#i may be a member but im always gonna be the number one fan of asmp
whimsicalwhespir · 2 years
another asmp question dump!
Favorite asmp character design?
2. Favorite character arc that you’ve made?
3. Favorite character arc that someone else has made?
4. Favorite symbolism arc/design/fight/etc?
These question dumps are super fun so I’m keep throwing em at you (anonymously) >:D
1. Oo that's a tough one oh gosh. Arthur, Sabrina, s2 Nagalie, Frogs, Bill (yes, I'm biased) and Arty are probably my personal favorites but everyone's designs are fantastic and have a bunch of thought behind them!
2. Whesp's anti-government stuff!! The whole thing was never planned and it was cool to see where the improv took me! Blowing things up and being seen as a real threat was quite fun and hopefully I can fall into some sort of villain role in the future, its incredibly fun if you can get it right!
3. Bill, Seek, Jupy and Double absolutely.
Bill's because he was very goofy but was an incredibly intimidating villain all the same. He actually joined the server and then didn't make an appearance for weeks because he wanted to flesh his character out.
Seek because I actually helped come up with his story and we had SO MUCH planned that we weren't able to do but the things that did come out were amazing.
Jupy because the shock factor of the "Captain is Jupy" reveal was so jarring even when I knew beforehand and literally everything about Jupy lore is cool as hell.
Double because their story was thought out beginning to end and was super well put together and executed!
Also I was there for a majority of the behind the scenes stuff for these three so I know a lot of things that the community doesn't which makes me appreciate their characters even more :D
4. Ohoho I know my favorites but they're yet to be completely explained so I'm gonna refrain from sharing <3
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hwangsies · 3 years
just the two of us
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pairing: idol!lee minho × idol!f reader
warnings: smut as in, masturbation (f), softdom!minho (?), choking, thigh riding, somewhat denied orgasm i guess lol, swearing and bad descriptions of dancing
wc: idk maybe 2k?
enjoy <3
"hi guys, im on my way to the jyp building right now" you speak into the vlogging camera.
"...where i'm meeting stray kids lee know sunbaenim to study a choreography for us to perform at the upcoming awardshow" you smile into the camera, holding a thumbs up as you try to conceal your nervousness.
You know that the vlog isnt going to be released until after the show so you dont have to worry about spoiling anything.
"I'll see you guys later" you wave into the camera before handing it back to your manager who lets you know that you'll be there in about 10 minutes.
The only thing you're worried about is meeting a certain very handsome main dancer you may or may not have been biasing since his debut, which was about six months before your group had theirs.
So naturally, when your group grew big with you as their maindancer, and the organizers of the awardshow suggested that you and minho get together for a collaboration stage, you freaked.
Once you pull up to the jyp building, you can make out dispatch paparazzi and roll your eyes.
Your manager just reminds you to ignore them before getting out and opening the door for you.
Quickly you grab your bag and pull your jackets hood over your head.
They start calling your name but you and your team are quick to be inside of the building.
The nice woman behind the front desk gives your manager acsess cards as you look around to see the young camera woman on your team is already pointing the vlog camera on you so you wave into the camera.
Outside you see a crowd of fans also waving and pointing their phones at you through the large glass windows so you also wave back at them; laughing when one of them sends you a flying kiss, so you send one back.
"lets go y/n" your manager speaks to you, and you nod, waving goodbye to the fans before disappearing from their eyes as you step into an elevator.
Inside the elevator you check yourself out in the large mirror, pulling back your hood and smoothing out your hair.
"how do i look?" You ask your manager at which she grins "you look good, relax"
You sigh and nod, clearing your throat as to avoid a voice crack later.
When the elevator doors open, you see the famous dance practice rooms, that are named after big musicians on each side of the hall.
The door to the Madonna room is open and your manager leads the way.
Once you walk in you see another camera pointed at you, minho is standing in the middle of the room.
He as well has a camera pointed at him, he smiles when you lock eyes and bows.
You bow back when he walks towards you; extending his hand, you shake it.
"I'm Minho, nice to meet you" he smiles, he looks even better in person you think.
He's wearing light makeup but you can see that his skin is smooth underneath and his eyes seem even bigger and spraklier in person.
"Y/n, hi, nice to meet you" you bow again, partly to hide your blushing face.
After a minute of somewhat awkward smalltalk you hand your jacket and bag to your manager and the choreographer positions the two of you.
You had already memorized your part of the dance from the video he sent you and minho (you're assuming), now you just had to practice it together.
He makes you stretch to warm up before starting the music to see how much the two of you know of the dance.
Everything goes smoothly and the choreographer praises the both of you.
"lets go ahead and try the lift, im assuming you didnt practice that yet?" He asks.
"no" minho shakes his head, you do as well.
"okay minho, you hold her here" he takes minhos hand and places it on your waist.
"and on the inner thigh so you can spin her better" he explains, your mind starts running though.
What if he feels your inner thigh fat, or even worse, what if you sweat excessively and he slips and drops you.
Your thoughts get disrupted when minho carefully wraps his arm around you to grap onto your thigh.
"is that okay?" He asks from behind you, the little hairs on your neck rising.
"yea" you nod.
"okay, on my count" the choreographer speaks up "one, two..three and up!"
You tense your body when you feel him lifting you, your arms raise on their own accord, legs stiffening to create an aesthetic sillouette.
"very nice" the choreographer claps after minho lets you back down.
"lets take a break" one of the jyp staff members announces.
"you were great" you feel minhos hand graze your arm, your head whips around.
"oh, thank you" you smile sheepishly "so were you" earning a grin from him.
"thanks" he nods, grabbing a bottle of water before giving you one as well.
"thanks" you say, opening it and taking a few sips.
He watches you for a second before doing the same.
"hey, you guys" a young jyp staff woman comes up to you "we're gonna do a little sit down q&a moment, to give the fans some more interaction alright?" she explains, leading you guys to sitdown on the large sofa in the back of the room.
She moves back behind the cameras "so we're gonna be really casual okay? Im gonna throw in some questions and you just answer them"
You and minho nod, looking at each other before looking back at her.
"okay, so have you ever met before?"
"uh- well" you look at minho, he nods, encouraging you to talk "we've seen eachother at music shows, when we were with our members but we never talked" you say.
Minho nods.
"What did you think when you heard of this collaboration?"
Minho starts "i was excited because i think y/n has great stage presence and is a very talented dancer, so i think i could learn a thing or two from her"
"oh, thank you" you huff, surpressing a giggle as you bow slightly.
"What about you, y/n?"
"Uhm- well i was a little scared to be honest because he's really talented himself" you look over at him, so see he's smiling onto the ground "but also because i've been a fan of his since skz debuted so..."
After coming back to the dorm and your members pressing you for every detail of what it was like to meet him and dance with him, you hop straight in the shower.
The warm water prickles at your face before you turn around, letting it run down your back.
You cant stop thinking about the feeling of his hands on your body, they were so strong and warm.
Or the one part of the chorepgraphy where you grind back into him and feel his muscular thighs flexed against the back of your own.
Not to mention his pretty smile and plump rosy lips, you would bet everything that he's a phenomenal kisser.
Your hand is trailing down your body as you imagine it was his, gently running over your mound before dipping into your folds.
A whimper slips past your lips out of frustration, its been way to long since someone had his way with you.
The idol life doesnt always leave time for that, but you can imagine what it would be like if you let minho have his way with you.
Your fingers start rubbing cirlces into your clit as you imagine him being the one to do it to you; kissing down your neck with his plump lips before toying at your nipples with his tongue.
You feel the way your belly tightens when you tink about how he would talk dirty; you dont know what would turn you on more, him calling you a good girl or a filthy little slut.
Would he let you cum right now or drag it out so your could cum around his cock? Damn you bet he has a gorgeous cock, everything on that man has got to be perfect.
And the way his dancer hips would snap into you would definetly be the thing to push you over the edge.
Your head rolls back and you bite your lip as to not let out a sound when your orgasm finally hits.
Your legs quiver a little when you ride out your high.
It wasnt the most earthshattering orgasm you've ever experienced but it did its job in satisfying you a little.
Clean and dry again, you let yourself fall onto your bed, sighing before you climb underneath your sheets.
Grabbing your phone from your nighstand, you see a message from an unknown number pop up.
unknown number : hey y/n -received at 9:56 pm
unknown number : its minho :) -received at 9:57 pm
Your heart skips a beat when the second one pops up, slowly you slide the message and land in the chat.
Whats a cool way to say hi back? hey?....no
sup? oh hell no
hiii....definetly not.
you: hi :) -sent at 9:58 pm
Good one, y/n.
you: how did you get my number? -sent at 9:58 pm
minho : my manager pulled a few strings lol, how are u? -received at 10:00 pm
you : im fine, a little tired ,hbu? -sent at 10:00 pm
Shit, yea go ahed y/n be the driest texter in the world no biggie, its not like this is lee minho.
minho: aww practice was to hard? lol im feeling fine -received at 10:01 pm
minho: jkjk lol the real reason im texting you is to ask if you want to meet up again -received at 10:02
Excuse me?
minho: yk, to practice but without all the cameras and people -received at 10:02
Okay, y/n calm down, dont answer yet. Dont make him think you're desperate to meet him again even though you are.
you: yea, sure. when are you free? -sent at 10:05
Very chill, nice job.
minho: im actually off the day after tomorrow, hbu? -received at 10:06 pm
you: i can make that work in the evening -sent at 10:06 pm
And there goes not looking desperate.
minho: nice, meet me here around 6 then? -received at 10:08 pm
minho has shared a location
minho: its an old dance studio, i know the owner :) -recieved at 10:08 pm
you: alright, see you then :) -sent at 10:09 pm
minho: good night y/n :) -sent at 10:09 pm
Do you send a good night back?...no, that would be too much...right?
You sigh and drop your phone next to you on your bed, your fists rubbing at your eyes.
There is no way you'll be able to sleep the next two nights.
It has been getting warmer recently, so you are surprised when the weather turns its back on you and suddenly blows icy wind against your face.
And you thought you had chosen wisely when only putting on a hoodie over your shirt.
You check your phone to see that you arrived at minhos sent location, yet there is no dance studio in sight.
Shivering, you turn around to search for signs on doors when you hear the door behind you opening.
"hey, in here" minho grins when you stumble around.
You look up at the building and look down at him.
"hi" you smile, somewhaþ confusedly.
"come in" he holds the door open for you.
"this building looks like its gonna get torn down soon" you say, still shivering a little as you look at minho, who's only sporting grey sweatpants and a black tshirt.
"it is" minho nods, looking around "sadly, i love coming here" he adds before looking back at you.
"still cold?" he asks, approaching you before rubbing over your arms with his hands.
"ye-huh" you interrupt yourself, gulping harshly when his cologne creeps up your nose.
He grins "better?" You nod, forcing a smile "yea, thanks"
An hour later, you are deeply immersed in the dance when you stumble at the same spot again, for the nth time.
"fuck" you aggrevatedly run your hand through your hair, angry at yourself for not getting this turn down the way it should look.
"I'm sorry, im usually not this bad i j-"
"you're not bad y/n" minho giggles, shaking his head "its alright, sometimes a move just doesnt work at first"
You huff out some air "im just nervous" you shake your head "i've never done a stage like this and i dont want to disappoint people"
"its normal to be nervous" minho stops the music before coming up behind you "just dont let it overpower the fun part"
He moves some hair from your shoulder "plus its just the two of us right now, and you cant disappoint me" he smiles softly, heat rushing to your cheeks.
"try positioning your hips..." he places his hands on your hips before gently rotating them to the left "... more like this before turning" he explains ,eyes locking in the mirror.
For a second, the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat as his hands move up a little and linger on the exposed skin of your waist.
"okay" you breathe "lets try it from the top"
"yea" you nod.
The music starts again and your body takes over for you, you kick and jump and turn.
Minho lifts you like its nothing and before you know it, you do the turn exactly like you're supposed to.
The music stops and your breathing fills the silence before the euphoria of getting every single step down perfectly reaches your brain.
You squeal excitedly and clap before falling into minhos arms.
He stiffens at your touch and you immediately let go "i- i'm sorry- i dont know why-"
Suddenly, he lounges forwards and presses his plush lips against yours.
It takes you a second to register whats happening, but when his hands encase your waist, you sling your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
An approving moan tears from minhos throat before he backs you up untill you feel the cold mirror pressed against your back.
You part your lips and let his tongue roll against yours , his hands roaming over your body.
Everything his happening so fast you cant track where they're going, first they're at your ass then one of them squeezes at your boob; and now it trails up your neck and wraps itself around it as he kisses down the other side.
You feel like your nerve endings are on fire everywhere his hands and lips wander, your eyes fluttering shut as you moan out his name.
He nips at your collarbone before coming back to your lips "i've wanted to do this since the second i saw you" his hand around your neck tightens protectively and you feel yourself clench.
"me too" you whisper before he crashes his lips to yours again, your hand tightening in his thick brown hair as the other clings to his shoulder.
A firm thigh lodges itself between your legs and you feel brave so you roll your hips into it. The ache thats building up in your clit, getting released a little.
Shamelessly you whimper against his lips.
He sucks your bottom lip inbetween his before breaking the kiss again, looking down at your ministrations.
"dirty girl" he grins, releasing your neck and placing both hands on your hips and helping you grind against his thigh.
Your head falls back against the mirror when the fabric of your cotton thong gets rubbed against your clit in just the right way. An almost pornographic moan leaves your lips, "fuck" you whine, locking eyes with minho again.
"god i wanna do so many bad things to you" he grunts, at which you swear you gushed a little more into your panties.
You see his cock straining through the flattering grey sweat material, your hand wandering towards it but he catches it.
"cum on my thigh and you'll get it" he promises, grinning when another high pitched moan spills from your pretty lips.
A sudden loud ringing makes you flinch, and minhos head whips around before removing himself from you.
"wha-?" you mumble confusedly.
He takes his phone and answers the incoming call.
"Hi, hyung" he speaks, turning around "i went for a run, yea-sorry...yea okay...okay bye" he hangs up.
"Who-?" you attempt to speak but your mind is still fuzzy as he throws his backpack over his shoulder and grabs his sweater before coming back to you.
"My manager" he says, taking your hand "i have to go"
"I'm sorry" he kisses your lips "you want me to take you to your dorm?"
"No- no i dont want you to get in trouble" you shake your head.
"Sure?" He tilts his head.
"Yea, of course, im good" you nod, a smile tugging at your lips because he looks really cute with his messed up hair and puffy lips.
"Here" he gives you his sweater "im sure its colder now"
"you'll get cold though" you hold it up.
"nah, i'm hot blooded" he quips, leaning down to lock lips again.
More lingering this time, you feel you stomach churn with butterflies when he moves to your cheek.
"i'm not finished with you" he whispers into your ear, winking before walking out the door.
a/n: ik im supposed to be writing zephyr but this popped in my head and wrote itself so easily i was like👁👄👁 anyways hope u liked it🥰 not proofread so i just know there are thousands of spelling errors in there😍😍
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momoliee · 3 years
Hi....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask, who are your top 5 favorite TGCF characters? And why do you like them? Sorry if you've answered this question before....
Hi it’s totally fine!
[1. Mu Qing 2. Xie Lian 3. Pei Ming 4. Shi Qingxuan 5. He Xuan] [Honorary mentions : Hua Cheng and Quan Yizhen]
1. Mu Qing : born on the lower class side of an elitist, classist country, mu Qing had to work from a very young age to prove for his poor, sick mother. He’s had to endure the constant flaunting and bullying of the rich, endure being looked down upon and treated as dirt even tho those people weren’t much better than him in terms of cultivation or sword ability. Then he meets the crown prince and his body guard, and despite this guy being a filthy rich royalty, he still extends a kind hand, still treats him as an equal. It’s why for the first time, Mu Qing actually feels less, he feels inferior in terms of personality and wealth and capability and just, in terms of everything. Mu Qing then has to battle to incompatible emotions within him : jealousy and admiration. But mu Qing knows what’s right and what’s not, so he shoves the jealousy deep deep down cause Xie lian is his FRIEND, Xie lian is the guy who helped him. Yes they fall out, and it’s all mu qing’s fault for acting so cowardly, but not a day passes that he doesn’t spend it feeling guilty and horrible and hating his own existence for what he’s done. And when they meet again, he can’t confront him, can’t face him with what he’s done. So he acts like a little dick and picks on him. Helping him without telling anyone. You know, just being a tsundere. Their reconciliation is my favorite part, mu Qing admitting to all his thoughts and faults, and with all the vulnerability that he never allowed himself to ever expose, he reaches out a hand and asks to be his friend. Deep down hes a good guy, it’s just that he happens to be a prideful coward and an ass on the surface tho. (I can write a whole meta analysis on him but there are still 4 more characters so imma stop here)
2. Xie lian : I initially thought he was gonna be like, the stereotypical extremely nice and kind character who always smiles in the face or hardship and never complains. Basically the vanilla character that ive stopped liking a long long time ago. But he surprised me. Xie lian is an extremely three dimensional character who isn’t always kind or nice. Xie lian cries, complains, screams and yells, lashes out and WILL go full apeshit mode when hes driven to his limit. He will blame others for not seeing how hard he’s trying, but he will still continue to try anyway. He thought that kindness was the easiest choice to make, only to realize that kindness is the kind of choice that only matters when you still make it despite being UNABLE to afford making it. What does it mean to be rich and donate a small portion of your money compared to being poor and donating the only meal you managed to find to someone who is more in need. It’s why I love him. He’s a traumatized character through and through and him finally being allowed to heal is like a balm on my heart.
