#i made a bunch of mistakes but this was for fun dont tell me about it
sergeant-catfish · 7 months
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Family Values
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agaypanic · 10 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Tbh, its not the fact that smg4 didnt become a villain angers me in this mini arc. In fact im happy he wasn't. The most thing that bugs me so much is this whole entire mini arc felt rushed and forced, It made me confused, it was messy in lots of places. I dont mind if Smg4 would do the same mistake bc nobody learns from their mistake immediately, but right now i feel like they forgot what mr puzzles put them through. Like the relationship between meggy and puzzles, can meggy really forgive someone who put her through hell in WS? Who enjoyed watching her dying over and over again? Thats the main thing that bugs me, ofc im not hating the show, i still love it, its just this whole entire thing after puzzlevision just seems messy
Hope in the future things will be better and explains more, i have high hopes, but right now i just feel like this whole thing is a disaster right now, like i have so many questions and this arc just made more
Hi I get where you're coming from I promise, but without trying to sound like mean, you had high hopes for the silly weekly meme show that doesn't take itself too seriously, I really don't know what else to say to that.
Maybe I'm waaay too easy, I am happy to just watch a bunch of characters that I like do silly things together and sometimes have a story too them, as long as it's funny and makes me laugh I really don't care about whatever takes place. Yes I love it when they are serious and they tell really good stories/arcs and I love that, but I don't take anything too seriously because the creators don't either, not in a bad way but in a fun and silly way. It's hard for me now to get upset over SMG4, I learnt what getting overhyped for SMG4 does and I'm not making that mistake again lol. At its core, it's a show made for fun, it's not trying to achieve any major story or plot, it's there to have fun and THAT'S what I love about it and why I can over look a lot of things to it.
Don't get me wrong I love taking this shit seriously sometimes for the sake of theorys and analysis and things like that, but when you're taking it more seriously than the creators, of course you're gonna stumble and fall and get confused and angry. I didn't wanna turn my whole response into a "lol don't take it so seriously" ramble but, I legit have nothing else to say because I STILL don't get it!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WISH I COULD UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE SO MAD OVER THIS ARC BUT I CAN'T!!!!! Whatever, I can't, lalalaaaa
Also I think Meggy can "forgive" Mr Puzzles or at least be at peace with what he did because she's seen that he is capable of caring for people, and you know Meggy just sees the good in people anyway, so yes she can because Meggy is cool, thaaaats my take lol :3
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captain-is-king · 9 days
i’m going to compile my notes about the testimony because boy howdy. i happened to be listening to THE MOST INTENSE INSANE PARTS while in the car so people driving by and seeing the faces i was making were surely baffled.
1. where’s the other two hours and 46 minutes tj klune. where are they. i will listen to arthur speak for two hours and 46 minutes make no mistake
2. two people over the span of several years are considered a REVOLVING DOOR now?
3. so in the beginning i was like UGH YES arthur work that room beat them at their own game be holier than thou you’ve never done anything wrong. and then we found out ARTHUR DIDNT REGISTER and was breaking the law a whole bunch which made me gasp but then i was also like…..hold up……why am i surprised? of course he did. and then i was upset!!! because they are going to use this against him!!! but THEN i was like….ACTUALLY FUCK decorum and BEING POLITE and INOFFENSIVE AND QUIET AND PERFECT BIGOTS DONT DESERVE ANY OF THAT. WHY SHOULDN’T WE PLAY NASTY??? so when arthur became his phoenix self i was SCREAMING. CHEERING. LOVING IT. like again. will they use this against him? certainly. would they use ANYTHING against him? obviously. did he deserve to go off? UH YEAH.
4. linus baker the man that you are. i am so glad we are seeing arthur’s pov because it’s so exciting and fun and interesting especially when he is in phoenix form!! but I ALSO MISS MY FAT FRUMPY SAD GAY GOVERNMENT MAN’S INNER DIALOGUE. i felt so seen.
5. i think this is yours” and “im not convinced you’re in any position to tell me what i should or shouldn’t consider. have a pleasant afternoon” ARTHUR PARNASSUS GOD DO I LOVE YOU. THE MAN YOU ARE.
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royalberryriku · 9 months
Some Thoughts on the 'Writing Process'™
So I see a lot of writers struggle with these very specific things, AKA:
The Staring at the Blank Page Thing where you struggle to come up with ideas, words, etc
The Word Counting Counting where you cannot stop counting your word count
The 'Can Someone ELSE Proofread This Because I Don't Want to Read It' dilemma
The 'How Do I STOP Hating Everything I Write' issue which also leads into the 'How Do I Stop Scrapping Everything' issue
There are various things that can make writing hard, but I have had some thoughts! And maybe they might just be useful.
So for Issue Number 1, I've found that, if you want to write, NEVER do it before you already have the ideas. Looking at a blank page just makes it harder. You get bored and that makes writing feel boring. Of course, this is all just my opinion, maybe this actually works for you. BUT! In my own personal experience, I find that actually LIMITING how often I open my document helps a bunch. No matter how much you wanna write, there's no point torturing yourself over how little you're doing and shaming or pressuring yourself to get it done. Punishing yourself is just gonna kill your inspiration and, obviously, you're not going to want to write if you now associate it with punishment for not writing. It's a cycle of just being mean to yourself. Well, don't wanna be unproductive? As silly and counterproductive as it sounds; self care is the answer which I've found that actually works.
This actually leads into Issue Number 2. I think these probably stem from the same issue; punishing yourself for not producing. Again, punishing yourself and shaming yourself into just staring at a blank screen or staring at how little the word count is or how much you have to go until your goal is just going to kill your inspiration and make you bored. Shaming doesn't get you to write more, or faster or suddenly become more productive. Believe it or not? Self care and making it fun is what makes a fun story come to life. You're not just writing a block of text that's a recount to sell in this capitalist hellhole (I mean you are but that doesn't mean the process has to be bound by capitalism because FUCK CAPITALISM), you're writing a story you wanna tell; focus on the story before the method and don't punish yourself for it not just magically appearing. These things take time, they take trial, error, mistakes and various drafts, but FIRST? They take those little moments where you just daydream scenes and the imagination you have to exist at all. Focus first on the story and your own health and the rest will come, slowly but surely. Anyway that was a lot of words to essentially just say; don't look at the word count, focus on the story and the length will follow regardless. It's fine to check and obviously, you'll just have to at some point. But please please try and do what you can to avoid checking, even use a different method. I use page count because it's so varied and inaccurate that it actually doesn't matter and just tricks my brain into using that to see my very general progress and makes it seem bigger than it actually is. It also can just be easier to check at a glance if I want to make sure the structure of each chapter is more or less consistent enough.
