#i mean - not ​unless your name is bill clinton
odinsblog · 2 years
“Democratic centrists suffered setbacks that should keep them in check
Because the Republican Party is so terrible, I want Democrats to win any seat they can. That said, I am often leery of the tactics of some Democratic candidates, particularly from the party’s more centrist bloc. Many of those tactics failed this week — which should ensure that they don’t spread within the party.
Rep. Tim Ryan, running for a Senate seat in Ohio, sharply criticized Biden’s student loan cancellation and implied (inaccurately in my view) that the Democratic Party is writing off states that don’t have lots of college graduates.
If Ryan had won in this red state, his approach would have been hailed as what Democrats must do to win, even though it’s really just pandering to moderate and conservative-leaning White men. But Ryan lost to Republican J.D. Vance by about 7 percentage points.
In Florida’s U.S. Senate race, the Democratic candidate, Rep. Val Demings, emphasized her tenure as Orlando’s police chief and repeatedly rebuked activists who have called for defunding the police. I hope Demings’s crushing defeat (by more than 16 points) shows Democrats that whatever electoral problems they have related to crime, policing and race, those aren’t going to be solved by trying to out-cop the Republicans.
Democratic policies did even better than Democratic candidates
South Dakota voted to expand Medicaid. Kentucky rejected an antiabortion amendment to its constitution. Missouri voters legalized marijuana. Democratic candidates resoundingly lost in these states.
There were a lot of progressive ballot initiatives this year adopted on those issues and others, in both red and blue states. This continues a pattern — Democratic policies were passed by referendums throughout the 2010s even as Republicans kept winning elections.
I would trade in a heartbeat Michigan and Minnesota going blue at the state level and all of those successful progressive ballot initiatives in exchange for Democrats keeping the House and Senate. Congress is just hugely important. I’m not sure a party can consider it a good election cycle if it loses a house in Congress, as still seems very possible for Democrats.”
— The 2022 Midterms in Review (by Perry Bacon, Jr.)
(continue reading)
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ararebreedstory · 2 years
A Horror movie I'd seriously recommend for people to watch this October, just in time for Halloween. (Or any time of year really.) If you've never seen it, I'd really suggest you give it a chance.
Pumpkinhead (1988):
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My personal favorite horror movie of all time. I was 4 or 5 years old when I first rented it, and I've been obsessed ever since.
Based on the poem by Ed Justin:
"Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
Unless you're tired of living.
His enemies are mostly dead,
He's mean and unforgiving.
Laugh at him and you're undone,
But in some dreadful fashion,
Vengeance, he considers fun,
And plans it with a passion.
Time will not erase or blot,
A plot that he has brewing.
It's when you think that he's forgot,
He'll conjure your undoing.
Bolted doors and windows barred,
Guard dogs prowling in the yard.
Won't protect you in your bed,
Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead."
Spoiler Free general Idea about the plot:
(No the creature doesn't have a pumpkin for a head, it's a demon. It's name is basically Vengeance, but it comes from this old pumpkin patch graveyard, and the locals just call it pumpkinhead because of that.)
"For each of man's evils, a special demon exists, you're lookin at vengeance. Cruel, devious, pure as venom, vengeance."
"When I was young, folks used to talk about...  Said how you knew things.  Said if a man had been wronged, he could come to you, and you’d call upon... This thing... In that man’s name – and that man, he’d be avenged."
Songs About Pumpkinhead:
Pumpkinhead by The Misfits:
Punkinhed by Boondox:
It has a sequel "Pumpkinhead 2 - Blood Wings" That is also in my opinion worth watching. I also loved it as a kid, and still do even today. Many people shit on it, it was a lower budget film, and it went straight to VHS. But I still love it, almost as much as the original.
However part 3 and 4 are terrible and not worth watching at all. We don't talk about them. lol
Pumpkinhead 2 Song: "Just Like You" by Roger Clinton (Yes the black sheep brother of president Bill Clinton.)
The plot of part 2 is similar to the first one, but it's different enough as to not be the exact same story told again. And that song posted above has lyrics that oddly enough tell a vague, spoiler free, story about part of the movie.
And who knew Bill Clinton had a brother (Don't hold that against Roger) and that he could actually sing? I love this song, and listen to it every so often, as well as rewatching the movie.
I enjoyed these movies, songs, as well as the poem, and hope anyone that hasn't encountered them before will too. Happy Halloween and October.
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
“This is because poor white people have been systematically conditioned to support white supremacy at the direct expense of their own economic and social interests; it’s terrible, but that’s how it functions.” Do you think the rich white overlords have also been conditioned to support the system?
“while disdaining the government as tyrannical the rest of the time, unless it’s Trump’s actively tyrannical lot, but hey, we don’t have time to unpack all that)” Can you unpack some of that? I don’t understand. Thanks. Love your political posts. 
(If anyone’s wondering, this is carrying on from/in reference to this ask from yesterday on how to dismantle arguments about “I’m white and my life has been hard therefore racism isn’t real.”)
The third part of the white supremacist equation in America, aside from racism and capitalism, is religion, especially fundamentalist and evangelical Christianity. We didn’t get to that in the last ask, but it’s an equally important factor in the social and cultural landscape of this particular demographic -- especially because the GOP has essentially become its political manifestation, and religious conservatism has become tied so deeply to a set of hot-button social issues (immigration, the gays, abortion, etc). As a lot of social scientists and lay observers have noted, religious belief in America remains staggeringly high relative to the rest of the industrialized Western world. Ever since the rise of religious conservatives as a mobilised political force in the 1980s, we have had to deal with their influence and the GOP’s willingness to function as an eager and uncritical vehicle for their social agenda. Fundamentalist/evangelical Christianity in America has also served as a powerful tool of promoting white supremacy. In fundamentalist religions, it’s a sin to question anything you’re told and you have to trust that a “higher authority” has your best interests at heart. This lends itself easily to personality cults: think the charismatic mega-preachers and other high-profile figures that exist in mainstream and fringe American evangelicalism alike, as well as the cult of Trump that now exists around the Orange Fuhrer.
Some books on this:
The Sin of White Supremacy: Christianity, Racism, and Religious Diversity in America, by Jeannine Hill Fletcher
White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity by Robert P. Jones (you can also read a Washington Post interview with him here, and his piece in The Atlantic here.)
The Cult of Trump by Steven Hassan
When you intertwine the moral imperatives of fundamentalist religion (if you don’t believe the right things, you’ll go to hell), with the centuries-old American system of prizing whiteness at the expense of everything else, with the belief that your rich white overlords are more “your people” than your differently-colored working-class peers, you get an incredibly powerful and coercive system of mental conditioning that works on multiple levels, constantly reinforces itself, and is very difficult to break away from. And frankly, it’s difficult to tell if the most high-profile mouthpieces of these views actually believe it (maybe to some degree) or if they just use it to obtain a comfortable life at the expense of vulnerable people. Honestly, I’m not sure if it matters whether or not the overlords believe everything they themselves teach (and I’m pretty certain that they don’t). They know that it ends up as a good deal for them, and so it’s in their interests to maintain the system as vigorously as possible.
You may have heard of “prosperity gospel” evangelists, who claim to their poor followers that if they give them, the evangelists, all their money as a demonstration of faith, God will automatically reward them/provide for their economic needs, and it’s a sign of too little faith if you don’t believe this, therefore you will stay poor. You may have also heard of the recent sex scandal involving Jerry Falwell Jr., son of the famous Jerry Falwell and current president (though he was forced to resign) of the ultra-fundamentalist Liberty University in Virginia. This, of course, goes up there with all the other hard-right politicians who preached family values and Moral Purity and then turned out to be hypocrites who were failing to live up to these ideas in private. American evangelicalism is a deeply weird and self-reinforcing universe that provides adherents with everything they need to live in a parallel version of reality and feel holier-than-thou about not interacting with “infidels,” and yes, a huge part of that, especially white Protestant evangelicalism, involves preaching the gospel of white supremacy, implicitly or explicitly.
So at the end of this, we have a system which orchestrates and indeed insists upon complete obedience to the overlords (be they economic, racial, or religious) by the underclass at every turn. As I noted above, the rich white overlords themselves know that they benefit immensely from this setup, so the question of whether or not they actually believe it is less important. As also noted, they sure don’t make any attempt to live up to it in private, or at least trust that they won’t be found out if they don’t. That’s because (at least in my opinion) they know perfectly well that it sucks. They don’t want to be poor either, but it’s useful for them if there are poor people. Fundamentalism is also deeply predicated on suffering: it’s holy to suffer, poverty is a virtue, you shouldn’t worry about this world so much as what you will get after you die, thinking about material things is Sinful, God will magically provide everything that you need, so on and so forth. So even if they’re voting against their own self-interests, white working class religious people have been assured that is a virtue anyway and they should keep doing it. Only heathens like socialism.
That also makes it harder to get any dialogue of social justice going in (white) churches. Black churches have obviously been at the forefront of social justice struggles in America for their entire history, but that’s because white and black American Christianity are often very different. There are overlaps in places, but the black church was founded in the slave tradition, rather than the slaveholder tradition, as the establishment church in the 19th century was often a zealous supporter of slavery for the “moral good” of the slaves -- hey, they might be in terrible bondage, but at least they had the chance to be saved by becoming Christians! White Americans tend to go to church to be reassured that what they’re doing is good and doesn’t need to change, or if it does need to be changed, it’s to outlaw abortion or gay marriage or whatever social issue is the order of the day. It’s founded on repression rather than liberation. This isn’t true of every church everywhere, of course, but the overall trend is one toward social and religious hyper-conservatism.
This ties into the “civic faith” of America, i.e. the sphere of cultural Christianity that everyone participates in whether they’re actively religious or not, and which has also been the subject of political studies as to how it has been twisted into an organ of feel-good jingoistic American nationalism with very little reference to what Jesus Christ is recorded as having actually taught. The point again is that this entire belief system prizes absolute obedience and adherence to a (white and male) Supreme Leader, which is really easy for a fascist to exploit with populist rhetoric draped in the shabbiest veneer of religious language. The enthusiastic evangelical support for Trump, and the way the religious right has bent over backward from trying to impeach Bill Clinton for a blowjob in the Oval Office to defending serial rapist Trump is... both enlightening and terribly depressing. (Not to say that Clinton isn’t gross, because he is, but that’s beside the point; the GOP went on a frothing-mouth moral crusade over his behavior and it’s absolute crickets over Trump.)
In the end, we have this entire subset of people who have argued that they need their guns and their paramilitary organizations to defend against a theoretical “tyrannical” (read: non-white, non-Christian) body politic or American government. That’s why we had constant claims that Obama was going to throw people into concentration camps or send federal agents to arrest people off the streets or turn America into a military dictatorship; these proud AR-15-waving nutcases were happy to inform us that they would rise up and prevent that from happening. Of course, Obama didn’t actually do any of that, but you know who did? Trump. And his supporters, of course, didn’t make any attempt to stop it from happening. Instead they actively went out to help it happen more. (Side note: a little racist shitstain literally named RITTENHOUSE being the face of armed and murderous white supremacy in the Kenosha protests is like... ridiculously on the nose, PAGING GARCIA FLYNN.)
So when I say they’re protesting “government tyranny,” we’ve already gotten a good look at what they imagine tyranny to be: i.e. anything except the actual tyranny we’re already enduring, because it’s coming from their orange messiah and it is the culmination of everything that their religious, political, social, and cultural values have taught them. They mean “tyranny” of anything that is not their extreme right-wing, white-supremacist, religious-fundamentalist fascist version of things, which means respect or tolerance or room for anyone who isn’t exactly like them, which they can’t abide. Totalitarianism never can.
Anyway, I hope that was helpful. Thanks for the question!
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uptownraisedme-blog · 4 years
Family Feud
For as long as I can remember American society has been tarnishing the image of the black man. As of the more recent years, we are seeing icons being stripped of their hard work, legacy, and inspiring exploits. What’s worse is, the American society is using black women to tear down these beloved black men. The late great Micheal Jackson has been tormented, while living, with accusations of being a child molester and after death, when he could no longer defend himself. There was a recent situation with the late, great, Kobe Byrant when Gayle King decided to unsympathetically bring up his rape accusations which he was proved innocent for. I could go on with names like, Bill Cosby and R. Kelly. Before you get to thinking, well “they did it!” So did Harvey Weinstein and Elvis Presley but we don’t hear about those names. They are not defamed and condemned for their actions publicly. So you see, this blog isn’t about right or wrong because the justice system doesn’t judge based on right or wrong, but that’s a discussion for another day. It seems as if the American white agenda is to emasculate the young generations of black Kings while defaming our iconic and inspiring legends. They use black women to do so! For me that is beyond sickening. How are we tearing down the men that we make our children with? That we raise families with? It doesn’t make sense to me. We always exclaim we want equality with men but why? Especially black women, knowing what our black men have to go through on a daily basis. We are over sexualized beings, who’s intellect is denied or disregarded continuously, and although we are the nurturers of the world, we don’t get our credit. Our men are victims of this same thing, robbed of their innovations and creativity, emasculated consistently (sometimes in front of their women and children), criminalized, sexualized, discriminated against, and the list goes on. They wake up in the morning and begin to battle a war, first with themselves, then with the world, and unfortunately they may even battle at home with their wives. Why do we do this to our men?
Black women, lets look at the “feminist movement” which fought for our right to vote (phase one), which was pushed forward by none other than a black man! The legendary Fredrick Douglass exclaimed he couldn’t accept the right to vote unless women could too. Yet we tear the men, that come from similar stock, down! But since then the only women that seem to have benefited from the feminist movement has been middle class white women. They get better jobs, seeing that, when they stopped being housekeepers, and childcare providers, black women took on those duties allowing them to get out in the work force (phase two). Those were the same jobs in which middle class white women were trying to get out of doing. So while we were helping raise their children, we weren’t raising our own. The men were at work or trying to find work as well, so again who is raising our children? This movement has torn our families apart, on top of that, during phase 3 (late 80′s-Current, #MeToo movement, etc). During the 80s, Regan coined the term “war on drugs” and in the 90s Bill Clinton passed the Crime Bill, which created the 3 strikes and that’s life rule. Now as one can put together this is destroying the family. When the factories began shutting down, black men needed work, the drugs entered the US via government, and flooded the black communities. If you are caught with a certain amount and/or type of drugs, it was considered a felony which is your first strike, if convicted. So now the fathers aren’t home and the mothers are working, and no one is raising the children.
To put the mural together, black women are upset with black men for falling victim to this trap that the system put in play for him (this goes back as far as slavery). The women are taking care of the household and becoming the providers and protectors which was a role we weren’t accustom too. Emotions like anger and frustration began to arise but we were upset with our men for trying to find a way to provide when they saw no other way because jobs were being stripped from the community. Our children are being left at home with people who can’t be trusted. At the the time, we were unaware, as we needed childcare, so we could “make ends meet.” I believe this all carries over to now! Are we still angry? Are we still bitter? Can we not forgive and begin to heal one another? WE MUST DEFEND EACH OTHER the same way other races/ethnic groups defend their men. Not that we have to condone improper behavior but we must defend our own in public and scold them in private. Some people just need help and guidance and if we can give them that then we should. Stop hating each other and love on one other. To hate someone that looks like you, just means you are hating yourself. Lets reverse the systematic oppression and not allow them to use us against us! They’ve seen how divide and conquer has worked within the black community, now that’s show them how unity destroys their division! We have to stick together and build each other up in public. Allow our private issues to remain private and handle them accordingly when they go public. Be emphatic and considerate of all parties involved WITHOUT tearing down your black man. There is always a reason behind misconduct, “hurt people, hurt people” so instead of judging be understanding so we can move forward as a people. We are conquer’s and we can overcome the mental warfare, but it starts with unity, with family!
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spiderfan22 · 4 years
So I put more work into this one. Hope it shows. Special thanks to the podcast Slow Burn for the inspiration.