3. Pei ming : beloved manwhore, most precious slut of ours. The comic relief, hualian’s number one shipper and supporter and fan. Cleanest member of the heaven (besides fenqing). This man will have his fling then shower the woman with riches and make sure she’s well taken care of even if the sparks of desire have long since been extinguished. The most charming. Covering up for his friends no matter what. I just, I love him ok.
4. SQX : I’ve always found her/him extremely endearing and was always so so fond of him/her. She’s bubbly and kind and would always listen to you and never turn a deaf ear to a cry of help. But she wouldn’t complain, no matter what befell her she would take it without so much as a protest. The kind of friend everyone needs, especially Xie lian. The kind of sunshine energy that we all need some of tbh
5. He xuan : (this post is too long so im just shortening the metas bit by bit) extremely complex character, had everything taken from him, suffered some of the absolute worst trauma that he couldn’t recover from, and after being thoroughly emptied out, he filled himself up with revenge in order to keep going. Cause how else was he gonna keep going? Met someone who may or may not have made the years easier on him, only for said person to abandon him too. And after his revenge was complete, he went back to the initial emptiness, this pointlessness that dwells deep within him that he can’t get rid of. Idk I just find him very very tragic
Honorary mentions : Hua Cheng for obvious reasons and qyz because he’s the Goodest autistic boy who only ever wants to repay the people who were kind to him with 10x the kindness
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bangchanshehe · 3 years
Are You Mine? pt.6
You arrived in Korea to start living your dream, or so you thought until you meet a man that woman dream of throwing themselves on. His entry into your new life takes you down a rocky path where friends will become enemies and foes will make themselves be known.
word count: 2k
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The next day things had started without a hitch. You had gone to the company to get your official name badge and started to set up your office so it felt more like your own. You had organized a file on your computer for each other the boys in exo so that you could keep track of each boys schedule, progress with English lessons, and take notes.
The boys’ previous English instructor had sent you an email with references as to where each of the members were as far as studying and materials that you could use during lessons. You had smiled at your desktop and thought back to the day that Baekhyun had asked you to help him with English… if not for that day you wouldn’t be where you are now and you decided that you would thank him later.
But the more that you let yourself think about how he went through your phone and found you the more you started to feel a little uneasy. Had it had been any other person in the world you would have felt incredibly uncomfortable and maybe even unsafe. What had started off as unsolicited hitting on turned into him essentially stocking your information and then calling you to beg for help.
You immediately let out a deep breath and promised yourself that you would pocket all of those feelings and emotions. At the time sure you had some red flags but after getting to know Baekhyun you no longer had any alarms going off in your head. Plus if it weren’t for that unfortunate beginning to your friendship then you wouldn’t be where you are right now.
A knocking at the door caught your attention and you immediately called out for whoever was at the door to come in. you waited with a polite smile and when you saw the familiar long hair of johnny at your office door you smiled.
“hi” was all he said as he stood awkwardly by the door like a little schoolboy
“hey” you said back giving him a warm smile “watcha doing here?”
He took a seat in the chair directly in front of your desk and cleared his throat before he looked back up to you. You watched and waited for him to answer you or at least say something else, and as the seconds went by and the room was still silent you began to smile wider and wider.
“johnny?” you asked
“I’m sorry. I’m just-“ he smiled up at you and then looked down again “I’m just a little tired” he finally said
“what time did you get here this morning?” you asked him
“8am” he answered
You looked over at the clock on your computer monitor and you noticed that the time was only 12. Perhaps he got home late last night. Or maybe he was so tired that he couldn’t sleep.
“so I wanted to ask you if you would eat lunch with me today.” He said keeping a straight face. “I mean I figured that you may not know about the good places to eat around here yet or have any friends to eat with so I thought id take you somewhere” he said nervously explaining away
You chuckled and smiled at him as you asked him “you think I don’t have friends?”
Johnny’s eyes went wide and you knew that he felt a sense of panic since he had essentially called you a loner. And it wasn’t that he was wrong and you weren’t offended either, but you knew that he wasn’t in his right mind and you wanted to give him a little bit of hell.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I just mean that since you just got here-“ he yelled as he explained
“its okay…. Im just messing with you.” You said with a smile. You stood up and grabbed your purse and watched as johnny remained seated “come on… where are you gonna take me?” you asked
The practice room…. He took you to the practice room to eat with you. You looked around and let out a happy chuckle as you looked around the room that you had seen so many times on the internet and in dance practice videos. And while it wasn’t the place that you had really anticipated eating in you knew that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in the same place that so many of your favorite idols had been before.
“is it just you and I?” you asked him, confused as to why the room was so empty
“yeah” johnny said taking a look around until he saw something that caught his eye. He ran off towards a counter in the back corner of the room and grabbed a bag that had takeout inside. “everyone usually likes to go out and eat or they have other schedules and they eat on the way”
He sat down in the middle of the floor and he opened up the containers one by one. Kimchi fried rice, kimbap, rice cakes, and fishcakes were opened one by one and as you smelled the aroma of each dish your mouth began to water.
“I didn’t know what you liked so I ordered all of my favorites assuming that you must like at least one of them” johnny said as he pulled out chopsticks and separated them for you.
“so do you not have any more work for the day?” you asked him
Johnny looked up at you and gave you a small sad smile. “its not that I don’t have any more work for the day, I just don’t have any individual work to do. When the group comes back then ill have more practice” he stated with a confident tone, but with one look in his eyes you could see that he was affected by his lack of work.
“at least you have time for a life. I mean you get to eat peacefully and enjoy taking midday naps.” You said with a smile hoping that it would cheer him up.
“I guess” he said before he let out a soft sigh “it gets tough being alone though. And since I cant really go outside and just do whatever I want to do, I almost just kind of wish that I would be working more.” He confessed.
You had no idea what you could say to make johnny feel better. And If you could make him feel even a fraction of a bit better you would do so in a heart beat.
You had always known that the companies of idol groups tend to have favorites and display that unequal kindness quite unashamedly. But to hear how sad johnny was and see the look in his eyes, you had realized that there could be a lot more hurt than you had ever thought.
The two of you ate comfortably as you enjoyed the food that johnny had prepared. The two of you had made small jokes back and forth with one another and it felt good to feel the energy of the room switch from sad to lively.
“if you ever want to eat lunch with me just text me” you said holding your hand out for johnny’s phone
“really?” johnny asked with a smile. He immediately looked down at your hand and eyed it for a moment before he placed his hand in yours.
You laughed and shook his hand off “not your hand! Give me your phone weirdo!”
“oh” was all he said as he fished his phone out from his pocket and handed it over to you
You quickly put your phone number into his phone and then handed it back to him. He looked at the contact and then smiled to himself before placing it back into his back pocket.
The two of you had wrapped up your meal and you were about to leave the practice rooms when suddenly johnny had cleared his throat, making you turn around.
“soo” he said as he put his hand on the back of his neck out of nervousness “I just wanted to say thank you for having lunch with me and being so fun… I really like you. And it’s a shame that you’ve already got a boyfriend.”
You were speechless that johnny had just said that he liked you. It was something that you could never even imagine would happen in this lifetime… or well ever. And yet after two days of knowing each other he has already said that he likes you. Your heart was pounding out of your chest and you felt like you were the most successful fan ever. Not only did you get to work with your favorite idols but you also got to-
“did you just say boyfriend?!” you asked him confused
Johnny looked back at you perplexed and he nodded his head. You took a second to think if you had ever mentioned anything about dating anyone or even liking anyone and you kept coming up short.
“what boyfriend?” you asked him
Johnny gave you a strange look before he finally answered you “Baekhyun said that you already had a boyfriend.” He looked up at the ceiling as if he was wracking his brain and trying to remember something “someone who was also from the states… I think he said his name was corey.”
“cole” you said to clarify
“yeah cole!” johnny said snapping his finger and pointing at you in confirmation.
You scoffed and looked down at your shoes. You couldn’t believe that Baekhyun would lie about something like whether you were single or not. Why would he even lie to begin with?
You were starting to feel like who your impression of Baekhyun was, was only who he wanted you to see. and the more that you were talking with other people about events involving him, the more that you found lie after lie. This on top of the whole phone incident was starting to not sit well with you and you were starting to lose some of your good impressions of him. And while it hurt to feel like the excitement from the night previously was diminishing you figured that it would be for the best to not get yourself involved with him anymore.
“yo hyung!” johnny called out to someone behind you and it snapped you out of your thoughts “did’nt you say that Emily had a boyfriend?”
You immediately turned around to see Baekhyun who looked like a frozen deer in headlights. You stayed put in your spot and watched as he panicked as to what to do next. He continued to choke on his words and with a scoff you turned around to face johnny once more.
“no I don’t have a boyfriend” you clarified to johnny “Cole is just one of my friends”
“oh” johnny said nonchalantly “well then if you aren’t seeing anyone would you maybe like to go out sometime?” he asked with a shy smile
You would be lying if you said that you were excited. The fact that Baekhyun was here and was still acting so shady had completely ruined your mood.
You knew that dating within the company was definitely a no-no. and while it wasn’t a written rule per say it was definitely an unspoken one, because the idols available image was very important to their marketability. But in this moment you wanted Baekhyun to get the message to stay away from you loud and clear.
Without a second though you smiled up to johnny, giving him your best fake smile before answering “sure. Id love that”
You didn’t care if Baekhyun had felt bad about seeing you and johnny agree to a date. It had infuriated you that he was manipulating so many people and doing so many shady things. And hopefully now he would leave you alone.
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daxby · 3 years
The Case for the Sussexes
Note: Everything that I’ve used is from a source. This is highly opinionated but backed with facts and conclusions.
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Now, before I start this rant, I know that a lot of Cambridge fans, dislike Meghan Markle, however there is a difference between being a true Stan of Kate, and leeching on to Kate, simply because you want to “stick” it to Meghan. You can be a Stan, but your whole account should not center on hate.
Rant time :)
There are some people who dislike Meghan Markle, for one reason or another. While, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The issue is where they are getting their info from. humans have always come up with their own conclusions from other sources through their own thoughts from other people, however when the person you get your opinions from have bias it would also make you biased as well. Now, I know there are a big chunk of people who dislike Harry and Meghan and will continue to dislike, regardless but for those who are open minded. Cheers!
Today we will debunk tabloid myths, family lies, money paps, and a list of other reasons people have used for their dislike of the Sussexes
If this gets enough likes I will do one on Kate.
- The point is to show the manipulation of many.
The Antis
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The antis, as seen above are people who dislike Meghan for a number of reasons, I will try to put every reason why the Antis dislike Meghan while giving my own opinions.
1. Getting rid of friends
This is one of the biggest reasons Meghan Markle receives hate to this day. But, it mainly boils down to one person Meghan Markle’s ex- best friend Ninaki who claims that Meghan mailed her rings to Trevor. Ninaki also has been on record stating “All I can say now is that I think Meghan was calculated — very calculated — in the way she handled people and relationships. She is very strategic in the way she cultivates circles of friends. Once she decides you’re not part of her life, she can be very cold.” Now, I don’t know all about Ninaki and Meghan’s relationship, but I can make inferences and judge based on my research.
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If you don’t know Ninaki (pictured above) was Meghan’s ex best friend or childhood friend. Ninaki gave an interview to the Daily Mail. Now I personally don’t know what ended their friendship. But, what we do know is that Ninaki, was paid for her interview with the Dailymail. Now, fast forward, Andrew Morton (Royal biographer ) is writing a book on Meghan, he goes to L.A, to dig up dirt, Ninaki is not mentioned in this book. Now, you may wonder why I brought Morton in this conversation, but it shows a number of things.
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1. Ninaki wasn’t offered money, by Andrew Morton. (Likely)
2. Morton didn’t ask Ninaki for an interview (unlikely)
3. The DailyMail personally sought out Ninaki or vice versa and that’s why she gave the interview. (Likely)
You may, be wondering what the point I’m trying to make is. If Ninaki wasn’t going to receive money from the Dailymail would she have given an interview? And why would she personally give an interview at a time when Meghan is about to walk down the aisle? The timing is weird, Meghan and Trevor divorced in 2014, and according to Ninaki this is what ended their friendship. Now, I don’t know about you guys but if my best friend that I knew since childhood divorced her husband I would definitely, take the side of my best friend. So Ninaki decides after a SINGLE conversation with Trevor, she was so disgusted by what she learned that she ended their friendship? No confronting of Meghan to get her side of the story Ninaki’s behavior of taking the side of Trevor, is not only weird but seems off, Ninaki is either leaving important information out, or she is covering up something. Not only that, Meghan is your childhood best friend and you took the side of HER EX-HUSBAND AFTER ONE CONVERSATION. Either, Ninaki did something wrong that ended the friendship , and she left this important info out. Or, Meghan and her had a falling out. EITHER WAY, IM GONNA SAY she’s proably lying, about why their friendship ended. I WILL TAKE NINAKI IS LYING FOR 300, Alex.
2. Bad relationship with family members.
One of the main things, that the Antis do is try to act that because Meghan has a bad relationship with her family that it’s somehow her fault, and that they’ve been there for her through thick and thin. And that she has caused her family a lot of harm. So she should pay it back, or whatever. Anyways...
I’m gonna analyze each family member, and basically talk about them, and their relationship with Meghan.
1. Samantha Markle
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Oh Samantha, oh precious Samantha. If you don’t know, Samantha as seen pictured above is Meghan Markle’s half-sister, she is known for her trashing of Meghan, and for her rude comments about her. Since, Meghan and Harry’s relationship started she made money off riding her Sister’s coatails and acting like her and her sister were once “close”, however Samantha you cannot lie to detective @daxby . She has basically help start the anti-Meghan movement, because it brings them joy knowing that the Sister of Meghan trashes her, regularly.
Now you may be wondering what Samantha that’s done, well she’s basically a hypocrite and a liar.
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There are only three photos of Samantha and Meghan together. and she thinks that their relationship was “close”. They haven’t spoken in a decade, but there relationship was “close”.
Why I have a bone to pick with Samantha is mainly because she is hypocritical.
Mainly, I don’t appreciate Samantha changing her tune, constantly.
Samantha acts like she wants Meghan to look after their Dad. But doesn’t want to look after Thomas herself. Samantha’s own children won’t talk to her at all.
Some People act like Meghan doesn’t get along with any of her family members. As much as the antis like to dig and find information about Meghan’s life and twist that information to fit their own narrative. How come they never dig deeper to find, out how Samantha has acted towards her sister.
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This article Interviewed Samantha’s daughter Noelle she basically says how her mother dislikes Meghan ever since she was born. That her mother has bashed her constantly.
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So only when Samantha saw an opportunity to money gran from her sister. She wanted to be friends. She wanted to hang out.
So Samantha has never talked to her sister in more than a decade. Then all of a sudden she wants to be friends when she finds out she was engaged to Prince Harry.
Another dumb thing the antis accuse Meghan of is not being kind to her family members at all.
Note: This is not the full version and I wasn’t planning to post this because I thought it was cringe I did this last spring but should I continue this I know a lot more about the royal rota, the institution, and other things. I can also do a deep dive into Kate as well (which will be fair) .
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I'm glad you got to rest more today tho!! Are you feeling okay this morning?? HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! Will you be doing anything special to celebrate it?
Fan-Haikyuu team? (I may just be dumb, but is that when you think of actors who fit the Haikyuu characters?😭😭😭I'm probably wrong but that sounds really cool) I'm just taking a short break from work, and I'll continue again in a while ^-^
in that case I sincerely hope you have something every morning :] (question: rice or noodles??) Oh I see!! I don't drink milk with my tea... I've never tried it because my mom always says tea is better without milk (but maybe that's just her 😝) but I love green tea the most.
aaah that's just so precious. And yeah the mbti test was pretty hard for me too, but I like my classification a lot. It sums me up perfectly, now that I think about it.
