#i mean i gotta have SOMETHING from unleashed…
wolfiesmoon · 10 months
The greatest gift
it's the most wonderful time of the year as they like to say so how about you recieve the best gift from santa on top of that 😈
this is suggestive perhaps??
Characters featured: mikey, hanma, baji, mitsuya
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₊˚⊹♡ Mikey
You were joking when you asked for "Mikey" for christmas. You thought Hina and Emma knew you were joking.
So why the hell was Mikey currently tied up with a christmas ribbon and sitting under the christmas tree in your house, staring back at you with a slight smile?
"Merry christmas."
"I- HUH?!" you quickly covered your mouth, not wanting to be too loud at midnight. "Mikey, why are you in my house?" you whisper yelled.
"Emma and Hina jumped me." was his comically simple response. Well, it would be comically simple if Mikey didn't scare the living crap out of you just a few moments ago.
"That- That doesn't explain anything!" at this point, you've given up with trying to be quiet.
"I can't tell you anything more. I have no idea what's happening either."
"How are you so calm about this anyways?" you walked closer to him, inspecting the tag on the ribbon that said "Merry christmas from Emma and Hina".
"Now that I think of it, it is pretty weird to be kidnapped by your sister."
You're not even going to ask how they managed to get him in here without the keys.
"Well, uhhh... how about I unwrap you...?" you offered awkwardly after a small silence.
"Are you sure you want to do that? You'll unleash the true present by doing that." something... strange flashed behind his dark eyes.
"...What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing. ♡"
₊˚⊹♡ Hanma
"Merry christmas. ♡" you froze at the sound of his voice.
You were woken up by some weird noise downstairs, quietly walking down to investigate the source. You even took a knife from the kitchen just in case.
But instead of a robber or kidnapper, what you found was Hanma Shuji tied up in a big red ribbon. Smiling at you.
"Don't you merry christmas me." you didn't know what to say or do. You were scared out of your mind just now and that combined with the strange sight in front of you made you at a loss of... anything, really.
"Woah, that's a big knife... What were you going to do with that?˜" he sounded more amused than anything.
"You little... I don't... What is even happening?" you dropped the knife on the ground.
"Someone told me that you want 'Hanma Shuji' for christmas."
"Well, you know what I thought I was going to get for christmas? Kidnapped, that's what!" you yelled, not even caring about how loud you are right now.
"Hahahah, how amusing!" he laughed, seeming very satisfied.
"You won't be saying that after the things I will do to you. You know you can't escape when you're tied up, right?" a smirk crossed your face suddenly. A sense of boldness overtook you.
"Oooh, aren't you bold. ♡" his smile only widened.
₊˚⊹♡ Baji
"No way." you had to do a double take when you saw what you thought you saw.
Turns out this christmas is more interesting than you thought it would be. A present from Toman ended up being Baji Keisuke in the flesh.
"Mmmf!" he's probably telling you to free him right now, which admittedly, is hard to do when your mouth is gagged.
"Wow, this is like, the best present I ever got. I gotta thank the boys later." you walked closer to him, kneeling down and inspecting him in all his tied up glory.
Baji looked half angry half embarrased, and honestly that just made you want to tease him more. You kissed his cheek, smiling cheekily.
"Hmmf..." you laughed a little at his face.
"Mmmf! Hmmm!"
"Okay, okay, I get it, I'll let you out. But that doesn't mean that I'm done with you just yet." you smiled, taking the bow of the ribbon into your hands to untie it.
₊˚⊹♡ Mitsuya
"Me and Mana have a surprise for you." Luna ran up to you all of a sudden.
"What is it?" you placed your hands on your knees to get closer to Luna's height.
"Wait till christmas." that was Luna's only response before running off to continue playing with Mana.
"Hmmm..." you hummed, a bit confused.
"Was this... Luna and Mana's gift?" you looked at the comically large christmas present under the tree. What in the world did those two give you?
You carefully removed the lid of the box, worried about the contents. Only to find Mitsuya inside.
"I- What the hell?" Luna and Mana sure are some evil children.
"I don't know either. Hakkai approached me just now and said "sorry" before wrapping me up and putting me in this box with no further explanation." his eyes never left yours.
"I think I know who's idea this was..." you stepped inside the box, sitting directly across from him. He raised an eyebrow.
"Your little sisters told me something about a surprise for christmas..."
"Oh my god. That explains... a lot." he looked as if he just made a big realisation. You couldn't help but laugh a little at the sight.
You pecked his lips all of a sudden, making him jump slightly. "Tell them thank you later."
"Shouldn't you be thanking them?" he smiled.
"No, I'm sure you'll be the one thanking them tommorow." His eyes widened at your mischevious smirk.
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an early christmas present for my mikey, hanma, baji and mitsuya babes 💕
i want to make sure yall are well fed with that christmas dinner this year
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Toupée Time with Wade
You had no idea how you’d gotten roped into this, but here you were, standing in the middle of a wig shop with Wade, as he examined a display of toupées with a seriousness that would make anyone think you were choosing an engagement ring.
“So, what do you think?” Wade asked, holding up a particularly ridiculous blond toupée that looked like it belonged on a Ken doll from the 80s.
You couldn’t help but snicker. “Wade, I don’t think this one is you.”
“Not me?” Wade gasped dramatically, placing a hand over his chest. “Sweetheart, I’ve always thought of myself as a blonde bombshell just waiting to be unleashed on the world.”
You shook your head, trying to hold back your laughter. “It’s not really the color, Wade. It’s more… everything else.”
Wade squinted at the toupée as if it had personally offended him. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s too ‘Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall,’ and not enough ‘Brad Pitt in Fury.’”
“You know, you don’t have to get a toupée,” you offered gently, knowing that beneath all the jokes and bravado, Wade was more self-conscious about his appearance than he let on. “You look great just the way you are.”
“Aw, shucks, you’re gonna make me blush,” Wade replied, but you could see a glimmer of something real in his eyes. “But a guy’s gotta keep his options open, right? Maybe I want to channel my inner Fabio someday.”
You gave him a soft smile. “Then we’ll find the perfect one. But it’s gotta be something that screams ‘Wade Wilson,’ not ‘Bad Movie Villain.’”
He snorted. “You really know how to flatter a guy, don’t you?”
Wade turned back to the display, this time picking up a sleek, black toupée that looked like it had been stolen from a ’50s crooner. He placed it on his head, adjusting it with precision before spinning around to face you.
“Well?” he asked, striking a pose that was a mixture of Elvis and pure Deadpool absurdity. “What do you think, doll? Am I ready to serenade you under the moonlight, or should I just stick to killing bad guys?”
You bit your lip, trying to keep a straight face. “I think you look like you’re about to sell me a used car.”
“Ouch, tough crowd!” Wade chuckled, taking off the toupée and tossing it back onto the display. “Alright, alright, I see where you’re going with this. Let’s try something a little less… sleazy.”
He moved further down the aisle, his eyes scanning the rows of wigs and toupées until he found one that seemed to catch his interest. It was a simple, short style—brown, a little tousled, nothing too flashy. Wade picked it up carefully, almost reverently, and looked at you with an uncharacteristically serious expression.
“Hey, what about this one?” he asked, his voice softer now, as if he wasn’t quite sure how you’d react.
You walked over to him, studying the toupée and imagining it on him. It wasn’t flashy or over-the-top; it was just… normal. It reminded you of what Wade might have looked like before everything—the experiments, the scars, the trauma.
“I think it’s perfect,” you said sincerely, meeting his eyes. “You’d look really good with it, Wade.”
Wade blinked, a flicker of vulnerability passing through his eyes before he quickly covered it up with a smirk. “Well, let’s see if the ol’ moneymaker agrees with you.”
He slipped the toupée on, adjusting it in front of the mirror. For a moment, he just stared at himself, tilting his head this way and that, as if he wasn’t quite sure who was looking back at him.
“You know,” Wade said after a long pause, his voice unusually thoughtful, “I kinda like it. Makes me look almost… normal. Whatever that means.”
You smiled, stepping closer to him. “You don’t need to be ‘normal,’ Wade. You’re amazing just the way you are. But if this makes you happy, then I’m all for it.”
Wade turned to look at you, the mask of bravado slipping just enough for you to see the gratitude in his eyes. “You know, you’re not half bad at this emotional support stuff. Almost makes me want to buy you something shiny.”
You laughed, lightly punching his arm. “Just having you around is enough for me, Wade. But if you’re offering, I’ve always wanted one of those giant lollipops they sell at the candy store.”
Wade grinned, the playful spark returning to his eyes. “Done. But only if you agree to help me pick out a name for this bad boy,” he said, gesturing to the toupée.
“A name?”
“Absolutely. Every great hairpiece needs a name. I’m thinking something classic, like… Tony. Or maybe Leonard.”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile didn’t fade. “How about something a little more… unique? Like… Sir Fluffington the First.”
Wade’s eyes lit up. “You, my dear, are a genius. Sir Fluffington it is!”
As you both walked toward the counter to pay, Wade wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “You know, if I’m being honest, this was actually kinda fun. Who knew shopping for toupées could be so therapeutic?”
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his presence, and smiled. “Anytime, Wade. Anytime.”
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msmk11 · 6 months
The Hufflepuff Code
James Potter x gn!Hufflepuff!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count: 3.6k
CW: Use and discussion of weed, mentions of alcohol, light kissing, reader under the influence of weed, mentions of food and eating
Summary: You have a secret.... Or, at least, your Hogwarts house, Hufflepuff, does, and you can't tell your Gryffindor boyfriend James. Only problem is, your boyfriend is very charming and has an inclination for mischief. What could go wrong?
A/n: Hiiiii, I hope you enjoy! This work is vaguely based off the Harry Potter discourse on TikTok a few months ago, about what parties would be like in each Hogwarts house! Please don't take offense if you're a Gryffindor lol, I love them. Also, until I find a fancast for James Potter that I like (I imagine him as desi), I will be using ATJ.
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Going to Hogwarts requires a lot of studying….something you are trying to do but failing, because a pair of hazel eyes can’t help but bore into your face. You double down into your books to avoid your boyfriend’s gaze, but his intensity only increases. He shifts from mute staring to pokes and silent whispers of your name. 
Finally, you snap your head up and look at him, “what?!” You whisper. 
“Just missed you s’all,” James says sheepishly. 
Your heart can’t help but melt a little, “sweetheart, I’m right here.”
“Yeah but you’re studying and not paying attention to me.” He whines. 
“Well, I did invite you to the library to study, not snog or make small-talk.”
James eyes light up, “oh that sounds like so much more fun. We should do that instead.”
“Sorry Jamie, as much as I’d love to, I can’t. Gotta study.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes dramatically, “fine. But I expect your full, undivided attention later.”
You cringe a little and guiltily avoid his sweet, beautiful face. “I-I’m sorry I can’t hang out later.”
“Baby,” he says rather loudly. 
You shush him a little and grab his hands in apology, “I’m sorry, I made plans earlier this week.”
The brunette pouts at you and shakes his head, his mop of curls falling into his eyes as he does so, “with who?”
“My friends-“
“Friends? What friends?!” Your boyfriends protests. 
You glare at him a little. 
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispers, “I just mean, what friends could you possibly be hanging out with instead of me? I mean, I’m the bestest friend.”
You kiss one of his hands intertwined with yours, “I know, sweetheart, you are. But I need a little non-boyfriend-friend-time sometimes, you know?”
“Well-uh I can pretend to not be your boyfriend for a night,” he disagrees, “I can gossip and, do whatever your friends do.”
You chuckle a little, “I know you can, and honestly, I’m sure they will be happy to have you in the future. But that’s not the type of hangout we’re having.”
“Okay, so then what are you doing?”
“Burying bodies, holding seances, the likes,” you tease, trying to avoid a serious answer. 
James just glares at you, not impressed by your jokes. 
“Sweetheart, don’t be mad,” you plead, bringing out your puppy dog eyes, “promise I’ll make it up to you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he answers, dismissively waving his hand. “That I’m not concerned about anymore. What I really wanna know is what you’re getting up to tonight,” he says, quirking an eyebrow. 
You’re pretty sure his eyes peer into your soul, trying to unleash all your secrets. It makes you shiver and look down at your paper. 
“Oh you know, typical Hufflepuff things.”
“Hmmm?” He asks, shifting closer to you. “Like what?”
“Uhhh eating food, potting plants, being loyal.” You mumble out. 
He gets closer and lifts your chin to make you look at him. James, the bastard, knows the effect he has on you. Teasing you with your closeness, knowing his cologne drives you crazy, his eyes make you melt, and his lips leave you defenseless. He licks his lip a little and you slightly groan. 
“So you’d rather pot plants than spend time with me?” James asks quietly. 
Words leave you at this moment and you only stutter a little. You try to lean in for a kiss, the tension unbearable, but he pulls back. “Nuh-uh.”
“You don’t get a kiss for lying.”
You whine a little. “I’m not lying, I’m just concealing some of the truth.”
“Why, love? Do you not trust me?”
Your face softens, noticing the slight sadness in his voice. You grab his face and brush his dark curls away from his eyes. 
“No Jamie. It’s not that, it’s just- well it really is sort of a Hufflepuff thing. A code of conduct, you know?”
He furrows his brows, “uhh, not really, no.”
“Well, I’m sure Gryffindor has some traditions, right?”
James shakes his head, “well it’s sorta the same thing for Hufflepuff, just more secret.”
“But I won’t tell anyone” your boyfriend says softly, kissing your hand, “promise.”
“I know, sweetheart. It’s not that I can’t tell you, it’s well, I can’t tell-“ you hesitate. 
“Gryffindors,” you say, quietly. 
Confusion clouds his pretty face, “what d’you mean you can’t tell Gryffindors?”
You cringe and pull away, “I’ve said too much already, sweetheart. Sorry, house loyalty.”
He scoffs, “what about loyalty to me?” 
“Don’t do that,” you tsk, “it’s really not that serious. Just silly house traditions, a little bit of rivalry, yeah?”
“Well then if it’s not that serious, just tell me,” he counters. 
You groan. He’s really not gonna give this up. 
“Fine,” you mumble. “Come on, let’s go somewhere more private.”
You gather your books and motion for him to follow. He stands up obediently and packs up his things before taking yours from you. As you walk down the halls, you find an empty classroom and push the two of you inside.
“You know if you wanted to get me alone, you could’ve just asked,” he teases. 
You roll your eyes and slap his shoulder playfully, “pervert…just wanting to get in my pants.”
“Can’t help it when you’re so beautiful,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
You hum in content and lean into the kiss, holding onto his arms gently. 
“Could keep you here all night,” he sighs against your lips, as his warm hands wrap around your waist. 
You huff in disappointment and pull away a little, “you know you can’t Jamie baby.”
“Worth a shot.” He sits down on a desk and spreads his legs a little, letting you stand between them, “so if I can’t convince you to skip this tradition, then tell me what it is at least. And why can’t Gryffindors know?”
You sigh a little, “okay, don’t get mad, because I didn’t decide this, remember, it’s tradition.”
James pauses and then shakes his head for you to continue. 
“So, basically, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw have this arrangement to have three annual parties. One hosted by Hufflepuff, one by Slytherin, and one by Ravenclaw.”
“And why not Gryffindors?”
You wrinkle your nose in awkwardness, “well…cause the other houses don’t really like Gryffindor all that much.” Before James can protest you add, “it’s not that we don’t like Gryffindors at all, it’s just, we don’t like when you’re all together. On your own or in small groups you’re fine. But in large party settings you guys get loud, and stupid, and well…..annoying. And, the other three houses got sick of it, so they decided to start hosting a few no-Gryffindor-allowed parties every year.”
James simply stares at you in silence. “And this has been going on for how long?”
“Uh, 20 years at least,” you say. 
The boy’s mouth drops, “and no Gryffindor has ever found out?!”
“Not really, no. We keep it super secret.”
James scoffs, “I mean, well that’s sort of ridiculous don’t you think? Hosting secret parties just to keep us out?”
“Look,” you say gently, grabbing his knee, “I didn’t say I agree or disagree. It’s just tradition. And well, I’m not gonna be the one to break it.”
“So what do you even do at these ‘parties’?” he asks with a huff.
“Well Ravenclaw hosts the first, in the Fall, a sort of poker, gambling game night, but with lots of booze. Very classy actually, typical Ravenclaw. And Slytherin hosts next, right before Christmas. It’s a sort of Christmas, bougie, boozie party. Very swanky and jazzy. And Hufflepuff, well, that’s the crowd favorite. Held in second term.”
The brunette raises his eyebrows in curiosity. 
“Basically we get a shit load of weed from our secret plant stash, and everyone gets high and eats food. We like, raid the kitchens before hand.”
“WHAT?!” James almost shouts. 
You put your hand over his mouth to quiet him. “Shhh, people could hear.”
He takes your hand off. “Hufflepuff has a secret drug stash?! And you hide it from us?!”
“I mean, why do you think we’re so happy all the time?” you say, laughing a little. 
“So you-but.”