Issue Number 3 is tricky, mostly because once you've made something, it can be legitimately very boring to reread everything you JUST wrote. For me, I'm sort of chaotic in that I reread as I go or do it very randomly and rewrite as I come up with things. The good thing is though that what you write isn't set in stone. It's malleable and fluid. I always have a cut and paste section on my computer where I just... cut and page and rearrange things as I think of it. I don't worry about "oh but what if I mess up" because you're ALWAYS gonna mess up! That's actually one of the cool things about writing, you CAN mess up and go back and reread it eventually to make it work a bit better after all the other chaotic going-back-and-fixing-things. Which brings me to my main point (especially if you don't want to replicate my chaoticness) I try to leave proofreading itself as much as I can for the end of it all. As in, I just let myself write, yes rearranging and going back whenever I want, but never throwing anything OUT, never scrapping the whole document because it's gonna have bits you might reuse. And more to the point, it gives you a lose skeleton to base your next draft on. It's more work but I find it really reassuring in that you don't judge every little thing as you go, but just say "meh, fuck it!" and write whatever works, then rewrite it in a separate document all over again, never deleting the last one so you can copy and page whatever you liked from the first draft, or second, or third, and use each mistake and flaw. Recycling is good folks, even just in writing. Or... at least it is for me. If this doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you, but this is just what helps me so maybe it might help you too.
This also goes into Issue Number 4. Honestly, you're never gonna not be your biggest critic. But! You can at least make your work feel a bit more positive and go in with a "eh who cares?" mindset into writing. It may not erase the "wow this is hot garbage" feeling, but it'll feel a bit more like "well this is MY hot garbage and I don't care if it's bad or good, because at least it was fun". Plus, like I said; recycling is very good. The best way to force yourself not to hate something is to get really damn used to it, AKA, never getting rid of it. Which is hard, I know. Especially if you just really freaking hate it. And, well, it's not like I'm saying you should keep absolutely every little thing, I don't want you all to get clutter and folders upon folders of stuff you won't use...buuut I am saying it helps to keep things and get comfortable in your own messiness and imperfection. It starts to feel normal at least, or for me it does, and slowly you kind of just...accept it. Also, making fun little things to enjoy your ideas away from your writing itself. If you draw? Make fanart. Maybe even make AUs in your head. Maybe make some mood boards. HYPE YOURSELF UP! Or as best you can at least, and never force things. If you aren't feeling this particular story right now? Move on to another project and yes having WIPs can be annoying but sometimes it's necessary. Again, these are all just my opinions and stuff I do when I struggle with these; I'm not commanding anyone to do anything and as always, maybe this won't work for you personally. But hey, doesn't hurt to give it a try first and see if it works, or maybe something else will. Whatever the case, this is just my own two cents.
And finally, Number 5. Honestly? This isn't so much as issue in and of itself as much as just an issue of prioritisation. Imagination is the most important part of even coming up with a story to begin with and, honestly, imagining scenes can really help build a mental image of what you want to describe and how things look and feel. One thing, a little cheat code you could say, that I've found is melding daydreaming with research. Which makes absolutely no sense since this is the most funnest part with the most boring part of writing, but hey, it works surprisingly well I assure you. So here's the setup I have; no doc (except for if I really need to jot down some notes), then images that remind me of my work (Pinterest boards maybe, a few mood boards, etc), then the research. I go between each of these; daydreaming. The result? I imagine scenes with the research I want; motifs that work with themes, imagery to use in scenes, what architecture works, what the weapons look like. Then, before I even write, I go back and still daydream WITH what I've researched and it sticks in my mind way better than even the notes I've made. Speaking of, with notes, I like to doodle in the margins of them, make them fun, highlight with fun colours. Sometimes? Research, note taking and writing doesn't have to be work in and of itself, sometimes it can be fun and a little quest of your own. Sometimes making writing and research feel like you're daydreaming can make all the difference between begrudgingly slugging through a chapter, or just having fun writing a new scene you just imagined and that starts to form into something new and exciting.
TLDR: Make writing fun! Like Mary Poppins once said; "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down". Sometimes it's actually better to make the work into a treat instead of using a treat as a bribe or punishing yourself. In fact, making any part of the process into a punishment for not working just makes everything harder.
ALSO! Just in general, take breaks! It's easy to forget what you're doing (especially once it becomes fun) and forget to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Too much time looking at a screen (or even just a page) can be straining! Remember to eat! Remember to drink water and sleep! Get up and walk around if you can, go to the bathroom and maybe even go for a little walk outside and get some Vitamin D if you're able to. Remember to maybe take a few days away from writing so you can come at it again with a refreshed mind and new perspective, sometimes you can get boggled down and start getting too focused on one little thing. It's good to let yourself have half an hour, an hour or even a few days to just refresh and go out and get new inspiration just from living. Sometimes the key to writing and ideas is to just stop writing for a bit and to just take a breath.
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kinghijinx22 · 5 months
So I recently finished Halo Infinite and I loved it, my thoughts on peak modern Halo
So I just finished Halo Infinite and it was fucking amazing. My favorite of the 3 Halo games I played recently, and one of my favorites overall I think, especially narratively. A genuinely moving experience that takes some of the best aspects of 343's previous games in Halo 4 and Wars 2 and even pretty much corrects the story fuck ups with Cortana in 5 and manages to even turn them into something positive. From Halo Wars 2 it takes the amazing new antagonists in the Banished, the classic Halo inspired art direction, and the fun that I felt from Wars 2 with our new AI and Pilot friends being super endearing and even bringing more personality out of Master Chief then I think he's ever shown maybe next to Halo 4.
And speaking of Halo 4, what Halo Infinite takes from that game is the more personal and emotional writing, with this game also acting as a very effective introspection into good ol John Halo, Cortana and even our new AI and pilot friends. And when I say that this game actually managed to take Halo 5's trash story and do something positive with it, they actually run back the complete villainizing of her motives of… wanting world peace and her own autonomy, even if they try to explain that she killed a bunch of people but I honestly still think that anyone opposing her was probably the type of violently fascist asshole she was calling out anyway. But they do actually express a lot more empathy for her perspective in Halo Infinite, throughout the story they explore John's grief over loosing Cortana beautifully and you eventually find out that she had sacrificed herself to make things right and destroyed a part of the Halo ring to stop the Banished from using it as a weapon. In the end, she leaves some last messages to John, telling him how happy he made her and that she wished for him and his new AI friend to not make the same mistakes she did before saying goodbye one final time which just made me break down in tears.
