't always explain the leaps I've made to get to my wild scenarios. (I've got ADHD btw, people will always keep missing the mental leaps I make.)
That does not mean I'm automatically unaware I had to make some leaps and create some kind of a plausible head canon for why the characters are now growing apple trees on Saturnus of whatever.
So just consider the possibility that the people who sound so deranged/ignorant/'disgusting' to you may actually be fully aware of the issues and implications some choice or topic withholds.
Maybe people are excited by the struggles they know are likely to follow. Maybe they just trust that the writers know what they're doing. Maybe they have a better imagination than you do and have come up with something that makes the following storyline make sense. Maybe they don't actually mind if all goes to shit for the characters.
Whatever. My point is, get off your high horse. You're no better than the people who get giddy about a "messed up" storyline that's coming up.
Because everyone ENJOYS seeing fictional characters struggle. We often think we don't but really, if you wanted zero drama you wouldn't be watching the show, you'd be watching... Teletubbies. Or a wall.
Honestly, it's impossible to tell a good story without introducing a problem. Sometimes the characters win the struggles, sometimes they don't. Either way, it's a story.
And sometimes the characters learn from their mistakes and that's thrilling... But you know what, it's also interesting if they don't. Because even if a character makes bad choices and learns nothing... WE learn. It's a story. It's purpose is to keep the boredom at bay.
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androidcharles · 2 years
Do you do any ships in THSC? If so what are they?
[You do realize this may make or break your opinion on ye olde Narrator right? Well, you asked for it. Top 5 under the read more if you dare]
[also please note that any ships that have Charles here only apply to human Charles. Like I've stated, android!Charles is like... 7 human years old. So they wouldn't really work out with that in mind...]
[1. Polythreat
Ah, good ol' Polythreat. God, if this isn't a wholesome ship x1000. Two former criminals working out their issues and learning to trust each other w/ a happy go lucky pilot who also kinda has his own issues XD Either way, I just love this ship to pieces and would live and die for this ship. And the next one as well...]
[2. Stickvin (Charles Calvin x Henry Stickmin)
This is a close second to Polythreat and I tell you right now, when you've seen enough soft fluffy pictures of these two cuddling, you'll know why I refer to their squishy between human and stick forms as marshmallows...]
[3. Copperright (Right Hand Man x Reginald Copperbottom)
OK, sue me, this is also the vanilla ship that everyone loves, but in all honesty, I can't see them as anything but a married mafia couple (w/ an android daughter if we're following my timeline). Plus, I feel like they really have a soft chemistry going on, you know.]
[4. Privin (Charles Calvin x Rupert Price)
Buh... so when you draw them interacting enough and you actually imagine enough scenarios in your head, I can imagine Rupert seeing Charles as a bit handsome. I like Panprice as much as the next guy, but I would love to see more fan works explore this ship. Even if "doesn't make sense" -_-]
[5. Rosemin (Henry Stickmin x Ellie Rose)
This is also a vanilla ship, because let's just face it, it's the ship that the game teases the most, but they honestly have a good thing going. They both have their checkered pasts and they both have things in common that would make them a steady couple. I can see it! Truth be told, I kinda hated this ship at first, but I can see why people love it a lot. Ellie can be Henry's support and Henry can support right back. It's a win-win for the (depending on the timeline) former criminals...]
[AND THAT'S ALL. Any scorn directed at me will be filed directly into the complaints department:]
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m1ckeyb3rry · 15 days
I agree, there's something about the Itoshi's that I cannot get my finger into. I tried, and it was a failed attempt. Heck, I watched Blue Lock because of Sae (because he shares the same VA as Geto Suguru). But I am slowly getting into the reading of their character and that's about it.
Also, now it made more sense why our boi Karasu is in Shidou's system, the man (Shidou) just wanna play soccer. Karasu went "naah Rin, ya moody son of a bitch bye" (internal Karasu: his mood swings are far worse than Otoya).
Okay, I call this segment tea time with Jeirin lol
And this is where it hit me in different ways. And I've decided it's definitely like a 'how you been, how you doing in the past few years' but never revisit old feelings trope because you were just kids, you wouldn't have a clue what to do and where things will head from that moment on.
Heck, I remember my first crush well too, his name is Andrei, also the smartest in my class. Got in touch in socials, never once talked. Scenario 1.
Got in touch with a classmate of mine from when we were in primary school. we liked each other but we never got together, but we're still friends. But every now and then we tease each other about our shared history and how we liked each other, and that's about it. Scenario 2.
