#i mean i knew this was gonna be johnny's comeback
favoritejohn · 2 years
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lol goodbye
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cupids-scream-queen · 7 months
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A Little Murderess °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・❀*
❀ female!murderer!reader x poly!ghostface ❀
Part 6 // 3.5k words
-> Part 5
Warnings: stalking, breaking and entering, graphic descriptions of murder, homophobic slur (once), details of dismemberment.
Summary: You've just moved to a new town after the death of your little brother and stepfather with your mother. You're not ashamed of what you do to cope with the deaths; especially when you make two new friends who you might have more in common with than you thought...
He hadn’t called. He apologized for it at school, telling you that Sidney called, and keeping up appearances, he couldn’t leave her hanging. He told you he’d come by tonight, or perhaps call, but to keep an eye and ear out for him. You promised you would.
The first time your phone rang after Billy left was Tatum, confirming your presence at her house on Friday night—two days away. Agreeing, you wrote down her address, and wrote down a shopping list of supplies you’d need to have in order for it to be, in Tatum’s own words, a successful sleepover. A list including alcohol, weed, and nearly every movie with Tom Cruise in it.
The second time your phone rang was Ghostface, though you weren’t quite sure which one it was at first. The tone was dull and inviting, which initially led you to believe it was Billy, but one key detail led you to correctly guessing Stu—the slang.
“Dammit, he was right,” The voice changer off, Stu was clearly upset. “I guess I do have a way of talking.”
“Everyone does, Stu, it’s called dialect,” You tell him, but he ignores you, continuing to rant about how he doesn’t understand that people can figure out who you are based on what kind of language you use, or how you use it. “It’s kind of like how different actors can play different roles without coming across as the same person. It’s how people speak.”
“So like, how Johnny Depp is in fucking…Edward Scissorhands, and is also in Freddy’s Dead?”
“Kind of. You don’t think of Edward when you’re watching Glen on screen, do you?”
“No, I just see the character.”
“Exactly, it’s because the characters are fundamentally different from one another. You and Billy may operate on the same wavelength, but you two still have characteristics that make y’all unique.”
“Oh. I got it,” You giggled, and Stu joined in for a second. “Sorry, I’m kind of stupid.”
“Is that what Stu stands for?” You teased, and you could practically feel Stu’s comeback.
“No, it stands for Smart Terrific Unit,” He confidently confided. “And it means my parents definitely love me.”
“Do they have resentment towards you or something?”
“A bit, yeah. Ever since my younger sister died. My older siblings moved out of the house, and they kind of distanced themselves from it, too. They didn’t want to be home, they didn’t want to be near me.”
“Was her death your fault?”
“Not really, no. I was just being a negligent older brother, that’s all,” Stu chuckled a bit, but you knew it sounded kind of sad. You hadn’t realized that Stu had actually had to deal with death before, death with someone that he loved.
“My brother died,” You confided. “Not too long ago. And my stepfather. My biological father killed both of them, and then my mother shot him in self-defense.”
“Is that why you started…?”
“Yes, it is. As a form of control more than anything. I guess I just was tired of feeling powerless, so I started to take the power away from people, even if they had nearly nothing. It made me feel better, and it still does. I’m not sorry for it,” You tell him, and you could tell that this was the sort of conversation Stu hadn’t had in a very, very long time.
“So does that mean you won’t stop?”
“I don’t know,” You confessed. “I might, I might not. Not right now, that’s for sure, but once I’m older…who knows? I might become the world’s most prolific serial killer.”
“Naw, that’s the title Billy and I are after. Ghostface is gonna rule the world.” Billy and him. The terrific two. The dynamic duo. The terrifying twins. They weren’t including you in their plans. You felt something like sadness. “What if I joined in?”
“What, you start killing like us? Wearin’ the mask and shit?”
“Yeah, just for a few kills. What if we start planning massive kills, together, and confuse crowds? It’s not like we’re going to get caught if we’re careful.”
“We’d have to run it by Billy, the dickwad likes to control everything,” Stu laughed, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “Maybe this weekend after the Slumber Party Massacre?”
“Sure, we’ll run it by him. I don’t see the harm in that—but there’s gonna be harm later.”
“Are you excited to kill Tatum? Do you have a motive?”
“Not really—just peer pressure. I’m far too sensitive. She’s also a bitch and a whore—she cares too much about her appearance and reputation to be anything other than a shallow cunt.”
“Why date her?”
“Get close to Sid and ‘em. Y’know that’s who we’re after, right? Sid. Tatum’s murder is just gonna be because she’s friends with the wrong kind of people.”
“What are we gonna do with Randy?” “Randy?” Stu mused. “Billy’s got something in mind for him. I guess Bill doesn’t like how close Randy’s gotten to you, and if I’m being honest, I don’t either.”
“Oh? What do you mean?”
“He looks at you like you’re a goddamn fleshlight,” Stu deadpanned, his tone flat. “And I, personally, do not like it.”
“Is there any reason?” You twirled the phone cord around your finger, liking the way this conversation was going.
“If there was, I’m not telling you,” Stu said decidedly. You decided you wouldn’t push him to answer you—if Billy’s display to you earlier was anything to go off of, both killers had a particular spot in their hearts for you, and you were going to use that to your advantage, even if you knew, deep down, you had feelings for them as well.
“Ah. Well, Billy said he’d call me tonight, and I guess I kind of owe him that,” You tell him, and you could sense Stu’s tension.
“Why not just meet up with both of us tonight?” He asked, and you had to stifle a laugh.
“My mom would fucking slaughter me,” You tell him, and he kind of made a small whining noise at the other end of the phone. “If you want, you can come over.”
“I might take you up for that,” Stu said, and you weren’t sure if he was entirely joking. “Might even bring Billy.”
“And what would we even do? Plan a murder?”
“Pay our pal Randy a little visit.”
It was nearly a quarter to one in the morning when you, Billy, and Stu finally all met up at your house. Billy brought the famed ladder, and he and Stu climbed up to your window, where you let them in. This time, both of the boys brought bookbags filled with things you knew were instruments to aid their destruction. You had the same thing as well.
“As you know, Stu and I are Ghostface,” Billy began, and Stu looked like he was trying to stop himself from laughing. “And you’re going to become one of us.”
“Is this a fucking cult?” You playfully asked, and Billy hushed you.
“Now, you’re going to prove yourself to Stu and I tonight. Randy’s home alone, and will be for the next three days. Tonight, you will go and kill Randy, by methods Stu and I employed to Casey and her boyfriend. If the murder is successful, you’ll be allowed to wear one of these,” Billy pulled a mask out of the bag, and another identical one. Stu took out his mask, and started aiming it around like a slingshot. “Don’t dick off with those, Stu, I don’t know if I can find other ones.”
“Lighten up, they’re like five bucks a pop,” He aimed it at Billy and let go, but surprisingly, Billy caught it.
“You’ve lost mask privileges tonight, Stuart,” Billy said, pocketing the mask. “Anyways, you’re going to kill Randy, and we’re going to guide you through what to do. These ain’t your normal killings, they’re fun, gruesome, and belong in a movie of their very own.”
“In other words, you’re Michael Myers wannabes with a phone connection?”
“No—we’re artists,” Stu collapsed on your bed, his shoes on your comforter. You held your tongue from saying anything, even though you wanted to scream at him to get off your bed with his musty crusty dusty ass shoes on it.
“Okay, so what? Am I going to prank call Randy, freak him out, torture him, chase him around a bit, cut him up, scare him to death, then stab him and take his organs out and hang them on the clothesline?”
“Something like that, sure,” Billy eyed you, not suspiciously, but carefully. Wondering to see how you’d fair tonight. He knew you weren’t an amater killer, hell, you’ve done it more times than he and Stu. But he knew yours lacked fanfare. Yours lacked style. You were a teenager with a knife, they were teenagers with a cunning plan. And now you were involved in this plan, and he wanted to see if you were capable of doing your duty and making this plan succeed.
“We’ll start heading out a two, I want to kill him at roughly three-thirty,” You suggested, and the two of them nodded. “What do you want to do in the meantime?”
“Get to know you better, babe,” Stu slung his arm around you jokingly, but surprisingly to him, you didn’t move. You watched Billy carefully as you did this, noticing the peculiar glance in his eyes that made you realize that perhaps, Billy had feelings for multiple people in your bedroom.
“We could watch a movie,” You offered, and Billy shook his head.
“Nothing interesting. You’d put on some fucked up 20’s movie knowing you,” He clicked his tongue twice, indicating that he’d thought of something. “What about we play spin the bottle?”
“There’s three of us, that’s a party game,” You pointed out, giggling. Stu nudged you, indicating that you should shut up, or perhaps suggest something different that didn’t involve kissing. “Truth or dare?”
“That’s a girl’s game,” Stu wrinkled his nose in disgust, moving his arm from you. He got up, and trodded towards Billy, and flung his arms around him. “We’re men.”
“You’re a fag,” Billy deadpanned, but he didn’t move. Stu hung off of him like a deadweight, yet Billy did not attempt to remove the boy. You curiously stared at them.
“Maybe we could bake?”
“Isn’t your mother home?” Billy asked, and you shook your head.
“You two suck at stalking. She’s gone tonight, she’s out with some dude. I don’t know who he is, though, and quite frankly don’t care. She’s out of my shit and I stay far away from hers.”
“We kind of gave up on you,” Stu admitted, and Billy hit him in the back of the head.
“Don’t admit shit like that, idiot,” Billy said. He turned towards you. “Don’t worry about him, doll. He’s just a little talkative when there’s murder in the room.”
“Right. Well, wanna see my knife collection?” You offered, and the boys looked like they’d just won the lottery.
“Hell yes!” Stu lept up from his sulking place, and ran over to your side. Billy joined you two as you opened the doors of your closet, revealing two swords hung up on the wall, and a bin full of knives, all with their sheaths on.
“Holy fuck.”
“You really are the Knife Girl,” Billy said, his tongue in his cheek. You hadn’t seen the expression on the boy’s faces before, but you assumed it was as close to pure joy as they could feel.
“No shit, I didn’t get that nickname for nothing,” You stepped away, letting them look at the blades in awe. “I don’t kill with the majority of those.” They didn’t seem to care, though. You watched as they took blade after blade, finding the ones that best suited their hands, finding the ones that were pretty or sharpest or the ones that you most liked. They found your murder blades, the knife they got you, and all sorts of other sharp objects. They liked it. You could tell this was an intimate moment for the three of you.
Three rapidly approached, and the three of you had to start moving to Randy’s house for that night’s murder. Dressed in the Ghostface gear, you clumsily went down the ladder, nearly tripping at a few parts. The long robes of the killer costume was a tripping hazard, and you briefly wondered why they hadn’t mentioned it, until you remembered you were using Stu’s robes, and he was nearly a foot taller than you. It wasn’t a hazard for them.
You crept through the night, joining the boys in the backseat of Stu’s car, and started your drive to Randy’s. The car was silent, but the boys were in their element, though nobody dared to speak a word. Everyone knew the familiar buzz you’d get before you took a life. It was something that was addicting, and you knew it with every bone in your body. You relished the feeling of taking life, and you knew that Billy and Stu felt the exact same way.
You pulled up to the house, which was a small two-story one situated on top of a hill. The flowerbeds were neat and tidy, the house a light white color. The front porch lights were on, and you could see the light on in what you assumed to be Randy’s room.
“Call him,” Stu whispered, handing you the phone. You dialed Randy’s number, surprised that you remembered it at all. “And make sure the voice changer is on.”
You did as you were told, and began your speech to make Randy afraid. Terrified. You could hear his amusement at first, when you asked him his favorite horror movie. You could hear the first tremblings of his breathing when you asked if his bedroom was the one with the light on. You could hear the pounding of his heart as you knocked on the back door, and you could hear how he was absolutely afraid when you, Billy, and Stu knocked from different entrances.
“Get the fuck away from my house,” Randy’s voice was shaky, and you knew you struck a chord with him. “Get the fuck away before you get hurt.”
“Funny thing to say when you’re the one who wants to die.” You taunted, and threw a rock at the window, breaking it. You could hear the yelp on Randy’s end even without the phone. “Randy, do you want to play a game?”
“What the fuck do you want man—what the fuck,” Randy’s desperate pleas on the other end excited you, made you drunk with power. You were in control of the variables here. And Billy and Stu were here to guide you.
“Play a game with me, Randy,” You hear him move in the house, grabbing a kitchen knife. If there was any chance of getting injured, you knew Billy or Stu would step in. They didn’t want to see you get hurt. “Let’s play hide and go seek. If I find you, you die. I’ll count to…hm, let’s see. Is forty seconds enough? Yes, I’ll count to forty seconds. If you hide and I do not find you, you win. If I find you, you’re dead.”
“What the hell,” You could hear Randy crying at the other end, but you didn’t care. You enjoyed this with every fiber of your being, and you wanted to keep this going as long as possible. Stu looked at you, and slipped his mask on. Part two of the plan.
Randy stood no chance of surviving. Realistically, there were far too many of you and only one of him, and he had no experience with anything of this caliber before. One of you would enter the house through each of the entrances, and once you found Randy, you were to whoop or holler or make some kind of noise to alert the others. Once the others are alerted, the three of you are to kill Randy at once, a frenzy of attack.
The third part of the plan was stringing his insides out on the clothing line. This was your added touch, a small detail of gruesome carnage that made Billy swear he would have kissed you right there and then.
You had the front door, and you carefully went inside. The house was still, silent. You paid attention to try and hear any breathing. There weren’t many hiding spots, and you knew Randy might’ve gotten creative. You prayed that one of the boys found where Randy was.
Luck was not on your side. You whooped as you spotted Randy ducked behind a couch, and the two other whoops let you know they were on their way. Scuttling out from behind the couch, Randy tried to attack you with a knife, but you tripped him, causing him to fall. The knife fell from his grip, and you kicked it away from his reach.