Your boyfriend’s brain seems to malfunction, “damn, Hufflepuffs are druggies? My partner is a druggie?”
You let out a laugh, “I wouldn’t say druggie…just…plant-positive.” 
“So…there. That’s my secret. But you can’t tell anyone. I have my dignity to uphold.” You warn. 
“Can I at least come?!” 
“No! I’m not even supposed to tell you. Let alone bring you!”
“No. Im sorry James, I don’t make the rules.”
“But I wanna get high…and see you high.”
“Well, another time.” 
Your tone was final, but James did not take it as such. Instead, he became more determined to find his way in to this mysterious party. 
After making James promise to not impose, you left him behind in the classroom with a kiss and a lot of regret. On one hand, you had just broken so many Hufflepuff rules… if anyone were to find out, you’d be shunned for sure. On the other hand, you also felt incredibly guilty for leaving James out. Your sweet boy with his soft eyes and kind smile… but also his loud personality and pranks. You knew he’d never mean any harm, but the likes of him at this sort of party would not be welcome. He’s the definition of Gryffindor. And of course you love him for it, but you’re not sure your peers would. 
Back in your dorm, you throw your books down on your desk and then plop onto your bed. 
“Long day?” Your friend Emmeline asks. 
You groan, “terribly.”
“Good thing we have a chill night ahead of us,” she reminds you, plopping down next to you on your bed. 
“Touché Emmy. I’m very ready for an edible and a bag of flaming hot Cheetos.”
“Mhmmm, and those chocolate chip cookies from the kitchens?”
We both sigh in content. 
I can feel her staring at me. “Something’s wrong…”
You turn on your side and look at her, “yeah… I just, well, told James I couldn’t hang with him tonight because I had plans and I feel sorta bad… being all secretive you know? We don’t keep secrets.”
She hums in acknowledgement, “hmmm yeah, I get that. But I mean, it’s not like a bad secret y’know? Just tradition.”
“Which is what I told him but still..”
“You didn’t tell him, did you?” She asks, slight mortification on her face. 
“No, course not,” you lie, turning back on your back. “Hufflepuff code n’all. Just hard having a Gryffindor boyfriend.”
“Yeah, babe, I know. But you only gotta lie a few times a year, he’ll never know the difference, yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m overthinking this, I know.”
“Indeed,” the brunette answers, shoving your shoulders lightly. “Now come on, lighten up, we’ve got a fun night ahead of us.”
You smile and sit up, “yes you’re right.”
“Now, I know the vibe is obviously cozy, but I still wanna look cute y’know? What should I wear?”
You hop up and walk over to her closet. “Oh babe, you gotta do your yellow Hufflepuff sweatshirt. With your brown curls and pale skin, you look like freaking Belle from that muggle movie.”
She gasps, “a whole princess?! Wow, I’m flattered. And what about pants?”
“Leggings maybe? Something that makes your ass look good?”
“Take me to dinner first!” She squeals. 
You laugh a little and wink, “sorry baby can’t help it.”
Her shoulder length curls bounce a little as she shakes her head at you. 
You go into your own trunk as you strip off your school uniform and instead opt for black pajama pants and one of James’ t-shirts that has some muggle band on it. It still smells faintly of him and your heart aches a little at leaving him behind. You brush it off, though, when your other two roommates come in the room, grocery bags in hand. 
“We’ve got the goods!” Amelia and Trinity cheer. 
“My hot Cheetos?” You ask. 
“Course,” Trinity answers, rolling their brown eyes, “this isn’t our first rodeo.”
You squeal and peck them on the cheek before giving Amelia a hug too. 
“You guys are my favorite, you know that?”
“Better be,” Amelia huffs. “Otherwise we’d have words.”
You all excitedly chatter as you go through the groceries and get ready for the party. 
Trinity ends up in Ravenclaw blue, which looks fantastic against their dark brown skin. 
“Trying to impress anyone?” Emmy asks, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Hmmm, maybe a certain Pandora Lovegood?” Amelia quips. 
Trinity tries to hide a smile but can’t, “duh! She’s just so cute, especially when she’s high.”
“And Amelia? Trying to impress anyone?” You ask, scanning her dark gray sweater and black leggings.
“Nope!” She says, popping the p, “only here for me, myself, and I.”
You force everyone to gather on your bed and hold up your disposable camera, “smile everyone!”
You take a few photos, cute and silly, and then wander down to the common space. 
The common room remains mostly the same, besides a few added bean bags and blankets for comfort. 
A low, quiet base thumps in the background as people from all three houses lounge around. Amos Diggory, a seventh year, sits at the contraband table. 
“What can I do for you folks tonight?” He asks. 
Emmeline asks for a blunt, Trinity and I take an edible and Amelia shakes her head, motioning to her pen instead. We crash on the carpet, waiting for the weed to kick in. Everyone around us is laughing, chatting, and snacking, at different levels of gone. 
When Pandora walks in, Trinity waves and motions her over. She’s followed by a few of her friends, including Regulus, Rosier, and Crouch.
“Baby Black?!” You cheer.
He rolls his eyes as he sits down next to you. “I thought I told you not to call me that?”
You shrug your shoulders and pat his cheek, “yeah, but I chose to ignore you. I love how cute you get when you pout.”
He can’t help but blush a little and he softens. You have a way with that boy, and he with you. Surprisingly, you are very close friends. 
You turn and nod in acknowledgment to the other two, “Rosier, Junior. How’s it going?”
“Better once I’m high” Barty answers. He turns to his friends, “what do you want?”
They tell him and he stalks over, giving Amos a glare while he’s at it. 
“Always the delight he is,” Amelia teases. Her eyes are a little heavy, telling me the pen is already working. 
“So, Black? What brooding have you been up to recently?” Emmeline jokes.
You swat her arm and can’t help but giggle, maybe a little too hard. “Be nice.”
“Oh you know, just planning your demise” he answers with a smirk. 
“I’m the subject of your brooding?” Emmy fake swoons, “I feel honored.” 
You laugh again and hug Regulus around the neck, “am I ever the subject of your broodings?”
He looks at you with a small smile, “course. I think about killing you once a week.”
You gasp in fake offense and stick out your tongue. Barty, who’s back with the weed, hands Regulus a blunt. He takes it between his fingers and inhales. Then he looks at you and rolls his eyes again. 
James Potter is usually good at keeping promises. However, he’s even better at making mischief. So despite his promise to you to not come to the party, he finds himself a little while later outside the Hufflepuff dorms, albeit hidden under the invisibility cloak. From outside, the hallway is quiet. Any passerby would be oblivious to the party going on within- must be a silencing charm. Unsure how to get into the common room, realizing you hadn’t told him before, he waits outside for someone to, unknowingly, open it for him. He, luckily, doesn’t have to wait long, as two unsuspecting Slytherins stroll past him and up to the barrels sitting outside. In quick succession one pulls out their wand and quickly taps it across the barrels. The brown barrels jump apart, revealing a door. As the two walk in, James closely follows behind, assuring he doesn’t remain locked out. 
Though you briefly explained the parties to James, his imagination far underestimated the reality. When you said all three houses went to these parties, you weren’t kidding. The place was packed, with every 4th year up from all three houses lounging around the badger den. The room was thick with smoke and reeked of marijuana. Students were everywhere, standing, lounging, laughing, eating, and even sleeping. Music played in the background, but no one was dancing, seemingly too high to really notice it. He scanned the room and found you in the thick of it all, seated on the carpet by the fireplace. You were with your dorm mates, Emmeline Vance, Amelia Bones, and Trinity Taylor, and also a few Slytherins. He recognized them all actually, one being Sirius’ little brother, who he knew you were actually good friends with. Also Rosier and Crouch, who he wasn’t as fond of, and Pandora, the one Ravenclaw he sorta knew. 
Still hidden under his cloak, he weaves through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone, afraid of getting caught. He throws himself into a corner by the fireplace, listening in on your conversation. 
“But Reggie, you’d look so cute with dyed hair!”
The Black boy scoffs at you, “yeah right. What should I go for, bright pink?!”
Your eyes light up as you giggle, “yes! And I’d start calling you baby…. pink? Instead of baby black, cuz you know-“ you giggle again, “your hair would be pink!”
Your words sort of slur together, not that you realize it, and so Regulus only nods, himself also struggling to comprehend what’s happening. 
“Wait, I think I have some dye, let me go get it!”
“Wait-“ Regulus calls out but you’ve already gotten up. 
James’ heart jumps as you come closer to him, weaving through the crowd on the carpet…
As you stumble towards the stairs of your dorm you freeze. You could’ve sworn you smelt... James’ cologne…..
You shift backwards a little and sniff again. Sure enough, his fancy cologne, one you love but always tease him about, permeates the air. Either you’re really high or….
You suddenly fling your hand outwards to the left. Though there is nothing next to you, you make hard contact with something in the air, and hear a small “oof” from next to you. 
A chill runs down your spine and out of the corner of your mouth you mumble, “James. My. Room. Now.”
You don’t bother to hear an answer, knowing he’ll follow you like a lost puppy. 
When you’re in your room you shut the door firmly behind you and whip around “James- what the hell.”
Your boyfriend appears before you, taking off the invisibility cloak sheepishly. “Hey, baby.”
“Don’t fucking hey baby me. What are you doing here?” You slur together. 
“Uh, missed you?” He says hesitantly. 
Your nose flares and you stalk towards him. “You. Fucking. Missed. Me?!” Each word is punctuated with a smack to his chest.
You don’t realize in your unsober state how hard you’re hitting him or how loud you’re talking. He tries to minimize his flinches as he grabs your hands and holds them together. 
“Love I-“
“What? Wanted to risk me getting shunned?! Jamie I asked you not to come! I trusted you!!”
“I know lovie. I’m sorry, I just got jealous… and curious. It’s no excuse I know but…”
You huff and throw your head in your hands. It’s spinning for more than one reason, and the weed keeps you from thinking clearly. 
“We’ll talk later. You, just stay here with your cloak, yeah?”
He sighs and nods.
His sad puppy dog eyes get to you and you soften a little, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. 
You then walk towards the door and open it, only to find the whole of Hufflepuff standing outside your door, staring in shock. 
“You, you broke tradition!” Amos Diggory yells, pointing at James. 
“I- well- shit” you mutter. 
“This is like, breaking the law,” another Hufflepuff argues. 
You feel tears prick at your eyes, “I’m sorry guys I- uh.”
“Wait,” your boyfriend says. 
Everyone goes quiet. 
“It’s not their fault, honest.”
No one seems to believe him. 
“Look, I got suspicious of what they’re up to, so I followed them, with my invisibility cloak on. Swear!” He even holds up the cloak, demonstrating its invisibility. 
Everyone gasps, “no way, that’s fucking sick.”
“Please don’t punish them because I’m stupid and nosy! Please!” He pleads. 
Diggory turns to the head prefects of the other two houses and quietly confer. After a few minutes of quiet whispers, Diggory turns back. 
“Fine, fine, you’re off the hook,” he says to you. 
“And as to you Potter, well, I guess you’re officially inducted into our little secret now. We can’t have you going around spilling. And I swear, if you tell any one of your little Gryffindor friends, all three houses will rain hell. Understood?”
Even you turn to James and raise your eyebrows. He really does feel a little threatened and nods. “Uh, yeah. Course.”
Diggory claps his hands together, “great! Well then, get Potter some weed.”
As everyone files out, James turns and looks at you nervously. 
“You heard the man, let’s go get you some weed.”
“Okay, just- wait.” He grabs your wrist and pulls you flush into his chest. 
He kisses you deeply, “love you, baby.”
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
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seat-safety-switch · 6 days
You've heard of the shoemaker's elves. Little creatures from another plane of existence who manifested in ours. They help this poor dude make shoes while he sleeps so he can hit a big contract. Well, there definitely aren't any shitbox elves. I gotta stay up until three in the morning if I want this thing to get me to work the next day. Or so I thought.
What happened to me was the age-old story. I fell asleep, and in my dreams was transported to a beautiful mountaintop temple, inside which I knew something horrible was trapped. It was not my place to free it, but there was temptation. A deal was made. A force was unleashed upon this earth. And when I awoke, that bullshit pivot bolt on the back of the corroded old water pump was finally out.
Must have been a fluke, I thought. I probably was so tired that I fell asleep but my body continued to turn wrenches. That would explain all the new cuts on my arms. This sort of thing had happened before, but never so productively. Usually, I just woke up with my head wedged in an awkward spot, or having stuck my shoe into the oil drain pan.
I got the rest of the job done in record time, congratulating my unconscious self for being so prudent. Smugly, I went to bed at a reasonable time, and then spent several hours in that bed, looking for cheap eBay listings. That's when I heard it – something out in the garage.
On my new water pump, I saw a succession of horrible demons emerging from the weep hole. They were small, but I knew inherently that they would soon grow and exercise their domination over the Earth. It was all my fault, something which filled me with guilt.
Still, removing the little fuckers would mean that I'd have to bleed the cooling system all over again, and nobody has that kind of time. I added "do doughnuts in a church parking lot sometime" to my to-do list, and then returned to bed, where I then scored a front sway bar. The clueless seller had mis-listed it as being for a different car, so I got it for a really good price. You know what they say: the devil is in the details.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 9 months
Alright, here's another one.
Protective wolf Bakugou scenario, something like a guy trying to hit on you or giving you a perverted look while out and about with Baku, go!
He’s such a protective pouty baby 🥺💕 warning for creepy guys and grabbing!!
Imagine taking a quiet walk to the hybrid park, Katsuki itching to be let off his leash as he sees the familiar red hair of his best friend. He’s pulling you as you laugh, pulling him down slightly as you unleash his collar.
He’s off in a flash, sniffing the redhead and letting him sniff in return. You watch them chase each other playfully, ducking and diving through the playing equipment. You smile and chuckle, before finding a quiet bench to read the rest of your book.
A solid 30 minutes go by, you getting more entranced in your novel until you heard a cough. You look up from your book to see a tall stranger looking down at you.
“Excuse me, may I sit down here?” He starts, sitting before you could deny him. You look at him before reading your book. The stranger shimmies forward to see what you’re reading before curling his nose up. You figured; he didn’t look the type to enjoy gothic literature.
“So uh, which of these mutts are yours?” He lazily waves his hand at the array of puppy hybrids playing with each other. You look at him annoyed and close your book.
“I’ll have you know it’s none of your business. And they’re not mutts, they’re hybrids. Hardly that much different than you or I; they just have more natural instincts,” you say sharply, going to move to another bench. Before you could finish, the stranger grabs your wrist with an iron grip and gritted teeth.
“Now listen here, you little bitch! I- ahh!” The stranger was cut off by a flash of red and yellow. Your hybrid was snarling behind his muzzle, grabbing on to the stranger’s wrist as his claws dug deeply into the flesh. Kirishima was shielding you from his view, holding you to his chest as they both snarled at the creep.
“Leave…alone,” Katsuki snarled out, eyes wide as he shook the stranger roughly. The stranger stammered as he winced in pain. He snatched his wrist back as Katsuki stood in front of you. The creep stared at you before angrily shrieking.
“I should have those mutts put down you fucking bitch!” He screamed, clutching his arm. Your heart pounded in your chest before another voice piped up.
“Sorry I’m late Kirishima, but I had to go help a sheep hybrid get his horns unstuck. Seems like I got back at the right time, cus I have everything on camera,” FatGum’s smooth voice cut through the air.
“And I mean EVERYTHING.”
The stranger looked wildly at you, then your puppyboy, then FatGum. He let out an aggressive scream, before running away. Katsuki spat as he ran, Kirishima’s hackles raised as he growled too.
As soon as the creep was gone, Katsuki turned to you and let out a quiet whine. Your hands found refuge in his fluffy locks as you shushed your puppy, kissing his forehead as he held you.
“Shh puppy, I’m okay. Such a good boy, aren’t you? You’re such a good boy for protecting me,” you murmur into his fluffy ear as his claws slowly retracted. His tail slowly crept from side to side as he snuggled into you.
“M-mate..keep safe,” he mumbled out. His speech was so much better, cracking less and sounding more like your language.
“Thank you, sweet thing. And thank you Kirishima! You’re such a good boy too!” You coo at them both as you petted their heads. Kirishima yipped as you ruffled his unruly mane of hair, his tongue resting comfortably over his lip as he panted; a sharp contrast to the pin-pricked eyes and bared fangs.
“He’s a good’un, aren’t ya Eiji? I suppose we gotta go back soon. What are ya gonna do?” FatGum asked you, seeing you were still a bit shaken up. You take Katsuki’s hand as you stroked it.
“I’m going to report that guy to the police, if you don’t mind sending me that video. After that, I think I’m gonna take Katsuki home and order some takeaway,” you smile, scratching your puppyboy under the chin.
“That’s fair. I’ll walk ya to the station since it’s on my way back. You never know if that creep could be lurking.”
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True to his word, FatGum walked you to the police station and helped you file a report. You were worried about what they would say when Katsuki and Eijiro were found jumping the guy, but sighed in relief when they say the attack was minimal and provoked.
