#i meant to hop on here yesterday and say merry christmas but i was spending a lot of time with my fam
i-love-def-leppard · 5 months
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
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boseong breakfast christmas drabble!
just because yoongi’s vlive destroyed me emotionally and i needed soft bb yoongi to cope
if you haven’t already, read Boseong Breakfast here.
warnings: some swearing, otherwise just sfw fluffy goodness!! word count 1.3k
You wake up to an empty bed on Christmas morning.
Considering you’re dating one Min Yoongi, this is highly unusual. The past few years you’d shared the holidays with him, it was you bouncing around, whining at him to get up already so that you could open presents together. This morning, however, it seems that he’s beat you, by quite some time judging by how the sheets have gone cold.
You stretch languidly, wincing at the slight ache of your muscles as you do so. You’d had a late night, your boyfriend insisting on staying up to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, taking regular pauses when he got too sleepy. You weren’t too mad, though; he became even more cuddly and affectionate when he was tired.
As your senses return to you fully, you tune in to the sound of Christmas music, an instrumental piano version of a song you recognise but can’t quite put your finger on. It’s coming from the living room, and you smile to yourself, creeping along the hallway silently in your bare feet.
The last of the guests for the year had cleared out only yesterday morning, and so you were looking forward to spending an entire day alone with your love. The moment you see him, on his tiptoes in front of the ceiling-height Christmas tree (he insisted it was for the guests, but you knew better), you sneak up, wrapping your arms around his back as he jumps and then relaxes in your hold.
You breathe in the comforting smell of your personal oolong blend, a scent that no doubt came from his ritualistic morning cup of tea, and you press a gentle kiss to the back of his neck. “Merry Christmas,” you murmur, eyes closed blissfully as he leans his head on yours. You love the sounds of his sighs or throaty murmurs as you mouth over the sensitive skin of his neck, and the way he melts in your embrace. “Just you and me, baby.”
He hums in agreement, but otherwise doesn’t reply, and you pull back in confusion, opening your eyes. The moment your arms leave him, he steps in front of the tree, puffing up his chest and holding his arms out with a toothy smile that’s closer to a grimace on his face.
You frown. “What are you doing?”
He coughs awkwardly, eyes darting around the room frantically as he holds the awkward pose. “Honey, would you mind grabbing me the tinsel?”
You spot a gold pile of it on the table, bending over to pass it to him with a confused tilt of your head.
He furrows his brows with a pout. “Um, no, I didn’t mean tinsel, I meant- uh- bedroom...items.”
You tip your head further to the side, watching him shuffle in place conspicuously. “Bedroom items?”
“Y-es,” he makes out awkwardly. “Bring me back something from the bedroom, please.”
Suspicious, you eye his form as his arms wobble from being held out so long. You hadn’t noticed it before, but in his right hand is a little wooden, handcarved letter E, with a silver string looped through a hole in the top like a bauble.
“E?” you question, gesturing at it.
Yoongi looks down at his own hand, eyes going wide. “That’s nothing,” he deflects hurriedly, “it was on sale.”
A fond smile stretches across your face as you watch him in bewilderment. “You made it yourself, didn’t you? From the wood you ordered online.”
He blinks, caught out. “The wood was on sale,” he says in a pout. “Just go away, it’s not finished.”
You laugh softly. “What’s not finished? Come on, show me, I can help.”
He stays resolutely still, shaking his head, but you step forward and tug on the collar of his silk pyjamas, pulling him away as he whines in complaint.
The tree is massive, and beautifully decorated, but it’s the collection of wooden letters in the middle that makes you stop short.
M A R R Y M  
Your eyes go wide and you clap a hand over your mouth, already tearing up from the swell of emotion inside you. “Yoongi…”
Silently, he steps forward, hanging the little dangly E up to complete the phrase. “It wasn’t ready,” he mutters softly, “just wait a minute.”
You watch in stunned silence as he patters away, sliding open the glass door to outside, rushing over the frosted-over grass outside. His figure stops in front of Holly’s old dog kennel, and he reaches inside, feeling around the roof and pulling out a small, velvet box.
A new wave of love washes over you, but you can’t help but giggle tearily when he returns, hopping from foot to foot, wiggling his toes to return the feeling. “You really kept a ring inside Holly’s kennel?” you tease playfully.