Your knife went down on him nearly at once, right in the shoulder blade. Deep. It was joined by a second knife, Billy’s, which was aimed at the back of his neck. Stu was only a few seconds later, plunging his knife into the other shoulder. You started to take your knife out, twisting as you went, Randy’s screams and cries of horror and pain motivating you to do more. You started to stab at his back, hearing the cracking of his ribs encouraged you to do more. Still alive, you heard Randy’s breathing take a sharp inhale as you stepped on his back with all of your strength, lodging your knife deeper within his body. Billy tapped you on the shoulder. Phase three.
You took your knife out of Randy, which took some effort, and you and Stu flipped him over. Randy was still alive, barely moving as Stu undressed him. Completely naked, Randy’s eyes were like a deer’s as Billy placed his knife right above a nest of pubic hair, but then stopped, and looked at you, as if to tell you that this was going to be your kill. You put your knife where Billy’s was just moments ago, relishing the feeling of having someone under your mercy like this. The boys watched as you slowly started to carve your way through Randy’s body, and Randy started to move his arms down to stop you. Billy and Stu lodged their knives in his arms, trapping him to the floor. You made a cut across Randy’s body, and then made the killing blow: ripping his throat out, leaving the blood splatter to the floor. Upon the death of Randy, Billy was the first to speak.
“Do you want to gut him or will Stu and I?”
“I’d like to help,” You said, already starting to poke around in the chest cavity with your blade. “After all, doing laundry is a woman’s job.”
“Spoken like a real one,” Stu joked, and joined you with poking in Randy’s body. You two cut out his stomach and intestines, and handed them to Billy, who put them in a yellow laundry basket that he found upstairs while you were searching for Randy just moments before. Various parts of Randy made it in the basket, including his heart, but Billy took it out of the basket.
“We should leave this in his parent’s room, don’t you think?” The grin on his face was sinister, and you nodded alongside Stu. Billy chuckled, putting the basket on the floor. “Finish gutting him. I’m going to set up a surprise for the happy couple.”
You and Stu did as you were told, finishing emptying Randy’s body. You weren’t sure of their plan with the main body, just that your job was now in action. Stu finished up, placing the last organ in the basket. You stood up, shaking the blood off of your robes and taking the basket to the backyard, where you hung them up with clothespins.
Stu, meanwhile, was carefully arranging a flower display in the corpse of Randy. He was giggling as he did this, moving the body to lay on the couch, and adding the displays of flowers Randy’s mother kept around the house in the chest cavity.
Billy was upstairs, arranging Randy’s heart on a silver platter, with a fork and a knife on either side of the plate. He joined the two of you downstairs, inspecting the handiwork.
“I think we’ve got ourselves a new partner,” Billy said, watching you hang the intestines up. “She’s good.”
“I like her,” Stu said, giving Billy a small kiss on the cheek. Billy nodded, and placed one on Stu’s forehead. “She’s got balls.”
“She’s going to need them for Friday’s murder,” Billy stepped outside. “We’re going to go, alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” You grinned at them, and the three of you went in the car, taking the stuffy robes off. You weren’t quite sure how Tatum or Sidney would react to the death of Randy, but you sure as hell were looking forward to the publicity of the body. Your handiwork was going to be on television. A dream come true for a girl like you.
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-> Part 7
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scrarefest · 2 years
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Happy Wednesday! We’ve got just the fics to help you get through the mid-week slump. Today’s releases include some good ol’ friends-to-lovers, strangers-to-friends, and even stranger-to-reluctant-confidant. These are the kinds of stories that feel like a warm hug… and who doesn’t need a hug these days, huh?
You Were There All Along [Stevie/Twyla - M - 19,794]
“I can’t tell you when exactly it started. I don’t remember. It just seemed like one day we were relative strangers and the next day, Twyla Sands was suddenly there. A presence in my life.”
Stevie and Twyla were best friends in high school. They both had unstable home lives and found comfort and solace in each other. After high school they drifted apart when life got in the way, but they always showed up for each other when it mattered.
Years later, Stevie reflects on their friendship and wonders if it’s possible that they could be something more.
coming home to you [Gen (Stevie, David) - T - 2,185]
There’s a room in the cottage that’s always ready for her, whenever she needs it.
It’s not a guest room. David and Patrick were very clear on that. The third bedroom is the guest room. But this, this is her room.
There’s Rose Apothecary products in the bathroom, even though she’d still use the drugstore brand if left to her own devices. There’s the old, battered quilt on the foot of the bed that David said didn’t go with the decor, but left it there for her anyway because he knew how much she loved it. There’s even a Sarah McLachan poster on the wall.
There’s a room in the cottage that’s always ready for her, and that’s why she’s definitely not crying on this airplane.
A Ray of Light [Gen (Patrick, Ray) - NR - 1,477]
Patrick needs a change, and contacts Ray Butani about a job.
sophomore slump (or comeback of the year) [Gen (David, Connor) - G - 1,242]
“What can I do for you, Connor?” he asks.
“Right.” Connor clears his throat too. “I was actually hoping I could get your advice on something?”
“Oh, now you want my advice?”
Connor groans. “Are you gonna make me regret this?”
“I mean, probably,” David says, pretending to inspect his nails. “I don’t give very good advice.”
a.k.a., Connor actually needs David's advice this time.
His Very Nearness [Gen (David, Twyla) - G - 1,237]
In his early days in Schitt’s Creek, David finds a less than traditional method of caring for his mental health. His friendship with Ted and Twyla gets him through, and he maybe makes a new friend as well.
[Podfic] we'll get together then, dad [Gen (Alexis, Johnny) - T - 08:06]
"Alexis? Honey?" He tries a laugh. "You're making me worry."
"Sorry! Sorry." She laughs, too, and it sounds closer to the Alexis who learned to love him in Schitt's Creek. "I'm just... I don't know how to say this, I guess? But." He hears her take a deep breath before the rest of her words come out in a rush.
"I'm queer, Dad. And I wanted you to know."
When Alexis comes out to Johnny, he does some reflecting about his two children.
CREATORS: If your works were released today, please don't forget to update your posting date!
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unfoldingmoments · 2 years
Here are some of my fav Cobra Kai Quotes Love this Netflix Series, there are more we can learn than just a Karate. Friendship, Relationship, Life Changing, Second Chance, Opportunity, Comeback, Love, Forgiveness, Meditation, Balance, and many more.
Can't wait for the S6 !
Robby: Why'd you hold back?
Miguel: I didn't get into karate to hurt people. I did it to be a badass and find balance.
Robby: Yeah, I understand that.
Miguel: Last time we fought like this, why didn't you hold back?
Robby: I just wanted to finish the fight. I mean, not life-like that, but I just... I had tunnel vision, and I got so angry that I just, I barely knew where we were. I'd take it back in a second if I could. I mean I was the cause of the worse moment of your life, and if it's any consolation, it was the worst moment of my life too.
Daniel: Every time I try to fight for what's right, somebody gets hurt. I can't fail these kids again.
Robby: You didn't fail me. You know when you first met me, I was a messed up kid. But you gave me a job, and a home, and a purpose. You can't just give up.
“Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you want to be?” -Johnny Lawrence
“If I’m extra hard on you, it’s because you have the ability to be better than me.” -Johnny Lawrence
 “Many of us used to be enemies. But rivalries don’t need to last forever.” -Daniel LaRusso
“When negative feelings overwhelm you, look for the good within yourself.” -Daniel LaRusso
“There’s no honor in being merciless.” -Miguel Diaz
“Cobra Kai is about strength – if you’re not strong on the inside, then you can’t be strong on the outside.” -Johnny Lawrence
“It doesn’t matter if you’re a loser, a nerd, or a freak, the only thing that matters is that you become badass.” -Johnny Lawrence
“Everybody’s got a sob story. Doesn’t give you the right to be a bully.” -Samantha LaRusso
“If you have hate in your heart, then you have already lost.” -Daniel LaRusso
“I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight.” -Johnny Lawrence
“Pain does not exist in this dojo!” -Johnny Lawrence
“In the real world, you can’t expect people to do what they’re supposed to do.” -Johnny Lawrence
“Put good into the world and good will come back to you.” -Kumiko
“Well, respect’s a two-way street. You respect my style of karate?” -Johnny Lawrence
“You do the right thing cause it’s the right thing to do.” -Daniel LaRusso
“Sometimes the scars you can’t see are the ones that hurt the most.” -Samantha LaRusso
“I wasn’t taught the difference between mercy and honor and I paid for it.” -Johnny Lawrence
 “You know what they say, there’s no such thing as a bad student.” -Johnny Lawrence
“I’m a teenager who makes mistakes.” -Sam LaRusso
“Some kids need a little aggression.” -Johnny Lawrence
“Alone we are nothing, but if we work together, we have a shot.” -Samantha LaRusso
“You want something, you’ll have to crawl across the floor, use your damn teeth if you have to.” -Johnny Lawrence
“It may not seem brave, but sometimes, avoiding conflict is one of the most heroic things you can do.” -Daniel LaRusso
“If your enemy insists on war, then you take away their ability to wage it.” -Chozen Toguchi
“If we can’t get over the past, the fighting will never end. We have to confront our enemies. This rivalry has to stop. One way or another.” -Samantha LaRusso
“I’ve got one year to make it all work, and that’s what I’m gonna do – make it work, all of it…” -Johnny Lawrence
“Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes the world can be cruel. That’s why you have to learn to be cruel yourselves.” -John Kreese
“I still live with the fear. We all do on some level. I just try to not let it ever win.” -Daniel LaRusso
“Sometimes it’s good to visit the past to know where you are now, but you can’t live in the past.” -Ali Mills
“You’re a sensei. It’s who you are. If you can’t see that, you’re blind.” -Miguel Diaz
“Karate is not a phase, it’s a way of life. You can leave it for a while, but it never leaves you.” -John Kreese
“Man who work for passion always richer than man who work for money.” -Daniel LaRusso
“You may know the moves, but none of that matters unless you have balance.” -Daniel LaRusso
“Never underestimate your enemy, even if you think they’re weaker than you, you have to stay one step ahead of them, that’s the only way to guarantee the victory.” -John Kreese
“You and I, this… we aren’t done.” -Daniel LaRusso
“To beat the enemy, it helps to know the enemy’s playbook.” -Robby Keene
“We may have taken some losses. But it’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish.” -Robby Keene
The human response to danger is fight or flight, but an eagle’s response is fight and flight. – Johnny
When an eagle’s hungry, it doesn’t hesitate. If you want to be an eagle, you first have to learn how to fly. – Johnny
Instead of using your speed to run away from your enemies, use it to run at them. – Robby
My path wasn’t a straight line. And yours is still being written. – Daniel
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lunarsun12 · 7 months
The Deal
Author Note: Oh my goodness Ateez comeback is lit! Go check it out Crazy form ahhh!
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It was the after the celebration of Jungwoo party. Jungwoo was feeling so happy as literally doyoung agreed to whatever he wants. He loves the attention.
Jaehyun, has been waiting for Jungwoo to pay up , as he is pretty sure he has forgotten as he has the tendency to ‘forget’.
After the ‘delightful’ convo between the two, another member of the household have found about their alliance. However this person seek to form a new alliance as justice for them both
Who is the third person? What do they want Jaehyun for?
Jungwoo and The Unknown person chat
Today 23:00
Unknown: Jungwoo, pay up the money right now! I need money
Jungwoo🍬: I already paid hours ago, you didn’t check
Jungwoo🍬: And Chenle, thank you helping me cheat by hacking into the school system
Unknown: I’m not Chenle
Jungwoo🍬: Of course you are Chenle, only he cares about money and demands it so quickly
Unknown: Chenle is in the same grade as you! He is too busy studying for his exams!
Jungwoo🍬: Did I wire the money to the wrong person then?
Unknown: no, I gave you my bank details just not the name
Jungwoo🍬: Then who are you then?
Unknown: Jungwoo, are you serious? You don’t know who I am?
Jungwoo🍬: Am I supposed to know you?
Unknown: Aish, this is why I hate you all! It’s me Jaehyun you brother! I was the one who helped you
Jungwoo🍬: I don’t remember you in my contacts? Since when you are my brother?
Jungwoo🍬: There are lots of people around the house. The only person who I know is my brother is Yuta
Jungwoo🍬: Okay I saved as my brother. I never seen you come over or ever engage in family business don’t blame me
Jaehyun💪🏻: I shouldn’t have never helped you..
Jungwoo🍬: Its too late and I’m gonna get a brand new shiny new car tmr
Jaehyun💪🏻: WHAT! That’s not fair, when I graduated high school they said good job that’s it
Jungwoo🍬: I smell jealously
Jaehyun💪🏻: Me jealous as if
Jaehyun💪🏻: I’ll tell Eomma that you cheated and the school board
Jungwoo🍬: I like to see you try
Jungwoo🍬: I won’t be arrested, as I will say you forced me to cheat off as you demanded money from me
Jungwoo🍬: So go ahead and tell them. Hope you enjoy jail ☺️
Jaehyun💪🏻: They won’t believe you! You got no proof
Jungwoo🍬: I’m very good at photoshopping conversations
Jungwoo🍬: I can make you look like the villian
Jaehyun💪🏻: Drats, why are you smart in blackmailing people and not studying
Jungwoo🍬: It comes with the Jungwoo package duh
Jungwoo🍬: Now, how about you give back the money and we can call it even ☺️
Jaehyun💪🏻: I hate you-
Jungwoo🍬: I will come in my car tomorrow at your house, just to make you mad ✨
The next day
Today 12:00pm
Jaehyun💪🏻: I wired you the money and you don’t spill Jungwoo
Jaehyun💪🏻: You have been spending too much with hyuckie lately
Jungwoo🍬: What exactly did i do?
Jaehyun💪🏻: NOT AGAIN
Jungwoo🍬: What thing I did, that is totally not suspicious
Jaehyun💪🏻: Hang on? You not Jungwoo who are you? Yuta?
Jungwoo🍬: It’s not Yuta, it’s me Johnny…
Jaehyun💪🏻: Ahh the biggest idiots of this household. I mean hi hello uncle
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): Is the kid blackmailing you?