YOUR QUICHES ARE PROBABLY TO DIE FOR ISTG. Pizza's are also a good way to sneak cheese in! I made some yesterday for dinner and I'm pretty sure I used a lot more cheese than needed xD but oh well, cheese is bae 😼🤚
omg your parrot sounds ADORABLE! What's its name? And ksjdksks yes toads are very cute too :> they're like creatures mostly found in fairy tails, so I find that nice. But yes, in general, all animals are perfect and deserve love :) my club's logo is a lion, so I kinda like lions too (they're just big cats with pretty hair tbh)
You're tempting me to not do it, sir— 😼
omg noooo I'm sobbing that's fullproof istg. But yeah smh amateurs :] were the stories any interesting, or was it just school books related to the syllabus ? We don't have that here tbh we just have the literature components to our language studies, and that's the only books they make us read (but everyone buys the summary from bookshops so no one ever reads the whole book anyways)
thank you for reminding me, my precious cookie, I'll certainly keep that in mind and take more frequent rests :) I hope you do the same too, and smile often!! (I'm sure you have the prettiest smile), and of course, a wonderful day ahead.
AKDBDLSBDKSK NOOOOO SCIENCE PUNS I'M MELTING. 😝That's so cute, because you're Hydrogen; my number 1 !!
Love you love you LOVE YOU!
Hey hey!! I'm feeling great, I've had a headache since the pillow said "fuck you" and somehow got messed up, but I took a pill and had a drink, and ow I'm better:D Thank youu!! I'm not sure I will, since my mom is going to a relative's birthday and im gonna stay at home alone, so might as well just make myself grilled cheese while watching Netflix. But, if i were at school right now, we'd definitely have a festival (or as close as we can get to a festival, considering the school's budget) or something similar to that, hehe. The school really made a huge deal out of holidays. I really miss it sometimes, cuz it never feels like a holiday at home, even during new years:/
Ohh, I meant like, creating original characters and shoving them all into the HQ universe and making it a team. Lemme show you the least of the team members xD
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We're still working on the staff and the leftover characters' designs. I made school and volleyball uniform, but they dont look great so I'll probably work on them more!!! Me, Kuro & Liza (the friend) are making it, with Kuro being the main artist and Liza creating the characters. I'm responsible for the stuff. It's pretty fun. Hahah, sorry for rambling like that, it's like a personal passion project, and it's the only productive thing I can do while having fun, so I'm very happy about it~
I really love noodles♡ anything related to noodles is my favorite. If only you'd see me freaking out when I see spaghetti on our school menu XD I wish we got to make noodle soup more often. I love it so much😭
I only prefer rice when it's really spicy. I love spicy stuff a lot, and plain rice/rice soup feels really weird and my picky ass doesnt like it. I also love Pilaf (we call it plov here), it's not always spicy but it still tastes good😝
Oh, I think you should try it! It's really good, kind of plain but still nice. I'm really picky about my tea and I havent drunk any good tea in ages, but I remember a really nice cafe that served PERFECT green tea. I miss it😩 It was when I went on a school event, we got to roam around the city (with the teachers of course, because most have no idea where they are haha), and I visited that cafe, and I absolutely loved everything about it.
OH YEAH, but pizzas are really thin and get eaten fast, while quiches and pies are more fulfilling XD that's just me probs but still~
Ahhh, my parrot's name was Molly! Though only after her death I realised that it was indeed a "he", which was awkward. But the shopkeeper said it's a girl, and we were uneducated, so it's not our fault XD it was the cutest, tbh. It loved running after my pens when we played on the table. Sadly, my disgrace of a father kept reopening the front door in winter and overfeeding it when I wasn't home, so the parrot passed away:( one more reason to hate the old man, haha~ dont worry, I'm over it :D
Omg!! Lions, lions are so wonderful🥺🥺 Our school logo is a bird,
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Hopefully it's visible. The pic is transparent, sorry for that XD
The stories weren't the best. There were children's turkish books, a few kazakh classics, a Harry Potter book (I hadnt gotten a chance to read or watch them, but after the Rowling situation I kind of lost any wish to somehow associate with the books) and honestly the Russian ones were the only readable ones:D (also, what little cheaters they are XD tbh our guys probably would do the same)
I'll try my best to smile whenever I can~ itll be easy if i just keep you in mind, shortcake;D
Ohhh that one is adorable!! I love you muchh😭🥺💕💕
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kpop-rambles · 5 years
Goodbye 2019. Hello 2020.
To celebrate the new year - which a lot of people are celebrating right now, I’m sure, unfortunately not me yet - I decided to create this post. I don’t know how to explain it but if you like kpop, keep reading!
My Top 3 Songs of 2019
1. SKZ - Miroh
This song got me into my now ult group, Stray Kids. Those 9 boys have honestly made this year 10x better for me. Chan’s VLives definitely helped me when I was upset, and the members made me feel emotions by their side. I’m so glad that add of Miroh appeared and I chose to watch it because I may have not gotten into Stray Kids without it. 
2. ATEEZ - Wave
Again, another song that got me into the group. I heard the song in a video where they played huge jenga at Kcon... I think? Anyways, this song is another banger and you completely fall in love with it first listen. You won’t regret listening to this.
3. TWICE - Fancy
I got into TWICE when they released YES OR YES, but FANCY is the song that you can’t not fall in love with. I did on my 2nd listen and man, if you’re saying you didn’t learn the dance and bopped to this song, you are LYING because- let’s be honest - everyone said FANCY SOTY. 
Groups I began stanning in 2019 its felt like forever tho
Stray Kids - March 26th. You think I would forget? 
ATEEZ - August 18th. Another date I remember, because I spent a good 2 hours getting to memorize the members name and faces. Was so happy when I finally did it. 
iKON - Honestly, I was more of a Double B stan since January until Hanbin left. I loved their songs but I never got to know the rest of the members, except for Jinhwan. 
ChungHa - Snapping dragged me in. That’s all I gotta say. Although, ngl, Gotta Go was something I always tried to dance to. 
KARD - Again, Bomb Bomb just pulled me into the fandom. The rest of their discography made me stay. I sang along to Bomb Bomb everyday for a good 3 months. It was honestly EVERYTHING to me and then Dumb Litty came and stole my heart and KARD did it AGAIN.
Mamamoo - gogobebe. Do I really need to say anything else?
GOT7 - I’m pretty sure I got into them because, well everyone knows GOT7. They’re a name everyone knows if you like kpop, so I just wanted to get into them. Eclipse and You Calling My Name are songs I’ll dance and singalong to in the right mood and right part of the song. But their personalities dragged me in. I’m pretty sure BamBam also attracted me when he was on Stray Kids reality show. 
Day6 - Time Of Our Life. I decided to listen to it because Seungmin of Stray Kids was a big fan of them and I was like, it shouldn’t hurt to try. Seungmin made me want to watch and Day6 made me want to stay. They don’t make ANY bad songs. 
Everglow - March 18. Listened to Bon Bon Chocolat when it came out, and I was honestly scared ppl were gonna sleep on them cause ITZY debuted a month before. Fortunately, everyone noticed their talent. 
BigBang - I dunno just listened to one of their songs. And, of course, I fell in love. Too late to stan them while they were active, but I’m expecting something in 2020... just saaying.
NCT - All of the subunits. Honestly there were so many of them, I spent time taking tests to tell them apart. The struggle to stan these boys. Instantly fell in with the Dreamies. And then I found out they weren’t a fixed unit... My heart shattered. It’s still breaking because 4 OF THEM ARE LEAVING. or left. I dunno. 
Tomorrow by Together - They were probably the most anticipated group of this year. I remember ppl hyping them up in October of 2018! Predebut stan right here. (I just remembered that I thought the preview of each member was coming out in age order and thinking that Beomgyu was the youngest. And I was just like WHERE IS HEUNINGKAI FROM?!?!)
ITZY - remember when everyone thought that itzy’s debut was rushed because info about them was leaked. yeah, i forgot too. anyways, again I was a predebut stan. 
(G)- idle - i always listened to their title tracks and I began stanning them during Queendom after their Fire cover im listening to 2ne1 2015 mama fire performance rn lol.... omg bom’s han cover just started playing. spotify is watching me guys.
Somi - Birthday was a bop. fight me. outfits sucked, gotta agree with that opinion I didn’t rlly know much about IOI but I started stanning because Jenchu were fangirling to it i mean jennie twerked for it!
Jimin Park - I’m out here still streaming STAY BEAUTIFUL. honestly she’s so loveable. her personality and her voice are everything. how can you not like her
My Top 5 Groups of the Year
1. STRAY KIDS - A lot of the reasons I luv them are the same as ATEEZ. That’s why ateez are close to being my number one, but honestly these 9 boys are everything to me. 9 or NONE FOREVER. They have been through so much this year and I hope they STAY strong for 2020. In their 2020 seasons greeting they announced a full album next year, so I’m ready to follow these boys on their journey no matter how many stay or leave. I’m a STAY for a reason. 
2. ATEEZ - PERSONALITY. I’m also a sucker for groups that shove their love for each other in your face. 8 makes 1 team, y’know? Hongjoong and Mingi are amazing rappers, Jongho, Wooyoung and San’s vocals tho, Yunho and Seonghwa’s deep voices are the death of me, and Yeosang dancing. They’re talented and luvable and that’s all I need for an ult group. also all their songs are bops
3. Mamamoo - Honestly would’ve tied with Twice but these I’m a sucker for them as ppl as well, and I need that to luv a group. they ain’t fake, they slap information in your face and they are POWERFUL WOMAN. (Not saying twice aren’t ofcourse) And these girls vocals are on POINT. Moonbyul is rapper material, but have you heard the girl song? What an angel. Their songs are all slaps, especially the most recent ones. 
4. TWICE - This was their year? yes or yes. Fancy soty. Feel Special was a great title track, don’t get me wrong, bUT HAVE YOU HEARD THE FULL ALBUM. Every song is my AMAZING. omg rainbow is playing
5. NCT DREAM - These boys stole my heart, I only stanned nct because of them. Honestly seeing the 00 line leave breaks my heart.
My Top 5 girl group and boy group songs
gg songs were honestly so hard to pick, they thrived and SO many good songs were made in 2019. But here is my list. 
1. Fancy - soty
2. Hip - this song was everything from the choreo to the song itself to the girls energy performing it
3. Psycho - came out like last week but it’s in everyone's top 10 of this year. Beautiful song that won’t get outta my head. getwellsoonwendy.
4.Violeta - this is another song that won’t get out of my head. honestly none of these songs will. ok so the final dance part after the drop of violeta pisses me off because the dance could is so powerful and that part comes and it’s such a disappointment but it’s the only part I can do so i shouldn't complain  but the song itself is very catchy. I don’t want these girls to disband even if the votes were rigged because they make a good group and sing bangers. i don't want them to leeeave.
5.Lion - the song is just so powerful. other songs they’ve made are good, but the chorus is usually a disappointment because the pre chorus is so good but EVERYTHING is great about Lion. Didn’t like it at first for some reason, i dunno why, but once you give it a few more listens you’ll fall in love. 
Now onto the boy groups. They made quite a few bangers this year as well.
1. Miroh - It’s my no.1 of the year. watchu expect?
2. Wave - and this is my no.2. Again, what else would I put here?
3. Run Away - what. a. bop. still can’t get out of my head. Crown was a disappointment to me after 1000 listens but not Run Away. A bonus is the Harry Potter references. With that I just was head over heels in love. Txt didn’t fail to disappoint with their comeback even if it was pushed back. 
4. Boom - This song made me fall in love with the talent that NCT DREAM holds despite being so young. Sang along for a few months. Actually, it’s still in my head. 
5. Make It Right - I was doing title tracks for all these but then I realised there has to be an exception because I just really like this song, especially the one featuring Lauv. Boy with luv wasn’t it for me but every other song on Persona is a straight up masterpiece (ok an exaggeration but u get what i mean)
Now onto the soloists (they’re all female, sry not sry)
1. Chica - I was debating whether to put Snapping or this but decided with Chica. Honestly the vocals, the song, the dance, the MESSAGE, is everything. I love it, it empowers woman, it makes ME feel good, and it’s what some people really need sometimes. So, thank you ChungHa. 
2. Gotta Go - another bop by our queen ChungHa, she really ruled this year. I didn’t stan her when it came out but that doesn’t mean I didn’t do the ‘deulshi’ part whenever I heard it. iconic.
3. Twit - Again another iconic bop from this year. (i thought this masterpiece came out last year, i dunno why but it just is so 2018 for some reason? I dunno) Hwasa’s solo debut really was everything. So was Moonbyul’s which unfortunately didn't make it on the list but I would say it’s in between 5th to 7th for me. 
4. Stay Beautiful - Such a beautiful song, it was a shame Jamie had to leave but she left JYP saying that they lost smth PRECIOUS and they would regret it and she conveyed all that in one song without hinting at it. So many quote worthy lyrics were in the song and it just bring up my mood and my standard for vocals. Don’t sleep on this girl, y’all. 
5. Birthday - the song brought out mixed reactions from everyone but i LOVED IT. It did get a bit old but it’s still something you’ll find me singing along to every now and then. 
1. Bang Chan of Stray Kids. I love him. He’s such a great leader, he’s a loveable person, he’s all rounded and he fucks up sometimes but he acknowledges it and fixes it. He went through so much shit this year and he deserves so much more. I, along with many other STAYs are gonna make 2020 a better year for him and all of his group. Stay strong Chan! But besides his personality his stage presence, his rapping, his singing, his producing, his energy, his personality, it all made him someone who was always on my mind. 
2. Yeonjun of Tomorrow x Together. He’s also very well rounded and he really stands out to me from all the other 4th gens. Whenever I see a performance by TXT he always grabs my attention even when he’s not the main focus. I love his dancing, it’s very eye catching to me, along with his stage presence. He never loses his energy on stage and I expect a lot from him in 2020! His rapping and singing are amazing as well, especially for a rookie. Also when they first debuted he cried a lot, which was very heartwarming to me because idols showing emotion other than happy is something I appreciate, because it lets me remember they’re human too.
3. Seulgi of Red Velvet. She’s, again, very well rounded. I’m not really a Reveluv, but Wendy and Seulgi are vocalists who really stand out to me so those to kind of make me want to listen to Red Velvet’s songs. She’s an amazing vocalist, like words can’t express how much a love this woman's voice. Her stage presence is amazing as well, she’s just a really good performer imo.
4. Jihyo and Nayeon of TWICE. First of all I really like their personality and how powerful they are. Honestly a wink from them and I’m falling of my chair. Secondly, I don’t know if anyone's noticed but I really like powerful female vocals, and these two have extremely POWERFUL vocals. Have you heard them sing? Just... POWERFUL, that’s all I can really say to describe their voices. 
5. Mingi and Hongjoong of ATEEZ. They are rapper that are gonna blow away the whole industry with 3racha, I mean they already have. Did y’all see their performance in MAMA. The RAWEST vocals I heard that whole show. They were obviously not lip syncing, you could hear Mingi panting and he didn’t rap a whole line, and I LOVE that because it is RAW and we need more raw vocals or atleast breaths heard when the artists are dancing because it makes the performance more REAL. also stage presence is amazing from these two, they really know how to hype up a crowd. 
sorry my expectations are high for them, but they have stood out tome so much and i couldn’t stand to see them flop. 
1. TOMORROW X TOGETHER - they’ve been on this list quite a lot, and I really appreciate their individual talents along with them as a group. I REALLY want to see them improve and grow more next year because they were really pushed this year, being BTS’s juniors. I’m sure they were really stressed but I want them to become TOMORROW BY TOGETHER not BTS’s juniors. Probably won’t happen in a year but hopefully in the next decade.
2. ITZY - another group really known for theing the juniors of TWICE this time. The title tracks they released so far have all been listen to it the first time, you don;t like it, but listen to it the 2nd time and it’s stuck in your head for the next 7 months. Honestly if they keep going like this, it would be like a ITZY thing, and I honestly wouldn’t mind. 
3. EVERGLOW - i think everyone just saw bon bon chocolat, gave it a listen, and loved it. but i also heard it was produced by someone who helped produce Crown by TXT and Spring Day by BTS, so there’s another reason ppl may have liked it so much. Adios wasn’t a disappointment at all.  Of course, I would also love it if Everglow kept up the “nanana” thing in each of their title tracks.
4. ATEEZ - I don’t think they’ll flop at all next year. I know they just had their 1st year anniversary, but I wouldn’t mind a full album... either way, Imma stick with them because they’ve only released that good shit so far and I’m honestly expecting a somewhat mediocre song at least once in their career next year. Not expecting it though. 
5. ONEUS - I haven’t’t talked about them yet but all of oneus’s title tracks are absolute gold. I am a mess for Valkyrie, Twilight AND Lit. They’re all just AMAZING songs. I mean, what did we expect from Mamamoo’s juniors but. They are REALLY good. Just go listen to all their title tracks rn. 
And finally, wishes for 2020
- Of course, Wendy to recover after her tragic incident at SBS. Again, I hope she recovers well
- Mina to come back from her hiatus, only if she’s ready to, of course
- Of course, 4th gen to thrive along with 3rd gen and 2nd gen groups
- A full album from stray kids (which was confirmed) and again, maybe for ATEEZ? just maybe? 
- More attention for Mamamoo. They are underrated queens. 
- Less hate for Tomorrow By Together. People bash them just because they’re BTS’s juniors. they would be praised a less but definitely not doubted way more if they weren’t under Bighit. Yeah, they get luxuries other groups won’t but that doesn’t mean people should degrade them for it. 