Yoongi thumbs the soft velvet of the box with a rueful smile. “He was keeping it safe for us,” he explains quietly, before standing in front of you. “And don’t laugh at me when I’m proposing to you,” he scolds sweetly.
You grin, fighting happy tears when he sinks to one knee. “You know I’ll say yes,” you retort.
He pouts at you, fighting a pleased smile. “Don’t give it away! Okay, I’m gonna say it now. And no interrupting; I practised so many times for it to be perfect.”
You concede, blinking back tears that pool in your eyes, blurring the bottom of your vision slightly. “Okay, I’ll be quiet.”
His cheeks colour at your bemused grin, reflexively smiling sheepishly, but putting on a neutral face as he takes a deep breath. “Y/n,” he starts off strongly, “I- You-” His eyes widen and his hand falters. “I forgot my speech,” he admits, “oh goodness. I have it written down somewhe-”
“Baby,” you interrupt softly, sinking to your knees on the plush carpet in front of him. “I don’t need a speech. I love you and you love me and yes, I will marry you.”
His eyes go glossy as he nods, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your lips, cupping your cheek with his free hand. When he pulls back, he looks down at the box in his other hand with a gasp. “Oh, I didn’t open it,” he mutters to himself, fumbling with the lid, finally flicking it open. He turns it around and faces the open box to you with a hopeful smile, carefully watching your face.
You mouth widens as your eyes focus on it. It’s a delicate silver band, gleaming in the light, and across the top are two encrusted diamonds, side by side. You glance up at Yoongi with a fond smile. “It’s gorgeous,” you breathe.
His smile widens, showing gums, as he leans forward, gently wrapping his fingers over yours, pointing at the two diamonds. “Me and you,” he explains, and you swear you feel your heart melt in your chest. He grabs your left hand, taking the ring out and sliding it onto your fourth finger. “I’m sorry it’s not as romantic as I wanted,” he mumbles gloomily, “the speech was really good, too…”
“You can give me the speech later,” you jibe, poking at his shoulder playfully even as you admire the ring that fits snugly on your finger. “This is still perfect. I love you so much, Yoongi.”
His eyes crinkle happily as you lean forward to plant a kiss on his lips. “Love you more,” he protests.
“Love you most,” you declare victoriously, pulling him closer again.
The two of you stay like that for a few blissful moments, curled up in front of the Christmas tree, mouths moving against each lazily, Yoongi’s fingers finding yours and interlocking, the cold band of silver warming between you.
You feel Yoongi grin cheekily as he pulls back from you minutely, noses brushing against each other. He blinks at you with glittering eyes. “Love you most-est.”
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12 Days of Christmas Writing Challenge - Day Four
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Day Four: Christmas Themed Sherlock
Sherlock wasn’t a fan of Christmas, always going on about how it was meant for big companies to get money out of it. He never truly understood the big deal when it came to presents or decorating.
But you wanted to show him how much it meant to you, hoping that it would sway his mind. You were all decked out in your Christmas gear; a red dress with green stockings and black boots. Mrs. Hudson and Mary had helped you decorate Sherlock’s apartment, even setting up a Christmas tree in the corner of the room. You all stood there, taking note of how beautiful everything looked.
The sound of footsteps warned you that Sherlock was home and so was John. John was easy enough to get along with. He enjoyed Christmas as much as the next person, so you knew this would be a delight to see for him.
It felt like minutes had passed when it was only seconds before the door handle turned and in walked Sherlock, talking John’s head off about a case. His notable quietness that stopped him mid sentence was what made your heart pick up it’s pace.
“Love, what is this?” he asked you.
“What does it look like, Sherlock?” You asked him.
He did a quick scan of the room. “It looks like Santa threw up in here.”
You laughed, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around him. “It’s Christmas, darling. I wanted to have the apartment festive.”
Sherlock grunted as he did when he was still trying to understand why you did the things you did. “It’s....bright.”
That was also his way of making sure not to upset you by saying something mean.
“It is bright, yes, but that’s the whole meaning to Christmas. Merry and bright.” You took his hand and guided him to the kitchen where you and Mary had prepared a nice little dinner. The others had slipped out so that you two could have alone time.
