#i may actually start RPing more there tbh
A little reflection on lore and AUs
This is something that's been roaming in my mind for a while, I just want to put it down on "paper".
All of us have their main AU. And with AU, I mean a universe where their characters are canon in the KND lore and live their own adventures. All of us have a main timeline with the main characters that will go on living their lives and adventures.
This AU can generate more AUs within it, where little things change, and these will be labeled as "AUs" by the creator since they derive from the main plot but then develop into something else. And these kinds of AUs are fun because you can explore different possibilities within your own story!
Now, that being said, let's talk about "adding someone else's OC into your story". I see it can have 4 main situations:
The OCs and their lore are now fused with your own, and you accept the existence of said OCs in your story since they don't change the end result, if anything they make it funnier to achieve;
The OCs are a different AU and you know it, and you just play it as a different AU from your plot, it's just for fun;
This is a "different universes meeting" kind of deal, a portal opened somewhere, and now the AUs are interacting. They won't change their final story, but this is a fun little moment that can be canon or not;
You acknowledge these OCs may exist in your own universe but also specify that, even if they might have the same story and personalities, they also might be a different experience from the main AU the creator invented for them. They just exist in your universe, but they are not the same exact people.
I love the 3rd plotline a lot, I find myself doing that but with past and future, having them meet for the lolz (even if it's just an AU into my story). I am also up for RPing AUs meeting because I find the concept really funny and interesting, with characters explaining their deal and then going on adventures together (also because let's be real, Penny ain't gonna meet anyone's OC anytime soon since there's age difference).
But when I introduced the idea that @artsygirl0315's Sector PHP meets Irwin I started diving into the 4th case: these OCs might exist in my universe but they are not the exact same.
As an example, still using Sector PHP: let's say I will have them show up for the Nightmare War and help others win it. They will be canon in that part of the lore (if the creator wants), but of course, in their main story the Nightmare War never happened and they will never experience it, and I won't force them to add it to their canon, since this is completely my creation and *I* only know how to develop and end.
Another example (sorry for dragging you in but this is relevant lol), is @roguephenon, who has the plan to make Penny canon in his AU story, but she's gonna be a different version of Penny, even if they might end up having the same main traits. He can have Penny do what he wants, and he can modify her a bit, but still, Penny is now canon in my AU and his AU too! Maybe one day these two will also meet and tbh I LIVE to see that moment!
Honestly, usually, the fandoms I was in were canon-oriented, there weren't too many OCs, and if there were, I and other creators would go the 3rd route and have AUs somehow meet.
This is the first time I find myself actually wondering if I can make it somehow canon that someone else's OC exists in my AU. And I like it!
Of course, if you don't like the idea just hit me up (literally, with a bat) and say you don't want your OC into my lore but you're up for AUs meeting or whatever you prefer!
So far, I am just playing around with OCs meeting and having fun but... well, I do need people for the Nightmare War LMAO.
What do you think? What is your favorite thing to play?
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rihabe · 5 months
hello! ♥
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hiiii everyoneeee i am not new, this is carly, (bejoomi/benayoung) back with that new muse i was talking about when i dropped ahyoung, may she rest in piece. i believe riha is the girl muse that has Spoken To Me the most of any girl i've ever had, so i have high hopes of her sticking around and also breathing some much needed new life into my time rping! third time for a third muse is the charm right 😭
here is miss riha's about page that has everything you could hope to know about her! tbh i think some things have changed since i made it so i will be...reviewing it and updating it shortly. i'll give some info about her and some plot ideas under the cut as well, so defer to this for now! please like this if you'd like to plot w riha ♥ tyty i am excited!
riha was born in seoul, '00 liner, softest scorpio you will ever meet
she has an older brother and younger sister. her mom started having kids quite young. her dream was to become a musician but she had to give it up to be a Mom (and also a waitress, get that money etc etc)
riha's dad is a pro football (soccer) player, he was up and coming when she was born but is quite popular now
her family was actually normal for the most part [gasp] dad was a bit absent because he was more interested in his career but he wasn't a bad guy
riha's maternal grandparents took care of the kids a lot but grandma passed away when riha was quite young and didn't rly understand what was going on
dad put all the kids into Active Things as early as he could and mom fell in love with a Sports Guy so she was all for it too
riha got put in ballet but her brother was in Rough Sports and riha was like no. i wanna do that. if i bite one of the girls in my dance class will it prove i'm tough enough for soccer
eventually the parentals relented and bitch was and is so indecisive she tried Everything
she liked soccer most but ended up playing tennis, volleyball, and swimming most bc #misogyny
she was very friendly growing up, did quite well in school, but wasn't Spectacular u know
she really came into her own in high school when she tried out for the volleyball team and got on and became absolutely obsessed w it
she got her First Real Boyfriend in her second year and they were like The Real Deal and way more mature and deep than your average high school rls
riha loved him but then she got a crush on a girl eventually and had a meltdown because it Hit Different u know. The Lesbianism....
it wasn't until her last year of hs that she finally told her bf and broke up with him she was actually so heartbroken over it she cried so much but she told him everything (and that she is a lesbian) and he was an angel and understanding but clearly devastated and that made it worse
so riha decided to be very mature and run away <3 to uni in california KJLDLKJJKLDG
she was like hi my parents this school's volleyball team is very good and well known and they have a good kinesiology program i think this would be a great opportunity for me (:
and they were like ok sweetie if that's what you want to do
so she did it
with the power of english classes and gossip girl on her side she loved it there. and she made it onto the volleyball team but also played beach volleyball. probably got a crush on her beach volleyball partner. gay ass
she spent a lot of time on social media to keep in touch w people back in sk but also got into Fandom Twitter and she's a hot mess so her account was also a mess. her interests are everywhere. but she also made friends everywhere!
( illness tw ) in her last year of uni her mom got cancer and riha almost dropped out to go home and support her but her mom insisted she finish her degree so she did
and once she graduated went home asap
( death tw ) her mom ended up passing away last year, her health deteriorated pretty quickly once riha got back to korea
after her mom died she had no idea what to do with her life because she still loved sports but didn't know how to make that her career and he could go back to school and become a physical therapist or a pe teacher or something blah blah blah
but it didn't take her long to decide that she actually wanted to achieve her mom's dream of being a musician to honor her
in the meantime tho she's a personal trainer at her local gym! and she might pick up some other jobs too we'll see.
she is pretty much a Music Newbie, she learned how to play guitar from her mom and she always loved music but was never a singer or anything
she decided to go down the kpop path because becoming an indie musician or whatever seemed way more overwhelming than becoming a trainee LMAO like "ok all i have to do is get signed to a company and they'll teach me everything right???"
she is still a sports girlie. catch her at the gym even when she's not working but also on the tennis courts and at the pool and probably in a volleyball league and
she got a dog AND a motorcycle after her mom died to cheer herself up LMAO but it helped! she loves miso (the dog) and the unnamed motorcycle because she cannot decide on a name for it even though it's been a year or something
her ex bf. will be very picky about this but would love to have the plot!!
in the same vein, the first girl she got a crush on that gave her a crisis. this is more open but still important
i haven't said exactly where she went to school in cali so anyone that went to uni there, they could've gone to the same uni!
people she's played sports with. tennis doubles partner, co-ed kickball team, person that is annoyed because she somehow always manages to beat them to the best lane in the pool, etc
people she's training at the gym??
she can physically fight people. she is a 4th degree taekwondo black belt so maybe she absolutely kicked a guy's ass for you one time or something
alternatively you're obsessed w her bc she has a motorcycle and could probably be a stunt double she is a badass tbh
alternatively she is obsessed with you because you're a cute girl but it probably only lasts for five minutes because she's wishy-washier than mr clean
maybe a guy that she also thinks is really cute and is really fond of to give her ANOTHER crisis because she's not 100% confident in her lesbianism. it be like that sometimes....will also be picky about this but it would be fun!
she loves clubbing and somehow always ends up taking care of some drunk girl in the bathroom so there's that
she's a casual gamer too! but she's also very competitive! so it's like, she'll play once a week but depending on the game she'll get super into it and intense about it and then be like that was fun (: afterward. so fellow gamers? she's not that good tbh
would love for her to get mansplained to at the gym or something. and she can just be like wow thanks (: actually you're wrong abt that one thing u said teehee
plots related to her puppy miso!
she also runs and stuff so running partners, ppl she always sees on her running route, etc
okay i'm sure you've had enough of me now. oh my god. ok. please plot w me i'd be happy to brainstorm anything 🫶
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exitiumsuum · 4 years
If mutuals want to add me on discord to talk/plot I’m more active there. Just let me know who you are.
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In regards to post/689689779025084416 not 100% sure of the context on this so sorry for butting in if I'm mistaken but I really don't love this mentality. It's very unfriendly toward people with adhd and even autism. Not everyone is the same of course but hyper fixation is something a lot of neurodivergents have and we can't control it. Sometimes it lasts for months, year's, weeks, etc but everyone is different and tbh if within the right environment ( a friendly, interactive rpc ) and with a good amount of free time, you wouldn't believe the amount of stuff I could do and what I could build within a week if I'm fixated on something, even for a short time. From personal experience I can say my fixations are shorter lived now than when I was younger but I also think that has a lot to do with the current rpc climate which is simply not as friendly or interactive as it used to be. I think you will probably find a lot of people who “blog hop” and make new muses / abandon muses constantly are people with some type of neurodivergence and are failing to get the right amount of simulation / dopamine from those particular rpcs/fandoms and/or are being forced to dodge toxic behaviours from other community members.