And with that
I wish everyone a Happy New Year. May your next decade be filled with happiness and joy! omg fancy started playing
also i didn’t have time to properly edit this. then again i am a rambling blog, so what are you expecting?
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA + V and Saeran Reacting to MC Being a Male Idol
requested: by anonymous
a/n: know that throughout writing this whole thing i was imagining mc as being Taehyun from txt ,,,, also im just gonna pretend like most of korea isn't blatantly homophobic and instead focus on the fluff
like kpop? want more kpop rfa crossovers? donate here to keep me alive and able to work!
warnings: n/a
-tbh not fit enough to be an idol mod alex
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-frankly he has no idea who you are, so its pretty much from square one with him
-for a while until the two of you get fully used to being together, he actively avoids looking up who you are,,, he wants to know you as you and nothing else
-eventually of course, curiosity gets the better of him and he does look you up on YouTube
-he can’t help but admit you’re extremely talented, the cinematography, of course excellent... but he cant stop focusing on the way you move, strong legs propelling you forward, baggy shirt failing to hide defined muscles, cocky smile as you rap your lines, hair sw- jumin no. jumin yes
-jumin han does gay
-your music style isn’t his favorite, preferring the smooth sound of bow grazing softly on violin strings as opposed to softcore rap, but the songs are catchy, he’ll give you that
-he supports you of course, and secretly buys all your merch
-jumins main issue was with how popular you were, not (only) out of a place of timid jealousy, but also because it made going places so much harder, and your manager was even worse, constantly yelling at you and demanding you practice more
-you always come home from practice exhausted, collapsing into your husbands arms as you curl up under his solid embrace, savoring the few minutes you had of complete and utter freedom.
-highly disgruntled when you have to go on tour
-tries his best to accompany you on tour, scheduling meetings with people he needed to have meetings with anyway nearby where you were performing just to get a few more hours with you
-supportive! she’ll never admit it, but she listens to your music on her way to work, it helps her wake up and feel cheery for the new day, getting her pumped and ready
-yes she owns all your albums
-loves you a l m o s t as much as she loves zen
-she visits you during practice, unable to stop herself from ogling at the way you move so gracefully, yet holding yourself with so much power as you dance
-she lets it slip that you’re not her bias, however if it makes you feel any better you are her bias wrecker
-yes she has a favourite photoshoot of yours and yes she does have a small folder in her gallery dedicated to photos that she deems make her want to cry
-she gets along really well with the rest of the members, and they always invite her with you guys to hang out after work, going together to get Bulgogi or Samgyeopsal
-in awe
-in love
-he’s not generally one for your style of music but seeing you and your group perform, he falls in love almost instantly, bingeing on all your videos, eyes focused on you in every MV, every interview,, he’s so proud of his boyfriend!!
-hes always singing your songs under his breath, albeit badly, but its funny to hear him mumbling incoherent melodies as he’s cooking, especially when you sneak up behind him and attack him in a hug, making is voice squeak out in surprise 
-constantly bragging to his friends that his boyfriend is an idol!! (assuming you’re in like,,, JinHit or something where you're,, allowed to openly date)
-he’s in the front row of every single show you go to! proudly wearing your merch and calling out your name like any other fanboy, so excited and proud of how far you’ve come
-he likes coming to the studio and watching you and the other members rehearse
-often times when you’re working late he’ll come with food in hand, refusing to leave until you eat and take a break. even then he doesnt leave, instead, determined, he waits for you to finish your work, but ultimately falling asleep on the couch behind you
- “STREAM (group name)’S NEW SINGLE  CROWN PIANO!!!!”
-wdym join the amino? seven Created your groups amino page
-he’s your number one fan, constantly applauding your work and keeping your spirits uplifted, often you’ll walk in on him watching dance tutorials of your choreography, messing around and trying to learn certain moves
-he grins so widely when you walk in, watching him goof off from the doorway, completely in love with the boy in front of you
-pulls you in the room, music still blasting on high as you dance spasmodically together, no a care in the world, just you, him and the 10 CCTV cameras
-while he’s working, muttering numbers and words foreign to you, you’re right there next to him muttering song lyrics and melodies, composing music and bits, guitar riffs and lyrics
-every once in a while when you want his opinion on something, you just unplug his headphones from his laptop and plug it into yours staring at him intently until he gives feedback
-10/10 will hack into your schedule (at JinHit) if you seem more exhausted than usual, giving you more days to rest and recover from any injuries you may have received the days before in practice
-he has attended every single one of your meet n greets, until at some point he became something of a cryptid on the internet, no one knowing who the man with the red hair and funky glasses is any why he’s always with you
-they're gay Steven
-not only are you the hottest couple in Korea, but also undoubtedly the most committed to their work, and yet somehow both of you maintain a stable relationship
-it takes a lot of communication seeing as you both have hectic work lives, but both you and Zen have a schedule where both of you finish work around the same time, him generally finishing a bit earlier, then coming to your studio to pick you up and go home together, then spending the rest of your time together
- “mc please teach me the choreo to your new dance!!!!!”
-he purposefully fails, just as an excuse to make you touch him, readjust his arms, hold his hips as you show him the right way to do something
-having extensive skincare routines together and working out constantly, him putting emphasis on how you need to stay healthy and gorgeous
-casually dropping his name in interviews and everyone goes insane, best crossover of the century
-another power couple
-your instagram is filled with stunning photos of the two of you because of him, having the cutest photoshoots together
-such a supportive bean! he loves your dedication to your work, and how hard you’re always practicing
-he’s never really heard of your group, but he has a nice appreciation of your music, what really gets him is how expertly crafted your music videos are
-he’s not sure how to really react to your fame, but the steadily increasing amount of bodyguards around the two of you might be one way to cope
-since he’s a freelancer he can generally come with you wherever you go for tours and interviews, and because of this he’s had quite the increase of fame, getting new perspectives and ideas for new photographic series
-he gets v e r y clingy when you come home from practice late, this whole ass 5′10 man curling up next to you, burying his head in your chest, and with your arms having no where else to go except for go around him, you earn a small whimper from V, his hands clinging onto your shirt as you feel all the tension and stress leave his body
-please dont leave your husband alone for so long
-overall he’s just extraordinarily proud of you, because he knows how hard it is to stay relevant and survive in the any korean industry, but especially entertainment and music
-hates when you go on tour
-cant help but admit he likes your music
-but hates tour 
-shy bean when he remembers he’s married to one of the top Kings of Kpop, and always wondering if he’s enough for you
-at one point he got so frustrated at the fact that it’d been exactly 46 days since he’d last seen you, and the constant string of thirst everyone showed for HIS husband on social media got to him so much that he shows up at the airport where hundreds of screaming fangirls await. your bodyguards recognize him immediately and let him through.
-he promptly takes your arm as he drags you back and away into the plane, pressing you up against the wall as he kisses you intensely, bottled up frustration exploding in passion, leaving the fans very confused as to why someone kidnapped you again
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not-a-space-alien · 5 years
hey its me again wall of text sorry not sorry
k i saw your little treatise justifying zadr and yknow its a cartoon its not the worst thing ever of course nobody is gonna sue you for reblogging fanart or burn you at the stake or w/e and im glad you decided to open yourself up to a differing opinion but zim IS portrayed as an adult. there was even an unfinished episode where zim’s childhood and growing up training from start to finish would be shown so by the time of the pilot he is definitely a full grown developed adult by irken standards especially if hes a former member of an elite military force like the invaders. jhonen has said that the irony and sad comedy of zims character is that hes a grown ass man and a war veteran to boot who VOLUNTARILY goes to an elementary school every day and throws hands with an 11 year old boy who should be well below his notice because he’s that pathetic and desperate for validation that he’ll stoop to seeking it from a child. it also sets up a dynamic between them where dib is CHALLENGED by having to go up against an adult with way more experience than him while dib is just a child, so when he wins its more meaningful, which is a common trope in childrens fiction that an underdog young hero has to take down a powerful adult villain.
jhonen might joke a lot but he’s serious about this part of the characterization of zim and dib and he even went to great lengths to make dib look and act more like a kid in ETF (more emotional and naive, designed to look smaller/softer, going in depth with his relationship to his dad and sister and needing his dad to protect him at the end when he’s too overrun to fight alone) just to drive home the point of how young he is. it was a very deliberate move and jhonen knows what hes doing ESPECIALLY since he also left zim pretty much unchanged and also includes gags about zim’s relative maturity like animating him briefly grimacing because his joints are sore and the part where he pretty much gestures to his crotch and goes “theyre afraid to look at ALL-A THIS”. like you would not see jhonen do that sort of joke with an underage character ok. dont confuse his social awkwardness and self deprecating/trolling humor for not knowing the difference between right and wrong and not acknowledge when he means something sincerely because he doesn’t just clown on people and troll ALL THE TIME 24/7 hes a human, and times have changed with more awareness on issues such as the grooming of minors so he can go back on things he may have said in the past that he doesn’t agree with now or said by mistake. he has said enough times that zim is older than any human alive that its safe to take his word for it by now. judging by the one strip he did in JTHM about johnny murdering a pedophile who was about to prey on squee i think his stance on protecting kids is pretty clear. also i wouldnt put it past jhonen to have redesigned membrane to be more chaddy looking to divert the adult fandom’s attention away from dib and throw the fangirls a bone but thats a whole nother can of worms lol.
and the justification that zim is immature so hes essentially on dib’s level is a reversal of something lots of kids hear from either creepy or ignorant adults who tell them theyre “so mature for their age”. no matter how emotionally mature you are it wont ever compensate for the number of years youve been alive so that’s not very sound logic, and even in fic where theyre both adults it’s still pretty weird because it doesn’t erase their history where zim knew dib as a kid. that’s sort of like a grownup waiting with bated breath until a kid is “legal” so they can start dating. kinda like when jacob imprints on bella’s newborn daughter in twilight then having it handwaved away by saying he’ll wait till she’s grown up, which understandably drew a huge amount of criticism. it’s a loophole that might be mildly acceptable in some cases but the context leaves it colored with a residual ickiness that sets off some red flags for me and a lot of other people.
also you said zim is an alien and therefore the situation itself is unrealistic, but the reason invader zim’s writing resonates with people is because zim is written with very HUMAN emotions and motivations and part of the humor again is how irkens despite being aliens from another planet mirror some of humanity’s worst flaws such as being petty, gluttonous, willfully ignorant, arrogantly believing they are special and better than everyone else, easily manipulated by propaganda, all too eager to greedily colonize other societies etc making them not so different from us at all. so the premise out of context might not seem realistic but the idea of a sad burnout adult who doesn’t realize how humiliating it is to be consistently outsmarted by a kid less than half their age IS realistic and applicable to human interaction since we’ve likely all met someone like this before at one point in our lives for example a schoolteacher who has a personal vendetta against one or more of their students and has nothing better to do than antagonize them, or a really dumb parent that you fight with a lot.
another thing, i know you and other fans probably have a lot of sentimental value and nostalgia attached to zadr because you probably shipped it back when you were a kid yourself and you cant be blamed for something you liked as a kid, but youre an adult now, and you have to listen to the portion of kids in the fandom who dont like zadr and say without question that the age gap makes them uncomfortable. those kids ARE the priority. we’re grown up now and we have to put our feelings aside for them because that’s part of being responsible and mature. i feel like zim himself is a pretty good example of how not to act at our age [shrug emoji]
and anyway a lot of the same elements of zadr can be explored with zadf just as well with just as much potential for cute moments and as a bonus is it’s not creepy
You do bring up some good points, and I’m not saying you’re wrong...  But honestly I’m still not convinced.  I mean, stuff that Jhonen said, the thing is even if it’s the author saying it it’s still outside of canon, that’s the reason why Neil Gaiman got flack for Good Omens because they didn’t write an actual kiss or hug or hand-hold between Aziraphale and Crowley yet Neil Gaiman went on Twitter saying they were queer representation.  I still don’t really put much stock into what he says because the unfinished episodes and Jhonen’s commentary don’t really change the dynamic that’s actually in the show.  And again...Jhonen said if there were going to be romance in the show it would be Zim/Gaz, so he’s either a huge hypocrite or doesn’t view Zim as being incompatible with Gaz.
I do think it’s much better when Dib is an adult and it just makes more sense, and I actually do prefer zadf to zadr and if i were going to ever write fanfiction or make fanart it would probably just be zadf, just because i know this does have some stuff to think about and I totally respect that you have a different view of it, but i honestly just don’t see it that way.  The analogy with Jacob imprinting on Bella’s child in Twilight isn’t really the same thing honestly.  The author in that situation tried to make it not......that....by saying that imprinting isn’t always a romantic relationship thing, and that Jacob would be more of an older brother, but honestly that doesn’t really negate the impact of grooming that kid would have with Jacob around.  The idea that Zim would somehow be grooming Dib seems really silly to me although you’re right, I think his characterization in Into the Florpus has evolved somewhat especially with regard to Dib wanting to get his father’s approval, but again Zim has parallels with that in trying to please the Tallest.  the world-building and characterizations are inconsistent and scattershot at best.  Like no, zim isn’t waiting for him to turn legal, that’s absurd, they’re nemeses coming at each other then learning to be friends.  You’re right that that doesn’t have to be zadr but I still tag it as zadr so people can block it if they want to.
Like, I’ve seen people ship Zim with Professor Membrane instead of Dib.  That seems very weird to me.  that professor membrane would have a relationship with someone who literally goes to his son’s elementary school and who doesn’t know anything at all about human behavior and emotions.
I feel like with this discussion people don’t really understand the problem with age gaps. With age gaps, it’s not a matter of mature/immature, it’s about development.  A ten year age gap sounds like a lot right?  a 25-year-old and a 15-year old would absolutely have a predatory “relationship.”  But a 35- and a 45-year old, that’s perfectly fine.  Having a difference in age doesn’t automatically make the relationship unhealthy.  so if Dib is 25 and Zim is [whatever the hell aliens years i still don’t really take Jhonen’s word for it bc he’s not consistent], that’s doesn’t mean it has to be bad.  The thing about telling minors they’re “so mature for their age” to try and convince them that a person interested in them isn’t a pedophile is that we know a human being who is 15 isn’t developmentally at the same level as a 25-year-old regardless of their behavior.  What is Zim?  All we have to go on is how he acts, and he acts like Dib is an equal match, it’s not “he’s immature for his age,” it’s very unclear.  Raw number of years isn’t the ultimate decider, for example in DnD lore elves reach maturity at, like, 100 years old so a 25-yo human trying to get with a 50-year-old elf would be predatory to the young elf even though the “younger” one is technically twice as old as the human.  Do you see what I’m saying?
I also don’t really buy the idea that Invader Zim’s writing resonates with people because Zim is ~~so human~~.  The guy steals a bunch of kid’s organs in one episode and flies into a tantrum over the slightest inconvenience.  You have to be reading really deeply into it and dig into some old internet archives of things Jhonen Vasquez has said to paint it as realistic.  You can do some interesting things with it wrt like, Zim being defective and starting to experience human emotions but that’s mostly fanon.
Well, you’ve given me some things to think about, thanks for explaining your side to me.  I’m still going to tag things as #zadr so people can block if it can’t plausibly be categorized as zadf.  I’m not actually making any fan content for Invader Zim so the point is kind of moot, but if I ever do I’ll definitely take this into consideration.