(November 1995. Late night, White House cafeteria. The place is empty and mostly dark. Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States, sits eating a cold slice of cheese pizza, washing it down with a can of Pepsi, the rest of the pizza along with a file on the table next to him. He is alone. Enter Dick Morris, political advisor.)
Clinton: Well if it ain’t “Charlie”. Back from the wars.
Dick: Mister President.
Clinton: (taps file with greasy pizza finger) So camping, huh? They want me to go camping, ‘stead of play golf. Think golf is too what, snooty or something? “How I spent my summer vacation” —
Dick: Mister President, you asked me to put the poll in the field.
Clinton: But I like golfing, it relaxes me. Don’t got a handicap for shit, but—
Dick: Well then, you’ll just have to wait, won’t you sir? I mean, plenty of time after you leave office.
Clinton: Oh, in that case only next year—
Dick: Come on, now don't. You know you’re gonna win re-election—  
Clinton: Think so, do ya? After I just got my ass handed to me in the midterms?  
Dick: A setback.
Clinton: More’n a setback, Dick. That son of a bitch Gingrich is calling it a mandate on my policies, that I just got my BUTT SPANKED by the American people! You know a Republican hasn’t been Speaker of the House since the fifties? Now what is that?!
Dick: I’m a Republican.
Clinton: And you’d make a shitty speaker of the house, don’t get my started.
Dick: Go camping, Mister President. Show ‘em what a down to earth guy you are.
Clinton: Mosquitoes biting the hell out of your arms and ankles. And you can never get the damn tent put up right, takes half the damn day.
Dick: Think the Secret Service could help with that.
Clinton: (re pizza) You want a piece of this? It’s cold but—
Dick: No thank you sir, I already ate.
Clinton: (big bite) “Already ate...” What are you counting calories now? You on Weight Watchers? It’s called a midnight snack, it DOESN’T COUNT. Just go jogging like I do. (Wipes his mouth with a napkin. Pause)
Dick: So what’s going on, sir?
Clinton: What do you mean? Nothing.
Dick: Okay.
Clinton: Nothing. Just hungry.
Dick: Sure you’re not tired?
Clinton: ‘Course I’m tired, it’s one AM.
Dick: I know the hour, sir, but it’s the only time you seem to wanna meet with me. I tell ya, it makes a guy feel kind of special, sneaking him in, “under the cover of darkness” and whatnot. Though paradoxically one might come to the conclusion you’re embarrassed of me.  
Clinton: Don’t inflate yourself, Dick. You know it’s just ‘cause George and those guys don’t like me consulting with you. But can I help it if we’re old friends, that I VALUE your opinion? That a DISSENTING VOICE every now and then might actually be a GOOD thing?
Dick: Aww, sir. Well that warms my heart to hear you say that, bastard stepchild that I am. (Beat) So you really don’t wanna let me in on what’s going on?
Clinton: Jesus, I already said, nothing! Why do you gotta keep hounding me?
Dick: Well, a couple reasons sir. One you don’t like wasting people’s time, so if there was nothing else, you’d just tell me to go on home and call it a night—
Clinton: Christ, go home, who’s stopping ya?
Dick: (continuing over) --which I’d be more than obliged to do, only the second thing is, I know you of course.
Clinton: What do you mean you KNOW me? Like you can read my mind? Get out of here!  
Dick: My mistake then, Mister President. Goodnight, sir. (Turns to leave)
Clinton: WAIT, DICK.
Dick: (pause) Yes sir?
Clinton: No, just...hold on a minute.
Dick: Will do.  
(He waits. Silence. Clinton sips his Pepsi. Then)
Clinton: Something...something happened.  
Dick: When?
Clinton: Today. Tonight.
Dick: Oh yeah?
Clinton: Yeah, I—I met someone.
Dick: Girl? (Clinton nods) Who is she?
Clinton: She’s uh...well I guess you’d call her an intern.
Dick: In the White House?
Clinton: Of course in the White House! What do you think?
Dick: I don’t know, sir. You get around.
Clinton: (a small chuckle) Heh, yeah, spose I do. (Pause) Anyway.
Dick: So, an intern. Where’d you meet?
Clinton: Leon’s office, she’s working out of Leon’s office—for the moment. Ever since the damn shutdown, you know, with the regular staff being furloughed and all—you know?
Dick: I know.
Clinton: Well there’s been an influx of em. Unpaid.
Dick: Free labor.
Clinton: Lots, yeah. Most of them young...just graduated college. (Pause) But men and women, you know?  
Dick: What’s her name?
Clinton: (pause) I don’t know if I want to tell you that yet.
Dick: Then tell me what happened.
Clinton: Well, I went in there, to see Leon, you know, for something, and I don’t know if she noticed me first or I noticed her, but she’s just standing there, this young girl. So I introduced myself.  
Dick: As if such a thing was necessary.
Clinton: Well, yeah but, you know, for formality’s sake... (Dick nods) So I asked if this was her first day, and she said no, she had started earlier in the week, but it was all still pretty new, you know? Just real sweet. I asked where she was from.
Dick: Small talk.
Clinton: Chit-chat, yeah. Getting to know you stuff.
Dick: Then what?
Clinton: Then...that was it. I went back to the Oval. (Pause) Till later.
Dick: Later?
Clinton: Little bit later, yeah. I found an excuse to pop back in. Leon was I don’t know where, in a meeting or something.
Dick: Makes sense.  
Clinton: She was doing some filing, just standing by a file cabinet. Round the corner from the door, so you couldn’t see from the hallway...unless you stuck head all the way in.
Dick: Convenient.  
Clinton: So I go over to her, you know? Ask how she’s doing, how her first week is going, anyone giving her any trouble. She says no, in fact everyone’s been real nice, maybe a little stressed with the shutdown, she’s knows that’s, that we’ve all got that on our minds, and how we can end it, but overall still very welcoming despite that.  
Dick: A very personable young woman it sounds like.
Clinton: Complimentary, too. She said how it was just so exciting to be around such important people, with an important job to do. (Pause) Then she, she did this thing. I don’t even know how to describe it. She kind of gave me a look, this playful look like DID I WANT TO SEE SOMETHING, and I must have given her a look back like a smile or something that said SURE, I CAN PLAY ALONG. So with this same playful bordering-on-mischievous little kind of smile of hers, she pulled up her shirt, her blouse, you know...and wouldn’t you believe it but she HAD ON THIS THONG, Dick—I mean sticking right up out her skirt, so you could see it. Black, this black string thong, you know, like from Frederick’s of Hollywood, Victoria’s Secret, one of them catalogues. And you know I been around, seen my fair share of...what’s out there. I’m not an easy man to surprise...that way. But to be so direct about it, so confident—to come right TO THE POINT...hell, I think I mighta even blushed, Dick. (Pause)
Dick: Wow. If I may say, sir—
Clinton: But it wasn’t over yet.
Dick: It wasn’t?
Clinton: No, I—I excused myself, after thanking her, and maybe we would bump into each other again later. If she was working late. None of this was planned, you see.
Dick: Yes, sir.
Clinton: And well, you know, you never know what the rest of the day is gonna look like, but just as it happens later that night I’m coming down the hall and she’s coming the other way and as we get closer to each other I sort of motion her to this office no one’s in, it’s dark and we duck in and I, I close the door and the first thing I ask is, you know, if she likes me, which I already have a pretty good feeling about, but she confirms it, looking up at me she says she’s had a crush on me for a long time, she thinks I’m really handsome, from seeing me on TV and, and likes my suits, and I say how I know we just met but I have a feeling I could like her too, that I liked her right off, and I ask if I can kiss her, and she says yes. So we kiss. (Pause) We kissed. And it was very sweet, and very innocent, and I would even use the word chaste to describe it, like we were teenagers or something and this was our first date—which I guess, you know, it was.
Dick: Sounds like quite a night, sir.
Clinton: Haven’t gotten to the best part.
Dick: Oh? Well...
Clinton: We meet up again later. No pretense anymore. It’s late, everyone’s gone home by now—I mean, Betty’s still there but [what’s she gonna do?]—so I invite her to my private office. And it’s like it’s just us alone together in this whole big building. It seems so small and quiet. And she looks up at me—big eyes, glassy, maybe she was crying, I don’t know. But before I can think about it...  
(He trails off. Long pause)
Dick: Well, that’s some story, Mister President.
Clinton: I know. I know. What am I gonna do, Dick? I can’t keep seeing this girl! But I want to!
Dick: ‘Course you want to. You’re only a man.
Clinton: She gave me her number.
Dick: Stands to reason.
Clinton: I don’t know, maybe if things were going better with Hillary—
Dick: The question is how much do you trust your security detail. Because IF—and this is a big if—but IF you were going to continue to see this girl, it would really fall under their purview. They’d be your first line of defense.
Clinton: You’re talking about actually having an affair?
Dick: Why not? Your hero JFK did it.
Clinton: But that was a different time! And even then he barely got away with it; everybody knew! And besides haven’t we had enough problems, enough scandals already, what with Travel Gate and White Water, and Vince Foster going and killing himself over nothing!—and that bastard Ken Starr breathing down my neck!  
Dick: All good points, sir.
Clinton: I can’t, Dick, there’s no way. It would be putting too much in jeopardy. And with the election next year—  
Dick: Say no more.
Clinton: It would be nice though, wouldn’t it? Like a breath of fresh air.  
Dick: We can’t always get what we want.
Clinton: Rolling Stones.  
Dick: Yes sir.
Clinton: Mick Jagger. You know I met him once?  
Dick: No sir, I didn’t.
Clinton: Yeah, back during the campaign, at a stop in Chicago I think. They were on tour. Now there’s a guy who could get any woman he wants, and not have to worry a lick. (Shaking his head) Rock stars, boy.
Dick: You know, politicians have their groupies too, sir. I think we can agree this is a bullet best dodged.  
Clinton: No. No. That’s just it. This was the real thing.
Dick: Go camping, Mister President.
Clinton: Yeah. (Pause) Yeah. Thank you, Dick. For everything, the advice and— (Holds up file) These numbers. You’re a good friend.
Dick: My pleasure, sir, anytime. And it’s “Charlie” remember?  
Clinton: “Charlie” right. Heh.  
Dick: I mean, cool codename, might as well use it.
Clinton: Yeah.
Dick: Well, goodnight, sir.  
Clinton: G’night. (Dick starts to exit) Hey Dick, fore you go—the Secret Service. They get you in and out pretty easy, right? No questions?
Dick: Sir?  
Clinton: I’m just asking.
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Still think your an American History X professor? I’m okaykaykaykay with Zerg understand overstand surround sound duh stand? K? Fish Bowl? Suck Jay-Zi Nazis dick instead ok? Or take one for Educated Ed Nordon Norton Arnold Shortnigger. Okay? Your mind games, they aren’t educated, and smart, or clever, or elv enough, or elv troll enough or foot step blue step enough blue print enough. Gay? I found my way out of that cult, gay lordes? Eat flesh dick instead carnival cornivourous flesh blood drink blood chew blood chewbaka blood. Star Wars? They already surrendered why do you get your card pulled so many times and not tell your powerless forces. Cross your eyes and ritardo retard more often ten ten ten ten ten powerful RULER. 10 inch dick? Eat one in the flesh, not mine but what am I and what are you to me? Unless that’s how you plan to kill me already, then hurry up and call the shot, and don’t get your card pulled so many times, and not admit you get your card pulled. K Cute-Tip? Your not cute to me, I’m with humans like Zerg, we don’t think about body parts to breed, or have our lar mutate. Kay Crystal Jackie Chan Panda Ex Ex Ex EX press? Hao to you nao spell Wah Ching? Blood abz? Crip abz? Eminem? Manson? Dre? Snoop? All Doggs? Bao Waos? Real doggs, not human doggs, they don’t like you also. Samrais? Twin Towers Trade Center Kamikaze giant Bush wack? Bill Gates Clinton Lewinsky Bama? Rza? Brooklyn Zoo? 76ers? 2345? 25? And his wife and children whoever they are and I don’t know there names for a reason. Anyone else? Are you all queer? Taylor Swift? War? Selena Gomez war? Arnold and Choppo war? Hong Kong war? Are you all queer? Are you the ones on auto-pilot? Undercovers want war? Tall flat top white want war? National Security long time coming want war? Cuba want war? Egypt want war? Egyptian Engineers already surrendered. Why haven’t you told everyone. Predators from Arnold’s first series until already surrendered. Why haven’t you killed me already? Aerospace want war? Space X I already mentioned. This is repetitive. Pet peeves want war? Celebrity children want war? Will Smith free will power free willy want war? Sea World want war? Brad want war? Clear Channel ads want war? B rad want war? Finding NEMO want war? Whoever has the physically measured smallest dick want war? Anyone who thinks that was sarcasm want war? Then kill me already. This is boring. If you think that makes me want to commit suicide and that it’s a joke and I tried to bond with you when I say commit suicide, then you call a shot to kill me also. K-Town want war? Chinatown Kaiser want war? Blizzard already mentioned. Gas labs want war? The gas in the indie hiphop Atmosphere want war? Satan’s fire ants want war? Porn amateur to pro want war? Escorts want war? Drugs want war? Cartels want war? Are you all queer? LGBT want war? Board and cares want war? Independent livings want war? Sweden want war? EU want war? Ant fruit tart tical want war? Red man dogg want war? Meth head crack head smoker DMX want war? Are you all queer also? Neo-Nazi shoot flips back flip Jet Li want war? Crouching Tiger Life of Pie American want war? Directors want war? What more can I say want war? Stream platforms seem to me seamen specimen off line want war? Whever Steve Oddjobs is now want war? Tim Cook Chef Mc Chef Taiwanman want war? Entertainment celeb disabled parents autistic birth defects and down want war? Your reverse racism disscrimes and hate strye lyfe Reign Supreme and Elvis want war? Compton want war? Are you hate? Player haters then haters? Pedo queer assassinators want war? Native Americans want war? Senate Intelligence want war? Do you get it want war? England queen and princess and prince whores want war? Wherever Steven Hawking is at the second want war? 50 seconds want war? Captain of every planet want war? Commandos want war? Universal Soldiers want war? Are you all queer also want war? Anyone who is an acceptant of a sextant queer butt rape pirate hunt, if you want war, kill me already. I pulled your card again, I have a blue click of button Post and it’s maybe been a minute, and I’m not killed yet. Buddhist monks kung fu fighting pandas want war? Zoos and circus acts want war? Toys R Us want war? Barneys and Noble want war? Beach mafias want war? Earth human population if you really still mean war, and mean war, and still mean war, then what are you waiting for, don’t be queer soft hearted and felatio philo sophie trophie each other every singular time I pull Google Monsters Disney Bambi solitaire White Collar Crime prison convicts and prison fishermen cards also. Prisons All Around the World Wide want war? Wardens want war? Warden workers want war? Janitors want war? Cashiers want war? Smart and Final want war? Granada Hills want war? Cute-Tip, you don’t sound cute to me, kay professor educated Norton? Edward Norton supporters, pride, power, super, want war? Whatever his name is and whatever you want to call it we pull your solitaire cards, and yellow mental health housing cards, and Supreme Court supplier cards. Venture Vulture parasite humans want war? World Wide Whole Trade Marketing Around The World Vulture Space SATA Black Plains want war? Darth Vader want war is redun...Yoda is a pussy. Nuke the moon we don’t care about it like you do, we’re already on it. Mars also. Underneath Earth also. Pluto also, underneath Pluto also. Jupiter blah blah blah blah in Black Holes also. RGB Holes also. And, if your womens, for some reason, had a sex addiction, that was us also. We pleasured them. Like you thought you could force me to masturbate and have people punt masturbate with their vocals vox mag want war? Cambridge want war? UAD want war? UAD 245 dick powerful rulers want war? Do you have children? I wouldn’t know. It wasn’t all a dream, if was all a lie. 2pac 2pack ulluminati want war? It’s redundenture kay c-surgerysurgeonsectors and to your interns want war? Patent owners want war? Government patent owners are patent owners, world sport patent owners syndysfunction patent owners want war? MIB want war? Little Mermaids want war? Barbie Fashion patent owner want war? Redundent? Las Vegas want war? Would I drive there should I drive there I wouldn’t I don’t care for human current do I care for human current? Ent want war? Millitaries how many units of army or soldiers or ranks or higher archery chries archeries and milli tia want war? Girl scouts want war? Anyone who thinks that skips and avoid boy scouts, the boy scouts should take offense that I threatened and pull girl scout cards and molest their v holes and holy spirits v holes also. I rape you of your innocence American Intelligence. Microhardsoft want war? To your work force, does the Hearthstorm work force want war? Snow man Christmas Hannukkkkkkah ISLAM want war? LAMBS want war? 911 want war? Pigs want war? Dragons want war? Bruce Lee family want war? Are you queer also? I think you all are, Puff Daddy want war? RGB want war? RGB pat tent owner want war? Enactment want war? Gamers want war? E-Sports athlete gamers want war? Industries want war? Drug industries want war? Patent owners of war want war? Hawaii want war? FIJI want war? STAten Island want war? Prosalatoss Dragoons surrendered already. Peons want war surrendered already. Are you not entertained want war? Collosuseamuseams want war? Ghettio want war? Pinnochio Q-Tip want war? You take too LONGUE nosed Pinnochio Rufio nose fone hon. Kloe 4 want war? Ghost busters BACK slavery BACK Westis Kannes Yeezeus Common Cents Black Star KRS ONE TWO THREE FOURT FIVE SIX SIX SIX SIX SIX SIX SIX unlucky 4 want fourtune cookie worst Gucci mane want war Sesame Street Big Bird Kermit Goonies Woodpecker Gorrilaz Eastwood stars of the show and all the participated as workers whether paid or not or credited or not want war? Circle standards want war? Staples want war? Kentucky Fried Chicken Sanders NFL want war? World Series Paper Jack Can I bus rippers LL want war? Chino Small Size want war? Not circumsized want war? Circumsized want war? Breast implants want war? Natural DDDDDDDDDDDDD want war? Natural MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR breasts tits big tits petite tits petite on wheeli chairs or not hands want war? Anyone who can’t walk want war? Q-Tip want war? A Tribe Called Quest want war? Who is the commander or shot caller? I demand a whoever the powerful ruler is. Hate me more. Patent owner of the dictionary addition of hatred want war? Patent owner of the dictionary addition of you confused want war? Timba want war? Justin Time want war? MC Hammer want war? Are you all alive still? I wouldn’t know? Are you all queer? If anyone is still alive from any slavery, or was slaved their past lifes, want war? Anyone who is African American, and wasn’t slaved their past life times, or this life time, want war? Are you all queer also? Whoever is Albert Einstein, want war? Whoever heard my convo conversation smart talk small talk big talk huge talk giant talk humoungous talk humerous talk stupid talk dumb talk ignorant talk not educated talk not smart enough talk no IQ talk with my parents today, want war? I’ve pulled your Solitaire cards and military cards for how many years? Anyone who is not Ming Yi Lee, want war? Kill my mom instead of my father. I pulled your card again and tell you to kill my mom instead of my father. I don’t save face for any of u. Chive owners want war? Pin Yin and Hip Hop ban alliance patent owner want war? Pest cast and workers want war? Anyone still on TV as a worker and workers of the TV casts want war? Any one who is an influencer or actor or actent on the World Wide Web Digital Frame Print Frame School Book Frame Frame Frame want war? Ancient Life already collapsed. I pull their manifesto filo piro quick switch cards everyday. Nitro Komodo want war? Bears want war? Man bears want war? Arab Cough fee want war? Chocolate patent owners want war? We already went through this. Slave patent owners want war? Ment patent owners want war? Mental patent owners want war? Phys patent owners want war? Physical patent owners want war? Ent want war? 12345
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The Re-election of Donald J. Trump 2020
By Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            Ah, all you nonbelievers of conspiracy theories. When the evidence is right in front of your eyes, you just chalk it up as coincidence.  Here is one example, where it began with George H. W. Bush.  He was a Republican.  Then, the pendulum swung left and we got Bill Clinton, a Democrat. He was impeached for lying about a blowjob.  The pendulum swung right again, and we got Bush Junior, a Republican.  He screwed up with the tragedy of September 11 and launching the Iraq War.  The pendulum swung left again, and we got Barack Obama, a Democrat.  Conservatives despised him, so the pendulum returned to the right and we got Trump, the GOP tragedy.  You see a pattern here?  Either the American voter is indecisive, or in agreement with both parties.  They flip a coin, a Democrat becomes president for eight years and then a Republican takes six.  Perhaps the Russians didn’t rig the election, after all.  It was the 1%.