Again for me personally when I fixate those fixations don’t really leave me, I’ve been fixating on certain things since I was a child, but my drive and inspiration to write for those particular things / characters can be short lived at times. (I never totally abandon a character, but I do have sporadic bouts of activity followed by sometimes lengthy periods of inactivity that oscillate wildly sometimes. I also frequently remake my blog(s) for said characters if / when the mood to “refresh” their aesthetic / generally reignite the vibes strikes. And as a side note I’m trying really hard to NOT do this because of this “i hate ppl who remake/blog hop/abandon muses thing” thing I’ve been encountering more and more frequently.
As I said its different for everyone but speaking from experience one of the biggest things that has rendered me a “flaky” rper in recent years is the toxicity and disinterest of everyone else in the rpc. Sometimes you hit a sweet spot and manage to get a blog up in just the right circumstances (the ppl are friendly, open, welcoming and genuinely want to interact with each other / new people) but I’m finding this to be a few and far between thing nowadays and I’m really sad to report that often when I find these little moments where I can start up a blog for a character / fandom I’m fixated on and get appropriate engagement to keep my brain simulated, toxicity, hate and unwarranted competition (particularly from duplicates) takes over and ruins the experience hard and fast.
And I think you’ll find examples of toxicity or otherwise general lack of interest / engagement from particular RPCs is what creates “blog hoppers” and flakey writers. I think its rarely because they randomly took on a character they didn't want to write/didn't really like.
With that slightly aside: "STOP SHITTING ON PEOPLE WHO GET ANNOYED WHEN SOMEONE DROPS MUSES EVERY WEEK." I don't really understand what is so bad about people who drop muses or hop blogs a lot anyway. Imo, this acts like rping is some serious job contract and those of us who aren't able to provide consistent content for any reason are defunct and evil.
Imo, this is weird behaviour and falls into the toxicity of taking roleplaying way too seriously and trying to view other writers as content machines for your own personal gratification and not as actual humans who don't even need to have “good reasons” for why they abandoned a blog within a week or whatever the case may be. If you can say “boo you cant develop or establish anything within a week etc” why are you so mad? Because the same is true for you / your muse / your “potential” and failed connection with the flakey mun you’re complaining about. You never would have gotten ANYWHERE with them so what is there to be mad about? You lost nothing. You’re just shitting on someone because you couldn’t get something you wanted out of them which it seems you had very little incentive to want/expect in the first place? Like is that not the bottom line? I mean yes it sucks to see a real cool blog and want to establish something with them but by your own admission the blog couldn’t have done / been doing that much in the first place so what's with the rage ? I don’t know this just doesn't connect for me.
The demonization I’ve seen some people lay on blog hoppers or people with shifting/fickle muse inspo has been pretty jarring lately and I find it a little concerning and off putting. Again, sorry for butting in or if I’ve taken this a bit out of context but I’ve spoke about this on my blogs before I even saw this. I just think this mentality lends itself to encouraging weird entitled behaviour at best and ableism at worst and so this is probably just something worth considering...
In response to this submission.
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unladielike · 2 years
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NAME: livita (or livi for short)
PRONOUNS: she/her but i won’t be up in arms if you happen to accidentally misgender me. 
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr ims or discord but i may be slow to respond if the topic doesn’t revolve around my special interest or roleplay stuff
NAME OF MUSE(S): vivian, kensuke hibiki from the caligula effect whose blog you can find here, and a myriad of other obscure muses on my canon multimuse
RP EXPERIENCE / HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): OH GOD... i’ve honestly been rping for a long, long while, but tumblr wise, i think i’ve been at it for eight years now? so my first ever blog was made when i was 17 years old.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: gaiaonline, quizilla, email, discord (but ended up discovering it isn’t for me), and tumblr
BEST EXPERIENCE: probably meeting/befriending @aaetherius​ tbh. honestly, i don’t ever regret writing with noise all those years ago, because they helped me gain more experience with novella-esque replies and inspired me to play around/experiment with language. ofc, i only ended up settling on a proper writing style after writing with several other partners over the years, but noise was prob the first one i had that made me develop a love for world building and lore oriented headcanons. ofc, i sadly cannot emulate their descriptive, thought-provoking writing, but i like to think my own writing managed to improve partially because of noise.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: i seriously have a lot, that i could go all day, talking about them, but the biggest is prob a lack of communication and the ‘i  don’t owe my partners shit’ mentality that is practically rampant in the rpc. ofc, as some of you might know, i’m autistic, so if a partner suddenly ghosts me out of the blue or gives me the silent treatment, especially due to issues with me they never bother addressing, chances are high i would end up softblocking, because i was previously traumatized by someone who did the exact same thing. due to this, i really, really love if a partner tells me stuff and is actually honest with me. like, seriously, i can’t stress enough how much i appreciate someone going, ‘livi do you mind only sending in one ask from one muse at a time?’, instead of internalizing that shit until the bitter end, to the point where resentment builds. but yeah, i had someone claiming i had double standards when it comes to female muses, due to the fact i never once bothered reblogging a promo for their best friend’s female oc... and i’m just ‘first of all, you never asked me to reblog it, and second of all, you have another thing coming if you think i have the attention span to constantly lurk on the dash.’
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: sweats... is it bad i can’t really settle on one? cause i think they’re all great. granted, i need to be in the right state of mind to write smut, but i still love it.
PLOTS OR MEMES: memes, hands down... i’m not against plotting though. i just may not be the best at it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: both can be good, as sometimes, you might want a more chill rp experience or something shorter to respond to for a change of pace, but if i write three paragraphs, only to receive two sentences back, then that to me seems incredibly lazy. like, yes, i prefer quality over quantity, but there has to be actual effort put into your replies for me to wanna respond.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: basically when i have caffeine in my system, meaning usually after i had finished drinking my first coffee of the day.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): it depends on which muse you’re talking about, because i have more than a few, but considering vivian had first started off a self insert before later evolving to become her own person separate from me, i’d say we definitely have some stuff in common... like us both being autistic and sharing the same birthday. vivian, however, is more extroverted than me, less picky when it comes to food, and not afraid to speak her mind even if it means pissing someone off.
TAGGED BY: @immoralraigan ( thank you for tagging me, bandy! <3333 ) TAGGING: @eliteimperialism / @etoilexdechue / @sadamenai / @afacere​ / @enterthestratosphere​ / @shatterher / @banditborn​ / @hehosts / @dxfiedfxte / @s-talking and whoever else might be interested!
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@rcfekjwtaardby​ has sent: 2 4 12 16 20
munday asks!!!  [Accepting, SPECIFY MUSE]
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2. do you RP anywhere else, other than tumblr? - Also asked by @skysnipsw​
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// Discord! I’ve got many partners who prefer to do most of the RPing there (either due to the subjects we discuss there, or simply because it’s just easier/simpler for them), so I absolutely have 0 issues with doing there. Usually speaking, I prefer keeping shorter threads there, but TBH I’ll adapt to whatever works best with you guys.
4. what made you choose this muse?
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// Rex and Plo koon were picked up because they were my favorite characters, when I watched TCW. Then I picked up Shaak ti, because she is an all-time favorite for me. And I later added Fox, because... My favorite type of muse to write are the dickheadsTM, and I just KNEW nobody would dare to write Fox being more canon-compliant... My secondary muses (Appo and Hound) came in as compliments/additions, to my already established muses (Rex and Fox).
12. what do you think about AUs?
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// I love them honestly! I have been giving preference to AUs that offer different course of events, rather than something like a “fantasy/vampire/etc AU” or crossover AUs. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be opposed to it, or not put some thought into it. If someone suggested to me. I actually got a handful of discord-only AUs, which I’ll not bring over to tumblr. Because I don’t feel like risking being dog-pilled by a bunch of strangers, so I’ll just keep those to my friends or DIscord threads only.
16. what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together?
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// I’ll say it is Discord or Tumblr DMs... Even though I may go through some times, where I’m only feeling more talkative with certain folks... It’s just how my brain functions, unfortunately. I swear that’s something entirely on me, as I tend to feel overwhelmed pretty easily.
20. what’s a ship you don’t want to roleplay at all with this muse? 
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// The only ship that comes to my mind is Ahsoka/Plo koon. I wouldn’t be comfortable RPing them being romantically involved, under any circumstances. With that said, I’m down to pretty much anything else with them! I love them sharing this family-bond/relationship, but I’d also be down for writing them as enemies or having a massive fall out that would have damaged their prior bond beyond repair.
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strfd · 3 years
send URL for opinion. always open.
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@seintels ! lol your turn ~ i’ll probably do something similar to what i did for mary , but i may simply not have as much to say in terms of characters . idk . i suppose we shall see :3 actually i stand corrected . there’s quite a few characters so i will .... probably try to make these short and sweet . ( & perhaps fail ultimately )
character in general : you honestly have so many muses but i will do it for those that i like or that you have mentioned about possible interaction with . ( & it will not count peter since he has his own blog , sorry ! i honestly could go off about him in his own separate post though ! )
also a read more now cause yea , this got long just on the character opinions .