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noelacciari · 5 years
alright this is kinda bad but I'm gonna ask anyway. so I'm a new/casual hockey fan and this girl I'm friends w is super into hockey and I'm kinda having to bluff my way through convos rn so could you give me a basic summary of the roster and stuff pls :)))
okay babe, so this is how we’re gonna set this up for you… personality quiz style. (also wait I’m assuming you mean Bruins so. im very sorry if this was about another team lol)
Step 1: pick your star
- Do you strive for perfection? Do you look for stability in a relationship? Can you appreciate a good beard? Do you need a perfect man to project all your feelings regarding men onto and then you never have to even look at another man in real life? Then Patrice Bergeron is the guy for you. He’s perfect. Like legit. Has been nominated for the Selke Award (best defensive forward) approximately a gazillion times, eventually they’re going to change it to The Bergy. Gorgeous play maker, dominate on the face-off circle. Quiet leader in the room. A pillar of the Boston community. The only person who can tame Marchand (we’ll get to him later). Every person in New England is AT LEAST 30% in love with him, regardless of sexual orientation. (I’m not even kidding). Future Hall of Famer. Without a doubt. (Forward (Center), #37, first line)
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- Do you enjoy carbs? How about charming smiles? Do you enjoy men who toe the lines of fashion? Do you like a show, flashy lights and stunning tricks? Do you like people who make you smile, no matter how bad your day is? Then David Pastrnak is your man. Better know as Pasta (said with a deep Boston accent), he’s been tearing up the ice from the moment he arrived in TD Garden. A member of the Best Top Line in the League (alongside Bergeron - and that other guy who we will get to later). His goals are always absolutely nasty, just. Sexy, sexy hockey. Off the ice he’s sunshine personified, known for his chipped tooth smile, wearing checked suits and floral shirt, and just being generally the best. (Forward (winger), #88, first line)
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- Are human sized chipmunks something you think would be pretty cool? How do you feel about Long Island? Would you think it’s funny if a guy who was a star player on a Boston team dated the daughter of a Pittsburgh coach? Do you think it’s even funnier if a guy who tweeted “I hate the Bruins” then proceeds to get drafted by them? Then Charlie McAvoy is your star d-man. At the ripe old age of 21, Long Island native Charlie McAvoy already carries a huge chunk of responsibility on the Bruins defense core. A future leader for the team (captain. imo), Charlie puts up incredible minutes, and is the perfect complement to his d-partner Zdeno Chara (we’ll get to him too). Also known as Cheeks (on tumblr) or Mac (by his teammates), Charlie isn’t afraid to throw his weight around on the ice, and he looks good doing it. Dude is a Bonafide Stallion. (Defense, #73, 1st Pair)
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Step 2: Pick your Dad
- Are you vegetarian? How do you feel about EXTREMELY tall men wearing easter bunny onesies? Do you prefer to bike to work instead of taking the train? what about pigeons? If you consider pigeons friends, then Zdeno Chara is your new dad! (Boogie Woogie Woogie). You know how Bruins fans like to say - Don’t Poke The Bear? Well Big Zee is that hypothetical bear. Our beloved captain and father earned himself quite the reputation on the ice, known for his hard AF slap shots and even harder punches. Clocking in at 6′9″ and 250lbs, Zad is still a beast at 42 years old - and he apparently has no plans to retire. While his age doesn’t appear to be slowing him down on the ice, Zee has shown his softer side off the ice with his inspirational and extremely cute Instagram. He came into Boston in 2006 and was named Captain upon signing, and has forever changed the culture of the Boston Bruins. Chara facilitates an inclusive but hard working locker room, and his legacy will live on in Boston long after his retirement. (Defense, #33, first pair)
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- Are you a dog person? Also are you American? Those are really the only 2 qualifications you need to chose David Backes as your dad. Although some of us older folks like me (at the stunningly old, reaching retirement age of 26) might consider Backes to be more of a daddy, the majority of Bruins tumblr view him as their Dad. Common nicknames include Dadkes and Papa, and his effect on the team after being brought back into the line-up during the playoffs has endeared him to fans. While his deal is… not great (he’s expensive!!) and he hasn’t performed up to how much money he’s paid, it’s clear that he’s a leader on the team. The young guys look up to him, and the older guys respect him, and that’s what we’s appreciates ‘bout him. Also. He LOVES animals. Backes and his wife Kelly (who have known each other since kindergarten how cute is that shit) have their own charity that helps animals!! (Forward (Winger/Center), #42, currently 2nd line)
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- Were you really into magic as a kid (or currently)? Have you always gravitated to your one friend’s dad who was super quiet but super smart and taught you how to play chess at that cookout one time? Then your new dad is David Krejci! Sometimes called The Wizard, Krejci is known to make magic happen on the ice. Between no-look passes and somehow being able to know exactly where his wingers are going to be before they even know, tbh. Krej is probably the MOST underrated player on the Bruins, but he’s always dependable, and always seems to be there when you need him.  (Forward (Center), #46, 2nd Line)
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Step 3: pick your weirdo
- Have you never eaten a vegetable willingly in your life? Do you consider yourself a chef - specifically for children? Do you think getting your teeth knocked out is fun and exciting? Then Jake “JD” DeBrusk is the dude for you! Goofy AF off the ice and a sniper on it, Jake is extremely worthy of being your chosen weirdo. He has a lucky winter hat named “tuukka” that he’s been wearing all playoffs, and he might only have one brain cell but we love him for it. At one point called a draft bust, Jake has been proving himself to be an elite player, and has been a steady winger for Krejci all season. Plus. He’s cute af. (Forward (winger), #74, 2nd Line)
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- Is getting under other people’s skin one of your favorite activities? Do you like to piss people off by being better than them at everything? Does licking someone’s face in the middle of a hockey game seem like a Good Idea to you? Back in step number one did you chose Patrice Bergeron as your Lord and Savior? Then Boston’s favorite Pest - Brad Marchand - is the guy for you! Brad started off as an undersized fourth liner, and has worked his way up to one of the top scorers in the league. Outside of Boston he’s probably the most hated player in the NHL - earning himself a reputation for being a pest (at best), and sometimes being dirty (at worst). This year we are proud to announce that he did not get suspended once! Though he did come in just short of 100 Penalty Minutes. Marchy was our top scorer this year, and has become an integral part of this team. (Forward (winger), #63, 1st Line)
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- Are you secretly an arsonist? Are frogs your favorite animal? Do you have a crush on that Pretty Jock that’s in all your classes and sometimes smiles at you in the lunch line? Then Danton Heinen is the weirdo for you. Danton has been a quietly steady performer for the Bruins this season, spending time on the top line with Bergeron and Marchand when Pasta was out. He’s growing into quite the play maker, and he’s known for making good decisions on the ice that lead to goals. Danton also happens to look like a frog, which is an important character trait imo. He’s a tumblr favorite, but he’s a good person to like even in real life, because he makes an impact on the ice. (Forward (winger), #43, 3rd Line)
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Step 4: chose your conventionally attractive white boy
- OKay we’re not doing the questions thing because judging by your ask you may not even be interested in men so i’m just going to dive straight into the description. He’s tall with a strong jaw and perfect curls and pecs of a God. Charlie Coyle is a Weymouth, MA native who Boston brought back home at the trade deadline. He’s been a bit of a hero this playoff run, and he looks damn good doing it. The B’s have been searching for a good 3rd line center, and Charlie has filled the role perfectly. Personally, I am deeply in love with him, in case you could not tell. (Forward (center/winger), #13, 3rd Line)
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- an integral member of the Bruin’s all important Line 1A (aka the 4th line), Sean Kuraly has got it all. Piercing blue eyes? Check. Perfectly highlighted hair? Check. Cute little chin? Double check. Though he’s been photographed wearing jorts and an open flannel shirt with nothing underneath it, Sean is still a certified Babe. He’s been Klutch in every playoff run he’s had with the B’s, and is the scoring force behind the 4th Line’s brawn. Not to mention, his signature celly is a leap from the ice! (Forward, (center/winger), #52, 4th Line)
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- Brandon Carlo… how do I begin to explain Brandon Carlo? Brandon Carlo is flawless. He has two bible tattoos and a designer bulldog. I hear his hair is insured for $10,000. I hear he does Tri-City Americans commercials… in Washington. His favorite movie is Miracle. One time he met David Backes on a plane… and he told him he was pretty. One time he punched me in the face… it was awesome (’cause he missed). In all seriousness though, Monte is a hardworking, defensive defenseman, who has really shone this season. He doesn’t show up on the scoreboard often, but he makes it really hard for other teams to get goals. Even though he struggles to score empty netters... he’s still a babe. (Defense, #25, 2nd Pair)
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Step 5: Chose your shorty
- If you’re thinking - wait, shouldn’t Marchand be in this category? Isn’t he the smallest guy in the World? Then Torey Krug is the Short King for you. An ELITE offensive defenseman, Torey is absolute dynamite on the ice. In game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals Torey made history by becoming the first Bruins player ever to record 4 points in a stanley cup finals game. Krug is quick on his feet and can snipe from the blue line, but isn’t afraid to lay down the law when he needs to. Notorious for loosing his helmet so he can show off that flow, Torey also has a bulldog named fenway and a BABY on the way. (Defense, #47, 2nd Pair).
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- Is talk shit, get hit a favorite saying of yours? Can you appreciate biceps the size of your head? Then Noel Acciari is your man. He might be short but he’s built like a tank, and he uses that bod to plow through guys on the ice. Noeldozer is known for laying down the cleanest hits, and we love when he takes out the trash! The Rhode Island Native got married last summer, and has a golden retriever named Thor. His mouth is currently fucked right up but I promise he’s actually kinda pretty. (Forward (winger/center), #55, 4th Line)
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- Are you one of the apparent hoards of people that think a Boston accent is sexy? Could you get into a guy who says the fuck word on live television? Are collarbone tattoos a thing you admire? Do you like sexy, tough little son’s of bitches? Great! Matt Grzelcyk is the little guy for you. A BU grad who’s become a cornerstone of the Bruins d-core, Grz is a tough little cutie who works hard and gets shit done. More of an offensive defenseman, Matty G has been there for the team even when all of our other defenseman were injured. His Dad has worked at the Gahden for like a million years, and playing for the B’s is a dream come true for Matt and his family. He got taken out in Game 2 of the Finals, and the Bruins are currently seeking revenge. Dude’s got a good beard going too. (Defense, #48, 3rd Pair)
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Step 6: Pick your goalie
- As much as we love Jaro, there’s only one goalie you need to know about when you’re learning about the Bruins... 2 U’s 2 K’s 2 Points... Tuukka Rask! The clear MVP of the Playoffs this year, Tuukka has been a brick wall in the net for the B’s. He’s known for being quick tempered and a little... wild, at times, having been caught on camera beating the shit out of a bunch of milk crates and on time brandishing a skate blade at the refs like a knife. Though some fans seem to never forgive Tuukka for the B’s loosing the 2013 playoffs, around these parts we love and respect and rely on his prowess in the net. Off ice, he kinda looks like the grinch (and knows it), though apparently Bergy thinks he looks like Harry Styles (i wish i was kidding). He’s also got 2 adorable little girls! (GOALIE, starter)
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So now you’ve got 6 guys that you know about, right? I would pick 1 or 2 of those to be the ones you pay attention to. Listen for headlines about their goals/play, if you’re watching games, look for their numbers on the ice. All you gotta do is be able to say “Wow did you see that Coyle goal on Saturday night?” and all of a sudden you sound like an expert! (This works even better of you choose a guy not from the first category). 
If you have more questions about specific players or lines, feel free to reach out! I know not a lot but I know many people who actually do know things lol
(Also to any of Bruins tumblr who made it this far, I KNOW i’m missing your faves okay. Wagner, Clifton, Nordy, MoJo, Moore, and half the providence roster deserve a spot on here. But I’ve already written too much)
(Also Also, special thanks to Lil for helping me with Monte’s description) 
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allyreactions · 6 years
BTS reacts to their idol girlfriend on tour and fainting on stage
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pairing: bts x reader
warnings: idk if its right or not but just in case, know that it mentions skipping meals and not sleeping well, idk if its eating disorders or mental ilnesses but know that it mentions that, there’s no implied death tho one of them may seem to have but it’s not like that ok i explained too much
genre: angst
a/n: this may turn much darker than i thought omg im sorry
no gender neutral
kim seokjin
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He never liked the idea of you going on tour. He had been knowing about the shitty way your managers were treating you. He noticed how your members would always receive praises while you only received criticism, which made you work harder. This involved staying until late hours rehearsing, skipping meals and sleep time to work on your choreographies. He didn’t want you to leave to Europe, mostly because when you were at South Korea, he could always check on you and stay with you. But now you were far away. He spent every day nervous, alert of his phone in case you wanted or needed to talk to him. One day Namjoon told him he was overreacting, that you were fine, you had your members and that they would help you. This managed to calm him down, put his phone down and left it at home to enjoy the only free day they were given.
He came back home late at night, a small smile on his face, glad that he could spend a day with his donsaengs. When he grabbed his cellphone, his expression quite changed, “23 missed calls” could be read on the screen. He quickly calling the owner of the 23 missed calls, your best friend and unnie.
“Seokjin-ah, where have you been!? I tried reaching you all day!” she cried, voice almost audible
“What happened?” he asked, fear obvious in his voice
“It´s Y/N...she fainted on stage a-and...” she sobbed, while Seokjin’s held his breath “....she isn’t waking up”
His heart stopped.
min yoongi
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It was a problem. Your weight had been dropping every month, making your boyfriend worried. And worst thing was, he couldn’t tell you anything. He had tried, more than he wanted to, but you just wouldn’t listen. This was your first year as an idol, your band debuted with success yet your managers weren’t happy with your body. That got to your head, and your diets were reduced to almost a plate per day. Yoongi was used to these starving diets, and knew that cheating them was the worst a female idol could do. So he focused on staying by your side, and help you sneak some snacks in while your managers weren’t present. But one day you announced him your band was going to South America as part of their tour. His concern grew, because he could follow you to Japan or China, but South America was too much. He just swallowed, nodded and prayed you would be ok.
He never stopped messaging you, every day checking in, seeing how you were doing. But suddenly, you stopped messaging. He glanced at the clock, 2pm. He remembered the 12 hours of difference, it had to be 2am for you. He was about to give up, and hope you were sleeping well, when a message entered his phone with a ‘pop’.
[2:08pm] Y/N: Suga are you there?
What? You never called him by his stage name, it cringed you. Why were you calling him Suga? He didn’t wait to reply.
[2:09pm] Yoongi: I’m here, what’s wrong?
He could feel it, something was wrong. His jaw dropped to the floor and an annoying knot appeared on his throat when he read the next message.
[2:11pm] Y/N: I’m Yoonho, me and the group are at the hospital, Y/N fainted, she’s way too pale and can barely move. You’re her emergency contact, right?
jung hoseok
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“Babe, you’re barely awake” you laughed a bit, watching Hoseok on your Face Time trying to keep his eyes open.
“I’m here, I’m here jagi” he replied, trying to smile, but you were right. He could barely stay awake. He had spent all day checking on you, trying to see if you were fine.
You had been feeling quite bad these past days. You had been working on your first soloist album, and you had wasted long nights writing lyrics and composing melodies. It was driving you crazy, but you needed to get it done. You too were barely awake, but spending weeks staying up late at night made you control yourself, you knew how to pretend you were fine. Something your career as a Kpop idol also taught you.You managed to convince Hoseok to go to sleep, so you could get changed and go to the stage, it was another night of touring with your girlgroup. 
Hoseok woke up from what he liked calling a long nap to his phone ringing. Without thinking about it, assuming it was you, he picked up.
“Y/N~ jagi, I’m sorry I fell asleep” he spoke in his tired husky voice
“It’s not Y/N, Hoseok, I’m her manager” that made Hobi jump up and suddenly fully wake up.
“Why are you calling me from Y/N’s cellphone?” he didn’t measure his tone, too concerned to care
“Y/N fainted on stage, we had to carry her to backstage” he gulped, feeling tears on his eyes “She’s resting now but I supposed you should know” he added before hanging up, leaving Hoseok more concerned than he already was.
kim namjoon
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He hadn’t been able to talk to you in days, and it was driving him crazy. I mean, you were at USA touring, he knew your schedules by memory, why could you never even message him? But, he had to understand. Your managers weren’t as easy on you as his were on him. So he had to stick to social media. Updates of you on Twitter were the only way he had to check on you. He knew you had been quite stressed lately, thanks to your tour. You would always skip meals and sleep less just to get it perfect, you were too scared to be judged by foreigners, so you had to get it right.
He was working on his studio, the beat mixer opened right next to Twitter, with your update fan account. He refreshed every minute, watching some videos fan were taking during the concert. He started noticing you were missing some moves, and look quite tired.He assumed it was the video, because you never acted lazy on stage. He continued refreshing, but nothing happened. No new videos, neither pics or tweets. Everything was too silent. That was until he refreshed one more time, and a long tweet appeared. He read it out loud, his voice lowering as he was reaching to the tweet’s end.
@Y/Nunnie tweeted: “Y/N’s body suddenly dropped to the floor. The music stopped and so did the other members, who then gatherend around her. Soonah (your leader) picked her up, with some help from staff members. The lights went off, and when they returned, the stage was empty, only one staff member remained, who stood in front of the mic and said: “due to health issues, Y/N won’t be able to continue the show, please understand”. I hope she’s fineee :’((” 
Joon stood there, trying to assimilate the situation, before going crazy...
park jimin
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He was mad, and oh god you hated it when he was mad. When he was this mad, he wasn’t cute, no, he was scary.
“Y/N, you heard me, you aren’t going to that tour” he pointed at you, the ugliest frown formed on his face
“Jiminie, baby, even if I wanted to, you know I can’t say no! I signed a contract, I need to go!” you tried calming him down, but it was in vain.
“Look at you, Y/N, look at the bags under your eyes! They aren’t even letting you sleep! How do they expect you can perform? And abroad!”
“Well...” you started, not knowing how to answer, until you found the best way “...how did you do it when you just debuted?” you crossed your arms over your chest, and watched as Jimin relaxed a bit, knowing you were right “....could you talk back to your manager, refuse to perform? Baby..” you sighed and held his hands “...I’ll be fine, I promise you” you pecked his lips and left with a smile, not sure if you were gonna keep that promise.
And you didn’t, Jimin realized while was boarding a flight to Mexico, where you were currently touring. Not a long time ago, he received a message, written by your friend and sent through your phone.