The thing that left an impact to me and why I cannot so brush this off, I was 'seeing' someone (ex-best friend, yes, I 'saw' best friend but we didn't end up together for various reasons) who also can remember his first crush well, I will name her Lyra. It's been years too since my ex-best friend and his first crush saw each other, and they reunited on his like 17th birthday (or something like that). They got in touch and Lyra confessed to have liked him since they were kids too, and so did he. My ex-best friend ended up dating her for I don't know until when (I heard they broke up eventually and wanted to win me back, but it was too late). Scenario 3.
But so far, scenario 3 is rare but also, surprised that they didn't work out either. Moral of the story, people grow up lol
Just the whole notion of first love/first crush is a-whole-nother sequence of angst to me. You can always get over your first crush easily, but your first love is something different but also, don't be too hard on yourself. There's plenty of people out there. (I had an explanation/probability of this in the AOT fandom and I will not revisit it because it's yea we know how that fandom's like).
That explains why I was so angsty the other day lol sigh, Karasu this is your fault 😂 im kidding.
i actually started blue lock because of a rin edit LMAOAO and then promptly proceeded to…not like rin…actually that’s a lie i don’t really mind him and i acknowledge that he’s pretty and also kinda funny at times but i wouldn’t say he’s one of my favs by any means
HAHA also to be fair rin is like barely 16 and karasu + shidou are both 18 and their birthdays are only really a month apart?? so there’s also probably an age thing there where karasu and shidou can just relate to each other better and consider each other equals whereas rin is younger and given that both of them lowkey have asshole tendencies they’re def like “haha okay kiddo whatever you say” and then side eye each other when rin is being all dramatic 😭 honestly karasu + shidou as besties in pxg is my fav headcanon i think they would be hilarious together…so much potential for being menaces
TEA TIME W JEIRIN OKAY I AM SEATED ☕️ and yesss i def agree w that perspective i think it’s a natural part of growing up and maturing!!
SCENARIO THREE IS BRUTAL WTF 😭😭😭 omg i am so sorry that’s actually the worst 😕💔 but yes sometimes people just aren’t meant to be…the way he realized what he was missing out on though and tried to come back as if you wouldn’t move 😒 the audacity fr…HAHA but agreed i think there’s also a lot of societal emphasis on FIRST kiss, FIRST bf/gf, etc, so people tend to romanticize and idealize those connections in their minds a ton when it’s really not like that…there’s so many people in the world!! like is a boy from your elementary school necessarily the one for you?? maybe not!! and especially as people change and grow and whatnot…even my best friends from back then who i’m still friends with are nowhere near as close as the friends i’ve made now because we’re all different and at different life stages so it stands to reason that it’s the same romantically
the aot fandom is genuinely horrific bro i was in the trenches with attack on titan (originally an eren stan here) but so many people in the fandom are like kind of insane, have no media literacy/reading comprehension, and are WAYYY too cool w excusing genocide 😭 as much as i once loved it idk if i could ever go back to it 😓
HAHA karasu inspiring angst 🤩 we love him for that fr (<- saying this as an angst enjoyer in fiction ofc not as someone wishing angst upon you irl 😩)
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useragarfield · 2 years
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DELENA + Love You Like A Love Song
⤷ birthday present for @chloedckers (ilysm ms model)
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY u fabulous human you. have the best damn day i’ll kick in the teeth anyone who says otherwise!!! i miss sitting on your lap on the train ksghsg one day it’ll happen again
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the Sakamaki brothers as break-up or unrequited love songs (plus scenarios / headcanons)
A/N: Before I dove into the world of Dialovers, I actually wrote smut angst fics and I usually listen to sad songs (no, I am not brokenhearted and my love life is doing well). This made me picture scenarios that would fit these bastards (cause as always Yui deserve better)
WARNING: Contains violence and a bit of smut (NSFW in short)
"So sad, so sad, I could never make you stay
Too bad, too bad, I could never walk away"
Hmm a brokenhearted Shuu is like a blank canvas whatever
He basically doesn't want to do anything with his broken heart
I picture him falling in love with a mortal so deep but at the same time he didn't want to indulge in those feelings
Cause the last time he got attached with a mortal, they died (Yuma is still alive but still)
So yeah he be just listening to some sad songs all week
"And now I know I will regret it,
I'd rather keep it all inside"
But in case he decides to pursue this mortal, I think she would be at arm's length
Like he wouldn't indulge deeper than what they have cause someday she will die and boy he has attachment issues
Hence the second song
"I know I'm just a fool who's willing
To sit around and wait for you
But baby, can't you see there's nothing else for me to do?"