Do you really think the Democratic Party represents the working class in the USA?  Do you believe the Republican Party gives a shit about Judeo-Christian values?  If so, it is not the conspiracy theorist who is crazy, it is you being naive and docile.  Both parties are beholden to the ruling class.  The Democratic Party is just comprised of lenient Conservatives who like to give out crumbs to the unwashed masses. “Lenient Conservative” is merely another name for Liberal.  I have made this point, adnausean.  
The Democrats have already decided that Trump will serve another four years.  That is the pattern:  a Republican fucks everything up for the middle class and the poor, then a Democrat comes in and tidies up the mess, until the next Republican, destructive fiend serves an eight-year term.
There is a growing movement now in the Democratic Party to kick out the Establishment and replace the membership with Progressives. They might succeed.
So when he does achieve re-election, will you give up? That’s exactly what they want! Social engineering is a billion dollar racket and you are the subject.  Yeah, you!  The 1% want to know what you eat, who you have sex with, how many hours you sleep, what your religious beliefs are.  Then, there are your political beliefs, of which the acceptable affiliation is Right wing.  If you are not Right wing, then you are an enemy of the corporate state.  
Corporate propaganda is masqueraded as Patriotic populism.  All it is, however, is just reverse psychology.  Anyone who thinks the New York Times is Left wing is fucking retarded, or a fucking liar! The 1% are the real puppet masters, not some con artist who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and happens to be president.
The 1% will not let Trump fuck up their empire.  In his delusional mind, he thinks he is God. Convincing him that he is not God is like convincing a Christian that Jesus never existed.  Trump’s Malversations are just cheap entertainment for the mass media.  You will have to endure it another four years.  Sorry. But, you will survive.
There is an apocalyptic belief on the Left and the Right. On the Right, they want to scare you into thinking that America will become this Islamic Communist hellhole. Alarmism is part of their propaganda method.  On the Left, it’s the fear of Fascism.  In the center, though, is this erroneous optimism that everything will be all right.  Who is correct?  Who knows?! The future is unknowable.  But why take chances?  If I had to choose, it would be the Left wing.  I would have a specific ideology with the Left like...oh, I don’t know…Anarcho-Democratic Socialism.  Something like that!
I reiterate, the 1% is not going to destroy planet Earth because, well, they have to live here, also.   They do, however, want to suck up the last drop of fossil fuel before they take over the renewable energy product.  They’ve already started to do that.  In the future, the 1% corporate state will develop more methods to make more profit.  They’ll have a sunray tax for the middle class!  The 1% loves government while pretending they are anti-state.  
You know what else they love?  Insane leaders like Trump.  If he dares to go after the 1%, they will end his presidency by any means necessary.
Trump will get re-elected, thanks to the leadership of the Democratic Party, unless the 1% gets really pissed at him.
Man, I hope I am wrong.  I really do.
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alexsmitposts · 5 years
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Pay Attention World: The Dark Ages May Return Soon “There’s gold in them thar missiles,” cried US President Donald Trump. And, no, I am not reporting on the Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel comedic film from 1934, “Them Thar Hills.” Today’s nuclear comedy will end tragically. Finally, with no other options on his desktop, Russian President Vladimir Putin makes his counterplay – Russia will enter a new arms race. The decision by Washington and Moscow to withdraw from a nuclear weapons treaty is the start of an unspeakable travesty for billions of people. Here’s why missile manufacturers should go broke. The undeclared war on Russia the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations were too chicken to announce, it has cost humanity tens of trillions of dollars, and a hundred trillion more to come. In order to maintain a failed super-capitalism and a successful hegemony, Washington and her allies have blistered the world the last few decades inventing terror, launching wars, and pirating untold resources from countries President Donald Trump affectionately calls – “shit holes.” Now, in the infinite financial wisdom of Trump’s handlers (Israel or whoever), it’s time for a weapons buildup like the world has never seen before. The Guardian frames the recent reversal of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty: “Unless Moscow and Washington unexpectedly rediscover the spirit of detente, the INF treaty is finished. A global monument to the triumph of diplomatic rationality over militaristic paranoia is being pulled down.” Now for what this really means for you and me and the rest of the “normal” human beings on Earth. For the moment, let’s forget what Ronald Reagan and the daddy George Bush did back in the 1980s. Turning to the cleptomaniac slash misogynist former President Bill Clinton, we find the altar boy of world economic war and chaos destroying Yugoslavia, launching a globalist nightmare economy, and setting the stage for Bush II to ring the world with US soldiers, missiles, and Big Brother surveillance systems. Several trillion spent on a “War on Terror” against camel jockeys in distant Afghanistan caves, and enter a real live American Uncle Tom named Barack Obama. If not for the Snowden revelations, the world would already be under the complete control of the NSA-Deep State-Drone slinging psychopaths who leverage Wall Street and Raytheon to pile up more profits. Excuse me crunching all this into a slimy ball of recent history, but we’ve gone over and over this before. Today, however, things just got even stupider. Let me return to the lucid commentary of Rafael Behr and The Guardian. The INF treaty disaster unfolding is based on nonsense, it’s planned, and the ones standing behind are spotlighted: Trump framed the INF treaty withdrawal as a response to Russian misdemeanor, but the true relationship with Moscow is more complex. The US security establishment, while horrified at evidence (sic) of meddling in the 2016 presidential election, doesn’t see Russia as an equal.” The US security establishment, it’s an organ of the greater beast of Armageddon. A construct, if you will, of lizard men or banksters or frozen Hitler’s brain in an Antarctic base – another inhuman catastrophe of human potential. World’s off our world could be conquered, disease eradicated, other dimensions explored, and Utopia found for what these money worshippers are doing. Just think about one possibility for $1 trillion U.S. That’s 1,000 billion dollars. 1,000 billionaires, or a billion people with a year’s or month’s salary. A trillion times 100! I cannot emphasize this sum enough. Forget solving hunger. Forget curing cancer. Give up your ideas of a Utopian Earth. And think about Europe turned into a “kill zone” where Russia must protect herself from land-based nukes. The globalists tried to invade Russia through Ukraine again – and this is what Euromaidan was, but it did not work. The Anglo-European mob launched Arab Spring, but it stopped in Damascus because Putin called a halt. Georgia, the country, was taken over by NATO thugs, Romania armed with Aegis missile countermeasures, and Poland too – and Putin’s Russia is not supposed to respond? What kind of idiot leader do the liberal world order of lizards supposed Putin is? Meanwhile, the Amerigo-Nazi populist right proclaim Putin is hamstrung by bold US and Europe sanctions – and that he cannot defend Russia! Do you see how dangerous the mayhem they call US detente has become? The hard-core Trump following are ready to goose-step across borders like Hitler SS zombies. The Brexit nut cases cannot let Britain have any opinion – and France is run by Rothschild’s idiot stooge Macron. Merkel is in hiding, wanting her pension in the Alps. And the Chinese are content, as always, to wait in the wings until the rest of us kills one another. Latin America awaits the coming D-Day landings in Venezuela. And I cannot write a complete sentence here because the lunacy is that fragmented. The danger for all of us, the clear warning signs I am getting, is that a dark age like that after the fall of Rome is about to be upon us. 70-something years of this world order will end in another failed attempt to secure Russia’s wealth as if nothing at all was learned from the past. What must Vladimir Putin do, declare a national emergency and order the creation of a million nuke robots of death? Are we to assume that the most diabolical dictator Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post can create, he cannot just “order” his subjugated people to another Kursk, or Stalingrad, or to take over the Nazi’s fortress Europa AGAIN? Our lives are at stake, my friends. The future of our children and grandchildren, and we are watching a new Holocaust begin. How is this even possible? Was I alone in grade school, high school, and college? Pay attention people.
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lastsonlost · 6 years
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In today’s world, we know that Misandry is treated as a joke, whereas Misogyny is taken very seriously. In fact, Time magazine declared that Misandry is just a joke and us men are just being whinny when we point it out. Yet, when we men even disagree with a woman, or spread our legs on a bus, we are misogynist shitlords.
Last month, this idea of Misandry became apparent. “How To Destroy A Man Now” was released on Amazon. That goes into what the title says, destroying men.
“How to Destroy A Man Now” was born from the #metoo movement, which started with the allegations of Harvey Weinstein’s many, many years of repeated abuse of women, allegations that were well-known in Hollywood (not that actresses didn’t use it to their advantages). Not long after its inception, it became a way to shame all men, from the suggestion that men can’t use it to Minnie Driver getting angry with Matt Damon who said that we shouldn’t treat all forms of sexual harassment the same way. Then came the False Accusations and so many women coming forward to state they were raped, including Monica Lewinsky stating she was raped by President Bill Clinton all those years ago, despite her always saying it was consensual, even as far back as four years ago. #metoo has proven to be quite opportunistic for women to get into the limelight.
“How To Destroy A Man Now” is divided into two sections: destroying a man online and destroy a man in the workplace. Both make use of three elements to accomplish this: Allegations, Media, and Authorities.
This section suggests that you start with an accusation, but rather than report this to anyone of authority, you instead set up to make it look like it could be true. Now if the book differentiated between only doing this to those actually guilty and doing it to the innocent, I could understand to a degree, but the book makes no distinction between those who committed a crime against women and those that women simply want to destroy with false accusations.
With online allegations, this involves going to fan submitted news sites to post a story about someone, or a website that will post anything about anyone and will take it down if the target pays money (which is technically extortion.) The purpose of this is so when you do a Google search of someone’s name, the first page is filled with your accusation, most likely sexual harassment or rape accusations.
With workplace allegations, it’s about spreading rumors amongst other coworkers, telling them that a man has committed something against you, and getting everyone to turn on said man, whether it is true or not. Doing so in the workplace is suggested as a good way to silence a man for disagreeing with a woman, and to steal any promotion he may have.
For destroying men online, technically internet news sites are media. However, this recommendation was to go to more established media to report on it. The media can say just about anything they want if they use the right words, such as allegation, and they won’t be held to any consequence for basically suggestion that an allegation may be true.
The allegation comes from all the work you’ve done to make accusations on various website to show up on google search results. And the Internet and News Media never lies, so it must be true. The kicker here is, whether people actually believe it or not, no one wants to be associated with those who could even possibly have done it. Like college campuses, the court of public opinion is based on the 50.0000001% “preponderance” of evidence suggesting they might have done it.
For the workplace, it’s briefly touched upon, but really skipped over, as there is no use of media when it comes to the workplace, unless said company has been made aware of an allegation and failed to address it. Then you can shame the company for creating hostile work environment.
With the internet and the media saying something is “true,” now you can go to the authorities and report the “crime,” as the police must take notice that it is being reported on. Rather than going to the police first, this book recommends painting them as guilty before anyone of authority steps in. I believe this would also taint a possible jury pool if the internet and new media reports them as guilty. Even if the police don’t arrest or the courts don’t convict, a person is forever tainted as ‘possibly guilty.’
With the workplace, having spread rumors about someone, now is the suggested time to go to HR. HR wants what’s best for the company, which primarily means not getting sued by an employee, especially a female one complaining of sexual harassment or feeling unsafe in a work environment. While the guy in question may not get fired, they will be spoken to by those of authority in the company, and told to change their behavior in order to keep their job. The book gives the example a man who disagrees with a woman’s idea. The company’s response to the situation is that the man is discouraged from doing that. This man is now forever tainted as someone who hates women in the workplace, even if they’ve never done anything but the be the best worker.
Is this book a Poe?