Jaehyun💪🏻: No of course not, it rather complicated
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): As long it is not illegal, I will let it slide
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): And Jaehyun you should be careful leaving your computer open when I last come over
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): I knew you have been helping Jungwoo all this time
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): Let’s be real, I seen this kid and there is no way. He can get into top university
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): How about we seek some justice for us 🌚
Jaehyun💪🏻: I don’t need help from you. You already a criminal
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): Keep a lookout for my texts. We can talk later
Jungwoo🍬(Johnny): Also clear the convo. I don’t want the kid snitching on us to the boring doyoung
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yangtaros · 3 years
why can’t we just get over ourselves?
jungwoo x reader or haechan x reader? you decide [angst] or [fluff] matters which member we talking about part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part6 part 7
12:07 pm
“Jungwoo, do you have someone visiting you?”
He looked up at his manager, “Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you my girlfriends coming. Sorry”
“Okay I’ll tell them to let her up”
“She doesn’t know her way around, can I go to her?”
“I’ll ask one of the staff members to show her where our room is”
Jungwoo nodded, “Thank you”. Today was nct 127’s new comeback and you took time off to visit him at music bank.
“Jungwoo y/n is coming? Thats risky” Johnny said to him.
“It’s not trust me she’s just staying here with me she’s not going in the crowd she’s gonna watch through the monitor”
Johnny nodded, “so supportive”
Jungwoo walked over to look in the bathroom mirror and over analyzed his hair, moving small strands here and there.
Soon there was a knock on the door, which led Jaehyun to get up and open since he was the closest.
“Y/n?” Jaehyun questioned your presence but was still happy to see you.
He looked down to see you were carrying and struggling to at that 11 drinks in three carriers, rushing to help you and lift some of the load.
You let out a huge sigh, “Thank you! This must be a downside of many members” Jaehyun laughed, “ and I didn’t forget about you” you pointed at their manager. He thanked you.
“I got a variety of drinks because I wasn’t sure which was each of your favorites so trade with each other I don’t know”
Mark Doyoung Taeil and Taeyong came to hug you before getting their drinks, “Y/n!”
Yuta grabbed a drink, “Thank you, you didn’t have to go through all of this”
They agreed, “ No problem you guys are family, where is Jungwoo?” you asked.
“I think I saw him go in the bathroom”, Johnny said, coming closer to you to thank you and give you a hug.
“Okay and wheres Haechan?”
“I’m not sure, I should get on that” Their manager looks around and then leaves to look for him once he realizes he’s not in the room at all.
“Jungwoo! Get out! Your girlfriend is here!” Yuta says making sure to whisper girlfriend.
You hear a door open, “Sorry, sorry, I was fixing my hair and my nerves are crazy, and did you bring up all those yourself,” you nod, “the staff didn’t help you? and how much money did you spend on this? you didn’t have to do this you kn-”
You cut Jungwoo’s rambling off with a soft kiss on his lips. He kissed back.
“Ew” Haechan rolled his eyes, coming through the door followed by the manager.
You ended the kiss and handed Jungwoo his drink, you specifically knew what flavor he liked.
“Why are you here?” Haechan said at the same time grabbing the last drink that you bought.
“Haechan you know you love me”
“Do not”
“Do too” He rolled his eyes, and shook his head.
“Where were you”
“Why do you care I’m not your boyfriend”
“This conversation is now over” You grab jungwoo’s wrist and lead him to the seats in the corner to speak with him.
“You feeling excited?”
“Opposite actually” he placed a hand on your thigh, rubbing it gently, “ I mean yes I’m excited but I’m incredibly nervous”
You looked into Jungwoo’s eyes “I know you’re nervous because you have a big center part and the most lines in this song but I know you’ll be great, everyone is so happy for you.”
He smiled.
“Also you were made for the spotlight, the talent, the looks, the everything. You’re amazing because you’re you.”
Jungwoo loved having you around him at all times, but this, he wished he could have you by him for every stage.
“You’re my world y/n” He kissed you this time.
Nothing could ruin this.
Well, Maybe one thing. Because at this exact same time haechan was sitting in the opposite corner of the room angrily sipping his drink. Yes, it is what you think.
You and Jungwoo actually met through Haechan. Haechan’s mom and your mom worked together so haechan and you have known each other since you were kids. You didn’t actually get close and start hanging out until you were teens though. Some could say you guys had a fling, some could say there was no spark there at all. But haechan would say different, he thought you guys were in love.
And now here he is watching you kiss and love on his band member.
“10 minutes til you guys are on stage so let’s get going” their manager motioned to them to get up and leave.
“Y/n thank you for coming” he got out of his seat pecking your lips one more time.
“I cant wait to watch! You’re gonna be great”
He smiled at you and walked out with everyone else.
Haechan was still left in the room, “come on Haechan” his manager yelled to him leaving with the rest of the members.
He looked at you. The only other person in the room.
“You’re not gonna tell me I’ll do great either?”
“Don’t Haechan me y/n” He walked closer to you.
“Not right now hyuck seriously, also what you said earlier was so unecessary. ‘I’m not your boyfriend’ really?”
“It’s true though I’m not. Your loss”
“Donghyuck. Stop it.”
“No you stop it.” he sighed, “you saved me my favorite flavor of the drinks, you thought I wouldn’t notice?”
“Be- because you’re my f-friend!” you stumbled through the sentence.
“I cant believe you- never mind” He walked out the door.
You stood there watching him walk away.
part 2
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krysphycookiez · 3 years
Heyo hun can i request a NCT 127 scenario please? 🥺 where the foreigner fem!reader is the same age as haechan and they're both gemini's (reader late may - haechan early june) and they're a lot a like to the point where they're known as the nct twins. johnny is basically their dad. lmaoo.
(ps. reader doesn't refer the boy as hyungs.)
if you don't feel like it that's fine hun. 🥺❤
nct 127 | gemini twins
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synopsis: you’re the same age as donghyuck and both of you are very similar, to the point you both are known as the ‘twins of nct’ amongst the group
genre: fluff, platonic, slight humor, one-shot
pairing: nct x foreign!fem!reader
tw: none except for a bit of swearing
a/n: hi sweet pea! thanks for requesting, i really appreciate it <3 this one in particular was a little specific so i apologize if there’s some parts i missed! with that i hope you enjoy!
btw, anything in italics and bold is in english :)
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“do you think johnny hyung will kill us if we do this??”
“last time we did, he almost cremated us into paste. let’s do it,”
“hell yeah,”
you and the little sunshine himself, lee donghyuck, we’re currently hovering over your tired leader’s sleeping expression, while setting up alarm clocks around him strategically.
both of you guys were known as “the twins of nct”, with the two of you being gemini’s and similar in personality, that name was bound to come around. the slightly younger male next to you snickered as he set up the alarm clocks, and fleeing along with you once it was all set up.
once the two of you got into a safe position, you looked at the timer on your phone, and the alarm clocks were going to set off in 5 minutes. sure you got an earful from doyoung and mark cussed you out in english, but it was worth seeing their funny reactions.
the tan-skinned male pulled out a small tablet and turned on the screen, and what appeared on the screen was camera viewings of each member’s rooms, all of them sleeping soundly, unknowing of the danger that awaits them.
both of you snickering quietly to yourselves, you both sat on the couch, awaiting the amazing reactions that was gonna come from your fellow bandmates, but you both were unknowing on the figure standing behind you.
“what are the two of you doing?” johnny, one of the older members asked you suspiciously, making you both freeze up and turn around nervously. “o-oppa! uh— well we were just- y’know—“
your statement was quickly interrupted when you heard the familiar voice of your fellow member jungwoo. both you and the soft-faced male both turned over to the screen with excited smiles, while johnny tried to peer over your shoulders to see what you two were looking at.
“what did the two of you do this time?” he questioned, as if you guys were some sort of criminals. “just gave them a nice good morning greeting~” the sunshine maknae said cheekily while he was watching his members catastrophe in the cameras.
despite the fear and terror that ran through your bodies when entering the member’s rooms, it was so worth the risk. jaehyun was trying to calm down a screaming jungwoo, your leader knocked over various things on his nightstand which hit mark on his toes, but the cherry on top was yuta desperately trying to turn off the alarms with his sleeping mask still on, running into taeil on the way as well.
you and the devilish maknae exploded with euphoria, you could feel tears of joy pricking at the corners of your eyes while donghyuck was hunched over his seat laughing out loud. johnny just sighed, growing tired of your guy’s antics, but he could feel the small smile teasing the corners of his lips.
after the whole fiasco went down, all of the members went downstairs and you laughed even more at their tired and sleepy faces. they looked angry, but you knew deep down that they actually didn’t have the energy to be mad at you.
the first one to speak up was none other than taeyong himself. “did you brats start this whole thing?” he questioned in a somewhat intimidating tone, but his tough facade soon fell after he saw the both of you laugh even more, making his face light up a bit.
in between huffed pants, a familiar cute voice answered. “y-yes, hyung! it was us!” donghyuck replied, still trying to catch his breaths while you were already gone on the couch. “why did you guys do that!? i was just sleeping after staying up last night!” mark yelped out in a distressed voice, automatically switching to english, so you assumed the statement was directed towards you. “s-sorry mark! we just wanted to prank you guys a bit..” You said still recovering from your laughter, which can be seen through your stuttery tone. you were born and raised in a country that spoke english, so you obviously knew how to speak it.
before the other members could counter, a voice of reason spoke up. “alright guys let’s just get ready for the day, at least y/n and donghyuck are ready for training,” johnny said as-a-matter-of-factly, leaving the other members dumbfounded.
“hyung but they—“
“did i stutter?”
“ON IT—“
“hey give me the strawberry mochi,”
“no i’m not, donghyuck.”
“why not???”
“because i’m older than you,”
“yeah by like only two weeks,”
“both of you just shut up and eat your food,” doyoung said a bit irritated by your guy’s bickering, making the two of you chuckle cheekily as you went back to eating your food. you and the boys just finished rehearsing your newest comeback, superhuman. it was a nice change of pace for a song, given that it was very positive and energetic.
“hey y/n— aren’t you gonna visit the dreamies with haechan soon?” johnny asked you, while you were munching on your delicious cold snack. you swallowed the food and replied. “yeah we will, right after lunch actually,”
“the two of you are lucky, i can’t see them any time soon,” mark said sulkily, making you chuckle. “must suck to suck, mark,” “shut up.” mark said while playfully punching you in the shoulder, which resulted in you punching him back. your little banter was soon interrupted when a familiar voice ringed in your ears.
“ay what’s up twins of nct!?”
“eyyyy jaemiiiiin!!”
you and sunny hyuck got up excitedly to be met with the two members of nct dream, na jaemin and huang renjun. you all did a signature handshake you came up with and laughed while the 127 brothers watched you guys with happy smiles. “how have you guys been?” the chinese boy asked curiously while donghyuck waved him off. “pssh! we are fiiine~ mark was being annoying as always,”
“i’m right here!”
“i know~”
the flirt of the dreamies just chuckled and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, much to your surprise. “well let’s go! chenle and jisung planned some awesome things back at the dorm, and jeno is cooking some good food too!” jaemin exclaimed, but his smile disappeared when he heard the familiar sound of someone clearing their throat and putting their hand on his shoulder.
“and will you kiddos cause any trouble? i don’t want managers to come and cause some more chaos while you guys are away.” taeyong asked sternly to the younger male, causing him to gulp the lump in his throat. “w-well hyung- we were gonna just play games and stuff...” he said nervously while you silently snickered at him. you knew taeyong just didn’t want anything bad happening to you, considering that jaemin made a particularly inappropriate joke that quite literally almost landed him in the wrath of mom taeyong.
“are you sure about that, jaemin?”
“yes i’m sure!”
“don’t worry about it taeyong, they won’t do anything.” johnny said while approaching the duo, making jaemin sigh in relief. taeyong just sighed and let go of jaemin’s shoulder. “alright, but if you brats do anything i’m gonna—“ “taeyong.”
the leader slightly froze at johnny’s words and didn’t say anything further. but when johnny walked away, he turned back to renjun and jaemin and said seriously, but cutely. “i’m watching you.” in english before walking out of the room.
all four of you stood there confused for a moment before letting out joyous laughs. all of you were hunched over trying to catch your breaths while jaemin wiped a tear from his eye. “holy cow hyung is scary! i thought i was gonna die!”
“mhm, i don’t blame ya. however he does have a point, if you do anything to y/n i swear on yo fuckin yEEZY’S—“
“hyuck, not the time.” you said sternly at the slightly younger gemini, making him smile cheekily. this overprotective brother side of his really was something. “fine fiiine~ but still, i see you, jaemin.”
“alright alright i won’t do anything!”
“come on guys let’s just go, we don’t wanna keep the others waiting.” renjun said excitedly while running off, making the three of you trail behind him in pure joy, ready for the fun that’s about to start.
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ANNND DONE! thanks for the request again! this one was really fun to write for, sorry if i did miss anything though i promise i didn’t mean it qwq
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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babysubinnie · 3 years
my goddamn world // kim doyoung (nct)
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🥦 pairing:: kim doyoung x reader 🥦 genre:: angst, hella emotional, idol!doyoung 🥦 summary:: dating an idol isn’t easy. that you knew so why did you even bother? because you loved him. that’s why. that’s exactly why you had to make the hardest decision in your entire life.  ——————————————————————————
"it's all over the news." the first thing that johnny said to me as he slammed the door open, was this. he ran over to me suddenly bombarding me with questions. i looked up at him from the boys that were practicing for their next comeback. they started panting looking at johnny who was now freaking out. 
"what is?" i looked up at him as he sat down beside me. he handed me the phone, but before i could take it, wayv snatched it out of his hand and took it for their selves to read first. they all dropped their mouths open and xiaojun handed the phone back to me. i rolled my eyes laughing but my smile automatically dropped. 
there were photos of him holding a girls hand. photos of him at a café with a girl. that girl was me. every single fucking photo was me. i mean yeah i put a mask on so they didn’t know it was me but still, i knew was done for. i fucked up. big time. 