Hmm honestly Reiji was the hardest
And yes, I had @yourlocaltea to help me on this one
Because I can't see Reiji crying over someone tbh
I picture girls crying over him and this famous Olivia Newton-John song would really work
Cause we all know that Reiji has dated girls for the sake of image so maybe one of them really fell in love w/ him
Too bad, he only sees them for his family image
But if he does fall for them, the second song will fit
"I’m no longer alone when I’m by myself
I can feel you even when you’re not here"
If you have watched the ending of this Kdrama aka What Happened in Bali, you prob know what I mean
Let's say the girl left him and found another man
You might think Reiji is being Kanato here but this man won't let you betray him after all he did
He prob gonna murder you in his own Reiji way 💀💀💀
But if he doesn't go the yandere route, he just gonna give you up... hmm... hopefully
"First you say you won't then you say you will
You keep me hangin' on and we're not movin' on"
I am excited for this one cause as you all know Ayato is my first main diaboy (even before my Kanato simping arc)
I have actually told this to @moonderly and @samsvenn about the possibility of Ayato having an ex who has the fickle heart of Jenny (as mentioned from the same song)
Like at first they're okay, then afterwards they fight over nothing
I even think she's gonna cheat on him w/o him knowing
Or perhaps he knows but decides to think like "oh you want to play then fine I'll play your game and win"
But he is a sore loser
Ayato would prob be the one doing the begging (w/c is unlikely him) and it's all bcos he believes the girl will call him Oresama afterwards
Too bad she doesn't
"Last year's wishes are this year's apologies every last time I come home
I take my last chance to burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head 'cause I know how the words get you off"
Another song that would fit him would be this one
Cause I swear Ayato can be a target of those girls who just like to have fun and dump boys
Ayato be spouting he's an Oresama but these girls would give no sht abt it
If Ayato decides to get a bit serious, it would also be the time they dump him
This fuckboy is a loser in a friends with benefits situation
"Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it"
This one is also hard
Because I have so many scenarios for Kanato
But breakups and unrequited love don't end well for Kanato so he prob would add this poor being to his doll collection
He's actually sarcastic abt it... at first
"Wow, you're smiling now. How shameless of you."
And afterward, he says, "How dare you do that to me? It's unfair, you know? Why isn't it me? Why him?"
Or "I gave you everything you want and now this is how you repay me?!"
"I won't let you betray me, NEVER AGAIN"
"And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone"
But once he comes down from his rage and intense emotions, that's when he really starts to cry and mourn
Kanato actually has nightmares of this person staying for a while, only to leave him crying
Like he would have an internal conflict where he wants you to go leave him, but he doesn't want you to belong to someone else
"This is all your fault! I'm suffering bcos you left me! (uhhh... you killed her???) 🤡🤡🤡
"You should've just dropped dead even before I loved you."
Anyway, she's a part of his doll collection now so she won't be going away anytime soon
"The other woman will never have his love to keep
And as the years go by, the other woman
Will spend her life alone"
This song would actually be more about the girls he be toying with
Cause honestly loving Laito is like agreeing to be his plaything and there are many of you out there
In short, every single one of you is the other woman
Fvcking perv
Ofc what do you expect
This guy will never be serious and he would prob mess with your mind and heart until he throws you away
But if you manage to crawl deep in his heart and leave it wounded, then...
"You were the mermaid for me
Till one day, you found your feet
Leaving me in the God-awful bottle,
a model of heartache and grief"
I picture Laito drinking somewhere, prob a nearby pub or by himself at the manor
Like he would waste the night away because of a woman he can't mess with
For some reason, this reminds me a tiny bit of Helen and Laito's relationship (shoutout to @nutaella-kookie)
Like what if Helen broke up with Laito and she's like no turning back 💀💀💀
But what do you expect? Laito never believes in love anyway
"I should actually hate you
The more I embrace you, it hurts
Although when morning comes,
I will look for you again"
In relation to my headcanon abt Subaru falling in love w/ his teacher, this is actually a song that identifies his moving on stage
Like he probs like to tell this little lie that he'll move on but he actually doesn't
The type to do anything for a girl to stay even tho she can't give up her humanity for him
This guy gets waaaaaay attached emotionally
But unlike Kanato, he accepts his fate and takes all the blame
He's also actually like Shuu and would prob play sad songs on repeat
Most of them will be really sad, like how Scarlet Heart Ryeo made me cry
But in case he wants to switch things up, he'll prob play this one
"So what if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat
I'll be the fire that'll catch you
And what's so good about picking up the pieces?