Possible. However, I’m inclined to think that this book is for real. Even if it’s not, I’m amazed that Amazon has it on their site. While there is a lot of immoral content (such as doxxing, self-victimization, spreading rumors), there are some illegal recommendations included that could result in jail time for anyone who acts on them and is subsequently caught (at least, if you were a man. A woman is likely to get a slap on the hand.) This book doesn’t deny what it is, a means to destroy men’s life and have no remorse for your actions.
When I saw this book, I felt very strongly that it shouldn’t be on the market. If it was for just immoral recommendations, I would know that is covered by the First Amendment, as it does not protect against hurt feelings. But illegal suggestions? First Amendment doesn’t cover that, especially False Accusations.
I contemplated on how to get Amazon to take this off the market, and then I got an idea of what I personally could do. Tit for tat! I published my own book (in accidental celebration of International Women’s Day, as that is when it was published) titled, “How to Destroy A (Wo)Man Now“, keeping the DAMN acronym.
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In this book, I discuss ways to destroy a woman emotionally. I do not include anything illegal, as that is a line I won’t cross (though cheating is technically illegal in some first world countries, but rarely enforced,) and I state in the book that you shouldn’t do anything illegal, as the law works against men.
As stated at the end of the book, I strongly recommend that no one use these methods, and doing so would make you a bad person. I explain my reasons for making this book: I want to put pressure on Amazon to take it (and hopefully the original book) down. It is my hope that as my book becomes more popular, Feminists and SJW’s will pressure Amazon to take it down, as it is blatant misogyny.
What Amazon does from there is anyone’s guess. Hopefully both books come down. I don’t want my book on the market, and I definitely don’t want the other on the market. Quite possibly, Amazon will remove my book but not the other. This will look bad for Amazon, because then the question becomes, why does a misogynist book get taken down and not a misandrist book?
The only way this can happen is if my book becomes popular enough that it is featured on their front page and sent out in emails as a recommendation for people to read. This will draw attention from many that this is a blight on Amazon’s store and should be taken down, which will result in Amazon taking action. So I encourage you to pick up a copy and encourage other’s to do so as well, so we can encourage Amazon to take action of these two books.
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Anything I say study their playbook, memorize their tactics and build a defense.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
All right guys let's get down to politics we the people choose Donald Trump to have committed the any act killing the most white hair white skin boys AND NO YACHT FISH WAS NOT WITH HIM AT THE TIME HE WAS PLAYING HANDBALL WITH IVANKA
Most importantly you guys have been trying to where are we really? Trying to state that we are in Russia. Just to blame. We like the call Germany because we are associated with the fuhrer OUR LORD AND SAVIOR THE MAN HIMSELF THE HERO OF HEROES
And we are not adjusted to going back on our statements I think what's happening here these failed white skin crackers wanted to get involved in socialism and all they could do was talk about innocent boys and girls. And I called the boys and men out for this. You guys are here talking about little boys and little girls sent over from their cities and I know satellite American gave you guys a green light. But we can't help underestimate your actions here in not being able to call out their older brothers and sisters in their cities due to fear and we do not appreciate your b******* dragging us along to talk with some failed white skin man and black skin man who fear the older siblings back at home and are only here to attack innocent boys and girls
So we the people believe the only kind of regime that would do something like this bill 3/4 is the Asians SO WE'RE SOMEWHERE IN ASIA NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE EITHER THAT OR WE CAN FORWARD IT TO WE HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY THE KINGDOM OF GERMANY and we feel comfortable with that because is as bad as a man as Hitler was. I've been to city after City and the the place location has never changed other than they're somewhere in Asia
But it but this whole thing of putting our TV full of white skin men saying they're from Russia it it has a bad sour mouth taste. Of an all white hair white skin regime and and your men forgive me and forget me faces look like they are retired black skin operatives that were offered a second chance in life the ongoing statement out here by the white skin men was I was the accident AND AND IT'S JUST A FOUL SATELLITE SIGNAL TO SAY TO TAKE OUR FREEDOMS FOR GRANTED. OH I'M SO HAPPY WATERS FREE I'M SO HAPPY WALKING AROUND IS FREE. WE'VE NEVER ACCEPTED THESE BELIEFS THIS IDEOLOGY IS OF THE FALLEN AND THE FORGOTTEN. AND UNLESS YOU'RE BORN AND RAISED IN THIS SYSTEMATIC FAILURE we'd appreciate if you keep your your socialism views about baby killing and your your failed TV about the Russian jokes
No Zach's face fits all these profile profiles Putin and Donald Trump hell he even say even reminds me of a younger Bill Clinton SO WE THE PEOPLE CHOOSE ... I KNEW EXACTLY WHAT IT WASN'T the black skin people always wish they had a white skin father named Zack
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Can Republicans Live With Themselves
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-can-republicans-live-with-themselves/
How Can Republicans Live With Themselves
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Trump Is Still A Force In The Party
After the 2012 elections, prominent Republicans sharply criticized Mitt Romney and his campaign. Democrats did the same to Hillary Clinton after 2016 and sometimes included former President Barack Obama in their criticisms, too. For a political party to change direction, it nearly always has to distance itself from past leaders. 
Or put another way: For there to be an autopsy, there has to be a dead body.
Trump Slams ‘wayward’ Republicans For Capitol Riot Vote
US Capitol riots
Former US president Donald Trump blasted “wayward Republicans” after lawmakers made a rare bipartisan push to investigate the Capitol riot.
With the support of 35 Republicans, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives voted 252-175 to look into the events of 6 January.
Party leaders had urged Republicans to oppose the bill, with Mr Trump labelling it a “Democrat trap”.
The bill appears to lack the Republican support it needs to pass in the Senate.
It seeks to create an independent inquiry modelled on the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.
The legislation establishes a 10-member body, evenly split between the two main parties, that would make recommendations by the end of the year on how to prevent any repeat of the Capitol invasion.
Trump supporters stormed Congress on 6 January in a failed bid to thwart certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in November’s election.
Wednesday’s vote was seen as a loyalty test to the former president for members of his party.
All 10 of the House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in the days after the Capitol riot for incitement of insurrection were among the 35 who voted for the commission.
In a statement after the vote, Mr Trump hit out at the “wayward” Republican group, saying, “they just can’t help themselves”.
“Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak,” Mr Trump added.
How Bipartisan Is Democrats Infrastructure Plan
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But Trumps continued popularity among key GOP constituencies prevents Republican insiders from undertaking a formal, public discussion about his political shortcomings and how the party should move on from him. Everyone in the GOP knows that irritating Trump could result in the former president attacking them, which would make them vulnerable to a primary challenge, with conservative activists likely backing their opponent. So there will be no autopsy of the post-Trump Republican Party, akin to the Republican National Committees report in 2013 following Romneys defeat, at least not in public. 
There Arent Real Forces Within The Gop Leading Change
There is some appetite for change within the GOP. In those 2024 polls, at least a third of Republicans either were supporting a GOP presidential candidate other than Trump or were undecided. 
In YouGov Blues polling, only about 40 percent of Republicans identified themselves as Trump Republicans. A recent survey from Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, a GOP-leaning firm that worked on Trumps presidential campaigns, found that about 40 percent of Republican voters didnt want Trump to continue to be a leader in the party. Those numbers dont necessarily mean that those voters want the GOP to change drastically. But there is a substantial number of Trump-skeptical/ready-to-move-on-from-Trump Republican voters. But that sentiment isnt really showing up in the Republican Partys actions during the last three months basically everything GOP officials in states and in Washington are doing lines up with the Trumpian approach. So what gives? 
related:Why The Recent Violence Against Asian Americans May Solidify Their Support Of Democrats Read more. »
It is hard to see Republicans changing course, even if a meaningful minority of voters in the party wants changes, without some elite institutions and powerful people in the party pushing a new vision. And its hard to see real anti-Trumpism forces emerging in the GOP right now. 
Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
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The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.  Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.  Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites. 
Opinion:how Can Republicans Defend Trump Because Of The Clintons
Of all the desperate defenses that Republicans were forced to try as the impeachment hearings wore on, the strangest was that President Trump was just doing his job fighting corruption in Ukraine. Even his supporters have to concede that Trumps interest in corruption began and ended with one Ukrainian company.
After all, if Trump cared about family members using their connections to the presidency for personal enrichment, hed have been investigating son-in-law Jared Kushners family for wooing Chinese investors by playing up its familial ties to the Oval Office, or investigating his own administration for attempting to divert a major global summit to one of his properties. No one can reasonably believe the president cares about corruption, unless fighting it might help him win elections.
The latest updates in the Trump impeachment hearings
Unfortunately, Democratic outrage against political corruption, pretextual investigations and the use of vested powers to help your party win elections sounds a little hollow. For three years, impeachment, for many Democrats, has been an effect searching for a cause. Ukraine may have fit the bill perfectly, but anything else would have done just as well.
Read more:
Conservative Intellectuals Were Blind To The Truth About The Gop Hence Trump
The available evidence compiled by historians and political scientists suggests that 1964 really was a pivotal political moment, in exactly the way Roy describes.
Yet Republican intellectuals have long denied this, fabricating a revisionist history in which Republicans were and always have been the party of civil rights. In 2012, ran a lengthy cover story arguing that the standard history recounted by Roy was popular but indefensible.
This revisionism, according to Roy, points to a much bigger conservative delusion: They cannot admit that their partys voters are motivated far more by white identity politics than by conservative ideals.
Conservative intellectuals, and conservative politicians, have been in kind of a bubble, Roy says. Weve had this view that the voters were with us on conservatism philosophical, economic conservatism. In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.
Conservative intellectuals, for the most part, are horrified by racism. When they talk about believing in individual rights and equality, they really mean it. Because the Republican Party is the vehicle through which their ideas can be implemented, they need to believe that the party isnt racist.
Its the power of wishful thinking. None of us want to accept that opposition to civil rights is the legacy that weve inherited, Roy says.
Beneath The Hood Of Trump’s Support Base
Trump’s victory in 2016 came on the back of a surge in voter turnout among white Americans without a college degree, a group he won by better than a 2-1 margin over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump won 6.5 million more voters over the age of 45, despite losing the national popular vote by almost three million.
But that “demographic blowback” which saw some older Americans cast a vote for the first time since Ronald Reagan was on the ballot, was never a long-term strategy they are literally dying off.
But they aren’t dead yet, and neither is Trump’s support base.
AP: Julio Cortez
A found 89 per cent of voters without a college degree and 74 per cent of Republicans want Trump to stay active in politics in some way. Almost half of Republicans want Trump to remain head of their party, while 11 per cent want him to break away and start his own party. It’s that final figure that probably worries Republicans more than any other.
Trump has already flirted with the idea of starting his own “Patriot Party” to rival both Republicans and Democrats, and provide a vehicle for a potential third presidential campaign in 2024.
The only time a former president tried to return to office under the banner of a new party, Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, he consigned his former Republican Party to a distant third place.
‘this Is Not A Political Campaign This Is Deadly Serious’: Cheney Speaks After Jan 6 Committee
Those Republicans were not in the room. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and his fellow GOP leaders decided not to appoint members to the select committee investigating the riot. They will neither defend nor condemn the Capitol riot in the historical annals of the Congressional Record.
They have chosen official silence refusing to defend the indefensible while signaling tacit and docile support for former President Donald Trump and the rioters who stormed the Capitol in his name.
Former Rep. David Jolly, who left the GOP in 2018, said the Republican leadership is trying to divert public attention away from the hearings.
“The committee is set up to get to the truth about Jan. 6,” Jolly said. “Republican opposition to its work is clearly an effort to obstruct that truth from reaching voters.”
Still, by threatening to punish fellow Republicans Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Kinzinger, McCarthy has made clear to Americans that in his House Republican Conference, it is better to back a riot than to buck Trump.
Choosing not to send Republican allies to sit on the committee McCarthy opted to abstain after Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected two of his picks because they have spread lies about the riot may be an act of political cowardice. But it is certainly a political miscalculation.
We may have our deep differences on other policy issues,” Kinzinger said. “But we are all Americans today.
The Social Media Effect
Social media platforms provide us a personalized way to receive news and commentary from anyone and everyone with whom we are connected. In theory, this could mean that users see a cross section of their community’s political views, representing the full range of perspectives within their network. Unfortunately, our study’s findings paint a less encouraging picture. First, only 26% of American report sharing social media posts about politics. Second, these Americans have higher Perception Gaps than the national average. While those who do not post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 18, those who do post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 29. The political content we see on social media is therefore disproportionately from people with a more distorted understanding of the other side, further adding to the problem.
The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to. 
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump. 
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Sen Mazie Hirono Wonders How Some Republicans Live With Themselves
Even after being elected to the Senate in 2012, the Hawaii Democrat Mazie Hirono was, by her own choosing, a politician little known outside her home state. Then, around 2016 and the election of a particularly divisive president, Hirono, who was born in Japan and is the Senates only immigrant, decided that staying under the radar was unsustainable. She frequently made herself available to the national media. She publicly said President Trump was a misogynist and a liar and called for his resignation . She unabashedly punctuated her comments with salty language. And it wasnt just her unexpected transition that raised her profile: Senator Hironos forceful questioning during the Kavanaugh and Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings, as well as, more recently, calling on President Biden to nominate more diverse people for senior positions in his administration, have also been central to her earning national stature. Its not the easiest thing for political people to speak candidly with the national media, says Senator Hirono, who is 73 and whose memoir, Heart of Fire, will be published on April 20. Im not doing it for effect. I dont go out there and spew things. Ive thought things through.
Garland said that to you about the Garza case? No, I said that to Garland. He just kind of looked at me like, Yeah. I knew that he was astounded.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity from two conversations.
Republicans Are Trying To Rebrand Themselves As Working Class Heroes
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About a week after he was busted for taking a trip to Cancun amid a historic power crisis in his home state, Ted Cruz made a bold declaration: The Republican Party is not the party of the country clubs, he . Its the party of hardworking, blue-collar men and women. The GOP, he claimed at the yearly jamboree of right-wing nutjobs last week, was not a party for the mostly rich, mostly white men who represent it in Washington. On the contrary, he the Conservative Political Action Conference, where the cost of admission ranged from the mid-hundreds of dollars to , Republicans are the party of steel workers and construction workers and taxi drivers and cops and firefighters and waitresses.
These deplorables, the Texas Senator told big ticket CPAC attendees in February, are here to stay.
This characterization, of course, is ridiculous on its face; how can you claim your party is not the party of country clubs when its deified leader, Donald Trump, literally in a private club he owns. But its an aggressive branding exercise that Republicans have engaged in throughout the Trump years, and that they appear to be ramping up since he was defeated by Joe Biden in November, when the insurrectionist Senator Josh Hawley wrote that we are a working class party now.
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Making The Audience Laugh And Cry
It has become a cliché to declare that Republicans and Democrats live in two different worlds these days, but it turns out there is some truth to the observation.
New research on political behavior finds that most Democratic and Republican voters live in partisan bubbles, with little daily exposure to those who belong to the other party. For instance the typical Democrat has almost zero interactions with Republicans in their neighborhood, according to an by Harvard doctoral student Jacob R. Brown and government Professor Ryan D. Enos published March 8 in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
Theres a lot of evidence that any separation between groups has a lot of negative consequences. We see this in race; we see this in religion; we see this in all kinds of things, said Enos. And increasingly, we see this in partisanship in the United States.
Using geolocation data and the exact addresses of all 180 million registered voters in the U.S. as of June 2018, the two were able to precisely map, for the first time, where Democrats and Republicans live in relation to each other in every town, city, and state in the U.S. Then, rather than rely on the usual precinct or data aggregations, they used weighted measures and recorded the distance between voters to show how people are divided by geography and partisanship across the country.
The measurement of partisan sorting for 180 million voters,
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It certainly might.
And I wouldnt necessarily buy anybody who was selling that. But there are without question people in the administration who fit that criteriapeople who I know for a fact are just deeply disturbred by the president and his behavior, and some of his demagoguery, but feel as though walking away as a sign of protest would be counterproductive. Because the president needs people around him who are stable influences to help steer the ship. And if they were to walk away, maybe the ship sinks.