"oh my g-" i got cut off by the door slamming open. nct’s manager hyung. he walked so fast over to me i thought he was the flash. shit sorry i shouldn’t be making jokes at times like this right? where the hell was doyoung when i need him?
"what the fuck are these y/n? i thought i told you to be careful. i thought i told you the only dates that happen are at the café after hours, and only in the company. what did you two do? go out and had a fucking date." he glared while screaming as i looked up at him in shock. i didn’t know what the hell to do. i knew what was coming and i guess i was prepared for it. 
"i'm sorry. i just-"
"you just what? what you’re going to do is leave and never see doyoung again. no scratch that. you’re gonna stay away from nct forever. that's what." he scoffed grabbing my wrist before pulling me out of the room and dragging me down the hallway. as he tried to pull me out of the practice room, i looked back at johnny and smiled while whispering, “keep him company okay?”
"WAIT!" johnny and all the wayv members chased the two of us down because we were going hella fast. no actually we were going at lightning speed. johnny pulled my wrist, pulling their manager back. 
"please let her stay hyung." lucas looked at him with a pout on his face, but i knew it wasn’t going to work. i was positive this wasn’t going to do anyone any good. i guess i was alone. 
"why? i told her to be careful and she wasn't careful. now not only is doyoung in trouble, i’m in trouble because i didn’t tell soo man." he took a deep breath staring at the ground then started dragging me again. i smiled weakly at the boys who were standing there in shock. 
"where the hell is doyoung?" kun mumbled under his breath but loud enough for all of us to hear him. i was turning the corner while the boys were still chasing us. doyoung was running in with the rest of nct and when i made eye contact with him, it made me feel like i was sinking into the world. i couldn’t do anything to fix this. 
"where are you taking her?" doyoung gave me a comforting smile before grabbing my wrist out of his manager’s grip pulling me behind him. i looked down at the floor the entire time. i know doyoung was going to rain shit onto his manager so i needed to step up.
"i'm kicking her out. i warned her. she fucked up, it’s not my fault. i can't have her here ruining your career." he rolled his eyes and walked over to me while glaring at doyoung. i took a deep breath looking to the side at taeyong. he put his hand on my lower back whispering that everything will be okay. 
"i'm not letting you take her." all 15 boys pulled me to the back of the crowd to stand in front of me. taeyong followed me to the back reaching down to grab my hand. mark soon followed taeyong, grabbing my hand and kissed the top of my head. 
"it's your career or her. you have to choose now." he looked at doyoung and i let go of taeyong and mark’s hand before running up to doyoung grabbing his wrist looking at their manager before looking behind me at doyoung.
"what the fuck hyu-”
"no doyoung. i'll leave. i'm not going to let you take his career away from him just because of me. doyoung, live your dream like you've always wanted. all i want is for you to be happy. if you're not happy then i won't be." i smiled weakly and tears filled my eyes as i put my hand on his cheek pressing my lips against his nose. he shook his head continuously trying to change my mind.
"i'm not going to leave you behind y/n." he pulled me into a tight hug before sniffling into my neck. this is not exactly the goodbye i wanted but it’s the only thing i can do right? his career is more important than anything else in the world. i mean they just became a 23 member group, nct 127 had their japanese comeback, wayv is just about to have a comeback, this group was striving and i was not about to bring them down just because i have feelings for him. if i love him, and all these boys, this should be hard but i needed to do it. 
"you have to. it's not good for me to be here. you’re doing what you love and you deserve the goddamn world. i will support you always regardless if i’m beside you or not. you know me doyoung. i’m always going to support you, i’m always going to be here, even if i’m not with you. don't worry about me okay?" i smiled and pulled away from him. if i didn’t stop this goodbye, i would probably stay. i wouldn’t be able to leave him. i pressed my lips to his, kissing him one last time. i hugged him for the last time, and pulled away resting my forehead against his.
"i love you so fucking much." i turned away starting to walk away not turning around once. i knew that if i turned, i know i would never be able to even think about leaving him again.
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
☁︎ 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali's period decided to pay a visit and everyone now gets to see what some girls go through.
Characters // Talia Flores + Nct 127 + Nct Dream (Except : Jaemin Mentions: Her mother)
Era / Year // November 2017
Word Count //
⚠️Warning⚠️ // Periods??
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As many people do, people go through puberty, and Talia is no different. As most people call it, she pulled a Jungkook on us. She also had her period, the boys were ready for it and everything, but she never really showed signs she was on her period.
She got her period when she was 13 years old, and has it every 3 -4 months. She is irregular, but usually in that span she would get it, unless she is on a diet that is quiet dangerous then no period at all. When she does have her period the side effects she has is cramps, headache, nausea, and last but not least mood swings her mood swings are more emtional, like she cries more easily. Talia is one to be able to control her mood so mood swings she is able to hide pretty well but sometimes she slips up.
During the trainee days the boys didn't really care about her period, thats until they started living with her remember oh yeah, periods.
They don't ask, and she doesn't say, why? Cause she feels awkward asking them for stuff like pads, or ibuprofen etc. So she asks her personal manager or one of the girls from Blackpink.
Thats when one day, her period decided, hey...you gonna be in pain.
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Tali woke up to pain on her stomach and head, she groan out in pain knowing, today is gonna be a long day. She went to the bathroom and got tampons and ibuprofen, she sat on the ground for a second so the pill can work, she sighed in relief when it started working but knowing her body its gonna come back up in a couple hours maybe even minutes. She got up and saw all of dream preparing breakfast.
"Hey sleepy head, you woke up late, when did you sleep." Jaemin nagged at her.
"Hmm, I don't remember but Im still tired." She mumbled as she sat next to Jeno and layed her head on his shoulder.
They all looked her worried, she seemed more tired then usual.
Everyone turned to the door and they saw Mark at the door they all looked at him confused.
"Lets go, we are gonna be late to the recording."
He hurried them. Talia's face filled with annoyance but reminded herself, do not take it out on them, do not take it out on them, they are just reminding you just go change. She chanted to herself, as she went to her room. Mark noticed her tiredness, but decided it was nothing.
She changed, brung her stuff for her period and a brown bag, as she feels like since her pain is this bad, nausea is bound to happen which equals throwing up. She left her room and everyone was there and they left, she texted her personal manager say she has her period, but she might have to canceled the recording session since its bad.
She remembered that Karma said she went on birth control to stop her period and she thought about it but thought...no I can handle it...boy was she wrong today.
They got in the car and she could feel her pain comeback its just has been 30 minutes maybe a little more, and in the car out of all times she thought. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying not to groan in pain.
They got to the company building as she was about to step down a sharp pain hit her abdomen, she yelped in pain and she she squeezed the door handle.
"Noona you okay?" Jeno asked as he was right behind and saw nothing could have hit her.
"Yeah I just...hit my finger on the door." She made a quick excuse. But the boys were not buying it, but they let it go. They walked in the building and went to the studio.
She sat down in silence as the boys were eyeing her. They knew about her period she just never shows it, so they don't know whats wrong.
"Lets start guys, who is gonna go first?" One of the producers asked mostly looking at Tali but she shook her head no, he got the hint and went on to Haechan. The boys saw the interaction, and now wondering whats wrong.
Tali moved up to the seat next to the producer. He whispered.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just got it today, and its a bad one...you got a water?" She asked him and he knew what she meant. He grabbed a water and handed it to her.
"So thats why you canceled the recording?" Tali nodded
"Yeah, I took ibuprofen 30 minutes ago and my pain has comeback so I'm gonna take another one."
He nodded, she grabbed her pills thinking no one was looking, as it seems the boys were looking at their lines, but in reality they were all looking at her.
They were worried and then when she got pills out of her bag, they were even more worried. She took them and put them bag quickly. They were confused. They saw her lean back and sigh with relief.
"You wanna go next?"
"Yeah, while this pill is working." She whispered, she got up went in the studio and smiled at Haechan but when she got in return was a worried look.
"Whats wrong?" She said to him.
"I should be asking you that, are you sure you hit your hand on the door or are you in pain somewhere else,Noona don't lie to me." Haechan warned, since Talia is not a big lier but when it comes to her health and pain she does.
"I'll be fine, okay, if I can live a day of dieting I can live through pain, don't worry yourself. Im a grown woman." She shook her head playfully at him, making it seem she was okay.
He was half convinced she was okay but the other half he knew she was lying about being okay.
She started recording and managed pretty well. She left with Mark and Haechan to practice with 127 she went up first then the other two behind her. They were looking at her for any sign of pain or discomfort but couldn't find any.
They made it to practice and she smiled at the guys. The choreographer called Tali to him before they started.
"Hey you good? I know how bad your cramps and nausea get, just tell me when you can't handle the pain anymore or dizzy, cause I've seen it." He said, she nodded and smiled.
"I'll try."
He nodded knowing she will just fight through the pain like usual.
They continued practice, before they got there Haechan texted them that Tali is in pain but he doesn't know how. So they kept an eye on her, she noticed but decided to go through it like normal. Thats when her pill wore off on her kick in Cherry Bomb when she stood on leg, her legs gave up on her and her abdomen felt like it was getting stabbed.
They guys ran up to her Jaehyun catching her on her way down he could see her almost crying and whimpering in pain.
"I told you when you feel the pain stop practicing especially this time but nope." The choreographer shook his head and grabbed water and ibuprofen. Tali look at it and shook her head knowing her period it probably won't work.
"Its not gonna work, I already took 3." She huffed feeling her abdomen in pain, she groan in pain.
"Whats wrong?" Yuta asked her, worried why the girl is in so much pain.
"She got her period, today and its nasty one too." The choreographer explain.
"Take her home and someone stay with her, cause her period side effects are not the best."
"What side effects? I thought it was only cramps?" Mark asked innocently.
"Well yeah, but with her its a lot, for example she has, cramps and bad ones, headaches, and nausea. Sometimes mood swings but she is good at handling that." He explained the boys eyes widen theh look at Tali who is now curling up on Jaehyuns lap in pain.
"Okay we will take her home." Doyoung said.
"Jaehyun you carry her and Johnny grab her stuff. The rest look up what good to grab for a bad period and go buy it." Doyoung instructed. The members scattered wanting Talia not to be in pain anymore.
Jaehyun and Johnny when back home first and Jaehyun layed Talia on Haechan's bed he was about to leave when Tali grabbed his hand.
"No, please don't leave I don't wanna be alone." She whined, he chuckled and went under the blanket with her on his chest. He was petting her hair, but she still wasn't able to go to sleep because of the pain. They heard the boys come through the door thats when she got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. All the boys saw her run and they started to go after her and they saw her throwing up.
Yuta went quickly to hold her hair up and rub her back. She put her face up catching her breath then flushed the toilet and layed back on Yutas chest.
"Ah, sorry, when it gets this bad I have nausea, so you will probably see me in the bathroom a lot." She smiled at them apologetically.
"No no, you don't have to be sorry, but that means you are gonna have to eat more." Taeyong stated, Talia shaked her head vigorously no.
"Yes, you are gonna dehydrate if you don't." Doyoung slightly raised his voice at her. She was gonna glare at him but closed her eyes and turned Yutas chest and sank in his arms.
They boys could see her holding back her comments and attitude, which assumed were her mood swings then Yutas eyes widen which made them worried he picked up Tali's face which kinda spooked him how quiet she was crying.
"Oh oh why are you crying?" Yuta asked softly, knowing the result of a louder voice will probably make her cry even more. Doyoung's eyes widen as he felt guilt rush through him, as the others were surprised how quiet Tali was crying or she was crying in general.
"Be- because I don't deserve you guys a-and Doyoung raised his voice at me and I was gonna say something mean but I remembered he doesn't deserved it he just cares for mee~" She whaled at the end as Yuta hugged her head as she wrapped her arms around his torso.
You could see the guilt on Doyoung's face when she said that, and noted when on her period don't raise his voice. He went in and pulling her to him, she looked up at saw his face she was about to pull away but saw the caring look in his eyes.
"Sorry for raising my voice, Im not mad and you know that but can you atleast eat a snack here and there." He asked softly, she nodded her head cutely which made the boys even more soft because some people have ugly face when they cry and some don't. Tali doesn't, her cheeks and nose goes to a rosie color while her eyes dilate and she looks like a doll.
She was about to hug Doyoung but yanked back, and went to throw up in the toilet again. The boys winced at the action as the also see Tali holding her stomach, she leans back on Yut's chest again, as Yuta plays with her hair.
"Hey uh..." She hesitated.
"No tells us its okay." WinWin said trying to reassure her as she gave him doe eyes, he went soft.
"Can someone get my uh, heating pad." As she closed her eyes tightly, her hands on her abdomen.
"Of course princess." Taeyong said as he went to grab the heating pad and heat it up.
"Im gonna go make food okay." Doyoung said and kissed her head and left, she nodded. Now the boys were around the bathroom not wanting to leave Tali's side.
"Shoot." She whispered but everyone heard.
"What is it?" Haechan whispered but worried.
"Uh..." She still looked hesitant.
"Its okay, just tell us we will do it." Taeil reassured her.
"Uh can someone grab my bag for a...tampon." She said embarrassed. The boys smiled at her flustered state. Johnny got up and grabbed the the tampons but got confused.
"Uh Tali which one?" He held up a box filled with different tampons. Talia laughed but winced, the boys looked at her with worry.
"Im okay, its fine just give it to me but can you get out please?" She smiled. They nodded and left. Once she finished she opened the dorm to see a smiling Taeyong with her heating pad her put it on her abdomen and she sighed in relief, but then dream barged in.
The boys went to the bathroom where most of the boys were surrounded. They saw her laying on Taeyong looking at them with a surprised look on her face.
"Why didn't you tell us you were hurting, huh?!" Renjun raised his voice a little which wouldn't really matter if Tali wasn't on her period didn't consider it related to her mother. The dreamies and 127 members saw her eyes water and slowly she started to cry. Which threw off the dreamies.