What if I don't even want to?"
Like ya know emo hardcore heartbreak ya know???
Actually, in my headcanon, Kanato sang Scarborough Fair to him and he cried at the lines "Remember me to the one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine."
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raggedy-dxctor · 2 years
I love you fics!
Can you do an Izzy x Really Tall!reader where the crew picks on him bc the reader has to bend down to kiss him
IM WHEEZING ANON THIS IS GENIUS- kinda turned it into a whole set of headcannons rather than just a scenario sorry x
Izzy Hands x tall!reader headcanons
pairing(s): izzy hands x gn!tall!reader
warnings: none
Tumblr media
please he will literally neber hear the end of it
"oh y/n? who's that child you're cuddling- oh wait it's jizzy! sorry mate!" "y/n? where's izz- oh! sorry didn't see you there!" "we're the same fuckin' height!!"
everyone just loves to get back at him and he cant stop them so he just stands there angrily, crossing his arms as you scold the crew
"damn izzy do your toes hurt from going in your tippie toes so much?!" "jeez y/n your neck and back must be in absolutely agony with you having to bend down to kiss him so much!"
he just kinda storms off but instantly calms down when you come find him
at the end of the day, the comments are just mild inconveniences and seeing you makes him forget about tue rage instantaneously
cuddling up to you and little spooning him will just improve his entire day singlehandedly
honestly being the littlespoon is a fulltime hobby at this point, he just absolutely adores how safe and protected he feels
another absolute win he gets from being in love with you is how scared all of his enemies are now. originally he'd be teased for being weak and small compared to the muscular and tall pirates of the sea, but now he has a tall as fuck partner everyone is absolutely terrified of the hell you'll unleash upon them for hurting your beloved izzy
im sorry but the idea of him wearing your clothes is the funniest thing ever to me, they would literally dwarf him and he just snuggles up in them to fall asleep in, especially if you're not aboard the ship
i feel like he does hate the height difference at times though
he'll often get flustered when you tilt his chin up amd lean down, hovering there for a second as you admire him up close, before smiling akd attaching your lips, but he sees your blissful and fond expression as you pull away and just melts into your arma
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vigilvntes · 3 years
okay so I posted about this on my acc but, could you imagine vig saves a teenager, probably around 18, and now BOOM she wants to be his apprentice and he just kinda adopts her and now kinda has a younger sister who just really looks up to him and treats him with so much respect and love and vig? oh he adores her, someone who doesn't treat what he says as a joke and always considered his feelings? not to mention finally having a healthy sibling relationship. It's just all super cute and wholesome and they love each other sm
like i can imagine he saves her and adrian asks if she's okay but then honestly just plans to move on but she's like woah. you're cool as FUCK. and she gushes about all of the different moves he did when he defended her and he's surprised to know that she knows quite a bit about fighting but she doesn't know HOW to fight. and like just imagine her going out at night trying to find him again because she wants to talk to him and ask him questions and he teaches her a few moves but eventually he's like "look i'll just give you my phone number because you're really young and i don't want you out on the streets every night looking for me because it's dangerous so please just stay at home and text me with any questions you have i'm begging you". and imagine her texting him like all of the time just random stuff she finds funny as well as genuine questions bc she's kinda already latched on to him as a big brother type even though she hasn't even seen his face before???
and then one night he's out on patrol and he hears fighting coming from somewhere so he rushes to find wtf is going on and he sees that it's someone in a mask, and they're beating the ever loving fuck out of rhe guy and he's like wait a sec who the fuck is this??????? and then when they've knocked rhe guy out they rip the mask straight from their head and it's HER and she'd be literally vibrating with excitement because she WON and vigilante was there to see her win and he goes to high five her but she fully hugs him and :(( then he spends rhe next few minutes praising and critiquing her and giving her pointers. he's not overly thrilled that she's doing this because she's young and he doesn't want her to be in danger but he can't help but be impressed?? and i NEVER think he'd be the type to be like "you should stop doing this" like he would never want to STOP her, so instead he helps her and they become a lil duo.