In the end we also find out the name of our pilot, Fernando Esparza, and he asks our AI friend for her name. So earlier in the game it's said that she was created to help catch Cortana, she comes to the realization that it's because she is a copy of Cortana, made from the same original programming but the thing is, she still very much develops into her own person with her personality and identity and just like Cortana, at the very end of the game gets to choose her own name WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED FOR THE END OF HER ARK but then they DONT TELL YOU WHAT SHE CHOSE WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! That part was disappointing and I'm hoping so hard it's not Cortana because that would just completely ruin both the idea of her being her own person and John moving on. I've read people online mentioning that Cortana was named after some historic sword, and so were suggesting Joyeuse for our new AI friend which is also a historic sword and it can be shortened to Joy which would just be perfect for her more optimistic and fun personality. In fact I love Joy as her name so much that I will use that for convenience until she is officially given a name.
So before I talk about Chief and Joy more, I just have to mention that I also really love the ark for Fernando as well, who early on is a contrast to Joy's YEYEYE over Chief's wild plans by being the NONONO person, which you find out later might be because he's not actually a pilot but or solider at all and was actually just doing volunteer work on that human ship from the start and stole a Pelican when the Banished attacked. He stole it and ran which is why he's developed this intense imposter syndrome and feels so bad that after one of the levels, when you return to him he breaks down and explains everything, saying that Chief should just leave him with the garbage of the ship graveyard. But Chief in this moment shows a lot of empathy, telling him that everybody makes mistakes but that he has to keep going, and reassuring him that everything will be ok and, I just really love the Master Chief being this super inspiring figure that everyone can turn to. I mean that's always been the case but, seeing more intimate moments like this is just really sweet.
So Joy and Fernando both get great arks, but something else I really appreciated about this game is what it does for Master Chief as a character. Much like Halo 4 he gets a bit of analysis into who he is a person, but this game arguably does it even better and is able to give John a happier ending. Even if it doesn't necessarily offer solutions to everything he's got going on, it does at least shine a light on certain things. Something I was critical of John for in Halo 5 was his inability to see past his narrow view of the world, labeling anything he can't quickly understand as "dangerous" which is a very direct pipeline to deranged bigotry and refusal to understand other people because it's easier to be negative and Halo 5 never really called him out on this, unlike Halo Infinite. Infinite actually addresses this, with Joy calling out how pessimistic and close minded he is. Later on Fernando questions why John is so often able to kill things and risk his life which he bluntly just responds with that "it's all I know." Even later I think Joy brings up something similar to which John replies that "maybe that's my programming." Which is actually a perfect way of putting it, indoctrination and conditioning is literally a human equivalent of "programming" and John was abducted into the military at a young age and has literally been conditioned to be a killing machine who always follows orders and never asks questions. And it's what the fascists of the right wing are still trying to do children, passing on their irrational hate of minorities and woman while burning any learning resources to help understand and empathize with those people. They are grooming children into being hateful bigots like they are, essentially trying to create another generation of little nazis and maintain their cishet white man supremicist agenda. So exploring that sort of topic with Master Chief, about human programming, having a narrow view of the world and learning to have an open mind to new things and unlearn the harmful things, it's very topical and much appreciated. And Joy and Fernando are able to get Master Chief to open up and self reflect, especially his new AI bestie Joy and it has a noticeably positive effect on him. They also bring more personality out of Chief than I think he's ever had.
Halo Infinte has some of the most emotional storytelling and best character work in the series, and while the villains don't get the same amount of depth, The Banished are still great antagonists for this story. Something I have to mention though is that in my previous post, I mentioned that I couldn't believe Atriox was dead because they set him up perfectly as a villain for Chief to overcome and killing him off screen would have been ridiculous. Well the good news is that he doesn't die which they reveal at the last minute in a post credits scene, the bad news is that he obviously doesn't really show up again in this game. The Banished think he died and this new Jiralhanae Esscharum takes over who is pretty cool as well although I'm excited for Artiox to come back. Esscharum though, he's well built up throughout this game and this is where I have to talk about the last few levels leading up to his boss fight. The Road gives you a final tank in a fittingly epic final vehicle battle in a big ass hallway, and then the House of Reckoning is such a cool idea that's reminiscent of… I guess Lucas from Resident Evil 7 is a good example? The "putting you through a bunch of deadly trials while I talk shit" type of section, and I really like idea of these trials taking place in an obstacle course where the Banished were trained to kill humans. Which is then followed up by a fight with one of the coolest characters and best boss fights in the game, the right hand Sanghelli of Esscharum Jega 'Rdomnai. An unapologetically edgy Sanghelli with black armor, a red energy sword in one hand and a red wrist blade on the other and I love him so much. He stealths around a lot with his active camo, popping in and out and he's got some sick moves, very cool. Then after that you finally get your boss fight with Esscharum who is much more up front, big and carrying a portable turret that he swaps out for a special red energy gravity hammer in his final phase. That's right, it's a multi phase fight where in his second phase he gets an energy shield that you have to disrupt up shooting these wires that are giving it to him and then he busts out his hammer, it's a very fun multi layered fight. I forgot to mention but Esscharum had captured Fernando before this, so you rescue him and then get a nice moment of Chief showing some empathy for his enemy, explaining that even he despite being on the opposing side was fighting for something he thought was right which again is just more humanity then Chief often shows.
For the final level Chief, Joy and Fernando go after our final boss, main antagonist and brand new character for this series or at least for the games because I'm not familiar with the books, Xalanyn or as she is better known the Harbinger. So before I mentioned that this game adds a lot of it's own interesting aspects on top of the best stuff from 343's previous games and Xalanyn is one of them. She is said to be from an ancient race that seems to be mostly gone except for her, and they seem to have an old rivalry with the other ancient race of the Forunners and so she's not really a fan of a lot of what they built including the Halo super weapons. I believe she teamed up with the Banished to help them wipe out the humans and make this Halo ring their new home if they also help her revive the rest of her people, who I believe have only been known as The Endless. So the Harbinger is a pretty cool new antagonist for this game, and the fight with her is pretty great as well. Her and another boss I'm going to mention in a bit were the only completely unique bosses in the game, and she's a lot of fun to fight with her cool moveset of fireballs, teleports and melee, fighting other enemies in between round while you shut off the various things, genuinely tough fight that took me a few attempts and was fun.