"I-im sorry, I didn't want to bother you, and we were going to record which was al- already stressful so I didn't want you to look after your noona." Tali hiccuped as she cried, and the look on Renjun's face couldn't have felt more guilty, thinking he made Talia cry. Before he could say anything she said
"Im sorry I'm am emotional mess." Which broke them seeing her like that Taeyong held her head to his chest rocking her back and fourth.
"Shh its okay. We love you okay, remember that." He said kissing her head. Trying to rock her to sleep.
Renjun was standing there feeling guilty thinking he did something wrong to make Talia cry. But Doyoung went up to him and patted him on the back.
"You didn't do anything wrong, right now she is emotional, Haechan will expain the do's and don'ts that we have learn while she is on her period." Doyoung expain to the dreamies, they nodded and went to Haechans room.
They entered and Renjun was feeling guilty, yeah she was on her period but he felt like he did such a terrible thing. Haechan noticed.
"Yeah I saw, its fine it happened to Doyoung too, but what we have learned so far is that she has bad cramps, headaches, nausea and mood swings."
"Is that why she is in the bathroom?" Chenle asked, Haechan nodded.
The dreamies felt helpless, they cant do much for their noona.
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Next day.....
Tali woke up in Haechan's bed, with Renjun hugging her, she guessed he felt bad for making her cry, now and now she felt bad for overreacting.
Then she stopped herself if she thought more about what happen she would cry again. She got up and saw everyone around sleeping, she felt guilty for making them worry but then she felt something and knew what was coming.
She ran to the bathroom which made everyone wake up and look around seeing Tali up which meant she went to throw up. They felt guity not being able to help. Renjun woke pretty fast and ran after her, he saw her throwing up and held her hair back and hugged her.
"You okay?" He asked softly. She nodded.
"I know its weird, but can you bring me a tampon any is fine." He nodded and left. She huffed and layed her head back.
"Im so going on birth control."
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avewritesmr · 4 years
can you do "i care about you, okay? I mean that.” with ten? thank you 💞
Prompt: “I care about you, okay? I mean that.”
Word count:  1574 words
Pairing: Ten x Male!Reader
Group: NCT
Genre: Angst/Fluff
A/N: I really loved this prompt, Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it, sorry it took so long to post. 💖
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A/N2: he is so gorgeous I swear to god 😳
Ten’s knee injury had always been a sensitive topic, he mostly liked to ignore that it was a thing that he had to deal with. Of course when it started acting up and gave him trouble or caused him pain he had to acknowledge it but as the years had gone by the probability of this had decreased a lot.
Over the course of the last year Ten had gotten lucky because the pain would only increase in times when he wasn’t actively promoting a comeback or filming. So while it still hurt and was frustrating at least he didn’t have to sit out performances or work through the pain.
He remembers having this conversation with Taeyong once, Taeyong had told him that it was fine, the reason he had group mates was so they could cover for him, but Ten felt at his lowest when he had to sit out on promotions, he felt useless and truly hated himself when he had to leave the work and performing to someone else.
y/n his boyfriend was good support to fall back on, the older always reassured him and Ten was getting better at dealing with his injury and the emotions that it brought on with y/n’s help.
Getting better didn’t mean he wasn’t going to hide from his boyfriend that his knee was killing him and had been killing him for days now.
Instead Ten did the completely logical thing of going to practice, on his own, at night, when there would be few staff around and he could try to work through the pain with no one around.
He had successfully managed to work through 2 hours of non-stop dancing without his knee causing any huge issues. It was basically the calm before the storm because at midnight exactly Ten’s knee buckled and his body made hard contact with the floor.
He laid there panting and out of breathe and in so much pain. It took him almost 10 minutes before he was able to pull himself up onto his feet and limp over to his bag that he had left in the corner of the dance room.
Carefully sliding down with the help of the wall he sat down next to his bag and reached for his phone.
There was no way he was going to be able to get home on his own, he doubted he’d be able to make it to the practice room door on his own.
He weighed his options, he could call Johnny or Kun or any of the other members and they’d come help him, but that meant an immediate hospital trip and the last thing Ten wanted was to go to a hospital for his  knee again.
He couldn’t call any of the managers because then he wouldn’t hear the end of it for the next few years and friends be it from other groups or people he just knew outside the industry would probably be busy or too far to come help.
That left y/n, it was a Tuesday night and y/n would probably still be awake working on a report or something even though it was after midnight now. He also wouldn’t make Ten do anything he wouldn’t want to do.
He would have preferred not to let his boyfriend know about this whole situation but he really was the only option Ten had and he kind of needed the comfort of having his boyfriend with him.
He clicked on y/n’s name illuminated on his phone screen and held the phone up to his ear, the phone only rang once before it was answered.
“Ten, is something wrong?”
Ten winced, great he made the older worried, and he hadn’t even thought how worried he would make the older calling him at midnight.
“yeah, hyung, I need you to pick me up please. I am at the dance studio, the one i brought you to last week.” Damn it, why did his voice sound like that, all wobbly and unsure and weak?
There is a long pause on the other side, Ten can hear shuffling and a door being opened, “Okay, i’ll be there in 10 minutes, do you want me to stay on the phone with you?”
“No hyung, i’ll be fine, you can hang up.” liar he doesn’t want the older to hang up, but he also doesn’t want the older to get into a car accident.
“Okay, i’ll see you in a couple minutes, take care of yourself.” Ten mutters a small bye in response and the line goes dead.
Great, now he made his boyfriend worried, his knee feels like it is being repeatedly stabbed with a burning knife and his head is pounding from his fall earlier. Ten is basically the most pathetic person to have existed in the history of mankind, stupid and stubborn and so so so reckless and dumb.
Ten is seriously considering banging his head against the wall behind him to try and knock some sense into his brain when the practice room door opens and a tired looking y/n walks in. He’s wearing black pants and a white button down, work clothes, he must have gotten home late and he must be tired and stupid Ten just gave him more work to do.
Ten gets so distracted by his guilt he doesn’t notice y/n kneeling down in front of him until the older pulls his chin up so he can look at his face.
“What happened?” now Ten is gonna have to spill, great really great.
“My knee hurt and I fell while I was doing a spin and I think I might have hit my head when I fell.” y/n is looking at him with a hard look, and Ten can feel the anger in the older male for just a second before his eyes soften and he sighs.
“You don’t want me to take you to the hospital?” Ten doesn’t even have to really answer, y/n is already grabbing his bag for him slinging it over his shoulder.
Ten is about to ask for help walking, he doesn’t want to be too much of a burden. y/n doesn’t let him ask, he just carefully slides an arm under his knees and wraps his other arm around Ten’s shoulders and he’s hoisting him up.
Ten makes a noise of surprise but quickly wraps his arms around y/n’s neck.
“How long has your knee been hurting?” Ten winces at the question even though he knew he would be asked it the moment he pressed the call button.
“I think three days, not that long hyung.” Ten thinks that the last phrase will help ease the tension but instead he feel y/n’s shoulders tense under his hands.
“Long enough, do you have a headache? you said you hit your head.”
“Not really, it hurt a little after I hit it but the pain’s mostly gone now.”  y/n looks down at him, as if checking he is telling the truth and then nods.
They make it out to y/n’s car without any problems, and y/n gets him into the passenger seat and buckles him up and gets into the driver seat and backs out of the driveway and onto the street without a single word.
y/n stays so silent that minutes into the ride Ten falls asleep.
When he wakes up again y/n is carefully placing him down on the living room couch.
He can’t imagine that it’s easy for someone as tall as y/n to be bending down that low especially not when he’s carrying someone else and he feels very sorry to be putting the older through so much.
After putting him down y/n sits on the ground next to the couch looking at Ten.
Ten wasn’t going to cry, like absolutely not even an option, except he felt tears pooling in his eyes and blood rushing to his ears and he felt so so bad and his knee really was hurting.
The moment the first few tears escaped, y/n’s hand was pushing his hair away from his forehead and the older was hugging him.
“I am sorry I make you go through so much,” Ten mumbled, he felt like if he talked any louder his crying might turn into ugly sobbing, “I just wanted to prove to myself that it wasn’t that bad, I am so sorry, hyung.”
y/n’s arms tightened around him, “Don’t apologise.”
Ten sobbed because this man was so understanding and he felt safe here and like it didn’t matter what kind of pain he was facing.
“I care about you, okay? I mean that.” Ten heard y/n mumble into his neck after a few minutes and Ten nodded because he knew the older cared and he could feel how much the older cared and that honestly made things so much easier for him.
y/n pulled away from him when his sobbing had started to calm down.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, but your knee looks really bad and we definitely need to go to a hospital, and no, whining until I say we won’t go is not allowed.”
Ten smiled lightly, he’d go to the hospital if only to make y/n’s night a little more liveable, also the kisses he’d get if he pouted after the trip to the hospital had nothing to do with him agreeing, get your facts straight.
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petrichoravellichor · 4 years
The Golden Years
Written for Day 13 of the Supernatural Deserved Better Creative Challenge (prompt: retirement).
In which, now that Bobby’s finally enjoying retirement in the new Heaven, he’d really like to just forget about that one time he kissed Crowley. Unfortunately for him, Rufus has other plans. Basically, fluffy gen crack treated somewhat seriously.
The best thing about this new Heaven business, thought Bobby as he sat in the Roadhouse, Ellen sliding him another bottle of Margiekugel, was that he finally got to spend time catching up with old friends.
“Hey Bobby,” said Rufus suddenly. He angled his glass of Johnnie Walker in Bobby’s direction. “Is it true you made out with a demon once?”
And the worst thing about this new Heaven business, thought Bobby as he choked on his beer, was that his old friends were idjits. “Where the hell'd you hear that?”
“From Dr. Badass over there,” replied Rufus. He turned and nodded toward Ash who, without looking up from the game of pool he was playing against Jo, affirmed, “I know things.”
Dagnabbit...Bobby shot Ash a glare, mental wheels already spinning out a way to change the topic, but before he could say anything, Ellen raised a brow and asked, “Oh really?” She crossed her arms, and yep, he was gonna have some explaining to do. “Who was she?”
Bobby swallowed. “Uh...well, you see, darlin’—”
“‘She’?” Rufus laughed. “Way I heard it, our Bobby locked lips with the King of Hell himself.”
“You made out with Lucifer?” Jo demanded, pool stick scraping the table as she missed her shot in surprise.
“Wha—no! No,” he reiterated, because if looks could kill, Ellen probably would’ve been the first human to commit actual murder in Heaven. Bobby sighed; there was no getting out of it now. “It was that Crowley idjit.”
A beat of silence; then—
“Huh.” Rufus took a drink. “Guess it was true.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “And here I was thinkin’ Crowley had better taste.”
Bobby sputtered. “The hell do you mean, better taste?”
“I mean,” said Rufus, as though Bobby were being deliberately dense, “that I wouldn’ta thought he’d hook up with your crusty old ass.”
Now, there was a lot Bobby wanted to say to that, chief among it the fact that Crowley had damn near three centuries on him, but Jo got her words out first. “Wait,” she said, looking curiously at Rufus, “you know the guy?”
“Damn straight. Ran into him once or twice after the Apocalypse before someone,” he looked pointedly at Bobby, “got a Khan worm up his ass and decided to stab me. Didn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, but the man knew good scotch.” He looked Bobby up and down, pursing his lips. “Guess he was less particular in other areas.”
Bobby glowered. “I made a deal with him to help stop the Apocalypse, and the slimy bastard nearly made off with my soul.”
Rufus shrugged. “You got it back.”
“Why you old—”
“Boys,” interjected Ellen, anger gone and a look of dry amusement on her face, “you mind takin’ your little squabble outside?” Then she shrugged and started wiping down the counter, adding wryly, “Or maybe to a room?”
“Oh hell no,” said Rufus before Bobby could even begin to respond. “I can’t speak for that Crowley fella, but I know I’ve got better taste than that.” He spared a smirk for Bobby. “No offense.”
Bobby opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to think of a good comeback. “Yeah, well,” he said at last, “at least I know how many times to stab a damn Okami!”
Then they started bickering about monster lore and who’d saved whose ass more times and how if Rufus really wanted to talk about low standards, Bobby was pretty sure Aretha had Crowley beat, and Ellen and Ash and Jo had opinions, and Bobby still thought they were all idjits, but they were his idjits, damn it. And there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
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seostudios · 4 years
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pairing: idol! mark x non-idol!reader genre: fluff, angst info: idol!au, idol!mark, non-idol!reader, strangers to lovers, stylist!reader wp: 3+ “never leave me”, 6+ “ whoa are you sure about that? me?!”, 79+ strangers to lovers wc: 882 a/n: i suggest listening to symptoms by shinee!! thx for the req <3
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If I can’t have you, I might die, I might go crazy, I don’t know what will happen The only medicine is you I can’t live if I lose you
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“And you’re set! Knock em’ dead Mark.” You tell the boy in the stool in front of you. Today you were styling the newly debuted idol group, SuperM. The artists themselves weren’t new but the group sure was and they were absolutely killing it out there, you had just finished doing Mark’s makeup before sending him out for the music video shootings. “Thank you! I’m sorry for making you fly out in he middle of your Jeju getaway for our shoot,” He mumbled knowing he could’ve been disturbing you and whoever you traveled with. You smile, “It’s fine I didn’t want to get too tanned did I? Plus I’m happy to help anyone here at SM.” You tell him before lightly slapping his shoulder, playfully muttering a ‘get lost’ he didn’t fail to notice. “Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Siwon, your co-worker said. “He’s an idol and you...” He trails off rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, “ You’re a stylist.” He shrugs not waiting for a response leaving you puzzled. What did he mean? 
It’s been about thirty minutes since you and Siwon’s little interaction...What did he mean? Does he think you fancy Mark? God no, I mean he is attractive and one of a kind, he’s always treated you like a friend than as someone lower-class. But who are you kidding? That’s Mark Lee he’s known for being one of the more friendlier idols in the building.