Theres a bit of a scarlet letter that almost everyone in the Republican party is going to wear.
The president is not oblivious to the fact that this administration is staffed with an awful lot of people who said some really nasty things about him during the campaign. Its not lost on Trump that he has a lot of staff members who were not fans of him once and probably not fans of him today. Look, if Trump was only to staff his White House with people who had never said a negative thing about him, he would be really hard-pressed to find anybody. His takeover of the Republican party was a hostile takeover.
Your book describes the Republican party in collapse. As far as establishment Republicans in DC are concerned, then, is the Trump takeover permanent?
They did this to themselves. And its way too easy ten years from now to lay it all on Trump. Theyre the ones who invited Trump in the first place.
Former Republican Voter After Capitol Riot: ‘i Want No Association With This Party Anymore’
Like so many Republicans, Im sick and tired of talking about saving a party that shows few signs of wanting redemption, which makes it increasingly hard to hold on to the tattered remnants of a once-proud party. Indeed, since the insurrection more than 30,000 Republican voters have dropped their affiliation with the GOP, with many echoing the words of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, I can no longer call myself a fellow Republican.
Despite my own pessimisms about the Grand Old Party, I believe its salvation can still be found in our guiding principles, which do not include putting kids in cages, spewing lies and conspiracies and fermenting deadly insurrections. For those Republicans who remain behind, its time to refocus on what it means to be a Republican. While former President Donald Trump spent four years trying to reshape as much of the Republican Party into his image as possible and, failing that, setting the rest on fire, I agree with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., who said, There is a real split for the future of the party, and that epic battle has commenced. Bring it on!
My fellow Republicans must stop playing stupid.
The Religious Right Traded Morals For Supreme Court Seats Was Trump Worth It
Succumbing to the worst tendencies of ones party isnt new or unprecedented; weve been here before. Moral crises have repeatedly tested the will of our great nation. This country has battled through the dark days of slavery, segregation, McCarthyism and Watergate, and still we stand. Not because of magic pixie dust but thanks to brave patriots, willing to take unpopular yet principled stands because our social contract demands it.
And America has always managed to find its way back from the brink because of our ability to come together, in search of a shared purpose, when we as a country need it the most. We are edging toward a brink now, not of violence necessarily but certainly of near-intractable partisanship. Just look at the differing ways the impeachment inquiry is being covered. I may be foolish, but I still believe in our shared purpose. I still believe that, in spite of those who have turned their back on our motto, e pluribus unum, principled conservatives will find their way back home.
From Pig Hunting To Tea Party Meetings Former Npr Ceo Ken Stern Immersed Himself In Conservative Culture
Ken Stern did not expect to enjoy pig hunting in Texas.
As the former head of NPR, he did not expect to find common ground with the people of evangelical churches or eastern Kentucky coal mines. And he did not expect to renounce his Democratic membership.  
But after a year immersed in Republican culture, Stern learned life on the other side of the political divide is far from how it’s depicted a problem he pins on a polarized media landscape, and the very institutions he formerly called home.
‘Virtually everyone in the mainstream media is on one side of the political landscape and not the other.’ – Ken Stern
Widest Perception Gap At Political Extremes
In one of the largest national studies of Americas polarization ever conducted, More in Commons Hidden Tribes report identified seven political tribes:
The Hidden Tribes of America
The Perception Gap study builds on these insights. It finds that the most partisan, politically active Americans a group we call the Wings have deeply distorted perceptions of the other side. The two groups with the widest Perception Gaps are the Progressive Activists and the Devoted Conservativesthe most ideological and committed groups of Democrats and Republicans.
And which is the most accurate segment? Surprisingly, its the Politically Disengaged. They are fully three times more accurate in their estimates of political opponents than members of either of these Wing groups. The V-shaped Perception Gap shows that the less invested you are in politics today, the less distorted your perception of politics.
The Party Of The Country Club Tries To Embrace A New Egalitarian Economic Agenda
We are a working-class party now, Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley tweeted at 10:53 p.m. Eastern time on election night in November. Thats the future. A few minutes later, Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden, beginning a string of for Donald Trump and pointing toward a future quite different than the one Hawley had probably imagined when he posted. Hawley arrived in the Senate two years into the Trump era, and since then has pitched an agenda built around the concerns of the common man and woman. Sympathizing with cultural grievances, as Hawley does in fighting internet pornography, is something at which Republicans have been skilled for decades. Addressing the economic disadvantages of the less-well-off has been a blind spot. While Hawley himself has resisted mandatory increases in the minimum wage, his political world has been heating up recently, and it is changing his politics. When he announced in December that he planned to challenge the electoral-vote tally in the Senate, a rogue Walmart social media staffer attacked him as a sore loser via the companys Twitter account. The company promptly apologized, but not before Hawley suggested to Walmart, maybe youd like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business.
Christopher Caldwell is a contributing editor at The Claremont Review of Books.
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statetalks · 3 years
How Can Republicans Live With Themselves
Trump Is Still A Force In The Party
After the 2012 elections, prominent Republicans sharply criticized Mitt Romney and his campaign. Democrats did the same to Hillary Clinton after 2016 and sometimes included former President Barack Obama in their criticisms, too. For a political party to change direction, it nearly always has to distance itself from past leaders. 
Or put another way: For there to be an autopsy, there has to be a dead body.
Trump Slams ‘wayward’ Republicans For Capitol Riot Vote
US Capitol riots
Former US president Donald Trump blasted “wayward Republicans” after lawmakers made a rare bipartisan push to investigate the Capitol riot.
With the support of 35 Republicans, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives voted 252-175 to look into the events of 6 January.
Party leaders had urged Republicans to oppose the bill, with Mr Trump labelling it a “Democrat trap”.
The bill appears to lack the Republican support it needs to pass in the Senate.
It seeks to create an independent inquiry modelled on the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.
The legislation establishes a 10-member body, evenly split between the two main parties, that would make recommendations by the end of the year on how to prevent any repeat of the Capitol invasion.
Trump supporters stormed Congress on 6 January in a failed bid to thwart certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in November’s election.
Wednesday’s vote was seen as a loyalty test to the former president for members of his party.
All 10 of the House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in the days after the Capitol riot for incitement of insurrection were among the 35 who voted for the commission.
In a statement after the vote, Mr Trump hit out at the “wayward” Republican group, saying, “they just can’t help themselves”.
“Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak,” Mr Trump added.
How Bipartisan Is Democrats Infrastructure Plan
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But Trumps continued popularity among key GOP constituencies prevents Republican insiders from undertaking a formal, public discussion about his political shortcomings and how the party should move on from him. Everyone in the GOP knows that irritating Trump could result in the former president attacking them, which would make them vulnerable to a primary challenge, with conservative activists likely backing their opponent. So there will be no autopsy of the post-Trump Republican Party, akin to the Republican National Committees report in 2013 following Romneys defeat, at least not in public. 
There Arent Real Forces Within The Gop Leading Change
There is some appetite for change within the GOP. In those 2024 polls, at least a third of Republicans either were supporting a GOP presidential candidate other than Trump or were undecided. 
In YouGov Blues polling, only about 40 percent of Republicans identified themselves as Trump Republicans. A recent survey from Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, a GOP-leaning firm that worked on Trumps presidential campaigns, found that about 40 percent of Republican voters didnt want Trump to continue to be a leader in the party. Those numbers dont necessarily mean that those voters want the GOP to change drastically. But there is a substantial number of Trump-skeptical/ready-to-move-on-from-Trump Republican voters. But that sentiment isnt really showing up in the Republican Partys actions during the last three months basically everything GOP officials in states and in Washington are doing lines up with the Trumpian approach. So what gives? 
related:Why The Recent Violence Against Asian Americans May Solidify Their Support Of Democrats Read more. »
It is hard to see Republicans changing course, even if a meaningful minority of voters in the party wants changes, without some elite institutions and powerful people in the party pushing a new vision. And its hard to see real anti-Trumpism forces emerging in the GOP right now. 
Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
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The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.  Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.  Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites. 
Opinion:how Can Republicans Defend Trump Because Of The Clintons
Of all the desperate defenses that Republicans were forced to try as the impeachment hearings wore on, the strangest was that President Trump was just doing his job fighting corruption in Ukraine. Even his supporters have to concede that Trumps interest in corruption began and ended with one Ukrainian company.
After all, if Trump cared about family members using their connections to the presidency for personal enrichment, hed have been investigating son-in-law Jared Kushners family for wooing Chinese investors by playing up its familial ties to the Oval Office, or investigating his own administration for attempting to divert a major global summit to one of his properties. No one can reasonably believe the president cares about corruption, unless fighting it might help him win elections.
The latest updates in the Trump impeachment hearings
Unfortunately, Democratic outrage against political corruption, pretextual investigations and the use of vested powers to help your party win elections sounds a little hollow. For three years, impeachment, for many Democrats, has been an effect searching for a cause. Ukraine may have fit the bill perfectly, but anything else would have done just as well.
Read more:
Conservative Intellectuals Were Blind To The Truth About The Gop Hence Trump
The available evidence compiled by historians and political scientists suggests that 1964 really was a pivotal political moment, in exactly the way Roy describes.
Yet Republican intellectuals have long denied this, fabricating a revisionist history in which Republicans were and always have been the party of civil rights. In 2012, ran a lengthy cover story arguing that the standard history recounted by Roy was popular but indefensible.
This revisionism, according to Roy, points to a much bigger conservative delusion: They cannot admit that their partys voters are motivated far more by white identity politics than by conservative ideals.
Conservative intellectuals, and conservative politicians, have been in kind of a bubble, Roy says. Weve had this view that the voters were with us on conservatism philosophical, economic conservatism. In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.
Conservative intellectuals, for the most part, are horrified by racism. When they talk about believing in individual rights and equality, they really mean it. Because the Republican Party is the vehicle through which their ideas can be implemented, they need to believe that the party isnt racist.
Its the power of wishful thinking. None of us want to accept that opposition to civil rights is the legacy that weve inherited, Roy says.
Beneath The Hood Of Trump’s Support Base
Trump’s victory in 2016 came on the back of a surge in voter turnout among white Americans without a college degree, a group he won by better than a 2-1 margin over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump won 6.5 million more voters over the age of 45, despite losing the national popular vote by almost three million.
But that “demographic blowback” which saw some older Americans cast a vote for the first time since Ronald Reagan was on the ballot, was never a long-term strategy they are literally dying off.
But they aren’t dead yet, and neither is Trump’s support base.
AP: Julio Cortez
A found 89 per cent of voters without a college degree and 74 per cent of Republicans want Trump to stay active in politics in some way. Almost half of Republicans want Trump to remain head of their party, while 11 per cent want him to break away and start his own party. It’s that final figure that probably worries Republicans more than any other.
Trump has already flirted with the idea of starting his own “Patriot Party” to rival both Republicans and Democrats, and provide a vehicle for a potential third presidential campaign in 2024.
The only time a former president tried to return to office under the banner of a new party, Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, he consigned his former Republican Party to a distant third place.
‘this Is Not A Political Campaign This Is Deadly Serious’: Cheney Speaks After Jan 6 Committee
Those Republicans were not in the room. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and his fellow GOP leaders decided not to appoint members to the select committee investigating the riot. They will neither defend nor condemn the Capitol riot in the historical annals of the Congressional Record.
They have chosen official silence refusing to defend the indefensible while signaling tacit and docile support for former President Donald Trump and the rioters who stormed the Capitol in his name.
Former Rep. David Jolly, who left the GOP in 2018, said the Republican leadership is trying to divert public attention away from the hearings.
“The committee is set up to get to the truth about Jan. 6,” Jolly said. “Republican opposition to its work is clearly an effort to obstruct that truth from reaching voters.”
Still, by threatening to punish fellow Republicans Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Kinzinger, McCarthy has made clear to Americans that in his House Republican Conference, it is better to back a riot than to buck Trump.
Choosing not to send Republican allies to sit on the committee McCarthy opted to abstain after Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected two of his picks because they have spread lies about the riot may be an act of political cowardice. But it is certainly a political miscalculation.
We may have our deep differences on other policy issues,” Kinzinger said. “But we are all Americans today.
The Social Media Effect
Social media platforms provide us a personalized way to receive news and commentary from anyone and everyone with whom we are connected. In theory, this could mean that users see a cross section of their community’s political views, representing the full range of perspectives within their network. Unfortunately, our study’s findings paint a less encouraging picture. First, only 26% of American report sharing social media posts about politics. Second, these Americans have higher Perception Gaps than the national average. While those who do not post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 18, those who do post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 29. The political content we see on social media is therefore disproportionately from people with a more distorted understanding of the other side, further adding to the problem.
The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to. 
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump. 
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Sen Mazie Hirono Wonders How Some Republicans Live With Themselves
Even after being elected to the Senate in 2012, the Hawaii Democrat Mazie Hirono was, by her own choosing, a politician little known outside her home state. Then, around 2016 and the election of a particularly divisive president, Hirono, who was born in Japan and is the Senates only immigrant, decided that staying under the radar was unsustainable. She frequently made herself available to the national media. She publicly said President Trump was a misogynist and a liar and called for his resignation . She unabashedly punctuated her comments with salty language. And it wasnt just her unexpected transition that raised her profile: Senator Hironos forceful questioning during the Kavanaugh and Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings, as well as, more recently, calling on President Biden to nominate more diverse people for senior positions in his administration, have also been central to her earning national stature. Its not the easiest thing for political people to speak candidly with the national media, says Senator Hirono, who is 73 and whose memoir, Heart of Fire, will be published on April 20. Im not doing it for effect. I dont go out there and spew things. Ive thought things through.
Garland said that to you about the Garza case? No, I said that to Garland. He just kind of looked at me like, Yeah. I knew that he was astounded.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity from two conversations.
Republicans Are Trying To Rebrand Themselves As Working Class Heroes
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To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories.
About a week after he was busted for taking a trip to Cancun amid a historic power crisis in his home state, Ted Cruz made a bold declaration: The Republican Party is not the party of the country clubs, he . Its the party of hardworking, blue-collar men and women. The GOP, he claimed at the yearly jamboree of right-wing nutjobs last week, was not a party for the mostly rich, mostly white men who represent it in Washington. On the contrary, he the Conservative Political Action Conference, where the cost of admission ranged from the mid-hundreds of dollars to , Republicans are the party of steel workers and construction workers and taxi drivers and cops and firefighters and waitresses.
These deplorables, the Texas Senator told big ticket CPAC attendees in February, are here to stay.
This characterization, of course, is ridiculous on its face; how can you claim your party is not the party of country clubs when its deified leader, Donald Trump, literally in a private club he owns. But its an aggressive branding exercise that Republicans have engaged in throughout the Trump years, and that they appear to be ramping up since he was defeated by Joe Biden in November, when the insurrectionist Senator Josh Hawley wrote that we are a working class party now.
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Making The Audience Laugh And Cry
It has become a cliché to declare that Republicans and Democrats live in two different worlds these days, but it turns out there is some truth to the observation.
New research on political behavior finds that most Democratic and Republican voters live in partisan bubbles, with little daily exposure to those who belong to the other party. For instance the typical Democrat has almost zero interactions with Republicans in their neighborhood, according to an by Harvard doctoral student Jacob R. Brown and government Professor Ryan D. Enos published March 8 in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
Theres a lot of evidence that any separation between groups has a lot of negative consequences. We see this in race; we see this in religion; we see this in all kinds of things, said Enos. And increasingly, we see this in partisanship in the United States.
Using geolocation data and the exact addresses of all 180 million registered voters in the U.S. as of June 2018, the two were able to precisely map, for the first time, where Democrats and Republicans live in relation to each other in every town, city, and state in the U.S. Then, rather than rely on the usual precinct or data aggregations, they used weighted measures and recorded the distance between voters to show how people are divided by geography and partisanship across the country.