They gave you a lift home, dropping you off with a wave as you and Katsuki entered your home. You kicked off your shoes with a happy sigh, thankful for the day to be over with. You looked at your pouty pup who was lingering in the hallway.
“Are you okay, sweetpea?” You ask him quietly, holding him close to you as you look at his face. He nods, pulling you closer to him, and rubbed his face all over you. Ah, so he was scenting you.
“Stink…of man,” he grumbled, holding your wrists close to him and gently rubbing them against his mouth. His sandpaperish tongue provided gentle strokes as you giggle.
“Thank you angel, that’s very helpful,” you praise him, using your free hand to pet him. He sits on the couch and pulls you with him. You were comfortably jet-packed under him as he chuffed and licked your hair.
“My mate,” he grunted, whining at the thought of someone hurting his mate. He looked at the bruise on your wrist and growled as you turned over to face him. Gentle fingers traced his handsome face.
“I know, sweet thing. It was a scary thing. But I’m okay now, I promise! You scared him off and we went to the police. Everything is okay now. You protected me, my good boy,” you praise him softly.
He buried his face deeper into your neck as his arms circle your waist again. You were shocked when you felt droplets of warm water soak your neck, peeking and seeing Katsuki’s warm cheeks.
Your heart ached for the pup; he had so much taken from him when he was younger, so he must have been frightened when you were grabbed. It went deeper than you realised.
You held his body tightly to yours, weaving your legs together. Your hands played with his fluffy ears, soothing the upset pup. He peeked his head out 10 minutes later, placing his nose against yours. You smile at him, kissing his nose as you whipped out your phone.
“Now, how about we get pizza for dinner.”
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bleubrri · 2 years
۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ ɪᴛ’s ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ ! — ᴊᴇᴀɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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༄ؘ ˑ contains: best friends → lovers , mutual pining , costumes errywhere , dry humping , m!oral , jean whining n whimpering hehe , reader bein kinda bossy >:7 , black coded!fem!reader , vaginal sex , creampie [ maybe more idk bro it’s 3am @_@ ]
༄ؘ ˑ wc: SIGH 4k :/
༄ؘ ˑ a/n: this is for the if you really think that you can stomach me collab by the light of my life @strawberrystepmom !! i wanted to post it in october but i’m useless so forgive me T^T lil talk about protection in there—communication is sexc!! also pls use condoms + practice safe sex xoxo
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"these are all awful." you whine, sitting against jeans headboard and scrolling through his 'costume ideas' pinterest board.
he’s got his head underneath the desk, trying to fish out the mario kart disc thats fallen down the back, so his response is muffled. "they’re the most popular ones from the last decade!"
"jean, i am not wearing any of these."
he shuffles back out, dust covered disc in hand and pouting down at you. "there isn't one that you like?"
"not remotely."
"you’re being picky." he says, slotting the disc into the console and tossing you the player 1 controller.
"i’m being honest." you mutter, scrolling past a particularly awful rendition of a cops & robbers costume. he flops onto the bed and rests his head on your shoulder, peeking at the screen.
"y'know I worked really hard cultivating this. hours of research and painstaking decisi—hey!" his head knocks against the headboard when you yank yourself from under his weight.
"you're so annoying.." you mutter, navigating the homescreen and selecting grand prix. the character and course selection are accompanied with jeans babbling (we’ve gotta pick a good one—the standards are high! maybe i should just pick and force a decision on you—) that earns him unconvinced grunts and looks of skepticism.
the subject gets temporarily lost in the chaos that naturally ensues when jean selects rainbow road, 3 minutes of screaming and curses and shuffling onto your knees to get a better vantage point. it isn’t until the final lap when your item box is shuffling that you pipe up, “i guess we don’t have to do something matching..”
jean almost veers off of the track.
he frowns, glancing at your profile as he tries to maintain his first place spot. “…what?” he says. you’ve always dressed up together. since you were kids halloween had been your guys’ favourite holiday, and yet here you were suggesting that you break a years long (albeit unofficial) october tradition.
“i mean we could just go as separate things? if that makes it easier.” and it seems like appropriate timing when you unleash a blue shell and obliterate jeans universe.
you’re glowing, shrieking in triumph as you pass the finish line and leave jean in the dust. he watches your characters parade around the winners podium with a clenched jaw and sinking feeling.
“sure.” he agrees, tight lipped smile making you pause. you didn’t really expect him to agree—you’d only suggested it in case he had a particular costume that he was set on wearing. jean had always been the one to pick your costumes, you just went along with it, and always ending up looking decent so you couldn’t complain. he was always more into the whole idea of dressing up anyway. but you hadn’t really anticipated him ditching your thing in order to.. what, impress some new college friends?
you blink at him, a protest like the cork of a wine bottle, stuck in your throat and threatening to choke you. “cool.” you manage, “just.. let me know what you’re going as, yeah?”
“tryna scope out the competition?”
you give him a good natured shove, rolling your eyes as a smile fights it’s way across your face.
something like that, you think.
this was a bad fucking idea.
as the rhythmic percussion from the speakers gets close enough to rattle your bones, it starts to set in that jean was right. people have taken their costumes really fucking seriously. there are a few token stragglers: eren, in a hoodie and a purge mask and a short, raven haired senior with faux fangs and devil horns. but for the most part all you can see is elaborate sfx gore, girls in animal ears and enough fabric to border on public indecency. and everyone looks great.
you feel pathetic, turning up in a matching costume unbeknownst to your best friend. what if he’s mad? you’d gone from feeling somewhat pretty to utterly mortified in the span of a tacky monster mash-grime remix. your internal debate of whether to bolt back down the road and uber home is interrupted by connie (gruesomely accurate stitches and foam kitchen knife complementing his chucky outfit) who tackles you in a bear hug that reeks of tequila.
“y’look great!” he slurs, clinging to you for so long that he starts swaying.
stifling a laugh, you detach from him and start guiding him back inside. “thanks con, you too.” you shout over the music.
after successfully delivering connie to mikasa (in a very expensive looking black swan costume) you start to navigate the crowd in an attempt to find something to drink.
jean had been developing a steady buzz in the hour or so that he’d been here. he wasn’t having fun. you’d rejected his offer of a ride and for some reason it had given him the urge to drink his blood volume in vodka cokes. he’d made pretty good headway so far, drowning out the compliments on his frankenstein costume with deep gulps from his glass. it felt weird, not having your complimentary figure beside him to admire all night.
somewhere between the fourth beer and third shot of rum he decided that he was mad at you. but it had dissipated pretty quickly—he was refilling his glass when he caught a glimpse of you.
connie was half-slung over your shoulder (gripping you awfully tight and saying something into your ear that has jeans teeth grinding together) but he could still clearly see the monikers of your costume. white streaks in your hair. blackened stitches along your jaw that mirror his own. jean feels the air get punched from his lungs when his eyes scan over your dress. the sheer, pale fabric practically glowing in the dim lighting. there’s a white corset that hugs your waist and follows the curve of your hips that jean can’t seem to tear his gaze from. the whole ensemble.. it’s hauntingly beautiful. you’re beautiful.
jean swallows down a forbidden feeling that claws at his ribcage, tears at the flesh of his throat in its frenzied attempt to escape.
he bolts down the hall to connie’s room, shouldering past vague acquaintances and slipping into his friends bathroom. the white knuckle grip that he has on the sink isn’t doing much to help ground him. his heart hammering in his chest and his head spinning unfortunately isn’t entirely the alcohols fault. scooping some cold water into his cupped hand, jean gulps it down and tries to cool the heat painting his cheeks and swirling in his gut.
bride of fucking frankenstein. is that why you’d asked what he was dressing up as? he groans, pressing the chilled tips of his fingers into his temple, mindful of the black face-paint stitches adorning his forehead. jean has spent almost 2 decades carefully steering you towards costumes that were safe—cute and perfect for the best of friends. jean has long since had his grand epiphany, long since resigned himself to keeping it all to himself, long since mourned the loss of what might have been. but he cannot risk a lifelong friendship with you on a gamble of ifs and maybes. so he straightens his jacket, plasters on his brightest smile and heads straight for you.
“well well well.” he drawls, coming up behind you as you’re mixing a drink. the sound of his voice has you sucking in a breath and turning to him with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
“couldn’t help yourself, huh? guess you’re just obsessed with me.”
you grin, glad that he seems like the jean you know and love. “please, this was a last minute ditch effort.” you shoot back, “i just couldn’t find anything else that looked okay!”
“ohh of course. forgive my wildly inaccurate assumption then.”
you chuckle, handing him a drink as you pour yourself another. “seriously though, dyou hate it?”
jean frowns over the rim of his cup, taking in your doe eyes and vulnerable expression that point to you being serious. “hate it? what would i hate it?”
“i don’t know.. you wanted to dress up alone this year so.. i thought you might be disappointed.” he stares at you blankly, cup hovering away from his lips. he’s got such pretty lips, you’ve always thought so. it would be.. weird to tell him that, right? though it’s probably weird how hard you’re staring at them right now and—oh god you’re staring.
“you wanted to dress up alone!” he says, confused.
“wh—i didn’t! i suggested it for you but.. i love our couples costumes.” you give him that shy smile that he adores and jean feels his insides turn to jelly. you have to know what you’re doing. you’ve baited him—hook, line and sinker and like the lovesick little guppy that he is he’s latched on and being stripped of oxygen.
“couples costumes?” he breaths.
“yeah i mean, we’re kind of like a couple.” you shrug, and jean almost faints. “we do everything together.” oh god, you need to shut the fuck up before you ruin everything. before he calls you out for overstepping and—
a whirlwind of colour that takes the form of sasha in a willy wonka costume (complete with crumpled wrappers spilling from her pockets) is suddenly ushering you both towards your group of friends before jean can respond and you can apologise. she pushes you down into the circle that’s forming, empty bottle of corona sitting menacingly in the centre.
jean groans, running a hand through his hair in a way that you can’t look at for too long or you might do something you’ll regret.
“what’re we? 16?” sasha just sticks her tongue out and slots down between macro and an on-the-verge-of-passing-out connie.
the games a hybrid—spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven, with people bending over the circle for a peck on the lips while the current 2 victims occupy the storage closet at the end of the hall. you find your eyes are focused on the fascinating items on the shopping list stuck to the fridge as jean locks lips with a pretty little blonde girl—hitch, you’re pretty sure. you don’t notice the glares that your best friend sporadically shoots in reiners direction when the bulky blonde kisses you for a little longer than necessary, earning whoops and cheers from your giddy friends. when the flick of erens wrist dictates that you and jean are next for the closet, the whole group groans.
“what?” floch says, clearly confused as to your apparent reputation.
“these are the worst.” mikasa deadpans, earning a playful shove from you.
“we are not!”
“what, they fuck super loud or something?” floch asks. jeans cheeks are reddening at the implication.
“hardly.” connie mumbles, suddenly following the conversation. “last time they were in there forever, found ‘em passed out after watchin’ a movie on his phone.”
you smile, pushing yourself up and extending a hand to jean. “i’m thinking insidious 2? maybe the conjuring?”
“stop. you know hocus pocus is more my speed.” he matches your smirk and laces your hands together, your friends’ booing accompanying you down the hall as you make your way to the closet.
you’re both settled on the floor, backs against the shelves and scrolling through jeans phone to find a movie. it’s dark, the only light coming from the small screen, but he can still see the outline of your figure in his peripherals, pressed up against him with your head on his shoulder, where it belongs.
“hey.” he finds himself blurting out. it’s the familiarity, the closeness that’s loosening his lips and making his iron resolve crumble.
“hey.” you smile up at him, and as he skims over your face, long lashes swept with mascara, pointed brows and lips sculpted with a dark crimson that almost looks black, jean has the startling urge to confess that he’s hopelessly, desperately in love with you.
“did you mean it? before..”
“that we’re like a couple.” he presses.
“oh, i—” theres an apology on the tip of your tongue that somehow morphs under the intensity of his gaze, warm eyes piercing even in the low light. “i mean, we are, aren’t we? strangers always think we’re together. we’re just not, ah.. intimate like a couple.”
jeans ears are ringing. what might have been is beginning to look like what could be, what’s right at his fingertips.
“do you want to be?” it’s barely a whisper, his face so close to yours that when he swipes over his lips you can feel the heat from his tongue. your gaze flickers down, glued to his lips, and without a second thought you find yourself nodding.
“are you sure?” this time, he’s so close that you can feel the syllables against your lips.
“kiss me.”
and jean does not need to be told twice.
it’s a chaste thing, a sweet thing. just skin against skin. you both share a sigh against eachother and it’s filled with so much relief, so much longing that it’s only natural for his hands to make their way to your cheeks, coaxing your head back as his tongue starts to lick into your mouth.
wet smacking and heavy breaths are fogging the space of the closet as your hands curl around his wrists. jeans hands cup your jaw, a breathy chuckle bubbling up when he rests his forehead against yours. it’s so infectious that you find yourself giggling along with him, mirroring the shapes he traces into you on his pulsepoints.
“you have no idea.” jean finds himself mumbling between slow savours of your lips. “god, you drive me crazy.” and you do. he thinks he can feel his fucking brain chemistry altering with every brush of your tongue against his own.
it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore the desire pooling between your legs at the feeling of your best friend cradling your face like you’re made of glass and kissing you until you’re dizzy. your limbs feel phantom as you slowly push him against the shelves, your thighs finding purchase surrounding his long legs and hands slipping into his hair. his phone is still on somewhere, cool-blue light casting shadows over your figure. even straddling him, you’re only marginally taller, but jean loves it, your pretty face there for him to behold and your tits squished against the confines of your corset at the perfect level to latch onto. your cleavage being on display is more of an obvious byproduct of having breasts as apposed to a purposeful attempt at being alluring, but jean thanks whatever deity is looking over him and happily sucks a trail of bruises into the soft skin before him. he can feel your breathing increasing with every graze of his teeth, every violet mark etched into your skin. and when he delivers a particularly harsh nip, your thighs clenching around him and your grip on his nape tightening, jean thinks he has to be ascending.
the tent in his pants is considerable, poking into your core even through the whispy layers of your dress. large hands have settled on your waist when you start to rock in his lap, a sputtering groan spilling into your chest as his dick twitches in anticipation.
“fuck, jean—i need you.”
he’s frantic, bunching up your dress to expose your bare thighs and dampened panties. he perches you over his dick, stifling a moan from the pulsing heat of your cunt radiating against his bulge. the movements of your hips are aided by warm hands settled on them, grinding you against his cock as you gasp and moan at the friction. he almost whines in response, fingertips digging into your soft flesh. “don’t—oh shit—don’t have a condom.”
he can’t form a sentence, let alone a coherent thought. but like the angel that you are, you do it for him, tug his face back from where it’s buried in your neck, smiling fondly at his lidded eyes and parted lips. “i mean, i’m clean. and.. on birth control.” you whisper, as if he wasn’t nursing you day and night after your IUD appointment. tucking a strand of hair behind the reddened tip of his ear, you press your lips to the stubble that peppers his jaw. it’s rough, mildly grating in a way that brings heat to the surface of your skin and has you wondering how it would feel against your inner thighs. “and i trust you.” you smile.
a confession is dangerously close to bursting from his chest. jean might as well just plunge a fist through flesh and bone, part his ribcage and present his beating heart to you. he would do it, if you asked.
“fuck, are you sure?” he’s blindly scrambling for his phone. “i—i’m clean and everything but are you sure?” and suddenly the screen is being lit up in front of you with goddamn test results. you laugh, because it’s so sweet and so jean—giving you peace of mind despite your assurances, checking in on you again and again because he cares. you pull up your own recent results and present it to him, his eyes barely flicking over it before his gaze is relocked with yours. you chuck your phone to the side, palming his bulge in languid strokes with your free hand and shuffling down the length of his legs. “never been more sure of anything.”
jeans so hopped up on endorphins, on the taste of you and the arousal searing his skin that he hardly notices you flicking the clasp of his belt buckle. he’s shook from his stupor when he feels the cool air hit his dick, tip shiny with so much precum that its started to drip down to his balls. you weren’t sure what you were expecting, but the slight curve of his shaft, the bulbous head and mushroom tip, the length of it has your eyes wide and mouth pooling with saliva. you delight in the way his cock twitches and he shivers when you blow against his wet slit. and when you wrap a hand at his base, immediately pumping him with slickened strokes, he reels, arching into your touch and slamming a hand over his mouth to muffle his groans.
oh god, oh god you’re gonna ruin him, thumbing his slit and squeezing his cockhead until he’s leaking into your hand and planning your honeymoon. pink darts from between your teeth and you press the flat of your tongue against him, salty liquid bursting across your tastebuds that has you humming and taking the tip of his dick into the wet heat of your mouth. jeans nails are digging bloody crescents into the skin of his palm as he tries to hold back the sounds of his pleasure, but when you suckle on his slit and swirl your fucking tongue against the sensitive underside of his cock, jean feels his balls tighten and flames ignite under his skin.
“shit—shitshitshit wait!” and you’re pulling off of him with a lewd pop and a ditzy smile. there’s a string of saliva and pre that tethers him to your lips and jean doesn’t think you’ve ever looked so beautiful.