Which leads me to talking about a few of the other cool new things in this game, one of them being the boss fights in general. Which I mentioned in my previous post, but now that I've finished the game I can say that they were consistently good throughout. I mean, none of them are the best in the video games but I mean good for first person shooters and especially for Halo. Another boss and character that I haven't had the opportunity to mention before now is the Oracle in this game, or specifically the second of 2 Oracles. The first Oracle you don't get to have much time with before she is killed by Xalanyn, but the second is friendly at first but becomes hostile once he learns that Chief is going to stop him from rebuilding the ring and you end up having to fight this robot twice. He is the other unique boss fight in this game and is also pretty fun, much more fun then fighting Guity Spark in Halo 3. Instead of just being a little ball, he becomes a park of this bigger robot that has a bunch of guns and shields on it with the red glowing guns being the weak points and you end up having to fight him twice. Super fun boss, and as a character he contributes a lot to the themes of this game as well, about what we choose and what is inherent, what has been programmed into use and choosing our own identity. This Oracle is clearly just following his programming of protecting the Halo ring the entire time and much like Guilty Spark, I feel sympathy for him because this wasn't something he chose, these feelings aren't his but were given to him by someone else and he clearly hasn't developed his own personality and opinions like Cortana for example was able to do.
Other new things were stuff that I also mentioned in my previous post, but the grapple hook really is the coolest thing added to Halo since ever that adds a lot of new layers to the combat. The thing is thought that you get new stuff replaces the grapple hook later one, and while you do carry them all and swap between them, swapping between them takes too long for my liking and nothing else is as universally helpful or cool as the grapple hook and I literally never used anything else. Another interesting new addition is the open world, which pretty much took the second and fourth levels of Halo 1 and made it into the whole game. Which is a cool idea, the large environments and open ended environments with a bunch of side missions are an interesting change of pace and in the middle of the game you do get some main missions that involve going around to various place to blow up big guns or activate these beacons which you can do in any order which is cool. BUT this is where my biggest complain of this game comes in and it's the only big one I have, but the lack of environmental diversity. It's nothing but grass and mountains outside and grey Forunner rooms inside which is easily the least amount of environment diversity in the series and towards the end of the game, I'll admit that I was getting sick of looking at this game and wanted it to end. While the core gameplay is a lot of fun, this game gets very repetitive by the second half and the samey environments do not help that. I think having at least a snow biome would have helped a lot, maybe a spooky swamp like in the sixth level of Halo 1 or a desert like in the 6th level Halo 3.
All around though I really enjoyed my time with Halo Infinite, a really fun game with a genuinely moving story that that some very compelling things with both familiar and new characters. Seriously Chief, Joy and Fernando are a great best friend trio. One of the better Halo games in my opinion and overall the best 343 game. A big step in the right direction and in the future I would like to see more narrative and character complexity like Infinite, 2 and 4, maybe not bring back the open world but if they do PLEASE have more environmental diversity, and I honestly think 343 has mastered the core gameplay so just have more weapons and vehicles and enemies to fight. Also PLEASE do something with Atriox, let Master Chief finally get his rematch.
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manonamora-if · 11 months
i dont know if u feel up for it to answer but like... how do u handle negative comments and ratings and just people being negative about ur stuff? bc i have someone just being rude in comments or like notes and game folders on itch and its making me want to just delete everything and never show anyone anything anymore. or even have an acocunt on itch either.
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry you've been dealing with this, and that it took me so long to answer. I've been thinking about this for a while honestly. I've been writing a bunch of drafts for this one, because my answer seems to change with the day or my mood. Some of my stuff have had some strange interactions lately that's made me question whether I should stay on itch myself. I mean, I don't think I'll ever leave... there are too many fun jams I want to participate and, you know, to force people to play my weird stuff. But I've been more anxious about new stuff or updates I share recently.
I don't blame you for wanting an out. Some users will poison one's experience of a platform, that even opening the site would give them anxiety. It doesn't take much to have events or projects soured. Often, just a few rude words is enough to make accounts disappear without a word. And many platform don't have good safety nets (blocking, moderation, reports) to temper or avoid these situations. Many will have half-ass solutions that, at the end of the day, still allows interactions from blocked users. It's easy to wonder if all of this is worth it...
Anyway, the very boring and short answer to your question: it depends.
The probably as boring and long one is a bit of a ramble:
It depends on the day, or the mood I have. It's easier to deal with comments when I'm confident and things are going find; but I'd feel more hurt or have a harder time dealing with them when I'm a bit more morose (I think most people feel this way). I'll disregard any (even barely) negative points some days, only to take it into consideration a few days later. <- this especially during jam/comps time, just need time to digest criticism of any kind.
It also depends on the content of the comment, their tone, and intent of the commenter. Not all negative comments are on the same level. I've had negative comments in the past where the commenter was genuine, and really gave my stuff a shot, bringing interesting points or important concerns. And though it hurt a bit, because being told you made a mistake sucks, those helped me grow. But those are the good kinds of comments...
On the other hand, I try to disregard the trolls, and the abusive comments (towards my work or me), the ones where the engagement was clearly not done in good faith... you know, the ones who will literally tell me I've made the world worse by uploading my games on itch. Doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me at all*. Some of them really hurt or made me angry and frustrated, some have lingered for hours or days in my mind, a few made me close to delete stuff as well. Words are not just empty things without meaning... *I've had to block a few people both here and other places recently because of it, they had become so insistent on wanting to engage with me while bashing most of my work, my values or the few aspects of my identity that I've shared online.
It would be easy to say I just don't give them the time of day or any of my energy, or that I pretend they don't exist, because, if I do, then the trolls win. But that would be lying. Obviously.
Screaming to the void/a pillow or ranting to friends have helped get rid of my anger and frustration. I've laughed with others about some comments I got (usually the bad faith ones, some of them are funny in how sad/bad they were). I think what worked best for me was just turn off the computer and go outside for a bit. Or turned off the internet and play silly games on my phone. Or picked up a book. Or watch a movie. Essentially, any activity that would distract me from it and force me to take a break. And when none of this worked, because some trolls are just that insistent, blocking/deleting stuff*. *unfortunately, it's not always possible, see second paragraph again.
It does suck that you're kinda forced to grow a thicker skin to enjoy or even exist in those spaces, and I wish those would be friendlier... but I don't think social platforms/the internet is going in that direction anytime soon.