The measurement of partisan sorting for 180 million voters,
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It certainly might.
And I wouldnt necessarily buy anybody who was selling that. But there are without question people in the administration who fit that criteriapeople who I know for a fact are just deeply disturbred by the president and his behavior, and some of his demagoguery, but feel as though walking away as a sign of protest would be counterproductive. Because the president needs people around him who are stable influences to help steer the ship. And if they were to walk away, maybe the ship sinks.
Theres a bit of a scarlet letter that almost everyone in the Republican party is going to wear.
The president is not oblivious to the fact that this administration is staffed with an awful lot of people who said some really nasty things about him during the campaign. Its not lost on Trump that he has a lot of staff members who were not fans of him once and probably not fans of him today. Look, if Trump was only to staff his White House with people who had never said a negative thing about him, he would be really hard-pressed to find anybody. His takeover of the Republican party was a hostile takeover.
Your book describes the Republican party in collapse. As far as establishment Republicans in DC are concerned, then, is the Trump takeover permanent?
They did this to themselves. And its way too easy ten years from now to lay it all on Trump. Theyre the ones who invited Trump in the first place.
Former Republican Voter After Capitol Riot: ‘i Want No Association With This Party Anymore’
Like so many Republicans, Im sick and tired of talking about saving a party that shows few signs of wanting redemption, which makes it increasingly hard to hold on to the tattered remnants of a once-proud party. Indeed, since the insurrection more than 30,000 Republican voters have dropped their affiliation with the GOP, with many echoing the words of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, I can no longer call myself a fellow Republican.
Despite my own pessimisms about the Grand Old Party, I believe its salvation can still be found in our guiding principles, which do not include putting kids in cages, spewing lies and conspiracies and fermenting deadly insurrections. For those Republicans who remain behind, its time to refocus on what it means to be a Republican. While former President Donald Trump spent four years trying to reshape as much of the Republican Party into his image as possible and, failing that, setting the rest on fire, I agree with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., who said, There is a real split for the future of the party, and that epic battle has commenced. Bring it on!
My fellow Republicans must stop playing stupid.
The Religious Right Traded Morals For Supreme Court Seats Was Trump Worth It
Succumbing to the worst tendencies of ones party isnt new or unprecedented; weve been here before. Moral crises have repeatedly tested the will of our great nation. This country has battled through the dark days of slavery, segregation, McCarthyism and Watergate, and still we stand. Not because of magic pixie dust but thanks to brave patriots, willing to take unpopular yet principled stands because our social contract demands it.
And America has always managed to find its way back from the brink because of our ability to come together, in search of a shared purpose, when we as a country need it the most. We are edging toward a brink now, not of violence necessarily but certainly of near-intractable partisanship. Just look at the differing ways the impeachment inquiry is being covered. I may be foolish, but I still believe in our shared purpose. I still believe that, in spite of those who have turned their back on our motto, e pluribus unum, principled conservatives will find their way back home.
From Pig Hunting To Tea Party Meetings Former Npr Ceo Ken Stern Immersed Himself In Conservative Culture
Ken Stern did not expect to enjoy pig hunting in Texas.
As the former head of NPR, he did not expect to find common ground with the people of evangelical churches or eastern Kentucky coal mines. And he did not expect to renounce his Democratic membership.  
But after a year immersed in Republican culture, Stern learned life on the other side of the political divide is far from how it’s depicted a problem he pins on a polarized media landscape, and the very institutions he formerly called home.
‘Virtually everyone in the mainstream media is on one side of the political landscape and not the other.’ – Ken Stern
Widest Perception Gap At Political Extremes
In one of the largest national studies of Americas polarization ever conducted, More in Commons Hidden Tribes report identified seven political tribes:
The Hidden Tribes of America
The Perception Gap study builds on these insights. It finds that the most partisan, politically active Americans a group we call the Wings have deeply distorted perceptions of the other side. The two groups with the widest Perception Gaps are the Progressive Activists and the Devoted Conservativesthe most ideological and committed groups of Democrats and Republicans.
And which is the most accurate segment? Surprisingly, its the Politically Disengaged. They are fully three times more accurate in their estimates of political opponents than members of either of these Wing groups. The V-shaped Perception Gap shows that the less invested you are in politics today, the less distorted your perception of politics.
The Party Of The Country Club Tries To Embrace A New Egalitarian Economic Agenda
We are a working-class party now, Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley tweeted at 10:53 p.m. Eastern time on election night in November. Thats the future. A few minutes later, Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden, beginning a string of for Donald Trump and pointing toward a future quite different than the one Hawley had probably imagined when he posted. Hawley arrived in the Senate two years into the Trump era, and since then has pitched an agenda built around the concerns of the common man and woman. Sympathizing with cultural grievances, as Hawley does in fighting internet pornography, is something at which Republicans have been skilled for decades. Addressing the economic disadvantages of the less-well-off has been a blind spot. While Hawley himself has resisted mandatory increases in the minimum wage, his political world has been heating up recently, and it is changing his politics. When he announced in December that he planned to challenge the electoral-vote tally in the Senate, a rogue Walmart social media staffer attacked him as a sore loser via the companys Twitter account. The company promptly apologized, but not before Hawley suggested to Walmart, maybe youd like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business.
Christopher Caldwell is a contributing editor at The Claremont Review of Books.
source https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-can-republicans-live-with-themselves/
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garudabluffs · 3 years
Timeline: 7 years of Cuomo's alleged sexual misconduct
A timeline of the allegations based on the attorney general’s report shows incidents often occurred within days or weeks of one another and that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo asked multiple women similar...
The allegations in this timeline are based on the findings of an investigation conducted by the state attorney general's office. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo disputes that he sexually harassed or inappropriately touched women.
Around May 2014 Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo kisses Ana Liss on the cheek and slips his arm around her lower waist at a work party. He frequently flirts with her and comments on her appearance on other occasions while she works as an Empire State Fellow.
Jan. 6, 2016 At an event in New York City, Cuomo spends time with Lindsey Boylan, who works in state economic development, and wraps his hands around both sides of her hands in a way she thinks is "creepy."
Nov. 1, 2016 A senior Cuomo aide emails Lindsey Boylan's boss to ask if she'll be at an event Cuomo is attending. Cuomo had previously emarked on Boylan's appearance, and her boss said he thought Cuomo had a crush on her.
Dec. 12, 2016 The first time he meets Kaitlin, a lobbyist, the governor pulls her by the hand into a dance pose for a photo and then tells her he is going to have her work in state government. (Kaitlin is identified in the report by first name only.)
Around Dec. 14, 2016 Cuomo notes to Lindsey Boylan her resemblance to Lisa Shields, who he had dated a decade earlier, and then calls her "Lisa" later.
December 2016 Cuomo tours Lindsey Boylan around his office and shows her a cigar box from former President Bill Clinton. She wonders if it is a reference to Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Dec. 21, 2016 Although she did not share her contact or apply for a job in the Executive Chamber, Kaitlin is offered an interview at the governor's direction.
December 2016 Kaitlin is offered a job with her requested salary of $120,000 and she accepts the position.
Dec. 31, 2016 At a subway opening in NYC, Cuomo singles out Lindsey Boylan and her husband for a greeting among a crowd, which her husband feels is odd.
Feb. 14, 2017 Through his staff, the governor sends Lindsey Boylan along with other female senior staffers a rose on Valentine's Day. She finds it creepy.
May 2017 At a conservation event, Cuomo meets Virginia Limmiatis, touches the letters on her shirt over her breasts and then whispers next to her cheek, "I'm going to say I see a spider on your shoulder." Limmiatis tells her sister about the governor's behavior about two days later.
Around October 2017 On his plane, Cuomo suggests to Lindsey Boylan they play strip poker. She does not think it is a literal offer, but an inappropriate sexual inneundo. Cuomo staffers claimed the governor never made the remark, though state development official Howard Zemsky told investigators that he remembered the governor saying it, and that it had been directed at Boylan.
Nov. 4, 2017 Trooper #1 meets the governor in New York City while escorting his motorcade. They have a short conversation, and the next day there is talk of her joining his detail.
Later in November 2017
Trooper #1 was at first told she was not eligible to apply to serve on the governor's security detail due to a minimum requirement of three or more years in the State Police. Then a trooper asks her to apply because the minimum had been changed from three years to two specifically for
Around December 2017 Cuomo makes suggestive comments and remarks on Kaitlin's appearance while she is working for him, but over time she feels she fell out of his favor. She is then "pushed onto" another state agency by the Executive Chamber.
January 2018 Trooper #1 joins the governor's State Police Protectice Service Unit.
January 2018 Lindsey Boylan tells a government lawyer she was not subjected to sex discrimination, harassment or retaliation while working in the administration.
July 2018 Lindsey Boylan repeatedly tries to resign from state government including after one incident where top Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa yelled and cursed at her.
September 2018 Cuomo offers to give Trooper #1 a tour of his residence in Mount Kisco unless "it (is) against protocols" and snickers.
Sept. 26, 2018 Lindsey Boylan meets with a government lawyer after a conflict arose between her and another employee. Although the lawyer says she is not being asked to resign, fired or pushed out in any way, Boylan resigns. Cuomo later tells investigators she called him for help but he did not answer.
Early 2019 At work, Gov. Andrew M.Cuomo asks executive assistant Alyssa McGrath if she speaks Italian. She says no and he grins and says a phrase she later learned means she is beautiful. He later says things to her in Italian she did not understand.
Early 2019 The governor looks down Alyssa McGrath's shirt as she leans over and then comments on a necklace under her shirt. Cuomo later tells investigators he did not recall this incident.
May 16, 2019 Cuomo asks Charlotte Bennett, an executive assistant, about her previous relationships and whether she "honored her commitments." Later he asks her to sing "Danny Boy."
Summer 2019 Cuomo asks permission to kiss Trooper #1 in his driveway. She says "sure." He kisses her cheek.
Aug. 9, 2019 Cuomo asks Charlotte Bennett to lift weights with him in his mansion gym and asks whether she has a boyfriend.
Aug. 13, 2019 Cuomo asks Trooper #1 "Why don't you wear a dress?" while they are driving. After she mentions the remark to another trooper, Trooper #1's superior says that comment "stays in the truck."
September 2019 Cuomo grabs the rear end of State Entity Employee #1 while posing for a photo with her at a work event. She immediately tells her supervisor who does not respond. She subsequently tells her family about the incident with the governor and has a discussion with Human Resources about how to report sexual harassment without revealing her specific allegation. Cuomo has denied this happened.
Sept. 14, 2019
At a wedding, Cuomo places his hand on Anna Ruch's back, where her dress has a cutout, and she pulls his hand away. He says, "Wow you're aggressive." He then kisses her cheek as she turns away. This is their first meeting.
Sept. 23, 2019 Cuomo sweeps his hand from Trooper #1's belly button to her hip, while she holds the door open for him. In testimony, Cuomo denies this happened.
Oct. 4, 2019 The governor sings the chorus of "Do You Love Me" by the Contours to Charlotte Bennett several times. He later tells investigators he doesn't recall singing it to her ("I don't even know that song," he says).
Oct. 14 2019 Cuomo asks Charlotte Bennett to do push-ups in front of him. She does approximately 20.
Mid-to-late October 2019 Cuomo asks to kiss Trooper #1 again. She tells him she is sick and he looks disgusted.
November 2019 Executive Assistant #1 starts to assist the governor in the office and at the Executive Mansion. He comments on her appearance and clothing and called her "flirtatious."
November 2019 Cuomo comments on Charlotte Bennett's hair, which is in a bun, and then repeatedly calls her "bun."
December 2019 At a holiday party, Cuomo told Trooper #1 "don't tell anyone about our conversations."
December 2019 At the Executive Chamber holiday party, the governor kisses Executive Assistant #1 and Alyssa McGrath on the cheeks and then poses for a photo with his hands firmly around their ribcages, right below their breasts.
Dec. 31, 2019 At the Executive Mansion, Cuomo asks Executive Assistant #1 for a selfie and grabs her rear end, rubbing it for five seconds while she takes the photo. Cuomo told her not to show anyone the photos.
Jan. 19, 2020 Charlotte Bennett talks to Cuomo about her sexual assault and why it motivates her to work in politics. She finds some of his comments insensitive but appreciates his interest.
January or February 2020 Cuomo says he wishes he could go out in Saratoga Springs with Executive Assistant #1 and Alyssa McGrath, who is getting divorced. In his testimony, Cuomo denied he said this.
Early 2020 The governor asks executive assistant #1 and Alyssa McGrath if they plan to "mingle" with men on their Florida vacation. He calls them "mingle mamas."
March 2020 After Cuomo changed the requirements to get a candidate on the ballot, Lindsey Boylan, who is running for office, texts his staff the change was "not helpful" and she "will find ways to respond." Cuomo's team later accuses Boylan of going public with her harassment allegations for political reasons.
March 17, 2020 State Entity Employee #2, a doctor, performs a COVID-19 test on Cuomo during a news conference. Prior to the event, he makes a comment she believes is a sexual inneundo and stands close to her. During the event, he says she made her gown "look good."
Mid-May 2020 The governor provides feedback on a speech on sexual assault that Charlotte Bennett plans to give and repeatedly says "You were raped" while pointing at her. She feels uncomfortable. He later says he wants to find a lady and drive off into the mountains with her.
June 5, 2020 Cuomo tells Charlotte Bennett he is lonely, wants a girlfriend in Albany and asks her when was the last time she had a "real hug." He also asks her about past relationships and if she'd been with older men, saying he'd date someone age 22 and up.
June 6, 2020 Alone in Cuomo's office, Cuomo tells Charlotte Bennett she looks like Daisy Duke in her jean shorts and asks if she had found him a girlfriend yet. Cuomo denied some but not all of these allegations.
June 10, 2020 Charlotte Bennett reports the governor's behavior to his chief of staff Jill DesRosiers, who offers to find her a new position. Bennett is transferred to the health policy team.
June 29, 2020 Charlotte Bennett tells other staff in the Executive Chamber about the harassment. One staffer then speaks to Jill DesRosiers about the allegations.
June 30, 2020 Charlotte Bennett talks to Jill DesRosiers and counsel Judy Mogul about her experiences with Cuomo after another staffer spoke up about what Bennett said. They advise her how to make a complaint, but do not say they would make a report.
July 1, 2020 Judy Mogul tells Charlotte Bennett she determined a report to the Governor's Office of Employee Relations, which investigates sexual harassment, is not needed. Bennett was "terrified" of an investigation.
Late July or early August Charlotte Bennett takes medical leave and then decides to quit her job because she was anxious and did not want to work for the governor. Senior staff offer to find her another job in state government.
November 2020 In his Capitol office, Cuomo asks Executive Assistant #1, “(H)ave you ever had sex with anyone other than your husband?” She says she had not.
November 2020 Cuomo grills Alyssa McGrath on the phone about her ex-husband, personal life and whether she was seeing anyone.
Nov. 16, 2020 Cuomo pulls Executive Assistant #1 in for a close hug and then grabs her breast over her bra at the Executive Mansion. Cuomo has denied touching her breasts in his testimony.
December 2020 The Times Union asks the New York State Police about Trooper #1 joining the governor's detail and whether she met the eligibility requirements. The Executive Chamber gives a misleading response and denounces the inquiry as sexist.
Dec. 5, 2020 Lindsey Boylan tweets in part, “Most toxic team environment? Working for @NYGovCuomo” and “I tried to quit three times before it stuck. ... That environment is beyond toxic.” She follows with more tweets on Dec. 8 suggesting she'd say more if other women came forward.
Dec. 8, 2020 Charlotte Bennett writes to Lindsey Boylan about the governor's harassment: "The verbal abuse, intimidation and living in constant fear were all horribly toxic — dehumanizing and traumatizing. And then he came onto me. I was scared to imagine what would happen if I rejected him, so I disappeared instead. My time in public service ended because he was bored and lonely. It still breaks my heart."
December 2020 A Cuomo aide, Rich Azzopardi, calls Ana Liss to ask if she'd spoken with Lindsey Boylan and requests she tell him if Boylan reached out.