“god you’re so..” jeans panting, scouring his lust-dipped brain for a word that does you justice. his reaction has you preening, dragging down your panties and pecking his lips with a grin. “so’re you.”
your thighs return to their place around his hips, the bare heat of your sexes mingling when you press your clit into the underside of his shaft from its place against his stomach. jeans hands are guiding your mouth to reconnect with his, desire clawing at his chest. “let me taste you.” he breaths.
your pussy flutters at his request, baritone syllables making more slick ooze from your slit. “as much as i would love that,” you link your hands around his broad shoulders, pressing your weight into your knees to position his cock over your dripping entrance. you can see the beginnings of a protest shaping his pretty lips that you’re quick to silence, “i want you to cum.” and when his dick is enveloped with hot, wet softness, jean can’t do anything but gasp.
while the tightness of your cunt is threatening to milk him dry, he knows this can’t exactly be comfortable for you, the wetness of your shared arousal doing little to compensate for the lack of prep. gentle rolls of his hips accompany soft words and presses of his lips to the trail of bruises along your chest. “shh, you’re okay. it’s just me, just focus on me.”
slippery circles are pressed into your clit that have you relaxing under his touch and clenching around his cock simultaneously. “look how good you’re doing, baby.” he whipers, your hazy eyes blinking down to where you’re connected. you haven’t taken all of him, though he doesn’t seem to mind, his thrusts picking up and settling into a pace that has your toes curling. one of your hands slips from around his neck in a stubborn blur. he has to cum first. jean does more for you than he probably realises, doting on you like the angel that he is. they’ll be time for more later. but he has to have the first. your fingers trail the soft skin of his sac, nails grazing the cropped hair at his base that has him shuddering beneath you. you can almost feel his load churning under your touch when you roll the heavy weight of his balls between your fingertips.
electricity is sparking between you—it’s under your skin and in your gut and tethering the beating muscles in your chests.
“i—have wanted you—” his words are choked, impending orgasm a breath away, “—for so fucking long. i fucking—i love you. i’m so fucking in love with you.” his confession comes as he does, searing heat from his release coating your insides and splashing through the depths of your cunt. your foreheads are pressed together as you gasp and whisper against his lips, jeans hips fucking his load into you as he helps you chase your own high.
“i love you. always have.” it’s a little slurred, a little breathy. but when jean feels your pussy squeezing him in a vice, slick sounds of arousal bouncing off of the dark walls of the closet, he doesn’t think it could be any more fucking perfect.
reiner has his tongue shoved down bertls throat when you both emerge, blinking at the harsh light. the group doesn’t even give you a second look, at first. when reiner pulls back, leaving the brunet with pink cheeks and wide eyes, jean is the one to clear his throat and direct their attention to your disheveled figures.
“we’re, uh, we’re gonna head out.”
your hands are intertwined. which isn’t a foreign feeling at all, though his cum dripping down your thighs is certainly new.
“no fucking way.” connie seems to have sobered up exponentially, eyeing your mess of hickeys, wrinkled clothes and jeans wild hair.
“i’ll be damned.” erens smirking with his brows raised as you manoeuvre the little crowd and head for the door. throwing a quick wave over your shoulder, you flash a sheepish smile to your friends, stumbling out a goodbye as jean tugs you out the door.
“uh, happy halloween guys!”
as soon as the door slams jeans pulling you in for a kiss. his lips are quickly becoming your favourite thing so you are not complaining, looping your arms round his waist to pull him further into your orbit.
“so.” you muse, “what’re we now? like.. fuck buddies?” you joke.
jean thinks on it, dramatically squinting his eyes and humming in thought. “i’d prefer the term smash bros.”
the look of disgust that colours your face as you shove him away and head down the street has laughter bubbling in his chest and his hands pulling you flush against his chest.
“you’re so stupid.” you pout, barely masking your adorable smile. “can’t believe i slept with you. can’t believe im in love with you.” you’re teasing him, taking his lips for yourself and giggling against him. but if he’s being completely honest with himself, jean can’t fucking believe it either.
#: @luvkun4 @sheluvzeren @oxygenstarrved @wh0reforlevi
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thurio-edau · 5 months
sorry for the delay!
alright, gotta say... this one's a bit shorter. but the next will come like a train wreck i promise😇
Part 3: Ben Clark
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oh the sweet old Ben... a kind and loving soul muted away. I'm thinking of inspecting his trauma and his general actions, and give him a diagnosis which I'm sure is canon even. I'm sure everyone who knows the disorder itself is aware that Ben is, in fact, suffering from PTSD.
let's start. first, what is PTSD?
PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental condition where someone feels what they have previously went through in a past traumatic experience. PTSD is frequently found with flashbacks to the moment, overwhelming feelings and sudden responses. there are two types of this disorder, PTSD and C-PTSD. but we'll look in the first one for now.
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Ben has always been a really kind character. ever since the beginning. more of a 'gentle giant' type of character, though we never see him talk. he's soft, he loves to help his friends and never does anything vulgar around them, including the phantom dimension. he feels nice when he gets praised even if he doesn't show it too.
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the first time we see him getting flashbacks and his anger issues being visible is when we first see Barron's behaviour towards Logan. anything that includes actual bullying gives him flashbacks and his response is his anger issues unleashing.
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in his backstory, Ben is shown that he's more of a shy type of person, but he loves singing. because his tall and intimidating appereance doesn't match his softness, a group of dumbasses try to 'fix' him which he rejects. back when Shane strangled him, is what he gets flashbacks to. it was something that changed his entire life, he had a passion for singing but he never did with his damaged voice. god knows how many times he was hospitalized when he was going around to fights because of his outburst of rage.
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yep, rage. I'd classify his anger issues as the 'rage' type with PTSD. PTSD rage makes more sense to me than just normal anger problems. I've seen and lived with many people with anger issues, but none of them are similar to rage. anger problems in general are usually verbal, if you don't make them mad to a point they're all bark and no bite. but of course after a point the violence behind the generic anger issues can unleash (see Tyler)
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okay, back to Ben and rage. rage is an extreme condition of anger, the person gets violent and their thoughts are clouded with the rage which makes them not think before doing anything drastic. but he's not very closed off about it either, actually. the time where he accepted Aiden to do the storytelling was before the first half of season one, the gang wasn't even that close.
this means that he saw them as actual friends so early on. probably before everyone. Ashlyn took her sweet time accepting the friendship, I'm kind of sure that Aiden didn't at first (see Tyler, yet again), Tyler also definitely didn't (as said by Taylor in season two premiere) and I think Logan has attachment/trust issues but that's for later. the only other possible person that might accept the group fastly is Taylor but with Tyler's influence so close to her, there is also a chance she didn't at first.
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Ben was fine with his friends knowing his past. he put his earphones on because he didn't want to hear about it, or else he knew he'd get flashbacks yet again. I'm thinking that it could be diagnosed too. Aiden knows that it's not just a memory, it's flashbacks to Ben and he covers for him whenever he sees something that might trigger Ben. after learning the situation, Taylor also does the same. they learn the severity of his problems and are all fine with helping him.
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another thing I'm sure of is that he's extremely attached to his friends. we know that everyone is close-knit, but Ben specifically. he might not speak but that doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy their time. he does, fully. which is I think why he/his room was... like that in the facility, without any spoilers.
to say, the gang is more than just friends to him; they're his found family, where he feels like he belongs. they don't judge him for his silence there. they understand his past. they're not scared of him just because of the way he was built and they're not going to be either.
but what about his family?
families are one of the most important part of a character and their backstory. the family is what decides how they will live, act and even feel sometimes. then what about Ben's? where were they during his backstory?
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yeah. Ben's rage causes something terrible to happen.
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but it ends better for everyone. Ben gets the therapy he needed, starts to live with Aiden, makes the gang his friends and it actually goes well.
his parents?
we meet Naomi and William during Lily's birthday.
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yes, Mike, Lily is goshdarn adorable.
first, I think Naomi and William aren't to blame. I think they did the best they could; they tried to help Ben, tried to help him get therapy, sent him to Aiden's place to help himself. then why didn't Ben's story stop?
Ben couldn't control his rage until their house got destroyed and he realized just how far it got. he sneaked out of the house, a lot of people seem to not see that detail. and they seem to be very caring, too.
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they're amazing as a whole family, to be honest. even the little Lily doesn't care about her birthday getting wrecked, because she wants to help Ben and his friends. she indirectly helped Tyler extremely well, since the sedative idea came from her in the first place.
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Naomi was the first person who brought up the whole 'we-are-seeing-phantoms' discussion and William didn't hesitate to talk about it. Naomi was also the first person to notice the phantoms when the worlds collided for a mere second.
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and Ben himself has shown completely zero negative behaviour towards them. and Lily gets treated like a princess -even if she accidentally neutered Ben-
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side note here, that Lily also really loves the family too. the way she cuddled Aiden when he died and came back was so cute to be honest.
so I don't think the family is anywhere to blame either. it was Ben who was strangled, Ben who fought, and Ben who saw therapy. the reason why I'm talking about this is because a lot of people suddenly blame a character's family when there's a problem with them.
guys. people with caring, loving families can be traumatized too. just because someone has a happy family doesn't mean they're suddenly over any trauma they live. doesn't mean everything is suddenly okay. it means that they have an accepting place to go to, a safe space. and Ben's family? I think they're just like that. they desperately try to help. help their son, their nephew and their friends. hell, Lily trying to help also speaks volumes in my opinion. their father -dilf no.2 after Mike right here- William was the one who offered the idea to get the kids saved from the centipede phantom. and to be honest? it was pretty smart.
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she also tried to prevent Emma from going mad because come on, Emma would absolutely wreck anyone if they dared blame Ashlyn for this. (still I think Jessica has to apologize for being to insensitive smh)
Naomi really seems like a sweetheart to me, I already said what to be said about William in a single very important side sentence and if there was any kind of in-family neglect Lily would also be affected. but she isn't so I think we're good? I adore the whole Ben family tho.
to wrap it all up.
Ben is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which makes him see flashbacks and turn into a rage mode each time he is triggered due to his backstory, being bullied because he's too soft. his rage causes a gang to destroy his home (HELLO?? ARE THERE NO FUNCTIONING COPS IN THIS STOR-- oh wait it's america yea there ain't nvm) and his parents try their best. move, get Ben to therapy and let Daniel's side help him by doing stuff he loves. Ben is still trying to recover, but his flashbacks are strong due to impacting his entire life from his voice and make it difficult.
(vocal chords repair by time actually, but he hasn't been speaking for like 4 years so maybe it'd need some voice exercises until it returns to normal?? if it's just vocal chords he'd be alright. imagine if he could talk and sing normally all this time but he just didn't know. it's something between "aww poor guy :((" and "lmao"
but I don't know about voice box, can someone enlighten me on vocal chord damage vs. voice box damage? thamks)
and Lily. Lily is a cinnamon roll. no other opinions allowed.
-i wanted to make a part for Ben and Taylor but i decided wasn't fit here :P-
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autos-official · 8 months
List of every single manufacturer and how they honestly are
@autos-official: the one time we colonize something it went... bad. There is a reason for why we are SEVERLY against any misrepresentation of hercynian culture/history... We were the firemen once. But what we fought was not from this world. Ans so we cannot pity them. In our hubris we came out saying "never again" and we're the only ones remembering our vows. We hope that Project 118/Uuo is never brought to light again. And if it is... lets hope nobody figures out how it works. Also AUTOS-NEOS replaces "esoteric" for "rugged" if you want our brand but you want a mech that isnt... paracasualty on legs (LISTEN OUR ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS HAVE THEIR PROBLEMS ALREADY LEAVE THEM ALONE 🥺)
@general-massive-systems: you want a mech that, while boring, at least isnt Fucked Up 69 Ways From SecComm? Good then youre stuck with GMS. I mean, respect for sticking to the roots but come on you gotta agree the non-bullshit things cant be all GMS
@officialunionhr: finally! Someone actually giving a shit about the civilians!
@harrison-armory-official: look, your mechs are cool and all, but come the fuck on cant you at least PRETEND to be better than your past? Or at least make a mech that isnt one hot day away from a meltdown???
@ssc-official: half of your mechs are ONE HULL PERSONALIZATION AWAY (which is avaiable at LICENSE LEVEL FUCKING ZERO) from being straight outta R34. Seriously i get "sleek and elegant design" but HALF OF YOUR MECHS HAVE CHILD BEARING HIPS. HALF OF YOUR FANS ARE COOMERS AND YOU WONT ACCEPT IT A-
@ips-northstar-official: you guys are... somewhat cool i guess??? I mean, all that weird pirate shit has been a thorn in your side for like, a century or two too many. I would ask Union to check if someone in the chain of command is doing shady shit about pirates. Seriously.
@horus-unofficial: i get the NHP relationships but uhm... guys, with all due respect. Dont unleash unshackled NHPs on somewhere inhabited. Like maybe when its someone about to "Reference SecComm" but other than that... why would you? Also that whole "lich licenses have always been there" thing is bullshit. UPDATE👏YOUR👏FUCKING👏SOFTWARE
@hra-official: N̴͚̭̙O̥̽̔͠B͓̊̅̀Ǫ̶̲͇ͫ̂̈Ḑ̸̌͏Y͟ ̨͛͗̕͞T̴̻ͧͪͯ̀O̙Ų̰̣̩̓̊̕͜Ĉ̷͔̹́͘H̷̥̘̳̽̔ O͔͕͒͗U̶̧̥̍ͭ́R͖̩͔̓͑́͢ ̸̪͊ͣ̈́͘͝B͚͍̄U҉̛G ̳̰͆B͉͖̠҉Ǫ̕͏Y̹͕͎S̶̅ͤ͝ ̱̾̀͜O̧̪̫̜̔̃R̴̷̤͔͓̂ͫ͋̀ ̧͇̦̆S̵͈̟̾̿ͬ̕O̿͢ ̤̰̯̓̽͡҉͡H̴̢̤͖͐ͯͣ͠E̜̫̍ͫͬ͘͡L̘ͫͅ҉Ṗ̵̢ͨ͘ ̛̿Ỹ̶̴͒ͮ͞O̟͔̻͠Ü̡̧͈̙ ͖R̟̝ͅẢ̷̷̤̖͈/̞̹̇M̎̏̄Eͯ͟T̷͖͛̚͞Ạ͠T̮ͨ͆ͪ ̶̳AͮÙ̸̧N̪͓̐҉̀/̹̝̭̌ ̨̯ͭ́ͥW͟H̯͚҉̸̧Aͬ͘͠T̈́̈͌҉͏E̡ͣ̑́͜Ṿ̢̦̱ͯE̶̩̩̞̎͟R̢͙ͫ͗͟͠ ̺͙̋̐"̷̃͗M̴̹͎ͯ͢͞O̢͎̙̩͟͝N̵͎͈͊̍͡͡I̩̣S̵̙̟̟̐ͧ̓͝T͔͚͘ͅ"̓̽͢ ̟̤͕͑̊ͣY̨̧̧͆O̩̝͡U̢͖̝ͣͦ͡ ̝̓͢͡K̵̾͑͢Ńͦ́Ơ̄͗̊W͔̼̠͛̈́̀͠ ̶̬̑͞͝O̵͔̿̚͡F̵̴̞ͩ̓̕ ̛̺̖̙̂́͠͡I̴̢͕̤̕ ̷̧̞̎̕W̡̨̟͙̥͑̇ͧ͢I̻͓ͥ҉̨̕L͇̗̤͜͏L̐ͅ ̗ͭ̎͋B̨̡͑̋́R͊ͩͩÏ̡̛͖̭̌Ñ̳̥͕̔ͯG̽̉ͥ ͋͐͘҉O͏̕͢N̲͍̓̾҉̧͘T̵̸͠Ŏ̭̑ͦ͢ ̻͔̰͐͌Ỳ̛̤̓̈́O̠̪Uͪ̈́̆͢͏͏ ̫͋̾ͮẆ͉̠̅́H̨̛̭͝A̡̨̠̹ͩ̂̚͜T̢̈́ͯ̎͏̀ ͔̩͍H͙̖͝͞ÄP̳͙̿ͅP̝E̙̎͐̈N͈̪͟E̾̎̕̕D̹̻͢͜ ̯̟͐̈̀T̸̴̵̏O̷̢̜͖̥ ̵̤̼̆͒̕͜Ṯ̉͢H̷ͯE̟͍̩Ṃ̡͉̬ͭ̊ͤ͞͝ ̟̳͔͋HŬ̷̑̾N̨͙̈́̚D̓ͨͧR̶͓҉Ȩ̸̳͖̜̅̋͝Ḑ̓̓ͯ͡͠-̩ͤ̋ ͚̩̪ͫ̐͐͏͟N̫͚ͬ̿҉Ŏ̼͈̝ͧ͒ ̡̬͚A̶̳̻̣̐̔ ͋͑͠T̼̲̕͢H̸̾̍͝Ó͐҉͠͝U̡̧͞S͓̩̔A̸̅͡Ṉ̮͔̈́̑͂̀͏̡D͕́-̚҉̶͠F̧̂̕O͏̡͡L̍D̢̢ͭ̉ͤ ̴̤̫̙Y̵̨ͣ̄O̺͙͟͏͡U̹̍͑҉ ̟̜F̷̵̙͋̅͂͜Ū̸̖̠͛͏C̬̗̭̑̾͊͏̕͜K͈̕̕͠I̡̥͆̈̓ͅ͏͢Ṋ̖́͢G̛̍̕ ̱̰͘Ğ͇̬̣̂E̷͍̤͝N̖̖̓ͤO̦̲̙C͙̼͓ͯĬ̵̳̖͉ͫ̓̀͟D̴̹̐̑A͙͙ͫ͐́̕͜Ľ ̶̯̹͈CͪƯ̡̘̻̖͒̑Ņ̨̗̘͇͞-̧̧̣ͪͪ̑͡
@albatross-lancer: on one hand, if it wasnt for you the Incident wouldnt have been solved and the galaxy would have been in SLIGHT danger. On the other, over 50% of all albatross NSFW on the omninet is because of some of our workers having "art" as an hobby. Yeah, union owes us HARD for all those "erogenous pinup calendars of albatross pilots" and all because most of the staff wants to be wished away to Greener Pastures by a foreign, strong pilot that also saves worlds from oppression... bridal carried to a cottage to be manhandled and bre- UH WE MEAN YOU GUYS ARE COOL AND ARE MORE NEEDED THAT YOU THINK YOU ARE :)
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Top Gun Threesomeissance 2023
My deepest apologies to @sushiwriterhere for how late this is, but it's done and posted and I thank you for inspiring me to stretch my writing skills and creative process with this one. I tried to take an unconventional direction with your prompt so I hope it's not too left field for folks. I had fun either way ;)
I literally wrote this, read through it once, and posted it. So be gentle.