“Love, I don’t really have time for this. John and I are on a very big case right now and I cannot be distracted by...Christmas.”
You felt your heart shatter as you knew it was too much to ask Sherlock to spend one evening with you, enjoying the holiday cheer.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I forgot about the case.” You turned your back to him, trying to hide the eminent tears that wanted to fall down your cheeks. “I’ll just wrap everything up and set it in the fridge for leftovers.”
There was silence as you began to fiddle around the counters, wanting Sherlock to go away so that when you did, start crying, he wouldn’t see. But he knew something was wrong and quickly deduced what it was.
“Love, stop.” His hand came to rest on top of yours, the other coming to wrap around your waist. “Never mind the case, let’s enjoy this delicious meal that you made for me.”
You shook your head. “No, Sherlock, your case is more important right now. I was naive.”
He whirled you around so that you were facing him, his eyes piercing into your soul as he stared at you. “Nonsense. You are more important to me than this case. Your happiness is my happiness and if this,” He gestured to the entire apartment. “makes you happy, then it makes me happy as well.”
You smiled at him, standing on your toes to kiss his nose. “Thank you, gorgeous.”
His hands found your waist and pulled you to the table, sitting you down in his lap. He picked up the fork next to the plate and grabbed some sheppards pie, bringing it to your mouth so that you could taste it.
“Delicious.” You said as you did the same for him.
Dinner went by fast as you both found yourselves wrapped up on the sofa watching the telly. His arms wrapped tightly around you as you dozed off on his chest, the Christmas tree twinkling in your sight and his heart beat lulling you to sleep.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” He said. You lifted your head to smile at him.
“I almost forgot!” You said, hopping off of him and running to the bedroom. Upon, returning, you sat next to him with a gift.
“Merry Christmas, my love.” You said, handing him the gift.
His eyes widened as he took it, gently opening it to reveal a coffee mug with the words ‘Best Detective’ etched on it. Inside the coffee mug was a picture of the two of you that Mary had taken only a few months ago. You were both staring at each other lovingly.
“It’s perfect.” He said, pulling you into a hug and kissing you. “Now for my present to you.”
He got up and walked over to the fire place, lifting the skull and pulling something out of it. You couldn’t see as his frame hid whatever it was.
He turned, putting his hand behind his back. “I’ve been wanting to give you this for awhile, but I wasn’t sure.”
He got to his knee, bringing his hand around to grab yours. “Y/N, when I first met you, I wasn’t even sure I could love anything more than I love my work. But you have quickly shown me that love is meant for everyone. You have managed to turn my cold heart into a warm one, and I can’t imagine anyone else doing that.”
His other hand came around with a small, black, velvet box. He let go of your hand to open it, revealing a stunning diamond ring.
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“Y/N Y/L/N, will you do the honors of being my wife and becoming Mrs. Holmes?” He asked.
Tears poured from your eyes as you stared at the beautiful ring.
“Oh, Sherlock! Of course! Yes!” You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him. His laugh sounded through out the flat as he pulled back enough to slip the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly.
“It’s so beautiful, love.” You said, admiring the way it caught the light.
“Not as beautiful as you are, Mrs. Holmes.”
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A/N: Sorry I didn’t post this yesterday, i was battling an intense migraine. I’ll try and post two today to make up for it :) 
Tags: @max-evergreen​
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parkerrogersgirl · 6 years
Tempting Fate- Chapter 19
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: 1,592
Warnings: the best goddamn flashback of your life, cuteness, cheekiness 
A/N: Hey, y’all! @sonofadeanwinchester and I decided it’d be cool if we wrote a series together. SO, HERE’S CHAPTER 19! Please, please, please give us feedback. Feedback is the glue that keeps the writers together. We need the feedback. Send either of us an ask, and we’ll just send each other screenshots. Or you can send it to both of us. Thanks, lovelies.
After a few more rounds with Seb, you cuddle for a few minutes but then you get dressed and kick him out so you can finish wrapping the presents.
“But baaaaaby-”
“Sebastian Stan, no. I need to focus and you are too distracting. Go hang out with your best friend.”
He shrugs, walking away, “HEY GABE WHAT’S UP?”
“GODDAMNIT (Y/N),” Gabe yells from downstairs.