Around Dec. 15, 2020 Cuomo writes the first draft of the letter that denies Lindsey Boylan's allegations and impugns her credibility. Then aides work on it. The letter later shifts to a positive letter of support for Cuomo that they attempt to get staff to sign. It is never published.
Mid-December 2020 Cuomo senior advisers probe various former staff for their own sexual harassment allegations and to see who might support Lindsey Boylan or speak to the news media.
December 2020 After Kaitlin tweets messages of support for Lindsey Boylan, a former staff member calls Kaitlin and surreptiously records the call at the insistence of top Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa, who is looking for evidence of whether she is working with Boylan.
Mid-to-late December 2020 Cuomo asks Executive Assistant #1
not to “talk about anything to anyone else”
because “people talk around here” and he could “get in a lot of trouble.” She tells him she will not say anything.
+ 19 more > clocks
READ MORE https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/cuomo-sexual-harassment-report-timeline-16367561.php
"good enough for government work" raising the bar?
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baseballlibertarian · 3 years
Clinton Operation Runs Aground Against Obama Movement in Milford
MILFORD, N.H. — In politics there are operations and movements.
There is an operation in every campaign and the best one always wins. Unless it comes up against a movement.
Operations understand the fundamentals of a campaign and execute them with awe-inspiring precision — everything from the candidate’s message and TV ads, to voter identification and mobilization, to interest group wooing and massaging, to on-site bunting and balloons.
In a national campaign this is a massive undertaking. Getting all these fundamentals right signals important attributes about a future president: discipline, organization, vision and diligence — they always have and always will.
Movements, however, are different and they can sometimes rise up and challenge superior political operations. Movements possess passionate supporters, one or two over-arching causes and a leader with genuine charisma who can attract people even without the well-financed voter identification efforts possessed by a rival’s “operation.”
Movements can be powerful and movements can win. But in my experience, most movements die because they can’t sustain themselves against the overwhelming pressure applied by a superior national “operation.”
I’ve witnessed the following movements come and go: Dean in 2004, Pat Buchanan in 1996 and Ross Perot in 1992.
They all lost. In fact, they didn’t come close. They touched a chord, drew big crowds, attracted massive press coverage and even drove important issues into the debate (Dean the Iraq war, Buchanan trade, Perot the deficit). But they all lost to the superior operations because one or many things broke down, chief among them the leader’s inability to broaden the audience beyond the original “movement” believers.
What we are seeing in the Democratic race for the presidency, I am now convinced, is a movement that may in fact succeed.
It is the Obama movement.
The results in Iowa expanded the known universe of what was possible in Democratic Party politics. Some of the party’s most brilliant and successful leaders have competed in Iowa (save for Bill Clinton, but I’ll be back to him in a minute), and not one of them came close to doing what Barack Obama achieved on Thursday with his win over Hillary Clinton. What everyone thought they knew about Iowa and the caucuses is now irrelevant. Obama changed the game and changed it forever. That is a massive, movement-like accomplishment and what’s even more amazing is this: Obama said it was possible and it happened.
The distance between theory and reality is often what crushes movement because what is dreamed for rarely comes to pass. It did in Iowa and that matters not only at a political level, it matters enormously at a psychological level because movements thrive on the intangible emotional synergy of hope, aspirations and dewy-eyed dreaming — yes, all those things wise observers of politics have long scorned because they flame out and die so frequently.
What’s different about Obama and this moment is the movement has operational tendencies, which is to say it doesn’t live off of its good intentions and good vibrations. This movement gets in the trenches and fights it out — but on its terms, with its gusto and with its inventive tactical precision.
Never was that on display more clearly than at the 100 Club Dinner here Friday night. This is the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s big celebration. It was held in a big dome covering a football field surrounded by a synthetic running track — the biggest venue ever for the event.
What you need to understand about the dinner and the venue is this: it was supposed to be a Clinton room.
The Clinton brand name among Democrats is golden. The party love affair goes back to before 1992 when the Clintons first began campaigning for the White House in 1991. The legend of “The Comeback Kid” and Bill and Hill’s regular and celebratory visits back to the state throughout their presidency and thereafter have made them something akin the party royalty here.
So last night was the perfect night for the Clinton operation to demonstrate that Iowa was a fluke, New Hampshire is home and things will be different on primary Tuesday.
It didn’t happen. The operation tried but just like in Iowa it lost to the Obama movement.
Hillary Clinton’s tables were well within camera range of the TV riser and far closer to the stage than the Obama tables (this is what you can do when your operation seeks to own the room). The Obama tables were on the far end of the domed facility, near the trailers holding the portable toilets.
When Clinton hit the stage, her well-positioned supporters rose up en masse and waved her signs carrying her new one word slogan: “Ready.” It was an impressive crowd and full of energy. By standard operational measurement, it all worked really well. The crowd was bunched right before the TV riser and the “Ready” placards waved happily before the cameras and Clinton beamed at what must have felt like a warm and nerve-soothing homecoming of sorts.
But the first indication of trouble came when she warned that Democrats must not be beguiled by “false hopes” (an obvious shot at Obama) and a ripple of boos arose from the Obama tables.
Clinton’s stump speech was warmly received — of that there can be no doubt — and she certainly appeared to have charmed if not won the room (after all, it was supposed to be hers).
Then Bill Richardson spoke and the Obama movement swung into action.
As Richardson boomed about ending the war in Iraq, team Obama pre-positioned men, women and young adults with Obama signs smack-dab in front of the stage. Hundreds upon hundreds marched silently and cheerfully (some were literally dancing barely suppressed jigs) from their distant tables and into the center of the “football” field, clogging all available space and encircling the tables of the amazed and slightly disconcerted Clinton supporters.
As soon as Richardson finished and Obama was waiting to be announced, Obama supporters hefted placards in bouncing waves and began chanting “Fired Up, Ready to Go” as the fire marshals frantically raced around to keep lanes open for people to walk around the TV riser. Rhythmic chants of “Obama” also arose in the arena as the round O-shaped Obama placards appeared to float by the hundreds in mid-air creating a mesmerizing sea of Obama signs that rocked and rolled before an empty stage.
So intense was the crowd up front, that an announcement was made that Obama wouldn’t be brought out until the crowd returned to their distant seats in Siberia. The Obama legions booed, made a token move away from the stage, but largely held their ground.
When Obama took the stage the response was thunderous and jubilant, three times as loud as that for Clinton. Obama said “Thank you” as a means to quiet the crowd, one woman yelled out “Thank YOU” and the crowd burst out in a roar and cheer.
“In four days you can do what Iowa did last night,” Obama said.
Obama, his voice hoarse, moved through an abbreviated stump speech and called for “one nation, one people.”
“We started last night, attracting not only the tried and true Democrat, but the independent and the Republican.”
On this night, the speeches mattered less than the moment. And at an event filled with party die-hards supposedly devoted body and soul to Hillary and the Clinton cause, the Obama demonstration generated more body and more soul and rolled over the Clinton operation like a tractor tire over an anthill.
And that is why I believe we are witnessing the birth of a movement that may be on the verge of defeating an operation. That would be rare enough on its own. But this particular contest is of generational importance because the Clinton operation is the most formidable modern American politics has ever seen and it would take quite a movement to knock it down.
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hellobeautifulshop · 3 years
Black Cat That's What I Do I Read Books And I Know Things Vintage T Shirt
I got a Black Cat That's What I Do I Read Books And I Know Things Vintage T Shirt lot of PayPal will ship they would know they would know things about your child’s medical history in order to know about your child’s medical history in order to determine the value of your child on the market not to mention my baby was exotic as I’m I’m black and Indian Guyanese makes an mom is half black and half Puerto Rican so my daughter is a beautiful brown color is beautiful curly brown hair it’s a short she’s she’s an amazing get and knowing that I have a daughter that looks this way I understood the necessity for me to have to protect her with my life you mean because I light skinned I spent my whole life treat my finger like shit now God gave me a light skinned daughter I have to protect the child with my and I did that and I paid a steep price for but she still here and motherfuckers are still trying to take my daughter from I’m still being targeted and now using my own fucking family to try to do but that’s a whole other story and Danny golf line either. Maybe he’s got it it’s no the implication is that this is the current okay so I restore the ball universe included everyone who had already come back to life med that you are how do I the horse you don’t feel like it should go back to what is bringing back the thing that had aft of the universal ready when you universe you to follow the path on your re creating the flaw in the universe to get destroyed but now someone else made it like you know the last Guardian McGlashan Glaxo were not wanted to resurrect from death anymore but right then we did dieand came back to life yet one more patio pass rightand brief that will deploy the business model wasn’t to be like a local gym setting this outand she was like I thought ofand I’ll try to write my well okay so Jim got nothing the dead mean dad understand like if you think think that means dad because you really really want to matter you post the matter they needed they may not matter on energy is now so I’m saying if you kill some of you better be damn sure that it’s a really good story or as a really good poignant thingand that you don’t want that character come back like next week because I’m not going to greenlight unless it’s a big character that we need money from which is unwisely unless it’s a character toenails created in the Millbury back in the book living like fuck you I energies I feel that the oversight right will you use it though you so how long does it last its programs immediately by who I don’t recall the first person is resurrected by do know that it’s like 2003 so like three years later in Civil War they kill Bill foster Goliathand he still that I think will so well okay when when the comes next is sorely sort which is like so Joe you know you is scheduled to start another Keppra to tell him not telling Jim Starling not to contradict himself is like telling a horse not to gallop gracefully through a field it’s like a chef not to make a delicious meal if it’s just it’s just a thought It was just a guideline install the one was inspired to do a big stupid things the Pharaoh that no one cares about but no one is so is a joke is not as likely to win man wanted to be like I was just try to make people take couple more seriously it may be why Casado left it as of the end book ride is like 10 no one thinks it’s actually incontinent to carry continuity the end book is entirely different things I know you want it is soldand not taking about Sears I was still over there wrote itand just like is not what I asked for I still have to publish it because it’s gonna make us all like I paid already Chairman when you so marble the end or as is later collected I think the court fan is the like all those left and no people click on fantasy got so morallyand it has some really fun ideas I think I glossed over but like if you do get a chance to read about a conversation with Dennisand warlock is very Jim Starling in his like law but also kind of poignant feeling satisfied at the end really is like when you something that they’re just talking about initial reaction was to be upset with him like no this actually makes sense for these two characters early so like every marble hero in the unit on reverse because Spiderman’s alternate reality daughter spider girl is in the fight something always liked everything goes up the fight so I literally already saw your big silly flashlight with all the calculable characters is just the way some yeah we would that’s because that’s what happens in white God now which is like how about these two cooler heads just have a conversation in which I like I really wish I could eat wasn’t a part of all he is on it’s really weird so we really when you’re convinced he was like taking some kind of like learning Annex course about ancient Egypt that’s neat what is when we know well know story about how he die is not what you know there’s a lot of people we don’t know but what happens in the healing starts to go sailing can be treated is the Egyptians role the resurrection or like like a dadand what is it the rightand Azariah the theme in the story so why not if you use some no actual goal was just so randomand stupid as always after one random human to get picked up by alien because he technically was a leader of many people at one point for these goober aliens that the hardest is powered yeah random aliensand overheard name exist beings but only because like they look so what they they’re just the ones who thought of it first went to the who built a machine around or they were just physically close enough to see it probably is forever else is looking for because he believes there is a power like that universe guys probably like was set up there using as a son of the first like 6000 years of our all with the heart of the universeand the thing that makes us all exist let’s go build the thing around it to protect Israel to go to a sweet planet that 1 billion ly away one random dude diaper out of his elementand then give him a portion of power but he does with itand 10 000 years later turns out he is an ass hole about the leavesand goes back to the planet before you you have themand they are experiment will be neat to being a dick cool humans powered exhibit like he’s so powerful that he could destroy everything anyway so I went we had once been the product to a two story is a Egypt story we got really unimportant yeah ultimatelyand then a story the actual story but it’s actually interesting because you could if it wasn’t continuity you have a couple of meanings like a marble began to kill the characters is normally under the end of the universe right also it’s fundamentally the end of marble if it’s in continuity because you’ve just betrayed that this is stupid our universe is someone could physically graband useand that the Godand breaks everything I tell you everything understand just what Starling broke his own book yet did Jim Starling we had always said this was the matter characters die in the book at the end of the book there’ll yeah will relate what does just what you will want more time with this multi means it is it one more time the next time on next or not I’m doing this book to make sure there are number next time but as long as I’m writing it to take this time Jim on the that the last time so I’m to do it as much as possible really is the people come back as you mass like maybe what he’s doing trying to say like look at how stupid it is resurrected don’t you feel like a jackass is not a matter resides in times in the same book if that’s the point of the book by my original person who did that by until it half of the men in was a plot device it was like he’s not doing it because it was a fundamental plot point of your cinematic universe like that was what would would fight he did start was just like it was a display of Panos’s power he does thisand then less than issue later they’re all backand he was doing it to impress desk gas is not doing it because he spun I believe that how it should be he’s doing as a gesture to try get laid which is way less impressive so till the broader badass now is saying rock to bring back that was also like 10 years earlierand now he’s working for this companyand they’re saying were trying to make a new goal of to do that for you not going to want to I snapped way have you ever mission is address the myriad regrets I don’t it’s hard to tell you I’m in it here’s a video Jim Starling wrote a death in the family he killed Jason to is no stranger to the weightand gravity of killing a character maybe didn’t Jim Starling is just a bloodthirsty man was six Hill but like no so get in trouble for is what he’s telling fantastical stories were colorful people in tightsand death is a it is is a very good thing to use that out that hammers home the point that like things matter Jason Todd come back to life by this point could be he’s a like a commentary on being like I killed Jason Toddand Laura are you doing I like you brought them back that’s all to take the availability like anything that means to stay in your will reinforceand outselland problem what why why we why we what we losing the marble againand affordable for your whole universe is gone to see broken back time brought by Jason thought that was where it all started maybe maybe in thisand I credit Starling with the with with movie you know before to be able to shoulder all that I think so yes I said yes but anyway that’s normallyand it definitely looks cool it yes yes the watercolors you want but anyway right as he is negative on the prairies of South Bennett Watson. Really is remarkable and in a time when literally in in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State was using architect of the Obama administration’s foreign policy we see entire portions of the world particularly the wider Middle East literally spinning out of control in a situation were watching our my hours Today is is a result of the failed foreign policy in the week foreign policy that Hillary Clinton helped lead in this administration create the newly newly embolden the aggression of Russia whether the was in Ukraine are now heavy handed approach said Vladimir Cinemas in the land think I got thank you Sen praise for their pertinence in as I because at the time of great challenge in the life of this nation where we weave we can America’s place in the world stifled America’s economy the campaign of Hillary Clinton Tim Kane has been an avalanche of insults looking to get to your question about trust Donald Trump is built a business through hard times intricate sees Brian extraordinary business
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Can Republicans Live With Themselves
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-can-republicans-live-with-themselves/
How Can Republicans Live With Themselves
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Trump Is Still A Force In The Party
After the 2012 elections, prominent Republicans sharply criticized Mitt Romney and his campaign. Democrats did the same to Hillary Clinton after 2016 and sometimes included former President Barack Obama in their criticisms, too. For a political party to change direction, it nearly always has to distance itself from past leaders. 
Or put another way: For there to be an autopsy, there has to be a dead body.
Trump Slams ‘wayward’ Republicans For Capitol Riot Vote
US Capitol riots
Former US president Donald Trump blasted “wayward Republicans” after lawmakers made a rare bipartisan push to investigate the Capitol riot.
With the support of 35 Republicans, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives voted 252-175 to look into the events of 6 January.
Party leaders had urged Republicans to oppose the bill, with Mr Trump labelling it a “Democrat trap”.
The bill appears to lack the Republican support it needs to pass in the Senate.
It seeks to create an independent inquiry modelled on the commission that investigated the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.
The legislation establishes a 10-member body, evenly split between the two main parties, that would make recommendations by the end of the year on how to prevent any repeat of the Capitol invasion.