Summary: Bob hasn't been intimate in a very long time and now that someone has caught his eye, hes panicking. He needs an education and Phoenix and her girlfriend are all too happy to oblige. Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female Reader x Natasha "Phoenix" Trace Length: 6K Warnings: Smut. So. Much. Smut. Bob Fucks. Phoenix Fucks. (MINORS DNI)
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After the uranium mission, Bob and Phoenix returned to their original units at Lemoore. This time, though, as friends rather than strangers. They ate lunch together often, went out with friends on the weekends, and had a standing date to watch movies and eat junk food at Phoenix’s apartment every Wednesday night. Often you would join your girlfriend and her new BFF for Wednesday night movie night when you didn’t have to work. Bob made for a great third wheel to your dynamic duo and you both loved having him around.
One Wednesday though, Bob showed up for movie night, soaked from the rain with his own dark clouds shading his normally happy, shining eyes. Something was obviously bothering him as he stumbled into the foyer, fumbling with a grocery bag while trying to kick off his squishy tennis shoes.
“What happened to you?” Phoenix asked as she came in from the kitchen to take the bag while you returned with a towel.
“I’m just havin’ a day is all. Sorry for the mess.” He took the towel from you with a sullen expression of gratitude and moved further into the apartment.
Luckily, he was over so often that he had some spare clothing and comfort items in the guest room. Bob went to change while you and Phoenix prepped the living room with chip bags, beers, and a soda for Bob. You were just pulling up Netflix when he returned, looking almost worse than he did at the door. He walked over to the couch and flopped down next to Phoenix. Her dark eyes met yours where you stood in the middle of the living room with the TV controller. You both shared similar looks of concern and the movie was suddenly forgotten.
Phoenix spoke up as you turned and sat on the floor in front of where she and Bob were on the couch.
“Ok buddy, somethings obviously up. You were fine when we left the hangar earlier. What gives?”
Bob let out a sigh and rotated his head until his neck cracked. There was a war happening inside his head and you could tell he wasn’t sure whether to unleash it or not. You reached your hand out and rested it on his knee, trying to reassure him.
“Whatever it is, we’re here for you. It can’t be that bad.” You said gently.
Bob huffed a sarcastic laugh and reached up to rub his face vigorously with both hands under his glasses. He then growled and threw his hands up in the air in defeat.
“Fine. I’ll tell yall. But you gotta promise not to make fun of me.”
You shared another questioning look with Phoenix then she put her arm around his shoulders. “Bob, we would never make fun of you.”
“That’s absolutely not true. You both picked on me for two weeks over the vomit incident at Six Flags.” He accused.
“That was different, and you know it, Floyd. This seems serious, so spill it.” Phoenix said with a squeeze to his shoulders.
“Yall remember Rebecca? The gorgeous red head we met last month at the farmer’s market?”
You and Phoenix both nodded wordlessly while staring at him intently to continue.
“We’ve been on a couple of dates now and I really like her. I mean, really like her.” He said emphatically.
When neither of you spoke up, he huffed again and continued. Beads of sweat were starting to pearl on his forehead as he became more and more visibly nervous.
“Uh, well. I invited her over to my place for dinner this weekend.”
“What!? Bob! That’s awesome!” Phoenix shouted as she practically leapt off the couch. She smiled brilliantly at him, and you smiled at her enthusiasm for her friend.
“No. You don’t understand. She’s coming to my apartment. Alone. At nighttime.”
Phoenix smiled even bigger. “Bob, I’m pretty sure we understand the intentions of this mission.”
He looked up at her with disdain and you realized something about this so called mission was really troubling him, so you spoke up. “Babe. Calm down.” You said with a small laugh at the sour expression Nat gave you.
“Phoenix. Look. I’m not a virgin, but, uh,” he hesitated “it was my high school girlfriend. We were together for 3 years. We did it. Then she broke up with me when I left for college.” He looked between you both with a wounded puppy expression as he sank further into the couch.
“Robert James Floyd. Are you telling me you haven’t had sex in a decade?” Phoenix asked as she placed her hands on her hips. Most likely she didn’t mean for it to sound as accusatory as it did, but you intervened quickly, nonetheless.
“Bob” you started with as gentle a tone as you could muster “have you had any physical encounters with a woman since your high school girlfriend?”
His face began to flush bright red, and you watched Phoenix's dark eyes go wide with shock. She regained her seat next to him on the couch and grabbed one of his large hands in both of her much smaller ones. You were thankful that she calmed down before he ran screaming into the torrential downpour outside.
He cleared his throat “I’ve had a few make out sessions but nothing concrete. I was so focused on school and then training that the opportunity never presented itself. Who wants the geeky guy, right? Next thing I knew a decade had passed and here I am, thirty years old with the chance for intimacy right in front of me and I’m freaking out. I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure where to put my hands or mouth or anything. How do I know she’s enjoying it? What do I do if she isn’t? She’s so perfect and I want things to be perfect for her and I just know I’ll mess this up. Arggghhh” he grunted as he stood, pulling his hands through his hair. He started pacing around the room, almost making you dizzy from your seat on the floor. This was a truly conflicted man and you felt so bad for him. He obviously cared about this woman and his want to be good for her was endearing.  
While he walked around the room continuing to rant about his lack of carnal knowledge of the female species, your eyes once again connected with Nat’s, and you could see her gears were turning. Nothing good ever came from the plotting expression she was now wearing while deep in thought. Nat slid onto the floor and came to a stop on all fours next to you. She raised her hand to whisper an idea into your ear and you whipped around to look at her with surprise. Her eyes implored you and she shook her ass in the air, enticing you. You considered her proposition for a moment more before whispering to her “Doesn’t hurt to offer I suppose.”
Phoenix smiled then sat back on her heels before rising. She held out her hands to you and pulled you up, her arms wrapping around your waist once on your feet. She placed a chaste kiss to your cheek then released you, entirely too much excitement gleaming in her eyes. Just as Bob turned to pace back Phoenix stepped up, blocking his path and bringing him to a halt. You were always amused by their comical height difference. Bob’s frantic eyes looked down into the smirking face of Phoenix as she placed both hands on his chest.
“Bob. We have a plan. So, take a breath.” He stared at her, then looked over at you, then back to Phoenix, looking more perplexed than ever.
“A plan?”
“Yup. No movie tonight. Instead, we’re going to teach you.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped, brought up short as he began to realize what she meant by her statement. Phoenix slid her hands across his chest, down his long arms, and intertwined her fingers into his with a reassuring expression.
Bob stammered “But, uh, Phee” he choked on a chuckle “I. Teach me?” he finally asked. You closed the gap between you and your girlfriend, placing your body flush to her back and reaching around to wrap your hands around their connected ones. You smiled at Bob as his eyes met yours. “Let us help you, Bob.” You implored gently “Nat’s bi, I’m gay. I can guide you while she handles the physical aspects. We wouldn’t be doing anything we weren’t comfortable with. But we won’t do this if you aren’t comfortable.”
“Yeah, and just consider it a maneuvers exercise like work.” Phoenix interjected. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make me cum. But this time the enemy is a friendly and we’re going to walk you through it step by step. End of the night you’ve gained experience, we’ve all had a fun night we can laugh about another decade from now, and you pounce Rebecca this weekend knowing exactly what you need to do!”
You just knew Bob was going to pass out. He was sweating profusely now, his eyes darting between yours and Nat’s as you both squeezed his hands firmly. In the silence something seemed to come to him suddenly. His eyes focused again, and his lips closed into a thin line.
“Wouldn’t this be like cheating on Rebecca?”
He had a point, you thought, but Phoenix jumped in always ready with an answer.
“Have you and Rebecca discussed exclusivity yet?” She asked.
“Well, no, we haven’t. We’ve been on exactly two dates, and I know she’s seen someone else during that time. So, I guess, the answer would be, no? But I'm hoping to impress her this weekend so we can discuss being exclusive, and I feel like this is my one shot to do it.”
You felt a little relief with his answer. You wouldn’t want anything to ruin the friendship your girlfriend had developed with Bob.
“Sounds good to me. Besides. We do this as an educational exercise, blame the alcohol that we haven’t actually consumed, and tell no one. But only if you’re comfortable and trust us. We can always bust out some anatomy charts and porn if you’d prefer?” You rolled your eyes at your girlfriends’ suggestion although you knew she was serious. When it came to facing a difficult task, she was nothing if not methodical with her plan of attack.  
“Bob. The most important part of this is that you are relaxed and willing. If at any time you aren’t, we can stop.” You added for reassurance as you slid your hands up Natashas’ arms then rested them gently on her shoulders.
Bob started to speak then stopped. His eye lids slammed shut and he took a deep breath, obviously working through the tennis match in his head. Then, something seemed to click for Bob. All the lines on his face relaxed and as he opened his baby blues, the clouds seemed to roll out. He stood up a little taller, his hands still intertwined with Nat’s, and he nodded once.
“Ok yeah. Let’s do it.”
You smiled at him as Nat reached up and gave him a gentle peck on the cheek.
“Let’s do it indeed.” She mused then flashed you a sassy smile as she led Bob down the hall by one hand to her room. You just shook your head with a grin and followed them. Your girlfriend had an insatiable appetite for physical touch, and you weren’t the least bit surprised she was willing to be the sacrificial lamb for Bobs sexual awakening. You just hoped she would be gentle with him. At least a little, anyways.
Phoenix dropped Bobs hand once everyone was in the room and moved over to a Bluetooth speaker on her dresser. She flipped it on, and soft music began to quietly fill the room as she placed her phone on the stand next to it. Bob stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, just watching Nat as she swept around the room lighting a few candles and drawing the curtains. She spoke as she flitted around. "First lesson Bob. Set the mood."
You closed the bedroom door behind you and looked up at the imploring blue eyes that were staring at you.
“Are you sure you don’t mind me, uh, you know. Doing, you know, this, with your girl?” he whispered to you.
You gave him a gentle smile. “Bob, that woman right there lives for physical touch. She will have her way with you and then have her way with me because she’ll be so revved up, so I’ll win in the end as well. Trust me, I’m totally ok with this.” And you winked as you brushed past him.
Phoenix turned from the curtains just as you moved into her space and wrapped your arms around her waist, pulling her close. She giggled slightly before your lips were gently massaging hers in a deep kiss. You pulled back and looked into her chocolate eyes. “Nat, go easy on him. Try not to scare the poor boy.” You whispered quietly into her lips. She only giggled again then shimmied out of your embrace and slinked to the middle of the room where Bob was still standing hunched like a cornered mouse.
Phoenix ran her hand across Bobs lower back as she moved around his side to face him, grinning like a cat toying with her prey the whole time. You quietly moved to the other side of the king size bed, stripped down to your basic black bra and panties, and sat up against the wrought iron headboard.
Phoenix looked past Bob and scoffed. “Oh, not fair! You’re distracting me already!” she pouted. Bob looked over at you, flushed red, then averted his eyes again. You just shook your head with a small laugh. “Phee, concentrate. You’ll get your turn with me later.” Her smile grew wider before she turned her focus back to Bob.
“Ok Bob let’s talk making the first moves. Think of this like our pre-flight check list. You’re in the cockpit and it's time to warm up the engines and prep for go. You’re going to take charge of the situation just like you do when we’re getting ready to fly. So, what would be on your checklist to get things started in a sexual situation?”
You stifled a snort behind your hand as you watched Bob turn bright crimson, and begin to stammer with wide eyes. Phoenix looked at you quizzically. “What? I thought I’d put this in terms he would understand.” She said defensively.
“Natasha. He’s not working on an airplane. Do you want him to treat you like one? Rebecca? Maybe soften your tactic just a little babe?” you implored through a weary grin.
Phoenix huffed then blew a loose strand out of her face. “Fine.” She said bluntly before looking up at Bob. “Sorry.”
“S’ok Phee.” He croaked.
“Bob, you still ok?” you asked, wanting to protect him every step of the way.
“Yeah, I’m good.” he said as he hesitantly slid his hands around Nat’s shoulders then down her back, enveloping her in his broad wingspan. Her face registered disbelief at his sudden boldness, then her arms wrapped around his waist, and she smiled up at him. You grinned too. “Good boy.” Nat cooed and bob let out a nervous chuckle. “Now what do you want to do to me?” she asked.
He took in a breath then answered on the exhale. “I’d like to kiss you.”
“That sounds like a great first step Bob. Go ahead and kiss her.” You encouraged gently.
Bob leaned down and connected his lips to Natashas. It was extremely hesitant at first but then Phoenix leaned in reassuringly and he began to deepen the kiss. You watched as their tongues started to dance. “Nat how does that kiss feel?” you asked.
Never breaking apart, Natasha moaned into Bobs mouth, and you watched with pride as Bob slid his hands down her sides, letting them come to rest on her ass. Another moan escaped from Phoenix, and you praised Bob. “Very good Bob. Did you hear her moan? That’s a good sign. Keep going.”
Bob broke their kiss and released Phoenix, a whimper falling from her mouth. Before she could protest though, Bob removed his glasses, tossing them to the side. He reached behind his head with one hand and pulled his shirt off in one swift move. He may not have been your cup of tea but even you were impressed with the agility of the shirt removal and the taught abs he kept hidden away. “That was hot Bob. Right Nat? Wasn’t that hot?”
Natasha said nothing though, only smirked wickedly. She drank in the sight of Bob in nothing but his jeans as she ran her fingers over his stomach, tracing the lines of his muscles. “Oh, that was very hot.” She oozed and licked her lips. Bob seemed spurred on by her reaction, pulling her back in for another long and sloppy kiss. Maybe a little too sloppy. “Bobby, try to keep the kisses softer, less moisture.” You watched as he swallowed and backed his tongue off a little, choosing to nip gently at her bottom lip before dipping his tongue into her mouth slowly. Natasha moaned again and something in your own abdomen jumped. God damn your girlfriend made the most beautiful noises when she was enjoying herself.
“You have her attention, Bob. Take advantage of that.”
He broke the kiss again, staring into Phees eyes as his hands gently grabbed the hem of the black oversized t-shirt she was wearing. As he began to lift it, you decided this was a great teaching moment.
“Bob, hang on.” You instructed calmly and he did, looking up at you anxiously. You continued. “This is a perfect chance to build some anticipation. Before you rip her shirt off, skim your hands along her skin as you raise it. Let your hands wander and build some electricity. Appreciate her body and she’ll appreciate you.” He nodded once then began kissing Nat again as his hands slid under the hem and across her smooth stomach. You watched intently as his large hands glided down her sides and her hips then slid around to her bare ass. He gave her cheeks a gentle squeeze and both he and Nat let out almost matching whimpers. You smirked, pleased to have a student who learned quickly.
“She has a great ass, huh Bob?” you asked, and he nodded into their kiss. “Tell her. Complement her.”
Bob let his kisses wander up from her mouth, across her cheek, to her ear lobe then he whispered into Nat’s ear “God I love your ass.” And he squeezed it again. Natasha let her head roll back with a moan and you realized you were starting to feel a little warm. You loved her ass too.