You grin to yourself and close the door, locking it before going back to your present wrapping. You wrap your present for Sebastian, which is a framed “I love you” in Romanian in your handwriting. You’d written it the night he proposed, and your mom had gotten it framed yesterday. You were hoping he’d love it, especially since you really wanted to hang it in his apartment once you moved in there. You’d also gotten him a stuffed plush of Dug from Up, one of his favorite Disney movies. You’d gotten Gabe a 3ft phone charger, since he pretty much spent every waking minute on his phone for work, and you’d bought your mom a martini shaker with Maleficent on it, knowing that she’d probably use it the second she opened it. Emily got a record player, which you’d picked along with every single Taylor Swift vinyl. The record for the “Red” album had been hard to find, but you knew she’d love it.
Once you’re done wrapping presents, you sit against the bed and think about your future with Sebastian. You’d been moving pretty fast, but you also had several years of history with him. You’d always dreamed of spending the rest of your life with him. You never wanted a big wedding, you just knew you wanted it to be with him. You’d always told him that you’d be fine with a Disney theme, just friends and family, and a simple white sundress. Of course you were still concerned about the press and his fans, but he’d promised that everything would be okay after the interview. You were too scared to check Instagram, so you’d just make him do it.
You bring all the presents downstairs and put them under the tree. You’re bent over, pushing them in as far as you could, when you feel Sebastian’s hands on you.
He leans over, whispering in your ear, “God, your ass looks good in these shorts.”
You stand and turn, glaring at him, “Seb, don’t do that when someone could walk in.”
He smirks, nibbling on your neck, “so, I can’t show how much I love you?”
“You can, just try to keep it in your pants around the family.”
He groans, pulling you on the couch on his lap, “so what do you wanna do for the rest of the day, darling?”
“Well… I was thinking you could check Instagram? I want to see if that interview actually did any good.”
He shrugs, taking his phone out his pocket. He opens Instagram, grinning at you. “Well, baby, it worked,” he says as he hands you his phone.
Okay, that interview was actually perfection.
I wish I had someone I’d been friends with for 15 years. Y’all are precious.
I know I called her a whore when I saw her the other day, but I actually really regret that.
“Whoa, Seb, that’s the girl from Universal who bitched me out.” You smile at him and he pulls you close, kissing you deeply. He kisses you back, smiling into the kiss. You’d always loved it when he did that, especially because it made you feel even more loved than he already did.
“See, darling, I told you it would work. They love you now. Just in case, though, I’m going to make sure you have your own security detail and everything so you’ll always be safe.”
“I don’t need private security, Sebby.” 
“Darling, I want you safe. No, I need you safe. I lost you once, and I’d never forgive myself if I lost you again. I’m getting you security. It’s not a discussion.” “Oooookay,” you say as your parents come in.
“Wow, get a room, you two. Oh wait, you already have one. WITH VERY THIN WALLS,” Gabe says with a wink as he moves to the TV, putting on The Polar Express.
“No way,” Seb says with a grin, “you guys still watch this?”
You roll your eyes, “of course we do, dummy. It’s a tradition.”
“Just because we’re dating doesn’t mean that this Christmas Eve is gonna be any different.” I leaned into Sebastian as we sat on the couch.
He chuckled. “Well, I mean everything is different. We’re dating so there’s that.”
“Pfft. Well, I think everyone knew that this was going to happen since we met. But, I mean, like we still have to watch The Polar Express and drink so much hot chocolate that we’re sick.”
He kissed my hair. “Baby, of course we’re gonna do all those things.”
Gabe walked into the room. “Hot chocolates anyone?”
Sebastian smiled wide. “Gabe! You know me so well man.”
Gabe laughed. “Well, you’ve been sitting on my couch for nine years so. You come to know a person.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes and smirked. “And I’ll continue to sit here as long as you have me.”
“Maybe start taking your shoes off and I’ll let you stay.”
Sebastian looked at me from the corner of his eyes. “Uhm, o-okay.”
“Gabe. Come on.” I cocked a brow at him.
“He’s known me for most of his life, you’d think he’d know when I was kidding.”
Sebastian shook his head. “I know when you’re kidding, Gabe.” He turned to me and sighed. “Wanna watch this movie in your room?”
Gabe turned away but twisted his head so he could make eye contact with us. “You better keep that fucking door open.”