i'm not sure how the adrian face reveal would go i have multiple different scenarios in my head so we're just gonna go with one here. but like he's walking home from his late shift at fennel fields and he hears some commotion and he can't resist like he cwnt physically resist so he heads in that direction and he finds his lil buddy fully outnumbered and injured so he pulls out a knife (let's be honest he keeps one in his uniform) and he just goes fucking ham because how dare they hurt her and also why the fuck is she taking on these guys alone???? he wins, obviously, and afterwards he just rushes over to her and pulls her into the biggest, tightest hug and he's like "do not do that again without me do you hear me" like he's all protective older brother mode™️, he doesn't yell but he's very stern with her. and she doesn't even question who it is bc she knows it's vig just from the way he fought and she just breaks down and apologises but he's like "no no no i'm not angry with you i'm angry with them you did so good omg no don't cry please don't cry i'm sorry don't cry" and they just sit on the floor and talk and eventually he's like "i'm adrian btw" and she just hugs him again
i think with the whole butterfly thing she'd be super distrusting of the 11th street kids, not because adrian seems to be dedicating more time to them (but also this) but because they just don't seem to care about him or his well-being??? like the pinky toe thing and then the adebayo prison thing??? she would hate it so much because they're basically just using him to do what needs to be done and she knows he's worth more than that and it pisses her off that he's doing it for peacemaker??? she doesn't wanna lose him already. like imagine her following them on a mission like she steals adrian's car or something and just follows them and watches in the shadows jusg in case something bad happens and in the end she steps in and ends up saving adrian from a butterfly and he's like "WTF I HAD THAT UNDER CONTROL I WAS JUST ABOUT TO FINISH HIM OFF AND IT WAS GONNA BE SO FUCKING COOL" and she's like "dude you got knocked on your ass YOU'RE WELCOME???" and they bicker back and forth for a bit until he's like wait what the fuck wHY ARE YOU HERE??? and she explains that it's because she doesn't fucking trust them (the exact same reasons why he followed peacemaker into the mission) and he's like ok i get that but you need to go home right now we'll talk about this later??? and there would be such a stand off. harcourt pulls a gun on her, she pulls a gun on harcourt, adrian pulls a gun on harcourt, chris pulls a gun on her and adrian while adebayo jusg kinda points hers between everyone bc wtf is going on??? and they're all just stood there like who the fuck is this why is she here and adrian is just like . sighs. she's kinda my little sister but not actually my sister but she might as well be and she doesn't trust you guys but can you please be nice to her because she's like eighteen but she could probably kick your asses so don't test her. like even though she's young and adrian is super protective i just know he'd never underestimate her or make her think that he's trying to underestimate her
and like, she just gets him??? everyone else ignores his feelings and his comments but she GETS him and she's always considerate. like the whole pinky toe thing she'd be like "omg but you can't walk without your pinky???" and he'd be like "well that's what i thought but it turns out..." and if he tells her about his day and about something chris said i know she'd be like "that's not very nice, adrian. friends don't treat each other that way" and like imagine how pissed off she'd get that he does all of these things for chris and he just sees him as an annoyance??? like chris doesn't appreciate him??? and maybe it's because adrian never really opens up to chris, he's idolising him rather than trying to be a friend but it still pisses her off.
and they'd find each other SO funny like can you imagine the banter. adrian is used to weird looks and side eyed glances whenever he makes a comment that he finds fucking hilarious so the first time he says something kinda outta pocket and she just agrees with him and says something equally outta pocket it's like wow. ok. she just like me fr. and she'd just understand him and his train of thought?? like his mind is racing a million miles per minute but sO IS HERS so she's always following along with him and whenever he's rambling she just joins in bc she gets him and she gets what he's talking about (the 11th street kids just watching in horror like oh my god there's two of them). he could say the most random shit but she would just KNOW what he means??? and imagine if she ended up joining the butterfly mission they would be a fucking nightmare for murn in debriefs between them both raising their hands to ask stupid shit and then bickering between themselves or with chris and harcourt it woukd take at least an extra half hour to get through it.
and after the whole cow thing if she got inJURED DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED THEY WOULD HAVE TO PRY HIM AWAY FROM HER HOSPITAL BED AND BACK TO HIS OWN KICKING AND FUCKING SCREAMING. everytime he goes back into his own room he'd be right back by her side again. they'd have to lock the windows and the doors to keep him in. and when she wakes up he'd just start crying because he thought he lost her and then she'd cry and ughsksjdjd cue him doing everything for her until she recovers
ok i'm gonna stop this hear bc this was not meant to be so long but oh my god im screaming i'm crying i'm shaking i'm throwing up thanks for giving me an excuse to post my thoughts on this
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I love your Twi/First scenarios a little bit too much, but what would you say to the pair of them finally getting a taste of their own medicine?