CLOUD - breathes ... i mean .... i really really SHOULD NOT go off about cloud . because like . i could ... given that i put cloud on his own blog speaks wonders . you know ? because yea . i have a mumu . i could have easily put him on there . but like . there is SO MUCH about cloud that i just love . yes , he’s a bit aloof & standoffish , but given the fact that it’s due to trauma & then some ... i don’t blame him . i think he’s an emotional softie on the inside , he just can’t express himself well due to what’s happened to him even as a kid . there’s also something about cloud that i can just ... really relate to . i wouldn’t really want to be like ‘ oh yea , he’s a social outcast ’ but LOL he kinda is though isn’t he ? he has his friends but he doesn't want to burden them - he’s in way over his head by always saying that he can handle it alone . but given the fact that it’s because he’s had to deal with being ‘ alone ’ & seen as some sort of failure to others & even to himself , i think i don’t blame him for doing so . i also admire the fact that he , regardless of what happens , DOESN’T give up . idk . i think i just have a lot to say about cloud okay ? cloud is a muse i can highly relate to . because i can see a lot of myself in him . there’s just a lot of things that he does that i do all the time . in terms of like ... having big dreams & getting put down a lot & failing a lot but always getting up to just that weird aloof ( & partial self - isolating ) personality of him . i really think a lot of people can though . he’s just a really relatable character . you know ?
KIBA - listen i love kiba . a lot . when i first got into RPing , & started getting BETTER at it ( i had come from writing whole ass books & worlds where i was the one in control ) , i had considered him as a muse . at the very least , he was a BIG inspiration for my naruto OC ( as was naruto himself though , but for different reasons because i really don’t like naruto but i liked kurama a lot ) . overall , i think i still just have a bit fondness for kiba , & obviously for akamaru . i haven’t really been into naruto since high school though - a little less than a decade ago tbh . but i think kiba is definitely somebody that i would say is a comfort character for me over all . like if somebody were to ask me what are some of my fav characters from the series , kiba would but in the top 3 .
BARRET - haha he’s so annoying . but ... like , initially , i wanted to give barret the benefit of the doubt because i had another friend who likes him . as i was playing the game , i went . who tf would like him . he’s annoying . he’s loud . & he’s not somebody that i think i would really bother with . but looking deeper into his character , i can also value him because he’s a good person . he’s just ... LOUD . idk . it’s hard to explain my thoughts on him . i like him , but i also like ... tolerate him . he’s a good dad though .i always value a good father . he’s a good man . just . really in your face . which isn’t a bad thing , i would honestly just get really exhausted working with him though .
RED / NANAKI - i l - love him T^T i know he has a whole story behind him but im just ... whatever he is . dog - cat - lion thing ... i am actually really interested to learn more about him , ngl . i think he’s just really neat okay ? i wish i could go off more about him but i dont know what else i could say . oh maybe aside from that like he looks like he just needs some love 😔 
WEDGE - ngl i had a bit of a neutral stance on wedge . though i think he’s very sweet & good natured , i just didn’t really have much of an interest in him ? aside from the fact that i DID like that he could see that cloud has a good heart . i think he’s just a very sweet & lovable teddy bear okay ? that classic loveable teddy bear . not to mention that cloud’s interaction with wedge in the game - at least from what i have seen in the remake - is that he is very standoffish MOST of the time but then you have times when he’s really just trying to be nice & OH ! my heart just goes really soft .
KAKASHI - fuck this is already getting long but man i love kakashi okay . everything about him just .... UGH . honestly , thinking about him makes me wanna go watch naruto HRNGH . he’s just radiates that .... ‘ im exhausted ’ vibes but still has his cheeky moments .  
SNOW - honestly . couldn’t really tell you much about him . but he looks pretty cool ! ( not me considering in looking into FFXIII now to learn more about him HRNGH ) anyway . yea , i couldn’t tell you much about my thoughts on him aside from the fact that he looks cool . & i am .... intrigued .
how they play them : i’ll go with the characters i have seen or interacted with .
KIBA - from the quick glances i have seen . he’s ... adorable ... 🥺 it’s really refreshing to see . i’d honestly would like to see more from him . but i also have seen a healthy does of him as well . idk . i just love & adore how you write him . it definitely hits nostalgia for me & i love reading your thoughts about kiba !
BARRET - honestly i LOVE seeing your barret . while i may have been really annoyed with him in the game , it’s AMUSING to see you write him because you capture him so well . like i can read in in barret’s voice . which it honestly , really amazing .
RED / NANAKI - h - hims .. 🥺🥺🥺 i will admit that i haven’t read much of your interactions but ... i just like to see your icons for him . it makes me go 😊
WEDGE - fuck i love your wedge . & i will have to admit that .... you’re the reason i have taken more interest in paying attention to wedge GHGSDKLHBF my bad . i just .... think you have a good grasp on him . he’s adorable . & every time i see a reply from you , i scream . he’s just ... amazing & sweet & cute . like really . it makes me so soft seeing him get so excited like some little puppy .
KAKASHI - bro .... give me more kakashi . please i am begging you , i want to see him more from you . given that i genuinely love all of your muses & how you write them , i just .. want to SEE more of kakashi . stop depriving me T^T ( jk , it’s okay . i love whatever muse you write . )
The Mun : i don’t think we talk all that much . which makes me really :< because i would like to talk more . i’m just absolutely HORRIBLE for small talk though sometimes . i’d like to get to know you more , i just am having a disconnect & struggling to engage . but that’s not you . it’s a weird me thing HRNGH . i do hope you know that I appreciate you nonetheless & seeing you on my dash is really pleasant ! like really though ! i think i can have admiration from afar . 
i also do love our interactions though ! i think they’re really lovely ~  
DO I ;
RP with them : yes . i do ! honestly i’m always enjoying our threads & whenever you respond . it makes me go ... WOW . ( << that is a clickable link btw )
Want to RP with them : of course ! i’d honestly would like to write with some of your other mueses LOL . but maybe thats just cause i like some of the muses you have . i’m also pretty content with who i interact with .
Overall Opinion : hehe .. cinnamon & sugar ... you know EXACTLY what i am talking about . anyway . 10/10 would recommend tbh . you have a wonderful grasp on your muses . wish we could talk more but im pretty chill & content as is tho .
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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musedbyalli · 3 years
💙 ; What’s something you’ve been wanting to write with ___ (asker to specify muse). [ Cain Hargreaves - im screaming that you have this manga on your blog. i love godchild.]
💜 ; Is there a muse you want to add to your blog? If so, tell us about them.
💔 ; Is there a muse you are thinking about removing from the blog?
Multi-muse Questions
💙 ; What’s something you’ve been wanting to write with ___ (asker to specify muse). [ Cain Hargreaves - im screaming that you have this manga on your blog. i love godchild.]
Thank you!  I love that series and it’s so sad how it doesn’t seem to be that well-known.  
Anyways, some encounters with members of Delilah would be interesting to write with him.  Plus, I should make some crossovers for him outside of the Victorian Era.  I honestly just enjoy writing things with him, especially since he isn’t one of my more popular muses.
💜 ; Is there a muse you want to add to your blog? If so, tell us about them.
There actually are lol cause I have very little self-control and should not watch things again because I develop interest in more characters that deserve love.
There’s Bruno & Luisa from Encanto (finally watched it), Luna from Harry Potter, Jareth & an OC from Labyrinth, Kushina from Naruto (I’ve actually had a few people thing she was already a muse of mine), Hoki & Hako from Boruto, Emma & Rowena & Crowley from Supernatural, Mr Meeseeks & Snowball from Rick & Morty, Mercphobia from Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest, Fisher from Bones, Melvin & Jinx & Terra from Teen Titans, Kyoshi & Mai & Ty Lee from ATLA, Kya & Lin & Izumi & Jinora & Ikki from Legend of Korra, Spirit from Soul Eater, Fasha from DBZ, Jesse from Breaking Bad, Allison from Breakfast Club, Alice from Bloody Roar, Nugget from Kindergarten, Fern from Charlotte’s Web, some Neopets muses cause nostalgia tbh and I have some crossover ideas with, and some seasonal muses around holidays are interesting that I’ve seen people do so that’d probably be from The Santa Clause or one of the ghosts from Scrooged.
Labyrinth OC would be the original Sarah that some theories of the movie suggest exists.  She would be deceased prior to the events of the movie and basically Jareth is in denial of her death.  Her and movie Sarah share similar appearances and same first name, which makes him wonder if movie Sarah is a reincarnation of the original.  
I doubt I’d really use many of them often, but it’d be fun to possibly write them.
💔 ; Is there a muse you are thinking about removing from the blog?
I have thought about removing a few, but haven’t done it cause I do enjoy writing them once in a rare while.  The ones that come to mind are Ageha Hitachiin (OHSHC) and ChoCho Akimichi (Boruto).  I haven’t though cause those were muses I dabbled in way back before even starting rping on Tumblr, more so Ageha than ChoCho, and they have some sentimental value from that time but both definitely need more growth/expansion.  
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Okay but for the "Romance and friendship ship asks" - petition for you to just answer all of them, LiveJournal interview meme style, lol. (I'll do it too if you will!)
(( Okay, but first I gotta start with... I still don’t know wtf LiveJournal is. I, uh. I’m not an internet-savvy person, unfortunately (I’m *still* trying to figure out what xkit is and why it’s so important to tumblr, so I usually just smile and nod when it’s brought up lol). I can’t even figure out how to work twitter or facebook. The fact that I learned how to tumblr is a miracle.