“Jimin, Y/N just collapsed while performing her solo song, I know it’s much to ask but she really needs you. Could you come?”
kim taehyung
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(ok i love this little ball of sunshine so much it breaks my heart he would be so sad if this happened)
He really wanted to go with you. He even insisted on asking your manager if he could join your tour. But no is no, and he had to stick to that, despite not agreeing. He not only was your number one fan and wanted to support his favorite person in the world, but he also wanted to have a close eye on you. You had been acting quite weird lately, arriving late at home, waking up too early, skipping some meals. He even caught you crying once, alone at the bathroom in the middle of the night. He was very worried, he knew your new comeback was bringing you a lot of stress, but what was worrying him the most was the fact that you weren’t talking to him about it. He understood that stress, but you still didn’t tell him anything. But he wasn’t a pushy boyfriend, he was going to wait for you to feel like talking about it.
In the mid time, and since he couldn’t join you on your tour, he decided to watch every live broadcast fans were doing during the concerts. He didn’t care about quality, as long as he could watch his girlfriend perform like the queen she is, he was happy.
He was locked inside his room, headphones on and Twitter opened, with the live broadcast of your show at Paris. He had a smile on his face, his favorite song was coming and he thought you always killed it in the dancing. He prepared himself for the performance of his life.
But his smile starting fading off when he saw you weren’t dancing, just walking around. He knew the performance by memory, and knew that during touring that choreography never changed. I mean, he has been watching every live broadcast, he knew the schedule by memory. He got near the computer, eager to find out what was wrong. The smile came back when he saw you joining your members on the choreo.
“Oh she was improvising” Tae said out loud, even giggling a bit.
When suddenly you stopped dancing and collapsed coldly to the floor. He held on to the chair’s arm, mouth wide open and eyes nailed on your motionless body. Your members gatherend around you and tried to wake you up. Fans started mumbling, while the music stopped all of a sudden. Since you weren’t waking up, a staff member came in running and picked your body up, carrying it to backstage as fast as he could. Your unnie followed behind, always having your back, and not intending to stop now.
Taehyung immediately grabbed his phone with shaky hands, trembling lips and  tears fiercely falling down.
jeon jungkook
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Oh boy he understood every concern you had. Being both the maknaes of each of your groups, you both understood the hard work you had to do to show you were as capable and professional as your unnies or hyungs. So instead of telling you off whenever you practised too much, he would stay by your side, to teach you to recognize your body’s limits.
However you were quite new to the idol life, while Jungkook had his years at it. And now your first tour was coming and your worry grew. How were you going to go on your own without your boyfriend? Jungkook reassured you you could do it, you were strong enough to do it. With a little bit more of confidence thanks to your most beloved best friend and boyfriend, you left.
Little did you know, he was making you a surprise visit. Since you were touring at Africa, he could take a quick flight and susprise you. 
He was ready, bag on one hand, and plane ticket on the other.
“I’ll be fine, hyung!” he smiled as he spoke to Jin “...she doesn’t know I’m going, it will be awesome! If I need anything, I’ll call you” 
As he was listening to Seokjin, his phone started buzzing with another phone call.
“Sorry hyung, I have another another call, give me a second” as he handed the air flight assistant, he changed calls “..Hello?”
“Jungkook-ah? It’s Jaesung, Y/N’s manager. She...she um, she collapsed, we are attending her right now. Her unnie Mina told us we should call you, we believe that’s what Y/N would want”
His hands felt numb as a tear rolled down his cheek and his bag fell from his hand.
creds to owner of gifs
~Admin Anto
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undertale-anomaly20 · 5 years
Sooner or later you're gonna be mine x chubby! Reader
Chapter 1: The waitress and the mobster
Oh God, I was hearin da rumors, but I didnt believe hed actually do it. As if our town wasnt a big miserable wasteland of violence, misery and murder already, now hes actually welcomin their kind into it as well.
Frisk paused, her hairbrush in mid-stroke, as she heard the piano man grumble crudely under his breath. She hadnt sang in this club before and truth be told, it didnt have a great dressing room for performers to get all dolled up as many owners put it, so Frisk took it upon herself to dress up in the ladies bathroom.
After putting on her shimmery low-cut baby-blue dress and applying all that heavy makeup to her face, she exited the bathroom, leaving her aftershow clothes in one of the broken stalls and began brushing her hair on stage. It didnt take much to style it, which was one of the main reason why Frisk had cut it short into a bob hairstyle. One less stupid thing she had to worry about before she got on stage. Just brush it till it looks neat, put a flower in it and the crowds still think you look like a million bucks.
Not that Frisk cared too much about what her fans thought of her. All she wanted to do was sing, get paid and go home before she saw another fight break out between the members of her audience. Gang members erupting into violent and bloody fights in the middle of her songs were becoming more and more common over the last few months. And what were these fights over? Anything really. Gang members entering other gang territory, drug deals gone bad, gun deals wrong horribly bad. It didnt matter. The result was always the same: somebody would be leaving in a body bag.
Frisk hadnt gotten used to it, but she had definitely become quicker with dodging flying bullets and pieces of furniture that came her way.
She tried to deny it when she was younger, but now it was obvious. Her once pretty city was quickly sinking into corruption thanks largely to the mob groups that were overtaking large areas of her city. The dons and high-class mobsters ran everything from the small mom and pop stores to the police force. Even the citys officials were nothing more than corrupt individuals in nice suits with clean smiles. The good decent poor folks suffered the most, having to pay out protection fees but there were always ways to make money.
Everybody had a price. Everybody could endure or change themselves for money. Frisk knew. To her despair, she watched a number of her long-time friends get lost in the world of easy money and quick deaths. She had been to more funerals than birthdays parties this year alone. She could never blame them though.
Well everybody except her sister, (name).
(name) was one of the only people she could really trust and was one of the few people uncorrupted by this hell hole of a city. As children the both of them knew nothing but love and kindness with (name), being older by a few years, looking after her and protecting her even as the years had gone by she never stopped standing up for her and always flashing that big beautiful smile telling her 'it's gonna be ok' even if everything wasn't.
Frisk smiled at the though of her sister being there for her every step of the way in her life a little anoying but what was she to do (name) was very stubborn her big (eye colour) eyes that still held a little glimmer like she did when she was younger, her long thick (hair colour) hair that always seemed to shine no matter what the lighting was, her (skin colour) skin that alway had one or two burise on it and her body was alwasy as plump and smooth as ever. not to say her sister was overweight drastically but she tended to look down on herself at her body shape, even though she was what the pigs f this city considered 'fat' she had her curvy outline a bit, she had a bit above average size bust, plump lips and a big behind.
The world was going through a depression after all. And Frisk herself was not exactly a wealthy professional singer. Right now her gigs were seedy clubs with even seedier owners, whose businesses reeked of cigar smoke and strong booze and no matter how many times Frisk showered the smell seemed to linger.
And her nightly audiences were the lowest class of criminals. Not that Frisk judged on them on poverty levels. In fact, most of the best people she knew were struggling to get by. But when it all came down to the wire a rich mobster was just as bad as his poor lackey. Both types murder for money and power and both types will harm the innocent to get what they want.
Frisk really needed to get out. She just hadnt saved enough money yet. She may have been a popular singer in these types of bars, but the pay wasnt great. She made just enough to pay for her crappy apartment, her bills and the protection fee her local police force demanded of its residents.
The piano man saw her baffled look and pulled back the curtain even further so she could get a good look at her audience for the night.
She squinted through the cigarette smoke that lightly covered the many faces of her audience and tried to see what he was moaning about.
Look at the last table in the back. Youll see what Im talking about, toots.
Frisk did and gasped aloud. The piano man chuckled, letting her know she was indeed seeing what she was thought she was seeing.
Seeing Don Dee was a shock in itself. Even small fish like Frisk knew who he was just by looking at him. A top dog, a big shot, a huge fish...and the fact that he was sitting in this piece of shit of a bar was astounding in itself. The man was known for class and expensive taste. The suit he was wearing outshined all the cheap ones that almost all the other club patrons were wearing.
But the don being here wasnt the most shocking part. The most shocking part was his companion. The gentleman sitting beside the Don was...not from the city to say the least. And if he had entered the club by himself, he would have been killed instantly. But sitting with the Don made him untouchable. In fact, most patrons were going out of their way not to stare at him.
Say, is he- Frisk began, but stopped when the musician laughed again.
Yep. The Don himself is invitin monsters in the operation now. Can you believe that, toots? Disgustin monsters. Pfft...hes makin a mistake is what hes doin. Gonna lose all that respect. Monsters..Now this town really has sank as low as it can go.
Frisk frowned at his choice of words, and the effect they had on her, but continued to stare, even though she felt a little bad doing it. both her and (name) knew that people who differed from theri own race and in this case species shouldnt be stared at like they were some kind of spectacle, but Frisk really couldnt help herself.
Sure she heard all about the monsters that lived in the neighboring cities miles away from her own, and sure she knew they looked different from humans and their customs and politics were worlds apart from human, but to actually see one was...well it was something that deserved a second glance.
He was a massive monster. He was taller than any human Frisk had ever seen and he was wide too. Not fat, but there was no denying how incredibly powerful he looked. He made the Dons bodyguards look like little boys.
And his suit was even more impressive than the Dons if that were possible. His jacket, fedora hat and trousers were black, while his waist coat was an eye-catching red. Frisk wasnt too fond of that color, unless it was on her sister, but she had to admit the monster had style. A fat cigar was in his teeth and the smoke coming from it was strange. It wasnt gray smoke. It was red smoke and curled in unusual designs before it disappeared.
But his size and clothing were nothing compared to what he actually looked like. He had a huge smile on his face and despite the dimmed lights, Frisk saw a glimmering gold tooth flashing in his mouth every time the skeleton turned his head.
Out of the corner of her eyes she caught the flash of pink in the light and turned her attention towards the colour to see it was a pink heart hair pin. only one person she knew had that pin and it just so happened to be her sister that was the owner of said pin. her sister was wearing the standered waitress uniform aswell as having her hair tied into a high bun with the exeption of a few strands that fell in front of her face with that sweet smile on her face but Frisk knew it was fake she knew her sister hated dealing with these 'murdering pricks' as (name) liked to call them but they both needed the money and even with friks singing it's not enough.
Frisk watches her sister carrying a tray of alcohol towards Don Dees table. her heart practically stopped in worry for her sister as she watched her place the glass fill with the nasty brew in front of the don and a nother in front of the monster before walking away.
Damn freak, the piano man muttered and lowered the curtain.
Before the cheap bright red curtain could blocked her view, Frisk felt her heart jump in her throat. At the last second the skeleton turned his head to look where her sister was who, in turn, was looking back at him.
He took the cigar out of his mouth with two of his large bony fingers and winked at her. (name) quickly turned away with her head down before the curtain fell into place. That look...Frisk didnt understand why his friendly little gesture towards her sister sent a cold chill down her spine, but she tried to quickly dismissed it.
It doesnt matter, she thought to herself. Im sure (name)s not gonna talk to him if she can help it.
The piano man sat down at his piano, cracking his fingers and looking at Frisk. She hated the way his eyes wandered from her face and rested on her breasts. She glared at him, covering her chest with her arms. The man just shrugged coolly, completely unbothered.
Hey, I aint touching em toots. No law against lookin.
both her and her sister needed to get out of this city. Go somewhere nicer where smoke from cigarettes and guns didnt greet them every second of everyday. Where people actually cared if another person was killed. Maybe when she had enough saved up she could move to the country and where her sister wouldn't come home with brusies and bruised knuckles every week and that painful look in her eye that tells her 'I can't keep this up for much longer' as happy as her sister tried to be she wasn't dumb (name) had the same attitude as Frisk toward the city folk who misreated her and gave them the same amount that they gave her, absolutly none. Maybe they could live in a pretty cottage and start a garden. She couldnt remember the last time she saw a flower growing outside and she doubt that (name) could either.
She smiled faintly. Her mother always talked about starting a garden when Frisk was really little and-
But going back to our conversation, the Don really is makin a mistake. As soon as we let one monster in, more are gonna come. Just you wait. Im mean look at what happened when we started lettin the darkies in-
Frisk felt a shot of anger bloom in her chest.
Why dont you keep those disgusting thoughts to yourself and get ready for the show? Since the Don is here we cant afford you screwing things up. Word around the grapevine is that you arent the cream of the crop when it comes to playing that thing.
It was a lie of course. Frisk knew nothing about this man, but that didnt stop her from feeling a sort of smug satisfaction enter her as the piano mans face changed from cocky and arrogant to enraged and disgusted.
Goddamn, bleedin heart whore, he muttered loud enough for her to hear, but low enough so nobody else could here. You and your type are the reason why there are so much problems in this world. You treat the inferior a certain way and suddenly they start demandin to be treated that way by everybody…
Frisk smiled and continued brushing her hair, humming the songs she was going to sing for the audience tonight. It was always nice to be told that. Whenever somebody told her that or something similar to that, Frisk couldnt help but feel like she was more than just some seedy bar singer who sang for murderers and criminals.
The piano man and her didnt speak again and Frisk continued to brush her hair until the audience started to quiet down.
Showtime , Frisk thought grimly, no longer excited about being on stage.
The curtain parted and the horrible spotlight that hit her was nearly blinding, but before she could adjust to it, the piano started playing.
She sang the first song with ease and much to her disappointment the piano man didnt make one mistake. Guy knew his instrument. Too bad he was a racist prick.
For the most part, Frisk and (name) loved musicians. All that passion being played through their fingers or mouths and whenever either of them spoke to them they always wanted to be something more than what they were. Just like her, they dreamt of getting out of the city and being somewhere safe and pretty.
At one point when Frisk was younger and still wanted to make singing her lifes career she would dream of marrying a gentle musician. The two of them would become famous and sing at only the best clubs and have children who loved music and would sing and play too and-
Frisk never would have thought in a million years that she would grow to hate the talent she once cherished. The spotlight was always too bright, the places always reeked of blood and booze and the applause was laced with lewd comments about her body.
(name) had a more possible dream. As a child all she wanted was to settle down with a man and have children who she would sing lullabys to and fill her home with music and love but as she grew her body changed and her heart sank further down at every negative comment made her way.
She was too weak for this city. She knew, but thankfully none of these cruel people knew it. Her dad once told her that if you show any weakness to people like mobsters and criminals they would eat you alive. She had no doubt he had been correct. when Kailyn was told this she pu all her energy into making sure none of these corrupted bastards could do a damn thing to her sister.
Frisk longed for the day where her and (name) would sing for hours on end with smiles in their hearts, laughing at everything but the thing Frisk missed most was her sisters singing. Frisk knew as a child her sister had the better voice andbut she didn't mind if anything she worked hard to be just like her but this damn cities corrupted men and women with there words of hate and jelousy...(name) had done her best to protect Frisk from those words but she, herself, had been exposed to those words for too long and all those negatice comments about her apperance, as if there was anything wrong with how she looked, got to her making her do what those bastards wanted her to do.
Shut up.
After her first song ended, the applause was loud and hard. Frisk forced a smile on her face and blew a kiss into the crowd.
Now adjusted to the blinding light she looked at her audience her sisters face smiling up at her was one of the first she saw. Gray smoke blurred their faces but almost instantly her eyes were drawn to the skeletons red smoke. She looked at him and the look he was giving back to her nearly took her breath away. It was so intense. So...extreme and he never looked down or away from her.
Even when the Don was talking to him quietly about whatever crime-ridden business they had together, the skeleton would respond but never break his gaze away.
Frisk swallowed before she spoke.
Such a lovely crowd here tonight and I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Mr. Dee for honoring me with his presence and tolerating my cat-screeching I like to call singing.
A rough round of laughter and applause reached Frisks ears. The old Don waved to the crowds and then offered her a wave as well. Forcing back the vomit and physically battling with herself to keep her smile on her face, Frisk blew a kiss directly at the old man who had killed so many people whether they were guilty or innocent. Whether they were a part of his gang or an innocent bystander.
We really need to get out of this town' Frisk thought as she began her next song.
She almost messed up a few of her notes. That skeletons red eyes had gone black as soon as she blew that kiss to the Don and she was having trouble focusing until she looked to her sister, who was on break watching her with that big ole smile she loved, then it seemed easier to sing knowing her sister could sit and watch like she did when the were children
don't worry sis, for once, I'm gonna be the one to save ya'
(name)s side
(name) watched as the partons of the bar laughed to each other some of them were good people others not so much. there were those who were friendly, kind and nice those were the rare patrons that popped in once in a while and then there were the assholes hat showed up every god damn day and the degrading remarks they make at her or behind her back annoyed her more often than not but the lewd and disgusting remarks and cat calls they directed towards her younger sister made her blood boil.
oh how she wanted to bash them all over the head with their bottles but she knew better if she acted upon her wishes not only would it cost her the job she worked hard to get it would cost Frisk her job. she just smiled sweetly and agreed with the patrons to keep them happy no matter how much it sickened her to do so.