My face turned five shades of red as Sebastian giggled. “Gabe, come on.”
Gabe smiled but then it faded just as fast. “Serious.”
He saluted him and nodded. “You got it.”
We laid on my bed, Sebastian’s arm behind my head and my body curled into his side as we watched the film. “This is the best Christmas movie ever.”
Sebastian snorted. “False.”
I sat up. “Excuse me?”
He shrugged. “I’ve seen better.”
“What do you mean you’ve seen better?”
He sat up and leaned against the headboard. “I mean, that The Polar Express is really good but I don’t know. I’m more a traditionalist, I guess. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town.”
I laughed. “So, old fucking movies that scare the shit out of young children.”
He made a face. “They don’t scare children.”
“Bullshit. Gabe wouldn’t let me watch them because they’re so fucking traumatizing.”
He was sitting straight up now, his jaw dropped. “Serious?”
“Dixie Chick serious.”
Before I could add anything, he hopped over my body and was jogging down the stairs. “Gabe.”
I followed him down and stood off to the side, watching my boyfriend and step-father talk. “Yes, Sebastian?”
“Did you not let (y/n) watch Rudolph or Santa Claus is Coming to Town when she was a kid?”
He made a face, shaking his head. “Those movies are terrifying for a child.”
“What the hell? They are brilliant and classics!” His voice rose with each word.
Gabe chuckled. “You’re a fan then, yeah?” Sebastian cocked a brow at him and Gabe continued. “Well, sorry bud but she’s an adult now. She can watch whatever the hell she wants.”
Sebastian turned to me, eyeing my up and down. “Well, darling, I know what we’re doing all night long.”
I winked at him and turned to Gabe. “We’ll be safe.”
Gabe’s face went red and he shook his head. “Don’t even think about it.”
I placed a hand over my heart and smirked. “I meant we would use the good DVD player not the old one with the wires showing. God, Gabe.”
Sebastian’s eyes went wide and he smiled cutely at Gabe. “I’m sorry on her behalf.”
Gabe rolled his eyes. “Just keep the damn door open.”
You lay on Seb for the whole movie, and as usual, he spends most of it playing with your hair or blowing in your ear. After the movie ends, your mom makes her famous eggnog.
“Maaaan, Catherine, have I missed your ‘nog,” he says after taking a sip, “that’s the only reason I proposed to your daughter.
You elbow him and he winks, wrapping his arm around you. Gabe reads The Night Before Christmas, as he had every year since he’d met your mom, and you look around at your family, thinking about how lucky you were to have them and spend Christmas with them. You had no idea what you’d do if you couldn’t spend Christmas with your family. That had almost been the case last year but luckily, they found a way to come visit you in L.A. They all hated it, but you’d been scheduled to work on Christmas Eve and the 26th, so going to Orlando for the holidays hadn’t been an option.
You start drifting off as Gabe finishes the story and Sebastian carries you upstairs, setting you down on the bed. He strips down to his boxers and gets in with you, pulling you tight against his chest as he holds you.
“Mmm?” You respond sleepily. “It’s after midnight.”
You open your eyes to meet his blue ones, which were less bright now, almost a soft baby blue.
“Merry Christmas, Sebastian.”
Merry Christmas, my angel.”
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stranger-lex · 6 years
An Early Christmas (Byers Family Holiday)
request: How about some Byers family feels. There's never enough of that
The holiday season was never particularly easy for the Byers. Usually, Joyce worried about not being able to give her boys ‘good enough’ presents. Will and Jonathan could never find anything that would show their mom just how much they love her. The holiday season reminded them of their dad leaving, and while everyone was happier without him, it was hard. Joyce worried she wasn’t enough for her boys, and the boys saw how much stress their mom was under because of this fear. Nothing was ever communicated, which meant that while the holidays could be lovely, there was always a strained undertone. This year was different.
As 1985 came to a close, the Byers felt they had a lot to be thankful for. For the past two years, Will was claimed by the Upside Down. Finally, for the first time in what felt like forever, they were free of it. The constant worrying stopped. That Halloween, Joyce let Will go trick or treating with his friends alone. Will was finally beginning to feel like a regular kid.