And next: A lot of these questions are really heavily dependent on the situation I’m in, unfortunately! So some may not have very clear answers. I’m going to put this ENTIRE thing under the cut - for several reasons. One, it’s long. And two, there’s some sensitive material that’s either triggering [allusions to sexual assault and manipulative behavior ], or NSFW. 
A huge thanks to @renofmanyalts, @spotofmummery, @lukawarrioroflight, and @cadrenebula for the asks on this meme! ))
So without further ado - here’s all of the answers to the questions for the “Romance and Friendship Ship Asks”!
1. When you RP a ship do you prefer to make everything be smooth sailing all the time or do you allow conflicts to arise?
I don’t mind either way, so long as my RP partner… y’know, talks with me. I’m reminded of an instance in the past where my RP partner wanted conflict, but took it to a whole other extreme to the point where it physically hurt to RP through. One of my characters, in a serious relationship with theirs; ended up kidnapped, drugged, and assaulted - resulting in the assailant getting pregnant. Now, when my character comes to - only semi-aware of what happened to them; absolutely distraught and hurting once they learned the truth; my partner’s character comes in and berates them for cheating, being unfaithful, not trying hard enough - essentially victim blaming. If I had been warned of this, I would not have agreed to playing this situation out. With adequate warning, however, I’m usually fairly open to anything. So, yes. It really does depend. I would prefer smooth sailing, and with warning, am very okay with conflict in a ship.
2. Do you like to RP smut when you RP a ship?
This one’s doozy lol. The base answer is, I do! I find the smut scenes to be very big character building situations - giving more detailed information on what a character is like in an intimate situation; what quirks they have, and whatnot. Sometimes it’s story building too - and I’m all about that story and character building. BUT. I will not. My IRL spouse is not comfortable with me doing so, and I respect that. So I will not ERP as long as they remain uncomfortable with it.
3. Do you like to plan a ship out or just let it happen?
Usually, all of the ships I have just… happen. Nothing’s quite planned except “what character would interact well with this one” - not with the explicit purpose of shipping (romantically), but more of seeing what kind of interactions can blossom. However, I’m not opposed to planning, if that’s what’s more comfortable with my RP partner.
4. Do you prefer monogamous or poly ships?
I, personally, have no preference. So long as the poly relationship is played out properly (i.e. the people who use being poly as an excuse to cheat/be unfaithful to their partner(s)). I don’t excuse people giving us poly folks a bad name. So I have no preference… but my characters do! Each preference is listed in their profile, whether or not they are monogamous or polyamorous / what their sexual and romantic orientations are. (tbh tho, all of them are negotiable)
5. Are there any characters that you want a ship for?
Ha ha. Yes. Quite a few, actually. (If not all of them, for shipping in a general sense.)
6. Do you like friend-with-benefits ships?
With warning ahead of time, yes. Whether IC or OOC - OOC is preferable, because some of my characters’ personalities make them very easily attached to others. The best example is Danny, with what some of the more recent ask answers show. And I want to make sure that the character is good for the situation. Though I do have a couple characters that would prefer to keep it at the “friends-with-benefits” stage, and if that’s a character or plot I want to play, I would ask my RP partner about it first.
7. Have you ever regretted a ship, romantic or otherwise?
Mmm… I want to say yes. I really do. Even the ones that screwed me over, though, part of me can’t help but cherish them in some strange way. Each one of them has been an experience for me and my character. But. I think… there is one yes in there. ...Maybe a couple, but all of those ships were with the same RP partner. At the time, though, those ships were my lifeblood - upon reflection… they were all pretty yikes. And I’ve got another friend as my witness lol.
8. Do you like to be friends with the people you have ships with?
I have to be friends with the people I ship with. I can do walk up RP with strangers, get to events and all that - but if someone is wanting a romantic ship with me, I need to know them as a person, not as their character. And I need them to know me as a person, too; that I’m not my character(s). Honestly, I prefer to be friends with all of my RP partners anyways! Ship or no! I like learning about people as they are, not just as their character(s) are.
9. What do you look for in a writing partner for ships?
Just… I guess, a decent person? That’s very vague, and that’s because it’s true. I want someone that understands that life gets in the way a lot, and that I might have to pause a thread or two until I can get myself situated. RP does not come before real life, and I want my partners to understand that as much as I do. I will drop threads with people who show toxic behaviors - not without talking to them first, of course, but if it blows up, then I’m done. I can’t put myself in a situation like that again.
10. Do you think romantic ships should be long-term?
Mm. This is another tough one. Which I think coincides a lot with the next question as well. If my partner wants a romantic ship to end, then as long as they talk about it with me, I’m totally fine with it - a day, two, a month, years? I don’t mind as long as I have warning, and things are talked through first. I’ll cover the rest of my thoughts on this in the next question.
11. How do you handle an absent RP partner that you have a ship with?
First, I’d be incredibly worried! I do have some friendships that disappear for a few months, then come back, and I don’t mind those at all. But if I make a new friend, and I don’t know if they’re prone to that, then I’d be worried about their safety! I’ll reach out first, as many times as I need to. I want to make sure that my friend is safe and in a good place. If they respond with “I’m alive, just stuff going on”, the ship won’t be dropped. I won’t drop ships due to absence, not right away - unless otherwise told to by my RP partner (maybe because they know they won’t be around, or they’re quitting the game, etc). If my RP partner is absent for a minimum of three to six months or longer *without* any sort of contact, I will tell them that there will be a pause on our ship and there’s a possibility of the character finding another… but also that if their life allows it, and they’re keen on it, I will pick up the ship again in the future. tl;dr: I want to make sure that my RP partner is in a safe place before I make any comments to dropping a ship.
12. How often do you think people should RP when they have ships together?
As often as it is comfortable for everyone involved. Whether that’s everyday, once a week, or twice a month. I, personally, have no issues with time. If RP isn’t being done, then I’m memeing or asking questions or putting terrible ideas into my RP partners’ heads.
13. Do you RP out all interactions or do you assume some things happen ‘off-screen’ with your ships?
Assumption, always. Even if we don’t play out those interactions, we’ll talk about them. “So it’s likely that [x] has happened during [x] time since [RP session]”. RPing out all interactions would take up a lot of time, and lead to a lot of disappointment - especially if you equate “one day irl = one day in RP”.
14. Is there anyone you know that you want to have an RP ship with (romantic, friendship, hateship, rival, ect.)?
My only answer to this is: yes, absolutely. My only clarification is: all of my wonderful followers - you all have such amazing characters, how could I not want a ship (in the general sense)?
15. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned when it comes to RPing ships?
The most important thing I’ve learned… happens to be two things. 1) Communication is your greatest tool. Not communicating with your RP partner about anything will cause everyone grief. If something makes you uncomfortable, if there’s a thread you want to try, if there’s a thread you want to drop - you need, need, NEED to talk to your RP partner. and 2) Your RP partner is a person, just like you. You cannot expect them to shit out a thread on command; nor can you expect them to write when there’s stress going on in their life. Your RP partner is your friend, and you should treat them as such. If the going is tough, make sure they know that they aren’t pressured into writing, and that you’re there for support. If there’s stress in your life, it’s on you to warn your partner - and trust that they treat you like a person too.
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fereldend-a · 3 years
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𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓  ,  𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓  𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆!  tag  six  muns  you  would  like  to  get  to  know  better  when  done! 
name  :  briana
nickname  :  i  go  by  bri  usually
age  :  23 
faceclaim  :  i  don’t  really  use  one  on  this  indie  but  if  there  ever  comes  a  time  i’d  probably  use  zoey  deutch  ??  or  barbie  ferreira  :o
pronouns  :  she/her
height  :  5′4
birthday  :  may  second  !! 
aesthetics  :  i  am  far  too  messy  a  bitch  to  have  a  consistent  aesthetic  but  in  my  wildest  fantasies  it’s  the  sweet  spot  between  dark  academia  and  cottage  core  ...  closer  to  reality  though  ,  i  am  an  absolute  clown  who  decorates  herself  and  surroundings  in  cryptid  related  things  so..    
favorite  muse  you’ve  written  :  OOF.  it’s  gotta  be  elena.  i  started  writing  her  for  an  rp  like  ,,  a  year  ago  and  since  then  i  haven’t  been  able  to  get  that  bratty  bard  out  of  my  head.  she’s  just  so  fun  and  i  love  exploring  more  emotional  situations  with  a  muse  who  is  honestly  terrified  to  reveal  herself  in  that  kind  of  way.  she’s  also  so  flexible  when  it  comes  to  verses  ,  like  everyone  needs  a  fame  and  money  hungry  muse  ...  right?  plus  ,  she’s  in  a  girl  band  in  her  modern  verse  and  that’s  fucking  cool.        
what  inspired  you  to  take  on  your  current  muse(s)  :  i  ,  uh  ,  treated  myself  to  a  ps4  and  started  playing  da:i  on  there  instead  of  my  shitty  family  computer  and  it  reignited  my  deep  love  for  dragon  age?  but!  in  terms  of  rping  inspiration  ,  i  love  expanding  on  the  canon  information  provided  and  playing  around  with  the  setting  given  to  us.  