"hey doll! go another order for ya!" (name) turned to her boss ready to retreive her latest order just as she was about to reach for it she notied her boss looked nervous but why? this man is the most intimidating person she knows that is a good person at heart he's aken on multiple drunken patrons at once so what could sacre this man so bad that he was white as a ghost then it clicked only one person in the bar currently that would reduce this man to a fearful state like this was Don Dee.
(name) tried to keep calm and remembered why she worked here. for Frisk her baby sister she picked up the tray with both hands and made her way to the table. sure don dee made her nervous who wouldn't be around a man that could kill you with but a wave of his hand but once she was nearing the table her eyes weren't on the don but on the monster that sat nex to him.
He was a massive monster. He was taller than any human (name) had ever seen and he was wide too. Not fat, but there was no denying how incredibly powerful he looked. He made the Dons bodyguards look like little boys and his suit was even more impressive than the Dons if that were possible. His jacket, fedora hat and trousers were black, while his waist coat was an eye-catching red. Frisk wasnt too fond of that color, but she had to admit the monster had style. A fat cigar was in his teeth and the smoke coming from it was strange. It wasnt gray smoke. It was red smoke and curled in unusual designs before it disappeared.
But his size and clothing were nothing compared to what he actually looked like. He had a huge smile on his face and despite the dimmed lights, (name) saw a glimmering gold tooth flashing in his mouth every time the skeleton turned his head. In all honesty (name) thought the monster had some sort of charm to him shaking her head she made it to the table and placed the disgusting brew in front of the don making sure to smile sweetly then moved onto the monster. oh how she hated how people used that word as an insult spitting it out of their mouths like it was venom but what could you do she placed the small glass in front of him and smiled walking away she didn' make it that far before she felt eyes on her.
she turned around to meet the monsters red eye light gaze they were mesmorising, beautiful even, she felt like she couldn't look away he took the cigar out of his mouth with two of his large bony fingers and winked at her. (name) quickly turned away with her head down embarassed at being caught then sat down calling for her break.
Frisk scurried off stage after she finished her songs, pausing only briefly to wave at the handsome jazz band that was scheduled to play right after her. They returned the wave and started to do some playful and very cute cat-calling that wasnt lewd or vulgar at all her eyes soon found her sister waiting for her with her duffle bag in hand looks like she finished early.
both girls smiled to themsleves as they entered the empty bathroom, all the women in the audience have been waiting for that jazz band to play. They were becoming very popular and no doubt would make it big, and Frisk went into the broken stall where she left her clothes while (name) went into one of the wrking ones to change
Still some good guys out there' Frisk thought as she took off her painfully tight blue dress and put on her more preferred one. The fabric of her baggy blue and pink sweater dress was a warm and welcomed change from the dress she just had on.
She stuff the blue dress in her purse without a care and walked out of the stall to meet up with (name) who was wearing a baggy dress sweater and long skirt.
(name) turned around and snorted "tryin to give clowns a run for their money, sis?" she joked. Dont get it wrong, Frisk didnt mind some make-up every once in awhile, but the rouge on her cheeks was too bright. Her blue eye-shadow was too heavy and her red lipstick was too much. But thats the club owners always wanted. Thats what the men in her audience wanted.
With a frustrated growl she turned on the sink, took a handful of soap, mixed it with water and began scrubbing her face viciously. We need to get out of here, Frisk thought of the millionth time as she continued to scrub her face until her skin turned red while (name) brushed out her long hair from its up do taking out each pin and tie in it. "great job as always with the singin' sis. practically had the attention of everyone in the room" Frisk smiled at her sisters compliment "thanks but...it would have been better if you were up there with me" (name) sighed "sorry but no it's been too long and I'm the waitress you're the singer"
Niether of them heard the bathroom door open so when they heard the heavy footsteps they turned towards the noise The soap and water dripped from Frisks face and onto her dress as she stared at the massive skeleton who was blocking the exit as well as (name) moving the hair from her eyes. Frsik didnt even realize her mouth was open until the taste of bitter and slippery liquid soap burned her tongue. She quickly closed her lips and backed away from the skeleton.
His hands were in his pockets as he looked (name) up and down, his smile growing by the second. His gold tooth glittered menacingly against the bathroom lights. He took a step towards them.
No...please Frisk thought as she held her hands up in a weak attempt to create some kind of barrier between herself and the monster that was at least two heads taller than her while (name) took a step forwad ready to fight her eyes narrowed.
There was only one reason why a straight man would enter the womens bathroom and Frisk learned what it was when she first starting singing. The man who had attacked was big too. He had grabbed her and shoved her up against the stalls doors and would have done so much more if it hadnt been for a (name) looking for Frisk. that was the day Frisk saw for the first time her big sisters anger in full force the anger in her eyes was just terrifying. blood flying, bloody fists the man left a bloody pulp as one of the women comming in to use the rest room ran to get security to "remove" the man while Frisk held onto her sister beggin her to stop that he had enough.
Frisk opened her mouth to scream for help, but the music from the jazz band blasted through the door, letting Frisk know that her chance for calling for help and actually having someone hear her was gone.
She looked up at him and tried to smile at him. She didnt know what she was gonna say to try and talk him out of the thing he was going to do to her. And through her mind-numbing fear she actually took a second to wondered how a skeleton could do something like that. But she wasnt curious enough to find out.
Look mister, I dont want any trouble-
Frisk stopped her sentence, groaning in fear as the skeleton took his hands out of his pockets and reached into his jacket.
"Frisk I think I left my purse behind the bar would you mind going and looking for it?"
To be continued....
(hey guys this took a lot of courage for me to post this. It's a more updated version than in quotev and watt pad just a few tweeks. I hope you all enjoy this and let me know in the comments how you feel about this)
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mimymomo · 5 years
Starkid Shows Ranked
So I’ve seen others do it and I want to jump on the bandwagon. Plus my list so SO different than others I’ve seen so I’m either gonna interest, delight or piss people off. I love every Starkid show, I just love some more than others lol. This is just my opinion so please dont take it too seriously:
11) Me And My Dick - oh shit not Ani! My list is already starting off controversial. Yeah I’m sorry I’m just not not the biggest fan of this show. I love a few songs and every scene with Joeys Heart or the Old Snatch is genius and Sally is the sweetest bean alive. But besides that, there’s nothing else that really keeps me coming back. I usually just watch the listen to your heart, the choir room scenes and the finale and I’m good. Plus Joey (the character not the person) pisses me off half the time. Sorry...
10) Ani - originally Ani was the only Starkid show I nearly stopped watching cause I couldn’t get into it. But by the end of the first act I was starting to enjoy it more (I really liked the act 1 finale). And I actually really like Ani’s second act. The songs in this show are really good and Nick Lang as Obi Wan is everything it’s just the first act that holds this show back for me.
9) A Very Potter Sequel - yeah controversial opinion again but AVPS is my least favorite of the AVPM trilogy...please don’t kill me!! It has my least favorite of the AVPM songs (I don’t like Guys Like Potter or Harry Freaking Potter...I’m so sorry I’ll go crawl back in my hole now). But I still fucking adore it though!! Brian as Lupin and Joe as Umbridge saved my life and Days of Summer makes me weep while No Way and Stutter fill me with chaotic energy.
8) A Very Potter Musical - the show that started it all! It was my first Starkid show that I’d watched back in like 2011/12 before I’d actually finished Harry Potter (I just watched all the movies last year...don’t judge me). This show is a classic: great songs, jokes, quotes.
7) Holy Musical B@man - Im not a huge DC fan but love this show. Joe and Nick are great as Batman and Robin respectively and Brian and Jeff are stand outs as Superman and Sweet Tooth. The costumes and songs are great and casting is spot on (I saw comment online saying that the show was gray but the casting of Lauren as Comissioner Gordon was weird and someone pointed out that was the joke it made me crack up). Plus Two-Face, TGI Friday’s girl, the line about Spider-Man being agile as hell and Meredith’s chess line in American Way still crack me up every time.
6) The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals - this was the show that officially brought me into the Starkid fandom. The story, characters and atmosphere of the show is something so distinct from every other Starkid show. The whole cats is freaking fantastic especially the newbies Jon and Mariah and I look forward to seeing them and everyone else in future shows. To me the weakest part of the show was the music (sorry I know everyone loves the songs in this show). Some songs are fine but others I just skip and at this point I can’t listen to Show Stoppin Number anymore. I have this thing where if shows/songs/characters get super popular I immediately start to like it less which I think is what happened for this show and the one next on my list.
5) Twisted - okay this is probably where I lost/pissed off most of you but let me explain: when I first watched this show I actually didn’t really like it. Aladdin was never a movie I really liked so a Aladdin/ Wicked style parody was not my thing. Now however I really enjoy Twisted. It’s still not my favorite show but the music is really good and Dylan and Meredith confirmed in this show that they have amazing stage chemistry - Ja’far and Scheherazade are the second best Starkid relationship solely because how integral the relationship is to the story without being grating plus they’re super cute. This show is hilarious and heart warming and wrenching at the same time. I may not like it as much as everyone else but I will fully preach how amazing it is.
4) A Very Potter Senior Year - yep AVPSY is my favorite in the trilogy. I think it partially has to do with the fact it’s just a stage reading. There’s just something about it not being perfect with all the technical issues and character breaking that makes it feel more personal and intimate to me. AVPSY has some of my favorite scenes (the scene with Meredith and AJ is one of the best scenes in Starkid history), songs (Always Dance is in my top five favorite Starkid songs ever) and character moments. Ron is such a standout in this show and I really care about his a Hermiones relationship in this show. I could never fully be invested in them before I hated how much Ron constantly insulted her but in this show it shows just how good of a boyfriend and best friend he really is. And I know people hate how they made Harry act in this show but to me it was essential to his character that he acted this way (I could write a whole essay about Harry and his character and how his actions in senior year make sense).
3) Starship - Starship is just really good okay!! Bug is precious, Mega-girl and Tootsie are adorable, the songs are amazing and the story while predictable since it’s just the Little Mermaid in Space is still great and it’s funny as heck. What more do I have to say? And Starship Requim nearly made me cry when I heard it for the first time.
2) Firebringer - I’m gay. Okay but seriously while TGWDLM was the show that pulled me into the fandom, this was the show that truly introduced me to Starkid as a more than AVPM. I know this show has a lot of problems. But you know those things that you recognize has a lot of issues and isn’t perfect but despite all the faults you still love it to death? Yeah Firebringer is one of those things to me. I love Jemilla and Zazzalil, I love their relationship, I love that they’re played by my two favorite Starkid members: Lauren Lopez and the love of my life Meredith Stepien!! I love the music since it reminds me of Jim and the Povolos music (since Meredith and Mark wrote so it kinda is JatP music lol) and all harmonies and costumes and I think the show is hilarious (not their funniest but still funny). Again I know this show has its problems especially in the writing but after watching the behind the scenes I’ve come to really appreciate this show and understand why and where the issues came from. To me this show is just plain fun and sometimes that’s just why I need.
1) The Trail to Oregon - this show is just everything to to me. It’s so freaking funny and I love every single song in it (Lost Without You hits too hard as a girl in college who is hours away from her family). At face value it’s a road trip musical that parodies the game abut at heart is a show about a distinctions family reconnecting and dealing with life. The Dikrats family plus McDoon (and really every other role Joey plays in this) and Cletus Jones are some the funniest characters and some of my personal favorites due to how over the top but insanely real they feel. I really became attached to this family and their struggle and I just wanted them to get to Oregate in one piece. Plus this show actually has not one but two songs about dying of pooping and I love both of them!! Trail to Oregap is just so unique and I adore it.
So what did I learn making this list?? I have really weird taste and extremely different opinions on shows than everyone else. Why did I make this list?
Well I hope someone liked it and didn’t get too mad at me lol. And I hope more people who have vastly different rankings make more top list because it’s fun seeing where others place shows especially if it’s really weird placings and not just Ani at 11 and Twisted at 1 (not saying they can’t be! Absolutely no judgment on my part!!).
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tentastic-yu-ki · 5 years
just pentagon things
(with links to stuff !!)
this took me so long to make heheh but i hope you like it !! <3
v o c a l s from the gods
god herself cast her hands upon him and now he has the voice of a million angels
doing ALL the parts in bohemian rhapsody bc of course
grandpa #1
a lil bean :’)
fake maknae
his fluffy bangs during naughty boy era are on the list of my favorite things ever
his cheeks y’all
ok but he looks eerily similar to jiheon from fromis_9 when they smile idk if i’m the only one who sees it but
whenever he does the little wave thingy you know what i’m talking about
he sings in fluent english and it makes my heart flutter every. single. time.
lowkey done with the rest of the members but loves them so much
yuto lifting him up at the end of naughty boy relay dance is basically that one scene from the lion king
tbh the members are always lifting him up and it’s precious
his lil cape during shine
hwitaek in general is just bsidjsbdhdb
such a good leader :’)
i have no talent
mr hwitaek has all the talent
if i’m lucky some of mr hwitaeks talent may rub off on me
i just ?? love him ??!
his piano playing in the gorilla acoustic video makes me weak in the knees
pentagon of leader
y’all remember his twin brother manuel
i play jazz piano and holy shit i could only hope to gain half the talent he has in his hands alone let alone his vOICE
grandpa #2
i have so much appreciation for him and i look up to him a whole lot as a musician i just don’t know how to express my love
critical beauty was his era bitches
constantly being corrected by hongseok
such a groovy ass mf
lee hwitaek vs the english language
he is gorgeous !??!? kills me with his gaze
smile needs more appreciation
he killed it in triple h especially his vocals in 365 fresh
jangjigi jangjigi jang jang jang
ABS :0
‘can i have a bite’ lmao
the group mom
but he’s a cool mom
his eyes are so frickin adorable :’)
absolutely hilarious oh my god
good ass storyteller
two words: his. lips.
his laugh is precious guys like i can’t
this video from the real man
when he shaved his hair off before the real man 300
hongseok x jinho ?? cute as hell
just lovely
such an underappreciated member
i stg whenever he speaks english it’s either to correct somebody, say hi to international fans, or its something completely ridiculous and i love it
y e l l i n g
he and hyuna being a power couple
popping dancing
owned the gorilla era imo
!! tattoos !!
a whole plant dad
his hairstyle suits him so well omg
did i mention yelling
i wish the best for him (and hyuna) and he’ll always be a part of pentagon in our hearts <3
his eyes when he smiles :’))))
video of him yelling in case you don’t know what i’m talking about
also this
S U P P O R T H I M or i’m coming for u
also support p nation !!
hot shinwon yeah u want ?!
the visual
like the man is a whole model
i kinda just want to sit and have tea with him he seems like that kind of friend
his legs are so underrated
his breathy laugh is amazing
probably slowly losing his patience with the members
when i first got into pentagon i was like hm he seems like the mature one
but none of them are the mature one
we will never forget
it seems like in fanfics he’s always some sort of ceo or manager or fashion designer and i’m here for it
always providing quality content whether he realizes it or not
always providing quality content whether we realize it or not
trying to make food while hui was asleep and then realizing he didn’t have chopsticks
his name is actually shinpon excuse you
absolutely losing his shit during the sha la la don’t smile challenge (13:11)
can you really blame him tho it was funny as hell
screaming + running in fear? shinwon invented that.
yeo one
he cares so much about universe :’)
compilation of him asking universe if we’ve eaten today because he cares
him almost kicking himself in the face that one time i can’t find the video agh
super lovable and wholesome
ok but his teeth
his smile is just so pretty ???
boi is drop dead gorgeous
so pure and just HKSNSBSJS
his asmr videos? yes king
he really expected me to sit there for almost an hour listening to him whisper the members names over and over?
and he was right because i did
yeo one makes me feel the same things i did when i saw bubbles in the air at disney world for the first time
he’s just like that
boyfriend material
the boy is hilarious
he just reminds me of a whole bottle of sprinkles yknow
like if rainbow sprinkles were a person
it’s yanan and yanan only
high note battle with jinho
he’s tol but his voice is smol
“don’t talk with me”
earrings lmao
probably smells like vanilla tbh
‘can you please edit this out?’
he’s literally gonna give me cavities with his sweetness
just from looking at pics of him
i like don’t even know what to say he’s just a ball of sunshine :’)))
so sweet i could put him in my coffee
he deserves so much more that he gets
i’m running out of ways to reiterate that yanan deserves all the love in the world
y’all better appreciate him or i’m coming for u and ur whole family
he’s just out here chillin, his smile making the world a better place
my uwus? gone. snatched if you will
it’s ya boy toto
him being spooked by ghost stories
cLINGY !!!!!
two words: back. hugs.