With her neck exposed, Bob trailed kisses down from her ear all the way to the sensitive spot where her neck met her collar bone. You decided Bob didn’t give himself enough credit, he was doing a good job relaxing and following instinct. You knew Natasha wasn’t faking with her little kitten purrs as he worked the spot with quick licks and nibbles. It was becoming harder for you to remain an impartial instructor in this activity, you couldn’t help it, Natashas pleasure gave you pleasure, no matter how she was getting it.
His hands moved from her ass and began to lift the shirt, unhurriedly. Bob skimmed his fingers along the soft skin of Natashas hips and sides, stopping the assault on her neck to remove the black fabric completely. She stood there in a purple thong and bra you were sure made Bob’s heart skip a few beats at the same time yours did.
“Phoenix” he whispered adoringly. “You’re incredible. I just want to. I want to…” he trailed off while holding her hands and looking up and down her body in appreciation.
“She is so gorgeous, isn’t she Bob?” you asked huskily. “What is it you want to do? Don’t tell me, show us.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. Bob let go of Nat’s hands and cupped her breasts over her bra. He leaned down and placed a languid kiss on the top of one and then the other. Nat ran her hands through his hair and sighed. “Yes Bob, you’re doing so good baby boy. You’re making her feel so good.” You hummed.
“Bobby, take the bra off. I want more.” She begged and you watched as he turned her around quickly, pulling her into his body, eager to please. Bob bent down to suck on the sensitive spot in the crook of her neck while his hands slid her straps down her arms. He then stood and worked the clasps of the bra until they sprang apart, and the bra dropped down her arms and landed on the floor.
“Baby you have beautiful breasts. Bob, how would you show her you like them?” He looked up from behind her, his eyes dark with lust, and gave you a smirk, before his large hands wrapped around and cupped both of Natashas breasts firmly. Nat gasped as he began to knead her breasts, letting her head rest against his chest.
You were starting to feel moisture between your legs. Watching Bob work Natashas breasts, pinching her nipples and tugging on them was making you delightfully jealous but you tried to remain focused on his education.
Natasha was rubbing up against Bob as he worked her chest, moaning and running her hands along the outside of his thighs. You were starting to salivate at the sight of her squirming. Then Bob shocked both of you. He removed a hand from one of Nats breasts, put his two middle fingers in her mouth and she began to suck on them. A rush of heat ran up your spine.
“Very nice Bob, so hot. Now what are you going to do with those soaked fingers?”
Bobs eyes met yours as he removed his damp fingers from Natashas slutty mouth and quickly slid them into the top of her panties. Before either of you knew what was happening, he had run his slick fingers along her folds, causing Natasha to buck against him and release a loud pant. You squeezed your legs together, trying to calm the burning sensation rising between your own legs. You watched as his large arm snaked around her torso, holding her in place while his other worked her slit. You could see the wet spot growing in her thong and it was almost more than you could handle. You had to shake your head to remain focused on the job.
Natasha let out several moans then panted “Bob, God, oh Bobby. I want more.”
You smirked. She was so frantic, and you loved it. “She wants more Bobby, what are you going to give her? Get on your knees and slowly pull her panties down. Torture her.”
He did as he was told, dropping to his knees. He cupped her ass and lathered one of her ass cheeks with a wet kiss that made her moan with a grin. God that ass did things to you and your vision was starting to blur. Bobs fingertips dragged deliberately up the outside of her legs, ankle to waist, then even more slowly pulled her thong down to the floor. You were salivating at the sight of your beautiful girl standing bare and writhing in front of you.
“Bob, you’re doing so good. Can you hear all the small pants and moans she’s making?” He nodded his head as he stood, his hands roaming all over Natashas soft skin. “That’s how you know you’re doing a good job. She’s warmed up and ready for you, time to take things to the next step.”  
Natasha swung around and made quick work of his zipper, being careful not to catch his very large erection. She pulled down his jeans and briefs in one quick movement, releasing his large cock into the cool air with a gasp. You could see her eyes glistening with enjoyment. Your baby girl loved cock and you knew poor Bob was in a little bit of trouble. Nat got on her knees and began to suck him, hard, cupping his balls with one hand while the other braced on his thigh. Bobs hands instinctively grabbed on to Nats hair as his breaths became loud and ragged. He let out a loud “Oh shit” and looked at you shocked as Nat took him all the way in.
You smirked at him. “Bob, are you enjoying her mouth? If so, tell her. Complement her good work.”
He was now thrusting into Phoenix’s mouth while tugging on her hair, his mouth agape as he struggled for breath. His eyes drifted from yours down to hers and between pants he did just as he was instructed.
“Nat that feels amazing. Suck me, just like that.” And then his head lolled back as Natasha worked her magic.
“Bob, do you want to cum in her mouth? Or somewhere else? You asked and he growled as his head flopped forward to look at Nat again while she worked.
“I want to cum in her gorgeous pussy.” He let out through his forced breathing.
He was getting the hang of this. You knew how much fun Nat had working a cock with her mouth and that if you didn’t stop her now this would all end too quickly. “Natasha honey” you said and she slowed her ministrations before releasing Bobs cock with a loud pop.
She looked over her shoulder at you sheepishly. “Sorry babe, I got carried away.”
“Bob, help her up. Take charge. You know what you want next, make it happen.”
He bent down slightly and grabbed Nat’s wrists before yanking her up to him. Her body crashed into his and he began kissing her again. His arms snaked around her body and pulled her in even closer. The sweet sounds coming from her mouth had you squirming. You wanted to kiss that mouth so bad right now. Squeezing your thighs together wasn’t helping anymore, so you slid your hands into your underwear and began rubbing your mound to find some friction. You sighed and Bobs eyes opened. He took in the sight of you working your bud and his eyes widened while he still kissed Phoenix.
“Don’t worry about me Bobby, focus on her. You’re doing great.”
What happened next happened so fast you almost missed it. Bobs hands reached under Nat’s ass and lifted her off the ground. Two steps and he had her flung onto the bed on her back. Before either of you could say anything, Bob laid on his stomach and began kissing the inside of Natashas thighs, first one and then the other. Her head was now lying next to you on the mattress, and she smiled at you with so much heat in her brown orbs.
“Baby, I think he’s a fast learner.” She hissed as his mouth began to lap at the outside of her smooth slit.
“I think you’re right sweet girl.” You said with a smile before reaching over to gently remove some hair from Natashas forehead. You continued to rub yourself, enjoying every saccharine sound falling from your girlfriend’s mouth.
“God I want this pussy so bad. Tell me Natasha. Tell me I can eat your pussy?” Bob practically growled from between her tanned legs. Nat bucked her hips as she grabbed his hair and pulled him all the way in, his tongue beginning an all-out assault of her clit. Her back arched and you couldn’t help yourself. Your free hand grabbed a handful of Natashas right breast and began to knead it. She was making a range of feral noises now that had you pick up the pace in your own underwear.
“Bob, Bob, yes Bob. Right there, that’s perfect. Suck my clit, oh oh yes like that. Ughh” her back was arching now and you knew she was getting close. Natasha loved nothing more than having her pussy eaten. It was your favorite thing to do to her and you had to focus on something else to keep from joining Bob on the action.
“Shes getting close Bob. Fuck her. Let her cum on your cock.” You instructed as you removed your hand from Natashas breast. He lapped a few more times at her opening before sliding up her body and layering her breasts with kisses and nips of his teeth. Natashas hands were everywhere, his hair, scratching his shoulders and biceps. Natasha was a babbling mess of want and need.
“Robert Floyd if you don’t fuck me now I’ll, I’ll” Nat trailed off as he moved the head of his cock to her maidenhead. Bob’s face hovered over Nats briefly before he looked up at you, his face searching for permission.
“Make her feel good Bob.” You nudged and that was all the encouragement he needed. Bob slid his cock into Natasha and she let out a loud moan that sent your head spiraling. You needed more relief than this, you were so wet. As Bob began moving in and out of Natasha you reached over to the bedside table and pulled out your tiny bullet, pressing the button and practically shoving it down your panties. The buzzing went unnoticed as Bob and Nat continued to fuck on the bed next to you.
“Don’t let things get stale Bob, move her legs, let her feel you at different angles.” Bob growled into the crook of Natashas neck before he pushed back onto his knees. He threw Natashas legs onto his shoulders and grabbed her hips, lifting her up as he started to pick up the pace, bumping into her pussy with more pressure. She was becoming a loud, vulgar mess, practically screaming obscenities as her hands grabbed ahold of the bars above her head. The mess in your own panties grew with every shout Nat released into the thick air as you moved the bullet back and forth over your sensitive nub.
“Phoenix, cum baby. Cum on my cock.” Bob bellowed. He released her hips and grabbed each of her ankles. He spread her legs wide and really leaned into the fucking. Natasha just gasped repeatedly, no longer forming any words.  You knew she was close when she became incoherent like this.
“That’s it Bobby, let her have it. She’s ready. Make her cum.”
Bob released one of Natashas legs and put his fingers in her mouth to lick before moving them to her clit and rubbing fast and furiously on it while fucking her hard. A few moments later and Natasha was grabbing at anything and everything as she hollered out her orgasm. “I’m gonna cum. Oh yes Bob fuck I’m coming.” She let out the deepest, most feral screech as Bob fucked her through it. You were close to your own release and could practically see stars now. You realized Bob was looking at you while he continued to move in and out of Nat, slowing his pace. “She’s such a good girl. You’re so lucky.” He huffed and you looked down into her ravaged eyes as you quietly came, creaming all over your bullet. You leaned in to kiss her smoothly before looking back up at Bob.
“Don’t forget to take care of yourself Bob. You did so good getting Natasha there. Now move her how you want her so you can cum.” Natasha whimpered while Bob looked briefly contemplative. Then he removed his cock and hooked his finger in the air, beckoning Natasha to rise to him. Slowly and with wet matted hair, she did as she was told. With both on their knees he kissed her lightly, cupping her face, before he used his hands to work her around and onto all fours, her perfect ass up in the air.  Natasha was practically face to face with you now and grinning through a haze.
As Bob slid into her pussy, Natasha whispered up at you “This was a great idea.” Then Bob grabbed her hair in one hand and her hip in the other and began pounding into her. You watched Nats face melt into anguished pleasure as Bob began to rumble into the void. With her eyes firmly locked on yours Bob shouted “Fuck yeah” as he came hard into your girlfriend’s pussy. His body continued to push back and forth with his release. As he slowed his pace, he freed Natasha's’ hair, and you moved in to give her a gentle kiss. Bob leaned down, still attached to Phoenix, and peppered her shoulder blades and upper back with light kisses. Bob whispered into Natashas back “Thank you.” Then he slid out of her and sat back so that she could collapse onto the pillows next to you.
Natasha giggled, rolling over onto her side. “Come here, handsome.” And she motioned for him to lay down behind her. Bob did as he was told, molding his front to her back and wrapping his arm around her stomach as his head hit the pillow behind hers. You chuckled at the sight. Your girl was quite proud of herself, and you knew that once Bob left you would get to have your way with her as well. It was going to be a long night for your needy girl.
“Bobby, I think you’re ready to take Rebecca for a ride. How do you feel?” you asked. He had his face buried in Natashas hair at the base of her neck and he rolled back just enough to look at you. A goofy grin met his lips. “I can’t fucking wait.” And all three of you laughed.
“She won’t know what hit her.” Natasha added as she wriggled back into him further. “Also, this is the best part. The snuggles and praise after its over.”
He raised his head to prop it up in his hand and with a peck on her cheek he said “Thank you for sharing yourself with me. I feel much better about this now, and you were so perfect. You’re both excellent teachers. I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without this. What was I thinking?” Natashas grin grew even bigger.
“Don’t sell yourself short anymore Bob. Just like in the air, you’re a 10 in the sack. Gave all new meaning to don't think, just do." He shared a look with you and you both shook your heads with a laugh. He kissed her shoulder again, then got up and dressed, placing his glasses on his face last. In the dim light he came around the bed and kissed the top of your head, thanking you once again for your help. As he made his way back around the bed to head for the door, Natasha sat up and grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Bob” she said coyly with a sinful expression, “If things don’t work out with Rebecca, I don’t mind doing this again. If you ever need or want extra practice.” He just shook his head and smirked. You shared a look with him that communicated the same thing: This woman was wonderful and also going to be the death of you both. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently.
“Remember, this didn’t happen. See you tomorrow, Nat.” And with a wink he left the two of you alone in the room.
“Natasha Trace, you are so bad.” You said with a playful pinch to her side. She rolled over laughing and grabbed you until you were anchored on top of her.
“I know. And you love me for it. Now get over here and show much how much you love me for it.” And you did. All night long.
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sadie-bug345 · 5 months
greasers when they’re sick
i myself have been deathly ill for the past week so whilst i am bedridden i’m writing this🤡🙆‍♀️🤩 ANYWAYS LETS GO
hates missing school solely cause my guy despises talking to teachers abt what he missed
also cause he thinks he gets super behind when guy just skipped one day of school😭
probably holes himself up in his and sodas room and when soda comes in to check on him after work it’s like PITCH black and pony is just sitting in a pile of tissues
”what do YOU want?” says pony with a voice similar to kermit the frog cause bros nose is SO stuffed up
and soda just assumes pony is in one of his moody, poetry reciting moods again and slowly exits the room, leaving only a baloney sandwich in his wake💀🤡😭
def the type to not accept help
like he would go to school sick and the second someone brings up how his voice is screwed up he’s like 😐”what’re you sayin bout me?”
if the gang does quarantine him to a room he’d def just be able to entertain himself and prob come up with his own secret language and fictional multiverse or smth
idk he just gives the type to be fully okay with being alone for a bit but the meds he’s on make him all wacky too so it’s an interesting mix for sure
i’m sorry this guy has the most nastiest cough 😭
idc if he doesn’t smoke a lot he just got those mucusy coughs
other than that everyone’s having a good time, making jokes and feeling good and then soda pauses his laughter and unleashes the most rattley cough and then everyone just goes quiet and he just looks like 😃
definitely unfazed by sickness in general
until one day my guy just has the worst time and breaks downnnn🥰
we’ve all been there too esp when you’re sick and shit just goes downhill and everything sucks and you hate everything and everyone
now johnny doesn’t accept help but that’s NOTHING compared to darry
he has peak older-sibling syndrome and is just used to only helping other people
so when those people that he takes care of flip the script, my guy is just weirded outtt
like he def appreciates two trying to make him soup but he just doesn’t know how to react
goes lowk crazy with not being able to work or straighten up the house just cause he always feels like he’s gotta do SOMETHING productive with his time
i’m sorry but guy is def the type to go to school FULLY sick and either not say a word about it or complain like a lil bitch the whole time
also he totally smokes while he has a cough like soda which is so unhealthy i can’t even😭
just overall his habits and life doesn’t get upended by “some fuckass cold” (his words, not mine)
like bro please you just gotta rest sometimes😭
the gang is able to get him to stay at the curtis’ couch one day and bro just WIPES OUT
istg he’s out for like 15 hours straight in the full daytime and everyone is scared to walk past in case they wake him up
but dally is a crazy heavy sleeper so he actually gets a lot better after calming down for once🥰
honestly stays home from school like a normal person
except bro gets one cold and then just doesn’t show up to school for like two weeks😭
and it’s not cause he’s a wimp it’s just cause guy finds an excuse to skip out for a so called “vacation” and he rolls with it
and then he’ll just spawn back in on campus like a month later like nothing happened and everyone just expected two to take a dare too far and end up in the hospital🤡
bro just pushes thru the pain😭
he probably takes way too much of the recommended dose of general meds (don’t do this please🧍‍♀️)
and then goes all loopy for hours straight
and people are kinda sus about it but honestly it’s steve so who is really all that surprised
ANYWAYSSSS i think imma post a romantic kinda sick reader x greaser thing so that’ll hopefully come out soon while im still coughing my lungs out🫶
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via-l0ve · 1 year
could you right a fluffy drabble with Ponyboy hosting a chaotic sleepover with greaser gang anf fem! reader please ? ;000 reader is hinted to have romantic feelings for Dally
a/n: i love these types of requests! i did a short prompt at the beginning and then i popped some headcannons at the end. i hope you enjoy :) i was giggling writing this lol.
warnings: swearing
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Sleepover (Gang hc’s + slightly romantic Dallas!)
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“hey! hey y/n!” You turn around and see Ponyboy running over to you. School had just been let out and you were headed back home.
“hey Pony, what’s up?” you smiled at him as he finally caught up to you. His hair was messy from the slight windy weather in Tusla; he combed it back with his fingers. He gave you a small grin.
“I’m throwin’ a slumber party tonight at my house! you gotta come y/n, it’s gonna be so fun! besides, you’re the life of the party, wouldn’t be as fun without ya.” he smiled, obviously excited as he explained at all to you.
“sure, pone i’d love to. what time? the whole gang gonna be there?” you asked, smiling at him.
he nodded. “yep, all of the guys and I. around six probably, think we’re gonna order pizza or something.” he shrugged.
“all of the guys?” i blushed a little. “i mean.. even dallas?” i asked, trying to play it off as if it was nonchalant
he rolled his eyes playfully. “yeah, y/n. even Dallas.” he smirked.