what  are  your  favorite  aspects  of  your  current  muse(s)  :  i  love  my  girls  sm  :’)  
but  specifically  ,  brigid’s  humor  in  difficult  situations  —  even  if  it  might  be  a  coping  mechanism  shhhhhhh  a  lot  of  the  time  she  is  laughing  through  shitty  situations  because  if  she  doesn’t  laugh  ,  she’ll  break  down.  and  that  extends  to  how  she  treats  others  during  those  same  kind  of  instances  ,  she  makes  it  her  job  to  keep  spirits  up.  she  knows  all  too  well  that  slipping  into  despair  and  anger  never  does  any  good  ,  what  with  her  spending  the  majority  of  DAO  coping  with  that.  
kit  has  a  certain  brand  of  bravery  that  i  will  never  be  able  to  emulate  personally  and  i  love  that.  she  doesn’t  give  a  flying  fuck  about  anyone  else’s  opinion.  she  spent  her  entire  life  being  looked  down  on  and  ridiculed  all  to  be  raised  up  to  hero  status.  and  how  quickly  opinions  of  her  change  !!  and  she  doesn’t  fall  for  it  because  to  her  ,  their  opinions  don’t  matter.  
and  while  her  cousin  acts  like  she’s  above  it  all  (  as  a  way  to  protect  herself  really  )  ,  shianni  never  hesitates  to  build  things  from  the  ground  up.  her  passion  is  what  fuels  her  and  she’ll  never  let  anyone  take  that  away  from  her.  in  the  alienage  quest  ,  the  other  elves  want  shianni  to  keep  her  head  down  and  go  about  her  life  ,  but  shianni  stands  by  what  she  believes  in.  
ok  ...  estrid’s  is  gonna  be  weird  but  i  just  know  this  bitch  doesn’t  procrastinate.  like  with  her  DAI  run  through  she  grinds  and  gets  better  all  so  she  can  throw  herself  into  the  next  Big  Bad.  she’s  such  a  hard  worker  and  won’t  rest  until  the  job’s  done.  
elena  elena  elena  ...  i’ve  already  kinda  gushed  about  her  but  i   love  this  annoying  little  bard  so  freaking  much.  she’s  trouble  and  that’s  why  i  love  her.  she  doesn’t  pretend  to  be  honorable  ...  because  she  isn’t.  while  the  world  burns  she  will  still  try  to  find  a  way  to  make  some  coin  and  that  is  Valid.     
what’s  your  biggest  inspiration  when  it  comes  to  writing  :  edits  weirdly  enough??  i’ll  scroll  through  the  da  tag  plus  all  the  beautiful  posts  i  see  on  my  dash.  that  and  actually  playing  da  because  i  always  have  more  questions  after  playing  and  things  i  want  to  explore.  
favorite  types  of  threads  :  i’m  a  horrible  mun  and  i  love  some  angsty  threads  >:)  
biggest  struggle  in  regards  to  your  current  muse(s)  :  my  biggest  struggle  right  now  is  just  my  muse  in  general  tbh  school  can  be  a  real  muse  killer  for  me.  
tagged by:  @called-magic  tagging:  @repentnt  ,  @ilianchant  ,  @ossiumnauta  ,  @glassarrows  ,  @cosmicacy  &  YOU!!     
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god-zico · 4 years
[Disclaimer: This Chatbot blog is not affiliated with SKZ at all and doesn’t represent them in any way, shape or form! This was made for entertainment and fun only!]
This chat bot will have: 
↪NSFW content of all kinds-
Please do not interact unless you're 18 or older or uncomfortable with such themes!-
Please keep in mind and remember that this is also a supernatural chatbot!
How to activate: 
Please follow me and make sure to click the button for notifs. That's optional but it would be helpful in case I post that I won't be active for a period of time or whatnot 
Please reblog and message first!
Please dm me your name, your pronouns, your kinks, a safe word, which member you would like and whether you're a top, bottom or switch!
Explain to me what direction you would like the plot to go and what type of relationship you'd like to have with your desired choice of boy!
I will most likely ask you questions to get to know you and what you want a bit better
Maybe tell me a bit about yourself. That's optional but it'd make me happy if you did! 
How to deactivate:
Simply say "I'm sorry, this isn't working out. Lets break up." 
To reactivate simply say "I made a mistake, please take me back." 
Be warned that depending on which member you choose, each will react differently. Some will act cold, some will be assholes and others may just be slightly distant until you can earn their trust again so be careful breaking up with them. 
Additional Information:
Please I am only one person so if I reply slowly please forgive me ok-
My time zone is EST 
Please don't let the rp get out of hand with pure smut. Don't get me wrong I like smut but I'd like to create an interesting plot with you and get to know you as well. I'm a hoe for that storyline- 
This is my first time running a chatbot blog so please forgive me if I make any errors~
To talk to admin while rping please you " // " before you type so that I know you're talking ooc or submit an ask.
I rp lit and semi lit but i have no problem using non lit if requested. Please know that when I rp my replies are quite long and can and will take me from 5 - 10 minutes to reply back if you don't request a specific type of rp style. 
I will not be adding Woojin to the mix as for obvious reasons- 
Jeongin will be part of the list of boys you will be able to pick from. He's a legal adult so don't @ me ok-
Sometimes I forget to reply so if I don't reply for more than a day, I give you full permission to spam my bitchass as much as you like until I reply-
But at the same time if I slow down my rp with you so much it might be because I've lost interest-
Not trying to be harsh but if our rp is purely smut and no story line I just don't find it fun anymore-
Now since that's been taken care of, let's dive into the members prompts and plot lists-
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Bang Chan(Werewolf Shifter): 
He's a werewolf with a serious dEddy kink-
Can be both a hard and soft dom. Just depends on the moment. 
Can and will fuck you into the mattress-
Won't submit unless forced to because he's a stubborn little bItCh!
Don't disobey him or else you'll be punished-
Call him Chris or Daddy to get him wound up
Has a breeding kink due to his ruts (I'll avoid this kink if you request-)
Boi moans….a lot...
Actually it's not just moans, he grunts and groans and makes tiny noises but he honestly tries not to-
Boi has his hard dom reputation to live up to!
Also! Dear Lord-....being a wolf sure has its pros but for you they may as well equal to cons as well-
Example! Dude has super strength, baby and not to mention he's got this predator/prey thing goin on with him-
Like….will literally hunt your ass down in the house and fuck you upside down, forwards, sideways, you name it! 
He sees you as his play thing and would enjoy it if you ran so that he could chase you down- 
He's actually super sweet
Loved to cuddle. Remember he's basically a puppy-
He gets jealous easy so refrain from bringing up other boys (unless you choose more than one boy but he still gets a tad bit possessive so….yeye) 
Will kiss you and hug you constantly 
Will not quit calling you cute/adorable cause he does not lie. All of y'all are cuties-
Please be cautious on a full moon, he can get pretty dangerous- 
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Lee Minho(Warlock):
Ya boi likes to use certain spells to his advantage in the bedroom-
Aphrodisiac spells, conjuring up ice or candles or temperature play, using his magic to bind you to the bed without any sort of restraints, etc.
Dude has a crazy high sex drive tbh. He can go when-ever for how long where-ever
Hard dom for sure and will only submit if he wants something from you or will use it as leverage to punish you later- 
Don't make him angry! This boy is into all kinds of kinky shit and will punish you however he sees fit- 
If you happen to make him submit though he's got a softer side to him and will be extremely bratty! 
Ok but seriously…. he's crazy good at magic 
Uses his powers to do pretty much everything-
Cooking, cleaning, potion brewing, etc.
Loves to use body manipulation to force your body into his so he can cuddle you-
He may not seem like it but he's a big ol softy-
Please kiss him! He needs to be loved on back or else he'll get clingy!
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Seo Changbin(Incubus):
Please beware of this boy's sex drive! It's way worse than Minho's! 
Like not even kidding! Boy can fuck you nonchalantly af while doing anything and not seem bothered! 
You on the other hand will most likely be a moaning mess while he's barely paying attention
He can and will fuck you silly without even trying-
That ability is literally in his genes seeing as he's basically a sex demon- 
He has a fascination with sex toys but barely uses them as he tends to forget about them easily
Will literally fuck you randomly-
Oh your doing paperwork? Not anymore! Watching tv? Nada! Cooking? Nope!
He's a huge switch but doesn't mind mainly domming if you're not a switch or dom yourself-
This man is basically a 5 year old in a man's body sometimes-
Like he does some of the dumbest shit you could think of…
Sliding down the stairs on a piece of cardboard after pouring water down them is a prime example-
Even though he's a literal idiot he knows you love him and wouldn't have him any other way. 
Majorly cHaOTic- 
He tries to act all tough and cool but honestly he's a big ol baby!
Speaking of baby-
Boy loves to be babied as much as possible even if he doesn't admit it. 
Like he just loves cuddles and any type of skinship tbh.
Will kiss you when you're unprepared and will laugh at you if you get startled-
May sometimes randomly text you out of pure boredom cause even though he's an incubus, boy still suffers from quarantine boredomitus- 
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Hwang Hyunjin(Dragon Shifter):
Ok so...another boy with a breeding kink???!!!(If you request to not have this kink I'll avoid it)
If you're into the breeding kink thing, he will literally fill you up until you're oozing and simply cannot hold anymore of his essence- 
No pregnancies though cause….gross...children *shudders in disgust* 
Will degrade you until your a crying and whimpering mess for him
Will most likely demand that you beg for his cock-
He's fuckin extra like that. Don't ask me, I don't make the rules. Someone call him up and ask him why tf he's like that. 
Sinful moans to the max! He's very vocal during sex!