Joyce mourned the death of Bob, and Jim Hopper was right there with her, every step of the way. Everyone, including Joyce, could see the love her felt for her, but he never pushed her. He never even mentioned it to her. Hopper respected the time she needed to grieve Bob, and he did his best to help her through of the worst of it. He remembered how he felt losing Sara. Joyce began to feel human again shortly after Bob’s death. Of course she missed him, and even a year later, she thought of him often. But she had her boy back, and she had Hopper, and everyday, she felt loved. She stopped worrying about whether or not she was enough for her boys and instead began to admire them. She had done it alone, and it had been incredibly difficult, but her work showed. She was so proud of the men her boys were becoming.
Jonathan was preparing to celebrate his one year anniversary with Nancy. Joyce helped him plan a romantic dinner with her, going with him to shop for her gift. He had found a beautiful bracelet he thought Nancy would love, and was elated when Joyce assured him it was the one. The bracelet would be given to her along with a collage of his favorite pictures of her and of them. There were a lot of late nights as he worked to make sure it would be the perfect gift, constantly asking Will and Joyce, and even Hopper, when he was around, their opinions on it. Everyone told him the same thing: it was perfect. It was beautiful. Most importantly, Nancy would love it. And she did.
For the first time in a long time, the Byers were excited about the holidays.
Joyce helped Will plan a Christmas party for his friends. Mike’s house was the usual hang out place, but the party loved being at Will’s house and getting to spend time with Mrs. Byers. There were a lot of bad memories at the Byers home, and there was an unspoken understanding that it was to be changed. The Byers home was filled with nothing but love. It was time that was shown.
At the same time, Jonathan and Will worked with Hopper to plan a holiday dinner for Joyce. Hopper was to take Joyce out for the day, and when they returned, her favorite dinner would be ready, made by Will, Jonathan, and Jane. The Hopper’s were family, and the kids understood that one day it would be made official. They were counting down the days.
It was an early Christmas dinner. Joyce’s mother planned to fly in for Christmas, and while everyone loved her, she did tend to create some tension in the house. The boys wanted to give their mother a stress-free Christmas, so they moved the date up a week and bought what they needed for her favorite dinner. Luckily, it snowed that day. Joyce loved a white Christmas.
The plan went perfectly. Hopper came by around noon, saying Jane wanted to hang out with Will. Because of their parents, the two of them had become extremely close, telling any new people they met that they were siblings. It wasn’t too out of the ordinary: Jane had spent so much time in the cabin, she was constantly calling the Byers residence and asking if she could come over. The cabin reminded her of a darker time. She could still feel the guilt of opening the gate in her chest, and was constantly trying to make it up to Will and Joyce and Hopper, and the rest of the party. Everyone had forgiven her. Will worked to help her forgive herself.
Jane loved the artwork Will produced. When the Hopper’s arrived at the house, Jane and Will immediately sat down to draw. It was becoming tradition. Will prefered sketching, but Jane prefered painting. Will had been saving up to buy her her own paint set. When he told Hopper about it, he beamed.
“That’s perfect. She can make all the artwork for the new house.”
“New house?” Joyce had asked, excited.
“There’s a lot of bad memories at the cabin, especially for her. I’ve been thinking about selling it, getting a place in the town. She should be around people. She should be a kid.”
A lot of secrets were being kept that holiday season. But all of them were kept with the best intentions, loving surprises coming out of them.
As Will and Jane sat down to work on their respective mediums, Hopper began to work on Joyce.
“Have you tried that new coffee shop we were talking about?”
“No! I didn’t even know it had opened!”
Hopper smiled, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one. “It opened yesterday. Let’s go grab a cup, my treat.”
Joyce took the cigarette out of his mouth, taking a drag. She coughed, which made him smile. She always coughed when smoking his cigarettes, but always took a drag when she saw him smoking one.
“I don’t know, I should stay here with the kids.” She waved the cigarette around as she spoke, looking into the kitchen where Will and Jane were working.
“I can stay with them.” Jonathan said from his spot on the couch. “I have some homework I need to finish up anyway. I’m not going anywhere.”
Joyce smiled widely. “Let me get my coat.”