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It’s been two weeks. Mark Lee is still roaming in your thoughts. Why? I guess it was confirmed that you’ve been seeing him differently, but atlas he sees you the same, or so you thought. If you weren’t already up to date with the whispers between other stylists and managers it’s that you, yes you, were Mark Lee’s favourite stylist. It wasn’t news, everyone always knew Mark liked you better. Whenever he was shooting for a new music video, he expected to see you at his labeled chair with you equipment. Don’t worry, I don’t think he’s realized how obvious you are yet. Today you were helping NCT 127 prepare for their Kick It comeback show, as of now you were backstage styling Jungwoo’s hair making sure the right amount of waviness was there. “Perfect. The camera is gonna be in-love!” You say squealing, very pleased with your work, he thanks you and heads off to the rest of the members but you still see Mark on his stool playing on his phone. “Hey, show’s starting in 20, aren’t you gonna prep?” You asked walking over, standing beside him. “Uh-Fuck, yea soon.” He says but is hesitant to leave, “...You okay?” You ask. “I just-” He stops looking in the mirror, “I just think my hair isn’t right, can you try fixing it?” He asked looking back at you sympathetically. “Of course,” You tell him grabbing a comb.  “Thanks Y/n,” Mark said, “You owe me one”, “I really do,” He sighed before smiling, “I can really trust you, especially with my dying hair.” You two share laughs before he had to leave, “Cheer for me Y/n!!” You giggle tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Of course Mark!”
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“I was wondering, if you’d want to have take-out back at my hotel room?” Mark asked you. Mark Lee is asking you out Y/n, “Sorry I can’t take you out,” He quickly told you, continuing, “I can’t have dispatch rumors especially since we just had a comeback.” He finished and you dip your head down to his level since he was seated, bringing your hand up to caress his cheek. “Yes, let’s eat some Ramyeon in your dorm.” He jumps up to look behind you throwing a thumbs up to Johnny and Jaehyun who were not so subtly spying on you two. They cheer and you had Mark a makeup wipe and mask before the two of you exit the building.
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“You know what Kai hyung told his girlfriend?” Mark, who was on his stomach on your bed laying like a starfish. “Is it something I wanna hear?” You say since he usually told you some dirty things, “It’s something I wanna tell you too,” He changed positions to getting up and sitting on the edge of the mattress behind you, doing your makeup. “You’re my muse,” He knew it would come out cringy and those cliche things so he said it weirdly to make you giggle, but he really meant it. “I’m so touched I love you.” You tell him laughing. He says ‘I love you too’ and gets up to wrap his arms around your neck from behind, “Never leave me,” He kisses your neck. “God Mark way to make this moment serious.” You said in a bored tone. He slaps you in the head playfully “You are the love of my life”, “Whoa are you sure about that? Me?!”  He groans to go back into bed covering himself in the heavy duvet. “I tried being cute and romantic and you ruined it. I hate you” He whines while you laugh sinisterly, “I love you too baby”
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trialnerror · 3 years
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
Tagged by @pohjanneito​​ and @cobraking​​ thank youuuuuuuu
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?:  tbh it’s gotten to the point that everything that I do is based on this franchise. I can’t do anything except quote it, talk about it and obsess over it. But to be fair, I’ve always loved this franchise and the fact that in 2021 I still obsess over it, doesn't surprise me much.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?:  I kinda grew up with TKK even though its about 15 years my prior, but its one of my all time favourite movies so I rewatch it at least once or twice every month. In regard to the series, I’m just glad they made a comeback because I missed my boys.
We gotta do the basics. Favourite character:  At first it was Daniel because I felt for the little new kid who was getting bullied, but as I got older it went straight to Johnny. That cocky blonde boy with his ocean blue eyes made me crazy and especially now that I watch him in Cobra Kai, all he needs is some love and a hug...plus I would legitimately kill to have a drink with him because he knows where the party is at and I just love him with all my little heart.
Favourite ship: I don’t really have one, but the whole “Lawrusso” one is interesting from different perspectives.
Underrated character: the man, the myth, the silent legend - Jimmy..... but in all seriousness I love the dynamic that Johnny and Bobby have so in that case Bobby.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol): the friendship of Carmen and Amanda. I want their friendship to THRIVE!!! Those queens gotta deal with hormonal teenagers and unstable partners, so they might as well just become best friends and drink wine together. 
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?: .....Sweep the Leg (Get him a body bag Johnny!!)
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favourite?:  It’s a tie between the black tank/burgundy shirt and jeans or the grey crewneck and red sweats because he looked hot in the first and comfy cozy in the other and I can’t pick between the two. 
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver: Honestly it sounds bad but I'm so ready for Terry to come back....I want to see the chaos unfold especially considering the fact that Johnny has no idea who he is, so I’m ready to see how the two of them interact. I’m also ready for Mike because you know he and Johnny have similar personalities of the whole “I’m a macho man who's the hottest thing since sliced bread” and I kind of want to see them duke it out a little with Daniel in the back just being like “w-why must I attract these types of people...?” 
Scene that lives in your head rent-free: Got 4 of them that just run through my head like a hamster on a wheel....
1) the smirk. Johnny knew exactly what he was doing when he noticed Daniel and that little smirk just sent me
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2) when Daniel is describing Ali to his mom (and to himself) and he goes on his little schpeal of “Her smile. She's got an excellent smile. She's really smart. I don’t know- I think she’s beaut- I’d say she's beautiful. I think she's beautiful. I think she’s something else.” straight to “She’s hot. Definitely hot.” like way to get all cute and sappy to “yeah she's a fox” and that little chuckle at the end
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3) when Daniel goes up to the Cobras, post-Miyagi takedown and says “You guys be careful not to go stepping in front of any more busses now, alright?”
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4) Johnny Lawrence’s most iconic part in all of Cobra Kai (so far) is “ and put one of those hashbrowns at the end like Hashbrown Team Cobra Kai or something and then SEND IT TO THE INTERNET”
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Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?:  will he....? honestly forget he was actually a character in the show, but I do hope he joins in the karate antics that go on, and if he doesn't I’ll happily take more Anthony/Johnny interacting scenes.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?:  Cobra Kai 110%. The Way of the Fist. Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy.
What’s your training montage song?: I vibe with a lot of songs but probably Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy because it’s so hype.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?: I don’t really have one but I could so see Johnny and Daniel as an unlikely pair of cops on Hawaii Five-O with Daniel being the brains (and the rational one of the two) while Johnny is the brawns (going in guns blazing - and by guns I mean both muscles and actual weapons) but yeah they'd be great as cops, especially in Hawaii...
Gonna tag @macchios​​ @sonnycorleone​​ @crimsonandclover27​​ @banzai-larusso​​ @likethegardensofbabylonn​​ @kingkarate​​ @strikelikeacobrakai​​ @hesjusttoocute​​
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What Are Friends For? (Johnny Depp x reader)
for anon
You’d grown up in the spotlight, pushed into it by your parents before you even started high school. As a kid, you were entered in pageants and talent shows, then entered the film industry, where you garnered critical acclaim and box office success for your roles. You had a role in the original Nightmare on Elm Street and that’s where you met Johnny, and the two of you maintained a friendship in the years since Nightmare on Elm Street. You shared your lives together; you considered him your brother in everything but blood. Johnny’s the godfather of your kids and they call him Uncle Johnny, Lily-Rose and Jack call you Aunt Y/N, so when you got into a car accident, Johnny was one of the first ones to come to your aid.
Not your parents, but Johnny, and your two daughters, and it wasn’t like your parents were some old and frail elderly couple, they were very much able to care their incapacitated daughter. They just chose not to, and they only visited you once in the entire four weeks you were in the hospital. Johnny had moved into your home to take care of you during the day while your daughters were at school, and day by day you were getting better, thanks to your physical therapy. It was a Tuesday morning and you were staring into your bowl of oatmeal as you thought about the last six months: the accident, your accident making international news, the four weeks in the hospital, and the months of therapy (physical and mental), all the while not once have your parents checked on you to make sure you were okay. But they had no problems doing interviews about your status.
You simply just rolled your eyes as you twirled your spoon around in your bowl as your mother’s voice drifted to you from the television. “Our daughter is a fighter, my husband and I are confident she’s going to come out on the other side of this victorious.” You dropped your spoon into your bowl, your appetite disappearing, and Johnny came from around the corner, drying his hand on a dish towel. “You gotta eat up buttercup. You have PT in half an hour. What’s wrong?” “All of this is such… bullshit! My parents, they’re just loving and soaking up all this attention, they don’t give a damn about me. Never have.” 
For as long as you could remember, you have been your parents’ source of income, and they haven’t worked in decades. Once you were able, you began paying for anything and everything they could need or want: bills paid early, paid off the rest of the mortgage of the house you grew up in fifteen years early, expensive vacations to the most beautiful places in the world, dining in Michelin star restaurants. Anything and everything they wanted, they got it, because they were your parents, and isn’t it just about every kid’s dream to give their parents a life comfortability in their later years? Too bad no one told about what happens when those parents take advantage of their child’s generosity. You figure out what they were really up to when you were eighteen.
You wanted to take some time off so you could go college since all your friends were going, and you never really had a high school experience since you were always on a movie set. At the time, they threw a huge fit over it, claiming that you were just on the verge of a breakthrough, and did you really want to sacrifice your (their) hard work just to throw it away? It clicked into place for you that if you weren’t making money, neither were they; you just wanted a small break from Hollywood, so when you had your daughters, you took a substantial amount of time off just to be a mom, to be a better parent than their grandparents. Johnny took the chair next to you at the table and leaned forward. “I know it sucks, but you will come out on the other side victorious. That’s the one thing they were telling the truth about.” 
Johnny always knew what to say to make you feel better, and he was the only one in the industry who knew the truth about your parents. You quickly ate your breakfast, though you weren’t in the mood for PT this morning. You didn’t want to stay on the subject of your parents any longer so you changed the subject. “So I got an email from the editor of People magazine. They want to do a full spread about my supposed comeback.” When you weren’t at physical therapy, your afternoons were spent going through emails with your PR team about what outlet and publication you would work with for your “comeback” interview and exclusives.
You knew Johnny wasn’t that fond of People ever since they ran that picture of Amber a few months back, and you stood in solidarity with him. “Are you gonna do it?” You shrugged your shoulders, eating the last slice of banana in the bowl. “Probably not. Lauren wants to go with Good Morning America and Steven wants to go with Today.” You honestly didn’t care, you just wanted to get your side out and call your parents out about the truth.
“Will those two ever get together?” Johnny asked and you snorted into your tea mug. “No idea, but I wish they’d just do it already. It’s been well over a decade.” The two of you ate in silence for a few minutes, but there was something you had to tell him before he left for France next week. “Hey, Johnny?” “Yeah?”
“I… I really just want to thank you, again, for helping me, for helping with the girls. I couldn’t have gotten through these last six months without you.” You truly did mean that, and you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have Johnny as your best friend, your non blood related brother. “You’re my best friend, Y/N. You were there for me, now it’s time for me to return the favor.” He squeezed your hand, and looked into your eyes. “You weren’t really up to physical therapy today, were you?”
“Not at all. Can we just walk around the block with the dog?” “Sure, just let me get my shoes.”
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hu4ngs · 4 years
anything for yuta please! he is so hot in the latest comeback i cRI
im having a break currently and BOY im so happy to write for you!!! +++ i’d like to take this opportunity to ask you all to stay safe and healthy!
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yall know what’s gonna happen. yes you’ve guessed it right i’m doing a strangers to lovers au
so let’s assume you look like your twin bc well…. you’re twins
BUT your twin is the popular twin, and you’re mediocre. AND you two go to separate schools
you’re going to an all-girls’ science school because your life is already hectic you don’t wanna make it anymore hectic with men
your sister goes to a nearby art school. so you know what that means; f r a t  b o y s.
also you’ve been knew that your sister is a bit of a player herself
like you’ve had boys coming to your house, crying, begging for your sister to take him back
nonetheless, though, you still love each other and depend on each other a lot
like, whenever you feel like getting a boyfriend, she’d help you out (even though your relationship ends up in flames about 3 months later because the boys you dated are all fratboys that couldn’t appreciate you enough). and in return you’d help her a lot with getting ready for dates or with her studies
so one day
you were in your school, watching a bunch of girls do a practice match of volleyball with another school because you were bored
then you got a text from your sister saying that she needed help and that it was a level-10 threat
i mean,,,, LEVEL 10? that has to be serious
so you dashed tf out of your school
by a few minutes, you’d arrived to your school
your first instinct was to go to her classroom
so you did
and then you saw a bunch of men hogging around your sister’s desk
so you were like?? wtf is going on
“what are you guys doi-”
before you could even finish your sentence, one of them yelled, “there she is!”
and another yelled, “get her!”
you were freaked??? first of all, you actually put in efforts in how you look today, you’re not about to let some crazy men ruin it for you
so you ran for your life
as you were running you wonder what your sister had done for these men to decide to kill her
thanks to your teacher for forcing you to join tons of cross-country runs, you managed to get away from them
you ran into a room and in the midst of panic you knocked onto something, and it all fell apart
you cupped your mouth
from what you can see, you probably knocked over some arts student’s sculpture
there wasn’t anyone, though, so you started looking around to hide before any art student walks in
as you were running towards what looked like a storage room, someone stepped out
he had blonde hair, and was just crazily handsome
but that wasn’t the point
he saw you, and then looked over behind you
“what the- hey! did you do that?” he asked
you weren’t sure if he was angry, or if that’s just his normal face, but eitherway he was really handsome
you looked behind you to the broken sculpture again,  and shrugged hesitantly
“may…..be…..?” your voice squeaked at the end
he gave you a look, before walking past you, “if you haven’t noticed i had been working on this for a very long time, asshole.”
his intonation wasn’t angry, but it still left a sting when he said that
you felt guilty
“i’m sor-”
“oh shut it, yuna, save that sorry for my friends that you’ve fucked.” he scoffed as he started cleaning up your mess
you were confused for a second, before everything clicked
he must’ve mistook you for your sister
you laughed awkwardly
“um, i’m y/n, not yuna” you said
he stopped sweeping, and then shot you a confused glance
“since when did you have a whole identity change?” he asked sarcastically again
you’re usually annoyed when people gave you an attitude, but you weren’t this time. maybe because you deserved it……?