“so you’ll be there?” he asked with a smile.
“wouldn’t miss it for the world.” you responded, smiling at him
“good! it’ll be fun!” he gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze and left, leaving you to go home and pack a bag.
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Once you get to the house chaos endures
All of the guys are crowded around the table, playing cards and betting their money on stupid bets that Two-Bit and Darry win constantly
“i’m losin’ all my goddamn money cus’ of ya!”
“sorry Steve, not my fault you suck at rummy.”
*throws all of the cards.*
after losing all of their money, everyone decides to make some food (despite literally having ZERO idea how to cook!)
It eventually breaks off into a bake off between
Y/n, Dallas, Johnny, Ponyboy
Steve, Two-Bit, Darry and Soda
Darry was dragged into this and since he knows how to cook somewhat you and dallas were cussing and so competitive because “they can’t have a good one on their team!! ADVANTAGE!!”
So you paired darry with the worst trio imaginable
The kitchen catches on fire because Two-Bit dropped some grease on the stove and everyone started screaming and Steve grabbed a towel and threw it on top of the flame to suffocate it and then the towel got CHARRED and darry had to unleash half of the fire extinguisher onto the stove.
Dallas grabbed you and literally yanked you to the other room bc god forbid you get hurt
darry to two-bit afterwards:
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everyone had to take a break after that.
anyways, Two-Bit got banned and became the judge after the small fire and you guys continued to make food.
Ponyboy mistook the salt for sugar and Dallas smacked him on the head after he realized and it was too late because Johnny already mixed it in and you just looked scared bc how tf were you supposed to win now
Little did you know that sodapop and steve literally forgot to put eggs in?? and Darry didn’t catch them??
But anyways Two-bit absolutely GOBBLES up the cookies you guys made and then immediately spits it out because of the overwhelming amount of salt
And he can’t even eat the other cookies because wtf is that
After cleaning up and being very aware of the stove, you all move into the living room and ponyboy goes
“guys i got you all gifts.”
The entire gang is going 👁️👄👁️
meanwhile you’re literally
“that’s so fucking cute.”
let’s be honest they prolly look like this:
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Two bit def wanted the dress
Dallas, steve and darry were all very adamant to not wear any of them
You easily convinced Dallas
“please? we’d all look so good.”
“…fine, y/n/n.”
awww he loves you
sodapop also definitely wore one of the dresses and steve wore the footie pj’s and they matched
you guys went to the DX all dolled up in your matching pj’s and you bought a ton of shit like candy bars and cigarettes and beer and energy drinks
you guys go back home and decide to call three different pizza places and see who can deliver the fastest
(no one thought of the outcome of having like 10 fucking pizzas to eat)
but anyways Pizza Hut was the fastest
Dallas dared steve that he couldn’t chug a beer and eat four pizza slices in four minutes
he did it and the outcome was dallas losing five bucks and steve spending an hour in the bathroom frantically yelling “IM DYING!”
Johnny wants to watch a movie and is indecisive and eventually gets all the boys arguing about what to watch so you and Dallas sit back and eat your candy and watch them all scream and argue over which shrek movie was better (Two-Bit is FRANTICALLY arguing that the third one is superior.)
after they decide on a movie and steve emerges from the bathroom, you pull out facemasks and force everyone to do them with you
you sit on dallas’ lap to put it on him and he’s lowkey blushing and loving your touch but he’s too tough he won’t say anything
but he’s literally looking at you like 🥰
you didn’t tell the guys that the masks were peel offs and you got to watch them all go through the five stages of grief as they ripped the masks off
ponyboy is SCREAMING
literally flabbergasted
Steve is begging sodapop to take it off for him because “it hurts less when someone else does it.”
Two-bit can barley breathe because he’s laughing so hard
Darry is js grunting and i feel like he peeled his off before it even dried so now his fingers are sticky and he’s having a fit
Johnny is the quietest one but he got some in his eyebrow and the YELP he let out when he YANKED IT
Dallas is literally labor breathing “hee-hoo hee-hoo.” lookin ass
you’re literally dying because wtf is happening
after the boys go through their traumatic experience, you all cuddle up and watch your movie.
Darry is the first one to fall asleep and Dallas and you gang up to draw on his face
someone totally drew a dick on Darry’s poor face and when he wakes up and sees this huge weiner drawn on his face he is going to murder
Johnny is out next and he gets the whole treatment of face drawings
i feel like when ponyboy falls asleep steve pours water on his face and he wakes up like moms when their kids wake them up for a drink of water
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Two-bit is drunk off his ass bro💀💀 someone get this kid a tranquilizer bc holy fuck
at like 2am he’s talking some shit about interdimensional aliens and it’s lowkey scary
someone put him down.
Steve clocks out and he’s using sodas face as a pillow and sodapop is just enduring it.
Eventually only you and dallas are left and you guys are sitting next to eachother
you pass out and unconsciously cuddle into him and he literally melts
he wraps his arms around you and puts his chin on ur head and passes out
the gang def takes pics of you guys all snuggled up when they wake up
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
I never considered myself a Mayday girl but 👀 that last one got me in the fluffy feels so 33 and 47?
@coffeeandbatboys I know what you mean, but once you become a Mayday girl, I don't think there's ever a way to go back. LOL.
I hope you enjoy this one. I certainly did.
Love oo,
My Heart
Warnings: Frostbite, injuries, medical treatment, mistreatment of clones, anxiety, tears, anger, hitting the wall, kisses, innuendo, not feeling worthy enough, appreciation, I think that's it. If I miss anything, please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
You shook your head as. You gently placed Hexx’s hands in warm water, your heart hurt when he winced in pain. “I know, I know it hurts, Hexx. Just bear with it for a little bit, okay? Once we get your fingers defrosted, we can make sure there’s no permanent damage. Alright, sweetie?”
“Yeah. Thanks, vod’ika.”
“Don’t worry I got you. I’m gonna put your feet in warm water too, okay?”
Hexx simply nodded, too tired and cold to really answer. You wrapped his body in a blanket, “We gotta raise your body temperature okay? Your body suit was able to protect most of your body, thankfully, but we still need to bring it up okay. I’m gonna get you something hot to drink. Okay?” You wrapped the blanket around him tighter.
“Vod’ika, in case we don’t say this enough. You’re amazing.”
You gave him a soft smile as you patted his back, “Not that amazing, but I’ll take it. I’ll be back.”
As soon as you were out of his sight and heading to the poor excuse you all called a kitchen, you let the anger you had been holding back unleash itself on the wall, smacking it with your hand over and over again, as tears welled up in your eyes.
You felt the strong arms you have come to know even in your sleep; wrapping around you and holding you close, as you felt him pressing you into his chest, as you felt his heart beat against your back. He closed the door with his foot so you could break down in his arms, “It’s alright, babe. It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not!” You turned in his arms and buried your face in Mayday’s shoulder holding him close as you cried your eyes out. “Another hour and he would’ve lost his fingers and toes. What’s the point of staying here?”
Mayday wrapped his arms tighter around you, pressing kisses to your forehead, “Babe, I know…” he let out a sigh, “I don’t know what to do right now,” he let out a chuckle. “I can either get super angry and pissed with you and we go to the training room, go a couple rounds of sparring or… I just stand here and shower you with kisses, because the fact that you get so upset about one of my men, means more to me than you’ll ever know.”
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you nuzzled into his chest, “Oh, I love you.”
“I know, and you have to know there’s no one I could love like I love you. You’re one in a million cyar’ika.”
“So are you babe” you pulled back to look at him, smiling. “How do you do that?”
“Make my anger washaway?”
“Simple, mesh’la. I make sure to keep your needs above my own.” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “What is the prognosis on Hexx though?”
“Well I got him warming up his hands and feet right now. I’m going to take him some warm cocoa. Once he’s warm enough, I’ll dry off his hands and feet, see what sort of damage he’s dealing with and then go from there.”
His hands rubbed your back as he placed another kiss on your forehead, “Thank the force … for whatever that’s worth.”
You let out a sigh as you leaned back and looked into his eyes, “I should get back,” you stood on your toes and leaned in and kissed him, “I’ll see you later, right?”
“Yeah, cyar’ika.” Once he was sure your anger had subsided, he slowly lowered his arms and hands until he held yours as he looked at you, “Cyar’ika, before I go,” his hands gently held yours, lifting them until they pressed into his chest, “I want you to know how much we appreciate you being here. You could’ve left like all the others, be asked to get transferred out, but you didn’t. You’ve stuck by our side from day one since you joined our unit. You are one of the best medics the GAR or the Empire has ever seen, you should be somewhere better than this barren wasteland of a planet. You should have someone better by your side, than me. Someone who can do so much more for you, than what I can. And the fact … the fact you’ve … you’ve taken care of us, supported us, tried to find ways to keep us alive and safe …” He pressed his forehead against yours, and took in a deep breath, “You are my heart, cyar’ika. It doesn’t beat without you.”
You closed your eyes, breathing him in, “You are the air I breathe, and you are exactly where you need to be, by my side. I don’t care about that stuff, all I care about is you, and your men.”
“You can always lean on me, okay? When things get hard, when you get angry and need to smack a wall, or you need to scream your head off, I’m here for you. Alright? That’s what this is all about, you’re there for me, and I’m there for you. Always.”
“Yeah…” you nodded in understanding, “I need to get back to Hexx, but I love you.”
“I love you,” Mayday gave you one last kiss before letting you go, so you could focus on Hexx’s injuries, “and tonight, I’ll wear you out good and proper so you don’t have to be so worried.”
You giggled at his innuendo, “Promise?”
“Try and stop me” he chuckled, pressing one more kiss to your lips, before he headed back to his men.
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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cocogum · 3 months
Gotta hand it to the Ankama team, in just a few minutes of screentime, they managed to perfectly encapsulate the Osamodas King's personality and how his actions would play out in the webtoon: he's arrogant, stubborn, dishonourable, and refuses to own up to his mistakes and misdeeds.
And this was all established in episodes 10 and 11. In the former, he tried to "advise" Armand about how a king should behave, which in his mind is to stubbornly stand by his choices, even when he's wrong. And in the latter, he was nothing but contemptuous of Amalia and utterly dishonourable, which was especially emphasised when the team didn't even bother trying to make his abandonment of the Sadida vague: no, he outright told his daughter no one would come and to run away.
And this was all shown in the webtoon when he stubbornly doubled down on refusing to apologise for not sending help and potentially dooming the Sadida race. Just like every single interaction he had with Amalia reeked of disdain and disrespect. The whole time he looked down on her and underestimated her, which eventually cost him when she owned him and Aurora in battle.
(Though it is interesting to note he seemed more aware about how crossing her was a bad idea than Aurora, who had known Amalia for about a year. Oh, well, she was never the brightest to begin with).
And we got all this from, like, two scenes. Honestly impressive.
With everything that we’ve seen from this clown “family”, this makes me wonder if Tot purposely just made them horrendous for the sake of hating them.
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These two osamodas just look like they’ve been created badly on purpose.
What do I mean by purpose?
Take a look at some of Tot’s other antagonists from the Krosmoz:
You’ve got a crazed Xelor who’s trying to kill and absorb every source of Wakfu so he can turn back in time to get his family back.
You’ve got a tired indifferent primordial Eliatrope who remembers every single detail of his many thousands and millions of previous lives. He cares for his race, in his own way, and unleashed a war just so he could visit new worlds with his sister.
You’ve got the shushu king who ate his siblings just so he could become the absolute ruler of his dimension.
You’ve got a copy of Yugo who became so uncaring and angry at life itself that he tried manipulating people in order to form a brotherhood and kill gods.
You’ve got a brakmarian mother who got separated from her son and attempted to bring back her husband by sacrificing innocent lives.
You’ve got a god-king from an entirely different planet who attempted to invade and eat another planet just so he could feed his own.
So when we see the osamodas royals, we can immediately confirm that there’s something off here.
You’re telling me these two bozos are supposed to be on the same level as these guys??? You got a chicken who hasn’t done dick shit in Seasons 3-4 besides standing around, not talking at all, wearing an ugly ass dress that doesn’t fit the colors of the kingdom she’s supposed to stay in, lying for no reason, not thinking at all when she breathes, and running away with her dad. And then you’ve got a fat gorilla who just runs away and tries to throw lessons to other kings about how they should stand their ground.
Like what the fuck?
Even Grougalorasalar, who we’ve only seen in legends, some moments in the Dofus movie (if I remember correctly), the third Wakfu ova episode, and some chapters of the great wave, has been shown to have more charisma and mystery than these inferior two insects. Plus, he’s only officially appeared in some places here and there in the past AND YOU’RE TELLING ME HE’S GETTING MORE ATTENTION THAN THE PEOPLE WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE BIG THREATS IN VOLUME 1?!!??!
But another proof that makes me think Tot just carelessly placed them in the great wave was the fact that these two fought against Amalia and pathetically lost.
And not only did they fight her, but they fought her SIMULTANEOUSLY AND LOST.
How does one become a king for decades only to lose to a princess who became queen a few months ago????
Tot could’ve just made Aurora the weakest one and made Amalia swiftly defeat her so that she could have a real fight with the osamodas king.
But no. That’s not what he did at all.
We knew Aurora was useless because we were able to understand with all the scenes we’ve seen her in that she wasn’t someone who could fight.
But the osamodas king? We had no idea. All we knew was that he hangs out in bat caves while his advisor plays king for him.
And yet, despite having lots of time doing nothing away from his own kingdom, this fucker didn’t even train during his free time CUZ HE LOST TO AMALIA WHILE HAVING HIS DAUGHTER AS HIS BACKUP-
The fight didn’t even last long. It lasted like 20 minutes? And I’m being generous even saying that.
This is why these two should feel meaningless compared to the bigger picture.
How can I believe Tot seriously put some thought into them if they had so many failures and made brain-dead decisions???
How can I believe Tot seriously put some thought into them if their battle barely lasted even 10 minutes????
How can I believe Tot seriously put some thought into them if the only leverage and plot they had going on was Aurora having sex???
All these points, reasons, and facts can only lead to one thing:
Tot only brought them into the picture to be minor challenges for Amalia.
How else would you explain the many stupid decisions they made, their absences for other situations when Amalia wasn’t the main focus, the fact that they always had longer discussions with Amalia and no one else, the fact that Yugo or anyone else was never the major topic of their conversations, and their weak abilities???
Amalia was the only reason.
This cover here is greatly deceiving you 👇
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It tries to make you think they’re actually worth something by showing a smirking confident Aurora, and most of all, the osamodas king in the background covering most of the sky, implying his important place in the story while holding up a finger in a quiet gesture like he has a secret he’s keeping.
Because of this cover (and the fact that he told Aurora they should wait until after the marriage), we’ve had plenty of theories about how the osamodas king was responsible for hiring a sadida who happened to be a Yugo and Amalia hater to poison them but, again, THIS WASN’T THE CASE AT ALL.
The culprit ended up being Julith in disguise who had been ordered by Grougalorasalar!!!
I want you to really think about this.
Aurora and her dad were supposed to be the center antagonists for this first volume but it ended up being Grougalorasalar the real enemy. The first chapter already warned us when we saw him in Yugo’s dream. He was the one we should’ve been paying attention to the most.
Aurora and her dad were not only just there to be inconveniences for Amalia, but they were also just pawns to distract you from something bigger and FAR more interesting.
And it worked. These two blue devils were so infuriating and brain-rotting that we got thrown off guard when we found out Grougalorasalar was actually responsible.
This only pushes the fact that the chicken and the gorilla were exactly just that: a chicken and a gorilla.
Nothing interesting or redeemable.
Just things in the way of the main goal.
Tot needed some useless cattle to begin the real plot and so he made Aurora and her constipated dad, who always looks like he’s got something up his ass, to be able to start the story off after season 4.
The signs have been there since season 4.
And season 3 was only an introduction for season 4 when it introduced some blue skank.
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wesleysniperking · 4 months
Usopp and Conqueror’s Haki | part 1 (TL;DR)
Read this if have you any doubts. True Usopp fans only.
This is probably one of my MOST favorite topics to just think about and mull over. For the past couple of days, I’ve just been spouting streams of consciousness it seems, but I’m really wanting to showcase what there is to like and truly appreciate about Usopp.
So, this whole discussion on him having Conqueror’s haki just gets my neurons goin’ baby. Meaning it makes me really happy and theoretical and the like.
As long as I’ve been in this fandom I’ve come across all these theories and speculations surrounding Usopp. And guess what? They never stop. And they don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. The Final Saga is here and OP fans are getting anxious and bold. Behind all the scrutiny and petty hate, the real question everyone is asking is, “What will Usopp do next?”
Anywho, every time the convo gets to Conqueror’s haki Usopp gets name-dropped. I never entertained what people would consider bullsh*t. But every time I’d look into Usopp theories and speculation, Conqueror’s Haki was at the forefront. But then when I started frequenting websites such as Worstgen, Reddit, YouTube, etc. Conqueror’s haki kept being brought up and Usopp was in that same sentence. Even the haters with all their doubts think Usopp shows the most potential when compared to other characters people speculate on (no shade to them at all, whatsoever). So, after that sh*t started being shoved in my face, I decided to look into all these theories and speculation arising when it came to Usopp and Conqueror’s Haki, AND despite being skeptical and straddling the fence, I mean, the guy has potential.