Like… maybe Reader gets a dose of pollen from a strange magic plant (from Time’s Hyrule) or something and then for the next 24 hours is impossible to fluster? And according to Time, makes them likely to say and do things that would otherwise be totally unlike them (and apparently have no real bearing on how they actually feel). Truthfully, he’s really just pot-stirring and laughing his ass off as Reader notices and takes advantage of his little white lie and has Twilight and First so flustered they can’t think straight.
…and then Reader wakes up the next day, looks the pair of them dead in the eye and goes “what happened?”
Whether or not they know what they’d put those boys through and are just covering their tracks to avoid retribution I’ll leave up to your imagination.
- Glitter anon ✨
*Pulls you close and presses your face against mine* I think we're going to be very good friends, my Lovely Glitter.
You might regret this at a later date, but right now, you were honestly taking the wins you were given and Time had given you the perfect excuse.
(Perhaps you wouldn't put rocks under his bedroll anymore.)
It all started when you fell into a flower patch of strange blue flowers and utterly coated in the pollen while in Time's Kakariko that morning. You felt strange and a bit dizzy as you spat out some of the pollen.
Time had been the one to pull you out and check you over in one of the rooms they had rented before telling you that for the next 24 hours, you were utterly unflusterable once the dizzy spell passed.
First and Twilight had come into the room then, fussing over you in concern. You noticed the effect as the dizziness faded.
Usually when they fussed like this, your cheeks were already burning but now all you felt was a deep well of affection and pleasure at how they acted.
Behind them, Time coughed and gave you a wink. The duo turned to him.
"The flower's effect only lasts about 24 hours. It can have a bit of an intoxicating effect. They'll be pretty much unable to be flustered or feel any sort of shame. So they might do things that'll be out of character for them or say things that they don't actually mean. I'm trusting you both to watch over them. I'd prefer it if they stayed in the room to prevent any embarrassment for them." Time said sternly.
First nodded and Twilight turned back to you as if you would start doing something strange right there and then.
You immediately started plotting.
As soon as Time was out of the door and out of earshot, you turned to your two victims watchers and tilted your head.
"You are both seriously pretty."
You were rather impressed they both choked on air simultaneously.
"Like really, really pretty. Sublime even." You clambered off the bed and moved to press yourself against Twilight's frozen form. You reached up to trace the marking under his eyes.
"Huh. It's like all the colour in the sky is trapped in your eyes, my lovely wolf. It's rather wonderful."
He sent a panicked glance towards First as you dropped your hands to his biceps and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "I wonder if it's the sky that glows so brightly out of jealousy for your eyes or if the gods created the sky as tribute to your eyes."
Twilight let out a low whine as his hands hovered awkwardly over your hips.
There was a quiet call of your name and you turned to see First with his hand over your shoulder. "Perhaps you should take a nap. Are you not tired?"
You turned towards First and tried not to feel slightly offended when Twilight sighed in relief. You'd get him back in a moment.
First went to guide you to the bed, but you stepped around him and managed to turn him around so that the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat down heavily.
He breathed out deeply that turned into a sharp inhale as you climbed into his lap and sat on his thighs with your hands entwined in his scarf.
"You know, my dear Knight. Has anyone ever told you that your love for the people around you is one of your dearest qualities?" You fiddled with the scarf before reaching down and grasping his hand. He was too busy staring at you to resist when you brought his knuckles to your lips, a mirrored movement he had performed on you countless times.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
"Your heart beats for those around you. Would it be selfish of me to ask for it to beat for me?" You kiss his hand and pressed it over your own heart.
He made a sound rather like a mouse being trodden on.
Oh, this would be so much fun.
When you awoke the next morning, neither Twilight nor First looked as if they had slept at all the previous night.
Which to be fair, might've had something to do with you lavishing both compliments and affection upon them well into the late night.
You could also feel the effects of the flowers fading. So you dredged up the last of your self-control.
"Wow. You look like you didn't sleep at all. What happened?" You asked, reaching out with a look of concern.
Your boys traded looks and Twilight groaned, pressing his face into the quilt while First just blushed delicately.
Oh, you definitely owe Time a huge favour.
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