It took a bit of effort. Jonathan, Will, and Jane were not professional cooks, or even necessarily good cooks. But they all did their best, wanting to give Joyce the best. And in the end, it turned out alright. Jonathan had managed to cook the chicken perfectly. Jane’s mashed potatoes were a little runny, and Will had taken the vegetables off the stove just a minute too quickly, but they had done it. Joyce was overjoyed when she came home to a mostly cleaned kitchen and a home cooked meal.
“For dessert, we got everything we need to make banana splits.” Jonathan said excitedly as he placed her plate in front of his mother.
“They won’t be from Danny’s, but we will try to make them taste the same,” Jane smiled, remembering Joyce telling them about her favorite ice cream parlor as a child.
“I hope you like it!” Will said as he put Hopper’s plate in front of him. “Tonight’s all about you, Mom. Whatever you want, we got.”
“Oh!” Joyce exclaimed happily, pulling Will in for a hug. She stood up, hugging Jonathan, and then walking around him to hug Jane. “Thank you guys. Really, everything looks delicious. I can’t wait to taste it!”
As they ate, Joyce asked about what Will and Jane had painted, and the kids talked excitedly about their creations. Joyce beamed at them and Hopper beamed at her, happy to see her so at peace. When they were done eating, Jonathan, Will, and Jane made everyone a banana split, and Joyce gushed as she assured them it was much better than any banana split she had ever had at Danny’s.
“Thank you so much for tonight. I love you all so much.” Joyce smiled as she stood up to hug the three kids again, empty ice cream bowls in front of each of them. “Really, tonight was perfect.”
“Oh, it’s not over yet.” Jonathan stood up, gesturing for everyone to follow him into the living room. He inserted a VHS into the machine and hit play.
“Do you always have to be filming everything?” Will asked, looking at the camera. Joyce two-stepped with her son to Jingle Bell Rock, teaching him how to dance before the Snow Ball.
“Oh no,” Jonathan said from behind the camera. “Just the good stuff.”
“Are you sure people still dance like this?” Will asked nervously as they continued to move in a circle around the cleared space in the living room.
“Oh yeah, it’s… it’s what’s happening.” Joyce replied easily.
“Is it what’s happening?” Will turned to ask the camera. Joyce looked at her son behind the camera. She smiled, her expression asking him to reassure his younger brother.
“Yeah, it’s what’s happening.” Jonathan promised, and Joyce raised Will’s arm to spin underneath it. She swung out, opening her arm and giving Will a dramatic smile. He began to laugh, which made her laugh. Jonathan’s chuckles could be heard as well.
The tape held Jonathan and Will’s favorite recorded moments with their mom from the past year. By the end of the video, Joyce was in tears.
“Thank you,” she cried, smiling as she hugged her sons again. “Thank you so much, I love it, I love you both so much.” She kissed each of their cheeks, holding them tightly.
“Merry early Christmas, Mom.” Jonathan smiled as he wrapped one arm around her, the other around Will.
“This is just a taste,” Will assured her. “There’s more later. But you deserved something now.”
Hopped watched the group hug from his spot on the couch. Jane gave him a knowing look, her eyes darting from his hand fiddling in his pocket to his face. He smiled at her, rolling his eyes playfully. When Joyce released her boys, he stood up.
“There’s one more surprise tonight,” he said nervously. He pulled the small velvet box out of his pocket, looking at Joyce as she reacted. Her face lit up, and more happy tears formed in her eyes. “Joyce--”
“Yes!” She exclaimed, making everyone laugh.
“Let me finish!” He chuckled, kneeling in front of her. “Will you--”
“Yes!” She said again.
“Mom!” Will and Jonathan said in unison.
“Sorry, sorry.” She looked at Hopper, giddy. “Okay, go.”
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes.” She said, and he stood up to kiss her before putting the ring on her finger.
Jane jumped up from her spot on the couch, hugging Will. “You’re going to be my brother!”
“And you’re going to be my sister! And it’s official now! Not just something we tell strangers.”
Jonathan laughed, pulling his siblings towards him. “I’m here too, you know.”
Jane quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. “Brothers.” She smiled as she reached for Will, pulling him into the hug.
Joyce was quick to join the group hug, pulling Hopper along with her. “This has been the best Christmas ever.”
“Christmas is next week. I told you, there’s more.” Will tried to remind her, but Joyce shook her head.
“I have everything I could ever want right here.”
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