“oh no, yuna is yuna. i’m her twin!” you smiled.
he stopped again, and looked at you
he clicked his tongue, and then stared at you from your head to your toe
“well…. you do have a better fashion sense than your sister.” he said
you didn’t know why, but you felt supeeeeeer happy when he said that
“i didn’t know yuna had a twin?”
“oh i go to the all-girls’ school a few miles away from here.” you told him
by now, he was done cleaning up the mess and was working on another sculpture
you wonder why he wasn’t SO mad at the fact that you literally broke a what seemed like months of hardwork
you walked over to the blonde, but he didn’t give you any reaction
“why aren’t you throwing a tantrum that i broke your masterpiece?” you asked
he gave you a glance before going back to his new sculpture
he shrugged, “i felt like it was ugly anyways.” he casually said
you nodded, and then just watched him work on his clay in silence
“so why are you here?” he asked, breaking the silence
you chuckled, “some boys are chasing my sister. i guess this is what she meant when she was having a level-10 threat.”
the guy chuckled too
“aren’t you gonna help your sister?” he asked
you shook your head, “she can handle this on her own. i’m sure her new jock boyfriend will help her out.”
“oh yea, i’m sure johnny will. everyone’s scared of him” he agrees
“you’re not so bad, y/n. i’m yuta.” he held out his hand - that had so many clay on it
it seems like he knew exactly what he was doing as he gave you a smirk to see if you were gonna shake hands or not
you took this as a friendship test - or something - so you took his hand
he made a playful look of disgust, “ew, can’t believe you took my hand like that.” he laughed
you’re pretty sure that was the first time that you saw him properly smile, and he had a really pretty smile too.
“your smile is so pretty….. i wish mine was like yours. when i smile i look like a goat.” you said as you simultaneously rested your face onto your clay-ed hand
“oh GOD!” you yelled, and made yuta laugh
“dumbass!” he claimed happily, before wiping a finger onto your nose
“HEY!” you yelled, and wiped some onto his face
yuta didn’t flinch, instead he was simply laughing
after a moment of laughter, he sighed softly, and then looked at you
“just between the two of us, you’re the better twin, y/n” he confessed, and  you giggled
he smiled again, and went on with his work
“how do i get these off my face by the way?”
he chuckled again, “you can’t” he joked
but your dumbass, who has never had experience with arts, believed him
so you were panicking
“what the- um… shouldn’t we get these off our faces?” you asked, nudging him
he shook his head, “i like it on mine. it’s a concept of van gogh’s.”
your heart was really gonna sink in your stomach, he didn’t have as much clay on his face as you did!
“that’s nice, but we should get it off our faces”
you said, nudging him even more
then, he burst out laughing again.
“you’re so funny” he told you
“you can’t be this clueless. of course the clay can be removed. just wash it with water later, idiot” he said, and shook his head
“oh” you said, a little bit embarrassed
then, you got a call
you fished your phone out just to see your sister calling
you signaled yuta to be quiet and he nodded
yuta didn’t have to hear your sister’s voice to know that she was furious at you
“wow! thank god, right? hope you don’t break his heart too.” you said sarcastically
yuta laughed at your snarky attitude
“yes i’m at your school, but a bunch of boys started chasing me thinking i was you.” you explained
“you know what? don’t come home if you’re gonna stay angry!”
you ended the call and turned back to yuta
“well, she’s mad.” you told him, and he nodded
“i love her and all, but she’s the most annoying, irritating, picky, selfish person ever when she’s mad.” you scoffed
“you can always sleep in the streets tonight” he joked
you gave him a look, and he looked away, still thinking it was a decent joke
“just lock her out,” he suggested
“i can’t, she has a spare key.”
“that’s tragic”
you nodded in agreement
“you can come over to my house if you’re comfortable enough” he winked when you looked at him
“but i bet you won’t do it, you look like you don’t have the balls to stay a night with a boy” he shrugged casually as he kept his eyes onto his sculpture
“bet.” you said, and he genuinely looked shocked
“what the hell, are- are you serious?” he stammered, which you found funny
“i mean, sure, why not?”
“aren’t you worried that i might be a serial killer?” he asked
you shrugged as you leaned onto the table in front of him
“so you’re my own version of joe goldberg? sign me up” you joked
he laughed, “you’re brave”
you let out a peace sign as a respond
“we should order in some pizzas tonight then, my treat!” he happily exclaimed
you had been staring at his face for so long - since you first met him
and you can’t help but call him handsome in your mind each time too
you weren’t really that much of a believer in love at first sight but come on, now. yuta has the looks, the talents, the personality, the respect, the humour. and to top all of that he’s got a bit of an attitude. he was screaming boyfriend material into your ears at this point
when he realised you weren’t giving out a response to a pizza night, he froze
“are you on a- um- are you on a diet? do you wanna eat something with low calories instead or-”
taken aback you immediately refuse, “oh my god, no, no! pizza is fine for tonight.” you told him
he let out a sigh of relief
“my ex used to freak out whenever i pick something to eat and it’s not up to her standards, sorry.” he explained
you rolled your eyes at the thought, “that’s plain annoying.”
he nodded in agreement, “it’s a different story if she had something to eat in mind, but no. she lets me decide and then throws a tantrum when i suggest something simple, or some shit like that.” he grunted
you chuckled seeing him annoyed
“hey, what time is it, by the way?” he asked
you opened your phone, and showed it to him, it read 7:48 PM.
“you wanna get going? talking about food is making me hungry.” he explained
you nodded, “me too.”
he started cleaning up his desk, and you helped him out
afterwards, the two of you went to wash the clay out of your hands and faces, yuta not forgetting to splash some water onto you while you were at it
the campus was dark and half-empty by then, some students were giving you looks for splashing water at each other, and you had to admit it was a bit embarrassing
“my house is kinda close to the campus, do you wanna walk or do you wanna take the bus?” he asked
you took a while to think, “since we’re gonna get fat tonight, let’s do some exercise beforehand.” you suggested, and he was fine with it
so you two started walking together
it all felt ethereal to you
the weather was great, it was windy in the right ways, the sky still had a hint of purple and pink to it
you had asked yuta a question that had probably excite yuta, because he was talking with full enthusiasts, and you were enjoying yourself seeing him so passionate about something
then, he absentmindedly swung an arm around your shoulder
and you’re just there like ‘OwO’
but you didn’t want to ruin the moment since he was still talking so passionately
so you acted like you didn’t notice it and carried on with the conversation
plus, you were lowkey (or highkey) enjoying his warmth. he’s a very warm person >:(
then, you two reached his apartment, which looked really nice
when you entered his apartment, it was a bit messy, but it was still pretty
you came to a conclusion yuta was a man of STYLE!!!!
“sorry if my place doesn’t live up to your expectations” he said, but you immediately disagree
“this is a really nice place!” you assured
he kinda gave off a playful look before sitting next to you on the sofa, “so if i were to bring you here on a date, would you like it?” he asked
you were taken aback by the question, but that doesn’t mean a smile wasn’t going to form onto your face
you immediately looked away, still having a hard time removing the grin off of your face
“i don’t know, you haven’t asked me on a date to your house yet.” you told him
he laughed, before poking his head onto your shoulder to see your reaction, “so you want me to ask you out on a lazy date?” he asked
you pushed him away, completely embarrassed, “bro like, shut the fuck up” you said playfully, which made yuta burst out laughing
“your reactions to everything are just so cute.” he told you before softly letting a sigh out
“thanks, we’ve been knew that i’m cute.” you joked
yuta made a disgusted face jokingly too, which made you laugh out of embarrassment
both of you took a really long time to finish off your meals becuase both of you were busy criticizing the shitty netflix series that you were watching
by the time both of you were tired, it was already 4 in the morning
neither you nor yuta could believe that both of you had been talking for that long
but it was undeniable that both of you were enjoying each other’s companies so much
at this point you were ready to propose to this man
but OBVIOUSLY you didn’t wtf
also, by now, you were both cuddled up by the sofa while tall girl was playing on the tv
“do you wanna watch another movie after this?” he asked, you nodded absentmindedly even though you were falling asleep
“how are we gonna get to school tomorrow?” you mumbled groggily
yuta was silent for a while and then he said, “let’s just skip tomorrow!” he suggested
you were falling asleep, yes, but the thought of skipping school excites you
you didn’t always skip school, but you wouldn’t turn down an opportunity either
“that’d be great,” you told him, before laying your head back onto his shoulder
“you know what, y/n?” he asked, you hummed as a response
“let’s go out on a date tomorrow.” he whispered, and then lied his head onto yours
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
hourglass | lee jeno
▸angst, fluff i guess??
▸ summary: sometimes, love just ain’t enough.
▸ WARNING: eating disorder, depression, body dysmorphia, starvation. if any of the above triggers you or if you are not comfortable, please refrain from reading the story. 
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All your life, you never really cared about your weight. As an engineering student and a part-time musical theatre actor, you never had the reason to be conscious of your body. Engineering required only your brain; no one cared what you wore or what you looked like in class. Musical theatre didn’t have as much standards for appearance than it does with vocals. Your body wasn’t that bad anyway. You were considered skinny by some and many grew envy about how you could eat so much and not gain a pound immediately. However, your perception of your body changed the day you started dating Lee Jeno.
You met Jeno when his company’s CEO decided to treat its artists with tickets to a Wicked show. You got the greatest opportunity of playing Elphaba; with your impeccable vocal talent, it wasn’t an effort to grace the stage and awe the audience. Your production always valued you not only because of your talent, but also because of your warm personality. You first made eye contact with Jeno when his company’s CEO took them backstage to meet the cast after the show. You had time to talk for a while as the CEO became deep in dialogue with the show’s director. It was Taeil who first initiated a conversation with you as the others, especially the youngsters, were too shy to start a conversation with anyone. As everyone warmed up with the other casts, you never failed to notice how Jeno was love-struck with you.
“Wow, your voice is defying the laws of gravity,” another member, Johnny, said to you.
You blushed and shook off the compliment. “Thank you so much. That meant so much to me.”
Everyone scurried off to different areas on the backstage. You were caught off-guard when one of the younger members, Jeno, talked beside you.
“How long have you been performing?” He asked.
“Only just for a year. I wasn’t planning on making this long-term. I only wanted to play a few shows here and there.” You explained. “but, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity of being Elphaba.”
“That was one of the greatest performance I’ve seen in so long.” He said. “I actually really enjoy musical theatre.”
“Really?” You asked, shocked by his confession. “What’s your favorite musical?”
“It used to be Cats,” He said, smiling shyly. “But I think know it’s Wicked.”
“Oh please,” You chuckled. “Cats is a really good show.”
He looked at you, laughing shyly. “Do you like frozen yogurt?”
“I like frozen yogurt,” You smiled.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself going on secret dates with the heartthrob. You would bond over coffee, books, and broadway musicals. You never knew he liked musicals. There would days where he would help you practice songs for your next show and you would watch him practice a choreography for a comeback. You both found the one thing that kept you closer and closer: the love for performing.
“Seeing the happy faces of my fans is one thing,” He started, staring off into the night. “But the look on my parents’ as they say how proud they are of me, is what keeps me going.”
You stared at his side profile and swallowed a lump in your throat. “They have every reason to be proud of you.”
He turned his head to meet your eyes. His eyes lingered on yours for a while before looking down at your lips. You blushed at the feeling he had over you.
“You’re really pretty.” He started. The statement took you by surprise. Not a lot of people tell you that you’re pretty but, if it comes from Jeno, any other doesn’t matter anymore.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” You chuckled. You’re not lying. Jeno has the looks that could make anyone wrapped around his fingers. “I feel like I don’t deserve to be under your gaze.”
“Of course you deserve to be looked at.” He said, more seriously this time. “I could build a gallery of you but that would give me more competitors so, I won’t do that.”
“Jeno, if you wanna kiss me, just do it.” You said. You wanted to punch yourself for what you just said. Normally, you would freak out and leave from embarrassment. But now, you held your gaze stronger. You had no idea where the courage came from.
And he did. He kissed you like you were the only thing that mattered. It didn’t end there. Later that night, he showed you how beautiful you are.
Sometimes, he would sneak out, with a member or two, to watch one of your shows. He would stare in awe at how people give you their applause. As the spotlight shine down on you, it was like he was seeing a goddess grace everyone with her beauty.
“Dude, if you don’t ask her out, I’m really gonna do it,” His friend, Jaemin, announced beside him.
“I already beat you into it, punk.” He responded boastfully. The shocked look on his friend’s face made him laugh.
Your peaceful relationship was cut short when his boss found out about the thing going on between you two. To say you were shocked by his calm and accepting nature would be an understatement. His company approved of your relationship. It was like the stars have aligned just for the both of you. The news broke out and spread like wildfire on the internet that night. You were too busy rejoicing with your lover that you failed to notice the threats and harsh comments of furious fans until the next morning.
You were supposed to wake up with the bird chirping and the sun shining just for you. However, you found yourself with an unfamiliar feeling in your gut. It was as if you were scared to do anything and go outside. You knew how ugly criticism from fans could be. You understood that many would not approve of your relationship but you accepted that. His company accepted the relationship and his future in NCT is not affected. At the end of the day, the comments would just float around the internet and disappear before you know it.
“You can block off the comments, you know,” He said.
“Yeah, but I think criticism can always help me improve,” You said. You didn’t want him to hate his fans.
“Those aren’t criticisms, Y/N” He replied. “Those are bashful comments.”
“It’s okay, Jeno.” You smiled, pecking his lips. “I can manage.”
Outfits are an important part in musical theatre. They distinguish which character is which, even if the actor is an understudy. You were casted as Regina George in the musical remake of the hit movie, Mean Girls. The director and costume head requested you wear a crop top and skirt for the role and you said yes; after all, you liked really girly outfits. You were looking over your closet and picked out items that might fit the role. You tried on an outfit that you think was a good combination. You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt a slight wave of worry come across your chest. Jeno’s fans might see your show. What would they think if they saw your body was no match to any female idol that Jeno has interacted with? You walked over to your phone and searched up healthy diets for a good figure.