Trump supporters stormed Congress on 6 January in a failed bid to thwart certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in November’s election.
Wednesday’s vote was seen as a loyalty test to the former president for members of his party.
All 10 of the House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in the days after the Capitol riot for incitement of insurrection were among the 35 who voted for the commission.
In a statement after the vote, Mr Trump hit out at the “wayward” Republican group, saying, “they just can’t help themselves”.
“Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak,” Mr Trump added.
How Bipartisan Is Democrats Infrastructure Plan
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But Trumps continued popularity among key GOP constituencies prevents Republican insiders from undertaking a formal, public discussion about his political shortcomings and how the party should move on from him. Everyone in the GOP knows that irritating Trump could result in the former president attacking them, which would make them vulnerable to a primary challenge, with conservative activists likely backing their opponent. So there will be no autopsy of the post-Trump Republican Party, akin to the Republican National Committees report in 2013 following Romneys defeat, at least not in public. 
There Arent Real Forces Within The Gop Leading Change
There is some appetite for change within the GOP. In those 2024 polls, at least a third of Republicans either were supporting a GOP presidential candidate other than Trump or were undecided. 
In YouGov Blues polling, only about 40 percent of Republicans identified themselves as Trump Republicans. A recent survey from Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, a GOP-leaning firm that worked on Trumps presidential campaigns, found that about 40 percent of Republican voters didnt want Trump to continue to be a leader in the party. Those numbers dont necessarily mean that those voters want the GOP to change drastically. But there is a substantial number of Trump-skeptical/ready-to-move-on-from-Trump Republican voters. But that sentiment isnt really showing up in the Republican Partys actions during the last three months basically everything GOP officials in states and in Washington are doing lines up with the Trumpian approach. So what gives? 
related:Why The Recent Violence Against Asian Americans May Solidify Their Support Of Democrats Read more. »
It is hard to see Republicans changing course, even if a meaningful minority of voters in the party wants changes, without some elite institutions and powerful people in the party pushing a new vision. And its hard to see real anti-Trumpism forces emerging in the GOP right now. 
Democrats Return The Favor: Republicans Uninformed Or Self
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The 429 Democratic voters in our sample returned the favor and raised many of the same themes. Democrats inferred that Republicans must be VERY ill-informed, or that Fox news told me to vote for Republicans.  Or that Republicans are uneducated and misguided people guided by what the media is feeding them.
Many also attributed votes to individual self-interest whereas GOP voters feel Democrats want free stuff, many Democrats believe Republicans think that I got mine and dont want the libs to take it away, or that some day I will be rich and then I can get the benefits that rich people get now.
Many used the question to express their anger and outrage at the other side.  Rather than really try to take the position of their opponents, they said things like, I like a dictatorial system of Government, Im a racist, I hate non-whites. 
Opinion:how Can Republicans Defend Trump Because Of The Clintons
Of all the desperate defenses that Republicans were forced to try as the impeachment hearings wore on, the strangest was that President Trump was just doing his job fighting corruption in Ukraine. Even his supporters have to concede that Trumps interest in corruption began and ended with one Ukrainian company.
After all, if Trump cared about family members using their connections to the presidency for personal enrichment, hed have been investigating son-in-law Jared Kushners family for wooing Chinese investors by playing up its familial ties to the Oval Office, or investigating his own administration for attempting to divert a major global summit to one of his properties. No one can reasonably believe the president cares about corruption, unless fighting it might help him win elections.
The latest updates in the Trump impeachment hearings
Unfortunately, Democratic outrage against political corruption, pretextual investigations and the use of vested powers to help your party win elections sounds a little hollow. For three years, impeachment, for many Democrats, has been an effect searching for a cause. Ukraine may have fit the bill perfectly, but anything else would have done just as well.
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Conservative Intellectuals Were Blind To The Truth About The Gop Hence Trump
The available evidence compiled by historians and political scientists suggests that 1964 really was a pivotal political moment, in exactly the way Roy describes.
Yet Republican intellectuals have long denied this, fabricating a revisionist history in which Republicans were and always have been the party of civil rights. In 2012, ran a lengthy cover story arguing that the standard history recounted by Roy was popular but indefensible.
This revisionism, according to Roy, points to a much bigger conservative delusion: They cannot admit that their partys voters are motivated far more by white identity politics than by conservative ideals.
Conservative intellectuals, and conservative politicians, have been in kind of a bubble, Roy says. Weve had this view that the voters were with us on conservatism philosophical, economic conservatism. In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.
Conservative intellectuals, for the most part, are horrified by racism. When they talk about believing in individual rights and equality, they really mean it. Because the Republican Party is the vehicle through which their ideas can be implemented, they need to believe that the party isnt racist.
Its the power of wishful thinking. None of us want to accept that opposition to civil rights is the legacy that weve inherited, Roy says.
Beneath The Hood Of Trump’s Support Base
Trump’s victory in 2016 came on the back of a surge in voter turnout among white Americans without a college degree, a group he won by better than a 2-1 margin over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump won 6.5 million more voters over the age of 45, despite losing the national popular vote by almost three million.
But that “demographic blowback” which saw some older Americans cast a vote for the first time since Ronald Reagan was on the ballot, was never a long-term strategy they are literally dying off.
But they aren’t dead yet, and neither is Trump’s support base.
AP: Julio Cortez
A found 89 per cent of voters without a college degree and 74 per cent of Republicans want Trump to stay active in politics in some way. Almost half of Republicans want Trump to remain head of their party, while 11 per cent want him to break away and start his own party. It’s that final figure that probably worries Republicans more than any other.
Trump has already flirted with the idea of starting his own “Patriot Party” to rival both Republicans and Democrats, and provide a vehicle for a potential third presidential campaign in 2024.
The only time a former president tried to return to office under the banner of a new party, Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, he consigned his former Republican Party to a distant third place.
‘this Is Not A Political Campaign This Is Deadly Serious’: Cheney Speaks After Jan 6 Committee
Those Republicans were not in the room. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and his fellow GOP leaders decided not to appoint members to the select committee investigating the riot. They will neither defend nor condemn the Capitol riot in the historical annals of the Congressional Record.
They have chosen official silence refusing to defend the indefensible while signaling tacit and docile support for former President Donald Trump and the rioters who stormed the Capitol in his name.
Former Rep. David Jolly, who left the GOP in 2018, said the Republican leadership is trying to divert public attention away from the hearings.
“The committee is set up to get to the truth about Jan. 6,” Jolly said. “Republican opposition to its work is clearly an effort to obstruct that truth from reaching voters.”
Still, by threatening to punish fellow Republicans Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Kinzinger, McCarthy has made clear to Americans that in his House Republican Conference, it is better to back a riot than to buck Trump.
Choosing not to send Republican allies to sit on the committee McCarthy opted to abstain after Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected two of his picks because they have spread lies about the riot may be an act of political cowardice. But it is certainly a political miscalculation.
We may have our deep differences on other policy issues,” Kinzinger said. “But we are all Americans today.
The Social Media Effect
Social media platforms provide us a personalized way to receive news and commentary from anyone and everyone with whom we are connected. In theory, this could mean that users see a cross section of their community’s political views, representing the full range of perspectives within their network. Unfortunately, our study’s findings paint a less encouraging picture. First, only 26% of American report sharing social media posts about politics. Second, these Americans have higher Perception Gaps than the national average. While those who do not post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 18, those who do post on social media have an average Perception Gap of 29. The political content we see on social media is therefore disproportionately from people with a more distorted understanding of the other side, further adding to the problem.
The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to. 
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump. 
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Sen Mazie Hirono Wonders How Some Republicans Live With Themselves
Even after being elected to the Senate in 2012, the Hawaii Democrat Mazie Hirono was, by her own choosing, a politician little known outside her home state. Then, around 2016 and the election of a particularly divisive president, Hirono, who was born in Japan and is the Senates only immigrant, decided that staying under the radar was unsustainable. She frequently made herself available to the national media. She publicly said President Trump was a misogynist and a liar and called for his resignation . She unabashedly punctuated her comments with salty language. And it wasnt just her unexpected transition that raised her profile: Senator Hironos forceful questioning during the Kavanaugh and Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings, as well as, more recently, calling on President Biden to nominate more diverse people for senior positions in his administration, have also been central to her earning national stature. Its not the easiest thing for political people to speak candidly with the national media, says Senator Hirono, who is 73 and whose memoir, Heart of Fire, will be published on April 20. Im not doing it for effect. I dont go out there and spew things. Ive thought things through.
Garland said that to you about the Garza case? No, I said that to Garland. He just kind of looked at me like, Yeah. I knew that he was astounded.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity from two conversations.
Republicans Are Trying To Rebrand Themselves As Working Class Heroes
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About a week after he was busted for taking a trip to Cancun amid a historic power crisis in his home state, Ted Cruz made a bold declaration: The Republican Party is not the party of the country clubs, he . Its the party of hardworking, blue-collar men and women. The GOP, he claimed at the yearly jamboree of right-wing nutjobs last week, was not a party for the mostly rich, mostly white men who represent it in Washington. On the contrary, he the Conservative Political Action Conference, where the cost of admission ranged from the mid-hundreds of dollars to , Republicans are the party of steel workers and construction workers and taxi drivers and cops and firefighters and waitresses.
These deplorables, the Texas Senator told big ticket CPAC attendees in February, are here to stay.
This characterization, of course, is ridiculous on its face; how can you claim your party is not the party of country clubs when its deified leader, Donald Trump, literally in a private club he owns. But its an aggressive branding exercise that Republicans have engaged in throughout the Trump years, and that they appear to be ramping up since he was defeated by Joe Biden in November, when the insurrectionist Senator Josh Hawley wrote that we are a working class party now.
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Making The Audience Laugh And Cry
It has become a cliché to declare that Republicans and Democrats live in two different worlds these days, but it turns out there is some truth to the observation.
New research on political behavior finds that most Democratic and Republican voters live in partisan bubbles, with little daily exposure to those who belong to the other party. For instance the typical Democrat has almost zero interactions with Republicans in their neighborhood, according to an by Harvard doctoral student Jacob R. Brown and government Professor Ryan D. Enos published March 8 in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
Theres a lot of evidence that any separation between groups has a lot of negative consequences. We see this in race; we see this in religion; we see this in all kinds of things, said Enos. And increasingly, we see this in partisanship in the United States.
Using geolocation data and the exact addresses of all 180 million registered voters in the U.S. as of June 2018, the two were able to precisely map, for the first time, where Democrats and Republicans live in relation to each other in every town, city, and state in the U.S. Then, rather than rely on the usual precinct or data aggregations, they used weighted measures and recorded the distance between voters to show how people are divided by geography and partisanship across the country.
The measurement of partisan sorting for 180 million voters,
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It certainly might.
And I wouldnt necessarily buy anybody who was selling that. But there are without question people in the administration who fit that criteriapeople who I know for a fact are just deeply disturbred by the president and his behavior, and some of his demagoguery, but feel as though walking away as a sign of protest would be counterproductive. Because the president needs people around him who are stable influences to help steer the ship. And if they were to walk away, maybe the ship sinks.
Theres a bit of a scarlet letter that almost everyone in the Republican party is going to wear.
The president is not oblivious to the fact that this administration is staffed with an awful lot of people who said some really nasty things about him during the campaign. Its not lost on Trump that he has a lot of staff members who were not fans of him once and probably not fans of him today. Look, if Trump was only to staff his White House with people who had never said a negative thing about him, he would be really hard-pressed to find anybody. His takeover of the Republican party was a hostile takeover.
Your book describes the Republican party in collapse. As far as establishment Republicans in DC are concerned, then, is the Trump takeover permanent?
They did this to themselves. And its way too easy ten years from now to lay it all on Trump. Theyre the ones who invited Trump in the first place.
Former Republican Voter After Capitol Riot: ‘i Want No Association With This Party Anymore’
Like so many Republicans, Im sick and tired of talking about saving a party that shows few signs of wanting redemption, which makes it increasingly hard to hold on to the tattered remnants of a once-proud party. Indeed, since the insurrection more than 30,000 Republican voters have dropped their affiliation with the GOP, with many echoing the words of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, I can no longer call myself a fellow Republican.
Despite my own pessimisms about the Grand Old Party, I believe its salvation can still be found in our guiding principles, which do not include putting kids in cages, spewing lies and conspiracies and fermenting deadly insurrections. For those Republicans who remain behind, its time to refocus on what it means to be a Republican. While former President Donald Trump spent four years trying to reshape as much of the Republican Party into his image as possible and, failing that, setting the rest on fire, I agree with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., who said, There is a real split for the future of the party, and that epic battle has commenced. Bring it on!
My fellow Republicans must stop playing stupid.
The Religious Right Traded Morals For Supreme Court Seats Was Trump Worth It
Succumbing to the worst tendencies of ones party isnt new or unprecedented; weve been here before. Moral crises have repeatedly tested the will of our great nation. This country has battled through the dark days of slavery, segregation, McCarthyism and Watergate, and still we stand. Not because of magic pixie dust but thanks to brave patriots, willing to take unpopular yet principled stands because our social contract demands it.
And America has always managed to find its way back from the brink because of our ability to come together, in search of a shared purpose, when we as a country need it the most. We are edging toward a brink now, not of violence necessarily but certainly of near-intractable partisanship. Just look at the differing ways the impeachment inquiry is being covered. I may be foolish, but I still believe in our shared purpose. I still believe that, in spite of those who have turned their back on our motto, e pluribus unum, principled conservatives will find their way back home.
From Pig Hunting To Tea Party Meetings Former Npr Ceo Ken Stern Immersed Himself In Conservative Culture
Ken Stern did not expect to enjoy pig hunting in Texas.
As the former head of NPR, he did not expect to find common ground with the people of evangelical churches or eastern Kentucky coal mines. And he did not expect to renounce his Democratic membership.  
But after a year immersed in Republican culture, Stern learned life on the other side of the political divide is far from how it’s depicted a problem he pins on a polarized media landscape, and the very institutions he formerly called home.
‘Virtually everyone in the mainstream media is on one side of the political landscape and not the other.’ – Ken Stern
Widest Perception Gap At Political Extremes
In one of the largest national studies of Americas polarization ever conducted, More in Commons Hidden Tribes report identified seven political tribes:
The Hidden Tribes of America
The Perception Gap study builds on these insights. It finds that the most partisan, politically active Americans a group we call the Wings have deeply distorted perceptions of the other side. The two groups with the widest Perception Gaps are the Progressive Activists and the Devoted Conservativesthe most ideological and committed groups of Democrats and Republicans.
And which is the most accurate segment? Surprisingly, its the Politically Disengaged. They are fully three times more accurate in their estimates of political opponents than members of either of these Wing groups. The V-shaped Perception Gap shows that the less invested you are in politics today, the less distorted your perception of politics.
The Party Of The Country Club Tries To Embrace A New Egalitarian Economic Agenda
We are a working-class party now, Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley tweeted at 10:53 p.m. Eastern time on election night in November. Thats the future. A few minutes later, Fox called Arizona for Joe Biden, beginning a string of for Donald Trump and pointing toward a future quite different than the one Hawley had probably imagined when he posted. Hawley arrived in the Senate two years into the Trump era, and since then has pitched an agenda built around the concerns of the common man and woman. Sympathizing with cultural grievances, as Hawley does in fighting internet pornography, is something at which Republicans have been skilled for decades. Addressing the economic disadvantages of the less-well-off has been a blind spot. While Hawley himself has resisted mandatory increases in the minimum wage, his political world has been heating up recently, and it is changing his politics. When he announced in December that he planned to challenge the electoral-vote tally in the Senate, a rogue Walmart social media staffer attacked him as a sore loser via the companys Twitter account. The company promptly apologized, but not before Hawley suggested to Walmart, maybe youd like to apologize for the pathetic wages you pay your workers as you drive mom and pop stores out of business.
Christopher Caldwell is a contributing editor at The Claremont Review of Books.
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