Maybe not super helpful to your decision, but borogove.io hosts IF games (without ratings or comments, though people can download the files), so does the IFDB through the IFArchive (but there are ratings/reviews there, also can be downloadable). I've seen other peeps host their stuff on neocities (no ratings/comments). None of those platforms are like itch, in the positives or the negative. Or just be old school, and email stuff.
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I wanna read one of your president fics but I have like .5% knowledge about the US presidents so could you give me a rundown on the presidents in one of the fics I should read-? Also why do you know so much. Are you planning on becoming a history major-
okay so like ngjfgkbh its below but read tags for all issues mentioned:
the chatfic is basically all of them so i cant run down ALL of them, but basically fuck LBJ, fuck reagan, fuck jefferson, fuck FDR, fuck like... a hella ton of those mfs. stan bobby kennedy and jack kennedy. for the linken fic, JFK was obviously the the 35th president. He was involved in the Space Race between the USA and the Soviet Union for like, basically who can get in space faster. His Presidency carried most of the Cold War and he actually started to draw back soldiers from Vietnam and TRIED to repair this stupid ass government, but LBJ said 'fuck that' and put the soldiers back. His soldiers were... uh... well... cant explain but illegally horrible.
Lincoln, 16th President, Civil War. Was Republican which I know sounds hella unusual but back then, parties were basically switched. Hell, Jackson, one of the worst who did the Trail of Tears which took Native Americans' land and forced them off of it, created the Democratic Party. His Presidency was mostly on the Civil War but of course the Emancipation Proclamation came through. The War was originally states rights but became slavery real quick. States--mostly the South, which made up the Confederacy--receded from the start and boom it started. Once it was over they began to come back. Bro got shot ofc as you know. Was hella sad and depressed and had mommy issues + abandonment issues + was probably bisexual.
JFK probably was too, and there's a BUNCH of weird coincidences between them, so that's why LinKen exists. One of the best nicknames i've seen for them is Headshot Homos. He had chronic illness + his back was always in pain and he had to take a shit ton of pills for it. He may've been SA'd as a kid too, which leads into the hypersexual activity, and that leads to the cheating.
SO TL;DR: you dont need to know just about anything to read the fics. I barely go for historical accuracy. For the notes, it's usually at the end where I add in any fun history facts, most of which are on TR because... well. They are. The chatfic and some references may not make sense if you don't know some stuff, but the comments--the 100+ there are, or 200+ i dont remember--have a bunch of facts in them by some super cool ass readers/friends. There's two other chatfics made inspired by mine, and the one by JFKMyBeloved has a bunch of facts in I believe both chapters notes. The other is hella accurate probably too.
Overall you can go in and see them as original characters and you're good. I'll explore the trauma as I have in chapter 11 throughout. And as I said any TR shit WILL be explained because I can't stop including that mf in EVERYTHING 💀💀
and tbh it just started as a hamilton phase, became more, and soon i was reading a fuck ton of books. i guess my brain decided TR would be my ONE president that I care the most about. 2000+ pages have been put into learning about this mf and HOURS of documentaries and reading his letters to his kids (it's in a book, A Bully Father, 10/10 with some spelling mistakes though). So I can barely tell you about the others but I WILL tell you abt TR ahsjdkfghnm
so yeah kind of i guess. if political science doesnt work, it's history, and then english. that's my Plan A, B, and C in order.
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gmos · 1 year
i am so like. metaphysically exhausted i feel like im going thru so much rn i just need to vent with timestamps
like i have zero money so my card declined on my medical bill today and i have to make a bunch of phone calls to places that are only open on weekdays. and i have to prepare for a market but my heart is just not in it. plus ive been waiting to hear back about some other freelance stuff but it hasnt happened yet. so i just keep working on little bits and praying that it will work out. esp bc i have a tattoo appointment i made for my birthday to keep from totally spiraling but i obviously dont have the money for it right now.
and i have to go talk to bf's parents on monday and convince them that im telling the truth about anything w regards to moving. when they dont respect me and think im just some fairy trying to steal their daughter. and the thing is i am but its obviously for the best. and my parents are excited that im moving back but they cant really help me until july and mostly once we're already over there. and bc of how little money we have were gonna have to get rid of most of our stuff and either fly or drive a car across the country.
and all of this while i am getting sicker and sicker and ive just been getting sicker for years and usually it gets better in the summer but this year it isnt so im really worried about that. all i want is to sit outside in a pretty dress with a fun beverage and draw and write but the reality of my situation keeps creeping in. and its crazy bc the thing is pretty much everything aside from the medical bill is already sorted out and being dealt with and i just have to wait it out. i just cant get over how stressed out i feel and thats whats holding me back from fixing things, leading to them getting worse. they increased my ocd medication but the pharmacy hasnt called me yet even after two days when usually they have it same day.
what is going on. im exhausted. i havent slept properly in like two years. i survive off chocolate chips and microwavables and vitamin supplements. i spend most days alone in my apartment sitting by the window on the computer. this is not living. this is not living. i am supposed to be outside talking to strangers. i am supposed to be making the mistakes of a young adult. i turn 20 in 10 days. i have not been able to stay sober longer than 3 days in a row. i have near-constant short term memory loss. my vision is fading. i cant stand. once a week i go to the park and run until my ribs hurt, which is only about 3 minutes. i wear dresses over my hairy legs and combat boots. i get boba tea and coffee and ice cream when i have 10 dollars in my bank account. why isn't it worth it to live a beautiful life? why is responsibility the beginning and end of my life? when do i get to fuck up without being incessantly punished for the rest of my life?
when i was 17 i came to the startling realization that when something bad happens to me, that is the punishment. before that, and even still, i believed that i had to endure the bad thing and then be punished for the fact that the bad thing even happened. then one day i spilled olive oil all over the kitchen counter and my father helped me clean it up and asked if i was ok. to this day it sticks out as a dream, as if something so kind could ever happen to me. and yet i feel like if i had not been treated with so much hostility, i never would have been radicalized the way i am today. i cant prove either way, but i know that the hostility i am constantly faced with is unwarranted. yet it continues, so what am i doing wrong? the answer is obviously everything.
writing this has calmed me down. i am one of the few who benefits from journaling, even performative journaling, which is what this website is based on. one day when i die just a little bit before my time, my now-bf future-husband will compile my unpublished writing and art and notebooks and tumblr posts into a chronicle of my life, and then i will finally be beautiful.