i want a yuto hug hmph :((
his laugh is so cute i just-
him being spooked by the dark
his guy-fieri-reminiscent shirt
(you know the one)
him being spooked in general
i will protect this boy with my LIFE
we need more yuto aegyo
but also his visuals make me spontaneously combust
somebody call the fire brigade yknow
when he had the eyebrow slit i cried
im at a loss for how to express my love for adachi yuto
can i have his dangly earrings pls thanks
he’s always feeding everybody it’s so cute
our nagano boy :’)
cough excuse me i had something in my throat i meant our nagano pRINCE
this video of his ‘high note’ and wink never fails to make me laugh
he reminds me of this guy ive had a crush on for a long while ?? like personalitywise they’re oddly similar,, he’s cute n shy but also tall and vv clingy ??? and he recently started doing his hair differently and it’s literally yutos hairstyle i almost stopped breathing ok
also his hugs feel like what i imagine a yuto hug would feel like and i only realized it just now as i’m writing this
he’s my little honeybunch cinnamon apple sugarplum gumdrop babyboy
i just love kang hyunggu a whole lot if you can’t tell by um
the rest of my blog
my profile image
my lockscreen ffs
do i even need to say that he’s my bias
duality? he invented that.
hyunggu being a cutie patootie vs kino being rUDE AS HELL
like he’s a grape juice box and a whole ass bottle of fine wine yknow what i mean
the lace blindfold ?? somebody pinch me
i mean have y’all heard voicegasm ??
he did that shit
he’s under arrest for stealing my heart~
(and my uwus)
i don’t even need to say it bc y’all already know but he’s the dance KING
the violet bby
“he’s sensitive”
when hyojong changed the number song lyrics to joke about him being sensitive (2:25)
when he wears big sweaters :’)
i miss his lil ponytail during naughty boy
ppl never talk about this but he’s surprisingly good at languages ?!?
his laugh is one of my favorite sounds on the planet
that one move in can you feel it (01:55 in the mv) gets me every. single. time.
the kino list is long but i just have so much love for this boy
he a long boi
i cant find the vid but there’s this one moment at a fansign or something where he just stepped over the table like it was a completely normal thing to do ?!???!?
i keep getting shocked over and over about how generally handsome he is
any hair works on him like ??? magic ?!?
screaming during lost paradise
and most songs
and most of the time anyway
i love him lots and lots tho
can pull off the goth look
can pull off the emo look
can pull off any look
he belongs in an opera lmfaooo
his acrostic poems
i’m a star ? that shit sLAPS
this boy is carrying the entire rap industry on his bACK
i’m sad that i cant think of more stuff for wooseokie
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rqs902 · 5 years
i didnt bother with posting about ep 9 of ‘all for one’ but here we are on the last ep lol...
ok but ep 9 was literally just a big karaoke fest / fan meeting so nothing really stood out to me.... 
im starting this note halfway thru the ep after seeing huang zhibo’s line in pinlin’s group’s performance bc he did so well im so proud!!!!!!!! omgosh his stage presence has improved!! mainly this is all i wanted to say bc i actually really like zhibo even tho he didnt get much time to shine throughout this show :c ok even tho they had to color his hair for half his line, for the ending they didnt and just filtered the whole screen (thankfully) bc he really looks so nice here ahhhh 
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omg he also got a random closeup later!!
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omg i literally rewinded and replayed this one part so many times to watch zhibo.... i really like his dancing!!! 
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ok but objectively pinlin’s group killed it, compared with the other 2 groups LOL
but ok i guess i should say something about what’s happened so far.... poor naicha’s group always gets stuck with doing a stage thats like 10x harder than all the other groups.... lol so is anyone actually surprised with the results from the first round?? is anyone gonna explain what happened to half of the members of he yifan’s group? lol.........
i think aj’s group did really well! their song really suited them and did feel very 潮 lol i think huadi KILLED IT and aj’s smile is always a highlight of their stages. i think ill always feel like i wish jojo had a bigger role in their perfs but it is what it is. i really liked their song
for new storm to be performing uniq’s monster feels so weird..... like the entire show is/was basically a whole big yuehua promotional strategy lol 
ok im sorry hong weizhe but wenhan started the song better LOL ;;; but also i love zongying and hes adorable but i think he messed up on stage and also his stage presence still needs some work.... why does it just look like hes glaring LOL yang bingzhuo is pulling off the short hair well! why is yixuan bald yanxiu singing his heart out!! and haolian’s smile aw haolian is really just a tall baby lol 
tuo xian mu ou.............. im crying........ their performance was so..... thoughtful. goodness even with a performance with minimal choreography, naicha designed every aspect of it with care. he always brings out the best qualities of each member through their performances and that is truly admirable. gao xin starting and ending the song, mu sen’s voice!! and guanguan’s, especially the line they sing together wow, zhang peng is beautiful and i need more of his voice too, zirui singing his heart out, long-ge’s dancing that brings people to tears, chen shun’s rap that cant be replicated, the little montage at the end, and naicha mentioned the formation at long-ge’s center part matching from their first performance and also their star levels matching from their original first grading -- bringing him back to being the only class leader with just 4 stars..... the fact that theyre all crying and hugging and selina and fei are crying im--- ahhhh gao xin and zheng peng’s friendship im truly ahhhhhh 
im sure they knew going into the last round that it would be highly unlikely that they would win... but i think they really showed us that they deserved to. 
ugh this ending song again feels biased toward new storm lol just like alllll the editing lol. i really like yanxiu’s voice! GAO XIN ZHANG PENG FRIENDSHIP AHHH omg yunlong holding a haoyu sign is the cutest thing!!
lol the fact that pinlin is in that new soy milk commercial im laUGHING theres really no doubt that he’ll make it still lol
naicha’s speech at the end was short but he stated facts. they lost the competition but they didnt lose face. tuo xian mu ou had the best stages 
poor aj.... never got to win first place this entire show........ and then he doesnt get to talk at the end?? ?lol
wow new storm won wow much surprise wow i definitely wasnt expecting this at all wow 
i feel like the whole concept of “popular class” is such a cop-out move LOL feels bad for the members of new storm who arent popular and probs arent gonna get treated like winners even tho they won.......... im concerned for yanxiu
i bet none of them actually even wanna be in “popular class” bc it totally ties them down / separates them from their actual classes... this is literally just to satisfy angry pinlin istg 
oh and theyre gonna go from 7 up? am i suddenly watching idol producer??? ooo chen shun!!! recognizing talent! naicha crying for him!!! and the fact that gao xin’s tall body jumped up as soon as she said tuo xian mu ou... awwww and he prob knew it wouldnt be himself but he was so happy for his team members c: gao xin is a giant softie 
at least since new storm had so many popular kids, that leaves a couple of spaces open in “popular class” lol 
lol i almost forgot about wang di oops now that im thinking about the kids who lost... why didnt they invite back the other teams?? like wait what about like yati and boxuan and ziyue -- i thought they liked them?? i mean i get they got eliminated halfway thru the show but still.... i feel like they were memorable / contributed a lot to this show
can we talk about haoyu running over to comfort huadi!!?!? ahhh 
yea about the whole “i dont think they even want to be in popular class”  -- literally i feel like huadi and aj and naicha are crying when they go on stage because they had to leave their original class behind....... 
im crying watching long-ge gesturing for a crying naicha to go on without them....
ok my tears havent even dried yet but im laughing at them trying to make it so suspenseful who got first place......... ITS PINLIN NO ONE IS DOUBTING THAT ITS PINLIN EVERYONE KNOWS ITS PINLIN OK THANKS
wow look at pinlin literally getting 3x the number of votes as yangtong at #2..... wow 
also just looking at yangtong, aj, and huadi’s rankings it makes sense why yoyo class was consistently like second place lol
haoyu and huadi coming out to welcome pinlin first is...... the most......... ahhhhh
and ofc they pan to his class -- aka look at yunlong’s proud smile and zhibo going from happy to sad in like 30 seconds
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wow we really going for #8 and #9 at the same time? are you sure im not watching qcyn? 
OH MY GOODNESS ZHIBO AGAINST LONG GE????? ZHIBO IS POPULAR???? HAHAHAHHAHA OMG WHATTTT ok i expected long-ge and long-ge def deserves it but omg i didnt realize zhibo was popular lol omg yuehua owns this show istg
i feel like long-ge will win.... but also i feel like long-ge doesnt want to win........ i totally see him as someone who would prefer to go off on his own and not be tied down by this show any longer... but also chen shun and naicha are like his best buds on this show so at least he’d have them.... zhibo i feel like would need / want this win more.. because i think he’d have a lot more to show us that he hasnt gotten to yet / may not have the chance to if he just goes back to yuehua. 
pinlin and yixuan and all the yuehua kids running off stage to comfort zhibo....... yall couldnt get your fans to vote for zhibo i guess.......... well we all know that if he yifan hadnt dropped out, he’d be in top 8 and therefore not long-ge so.... thats just something to keep in mind :\ tbh feels bad for guanguan (and jojo) bc he was on zui you xiu with chen shun and long-ge... but i think guanguan didnt get to demonstrate himself as much as they did on this show... even tho naicha tried his best (and succeeded in doing so more than any other leader) to highlight each of their strengths
lol the way they announce the two groups its like “new storm!” and then a huge long list of names for popular class -- like hmm i wonder which one is the actual winners......
i keep getting scared that yixuans gonna hit haolian in the face with that giant thing lol
HAHAHAHA the ending is just pinlin doing 99999 last minute cfs for their sponsors 
hmmm so how do i feel about the popular class -- theyre gonna be called Black ACE? oh ok lol isnt it kinda funny that 4 of them were in “trigger” from the very beginning together? (just like how 4 of the yuehua kids are in New storm...) interesting how things kinda were set from the beginning lol. i honestly feel like pinlin, wang di and yang tong kinda stick out to me in this group, but i wonder what this mix of what feels like is “yoyo and tuo xian plus 2” will turn out. 
well now i guess its time to watch out for these two groups and also keep an eye out for guanguan, zhibo, mu sen, gao xin, zhang peng, and jojo to see what they get to do next!
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333kaylynn · 6 years
tattoo / e.d. (soulmate!au)
request: no im jus bored
word count: 1584
tags: @bouttogolinkurbitch @kara-dolan @dimply-dolan @notanotherdolantwinsblog @chaaandlaah @profanitydolan @justanotherdolanblog @obsidiandolans @lonestarhazel @olivia-m-dolan 
Everyone had one. You were born with it. It wasn't even like a tattoo, more like a birthmark. It goes away after you meet your true love, though. It isn't permanent like a tattoo or a birthmark. But the love you’ll have after you meet your one true love, that’s permanent. And I think that’s the whole point of it. The mark isn’t permanent, but your love is. No matter what stupid arguments you may get in, no matter what dumb little fights happen, your love is permanent. 
The small exclamation point that was marked on the inside of your right ring finger had been there since you were welcomed into the world. It was small, it took you a minute to find it once you got to the age where your parents could explain it to you. It was always a dream of yours ever since then to find your soulmate. You loved the look of the little mark, but you also wanted it to go away so badly. 
You were now 17, your last year of high school. You and your best friend were at the biggest football game of the season. Your school’s team had the biggest winning streak of the entire conference. It was almost as if nobody was worried you would lose. 
“Look at him! God, y/n. He’s attractive.” Your best friend said, pointing down at the field. You laughed at her and looked down, not sure which one she was pointing at. 
“Which one? Number 8 is pretty attractive, Julia.” You say, watching the brown-haired quarterback. You smiled and looked over at your friend who started to speak, “No, number 36.” 
You laughed and looked at the boy who had caught the ball and began running, soon throwing it to another member before he got tackled by the opposing team’s number 7. “Oh right, I forgot you were into blondes. Ask him over here at half-time.” You looked over at the scoreboard that showed the time left, 30 seconds were left on the board. Number 47 ran across the field and through to number 8, who had soon made the goal right before the time was up. 
It was now half-time, the boys running to the bench and throwing their helmets off, showing their ruffled up and sweaty hair. You looked at Julia and she gave you a “don’t you dare” look, which made you laugh and yell, “Yo! Blondie! 36! Hey! Yes you, yeah! My friend thinks your hot!” Your yelling earned you a hard slap from Julia who sat beside you. 
“I’ll give you my number!” The blonde boy yelled, running up to the bleachers where we were seated. Julia smiled and walked down to meet him at the bottom of the bleachers. He put his number into her phone before telling her he had to go talk to his teammates. She smiled and nodded before turning around and showing me her wrist before she could even get up the steps. She was ecstatic. She had a large flower tattoo on her wrist and it was now gone. 
“I told you! I’m a matchmaker!” You laughed and hugged her. The game was starting again and you took a sip of your gatorade while intensely watching the game. Football wasn’t your favorite sport if you were being honest, but it definitely was fun to watch and really pumped you up. You were very much in school spirit when you went to the games, even when it was the little games that didn’t really matter to anyone else. 
The game lasted for another 40 minutes before your team had gotten the last goal of the night, giving them yet another victory. Your team would now be going to state, which was a huge accomplishment. You along with everyone else on your side of the bleachers started cheering for your school, leaving the opponents fans with angry or sad faces. 
Julia hopped down the bleachers and ran over to the boy she had just met, who is supposedly named Lukas. Leaving you alone, you took another swig of your gatorade before walking over to Julia and Lukas who sat with the rest of the team while they got their bags together. They walked to the gym locker room and Julia waved goodbye to Lukas, who smiled at her and waved back. 
You and Julia walked to your car and you two drove back to your house, Julia decides to stay over. You two go up to your room and Julia is all over her phone, typing away to who you assume is Lukas. You laugh at her newly found obsession but continue to congratulate her on finding her one true love. She thanks you before finally looking up from her phone, “Apparently Ethan Dolan is throwing a party with his brother Grayson because they won the game. Wanna go? It’s tomorrow.” 
You grinned and nodded, excited for a party, “Wait, who’s Ethan Dolan?” 
“Number 8. Grayson is number 47.” She looks at you and smirks, remembering that you called him hot at the game earlier. You grinned and nodded, “Oh yes, I’d definitely tap that. Oh if he was mine I’d totally die. Not even joking.” 
“I gotta admit, he is attractive. I hope he’s the one for you too.” 
The party was supposedly going to be one to remember, which usually meant that something fucking epic was going to occur. You and Julia were getting ready for the night, you doing your makeup and Julia deciding on whether she should wear a black or white shirt. “Wear the black one, we’re going to a party not a church.” 
Julia groaned and threw the white shirt at you, yelling at you to shut up. You laughed and finished your eyes by putting on your fake lashes. 
Julia handed you the outfit she had chose for you. You normally let her choose your outfits because you were more of a makeup person and she was more of a clothes person. You put on the tight yellow turtleneck and put on the denim skirt that had lied neatly on your bed. 
You and Julia walked out to your car and drove to the party. Lukas met you guys there and said he’d introduce you to Ethan. “Julia! You weren’t supposed to tell anyone!” You snapped, tugging on her hair. “Ow! Hey! You did it first with Lukas! It’s just payback.” You looked at her quick as the light turned red and yelled, “Yeah, but you two are actually TOGETHER! How is that fair?” 
Julia sighed and looked back at Lukas, before Lukas piped up and said, “ Ethan told me he thought you were hot, so I mean it’s worth a shot. But don’t tell him I told you, he’ll kill me. Literally.” You laughed and pulled up to the driveway of the house where the party was being held. 
Lukas introduced you and Julia to a few of his friends, before him and Julia left you. You walked over to the drinks and poured yourself a cup of whatever it was they had been serving. A bottle of svedka sat next to the punch bowl, and you mixed yourself a drink. You took a huge gulp and gagged a bit as the burning alcohol went down your throat. Soon after you took another gulp and it went down smoother than the first time. You wandered around and went over to the living room where the speakers were blaring Japan by Famous Dex. You laughed and started dancing to the music with a few of the other people who were swaying their hips and grinding up against one another. 
The song switched to Neighbors Know My Name by Trey Songz, which left you to begin grinding against whoever was behind you. They gripped your hips and moving your bodies in sync with the music. Your head tilted back and rested on the boy who was dancing with you. You turn around and look at them, soon realizing it was Ethan. You smirked and continued to dance with him while you two began talking. 
“You’re a good dancer.” Ethan yelled over the music, pulling you closer to him. You smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I try.” Ethan laughed and continued to hold onto your hips that swayed in tune with the music. He looked down and watched you as you turned your head and looked around. “Hey, just out of curiosity, but do you have an exclamation point on your body?” 
You were hoping he did, or at least he used to. You looked down at your finger and saw that your mark was gone, which only meant one thing. 
“It’s gone. I guess you’re the one?” Ethan grinned, pulling your body even close than before. 
“I guess.” You grinned, hugging him and laughing before pulling him off the dancefloor. The two of you went to go find Julia so you could tell her. 
Julia hugged you and told you she told you so, which made you groan and end up walking back over to Ethan who was sitting on the couch and talking to Lukas. 
“Lukas told me you said I was hot! I’m sorry I can’t keep a secret.” You blurted, making Ethan look from you and turn to stare angrily at Lukas.
“Dude! Weren’t you listening! He’s gonna murder me!” Lukas says before hopping off the couch and scurrying away. 
“Damn right!” Ethan yells before chasing Lukas around his house. 
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