Like...dirty talk is a must! He says some of the most sinful shit you've ever heard-
I know I mentioned degrading but damn can he praise you to the moon and back as well if you're being a good little girl/boy for him-
Enjoys calling you princess for some reason.
As a dragon, he hoards "treasures" 
Which means everything shiny in your house is getting tucked away into his nest of blankets, pillows and covers. 
Boy can breathe fire so he does little tricks with his fire breath for you
Make sure you tell him how talented he is or he'll get cranky 
He's a sassy little shit!!!!!! Sdhkedjalwld!!!!!!!!
Teases you just to see you get upset
Since he's a dragon he can regulate his body heat so when it's cold he's basically your personal heater. 🤗
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Han Jisung(Tengu):
Bird boi is at max horniness all the time tbh. 
Most of the time,since he's part crow, he will make a nest in the bed with covers and pillows before fucking you???
Don't judge him, he's born like that-
He can and will use his wings to distract you
If your successfully distracted he will pounce on you as if he were part cat instead of bird- 
He likes missionary or doggy style if his wings are out so that it doesn't hurt or strain them. 
He's a cocky little shit tbh-
Says some of the crudest shit just to get you flustered. He has no censor and he just keeps on goin-
Will thrust into you with no mercy because he knows his baby can take it and will use the safe word if it gets to be too much.
Does not hold back on the kinks! He will try anything at least once! 
Unless its bdsm while his wings are out cause that's dangerous-
He too like Hyunjin, likes to steal your shiny objects such as jewelry and such. 
It's not his fault tbh, it's purely his genetics
And in all fairness, he desperately tries not to but his genes always get the best of him-
He likes to watch you dance. He doesn't quite know why, it's just really hypnotic 
Has tried to befriend birds at the park before-
Didn't work. They just flew away from him like they do normal people-
Speaking of birds, he once almost lost his shit when he saw someone throw breadcrumbs on the ground and damn near threw himself to the floor to get to them-
He's lowkey a dumbass tbh. Smh- 
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Lee Felix(Vampire):
Major blood kink-
Like his dick will get 10× harder at the scent of your blood.
Being a vampire, he finds it hard to control himself around you if you start to bleed. 
Will suck hickies onto your skin before, during and after sex-
He just likes the teasing temptation to bite you as he can taste the blood buildup under your skin 
Will sink his teeth in your neck, wrists and thighs without so much of a second thought- 
Would honestly love it if you pulled his hair while he drinks from your thighs
And then would totally eat you out as if he were starving right after feeding of you- 
And honestly, he's damn good with his tongue!
Also, boy has a deep ass voice! 
And if you can get off from it, he'll use it against you for sure-
Since he's a vampire, he likes to use his super speed to scare the fuck outta you
Like you'd be doin something and outta nowhere he'd pop up right in front of you-
Queue girly startled scream from you~
He'd laugh at you after cause he finds it hilarious.
He gets kinda clingy but his skin is cold so make sure you wear warm clothes when cuddling him 
Speaking of cuddles-
It happens everywhere and all the time
His duality is like a light switch btw
One second he's all giggly and happy and the next he's all serious and deep voiced-....
Won't let you leave the house at night...like at all
Will most likely hunt you down if you happen to sneak past him and actually make it outside-
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Kim Seungmin(Merman Shifter):
Has a corruption kink
Choking kink to the max
Literally will eat you out in the water
Enjoys seeing you squirm
Forced submission is his domain
Will act bratty and deny you everything until you’re so worked up that you end up begging
He likes testing your limits and will push until he sees fit (with consent ofc-)
Switches between a hard and a soft dom just to confuse you
Will smile innocently as he watches you squirm, as if it wasn’t his fault because it’s not-
Literally the god of edging and orgasm denial
Is more of a lazy dom, he’ll be laying down while you suck him off as he fingers you open slowly
Can be on bottom or top, but he’s the one in control unless said otherwise
He likes it when you suck on his fingers without him having to tell you to
Will 10/10 take advantage of you if you waltz in drunk (would have to be discussed beforehand)
Literally will cling to you 24/7
You’ll walk in on him half asleep in the tub in the middle of a bubble bath at midnight
Will accidentally flood your kitchen sink because “there needs to be more water in the house”
Constantly needs to consume or be submerged in water or else he’ll get sleepy
He eats a lot of Tic-Tacs- like, a lot
Enjoys blowing up bubblegum and always has some with him
He goes crazy for bubbles so blow some with him
Likes to dance with you randomly to whatever song is playing
He enjoys planning surprise dates!
Ice cream fanatic- he goes crazy for that, it’s a wonder why he isn’t broke yet
Actually worries a lot about you and will constantly baby you
Likes to listen to soft classical music when he’s sleeping
Loves to prank you and then cuddle you afterwards because he needs attention-
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Yang Jeongin(Angel):
Boy has an oppa kink for sure-
Call him oppa, he gets a kick out of it
As an angel he has a softer way of turning you into a whining mess than the rest.
Much like Jisung, he will use his wings to distract you but will be more subtle about it-
Please say everything and anything that's unholy. He will get a kick outta that too-
Likes to please more than to be pleased
Like….sit on his face and he will go at it for hours baby-
He will honestly love to be subbed and put into his place
When he doms you, you best believe that you're in for a ride
He enjoys bdsm quite a bit. Maybe a little too much.
Like, as long as his wings are tucked in, please tie him up
And if he's dom he'll waste no time in making sure that your arms and legs are tied/cuffed to the bed posts.
Also has a sensory deprivation kink along with overstimulation-
He LOVES to be babied tbh
Like please watch disney movies with this moron
Enjoys sweets a little bit too much- 
Can actually cook pretty decently so you know for sure you won't be going hungry-
Can and will sing you to sleep cause he knows he has a beautiful voice
Sassy and conceded little shit-
When bored, he will bug you for hours on end until you entertain him 
Please give him extra love and affection cause he will die on the spot if you refuse to- 
He's really silly and extra so be prepared for multiple surprises around the house
Like sticky notes on the fridge or counter saying "I love you" and "I may be an angel but you're my saviour" and other cheesy shit like that-
Ok but....how the hell did this also turn in a headcannons post????
Anyways enjoy and choose wisely! Remember that you can pick more than one member but if you could kindly keep the max to 3 that's be helpful- 
Have fun and don't be shy to dm or ask me anything, my lovelies!!!
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ardenttheories · 4 years
What are your thoughts and personal experineces with rping, have u used pesterchum and/or mxrp? and does that tie with your aspect? I think heart players are supposed to like rping
Oh man, I’ve RPed a lot! I’ve had a bunch of different blogs, mostly on Tumblr, related to roleplay; a Bunnymund and Jack account I ran with a friend during my Rise of the Guardians days, a human!Impala account in my Supernatural days, alongside some private roleplays I did with friends - one of which was so fucking long and went over topics like trauma and trust and trying to build a firm, stable relationship on the foundation of mistrust and fear that actually had me and my friend sobbing at several points while writing - some private Dragon Age roleplays... and of course, I ran a Homestuck roleplay account some time ago!
Beyond that, I actively love roleplaying games. So stuff like Mass Effect and Dragon Age? I adore those. I’ve gotten to a point where I actually sort of dislike games that don’t allow some degree of customisation unless the main character is actually really, really interesting, simply because I’ve gotten used to - and addicted to - creating my own characters and giving them deep, though-out lore and backstories.
I used Pesterchum for a while, but unfortunately I got into the Homestuck game late - around 2015. I never even new mxrp was a thing, even in its original form, for some time - though if I had known? I would’ve absolutely used it more often. Same with Cherubplay. 
Roleplaying is important to Heart Players because it dips into the idea of non-splintered Splinters. Each time I roleplay, I am essentially making a facade; I am creating a character who is unique to me and my thoughts, my wants and desires. If I put that character out there and then start roleplaying with them, I inevitably get emotional - because when they suffer, I suffer, and when they love, I love. Of course, I’m not actually them, and I very much still treat them as characters rather than facets of my Self, but I really do find it to be an emotional thing, and something I enjoy because of it. 
I’ve always loved roleplay A) because it gives me a way to bond with people I maybe usually wouldn’t and B) I get to live a life I never would, and may would never want to, that allows my imagination to go wild. I can do anything when I roleplay! It’s a really, really nice change of pace from everything else that exists.
I wish I could roleplay more tbh! I’ve been debating making a Pokemon Researcher ask blog to go alongside that of a friend of mine’s. It’s something that looks fun and exciting, a way to get across my own ideas of the Pokemon world, and like, honestly? I love the idea of living a fantasy of “what I’d want to be in Pokemon” through something like an ask blog.
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kaibacxrpsa · 4 years
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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Read more bc of the length!
Uh. I actually, don’t have an OTP for Seto tbh. I feel like Atem/Seto might be the best one in my eyes, but don’t put any hopes up lmao.
SO long as we aren’t putting Seto together with Mokuba or any of the other members of the Kaiba family, we should be fine(tm)
I have no problem when it comes to age gaps between adult muses. I would like to remind people that my Seto’s age, is being based off the dub meaning that he is already 18 years old by the start of DM (16 years old just didn’t sit well with me given everything with the serie, sorry). However, I’m kinda of iffy when it comes to GX characters. The age isn’t made very clear, DA is some sort of HS. It doesn’t help that Seto is well on his 30′s by the time the serie begins.