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pebblethief · 2 years
top five books u want to read but havent yet, and top five tips for beginner knitter/crafter type people!
aaaa. ok
i have 1.5 books left of the Realm of the Elderling series. and i am SO looking forward to the last one as much as i am sure it is going to D E S T R O Y me holy shit. cannot emphasise how much i know it is going to ruin me. i know 2 death spoilers (both of which aren't surprising. cant follow a whole life without...following a whole life. and the other one is Old lol) but i dont know specifics and im fully going to be a sobbing mess when i get there and i cannot wait
legends and lattes is...12th on my TBR but im rly looking forward to it! constantly seeing it at the top of cosy fantasy recommendations and there is a lady orc on the cover, im gonna love it
really looking forward to when i get around to the 3rd Bone Ships book! its a very cool series about giant sea beasts and ships made of bone and just. exceptional wordbuilding. loved the first 2 books a lot. bumping this up my tbr as i type this
have decided 2023 is the year i will get around to starting Wheel of Time. it's one of the Big Fantasy series i havent touched yet and i wanna (i think the only others are Dark Tower which im ehhh about starting and Mazlan which i think i will love if i go into at the right time, and hate if it is the wrong time lol)
hmmmm. god there are so many books im excited to read, this is difficult. i have 3 full amazon wishlists of books lol. just gonna put the next fantasy book Jen Williams puts out. i love her and i love how....maximalist her fantasy worlds are. she doesnt just go "ok this is a world with dragons" she goes "ok this place has mushroom forests and a giant tree that births mythological beasts and sexy vampire elves and life magic and WEIRD BUG ALIEN INVADERS and lesbians and gruff axe weilding gay men and so much more" (go read the winnowing flame series, people!!!!!!!!!!!!) and i will buy her next book without a milisecond of hesitation
ok. *breathes* im ok. promise.
[every craft] everyone tells you to start with something simple. fuck that. start with something COOL. you will be 10000% more motivated to work on something if its gonna look rad. garter stitch scarf is gonna be boring even if it is simple. i believe in u, u can google and learn and make that weird project
[knit/crochet] skip the cheapo acrylic yarn if you can. it is cheap but yr gonna stick a WHOLE BUNCH of hours into this, i promise it will be more fun if it feels NICE while yr doing it!! there are some really pleasant feeling yarns that aren't much more expensive, and it will just be a much nicer experience.
[every craft] ignore everyone telling you you need a billion accessories. most of them are completely unnecessary. you dont need the fanciest needles or fancy stitch markers or expensive whatevers. dont sink a bunch of money into something yr just trying out
[all] try out different methods!! i spent ages trying to learn continental knitting when i was starting, bc people said it was Better but. i tried and i didnt enjoy it. but i know more for trying it!
[all] if it works, it works. if u are making fabric and you like it, s'all good!! maybe yr doing it in a weird way but if it is comfy for you fuck what the internet says. things Do Not need to be perfect!!!!!!
[knitting] bonus one: google twisted stitches. this is a common mistake and itll fuck you over if you get used to making them when youre not meant to lmao
thank u for letting me ramble about 2 of my favourite topics lol. and if u want some fun beginner friendly knit projects lmk 💚
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smoosnoom · 2 years
can’t believe that i finally decided to comment all ur works that i read before daily compliments.
“let me steal this moment from you” became my first victim. tbh i haven’t read it since november i think?? and part of my brain which is responsible for memory is too occupied by remembering facts about u so i don’t remember plot sorry. this one is gonna be like the first time 🙏🏻
“If anything, it’s a miracle any of them are still awake and functioning.” no fr. they spent like a week in that uncomfortable van and the first thing they did after returning to hawkins is cleaned the cabin?? not even shower.
“At least it would save the catastrophe of seeing Argyle and Ted Wheeler interact.” ohh, i’d like to see that
“It’s blue. He imagines painting a yellow sun on it.” 🥺🥺 bc he’s yellow and sunshine and lights up every room he walks in. sorry i love him so much
“He wonders if he's more of a monster than a mistake.” ok i had 10 minutes tears break after that 🧍🏻‍♀️ maybe i Am crybaby idk
“He’s pretty sure it’s the first time they’ve laughed together since they’ve arrived back in Hawkins.” poor boys haven’t laughed in Weeks :( i wish i could fix everything for them
will wants to make “smalltown boy” with mike so bad and i can’t blame him. my boy deserves be as far away from hawkins as possible.
“He doesn’t have any time for self-doubt when Mike turns his hand over in Will’s grasp, until their hands are properly entwined” it’s all them. best friends, each other reassurance and safe space, soulmates if u want. i just love them ughhh. that’s why they hits so hard.
“we aren’t kids anymore” omg how do u exactly know where to put references?
“And we got to bury Jonathan in a bunch of sand, which was pretty fun.” oh wait!! i remember ur Fantastic fan art! writer And artist how talented u are!!
“Night Seven” ofc its night seven. love that it could have been 5+1 but it’s byler so it’s seven instead.
“and it seems to be the right move when Mike lets out an appreciative hum” my “naturally good kisser will” agenda never dies. he just knows what to do he didn’t need practice 🙏🏻
“He probably looks like a kissed-dumb idiot.” he is. good for him!
god, ilysm. ur so talented u have no idea. and u make me feel things.
i love that fic so bad and if u like it too u should thank moon for it!!
if it helps i dont even Remember most of "let me steal this moment", every time i click post it's like every associated memory just vanishes from my brain
im glad u get to experience it all over again i wish i could do the same with other fics </3
"the first thing they did after returning to hawkins is cleaned the cabin?? not even shower." U ARE SO RIGHT i thought abt that the first time i watched vol 2 like what do u mean u arent even going to change !!!! u have been in those close for Days !!!!
i almost did write a ted wheeler and argyle interaction . Almost
that is so real . will byers my sunshine sweetpie
so real and true ! i need these two far far away from hawkins and HAPPYYY
u get me !!!!!! theyve alwyas been best friends first and thats why they hit so different
oh god not the drawing 😭😭😭 can we pretend that Didn't happen . maybe . my artistry isnt grea t
IM SO HAPYPPYY U NOTICED !!!! night seven !!!! it was a seven !!!!!!!
will is just naturally good at it idk what to tell u . yes he has never kissed anyone Yes he is a loser yes hes also great as kissing . sorry
so honored to have made u feel things <3 alya my beloved it is Always the best day of my life whenever u decide to read something of mine :D
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kittycatcarla · 2 years
games i played update for pretty much the entire week
i've got a bunch of screenshots piled up that i was too tired to post wen they were fresh
might not add a description to all
[major spoilers for chicory and minor spoilers for hollow knight and hades under cut]
(i reached photo limit so ill add reblogs this post for the rest)
(also ill have more minimal image descriptions than i would typically write them due to the sheer amount of pictures)
Ok ill start with chicory i suppose
But im not joking. if you think there's the slightest chance you'll play chicory or if you're already playing chicory and havent completed the main quest already, DO IT. Dont spoil the experience for yourself. I have screenshots from some boss battles and some other main quest stuff here. Please, for your own sake, dont continue if you plan on playing chicory.