Jeno had a day off and he wanted to see you practice your songs. You both sat at the couch of your small apartment with lyrics sheet in front of you.
“I wanna have pizza for lunch. What kind do you want?” He asked, fishing his phone out of his pocket to order.
“Oh nothing, I’m kinda watching my figure.” You said, looking down to avoid his eyes. You’re still not comfortable in telling people about your diet, especially to Jeno.
“Are you sure? You can burn those off in work outs anyway.” he said, concern washing over his eyes. It worried him that you weren’t eating. Food was one of the things you both bonded over. You had a fancy palette. He thought it was best to trust in you for now.
“I promise. Olivia makes very good hearty meals. I will eat dinner later.” You said.
With so much going on between theatre and your college life, there is only so much you could do in your free time. Working out would take so much of time and with deadlines as the semester is ending, you couldn’t find any time for it. So, you resulted in skipping meals. You only had two more weeks until the Mean Girls show. You just had to make sure your stomach was flat till the end of the production.
“Do you think my cheeks are too full?” You said to Jeno, squishing your face in front of the mirror.
“I think they suit you.” He said before pinching your cheeks. “It’s also really fun to squish.”
“Ouch,” You chuckled before playfully slapping his wrists away.
“You don’t have to worry about them.” He said, wrapping his arms around you. “They make you who you are.”
“That’s very cheesy, babe,” You said while chuckling.
“Y/N, you don’t have to change because other people wants you to.” He replied, more serious this time. “I’ll make sure you believe that you’re the prettiest girl that I’ve ever seen.”
You were stuck with a question on your Physics quiz. You hadn’t eaten anything since you woke up. While you were standing in front of your mirror, you liked how flat your stomach was. The first show happens tomorrow night and you planned on keeping your body that way until then. The lack of food in your system resulted in your brain not working well. You spent many sleepless nights studying for Physics. Usually, you would have solved this problem in under 5 minutes but right now, you only had a minute left in your quiz and you just can’t seem to figure out what to do. On top of that, you were feeling very light-headed. The ding of your professor’s alarm struck a sharp pain from your ears to your head. You winced as you struggled to stand up. Your seatmate looked over to you, checking if you were okay but you smiled it off. You also regretted telling Jeno about your stupid diet because all he did was bug you if you ate already.
jenobear [11:34 am]: babeee, did u eat already??
jenobear [11:34 am]: oops i forgot u have ur quiz. good luck, love <333
jenobear [11:35 am]: make sure u eat, ok?? I love you.
You sighed and typed out an answer. You said you already ate. You hated lying to him but him being overseas made it easier for you somehow. The night of the show came at last. You sat backstage as Olivia helped you with your hair.
“You look pale. Are you okay?” She asked, concerned.
“Yeah, just a bit light-headed.” You replied. “It’s not like I haven’t performed with a headache before.”
“Okay, sure,” She sighed. She knew you too well. You didn’t like to be bugged with questions, especially if you’re preparing for a show. “Wanna eat at that new wings place? Heard it’s really good.”
“Sure, I could need some wings after the show.” You replied. All you needed was to be in shape for a few hours.
The crowd roared their applause as you, and the other casts, bowed as the show reached its end. You felt a migraine creep up your head and you knew its because you haven’t consumed as much food as you needed to lately. It also felt weird that it made you a bit nauseous when your eyes met the spotlight. You were glad bottles of water is all around the backstage. You picked up your phone and smiled to see messages from Jeno and the other members as well.
jenobear [9:30 pm]: never not proud of you. congrats on your show, love. <3
Lee Haechan [9:45 pm]: Y/N!!! Congrats on your show. I’m sure it’s amazing!
Kim Doyoung [9:50 pm]: Sorry I wasn’t able to go, Y/N. I’m sure you did great tonight, Regina George :)
You smiled and thanked them. You decided you wanted to call Jeno but a notification from a social media site distracted you. One of Jeno’s fans came to see the show and posted pictures of you with the caption “Y/N is very talented! I hope to see more of her shows soon~~” You blushed at the compliment. You know you shouldn’t have but you looked at the replies under the post. Your heart fluttered at the sweet compliments. You thought maybe dating an idol isn’t so bad after all. Over the sea of praise come a harsh comment that caught your eye. “I’m sure her vocals are amazing but she should work on her body.” , “Regina George wouldn’t have a match stick figure.” , “she’s kinda bloated. If only she worked on her love handles, I would like her.” You felt a sickly feeling to your stomach. You took each and every word to heart. You scrolled back up to look at the picture the original poster took. You zoomed in on your body and saw what they were talking about. The girls who played Gretchen and Karen, your character’s fellow mean girls, had Barbie doll bodies. Their curves hit at the right places and they had slim legs. You knew that you shouldn’t let this affect you. You have talent, you have personality. But, you also wanted Jeno’s fans to like you. That led you to texting Olivia to cancel your chicken wings plan.
You prepped yourself to see Jeno again after 2 months. He had schedule after schedule and his team went overseas for at least 2 weeks. You limit your diet to soy milk and water. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you could see the changes. Jeno would definitely notice as well but, you liked how you looked. Your jawline was prominent, your waist was thinner, and even your legs got slimmer. It wasn’t easy slipping out of Olivia’s invites for take out and dinner but you managed, somehow. You started to notice how concerned she got each day, especially this morning.
“I grabbed you breakfast, it’s an omurice.” she said, with a warm smile.
“I can’t eat rice, I’m watching my weight.” You said, slurping down the soy milk.
“Since when did you care about your weight?” She asked.
“Since I realized that my body wasn’t in the right shape.” You made sure none of the words came out as bitter or else, she will suspect something was wrong. She didn’t stop bugging you and it started to make you cranky so you just gave in. After consuming the omurice, you couldn’t deny that you felt better. But the guilt started kicking in and the next thing you know, you’re sticking two fingers down your throat in an attempt to vomit what you just consumed. You stared at the mess on the sink and that’s when you knew something was wrong.
“I missed you so much,” Jeno said, as he held you close to his body.
“How are you, my favorite boy?” You stared lovingly to his eyes.
“A bit tired,” He said, taking off his cap and fixing his hair. “But I slept the whole flight.”
“Do you want to just chill here?” You asked. Everyone in the door went to see a movie with the older members. Jeno and Jisung chose to stay behind since they had plans. He snuggled closer to your body. He noticed how your body didn’t feel familiar. He could definitely tell that you were losing weight.
“I am a bit hungry though,” He responded. He wanted to see you eat. It worried him to the core about thin you were looking lately. It wasn’t obvious when you two would FaceTime but it was more apparent in person. He felt you shift slightly at his response. He spoke before you could. “Have you been trying to lose weight?”
“I just wanted to be more fit.” You said, your heart beating faster each time you lie. “I’m working out.”
As someone who works out to maintain his body, Jeno knew well that your body wasn’t a result of working out. But as someone who cares about their appearance, Jeno also knew that he shouldn’t jump into major conclusions yet. He knew how horrible the talk about weight is and he didn’t want to put you through it. Besides, he knew you and he knows that you wouldn’t lie to him.
You felt conflicted as you noticed that Jeno was becoming concerned about how thin you got. To make him believe that you were well, you agreed in eating take-out with him for lunch. You know what to do after, anyway. As you wait for him to finish showering, you decided to check your social media accounts. You tapped on instagram to replied to a comment Olivia wrote on your new post. You laughed silently at how your friends gave funny compliments. Your eyes browsed through the comment sections. Normally, it would be filled with comments about your face, body, and how you didn’t deserve Jeno. This time, it was filled with compliments about how great you look. “I wish I had her body :(“, “Body goals oh my god”, “SKINNY LEGEND QUEEN”. You felt your cheeks blush at the compliments. You realized that the thinner you got, the more you got full of praise. You intend to keep it that way.
Jeno scrolled through his twitter feed and saw an article from a k-pop news page. It was an article about your drastic weight loss. He looked at the pictures included in the article. There were pictures of you from months ago with your old body. Jeno reminisced the first time you met. You looked healthy and happy. You didn’t have the curviest figure, but you were healthy. Following the old pictures were recent pictures of you, both from your recent social media posts and pictures from fans during your latest theatre shows. Your ribs were more prominent and it created a tidal wave of concern to wash over Jeno. He didn’t realize how much he missed the old you. The one who was never scared to try different food. Now, it was like every time he asked you to eat with him, you always refuse. But, he was too kind to base a fight over your appearance.
You sat across the couch with Olivia. You two decided to watch the latest season of The Office.
“Wait, let me use the bathroom for a while” She announced. While she did her business, a phone on the coffee table in front of you lit up. Your phone was laid beside hers so you looked over to see it was her phone that had the notification. What you didn’t expect was who sent her the message.
You have one new message from Lee Jeno.
You didn’t know what to think. It would be immature of you to accuse them of being unfaithful when you don’t know what the message contained. But why would she text him? Why would he text her? As in on cue, Olivia came back from the bathroom.
“Uhm, Liv” You started. “Why are you texting Jeno?”
She stared at you. She knew what you would think but she promised Jeno she wouldn’t tell you about what they were talking about.
“Oh, you know what?” You said suddenly. “It doesn’t matter. You two can be friends and I trust both of you.” You tried so hard not to sound jealous because you weren’t. Olivia is like a sister to you.
You knew well that she wouldn’t betray you like that. She smiled slightly and offered you the popcorn. You shook your head and she snapped.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Y/N” She said. You were caught off guard by her outburst. “You wanna know why I’m texting Jeno?”
You gulped, maybe you don’t want to know why. You changed so much of yourself to please him, his fans, and his management. If they betrayed you like this, you wouldn’t know what to do.
“You’re starving yourself, haven’t you?” She asked, her eyes burning holes into your skull.
“I-I’m not…” You stuttered. You thought you were good at lying but apparently, you’re not.
“Really?” She said. “Ever since you started dating Jeno, all you cared about was your weight. We don’t eat out anymore. We don’t cook anymore. What bothered you? Is it him? Is it the fans?”
You know you could never blame anyone, but yourself. It wasn’t their fault you turned out this way. It was one thing to hear about your weight loss from concerned fans, but it was another when it’s coming out of your best friend’s mouth. You didn’t realize that tears were falling out. The moment Olivia wrapped her arms around you, everything collapsed. All the pressure, the frustration that built up inside of you for so long. The urge of wanting to eat, to feel what it was like to taste again. The anger you felt for yourself for letting it become this bad. It all collapsed and fell from your eyes.
“Here, there isn’t a lot of sugar in that,” Jeno offered you some cookies. You decided to visit him in the recording studio. You were doing so well. You decided to enrol yourself in a support group, as well, and you’ve never missed a single meeting. But you knew you were only forcing it. You saw Olivia and Jeno cry over your situation. It was unfair that you bring them into your mess. Maybe if you say you’re fine loud enough, you’ll believe it.
“I’m proud of you.” His eyes sparkled as he said those word to you.
“I love you.” You responded, before leaning in for his lips.
It took everything in Jeno to let you know how much he loves you. By the way his lips merge with yours and how his hands worshiped every crevice of your body. Each touch symbolizes that you are the most beautiful person he had ever laid his eyes on. You knew that; but, you wish you could believe it. With every praise that heat your cheeks, comes a wave of hate that consumes it all. Will a beautiful body make it all better for you?  
You hurried to your bathroom the second you got home. Olivia was out to her boyfriend’s night, leaving you alone with your habits. As your fingers hit the spot on your throat, you felt the hot bile rise from your stomach. It burned and left a sour taste to the back of your mouth; and you loved it. You missed the sensation of your stomach being empty. You never knew how much you liked the feeling of being empty until you felt it again.
“Am I not enough for you” Jeno spoke, his eyes attached to his hands that are clasped in front of him.
“What are you saying, babe?” You asked. You tried to see where this was going. You made you sure every lie that came out of your mouth was believable; why is he saying those things?
“I try so hard to make sure everything I do for you is enough,” He said. It was obvious in his demeanor that he was tired. “I worry about you all the time. The members try so hard to cover up for me every time I needed to tend to you.”
You chuckled, “So what is this? You’re telling me I’m a pity party?”
“No,” He shook his head, not believing the attitude you’re giving him. Frustration was starting to let itself be known on his features. “What else could you possibly want? I give you love, I give you space. I get tired as well, you know.”
That’s when it dawned on you. Love is not enough. Love won’t come magically and heal everything. Jeno could give you all the love in the world but it won’t be the remedy. Love doesn’t fix everything. You can’t just go up to a broken person and expect romance would suddenly want them to dance on their grave. It doesn’t work that way. You never had the courage to tell him that. In retrospect, you wish you had it in you to say it.
“You’re enough for me, Jeno.” You said quitely. You didn’t know what else to say. All this time, you never blamed him. But here he is now, throwing it all back at you. You still won’t blame him though, he doesn’t know what it feels like; you’re glad he doesn’t know how it feels like.
“I don’t know how to help you if you can’t help yourself.” He said, sighing as if he has given up. Maybe he has given up. The people who left you before has taught you to swallow every plead to make them stay. That’s the only think you could stomach to swallow right now - the words to make him fight a little longer. You didn’t know how much long it would be for you to be okay, or if you could actually be okay. But, you knew better than to run after others when you can’t even stand for yourself. Some nights, you feel yourself drown in cold sweat. Your body felt like it could give up on you any minute. You laid still and wait; but it never came. You wondered how much longer.
Jeno has a bright future ahead of him. The news of him being single again gave him new schedules that would give him exposure to different opportunities. He didn’t regret leaving. He still occasionally see your musical shows just to check how you are. You will never know this but he hopes it’s always sunny wherever you are.
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a/n: i hope you liked this. this hit close to home. i would like to remind you that if you are experiencing symptoms of any mental illness, please check with a professional. mental health is a topic that i hold deeply in my heart since i have experience from mental illnesses. i would also like to remind everyone to always be kind to others - whether it would be our friends, people we don’t like, and even idols. let’s not contribute to anything that could affect them negatively. as always, feedback and requests are always appreciated. love u all <33
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