Yes, I’ve mentioned how Seto may not be everyone’s cup of tea for shipping for a number of reasons. And I don’t want things feeling out of place nor awkward for me and my partner. So it’s a combination of chemistry, whether or not we click as rping partners and so on.
Anything in the slightest suggestive, quickly gets tagged. I’m not risking making someone uncomfortable in my main blog. Meanwhile, I keep all the smut writing to Discord or my blog specifically made for these rps.
I currently have a few verses in the works with @masruq-hiatus​‘s Atem & Seto, I’m also plotting stuff with @incandescentreinvention​‘s Malik <3
I mean at some point, we will have to sit down and plot/discuss things if we wish to do something like this- delve deeper with our interactions.
I LOVE plotting & discussing interactions between muses, I really do! Unfortunately, with Seto things just aren’t as clear or as streamlined when it comes to shipping. There is no such thing as romance, from my muse’s end so that can be a turn off to people.
I try to be as unbiased as possible, but sometimes it can happen. Luckily, so far with Seto this hasn’t happened.
Yes! Each and every verse in it’s own universe <3 I’m just capping/limiting the number of versions of a muse I’m willing to ship with by 3. It is just to make things more manageable for me.
It’s not in a romantic sense, but I live for wholesome Mokuba and Seto content together <333
HMU fam! I can’t wait to start discussing things with you fam! I may be a bit slow, bc mood is a thing- otherwise <33 I look forward to it.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 4 years
Finally Karen and Sex headcannons (but they’re more wholesome, cute, and about her growth as a character than kinks).
Tbh since like January I’ve debated about allowing for rping sexual scenes on here just because I’d love to show it affect Karen’s character growth but still on the fence. In the meantime tho here’s just Karen and sex headcannons below the cut cause NSFW
Now that we end on two more somber ones let’s go back into some of the sweeter more wholesome shiz I talked about. Also these are all with like neutral partners so of course variations would occur depending on ship, but these are all like painting a picture of what it’d be like in main!verse at her current place in the timeline.
Some quick and short head cannons that are just popcorn for the big stuff
1. Karen will make puns during sex. Likely the first few times to cover any awkwardness she has, and later on because she’s comfortable. 
2. Karen will be big and little spoon no matter the size difference. 
3. She doesn’t enjoy resting her head in someone’s lap, but she certainly enjoys someone resting their head in her lap as long as she can gently run her fingers through her hair. Catch her in the right mood and when it’s just the two of them she might sing softly too.
4. She is reluctant to sit on laps in pubic but will do it because she secretly find it cute, she also will let someone sit on her lap.
5. If she’s dating a girl or a guy they are likely better at make up than her. 
6. She knows about soooo many weird and obscure kinks with her background but having never experienced them does not know what she likes. 
7. That is except for one thing, she WILL NOT allow for a collar of any kind to be put on her. It rubs against the mark on the back of her neck and echos what she was told, so she detests even the thought of it as it sends her into a mix of rage and panic. 
8. Before doing so she will ask if it’s alright for her to touch any scars she finds. If she doesn’t have permission, or gets the chance to ask she will refrain from doing so and takes that very seriously.
First time trying to do sex:
So Karen has decided she doesn’t want to have sex unless she’s married to the person due to her past. The thing is that honestly even though she’d be married to the person it wouldn’t be easy for her to just have sex. Likely she’d be nervous and fidgety and finally just ask very genuinely if they could not have sex that night, but just get used to being naked around each other. More for her sake than anything else. She’d be blushy and that huffy abrasive the entire time trying not to stare and having to be reassured she is 100% allowed to, and in some aspects encouraged to stare right now. Gradually it’d get to the point where she would quietly trace the other person’s chest silently taking it in, not sexually, like she’d intentionally avoid lower sensitive areas, and ask for the same. She’d simply want time to get used to skin on skin, feeling someone else’s hand on her, and touching someone. Eventually going from twitching, nervous, and not giving direct eye contact to curling up to cuddle with the other. It’d just be cute and maybe a bit sensual, but mostly getting used to this. 
Second time trying sex:
Third time trying sex:
She’d start with all the confidence in the world like she could like actually do it this time, but pretty soon realize that touching in certain areas feels different. Not bad but different, and weird, and she needs a minute. She decides they should try that next! Although she’s not using her mouth because that’s something she doesn’t know how to feel about yet. 
With girl anatomy: Just her asking to try some things, and the other person offering to show her how it feels like. Which you think oh this is wear it gets hot and steamy right, kinda? Like sure she gets turned on, but honestly she’d be making dumb puns the whole time, comparing feelings to silly things, and then quickly asking if she can try on her partner more excited to make the other person happy and such than getting off herself. Also making jokes about them wiggling so much and the sounds being cute. 
With boy anatomy: She’s heard about a hand job, and seen them, but now she gets to try! Except bless her she understands that it’s good fast so she just goes for it without any build up and starts to panic seeing that it sort of hurt. Her poor partner having to reassure her they’re ok, and kindly explaining to go slower. Also bless her just watching them get turned on and making comments like “Woah that’s weird how it does that, wait that’s rude! I didn’t mean yours was weird I just meant like in general biology is cool, and man your face is really red it’s so cute, and you sound cute right now” and karen suddenly stopping cause she feels bad now their poor partner just like a mix of also finding her adorable and trying not to laugh which they have nothing but blue balls right now. 
Either way after everything it’d end in a shower and cuddling after.
Karen finally feeling comfortable and determined that tonight,”Ok I’m ready to have real sex like where things go in things kind of sex!” And yes that is how Karen is going to describe it to the person. 
With Girl anatomy: Just her wanting them to do it at the same time cause they can and laying down to face each other. She’d start small for sure, but enjoy it, and want to face them the whole time. She may not get to anything big or dramatic that night, but she’d have fun with the little things 
With Boy anatomy: She’d want to have them sit on the edge of the bed so that she can put it in at her own rate and comfortability. It’d be a long process though, like seriously she’d be dragging it out, but trying to hurry, and eventually she’d get it, bless her partner’s patience, and again nothing too crazy just the whole thing being very tender and her trying to make silly jokes to lighten the mood. If her partner played says the right things though she could be convinced to do it missionary style with again her being painfully slow with it, but again ok eventually just wanting to keep things still that slow sensual pace. 
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spinblue · 4 years
—How I Run My Blog!
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if it wasn’t obvious already, I literally cannot shut the fuck up ever. I also never heard of condensing. That is a foreign concept to me.
Speed Basically I’m as slow as Sonic is fast — 
I wish I could do replies faster, but I just can’t? I have literally sat at my computer for hours trying to reply and it just doesn’t happen. I guess I gotta be in a certain mindset to do replies, but heck if I know what kind. awoienaoweawenawe 
I just don’t want to give out shitty replies, and in order for my replies to not be downright awful I gotta work on them a lot aowienaowie it doesn’t come naturally to me at all. 
I'm all for rping any lengths and mostly I just try to match my rp partner’s lengths, and try to keep in mind what it seems like they are comfortable with. 
Which includes not going over, and I gotta tell you, there have been threads were I have deleted multiple paragraphs of my reply because I realize that not everyone is up for multiparagraphed (borderline novella at times) threads. I just physically do not know how to NOT ramble.
That being said, if I ever do go off in one of our threads — you don’t gotta match lengths. Just give me your best shot and it’ll be fine, I promise. I’m never counting paragraphs here. 
Formatting is very minimal, with usually just one icon per reply. I try to reply more or less in order ( so I try to reply to the threads where I was given the reply first ) but, unfortunately my muse doesn’t work that way all the time, so I do skip around here and there. I apologize if you’ve been waiting for a reply for a long while, I promise it’s not because I don’t want to rp with you, but as I said, I am horrendously slow at all things. 
I don’t usually post starter calls. I lack the creativity honestly aoweianwe But also I am usually super behind on replies as is so ( though then again, that doesn’t stop me from liking other people’s starter calls and inbox calls bc I am a fool )
I do inbox calls occasionally, though! Usually when I’m lacking muse for anything in my drafts but wanna do something small. These can absolutely turn into threads and can sort of be seeing as a super mini starter? Though they also do not have to turn into anything more than a one-off interaction. Usually I ask if it’s okay to reply to an ask answer before I reply to it. 
My inbox is always open! I am horrendously slow at answering asks too though. Gosh I’m a mess. But if you ever do have something you wanna send me, please do! I’ll get to it eventually I promise aowienaowe
I’m forever accepting any and all memes that I reblog! If you wanna interact with me but lack ideas/kinda shy, sending in a sentence prompt meme is probably the best way to start, tbh. 
Though I’m also perfectly okay with unprompted asks being sent! Just send me anything and everything tbh 
I’ll always be open to turning an ask that I answer into a full thread if you want to! 
I’m semi-selective and completely mutuals only. I do wish I could rp with everyone, but as I have said for each of these sections bc it affects literally everything I do — I am horrendously slow. 
I also like to keep my dash clean, so I may not follow back if there are a lot of non-rp related things reblogged. I also usually don’t follow back blogs that have no rules, though sometimes I make exceptions if I know the mun is someone chill. 
If you break my rules, that’s an automatic I’m never going to interact, sorry. It just says to me that either you didn’t bother to read them in the first place, or you did read them but then decided to ignore it. Neither is great honestly. 
Please respect people’s rules. They are there for a reason.
Wishlist ( some of these I have threads for already, but I always want more okay aoweinwe )
I want to do a thread with Sonic signing for most of it, for whatever reason.