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^ Fuck I... ngl i really felt Chicory all throughout the game. the exorbitant expectations that shes putting herself to because of her master.. the astronomical amounts of self-doubt that came with it.. the massive impostor syndrome.. And now that i mentioned impostor syndrome i might aswell mention the amount of relatability i felt with the playable character (In my savefile she's named Cupcake). The enthusiasm that changes for self-doubt the moment responsibility shows up. The inner voices that keep telling her that she doesnt deserve the brush. that she got it by sheer luck. that she's a terrible artist and that everyone is just lying to her.. i felt all of that
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^ These things actually.. well they got to me a lot more than i previously expected. especially the fanart one. i had completely forgotten that that was the first thing i drew there despite the fact that Clementine put it in our parent's house but.. i realyl did not expect that. It was so incredibly sweet
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^ I'm so happy for you, Thyme <22222
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^ there's a metaphor to be discussed there but im not up for that right now
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^ i love your enthusiasm dad (yes i did use the telephone cabin a couple of times. if you have anything against that im not gonna listen to your inflated "gamer" ego. let people have fun. for some of them that means using tips or playing with assist mode or god mode)
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^ Fuck this hurt. this hurt oh my
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^ this is the drawing that i made to be the portrait in the wielder tower. my mistake with essentially everything i drew in this game was that i treated it as a normal drawing instead of pixel art)
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^ KITTIES (i still need to save like 5 more i think)
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^ this genuinely made me tear up a little
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^ and completion percent (i want to eventually fill in the entire map but for now im taking a break from chicory)
Okay onto Hollow Knight now
have in mind that those are screenshots taken in different days. several times i took screenshots in the inventory to show progress at the time
also have in mind that this was me getting all my progression back to and eventually further than the 102% that i had before i lost my saves
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^ Maybe Sly wasnt corrupted by the Radiance, but capitalism still mostly got him
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^ progress on january 7th
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^ there i think i wanted to show that i managed to get here without wings (for those who dont know/remember, that means 2 or 3 enemy pogos)
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^ this is my favourite sofftware bug in the entire game (now that i think about it im not sure whether it's still in the game or patched and reintroduced by the QoL mod)
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^ ok it doesnt really matter but i love how broken cdash crystal generation is whenever youre not on a stable flat floor/wall
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^ you fucking what you greedy bitch. also yeah i beat the shit out of her and then made her come with me to listen to Marissa
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iwillbegoodatmath · 6 months
so i went to that firts class! it was fucking hard, and i felt kind of miserable, but i did it and it was 100% worth it. my classmates seem nice, though i am kind of worried about this one dude who might be flirting with me? i'm not sure, i might wear a rainbow bracelet next class so he gets the hint lol
i also went to the 2nd class, i was late bc i couldn't finish the first assignment, so i took some extra time to polish it a bit (though i still couldn't finish it) but it's fine, things worked out
i am soo behind on math and computer org, so that's what i focused on today, hopefully i can do half the exercises from the 2nd math practice and finish it tomorrow, then i just have to catch up with 3 more worksheets ☠️ fuckkk
the 1st exam is on may 5th, so i have until then to catch up, wish me luck
as for comp org, idk if I'll be able to pass the subject, I don't think i have the time it would take me to catch up before the 1st exam (which reminds me, i have to check when that is). so yeah, sucks ass ngl but it's also the least important subject for me this semester, so
tomorrow i have my first therapy session with a new therapist, which is extremely frightening and if i'm being honest i do want to cancel the session rn, but i know i need the therapy :/ so i'll go, idk what to tell her though. where do i start? do i go for the depression or the possible adhd? is it even worth it to mention adhd, will she believe me when i tell her my symptoms or dismiss me bc i'm an adult? i think I'll go with the depression bc i don't think she'll dismiss it, then if i keep seeing her i'll tell her about the adhd
and if she doesn't take me seriously, then i'll just exaggerate the symptoms, which i know is bad but honestly (and sadly) if you want doctors to listen to you, sometimes you have to lie to really highlight whatever you're struggling with. with my previous therapist i made the mistake of minimizing my issues, it won't happen again
i also have to buy a bunch of materials for uni tomorrow, fun fact: i dont have a single cent on me right now. so I'll have to figure that out as well :)))))
i know no one will read this but i don't care, i don't write it for others, i write it for me
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ssparksflyy · 8 months
leo valdez dating hcs !
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pairing : leo valdez x gn!reader warnings : itty bitty cursing , maybe spelling mistakes but ill fix em later a/n : yoyoyo starting this at 1:06 am. not sleeping til im done <3 ilysm for reading this, nd hopefully i write something again soon 😭 perhaps a pt.2 to the last time? 😋
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leo is literally the most perfect bf :(
hes very much a gentleman
holds ur things, opens doors for u, asks u about ur day, holds ur hand when ur walking, and comforts u when ur sad
omg nd idk if u guys have seen this one video where this guy is dragging his foot through the snow so his gf has a clear path and doesnt step on any snow
but he'd 100% do that if it snowed
leo's always making sure u get the best treatment and nothing less
now, its a known fact that this boy will def make things for u
have u guys seen those cool flowers made outta scraps nd stuff? yea expect at least one of those every day. all in different colors.