First, I’m just gonna say this, when people start talking about how he’s gonna use it and when he’s gonna use it, they come up with all these scenarios that got me thinking they are cooking up something quite tasty.
Like, a multitude of a multi-page thesis.
One scenario that stands out to me is that there will be a moment where Usopp finds himself amid battle and unfortunately he once (again) gets the overpowered baddie whom the monster trio can’t defeat. So per usual, Usopp runs, hides, lies, makes a few seemingly tactless shots with Kabuto, and grovels (maybe), and then he starts getting beaten to a pulp. Like he starts getting the sh*t beat out of him. Then the baddie leaves him or more clearly the baddie starts walking off while giving a diatribe about Usopp being a worthless piece of sh*t and deadweight, throwing Usopp’s insecurities back into his face. So, Usopp gets back up and tries again (bleeding and tired), and some way and somehow (due to desperation and sheer will) he unleashes conqueror’s haki and it’s game over for the big baddie. But it depends if the true fight gets started then (Usopp’s Kabuto raised and ready) or the baddie just ends up on the ground, stomped. The end. This also clarifies that when people imagine Usopp with Conqueror's Haki, this isn't something he's trained for; so it's very sloppy and new to him. He won't know he's used it. It's a one-time, big moment thing, and then whatever else happens from there we run with.
But let’s get back to the ground. That’s daydream-ville. I gotta come back to earth. Needless to say, there are some supposed and still growing/adding conqueror’s haki traits that are/include:
The ability to force their will onto others/a strong will
This one is very complex, somewhat, when it comes to Usopp. But it’s also where it’s the most interesting. From the jump, the Going Merry crosses my mind. Ship developed a Klabautermann because of Usopp’s wholehearted care. That was one of the MAJOR (if not only) reasons why she came to save the Straw Hats during the buster call. So, he was basically the captain of the GOING MERRY (not the SHs, he lets Luffy have that with no qualms—and never did have any).
Then let’s not forget Usopp’s iconic speech when Luffy needed to get his a** up and finish Lucci off. Many people claim that—when discussing how far the crew could’ve gone without Usopp—this is where the deal-breaker comes in. If Usopp hadn’t been there to give Luffy that speech, Luffy would’ve been cat food.
Then there’s Usopp lies coming true. Call it a coincidence or irrelevant, there is indeed proof. If you’re an Usopp fan, you know you know.
Heck, he’s even lied about having conqueror’s two times (was it two or three?), and everyone knows that his lies come true. Even haters (to a point) or non-fans actually can consider this. Like, bro lies about having conqueror’s haki two times and it’s bound to come true.
continue here
Usopp fan club (feel free to join)
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cyanoticfireflies · 5 months
Hazbin Group Chat Fic, pt 4
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
* CharChar added KingofDucks to “Hazbin Hotel’s Home for Imaginary Friends” *
CharChar: Hi, dad!
SeXXXySpider: Short king in the house.
SeXXXySpider: Hotel?
SeXXXySpider: Either way ;-)
KingofDucks: Hi Charlie!  And the others.
* Alastor left “Hazbin Hotel’s Home for Imaginary Friends” *
* CharChar added Alastor to “Hazbin Hotel’s Home for Imaginary Friends” *
CharChar: Alastooooooor.
Alastor: Hmph.
KingofDucks: Oh.  He’s here too.
KingofDucks: What’s wrong?  Did the guy stuck in the 1920s not figure out how to change his username?
CharChar: Daaaaaaad.
* Alastor changed his name to CharliesBetterFatherFigure *
CharChar: Alastooooooor.
WhiskeyWhiskers: The non-sexual version of your daughter calls me dad too….
PurpleFemale: Alastor.  Change it back.
CharliesBetterFatherFigure: I suddenly understand the fun of usernames and intend to keep this one.
PurpleFemale: No.
CharChar: Come on, Alastor.  Pleeeeeease?
CharliesBetterFatherFigure: Ugh.  Fine.
* CharliesBetterFatherFigure changed his name to RadioFiend *
SeXXXySpider: Gasp!
SssirP: Gasp!
NaNaNaNiff: Gasp!!!
SssirP: Alastor actually changed his username.
SeXXXySpider: And it’s not awful(?)
RadioFiend: I told you from the start that I knew how to.
RadioFiend: I just didn’t care.
CharChar: Still, this is a nice name for you, Alastor.  Well done.
RadioFiend: Hmmmm.
PurpleFemale: So, Mr. Morningstar, what’s up?  Did you just come to hang around with us?
KingofDucks: You’re the one that’s Charlie’s girlfriend, right?  You don’t have to call me “Mr”….
SssirP: Aww.  That’s sweet.
KingofDucks: And I popped in because I told Charlie I’d use some of the good old *alakazam!* to help everyone decorate their rooms.
SeXXXySpider: Serious?
CharChar: Actually, you were the one who kind of inspired me, Angel.
CharChar: All the pictures that you have posted on your door are soooo cute, and so I thought we should let everyone decorate!
CharChar: Make everyone’s space feel more like home.
WhiskeyWhiskers: But isn’t the whole point of your little experiment that everyone will leave eventually?
CharChar: I mean… I hope so, but then I can just ask dad to do the thing again.
WhiskeyWhiskers: Yeah, fair enough.
KingofDucks: All righty!  So who wants to go first?
CharChar: Oooh!  So mine and Vaggie’s room is actually fine, but can everything just get… an upgrade?  Nice big soft bed, maybe something with a canopy?  And a bigger dresser so that there’s more room for both of our stuff?
CharChar: Vaggie, what do you want?
PurpleFemale: Um.  I mean, a normal bedroom is fine?
SeXXXySpider: You’ve got the king of the place writing you a creative blank check.  Take advantage of it!
PurpleFemale: I don’t want anything too wild.  A room is supposed to be a place that’s comfortable and relaxing to be in, right?
PurpleFemale: Um.  Oh, maybe some built-in bookshelves next to the window seat?  Since Charlie likes to read there, it would be handy.
CharChar: You’re soooooo sweet, Vaggie!
NaNaNaNiff: Icky, romance!
RadioFiend: Truly.
KingofDucks: Well since *I* support Charlie and her girlfriend, I’m more than happy to give everything an upgrade for their room.
CharChar: Thanks, dad!
CharChar: Ummmm, Angel?  How about you?
SeXXXySpider: Any limits?
KingofDucks: I’m me, so
SeXXXySpider: Sold.  So I want the walls to be gray, but not like a dark and dreary gray, kind of a more light silvery gray but the baseboards have to match.
WhiskeyWhiskers: This is going to become a whole thing, isn’t it?
SeXXXySpider: And really fluffy white carpet, not the cheap stuff but the good kind, and it can be a little long but not more than a little so it doesn’t get all tangled around Nuggsy’s feet.
PurpleFemale: We’ve unleashed something unto the world….
SeXXXySpider: And I want a circular bed, not one of the square ones, but it’s gotta be minimum 10 feet across because I want to be able to stretch out across the bed and not have my legs dangling off the ends.  Soft pink – not fuchsia! – blankets with a big pile of white and light pink pillows in different textures and sizes.
SssirP: Oh my….
CharChar: Pentious, why don’t you just, um, take your turn while Angel is… doing his thing.
SeXXXySpider: And you know those foldable screens?  One of those but metal, not the flimsy kind, and if it can be rose gold with an actual rose pattern that would be soooo sick!  And it can go next to a little dressing area – I would need at least five drawers plus two standing clothing bars for my clothes but you don’t have to bother with closets or anything.  Two mirrors in that area might be enough.
SssirP: Ummm.  A large bed for me too, actually – the one Angel described does sound nice.  The Egg Boiz sleep with me, so we need plenty of room, and my tail does dangle on smaller beds.
KingofDucks: That’s fine!
SssirP: Could I also get a drafting table?  That I can use to work on schematics for some of my inventions?
PurpleFemale: No building weapons in this hotel!
SssirP: I won’t, I promise!
SeXXXySpider: And a vanity mirror, one of the ones that’s desk height and has a chair, and the chair needs a comfortable seat because I’ll spend a while there.  Include the lights all the way around the mirror, but soft lights so it’s not super duper bright, and some side drawers and plenty of space on top for all of my stuff.
CharChar: I think we can trust Pentious, Vaggie.
PurpleFemale: Fine.  You can have your fancy table.
SssirP: Thank you!
CharChar: Are you getting all of this, dad?  I know it’s kind of a lot.
KingofDucks: Anything for you, Charlie!
CharChar: Awww!
PurpleFemale: Husk, Niffy?  What about you two?
SeXXXySpider: And can Nuggs have a little pet palace?  One of the fancy ones that has, like, multiple rooms in it.  Something white or soft pink to match the rest of the room, and it needs to be carpeted so it’s soft when he’s laying down, and at least one platform that just open air so he can climb up and still see, and it will need a ramp for him to get up because he’s kind of a porker.  Ooh, and two little spots for his food and water bowls.
WhiskeyWhiskers: I’m easy.  Maybe a nice red, black, and gold color scheme?  Add a little table and a dart board or something? 
WhiskeyWhiskers: (He’s still going by the way.  This is getting hilarious.)
CharChar: Is that all?
WhiskeyWhiskers: Actually.  Can I have one of those wall-mounted bars?  Enough for just a couple of bottles and a little fold-out table?
CharChar: Sure!
WhiskeyWhiskers: Thanks, Princess.  And Princess’s dad.
SeXXXySpider: And fairy lights!  In both a nice soft white and pink, all over the ceiling so that it makes the whole ceiling glow, but also set up so I can have only one area of the room on at a time if I want it, and they can be all haphazard – it actually looks better if they’re not all laid out in neat lines.
PurpleFemale: Do you think Angel is aware that the rest of us are still here?
RadioFiend: My goodness, he certainly has a very clear vision, doesn’t he?
CharChar: I think it’s good that Angel is getting to express his creativity.
SssirP: I want to see his room when it’s done, actually.  It sounds nice.
WhiskeyWhiskers: Very soft and fluffy.
SeXXXySpider: And then in the bathroom the walls should be the same as in the room but a slightly lighter shade of gray so that they don’t match completely, and the sink and tub and stuff should be light pink too so that they keep the same color scheme going.
SeXXXySpider: (@Husk, hell yeah I am!  You can pet me any time, baby~)
RadioFiend: Ah, so he is aware we’re all still here.
WhiskeyWhiskers: No.
KingofDucks: That is certainly a detailed set of instructions.
KingofDucks: It’s fine, though!
NaNaNaNiff: Ehehe, I actually want a smaller room!  Everything is too big!  I have to climb up the bed to sleep in it!  Can you give me a room that’s my size?
PurpleFemale: Oh.  Why didn’t you say anything before, Niffty?
NaNaNaNiff: It’s fiiiiiiiiiine
NaNaNaNiff: But if we can have anything we want~~~
CharChar: Of course you can.
NaNaNaNiff: And lots of storage!  For my things!
SssirP: Do you have a lot of stuff, Miss Niffty?
NaNaNaNiff: I currently have 62 dead roaches!
PurpleFemale: Ew….
SeXXXySpider: Can the water itself be made pink too?  Ooh, and bubbly, but obviously only in the tub.  And can it be scented to smell like strawberries without actually adding any oil or anything too the water because I don’t want it to get gunked up on my fur but it would be soooo relaxing.  Oh!  And a shelf in the shower to hold all of my stuff because I have way too many bottles of wash and shampoo and conditioner.
KingofDucks: All right, so once the spider one is done then that should be everybody!
CharChar: Wait, dad!  You forgot about Alastor.
KingofDucks: Haha
KingofDucks: That wasn’t an accident.
KingofDucks: That was on purpose.
CharChar: Daaaaaad.
RadioFiend: How… charmingly petty.
SeXXXySpider: Oh, and a second vanity set-up in the bathroom, kind of like the first one but this one can be right next to the sink and be standing height so we don’t need to add an extra stool in the bathroom – same thing with plenty of space and instead of drawers a couple of shelves for me to put stuff on and outlets for a hair dryer and stuff like that.
KingofDucks: I just think that if he’s sooooo wonderful that he should be able to take care of himself.
RadioFiend: Maybe I can.
KingofDucks: Then maybe you should.
PurpleFemale: Can’t you two just get along like adults?
PurpleFemale: For Charlie’s sake, at least?
PurpleFemale: It stresses her out when you two are fighting.
KingofDucks: Hmph.  Fine.  I suppose I can do that for my daughter
RadioFiend: By all means.
SeXXXySpider: Oh, and can the bath towels also be white and soft pink and fluffy?  And the extra large towels, not the regular ones, because the regular ones are way too short for me so I end up wrapping up like a towel monster.  Like the sheet towels that you can totally burrito someone in.  *Gasp* And a towel warmer!
KingofDucks: What do you want, then?
RadioFiend: Hmmmmm
RadioFiend: Nothing
KingofDucks: … what?
RadioFiend: I’m perfectly capable of doing my own room.
CharChar: Are you sure, Alastor?
RadioFiend: Of course!
KingofDucks: … Leaving.
CharChar: Thanks again, dad.
KingofDucks: Anything for you, Charlie.
KingofDucks: Let me know when that other one finally finishes.  Just… send it to me, I guess.
CharChar: Will do!
* KingofDucks left “Hazbin Hotel’s Home for Imaginary Friends” *
SeXXXySpider: And now that I think about it, I didn’t even mention the windows yet!  For the bathroom, I’d like a circular window over the bath, just low enough that I can see out of it when I’m standing up in the shower, about the size of a plate, not a big one, but in the design of a wheel so that it’s done in the multiple sections, and make it clear glass instead of the frosted or wavy glass so I can actually see outside if I want to.
WhiskeyWhiskers: He’s still going
SeXXXySpider: And a big window in the main room, like the bay window that Charlie and Vaggie’s room has, but without the seat cushion since I wouldn’t really use it, and can the upper corners of the two smaller side windows be made with white, pink, and red stained glass in kind of a random pattern, but just in the upper outside corners?
SeXXXySpider: (@Husk, I can go all night, baby)
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justwinginglife · 28 days
Not a request!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Okay what should I call you? Wing?
But I really wanted to share something..
Like I wanna feed my delusions after having a brainrot of this anime called Windbreaker because I gotta sip a Soshiro content or two before I continue dealing with people and all but yes I have said enough.
The Alchemy is so on hit when Olympics is a hype but what about applying that song to Soshiro?
Cheers chanted, cause they said There was no chance, trying to be The greatest in the league Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me Touch down Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby I'm the one to beat
Like what ifff Soshiro finally promoted as a Vice-Captain while y/n or reader or you, is like been supporting him in his cadet and officer years. He's been training with others and himself to the bone, working hard just to meet the expectations of Mina. Like we know that's his lifeline and he's working and working and working. Of course there will be some breakdowns and self doubts but like you're there and cheering him in your ways. When his suit finally hits to 90%+ of unleashed combat thingy, he didn't know that at first. Maybe he's too focused on fighting? Like what he did with his number 10 and hitting 100. Even he got told that he did, there could be a voice inside of him telling that he's satisfied with his Platoon Leader role as long as he can serve Mina. Soshiro knows that he's a candidate for Vice-Captain but self-doubt here and self-doubt there. There are a lot of Platoon Leaders and capable of having that Vice-Captain role so like he's "Ih I don't know about that..." But when Mina marched her way to him and announced that he's going to be Vice-Captain, he's just waiting for the captain to finish telling what he's going to do, announcing his feats and that. When she did, Soshiro just instantly running towards you and hugged you. Like a typical kdrama romance thing or smth, he spun you around and whispering sweet murmurs of thank yous while you're there, confused. You've been supporting him despite those criticisms or with his up and down self-esteem either you know his struggles or not completely and it's like he's running towards to his wife giddy and telling her that he got promoted and stuff.
"I'm a Vice-Captain now.", "Oh wow holly sh' you deserve that." Like dang we don't need our spouses to become an athlete or sort to have this "These chemicals hit me like white wine" moments. Our bae have goals to achieve and instead of "This happens once every few lifetimes", there's a lot to come when it comes to Soshiro. What if your strict parents finally give her blessings to him? Ey? Ey.🤺🤺 I mean— Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
Hope you have a good day luvie!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Omg hello again bestie! I go by Hannah. Also, I always love hearing your thoughts! This was a very sweet interpretation of the song, which btw is one of my fav songs on the TTPD album, I totally have The Alchemy stuck in my head now that we're talking about it! LOL. And I love the idea of Soshiro just running up to us any time he has an achievement, like it's the first thing he does, and it's so adorable. I want to shower him with love so bad, I wanna tell him he's enough, I wanna tell him I'm proud of him and he did good. Like my baby needs to hear that, he needs to know he's done enough, he's done his best. Sweet baby Soshiro, I love you. Thank you for blessing me with your thoughts.
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