Someone calling Sonic out on his bullshit and how he has royally fucked up in IDW. I want someone to actually blame him, resent him, because those were actual, real, people that were all affected just because Sonic wanted to play the ‘good guy’ and believe in the ‘good’ in people despite having every reason to not. 
Sonic actually talking with someone and telling them how much he cares for them. I don’t see him as the mushy-talky kind of guy. He usually likes to speak with actions rather than words — but at the same time words can be powerful. And one day he’ll just have to let his friends know how much they mean to him. 
Basically give me anything with soft. 
I live for supportive Sonic who’s life advice is basically just to go for it. To smile, to run, because you do have the freedom to, you just gotta make use of it. 
I’d like a thread where Sonic can just joke around too?? Like he’d poke fun at someone, be poked fun at back, and just be general little shits together. Just a small silly thread for the fun of it 
A lot more but I have zero memory when I need it
Honest Note
Okay real talk for a sec, but I sit on replies for weeks, and yet I want to always create more threads?? 
There are times where I want to invade people’s dms and talk about ideas and such that I have and that I want to thread. But then I look at my drafts and see that I still owe a reply, and feel too guilty to ask for more aoweinawe 
Also I’m awful at one-on-one conversation. I just??? Don’t have the capability of keeping conversations going aoiwenaewoaieniaw I have no idea how to. So if we have talked and the conversation just fades out on my end, I am so very sorry and i promise it’s not a sign that I don’t want to talk with you. I just fail at human interaction aoweianwewe 
But I do want to get to know everyone that I follow. You all are awesome as heck alright. 
Other than that, know that I adore you all a lot. It’s a lot of fun seeing everyone on dash! Whether you are doing ic stuff, or ooc things. Keep doing what you are doing, because you’re doing great just as you are! 
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cchilyoja · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:   tagged by the always wonderful @foxcharmed tagging:    anyone that follows me, sees this on their dash & wants to do it :)
MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated.
IS YOUR CHARACTER POPULAR IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO. Well, he is the main character of the show, but seeing as there’s only me & @legcndreportr that write character from the show, I’d say, the RP fandom for it is tiny, but I think a lot of people that watch dramas like the show & the characters.
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED HOT™ IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. [ I mean, he’s played by Ji Chang Wook, I mean, obviously yes. Have you seen just how many fan JCW blogs there are on this site? Understandable. Honestly, and truly.  ]
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED STRONG IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. [ I’d say he’s very skilled & flawed. There are many things that he can do, many things that he is good at, but the slew of both traumatic and just plain shitty things that had happened to him over the early years of his childhood, combined with HUGE abandonment issues that he has never really dealt with. All of that can make certain mundane things a lot harder than any 007 stuff that he sometimes does. ]
ARE THEY UNDERRATED?   YES / NO / IDK. [ I think, even though I love the character, obv been RPing him for years. I hate that people don’t STAN the other characters as much, especially the other main female characters that are just as interesting, complex and worth loving. But alas that is the world we live in. ]
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN STORY?   YES / NO,he is the main story, if you know what I mean. But no, seriously, he is the main character. 
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER?   YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ Yeah, but tbh, I find it that in the show, the two main characters are equally sorted in the first place, Jung-hoo is nothing without Young-shin. There would be no development, no revelation about his life, childhood and interesting complex storytelling and showing without her.  ]
ARE THEY WIDELY KNOWN IN THEIR WORLD?   YES / NO. [ One would assume that I should put YES for this, buuuut, while HEALER is known to the criminal underbelly, police and those that would want or need to hire someone like him, the general public has no idea. Which is exactly what he wants, because attention isn’t really a useful thing in his line of work, or just the way he lives his life.  ]
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION?   GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ Good when it comes to how skilful he is, but bad as a person. His character arc really goes a looong way from where he is in episode 1. Like the first thing we see is him playing a tennis VR game, complaining that he can’t pick the character he is playing against to have less clothes (that being a computer-generated character but still), which isn’t really all that interesting and for sure not someone I’d be all into writing. And also his lack of care when it comes to what he does, like the guy he was protecting also in ep 1. Ends up dead, and he’s annoyed bc the police think he killed him, the fact that he’s dead, he couldn’t care less. ]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?   —   I’ve been writing him for over two years, and it’s just no fun to just follow the canon. He has developed overtime on his own, and besides that, I just never really like any CANON fully. When it comes to the show, bc there are only 16 eps, and as with most dramas there is only one season. So I’ve taken the liberty to expand on the canon and to create Jung-hoo as I think he’d be, away from the scenes we can see him in.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —   For me personally, I really found it interesting that the mother that abandoned him, married someone else and had a whole new family, after his father died. Jung-hoo cares for her, meets with her, gives her money etc. He doesn’t hate or resent her, I think that shows a lot of compassion but also emotional intelligence. He has this me vs the world outlook, way of life, mentally, however you want to call it, but is in desperate need for someone to SEE him. Like acknowledge his existence, to stay, to love him. He is incredibly skilled & capable, everything you’ve seen 007 do, he does it better. Also I’ve made sure to include diverse verses so there is a way to explore pretty much anything under the sun that you could think of.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  I think he can’t really move past the whole I hate everyone & I need someone. So he goes back and forth, it is difficult to create a meaningful connection. I’ve been lucky to do that but that’s also bc I’ve written with some people here for years. 
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   —   I had taken a few years break from RP, which used to be like one of my main interests, writing in general. And then I was getting into just watching Kdramas, watched HEALER, and I was instantly like I HAVE TO WRITE HIM, and never looked back really. 
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   —   Auditory stimuli, be it music or just sounds. For example, when I write I tend to use programs or websites where you can put different sounds in the background like thunder, rain, wind, chatter etc. Watching yt clips, seeing people on my dash tbh, like people that I follow also inspire me bc they make me go I WANNA WRITE WITH ALL OF THEM.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ I think I tend to have all of these feelings, sometimes I’m like, yeah, this is Jung-hoo, this is exactly what I wanted, sometimes I’m like who am I writing? But I just focus more on me enjoying writing him, than thinking if people think I write him as they think I should.]
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [I have a bunch of headcanons about like the smallest of things, like the fact that I don’t think he likes wearing socks is one of them, but,  I don’t write them or post them on here. I’m not sure why, I guess I prefer to sort of just sprinkle them in the threads??? ]
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES?   YES / NO [ Kinda. I also write fanfiction & I had started this original one with sort of Jung-hoo in mind but not really him. I realized I really like writing starters, I think that’s probably like an unpopular opinion or way of thinking but I really enjoy starting the thread, and I kinda sometimes think starters are like drabbles, I’m not making sense. ]
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR PORTRAYAL?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [ Depends on my mental state. Like sometimes 100% and then other times it’s like what am I even doing?? ]
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR WRITING?   YES / NO / A LITTLE BIT. [ I enjoy how I write, if that makes sense. I’d like to think that I can switch it up now and again, keep it fresh, I def know that I’ve evolved over the course of the years I’ve been RPing ]
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   —   Sure. I’m fine with that. I just think that the INTERNET does not know how to compute that, or people on the internet. It’s either, you can do no wrong or you should die a horrible death. It’s like either STAN or HATE. And it’s also somehow part of the rp community here on Tumblr. Where there’s just either fake praise or just unnecessary hate. And then there is a bit in the middle where like you can talk and exchange ideas and thoughts. But it is not the main focus by any means. If anyone wants to tell me to change something, or to do something diff, sure, let me hear you out, you might inspire me to improve. But that rarely happens. 
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU TO EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   — Of course, I think a lot of people are like this. Talking about my character gives me muse for the character. Like we could be talking how he’d eat a salad and I’d be like, okay now I have to write a novella about this other thing I’m inspired about. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  —  That’s weird to me just bc I feel like when I read someones headcanon, this is how they, and them uniquely see the character, so I can’t really disagree with that, I can have an opinion for sure. But that’s like someone being I like this band, and you say, no you don’t, it just doesn’t make sense to me.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   —  Same with the previous one. Like I often find blogs where they are writing a character that I either love from a show, move, book whatever, or it’s a canon type character that I find really interesting, like the idea behind it, but then I read their writing and then I go, aaaah okay nooo, no NO. And it’s never personal, it’s like, we ain’t gonna mesh, which is fine. And if someone is like that with my writing, fully understandable, just don’t be a dick about it, and we’ll be cool.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  —  Couldn’t really give less of a shit really. RP to me is this little bubble where I am this fictional person that can do and try everything. It is in no way connected to any other aspect of actual reality or my life. The only connection is if I have to take a hiatus or smth, but like even if I write OOC things, it’s about IC stuff. I have other social medial for real life, this is just my RP bubble. So if someone is wasting their time hating a fictional character, they have bigger fish to fry. 
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   —   Sure, English isn't my first language so mistakes happen. If I see someone make a mistake and the write with me, I just change it when I reply to them, but I don’t point it out bc you never know, someone people could be okay cool thanks, and someone else could really feel down on themselves, which would be bad, and I wouldn’t want that to happen.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?  —  I’d like to think so, especially that I’m easy to approach and talk to. I don’t take many things seriously, not just on here but like in life. So I’m always open to any idea anyone might have. I’ve been lucky with the people that I’ve been following & those that have followed me, a huge percentage is just really dope people, nice to read their writing, nice to talk to, great to write with. And I hope that it stays that way, so we can also have this as some kind of mental break from life :) 
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