he'll sneak into ur cabin every afternoon, doesn't matter if ur in there or not, nd leaves them on ur nightstand with little notes
like u could just be having the most shit day
nd then u walk into ur cabin and find a cute little flower, always a different color from the day before with a note that says something like
'i saw you laughing at something (ur friend's name) said. i love the way you throw your head back laughing like a little kid <3 love, leo'
like AW
u dont know how to tell him ur running outta room for the flowers, but at the same time, dont want him to stop ♡
i feel like leo would also make matching bracelets that connect with a magnet
he asked piper for help since she's got a BUNCH of beads, nd spent like 2 hours trying to make them bcs he kept dropping it 😭
nd once he FINALLY finishes them he literally SPRINTS to show u all like
"y/n! y/n! look! i made us bracelets!" nd has the biggest smile on his face as he shows u that they connect
u give him a big ol hug + a kiss on his cheek and his grin somehow grows even bigger
leo loves loves loves holding ur hand
his hands are warm ofc, nd the fact that their rough makes it 10x better
he loves fidgeting with ur hands
like ur used to it at this point
he'll ask u how ur day was nd starts to play with one of hands as u tell him abt ur day
if u dont like that / ask him to stop, ofc he will, he'll just start fidgeting with something else
he FOR SURE wears one of those adhd rings that spin when he isn't working
if u let him play with ur hands and wear rings, he'll take em all off and rearrange them, sometimes putting one of them on if he thinks its cool
after u tell him abt ur day, he'll tell u about his as he puts his arm around u and u lean into him
its apart of ur nightly routine, you'll either meet in urs or his cabin, depends on who finds who first
sometimes the other person'll stay the night
leo's a big cuddler, nd since he's so warm, u end up staying the night in his cabin pretty often
can i just say
leo's the typa guy to have the SLUTTIEST waist EVER
like he is SNATCHED
u often find urself wrapping ur arms around his waist bcs of that
its not fair :(
movin on
leo loves dancing omgg
if u dont know how to itll be his #1 priority to teach u how
sometimes when ur hanging out in bunker 9 he'll put on a slow song nd just starts dancing with u
in that moment he rlly doesnt care about anything else. he's with you, and that's all that matters.
in short
like him
leo is literally the most perfect bf ever nd i love him
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a/n (pt. 2) : yooooo, hope u enjoyed! its 3:25am. im tired. but now have motivation so aint that fun :,) also idk why it takes me so long to write i literally just get distracted
BUT BASICALLY tysm again for reading, ily, nd goodnight <3
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson
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revasserium · 1 year
For the fanfic ask game - 💞 💘 🦋
for the fanfic ask game! @aquagirl1978 hi hi hi hi how're u <3
💞 - what’s the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
the figurative language lmfao HONESTLY. like. i have pretty high tolerance for a book with like. zero plot. zero worldbuilding. if it's got pretty fucking writing im THERE. for my own fics -- i try very hard to put out good prose. but i actually rly like messing with "pacing"? idk if that even makes sense but i like interspersing like big chunks of slow text with like a bunch of quick back and forth dialogue. i know it's probably annoying as fuck for some ppl and might give others whiplash but lasdkfjoasd it's just something that i enjoy doing?? HAHA. and in the same vein. even if the characters and the worldbuilding is fantastic, if the prose is like. actively not good??? (and i dont mean like baseline right cause like dan brown is baseline. sparse, spartan sort of writing that gets the job done. i dont mind that at all) but like rly bad writing (if u want irl book examples pls dm me i have a LIST LMFAO) then i can't keep reading.
💘- Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
actually, not really! i mean u kno me lol i write and then i TOSS it into the abyss. i don't edit. i don't even like correct spelling mistakes sometimes cause i am LAZY AF. this is fun for me, so i try to keep it fun and light and as unserious as i can u__u
🦋- what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
i would like to say "nothing" but that would be a bold-faced lie lol. i think the reaction is always gonna be the thing i (and i hazard a guess that /most/ writers who post their work online or like IRL publish u kno) am always the most insecure about. but, because i've spent basically my whole life writing on the internet, it's also made me a bit more blasé about it? like i can almost always tell when something i post isn't going to do well. and if i temper my expectations, then i'm not actively disappointed when something doesn't like "perform". also. i find having like a few friends who u write /for/ helps bc then regardless of "public" opinion, if that one person ur writing for likes it then that's all that matters :D
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Im gonna start watching Supernatural season 6 but before that, I have some predictions. Most of these are based on the assumption that every season from now on is basically gonna be a self-contained arc that they wrote without knowing if they were gonna get a next season or not, just to make that clear.
Theres gonna be a villain thats basically just metaphorical celestial hitler bc if theres one thing english-speaking people inexplicably love to put in their media its nazi imagery. The metaphorical celestial nazis are going to be angels (because making them demons would be too obvious) and depending on how late or early this is gonna be in the series, Castiel is gonna have like, a radicalisation arc basically. I think if its gonna be in the sixth season right away, he'll definitely get radicalised but if its in seasons 7-10 I dont think thatll happen but if its in seasons 11-15 I think it will happen. I do have reasons for thinking that but Im having trouble articulating those so Im just gonna move on
Theres gonna be another fanconvention episode (probably multiple given that we have 10 seasons ahead of us) and theyre going to mock destiel shippers and Im going to be so unbelievably upset
Theres gonna be a season where the main villain is some kind of nightmare creature guy thats causing everyone all over the globe to have these horrific nightmares so people dont wanna/cant sleep and because of that whole lot of people are just straight-up dying from lack of sleep or because people are too exhausted to funktion properly so theyre hitting people with cars n shit like that. Sam and Deans nightmares are mostly about their daddy issues and whatever mistakes (or potential mistakes) they made in the season before that and I dont think they'll show Cas' nightmares but if they do, theyll be full of fucked up religious imagery
Alternatively, the nightmare creature guy has the ability to manifest peoples nightmares as tangible things in the real world but mark my words, theres going to be some kind of nightmare creature guy
Zombie Apocalypse Season
Theyre going to bring back vampires and have a conflict about the ethics of being a vampire, basically an extended version of that one episode with the vampires who only killed and ate animals, except this time theyll also make fun of twilight bc why not. fuck it we ball amiright
Castiel is gonna turn human temporarily at some point and Dean n Sam are gonna turn temporarily non-human at some point
Speaking of which, Sam standing outside of Deans house watching him eat with his son was probably not meant to be literal and was purposefully very ambiguous but I think the writers are gonna take advantage of that and have a plotline about Sam being a ghost in the sixth season, or even an angel if they wanted to get wacky with it which, honestly they should. I once saw someone describe Supernatural by saying smth like "the first five seasons were the actual show, everthing after that is just the creators retirement plan" do Im definitely anticipating some bullshit (affectionate), but also some bullshit (derogatory)
Dean and Sam and maybe Cas are gonna have to fight like, dark evil AU versions of themselves who wear all black and have really heavy eyebags or fucked up eyes at some point
I just remembered that theres gonna be dragons who just look like guys in this show bc Ive seen a few spoilers for it and I literally do not have any predictions about them, like I cannot even conceive of dragons being in this show why did they put them in there
We're definitely going to get a bunch more evil women in this show so I think we're gonna get succubi, sirens, whatever other monsters that are usually portrayed as beautiful women, we're getting them
I think thats it so far, please dont spoil me and tell me directly if Im right or wrong about any of this, thanks
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